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Ordinance 993
r ORD I_-AITC-. AD ORDI :. OVIDI..: _ _.. T - -.--Ou L A. OF - _ L -.7 7_10VIDI-.C? A :iETHOD OF I_ 'TA LLING G, . 'G, C ONT INERS, FIXING C _.'.GES FOR T'_,-. _. ;OV: L OF G'ID G_ __---'GE, OR .:-TING ' DEP .�. .:. -UT OF ' ....TITATION, PFO- VIDIITG A METHOD OF SEGE _.:_ .TING TM, MITUES OLLECTED IN "AID DE 'ARTI_ TING'NT PROVIDING A PEITALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVI� IONS OF SAID ORDI.'KCE. BE IT OP,DAINED =Y THE BOARD OF C ,:"'!ISSION_�AS OF THi; CITY OF FORT ' ORTH: SECTION I The word "garbage" when used in this ordinance shall be considered to include any refuse matter, broken ware, discarded tin, dishwater, slops, swill, dead fouls, dead cats, rats, stale and discarded meats, bread stuffs and any and all other :natter, the accumu- lation or dec ::._ osition of which becomes nauseous or produces offensive odors. ?"hen the Nord "hotel" is used in this ordinance- it shall ;:e taken to mean-and include every building or -art thereof intended, designed or used for supplying food or shelter to guests for hire and containing more than 12 sleeping rooms. t r-. An office building shall be taken to mean and include ev--ry buildin_, which shall be divided into rooms and intended to be and u3ed for office purposes. A public buildi-_ shall be t_ken o .... ev=ry ii.lding used as a I-lace of �ssembl:ge or a place of =.public r-_ort. A tenement house shall W-e taken to mean and include any building or ;:ortion thereof which shall be intended or desi : ed for or is rented, le- sed, let or hired out as a home or residence of thr,e f ilies or more, living ind }-endently of each other. By f_.:ily residence will '-e +ttis- to mean and include every buildi_, hick shall be intended or :resigned for or as _:ome and r--sidenc of trot more than two separato and distinct families or hou.zeholds and in which not than t -:Flvs roo- s --hall - - used for the accomodation of -.7-;rders, and no .art of hich stT cture is used for a stor-- or for any business purpose. Then the t rn "pl_'.�e of 'ousine-s" is used it ZV.! y builcti-: whic' L;_,,, be intended or designed for cr u.J� for +'` purpose of conductin r any r..ercantile tr.,.nsaationq, trade or co=iercLil enterprises ani vh.11 include hotels, of- fice buildin-s, rublie buildin-, and tannenent hour:°s. T fk SECTION IT Trs.t every r°sidence, :lace of bu-inesz and wilding in the Ct" of Fert -;orth in whio-h .human beings reside, are oral loyc:_ or o_ngr-_ t r shall be provided rich a container for the rurpose of storing garbage. SECTION III It shall b,: the duty of avery r aident, householder, tenant; hotel keeper, or person, firm or eoxIoration c-_::.,ueting - lace of - usine�_s, ana all ; arties er person:, occupy'__-._: residences -rithin th; City of fort • o_''h, to provide or caus;: to be -rovided, and at all times to Keep or eawe to be t kept, portably vessels or tanks for holding garbage. vessel., or tanks shall b,; kept in tha rear of the -- remises, :r in passage ways most ocessi`61- 4,o the of.Lacer. SECTION IV For tas pur_ose of removing, earryi:_ away and d"pe*in; of garrz�.Ze o-n-1 the con*2�n+i of containers or other refuse mat` r on the remises of any ovmer or tenant of such premises as hereinbefore set forth, the uoard of Commissioners of the City of Fort ' orth shall authorize some suitable rerson or persons, firm, corporation or association of ,-ersons, under such terms and conditions L-s in the judgment of the board of Commissioners may be deemed fit and* proper for the efficient accomplishment of such ends, to do and perform such service or -.ork. SECTION V It shall be unlawful for any -arson other than the _.arson or _:.ersons so authorized by the Board of Commissioners to perform such service -rithin the City,of Fort ' orth. SECTION VI the person, persons, firm or corporation authorized the -oard of Commissioners to perform the work or service of removing, carryin , _,way or disposing of garbage herein provided .'or, shall, if in the judgment of the -card of Commissioners it is deemed advisable, be rewired to furnish, at his or experis -� ©ols utensils, :eaSns, ~agons and all such other necessary 'things for the due and proper performance of said work, and to keep and maintain the same at his or their expense, as well as to employ all the necessary help or assistance at his, its or their expense for the due and proper performance of said garb-,::;e work and shall hold the city harmless as result of any d?, :age that may be incurred in the y roseaution of said work. SECTION III It shall �e the duty of any such terson, persons, firm or corporation authorized to perform said garbage work herein required to remove, -carry away and dispose Qf all garbage as that term has hereinbefore been defined within the amity of Fort orth according to such intervals of time as the owner or agent of such owner or tenant of the - remises on which said arb• e is located may require; or whenever notified by the health officer, health board or officer of the sanitary department that the accumulation of garbage in any building or on any premises has become foul or offensive, or is likely to become foul or o-fensive, or henever informed ':y any inspector of the sanitary depart- ment that such a situation exists. n�n -T :"III / The charges or fees for the performance of the work of removing, carrying away and dispos- ing of the garbage provided for in this ordinance shall be due and payable on the first day of :March, A. D. 1924 and the first day of each month there- after, and said fees and shall be in terms and figures as followe: For removing, carrying away and disposing of garbage from a family resi- dence at intervals of at least once a week .25 per mo. For removing, carrying away and disposing of -^arbage from a family resi- dence at intervals of twice each week .50 per mo. For removing, carrying away and disposing of ;Yrb L_e fr 3m ;,y business at intervals of at least twice each week, provided the said garbage to be removed shall not exceed one barrel of thir-�y .,Qllons as eac:, intervs 1 of time same is to be removed 1.00 per mo. For removing, carrying away and disposing of garbage from any place of business at intervals of at least six days in each week, provided the garbage to be removed shall not exceed one barrel of thirty gallons at each interval of time same is to be removed 2.50 per mo. -'or removing, carrying away and disposing of garbage from any place of business in excess of the amounts .j.bove stipulated, an extra charge of .25 per barrel of thirty gallons or fraction thereof will be made. 1'i-T T4 That there be and is hereby created a department of sanitation and shall be known .a the Sanitary Department and shall constitute i, separate and independent department from this city, and be under the supervision of the Com- missioner of Fire and police and all accounts of business pdrtaining thereto shall be kept separate and -. art from all other accounts and business of the city, and all moneys or revenues derived from the collection of fees and all other funds and revenues derived from services _erforned in said department shall be set aside and constitute a fund for the payment of expenses necessary to conduct said depart,..ent. she hoard of Commissioners may, at any time It shall deem fit, change the method of having said garbage -,.ork _ rovided for in this ordinance done, and the person, persons, firn or corporation authorized to per- form th, said garb_:. a work shall at all times be under the supervision of the oa rd of Commissioners and sub- ject to the ;.rovisions of the city charter nd ordinances of the city now in existence or such future charters, ordinances or resolutions as may hereafter be passed. SECTION XI This ordinance is hereby decl ,red to be cumu- lative of all the ,_Tovisions of other ordinances in force in the City of Fort orth regulating the removal of and of er refuse matter garbageAnd shall not be held to repeal any of the provisions of any such ordinances except in those in- stances where such ordinances are in direct conflict with the express _.rovisions of this ordinance. SECTI .. XII The holding or adjudication of any section or subdivision of any section, or any tart of any subdivision of ;. section of this ordinance to be in- valid shall not affect the validity of any other sec- tion or subdivision of any section, or any part of any subdivision of section thereof, but all other 1 :eetions, sbudivisions of aectionc and :.,arts of sub- divisi� s ._11 an! r!-..-.sin in full force and effect. cWITTOV XII I Th-- fa.t that *he City of Fort "=orth has increased its population wpproximately 35,000 in- habitants --T annexing new territory in the last *wo years and is a rwridly dronring ci*y an no adequate provisions have been made "y law for *he removing and'carrying away of refuse matter, broken--are, die- c-rde-1 tin, dishwater, slY�s, swill, dead foul, dead sate, rats, stale and disc-Lrded meats, bread stuffs and any and all other kind and character of matter, *� ., sccwmulfta on or dec .___ osi ion of %;hich is o-7.- culated �o bey nausa;-is and ; roducn offe isive odors, reates a dazEg,roue condition and a __-a to lift, and i roperty ana the heal*h of *he public, 4`-ere- by making it imp. r *ively necessary *o adopt and en- f-ree the regulations' herein aescribed; and this ordinance is, and is hereby decl-..,ed to be, an emer- gency msasl-re _ : essary in the ordinary .,curse of the eity's affairs, and a measure necessary nor the im- .•edi.te y res• rvaticn o. the health of t._o :,itizena oft,jja_L1t.y-r,f t�crt ' ort.. and the � `:lic yen-rill;►, and stall be in full force .---i effec* from .-::a after it-- ;,assage and five d-�y's ;ublic"tion, as required by 1aw. SECTI"' XIV That any Larson, I_.-rsons, fin. or corpora- tion or the ageat cs tenet of _i. :y such _ ruon or _ y sons, fin.. or oorpo- tion, who neglects, fails or or 1 , tes r�fus:a to .--ly ith .._, v/of��ha , rovisions of this ordinance sh.A! ' de4..., guil',r :f a misd 9,r , ..nor acid ;t°her. ccnvictzd shall --e fined in any sum not to exceed 200.00, an, very lime or every day suc:= r- son _r y srsons, firm or c rporz tion, or *he age:,.t ..r tenant of any such ;- -r-.on, ,ers-,n;i, fi .: _r cr: or- ation, neglects, !ails or refuses to c- - ly with any of the ,.rovisionz of this or_linanc Y ",a d__. e' off:!^se d:.d 1-,uni ,ha;,le as b�rein provi.ed. SECTION '47 T:;.;t thia or.'inance shall be in full frrce froz.: ana aft -.r the irate o,' its :ase:.a, and r�' lic `tiori as 1 ..-. rov as "o for:. C; ORDINANCE No. CI q Date Filedday of 6v2-- City Secretary