HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 36034-A1 4 CITY SECRLTAR CONTRACT NO. om 'A AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. 36034 PROFESSIOANL SERVICES AGREEMENT MALOUF ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INC. WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (hereafter "City") and Malouf Engineering International Inc., (hereafter "Malouf') entered into City of Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 36034, ("Contract") which was authorized by the City Council by M&C C-22385 on September 18, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Contract involves professional engineering services for tower structural analysis, modification design, and inspection for the City's communications towers; and WHEREAS, the City seeks electrical power design services for decorative lighting for the Rolling Hills radio tower; and WHEREAS,the parties now wish to amend the Contract to expand the scope of work to include such additional design services. NOW, THEREFORE, City and Malouf, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, enter into this agreement which amends the Contract as follows: 1. Section I, Scope of Services, is hereby amended to include duties and obligations as set forth and specified in Attachment A-3 "Scope of Services - Electrical Engineering Support," which is attached hereto and incorporated into the Contract for all purposes. Payment shall be made in accordance with Attachment A-3. 2. All other provisions of the Contract that are not expressly amended herein shall remain in full force and effect. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Executed on this the 27th day of Jan1-1ary , 20010 CITY OF FORT NORTH: i'vIALOUF ENGINEE NG INTERN TIONAL, B �✓ � � B , Y Y Karen L. ontgomery N e: Mark lou , PE Assistant C'ty Manager itle. President Date: a C 4zo Date: January 27, 2010 ATTEST: ATTEST: oil Apt �Oatl�►� lw�wx Marty H drix me- Liz Adkins City Secretary vc ` tle: Admin. Assistant 0 ,01 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Males hi B. Farmer Assistant City Attorney M&C: C-22385; Approved 9/18/07 M IAL RECORD SECRETARYWORTH,TX y ATTACHMENT A-3 SCOPE OF SERVICES-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SUPPORT MALOV ENGINEERING INTI.,INC. F I q 0L01hrL I January 19, 2010 Mr. Kevin McNamara Via e-mail CITY OF FORT WORTH Subject Scope of Services - Electrical Engineering Support Self-Supporting Tower ROLLING HILLS SITE Fort Worth, TX Fee for Base Electrical Engineering Design Services: The fee is for a lump sum amount for one specific set of design and review services as set out by the Scope of Base Electrical Design Services listed herein. Electrical Power Design: We (alternately referred to as the"Engineer") will provide electrical power design services to indicate distribution of 120 volt a.c. to each Data Control module and lighting circuit drivers for the "Project". Definition: "Project" hereinafter refers solely to the new "Philips Color Kinetics" (or equal) equipment being purchased by the City of Fort Worth or it's representatives for decorative lighting of the Rolling Hills Radio Tower. Scone of Work: Engineer: Will provide electrical power distribution design in accordance with accepted professional electrical engineering practices and in compliance with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70-2005 or as adopted by the City of Fort Worth) and as amended and/or adopted for use by the City of Fort Worth, Texas. • Meetings: Engineer will attend an initial meeting at a mutually convenient location to determine the specific nuances, parameters, and requirements of this project. • Design: We will provide design for power distribution to each of approximately 36 points of service to be located on or adjacent to the Rolling Hills Radio Tower to support the specialty lighting system being implemented. • Deliverables: Based on the finalized equipment listed below, we will supply engineering drawings indicating schematically the power distribution wiring in sufficient detail suitable for obtaining a construction permit for the electrical power -nstallatlon of above referenced eq;_ig),lent. DraLv r:gs ,Ajih be nrepare(1 .;5lf' ] Ai:tOC'a dig,tal des,cr systetr it 2D, De*a!,,-,, E-e t-,icai c;wJer Spec..`- .raf ors, a u a`....." of < '���r.r fit n tc: .�.1 o"t t"n_ . . � C=� �r .'l •'i FC`�_ r ((', lI f pea ._ esign. _;r;f' set of reproducible r rawinc;s will be supplle7 to the owner at tf�e end of orjr desggr: for rlis use for bidding or instal ing the power wring system}. • Shop Drawings/Submittals We will review and "red mark" comment on one complete set of electrical shop drawing or equipment"cut sheets" submitted at the same time as required by the electrical specifications which we will prepare. • Requests for Information (RFI) ", > r Y CITY OF FORT WORTH - Continued Page 2 Electric Design Support Proposal 01/19/10 We will attempt to answer a reasonable number of requests for information during normal working hours concerning the application or interpretation of our design documents as soon as practical but within 48 hours of receipt of such requests. • Timeliness: It is assumed that 'time is of the essence"will apply to this project and that the project will proceed without interruption once approved to completion. It is agreed that the complete finalized equipment selection, layout, and structural locations will have been determined prior to initiation of the electrical design. • Termination: Should the project be terminated, be put on hold, or delayed for any reason beyond the Engineer's control, or beyond 90 days from the acceptance of this proposal, it is mutually agreed that a pro-rated payment will be made by the City of Forth Worth based on the percentage of completion of the electrical design as determined by the Electrical Engineer of Record at the time of the termination. City of Fort Worth: Will provide • Finalized technical information on the exact equipment being purchased from Philips Color Kinetics (or equal). • Access to the Philips Color Kinetics design engineer if required for technical support. • Access to site for initial on-site observation • Structural or architectural drawings in AutoCad compatible format indicating the exact placement of each piece of equipment requiring 120 volt a.c. power. Summary: Our intention is to supply a completely stand alone set of electrical drawings which will schematically supply information to permit installation by licensed, qualified, electrical contractor(s). The following list of items and tasks are not anticipated, and have been specifically excluded from the Fee for Base Electrical Engineering Design Services: Excluded items are all items not specifically mentioned in this document or shown specifically on any of the documents produced in support of this project. Should it be desired by the owner, the following may be included on a mutually agreeable hourly or fixed cost basis when approved by addendum to this proposal: o All communications, data, and fiber optics systems and raceways are specifically excluded. O All non-line voltage power from driver units to lighting strips. o All control wiring (except that required to control the 120 volt a.c. relays and the like associated with the power distribution.) o Additional reviews of additional shop drawing or re-submittals due to non-compliance with the drawings and/or specifications. • Preparing Red Marked Drawings of the actual "as-built" conditions. o Preparing of final "as-built" construction Cad drawings. On site construction observations (will be on an hourly basis, per our fee schedule, attached.) o Additional meetings not mentioned in this document. o Delays or redesign by the Engineer of any element of the scope of services due to revisions by the client in equipment type, quantity, location, and the like are not included and shall be IVIALOUF ENGINEERING INTL., INC. STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS 17950 PRESTON RD, SUITE 720 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75252-5635 . TEL 972-783-2578 FAX 972-783-2583 CITY OF FORT WORTH - Continued Page 3 Electric Design Support Proposal 01/19/10 cause for modification of the scope of services and fees should the Engineer believe that such changes have significant impact on the deliverables. o Postage, mileage; reproduction, travel, food, lodging and travel outside the Metro Plex, or any unusual expenses on behalf of the project. FEE ARRANGEMENT' MALOUF ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INc. agrees to furnish the previously outlined Scope of Work Items for the following Sums. (Amount quoted does not include sales, use, or excise of federal, state or municipal taxes.) Payment Terms: Due Net 30 days from invoice date upon completion of work. SITE NAME STRUCTURE TYPE ELECTRICAL DESIGN FEE ROLLING HILLS 400 FT SST $ 6,000. Please review the scope, make any changes you might require or suggest and return a signed copy of this letter to us as the notice to proceed. Upon return authorized signature of this document, we will begin to schedule the design of the above documents on a schedule to be mutually agreeable to all. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you this quotation. Please contact me regarding any questions or for clarifications. Proposed By: Accepted By: MALOUF ENGINEERING INT'L., INC. r I It Mark Malouf, PE Signature Datig F// Karen L. Montgomery Ascist3nr rite, Manager- Printed Name -Title Atd by: For CITY OF FORT WORTH- TX fy\ ` a 1Vtarcy Hendrix, City FoR r � ApRovw TO 0 vO0 0000000000 a� A882.8t8A City AttA= ay Go 0 0 0' K d A v 'Q ��°p ot�oo� b '-o OFFICIAL RECORD 4-4 �x.Qy� CITY SECRETARY FT.WORTH,TX MALOUF ENGINEERING INTL., INC. STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS 17950 PRESTON RD SUITE 720 . DALLAS,TEXAS 75252-5635 TEL 972-783-2578 FAX 972-783-2583 City of Fort Worth,, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 9118/2007 DATE: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 LOG NAME: 04MALOUF ENG REFERENCE NO.: **C-22385 SUBJECT- Authorize Execution of a Contract with Malouf Engineering International. Inc., for Communication Tower Structure Analysis, Design Modification, Maintenance and Inspection Consulting Services for the Information Technology Solutions Department RECOMMENDATION° It is recomr-nended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with MaIc-i-if Engineering International, Inc., for communication tower structural analysis, design modification, maintenance and inspection consulting services for the information Technology Solutions Department. DISCUSSION: The City has contracted with Malouf Engineenng (Malouf for tower structural analysis and inspections services since 2001. It was determined that Malouf possessed the necessary engineering expertise for structural analysis and inspection for communication towers- The towers are a primary component of the public safety communication's infrastructure. During the last six years Malouf has helped the City on a number of communication tower projects, and over the next three years it is anticipated that the City will replace several communication towers. The towers that will potentially be replaced include the Boll Street C'mmunications Tower, Rolling Hills Communications Tower, Holly Communications Tower and Levee Communications Tower, with plans for a new communications site in the nest territory of the City limits Maiouf will be contracted to review the design of the co rnm un icat ion's tower, make design modification recommendations,ommendatk ions, perform loading studies, and inspect the tower sites- Engineering services is needed any iii-ne something is either added or removed from a tower. Malouf has performed various engineering studies for the City and maintatris a database .A.1hich can be referenced as new requests occur. Engaging another firm would not be cost effective due to the historical knowledge Malouf possesses that another firms would need to acquire to provide like services. The City has beer, satisfied wi!h the Performance level and quaiity of service we have received firorr, this vendor The pr ;ecled annual on tactexpenditure is estimated to be $301000 The annuai exo. erdifiure level i�.- -)c other *,3we( based o n _ir the r�inber of to w ers replaced ea c�h, year pi us ro-aline engirneenlIg u rea, e sts f1r. sates in both FY 2008 and 2-00-09 it is anticipated that the City will replace two towers and the engineering far each year will be approximately $22,000 to S23.000 The expecled expenditures for routine er-,P,neefirg maintenance issjes for the otter communication towers each year will be -'S7 O'Y) 1,o IZO "0,0 Q M -"VV w W1,N BE - A aiver of the goal for BE subcontracting requirementsthe Information was requested by I e-chnology Serv,ces Depariment and approved by the NIMBE Office because application of the provisions of the ordinancevvi'l unduly delay acquisition of these services F" Sept m r 0 e be E'Al-C,L C P S - T h e co,nits a r;t I o b e e ff - i - on October 1, 2007, and P-xpi!e or 2-,r_8 mav b eved - aPt e diti 'n aiL ie,yates ' lh p' hcc)n n r,t o T a C-unnil .apt rr,val prv,vided' V ;al 0,,P_ C;ty has pppr�tipriate­ su"Iclersl fU,­;'-iS fc )41JAI,( 71 1 satisfy the Citty's obligations during the renewal term. FISCAL IN FORMA TION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as appropriated of the informatlon Systems Fund. TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers P168 539-1120, 0-046,CD-210 Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Karen Montgomery (6222) Originating Department Head: Peter Anderson 8781' Additional Information Contact: Pete Anderson (8 781 Bryan Jennings (2359,j 1,xwmrnk, �i4%1 \,'Oi