HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 384 ORD TNA C r NO.49�/ An ordin._ _ce pUtsuant to Section 19, Ch_,)ter XV of the City Chax�.er of bhe City of Fort " oath and an election held thereunder on April 6, 1913 in the s-.id City of Fort Forth, authorizing the cre:�,sion and is- suance of one headred and seventy-five thous .nd ("175,000.00) do'-Lars of the ponds of t1he Corporate "'cvc�rnment of the City of Ybrt "orth, to oe kno . as "Scries 30 ;'chool Bonds"; -11 of bonds to e in dez omin--tions of One Thous . .:. ( 1000.00) oll .rs ..:ch, x...1 interest from date :­t the rate of five (a,J) . ..r ventur. per Y•..-:-um, _ ,bl: s ---i-annu..11y, ith coupon i"terest ot..s v- •.uheLL; a .id Vol de to run for . . iod o- Forty (40) ye'•-rs, but r _-_emabl� at the exii- r:3,tion of T-. enty (20) y- ors, or _,:.y interest _ yin, Period thereafter. Ani ,xoviiin,, for tLL levying of pax for the ore -+ion of - sink' si,u for :ha >y,ment of interest on s: id bonds. n+u79EA , by the t.,rms of P--ction 19, Chapter XV of the present ir Ch;rtc of he Cite of Fort -' or:h ete . the Thirt_ -Firsts- l--ture of `he St7t_- of Tex:{_ , power is and -ts conferred on the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort ' orth t6 provide for the isou.. .ce of Four Hundred thous d ("400,000.00) dollars of bonds -or th-, City of Fort -orth d-rin6 a"y four years for the purpose of incre-isii . �, _ ii:.:rovin,- th_ school facilities in s..i" City, an'- for the .vurch�.sc of l:.nd then, for, the construction of buildi� L;s ther-on the rap 1. ``reec--onstruction d renov:ition t -rCof, w -d there has been issued U /11909 Three Hundred Thoue . id ("300,000.00) doll. of bond of he City of Fort orth for school r r- o .-e ..nd on /A y of�, 1910 them r is ....i C Hunar"u Thou�__d (°100,000. 00) aol'- . s of ' onds for sc'-ori - ur, oses or_: fo-. a h vd sir a the issu-, ee fZ s._i d Three Hur.drs•3 Thous::-d ("300,000.00) doll bre of bonds on 1, 1909,OWW�thi�- issue of One Hur.dr. an,; Sev�__ty-fi--e Thous - ("175,000.00) -:ollare doter .:ot L-ecteK `he li-:.it aL fix, y b I haw+ion 19, Ch-,-,ter .;"' of .> City of 4-he City of Fox+ 'Forth. .,� tw- AND WHEREAS, said Charter further provides that such bond Issue shall4bot be made by sad- Board of Commission.,rs except upon request therefor by the Boar i of Truste s of the Index_::- -L,;,.t School -istrict of the City of Fort "'orth, µr d _also +hit bef'o_ s id bonds sh::ll be issued the .Luestion of such issuance shwll be First sub.. k witted to the qualified -oturs of _i . I de_ . dent :"chool District 'ho •I,e .ro-: �tv t°ix = t` vrei° ; ta. S, on the 18th w y of .: rch, 1913 yers_-L_.t sold C`.- 't r pro!1sion, the B•:.brd of Trustees of the In -pendent School -is ; Jet of tha City of Tort -"orth .re-mu-.st.,=- of s i . Board of Cox- issior.ers of the City of Fort -orth, the issu nce of One Hundred and Seventy-five Thousand ($175,000.00) dollars of School bonds of =.h Corpor-.te Gov-rn:.:ent of -he City of T-or' orth as sct forth 16 provil. 3 fo- in resolution date' 17th d y of larch, .1913 :, _d adoi:ted by the Board of Trustees of 'h: In,'_- pendena ;'uhool District of 'he City of Fort Worth on s:;1-1 date; on 'he R5th day of March, 1913 said Hoard of Commissin re r.srau.z,.t to such r� a�st .w_-. +he afo. es id Chart_:r ,.rovisio .s, by resolution of, h : d,-.te .do: t ref rr the = -{#cr of ._h be is u d 'he " orit;* to et . ordinance therefor, to the ifi;d voters of the City of Fort ":orth^ :ho :r,, :;._ .a ., re^tax _- i b in said City, -lection ;ela for thw.t l.ur�ose i.. -,h_ Various rds of said City,on the 8th day of 1913. AND = ,7AS, on the 8th day of April, A. D. 1913 an election =Fas duly -..i r;;gularly hsld in the said Cit;,: of Fort Worth ii: the various ;rds of s .i i City at hick s si 7...ittcd o­4 o the qualified t :>- y :f. .-o�-rs o` s the ias _ . 0- of s id bonds Jr. the follo--f. _ for:.., to- it ro�F¢ e v a.¢c.-c "For ,or i issue of �`175,000.00 `he ,_cocCeds to a ex- Jr. the cons-ru�'ior of chool '.uil,:i .Y�, -d the ac.,uir- ing of .'uc4s6 ry 1 . .:s efor. " "Au -1 st aor i;-eue of A175,000.00 the -..oca e o o - i th_ constr Otto of ._ .hool build c . i. Ina Of _c.ss The s--.id electio, r_sult:.d al foll for the iSSCO _ce of s id bondefor school zr. ose• 1134,4 nd against th:,Aesu. ce of b:,_id - • .onds for school pur ores there .ere c-:.st 173 votes. '"T-7"T-g.S, on the 15th day of Aptil, A. D. 1913 at a regular me.,tin6 of the Boar.-, of Commis io ere of �h. City of Fort or4h,c,__ s .i e,,�et..x � Sf eleot.ion ere -.--y sa ss d the votes counted, d the r6sults de .l...ed as ner..i ..fore specifi- emu. NOW THEREFORE FF IT 0"D'_I I'D BY THE BOARD OF COL. ISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF FORT "ORTH:- Section 1: That the iyor :ii-:d the City Secretary of the City of Fort "orth. be, d - hey afe he eby -_,uthorized and direct�,d to pr;;Nare an? e::ecut_ in the nr,.•e of --...a for a on beh,,lf of the City of Fort "'orth n; under it s 9orpor •te `'eal at the act and onligation of said City, bo de of th. ---ori or-.te :over_ of sail . City, '-ich sh 11 be known „° denominated as "Seried 30 School Bonds" of the arebate rri�cipal sum of R,e Hundred and Saverty- five Th6usand (4`195,OOfl.00) dollars, _: .d s .id bonds shall recite 496"L their f•ue the purpose for which they are issued .- d :.' .11 refer to the rrovisior of the City Cr.irt�r thlis or-U.-:.nee d.d auw".. :- izing same. This series of school bonds sh-.11 c ,Iet of One Hundred 4nd (175) seventy-five in number, ==d shall be number„d consecutive- ly from one (1) to One Hundred and Seventy-five (175) inclusive and :.ach of s id 1 onds shall be of the denomination of One Thousand($1000) do.Llars, swi : seri.,s ..,.br-.cin_ On•_� Hundred ,nd Seventy-fivs (175) bonds of the l--.r value o' --_e r:-LLn4red a,d Suvc: tyfive .T,housa_.d ( '175,000.00) doll la, :.11 of e�id bands sh 11 b:. d ted the first dhy of July, r., ,,, 1913 �,_,d shall be and beco,;.e payable Forty (40) Yu rs from the.4te thereof o ,%rer, -ith th6 provision, ho ver, that the a __ sh•11 be rede-:..-_-..1e t the expiration of T:.enty (20) years from the d to thereof, o - .�t ­. y interest-_,&yinL period thereafter, in hick event, i.-terest shall thereafter cease ....w the interest coupons • hich shall not yet have m--.tured, ehyll be canccll- ed, ­rhich id bonds shall be r interest at the rate of five %5%) A. "-Z- p.,rc . t rex annulp, -iy-:blc,^anru-illy, rhich s id interest shall be r._ resInted by coupon notes, each bond bein only for the principal sum --•-d h-.wing attached to it eighty (80) coupon rotes of Twenty- five (' 25.00) dollars, ch>rayresonting the semi-annuAl interest inet..11mer. s,bot,h principal and interest . :.yzLble to bearer rt the Hanover . Lionai _Ea k in the City of New York, State of York, in Kol.- coin of '.h u. it St--tes of the iresent {:eight -- d fineness. All of sat bonds shall be e. in the name of the City of Eoxt orth ' , the : yor, -.t4 : by thv City Secretary under the corr,or ,t : : e-1 of -he City, that in the L:'tter of the coupons, -he eny._ _v. or li'ho,_r..ph.: ; si,_-.: ture of the u. or a Cit; 44C- r�t..r, be suffici,:- t. na the -ccrued interest. Section 3 : To proviLLc for th- interest on . 11 of the bonds issu. u ier this in ce and +o ere ;e a sin kin„ fund therefor, of i of less ':ban T,-o w--,d one-h if (71`') p..�rc----tum per um of same, +h. re i:- her ray Levi-- ' i shm..:.1 b.: collected 4.4 provi'=L '.:y la", set apart, an appropri,.'.e° for s:.i- purNoses, �- -- 1, ir::v: , sp,:ci::l =•.d valorem tc�x, b.7in in" ith th=: 'assess- ment wiid levy for the ye-ir 1913 of centb o. ev e ore Fundred("100.00) i..11 .ro of v ':ion 11 prop- ert rc.�l, �rsor-w'_ _.- ix� e�t ;Gct to t= 7�•tior. '.y s.:,i4 Ci'�J of Fort orth d at ex t by la-- from ici. al tax ion, dthe slid t_.X, or so .-_a.h trersof as may for `he .;y...ent of s,:id int-re..t d the or- `ion of sz id sinki f-. d _: ll bG u:..11y Be s . :., 1 i c 11 c' i `_.-_ lif of b .i.. bor de, if w ,_:y time, s i:j t :x shoul.L b� insuf'ici..--t for such jsurk2ose , 'he;- it e` 11 bu the :uty of ':'i.; Boer., of Commission- W �. ip k- w era or ol,her r,ov-rr i 6 body of a id City of Fort " orth to set approdri..te such :.d'ition.::;l -.mount of L.on y our of the rev,;- -u,e of -.he City, :.1a may �)c r ,. isit.; to supply the deficiency, urti'_ all interest sh:.11 h,�ve ?.: r° i- , �► ' vinkin f., thti Cc..s it41_i, of ot_te of Tex a i th.: Chatter of :he City of For: _ction 4 Th taxa' l� C:.L 1 ' i '. fdre ; x`oviu A for to cover int-r bi sin..1n4, P12nd as zfor�-a id, ehall �C- colleted, held Ln_ lint _ sepa:'•.te _,ccount -..or. 4:-u '.:ores of s i-, ' -;:t the - roe-;-i's rRld An-1 kvr+ '-,v tbz Cit.- "'�__.L:urer -a -. uc+_r . Le dis*_i�cl. ccount a=:�4ifi :i xo a-.ch u on his '-rooks, aryd_ s: id L,,a:i b: .1.1 - o' .. use ' or ` .lizex in -`,ole o_ in - art, ,;xcept for _h -,-oso "or -rich it w4a crQ�ateu, .'. it -- 11 be unlar,- fur 'or ''.__. Treu ur:r of t%e City of Fort -orth to honor or rvco i z e , check, ~rq.rrant, 'raft oz order upon suc' eX- Le..V. fW "e utii. .!Li ;,V 1. .. .11 cc. i• `h reto y,b^ inv a' .: - by order of th= Boar - of Coamiission.!rs: or other rz in '6oL-.- of the City of w Fort 7orth, In to 1.6 of the Cj', of vu t "+orti,,OAL Cou_.;y bonds of :._ 21,: .to of Texas 11or i:- bonds is ',h., -'.a, but s .11 ..ot b_ invested in -.: .y of-:._r u, r .ya be Diverted to _ y oth r purr,o;.' t' th r.. ;..ent- of interest a--d the cre tion of h-, ainkino fux d - fo : U .i--. S_c- ion - , S it bonds a: 11 =:ot '.0 n y,iat_�, sol, or : il sa. v sh�11 ::rvc ..es .-_ to `he Attorney General. of -he `e of %xaa, and hie official sanction on same s 1 _ve b- dif,.stei a - r...cri' _i by l -:. , Sectiox 6 : The City Tre surer of th.. City of Fort 'worth aha,ll, Burin_ the ..onthe of June 7.. ' D:,cember of ewch ytar -.: d iiot th h the 80th dry of AMA. month, tr ns it suffici-..t suoneys out of Uh. ix t.� s fund h_rcinbefor- c-e tew for the 1 -y— mex t of e 6. i- . nu:il in t rl. 4• _.ccruir•_ uF on a .i', bonds, to the Hanov-r -`ational Bank of _-etr York City, in the St_.te of e-: York, but in the event that such bank sh 11 be - on-exist t or eo out of business or f .il or refuse to act, them the said moneys ahsll .. be tr... srnitt ' by the s%iL Treasurer of the City of Fort --orth to the Fiscal Agent o` said City; residi.- u in .:c�; York City, rt .te of v.- York. Cectioi 7 : This or.:ir-A' ce sh,:.11 take effect and b in force from and after its ssmge as prescribes by lays. I hereby certify that the above and fore going Ordinance was duly presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth at a sessiion of said Board held Tuesday aptYlSth,1913, City Secretary, L UNITED STAT - S OF A -' E ICA STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH. NO. $1,000.00.. School Boyd SERIES 30. Issue of .'175,000.00 -, thorizwd by Ordin:-:_ce -o. , ::.;esG: by th- Boar: of Commissions.,s on _ day of July,l9�113. 0.. ',ham first d-.y of July, 1953, for v=.-lug rec:.Ave-', th. City of For+ "orth, ir_ the County of Tarr:.. .t -_:u FItatc of Tex.s, A ,cur ici-al cox.-or:-tion ere . -ily ir.cor=.or.red : y er::ci__1 :..ct of the 1.,._ib1-=411-ar;; a r .._ i t of th--a 1.; of uh�: �tatL� of T.;x s, prot.isc,j to to 1:�U the H.. ova..- ion _- B Jr "_- City of York, ' ti to of ew _ York, O—e Thousind ('`1,000.00) dol'ars, : ith interest thereon repro-e:-t-d by co-,.on .otes hereto attached, =A th.; rate of five (5;') per c�•.tum per :. um, .ay:.':1.= se: i u lly on the first 'of July :�i,d Ja. u.r;; of c ich - id• ev,�ry y,'Lr on the .presenta- tion _._.d surrerder of the ras_.,,ctiv� .;oupor-s hereto annexed, .:e they saqK.;r lly '.-c ue, botl rrindip .l it t rsst _._.y.,.blC i-_ sold coi-_ of th- it.:d 't.tes of the finuness. The option i., here''.r reserved,uo the 8-Ad City of Fort *-ty th,'.o rede�:j:. thi8 bon' -.LL r:-y th;, s-iar. -A the tix:ir:.tion of _�cara� to� la+a �iei� ', 'a 3 C - 4 ,,rio.I '•hcxc .after,. in �ich t, the i t;raut h::.L-v !- here f;-tir c_ sa --u —i, it '_ rost coy.:_or.e :hich h.:ve :. of cu<.tur,,:.t; • s. 11 be :1 c�'_ivarz- uN a--d ca=c=1" A. h -1_ This bond is one of Seri_, of One Hundred and Seventy-fiv ponds of like :-...ou -, t.-:-or :--.1 ffuet ia..�� : for the rurrose of orro-,ina -oney, which --All b- spent for th, oce of(co -struct- in ­�hool :.uildin,s -a.'d the -,,cquirin. of ..ac,.ss_ry lani t'-:erefor urs•-..:nt to the ,.rovi::ione of , •.tioi. 19, Ch :Nter XV of --, Charts of sai. City, gr---ted by Act of the �­irty-first Le- isl ture of the St -te of Tex s, Ordi nce No. 40P� of the Board of Com- miesionerG of the Olt,_- of Fort '"orth 7::ssed i . pursu7�rce thereof. And it is her c.rtif1 1 r cit that .11 -acts, conditior is. a t'J _B l-quired to a ions . r t to a-. i ii the issuance of this bor d have been _:ro�,erly doi.e, h:.,., .: . -forwo. in l..o -1 due fv_,-. rc:,ui�ed ' la�:, d t'-,,t the total of said City, . including this bond, :o a i of exc..e' the Constitutional or a .tutory limit-t ions. In itr css -,her-of, t'-_. a.A'. of C:j.... idsi.: . - of the City of Fort Torth, Tex: s, h. . c us;. _ his or a to ..i, d and o.A scriuGa b;- '�h_ ;ox _ e th:; or,ar- -c4- of 'ham .,ov. c.:L :..: f saia Ci-1y, �t- the City G..r t:.r_ �h_rcof, w _ 1: t 1 of _ vi`p here- unto iaIy i..- )r. sse ` or io t` - first d y of _'_, y, ' . D. 1913. Y A y C I `"' CRC T RY. .00. CT 7Z 07 FORT WORTH Till pay to th;, bear&x th .:um of Ti-enty-fi-r_ (425.00) dollars on the firs. d-.y of 19_ .tit the H�� aver ::atior.el Bank ir. th.; City of :.e . Yor'N, h6 a---u -r,}..b dix (6) mor ths' iz-..,r_Ut on ,-chool Boi d o. , . erica 30.