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Ordinance 5287
r ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE FIRE CODE OF THE CITY OF NORT WORTH; PROVIDIM FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BUREAU OF FIRM' PREVENTION'; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF THE FIRE CHIEF AND DEPUTY CHIEF FOR FIRE PREVENTION; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINT- MENT OF FIRE INSPECTORS AND DEFINING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES; PROVIDING FOR THE INSFBCTION AND INNTSTIGATION OF FIRES AND FIRE HAZARDS; PRESCRIBING RMULATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE BURNING OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS,. SEC13KNG OF VACANT BUILD- INGS., REMOVAL OF WASTE MATERIAL, STORAGE AM USE OF FLM403LE MATERIAL:; S)MCIFYIIvG SAFFTY RBQ,UIRDT3M FOR 14ACES OF ABODE 011 ASSkmLY, PAC`1ORI1;:�, 11IRSINESS CONCE11113, 'C11001.L1 AND EDUCAr TIONAL INSTITUTIONS, HOSPITALS, CLINICS, AND OTHER OCCUPANCIES; REGULATING THE MANUFACTURE, STORAGE AND USE OF FIAN11+7ABLE LIQUIDS AND LT_QTJ7,FIED PETROLEUM GASFS; SETTING REQUIREMENTS FOR DRY CLEANING PLANTS, COMMERCIAL GARAGES, WRECKING YARDS AND TIRE REBUILDING PLANTS, ESTAPLIS11EMIS, STORING, HAIDLING, OR USING COMBUSTIBLE FIBERS, WOODWORKING PLANTS,, STARCH FACTORIES, GRAIN ELEVATORS, FI0JR AND FEED MILLS, FINISHING SHOPS USING FLADZF,LE FI2NI5"HEO ;`J71D ISTA3LISYMNTS STORING MATCHES; SETTIPIG STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN, MAIr1UFACTURE, INiTALLATION AM j!j-_TEKMC9 Ol? IoCH IICAL REFRIGERATION, FOR THE STORAGE, HANDLING, USE AND TRANSPORTATI0N OF EXPU)SIVES AND CALCIUM CARBIDE; REQUIRING FIREE EQUIPMENT IN SPECIFIED OCCUPANCIES; PROHIBITING TAMPERI11G WITH FIRE ALARM BOXES, iu!?TNG IN FALSE ALARMS, AND OBSTRUCTIONS TO FIRE HYDRANTS; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2470 AND ALL AMENDMENTS Tf1ERETO; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY; t AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. t R WHEREAS, the public health, safety, welfare and property are not adequate-ly protected by the provisions of the existing ordinances relating to fire prevention and protection in the City; and, WHEREAS, an merrency exiets in that it is necessary for, -the I=ediate preservation of the public health, cafoty, welfare and property Lhat further provi►3luuo be enactizd relating to Vire prevention and protection in the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEW I rmo .r aMol"M FIRE PREVENTION CODE OF THE .r CITY OF FORT WORTH, 1964 .r r a �r TABLE OF CONTERTS ARTICLE SUBJECT 1..................... General Provisions 2........... .. ....... . Automobile Tire Rebuilding Plants �- 3.......... ..... ...... Automobile Wrecking Yards, Junk Yards and Waste Material Handling Plants 4....... .............. Bowling Establishments 5................ ..... Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture, Photograph and X-Ray Film 6............ .. .. .... . Cellulose Nitrate Plastics 4. 7... .... .... .. ...... .. Combustible Fibers 8..... ......... ....... s �or.0iTq1,r141- 7` /N,s1-, Tc..'Tv'vx 9 .. .... Dry Cleaning Plants 10........... .... ..... . Dust Explosions, Prevention of 11................... . . Exit Ways 12.. ........ .. . ... ... . . Explosions, Ammunition and Blasting Agents 13. .. .... . .. ...... ... .. Fireworks 14..... . ...... ... . ..... Fire Protection Equipment 15.... .. .... .. .. .. ... . . Flammabl.e Finishes x a.a 16.. ... .... .... ...... .. Flammable Liquids ..a 17.. . ................ .. Fruit Ripening Processes 18....... .............. Fumigation and Therm) Insecticidal Fogging 19............... .... . . Garages 20..................... Gas Appliances and Connections 21.... .. ........... .... Hazardous Chemicals a 22....................Liquefied Petroleum Gases .. 3. . . . . . . . . . . .Lumber Yards and Woodworking Plants 24. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .Magnesium 25. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .Matches and Smoking 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oil Burning Equipmant 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Ovens, industrial Baking and Drying ' 28. . . .. . . . . . .. ... . ... .Placeo of Assembly 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Refrigeration 30. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Weldi.ng or Cutting, Caicitim Carbide and Acetylene Generators 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Care Dames 32.. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .Miscellaneous APPENDU S A. ... .a . . . . ... . .. . . .. .Publicatiow B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Hazardous Locations" — National Electrical Code, 1962. C..... ...... .. ..... ...Permits required by this Code. 4 ♦ ORDINANCE 110. yg AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE FIRE CODE OF THE CITY OF TORT WORTH; PROVIDIN& FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BUREAU OF FIRS` PRE'VENTPIOR; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF THE FIRE CHIEF AND DEPUPY CHIEF' FOR FIRE PREVENTrION; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINT- ' VENT OF FIRE INSPECTORS AND DEFINING THEIR POWERS AND DVrIES; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPRCTION AND IN BSTIGATION OF FIRES AND FIRE HAZARDS; PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE ..� BUP LING OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, SECURING OF VACANT B"iJILD- INGS, REMOVAL OF WASTE MATERIAL, STORAGE A0 USE OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS; SFECIFYTliG SAFZTTY RBQUIR112M FOR 14MES OF ABODE OR ASSEMBLY, N'ACTORIES, BUSINESS CONCERNS, SCHOOIF AND EDUCJ6 TIONAL INSTITUTIONS, HOSPITALS, CLINICS, AND OTHER OCCUPANCIES; REGULATING THE MANUFACTURE, STORAGE AND USE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS AND LT_QUTFIZD PETROLEUM GASES; SETTING REQUIREMENTS FOR DRY CLEANING PLANTS, COMMERCIAL GARAGES, WRECKING YARDS AND TnE REBUILDING PI,AN03, ESTABLIS12,1EW-IS STORING, HANDLING, OR USING CONBUSTIBLE FIBERS, WOODWORKING PLANTS, STARCH .r FACTORIES, GRAIN ELEVATORS, FLOUR AID FEED MILLS, FINISHING SHOPS USING FLAMW;Ar;LE FIfI.HEO MD ESTABLISFMATS STORING MATCHES; SETTING STANDARDS FOR THE D3SIGN, MAIUFACTURE, .. IWTALLATION AND MAllr-'ENANCE OP MDCHANICAL REFRIGERATION, FOR THE STORAGE, HANDLING, USE AND TRANSPORTATION OF EXPLOSIVES AND CALCIUM CARBIDE; REQUIRING FIRE EQUIPMENT IN SPFJ;IFIED OCCUPANCIES; PROHIBITING TAMPERING WITH FIRE ALARM BOXES, TURNING IN FALSE ALARMS, AND OBSTRUCTIONS TO FIRE HYDRANTS; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2470 AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY; .. AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAZ, the public health, safety, welfare and property + . are not adequately protected by the provisions of the existing -ordinances relating to fire prevention and. protection in the .n City; and, WHEREAS, an emergency exiets in that it is necessary for. the I=ediate preservation of the public health, safety, welfare and property that further provisions be enacted relating .to fire prevention and protection in the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: i ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS DIVISION I. Purpose, Scope and Authority Sec. 101. Title. This ordinance shall be known as t1w Fire Code of the ty of Fort Worth or as the "Fire Code", may be cited as such, and �. will be referred to herein as "this Code". .Sec. 102. Pur ose. This Code provides certain minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and the public welfare by regulating and controlling the storage, handling and use of danger- ous and hazardous material and the installation, construction and use of buildings, structures, equipment and devices in the city. Sec. 103. Scope; exemptions. This Code shall be the standard of fire safety governing structures and practices in the city. Nothing con- tained herein shall be construed as applying to the transportation of any article or thing shipped in compliance with regulations pre- scribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission, nor as applying to ow any branch. of .the armed forces of the United States. Sec. 104. Owner or occupant responsible. The owner, occupant, or person in charge of any building or premises where any violation of this Code is found shall be prima facie responsible for such violat'i6h. y a $ec. 105. Other laws and ordinances. .. A. This Code shall repeal Ordinance No. 2470 of the City of 3CXt Worth and all amendments thereto. B. Thic Coc'ie, stall repeal every prior ordinance in conflict herewith, but only insofar ac such prior ordinance shall be in conflict, and as to all other coctiofts of ordinances not in d1rect conflict horexith, thi6 Code shall ! e &nd is hereby made cumulative, except as to such ordinances or Do2tiona thereof as are expressly repealed hereby. = L. The permiecive provisions of this Code mhal.' not be construed to weive or get aside any limitations contained in existing ordinances of the City or in any law of the State of Texas. Sec. 106. Liabilities. Ul of tho regulations provided in this Code are hereby declared to to governmental and for the benefit of the general public. Any member of the City Council, any City official or employee = or any member of the Board of Appeals charged with the enforcement of this Cade, actir.3 for the City in the discharge of his duties, shall = not thereby vender Limself personally liablo, and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the dis— charge of his duties. Any suit brought against any such official or employee because of such act performed by him in the enforcement of any provisions of this Code shall be defended by the Department of Law until the final adjudication of the proceedings. Sec. 107. Penalties. ,Any person who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, '� or refuses to comply with, or Who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Code, shall be fined not less than Five and N01100 Dolls" ($5.00) nor more than No Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($200.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Sec. 108. Validity; Saving. A. Should any section, clause or provisions of this Code be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not effect the validity of this Code as .n xhole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid. B. All rights or remedies of the City are expressly saved as to azly and all violations of Ordinance No. 2470 and all amendments thereto, or of any fire protection or fire prevention ordinances or amendments thereto that have accrued of the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and -as to such accrued violation, the court shall have all the power that existed prior to the effective date of this ordinance; and that all existing violations of previous Fire Prevention Ordinances and Regulations shall be considered as violations of this ordinance in the same manner that they vere violations of prior Fire Ordinances and Regulations of the City. Sec. 109. Digest and Revision. This ordinance constitutes a digest and revision of the Fire Prevention ordinances of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as provided by Section 2, Chapter XXVI of the Charter of said .. City, and the City Secretary is hereby directed to publish this ordi- nance in pamphlet form for general distribution amoung the public and' this ordinance, as so published in pamphlet form, shall be admissi— ble in evidence as provided in Section 3, Chapter XXVI of the Charter. MW 4w r MO W DIVISION II Definitions, Abbreviations and Standards .. Sec.. 110. Definitions and Abbreviations. For the purpose of this Code the following words, phrases and abbreviations shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to thgm by' this section: AIRCRAFT SERVICE STATION. That portion of an airport where flammable liquids used as aircraft fuel are stored or dispensed from fixed equipmeat and all facilities essential therewo• MP AMBULATORY PATIENT. A person who is able to care for his own needs, although he may need some minor nursing. Such ra patient or resident Mwt be able to walk and to evacuate the premiss without help frorR others. AMMONIUM NITRATE. Ammonium nitrate and ammonium nitrate fertilizer, whether i8 the form of crystals, flakes, grains or pills, and includ— ing fertilizer gregde, dynamite grade,- nitrous oxide grade and tech— nical grade ammonium nitrate end ammonium nitrate phosphate (contain— ing 60% or more a nium nitrate by weight). APPROVED. Approval by the f+:reau of Fire Prevention, unless other— wise provided, based upon reports of investigation, tests and stand— ards, set by national, state and local authorities, including but not limited to the National Board of Fire Undervriters, Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. , the U. S. Bureau of Standards and other techni— eel and scientific organizations. - J AUTHORIZED. Approved or permitted, as evidenced by permit. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATION. That portic.,n of a property where flammable liquids used its motor fuels aria atored and dispensed from fixed equipment into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. BARREL. A volume of 42 U. S. Gallons. BEDFAST PATIENT. A person who requires complete bedside care. BOIL-OVER. The expulsion of crude oil or other flammable liquids from a burning tank in which the light fractions of the crude oil burn off producing a heat wave in'the residue, which on reach- ing a water strata may result in the expulsion of a portion of the contentd of the tank in the form of a froth. BUILDING CODE. The Building Code of the City of Fort Worth. BUILDING OFFICIAL. The officer charged with the aLninistretion and enforcement of the Building Code, as dOfined therein. BULK PLANT. That portion of a property where flan able liquids dw are received by tank vessel, pipe line, tank car, or tank vehicle, and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose of. distributing such liquids by tank vesoal, pipe line, tank car, tank vehicle, or container. BUREAU. The Bureau of Fire Prevention, its chief or authorized representative. r CARE HOME. An institution providing meals and resident care and services for persons who are generally admitted for periods of s time exceeding .30 days. Such service may include custodial or attendant care, but may or may not provide for routine and regu- lar medical and nursing services. Care domes include custodial care homes, convalescent homes, Nursing homes, rest homes and homes for the aged. CARGO TANK. A container having a liquid capacity in excess of 100 gallons, used for the transportation of flammable liquids, and mounted permanently or otherwise upon a tank vehicle. The term CARGO TANK does not apply to any container used solely for the .r purpose of supplying fuel for the propulsion of tha tank vehicle upon whic.l it is mounted. CELLULOSE NITRATE PLASTIC. Pyroxylin or any other plastic sub- stance, material or compound having cellulose nitrate as a base when in the form of blocks, slabs, sheets, tubes, febrica-Lea shapes, r or liquid. CHEMICAL PLANT. A large, integrated plant or that portion of such plant, other than a refinery or dial illery, where flammable liquids are produced by chemical reactions or used in chemical reactions. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION. The duly appointed head of the Bureau. CLOSED CONTAINER. A container so sealed by means of a lid or other device that neither liquid nor vapor Will escape from it at ordinary temperatures. COMBUSTIBLE FIBER. Readily ignitable and free burning fibers, such as cotton, sisal, henequen, ixtle, jute, hemp, to%`c000s fiber, oakum, baled waste, baled waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, and excelsior. CONTAINER. Any can, bucket, barrel, drum, or portable tank, except stationary tanks, tank vehicles, and tank cars. CONVALESCENT HOME. A care home in which care of the sick by professional or trained nurses licensed under the laws of the State of Texas is the primary function of the home. CONVERSION OIL BURNER. A burner with or without a primary safety so control, for field installation in heating appliances boilers and furnaces. Under special circumstances it may installed for firing ovens, water heaters, ranges, special furnaces and ^ the like. A burner of this type may be a pressure atomizing gun type, a horizontal or vertical rotary type or a mechanical or natural draft vaporizing type. CONVERSION RANGE OIL BURNER. An oil 'burner designed to burn kerosene, range oil or similar fuel. This burner is intended primarily for installation in a flue-connected stove or range, a portion or all of which was originally designed for the utili- zation of a solid fuel. �r s CORROSIVE LIQUID. Those acids, alkaline caustic liquids, and other corrosive liquids which, when in contact with living tissue, will cause severe damage to such tissue by chemical action; or in cases of leakage, will damage or destroy other containers of hazardous commodities by chemical action and cause the release of their contents; or will cause fire when in contact with organic matter or certain chemicals. CRUDE PETROLEUM. Hydrocarbon mixtures that have a flash point below 1500 F. and which have not been processed in a refinery. CUSTODIAL CARE HOME. A care home which provides board and room for aged or disabled persons who are able to care for themselves in a protective environment and in which the care of the sick is not the primary function. DIP TANK. A tank, vat or container of flammable or combustible liquid in which articles or materials are immersed for the pur— pose of coating, finishing, treating or similar processes. DISTILLERY. A plant or that portion of a plant where flammable. liquids produced by fermentation are concentrated, and where the concentrated products may also be mixed, stored or packaged. DRY CLEANING. The process of removing dirt, grease, paints and w. other stains from wearing apparel, textiles, fabrics, furs, rugs, and other :materials by the use of non-aqueous liquid solvents, flammable or non-flammable. It shall also include the process of dyeing clothe$ or other fabrics or textiles in a solution of Jaye Wlors and -�queous liquid solvents. DUST. PulveriS. particles CO�any material which, if mixed with air in the pr,;,-J�er proportions, become explosive and may be ignftad by a flame or i�purk. ELECTRICAL CODE. The ordinances of the City regulating the in- stallation and maintenance of electrical wiring, appliances, etc. OPLO.SIVE. Any chemical compound or mechanical mixture, commonly used or intended to produce an explosion, that contains any oxi- dizing and combustible units, or other ingredients, in such pro- portion, quantities or packing that an ignition by fire, friction, concussion, precussion, or detonation of any part of the compound or mixture may Cause such a sudden generation of highly heated gases that the resultant gaseous pressures are capable of pro- ducing destructive effects on contiguous objects or persons. FIRE-RESISTIVE. Meeting the standards for fire-resistive construc- tive prescribed in the Building Code. .. FIRE-RESTRICTIVE. Fire resistive. FI.R.ZWORKS. Any sparkler, squib, rocket, firecracker, Roman candle, OIL t --1 torpedo, fire ta-lvon, star shell, cannon cracker, gerb, or any other substance in any combination used to obtain a visible or boo W .. .. 10 .r audible pyrotechnic display. The term shall include all articles or Substances Within t:te commonly accepted meaning of firawr)w, •• whether herein specifically designated or not. FLA)ORBLE LIQUID. Any liquid having a flash point below 2WOa - and having a vapor pressure not exceedi;ag 40 pounds per square inch (o'hoolute) at 1000F. FLAMMABLE SOLID. Any solid substance, other than an explosive, which is liable to cause fires through friction, absorption of moisture, ax spontaneouo chemical changes, as a result of retained heat from manufacturing or processing. FLASH POINT. The minimum temperature- in degrees Fahrenheit at vhich. a flammable liquid will give off flammable vapor as deter— mined by the test procedure epe^ified in this Code. FUEL OIL. Kerosene or any hydrocarbon oil having s flash point of not less than 1000F. FUMIGANT. Any substance which by itself or in combination with any other substance emits or liberates a- gas, fume or vapor used for the destruction or control of insects, fungi, vermin, germs, rodents, or other pests. Fumigants shall be distinguished from insecticides end disinfectantg which are essentially effective in the solid or liquid phases. Examples of fumigants ere methyl bromide, ethylene dibromide, hydrogen cyanide, carbon disulphide and sulfuryl fluoride. IL FUMIGATION. The use within an enclosed space of a fumigant in concentrations which may be hazardous or acutely toxic to man. GARAGE. A building or place used for the repair or storage of motor vehicles, whether or not for public use. HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS. Locations defined as hazardous in Article 500 of the National Electrical Code, 1962, a publication of the National Fire Protection Association. (See Appendix A.) HEATING AND COOKING APPLIANCE. An oil-fired appliance not in- tended for central heating. These appliances include kerosene stoves, oil stoves, and conversion range oil burners. HELPLESS PATIENT. A person who in an emergency is unable to evacuate the premises easily and readily without help and without impeding the progress of others. HIGHLY TOXIC MATERIAL. A material so toxic to man as to constitute a hazard to life and health. Examples are; parathion, TEED (tetraethyl phosphate), HETP (hexaethyl tetraphosphate), and similar insecticides and pesticides. HIGH HAZARD DRY-CLEANING LIQUIDS. Flammable liquids having a flash point below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. INDOOR ASSEMBLY. Any place of assembly located within a building or enclosed, roofed structure other than a tent. Such place shall .. include any occupied connecting room or space in the same story, or in a story or stories above or below, when entrance is common to the rooms or spaces. LOW HAZARD DRY-CLEANING LIQUIDS. Flammable liquids having a flash point of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. MAGNESIUM. The pure metal and alloys of which the major part is magnesium. MARINE .SERVICE STATION. That portion of a property where flammable liquids used as motor fuels are stored and dispensed from fixed equipment on shore, piers, wharves, or floating docks into the fuel tanks of motor-driven marine craft, including all facilities used in connection therewith. MENTAL INFIRMITIES. Those characteristics of ordinary senility or mental decline which do not cause the patient to be disturbing to others or to require restraint. NBFU. The National Board of Fire Underwriters. NON-FLAMMABLE DRY-CLEANING LIQUIDS. Liquids which are strictly non-flammable and liquids which are non-flammable at ordinary temperatures. .. NURSING HOME. A convalescent home. OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT. An oil burner of any type, together with its tank, piping, wiring, controls and related devices, including all conversion oil burners, oil-fired units, and heating and cooking appliances except those exempted by the provisions of �. Section 2601. OIL FIRED UNIT. A heating appliance equipped with one or more oil burners and all the safety controls, electrical equipment 13 and related equipment manufactured for asoembly as a complete unit. This term shall not include kerosene stoves or oil stoves. OUTDOOR ASSEMBLY. Any place of assembly located in the dain out- side of buildings or enclosed, roofed structures. Examples are stadiums and amphitheaters. OXIDIZING MATERIAL. Substances such as chlorates, permanganates, peroxides, or nitrates, that yield oxygen rebdily to stimulate combustion. PERSON. Any person or persons, firm, association op corporation. PLACE OF ASSEMBLY. A room or space in which provisions are made for the seating of persons for religious, recreational, educational, political, social or amusement purposes or for the consumption of food or drink. POISONOUS GAS. Any noxious gas of such nature that a small amount of the gas, when mixed with air, is dangerous to life. Examples are chloropicrin, cyanogen, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen peroxide, and phosgene. POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE CHEMICAL. Any chemical substance, other than an explosive or blasting Agent, which has aT�x,r� to be unstable and which can be exploded by heat or shock or a combination thereof. r ~ PROCESS AREA. That location where flammable liquids are processed, .. or stored as a part of current production, including vlorking storage. PROCESSING PLANT. That portion of a pr(i3erty in which flammable liquids are mixed, heated, separated or otherwise processed as the principal business, but not including plants defined herein as refineries, chemieal plants or distilleries. PYR0XYLIN. Cellulose nitrate plastic. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL. Any material or combination of materials that spontaneously emits ionizing radiation. REFINSRY. A plant in which flammable liquids are produced on a commercial scale from crude petroleum, natural gasoline, or other hydrocarbon sources. REST HOME. A- convalescent hote. SAFETY CAN. An approved container of not more than 5 gallons capacity, having a spring-closing lid 8nd spout cover. +r SEALED SOURCE. A quantity of radiation so enclosed as to pre- vent the escape of any radioactive material but at the same time permitting radiation to come out for use. SMOKING. Smoking, carrying or possessing a lighted pipe, cigar or cigarette, or the lighting or igniting of a match or other open r flame. ow SPRAYING AREA. Any area in which dangerous quantitigs of flam- mable vapors or combustible residues, dusts or deposits are pre- sent due to the operation of spraying processes. r.r 15 r STJITA13LL Approved or authorizer2. TAWK VINICLE. Any vehicle other thath a railroad tank ear or bgst, with a cargo tank mounted thoreon or built as an integral part thereof, used for the tranuportation oil flammable liquids.. Tank vehicles shall Imludo self-propelled vehiclea, full trailers And aemi trailers Without motive power and With wheels carrying either part of all of the load. TMERML INSECTICIDAL FOUNING. The process by which intaaeticidal liqu2ft are passed through thermal fog-gonerating units where rt thty are, by means of kept, pressure and/or turbulanea, transformed and discharged in the form of a fog or mdert that 1s bloom into rt an ores to be treated. VPJIUR AREA. Any Area Containing dangerous quantitiea of flammable vapors in the vicinity of dip tanks, thCir drain boards or aszo- ciated drying, conveyiAg or other egvipfent, during operatiEbn or shut-down periods. VAPOR PRESSMiE. 'The pressure, measured In pounds per c uare inch (absolute), exerted by a volatile liquid, ae determined by the Reid Method, (See A. S. T. M. D. 323-58, Standard Method Tost for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products, Reid Method). 16 Sec. 111. Standards. A. Where standards are not otherwise specifically provided and described in this Code, compliance with standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters shall be prima facie compli— ance with the terms and provisions of this Code. B. Standards prescribed by the National Board of Fire Under— writers, as recommended by the National Fire Protection Associa— tion, are enumerated in the following publications: (1) NBFU Pamphlet No. 40, Standards fdr the Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture, Photograph and X—Ray Film. (2) NBFU Pamphlet No. 42, Standards for the Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Plastics (Pyroxylin). (3) NBrU Pamphlet No. 44, Standards for the Storage and Handling of Combustible Fibres. (4) NBFU Pamphlet No. 32, Standards for Dry Cleaning Plants. (5) NBFU Pamphlet No. 61, A and B, Standards for the Prevention of Dust Explosions. (6) NBFU Pamphlet No. 101, Standards for the Maintenance of Exit Ways. (7) NBFU Patpphlet No. 33, Standards for the Application of Flammable Finishes. 1.7 (8) NBFU Pamphlet No. 30, Standarde for the Storage and Handling of Flammable Liquids. (9) NBFU Pamphlet No. 88, Standards for Construction and Protec— tion of Garages. (10) NBFU Pamphlet No. 54, Standards for Installation Of Gaa Appli— ances and Connections. (11) NBFU Pamphlet Nu. 49m, Standards for the Storage and Yandling of Hazardous Chemicals. (12) NBFU Pamphlet No. 82, Standards for Incinerators. (13) NBFU Pamphlet No. 58, Standards for the Storage and Handling of Liquified Petroleum Gases. (14) NBFU Pamphlet No. 48, Standards for the Storage and Handling of Magnesium. (15) NBFU Pamphlet No. 31, Standards for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment. (16) NWU Pamphlet No. 102, Standards for Places of Assembly. (17) NBFU Pamphlets Nos. 51 and 51b, Standards for Welding or Cutting, Calcium Carbide and Acetylene Generators. C. The Bureau shall maintain a public file of standards of the National Board of Fire UnderUriters, to be used as advisory mater— ials in the administration and enforcement of this Code. �r DIVISION III Administration Sec. 120. Bureau of Fire Prevention established. A Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City is hereby established, which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fira Department. It shall be referred to herein as "the Bureau." Sec 121. Same; Chief of Bureau designated; term. One officer of the Fire Department shall be designated as the Deputy Chief for FirQ Preventive,., Who shall be Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. He shall hold office in accordance with the provisions of the Firemen's and Policemen's Civil Service Act. Sec. 122. Same; Inspectors. Tho Chief of the Fire Department may detail such members of the department as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. Sec. 123. Same; Dutieq of Bureau members.. Tt shall be the duty* of every member of the Bureau of Fire Prevention: (1) To enforce all provisions of this Code and all laws of the State regarding fire control and Wevention. (2) To investigate and determine the clause, origin and cir— cumstances of fires. (3) To perform such other daties as may be imposed upon them by ordinance, statute, or regulation of the Fire Department. 19 r Sec. 124. Same; Right of Inspection. Any member of the Bureau may, at W all reasonable hours, enter any building or premises in the City for the purpose of making any inspection or investigation which he may ~� deem necessary under the provisions of this Code. Sec. 125. Same; Duty to Inspect; Orders. It shall be the duty of the MW Bureau to inspect, as often as necessary; all buildings and premises, except the interiors of private dwellings, to ascertain and correct any conditions liable to cause fire, or any violations of ordinances or .regulations of the city affecting fire hazards, and to give orders for the correction thereof. Sec. 126. Inspection of Special Hazards; Orders. The Bureau shall in— spect, as often as necessary, all specially hazardous manufacturing processes, storages or installations of gases, chemicals, oils, ex-- plosives and flammable meterials, all interior fire alarm and auto- matic sprinkler systems, and such other hazards or appliances as the Chief of the Fire Department shall designate and shall make orders for the enforcement of the laws and ordinances governing the same and for the safeguarding of life and property from fire. Sec. 127. Orders for Removal of Hazards. The Bureau, upon the complaint of any person or when otherwise deemed necessary, shall inspect all buildings and.premises within their jurisdiction. When any inspector shall find any building or other structure which, for want of repairs, lack of sufficient fire escapes, automatic or other fire alarm appara— tus or fire extinguishing equipment or by reason of age, dilapidated condition, or any other cause, is especially liable to fire, and is go _ situated as to endanger other property or the occupants thereof, and when any inspector shall find in any building combustible or explo— sive matter or -flammable conditions dangerous to the safety of such building or the occupants thereof, he shall order such dangerous con— ditions or materials to be removed or remedied. Sec. 128. Service or Orders. The service of orders may be- made upon the occupant of the premises by delivering a copy of same to such occu— pant personally or to exy person in charge of the premises, or if rp such person is found upon the premises, by affixing a copy thereof in 's conspicuous place on the door to the entrance of the premises. Whenever it nay be necessary to serve such an order upon the owner of premises, such order my be served upon the owner in person, or, .. if such owner is absent from the Jurisdiction of the officer making the order, by mailing such copy to the owner's last known post office address. Any order shall forthwith be complied with by the owner or occu— .r pent of such premises or building; provided, however, that such owner -or occupant may within twenty—four hours make written appeal to the Chief of the Fire Department, who shall, within five days, review such order and enter a derision thereon. Unless the order is revoked or aiod.ified, it shall remmin in full force and be complied with withl© the time fixed in gaid order. After the expiration of the time fixed in said order and until such order has been complied with, it shall be unlawful for any person to use, occupy or remain in any building or structure mentioned in said order or decision. .s Sec. 129. Investigation of Fires; Written Report. The Bureau shall investi— gate the cause, origin and circumstances of every fire occurring in the city by which property has been destroyed or damaged and, so far as possible, shall determine whether the fire`Is the result of care— lessness or design. Such investigation shall be begun immediately upon the occurrence of such fire by the inspector in whose district the fire occurs. If it appears to the officer making such an investi— gation that such fire is of suspicious origin, the Chief of the Fire Department shall be immediately notified of the facts. He shall immedi— ately take charge of the physical evidence, shall notify the proper authorities designated by law to pursue the investigation of such mat— ters, and shall further cooperate with the authorities in the collec— tion of evidence and in the prosecution of the case. EveT;- fire shall be reported in writing to the Bureau, within two days after the occur— rence of the same, by any officer in whose jurisdiction such fire has occurred. Such report shall be in such form as shall be prescribed by the Chief of the Fire Department, and shall contain a statement of all facts relating to the cause, origin and circumstances of such fire, the extent of the damage, the insurance upon such property and such other information as may be required. Sec. 130. Investigative Hearing; Written Record to be Kept. The Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief of the Bureau, whenever further in— vestigation is deemed necessary, shall take testimony on oath or affirma— tion of all persons supposed to be cognizant of any facts in relation to the matter under investigation, and shall cause the same to be .r ..r r i�� rojiucea to Writing. If he shall be of the opinion thjkt there is evi— deMe sufficient to charge any person With the crime of arson, or With the attempt to commit the crime of arson, or with conspiracy to defraud, or any other criminal conduct in connection with such fire, he shall cause gush person to be lawfully arrested and charged With such offense, and shall furnish to the proper prosecuting attorney all such evidence, together with the names of Witnesses and all of the information obtained by him, including a copy of all pertinent and material testimony ob— tained by him in his investigation. r Sec. 131. Power to Summon Witnesses and Documents; Service of Process. •• The investigating official shall have the power to summon witnesses before him to testify in regard to any matter which is a subject of inquiry and investigation, to require the production of any book, paper or document pertinent thereto, and to administer oath or affirmation to any person appearing as a witness before him. All process shall be executed and served lty the Chief of Police or a police officer of the City. Sec. 132. Refusal to Testify; P2E<y. Any witness who refuses to be sworn or who refuses to appear to testify, or who fails or refuses ,r to produce any book, paper or document touching upon any utter under investigatiop, or who is guilty of any contemptuous conduct during any of the proceedings of an investigation or inquiry after being summoned to give testimony in relation to any matter under investigation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction twit shall be fined in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). 23 a Sec. 133. Private Hearings. All Investigations held by or under the direction of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief of the Bureau may, at their discretion, be private, wA persons other than those re- quired to be present say be excluded from the ;lace where such inYesti- gatiou is he3e. The U vanesses Zay► be :gept separate and aDart from each other and wt a1:oved to con municate with oach other until they have been exantmed. Sec. 13k. Rryx7lt F+i"es;, 'fie Chief off' �'A Fire Department shall .. keep ia-the office of the Bureau a de`,Zy record of all fires and the facts concerning the some., iut=adi4 the extent of such fires, the damaje caused thereby, vhe.`ber %.;h a,e!,as Were covered by insurance, and it on, in wbat umbnnt. A11 :rush &ecords shall be public. .� ` 24 DIVISION IV _ Permits Sec. 140. Permit defined. A permit is the Written authority of the .. Bureau of Fire Prevention, issued pursuant to this Code, to have, use manufacture, sell or transport materials, goods or items, or to con- struct, operate or maintain buildings, structures, equipment or devices, or to do any act for which permission or authority is specifically required by any provisions or terms of this Code. Sec. 141. Committee on permits. The Building Inspector, the Chief of the Fire Department and the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention + shall act as a.Casmmittee to determine and specify any materials, pro- cesses, occupancies, or trades for which permits shall be required, in addition to those now enumerated in this Code. The Chief of the Bureau shall post a list of required permits in a conspicuous place in hic off- ice and shall -also maintain in his office details and descriptive draw- ings showing approved and acceptable methods of storing, handling, or protecting materials for which a permit is required. (See Appendix C) Sec. 142. Application for permit. All applications for permits shall be made to the Bureau of Fire Prevention in such form and detail as the Bureau shall prescribe. No application for permit involving a change in building occupancy shall be accepted until and unless a certificate of occupancy shall have been obtained from the Building Official. Sec.• 143. Inspection required. Before a permit may be issued, the Chief of the Bureau shall inspect and approve the receptacles, vehi- cles, buildings or storage places to be used by the applicant in the .. use or operation for which a permit is required. r Sec. 144. Duration; display. Every permit granted by the Bureau under the provisions of this Code shall be for such period as the Chief of the Bureeu may determine, not to exceed one year. Such permit shall +. at all times be kept on the premises designated therein, and shall at all times be sub,je0t to inspection by any officer of the Fire or .. Police Departments. Sec. 145. Denial of permit. When an applicant for a permit wilfully sup— plies incorrect information in his Upplioation, or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of tkis Code, the same shall constitute grounds for the denial of a permit. Sec. 146. Revocation of permit. The Chief Of the Bureau may, in writing, suspend or revoke any permit when this same is issued in arror or on the basis of incorrect information suppliod, or when the holder of the permit is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this Code. Sec. 147. Appeal from denial of.permit. When the Bureau shrill revoke or refuse to grant a permit, or when it is claimed that provisions of this Code or any regulations made pursuant thereto are inapplidable or have been misconstrued in the denial of a permit, the applicant may make written appeal to the Chief of the Fire Department, who shall within 5 days review the application, provision or regulation and render a decision thereon. The decision of the Chief of the Fire Department shall be final. .WO ARTICLE 2 AUTOMOBILE TIRE REBUILDING PLANTS Sec. 201. Permit required. A permit shall be required for the operation or maintenance of any tire recapping or rebuilding plant. ' Sec. 202. Requirements for rebuildingL or recapeing plants. In any tire rebuilding or recapping plant, all floor openings, such as stair and elevator shafts, shall be enclosed in the manner provided for Group E Occupancies in the Building Code. Exposed windows shall be protected by wired glass in metal sashes and frames if located less than 20 feet from another building or a property line. No opening shall be permit- ted in any portion of a plant located less than 5 feet from another building or a property line. A. All buffing operations shall be performed in a room that is separated from the restcf the plant by a one-hour fire re- stricting wall, and an automatic fire door. Each machine shall be connected to a dust collecting system discharging to an approved container which shall be cleaned at frequent intervals. B. The cementing room shall be separated from the rest of the plant by a one hour fire-resistive wall. C. Solvents and cement shall be kept in a vault having a fire door and masonry walls at least 8 inches thick. D. Boilers used in tire rebuilding operations shall be separated from the rest of the building by a 3-hour fire resistive occu- pancy separation and shall be regularly inspected and kept in a safe condition. ' E. The buffing and cementing rooms shall have mechanical ventila- tion to remove dangerous vapors. F. The buffs and cementin g ng rooms shall have either a plastered ceiling or an approved sprinkler system. G. The entire space devoted to tire rebuilding or recapping opera- tions shall be separated from all other portions of the build- ing by a 2-hour fire resistive wall. H. Fire doors shall be provided for all openings between a tire rebuilding plant and the remainer of the building W Sec. 203. Requirements for stacking motor vehicle tires. A. Motor vehicle tires stored in unenclosed areas shall be stacked in orderly piles not over fourteen feet in height and at least twenty-five feet from any building or property line. There shall be aisles and cross-aisles at least four feet wide for each 625 is square feet of storage area. B. Motor vehicle tires stored in buildings shall be stacked in orderly piles not over eight feet in height, where there is no approved sprinkler system, and not over fourteen feet in height where there is an approved sprinkler system. There w shall be an aisle at least eight feet wide extending through the entire area and cross-aisles at least four feet wide for each 625 square feet of storage area. There shall be not less than two feet clearance between the stacks and enclosure walls. ARTICLE 4 BOWLING ESTABLISHMCM Sec. 401. Permit Required. A permit shall be required for qny bowling pin refinishing and bowling lane resurfacing operation$ tnvolving the use of flammable liquids or materials. Sec. 402. Lane Resurfacing, Operations. Resurfacing operations chall fzt be carried on while the establishment is open for busi0oas. T17e Bureau shall be notified`.`4iim bowling lanes are to be resurfaced. Adequate ev ventilation shall ve provided, but heating, ventilatioC, or cooling systems eatploSdUg recirculation of air shall not be operated Airing resurfacing operations o7 within four Yours following the application of flammable finishes. No person ahall smoke, cause an opett florae, or use electric motors or any other instrument or device likely to ignite vapors during the application of flammable finishes and for one hour thereafter, in the area whore such operations are cobducted. Sec. 403. Pin Refinishing. Pin refinishing involving the application of flammable finishes shall be performed only in a special room mooting the following requirements: A. Walla, Floors, and ceilings shall be of non-combustible construc- tion having a fire resistive rating of not less than four hours. Where s other portions of the building or other properties are exposed, windows s shall be protected in an approved manner. Wood of at least one inct nominal thickness may be used for shelving, rocks, dunnage, and scufl - *� boards. Adequate mechanical ventilation shall be provided. Heating shall be restricted to low pressure steam, hot water, forced air or 31 .. ARTICLE 3 AUTOMOBILE WRECKING YARDS, JUNK YARDS AND WASTE MATERIAL HANDLING PLANTS Sec. 301. Permit required. A permit shall be required for the estab- lishment or maintenance of an automobile wrecking yard, junk yard or waste material handling plant. Sec. 302. Regulations. .., A. No person shall burn any motor vehicle or part thereof or any junk or waste materials within the City. B. No motor vehicle or any part thereof shall be stored for any purpose on any street or sidewalk, or portion thereof. i C. No person shall store or keep discarded motor vehicles or parts thereof in stacks or piles exceeding 6 feet in height or 625 square feet in floor or lot area. An aisle at least 4 feet wide shall be maintained at all times between piles or stacks of old motor vehicles or parts thereof. D. Only motor vehicle dismantling shall be carried on in any automobile wrecking yard or establishment. If repairs are made to any automobile or other self-propelled vehicle, such repairs shall be made in a building meeting all the require- ments of a public automobile garage or automobile repair shop. .e E. The gasoline or other fuel shall be drained from the fuel tanks of all motor vehicles or other self-propelled vehicles stored or kept on the wrecking yard premises, unless .such vehicles are capable of being removed from the premises -under their own power. 2 s Sec. 303. Junk yards and waste material handling 1p anto .. building construction and height. At ,junk yards and waste material handling plants, buildings in which large quantities of waste paper, rigs and other combustible materials are handled and stored shall meet all of the requirements of Group E, Division 3 Occupancies pre- scribed in the Building Code. Height shall not exceed one story, unless the building is of at least one hour fire resistive construction. One story buildings shall have skylights when deemed neceszary by the Chief ©f the Bureau in order to provide adequate ventilation in case of fire. rt All window openings within 20 feet of a property line or another building shall be protected by metal frames and sashes glazed with wire glass. No openings shall be permit- ted in building walls less than 5 feet from a property line or any other building. Every such storage building with an area of 3000 square feet or more shall be completely pro- tected by a standard automatic fire extinguishing system. electric units approved for Class I. Division II, hazardous locations. B. All power tools in the room shall be effectively grounded. An approved metal box or other receptacle shall be provided for lathes and sanding or buffing machines to catch dust thrown off during .the operations. Contents shall be removed daily and disposed of safely. C. Storage of flammable liquids is such rooms shall not exceed an aggregate of 60 gallon in original metal containers, or in approved safety containers not exceeding 5 gallons individual capacity. In rooms equipped With automatic sprinklers the aggregate may be increased to 120 gallons. A metal waste can with self-closing cover shall be provided for all waste materials and rags, and its contents shall be removed daily. Smoking shall be prohibited at all times in refinish- ing rooms. ARTICLE 5 CELLULOSE NITRATE MOTION PICTURE, PHOTOGRAPHIC AND X-RAY FILM Sec. 501. Scope. This article shall apply to the storage and handling of cellulose nitrate motion picturep photographic and X-Ray film, hereafter referred to as "nitrate film." Film having 's' cellulose acetate or other approved slog-burning base, marked "safety film," shall be exempt from the provisions of this article. Sec. 502. Permit Required. A. A permit shall be required for the storage, keeping or possess- ing of more than 25 pounds (for 35 mm. film approximately 5,000 feet) of nitrate motion picture film. B. No person shall sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any nitrate motion picture file to any person not having a permit to handle, use or display such film. Sec. 503. Storage of Film. Nitrate motion picture film not in process or use shall be stored as follows: A. Amounts in excess of 25 pounds ( 5 standard rolls), but not in excess of 1,000 pounds (200 standard rolls) shall be kept in cabinets or vaults. B. Amounts in excess of 1,000 pounds shall be kept in vaults. ( . Unexposed nitrate film enclosed in the original, unbroken, shipping cases, conforming to I.C.C. regulations, shall be kept in a sprinklered roan. If the amount of film exceeds 750 pounds (150 standard rolls), it shall be stored in a roam used for no other purpose. F r Sec. 504. Film Cabinets. A. Cabinets shall be of approved construction and shall have a capacity not exceeding 375 pounds (75 standard rolls). B. Every cabinet having a capacity of over 50 pounds of filO shall be provided with a vent to the outside of the bui.lCLA9. The vent shall have a ai.nimum effective sectional area of 14 square inches per 100 pounds of film capacity. Vent flues shall be of construction Oquivalent to 16 U.S. Gauge riveted sheet steel and vhere inside the building shall be covered with 1 inch- of approved heat-irisulatinS material. C. Cabinets; holdigg over 75 pounds of fila shall be proridnd vith at least one autmatic sprinkler; provided, hovever, that a d-Oi- net constricted so that each roll is in a separate coapartment eod will burn out vithout communicating fire to fi3m in any other coagmr tent, need not be provided vith an automatic sprinkler. D. Film in cabinets shall tie it1 individual roll containers or in I.C.C. shipping containers. Materials other than film shall nut be stored in the same cabinet with film. 4&ere cabinets are pro- vided with individual insulated compartments for each roll, the individual rolls stored therein need not be in cans or other eon- tainers. �. Sec. 505. Film Vaults. A. Filth vaults shall be Constructed, vented rnd sprinkler•.ed In ' accordance with the requirements for standard film vaults and in a manner satisfactory to the Dureeu- B. All film in vaults ehal.l be in containers, either in or double roll containers.. Cardboard boxes conforming to I „ ;. Specifications 12 B or I.C.C. shipping containers. Sec. 506. handling of Nitrate Film. A. All nitrate film shall be kept in closed containers except during .� the actual time it is being worked upon or examined. B. Nitrate film shall not be placed or kept under benches, tables, or other surfaces which would shield it from the discharge of sprink— lers. C. Scrap nitrate film shall be kept separate from waste paper, safety film and other rubbish, and shall be kept under water at all times. It shall be collected from work rooms at least once daily, and removed to a room used for no other purpose, where it shall be kept under water in steel drums or metal containers with tight covers. Scrap film shall be disposed of at frequent intervals. Discarded film in full or part rolls shall be kept in containers in vaults. Scrap film shall not be baled or burned. Sec. 507. Enclosures for Motion Picture Projectors. Motion picture pro— jectors shall not be operated with cellulose nitrate motion picture film except when located in enclosures constructed, equipped and main— tained in accordance with the following requirements: A. Two openings shall be provided for each motion picture projector, w one for the projectionist's view (observation port), which shall be not larger than 200 square inches, and one through which the picture is projected (projection port), which shall be not larger than 120 square inches. Where separate stereopticon, spot or flood light machines are installed in the same enclosure with picture projectors, not more than one opening for each such machine shall be provided _ 3J for both the operator's view and the profection of the light, but two or more machines may be operated through the same opening. Such open- ings shall be as small as practicable and shall be capable of being pro- tected by automatic shutters. B. Each opening shall be provided with a gravity abutter set into guides not less than one inch at sides and botton and overlapping the top of the opening by not less than one inch when closed. Shutters shall be of at least 10-Gaage U.S, chest metal or its equivalent. Shutters shall be suspended, arranged and interconnected so that all shutters will close upon the operation of a fusible or mechanical re- leasing device. Each shutter shall have a fusible link 1600 above it, and there shall also be a fusible lift located over each upper projector 4 magazine which will close all the shutters during operation. fhere shall also be provided suitable means for manually closing all shutters simultaneously from any projector head and from a point within the pro- ^ jection room near each exit door. Shutters on openings not in use shall be kept closed. C. All shelves, furniture and fixtures within the enclosure shall be constructed of noncombustible material. No combustible material of any sort shall be permitted within such enclosure other than files cement and the films used in the operation of the projector. D. Ventilation shall be provided by one or more mechanical exhaust systems which shall draw air from each arc lamp housing and from one or more points near the ceiling. Systems shall exhaust to outdoors either directly or through a non-combustible flue used for no other 36 purpose. Exhaust capacity shall be not less than 15 nor more than %P - cubic feet per minute for each arc lamp housing plus 200 cubic foot pez, minute for the room itself. Systems shall be controlled from within the enclosure and shall have pilot lights to inOdcate operation The exhaust system serving the projection room any be extended to corer rooms associated therewith, such as rewind rooms. go dampers shall be Installed in such exhaust systems. Ventilation of these rooms shall not be can— nected in any way vith ventilating or air conditioning systems serving other portions of the buildinc. E. Exhaust ducts shall be of ann-combustible material, and shall either be kept one inch from? Combustibld arterial or be covered with J inch of AV non-combustible heat-insulating m *erial. F. Fresh air intakes other than those direct from the open aIr shall be protected by approved fire shutters arranged to operate automatically with port shutters. G. Switches shell be located so that the auditorium lights can be turned on from inside the projection room and from at least one other convenient point in the building. H. In theatres, the projection booth shall have one unenclosed caster closet and lavatory. r Sec. 508, Handling of Nitrate Film in Notion Picture Prolection. A. Rewinding of nitrate films shall be performed either in a special rewind room at an approved location or in the projection room. An approved can having a self-closing hinged cover shall be provided for all scrap film. 3` , B. Nitrate film in &:-, projection rood or xevinding room shall be kept as follo?,s; 1. Up to 40 powidc o1 film (8,000 feet of 35 Mm. film) may be kept in each room either in I.C.C. shipping containers, or ii, an approved cabinet. p. Any amount of film exceeding 40 pounds shall be kept in an approved cabinet. Sec. 509. Motion Picture Film &,cna4-,ed to be Sprinklered. tmy por- tion of a building %�Ash is used :or nitrate motion picture film exchanges shall be equipped with automatic sprinklers. Sec. 510. Photographic and X-Ray Nitro-Cellulose Film. A. In hospitals, clinics, doctor offices, X-ray laboratories, and other similar institutions using such film, all unexposed nitro- cellulose photographic and X-ray film, unless in tnopeaed I.C.C. shipping containers, shall be etored in cab'iz:ets or vaults. 111 exposed nitrocellulose photographic and X-ray Film in quantities of more than 500 lbs. shall be kept in ourcide storage houses. Quantities of 500 lbw or less may be kept in cabinets within the building. B. In portrait and commercial studios, all exposed nitrocellulose photographic and X-ray fUn shall be stored in cabinets, vaults or *. outside storage houses. Storage of unexposed film in amounts exceeding 50 cubic feet, unless in unopened I.C.C. shipping con- tainers, shall, be in a room equipped with automatic sprinklers. C. Cabinets, vaults or outside storage houses shall be of approved .w insulated construction, and shall not exceed 10 cubic feet capacity, O, and shall be equipped with at least one automatic sprinkler in each ccmpartment� unless specifically approved for use without automatic sprinklers., i 39 AMC Lei 6 CELLULOSE NITRATE PLASTICS Sec. 601. Permit required. r A. A permit shall be required of all retailers, jobbers and wholesalers for the storage or Jmndling of more thad 25 pounds of cellulose nitrate plastics. r H. A permit shall be required for the manufacture of articles of cellulose nitrate plastic, including its use in the manufacture �- or assembling of other articles. Sec. 602. DisplM of plastics. All display of cellulose nitrate I,Iastic ,articles in stores shall be in show cases or show windows, except as follows: A. Articles may be placed on tables or counters not more ths,n r 3 feet vide and 10 feet long, and spaced at least 3 feet apart. B. Spaces underneath tables shall be kept free of ctorege of any kind and of accumulations of paper, refuse and other ,.t combustible material. C. Sales or display tables shall be located to permit free exit .� from the room. D. No electric or gas light shall be located directly above any cellulose nitrate plastic material, unless such light is equipped with a suitable guard to prevent the falling of heated particles. r 40 r ' .. Sec. 603. Storage and handling. All raw cellulose nitrate plastic material in factory buildings shall be stored and handled as follows: A. Raw material in any amount exceeding 25 pounds received in any building or fire area shall be stored in an approved vented cabinet or vented and sprinklered vault. B. Not more than 1,000 pounds of raw material may be stored in cabinets in any one workroom, not more than 500 pounds in any one cabinet, nor more than 250 pounds in one compartment. C. All raw material in excess of 1,000 pounds shall be kept in vented vaults not exceeding 1,500 cubic feet in capacity and having one automatic sprinkler head to each 125 cubic feet .. of total vault space. D. No cellulose nitrate plastics shall be stored within two feet of any heat-producing appliances, steam pipes, radiators or chimneys. E. In the work rooms of cellulose nitrate plastic factories, operators shall not be stationed closer together than 3 feet. The amount of material per operator shall not exceed one-half day's supply, and shall be limited to the capacity of three toteboxes including material awaiting removal or use. F. All waste cellulose nitrate plastic materials such as shavings, _ chips, turnings, sawdust, edgings and trimmings shall be kept under water in metal receptacles until removed from the premises. 41 •• Sec. 604. Fire protection equipment. All new and existing buildings or any portions of buildings used for the manufacture or storage of articles of cellulose nitrate plastic in quantities exceeding 100 pounds shall be equipped with an approved system of automatic sprinklers. Sec. 605. Heating equipment. In buildings or rooms where cellulose nitrate plastics are handled or stored, heating systems shall be installed in accordance with the following standards: A. No stove, forge, torch, boiler, furnace, flame nor electric r or similar appliance likely to produce an exposed spark, shall be allowed in any room or compartment used for the storage of pyroxylin-plastic, nor shall they be permitted within 20 feet .. of any pyroxylin plastic in process of manufacture. B. Artificial heating of any building or room where pyroxylin plastics are handled or kept may be direct or indirect, but .. if radiators are within 4 feet of the floor, only low pressure steam, not exceeding five pounds, or hot water shall be permitted. Vaults may be heated by water heating system only. C. The fan and heater for an air system shall be in a room separate from the manufacture or storage of cellulose nitrate plastics. D. No hot air or other floor registers shall be used, nor shall any wall register be less than 6 inches above the floor. .� 42 E. All radiators, heating coils, pipei: or returns that a,.-,e aasr the floor or are so located as to permit any combustible material, waste or dirt to coma in contact therewith shall b* guarded with 1/4 inch mesh galvanized steel wire cloth of at least 20 U. S. Gauge or its equivalent. The bottomo of such cob guards shall be arranged to liPIt up for cleaning. The tops shall slops at such on angle as to paevent their use as shelves. P. ' All steam pipes pa►scing through partitions or racks or near woodwork, or within d Peet or the floor, shall be protected by steel wire guards or by asbestos or other approved pipe covering. 43 ARTICLE 7 COMBUSTIBLE FIBERS, STORAGE AM HANDLING OF Sec. 701. Permit required. A permit shall be required for the storage .� and handling of combustible fibers in quantities in excess of 1000 cubic feet. Sec. 702., Loose storage. Loose combustible fibers not in bales or -- packages, whether housed or in the open, shall not be stored within 10 feet of any building except as follows: A. 1000 cubic feet or less of loose fibers may be kept in a building located at least 10 feet from adjacent property lines, provided storage is in metal or metal-lined bins equipped with self-closing covers. B. Quantities of loose fibers exceeding 1000 cubic feet but not exceeding 5000 cubic feet, may be stored in rooms or compart- ments having floors, walls and ceilings of a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour. Each opening into such .r rooms or compartments from other parts of the building shall be equipped with an approved fire door. C. Quantities of loose fibers exceeding 5000 cubic feet may be stored in approved vaults located and constructed as follows: .1. Storage vaults may be located either inside or outside �. of buildings. If located inside a building, the vault shall have approved safety vents to the outside. -r �r 44 2. Malls, floors, and ceilings shall be constructed of brick or other non-combustible material. Roofs of outside vaults shall be of non-combustible material, and may be so constructed as to readily give way in case of an internal explosion. 3. Any opening between a vault and a main building shall be protected on each side of the wall by an approved fire _door. Wall openings in outside vaults exposing other property within 20 feet shall be protected by fire doors or an approved equivalent. 4. Vaults located within buildings and exceeding 10,000 cubic feet storage capacity shall be protected by automatic sprinklers, carbon dioxide, or approved inert gas systems. D. 2,500 cubic feet or less of loose fibers may be stored in a detached loose house, the openings to which shall be protected against the entrance of sparks. The loose house shall be used for no other purpose. Sec. 703. Baled storage. A. No single block or p1le shall contain more than 25,000 cubic feet of fiber. Blocks or piles of baled fiber shall be separated 'f rom adjaYent storage by aisles at least 5 feet wide or by continuous sheets of non-combustible material extending from the floor to a height of at least one foot above the — highest point of piles and projecting at least one foot beyond- the sides of the piles. r 45 B. Sisal and other fibers is bales bound with combustible tie roped, and ,jute and other fibers liable to awell when vet, shall be stored in such wanner as to permit expansion of 29A cf their bulk in any direction without endangering balldYng valls, ceiliraa or colu=%s. At leaot 3 feet clearance stsall `oe MW betaeun building walls and the sides of piled, QraviCad, heuever, that in storege compartments not more than 3 neat vide, one root clearance at side walls &hall be suffi- cient if a center aisle not 149a than 5 feet wise its also Maiataiaed. .. C. at leaflt,- i4xrt clearance Gall be &aintained between sprinkler pipes and tops of piles. Sec. 704. Gto a of egripultaral yJdUcts on the fares. Unlimited gtzntitiaa of hay, JtYaw, and other agricultural products may be atored in or near farm buildiCga loeated outoide closely-built &roes. No pemit shall be req:,ired for ,such storage. a ARTICLE 8 HOSPITALS, ham$ F BS, ZbORM AND RELATED INSTITUTIONS Sec. 801. Scope. This article regulates certain activities in hospitals, clinics., medical and dental schools, medical laboratories, blood banks, and related institutions. Sec. 802. Flammable Ligxids. A. All rooms and containers for the storing niad handling of flammable liquids shall be constructed, installed and maintained in accor— dance With the requirements of Sec. 1621 of this Code. B. All flammable liquids above one quart capacity in unsealed or �- working contaimrs shall be kept in approvml safety can. Sec. 803. Acid Storage. All rooms and containers for the storing and handling of acids shall be constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements set fort.' in Sec. 2109 B of this Code. ,-� Sec. 804. Smoking Regulations. A. No person shall smoke, carry or have a lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, or any other burning combustible matter or shall light or strike a match or cigarette lighter in any room . where an oxygen tent is operating or oxygen is in use. .. B. In any room where oxygen is in use there shall be displayed two signs reading "No Smoking, by Order of the Bureau of Fire Pre- ' vention. The words "No Smoking"ObbU-..be in letters of vividly con— 47 trasting colors at least one incl le vertical length and the balance of such signs shall be in linters at leaet 3/4 inch in vertical length, all of which shall be in legible vords and upon cardboard, metal, or plastic. Said sign shall be not less than six inches in leogth and four and one- elf inches in width. Sec. 805. Fire Drills. A. Tile owner, operator, administrator, t®nager; Or perMCA in charge of every hospital shall prepare a Piro evacultion plan for all of its buildings. This Plan Shall be approved by the ... Bureau of Fire Provention. Beery employee at VUch havpital *hall be Indoctrinated as to the plan of evaeultion. Evacu- ation routes shall be posted in conspicuous places thrrughout the kospital. B. The Owner, operator, administrator, manager, or perbetA is charge of a hospital shall organize a fire brig�ade to t'aaction in times of fire or emergency and shall conduct a fire drill semi-annually under the supervision of the Bureau. Sec. 806. Safe Practice in Operatin% Rooms. All casters, leg tips and drag chains in operating rooms shall be kept free of waxes, dirt and powders, in order to assure proper grounding. OAs ARTICLE 9 IRY CLEANING PLANTS Sec. 901. Permit Required. A. A permit shall be required for the operation of any dry-cleaning business. The permit shall prescribe the class of dry-cleaning .r system to be used. B. A permit shall be required for any change in use of dry-cleaning solvents from a solvent of one classification to a solvent of s more hazardous classification. C. A permit shall be required for the sale of any high hazard dry-cleaning liquid, except in sealed containers of 16 fluid ounces capacity or less. Sec. 902. Sale of Dry-Cleaning Liquids. No person shall sell any high- hazard dry-cleaning liquid in quantities exceeding 16 fluid ounces, to anyone not possessing a valid dry-cleaning permit. This section shall not apply to the sale to or by persons licensed to sell and ..r distribute such liquids. Sec. 903. Classification of Systems. Dry-cleaning systems shall be classified as follows: Class I. - Dry-cleaning plants utilizing high hazard dry cleaning liquids, such as gasoline, benzine and naphtha. Class II. - Dry-cleaning plants utilizing low hazard dry-cleaning W, liquids such as stoddard solvent and petroleum products classed as to fire hazard with or between paraffin oil end Kerosene. Class III. - Dry-cleaning plants utilizing non-flammable dry clean- ing liquids such as carbon tetrachloride, perchlorethylene, and trichlorethylene. 49 Sec. 904. Class I Systems--Requirements. A. Nev dry-cleaning plants or systems utilizing high hazard dry cleaning liquids shall be prohibited. B. Class I liquids shall not be used in any dry cleaning plant, except for spotting and shall be kept in an approved safety can having a capacity of not more than one gallon. Sec. 905. Class II Systems--Requirements. A. Class II systems shall be located only in building having walls of at least one hour fire resistance rating. Wall finish shall be plain or plastered without furring or concealed spaces. Floors of dry cleaning sections shall be of fire-resistive con- struction, without pits, wells or pockets. Where located over a basement, floors shall be vapor and liquid-tight. Ceiling over dry cleaning areas shall be protected by cement or gypsum plaster on metal lath or equivalent construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour. Dry-cleaning buildings shall be at least 10 feet from the line of adjoining property; provided, however, that if exposing walls are equivalent to 12-inch brick construction without openings, the building may by located on the property line. B. Dry cleaning operations shall be restricted to the lowest floor of a building, but shall not be located on any floor below grade, nor in the sane building with other occupancies. Operations inci- dental to the dry-cleaning business, such as laundering, pressing, and ironing may be in an adjoining building or may be located on the same floor with the dry cleaning plant, provided the dry clean- ing operations are separated therefrom by partitions having a fire resistance rating of not less than two hours and the coununicating 50 openings are protected by fire doors approved for such openings. C. Door openings on stairu or elevators leading from a dry-cleaflinj area to a basement, or openig into rooms having Openingo or stairs to basements, shall be provided With iron-comburatibie sills or romps raised at least 6 inches above the floor. Golf-closing fire doors shall be provided at such openings. Eaclosures shall be of construc— tion equivalent to the floor corstruction but havif]g n fire resistance +� rating of not less than one hour. D. Rooms in which articles are Lung up to dry ohall be constructed with walls, partitions and celliQgs having a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. Entretices to drying ?uoms shall have self— closing fire doors. If the drying roan is in a separate building, •• it shall conform in all respects tiro pmvis ions A& a dry cleaning building. r E. A mechanical system of ventilation $hall be ins-Lalled in all dry- cleaning areas and drying rooms. Such Gystem Ghall have auffici+sht ,r capacity to inevre complete and edntinuous change of air Unce ev&ry 3 minutes and tthall be provided With means for rewte control. Tba system shall operate automatically when any dry cleaning equipment is in use. TY:e blades and spiders of 611 exhaust fans shall be a non-ferrous material or the cesiU shall conslat of or be line3 Ulth such material. Sec. 906. Heating EQuipment. A. Where Class II systems are used, heating shall be by steam or t{ how water only. Where Class III systems are used, heating shall _. 51 be by any approved means wish does not involve sn (ZX= flame or ignition source in the dry cleanir(; area. Steam ak hart water pipes and rodiatora for heating and dryLag purposoo t hail be Q'Vj least one inch from all woodwork aad shall be protected ty metal screens arranged to prevent combustible goods or imlertal.s frcu coming in contact whit pipes and raU tors. B. Boilers shall be located in a detached buildiM Or in a boiler room separates frm the dry cleaning route. For Class 17 systems, separation shall be by a fire vall vithrvt opent.-W. Openings into boiler rooms shrill be at least ore Inch from 271 woodwork, and Len feat frum my exterior openings into Lice cleaning rocs. For Clasc III cystes::s separation shall bi by a partition of nan- combustible Mterial, without openingn, having o fire resistuncs rating of at laast t`ao hours. Sec. 907. Blectrlcal Equipment and L3ghtlr�. A. Where Class 11 systems are used, all electrical wiring 44J, .■ equipment In dry-cleanirg roams or other locationc sulsject -to flamalle Ai2ors shall. be of a type cpprov'ed for Clacc a, Divl- sioa Y 'hawzdous locations; provided, however, that electrical equipment located a rest or more a )ore the floor may be of the type approved fir Claso I, Division 2 hazArdous locationE. B.' Lighting shall to by elocteicity only. Sec. c,108. Storage and H4!idling of Cleaning Solvents. -ground co.-A.-A;iers comprisiN purifiers, cl€trifiers, and 52. filters, in Class II systems shall not exceed 350 gallons indivi- dual capacity. Solvent storage tanks for Class II and Class III systems may be inside of buildings if the individual capacity of the tanks does not exceed 275 gallons and the aggregate capacity of the storage tanks does not exceed 550 gallons. Quantities of solvents for Class II systems in excess of the above shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of this Code. r B. Pressure-type filters shall be equipped with a reliable pressure gauge and shall not be operated at pressures exceeding those for which they are designed. The filters shall be provided with an air bleeding valve and line connected to discharge into the washer or into the storage tank vent line. Such air bleeding lines shall not discharge into the room. C. The handling of solvents from storage tanks through the var- ious machines and back to the settling and clear solvent tanks shall be through closed circuits of piping. Pumps of positive displacement type shall have a by-pass and relief valve. D. Sight glasses, the breakage of which would permit the escape of liquids, shall be of a type not readily damaged by heat and shall be protected against physical damage. .E. Liquid level gauge glasses in Class II systems shall be equipped with automatic devices which will immediately shut off the flow of solvent if a glass is broken. These liquid level gauge glasses 5nall be protected against physical damage. F. When underground treating and settling tanks are used, a separate suction and discharge connection to the pump shall be provided for removal of sludge. The suction pipe shall be car- ried to the tank bottom, and the discharge connection to an ap- proved container. G. All piping shall be tested to a pressure at least fifty per cent in excess ,of normal operating pressure and proved tight. H. Piping, valves, fittings and ground joint unions for solvents shall be designed for the working pressures and structural stresses to which they may be subjected. They shall be of steel or other material approved for use with the solvent. Pipe systems shall +• be supported and protected against physical damage and excessive stresses arising from settlemei.t vibration, expansion or contrac- tion. Pipe systems shall contain a sufficient number of valves to permit the proper operation of the system and to protect. the plant. Cast iron fittings for pressure piping shall be prohibited. +■ Sec. 909. Washing Machines. A. The loading door opening of washing machines shall be equipped with close fitting doors designed to prevent solvent leaks. The machines shall be provided with interlocks to prevent cylinder ro- tation under poser. B. The cylinders and shells of all washing machines shall be per- manently and effectively grounded to dissipate static electricity. The grounding of the cylinder in each case shall be through t)ie 54 trunnion shaft. and inidases Where wooden cylinders are used, shall also be grounded also across the inner surface of the cylinder. C. Each washing machine shall be provided with an overflow pipe one size larger than the size of the solvent supply line to the machine. Such overflow pipe shall be connected to the shell of the washer so that the top of the overflow is below the bottom of the trunnion shaft. The overflow pipe shall be without shut- off valves and shall be arranged to discharge to an approved tank. The supply pipe shall enter the washing machine above the charged liquid level.. D. Individual button and lint traps shell be provided for each washer. Sec. 910. Stills and Condensers. A. Only steam or hot water shall be used as a source of heat. If steam is used, a pressure-regulating valve shall be installed in the steam supply line to the still. B. Stills and condensers shall be liquid- and gas-tight. C. Stills shall be designed for operation on the vacuum principle. D.- If a relief valve is provided, it shall be equipped with a vent line extending to the outside. E. A check valve shall be installed in the steam line between the boiler and the still. F. Each still shall be provided with a combination vacuum and pressure gauge, and with a constant level valve to automatically s r �� maintain the proper solvent liquid level. Sec. 911. Drying Tumblers and Cabinets. A. Drying tumblers in Class II systems shall be well secured to substantial foundations, and shall have self-closing explosion hatches of an area equal to at least one square foot for each 30 cubic feet of cylinder volume. Hatches shall open away from the operator. B. ' The cylinder and shell of all drying tumblers shall be perma- nently and effectively grounded to dissipate static electricity. The grounding of the cylinder shall be through the trunnion shaft. C. Drying tumblers in Class II systems shall be humidified during the drying process by a steam jet of not less than 3/8 inch size. D. Drying tumblers and drying cabinets shall be ventilated to the outside by means of pipes or ducts connected to an exhaust fan .� of sufficient capacity to remove all dust, vapors, or lint gen- erated by the process. Such discharge pipes or ducts shall be carried to a height of not less than six feet above the roof, and shall be provided with cleanout facilities, if used for Class II systems. E. Discharge pipes shall not terminate within ten feet measured horizontally from any door, window or frame walls of any adjoin- ing or adjacent building. F. The fan shall be properly housed and so interlocked as •to insure operation while the drying tumbler is in use. The fan' spiders, blades or running rings shall be constructed of non- ferrous metal. In no case sha1.1 the fan motor be mounted within the ventilating duct. Sec. 912. Extractors. A. Baskets shall have a rim of non-ferrous metal and shall be well balanced. B. Extractors 'shall be provided with liquid-tight covers, or they shall be designed so that none of the liquid solvent is thrown out of the extractor while it is in operation. The cover shall be equipped with automatic mechanical or electrical interlocks which prohibit operation of the extractors while the cover is open and which prohibit opening of the cover before the basket comes to rest. C. Extractors shall be provided with a drain pipe not less than 1 1/2 inches in diameter connected direct to underground storage tanks or to an approved above-ground container, or to the washer through an extractor pump. . D. The outside shell of extractors shall be permanently and effec- tively grounded for dissipation of static electricity. E. Brakes, if used, shall be so designed as to prevent the crea- tion of sparks or excessive heat. F. Extractors shall not be operated at a speed in excess of that prescribed by the manufacturer as shown on a name plate which :shall be provided on each machine. G. Any extractor equipped with a solvent spray nozzle for spray s rinsing of garments after the primary extraction shall comply with the following provisions; 1. Installation of spray rinse equipment on existing extrac- tors shall be subject to approval of the Chief of the r Bureau. 2. Supply pumps of positive displacement type shall be pro- vided with a bypass and relief valve set to prevent exceo- sive pressure. 3. Valves in the supply line between the pump and the out- let shall be installed so that the cutoff is effected ahead of any flexible portion of the supply line. 4. Drain lines shall be at least 2 inch lines for extrac- tors up to and including 40 inches in diameter and at least 3 inch lines for extractors more than 40 inches in diameter. 5. At least one drain shall be kept open at all times. If more than one extractor drain line is provided for the purpose of alternating use, quick opening valves or equivaltnt shall be installed in each line and inter- locked so that when either valve is shut the other valve is opens. ` 6. If a separate extractor drain tank is provided, it shall have 8 capacity equal to the combined total gallonage of the charge solvent extraction, the rinse and. the rinse extraction. 7. Drainage from extractors to all tanks shall be by gravity flow. Sec. 913. Combination Dry Cleaning Units. r A. Combination dry cleaning units are those in which washing and extracting cycles are completed within the same enclosure. �y B. The machines shall have splash proof doors or covers with interlocking means to prevent cylinder rotation under power when doors or covers are open. Interlocks shall be so arranged that during the extracting cycle, opening of the door or cover will disconnect the drive motor and bring the cylinder to rest before access to the cylinder is possible. Machines shall have braking means to insure stoppage without the creation of sparks or ex- cessive heat. C. Each machine shall be provided with an overflow pipe one size larger than the size of the solvent supply line to the machine. Such overflow shall be connected so that the top of the overflow .. is below the bottom of the trunnion shaft and arranged to discharge into an approved tank. D. The cylinders and shells of all machines in Class II systems shall be permanently and effectively grounded to dissipate static electricity. E. Each machine shall have individual button and lint traps with approved lids. - 59 , F. The supply pipes to machines, Whether from pumps, filters or storage tanks, shall be arranged to deflect solvent streams away from tub openings. G. Cylinders shall be supported to prevent the striking or rub- bing of adjacent parts during rotation. H. Machines shall bear a name plate indicating the maximum cy- linder speed and Warning that the machine shall not be operated in, excess of such speed. Sep.- 914. Scouring, Brushing and Spotting. A. The brushing or prespotting table shall have a liquid tight top with a curb on all sides at least 1 inch high. The top of the table shall be pitched to insure thorough draining through a 1 1/2-inch drain to an approved co.itainer especially provided and marked for that purpose. B. When solvents rated higher than the solvent used in the plant dry cleaning machines are used for scouring, brushing, spotting or prespotting operations, not more than one gallon shall be per- mitted at the location of such operations, if kept in eafety cans. Additional storage shall be in approved safety cans of not over one gallon capacity, or in unopened shipping containers. C. Scouring or brushing operations utilizing more than one gallon of solvent rated higher than the solvent used in the plant dry cleaning machines shall be conducted only in a roam or building conforming to all the requirements for a dry cleaning system F GO utilizing the same type of solvent. D. The total amount of Class I solvent used on scouring or brush- ing tables or in scrubbing tubs shall not exceed 3 gallons. The scouring or brushing table or scrubbing tub shall be located to insure thorough and effective disposal of vapors through the ven- tilating system. Scrubbing tubs shall be used only for articles which cannot be washed in the washing machines. Scrubbing tubs shall be secured to the floor and provided with permanent 1 1/2- inch trapped drains to a container specially provided and marked for that purpose. — Sec. 915. Fire Extinguishing Equipment. A. Each washing machine, drying tumbler, and combination dry- cleaning unit in Class II system shall be provided with approved extinguishing equipment, arranged to operate automatically in case of fire, consisting of a carbon dioxide system or a steam jet of at least 3/4 inch having a continuous steam supply at a pressure of not less than fifteen pounds per square inch. r B. Adequate fire extinguishing appliances of a type suitable for fighting fire involving flammable liquids shall be provided in all dry cleaning plants. At least one extinguisher shall be #- provided at each entrance to every room or area Where flammable li- quids are stored or used. Sec. 916. Smoking Prohibited. Smoking in plants employing Class I or Class II systems, exoept in smoking rooms so designated, shall be strictly prohibited, and "No Smoking" signs shall be posted. ^' ARTICLE 10 DUST EXPLOSION, PREVENTION OF Sec. 1001. Permit Required. A permit shall be obtained for the -oper- ation of any grain elevator, flour, starch or feed mill, or plant pulverizing aluminum, coal, cocoa, magnesium, spices, sugar, or other material producing dust. Sec. 1002. Requirements. A. Dust-Tight Enclosures. All dust-producing or dust-agitating W machinery such as grinding mills and separators, and all eleva- tors, elevator legs, spouts, hoppers and other conveyors shall be provided with casing or enclosures maintained as nearly dust w tight as.possible. B. Separators. Magnetic or pneumatic separators shall be installed ahead of all shellers, crackers, crushers, grinding machines, pul- verizers and similar machines in which the entrance of foreign mat- erials may cause sparks to be generated. C. Dust Collection. Dust collecting equipment shall be installed and accumulation of dust shall be kept at a minimum in the interior of buildings. D. Grounding of Machinery. All machinery and metal parts of the crushing, drying, pulverizing and conveying systems shall be elec- trically grounded. E. Smoking, Lighting. Smoking and the carrying of matches, the i 62 s use of heating or other devices employing an open flame, or use of any spark producing equipment is prohibited in areas contain- ing dust-producing or dust-agitating operations. Artificial light- ing in such areas shall be by electricity. +MO. a� Mrfi ' 63 e — ARTICLE 11 EXIT WAYS, 0 � = Sec. 1101. Obstruction to means of egress. A. No person shall at any time place an encumbrance of any kind whatsoever before or upon any fire escape, balcony or ladder intended as a means of escape from fire. It shall be the duty of every member of the police and fire departments who shall discover any fire escapes encumbered in any manner to forth- with report to the Bureau and the Bureau shall immediately notify the owner and the tenant to remove such encumbrance. . B. No person shall place, store or keep, or permit to be placed, stored or kept under or at the bottom of any stairway, inside or outside, elevator or other shaft in any building, or about any exit ways, any combustible or flammable materials, fluids or compounds. C. No aisle, passageway or stairway in any mercantile occupancy shall be obstructed with tables, show cases, or other obstruc- tion during hours such occupancy is open to the public. D. All doors, aisles and passageways within and leading into or out of places of assembly shall be kept free from anything .that might obstruct or delay the exit of the audience, congregation or assemblage during the entire time during which any assemblage may be held. Clear passage from all exits and sidewalks shall be maintained at all times outside of all places of assembly. E. No obstruction shall be permitted in hallways of tenement houses a or apartment houses. F. All doors in or leading to required exitways shall be kept un- locked at all times when the building or floor area served thereby is occupied. Sec. 1102. Basis for determining exits for 21aces of public assembly. Exit requirements shall be determined on the basis of one person to each .. 15 square feet of gross area occupied, not including storerooms. In Places of public assembly in which the number of persons to be accommodated, either in any given room or space or in the gross area of the place of assembly, is greater than this basis, the exit re- quirements shall be based upon this greater number. Where the existing exit facilities for any room or space are not sufficient on the above basis of one person to 15 square feet, the number of persons admitted shall be reduced in proportion to the exits existing. Where the place of assembly is in the main occupied by chairs and tables, no greater number of chairs shall be permitted than that for which exits have been provided. Chairs shall include stools or other seating arrangements. Sec. 1103. Exit doorways. A. -Every room, gallery, balcony, tier or other space within a build- ing shall have exit doorways, as required by Chapter 33 of the Building Code. Every room or space having an occupant load of more than 50 shall have at least two exits. Such exits shall be located, one from another, not less than the distance of one- fifth the perirAter of such room or space. B. The aggregate clear width of doorways serving as required exits shall be not less than the total occupant load served divided by .� 50, and shall be computed on the basis of 22 inch increments up to 66 inches. No exit doorway shall have a clear width of less than 36 inches, except that doorways, having a clear width of at least 30 inches may be accepted in existing places of public assembly. Sec. 1104. Exit ways. Every room, gallery, balcony, tier or other space having an occupancy load of more than 50 persons shall have at least two exit ways, and where the capacity is between 500 and 999 persons, at least three exit ways, and where the capacity is more than 1,000 persons, at least four exit ways. Such required exit ways may use communicating hallways, corridors or passageways, and exit ways from two or more separate places of assembly may use common interior stairways, but the required exit ways shall be adequate to accommo- date the occupancy load discharging into them. Sec. 1105. Exit doors. A. All exit doors in rooms and all exit doors in exit ways from places of assembly shall be hung to swing in the direction of exit travel; provided, however, that exit doors may swing both . inward and outward. B. Revolving doors shall not be used in required exit ways except under the following conditions: i i 6S .r 1. Where the place of assembly is in a building of fireproof construction, with no hangings, draperies, or decorations of .. cloth or paper, other than flameproofed curtains. 2. Where the place of assembly and the remainder of the buildirg s are protected by an automatic sprinkler system. 3. Where a place of refuge is provided for all occupants of the place of assembly in portions of the building between the .w exit doors of the place of assembly and the revolving doors, and there is an exit door of the swinging type adjacent to .. each revolving door. Such place of refuge may consist of hallways, stairways, or areas separated from the place of as- sembly by fire walls or fire partitions. C. Revolving- doors shall be used in exit ways only at points of egress from the first story above grade. D. All revolving doors in exit ways shall have automatic collapsible leaves. Employees shall be instructed in the method of collapsing revolving doors, and the doors shall be tested by collapsing at least once a month. During the period of occupancy, no exit door shall be locked, bolted, or otherwise fastened so that the door cannot be opened from the inside by the use of the ordinary door knob or by pressure on the door or on a panic release device. In a place .. of assembly with a permitted capacity in excess of 50, and elsewhere where deemed necessary, each exit door shall be pro- vided with an approved panic bar release device. .. r, i F. Vertical sliding and overhead doors shall not be considered as exit for any occupancy load of over 50. Sec. 1106. Marking of exit doorways. A. In all rooms accommodating more than 50 persons in Occupancy .. Groups A, B, C, D, and H, as listed in Table 5-A of the Building Code, illuminated exit signs shall be provided at required exit doorways other than those normally used for entrance, and where otherwise required to clearly indicate the direction of egress. . All exit signs shall have letters at least five inches high, .. and a light intensity of not less than one foot candle power at floor level. B. In all other occupancies exit signs shall be provided when the occupant load is in excess of 100 persons. C. Where the exit doorways are not visible from all locations in .. public corridors, directional signs shall be placed on walls or in other conspicuous locations to direct occupants to exit doorways. Sec. 1107. Lighting of exit vMs. A. Stairways, hallways and other means of egress, including .. exterior open spaces to or through which exit ways lead shall be kept adequately lighted at all times that the building served .. thereby is occupied. B. The artificial lighting of all rooms and exit ways therefrom shall be by electricity, and shall be arranged and supplied so .. that interruption of supply to any one lighting branch circuit will not result in extinguishment of all the lights in the room .. or all the lights along any exit way. _ 6� ar .. Sec. 1108. Obstructing of exits. No part of a stairway, whether intericr or exterior, nor of a fire tower, nor of a hallway, corridor, vesti- bule, balcony, or bridge leading to a stairway or exit of any kind, shall be used in any way that will obstruct its use as an exit or that will present a hazardous condition. Sec. 1109. StaiswMs. A. Construction: Where a place of assembly is located above the second story above grade, interior exit stairways shall continue to the roof, provided that in case of roofs having a pitch exceeding one in four, such stairways shall not extend through the roof but shall be connected by a communicating hallway in the top story. Except in existing buildings, required interior .. exit stairways from a place of assembly shall be constructed of non-combustible materials throughout. All stairways shall have solid risers securely fastened in place. When treads or land- ings are of slate, marble, stone or composition, they shall be suitably supported for their entire length and width. Treads .� and landings shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent persons from slipping thereon. B. Enclosures for stairways: Every interior stairway constituting _ part of an exit way from a place of assembly shall be enclosed with partitions having a fire resistance rating of not less .. than two hours, provided that in existing buildings the enclosures shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour. �" 69 C. The aggregate width of exit stairways in any story shall be not less than at the rate of twenty-two inches for every one hundred persons to be accommodated by such stairways. The minimum width shall be 36 inches. The hallway or corridor connecting a stair- way with the exit doors leading to the street, or to a court or open space communicating with a street, shall have a clear width of not less than the aggregate required widths of stairways served thereby. D. Stairway risers: Risers shall not exceed seven and one-half inches in height, and the run shall be not less than ten inches. Treads and risers shall be of uniform width and height in any one story. The use of winders is prohibited in required stairways. E. Ramps used as required exit ways shall have a gradient not exceeding one foot in height. .F. All exterior stairways shall be of non-combustible material, except that on buildings not exceeding two stories in height they may be of wood not less than two inches in nominal thick- ness, when not on buildings in Fire Zones Nos. I or II or on places of public assembly of Group A or Divisiow 1, 2 and 3 of Group B occupancies as defined in Section 3305-J of the 'Building Code. Sec. 1110. Stairway doors to be kept closed. It shall be unlawful to .. block open any stairway enclosure door which leads to or from a floor of the building. 7*o rt r Sec. 1111. Fire escapes. Fire escapes shall be provided on all buildings where required by the Laws of the State of Texas. (See Articles 3955 to 3972, Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, and Articles 869 and 870, Penal Code of the State of Texas. ) 71 i. ARTICLE 12 EXPLOSIVES Sec: _1201. Scope Nothing in this article shall be held to mean and in- clude any small arms, ammunition or signal rockets, fireworks or explosives in the forms prescribed in the official United States Pharmacopeia. Sec. 1202. Manufacture prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture explosives in the city. Sec. 1203. Permit required. It shall be unlawful for any person to have, keep, use, store or transport any explosives, except under permit therefor. Sec. 1204. Certain explosives prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to have, keep, store, sell, offer for sale, give away, use, transport or manufacture any of the following explosives in any quantity: liquid nitroglycerine; high explosives containing over 60 per cent of nitroglycerine (except gelatin dynamite); high explo- sives having an unsatisfactory absorbent or one that permits leakage .. of nitroglycerine under any conditions liable to exist during trans- portation or storage; nitrocellulose in a dry and uncompressed condition, in ,quantity greater than ten pounds in one exterior package; fulminate of mercury in bulk in a dry condition; and fulmi- nate of all other metals in any condition, except as a component of manufactured articles not hereinafter forbidden; or explosives containing an ammonium salt and a chlorate. _ 72 " Sec. 1205. Marking on vehicles3 requirements for operation of vehicles. Emery vehicle carrying explosives shall have painted on its front, sides and back, in letters at least four inches high, in contrasting colors, the word "EXPLOSIVES," or shall display, in such manner as to be visible from all directions, a red flag with the word"DANGER" printed, stamped or sewn thereon in white letters. Such flag shall be at least twenty-four inches square, and the letters thereof shall be at least six inches high. .. A. It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of a vehicle con- taining such explosive to smoke in or upon such vehicle, to drive the vehicle while intoxicated, to drive the vehicle or to conduct himself in a careless or reckless manner, to load or unload such vehicle in a careless manner or while smoking or ism intoxicated. B. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or carry in the 'F bed or body, or cause to be placed or carried in the bed or body of any vehicle containing such explosives, any metal tool, other metal, or matches. C. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or carry or cause to be placed or carried, in any vehicle containing explosives, any exploders, detonators, blasting caps or other similar explosive material. D. The permit for transporting explosives shall designate a time limit and may designate- the route whereon the same may be transported. Sec. 1206. Storage requirements---magazines. All explosives must be stored in a magazine complying with the requirements of this article, unless such explosives are being transported or used as prescribed and authorized by this article. An accurate record showing the disposition of each container or package of explosives stored, trans- ported or used shall be kept, such record to be subject to inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention at all times. Sec. 1207. Same---miscellaneous. A. All magazines in which permissible explosives are had, kept or stored, must be located at distances from neighboring buildings, highways and railroads in conformity with the American Quantity and Distance Table. However, portable magazines containing not more than- fifty pounds of explosives may be allowed if placed on wheels and located not more than ten feet from, on the same floor with, and directly opposite to the entrance on the floor nearest the street level, and one portable magazine containing not more than five thousand blasting caps, may be allowed if placed on wheels and located on the floor nearest the street level. B. No blasting caps or detonators of any kind shall be kept in the -same magazine with other explosives. C. All magazines must be kept locked except when being inspected or when explosives are being placed therein or being removed there- •• from. - 71 D. All magazines or places where explosives are stored must be kept clean and free from grit, rubbish and empty packages. E. Magazines shall be of at least Class II grade as defined in Chap— ter 3, Article 314, National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet ..► No. 495 (Code for Manufacture, Transportation, Storage and Use of Explosives and Blasting Agents), and shall be constructed as follows : 1. Class II magazines shall be of wood or metal construction, or a combination thereof. r 2. The sides, bottom and cover of wood magazines shall be con— structed of two—inch hardwood boards well braced at the corners and entirely covered with sheet metal of not less than No. 20 gauge. All nails exposed to the interior of the magazine shall be countersunk. The sides, bottom and cover of metal magazines .� shall be constructed of sheet metal, and shall be lined with t 3/8—inch plywood or the equivalent. The edges of metal covers shall overlap the sides at least one inch. 3. Covers for both wood— and metal—constructed magazines shall be provided with substantial strap hinges and with substantial means for locking. Covers shall be kept locked except during the placement or removal of the explosives. Magazines shall be painted red and shall bear lettering in white, on all sides and the top, at least three inches high reading "EXPLOSIVES---EEEP FIRE AWAY." Class II magazines shall be ventilated when necessary due to climatic conditions. 1. so meamwe at eqAosi yr is r*%"l stem, versbasoess "C. . fur i I tr 4, • bou t amummu iL rraI is pmaLbitod Idea tr •its. . Pram dw" 1r ra lk q rives Wilk" tM emperaw lilt* at tips is Kira Vilk /r rdla Lad L lb !fir mil garmw rw now wiials tiof liras SM 10 4144 tW IM YMJ M a! OddRa a MUVW 7 OAMIMr ar mass 1r stall first Mtity tba VAFM at Fin pregam m of sugh pwvwa, sad meow* a pseadt tbarrlaor j Q however, that no psrvolt or ootMeatlan of tas Hursav sba to sagtrsd iw the trwwportsti on ar explaaisaa W motor vshi c la �./ M to sersuwd to sod ulfts tha pattlan at state wsd Uti oral ems_ $a it Ms as fellow 8 s M.I. sL&wV le) ! 1. a. bawslase S40rwt► Sao OPWIM 10 Pat uw% r taeaad 1w nau ZLOvv 183 and '. a. Materate6a X4pp 8W, aO tbs tadlorie4 higbv p 9. d. lirwa OG aat sad Yost g. Be V. 8. = GaL RLdvAF 377 F. The storage of explosives in retail stores, warehouses, etc. , for either retail or wholesale distributors, is prohibited within the city. G. No person shall transport explosives within the corporate limits of ,the city, except in accordance with the following requirements: 1. No person shall operate any motor vehicle transporting ex— plosives into the city for the purpose of making a delivery therein, or passing therethrough unless he shall first notify the Bureau of Fire Prevention of such purpose, and secure a permit therefore;provided, however, that no permit or notifi— cation of the Bureau shall be required when the transportation of explosives by motor vehicle is to be confined to and along that -portion of State and National highways in the city desig— nated as follows: State Highway 183, U. S. Interstate Highway 820, and between State Highway 183 and U. S. Interstate High— way 820 and the city limits on the following routes: U. S. Highway 80 East and West; U. S. Highway 81 North and South; U. S. High 377 Woutheast; U. S. Interstate Highway 35 North; and Fort Worth Dallas Toll Road. Such transportation by motor vehicle without a permit shall be restricted to the above designated highways only. This restriction to the foregoing routes shall apply even though in the future their designations might be changed. 78 2. Permits issued by the Bureau shall designate the route over w. which explosives shall be transported within the city, the time of entering upon such route, the time to be thereon, and the point of destination. 3. No person shall transport any explosive within the city at ..r any time along any other route than is specified herein. Sec. 1208. Blasting. No person shall blast or carry on any blasting operations without first having obtained a permit from the Bureau. The applicant for such permit must file a bond with the Building Official, which is deemed adequate in each case and which bond shall become available in the payment of any damage arising from the neglect of the contractor or his agents or employees. No permit shall be issued unless a bond complying with the Building Code has been obtained. aw .r ARTICLE �13 F IRE'+dORKS .. Sec. 1301. Manufacture, Sale and Discharge of FiremorIvi Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, use, mnufac- ture, sell, offer for sale, give away, transport, or discharge any fireworks of any description. Sec. 1302. Aiding a Minor to Violate the Provisions of this Article. No parent or guardian of a minor shall furnish money or a thing of value to a minor for the purchase -of fireworks or encourage, act in conjunction with or in any manner instigate or aid a mi- nor in the commission of possessing, selling, offering for sale, giving away, using, transporting, or manufacturing fireworks within the City. The commission of the offense by the minor on the property under the control or owned by the parent or guard- ian shall be prima facie proof that the relation or guardian was instigating or aiding the minor. Sec. 1303. Exceptions. This article shall not apply to the posses- ion or use of signaling devices for current daily consumption by railroads, vessels, and others requiring them; nor to the possession, sale, or use of normal stocks of flashlight compo- sitions by photographers, or dealers in photographic supplies; nor to the possession or use of flares or rockets for military or police purposes. ar _.. 78 s Sec. 1304. Fireworks A Public Nuisance. The presence 'of any fireworks within the territorial jurisdiction of the City in violation of this article is hereby declared to be a nuisance. The Chief of the Bureau shall seize and cause to be destroyed any fireworks found within said territorial jurisdiction in violation of this article. Any member of the Bureau, any police officer, or any other peace officer is empow— ered to detain any fireworks found being transported illegally or to close any building where any fireworks are found stored illegally until the Bureau can be notified in order that the said fireworks may be seized and destroyed in accordance with the terms of this article. Notwith— standing any penal provision of this article, the City Attorney is authorized to file suit in behalf of the City for such injunctive. relief T as may be necessary to prevent unlawful storage, transportation, keeping or using of fireworks within the jurisdiction of the City and to pre— vent any person from interfering or attempting to interfere with the seizure and destruction of such fireworks; provided, however, that it shall not be necessary to obtain such injunctive relief as a prerequi— site to such seizure and destruction. Any member of the Bureau is hereby authorized to enter any building where the unlawful presence of fireworks is suspected in order to inspect the same for the pre— sence of such fireworks. In any instance where the Chief of the Bureau or any of his duly authorized assistants have probably cause to believe that fireworks are being stored in a ,building, they shall promptly enter L _. 79 the building for the purpose of inspection. It shall, be the duty of the owner, lessee, or person otherwise in charge of said building, or their agents or employees to open and permit entry into the building by persons charged with the enforcement of this Code. Sec. 1305. Territorial Applicability. The provisions of this article shall be applicable within the corporate limits' of the City, and also within the area immediately ad3acent and contiguous to the city limits and extending outside the city limits for a distance of 5000 feet, unless rs. such area is within the corporate limits of another municipality. .� pp nn M_ 8V ARTICLE 14 F1 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS and FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT Sec. 1401. Chief of Bureau to Survey Premises and Specify Equipment to be Provided. The Chief of the Bureau shall survey each com- mercial and industrial establishment, mercantile or manufactur- ing, educational (public or private) or institutional occupancy, place of detention, place of assembly, hospital, rest or care home or day nursery, hotel, apartment house, multi-family house, tene- ment or trailer camp, boiler room, club and like establishment, garage and service station, storage room housing considerable combustible material, room in which hazardous manufacturing pro- cesses are involved, and any other place of generally hazardous nature. Where he finds exceptionally hazardous conditions exist, he may direct that special fire prevention or control appliances be provided in addition to those required by other laws and ordi- nances. Such devices or appliances may consist of automatic fire - alarm systems, automatic sprinkler or water spray systems, stand- pipe and hose, fixed or portable fire extinguishers of a type suitable for the probable class of fire, or suitable asbestos blankets, manual or automatic covers, or carbon dioxide or other special fire extinguishing systems. In specially hazardous processes or uses, appliances of more than one type or special system racy be required. Sec. 1402. Maintenance of Equipment. Sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, firs alarm systems, and other fire protective or ex- tinguishisig systems or appliances which have been installed 'in compliance with eny permit or order, or because of any law or ordinance, shall be maintained in operative condition at all times, and it shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant to reduce the effectiveness of the protection so required; pro- vided however, that this shall not prohibit the owner or occu- pant from temporarily reducing or discontinuing the protection where necessary to rmke tests, repairs, alterations or addi- tions. The Chief of the Bureau shall be notified before such = tests, repairs, alterations or additions are started unless the work is to be continuous until completion. Failure to install or provide the equipment ordered by the Chief of the Bureau, - and to maintain it in operative condition at all times, shall be considered a violation hereof. Repeated disregard of such orders shall constitute sufficient basis for the revoking of any permit held. Sec. 1403. Fire Extinguishing Systems. Fire extinguishing systems or equipment shall be provided in all buildings where such is required by the Building Code. 82 Sec. 1404. A. Fire fighting equipment shall be required in various occupancies as follows: * 1. Apartments, hotels, multi- One 22 gallon water family rooming, lodging or type extinguisher for tenement houses, trailer each one hundred lin- houses, hospitals, day nur•- ear feet in each main series, rest or care homes, hall on each floor clinics, medical or dental with minimum of one schools, medical laboratories such extinguisher per and related institutions. floor. 2. Wholesale and retail mercan- One 21 gallon water tile establishments located type extinguisher per in .buildings in which higher two thousand square floors are occupied by a feet of floor area or factory, hospital, school, fraction thereof. rooming house or place of public assemblage. 3. Factories and manufacturing One 21 gallon water establishments using com- type extinguisher per •- bustible or inflammable ma- two thousand square terials. feet of floor area or fraction thereof. 4. Garages, public. One 21 gallon foam, carbon dioxide or equiv- alent extinguisher per two thousand square feet of floor area or fraction thereof. 5. Areas used for storage, hand- One 21 gallon foam, ling or manufacturing of carbon dioxide or equiv- flammable liquids and com- alent extinguisher per bustible materials. two thousand square feet of area or frac- tion thereof. 6. Kitchens •of restaurants, One carbon dioxide, clubs and like establish- dry chemical or its -. ments. equivalent for each two thousand square feet of floor area or s fraction thereof. Q 7. Parking areas, wrecking (a) One 2j gallon yards, service stations foam, carbon di— or any other locations oxide, or dry Chem— where flammable liquids ical extinguisher are used or dispensed. or its equivalent. (b) "No Smoking" and "Stop your Motor" signs shall be posted in a con— spicuous place. 8. Places of assembly as defined in this Code. One 21 gallon water type extinguisher or equivalent per two thousand square feet �.. of floor area or frac— tion thereof. 9. Educational institutions, One 2i gallon water type public schools, private extinguisher for each schools, parochial schools. one hundred linear feet in each hall. 10. Theatre, motion picture (a) One 22 gallon water houses, portion of build— type extinguisher ings used for public the— per two thousand atrical purposes. feet of floor area or fraction thereof, figuring galleries, auditorium and basement separately; _ and in addition, one 2-• gallon water type extinguisher on each side of stage. (b) Two 2-tl gallon ex— tinguishers in base— ment or dressing room area. (c) One carbon dioxide extinguisher at entrance of fur- nace room. (d) One eighteen foot plaster hook on each side of stage. (e) One carbon dioxide " extinguisaer for every two hundrea square feet of, floor area or fraction thereof in projection booth. 11. Tank trucks (a) One carbon di- oxide extinguisher — or its equivalent. (b) All extinguishers must be of an ap- proved type for the several classes of hazards according _ to the National Board of Fire Underwriters' ratings, to-wit: Class A, B, C, and D. (See N. F. P. A. No. 10, Portable Fire Ex- tinguishers) (c) All extinguishers must be kept in a serviceable con- dition at all times. Soda acid and foam type ex- tinguishers shall be recharged at lease once each year and the date of such recharge, name and address i` of firm, name of employee of such firm or individual = doing work, placed on an attached tag, information on such tag shall be read- 8W able at all times. .. (d) All fire fighting equipment shall be located in an ac- cessible and con- spicuous place ap- proved by the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and/or Chief of the Bureau. (e) The foregoing provisions shall not apply where there is a sprink- ler system or where equivalent protective devices exist. ,., (f) Whenever referred to in this article "Extinguisher" shall mean an ap- proved type ex- tinguisher of 21 gallon capacity .. or its equivalent. Sec. 1405. Fire Extinguisher Salesman; License Required. It shall be unlawful for any person acting for himself or as an agent or rep- resentative of another, to engage in the business of buying, sell- ing, offering for sale, consigning to be eold, trading,, servicing, �. recharging, bartering or otherwise dealing in new or second hand fire extirwguish.ers, :within the City, without first having obtained a license therefor. Such licensee may first be required to pass an examination of fitness prescribed by the Chief of the Fire De- partment or Chief of the Bureau. t 86 ARTICLE 15 FLAMMABLE FINISHES, APPLICATION OF Division I Gene2*1 Provisions .. Sec. 1501. Scope. This article shall apply to locations or areas where the following activities are regularly done: (1) the application of flammable or combustible paint, varnish, lacquer, stain or other flammable or combustible liquid applied as a spray by whatever means, in continuous or intermittent processes; and (2) dip tank operations in which articles or materials are passed through con- tents of tanks, vats or containers of flammable or combustible liquids, including coating, finishing, treating and similar pro- cesses. Sec. 1502. Permit required. A permit shall be required for spraying or dipping operations utilizing more than one gallon on any working day or storing in connection with the use thereof, more than 5 i gallons of any flammable or combustible liquids. Sec. 1503. Smoking; posting of sins. Smoking shall be prohibited in any spray finishing areas and in the vicinity of dip tanks. "No Smoking" signs with lettering of approved size shall be conspicuously posted in such areas and shall read "By Order of the Bureau of Fire Prevention." Sec. 1504. Welding prohibited. The use of welding or cutting equipment in the vicinity of all spraying areas, dipping operations and paint storage rooms shall be prohibited. Signs shall be posted in conspi- cuous places indicating that welding and cutting are prohibited. 87. Division II Spray Finishing Sec. 1510, Location of sprayY finishing operations. Spray finishing oper- ations shall not be conducted in buildings used for assembly, edu- mod cational, institutional or residential occupancies, except in a rgom designed for the purpose, protected with an approved system of auto- matic sprinklers and separated vertically and horizontally from other areas by construction having not less than two hours fire resistance rating. Sec. 1511. Limits of spraying area. A. The Chief of the Bureau may define the limits of the spraying .a area in any specific case. B. A spraying area shall include: 1. The interior of spray booths. 2. The interior of ducts exhausting from spraying processes. 3. Any area in the direct path of spray or any area contain- ing dangerous quantities of air-suspended combustible residue, dust, deposits, spray or vapor as a result of spraying opera- tions. Sec. 1512. Spray booths. A. Spray booths shall be substantially constructed of non-combustible ma'Yerial. B. The interior surfaces of spray booths shall be smooth, continuous, without edges and designed to prevent pocketing of residues and .. to facilitate cleaning and washing. .. OW C. The floor of the spray booth and operators' corking area►, if combustible, shall be covered with non-combustible, non-sparking material of such character as to facilitate the safe cleaning r and removal of residues. �. D. If installed, baffle plates shall be of non-combustible material, readily removable or accessible"on both sides for cleaning, and designed to promote an even flow of air through the booth and to prevent the deposit of overspray before it MP enters the exhaust duct. Such baffle plates shall not be located .� in exhaust ducts. E. Each spray booth having a frontal area larger than nine square feet shall have a metal deflector or curtain not legs than 2j inches deep installed at the upper outer edge of th=i booth, over r the opening. F. Each spray booth shall be separated from other operations by not less than three feet or by such partition or wall as the Chief of the Bureau may require to reduce the danger from j4xtaposition of hazardous operations. G. Spray booths shall be so installed that all portions are readily UW accessible for cleaning. A space of not less than three feet on ,all sides shall be kept free from storage or combustible construc- tion. is 89 H. When spraying areas are illuminated through glass panels or other transparent materials, only fixed lighting units shall .. be used as a source of illumination. Panels shall effectively isolate the spraying area from the area in which the lighting " unit is located, and shall be of non-combustible material of such a nature or so protected that breakage will be unlikely. r Panels shall be so arranged that normal accumulations of resi- due on the exposed surface of the panel will not be raised to a dangerous temperature by radiation or conduction from the source of illumination. Sec. 1513. Dry tie overspray collectors (exhaust air filters). Over- spray dry filters or filter rolls, if installed in conventional dry type spray booths, shall conform to the following: A. The spraying operations shall be so designed, installed and main- tained that the average air velocity over the open face of the booth or booth cross-section during spraying operations shall be not less than 100 linear feet per minute. Visible gauges or alarm or pressure activated devices shall be installed to main- tain the required air velocity. B. All discarded filter pads and filter rolls shall be immediately .removed to a safe, well detached location or placed in a water filled metal container and disposed of at the close of the day's operation unless maintained completely in water. _ . 90 C. Filters shall be located so as not to reduce the effective enclosure of the articles being sprayed. D. The space within spray booth on the downstream and upstream sides of filters shall be protected with approved automotic sprinklers. E. Filters or filter rolls shall not be used in the application of a spray material known to be highly susceptible to spontaneous heating and ignition. F. Clean filters or filter rolls shall be non-combustible and of an approved type. G. " Filters and filter rolls shall not alternately be used for .. different types of coating materials, where the combination of materials may be conductive to spontaneous ignition. Sec. 1514. Electrical and other sources of ignition. A. There shall be no open flame or spark-producing equipment in any spraying area, nor within 20 feet thereof, unless separated by a .. partition, except as permitted in Section 1519 and in Sections 154o to 1543. B. Room heating appliances, steam pipes or hot surfaces shall not be located in a spraying area where deposits of combustible residues may accumulate. .. C. Unless specifically approved for locations containi ., both .deposits or readily ignitable residue and explosive vapors, there shall be no electrical equipment in any spraying area, where deposits of combustible residues may accumulate, except MW wiring in rigid conduits or in boxes or fittings containing no taps, splices or terminal connections and except as hereinafter provided in Section 1519C and Sections 1540 to 1543. .. k _ 91 .r .r D. Electric lamps within 20 feet of a spraying area and not separ- ated therefrom by a partition, shall be totally enclosed to pre- vent the falling of hot particles and shall be protected from physical damage by suitable guards or by location. R. Portable electric lamps shall not be used in any spraying area during spraying operations. Portable electric lamps, if used during cleaning or repairing operations, shall be of the type approved for hazardous locations. F. - All metal parts of spray booths, exhaust ducts and piping systems conveying flammable liquids shall be electrically grounded in an effective and permanent manner. Sec. 1515. Ventilation of spray booths and spray finishing areas. A. All spraying areas shall be provided with mechanical ventilation adequate to prevent the accumulation of vapors and to remove such vapors to a safe location. B. Mechanical ventilation shall be kept in operation at all times while spraying operations are being conducted and for a suffici- ent time thereafter to allow vapors from drying coated articles .r and drying finishing material residue to be exhausted. C. Each spray booth shall have an independent exhaust duct system discharging to the building exterior; provided, however, that multiple cabinet spray booths using combined frontal area of not more than eighteen square feet in which identical spray finish- ing material is used.. may have a common exhaust. If more than one ,. fan serves one booth, all fans shall be interconnected to operate simultaneously. ^. 92 D. Electric motors driving exhaust fans shall not be located inside booths or ducts. Fan rotating elements shall be non- ferrous and non-sparking and the casing shall consist of or be lined with such material. E. Belts shall not enter a duct or booth unless the belts and pulleys within the duct or booth are tightly enclosed. r F. Exhaust ducts shall be constructed of steel and shall be sub- stantially supported. ! G. ' Exhaust ducts shall have a clearance from unprotected, com- ! bustible construction or material of not less than 18 inches. Where combustible materials within 18 inches are protected, clearance distances may be reduced as follows: Protective Material Clearance 1. 28 gauge sheet metal on 1/4 inch asbestos mill board . . . . . . 12 inches ! 2. 28 gauge sheet metal on 1/8 inch asbestos mill board ! spaced out one inch on non- combustible spacers . . . . . . . 9 inches 3. 22 gauge sheet metal on 1 inch rockwool bats reinforced with wire mesh or the equivalent . . . . . . . . . . . 3 inches H. Air exhausted from spraying operations shall not be recirculated. Sec. 1516. Storage and handling of flammable liquids. ' A. The storage and handling of flammable liquids shall be in complir ance with Article 16 of this Code, and with the provisions .of this Section. E _ 93 B. Where the total quantity of liquid in 5-gallon and smaller containers, other than original sealed containers, exceeds 10 gallons, it shall be stored in a storage cabinet conforming to Section 1622 or in storage or mixing rooms conforming to Sec- tions 1621 or 1662B. C. Original closed containers, portable tanks, safety cans or a properly arranged system of piping shall be used for bringing MP flammable liquids into spray finishing areas. Open or glass containers shall not be used. D. Containers supplying spray nozzles shall be of a closed type or shall have self-closing metal covers. Containers not resting on floors shall be on non-combustible supports or suspended by wire cables. Containers supplying spray nozzles by gravity flow shall not exceed 10 gallons capacity. .. E. All containers or piping to which is attached a hose or flexible connection shall be provided with a shut-off valve at the connect MM tion. Such valves shall be kept shut when not in use. F. Heaters shall not be located in spray booths or other locations subject to the accumulation of deposits or combustible residue. •■ G. If flammable liquids are supplied to spray nozzles by positive displacement pumps, any pump discharge line shall have an approv- ed relief valve discharging to pump suction or to a safe detached location, or a device shall be provided to stop the prime mover when the discharge pressure exceeds 125 percent of the normal operating pressure. 94 H. Whenever flammable liquids are transferred from one container to another, both containers shall be bonded or effectively grounded. Piping systems for flammable liquids shall be permanently ground- ed. Sec. 1517. Fire protection equipment. Approved portable fire extinguishers, small hose or other fire extinguishing equipment shall be installed near all spraying areas, as specified by the Chief of the Bureau. r Sec. 1518. Operations and maintenance. A. All spraying areas shall be kept free from the accumulation of y deposits of combustible residues. B. Scrapers, spuds or other such tools used for cleaning purposes .r shall be of non-sparking material. C. Residue scrapings and debris contaminated with residue shall be immediately removed from the premises and properly disposed of. .. D. The use of flammable solvents for cleaning operations shall be restricted to those having flash points not less than kerosene; provided, however, that solvents with flash points not less than those normally used in spraying operations may be used for cleaning spray nozzles and auxiliary equipment when such cleaning is conducted inside spray booths and ventilating equipment is . operating during cleaning. E. Spray booths shall not be used alternately for, different types of coating materials, where the combination of the materials may be conducive to spontaneous ignition, unless all deposits of the first used material are removed from the moth and exhaust ducts prior to spraying with the second. -- 9J - F. Approved metal waste cans shall be provided wherever rags or waste are impregnated with finishing material and all such rags or waste shall be deposited therein immediately after use. The contents of waste cans shall be properly disposed of at least once daily and at the end of each shift. Sec. 1519. Daing a�aratus. A. Drying apparatus shall be installed, maintained and operated in compliance with the provisions of this Article and the applicable provisions of Article 27. B. Spray booths, rooms or other enclosures used for spraying oper- ations shall not be used alternately for the purpose of drying w by any arrangement which will cause a material increase in the surface temperature of the spray booth, room or enclosure. C. Drying or baking units, utilizing a heating system which has an open flame or which may produce sparks, shall not be installed in a spraying area, but may be installed adjacent thereto when equipped with an interlocked ventilating system arranged to: .. 1. Thoroughly ventilate the drying space before the heating system can be started. 2. Maintain a safe atmosphere at "any source of ignition. •3. Automatically shut down the heating system in the event .w of failure of the ventilating system. v D. Automobile refinishing booths or enclosures, otherwise installed and maintained in conformity with this division, may alternately .,r be used for drying with portable infra-red drying apparatus when the following conditions are met: y` 1. The procedure shall be restricted to low-volume, occasional spray application. r 2. Interior of spray enclosures shall be kept free of over- spray deposits. 3. During spray operations, the drying apparatus and electrical connections and wiring thereto shall not be located within the spray enclosure nor in any other location where spray residue may be deposited thereon. 4. Spraying apparatus, drying apparatus, and ventilating systems of spray enclosures shall be equipped with approved NO inter-locks so arranged that: (a) Spraying apparatus cannot be operated while drying apparatus is inside the spray enclosure; (b) Spray enclosure will be purged of spray vapors for a period of not less than 3 minutes before the drying apparatus can be energized; and, (c) The drying apparatus will automatically shut off in the event of failure of the ventilating system. 5. Only equipment of a type approved for Class I, Division 2, hazardous locations, shall be located within 18 inches of .. floor level. All metallic parts of drying apparatus shall be properly electrically bonded and grounded. 9I Division III Dig Tanks ..r Sec. 1520. Limits of vapor area. The Chief of the Bureau may determine the extent of the vapor area around dip tanks, taking into consider- ation the characteristics of the liquid, the degree of sustained ventilation, and the nature of the operations. Sec. 1521. Location of dip tank operations. Dip tank operations shall not be conducted in buildings used for assembly, educational, in- stitutional or residential occupancies, except in a room designed NO for the purpose, protected with an approved system of automatic sprinklers and separated vertically and horizontally from other areas by construction having not less than 2 hours fire resistive rating. .r Sec. 1522. Ventilation of vapor areas. A. All vapor areas shall be provided with mechanical ventilation adequate to prevent the dangerous accumulation of vapors and to remove such vapors to a safe location. B. Required ventilating systems shall be so arranged that the *� failure of any ventilating fan shall automatically stop any dipping conveyor system. r Sec. 1523. Construction of di2 tanks. A. Dip tanks, including drain boards, shall be constructed of substantial non-combustible material, and their supports shall be of heavy metal, reinforced concrete or masonry. w r B. Dip tanks of over 150 gallons in capacity or 10 square feet in liquid surface area shall be equipped with a trapped overflow pipe leading to a safe location outside buildings. C. The bottom of the overflow connection shall be not less than 6 inches below the top of the tank. D. Dip tanks of over 500 gallons liquid capacity shall be equipped with bottom drains which both automatically and manually drain the tanks in the event of fire, unless the viscosity of the liquid at normal atmospheric temperature makes this impractical. �+ Manual operation shall be from a safe, accessible location. Where gravity flow is not practicable, automatic pumps shall be provided. E. Such drains shall be trapped and discharge to a closed, vented air salvage tank or to a safe outside location. •. F. Dip tanks utilizing a conveyor system shall be so arranged that in the event of fire, the conveyor system shall automatically .. cease motion and bottom drains shall open. Sec. 1524. Electrical and other sources of ignition. .. A. There shall be no open flames, spark producing devices, or .. heated surfaces having a temperature sufficient to ignite vapors in any vapor area. w. B. Electrical wiring and equipment in any vapor area shall be of an explosion-proof type approved for use in such hazardous loca- tions., as defined in this Code. 9.) C. Unless specifically approved for locations containing both de— posits of readily ignitable residues and explosive vapors, there shall be no electrical equipment in the vicinity of dip tanks or associated drain boards or drying operations which are subject to splashing or dripping of dip tank liquids, except wiring in .. rigid conduits or in threaded boxes or fittings containing no taps, splices or terminal connections, and except as specifi— cally provided in Sections 1540 to 1543• Sec. 1525• Operations and maintenance. A. Areas in the vicinity of dip tanks shall be kept clear of com— bustible stock and entirely free of combustible debris. B. When waste or rags are used in connection with sipping opera— tions, approved metal waste cans shall be provided and all impregnated rags or waste shall be deposited therein immediately after use. The contents of waste cans shall be disposed of at the end of each shift by methods approved by the Chief of the Bureau. Sec. 1526. Fire extinguishing equipment. A. Areas in the vicinity of dip tanks shall be provided with manual fire extinguishers suitable for flammable liquid fires, as spe— cified by the Chief of the Bureau. B. Dip tanks of over 150 gallons capacity or 10 square feet liquid .• surface area, and dip tanks containing liquids with a flash point below 1100F. of over 10 gallons capacity and 4 square feet liquid surface area, shall be protected with at least one of the follow— ing automatic extinguishing facilities: _. 100 1. Approved automatic water spray extinguishing system. 2. Approved automatic foam extinguishing system. 3. Approved automatic carbon dioxide system. 4. Dip tank covers. Sec. 1527. Dip tank covers. A. Covers arranged to close automatically in the event of fire shall be actuated by approved automatic devices and shall also be arranged for manual operation. B. Covers shall be of substantial non-combustible material or of a tin-clad type, with enclosing metal applied with locked joints. C. Chains or wire rope shall be used for cover support or operat- ing mechanism where the burning of a cord would interfere with i the ac#on of a device. D Covers shall be kept closed when tanks are not in use. Sec. 1528. Hardening and tempering tanks. A. Hardening and tempering tanks shall conform to the provisions of Sections 1523, 1525 and 1526A and to the provisions of this •. Section, but shall be exempt from other provisions of Division III of this Article. B. Tanks shall be located as far as practicable from furnaces and shall not be located on or near combustible floors. C. Tanks shall be provided with non-combustible hoods and vents or .. other approved means, venting to the outside of buildings. All such vent ducts shall be treated as flues and shall be kept well away from combustible roofs or materials. 10:. up .. .. D. Tanks shall be equipped with high temperature limit switches arranged to sound an alarm when the temperature of the quenching medium reaches 500 F. below the flash point. E. Hardening and tempering tanks of over 500 gallons capacity or 25 square feet liquid .surface area shall be protected as speci- fied in Section1526B. F. Air under pressure shall not be used to fill or to agitate oil s in tanks. Sec. 1529. Flow coat operations. No A. Flow coat operations shall conform to the requirements for dip tanks, considering the area of the sump and any areas on which up paint flows as the area of a dip tank. aw B. Paint shall be supplied by one of the following methods: 1. A direct low-pressure pump equipped with an automatic, heat- actuated shut-off. 2. A gravity tank not exceeding 10 gallons in capacity. Sec. 1530. Roll coating. In all processes of roll coating, spreading •r and impregnating in which fabric, paper or other material is passed directly through a tank or trough containing flammable liquids, or over the surface of a roller that revolves partially submerged in a flammable liquid, sparks from static electricity shall be prevented .w by the bonding and grounding of all metallic parts of the machinery .w and equipment and by the installation of static collectors, or by maintaining an atmosphere of high relative humidity. i. 1()~ yr DIVISION IV Electrostatic Apparatus Sec, 1540. Equipment type and location. �r A. Electrostatic apparatus and devices used in connection with paint spraying and paint detearing operations shall be of approved types. B. Transformers, power packs, control apparatus, and all other electrical portions of the equipment, with the exception of high voltage grids and electrostatic atomizing heads and their r connections, shall be located outside of the spraying or vapor areas or shall conform to the requirements of Sections 1514 and. 1524. C. Electrodes and electrostatic atomizing heads shall be of sub- stantial construction, rigidly supported in permanent locations and effectively insulated from the ground. Insulators shall be non-porous and non-combustible. Sec. 1541. Controls. A. A space of at least twice the sparking distance shall be main- tained between goods being painted or deteared and electrodes, electrostatic atomizing heads or conductors. A sign stating .the sparking distance shall be conspicuously posted near the assembly. B. Electrostatic apparatus shall be equipped With automatic controls which will operate without time delay to disconnect the power sup- ply to the high voltage transformer and to signal the operator under any of the following conditions: L 1p3 1. Stoppage of ventilating fans or failure of ventilating equipment; 2. stoppage of the conveyor carrying goods past the high voltage grid; 3. Occurrence or imminence of a ground at any point on the high voltage system; 4. Reduction of clearance below a distance of at least twice the sparking distance. Sec. 1542. Guards and signs. A. Booths, fencing, railings or guards shall be placed about the equipment to isolate the process from plant storage or personnel. Such railings, fencing and guards shall be of conducting material, adequately grounded, and shall be at least 5 feet from any i processing equipment. .r B. Signs shall be posted designating the process zone as "dangerous." Sec. 1543. Maintenance. A. All insulators shall be kept clean and dry. B. Drip plates and screens subject to paint deposits shall be removable and shall be taken to a safe place for cleaning. DIVISION V. Automobile Undercoating Sec. 1550. Operations included. Automobile undercoating spray operations, _ conducted in areas having adequate natural or mechanical ventilation, may be exempt from the provisions of Division II of this Article on approval by the Chief of the Bureau when using undercoating materials _._ 10 which are not more hazardous than kerosene, or which contain only solvents having a flash point in excess of 1000 F. 105 .�r ARTICLE 16 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS DIVISION I General Provisions a Sec. 1601. Scope; definftion. A. This article shall apply to all liquids with a flash point .� below 2000F. and to liquids with flash points above *2000F. which, when heated, assume the characteristics of liquids with flash points below 2000F. B. The term COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENT, as used in this article, shall mean a place in which the storage, handling, or use of flammable liquids is incidental to the primary function of said establishment, but is not of itself the principal business or process. Sec. 1602. Classes of Flammable Liquids. Flammable liquids shall be divided into three classes, as follows: CLASS I: Those having flash points at or below 200P. CLASS II: Those having flash points above 200F. but not above 700F. CLASS III: Those having flash points above 70PF. Representative Examples of the Classes of Flammable Liquids Are: Class I Class II Class III Ether Alcohol Kerosene Gasoline Amyl acetate Amyl alcohol Naphtha Toluol Turpentine Benzol Ethyl acetate Fuel Oil Collodion Methyl acetate Acetone ,� _ 1Qs When artificially heated to temperatures equal to or higher than their flash points, Class II and III liquids shall be subject to the applicable requiremeni±s for Class I or II liquids. The pro- visions in this article shall also be applied to high flash point .r liquids which otherwise would be outside of its scope, when they are so heated. it Sec. 1603. Test Procedures for Determining Flash Points. h A. The flash point of flammable Liquids having a flash point �t below 175 degrees shall be determined by means of the Tag ` Closed Tester (See A. S. T. M. D. 56-56, Standard Method of Test for Flash Point by means of Tag Closed Tester. ) B. The flash point of flammable 'i.quids having a flash point of 175 degrees or higher shall b, dete=mined by means of the Pensky- Martens Closed Tester. (See A. S. T. M. ._ ,-56T, Standard Method for Flash Point by means of the Pensky-Martens Closed Tester). Sec. 1604. Permits Required: A permit shall be obtained for any of the following operations: A. Storage, handling, or use of Class I or Class II flammable .. liquids in an amount in excess of 1 gallon, in a dwelling or other place of human habitation; or in excess of 6 gallons, in any other building or occupancy; or in excess of 10 gal- 1_07 lons, outside of any building; provided however, that no permit shall be required for the following: 1. The storage or use of flammable liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft, motor boa.t, mobile power .r plant, or mobile heating plant. 2. The storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes or simi— lar flammable mixtures when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting, or similar purposes for a period of not more than 30 days. B. Storage, handling, or use of Class III flammable liquids in an amount in excess of 25 gallons, in a building; or in ex— cess of 60 gallons, outside of a building, except for fuel oil used in connection with oil ourning equipment. C. For the manufacture, processing, blending, or refining of flammable liquids. D. For the storage of flammable liquids in stati.nary tanks. .► Sec. 1605. Laboratory Listed Tanks and Equipment. Containers, tanks, equipment and apparatus meeting the standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters shall be considered as meeting the requirements of this article. Sec. 1606. Warning Labels for Containers of Flammable Liquids with Flash Points Not in Excess of 1500 F. ..r 108 in diameter, if designed and built as an atmospheric storage tank, shall be deemed to be a weakened seam for this purpose. 3. Where the entire dependence for such additional relief .r is placed upon some device other than a weak roof seam or joint, the total venting capacity of both normal and emergency vents shall be sufficient to prevent rupture of the shell or bottom of the tank, if vertical, or of the shell or heads, if horizontal. Such device may be a self-closing manhole cover, or one using long bolts which permit the cover to lift under internal pressure, or an additional or larger relief valve or valves. The number and area of vents and emergency relief devices shall be computed according to Table 1611 - E. REQUIRED TOTAL PRESSURE RELIEF CAPACITY OF VENTS MINIMUM Total Pressure APPROXIMATE DIAMETER RELIEF OF FREE CIRCULAR CAPACITY OF TANK CAPACITY OPENING FOR IN IN Cu. Ft. of Free 3 In. of VARIOUS PRESSURES GALLONS BARRELS Air per Hour Water 1 PSI 2 PSI 5 PS 1,000 23.8 25,300 4 2 1/2 2 1 1/2 4,000 95.2 69,500 6-3/4 3-3/4 3 2-1/2 18,000 428 139,000 9 1/2 5 1/2 .4 1/4 3-3/4 25,000 595 166,000 10-1/4 6 4-3/4 4 56,000 1,330 253,000 12-3/4 71/4 5-3/4 5 00,000 2,380 363,000 15 1/4 8-3/4 7 6 55,000 3,690 458)000 171/4 9-3/4 7-3/4 6-1/2 22,000 5,290 522,000 -18 1/4 10-1/2 8 1/4 7 75,000 11,300 624,000 20 11 1/4 9 7-3/4 35,000 17,500 648,000 20 11-1/2 9 1/4 7-3/4 Unlimited 648 000 20 11-1 2 9-1/4 7-3/4 119 A. All flammable liquids, flammable liquid compounds pr flem- ' mable liquid mixtures offered for retail sale in containers, except as provided in Paragraph B of this section stall be conspicuously marked or labeled as to flash point classifica- tion in easily legible type, which is in contrast by typography, layout or color with any other printed matter on the label. The warning herein required may be incorporated with similar warnings of other hazards inherent in the. product, or may be printed on a separate label. For the purpose of this section, the flash point shall be determined by Tagliabue's open cup tester. B. Nothing herein contained shall apply to containers of beverages, foods or drugs, nor to any coiAx-Iner bearing a label as to hazard in accordance with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission. C. For flammable liquids having a flash po:_nt of 200F. or below, a label similar to the following shall be used: Keep Away From Heat, Sparks and Open Flame Keep Closed When Not in Use D. . For flammable liquids having a flash point of 200 F. to 800 F., inclusive, a label similar to the following shall be used: .. s = 1C J Keep Away From Heat, Sparks and Open Flame Keep Closed When Not in Use E. For flammable liquids having a flash point of 800 F, to 1500 F., inclusive, a label similar to the following shall be used: , CAUTION ! CCMBUSTIBLE! �. Keep Away from Heat and Open Flame Keep Closed When Not in Use + Sec. 1607. Hazardous Heating, Lighting and Cooking Appliances M%V, be Prohibited. The Chief of the Bureau may prohibit the sale or use of any heating, lighting or cooking appliance using Class I Flammable liquid which has not been tested and found safe by a nationally recognized testing agency. Sec. 1608. Furnishing Samples of Flammab.Le Liquids. Any person hawing in his possession or offering for sale any Class I, II, or III flammable liquids shall furnish a sample of same for testing purposes, whenever requested to do so by the Chief of the Bureau. Sec. 1609. Use of Flammable Liquids in Fire Zone No. I. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, or permit to be used, for burn- ing, cooking or illuminating purposes in any lamp, stove, range or oven, any prude petroleum, gasoline, naphtha, benzine, kerosene, coal oil, or other liquid having a flash point of less than 112 degrees, within Fire Zone No. 1. s,r 110 DIVISION II Tank Storage Sec. 1610. Design and Construction of Tanks. +� A. General. Tanks shall be. built of steel or concrete unless the character of liquid stored requires other materials. Tanks built of materials other than steel shall be designed to specifications embodying safety factors equivalent to those herein specified for steel tanks. Steel tanks shall �• be built in accc:dance with the requirements of the follow— ing paragraphs. B. Aboveground Tanks, Shop Built. 1. Small, shop built, vertical tanks of not over 1,100 gal— lons capacity shall be constructed of steel meet: - S the following specifications: CAPACITY IN GALLONS MINIMUM THICsMSS OF STEEL Mfrs. Std. Gauze No. 1 to 6o 18 61 to 350 16 ' 351 to 56o 14 561 to 1,loo 12 2. Large, shop built, vertical tanks of more than 1,100 gal— lons capacity shall meet the following specifications: a. For tanks up to 25 feet in height the shell shall be not less than 3/16 inch thick. For tanks from 25 to 30 feet high the bottom ring shall be not less .a than 1/4 inch thick and the remainder of the shell 111. not less than 3/16 inch thick. All 1/4 inch thick rings shall be not less than five feet wide. b. The roofs of tanks shall be either dished or cone- shaped and of not less than No. 10 Manufacturer's # Standard Gauge steel. c. Tanks shall be welded, or riveted-and caulked, or otherwise made tight in a workmanlike manner. The roof of the tank shall be securely fastened to ;,he top ring of the shell with a joint having the same .. tightness as the joints between rings. The joint between roof and shell shall be weaker than any other joints in the shell of the tank. Joi.its in the roof shall be welder. or riveted or made tight by other process satisfactory to the Chief of the Bureau. Roofs of tanks shall have no unprotected openings. 3. Small, shop-built, horizontal tanks. Joints shall be riveted and caulked, riveted and welded, or welded. Tank heads over 6 feet in diameter shall be dished, stayed, braced or reinforced. Tanks of not over 1,100 gallons capacity shall meet the following specifications: - JJ2 CAPACITY IN GALLONS MINIMUM THICKNESS OF STEEL Mfrs. Std. Gauge To, 1 to 60 18 61 to 275 14 276 to 550 12 551 to 1,100 10 4. Large, shop-built, horizontal tanks. Joints shall be riveted and caulked, riveted and welded, or welded. Tank heads over 6 feet in diameter shall be dished, stayed, braced or reinforced. Tanks of over 1,100 gallons ca- pacity having a diameter of not over six feet shall be of steel at least 3/16 inch in nominal thickness. Tanks having a diameter of over 6 feet and not more than 12 feet shall be of steel at least 1/4 inch in nominal thickness. 5. Underground tanks of smaller than 2500 gallons capacity, aboveground tanks and inside tanks for oil burner fuel tested and listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. , .. may be considered as meeting the requirements of Para- graph B2 of this section. C. Underground Tanks or Enclosed Tanks Inside of Buildings. 1. Underground tanks or enclosed tanks inside of buildings shall be designed and constructed to withstand safely .. the service to which it may be subjected. Tanks shall be of a minimum gauge in accordance with the followi;g _ specif icatians .�.. 113 a. If adequate internal bracing is provided, tanks of +� 12,000 to 30,000 gallons capacity may be built of 1/4 inch plate. b. Tanks of more than 30,000 gallons capacity shall be .r built in accordance with the specifications set forth by The National Board of Fire Underwriters .. for the storing and handling of flammable liquids. 2. Tanks in this category tested and listed as underground storage tanks by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., shall be considered as meeting the requirements of Paragraph C of this section. r D. Unenclosed Tanks Inside Buildings. 1. Unenclosed tanks inside buildings used for Class III flammable liquids shall not exceed 275 gallons individ- ual capacity. They may be cylindrical or of a special form which has been demonstrated by � ppM-�)riate tests to possess strength and tightness of an acceptable de- gree. Tanks shall be constructed of steel meeting the .. following specifications: CAPACITY MININUM NOMINAL THICKNESS OF STEEL .. Pounds per Gallons Mfrs. Std. Gauge Square Foot .. 1 to 18o 16 2.50 181 to 275 lk 3.125 .. r . 2. Tanks in this category tested and listed as inside tanks, for oilburner fuel by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., may be considered as meeting the requirements of Para- graph D of this section. .� E. Concrete Tanks. Unlined concrete tanks shall only be used for storage of liquids having a gravity of 40 degrees A. P. I. or heavier. Concrete tanks with special linings may be used for other services provided the design is .acceptable to the Chief of the Bureau. �- F. Labeling of Aboveground Tanks. All aboveground tanks used for the storage of flammable liquids, liquified petroleum gases, chemicals and chemical compounds, poisonous-noxious or dangerous gases or compounds, or any other highly ELAM- mable or dangerous materials, zball bear labels showing their contents to be dangerous or flammable. All wording shall be in distinctive red color with letters not less than 6 inches high. Sec. 1611. Installation of Outside Aboveground Tanks. A. Restricted Locations. The storage of Class I and Il .flam- enable liquids in aboveground tanks outside of buildings is .Prohibited vithin the Number 1 and Number 2 fire zones es- UO MO tablished by the Building Code. B. Location with Respect to Pr2perty_ Lines. 1. The minimum distance of any part of an above ground tank used for the storage of -flammable liquids other than crude petroleum to the nearest line of adjoining prop— erty which may be built upon, shall be the distance in— dicated in Table 1611 - B. TABLE 1611.- B CAPACITY OF MINIMUM TANKS IN CLASS. OF DISTANCE GALLONS FLAMMABLE LIQUID IN FEET _ 0 to 275 III 0 276 to 750 III 5 0 to 750 I and II 10 751 to 12,000 III 10 751 to 12,000 I and II 15 21001 to 24,000 I, II, III 15 4,001 to 30,000 I, II, III 20 0,001 t© 50,000 I II III 2. Where two tank locations of diverse ownership have a common boundary, the Chief of the Bureau may, with the written consent of the owners of the two properties, substitute the distances provided in Paragraph C of this MW section for the minimum distances set forth in Table 1611 ow C. Spacing Between Tanks. 1. The distance between two flammable liquid storage tanks shall be not less than 3 feet. r 2. The distance between tanks of more than 50,000 gallons capacity used for the storage of aqy flamable liquid awl (except Crude petroleum in producing areas) shall be not less than one-half the diameter of the. smaller tank. 3. In producing areas, for tanks storing crude petroleum and having capacities .not exceeding 126,000 gallons (3,000 barrels), the distance between tanks shell not be less than 3 feet. Fbr tanks of a capacity in excess of 126,000 gallons (3000 barrels), the distance shall be not leas than the diameter of the smaller tank. 4. The minimum separation between a liquefied Petroleum gas containkr end a fleunmable liquid tank shall be 20 feet: The accumulation of f AMbie liquids under ad- jacent liquefied petroleum gas containers shall be pre- vented by means such as diking, diversion curbs or grading. When flammable liquid tanks are diked, the liquefied petroleum gee containers shall be outside the diked area and at least 10 feet fr a the center line of dike. The foregoing provisions shall not apply when liquefied petroleum gas containers of 125 gallons or less are installed adjacent to Class III flamable liquid tanks of 275 gallons or less capacity. r _ . 117 D. Ko�s►l Sr,�atlter Y�ts I. Tanks shall Piave norml venting capacity sufficient to permit tN filling end emptying of such tanks, and brdathing due to teaperature changes, Without distor— tiam of the tl=)L shell or roof. .. 2. Tanks storing Class I and Class lI flammable liquids shall be equipped either With venting devices Which shall be normally closed when riot under pressure or vocuUTa, or with approved flame arresters, except as provi&d in Paragraph D-3 of this section. .r �. Tanks of less khan 2,500 4allozsa capacity containing Claws I ligUids and tanks : less than 3,000 barrels capacity containing crude petroleum and located in pro— ducing areas 2ttay have open vents. E. &u►� y-Relief Vents, ., I. Every eboveground storage tank shall have some approved form of construction or device that gill relieve any excessive intertal pressure that might cause a rupture of the tank shel.1 or bottom. 2. In a Yortical tangy., relief vent construction may take t'ho form of a weakongd seam in the roof. The joint be— tween thy roof end the shell of a tank 36 feet or more i I i i quired, the volumetric capacity of the diked area shall be not less than the capacity of the largest tank with- in the diked area. 3• Except where protection is provided by natural topography, required dikes or retaining walls shall be of earth, steel, concrete or solid masonry designed to be liquid tight and to withstand a full hydraulic head. Earthen dikes 3 feet or more in height shall have a flat se Lion at the top not less than 2 feet wide. The slope shall be consistent with the angle of repose of the material of which the dikes are constructed. Dikes shall be re- stricted to an average he.4.ght of 6 feet above the exter- ior grade. Unless means are available for extingu .sh- ing a fire in any tank containing crude petroleum, dikes and walls enclosing such tanks shall be provided with a flareback section at the top designed to turn back a boil-over wave; provided., however, that a flareback sec- tion shall not be required for dikes and walls enclos- ing approved floating-roof tanks. �+• Where provision is made for draining rain water from diked areas, such drains shall normally be kept closed and shall be so designed that when in use, they will not permit flammable liquids to enter natural water courses, public sewers, or public drains. Where pumps �. 120 control drainage from the diked area, they shall not be self-starting. 5. No loose combustible material, empty or full drum or barrel shall be pezznittexi within the diked area. H. Foundations and Supports. Tanks shall rest directly on the ground or on foundations or supports of concrete, ma- sonry, or steel. Exposed steel supports shall be protected ,r by fire-resistive materials to provide a fire-resistance rating of not less than two hours. I. Anchorage. Where a tank is located in an area that may be subjected to flooding, it shall be anchored so as to pre- vent floating. J. Stairs, Platforms and Walkways. Stairs, platforms and walk- ways shall be of metal or concrete. K. Tank Valves. Each tank connection located below normal liquid level shall be provided with an internal or external control valve located as close as practicable to the shell of the tank. Except for flammable liquids having chemical characteristics which are incompatible with steel, external valves and their connections to the tank shall be of steel. r -�. 21- ..o Sec. 1612. Installation of Underground Tanks. A. No tank or container for the storing or retaining of flam- mable liquids and no pump or filling device to be used in connection with same shall be installed, constructed nor any work commenced in connection therewith until a permit is obtained from the Building Official. Application for such a permit shall be made at the office of the Building .r Official. An investigation of the application shall be made by the Building Official and the Bureau of Fire Prevention. If the proposed installation is found to be in compliance with the applicable ordinances of the City, the Building Official shall cause a permit to be issued upon payment of a fee for each installation. Said permit shall authorize the installation of the specified unit or units at any time within sixty (60) days from the date of the r�-mit, subject to the inspection prior to covering from sight as herein- after provided. B. Capacity of .Underground Tanks. The total capacity of un- derground tanks shall be limited with respect to the lowest v floor, basement, or part of any adjacent building or prop- erty line as provided in the following tables: .r �,. 122 TABLE 1 12 - I If the top of the storage tank TOTAL CAPACITY is above the lowest floor, base- ment, or part of any building Class I. II Class III or property line, and the later- and III under Above 1000 1 clearance from such building 1000 F. Flash Flash Point r propert line is: Point (Gals.) Gals. 0-10 feet - 550 50,000 11-19 feet 22000 75,000 20-24 feet 5,000 1002000 25-29 feet 15,000 150,000 30-39 feet 20,000 200,000 40-49 feet 502000 5002000 50 feet or more Unlimited Unlimited TABLE 1612 - II f the top of the storage tank TOTAL CAPACITY to below the lowest floor, base- nt or part of any building or Class I. II Class III roperty line and the lateral aid III Under Above 1000 learance from such building or 1u00 F. Flash Flash Point roperty line is: Point (Gals.) (Gals.) 0-10 feet 2,000 752000 11-19 feet 5,000 1002000 20-24 feet 15,000 150.000 25-29 feet 20,000 2002000 30 feet or more Unlimited Unlimited No underground tank for the storage of flan¢nable liquids with a flash point under 1000 F. shall have a capacity in y excess of 2,000 gallons where any portion of such tank is _located directly beneath any building or structure. (See Article 1653 B 2). C. Site Inspection. A site inspection shall be made before any excavations for underground storage tanks is commenced. r .�. :123 MW r Before any installation is covered from sight, a notifica- tion in writing shall be given the Chief of the Bureau, who shall, vithin 48 hours after the receipt of such notifica- tioc►, inspect the installation and give his written approval. or dizaVproval. D. Location Underground tanks or tanks under buildirs shall be so located with respect to existing building foundations and supports that the loads carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the tank. E. Depth and. Cover. Excavations for underground storage tanks shall be made with due care to avoid undermining of found&- tions of existing structures. Underground tanks shell be set on firm foundations and sur. ounded with 6 inches cf sand well-tamped in place. Tanks shall be covered with not less than 2 feet of Dearth, or with riot less than 1 foot of ea. Lh on top of which shall be placed a slab of reinforced con- crete not less than 4 inches thick. When underground tanks ,► are likely to be %ub�ected to vehicular traffic aboveground, they shall be protested by at least 3 feet of earth cover, or 18 inches of well tamped earth, plus 6 inches of rein- forced concrete paving, or 8 inches of asphaltic or rein- forced concrete. When asphaltic or reinforced concrete pav- 124. } ing is used as part of the protection, it shall extend at least 1 foot horizontally in all directions beyond the out— line of the tank. F. Location and Arrangement of Vents For Class I or II Liciuids. Vent pipes from tanks storing Class I, II, III flammable liquids shall be so located that the 'discharge point is out— side of buildings and not less than 12 feet above the ad— jacent ground level. Vent pipes shall discharge only up— ward or horizontally in order to disperse vapors. Vent _ pipes 2 inches or less in nominal inside diameter shall not be obstructed by devices that will reduce their capacity or cause excessive back pressure Vent pipe outlets s' all be so located that flammable vapors will not enter building . openings, or be trapped under eaves or other obstructions. The vent line shall be provided with an approved flame ar— rester. G. Size of Vents. Each tank shall be vented through piping adequate in size to prevent blow—back of vapor or liquid at the fill opening while the tank is being filled. Vent pipes shall be of a nominal inside diameter as follows: WAW NNW CAPACITY of TANK Diameter of Vent Gallons Inches 0 to 500 1-1/4 �. 501 to 3,000 11/2 3,001 to 10,000 2 10,001 to 25,000 2 1/2 25,001 to 50,000 3 �.r 50,001 to 100,000 3 1/2 100,001 to 150,000 4 150,001 to 400,000 5 400,o01 to 1 z000,000 6 H. Vent Piping. Vent pipes shall be so laid as to drain toward ' the tank without sags or traps in which liquids-might Collect. They shall be located so that they will not be subjected to physi- cal damage above ground. Vent pipes from tanks storing the same class of flammable liquids may be connected into one outlet pipe. The outlet pipe shall be at least one pipe size; larger than the largest individual vent pipe connected there- to. In no case shall the point of connection, between vent lines be lower than the top of any fill pipe opening. The lower end of a vent pipe shall enter the tank through the top and shall not extend into the tank more than 1 inch. ' I. Fill and Discharge Piping. Fill and discharge lines for Class I, Class II, and Class III liquids, shall enter tanks only through the top and shall be graded toward the tank without sags or traps. J. Fill Openings. The fill-pipe opening shall be located out- side of any building. For Class I or II flammable liquid storage the fill pipe opening shall be not less than 5 feet from any door or basement opening. For Class III flammable liquid storage the fill pipe opening shall be not less than 2 feet from any building opening at the same or lower level. The fill pipe opening shall be closed and liquid tight when not in use. Fill pipes for fillinS by tank car or tank +• truck shall be not larger than 4-inch nominal inside di- ameter and shall not be constricted. Fill-pipe openings shall be identified by a definite color scheme or other means. K. Gauge Openings. Any gauge opening which is independent of a fill pipe shall be provided with a liquid-tight cap or cover. Where Class I, II, or III liquids are stored within a building, gauge openings shall be protected against vapor release or liquid overflow by :Weans of spring-loaded chec,- valves or other approved devices. L. Anchors eM. Where a tank may become buoyant due to a rise in the level of the water table or due to location in an area that may be subjected to flooding, the tank shall be anchored in place. Sec. 1613. Installation of Tanks Inside of Buildings. A. Class I or II Liquids. Tanks for storage of Class I and ZI flammable liquids shall not be installed inside buildings except as provided under Divisions VI and VIII of this arti- cle. Tanks for storage of Class I and II flammable liquids up may be installed under a building as an underground tank complying with Sec. 1612. B. Class III Liquids. 1. Unenclosed tanks shall not be located within 5 feet horizontally of any .fire or flame. 2. Tanks of-nore than 60 gallons capacity shall not be located in buildings above the lowest story or base- ment, except in commercial or industrial establish- ments or processing plants where storage on a higher floor is required by the process. 3. Tanks of more than 275 gallons individual capacity of 1,100 gallons aggregate capacity in any one building or in a section of a buildin;; separated by f irewall shall be installed in an enclosure having walls _,, structed ... of reinforced concrete at least 6 inches thick or brick at least 8 inches thick. Such enclosures shall be installed only on concrete or other fire-resistive floors and shall be bonded to the floors. Enclosures Mall have tops of reinforced concrete at least 5 inches thick or equi- valent fire-resistive construction; provided, that where floor or roof construction above the enclosure is of con- crete or other fire resistive construction, the walls MW c _. may be extended to and bonded to the underside of the construction above in lieu of the provision of a sep- arate top. Any openings to such enclosures shall be provided with fire doors or other approved closures -and 6 inch non-combustible liquid tight sills or ramps. Provision shall be made for adequate ventilation of such enclosures prior to entering for inspection or repairs. 4. In buildings of ordinary construction, as defined by the Building Code,the nominal gross capacity of tanks shall not exceed 1000 gallons. In fire-resistive build- ings the nominal gross capacity of the tanks shall not exceed 2000 gallons. In any building, if in a fire- resistive or dethched room cut off vertically and hori- zontally in an approved manner from other floors of ..� the main building, the nominal gross capacity of tanks shall not exceed 5000 gallons and the individual tank OW capacity shall not exceed 2500 gallons. C. Vents and Other Openings. Vents, fill and discharge piping, fill openings and gauge openings shall meet the requirements of Section 1612, Paragraphs F through L. D. Support of Tanks in Buildings. Inside storage tanks shall be securely supported to prevent settling, sliding or lift- ing. r ! U9 r E. Drainage of Tanks in Buildings. Inside storage tanks for Class III flammable liquids shall be provided with draw- w off or drain openings. Tanks shall be installed so that the bottom pitches to the draw-off or drain openings at a slope of not less than 1/4 inch per foot of length. The draw-off or drain opening shall be provided with an approved con- nection to provide a sump from which water or sediment can be drained readily. Sec. 16i4. Testing of Tanks and Piping. A. Aboveground tanks built in accordance with the provisions of Section 1610-B shall be tested in accordance with Ameri- can Petroleum Institute Standared 650, Fire Edition,1963, Section 5.3, Inspection, Testin and Repairs for Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage. B. A11 other tanks and piping connected thereto shall pass a test for tightness before being placed in use. Before being covered, enclosed or placed in use, tanks and piping shall be tested hydrostatically or with air pressure, at not less than a 1-1/2 times the maximum working pressure but not less than 5 pounds per square inch and not more than 10 pounds per square inch, measured at the highest point in the system, except as provided in Paragraph C of this section. 130 .r C. When the vertical length of the fill and vent pipes is such that when filled with liquid the static head imposed exceeds 10 pounds per square inch, the tank and related piping shall be tested hydrostatically to a.pressure equal to the static head thus imposed. In special cases where the height of the vent above the top of the tank is excessive, the hydrostatic test pressure shall be specified by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. DIVISION III Closed Container Storage Sec. 1620. Storage in Closed Containers Inside Buildings. The pro- visions of Sections 1621 through 16?4 shall apply to the storage inside buildings of flammable liquids in drums or other portable closed containers not exceeding 60.gallons individual capacity, but shall not apply to the storage of closed containers in bulk plants, service stations and refineries, nor to areas where con- tainers are opened for dispensing, mixing or handling. Sec. 1621. Design and Construction in Inside Storage Rooms. A. Inside storage rooms shall comply with the following general construction requirements: Walls, floors and ceilings shall be of non-combustible construction having a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour. Openings to other rooms or w .131 buildings shall have non-combustible liquid tight sills or i ramps at least 6 inches in height and approved fire doors arranged to close automatically in case of fire, or in the alternative, open trenches, covered with steel grating, ,. which drain to a safe location. Where other portions of the building or other properties are exposed, windows shall i be protected in an approved manner. Wood of at least one inch nominal thickness may be used for shelving, racks, dun- nage, scuffboards, floor overlays and similar installations. Proper ventilation shall be provided and natural ventila- tion shall be preferred over mechanical ventilation. Heat- ing shall be by low pressure steam or hot water or by elec- tric units approved for Class I 3zardous locations. B. Electric viring and equipment located in inside storage rooms used for Class I or Class II Flammable liquids shall. meet the standards prescfibed for Class i, Division II, haz- ardous locations, as defined in this Code. C. Rooms or portions of buildings, affording a type of building construction and other features equivalent to that required for inside storage rooms may be utilized for storage of flam- mable liquids if not used for any other storage or operation which, in combination, might create a gre8ter fire hazard. i .. �. 13'2 D. Storage rooms shall be located to minimize damage in the event of an explosion. E. Where practical, inside storage rooms shall be equipped with large vents to provide fire and explosion relief. F. The quantity of flammable liquid in an inside storage room shall not exceed the following specified quantities: 1. If the storage room is not protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system: (a) 550 gallons total of Class I, II and II flammable liquids, of which not more than (b) 275 gallons may be Class I and II flammable liquids, of which not more than — (c) 60 gallons may be of Class I flammable liquid. 2. If the storage room is protected by an approved auto— matic fire extinguishing system: (a) 1100 gallons total of Class I, II and III flamma— ble liquids, of•which not more than (b) 550 gallons may be of Class I and II flammable liquids, of which not more than (c) 275 gallons may be of Class I flammable liquid. The quantity of flammable liquids in an inside storage room may by increased to that permitted by Section 1662-3 when the design and construction of said room complies with the r _ 133 requirements prescribed in this section, and the walls, floors and ceiling of said room are of non-combustible con- struction having a fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours. Sec. 1622. Storage Cabinets. A. Storage cabinets shall meet the following minimum construc- tion requirements: The bottom, top, door and sides of the cabinet shall be at least No. 18 gauge sheetiron and double- walled with 1 1/2 inch air space.. Joints shall be riveted, 1W welded or made tight by some equally effective means. The door shall be provided with a 3-point lock, kept closed when not in use, and the door sill shall be raised at least 2 inches above the bottom of the cabinet. When deemed neces- sary by the Chief of the Bureau, cabinets shall be vented. The cabinet shall be conspicuously labeled in red letters "FLAMMABLE - KEEP FIRE AWAY." { B. Storage cabinets may be used where it is desired to keep more than 10 gallons of flammable liquids inside buildings. No individual container shall exceed 5 gallons capacity and not more than 50 gallons shall be stored in any one - cabinet. Sec. 1623. Manner of Storage abd Limitations. A. Flammable liquids, including stock for sale, shall not be stored near exits, stairways or areas normally used for the E _ 134. i ingress or ,egress of persons. B. The storage of flammable liquids in closed containers- shall comply with the following occupancy schedule; provided, how- ever, that the Chief of the Bureau may impose a stricter quantity limitation or require greater protection where, in his opinion, unusual hazard to life or property is involved. He may also authorize increase of these amounts where the type of construction, fire protection provided-or other factors substantially reduce the •hazard. 1. Dwellings and Apartment Houses Containing Not More Than Three Dwelling Units and Accompanying Attached or De- tached Garages: Storage of flammable liquids other than fuel -oil for oil burner sex ice shall be prohibited, ex- cept that which is required for maintenance or equip-ment operation, not to exceed 10 gallons. Such flam- mable liquid shall be stored in metal closed containers or safety cans. 2. Assembly and Business Occupancies, Apartment Houses Con- taining More Than Three Dwelling Units, and Hotels. Storage of flammable liquids other than fuel oil for oil burner service shall be prohibited, except that which is required for maintenance and operation of buildings rr L%Jki and operation of equipment. Such storage shall be kept in closed metal containers stored in a storage cabinet or in safety cans or in an inside storage room not hav- ing a door that opens into that portion of the build- ing used by the public. 3. Educational and Institutional Occupancies. Storage of flammable liquids other than fuel oil for oil burner service shall be limited to that quantity of liquid required for maintenance, demonstration, treatment and laboratory work. Flammable liquids in laboratories and at other points of use shall be kept in containers not larger than one quart, in safety cans or in storage cabinets. 4. Mercantile Occupancies. In rooms or areas accessible ~ to the public, storage of flammable liquids shall be in closed containers and shall be limited to quantities aw needed for display and normal merchandising purposes. Where the aggregate quantity of stock exceeds 50 gallons, it shall be stored in rooms or portions of buildings a" that comply with the construction requirements of Sec- tion 1621. 5. General Purpose and Public Warehouses. Storage shall be in fire-resistive buildings or in portions of such g _ 136 Oil i. aD an m . �p L 44 r y N Mr4 P1v CY 42 Q >N CV N �eiD 44 ri N .4 �' ►1 CD co e0 a0 Q V • .9 �ag s.� - .. 49 01 I fe ao v co� �1 � V IS CY H . p � 9 � ■��Y�l+�li 11��rl�1�!/41 137 ,; , aw no buildings cut off by standard fire walls and shall be arranged in compliance with Table 1623. Non-combusti- ble material, creating no hazard to the flammable liq- uids, may be stored in the same area. .. 6. Flammable Liquid Warehouses or Storage Buildings. Stor- age shall be arranged in compliance with Table 1623. .. Storage buildings shall be of non-combustible construc- tion. If a storage building is located 30 to 50 feet r from a building or dine of adjoining property that may ., be built upon, any exposed wall shall be a non-combus- tible blank wall having a fire resistance rating of at .. least two hours. If a storage building is located 10 to 30 feet from a building or line of adjoining property that can be built upon, any exposed wall shall be a blank wall having a fire resistance rating of-at least 3 hours. If a storage building is less than 10 feet from the line of adjoining property that can be built upon, any exposed wall shall be a blank wall having a fire resistance rating of at least 4 hours. Sec. 1624. Fire Control. A, Suitable fire control devices, such as small hose or ports- ble fire extinguishers, shall be available at locations where ._. 138 flammable liquids are stored. B. When sprinklers are required, they shall be installed in accordance with the terms of N. F. P. A. # 13, Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. C. Open flames, smoking and other sources of ignition shall not be permitted in flammable liquid storage rooms. D. Materials which will react with water to produce flammable vapors shall not be stored in the same room with flammable liquids. Sec. 1625. Storage in Closed Containers Outside Buildings. A. Drums constructed in accordance with ICC Specifications or containers of equivalent construction may be stored out of doors. B. Drums shall not be stored outside on building platforms or between buildings, or in locations adjacent thereto, in such a manner that they would contribute to the spread of fire. C. Storage of more than 100 drums of Class I and II flammable liquids shall be limited to groups of 100 drums, located at least 60 feet from the nearest building or line of adjoin— ing property that may be built upon, and each group shall •be separated by at least 40 feet. Storage of more than 300 drums of Class III flammable liquids shall be limited to groups of 300 drums located at least 50 feet from the near— _ . 139 est building or line of adjoining property that may be built upon, and each group shall be separated by at least 30 feet. These distances may be reduced 50 percent if sprinklers and drainage away from exposures are provided. D. The drum storage shall be located to prevent run-off'.' or drainage toward other storage or buildings. The area shall be kept clear of grass, weeds and other foreign combusti- bles. Signs shall be posted prohibiting open flames and smoking.- E. The provisions of this section shall apply to the storage of flammable liquids in drums or other portable closed con- tainers not exceeding 60 gallons individual capacity out- side of buildings in areas used solely for such storage. F. The provisions of this section shall not apply to storage of flammable liquids in drums or portable closed containers in bulk plants, service stations, and refineries. These requirements are covered- separately in Divisions V, VI and IX, respectively. DIVISION IV Piping, Valves and Fittings — Sec. 1631. Materials and Design. A. In the installation of tanks and pumps used for the storage ,. - 140 .r or dispensation of flammable liquids, only galvanized steel, M& galvanized wrought iron, brass or copper pipe with standard fittings shall be permitted. B. Piping valves, and fittings for flammable liquids shall be designed for the working pressures and structural stresses to which they may be subjected. Pipe wall thicknesses shall be determined in accordance with National Board of Dire Un— derwriters' standards; provided however, that carbon steel pipe shall not be thinner than standard Wall thickness pipe. All threaded joints and connections shall be made up tight with suitable lubricant or piping compound. C. Proper allowance shall be made for expansion, contraction, jarring and vibration. Pipe lires connected to underground tanks shall be provided with double swing Joints arranged to permit the tanks to settle without impairing the tightness of the pipe connections. Sec. 1632. Pipe Joints. Pipe joints dependent upon the friction characteristics of combustible materials for mechanical continuity of piping shall not be used inside buildings. They may be used outside of buildings, either above or below ground. If used aboveground, either the piping shall be secured to prevent dis— engagement at the fitting, or the piping system shall be so de— signed that any spill resulting from such disengagement could not unduly expose persons, buildings or structures, and could be 141 d ' readily.controlled by remote values. Sec. 1633. Protection Against Corrosion. All piping for flammable liquids, both above ground and underground, where subject to external corrosion, shall be painted or otherwise protected. Sec. 1634. Supports. Pipe systems shall be substantially supported and protected against physical damage and excessive stresses arising from settlement, vibration, expansion or contraction. Sec. 1635. Valves. Pipe systems shall contain a sufficient number of valves to operate the system properly and to protect the plant. Pipe systems in connection with pumps shall contain a sufficient number of valves to control properly the flow of liquid in normal operation and in the event of physical damage. Connections to pipe lines, by which equipment such as tank cars or tank vehicles discharge flammable liquids by means of cen— trifugal pumps into aboveground storage tanks, shall be provided with check valves for automatic protection against back flow. .. DIVISION V Bulk Plants Sec. 1641. Location of Plants. No new bulk plant shall be constructed within the limits established by the Building Code. Sec. 1642. Storage. A. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be stored in closed containers, in storage tanks aboveground outside of .. "0 14 r r. buildings, or underground in accordance with the provisions of Division Il of this article. .. B. Class III flammable liquids shall be stored in containers, .in tanks within buildings, aboveground outside of buildings, or underground in accordance with the provisions of Division II of this article. C. Containers of flammable liquids, when piled one upon the ., other, shall be separated by dunnage sufficient to provide stability and to prevent excessive stress on container walls. The height of the pile shall be consistent with the stability and strength of the containers. Sec. 1643. Buildings. .,, A. General Construction. Buildinti shall be-conatpucted so that rooms in which flammable liquids are handled, or stored comply with the requirements of the zone or area in which they are located. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be stored or handled within a building having a .� basement or pit into which flammable vapors may travel, un— less such area is provided with ventilation designed to pro— vent the accumulation of flammable vapors therein. B. • Exits. Rooms in which flammable liquids are stored or pumped shall have exit facilities arranged to prevent occu— pants from being trapped in the event of fire. :. J.43 C. Heating. Rooms in which Class I or Class II flammable liquid$ are stored or handled shall be heated only by means s not constituting a source of ignition, such as steam or hot water. Roans containing heating appliances involving sources of ignition shall be located and arranged to prevent entry of flammable vapors. D. Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided for all rooms, buildings, or enclosures in which Class I or Class II flaw— enable liquids are pumped or dispensed. Design of ventila— tion shall take into account the relatively high specific gravity of the vapors. Ventilation may be provided by ade— quate openings in outside walls at floor level, unobstructed except by louvers or coarse screens. Where natural ventila— tion is impractical, mechanical ventilation shall be provided. E. Filling and Emptying Containers. Containers of Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be drawn or filled within buildings unless ventilation is sufficient to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors in hazardous concentra— tions. Sec. 1644. Loading and Unloading Facilities. -- A. Tank Vehicle Loading Racks. 1. Location. Tank vefUcle loading racks dispensing Class r. .144 I or Class II flammable liquids shall be separated from tanks, warehouses, other plant buildings, and the near- est line of property that may be built upon, by a clear distance of not less than 25 feet, measured from the nearest fill stem. Buildings for pumps or for shelter of loading personnel may be part of the loading rack. .r 2. Static Protection. Tank vehicle racks dispensing Class I or Class II flammable liquids into open domes of tank vehicles, and racks dispensing Class III flammable liq- uids into open domes of tank vehicles which may contain flammable vapors from previous cargoes of Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall be equipped with pro- .. tection from static sparks during filling. Protection shall consist of a metallic bond-wire permanently elec- trically connected to the fill-stem or some part of the fill-stem piping. The free end of such wire shall be provided with a clamp or similar device for convenient attachment to some metallic part of the cargo tank. The bond-wire connection shall be made prior to the opening of dome covers. The connection shall be main- tained during the entire filling operation and the dome covers shall be securely closed before the bond-wire is disconnected from the cargo tank. 3. Drag Chains. Drag chains or similar devices on tank vehicles shall not be deemed to meet the requirements for static protection provided in Paragraph A(2) of this section. B. Tank Car Racks. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be discharged from or loaded into tank cars unless protection against stray currents has been provided and is used. r C. Container Filling Facilities. Class I and Class II flaw T enable liquids shall not be run into containers unless the r nozzle and container are electrically inter-connected. Where the metallic floorplate on which the container stands during filling is electrically connected to the fill stem �. or where the fill stem is bonded to the container during filling operations by means of a bond wire, the provisions of this paragraph shall be deemed to have been complied with. Sec. 1645. Electrical Equipment. All Wiring and electrical equip- went, including motors and electrical switch gear, for pumps handling Class I or Class II flammable liquids located within the possible path of vapor travel shall be designed and installed so as not to create an ignition hazard. - ,146 s Sec. 1646. Sources of Ignition. Class I or Class II flammable liq- uids shall not be handled, drawn, or dispensed where flammable vapors may reach a source of ighition. Smoking shall be pro- 4W hibited except in approved locations. "NO SMOKING" signs shall be conspicuously posted where hazard from flammable liquid va- pors is normally present. Sec. 1647. Drainage and Waste Disposal. Provision shall be made at loading' and unloading points to prevent flammable liquids which may be spilled from entering public sewers, drainage systems, or .. natural waterways. Connections to sewers, drains, or waterways by which flammable liquids might enter shall be provided with separator boxes or other approved means to preclude such entry. Crankcase drainings and flammable liquids shall not be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in underground tanks or tight drums outside of any building, and shall be removed from the premises daily. Sec. 1648. Fire Control. Suitable fire-control devices, such as small hose or portable fire extinguishers, shall be available to locations where fires are likely to occur. Additional fire- control equipment may be required where a tank of more than 50,000 gallons individual capacity contains Class I or Class "' II flammable liquids and where an unusual exposure hazard exists from surrounding property. Such additional fire-control equip- r ILZ7 ment shall be sufficient to extinguish a fire in the largest tank. DIVISION VI Service Stations Sec. 1651. Location. Apparatus dispensing Class I flammable liq— uids into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles shall not be located at a bulk plant unless separated by a fence or similar barrier from the area in which bulk operations are conducted. Sec. 1652. General Construction. Buildings shall be constructed .. so that rooms in which flammable liquids are handled or stored comply with the requirements of the zone or area in which lo— cated. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be stored or handled within a building having a basement or pit s into which flammable vapors may travel, unless such area is pro— vided with ventilation designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors therein. "F Sec. 1653. Storage and Handling. A. General Provisions. 1. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be stored in closed containers not exceeding 60 gallons capacity, in tanks located underground or in tanks in special en— closures as described in Paragraph B of this section. 2. Class III flammable liquids shall be stored in contain— era, in tanks located underground, or in tanks in - ; �. 1.45 special enclosures as described in Paragraph B of this section or in Section 1655 B. _ 3. Aboveground tanks located in an adjoining bulk plant may be connected by piping to service station under- •.� ground tanks if, in addition to valves at aboveground tanks, a valve is also installed within the control of service station personnel. 4. No person shall own, operate or maintain a flammable liquid storage tank maintained on skids or similar type �. of stand and designed or intended to be for the dis- pensing of flammable liquids into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. This provision is intended to prohibit the use of so-called "portable service stations" or similar units constructed or installed to dispense flam- mable liquids to the motoring public, and designed so that the unit can be easily picked up and moved. This provision shall not prohibit use of portable or semi- portable and skid tanks in conjunction with the dis- pensing of flammable liquids into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles and other motorized equipment on premises not normally accessible to the public, or on construction sites. Such installations shall be limited to tanks of.one thousand (1000) gallons aggregate capacity, and shall be .r 149 .. used only under permit from the Bureau. The permit shall be for a definite time. B. Special Enclosures. When installation of tanks in accord— ance with Article 1612 is impractical because of property or building limitation, tanks for flammable liquids may be installed in buildings, in special enclosures, upon specific approval of the Bureau when the following require— ments are met: 1. The enclosure shall be substantially liquid and vapor— tight without backfill. Sides, top, and bottom of the enclosure shall be of reinforced concrete at least 6 finches thick, with openings for inspection through the top only. Tank connections shall be so piped or closed that neither vapors nor liquid can escape into the en— closed space. Means shall be provided whereby portable equipment may be employed to discharge to the outside any vapors which might accumulate should leakage occur. aw 2. At automotive service stations provided in connection with tenant or customer parking facilities at or below grade level beneath large buildings of commercial, mer— Roo cantile or residential occupancy, tanks containing Class I flammable liquids, installed in accordance with . 150 Paragraph B(1) of this section, shall not exceed 2000 gallons individual capacity or 4000 gallons aggregate capacity. C. Inside Buildings. 1. Except where stored in tanks as provided in Paragraph B of this section, no Class I flammable liquids shall be stored or handled within any service station build— .. ing, except packaged items such as cleaning fluid, re— ceived and resold in unbroken- metallic containers of M' not over one gallon capacity each, or in approved non— metallic containers of not more than one quart capacity each. Class II flammable liquids in closed containers .r may be stored inside the station building. A container equipped with an approved pump or an approved self— closing faucet shall be considered a closed container for purposes of storage only. 2. No Class I or Class. II flammable liquids other than anti— freeze shall be dispensed or transferred from one con— tainer to another, inside of a service station building. Anti—freeze may be dispensed in a service station build— ing in rooms having approved heating devices, provided that there is no open flame in such room lower than 8 1S� +rr .. feet above floor level. Service station areas other than lubritoriums or rooms in which flammable liquids are transferred or dispensed may be heated in any con— ventional manner. 3. Class III liquids may be stored and dispensed inside service station buildings from approved containers of not more than 120 gallons capacity each. D. Labeling. No sale or purchase of any Class I, II or III flammable liquids shall be made in containers unless such ■r containers are clearly marked with the name of the product contained therein. E. Dispensing Containers. No person dispensing any Class I, II or III flammable liquids in any service station, garage or other location, shall dispense same into any container r other than Underwriters ' approved metal cans; provided how— ever, that such liquids may be put into metal cans or re— ceptacles of the type having vapor tight screw caps for the filling opening and the pouring spout. The dispensing of such flammable liquids into glass or earthen jugs, bottles .a or any breakable container or in open containers of any kind is strictly prohibited. Sec. 1654. Dispensing Systems. A. Location. Dispensing devices at automotive service stations r 152 shall be so located that all parts of the vehicle being served will be on the premises of the service station. ,.. 1. Inside Location. Approved dispensing units may be lo— cated inside garages only upon specific approval of the Bureau. The dispensing area shall be separated from motor vehicle repair areas in a manner approved ..s by the Bureau. The dispensing unit and its piping shall be protected against physical damage from motor vehicles either by mounting on a concrete island.or by equivalent means and shall be so located that it cannot be struck by moving vehicles. The dispensing area shall be provided with an approved mechanical or gravity ventilation system. A clearly identified switch, readily accessible in case of fire or physical damage to any unit, shall be provided to shut off the power to dispensing units. When dispensing units are located below grade, only approved mechanical ventilation shall be used and the entire dispensing area shall be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. The venti— lating-systems shall be electrically interlocked with the gasoline dispensing units so that the dispensing units cannot be operated unless the ventilating fan .. motors are energized. 153 I B. Dispensing Units. .., 1. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be trans- ferred from underground tanks by weans of fixed pumps designed and equipped to allow control of the flow and to prevent leakage or accidental discharge. Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be transferred y from a storage tank by any equipment or procedure which subjects the shell of the storage tank to pressures above its allowable working pressure. Neither air nor pressure shall be used for this purpose. wr 2. Supplemental means shall be provided outside of the dispensing device whereby the source of power may be readily disconnected in the event of fire or other acci- dent. 3. Dispensing devices for Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall be of an approved type. 4. Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be dis;- penned by pressure from drums, barrels, or .similar con- tainers. Approved pumps taking suction through the top of the container or approved self-closing faucets shall be used. OW C. Retote Pumping Systems. 1. Lope. The provisions contained herein governing remote r pumping systems shall apply to systems for dispensing 1.54 Class I flammable liquid where such liquid is transferred from underground storage to individual or multiple Us- pensing units by pumps located elsewhere than at the dispensing units. 2. Pumps. Pumps shall be designed and equipped so that no part of the system will be subjected to pressures above its allowable working pressure. Pumps installed above- ground, outside of buildings, shall be located not less than ten feet from lines of adjoining property which may be built upon, and not less than five feet from any building opening. When an outside pump location is im- practical, pumps may be installed inside of buildings, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph A(1) or Paragraph C(3) of this section. Pumps shall be sub- stantially anchored and protected against physical dam- age by vehicles. 3. Pits. Pits for sub-surface pumps or piping manifolds of submersible pumps shall be designed and constructed to withstand the external forces to which they may be sub- jected without damage to the pump, tank, or piping. The .n pit shall be no larger than necessary for inspection and maintenance and shall be provided with a tight fitting cover. .� 15' 4. Controls. a. A control shall be provided that will permit the pump to operate only When the dispensing nozzle is removed from its bracket on the dispensing unit and when the switch on this dispensing unit is manually actuated. This control shall also stop the pump when dlI noz— zles have been returned to their brackets. b. There shall be a means, visible from the operating area, to indicate When the pump motor is running. c. A clearly identified switch, readily accessible in case of fire or physical damage at any dispensing unit, shall be provided to shut off the power to the pump motors. 5. Testing. After the completion of the installation, in— cluding any paving, that section of the pressure piping system between the pump discharge and the connection for the dispensing facility shall be tested for at least , .. thirty minutes at a pressure fifty per cent above the maximum operating pressure. Such test shall be repeated at five year intervals thereafter. D. • Automatic Dispensing Units. The installation and use of coin-operated dispensing devices for Class I flammable liq— uids is prohibited. E. Delivery Nozzles. s IL56 1. No person shall insert or remove a nozzle dispensing Flammable liquids into or from the fuel tank of a motor vehicle or container VA2ess he be either the owner, or operator or an waployee of the service station where such fueling is taking place. 2. The servicing of any Class I, II or III liquids of less than 112 •degrees Fahrenheit flash point at service sta— tions, garages or other locations, shall be under the control of a competent attendant at all times. The use of any device except an automatic nozzle, which permits the dispensing of Class I, II or III liquids at a time *hen the hand of the operator is removed from the nozzle control lever is hereby forbidden. i 3. Automatic Nozzles With Latch en I)VIces. In lieu of nozzle controls being held open by hand, an approved automatic nozzle may be used for dispensing Class I flammable liquid into the fuel tank of a vehicle. Such nozzle shall have the latch-op4n device as an integral part of the assembly and shall shut off the liquid re— liably and positively when the tank is filled, when it falls from the filling neck of a tank, when it is sub— ject to rough usage or lack of proper lubrication, or when the vehicle is moved while the nozzle is still in 15`7. the tank. A competent attendant shall remain in the im- mediate vicinity of the vehicle being filled by such •• nozzle. Sec. 1655. brine Service Stations. The installation and operation of marine service stations shall be in accordance with the fol- lowing provisions: A. Tanks and pumps other than those with approved integral .. dispensing devices, supplying Class I liquids it marine ser- vice stations shall be located only on shore, or with writ- ten permission of the Bureau, on a pier of solid fill type. Approved dispensing devices with or without integral pumps may be located on shore, piers of solid fill type, open piers, .. wharves or floating docks. B. Tanks and pumps supplying Class II and II liquids at marine service stations may be located on shore, on piers of solid- fill type or on open piers, wharves or floating docks. Class II or III liquid tanks not located on shore or on piers of .. the solid fill type shall be limited to 550 gallons aggregated capacity. Pumps not a part of the dispensing unit shall be located adjacent to the tanks. C. Pipe lines attached to piers, wha"es or floating docks shall be protected against physical damage. A readily accessible valve to shut off the supply from shore shall be provided in each pipe line at or near the approach to the pier, wharf or .. floating dock. D. Pipe lines to floating docks shall be designed and installed to make appropriate compensation for changes in water level .. or tide. Sec. 1656. Electrical Equipment. All electrical equipment and wir— ing, including lighting fixtures, and.motors and switch gear for pumps handling Class I or Class II flammable liquids and located where flammable vapors may accumulate, shall be designed and in— stalled so as not to create an ignition hazard. Sec. 1657. Drainage and Waste Disposal. .. A. In any area where Class I flammable liquids may be spilled, provision shall be made to prevent liquids from flowing into the interior of service station buildings. Such provision may be by- gra ding driveway, raising door sills, or other approved means. .. B. Crankcase drainings and flammable liquids shall not be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in underground tanks or tight drums outside of any building, and removed from the premises daily. Sec. 1658. Smoking Regulations. .. A. There shall be no smoking or open flames in the areas used .for fueling, servicing internal combustion engines or re— ceiving or dispensing of flammable liquids. • 153 r 'r B. Signs prohibiting smoking shall be posted within sight of the customers being served. Letters on such signs shall be not less than 4 inches high. .. C The motors on all equipment being fueled shall be shut off during the fueling operation. sw Sec. 1659. Fire Control. Approved fire-control devices, such as small hose or portable fire extinguishers, shall be available to .locations where fires are likely to occur. DIVISION VII Commercial and Industrial Establishments Sec. 1661. Manner of Storage. Flammable liquids shall be stored in tanks, closed containers or approved safety cans. The storage of flammable liquids in tanks, drums or other closed containers shall conform to the requirements of Division II of this arti- cle. Sec. 1662. Handling and Use. A. Design and Construction of Inside Mixing and Handling Rooms. Inside mixing and handling rooms shall have at least one exterior wall. Walls, floors and ceilings shall be of non- combustible construction heving at least a 2-hour fire re- sistance rating. Door openings shall have non-combustible liquid-tight sills at least 6 inches high and shall be pro- vided with an approved fire door of the self-closing type. r .� _ 160 Adequate drainage to a safe location shall be provided. Heating shall be by low pressure steam or hot Water or by electrical units approved for Class I hazardous locations. Lighting and electrical devices shall be of the type aps •• proved for Class I hazardous locations. All equipment such as mixers, filters, pumps, motors, and shafting shall be permanently and effectively grounded. B. Storage Limits for Inside Mixing and Handling Rooms. 1. An inside mixing and handling room not protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system shall con— tain not more than: a. 1,100 gallons total of Class I, II and III flammable liquids, of which not more than b. 550 gallons may be of Class I and Class II flamma— ble liquids, of which not more than c. 275 gallons may be of Class I flammable liquid. 2. An inside mixing and handling room protected by an ap— proved automatic fire extinguishing system shall not con— tain more than: a. ll,ODO gallons total of class I, II and III flam— mable liquids, of which not more than b. 2,750 gallons may be of Class I and II flammable. liquids, of which not more than d. 550 gallons may be of Class I flammable liquid. .r UW d. These amounts may be increased to not more than one days supply Where daily com vaption exceeds the above-prescribed limits. Sec. 1663. Dispen` sing. A. Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall be dispensed only in an inside mixing and handling roois. B. Clase I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be drawn from or dispensed into vessels or containers within a build- ing, except by means of a device •drowing from the top of the tank or the container. Gravity discharge within a building of Class I or Class II flammable liquids from tanks, drums or containers other than safety cans, is forbidden, except where the nature of the namufacturing process requires grav- ity flow. Upon approval of the Bureau, gravity flow may be .. permitted from vessels storing flammable liquids sufficient for not more than one day's operation. C. Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be dispensed within a room or building which normally contains sources of ignition within the possible path of vapor travel. Dispens- ing devices ,shall have iron or Steel valves, where compati- ble with the flammable liquid handled. There shall be, in addition to the outlet valve, a secondary control device or valve outside of the immediate area, by which the flow may be stopped, in the event of fire or other accident at the out- ^ - 1tXOQ1 r MW let valves shall be of the self-closing type. D. Container Filling Facilities. Class I and II flammable liq- uids shall not be drawn into a container unless the nozzle and container are electrically inter-connected. Where the metallic floor plate on which the container stands during filling is electrically connected to the fill-stem, or where the fill-stem is bonded to the container during 'filling op- erations by means of a bond wire, the provisions of this paragraph shall be deemed to have been complied with. E. Exits. Two exit facilities remote from each other shall be provided to prevent occupants from being trapped in the event of fire. Sec. 1664. Ventilation. A. Buildings, rooms or other enclosures in which Class I or Class II flammable liquids are used or stored in open vats or dip tanks shall be provided with ventilation sufficient at all times to prevent accumulation of flammable vapors. Where natural ventilation is insufficient under all condi- tions to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors, me- chanical ventilation shall be provided and used. Proof of the accumulation of flammable vapors within the combustible or explosive range under Normal operating conditions, as determined by an approved flammable vapor indicator, shall aw be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section. -- - 163 MW B. Ventilating systems shall effectively ventilate areas con— taining vapors of relatively high specific gravity. Open— ings to the outside for natural ventilation shall be at floor level and shall be unobstructed except by louvers or • coarse screens. Sec. 1665. Electrical Equipment. Artificial lighting shall be by electricity only. Electrical devices located within the possi— ble path of vapor travel shall be of a type approved for such locations. Sec. 1666. Sources of Ignition. Open flames, heating devices and processes employing temperatures capable of igniting the vapors of the flammable liquids used shall be prohibited in buildings, .r rooms and other confined spaces in which Class I or Class II flammable liquids are used for the saturating, coating or other treating of goods or materials. Smoking shall be prohibited and suitable signs to that effect shall be displayed. Sec. 1667. Housekeeping. A. Whenever flammable liquids are stored in containers, pro— vision shall be made for the detection of leakage. Leaking containers shall be immediately removed or made tight. B. Access to all storage areas of flammable liquids shall be provided by means of unobstructed aisles so located that first aid fire control apparatus can be made readily avail— able to every portion of such areas. .r C.. In buildings, rooms or other confined spaces in which flam— mable liquids are stored, combustible waste materials shall not be allowed to accumulate, except in closed metal con— tainers. D. Crankcase drainings and flammable liquids shall not be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in underground tanks or tight drums outside of any building, and shall be removed from the premises daily. DIVISION VIII Processing Plants Sec. 1671. Manner of Storage. A. General. Flammable liquids shall be stored in tanks, eloped containers or approved safety cans. B. Tanks. The storage of flammable liquids in tanks shall con— form to the applicable requirements of Division II of this �.. article or of Section 1653(B). C. Containers. 1. The storage of flammable liquids in drums or other closed containers shall conform to the requirements of Division III of this article or to the requirements of ,. Paragr4ph C(2) of this section. 2. The storage of flammable liquids within rooms or build— ings not meeting the requirements of Division III shall be limited as follows: s r.. a. The storage of Class I and Class II flammable liq- uids within wood frame buildings is prohibited. .. The storage of Class III flammable liquids within Wood frame buildings shall be limited to 60 gal- l* 19ns in any container. b. In other than wood frame buildings, Class I flam- mable liquids may be stored in closed containers or safety cans of not more than 5 gallons individual capacity and in a quantity not exceeding a total of 25 gallons. Class II flammable liquids may be stored in closed containers or safety tans of not more than 5 gallons individual capacity, and in barrels or drums of not mre than 60 gallons in- dividual capacity. The maximum quantity that may be stored in this manner shall be 220 gallons. Class III flammable liquids may be stored in closed containers of not more than 5 gallons individual capacity, or in barrels or drums not exceeding 120 imp gallons individual capacity. The maximum quantity jW that may be stored in this manner shall be 220 gal- Ions . Sec. 1672. Blending and Mixing. A. Mixing or blending rooms or buildings shall meet the design rr requirements of Section 1662. They shall be provided with .� JLGO natural or mechanical ventilation that will prevent the ac- cumulation of flammable vapors in hazardous concentrations. Ventilating systems shall effectively ventilate areas con- taining vapors of relatively high specific gravity. Open- ings to the outside for natural ventilation shall be at floor level and shall be unobstructed except by louvers or coarse screens. .. B. Vessels used for mixing or blending of Class I flammable liq- uids shall be provided with self losing, tight fitting, non- combustible lids. Where such devices are impracticable, auto- matic or manually controlled chemical or other fire extin- guishing devices approved by the Bureau shall be provided. C. Open flames and other sources of ignition shall not be used within the possible path of vapor travel where flammable liq- uids are mixed or blended in open containers. D. Vessels shall be electrically connected by bond-wires, pip- ing, or similar means, where differences of potential could otherwise be created by accumulation of static-electrical charges. Sec. 1673. Dispensing From Containers Within Buildings. A. .Class I or Class II flammable liquids may be dispensed from approved safety cans, provided that there are no open flames .. or other sources of ignition within the possible path of vapor travel. s B. Class III flammable liquids may be dispensed from containers not exceeding 60 gallons in individual capacity by means of a pump or similar device taking suction through the top of the container. Seca 1674. Electrical Equipment. Artificial lighting shall be by electricity only. Electrical devices located Within the possible path of vapor travel shall be of a type approved for such locations. Sec. 1675. Sources of Ignition. Open flames, heating devices and _ processes employing temperatures capable of igniting the vapors of the flammable liquid shall be prohibited in buildings, roams and other confined spaces in which Class I or Class II flammable liquids are used in the open, or in which Class III flammable liquids are heated above their flash point in open containers. _ Sec. 1676. Housekeeping. A. Wherever flammable liquids are stored in containers, provision shall be made for the detection of leakage. Leaking containers .. shall be immediately removed and the contents transferred to a tight container. B. Access to all storage areas of flammable liquids shall be pro- vided by means of unobstructed aisles so located that first aid .r fire control apparatus can be made readily available to every .,. portion of such areas. C.. In buildings, rooms or other confined spaces in which flam— mable liquids are stored, combustible waste materials shall not be allowed to abcumulate, except in closed metal con— tainers. D. Crankcase drainings and flammable liquids shall not be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in underground tanks or tigh. drums outside of any building, and shall be removed .. from the premises daily. DIVISION IX Refineries, Other Plants Storing and Handling Crude Petroleum, Chemical Plants and Distilleries Sec. 1681. Location. No permit shall be issued for the construction w of a refinery, other plant storing or handling crude petroleum, chemical plant, or distillery until approval has been given for the proposed location with respect to topography, proximity to places of assembly, residential or mercantile occupancies, and adequacy of water supply for fire control. Sec. 1682. Storage. A. Crude,?etroleum shall be stored in aboveground or underground +� tanks as provided in Division II of this article. B. Other flammable liquids shall be stored in aboveground or underground tanks or in containers. Tanks shall be installed as provided in Division II of this article. 169 r Now C. Tanks for the storage of flammable liquids in tanks farms and in locations other than process areas shall be located as provided in Sections 1611(B) and 1611 _(C). Sec. 1683. Fired and Unfired Pressure Vessels. Fired and unfired pressure vessels shall be constructed in accordance with A. S. M. E. Codes for fired and unfired pressure vessels. Sec. 1684. Location of Process Units. Process units shall be lo— cated so that they are accessible .from at least one side for the purpose of fire control. Where topographical conditions are such that flammable liquids may flow from a processing area so y, as to constitute a fire hazard, provision shall be made to di— vert or impound the flow by curbs, drains, or other approved means. Sec. if 85. Fire Control. A. Water shall be available in volume and at adequate pressure to supply water hose streams, foam producing equipment, automatic sprinklers or water spray systems as the need is indicated by the special hazards of operation and storage. B. Special extinguishing equipment such as that utilizing foam, inert gas; or dry chemical shall be provided as the need is indicated by the special hazards of operation and storage. s f 170 DIVISION X Tank Vehicles for Flammable Liquids MW Sec. 1691. Scope. This division shall apply to tank motor vehicles to be used for the transportation of normally stable flammable liquids or asphalt. Sec. 1692. Permit Required. No person shall engage in the business of delivering flammable liquids from tank vehicles without a permit. Sec. 1693. Tank Vehicle Design. A. All cargo tanks used for transporting flammable liquids shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of N. F. P. A. No. 385, Flaftable Liquid Tank Vehicles. B. The materiel wed in the construction of the cargo tanks shall be compatible with the chemical characteristics of the flammable liquid to be transported. C. Any tank vehicle designed or used for transporting materials at liquid temperatures above ambient temperature shall have a red warning sign permanently attached to the vehicle con— taining at leaat the following: "Maximum allowable cargo temperature is ° F." The maximum allowable cargo temperature shall be specified by the manufacturer of the vehicle. Sec. 1694. Tires. All tank motor vehicles shall be equipped with rubber tires on all wheels. w r . 171 MW Sec. 1695. Static Protection. A. Cargo tanks and vehicle chassis shall be electrically bonded. B. Provision shall be made in the tank structure of the vehicle for the bonding of the vehicle to the fill pipe during truck loading operations. Sec. 1696. Protection Against Collision or Overturn. A. Draw-off valves or faucets projecting beyond the frame at : the rear of a tank vehicle shall be protected against col- lision by bumpers or similar means. B. On tank vehicles constructed hereafter, all closures for filling openings shall be protected from damage in the event of overturning by enclosure within the body of the tank or r within a dome attached thereto, or by the use of suitable metal guards securely attached to the tank or frame of the vehicle. Sec. 1697. Lighting. No lighting device other than electric lights shall be used on tank vehicles. Lighting circuits shall have overcurrent protection by means of fuses or automatic circuit breakers. The wiring shall have sufficient carrying capacity and mechanical strength, and shall be secured, insulated, and protected against physical damage. Sec. 1698. Full Trailers and Semi trailers. M MW �. - . 1V r A. A trailer shall be firmly and securely attached to the ve- hicle drawing it. B. Each full trailer or semi trailer shall be equipped with reliable brakes on all wheels, and adequate provision shall be made for their efficient operation from the driver's seat of the drawing vehicle. C. Trailer connections shall be such as to prevent the towed vehicle from whipping or swerving from side to .side and shall cause the trailer to follow in the path of the towing 4 vehicle. Sec. 1699. Marking. Every tank vehicle used for the transportation of any flammable liquid, regardless of the quantity being trans- ported, or whether loaded or empty, shall be conspicuously and legibly marked on each side and on the rear thereof, in letters at least three (3) inches high on a background of sharply con- trasting color, with the word "FLAMMABLE% or with the common ,R name of the flammable liquid being transported. Sec. 16100. Fire Extinguishers. A. Each tank vehicle shall be provided with at least one port- able fire extinguisher having at least a 12 B, C rating. When more than one extinguisher is provided, each shall have at least a 6 B rating. (See N. F. P. A. No. 10, Portable Fire Extinguishers). _ JL 73 B. Fire extinguishers shall be kept in good operating condition at all times, and shall be located at readily accessible places on the vehicle. Sec. 16101. Operation of Tank Vehicles. A. Drivers shall be thoroughly instructed in the proper method of operating tank vehicles. B. Tank vehicles shall not be operated unless they are in proper repair, devoid of accumulation of grease, oil or other flam— enables, and free of leaks. C. Dome covers shall be closed and latched while the tank ve— hible is in transit. D. No tank vehicle shall be operated with a cargo temperature above the maximum allowable cargo temperature specified on the warning sign required by Section 16"(C). E. No material shall be loaded into or transported in a tank vehicle at a temperature above its ignition temperature, un— less safe-guarded in an approved manner. F. Flammable liquids with a vapor pressure of 18 pounds per square inch average or over, at 1000 F., shall be loaded only into cargo tanks constructed in accordance with Section .169 3(A) . G. The flammable liquid being loaded shall be chemically com— patible with the liquid hauled on the previous load, unless .r 174 the cargo tank has been cleaned. Sec. 16102. Filling and Discharging Tank Vehicles. A. The driver, operator or attendant of a tank vehicle shall not leave the vehicle while it is being filled or discharged. The delivery hose, when attached to a tank vehicle, shall be considered to be a part of the tank vehicle. B. Motors of tank trucks or tractors shall be shut down dur- ing the making and breaking of hose connections. If load- ing or unloading is done without the use of a power pump, the tank truck or tractor motor shall be shut down through- out such operations. C. The cargo tank shall be bonded to the fill-stem or some part of the rack structure electrically inter-connected with the fill-stem piping, except in the case of tank vehicles hand- ling asphalt, tank vehicles loading any flammable liquid through bottom connections, and tank vehicles used exclusively for transporting Class III liquids when loaded at locations where no Class I and Class II liquids are handled. D. The bond wire connection shall be made prior to opening of i the dome covers. The connection shall be maintained during 'the entire filling operation and the dome covers shall be securely closed before the bond wire is disconnected from w+ the cargo tank. s r ' . ` 170 E. . No external bond-wire connection or bond-wire integral with hose shall be needed for the unloading of flammable liquids into underground tanks. F. No cargo tank or compartment thereof used for the transpor- tation of any flammable liquid or asphalt shall be loaded liquid full. The vacant hpace (outage) iri a cargo tank or compartment thereof used in the transportation of flammable liquids or asphalt shall be not less than one per cent. Suf- ficient space (outage) shall be left vacant in every case to 'w prevent leakage from or distortion of such tank or compart- ment by expansion of the contents due to rise in temperature in transit. G. Simultaneous delivery to. underground tanks from two or more hoses shall be made by means of tight connections between the hose and the fill pipe. H. Cargo tanks shall be free of all water before they are loaded with hot asphalt. Sec. 16103. Ignition Sources. A. Smoking by tank vehicle drivers, helpers, repairmen, or gther `•* personnel shall be prohibited while they are driving, making .deliveries, filling, . or making any repairs to tank vehicles. B. Open flames shall not be used near manholes or vents. 176 s • Sec. 16104. Protection Against Intermixing. A. Conversion. 1. No tank vehicle, nor any compartment thereof, which has been utilized for Class I or II flammable liquid, shall be loaded with Class III flammable liquid until such tank or compartment and all piping, pumps, meters and hose conneot2`d thereto have been completely drained. 2. A tank, compartment, piping, pump, meter or hose which does not drain completely shall be flushed at the load- ing point with a quantity of Clasa III flammable liq- uid equal to twice the capacity of piping, pump, meter and hose. B. Separation. Tank vehicles transporting Class I or II flux- enable liquids in one or more compartments $nd Class III flam- , +able liquid In another compartment or compartments shall be equipped with separate piping, pumps, meters end hoses . for each class of product; provided, however, that existing tank may be continued in use without being so equipped if: 1. Lines to the common qutlet or manitold are provided with interlocking selective valves which will permit only one compartment at s time to be emptied; r 2. The coftwn outlet is provided with drainage facilities and is drained of any Class I or II flammable liquid 17 7, before being used for a Class III flamfsble liquid; and 3. The aggregate voibme of the common outlet or manifold doe® not exceed gone gallon. Sec. 16165. Park�end Garaging. A. It shall be unlawful for ttae driver or parson otherwise in .ehargt of a tank vehicle to leave said vehicle unattended -` on aby street, highway, alley or other public place in the City, except: • 1. During the teeporary absence of the driver or other per- son for the purpoda of makjng a delivery, provided that during the actual discharge of the liquid some respon- sible person shall be preeent at the vehicle; 2. Wring the tempofary abisenee of the driver or other per- son for the purpose of eating, provided that the vehicle Jo Terked in a well sighted place. B. Wank vehicles containing rlommable liquids shall not be parked -� oUt of Qpors at any one point for longer than one hour-, un- lees off the str*ets and at least 25 feet from any buildimi used for assembly, institutional or residential occupancy. ur r 178 ARTICLE 17 FRUIT RIPEi M PROCESSES Sec. 1701. Scope. This article shall apply to the process of ripening �. green bananas or citrus fruits in tightly closed rooms heated with direct fired heaters and shall include those processes where ethylene gas is ;' introduced into the room to assist the ripening process. Sec. 1702. permit Required. A permit shall be required for the conducting of any fruit ripening process. Sec. 1703. Use of Ethylene. A. The location of buildings in Which fruit ripening processes utilizing ethylene are conducted shall be approved by the Bureau. B. Ethylene shall be introduced by some means under positive .control and measured so that the quantity introduced does not exceed 1 part MM ethylene to 1,000 parts of air. C. Containers other than those connected for use shall be stored out- side of the building or in a special building; provided, however, that not more than two portable ICC containers not connected for use may be stored inside the building premises. Such inside roams or portions of buildings used for storage of these containers shall,be constructed in accordance with Section 3009 (c) of this Code. D. Ethylene piping shall be of iron pipe. Flexible connectors and hose, when used, shall be of an approved type. Tubing shall be of brass or copper with not less than 0,049 inch wall thickness. Sec. 1704. Lighting. Lighting in ripening rooms shall be by electricity only. MW 17-9, Sec. 1705- Heating. A. Heating of ripening rooms shall be by indirect means with low pressure steam, hot water, or veau air, by approved electric heaters, or by approved gas heaters or kerosene heaters having sealed caabus- tion chambers. B. Steam and hot water pipes and radiators shall have a clearance of at least one inch from any combustible material. C. Gas heaters shall be equipped with an automatic pilot device to shut off the gas supply whensw es•- the flame is extinguished. D. Burners for gas ,pr kerosene heaters shall be installed so that the air for combustion is taken from outside the ripening roam and the products of combustion are discharged to the outside. E. Kerosene heaters shall be installed in accordance with the appli- cable provielone of Article 2'% of this Code. F. Electric heaters shall be of a type having no exposed surface at a temperature higher than 8000 F. Heaters shall have thermostatic elements which produce no sparks and shall be of a type approved for use in hazardous locations. 0. Protective guards shall be provided around all. heaters. Sec. 1706, Fire Control. A. Open flame heaters and open lights shall not be permitted in ripen- ing roams. B. Smoking shall be prohibited in ripening rooms. +� C. "NO SMWNG" signs shall be posted at all entrances to ripening room. r D. Ripening roams shall be frequently cleared of all combustible material. 180 a.. ARTICLE 18 ' FUMIGATION AND THERMAL INSECTICIDAL FOGGING Sec. 1801. Scope. This article applies to fumigation and thermal in- secticidal fogging operations. Sec. 1802. permit Required. No person shall perform any fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging without first securing a permit from the Bureau. Sec. 1803. Sources of Ignition. �.r A. All fires, open flames and similar sources of ignition shall be eliminated from the area undergoing fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging. Heating, if needed, shall be by indirect means, with steam or hot water. B. During fumigation or fogging, all electricity shall be shut off except circulating fans which may be used if designed and installed so as not to create an ignition hazard. Sec. 1804. Notification of Fumigation. Any person intending to fog or fumigate any building or structure by means of any toxic or flammable fumigant, shall give written notice of such intention to the Bureau at least 24 hours before said build- ing or structure is to be closed. Such notice shall state r the following: .. A. The location of the building or place to be fumigated. B. The type of fumigant to be used, including the kind of gas or fumes. C. The period of time during which the fumigation is to take place. �• Sec. 1805.. Breathing Apparatus Required. All persons engaged in the sit .� business of fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging shall maintain and have available approved protective breathing apparatus. Sec. 1806. Watchman Required During Fumigation. During the period when fumigation is in progress, except when fumigation is No conducted in a gas-tight vault or tank, a capable, alert watchman shall remain on duty at each entrance to the n. building or structure until after the fumigation is com. pleted and until the premises are properly ventilated and again safe for human occupancy. Sufficient watchmen shall be provided to prevent any person from entering the build- ing or structure under fumigation. Sec. 1807. Inspection to be Made by Fumigator. A. All persons fumigating or engaged in extermination by fumigation shall take such precautions and safeguards in connection therewith as shall be necessary to protect all persons who might be affected thereby. .. B. When hydrocyanic acid gas, or other dangerous gases or fumes are to be used for fumigation, the person undertaking r such fumigation shall personally inspect the premises be- fore beginning the fumigation and shall serve notice over r.. his signature upon all responsible. occupants of each room or apartment within the danger area, stating the danger of the process and the precautions to be observed, designating r the rooms or apartments mhich must be vacated and indicat- int the time when the gas is to be generated or liberated. The form of this notice shall be approved by the Director of Public Health of the City of Fort Worth. Sec. '1808. Duties of Fumigator. A. Before fumigation the person fumigating shall per- sonally inspect all roams and apartments ordered vacated under Article 1807 and shall see that such rooms are unoccupied by persons or domestic animals, after which all doors to said rooms, excepting an exit door to the rooms or apartments to be gassed shall be securely locked and sealed. In addition such windows or wall openings as might possibly be used to gain entrance shall be sealed and locked or barred in such manner as to prevent en- trance. Immediately after liberating the fumigant the fumigator shall securely lock and seal the door through which he leaves the area fumigated, and shall retain the keys to all the rooms or apartments ordered vacated until all danger is past. B. Prior to beginning fumigation, suitable warning signs shall be posted on all entrances or doors to the premises to be fumigated, as follows; "DANGER" FUMIGATED WITH POISON GAS KEEP AWAY .. Said sign shall also indicate the name, address and tele- phone number of the fumigator. Such signs shall be not less than 24 inches by 18 inches, and shall be printed in red ink on white cardboard or metal white background. .. The letters in the word "DANGER" shall be at least two inches high, and all others, except the signature of the fumigator at least three-fourths of an inch high. Such signs shall be illuminated at all time as to 'make the reading matter thereon plainly.legible. Sec. 1809. Poisonous Gas Storage - Room Required. Hydrocyhnic acid gas, cyanogen, chloropicrin, methyl bromide, or any other poisonous, noxious or dangerous .. gases, chemicals or fumes, which when released are lia- ble to cause sickness or death, shall not be stored within the City unless the same is stored in a fireproof room of four hour fire resistive construction, as defined by the Building Code. The floor shall be of concrete and there shall be a sill constructed of concrete rising at least nine inches from the floor. On the outside of all .. walls and doors there shall be signs reading "Poisonous Gas Storage" in letters not less than four inches high. All such rooms shall be vented to outside air. Doors shall _ remain locked at all times, except during the actual trans- fer of such gases and chemicals. .. Sec. 1810. Requirements for Vehicles Transporting Dangerous Chemicals. Any vehicle transporting dangerous gases or chemicals shall comply with the following minimum requirements: (a) It shall be placarded on the front end, both sides and r rear with the words "DANGEROUS CMCCAIS" in white letters 184 . at least 3 inches in height. (b) It shall be inspected to determine that; brakes and steering mechanism are in effective Working condi- tion; the electric Wiring is Well insulated and firmly secured; and that the vehicle is in proper condition for safe transportation of dangerous chemicals. Sec. 1811. Thermal Insecticidal Fogging Liquids: No thermal insecticidal fogging liquid shall be used that has a flash point below 1000F. r ARTICLE 19 GARAGES Sec. 1901. Permit Required. No person shall use any building, shed or enclosure for the purpose of servicing or repairing any motor vehicle therein, nor use any roam or space having a floor area exceeding 1,200 square feet in any building, shed or enclosure- for storing,housing or keeping any motor vehicles acmUL ing flammable liquid in the- fuel tanks thereof, without a permit._ Sec. 1902. Repair Work. Carbon and lead burhia& welding and other processes .. involving the direct application of flame shall not be carried on in any garage housing more than twenty automobiles on any floor, unless the garage is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, or unless such processes are carried on in a roam enclosed by walls having a Q fire resistance rating of not less than two hours, with openings there- no in protected by approved fire doors or fire windows, and without open- ings from such rooms to any upper story. No repair work of any kind 4w shall be conducted in any basement or sub-basement garage. Sec. 1903. Cleaning with Flammable Liquids. No flammable liquid with a aw flash point below 1000F. shall be used in any garage for washing parts or removing grease of dirt, unless in a special closed machine approved for the purpose or in a separate, well-ventilated room enclosed by walls having a fire resistance rating of not less than two hours, with open- ings therein protected by approved fire doors or fire windows, and without openings from such roam to any upper or lower story. Sec. 1904. Handling of Gasoline and Oils. A. The fuel tanks of motor vehicles shall be filled directly through hose from pumps attached to approved underground storage tanks. Stor- age and handling of flammable liquids shall conform to the provisions of Article 16. No transfer of gasoline in any garage shall be made in any open container. B. Garage floors shall drain to oil separators or traps discharging to a sever. Contents of oil separators or traps of floor drainage sys- tems' shall be collected at frequent intervals and removed from the .. premises to prevent oil from being carried into the severs. Self- closing metal cans shall be used for all oily Waste or waste oils. Sec. 1905. precautions. A. No Waste oil shall be kept in cans or drums above ground longer than one day. Such oil must be either removed from the premises each day or drained into an approved underground tank. B. No oils, gasoline or other flammable liquids or compounds shall be .. kept or stored in any closets or lockers. All closets or lockers shall be constructed and maintained to permit inspection at any time. C. No tank truck, empty or otherwise, used for the transportation of .. flammable liquids, shall be admitted inside of any building for the purpose of repair unless such building is used exclusively for the repairing of such vehicles. Such tank truck shall be removed from said building immediately after completion of .repairs. Gasoline tanks on such vehicles shall not be cleaned within twenty-five feet of any r - 1 n'y 1. aI open flame. If auy loaded tank is found to be leaking, it shall be ., removed at once from the streets, emptied of its contents, and the leak repaired before. the truck is put into service again. b. No repair work of any kind necessitating the use of a blow torch or other open flame ah@,U be performed upon a tank truck until the tank thereon is First thoroughly cleaned and then completely filled with water. Such tank shall remain filled with water during the progress of repairs; provided, how@wer, that when repairs to the tank itself are necessary, the water may be drawn off for that purpose. E. All electric motors or devices capable of emitting an exposed spark shall be located at least 4 feet above the floor. .. F. No garage shall be used for the storage or keeping of goods, mer- chandise or any flammable material, other than necessary automobile parts, accessories and supplies. G. No smoking or carrying of burning materials shall be allowed in any garage or outdoor service or repair area. Signs reading "NO SMOK- ING" in letters not less than 4 inches in height shall be conspicuously posted. B. All garages shall be kept clean at all times and the floors there- of shall be kept free of oily waste and rags. All repair pits shall be thoroughly cleaned at least once a day, and oftener if necessary. All floor or pit sweepings shall be removed from the building as soon as sweeping has been accomplished or placed in metal containers approved for oil, rags, waste and rubbish. -- 18g J. The tie of sawdust for absorbing oils or gaeoliiie is* strictly prohibited. Metal drip cobs shall be provid6d for vooden flobrs. r -8 L ... 9 ARTICLE 20 GAS APP'LIANC.ES AID CONNECTIONS .. See. 2001. Scope. This article shell apply to all new and existing gas Mpliances And connections except where more stringent requirements are ptovi.ded by the Plumbing or Building Codes or other ordinances Of the City. Sec. 2002. Shut-Off Valves an All Gas Service Pipe. An outside shut-off valve shall be installed on every gas service pipe, regardless of size, . that supplies stores, factories, or places of public assembly such as churches, theatres, motion picture theatres, schools and hospitals, and on every service pipe 2 112 inches or larger in diameter. Sec. eD03. S ut-Off. Valves to be Tagged. Shut-off cocks and valves shall be placed In estop of valve boxes, manholes or vaults, the covers of which shall bear the name of the company to which it belongs. The valves shall be tagged to identify their purpose. Roc. 2004. Gas I3uraers protection. All gas burners shall be placed at le(ist 3 feet below any v+Wdvork or ceiling attached to Wooden beams, unless the same is protected by a fire resistive shield, in which case the distance ehs11 be not less than 18 inches. +r gee. 8005. (Ins brack4et Protection. No gas bracket on any lath and plaster partition or voodvorY shall be less than 6 inches in length measured from the burner to the plaster surface or woodwork. Sec. eOO6. Metal Connections for Gas Appliances. 4M A. All gas fired appliances, such as portable heaters, hot plates, 190. ranges, ovens and Water heaters of any type in any public, institutional, industrial or commercial occupancy, shall be connected to gas piping with approved tubing. Flexible tubing may be used provided there is ' a shut-off at the gas line connection. B. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, sell, expose, or offer for sale, or to install or fix any tubular- connection of fabric intended ,. for any illuminating gas fixtures or gas appliances, unless such con- nection shall have been approved by the Bureau in accordance with the following specificationsi 1. End pieces on gas tubing shall be securely attached by the man- ufacturer. 2. All gas tubing shall consist of a strong gas-tight metal core with rubber packing covered by a layer of good quality rubber or other suitable gas-tight material and by braided cloth. The layers of covering over the metal core shall be sufficient to form a gas-tight wall independent of the metal core. 3. Each length of tubing shall be labelled by the manufacturer by means of a tag attached to the tubing or by a marking on the end piece. The label shall state the manufacturer's name, the length of the tubing and any other information pertinent to the public use of such tubing. 4. Rubber end pieces must be of good quality, at least 2 inches long, corrugated inside, and with an outside wall thickness of at least 5/32 inch at the gas appliance end. It must be so attached to the tubing as to withstand stress of 50 pounds. �;: __ 191 C. All gas stoves or gas plates shall be on iron stands at least 6 inches above any combustible supports; provided., however, that this distance may be reftced to 5 inches, if awh Stoves or plates are equipped with metal guards below all burners. D. Gas burners installed in low pressure steam boilers, hot water boilers, or furnaces used for heating buildings shall have thermostatic pilot lights so constructed and adjusted that no gas can flow through the main burner unless the pilot light is burning. The operation of the safety device which shuts off the main gas supply shall not depend on the closing of an electric circuit. k _ 192 ARTICLE 21 HAZARDOUS CKMICALS Sec. 2101. Scs2e. This article shall apply to materials not otherwise covered in this code which are highly flammable, or Which may react to cause fires or explosions, or which by their presence create or augment a fire or explosion hazard, or Which, because of their tox- icity, flammability, or liability to explosion render fire fighting dangerous or difficult. It shall apply also to flammable liquids which are chemically unstable and which may spontaneously form ex- plosive ccopounds, or undergo spontaneous reactions of explosive vio- lence or with sufficient evolution of heat to be a fire hazard. Ha- zardous chemicals shall include such materials as flammable solids; corrosive liquids, radioactive materials, oxidizing materials, po- tentially explosive chemicals, highly toxic materials, and poisonous gases, as defined herein. Sec. 2102. Permit Required. A. A permit shall be required for the storage or handling of more than 55 germs of corrosive liquids, or more than 500 pounds of oxidizing materials, or more than 10 pounds of organic peroxides, or more than 500 pounds of nitromethane, or more than 1000 pounds of ammonium ni- trate, ammonium nitrate fertilizers and fertilizer mixtures, or any amount of highly toxic material or poisonous gas. B. A permit shall be required for the storage or handling at any in- stallation of more than one oicrocurie of radium not contained i7a a 'AW �. ._. 193 s sealed source, or more t4an one millicurie of radium or other radio- active ma tdrial in 4 sealed source or sources, or any amount of radio- active material fer vhich a specific license from the United States Ataxic Energy Commission is not required. Sec. 9103. General Requirements. �- A. The Bureau $hall be empowered to require the separation or isola- tion of any chemical that, in combination with other substances, may bring about a fire or e3plosion or may liberate a flammable or poison- ous gas. The Bureau may require separation from other storage, occu- pancies or bulldings when the quantity stored constitutes a material +� hazard. B. Containers which permit leakage or spillage shall be disposed of or repaired, No spilled materials shall be allowed to accumulate on floarl or shelves. C. Where hazardoutt chemicals are kept for retail sale Lin containers .r or packages 'usual to the retail trade, storage shall be neat and orderly apd shelves shall be of substantial construction. Sec. 2104. OxiftziRg Materials. Packaged oxidizing materials shall be M stored in dry locations and separated from stoned organic materials. BUlk o idiaiog materials shall not be stored on or against wooden .� surfaces. Sec. 2105. Radioactive Materials. A. Durable, clearly visible signs warning of radiation dangers shall be placed at all entrances to areas or rooms where radioactive mater- ials are used or stored. In addition, each container in which radio- active materiels are used, stored or transported shoal bear a durable, i clearly visible, appropriate warning sign. Such signs shall bear the three-bladed radiation symbol in magenta or purple on a yellow back- ground. E. Signs shall not be required for storage of manufactured articles other than liquids, such as instruments or clock dials or electronic tubes or apparatus of which radioactive materials are a component part, and luminous compounds, when securely packed in strong containers, pro- vided the gamma radiation at any surface of the package is less than 10 milliroentgen in 24 hours. C. •When not in use, radioactive materials shall be kept in adequately .. shielded fire-resistant containers of such design that the gamma radi- ation will not exceed 200 milliroentgens per hour or equivalent at any .. point of readily accessible surface. Sec. 2I06. Potentially Explosive Chemicals. s A. Potentially explosive chemicals shall be stored away from all heat- producing appliances and ellectrical devices and shall be protected from external heat, fire and explosion. Explosives and blasting agents w` shall not be stored in the same building or in close proximity to such materials, except in accordance with Section 1206 of this Code. Un- contaminated contents of broken or cracked bags, packages or other con- tainers shall be transferred to nev and clean containers before stor- ing. Other spilled materials and discarded containers shall be prompt- " ly gathered up and destroyed in an approved manner. All electric bulbs shall be equipped with guards to prevent breakage. Open lights or flames and smoking shall be prohibited in or near storage areas. In- ternal. combustion motor vehicles or lift trucks shall not be parked 19J r or stored in the roars or compartment where such chemicals are located. B. 2rani.c Peroxides: A detached, well-isolated, ventilated and un- heated storage building constructed with walls having a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours, a non-combustible floor and a light- weight insulated roof shall be provided for the storage of 50 pounds or more of organic peroxides. If not adequately protected by a fast- acting deluge-type automatic sprinkler system, the storage building shall be separated from fleaunable liquid storage, from combustible „y materials in the open and from any other building or highway by the minimum distance prescribed in Table 2106-B. TABLE 2106-B WEIGHT OF ORGANIC PEROXIDE DISTANCE + (Pounds) Feet 50 to 100 75 100 to 500 100 500 to 1000 125 1000 to 3000 200 3000 to 5000 300 Organic peroxides shall be stored only in the original shipping con- tainers (I.C.C. containers). Care shall be taken to avoid rough hand- ling or contamination of these chemicals. Readily legible warning signs and.placards shall be prominently displayed in the storage and pre- cessing areas. C. Nitromethane: An isolated outdoor storage area shall be provided for the storage of nitromethane. Hazardous processing shall not be permitted in the vicinity of this storage area. Nitromethane shall be stored in the drums in which it is received, in underground tanks having 196 .. approved corrosion protection and having a minimum of 2 feet of earth over the tank, or in barricaded tanks above ground. If the drum stor- age is not protected by a fast acting deluge-type automatic sprinkler system, the storage of 2,000 pounds or more of nitromethane shall be separated from inhabited buildings by the minimum distance prescribed �+ in Table 2106-C. TABLE 21o6-C WEIGHT APPROXIMATE DISTANCE (pounds (pounds NUMBER OF over) not over) DRUMS (Feet) Beginning at 2,000 4 100 2,000 to 10,000 20 200 10,000 to 20,000 40 300 20,000 to 4o,000 80 40o 4o,000 to 8o,000 16o 500 Care shall be taken to avoid rough handling or contamination of this chemical. Legible warning signs and placards shall be prominently displayed in the storage and processing areas. D. Ammonium Nitrate; 1. All flooring in Wmmonium nitrate storage and handling areas shall be of non-combustible material and shall be without drains, traps, pits or pockets into which any molten ammonium nitrate could flow and be confined. Ma 2. No storage pile of bags or other authorized packages and con- tainers of ammonium nitrate shall exceed 12 feet in height, 12 feet in width or 30 feet in length. Such pile units shall be separated by cross •• aisles not less than 36 inches in width. At least one service or main aisle in the storage area shall be not less than 4 feet in width. A clearance of not less than 30 inches shall be maintained from building walls and partitions and of not less than 36 inches, from ceilings or s roof structural members, With a minimum of 18 inches from sprinklers. 3. A space of at least 30 feet or a tight, non-combustible parti- tion shall be maintained to separate from storages of organic chemicals, corrosive liquids, compressed gases, flammable and combustible materials or other contaminating substances, metallic powders, where storage of such materials is permitted with ammonium nitrate. 4. Quantities of ammonium nitrate having no organic coating of more than 50 tons total weight shall be stored in well-ventilated buildings of fire-resistive or non-combustible construction, or in buildings of other types of constructio_Z equipped with approved automatic sprinkler system, and no combustible materials or ammonium nitrate sensitizing contaminants shall be stored in this building. 5. Storage of ammonium nitrate, coated or mixed with organic anti- caking materials, except compounded blasting agents, shall not be per- cop mitted in populated and congested areas. Outside such areas, quanti- -00 ties of 500 tons or less of such material may be stored in well-venti- lated buildings of fire-resistive or non-combustible construction equip- ped with an approved automatic sprinkler system. Sec. 2107. Poisonous Gases. A. Storage of poisonous gases shall be in rooms of at least one-hour fire-resistant construction and having natural or mechanical ventila- tion adequate to remove leaking gas. Such ventilation shall not dis- MW charge to a point where the gases may endanger any person. B. Legible warning signs stating the nature of hazard shall be placed at all entrances to locations where poisonous gases are stored or used. +.s vis nr w Sec. 2105. $f.ghly. Toxic Materials. A. Highly toxic materials shall be segregated from other chemicals and combustible and flemable substances by storage in a room or compart- ment separated from other areas by walls, floor, and ceiling assemblies having a fire resistance rating of not leas than one hour. The stor- age room shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities and na- tural or mechanical ventilation to the outside atmostbere. B. Legible warning signs and placards stating the nature and location of the highly toxic materials shall be posted at all entrances to areas where such materials are stored or used. Sec. 2109. Corrosive Liquids. A. Satisfactory provisions shall be made for containing and neutral- izing or safely flushing away leakage of corrosive liquids which may occur during storage or handling. B. Not more than one carboy of nitric, muriatic or sulphuric acid, or any other acids of similar characteristics shall be kept stored in the City of Fort Worth unless the same be stored and kept in a fire proof acid roan of one hour fire resistive construction. The floor of said roan shall be of concrete and a sump capable of containing at least two carboys of acid shell be constructed at the lowest point of the floor. There shall be a sill constructed of brick or concrete rising not less than nine .inches from the floor. On the outside of all walls or doors of the acid room there shall be signs reading "ACID STORAGE" in letters not less than three inches in height. All acid roams s shall be vented to the outside air. .s C. All acids may be stored outside the walls of any building lnarlat or yard, provided that such lot or yard shall be inclosed v th a tight and secure fence of wire mesh, with efgns attached thereto designating that acid is being stored in the enclosure. Lettering on such signs .r shell be not less than three inches in height. ti E: 200 r ARTICLE 22 LIWEFIED PETROLEUM GASES Sec. 2201. Scope. This article shall apply to all storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas and other flammable gases, except acetylene, and the installation of all equipment pertinent thereto. Sec. 2202. Permit for Liquefied Petroleum Tank Trucks. Any person desir- ing to transport any liquefied petroleum gas or operate any vehicle or ,.. equipment for hauling or transporting such gases upon or over any pre- mises, or upon any public way within the city, shall, before doing so, acquire a permit therefor. A separate permit shall be required for each vehicle to be used for hauling or transporting liquefied petrol- MW eum gases. No permit shall issue until the Bureau has inspected the vehicle and container proposed to be used under such permit and has determined that they comply with the requirements of this Code. permits .� shall be valid for a period of one year. It shall be the duty of each applicant thereafter to renew each application and permit annually. The application shall contain the following information: A. Name and address of applicant B. Location of premises Where vehicle will be kept when not in use. .. C. The maximum water gallon capacity of the vehicle. D. Description of the type vehicle, including license and motor number. E. Pressure at which safety relief valve is set to discharge. F. Such other information as may be required by the Bureau. In addition to the above, a copy of all information required to be submitted to the Railroad Commission shall be filed with the Bureau 201 No within ten days after the vehicle is placed in operation. ' Sec. 2203. Odorizing Gases. A11 compressed or liquefied gases shall be odorized by an approved agent of such character as to positively indi- cate the presence of gas in concentrations in air of not over one-fifth the lover limit of its flammability. .. Sec. 2204. Construction of Containers. A. Containers for compressed or liquefied gases shall be constructed .. in accordance with either; 1. The Unfired Pressure Vessel Code (except U2 to U10 and U19) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or �. 2. The regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission. All containers shall bear a marking indicating that they have been tested. B. Containers shall be designed for a working pressure not lees than w the vapor pressure of the stored product at 1000F. No container shall have a shell or head thickness of less than 3/16 inch. C. Containers other than those conforming to the Interstate Commerce Commission Regulations shall be marked with the design working pressure in pounds per• square inch, and no material of greater vapor pressure at 1000F. than the design working pressure shall be placed or kept therein. D. No liquid storage container shall exceed 30,000 gallons water capa- city. 'r Sec. 2205. Tanks and Storage. A. All tanks, containers and appurtenant equipment installed for use within the city for the purpose of providing Liquefied Petroleum Gas r w .. __ 202 for industrial, commercial and domestic uses shall be designed, con- structed, equipped, and installed in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas and such special regulations of the Railroad Commission as are now or hereafter promulgated in conformity with the laws of the State. Such containers ,shall be equipped with approved excess flow valves, necessary pressure regulator, and shall be suitably protected against corrosion._ B. Tanks, containers and first stage regulating equipment for Lique- fied petroleum Gases shell not be inatalled, or used within the city except upon compliance with the requirements set out in Table 2205 for minimum distance that shall be *ai.ntained between said containers and enclosed structure4 or property lines. r TABLE 2205 MINIMUM HORIZONTAL DIST=E FROM ANY 2NCLOSED STRUCTURE OR PROPERTY LINE TO TANKS OR CONTAMRS: Approved Approved Approved Interstate 0 to 500 501 to 1,000 Commerce Water Gallon Water Gallon .. Cowission Capacity Capacity Containers Containers Containers Fire Limits No. l 1 ft. Rot permitted Not permitted Fire Limits is No. 2 1 ft. 25 ft. 50 ft. Other Areas l ft. 10 ft. 25 ft. .. Containers ehall not be placed closer than twenty-five.(25) feet from basements or other structures Which extend to below ground level. C. Containers of larger than one thousand water gallon capacity shall ,�. not be erected, installed or used unless a special permit, authorized by regolUtion of the City Council has been issued by the Building _ 203 Official with the approval of the Chief of the Bureau after careful investigation of the proposed installation considering possible ha- zards to life and contiguous property. D. Tanks and containers shall not be placed in service or filled upon the premises of the ultimate user, or when placed underground, tanks .. shall not be covered over, until the work of installation has been inspected by the Building Inspector and the work approved and a label of such approval attached thereto by the Building Inspector, nor shall such containers be refilled thereafter unless they bear a label of approval dated not more than five years prior to the time of said .. refilling; provided however, that where Interstate Commerce Commission bottles are used the empty bottles may be replaced by full bottles if the system bears such a label of approval. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized to reinspect any existing installation, and if .o found to be reasonably safe, attach thereto a label of approval dating _ from the date the container was installed and approved by the Building Official or his authorized representative. Containers which have not .. been approved shall not be labeled. E. Underground tanks shall be emptied before being dug up or uncovered and shall be filled once with water before they are moved or worked _ on. This work shall not be done by persons other than those author- ized by license. .. F. Adjustments, changes or alterations in the accessories, devices, regulators and safety devices of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Containers r shall not be made except by persons licensed to do such work. r - 204 G. No Liquefied Petroleum Gas shall be stored or retained inside of _ any structure within the city, except as follows; 1. Interstate Commerce Cocemission approved containers in sizes of .. sixteen pounds of gas or less may be used inside of building by ob- taining written permission from the Chief of the Bureau. r 2. Interstate Commerce Commission containers in sizes of one hun- dred pounds of gas or less may be used for cutting metals when used inside buildings and under conditions approved by the Chief of the MW Bureau. sec. 2206. Installation of Containers. r A. Containers installed above ground shall be properly supported with anchorage which will permit thermal expansion. Structural metal sup- ports shall be properly fire-proofed; provided however, that unprotected structural steel supports resting on concrete pads or footing may be used; 1. When the container has a water capacity of not over 600 gallons and the distance from its bottom to the ground does not exceed 24 inches, or r 2. When the container is in an isolated location and the distance from its bottom to the ground does not exceed 5 feet. B. Containers buried underground shall be so placed that the top of container is below the established frost line and in no case less than 2 feet below the surface. Where necessary to prevent floating, con- r tainers shall be securely anchored or weighted. They shall be coated with a suitable protective material to prevent corrosion. r NO _ �J .. C. Containers once installed underground shall not be reinstalled aboveground or underground unless they successfully withstand a hydro- otatic rete6t of one and one-half times the design working pressure, .. and show no .evidence of detrimental corrosion. Sec. 2207. Valves and Accessories. A. Valves, regulating, gauging and other necessary equipment shall be protected against tampering and mechanical ,-damage in an approved manner. B. All connections to containers, except gauge connections and safety relief ccnnections, shall be provided with approved shut-off valves MW close to the container. C. Valves in the assembly of.egystems using two or more cylinders or drums shall be so arranged that 'the change of cylinders or drums may be made without shutting down the. system.... D. Uben cylinders or drums are not in. use, outlet valves shall be MW kept tightly closed even though cylinders may be considered empty. E. Approved gauging devices shall be employed on all storage containers other than cylinders and drums. Sec. 2208. Dikes. When the, slope of the ground or other local condition is such that the rupture or overflow of an above ground container would ender adjacent property, such container shall be surrounded by a dike of a capacity no less than the capacity of the container. Sec. 2209. Pipes and Pipe Fittings. piping, pipe fittings, appliances and _ other equipment designed or intended for the distribution and utili- zation of Liquefied Petroleum Gases for domestic and small. commercial .. use shall be installed, repaired, extended or altered in compliance MW 20 — vith the fOU regviraente: A. AU gipiUg, spp adcga and egtipment shall be installed in full Coftlidnae with the ordinances of "the city regulating installations for uriturU gas except ire otheritise apeeific;ally r squired by this Code edd by tho regulations of the Rriilroad Ccae_ilsiOn. A master eut- .. 4tT valve, 11aliited fed, shall be reaQily acenssiple to firemen in case of Tire. 2. Liquefied petfoleta Ods at pressures in excess of one pound per square Inch Shall act be >erb}itted Inside builc,ings Without specific r $ppiaml of the !�dldii4 Inspector and the Chief of the Bureau. •• C. piping Shall 'be aught iron, ste$], brass, or copper pipe, or All-aeamless copper, braes or other approved nonferrous tubing. pip-ing for ccnUying gas or liquid shall be tested and proven free from lft*s at not less that noraal epamtirig pressure. r D. In any aystm in -Rich cc*ressed gas in liquid fora without pres- sure reduction enters the buildingonly heavy walled seamless brass or copper tubing sM 11 be used, With an internal diameter not greater than 3/32 inch and a Mall thiMmess bot less than 3/64 inch, provided that this paragraph $hall not apply to eoaeaercial gas plants, bulk sta- tions vIiere .cylinders, dz'=s or tank trueks are filled, or industrial vaporizer buildings. E. Jedats JD vrought iron and steel.piping shall be of Welded construe- tion, or shall be made with fittings eapable of vithstandiAg a pres- sure of at least 325 pounds per square inch for pressures of 125 pounds per equare inch or less. Extra heavy fitting shall be used for pres- sures exetetking ;R5 pounds per square inch. Cast iron fittings shall not be used. Joints on brass or copper pipe, or apprOvedseamless ,., copper, brass or other approved non-ferrous tubing sh ll be by means of approved fittings. F. Piping shall be run as directly as practicable. Provision shall be made for expansion, contraction, Jarring and vibration and for set- tling of the container. At points where piping passes through outside walls below ground level, suitable provision shall be made to insure substantial gas tightness. G. Piping outside buildines shall be protected against mechanical injury. Underground piping shall be buried below the established MW frostline. H. Uten an existing natural gas piping system is to be used for Lique- fied Petroleum Gases, all, piping of the axisting system shall be re- MW moved, checked and reinstalled in the manner described for new Lique- fied petroleum Gas installations. New I All appliances used with Liquefied petroleum Gases shall be adapted for use Frith the particular mixture of Liquefied Petroleum Gases nor- .o malty supplied to the piping systems. Automatic appliances having a pilot light shall have an approved automatic safety cut-off. J. Floor furnaces shall not be permitted on Liquefied Petroleum Gas Systems. K. Liquefied Petroleum Gas piping, appliances and equipment shall not be permitted in basemente or pits or in any other lov place where such .w gas can collect to form a dangerous flamzgable mixture. L. Houses having continuous foundations small have suitable vents frost .. t _ 208 . under such house if Liquefied Petroleum Gas piping is installed under said house. M. Rubber or leather, including rubber hose, shall not be used where in any manner exposed to the solvent action of Liquefied Petroleum Gases. .. Sec. 2210. Filling Connections. A. The filling pipe inlet terminal shall not be located inside a build- ing. It shall be protected against mechanical injury and tampering by unauthorized persons. Filling pipe inlet terminals on containers w Other than those conforming to Interstate Commerce Commission Regula- tions shall be located not less than 10 feet from any building and, where practicable, not less than 5 feet from any driveway and shall .. be kept locked when not in use. B. All containers, other than those complying with the Interstate Commerce Commission Regulations shall have all connections, except re- lief and fill connections, equipped with approved automatic excess flow valves. Fill connections shall be equipped with approved back- pressure check valves, to prevent discharge of contents in case con- nections are broken. These excess flow and back-pressure check valves shall be located inside of the container or at a point outside where the line enters the containers. In the latter case, installation shall be made in such manner that any undue strain beyond the excess flow or back-pressure valves will not cause breakage between the container and such valve. Gauging devices which do not involve the flow of li- quid :_or which are so constructed that outward flow of container contents r 209 shall not exceed that passed by a No. 54 drJLU size need not be equipped with excess flow valves. a Sec. 2211. Safety Devices. A. Every container other than those complying with Interstate Commerce Commission Regulations and every vaporizer other than those of less than one quart total capacity not heated by artificial means and those arranged so the liquid therein can pass back to the originating con- WAW tainer at all times without hindrance, shall be provided with approved .0 safety relief valves, which cannot be shut off by stop valves. Relief valve discharge shall start at a pressure of not more than 125 per cent of the designed working pressure. Safety relief valves shall have a rate of discharge not less than that provided in N.F.P.A. No. 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gases, Appendices A & B. B. The discharge from safety reliefs shall be located outside of buildings and not less than 5 feet away from any building opening which is below the level of such discharge. Sec. 2212. Vaporizing and Housing. A. In domestic installations no liquid or gas shall be led into a _ building at a pressure exceeding 20 pounds gauge. The initial pres- sure reducing device shall be installed outside of the building, ex- cept in the case of a vaporizing house. B. The Vaporizers shall be located outside of buildings, except those buildings devoted exclusively to gas manufacturing and distribution operations, but may be located in a house or shed of fireproof con- _ struction, well ventilated from points near the floor and roof. In .. r - 210 systems utilizing vaporization supplied without artificial means, vaporizers may be installed in buildings, if such vaporizers are of not more than one quart capacity and are located close to the point at which the pipe to the vaporizer enters the building. C. Where a device is employed for premixing the gas with air, such device shall have a means for automatically shutting off the gas mix- ing device before a combustible mixture is generated; provided however, that where combustible mixtures are desired and generated, flame ar- restors shall be installed. Sec. 2213. Electrical Installations and Open Flames. A. In the immediate vicinity of storage containers, in vaporizer or pump houses, in cylinder filling plants, in gas plants, and other lo- cations where liquefied gases are in liquid form in large quantities, i all electrical installations shall be in strict accordance with the requirements for Class I hazardous locations. _ B. No artificial light involving flames or sparks shall be used in the vicinity of container-charging operations. Approved expbsion-proof flashlights may be employed. Sec. 2214. Filling Densities. The maximum allowable quantity of liquified gas, by weight, in any container shall be limited to a percentage of the weight of the water capacity of the container, as prescribed in Table .. aw .. 21J 00 TABLE 22A Maximum quantity, as % of sleight Specific of Suter capacity of container No Gravity of the Liquid at Located Located 60° F Above Ground Underground 0.400 32% 35% 0.500 41% 45% o.600 53% 56% Intermediate or Corresponding Higher Specific y Gravities Percentage NOTE: In no case shall e amount of liquid be such as to fill the .r container at a temperature of 1300 F., if above ground, or 1050 F. if underground. Sec. 2215. Transfer of Liquid. All transfer of liquid or gases shall be by approved piping or hose, tested to 5 times the designed working r pressure. Connections shall be free from leaks. Sec. 2216. Permit for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank Trucks. A. All containers for hauling or transporting Liquefied Petroleum .. Gases upon or over any premises or upon any public gray within the city shall be designed, constructed and operated in the manner prescribed by the lags of the State of Texas and such special regulations of the 212 Railroad Commission as are now or hereafter may be promulgated. B. All vehicles, tanks or containers for transporting Liquefied Pe- troleum Gases shall be kept in good condition at all times, and if found in use when in a hazardous condition or in need of repair, said use and condition shall constitute prima facie evidence of a violation s of this Code. C. Vehicles Designed or Used to Transport Gas.Not to Be Driven in Specified Areas Without Permit: No person shall operate a vehicle designed. or used for hauling liquefied petroleum gas in the areas hereinafter set forth vithout having first secured a permit from the .. Bureau to operate such vehicle in said areas. Each permit issued here- under shall be effective for a period not to exceed seven days from .. the date of its issue. No permit shall be issued until all tanks and containers used for the transporting or storage of liquefied petrol- eum gas have been emptied and purged by filling with water. The areas in which a permit shall be required are described as follows: AREA NO. 1 The area bounded by the main line of the G.C. & S.F.R.R. and Pecan Street on the east; by the north line of Lancaster Street, on the south; by the east line of Henderson Street of the vest; and by the south line of Belknap Street on the north. �. AREA NO. 2 The area bounded by Ellis Avenue on the vest; 20th Street on ..r the south; Packers Avenue and Packers Avenue projected from - 213. 20th Street to 28th Street or Highvay 183 on the east; and 28th Street or Highway 183 on the north. No vehicle containing liquefied petroleum gas shall be parked or stored on the streets, alleys, p1blic throughfares or at any other point except on premises ovned or leased by the owner of said vehicle and approved as a permanent tkA location; provided, however, that the vehicle may be parked at the point where the cauDd,ity► Is to be delivered during the time of actual delivery, and provided that such delivery is made without undue delay. D. Vehicles for hauling or transporting Liquefied Petroleum Gases shall not be used or driven within the city unless a label of approval has been attached thereto by the Bureau; provided however, that vehicles operating under license or jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission may be driven through the city without first securing a tr permit, but said vehicles shall not distribute or discharge any gas within the city unless a permit is first obtained. Sec. 2217. Tank. Trucks and Trailers. .. A. Specifications for tank truck and trailer construction, piping and safety devices, and requirements for loading and unloading shall be _ the same as are prescribed in Seations 2204 and 2207 of this Code. H. Pumps of suitable design, properly protected, may be mounted upon trucks and trailers and may be driven by the truck motor power take- +� off or other suitable means. Pumps other than constant speed centri- fugal pumps shall be equipped with suitable pressure-actuated by-pass valves permitting flow from pump discharge to pump suction when the .� 214 pump discharge pressure rises above a predetermined point: C. Every tank truck and trailer shall be provided with properly attached steel bumpers or chasses extension at the rear which shall be arranged .. to protect the tank, piping, valves and fittings in case of collision. D. Railroad cars, trucks and trailers transporting Liquefied Petrol- eum Gases in bulk shall not be loaded or unloaded within the city except at locations and with equipment approved by resolution of the City Coun- cil upon recommendations of the Building Inspector and the Chief of the Bureau. rM w. 215. ARTICLE 23 M LUMBER YARDS AND WOODWORKING PLANTS Sec.. 2301. Permit Required. No person shall store more than 100,000 board feet of lumber without a permit. Sec. 3202. Open Yard Storage. A. Lumber shall be stacked in stable piles not to exceed twenty feet in height. B. Driveways between and around lumber piles shall be at least fifteen feet wide and maintained free from accumulation of rubbish, equipment or other articles or materials. Driveways shall be so spaced that a maximum grid system unit of fifty feet by one hundred fifty feet is produced. outdoor areas of permanent lumber storage, operating under �s a permit, shall be enclosed by a fence at least six feet high. Sec. 2303. operational Fire Hazards in Lumber Yards. A. The burning of shavings, sawdust and refuse materials shall be per- mitted only under boilers, in furnaces, or in incinerators or refuse ar+ burners approved as to construction and location by the Bureau. Stacks +J shall be provided with approved spark arresters having openings not greater than three-fourths inch, or with other means which will elimi- nate the danger of sparks. At boilers or other points where sawdust or shavings are used as fuel a storage bin of non-combustible construc- tion with raised sill shall be provided. w B. Smoking shall be prohibited except in approved locations in buildings. Large "NO SMOKING" signs shall 'be painted on exterior buildings walls .. n 216. •� and on signs erected at driveway edges. "NO SMOKING" signs shall be posted throughout all buildings except in specified locations desig- nated as safe for smoking purposes. C. It shall be unlawful for the ovner, operator or other person in charge of the premises to permit weeds or grass to grout to a height •� in excess of six inches in the yard area. All dead weeds, grass or cuttings shall be removed from the yard area. D. Debri such as sawdust, ghips and shorts shall be removed regularly • from piling areas. Lumber yards shall be maintained free from accu- mulation of rubbish, trash and other combustible waste. Sec. 2304. Fire Extinguishing Equipment in Open Yards and Buildings. Water barrels and pails or other approved portable fire extinguishing equip- ment shall be provided for open yards and sheds. Each water barrel shall be equipped with three pails. Barrels shall be located on driveways that no part of the open yard shall be more than seventy- five feet by driveway from water barrels. Sec. 2305. Woodworking Plants. A. Sawmills, planing mills and other woodworking plants shall be equip- ped either: 1. With refuse removal systems which will collect sawdust and shay- am ings as produced; or 2. With metal or metal-lined bins with normally closed or autC=ti `rt cally closing covers which shall be located at or near sawdust or shaving producing machines. Shavings and sawdust shall be swept up and deposited into such bins at intervals sufficiently frequent to 217 to keep the premises free of accumuletione of sawdust and shavings. Blower and =haust systems shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of N.F.P.,A. No. 91, Blower and Exhaust Systems. B. Portable fire Cutting appliances or small hose supplied from a suitable eater system shall be provided near any machine producing shav- ings or sawdust. rt No T 218 _. r as ARTICLE 24 MAGNESIUM Sec. '2401. Scope. This article applied to the storage, handling and .pro- cessing-cf magnesium. Sec. 2402. Permit Required. A permit shall be obtained for the melting, wr casting, heat treating, Mchining, or grinding, of more than 10 pounds of magnesium per working day. Sec. 2403. Storage of Pigs, Ingots and Billets. A. Storage of magnesium pigs, ingots and billets out of doors shall be in piles not exceeding 1,000,000 pounds each, separated by aisles ' not less in width than one-half the height of pile, and separated from combustible material or buildings on the same or adjoining prop- erty by a distance of not less than the height of the nearest pile. B. Storage of pigs, ingots and billets in buildings shall be on floors of non-combustible construction, in piles not larger than 500,000 pounds each, separated by aisles not less in width than one-half the height of the pile. Sec. 2404. Melting Pots. Floors under and around melting pots shall be of non-combustible construction. Sec. 2405. Storage of Magnesium Articles in Foundries and Processing Plants. The size of storage piles of magnesium articles in foundries and pro- cessing plants shall not exceed 1,250 cubic feet and shall be separated by aisles not less in width than one-half the height of pile. 1 - 219 r ' .. . 2406. Heat Treating Ovens. Approved means shall be provided for con- trol of magnesium fires in heat treating ovens. Sec. 2407. Magnesium Processing Operations. A. At the location of each grinding, buffing or wire-brushing opera- tion on magnesium, not including rough finishing of castings, dust shall be collected by means of hoods or enclosures connected to a liquid precipitation type of separator, which will convert the dust to sludge without contact in a dry state with any high-speed, moving parts. B. Connecting ducts or suction tubes shall be completely gr-)unded and shall be as short as possible, with no unnecessary bends. Ducts shall Am be carefully fabricated and assembled, with a smooth interior, with internal lap joints pointing in the direction of air flow, and with- out unused capped side outlets, po^.kets or other dead end spaces which might allow an accumulation of dust. .,r C. Each machine shall be equipped with an individual dust-separating unit; provided however, that on multi-unit machines not more than two dust-producing units may be served by one sar-rat-or. more than four portable units in a single enclosure or stand may be served by one separator unit. D. Power supply to machines shall be interlocked with an exhaust air flow and liquid pressure level or flow in such a way that improper functioning of the dust removal and separator system will shut down the machine it serves. E. All electric wiring, fixtures and equipment in the immediate vicin- ity of and attached to dust-producing machines, including those used in connection with separator equipment, shall be of types approved .r 0 no ,,. for use in Class II, Group E. hazardous locations. F. All equipment shall be securely grounded by permanent ground wires. Sec. 2408. Fire Extinguishing Powder. A supply of approved extinguishing powder with a hand scoop or shovel for applying the powder on magnesium fires, or an approved extinguisher unit designed for use with such .. powder, shall be kept within reach of every operator performing a ma- chining, grinding or other processing operation on magnesium. Sec. 2409. Storage of Magnesium Articlesin Warehouses and Stores. A. Magnesium storage in quantities greater than 50 cubic feet shall be separated from storage of other materials that are either combust- ible or in combustible containers, by aisles not less in width than the height of the piles of magnesium. .. B. Magnesium storage in quantities greater than 1,000 cubic feet shall be separated into piles, each not lar tr than 1,000 cubic feet, by aisles not less in width than the height of the piles. _ C. Vhiere storage in quantities greater than 1,000 cubic feet is in a building of combustible construction, or the me.-nesium is packed in combustible crates of cartons, or there is other combustible stor- age within 30 feet of the magnesium, the storage area shall be pro- tected by automatic sprinklers. _ Sec. 2410. Handling of Magnesium Fines (Fine Magnesium Scrap). A. Chips, turnings and other fine magnesium scrap shall be collected .. from the pans or spaces under machines and from other places where they collect, placed in a covered, vented steel container and removed to a safe location at least once each working day. B. Magnesium fines shall be kept separate from other combustible mater- ials. C. Storage of fine magnesium scrap in quantities greater than 50 cubic = feet (six 55-gallon steel drums) shall be separated from other occupan- cies by fire resistive construction without window openings or by an open space of at least 50 feet. _ D. Storage in quantities greater than 1,000 cubic feet shall be sepa- rated from all buildings other than those used for magnesium scrap re- covery operations by a distance of not less than 100 feet. i r �r ARTICLE 25 MATCHES AND SMOKING .r DIVISION I Matches Sec. 2501. permit Required. A. No person shall manufacture matches without a permit. B. No person shall store matches exceeding in aggregate 25 cases of matches without a permit. C. Application for permit shall be made in writing and shall set forth in detail the location of the proposed place of storage or sale, the method of transportation, character of building construction, location of place of storage or sale within the building, kind of matches in- volved and type of containers. Sec. 2.502. Wholesale Storage. A. At wholesale establishments and wherever matches in quantities ex- ceeding 25 cases are stored, shipping containers of matches shall be .. arranged in piles not exceeding 18 feet in height nor 25,000cubic feet in -volume. Such pile units shall be separated from each other and from other combustible material by a clear space of not less than 4 feet.' B. No matches shall be stored within 10 feet of any open elevator shaft, .. elevator shaft opening, open stairway or other vertical opening. i - r C. Where shipping containers of matches are opened, the contents of such broken containers shall be removed and stored in metal or metal- lined bins equipped with spring self-closing metal or metal-lined .. covers. Sec. 2503. Housekeeping. In storage roans where shipping containers of matches are opened, the broken containers and contents shall be neatly piled with other match stock in a portion of the room devoted exclusively to match storage. .. .. .pair• it p ekages shWTVft". i ^euoi °ps t �re� r DIVISION II SMOKING PROHIBITED UNDO CERTAIN CONDITIOi;?S Sec. 2510. Chief to Designate Areas Where Smoking Shall Be Prohibited. Where conditions are such as to make smoking a hazard in any areas of piers, wharves, warehouses, stores, industrial plants, institutions, .r places of assembly, or open spaces where combustible materials are stored or handled, the Chief of the Bureau is empowered and authorized .. to order the owner or occupant in writing to post "NO SMOKING" signs in each building, structure, room or place in which smoking shall be prohibited. The Chief of the Bureau shall designate specific safe _ locations, if necessary, in any building, structure or place in which smoking may be permitted. r Sec. 2511. No Smoking Signs. "NO SMOKING" signs of approved size and lo- cation shall read "By Order of the Bureau of Fire Prevention." Sec. 2512. Smoking and Removal of No Smoking Signs Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any legally required "No Smoking" sign or to smoke in any place where such signs are posted. _ 225 ARTICLE 26 OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT!' Sec. 2601. Scope. This article applies to all oil burning equipmlent, except combustion engines, oil lamps, and portable devices such as blow torches, melting pots, and weed burners. Sec. 2602. Permit Required. A permit shall be required for the installa- tion of any oil burner that utilizes a fuel oil tank. of a capacity in excess of 25 gallons, if in a building, or in excess of 60 gallons, if outside of a building. Sec. 2603. Use of Approved Equipment. Oil burning equipment shall be of a type approved in N.F.P.A. No. 31, 'bil Burning Equipment." Sec. 2604. General Installation Requirements. A. The installation shall be made in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. B. The installation shall be such as to provide accessibility for the cleaning of heating surfaces, the removing of burners, the replacing of motors, controls, air filters, draft regulators and other working parts and the adjusting, cleaning and lubricating of parts requiring such attention. C. After installation of the oil burning equipment, a complete cycle of operation tests shall be conducted to make certain that the burner is operating in a safe and acceptable manner and that all safety devices function properly. _ _ ► ^ 22s Sec. 2605. Fuel Oil. The grade of fuel oil used in a burner shall be that for which the burner is approved and recommended by the manufacturer. No crankcase oil or any oil containing gasoline shall be used. Sec. 2606. Design, Construction and Installation of Fuel Oil Tanks. A. The design and construction of fuel oil tanks shall comply with the provisions of Section 1610; provided however, that an outside above- ground tank of not more than 60 gallons capacity may be an ICC-5 Ship- ping Container (drum) so marked, or an approved safety can. ! B. The installation of fuel oil tanks shall comply with Sections 1611 through 1614, except as otherwise provided in Paragraphs C and D of this Section. C. An unenclosed inside fuel oil supply tank shall not have a capacity T of more than 550 gallons. Not more than one 550 gallon tank or two tanks of aggregate capacity of 550 gallons or less shall be connected to one oil burning appliance. The aggregate capacity of such tanks a installed in the lowest story, cellar or basement of a building shall not exceed 1100 gallons, unless separation is provided for each 550 ! gallons of tank capacity. Such separation shall consist of an un- pierced masonry wall or partition extending from the lowest floor to ! the ceiling above the tank or tanks and having a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. D. Stoves which are designed for barmetric feed shall not be con- noted to separate oil supply tanks. E. Non-flue connected stoves shall be equipped with integral tanks of a capacity of not more than 2 gallons. r F. Gravity oil supply tanks installed in conversion range oil burners shall not exceed one 6-gallon metal tank or two 3-gallon glass bottles. G. Supply or storage tanks located above the lowest story, cellar or r basement shall not exceed 60 gallons capacity and the total capacity of tanks so located shall not exceed 60 gallons. H. Oil supply tanks of a capacity in excess of six gallons, other than those furnished as an integral part of the stove or range, shall not be located within five feet horizontally of any fire or flame. Tanks of six gallons capacity or less shall not be located within two feet of the stove or range in which the burner is installed, provided the temperature of the oil supply at the distance prescribed herein shall not exceed 250 F. above roam temperature when the burner is operated at full capacity. Sec. 2607. Installation of Fill, Return, Supply, and Vent Piing. A. A fill pipe on any tangy: of more than 60 gallons capacity shall terminate outside of a building and at least two feet from any build- ing opening. Every fill terminal shall be equipped with a tight metal cover. B. A return line from a burner or pump to a supply tank shall enter the top of the tank. C. An auxiliary tank installed in the supply piping between a burner and its main fuel supply tank shall be filled by, pumping from storage tanks. _ D. All piping shall be connected into the top of the supply tank, ex- cept the burner supply line from a tank having a capacity not over 550 VMW E 228. r gallons, and the cross connection between two such tanks having an aggre- gate capacity of 550 gallons or less. 2. The burner supply connection to a tank or tanks having a capacity .r of more than 550 gallons shall be connected to the top of the tank; provided however, that in commercial and industrial installations for Nos. 5 and 6 oil, the burner supply connection may be below the liquid level. F. Vent pipes shall terminate outside of buildings and not less than two feet measured vertically or horizontally from any window or other build- ing opening. Vent terminals shall terminate in weather-proof vent caps which shall have a minimum free open area equal to the cross-sectional area of the vent pipe. The static head of the vent pipe, when filled with oil, shall not exceed that pressure at which the tank was pressure- tested. G. Pressurized tank feed shall not be used. H. All tanks in which a constant oil level is not maintained by an automatic pump shall be equipped with an approved method of determin- ing the oil level. Sec. 2608. Pump, Piping and Valves. A. An oil pump not a part of an approved burner shall be of a positive displacement type which automatically shuts off the oil supply when stopped. .r B. All piping shall be standard, full weight wrought iron, steel or .. brass pipe, or brass or copper tubing. Aluminum tubing shall not be used between the fuel oil tank and the burner unit. Approved flexible .. c - 229 �r r metal hose may be used to reduce the effect of 'jarring and vibration or where rigid connections are impracticable. C. Piping used in the installation of oil burners and appliances other than conversion range oil burners shall not be smaller than 3/8 inch iron pipe size of 3/8 inch OD tubing. Copper or brass tubing shall have 0.035 inch nominal and 0.032 inch minimum wall thickness. D. Piping between conversion range oil burners and tanks shall be stan- dard steel, wrought iron or brass pipe not smaller than 1/4 inch in size, or brass or copper tubing not less than 5/16 inch OD with a wall thickness not less than 0.049 inch. E. Pipe shall be connected with standard fittings and tubing with fit- tings of approved type. If used, connectors shall be of an approved type and installation. Unions requiring gaskets or packing, right and left couplings, and sweat fittings employing solder having a melt- ing point of less than 10000F. shall not be used in oil lines. Cast iron fittings shall not be used. All threaded 'joints and connections shall be made tight with suitable lubricant or pipe compound. F. Piping shell be supported and protected against physical damage +� and corrosion. All buried piping shall be protected against corrosion. G. Allowance shall be made for expansion, contraction, jarring and vibration. Pipe lines other than straight fill lines and test wells connected to underground tanks shall be provided with double swing.;, ,joints arranged to permit the tanks to settle without impairing the .. tightness of the pipe connections. 230. Mft H. Where supply tanks are set below the level of the burner, the oil piping shall be laid to pitch toward the supply tank withoutAraps. I. Readily accessible manual shut-off valves shall be installed at each point where required to avoid oil spillage during servicing. The valve shall be installed to close against the supply. J. Where a shut-off is installed in the discharge line of an oil pump not an integral part of a burner, a pressure relief valve shall be connected into the discharge line between the pump and the shut-off valve and arranged to return surplus oil to the supply tank or to by- pass it around the pump, unless the pump includes an internal bypass. K. Where oil is supplied to a burner requiring uniform flow by gravity feed and a constant level valve is not incorporated in the burner as- �. sembly or where the oil is not supplied by an automatic pump, a con- stant level valve shall be installed in the supply line at the gravity tank or as close thereto as practicable, to insure uniform delivery of oil to the burner. The vent opening of such constant level valve w.. shall be connected by piping or tubing to the outside of the building, .r unless the constant level valve is provided with an anti-flooding de- vice. Vent piping or tubing of constant level valves shall not be connected to tanks or tank vents. Sec. 2609. Installation of Conversion Oil Burners and Oil-Fired Units. A. Oil burners, other than oil stoves with integral tanks, shall be .. provided with some means for manual stoppage of the flow of oil to the burner. Such device or devices shall be placed in a convenient loca- tion at a safe distance from the burner. ` 231 • B. Oil burners which are unattended while in operation shall be equip- ped with a primary safety control of a type specifically approved for the burner with which it is used. When primary safety controls are installed in connection with other oil burners, such automatic devices shall be of a type specifically approved for use with the burner to which they are attached. .. C. Each appliance fired by conversion oil burners and each oil-fired unit shall be provided with automatic limit controls which will pre- vent unsafe pressure or low water in a steam boiler or overheating within a hot water boiler, furnace or -heater. D. Limiting controls and low-water shutoffs intended to prevent unsafe operation of heating equipment by opening of an electrical circuit to the burlier or oil shut-off device shall be arranged to effect the direct opening of that circuit, whether the switching mechanism is integral ,with the sensing element or remota from same. E. A seater heater shall have water pressure, temperature and vacuum relief devices. Means sha<Jl ba provided to prevent siphoning in any boiler or tank to which any circulating water heater is attached. F. Electric-motor driven oil burners of the type not equipped with primary safety controls kith integral cil pie, and electric-motor driven pump sets for use with such burners not equipped with integral pumps, shall have a motor. controller incorporating no-voltage protec- ..,. tion wired into the power supply to the motor. .. G. In systems where either steam or air is used for atomizing the oil .r 232 or where air for combustion is supplied by a source which may be inter- rupted without shutting off the oil supply, the oil and atomizing or air supply shall be interlocked in a manner to immediately shut off the oil supply upon failure of the atomizing or air supply. H. When automatically-operated burners are used in installations equipped with forced or induced draft fans or both, means shall be pro- vided to immediately shut off the oil supply upon fan failure. I. Oil burners not equipped for automatic restarting after shut down shall be restarted manually after any control extinguishes the burner flame. J. Oil fired appliances may be installed in closets or alcoves only after approval by the Bureau. Sec. 2610 Installation of Heating and Cooking Appliances. A. Kerosene and oil stoves shall be equipped with a primary safety control, furnished by the manufacturer as an integral part of the appliance, to stop the flow of oil in the event of flame failure. .. B. A conversion range oil burner shall be equipped with a heat actu- ated valve in the oil supply line, located in the burner compartment of the stove. i '33 ARTICLE 27 OVENS, INDUSTRIAL BAKING AND DRYING Sec. 2701. Scope. This article shall apply to the location, design, con- struction and operation of industrial baking and drying ovens which are heated with oil or gas fuel or which, during operation, contain ./ flammable vapors from the products being baked or dried. Sec. 2702. Permits and Plans Required. A. *A permit shall be required for the operation of any oven within the scope of this article. B. Application for a permit shall be accompanied by plans showing all essential details and calculations for safe operation. Sec. 2703. Location and Construction. A. Ovens shall be located at or above grade, or in basements if at least fifty per cent of the wall area of the room in which the oven is located shall be above grade. B. Ovens shall be located to be readily accessible for inspection and maintenance and to have clearance permitting the proper function- ing of explosion vents. Roofs and floors of ovens shall be insulated .. and ventilated to keep temperatures at combustible ceilings and floors below 160oF. .. C. Ovens shall be constructed of non-combustible materials throughout, except where the maximum oven operating temperature does not exceed 1600F., or where the insulation used in oven panel construction shall w ' - 2,34. prevent the outside surface temperature from exceeding 1600F. D. Ovens-which may contain flammable air-gas mixtures shall be equip- ped with relief vents for freely relieving internal explosion pressures. All explosion-venting panels or doors shall be arranged so that when open, the full vent opening will be an effective relief area. E. All duct work shall be constructed of non-combustible material. Ducts shall be made tight throughout and shall have no openings other than those required for the proper operation and maintenance of the r system. Ducts passing through combustible walls, floors, or roofs shall have insulation and clearances to prevent surface temperatures frem exceeding 1600F. Exhaust ducts shall not discharge near doors, �• windows or other air intakes in a manner that might permit re-entry of vapors into the building. Sec. 2704. Ventilation. A. Ovens in which flammable or toxic vapors are liberated or through which products of combustion are circulated shall be ventilated by the introduction of a supply of fresh air and by proper exhaust to the outside. Discharge pipes shall not terminate within. 10 feet measured horizontally from any door, window or wood frame walls of any building. Such oven ventilation shall be arranged to provide vigorous and well distributed air circulation within the oven and to insure that the flammable vapor concentration will be safely below the lower explosive limit of the vapor at all times. The rate of ventilation shall be not .. less than 10,000 cubic feet of fresh air per gallon of solvent evaporated in continuous process ovens, and not less than 380 cubic feet per minute .v rJ r 2�� . s V4 per gallon of flammable solvent evaporated in batch procesd ovens. B. Exhaust duct openings shAil be located in the area of greatest concentration of vapors. C. All exhaust shall be by mechanical means, i1sing power driven fans. Sec. 2705. Safety Controls. A. Ventilation controls, suitably interlocked, shall be provided, which will insure ventilation of the system. B. Fuel safety controls shall be provided which shall be interlocked .. and arranged to minimuze the dangerous accumulations of explosive air- fuel mixtures in the heating system. C. Excess temperature controls shall be provided to maintain a safe operating temperature within the oven. D. Conveyor interlocks shall be provided in conveyor ovens having a flammable vapor- hazard, so that the conveyor cannot move unless venti- lating fans are operating. MP ... �. 236 ARTICLE 28 .r PLACES OF ASSEMBLY DIVISION I General Sec. 2801. Permit Required; Inspection. A. A permit shell be obtained by the owner or operator of any place of assembly. The Bureau may require building plans showing the type of construction, exits, aisles and seat- ing arrangements and details of decorations. No permit shall be issued until the provisions of this article have been complied with. In addition, the Bureau shall obtain the approval of the Department of Public Health, the Police Department, the Building Official, and other departments having jurisdiction to enforce compliance with any laws or ordinances applying to the specific occupancy of the place of assembly. B. Before a permit may issue, the applicant shall present to .� the Bureau an approved certificate of occupancy issued by the Building Official. C. It shall be the duty of the Bureau to inspect each place of _assembly at least monthly and at other times of occupancy and use, to insure compliance with all laws, regulations as and orders dealing with overcrowding, use of decorations, maintenance of exit ways, collapse of revolving doors, and 237 w maintenance of fire appliances and equipment in such place. .. Where conditions are found to be unsatisfactory, written orders for iri*nediate correction shall be given. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Code or any orders made .. pursuant hereto shall be grounds for the denial or revoca— tion of a permit. Sec. 2802. General Requirements for Places of Public Assembly. A. Blocking of Aisles. No owner, manager, lessee, or other person in charge of a place of public assembly shall permit .,, any person, during public assembly therein, to sit or re— main standing in any aisle, passageway, or stairway of such '= place. B. Notification of Bureau. The owner, manager, or person hav— ing control of any place of.public assembly shall notify the Bureau at least six hours before the same shall be open or used for the purpose of public assembly; provided however, " that this provision shall not apply to the regular afternoon matinee and evening performances of licensed motion picture theatres. „r C. The Chief of the Bureau is hereby authorized to detail one or more members of the Fire Department to any place of pub— lic assembly to remain present at ouch place during the pro— gress of any entertainment, lecture, exhibition, or time 238 ar a during which the public is assembled therein, for the purpose of enforcing all provisions of this Code and executing any •- special orders necessary to that end. Sec. 2803. Decorative Material A. Decorative material shall include all materials such as curtains, draperies, streamers or surface coverings applied over the building interior finish for decorative, acoustical or other effect, and also, cloth) cotton batting, straw, vines, leaves, trees and moss used for decorative effect, but it shall not include floor coverings, ordinary window shades, nor materials one-fortieth of an inch or less in thickness, applied directly to and adhering tightly to a non-combustible base. B. All combustible decorative material shall be rendered flame- proof. Such flameproofing, unless certified as being of a permanent nature by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., or ..� other laboratories of recognized standing shall be tested by the Fire Department each six months and the treatment re- newed, if necessary. C. • In places of public assembly no decorative material shall be used which will ignite and allow flame to spread over the s surface when exposed to a match flame test applied to 239 i a piece removed from the material and tested in a safe place. The piece shall be held in a vertical position and the bot- tom edge exposed to a flame from a common match held in a porizontal position one-half inch beneath the piece and at a constant location for a minimum of fifteen seconds. D. The use of imitation leather or other material consisting of or coated With pyroxylin base is prohibited. E. Decorative materials in all places of public assembly shall be constructed of incombustible materials and shall be approved by the Bureau. Sec. 2804. Motion Picture Screen. In places of assembly no motion picture screen or screen masking shall be used which will ignite and allow flame to spread over the surface when exposed to the match flame test described in Section 2803C. DIVISION II Indoor Assembly Sec. 2810. Exit Doors. During the period pf occupancy, no exit door �. shall be locked, bolted, or otherwise fastened or obstructed by any means so that the door cannot be opened from the inside by the use of the ordinary door latch or knob or by pressure on the door or on a panic release device. Sec. 2811. Use of Exit Ways. No part of a stairway, whether interior or exterior, nor of a hallway, corridor, vestibule, balcony or bridge leading to a stairway or exit of any kind, shall be used in any way that will obstruct its use as an exit or that �� 240 ar Will present a hazardous condition. Sec. 2812. Aisles. In each room Where chairs, or tables and chairs, are used, the arrangement shall be such as Will provide for ready access by aisles to each eiit doorway. Aisles leading directly to exit doorways shall have not less than thirty-six inches clear Width wlrich shall be unobstructed by chairs, tables or other objects. .s Sec. 2813. Seats. A. In places of assembly in Which seats in rows are provided, except in churches and other places for religious assembly, individual seats shall be provided for the persons congre- gating therein. B. The Width of any seat shall be not less than eighteen inches. C. Seats in rows, Whether fixed or movable, except in boxes or loges not exceeding sixty square feet in area, shall be not •+ less than thirty-three inches apart from back to back mea- sured in a horizontal direction. D. When individual fixed seats are provided or required, no seat shall have more than eight seats intervening between it and an aisle. E. In places of assembly used regularly for theatrical, oper- atic or similar perfoxmances or for the display of motion picture, seats, except in boxes or loges not exceeding sixty feet in area, shall be fixed and shall be separated by arms. iL 241 as F. In boxes or loges not exceeding sixty square feet in area, and in other locations where loose chairs are permitted, not more than one chair shall be provided for each six square feet of floor space. Sec. 2814. Fire appliances. A The Bureau shall survey each place of assembly and shall designate suitable fire appliances in and near boiler rooms, s kitchens, storage rooms and other occupied areas where such appliances are deemed to be needed. Such fire appliances may consist of automatic alarm systems, automatic sprink- lers, standpipe and hose, or portable extinguishers. B. All fire appliances shall be kept in working condition and all extinguishers, hose and similar appliances shall be visible and accessible at all times. It shall be the duty .. of the owner and the occupant of each building or part of a building occupied as a place of assembly to train regular employees in the proper use of fire appliances. Sec. 2815. Plan of Exit Ways and Aisles. A plan showing the capacity and location of exit ways and of aisles leading thereto shall be .. submitted for approval to the Bureau and an approved copy shall be kept on display on the premises. Sec. 2816. Marking and Lighting of Exits. All exits shall be marked and lighted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1106 r -' 242 s� and U07 of this Code. Sec. 2817. Capacity Designated. A placard indicating the capacity of any room in number of occupants, excluding employees, shall be displayed in a prominent place in the room. Such placard shall be attested by the Chief of the Bureau. No persons in excess of this capacity shall be provided for through the introduction of additional seats or chairs or other means. DIVISION III Outdoor Assembly Sec. 2820. Capacity. A. The capacity of any structure or enclosure for outdoor as- sembly shall be the number of fixed seats plus an allowance MW of one person for each twelve square feet of floor or ground area designated or used as standing space or for the location of seats. A distance of eighteen inches along any undivided bench or platform shall constitute one seat in computing capacity. The floor area of stairways, ramps, aisles, passageways or spaces within such structures or en- closux�ps used for access or circulation shall not be considered in computing the capacity of a place of outdoor assembly, and shall not be used for seats or for standing room. B. The number of persons admitted to any place of outdoor as- sembly shall not exceed the capacity as computed in accord- 243 MW ance with the provisions of this section. Sec. 2821. Accessibility to Public Ways. All places of outdoor as— sembly shall have ample and unrestricted access at all times to public ways of approach from at least two points remote from ~ each other. An available open space approved as an area of ref— uge may be used in lieu of one means of access to a public way. r Sec. 2822. Grandstands — Locations. No grandstand shall be erected on the roof of any building or structure without the approval of the Chief of the Bureau and the Building Official. .� Sec. 2823. Aisles. A. Aisles in a grandstand shall have a clear width of not less ar than forty—two inches; provided however, that where not more ,r than sixty seats are to be served by an aisle, its width may be not less than thirty inches. Steps shall not be placed in aisles to overcome differences in level unless the grad— ient shall exceed one foot rise in ten feet of run. Steps r.. in aisles shall have risers of not more than seven and one— .r half inches in height and treads shall be not less than ten inches wide. The tread and risers shall be so proportioned `r that the sum of two risers and a tread exclusive of its pro— ejecting edge, is not less than twenty—four nor more than twenty—six inches. The risers of steps in aisles shall be CAW uniform in height for any floor or tier and steps shall ex— it �?4 tend the full width of the aisle. B. There shall be not more than twenty transverse rows of seats unless cross aisles at least forty-four inches wide are pro- vided between groups of not more than twenty rows. _ C. The line of travel to the nearest exit by any aisle shall be not greater than 150 feet. .. Sec. 2824. Seating. A. Grandstands shall be provided with aisles so that there are not more than twenty intervening seats between any seat and _ the nearest aisle. Rows of seats opening on to an aisle at one end only shall have not more than sixteen seats. B. The horizontal distance back to back of seats shall be not less than thirty inches for seats having back rests and not less than twenty-two inches for bleacher type seats. Where _ the same level is used for both seats and footrests, these levels shall be not less than twenty-two inches in width. There shall be a space of not less than twelve inches between the back of each seat and the front of the seat im- mediately behind it. All measurements shall be taken between .. plumb lines. C. The depth of seats and footboards in grandstands shall each ~ be not less than nine and one-half inches. D. Bleacher type seats and footrests of grandstands shall be supported so that they cannot be displaced when in use. Foot- 24, rests which are lapped shall be provided with some positive means to prevent displacement of one piece on the other. .. The end overhang of footrests and seats shall not exceed six inches. r E. Individual seats or chairs shall be permitted only if firmly secured in rows in an approved manner; provided however, that seats of not more than sixteen in number, located on floors within railed enclosures, such as boxes, need not be fastened. .. F, The space under the seats of grandstands of combustible con- struction shall not be used except for protective purposes while the structure is occupied by the public and such space shall be kept clear of paper and other flammable materials. Sec. 2825. Railings or Guards. Railings or guards not less than forty-two inches above the aisle surface or platform tread, which- ever is adjacent, shall be provided along those portions of the backs and ends of all grandstands where the seats are more than .. four feet above the ground. Where the front footrest of any grandstand is more than two feet above the ground, railings or guards not less than thirty-three inches above such front foot- rests shall be provided. Where the grandstand walkway surface is more than eighteen inches above the ground, openings between .. the top railing and the walkway surface shall not exceed eleven inches in width. Railings or guards shall be capable of sustain- E _ 246 UO ing a vertical load of 100 pounds per lineal foot and a horizontal .. thrust of fifty pounds per lineal foot. When grandstands are �. used adjacent to a wall or fence, railings or guards may be omit- ted from those portions where such wall or fence affords equiva- lent safeguard. Sec. 2826. Sectional Benches. Sectional benches shall conform to the requirements for grandstands in the matter of seat size, seat spacing, loads, seating arrangements, width of aisles and exits. Sec. 2827. Movable Seating. Movable seating shall not be used in permanent or temporary grandstands except as provided in Section 2824(E), but may be used in places of outdoor assembly when placed upon the ground, or upon the level floor of a structure which shall be enclosed, railed or otherwise safeguarded. The arrangement of such movable seating shall conform to the pro- visions of Sections 2823 and 2824 of this Code. Sec. 2828. Egress. A. No aisle, passageway, stair, door or other way of ingress or egress in any place of outdoor assembly shall be obstructed in any manner while such place is occupied by the public. B. Every structure used as a place of outdoor assembly, and every story, balcony or tier thereof considered separately, shall be provided with at least two exifia as remote from .r f _ 24_7. each other as practicable and leading direct to the outside. Where the capacity of such structure or part thereof exceeds 600 persons, there shall be at least three exits, and if the capacity exceeds 1,000 persons, there shall be at least four exits. The line of travel from any point within the structure to the nearest exit shall be not greater than 150 feet. c. The aggregate clear width of exit doorways, spaces, stair— ways, ramps and passageways serving as required exits from structures used as places of outdoor assembly shall be com— puted on the basis of capacity at a rate of not less than one unit of 22 inches width for each 100 persons to be accom— modated. , Required, exit doorways and passageways shall be not less than 30 inches *.aide. Required stairways, ramps and spaces shall be not less than 44 inches wide. Doors serving as exits from stairways, ramps and passages shall be of the same number of units of width as the exitways served; ..r provided, however, that the net width of such doorways may be of two inches less width for each unit of the exitway. Escalators may be considered the equivalent of stairways in .computing exit capacity. D. A fenced place of outdoor assembly shall have at least two exits from the enclosure. If more than 6,000 persons are to be served by such exits , there shall be at least three exits, 248 and if more than 9,000 persons, there shall be at least four exits. If the enclosure has an easily accessible open space or spaces which provide refuge, the aggregate clear width of exits shall be not less than half the width as computed in accordance with Section 2828 C . Othervise, the exits shall be computed in accordance With Section 2828C. Exits shall be distributed as uniformly as practicable for exit purposes. E. Where required exits from places of outdoor assembly do not discharge directly to a street or open space leading to a street, unobstructed lanes not less than 20 feet in width shall be maintained from such exits to the street at all times while such places of outdoor assembly are occupied by the public. Sec. 2829. Exit Lighting and Signs. A. Exits, and aisles and passageways leading to them, in struc- tures used as places of outdoor jassembly, shall be adequately lighted at all times when such structures are occupied by the public. Artificial light shall be provided whenever natural light is inadequate. 249 r B. Exit doorways in structures used as places of outdoor as- sembly shall be adequately indicated. In structures having a capacity of 200 persons or more, there shall be placed over each doorway or opening to be used for egress a sign bearing the word "EXIT" in plainly legible letters not less than 4 inches high and with the principal strokes of such letters not less that 3/4 inch in width. C. Exit signs shall be adequately illuminated by a reliable light -source at all times when the structure is occupied by the public. D. Where necessary, suitable directional signs shall be displayed in ;a conspicuous location to indicate the proper direction of egress. r DIVISION IV r Tents Sec. 2830. Location. A. No tent or tents shall be erected to cover more than seventy- .w 250 five per cent of the premises on which same are erected, .. nor shall any tent be erected closer than ten feet from other structures, except as hereinafter provided. Stake lines of adjacent tents shall be sufficiently distant from .,. each other to provide an area to be used as a means of emergency egress. B. Concession tents or other tents not occupied by the public need not be separated from each other and may be erected less than ten feet from other structures with the .. approval of the Chief of the Bureau. C. Tents not exceeding twelve hundred square feet in area, when located on Fair grounds of in similar open spaces, may be erected less than ten feet from each other or from other structures with the approval of the Chief of the Bureau. D. No tent shall be erected and used to house any manufac— turing concern or warehouse. E. No tent shall be erected and used to house, in Whole or in part, any establishment engaged in retail business; provided however, that a tent may be used for such purpose r a s� .. .. during not more than two non-consecutive periods, each not to exceed ten days in duration, during any calendar year, when the use of such tent is incidental to the operation of a permanent business establishment located s on the same premises or on premises contiguous thereto. The ten day period herein provided shall include the time necessary to erect, use, and remove from the premises any such tent. The use of tents for business purposes shall be subject to all requirements for the use of tents as places of assembly prescribed by ordinance of the City or by order of the Bureau. Sec. 2831. Flame Resistance. A. All tents used for assembly or in which animals are stabled, tents located within that portion of the premises used by the public, all tents in places of outdoor assembly in or about which any devices using fuels are operated, and all netting, decorative material and tarpaulins used in connec— .. tion therewith, shall meet the requirements for resistance to fire prescribed in the Federal Specification for Fire, Water and Weather Resistent Cotton Duck, CCC D-746, when tested new, or renewed. .r B The Chief of the Bureau may accept as evidence that the tents (walls, tops and combustible decorations) have proper flame resistance, the approval of a laboratory of recog- nized standing as being effective for the period for which license has been granted, or he shall make field tests in accordance with methods recommended by the National Fire w Protection Association pamphlet, "Flame-proofing of Tex- tiles." Such tests shall be applied to the tent top or wall or a test tab attached thereto so as to be exposed to wear and weather the same as the tent top. He may accept the results of a test or tests made by one or more other administrative officials or a recognized testing laboratory. Sec. 2832. Structural Requirements. A. All supporting members shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the structure. s B. Tents shall be adequately guyed, supported and braced to withstand a wind pressure or suction of 10 pounds per square foot. The poles, guys, stays, stakes, fastenings, etc. , shall be of sufficient strength and attached so as to resist wind pressure of 20 pounds per square foot of projected area of the tent. Sec. 2333. Fire Hazards. A. The ground enclosed by any tent used in connection with a place of outdoor assembly and for a reasonable distance but not less than 10 feet outside of such structure or structures shall be cleared of all flammable material or vegetation. MW This work shall be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Bureau prior to the erection of such structure ' or structures. Vne premises shall be kept free from such flammable materials during the period for which the premises are used by the public. B. No hay, straw, shavings or similar combustible materials other than that necessary for the current feeding and care of animals shall be permitted within any tent used for pub— lic assembly; provided however, that sawdust or shavings may be used if kept damp. C. No smoking, firewords or unapproved open flame of any kind shall be permitted in any tent while occupied by the public. "No Smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted in any tent •open to the public. D. Tents shall not be used for the display of motion pictures .. unless safety film is used. ..r 254 ow Sec. 2834. Aisles and Passa�rleways. A. Within any structure used as a place of outdoor assembly where there is not a direct access to exits, safe and con- tinuous aisles, cross aisle, passageways, spaces or corridors leading directly to every exit and arranged to be conveniently accessible to every occupant, shall be maintained at all times on all floors, tiers or balconies of such structures. The aggre- gate width of such aisles, passageways, spaces or corridors leading to any exit shall be at least equal to the retired width of the exit. Where several passageways yr spaces lead to an exit, each shall have a width of not less than thirty- six inches. rt B. Within any tent, aisles and cross aisles from grandstands or other seating arrangements that do not lead directly to an exit shall discharge into an unobstructed space leading directly to one or more exits and conveniently accessible aw to every occupant, Such space shall have a clear width of not less than the required width of the exit to which it leads, but in no case less than 5 feet. Sec. 2835. Egress. A. , Exit requirements for tents shall be as provided in Section 2828 of this Code. r 25� B. No tent stake, guy wire, or guy rope shall be permitted in any aisle or other way of ingress or egress, nor shall any guy wire or guy rope cross any aisle or other way of ingress or egress at a height of less than 7 feet. Tent stakes adjacent .. to any way of ingress or egress to any tent open to the public shall be railed off, capped or covered in such a manner as not to present a hazard to the public. Sec. 2836. Exit Lighting and Signs. Exit lighting and sign requirements for tents shall be as provided in Section 2829 of this Code. .. Sec. 2837. Electrical Installations. A. The electrical system shall be installed, maintained and ' operated in accordance with the Electrical Code. B. The electrical system and equipment shall be isolated from the public by proper elevation or guarding, and all electric fuses and switches shall be enclosed in approved enclosures. Cables on the ground in areas traversed by the public shall be placed in trenches or protected by approved covers. Sec. 2838. Fire Alarm Equipment. One or more methods of fire alarm and w emergency communication shall be arranged by agreement between .,.. the owner and the Chief of the Bureau. r ARTICLE 29 REFRIGERATION Sec. 2901. Scope. A. The purpose of this article is to classify refrigerants as toxic .. and/or flammable, and to require a permit for the operation of any refrigeration system containing more than 20 pounds of refrigerant. B. For the purpose of this Code a "toxic" refrigerant is one falling in Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., toxicity classification Groups 1 to 4, inclusive. Refrigerants which are either toxic, or flammable, or both, include but are not limited to the following; Ammonia Methyl Bromide Butane Methyl Chloride .. Dichlorethylene Methyl Formate Ethane Propane Ethyl Bromide Sulphur Dioxide Ethyl Chloride Sec. 2902. Permit Required. A permit shall be required for the installa- tion of any refrigeration unit or system containing more than 20 pounds of refrigerant; provided, however, that no permit shall be required for s non-condensing refrigerating systems using air as a refrigerant. r„ Sec. 2903. Installation. Except in plants used exclusively for ice making, refrigeration or cold storage, no system containing over 100 pounds of- toxic or flammable refrigerant shall be installed unless it conforms to the following provisions; A. Refrigeration shall be by indirect method; provided, however, that 257 direct refrigeration will be permitted in roans, vaults or other spa- ces used for storage only, or in connection with a manufacturing pro- cess located only on the ground floor and having adequate exit facili- ties. No circulating system employing a brine having a flash point below 100 degrees shall be permitted in any location in which only an indirect system is permissible. .. B. Each compressor shall be located in a special machinery roam with suitable exit to the outside. Ventilation shall be provided by a door or window opening to the outside or by a mechanical ventilating system. C. Remote controls shall be provided so that all machinery can be shut down from outside the machinery room. D. Suitable masks shall be provided, Which shall be kept in operative condition in an easily accessible case or cabinet located immediately •• outside the machinery room. E. All doorways between the machinery roan and other parts of the build- ing shall be kept closed and shall be tight fitting. No other open- ings between the machinery room and other parts of the building shall be permitted. F. No open flame or spark-producing device shall be permitted in any refrigerating machinery room housing a system using a flammable refrig- erant. Sec. 2904, Location; Marking of Valves. A. No system containing over 1,000 pounds of butane, ethane, propane or other refrigerant having a flash point below 250F. shall be permitted within the No. 1 Fire Zone. .o a B. No intermittent absorption type system containing over 1,000 pounds of refrigerant shall be permitted, nor any intermittent absorption type system, containing over 100 pounds of refrigerant, unless the heating medium is low pressure steam. C. Coils carrying flammable or toxic refrigerants shall not be placed in air ducts or other air circulating passages of air cooling systems. e Brine or water cooled refrigerants may be sprayed into such air pass- ages., or may be circulated through coils located in such passages, but no such brine shall contain any flammable constituent. D. The suction valve, the main discharge valve, the liquid or expan- sion valve, and all other valves vital to the control of the refrig- erating liquid or fumes shall be painted and designated for control purposes so as to be identifiable to members of the Fire Department or any other person desiring to shut down such plant for purpose of controlling escaping liquid or fames. The main electrical control switch shall be designated and made conspicuous by white paint, and laboled for emergency use with letters not less than one and one-half inches in height. Sec. 2905. Piping, Tubing and Fittings. A. - All refrigerant piping, tubing and fittings shall be of a material ..r compatible with the refrigerant employed. B. Standard wall thickness pipe may be used where a test pressure of 300 pounds or less is required. Where the test pressure is in excess of 300 pounds, extra heavy pipe shall be used. If flanged fittings WSJ are used, they shall be of the recessed-gasket type. Piping shall be rigidly secured in place. C. Approved seamless metal tubing of copper or other material suitable for the refrigerant may be used for refrigerant lines in systems con- taining not over 100 pounds of refrigerant. D. Elevator, dumbwaiter or other shafts containing movable objects shall not be used for outlet or junction boxes, nor for tubing or piping which ,.. carries refrigerants. E. Systems of more than 20 pounds capacity or systems supplying two or more evaporators which use seamless metal tubing for refrigerant lines, shall have all such tubing, except between the compressor and the nearest riser box or manifold, installed in iron pipe or other metal enclosure, with suitable metal outlet boxes for manifolds and for all valves except those at the evaporators. Flexible metal enclo- sures may be used at bends or at terminals if not more than 6 feet in length and if rigidly fastened to the connecting pipe and/or valve boxes. r Each run of pipe shall be sealed or plugged at each junction box inlet with a material not affected by moisture or by the temperature of the line. All joints shall be accessible and shall be of sweated types; provided, however, that flared joints may be used for tubing not more than. 5/8-inch in diameter, where the required test pressure does not exceed 180 pounds. Enclosures shall be rigidly secured to the walls or other support. Tubing shall be independently supported to prevent excessive vibration and strains at joints and connections. Valves, service connections and joints in tubing shall be rigidly secured in approved metal boxes at readily accessible points. s r 260, Sec. 2906. Systems to Be Tested. No system shall be placed in operation until the complete installation has been tested by the installer in the presence of the Chief of the Bureau. A Certificate of Approval shall be posted on the premises where the system is installed. Tests shall include a vacuum test of the complete piping system, preferably with the evaporators installed, but valves thereon may be closed to prevent withdrawal of the refrigerant. Under this test a vacuum of 20 inches of mercury shall be placed upon the system and shall be held for a per- •- iod of 20 minutes, with no detectable drop, after the pump has been stopped. After the vacuum test, the system of piping shall be tested Md by application of the pressure indicated in Table 2906. TABLE 2906 TEST PRESSURES HIGH SIDE LOW SIDE REFRIGERANT USED Lbs. per Sq. Inch Lbs. per Sq. Inch Carbon Dioxide 1,500 750 Ammonia 300 150 Methyl Chloride 180 80 Sulphur Dioxide 135 50 Iso-Butane 130 50 Butane 75 35 *� Ethyl Chloride 50 25 Methylene Chloride 15 15 Monofluorotrichloromethane (Fll) 30 30 Dichlorodifluoromethane (F12) 235 145 Trichlorotrifuloroethane (F113) 30 30 Dichloromonofluoromethane (F21) 70 30 Dichlorothetraflueroethane (F114) 75 30 Sec. 2907. Location of Compressor and Shut-Off Valve. •• A. In systems exceeding 20 pounds capacity, the compressor, if not located in a machinery room, shall not be located under stairways or r �V� near dumb waiter or elevator shafts, in any room containing storage or combustible material. The compressor shall be located in an accessi- ble, well-lighted part of the building, as nearly beneath the riser as WP is practicable, and shall be protected against mechanical injury by a non-combustible partition or by heavy metal netting secured to two by four-inch wooden studding or metal posts. B. Shut-off valves shall be installed at each service outlet in pres- sure and return lines, and in each riser or manifold connection at or near the compressor. These valves shall be fitted with a hand wheel or other means of ready operation as an integral part thereof. Valves in service connections shall be located outside of the refrigerating unit and at such distance above the floor as will provide ready accessi- bility. Evaporators which may be removed as a unit shall have valves permitting the removal of the evaporator with valves attached. Sec. 2908. Service Connections. A. Not more than a single tenant shall be supplied from an outlet box on a main riser. Such outlet box shall be located within the premises of the tenant served and shall be accessible at all times. B. No outlet or junction box shall be permitted in any hallway, stair- way or vertical shaft not cut off at each story. C. Every refrigerator shall be rigidly secured in. place. Sec. 2909; Other Requirements.. A. Every system containing over 20 pounds of refrigerant which operates above atmospheric pressure, and every water cooled system containing over 12 pounds of refrigeration and capable of producing a pressure in - excess of the test pressure shall be provided with a pressure limiting device. B. Each system containing over 100 pounds of refrigerant shall have its compressor or generator protected by a pressure relief valve connected into the high pressure side between the main stop-valve and the com- pressor or generator to relieve excessive pressure into the low pres- sure side of the system or to the atmosphere. Where discharge is to the low pressure side, a relief valve shall be provided on the low pressure side of the system. C. No stop-valve shall be located between a pressure relief device or pressure limiting device and the part of the system protected there- by, unless two pressure relief devices of approved size are used, and are so arranged that only one pressure relief device can be cut off for repair purposes at any one time. D. Systems exceeding 20 pounds capacity shall have pressure relief -• devices on shell type apparatus, such as liquid separators, liquid receivers, condensers, evaporators and absorbers, which can be shut off by stop valves. E. Every system containing more than 100 pounds of refrigerant shall be provided with a hand operated relief for discharging the refrigerant, •.. either to the atmosphere or to a suitable body of water. For systems containing irritant or flammable refrigerant discharge to the atmosphere shall be through a diffuser located above the roof level of all build- ings within 50 feet of the system. The hand operated relief valve shall a be located outside the machinery roam, or shall be capable of operation 263. from the outside. F. A rupture member may be substituted for the relief valve in any carbon dioxide system operating below atmospheric pressure. G. Systems containing any refrigerant which is harmful to health and the vapors of which are not readily apparent through odor or irritating effect shall have added thereto a leak-detecting agent which will give warning of dangerous concentrations of vapors. a .r ARTICLE 30 4MDING OR CUTTING,CALCIUM CARBIDE AND ACETYLENE GENERATORS Sec. 3001. Scope. Welding or cutting shall include all welding or cutting operations by means of gas or gaseous fuel generated from flammable oiquids under pressure, by electric-arc welding or cutting or by any combination thereof. Sec. 3002. Permit Required for Welding or Cutting. A. A permit shall be required of each company, corporation, partner- .� ship, owner or operator performing welding or cutting operations. A permit shall not be required for each welding or cutting job location. '4 The company, corporation, partnership, owner, or operator shall notify the Bureau in advance where such work is to take place, except where such work is done in response to an emergency call that does not allow time for the Bureau to be notified in advance of the work. B. A permit for welding or cutting operations shall not be issued unless the individuals in charge of performing such operations are capable of doing such work in a safe manner. C. Except as otherwise provided herein, persons required to have a ,r permit shall maintain a record of all locations where welding or cut- ting operations are performed by them and shall make such record avail- able at all times for inspection by the Bureau. Sec. 3003. Compliance with Nationally Recognized Good Practice. In the performance of welding or cutting operations, equipment shall be y ��J +n Installed and operated in accordance with the provision of N.F.P.A. No. 51, "Gas Systems for Welding and Cutting," and M.F.P.A. No. 51(B), "Cutting and Welding Processes." Sec. 3004. Fire Prevention. A. Before welding or cutting operations are begun in areas not designed or approved for the purpose, specific authorization shall be obtained from the owner of the ,premises or his duly authorized agent. B. When welding or cutting operations are performed above or within 35 feet of combustible construction or material exposed to the opera- tion, or within 35 feet of exposed floor, ceiling or wall openings, such construction or material and &11 floor, ceiling or wall openings shall be protected by non-conbusti'`le shields or covers. Where practicable, the working area. in which welding .or cutting operations are to be per- formed shall be wet down prior to the commencing of said operations. �- A fire watcher shall be provided to watch for fires, to make use of portable fire extingushers or fire hose, and to perform similar fire prevention and. protection duties. The fire watcher shall remain on the job at least thirty minutes after the welding or cutting operations have been com- pleted to insure that no fire exists, and shall attest to that fact by .. an inspection report which shall be filed and available for inspection by the Bureau. C. One or more portable fire extinguishers of approved type and size .. shall be kept at the location where welding or cutting is to be per- formed. D. Welding or cutting shall not be performed in or near rooms or loca- tions where flammable gases, liquids or vapors, lint, dust, or loose combustible stocks are present. 26� E. Except as provided in Paragraph F of this Section, welding or cut- ting shall not be performed on containers and equipment which contain or have contained flammable liquids, gases or solids until these con- tainers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned, inerted or purged. F. "Hot tapping operations" may be performed on tanks and pipe lines only in areas approved for such operations and by persons holding a permit to perform same. G. Sprinkler protection shall not be shut off during welding or cut- "r ting operations. !,,,'hen welding or cutting is done close to automatic sprinkler heads, sheet asbestos or damp cloth guars shall be used to shield the individual sprinkler heads, but shall be .removed when the work is completed. Sec. 3005. Gas Welding and Cutting. A. Devices or attachments facilitating or permitting mixture of air or oxygen with combustible gases prior to consumption, except at the burner or in a standard torch or blowpipe, shall be prohibited.. rM B. The user shall not transfer gases from one cylinder to enother or mix gases in a cylinder. C. Acetylene gas shall not be generated, piped (except in approved cylinder manifolds and cylinder manifold connections), or utilized at ..r a pressure in excess of 15 pounds per square inch gauge unless dissolved in a" suitable solvent in cylinders manufactured according to Interstate Commerce Commission requirements. D. Acetylene gas shall not be brought in contact with unalloyed copper except in a blowpipe or torch. 26 �� E. A cylinder or cylinder manifold for oxygen shal.L be provided with a pressure regulating device designed and marked for use with oxygen. F. Cylinders permitted inside of builitir-gs shalt be stored at least 20 feet from highly combustible materials and in locations where they are not subject to excessive rise in temperature, physical Q6mmge or tampering by unauthorized persons. Valy&s on empty cylinder-& shall be closed during storage or shipping. ur G. When a cylinder is not in use, she valvo Shall 'oe closed A;id the valve protection cup shall be in place, P&nC tight. H. Tests for leak3 in any piping sfstem or equipmenZ, shall be made 'r with soapy water.. Flames shall not be used. I., Welding or cuti:ing work shall nat'be supported ou comprcgsed gas cylinders or other containers. J. Fuel gas cylinders shall be played TAth valve end up when in use. K. Fuel gas from cylinders shall not be used t;hro•,: b torches or other .. devices equipped -with shut-,off valves without seducing the pressure through a suitable regulator at�ached to the cylinder valve or Mani- fold. L. Cylinders, valves, regulators, '_lose a-rid ..ither apparatus nd Yittings. containing or using oxygen shall be kept free from cri.l or grease. .. Oxygen cylinders, apparatus and fittings stall not ?'e hendl,-d with oily handa or gloves or greasy tools or equipment. M. When compressed gas cylinders are moved 3y crsne, cradles shall be _ used to prevent the dropping thereof. Ordi.;;a,ry rope slings or elec- tromagnets shall not be used. 20 r N. Oxygen and fuel gas cylinders and acetylene generators stall be laced far enough awa from the welds area. to P � Y ng prevent them from being heated by radiation from heated materials, by sparks or slag, or by r misdirection of the torch flame. ,,. 0. When gas welding or cutting operations are discontinued for a sub- stantial period of time, such as during lunch hour or overnight, the torch valves shall be closed and the gas supply to the torch completely shut off. Sec. 3006: Electric Arc-Welding and Cutting. r A. The frame or case of any welding machine other than internal-com- bustion engine driven machines shall be grounded. Ground connections shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the required current. B. Welding current return circuits from the work to the machine shall r have proper electrical contact at all joints. Periodic inspection shall be made to ascertain that such electrical contact is maintained. C. When electric are-welding or cutting is to be discontinued for any period of time, such as during lunch hour or overnight, all electrodes r shall be removed from the holders, the holders shall be carefully lo- cated so that accidental contact cannot occur, and the machines shall r be disconnected from the power source. r Sec. 3007. Permit Required for Storage of Calcium Carbide. No person shall store or keep calcium carbide in any amount in excess of one hundred pounds without first acquiring a permit to do so. .. Sec. 3008. Containers for Calcium Carbide. Containers used for the storage of calcium carbide shall be of metal of sufficient strength to insure handling without rupture, and shall be provided with a screw top or .. its equivalent. Such containers shall be of water tight and air tight construction. Solder shall not be used on joints in such manner that fire might disrupt the package. Packages shall be marked "Calcium Carbide--Dangerous If Not Kept Dry." Sec. 3009. Storage of Calcium Carbide In Buildings. A. Storage of calcium carbide inside buildings shall be in dry, water- proof and well ventilated locations. B. Calcium carbide in any amount less than 600 pounds may be stored inside of buildings or in the same room with fuel gas cylinders, but not with oxygen cylinders. C. Calcium carbide in any amount in excess of 600 pounds, but less than 5,000 pounds, shall not be stored in a building containing any other occupancy unless such is stored in an acetylene generator roam or sepa- rate room or compartment, in a one-story building without cellar or base- ment beneath the carbide storage section. Such rooms shall be of con- struction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour, with all openings to other parts of the building protected by approved self-closing fire doors or stationary wired glass windows in approved metal frames. Adequate ventilation shall be provided. This room shall not be used for any other purpose. D. Calcium carbide in any amount in excess of 5,000 pounds shall be stored in one story buildings without cellar or basement and used for .. no other purpose, or in outside acetylene generator houses. Location of such storage buildings shall be outside congested mercantile and manufacturing districts. If a storage building is of non-combustible construction, it may adjoin other one story buildings if separated therefrom by unpierced fire walls. If a storage building is detached, ,r but less than 10 feet from other buildings, there shall be no opening in any of the mutually exposed sides of such buildings within said r distance. If the storage building is of combustible construction, it shall not be within 20 feet of any other one or two story building, nor within 30 feet of any other building exceeding two stories. Sec. 3010. Permit Required for Acetylene Generators. No person shall operate an acetylene generator having a carbide capacity exceeding 5 pounds without a permit. -� Sec. 3011. Generators to Be Approved. Acetylene generators shall be of an approved type, and shall be plainly marked with the rate in cubic feet per hour of acetylene for which they are designed, the amount or weight of carbide necessary for a single charge, the manufacturer's name and address, and the name or number of the type of generator. .. Sec. 3012. Stationary Generators. Stationary generators shall be installed either in a well-ventilated one-story non-combustible outside genera- tor house, or in a well ventilated room or compartment, either in a one story building or on the top floor or roof of a multi-storied build- ing. The storage of fuel gas cylinders in such rooms or compartments 271 shall not exceed a total capacity of 2,000 cubic feet of gas (300 pounds in the case of liquefied petroleum gas). Sec. 3013. Inside Generator Rooms or Compartments. A. The walls or partitions, floor and ceiling of such room or compart- r meat shall be of construction having fire resistance rating of not less than one hour. Walls or partitions shall be continuous from floor to ceiling and shall be securely anchored. At least one wall of an inside generator room shall be an exterior wall. B. Openings from generator rooms or compartments to other parts of the M building shall be protected by an approved self-closing, swinging type fire door which closes into a rabbet, or is otherwise made tight to prevent the passage of flames. Exit doors shall be located so as to be readily �- accessible in case of emergency. Windows in partitions shall be of wired glass in approved metal frames with fixed sash. r C. A portion of the exterior walls equal to not less than 10 per cent of the combined areas of the enclosing walls shall be of light, non- combustible material such as single thickness, single strength glass. .. Single thickness, single strength window glass skylights, or lightly fastened roof hatch covers, swinging doors in exterior walls opening outward, sheet metal siding or lightly fastened roofs, may be accepted in part or entirely in lieu of the glass area, provided that a ten per cent explosion venting area is obtained. .. Sec. 3014. Portable Generators. A. Portable generators shall not be used in rooms of total volume less than 35 times the total gas generating capacity per charge of all gener- ators in the room. The gas generating capacity in cubic feet per charge 272 shall be deemed to be 4. times the weight of carbide 5 g per charge in .. pounds. Generators shall not be used in roams having a ceiling height of less than 10 feet. B. No acetylene generator shall be moved by derrick, crane or hoist while charged. Sec. 3015. Protection Against Freezing. Generators shall be placed where .. water will not freeze. No common salt (sodium chloride) or other corro- sive chemical shall be used as a protection against freezing. Sec. 3016. Permit Required for Cylinder Storage. A permit shall be required for the storage of cylinders used in welding or cutting operations when more than 2,000 cubic feet of flammable compressed gas other than lique- fied petroleum gas, 300 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas, or 6,000 cubic feet of nonflammable compressed gas is stored. .. Sec. 3017. Storage-of Cylinders. A. Cylinders of fuel gases stored inside a building, except those in actual use or attached ready for use, shall be limited to a total capa- city of 2,000 cubic feet of gas or 300 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas. Storage of more than 2,000 cubic feet total gas capacity of cylin- ders, or 300 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas, shall be either in a separate roam or compartment as provided in Section 3009(C), outside, or in a special building. Buildings, rooms or compartments provided for such storage shall be well ventilated, and open flame heating or lighting devices.shall not be permitted therein. B. Oxygen cylinders shall be stored inside of buildings only if in 273 compliance with the provisions regulating the storage of oxygen mani- folds prescribed in Section 3019(A). Sec. 3018. Piping Systems for Fuel Gases and Oxygen. A. Piping systems for fuel gases and oxygen shall be of steel, wrought iron, brass or copper pipe, or seamless copper, brass, or stainless steel tubing; provided, however, that: 1. Acetylene piping shall be steel or wrought iron pipe only. 2. Oxygen piping at pressures in excess of 700 pounds per square inch shall be stainless steel or nonferrous tubing. B. Joints in steel or wrought iron shall be welded or constructed with threaded or flanged fittings of rolled, forged or cast steel or malleable iron. Joints in brass or copper pipe may be welded, brazed, threaded or flanged. Joints in seamless copper, brass or stainless steel may either be brazed or be constructed of approved gas-tubing fittings. Socket-type joints in brass or copper pipe or in seamless copper, brass or stainless steel tubing shall be brazed with silver brazing alloy or similar high melting point filler metal. Cast iron fittings shall be prohibited. Threaded connections in oxygen piping shall be tinned, or made up with litharge and glycerine or other joint compound approved for oxygen service and applied to male threads only. C. Piping shall be protected against physical damage and allowance shall be made for contraction, expansion, jarring and vibration. If laid under- ground, it shall be below the frost line and protected against corro- sion. Low points in piping shall be provided with drip pots and drain valves, the latter to be normally closed with screw caps or plugs. .. 274 D. All piping shall be tested and proved tight at one and one-half times its maximum Working pressure. Any medium used for testing oxy- gen lines shall be oil free. ,,.. E. All buried pipe and tubing and outdoor ferrous pipe and tubing shall be covered or painted with a suitable corrosion-resisting material. Sec. 3019. Manifolding of Cylinders. A. Oxygen manifolds shall not be located in an acetylene generator room. Oxygen manifolds shall be located at least 20 feet away from highly flammable material, such as oil or grease and combustible gas Cylinders, unless such cylinders are separated by a fire resistive -' partition constructed in compliance with the provisions of Section 3009(C). B. The aggregate capacity of oxygen cylinders connected to one mani- fold inside a, building shall not exceed 6,000 cubic feet. More than one such manifold may be located in the same room, provided the mani- folds are at least 50 feet apart. C. An oxygen manifold connected to cylinders having an aggregate capa- city of more than 6,000 cubic feet shall be located outside, in a separate building, or in a separate room constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section 3009. No combustible material shall f be permitted within 20 feet of the manifold. D. Oxygen manifolds with service pressures not exceeding 200 pounds per square inch gauge shall be marked; LOW PRESSURE MANIFOLD DO NOT CONNECT HIGH-PRESSURE CYLINDERS MAXIMUM PRESSURE-----250 PSIG r w r 275 .. E. The aggregate capacity of fuel gas cylinders connected to one mani- fold inside a building shall not exceed 3,000 cubic feet of gas or 300 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas. More than one such manifold may be located in the same roam, provided the manifolds are at least 50 feet apart. F. A fuel gas manifold connected to cylinders having an aggregate cap&- _ city of more than 3,000 cubic feet of gas or 300 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas shall be located outside, in a separate building, or in a separate room constructed in accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion 3009(C) of this Code. w Sec. 3020. Hose and Hose Connections. A. Hose shall be capable of withstanding a hydrostatic pressure of at least 800 pounds per square inch. .� B. A single hose having more than one gas passage shall not be used in which a wall failure might permit the flow of gas from one passage .. into the other. C. Single and double hose shall be identified by exterior colors using w.r green for oxygen, red for acetylene, LP-Gas and other fuel gases and ti.. black for inert gases and air. D. When two hoses are joined by a web to form integral lengths of double hose, the color of both hoses shall be red. The exterior our- face -of the oxygen hose shall be smooth to the touch while the fuel gas hose shall be corrugated or ribbed. E. When parallel lengths of oxygen and acetylene hose are taped to- gether, not more than four inches out of each eight shall be covered _ 276 .r by tape. F. Hose connections shall be clamped or otherwise securely fastened in a manner that will withstand without leakage twice the pressure to -which they are normally subjected in service, but in no case less than 300 pounds per square inch. G. Hose shall be inspected frequently for leaks, burns, worn places, loose connections or other defects which may render the hose unfit for service. Where hose shows excessive wear or has been subjected to flashback, it shall be inspected and tested at twice the normal pressure to which it is subjected in service, but in no case less than 200 pounds per square inch, before being returned to service. Defective lengths of hose shall be discarded. 277 a ARTICLE 31 C ONVALESC ENT HOMES, REST HOMES, ETC. Sec. 3101. Buildings. Buildings in which care homes are to be operated or maintained in the City WAM comply with all applicable laws of the State of Texas, ordinances of the City and regulations and order of the Department of Public Works, the Fire Department and the Department ,. of Public Health of the City. Sec. 3102. Exits. Care homes shall be so designed and constructed that there are at least two widely separated and easily accessible means of exit leading outside the building and from the premises. Such exits must afford two separate means of escape from each floor of the build- ,,. ing and shall be so arranged that the cutting off of the one shall not endanger the other or prevent the occupants of the building from reach- ing the other. Additional means of exit may be required when present exits are not adequate. Sec. 3103. Construction of Buildings. Existing buildings of wood frame construction may be used as care homes if such buildings are not more than one story in height, if the inside walls and ceilings are covered with fire resistive, non-combustible material, such as metal lathe and plaster or one-half inch gypsum board, and if the roof and outside walls are covered with fire resistive material. Such buildings shall not have a cellar. All multiple-story buildings of basic wood construc- tion must be equipped with a single supply automatic sprinkler system w 278 a. protecting the entire building, including the attic and basement. .• Sec. 3104. Fire Precautions. Every building in which a care hoarse is oper- ated shall be subject to inspection by the Bureau at all reasonable times. Vented gas heaters shall be the minimum standard for heating. Open flame or unvented gas heaters shall not be used. Approved fire extin- guishers shall be provided and located according to the instructions .., of the Bureau. Sec. 3105. Every floor above the first floor of a building shall have at .. least two stairways remote from each other as exit ways leading to the outside of the building and to grade level without passing through roams occupied by the patients. Doors on such exitways shall open outward into the path of exit travel, and shall be equipped with panic hardware. Sec. 3106. All required exits shill be marked by exit signs bearing the word "EXIT" in letters at least four and one-half inches in height, and shall be electrically illuminated at all times. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention may require additional exit or directional signs in corridors and passage ways. Sec. 3107. Buildings of more than one story which are not of fireproof con- struction shall not be used above the first floorl ambulatory patients. Iwo The placing of senile, bedfast or helpless patients above the first or . ground floor in basic wood-frame buildings is strictly prohibited. Sec. 3108. Persons operating a care home shall provide a safe plan of evac- uation of all occupants from the building in case of fire or other di- saster. Such plan shall be subject to the approval of the Bureau. O*V9 it ARTICLE 32 MISCELLANEOUS ` Sec. 3201. Combustible Wast Matters in Buildings in Fire Zone No. No person shall place or permit to remain in any box or barrel, or otherwise, in any building, basement, street, alley- way or yard within Fire Zone No. I for a period longer than six hours, any loose straw, hay, paper, empty boxes, barrels, crates or other combustible refuse. All owners or occupants of build- ings within said zone shall be required to permit inspection of their premises by any member of the Fire Department authorized to conduct such inspections. Sec. 3202. Permitting Weeds, Grass, Brush, Etc To Remain on Lots. It shall be unlawful for any person or his agent, owning, rent- ing or having under his control, any lot or premises, whether vacant or improved, to suffer or permit any weeds, grass, fal- len timber, brush, or decaying vegetable matter to accumulate on any such lot or premises in such a manner that such weeds, or grass or other matter might, in the event of fire, endanger any adjoining property. Sec. 3203. Notice to Remove Weeds, Grass, Brush, Etc. Whenever in the .opinion of the Chief of the Bureau any debris, grass, weeds or brush or other plant growth upon any property in the city constitutes a fire menace, he shall notify the owner, agent, occu- pant or person having control of such property, to remove within a specified time such debris, grass, weeds, brush or other plant growth. ar Sec. 3204. Burning of Uncut Grass or Weeds. It shall be unlawful for any person to burn or cause to be burned any uncut grass 9M or weeds on any private or public property within the City. Sec. 3205. Vacating Tenants to Clean Premises. Whenever any per- son occupying or using any building or premises in the city as a place of business, residence, or for any other purpose, shall vacate such building or premises, it shall be the duty of such Derson to immediately remove therefrom all loose paper, rubbish, trash and waste matter of every kind and to place the building so vacated and the premises adjacent thereto or used in connection therewith in a clean condition. In the absence of the occupant, the owner, agent or person in charge of the va- cated building or premises shall immediately, upon written no- tice from the Chief of the Bureau, remove or cause to be removed therefrom, said rubbish, trash, and waste matter. Sec. 3206. Closing of Vacant Buildings. Whenever any unoccupied building or structure in the city is not properly secured or .. closed, the Chief of the Bureau shall notify the owner or person having control of such premises to forthwith secure or close the same, so as to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access thereto. Sec. 3207. Storage of Empty Containers. A permit shall be required .. for the storage of empty packing cases, boxes, barrels or other r 281 .a s similar combustible containers in any building; provided how- ever, that no permit shall be required for the storage within .. a manufacturing plant or other establishment of sufficient pack- ing cases, boxes, barrels, or other similar containers to properly carry on its operations. All such storage shall be orderly and shall be so located as not to obstruct exit from the building. Outdoor storage of packing cases, boxes, barrels or .. other combustible containers shall be in compact, orderly stacks or piles not more than twenty feet in height, located at least fifty feet from the nearest building. Sec. 3208. Flammable Decorations Prohibited. Cotton batting, straw, dry vines, leaves, trees, celluloid or other highly flammable materials shall not be used for decoration purposes in show win- dows or stores; provided however, that nothing in this section shall be held to prohibit the display of salable goods permitted and offered for sale in such store. Electric light bulbs in stores or public halls shall not be decorated with paper or other combustible materials unless such materials shall first have been rendered flameproof. Sec. 3209. Open Flame Prohibited. No person shall take an open flame into any building, barn, vessel, boat or other place where highly flammable, combustible or explosive material is kept, unless such light or flame shall be well secured in a glass wa glove, wire mesh cage or similar approved device. Sec. 3210. Disposal of Burning; Materials. It shall be unlawful for s any person to throw or drop or cause to be thrown or dropped, any lighted match, cigar, cigarette, burning tobacco, or other burning material so that such material might fall upon any com- bustible substance of any nature. r Sec. 3211. Disposal of Ashes. No person shall deposit ashes, _ smouldering coal, embers, greasy or oily substances or other matters liable to create spontaneous ignition within ten feet .. of any wooden or plastered wall, partition, fence, floor, side- walk, hay, lumber, shavings, rubbish or other combustible ma- terial, except in metallic or other non-combustible receptacles. Such receptacles, unless resting on a non-combustible floor or on the ground outside the building, shall be located at least two feet from any combustible wall or partition. Sec. 3212. Chimney and Smokestacks: Construction. All chimneys, smokestacks or similar devices for conveying smoke or rot gases to the outer air and the stoves, furnaces, fire boxes or boil- ers to which they are connected shall be constructed and main- - tained in such a manner as not to endanger adjacent property. Sec. 3213. Smoke Pipes and Spark Arresters Thereon. No person shall operate any stove, oven or barbecue pit, whether stationary or portable, temporary or permanent, unless the same is equipped .r 283 with a smoke pipe or vent extending at least three feet above the roof, tent or canopy, which pipe or vent'shall be equipped with an approved spark arrester. Sec. 3214. Orpen Flame Heating Apparatus Near Combustibles or Inflam- mables. No heating apparatus requiring an open flame, and no artificial lighting system other than incandescent electric lights shall be permitted in any warehouse used for the storage of rags, excelsior, hair or other flammable or combustible material, nor in any shop or factory used for the manufacture, repair or reno- vating of mattresses or bedding,, nor in any establishment used for the upholstery of furniture. Sec. 3215. Trapdoors and Shaftways to be Marked. All trapdoors, ex- cept those which are automatic in their operation, in any factory, building or buildings used for storage shall be closed at the completion of the business of each day. Every outside window in a building used for manufacturing purposes or for storage which opens directly on any hoistway or other vertical opening between .o two or more floors in such building:, shall be plainly marked with the word "shaftway" in red letters at least six inches high on a white background. Such warning sign shall be placed so as to be easily discernible from the outside of the building. Un- less the construction of the partition surrounding a shaftway is r w of such distinctive nature as to make its purpose evident at a $lance, every door or window opening from the interior of a •• building into said shaftway marked with the warning word "Shaft- way" so placed as to be easily visible to any one approaching the shaftway from the interior of the building. Sec. 3216. Removal of Debris or Partially Burned bilding :'after Fire. A. The owner or person having under his control or in his pos- session upon any premises in the City any hay, straw, bales of wool, cotton, paper or other substances which have been t '•ABLE rendered useless or unmerdwrtb]e, by reason of any fire on such premises, or any debris resulting from such fire, must remove the some from such premises within forty-eight hours after notice to do so has been given by the Chief of the Bureau. B. Whenever any building or other structure in the City is par- tially burned, the owner thereof or the person in charge or control thereof, within ten days after notice from the ,. Chief of the Bureau or the Building Official so to do, shall remove from the premises all refuse, debris, charred and partially burned lumber and material. If' said building or - ether structure shall be burned to such an extend that it is rendered incapable of being repaired, the owner of the i property upon which same is located or the person in control thereof, within ten days after notice from the Chief of the. i Bureau or. the Building Official so to do, shall remove from the premises all of the remaining portion of the building ' or structure. Sec. 3217. Regulation of Storage of Inflammable Substances. No tenement house, apartment house, hotel, lodging house, rooming .. house, hall, theatre, or place of amusement or public assembly nor any part thereof nor the premises on which such building is imp situated, shall be used as a place of storage or handling of any explosive, inflammable oils, hay, straw, excelsior paper stock, feathery rags or acids or any other inflammable substances. MP This section shall not apply to retail drug stores where ex— plosives and inflammable oils or acids are kept and stored in small quantities for medicinal purposes. Sec. 3218. Hav or Straw Stacks Must be Protected. No person shall place or keep any straw or hay in stacks or piles unless the same is enclosed or protected From flying sparks or fire. Sec. 3219. Lights in Livery Stables or Barns. No owner or occupant of a livery stable or other stable or building used for the pur— pose. of housing stock shall, by himself or those in his employ, use therein any artificial light other than regular electric .w lights or electric lanterns. Sec. 3220. Combustible Lamp Shades. It shall be unlawful for any person to attach paper, cloth or other combustible material to _ any electric light globe or other lamp or light in such manner as to place such material in direct contact with said electric globe, lamp or light. Sec. 3221. Ca_raing Burning Coal or Firebrands Through the Streets. No person shall carry or cause to be carried, in any street, alley or other thoroughfare, any burning coal or firebrands, unless the same be shut up in a covered vessel. .. Sec. 3222. Building Fires on Pavement. It shall be unlawful for any person to build a fire upon the surface of a paved street, curb, gutter, sidewalk or parkway. Sec. 3223. Bonfires and Outdoor Rubbish Fires. No person shall kindle or maintain any bonfire or rubbish fire or authorize any such fire to be kindled or maintained on any private or public ground. Dur- ing construction or Cemolition of buildings or structures no waste materials or rubbish stall be disposed of by burning on the w premises or in the immediate vicinity. Sec. 3224. Use of Torches or Open Flame for Thawing Out Pipes or BurnineOff Paint. The use of any torch, open flame or other flame-producing device for the purpose of thawing out any pipe i in or under any house, building or structure, or for removing i Z -,XW U 3TAT2 HHT DIAAAAT 10 YTMUODI iil-.oW J,.fo'q., lo X110 Aj ao �J!D t KAMaTA9 A Y02 I bm ouij a a! ;n!qpic)5 �-vsec- iA3 jadl Xlljiq��- y6louse, Gli :-,6xgT qr.. ,J:)5-1-.r 0:) ,�sx,.�T ,ifjuoW juoi to yjI,-) --flj. 1c, flp.nuoD yl!D 0d3 yd bgjqoba bas 10 x6b -)rt:i no W-.:,rf rjoi;,ega islugs-t r.t is ni b-xcj—,-.- 4: Br, ,_Ql , Cl A JbioW j7o3 to 5dj to li.5Z lsi:)MU :,dj b( ns (IKAH Y14 22314TV4 el .G A to -/sb :Aj aldJ asxnT ic) y:jlo Sffl 10 ?AXFT JITRO ' TACK"