HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 386 PAO O R D I Bt A H C L 8 G ?. 1T T1 1T It"IT IT If 1T I IT 71 TT T11T'I R,in 11 iT 11 1T n 1T 11 Ti TT An ordinane a amending sections 851, 854 and 856, Chapter One , Title Seven of the revised ordi,ngmees as codified by Vim. D. Williams and T.d.'r owe 1, and adding thereto Section 865 A. and fixing water rates for consumers within and. without the corporate limits of the Cit;% of Fort Worth, and repealing ordinances in. ccn:ilict therewith, etc . BE IT ORDh-l=, E:7 THE BOARD OF CO:-�JISS1019RS CF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH: Sec. 1. That Sections 851, 854 and 856, Chapter 1, Title 7, o:' the revised ordinances of-the City of Fort ':`forth, as codified by m. D. "?illiams and T J .Powell be so amended as to read as follows: Sec. 851. All water furnished by the Fort Worth City. [dater -.'-oi•l-- to its consumers shall be measured by meters, Heters shall be read on or about the tenth of every month, and the consumer notified in writing, or otherwise, of the amount due from him, stating_ in said- notice t_rat unless the amount due from him shall be paid by the 20th, on the succeeding month in which hE water was used, if due by a consumer paying by the nonth, or t-he 20th, of the first month of the regular quarters of '-.ti`P yea- from from consumers paying the minimum rate, the water will be turned off and shall not be turned on again until such time as the amount due is paid, including the time it was cut Off and one dollar additional for turning on again. See. 854. The following shall be the rates charged by the City for water furnished to consumers within corporate limits of the City of Fort :'forth, towit:-- All water furnished to consumers shall be paid for at the rate of 30 cents per thousand gale- Consumers shall pay rent for water.jfiN�ers as follows: All water meters up to and ingr!siding 1', in size .. . . .. 3.0 All water meters 1-1�4 t o 21 inclusive in size . * . .... ........... . ... . . . . 6.'0 Said"mear rent shall be p able quarte ly in advance by those paying the minimum rate and monthly: by those paying the monthly rate. All service unless req irin a larger meter than 1 inch, shall be cY arge for at t$e rate of3.45 per _carter, and consumer allowed he use of COO gallons of grater per month. All water use in excess f the 3,000 gallon; per month shall be paid i r at the r tes set out above, towit : 30 cents per thousand gallon:. his rate of v;;3.4�,. include•.: the rent of the mete up to a d includ- in,�; one inch. Consumers requiring meters 1 than one inch and not exceeding two inches in size shall be charged for at the rate of 5N4.20 per quarter, and shall be allowed the use of 3,000 gallons per month, and those using mope than 3 cOO gallons of crater per month sha-i'1 pay for the excess at tie rate set out above, towit. 30 cents: per 1,O';0 gallono. This rate of �"4.20 includes the rent of the meter dp to and incuding two incheN in size. G- � I Consume.." requiring larger meters than trro inches shall be required to furnish their own meter and keep same in repair, and shall be charged for a minimum amount of lvtater of 3,000 gallons at the regular rate as set out above , towit : 30 cents per thousand gallons. In case a consumer or.min.­ his own meter, fails or refuses to have his meter repaired when notified to do so, the v+ater department :_hall repair the same and charge the cost of same to the con- sumer and sha__1 add to it his water bill and the same rules applying to amounts due ;:n water shall apply to these re- pair bills. ',Tli en a con:,,umer paying; quarterly does not use the -.ount of water allowed him by the minimum rate, to-.-.It : 3,000 gallons, he skill be allowed credit for it on the sue- eeedin- month in the same quarter. A deposit shall be required from those consumers whose, consurTtion of wt.ter is greater than would be covered. by the minimum rate of an amount which will, in the judaeient of he -ater department, be sufficient to insure the water worlds against loss an account of a consumer failin_• to pay his Mon'1177 bills. later bills for those not paying the minimum rate will be due and. pa.,yable on the first day of Each and ever, .month, and for those payim; the minimum rate, they shall become due and payable as follows : Those living Dorth of the Texas and Pacific Railway tracks to River wij1 become due and payable on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year. Those livin!7 South of Tem--s and Pacific railway ,•�" ` traelm, and Test of lain street, will become due and payable on the fir tit day of February, ':lay, Augt!s t and 1­1 ovember of � each,year.. Those livint south of Texas and Pacific Railway tracks and Last of south fain street, Jill become due: and payable on the first day of 11tarch., June, September and Decer oer of each year. Those payaing the quarterly minimum rate shall pay in advaAae by the twentieth day of the first month of. the_ ci arter sny ai-:ount due under the minimum date, and pay for any amount: dine for excess of water used over the prescribed allowance for any pa7eceding month, and those paying• monthly shall pay any amount due by them by the t-entieth of the succeeding month in which the water was used, and also excess for any previous month, &:_d failing to do so shall be cut olf ann the water service shall not be turned on again until the amount due shall be paid. One dollar additional shall be collteted for turning on the water again. See.. 866 A. The follorfinF, shall be the rates charged by the City for ;pater fn.rnishea to consumers without the eorpora:te limits of the City of Fort North, towit :\ 1''-.A1 water furnished to comsumerc without the corporate limits of the City of Fort "forth shall be paid for at the rate of 6C cents per one thousand gallons. nll service without the corporate limits, unless requiring a larger meter than 1 inch, shall be charged for at the rate of �6.15 per quarter and ecnsumers allowed th<' use of 3,000 gallons of water per month. All water used in excess of the 3,000 gallons per month shall be paid for at the -late of 60 per one thousand gallon. . This rate of ;6.15 includes the rent of mete, up to and including 1 inch meter. Consumers without the Cor- porate limits of the City requiring meter larger than 1 inch and not exceeding 2 inch, sha .1 be charged 6.90 per quarter and shall be allowed the use of 3,'.00 gallon," per month, _na those using more than the 3,000 gal.lons of ater per month dhall pal- for the excess at the rate fif 60 cents per one thousand €ai_lons. This rate of 6.90 includes the .^ent 2__ of the meter up to and including: 2 inches in size. Con- sumers without the corporate limits requi-rin�- la.rver meter than 2 inch shall be required to furnish their o.:n meter avid keep the same in repair, and shall be charged for wata used at the rate of 60 cento per one thousand gallons. , but in any event shall not pay less than f5.4C per quarter. Dater -rents to consumers outside of City limits shall be due in point of ti:m as p=ovided for consumers within the Citj limits. ltothingo in this Section or any other See.tion of this ordinance or any other ordinance- of the City shall be construed to compel the City of Fort forth to furnish water to consumers beyond the corporate limits of the City of Fort 7orth and the City reserves the right at all times to cease to furnish water to sash consumers where it may see fit to do so and also reserves the right, to at any time cut off the water of any consumer beyond the Citgr limits who violates any of the regulations of the City with r.ef­.r-r.c­ to the use of miter or doe- any act -;rite reference to water or water -*orks which woald be- a violation of the ordinance of the City if said consumer refiided within or said act was done v,ithin the coporate limits of the City of Fort •`oath. <_rticle 2. Sh(xild any meter fail to register correctly the amount of tiateT used by a consumer since the pre- vious reading, the rift shall exist on the part of the Cit=,T f.ter ':forks to average the mouth and charge for water on-the asic of and previous three month within the past year. Article 3. The City reserves the right to o4,n and control all niters of two inches and under. The City :later 7orko shall keep all meters owned by it in repair vrithaut expense tc the con umer. Article 5. A consuu-nr Chan; ing his resi- dence and havin;� paid for water at the minimum rate for a y, quarter can, by preserting his receipt at -the office, and i,,,,ning a request -for a transfer, have the unexpired portion of his -a.te7 rent tran::ferred to his new redidence, or place of business. Lrticle 7. oio co nn.Ymer shall supply water to other persons or to other families- or suffer then to take it except for n,:.e on the premises, without the permi,•sion of the "'later i-lorks Department. Article 8_ After water is introduced into a building or upon anj p_emises, the same shall not be cxtend.ed by any plumber, or other person, to any other premises for additional fixtures. There an additional fixture or fixtures are desired a permit shall be secured from the ':later Works r Department, and the law complied with regarding, the placinr � of the same, as set forth in the plumbinC ordinance. Two houses shall not be permuted to be supplied with one service pipe where there is a water maw, in front of the premises. v In all cases where mole than one house is supplied through one meter, a minimum charge sha-l.l be made of ,;2.70 per quarter each. Xrticle 9. awry person taking water from the Fort ?orth City ''&ter "forks shall at all reasonable times pe :wit the superintendent, or any gent of the Fort ".forth City 'i'later 7yorks, to enter his or her premises or buildings to examine the water pipes and fixtu-_res, 'tnd -he man:_er in Which the water is used. rnj consumer relvaing 3-- the sane Sall �e refased water Tr gm the Fort `-forth City :'�ate-r unti sus permission shal �e ;granted. Article 1C. It is expressly understood and agreed .that the Fort Worth City Water -Yorks re., rues the right to at any time shut off the water in their mains for the pur- pose of ,:caking repairs in the same, making corulections and extensions of the same, for the pu7poce of cleaning the same, and for the purpose of repairing their machinery, reservior or any part of their works . And it is further expressly agreed and understood hat the Fort ';north City Water 'Norks ere not liable for any dama�,•es f'or leaks, or breakages of pipes in or on their pre- i_ses, and als,, reserve the right to make such other rul_°s nd regulations as may b: necessary for the preservation, pre- ection and character of their works. All property ovrners or agents of said property shall be held re_�.ponsible for loss of water where there is a leakage in pipe or plumbing on said property, and if not paid for when it becomes due the -rater will be cut off and not turned on again until all claims are adJusted. a Furtherm.�re if the consumer shall be in debt to the City eater � orks for any account, the water -hall be cut off ac above. The Fort ':Torte,_ City eater Works reserves the right to.make all repairs in service pipe and charge the cost of same to the eonsiimer, and shall add to it his water bill and the same rules applying to amounts. due on.-water shall epply to these repair bills. Article 11. _"o plumber or other person than the tapper employed by the Fort : orth City �fater ':'lorkc of the City Plvtnber, rill be allowed to tap any street main. Article 12. All bailer~ frr heating water shall be provided with safety valves, a check valve shall be placed on service pipes to protect the meter from hot water when deemed necescary by the 2upe-2intendetlt of the ;later orks. <�ny consumer fwilin- to have such check valve placed on his service pipe after having, be en notified by the rater Department, shall be cut off and not turned on ar^_.in until such valve shall have been placed on the service pipe. Article 13. No plumber or other person. shall turn on water from the str et atop cocks without a -.ritten permit from the Fort "orth City '.`'later `7or'ks, except fol repairs. Article 14. Hose attachments, when located on tine side-walk, as well as stop cock$ boxes, must have a suitable iron cover, the tops of which must be flushe& Tith the surface of the side calk. Article 15. It shall be unlawful for any person, save a City Employe, employed by the Fort Worth City Water Works, to interfere with any meter used for the measurement of water furn- ished by the City. It shall be unla-eful for any one to hinder or prevent a regularly authorized employe of the City from in- specting, or reading a meter used for the :measrremeat "of city water. Article 15. The later 3orks Coi;Littee, with the con- sent of the City Council, shall have the power to c-ant to con- tractors, engaged in street sprinkling, the right to erect at 4__ points designated by the Superintendent of ater orks, stand-' pipes or hydrants, constructed as required by said Superintendent, for the suppl$ of aaid sprinkling wagon:, with water, the said Contractor to keep the same in repair and the said hydrants shall be for the exc:__sive use of said sprinkling wagons, and it shall be unlawful for any person to draw rater therefrom without the written consent of the superintendent of :iater Works. Article 17. It shall be unlawful for any person en.aGed in street sprinkling to drag water from t- water mains during the p_ogre_,s of a fire . It shall be unlawful for any person except a me-^nber of the fire department or employe of the 'rater Department, to open or use water from a fire hydrant, or to take off the caps or da;!:._ge same in any manner, without ti-e permission of tl_o '.;at er Aepart� It shah bs unlawful for any person to in any manner deface or insure any of the hou, es - walls, machinery or fixtures connected with or pertaining to the water works, or to bathe in the water accumulated behind the dams of the City ;Pater corks ,, or throve or deposit any sticks, mad, rubbish or other material therein. hrtic7e 1P -he 'cater Departm nt shall make all tops or connection, to the street mains and extend service pipes to one foot inside curb line , and there place a stop cook and :,top box, that sh&Ll be under the exc .ucive control of the J. water departmen , and the said tap and .servie shall be paid for i by the plumber ordering the work done before the Work is commenced according to to the schedule of prices adopted by the -eater �70_1s co,nmittee from time to time , on file in tae .,,ater wor?-s office , copies of whic, shall be _�rniche, all licensed plumbers- , Whenever Lny chant s are made by the com—mittee. All service pipes -hall be laid 16 inches und.e-r the -,round and a stop and waste shall also be placed on said. service pipe inside the property line, es to properl.7 drain all pipe; above the e:round. The owner of a grqup of houses fronting on a street there there is a water main shall be required to provide a separate connection to .he wain for each of said houses. Owners of store and office building~ shall be required to prow de a separate connection with the main for each 25 feett=ie ^round floor where city water is used, and one or more additional connections to the main e-=._Z for each additional floor, according to the number and arrangement Of fixtures on the said floors, the superin- tendent of water Works to be the judge of .the number of connections necessary, but in no case shall there be less than one separate service pipe for each additional floor. In, eases where there is a tank located on the roof End water from there distributed through the build it' one connection of sufficient size sl�a l may be made to the mains and connected directly with the said tank but no other cennecti_on sha;.l be made on the said line to the tank., and a check valve --hall be placed on the sa'a service to the tank, ass ne&r the entr�_nce of the bUil0we as possible. In ease an additional Uupply shall be desired, a seperate connection sh€.'ll be made Vi.th the mein as. in the preceding rules governing connections to store and office buildings, but in no case shall a connection larGer than two 5-- , I inches be made with the city mains. Two or more houses fronting a street or streets where there is no water main may be supplied with one service connected with -. he main, said service to be of sufficient size f:o insure an ample supply of water, _but in such cases each of said houses shall have a separate service pipe from the side walk and separate stop cock and stop beg one foot inside the curb,. Churches, opera houses, theatres, schools ara factories may belupplied through one connection with "he street main. ascl. single residence or store shall have _ a separ .te connection zith the maim, and under no ecn.ditions shall one residence have more than one connection to the main. Buildings used as flats shall be reruired to provide a separate csonn�-ction with the main for each apart- ment All service pipes shall be of extra strong lead pipe. ✓ No water connection with the water mains shall be made to any buildin€ for fire protection except by special permission of the rater department, and when there iz a con- nPetion for fire protection, there shall be a minimum charge made when connected by inter of :�2.00_per month. ':here there is a straigh!: connection a charge of "A.00 per month shall be made. Article 19. 11rny person intending to follow the business or occupation of plumber in relation to or in any way connected with he ci ty water m ins, pipes, fixtures, etc, shall, before un:ertaking any work in connection therewith, first apply to the water departim nt, is writing, for a license . which lieease shall not b gxsuted 'bey said department unles-. said party submits to said department the endorsement of two plumbers in good stan?.ing ( licensed ) or other evidence satisfactory to the superintendent of water works that he is compe- tent to do plumbing work., The applicant stall before said license is granted, present to the said water department together with his application a surety ccmpary bond in the sum of1,500 conditioned to sage the city haxmless from all of whdtever kind resulting from negligence or unskillful work on the part of said- plumber , and abide by the Mlles and re- gulations of the water works departme. t.The _aid bond shall be renewed ea&., year. nd a failure to renew same shall of it- self operate: as a revocation of tie said license. Article 19-A. All iron service pipes shall be relaid 7ith extra strong lead pipe prior to the pavi.,g of the street on which said pipe or pipes are located, and any owner or agent of said services failing or refusing to re-lay said services when notified to do so by said water works department, prior to such paving, therm the �::-ater worl_s department shall re- lay said service pipe or pipes, and -; ater shall not be used through said service pipe or pipes so releid by the water .nor_ depart- ment until such time as the ssid pipe or p_:pec sh&]i have been paid for according to the schedule of rates for said work on file in the office of the water works department. Article 20. Any plumber or other person vio- lating any of the provisions of this ordinancem upon conviction of the same, shall be fined in the City Court in any sum of not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, and in adcition any plumber so c�-nvicted may have his license forfeited for the period of thirty days at the option of the City judge. Uection.,2. All ordinances, or parts of- ordin- ances, in conflict with this ordinance shall be , and the same is hereby repealed, ard this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as re,-,!.-,­": � 6-- I hereby certify that the above and fore going ordinance was duly presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth at a session of said Board held Tuesday August 12th,1913. City Secretary. Fort Ucrth, Te2.60. may--17-15,', LEAD EMRVICES--- GRAVEL STMOTS.. 5/8 short Aide- $ 9.60 Center of Street- w12•25 Fong S•of � $16.0�• / it10•.00 " TM n 13 PO 314 ,t it to 12.00 n t+ tt 115.50 a if if 11).19(1 / it n 1.7.50 it n tr 21.7525 c 1-1 4 or n n n �J.75 't 't 36.F 1_1/2 TM n ,}.00 v It 2 n it .00 '+ e tt 38.50 LEAD SERVICES--- PAVED STREETS. 5; 8 �1h�rt Side- wl'•'•00 tier�ter Street--y24.00 Lon:! Side$p9'•0Q n ,�4.50 n u ++ 2-1.75 30.00 to ofa N^.5U " TM 33.5C "1.5 0 n ++ It 3b.co to ++ 41.5'1 8.50a it it a'7.60 13 +t 88.25-. - 69000 2 it it 45.00 ° it It g,�ctra branahee -- ilvw servios- 5/843.3CC; 3/4-$3.50; 1"-$4.50 For rurx-?r•� t•GvgiO8 pi1U_ii1_additi(.n "vo the regzlor oharges as above, v+e gill run adzie °.lit"i lead P*1`6 at the follovri:.o prieea riher ear,_c• does not excuad lb) feet. Aiaove 150 feet , a apeoial Price :will :;�8 ;fr�••vs1 street par foot- 18� pnRad street per foot- s� n if " 1-1/4 n of if M , t 21/b tt tt it toF.49 to a t+ it 67V of For servo:a largi-td •tbAz two ineh, a epocial price will be. rsde. ORDINANCE No Title i Date Filed__ day of 191 City Secretary