HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 574 ORDINANCE N0 , eJ 77 An Oriinance to be entitled,an Ordinance a�.t rizin� the closing of an alley bet�veen Lots Thirty-four ( '-!) and Thirty-five (jJ) inloek Eight ($) of J. A. Lea's Subdivision of Field-Welsh Addition to the City of Fcrt Worth, and i.eclaring the same, s nuisance as an alley. BE IT CMDAINED:by the Board of Commissioners cf the City of Fort North. Sec. 1. That a t.venty (,)-C) ft . alley fronting on South Lake Street in Block Oise-Thou sand (1000) , and lying betvieen Lots Thirty-four (31-4) and Ti:i~'ty-five (,_�) in Flock Eight (8) of J. A. Lee's Subdivision of Field Welsh Ad.iition to the City of Fort Worth, be , and the same is hereby declared a nuisance as an alley for the reason that large quantities of water collect and stand thereon after rainfalls , causing near by premises to become unsightly , 'unhea.lthy and uncomfortable to occujy. When dry the same is used largely by oarba`e :wagons in the hauling of dead bodies and lecaying refuse and other matter along the same, near , and in close proximity to the horr.es of adioining pro.)erty owners. From sa.i1 garbage wagons , and the stench and odor therefrom, flies are attracted in such numbers as to menace said pro-)arty oxnars %vith disease , and on account of the above unsari- tary and unhealthy conditions and uses of said alley, the same is declared to be a ))obit nuisance. "sc. 2. The alley described in Section One of tiii8 Act haviniz been declared to be a nuisance, is hereby ordered closa.i, and the right and the use of said alley is hereby grantedivested, one-half (1%Z) thereof to the o�mar of Lot No. T-,,irt -four ( '�) , and cna-hdlf (112) thersof to the orncr of Lot No . Thirt;'-five (jj) as the respective halvss adjoin said Lots , to t.h.e erd that the o�vners of said lots sill each control and use the sane up to a line dramn through the center of said alley. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passae. Fore approved: D. 'N. Odell , Corporation Counsel . I hereby berti 'v that the above and Pore going Ordinance was duly presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth,at a regular session of said Board held Tuesday May $th$1917. / City�Se a ry. W.M.HURDLESTON, E.T.TYRA,MAYOR L.H.BLANKE, COMMISSIONER 91'POLICE B FIRE - COMMISSIONER OF WATER WORKS W.H.SMoITH, yJ C.F.CRABTREEO M MISSION ER OF NER OF LIGHTS R.G.LITTLEJOHN. J.S. RAD LEY, COMMISSIONER OF STREETS =--- - ASSESSOR B COLLECTOR T.A.ALTAN co Rv'o Rnr Ory courvsEL M.P.HAc WOOD JR.TARv s ECRE g _ GEO.S.ADAMS, — CITY AUDITOR E.M.SCOTT, _—. SECRETARY WATER DEPT. F.J.VON ZU BEN, CITY ENGINEER P.FLOYD MAB EN, PURCHASING AGENT H.O.GO SS ETT, -- MGR.EMPLOYMENT BUREAU = CITY SECRETARY FonT11®icTTIH,TF April 27tr.,1917 Commissioner Wiggins, Bl cog, a. Dear Sir: I an handing you herewith for your information all the records I am able to locate relative the closing of Alley in Bloch 8 of J.A.L,eets Sub of Field Welch Addition, When the attached papers have served your purpose,I woVld thank you to return same for our files. Yours re t Tv Cit y Secr ar; o W.M.HURDLESTON, E.T.TYRA,MAYOR L.H. SLANKE, , COMMISSIONER OF POLICE S.FIRE COMMISSIONER OF WATER WORKS W.H.SM ITH, _ _-- C.F.CRABTREE, MI SSIONER OF FINANCE -_— _- GO MMISSIONER OF,LIGNTS J.S.BRADLEY, R.G.LIT COMMISSIONER OFSTR STREETS ASSESSOR&COLLECTOR SSI --- -- RIOR T ON COUNSEL ME- M.P.HARWOO D•ORE TA Rv _ _ ;'a _ 1= - 1 GEO.S.ADAMS. - _ _ _ - - CITY AUO TOR _ - E.M.SCOTT, _ ....._ SECRETARY WATER DEPT. F.J-VON ZU BEN, - � � CITY ENGINEER - _ ---- - P.FLOYD MABEN, PURCHASING AGENT - H.O.GOSSETT, - - - - MGR-EMPLOYMENT BUREAU -- GEO. S. ADAMS. CITY AUDITOR H. A. LAWRENCE, Ass'T CITY AUDITOR �oAT woRTg�Fl�`��s,. April =, 1917 Mr. 11. A. La. e nce, Uit;yF Sec ceta.ry, Cit Hal1, Dear Sir:- In _mswer to your request rlel«tive to the J. financial transactions in connectionx with the closing, of nnn ley on So Lake Street in 1915 tr..-ill sny that to-ere were t%ro r_1Is =rd-crec7 oi,,e/.g^inet lalrs Purl Macher for $4G .59 beinn number 1704 and was paid June 17th. , mad the otiner a.E ainst T.Irs A C List for a .ike amaount --nd vn:-, -,,—,ui.d in t�7o :nsta�_lr)ents t�12I3.00 on Jul 1915, and �21. 59 on Feb 24, 191.6.Tl�ebe bills S°rere 1739 & 40. La.ter a decision was rendered by the courts and the 46.59 pn.i Cl by TLrs A C Li et ims refunded on A,tditor vouclaer no 6606 in February 1917, Trusting that this information rill be of v^,lue to you, I remain, Yours truly, City Auditor. ORDINANCE NO. 472. An Ordinance authorizing the closing of an alley between lots Z°b and 34 it Block 8 of J. A. Lee's Subdivision of Field 7elc.h Addition to the City of Fort Worth. Be it Ordained by the Board of COM-4 3si0ner8 of the City of Fort Worth. Section 1, That a 20 foot alley fronting on South Lake Street in Block 1000, and lying between Lot 64 and lot 35 in Block 8 of J. A. Lee's subdivision of Field—Welch Addition to the City of Fort ?Worth, be and the same is hereby ordered closed and the right to the use of said alley is hereby granted and vested one—half to the o,.vner of Lot 34 and one half to the owner of Lot 35, so that the owners of said property will each control and oTn up to line drawn throu;h the center of said ,alley. Thit this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. AFT-,_oved -,s to form, T. A. Altman, Corporation CounBel. State; of Texaa X County of Tarrant X I, M. P. Harwood, Jr. , City Secretary of the Cit7 Of Fort Worth, Texas, do hereby certify +�'nat the above nd forcgaiI 0tk1k4 0$ is a true ,nd Come=(!c copy of Ordinance No. 472, as the sane appears m:E record in Volume r at page 224, :;nd that the original Ordinance is nur on file in my office. Witness my hand and seal of the City of Fort 'North, Texas, this $Qth day of April A. 10'10. City Secretary, Ft Wort:,Tex. i x R W.M.HU RDLESTON, E.T.TYRA,MAYOR L.H.BLANKE, ' COMMISSIONER OF POLICE S,FIRE _ COMMISSIONER OF WATER WORKS W.H,SMITH, __ _ _ C.F.CRABTREE, COM MISSIPNER OF FINANCE __ COMM[CO MMISSIONEq O LIGHTS R.G.L I TTL EJ OH N. - J.S.BRAD LEY, C OM SSIO NEft OF STREETS _ ASSESSOR 6 co —TOR T.A.ALTMAN, CORPORATION CO UN 6EL GEO.W.POLK, AS ST.CORPORATION COUNSEL CLAUDE Mc CALEB, - _ -- PROSECUTING ATTORNEY IL e- AL Q E FARM M1 E KI j FoRTAVorTH,Ti.�-ks,. August �03, 1915. To The Board of Cor,unissioners Of The City of Fort Worth, Gentlemen:— About BO days ago upon the petition of ten or twelve property ovmerw, including all abutting olnmers, presenter_ Honorable R. G. Littlejohn, Commissicner of Streets, I drer an ordinance formally, closing what the Street Commissioner termed , `'.nd saha.t I thought vas a. dead alley, or passage extending West to Lake Street from an alley ht'secting block 8 Leers subdivision of the Field, T'elch Addition to the City of Fort Forth. At the time this petition was presented no oY)osition . was made and it appee:4from phyrsics.1 conditions that no opposition could because the abutting; owners to the pa•,seage closed h^.d signed the petition. Later, however, Honorable J. Y. Chambers and others presented to this body a petition strenuously objecting to the action of the Board as herein stated. 4-t---7 In order that the canditionsnreadily appear, I have attached hereto a sketch of that portion of the x-R. o W.M.HURDLESTON, E.T.TYRA,MAYOR_ L.H.BLANKE, COMMISSIONER OF POLICE S FIRE - - COMMISSIONER OF WATER WORKS W.H.SMITH, - C.F,CRABTREE, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ - _-H N' __ COMMISSIONER OF LIGHTS R.G.LIT MM,LEJ SION __ -- _ J.S.BRADLEY, COMMISSIONER OF STREETS -- - _ ASSESSOR B COLLECTOR POLK PO RATION COUNSEL - A53T.0 ORPORATION COUNSEL CLAUDE MCCALEB, Elk PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - - L AL QE I-AR3TMIEtMIT FORTMORTH, II-XAS, An it�• I block affected and which shows the location of the property of those signing the -petition and also that owned by those objecting. It will be noted that the property of Judge Chambers and those signing the protest are all on the East half of the block affected. Their property fronts on Fifth Avenue and extends back 154 ft. ha.s to a)�all.ey which - / not been closed and extends from Dashwood Street on the North to Rosedale on the South. Judge Chambers owns lots 23 and 24 on the East 11a.lf of said block, and it will be noted that these lots do not abut on the passage or gray., the closing of which is complained of. Neither does the prof erty of Prey of the signers to the protest abut on the pn,ssage referred to. On the West half of the block the owners of lot 34 and 35 both signed the petition to close this passage which by reference to the sketch -).tta.ched hereto is a little strip 20 feet aide and running West from the main alley in the blockf 50ft. to Lake Streit. The plot of this block shores that the .main alley, which I have referred to 4s open between Dashtivrood Street and Rosedale, is % R W.M.HURDLESTON, E.T.TYRA,MAYOR_ L.H.BLANKS, u COMMISSIONER OF POLICE B FIRE - - COMMISSIONER OF WATER WORHS W.H.SM ITH, - C.F,CRABTREE, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ -- COMMISSIONER OF LIGHTS R.G.LITTLEJ OH N,' J.S.BRAD LEY, COMM SSIO NER FSTREETS -_ - ASSESSOR G,COLLECTOR T.A,ALTcMAN, ORATION COUNSEL CEO.W.POORP LK, A597.C6RPORATION COUNSEL CLAUDE Mc CALEB, PROSECUTING ATTORNEY — — - -- - FoRT>jVORTH Tj.,xas, 10 ft. , but by actual measurement between fences it is 12 ft. It will be observed therefore that in cl6sing the pass-ray between lots 55 and 34, the signers of the protes L h7, ve not been deprived of a, reasonable a.nd convenient riccess to their property. And not being abutting oy.ners on the ppssa`e in question which the City has dosed or rather permitted to be closed, cannot in the opinion of this Department force the opening of the way in question. It is true thet while the Charter of the City of Fort Worth Puthorizes it to close streets, and alleys, a:nd in fact gives it general power over the streets, alleys and highways of the City, it must do so with due regard to the rigrits of " e public r,nd to the abutting, property, ovmerj;mho have purchn.sed property with the belief that streets and alleys laid out and plj ed in the block would be kept open. Property owners on the East side of the main alley had a right to expect, avid have a legal right to ienforee. the keeping 5 7!� 4z-t� open of both T BtT e t on the East, a.nd the main alley on the Vilest. The little pass^.ge or dead alley a.s it mi .,,ht % R W.M.HURDLESTON, E.T.TYRA,MAYOR L.H.BLANKE, u.,....o COMMISSIONER OF POLICE 9 FIRE COMMISSIONER OF WATER WORKS W.H.SMITH, _ _ C.F.CRABTREE, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - - _ COMMISSIONER OF LIGHTS R.G.LITTLEJOHN. -=- — - J.S.BRADLEY, COMMISSIO NEq OF STREETS ASSESSOR B COLLECTOR T.A.AL.!AN.. !aA. _ORATION COUNSEL CEO.W,POLKT CO3 ASS0.PORATION COUNSEL CLAUDE M.CALEB, PROSECUTING ATTORNEY I�F6�VL DERIAR3TKE1NT ToxT 11r01P.T11,'NX-kS #4 be called between lots 34 and 35 is not in the opinion of this Depa,rtnent such xx a street, � alley or highway as is contemplated by the authorities which lay down the proposition that a City can not arbitrarily close a street . or alley without at the same time serving some public end. If the Board of Commissioners within its discretion do not wish to repeal the ordinance in question, it is the cpirion of this Der-a.rtment that they may not be regpired so to do under the authority of the ease of «ootters et -al Vs f The City of Crockett/ 33 S. W. page 301. Yours respectfully, Corporation Cowisel . TAA,/d W.M.HU RD LESTON, E.T.TYRA,MAYOF2_____ L.H.BLANKE, - ,.. ..a COMMISSIONER OF POLICE S.FIRE COMMISSIONER OF WATER WORKS W.H.SMITH, - -- _ C.F.CRABTREE, COMMISSIONER OP FINANCE - COMMISSIONER OF LIGHTS R.G,LITTLEJOHN, -� -- J.S.BRADLEY, C OMMISSIONER OF STREETS ---- -- COL- -- - - ASSESSOR b LECTOR T.A.AL co RPo ATION C.—EL _ , Ti— `' - _- I �_ � 1 GEO.W.POLKR - _ � ASST CORPORATION COUNSEL - _ - - _ - - _ - CLAUDE Mc CALEB, _ PROSECUTING ATTORNEY I�F 6rAUL 0E P'A\RTTrMI E HET Fo F:T lV0 Tlr,'ft-,7IL%,s,. get I �3Ilk z d s Dash woos ..�truat 6.T. Fraser 1q/6ert 0%ne.5 a s I i N.E. Do YV /yrs- PAr�/�aLhiZ 7 v � 1 ti Mrs. fJ/,ce "//Phis Q got 3¢ I �n ��rno F List v( I Sk et-ch .S�i ow:hy /Jro�C'rt� OWnea/ fi� pefif.'oners vr"shiny to have Lees 5,-.6, B/fir 8, Fie/e�LYe/s h Add CIO-red Josh .StrG;ton()' r� � SeG7G��� S*r2e1� t _ � 1 L� - ---------- -- ---- i i 1 _L. Fort "7orth,Texas. April 22nd 1917. To the Honorable Board of City Commi3sioners, Fort Vlorth,Texas. Gentlemen:- me,the undersigned citizens of Fort 7rorth,Texas, most respectfully petition your Honors to order closed the following described street or alleWly h m �-d be�nescribr d s f lo:v ; i �,� r s �u� a!U eZ � Q Pti. av✓ os especf� your _onors that ibe, proper Y. while open to traffic constitutes a public nuisance,in this to-wit: Large quantities of �,a- t6r collect and stnd thereon when it rains, making the premises in and near said property unsightly,unhealthy and unfit to occu_;y;that 'when dry,garbrage wagons use said premises to haul dead bcdie s,refuse anr_ offense aria_ decade a.rtircles along the same and in and near and in close proximity of the homes of the adj3 ning property owners,thereby rendering said homes uncomfortable and unhealthy on the account of the stench and odor caused thereby, and thereby rendereirg said alley or short street a nuisance if same is left open to the use of the public;that flies swarn upon said garabage and refuse and come into the homes of the adjoining property owners, thereby carrying disease- and exposing the families adjoining said property ani near the Same unsanitary an:. unhealthy,whereby petitioners ay and allege that the maintnance of said street or alley as aforesaid is a nuisance ani ought to and should be olose� or discontinued ad a highway. Respectfully submitted, CY 4 kt, re 7- 5/ 44 JY � r