HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/07/28-Minutes-City Council CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 Present Mayor Mike Moncrief Mayor Pro tem Daniel Scarth, District 4 Council Member W. B. "Zim" Zimmerman, District 3 Council Member Frank Moss, District 5 Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6 Council Member Carter Burdette, District 7 Council Member Kathleen Hicks, District 8 Council Member Joel Burns, District 9 Absent Council Member Salvador Espino, District 2 Staff Present Dale Fisseler, City Manager David Yett, City Attorney Marty Hendrix, City Secretary L CALL TO ORDER With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Moncrief called the regular session of the Fort Worth City Council to order at 10:08 a.m. on Tuesday, July 28, 2009, in the City Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, with Council Member Espino absent and Council Member Moss temporarily absent. IL INVOCATION- Rabbi Ralph Mecklenberger, Beth-El Congregation The invocation was provided by Rabbi Ralph Mecklenberger, Beth-El Congregation. III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. (Council Member Moss assumed his place at the dais.) IV.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2009 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 2 of 20 Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Scarth, that the minutes of the regular meeting of July 21, 2009, be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS INTRODUCTIONS 1.Presentation on the 2009 Mavor's Committee on Persons with Disabilities Mr. Dan Gladbury, Vice Chair, Mayor's Advisory Committee on Persons with Disabilities, presented $1,000.00 scholarships to three recent high school graduates: Mr. Julio Mileo, Paschal High School; Ms. Asia Larkin, Crowley High School; and Mr. David Williams, North Crowley High School. Mayor Moncrief stated that the Committee supported increased awareness and changing laws to include persons with disabilities. He further stated that this was an exciting time for the recipients of the scholarships and wished them future success. Mayor Pro tem Scarth congratulated the scholarship recipients and stated that the program provided leadership opportunities, employment, and accessibility. VI.ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upcoming nd Recent Events Council Member Burdette introduced Arlington Heights Boy Scout Troop 44 members Nathan and Daniel Turner, who attended the Council meeting, and presented them with Molly pins. He commended them for their leadership skills and wished them great success. Council Member Burns advised that the Hispanic Wellness Fair would be held on August 1, 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Amon Carter Exhibit Hall and stated that those interested could contact the District 9 Office at 817-392-8809 or the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at 817-625-5411 for more information. He pointed out that 15,000 visitors were expected at the event. He further advised that Fort Worth residents could learn about potential railroad and roadway improvements associated with Tower 55, the busiest at-grade railroad intersection in the country, at public meetings and an open house on August 3, 2009, at the Fort Worth Intermodal Transportation Center, 1001 Jones Street. He added that a brown bag lunch public meeting would begin at noon, followed by an open house at 5:30 p.m. and a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. He further stated that the same information would be presented at both public meetings. (VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF Continued) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 3 of 20 Mayor Moncrief advised that 20-year old Airman Colton Read, son of 21-year Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works employee Mr. Steven Read, was in the hospital in California after complications related to a routine gall bladder surgery. He stated as a result of the complications, Airman Read had to have both of his legs amputated. He further stated that a fund had been established for travel and living expenses for the Read Family and those who wished to contribute could contact Ms. Brenda Midgett or Ms. Paula Lovell at 817-392-8086. He also advised that a fund had been created at Frost Bank for Airman Read and those who wished to make contributions could do so by visiting www.frostbank.com and clicking on Colton Read Benefit Fund. 2.Recognition of Citizens There were no citizens recognized at this time. VII.ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA There were no items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. VIII.ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF There were no items continued or withdrawn by staff. City Manager Fisseler advised that staff would make a presentation related to Mayor and Council Communication G-16636. IX.PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1.Chan2es in Membersh Boards and ss s Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that Ms. Jesse Johnson be appointed to Place 8 on the Library Advisory Board effective July 28, 2009, and with a term expiring October 1, 2010. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. X.PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS COMMISSIONS AND/OR COMMITTEES CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 4 of 20 Mayor Moncrief made the following appointments to City Council Committees: Legislative and Intergovermental Affairs Committee: Council Member Carter Burdette—Chair Council Member Jungus Jordan - Vice Chair Council Member Joel Burns Council Member Frank Moss Infrastructure and Transportation Committee: Council Member Salvador Espino— Chair Council Member Jungus Jordan Council Member Zim Zimmerman Council Member Joel Burns Housing and Economic Development Committee: Council Member Jungus Jordan— Chair Council Member Carter Burdette - Vice Chair All Council Members Audit and Finance Committee: Council Member Jungus Jordan— Chair Council Member Kathleen Hicks - Vice Chair Council Member Carter Burdette Mayor Mike Moncrief Mr. John Stevenson Mr. Bill Leonard (Resigned) Court Committee: Council Member Carter Burdette—Chair Council Member Salvador Espino Council Member Kathleen Hicks Mayor Moncrief advised that the Council intended to create the Audit and Finance Committee as a standing committee and that the Law Department was reviewing the request. He further advised that a resolution on the agenda would, if approved, appoint Council Member Zimmerman as the Chair for the Southwest Parkway Tax Increment Financing District. (X. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES Continued) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 5 of 20 City Manager Fisseler clarified that Mr. Bill Leonard resigned from the Audit and Finance Committee and requested Mayor Moncrief appoint another qualified citizen. Council Member Hicks requested Mayor Moncrief appoint a woman to fill the vacant position on the Audit and Finance Committee. Mayor Moncrief advised he would consider all recommendations by Council and would appoint the most qualified candidate. XI.RESOLUTIONS 1.A Resolution Supporting the Res oration and r ve e Heritage Plaza Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that Resolution No. 3768-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. Council Member Burns expressed appreciation to various organizations that supported the restoration and improvement of Heritage Plaza. Mayor Moncrief stated that Heritage Plaza was a beautiful location with a clear view of the bluffs and stated that the end result would be a wonderful area for all to enjoy. 2.A Resolution Appointing Council Member Zim Zimmerman to the Board of Directors of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Eleven, Citv of Fort Worth, Texas (South est Parkway TIF) and Appointing Council Member Zimmerman as the Chairperson of the Board of the Directors of the Southwest ar ay TIF Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burns, that Resolution No. 3769-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. XII.CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that the Consent Agenda be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. A.General - Consent Items CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 6 of 20 1.M&C G-16634 - Authorizing the City Manager to Retain Charles Gunter of the Law Firm of Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle and Sawyer, LLP, as Outside Counsel, Pursuant to Chapter VI, Section 3 of the City Charter, for the Federal Trademark Registration of the City's Logo and to Provide Legal Consultation to the City Attorney's Office on Copyright Issues; and Adopting Resolution No. 3770-07-2009 Designating in Advance, as Far as Practicable, that the Amount to be Paid to Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle and Sawyer, LLP,will not Exceed $1,500.00. 2.M&C G-16635 - Adopting Resolution No. 3771-07-2009 Authorizing the Employment of Fulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P., as Outside Legal Counsel for Disclosure Requirements Related to Upcoming Bond Sales at an Aggregate Fee Amount Not to Exceed $30,000.00. B.Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items 1.M&C P-11009 - Authorizing the City Manager to Authorize the Purchase of Attack and Supply Fire Hoses from Casco Industries, Inc., for $30,810.00 for the Fire Department Based on Low Bid Meeting Specifications with Payment Due 30 Days After Receipt of Invoice and Freight is Included in the Unit Price. C.Land - Consent Items 1.M&C L-14809 - Authorizing a Conveyance of a Temporary Construction Easement to the Tarrant Regional Water District for Excavation and Filling on City Property Adjacent to and Occupied by the Auto Impound Lot for the Trinity River Vision — Central City Project for a Period of Seven (7)Years. 2.M&C L-14810 - Approving the Acquisition of One (1) Right-of-Way Easement and One (1) Temporary Construction Easement Described as the Jesse Billingsley Survey, Abstract No. 70, Absolute Stone Track, Tarrant County, Texas, from Juan and Oralia Salas and Absolute Stone Fabricators, Inc., Located at 4102 Keller Hicks Road in North Fort Worth for the Widening of Keller Hicks Road; Finding that the Price Offered in the Amount of $34,300.00 Plus Estimated Closing Costs of$4,000.00 is Just Compensation; and Authorizing the Acceptance and Recording of Appropriate Instruments. E.Award of Contract- Consent Items 1.M&C C-23678 - Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in an Amount Up To $87,900.00; and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 18727-07-2009 Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Grants Fund Upon Receipt of the Reimbursement from the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, for the Purpose of Funding a Contract with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to Process Employment Discrimination Cases for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 2.M&C C-23679 - Authorizing Transfer of $22,676.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Projects Fund; Adopting Appropriation Ordinance No. 18728-07- CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 7 of 20 2009 Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund from Available Funds, for the Purpose of Funding Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement on Portions of Forbes Street (Miller Avenue to Hatcher Street), Griggs Street (East Berry Avenue to Forbes Street), Eastover Avenue (Ramey Avenue to Avenue N) and Millet Avenue (Bishop Street to Campbell Street and Wallace Street to Dillow Street); and Authorizing Change Order No. 3 in the Amount of $43,736.70 to City Secretary Contract No. 37375 with McClendon Construction Company, Inc., Thereby Increasing the Total Cost to $2,330,387.09. 3.M&C C-23680 - Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of $84,070.00, Plus Up To $6,500.00 in Reimbursable Expenses, to City Secretary Contract No. 37308, an Architectural Agreement with Dennehy Architects, Inc., for Additional Design Services for the Tenant Space Revisions at the Hazel Harvey Peace Center for Neighborhoods Located at 818 Missouri Avenue, at the Corner of Missouri Avenue and Terrell Street. 4.M&C C-23681 - Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Second Five (5) Year Lease Renewal of City Secretary Contract No. 10723 with Aero Plane Shop, Inc., for Hangar 12-5 at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport. 5.M&C C-23682 - Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 5 to City Secretary Contract No. 32880 with DFW Advisors, Ltd., Co., to Provide Additional Project Management for the Noise Mitigation Program, Phase V, at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport and Approve an Increase in the Payment Amount of the Contract by $13,000.00, with a Revised Contract Amount Not To Exceed $1,365,869.91. 6.M&C C-23683 - Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Community Facilities Agreement with City Participation in the Amount of $53,552.44 with Carlyle/Cypress West 7th, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, for the Installation of Water and Sanitary Sewer Services to Serve Carlyle/Cypress West 7th, LLC, Van Zandt Addition, Blocks 2R, 3R, 8R and 9R, a Development Located in West Seventh Village. 7.M&C C-23684 - Authorizing the Transfer of$15,997.49 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund; Adopting Appropriation Ordinance No. 18729-07- 2009 Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund from Available Funds, for the Purpose of Authorizing Payment Under Protest to Southwestern Bell for Relocation of Facilities Located at 7th Street/Carroll Street Intersection— Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract LXVII (67), Part 1; and Authorizing a Payment Under Protest to Southwestern Bell for Additional Cost Incurred for the Relocation of its Conflicting Utility. 8.M&C C-23685 - Authorizing the Transfer of$77,344.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund; Adopting Appropriation Ordinance No. 18730-07- CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 8 of 20 2009 Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund from Available Funds, for the Purpose of Funding Sanitary Sewer Main 253 Replacement from the Woodhaven Boulevard/Randol Mill Road Intersection Easterly to the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant; and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 29007 with TranSystems Corporation, d/b/a TranSystems Corporation Consultants, Thereby Increasing the Contract Amount to $1,002,922.00. XIIL PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY - CONSENT ITEMS 1. 732 - Notice of Claims for Alle2ed Dama2es and/or Iniuries End of Consent Agenda. XIV.REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER B.General 1. 3 - Adout an Ordinance Directin2 Publication tics of Intention to ss e an Amount Not To Exceed $63,655,000, C®mbination Tax and Limited Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obli2ationSeries_2009-_and Ordaining ter Matters Relating to the S iect; Approve the Form of Notice; Authorize the City Manager to Cause Said Notice to be Published in a e s a er of General Circulation in the CiLI_2f Fort WorthTexas for Two (2) Consecutive Weeks the Date of the First Publication to be Before the 30th Day Before the Day Tentatively Pro[3osed for Authorizing the Issuance of the Certificates of Obligation in Said Notice; and Authorize the Proceeds be Used for Critical C Lapital Needs, Cost Over-Runs from the 2004 CIP Pro2ram, Acguisition of Fire EguinMggt and Computer Software AS Described in the Notice of Intention. Mr. James Mauldin, City Treasurer, Financial Management Services Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. Mayor Pro tem Scarth requested that staff provide a list of projects that were planned for funding by the Certificates of Obligation within the next 30 to 60 days. Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-16636 be approved and Ordinance No. 18731-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. C.Purchase of Eguipment, Materials, and Services CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 9 of 20 I.M&C P-11010 - Authorize the Purchase of Painting Preparatio and Priming Services for Cowtown BEHIk Up 2009 with GTO Construction for the Housing and Economic Develo ment DeD art ment for an Amount UD To $227,330.50; Authorize the City Mana2er, or His Desi2nee, to Execute a Conditional Commitment with GTO Construction that Conditions Funding and ter Items Upon Satisfactory Completion of CommHgjjL�Develo�iment Block Grant Requirements for an Amount Not To Exceed $332,709.50-a_nd Authorize the Services for an Amount Not To Exceed $56 Motion: Mayor Pro tem Scarth made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that Mayor and Council Communication No. P-11010 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 2.MSC P-11011 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement r Water-Saying Toilets with Morrison Supply Company through a Coop rative Purchasing Agr ement Contract No. 06-356 with San Antonio Water Systems for the Water Dep rtment for an Annual Amount Up To $755,8 0.00 and Approve the Water Dep art men 's Smart flush Program Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that Mayor and Council Communication No. P-11011 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. (Council Member Hicks left her place at the dais.) D.Land 1.M&C L-14811 - Authorize the Transfer of$107 ,I 10.00 from the WattE Operating Fund to the Water Capital Pr®iects Fund; Adopt an n Ordinance Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Water Capital Proiects Fund.,from Available Funds, for the Purpose of Funding the Acquisition of Water Line and Construction Easements-Authorize the Acauisition of Six (6) Permanent Water Line Easements and_your 4) Temt)orary Construction Easements Described as a Portion of N. Holbrook Survey, Abstract No._647,_Fort Wort Tarrant Countv, Texasfrom FW Vista West 11, L.P., Ne rte Intersection of Old Weatherford Road and Chapel Cre k Road in West Fort Worth for the Construction of the Westside Water Treatment Plant, Find that the Price Offered in the Amount of $104,110.00 Plus an Estimated Closing Cost of$3,000.00 is Just Compensation and Authorize the Acceptance and Recording f Atmrot)riate Instruments. Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that Mayor and Council Communication No. L-14811 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 18732-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Members Espino and Hicks absent. (Council Member Hicks returned to her place at the dais.) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 10 of 20 2.M&C L-14812 - Conduct a Public Hearing nder the Guidelines Set Forth bj t e Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 26, Protection of Public Parks and Recreational Lands; and Close the Public Hearing and Authorize the Citv Manager to ADDrove the Following Parks for Subsurface Drilling an the Extraction of Natural Gas from an Off Site Location: Blue Bonnet Circle Park Located at 3489 Blue Bonnet Circle, Located at the Terminus Intersection of Biddison Street, Park Ridge Boulevard and University Drive; and Worth Hills Park Located at 3301 Be ook Boulevard, Locat d West of Lamesa Place and Odessa Avenue, orth and South of Benbrook Boulevard and North of Worth Hills Drive. Mayor Moncrief opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. a.Renort of Citv Sta Mr. David Creek, Acting Assistant Director, Parks and Community Services Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b.Citizen Presentations There were no citizen presentations. c.Council Action Motion: There being no one present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing, Council Member Bums made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hicks, that the public hearing be closed and Mayor and Council Communication No. L-14812 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 3.M&C L-14813 - Conduct a Public Hearing Under the Guidelines Set Forth by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 26, Protect on of Public Parks and Recreational Lands; a nd Close the Public Hearing and Authorize the Citv Manner to Annrove the Following Sites for Subsurface Drilling and the Extraction of Natural Gas from an Off Site Location: Linwood Addition, Blocks 18 and 20, Located East of University Drive South and North of Wingate Street,West of Carroll Street, and orth of Mercedes Avenue (PUBLI HEARING Mayor Moncrief opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. (M&C L-14813 Continued) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 11 of 20 a. r Mr. David Creek, Acting Assistant Director, Parks and Community Services Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b.Citizen Presentations There were no citizen presentations. c.Council Action Motion: There being no one present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing, Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that the public hearing be closed and Mayor and Council Communication No. L-14813 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 4.MSC L-14814 - Conduct a Public Hearing Under t Guidelines Set Forth bj the Texas Parks and 1 1 e Code, Chapter 2 , Protect l on of Public Parks and ecre tl a s; a nd Close the Public Hearing and Authorize the City Manager to Approve the Following Park for Subsurface ri i and the Extraction of Natural as from an Site Location: is Hill Park Located at 3709 Weber Street, Located East of Hardy Avenue, South of 37th Street, Nor It of 36th Street and at the Terminus of Weber Street.JP UBLIC HEARI Mayor Moncrief opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. a.Report of City Staff Mr. David Creek, Acting Assistant Director, Parks and Community Services Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b.Citizen Presentations There were no citizen presentations. c.Council Action Motion: There being no one present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing, on behalf of Council Member Espino, Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hicks, that the public hearing be closed and Mayor and Council Communication No. L-14814 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 12 of 20 5.M&C L-14815 - Conduct a Public Hearing Under t e Guidelines Set Forth b3: the Te as Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 26, Protection of Public Parks and Recreational Lands; and Close the Public Hearing and A thorize the City Manager to ADDrove the FolloAigg Parks for Subsurface Drilling and the Extraction of Natural Gas from an Off Site Location: Stephens Park Located at 2701 West Gambrell Street, Located South of West Gambrell Street North of West Boyce Avenue and West of Merida Avenue; and River Park Located at 3100 Bryant Irvin Road, Located as of State Highwal 18 3 and Cumberland Road, West of Br3:ant Irvin Road, Nort of t Trinity River and South of Vickery Boulevard. (PUBL C HEARIN Mayor Moncrief opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. a.Report of City Staff Mr. David Creek, Acting Assistant Director, Parks and Community Services Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b.Citizen Presentations There were no citizen presentations. c.Council Action Motion: There being no one present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing, Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hicks, that the public hearing be closed and Mayor and Council Communication No. L-14815 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. E.Planning & Zoning 1.M&C PZ-2836 -A t an Or inance Changing the N me of Arch Adams Lane from West 6th Street to West 7th Street to "Arch Adams Street" Located Adigcent to Blocks 3 and 4, William J. Barley Addition, Fort Worth, Teas; Making this Ordinance Cumulative of All Other Ordinances Affecting Street Names; Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. (PUBLIC HEARING} Mayor Moncrief opened the public hearing and asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 13 of 20 (M&C PZ-2836 Continued) a.Report of City Staff Ms. Allison Gray, Planning Manager, Planning and Development Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b.Citizen Presentations There were no citizen presentations. c.Council Action Motion: There being no one present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing, Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that the public hearing be closed, Mayor and Council Communication No. PZ-2836 be approved and Ordinance No. 18733-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. F.Award of Contract 1.M&C C-23686 - Ratifv a Five (5) Year Service A ree e t with Marcus Cable Associates L,.L,.C'., d/ /a Charter Communications, a Sole Source Provider, to Provide Expanded Basic Cable Television Services t o Citv Hall and Selected t yi n2 Municir)al Buildin2s in an Approxim to Annual Amount of 577,658.00. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Scarth made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burns, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23686 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 2.M&C C-23687 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute Public Right-of Wa3 Use A ree e is with Cowtown i e i e, ., a License to str ct and erate a Natural Gas Gathering Pipeline Across Intermodal Parkway, West of Farm to Market Road 156 and Granting is si ver Resources, Inc., a Lice se to str ct and erate a Corresponding Saltwater i e i e i t o Same Location for a One O Ti e License Fee Totaling $ , Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23687 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays with Council Member Espino absent. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 14 of 20 3.M&C C-23688 - Authorize thL C �i�tMana erto Execute a Public Right-of-Way se Agreement with Barnett Gathering, L.P., to Install and Operate a Natural Gas Gathering Pipeline A ross Mosier Valley Road, West of North Collins Street for a One (1) Ti e License Fee of$3,818.00. Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23688 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 4.M&C C-23689 - At)r)rove the Accer)tance of a Lease Agreement for Natural Gas Drillin Under 93.769 Acres e r eres Known as SlEamore Park Located at 2525 as Rosedale, S outh of Vickery Boulevard,West o South Beach Street, No th of Rosedale Street and East of Sycamore Terrace to Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., in the Amount of 5263,772.02 for a Two (2)Year Pri mary Term. Council Member Jordan advised that he had filed a Conflict of Interest Affidavit with the City Secretary's Office and would abstain from voting on this item. Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23689 be approved. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent and one (1) abstention by Council Member Jordan. 5.M&C C-23690 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Advanced Paving Acquisition, Ltd., in an Amount Up To $822,783.00 for 190 Calendar Days for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface Over lay 2009-11 at 13 Locations. Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23690 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 6.M&C C-23691 - Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Dirtco, d/b/a Styles Contracting, in the Amount of $1,262,606.25 for 210 Calendar Days for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface Over lay 2009-8 at 33 Locations. Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23691 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 15 of 20 7.M&C C-23692 - Authorize the Transfer of$504 91.00 from the Water and SeM±LO erating ,9 Fund to the Water C 616.00 a Lapital Pro*ects Fund in the Amount of $205, d Sewer C jests Fund in the Amount of $299,375.00; AdoDt an Amn-ouriation Ordinance Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropri tions in the Water Ca r 'ecs and in the Sewer _"a pital ProJects Fund from a Water and Se er era ra s er, rte r se of Fundin2 a Contract with Lau2h1ev Brifte and Construction, Inc., for Storm Drainage Improvem nts and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement for the Pr ated as Robin- Denver Storm Drain Reconstruction; and A thorize the City Manager to Execute the Contract in the Amount of$1,707 448.00. Motion: On behalf of Council Member Espino,Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burns, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C- 23692 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 18734-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 8.MSC C-23693 - Authorize the Transfer of$947,126.00 from the Water and Sewer LOperating Fund to the Water Cat)ital Proiects Fund in the Amount of $613 ,110.00 and Sewer Capita Projects Fund in the Amount of $334,016.00; Adopt an A ropriation Ordinance Increasing Estimated Receir)ts and ADDroDriations in the Water Cauital Proiects Fund and in the Sewer _"a pital ProJects Fund from a Water and Se er era ra s er, rte r se of Fundin2 a Contract with R&D Burns Brothers Inc., for the Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement Contract 2005, WSM-H; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Contract in the Amount of$860,030 00 Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23693 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 18735-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 9.MSC C-23694 - Authorize the City an�aer to Execute Amendment No. 3 in the Amount of $168 001.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 27845 with C112M Hj11,1nc..,for the Sanitary Sewer Main 286 and CDSL 32-T Drainage Areas Sanitary Sewer Improvements Thereby Increasing the Contract Amount to $1,538,15 .00. Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23694 be approved. The motion carried unanimously eight(8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 16 of 20 10.M&C C-23695 - RalLfL the Water_De ost art Application for a $4,215,039.00 Sharing Matching Grant from the United States Departrrient of Enemy Through the National Ener2v Technolo2v Labo rat orv; and if Awarded the Grant, Authorize the City Manager t o Accept the Cost Sharing Matching Grant; Authorizing the Transfer of $4,215,039.00 from the Commerca a er e er Fund to the Water and Sewer Capital Grants Fund; and Adopt an Annronriation Ordinance Increasin2 Estimated Receints and ADDroDriations in the Water and Sewer Cap tal Grants Fund in the Amount of$824302077.00, Subject to Receipt of the Grant, for the Purnose of Fundin2 Proiects that De Sustainable Ener2v Infrastructure Projects a nd Enemy Efficient Industrial Technologies. Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23695 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 18736-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. 11.MSC C-23696 - Authorize the Transfer of$974,283.00 from the Water and Sewer OgergjLng Fund to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund; Adopt an Appropria ion Ordinance Increas Estimated Receints and ADDroDriations in the Sewer Cat)ital_Pro*ects Fund for the Purpose of Funding an Engineering Agreeme t with Malcolm it le, Inc., for t e West For terce t r and Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor and Corrison CogjL21 Improvements, and Authorize the City Manager to Ex cute the in the Amount of$954,283. 0. Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C-23696 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 18737-07-2009 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously eight (8) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Council Member Espino absent. XV.CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS 1.Mr. Joe Don Brandon, P. 0. Bo 1155 - "May Pro to Election" Mr. Joe Don Brandon, P.O. Box 1155, appeared before Council to change his topic to speak on the Fort Worth Business Center, his use of the center, his treatment by staff and he called for an investigation of staff. 2.Ms. Libby Willis, 2300 Primrose Avenue- Enemy Companies Leaving Fivers on Property BggA[ding Purchasing Mineral Rights Ms. Libby Willis, 2300 Primrose Avenue, appeared before Council regarding misleading information on flyers left by companies seeking the purchase of mineral rights. Ms. Willis provided a copy of the flyer to the Council and requested they review the flyer for misleading information. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 17 of 20 (XV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Continued) Ms. Willis also referred to the City's requirement of solicitor permits and the company's stating that the City did not require them to have a permit. She pointed out that several residences had "Do No Solicit" signs on their doors and the notices from the mineral companies were placed over the signs. Mayor Moncrief requested that staff communicate with companies engaged in the recovery of the Barnett Shale to let them know that they needed to contact the neighborhood homeowner associations before directly contacting the homeowners. Council Member Burdette requested that the Law Department review the solicitation ordinance and provide a report of the findings. The following individuals appeared before Council regarding building standards related to the 8 foot garage to front wall setback(Single Family Residential Code 6.507). They stated that the change to the building code would not allow the builders to construct over 50 percent of their home designs, which included their most popular and affordable homes. They further stated that the timeline related to the change in policy was unrealistic and requested that the policy change be put on hold or a focus group be established to research the changes, until discussions with other builders in the area could take place and an alternative could be reached. Mr. Lee Nicol, Fort Worth Builders Association, 3882 South Hills Circle (provided handout information) Mr. Richard Rodriguez, Centex Homes, 1603 LBJ Freeway, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas Mr. Don Barrineau, KB Homes, 2711 LBJ Freeway, Suite 600, Dallas, Texas Mr. Greg Urech, 1603 LBJ Freeway, Suite 600, Dallas, Texas Mr. Wes Homeyer, 1603 LBJ Freeway, Suite 600, Dallas, Texas Mr. Adam Cornett, Centex Homes, 1603 LBJ Freeway, Suite 600, Dallas, Texas Mr. Steve Howard, Lennar Homes, 1707 Market Place, Suite 250, Irving, Texas Mr. Jason Smith, 2230 College Avenue, appeared before Council regarding the proposed changes to the animal spay and neuter ordinance and requested the Council adopt an ordinance as soon as possible to reduce the number of unwanted animals in the shelter and on the City streets. He requested that the City look at the City of Denver, Colorado's spay and neuter ordinance and advised that 96 percent of all dog bites were from unneutered pets. Ms. Joyce Mitchell, 6154 Silver Leaf Court, appeared before Council regarding a fire that took place at her residence on January 7, 2009, and requested that an investigation needed to be done into actions by the Police and Fire Departments. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 18 of 20 (XV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Continued) City Manager Fisseler advised a report of the incident from the Police and Fire Departments would be provided to the Council and that news report had been made by a news agency, but never shown. Ms. Torchy White, Historic Carver Heights Neighborhood Association, 1812 Bunche Drive, appeared before Council and expressed her disappointment with the Public Art Program as it related to the Historic Carver Heights neighborhood, Stop Six Sunrise Edition, and Highland Hills neighborhood, the public art selection process and the need for public are in those specific areas. She made the following recommendations: the Public Art Director should provide a presentation to Council regarding the previous year's recipients project style and status; Public Art Director should help with identification of other funding sources for the previously identified neighborhoods; no funding be appropriated for Fiscal Year 2010 until clear and fair selection policies and procedures have been established and approved by Council. Council Member Moss advised he had been working with Ms. Martha Peters, Public Art Director, Arts Council of Fort Worth, to address the issue of public art in the area. He expressed her concern about the situation and the need for support for art projects. Ms. Regina Blair, Stop Six Sunrise Edition Neighborhood Association Model Block Sustainability Committee, 2701 Lena Street, appeared before Council regarding the changes in Community Development Block Grant funding related to Burger Street. Council Member Moss stated that the process of notification of changes in funding should be modified and advised that Council and the Model Block Group that was affected should have been alerted when funds would be reallocated. Mayor Moncrief advised he wished to encourage open communication and trust among these entities and eliminate distance and stated that staff would modify the process of notification. Ms. Eunice Givens, Highland Hills Neighborhood Association, 5500 Stafford Drive, appeared before Council in opposition to the proposed addition of a $5.50 tax on water utility bills for the purpose of funding street repairs. Ms. Barbara Woods, 2324 Glencrest Drive, appeared before Council regarding HUD housing and requested a meeting with City Manager Fisseler, Assistant City Manager Charles Daniels, Housing and Economic Development Director Jay Chapa, Mayor Moncrief and Council Member Hicks. Mayor Moncrief requested Assistant City Manager Daniels coordinate a meeting with Ms. Woods and staff to discuss the issues. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2009 PAGE 19 of 20 (XV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Continued) Council Member Hicks requested that District 8 Aide Will Trevino be involved in the meeting and provide her an update on the issue. Ms. Michelle Davis, 6154 Silverleaf Court, appeared before Council relative to issues with the Police Department and an incident involving her mother. XVL EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) - See Attachment It was the consensus of the City Council that they recess into Executive Session at 11:50 a.m. to: 1. Seek the advice of its attorneys concerning the following pending or contemplated litigation or other matters that are exempt from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas State Bar Rules as authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code: a) City of Fort Worth v. Sunrise Apartments, 4909 E. Lancaster Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas (In Rem), and Des Moines, Inc., Cause No. 153-233178-08; b) Faye Anna Mitchell, et al. v. FW Sports Authority, Inc. and City of Fort Worth, Case No. ED-2007-00232; c) Legal issues concerning Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Tax Abatements; d) Yolanda Delgado-Leon, Individually and as Next Friend of Kevin Leon and Ariel Leon v. City of Fort Worth, Cause No. 07-57916-03; e) Legal issues concerning single-family residential design standards; f) Legal issues concerning boards and commissions; g) Legal issues concerning Public Information Request Nos. 4366-09, 4375-09, 4403-09, 4405-09, 4407-09, 4416-09, 4455-09, 4456-09; h) Legal issues concerning any item listed on today's City Council meeting agendas; and 2. Deliberate the purchase, sale, lease, or value of real property in accordance with Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code. Deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third party; and CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28,2009 PAGE 20 of 20 (XVI. EXECUTIVE SESSION Continued) 3. Deliberate concerning economic development negotiations as authorized by Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code; and 4. Deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices, in accordance with Section 551.076 of the Texas Government Code. XVII.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m. These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on the 4th day of August, 2009. Attest: Approved: Marty Hefxrix Michael J. Monc ' f City Secretary Mayor