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An mmmm 44AT i Parrmn 'oF FOCH STEiF�
331 T" CTTT (W MT WM7N r MAS a !rTiill[ TO
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ta'UCli DMnWW7Mj OIRICT7`'#i T" CITT nrems'l9 u
'M FIIR .% ItW= OF TH't AMPrIC1Jt OF THIS 001-
TIUrA9j AM L]MIAF M 44( T t4jl.'j OWIjt3►jtCE An AM
F xF?5IL-C".I'll) 3M IPY OF W !OR'a" 1WMA""
',S AxTrmr 1105b of T6 7lriklM a s#A'l M (T TFXA
1TF.r."5, the City Colunisil of the City of ?art p'arth, Texss, has de-
tessUWd that a publie necsaalty exi.ats for rued lLgs decided to order the UW ow-
mnt of the herainsf'rer ±escrlbed portion of s street in the City of Fart -forth,
Texas, in tha mnrr~r hereinafter ,previdsdj rlvv ?FMM,
rM rP ORU41.= fff 74'r Cl-T ^fit?tr`TL rT ?11T CLff nF PORT ^E!Tl�, ?-XA3t
lecuon 1.
That there exists a srsblio rie0omalty, and &aid City Council does
hereby determine that, it is necom T-Ary to verawsent lv 'Impre" the fcllovin~ dss-
cribed portton of a street within the City of rrr' ,',orth, Teas, as follows, to
Fosh Street, rroe the northerly Line of hiwo
Sattlemant Rrad to the nnr•therly line of Cullen
section 2■
That it is harsby ordered that said atrea5 within the. lixits herein-
abore.desari'-jad shall be Lepmoved hp r tisj_*i?, v radIRI, fjllir4;, widentn;;, ;Ar'm&nee*-
ly pavig or repaying same b7 the vonst♦rudfitors, reconstruction, repktring or rew-
li,gal#g of aawreto curbs and gutters in the aarmer caul where the City Zftlaw
determines that adsgtiate eurbs grad wuttars are not mw instaUed ore proper
and line, ArA by ansu+tl-uatLOn of 4r.101i "aiAg -nM4 other nsesssary irs¢identals am
&ppurtenancen as decreed neo4asaxy by said ?Avrirpeer, aaW powinent paring to eem-
sist of the comt uctiun of An adwwate.wearW surface upon a subs!antirti base
coarse, both of sucri 0--ne, conatruetLan, Werials and thicicreea oe 13 der*M ade-
quato and proper by said Engineer, and all of said improvements to be as provided
for in the plans and specifications therefor, to be prepared by said City
near as hereinafter directed, and as shall be approved and adopted by the City
Section 3.
In providing for and making such improvements, said City Council
deems it advisable and hereby determines to proceed under and in the exercise
of the powers, terms and provisions of Chapter 106 of the Acts of the First-
Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, which is known
and shown as Article 1105b of the Revised Civil-Statutes of Texas, 1925, as
amended, and as adopted by the City of Fort Worth as Section 17, Chapter %XIII,
-of the Charter of said City.
Section 4.
The City %ginner is hereby directed to forthwith prepare and file
with the City Council complete plans and specifications for such improvements.
Section 5.
The coat of said improvements as herein defined shall be paid for
as follows, to.-wits
(a) The property abutting on that portion of the street to be iw.
proved and the real and true owners thereof shall pay all of the cost of the
curbs and gutters in' front of their respective property and not oxetesding nine-
tenths (9/10ths) of the estimated cost of the remainder of such i.mprovemants.
(b) The City of Fort Worth shall pay all of the remainder of the
cost of said improvements after deducting the amounts herein specified to be paid
by the abutting properties and the real and true owners thereof, as net out above
in subsection (a) above.
The amounts payable by the abutting proportion and the real and true
owners thereof shall be assessed against such properties and the real and true
owners thereof and shall constitute a first and prior lien upon such properUse
and a personal liability of the real and true owners thereof, and shall be payable
as follows, to wit:
."rout said ieproremants are coMleted and accepted try the City Council,
the astounts psVsbl.e by and aueeesad against the property abuttlM therean Land
the real wvi true ansra ttreresf shall bu crud b,�ccurh ; la in ftvo (5) equal
are &I installments, due reapeativsV an LowAy (20) days once (1), two (2),
throe (3). and four (4) years from the data of said acas,?Uvae by surd Char Cour.
on, togother r4.th itrtereat, thereon snit saiA drrto of asourtanee at the rats of
s!a per Seth (6%) pet anraMI, pft-able BMJMl19; P`4VLrWs himaTar, that; the
o+>nere of said property staell hAve the prfvile5e ❑f pgyin;-; use vne of or all of
such inateU=nts st w q tires heiore uatur*ity thsraof by poy rg the total &a,urit
of p'rlrnaipal dual togatttar with fatorost ac=uud Cv thu date of peypmsnt. Further,
ifldefault be rude in the pnfinents of asp of said 1n9tft11esr.t.e of princijjal or
interest promptly whsn setae seturea, thea at the opt ton of the avnt,ractor or
cosigns, the sAlrO amount of the amesswLwnt upon.which sugh default, is wAde shall
be and become• ia-wdiately ko FLnd pay-Alo, togeti?-wr a4th ruwanabla attorrivy's
fees aM coUActioti costs, if 1=urred. %i Dimvar, it ix air cally ai.ipulated.
and provided that no aesasw ant sh6U In any caa+ ba =& against any propwar-ty
or this real or :rue ownsre thereof in ameas of the sPftial barraiits to accrue
to such property in the enhanced value thereof resulting from said irnprava-AenL3,
90a0stf h.
In the lMjw and maklur of said sssssserrnte, if Me nuo of arW Owner
be owes it shall be aLLU iaient to sti state the fact, and if VW property
be owned by Hri estate ov a;r ri5r fire or corparTiti.oa, it shall be sufficiant to
so stets, ud it shall not be necessary to Ave the correct name of aW owrAr,
but the real ar d true saner of the property awnt orrad shall be liable &M the
assesserent against the property shall be Maud Whether or not mach oryner be nwood
or car~rsatly armed. It is Wereby fw-ther nrovtMd that in lovryring said assess-
nisatsp the osission of said i re rants in front ni argr per"I of property sx-
asipt frost the lieu of nueh assess-ants ah&U in nowise effect or 1,W&tr the
valfdity of the ;;gai=t ties vttlar UWtttMg prv?ertifs in sursh strict.
Section 7.
Ttm City Secretary is `,ersby d1rictad to =uae to he ,"mrmi .v notice
of the erAct^tpnt of thtmt ort 'video and to file %W rottOft with th! Cbtmtr
Clerk of Tarrnnt Cou-*y, TaTA s, mm" the Mortgage Rocerdat of acid cmmty.
�eatiasl �.
This erdi omas @"U Wk3 m effect and bo In 'INU farce Ord Offaat [rom
and afteir -h-i date lit its paesagn, and it 11 ao Ore1-lbv%d-
City Attorney
No. .�
{ F
Filed °.. - h Day of
19 �-
L-S _3
City Secretary