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Ordinance 1377
OTMINANCE NO. 1377 AN ORDINANCN DECLARING IN FORC3i FiFMT OBTAIN AM' TB TO THM MURTWR OF Tfix ITY OF PORT WOM DAY AND LIGALLY ADOPTRD BY TPUX ' ;AD VOTM OF SAID CITY AT AN MMTION H= SAID CITY ON TUBSDAT TER 10TIl DAY OF JANUARTs A:3. 1928• RR IT ORDAIM BY THE CITY COUNCIL OY TIM CITY OF FORT WOM, TMfis !SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Teams$ in the excrete* .xf the 4-4aft6ion reposed In it by the Constitution and laws of this States relating to the Amendment of City Charters by Cities having more than five thousand inhabilaasts. deemed it vise and expedient upon its own motion to submit certain proposed amendments to the existing charter of said City at a special election duly and legally hold in said City on Tuesday, the 10th a" of J'UMUT. A.H.. 1928. SMTION Z. That on the 25th day of October, A.D., 1927. '47'' SPP"PrUts order the City Council of the City of Fort Worth directed that notice be propody given of the intention of said City Council to pass an ordinance submitting certain amendments to the Charter of said City in acaordands with the terms of Article lin of the Revised Civil Statutes of Tom" and the luaus and Constitution of the State. SECTION 3. Tbat notice of intonation to submit said Charter amendments was dingy given by publication in the Bert worth Press, the official newspaper of s&k City, and being a nowspaper of goneral cireaUtion and one that is now and has been published daily is said City Continuously for more than four years nest preceding the data of this ordinance, and said notice of intention to pass said ordinance submitting such Charter Amendments was published for ton "I the date of the first publication thereof being not less than twenty days next,prseceding the data of the passage of the ordinansc calling said election and submitting said amendments. MMION 4. That all acts, conditions, notioss and things required by the laws of the State of Texas and by the Charter and ordinances of the City of Fort Worth, precedent to the passage of the ordinance submitting the said Charter Amendments and the calling and holding of said election, have been done, have happened and have been performed in proper and lawful time, foanp and mamert and proscribed by law. CRDIMMOR 10. 13" Page 1o. $. SBOTION g• That on TuosdW the 29th der of November, A.D., 19P, the City Council duly a acted OrdiaQanco No. 1345 ordering a special election in the Cilr of Fort IWorth, to be bald on Twedar, the loth der of January, A.D., 1928, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City for adoptim or rejection certain proposed amen& ennts to the existing Charter, and that said election was hold in strict complied with all laws governing such matters. SECTION 6. That on T•uesdoy the 14th day of 1"rawy, A.D„ 19W, the City Council of said City in open meeting received the returns of the election end earefvllr tabulated the results. That each of the following amendments received a majoritr of the votes cast at said election and were therefore duly and legally adopted br the qualified voters of said City. AKMMKM NO. 1. That Seetisrt 15, Chapter 25, of the existing Charter of the City of ]Fort Borth be amended so as to read hereafter as followst "Section 15, Delinquent Taxes.-Penalties. The tames min and hsreby�mathorised to be levied shall become due and payable in two equal, annual installments. The first installment which amount shall be fifty per cent of the total sum of the tome* due and parable for the eirreat year shall be fine and payable on the 1st dap of October of each year and. the seoond installment which amount shall be the rremainIM fifty per cent of the total same due caul pVWe in taxes for the current year shall become alud and payable on the lot der of April of the ensuing year. No demand for such taxes shall be necessary in order to insure or enforse their ceilectionj but it is made the duty of the taxpayer to attend at the office of the Assessor and Collector of Taxes and sake payment of such taxes in cash as herein provided. The first installment of taxes required to be paid by virtue of this Charter for the current year shall become delinquent on the first day of December of such year and the second installment of taxes required to be paid by virtues of this charter for the current year shall bosoms delinquent on the first der of Juno next snoeeding. Should any taxpayer permit his taxes to become delinquent, that is to say► shall fail or refuse to par the first installment, said installment being fifty per cent of the total ,asowmt of taxes due for the current year, before the first dar of member of such currvat year as above spseifiede then and in that event, the second installment shall also immediately became due and delinquent &YA a penalty shall attach to the past of such taxes at the rate of on6 per cent per mouth, or fraction thereof, for each month thersaftery arA should any taxpayer psyr the first installment of his tames as heersiraabove provided bpi should permit the second installment of his taxes to became delinquent, that is to say► shall fail or refuse to pay said second in+ stallmont before the first dap of June of the next ensuing year as abevv specified than the psnaltr shall attach to the payment of the seeond installment at the rate of one per cent per month or fraction thereof, an ORDINANCE 10. 1377 Page No. 30 each month thereafter, and in addition to the penalties above described sueh delinquent taxpayer shall be subject to the permeat of all costs and expenses that may bo incurred in the advirtisoment of such doliue- qu * property and the collection of said taxes thaw %* any of the methods proscribed by this Charter or say of the stares or laws of the State of Texas.0 A?t12(1li M N0. 4. That Chapter 2 of the existing Charter of the City of Fort North be amended by adding thereto Section 5, which shall read as follows 08octim 5• That power is hereby conferred on the Cityat Fort North to acgnirs or ova by loose, purchase, da mtion, bequest, eminent donaia or otbArviso all proporty within or without the limits of the City of Yort Korth, that atW be noesssary for the purpose of astablishing, maintaining and onerat1 tag an Airport and lautdiusg field and to !bully provide for the accommodation of plan" transporting Unitst States mail aasd other aerial machines and to mutts suitable charges therefor. That the ownership, ma►is- tonanes sad operation by the City of Fort 'North of such an airport shall be deemed a municipal purpose mad the City shall pass appropriate ordinances providing for the fees to be oollooted and other Csargos to be made in the operation of such field and port." AXOMWAVP ND. $. That Section 35. Chapter 28 of the existing Charter of the City of Port North be auladod by adding Section A, which rends as felleri4 83setioa A. That all of the powers granted by Chapter 283, page 421E of the Go asrnl and Special Laws of the Fortieth Logislaturs of togas and known an Roaso Bill No. 87 antheri.sing cities and incorporated villages to pass suing regalatiaats bo ado-Ulk1.." AtC&P1 MEND NO. 6. That Chapter 2 of the existing Chartw of the City of Port North be sm4=1M 1W adding thereto Section 6, which reads as fellows# "Rsetion b. That all of the powers granted by Chequer 276 of the General. and. Special Iawo of the rortioth Logi.slaturoi known as Senate Bill No. 271 on page 436, relating to the establishment of building lime in cities and providing for an assessment therefor, be adopted mad rsads a part of the Charter of the City of Port Nortr." ANUMMM 1i0. 7. That Chapter 2 of the existing Charter of the City. of Fort North be amended by adding Shsroto Section 7, which reads as follows "Notion 7. that In Lddition to the powers provided by the above and foregoing sottion, the City of Fort Worth -hail have the further Power, for the purpose of premotiag the public health, safety, order, convenioncs, prosperity sad goneral welfarer_acting through its goveraing samoritiss, weeder the Polio- power to provide by suitable ordinanee building lines on any street or any block of any street and to require their obserraAce by buitable penalties." AMUNgNT 10, N. That Chapter 23 of the existing Charter of the City of Tort North relating to the tworovement and paving of streets and higbways. Us amended by adding thereto Section 17, which roads as followss ORMXaC3 NO. 13" page No. 4. "Section 17. That all of the powers conferred by the Act of the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature, authorizing cities to improve streets and alleys and matte assessments for same, known as Chapter 106, and found on page Oft of said Session Laws, be adopted as an alternative mothod, the provisions of which act, or any one of them my be exercised by the City Council or other governing authority whenever it is deemed advisable so to do." AKEMNM so. 9. That dbWou 3, Chapter 28 of the existing Charter of the City of Fort Worth be amended by adding thereto Section 3PA, which shall road as follovet "leetion 3-A. That all of the provisions of Chapter 231 of the Qenoral. and Special Lame of the State of Texas, found on page 342 of the General auk,, Special Laws of the State of Texas passed by the Fortieth Legislature at the regular session tborsof, and known as Senate All No. 2770 6eing an act to provide for the approval by municipal authorities before filing of plans, plate or replats of land Flying in or within five miles of the corporate limits of cities having a population of twenty-five thousand persons or over, be and the same are hereby adopted." A?4XM ENT 10. 10, That Chapter 2 of the existing Charter of the City of Fort Worth, relating to the powers of the City be amended by adding thereto Section 8, whisk shall read as follows "Section 8. The City of Fort Worth shall have and exercise all of the powers conferred upon cities having a pdp A&tton of over five thousand W habitants and all "Home Puls" cities that have been conferred upon such cities by the Constitution, laws, and statutes of this State or which may hereafter be enacted by the legislature or other lair malting body of this State." AMMOT 10. 12, That Chapter 29 of the existing Charter of the City of fort Worth. which Chapter seta forth and defines the present corporate )oundaries of said City by motes and bounds, be amended by adding thereto Section 1, which shall read as followst "$"Uon 1. The corporate boundaries of the City of Tort Korth shall be changed so as to annex certain adjacent and contiguous territory to said City by extending said banndary lines as followat Beginning at a point about two silos west of Hain Street in the City of Fort Worth, in the north line of the 4randbtts7 Road and the west line of River Drive; thence in a southerly and westerly direction along the west line of the River Drive to a point in the east line of a road known as Rogers Avenual thence south along the east line of Rogers Avenue to a point 523 foot south of the north bank of the Clear Fork of the Trinity River to the Intersection of a lg-ineh Sanitary sewer gain of the west side Sanitary Sewer Systeml thence south 69 degrees west 900 feet along said sever line# thence south 47 Ugross 30 minutes west 2181 feetf thence south 83 degress 30 minutes west 198 feet; thence south 16 degrees 30 ai=tos west 300 feet= thence south 51 degrees 30 minutes east 700 foot; thence south 36 degrees 30 minutes east 128 foot to a point in the north line of the H.B. Idwards Survgyi thence west along the north line of the R.H. Edwards Survey to its northwest cornorl thence south along the west line of the H.H.Adwards Survey aA the Adam Sought Survey to the southwest corner of the Bellaire Additionl thence east along the south line of the Bellaire Addition to the east line of Bellaire Addition= thence north along the east line of Bellaire Additira and the Municipal Golf Links to a point 40 feet west of the northwest corner of tbs E. Southerland !Survey." AMID UT 160. '• That Chapter 29 of the existing Charter bf the City of Fort Worth, which Chapter sets forth and defines the present corporate boundaries of said City by notes and bounds, be amended by adding thereto Section 2, which shall read as follows "sootion $. The corporate be ndarriss of the City of Fort worth shall be changed so as to annex certain adjacent and tong territory to said City by ORDINANCE 10. 1377 Page lto. 3 extendiag said boundary lines an followal Beginning at a point in the south line of Bolt Street cad the east right of way of the X.X. A T.R.R.s thence east along the south line of said Bolt Street to the wont Line of pecan Strest1 thane north along the west line of Pecan street 46 the north line of Pafford Streets AST NO. 14. That Chapter 29 of the existing Charter of the City of Fort forth, which Chapter sets forth and defines the present corporate boundaries of said City by metes and bounds, be amended by adding thereto :section 3, which shall reed as follows& e8seti-Ya 3. The corporate boundaries of the City of Port Worth shall be changed so as to annex certain adjasont and contiguous territory to said City by extending said boundary lines as followst Beginning at a point in the intersection of the present City Limits on the southeast part of Cobb Park and Glen Barden Drives thence in an easterly direction along the south line of Ellen Garden Drive to the west line of Block 2, Glen Garden Additioat thence south along the west line of said Block 2 and Block 3, Glea Garden Addition, to the south lime of Lomita Strost= thence east along the south line of Lomita Street to the east line of Wichita Street{ thence north along the east line of Wichita Street to the south lime of Wilbarasr Street; thence east along the south line of Wilba7rger Street to the west line of Shackelford Strosti thence north along the west line of Shackelford Strost snd Shackelford Street produced to the south line of the P. Anderson Survoy.s AM IWDMM HCj. U# That Chapter $9 of the existing Charter of the City of Tort Worth. which Chapter sets forth and defines the present corporate b andarios of the said City by metes and bounds, be amended by adding thereto Section $, which shall road as followss 06eotion 4. The corporate boundaries of the City of sort Worth shall be changed so as to annex certain adjacent and contigaons territory to said City by extending said boundary lines as follows& Beginning at a point in the east line of the Anderson 300 feet south of the south line of Avenue "Elk thence east and parallel to the south line of Avenue all to the west line of the W.H. Hudson Surveyl thence north along the west line of the WA. Hudson Survey to the northwest corner of the Said Hudson Surveyg thence east along the north line of the W.H. Hudson Survey to a point 300 foot west of the west line of Weiler Blvd.1 thence north and parallel to the west line of Weiler Blvd. to the north line of the One. No Butts Bar Vj thence east along the north line of the Goo. R. Butts Survey to a point 100 fe-t east of the east line of the C. Johnson Survey; thence north and parallel to the east line of the Co Johnson Survey to the north line of Mfeadowbrook Dkivej thence west along the north line of Headorbreok Drive to the cast lice of the N. Harrison Surveyl thence north slang the east line of M. Garrison Survey to the northeast corner of the No Garrison 4uswsVithenco vast a1sAC the north lime of the No Garrison Survey and the north line of the WB. Rear- kirk tract and the Edd No Shaw isact mad the J.J.Sweet Additica to the east line of queen Street along the east line of X04poweed Reights.s AnNDwT No. 16. That Chapter 29 of the existing Charter of the City of Port North, which chapter sets forth and defines the present corporate )oundaries of said City by mates and bounds, be amended by adding thereto Section S, which shall read as follevsi ORDINANCI 20. ,1377 Page Bo. 60 "Section 5. The corporate boundaries of the ©ity of Port north shall be changed ao as to annex certain adjacent and contignous territory to said City by extending said boundary lines as follovse Beaixndng at a point in the east line of the Childress Survey and in the north line of Old Rook Park= thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said Park to the northwest corner of said park% thence in a southerly direction along the west line of said part to the southwest corner of said "I thence in an easterly direction along the south line of said part to the east line of Torras* Av*nae." ARMINNT BC. 170 That Chapter 29 of the existing Charier of the City of Tort Worth, which Obaptor sets forth and defines the present corporate boundaries of said City by metes sed boundst be amindad by adding thereto Section 6g which shall read as follows "Section 6, The corporate boundaries of the City of Fort Worth shall be changed so as to annex certain adjacent and contigQons torritory to said City, by extending said boundary lines as follows Beginning at a point in the southeast corner of Terrace Avenue and Twelfth Avemnal thence in a southwesterly direction along the south line of Twelfth Avenue to a point in the east lime of Burleson Roads thence south along the east line of Burleson Road to a point in the north line of Tran1din Street or Court House Avenna; thence went along the north line of Franklin Street or Court House Avenue to a point in the east line of a 1¢foot striA along the Lake north Conduit Line." SMION VIIE. That sash amemdment as is hereinabove set forth, received a smejority of votes of the qualified voters voting at said elections. and sash one of them was thereby approved and adopted by the said qualified voters and each of the said amondmonts is hereby declared to be in full farce and effect and the City SecretasT•Treasurer is hereby directed to enter each of said amen& meats as.part of the official records of said City. SECTION IX. This ordinance shall tale effect and be in fell force and offset from and after the date of its passage. APPRMD AS TO FORK. 1 i ftIW Al!iF�'W Adeliad 2-14-28 N a� U U C/2 -N U w 0 c� 0 a 0 10 0 a� fT4 a Gar a� U N C/2 -N U 0 cl 0 0 m