HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/01/13-Minutes-City Council CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 Present Mayor Mike Moncrief Mayor Pro tem Kathleen Hicks, District 8 Council Member Salvador Espino, District 2 Council Member Daniel Scarth, District 4 Council Member Frank Moss, District 5 Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6 Council Member Carter Burdette, District 7 Council Member Joel Burns, District 9 Staff Members Present Dale Fisseler, City Manager David Yett, City Attorney Marty Hendrix, City Secretary I.CALL TO ORDER With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Moncrief called the regular session of the Fort Worth City Council to order at 7:04 p.m. on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, in the City Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. IL INVOCATION m Pastor Charles Pegg, Grace Lutheran Church The invocation was provided by Pastor Charles Pegg, Grace Lutheran Church. III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. IV.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF T[JESDAY, JANUARY , 2 Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks, that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 6, 2009, be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 2 of 21 V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1.Presentation of Proclamation for Martin LuthgLijingpal Council Member Moss presented a Proclamation for Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. Ms. Lena Ellis, Finance Director, Financial Management Services, accepted the proclamation on behalf of Mr. Warren Harris, Committee Chair. Council Member Moss also announced that Mr. Andre Johnson, Special Projects Manager for Project W.I.S.H., would serve as the keynote speaker at the City of Fort Worth's 24th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday Celebration on January 16, 2009, at 12:00 noon in the City Council Chamber. He invited everyone to attend. 2.Presentation of Proclamation for Score a Goal in the Classrooms Western Heritage Week John Merril!,Western Heritage Trail Boss Award Council Member Burdette presented a Proclamation for Score a Goal in the Classroom Western Heritage Week - John Merrill, Western Heritage Trail Boss Award. Mr. Ernie Horn, Executive Director for Score a Goal in the Classroom, accepted the proclamation on behalf of Mr. Merrill. 3.Presentation of Proclamation for Score a Goal in the Classroom Western Heritage Week-Pam Minick, rt Worth Cowtown Legend Award Council Member Burdette presented a Proclamation for Score a Goal in the Classroom Western Heritage Week-Pam Minick, Fort Worth Cowtown Legend Award. Mr. Ernie Horn, Executive Director for Score a Goal in the Classroom, accepted the proclamation on behalf of Ms. Minick. Council Member Burdette announced that a "Trail Drive" celebration would be held on Friday, January 17, 2009, from "High Noon" to 4:00 p.m. and awards would be presented to Mr. Merrill and Ms. Minick at that time. He invited everyone to attend. Mr. Dan Roberts, National Recording Artist, performed a song entitled "Fort Worth", written by Ms. Cindy Walker, National Cowgirl Hall of Fame inductee. Mayor Moncrief announced that the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo opening weekend would begin on Friday, January 16, 2009. He requested that employers within the City and City Manager Fisseler allow employees to wear their western attire on Fridays while the rodeo was in Fort Worth. He also encouraged City employees to attend the Stock Show as much as possible. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 3 of 21 VI.ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upcoming a nd Recent Events Council Member Jordan expressed appreciation to Mayor Moncrief, City Manager Fisseler, Assistant City Manager Fernando Costa, Fire Chief Rudy Jackson and Police Chief Jeff Halstead for their attendance at the District 6 Town Hall meeting held on January 12, 2009. He stated that subjects of discussion included transportation, infrastructure and how Council was dealing with those issues. He expressed a special thanks to the Community Relations Department for organizing the event. Council Member Moss announced that the District 5 Police Forum held Monday, January 12, 2009, at the Rising Star Baptist Church was a huge success. He added that the forum was featured on Channel 8 News at 10:00 p.m. He expressed appreciation to Chief Halstead, the Fort Worth Police Department and City staff for taking time out of their busy schedules to be there for the citizens. He stated that it showed that Fort Worth was a city concerned with issues and ways to resolve them. He also announced that a District 5 Economic Summit would be held on Saturday, January 31, 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the Fort Worth Opportunity Center, 5901 Fitzhugh Avenue. He added that the summit was designed to give citizens of District 5 an understanding of factors important to creating economic development opportunities within the district. He stated that staff and developers would be present to make presentations about economic development and to discuss factors involved when assessing economic development opportunities within the area. He further stated that the Fort Worth Opportunity Center was taken over by Tarrant County College District and the center was designed to handle employment needs of businesses by providing training for jobs that have already been established. He added that space would be limited and encouraged those interested in attending to call the District 5 office at(817) 392-8805. Council Member Burns announced that he traveled with over 200 residents to Austin earlier that morning for the opening day of the Legislative Session. He added that they had the opportunity to witness former Council Member Wendy Davis be sworn in as Texas State Senator, as well as new State Senators Mark Shelton and Chris Turner, who represent portions of Fort Worth. He added that the Senators would be joining State Senator Jane Nelson, and State House Representatives Marc Veasey, Charlie Geren and Lon Burnam, in representing Fort Worth on a variety of issues, including transportation, regional rail and gas drilling. He expressed appreciation to all of those who got up at 5:00 a.m. to attend. He also announced that the Stockshow Parade would begin Saturday, January 17, 2009, at 11:00 a.m. in Downtown Fort Worth and invited everyone to attend. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 4 of 21 (VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF Continued) Council Member Espino announced that the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame Annual Induction Ceremony would take place on Thursday, January 15, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. at 120 Exchange Avenue in Barn A. He also announced that the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Annual Fiesta Night would take place on Friday, January 23, 2009, at the Fort Worth Stock Show. He added that the event would include dinner, rodeo and dance. He further added that those interested to please call the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at (817) 625-5411 for more information. Council Member Espino announced that a public information meeting regarding Fort Worth Meacham International Airport would take place on Thursday, January 22, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. at Washington Heights Elementary School, 3215 North Houston Street. He stated that the Aviation staff and other City staff members would be present to update the citizens on Meacham Airport and the Meacham Corridor. He further announced that a Town Hall Meeting would take place on Thursday, January 29, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. at Gene Pike Middle School, Northwest Independent School District Campus, 19031 Texan Drive, Justin, Texas, to discuss the Chadwick Farms and Harry Creek Ranch areas located in far north Fort Worth. He invited everyone to attend the events. Mayor Pro tem Hicks announced that the Homeownership Preservation Enterprise Foreclosure Prevention Workshop would take place on Friday, January 16, 2009, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Intermodal Transportation Center, 1001 Jones Street. She stated that the event was free to homeowners who may be behind in their mortgage payments or facing foreclosure and those homeowners would have a chance to meet with HUD certified counselors. She further stated that those interested in attending should call the Tarrant County Housing Partnership at (817) 924-5091 for more information. She also announced the Council received an update from the Code Compliance Department during the Pre-Council meeting and that the department presented the new initiatives that would be implemented within the City of Fort Worth. She stated that the Safe Neighborhoods Initiative would take place on Saturday, January 24, 2009, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Meadowbrook United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 3900 Meadowbrook Drive. She stated that the initiative was 90-day effort designed to educate neighborhood residents about health and safety issues, code violations, proper animal care, etc. She added that the event would take place in several different neighborhoods and asked that citizens call Mr. Dennis Mitchell, Code Officer, Code Compliance Department at(817) 392-6319 for more information. Council Member Burdette recognized Boy Scout Troop #350 members Mr. Richard Carson, Mr. Ryan Martin and Mr. Wy Jones, and Boy Scout Troop #720 member Mr. Ross Castle, who were in attendance to receive their Citizenship in the Community badge. Mayor Moncrief expressed appreciation to the Boys Scouts and thanked them for their presence at the Council meeting. He directed Ms. Madelyn Gibbs, Assistant to the Mayor, City Manager's Office, to present them with Molly pins. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 5 of 21 (VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF Continued) Council Member Scarth stated that he was absent at the January 6, 2009, Council meeting as he was celebrating his 25th Wedding Anniversary with his wife, Lacretia. City Manager Fisseler announced that the City Zoning Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 14, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. would be canceled due to an agenda posting error. He stated that the cases would be renoticed and heard on Wednesday, February 11, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. He further stated that this would be a two-week delay on the cases that were to be heard at the Council meeting on February 3, 2009. He added that five of the cases were City initiated and none of the cases would affect tonight's agenda items. He also announced that the Municipal Court Customer Service windows would be closed Saturday, January 17, 2009, through Monday, January 19, 2009, due to technology upgrades and the Martin Luther King Jr., holiday. He stated that the closings would affect cash window at the A.D. Marshall Public Safety and Courts Building downtown and the satellite location at the Carnival Food Store at 102 Northwest 28th Street. He added that payments for some fines, including parking citations issued by the City of Fort Worth and arrest warrants could still be made via Western Union Quick Collect online and over the telephone at 1-800-CALL-CASH (1-800-225-5227). Mayor Moncrief directed City Manager Fisseler to address the issue of the posting error to ensure that the inconvenience to principals and citizens would not occur again. Fire Chief Rudy Jackson announced that the Insurance Services Office (ISO) visited the City of Fort Worth approximately one year ago to evaluate the City's fire protection systems. He stated that during the evaluation the ISO looked at the water system, fire operations and communications, fire codes and building codes. He added that the ISO evaluated the fire protection system on a scale from one (1) meaning the best to ten (10) meaning unprotected and it was concluded that the Fort Worth Fire Department who had a three (3) at the time was reduced down to a two (2). He pointed out that this meant that the citizens of Fort Worth would receive an eight (8) percent discount on their fire insurance homeowner's policy. He expressed appreciation to the Fire, Water and Planning and Development Departments for the role each department played in helping to receive the evaluation score and to the City Council and City Manager for allowing the Fire Department to make the necessary changes within the Fire Department, including staffing and an assortment of purchases. He also announced that the Commission of Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), evaluated the Fire Department's communications section and after a two-year process, the Fort Worth Fire Department was the first and only sworn fire department in the nation to obtain accreditation through CALEA. He added that the Fire Department was evaluated on 216 standards in six (6) different areas, including organization and direction, human resources, recruitment and selection, training and operations. He expressed appreciation to Mr. Sam Greif, Battalion Chief, Alarm Supervisor, Fort Worth Fire Department, and Ms. Cynthia Tyree, Computer Aided Dispatch Administrator, Fort Worth Fire Department for all of their hard work. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 6 of 21 (VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF Continued) Mayor Moncrief and Council Members Moss and Jordan expressed appreciation to the Fort Worth Fire Department for such a wonderful accomplishment and commended Chief Jackson and City staff for helping to save citizens money on their home insurance. 2.Recognition of Citizens There were no citizens recognized. VIL ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA There were no items removed from the Consent Agenda. VIII.ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF City Manager Dale Fisseler requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23014 be continued until the March 3, 2009, Council meeting. IX.PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1.Chan2es in Membersh Boards and issi s There were no changes in members on Boards and Commissions. X.PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES 1.Presentation of Recommendations from the Human Relations Commission on ity Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Mr. Estrus Tucker, Chair, Fort Worth Human Relations Commission, announced that at the Lets Talk Fort Worth Meeting held on September 25, 2008, two audience members voiced their concern about the lack of compassion to the deaf and hard of hearing community. He stated that after the heartfelt speeches, Council Member Scarth met with him, the two residents and Ms. Vanessa Boling, Director, Community Relations Department. He added that the conversation was enlightening and he learned about the challenges that the deaf and hard of hearing community faced, the lack of American sign language usage, various technologies used and the Police Department's outdated policies and procedures. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 7 of 21 (X. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES Continued) He also expressed appreciation to Mr. David Ondich, Physical Disabilities Coordinator, Human Resources Department, Mr. Juan Ortiz, Emergency Management Coordinator, City Manager's Office, and Mr. Mike Houston, National Association of the Deaf liaison regarding interpreting services, and Ms. Tracey Michol, who served as the only deaf member on the Fort Worth Human Relations Commission. Mr. Tucker presented recommendations to the City Council regarding City services for the deaf and hard of hearing. He requested that the following recommendations be adopted as follows: 1. Take steps to ensure all City owned and operated facilities be fully accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing community. The Commission recommended that the City upgrade teletypewriter (TTY) equipment with current technology and that the City utilize Video Relay Service (VRS) in all City owned and operated facilities and that training be provided to all City employees on the use of VRS in a culturally competent manner. The Commission further recommended that the City, when appropriate, utilize Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) services. 2. Update the Police Department's policy regarding the deaf and hard of hearing community to reflect the current sign interpretation services provider utilized by the department. The Commission recommended that the Police Department provide Fort Worth police officers, cadets and candidates with adequate and up-to-date training on issues pertaining to the deaf and hard of hearing community. The Commission was prepared to assist the Police Department in any manner with regard to implementation of new policies and procedures or the development of a new training program pertaining to deaf culture, deaf history and promotion of community involvement to the deaf and hard of hearing. 3. Implement a public education program to inform the deaf and hard of hearing community about the City's Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP), a program designed to provide the Fort Worth-Tarrant County Office of Emergency Management with vital information on residents with disabilities and those who were deaf and hard of hearing and to advise them to register with the program. 4. Review the City's disability programs and employment policies and procedures to maximize opportunities for the deaf and hard of hearing. The Commission recommended that all job descriptions and announcements be reviewed to ensure that they did not inadvertently discriminate against or discourage applications from persons with disabilities or members of the deaf and hard of hearing community. The Commission further recommended that the City engage in an affirmative recruitment process by posting employment announcements on websites, such as DeafNetwork.com, that service members of the deaf and hard of hearing community. The Commission recommended that bilingual pay be offered to City employees trained in American Sign Language (ASL) and that tuition reimbursement be offered to employees who want to learn ASL. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 8 of 21 (X. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES Continued) 5. Ensure that all City sponsored public meetings, including those seeking input from residents, include a provision to notify the public that the City would make accommodations for persons with disabilities and the deaf and hard of hearing if notified within 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The provision should include language to inform residents that if the City did not receive notification 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City would make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. 6. Ensure that all televised City Council and Board and Commission meetings be accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing community by providing sign interpretive services and closed captioning for the broadcast. The Commission further recommended that the City's website be made accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing community by including closed captioning for the website's videos and by providing ASL services online. Mayor Moncrief stated that the recommendations were reasonable and urged Council's support of those recommendations. He stated that the deaf and hard of hearing community was growing and that the City had to do a better job of best practices and to increase the quality of life. He expressed appreciation to Council Member Scarth for his responsible and timely manner in addressing this issue. Council Member Scarth expressed appreciation to Mr. Tucker and the Human Relations Commission for reacting quickly, efficiently and in a proactive manner. He stated that he was regretful that he had served on the Council for almost three (3) years before realizing the deficit the City and the private sectors within Tarrant County had for the deaf and hard of hearing community. He mentioned his nephew, Mr. Jason Shaw and Mr. Shaw's wife, who were a deaf couple, and stated that because of his familiarity with his nephew, it made him less aware of the challenges his nephew and family had to face. He commended the City for their efforts to accommodate him during his service on the City Council and added that it was the City's obligation and privilege to help with the deaf and hard of hearing community. He also thanked Ms. Muriel Buie and Ms. Tracey Michol for their courage in speaking at the Let's Talk Fort Worth meeting and how they addressed the City's shortcomings with regard to the deaf and hard of hearing community in Tarrant County. He further added that it was the responsibility of the City to act on the Human Relations Commission's recommendations if it expected the private sectors of Tarrant County to follow suit. He further added that the City had to do everything they could within the fiscal constraints to take advantage of the various technologies available and move as quickly as possible to fulfill the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community. Mayor Moncrief directed City Manager Fisseler to bring forth a resolution stating Council's support in adopting the recommendations by the Human Relations Commission and to move forward with the policy changes necessary. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 9 of 21 (X. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES Continued) Mr. Daniel White, Acting Director of Goodrich Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Professional Advisor to the Hearing Loss Association of Fort Worth, 3101 Highlawn Terrace, appeared before Council in support of the Human Relations Commission's recommendations. He expressed appreciation to Human Relations Commission and to Ms. Michol for their spirit and hard work. He stated that accommodations should be made to all persons with hearing loss, including those who use sign language as their primary mode of communication and the 95 percent of those with hearing loss that do not use sign language. He added that video telephones should be used where needed and requested that TTY telephones be kept because there were still people who used that technology as well. He further requested that sign language interpreters and closed captioning be used at meetings on the website and on video. He stated that the City should continue to reach out to the deaf and hard of hearing community as their needs may be different. He requested that the City actively seek involvement of hard of hearing people in community forums and find communication channels for reaching them and involving them as well. Ms. LaTonne Scott, 9365 Dickson Road, appeared before Council in support of the Human Relations Commission's recommendations and expressed appreciation for their hard work. She stated that she had worked with the deaf and hard of hearing for over 35 years and had been involved in many different meetings and had never seen a commission take action as quickly and as efficiently as the Fort Worth Human Relations Commission. She also expressed appreciation to the Council for appointing Ms. Michol to serve on the Human Relations Commission. She further added that she had provided sign language services for tonight's Council meeting and offered her service to the Police Department, free of charge. Mayor Moncrief requested Ms. Scott to speak with Police Chief Jeff Halstead after the meeting and he expressed his appreciation to the Human Relations Commission for working together to get the recommendations completed and submitted to Council for review. Council Member Scarth also expressed appreciation to Ms. Vanessa Boling, Director, Community Relations Department, for her involvement and hard work. XI.RESOLUTIONS 1.A Resolution Disbandin2 the Sustainabilitv and ree n Buildin2 Task Force and re tl y Tarrant County and Appointing the Following Members to the Sustainable Development Task Force Effective January 13, 2009,and with Terms Expiring Seutemher 30 2009. Continued from January 6, 2009) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 10 of 21 (XI.RESOLUTIONS Continued) 1. Dennis Shingleton, Chair 2. Sally Allsup, Urban Design Commission and Neighborhood Leader 3. Kim Arnold, Building Owners and Managers Association of Fort Worth 4. Mark Barnes, City Plan Commission and Neighborhood Leader 5. Stephen Barnett, UNT Health Science Center 6. Jack Baxley, QUOIN- Associated General Contractors of America 7. Barbara Becker, University of Texas at Arlington 8. Regina Blair, Neighborhood Leader 9. Ray Boothe, Architect 10. Derek Brown, City Plan Commission 11. Thad Brundrett, Greater Fort Worth Real Estate Council 12. Anthony Burks, Builder 13. Stephen Darrow, Architect 14. Jyl Dehaven, Developer 15. Sandra Dennehy, Architect and Neighborhood Leader 16. Curvie Hawkins, Fort Worth Transportation Authority 17. Will Stallworth, Texas Christian University 18. Tom Struhs, Developer 19. Kelly Dillard, Engineer 20. Barbara Vonderheydt, Fort Worth Independent School District Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that Resolution No. 3705-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 2.A Resolution Concerning Dissolution by Tarrant County of the Resort on Eagle Mountain Lake Public Improvement District and re ti y arrant Countj of Tw New is Improvem nt Districts to Finance Public Infrastructure and Public Improvements for the Resort on Eagle Mountain Lake Develop riaent Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Resolution No. 3706-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. XII.CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that the Consent Agenda be approved as follows. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 11 of 21 (XII. CONSENT AGENDA Continued) B. General - Consent Items 1.G-16420 - Considering and Adopting the Following Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Regarding the Application of John Moss, d/b/a Chase International to Operate Two Limousines; that Public Necessity and Convenience Require the Operation of Two Limousines Upon City Streets, Alleys and Thoroughfares; John Moss, d/b/a Chase International is Qualified and Financially Able to Conduct a Limousine Service within the City; John Moss, d/b/a Chase International has Complied with the Requirements of Chapter 34 of the City Code; John Moss, d/b/a Chase International Presented Facts in Support of Compelling Demand and Necessity for Two Limousines; the General Welfare of the Citizens of the City will Best be Served by the Addition of Two Limousines; and Adopting Ordinance No. 18437-01-2009 Granting the Privilege of Operating Authority to John Moss, d/b/a Chase International for the Use of the Streets, Alleys and Public Thoroughfares of the City in the Conduct of its Limousine Business, Which Shall Consist of the Operation of Two (2) Limousines for a Three (3) Year Period Beginning on the Effective Date; Specifying the Terms and Conditions of the Grant; Providing for a Penalty; Providing for Written Acceptance by John Moss, d/b/a Chase International. 2.G-16421 - Adopting the Capital Improvements Plan Citizen Advisory Committee's Semi- Annual Progress Report Concerning the Status of the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. C.Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items 1.P-10904 - Authorizing a Purchase Agreement with Buyers Barricades, Inc., for Vertical Traffic Panels and Related Equipment for the Water Department for an Annual Amount up to $105,000.00. D.Land - Consent Items 1.L-14692 - Authorizing the Acquisition of an Improved Lot Located at 3503 Lebow Street, Further Known as Lot 17, Block 16, of the Dixie Wagon Manufacturing Company Survey, an Addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, from Restoration Properties for the Lebow Channel Drainage Project; Finding that the Price Offered in the Amount of $49,000.00 for an Improved Lot, Plus an Estimated Closing Cost of $3,000.00 is Just Compensation; and Authorizing the Acceptance and Recording of Appropriate Instruments. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 12 of 21 (XII. CONSENT AGENDA Continued) 2.L-14693 - Authorizing the Acceptance of a Dedication Deed from Basswood Park Homeowner's Association, Inc., for Property Located at 7399 Starwood Drive and 7341 Starwood Drive Near its Intersection with Basswood Boulevard; and Authorizing the Acceptance and Recording of Appropriate Instruments. 3.L-14694 - Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pipeline Crossing Agreement with Union Pacific Railroad at a One Time Cost of$2,680.00 for the Installation of a 12-Inch Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Crossing Located West of Interstate 35W and South of West Risinger Road. The Developer will Pay All Costs with this Agreement. F.Award of Contract- Consent Items 1.C-23271 - Authorizing the Use of $28,281.52 in Interest Earned; Authorizing the Use of Additional Anticipated Interest of $10,000.00; Authorizing the Term of the Fiscal Year 2005 Edward Bryne Justice Assistance Grant Agreement to be Extended through March 30, 2009; Authorizing the Additional Extension of the Edward Bryne Justice Assistance Grant Agreement for up to One Year upon Written Agreement of the Parties; and Adopting Appropriation Ordinance No. 18438-01-2009 Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Grants Fund in the Amount of $38,281.52 upon Extension of the Grant Period of the Fiscal Year 2005 Edward Bryne Justice Assistance Grant for the Purpose of Funding Approved Justice Assistance Grant Program Activities. 2.C-23272 - Authorizing the City Manager to Terminate City Secretary Contract Nos. 25211, 25212 and 31308, as Amended and Assigned, for Lease Sites 1S, 2S, 6S and 7S at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport; Executing a New Ground Lease Agreement for Lease Site 4S with Woodard Aviation Holdings, Ltd., at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport; Executing a Right of First Refusal for Lease Site 5S with Woodard Aviation Holdings, Ltd., at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport; and Executing a Consent to Sublease Agreement for Lease Site 4S to Texas Aviation Services, Inc. 3.C-23273 - Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a One-Year License Agreement with Fiesta Mart, Inc. The Purpose of the License Agreement is to Continue Leasing Approximately 130 Square Feet for the Water Department Satellite Customer Service Center in Fiesta Mart, Inc., at the Corner of Miller and Berry Streets. Total Cost for Leasing the Location at 4245 East Berry Street is $10,752.00 for One Year at $896.00 Per Month. The Term Shall be Retroactively Applied to October 1, 2008, and Shall Terminate September 30, 2009. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 13 of 21 (XII. CONSENT AGENDA Continued) 4.C-23274 - Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a One-Year License Agreement with Fiesta Mart, Inc. The Purpose of the License Agreement is to Continue Leasing Approximately 180 Square Feet for the Water Department and Municipal Court Satellite Customer Service Center in the Carnival Food Store at the Corner of Northwest 28th Street and North Main Street. Total Cost for Leasing the Location at 102 Northwest 28th Street is $13,200.00 for One Year at $1,100.00 Per Month. The Term Shall be Retroactively Applied to October 1, 2008, and Shall Terminate September 30, 2009. G.Presentations by the City Secretary- Consent Items 1.00S-1703 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries End of Consent Agenda. XIIL REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER B.General 1. 22 - Adopt a Supplemental Appropria ti r i a ce Increasing Estima te Receipts and Appropriations in the General Fund in the Amount of$300,000.00 and Decreasing e Unreserved, Undesignated Fu d Balance by the Same Amount, rte Purp se of Fundi an Amendment t the Contract for Staff Augmentati n Services for te Completion o the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Years 2008 and 2009 with Crowe Horwath and Authorize a Amendment t the Contract for Staff Augmentation Services for the Financial Management Services Department for a Projected Increased Cost Not to Exceed $3002000.00. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16422 be approved and Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance No. 18439-01-2009 be adopted . The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 2.MSC G-16423 - Ad an Ordinance Suspending Implementation of the Rate Schedule r se y Sery as, t ., as a ecte in the "Statement of Intent to cre se Gas U ti ity Rates" Filed_by C®Sery Gas, Ltd., on December 18, 2008, Until the Later of Aril 23, 2009, or the Latest Date Permitted by Law, or Until t e Earlier Date of Effectiveness of a Rate Order Adopted by the City Council; Establishing Rates to be Charged by CoSery Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division Duri e er s esi ; A ec ara tions and s in t e Preamble H ere ; a Authorize the Citj Manager to Cooperate wi It Other Cities Served bl Sery GasLtd., to ire and irect Leg a I Counsel and s to isi egard to the Rate Increase Filing. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 14 of 21 (G-16423 Continued) Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16423 be approved and Ordinance No. 18440-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 3.M&C G-16424 - Authorize the Cily Manager to Do ate the Existing One-Lane Litsel oad Bridge Ov r Henrietta Creek to the City of Ro noke for Pedestrian Us Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16424 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 4.M&C G-16425 - Adout an Ordinance Amending Chapter 22 "Motor Vehicles and Traffic" of the Code of the City of Fort Worth by Amending Article IX "Abandoned and Junked Vehicles" to Revise the Definition for Wrecked Vehicle; to Revise the Notice Procedure to Allow the Use of Signature Confirmation Service; to Revise the Hearing Process to Convene Only at the Request of the Individual who Received Notice of a Junk Vehicle Nuisance- to Revise Disposal of Junked Vehicles; to Allow Such Vehicles to be Removed to a Scrapyard, Motor Vehicle Demolisher, or Suitable Site Operated by the Municipality. Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16425 be approved and Ordinance No. 18441-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 5.M&C G-16426 -A gn Ordinance Adiusting the to Number of Authorized Civil Service Positions in the Police Department; Adding One Corporal/Detective Position Effective January 17, 2009;,_Providing a Statement of Purpose and Intent for the Adoption and Implementation of this Ordinance. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burns, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16426 be approved and Ordinance No. 18442-01- 2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 6.MSC G-16427 - Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Fort Worth Fire Code, City Code Chapter 13, Codifying Ordinances 16027, 16252 and 17390, and urther Amending with Updated Provisions for Fire Department Access, Standpipe Testing, Fire Alarms, Electronic Locks, Flammable Liquids, Undated Reference Standards,Certain Fee Amendments, Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Parks, etroactive Building Pr visions and Addressi Providing for the Issuance of Permits and the Collection of Fees thereof;_Providing_for the Inspection 2f Buildin gs- Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof. , CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 15 of 21 (G-16427 Continued) Motion: Council Member Scarth made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16427 be approved and Ordinance No. 18443-01- 2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 7.MSC G-16428 - Adopt an Ordinance Amending Charter 35 "Water and Sewers" of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as Amended, bv the Adding Article VII, "I stallation and Maintenance of Irrigation Sys ems" Sections 35-158 through 35-170; Section 35-158 "Definitions"; Section 5-159 "License Required"; 35-160 "Permit Required"; Section 35-161 "Water Conservation"; Section 35-162 Plan and as Built Design: Minimum Standards"; Section 35-163 "Design and Installation: Minimum Requirements"; 35-164 "Completion_2f_Irrigation_System Installation"; Section 35-165 "City Insrection Required"; Section 35-166 "Maintenance, Alteration, Repair or Service of Irrigation Svstems"; Section 35- 167 "Reclaimed Water; Other Water SuppI3: Sources"; Section 35-168 "Advertisement Requirements"; Section 35-169 "Contracts"; and Section 35-170 "Fees"; Providing a Penalty Clause. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burns, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16428 be approved and Ordinance No. 18444-01- 2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 8.MSC G-16429 - Adopt a Resolution for Approval of the Fort Worth Hazard Mitigation Action Plan (PUBLIC HEARING). Mayor Moncrief opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. a.Rer)ort of Citv Sta Mr. Keith Wells, Senior Emergency Management Officer, City Manager's Office, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. (Council Member Bums left his place at the dais.) b.Citizen Presentations There were no citizen presentations. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 16 of 21 (G-16429 Continued) c.Council Action Motion: There being no one else desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing, Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that the public hearing be closed, Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16429 be approved and Resolution No. 3707-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Burns absent. 9.M&C G-16430 - Adopt a Resolution to Accent and Implement the City of Fort Worth's Mobility and Air Quality Plan (PUBLIC; HEARING). Mayor Moncrief opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. a. e r Mr. Mark Rauscher, Planning and Development Manager, Transportation and Public Works Department, appeared before Council and presented a staff report. He expressed appreciation to the Fort Worth Transportation Authority who assisted with the funding for the study, the North Central Texas Council of Governments for providing technical aspects for the planning effort and various staff from Tarrant County and City departments. b.Citizen Presentations There were no citizen presentations c.Council Action Council Member Espino expressed appreciation to Mr. Rauscher and the Transportation and Public Works staff for their hard work. He stated that it had taken a long time to reach the desired outcome with the Mobility and Air Quality Plan and added that it was a document that looked at how the City viewed transportation and land use. He further stated that the plan was in conjunction with things done on the regional level including the Rail North Texas Initiative, Southwest Parkway that Council Member Jordan had been working on. He pointed out that globally Council Member Scarth and Assistant City Manager Fernando Costa were working on Vision North Texas and that the Mobility and Air Quality Plan would lay the groundwork for what the City wanted to do with the transportation and land use decisions. He added that this was another step forward in making Fort Worth the nation's most livable city by making sure that there was a great mobility system in place. He advised that the air quality in Fort Worth had some challenges but that the plan was a guide on how to move forward. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 17 of 21 (G-16430 Continued) Council Member Jordan congratulated Mr. Rauscher and Assistant City Manager Costa, City Manager Fisseler and City staff for all providing the foundation for the Mobility and Air Quality Plan. He advised that the plan would focus on the requirements of mobility and air quality in 2035 when the region would include 9 million people instead of the current 5.5 million. He stated that a lot of work had been put into the plan and Rail North Texas was just a mechanism to ask legislators to allow the City to take the Mobility and Air Quality Plan to the voters for approval for funding. He added that all of the ground work had been established with the efforts involving the rail, commuter rail, streetcars, bike paths, and the needed arterials. He expressed appreciation to City staff for their work in helping with the potential gridlock the City currently faced and would face in the future. Mayor Moncrief stated that the City had planned the work and was now working the plan. He advised that this was an effort to look at potential problems in the future by addressing the problems the City currently faced. He pointed out that this was a critical step in addressing air quality and transportation and mobility issues as the problems within the City had increased. Motion: There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing, Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that the public hearing be closed, Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16430 be approved and Resolution No. 3708-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Burns absent. 10.MSC G-16431 - Ador)t a Supmlemental ADDroDriation Ordinance Increasing Appropriations y the Indicated Amounts in the i s. General Y $3,3 and Decreasing the Unaudited Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance by the Same Amount; Cririae Control and revs ntion District Fund by $2,383,6 7 1.00 and acres e Unaudited Unreserved, Undesigna te a s ce bv the Same A re and r s Y $239,302.0 and ecre s the U audited reserve esi ate d Fund Balance bl the Same Amount; I formation Systems Fund bv $2 and ecre si t o Unaudited Cash a s ce b� tl►e Sarrie Ariaount, Municit�al Airt�orts Fund 17y 556,000.00 and Pecreasin the Unaudited Cash Balance bv the Same AmougILMunicipal Parking y $81,192.00 and ecre si the Unaudited Cash Balance by the Same Amount; and Water and Sewer Fund b $1,578,712.00 and Decreasin2 the Unaudited Cash a s ce bv the Same Amount for Encumbrance Rollovers and Designated Expenditures. Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16431 be approved and Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance No. 18445-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Burns absent. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 18 of 21 C.Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services 1.MSC P-10905 - Authorize Non-Exclusive Purchase Agreements for Ready Mix Concrete with Paisano Redi-Mix, Inc., Tarrant Concrete, R di-Mix Concrete and Oldcastle APG Texas, Inc., for an Annual Amount up to $300,x00.00. Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that Mayor and Council Communication No. P-10905 be approved. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Burns absent. D.Land 1.M&C L-14695 - Approve the Proposed Sett e e e Claims of FW Verandas at C Vie w,Ltd. and Kevcorr) Real Estate Capital Markets, Inc., in t Condemnation Lawsuit Entitled, City of Fort Worth v. FW Verandas AL_City View, Ltd., for the Southwest Parkway Proiect; Authorize the Pavment of $17,5 00.00 to Kevcort) Real Estate Capital Markets Inc. Authorize the Palment of $603,80 T Benefit of FW Verandas at City View Ltd.; Authorize the Payment of $50,0 0.00 to Prime Income Asset Management, LLC, rte Benefit of FW Verandas and the Law Offices of Eddie Vassallo, P.C.; and Authorize the Attorney for the City to Ar)r)rovt the_Agreed Judgment Necessary to Com lete the Settlement. .R_ Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor and Council Communication No. L-14695 be approved. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Burns absent. 2.MSC L-14696 - Declare the Necessity of Taking an Interest in a Portion of Land Known as Tract ICJ.R. Knight Survev, Abstract No. 902,Tarrant_County, Texas., Owned bv Realtv Capital Golden Beach, Ltd., Regg Ire d for thLWidening of Golden Triangle Boulevard; a d Authorize the City Attorney to Institute Condemnation Proceedin2s to Ac ire the Interests in the Land. Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that Mayor and Council Communication No. L-14696 be approved. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Burns absent. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 19 of 21 3.M&C L-14697 - Declare the Necessity of Taking an I terest in a Portion of Land Known as Tract 12D014 William McGowan Survey, Abstract No. 999, Tarrant County, Texas, Owned by David Riddel and David Riddel as Custodian of Jonathan R. Riddel and Catherine Rid e as Reguired for the Construction of Drainage I frastructure Improve ents Associated with the Widening of Golden Triangle Boulevard; and Authorize the City Attorney to Institute Condemnation Proceedings to Ac ire the Int rest in the Land. Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. L-14697 be approved. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Members Burns absent. (Council Member Burns returned to his place at the dais.) F.Award of Contract 1.It was the Consensus of the Citv Council that May and Council Communication No. C- 23014, Authorize Public Right-of-Way Use Agreement GraRjj!jZ Texas Midstream Gas Services, LLC a License to Use Certain Public Right-of-Way for the Purpose of Constructing Maintainin the Eastside of Alton Road Crossing Bellaire Drive SouthWest errs Street, Westcliff Road South., Hilltop Drive, West Biddison Street and South Hills Avenue, be c onti d until the March 3,2009 ,Council eeti 2.MSC C-23275 - Authorize the Transfer of$711,657.73 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Cat)ital Proiects Fund in the Amount of $686,572.88 a d Sewer Capita Projects Fund in the Amount of $25,084.85; AdoDt an A ro riation Ordinance Increasing Estimated ReceigLs and Appropriations in the Water Capital Proiects Fund and the Sewer Capital Projects Fund from Available Funds for the Purpo e of Executing_A C �ontract with Texas United Excavators, LLC, for Street Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement (Project No. 00455); and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Texas United Excavators,_LLC, in the Amount of$2,221,902.75 for Street Reconstruction, Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement o -et (Stanley Avenue to Townsend Drive), Lipscomb Street West Capps Street to West Berry Street] and Wayside Avenue (North Dead End to West Cante.1 Street). Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23275 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 18446-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 20 of 21 3.M&C C-23276 - Authorize the City Manager to Ex cute a Construction Contract in the Amount of $1,491,712.60 with McClendon Construction Company, Inc., for Construction of Granbury Road ImDrovements from North of ADDalachian Wav to Altamesa Boulevard. Council Member Jordan advised that the contract was for the completion of Summer Creek/Granbury Road just south of Altamesa Boulevard to Appalachian Way. He pointed out how important the arterial was for District 6 and expressed appreciation to City staff for their quick response to get it approved through the bid process, even when faced with a delay due to the project having to be rebid. Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23276 be approved with appreciation. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 4.MSC C-23277 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Jacobs En2ineerin2 Grout) in the Amount of $426, 00.00 for Professional Design Services for West Rosedale Street Retrofit from Forest Park Boulevard to Interstate Hil►way 35. Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23277 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 5.M&C C-23278 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with S.J. Louis Construction of TexasLtd.,in the Amount of$3,209,344. 0 for a 36-Inch Water Main Extension from Tarrant Main Street to the State Highway 360/Trinit a Boulevard Intersection_ Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23278 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 6.MSC C-23279 - Authorize the Transfer of$125,742.00 from the Water and SeM±LO erating ,7 p_ Fund to the Water C 410.00 and Sewer C Lapital Pro*ects Fund in the Amount of $92, ital Projects Fund in the Amount of 533,332.00; Adont an A ro riation Ordinance Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropri tions in the Water Capital Project s and in the Sewer Capital Projects Fun from Available Fund s, rte r se A t rize A e e nt Number 4 to Cily Secretary tract Number 29706 with K i e -Horn and Ass dates, r Additional Sewer Rehabilitation Contract L2LI!j -�7O and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Contract Amendment in the Amount of$117,742.00. Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23279 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 18447-01-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 13, 2009 PAGE 21 of 21 7. M&C C-23280 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Johnson Controls, Inc., for the Construction of the Phase IIB Security Improvements at the Village Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant in the Amount of$1,282,220.00. Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Hicks, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23280 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. 8.M&C C-23281 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with AUI Constructors, Inc., in the Amount of $1,173,000.00 for the Wholesale Water Metering Station Rehabilitations for Forest Hill, Trophy Club, Hurst No. 1 and Hurst No. 2. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23281 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0)nays. 9. M&C C-23282 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Eagle Contracting, L.P., in the Amount of $497,250.00 for the Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant Filter Rehabilitation Proiect. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23282 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays. XIV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Mr. Jim Ashford, 6209 Riverview Circle, appeared before Council relative to the gas drilling ordinance and the noise requirements regarding fracing. XVI.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. in honor of Dallas Police Officer, Senior Corporal Norman Smith, who recently passed after being shot in the line of duty. These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on the 3rd day of February, 2009. Attest: Appro d: , l � Marty H rix ichael J. Monc f City Secretary Mayor