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Ordinance 387
ORDINANCE 30. 387 An Ordinance, ammending ordinance No. 170, being an Oidinsnae regulating the use of the $ubtic Streets and Highways of the City of lo'rt *erth by horses and vehicles of all kinds, establishing regulations as to transportation of merchandise and other property over and upon such streets and highways and regulati'rig the movement ,stopping,standing,management and control of vehicles of all kinds in such streete,highwenye and other public places, by adding theee- to Secti6'ns '34 and f6liowing Sections, as hereinafter numbered. �E IT OftaYIdIED $Y THE BOARD OF COMMInIONERS OF THE efTY OF FORT TOM; 909` SEtMN OA. That ordinnace number 170 passed`by the Board of ComAssionsrs of the blty`ef'lrort Vorth on June 7'th.,,1910 being an F ordinance °`to regu"Yi►te the Vie of the public streets and highways of °die r City b:r Port 'Worf'th"by" `rses and vehWss of ill kinds ,establishing reg- ulations to t"o' transportation of merchandise and other property over end upon such streets and and for the movement ,stopping, standing,manage- ment and ©ont?6l of vehisles of all kinds on such streets and highways and suoh pubAc places, and ropsall'ng ordinances in conflilct therewith, and fix- ing penalties for the violation thereof, be and the sa- is hereby are ended so !�s to afld thereto Section $4 and followin%Sec one and tr, read as fol- lows; SECTI'OF 84. 7`he`driver of every vehicle she 1 keep his hicle not less than si= f Bet frost the runnig board or lour© step of any treat car which is stopp1'ng'� takiing on Vr dlsohargfi g any assenger, an if"it is riot pos- sible 'to Peas sime at a distance of not less than Ax fe from said running board or step, then` the `driver of such vehic a shall j e same until such car shah. have taken on or discharged it8 pa serF6rs rd ar;ain started ; provided hoRever, that no vehiale 'of any kind o? master shall pass a street car ` 46 s stepped or about `to stop to taper on or discharge ra a passenger, at a greater rate of speed than four miles per hour. SECTIOA 315. wliki request"ed or signalled so tc do, the driver having posses- sion,charge or control of any vehicle,travelling on any street, shall a8 soon as practicable turn a reasonable distance to the right,so as to allow any overtaking, vghi<i-le Tree passage to the left of the e4vstak " vehicle. SEOTI10 38. Cct, &L `Vo per®op while ridind a bicicle, tricycle or motor cycle shall tjLkP hniri of .-MP .-.+1 ti. ,. U4 _, - - of holding on 'to and 'being seeriad al©nglby said etl; vehicle or street railway car. SECTIbW 37. Jo psrt 'ef tlie4V&obinary�of any automobile or motor oycle or ether mote driven vehicle shall bee- permitted 'to run while such vehicle is standing in &%y street,alley or other public place without an a'tendant being wAli sticri autoinobile,motor cycle or other motor driven vehicle. BHOMS 38. All eutofhob!les,motor cycles and other motor driven vehicles shall be provided and equip]ied wilth suitable mufflers, and the same shall 'be kept aloes -1W &II ''tI�Xai. SECTION'' t9. It sM� l to uhlawful :tor the dri�r mT operaattour�of any �uuvt�omobil'e, motor eyole 'r otifer mat©r driven vehidle"to sound the ho or ligon�,upon same in a loud,unusual 'or unneaesearg manner,orte use the same'at any -me or plane except i ' a warnrng of danger. SECTION 40. 7n case a'ny v®Mole strikes or inures angt �n or other vehicle It sha"5.1''be ile dthy' of its pars on in charge thereof Ito immediately stop and render all reasonable assistance, and if necessary obtain medical as- eistance'or aid fair such inj�ired person. SECTfON 41. "No 6he passenger inoti r cycle shill be ridden by mere than any one pers'on"it tl i!i SECT'MX 42. Strut dAV sihal' , ,?be s161ftf stop st sury .str®et `intersection fe'r the p Zrpo'ee of taking on or d"ieE SaTging' a passenger or passengers and stops shall be made after crossing the intereeeting street, and no pa4-flof d%y street ear ' ha`ll '6e stopped so as to obstruct traffic on any ''lnteirnacting street except when Such stop may be necessary for the purp®ee of protecting' lifelor prorerty. SECTfOIR 45. gereaffer all `street care gofng East on Seventh street or Ninth St`r®et "be'tween Main" and Houston S�rents shall psis over Main Street %0 tho U"et sills' thereeP , aset of the east property line for the qP ., and It shall be unlawful for A'any vehicle of any kind or character "to atop, stand, or rema'ln pn said Seventh Street or IMAh Street betweeWn Magi'aiig"$tiu®ion Sreeg 6r a longer period then !' *e minutes at shy onetime provided however,th"at vehicles loading or unloading merchandise or other property may stand thereth a reasonable length of t-rxii`lc enable them to load and unload such merchandise or A er property. SECTION 44. Any pelrion violating in# of thr, foregoing provisions, rules and regulations shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one 'hundred dollard. SECTION 45. ' A'11 ordisftnCe's 410PONWof ordinances in conflict herewith are herby repealed. SE.-TIbW MI. ghe a'beve QmendmenteAshill take effect and`6 in force from and aft®r the passage and tublliation )^ereof as required by law. I hereby certify that the above and fore g ing Ordinance was duly presented and passed and adopted by the Board of Cokmissionere of the City of Fort Worth at a session of said Board held Tuesday August 12th,A.D.1913. Ci$y Secretar,