To the Mayor and Members of the City Council February 23, 2010
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The purpose of this Informal Report is to make the City Council aware of the need for an emergency purchase of
services to complete the remediation of hydrocarbon contamination at the City's Brennan Avenue Service Center.
An M&C appropriating funds and amending the contract will be brought forward for consideration in the near future.
The funding source for this project will be the Environmental Management Operating Fund.
On December 15, 2009, Eagle Construction and Environmental Services, LLC (Eagle) was awarded a contract
(M&C C-23984, CSC #39664) for the excavation and removal of contaminated soils located in the drainage channel
that traverses the City's service center located at 2500 Brennan Avenue. The channel flows from the north at Brennan
Avenue and discharges into the Trinity River at the southern boundary of the Brennan Avenue Service Center. The
subsequent discovery of additional contaminated soils has prompted the need for a change order increasing the
contract cost by 22% and issuance of an emergency purchase order to expedite completion of the project.
The amount of hydrocarbon impacted soils estimated in the original Invitation to Bid was based on several
geotechnical soil borings advanced adjacent to the project site for the Trinity River Vision project. To confirm the
waste classification for disposal, Eagle facilitated the waste classification process and Environmental Management
Department staff assisted by collecting soil samples from within the channel. Areas of the drainage channel that were
a disturbed during sampling showed evidence of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in the northern one-third
portion of the channel, which was not indicated in the previous borings. Analytical results from the sampling also
showed higher contaminant levels in some areas resulting in a change of waste classification from Class 1I Non-
hazardous to Class I Non-hazardous waste.
The additional hydrocarbon impacted soils discovered during the waste characterization process plus the increased
classification from Class It Non-hazardous waste to Class I Non-hazardous waste for a large portion of the waste to
be handled results in additional costs associated with this contract amendment of $100,168.00, for a total overall
contract cost of$553,221.
The Environmental Management Department has conferred with both the Law Department and the Financial
Management Services Department (Purchasing) to proceed under emergency procurement procedures in order to
prevent additional environmental impacts and potential human exposure. Both Law and Purchasing have agreed that
this issue can be treated as "a procurement that is necessary to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the
municipality's residents" in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 252.022(a)(2), An M&C
appropriating funds and amending the contract will be brought forward for consideration in the near future.
If you rime any questions regarding this information, please contact Brian . Bo mer, GPM, HMM. Environmental
Management Director, at 81 7-X92-8f85. i
Dale A. Fis a er
City Manager