HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 87 Ordinance No. An Ordinance prtbcrLb.ing-, the fire limits within the CL%-r of Tort Worth and t-'-i e ',cind of buildinsq -and tha material Vierf;cf t;-Ir:t inay be moved upon or constructed wit'iin s.--Lid. limitsjprovidLng Penalties for the en rorc ernint of this ord i nanc ej-,.nd rj�)e,,Llinz ordinances and arts of ordinances in conflict th e t,"A!i BE IT ORDATIT-WD 13Y THE ROK-UD 07 COM-1139IOM!;R,13 O�' THE CITY 071 -,,nP—T WORTH: r,ection 1 Al.1 t,iat part of t+y r)f -17 c,r t -wr, t A 4,nd bounded by tne described lines c,r 1! �_Nits shal`l- he I�Lnu constitute tie, Fire limits of said C i r. 9eg�inn in_g :A a po int on the south line of Bluf P' Strejt at its interjection with '.1 f, 6'-w't line_ of Tjouston Stre,1-t;t?iQnce southerly tl:c e:.e 1, ]_in ; 'ouston street to its intersection with the soizta lino R 6 1%n tre(_t;t1,,enc-e we,,3terly along the said south line of B.e.Dcn:.Lp z,, -its intersecticn with the f,-L�-,: t line T. Ior tri (-t; t%_once tlonr,- s;,.t i d ;;,s t I ine of T=1"3.or str_­A to its inn with the north line of West ',first strtet; thence e;Lsterly L41-one; said north line of 'West 71irs' street to a point lOn feA west of Throckmorton street; thence following the 100 fort .line. vv e s t of Throckmorton street to a point Vieru Throcl:morton and stre.Aq intersect; thence following tqe line 100 -ce-t w-,-st of 14onlot -,)truA smith to the north a4" of Texas and p;;LcLfic r;.ilro,td rj,;erv�Atinn; t1lience alonS the north line of Texas kn(i Pacific rLtilroad r,_,3ervut_ I-U-1 ILA-at,, �)U., 6 IJ U- " �, V h �� inn to the - e;v3t line of Tones street' to t,ie :youth line ��,f rTint]­ stre,,A; thence west along the south li),te 0 f n th s tr e t eb, east line of Calhoun street; t',Ienne nort"i11L A 1,0 the1"ith li-e of 7ev'enth street; -1�jpnce west. ,,Ll 0 n,,7, the soutn I fine or Seventh street to a roLnt 100 fe�A east o . Rusk :Aru:A; t`ience nort'ri this 100 foot line e 6clt of Rusk st.rnot to th e south line of Bluf street; t'ience n along the south line of Blu"f' street to the ,­1: c e of us well folloviin(; -,Vit'lin the corpor- ate limits 'of said Qfty (iescribed xx by mats -did -,bounds �L2 follows: Beginning apt a :polnt in tine smitli line of R,ii1-v(),-id AvQ.,,t the intersection of said RaAlrn,Ad.' Ave#ue with a cert.-tin r-;O.Iey rviv­ on'th betwek,,n Gulveuton­:A�4nue .find Qolith 17�tr­,,T 40 '��west Of tlrle West line of 9,-tid Sooth fain "treet; thence sOut."! with the 4 st line of said all ey t 0 t,,e ncrt',1 DP C-L - land Avenue;t t1ri en r,e e:t 13 t With Vie .north lint; of said Clevuluria Av.eniip, wit-,-i -%j nort:L linc Or a ce7-tlin a7ley rininin- e;jqt and v%"t b,,t-WQ :- n Pev­__ .,.,,nu Eliz�Lbetli Str,-(jts, and cont LnuinE with '_'ejj*ftCta Strout, the s Eun t; e i Y i g a cunt Lnuu t i on of said last Mentioned Following t,-Le nort'r, ine' or :Lid ,end str:et;3 with tiie 'in�:Ies -,,?i d turns t e r e,o f to the west line of Tones lotrQet; tlience n o r t-i w i t t I ine of stid Tones Street to the s0llt3, 'line 017 Railroad Avenue; thence west with ti-le oit I th 1 ine of' R i 1 r();4,d Avenii.e to t:ie i7lace Of Said cal__s a t _dceri from the o'c"ici,11 Mup 0 the 'City Of Port Viort.r,., adopted par ordinance of, said ci-11-y on 111,.ct 1907., Section 2. Y nerson or nersons, iirrri or corjlor.�tion, vir�.o S '.JerQufter bn Lld, or place in or upon any biDo!" or lot Nre limits of this City, or c)e conc.rned in biiiJ.C.'In,­, enl-arg ing or placing within said fire_ limits any b),IldinE or hii i-111- t_)an Foch as are constructed of br*Lc.k iw * stone Jt e or v4,L o shall -move rLmy buil(itrg constructedidf any m4terirU other t*,,an brick a--r ewv_ell"41- 9:r stone to any place e wit,iin s7Lid A fire limits, or est:Liblish. any lumber .rjrd witHin said rLr-e limits, Or who 'shall rebuild or re- Pair any biiilding constructed of materitl other tli,;tn bric,c o+& stone wit,iin said f ire limit,,' which shall have been &jxi4gad by fire.ut-ct,7 or �.ny Otier )4*jner t,) t",Ie extent of 5 P 07 its r)r i d L n w-j cost v all'e, or w-Tio shall in,.Ake any audition not composed of., brick-r6w 0-r-e.V%ti 4A" ;'tonehtCi an_v bIrilding in s.-;Lid fire limits s11e7.1, iipon conviction t',lt he punl�,',Ied by a f roof, ine no' le.ot3 t i:,Ln :�10.00 nor :Wore tj,,,jn $50.00, and each day, (if such violation of t;iis oruin,,L-ice s3itl1 con- stit'Ite a separtte offense. Section 3. Th,it :_,Lll Ord inaric es and par ts of ordinances in cOrifl ict hefewLt'i be-and the same- are repealed, ordirAnce shall be in &CCect. �rorri and Fi Ct ef its p a,,,s a,7 f,, _!jU pubj_ !(,-.-itjoyi as r eq t i i-r f--d by law. I hereby certify tilat the above and fore-loing ordinance was duly prerent, ed and unarci7jLously passed by the Board of Coijimissioners of the City of Fort Worth at a session held April 6th, laWq. City Pecretary.