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Ordinance 1287
The City Domicil of the City of Fort ••orth met in regWLar session in the Council Chamber at the City Bell at 9s30 A* M. Tuesday the 19th day of July, A. D. 19E9', and upon rill call the folloming were presents Was Hryoe, iaiyssr', . n. Huffer, A. J., The tas, L. T. Ronfroi '04111ass Monsigs we I:. Austin and J. N. Sparks, Cenmoiluens eonstitutfng a quorug and asJority of said DOard, and I. a,. Van aandt, e7r., City "ecretary-Tres surer was in attendance a t. said meeting, and th� falloviag prooeadings, among other things were had and donos Gounea.lman ►►ns t in, to a andoe by Coum,411no t► M onr.i g, mev*d the adol;tiari of the following Ordinances OLDIN,41WL NO. 1287 Ali ORDINANCh WAOVI.DIJiG POi: 'THL ZMLAM— OF 00UPON BONDS OF m GCV4Nmi-AT or lli;; 01I f OF FORT 6CDRTa, AML)1;14T- ING TO TEL rRI110IrAL 501 Of SIX h-ODFLND THOUSAND AOLLAAS (4600,000.- 00), III ADI]ITION TO TT: BUY OF ONE MILLION SIX 3iI1MnD 'i'vo4L,.:?,D DOUARS (J1,600,000.00) WORTH OF SiIU DONDS RMTOPORL BY Tom: CITY =7301L BY ORDrNr-.NGE5 ]LILY iXACTLD 0Y TBE 0I1`Y CObNcnv PIMSUART TO VAL31 AUTRO8171 VESTET) IN S,ID GOMNI150 BODY BY A RE{I[3t Ar: AND !MIZR ET, CTION EELD ON '}t[E 2-6TH DAY OF NOVBUEk%.R, A. D. 105,p OUT OF AN AUTHORIZED Y35UN OF THE A0 EIILIAN TWO RUND D THOM3 ,ND DOLTA3i 2 (jS 20D O 4.t90) AND MIX% UOW N AS S�,�iI� i�+ORTY- SIX (46) An D1.3131Z FN maiwi IMPROnI[1 NT BORDS0t TO 1 i- ISSUED FOR 'PI.L: FURe0a 01' 1i!`..i a eL.I dAUEBT 11MOVEI&NTS BY COX-MiUCTINII, INkIcOVING AND hXT]sh` 310 Tli- ai'kiliLTS; THGROVUFAnt A!M STOKU arkmi �cIL OF :AID DoRDS W) � Ib 27 �:a� xt -Qs°scar: oy c" Od TTiS ND 99ARS (41,000,00) TACO TO M I M rZOUkR7 IST, I9P7, 1,0160:•: 11VIi' (.5) TLO V0FTY (40) Prv)v i I :. iy,z-- . -r_11: 08, AM TO BAR INT ST AT THL 1t�, E OF FOUii �LXR 07M-POtnM 14#) Pi-'R CE?f; I-T-1i AB , S.ni aI ANNOAV•'-', ar11-- 1.R'j-Ti:v8T TO L-L �.-C E33LD IN GOVeM N0=3 AWACLD -,0 Ti& $4NDS DINiw1N9 THAT ME SAID BONDS BF. rx3CMsLD BY TUL, d3JiSC03i t-ND 01" Sh9LTA11'L-'ACRAS y AJW PROVID- ING FOk AN AMQUA E TALC 'LEVY ='OTC M iA Ykx.NT OF 1tg3 IN=t6ST ON SAID BONDS AND TO CRBATL A SIANK7110 FM FOti ',Mr jl Y1 XT OF Tim j,1;71 COXPAL THMOFj, AS THU SAI(E 1[ATW(43 YHON TliE TO TIMJ AND FX0- VID117a THAT 2"$I$ &RRZ itNcB "H•'.Id, X. IN ftfias f,]M RM, c;T FROM P.ND Ark: t; TqL DATL OF ITS PA3:A=, WEMMAS, on the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1925, pursuant to the authority vested in said City by Section 19 of Chapter XXV of the Charter of the City of Fort worm, adopted by the qualified voters within the limits of said City on the llth day of December, A. D. 19 , and the laws and constitution of the State of Tessa, the City Council of the City of Fort 9th, Texas, by a resolution and an ordinance of that date, directed the submission to the resident property tax paying qualified voters of said City, at an election to be held in said City on the 24th day of November, A. D. 19250, of the right, power and authority of the City Council of said City to issue negotiable coupon bonds of the corporate govern- ment of the said City in the principal sum of Two Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,200,000.00), for the purpose of making permanent improvements in said City by construating,im- proving and extending the streets, thoroughfares and storm sewers of the said City, and to include in such permanent im- provements the widening, paving, grade separation, bridges and drainagej and WHEREAS, in conformity with the said resolution and ordinance, the Mayor of the said City did make proclamation of said election, and fixed the date thereof for the 24th day of November, A. D. 19251 and WHEREAS, said election order and proclamation thereof was prepared and published in the manner and for the time pre- scribed in said resolution and ordinances and WHEREAS, on the 24th day of November, A. D. 1925, said election was held in the City of Fort Worth at the respective polling places designated in the election order, at which said election the issuance of said bonds was submitted as a proposi- tion to the tax paying ww lirifid rotors of said Cit;i Ar4 -r ,, the offiolml ballot on soda Ote+ssimp in conformity with the resolution anC, ordl.uanoe of this City Council, hereinabo" eaentinrcdj raTA ft Ern[ordr.rce with the ordor n" mAd eler.tivn2 in feral and in auL,st"nce reiaet as toll*"I � 4 In the election held in mid City of Fort orth on the 24th day of Novembers r.. 1), 1995, on tht� gaestten of 44r, Issuance of -aid bouft hereinbafore r.aptionod, there w1are a ma lority mr votes in favor of tie issueince of y Ad bonds] and by virtue of said eieotion, onid Council is vested w th power and �iuthortty by and from the people to issue` said bonds for do Pees aforementieaad, nd to n i',4c0 same valid and binding obligations of the corporate govebrrment of thf! 'ity of Fort Werth, and -; Rk.AS# p wsuant to the power vested in the City Council# the duly eenstituted governing body of the City of Port Forth, by said aleatfon ex' the laws and Conmtltl {tlon of the Sttto of Texas, the said 'Ity Comeil dial, by an ordinance 2awrully passed �nd Zjdoptrtkd on the 29th day of Deeember, As Do l'D"5, eta which ordimmoe a*<<a nmendod 'jy an ordinance lawfutlly passed and adopted by the, City Council on the Sth di, ,i of .tnnttary, D. 19$ , r�-Ithorlme� the isc-Lnnco of ne", Liable coupon bonds of the :7mverm ont of the City of Fort Worth,, amomting to the principal suns of Five Hmid"d Thousand Dollars ( 500,000.00) out of as authorized issue of Two Million, Two Hundred Thousand, Dollars (42#200,00000) worth of said bonds authorised by the property tax paging q 4alified voters of said City at the said election held can the 24th day of November, 4 D• 1925, =- being known as Series #44 and designated as "Street Impro"e,*ent Bonds"$ and uTL .f s t-m said City '.o'emoil In with the pwmm vested in said govomin; body gas sot forth In the pm- Ctsdi]ng pamgaphr dial lawfully pass - ri-A adopt an ordbvxncc on the 18th Clay of June, A. D. 1926j autborieing the lasuanoe of negotia ale coupon bonds of the govftnmsnt of the City of Port I m th. amatmtUm to tbo prinaij al sass of Five Randred Thousand 5 Dollars ($500.000.00), in addition to the Five Iiadred Thousand Dollars (;:500.000.00) -orth. of Bald bonds herstotlore issued by authority of t-n ordinance, lawfully pessed and enonten on the 29th deny of Tlc*asi;ter, _. I). i02G, and which ardinanae was amend- ed -r�y an ordLn-gr_ce ado,,:-.-=.d on try, 5,;ii dajt of January, Pi. ,;. 1926, 1l of 2~- 'd bonds i„ ism iee out of an authorized issue of Two "xo RnmdrF-d l-o�ia- r4 Dalla.cs (421,200,0M.00) worth of se3d ba:+ Et aut'rc�rized n� tine p:pperty t�{x l�ay,wuy r1;AA fled vota a of said City at the said election hold on thq 24th dey ok November; A, r}. 19P5, ,nd be'_-nc imown as :,eries 46 aria deslr7juted s "Street Tmprn�eument ;.onds"; nd •.S, the s-yid Cit; councll, in alc(;ordanoe ;with the ^or_ r vested in acid 7oveirnlm body as above stated, aid lav f�.J!., r<<<s And odoplt an ordinance on the 28th ctat of December, D. ?.`:';, and which o,v inanco i,..s r,nendue- the 26th day of April, K . D. ?`?".7, ^i7ithcv ir.� the isrsm neir of rnc�ro;,istr3e c�.txstx bwtaia of �,i,. Clt-,� of Fort forth sziountl.ng to Wic prineipal sum of Sax Hutad.n O Thousi nd Dollars ($600,000.00), in addition to the One :Jillion rollers (41,000,000.00) worth of said bond heretofore isnue€1 by or dinnncc a .,oa. 1106, 1111 Li i 1149; alp. ox s id bonds tejjtE; I. -ued out of an e,utliorized is,ue of I** Yn1.l.?�r.: Two Hundred Thousr,tsd Dollard. (4V,200,000.00) worth of said bq s, emp9wered by •rto prp perty tax payin L.utalj-91-LL voters of said City, at the erld election he?c: on the 24th day o. tovember Lo 1925, rind beins known !:s 5-�-rleo e6 ' ne, desi,;Tv t.,d -:3 .:tre©t Imp2o:ement Boisdsl and under proeedl'n63 heretofore duly and legAlly had snd advpted the, �:Jty Council of :,he :'-*ty of Fort Woarth# Tapes, as aforesrl.d, bonds of thr. s i•i Clt;l to the Teti,, 1 Amount of One Six i.=drnd 2houmand :olla.s (41,600,000.00) hove been Issued out of Seriez 460 and F1HI:REAS, it is deemed wise and expedient by the •Oity Council of the Oity of Fort WOPth, in the exercise of the 418- orstion reposed in it by law, that Six Hundred Thousand Dollars worth_of acid bonds,. in.addition to. the On .Million Six dyed Thousand Dollars (t1,600,000.W) worth of said bonds herttotoro ISSUed out of Berle& 0 and Which a aomt oonatitutes the portion of the Loads :�eralr_.ng that oan be issuod tram the authorizvd issue of Two 1 illion Two Hundred 'i` ousund Dollars (y0,200,p- 000•00) and deelpeted Municipul 1_,ones �ierlar 460 00 issued in vnd, at ,-,is time and said 1673dn sh*21 be a rArt of "Arias 46, and ob411 be dasinnted "Street Improver-odt Double NOt p TILGREP01a p M T? OHDA-MRD V TUS CITY COUNCIL OF 'kff_- CITY OF FORT PORTai AhAt p►xrst,a;nt to Socti.an 19 of Chapter XXV of the Charter of the City of Dort WQrth $doptaa by the iliw2ified votrrs within the eorporate limita of said Clty on the 11th day of December, jL. D.6 19240 snd the law& rzrid Constitution of the 3tato of Twms, and pursuant to a vote of the resident aroparty tax qo.v►rig Voters 01 the City of Port ',north f�n election hold in naic! City for such vurp,).44s on vh� 24th dE-7 of Noven b r, A. i;. 1925, tI►p_t Lho munl.oipnl govar ent of the City of Forts nrt= issuer its corporate negotiable eonpon LMda in the prinalpal sure of Six Hundred Th tisand Dollars (�60o,00O.00)0 this aim being in addition to the TITe Mihftred Thousand Dollars (.jL- D,0Ou.00) vortb of said bonds heretofore isnued by an ordintiz,ce lawfully pr.si�ed and adopted on the 29th say of Deoftbsr, A. D. 190b, awed which ordinanco was jnenued 'try an ordinance lawmly pasjoc! E.yv3 Palo •tecl on the 5th day of Jspn6s7, . v U■ 1;32tj byth e Cf#y counail, and also, in addition to Five i mvh,ed ';hmarrd Dollars worth ^f ar.34 bmidn heretofore lz sued by an ordinance lkwA1illy pe mng-i &ial adoptod on thc- 15th day of Juno, A., J. 1926# and also: in aded t.im to .lix aar x3.'- d T"houar xkd :,ollsra (ii,,00,OOo,00) worth of ouid 7xa'+de heretofore Insuod b, an ordir xice 11vrfully passed and sdopted on ';he Path da;; of Meer vr, iL, D, 11P26, :.v__ ordinance wss tmendsd b-, an ordinance 1av,fully paaacd and sdopted on the 26th day of A pr i 1, A. i,. 1927, Inu-s u~nL to vz lid r uthori ty 1:v o:a the prro► lNrty tax paying qualified voters of said City at a proper and re- gular election hold on the 24th day of HswmbOr, r-. I& 1925, out of an authorised issue at acid elo atl on of Two laili,i+ans Two Hwu red Thousand Dollars (i'p2$e0D,000.0D), and whiott authorized issue it known as ?eries #46 Pnd daslgnsted as "Street Irdprovemiut3t Bonds", and `.he tondo so to toe issued aball be in the r_enozin4tion, of one 'fliauannd Doll_%rs { 1,15g0„f]Cr) each, dated sep timber,14t, 1927, I}e rJAg interest a L tho mate of frig tkr-d ore-fourth• (440 per Cent per ate, .3nTnble eery-annuAllu en the wet dny of Uarch -nd September of each 79ar respeativeiy, both principal and'interest of avid boado being ruble at the Hanover Natloml Bank, in the City of Novi York+ State of Ner York? the s..�A-Eivwual intere e t be ln,- o vldenctd by 17atereat emi}pans atteeb,ed hereto, all of said bars to bo azcouted for wd on baluxlf of the Oi'ty of ?art, ortlx by tho Mayor th.ar4of p &At stsd by Its Of ur €ieeretary-Trea.sunar, with t�ae *eel of tic �At;y thereon duly i:wMaesaed, t,ut tbi Interest aoupons to 14 oxcauted with the lithegrspt,ed face;i Ue sigmtur& of tht Mayor and City 3soretary- Treastirf,r of tha ,..i.tir Of i ort -orth, each a8 *-aid bonds and ooUpOna ahn11 tie negotiable and p,ynble to boarer, and said oanda U r-umliered in 1,?14 way and mariner hnrtxinrxt'.er sat aa';, fiv9 (5) years from 'Vac drite unreof and annually uher%:afrer until the last uvi.turing Mond ahR11 oecame payable xithin tarty (40) years from the date thereofp And the :ondn themaelms# six hwulred (800) in ==bar,, shall be ntmboved cor.2iteutivoXV frr,:,- one tbouaeind si m VnUO end and one (1601) to tsao thou aunJ two tumid (22DO) inclaslve, and shall =t.xre in thti arusrsats and tatr_n9r hsrainafter set oat j eel id bonds shall be W9-.d tar tAie p,irpose o: snit_inG permsnant Improve-eats by constrtiet- ing, ix-;endin;,v :vatl Anprovin�g t i_ stractsi thorou ��Xaros and storm sawirs of said city. That th,_ Seneral farts of said tandne :end -.he ocupoas thereto annexed and thi intorazt addoe. 4o. ;1ti1 bonds shall A, executed sub- stantially in tbA foll0ling tor=s NO, UNIT15 STA TTL 8 01000 OP kr.Lhl(;A .iJ$ CI T X 0 0 T ---0000000--- Street !=;provement Bond of the City of Yort. `'orLi-. for the PUPP088 Of =Ltklng P&rmanent LLpro-vez;:.nrz I constructing, improving Emu *jxt8nd17n,6 rue ctreetz, Vhorougnfare.- And storm sewers of 9:•id city. i t That the government of t1ju City of port mqnieip41 corporation, duly created undi--* the lave of the 8tate of Texas, hereby acx-nowled,-es Itatif to Owe, and far value raceivi�,d promises to jpz: .,;, to ONE THOU&ND 00 vS (*IQ()()) In lsvftl 120neY Of the Lha Lt6d 3"4ea of jhzerias, on the Ist day of SepLmws.er, Do 1952, 1;ogerhcr wA-wa intarest thereon at the into of four and one-fo�.uth (4.) per aerjt:m- per an.,jum,, pays-Ae sea.i-amazzally on Lhe Xlr:sr. ...�y oi- :carob Rrad S6ywmloec In 8,1eh year, on presentation nd akzrrejader of the amnuzcd interest coupons, an they 86verpqlly !all due.. the prli- elpal Tid Iterest of i,hia. and sire Payable -t LhL office 01 the Fs- ovei- fWtlonal Lank, in .'gave Xoric Git 'Y--, And -,a r the d.:� -nd pLaactusl pR,-vT�'c. of the bond at tLe Ll--Lereof' alftd t-.-kyi irltem-Oat t-htrccris 'vdkLe-a it falls the full ful4h' *-oedU end resources of the City of 1'ort o-.r are hereby ir- rervoca'bly pledged. Thin bond ii one of a -eries .of sla iiundrnd (600) bonds numbered conseautiv$17 from one thousand six Hundred and one (1601) to two thousand two hundred (2200) inclusive, each of the dehowl.Utica of One Thousand Dollars (11#000.00)# aYWV'Mt- Ing in the aggregate to the sism of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars -` 't—Ad for the purpose of making pw-wnent impro"- monts by constructing, improving and extending the streets, thorough» fares and storm sewers of s!iid City, under and t,y tirtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of :ort Worth, :rna "n ordinance of trio aty Council -�f the City Lawfully pasz:eu Fna vdot:Z:=:O on the 19th day of rely, A. D. 1927, Pur- swunt to valid a uthoz,i 4; from the prop:-t r tax poying qualified voters 9f z LJd At;,, at a pro;jerr ,,;id legna election held on the 24th day of NC:•em,er, A. D. 1925. it is herEby fuz'ther exprersly represented, recited and covenan.ed ty thr: go-- ernment. of the City of Fort Vorth, to and with eadh nd evcr,; holden oz a id >onds o, any one of them, that all aCwS, ;.or, .iticn:: -.nd tr t.; ► r-rjuirec� ty the laws of tt;Fe State of Texas, -.- of the Jhz rter n,„ drdironc(-€ of the City of Fort Worth, precedent to and in i 3u:inee of `his bond, have been 'one, have happer;ed, +.nd have in propFr and lawful time, form and mariner as presoriLed by la- , so as thin : ord a, legal, bindin nd valid obli f;•-tion of the Ci t; of ,?'ort ort),, r-nd -fia t provision :.ate -been rrtada for the lei. ;-rid ;r.11ection of p direct annual tax on all taxable ?i ot,:rt: in My of Fort orth, and tha: .:uch tax has been levied in sufficient amount for the payment of the :.,finei.m 1 and in_arest of thAs bone, at -he T*E:snective maturity dates thereof, and L1 uL the .,oral indebtednes , of said City, including this bond, and the iasizu o: which it is a c.c+.per^± t taart, does not exeeed any corstit:utior l or st= tt-.tor-T limits tion. IN '1ISi'1140NY ishLJ1E(jF, the City of Fort ' orth, in the Statr GA �.• �, uaid executed t ds 'r,ond by eausinr it. to be signed by its I..L rw and aL 4o ted 1:.. the secretary-Troy ;;rer with the seal of the CitT-t!1rrre-iM ue dr..-I-y I-Prez s.f�, .r' r,r s caused the annexed intere:rt CaujFons to lis executed -with tY-�: faesiwrt]e signature of the kayo• and Cit;, Sec.• tr:r-;-_^rea,surer, s,,•; dated 4 R the first da; of J-,ptember, 1927. A1"1' 3T t CITY OF FOIV ORTE[, TEXAS y a y» r yor (F'ORFt 02 COUPON NOTE) Now .................. �a�..:'S The City of Fort .,orth, Ju the State of Texas, premtnes to p^y to bearer T�4entyt-ono Dollars end twenty— five Cents ( 21.28), on zhe 14t day of ]larch, b. 1,. 1927, at the Hanover National ..3snk in the City of Now York, • Y•, for interest due that day on its municipal bond dated Sept- ember 1st, A. D. 1927, and, numbered 1601. ATTEST: THE CITY OF FORT -'ORTHi TMS rmznx xx. 1:1mt the acid bar& to bs lspw-d by thr City of Fart Wurth-, artatinting to Six. amdrOC- Tzoszzoncl D011p rs (0600,000.00), out of the avid &urharir�cd inrixe of Two :dill cm ^_'errs Mndred Thmaend Dollars (42,20000W.00), shall be itsa:Wd foi� the pM%,- pasc of oonstr toting, IVMovinZ and axtenalnr, the �!tra$ts, thorou,}enraa, atorm nowere, bridger, -ind d:•.�imFD of tit+.• C4ty and shall s iziat of a s hundmd (600) onda, 11 vred frcm one may.ne w `� y., ��p and on\e i } }..��n Y.� y p ��j}�/� Y aoue Lnd 5iz fm d rdd/(1601/ 1�o wo LiW�iuzd wo ! im4�r d `2200) Inclusive, ; nd a;ill 'bear iriwareat ^t Ain rate or fm- one- fourth (4. ) per ocat ,aer arz=, v'symble as atoreaaidl all of 1, p ld six hmdred (509) booms shall he know es Seris* ## and shall be atylod 4nt deaivinted as "::trcet lr:provament Bonds") tM# all of said OoWs, aomrml slag " pmr, total of .11s dr" ThcaaaiA { Sp0,1 .00), ifhell :•.,.twre in the mamexr ani n,:;Oiwte as set ptit In, the tahulFited staboxe tt harotrith atfaahA, onvitt CITY 4F FMT 'WORTH PRUCIA L MATURITIES 0600*000#00 STRICT IMOVMMXT BONDS i'h 0 Sk,-eThMU.R ISTs 19*7 • 18 t 36rOQD. 16,0oue 31 31B30 1G�0f]O, 41 �6*04t7„ 41 171.oco 42 17 gOuO. 170000. 46 47 17,OW. 17,000. 46 17,C*O. 48 1700004 bpi 17 0 DOO. 51 17,000* x7 17,040. 17v000, 1 ,J00 17 17,000. 60 17,f10b. el 17,OCr0, 68 7.7 0()U. 6 17,000. 17,00fl. C 1 11r 7wV�y. 1i SUCTION III. That the said bonds are hereby out terised to be sold to the beat advantagov but in no event shall same be sold for lens tban pars and the a erned interest to the tuna of delivery er(I the r,roceads thertot, to be placed in the treasury of the City of Fort Worth and utilised for the special burposea for which ti-a�- ere created. That Pep the purpose of area tin& a slaking fi3ad for the payment ay✓ so"lets "tingg3 slhsosnit of she foregoing bonded debt, principal and interest, and all and every part of stirs, there is hereby levied and there shall be ass_.a"d and collected as provided by law, set apart and apparopria tod for .hl said purpose p an an ml w direct special and valorem tax for the year 19M, r..nd e"ry successive year thereafter during Lho life of said bonded debt or any pant thoreoi of Ze62 cc:iiLf4 (sir wwch an asotmt rim may be necessary and adequate, be it more or loss) on every One Hundred (000*00) Dollars of prvp<+rty tiulwtion, real# personal and mixed# subject to taxation bYYJ not U eTLpt U e- - from under the Constitution ana laws of tha SLata of YLx,_ea sit- uated and owned in the Uty of r`ort k�orth on the lot da4 of January, r,, D, 1$27, and on the let dal of januas y of uzi ah year there-6f'ter until said debt reprtmentaQ is said bonds and 00upon interest notes shall have been du,117 pAd, a d if, at .;ray tif,ei su&- tax should be in.sufficiet►d, then it shall uu U dut4 of the City Council or any other gowerning t;odj of the OJty of raft Worth, to not npart and a. pproprlate such additional amount of money out of the general "venues of the said ;:icy, as .nay be requisite to supply the deficiency until all interest aball 2save been paid and the 3ir't,tnr, fund eatablished as rL;quirud 'Lij the Constitution of the State of Tozas and the Charter of the City of Fort Worthe SECTION V. That it shall be the duty of the City Council of the F ' City of Fort viorth and its aucoossors, and of the govornaent of tim City of Port Aorth, by levying taxes for ,-rnaral pin-_ nosua for Lhe a&id City of Fort Y,ortli for the -,ear, t9�7, -.no for invez-v successive year during the life of A&ad bonded debt or ang part ;:tre_sof, to include in ru:;h levy the apeeial ttim +s .0 cor-La on :ham One ti'undred (0100*00) Dollars property valuation (or so -%u h them of as may be raqui.sito and neoessary) pruvtded far In the n"t precuding *ect:ion of this crdlruancc-, hnri such :3pooi4al txxw aisl? oa i.Lo �ccrnLnt whotnoever be displaced tbartfrms That the speoUl tax hereinbefore rrnovfd&d for, Wv vsn collected, shall be placed and kept in separate fund. and $rill t+e devotod to the iaa gent of the interest and the extinguish- ment of the principal of all and singaUr the bonds hereirabove mentioned as sang matures from tame to tome, and shall rot be used, applied or diverted to any other Fvrposo or ob jeat what- soevers and the funds derived from said tax shall be held ind listed as a seizar�to account on the books of said Clt�, and the praeseds held and kept by the City '}"reasure: of said CILy as a sennra to 87v' distinct account and to specified f,s such on his books. SLOTIO14 VIIs Est as soon as convenient after said bonds shall have bebt ;'recto--cd and o1g ica in the manner prescribed by the ordinance, they shall be submitted to the Attorney con# Aral of the tote of T% ;vhav together '4W a certified copy of this ordinance and a atat'.emtut: of the toil !,ondeu inde'ted- neso of the City of Fort ..ortr:, including the bonds herein and hereby authorized and the assessed value of the taxable property in said City, for his ri ppraval, and nano of said ',ondt shall be negotiate!!, sold or tranaferred until the some shall have restived the official sanction of the said Attorney 00#Srsl as prescribed by low, <-n d thereafter sold bonds shall be plA ved with the State Comptroller of Public Accounts for registration,* SECTION Ville That the city Sborelt!IA3*y-TreaAurer Of the City Of F'rt Worth, Or Other lawful cwtod.ian of auch furAs, during the months of 'u at tind SAV eFr��r1. 7tt so th -,,nd Orcry year !luring t%e life of grdd bonds or part theveof, nn.1 not 1.4}ter thr4n the 20th day of (--aar, of s�:id months, ahwall tranarIt aufftcieat money out of ne interest funds herainbefore erected, for the pa;m nt of the sw,I-annual intereit aaorutr.,5 rn s aic bondiop i.o tie !:snover National U-.j-nk of the City of �!stv Yarl:, States of Now York, and likewise remittanee ern.11 be maetb in dui awarpe to pm,lde for the ;n yaeut of the grincipu l of any of saii� beds is r dun-nae of '•7t' naturlt; of .-anso SECTION IX. All ordinnn"-i and parts of ordin ai eas in corLfllut her-Ath ^nd they are heret)y a;pracsly ret�aalad. The holdIng Or ,A, ixdicu tll2n of uiq uuctIvn, tea.'L-f ri:s or Fvrrt I-so-Cof to b4 involId, shall rLo:: effect tito ve11di-ty e^' of .mad ot�!er nsetinn of 9& t of this ordluuncor Lut a'1 euch otb-Lzr s,3otiorir, port cus &Y.�i pit8 i:croof ttxtl} L•a. rrf rcr-Stzk valid. ShcTION XI. °Pxar t:�is Ord! ipnefa shall take effect .'nd to i.n full +f°'-%rrt rRd effect. !roya thlfr (Into of its pu}:eGe vrdt. �-t. if: cc o di%i.trec. l6a7dr 'ml FryC$, 'PrSaiding et 881d. rwet1n , aubmitted the motion to f-dopt said ord in+inca P.nd all of the Councilmen, includinFr the Mayor, voted "Aye" thereon L:rd none voted *No", and the motl.on to Adnat the. wdingnce was declared to unanimously passed sw adopted. THIS . T-'V,'a OF TkJCA8 I, I. L. Van '�andt, ,7-.# City fteretar�—Trenanrer of the City of Fort orthp do heY-c-by certify the t the above and foregoing ordinance is a tivA.--wleorrect copy of Ordinance No. 128" _,, and that aa„-a war unanimously pe%ssed and adopted by tFac City Council of -nc, City of Fort Worth# Texas, at a regalar i::aeting hold in the Council 'hambers at the City +iptll on Tuesday the 19th day of bfta A• D. ��. my hand it Fort -orth, Texas, this the dalt of , A. FF, 19 • ORDINANCE lel 7 No. " Tit]X01-6-1 O,, Y ®7 Date �.® �T �;"`' — Filed day 19 7 ioity Secretary