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An ordinance amending Section 1 of ordinance i'o. 64 Passed
b-ir the rsoa •d of Commissioners of the City of -ort '''Orth, ':ay the
27th, 1908, the same being , an ordinance prescribing and fixing
the saloon limits within vr'n_ich the business of sellingo ci'
r, v en ing
intoxicating liquors at yet til, to be drunk on the premises ma,,r be
law-zlly conducted within the City of -ort �5orth and providing t,en,�U-
ties - or the violation of wane and repealing all crdin ;.nces ir_ con-
flict tYie�•e1.ith.
BE 1T ORT)ATUTM Tr T 'RoA.,,D 0'7 C0" ,•7T f;lOfJrhS O^ ;T1;
0",' 'rRT ti,10RTH:
`:.ecl. "hat --ection 1 of ordinance ;do. r14 passed by the
Board of Commissioners of the City of -port Grorth, '-lay the 27th,1908
the same being an ordinance prescribing and fixing the saloon lim-
its within which the business of selling or vending intoxicating 1
liquors at retail to be drunk on the premises may be lawfully con-
ducted ti,tt'i.in the "'ity of --port 1-:orth rLnd nrovicing ijenalties for the
uiolatior_ of swne and repealing all ordinances. in con"lict the"ewith
be :tnd the sane is hereby amended so as to ru;Id as follows:
ec. 1. at tie saloon limits, being the limits and dis-
trict within which the selling or vending of intoxicunting liquors
at retail, to be drunk on the . Prurnises, may be l�Lwfully conducted
within the City of ' ort ?'.'orth, be -and the sar_ie a,re hereby "ixed
and Prescribed as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the South line of relkrap "tre,;t,"
jn feat west of the west line of "'onston "trout; thence in a son--_•
t%Ierly direc ion parallel with. the Vest. line o-f -ouston Stre ut,� to �
pointy on the youth line of e Lt}?erforci tre«A, o a oint�ere t^i e
sout}1 line of " e=ttherford "treet interst;gts the FAst line of Tailor
"treat; thence in a so+.zt-?erly 6i*•ection wit-1) the eaF,t line of `,Ly1or
^treet 1')O "eet; thence in a e �sterly direction n tr allel with the
"Muth Mile of ':'e-Alherford "tret:t to a point 100 fef;t west of the
west line of '•ouston Street; thence in a solzt',erly direction parallel
vit]i nd 12() Feet. from the west line of Tiouston Streca to a point,
on the '?out:n line of i"est Seventh Str :et; thence in a westerly direc-
tion ;-;,long the loutii line of Test seventh 3treut to a pout 1:c" fete
vest of the west 1•ine of Throckmori;on "trout; t_tencfr in a southerly
direction parallel with the ,'Vest line of `hrocknorton 7,trat,t 128 feet
t'?en•ce '.oath P�tr;tl-lel with the west _line of ';onr•oe 2tret-t 33 9jlO
tTience .East to a point at t_Le jnters�,ction of trie Last line
of 'ionroe Street with the west.- line, of irocic-iorton Strea; t. .ence
in a southFrly ircction along the i^est line of Throckmorton Street
to a point at the intersection of the west line of Throcl��orton
Street - ith the 'Best line . of Tennings Avenue; thence South along
the west line of Tennings Av ;nue to a point at the intersection of
west line of Tenni rig s Avenue with south line of Tuckson Street;
dense in a westerly direction along the South line of .Tackson
"•tro�A to a point at t=ie intersection of the South line of $said
7unkson -treat with ]last line of ''onroe -Itreet; thence south along,
Vi.e Last line of TTonroe Street to a Point at the intersection of
t;ast line of . lionroe Street with ;forth line of thLe 'Texas Placific
zilway company' s 'r;eservation; thence l_-nafit along the nort,li line of
said Reserv:-ation to a point at the intersection of tite . .Torch line
of said Reserv:,.tion with the bast line of '.rain Street; t"ience iz u
s(Dli',-:eY•ly direction along t_a List line of ?taro Street vu ith its
meanders to a point at the intersection of said T, st line of
'Twin ^treet v✓lth the north line of ')a.ggett Avenue; thence )last along
the north line of Dagp;e .t Avenue to a point at the intersection of
'Tnrl,h line of Daggett Avenue Filth t`ie Last line of the right-of-
w,Ly of the ''issoi?ri, `C.-.nsas ',i Texas RUlway company of Texas; thence
-o,ith alor., the East, line of s:cid last mentioned right-of-wall to
a point at the intrsection of. said I t mentioned rii;Lt-of-way
with the north line If laiz,,Cneth c.treet; thence east: along the
7-orth line of said ;;lizubeth ,Street 66-2/10 feet, more or less, to
a point at the intersection of the ;Torth line of Elizabeth Strez1
with the esi.. line of an alley lying between wand runninf; p-arallel
with 1,11e East line of sl-tid last mentioned ri -,,ht-of-uruy and the
Nest line of Park Street; thence north along the west line of
said lest mentioned al_ey to a point at the intersection of the
west line of said alley with the north line of Daggett .Avenue;
t',_ence Fast along the ,Torth line of 1)aggett Avenue to a point at
the intersection.of - the ;Torch line of Dag;;ett Aveniie with the west
line of ;south T;oaz ^tree+; thenoe r'orth along the west line of
;"oZith ?,oaz 'tree+ across t]ie r'exas pacific -. LiIway ompan r' s ` s-
ery tion Land across least 7ront Street to a point at the inter-
section of I-Vest line of ^outii )oux Street with i t-,e - ;,ort'h line of
,st Front Street; thence in. Ear,, e'=ist(;r)_y direction along the north
l i e of mast -'root Street ;✓ith its meanders to a point at the
intersection of north line of Last Front 5tr,,=,t kiith the _,ast
limits of the city of -or' 'Borth; thence north with said east
limits of said City* 100 feet; thence in a westerly direction p,,.rallal
with the t`orth line off' last 7ront Street to a point on the -Aiest
line of Crump Street 100 feet TTorth of the intersection of tl7e
'.'est T ine of Crump Street with the ?Torth line of T::st ^rout
`treet; thence north with the west line of Crump Street to a Point
at the intersection of G=eat line of Crump Street .lath '�,est line
of ;gym 'Street; t`;er_ce in a nortl erly direction along with the 'lest
line of alm Street to a point. at the intersection of NVest line
of ram "•treet with East line of the rig]it-of-way of the "Assouri,
'Kansas "texas R.zilwasr company of `i`exap; thence in a northerly direc-
tion along the East line of sc�id�`"`".. entioned rz:Al,4uy riLlht-of-way to
a point at the intersection of s:id :;-.ast line of said last
mentioned ri�',t-of-way with the `7orti, Line of :E'•ast "welt!-1 street;
t-,ence in a6.. e ,sterly direction =a orig the north Tine of T:ast
Twelfth 'Street;
to a point at the intersection of the
'Torth line of ist Twel "th Ctreet i.it`i t}le west line of 'arciing
street; t"once north -.long the West line of H:Lrding S',:reet 100
feet to a point at the intersection of tl�e !':'ert line of 'Yarding
Street bath the ;Torth line of East Twelfth Street; thence ir. an
e:-tsi Nrly direction along the Forth line of East t7lelCth F'treet to
a Point 100 Feet Vast of the East line of �-arding Strt,.ut; thence
in a northerly direction n<arallel 1vitli t}.e east line of -_,,xciing
-treet to t',.e nortl-, line of Last Tenth ,_,treet; thence in a Trest.cr-
lu direction along the TTorth line of ast Tenth Strt,et to a Point
'.at the intersection of the :;orth line of Last Tenth ".treet with
tT`-e =,a.st line of 7-arding Street; t!)ence in a northerlyn direction
along the I.-ist _l ine of larding Stret;t to a Point at t_1e
intersection of the .East line of "-larding Street r ith t ,_e sov.tl-
line of Last iTinth Street; thence in'a westerly u irect ion -along t _c
,oath line of ]ast "iinth Street to a point at the intersection
of coiith line of bast f'inth ,itref t with west line of the rigILt-
of-w,ay of the -mif, �'olorado &c Sante ',e P,-ailwa,,r nomnany; t }enc in a
northerli-r direction along the west line of said last t:nenti ;ned
r ig Lt-cf-wav to a point at the intersection of t'ie est line of
said ri , t-of-way with the Iiort line of east Seventh Ctr�t t; t_rtencu
in a westerly direction along the north line of D'ast :seventh 'St reot
to a point, one hiindre,6 feet east of the intersection C)f thE? e'aSt
line of Rusk street with the 'forth line of mast Seventh street;
t tenc e i'ortii Parallel,with and one '_iundred :feet east from t_;.e ' east
line of Rusk Street to the south _l ine of TIluff street t7Le s jie
being a point one hundred i'ect eaast of tti!e intersection of the
east line oI' saaid T i?sk street with the youth Line of s-:�id
Bluff ".treat; thence in a westerly airr.ction along the south line
of Bluff Street to a point ti.t the intersection of the mouth
line of fluff Street -vAth the ,'est 1;-re of 77ouston Street;(thence
in a soutliarly (A,-ection along Vie west line of, "ouston Street
to a Point at t'�Ie intersection' of the '•'iest line of';oi;ston Street
v:it,h the youth line of ?elk�np ,Streot; thence in a westerly direct-
ion along t%ie sorth line of ^elknap ,"t.-eet 100 feet to tl:e glace
of beginning.
2 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith he bind the s_uae u e herebzr n.epeuled.
`Sec. 3. -his Ordinance s tall take e"-fect and 1-)e in
force prom .�tnd after its massage and Publication as r,;quired by
I hePe-by certify that the foregoing ordinance was dilly
presented and unanimously passed by the Board of Com Assioners
of the City of Fort Worth at a session held October ^th 1908.
('it, Sedretary.
Fly .-
t Title
Filed r ::_ -
day of
City Secretary