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Ordinance 1092
od , i0��, let , i Cl VI sryvicr. F UIM AND RWM ATIOU, CITr OF FORT XSo TM"* 1928. CITY w F(I= tonTasmus. OFFICE OF BOARD,, CITY HAIL. BARS OF BOARD Vr* Cs A* BICIMAN ALEX COBS W. $. C O 23 H. H. SCOTTO SHCRMARY AND CEU EXAM Under w)L pursuant to the prorIcione cf Chapter 24 of t.Yf C!A-- C�.artc:r, the Cir', i ervice• FlOt-� o: t`_'X' Cit-. of Fart :ort2:, Texas, t.fter approvcl by the Council, does !.crest-. adopt the followlnr. a=rAsd rules provIdine for the admission of perso_ne in-to the Cl.atcitied :ve"vice of the Cite and Tor a=ployr ent and promo-lor. t.liesreia: CIVIL SERVICE As soon as practicable after this Charter shall become effective the City Cov_zzicil shall appoint aCivil, Service Board, composed of three qualified tax-paying citizens of the City, one to serve for one year, one to serve trc nears, and one to serve t aree -years, and to tale of-fice as soon as appointed and qualified. ' hereafter the members of the Civil Service Board shall be appoint- ed to serve three years, and until their successors have been appointed and qualified. Viembere of the Civ--1 Service Board skL0_ll not hold any other position under the City, County or State Government. The City Council may remove any member of the Board upon stating in writing the reason for removal and allo,'in`� hin an opporthuni;:y to be heard in his own defense. Any vacancies in the members of the Loard shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired term. RULE 2. ORG11UZATIOE AIM DUTIES. At the first regular meeting held the first Monday in June of each year, the Board shall elect one of its number as Chairmam, and one as vice-chairman. It shell be the duty of the Board to edopt, camerd and enforce a code of ro";es for the classification of the positions in the classifiedservice of the k%ity of Fort ti o_rt,h, anc? for al;pointmerts and promotion_^therein, and they may amend the same from time to time, Subject to the approval of the Citi Council, or pia; , by special resolution, approved by the Council, tenporerily suspend any of the Fsovisions of the rules. '_trey shall supervise all examinations held under these rules, to ascertf.in •che fitness end merit of candidates for t_.e. service of the City of Fort Rorth in respect to ability, character, and industry for the branch of the service into which they seek to enter, estirste and det- ermine the relative excellence or standing of the persons examined, and certifty the same as herein provided. The Board shell hsve the power to appoint such examiners, stenograj;hers f.nC. clerks as may by appro- priations be provided for by the City Council. The members of the Board, Secretary and Examiner, and other enployes shayl receive such annual salary or compensation ass ray be rc;uthirized by the City Council. It shall be the dut;, of t ,e Board to eke e.n annual report to the City Council as soon as practical, after the close cf each fiser.l year shorinZ its act- ivlties du_2in€; the yens and_ making such reco=endations as it r-ay deem best for t-.-_,e interests of the Iervice. RULE '•,. D-UTILS OF 01I.I"'' alAXI2 R. It shall be the r,Iuty of t e C'is ,....mi-e , n -ffic_o Secre- ta_'y unO.er t'7e cion of the' BO :ni., t co k'=Es, .f: :",irate:. of all J:ro- cee`�_i _Zs of the` p'J..rc'_, `_"uncrvi.,-e- al_.. ":�Z.nina+�icnL, cc;'rti-y zli p.l_.1,F re`'ist cr3, m-aintsin efficie2 Cy r?CCrC"', prepare r CU erv18G' the prepar- at:t_ou of all examinations and the grading ofpapers subritte:d as the result of Examinations, and such othe_ ba ties as t-,e ^oard mean designate or as =y be necsssary. 2. _r EMU- fir, 011"IL tr►MVICT ZTM.t 'C�CLA.' 1- ) AT)"' CLW1.1:I. I..D :r.1aiCr.. T o Civil ..erviec of t_hic City its hereby e4 ided into t::e uz- clas.ifiod and the Clasc2.' ei a, :'esrvico, to-ritt (1) The Un-Clays=ed 11-er'-ice cull incljAes a. The Citr Linger an~ his :.ecretary, b. The Heads of Departments, and heads of Department sub- diviciaaas, members of ApInintive Boarft, t!* JudEe of the City Court, and the City c oomtsrsr c, The labor claps which sbi:l include u1.1 ordinary unsa31led labor• (2) The Classified Service shall **uprise all positions not spe+cif1e&lly included by this Charter in the Un-Cas.srifiod Service, "'here aball be in the C Aesifiod Service two classes to be known as the Coupetetive Class, and the rou-Competetive Chas to-wit: a. The Competetive Class aha:.l include all positions and em- ployzwnt for vtich it is practicable to determixae the merit end fit- nece by cozgwtetivr. euetyination, b, The sore-aompetetive. Clans sh&il oonaist of a13 positions re- quirinr pe aultar and exceptional qualifications of as scientific mn- agerial, processional or eduectioaul character, gac nay be determined by the rules of the Board., RULE 5. RE'TETTIOF Ix 7 C ENTICE OP A-" ori =i..1 ;.RD FXPLOYEP Cflb` V0 1 IT "r, "sue- CLAZ I ' D =11117= %, s MME IF TF I -'rM- Z E OF T11.1' CIT}: Tr"qMr MOITTr.", FIRICIF TC Tim r1Z17C:I(2%' Yv-,!A' FW. 7=1' IXOPTIor 4I 'fi;. CKARTIM ( DEC14,71, t 11, 1924 ) t.17. persons in the employ of the City ha;IdinC p*x1tiona in the Classified Service, ar definer; ate: a atabl a', d b; the Charter, at the time that it took effect, w1w had been fILlizir said position for a concecutivee period of three rzonthr or more prior to the date of boldinC. the eleatlon for the adoption of this C-Arter, shall, unlace their positions be abolished, retain Vie: sa m until discharged, re- duced, promted or transferred in soeordrrer F1th this prorision of Vie C�:artr_- (ahaper �' , Section 12). Petition- l-Appliete:tiorx for I;os.2t:ionc in the Competctive or "don-Competetiva, Cl.aLa muct bei In the h .nAr itinC of t-hc, app1ioant, upon tl,.o blank forme preescritx-d rind f xmis ied 1r: 'he Board and oLch !�r-p?ggnt 811ell V=;—or oath shows a 6r _ Firs-..1'h � •. P;,is �' t � bf the 'r ted, r ii been a..� 's est�st'e*7dr1Vu p, Coup, -lea et 7x'30{ :t o:T:d to Of his a c.. i 'cxa ,c�.�a�b '=vltd s -Ts sdaraa.e.� ��i pasty pffiC&tj R�l'� � �� `32`wR�� who �,C'�a;r"oaQ his o r .u�'' `i s :�t3r tnC"�bR, �,_113 8 e,- ""�. 4Z, t� Asmee- o� �sdrner,em4Plo�•x�s tr.d :gig or Pion yeFrs ' 4her 3� % slie' bns offiow�#X$ Goa traxud- '.►'k at defeat or- J&ee axe; fro 'trarmLP, 6y'd�cerise '0' r `-a;`sw iel` w i cY, end.cr ocd enc:,�ati':hxt;�„.se!rvice tea t-, Cit of roltr- 'cirtb], -rnd'for, iti3• btS�ot dezatndin, p2z.,;sic�:I`c"ual- i5..L,�,u ;ns tic or she ashr-11 be roq L u'rud to 41Ae such physicel cx,+;r,dnation as s1,g11 be Cot.med necezrar;r!! the Boeua7,. Third--The Certifieatiar, of not lest tfxx: three reputable cit- izens of the United. Etatos, each raertLtyinr that he individually has been personally acrranintod v:itt, btr applicant for at leas:: one yr-a-T; believer. r-tr to b-P o:' rood m-•al cha-racter, of temperat a and industrious habits, and in r11 romlyeetr fit for the service he rich- es to enter; twat he is arll inn to ansrer xr:fch detailed questi�-nr as maybe addreesesd to hir, b,* the Board L*a relation thereto. Fcx'sons aceoptinc, esMP1o5'=n: ":Itw the Cite of I ort t.orth, must become actual residents of the City. F urtb—N8 moomw.ndation or questi-r. under the authority of these rules gtha'7 I relate to the rellE;ious or politicul opinions or affiliations of any person Vhatsoevers neither shall such opinions be coansidoredythe Hoard in Its examinations* The Board ma ll not recei7e! or oo any oa==ication as to the qualification or merits of &= candidate for a position except such as it may invite by my of verification of statements rmtde by candidates. Fifth-- is Hoard may refuse to examiner or after examination to eligible applicants fwaxxd. to lack axzr7 of the established pre re;f4mants for the a=ami.naticn or position for which they app27, or who are phytically unfit for the performance of the &atios of the position to which they seen: appointment, or who are addicted to the use: of Intoxicating; beverages to excess,, or who have been, guilty of a crime or a misdemeanor Involving, moral turpitude or diagacoful conduct, or rho have brem dis=l send from the public service for delinquency or m1scon&act, or who have intentionally made a false statement of any rtia.terial fact, or have practiced or attempted to practice. an;- deception or fraud in their spl;liostions, in their exam nation or in souring their eligibility or appointmnt, or whose character shall in the opinion of the Board, be unesatisfactoryv Axsy of the fore (;oing disqualifications email be good cause for the removal of an appointee from the service if ascertained after appointment, SECTION Q--App1tcaticns must be filed in the office of the Board curing the offior, r ours and not later than two (2).days preoee.!Ing the examination and shall be complete at that time Age lice tationa shall be fixed ern neoesrar, by t m Board, SECTION S--An-, person a1w has resigned or hereafter re vign:x under chsrgee, or who has been, or =7 hereafter be d1wiisesed upon eharees, id-11 not, trithout rpeaial vote of the Board, be admitted to exsa-am- ticn for rrsr position In the Municipal INnnices withir. tcro rsars from the date of such dismissal or resig tiors, rTCTIOR 4--10 application for my position s*�z= remain on files for mom tfran one: ;yea.^ from the elate of re gist--aticn., The restriction as to ra iderce, citizenship, end references may be waived by t_'a board for all posit-one iih L. h require special, scientific, or tec:nnical training or education, pr=lded that if the e31.�'ible register resulting from any caerm+nn;lUn bald for each a po- sition conta. s the name of perJonia Soho ai: e3 r8z:death of utio City of Fort Aor;.h, each par sons will ze given prefcreuce in certifleation over n.on-res2den;:s. --- '�s APP.IC:.71''"Dr F�tl ?T Psi 2C?' D' T*A= --2r-, 11011 U. All applicants for a-mmination for poaitionr in the Police Dapa_*tnen': ahrl3 be, in adeUtion to the gcnerrl ragw1remen4s of Rule 51 First--Not lest than trr-aty three, rwr more than thirty six years of age at the date cf their ex=i ati on. S tcoad-.•hot less t!^.aa flTe, feet elt t inches, nor more than six feet six inches in beir,1--t* and chow veig�:t and average ebest measuimenents sha. 1, conform to their hei-tt acecr--iag to the figures sham in the fcnowlm- tablet V.2xCRT X CmPT MOBILITY =It#m 2.'ZI3. . ITAStiIt2Ws'PfiZ'S INCI=S MMAN ID IN=..S• 5 Ft. 8 in,. 141 169 5 0 w 18S 326 w' a w •d � 188 £QS 3 6 s a 1ss w 30 3 6 " 3 R Igo 228 32 3 x s 6 4 l" 256 mi 6 " 5 " 214 U# its totes under twenty-five 7eara of are may be five pounds 2IGhter than the speaificsstions of the sahadule) Thir8--The Applicant a%-&12 first prese::t blm"lf to the l".adica1 T aamdner for M vied ex*m1no4.,1ou, If found to be �sioally fit for the service, t,* Wed3eal Examiner mill eertifl sans' to the Board upon the blanks provide- for tbls ppa rpose, th3a report to be final. TICK 2- Ai27 applimit whr. has servad in tbz Poi ee Depart- ment of the City of Port '?firth, and Ytm has res.igxed t!.re=refro= rith no obarget pending a,gmina; him, Lnd whose record v. lc- in the ser- vioo Yme satinfactory may, b7 r 6 consent of the%Faird be wmmpted from theprov3eir�ns oil" s'afi�-�ii* ekano . lxat and _�comd o. t_.3e rules ac to the nxj--tmm age. maid rigs nxa he4,P,):t, rTC-TI02i S.- do pesreon who has not hne. at lemst oaf 4err service In the Police Der,4Lrt-znt of tho City of Mort eim'ij rt: eligible to telm an emax4mation for promotion to eergennt, L'71.7023 4,- All applier,.nim for ponitionn eve Police-wo=n aba.11 be,p In addition to the general requirements of Pule 5— PI-rot—Not less than ttrtsntg-fi've or more t2:.cui forts Fears of a" at the date of their esx�iriation. Seconder-The ar4,licant chall first present herself to the VmUcal 1:xaml mr for "vical rxr mina,tion, If found to be pkvsioally fit for servioe, the Mesdical r-v-nincr rill certify sine to the► P'oswd upon the blanks provided for thAs purpose, this report to be final. S, RULE 7, SY.I.iSor, 1.--tM appliccntc for eae.minntion for position in the 'Fire ?�paPtMent, a:'.=n_:_ be, it a4e-ition to the ",nerd require- ments of Rule b-- rlrst--Pot leas than t ,ertg-one nor more than thi.rt7 three years of u r. at thv date of hUr ewer-inationo Second--Not less Lyra:_ _*'1w foot seven in&�rta nor core: t wn six feat two Inc'aes in be;ie'A', cad their mrig�-,t and average c"rst Messuzre- z.xnts shall conform to their h,el,-,ht according to th.o fib dioft . in the 2'allovi.ng tablet =IGET W.U. CHT CHI MOBSLI Y min, Name i$f A8T7 F 1't I#L's`3F'.S MLDAITDrD Ii�=, S .. 5 rt; 7 In, 134 1w as �2 $ " 8 " 141 3.69 ! " 9 " 148 177 36 $ s 10 a 3.55 186 $ '" 11 a 102 194 37 6 " 109 2M 371 3 6 1 "" 176 rL1 3B $ 6 " 2 ° 3B3 219 3& 3 (Candidates under twenty five years of see may be five pounds li&I'iter than the opocif ieations of the Sch*dn .e) Third--The Applicant MuM first present lAmself to the Medical i%andner for plz7sieal examination. If found to be physically tit for the service the Medical Examiner will certify same to the Board upon the Monks provided for this purpose, this report to be final, fif C'TS 03� B.--AAnc appllcc��L mho has served In the Fire Dapt�rtt of the City of Port Vorth, and rho resigned therefrom r.4..th no dbArge6 pending against him, and whose record r:Lile is the service was sat- isfactory, may, by the sonse nt �f. the Board., be exempted Fran the Provisions of t e sub-divislons "rirct" =4 %second" of t .s :-ale, sE to t`at minim= and Maxl:r= heigrt. "'T:M05 3.-- No perza T who har not had at least one year service an a fireman in t'he Pire Depar rent of the Oity of Fort Borth shall be eligible to take an exa=ination for promotion to the po- sition of Lieutenant. 6a RULE S. DI SUALIPIC,LT I ONS. In case any applicant is found by the Board to be unfit, or in any way disqualified from performing t'.e ser ice for which they seek, employment, their names shall not be entered on the register, or if already certified shall be removed Therefrom and the reason shall be endorsed on the application. RULE 9. EXAMINATIONS TO BE ADVERTISED. Notice of competitive examinations to be held shall be given by advertisement in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation in Fort Worth and at least one week prior to such examination and by posting notices in the-offices of the Board and elsewhere as the Board may think advisable. H= 10. CONDUCT OF MUlINATIONS. SECTION I.---The actual conduct of every examination shall be under the direction of the Board, or its designated agents, free from-inter- ference, participation or influence of the appointing officer, or of any person other than the examiners or experts employed by the Board. SECTION 2.---All examinations shall bre impartial, fair and practical, and designed to test the relative qualifications and fitness of ap- plicants to discharge the duties of the particular position which they seek to fill. No question in any examination shall relate to the po- litical or religious convictions or affiliations of the applicant. SECTION 3.---T1_,e schedule of subject and weights fixed by the Board shall be recorded in the minute book. S."hen not fixed by the Board, the subjects and weights shall be fixed by the Chief Examiner, subject to the approval of the Board. SECTION 4.---At the request of the Board it shall be the duty of the Directors of Departments to furnish a specific and comprehensive statement in writing of the requirements of the positions which state- ment shall be the basis of the examination in question. SECTION 5.--- In examinations for positions in the stilled labor service, candidates may be examined as to their knowledge of a trade, craft, or useful art by practical tests or written examination. SECTION 6.---Applicants shall be marled on the scale of 100% and 70o will be required in the examination to place the name upon the register of eligibles. SECTION 7.---The Board shall have the poy.er, whenever in its judgement the interests of the public service require it, to order a re-examination of applicants for any position, and shall have the power to correct, amend, or revoke any schedule, register, or other paper or record where it appears that an error or injustice has been done, or where any person, whose name appears upon the eligible re- gi;,ber has for any reason become incap acitated for appointment public service to strike such name from said register. The re fo-r every st,_ch action shall be recorded in full in the min Board. r , y SECTIOT S.--After the adoption and t'ilJm,7 of the report of any com- petitive examination, the reaults we. relative: stcailin>tn on thc. eligible register cti.sUl 13-j posted on 4-he Board in the Lobby of the City* Hart. LC_Z4.: 5.--�'ix•�st_=? :lore 1.rocce !m�- +:c a:nsv.;r the, gwnsticnv in an ex- a=inLtion et a yllcwa. r:1:;.? fill cat ..nd t;ij;n ldzn;:lfic4_tion sheet beaxing an id-,n-i i.cation na bcr-, giv3..r.;r- 3.3i .::ae wr.:. 4 j.xc :c and such o+�yer ini'c_ 1u`:] ._ e� „• ,. ,.. 1u 3 G, }.. , r.: se..l ..rc c :�: in art of.- icic."� Sc-on.d--l.11 e z nin ;ion -.v sio .rc t Lmned !:, by a a='.idpte shall-•ew. t o r-am— rail-uG1 ELtr :r: to;., f.: o;> 4a:£ idcntiPieation sheet, Third--At th-' clone of the cxvmzira':ien the identificaticd envelopes shall )e placed in a ar sled .,ac1mge .:rich shall nct be opened uzi�il all tthE+ %pArS isA4. 'af b:t Tl1a:'-13F?d. i i1;j p i.-no^ ''Je9.'.'c'i::? :�^f: n:rtG Of the Eppiieant of �_u-r atlnor i�ls;ttif;cs,;.;or. 11S :. c;vil1 bc: rcjnctec ?:,,nd ttie can- didate so notified. S=1Oil 10,—In an examinstion -1,4� Board ma-- r.eacuire applic-ants to f=mish a written Statement of thFir exrreri�ce, oduention or trsiring, qualifying thew for the poaitious ti.ey er,*n, in rhi.era av nti ;.3zt: same =y be rag.rded an one of the subaeoto of cxandnst;i.on and a definite weight allotted thereto, SHCTION 11,--Me !!card reserves txe rir*-it t-a i-oT_ ai.res applicants to report for oral exam-L vtion in addiltic,n to the written exani;<atiox tihen, In its judgeiwnt, it is advisable 'or the t>€st inreres—ca of `.,fie :>tirvice. When :an aral axani..na:ion iF jond�a,ted it rhall tie �.ver. a weir.-tt not to e oed 8/10 of the •total Ytrdirntt ou fi evil c; of ICU- K7LA, 1-1 i,I4T t;? �:i.ZC}�ZLi55 =CITIOH I.—An eligible register shall be prey v:red by the Board, from time to times as the needs of Vie eservlce ;m�.y rermire, fon each position in the clatacifif3d service, from ez=x id.atee t.h.o nnvn been foand duly qualified after a competitive 07mm.nation am! Ln cr38r of mr-l't, and fitness as rbowrn tn* t!ie resr-rc.Iive* per .tEi-e. . I the ag<;Tsg.tt? mcvM}�- lnp,. ProviclinC howaver, that, rhan t,-o or no-2e -li 'then rr.zll hire the sazna eve:rn_n© pcxCrlatArre, priorittr of line s.;�nliar lion.^. c3+.r's l dexter-. WA" their -nsnrc`ive rtan.9tnr „T ",1c >li�bl� T �ifitC�• C..--Vic t`.''-r, of -inc-,lii^,i1ie rsr7l ',P?r s f- (1, [ i ci7 i'et:^. -mr, 1n. S.T.'.CrLIVLt 1.4-1:731-y vaca;,c` in r'.'.'.^. .^.:Lavvlfied si—..=--ems not f':..'..'.a::q by promotion, transfer, re-inazatement or rMdtintion shrM be: f1lles,d b' appoirtmesnt 1t o)7F the elij-lblf� r"i-.i ntr , nrt 1 c_..ne,? fcr thr<• ?} E ;r.A`�, s1foJect to Vie b,- made t-�' 7e -,--Ton in r,11 ")O.^.it -Or4z-- Zz- talc "O:!P _L'"tive OIRBti, h7 Ine'l>e7yti,io of ^arsons certified from the eligible register resul:.ir:g f'-a i open co=petivive exeminationn held by bve Zoard ngcn;t az t..C.-Iesd• Second--Ybenever an appol-nting satfiocr, or .o...n Worµof a I)eptlrtm nt shall request a certification from t�^.. Bored fors.gpo'ntment to any position in the Competitive Class, he shall opccifr thF title duties and Compensation :or such POsitiOnAMXk1XX= so that certification may be made from the proper eligible register, or when necessary, a prnvxr eligible register may be prepared as ',.h^. result of an open con- 1���i: Vas examination held for thr.t purpose. 'The Board., acting thr- ough the Chief %a miner shall thereupon as xseon as practicable, r' �,, ".0 they appointing officer, the names of the three (3) persona stand ng highest on the eliz;bjlf- as it may then c ist, ;-3th the average person tarty and k'ort Office addresi of each. The appcinti..,iG officoz _utll s .1, onx ofh, sc for a, !:Q_nt nt, =5 zvncrt h. c action ;:iii::.t.c. .,_ .r_c G:ric.f r_nt,_, vcii;:• :.=..n 1 t p S ac u y ',.. "�`� r.� s' T"i:5 i�.'. -d'ST, t` t `M) t nti ! Lt1 L. �. t:..Uv'r' G... !' Z�J f: iil d... _ ,`l..•t� u�u'. 1.�.��. C' =:7 .7C.§ Planed o.: l::�c: rc;- _ 11. Zip �1 .:s� 'JC7 oer tlflt,.. More than t_-_-5c `_Izntni `.O they Eir-ne appointing officer for th-R sari; ar siMtlar position j�mo�pt on the written of the :,:7poinAnir o ff.c^r, i;,.gne❖cr u Sn` .^.C;Y of t:!v,3t% :zhU3a uamt s are to b:) etSrtr i'J CC: in fiacd V. any 7a,y, r^jao or -af alation, or i:; wpt.cified in the re~eoat for ctrti.ic Lion, h- =:L of thowe of tl'.!! sc..m so fi:wd, cr epe'cified shall ::e certlfi:d., but in other cancs Ccry f`catif,n N^n'1 't�^ scale vrIthout. rorzrar6 to :acm, Third►-Thc City. Treassrar or otheir dis'ru_'^sln..- officer shall not pay any sal-wry.or oompen satf.on ;c7, srrvioo to an-, pnr on holding a Position in Une Classified :.service unless th'a pa;=011 or account for such anlSrl or cer�pensati on. sY n,1 briar tau certificu',e of the Board by its Becreta_r7, that the rehconf. named therein have 'soon appc,intsd. or e_'n- ployed and are performizu; service in aocos-dame .aith the provisions of this Charter and of the rules established: thereunder, Fcurth:--C1C an. e1 !"Utle aertlflad for arpoln�:,::aat, stiL11 i':.11 to notify the eppcintlag cf iccr h: or cbcl trill accopt as cpf::r of s.p `�1 point- Ment, 6e b MF_11 or J1. t ut'., 4 the e foci" ►)uJ11e'LsJ_uyr, 3acoaed- ing the Uotiee of appcinLmeu"" he ar she tZ: . ll bo deMmed to -.ave do- ad the appointrienv and hir or her name shall iT^a st:rickcn from the eligible :eglater. If, however, iL a_all ;3 made to appeux• to Elie satiafaetion of the i:111;h.n th-trt7 i,aasj after r�isrin-. rach rot- loes, that {site persor, was uz-av'oidablty, vzn'l rithout fault on hi:; or her Pei-to proven.e'd from See-ptin'C' Said arrointv!tnt t,.e name ma;r be re- atored to its proper pcnit`_an cn the ellrihle register. fifth--An eligible who roes declir_c:% rr a1^rcirtrtient on the -rc•.znd of in-_Ufficiency of rLla_-7, cfferr. r:nal:t notth.presfter b^ cesrt;."ied for a p,)Sitien ct tt_r sa^*e or am ar_�- 1Asc Bel ercc^^•. at }'r..(.1, i*te^ xe3caost. t i:,='c ar s e2 so= f'cr fi--lin- r, vL.c=c7 in any Loriticn in ttip cc-n-p?t.{i.tive {;l ass, nn^. is no rr' ristter of Persons eliricic for P..iTcs.t-. r.:;,tie a^, c fic6r r_0z3ncte :scare for ncn-comp.nti t r i ve e7mriinaticn, f. ^ ch a person tc t:�: '. err. nomim-c nhal'- be, certified by the boars_, vs fn:.ali{ied after Ruch. e:t- amination, he or she nn is �,cirtfd pno irivnal1? to fill. such vaca ncy with he- Z:C:Ge2'^�.�.i2".irt` th-'k nu or ahc rill be- regiu're to ta.-' a c,-Mpet- itive exam:._a Uor, until :se^*is nnf. 7oi.r_t:.v--n'.- czar be malt after uuch oempetitive ex A-zia ; on• Luce: pror1c1onal ar PC intnt-nt shall not continue, norc ten d^. :3 s f t r »�' .Cf �,r. "'r n�►i�Y^ �` J..E3r that. Cw "i::.t:1.C}. �':s:`r.•:tf't'-Zrt: ,on, pre -reC zoo S'41f^. r`OEf%1.G:S,I?C-' in any er-sc�for -a :gong --r '.,'-!an rtint-1 SSev1,, thi-,tic pc:r=' '."rho.`: na"_C? is upon aT; CiiRiblC r'_:p3i titer Tat waive his right tc ccrtif ection or appointment rlthsu� oe rare c'crlck— f"^om the register of eligisles, excer+ f'c.r onr, cf' t,,r, folla;Mint! resr0^ , toted in writing, to the. appnintinw off icc:ry or (a) zs-slr{ficie-nc� of, true ns.la7,r, attach.e;d to the position off'esred,or b) Tvmpc!nLr_ 7 '_nabs,{ty, pu�v;:ical or otaer casurs '"yonu. hir or her control, to aoccpt the position offered, the proof of which s1i.11 be acceptable to tin Board. The ,;card, shall enter upon its minutes the re- RR011 for its action in each cape, and the waiver shall not continue in erzect for a longer period than thirty days from the date of eertifie.•t- ion without a special vote of the Board, :�wii$B••The appointing officer shall forward to the Board, rrith the notice of appointment, copies of all correspondenee' to and from the person declining rueh appointment, 9. Ninth--No appointment or promotion s'±nL' be deemtd complete lmtl l a period of probation of tb--,,e months h r clnpsed and. a pro?x_,tioncr nay be. dischaz-ged or reduced at: anT time within the sFid ;.Prior' .f t`=ree months upon the r,;rcatcr of ta". in lrilhinl a it'. T')'obat:onc^ le f'm,'..Irry('C.:. `."�`,_. the 1;T_"g.?'C?.^,,�.. -f ttyc (i�+-•- 3ItL=.rla IrF±+a offioer P1i:11 a;.pca nt, cnfr&fir;, cmplor, o= promote any subu7-dLnete c`.}.'S.fler or errloyeor in 4_4Ie clnscirise. Eervino, or in ray Cl'eSl[.a t?iP cfficlel R:E?u1!• of r-r,-: ..^.l:C' c'fir — nY- Mr,jl ni"n ' ntC rt in acnordenfle c!it2i rules. RULE 13. P,osltions in `he ncn-ce*pctitive c2xzn r.,ay bs fillc- by the rrrcint- irg oft'leer as follows: the re-snn cr p nr.nnrs P,'1^cn h.> R-s nCr to : rpd:.4�.nt waist file en applioFtion ri.tk tte Bard in r!,rlu.lar '_b=, try;-t er �: th such ►goof of e�ftucation, train n^, c:n;? c?:w^actart as the Board mry require, ^_tch roof shrM be Mbjr-ct t., i,v t_gw:;ion.. Mt en it ig detnrmftned, to t`,r! sa~isfaction of the Fv>ard, that such per- son or persons are properly qualified t'sa::g.painting officer shall be so advised e.nd authorized to make appointment. Shc-a1d an ttpplioz•~u for z position. in the non-cormetit-tve claw be founa to be d1zm,=limed for any roagon, the appoirtin^: o_'"_'Sce.r chc:.11 be no c.divi n—d knci :ie shill tht n rsal:e an.othor selF.etlon in uhL- nannnr as above sated. ' Ie.. TIOF 1.--2^.. e Bo -rd shall. ascertain the ef'ficiene rating of the various employees of t1le departments as dl terminod by qua_rter_" reports submitted L^ ':hc D_*rectcr of said departments cnd sh-L11 _-�,cp a rc^;rd of such rating. 'Phe hi,^'ins. star-e.rc; c" R^ficiencq shall bcl !-=*'�cr_',e3 by a 7mde of 100 and 60 cbW 1 L be rem:'dod es fair or satisfac4:::ry. SFCTIOF 2.--First.-The BoErd sha1',ty v:'ri ttcn order _"crdc d in the minute's, .^`I?'jr+ or ir.._^.lo' !'o bo '1"c" in d etet°S:'.:In.nS t+filC- iency cr i;;ri`n :!'.. ^^i '?''Z C b E'd .4r=L attenda^.et, '1 C.`_pif-Mc. t?lz i.3 of :f.-r:.Cf ..,:CL-_"_ assigsi g'e.a r'hta t.c atic'- f xtc�'s. muib f,',_ ,C ox "ac i;; =: r2_-encrib(r :;hale be bas- ed upon the s c f _Zaf. �art 'lot:ti for i c '1 shay.'_ be ':r-fc+n f^r ^iLi.o:'.^ z'w'via. ci _1 s duties, -.nc'..sht-11 bo t t" t ct a tr .ih �.�,<..1i. F r. S SLC1 _.r V°_.'.� C ia__ ar c _. ;.r r, s`:;' �zc fOrused.�The rt iktC a3s'_gned f+h-;'11 :' frtiC '. r: .l1 fairly the T- z-t'lative valut;s. V'rM~lili a:.�_ c �C'�^_ '�sc1"-�.i N �' 4 t�'.. ti.- ` ^} ' 3��__li' • k u it-- r_. en*er_rE' r�ark. ingc ` "C" �.sJ�{.l.0:iC T_ "G in i,f: ��i_C d11.1i:! C1.F.:C,c: 1` ,AnT fi z.l C7c � _rr ^.P =-:!�'.1 ,�.::t't rr' 1 rt is rtcr' 2. Any 1"i.L:^s'f.='i�,C �i�:r�::.',?c,Cl�9 InVv17iTn DEL-' 6 01 iiCk`i�.0 J., r_Tld r'L7s..'crI fltne.s for d l.t^y. In efficit-X7 ratir:tr in r_rTM of thf_ c1awes or can¢G over rhich the BOara retains exc?us:i.T ;ur-ft,�, S.c;v or_ a.'hLII be subject to investigation and t1:e (.-ester of c dnrart'r-ent in s-h5.ch the person is empsoZed stall be notifirA of the result. SFGTION 4.--Ythere it ehall Fppear from this report:; made to the Board that the conduct gund efficionty of, sr jr employe has fallen, below 70% for 1. 'I:iof? of three (3) month.+, t1-x.t mploye shuli be called before tl,,e Board to eiop oause rhy he or s1ic s'juulr: not be, removed, and if no 111c*�111M4l In nhoan satisfactory to the Bow, he or she shall be re- moved, suspended or reduced in grade, as the Board shall determine. 10. Fe?ZZ.. 15. FDii+J�I�7iI:'.. : '.njor 1,-vacanCieA in tlie corpetitive class-, rit t-.-r exceptlon of Vhc T:.rc ante? Pollou kepartmen,.s, w;r.t aro not filler:. by transfer, re-instaueos,nt or reduction, tlu:7 be fiber'_ ar, far as prac.:iouble by ctsnfetitivc. p omotiorma test:, but no proration ,from one position to a k3gber one, or to a port 4ion pet;riscg a hir er salary in tho com- petitive class zhall bey rye i:;til after the porsoa promoted bass for at leseat sin months reMularly occupied t-.es next lower position in the see service ga cup, nor uas the applicant for promotion ezall have given evidence of fitness by mlritorlmw service. IMCCTION 2.- Promotion to positions of Sergeant in the Police Depwl=eut and Lieutenant is the Fire Depart mnt, and above that grade nh&-U be taken from the ranks of patrolmen and firemen respect- ive3ss thmtgh examination prepared by the Civil Z4rvice Board. An e:o-4net'i ahall be held as early as practicable af'tor these rules are approved by the City Council to create a claw of five men fr= which the City wLU be able to 5W advanced positions without de- lay,* The applicant shmrring the highest grade a lmll be the first selection for advancer=t, the others in the order of their grading. They shall be numbered, the highest ,grade: begizmIng rith No. 1, m d these consreutively according to their L7-ceding, As applicants are taker. into tbc: hir-,irr oer7ice the, r nber desir;aating Its owner In to be: cancelled end the next lowest number stab be the next candidate in lino for promotion, Uien the clans is reduced to two, a ne v ex- anzina.tion a2-s.all be: held .o:- the parposes of bringing; the class back to five. Than two or mo-°ei are tied in the acme errsdnationee, preference In line shall be given the one of the longest continuous torn of service at the, time of earrdnation, The appointmnnta to positions above that of Sergornt aut Lieutenant shall be zaao from the line of Sergeant in the Police Ire pax*tmesnt, said Lieutenant in the i i re Department, but if at any time thrro be an insufficient number available in that ,grade, the remaining current requlZe=t it to be taken from the class of five. Selections for all offs s rbove that of Sergeant and Lieutenant a-o to be on thr basis of fitness and merit according to the judgement of the Chief of Pollee and Chief of thip Fire Dejeartmrrt, rit}_ the approval of they CitT 41auaseere Sr^'Ce-MOV Za - kx t ationn for p"onotion *small be conducted as cftem am nocessa.ry. V-CTIOV 4,- Notice of a promo tonal euornat�ion rtY�e13 be post[sd in the office of they Bow-d, as wr?11 ar in tbe Depr-rt:-sent In tihich `-lie proncition stay be rsadr., for two v'e'EM prior uo such, Ozwit-nnvion rind ahaL ineeiento the gra.rie or rank of V.:ose- e UZil;le the vto, Applicants for pronotiorw-1 exa::Inati.on shall rc gistetr In tht offier of t e Board at least. tiro da s b(-,forr tine cistc fined for the, e xmlr.ation. ;5FZ11011 5e- In e�.. T promwtional a izxsatior tict: oea.-k: daAXI rb all be emnminod, eithur in writi.ne or try s praatical test, its such ratters as r111 fairly list Imorledge of the actual e:.uties, responribl-uties$ and n5ttui.reements of the position to to f'i'led and hit or hrr fitness and qualifications to disoba ge rash duties and r*eat such :^cst uL-* stets. S.:CiZnti C.- M ere a phyaieza test is not included 1n the scheftle for promotional eramL-wmtio= Bach teats may be added as a subject and veiE?ht thereof my be. fimr►d by, the Board prior to thc, promotional erv. sa 3na pion, '`CTIO 7,- To enable the board to made applicants for promotion as relates to their past rc cord and effioiency in the service, they ?'a have the ri&:t to can on the respective beads of departments, divirwons or burctaur end ruj:4°rior officers to report to them. the record of r,,Lxr, cp-Ileant "C:n promotion, r to ;:ivc information an to wax{ past service €nd ef`. cicno- of r,.c1, rppl.icvxtr, rn c;f t:d:{ir as a'.om. b;7 n::er past acr* i.ca to fill Vttl %trier pocit.ion for crI^ic .'=lh orxrInr.tion le Lcla, ,Site zve reds of nark, '7r'*)crt.nrnt chill a opt.n tics t:;le ins;;c ction a-Z. t�,-xr l rrtion o *tide T�oard, or thce ne cder•ir::r.ted b-r it for roc'. k.urpose. ,•R SFCm-10r. S.- the?enevesr there is but onr, perseam a:.i:,iblo for promotion to fin a vaoancy ho or sir ram; be nominat ed try they nppoir tirg officer and Ez7 be Tz onoted to the- next Urber grade upon it ctateMn' of the facts to the Board and on pasnittr a non-oorspetltive, exard.nation in scope, a::blercts it pre..11.=1nary corulitions to suc'.,- e:xazalnatione at wot,1d !nave been proscribed in case of aonp"ition. &ECTIOU 9.- The wei;:ht giver. to ef.icicnc7 and crperienov in promotional. eauzeination Whall in no case exceed 2/4 of ttse total, *it of a31 sub Jectso RULE lG. TRArs"IMS LrAF OF AI3Sr=r.0 lia-OFF*; - n.1.T; I3'+ `►Ya"Srm, /: W.1 transfer of an Qmplarw from am position t* azb- otber4h t o- sans class and of the same title may be made with the pp of the Board upon receipt by thew of a vrittem)reaonzerendatian signedby the Director of the departmnt from r bich tEe transfer is to be =de and the Director of the Department to %-rich transfer is requested.* po transfer will be allowed vdwre the examination upon which the appointment of an emlayese was based, was not of a c'iameter and standard to test the. fitness of such ebrpla7yee for the position to which it is proposed to malm the tranafert Eb 1--rensfeer from one dep- artment to another, or from one sub-division of a department to anotlh. r sub-ftvielon thereof shall. be made where, 3n the opinion of the Board, the position to be fbe�d by such transfer can be adequate,17 filled try pc3.`otnotian« VZC=OW g.- tbwv an entpl beecors:s physically Incapacitated . for the pr rfor--w=e of 1,1s duties, Uie DJ--"tor of the Departmen;, with the approval of the City Uazsamr, may transfer him to a position in a loansr grade for r-'lch'.w bar the ability to fill. A written report to the Board of such trans"ear evscll be :,ade 1, diate 3,T. Asc1gzmwnts of employees in the Fire or Police Ucpsrtments to perform the aarm duties in various districts, and to assist Mach other, end similar c-uan,+*ee In other d+epartmnte of the :vocation of the emplovmante, arm not of the position held, and there th.cre4 ie. no c'_-z3:^,eD o^ are not to be conetranci ea.3 transfers, bit an detai leg Lou" of absence vi.t,-,out pay ray be granted by the Director of a dapartmeent,, with he: r.tyrovrl of t:z� Cit-" 11'nnarror, for tht- follm,ing Causes:- First, Has sorm temporary p`-yesical disability, provided how- ever that no such Dave shall br. plve n, for a period to exceed niifty (90) days unless said disability vat caused by injury received in the performances of his duty, in i�t3ch latter case the period ray be extended with the approval of the Board; provided, however, t'tat the vaea ncy thus caused shall be filled, If necessary by ter;porary appointment from the eligible retister. 1L. ' `c-co:ad--Requests for 1¢!rvc of absenoo for the rAuposc of enter. 3nr, upon c oourne a:° nt ,y or or to r.r.1gal.,e in an Lnvrzttilatlon calaulaatRd to irprove Vic q=lity a." !--4 s or hvr service, but no such leave sue?2 tx^ Given for n :oriod to eaxaseod one years. Uiere leave of absence it riven S'or more titan n1Aj (90) da n the position &all be "led if zxeaoesasa:r for n part of t�.c �rerr3nd of 1esa a i:: exetrsrr of rinn-ty 190) da?s from t1w e ir4WA^ register b;- appoi.ntm ant. Third#--Zas a mr special reason ottu^r than t1 at given above .eh in sufficient to constitute Good reazsor, for girinC such, leacve+; provided, however, that no sus:- leaave shall be given for a period to exceed ninty (90) de al and provided further,, t_imt the accept- aricze of another position or a°agarinE in other ezp1*-,.-r+nt by the employ" while on leave of absence shun be deearsod a r nig ation. No vacancy thus caused d2all befilled by terporazy ap,-AAntment for more t An n1At7 (90) data o , Fourth—Leave of absence shall In no oasc: be liven rithin mUty (90) days after sppolntment, nor shad.]. leave of absence be givest within six months after retarn from leave of fifteen da7s or more except, in ca" of physical disability, at the ezrAration of �- of absence the employee shall be restored to the position vacated by 3sim or her when same was granted. Lt'..r,VY, OF lfM"?Tr T=, I PAY« Leaven of absence r1t1, pa;, m av be grand by the Director of a departmmt rith the tppx oval of �1; City r.anaeer, for the folloriug aBXtsQ►s;- nrxt--On account of some temporary illnaaaas or pbysicv, dis- ability caused by an "calved by the employ" in the per- fox�nae of his or her duty* rrvv .ded, ?iowewr, that no such leave shall eaxcoed Wzt;y (90) days ex"pt: upon a,proval of the Board and that the position z7 be f1lied, if neeess,ar,, for that T*rt of the period of leave In excess of sixty (60) dayac by an appointment fr= the eliGible± register, Chould sm7 employ" receive compcarsation through =y Insurance po31c7 carrried rmd paid for by the City of Fort t`orth, the rssount so received &hall be de ducted fr= tae or-Uty received durinr, sass period. Seoond---dish leya`*e not to exceed s tot&l of twenty me (23) days in any tsclve zxazth period wit. t::r. ta11r?� reG+aleationz- Absence on account of c4c3mew- cr t}ae employec , ne:t to exceed, three, (Z) dava+ ma-1 be p rmi.ttead rit- the approval of the Llr,, ctor ttf the Departmnnt r1thout PJ2781c%i.^n s ce:rtifioate* pt clela cer- tificate test be subrdtt€*d for any absence can account of sic -neaas or discbility in excess of Vnive (s) da;,s. Provided, that the Dir- eetor of a department, =7, in his discretion,, aa.ocerat an a.=d,vit from employee to t�se + ffc:et, that c pplorrbor stela ne: or cla aai4iil i ty was of suer- nature ae not to require the attention of a ph7aician. MLtrd-7be City bat2&rtr may., approve request for Icave of absence with pay 1n adUtion. to t1ok lc:azve and vaclztion allova ce, for a+m- ployeaer In the classified service, v1hanever such leave is reoomaend- ed by the Dix' otor of as de+partmNnt and in the �udgfwtt of the City Umager; will tend to promote efficiency and unity in the Public service„ Fourth---A leave of absence frith pay of not to exceed seven M? worklnC drys may bo riven on acooun� of a death in the ir>madiate �'� of an Z► ; In -he classified service. fttr----(a) The Dircotor of a department my grasst leave of absence with paa7, as a vacation allowence to persons in the Classified servioo, for a 1criod not. to exceed tvelve (12) worldur days in &_-7 calander your. (b) T�riployo es first cnte:inn the sorvi ct, and of ter .cis (C) months continuous cmploymnt, mA7. be Fmanted a vacation of six CC) warldme. drya, at the discretion of the an ctor of the Aesrurtrrnt And with tbc• arrl'r-ovs.l Of t•hr+ City Mamger. Sixth Learo of absence rich ;nry on account of clelmose, however inaurred, on account o: death IL Immediate tardly or at vacation, cuss be granted only to those employed at s montla or Se""IS salary rate. (Time of service at temporar-, appointee s2,aa1I no: be Included In tho period of er$ploymnt specified in this Ralo. Vacation allots- ttnces shall not be aurt:1st1 .) Failwre of any aaploy*ee to return from or to report at the e=- piration of leave of absence, t ithout consent of the. Director of the Department, with the apr-roval of the City Managers, sliall automatios.117 remove him or her from the service. LLY-O"V tftenever it becomes n"essary, through lack of work or fund to reduce the namber of employees in the classified service, the :gtointing officer shall report such reductl= to the Board in Lori��. The employees laid off shall be thoset tal rho have beam in the service of the City by continuous e=Vloymnt, the least total time previous to such. date, provided that no service shall be included Prior to a period of absence tress service rUch exceeded one year, (b) Vbo, in the case of persons ortployed in the altilled trades ire the work is of an intermittent character, have t;!,x lowest rating In eaamlmation,, provided, that ubm two of more have the same rating,, from different exudnationa, the one wba passed the last examination shall be laid off first; wwopt when the layoff shell be made in so far as the interests of the City will permit, In accorcwiee with the efficiency record of the employse, (a) Who, are the least efficient, the efficiency to be in- dicated by order of leyT-off. The least efficient to be laid oft' first. M3e Board mtty investigate such efficiency reporting and in case of Its disagreement Vier -Ith, it nay require the lag-off to be made in accordance with It's findings,• Any person laid off wall receive from the appointing offioor a notice of lay-o=, civinu reasons for same. Mr-INSTA 3'17FTS. (a) fly employ" in the classified service laid off un.er "Lag-Off" of this rule maz be re-instated, vi`. out exams ation, In a vacant position in the saw class and of time- same title t;dthin one year from the date of mach se l arntion, if ptvaicra-11- quali1'. {b) The names of r.uch persons €!xa11 bo placed at the head of the eligible register in the order laid off, and shall rerwlu there- on for a period of one yev-r and cmzll be certified to the appointing officer in the snne manner at the eligible rerister, the ;ersons losid off last to be certified first. (o) XMloyees laid off in aaav department or administrative branch shr-U have the preference of vacancies in other departments or admminirtrat,Ive branches, for rrhi ch they are qualified, (d) loyese laid off iu any department or administrative br ah in vt.Lich on^,final appointment is dependent In pant upon a 01"Taieal examination, cl-w.11 be required to pass a physical erumin- rat;i.ou before re-Instatement. 1 Si:CI IQt; 1.--7he SS t�* ts;na{;er shrill pave the lr o rc�aavc� a.*ttl rnp?or;•er, or. p.-oVI . in .-c c, L� C}.ap. 24 of the City Charter, but such remora.l or discharge shall be re- ported in writing, together with the cause thereof to the Board and the Director of Finr_ncr_.. Such feport shall be. made when the reason f0. f vor o s rt c t" E is lack c_ ..�_ a- c,._�er case-. SECTIOY 2.-- n7, officer or enrlc;,bet• in the Classified Service rinn- be removed, suspended, ls_id ofi, or reduced in grade by tl-o Citr Man- ager or tn- he_s.�f of t'r.P d,P,nn,'tri(int in thicl''_ hf, 'i ar+rl•• ?G t fte7' t!1(, thre,, nonths 7-o7at1.on '-as if Oen^.•'..ae(a h;T -910-c_ Officer Or F TJp1rJ?q it o? E:1! t_7.e (l I-7 0:. }lE O_`f1C'_. �_. . .,�» .,nr• ! r to �1L"- nish him *pith a trritte SL^•{'r'"'° ^f ,r '_her f J:', -tnf, _i.0 scld disehar ed or reduced o�'_,'i Fr or employ-, shall Nave the ri;ht to de:aand a public hearing upon said charges within a reasonable time thereafter before the Trial Board., as uereina"t-�r defined. CASUE FOR RIMI OVY:I, OR DISCHARGE SECTION 3.--Three citizens of Fort r2opth ne.7 .file written charges of misconduct with the Civil Service Board or the City M?_nager, against, any person t�mx in the Classified Service. The follo�Ana are declared to constitute a breach of duty and to be sufficient casue for removal or discharge from the employe of the City, though charges may be based upon causes ot'ier than those enumbrated, viz: that an employee:- (a) Has been convicted of a Criminal offense or a misdemeanor in- volvin moral turpitude: or (bi Has been guilty of an moral or criminal Act. If such act is at the time the charges are preferred, involved ins in a crimimal pro- ceeding before the Grand jury, or the Courts, the enployee so cha Tged may request that the hearin7 be postponed or continued, until such time as th* criminal proceedings a 'e terminated, an? such request shall be granted. Provided, that the emilo7-eA shall evecut_e a waiver of all pr-y during the period of adjournment: and provided further, that such em- ployee may have the hesrinE; cr investigation proceed at any time on ten days notice, in writing; or (c) 'Has wilfully, 1'!'3-ntoTJ'ly cr thr'o g'- c•1_-p•,h1� rc?r*li7ence been silty of brnatali y cr cruelty to an inm-ate c,, Yrisone,-, of a C_ty in-.�ti}7.:t_on or to e. person it -,r (d) Has wilfully violated any of the provisions of the Civil Service Law, or of the Rules of the Bt)ard; or (€) Has "JeenarziltP' of cc ::iict unbeco-7in7 can cf-f i.cer or en:loyeI of the City, or (f) Has violated an7 lawful and reasonable cf-fic ial rer,,ula.tion Or order, or railed to obey any law ful anc-i reasonable direction made and giver_ by iiis c.i, her off!c`r, ,ynert su3h viola:ion or failure to c e- a?ounts to any* act of. in-subordination or a serious breach Of proper discipline, or 7t ':=! E or . uasc_la^le _g~'7.'' be c.c ':ntEi' to result in al in uany to t=n9 l:lty, ,__,. Pulvlic, or tc .:he Prisoner, or 'Wards of the City, Or (g) Hai been, int=icatc:d on duty: or (h) Has xxxxt contracted score vereYeal disease, or has some p~-rsical ailrent or defect which incar&"citates hi-ru, or _!2r from tile, -"n-er DQ1,' orm- ance of his or her dutics; cY' (i) Eas been guilty of acts which amount tc an act of in-suhordi- nation or to dis[;,•a.csful ccnduct, ,,YEt: :9"r 8t1-� 1 uGt: :.'e_'e coz ,Itted or, or off zty; or (J) zs wa tcnlr; cffennive, in hip or h!,,r =i'ftv.ct c:s la_ar=Tc-; toS"ar ds the public or towards City officers, or emr1o7eec: or M That he or she has solicited t1ae vote of a member of the City Council, _or or against a proposed bud-et, or a proposed ordinance or re�'olution, or a proposed iten in a budget, or an appropriation ordinance (concerning his or her department, where such solicitation is charged and established to have been elsewhere than at a public hearing of the Council or come Committee thereof: or 15. (1) That he. or she is incompe:ter_t, ner-lipent or inefficient in the performance of the duties of his or her position. (m) That he: or she is ecl inefficient in the perforrmnoe of iiiz or her duties that his or her final average, kept in accordmee ,:ith the rule n s f' the Bc ar•d, is lesn than 70% for a p;�riod of three (3) months, and the fectz on iKhich ml.rhF contributing %o tie e �uncrri ave *age are found, n7 thc, Boar:l from llie eviae.nCe u;.ou ry s;,igat-on or hearing such charges to • e euosi;a.i�Ually tr-a6 an--;. co j .s4i ;1uch marks: or (n 1v carless or net''_i.£ort: `r,3t: t-w-, propert-, c," �}:r Cit`; or (a Nat fails C to icy or "wake reii sonc?'le; ; •oi'l rl or r for .iaer Put:ure rrr.;vm. n'" o h-19 or her lust clvbtr cz4e c:.-xc cm"In,. b;�. .`•-,Sys or her. or (p) Or hag used or thrr'_ntono6 tr use po-i Ual or ct:ior in- fluene, in *e-Curing pr*s:)tion, leave of absence, tacLaafPr, clMnee, of r;rac?o, pa on c: of work; or (q) liar aI ed ar been In Qnv r vLaer concerned is assead ng, solieiti=,r,, or collecting, none— f-o . an; officer or ompicyt a i.n the service of tho City, for the xarpose o1' r^.a].:$.:.�,, a rift t:c� am vnblic of{"ioers or (r) Has been indt:eesd, or )-.a.s attempted to ineluee rztr officer or employ" in the service of they: Cis; , to e;o=.it an u:,larMl act, or to act in violation to any la,frl l ard, department or orf.Lcl' 3 regam tim or order, or has taken and gift, fee, gi , or other vrluabla tl , if given in the hope of eag wctation of receiving a favor or better tres+ataasnironmt7 that accorded other laltize ns; or (a) Zntesntilsifioation of a time rt-oorcl, or fvOlares to report absence to superior officers or M Has been absent from duty without leetva contrary to the rules of the Board,, or has Faded to report After leave of absence has expired, or after such 1:,ave of absence has been d 1supprcved, revoked or ca,,ncel2ed, provided, however, that If vzch absence or failure to report is axousable, the charges zzy be dismisnesd and the permon reinstated in his or her f i r ponition, unless such position ban berm filled In the meanwhile) by the iq,po1nt=nt of an eligible, In -i Mich case the persons n be plaaed on the c i- gible register for rewinstateenent: in tl* order of Us or her seniority: (u) That oft[e.�- thr dl-:.,:e of ttw adoption of this r.:.le he or a3:a has served as an officer of a yclitical club or ar; rzi.zv.tion, or has noted as a 1forloar at the polls or engagod in the dint—lbution of ass posters, bMa# printed or written matter appro71ng or favor- ing a candidate for nremInstion or election to a po2-'1t1cs1 offices, Federal State, County or b=Icit.•al, or has been concerned in the ptttbliaatio: or editing of a newspaper Inn they interest of a f►wlitleal party or candidate for public o4:iee, or has been concerned in the eai& ration of noney for pc-litict-1 purposes., or ban filed c p.titior as a can- didate for nomination for public ofi'ioas or has accepted nex-4•sation an a candidate for election to pub io office; prorided, however, tbat nothing in this section shall bra construed to interfere wit`.: the ri&t of an employee in the classified services to bf corse= P. r*zbenr of a pol- itiocl club, to attend political ree titlgrs to express prebvate17 his or her opinions on any =d all pn::ie:ice1 s b�eatfi, cxd Ix cnL cr freedom from rt11 interference in cacti ,g 27..ic or her votes: (v) Thathe or she In rxta;oris`,ic in hit or I*r attle ate tors-rds :superior officers or feal2or esmplo-.oet., critir.1tinc., orders or ru:f.cs invued and policies adopted by :.ies or her a,4,erlor officere, or so eond-icte bimsewlf or herself ac to intarfer£+ with proper eo-oporat.ion of "Tlovees of the City to the detriment; of efficient service- (W) nothing contained I-, arm of t`se3se', re:>le;e sim"111 i--terfore; ri.th the ri&:t an;: duty of the 134octor of oi:} dtepvrtrrllt to file ohs-rges on =7 grerands which he considers 4unt-iXitablo, (A copy of the above rude s s'hall be posted in each of Vie City Deprtmnts, institutions rzz: offlot%e,) The Director of a Department zith the approval of t1it City Manag,or, Wha l 1mve the power, for e:'-teeciplinarieez. roasons, to suspernd pay, employee & in hir depart-nt# lrr*e:i.ate3 notice, together with reasons for suers suspt.nsion, Wu Lal be sent to the.. Boards, 16, REDUCTION. SECTION 4.--For infraction of department or institutional rules, conduct unbecoming a City employee, inefficiency, or for other justifiable causos, not en=erate(7, the Director c--:' a Depart- ment, rith 4).1-e approTal of the City shall be empowerdil to reduce an employee to a lorer grade. The Board shall be notified immediately of Pn7r chan;7e,, cr nrcposed reduction, w1aich shall be made in accordance with "Lar-o&" of rule 16 of Board. REFIGNITION. SECTION 5--Any person,resig.ninm from the service after giving reasonable notice, may, within &ne year, make application to the eligible register for the same division or grade, which application will be considered by the Board on its merits and if approvea, the name shall be placed last on the existing eligible register for the position. Such application shall iiotu be considered ur-dess the apv- 21cant has bean in the services of the City not less than one year and passes the necessary physical examination when required. (b) In the event that P" employee or er—Tloyees in any department division, or bureau shall tender their resignations t-ith theevident Intent of embarrassing, hampering or disorganising such branch of the service, it shell be regarded as in-subordination and their reinstatement shall be governed. by the provisions of these rules relative to reinstatement after dismissal. 'RULE 18. I TRIAL DURD. Thereis hereby created, for the purpose of hearing and determining charges made against any officer or employee of the City in the Class- ified Service, a Board to be known and designated as the Trial Board, which shall be composed of two members of the City Council, selection by the Council and either t.ae Cnairmcn or Vice-Chairman of the Civil Service Board. The Said Board sliall tave -final jurisdiction to hear and decide all appeals made to them by any disc2ar^_,ed or reduced officer or employee in the Classified Service, and the Judgement or decision of a majority of said Board shall be final. ' Pi:OCEI-)URE ON t:PFLAL, (a) Wthen any employee of the City of It. Worth, in the Classified Service, who has been sus,-ended, reduced in rank, or dismissed from the service, appleas to the Ci�ril Service Board within ten days from date of the notification of the suspension, redaction ordismissal and if writ.en charges have been preferred against him in accorca,lce w1th the provisions of Section 2, Rule 17 hereof, and if in the Boa-rds judgment, the one appealing has a meritorious case, or if the Civil Service Board is of the opinion that the charges filed against such cf-ficE;i, or employee are merit orious then the Board shall pass the case on to t';,io TrAal Board. )b) Vizitt-er, notice will be given to the person so suspended, reduced in rank, or disinissed,to the C i J-7T .1 and to t11,e Director of the Department of the time and place of their hearinS, ;-hich hearing may be open to the Public. (c) The discharging offieer will, on application, -Lurnish to such person a copy of the charges and specifications filed against hin. (d) The Trial Board shall hea- the evidence upon the charges and specifications as filed with it by the City 111anager or the Director of the Department. No materialamendment of or addition to the said charges or specifications will be considered by the Board. 16) The Board reserves the right to accept as evidence a transcript of testimony or any witten evidence or exhibits submitted in a hearing before the City Manager or the Director of the department, when same are avaiiab&e, with the understanding that both sides to the case may submit additional evidence. (f) The order of proof shall be as follows: The Director of the Department shall present his evidence in support cf mow„ Ch:ir,7nc. The appellant W11 thcr_ _ro~,acr. c=l— e,ric�cncc ., he , c'- 3 e,Y to offer it t.a c!cnze. The U",n--t==t r ,,- W-4-cr rebuttal evil^:cA r-n,d the =7 Jx its ( ) '*nc ,,... r' c- t'.., b, r%^FrCcr.':tCL'_ to the Cit7 Lttcrn-7 cr ot:lc:, 'i'he nrps:.ent LI^'•' £.!'- bc' ed by Co=nsel rn c'_ he may ce:sp✓a the attend.-no o, t;ftnr ::;c: r•.s he sung desire to testify in his be-calf, and the Board, shall, after crae consideration, 2-e donr its iLO,-ner_`, in rr.iting, to the ^ppcllant, the City Manager, and the Director of the ccpa.:tme t, r_nd it my affirm, disaffirm or r.•odlf J the �udtnent of the cr�'icrr, thi cc {udgrm-xst to be _i nc l, REP sic aai. rmi,mv.. vo = Eim, I.,-pointing Lfficere s}?LlZ x.u0-- rro pt ^_Ci cC%nrIt.te re-port.: to the Board -Of the folio lmz Matters, upon the b'_en1-_ or forms prE- BcribF'd, or by letter t:--.ere no fox., is rresc^ibod.. (c) Appointments, trh°ther temper ar,, eneraena- or pf r=anerA,, (b) :teinatatement eppaintme.mr. je) Refasa.l or neglect to accept ap1pointments by a person whose name has been certified ar an eLgi.,le, (d) Tranefer of any officer or empic no to or from one adminis- trative branch or from ons di-i:�-1cn '•e f.n Eruc'-. brenol7z, cr from one TO to arother, e) Leave of absence. (f) Suspensions. (fi) SepnratlonL; iron the :ez-vice, C:I1':.. the cr-un ) cf .:u;' a:'-- ation, re signL tion, C:.schrr-c 'G f f cr . h) Cb.-tnges in cas x:,.rr.tior_, i) CvtatioL o. abolition of arty :.fs ice or placo of c;.iploy zic.nt. r^y m¢terirl ehaneree I the dint* Fa o" ar. cff5 cpr or e�.xloroe, or in the or.-unizrtion of dex art-net-n. (h•) The chcnge'of addre :c: of iLiT c--f or enployc;:, :.n tho Clasc-L-Lied :•ervice, E-,sry repert thall c int-aln .hc ric-n; and z-Ac'`-er :; thi a ezn- ployec- effected, tcREt)-er rith the- d±:te apon th4r- action takes effect, and nuch ot,"__ facts an `;iCZ* £.4�C`r? n __� _ £'aii'. it pos::=ble for the Board to kaintai . a complcvtc, arm oorrl-ct record, j;.=i,a, t7T.'�.S?,',1�('-.� �'�t'.^t:tS'.F5t Lizi..L�.G;�yibitt9A f��Q'.S-,.:.:�@;.:L{):; ;iii}+1:�`i. S:I1..1 .'11['.;?•ad Cli1B iCaw?-,L LL..0 -=I: Im filled the o fti-I nr' of ":he 1:YJII:'L'. Z�Ilc :^mpt` ;lot le L'+2. ti"i5:.?;t i Gum .r-1.+.^? a re p:,1,,`.S the exandmtion papnr.l cf :host'. iw.111:; vo !Al?'" .::A c.w ram;.- le dt-,Z- tro ed after s ixt-s dw,,s (00). Rua Lion papera* ah&11 be 'kept ia% the cast of non-o ti.tivi, mg--minatious as In tnu cum of the eow- ret itive OX&M .MUcas. MIX ir1* These ru.las rmy be n of od„ rapoaiwl or ira Lis, Board ut, silky trim wwA row -rules acu5pttk6 press;-ava, txmt = ei:Wl awsut ix# repea tax mapplemnt 1,0 adapt4i! t :L.ka '.;: o.,n, crzau days after its proposal+ azit3 t..en It eur= not be operal#.ive zatil aped by tb--, C$tg Gounail.. The Civil Lox-rloe Board :emll rv- t rc often &r. r,E accu—: , and up'or_ call or two or mom of Ito r_mbr rs , ORDINANCE No. Title 4 —Ivd&Ly-b�� 0 t7 — Date 71. Filed day 19} City Secretary