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Contract 36658
SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR LAKE WORTH LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT WATER PROJECT NO.: WTR-2007-000019 MICHAEL J. MONCRIEF MAYOR CHARLES R . BOSWELL CITY MANAGER S. FRANK CRUMB , P.E., ACTING DIRECTOR WATER DEPARTMENT PREPARED BY WATER DEPARTMENT M&C Request Review -·~ Page 1 of 1 City of Fort Worth Employee Intran et www.dwnet..o1rg Home I Council Agenda I M&C I Employee Directory I ACToday I Employee Classifieds I PRS I IT Onllne I Departments I Site Map Print M&C COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 2/19/2008 DATE: 2/19/2008 C REFERENCE NO.: **C-22676 CONSENT LOG NAME: 60LAKEWORTH CODE: TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING: NO SUBJECT: Approve the Correction of M&C C-22585 to Authorize the Execution of a Contract with Crescent Constructors, Inc ., for the Lake Worth Lift Stati,on Replacement Project RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the correction of M&C C-22585 to correct the contractor 's name to reflect "Crescent Constructors , Inc .," and therefore to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Crescent Constructors, Inc ., in the amount of $983 ,000 .00 for the Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement Project. DISCUSSION: On December 18, 2007, (M&C C-22585) the City Council authorized the execution of a contract with Crescent Construction , Inc., for the replacement of the Lake Worth Lift Station. After approval of M&C C- 22585, staff became aware that contractor's legal name for doing business in the State of Texas is Crescent Constructors, Inc. As a result, the previous authorization to execute a contract with Crescent Construction, Inc., must be corrected . All other items discussed in M&C C-22585 are correct. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 7. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated , of the Sewer Capital Projects Fund. TO Fund/Account/Centers Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: FROM Fund/Account/Centers PS58 541200 070580280030 $983 ,000.00 Fernando Costa (Acting) (8476) S . Frank Crumb (8207) S . Frank Crumb (8207) ATTACHMENTS http ://www.cfwnet.org/ council _packet/me_ review. asp ?ID=9194&councildate=2/ 19 /2 008 2/21/2008 M&C R equest R eview --Page 1 of2 . ~ C it y of Fort Worth Em ploye e Int r an et www.cfwn et.or g Home I CouncllAgen.ra I M&C I Employee Directory I ACfoday I Employee Classifieds I PRS I IT Online I Depa.rtme11ts I Site Map Print M &C COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 12/18/2007 DATE: 12/18/2007 C REFERENCE NO.: **C-22585 CONSENT LOG NAME: 60LAKE WORTH CODE: TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING: NO SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Contract with Crescent Construction , Inc., in the amount of $983 ,000 for the Lake Worth Lift Station Rep lacement Project RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Crescent Construction , Inc ., in the amount of $983 ,000 for the Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement Project. DISCUSSION: The existing Lake Worth Lift Station is located on Cahoba Drive, just north of Marion Sansom Park and east of Quebec Street. In 1967, the Lake Worth lift station was constructed to provide sewer service to the Shady Oaks Manor subdivision . Over the years , development around the north shore of Lake Worth has increased to the point where the existing lift station is hydraulically overloaded. In addition, the condition of the existing lift station structure and electrical and mechanical equipment has deteriorated . With the close proximity to Lake Worth, efficient and reliable operation of the Lake Worth Lift Station is critical to protecting the water supply . The Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement Project consists of replacing the existing lift station with a new high capacity submersible pump station, which includes a backup generator with auto transfer capability , an odor control unit, and a vandal resistant electrical and control equ i pment enclosure. In addition , a radio supervisory control system will provide for real -time monitoring of the station . In order to keep the existing station in service during the construction of the new station, the new station will be located across the street from the existing station, in Marion Sansom Park. On March 27 , 2007, (M&C G- 15655) City Council authorized the conversion of 5,000 square feet of parkland at Marion Sansom Park for the purpose of constructing the sanitary sewer lift station . Once the new station is completed , the existing station will be removed . The project was advertised for Bid in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on September 6 and September 13 , 2007. On October 4 , 2007 , the following three bids were received : BIDDER TOTAL BID CONTRACT TIME Cresent Construction $983,000 .00 220 Caldendar Days Steve Dake Construction $1 ,101,515.00 Red River Construction $1 ,232 ,800 .00 In addition to the contract cost , $29 ,490 is provided for project contingencies , $30 ,000 is provided for staff inspection , and $5,000 for project management and staff support. This project is located i n COUNCIL DISTRIC T 7. http ://www.cfwnet.org/ counci l _packet/me _review. as p ?refnum=C-225 8 5 1/14/2008 M&C Requ est R eview --• Page 2 o f 2 r ... 1' "i . "( ~ Crescent Construction , Inc., is in compliance with the City 's M/WBE Ord inance by comm itting to 22 percent M/WBE partici pation . The C ity 's goal on this project is 21 percent. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated , of the Sewer Capital Projects Fund . TO Fund/Account/Centers Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: FROM Fund/Account/Centers PS58 541200 070580280030 $983 . 000 . 00 Marc A. Ott (8476) S. Frank Crumb (8207) S . Frank Crumb (8207) ATTACHMENTS http ://www.cfwnet.org/ council _packet/me _review. asp ?refnurn=C-225 85 1/14/2008 -· . . .~ LAKE WORTH LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT FWWD Project No. \VTR-2 007-000019 AUGUST, 2007 Chris P. Harder, P.E. Fort Worth Water Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Joseph J. Kotrla, P.E. McCreary & Associates 6310 LBJ Freeway, Suite 217 Dallas, Texas 75240 02-22-08 A 11 :40 IN 02-15-08 A0?:57 IN TABLE OF CONTENTS LAKE WORTH LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT PART A PARTB PARTC PART CS PARTD PARTE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice to Bidders Special Instructions to Bidders PROPOSAL Proposal M/WBE Specifications GENERAL CONDITIONS SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SPECIAL CONDITIONS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS City of Fort Worth Material (E-1) and Construction (E-2) Specifications from the FWWD, not included herein) DIVISION 1 - Item 01010 Item 01025 Item 01040 Item 01051 Item 01300 Item 01310 Item 01320 Item 01370 Item 01410 Item 01430 Item 01500 Item 01600 Item 01651 Item 01700 Item 01720 Item 01750 DIVISION 2 - Item 02010 Item 02121 Item 02150 Item 02200 Item 02212 Item 02215 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Summary of Work Measurement and Payment Coordination Grades, Lines, and Levels Submittals Construction Schedules Progress Reports Schedule of Values Testing Laboratory Services Operation and Maintenance Data Temporary Facilities and Controls Material and Equipment Testing and Startup Contract Closeout Project Record Documents Warranties and Bonds SITE WORK Subsurface Investigation Clearing and Grubbing Lift Station Demolition Wood Slat Chain Link Fence and Gate Finish Grading Flexible Base Item 02220 Item 02223 Item 02530 Item 02930 Item 02950 DIVISION 3 - Item 03100 Item 03200 Item 03250 Item 03300 Item 03605 Item 03700 DIVISION 5 - Item 05120 Item 05500 Item 05501 DIVISION 9 - Item 09900 Item 09901 DIVISION 11 - Item 11065 Item 11316 Item 11350 Item 11360 Item 11370 Item 11380 DIVISION 15 - Item 15060 Item 15070 Item 15100 Item 15140 DIVISION 16 - Item 16010 Item 16110 Item 16120 Item 16199 Item 16210 Item 16220 Item 16280 Item 16320 Structural Excavation, Fill, and Backfill Trench Safety System Dewatering and Drainage Seeding and Revegatation Silt Fence CONCRETE Concrete Formwork Concrete Reinforcement Concrete Joints and Embedded Items Cast-In-Place Concrete Non-Shrink Grout Flowable Fill METALS Structural Steel Miscellaneous Metal Anchor Bolts, Expansion Anchors, Inserts FINISHES Painting W etwell Interior Coating EQUIPMENT Submersible Sump Pump Submersible Pumps Aluminum Access Hatches, Appurtenances Valve Vault Grating Odor Control Unit Pre-Cast Concrete Electrical Building MECHANICAL Plastic Pipe and Fittings Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings Valves and Appurtenances Supports and Hangers ELECTRICAL Electrical General Provisions Raceways Wire and Cable Miscellaneous Electric Utility Service Standby Generator Power Factor Correction Capacitors Automatic Transfer Switch PARTF PARTG G-100 PARTH APPENDIX "A" APPENDIX "B" APPENDIX "C" Item 16350 Item 16410 Item 16450 Item 16910 Motor Control Centers Underground Grounding Systems Instrumentation BONDS AND INSURANCE Certificate of Insurance Performance Bond Payment Bond Maintenance Bond Contractor Compliance with Workers Compensation Laws CONTRACTS Contract PROPERTY SELECTED STD. DETAILS FROM FWWD GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS GEOTECHNICAL REPORT HSQ PROPOSAL -SCOPE OF WORK NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for the Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement Project, will be received at the office of the Purchasing Manager until 1 :30 P.M., Thursday, October 4th, 2007 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. Plans , Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the Water Department, Municipal Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. One set of documents will be provided at no cost to prospective bidders. General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department projects, dated January 1, 1978, with the latest revisions, also compromise a part of the Contract Documents for this project and may be obtained by paying a non-refundable fee of $50.00 for each set, at the office of Water Department, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. All bidders submitting bids are required to be pre-qualified m accordance with the requirements of the special instructions to bidders. A pre-bid conference will be held at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, September 19th, 2007 at the SCADA Conference Room, South Holly Water Treatment Plant, SCADA Building, 1511 11th Avenue, 76102, Fort Worth, Texas (MAPSCO 760). The Engineer will transmit to all prospective bidders of record such Addenda as he considers necessary in response to questions arising at the pre-bid conference. Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents and acknowledging receipt of the addenda by initialing the appropriate spaces on the PROPOSAL form. Bids that do not acknowledge receipt of all addenda may be rejected as being non-responsive. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the Water Department at 817-3 92-8240. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all formalities. No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date the bids are received . For additional information regarding the project, contact Chris Harder, P.E. 817-392- 8293. For information regarding contract documents or plan holders lists, contact Carmen Olivo at 817-392-8240. Advertising Dates : September 6, 2007 September 13, 2007 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1) PREOUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: All contractors submitting bids are required to be prequalified by the Fort Worth Water Department prior to submitting bids . Th.is prequalification process will establish a bid limit based on a technical evaluation and financial analysis of the contractor. It is the bidder's responsibility to submit the following documentation: a current financial statement, an acceptable experience record, an acceptable equipment schedule and any other documents the Department may deem necessary, to the Director of the Water Department at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the opening of bids. a) The financial statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State licensing agency and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the financial status to the submitting company. Th.is statement must be current and not more than one (1) year old. In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated by proper verification. b) For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable for a given project, it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking qualification in work of both the same nature and technical level as that of the project for which bids are to be received. c) The Director of the Water Department shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability for financial qualification to bid on any Fort Worth Water Department project. d) Bids received in excess of the bid limit shall be considered non-responsive and will be rejected as such. e) The City, in its sole discretion, may reject any bid for failure to demonstrate experience and/or expertise. f) Any proposals submitted by a non-prequalified bidder shall be returned unopened, and if inadvertently opened, shall not be considered. g) The City will attempt to notify prospective bidders whose qualifications (financial or experience) are not deemed to be appropriate to the nature and/or magnitude of the project on which bids are to be received. Failure to notify shall not be a waiver of any necessary prequalification. 2. BID SECURITY: A . cashier's check, or an acceptable bidder's bond, payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of not less than five (5%) percent of the largest possible total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid, and is subject to forfeiture in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the Contract Documents within ten (10) days after the contract has been awarded To be an acceptable surety on the bid bond, the surety must be authorized to do business in the state of Texas . In addition, the surety must ( 1) hold a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal Jaw . Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City, in its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 3 . BONDS: A performance bond, a payment bond, and a maintenance bond each for one hundred (100%) percent of the contract price will be required, Reference C 3-3 .7. 4 . WAGERATES: Section C3-3.13 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with the following: 06/04/03 (a) The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258 , Texas Government Code , including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b) The contractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions ofD-3 Right to Audit pertain to this inspection. ( c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) above . ( d) With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258 , Texas Government Code. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. 5. AMBIGUITY: In the case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the Proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the Proposal. 6. BIDDER LICENSE: Bidder must be a licensed Contractor in the State of Texas. 7 . NONRESIDENT BIDDERS: Pursuant to Article 601g, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, the City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of business in located. "Nonresident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state, but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. This provision does not apply if this contract involves federal funds. The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for the bid to meet specifications. The failure of a nonresident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder . 8. PAYMENT: If the bid amount is $25,000 .00 or less , the contract amount shall be paid within forty- five ( 45) calendar days after completion and acceptance by the City. 9 . AGE: In accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, members, agents employees, program participants or subcontractors, while engaged in performing this contract, shall, in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms , conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except on the bases of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers, members , agents , employees, subcontractors, program participants, or persons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or 06/04/03 advertisements for employees to work on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirements. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractor against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 10 . DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with, or employees of Contractor or any of its subcontractors . Contractor warrants it will fully comply with AD A's provisions and any other applicable federal, state and local laws concerning disability and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 11. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No . 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the MBE/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("with Documentation") and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate . The Documentation must be received by the managing department no later than 5:00 p .m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date . The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall render the bid non-responsive . Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide the Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or women business enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit any audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts ( other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate Federal, State or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements . Further, any such misrepresentation of facts ( other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three (3) years . 12. FINAL PAYMENT, ACCEPTANCE AND WARRANTY: a. The contractor will receive full payment (less retainage) from the city for each pay period. b. Payment of the retainage will be included with the final payment after acceptance of the project as being complete . c. The project shall be deemed complete and accepted by the City as of the date the final punch list has been completed, as evidenced by a written statement signed by the contractor and the City. d . The warranty period shall begin as of the date that the final punch list has been completed . 06/04/03 e. Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety shall be required prior to final payment becoming due and payable. f. In the event that the Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety have been delivered to the city and there is a dispute regarding (i) final quantities , or (ii) liquidated damages , city shall make a progress payment in the amount that city deems due and payable. g. In the event of a dispute regarding either final quantities or liquidated damages, the parties shall attempt to resolve the differences within 30 calendar days . 06/04/03 •••••••• .. . ;f . ~?. -• :.' l '- 1 I I I 1: I I I I I I I I PARTB-PROPOSAL 1l'tis proposal must not be removed from this book of Contract Documents. TO: Charles R. Boswell City Manager Fort Worth, Texas PROPOSAL FOR: The furnishing of all equipment, materials, and labor required to mstall the new Lake Worth Lift Station and permanently abandon the existing Lake ~' onh Lift Station, and all necessary appurtenances and incidental work to provide a complete and serviceable project designated as: PROJECT NAME LAKE WORTH LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT Water Department Project No. PSSS..070580280030 Pursuant to the foregoing 'Notice to Bidders', the undersigned Bidder, having thoroughly examined the Contract Documents, including plans, special contract documents, and the General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department Projects, the site of the project and understanding the amount of work to be done, and the prevailing conditions, hereby proposes to do all the work, furnish all labor, equipment and material except as specified to be furnished by the City, which is necessary to fully complete the work as provided in the Plans and Special Contract Documents and subject to the inspection and approval of the Director of the Water Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas; apd binds himself upon acceptance of this Proposal to execute a contract and furnish an approved Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Maintenance. Bond, ·and such · other bonds, if any, as may be required by the Contract Documents for the performing and completing of the said work. Contractor proposes to do the work within the time stated and for the following sums: Fort Worth Water Dept. B-1 Proposal LAKE WORTH LIFT ~TA TION REPLACEMENT PROJECT Description of Item with Unit Unit Price AmoW1t Bid No. ti Price Written in Words Bid (Furnish and install, including all appurtenant work, complete in place , the fo ll owing items • 1 1 L.S. Lift Station Site Work and Lanchcaping ~£ r.!T':f TH OJ5 AtJJ) Dollars and f\) Q Cents Per Unit sc2.o , oo o $ .)() / (5()() 2. 1 L.S . Salvage/Demolition/Abandonment of E:ds~ Lift Station ,wE _ THou.5 rtrJJ) Dollars and AJ l) Cents Per Unit $.20 10cJO $.:W ;OC'.JO 3. 558 L.F . Trench and Excavation Safety o ;..1 E Dollars and rJO Cents /..P-sS5f Per Unit $ . # 4. 330 S.Y. Re inforced Concrete Paving Ft/ I ter'f S i x Dollars and ;;c f-Cents $ 3£ -Per Unit $ 11, rro 5. 111 L.F. As phalt Pavement Repair rL f-r££N Do ll ars and AJO Cents /,!;' s Ii C(S Per Unit $ 6 . 225 L.F. Wood Slat Chain Link Fence/Gate , Th I l C:f-Dollars and 1JL a Cents s --3a trso Per Unit $ 7. 1 L.S . Underground Yard Piping. JWEf'JJ'k 7HauSTINJ) Dollars and lO Cents Per Uni t si2o .(lt,a $d(!),(jo6 4 E.A. 4' Diameter Sewer Manhole , 8. 7}.JiJ Tf-/6US~fi;;E//o,i,~o11ars and NC\ Cents Per Unit ~,!LJo $ /()10()0 9. 1 EA 1 '• W ater Service Assembly 15, l)t6 u s.+N~ ti_vl flu~k-1:>Do ll ars an d /\JQ Cents Per Unit $ "c)._I 5()Q $ ;),__I 6 (:)d Fort Worth Water Dept B-2 Proposal J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 . 16. 17. 18. 19. 1 L.S. Reinforced Concrete Wetwell and 1-rr· Yalye Vault Sevrvrn/ IVD ~ tfv"cf"o 1111 '+15,;(7/r,.;;;,t,-;'~ f,',fl HoYJ JreJ Dollats 1 1,550 1 1 l 1 1 1 L.S. S.F. L.S . L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S . L.S . and N () Cents Per Unit Pre.cut Concrete Electrical B~ding ~lt.Jctdf S,'yJlio v.sif7? Dollars and lJO Cents Per Unit Wetwell Interior Coating System hur -ke ,J Dollars and NO Cents · Per Unit Valve Vault Grating and Hardware 7wfLV£ rysvsft:r.JS:> Dollars and O Cents Per Unit Aluminum Access. Hatches, Ladder Assembly Se.Jer.J 1;J° v Slr-r" D Dollars and O Cents Per Unit WetwellNalve Vault Piping ft(Tf:'El'J 7tttVSftt\lJ> Dollars and N c1 Cents Per Unit Valve Vault Valves & Accessories ZW?Mf'f J!oU'.,A@ Dollars and Q Cents Per Unit Lift Station Pumps and Accessories ft ET'{ It{a u~ Af!J:> Dollars and /JO Cents PerUnit' Odor Control Unit Al ;ti€ ;/(ouJA.,/y Dollars -+,;---d------Afj...,....,..______ Cents Per Unit L.S . Lift Station Electrical, Control, and Instrumentation. 7w o Hu ,O~i) 78J ToauJ~ Dollars and J\,) () Cents Per Unit ' Fort Worth Water Dept B-3 r s Pl , s/2 1\(\1'.) $ 7,006 $ /£, ()l'.)() SJD ,!\M $ «2d,060 r s5o,odo s 11 ooo $ J../ 6 (1l)6 I Proposal 20 . 1 L.S. Genera~r w/ Auto Transfer Switch <'.)~f; !-· urJµ ~El? 71/r;Jt11/dl5 ftfl)ollm and Cents Per Unit $ I J':), rr t1r1 $i?,O,ll/J{) 21. 1 L.S . Traffic Control Plan ud ' Barricades I I a r-1e · mou.SA-t.J]) Dollars I and NO Cents Per Unit s / (Jd!J s I , 0()0 22 . I I L.S . Dewatering Plan I hvfE JrtoU.z_~oJJ) Dollars and (1)0 .-Cents Per Unit s ,5,r/>1 $ -6/!JtJ(} , 23. 1 L.S . HSQ Allowance -see HSQ ;;Ki"/ 9) 7Ao~)it,v; quotation for euct scope of work .... ~ -rl,Jee Hu~J~.,,fy_ftrf:-Dollars I and (} 7 Cents $ 46,375.00 $ 46,375 .00 Per Unit I TOTAL AMOUNT BID S Cf¥'3 1 0 00 PART B -PROPOSAL (Cont.) Within ten (10) days after acceptance of this Proposal, the undersigned will execute the formal co ntract and will deliver an approved Surety Bond and such other bonds as required by the Contract Documents , for the faithful performance of the Contract The attached bid security in the amount of 5% of the Total Amount Bid is to become the property .of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the event the contract and bond or bonds are not executed and delivered within the time above set forth , as liquidated damages for the delay and additional work caused the re by. The undersi gned b idder certified that he has been furnished at least one set of the General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department Projects dated January l, 1978, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all the requirements and conditions of those General Documents and the specific Contract Documents and appurtenant plans. Fo rt Wonh Water Dept B-4 Proposal ' I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • • I I • • • The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractors, or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No . 7400. (Complete A or B below, as applicable:) __ A. The principal place of business of our company is in the State of ___ _ Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are required to be __ percent lower than resident bidders by state law . A copy of the statute is attached. Non resident bidders in the State of • our principal /_ place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders . B. The principal place of business of our company or our parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas. The Bidder agrees to begin construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order, and to substantially complete the contract within 200 calendar days after beginning construction as set forth in the written work order to be furnished by the Owner . I (we) acknowledge receipt of the following addenda to the plans and specifications , all of the provisions and requirements of which have been taken into consideration on preparation of the foregoing bid: Addendum No. 1 (Initials) __ _ Addendum No. 3 (Initials) ___ _ Addendum No . 2 (Initials) __ _ Addendum No. 4 (Initials) ___ _ Fort Worth Water Dept. B-S Proposal Fort Worth Wal.Cr Dept B-6 Respectfully submitted, CiJfC6~f (;IJN!1Rt«:1»Rf; If.JC • !Jue JfA fl. C-, 1At 61.,~ By. ftti;ct.o,J p ~ nt1e 1~ lVfwf Address . IIOD CiJJ/J/n~ ]tlvf KtciiA WSbJJ} J{. ~soJ' I Telephone: ( &f'ri) 28) -&q O) Proposal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Fort Worth Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilization Form ATTACHMENT 1A Page 1 of 4 Check applicable block to describe prime M/W/OBE NON-M/W/DBE 0 BID DATE /Rei.:5 B::.-T Q;_ 17) 6E.R ~ 2 ~ 7 PROJE T NUMBER lt!Tf{ 2cX>7-()eKJeJIC/ Identify !!! subcontractors/suppliers you will use on this project Failure to complete this form, in its entirety with requested documentation, and received by the Managing Department on or before 5:00 p.m. five (5) City business days after bid opening, exclusive of bid opening date , will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specifications . The undersigned Offeror agrees to enter into a formal agreement with the M/\NBE firm(s) listed in this utilization schedule, conditioned upon execution of a contract with the City of Fort Worth . The intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts is grounds for consideration of disqualification and will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specifications M/WBEs listed toward meeting the project goal must be located in the nine (9) county marketplace or currently doing busln888 In the marketplace at the time of bid. Marketplace is the geographic area of Tarrant, Parker , Johnson, Collin, Dallas, Denton. Ellis, Kaufman and Rockwall counties . Identify each Tier level. Tier is the level of subcontracting below the prime contractor, i.e., a direct payment from the prime contractor to a subcontractor is considered 1st tier, a payment by a subcontractor to its supplier is considered 2nd tier ALL M/WBEs MUST BE CERTIFIED BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD. Certification means those firms, located or doing business at the time of bid opening within the Marketplace, that have been determined to be bonafide minority or women businesses by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA}, or the Texas Department of Transportation (TX DOT}, highway division . Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE} is synonymous with Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE). If hauling services are utilized , the prime will be given credit as long as the M/\NBE listed owns and operates at least one fully licensed and operational truck to be used on the contract. The M/\NBE may lease trucks from another M/WBE firm, including M/WBE owner-operators, and receive full M/WBE credit. The M/WBE may lease trucks from non-M/WBEs, including owner-operators, but will only receive credit for the fees and commissions earned bv the M/WBE as outlined in the lease aareement. Rev . 5/30/03 fORTWORTH --.,-ATTACHMENT 1A Page 2 of4 Primes are required to identify ALL subcontradors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., Minority, Women and non-MMIBEs. Please list MM/BE firms first, use additional sheets if necessary . Certification N (check one) 0 SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER T~.........--.--........... ~ n Detail Company Name I N T Address •MwC X r B B T D Telephone/Fax R o 11 Subcontracting Work w B1-ut1: 5'7111: ELEa-eie.1 L Le_ DEsc~r Sn:El ui./;J::, Po. &1t 331'1'/' /i:,1q Ah{{rt-1; rx 7,1,3 I ( r7z) 791!) -797~-c 112) 790 -&.s-t3 'ff1coCJ..1cr h/Et- ·O ,·s:ri(1&)1"'d.S ~ /A)C., t2DI Roy...u. l?;i<t<l<fir / t.~L£SS,, r;x 76e>'/~ (91 ~ zt8 -.5910 C~1i) 2.82 -7'/'17 i-lV'S ~l/:1,E.S 92oo 1(1,(}6, 4RTNvi:. Ae.. ~j rx z.,-z47 J (z14) 678 ·-c:>2Z 7 'zt'I) 678 --022!:3 ... i./rJL 1,Y fkEe.ASI r31Pt1 C. if. b-os- fttv~ RP o) ry: 16«Y/ (g,, J 7 ~~ --19~0 I ($11) "7!3 -f 901 /14&.vu"" H,f,fJ!-1~ 4-u,4Jl)~~ewN6 Co:>. 31t.1 s .. J.<,R.IJr 57; G.4-f.lANb / 7l" 7,Sotlc. (z,tt) be7 -22'13 (<i ?2) Z7~ -SSi~ I E E C T B E A j If J J I Detail Supplies Purchased li Ler e,F 13.tEc;rRteAL G1:71R. 1-a,aJGJ!/froi< ru R1,J LS/-( ~1,.}F0Rt.1A,.J~ S,c5t.. -/-t/£AJ IS;-{ ~1;:,Ll&Vt Fc)EL Fvt2/J ;.s:f-1 Ft~-el4s-r /1,4-A)Jl~.S Dollar Amount 1$/32 I I I 952... ) Rev . 5/30/03 ATTACHMENT 1A Page 3 of4 Primes are required to identify & subcontradors/suppliers , regardless of status; i.e., Minority, Women and non-M/WBEs . Please list MIWBE finns first, use additional sheets if necessary . SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER T Company Name I Addl'N8 e M Telephone/Fax r SToRJ.1 MITEIZ 5oLt.1,"'"ICW~ ifZ2 &~. ~SJ71lt:" .3c:? Su 1 T€ e.. Rc.,V..5c-Ca-r TX "/SIB'/ I (972) ~3te, .. 7717 I (C/72) 63~ -7?/'f {}eE@Jsc~r:w.Jt; @'117 CAeo,~'llt.. ~t:; N. 'f{,cHtMb 1/,as I 1£X4S 76/60 (R i7) .!:T77 -929f (817 ).s77 -9.33l St11t1{ f[lmP fo11t~1f' '7L/J7 ·r&.(,tE.-"t.. h-R.; rt<' tJ,,ep-(I ~7) se<l-200e:-) J {f!;?) ,S(/.!T-1900 SPt?,El) H9B · ()etT¢ P. 0. Box ;S::s-80 h:Jtr t:Jd-#1/ ·rx76/lr I ~81?) '178 --1/37 ((31 7) 561 -2S-tf L/ SAAiD · T&c1-r CoAnA16S qt,o& /UIJl//1:SO B~c1-1 S~iAJe,5~ r-;( 75"180 I (972) ?.8? ·S3c.8 ('t?Z) 28J-5""CfOC/ HI> -St>/7,,L f tdtt~~- Pu. ~ s692~?J D&LA 5/ n< 7.s-.3.:s ~ / (2. t'f} b3/ -9~10 (:_ ;l() 9c~5--CJ ?6 8 a E Certification N (check one) 0 n N T C X .. w T D VI a R 0 a E C T E A I j j I Detail Subcontracting Work ,!.1R0S10Ai Co.vrf:O'- Pt.A./\/ H'(() {2oH t/ Le.J-// b/tJbScfJP /.IJ~ Detail Supplies Purchased Su8HE1c:5l&t-·· :ScW.46£ iVmP.5 PRECAST C>Jil.J);AJ6 Dollar Amount lt3 _q~~ I 1"-'> 9i t?O .::!:!:... '"l L-' "'"('? ,x., 312 ·- I r. c."J€.J Rev . 5/30/03 ATIACHMENT 1A Page 2 of4 Primes are required to identify ALL subcontradors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., Minority, Women and non-MNVBEs. Please list MNVBE firms first, use additional sheets if necessary . Certification N (check one) 0 SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER Ti----.---.-N-.-...,,,T,-11 n Detail Company Name I AddrNa • M W C X B B T D Telephone/Fax r E R o M Subcontracting Work w w W~rECi( 1/IJC. zss-o 1-f1h4111'! Ro, . 1 s:v l '/c 2,:3C> C4~f2<:ti-?u,,,,,I/ TX 7G'a->"- (9?z) 2.so · o.S:SO 1912) ~7-68/0 E C T A B E j Detail Supplies Purchased C>f)oR Covrf.!oi_ UJJ1r =??/i -fi,LfQ ¥(fl G 5 0 8 ~}f~1~¢" ~;;;;;-::£1,·j ARE 1'1#86 1 i3vr I/RE M>T /AJl'L U/Jc/) 1A) 1M EJC j HAULI/Jtq Ct!OIE!) k'cxK '3Et..c: CT Fit..(. Fl.y. 6~ Dollar Amount Rev . 5/30/03 fORTWORTH ·~ Total Dollar Amount of M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ Total Dollar Amount of Non-M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ ATTACHMENT 1A Page 4 of 4 i -2, I I . 838 .. -=_ ) 13~:382 &-0 - TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS $ ~3 _I-/ 2 I 2;Z('} .~ - The Contractor will not make additions, deletions, or substitutions to this certified list without the prior approval of the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Office Manager or designee through the submittal of a Request for Approval of Change/Addition. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of contract and may result in debarment in accord with the procedures outlined in the ordinance. The contractor shall submit a detailed explanation of how the requested change/addition or deletion will affect the committed M/WBE goal. If the detail explanation is not submitted, it will affect the final compliance determination. By affixing a signature to this form, the Offerer further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request , complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including M/W/DBE(s) arrangements submitted with the bid . The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company. The bidder agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners, principals , officers , employees and applicable subcontractors/suppliers/contractors participating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work performed by the M/W/DBE(s) on this contract , by an authorized officer or employee of the City . Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and create a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irrespons ible Offerer and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. Authorized Signature Printed Signature ·iefoJccT · /~Al46E,e Title Telephone and/or Fax Company Name c~lla )/. cresce;;c@;;JcAco , co-, E-mall~ 10 /3//oz Address v< I Date I City/State/Zip 7 Rev . 5/30/03 - - - - SECTION Cl-1 PARTC GENERAL CONDITIONS DEFIN1TIONS C 1-1.1 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS: Whenever in these Contract Documents, the following terms or pronouns in place are used, the intent and meaning shall be understood and interpreted as follows: Cl-1.2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Tue Contract Documents are all the written and drawn documents, such as specifications, bonds, addenda, plans, etc., which govern the terms and performance of the contract. These are contained in the General Contract Documents and the Special Contract Documents. A. GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Tue General Contract Documents govern all Water Department Projects and include the following items: PART A PARTB PARTC PARTD PARTE PARTF PARTG NOTICE TO BIDDERS PROPOSAL GENERAL CONDITIONS SPECIAL CONDITIONS SPECIFICATIONS BONDS CONTRACT WHITE WHITE YELLOW GREEN WHITE WHITE WHITE B. SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Tue Special Contract Documents are prepared for each specific project as a supplement to the General Contract Documents and include the following items: PART A NOTICE TO BIDDERS .. --·····-·-·······--· --···--~ - ----······· . -·--····· ····--····-····-··-· .. --··-·····-···--····-·-···-··------·--···-······-- p ART B PROPOSAL PART C GENERAL CONDITIONS PART D SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E SPECIFICATIONS PERMITS/EASEMENTS PARTF BONDS PARTG CONTRACT PART H PLANS (Usually bond separately) Cl-1.3 NOTICE TO BIDDERS: All of the legal publications either actually published in public advertising mediums or furnished direct to interested parties pertaining to the work contemplated under the Contract Documents constitutes the Notice to Bidders. Fort Worth Water Department C-1 General Conditions C 1-1.4 PROPOSAL: The completed written and signed offer or tender of a bidder to perform the work which the Owner desires to have done , together with the b i d security, constitutes the Proposal, which becomes binding upon the Bidder when it is officially received by the Owner, has been publicly opened and read and not rejected by the Owner. Cl-1.5 BIDDER: Any person, persons , firm , or partnership, company, association, corporation, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative, submitting a proposal for performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents, const itutes a bidder. Cl-1.6 GENERAL CONDITIONS: The General Conditions are the usual construction and contract requirements which govern the performance of the work so that it will be carried on in accordance with the customary procedure, the local statutes , and requirements of the City of Fort Worth's charter and promulgated ordinances. Cl-1.7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Special Conditions are the specific requirements which are necessary for the particular project covered by the Contract Documents and not specifically covered in the General Conditions. When considered with the General Conditions and other elements of the Contract Documents they provide the information which the Contractor and Owner should have in order to gain a thorough knowledge of the project. Cl-1.8 SPECIFICATIONS : The Specifications is that section of part of the Contract Documents which sets forth in detail the requirements which must be met by all materials, construction, workmanship, equipment, and services in order to render a completed and useful project. Whenever reference is made to standard specifications, regul ations, requirements, statutes, etc., such referred to documents shall become a part of the Contract Documents just as though they were embodied therein. C 1-1. 9 BOND: The bond or bonds are the written guarantee or security furnished by the Contractor for the prompt and faithful performance of the contract and shall include the • .. following: ___ -·--· ___ -· __________ -·---·-------· ---·-·---···-· ... _. . ... ..... ------·--·----·--·---___ ·---· __ A. B. C. D . Performance Bond (See paragraph C3-3 .7) Payment Bond (See paragraph C3-3.7) Maintenance Bond (See paragraph C3-3.7) Proposal of Bid Security (See Special Instructions to the Bidders, Part A and C2-2.6) Cl-1.10 CONTRACT: The Contract is the formal signed agreement between the Owner and the Contractor covering the mutual understanding of the two contracting parties aboutthe project to be completed under the Contract Documents. C 1-1 .11 PLANS: The plans are the drawings or reproductions made by the Owner's representative showing in detail the location, dimension, and position of the v arious elements of the project, including such profiles , typical cross-sections , layout diagrams , Fort Worth W ater Department C-2 Gen eral Condi tions - - - working drawings, preliminary drawings and such supplemental drawings as the Owner may issue to clarify other drawings or for the purpose of showing changes in the work hereinafter authorized by the Owner. The plans are usually bound separately from other parts of the Contract Documents, but they are a part of the Contract Documents just as though they were bound therein. Cl-1.12 CITY: The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a municipal corporation, authorized and chartered under the Texas State Statutes, acting by and through its governing body or its C i ty Manager, each of which is required by charter to perform specific duties. Responsibility for final enforcement of Contracts involving the City of Fort Worth is by charter vested in the City Manager. Terms City and Owner are synonymous. Cl-1.13 CITY COUNCIL: The duly elected and qualified governing body of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. Cl-1.14 MAYOR: The officially elected Mayor, or in bis absence, the Mayor Pro Tern of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. C 1-1.15 CITY MANAGER: The officially appointed and authorized City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. Cl-1.16 CITY ATIORNEY: The officially appointed City Attorney of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. Cl-1.17 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: The duly appointed Director of the City Water Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative, assistant, or agents. Cl-1.18 DIRECTOR, CITY WATER DEPARTMENT: The duly appointed official of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, referred to in the Charter as the City Engineer, or his authorized representative. Cl-1.19 EN GINER: The Director of Public Works, the Director of the Fort Worth Water Department, or their duly authorized assistants, agents, engineers, inspectors, or superintendents, acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. Cl-1.20 CONTRACTOR: The person, persons, partnership, company, firm, association, or corporation, entering into a contract with the Owner for the execution of the work, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative. A sub-contractor.is a person, firm, corporation, or others under contract with the principal contractor, supplying labor and materials, or only labor, for work at the site of the project. Cl-1.21 SURETIES: The Corporate bodies which are bound by such bonds are required with and for the Contractor. The sureties engaged are to be fully responsible for the entire and satisfactory fulfillment of the Contract and for any and all requirements as set forth in the Contract Documents and approved changes herein. Fort Worth Water Departm ent C-3 General Conditions C 1-1.22 THE WORK OR THE PROJECT: The completed work contemplated in and covered by the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools , equipment, and incidentals necessary to produce a completed and serviceable project. Cl-1.23 WORKING DAY: A working is defined as a calendar day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, in which the weather or other conditions not under the control of the Contractor permit the performance of the principal unit of work for a period of not less than seven (7) hours between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, with exceptions as permitted in paragraph C7-7.6 . Cl-1.24 CALENDAR DAYS: A calendar day is any day of the week or month, no days being excepted. C 1-1.25 LEGAL HOLIDAYS: Legal holidays shall be observed as prescribed by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth for observance by City Employees as follows : New Year' Day January 1 M.L. King, Jr. Birthday Third Monday in January Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving Friday Fourth Friday in November Christmas Day December 25 Such other days in lieu of holidays as the City Council may determine When one of the named holidays or a special holiday is declared by the City Council, falls on a Saturday, the holiday shall be observed on the preceding Friday or if it falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday, by those employees working on working day operations. Employees working calendar day operations will consider the ___________ ..:__ __ calendar.holiday_as_.a _holiday .. _ _. ·-···· .. _ ···-__ _ Cl-1.26 ABBREVIATIONS: Wherever the abbreviations defined herein appear in Contract Documents, the intent and meaning shall be as follows: AASHTO ASCE LAW ASTM AWWA ASA HI Asph. Ave . Blvd. CI Fort Worth Water Department American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials American Society of Civil Engineers In Accordance With American Society of Testing Materials American Water Works Association American Standards Association Hydraulic Institute Asphalt Avenue Boulevard Cast Iron C-4 General Condi tions f f I I CL Center Line GI Galvanized Iron Lin. Linear or Lineal MH Manhole Max. Maximum Min. Minimum MGD Million Gallons Per Day CFS Cubic Foot per Second R Radius I.D. Inside Diameter O.D . Outside Diameter F Fahrenheit C Centigrade In. Inch Ft. Foot St. Street CY Cubic Yard Yd. Yard SY Square Yard L.F . Linear Foot D.I. Ductile Iron Cl-1.27 CHANGE ORDER: A "Change Order" is a written supplement agreement between the Owner and the Contractor covering some added or deducted item or feature which may be found necessary and which was not specifically included in the scope of the project on which the bids were submitted. Increase in unit quantities stated in the proposal are not the subject matter of a Change Order unless the increase or decrease is more than 25% of the amount of the particular item or items in the original proposal. Al l "Change Orders" shall be prepared by the City from information as necessary furnished by the Contractor. C 1-1.28 PAVED STREETS AND ALLEYS: A paved street or alley shall be defined as -.·--·-······ ··-·····-·--a.street.or.alley..haYing _oneofthe.following.types.of:wearingsurfaces_applied_o.Yer.the __________________________ ...... ., natural unimproved surface: - A. Any type of asphaltic concrete with or without separate base material B . Any type of asphalt surface treatment, not including oiled, surface C . Brick, with or without separate base material D. Concrete, with or without separate base material E. Any combination of the above Cl-1.29 UNPAVED STREETS AND ALLEYS: An unpaved street, alley, roadway, or other surface is any area, except those defined above for "Paved Streets and Alleys". Cl-1.30 CITY STREETS: A city street is defined as that area between the right of way lines as the street is dedicated . Fort Worth Water Department C-5 General Conditions " • < ., . Cl-1.31 ROADWAY: The roadway is defined as the area between parallel lines two (2') feet back of the curb lines or four (4') feet back of the average edge of pavement where no curb exists. Cl-1.32 GRAVEL STREET: A gravel street is any unpaved street to which has been added one or more applications of gravel or similar material other than the natural material found on the street surface before any improvement was made. t • ' ,.. . "'t. , '· ', •, ,, Fort Worth Water Department C-6 General Conditions - r, > ' SECTION C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL C2-2 . l PROPOSAL FORM: The Owner will furnish bidders with proposal form, which will contain an itemized list of the items of work to be done or materials to be furnished and upon which bid prices are requested. The Proposal form will state the Bidder's general understanding of the project to be completed, provide a space for furnishing the amount of bid security, and state the basis for entering into a formal contract. The Owner will furnish forms for the Bidder's "Experience Record", "Equipment Schedule", and "Financial Statement", all of which must be properly executed and filed with the Director of the City Water Department one week prior to the hour for opening of bids. The financial statement required shall ·have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate state licensing agency, and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the current financial status. This statement must be current and not more than one (1) year old. In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated by proper verification. Liquid assets in the amount of ten (10%) percent of the estimated project cost will be required. For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable for a gi v en project, it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking qualification in work of both the same nature and magnitude as that of the project for which bids are being receiv ed, and such experience must have been on projects completed not more than five (5) years prior to the date on which bids are to be receiv ed. The Director of the Water Department shall be sole judge as to the acceptability of experience for qualification to bid on any For Worth Water Department project. The prospective bidder shall schedule the equipment he has av ailable for the project and state that he will rent such additional equipment as may be required to complete the project on which he submits a bid. C2-2.2 INTERPRETATION OF QUANTITIES: The quantities of work and materials to --------·--·be}urrushed as -maybe l1stedrn-tlie--proposafformsor-ofuer-parts-ofthe Contracf ---·---- Documents will be considered as approximate only-and will be used for the purpose of comparing bids on a uniform basis. Payment will be made to the Contractor for only the actual quantities of work performed or materials furnished in strict accordance with the Contract Documents and Plans. The quantities of work to be performed and materials to be furnished may be increased or decreased as hereinafter provided, without in any way invalidating the unit prices bid or any other requirements of the Contract Documents . C2-2.3 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE OF PROJECT: Bidders are advised that the Contract Documents on file with the Owner shall constitute all of the information which the Owner will furnish . All additional information and data which the Owner supply after promulgation of the formal Contract Documents shall be issued in the form of written addenda and shall become part of the Contract Documents just as though such addenda were actually written into the original Contract Documents . F ort Worth Water Dep artment C-7 General Co nditi ons Bidders are required, prior to filing of proposal, to read and become familiar with the Contract Documents, to visit the site of the project and examine carefully all local conditions, to inform themsel v es by their own independent research and investigations, tests, borings, and by such other means as may be necessary to gain a complete knowledge of the conditions which may be encountered during the construction of the project. They must judge for themselves the difficulties of the work and all attending circumstances affecting the cost of doing work or the time required for its completion, and obtain all information given by the Owner or any representative of the Owner other than that contained in the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda thereto, shall be binding upon the Owner. Bidders shall rely exclusively and solely upon their own estimates, investigation, research, tests; explorations, and other data which are necessary for full and complete information upon which the proposal is to be based. It is mutually agreed that the submission of a proposal is prima-facie evidence that the bidder has made the investigations, examinations, and tests herein required. Claims for additional compensation due to variations between the conditions encountered in construction and as indicated in the Contract Documents will not be allowed. The logs of Soil Borings, if any, showing on the plans are for general information only and may not be correct. Neither the Owner nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of conditions which actually exist. ! i I C2-2.4 SUBMITTING OF PROPOSAL: The Bidder shall submit his Proposal on the form furnished by the Owner. All blank spaces applicable to the project contained in the form shall be correctly filled in and the Bidder shall state the prices, written in ink in both words and numerals, for which he proposes to do the work contemplated or furnish the materials required. All such prices shall be written legibly. In case of discrepancy between the price written words and the price written in numerals, the price most advantageous to the City shall govern. If a proposal is submitted by an individual, his or her name must be signed by him (her) or his (her) duly authorized agent. If a proposal is submitted by a firm, association, or partnership, the name and address of each member must be given, and the proposal must be signed by a member of the firm , association, or partnership , or by a person duly authorized. If a proposal is submitted by a company or corporation, the company or corporate name and business address must be given, and the proposal signed by an official or duly authorized agent. The corporate seal must be affixed. Power of Attorney authorizing agents or others to sign the proposal must be properly certified and must be in writing and submitted w ith the proposal. C2-2.5 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS: Proposals may be rejected if they show any alteration or words or figures, additions not called for , conditional . or uncalled for alternate bids, incomplete bids, erasures, or irregularities of any kind, or contain unbalanced value of any items. Proposal tendered or delivered after the official time designated for receipt of proposal shall be returned to the Bidder unopened. Fort Worth W ater Departm en t C-8 G eneral Conditions - ,,,..---·-···· - C2-2.6 BID SECURITY: No proposal will be considered unless it is accompanied by a "Proposal Security" of the character and in the amount indicated in the ''Notice to Bidders" and the "Proposal". The Bid security is required by the Owner as evidence of good faith on the part of the Bidder, and by way of a guaranty that if awarded the contract, the Bidder will, within the required time, execute a formal contract and furnish the required performance and other bonds. The bid security of the three lowest bidders will be retained until the contract is awarded or other disposition is made thereof Tue bid security of all other bidders may be returned promptly after the canvass of bids. C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security, to the City Manager or his representative in the official place of business as set forth in the ''Notice to Bidders". It is the Bidders sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered .. The Bidder must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope .· plainly marked with the work "PROPOSAL", and the name or description of the project as designated in the ''Notice to Bidders". The envelope shall be addressed to the City Manager, City Hall, Fort Worth, Texas. C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the City Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for opening the proposals. A request for non-consideration of a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non-consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. C2-2.9 TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the City Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further, th.at the City Manager is satisfied th.at a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the written signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within the forty-eight ( 48) hours after the proposal opening time, no further consideration will be given to the proposal. C2-2 .10 PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSAL: Proposals which have been properly filed and for which no ''Non-consideration Request" has been received will be publicly opened and read aloud by the City Manager or his duly authorized representative at the time and place indicated in the ''Notice to Bidders". All proposals which have been opened and read will remain on file with the Owner until the contract has been awarded. Bidders or their authorized representatives are invited to be present for the opening of bids. C2-2. l 1 IRREGULAR PROPOSALS: Proposals shall be considered as being "Irregular" if they show any omissions, alterations of form , additions, or conditions not Fort Worth Water Departm ent C-9 General Conditions called for , unauthorized alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind. However, the Owner reserves the right to waive any and all irregularities and to make the award of the contract to the best interest of the City. Tendering of a proposal after the closing hour is an irregularity which cannot be waived. C2-2.12 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Bidders may be disqualified and their f proposals not considered for any of, but not limited to , the following reason: A. Reasons for believing that collusion exists among bidders B . Reasonable grounds for believing that any bidder is interested in more than one proposal for work contemplated. C. The bidder being interested in any litigation against the Owner or where the Owner may have a claim against or be engaged in litigation against the bidder. D. The bidder being in arrears on any existing contract or having defaulted on a previous contract. E. The bidder having performed a prior contract in an unsatisfactory manner. F . Lack of competency as revealed by the :financial statement, experience of record, equipment schedule, and such inquiries as the Owner may see fit to make. G. H. Uncompleted work which, in the judgment of the Owner, will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. The bidder not filing with the Owner, one week in advance of the hour of the opening of proposals the following: 1. 2. Financial Statement showing the :financial condition of the bidder as specified in Part "A" -Special Instructions . A current experience record showing especially the projects of a # nature similar to the one under consideration, which have been successfully completed by the Bidder. l An equipment schedule showing the equipment the bidder has I 3. _____ ----------___ -··· ______ .. ----· __ .. available _for _use on the project._-----·-----------_____ ... _ --· _ . _• __________ ---__ _ The Bid Proposal of a bidder who, in the judgment of the Engineer, is disqualified under the requirements stated herein, shall be set aside and not opened. Fort W orth W ater Department C-10 General Condi ti ons - - -- - -- SECTION C3-3 AW ARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS C3-3.l CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS: After the proposals have been opened and read aloud, the proposals will be tabulated on the basis of the quoted prices , the quantities shown in the proposal, and the application of such formulas or other methods of bringing items to a common basis as may be established in the Contract Documents. The total obtained by taking the sum of the products of unit prices quoted and the estimated quantities plus any lump sum items and such other quoted amounts as may enter into the cost of the completed project will be considered as the amount of the bid. Until the award of the contract is made by the Owner, the right will be reserved to reject any or all proposals and waive technicalities, to re-advertise for new proposals, or to proceed with the work in any manner as may be considered for ~he best interest of the Owner. C3-3.2 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE/WOMEN OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE: Contractor agrees to provide to Owner, upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and or a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and the payment therefore. Contractor further agrees, upon request by the Owner, to allow and audit and/or an examination of any books, records , or files in the possession of Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed by the MBE or WBE. Any material misrepresentation of any nature will be grounds for termination of the contract and for initiating any action under appropriate federal, state, or local laws and ordinances relating to false statements; further , any such misrepresentation may be grounds for disqualification of Contractor at Owner's discretion for bidding on future Contracts with the Owner for a period oftime not less than six (6) months . C3-3.3 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS : The Contractor shall comply with Current City Ordinance prohibiting discrimination in employment practices . The Contractor shall post the required notice to that effect on the project site, and, at his request, will be provided assistance by the City of Fort Worth's Equal Employment Officer who will refer any qualified applicant he may have on file in his office to the Contractor. Appropriate notices may be acquired from the Equal Employment Officer. C3-3.4 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS: After a proposal has been read by the Owner it cannot be withdrawn by the Bidder within forty-five (45) days after the date on which the proposals were opened. C3-3.5 AWARD OF CONTRACT : The Owner reserves the right to withhold final action on the proposals for a reasonable time, not to exceed forty-five (45) day s aft er the date of opening proposals , and in no event will an award be made until after investigations have been m ade at to the responsibility of the proposed awardee. F ort Worth W ater D epartment C -11 G eneral Conditi ons The award of the contract, if an award is made, will be to the lowest and best responsible bidder. The award of the contract shall not become effective until the Owner has notified the Contractor in writing of such award. C3-3.6 RETURN OF PROPOSAL SECURITIES : As soon as proposed price totals have · been determined for comparison of bids, the Owner may, at its discretion, return the proposal security which accompanied the proposals which, in its judgment, would not be considered for the award. All other proposal securities, usually those of the three lowest bidders, will be retained by the Owner until the required contract has been executed and bond furnished by the Owner has otherwise disposed of the bids, after which they will be returned by the City Secretary. C3-3.7 BONDS : With the execution and delivery of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall furnish to , and file with the Owner in the amounts herein required, the following bonds: A. Performance Bond: A good and sufficient performance bond in an amount not less than 100 percent of the amount of the contract, as evidenced by the proposal tabulation or otherwise, guaranteeing the full and faithful execution of the work and performance of the contract, and for the protection of the Owner and all other persons against the damage by reason of negligence of the Contractor, or improper execution of the work or the use of inferior materials . This performance bond shall guarantee the payment for all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and services used in the construction of the work, and shall remain in full force and effect until the provisions as above stipulated are accomplished and final payment is made on the project by the city. B. Maintenance Bond: A good and sufficient maintenance bond, in the amount of not less than 100 percent of the amount of the contract, as evidenced by the proposal tabulation or otherwise, guaranteeing the prompt, full and faithful performance of the general guaranty which is set forth in paragraph C8-8.10. C. · Payment Bond: A good and sufficient payment bond, in an amount not less than 100 percent of the amount of the contract, as evidenced by the proposal tabulation or otherwise, guaranteeing the prompt, full and faithful payment of all claimants as defined in Article 5160 , Revised Civil Statutes of Texas , 1925, as amended by House Bill 344 Acts 56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959, effective April 27, 1959, and/or the latest version thereof, supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contact being · constructed under these specifications. Payment bond shall remain in full force until all payments as above stipulated are made. D. Other Bonds: Such other bonds as may be required by these Contract Documents shall be furnished by the Contractor. Fort Worth W ater Departm ent C-12 Gen eral Con ditions -· - - ,- No sureties will be accepted by the Owner which are at the time in default or delinquent on any bonds or which are interested in any litigation against the owner. All bonds shall be made on the forms furnished by the Owner and shall be executed by an approved surety company doing business in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and which is acceptable t o the Owner. In order to be acceptable, the name of the surety shall be included on the current U.S. Treasury list of acceptable sureties , and the amount of bond written by any one acceptable company shall not exceed the amount shown on the Treasury list for that company. Each bond shall be properly executed by both the Contractor and the Surety Company. Should any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory at any time by the Owner, notice will be given the Contractor to that effect and the Contractor shall immediately provide a new surety satisfactory to the Owner. No payment will be made under the contract until the new surety or sureties, as required, have qualified and have been accepted by the Owner. The contract shall not be operative nor will any payments be due or paid until approval of bonds by the Owner. C3-3.8 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT: Within ten (10) days after the Owner has by appropriate resolution, or otherwise, awarded the contract, the Contractor shall execute and file with the Owner the Contract and other such bonds as may be required in the Contract Documents. No contract shall be binding upon the Owner until it has been attested by the City Secretary, approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney, and ex ecuted for the Owner by either the Mayor or City Manager. C3-3.9 FAILURE TO EXECUTE CONTRACT: The failure of the Awardee to execute the required bond or bonds or to sign the required contract within ten (10) days after the contract is awarded shall be considered by the Owner as an abandonment of his proposal, and the Owner may annul the award. By reason of the uncertainty of the market prices of material and labor, and it being impracticable and difficult to accurately determine the ... .. ._amount _of damages occurring to the Owner by reason _of.said Awardee 's f~lure to ··-----· __ _ ....._ · ---· --execute said bonds and contract within ten (10) days , the proposal security accompanying the proposal shall be the agreed amount of damages which the Owner will suffer by reason of such failure on the part of the Awardee and shall thereupon immediatel y be forfeited to the Owner. Toe filing of a proposal will be considered as an acceptance of this provision by the Bidder. C3-3.10 BEGINNING WORK: Toe Contractor shall not commence work until authorized in writing to do so b y the Owner. Should the Contractor fail to commence work at the site of the project within the time stipulated in the written authorization usually termed the "Work Order" or "Proceed Order", it is agreed that the Surety Company will, within ten (10) days after the commencement date set forth in such written authorization, commence the physical ex ecution of the contract. Fort Worth Water Department C-13 General Con diti ons C3-3.l l INSURANCE: The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all the insurance required under the Contract Documents, and such insurance has been approved by the Owner. The prime contractor shall be responsible for delivering to the Owner the sub-contractor's certificate of insurance for approval. The prime contractor shall indicate on the certificate of insurance included in the documents for execution whether or not his insurance covers sub-contractors. It is the intention of the Owner that the insurance coverage required herein shall include the coverage of all sub-contractors. A. Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall maintain, during the life of this contract, Workers Compensation Insurance on all of his employees to be engaged in work on the project under this contract, and for all sub- contractors. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work on the project under this contract is not protected under the Workers Compensation Statute, the Contractor shall provide adequate employer's general liability insurance for the protection of such of his employees not so protected. B. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this contract Contractor's Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance) in the amount not less than $500,000 covering each occurrence on account of bodily injury, including death, and in an amount not less than $500,000 covering each occurrence on account of property damage with $2,000,000 umbrella policy coverage. C. Additional Liability: The Contractor shall furnish insurance as separate policies or by additional endorsement to one of the above-mentioned policies, and in the amount as set forth for public liability and property damage, the following insurance: 1. Contingent Liability (covers General Contractor's Liability for acts of sub-contractors .) Blasting, prior to any blasting being done. 2. 3. Collapse of building or structures adjacent to excavation (if excavations are to be performed adjacent to same). 4. Damage to underground utilities for $500,000. 5. Builders risk (where above-ground structures are involved) 6. Contractual Liability ( covers all indemnification requirements of Contract). Fort Worth Water Department C-14 General Conditions t l -- - - - ;--. -(' D. E. F. Automobile Insurance -Bodily Injury and Property Damage: The Contractor shall procure and maintain, during the life of the Contract, Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance in an amount not less than $250,000 for injuries including accidental death to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person an amount not less than $500,000 on account on one accident, and automobile property damage insurance in an amount not less than $100,000. Scope of Insurance and Special Hazard: The insurance required under the above paragraphs shall provide adequate protection for the Contractor and his sub-contractors, respectively, against damage claims which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by the insured or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by him, and also against any of the following special hazards which may be encountered in the performance of the Contract. Proof of Carriage of Insurance: The Contractor shall furnish the Owner with satisfactory proof of coverage by insurance required in these Contract Documents in amounts and by carriers satisfactory to the Owner. All insurance requirements made upon the Contractor shall apply to the sub- contractor, should the Prime Contractor's insurance not cover the sub- contractor's work operations. G. Local Agent for Insurance Bonding: The insurance and bonding companies with wJ;iom the Contractor's insurance and performance, payment, maintenance and all such other bonds as written shall be represented by an agent or agents having an office located within the city limits of the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Each such agent shall be a duly qualified one upon whom service of process may be had, and must have the authority and power to act on behalf of the insurance and /or bonding company to negotiate and settle with the City of Fort . . Worth, or any other claimant, any claims that the City of Fort Worth or other claimant, or any property owner who has been damaged, may have against the Contractor, insurance, and/or bonding company. If the local insurance representative is not so empowered by the insurance or bonding companies, then such authority must be vested in a local agent or claims officer residing in the Metroplex, the Fort Worth-Dallas area. The name of the agent or agents shall be set forth on all of such bonds and certificates of insurance. C3-3.12 CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS: Under the Contract, the Contractor shall pay for all materials, labor, and services when due. C3-3.13 WEEKLY PAYROLL: A certified copy of each payroll covering payment of wages to all persons engaged in work on the project at the site of the project shall be Fort Worth Water Department C-15 General Conditions furnished to the Owner's representati v e within seven (7) days after the close of each payroll period. A copy or copies of the applicable minimum wage rates as set forth in the Contract Documents shall be kept posed in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times during the course of the Contract. Copies of the wage rates will be furnished the Contractor, by the Owner; however, posting and protection of the wage rates shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. C3-3.14 CONTRACTOR'S CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: Any Contractor, whether a person, persons, partnership, company, firm, association, corporation, or other who is approved to do business with and enters into a contract with the City for construction of water and/or sanitary sewer facilities, will have or shall establish a fully operational business office within the Fort Worth-Dallas metropolitan area. The Contractor shall charge, delegate, or assign this office ( or he may delegate his Project Superintendent) with full authority to transact all business actions required in the performance of the Contract. This local authority shall be made responsible to act for the Contractor in all matters pertaining to the work governed by the Contract whether it be administrative or otherwise, and as such shall be empowered, thus delegated and directed, to settle all material, labor, or other expenditures, all claims against the work or any other matter associated with such as maintaining adequate and appropriate insurance or security coverage for the project. Such local authority for administration of the work under the Contract shall be maintained until all business transactions executed as part of the Contract are complete. f Should the Contractor's principal base of operations be other than in the Fort Worth- Dallas metropolitan area, notification of the Contractor's assignment of local authority shall be made in writing to the Engineer in advance of any work on the project, all appropriately signed and sealed, as applicable, by the Contractor's responsible officers with the understanding that this written assignment of authority to a local representativ e shall become part of the project Contract as though bound directly into the project documents . The intent of these requirements is that all matters associated with the Contractor's administration, whether it be oriented in furthering the work, or other, be governed directly by local authority. This same requirement is imposed on insurance surety coverage. Should the Contractor's local representative fail to perform to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the Engineer, at his sole discretion, may demand that such local representative be replaced and the Engineer may, at his discretion, stop all work until a new local authority satisfactory to the Engineer, is assigned. No credit of working time sill be for periods in which work stoppages are in effect for this reason. C3-3 .15 VENUE: Venue of any action herein under shall be exclusively in Tarrant County, Texas. Fort Worth Water Departm ent C-16 General Conditi ons SECTION C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK C4-4.1 INTENT OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: It is the definite intention of these Contract Documents to provide for a complete, useful project which the Contractor undertakes to construct or furnish, all in full compliance with the requirements and intent of the Contract Documents. It is definitely understood that the Contractor shall do all work as provided in the Contract Documents, shall do all extra or special work as may be considered by the Owner as necessary to complete the project in a satisfactory and acceptable manner. The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specifically stated in these Contract Documents , furnish all labor, tools, materials , machinery, equipment, special services , and incidentals necessary to the prosecution and completion of the project. C4-4.2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Should any work or conditions which are not thoroughly and satisfactorily stipulated or covered by the General or Special Conditions of these Contract Documents be anticipated, or should there be any additional proposed work which is not covered by these Contract Documents, the "Special Provisions" covering all such work will be prepared by the Owner previous to the time of receiving bids or proposals for such work and furnished to the Bidder in the form of Addenda. All such "Special Provisions" shall be considered to be a part of the Contract Documents just as though they were originally written therein. C4-4 .3 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES : The Owner reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when as found to be necessary , and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered, increased or decreased at the unit prices. Such increased or decreased quantity shall not be more than 25 percent of the contemplated quantity of such item or items. When such changes increase or decrease the original quantity of any item or items or work to be done or materials to be furnished by the 25 percent or more, then either party to the contract shall upon written request to the other part be entitled to a revised consideration upon that portion of the work above or below the 25 percent of the original quantity stated in the proposal ; such revised consideration to be determined by special agreement or as hereinafter provided for "Extra Work". No allowance will be ··made· foi---any changes in anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. Variations in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes in depth categories , shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities of sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe size, but not to the various depth categories . C4-4.4 ALTERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: By Change Order, the Owner reserves the right to make such changes in the Contract Documents and in the character or quantities of the work as may be necessary or desirable t insure completion in the most satisfactory manner, provided such changes do not materially alter the original Contract Documents or change the general nature of the project as a whole. Such changes shall not be considered as waiving or invalidating any condition or provision of the Contract Documents . Fort Worth Water Departm ent C-17 General Co ndi tions I B. Good faith efforts have been made to settle such outstanding claims, and such good faith efforts have failed. If condition (A) above is met at any time within the six month period, the Director shall recommend that the final payment to the Contractor be made. If condition (B) above is met at any time within the six month period, the Director may recommend that final payment to the Contractor be made. At the expiration of the six month period, the Director may recommend that final payment be made if all other work has been performed and all other obligations to the Contractor have been met to the satisfaction of the Director. The Director may, ifhe deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other Water Department Contract work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. C6-6.13 CONTRACTOR'S CLAIM FOR DAMAGES: Should the Contractor claim compensation for any alleged damage by reason of the acts or omissions of the Owner, he shall within three days after the actual sustaining of such alleged damage, make a written statement to the Engineer, setting out in detail the month succeeding that in which any such damage is claimed to have been sustained, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer an itemized statement of the details and amount of such alleged damage and, upon request, shall give the Engineer access to all books of account, receipts, vouchers, bills of lading, and other books or papers containing any evidence as to the amount of such alleged damage. Unless such statements shall be filed as hereinabove required, the Contractor's claim for compensation shall be waived, and he shall not be entitled to payment on account of such damages . C6-6.14 ADWSTMENT OR RELOCATION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES: In case it is necessary to change, move, or alter in any manner the property of a public utility or others, the said property shall not be moved or interfered with until orders thereupon hav e been issued by the Engineer. The right is reserved to the owners of publi c utilities to enter the geographical limits of the Contract for the purpose of making such changes or repairs to their property that may be necessary by the performance of this contract. C6-6.15 TEMPORARY SEWER AND DRAIN CONNECTIONS: When existing sewer lines have to be taken up or removed , the Contractor shall, at. his own expense and cost, provide and maintain temporary outlets and connections for all private or public drains and sewers. The Contractor shall also take care of all sewage and drainage which will be received from these drains and sewers, and for this purpose he shall provide and maintain, at his own cost and expense, adequate pumping facilities and temporary outlets or diversions. The Contractor, at his own cost and expense, shall construct such troughs , pipes, or other structures necessary, and be prepared at all times to dispose of drainage and sewage received from these temporary connections until such times as the permanent connection s are built and are in service. The existing sewers and connections shall be kept in service Fort Wo rth Wa ter Depar1ment C-36 General Condition s - -and maintained under the Contract, except when specified or ordered t o be abandoned by the Engineer. All water, sewage, and other waste shall be disposed of in a satisfactory manner so that no nuisance is created and so that the work under construction will be adequately protected. C6-6. l 6 ARRANGEMENT AND CHARGES FOR WATER FURNISHED BY THE CITY: When the Contractor desires to use City water in connection with any construction work, he shall make complete and satisfactory arrangements with the Fort Worth City Water Department for so doing. City water furnished to the Contractor shall be delivered to the Contractor from a connection on an existing City main. All piping required beyond the point of delivery shall be installed by the Contractor at his own expense. The Contractor's responsibility in the use of all existing fire hydrants and/or valves is detailed in Section E2-l .2 USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND VALVES in these General Contract Documents. When meters are used to measure the water, the charges, if any, for water will be at the regularly established rates . When meters are not used, the charges, if any, will be as prescribed by the City Ordinance, or where no ordinance applies, payment shall be made on estimates and rates established by the Director of the Fort Worth Water Department. C6-6.l 7 USE OF A SECTION OR PORTION OF THE WORK: Whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer, any section or portion of the work or any structure is in suitable condition, it may be put into use upon the written order of the Engineer, and such usage shall not be held to be in any way an acceptance of said work or structure or any part thereof or as a waiver or any of the provisions or these Contract Documents. All necessary repairs and removals of any section of the work so put into use, due to defective materials or workmanship , equipment, or to deficient operations on the part of the Contractor, shall be performed by the Contractor at his own expense. acceptance by the Owner as provided for in these Contract Documents, the work shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall take every necessary precaution to prevent injury or damage to the work or any part thereof by action of the elements or from any cause whatsoever, whether arising from the execution or non-execution of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild , repair, restore, and make good at his own expense all injuries or damages to any portion of the work occasioned by any of the hereinabove causes. C6-6 .19 NO WAIVER OF LEGAL RIGHTS:. Inspection by the Engineer or any order by the Owner by payment of money or any payment for or acceptance of any work, or any extension of time, or any possession taken by the City shall not operate as a waiver of any provision of the Contract Documents . Any waiver of any breach or Contract shall not be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. Fort Worth W ater De partm ent C-37 General Conditions ', The Owner reserves the right to correct any error that may be discovered in any estimate that may have been paid and to adjust the same to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. C6-6.20 PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS: In carrying out the provisions of these Contract Documents or in exercising any power or authority granted thereunder, there shall be no liability upon the authorized representatives of the Owner, either personally or otherwise as they are agents and representatives of the City. C6-6.21 STATE SALES TAX: On a contract awarded by the City of Fort Worth, an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant the provisions of Article 20.04 (H) of the Texas Limited Sales, excise, and Use Tax Act, the Contractor may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the performance of this contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate to comply with the State Comptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exemption certificate issued by the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to and shall comply with the provisions of State Comptroller's Ruling .011, and any other applicable State Comptroller rulings pertaining to the Texas Limited Sales, Excise, and Use Tax Act. On a contract awarded by a developer for the construction of a publicly-owned improvement in a street right of way or other easement which has been dedicated to the public and the City of Fort Worth, an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant to the provisions of Article 20.04 (H) of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise, and Use Tax Act, the Contractor can probably be exempted in the same manner stated above. Limited Sale, Excise, and Use Tax permits and information can be obtained from: Comptroller of Public Accounts Sale Tax Division '. i I 1 .. ___ .... _ _ ______ --· _ Austin, Texas ... __ _ -·--------··· --·····--··-·· ------------~ ----· ·--•-_., _____ ··-··--------,----~--- . ' Fort Worth Water Department C-38 General Conditions \ SECTION C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS C7-7 .l SUBLETTING: The Contractor shall perform with his own organization, and with assistance of workman under his immediate superintendence, work of a value of not less than fifty (50) percent of the value embraced in the contract. If the Contractor sublets any part of the work to be done under these Contract Documents, he will not under any circumstances be relieved of the responsibility and obligation assumed under these Contract Documents. All transactions of the Engineer will be with the Contractor. Subcontractors will be considered only in the capacity of employees and workmen of the Contractor and shall be subject to the same requirements as to character and competency. The Owner will not recognize any subcontractor on the work. The Contractor shall at all times, when the work is in operation, be represented either in person or by a superintendent or other designated representatives. C7-7.2 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall not assign, transfer, sublet, convey, or otherwise dispose of the contract or his rights, title, or interest in or to the same or any part thereof without the previous consent of the Owner expressed by resolution of the City Council and concurred in the Sureties . If the Contractor does, without such previous consent, assign, transfer, sublet, convey, or otherwise dispose of the contract or his right, title, or interest therein or any part thereof, to any person or persons, partnership, company, firm, or corporation, or does by bankruptcy, voluntary or involuntary, or by assignment under the insolvency laws of any state, attempt to dispose of the contract may, at the option of the Owner be revoked and annulled, unless the Sureties shall successfully complete said contract, and in the event of any such revocation or annulment, any monies due or to become due under or by virtue of said contract shall be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages for the reason that it would be impracticable and extremely difficult to fix the damages. C7-7.3 PROSECUTION OF THE WORK: Prior to beginning any construction operation, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer in five or more copies, if requested by the Engineer, a progress schedule preferably in chart or diagram form, or a brief outlining in detail and step by step manner of prosecuting the work and ordering materials and equipment which he expects to follow in order to complete the project in the scheduled time . There shall also be submitted a table of estimated amounts to be earned by the Contractor during each monthly pay estimate period. The Contractor shall commence the work to be performed under this contract within the time limit stated in these Contract Documents and shall conduct the work in a continuous manner and with sufficient equipment, materials , and labor as is necessary to insure its completion within the time limit. The sequence requested of all construction operations shall be at all times as specified in the Special Contract Documents. Any deviation from such sequencing shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. Contractor shall not proceed with any deviation until he has received written approv al from the Engineer. Such specification or approval by the Fort Worth Water Department C-39 Genera l Conditions Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from the full responsibility of the complete performance of the Contract. The contract time may be changed only as set forth in Section C7-7 .8 "Extension of Time of Completion" of this Agreement, and a progress schedule shall not constitute a change in the contract time. C7-7.4 LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS: The working operations shall at all times be conducted by the Contractor so as to create a minimum amount of inconvenience to the public. At any time when, in the judgment of the Engineer, the Contractor has obstructed or closed or is carrying on operations in a portion of a street or public right of way greater than is necessary for the proper execution of the work, the Engineer may require the Contractor to finish the section on which operations are in progress before the work is commenced on the additional section or street. C7-7.5 CHARACTER OF WORKMEN AND EQUIPMENT: Local labor shall be used by the Contractor if available. The Contractor may bring in from outside the City of Fort Worth his key man and his superintendent. All other workmen, including equipment operators, may be imported only after the local supply is exhausted. The Contractor shall employ only such superintendents, foremen, and workmen who are careful, competent, and fully qualified to perform the duties or tasks assigned to them, and the Engineer may demand and secure the summary dismissal of any person or persons employed by the Contractor in or about or on the work who, in the opinion of the Owner, shall misconduct himself or be found to be incompetent, disrespectful, intemperate, dishonest; or otherwise objectionable or neglectful in the proper performance of his or their duties, or who neglects or refuses to comply with or carry out the directions of the Owner, and such person or persons shall not be employed again thereon without written consent of the Engineer. All workmen shall have sufficient skill, ability, and experience to properly perform the work assigned to them and operate any equipment necessary to properly carry out the ......... _ .... _performance of the assigned duties. . ___ --------·-________________ .. _______________ _ The Contractor shall furnish and maintain on the work all such equipment as is considered to be necessary for prosecution of the work in an acceptable manner and at a satisfactory rate of progress. All equipment, tools, and machinery used for handling materials and executing any part of the work shall be subject to the appr<?val of the Engineer and shall be maintained in a satisfactory, safe and efficient working condition. Equipment on any portion of the work shall be such that no injury to the work, workmen or adjacent property will result from its use. C7-7.6 WORK SCHEDULE: Elapsed working days shall be computed starting with the first day of work completed as defined in Cl-1.23 "WORKING DAY" or the date stipulated in the ''WORK ORDER" for beginning work, whichever comes first. Fort Worth Water Department C-40 General Conditions Nothing in these Contract Documents shall be construed as prohibiting the Contractor from working on Saturday, Sunday, or Legal Holi days, pro viding that the following requirements are met: · A. A request to work on a specific Saturday, Sunday, or Legal Holiday must be made to the Engineer no later than the preceding Thursday. B. Any work to be done on the project on such a specific Saturday, Sunday , or Legal Holiday must be, in the opinion of the Engineer, essential to the timely completion of the project. The Engineer's decision shall be final in response to such a request for approval to work on a specific Saturday, Sunday, or Legal Holiday, and no extra compensation will be allowed to the Contractor for any work performed on such specific Saturday, Sunday, or Legal Holiday. Calendar Days shall be defined in Cl-1.24 and the Contractor may work as he so desires . C7-7.7 TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION: The Contractor shall commence the working operations within the time specified in the Contract Documents and set forth in the Work Order. Failure to do so shall be considered by the Owner as abandonment of the Contract by the Contractor and the Owner may proceed as he sees fit. The Contractor shall maintain a rate of progress such as will insure that the whole work will be performed and the premises cleaned up in accordance with the Contract Documents and within the time established in such documents and such extension of time as may be properly authorized by the Owner. C7-7.8 EXTENSION OF TIME COMPLETION : The Contractor's request for an extension of time of completion shall be considered only when the request for such extension is submitted in writing to the Engineer within seven days from and after the time alleged cause of delay shall have occurred. Should an extension of time of completion be requested such request will be forwarded to the City Council for approval. · In adjusting the contract time or completion of the work, consideration will be given to unforeseeable causes beyond the control of an without the fault of negligence of the Contractor, including but not limited to acts of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, fire , flood, tornadoes, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, or delays of sub-contractors due to such causes. When the date of completion is based on a calendar day bid, a request for e xtension of time because of inclement weather will not be considered. A request for extension of time due to inability to obtain supplies and materials will be considered only when a review of the Contractor's purchase order dates and other pertinent data as requested by the Engineer indicates that the Contractor has made a bonafide attempt to secure deliv ery Fort Worth Water Dep artm ent C-41 General Conditions on schedule. This shall include efforts to obtain the supplies and materials from alternate sources in case the first source cannot make deli v ery. If satisfactory execution and completion of the contract should require work and materials in greater amounts or quantities than those set forth in the approved Contract Documents, then the contract time may be increased by Change Order. C7-7. 9 DELAYS: The Contractor shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the work, except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or material, if any, which is to be furnished by the City. When such extra compensation is claimed, a written statement thereof shall be presented by the Contractor to the Engineer and if by him found correct shall be approved and ref erred by him to the Council for final approval or disapproval; and the action thereon by the Council shall be final and binding. If delay is caused by specific orders given by the Engineer to stop work, or by the performance of extra work, or by the failure of the City to provide materials or necessary instructions for carrying on the work, then such delay will entitle the Contractor to an equivalent extension of time, his application for which shall, however, be subject to the approval of the City Council; and no such extension of time shall release the Contractor or the surety on his performance bond from all obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until the discharge of the contract. C7-7.I0 TIME OF COMPLETION: The time of completion is an essential element of the contract. Each bidder shall indicate in the appropriate place on the last page of the Proposal the number of working days or calendar days that he will require to fully complete this contract or the time of completion will be specified by the City in the Proposal section of the Contract Documents. The number of days indicated shall be a realistic estimate of the time required to complete the work covered by the specific contract being bid upon. The amount of time so stated by the successful bidder or the City will become the time of completion _ _ _ ·-·---~l?t?.~~p~_El .~~ _ Co~~~~~_1?<:>_c1:m.?-~~~~· _______________________ ..... ···-__ _ For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified in the Contract Documents, or the increased time granted by the Owner, or as automatically increased by additional work or materials ordered after the contract is signed, the sum per day given in the following schedule, unless otherwise specified in other parts of the Contract Documents, will be deducted from monies due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffered by the Owner. Fort Worth W ater Departm ent C-42 General Conditions l . t .. ,... AMOUNT OF CONTRACT Less than $5,000 inclusive $35 .00 $5,001 to $15,000 inclusive $45.00 $15,001 to $25 ,000 inclusive $63.00 $25 ,001 to $50,000 inclusive $105.00 $50,001 to 100,000 inclusive $154.00 $100 ,001 to $500 ,000 inclusive $210.00 $500 ,001 to $1,000 ,000 inclusive $315.00 $1,000,001 to $2 ,000 ,000 inclusive $420.00 $2,000,000 and over $630.00 The parties hereto understand and agree that any hfil1Il to the City caused by the Contractor's delay in completing the work hereunder in the time specified by the Contract Documents would be incapable or very difficult of accurate estimation, and that the "Amount of Liquidated Damages Per Day", as set out above , is a reasonable forecast of just compensation due the City for hfil1Il caused by any delay. C7-7.11 SUSPENSION BY COURT ORDER: The Contractor shall suspend operations on such part or parts of the work ordered by any court, and will not be entitled to additional compensation by virtue of such court order. Neither will he be liable to the city in the event the work is suspended by a Court Order. Neither will the Owner be liable to the Contractor by virtue of any Court Order or action for which the Owner is not solely responsible. C7-7.12 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION: The Owner shall have the right to suspend the work operation wholly or in part for such period or periods of time as he may deem necessary due to unsuitable weather conditions or any other unfavorable conditions which in the opinion of the Owner or Engineer cause further prosecution of the work to be unsatisfactory or detrimental to the interest of the project. During temporary suspension of work covered by this contract, for any reason, the Owner will make no ex~a paYJ:?<::n.t for _ stand-by_t~me of ~~J?:~t~_~_t}o_n. __ ~q~iP!P:~U.! ~nd.(~r co_nst:rll~tion ~~~~~~ _ _ __ _ __ If it should become necessary to suspend work for an indefinite period, the Contractor shall store all materials in such manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public unnecessarily nor become damaged in any way, and he shall take every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed; he shall provide suitable drainage about the work, and erect temporary structures where necessary. Should the Contractor not be able to complete a portion of the project due to causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, as set forth in Paragraph C7-7.8 EXTENSION OF THE TIME OF COMPLETION, and should it be determined by mutual consent of the ·Contractor and the Engineer that a solution to allow construction to proceed is not available within a reasonable period of time, then the Contractor may be reimbursed for the cost of moving his equipment off the job and returning the necessary equipment to the job when it is determined by the Engineer tat Fort Worth Water Departmen t C-43 General Conditions construction may be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no profit will be allowed. No reimbursement shall be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construction project for the City of Fort Worth. The Contractor shall not suspend work without written notice from the Engineer and shall proceed with the work operations promptly when notified by the Engineer to so resume operations. C7-7.13 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT DUE TO NATIONAL EMERGENCY: Whenever, because ofNational Emergency, so declared by the President of the United States or other lawful authority, it becomes impossible for the Contractor to obtain all of the necessary labor, materials, and equipment for the prosecution of the work with reasonable continuity for a period of two months, the Contractor shall within seven days notify the City in writing, giving a detailed statement of the efforts which have been made and listing all necessary items oflabor, materials, and equipment not obtainable. If, after investigations, the Owrier finds such conditions existing and that the inability of the Contractor to proceed is not attributable in whole or in part to the fault or neglect of the Contract, then if the Owner cannot after reasonable effort, assist the Contractor in · procuring and making available the necessary labor, materials, and equipment within thirty days, the Contractor may request the Owner to terminate the contract and the Owner shall comply with the request, and the termination shall be conditioned and based upon a final settlement mutually acceptable to both the Owner and the Contractor and final payment shall be made in accordance with the terms of the agreed settlement, which shall include, but not be limited to, the payment for all work executed, but no anticipated profits on work which has not been performed. C7-7 .14 SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT OF THE WORK AND ANNULMENT OF CONTRACT: The work operations on all or any portion or section of the work under contract shall be suspended immediately upon written order of the Engineer or the contract may be declared cancelled by the City Council for any good and sufficient cause. The following, by way of example, but not of limitation, may be considered grounds for --·--~usp_~~_siop _?.! ~~~~nation_: . ______ ---------··-·-··------------·-···----·------··· __ . ____ . _ .. ---· A . Failure of the Contractor to commence work operations within the time specified in the Work Order issued by the Owner. B . Substantial evidence that the progress of the work operations by the Contractor is insufficient to complete the work within the specified time. C. Failure of the Contractor to provide and maintain sufficient labor and equipment to properly execute the working operations. D. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has abandoned the work. E . Substantial evidence that the Contractor has become insolvent or bankrupt, or otherwise financially unable to carry out the work satisfactorily. Fort Worth Water Department C-44 General Conditions F. Failure on the part of the Contractor to observe any requirements of the Contract Documents or to comply with any orders given by the Engineer or Owner provided for in these Contract Documents . G. Failure of the Contractor promptly to make good any defect in materials or workmanship, or any defects of any nature the correction of which has been directed in writing by the Engineer or the Owner. H. Substantial evidence of collusion for the purpose of illegally procuring a contract or perpetrating fraud on the City in the construction of work under contract. I. A substantial indication that the Contractor has made an unauthorized assignment of the .contract or any funds due ·therefrom for the benefit of any creditor or for any other purpose. J. If the Contractor shall for any cause whatsoever not carry on the working operation in an acceptable manner. K. If the Contractor commences legal action against the Owner. A copy of the suspension order or action of the City Council shall be served on the Contractor's Sureties. When work is suspended for any cause or causes, or when the contract is cancelled, the Contractor shall discontinue the work or such part thereof as the Owner shall designate, whereupon the Sureties may, at their option, assume the contract or that portion thereof which the Owner has ordered the Contractor to discontinue, and may perform the same or may, with the written consent of the Owner, sublet the work or that portion of the work as taken over, provided however, that the Sureties shall exercise their option, if at all, within two weeks after the written notice to discontinue the work has been served upon the Contractor and the Sureties or their authorized agents. The Sureties, in such event shall assume the contractor's place in all respects , and shall be paid by the Owner for all work performed by them in accordance with the terms of the · Contact Documents. All monies remaining due the Contractor at the time of this default shall thereupon become due and payable to the Sureties as the work progresses, subject to all terms of the Contract Documents. In case the Sureties do not, within the hereinabove specified time, exercise their right and option to assume the contract responsibilities, or that portion thereof which the Owner has ordered by the Contractor to discontinue, then the Owner shall have the power to complete, by contract or otherwise, as it may determine, the work herein described or such part thereof as it may deem necessary, and the Contractor hereto agrees that the Owner shall have the right to take possession of an use any materials, plants, tools, equipment, supplies, and property of any kind provided by the Contractor for the purpose of carrying on the work and to procure other tools, equipment, materials , labor, and property for the completion of the work, and to charge to the account of the Contractor of F ort Worth Water Department C-45 General Condition s said contract expense for labor, materials, tools , equipment, and all expenses incidental thereto. The expense so charged shall be deducted by the Owner from such monies as may be due or may become due at any time thereafter to the Contractor under and by virtue of the Contract or any part thereof. The Owner shall not be required to obtain the lowest bid for the work completing the contract, but the expense to be deducted shall be the actual cost of the owner of such work. In case such expenses shall exceed the amount which would have been payable under the Contract if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then the Contractor and his Sureties shall pay the amount of such excess to the City on notice from the Owner of the excess due. When any particular part of the work is being carried on by the Owner by contract or otherwise under the provisions of this section, the Contractor shall continue the remainder of the work in conformity with the terms of the Contract Documents in such a manner as to not hinder or interfere with performance of the work by the Owner. C7-7.15 FULFILLMENT OF CONTRACT: The Contract will be considered as having been fulfilled, save as provided in any bond or bonds or by law, when all the work and all sections or parts of the project covered by the Contract Documents have been finished and completed, the final inspection made by the Engineer, and the final acceptance and final payment made by the Owner. C7-7.16 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE OWNER: A. Notice of Termination: The performance of the work under this contract may be terminated by the Owner in whole, or from time to time in part, in accordance with this section, whenever the Owner shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the Owner. Any such termination shall be effected by mailing a notice of termination to the Contractor specifying the extent to which performance of work under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination is to become effective. Receipt of the notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when the letter is placed in the United States Mail by the Owner. Further, it shall be deemed conclusively ·· -presumed ·and ·esta1:>iis1ie,fth.a(sucii -ienmnation is· made w1ih Just -cause-a:s tiiei-em ····· · stated; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit shall be required of the Owner regarding such discretionary action. B . Contractor Action: After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall: 1. Stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of termination. 2. Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the contract as is not terminated. Fort Worth Water D epartment C-46 Gen eral Condi tion s ! ' I /' . ... 3. Terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of work terminated by the notice of termination. 4. Transfer title to the Owner and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Engineer. a. b. The fabricated or un-fabricated part, work in process, completed work, supplies, and other material produced as part of, or acquired in connection with, the performance of the work terminated by the notice of termination. The completed, or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other property which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished by the Owner. 5. Complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the notice of termination. 6. Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Engineer may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to its contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Owner has or may acquire the rest. At a time not later than 30 days after the termination date specified in the notice of termination, the Contractor may submit to the Engineer a list, certified as to the quantity and quality of any or all items of termination inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by the Engineer. Not later than 15 days thereafter, the Owner shall accept title to such items provided, that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the Engineer upon removal of the items or, if the items are stored, within 45 days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adj~s~~i:its to ~~!!~! tlie list< ~ ~-ll~IIli!t~~. -~!_l~lt~~-D:?:~~~J2~0r to _!in~_ settlement. C . Termination Claim: Within 60 days after notice of termination, the Contractor shall submit his termination claim to the Engineer in the form and with the certification prescribed by the Engineer. Unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Owner upon request of the Contractor, made in writing within such 60 day period or authorized extension thereof, any an all such claims shall be conclusively deemed waived. D. Amounts: Subject to the provision ifltem C7-7. l 6, the Contractor and Owner may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant hereto; provided, that such agreed amount or amounts shall never exceed the total contract price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as Fort Worth W ater Department C-47 General Conditions further reduced by the contract price of work not terminated. The contract shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. No amount shall be due for lost or anticipated profits. Nothing in C7-7 .16 hereafter, prescribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of failure of the Contractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this section, shall be deemed to limit, restrict, or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. E. Failure to Agree: In the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Owner to agree as provided in C7-7. l 6(D) upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of work on the basis of information available to it, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined. No amount shall be due for lost or anticipated profits. F. Deductions: In arriving at the amount due the contractor (under this section, there shall be deducted (a) all rm-liquidated advance or other payments on account theretofore made to the Contractor, applicable to the terminated portion of this contract; (b) an y claim which the Owner may have against the Contractor in connection with this contract; and (c) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, any materials, supplies, or other things kept by the Contractor or sold, pursuant to the provisions of this clause, and not otherwise recovered by or credited to the Owner. G. Adjustment: If the termination hereunder be partial, prior to the settlement of the terminated portion of the contract, the Contractor may file with the Engineer a request in writing for an equitable adjustment of the price or price specified in the contract relating to the continued portion of the contract (the portion not terminated by the notice of termination), such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices; nothing contained herein, however, shall limit the right of the Owner an d the Contractor to agree upon the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor for the completion of the continued portion of tiie contract wii"en -safrf ooriirai:Tcfoes· iiof-oonia1i1 an · --·· ·· · ·· established contract price for such continued portion. H. No Limitation of Rights: Nothing contained in this section shall limit or alter the rights which the Owner may have for termination of this contract under C7-7 .14 hereof entitled "Suspension of Abandonment of the Work and Amendment of Contract" or any other right which Owner may have for default or breach of contract by Contractor. C7-7.l 7 SAFETY METHODS AND PRACTICES: The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work at all times and shall assume all responsibilities for their enforcement. Fort Worth W ater Department C-48 General Conditions " I . ; The Contractor shall comply with federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations so as to protect person and property from injury, including death, or damage in connection with the work. ;. J. ' ., ,.. Fort Worth Water Departm en t C-49 General Conditions SECTION C8-8 MEASURMENT AND PAYMENT C8-8 . l MEASURMENT OF QUANTITIES: The determination of quantities of work performed by the Contractor and authorized by the Contract Documents acceptably completed under the terms of the Contract Documents shall be made by the Engineer, based on measurements made by the Engineer. These measurements will be made according to the United States Standard Measurements used in common practice, and will be the actual length, area, solid contents, numbers, and weights of the materials and items installed. C8-8.2 UNIT PRICES: When in the Proposal a "Unit Price" is set forth, the said ''Unit Price" shall include the furnishing by the Contractor of all labor, tools, materials, machinery, equipment, appliances and appurtenances necessary for the construction of and the completion in a manner acceptable to the Engineer of all work to be done under these Contract Documents. The "Unit Price" shall include all permanent and temporary protection of overhead, surface, and underground structures, cleanup, finished, overhead expense, bond, insurance, patent fees, royalties, risk due to the elements and other causes, delays, profits, injuries, damage claims, taxes, and all other items not specifically mentioned that may be required to fully construct each item of the work complete in place an in a satisfactory condition of operation. C8-8.3 LUMP SUM: When in the Proposal a "Lump Sum" is set forth, the said "Lump Sum" shall represent the total cost for the Contractor to furnish all labor, tools, materials, machinery, equipment, appurtenances, and all subsidiary work necessary for the construction and completion of all. the work to provide a complete and functional item as detailed in the Special Contract Documents and/or Plans. C8-8.4 SCOPE OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall receive and accept the compensation, as herein provided, in full payment for furnishing all labor, tools, materials, and incidentals for performing all work contemplated and embraced under these contractbocuments:-for ··a1no"s"s and damage arising out -ofthe nafuie-oTihework ·-- or form the action of the elements, for any unforeseen defects or obstructions which may arise or be encountered during the prosecution of the work at any time before its final acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided in Paragraph CS-5 .14) for all risks of whatever description connected with the prosecution of the work, for all expense incurred by or in consequence of suspension or discontinuance of such prosecution of the working operations as herein specified, or any and all infringements or patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other legal reservations, and for completing the work in an acceptable manner according to the terms of the Contract Documents. The payment of any current or partial estimate prior to final acceptance of the work by the Owner shall in no way constitute an acknowledgment of the acceptance of the work, materials, or equipment, nor in any way prejudice or affect the obligations of the Contractor to repair, correct, renew , or replace at his own and proper expense, any defects Fort Worth Water Department C-50 General Conditions ..... - .... ·"· ····-. ,. ' ....... or imperfections in the construction or in the strength or quality of the material used or equipment and machinery furnished in or about the construction of the work under contract and its appurtenances, or any damage due or attributed to such defects, which defects, imperfection, or damage shall have been discovered on or before the final inspection and acceptance of the work or during the one year guarantee period after final acceptance. The Owner shall be the sole judge of such defects , imperfections, or damage, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for failure to correct the same as provided herein. C8-8.5 PARTIAL ESTIMATES AND RETAINAGE: Between the 1st and 5th day or each month the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a statement showing an estimate of the value of the work done during the previous month, or estimate period under the Contract Documents. Not later than the 10th day of the month the Engineer shall verify such estimate, and ifit is found to be acceptable and the value of work performed since the last partial payment was made exceeds one hundred dollars in amount, 90% of such estimated sum will be paid to the Contractor if the total contract amount 1s less than $400,000, or 95% of such estimated sum will be paid to the Contractor if the total contract amount is $400,000 or greater within twenty-five (25) days after the regular estimate period. The City will have the option of preparing estimated on form furnished by the City. The partial estimate may include acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work, which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof, but which at the time of the estimate have not been installed.(such payment will be allowed on a basis of 85% of the net invoice value thereof) The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer such information as he may request to aid him as a guide in the verification or the preparation of partial estimates. It is understood that the partial estimate from month to month will be approximate only, and all partial monthly estimates and payment will be subject to correction in the estimates rendered following the discovery of an error in any previous estimate, and such estimate shall not, in any respect, be taken as an admission of the Owner of the amount of work done or of its quality of sufficiency, or as an acceptance of the work done or the . ~~le3:>~ ofth.~ C:()ntractor of_~:y _of.!ii_s _~(;:-~ponsib.gi~_i~~.?1:1:_1~r _the <::::01.1:tract J?ocui:ne11J~ ... The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any monthly estimate if the Contractor fails to perform the work strictly in accordance with the specifications or provisions of this contract. C8-8 .6 WITHHOLDING PAYMENT: Payment on any estimate or estimates may be held in abeyance if the performance of the construction operations is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. C8-8.7 FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Whenever the improvements provided for by the Contract Documents shall have been completed and all requirements of the Contract Documents shall have been fulfilled on the part of the Contractor, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing that the improvements are ready for the final inspection. The Engineer shall notify the appropriate officials of the Owner, w ill within a reasonable Fort Worth Wat er Dep artm ent C-5 1 Gen eral Conditi ons time make such final inspection, and if the work is satisfactory, in an acceptable condition, and has been completed in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents and all approved modifications thereof, the Engineer will initiate the processing of the final estimate and recommend final acceptance of the project and final payment thereof as outlined in C8-8.8 below. C8-8. 8 FINAL PAYMENT:. Whenever all the improvements provided for by the Contract Documents and all approved modifications thereof shall have been completed and all requirements of the Contract Documents have been fulfilled on the part of the Contractor, a final estimate showing the value of the work will be prepared by the Engineer as soon as the necessary measurements, computations, and checks can be made. All prior estimates upon which payment has been made are subject to necessary corrections or revisions in the final payment. The amount of the final estimate, less previous payments and any sum that have been deducted or retained under the provisions of the Contract Documents, will be paid to the Contractor within 60 days after final acceptance by the Owner on a proper resolution of the City Council, provided the Contractor has furnished to the Owner satisfactory evidence of payment as follows: prior submission of the final estimate for payment, the Contractor shall execute an affidavit, as furnished by the City, certifying that all persons, firms, associations, corporations, or other organizations furnishing labor and/or materials have been paid in full, that the wage scale established by the City Council in the City of Fort Worth has been paid, and that there are no claims pending for personal injury and/or property damages. The acceptance by the Contractor of the last or final payment as aforesaid shall operate as and shall release the Owner from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnished or relating to the work under the Contract Documents or any act or neglect of said City relating to or connected with the Contract. The making of the final payment by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. C8-8.9 ADEQUACY OF DESIGN: It is understood that the Owner believes it has employed competent Engineers and designers to prepare the Contract Documents and all modifications of the approved Contract Documents. It is, therefore, agreed that the Owner shall be responsible for the adequacy of its own design features, sufficiency of the Contract Documents, the safety of the structure, and the practicability of the operations of the completed project, provided the Contractor has complied with the requirements of the said Contract Documents, all approved modifications thereof, and additions and alterations thereto approved in writing by the Owner. The burden of proof of such compliance shall be upon the Contractor to show that he has complied with the said requirements of the Contract Documents, approved modifications thereof, and all approved additions and alterations thereto. Fort Worth Water Department C-52 General Conditions -· ,. .. . ,lfil>,. - .. C8-8.10 GENERAL GUARANTEE : Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the Contract Documents nor partial or entire occupancy or use of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is specified and shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contract which shall assure the performance of the general guarantee as above outlined. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness . C8-8. l 1 SUBSIDIARY WORK: Any and all work specifically governed by documentary requirements for the project, such as conditions imposed by the Plans , the General Contract Documents , or the Special Contract Documents, in which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal, shall be considered as a subsidiary item of work, the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal, for each bid item. Surface restoration, rock excavation, and clean-up are general items of work which fall in the category of subsidiary work . C8-8 .12 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: Material may be allocated under various bid items in the Proposal to establish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer, depending on field conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material will be made for only that amount of material used, measured to the nearest one- tenth unit. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material shall be in accordance with the General Contract Documents regardless of the actual amount used for the project. C8-8 .13 RECORD DOCUMENTS: Contractor shall keep on record a copy of all specifications , plans, addenda, modifications, shop drawings, and samples at the site, in good order and annotated to show all changes made during the construction process . .. . -Th-ese sh-aiibe -dei 1ver~c1 to the Engineer upon.complet1on oftlie-wo iT -·-·---.... -·---- Fort Worth Water Departm ent C-53 General Conditi ons - SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS FORT WORTH, WATER DEPARTMENT 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: In Section Cl-1.2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, delete Paragraph Cl-1.2b SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and add the following: "b. SPECIAL CONTRACT .DOCUMENTS: The Special Contract Documents are prepared for each specific project as a supplement to the General Contract Documents and include the following items: PART A-NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Advertisement) SPECIAL INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS PART B -PROPOSAL (Bid) M/WBE BID SPECIFICATIONS PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS PART CS-SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS PART D-SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E -TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PERMITS/EASEMENTS (Some Permits are Multicolored) PART F -BONDS AND INSURANCE PART G -CONTRACT PART H-PLANS/FIGURES (maybe bound separately) White White White Golden Rod Canary Yellow Green Green White White White White White" 2. DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORATION AND PUBLIC WORKS: Delete entire Paragraph C 1-1.17, and replace with the following: Cl-1.17 DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORATION AND PUBLIC WORKS: The officially appointed Director of the Transportation and Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth, or his duly authorized representative, assistant, or agents. 3. DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING: Add the following paragraph after Cl-1.17 and before Cl-1.18: C 1-1.17 A DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING: The officially appointed Director of the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth, referred to in the charter as the City Engineer, or his duly authorized representative assistant, or agents. 4. ENGINEER: Delete entire Paragraph Cl-1.19, and replace with the following: The Director of the Fort Worth Department of Engineering, the Director of Fort Worth Transportation and Public W arks Department, the Director of the Fort Worth Water Department, or their duly authorized assistants, agents, engineers, inspectors, or superintendents, acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. 5. PROPOSAL FORM: In Section C2-2.l, Paragraph 1, revise last sentence to read as follows: "The Bidder shall furnish a Financial Statement, Equipment Schedule, and Experience Record, all of which must be properly executed and filed with the Director of Fort Worth Water Department cs -1 Supplementary Conditions the Water Department one week prior to the hour for opening of bids. Information shall be on forms provided by the Bidder and acceptable to the City. 6. EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE OF PROJECT: In Section C2-2.3, Paragraph 2, add the following to the last sentence: "except for changes in the site conditions caused by factors outside of the control of the Contractor which occur after the Contractor's inspection and prior to installation." 7. INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL: Part C -General Conditions, Section C2-2, exchange paragraphs C2-2.7, C2-2.8, and C2-2 .9 with the following: C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security and other required material, to the Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location and stated time set forth in the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered . The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL" and the name or description of the project designated in the "Notice To Bidders". The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager , City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division, PO Box 17027, Fort Worth, Texas 76102." C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the Purchasing Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. A request for non consideration of a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non-consideration are opened and publicly read aloud , the proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened . C2-2 .9 TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the Purchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided furthe r , that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time . If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight ( 48) hours after the proposal opening time, no further consideration will be given to the proposal. F ort Worth Water D e partment C S-2 Supplementary Conditions - - 8. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE/WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE : Delete entire Paragraph C3-3.2, and replace with the following: C3-3 .2 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE/WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE: Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide to Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment therefore. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts ( other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal. State or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements; further, any such misrepresentation ( other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three (3) years. 9. C3-3.5 AWARD OF CONTRACT is modified to read as follows: "The Owner reserves the right to withhold final action on the proposals for a reasonable time, not to exceed the period stated for the duration of the Bid Security stated in the Notice to Bidders or 90 days, whichever is shorter." 10. C3-3.7 BONDS. For the Paragraph after Paragraph C3-3.7d OTHER BONDS, which begins with "No sureties", change the entire paragraph to read as follows: ''No Sureties will be accepted by the Owner which are at the time in default or delinquent on any bonds or which are interested in any litigation against the Owner. All bonds shall be made on the forms furnished by the Owner and the surety shall be acceptable to the Owner. In order for a surety to be acceptable to the Owner: (1) the name of the surety shall be included on the current U.S. Treasury List of Acceptable Sureties {Circular 870}, or (2) the surety must have capital and surplus equal to ten times the amount of the bond. The surety must be licensed to do business in the State of Texas. The amount of the amount of the bond shall not exceed the amount shown on the treasury list or one- tenth (1/10) of the total capital and surplus. If reinsurance is required, the company writing the reinsurance must be authorized, accredited or trusteed to do business in the State of Texas. Each bond shall be properly executed by both the Contractor and the Bonding Company." Fort Worth Water Department cs -3 Supplementary Conditions 11.0 INSURANCE. Change the following portions ofC3-3 .l l Insurance as shown below: 11.1 INSURANCE FOR SUBCONTRACTORS: At the end of the first sentence of the first paragraph, insert the following: " and certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the Owner." At the end of the first paragraph of Section C3-3.ll, after "and for all subcontractors", insert the following: "The General Contractor may require all subcontractors to be insured and submit documentation ensuring that the requirements of C3-3. l l are met for all subcontractors. Failure of the OWNER to request required documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein. The Contractor's liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein." 11.2 INSURANCE LIMITS. In Section C3-3.ll, after the word "occurrence", add "I aggregate". 11.3 COMPENSATION INSURANCE: Add the following to the end of Paragraph C3- 311.a: "Worker's compensation insurance covering employees in the project site shall be indorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the OWNER." 11.4 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: In Paragraph C3-3 .llb: Replace the word "Comprehensive" with "Commercial" Add the following to Paragraph C3-3 .1 lb: "Certificates of insurance shall state that Insurance is on an "occurrence" basis ." Certificate shall also contain a statement that no exclusions by endorsement have been made to the Commercial General Liability Policy". 11.5 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY (CGL) POLICY: Amend Paragraph C3-3. l lc, Additional Liability, as follows: by adding the following: 1. Add the following the Section 6 CONTRACTURAL LIABILITY: "The City, its offices, employees and servants shall be endorsed as additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer'~ liability insurance coverage under Contractor 's worker's compensation insurance policy. Contractor 's insurance policies shall be indorsed to provide that such insurance is primary protection and any self-funded or commercial coverage maintained by the OWNER shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery." 2. Add the following paragraph: "When required by the Contract Documents, Environmental Impairment Liability Coverage must be provided in the limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2 ,000,000 annual aggregate. The Environmental Impairment Liability (BIL) must contain coverage for sudden and accidental contamination or pollution, liabi lity for gradual emissions, and clean-up costs . The EIL coverage shall include two year completed operations coverage on a per Project basis . A Fort Worth Water Department CS-4 Supplementary Conditions separate insurance policy may be needed to fulfill this requirement. EIL for damages incurred in the course of transporting sludge shall be covered under the contractor's insurance policy(s)." 11.6 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LlMITS: Revise Paragraph C3-3. l ld so that the insurance limits are as follows: Bodily Injury Bodily Injury Property Damage $250,000 each person $500,000 aggregate $100,000 aggregate 11.7 PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURANCE: Revise Paragraph C3-3.llf by inserting the following after the first sentence: "Other than Worker's Compensation Insurance, in lieu of specified insurance, the City may consider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups. The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage." 11.8 LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING: For Paragraph C3-3. l lg, delete entire paragraph beginning "Local Agent for Insurance and Bonding". 11.9 DEDUCTABLE LlMITS: Add the following Paragraph C3-3. l l.g: "DEDUCTIBLE LIMITS. The deductible limits or self-funded retention limits, on each policy must not exceed $10 ,000 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City." 11.10 INSURANCE COMPANY: Add the following Paragraph C3-3.l l.h: "INSURANCE COMPANY: The insurance company with whom the Contractor's insurance is written shall be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and shall have a current A.M. Best Rating of "A:VII'' or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency." 11.11 NOTIFICATION:: Add the following Paragraph C3-3 .l l.i: "NOTIFICATION. During the lifetime of this contract, the Contractor shall notify the ENGINEER in writing, of any known loss occurrence that could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss ." 11.12 CANCELLATION: Add the following Paragraph C3-3 .l l.j: "CANCELLATION: Insurance shall be endorsed to provide the City with a minimum of thirty days notice of cancellation, non-renewal and/or material change in insurance policy terms or coverage. A minimumlO day notice shall be acceptable in the event of non- payment of insurance premium to insurance company." 11.13 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES: Add the following paragraph to the end of Section C3-3. l 1: "CITY RESPONSIBILITIES . The City shall not be responsible for direct payment of insurance premium costs for Contractor's Insurance ." Fort Worth Water Department CS-5 Supplementa ry Conditions 12. LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL CHARGES (Reference C4-4.5c): The Contractor agrees that should any change in the work of extra work be ordered, the following applicable percentage shall be added to Material and Labor Costs to cover overhead and profit: 1. Allowance to the Contractor for overhead and profit for extra work performed by the Contractor's own forces shall not exceed 15%. 2. Allowance to the Contractor for overhead and profit for extra work performed by a subcontractor and supervised by the Contractor shall not exceed 10%. Contractor shall be reimbursed for direct field overhead when the change requires an extension of the Contract period. Contractor shall not be reimbursed for indirect overhead or indirect costs related to changes to this contract. 13 . TESTING COSTS: Section 5-5.12, revise the first sentence to read as follows: "Where, as called for in the Contract Documents, tests of materials or equipment are necessary, such tests will be made at the expense of and paid for by the Contractor unless otherwise specifically provided for in the Technical Specifications." 14. LAWS TO BE OBSERVED: Section C6-6.1, delete "or which may be enacted later". After the word "exist," add "at the time of the Contract or may be hereafter exist during the performance of the Contract." 15 . BUILDING PERMITS: Paragraph C6-6.2 Insert the following at the end of the paragraph; "Contractors are responsible for obtaining construction permits from the governing agencies. Contractor shall schedule all code inspections with the Code Inspection Department in accordance with the permit requirements and submit copy of updated schedule to the Engineer weekly. Building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical building permits are issued without charge. Water and sewer access fees will be paid by the Water Department. Any other permit fees are the responsibility of the Contractor." 16. BARRICADES, WARNINGS AND FLAGMEN: In Paragraph C6-6.8, replace the word "watchmen" wherever in appears with the word "flagmen". In the first paragraph, lines five (5) and six (6), replace "take all such other precautionary measures" with "take all reasonable necessary measures". 17. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: Delete entire Paragraph C6-6.12, and replace with the following: "C6-6.12 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify the City' Engineer and Architect, and their personnel at the project site for the Contractor's sole negligence. In addition , the Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend at its own Fort Worth Water Department CS-6 Supplementary Conditions - - expense, the Owner, its officers , agents , servants , and employees , from and against all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, aris ing out of, or alleged to arise of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by the Contractor, its officers , agents, employees subcontractors, licensees or invitees , whether or not any such iniury, damage or death is caused. in whole or in part, bv the negligence or alleged negligence of the Owner, its offi,cers, agents. servants, or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Owner from and against any and all injuries to the Owner's officers , agents , servants , and employees, loss or destruction of property of the Owner arising form the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such iniury or damage is caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence or alleged negligence of the Owner, its officers, agents, servants, or employees In the event the Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, final payment shall not be made until the Contractor either (a) submits to the Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or (b) provides the Owner with a letter from the Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract." 18. STATE SALES TAX: A. Delete Paragraph C6-6 .21 STATE SALES TAX in its entirety. B . This contract is issued by an organization, which qualifies for exemption pursuant to the provisions of Article 20 .04 (F) of the Tex as Limited Sales, Excise, and Use Tax Act. All equipment and materials not consumed by or incorporate? into the project construction are subject to State Sales Tax under House Bill 11, enacted August 15 , 1991. all such taxes shall be included in the various amounts on the Proposal Form. The successful Bidder shall be required to submit a breakdown between costs of labor, consumable material and other construction costs and costs of material incorporated into the project construction prior to execution of this contract. B. At the time of execution of the Contract Documents by the Contractor, the Contractor shall complete the "Statement of Materials and Other Charges" which identifies the project costs anticipated in the Project into "Materials Incorporated into the Project" and "All Other Charges". The Contract shall be a "Separated Contract". C . The City of Fort Worth will issue appropriate Certificates of Resale to the Contractor. D. All Change Orders to the Contract will separate charges for materials and labor and will contain the following statement: Fort Worth W at er Department C S-7 Supplem entary Conditi on s "For purposes of complying with Texas Tax Code, the Contractor agrees that the charges for material incorporated into the project in excess of the estimated quantity provided for herein will be no less than the invoice price for such material to the Contractor." · 19. PARTIAL PAYMENTS: Change Paragraph C8-8.5 to read as follows: "Partial pay estimates shall be submitted by the Contractor 5th day and the 20th day of the month that work has been is in progress. The estimate shall be processed by the City on the 10th day and 25th day respectively. Estimates will be paid within 25 days following the end of the estimate period, less the appropriate retainage as set out below. Partial pay estimates rriay include acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work place which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof, but which at the time of pay estimate have not been so installed. If such materials are included within a pay estimate, payment shall be based upon 85% of the net invoice value thereof. The Contractor will furnish the engineer such information as may be reasonably requested to aid in the verification or the preparation of the pay estimate. For contracts of less than $400,000.00 at the execution, retainage shall be ten percent (10%). For contracts of $400 ,000.00 or more at the time of execution, retainage shall be five percent (5%). Contractor shall pay subcontractors in accord with subcontract agreement, within five (5) business days after receipt by the Contractor of the payment by the City. Contractor's failure to make the required payment to subcontractors will authorize the City to withhold future payments from the Contractor until compliance with this paragraph is accomplished. It is understood that the partial pay estimates will be approximate only, and all partial pay estimates and payment of the same will be subject to correction in the estimate rendered following the discovery of an error in any previous estimate. Payment of any partial pay estimate shall not, in any respect, be taken as an admission of the Owner of the amount of work done or of its quality of sufficiency, or as an acceptance of the work done or the release of the Contractor of any of his responsibilities under the Contract Documents. The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the Contractor fails to perform the work in strict accordance with the specifications or other provisions of this Contract." 20. GENERAL GUARANTEE: Change Paragraph C8-8 . l Oto read as follows: "Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the Contract Documents nor partial or entire occupancy or use of the premises by the Owner shall constitute acceptance of the work not done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or responsibility for faulty Fort Worth Water Department CS-8 Supplementary Conditions - materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of TWO years from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is specified and shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contract which shall assure the performance of the general guarantee as above outlined. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness." 21. RJGHT TO AUDIT: Add the following to Section C8-8: C-8-8.14 RJGHT TO AUDIT: "(a) The Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this Contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facilities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this article together with subsection (c) hereof. The City shall give subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits . ( c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse contractor for the cost of the copies as follows: 1. 50 Copies and Under -10 cents per page. 2. More than 50 copies -85 cents for the first page plus fifteen cents for each page thereafter." (5/25/93) 22. SCHEDULE OF COSTS: Add the following to Section C8-8: C8-8.15 SCHEDULE OF COSTS: Following the completion of all work on the Project and prior to submittal of a request for final payment, the Contractor shall provide a Schedule of Costs to City for approval which lists all equipment systems, structures, building electrical and HV AC systems, overhead and project related costs. The items will be grouped into categories using the Owner's list of category codes which will be provided by the Owner at the Preconstruction Conference. Fort Worth Water Department cs -9 Supplementary Conditions The Schedule of Costs will be used by the City as input to the Capital Assets System, and will not be considered in preparation of modifications to the Contract. Costs associated with the preparation and processing of this schedule of costs shall be subsidiary to the price bid. The Contractor will also provide a projected payment schedule tied to the project schedule and the schedule of values which projects the monthly payments through the end of the Project. The Payment schedule must be submitted along with the first request for payment. This information is necessary to arrange financing of the Project by the City. END OF SECTION Fort Worth Water Department CS-10 Supplementary Conditions PARTD Special Conditions D-1 General: Subject to modifications as herein contained, the Fort Worth Water Department's General Contract Documents and Specifications, effective July 1, 1978, with the latest revisions are made a part of the Contract Documents for this project. The Plans, Special Conditions and Provisions Documents, and the rules, regulations, requirements, instructions, drawings or details referred to by manufacturer's name, number or identification included therein as specifying, referring or implying product control, performance, quality, or other shall be binding upon the Contractor. The specifications and drawings shall be considered cooperative; therefore, work or material called for by one and not shown or mentioned in the other shall be accomplished or furnished in a faithful manner as though required by all. The order or precedence in case of conflicts or discrepancies between various parts of the Contract Documents subject to the ruling of the Engineer shall generally, but not necessarily, follow the guidelines listed below: 1. Plans 2. Contract Documents 3. General Contract Documents and Specifications The following Special Conditions shall be applicable to this project and shall govern over any conflicts with the General Contract Documents under the provisions stated above. D-2 Pre-Construction Conference and Submittals A pre-construction conference shall be held with representatives of the following agencies: City Water Department, interested utilities such as telephone and electric, Engineer, and the successful Contractor. Submittals at time of pre-construction meeting shall include (but not limited) to: Contractors Work Plan and Schedule Disposal Site for Waste Material Information Sub-Contractor Identification Trench and Shoring Safety Design Dewatering Plan Confined Space Entry Program Name and number of responsible person for off hour emergencies Project Schedule Fort Worth Water Department D-1 Special Conditions The pre-construction conference is intended as a forum between the Contractor and the appropriate city staff to go over the project in detail and to afford the Contractor the opportunity to submit all the required documents listed above . If the Contractor fails to submit any of the required documents, the Contractor shall not be allowed to begin work; however, contract time shall begin as stipulated in this paragraph. D-3 Project Designation: Construction under these Special Documents shall be performed under the Fort Worth Water Department Project Designations: LAKE WORTH LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT Sewer Project Number WTR-2007-000019 D-4 Time of Completion: The Owner desires the Contractor to substantially complete the project within 200 calendar days. Substantial completion shall be defined as all work performed to place the new lift station in proper working order, with new pumps operational. Thereafter, final completion shall occur within 220 calendar days. Final completion shall consist of final acceptance of all work required under the contract. In the event that the Contractor fails to meet the substantial completion or the final completion date for the project, the Owner shall withhold money permanently form the Contractor's total compensation at the rate specified in Item C7-7.10 per calendar day as liquidated damages until substantial completion is met. D-5 Wage Rates: The labor classifications and minimum wage rates set forth herein have been predetermined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in accordance with statutory requirements, as being the prevailing classifications and rates that shall govern on all work performed by the Contractor or any sub-contractor on the site of the project covered by these Contract Documents. Current prevailing wage rates for Tarrant County, Texas are available on-line at www .gpo.gov/davisbacon/allstates .htm. D-6 · Contractor Compliance With Workers Compensation Laws A: Contractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance. Contractor agrees to provide to the Owner (City) a certificate showing that it has obtained a policy of workers compensation insurance covering each of its employees employed on the project in compliance with state law. No Notice to Proceed will be issued until the Contractor has complied with this section. Fort Worth Water Department D -2 Special Conditions B: Subcontractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance . Contractor agrees to require each and every subcontractor who will perform work on the project to provide to it a certificate from such subcontractor stating that the subcontractor has a policy of workers compensation insurance covering each employee emplo yed on the project. Contractor will not permit any subcontractor to perform work on the project until such certificate has been acquired. Contractor shall provide a copy of all such certificate to the Owner (City). C. Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage 1. Definitions: Certificate of coverage ("certificate"): A copy of a certificate of insurance , a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the Project: Includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the City . Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor") includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees . This includes, without limitation, independent contractors , subcontractors, leasing companies , motor carriers , owner- operators , employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other services related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries , and delivery of portable toilets . 2. The contractor shall provide coverage , based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the contractor providing services of the project, for the duration of the project. 3. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. 4 . If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current c_ertificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the City showing that coverage has been ex tended. Fo rt Worth Water Dep artment D -3 Sp eci al C onditi ons 5. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the City: (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (b) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. 6. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 7. The contractor shall notify the City in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. 8 . The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. 9. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (a) provide coverage, based on proper reporting on the classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas labor Code, Section 401 .011 ( 44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (b) provide to the contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (c) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; ( d) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: Fort Worth Water Department D-4 Special Conditions (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (2) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; ( e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. (f) notify the City in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (g) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (a) -(g), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 10. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representing to the City that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties or other civil actions. 11. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor which entitles the City to declare the contract void if the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the City. D. Posting of Required Worker's Compensation Coverage. The contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Compensation Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text, without any additional words or changes: Fort Worth Water Department D -5 Special Conditions REQUIRED WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by worker's compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee". "Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage. D-7 Additional Insurance Requirements A. The City, its officers, employees and servants shall be endorsed as an additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance coverage under Contractor's workers' compensation insurance policy. B. Certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth, contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102, prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. C. Any failure on part of the City to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein. D. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a minimum thirty days notice of cancellation, non-renewal, and/or material change in policy terms or coverage. A ten days notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. E. Insurers must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a current A.M . Best rating of A: VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. F. Deductible limits, or self-funded retention limits, on each policy must not exceed $10,000.00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City. G. Other than worker's compensation insurance, in lieu of traditional insurance, City may consider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups. The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage. H. Workers' compensation insurance policy(s) covering employees employed on the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the City. Fort Worth Water Department D-6 Special Conditions I. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium cost s for contractor's insurance. J. Contractor's insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such insurance is primary protection and any self-funded or commercial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. K. In the course of the project, Contractor shall report, in a timely manner, to City's officially designated contract administrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss. L. Contractor's liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein. M. Upon the request of City, Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. D-8 Coordination with Fort Worth Water Department: During the construction of this project, it will be necessary to deactivate, for a period of time, existing sewer mains . The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with the Water Department to determine the best times for deactivating and activating those mains. D-9 Damage to Private Property The Contractor shall immediately repair or replace any damage to private property, including but not limited to fences , walls , pavement and water and sewer services , at no cost to the Owner. This shall be subsidiary to the contract and not a pay item. D-10 Project Designation Sign : Project Signs are required at all locations which will be under construction for more than thirty (30) calendar days. Project Signs shall be in accordance with Figure 30 (dated 9- 18-96) of the General Contract Documents. The signs may be mounted ori skids or on posts . The exact location and methods of mounting shall be approved by the Engineer. Any and all costs for the required materials, labor, and equipment necessary for the furnishing of Project Signs shall be considered as a subsidiary cost of the project and no additional compensation will be allowed. D-11 Traffic Control The Contractor shall be responsible for providing traffic control during construction of this project consistent with the pro v isions set forth in the "1980 Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" issued under the authority of Fort Worth Wat er De partment D -7 Sp ec ial Co nditi on s the "State of Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways", codified as Article 6701d Vernon 's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos 27 , 29 , 30, and 31. The Contractor shall execute this work in such a manner as to create a minimum of interruption to traffic and pedestrian facilities and to allow flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area. Barricades , warning, and detour signs shall conform to the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction, "Barriers and Warning and/or Detour Signs", Item 524 , and/or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign, or other sign which may be erected by the City. If it is determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction, the Contractor shall contact Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division, (817-871-8075) to remove the sign. In the case of regulatory signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the above referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary sign is not installed correctly of if it does not meet the required specifications, the permanent sign shall be left in place until the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work is completed to the extent that the permanent sign can be re- installed, the Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings Division to re-install the permanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place until such re-installation is complete. D-12 Confined Space Entry Program It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to implement and maintain a "CONFINED SP ACE ENTRY PROGRAM" which must meet OSHA requirements for all its employees and subcontractors during all times during construction. All active sewer manholes, lift station wetwells , and lift station drywells are defined by OSHA as "permit required confined spaces ". Contractor shall submit an acceptable "CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM" for all applicable confined spaces. The cost of complying with this program shall be subsidiary to the pay involving work in the confined space areas . D-13 Existing Utilities: The plans show the locations of all known surface and subsurface structures. However, the Owner assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all of these structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact location . Itis mutually agreed that such failure shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation for extra work or for increasing the pay quantities in any manner whatsoever. Fo rt Worth Water Department D -8 Special Conditi o ns - The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the locations of and protecting all existing utilities , service lines , or other property crossed or exposed by his construction operations . Contractor shall make all necessary provisions for the support, protection, relocation, and or temporary relocation of all utility poles, gas lines, telephone cables, utility services , water mains, sanitary sewer lines, electrical cables, drainage pipes , and all other utilities and structures both above and below ground during construction. The Contractor is liable for all damages done to such existing facilities as a result of his operations and any and all cost incurred for the protection and or temporary relocation of such facilities shall be included in the cost bid per linear foot of pipe installed . NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED . Where existing utilities or service lines are cut, broken or damaged, the Contractor shall replace or repair the utilities or service lines with the same type of original material and construction, or better, unless otherwise shown or noted on the plans, at his own cost and expense. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner of the damaged utility or service line. He shall cooperate with the owners of all utilities to locate existing underground facilities and notify the Engineer at once of any conflicts in grades and alignment. In case it is necessary to change or move the property of any owner of a public utility, such property shall not be moved or interfered with until ordered to do so by the Engineer. The right is reserved to the owner of public utilities to enter upon the limits of the project for the purpose of making such changes or repairs, of their property that may be made necessary by performance of this contract. D-14 Exploratory Excavations: In addition to those areas as may be designated on the Drawings, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to excavate and locate existing utilities which may affect construction of the water and/or sewer facilities . All exploratory excavations shall occur far enough in advance to permit any necessary relocation to be made with minimum delay. All costs incurred by the Contractor in making exploratory excavations shall be considered to be included in the unit price bid for constructing of water/sewer line or the associated structures . D-15 Test Holes: A copy of the geotechnical investigation report prepared for the Engineer has been included as an Appendix . This report is included for the convenience of the Contractor and informational purposes only. Any data which has been or may be provided on subsurface conditions is not intended as a representation or warranty of accuracy or continuity between soil strata . It is expressly understood that neither the Owner nor the Engineer will be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn there-from by the Contractor. Any further subsurface exploration to ascertain the nature of the soils , including the amount of rock, if any , through which the pipeline and lift station Fo rt Wo rth Water De partment D -9 Sp ecial Co ndit io ns installation is to be made is the responsibility of any and all prospective bidders, and any bidder on this project shall submit his bid under that condition. Whether prospective bidders perform a subsurface exploration jointly or independently, and whether they make such determinations by the use of test holes or other means, shall be left to the discretion of such prospective bidders. The cost of rock removal, if required, shall be incidental to the installation of the lift station wetwell and the installation of buried pipe. D-16 Safety Restrictions -Work Near High Voltage Lines The following procedures will be followed regarding the subject item on this contract: 1. When necessary to work within six feet of high voltage electric lines, notification shall be given the power company (Oncor) who will erect temporary mechanical barriers, de-energize the lines, or raise or lower the lines. The work done by the electric company shall not be at the expense of the City of Fort Worth. The Contractor shall maintain an accurate log of all such calls to Oncor, and shall record action taken in each case. 2. The Contractor is responsible for making arrangements with Oncor for the relocation of existing high voltage lines at the Contractor's sole expense. D-17 Water For Construction Water for construction shall be furnished by the City at no expense to the Contractor. Contractor shall be required to secure the use of a fire hydrant meter. D-18 Connection of Existing Mains: The Contractor shall determine the exact location, elevation, configuration and angulation of existing water or sanitary sewer lines prior to manufacturing of the connecting piece. Any differences in locations, elevation, configuration, and or angulation of existing lines between the contract drawings and what may be encountered in the said work shall be considered as incidental to construction. Where it is required to shut down existing mains in order to make proposed connections, such down time shall be coordinated with the Engineer, and all efforts shall be made to keep this down time to a minimum. In case of shutting down an existing main, the Contractor shall notify Mr. Ronny Rackley, Water Department Pollution Control, Phone 817-994-8964, at least 48-hours prior to the required shut down time . The Contractor's attention is directed to Paragraph CS-5.15 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE, Page CS-5(5), PART C-GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. The Contractor shall notify the customer both personally and in writing as to the location, time, and schedule of the service interruption. Fort Worth Water Department D-10 Special Conditions The cost of removing any existing concrete blocking shall be included in the cost of connection. Unless bid separately all cost incurred shall be included in the linear foot price bid for the appropriate pipe size. D-19 Trench Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction Trench excavation and backfill under parking lots, driveways, gravel surface roads, within easements, and within existing or future right of way shall be in accordance with Section E 1-2 Backfill and E2-2 Excavation and Backfill of the General Contract Specifications except as specified herein: A. TRENCH EXCAVATION: In accordance with Section E2-2 Excavation and Backfill, if the stated maximum trench widths are exceeded, either through accident or otherwise, the Contractor will be required to support the pipe with an approved trench bottom. The expense of such remedial measures shall be entirely the Contractor's own. All trenching operations shall be confined to the width of permanent rights of way, permanent easements, and any temporary construction easements. All excavations shall be in strict compliance with OSHA requirements. B. TRENCH BACKFILL: Trenches which lie outside of existing or future pavement shall be backfilled above the top of the embedment material with type "C" backfill material. Excavated material used for Type "C" backfill must be mechanically compacted unless the Contractor can furnish the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the P.I. of the excavated material is less than 8. Such evidence shall be a test report from an independent testing laboratory and must include representative samples of soils in all involved areas. If excavated material is obviously granular in nature, containing little or no plastic material, the Engineer may waive the test report requirement. See El-2.3, Type "C" or "D" Backfill, and E2-2 .11 Trench Backfill for additional requirements. When Type "C" backfill is not suitable, at the direction of the Engineer, Type "B" backfill material shall be used. In general, sand material specified shall be obtained from an approved source and shall consist of durable particles, free of thin or elongated pieces, lumps of clay, loam, or vegetable matter and shall meet the following gradation: Sieve Size #4 #16 #50 #100 #200 % Retained 0-5 0-20 0-50 60-95 90 -100 C. TRENCH COMPACTION: All trench backfill shall be in lifts per E2-2.9 Backfill. Trenches which lied outside of existing or future pavements shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D698) by means of tamping. Fort Worth Water Department D-11 Special Conditions Trenches which lie under existing or future pavement shall be backfilled per details to 100% Standard Proctor Density by jetting, mechanical tamping, or a combination of methods . Backfill material to be mechanically tamped must be within+-4% of its optimum moisture content. The top two (2) feet of trenches may be rolled in with heavy equipment, provided it is placed in lifts appropriate to the material being used and the operation can be performed without damage to the installed pipe. The Contractor shall obtain the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform trench compaction tests per ASTM standards on trench backfill. Soil densities shall be performed at two (2) foot vertical intervals beginning at a level two (2) feet above the top of the installed pipe and continuing to the top of the completed backfill at intervals along the trench not to exceed 100 linear feet. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing access and trench safety system to the level of trench backfill to be tested. No extra compensation will be allowed for exposing the backfill layer to be tested or providing trench safety system for tests. D-20 Sanitary Sewer Manholes The installation, replacement, and/or rehabilitation of sanitary sewer manholes will be required as shown on the plans, and/or described in these Contract Documents. All manholes shall be in accordance with Section E 1-14 Materials for Sanitary Sewer Manholes , Valve Vaults , Etc., and E2-14 Vault and Manhole Construction of the General Contract Specifications, and per the standard details contained within the plans, unless amended or superseded by requirements of this specification. A . CONCRETE COLLARS : Concrete collars will be required as per Figure 121 and construction drawing details. B. WATERTIGHT MANHOLE INSERTS: Watertight gasketed manhole inserts shall be installed in sanitary sewer manholes. Inserts shall be constructed in accordance with Fort Worth Water Department Standard EI00-4 and shall be fitted and installed according to manufacturer's recommendations. For manholes located on mains greater than 18" diameter, manhole inserts shall be stainless steel and lockable. C. LIFT HOLES: All lift holes shall be plugged with a pre-cast concrete plug. The lift hole shall be sealed on the outside of the manhole with Ram-Nek or an approved equal sealant. The lift holes shall be sealed on the inside of the manhole with quick setting cement grout. D. FINAL RIM ELEVATIONS: Manhole rims in streets, alleys, parking lots , or sidewalks shall be set at an elevation not more than Yi " or less than W' abo ve the surrounding grade. Manholes in open fields , unimproved land, or drainage courses shall be set 4" above surrounding grade. Fort Worth Water Department D -12 Special Conditions E. MANHOLE COVERS: All lids shall have pick slots in lieu of pick holes. Manhole frames and covers shall be McKinley, Type N, with indented top design, or equal, with pick slots. Covers shall be set flush with the rim of the frame and shall have no larger than a 1/8" gap between the frame and cover. Bearing surfaces shall be machine finished. F. COATINGS: Exterior surfaces of all manholes shall be coated with two mops of coal tar epoxy paint, Koppers "Bitumastic Super Service Black", Tnemec "46-450 Heavy Tnemecol" or equal to a minimum of 14 mils dry film thickness (DFT). G . JOINT SEALANT: All interior or exterior joints on concrete manhole sections, including grade rings, shall require bitumastic joint sealant. Sealant shall be preformed and trowelable bitumastic as manufactured by Kent-Seal, Ram-Nek, E-Z Stick, or equal. The joint sealer shall be supplied in either extruded rope-form of suitable cross sectional area or flat tape form and shall be sized as recommended by the manJfacturer and approved by the Engineer. The Joint sealer shall be protected by a suitable removable wrapper and shall not in any way depend on oxidation, evaporation, or any other chemical action for either its adhesive properties or cohesive strength. The joint sealer shall remain totally flexible without shrinking, hardening, or oxidizing regardless of the length of time it is exposed to the elements. H. PAYMENT: For this project, Sanitary sewer manholes shall be paid per manhole installed, to include the work to excavate and place reinforced concrete manhole, including cast iron frame and cover, exterior coal tar epoxy coating, stainless steel manhole insert, and reinforced concrete collar. Extra depth manholes will receive no additional compensation. D-21 Vacuum Testing of Manholes A. GENERAL: This item shall govern the vacuum testing of all newly constructed sanitary sewer manholes. B. TEST PROCEDURE: Manholes shall be tested with all connections in place. Lift holes shall be plugged, and all drop connections and gas sealing connections shall be installed prior to testing. The sewer lines entering the manhole shall be plugged and braced to prevent the plugs from being drawn into the manhole. The plugs shall be installed in the lines beyond the drop-connections, gas sealing connections, etc . The test head shall be placed inside the frame at the top of the manhole and inflated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. A vacuum of ten inches of mercury (1 O" Hg) shall be drawn and the vacuum pump will be turned off. With the valve closed, the level of vacuum shall be read after the required time. The required test time shall be determined from Table shown below in accordance with ASTM C1244-93: Fort Worth Water Department D-13 Special Conditions Minimum Time Required For Vacuum Drop of 1" He (10" He to 9" H!!) Depth of MH (ft) 48" diameter Manhole 60" diameter Manhole 0 to 16' 40 seconds 52 seconds 18' 45 seconds 59 seconds 20' 50 seconds 65 seconds 22' 55 seconds 72 seconds 24' 59 seconds 78 seconds C. ACCEPTANCE: The manhole shall be considered acceptable, if the drop in level of vacuum is less than one inch of mercury after the required test time. Any manhole which fails to pass the initial test must be repaired with a suitable material which conforms to the construction material of the manhole. The manhole shall be retested as described above until it has succe Jsfully passed the test. Following completion of a successful test, the manhole shall be restored to its normal condition, all temporary plugs shall be removed, all braces, equipment, and debris shall be removed and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. D . PAYMENT: Payment for vacuum testing of sanitary sewer manholes, to include all bypass pumping, plugging of lines, and incidentals necessary to complete the test, shall be considered to be incidental to the price of manhole installation. D-22 Bypass Pumping The Contractor shall bypass wastewater as required to complete the work. The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate size and capacity to handle the flow without sewage backup occurring to facilities connected to the sewer. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to discharge sewage into the trenches . Payment for bypass pumping shall be incidental to the replacement of the Lake Worth Lift Station. D-23 Valve Blocking All buried valves shall have concrete blocking for support. Valves shall have polyethylene wrapping per Material Specification El-13 and Construction Specification E2-13 installed prior to concrete blocking. No separate payment will be made for any of the work involved with this item and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the lump sum price for buried valves. D-24 Detectable Warning Tape Detectable underground utility warning tapes which can be located from the surface by a pipe detector shall be installed directly above non-metallic water or sanitary sewer pipe . The detectable tape shall be "Detect Tape" manufactured by Allen Systems Inc., or approved equal, and shall consist of a minimum thickness of 0 .35 mils solid aluminum foil encased in a protective inert plastic j acket that is impervious to all known alkalis, Fort Worth Water Department D-14 Special Conditions acids, chemical reagents , and solvents found in soil. The minimum overall thickness of the tape shall be 5 .5 mils and the width shall not be less than 2". The tape shall be color coded and imprinted with the following message as follows: Water Sewer Safety Blue Safety Green Caution! Buried Water Line Below Caution! Buried Sewer Line Below Installation of detectable tape shall be per manufacturer 's recommendations and shall be as close to the grade as practical for optimum protection and detectability. Allow a minimum of 18 " between the tape and pipe . Payment for work such as backfill, bedding, blocking, detectable tape , and all other appurtenances required shall be considered subsidiary to the cost of pipe installation. D-25 Disposal of Spoil/Fill Material: Prior to the disposing of any spoil/fill material, the contractor shall advise the Director of the Department of Engineering, acting as the City of Fort Worth's Flood Plain Administrator ("Administrator"), of the location of all sites where the contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shall not dispose of such material until the proposed sites have been determined by the Administrator to meet the requirements of the Flood Plain Ordinance of the City of Fort Worth (Ordinance No. 11517). All disposal sites must be approved by the Administrator to ensure that filling is not occurring within a flood plain without a permit. A flood plain permit can be issued upon approval of necessary engineering studies. No fill permit is required if disposal sites are not in a flood plain. Approval of the contractors disposal sites shall be evidenced by a letter signed by the Administrator stating that the site is not in a known flood plain or by a Flood Plain Fill Permit authorizing fill within the flood plain. Any expenses associated with obtaining the fill permit, including any necessary engineering studies , shall be at contractors' expense. In the event that the contractor disposes of spoil/fin material at a site without a fill permit or a letter from the Administrator approving the disposal site, upon notification by the Director of the Department of Engineering, Contractor shall remove the spoil/fill material at its expense and dispose of such materials in accordance with the Ordinances of the City and this section . D-26 Temporary Soil Erosion, Sediment, and Water Pollution Prevention Control A. DESCRIPTION: Temporary soil erosion, sediment, and water pollution control measures deemed necessary by the Engineer for the duration of the contract shall be placed by the Contractor. These measures shall at no time be used as a: substitute for the permanent control measures unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The temporary measures shall include dikes , dams , berms, sediment basins , fiber mats, jute netting, temporary seeding, straw mulch, asphalt mulch, plastic liners , rubble liners , baled hay retards, slope drains, and other devices. Fo rt Wo rth Water D e partment D -15 Speci a l Conditi o n s B. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS : The Engineer has the authority to define erodible earth and the authority to limit the surface area of erodible earth material exposed by preparing of right of way and clearing and grubbing and shall direct the Contractor to provide temporary pollution control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams , other water courses, lakes, ponds , or other areas of water impoundment. Temporary pollution control measures shall be used to prevent or correct erosion that may develop during construction prior to installation of permanent pollution control installations . The Engineer shall limit the area of preparing of right of way, clearing and grubbing, excavation, and borrow to be proportional to the Contractor's capability and progress. The Contractor shall also conform to the following practices and controls: 1. Waste or disposal areas and construction roads shall be located and constructed in a manner that will minimize the amount of sediment entering streams. 2 . Frequent fording of live streams will not be permitted; therefore, temporary bridges or other structures shall be used. 3. When work areas or material sources are located in or adjacent to live streams , such areas shall be separated from the stream by a dike or other barrier to keep sediment from entering a flowing stream. C. SUBMITTAL : Prior to start of the applicable construction, the Contractor shall submit for approval his schedules for accomplishment of soil erosion control work and his plan to keep the area of erodible soil to a minimum. No work shall be started until the erosion control schedules have been submitted and reviewed by the Engineer. D. PAYMENT : All labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work under Temporary Water Pollution Control will not be paid directly but will be considered to be subsidiary to the work under various items within the contract. D-27 Protection of Trees, Plants, and Soil: All property along and adjacent to the Contractor's operations including lawns, yards, shrubs, trees, etc . shall be preserved or restored, after completion of the work, to a condition equal to or better than existed prior to the start of work . By ordinance, the Contractor must obtain a permit from the City Forester before any work (trimming, removal, or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs growing on public property including street Rights-of-Ways and designated alleys. This permit can be obtaine d by calling the Forestry Office at 871-5738. All tree work shall be in compliance with pruning standards for Class II Pruning as described by the National A.rborist Fort Worth Water Department D-16 Special Conditi ons Association. A copy of these standards can be provided by calling the above number. Any damage to public trees due to negligence by the Contractor shall be assessed using the current formula for Shade Tree Evaluation as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture. Payment for negligent damage to public trees shall be made to the City of Fort Worth and may be withheld from funds due the Contractor by the City. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wilt fungus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be immediately sealed using a commercial pruning paint. This is the only instance when pruning paint is recommended. No separate payment will be made for any of the work involved for this item and all costs incurred will be considered a subsidiary cost of the project. Fort Worth Water Department D -17 Special Conditions - PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 1.01 SCOPE A. The Contractor shall complete the work as specified in the plans and specifications . B . The work is located in the City of Fort Worth, Texas . The location is shown on the Cover Sheet of the drawings. Address of project location is 6201 Cahoba Dri ve. 1.02 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The work covered by these Contract Documents consists of the installation of a new submersible lift station at a new site location in order to eliminate the existing lift station, transfer of electric service and phone service to the new lift station, and abandonment of the existing lift station wetwell and valve vault, along with all site work outlined in the drawings and specifications. B. In the Contract Documents the words "furnish", "install ", and "construct" shall mean for the contractors to furnish all labor, tools , material , and miscellaneous items necessary to complete the work as specified and as shown in the drawings . C . The scope of work to be completed is defined by the drawings and these specifications. Any part, appurtenance , or miscellaneous item of work which is reasonabl y implied or normally required to make the installation satisfactorily and completely operable , even if not specifically required by the drawings and/or specifications, shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost. In general terms, the work consists of furnishing all labor , materials, equipment, tools , and related items as required to complete the installation. D . Comply with applicable building codes 1. Comply with city , state, and national codes as a minimum or the requirements of these documents if more stringent than codes . 2 . All work is to be inspected by the appropriate Code Enforcement Officers . All permit fees shall be waived by the City of Fort Worth. Fort Wo rth Water De part ment 0 10 10 - I Summ ary of Work E. The work to be provided under this Contract is not necessarily limited to the fo~egoing descriptions . Accordingly, the Contractor shall thoroughly study the drawings, the specifications, and the existing facilities to fully understand the extent of the work. 1.03 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment shall be as described in Item 01025, "Measurement and Payment". Payment shall constitute complete compensation for all work involved in furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools, and related items to execute this Contract. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE Coordinate the construction schedule and operations with the Owner and Engineer, per construction drawings, and as specified in Item 01310 - Construction Schedules. 1.05 DESCRIPTION OF BID ITEMS The following descriptions are intended to clarify the nature of the work required for this project. Each bid item includes all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Bid Item 1 -Lift Station Site Work and Landscaping: Site work shall include all labor, materials, and equipment required for clearing, rough grading, final grading, disposal of vegetation, placement and maintenance of silt fence, placement of 6" steel bollards, placement of required trees, shrubs and miscellaneous landscaping, hydro-mulching and seeding of site after finish grading, watering landscaping and hydromulch, and the disposal of all extra spoil material from excavations. This bid item shall be measured and paid at the lump sum price. Bid Item 2 -Salvage/Demolition/ Abandonment of Existing Lift Station: Salvage and demolition shall include the labor, materials, and equipment required to remove existing mechanical, structural, and electrical equipment from the existing lift station drywell and valve vault, salvage designated equipment for use by the City, and dispose of equipment designated by the City. In addition, this item shall include the abandonment of the existing reinforced concrete wetwell and steel drywell, by pumping full with of flowable fill to the designated elevation, and removal and disposal of debris, in accordance with the plans. Included in this item is the cost to cut and plug lines into the wetwell and valve vault. Bid price shall be measured and paid at the lump sum bid price. Bid Item 3 -Trench and Excavation Safety: Trench and Excavation safety shall include a trench safety plan, prepared by a Licensed Engineer in the state of Texas, and all labor, equipment, and materials required to implement the plan during the construction of the lift station structures, piping, and demolition. Trench Safety shall be paid per linear foot Fort Worth Water Department 01010 - 2 Summary of Work of trench protected, or perimeter of structure shored, as described in Item 02223 "Trench Safety Sy stems". Bid Item 4 -Reinforced Concrete Paving: Included in this bid item is the cost to prepare and compact subgrade , place and compact a 4" thick flexible base, place reinforcing steel and expansion joints, and form and place 6" thick reinforced concrete pavement at lift station site . Bid item shall be measured and paid per square yard of reinforced concrete paving installed , in accordance with plans and specifications. Bid Item 5 -Asphalt Pavement Repair : Included in this bid item is the cost to sawcut existing asphalt concrete pavement, place 2/27 concrete base with 12" bridge, and install 2" HMAC Type "D" or Type "C", matching existing asphalt street. Bid item shall be measured and paid per linear foot along the trench length, in accordance with plans and specifications . Bid Item 6 -Wood Slat Chain Link Fence/Gate: Included in this bid item is the cost to place an 8 ' tall redwood slatted chain link fence complete with a 16' wide double swing lockable access gate, and 3 ' personnel access gate . Price includes placement of all fence and comer posts , excav ation of post-holes, concrete backfill , and reinforced concrete mow strip . Bid item shall be measured and paid per linear foot of redwood slat chain link fence installed , in accordance with plans and specifications. Bid Item 7 -Underground Yard Piping: This item shall pay per lump sum for the installation of all underground sewer and water piping and fittings. Price shall include all testing required of pipelines, all trenching and dewatering , all bedding and backfill required , all locator tape, all polyethylene wrap, all concrete thrust blocks and mechanical retainer glands or Megalugs , all solid and transition sleeves, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. Pipe and fittings shall be of the make and class specified on the plans and described in the contract documents. Bid Item 8 -4' Diameter Sewer Manhole: This item shall pay per each 4 ' diameter sanitary sewer manhole installed , to include cost for excavation, placement of manhole, manhole insert , ring and frame , and concrete collar around manhole. Bid Item 9 -1" Water Service Assembly: This item shall include tapping saddle , corporation stop, copper service line, curb stop, meter bo x, reduced pressure zone (RPZ) backflow preventer in above ground enclosure , and non-freeze hose bib. All work shall be performed under the responsible charge of a licensed plumber. Price shall include all trenching , backfill, and concrete required to place service assembly. Bid Item 10 -Reinforced Concrete Wetwell and Valve Vault: Included in this lump sum bid item is the structural excavation, dewatering, placement of mud slab , the forming and placing of the reinforced concrete wetwell and valve vault, forming and placement of non-shrink and cement grout within the wetwell , forming and placement of pipe cradles in valve vault, placement and compaction of select granular backfill around the perimeter of the structure, and the testing of the wetwell for leakage. Item shall be measured and Fort Wo rth Water De partmen t 01010 - 3 Summary of W ork paid by the lump sum for the complete in place installation of the proposed reinforced concrete wetwell and valve vault structures. Bid Item 11 -Pre-Cast Concrete Electrical Building: Included in this lump sum bid item is the work to install a pre-manufactured concrete electrical building at the site. Building shall be designed to meet all requirements of Fort Worth Building Code. Shop drawings shall be signed and sealed by a registered engineer in the State of Texas and used for obtaining a Fort Worth building permit. Bid Item 12 -Wetwell Interior Coating System: This item shall consist of the surface preparation and installation of the specified coating system, at the required thickness, to the proposed wetwell interior surface. Included in this item is the cost of all testing required by specifications of the coating system. Item shall be measured and paid by the square foot for the surface preparation and coating of the lift station wetwell. Bid Item 13 -Valve Vault Grating and Hardware: This item shall consist of the lump sum price for furnishing and installing galvanized steel grating, galvanized structural steel supports, stainless steel fasteners, clips, supports, bolts, etc., and all incidentals necessary to completely install the grated top. Bid Item 14 -Aluminum Access Hatches and Ladder Assembly: This item shall consist of furnishing and installing specified lockable aluminum access hatches, hatch safety nets or grates, aluminum ladders, and the aluminum "ladder-up" safety extensions. The lump sum pay item shall include all materials, hardware, and labor necessary to furnish and install the specified equipment. Bid Item 15 -Wetwell and Valve Vault Piping: This item shall consist of the lump sum price for furnishing and installing all flanged pipe, wall pipe, wall penetrations, fittings, flanged coupling adaptors, structural steel pipe supports, pipe support pedestals, anchor bolts, wall penetrations, link seals, pressure testing of pipes, and all miscellaneous piping or pipe support equipment placed within the wetwell and valve vault. Price shall include all field painting of pipe, in accordance with specifications, color to be decided by Engineer. Bid Item 16 -Valve Vault Valves & Accessories: This item shall consist of the lump sump price for furnishing and installing two 1 O" diameter oil cushioned check valves, two 1 O" diameter resilient seated gate valves, one 12" diameter resilient seated gate valve, one 6" diameter resilient seated gate valve, one 2" combination air/vacuum valves, all flange by flange; the furnishing and installation of all gate, ball, and check valves of 2" diameter or less; and for furnishing and installing the pressure gauge, all within the valve vault structure. Price shall include all field painting of valves, in accordance with specifications, color to be decided by Engineer. Bid Item 17 -Lift Station Pumps and Accessories: This item shall consist of the lump sum price for furnishing and installing two pump base elbows, two sets of stainless steel guide rails, two submersible pumps and motors, one sump pump, all pump power and Fort Worth Water Department 01010 -4 Summary of Work monitoring cables, and anchor bolts and anchorages necessary to install a functioning lift station, according to plans and specifications. Bid Item 18 -Odor Control Unit: This item shall consist of the lump sum price for the furnishing and installation of a single 300 cfm odor control unit. Toe work shall include all electrical, piping, and testing required to install a complete and functioning odor control system. Bid Item 19 -Lift Station Electrical, Control, and Instrumentation: Lump sum price shall include furnishing and installing all conduit, conductors, relays , electrical hardware, junction boxes, grounding system, SCADA monitoring and alarm system, antenna and tower, pump controllers, pump starters, electrical panels, and enclosures. Lump sum price shall include all incidentals necessary to operate, control, and monitor new lift station. Bid Item 20 -Diesel Generator Assembly: Lump sum price shall consist of furnishing and installing a 200 KW diesel generator with automatic transfer switch, according to plans and specifications , complete and in-place. Bid Item 21 -Traffic Control Plan and Barricades: Lump sum price shall include development of traffic control plan, submittal to City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department of traffic permit, and providing and maintaining all signs , barricades, and traffic control devices in accordance with the plan. Bid Item 22 -Dewatering Plan: Lump sum price shall include development of a dewatering plan, prepared by a registered engineer in the state of Texas, for use during excavation and forming of lift station wetwell. Dewatering plan shall be submitted and accepted prior to lift station excavation. Bid Item 23 -HSO Allowance: A proposal was obtained from HSQ for the supply of one HSQ RTU, radio, modem, battery and software, all to be provided within a stainless steel enclosure. Contractor shall familiarize himself with the scope of work . included within the HSQ proposal and ensure that all remaining work is incorporated into the lump sum bid for lift station electrical, contro l , and instrumentation. PART2 PART3 PRODUCTS - EXECUTION - Fort Worth Wat er Department Not Applicable Not Applicable 01010 -5 Summary of Work PART3 EXECUTION 3 .01 WORK INCLUDED A. Testing is required for the following items of work : 1. Soils compaction control 2. Structural backfill 3. Cast-in-place concrete 4. Wetwell Lining System 5. Sanitary sewer lines and manholes 6. Equipment testing 7. Leakage testing ofwetwell 3.02 TESTING LABORATORY RESPONSIBILITIES A. Cooperate with Owner, Engineer, and Contractor, providing qualified personnel promptly on notice. B . Perform specified inspections, sampling, and testing of materials and methods of construction. C. Promptly notify Owner, Engineer, and Contractor of irregularities or deficiencies of work that are observed during performance of services. D. Prepare and distribute reports of inspections and tests within three (3) days of test completion. E. Include the following information for each test as well as additional data specified in the applicable section. 1. Date of test 2 . Location of test 3. Specified standards 4. Test results 5. Remarks and observations F. The laboratory is not authorized to: 1. Release, revoke, alter, or enlarge on requirements of the Contract. 2. Approve or accept any portion of the work 3. Perform any duties of the Contractor. Fort Worth Water Department 01410 -2 Testing Laboratory Services -- 3 .03 3.04 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A . Cooperate with laboratory personnel; provide access to the work or to manufacturer's operations . B . Provide to laboratory preliminary representative samples of materials to be tested in required quantities . C. Furnish copies of mill test reports D. Furnish labor and equipment: 1. To provide access to the work to be tested . This shall include, as necessary, any ladders, scaffold, hoists, etc. needed by laboratory personnel for inspection or testing of the work. 2. To obtain and handle samples at the site 3 . To provide area for laboratory's exclusive use for storage of test samples. E . When changes of the construction schedule are necessary, coordinate such changes with the testing laboratory as required. EQUIPMENT TESTING A. The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, and equipment required for preliminary field testing of all equipment to be furnished or for portions of the work that have been completed . B. Upon completion of the work and prior to final acceptance and payment, all equipment to be furnished shall be tested as specified or required to ensure compliance with the drawings and specifications. C. Should the equipment tested, either for preliminary or final tests, not comply with the requirements as set forth on the drawings and specifications, the Contractor shall make the necessary changes and adjustments, or replacements as may be required, and at no cost to the Owner. D. All costs of whatever nature for testing shall be borne by the Contractor at no extra cost to the Owner. 3.05 CONCRETE TESTING A . Portland Cement Fort Worth Water Department 01410-3 Te sting Laboratory Services 1. Secure from cement manufacturer Certificates of Compliance delivered directly to the concrete producer for further delivery direct ly to the testing laboratory. 2. Require the Certificates of Compliance to positively identify the cement as to production lot, bin or silo number, dating and routing of shipment, and compliance with specified standards. B. Aggregate 1. Provide one test unless character of material changes, material is substituted, or additional test is requested by the Engineer. 2 . Sample from conveyor belts or batching gates at the ready-mix plant. Test for sieve analysis and specific gravity test to determine compliance with specified standards. C. Laboratory Design Mix: Provide mix design in accordance with ACI 613 . D. Molded Concrete Cylinders: 1. Provide two test cylinders of each class of concrete of each day's placement. As a minimum, there shall be ten cylinders taken for the new wetwell, six cylinders taken for the new valve vault, four cylinders taken for the masonry enclosure foundation, four cylinders taken for the structural rehabilitation of the existing wetwell, and two cylinders taken for the sidewalks and driveways . 2 . For every two cylinders taken, test one cylinder at seven days, and one at 28 days. 3. Report the mix, slump, location of concrete placement, and test results prior to addition of any plasticizers. 4 . Take specimens and make tests in accordance with applicable ASTM standard specifications. 3.06 MASONRY Provide mortar compressive strength testing per ASTM C-270. Limit samples taken to four. Fort Worth Water D epartment 01410 - 4 Tes ting Laboratory Servi ces 3.07 SOILS AND MISCELLANEOUS TESTING A. Testing and control of soils shall be performed by testing laboratory in accordance with ASTM standards. B. The Contractor shall furnish materials to be used in soils testing. 3.08 WETWELL LINING Perform thickness , holiday, and bond strength test in accordance with Contract Documents and manufacturer's recommendations . 3.09 SANITARYSEWERANDWATERMAIN Perform testing of sewer and water line trench backfill compaction, low-pressure air test OR video inspection of gravity sewer pipe, pressure testing of force main and water main, and vacuum test of manholes, as described within the Fort Worth Standard Specifications. 3 .10 PAYMENT FOR TESTING A. Include within the Contract Sum an amount sufficient to cover all testing and inspecting required under this section of these specifications, and to cover all testing and inspecting required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. B . The Owner will PilY for all testing and inspecting specifically requested by the Engineer over and above those described within the Contract Documents. Fort Worth Water Department 01410-5 Testing Laboratory Services ITEM 01430 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PARTl GENERAL 1.01 REQUIRMENTS A. Furnish for each item of equipment or system as specified in the individual technical specification sections. B. Prepare data for use by Owner's personnel in the form of an instructional manual. C. Manual Format: 1. Size: 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches 2. Paper: 20 pound minimum, white for typed pages 3. Test: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly typewritten. 4. Three-hole punch data for binding and composition; arrange printing so that holes do not obliterate data. 5. Provide fly-leaf for each separate product, or each piece of · operating data, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment and provide with heavy section dividers with numbered plastic index tabs. 6 . Provide each manual with the title page, and typed table of contents with consecutive page numbers. Place contents of entire set, identified by volume number, in each binder. 7. Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title "Operation and Maintenance Manual, Volume NO._ OF_" if applicable, and list: a. Project title b. Designate the system or equipment for which it is intended c . Identity of separate structure as applicable d . Identity of general subject matter covered in manual. Identity of equipment number and specification section. 8. Assemble and bind material in same order as specified. 9. Material shall be suitable for reproduction. 10 . Binders shall be commercial quality, permanent, three ring binders. 11. Table of contents, neatly written, arranged in systematic order: a. Contractor, name or responsible principle, address, telephone number. b. List of each product required to be included, indexed to content of each volume. c . List with each product: Name, address , and telephone number of subcontractor, supplier, installer, and maintenance contractor, as appropriate. Fort Worth Water Department 01430-I Operation and Maintenance Data d . Identify each product b y product name and other identifying numbers or symbols as set forth in Contract Documents . 12 . Product Data a. Include only those sheets that are pertinent to specific product. b. Clearly annotate each sheet to: 1.) Identify specific product or part installed 2 .) Identify data applicable to installation. 3.) Delete references to inapplicable information. 13. Drawings : Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate : a. Relations of component parts of equipment and systems b. Control and flow diagrams c . Coordinate drawings with project record documents to assure correct illustration of completed installation. d. Reduced to 8-1/2" by 11", or 11" by 17" folded to 8-1/2" by 11". e. Identify specification section and product on drawings . 14. Instructions and Procedures: Within text, as required to supplement product data . a . Handling, storage, maintenance during storage , assembly, erection, installation, adjusting, testing , operating, shutdown in emergency, troubleshooting, maintenance, interface, and as may be otherwise required . b. Organize in a consistent format under separate heading for each difference procedure. c . Provide a logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. d . Provide information sheet for Owner's personne l, including: 1.) Proper procedures in the event of fa ilure 2 .) Instances that might affect the v alidity of warranties . 15. Warranties, Bonds, and Service Agreements: In accordance w ith Item 01700, Contract Closeout 1.02 MANUALS FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS A. Content for each Unit (or Common Units) and System: 1. Description of units and component parts , including controls, accessories , and appurtenances. a . Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions . Fort Worth Wat er Department 0 143 0 -2 Operati on and Ma in te nance D ata b . Performance curves, engineering data, nameplate data, and test results. c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replacement parts. 2. Operating Procedures: 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8. a. Start-up, break-in, routine, and normal operating instructions. b. Test procedures and results of factory tests where required. c. Regulation, control stopping, and emergency instructions. d. Description of operating sequence by a control manufacturer. e. Shutdown instructions for both short and extended f. g. durations. Safety precautions. Installation instructions. Maintenance and Overhaul Procedures: a. Routing operations b. Guide to troubleshooting c. Disassembly, removal, repair, reinstallation, and reassembly. Installation instructions; including alignment, adjusting, calibrating Original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, detailed assembly drawings showing each part with part numbers and sequentially numbered parts list, and diagrams required for maintenance . Where applicable, identify installed spares and other provisions for future work. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions As-installed, color-coded piping diagrams B. Maintenance Summary 1. Compile an individual maintenance summary for each applicable equipment item, respective unit or system, and for component or sub-units . 2. Include detailed lubrication instructions and diagrams showing points to be greased or oiled, recommend type, grade, and temperature range of lubricants and frequency of lubrication. 3. Recommended spare parts: a. Data to be consistent with manufacturer's Bill of Materials/Parts List furnished in O&M manuals. b. Provide MSDS sheets for all chemicals and lubricants C. Content for Each Electric or Electronic Item or System 1. Description of Unit and Component Parts : a. Function and normal operating characteristics Fort Worth Water Department 01430 -3 Operation and Maintenance Data b. Performance curves, engineering data, nameplate data, and test data. c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replacement parts. d. Interconnection wiring diagrams, including control and lighting systems 2. Circuit Directories of Panelboards a . Electrical Service b. Controls c. Communications 3 . List of electrical relay settings, and control and alarm settings. 4. Electrical interconnection diagrams by control manufacturer 5. As-installed control diagram by control manufacturer 6. Operating Procedures : a. Routine and normal operating instructions b. Sequences required c. Safety precautions d. Special operating instructions 7. Maintenance Procedures: a. Routine operations b. Guide to troubleshooting c . Adjustment and checking d. List of relay settings, control and alarm contact settings 8. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions 9. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. 1.03 MANUALS FOR MATERIALS AND FINISHES A . Content for Architectural Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: 1. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products a. Catalog number, size, and composition b. Color and texture designations c . Information required for reordering manufactured products 2. Instructions for Care and Maintenance a. Manufacturer's recommendation for types of cleaning agents and methods b. Cautions against cleaning agents and methods that are detrimental to product. c. Recommend schedule for cleaning and maintenance. B. Content for Moisture Protection and Weather Exposed Products I. Manufacturer 's data, giving full information on products a . Applicable standards Fort Worth Water Department 01430 -4 O peration and M aintenance Data b. Chemical composition c. Details of installation 2. Instructions for inspections, maintenance, and repair. PART2 PART3 PRODUCTS - EXECUTION - Fort Worth Water Department Not Applicable Not Applicable 01430-5 Operation and Maintenance Data ITEM 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The facilities and controls specified in this section are considered minimum for the project. The Contractor may provide additional facilities and controls which he considers necessary for the proper execution of the work and to meet his responsibilities for protection of persons, property, and the environment. B. The Contractor shall furnish equipment which will be efficient, appropriate, and large enough to secure a satisfactory quality of work, and a rate of progress which will ensure the completion of the work within the time stipulated in the Contract Documents. C. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for providing all temporary diversion, and dewatering pumping and piping, plumbing, heating, ventilating, lighting, temporary structures, and such other items required to maintain the wastewater collection operations within the scheduling requirements contained in the Contract Documents . Failure to show all details of temporary piping and temporary construction on the drawings or in the specifications shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for constructing the improvements without interrupting wastewater collection operations . PART2 PART3 PRODUCTS - EXECUTION 3 .01 UTILITIES Not Applicable A. Sanitary Facilities: The Contractor shall provide and maintain toilets and other sanitary facilities for his employees and his subcontractor's employees that will comply with the regulations of the State and local health departments . B. Water for Construction: The Contractor may use water from existing fire hydrants free of charge. Contractor shall, however, arrange for a fire hydrant meter, and pay the required meter deposit fee . C. Electric Power for Construction: Contractor shall coordinate with Oncor and make arrangements for providing temporary electrical power. The Contractor shall maintain the temporary electric power system during the Fort Worth Water Department 01500-1 Temporary Facilities and Controls contract period at his expense. Electric power obtained through the temporary service shall be paid for by the Contractor. The temporary systems and their components shall be furnished and installed in conformance with the requirements of the National Electric Code (NEC). 3.02 WASTE Provide approved containers for collection and disposal of waste materials, debris , and rubbish. 3.03 SECURITY AND TEMPORARY APPROVED PROTECTION A. Furnish, install, and maintain suitable barriers and protection to prevent public entry, and to protect the work, existing facilities, and existing roads from construction operations. B. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures and be solely responsible for the protection of temporary facilities, finished construction areas, equipment, and materials at the site until the project has been completed and accepted by the Owner. 3.04 SITEMAINTENANCE A. Except as provided herein, no sidewalk, private property, or other areas adjacent to the lift station site shall be used for storage of the Contractor's equipment and materials unless prior written approval is obtained from the legal owner. B. At all times, the Contractor shall maintain areas covered by the contract and public properties free from accumulation of waste, debris, and rubbish caused by construction operations. All trash and waste materials shall be cleaned and disposed in an approved waste receptacle each day. C . Excavated materials shall be removed from the site in a manner that will cause the least damage to adjacent lawns, grassed areas, trees, gardens, shrubbery, or fences regardless of whether these are on private property or public right of ways. Fort Worth Water Department 01500-2 Temporary Facilities and Controls PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 1.01 REQUIREMENTS Provide material and equipment as specified conforming to the following : A. Comply with size, make, type, and quality specified, unless specifically authorized in writing by the Engineer. B. Manufactured and Fabricated Products PART2 PART3 1. Design, fabricate, and assemble in accord with the best engineering and shop practices. 2. Manufacture like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages, to be interchangeable. 3. Products shall be suitable for service conditions. 4. Equipment capacities, sizes , and dimensions shown or specified shall be adhered to unless variations are specifically approved in writing. 5. The materials and equipment used on the work shall correspond to the approved samples or other submitted data. PRODUCTS - EXECUTION Not Applicable 3.01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Materials and equipment incorporated into the work shall: 1. Be new and in current production, conforming to applicable specifications and standards. 2. Comply with size, make, type, and quality specified, or as specifically approved in writing by the Engineer. B. For products specified only by reference standard, select any product meeting that standard. C. For products specified by naming several products or manufacturers , select any one or the products or manufacturers named, which complies with the specifications . Fort Worth Water Departmen t 01600-I Materi al and Eq uipment D. For products specified by naming one or more products or manufacturers and "or equal", Contractor must submit a request for substitutions for any product or manufacturer not specifically named. 3.02 REUSE OF EXISTING MATERIAL A. Except as specifically indicated or specified, materials and equipment removed from any existing structure shall not be used in the completed work. B. Arrange for transportation, storage, and handling of products which require off-site storage, restoration, or renovation at no additional cost. 3.03 SUBSTITUTIONS A . For a period of thirty (30) days after the date of the Work Order, Engineer will consider written requests from the Contractor for substitution of products that are specifically called out with a product name. B. Submit to the Engineer a separate request for each product, supported with complete data, with drawings and samples as appropriate, including: 1. Comparison of the qualities of the proposed substitution with that specified. 2. Changes required in other elements of the work because of the substitution. 3. Effect on the construction schedule 4. Cost data comparing the proposed substitution with the product specified. 5. Listing of any required license fees or royalties . 6. Availability of maintenance service, and source ofreplacement materials. C. Engineer shall be the judge of the acceptability of the proposed s substitution. D. In submitting a request for a substitution, the Contractor represents to the Owner and Engineer that he: 1. Has investigated the proposed product and determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to that specified . 2. Will provide the same warranties or bonds for the substitution as for the product specified. 3. Will coordinate the installation of an accepted substitution into the work, and make such other changes as may be required to make the work complete in all respects. Fort Worth Water Department 01600 -2 Material and Equipment 4. Waives all claims for additional costs, under his responsibility, which may subsequently become apparent. 5. Any incidental cost associated with using alternative products shall be borne by the Contractor. E. Engineer will review requests for substitutions with reasonable promptness, and notify the Contractor, in writing, of the decision to accept or reject the requested substitution. The Engineer shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of any proposed substitution. 3.04 COMPLIANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. When Contract Documents require that the installation of work comply with manufacturer's printedinstructions, obtain and distribute copies of such instructions to parties involved in the installation, including two copies to Engineer. Maintain one set of complete instructions at the job site during installation and until completion. B. Handle, install, connect, clean, condition, and adjust products in strict accord with such instructions and in conformance with the contract requirements. C. Manufacturer's recommendations are minimum standards for handling materials and equipment and the installation of the work. If the project drawings and specifications are more stringent, the requirements of the drawings and specifications shall govern. D. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with the manufacturer's instructions, consult Engineer for further instruction. E. Do not proceed with work without clear instructions. F. Perform work in accordance with manufacturer's instructions . Do not omit any preparatory step or installation procedure unless specifically authorized by the Engineer. G. Manufacturer shall supply to the City a Certificate of Compliance on equipment furnished that it meets the specification requirements and has been installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.05 TRANSPORATION AND HANDLING OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work shall be handled and stored by the manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, and Contractor before, during, and after shipment in a manner to prevent warping, Fort Worth Water Department 01600 -3 Material and Equipment twisting, bending, breaking, chipping, rusting, and any injury, theft or damage of any kind to the material or equipment. B. Equipment shall be shipped as late as possible to assure its availability when required by the Contractor's schedule. The intent of this requirement is to reduce on-site storage time prior to installation and operation. Under no circumstances shall equipment be delivered to the site more than one month prior to installation without prior written authorization from the Engineer. Equipment shall not be shipped until the submittal review process is complete. C . Deliver products in undamaged condition, in manufacturer's original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible. D. · Immediately on delivery, inspect shipments to assure compliance with requirements of contract documents and approved submittals, and that products are properly protected and undamaged . Notify Engineer immediately upon receipt of shipment. E. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. F. Materials and equipment delivered to the job shall be unloaded and placed in a manner which will not hamper the normal operation of the existing lift station or interfere with the flow of street traffic. 3.06 STORAGE AND PROTECTION OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work shall be handled and stored by the manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, and Contractor before, during, and after shipment in a manner to prevent warping, twisting, bending, breaking, chipping, rusting, and any injury, theft, or damage of any kind to the material or equipment. B . Special attention shall be given to the storage and handling of equipment on site. Equipment storage will be approved by the Engineer. As a minimum, the procedure outlined below shall be followed: 1. Equipment having moving parts such as gears, electric motors, and instruments shall be stored in a temperature and humidity controlled building approve by the Engineer, until such time as the equipment is to be installed. 2. Equipment shall be stored fully lubricated with oil and grease, unless otherwise instructed by the manufacturer. 3. Manufacturer's storage instruction shall be carefully studied by the Contractor and reviewed by the Engineer. These instructions shall Fort Worth Water Department 01600 -4 Material and Equipment be carefully followed and a written record shall be kept by the Contractor. 4. Moving parts shall be rotated a minimum of once weekly to insure proper lubrication and to avoid metal to metal "welding". 5. Motors and other equipment fitted with electric heaters shall have the heaters maintained in an energized condition at all times. C. Indoors 1. Store products subject to damage by the elements in weatherproof enclosures . 2. Maintain temperature and humidity within the ranges required by the manufacturer's instructions. 3. Connect and energize motor heaters and other equipment space heaters during storage. D . Outdoors 1. Store fabricated products above the ground, on blocking or skids, prevent soiling or staining. Cover products that are subject to deterioration with impervious sheet coverings; provide adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. 2. Store loose granular materials in a well-drained area on solid surfaces to prevent mixing with foreign matter. 3 . Arrange storage in a manner to provide easy access for inspection. Make periodic inspections of stored products to assure that products are maintained under specified conditions, and are free from damage or deterioration. 3.07 APPURTENATE ITEMS A. Provide wedges, shims, filling pieces, keys, packing, grout, or other materials necessary to properly align, level, and secure apparatus in place. Parts intended to be plumb or level shall be proven exactly so. Grinding necessary to bring parts to proper bearing after erection shall be done. B. Provide openings, channels, and chases, and install anchor bolts and other items to be embedded in concrete, as required to complete the work under this contract and do all cutting and patching as required. C. Furnish sleeves, inserts, hangars, and anchor bolts, required for the execution of the instrumentation and electrical work, specified and shown on the drawings. In no case shall beams, lintels , or other structural members be cut without the approval of the Engineer. 3.08 INSPECTION AND TESTING FOR ACCEPTANCE Fort Worth Water Department 01600 -5 Material and Equipment A. Furnish all materials or specimens for testing and all labor and facilities for inspection of equipment and materials. B. If the Owner requires, either prior to beginning or during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit samples or materials for such special tests as may be necessary to demonstrate that they comply with the specifications. Such samples shall be furnished, stored, packed, and shipped as directed at the Contractor's expense. Except as otherwise noted, the Owner will make arrangements for and pay for the tests. C. Delay of approval resulting from the Contractor's failure to submit samples or data promptly shall not be used as a basis of a claim against the Owner or Engineer. 3.09 REJECTION OF MATERIALS AND EQUJPMENT A. Materials and equipment which, in the opinion of the Engineer, have become so damaged as to be unfit for the use intended or specified shall be promptly removed from the site of Work. The Contractor shall receive no compensation for the damaged material or its removal. B. Damaged material and equipment shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. 3 .10 PROTECTION AFTER INSTALLATION Provide substantial coverings as necessary to protect installed products from damage from traffic and subsequent construction operations. Fort Worth Water Department 01600 - 6 Material and Equipment PARTl GENERAL 1.01 SUBMITTALS ITEM 01651 TESTING AND STARTUP A. Submit to Engineer, for approval, start-up and test schedule minimum of 30 days prior to commencing work specified in this .section. B . Submit to Engineer, a minimum of three copies of manufacturer's representative's installation report, field test data, test records , and a log of the testing and start up procedure for each item of equipment and system . 1.02 SERVICE OF MANUFACTURER"S REPRESENTATIVE A. The contract price for the project shall include the cost of furnishing competent and experienced personnel who shall represent the manufacturers and shall assist the Contractor, to install, adjust, and test the equipment in conformity with the Contract Documents. B. After the equipment is installed by the Contractor, such personnel shall make all adjustments and tests required to prove that such equipment is in proper an satisfactory operating condition. PART2 PART3 PRODUCTS - EXECUTION Not Applicable 3.01 TESTING AND STARTUP PLAN A. Submit plan which includes a schedule of manufacturer's representative 'visits and for testing and startup of all equipment and systems provided with the work. B. Include in the startup plan: 1. Sequences 2. Lock-out procedures and safety precautions 3. Utility requirements C . The plan shall include the manufacturer 's representative schedule with the name of the representativ e , date, and purpose for each visit identified. Fort Worth Water Department 01651 -I T es ting and Startup 3 .02 PREPARATION A . Complete equipment installation with controls , safety devices and auxiliary support systems necessary to start the equipment and verify the equipment functions correctly under no load conditions. B. Remove temporary bracing supports and other construction debris that may damage equipment. C . Remove protective coatings and oils used for protection during shipment and installation. D. Flush and lubricate systems in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. E . Install temporary connections and devices required to fill, operate, checkout and drain the system. F. Check equipment for correct direction of rotation and freedom of moving parts . G. Align equipment to manufacturer's tolerances. H. Check installation prior to start-up for conformance to manufacturer's instructions. I. Adjust or modify equipment to make equipment properly operational. J. Correct any deficiencies or problems noted in manufacturer's representative installation reports. K. Submit manufacturer's representative's installation reports with corrective action noted. 3 .03 TESTING AND STARTUP A. Begin testing and startup procedures after approval by Engineer of testing and startup plan and after receipt of manufacturer's installation report. B. Make final connections to equipment and complete the system installation necessary to apply the system loads to the equipment and verify the equipment functions correctly. C. Start equipment according to manufacturer's instructions. Fort Worth Water Department 016 5 1 -2 Testing and Startu p D. Operate the system through the design performance range consistent with the available flows. Adjust, balance, calibrate, and check out the equipment, safety devices, controls, and process system to operate within the design conditions. E . Perform acceptance test as outlined in Item 11316 -Submersible Pumps. Also perform acceptance test as outlined in Section 16220 -Standby Generator. F. Submit log of testing and startup procedure, field data test, and applicable test records to Engineer and Owner. Fort Worth Water Department 01651 - 3 Testing and Startup PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1.01 SCOPE A. Comply with the requirements stated in the Contract Documents in closing out the work. B. Comply with related requirements in other parts of the Contract Documents, including fiscal provisions, legal submittals, and additional administrative requirements . PART2 PART3 PRODUCTS - EXECUTION Not Applicable 3.01 FINAL INSPECTION A. When the Contractor considers the work complete, he shall submit written certification to the Engineer that: 1. Contract Documents have been reviewed 2. Contractor has inspected for compliance with the Contract Documents. 3. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Documents. 4. Equipment and systems have been tested in presence of the Engineer and Owner's representative and are operational. 5 . Work is completed and ready for final inspection B. The Owner and Engineer will make an inspection to verify the status of completion with r~asonable promptness after receipt of such certification. C. Should the work be designated as incomplete and defective: 1. Engineer will promptly notify the Contractor in writing, listing the incomplete or defective work. 2. Contractor shall take immediate steps to remedy the stated deficiencies, and send a second written certification to the Engineer that the work is complete. 3. The Owner and Engineer will re-inspect the work. 4. When the work is acceptable under the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall be requested to make closeout submittals . Fort Worth Water Department 01700 -I Contract Closeout 3 .02 CONTRACTOR'S CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS TO OWNER/ENGINER A. Project Record Documents to comply with Item 01720 B. Operation and Maintenance Data to comply with Contract Documents C. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens: Submit the following in such form as approved by the Engineer: 1. Contractor's affidavit of payment of debts and claims. 2. Contractor's affidavit ofrelease ofliens, with: a. Consent of surety to final payment b. Separate releases or waivers ofliens for subcontractors and others with lien rights against property of Owner. 3. All submittals shall be duly executed before delivery to Engineer. D. Certificate of Insurance for Products and Completed Operations E . Equipment Warranties and Bonds, see requirements ofltem 01750 F. Certification from all manufacturers of proper equipment installation, testing, and demonstration as specified in Contract Documents . 3.03 FINAL ADWSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS A. Submit a final statement of accounting to Engineer B. Statement shall reflect all adjustments to contract sum: 1. Original contract sum 2. Additions or deductions resulting from: a. Previous change orders b. Deductions for uncorrected work c. Deductions for liquidated damages d . Other adjustments 3. Total contract sum, as adjusted 4. Previous payments 5. Sum remaining due C. Engineer and Owner will prepare any final change orders, reflecting approved adjustments to contract sum which were not made by previous change orders. Fort Worth Water Department 01700-2 Contract Clo seout 3 .04 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Contractor shall submit the final application for payment in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Contract Documents. B. Final payment shall not be approved until all Contract Closeout requirements have been met and all other contract requirements fulfilled . Fort Worth Water Department 01700 -3 Contract Closeout ITEM 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCPOPE A. Prepare and maintain record documents for the project to accurately reflect the construction as built. Documents must be submitted at work completion as a condition for final acceptance. B. Meet with the Engineer's representative monthly to review as-built plans. PART2 PART 3 - Progress payments will not be approved unless Record Documents are up to date. PRODUCTS EXECUTION Not Applicable 3.01 MARKING Mark all changes with a red pencil. 3.02 RECORDING A. Keep record documents current. B. Stamp each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large, printed letters. Legibly mark contract drawings to record actual construction: 1. Horizontal and vertical location of underground and under-slab utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. 2. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. 3. Field changes of dimension and detail 4. Changes made by change order. 5. Details not on original contract drawings C. Legibly mark specifications and addenda to record: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number, serial number, and supplier o f each product and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Changes made by change order or field order. 3. Other matters not originally specified. Fort Worth Water Department 01720-1 Project Record Documents 3.03 SUBMITTAL A . At project completion, deliver record documents to the Engineer. Place all letter-sized material in a three ring binder, neatly indexed. Bind contract drawings and shop drawings in rolls of convenient size for ease of handling. B. Accompany the submittal with a transmittal letter in duplicate, containing: 1. Date 2. Project title and number 3. Contractor's name and address 4. Title and number of each record document 5. Certification that each document as submitted is complete and accurate. 6. Signature of Contractor. Fort Worth Water Department 01720-2 Project Record Documents PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 01750 WARRANTIES AND BONDS 1.01 SCOPE A . Provide duplicate, notarized copies of warranty documents. Execute Contractor's submittals and assemble documents executed by subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. Provide table of contents and assemble in binder with durable plastic cover. B. Submit material prior to final application for payment. For items of work delayed materially beyond the date of Substantial Completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after final acceptance, listing date of substantial completion as start of warranty period. C. Maintain and keep in good repair the improvements covered by these drawings and specifications during the life of the Contract. D . Indemnify the Owner against any repairs which may become necessary to any part of the work performed and to items of equipment and systems procured for or furnished under this Contract, arising from defective workmanship or materials used therein, for a period of two (2) years after date of final substantial completion of the work. Such warranty period shall be provided by the Contractor regardless of supplier's standard warranty provisions. E. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment required, and shall make such repairs and removals or shall perform such work or reconstruction as may be made necessary by any structural or functional defect or failure resulting from neglect, faulty workmanship, or faulty materials, in any part of the work performed by him . Such repair shall also include refilling of trenches, excavations, or embankments which show settlement or erosion after backfilling placement. F . Except as noted on the drawings or as specified, all structures such as embankments and fences shall be returned to their original condition prior to the completion of the Contract. Any and all damage to any facility not designate for removal resulting from the Contractor's operations, shall be promptly repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. G . In the event the Contractor fails to proceed to remedy the defects of which he has been notified within fifteen (15) days of the date of such notice, the Owner reserves the right to cause the required materials to be procured Fort Worth W ater Department 01750 -I Warranties and Bonds and the work to be done, as described in the drawings and specifications, and to hold the Contractor and the sureties on his bond liable for the cost and expense thereof. H . In the event that immediate repairs are necessary to continue operations at the facility, the Owner reserves the right to cause those repairs to be made and hold the Contractor liable for the expense of such repairs. In such a case, every reasonable effort will be made by the Owner to notify the Contractor in advance but, failure of such notification shall not constitute a waiver of the Contractor's liability. In any case, the Contractor will be notified as soon as reasonably possible of the need for such repairs. I. Notice to Contractor for repairs and reconstruction will be made in the form of a registered letter addressed to the Contractor at his home office. PART2 PART3 PRODUCTS - EXECUTION- Fort Worth Water Department Not Applicable Not Applicable 01750 -2 Warranties and Bonds ITEM 02010 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION PARTl GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE Soil investigations were accomplished on the site for use in the design of the proposed facilities. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Item 02220 : Structural Excavation, Fill, and Backfill B . Item 02530: Dewatering and Drainage PART2 PART3 PRODUCTS - EXECUTION Not Applicable 3 .01 SOIL INVESTIGATIONS REPORTS A. A geotechnical investigation, including a soil boring, was conducted at the lift station site on July 1, 2003 by Landtec Engineers, LLC 5450 E. Loop 820 South, Fort Worth, TX 76119. The report is attached to these contract documents, labeled as "Appendix B" -Geotechnical Report. B. Subsurface information contained within the above report or indicated on the drawings was obtained by the Owner solely for use by the Engineer in establishing design criteria for the project. The accuracy of the information is not guaranteed and it is not to be construed as part of the project specifications governing construction on the project. Neither the Owner nor the Engineer accept any responsibility for any deviation in soil types and/or depths shown on the borings. 3.02 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY A. The Contractor shall review the available soil report and boring log and any other material prior to bidding, and make his own determinations as to all subsurface conditions. Boring data only indicates subsurface conditions at the boring location. B. The Contractor's attention is directed to those portions of the soil reports that outline ground water conditions at the site. Contractor is to make his own determinations and evaluations regarding groundwater control prior to submitting bid. Fort Worth Water D epartment 02010-I Sub surface Investi gation PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION ITEM 02121 CLEARING AND GRUBBING Remove and dispose of trees, stumps , brush, roots, vegetation, logs, rubbish, and other objectionable matter in embankment and excavation areas . 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Item 02220 Structural Excavation, Fill, and Backfill B. D-25 of Special Conditions, "Disposal of Spoil/Fill Material" PART2 PART3 PRODUCTS - EXECUTION Not Applicable 3 .01 CONSTRUCTION METHODS A. Clear excavation areas of stumps, brush, logs , rubbish, trees, and shrubs , including any buried trees or other materials found in the excavation. B. Clear and grub areas required for construction, roadway, and driveway. At areas required for sidewalks or driveways, remove all stumps and roots to a depth of at least 2' below the existing ground surface. Backfill and tamp all holes remaining after clearing and grubbing. Blade areas to prevent ponding of water and to facilitate drainage. C . Do not cut or deface timber outside of construction areas D . Topsoil shall be stockpiled as directed by the Engineer. 3.02 DISPOSAL A. Dispose of cleared and grubbed material as specified in the Special Conditions, D-25, "Disposal of Spoil/Fill Material". B. No burning is permitted. Fort Worth Water Department 02121 -I Clearing and Grubbin g ITEM 02150 LIFT STATION DEMOLITION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This item shall govern the talcing down, cutting away, breaking out, and removing the electrical, mechanical, and structural hardware and equipment from the existing lift station wetwell and drywell; cutting and plugging existing pipe penetrations, removal of access hatches and electrical hardware into wetwell and drywell, complete removal and disposal of steel drywell, complete removal and disposal of denoted manholes, and backfilling and compacting the wetwell structure with approved backfill and flowable fill material, as shown in the Drawings. B. Offsite disposal and/or salvaging of indicated components . 1.02 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conditions existing at the time of commencement of contract will be maintained by Owner insofar as practicable, until the new lift station has been successfully tested and brought on line. B. Property Protection: Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of adjoining property. 1.03 ST AND ARDS A. ANSI Al0.6 Standard Safety Requirements for Demolition B. UBC Chapters 2 and 44 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit demolition and salvage procedures and schedule under provisions of Item 01300 "Submittals" The submittal shall include the following: 1. Coordination schedule for shut-off, capping, and continuation of utility service, as required. 2. Detailed description and order of operations of the demolition and salvage, and abandonment and removal of lift station wetwell and drywell. Fort Worth Water Department 02150 -I Lift Station Demolition 3. Submit mix design for flowable fill to be used to fill existing lift station wetwell structure . 1.05 PROTECTION A. B. PART2 Take care to ensure that there will be no damage to elements or portions thereof which are not required to be removed from the site. Erect and maintain temporary bracing, shoring, lights, barricades, signs, and other means to protect workers and other persons; all in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. B. C. PART 3 - Materials designated for demolition shall become the Contractor's property; remove and dispose of such materials unless otherwise indicated or specified. Equipment items to remain the Owner's property will be removed and salvaged by the Contractor. Salvaged items shall be delivered by the Contractor to the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant, located at 6801 Bowman Roberts Road. Items not designated to be salvaged shall be considered debris and shall be removed and disposed of accordingly, at the Contractor's expense. Carefully disconnect, remove, clean if necessary, and protect the items directed by the Owner to be salvaged. EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Provide safe working conditions for employees throughout demolition, removal, and salvage operations. Observe safety requirements for work below grade. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for safety and integrity of adjacent structures and shall be liable for any damage due to movement or settlement. Provide proper framing and shoring necessary for support. Cease operations if an adjacent structure appears to be endangered. Resume demolition only after the proper protective measures have been taken. Fort Worth Wiite r Department 02150-2 Lift Station Demolition C. Locate , disconnect, remove and cap designated utility lines within demolition areas . D. Mark location of disconnected utilities. Identify utilities and indicated capping or plugging locations on the Project Record Documents. 3 .02 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A . Do not use water where is can create dangerous or objectionable conditions, such as slope instability, flooding, erosion, or sedimentation of nearby streams or ditches . B. Dispose of removed equipment, materials , waste and debris in a manner conforming to applicable laws and regulations. 3.03 LIFT STATION DEMOLITION A. Remove designated electrical, mechanical, and structural hardware from lift station drywell. Salvage designated items, dispose of remaining items. B. Excavate, remove, and dispose of existing steel drywell structure . C. Coordinate electrical removals with TXU Electric and Southwestern Bell, as necessary. Verify that power and telephone is properly de-energized and disconnected. D. Where physical cutting is required, cut work with sawing and grinding tools, not with hammering and chopping tools. E. Remove wetwell top sections, access hatches, and vent pipes. Excavate and remove wetwell walls to designated elevations. F . Fill wetwell with flowable fill material, up to the elevations designated on the plans. 3 .04 PIPES , DUCTS, AND CONDUITS A . Remove deactivated mechanical, plumbing, and electrical conduit, including fastenings, connections, and other related appurtenances and accessories which would otherwise be exposed in the completed work or interfere with construction operations . B. Cut and plug deactivated piping systems at points of cutoff and as shown in the drawings . Fort Worth Water Department 02150-3 Lift Stati on Demoli tio n 3.05 MANHOLES Remove and dispose of manholes identified on plans to be removed. Fort Worth Water Department 02150 - 4 Lift Station Demolition ITEM 02200 Wood Slat Chain Link Fence and Gate PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to install a wood slat chain link fence and gate as shown on the drawings and specified herein. The fence shall be 8 '-0" high above grade. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS Submit to the Engineer for review, as provided under Section 01300, shop drawing submittals showing layout and details of construction and erection of fence, fence posts, gates, and all accessories required. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A . The following specifications of the issues listed below, but referred to thereafter by basic designation only, form a part of this specification. B. Fabric: ASTM A392, No. 9 gauge wire, 3-1/2 inch x 5 inch mesh, class III galvanized. 25' roll length, 8' height. Redwood stained natural wood slats. Make samples available in field for testing as directed. C. Line Posts: 2-3/8 inch O.D. steel pipe, conforming to ASTM A120 , minimum weight 3 .65 lbs per linear foot. D. End and Comer Posts: 2-7/8 inch O.D. steel pipe conforming to ASTM A120, minimum weight 5.79 pounds per linear foot. E . Swing and Gate Posts: Same as end and comer posts, except in following sizes: Pipe Size Square Weight Gate O.D. Tubular Per Ft. Length 3 inches 2-1/2 inch 5.79 lbs Up to 6 feet 4 inches 3 inches 9.11 lbs Over 6 feet to 10 feet 6-5/8 inch 18.97 lbs Over 10 feet to 16 feet F. Post Tops: provide weathertight closure cap with loop to receive toprail; one cap for one post. Fort Worth Water Department 02200 - I Wood Slat Chain Link Fence and Gate G. Top Rails: 1-5/8 inch O.D. steel pipe conforming to ASTM Al20, minimum weight 2.27 pounds per linear foot, or 1-5/8 inch x 1-1 /4 inch galvanized rolled section, in random lengths of20 feet and joined with suitable sleeve type couplings making rigid connection with provisions for expansion and contraction. Pass rail through base of line post barbed wire extension arm and fasten securely to terminal post. H . Bracing: Brace terminal posts. Brace member to be same as top rail. Fasten brace member to terminal and first line post securely. Tie terminal post, near ground line, to line post at brace member with tension rod of 3/8-inch minimum diameter, complete with turnbuckle . I. Stretcher (tension) Bars: Not less than 3/16-inch by %-inch and not less than 2 inches shorter tan the normal height of the fabric with which they are to be used. Tension wire shall be #7 gage, conforming with ASTM A- 824. J . Wire Ties or Clips: Securely fasten to all line posts using 11 gauge tie wires a minimum of 14 inches apart, and to top rail with 11 gage tie wires , spaced approximately 24 inches apart. K. Swing Gates: Standard heavy type, welded, watertight, rigid frame of 2- 3/8" inches O.D. pipe weighing 2. 72 pounds per linear foot, or 2 inches square tubing with adequate internal bracing and tension members to prevent sagging. Fabric shall be same as the fence. Furnish hinges, latches, stops, keepers, and similar items as approved. Gates to swing open 180 degrees with keepers to hold gates in open position. Furnish latches with provisions for padlocking. Also furnish 1-inch chain 20 inches long for OWNER's lock. 2.02 GALVANIZING Hot-dip galvanized component metal parts of fence. Provide 2.0 ounces minimum zinc coating per square foot of surface, unless otherwise specified. Galvanizing to withstand 12 one-minute dips as required by the Preece test, ASTM A239, unless otherwise specified. Fencing, including top rails, posts, and all accessories shall be zinc coated after fabrication, using zinc Grade "E" in accordance with Federal Specification QQ-Z-351. PART3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A . Post Holes: The excavation for post holes shall be accurately centered along the line of the fence. Fort Worth Water Department 02200 -2 Wood Slat Chain Link Fence and Gat e B. C. D. E. Setting of Posts: Posts shall be set to proper elevation along the line of the fence and in the center of the excavation for concrete base. The posts shall be braced in a plumb and true position until the concrete has been poured and allowed to harden. Concrete shall achieve a minimum 3,000 psi compressive strength after seven days. Posts shall have concrete footings of 12 inches diameter and a minimum of 3 feet in depth . Line posts shall be spaced a maximum of 1 O' on centers between terminal posts. Stretcher Bars: Stretcher bars shall not be less than 3/16-inch by %-inch in cross section, or equivalent cross sectional area, and shall be of the lengths required for the full height of fabric installed. The stretcher bars shall be attached to the fabric by clamps or by positive mechanical means . One stretcher bar shall be provided for each gate post and two for each comer post. Top Rails: Top rails shall be fitted with couplings for connecting the lengths into a continuous run . The couplings shall not be less than 6 inches long, shall provide a substantial connection, and shall allow for expansion and contraction of the rail. Suitable tie clips shall be provided in sufficient number for attaching the fabric securely to the top rail at intervals not exceeding 24 inches . Means shall be provided for attaching the top rail to each gate, comer, pull, and end post. Top rails shall be installed after concrete has set around post. Fabric: Fabric shall be installed with the equipment and tools in accordance with the methods recommended by the manufacturer. Sufficient stress shall be applied to the fabric to take up all the slack and present a smooth uniform surface along the line of the fence. Distortion of the fabric by overstretching shall be avoided. Fabric shall be secured to the line posts and top tension wire with suitable tie clips for approved gauge and design, 24 inches on center to the top rails and 12 inches on center to line posts. F . Gates: Gates shall be hung so as to swing freely and not drag or bind on opening. The hinges shall be set so as not to twist or tum under the action of the gate. The gates shall be easily swung back as far as possible and held in the open position by stops. Furnish a I-inch chain 20 inches long for Owner's lock. Gates shall be furnished and installed in locations and sizes as shown on the drawings. G. Mow Strip: Provide a 12" x 6" concrete mow strip which shall be flush with the proposed grade. Concrete shall be 3,000 psi mix. Provide #4 steel at 8" each way. Center fence posts within mow strip. Fort Worth Water Department 02200-3 Wood Slat Chain Link Fence and Gate 3.02 PROTECTION Locate all utilities prior to setting fence posts. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to existing utilities as a result of setting fence posts. Fort Worth Water Department 02200-4 Wood Slat Chain Link Fence and Gate PARTl GENERAL ITEM 02212 FINISH GRADING 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE Topsoil material and source shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer prior to placement at the site of work. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. B . PART2 Maximum Dry Density -Determined by ASTM D 698 Optimum Moisture -Determined by ASTM D 698 PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL Topsoil may be stockpiled on-site material, supplemented by approved off-site material as required. Stockpiled and off-site topsoil shall be free from lumps, clay, toxic substances, roots, debris, and stones over 1" in diameter. PART3 EXECUTION 3 .01 PERFORMANCE A. Finish Grading I . Rough grade compacted fill allowing for a maximum amount of natural settlement and compact. Eliminate uneven areas and low spots. Remove debris , roots, branches, stones, etc. in excess of three inches in size . Remove fill material which has been contaminated with petroleum products. 2. Compact areas which are to receive paving or stabilized base to subgrade elevation and to at least 95 percent maximum dry density. Moisture shall be between optimum and 5 percent above optimum. 3. Bring compacted fill to required levels, profiles, and contours. Make changes in grade gradually. Blend slopes into level areas. 4 . Slope grade away from structures minimum 6 inches in 6 feet, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings . Fort Worth Water Department 0221 2 - I Finish Grading 5. Where fill to required sub grade elevation is less than 6 inches, scarify to a depth of 6 inches and compact. 6. Cultivate sub grade to a depth of 6 inches where topsoil is to be placed. Repeat cultivation in areas where equipment, used for hauling and spreading topsoil, has compacted subgrades . B . Placing Topsoil 1. Place in minimum 4 inches depth up to finished grade elevations 2 . Use topsoil in relatively dry state. Place during wet weather. 3. Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough and low areas to ensure positive drainage. Maintain levels, profiles , and contours of subgrades. Rake until surface is smooth. 4 . Remove stone, roots, grass , weeds , debris, and other foreign material while spreading. 5. Manually spread topsoil around trees , plants, and structures to prevent damage which may be caused by grading equipment. 6. Lightly compact, 90% minimum of maximum dry density as defined by ASTM D 698. 3.02 MAINTENANCE A. Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion; keep free from trash and rubbish. B. Repair settled, eroded, or rutted areas, using additional topsoil upon final acceptance of the facilities. C . Repair any sloughing, sliding immediately. Bench any slide areas 8 inches deep. Fort Worth Water Department 02212 - 2 Finish Grading PARTl GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK ITEM 02215 Flexible Base Item 208 "Flexible Base" of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction, Transportation and Public Works Department, City of Fort Worth, has been used as the reference for this specification. This item shall consist of a foundation course for a surface course for other base courses; shall be composed of crusher-run broken limestone; and shall be constructed as herein specified in one or more courses in conformity with the typical section shown on the plans and to the lines and grades as established by the Engineer. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS Submit to the Engineer for review, as provided under Section 01300, shop drawing subrnittals showing sieve analysis, and applicable ASTM tests of material to be supplied. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS The material shall be obtained from approved sources, shall be crushed, and shall consist of durable particles of limestone mixed with approved binding materials. The material shall be approved by the Engineer at the source. The processed material when properly slaked and tested by standard methods shall meet the following requirements: Retained on 1-3/4 inch sieve 0% Retained on No. 4 sieve 45 to 75% Retained on No. 40 sieve 60 to 85% The material when tested under the "Wet Ball Method for Determining the Disintegration of Flexible Base Materials" shall not develop more than fifty (50) percent soil binder. Materials passing the No. 4 sieve shall be known as "Binder". The portion of material passing the No. 40 sieve shall be known as "Soil Binder" and shall meet the following requirements: Fort Worth Water Department 02215 - I Flexible Base A . The liquid limit shall not exceed 40 when tested in accordance with ASTMD-423. B. C. D. E . PART3 The plastic limit shall be determined by testing in accordance with ASTM D-424 . The plasticity index shall not exceed 12, nor be less than 4 when calculated in accordance with ASTM D-424. The preparation of samples for testing according to ASTM D-423 and D- 424 shall in accordance with the requirements of ASTM D-2217. Materials retained on the No. 4 sieve shall have a percent wear of not more than forty-five (45) when tested according to ASTM C-131. EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A . Preparation of Sub grade: The subgrade shall be excavated and shaped in conformity with the typical sections shown on the plans and the lines and grades established by the Engineer. All unstable or otherwise objectionable material shall be removed from the subgrade and replaced with approved material. All holes, ruts, and depressions shall be filled with approved material. The sub grade shall be sprinkled, if required, and reshaped and rolled to the extent directed in order to place the subgrade in an acceptable condition to receive the base material. The surface of the subgrade shall be smooth and conform to line and grade as established and in conformity with the typical section as shown on the plans. Sufficient subgrade shall be prepared in advance to insure satisfactory prosecution of the work. Sub grade shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% standard proctor density, as determined by ASTM D-698 . B . Immediately before placing the base course material , the subgrade shall be checked as to conformity with grade and section. C. Preparation and Placement of Flexible Base: The material shall be delivered in approved vehicles of a uniform capacity, and it shall be the charge of the Contractor that the required amount of specified material be delivered to secure proper thickness of completed base course. Material deposited on the subgrade shall be spread and shaped the same day. The material shall be sprinkled, if directed, and then bladed, dragged, and shaped to conform to the typical sections shown on the plans. All areas and nests of segregated coarse or fine material shall be corrected or removed and replaced with well-graded material as directed by the Engineer. If additional binder is considered to be desirable or necessary Fort W orth Water Department 02215 -2 Flexible Base - after the material i s spread and shaped, it shall be furnished and applied in the amount directed by the Engineer. Such binder shall be carefully incorporated with the material in place by scarifyi ng, harrowing, brooming, or by other approved methods. The course shall be sprinkled as required and compacted to the ex tent necessary to provide less than 100 % standard proctor density, as determined b y ASTM D-698. D . After each section of flexible base is completed, tests as necessary will be made by Contractor to ensure compliance with specifications . If the material fails to meet the density requirements, it shall be reworked and re-tested as necessary. Throughout this entire operation, the shape of the course shall be maintained by blading, and the surface upon completion shall be smooth and in conformity with the typical sections shown on the plans to the established lines and grades. All irregularities, depressions, or weak spots which develop shall be corrected immediately by scarifying the areas affected, adding suitable material as required, reshaping, and recompacting by sprinkling and rolling . 3.02 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Subgrade preparation and flexible base material plac ement shall be measured per square yard. Payment for subgrade preparation and base placement shall be considered incidental to the square yard price for reinforced concrete paving. Fort Worth Water D ep artment 02 215 -3 Fl exi ble Base ITEM 02220 STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL, AND BACKFILL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK This section describes requirements for: A. The excavation for all structures, backfilling around completed structures, and the disposal of all excess excavated material. All operations required for the proper completion of the excavation work, including sheeting, shoring, and bracing, dewatering of excavations, and compaction of backfill are included. B. All fill required for completion of the work as shown or specified. 1.02 REFERENCED STANDARDS American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), latest version A. ASTM C 33 -Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates B. ASTM C 40 -Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Sand for Concrete C. ASTM C 136 -Standard Test Method for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate D. ASTM C 150 -Standard Specification for Portland Cement E. ASTM D 4318 -Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils F. ASTM D 698 -Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort G. ASTM D 1557 -Standard Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 lb Rammer and 18" Drop H. ASTM D 4253 -Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table Fort Worth Water Department 02220-I Structural Excavation, Fill, and Backfill - 1.03 SUBMITTALS Submit the following in accordance with the General Conditions and General Requirements of the Contract Documents. A. Testing laboratory reports, as specified or required, to show compliance with the specifications for material from off-site locations. The specified tests shall be performed by a certified independent laboratory employed and paid by the Contractor. B. Submit details of any proposed dewatering system and/or shoring system to the Engineer for review prior to installing the dewatering and/or shoring system. The submittal will be reviewed only for specification compliances and not adequacy of the Contractor's proposed system. Review and acceptance by the Engineer will not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the adequacy of the dewatering and/or shoring system. C. Submit certification from the landowner of each proposed off-site soil borrow source stating that to the best of the landowner's knowledge and belief there has never been contamination of the borrow source site with hazardous or toxic materials. The certification shall be furnished to the Owner prior to proceeding to furnish soils to the site. 1.04 PROTECTION OF FACILITIES A. Before the start of earthwork operations, adequately protect utilities, trees, shrubs, and other permanent objects. Costs resulting from damage to permanent facilities due to negligence or lack of adequate protection will be charged to the Contractor. B. Provide surface drainage during the period of construction to protect the work and to avoid nuisance to adjoining property. C. The Contractor shall conduct operations in such fashion that trucks and other vehicles do not create dirt nuisance in the streets. The truck beds shall be sufficiently tight, and shall be loaded in such a manner that objectionable materials will not be spilled onto the streets. Any dirt, mud, or other materials that is spilled onto the streets or deposited onto the streets by the tires of vehicles will be promptly cleaned by the Contractor. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE The Contractor will arrange for the services of a testing laboratory, as specified in the General Requirements, to perform compaction tests on the compacted materials. The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative at least 48 Fort Worth Water Department 02220 -2 Structural Excavation, Fill, and Backfill hours in advance of the time at which tests will be taken. Any area failing to comply with the specifications shall be reworked as required. 1.06 INSPECTION OF EXCAVATIONS A. B. PART2 Notify the Engineer's representative at least 48 hours prior to completion of any excavation so that the excavation may be inspected. Do not place reinforcing steel or concrete in the excavation prior to inspection unless the Engineer has given approval to proceed without inspection. Notify the Engineer's representative at least 48 hours prior to backfilling pipe trenches. Do not begin backfilling of pipe trenches until all pipe joints have been inspected, pipes tested, and approved unless the Engineer's representative has given approval to backfill the trenches without inspection. PRODUCTS 2 .01 NON-EXPANSIVE EARTH FILL A. The non-expansive earth fill shall consist of soil materials with a liquid limit of 35 or less, a plasticity index between 8 and 20, a minimum of 35 percent passing the No. 200 sieve, a minimum of 85 percent passing the No. 4 sieve, and which are free of organics or other deleterious materials . When compacted to the recommended moisture and density, the material shall have a maximum free swell value of 0 .5 percent and a maximum hydraulic conductivity (permeability) of lE-05 cm/sec, as determined by laboratory testing ofremolded specimens of the actual materials proposed for the non-expansive earth fill. B. On-site excavated materials complying with the requirements of paragraph 2.0lA, can be used as non-expansive earth fill. Prior to using the on-site excavated material, the material shall be tested by a certified independent laboratory employed and paid by the Contractor. Contractor shall submit test results to the Engineer's representative for approval prior to placing the material. C. Prior to bringing any of the proposed material to the site, submit for review to the Engineer's representative, an analysis of the proposed material including moisture-density relationship curve prepared in accordance with ASTM D 698 by a certified independent testing laboratory employed and paid by the Contractor. Fort Worth Water Department 02220-3 Structural Excavation, Fill , and Backfill - - 2.02 SAND Where sand is shown or specified, use natural sand meeting ASTM C 33 requirements for fine aggregate. 2.03 CONCRETE BACKFILL 2 .04 2.05 Concrete backfill shall be Class E (1 ,500 psi) concrete as specified in Section El- 20 of the Fort Worth Water Department's Material Specifications, dated January 1, 1978. SEAL SLABS Where specified on the drawings, the Contractor shall place a 4 inch thick Class E (1,500 psi) concrete and mud slab within 12 hours of the removal of the last 12 inches of an excavation. FILTER MATERIAL A. Where shown, use a mixture of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate for the filter material. B. Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, or crushed stone and shall have a gradation limit of %-inch to No. 4 complying w ith ASTM C 33 (Type 7). C. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand and shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C 33 for fine aggregate. 2.06 GRANULAR FILL A. Class 1 Aggregate Fill: Consist of durable particles of crushed stone free of silt, clay, or other unsuitable materials and have q percentage of wear of not more than 40%, when tested in accordance with ASTM C 131 and ASTM C 535. The material should meet the following gradation in accordance with ASTM D 448: Sieve Size Percent Passing 1-1/2 inch 100 1 inch 95 -100 1h inch 25 -60 No .4 0 -10 No . 8 0 -5 Fort Worth Water Departm ent 022 20 -4 Structural Excavation , Fill, and Backfill B . Class 2 Aggregate Fill: Consist of washed and screened gravel and natural sands manufactured by crushing stones complying with the requirements of ASTM C 33 , "Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates", except that the gradation should be as follows: Sieve Size Y2 inch 3 /8 inch No. 4 No . 8 No. 16 No . 30 Percent Passing 100 95 -100 80 -95 65 -85 50 -75 25 -60 C. Class 3 Aggregate Fill: Consist of durable particles of crushed stone free of silt, clay, or other unsuitable materials and have a percentage of wear of not more than 40 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM C 131 or ASTM C 535. The source of the material shall be approved by the Engineer and shall meet the following gradation: PART3 Sieve Size 1-3 /4 inches 7 /8 inch 3/8 inch No.4 No. 40 No. 100 EXECUTION 3.01 CLEARING Percent Passing 100 65 -90 50 to 70 35 -55 15 -30 0 -12 A. Remove shrubs, trees , stumps, roots , underbrush, weeds, and other vegetation in the way of construction. Remove tree stumps to a depth of 4 feet below grade . B. Topsoil consisting of friable material free of vegetation, clay lumps, stone, or toxic substances shall be stockpiled in areas, as directed by the Engineer, at the site for use in finish grading. 3 .02 SLABS ON GROUND A . Slabs at grade: Fort Worth Water Department 02 22 0 - 5 Structural Excavation , Fill , and Bac kfill - B . 1. Subgrade: Scarify to a depth of six inches below the cleared depth. Adjust moisture content as specified. The recompacted subgrade shall be proof-rolled with a pneumatic tire roller in order to detect any soft areas . Soft or wet areas will require removal and replacement with non-expansive fill material of at least 12 inches compacted thickness (2 lifts). Depressions from stump removal shall be cleaned of all organic material and filled with non- expansive fill material. 2. Final Grade: Conform to lines and grades shown on the drawings. Slabs Below Grade: Excavate to twelve inches above final subgrade. In order to preserve the in-situ moisture of the sub grade , do not excavate the final 12 inches until just prior to the construction of seal slab or granular leveling pad, where specified. If the soil at the time of final exposure and concrete placement is not within range specified in paragraph 3.02C , the top six inches shall be recompacted at the proper moisture le vel. Soft and wet areas not achieving compaction will require removal and replacement with concrete or select granular fill. C. Compaction: 1. The subgrade and fill material shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of standard proctor density as determined by ASTM D 698 . The moisture content of the backfill soils shall be at or near (- 2 % to +5%) the optimum moisture value . The Contractor shall maintain a more narrow range of moisture content in order to achieve the specified density. The methods used to secure the specified compaction and moisture content will be the Contractor's responsibility. Wet soils shall be worked by plowing, disking, or scarifying and air drying as required to reduce the moisture content to optimum levels. 2. Compaction should be performed with a heavy tamping foot roller with fully penetrating feet. The tamping foot roll er should weigh no less than 2,000 pounds per linear foot of drum width. A minimum of eight (8) passes of the tamping foot roller should be provided, even if the specified density is achieved with fe w er passes. All fill materials deposited in place by scrapers , dump trucks , drag lines , or similar equipment shall be thoroughly broken up before being spread into uniform layers . 3. Moisten layers between lifts to achieve bonding. F ort W orth Water D e partment 0 2220 - 6 Structural Ex cavation , Fill , and Backfi ll 2 .02 MULCH FIBER A. B. C . PART3 Wood cellulose for hydro-mulch-Weyerhauser or Comweb with green color additive. The wood fiber mulch shall blend with grass seed, fertilizer, and other additives to form a homogenous slurry. Upon application, the mulch material shall form a mat covering the ground. This mat shall have the characteristics of moisture absorption and percolation and shall cover and hold grass seed in contact with the soil. The dye shall be biodegradable and not inhibit plant growth. EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Grading: Verify that lawn areas have been final graded in accordance with Item 02212, "Finish Grading". B. Establish a dense lawn of permanent Bermuda grass in all areas disturbed by construction activities, such as excavation, trenching, and vehicle traffic. 3 .02 FINAL GRADING/SEED BED PREPARATION A. Loosen areas to be grassed and fine rake to break up lumps and produce a smooth, even grade, free from unsightly variations, ridges, and depressions. B. Remove and dispose of stones 2 inches or larger, sticks, roots, other debris, and grass stubble exposed during operation. C. Do not vary final grading elevations more than 3 inches. Maintain positive drainage at all times. 3.03 GRASS PLANTING A. Refer to seeding schedule and proceed with appropriate grass planting. B. Hydro-mulching: 1. At time of seeding, soil to be moist but not muddy, and wind velocity shall not exceed 10 miles per hour. Add water if required to moisten soil. 2. Hydraulic mulching shall consist of mixing wood fiber mulch, grass seed, fertilizer, and other additives with water. It shall be mixed in standard Fort Worth Water Department 2930 -2 Seeding and Revegatation hydraulic mulching equipment to form a homogenous slurry. This slurry shall be sprayed under pressure, uniformly over the soil surface. The hydraulic mulching equipment shall contain a continuous agitation system that keeps all materials in uniform suspension throughout the mixing and distribution cycles. 3. Using standard hydraulic mulching equipment, the wood fiber mulch, seed, and fertilizer slurry shall be applied evenly over the soil surface in a one-step operation. The mixture shall be applied to the area to be seeded within 30 minutes after all components are placed in the equipment. 4. Complete final grading and hydro-mulch rye grass evenly at a rate of five pounds per thousand square feet with cellulose fiber at a rate of fifty pounds per thousand square feet and a fertilizer rate of eighteen pounds per thousand square feet. 5. Complete final grading and hydro-mulch Bermuda grass at a rate of two pounds per thousand square feet, with wood cellulose at a rate of fifty pounds per thousand square feet, and a fertilizer rate of eighteen pounds per thousand square feet. 3.04 PERFORMANCE A. Establish a dense lawn of permanent grass, free from lumps and depressions. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain planted areas until the approved stand is established. Maintenance shall consist of watering, replanting, maintaining existing grades, and repair of erosion damage. B. Re-grass any area failing to show uniform cover. Such replacement shall continue until a dense lawn is established. 3.05 GRADE MAINTENANCE AND EROSION DAMAGE A. Maintain original grades of lawn areas after commencement of planting and during maintenance period. B. Provide surface repair to ruts, ridges, and tracks. Replant areas required for final acceptance. 3.06 ACCEPTANCE The work shall be accepted when a completed, undamaged stand of grass is achieved, as approved by the City. A stand of grass shall be achieved when 95% of the grass area is covered with no uncovered areas in excess of ten square feet. Fort Worth Water Department 2930 - 3 Seeding and Revegatation PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION ITEM 02950 SILT FENCE The placement of silt fences shall consist of materials and labor to place a filter fabric fence as described herein and designated on the plans. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SILT FENCE Filter fabric shall be woven or non-woven geotextile filter fabric made of either polypropylene, polyethylene, ethylene, or polyamide material. Geotextile fabric shall have a grab strength of 100 psi in any principle direction (ASTM D-4632), Mullen burst strength exceeding 200 psi (ASTM D-3786), and the maximum apparent opening size of .8 mm. Filter fabric material shall contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of six months expected useable construction life at a temperature range of 0°to 120° F. PART3 EXECUTION 3 .01 CONSTRUCTION METHODS A. Provide filter fabric fence systems at all locations specified on construction plans. Filter fabric fence systems shall be installed in such a manner that surface runoff will percolate through the system in sheet flow fashion and allow sediment to be retained and accumulated. B. Attach the filter fabric to 1 inch by 2 inch wooden stakes spaced a maximum of 3 feet apart and embedded a minimum of 1 foot. The wooden stakes shall be installed at a slight angle towards the source of anticipated runoff. C. Trench in the toe of the filter fabric fence with a spade or mechanical trencher so that · the downward face of the trench is flat and perpendicular to the direction of flow . Lay filter fabric along the edges of the trench. Backfill and compact the trench. D. The filter fabric should be provided in continuous rolls and cut to the length of the Silt Fence to minimize the use of joints. When joints are necessary, the fabric should be spliced together only at a support post with a minimum 6 inch overlap, and sealed securely. Fort Worth Water Department 2950 -I Silt Fence 3 .02 MAINTENANCE Inspect sediment filter barrier systems after each rainfall, daily during periods of prolonged rainfall, and a minimum of once a week. Repair or replace damaged sections immediately to restore the requirements of this specification. Remove sediment deposits when silt reaches one-third of the height of the fabric . Fort Worth Water Department 2950 -2 Silt Fence PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 03100 CONCRETEFORMWORK 1.01 WORK INCLUDED This item defines requirements for design, construction, erection, and removal of concrete formwork. 1.02 REFERENCE ST AND ARD American Concrete Institute, ACI 34 7, "Recommended Practice for Concrete F ormwork". PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FORM MATERIAL A. Smooth Forms: 1. Construct formwork with plywood; tempered, concrete-form hardboard; dressed lumber faced with plywood or fiberboard lining; metal, plastic, or metal-framed plywood-faced, panel material acceptable to the Engineer to provide continuous, straight smooth surfaces. Form material shall be free ofraised grain, tom surfaces, worn edges, patches, dents, or other defects. Form material shall have sufficient strength and thickness to withstand the pressure of newly placed concrete without bow or deflection. 2. Smooth forms shall be used on all concrete surfaces exposed to view or liquid in the completed structure. B. Rough Forms: 1. Construct forms of dressed or undressed lumber free of knots, splits, or other defects. Forms shall be plywood, metal, or other material acceptable to the Engineer. Material shall have sufficient strength and thickness to withstand the pressure of newly placed concrete without bow or deflection. 2. Rough forms may be used on concrete surfaces that will not be exposed to view or liquid in the completed structure. Fort Worth Water Department 03100 -I Concrete Formwork C. Waterproofed Surfaces: At surfaces to be waterproofed, provide form.work with sufficient anchor pattern to facilitate bond of the membrane waterproofing. D. Shores: Wood or adjustable metal type with bearing plates and with double wedges at bottom. 2.02 FORM ACCESSORJES A. Form Ties: 1. Form ties shall be of the removable end, permanently embedded body type, and shall have sufficient strength and rigidity to support and maintain the form in proper position and alignment without the use of auxiliary spreaders. 2. Provide ties with a water seal washer for all liquid containing structures. B. Chamfers: Provide a chamfer on all exposed edges by using either wooden of plastic chamfer strips. Chamfer strips shall be forty five degree right angles in section with the two shorter sides measuring %-inch. 2.03 DESIGN OF FORMWORK. The design and engineering of all concrete form.work, including all shoring, bracing, and re-shoring, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Design formwork for loads, lateral pressure, and allowable stresses as described in ACI 34 7. Allow for design consideration, wind loads, allowable stresses, and other applicable requirements of controlling local building codes. Form.work shall compensate for anticipated deflection during placement of concrete when required to maintain specific tolerances. Design form.work to be readily removed without impact, shock, or damage to concrete surfaces and adjacent materials. PART3 EXECUTION 3.01 FORMWORK. CONSTRUCTION A. General: 1. All formwork, scaffolds, and work platforms shall be safe and conform to OSHA requirements. 2. Construct and maintain form.work, complying with ACI 347 and these specifications so that it will maintain correct sizes of members, shape, alignment, elevation, and position during Fort Worth Water Department 03100 -2 Concrete Fonnwork concrete placement, and until concrete has gained sufficient strength. Provide for openings, offsets, sinkages, keyways, recesses, moldings, anchorages, and inserts, as required. 3. Construct forms for easy removal without damage to concrete surfaces. 4. Formwork shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of cement paste during concrete placement. Solidly butt joints and provide backup material at joints as required to prevent leakage and fins. 5. Chamfer strips shall be placed in forms to bevel all edges and comers permanently exposed to view, except the top edges of walls and slabs which are known to be tooled. Edges of formed joints and interior comers shall not be beveled unless shown or specified otherwise. Equipment bases shall have formed beveled edges for all vertical and horizontal comers. Unless otherwise noted, bevels shall be %-inch wide. 6. If runways are required for moving equipment, provide for support or runways with struts or legs resting directly on the formwork or structural member. Do not allow runways or supports to rest on the reinforcing steel. 7. No form supports shall be cast in place or removed during or after placement of concrete. B. Forms for Surfaces Exposed to View or Liquid 1. Drill forms to suit ties used and to prevent leakage of concrete mortar around tie holes. Form ties shall be uniformly spaced and aligned in horizontal and vertical rows. Form ties shall not displace or interfere with reinforcing steel or other embedment placement. 2 . Provide sharp, clean comers at intersecting planes with out visible edges or offsets. Back joints with extra studs or girts to maintain true, square, intersections. 3. Form molding shapes, recesses, and projections with smooth-finish materials and install in forms with sealed joints to prevent displacement. 4. Form exposed comers of beams and columns to produce square, smooth, solid, unbroken lines. Provide all exterior exposed comers with %-inch chamfer. Fort Worth Water Department 03100 -3 Concrete Formwork C. 5. Arrange facing material in orderly and symmetrical fashion. Keep the number of seams to a practical minimum. Support facing material adequately to prevent deflection in excess of allowable tolerances. 6. For flush surfaces exposed to view in the completed structure, overlap previously placed, hardened concrete with form sheathing by approximately I-inch. Hold forms against hardened concrete to maintain true surfaces, preventing offsets or loss of mortar. Edge Forms and Screed Strips for Slabs: Set edge forms or bulkheads and intermediate screed strips for slabs to obtain required elevations and contours in the finish slab surface. Provide and secure units to support types of screeds required. 3.02 TOLERANCES A. Construct formwork so that concrete surfaces will be have a maximum variation of W' over any 10 foot length, or 1" over the entire dimension of the structure. B. Establish sufficient control points and bench marks as references for tolerance checks. Maintain these references in undisturbed condition until final completion and acceptance of the project. 3.03 ADUSTMENTS OF FORMWORK A. Use wedges or jacks to provide positive adjustment of shores and struts. Wedges used for final adjustment of forms should be fastened in position after inspection and before concrete placement. B. Securely brace forms against lateral deflections. Prepare and compensate for settling during concrete placement. C. For wall openings, construct wood forms that facilitate any necessary loosening to counteract swelling of forms. 3.04 PREPARATION OF FORM SURFACES A. Before placing concrete, clean surfaces of forms and embedded materials. Remove accumulated mortar, grout, rust, and other foreign matter. B. Coat forms for exposed or painted concrete surfaces with form oil or form- release agent before placing reinforcement. Cover form surfaces with coating material used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed Fort Worth Water Department 03100 - 4 Concrete Fonnwork ,. instructions. Do not allow excess coating material to accumulate in forms or to contact hardened concrete against which fresh concrete will be placed. Remove coating material from reinforcement before placing concrete. C . Other than retained-in-place metal forms, form for unexposed surfaces may be wet with water immediately before concrete placement in lieu of coating. One exception is that when a possibility of freezing temperatures exists, use of a coating is mandatory. 3.05 REMOVAL OF FORMS A . Forms on vertical surfaces, when repair of surface defects or finishing is required before concrete is aged, may be removed as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to resist damage from removal operations. B. Remove top forms on sloping surfaces of concrete as soon as concrete has attained sufficient stiffness to prevent sagging. Loosen wood forms for wall openings as soon as this can be accomplished without damage to concrete. Formwork for columns, walls, sides of beams, and other parts not supporting weight of concrete may be removed after 12 hours provided that concrete has hardened sufficiently to resist damage from removal operation and provided the removal of these forms will not disturb members supporting the weight of the concrete. C. All forms and shoring used to support weight of concrete or any construction loads shall remain in place until concrete has reached the minimum strength specified for removal of forms and shoring. In no case shall forms be removed in less than four ( 4) days. 3.06 REMOVAL STRENGTH The minimum concrete compressive strengths for removal of all formwork supporting the weight of concrete shall be at least 75 percent of the specified minimum 28 day strength of the class of concrete involved. Obtain permission of Engineer prior to removal of forms. 3.07 RESHORING A . When re-shoring is permitted or required, plan operations in advance and secure approval of such operations. While re-shoring is underway, keep live load off the new construction. Do not permit concrete beams, slab, column, or other structural member to be subjected to combined dead and construction loads in excess of loads permitted for developed concrete strength at the time of re-shoring. Fort Worth Water Department 03100 -5 Concrete Forrnwork B . Place re-shores as soon as practicable after stripping operations are complete, but in no case later than the end of the working day on which stripping occurs. Tighten re-shores to carry the required loads without ov erstressing construction. Leave re-shores in place until tests representative of concrete being supported have reached specified strength at the time of removal of formwork supporting the weight of concrete. 3.08 FORM REUSE Do not reuse forms that are worn or damaged beyond repair. Thoroughly clean and recoat forms before reuse. For wood or plywood forms to be used for exposed smooth finish, sand or otherwise dress concrete contact surface to original condition or provide form liner facing material. For metal forms , straighten, remove dents , and clean to return to original condition. Fort Worth Wat er Department 03 100 - 6 C oncrete Formwork PART 1 ITEM 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE This item specifies requirements for all concrete reinforcement. Also included are grouting of reinforcement dowel bars . 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARD A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM A 36 -Standard Specification for Structural Steel 2. ASTM A 82 -Standard Specification for Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. 3. ASTM A 185 -Standard Specification for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. 4. ASTM A 497 -Standard Specification for Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. 5. ASTM A 615 -Standard Specification fro Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. 6. ASTM A 675 -Standard Specification for Steel Bars and Bar Size Shapes , Carbon, Hot-Rolled Special Quality, Subject to Mechanical Property Requirements . B. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 1. ACI 315 -Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures . 2. ACI 318-77 -Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Certificates: 1. Submit the manufacturer's certificates giving the properties of steel proposed for use. List the manufacturer's test number and heat Fort Worth Water Department 03200 -I Concrete Reinforcement number, chemical analysis, yield point, tensile strength, and percent elongation. Also identify on the certificates the proposed location of the steel in the work. 2. When foreign manufactured reinforcing bars are proposed for use, the material shall be tested for conformance to ASTM requirements by a certified independent testing laboratory located in the United States . Certification from any other source is not acceptable. Furnish copies of the test reports to the Engineer for review . Do not begin fabrication of reinforcement until the material has been approved. The cost of testing shall be borne by the supplier. B. Bill of Materials: Submit bills of materials to be reviewed with shop drawings. C. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit shop drawings according to the Item 01300, "Submittals". Show reinforcement fabrication, bar placement location, splices, spacing, and bar designation, bar type, length, size, bending, number of bars, bar support type, and other pertinent information, including dimensions. Information must correspond directly to data listed on the bill of materials. 2. Provide sufficient detail to permit placement of reinforcement. Do not begin fabrication of reinforcing steel until after shop drawings have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. 3. Detail shop drawings according to ACI 315. 4. Rebar submittal shall include the following information: a. Grade of bars b. Table of bending dimensions, bar size, bar length, number of bars, and bar spacing. c. The rebar shall be listed separately for each structural element (wall, slab, footing, beam, etc.). Each element shall be labeled on the rebar list and clearly identified on the shop drawings. d. Each bar shall be identified such as comer bars, tie bars, vertical bars, etc. D . Manufacturer's Technical Literature: Submit manufacturer's technical literature on the epoxy grout proposed for anchoring reinforcing dowels to Fort Worth Water Department 03200-2 Concrete Reinforcement hardened concrete. Information shall include manufacturer's recommended application procedures. 1.04 HANDLING AND STORAGE Store reinforcement above the ground on platforms, skids, or other supports. Protect reinforcing, as far as practicable, from mechanical injury, surface deterioration, and rusting caused by exposure to the weather. 1.05 NOTIFICATION Notify the Engineer at least 24 hours before concrete placement so that reinforcement may be inspected and errors corrected without delaying the work. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 REINFORCEMENT A . Deformed Bars: Use deformed bars, conforming to ASTM A 615, as shown on drawings, for all bars except those shown on drawings to be smooth bars. When grade is not shown on the drawings, use Grade 60. B. Smooth Bars: Use smooth bars conforming to ASTM A 36, Grade 60 or ASTM A 675 Grade 70 for all bars shown on the drawings to be smooth bars. C. Marking: Clearly mark all bars with waterproof tags showing the number of bars, size, mark, length, and yield strength. D. Welded Wire Fabric : 1. Welded Smooth Wire Fabric: Conform to ASTM A 185 2. Welded Wire Deformed Wire Fabric: Conform to ASTM A 497. 3. Provide wire size, spacing, and type shown. Where type is not shown on the drawings use welded smooth wire fabric. 2.02 TIE WIRE Use 18 gage annealed steel for tie wire. 2 .03 BAR SUPPORTS Provide chairs, riser bars, ties, and other accessories made of plastic or metal, except as otherwise specified . Bar supports and accessories shall be made of the Fort Worth Water Department 03200 -3 Concrete Reinforcement sizes required to provide concrete cover as specified. Metal bar supports and accessories shall be Class 1 or 2, conforming to the requirements of the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. 2.04 EPOXY GROUT Epoxy grout shall be high strength rigid epoxy adhesive manufactured for the purpose of anchoring dowels into hardened concrete. 2 .05 FABRICATION A. Bending: Fabricate bars to the shapes shown on the drawings by cold bending. Bends shall conform to the minimum bend diameters specified in ACI 318. Do not straighten or re-bend bars without specific approval. B. Splices: Locate splices as shown on the drawings. Where it is necessary to splice reinforcement at locations other than shown on the drawings, the splices shall be approved by the Engineer. Use a minimum number of splices located at points of minimum stress. Stagger splices in adjacent bars. C. Construction Joints: Reinforcing steel shall be continuous through construction joints. D. Fabrication Tolerances: Bars shall have a maximum tolerance of one inch. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 CLEANING Clean reinforcement of all scale, loose or flaky rust, or other foreign material, including oil, mud, or coating that will reduce the bond to the concrete. 3.02 PLACEMENT A. Interferences: If reinforcing steel interferes with the location of other reinforcing steel, conduits, or other embedded items, bars may be moved within specified tolerances or one bar diameter, whichever is greater. If greater movement is required to avoid interference, notify the Engineer. B. Concrete Cover 1. Slabs and Walls a. Top and Bottom bars for dry conditions: 1" Fort Worth Water Department 03200 - 4 Concrete Reinforcement b . Formed concrete surfaces exposed to weather, water, or sewage: 2. Beams and Columns a. b. For dry conditions Exposed to earth, water, sewage 3. Footings and Base Slabs a. b. At formed surfaces bearing on concrete mat At unformed surfaces in contact with earth 2" 1-1 /2" 2" 2" 3" Cover for reinforcing steel shall not be less than the minimum shown above and shall not exceed the minimum by more than Y2". C. Placem~nt in Forms: Use spacers, chairs, wire ties, and other accessory items necessary to properly assemble, space, and support reinforcing. Wire ties through forms and temporary spacers will not be allowed. Provide accessories of sufficient number, size, and strength to adequately prevent deflection or displacement of reinforcement due to construction loads or concrete placement. Use appropriate accessories to position and support bolts, anchors, and other embedded items. Tie reinforcing bars at each intersection and to accessories. Blocking reinforcement with concrete or masonry is prohibited. D. Placement of Concrete on Ground: Support reinforcement on pre-cast concrete block spaced at approximately 3 feet on center each way. Use a minimum of one block for each nine (9) square feet. Tie blocks to at least one reinforcing bar using tie wires embedded in the block . E. Splices: 1. Do not splice bars, except at locations shown on the drawings or the reviewed shop drawings, without approval by the Engineer. 2 . Lap Splices: Tie securely with wire to prevent displacement of splices during placement of concrete. F. Construction Joints: Place reinforcing continuous through construction joints. G . Welded Wire Fabric : Install wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh plush 6 inches. Lace splices with wire. Do not make end laps midway between supporting beams, or Fort Worth Water Department 03200 -5 Concrete Reinforcement directly over beams of continuous structures. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps . H. Field Bending: Shape reinforcing bent during construction operations to conform to the drawings. Bars shall be cold bent; do not heat bars. Closely inspect the reinforcing for breaks. If reinforcing is damaged, replaced or repair as directed by the Engineer. Do not bend reinforcement after it is embedded in the concrete. Do not field bend any reinforcing without Engineer's approval. J. Field Cutting: Reinforcing bars cut on the job shall be cut by shearing or sawing . Do not cut bars with a cutting torch unless approved by the Engineer. 3.03 GROUTING OF REINFORCING BARS Use specified epoxy for anchoring reinforcing steel to existing concrete. If diameter of hole is not specifically dimensioned in the drawings , drill hole in existing concrete that is 1/.i-inch to Yz -inch larger than the diameter of the reinforcing bar. Immediately prior to installation of the reinforcing bar, blow the hole clean of all debris using compressed air. Partially fill the hole with epoxy. Use enough epoxy so that when the bar is inserted, the epoxy grout will completely fill the hole around the dowel. Dip the end of the reinforcing bar in epo xy and install into the partially filled hole . Follow manufacturer's instructions in use of epoxy. Fort Wo rth Water Dep artment 032 00 - 6 Concrete Re info rce ment ITEM 03250 CONCRETE JOINTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS PARTl GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED This item specifies requirements for all concrete joints and embedded items for cast-in-place concrete. 1.02 REFERENCE ST AND ARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM A 120 -Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black, and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless . 2. ASTM C 881 -Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems in Concrete. 3. ASTM D 994-Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type). 4. ASTM D 1190 -Standard Specification for Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot-Poured Elastic Type . 5. ASTM D 17 51 -Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction. 6. ASTM A 1752 -Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction. 7. ASTM D 1850 -Standard Specification for Concrete Joint Sealer, Cold-Application Type. 8. ASTM D 2628 -Standard Specification for Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements . 9. ASTM C 920-Elastomeric Joint Sealants B. US Army Corps of Engineers (CRD): CRD-C572 -Corps of Engineers specifications for Polyvinyl Chloride Waterstops. C. American Concrete Institute (ACD Fort Worth Water D ep artment 03250 -I Concrete Jo ints and Embedded Items 1. ACI 503 -Standard Specification for Bonding Plastic Concrete to Hardened Concrete with a Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive. 1 .03 SUBMITT ALS A. Submittals shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Item 01300, "Submittals". Submit the following items: PART2 1. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing all concrete joints, proposed sequences for concrete placement, and type of concrete specified. 2. Product Data: a. When substitutions are proposed by the Contractor for acceptable brands of materials specified herein, submit brochures and samples of proposed substitutions to the Engineer for approval before delivery to the project. b . Submit manufacturer's technical literature on product brands, proposed for use by the Contractor to the Engineer for review. The submittal shall include the manufacturer's installation and/or application instruction. Submittals shall be made on the following products: 1.) Joint sealing compound and primer 2.) Bonding Agent 3 .) Elastomeric compression seal 4 .) Waterstops PRODUCTS 2 .01 EXPANSION JOINT FILLER Preformed bituminous type conforming to ASTM D 994. Provide %-inch thick filler unless otherwise shown. Use bituminous for exterior slabs and paving. 2.02 EXP ANSI ON JOINT FILLERS , NONBITUMINOUS Preformed Type III self-expanding cork filler conforming to ASTM D 1752. Use non-bituminous for interior slabs. 2.03 JOINT SEALING COMPOUND (BITUMINOUS JOINT FILLER) Catalytically blown asphalt type to be used with bituminous type joint filler. Gulf Seal No. 622-X Medium Special Catalytically Blown Asphalt Joint and Crack Filler as manufactured by Gulf States Asphalt Company, Inc., Houston, Texas, or Fort Worth Water D epartment 03250 - 2 Concrete Jo ints and Embedded It ems approved equal. Use Gulf States Asphalt Company Primer No. 207, or approved equal, for priming joints before pouring seal. 2.04 JOINT SEALING COMPOUNDS (NON-BITUMINOUS JOINT FILLER) Single or multi-component cold-applied elastomeric type joint sealants conforming to ASTM C 920 . Sealant shall be gray in color. Provide joint primer according to manufacturer's recommendations. 2.05 CONCRETE BONDING AGENT Shall permanently bond fresh wet concrete to cured concrete and shall conform to ASTM C 881, Type IL Grade and class shall be as required for the project application. A field service representative of the manufacturer shall be available during the application to instruct the Contractor in the proper use of the product when so requested by the Engineer or the Contractor. 2.06 EXPANSION JOINT DOWELS Smooth steel bars conforming to the requirements of the concrete reinforcing section. Cut dowels to length at shop or mill before delivery to the site . Dowels must be straight and clean, free ofloose flaky rust and loose scale. 2.07 W ATERSTOPS Waterstops shall be made of virgin polyvinyl chloride compound and shall conform to the requirements of the Corps of Engineers Specification CRD-C572. Waterstops shall be produced by an extrusion process and shall be uniform in dimension, homogenous and free from porosity. Unless otherwise shown, use waterstops of 6-inch minimum width and 3/8-inch minimum thickness . W aterstop construction shall include: A . B. PART 3 - Construction Joints: Serrated type with center bulb Expansion Joints: Dumb-bell type with a minimum %-inch diameter center bulb. EXECUTION 3 .01 PLACEMENT OF EMBEDDED ITEMS A. Place embedded items to least impair strength of the structure. Obtain approval of locations for embedded items not shown on the structural drawings before placement of concrete. Should locations of embedded Fort Worth Water Department 03250 -3 Concrete Joints and Embedded Items items be detrimental to the strength of the structure, notify the Engineer and relocate items as directed by the Engineer. B. Do not cut or reposition reinforcing steel to facilitate installation of inserts, conduit, sleeves, anchor bolts, mechanical openings, and similar items without prior approval of the Engineer, except that reinforcing bars may be moved one bar diameter or within tolerances specified. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS A. Make construction joints only at locations shown on the drawings, the reviewed shop drawings, or at locations approved by the Engineer. Any additional construction joints or relocation of construction joints proposed by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. B. Joints shall be located to least impair the strength of the structure. Locate joints in walls and columns at the underside of floors , slabs, beams, and at tops of footings, or floor slabs. C. All joints shall be perpendicular to main reinforcement. Continue all reinforcing steel. Unless otherwise shown, provide longitudinal keys at least 1-1/2 inch deep by one-third of the wall thickness, centered in the wall, in all joints in walls and slabs, and between walls and slabs of footings. When joints in beams are allowed, provide shear key and inclined dowels as directed by the Engineer. D. Construction joints in slabs on ground shall have a groove in the top of the slab, at the joint, as detailed to receive joint sealant. E. Prepare joints by roughening the concrete surface in a manner which will expose aggregate uniformly. Remove latence, loosened particles of aggregate, damaged concrete at surface, and other substances which may prevent adhesion. Prior to placing concrete, coat horizontal joint surface with a mixture of neat cement grout. F. Between new and existing concrete in water bearing and below grade structures where installation of waterstop is not possible, use a bonding agent applied to roughened and cleaned surfaces of concrete. Follow manufacturer's recommendations and these specifications with respect to preparation of surfaces and applications of bond agent. G. Provide waterstops in all wall and slab construction joints as specified in all water bearing structures, all below grade joints, and all locations shown on the drawings. Fort Worth Water Department 03250 -4 Concrete Joints and Embedded Items 3 .03 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Do not extend reinforcement or other embedded metal items that are continuously bonded to concrete through any expansion joints. B. Position expansion joint filler material accurately. Support against displacement during concrete placement and vibration. Place filler the full depth of the member less and allowance to form a groove for sealant as detailed . 3.04 DOWELS Where indicated on drawings, install dowels at right angles to construction joints and expansion joints. Align dowels accurately with finished surface . Rigidly hold in place and support during concrete placement. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, apply oil or grease to one end of all dowels through expansion joints. 3.05 CONTRACTION JOINTS A. Make top grooves for contraction joints in slabs on grade as detailed and seal as specified. Grooves may be made with forms or may be sawed. B. If contraction joints are sawed, properly time cutting with concrete set. Start cutting as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent aggregates from being dislodged by the saw. Complete cutting before shrinkage stresses have developed sufficiently to induce cracking. 3.06 BONDED JOINTS Bonded joints shall be used only where shown on the drawings, where specified, or upon written approval of the Engineer. Prepare surface to be bonded and apply bonding agent in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and ACI 503, except that surface preparation by acid etching will not be allowed . Forms in the area of the bonded joint shall be properly protected so that any bonding agent that may be inadvertently applied to the form will not bond the form to the concrete. 3.07 WATERSTOPS A. Provide waterstops in all horizontal an vertical joints in foundation slabs and peripheral walls of all structures up to a minimum of 12 inches above final ground level , and all walls and slabs ofliquid containing structures or compartments to a minimum of 12 inches above maximum liquid level , unless specifically shown otherwise on the drawings . Fort Worth Water Department 03250 - 5 Concrete Joints and Embedded Items B. Each piece of pre-molded waterstop must be of maximum practicable length for a minimal number of end joints. C. All waterstops shall be continuous, and so jointed as to form a complete barrier to the passage of water through any construction, contraction, or expansion joint. D. Joints in PVC waterstops shall be made by heating the two surfaces to be joined until the material has softened to the point where it is just short of being fluid and then bringing the two softened surfaces together with a slight rubbing motion followed by firmly pressing them together so that a solid and tight bond is made. E. The joints in strips ofwaterstop made in the above manner shall be such that the entire cross section of the joint shall be dense, homogeneous, and free of all porosity. All finished joints shall have a tensile strength of not less than 75% of the material of the strip as extruded. F. The heating of the surfaces to be joined shall be done by means of an electric hot plate designed for this specific purpose and controlled by means of a voltage regulator. G. Provide jigs to hold all joints in proper alignment. H. All waterstops shall be installed so that half its width will be embedded on each side of the joint. The method selected for holding the waterstop in position must ensure that the waterstop will be held securely in true position and in straight alignment in the joint during placement and vibration of the concrete . 1. Contractor may elect to drill holes in waterstops approximately 1 inch from each edge or between the outermost ribs at each edge and center the waterstop in the joint. Tie both edges of the waterstop and fasten to reinforcing steel with black annealed steel tie wire as specified for tying reinforcing steel and secure in place so that the waterstop will be perpindicular to the joint and remain in the required position during concrete or grout placement. The spacing of the waterstop ties shall match the spacing of the adjacent reinforcing, but need not be spaced closer than 12 inches on center. 2. Contractor shall install 5,000 psi grout (8 sack) a minimum of 2" above the waterstop in order to prevent aggregates in concrete from crushing or deforming waterstop. Fort Worth Water Department 03250-6 Concrete Joints and Embedded Items I. Care shall be exercised to ensure that the waterstop is completel y embedded and without voids. 3 .08 SEALING JOINTS A . Thoroughly clean and prime joints to be sealed before applying sealant. B. Apply sealants in accordance with manufacturer 's recommendations. C. Sealant shall be applied when the ambient temperature is between 40 and 90 degrees F , unless recommended otherwise by the manufacturer. D . During pouring operations, exercise care to prevent sealant from spilling onto surfaces adjacent to grooves. 3 .09 SETTING ANCHOR BOLTS A . Set anchor bolts for structural steel specified in Division 5 -Metals , according to this section . B. Install equipment anchor bolts as required by the equipment manufacturer. C. Provide accurately made templates for positioning anchor bolts. 3 .10 OTHER EMBEDDED ITEMS A. It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate the requirements for embedded items and to ensure that the embedded items are properly placed . B. Accurately position and support embedded items against displacement during concrete placement. C. Voids in sleeves, inserts , anchors , etc ., shall be filled temporarily with readily removable material to prevent the entry of concrete into the voids. D . Conduits, pipe, and inserts of aluminum shall not be embedded in structural concrete unless effectively coated or covered to prevent aluminum-concrete reaction or electrolytic action between the aluminum and steel. Fort Worth W ater Department 0325 0 -7 Concrete Joint s and Em bedd ed Ite ms PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 1.01 SCOPE A . Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and related items required to perform the cast-in-place reinforced structural concrete work as specified. B. Coordinate the requirements ofthis item with all other sections of Division 3, Concrete. C . Perform "Leakage Test" of all hydraulic structures. 1.02 REFERENCE ST AND ARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B. American Concrete Institute (ACD 1. ACI 613, Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Concrete. 2. ACI 68-63, Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods 3. ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete 4. ACI 350R, Environmental Engineering and Concrete Structures 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit test data for the proposed concrete design mix(es). The test data shall be prepared by an independent certified testing laboratory employed and paid by the Contractor. The design mix submittal shall meet the following requirements" 1. 7 and 28 day compressive strength results for the specific proposed concrete design mixes. 2. The manufacturer's technical information for each type of admixture proposed for use in the project. B. Submit manufacturer's technical literature and application procedures for Fort Worth Water Department 03300 -I Cast-in-Place Concrete any products proposed as alternates to those specified herein, including: 1. Air entraining agents 2 . Admixtures and curing materials 3 . Joint sealants 4. Form coating materials 5. Concrete finishing and coating products. C . It is the contractor's responsibility to provide information required by the Engineer to evaluate and approve an alternate to any product listed as a standard of quality in this specification. The Engineer reserves the right to reject any proposed alternates . 1.04 STORAGE OF MATERIALS A . Cement: Store cement in watertight buildings, bins, or silos to provide protection from dampness, and contamination and to minimize warehouse set. B. Aggregate: Arrange and use aggregate stockpiles to avoid excessive segregation or contamination with other materials or with other sizes of like aggregates . Build stockpiles in successive horizontal layers not exceeding three feet in thickness . Complete each layer before the next layer is started . Do not use frozen or partially frozen aggregates. C. Sand: Before using, allow sand to drain until a uniform moisture content is reached. D. Admixtures: Store admixtures to avoid contamination, evaporation, or damage . For those used in the form of suspensions or non-stable solutions, pro v ide suitable agitating equipment to assure uniform distribution or ingredients . Protect liquid admixtures from freezing and other temperature changes which would adversely affect their characteristics. 1.05 CONTROL OF CONCRETE MIXTURES A. Consistency: Test for slump shall be performed at the job site immediately prior to placing in accordance with Method of Slump Test for Consistency of Portland Cement Concrete (ASTM Cl43). If the slump is Fort Wo rth Wa ter Department 033 00 -2 Cast-in-Pl ace Con crete greater than that specified, the concrete shall be rejected. Concrete showing either poor cohesion or poor coating of the coarse aggregate with paste shall be remixed. If the slump is within the allowable limit, but excessive bleeding, poor workability, or poor finishability are observed, changes in the concrete mix shall be obtained only by an adjustment of one or more of the following : 1. The gradation of aggregate 2. The proportion of fine and coarse aggregate 3. The percentage of entrained air within the allowable limits B. Air Content: Test for air content shall be made on a fresh concrete sample. Air content for concrete made of ordinary aggregates having low absorption shall be made in accordance with either Method of Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method (ASTM C 231), or Method of Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method (ASTM C 173). If light weight aggregates or aggregates with high absorptions are used, the latter test method shall be used. C. D. PART 2- Unit Weight: Test in accordance with Method Test for Weight per Cubic Foot, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete (ASTM C 138). Strength: Compression test specimens shall be made and cured in accordance with Method of Making and Curing Concrete Compression and Flexural Test Specimens in the Field (ASTM C 31); Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinders (ASTM C 39). PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete: All structural concrete shall be normal weight concrete weighing no more than 145 pcf with a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi at 28 days. B. Cement: 1. Cement shall conform to ASTM C-150 Type IA and IIA, Specification for Portland Cement. 2. Only one type and brand of each type of cement shall be permitted Fort Worth Water Department 03300 -3 Cast-in-Place Concrete in any one structure. C. Aggregates: Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to ASTM C33, Specification for Concrete Aggregates. D . Admixtures: 1. A high-range water reducer (superplasticizer) is required on all wall pours and is optional in all other concrete. The high-range water reducer shall conform to ASTM C-494, Specification for Chemical Admixtures in Concrete . 2. Air entraining is required in all concrete and shall conform to ASTM C260, Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. E. Reinforcing Steel: 1. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 60. 2. Clearly mark all bars with waterproof tags showing the number of bars, size, mark, length, and yield strength. 3 . Tie wire shall be 18 gage annealed steel F. Bar Supports 1. Bar supports and accessories shall be of the sizes required to provide the concrete cover specified. Where concrete surfaces are exposed to the weather, or liquid in hydraulic structures in finished work, provide plastic accessories only. Where polyethylene sheeting is used beneath slabs, bar supports shall be provided that will not penetrate the sheeting. 2. Precast concrete bar supports shall use the same class of concrete as specified for the concrete of the structure. The height of the block shall be the same height required to provide the cover specified for reinforcing. The block shall contain wires for securing the block to the reinforcement. G. Formwork Fort Worth Water Department 1. Design and details of formwork shall conform to ACI 34 7, Guide to Formwork for Concrete. 03300 -4 Cast-in-Place Concrete 2. Use smooth forms on all vertical concrete surfaces exposed to view or to water. Rough forms may be used on all concrete surfaces not exposed to view or to water. Form material shall have sufficient strength and thickness to withstand the hydraulic pressure of newly placed concrete without deformation. 3. Smooth forms shall be steel, smooth dressed wood, plastic-faced plywood, fiberglass, or other material approved by the Engineer. The forms shall provide a continuous, straight, smooth surface . Form material shall be free ofraised grain, torn surfaces, worn edges, patches, dents, or other defects. 4. Rough forms shall consist of undressed lumber or plywood free of knots, splits, or other defects . 5. Provide chamfer strips at all edges of concrete exposed to view . Size of chamfer to be %" unless shown otherwise on engineering drawings. H. Form Ties 1. The form tie assembly shall provide cone shaped depressions 1 inch diameter at the surface and 1-1/2 inches deep to allow for patching of the tie holes. 2. Tie rods to remain in place shall provide tight fitting washers at midpoint. Washers are not required form multi-rod ties. I. Form Coating Materials 1. Form coating shall conform to ACI 347, Guide to Formwork for Concrete. 2. Form coating must not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces. 3. Form coating must not impair subsequent treatment of concrete surfaces , including bonding agents, curing compounds, and waterproofing . J. Curing Materials 1. Membrane curing compounds shall conform to ASTM C308, Fort Worth Water D epartment 03300 -5 Cast-in-Place Concrete Standard Practice for Curing Concrete. 2. Membrane curing compound shall be applied at the manufacturer 's recommended application rate. 3. Polyethylene film used for curing shall conform to ASTM C 1 71, Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete. K. Waterstops and Sealants 1. Waterstops shall be PVC with a minimum thickness of 3/8" and a minimum width of 6". PVC waterstops shall be continuous, placed according to manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Sealant shall be Sikaflex la, or approved equal, applied according to manufacturer's recommendations. 2 .02 PROPORTIONING AND MIXING CONCRETE A. Proportioning Structural Concrete 1. Select proportions of ingredients to produce a concrete having proper workability, durability, strength, and appearance. Proportion ingredients to produce a mixture that will work readily into comers and angles of forms and around reinforcement by methods of placing and consolidation employed in the project. Concrete mix shall not allow materials to segregate or allow excess free water to collect on the surface. 2. Minimum cementitious content for 4,000 psi concrete shall be 540 pounds per cubic yard. 3. The maximum allowable water/cement ratio for 4 ,000 psi concrete shall not exceed 0.42 . Include free water in the aggregate in all water/cement ratio computations. 4. Slump shall be 3-5 inches. When a high-range water reducer is used, slump shall not exceed 6 inches . 5. Air content for 4,000 psi concrete shall be 4-7%. B. Mixing Concrete Provide adequate facilities for accurate measurement and control of each Fort Worth Water Department 03300-6 Cast-in -Place Concrete PART 3 - material used in each batch of concrete. The accuracy of weighing equipment must conform to applicable requirements of ASTM for such equipment. Tick information for each truck of delivered concrete must include the following information: 1. Truck number 2. Time truck left batch plant 3. Time truck arrived at construction site 4. Weights for cement and aggregates as batched 5 . Concrete batch number 6. Total amount of water and admixtures 7 . Temperature of concrete Deliver recorded ticket copies with concrete. Provide Contractor with one copy and Engineer with one copy of tickets . EXECUTION 3 .01 REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT A . Place and hold reinforcement in position so that the concrete cover, as measured from the surface of the bar to the form surface , is as follows : Concrete cast against permanently ex posed earth: All other concrete 3" cover 2" cover B. Support reinforcing bars to prev ent displacement by construction loads or concrete placement beyond the specified tolerances. C. Bends shall conform to the minimum bend diameters specified in ACI 318 . Do not straighten or rebend bars. Do not bend reinforcement after being embedded in hardened concrete. D. Bars may be moved as necessary to avoid interference with other reinforcing steel, conduits, or embedded items. If bars are moved more than two bar diameters , or enough to exceed the specified tolerances , the resulting arrangement of bars shall be approved by the Engineer prior to placement of concrete. E . Splices 1. Length of lap splices shall be in accordance with ACI 318. 2 . Tie lap splices securely with wire to prevent displacement 3. Splicing by welding is prohibited Fort Worth Water De partment 033 0 0 - 7 Cas t-in-Pl ace Concrete F. Reinforcing bars field cut at the jobsite shall be cut by shearing and sawing. Cutting with a cut torch is not acceptable. G. Place reinforcing through construction joints, unless otherwise shown on engineering drawings. 3 .02 FORM CONSTRUCTION AND HANDLING A. Form joints shall be mortar tight. Grout leakage at joints is unacceptable. B. Form panels shall be constructed in the largest sizes allowable for handling and load bearing requirements. C. Plywood and other wood surfaces shall be sealed against absorption of moisture from concrete . D . Removal of forms shall be in accordance with ACI 34 7, Guide to Formwork for Concrete. Remove form ties as soon as possible after formwork removal. 3.03 INSPECTION A. Before concrete placement, all reinforcement shall be free of mud, oil, coating or other materials that may adversely affect of reduce the bond. All reinforcing steel shall be securely tied and supported to prevent displacement by construction loads or concrete placement. Forms shall be clean and free from loose material or debris. B. Notify the Engineer twenty-four hours prior to the start of concrete placement to allow for inspection of the reinforcing steel placement. Costs due to delays resulting from corrective work will be borne by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. 3.04. PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE A . Concrete shall be placed in approximately 12 inches to 24 inches horizontal layers. Placement shall conform to ACI 309R. B. Concrete shall not be dropped freely more than 4 feet. Bottom dump buckets are acceptable as long as care is taken to avoid segregation caused by jarring or bumping the bucket. C . Chutes: Chute slopes shall be between one vertical to two horizontal and Fort Worth Water Department 03300 - 8 Cast-in-Place Concrete one vertical to three horizontal. A baffle shall be provided at the end of each chute unless a drop chute or tremie is used. In general, drop chutes and/or tremies shall be used in walls and columns. Drop chutes and tremies shall be moved at short intervals during the pour. Vibrators shall not be used in lieu of proper movement of the equipment. D. Pumping: Pumping equipment shall be compatible with the slump and aggregate specified. Loss of slump from the pump hopper to the delivery point shall not exceed 1-1/2 inches. E. Placing in Forms: Vibration of successive layers of poured concrete is required. The vibrator shall not penetrate the underlying layer by more than 2 feet. The use of vibrators to move concreter horizontally within the forms is unacceptable. If forms become displaced in any way during placing of concrete, immediately stop the operation and do not resume placing until forms have been re-braced and brought back to required lines and levels. F. Vibrators 1. Vibrators shall conform to ACI 309R 2. Vibrators shall be high frequency with a minimum frequency of 8,000 rpm. 3. Continue vibration until the escape oflarge bubble at the surface has ceased and before segregation has occurred. G . Weather Conditions 1. Do not place concrete during rain, sleet, snow, or freezing weather. 2. Do not permit rainwater to increase mixing water or to damage surface finish. If rainfall occurs after placing operations begin, provide adequate covering to protect the work. 3. The maximum permissible temperature of concrete during placement is 95 degrees F. 4 . When the temperature is 40 degrees F and rising, concrete may be placed as long as the water and/or aggregate is heated so that the concrete temperature is at least 55 degrees Fat the time of the pour. Fort Worth Water Department 03300 - 9 Cast-in-Place Concrete 3.05 COMP ACTION OF CONCRETE A. General: All concrete shall be placed and compacted with mechanical vibrators. The number, type, and size of the units shall be approved by the Engineer in advance of the placing operations. No concrete will be ordered until sufficient approved vibrators are on the job. B. Concrete Slabs: Concrete for slabs shall be compacted with vibrating screeds and internal vibrators. C. Walls and Columns: Internal vibrators shall be used throughout rather than form vibrators. In general, for each vibrator needed to melt down the batch at the point of discharge, one or more additional vibrators must be used to densify, homogenize, and perfect the surface. D. Amount of Vibration: Vibrators are to be used to consolidate properly placed concrete, but not to transport concrete in the forms. Vibration shall continue until: 1. Frequency returns to normal 2. Surface appears liquefied, flattened, or glistening 3. Trapped air ceases to rise 4. Coarse aggregate has blended into surface, but not disappeared. 3.06 JOINTS A . Construction Joints: 1. Construction joints shall be cast in such a manner that abutting members are bonded and free of honeycomb or voids . 2. The joint surface of the previously cast member shall be cleaned free of all oil, grease, curing compound, or dirt, and shall be wetted. Horizontal joints shall be coated with grout immediately prior to casting the adjacent member. Cleaning shall be · accomplished by high-pressure water jet, wet sandblasting, dry sandblasting, or scrubbing -singly or in combination -as required. Scrubbing shall be done initially when concrete is green so that any latence film will be removed. B. Control Joints Fort Worth Water Department 03300-JO Cast-in-Place Concrete 1. Control joints shall be formed by sawing, or as otherwise shown. Sawing shall be done as the concrete hardens sufficiently to prevent raveling of the concrete at the edges. All sawing operations including joint sealing shall be completed within a period of time from 12 to 24 hours after the concrete is placed. Sawing shall not be done while the concrete temperature is falling. Joint shall be cut 11,i" wide by 1-1/2" deep, or as otherwise shown. 2. The Contractor shall have at least one spare saw available during the sawing operations. 3. Control joints shall be cleaned and filled with sealant. Inject sealant through a nozzle into the bottom of the joint filling the joint without air voids. Control joints shall be inspected by the Engineer prior to injecting sealant. 3.07 CONCRETE A. Mix concrete only in quantities for immediate use. Discard concrete which has set. Re-tempering of set concrete is not permitted. Completely discharge concrete at the site within 1 hour. In hot weather, the Contractor shall carefully monitor the concrete quality and adjust delivery schedule and batching operations as required. B. Indiscriminate addition of water to increase the slump is prohibited. Do not exceed either the maximum specified water/cement ratio or the maximum slump. Any addition of water above the maximum water/cement ratio is cause for rejection. C. If concrete arrives with cement balls, balls shall be removed. Excessive balling is grounds for rejection of the truck. Trucks carrying balled concrete shall have their numbers taken. If the same truck arrives at the site carrying balled concrete three times, it will be rejected and not allowed to return to the site. 3 .08 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Curing shall conform to ACI 308 and shall be in accordance with approved curing materials and procedures submitted to and approved by the Engineer. B . Protect freshly deposited concrete from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures, and excessive moisture loss for a period of time Fort Worth Water Department 03300 -11 Cast-in-Place Concrete necessary for the hydration of the cement and proper hardening of the concrete . C . During the curing period, protect concrete from damaging mechanical disturbances, such as load stresses, heavy shock, and excessive vibration. Protect finished concrete surfaces from damage caused by construction equipment, materials, rain, or running water. If at any time during the progress of the work the temperature drops below 40 degrees F , the Contractor shall make suitable provisions to protect the concrete. This protection shall consist of the use of insulating materials such as blankets, mats , etc., and equipment for providing artificial heat. If heaters are used, precautions shall be taken to prevent drying to the slab. D. Curing for Slabs and Footings: 1. Initial Curing: Immediately after the finishing operations are completed, the concrete shall be covered with two thicknesses of 10-ounce burlap or other approved materials thoroughly saturated with water before placement. This covering shall remain in contact with the concrete and be kept saturated with water by spraying until the peak temperature produced by hydration has passed, but for at least 24 hours. At the end of this time, initial curing may be terminated and final curing begun. 2. Final Curing: Cover concrete with an approved curing compound to ASTM Designation C309. Color to be white. Waterproof curing paper conforming to ASTM C 171 is also acceptable. Total curing time shall be at least seven days. Curing compound shall be applied evenly in tow coats until no pinhole or other coating break remains, and an opaque white coating is achieved. Curing compound will not be allowed for final curing of structural floor slabs or for construction joints on surfaces to be painted. E. Curing for Walls and Columns Fort Worth Water Department 1. Initial Curing: Immediately after concrete is completed, the exposed surface of the concrete shall be covered with two layers of 10-ounce burlap or other approved absorptive materials, thoroughly saturated with water before placement. This covering shall remain in contact with the concrete and be kept saturated with water by spraying for at least 96 hours. At the time end of this time, initial curing may be terminated and final curing begun. 03300 -12 Cast-in-Place Concrete 2. Final Curing: Cover concrete with an approved curing compound conforming to ASTM Designation C 309. Color to be white. Waterproof curing paper conforming to ASTM Designation C 1 71 is also acceptable. Total curing time shall be at least ten days , during which interface temperature of concrete shall be above 50 degrees F. Curing compound will not be allowed for final curing of any interior or exterior exposed structural concrete. Final curing will be accomplished by continuing initial curing process for an additional ten days . Curing compound shall not be used on walls to be painted or to receive a water proofing system. 3. Alternate Initial Curing: In case forms are removed before end of initial cure period, or in case of unformed wall surfaces (shot- crete ), the exposed surfaces of the concrete shall be covered with two layers of 10-ounce burlap or other approved absorptive materials, thoroughly saturated with water before placement. This covering shall be held in contact with the concrete and be kept saturated with water by spraying until the end of the intial curing period (96 hours curing). 3.09 FIN1SHING OF FORMED SURFACES A. Surfaces Requiring No Finish: A finish is not required on surfaces concealed from view by earth, in the completed structure. B . Smooth Form Finish: 1. Use plywood or fiberboard linings or forms in as large of sheets as practicable and with smooth, even edges and close joints. 2. Patch tie holes and defects. Rub fins and joint marks with carborundum stone to leave a smooth, unmarred finish surface. 3. Use a smooth form finish on all surfaces exposed to view. 3 .10 FIN1SHING SLABS AND SIMILAR FLAT SURF ACES A. Shaping to Contour: Use strike-off templates or approved corripacting- type screeds riding on screed strips or edge forms to bring concrete surface to the proper contour. B. Consolidation: Thoroughly consolidate concrete in slabs and use internal vibration in beams and girders of framed slabs and along bulkheads of slabs on grade. Obtain and consolidation of slabs and floors with vibrating Fort Worth Water Department 03300-13 Cast-in-Place Concrete bridge screeds , roller pipe screeds , or other approved means . Concrete to be consolidated must be as dry as practicable. Do not exceed W' over ten feet. C. Floated Finish: 1. After concrete has been placed, struck off, consolidated, and leveled, do not work further until ready for floating. Begin floating when water sheen has disappeared, or when the mix has stiffened sufficiently to permit proper operation of a power driven float. Consolidate the surface with power-driven floats. Use hand floating with wood or cork-faced floats in locations inaccessible to a power-driven machine and on small, isolated slabs . 2. Recheck tolerance of the surface after initial floating with a 10 foot straightedge applied at not less than two different angles. Cut down high spots and fill low spots to tolerance . Immediately re- float slab to uniform, smooth, granular texture. C. Troweled Finish: 1. To obtain a troweled finish, a floated finish as previously specified must be applied. After power floating, use a power trowel to produce a smooth surface which is relatively free of defects but which may still contain some trowel marks. Do additional trowelings by hand after the surface has hardened sufficiently. Thoroughly consolidate the surface by hand troweling operations. 2. Produce a finished surface free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and appearance , and conforming to a Yi " in 10' tolerance. 3. The addition of water during finishing operations shall not be allowed. D . Broom or Belt Finish : 1. Immediately after completing the floated finish, draw a broom or burlap belt across the surface to give a coarse transverse scored texture. 2. Provide a broom or belt finish for exterior paving and walks. E. Rubbed Finish: The surface shall be wetted and rubbed with Carborundum until a cement film is formed . This shall be rubbed into the Fort Worth Water Department 03 300 -14 Cast-in-Place Concret e surface until all voids are filled and the entire surface has a uniform appearance. The surface shall tum white and set hard. It must not dust off. All interior and exterior exposed (to water or air) structural concrete surfaces not receiving a painted texture coating shall be rubbe1. Rubbing should begin immediately after form removal. The use of cement or grout to form a paste during rubbing shall not be allowed. 3.11 TESTING AND CONTROL A. Field Test Cylinders: Obtain samples from every 25 cubic yards for each mix design or any structure placed in any one day. Obtain at least one cylinder for each major element in each structure. Conduct compressive strength tests according to the following procedure: 1. Secure samples according to ASTM Cl 72, Method of Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete. 2. Mold three specimens under standard moisture and temperature conditions as specified in ASTM C31, Method of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. 3. Test one specimen at 7 days and one at 28 days according to ASTM C39, Test Methods for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. If the 28 day tests indicate a compressive strength below the strength required, the third specimen shall be tested at 56 days. If all tests indicate a compressive strength below the strength required, the Engineer may, at his discretion, direct the Contractor to perform testing of in-place concrete at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. The Contractor may, at his expense, take additional specimen as may be required to demonstrate early attainment of concrete strength. B. Testing shall determine the following when the test cylinders are taken : 1. Slump 2. Concrete Temperature -temperature should be checked more frequently if adverse weather is expected or if required by the Engineer. 3.12 TESTING OF DEFICIENT IN-PLACE CONCRETE Fort Worth Water Department 03300-15 Cast-in-Place Concrete A. The strength of the concrete shall be considered potentially deficient if the averages of two consecutive sets of strength tests results fail to equal or exceed the specified strength or if any individual test results falls below the specified strength. Additional testing may also be required as directed by the Engineer. B. The Contractor shall bear all costs incurred in providing the additional testing and/or analysis required as a result of deficient in-place concrete . All costs as a result of delays due to additional testing and/or analysis will be at the Contractor's expense, with no extension of contract length, regardless of the outcome of the testing. 3.13 ACCEPTANCE OF CONCRETE WORK A . Formed surfaces resulting in configuration of members smaller than permitted under the tolerances specified herein stall be considered deficient and shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. B. Concrete members cast in the wrong location shall be rejected if the strength, appearance, or function of the structure is, in the Engineer's opinion, adversely affected or if misplaced members interfere with other construction. If rejected, remove members cast in the wrong location and repair or replace at the Contractor's expense as directed by the Engineer. 3.14 WATERTIGHTNESS OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES A. All concrete structures designed to contain or convey fluid shall be tested for watertightness by the Contractor by filling with water to levels to the top of the structure. These tests will be repeated until watertightness is assured. Unless approved otherwise by the Engineer, perform tests prior to backfilling below-grade structures. B. The Contractor shall provide the water and all equipment required to fill and drain the structure for watertightness testing. The source of water and the means of filling and draining shall be coordinated with the Owner and submitted to the Engineer for approval. C. The Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with the watertightness requirements specified herein and the repairs required as a result of water leakage. D. The rate of filling shall ~e limited to minimize shock effects to the new concrete construction. Fort Worth Water Department 03300-16 Cast-in-Place Concrete E. Whenever mechanical piping or any other item terminates in or extends through a concrete hydraulic structure, the Contractor shall install the embedded item in the concrete such that the watertightness of the structure is not impaired. F. Watertightness testing shall be performed in accordance with ASCI 3501R and as follows: 1. Watertightness testing should occur before backfilling operations, unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. 2. Allowable leakage for unlined structures with a maximum side water depth of 25 feet shall be less than 0.1 % of water volume over 24 hours. 3. Allowable leakage for structures with lined floors and a maximum side water depth of 30 feet shall be less than 0.06% of water volume over 24 hours. 4. Allowable leakage for fully lined structures shall be less than 0.025% of water volume over 24 hours. G. Sources of water volume changes other than leakage include: 1. Mechanical piping and associated equipment. A significant volume of water loss can be attributed to mechanical piping and associated equipment. All piping should be temporarily sealed or blocked to eliminate water leakage or infiltration. 2. Evaporation and precipitation 3. Adsorption. To account for the adsorption process, the structure should be wetted for at least three days prior to testing. 4. Temperature. Measurements should be taken at 24 hour intervals so that the temperature conditions are approximately similar when measurements are taken, thus minimizing the effects of water volume changes caused by temperature. H. Measurement: A minimum of two measurements should be taken, 180 degrees apart, at the beginning of the test, at 24 hour intervals, and at the end of the test. Fort Worth Water Department 03300-17 Cast-in-Place Concrete PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK JNCLUDED ITEM 03605 NONSHRINK GROUT This item specifies requirements for non-metallic nonshrink grout for leveling base plates, steel beams bearing on concrete, machinery, equipment, sleeves embedded in concrete, wetwell and valve vault floor transitions, and for all other locations shown or reasonably implied by the drawings . 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): ASTM C 309, Liquid Membrane Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. B. US Army Corps of Engineers (CRD): CRD-621, Corps of Engineers' Specification for Nonshrink Grout. 1.03 SUBMITTALS Acceptable materials are specified herein. If substitutions of equal quality are proposed by the Contractor, submit the following information on the proposed substitution for approval by the Engineer before delivery to the project: A. Manufacturer's technical literature, including manufacturer's specifications for mixing and placing the grout. B. Test results of tests performed by a certified independent testing laboratory showing conformance with the following: 1. CRD C-621 2. The requirements of this specification 1.04 SUBSTITUTIONS Condition upon the approval of the Engineer, Contractor may elect to substitute a cement grout, plant mixed, minimum 5,000 psi compressive strength at 28 days (8 sack). Contractor shall be required to submit mix design with request for substitution. Fort Worth Water Department 03605 - I Nonshrink Grout 1.05 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Nonshrink grout shall be delivered to the project in unopened containers and shall bear intact manufacturer's labels. B . Store all nonshrink grout material in dry shelter and protect from moisture. C. Containers that are tom or damaged such that the nonshrink grout material has been exposed to the elements shall be discarded. 1.05 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Materials, labor, and installation of non-shrink grout shall be considered incidental to the lump sum price for the installation of the new reinforced concrete wetwell and valve vault and the lump sum price for the rehabilitation of the existing reinforced concrete wetwell. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Nonshrink Grout: Nonshrink grout material shall be a pre-blended factory-packaged material manufactured, under rigid quality control, specifically for use in transferring heavy loads. The nonshrink grout shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Grout shall contain non-metallic natural aggregate and shall be non-staining and non-corrosive . Acceptable products are Gifford- Hill "Supreme", Master Builders' "Masterflow 713", or equal. 2. Corps ofEngineers CRD-C-621 3. Resist attack by oil and water 4. Have a minimum initial setting time of approximately 1 hour at 70 degrees F. 5. Have a minimum compressive strength of 5,000 psi at 28 days. 6. Free of gas-producing or releasing agents . B . Water: Water used for mixing the grout shall be potable. C. Pea Gravel: Clean pea gravel conforming to ASTM C 33 coarse aggregate graded so that at least 90 percent passes a 3/8-inch sieve and 90 percent is retained by a No. 4 sieve. Fort Worth Water Department 03605 -2 Nonshrink Grout D. Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: Commercial curing compound conforming to ASTM C 309, which will not permanently discolor the grout. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PROCEDURES Installation methods and procedures shall conform to the printed instructions of the grout manufacturer and these specifications. Where there is a conflict between these specifications and the printed instructions of the grout manufacturer, the printed instructions of the grout manufacturer shall take precedence. 3.02 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Remove all defective concrete, laitance, dirt, oil, grease, and other foreign material from concrete surfaces by bush-hammering, chipping, or other similar means, until a sound, clean concrete surface is achieved. B. Lightly roughen the concrete, but not enough to interfere with the proper placement of grout. C. Align, level, and maintain final positioning of all components to be grouted. Coat shins with a thin film of grease or wax to facilitate removal. D. Take special precautions during extreme weather conditions according to manufacturer's written instructions. E. Saturate all concrete surfaces with clean water for the period of time specified by the manufacturer. Remove excess water and leave none standing . 3.03 FORMWORK A. Build leakproof forms that are strong and securely anchored and shored to withstand grout pressures. Forms shall be built high enough to provide a "head" of grout where it is required to force grout into difficult locations. B. Provide enough clearance between the formwork and the area to be grouted to permit proper placement of grout. Fort Worth Water Department 03605 -3 Nonshrink Grout 3.04 MIXES A. For less than a 4-inch clearance, or where size or shape of space makes grouting difficult, grout mix shall consist of grout material and water. B. For greater than 4-inch clearances where coarse aggregate will not obstruct free passage of the grout, the grout may be extended by adding clean pea gravel if allowed or recommended by the grout manufacturer. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for the maximum amount of pea gravel that may be added. C. Use the minimum amount of water necessary to produce a flowable grout without causing either segregation of bleeding. 3.05 MIXING A. Mixing ofnonshrink grout shall be in strict conformance to the recommendations of the grout manufacturer. B. Mix grout as close to the work area as possible, and transport the mixture quickly and in a manner that does not permit segregation of materials. C. After the grout has been mixed, do not add more water for any reason. 3.06 PLACING A. Place nonshrink grouting material quickly and continuously by the most practical means permissible: pouring, pumping, or under gravity pressure. Do not use either pneumatic-pressure or dry packing methods without written permission of the Engineer. B . Follow established concreting procedures observing precautions for hot and cold weather concreting. C. When practical, apply grout from one side only to avoid trapping air. D. Final installation shall be thoroughly compacted and free from air pockets. To facilitate placement, a Yi to I-inch chain or meter strap may be pulled back and forth under the equipment during grouting. Remove chain or strap before initial set takes place. E . Do not vibrate the placed concrete mixture or allow it to be placed if the area is being vibrated by nearby equipment, except when approved by the grout manufacturer. Fort Worth Water Department 03605 -4 Nonshrink Grou t F . Do not remove leveling shims for at least 48 hours after the grout has been placed. After shims have been removed, fill voids with nonshrink grout. 3.07 CURING Cure grout for three (3) days after placing by keeping wet and covering with curing paper by coating with a concrete membrane-forming curing compound or by other approved method. Fort Worth Water Department 03605 - 5 Nonshrink Grout PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 03700 FLOW ABLE FILL 1.01 DESCRIPTION This item governs the use of Ready-Mix Flowable Fill, sometimes known as Controlled Density Fill (CDF). Flowable fill shall consist of Portland cement, fly ash, sand, fine rock, and water in various mixtures depending on the design strength of the mixture. Flowable fill shall meet the requirements of ACI 229R-99 "Controlled Low-Strength Materials". 1.02 SUBMITTALS Prior to delivery of material to construction site, Contractor to submit supplier data, to include mix proportions, to Engineer for approval. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Cement: Cement shall be Portland Cement meeting requirements of ASTM C-150. B. Aggregates: Aggregates shall meet requirements of ASTM C-33. C . Flyash: Flyash shall meet the requirements of ASTM C-618. D. Admixtures: 1. Mineral admixtures shall be pozzolanic materials. 2. Chemical admixtures shall be liquid or powder form used in standard ready-mix concrete production. Permissable types of admixtures include : a. High air generators designed to lower unit weights, reduce shrinkage, and control compressive strengths. b. Air entraining admixtures conforming to ASTM C-260 c. High range water reducers conforming to ASTM C-494 d. Accelerating admixtures conforming to ASTM C-494 Fort Worth Water Department 03700 -I Flowable Fill 2.02 MIXTURES The Contractor shall gain the Engineer's approval for the Ready Mix Flowable Fill mixture . The mix shall provide high flow properties without segregation. 2.03 PERFORMANCE Flowable fill shall develop a minimum 1 hour compressive strength of 15 psi and a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 300 psi. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Contractor's supplier shall pre-test all pump application prior to day of placement with actual equipment. Flowable fill shall be batched at the concrete plant and hauled to job site in ready-mix trucks with continuous agitating drums. During any waiting period prior to discharge , truck drums shall agitate mixture. Entrained air shall be added as per manufacturer's instructions. B. The height of free fall of flowable fill shall not exceed four feet. The use of vibrator shall not be required. After the flowable fill has been placed, it shall not be covered or subjected to additional loads for 24 hours . Curing shall not be required. Fort Worth Water D epartment 03700 -2 Flo wable Fill PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK ITEM 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL The work in this item includes providing structural steel and related appurtenances. 1.02 SPECIFICATIONS AND ST AND ARDS Except as otherwise indicated, the most current editions of the following specifications apply to work within this item: A. AISC MOl 1 -Manual of Steel Construction for Shop and Field Welding B. AISC S326 -Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings C. ASTM A36-Structural Steel D. ASTM A53 -Pipe, Steel, Black, and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded, and Seamless Grade B. E. ASTM A307 -Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Fasteners, Grade A F. ASTM A320 -Alloy-Steel Bolting Materials for Low Temperature Service, Type 304. G . ASTM A500-Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes, Grade B H . ASTM A666 -Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar for Structural Application, Grade A, Type 304 . I. AWS-B3.0 -Welding Procedures and Performance Qualifications J. AWS-Dl.1-Structural Welding Code-Steel K. A WS-W 1 -Welding Metallurgy Fort Worth Water Department 05120 - I Structural Steel 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES Shop drawings, including details, dimensions, details of match markings, and all information necessary for fabrication, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. 1.04 OWNERS MANUAL The following shall be included in the Owner's Manual in compliance with Item 01300, "Submittals". A. B. Certificates that steels comply with the indicated standards. Certificates that welding operators and procedures, if required, comply with the indicated requirements. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS Materials for structural steel members and connections shall comply with the following: A. Standard rolled steel sections ASTMA36 B. Pipe Columns ASTMA53 C. Structural Steel Tubing ASTM A500, Grade B D. Structural Bars, Plates, and Similar Items ASTM A36, or A283 E. Stainless Steel ASTM A666, Type 304 F. Stainless Steel Bolts, Nuts, Washers ASTM A320, Type 304 G. Steel Bolts ASTM A307, Grade A 2.02 FABRICATION Fabrication shall be in accordance with AISC S326 and indicated requirements. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3 .01 INSTALLATION A. General : Fort Worth Water Department 05120 - 2 Structural Steel 1. Structural assemblies and shop and field welding shall meet the requirements of AISC MOl 1 and AISC S326. 2. Measurements and dimensions shall be verified at the site. 3. Bolt holes shall be 1/16-inch larger than the nominal size of bolts. 4. Dissimilar metals shall be protected from galvanic corrosion by means of pressure tapes, coatings, and isolators. 5. Bolts shall not be permitted to drift and holes shall not be enlarged to correct misalignment. In the event of mismatching holes, new materials shall be provided. 6. Structural steel completely encased in concrete shall not be galvanized or painted, and shall have a clean surface for bonding to concrete. 7. Damaged structural steel shall be replaced. Use of salvaged, reprocessed, or scrap material shall not be permitted. B. Welding: 1. Welding shall be performed by operators who have been qualified by tests as prescribed by A WS to perform the type of welding indicated. Welding shall comply with the AWS Code for Arc Welding in Building Construction. 2. Continuous seal welds shall be applied on structural steel designed to be exposed to weather or submerged in water or wastewater. Continuous seal welds shall be applied to both sides of structural steel designed to be submerged in water or wastewater. C. Bolted Connections Where bolted connections are indicated, they shall comply with AISC specifications for framed beam connections for bearing type connections. 3 .02 CORROSION PROTECTION Unless otherwise indicated, all structural steel, including that used in the fabrication of process equipment, shall be surface prepared and coated in accordance with Item 09900, "Painting", and shall include the following operations : Fort Worth Water Department 05120-3 Structural Steel A. Exterior and interior edges of flame-cut pieces shall be ground smooth. B. Sharp edges and punched holes shall be ground smooth. C. Uneven or rough welds shall be ground smooth. 3.03 TOUCH-UP AND REPAIR A. After installation, damaged surfaces of shop-primed structural steel shall be cleaned and touched-up with the same material used for the shop coat. B . Damaged surface of galvanized metals shall be repaired. Fort Worth Water Department 05120-4 Structural Steel PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK ITEM 05500 MISCELLANEOUS MET AL A. This item covers furnishing and installing miscellaneous metal items. Included are all materials and parts necessary to complete each item, even though such work is not definitively shown or specified. B. Carefully examine drawings and other sections of specifications for extent of miscellaneous metal work required. All metal work not included under other sections of the specifications shall be furnished anc;l installed under this item. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM B209 -Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy sheet and Plate. B. ASTM B221 -Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod, Wire, Shape, and Tube. C. ASTM B308 -Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Standard Structural Shapes, Rolled or Extruded. D. ASTM A36 -Standard Specifications for Structural Steel E. ASTM A 193 -Standard Specifications for Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Service F. ASTM A307 -Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60;000 psi Tensile Strength. G. American Welding Society, A WS-D 1.1 -Structural Welding Code H . Aluminum Association -Specifications for Aluminum Structures 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submittals shall be made in accordance with Item 01300, "Submittals". Do not begin fabrication until after submittals have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. Fort Worth Water Department 05500 - I Miscellaneous Metal - - B . C. Shop Drawings : Submit shop drawings on all fabricated and cast items. Indicate thickness , type, grade, class of metal, and finish. Show construction details , mark numbers , reinforcement, anchorage , and interface relation with adjacent construction. Indicate method of protection of aluminum at contact points with concrete or steel. Manufacturer 's Product Data: Submit manufacturer 's technical information on the expansion bolts proposed for use by the Contractor. The data shall contain sufficient information to evaluate conformance to specifications and shall include pull-out and shear test reports from a certified independent laboratory. 1.04 FIELD MEASUREMENTS Prior to fabrication , take necessary field measurements of previously installed construction so that work will fit properly . Members that do not fit properly must be replaced unless approval for their modifications has been obtained from the Engineer. 1.05 QUALIFICATION OF WELDERS Welding of miscellaneous metal items must be performed by certified welders . Welders must be qualified by procedures of the American Welding Society, Structural Welding Code , Steel and Aluminum Association, and Qualifications Standards for Structural Welding of Aluminum, using procedures, materials , and equipment of the type required for the work. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Aluminum: 1. Aluminum Shapes a. Rolled Shapes: Conform to ASTM B308 , aluminum alloy 6061 . b. Extruded Shapes : Conform to ASTM B221, aluminum alloy . 2 . Aluminum Plates : Conform to ASTM B209 , aluminum alloy 6061. 3 . Aluminum members shall have mill finish. Fort Wo rth Water Dep artm ent 05500 - 2 M iscell an eou s M eta l 4 . Aluminum surfaces that will be in contact with concrete or steel shall be given a heavy coat of alkali-resistant bituminous paint, or other coating recommended by the manufacturer that will provide equivalent protection. The coating shall not be visible in the completed installation. B. Structural Steel Shapes, Plates, and Bars: Conform to ASTM A36. C. Stainless Steel: Where indicated on the drawings as "stainless steel", or "SS", use stainless steel conforming to AISI 316 or AISI 304 for non- welded items and AISI Type 316 L for welded items. All stainless steel shall have a minimum yield strength of 45,000 psi. D. Stainless Steel Bolts: Shall be AISI Type 316 conforming to ASTM A193. Use stainless steel bolts for all bolts embedded in concrete and other areas indicated on the drawings as "stainless steel" or "SS". E. Galvanizing Repair Coating: Carboline Carbo Zinc No. 11, Galv-Weld Products' Galv-Weld Alloy, Koppers Organic Zinc Coating, or equal. 2.02 PREFABRICATED ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCHES A. Pit and Floor Hatches: See item 11350 -"Aluminum Access Hatches and Appurtenances". Hatches shall be of the type, size, and location indicated on the drawings. All hatches shall be lockable. B. Acceptable Manufacturer's: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide prefabricated roof access hatch units by one of the following: 1. Bilco Company 2. Flygt Company 3. Approved Equal 2.03 STANDARD PRODUCTS Details and specifications of items for which equivalent standard products are available are considered as respective guides for such items. Standard products will be acceptable subject to approval, provided they vary only in minor details from requirements of drawings and specifications. 2.04 FABRICATION A. Where practical, fit and assemble items in the shop and deliver to the site ready for installation. · Fort Worth Water Department 05500 -3 Miscellaneous Metal B. Shop connections shall be welded or riveted. Do not use screws or bolts where their use can be avoided. Where used, countersink heads, screw up tight, and nick threads to prevent loosening. Finish welds and rivets flush and smooth on surfaces that will be exposed after installation. Cope or miter corners. C. Welding: D. E. F. G. H. I. PART 3 - 1. Welding of steel items shall conform to the requirements of the American Welding Society Structural Welding Code -Steel. 2. Welding of aluminum shall conform to the requirements of the American Welding Society and the Aluminum Association's Specifications for Aluminum Structures. 3. Any welding not governed by the above shall be performed in accordance with best modem practice for strength and durability. 4 . All welds exposed to view in complete work shall be ground down flush and finished smooth. Weld continuously along the entire line of contact. Provide anchors where necessary to fasten miscellaneous metals securely in place. Drilling and punching must produce clean, true lines. Do not torch cut holes or slots. Where tight joints are required, mill to a close fit. Thickness of metals and details shall be of ample strength and thickness. Provide holes and connections for work of other trades. Galvanizing: Hot-dip galvanize all miscellaneous carbon steel items after fabrication, unless otherwise specified. EXECUTION 3 .01 CONDITION OF SURFACES Prior to installation, inspect surfaces to which miscellaneous metal items will be attached. If the condition of such a surface will adversely affect the installation, do not proceed with the installation until corrective measures have been taken. Fort Worth Water Department 05500 -4 Miscellaneous Metal 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Accurately set work to establish lines and elevations and securely fasten in accordance with approved shop drawings and provisions of this specification. B. All work shall be free of finish scratches, nicks, gouges , dents, concrete splatter, paint, or other foreign matter. Damaged material must be replaced without additional cost to the Owner. 3.03 TOUCH-UP Touch up surfaces damaged by welding, cutting, abrasion, or from other causes as follows: A. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean damaged area thoroughly by wire brushing and remove traces of welding flux and loose or cracked zinc coating. The cleaned surface shall be painted with two coats of galvanizing repair coating. B. Shop Primed Surfaces : See Item 09900, "Painting". Fort Worth Water Department 05500-5 Miscellaneous Metal - - ITEM 05501 ANCHOR BOLTS, EXP ANSI ON ANCHORS, AND CONCRETE INSERTS PARTl GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide anchor bolts, expansion anchors, and concrete inserts, including, but not limited to: B. 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7 . 8. Baffle walls , weirs, and troughs Rails Hangars and brackets Equipment Piping Grating and floor plates Electrical, plumbing, and HV AC work Partitions and c~ilings This item includes all bolts, anchors, and inserts required for the work but not specified under other sections . 1.02 REFERENCE ST AND ARDS A. ASTM A307 -Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners. B. ASTM Al 93 -Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Service. 1.03 SUBMITTALS Shop drawings shall include: A. B. PART2 Setting drawings and templates for location and installation of anchorage devices. Copies of manufacturer's specifications, load tables, dimension diagrams, and installation instructions for the devices . PRODUCTS 2.01 DESIGN CRITERIA A. When the size, length, or load carrying capacity of an anchor bolt, expansion anchor, or concrete insert is not shown on the drawings , provide Fort Worth Water Department 05501 -l Anch ors , Bolts, and In serts the size, length, and capacity required to carry the design load times a minimum safety factor of four. B. Determine design loads as follows: 1. For equipment anchors , use the design load recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. 2 . For pipe hangars and supports, use one-half the total weight of pipe, fittings , valves, accessories, and water contained in the pipe , between the hanger or support in question, and adjacent hangers and supports , both sides. 3 . Allowances for vibration are included in the safety factor specified above. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Anchor Bolts: Provide stainless steel bolts complying with ASTM Al 93 , AISI Type 316. Other AISI types may be used subject to Engineer's approval. B. Expansion Anchors: 1. All expansion bolts shall be stainless steel. 2. All expansion bolts shall have a safety factor of four with a minimum working capacity as follows: Bolt Size Minimum shear strength Minimum pullout strength Minimum embedment 7/8" 5,250 # 5,250 # 7" %" 4,250 # 4,250 # 4" Yi " 1,650 # 1,300 # 2-1/4" 3. Size required for the concrete strength specified. 3/8" 625 # 1,030 # 2-1/4" 4. Stud type (male thread) or flush type (female thread), as required. 5. UL or FM approved 6. Provide manufacturer's technical literature and test reports from an accredited independent testing laboratory showing certified bolt capacities for expansion bolts proposed for use on this project. C. Concrete Inserts: Fort Worth Water De partment 05501 - 2 Anchors, Bo lts, and Ins erts PART 3 - 1. For piping, grating, and floor plate, provide malleable iron inserts 2 . Provide those recommended by the manufacturer for the required loading. 3. UL and FM approved. EXECUTION 3 .01 INSTALLATION A. Drilling equipment used and installation of expansion anchors shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. B. Ensure that embedded items are protected from damage and are not filled in with concrete. C. Expansion anchors may be used for hanging or supporting pipe two inches in diameter and smaller. Expansion anchors shall not be used for larger pipe unless otherwise shown or approved by the Engineer. D. Use concrete inserts for pipe hangars, and supports for pipe size and loading recommended by the insert manufacturer. E. Unless otherwise shown or approved by the Engineer, conform to the following for expansion anchors: I. Minimum embedment depth as defined in 2.02B 2 . Minimum anchor spacing on centers: ten diameters 3. Minimum distance to edge of concrete: five diameters 4. Increase dimensions above if required to develop the required anchor load capacity. 3 .02 CLEANING After embedding concrete is placed, remove protection and clean bolts and inserts. Fort Worth Water Department 05501 -3 Anchors, Bolts, and Inserts PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE ITEM 09900 PAINTING This item provides requirements for furnishing labor, materials, and equipment to prepare surfaces and apply protective coating to new equipment, pumps, piping and valves, access gate, bollards, structural steel, and miscellaneous items. All paint shall be especially adapted for use around wastewater treatment plants and wastewater lift stations, and shall be applied in conformance with the manufactured published specifications. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS Work performed and materials used must comply with the requirements of the Steel Structures Painting Council's Vol. No.l "Good Painting Practices", and Vol. No. 2 "Systems and Specifications", and these technical specifications. Where a conflict exists between these technical specifications and the Steel Structures Painting Council's specifications, the technical specifications shall govern. 1.03 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Wherever a product is designated by trade name with provision for an equal , the product specified must be used unless a written request for substitution is submitted to the Engineer. The request for substitution must include the manufacturer's complete technical data sheets on the proposed product with a certified ingredients analysis and sufficient information, including applicable case history information, for making a complete comparison between specified and proposed products. B. Consideration will be given only to those coating systems which have been used in water and wastewater treatment plant service for at least five (5) years. The request for substitution must include a list of at least 5 applications in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas metropolitan area. Furnish the Owner 's name, the Owner's representative, and the name of the product used. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data and Shop Drawings: Submit product data, shop drawings, certificates, and instructions on all protective coating items as specified herein and in accordance with Division 1 -General Requirements. Fo rt Worth Water Department 09900 -I Painting B. Product Data: Complete data on each type and kind of paint and primer shall be submitted for re view. Favorable review shall be obtained from the Engineer before the paint is delivered to the job site. This procedure must be followed whether or not the paint that the Contractor proposes to use is named in the specifications. Submittal data shall show where and for what uses each paint product is to be used. Data submitted on each type and kind of paint product shall include information to show the product meets the detailed requirements of these specifications. C. Manufacturer's Instructions: The manufacturer's published instructions , for use as a guide in specifying and applying the manufacturer 's proposed paint, shall be submitted to the Engineer . Manufacturer's published instructions shall meet the following requirements: I. The instructions must have been written by the manufacturer for the purpose and with the intent of giving complete instruction for the use and application of the proposed paint in the locality and for the conditions for which the paint is specified or shown to be applied under this contract. 2. All limitations, precautions, and requirements that may adversely affect the paint, that may cause unsatisfactory results after painting application , or that may case the paint not to serve the purpose for which it is intended, that is, to protect the covered material from weathering and corrosion, shall be clearly and completely stated in the instructions. These limitations and requirements shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Surface preparation b. Methods of application c. Number of coats d. Thickness of each coat e . Total thickness f. Drying time of each coat, including primer g. Drying time of final coat before placing into service h. Time allowed between coats 1. Primer required to be used J. Compatible topcoats k. Weather limitations during and after application 1. Physical properties of paint, including percent solids m. Application equipment settings 1.05 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Delivery: Have paint delivered to the job site in original unopened containers. Fort Worth Water Department 09900 - 2 Painting B. Storage: Store material in an approved location which meets the manufacturer's storage requirements. Recommended storage temperatures shall be maintained. 1.06 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL At the end of the project, the Contractor shall turn over to the Fort Worth Water Department a gallon of each type and color of paint used in the field painting. The material shall be delivered in unopened labeled cans, just as it comes from the manufacturer. Provide the manufacturer's literature describing the materials and giving directions for their use. A typewritten inventory list shall be furnished to the Fort Worth Water Department at the time of delivery. 1.07 SAFETY AND HEALTH REQUIRMENTS A. B. C. PART2 General: In accordance with requirements set forth by regulatory agencies applicable to the construction industry and the manufacturer's printed instructions and appropriate technical bulletins and manuals, the Contractor shall provide and require use of personal lifesaving equipment for persons working on or about the project site. Head and Face Protection and Respiratory Devices: Equipment shall include protective hardhats which shall be worn by all persons while in the vicinity of the work. In addition, workers engaged in or near the work site during sandblasting shall wear eye and face protection devices and air purifying, half-mask or mouthpiece respirators with appropriate filters. Barrier creams shall be used on any exposed areas of skin. Ventilation: Where ventilation is used to control hazardous exposure, all equipment shall be explosion-proof. Ventilation shall reduce the concentration of air contaminants to the degree a hazard does not exist. Air circulation and exhausting of solvent vapors shall be continued until the coatings have fully cured. PRODUCTS 2.01 COLOR SCHEDULE A. Final color selection shall be made by the Engineer from color charts submitted by the Contractor; colors selected shall be a manufacturer's standard color. B. Motors, Equipment, Pumps, and Valve Bodies: Fort Worth Water Department 09900 - 3 Painting . - C. 1. 2. Motors, equipment, pumps, and valve bodies shall be painted the color selected by the Fort Worth Water Department. All bronze, stainless steel, or aluminum metal surfaces shall not be painted. Exposed Moving Parts or Guards 1. 2 . All exposed moving parts such as couplings, shafts, etc. shall be painted OSHA red. All guards and shields such as belt guards, chain guards, etc. shall be painted OSHA orange. 2.02 TEST EQUIPMENT :... The following pieces of equipment will be used by the Contractor to determine film thickness and the presence of flaws: /. A. Electronic Digital Readout Gage : 0.40 mils film thickness gage including a set of Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards Film Thickness Calibration Standards from O to 8 mils and 10-25 mils or equivalent. B. Wet Sponge Holiday Detector: Low voltage flow detector. C . Wet Film Thickness Gage D . Sling psychometer to measure humidity at time of application. 2.03 MATERIAL Paint shall. arrive on the job ready-mixed, except for the tinting of undercoats and possible thinning. 2 .04 COATING SCHEDULE A . Ferrous Metal , Interior, Non-Immersed 1. General: All interior above ground ferrous surfaces subject to dry non-abrasive conditions shall be painted in accordance with the following provisions. This includes , but is not limited to: exposed pumps, exterior of valves, pipes, motors, machinery, roof joists, hollow metal doors and frames, exposed roof deck pipe hangars , and miscellaneous metals such as structural steel in pump stations and buildings . Fort Worth Water Department 09900-4 Pa inting PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 11316 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS 1.01 SCOPE This item provides requirements for furnishing and installing two (2) non-clog submersible wastewater pumping units. The complete installation shall include the foundations, placement of anchor bolts, base elbows, setting of pumps and motors, leveling and aligning equipment, guide rail system, stainless steel chain, and all hardware required to effect a complete operational pumping system, as well as other specified accessories. The pumping units shall be capable of being operated by use of electronic solid-state soft starts. It is the intent of these specifications to provide for a complete properly functioning installation, and all miscellaneous items necessary for the proper operation of the equipment supplied shall be made a part of these specifications as if called out in specific detail. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. General: Three submittals shall be sent to the Engineer for review. One approved copy shall be returned to the Contractor. Submittals shall meet the requirements ofltem 01300, "Subrnittals". B. Submittals Required: 1. Certified dimension prints showing complete dimensions of all components. 2. Pump setting plans containing anchor bolt dimensions and layout. 3. Motor performance data including rating, voltage/phase/frequency, design type, service factor, insulation class, current, power factor, NEC code letter, etc. 4. Materials list showing material specifications for all components. 5. Performance curves for each pump unit showing capacity, head, NPSHR, and efficiency over the entire range of the pump 6. Service: Submit location and description of local service centers. Fort Worth Water Department 11316-1 Submersible Pumps 1.03 TESTING A. General: Equipment shall be shop tested and acceptance tested as specified hereinafter. All costs for the tests shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit the complete test procedures to the Engineer for approval prior to the shop and acceptance test. In the event any equipment fails to meet the performance values set forth in this specification, the equipment shall be modified and re-tested or replaced with equipment that performs in accordance with this specification. B. Shop Tests: Each pump and motor shall be performance tested at the factory prior to shipment. All pumps shall be tested with the motor cables to be supplied with the pumps. Three copies of certified test reports, including actual test records, shall be submitted and approved by the Engineer prior to shipment of the equipment. Each pump shall be tested for performance at the factory (Non-Witnessed) to determine the head versus capacity, motor total electrical power draw (KVA), and motor active electrical power draw (KW) for the full speed at which the pumps are specified and shown on the performance curve. All tests shall be run in accordance with the test code for centrifugal pumps of the Standards of Hydraulic Institute, latest edition. The motor and cable for each pump shall be tested for moisture content or insulation defects. After the test, the pump cable end shall be fitted with a shrink-fit rubber boot to protect from moisture or water. C. Field Test: Field tests shall be run on all pumps, motors, and control systems to demonstrate that they are in proper working order. Check and record amperage and voltage readings for each individual pump . Incorporate data into Operations and Maintenance Manuals. D . Acceptance Test: Acceptance test shall be run by the manufacturer's representative to demonstrate that the pumping units , motors, and control system meet the specifications and the following requirements: 1. The pumping units operate as specified without excessive noise , cavitation, vibration, and without overheating. 2. All automatic and manual controls function in accordance with the specified requirements 3. All drive equipment operates without being overloaded. 4. Motor and cable insulation integrity Fort Worth Water Department 11316-2 Submersible Pumps 1.04 PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Number of Pumps Supplied: Number of Base Elbows Supplied Number of Guide Rail Systems Supplied Type of Pump: Design Point 1 (1 pump running): Design Point 2 (pump operating in parallel) Min Shut Off Head Max. NPSHR at Design Point 1 Min Pump Hydraulic Eff. at Design Point 1 Minimum Solids Passing Capacity Max Pump Operating Speed Min. Pump Discharge Size Max. Motor Rating Min. Motor Rating Min. Motor Service Factor Electrical Service Stator Temperature Sensor Leakage Sensor Wetwell Depth PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 COMPONENT CONSTRUCTION A. Pump Design Two Two Two Flygt or approved equal 1,500 gpm at 185 feet TDH 1,000 gpm at 205 feet TDH 245 feet 30 feet 70% 3" spherical solid 1800 rpm 6 inches 130HP 100 HP 1.15 480 Volt, 3 Phase, 4 wire 60 Hz Yes Yes Approximately 20 feet The pumps shall be capable of handling raw unscreened wastewater. The discharge elbows shall be permanently installed in the wetwell along with the discharge piping. Pumps shall be easily removable for inspection or service, requiring no bolts, nuts or other fastenings to be removed for the purpose and no need for personnel to enter the pump well. Sealing of the pumping unit to the discharge elbow shall be accomplished by a simple linear downward motion of the pumps with the entire weight of the pumping units guided to and pressed tightly against the discharge elbow. No portion of the pump shall bear directly on the floor of the sump, and there shall be no more than one 90 degree bend allowed between the volute discharge flange and sump piping. Guide bars, which shall steer the pump into proper contact with the discharge elbow shall be non- adjustable and shall not bear the weight of the pump. B. Hydraulic Components The pump casing shall be of gray iron with a gray iron or ductile iron slide rail Fort Worth Water Department 11316-3 Submersible Pumps guide shoe attached to the discharge flange as an integral assembly. Casing shall be easily removable from the motor for full inspection of the impeller. All exposed nuts or bolts shall be AISI type 304 stainless steel. The pump openings and passages shall be adequate to pass 3" diameter spheres and any trash or stringy material which may pass through a wastewater collection system. The back of the impeller shall incorporate straight auxiliary vanes to hydraulically reduce pressure on the primary seal, and force debris away from the impeller clearance. No wearing rings or adjustments of the backside clearance will be required. The impeller shall be of semi-axial flow design, incorporating sweeping vanes with wide flow channels. It shall be gray iron or ductile iron with designed counter mass for dynamic balancing to eliminate vibration . Balancing shall not deform or weaken the impeller. C. Discharge Elbow The discharge elbow shall be designed to mount directly to the sump floor and shall be supplied for each pump. It shall be standard ANSI 125 pound flange faced and drilled on the outlet side to match inlet connection. The design shall be such that the pump to discharge connection is made without the need for nuts, bolts, or gaskets . The adaptor elbow shall anchor and align the stainless steel guide rails. D. Pump Motor 1. The submersible pump motor shall operate in accordance with electrical power indicated on the Drawings. The motor and pump must be connected to form an integral unit. Motor shall be a squirrel-cage, induction type in an air-filled, water-tight enclosure. The motor shall conform to NEMA design class B, and incorporate Class H insulation materials to withstand a continuous operating temperature of 180 degrees C. All motors shall be designed and manufactured to meet the NEMA MG-1, Section 31 specification for inverter duty rating. The pump and motor shall be capable of handling liquids with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees C. Oil filled motors shall not be acceptable. Motor shall be FM approved or UL listed. 2 . Motor shall be capable of sustaining a minimum of 10 starts per hour. The motor shall be capable of operating un-submerged and not require a cooling jacket or any other means of auxiliary cooling during normal continuous operation. Fort Worth Water Department 11316-4 Submersible Pumps 3. Motor housing shall be cast iron, ASTM A48. The stator shall consist of copper windings with copper connectors applied to high-grade electrical steel laminations. The stator shall be held securely in place by a heat- shrink fit into the motor housing. Any other means of securing the stator which will require penetration of the motor housing will not be considered acceptable. 4. Rotor shall be solid cast and dynamically balanced for vibration free operation. Rotor end bars and short circuit rings shall be of aluminum. The upper and lower bearing shall be of heavy duty design, capable of supporting the shaft and rotor while under maximum radial and thrust loads . The bearings shall be permanently grease lubricated and sealed at the time of installation. E. Cable Seal The cable entry seal design shall provide strain relief and preclude specific torque requirements to insure a watertight and submersible seal. The assembly shall provide ease of changing the cable when necessary using the same entry seal. Epoxies, silicones, or other secondary sealing systems shall not be acceptable. The cable entry junction chamber and motor shall be separated by a terminal board which shall isolate the stator housing from foreign material gaining access through the pump top. The use of wire nuts or crimp-type connectors is not acceptable. F. Mechanical Seal Provide two totally independent mechanical shaft seals, installed in tandem, each with its own independent single spring system acting in a common direction. Install the upper seal in an oil filled chamber with drain and inspection plug for easy access from external to the pump. The seal buffer chamber shall contain a non-toxic oil. A drain and inspection plug, with positive anti-leak seal, shall be provided with the chamber. Lower seal shall be tungsten carbide , or approved equal. Upper seal shall be tungsten or silicon carbide, or approved equal. Provide seals requiring neither routine maintenance nor adjustment, but capable of being easily inspected and replaced. G. Shaft Provide common pump/motor shaft of sufficient size to transmit full driver output with a maximum deflection of 0 .002 inches measured at the lower mechanical seal. The shaft shall be stainless steel and isolated from the pumped media. Fort Worth Water Department 11316-5 Submers ible Pumps H. Guide Rail System The guide rail assembly shall guide the pump unit in raising and lowering. The guide bars shall not support any portion of the weight of the pump. The entire rail system shall be constructed of stainless steel. The lower guide bar holders shall be integral with the discharge elbow. The pump unit shall be guided on the bars by a guide bracket with shall be an integral part of the pump. A stainless steel lifting chain shall be attached to the pump lifting bail in sufficient length to connect directly to the hoist for single lift operation. An eyelet shall be provided at the upper end of this chain. I. Motor Power Cables Pump motor cables shall be suitable for submersible wastewater pump applications and heavy mechanical stresses. The power cable shall be sized according to NEC standards and have FM approval. The total length of power and control cable shall be as required to connect the pumps to the electrical junction boxes shown on the drawings (minimum 60' length), without splicing. J. Motor Bearing and Seal Leak Sensors Furnish temperature monitoring devices in motor windings and lower bearing for use in conjunction with and supplemental to external motor overload protection. Arrange controls to shut down pump should any of the monitors detect high temperature and automatically reset once motor or bearing temperature returns to normal. Set temperature monitors at levels recommended by pump manufacturer. Provide a moisture det ector in the motor's stator cavity which allows a control relay to indicate leakage into the motor, past the inner mechanical seal prior to its entrance into either the motor stator, or the lower bearing. Provide stainless steel float switch in a separate leakage collection chamber to indicate leakage past inner mechanical seal prior to entrance into motor stator or lower bearing. If water enters motor housing or lower bearing, moisture detector shall cause pump to shut down. An alternate shall be an electrical probe in the oil chamber for detecting the presence of water in the oil chamber. A solid-state device mounted in the pump control panel or in a separate enclosure shall send a low voltage, low amperage signal to the probe . If water enters the oil chamber, the probe shall signal the solid-state relay in the control panel. The relay shall energize a warning light on the control panel. F ort Worth Water Department 11316-6 Submersible Pump s PART3 EXECUTION 3.01 OPERATION OF SYSTEM On sump level rise, lower switch shall first be energized, then upper switch shall next energize and start lead pump. With lead pump operating, sump level shall lower to low switch turn off setting and pump shall stop. Alternating relay shall index on stopping of pump so that lag pump will start first on next operation and become lead pump. If sump level continues to rise when lead pump is operating, override switch shall energize and start lag pump. Both lead and lag pump shall operate together until low-level switch turns off both pumps. If level continues to rise when both pumps are operating, alarm switch shall energize and signal the alarm. If one pump should fail for any reason, the second pump shall operate on the override control and if the level rises above the override control, the alarm shall signal. 3.02 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS The operations and maintenance manuals for each type of equipment furnished by the Contractor shall be a separate document meeting the following specific requirements: A. Format and Organization 1. Use drawings and photographs to illustrate the printed text as necessary to fully present the required information. 2. Where information covers similar items of equipment, identify the applicable portions by heavy weighted arrows, boxes, or circles, or strike out the inapplicable information. Nonconforming data is not acceptable and will be returned for rework and resubmittal. B. Contents 1. Table of Contents and Index 2. Description of each system and components 3. Complete starting and stopping procedures 4. Emergency stopping procedures 5. Operating instructions, including special operating instructions. 6. Routine maintenance procedures 7. Lubrication requirements 8. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions, parts lists, illustrations, and exploded view diagrams. 9. Complete copy of approved shop drawing, including cross sections. 10. Complete procedure for installation, alignment, adjusting, and checking. Fort Worth Water Department 11316-7 Submersible Pumps 11 . List of spare parts, recommended spare parts , and recommended quantity . 12. Name, address, and phone number of supplier's headquarters. 13. Safety instructions and requirements . 14. Electrical schematic diagram. 15. Control wiring diagram. 16. Copy of warranty or bond. 17. Performance curves, engineering data and start-up test results, including start-up amperages, running amperages, and line voltages. C. Materials 1. Loose leaf on 30 pound punched paper, protected to repel oil and moisture and be wear resistant. 2 . Printed on one side only. 3. Of original quality, reproducible by dry copy method. H . Final Submittal Four copies of operations and maintenance manual shall be submitted to the Fort Worth Water Department prior to final acceptance. 3.03 EXECUTION Start up and acceptance testing shall be conducted by the pump manufacturer's factory trained start up representative . The acceptance test shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer and the Contractor. Final site specific adjustments shall be made to ensure a proper functioning system . Copies of acceptance testing results shall be incorporated into the O&M Manual by the Manufacturer. 3 .04 WARRANTY Manufacturer shall warrant in writing the entire pump system to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five (5) years starting from the date of start-up and acceptance testing . No pro-rating of the warranty will be allowed. The manufacturer shall submit in writing, a letter guaranteeing compliance to pump performance data submitted. Fort Worth Water Department 11316-8 Submersible Pumps ITEM 11350 ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCHES AND APPURTENANCES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE Furnish and install access hatches at locations shown on the drawings. 1.02 ACCEPT ABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Bilco Company B. Flygt Company C. Approved Equal 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS Shop drawings shall comply with Division 1, General Requirements. Include all construction details, finishes, sizes, shapes, thickness of materials, and details of joining with other work. 1.04 WARRANTY Manufacturer shall guarantee against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years, beginning on the date of shipment. Warranty information shall cover hatches, ladders, and ladder-up. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SINGLE DOOR ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH A. Bilco Type "J" single-leaf aluminum with channel frame with opening dimensions as shown on drawings, or equal. Hatch shall be lockable. B. Door shall be aluminum 1(4-inch diamond pattern plated, reinforced to withstand a live load of 300 pounds per square foot with minimal deflection . Channel frame shall be Y-t-inch aluminum with an anchor flange around perimeter. A drainage coupling shall be located in the frame. C. Construction: Fabricate cover with latching device having inside and outside handles. Assemble hatch with heavy forged brass inside hinges, stainless steel pins, and automatic hold-open arm with release handle. Fort Worth Water Department 11350 - I Aluminum Access Hatches and Appurtenances D . All hardware to be stainless steel. E . Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Manufacturer shall guarantee against defects in material or workmanship for a period of five years. 2 .02 DOUBLE DOOR ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH A. Bilco Type "JD" double-leaf aluminum with channel frame, with opening dimensions as shown on the drawings, or approved equal. B. Door shall be aluminum 114-inch diamond pattern plate, reinforced to withstand a live load of 300 pounds per square foot with minimal deflection. C. Channel frame shall be 1/.i-inch aluminum with an anchor flange around perimeter. A drainage coupling shall be located in the frame. D. Fabricate cover with latching device having inside and outside handles. Assemble hatch with heavy forged brass inside hinges, stainless steel pins, and automatic hold-open arm with release handle. E. All hardware shall be stainless steel. F. Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Manufacturer shall guarantee against defects in material and workmanship for a period of five years. G. All aluminum access hatches which provide access to lift station wetwell shall be installed complete with a hatch net or grate fall prevention system. Fall prevention system shall be manufactured by Hatch Net, Flygt, or approved equal. 2.03 ALUMINUM LADDER Minimum allowable ladder width shall be 16". Rung spacing shall be 12", center to center. Top rung shall be placed 12" from the top hatch elevation. Bottom rungs shall be placed a maximum of 12" from the valve vault finished floor. Approved ladder shall be compatible with Bilco Ladder-Up Model LU-4. 2 .04 LADDER SAFETY POST The ladder safety post shall be Bilco Ladder-Up Model LU-4, or approved equal. Install on fixed ladders below access hatch covers. Ladder shall be designed with Fort Worth Water Department 11350-2 Aluminum Access Hatches and Appurtenances telescoping section which locks automatically when extended and extends at least 36-inches above the top of the hatch opening. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A . Verify that work of other trades which affects or adjoins the work specified under this section has been completed or is prepared to receive the work specified herein. B. Examine surface to receive hatches for foreign material or unevenness which would prevent proper installation of the work specified herein. C. Do not proceed with installation until all defects are corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION Installation shall be performed by an experienced contractor in strict accordance with reviewed shop drawings. 3.03 CLEANING AND REPLACEMENT A. Ai the completion of the work, and throughout the project warranty, all hatches must be free from operating and other defects. B. Any defect resulting from the manufacture, transport, or installation must be rectified without any additional cost to the Owner. Fort Worth Water Department 11350 - 3 Aluminum Access Hatches and Appurtenances PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY ITEM 11360 VALVE VAULT GRATING Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to completely install and put into place, valve vault galvanized steel grating as specified herein, and shown on the drawings, according to manufacturer 's recommendations. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall furnish Manufacturer's shop drawings clearly showing material sizes , types, styles , parts, catalog numbers, complete details for the fabrication of and erection of components including, but not limited to , location, lengths, type and sizes of fasteners, support member sizes, channels , and connection details. B. The Contractor shall submit the Manufacturer's published literature including structural design data, structural properties data, load/deflection tables, test reports as applicable, concrete anchor systems, and design calculations. 1.03 PRODUCT DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Delivery of Materials: Manufactured materials shall be delivered in original, unbroken pallets, packages , containers, or bundles bearing the label of the manufacturer. B. Storage of Materials: All materials shall be carefully handled to prevent abrasion, cracking, deformations, or other damage. 1.04 WARRANTY Manufacturer shall guarantee against defects in material or workmanship for a period of two (2) years, beginning on the date of substantial completion. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GRATING A. Contractor shall furnish galvanized steel grating , capable of supporting a 300 pound per square foot load with less than Yi" deflection. Fort Worth Water Department 11360 -1 Valve Vault Grating B. Grating shall consist of constructed panels sized to match the lift station valve vault layout. C. Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2.02 HARDWARE A. Grating hold down clips, fasteners , and all hardware provided to secure the grating to the valve vault structure shall be Type 316 stainless steel. PART 3 -EXECUTION Not Used Fort Worth Water Department 11360 - 2 Valve Vault Grating ITEM 11370 ODOR CONTROL PARTl GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE Contractor shall prov ide all materials , equipment and labor required to install a complete , skid mounted, self-contained, drum scrubber type odor control system as described herein. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL 2.02 A . B. C. D. DRUM A. Drum Capacity: 200 Gallons Media Type: impregnated activated alumina or approv ed equal Removal Efficiency: 99 .5% Minimum Airflow range: 15 cfm to 186 cfm Drum shall be constructed of linear, low density, polyethylene with a minimum thickness of W'. B. All hardware shall be 316 stainless steel. C. The drum shall be supplied with two (2) media sampling points , 1' min. diameter. D . The drum media shall be supported by an FRP air diffuser. E . The drum shall be supplied with a drain line and ball v alve, min %". F . The drum shall contain an 8 " flexible coupling or flanged outlet for the gas inlet p1pmg. 2.03 BLOWER SECTION A. The blower shall be sized to delivery 130 cfm with the damper half open and 186 cfm with the damper fully open. B. The blower/motor shall be covered with a FRP rainhood. C . The blower shall consist of a direct drive motor-fan assembly. Fort Worth Water Department 11370-1 Odor Control D. The motor shall be a 1.5 HP , 120 volt single phase, 60 Hz, TEFC motor. 2.04 MEDIA A . Shall be capable of absorbing and removing odorous gases. B. Shall be UL class 1 or 2 listed. C. The manufacturer shall, after start up, analyze media samples to predict the remaining life of the media. Such service shall be at the manufacturer expense. D . Shall be capable of holding 17 cubic feet of odor absorbing media. E. Provide sampling kit with odor control unit. 2.05 Manufacturer shall have a minimum of ten (10) years experience in control equipment. Approved manufacturer is Purafil Environmental Systems Divisions (ESD), Drum Scrubber (DS-300) or approved equal. PART3 EXECUTION 3.01 WARRANTY A. The manufacturer shall warrant the odor control unit being supplied to the OWNER against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of two (2) years from date of substantial completion. B. The manufacturer shall approve the installation before operation and test the equipment in the presence of OWNER or his representative for conformance to the requirements. Fort Worth Water Department 11370-2 Odor Control PART 1 GENERAL SECTION 11380 PRECAST CONCRETE BUILDING 1 .01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. A factory-built pre-cast concrete building shall be supplied in accordance with project plans and specifications. The building shall be delivered FOB the jobsite and installed by the General Contractor. The Building Manufacturer shall provide all lifting cables and hardware needed to off-load and set the building . B. The enclosure shall be designed for the explicit use of housing electrical and electronic equipment for powering and controlling the lift station submersible pumps, operating level sensing equipment, and monitoring the station. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the project showing dimensions , sizes, thickness, materials, finishes and methods of assembly. Submit Manufacturer's technical data for all building hardware and equipment. All work shall be fabricated and erected in accordance with the Manufacturer's drawings. Shop drawings shall be signed and sealed by a registered engineer in the state of Texas. B. Provide all submittals as required to obtain a building permit for the City of Fort Worth , in accordance with latest adopted edition of the International Building Code. C. Specific data submittals for the following: 1. Doors 2. Door Hardware 3 . Light Fixtures 4. Wiring Devices 5 . Air Conditioner D. Process shop drawings for the enclosure showing all dimensional details, block and door locations, and anchor and lifting eye details . 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A . The Precast Concrete Building Manufacturer shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience in building fabrication. In addition, the Manufacturer shall have made no Jess than ten ( 10) buildings similar to the one on this project. Evidence must be submitted to verify that these requirements are met prior to being deemed an acceptable manufacturer. B. The structure shall be manufactured in a PCI certified plant. In addition, the Building Manufacturer must maintain "Certification in Good Standing" for product groups B & C, under the PCI plant certification program. C . The Engineer shall have the right to inspect or test any materials during fabrication in the factory. At the option of the Engineer, certified tests of materials may be accepted in lieu of field tests . D . The building shall be manufactured by Oldcastle Precast, Speedfabcrete, or approved equal. FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT 11380-1 PRE-CAST CONCRETE ENCLOSURE 1 .04 REFERENCES 1. The following standards form a part of these specifications: 2. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACI) a. ACI-318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) a. ASTM C 150 Portland Cement b. ASTM C33 Concrete Aggregates c. ASTM C260 Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete d. ASTM Al85 Steel Welded Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement e. ASTM C494 Chemical Admixtures for Concrete f. ASTM A615 Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 4. BUILDING OFFICIALS & CODE ADMINISTRATORS (BOCA) a. The Boca National Building Code 5. International Building Code (IBC) a. IBC 2000 ( or latest edition therof) B. Fort Worth Building Code 1. Fort Worth Building Code -Compliance with International Building Code Requirements, latest adopted addition. 1.05 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Structural design calculations for the building shall be prepared and sealed by a registered professional Engineer in the State of Texas, and shall be submitted for approval prior to fabrication. 1. The building shall be designed to meet the Fort Worth and International Building Code loading requirements for regional areas in State of Texas. B. The building shall have minimum interior dimensions as shown on plans and shall be constructed of steel-reinforced pre-cast concrete. C. The pre-cast concrete building shall be such that the roof and walls are cast monolithically at manufacture. The floor shall be permanently attached to the walls by at least eight (8) welded connections and a continuous shear keyway which is filled with non-shrink grout. D. The building shall have a minimum roof thickness of five ( 5) inches, minimum floor thickness of eight (8) inches (with lightening voids to reduce the building weight), and minimum wall thickness of three (3) inches. E. The building shall be entirely factory assembled and shipped as a I-piece unit. F . The building exterior finish shall be "Architectural chamfer". G. The building shall have ground pads on each comer. The enclosure shall have cast in place lifting eyes. Means shall be provided on each comer to anchor the building to the cast in place concrete foundation. PART 2 PRODUCT/ MATERIALS 2.01 CONCRETE A. Concrete used in the manufacture of the various structural components of the pre-cast concrete building shall be factory batched and shall meet the following requirements: B . Portland cement shall be Type I, II or III conforming to ASTM C-150. FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT 11380 -2 PRE-CAST CONCRETE ENCLOSURE C. Fine aggregate shall co nsist of natural sand conforming to ASTM specification C-3 3 . D. Coarse aggregate shall consist of 1/2" maximum well graded crushed stone conforming to ASTM specification C-33 . E. Air entrainment admixture shall conform to ASTM C260. The air-entrained content shall be not less then 4 percent nor greater than 7 percent. F . A superplasticizer shall be used and shall conform to ASTM C494 type F or G . Concrete shall be placed at a slump of between 5 and 8 inches . G. The concrete used for the structural components shall attain a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 5,000 psi. 2 .02 STEEL REINFORCING A. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185 . Reinforcing steel shall be new billet steel meeting the requirements of ASTM A615. B . All reinforcement shall be free from loose rust, oil, and contaminates which reduce bond. Any foreign material shall be removed by suitable means prior to installation. C. Provide supports for reinforcement including chairs , bolster bars , and other devices for spacing and securing reinforcing in accordance with CRSI requirements . Legs of all supports in contact with exposed-to-view surfaces shall be plastic coated in accordance with CRSI, class I. 2 . 03 DOOR & FRAME A. Doors shall be in locations indicated on the drawings and shall be automatic closing. B . Furnish removable, gasketed transoms above doors . C . Signs shall be installed on the outside near or on each door that say "Danger High Voltage. Keep Out". D . The access door and frame shall be the following: 1. The building shall be outfitted with a 4' x 7', 12 gauge Galvaneel Steel frame with 16 gauge Galvaneel Steel door, primed. E. Schlage all purpose entry 1-3/8 " x 1-7/8" DR. 2 -3/4" Backset 1. 11-096 Latch KD 2. 10-025 Strike RH F. Schlage Dead Bolt. 1. BC160PEX626 Keyed Single Cycle Grade 2 2 . 12-270 Latch 1-3/4" DR G . Hinges: 1. 4B8 l 4.5x4.5 652US26D H. Door Closer: 1. Yale # 2304BC Finish 689 2 . ULIOC Non-Hold Open Conforms to Regular Arm/Topjamb Backcheck I. Drip Cap: 1. Western Weatherseal DC610 Crip Cap-ML 40" Aluminum FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT 11380 - 3 PRE-CAST CONCRETE ENCLOSURE 2. The doors and frames shall comply with the Steel Door Institute "Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames", (SDI-100), and as herein specified. 2.04 ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING A The electrical and instrumentation equipment, conduit, and wiring shown on the drawings shall be furnished and installed at the job site by the Contractor. Lighting, receptacles, AC unit, and related switches shall be installed inside the building by the precast concrete building manufacturer, with a junction box for connection to the MCC lighting panel. 2.05 HEATING, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING: A. Air conditioning unit to be provided and installed by the precast concrete building manufacturer. Supply Bard 1 ton unit with phenolic coated coils for H2S gas resistance, or approved equal. 2.06 PAINT: STANDARD A. The exterior surface of the building body shall receive Nu-Klad 965 or equal acrylic modified cement block filler per manufacturers recommendations, one (1) coat of Thoro CM primer concrete sealer and one (1) coat of Thorocoat Sandy Beach# 435 Medium/Fine acrylic coating, or approved equal. B. The interior walls and ceiling of the building shall receive Nu-Klad 965 or equal acrylic modified cement block filler per manufacturers recommendations, one (1) coat of Monarch primer# 5590 white latex stucco primer/sealer (1) coat of Monarch# 2296 Colony White Aqua Gleem Acrylic White color, or approved equal. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 DELIVERY, STORAGE & HANDLING A. The building shall be stored on dunnage placed at the proper locations to prevent cracking, distortion, or any other physical damage . B . The building shall be shipped F.O.B. jobsite by the Manufacturer. It shall be provided w ith Burke lifting fixtures for lifting and setting the building without incurring damage to the walls or roof. C. The Building Manufacturer shall provide all cables and lifting hardware for use in off-loading and setting the building. 3 .02 WARRANTY A. The Manufacturer shall warrant the building and its components for two years from the date of installation. B. The precast concrete structure shall endure and not deteriorate for a period often (10) years. END OF SECTION FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT I 1380 - 4 PRE-CAST CONCRETE ENCLOSURE PART 1 GENERAL ITEM 15060 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required, and install in the locations as shown in the drawings, the plastic piping and appurtenances . 1.02 QUALIFICATIONS All plastic pipe shall be furnished by a manufacturer who is fully experienced, reputable, and qualified in the manufacturer of the items furnished. The piping shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with the best practices and methods and shall comply with these specifications. 1.03 RELATED REQUIREMENTS 12" PVC gravity sanitary sewer pipe shall be in accordance with El-27 "Type PS- 46 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Sewer Pipe and Fittings", of the Fort Worth Water Department General Contract Documents, and installation shall be governed by Construction Standard E2-9 of the Fort Worth Water Department General Contract Documents 1.04 SUBMITTALS Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval in accordance with Item 01300 and shall include dimensioning, methods and locations of supports, and technical specifications for all piping furnished. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Plasticized pipe (PVC pipe as shown on the drawings) shall be manufactured from rigid, unplasticized, polyvinyl chloride meeting ASTM D-1784 Type 1, Grade 1 and manufactured in accordance with ASTM D- 1785. The pipe shall have a design stress rating of 2,000 psi at 73 degrees F, and shall be suitable for field cutting and solvent welding. Pipe shall be of the sizes as shown on the drawings. Gravity sewer pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM F-679 and El-28. Threaded pipe shall be Schedule 80, and buried electrical conduit shall be Schedule 40 unless otherwise shown. Exposed exterior pipe shall contain ultraviolet inhibitors. Fort Worth Water Department 15060-1 Plastic Pipe and Fittings B. C. D. E. PART 3 - Below grade plastic pressure lines 4 inches and larger designated as PVC on the drawings shall meet the requirements of A WW A C900 "Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe". The joints shall consist of a spigot and an integral bell containing a locked-in elestomer ring in accordance with ASTM F-477. Fittings shall be the socket type for solvent welded joints as designated in ASTM D-2467 and D-2466, using solvent as specified in ASTM D-2564, except where threaded or flanged. Flanges shall be furnished with 1/8- inch thick full faced gaskets. Flange bolts and nuts shall be ASTM A276, Type 304 or 316 stainless steel. Fittings, special unions, and flanges shall be of the same schedule number and manufactured of the same materials as the pipe. Gaskets in plastic pipe shall be of a material suitably resistant to the fluid within the respective pipelines and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. The installation of plastic pipe shall be in accordance with manufacturer's technical data and printed instructions, and according to details within the contract drawings. B. Joints for above grade plastic pipe shall be solvent welded except flanged or threaded where required. In making solvent welded connections, clean dirt and moisture from pipe and fittings, bevel pipe ends slightly with emery cloth, if necessary, and apply solvent cement of the proper grade. Expansion joints shall be installed every 50 feet on long runs and in every straight run longer than 15 feet. C. Installation of valves and fittings shall be in strictly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Particular care shall be taken not to overstress threaded connections at sleeves. In making solvent weld connections, the solvent shall not be spilled on valves or allowed to run from joints. D. All pipe shall have a sufficient number of unions to allow convenient removal of piping and shall be approved by the Engineer. E. All plastic pipe to metal pipe connections shall be made using flanged or mechanical joint connections. Metal piping shall not be threaded into Fort Worth Water Department 15060-2 Plastic Pipe and Fittings plastic fittings, valves , or couplings nor shall plastic piping be threaded into metal valves , fittings , or couplings. F. Concrete inserts for hangars and supports shall be furnished and installed in the concrete as it is placed. The inserts shall be set in accordance with the requirements of the piping layout, and the Contractor shall verify these locations from approved piping layout drawings and the structural drawings . G. Buried piping shall be thrust blocked at changes in direction of pipe , changes in pipe size, dead ends , connections to valves and hydrants , and at any place thrust develops in the pipe. 3.02 FIELD PRESSURE TEST New mains shall be hydrostatically field tested before acceptance by being placed under 1.5 times system pressure ( or 175 psi) for a period of not less than 24 hours. It is the intent of these specifications that all joints be watertight and that all joints which are found to leak either by observation or during any test shall be made watertight by the Contractor. Leakage shall be defined as the quantity of water that must be supplied into the newly laid pipe or any valved section thereof to maintain pressure within 5 psi of the specified test pressure after the pipe has been filled with water and the air expelled. Leakage shall not be measured by a drop in pressure in a test section over time. Allowable leakage shall be defined as any leakage under the following formula: Where: L = SD sqrt (P) / 133,200 L = allowable leakage , in gallons per hour S = length of pipe tested, in feet D = nominal diameter of the pipe, in inches P = average test pressure during the leakage test , in psig If repairs are required , the hydrostatic field test shall be repeated until the pipe installation conforms to the specified requirements. 3 .03 PAYMENT Underground water and sewer pipe shall be paid at the lump sum price for "Underground Yard Piping." Underground and above-ground plastic pipe and conduit used for electrical purposes shall be paid at the lump sum price for "Lift Station Electrical , Control, and Instrumentation". F ort Worth Water De partment 15060 - 3 Plastic Pipe and Fittings ITEM 15070 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS PARTl GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required, and install in the locations inside, under, and outside of structures as shown on the drawings, all ductile iron piping, cast iron, or ductile iron fittings, and appurtenances as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. 1.02 QUALIFICATIONS All of the ductile iron pipe and cast iron or ductile iron fittings shall be furnished by manufacturers who are fully experienced, reputable, and qualified. The pipe and fittings shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with the best practices and methods, and shall comply with these specifications as applicable. 1.03 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Ductile or cast iron pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of El-6 "Ductile Iron Pipe", El-7 "Ductile Iron and Gray Iron", El-13 "Polyethylene Wrapping, E2-6 "Installing Ductile Iron Pipe, and E2-7 "Installing Cast Iron Pipe Fittings, and Specials" of the Fort Worth Water Department Specifications , except as noted herein. 1.04 SUBMITTALS Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval in accordance with Item 01300 and shall include dimensioning, methods and locations of supports, and technical specifications for all piping furnished. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ductile Iron Pipe: 1. Ductile iron pipe shall conform to the requirements of A WW A CI50 "Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe", and AWWA CI51 (where called out) and A WWA CI53 (where called out). Use thickness Class 53 for all piping so designated on the plans . Fort Worth Water Department 15070 -I Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 2. Ductile iron piping and fittings shall be double thickness cement mortar lined and bituminous seal coated in accordance with A WW A C 104 . Provide manufacturer 's standard bituminous coating inside and outside of all ductile iron pipe and fittings , except piping exposed to view shall not have the standard exterior coating. 3. Pipe and fittings exposed to view in the finished work shall not receive the standard tar or asphalt coat on the outside surfaces , but shall be shop-coated on the outside with coat tar enamel in accordance with Item 9900 "Painting". All other pipe and fittings shall be shop coated on the outside with coal tar enamel in accordance with A WW A specifications and will not require any other special coating. Should portions of the pipe inadvertently be given the outside coating of coal tar enamel instead of rust inhibitive primer as required for exposed piping, the surfaces shall be sealed with a non-bleeding sealer coat. Sealing shall be made a part of the work of this section. B. Fittings: Fittings for use with flanged joints or mechanical joints on ductile iron pipe shall be cast iron or ductile iron fittings conforming to ANSI B 16 .1 or A WWA C 110. Flanges shall be faced and drilled in accordance with ANSI B.16.1, Class 125. All fittings shall be pressure rated at 250 psig. Where specifically called out in the plans, fittings shall be ductile iron mechanical joint compact fittings per ANSI/A WW A Cl 53. C. Flanges: Flanges for ductile or cast iron pipe shall conform to ANSI B16.1, Class 125. Screwed on flanges shall be attached to the pipe in the shop ; attachment, aligning , and facing shall conform to A WW A C 115. All flanged pipe , including flanged-by-plain end pieces, shall be hydrostatically tested to 175 psig. D. Mechanical Joints : Mechanical joints for use with ductile iron pipe shall conform to A WW A C 111. Carefully assemble mechanical joints in accordance with manufacturer 's recommendations. Lubricate joint surfaces with heavy vegetable soap solution immediately prior to installing gasket on spigot end. If seal is defective, disassemble the joint, thoroughly clean it , and re-assemble the joint. Do not over-tighten bolts to compensate for poor installation practice. E. Seal Strips: Where required on drawings , use Link Seals , as manufactured by Thunderline Corporation, Wayne Michigan, or equal. F. Sleeve-Type Couplings Fort Worth Water Department 15070 -2 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittin gs 1. Sleeve-type couplings shall be as made by Dresser Manufacturing Division, Smith-Blair, Inc., Clow Company, or approved equal. 2. Couplings for buried pipe shall be of cast iron with stainless steel bolts and nuts, unless otherwise indicated. 3 . Couplings for exposed pipe shall be fitted with harness-style couplings or joint restraints with stainless steel nuts and bolts, unless otherwise indicated. 4 . Couplings shall be provided with the gaskets of a composition suitable for exposure to the liquid within the pipe. G. Wall Castings H. I. J. K. PART 3 - 1. Wall castings shall be of the sizes and types shown on the drawings. Flanges and mechanical joint bells shall be drilled and tapped for studs where flush with the wall. 2. Wall casting shall be provided with an intermediate wall collar. The collar shall be located at the center of the overall length of casting for castings set flush with the wall. For castings which extend through the wall, the collar shall be located such that it is within the middle third of the wall . Collars shall either be cast integrally with the casting or shall be of the assembled type consisting of two mechanical joint retainer glands with gasket. Base Bends: Base bends and tees shall have machined and drilled bases. Filler Flanges and beveled filler flanges shall be furnished and installed as required. Filler flanges and beveled filler flanges shall be furnished faced and drilled complete with extra length bolts. Filler flanges shall be Clow F-1984 or equal and beveled filler flanges shall be Clow F-1986 or approved equal. Blind flanges shall be furnished and installed as required. Blind flanges shall be furnishedfaced and drilled to ANSI B16.1, 125 lb standard . Polyethylene Encasement: Encasement for buried pipe shall be 8 mil continuous polyethylene encasement conforming to A WWA C105. EXECUTION 3 .01 HANDLING AND PIPE FITTINGS Fort Worth Water Department 15070 -3 Ductile Iron P ipe and Fi ttings A. Care shall be taken in loading , transporting , and unloading to prevent injury to the pipe or coatings. Pipe or fittings shall not be dropped. All pipe or fittings shall be examined before laying, and no piece shall be installed which is found to be defecti ve. Any damage to the pipe coatings shall be repaired as recommended by the manufacturer. B. If any defective pipe is discovered after it has been laid it shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe in a satisfactory manner at no expense to the Owner. All pipe and fittings shall thoroughly cleaned before laying, shall be kept clean until they are used in the work, and when installed or laid, shall conform to the lines and grades required. 3 .02 LA YING EXTERIOR PIPE AND FITTINGS A. All pipe shall be sound and clean before laying. When laying is not in progress, including lunchtime, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other approved means. Good alignment shall be preserved in laying . The deflection at joints shall not exceed the recommended by manufacturer. Fittings, in addition to those shown on the drawings, shall be provided, if required , in crossing utilities which may be encountered upon opening the trench. B. When cutting pipe is required, the cutting shall be done by machine , leaving a smooth cut at right angles to the axis of the pipe. Cement linings shall be undamaged. C. Joint restraint shall be provided at all fittings and other locations as directed by the Engineer or shown on the drawings . Joint restraint shall be provided by concrete thrust blocks and/or mechanical joint restraint. Where pipe is installed in locations where there is insufficient undisturbed material, mechanical joint restraint and concrete thrust blocks shall be used. For concrete thrust blocks, bearing area shall be adequate to prevent any movement of the fitting . Minimum bearing areas shall be according to Figure 9 of the Fort Worth Water Department Specifications . Concrete shall be placed against undisturbed material , and shall not cover joints, bolts or nuts, or interfere with removal of any joint. Wooden side forms shall be provided for thrust blocks . D. Jointing Ductile Iron Pipe I. Push-on joints shall be made in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Pipe shall be laid with bells looking ahead. A rubber gasket shall be inserted in the groove of the bell end of the pipe, and the joint surfaces cleaned and lubricated. The plain end of the pipe to be entered shall then be inserted in alignment with the bell of the pipe to be joined, and pushed home Fort Worth Water Department 15070 -4 Ductile Iron P ipe and Fittings with a jack or other approved means. After joining the pipe, a metal feeler shall be used to make certain that the rubber gasket is correctly located. 2 . Mechanical joints at valves, fittings, and where designated shall be in accordance with ''Notes on Method of Installation" under ANSI Specification A2 l. l l and the instructions of the manufacturer. To assemble the joints in the field, thoroughly clean the joint surfaces and rubber gasket with soapy water before tightening the bolts. Bolts shall be tight to the specified torques. Under no condition shall extension wrenches or pipe over handle of ordinary ratchet wrench be used to secure greater leverage. 3. Flanged joints shall be made using ring gaskets of rubber with cloth insertion. Gaskets 12 inches in diameter and smaller shall be 1/16 inch thick; larger than 12 inches shall be 3/32 inch thick. Flanged joints shall be made with bolts, bolt studs with nut on each end, or studs with nuts where the flanged is tapped. The number and size of bolts shall conform to the American Standard for Low Carbon Steel, Externally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners, Designation A307-68. Bolt studs shall be of the same quality as machine bolts . 4. Prior to installation of sleeve-type couplings, the pipe ends shall be cleaned thoroughly for a distance of 8 inches. Soapy water may be used as a gasket lubricant. A follower and gasket, in that order, shall be slipped over each pipe to a distance of about 6 inches from the end, and the middle ring shall be placed on the already laid pipe end until it is properly centered over the joint. The other pipe end shall be inserted into the middle ring and brought into proper position in relation to the pipe already laid. The gaskets and followers shall then be pressed evenly and firmly into the middle ring flares. After the bolts have been inserted and the nuts have been made up finger-tight, diametrically opposite nuts shall be progressively and uniformly tightened all around the joint by use of a torque wrench of the appropriate size and torque for the bolts. The correct torque as indicated by a torque wrench shall not exceed 75 ft-lb for 5/8 inch bolts and 90 ft-lb for% inch bolts. 5. After assembly and inspection and before being backfilled, all exterior surfaces of the buried sleeve-type couplings, including the middle and follower rings, bolts, and nuts shall be heavily and thoroughly coated with approved heavy-body bituminous mastic. Care shall be taken and appropriate devices used to ensure that the underside, as well as the more readily accessible parts, are well coated. Where flanged pipe joints are to be on either side of a Fort Worth Water Department 15070-5 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings sleeve-type coupling in the piping, sleeve-coupling bolts should not be made up until the flanged joints have been made. To prevent sleeve-type couplings from pulling apart under pressure, a suitable flange clamp assembly shall be provided and installed where shown in the drawings. 6 . All valves, hydrants, fittings, and other appurtenances needed upon the pipe lines shall be set and jointed as indicated on the drawings or as required. 3 .03 INST ALLING INTERIOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS A. All pipe and fittings shall be installed true to alignment and rigidly supported thrust anchors shall be provided where required. Any damage to linings shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer before the pipe in installed. Each length of pipe shall be cleaned out before erection. B. Sleeves or wall pipe shall be installed of proper sizes for all pipes passing through floors or walls, as shown on the drawings. Where indicated or required for liquid or gas tightness, the pipe shall be sealed with a mechanical seal using Link Seals or approved mechanical method. C . Concrete inserts and hangars for supports shall be furnished and installed in the concrete as it is placed. The inserts shall be set in accordance with the requirements of the piping layout and jointing method and their locations shall be verified from approved piping layout drawings and the structural drawings. D. Flanged joints shall be made with bolts, bolt studs with a nut on each end, or studs where the nut is tapped. The number and size of bolts shall conform to the same American Standard as the flanges. Bolts and nuts shall, except as otherwise specified or noted on the drawings, be Grade B conforming to the ASTM Standard Specification for Low Carbon Steel, Externally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners, Designation A307- 68. Bolt studs shall be the same quality as machine bolts. E. Gaskets shall be ring gaskets of rubber with cloth insertion. Gaskets 12 inches in diameter and smaller shall be 1/16 inch thick; larger than 12 inches in diameter, 3/32 inch thick. F. All valves, fittings, equipment, and appurtenances needed upon the pipelines shall be set and jointed as indicated on the drawings or as required. All pipe and appurtenances connected to equipment shall be supported in such a manner as to prevent any strain being imposed on the equipment. When manufacturers have indicated requirements that piping Fort Worth Water Department 15070 - 6 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings loads shall not be transmitted to their equipment, a certification shall be submitted stating that such requirements have been complied with. 3 .04 SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING All piping and fittings exposed to view shall have its surface prepared and be shop painted as specified under item 9900 "Painting". 3.05 FIELD PRESSURE TEST New mains shall be hydrostatically field tested before acceptance by being placed under 1.5 times system pressure (or 175 psi) for a period of not less than 24 hours. It is the intent of these specifications that all joints be watertight and that all joints which are found to leak either by observation or during any test shall be made watertight by the Contractor. Leakage shall be defined as the quantity of water that must be supplied into the newly laid pipe or any valved section thereof to maintain pressure within 5 psi of the specified test pressure after the pipe has been filled with water and the air expelled. Leakage shall not be measured by a drop in pressure in a test section over time. Allowable leakage shall be defined as any leakage under the following formula: Where : L = SD sqrt (P) I 133,200 L = allowable leakage, in gallons per hour S = length of pipe tested, in feet D = nominal diameter of the pipe, in inches P = average test pressure during the leakage test, in psig If repairs are required, the hydrostatic field test shall be repeated until the pipe installation conforms to the specified requirements. 3.06 PAYMENT All underground ductile iron pipe, fittings, and interior coatings used for sanitary sewer pressure mains shall be paid at the lump sum price for "Underground Piping." All ductile iron pipe, fittings, and interior coatings used in the wetwell and valve vault shall be paid at the lump sum price for "Wetwell and Valve Vault Piping" Fort Worth Water Department 15070-7 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings ITEM 15100 VALVES AND APPURTENANCES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to completely install and put into operation, all valves and appurtenances as specified herein and as shown on the drawings. 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 Related work from "General Contract Documents and Specifications for the Fort Worth Water Department", dated January 1978, shall include: A. El-10, "Gate Valves" B. El-11, "Air Release Valves and Fittings" C. El-26, "Resilient Seat Gate Valves" C. E2-10, "Gate Valve Installation" D. E2-l l, "Air Release Valve Installation" EQUIPMENT A . Gate Valves B. Oil Cushioned Check Valves C. Combination Sewage AirN acuum Valves D. Ball Valves -2" and smaller E. Check Valve -2" and smaller F. Pressure Gauge G. Corporation Stops H. Mechanical Couplings Fort Worth Water Department 15100 -1 Valves and Appurtenances 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS All of the types of valves and appurtenances shall be products of well-established firms who are fully experienced, reputable, and qualified in the manufacture of the particular equipment to be furnished. The equipment shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with the best practices and methods and shall comply with these specifications as applicable. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall furnish Manufacturer's shop drawings clearly showing material sizes, types, styles, parts, catalog numbers, and complete details, including, but not limited to, location, lengths, and connection details. B. The Contractor shall submit the Manufacturer's published literature, including technical bulletins, brochures, and operating and maintenance instructions. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Delivery of Materials: Manufactured materials shall be delivered in original, unbroken pallets, packages, containers, or bundles bearing the label of the manufacturer. B. Storage of Materials: All materials shall be carefully handled to prevent abrasion, cracking, deformations, or other damage. 1.07 WARRANTY Manufacturer shall guarantee against defects in material or workmanship for a period of one (2) years from the data of substantial completion and acceptance testing. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All valves and appurtenances shall be the size shown on the drawings. B. All valves and appurtenances shall have the name of the manufacturer, flow direction arrows, and working pressure for which they are designed cast in raised letters upon some appropriate part of the body. Fort Worth Water Department 15100-2 Valves and Appurtenances 2.02 GATE VALVES A. Gate Valves , 2 through 12 inches: Comply with A WW A C-509 and Fort Worth Water Department specification El-26 "Resilient Seated Gate Valves". 1. Valve shall be resilient seated gate valve. 2. Buried Valves -non-rising stem with extension stem, operating nut, and cast iron valve box and cap. Valves shall open by turning in a clockwise direction. 3. Exposed Valve -Flanged with manual hand-wheel actuator. Valves actuators shall open by turning in a clockwise direction. Contractor shall furnish two 1 O" diameter, one 6" diameter, and one twelve inch diameter gate valve , to be located in valve vault. B. Gate Valves, 14 " diameter and larger, comply with AWWA C-515. 1. Valve shall be resilient seated gate valve, 250 psi working pressure rating. 2. Buried Valves -non-rising stem with extension stem. Valves shall open by turning in a clockwise direction . 3. Exposed Valve -Flanged with manual hand-wheel actuator. ANSI Class 125 flanges. Valves actuators shall open by turning in a clockwise direction 2.03 OIL CUSHIONED CHECK VALVES A. The Contractor shall furnish and install two 1 O" diameter oil controlled swing check valves, bottom dashpot. B. Check valve body shall be cast iron per A WWA C508 having integral flanges and have a centrifugally cast bronze body seat. The body shall have a flush and drain hole. C. Nuts, bolts , and studs shall be Type 316 stainless steel. D. The shaft shall be one-piece stainless steel. The seat ring shall be Buna-N . E. Oil control shall allow free open and positive non-slam control closure of the disk. Closure time and speed shall be adjustable. Fort Worth Water D epartment 15100-3 Valves and Appurtenances 2.04 COMBINATION AIRNACUUMVALVES A. Provide combination air/vacuum valves as shown in drawings. B. Combination valve to be 2" diameter combination air valve. Furnish one 2" combination air/vacuum valves to be located in lift station valve vault. C. Fit valve with quick connect couplings , shut-off valves, unions, and check valves to allow for normal venting into wetwell and to allow for periodic back-flushing. D . Valve shall be capable of withstanding maximum surge pressure (100 psi) without failure. Working pressure for this application is 80 psi. E. The inlet and outlet of the valve shall have the same cross-sectional area. The float shall be guided by a stainless steel guide shaft and seat drip-tight against a synthetic rubber seal. F. The body and cover shall be concentrically located and made of cast iron . The valve's internal parts shall be made of stainless steel. 2.05 BALL VALVES -2" AND SMALLER A. General: Ball valves shall be two piece, manually actuated, 316 stainless steel ball and stem, bronze or cast iron body, full port with blowout proof seams. Ball valves shall have TFE seats and seals. Valves shall be full floating ball and be non-lubricated. Valve seats shall be easily adjustable and replaceable . B. Manufacturer: Ball valves shall be manufactured by Watts, Nibco or approved equal. C. Application: Ball valves shall be placed at following locations within lift station valve vault: 1. At Combination AirN acuum Valve Assembly for flow isolation. 2. At discharge of sump pump piping for flow isolation 3. At pressure gages for flow isolation. 2.06 CHECK VALVES -2" AND SMALLER A. General: Check valves shall be stainless steel body , swing or ball type, 150 psi working pressure. Fort Worth Water D epartment 15100 -4 Valves and Appurtenances B. Manufacturer: Check valves, 2" and smaller, shall be manufactured by Watts or appro ved equal. C. Application: Check valves shall be placed at following locations within lift station valve vault: 1. Discharge pipe of combination air/vacuum valve 2. Discharge pipe of valve vault sump pump. 2.07 PRESSURE GAUGES Pressure gauges shall be 4" diameter, stainless steel, with '/.i'' NPT brass bottom connection with snubber, glycerin filled , 0 to 150 psi rating, mounted as shown on drawings . Pressure gauges shall be Ashcroft or approved equal. 2.08 CORPORATION STOPS Corporation stops shall be of bronze or brass and shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with A WW A Standard C800, except as modified herein. Corporation stops shall have Mueller inlet threads except that corporation stops for use with service clamps shall have IPS threads. 2.09 MECHANICAL COUPLINGS A. Flanged Coupling Adaptors: Clow, Smith-Blair, JCM, or approved equal. B. Solid Sleeve Couplings: Clow F-2533, Smith Blair 441, JCM 210, or approved equal. B. Transition Sleeve Couplings: JCM 212 , Smith Blair 441 , Clow, or approved equal. 2 .10 BACK.FLOW PREVENTION -RPZ Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) backflow preventer shall be Watts , Series 009 1" RPZ. RPZ enclosure to be Wattsbox, insulated aluminum or fiberglass enclosure , complete with lockable hinged lid, permanently anchored, with ability to remove as required for maintenance . PART 3 -EXECUTION Fort Worth Water Department 15100-S Valves and Appurtenances 3.01 INSTALLATION A. All valves and appurtenances shall be installed in the locations shown, true to alignment and rigidly supported. Any damage to the above items shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to installation. B. After installation, all valves and appurtenances shall be tested at the same duration and pressure as the piping system they are in. If any joint proves to be defective, it shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer. C. Install all brackets, extension rods , guides, and various types of operation and appurtenances as shown on the drawings. Before setting items, Contractor shall check all plans and figures which have a direct bearing on their location and he shall be responsible for the proper location of these valves and appurtenances during the construction of the structures. D. All materials shall be carefully inspected for defects in workmanship and materials , all debris and foreign material cleaned out of valve openings, etc ; all operating mechanisms operated to check their proper functioning , and all nuts an bolts checked for tightness. Valves and other equipment which do not operate easily, or are otherwise defective, shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. E. Buried mechanical joints shall be made with cadmium plated bolts. All exposed bolts and nuts shall be cadmium plated. F. Buried valves and valve boxes shall be set with the stem vertically aligned in the center of the gate box. The valve box shall be supported during the backfilling and maintain vertical alignment with finish grade. G. All work to install I" water service shall be performed by a licensed plumber, who is to pull a plumbing permit prior to any work being completed. Plumber shall be responsible for calling in all required inspections, per City plumbing code requirements. 3.02 PAYMENT A. All couplings , sleeves , transition sleeves , and valves used in buried piping shall be considered to be supplemental to the lump sum price for "Underground Yard Piping" B. All valves within the valve vault shall be paid at the lump sum price for "Valve Vault Valves and Accessories", and shall include the labor and materials required to install resilient seat gate valves , oil-cushioned check valves, plug valves, ball valves , combination air/vacuum valves , and the pressure gauges. Fort Worth Water Department 15100-6 Valves and Appurtenances C. All flange coupling adaptors used in valve vault shall be considered subsidiary to the lump sum price for "Wetwell and Valve Vault Piping". D. The tapping saddle, curb stop, corporation, meter box, backflow preventer box, reduced pressure zone backflow preventer, and hose bib shall be paid at the lump sum price for 1" Water Service Assembly . Fort Worth Water Department 15100-7 Valves and Appurtenances PARTl GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK ITEM 15140 SUPPORTS AND HANGARS Provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and related items required to furnish and install all pipe hangers, brackets, saddles, clamps, and supports for all types of piping systems. Pipe hangers and supports shall be furnished complete with all necessary inserts, bolts, nuts, threaded rods, washers, and other accessories. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE Pipe supports and hangers shall be manufactured by a company regularly engaged in the production of pipe supports and hangers such as Eleen, Grinnel, B-Line System, or approved equal. 1.03 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish Manufacturer's shop drawings clearly showing material sizes, types, styles, parts, catalog numbers, and complete details, including, but not limited to, location, lengths, and connection details. Shop drawings shall include the maximum load carrying capacity of the support and the support system arrangement. 1.04 DESIGN CONDITIONS A. In certain locations, pipe supports, anchors, and expansion joints have been shown on the drawings, but no effort has been made to indicate every pipe support, anchor, and expansion joint. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide a complete system of pipe supports, to provide expansion joints, and to anchor all piping, in accordance with this section. Additional pipe supports may be required adjacent to expansion joints or couplings. B. Concrete or fabricated steel supports shall be as indicated on the drawings, as specified in other sections, or, in the absence of such requirements, as permitted by the Engineer. C. All piping shall be rigidly supported and anchored so that there is no movement or visible sagging between supports. Fort Worth Water Department 15140 - I Supports and Hangers - PART2 PRODUCTS 2 .01 MATERIALS A. All hangers, supports , brackets, and clamps located in lift station wetwell shall be stainless steel. All hangers , supports, brackets, and clamps located in valve vault and electrical support structure may be standard weight galvanized steel. B. All vertical risers shall be supported by pipe riser clamps every eight feet maximum. C. PART 3 - Install supports and hangers to permit expansion and contraction of the piping system. When necessary to control expansion and contraction, piping shall be guided and firmly anchored. Anchors shall be approved by the Engineer. No piping shall be self-supporting, nor shall it be supported from equipment connections. Shooting of anchors into concrete will not be allowed. EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Concrete inserts or anchor bolts shall be used to support piping from new cast-in-place concrete. Expansion anchors shall be used to fasten supports to existing concrete or masonry. B. Design loads for inserts, brackets , clamps, supports, and other items shall not exceed the manufacturer's recommended loads. C. Pipe supports shall be manufactured for the size and type of pipe to which they are applied. 3.02 PAYMENT The work to be performed under this item shall be considered supplemental to the lump sum bid item for "Wetwell and Valve Vault Piping" Fort Worth Water Department 15140-2 Supports and Hangers City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No. 06 .048 July, 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 16010 Electrical General Provisions Page 1 of 7 A The General Conditions and Requirements , Special Provisions , are hereby made a part of this Section. B. The Electrical Drawings and Specifications under this Section shall be made a part of the Contract Documents. The Drawings and Specifications of other sections of this contract, as well as supplements issued thereto , information to bidders and pertinent documents issued by the Owner's Representative are a part of these Drawings and Specifications and shall be complied with in every respect. All the above documents will be on file at the office of the Owner's representative and shall be examined by all the bidders . Failure to examine all documents shall not relieve the responsibility or be used as a basis for additional compensation . C. Furnish all work , labor, tools , superintendence , material , equipment and operations necessary to provide for a complete and workable electrical system as defined by the Contract Documents . D. Be responsible for vis iting the site and checking the existing conditions. Ascertain the conditions to be met for installing the work and adjust bid accordingly. E. It is the intent of the Contract Documents that upon completion of the electrical work, the entire system shall be in a finished, workable condition. F. All work that may be called for in the Specifications but not shown on the Drawings, or, all work that may be shown on the Drawings but not called for in the Specifications, shall be performed by the Contractor as if described in both . Should work be required which is not set forth in either document, but which work is nevertheless required for fulfilling of the intent thereof, then the Contractor shall perform all work as fully as if it were specifically set forth in the Contract Documents . G . The definition of terms used throughout the Contract Documents shall be as specified by the following agencies : 1. Underwriters Laboratories 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Associat ion 3 . American National Standards Institute 4 . Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association 5 . National Electrical Code 6 . National Fire Protection Association H. The use of the terms "as (or where) indicated", "as (or where) shown", "as (or where) specified", or "as (or where) scheduled" shall be taken to mean that the reference is made to the Contract Documents , either on the Drawings or in the Specifications , o r both documents . I. The use of the words "furnish", "provide", or "install" shall be taken to mean that the item or facility is to be both furnished and installed under Division 16, unless stated to the contrary that the item or facility is to be either furnished under another Division or under - City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16010 Electrical General Provisions Page 2 of 7 another Contract, furnished under th is Division and installed under another Division or under another Contract, or furnished and installed under another Division or under another Contract. 1.02 PERMITS AND CODES A Secure all permits , licenses, and inspection as required by all authorities having jurisdiction. Give all notices and comply with all laws , ord inances , rules , regulations and contract requirements bearing on the work . B. The minimum requirements of the electrical system installation shall conform to the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, as well as state and local codes . C . Codes and ordinances having jurisdiction and specified codes shall serve as min imum requirements , but, if the Contract Docu·ments indicate requirements which are in excess of those minimum requi rements , then the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be followed . Should there be any conflicts between the Contract Documents and codes, or any ordinances , report these with bid . PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 STANDARDS A All materials and equipment shall conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents . They shall be new , free from defects, and they shall conform to the following standards where these organizations have set standards: 1. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 2. Nat ional Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) 3. American National Standards Association (ANSI) 4 . Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) B. All material and equipment of the same class shall be supplied by the same manufacturer, unless specified to the contrary . C . All products shall bear UL labels where standards have been set for listing . All other products shall be UL labeled. Motor control centers, switchboards, and switchgear shall have UL labels by the manufacturer. Custom panels, modified motor starters , control panels , and instrument panels and the like shall be manufactured by a fabricator approved as a UL508A shop and shall bear a UL 508A (UL Industrial Control Panel) label. D. When the Contractor provides a product for this project he shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and he shall agree to warrant and to be liable for the merchantability and fitness of his product to the applicat ions to which his product is applied under the Contract Documents . 2.02 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS A Shop drawings and submittals shall comply with Section 01300 and as specified herein . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No . 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16010 Electrical General Provisions Page 3 of 7 B. Shop drawings shall be taken to mean detailed drawings with dimensions, schedules, weights, capacities , installation details and pertinent information that will be needed to describe the material or equipment in detail. C . Submittals shall be taken to mean catalog cuts, general descriptive information , catalog numbers and manufacturer's name . D. Submit for review all shop drawings and submittals as hereinbefore called for. E . Review of submittals or shop drawings shall not remove the responsibility for furnishing materials or equipment or proper dimensions, quantity and quality, nor will such review remove the responsibility for error in the shop drawings or submittals . F. Failure to process submittals or shop drawings on any item and/or items specified shall make the Contractor responsible for the suitability for the item and/or items, even though the item and/or items installed appear to comply with the Contract Documents . G. Assume all costs and liabilities which may result from the ordering of any material or equipment prior to the review of the shop drawings or submittals, and no work shall be done until the shop drawings or submittals have been reviewed . In case of correction or rejection, resubmit until such time as they are accepted by the Owner's Representative, and such procedures will not be cause for delay. H . Submittals and shop drawings shall be compiled from the manufacturer's latest product data. Should there be any conflicts between this data and the Contract Documents, report this information for each submittal and/or shop drawing . I. Shop drawings and submittals will be returned and unchecked if the specific items proposed are not clearly marked, or if the General Contractor's approval stamp is omitted . J . When requested , furnish samples of materials for acceptance review. If a sample has been reviewed and accepted , then that item of material or equipment installed on the job shall be equal to the sample ; if it is found that the installed item is not equal, then replace all such items with the accepted sample equivalent. 2.03 ACCEPTANCE AND SUBSTITUTIONS A. All manufacturers named are a basis as a standard of quality and substitutions of any equal product will be considered for acceptance. The judgement of equality of product substitution shall be made by the Engineer. B. Substitutions after award of Contract shall be made only within sixty (60) days after the notice to proceed. Furnish all required supporting data. The submittal of substitutions for review shall not be cause for time extensions. C. Where substitutions are offered, the substituted product shall meet the product performance as set forth in the specified manufacturer's current catalog literature, as well as meeting the details of the Contract Documents . D. The details on the drawings and the requirements of the Specifications are based on the first listed material or equipment. If any other than the first listed material or equipment is furnished , then assume responsibility for the correct function , operation, and accommodation of the substituted item . In the event of misfits or changes in wo r k - -- City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates, No. 06.048 July, 2007 SECTION 16010 Electrical General Provisions Page 4 of 7 required , either in this section or other sections of the Contract, or in both , bear all costs in connection with all changes arising out of the use of other than the first listed item specified . E. Substitutions of products under other sections may occur. Make necessary adjustments and additions to work under Division 16 to accommodate those substitutions. Such adjustments and additions shall be performed in compliance with Division 16 Specifications at no additional charge. F. Energy efficiency of each item of power consuming equipment shall be considered one of the standards for evaluation. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cutting and patch ing required under this section shall be done in a neat workmanlike manner. Cutting lines shall be uniform and smooth . B. Use concrete saws for large cuts in concrete and use core drills for small round cuts in concrete . C . Where openings are cut through masonry walls , provide lintel or other structural support to protect the remaining masonry . Adequate support shall be provided during the cutting operation to prevent damage to masonry . D . Where large open ings are cut through metal surfaces, attach metal angle around the opening . E. Patch concrete openings that are to be filled with nonshrinking cementing compound. Finish concrete patch ing shall be troweled smooth and shall be uniform with surrounding surfaces . 3.02 WATERPROOFING Provide waterproof flashing for each penetration of exterior walls and roofs . 3.03 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. Except where specifically noted or shown, the locations and elevations of equipment are approximate and are subject to small revisions as may prove necessary or desirable at the time the work is installed . Locations changed substantially from that shown on the drawings shall be confirmed with the Engineer in advance of construction . B. Where equipment is being furnished under another Division, request from Engineer an accepted drawing that will show exact dimensions of required locations or connections . Install the required facilities to the exact requirements of the accepted drawings. C . All work shall be done in the best and most workmanlike manner by qualified , careful electricians who are skilled in their trade . The standards of work required throughout shall be of the first class only . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No. 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16010 Electrical General Provisions Page 5 of 7 D. Unless shown in detail , the Drawings are diagrammatic and do not necessarily give exact details as to elevations and routing of raceways, nor do they show all offsets and fittings ; nevertheless, install the raceway system to conform to the structural a nd mechanical conditions of the construction. E. Holes for raceway penetration into sheet metal cabinets and boxes shall be accurately made with an approved tool. Cutting openings with a torch or other device that produces a jagged, rough cut will not be acceptable . F. Cabling inside equipment shall be carefully routed , trained and laced . Cables so placed that they obstruct equipment devices will not be acceptable. G. Equipment shall be set level and plumb . Supporting devices installed shall be set a nd so braced that equipment is held in a rigid , tight-fitting manner. 3 .04 EQUIPMENT PROTECTION A. Provide suitable protection for all equipment, work and property against damage during construction . B. Assume full responsibility for material and equipment stored at the site. C. Conduit openings shall be closed with caps or plugs during installation and made watertight. All outlet boxes and cabinets shall be kept free of concrete, plaster, dirt and debris. D. Equipment shall be covered and tightly sealed against entrance of dust, dirt and moisture. E. All dry-type transformers prior to energization shall be protected against moisture and dirt absorption by a su itable covering . Also, maintain heat inside the covering by means of 100 watt minimum lamps. F. Interiors of and motor control centers shall be kept clean and dry prior to energizatio n. Maintain heat inside each un it with one (1) 100 watt lamp located at bottom of each vertical section or energize section space heaters. 3.05 COOPERATION WITH WORK UNDER OTHER DIVISIONS A. Cooperate with all other trades so as to facilitate the general progress of their work . Allow all other trades every reasonable opportunity for the installation of their work and the storage of their materials. B. The work under this section shall follow the general building construction closely . Set a ll pipe sleeves, inserts, etc., and see that openings for chases, pipes, etc., are provided before concrete is placed or masonry i nstalled . C . Work with other trades in determining exact locations of outlets, conduits , fixtures, a nd pieces of equ ipment to avoid interference with lines as required to mainta in prope r installation of other work. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates, No . 06.048 July, 2007 SECTION 16010 Electrical General Provisions Page 6 of 7 D. Make such progress in work that will not delay the work of other trades . Schedule the work so that completion dates as established by the Engineer are met. Furnish sufficient labor or work overtime to accomplish these requirements if directed to do so . 3.06 INSTALLATION OF WORK UNDER ANOTHER DIVISION A. Verify the electrical capacities of all motors and electrical equipment furnished under other sections, or furnished by the Owner, and request wiring information from the Engineer if wiring requirements are different from that specified under this Section. Do not make rough-ins until equipment verification has been received . B. Install all motors, controllers, terminal boxes, pilot devices, and miscellaneous items of electrical equipment that are not integrally mounted with the equipment furnished under other divisions. All such equipment shall be securely mounted and adequately supported in a neat and workmanlike manner. 3.07 CONTINUOUS SERVICE A. Continuous service shall be maintained on all existing circuits and equipment affected by the work shown on the Contract Documents, except where the Owner will permit outage for a specific time. Obtain Owner's written permission before removing any circuit from continuous service. Where duration of proposed outage cannot be tolerated by the Owner, provide temporary connections or portable generators as required to maintain service. B. Remove all existing electrical equipment and materials made obsolete by the work called for in the Plans and Specifications (including the Civil Drawings). All obsolete exposed conduit and wiring shall be removed back to the source or point of concealment. If removed back to point of concealment, the conduit shall be capped and identified with a permanent tag as to destination. Obsolete wiring shall be removed back to source . Obsolete Breakers in panelboards shall be marked as spares in directory and obsolete units in motor control centers shall be marked as spare with permanent engraved nameplates that match existing nameplates. 3.08 CHANGE ORDERS A. In the event change orders are prepared, they shall each be itemized as to quantities in addition to labor, materials, and overhead . B. Pricing of change orders shall be done in compliance with the latest edition of "Means Electrical Cost Data" and pricing shall not exceed values tabulated therein. 3.09 CLEAN-UP A. Remove all temporary labels, dirt, paint, grease and stains from all exposed equipment. Upon completion of work, clean equipment and the entire installation so as to present a first class job suitable for occupancy . No loose parts or scraps of equipment shall be left on the premises. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No . 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16010 Electrical General Provisions Page 7 of 7 B. Equipment paint scars shall be repaired with paint kits supplied by the equipment manufacturer or with an approved paint. C. Clean interiors of each item of electrical equipment. At completion of work all equipment interiors shall be free from dust, dirt and debris . 3.10 TESTS A Test all systems furnished under Division 16 and repair or replace all defective work . Make all necessary adjustments to the systems and instruct the Owner's personnel in the proper operation of the system . B. Make all circuit breaker and protective relay adjustments and settings . C. Make the following minimum tests and checks prior to energizing the electrical equipment: 1. Check all w ire and cable term inations for tightness . 2. Test all wiring as specified in 16120. 3. Test ground ing system as specified in Section 16450. 4 . Set all transformer taps as required to obtain the proper secondary voltage. 5. Carefully check all interlocking , control and instrument wiring for each system to ascertain that the system will function properly as indicated by schematics , wiring diagrams, or as specified herein. 6. Mechanical inspection of all low voltage circuit breakers, disconnect switches , motor starters , control equipment, etc . for proper operation. 7 . Provide all instruments and equipment required for the above tests . 3.11 RECORD DRAWINGS A At the start and during the progress of the job , keep one separate set of blue-l ine pri nts for making construction notes and mark-ups . B. Show conduit routing and wiring runs as constructed and identify each . C. Record all deviations from the Contract Documents. D. Submit set of marked-up drawings for rev iew . The final payment will not be made until the review is complete . 3.12 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A Six (6) weeks prior to the completion of the project , compile an Operations and Maintenance Manual on each item of equipment. These manuals shall include detailed instructions and maintenance as well as spare parts lists. B. Submit copies for review as hereinbefore specified . C. Prelim inary Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall be included with the init ial shipments . END OF SECTION City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE SECTION 16110 Raceways Page 1 of 8 A. This section shall include raceways , enclosures, supporting devices ancillary fittings and appurtenances. Furnish and install the complete raceway systems as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein . B. Raceway is a broad-scope term that shall be defined by the National Electrical Code under Article 100. 1.02 APPLICATIONS A. Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings , or otherwise specified , conduit raceways shall be of the following type : 1. All underground conduit runs shall be made with schedule 40 PVC . Bends to grade shall be made with plastic coated rigid galvanized steel conduit. 2 . Exposed power and control and instrumentation conduit shall be rigid aluminum conduit. 1.03 SUBMITTALS AND SHOP DRAWINGS A. Process catalog submittals for the following : 1. Rigid Metallic Aluminum Conduit 2 . Plastic Jacketed Rigid Steel Conduit 3 . Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit 4 . Liquid-tight Flexible Conduit 5 . Liquid-tight Fittings 6. Conduit Bushings 7 . Conduit Bodies 8. Conduit Sealing Fittings 9 . Cast Metal Boxes 10 . Tape Products 11 . Wiring Devices 12. Supporting Devices 13. Labels 14. Grounding Devices 15. Foam Sealant PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .01 RACEWAYS A. Rigid metallic aluminum conduit shall be manufactured of 6063 alloy , T -1 temper, with no more than 0.02% copper content. All conduit couplings shall be threaded aluminum . All such conduit shall be listed with UL and comply w ith UL-6 and ANSI C80 .5 . Aluminum conduit shall be lndalex, Hydroaluminum , or equal. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 161 10 Raceways Page 2 of 8 B. Rigid metallic steel conduit shall be hot-dip galvanized inside and outside and over threads . All such conduit shall comply with U.L. Standard UL-6 , Federal Specification WWC-581-D , ANSI C90 .1, and NEMA RN1-1980. Furnish Wheatland , Allied or equal. C . Plastic coated rigid steel conduit shall consist of rigid steel body that complies with above specifications for rigid metallic steel condu it , plus conduit shall have 40 mil thick heat-fused PVC over outside and 2 mil coat of fully catalyzed phenolic inside. The inside coat shall have the chemical resistance of the outer coating and shall not dissolve in lacquer thinner. All couplings shall be equipped with PVC sleeves that extend one pipe diameter or 2", whichever is less , beyond the end of the coupling. All plastic coated conduit shall conform to NEMA Standard #RNl-1974 (Type A) and such conduit shall be Robroy "Plastibond Red", or equal. D. Non-metallic rigid conduit shall be Schedule 40 PVC. Such conduit shall be UL listed for 90 degrees C and shall conform to NEMA TC-2 and UL-651 standards . Furnish Carlon, Cantex , or equal. Furnish manufacturer's approved solvent for joining couplings . E. Liquid-tight flexible conduit shall consist of hot-dipped galvanized , flexible interlocking steel core with thermoplastic cover, integral copper ground wire (through 1-1 /4" trade size) and shall be Anaconda Sealtite or equal. 2.02 CONDU IT FITTINGS A. NEMA 4 locknuts for rigid metallic conduit shall consist of galvanized steel body with neoprene sealing ring. Furnish Crouse-Hinds , T&B , or equal. B. NEMA 1 locknuts for rigid metallic conduits shall be galvanized steel for use with galvanized steel conduit and hardened aluminum for use with aluminum conduit: C. Conduit field -applied hubs for sheet metal enclosures shall be aluminum body with recessed neoprene sealing ring , threaded NPT insert, and shall be, T&B 370 AL series, or equal products by OZ/Gedney . D. Conduit hubs for non-metallic enclosures shall be fiberglass polyester reinforced with galvanized steel core, complete with locknut and grounding bushing . All such hubs shall be Crouse-Hinds Type NHU , or equal. E. Rigid metallic conduit chase nipples, split couplings, slip fittings, unions, reducers, and enlargers, shall be hot-dip or mechanically galvanized malleable iron. F. Rigid metallic conduit short els and long els shall be hot-dip galvanized malleable iron with NPT threaded hubs and male ends . Throats shall be smooth and free from burrs. All such fittings shall be OZ/Gedney Type "9" Series, Appleton, or equal. G . Rigid metallic conduit split couplings shall have threaded body with split tightening shelves with neoprene sandwich . Furnish malleable iron mechanically galvanized body. Such fittings shall be OZ type "SSP", or equal. H. Rigid metallic conduit grounding bushings shall be aluminum body with threaded hub , bakelite insulated throat , and tin-plated copper ground lug . Furnish OZ/Gedney type ABLG , or equal. - City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16110 Raceways Page 3 of 8 I. Liquid-tight flexible conduit fittings shall be hot-dip galvanized steel body with internal locking ring and ground cone plus external ground wire fitting . Furnish straight or angle connectors as required . All such connectors shall be OZ/Gedney 4Q series, or equal. J. Rigid metallic conduit expansion/deflection fittings shall consist of ga lvanized malleable iron hubs with heat-fused epoxy coating , flexible neoprene joining sleeve banded to hubs with stainless steel bands, and with internal bonding jumper and guide cones . Furnish Crouse-Hinds type "XD" or equal. K. Rigid metallic conduit expansion fittings shall consist of metallic barrel joined to hubs at each end . One hub shall be threaded to barrel and other hub shall have slip fit to allow up to four (4") inches of conduit lateral movement. Provide external bonding jumper for each expansion jo int. Furnish Crouse-Hinds type "XJ'', OZ Type "AX", or equal. L. Condu it waterstops for sealing inside of conduit runs shall consist of aluminum pressure discs w ith sandwiched neoprene seal and with 316 sta inless steel hardware . Furn ish OZ/Gedney type "CS" series products, as indicated. 2.03 CONDUIT BODIES AND BOXES A. Conduit bodies such as "C", "LB", "T" and the like pulling fittings shall be zinc coated with malleable iron or alum inum (material shall match conduit). Covers for damp and/or wet location use shall be gasketed cast metal with "wedge-nut" clamps . Covers for dry locations shall be cast alum inum and hardware shall be 316 stainless steel. All covers shall be equipped with clamp type clevises . Furnish Crouse-H inds Form 7, or Appleton Form "FM7" products . B. Conduit bodies for use in corrosive areas shall be as specified above but shall have 40 mil plastic coated PVC jacket and 2 mil interior coating as specified for plastic coated rigid steel conduit. Furnish Robroy Plasti-bond Red fittings or equal. C. Conduit bodies such as "GUA'', "GUAT", "GUAL", and the like pulling/splicing fittings shall be cast aluminum with threaded cast aluminum covers. All such conduit bodies shall be Killark "GE" series, or equal products by Crouse-H inds or Appleton . D. Cast metal outlet boxes , pullboxes , and junction boxes whose volume is smaller than 100 cubic inches , and cast metal device boxes , shall be sand-cast, copper-free aluminum or zinc coated sand-cast malleable iron. All boxes shall have threaded hubs . Furn ish Crouse-Hinds "FD" style condulets, Appleton "FD" style Unilets , or equal. E. Covers for cast metal boxes shall be gasketed cast metal covers with 316 stainless steel screws and shall be suitable for use in wet or damp locations . 2.04 PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES A. Pull boxes and junction boxes whose volume is less than 100 cub ic inches shall be furnished as specified here inbefore except where sheet metal types are shown , in which case , furnish such sheet metal enclosures in NEMA 4X 304 stainless steel construction w ith gasketed covers of same material. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16110 Raceways Page 4 of 8 B . Pullboxes and junction boxes whose volume is 100 cubic inches and greater shall be NEMA 4X 304 grade stainless steel type with gasketed stainless steel covers. Provide print pocket and interior back panel for mounting of terminal strips where terminal strips are called for on the drawings . Sheet metal boxes shall be as manufactured by Hoffman or equal. C. Covers for sheetmetal pullboxes and junction boxes over 100 cubic inches (and for smaller sized where shown) shall have hinged doors . All hardware shall be stainless steel. D. Cast metal junction boxes shall be cast aluminum type with gasketed, cast metal covers and with stainless steel cover screws . 2.05 LABELS A Buried conduit marking tape for marking path of secondary buried conduits shall be four (4") inch nominal width strip of polyethylene with highly visible, repetitive marking "BURIED CONDUIT" or similar language, repeated along its length. B . Voltage warning labels for cabinets shall be waterproof vinyl strips with adhesive back and shall have "DANGER (VOLTAGE) -DISCONNECT ALL SOURCES OF POWER BEFORE ENTERING". Letters shall be highly visible red color on white background. 2.06 SUPPORTING DEVICES A Mounting hardware, nuts, bolts, lockwashers, and washers, shall be Grade 304 stainless steel. B. Unless otherwise indicated, channel framing and supporting devices shall be manufactured of ASTM 6063, T06 grade aluminum; 1-5/8" wide x 3-1/4" deep (double opening type). Clamp nuts for use with channels shall be grade 304 stainless steel. C . Where indicated, furnish grade 304 stainless steel slotted channel members 1-5/8" wide x 1-5/8" deep or 1 5/8" x 3 1/4" deep, double-faced type . All hardware and conduit clamps shall be grade 316 stainless steel. D. Conduit clamp supports for terminating conduits onto cable trays shall be mechanically galvanized malleable iron with adjustable angle clamp. Fittings shall be provided wi t h 316 stainless steel hardware. Furnish OZ/Gedney type CTC products. E . All such channel members and fittments shall be 8-Line, Unistrut or equal. F. Conduit straps, and associated nuts, lockwashers and bolts for use with channels shall be 304 stainless steel with 316 stainless steel hardware. Furnish 8-Line products or equal. G . After-set concrete inserts (drilled expansion shields "D.E.S .") shall consist of two types . For anchors to accommodate 5/16" diameter bolts and smaller, provide HIL Tl "HDI" series 304 stainless steel anchors . For anchors to accommodate 3/8" diameter and larger bolts, provide HIL Tl "HVA" series with 316 stainless steel threaded inserts . - - City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16110 Raceways Page 5 of 8 H . Hanger rod shall be 3/8" minimum diameter Type 304 stainless steel all-thread. I. One hole conduit clamps shall be two piece nest-back or clamp-back type constructed of cast malleable iron or copper-free aluminum. The material shall match the conduit. Furnish Crouse-Hinds series 500 clamp + series CB spacer, OZ/Gedney 14G clamp + series 141G spacer+ series 141NG nest-back (if required) or T&B 1270/1280 series clamp + 1350 series spacer. Add suffix "AL" to T&B part number for aluminum conduit. J. Conduit beam clamps shall be hot-dip galvanized malleable iron and shall be as follows : TYPE MANUFACTURER Right Angle OZ/Gedney Type "UBCG", or equal. Parallel Edge OZ/Gedney Type "UPCG", or equal. OZ/Gedney Type "UECG", or equal. K . Hanger rod beam clamps shall be clamp type with hardened steel , bolt, Steel City "500" Series , Crouse-Hinds type "MW", or equal. Furnish swivel stud for each rod make-up . L. Conduit "J" hangers shall consist of steel straddle with detachable bolt. Finish shall be electro-galvanized. Furnish Kindorf type "C-149", Unistrut "J-1200" Series , or equal. M . Conduit "U" bolts shall be hot-dip galvanized steel with 304 stainless steel hex-head bolts . N. Equipment stands for supporting devices such as control stations, device boxes and the like, shall consist of a welded structural steel c-channel and plate steel floor plate as detailed on the drawings. Equipment stands shall be hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication. 2 .07 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL A. Double bushings for insulating wiring through sheet metal panels shall consist of mating male and female threaded phenolic bushings. Phenolic insulation shall be high-impact thermosetting plastic rated 150 degrees C. Furnish OZ Type "ABB", or equal. B. Conduit pull-cords for use in empty raceways shall be glass-fiber reinforced tape with foot-marked identification along its length . Furnish Thomas, Greenlee, or equal products . C . Conduit thread coating compound shall be conductive, non-galling, and corrosion- inhibiting. Furnish Crouse-Hinds Type "STL", Appleton Type "ST", or equal. D . Plastic compound for field-coating of ferrous material products shall be PVC in liquid form that sets-up semi-hard upon curing . Furnish Rob Roy "Rob Kote", or equal. E. Zinc spray for coating galvanized steel threads shall be Research Laboratory type "LPS", Mobil "Zinc-Spray" or equal conductive zinc-rich spray enamel product. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16110 Raceways Page 6 of 8 ~ F. Foam sealant for waterproofing uses shall be AV280 Hydrofoam by Avanti International of Webster, Tx, or equal. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3 .01 RACEWAYS A. Install the conduit system to provide the facility with the utmost degree of reliability and maintenance free operation. The conduit system shall have the appearance of having been installed by competent workmen. Kinked conduit, conduit inadequately supported or carelessly installed, do not give such reliability and maintenance free operation and will not be accepted . B. Raceways shall be installed for all wiring runs, except as otherwise indicated. C . Conduit sizes, where not indicated , shall be N.E.C. code-sized to accommodate the number and diameter of wires to be pulled into the conduit. Unless otherwise indicated, 3/4" trade-size shall be minimum size conduit. D . Unless otherwise noted, conduit runs shall be installed exposed . Such runs shall be made parallel to the lines of the structure . Conduit shall be installed such that it does not create a tripping hazard or an obstruction for headroom . E. All runs of rigid conduit shall be threaded, and all male threads shall be coated with non- galling thread compound prior to assembly . F. Plastic coated metallic conduit lengths shall be joined with threaded metallic coupling that shall be each equipped with a 40 mil thickness sleeve that shall extend over the threads of the joined conduit. Each joint shall be watertight. G . Field -cut threads in runs of plastic coated metallic conduit shall be cut with a special d ie that has rear reamed out oversize so as to slip over plastic coating . Do not attempt t o cut threads on plastic coated conduit with regular dies, whereby plastic coating is skinned back to allow the incorrect die to be used . Coat all field-cut threads with cold- galvanizing spray, use two coats to provide 1-mil minimum coating thickness . H. Conduit runs made in concrete pours or surface-mounted runs that are attached to the structure, shall be equipped with an expansion/deflection fitting where they cross an expansion joint, or at every 100 feet. I. Unless otherwise shown, conduit penetrations through floors located below enclosures , shall be made each with couplings set flush with the outside faces of the concrete pour. Each pair of couplings shall be joined with a threaded spool piece . Use coated aluminum or galvanized steel couplings. J . Rig id metallic conduit runs shall have their couplings and connections made with sc rewed fittings and shall be made up wrench -tight. Check all threaded conduit joints prior to wire pull. Coat all male threads with Crouse-H inds "STL" or equal, conductive lubricant prior to jo ining . l --- City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16110 Raceways Page 7 of 8 K . All conduit runs shall be watertight over their lengths of run, except where drain fittings are indicated . In which cases , install specified drain fittings . L. Plastic jacketed flexible steel conduit shall be used to connect wiring to motors , limit switches, bearing thermostats , and other devices that may have to be removed for servicing. Unless otherwise indicated, maximum lengths of flex shall be three (3') feet. M. Where plastic jacketed flex is installed, make up terminal ends with liquid -tight flex connectors. In wet locations , install sealing gaskets on each threaded male connector. Each flex connector shall be made-up tightly so that the minimum pull-out resistance is at least 150 lbs . Install external spirally-wrapped ground wire around each run of liquid- tight flex and bond each end to specified grounding-type fittings . N . Empty conduits shall have pull-ropes installed . Identify each terminus as to location of other end and trade size of conduit. Use blank plastic waterproof write-on label and write information on each label with waterproof ink. Pull a mandrel through each conduit to check and clear blockage before installing pull-rope. Owner's representat ive shall witness test. Provide documentation that all conduits are clear and ready for future use . Cap exposed ends of empty conduit with threaded plugs . 0 . Conduit runs into boxes , cab inets and enclosures shall be set in a neat manner. Vertical runs shall be set plumb . Conduits set cocked or out of plumb will not be acceptable . P . Conduit entrances into equipment shall be carefully planned. Cutting away of enclosure structure , torching out sill or braces, and removal of enclosure structural members , will not be acceptable . Q . Use approved hole cutting tools for entrances into sheet metal enclosure . Use of cutting torch or incorrect tools w ill not be acceptable . Holes shall be cleanly cut and they shall be free from burrs , jagged edges , and torn metal. R. All raceways shall be swabbed clean after installation . There shall be no debris left inside. All interior surfaces shall be smooth and free from burrs and defects that would injure wire insulation . 3 .02 CONDUIT BODIES AND BOXES A. Conduit bodies such as "LB", "T", "GUAT", etc., shall be installed in exposed runs of condu it wherever indicated and where required to overcome obstructions and to provide pull ing access to wiring . Covers for such fittings shall be accessible and unobstructed by the adjacent construction . GUA series pulling bodies rather than LB fitt ings and the like, shall be used for splicing purposes as well as pulling access . B. Covers for all conduit bodies shall be installed w ith gasketed cast metal type where loca t ed in damp or wet locations . C . All conduit boxes installed whose inside volume is less than 100 cubic inches shall be cast metal type with gasketed cast metal cover, unless otherwise indicated. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16210 Electrical Uti lity Service Page 2 of 2 G. The Contractor shall coordinate a schedule with ONCOR to provide power to meet project schedule requirements. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 RACEWAYS Raceways shall be as specified under Section 16110 , or as required by ONCOR. 2 .02 WIRE AND CABLE Service wire and cable (480 volt) shall be as specified under Section 16120. 2 .03 UNDERGROUND Underground shall be as specified under Section 16410 and as specified herein. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Underground conduit shall be installed per Section 16410. B. Coordinate with electric ut ility (ONCOR) inspector for inspection of transocket installation and underground work prior to trenching and backfilling and as otherwise required by utility . C. Pull a mandrel through each conduit to check and clear blockage. Install service conductors with cable as specified under RACEWAY SECTION . Install a mule tape (pull tape - a flat ribbon, consecutively numbered in feet , which is usually made of polyester or aramid yarn and may be coated with plastic for waterproofing) in the empty conduit for use by ONCOR. D. The new service shall operate in parallel with the existing service until the new lift station . is in service. Remove the existing service after the new service and lift station is in service . END OF SECTION l City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July , 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 1 of 12 A. Furnish to the City a skid mounted standby generator in a sound attenuated enclosure as specified herein . Work shall include all necessary materials, equipment, labor, and services. B. Auxiliary and accessory devices necessary for system operation or performance , such as relays or terminals to interface with other Sections of these Specifications, shall be included . C. Generator shall be 277/480 volt three phase four wire with isolated wye connected neutral. 1.02. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM Provide a Standby diesel fueled power system to supply electrical power in event of failure of normal supply , consisting of a liquid cooled engine , an AC alternator and system controls with all necessary accessories for a complete operating system , including but not limited to the items as specified hereinafter. 1.03 CODES AND STANDARDS A An electric generating system , consisting of a prime mover, generator, governor, coupling and all controls , must have been tested , as a complete unit , on a representative engineering prototype model of the equipment to be sold . B. The generator set must conform to applicable National Electrical Code and applicable inspection authorities . The generator set and supplied accessories shall meet the requirements of the following standards : 1. IEEE446 -Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Commercial and Industrial Applications 2. Mil Std 461 D -1993. Military Standard, Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics . 3. Mil Std 462D -1993 . Military . Standard , Measurement of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics . 4 . NFPA70 -National Electrical Code. Equipment shall be suitable for use in systems in compliance to Article 700 , 701 , and 702 . 5. NFPA 110 -Emergency and Standby Power Systems . The generator set shall meet all requirements for Level 1 systems . Level 1 prototype tests required by this standard shall have been performed on a complete and functional unit. Component level type tests will not substitute for this requirement. 6 . NEMA MG1-1998 Part 32 . Alternator shall comply w ith the requirements of this standard . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06.048 July, 2007 7. UL 142 -Sub-base Tanks 8. UL 1236 -Battery Chargers SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 2 of 12 9. UL2200. The generator set shall be listed to UL2200 or submit to an independent third party certification process to verify compliance as installed . C. The generator set must be available with the Underwriters Laboratories listing as a stationary engine generator assembly . D. The control system for the generator set shall comply with the following standards . 1. CSA C22 .2, No . 14 -M91 Industrial Control Equipment. 2 . EN50082-2, Electromagnetic Compatibility -Generic Immunity Requirements, Part 2: Industrial. 3. EN55011 , Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Industrial , Scientific and Medical Equipment. 4. IEC8528 part 4 . Control Systems for Generator Sets 5. IEC Std 801.2, 801.3, and 801.5 for susceptibility, conducted , and radiated electromagnetic emissions . 6. UL508A. The entire control system of the generator set shall be UL508A listed and labeled. 1.04 SUBMITIAL AND SHOP DRAWINGS A. Process catalog data submittals for the following : 1. Engine 2. Generator 3. Control panel 4 . Battery charger 5. Jacket water heater 6 . Enclosure 7. Muffler 8. Day Tank 9. Standard and Optional Accessories 10 . Diagram showing auxiliary relay contact terminations 8 . Process dimensioned shop drawings for the generator set skid showing sub-base fuel tank, enclosure, control panel, circuit breaker, silencer (muffler) and location of accessories. C. A statement that that the submitted generator set meets the complies with the specifications including any exceptions taken. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 3 of 12 D . Process shop drawings for the schematic wiring and interconnection diagrams identifying by terminal number each required interconnection between the generator set , the transfer switch , and the external unit alarms and the 120/208 volt power wiring . E. Provide seven complete sets of Engineering Submittals for approval, prior to production release, showing all components , in addition to the engine and generator. Submittals shall include compliance with these specifications. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. The generator set shall be supplied by Stewart & Stevenson (Detroit Diesel), Southern Caterpillar supplier or an approved equal who has been regularly engaged in the production of engine-alternator sets and associated controls thereby identifying one source of supply and responsibility. The supplier must be the parts and service supplier, preventative maintenance supplier, and warranty administrator of all equipment on the unit including the engine . B. To be classified as a manufacturer, the builder of the generator set must manufacture, at a minimum, engines or alternators . C . The manufacturer shall have printed literature and brochures describing the standard series specified . It shall not be a one of a kind fabricated machine. D . Alternate equipment shall not be submitted with lower rated Horsepower, Cubic Inch Displacement, or KW ratings at 0.8 PF than the equipment included in the specification without prior approval. 2 .02 EQUIPMENT A. The generator set shall be as listed below by manufacturer Manufacturer Detroit Diesel Spectrum Kohler Cummins Power Generation Model 230DSE 230REOZV QSM11-G1 Alternator 4UA9 4UA9 kW/ kVA (.8 PF) 240/300 240/300 250/313 Should any substitutions be made, the contractor shall bear responsibility for the installation, coordination and operation of the system as well as any engineering and redesign costs that may result from such substitutions . Alternate equipment suppliers shall furnish equipment submittals 14 days prior to bid date for approval to bid . As part of the submittals , the substitute manufacturer shall supply as a minimum engine , alternator and control panel wiring diagrams and schematics . A separate list of all printed circuit boards with part numbers and current pricing must also be included. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 4 of 12 B. The allowable voltage dip when starting the following loads shall not exceed 21 % Step One . Lighting & Misc. Equipment 15KVA Transformer 208Y/120 Volt Step two. One 130Hp-LS submersible pump, 1.15 SF, Code H, 149 F.L.A. equipped with soft start. C. Vibration isolators shall be provided between the engine-generator and heavy-duty steel base 2.03 ENGINE A. The prime mover shall be a liquid cooled, diesel fueled , turbocharged engine design. The prime mover shall have a 6 cylinder block with a minimum displacement of cubic inches and horsepower as listed by the following manufacturers at 1800 rpm: Manufacturer Detroit Diesel Series 60 Volvo Cummins Cubic Inches 778 586 661 Horsepower 365 394 395 B. The generator set shall be capable of this rating while operating in a high ambient condition of 120°F (48°C) and 800 feet above sea level. Stewart & Stevenson, Cliffo rd Power, or Southern Plains or an approved equal from Caterpillar who has been regularly engaged in the production of engine-alternator sets shall supply this system. The supplier must be the parts and service supplier and warranty administrator of all equipment on the unit including the engine . C. The engine is to be cooled with a unit mounted radiator , fan, water pump, and closed coolant recovery system providing visual diagnostic means to determine if the system is operating with a normal engine coolant level. The radiator shall be designed for the high ambient operation in 120 degrees Fahrenheit, 48 degrees Celsius high ambient temperature as measured at the alternator air inlet. D. The intake air filter(s) with replaceable element must be mounted on the unit. Full pressure lubrication shall be supplied by a positive displacement lube oil pump . The engine shall have a replaceable oil filter with internal bypass and replaceable elements . Engine coolant and oil drain extensions must be provided to outside of the mounting base for cleaner and more convenient engine servicing. A fan guard must be installed for personnel safety . E. Remote 2-wire starting shall be by a solenoid shift, electric starter. F. Engine speed shall be governed by electronic governor to maintain alternator frequency within .5% from no load to full load alternator output. Steady state regulation is to be 0 .25%. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 5 of 12 G . The engine fuel system shall be designed for operation on No. 2 diesel fuel. A secondary fuel filter , water separator, manual fuel priming pump , fuel shutoff solenoid and all fuel lines must be installed at the point of manufacture . H. Sensing elements to be located on the engine for low oil pressure shutdown, high coolant temperature shutdown, low coolant level shutdown, over-speed shutdown and over-crank shutdown . These sensors are to be connected to the control panel us ing a wiring harness with the following features : Wire number labeling on each end of the wire run for easy identification , a molded rubber boot to cover the electrical connection on each sensor to prevent corrosion and all wiring to be run in flexible conduit for protection from the environment and any moving objects . I. The manufacturer shall supply its recommended stainless steel, flexible connector to couple the engine exhaust manifold to the exhaust system. J . The engine shall have a unit mounted , thermostatically controlled water jacket heater to . aid i n quick starting . It will be of adequate wattage as recommended by the engine manufacturer. The contractor shall provide proper branch circuit from normal utility power source . K. The manufacturer will supply its recommended flexible fuel line to connect the engine to the external fuel source. On stationary applications the fuel line shall match the fuel fitting on the unit base rail and have braided sta inless steel covering with brass fittings. L. The eng ine shall be EPA certified for the location for cu r rent requirements. 2.04 AL TERNA TOR A. The alternator shall be salient-pole, brushless, 12-lead reconnectable , self-ventilated of drip-proof construction with amortisseur rotor windings and skewed stator for smooth voltage . waveform. The insulation shall meet the NEMA standard (MG1 -22.40 and 16.40) for Class Hand be insulated with epoxy varnish to be fungus resistant per MIL 1- 24092. Temperature rise of the rotor and stator shall be limited to 130 °C . The excitation system shall be of brushless construction controlled by a solid state voltage regulator capable of maintaining voltage within +/-2% at any constant load from 0% to 100% of rating . The regulator must be isolated to prevent tracking when connected to SCR loads , and provide individual adjustments for voltage range , stability and volts-per- hertz operations ; and be protected from the environment by conformal coating . B. The generator set shall meet the transient performance requirements of ISO 8528-5 , level G-2 . C . The alternator excitation shall be of a permanent magnet exciter design . D. The generator shall be inherently capable of sustaining at least 250% of rated current for at least 1 O seconds unde r a 3-phase symmetrical short circuit without the addition of separate current support devices . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 6 of 12 E. The generator, having a single maintenance-free bearing , shall be directly connected to the flywheel housing with a semi-flexible coupling between the rotor and the flywheel. F. A thermal magnetic UL listed main line circuit breaker rated at 400 amps must be mounted in the AC connection panel. The line side connections are to be made at the factory. A system utilizing a manual reset field circuit breaker and current transformers is unacceptable . 2 .05 WEATHER ENCLOSURE A. All enclosures are to be constructed from G60 galvanized high strength, low alloy steel B. The enclosure shall be primed with BASF urethane and finish coated with BASF Super System paint. Enclosures will be finished in the manufacturer's standard color. C. The enclosures must allow the generator set to operate at full load in an ambient of 50°C with no additional derating of the electrical output. D. The enclosures must meet all of the requirements of UL-2200 . E. Enclosures must be equipped with sufficient side and end doors to allow access for operation, inspection, and service of the unit and all options. Minimum requirements are two doors per side. When the generator set controller faces the rear of the generator set, an additional rear facing door is required. Access to the controller and main line circuit breaker must meet the requirements of the National Electric Code . F. Doors must be hinged with stainless steel hinges and hardware and be removable . G . Doors must be equipped with lockable latches and flush mounted door latches. Locks must be keyed alike. H. Enclosures must be mounted to the generator set skid . I. The enclosure roof must be pitched to prevent accumulation of water. J. A duct between the radiator and air outlet must be provided to prevent re-circulation of hot air. K. The complete exhaust system shall be internal to the enclosure . Enclosures with roof mounted or externally exposed silencers are not acceptable . L. The silencer shall be an insulated critical silencer grade with a tailpipe and rain cap . All components must be properly sized to assure operation without excessive backpressure when installed. M. All acoustical foam must be fixed to the mounting surface with pressure sensitive adhesive . In addition , all acoustical foam mounted a horizontal plane must be City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 7 of 12 mechanically fastened. The acoustical foam must have a protective film facing to act as a barrier for liquids . N. The enclosures must include an exhaust scoop to direct the cooling air in a vertical direction . 0. The maximum average sound level shall not exceed 75 dbA at 3 meters . 2 .06 FUEL TANK A. A double wall sub base fuel tank shall be provided in conjunction with the diesel powered generator set. The fuel tank shall provide sufficient capacity to support the generator set for a period of 12 hours at 100% of rated load. B. The sub base fuel system shall be listed under UL 142 , sub section entitled Special Purpose Tanks EFVT category , and will bear their mark of UL Approval according to their particular classification. C. The above ground steel secondary rectangular containment tank for use as a sub base for diesel generators shall manufactured and installed in accordance with the Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code-NFPA 30, the Standard for Installation and Use of Stationary Combustible Engine and Gas Turbines-NFPA 37 , and Emergency and Standby Power Systems-NFPA 110. D. Construction: 1. Primary: The fuel tank shall rectangular in shape and constructed in clam shell fashion to ensure maximum structural integrity and allow the use of a full throat fillet weld. 2. Steel Channel Support System: Reinforced steel box channel for generator support, with a load rating of 5 ,000 lbs. per generator set mounting hole location. Full height gussets at either end of channel and at gen set mounting holes shall be utilized. 3. Exterior Finish: The exterior coating shall be tested to withstand continuous salt spray testing at 100 percent exposure for 244 hours to a 5 percent salt solution at 92-97° F. The coating shall be subjected to full exposure humidity testing to 100 percent humidity at 100° F for 24 hours. Tests are to be conducted in accordance with The American Standard Testing Methods Society. 4. Normal Venting: Normal venting shall be Sized in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute Standard No 2000, Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks not less than 1-1/4" (3 cm .) nominal inside diameter. A 1 -1/4" atmospheric mushroom cap shall be furnished and the installing contractor shall pipe above the highest fill point as a minimum 5. Emergency Venting : The emergency vent opening shall be sized to accommodate the total capacity of both normal and emergency venting and shall be not less than that -derived from NFPA 30, table 2-8, and based on the wetted surface area of the City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 8 of 12 tank. The wetted area of the tank shall be calculated on the basis of 100 percent of the primary tank . A zinc plated emergency pressure relief vent cap shall be furnished for the primary tank . The vent shall be spring-pressure operated . Opening pressure to be 0.5/psig and full opening pressure to be 2.5 psig. Limits shall be stamp marked on top of each vent. The emergency relief vent shall be sized to accommodate the total venting capacity of both normal and emergency vents . 6. Fuel Fill: There shall be a 2" NPT opening within the primary tank with an 8" raised fill pipe and lockable manual fill cap. 7 . Fuel Level: A direct reading, UL listed, magnetic fuel level gauge with a hermetically sealed vacuum tested dial shall be provided to eliminate fogging . 8. Low Fuel Level Switch: Shall consist of a 50 watt float switch for remote or local annunciation of a (50% standard) low fuel level condition . 2 .07 CONTROLLER A. Set-mounted controller capable of facing right, left, or rear, shall be .vibration isolated on the generator enclosure. The controller shall be capable of being remote-mounted . The microprocessor control board shall be moisture proof and capable of operation from - 40°C to 85°C . Relays will only be acceptable in high-current circuits. 8. Circuitry shall be of plug-in design for quick replacement. Controller shall be equipped to accept a plug-in device capable of allowing maintenance personnel to test controller performance without operating the engine. The controller shall include the following features: 1. Fused DC circuit. 2. Complete 2-wire start/stop control , which shall operate on closure of a remote contact. 3. Speed sensing and a second independent starter motor disengagement system shall protect against starter engagement with a moving flywheel. Battery charging alternator voltage will not be acceptable for this purpose. 4 . The starting system shall be designed for restarting in the event of a false engine start, by permitting the engine to completely stop and then re-engage the starter. 5. Cranking cycler with 15-second ON and OFF cranking periods . 6. Overcrank protection designed to open the cranking circuit after 75 seconds if the engine fails to start . 7. Circuitry to shut down the engine when signal for high coolant temperature, low oil pressure, or overspeed is received . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06.048 July, 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 9 of 12 8. Engine cooldown timer factory set at 5 minutes to permit unloaded running of the standby set after transfer of the load to normal. 9. 3-position (Automatic-OFF-TEST) selector switch: In the TEST position , the engine shall start and run regardless of the position of the remote starting contacts . In the Automatic position, the engine shall start when contacts in the remote control circuit close and stop 5 minutes after those contacts open . In the OFF position, the engine shall not start even though the remote start contacts close . This position shall also provide for immediate shutdown in case of an emergency. Reset of any fault shall also be accomplished by putting the switch to the OFF position. C. Alarm horn with silencer switch per NFPA 110. D . Standard indicating lights to s ignal the following shall be included : 1. Not-in-Auto (flashing red) 2 . Overcrank (red) 3. Emergency Stop (red) 4. High Engine Temperature (red) 5. Overspeed (red) 6 . Low Oil Pressure (red) 7. Battery Charger Malfunction (red) 8. Low Battery Voltage (red) 9. Low Fuel (red) 10. Auxiliary Prealarm (yellow) 11. Auxiliary Fault (red) 12. System Ready (green) E. Test button for indicating lights . F . Terminals shall be provided for each indicating light above, plus additional terminals for common fault and common prealarm . G. Auxiliary relays shall be provided with Form C Dry Contacts and latched with reset for the following signals : 1. Not-in-"Auto" 2. Common Fault and Common Pre-Alarm 2 .08 INSTRUMENT PANEL A. The instrument panel shall include the following : 1. Dual range voltmeter 3 1/2-inch , +/-2% accuracy 2 . Dual range ammeter 3 1/2-inch, +/-2% accuracy. 3. Voltmeter-ammeter phase selector switch . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July , 2007 4 . Lights to indicate high or low meter scale . SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 10 of 12 5. Direct reading pointer-type frequency meter 3 1/2-inch, 0.5% accuracy , 45 to 65 Hz scale . 6. Panel-illuminating lights . 7. Battery charging voltmeter. 8. Coolant temperature gauge . 9. Oil pressure gauge . 10 . Running-time meter. 11 . Voltage-adjust rheostat 2 .09 ACCESSORIES A. The generator set(s) must be manufactured to the applicable specifications on file w ith Underwriters Laboratories and the UL 2200 mark must be affixed. B. Battery rack, and battery cables, capable of holding the manufacturer's recommended batteries, shall be supplied . 1 C. 12-volt lead-antimony battery(ies) capable of delivering the manufacturer's recommended minimum cold -cranking Amps required at 0°F, per SAE Standard J-537 , shall be supplied . D. 10-Ampere automatic float and equalize battery charger with +/-1 % constant voltage regulation from no load to full load over +/-10% AC input line variation, current limited during engine cranking and short circuit conditions, temperature compensated for ambient temperatures from -40°C to +60°C , 5% accurate voltmeter and ammeter, fused , reverse polarity and transient protected . E. Spring type vibration isolators to support the engine generator set to reduce transmitted vibration and provide zone-1 earthquake protection . F. Provide a 2500 Watt 240-volt engine jacket water heater and thermostatic control. G. Common Failure relay to remotely signal auxiliary faults, emergency stop, high engine temperature, low oil pressure , overcrank, and overspeed via one single-pole, double- throw relay with 10 amps at 120 VAC contacts. H. Ground fault relay and indicator for shutdown of generator set with dry contacts for alarm . I. Unit shall be supplied with radiator mounted resistive load bank , rated 50 % of load in a NEMA 3R enclosure inside the genset enclosure . Controls shall be pre-wired so that City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06.048 July, 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 11 of 12 load bank will accept signal from ATS that will disengage the load bank if exercising and normal power is lost. Controls shall also be pre-wired so that any time A TS sets genset to exercise it engages the load bank for an exercise cycle utilizing the load bank. This shall be automatic and require no manual switching at time of exercising. Load bank shall be tied into genset via its own main line circuit breaker. The load bank controls and contactors shall be inside the generator set enclosure. Enclosure design shall be verified for suitability of operation of load bank within the enclosure to prevent overheating of genset, associated equipment or enclosure including sound attentuating baffles. Designs utilizing separate load bank or load bank controls from inside the enclosure or enclosure horizontal extension shall be excluded . PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 FACTORY TESTING Before shipment of the equipment, the engine-generator set shall be tested under rated load for performance and proper functioning of control and interfacing circuits . Tests shall include : 1. Verifying all safety shutdowns are functioning properly. 2 . Single step load pick-up per NFPA 110-1996, Paragraph 5-13 .2 .6. 3. Transient and voltage dip responses and steady state voltage regulation and speed (frequency) checks. 4 . Rated Power @ 0.8 PF 5 . Maximum Power 6 . Test completed unit under full load for 4 hours before shipment. Owner shall witness testing . 3.02 SITE TESTS A. Site Tests : the manufacturer's local representative shall perform an installation check, start-up, and facility load test. The owner, regular operators , and the maintenance staff shall be notified of the time and date of the site test. The tests shall include : 1. Fuel , lubricating oil, and antifreeze shall be checked for conformity to the manufacturer's recommendations , under the environmental conditions present and expected . 2 . Accessories that normally function while the set is standing by shall be checked prior to cranking the engine . These shall include : battery charger, generator jacket water heater, remote alarms , etc. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06.048 July , 2007 SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 12 of 12 3. Start-up under test mode to check for exhaust leaks , path of exhaust gases outside the building , cooling air flow , movement during starting and stopping , vibration during running, normal and emergency line-to-line voltage and frequency , and phase rotation . 4. Automatic start-up by means of simulated power outage to test remote-automatic starting, transfer of the load , and automatic shutdown . Prior to this test, all transfer switch timers shall be adjusted for proper system coordination . Engine coolant temperature , oil pressure, and battery charge level along with generator voltage, amperes , and frequency shall be monitored throughout the test. An external load bank shall be connected to the system if sufficient facility load is unavailable to load t he generator to the nameplate kW rating. 3.03 OWNER'S MANUALS Six (6) sets of owner's manuals specific to the product supplied must accompany delivery of the equipment. General operating instruction , preventive maintenance , wiring d iagrams, schematics and parts exploded views specific to this model must be included 3.04 MAINTENANCE TRAINING A. Allow in bid for a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain packaged engine generators . B. Allow in bid for a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules for starting and stopping , troubleshooting, servicing, and maintaining equipment. 3.05 INSTALLATION Contracto r shall install the complete electrical generating system including all fuel connections in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations as reviewed by the Engineer. 3.06 SERVICE Supplier of the electric plant and associated items shall have permanent service facilities in this trade area. These facilities shall comprise a permanent force of factory trained service personnel on 24 hour call , experienced in servicing this type of equipment, provid ing warranty and routine maintenance service to afford the owner maximum protect ion . Delegation of this service responsibility for any of the equipment listed herein w ill not be considered fulfillment of these specifications . Service contracts shall also be available . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 3 .07 WARRANTY SECTION 16220 Standby Generator Page 13 of 12 The standby electric generating system components , complete engine-generator and instrumentation panel shall be warranted by the manufacturer against defective materials and factory workmanship for a period of 24 months. Such defective parts shall be repaired or replaced at the manufacturer's option, free of charge for travel and labor. The warranty period shall commence when the standby power system is first placed into service. Multiple warranties for individual components (engine, alternator, controls, etc.) will not be acceptable. Satisfactory warranty documents must be provided. Also, in the judgment of the specifying authority, the manufacturer supplying the warranty for the complete system must have the necessary financial strength and technical expertise with all components supplied to provide adequate warranty support END OF SECTION City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No. 06 .053 July, 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1 .01 SCOPE SECTION 16280 Automatic Power Factor Correction Capacitors Page 1 of 6 A. Furnish and install 480 volt anti-resonant automatic power factor correction capacitor unit (APFCC) as shown on the drawings and specified herein . Work shall include all necessary materials , equipment, labor, and services . B . Auxiliary and accessory devices necessary for system operation or performance , such as relays or terminals to interface with other Sections of these Specifications, shall be included . C. APFCC unit shall be rated for use at 480 volt, three phase, four wire, 60 Hertz power system having a short circuit availability no greater than 42kA amperes RMS symmetrical. 1.02 SUBMITIAL AND SHOP DRAWINGS A. Process catalog data submittals for the following : 1. Pilot lights 2 . Pilot operators 3. Control relays 4 . Timers 5. Protective relays and digital voltmeters 6 . Contactors 7 . C i rcuit breakers including catalog number and time current curve trip number 8 . Ground fault protective devices 9 . Fuses 10. Control Wire B. Process shop drawings for the AP FCC unit. C . Submit a drawing showi ng the APFCC unit location in the building with the MCCs t o verify that all equipment will fit in the building . 1.03 STANDARDS A. APFCC unit shall have UL labels where UL labels apply. B . APFCC un it and enclosures shall include a UL 508A (UL Industrial Control Panel) Label representing that the equipment was assembled by and meets the requirements of a UL508A shop. C . APFCC unit shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with Internal capacitor cells shall be UL Listed in compliance with UL 810, NEMA CP-1 and IEEE standards. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates, No . 06 .053 July, 2007 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .01 APFCC UNIT CONSTRUCTION SECTION 16280 Automatic Power Factor Correction Capacitors Page 2 of 6 A. The APFCC unit shall be pre-wired and factory assembled , including main terminal lugs , a microprocessor programmable controller, Class A resettable ground fault protected control voltage, individual capacitor stages inclµding current limiting fuses , tuning reactors and contactors cabled to each capacitor bank step. B. Enclosure shall be free standing, constructed of #14 gauge rigidly welded steel , minimum , including a hinged door, ground lug, and removable lifting eyes, finished with ANSI 49 medium gray textured polyester paint. C. Enclosure(s) shall be NEMA Type 1 for indoor installation. D. Enclosure door(s) shall be full height, key lockable with lexan viewing window for controller module . All components shall be dead front with the enclosure door open and no components requiring system level voltage shall be mounted on the enclosure door. E. All major components and wiring shall be adequately marked for identification and shall agree with wiring diagrams and instructions provided with each unit. F. Capacitor shall be dry-type with no liquid dielectric. G . Furnish circuit breakers as disconnect for APFCC unit rated for full rated capacitance operation . 2.02 APFCC UNIT RATINGS H . Normal average operating ambient temperature range shall be : -10degrees C (+14 degrees F) to +30 degrees C (+86 degrees F). I. Rated capacitor cell voltage shall be 550V for 480V networks (line to line). Capacitors shall be Delta connected at rated voltage . Wye connected capacitor elements shall not be acceptable . J. Total kVAR size is 100 kVAR at operating voltage . K. Capacitor steps shall be 25 KVAR. L. Filter tuning of each capacitive / inductive stage shall be 4 .2 x 60 Hertz (252 Hertz). M . Basic Impulse Level : 30 Kilovolts@ 50µS City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No . 06 .053 July, 2007 SECTION 16280 Automatic Power Factor Correction Capacitors Page 3 of 6 N. Main terminal lugs and buswork shall be braced to withstand fault level at 65KA RMS Amperes symmetrical . 2.03 INTERNAL COMPONENTS A. Individual Capacitor Units 1. Each capacitor/inductor stage shall consist of hermetically sealed three phase capacitor cell(s) on a modular assembly with the contactor, three phase fusing and thermistor relay . Each module shall be designed to facilitate maintenance if replacement should ever become necessary. Tuning Reactors shall be mounted in a vertical stack where possible to reduce risk of induced mutual inductance . 2 . Discharge resistors mounted internal to the cells shall be provided to reduce voltage on the cells to 50 Volts or less within one minute after the capacitor has been switched off. 3. Individual capacitor elements shall be of a dry-type self-healing design utilizing a low loss metalized film dielectric system with a pressure sensitive circuit interrupter. Each element shall contain a 1 OOkA HRC fuse as part of the pressure interrupter circuit. Electrical losses, including contribution of d ischarge resistors , shall average less than 0 .5 Watts per kVAR. Liquid filled or impregnated capacitors shall not be acceptable. 4 . Capacitor shall be rated for 115% continuous overvoltage and 140% continuous overcurrent. B. In t ernal Protective Fusing 1 . Class C fuses shall be provided in each phase of each capacitor cell and on the li ne side of the contactor and mounted so as to facilitate replacement without removi ng power wiring. Fuses shall be UL Listed and current limiting, rated at 200,000 RMS Amperes symmetrical. 2. Fuseholders shall be dead front with or without the fuses in place . C . Contactors 1. Contactors shall be UL Listed and rated 600VAC with 120V operating co il s. Contactors shall be listed for use in switching capacitive currents without derating . D. Tuning Reactors 1. Tuning reactors for each capacitive stage shall be selected such that filter tuning of each stage is equal to 4 .2 x 60 Hertz (252 Hertz). 2 . Reactors shall be constructed of a laminated low hysteresis core with a controlled ai r gap and three copper windings of rectangular cross sect ion glass insulated copper conductor. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates, No . 06.053 July , 2007 SECTION 16280 Automatic Power Factor Correction Capacitors Page 4 of 6 3. Reactor assembly shall be impregnated with high temperature thermo-setting insulation material. Reactor insulation shall be rated for 115 degrees C rise over a 40 degrees C ambient. 4 . Center leg of tun ing reactor shall have an embedded thermistor connected to a thermistor relay for the stage to de-energize the assoc iated contactor in the event of overheating. E. Control Power Requirements 1. Low voltage , 120V control circuit transformation shall be provided within the enclosure . 2 . Control power fusing to all major components including primary and secondary . transformer fusing shall be provided. All components shall be dead front and finger safe. 3. Control circuit shall be protected with a resettable Class A ground fault protection breaker. 4 . A shorting terminal shall be provided for two incoming current transformer wires . A single current transfo rmer shall be installed at the Motor Control Center Main Circuit Breaker. A current transformer as required for the rated unit shall be prov ided . The CT shall be donut type w ith an opening large enough to facilitate installation on the cable or bus . F. Microprocessor Controller 1. The controller shall be a microprocessor-based programmable unit with a single current input and single line-to-line or line-to-neutral voltage input required . The controller measures reactive power consumption in the load and, according to programmed control log ic , will connect or disconnect the required amount of capacitor stages needed to maintain the preset power factor . 2 . The controller shall utilize a switching logic that optimizes the use of capacitor elements and contactors in the bank. 3. An ON power indication and AUTOMATIC/MANUAL override control shall be prov ided . 4 . A Liquid Crystal Display for display of power factor and alarms shall be provided . Indication of stage energization and inductive/capacitive condition shall be provided. 5. An alarm dry contact closure and annunciation shall be provided in the event that target power factor is not met, power to the controller has been lost or CT current is too high/low, temperature exceeds preset limits or a system overvoltage condition occurs . 6. An automatic shutdown and systematic re-staging of capacitor stages shall be provided in the event of a power loss, high internal system temperatures , a system undervoltage or overvoltage condit ion . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No. 06 .053 July , 2007 SECTION 16280 Automatic Power Factor Correction Capacitors Page 5 of 6 7 . A reversed CT polarity shall be automatically corrected by the automatic controller. 8 . The controller shall permit programming of the switching stage response time, number of stages (12 maximum) and switching program . PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 FACTORY TESTS A. All equipment shall be carefully inspected after assembly and all wiring shall be checked to ensure correctness of connections and operation. B. Design tests shall be performed to confirm proper operation of the complete equipment, including operation of all control circuits, pre-programming and functioning of the controller, and confirmation of kVAR power rating . C. Five copies of certified test reports shall be submitted . 3.02 INSTALLATION OF APFCC UNIT A. Prior to energization of motor control centers , keep enclosures protected with plastic sheets and protected from the environment. B. Set sections in place and shim level ; use metal shims . Bolt bottom rails to concrete pad by means of 3/8" diameter stainless steel bolts into drilled expansion anchors . Use two bolts per wide section , one in front and one in rear. C. Make all field cable lub connections with torque wrench set to manufacturer's recommended torque settings . D. Each conduit entry into the cabinets shall be equipped with grounding bushing. Bond each raceway equipment grounding conductor to its bushing ground lug , and thence to equipment ground bus where bonding jumper shall be connected with specified flat bus connector. Where empty conduits terminate, install blank disc in grounding bushi ng. Bring specified foot-marked pull tape through t he blank penny and label with plas tic write-on label and show the size of conduit and the terminus of the other end . For each active conduit , install plastic write-on label and identify cable number, size , conduit size, and identify load served . E. Install all power and control wiring and make all connections. Install power and CT wiring between APFCC and MCC . Phase band each power cable at each connection . Neatly train and lace all gutter wiring with nylon tie wraps . Do not obstruct relays and other pan-mounted devices with load cables . Install w ire markers to identify each control wi re at each termination. F. Install all devices , fuses , breakers , and make installation ready . Set all adjustable and programmable devices . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates , No . 06 .053 July , 2007 3.03 SPARE PARTS SECTION 16280 Automatic Power Factor Correction Capacitors Page 6 of 6 A. Furnish the following spare parts with the equipment in conformance with the specifications . 1. One control relay for every three or less of each range and type installed complete with mounting socket. 2. Two pilot light bulbs and 10% spare lenses. 3. One extra overload relay for each type used . 4 . Two spare fuse for each fuse type. 3.04 TRAINING A. The Contractor shall provide one (1) training session at the electrical building for owner's representatives for up to four (4) hours within two (2) months after facility start-up and checkout. B. A manufacturer's qualified representative familiar with the ma intenance and servicing of the equipment shall conduct the training session . C. The training program shall consist of instruction on operation of the assembly, control devices, microprocessor, circuit breakers , fuses, location of resets , switches, and major components of the assembly. D. Add itionally, the training program shall consist of instructions and requirements for normal prog ramming, troubleshooting , and maintenance of the equipment includ ing locations of resets and circu it breakers required for returning the equipment to normal operation after a failure or unusual shutdown. E. The program shall include showing which devices and equipment the local operations or maintenance personnel can work on, program , and replace and the equipment that should only be repaired by a qualified representative of the manufacturer. Devices and major components that require a maintenance timetable and procedures to be followed as part of an ongoing maintenance program shall be ident ified . END OF SECTION City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06.048 July, 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 1 of 9 A. Furnish and install open transition automatic transfer switch without bypass and transition section assembly with associated motor control center as shown on the drawings and specified herein . Work shall include all necessary materials, equipment, labor, and services. B . Auxiliary and accessory devices necessary for system operation or performance, such as relays or terminals to interface with other Sections of these Specifications, shall be included . C. The switch must be a self-contained device with all features described herein . The lineup shall be front and rear accessible, suitable for installation adjacent to motor control center and another automatic transfer switch as shown on the project drawings. D . Automatic Transfer Switch shall be 480 volt three phase, four wire, 60 Hz. for the pump station electrical equipment enclosure. Grounding of the system shall be as shown on the drawings. E . Auxiliary and accessory devices necessary for system operation or performance, such as relays or terminals to interface with other Sections of these Specifications, shall be included. 1.02 SUBMITTAL AND SHOP DRAWINGS A. Process catalog data submittals for the automatic transfer switch . B . Process shop drawings for the automatic transfer switch including dimensional layouts identifying top and bottom conduit entrances, bus connections, incoming line cables, load bus connections, shipping splits, weights, transition section bus configuration, and connections to the associated motor control center. C . The automatic transfer switches covered by these specifications shall be designed , tested, and assembled in strict accordance with all applicable standards of ANSI, U .L., IEEE and NEMA. D . Process rating information on specified switch and bus ratings of the assembly. In addition process catalog or manufacturer document submittals on the following as they apply: 1. Pilot lights 2 . Pilot operators 3. Control relays 4. Timers 5 . Protective relays City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06.048 July, 2007 6. Overloads SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 2 of 9 7 . Nameplate legends, one-line diagrams , equipment schedule , and switchboard instrument details . 8. Contactors 9. Circuit breakers 10. Fuses 11 . Control Wire 12 . Bill-of-material/component list 13. Electronic Controllers 14. Programming requirements . 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Automatic Transfer Switch controls and equipment shall conform to the above and the following UL, NFPA, IEEE, and NEMA Standards : 1. UL 1008 -Standard for Transfer Switch Equipment 2. NFPA 11 O -Emergency and Standby Power Systems 3. IEEE Standard 446 -IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Commercial and Industrial Applications 4. NEMA Standard ICS10-1993 (formerly ICS2-447) -AC Automatic Transfer Switches 5. The solid state starter and enclosure shall include a UL SOSA (UL Industrial Control Panel) Label representing that the equipment was assembled by and meets the requirements of a ULSOBA shop . 1.04 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS Automatic Transfer Switch shall be ASCO (7000 Series), Zenith, Russelectric. Transition Section and Motor Control Center shall be as specified in Section 16350. Substitutions shall be submitted in writing prior to original bid date with supporting documentation demonstrating that the alternate manufacturer conforms to all aspects of the specifications herein. 1.05 RELATED WORK Section 16350, Motor Control Center City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associ ates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .01 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 3 of 9 A Automatic transfer switch shall be rated for 480 vAC, 600 amp. 3 pole with solid neutral and with microprocessor controls . B . The enclosure shall be NEMA 1, gasketed construction . C . The automatic transfer switch (ATS) shall consist of an inherently double throw power transfer switch mechanism and a microprocessor controller to provide automatic operation . The automatic transfer and controllers shall be the products of the same manufacturer. D . The automatic transfer switch shall be rated for 42 ,000 amps rms symmetrical when used in conjunction with the upstream circuit breaker. 2.02 CONSTRUCTION A GENERAL 1. The automatic transfer switch shall be furnished as shown on the drawings. Voltage and continuous current ratings shall be as shown. 2 . The transfer switch shall be top and bottom accessible for the incoming and outgoing cables and conduits as required and shown on the drawings. 3 . The A TS shall be positively locked and unaffected by momentary outages , so that contact pressure is maintained at a constant value and contact temperature rise is minimized for maximum reliabil ity and operating life . 4. All ma in contacts of the ATS shall be silver composition. Switches rated 600 amperes and above shall have segmented, blow-on construction for high withstand and close-on capability and be protected by separate arcing contacts . 5 . Inspection of all ATS contacts shall be possible from the front of the switch without disassembly of operating linkages and without disconnection of power conductors . The ATS shall have front removable and replaceable contacts . All stationary and moveable contacts shall be replaceable without removing power conductors and/or bus bars . 6 . Designs utilizing components of molded-case circuit breakers , contactors , or parts thereof, which are not intended for continuous duty, repetitive switching o r transfer between two active power sources , are not acceptable . 7. The A TS shall be provided without neutral transfer contacts . The neutrals of t he normal and standby power sources shall be connected together at the main utility solid ground connection . 8 . The main contacts shall be capable of being replaced w ithout removing the main power cables . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 4 of 9 9. The main contacts shall be visible for inspection without any major disassembly of the transfer switch . 10. All bolted bus connections shall have Belleville compression type washers . 11. The ATS shall include a neutral conductor plate with fully rated AL-CU pressure connectors . 12. The switch shall be equipped with 90 degrees C rated copper/aluminum solderless mechanical type lugs. 13. The complete transfer switch assembly shall be factory tested to ensure proper operation and compliance with the specification requirements. A copy of the factory test report shall be available upon request. B . Automatic Transfer Switch 1. ATS power interconnections shall be tin-plated copper bus bar. The only field installed power connections shall be at the load terminals of the ATS switch. All control interwiring shall be provided with disconnect plugs. 2 . A TS separate isolation handles shall be utilized to provide clear distinction between the functions. Handles shall be permanently affixed and operable without opening the enclosure door. Designs requiring insertion of loose operating handles or opening of the enclosure door to operate are not acceptable. 3. The ATS controller's sensing and logic shall be provided by a single built-in microprocessor for maximum reliability, minimum maintenance, and the ability to communicate serially through an optional serial communication module. 4. The ATS controller panel shall be enclosed with a protective cover and be mounted separately from the transfer switch unit for safety and ease of maintenance. The protective cover shall include a built-in pocket for storage of the operator's manuals. 5. All customer ATS connections shall be wired to a common terminal block to simplify field-wiring connections . 6. The ATS shall be furnished in a NEMA type 1 enclosure unless otherwise shown on the plans as part of a motor control center. 7 . All ATS standard and optional door-mounted switches and pilot lights shall be 16- mm industrial grade type or equivalent. Door controls shall be provided on a separate removable plate. C . Automatic Transfer Switch Controller Time Delays 1. The A TS controller shall include the following time delays : 2. An adjustable time delay of O to 6 seconds shall be provided to override momentary normal source outages and delay all transfer and engine starting signals . Capability shall be provided to extend this time delay to 60 minutes by providing an external 24 VDC power supply. 3. A time delay shall be provided on transfer to emergency, adjustable from O to 60 City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 5 of 9 minutes, for controlled timing of transfer of loads to emergency. 4 . Two time delay modes (which are independently adjustable) shall be provided on re-transfer to normal. One time delay shall be for actual normal power failures and the other for the test mode function . The time delays shall be adjustable from O to 60 minutes . Time delay shall be automatically bypassed if the emergency source fails and the normal source is acceptable . 5. A time delay shall be provided on shut down of engine generator for cool down, adjustable from O to 60 minutes. 6 . The ATS controller shall include a time delay activated output signal to drive an external relay(s) for selective load disconnect control. The controller shall have the ability to activate an adjustable O to 5 minute time delay in any of the following modes : a. Prior to transfer only. b . Prior to and after transfer. c. Normal to emergency only . d. Emergency to normal only . e . Normal to emergency and emergency to normal. f . All transfer conditions or only when both sources are available . 7 . All A TS controller time delays shall be adjustable in 1 second increments, except the extended parallel time, which shall be adjustable in .01 second increments . D. A TS Control Operation 1. A three position momentary-type test switch shall be provided for the test/automatic/reset modes of the ATS . The test position will simulate a normal source failure . The reset position shall bypass the time delays on either transfer to emergency or retransfer to normal. 2 . A set of DPDT gold-flashed contacts rated 10 amps, 32 VDC shall be provided for a low-voltage engine start signal from the ATS . The start signal shall prevent dry cranking of the engine by requiring the generator set to reach proper output, and run for the duration of the cool down setting , regardless of whether the normal source restores before the load is transferred . 3 . The ATS controller shall provide an internal engine exerciser. The engine exerciser shall allow the user to program up to seven different exercise routines . For each routine , the user shall be able to: a. Enable or disable the routine. b. Enable or disable transfer of the load during routine. c . Set the start time, time of day, day of week, week of month (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th , alternate or every). d. Set the duration of the run . 4 . At the end of the specified duration the ATS shall transfer the load back to normal and run the generator for the specified cool down period . A 10-year life City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06.048 July, 2007 SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 6 of 9 battery that supplies power to the real time clock in the event of a power loss will maintain all time and date information. Auxiliary contacts, rated 10 amps, 250 VAC shall be provided consisting of one contact, closed when the A TS is connected to the normal source and one contact closed , when the ATS is connected to the standby source. 5 . Indicating shall be provided--one to indicate when the ATS is connected to the normal source (green) and one to indicate when the ATS is connected to the emergency source (red). 6 . Indicating lights shall be provided and energized by controller outputs. The lights shall provide true source availability of the normal and emergency sources, as determined by the voltage sensing trip and reset settings for each source . E. The following features shall be built-in to the controller , but capable of being activated through keypad programming or the serial port only when required by the user: 1. Provide the ability to select "commit/no commit to transfer'' to determine whether the load should be transferred to the emergency generator if the normal source restores before the generator is ready to accept the load . 2. Terminals shall be provided for a remote contact, which opens to signal the ATS to transfer to emergency and for remote contacts, which open to inhibit transfer to emergency and/or retransfer to normal. Both of these inhibit signals can be activated through the keypad or serial port. 3. An lnphase monitor shall be provided in the controller. The monitor shall control transfer so that motor load inrush currents do not exceed normal starting currents , and shall not require external control of power sources. The inphase monitor shall be specifically designed for and be the product of the ATS manufacturer. 4. The controller shall be capable of accepting a normally open contact that will allow the transfer switch to function in a non-automatic mode using an external . control device . 5 . System Status -The controller shall display a clear description of the active operating sequence and switch position . For example , a . Normal Failed b. Load on Normal c . TD Normal to Emerg 2min 15s 6. The A TS controller shall contain a diagnostic screen for the purpose of detecting system errors . This screen shall provide information on the status input signals to the controller which may be preventing load transfer commands from being completed . 7. The ATS controller shall be capable of interfacing, through an optional serial communication module, with a network of transfer switches, locally (up to 4000 ft .) or remotely through modem serial communications . Standard software City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 7 of 9 specific for transfer switch applications shall be available by the transfer switch 8 . Manufacturer. This software shall allow for the monitoring , control and setup of parameters. F. Approval Manufacturer shall provide copies of test reports upon request. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 SUBMITTALS -FOR CONTRACT CLOSEOUT A. The following information shall be submitted to the Engineer: 1. Wiring diagrams 2. Certified production and field test results 3 . Installation information B. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS C. The equipment and ma intenance manuals shall be provided prior to final payment. D . Operations and maintenance manuals shall include the following information : 1. Instruction books and leaflets 2 . Recommended renewal parts lists 3 . Drawings and information 4 . Preventive and routine maintenance requirements 5 . Copies of field testing results 3 .02 FACTORY TESTING A. The following standard factory tests shall be performed on the equipment provided under this section . All tests shall be in accordance with the latest version of UL an d NEMA standards : 1. Insulation check to ensure the integrity of insulation and continuity of the entire system . 2 . Visual inspection to ensure that the switch matches the specification requirements . 3 . Mechanical tests to verify the switch's power sections are free of mechanical hindrances. 4 . Electrical tests to verify the complete operat ion of the switch and to set the time delays and voltage sensing settings of the logic. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 8 of 9 B . The complete ATS shall be factory tested to ensure proper operation of the individual components and correct overall sequence of operation and to ensure that the operating transfer time, voltage , frequency and time delay settings are in compliance with the specification requirements . C. The manufacturer shall provide three (3) certified copies of the factory test reports . 3.03 . INSTALLATION A. Automatic Transfer Switches, Transition Sections, and Motor Control Centers shall be provided with adequate lifting means for ease of installation of wall or floor mounted enclosures. B. Equipment shall be protected at shipping splits for protection of bus components and loose items. C . Provide access and working space as indicated or as required . D. The Contractors shall install equipment per manufacturer's recommendations and the Contract Drawing. 3 .04 FIELD ADJUSTMENTS A. Tighten assembled bolted connections with appropriate tools to manufacturer's torque recommendations prior to first energization. B. The Manufacturer's representative shall field adjust all timing and voltage setting of the transfer switch as necessary for proper operation of the unit. 3 .05 TRAINING A. The Contractor shall provide one (1) training session in the electrical room for owner's representatives for up to four (4) hours within two (2) months after facility start-up and checkout. B. A manufacturer's qualified representative familiar with the maintenance and servicing of the equipment shall conduct the training session . C. The training program shall consist of instruction on operation of the assembly, control devices, circuit breakers , switches, and major components of the assembly. D. Additionally, the training program shall consist of instructions and requirements for normal troubleshooting and maintenance of the equipment including locations of resets and circuit breakers required for returning the equipment to normal operation after a shutdown . E. The program shall include showing which devices and equipment the local operations or maintenance personnel can work on and replace and the equipment that should only be repaired by a qualified representative of the manufacturer. Devices and major components that require a maintenance timetable and City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16320 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Page 9 of 9 F. Procedures to be followed as part of an ongoing maintenance program shall be identified . END OF SECTION City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06.048 July, 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 1 of 9 A. Furnish and install 480 volt motor control centers (MCCs) as shown on the drawings and specified herein . Work shall include all necessary materials , equipment, labor, and services . B. Auxiliary and accessory devices necessary for system operation or performance, such as relays or terminals to interface with other Sections of these Specifications, shall be included . C. MCCs shall be rated 480 volt, three phase , four wire, 60 Hertz power system having a short circuit availability of 42kA amperes RMS symmetrical. 1.02 SUBMITTAL AND SHOP DRAWINGS A. Process catalog data submittals for the following: 1. Pilot lights 2. Pilot operators 3. Control relays 4 . Timers 5. Protective relays and digital voltmeters 6. Overloads 7 . Contactors 8. Circuit breakers including catalog number and time current curve trip number 9 . Ground fault protective devices 10 . Fuses 11 . Control Wire 12. Surge protection devices 13. Automatic Transfer Switch 14 . Solid state reduced voltage starters (SSRVS) 15. Multilin PQM unit. 16 . Transient Voltage Surge Suppression Device B. Process shop drawings for the MCCs. C . Submit time current curves for each of overcurrent device and overloads used in the MCCs . Furnish time current curves with shop drawings . D . Submit layout of building showing the MCCs in relation to the other equipment verifying the equipment will fit w ith the arrangement shown in the drawings . E. A coordination study and power system analysis shall be provided to the Engineer by the manufacturer showing the main and generator set standby circuit breaker settings for selectivity with the MCCs overcurrent protection and the MCCs breakers including downstream motor drives overcurrent protection . The study shall include the selectivity of any bu i lt-in instantaneous protection required for the circuit breaker in co-ordination City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 2 of 9 with the motor starting . The Contractor shall allow for the study in the bid and any revisions required for equipment changes made by the manufacturer during the design and assembly of equipment. 1.03 STANDARDS A MCCs shall have UL labels where UL labels apply. B. The MCCs and enclosures shall include a UL 508A (UL Industrial Control Panel) Label representing that the equipment was assembled by and meets the requirements of a UL508A shop. C . MCCs used for service entrance of the facility electrical utility service shall be UL labeled for service entrance . D . The MCCs shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with NEMA ICS 2-3 and UL Standard 845 . PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .01 MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS A Motor Control centers shall have NEMA 1 B wiring. Motor control centers shall be rated for a 42 kA rms symmetrical interrupting rating . B. Motor Control Centers shall consist of 20" deep structures in indoor NEMA Type 1 gasketed enclosures. The motor control center shall be seismic rated for UBC/CBC Zone 1. C . Each vertical section shall contain a minimum 12-inch high top horizontal wireway and a 12" bottom wireway. The horizontal wireway shall be covered by a removable hinged door. D. Paint fin ish of enclosures shall comply with the following minimum specifications unless the manufacturer's standard paint processes are considered equal. 1. Clean and degrease and rinse all steel parts , then they shall be phosphatized to M I L Specification TT-C-490. 2 . Further, all steel parts shall be cleaned and over-dried primed , and painted with an electrostatically deposited coat. 3 . Paint thickness shall be at least 1.5 mils . C ity of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 3 of 9 E. Main buses and vertical drops of each motor control center shall be rated 480V , three- phase , four-wire , and they each shall be braced for 42 kA rms symmetrical fault duty . Provide ground bus through each section. All buses shall be tin-plated copper. F. The main bus shall be isolated by barriers from wire troughs , starters , and other areas . There shall be double bolt connections on main bus joints and splice connections . Main bus splicing between shipping splits shall be accomplished from the front with no structural disassembly. G . The main bus shall be fully rated and arranged for future extension. H . Incoming line sections shall be equipped . Each incoming line section shall have lightning arresters and surge capacitors. . Furnish main circuit breakers with ground fault protection. Each main circuit breaker shall have electronic trip and short time function. Incoming line shall be UL listed as service entrance . I. Each vertical section shall have 120 volt ac, 150 watt space heater and adjustable thermostat. Wire heaters into lighting panelboard . J. The vert ical bus in each section shall be rated for the electrical load or minimum 300 amperes and shall be tinplated. The vertical bus shall have a flame-retardant polyesterglass insulation/isolation system . This system shall insulate the vertical bus front and rear . In addition, the barrier shall isolate each phase bus . Openings in the vertical bus insulation/isolation system shall permit the entry of unit stabs . Unused openings shall have plugs or covers to prevent the entry of foreign objects . The vertical bus bracing AIC rating shall be the same as the main horizontal bus. K. Each vertical section with more than one cubicle shall be equipped with vertical wireway. Such wireways shall have metal side barriers . Side barriers adjacent to cubicles shall be equipped with grommeted opening into each cubicle. L. Provide a vertical bus shutter mechanism that covers the vertical bus stab area when a plug-in starter or feeder is withdrawn. This feature shall allow for complete vertical bus isolation and insulat ion . M. MCCs Signage shall be as follows : 1. Each cubicle shall have laminated plastic nameplates identifying load served . Nameplate shall be at least 1" by 3" and shall have white letters engraved on a black background and shall be attached with self tapping screws and adhesive backing. Letters shall be at least 5/32" tall and shall denote load information as shown on the one line diagram . 2 . All compartments with voltages present from outside of the compartment shall have a sign on the inside on the compartment door marked "DANGER -DISCONNECT DOES NOT DE-ENERGIZE ALL CIRCUITS INSIDE THIS UNIT". Letters shall be black on yellow background and sign shall be adhesive backed vinyl approximately 1-1/2" by 4". City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06.048 July, 2007 N. Additionally , motor control centers shall be as follows: SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 4 of 9 1. Motor controllers shall be full voltage, nonreversing (FVNR) type or SSRVS except where other types are indicated . Contactors and overcurrent devices a nd conductors shown shall be minimum sizes, confirm all external loads prior t o manufacture. 2 . Each controller shall be in an isolated compartment, complete with its overcurre nt device , unless otherwise indicated . Where overcurrent devices are in a separat e compartment from the associated controller, the doors of both compartments shall be mechanically interlocked . Where individual overcurrent devices , contactors, and the like are indicated, they too shall be housed in an isolated compartment. 3 . Each compartment shall have a h inged door. Disconnect device operating handles shall have on-off positions clearly marked and each handle shall have pad-locking provisions . Compartment doors shall have mechanical interlocks to prevent their be i ng opened unless the disconnect is in the "Off ' position; however, there shall be a defeat mechanism for authorized personnel entry. 4 . Each controller shall be equipped with its fused secondary power transformer (CPT). VA capacity of CPT shall be s ized to handle its compartment load plus external connected loads. Provide double-fused primary protection for each CPT. 5 . Each cubicle shall be equipped with pull-apart terminal blocks. Terminal block conductors shall be tin-plated copper. 6 . Control wiring shall be type SIS for ungrounded conductors and shall be numbered with wire marking labels at each terminal, device and connection . Control wires shall be type MTW for neutral and grounds. Color codes shall be white for neutral conductors, green for ground wires . Numbers shall correspond to those displayed by the manufacturer on their record drawings . Wire markers shall be Brady PVC sleeve type or equal. Provide necessary terminal strips for connection of field control wiring with 10% spares . 7 . Each controller shall be equipped with indicated pilot operators and other devices . Each starting or bypass contactor shall have two normally open auxiliary contacts and two normally closed auxiliary contacts . All auxiliary contacts not used by control circuit shall be wired to field terminals . All pilot operators such as pilot lights, selector switches , and pushbuttpns shall be oil-tight grade. Each device shall be equipped with engraved legend plates. 8. All pilot lights shall be equipped with indicated colored lenses . Each pilot light shall be low-voltage , transformer type with push-to-test feature . 9. Control wiring and associated control devices in each motor control center shall b e furnished as shown ; however, if different external control arrangements caused by substitution or changes under another Section are required , then make such City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 5 of 9 changes as required to accommodate those changes . All such changes shall be reviewed and accepted by the Engineer. 10. Provide three overloads for each motor controller as indicated on the drawings . Overload blocks shall be adjustable from 80% to 115% of their nominal value . Selection of overloads shall be determined by the full-load current of motors to be supplied . All overloads shall be mechanically-reset type with door-mounted reset pushbuttons . 11 . Motor control center arrangement and number of sections and cubicles shall be furnished . 12. Horizontal and vertical bus runs shall have each set of busses barriered from cubicles with insulated barriers . 13. Each vertical section of the line-ups shall be equipped w ith a horizontal ground bus that shall run continuous through all sections. Ground bus size shall be at least 1 /4"x1 " size and shall be t in-plated copper. 14 . Control relays with 120-volt coils shall be industrial type . · Contacts for 120-volt control circuits shall have contacts rated NEMA A600 . Contacts that are indicated low energy shall be gold flashed or logic reed type . Low energy contacts shall be used for 12-volt de status input to telemetry . Each contact shall be field convert ible . Each relay shall have open-close position indication . Each relay shall be fully equipped with its maximum number of contacts. Control relays for 24-volt de circuits shall have diode suppression on coil, with contacts rated 1 O amps at 120 vac, and shall be general-purpose type with octal pin plug-in base. 15. Elapsed time meters shall be panel mounted in the door of the starter unit or the nearby local control panel and shall be non -resettable with 99 ,999 .9-hour register and 2.5" square bezel. Furnish Cramer model 635K. 16 . Phase failure monitors shall have adjustable unbalance pickup , and adjustable voltage dropout and adjustable time delay. Furnish Agastat model PMA or approved equal. 17 . Motor branch circuit overcurrent protection shall be motor circuit protectors , unless otherwise indicated . Each "MCP" shall have adjustable current setting pickup. 18. Other branch overcurrent devices shall be thermal-magnetic type , unless otherwise ind icated . Minimum IC of each thermal-magnetic breaker shall be 42 KA rms symmetrical amps . Breaker shall have 120VAC shunt trip for ground fault protection relay where indicated on the drawings . 19 . Each starter and each circuit breaker feeder shall have ground fault protection where indicated on the one line. Feeder breakers shall have fused primary and secondary 480V to 120V control power transformer for shunt tripping breaker by ground fault relay. Starters shall have ground fault relay open contactor upon ground fault. Ground fault protection system shall consist of self powered ground fault relay with City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 6 of 9 adjustable time delay and zero sequence current transformer. Ground fau lt protection system shall be General E lectric Model GFM or equal. 0 . SSRVS units shall include the following : 1. SSRVS units shall include an integral bypass contactor. Operation shall be designed such that when the motor ramps up to full speed, the digital electronic control shall energize the contactor and place it in parallel with the SCRs . When the contactor closes , the SCRs shall be bypassed and the electronics shall stop firing the SCRs, thus allowing the SSRVS to run cooler with no fans and smaller heat sinks . When the soft stop feature is enabled , the bypass contactor is de-energized and the SCRs are used to smoothly stop the motor. 2. The SSRVS shall consist of an electronic control module, a power base consisting of six SCRs in back-to-back parallel pairs and an integral fully rated contactor. The SSRVS starter shall individually fire each phase in a selected sequence for reliab le performance and smooth acceleration of loads. 3. The SSRVS shall be rated from 200-600Vac and shall allow 115% continuous current-carrying capab ility matching the characteristics of a 1.15 service factor motor. The starter shall be rated for the HP loads as shown on the drawings and verified with the motor vendor at 460Volts . The control circuit shall be 120V CPT 100VA extra capacity . 4 . Digital technology to provide precise control of the back-to-back SCRs over each half cycle . The design shall allow initial starting motor torque to be adjusted from 10% - 90%. 5. A digital control panel which shall display operating parameters with an alphanumeric display and which allows accurate settings of parameters with visible indications of starter status and fault codes . 6. Soft starting : linear increase in voltage at the motor terminals . 7 . A three-segment ramp consisting of: The initial voltage ramp, which lasts for the five cycles , which brings the motor voltage from O to he initial pedestal voltage (30%- 95% ). The acceleration ramp , which increases the motor voltage from the pre- selected in itial voltage to 100% voltage over the selected acceleration time period of 1 to 45 seconds. The fast ramp , which brings the motor voltage to 100% if the motor reaches full speed before the end of the acceleration ramp . 8 . A kick start feature wh ich initially boosts start loads with a high breakaway torque . The kick start may be engaged (95% voltage for a period of 1-999 ms) or it may be disengaged for applications not requiring a kick start. 9 . Special deceleration cycle may be programmed for pump control. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 7 of 9 10 . Snubbers which are an RC network connected in parallel with an SCR to protect against commutation spikes . The electronic components also shall have metal oxide varistors to protect against external voltage spikes . 11. Control signal that is optoelectronically isolated . 12 . An electronic overload relay with selectable trip characteristics for standard-duty 300%, 30 seconds . The overload relay shall retain a memory of overload conditions o closely profile the motor winding thermal conditions to insure adequate protection under repetitive overload conditions. The memory shall be mainta ined as long as control power remains applied to the soft starter. 13 . Motor current limit by which motor current may limited with an adjustable current range from 100-450% of the starting current to limit brownout low-voltage conditions during motor starting . 14 . Error traceability which shall display the last four error codes on the alphanumeric display which provides feedback for corrective action . 15. The solid state starter will not operate if an input phase loss is detected before starting or while soft starting or stopping the motor the solid state starter shall trip in 3 seconds . Upon loss of an output phase, the solid state starter shall trip at 3 seconds . 16. All SCR units shall be fitted with thermostats to protect against heat sink overheating due to excessive starts per hour, which when detected shall trip the solid state starter in 200 ms (trip at 80°C +5°, reset at 50°C +10°). 17. Thyristor short circuit shall cause the soft starter to trip at 3 ms . 18 . Frequency error detection which senses frequency and shall not allow the starter to begin load ramp-up if the frequency is less than 48 Hz or greater than 62 Hz, thus providing protection to the motor and starter if the frequency is excessively out of tolerance . 19 . Long time start protection, which shall disconnect the load if the current lim it is set too low and/or start ing time is longer than 60 seconds. 20 . Upon loss of control power, the SSRVS shall have a three-cycle ride through . 21 . When motor stalled rotor is detected , the solid state starter shall trip at 200 ms and shall trip at 10 seconds when no motor load is detected. 22 . An error in the CPU shall trip the solid state starter at 60 ms . P. MCCs shall be General Electric, Square D Model 6 , or Allen-Bradley . Q. SSRVS with integral bypass shall be as manufactured by General Electric, Square D, Allen-Bradley or Benshaw. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 FACTORY TESTS SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 8 of 9 A All equipment shall be carefully inspected after assembly and all wiring shall be checked to ensure correctness of connections and operation . 8. The MCC, accessories and wiring shall be tested in accordance with latest revision ANSI C19 .3 and any other applicable ANSI standard. C. The Owner reserves the right to witness tests. The Contractor shall notify the Owner two weeks in advance of scheduled tests . D. Five copies of certified test reports shall be submitted . 3.02 MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS A Prior to energizat ion of motor control centers , keep enclosures protected with plast ic sheets and maintain specified space heaters energized to prevent internal condensatio n, use 150W lamp in bottom of each section . B. Set sections in place and shim level; use metal shims. Bolt bottom rails to concrete pad by means of 3/8" d iameter stainless steel bolts into drilled expansion anchors . Use two bolts per wide section , one in front and one in rear. C. Make all field bus connections with torque wrench set to manufacturer's recommended torque settings . D. Each conduit entry into bottom of cabinets shall be equipped with grounding bushing . Bond each raceway equipment grounding conductor to its bushing ground lug , and thence to equ ipment ground bus where bonding jumper shall be connected w ith specified flat bus connector. Where empty conduits terminate, install blank disc in grounding bushing. Bring specified foot-marked pull tape through the blank penny and label with plastic write-on label and show the size of conduit and the terminus of the other end . For each active conduit , install plastic write-on label and identify cable number, size, condu it size, and identify load served. E. Install all power and control wiring and make all connections. Install wiring between MCC un its. Phase band each power cable at each connect ion. Neatly train and lace all gutter wiring with nylon tie wraps. Do not obstruct relays and other pan-mounted devices with load cables. Install wire markers to identify each control wire at each termination. F. Install all devices , fuses, breakers, and make installation ready. Set all adjustable and programmable devices such as breaker magnetic trips . Main breaker trip settings shall be made per power system study . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 3.03 SPARE PARTS SECTION 16350 Motor Control Centers Page 9 of 9 A Furnish the following spare parts w ith the equipment in conformance with the specifications. 1. One timing relay for every three or less of each range and type installed complete with mounting socket. 2. One control relay for every three or less of each range and type installed complete with mounting socket. 3. Twenty pilot light bulbs and 10% spare lenses . 4 . One extra overload relay for each type used . 5. Two starter coils for every three or less starters of each NEMA size installed. 6 . One set of starter contacts for every three or less starters of each NEMA size installed . 7 . One spare phase failure relay. 3.04 TRAINING A The Contractor shall provide one ( 1) training sess ion at the electrical building for owner's representatives for up to four (4) hours within two (2) months after facility start-up and checkout. B. A manufacturer's qualified representative familiar w ith the maintenance and servicing of the equipment shall conduct the training session . C. The training program shall consist of instruction on operation of the assembly , control devices , SSRVS, circuit breakers , switches, and major components of the assembly . D. Addit ionally , the training program shall consist of instructions and requirements for normal troubleshooting and maintenance of the equipment including locations of resets and circuit breakers required for returning the equ ipment to normal operation after a shutdown . E. The program shall include showing which devices and equipment the local operations or maintenance personnel can work on and replace and the equipment that should only be repaired by a qualified representative of the manufacturer. Devices and major components that require a maintenance timetable and procedures to be followed as part of an ongoing maintenance program shall be identified . END OF SECTION City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK SECTION 16410 Underground Page 1 of 3 Furnish and install a system of underground raceways and wiring as shown on the drawings. 1.02 APPLICATIONS Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings, or otherwise specified, all underground and in-slab conduit raceways shall be of the following type : 1. Except as otherwise specified, all power and control underground conduit runs shall be made with schedule 40 PVC . Bends to grade shall be made with plastic coated rigid galvanized steel conduit. 2. All instrumentation underground conduit runs shall be made with plastic coated rigid galvanized steel conduit. 1.03 SUBMITTALS Process submittals for the following : 1. Non Metallic conduit 2. Metallic conduit 3 . Grounding Bushings 4. Buried conduit marker tape 5. Conduit supporting saddles 1.04 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS A. Refer to Section 16110 for raceways . B. Refer to Section 16120 for wiring . C. Refer to Section 16450 for grounding. D. Refer to Section 03300 for concrete. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2 .01 RACEWAYS Raceways shall be as specified in Section 16110. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 2 .02 MISCELLANEOUS A. Gravel for underbedding of conduits shall be washed type pea gravel. SECTION 16410 Underground Page 2 of 3 B. Plastic saddles for spacing and supporting conduits shall be interlocking types as manufactured by Cantex. Spacing shall meet NEC Table 352-30(8). C. Plastic marker label tape for buried conduits shall be yellow background with black letters · with repetitive marking "ELECTRIC LINE" on yellow background , continuous along its length . Furnish T&B #NA-0608 , or equal tape . PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING A. Do all excavating and backfilling necessary for the installation of the work. This shall include shoring and pumping in ditches to keep them dry until the work has been installed. 8. All excavations shall be made to proper depth , with allowances made for floors , forms, beams , piping, finished grades, etc. Ground under conduits shall be undisturbed earth or if disturbed , mechanically compacted to a density ratio of 95% before conduits are installed. C . All backfilling shall be made with selected soil, free of rocks and debris , and shall be pneumatically tamped in six (6") inch layers to secure a field density ratio of 95%. D . Field check and verify the locations of all underground utilities prior to any excavating . Avoid disturbing these as far as possible. In the event existing utilities are broken into or damaged , they shall be repaired so as to make their operation equal to that before the trenching was started . E. Furnish concrete encased ductbank for conduits where indicated on the drawings . 3.02 RACEWAYS A. All underground conduits shall be PVC schedule 40 unless otherwise noted. All bends to grade shall be made with plastic coated rigid steel condu its and shall extend to 6" above grade . Conduits shall be watertight over the entire length of the underground run . B. Install all power, control, and signal wiring . Label each single conductor w ire at each connection with PVC sleeve type wire labels . Label each signal cable at each end with plastic waterproof write-on type label to identify terminal connection and function and device served . C . Where empty conduits terminate into equipment install blank "disc" under grounding bushing and bring specified foot-marked pull tape through disc . Label each end of each City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16410 Underground Page 3 of 3 pull tape with waterproof plastic label to identify terminus of other end and also show conduit size. 3.03 WIRING All underground wiring runs shall be installed from line to load without splice. END OF SECTION City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July, 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE SECTION 16450 Grounding Systems Page 1 of 3 A. Furnish and install complete grounding systems in accordance with Article 250 of the National Electrical Code as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. B. Provide ground mat grounding electrode system as shown on the drawings and as specified herein . 1.02 SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturers' catalog sheets with catalog numbers marked for the items furnished, which shall include : 1. Ground well casings 2. Ground rods 3. Terminal lugs and clamps 4. Exothermal welding materials 5. Ground cable 6. Ground connection hardware PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 GROUNDING ELECTRODES A. All ground mat grounding electrodes and grounding electrode conductors shall consist of tin plated stranded copper. B. All ground rods shall be copper clad steel products, 3/4" diameter x 10 foot long, unless otherwise indicated. Ground rods shall be Blackburn #6258, or equal. Provide heavy duty ground rod clamps equal to Blackburn #GG58 where vertical connections are installed and #GUV where U-bolt connectors are installed to serve horizontal connections. 2.02 GROUNDING DEVICES A. Connectors shall be furnished as specified under Section 16120. B. Conduit grounding bushings shall be furnished as specified under Section 16110. C. Equipment grounding conductors shall be furnished as specified under Section 16120. D. Flush cast metal grounding plates shall consist of bronze body with flat plate on top and bolted clamp connector on bottom . Furnish OZ type 'VG", or equal flush connectors . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16450 Grounding Systems Page 2 of 3 Each such connector shall be furnished with silicon bronze connector bolts for installation of top-mounted grounding connectors . E. Exothermal welding kits shall be "Cadweld" products as manufactured by Erico . Molds , cartridges , powder, and accessories shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 2.03 GROUND TEST WELLS A. Ground test wells shall be furnished each ground rod for the purpose of field testing the ground mat system. B. Ground test wells shall each consist of ground rod with connector attached to a #2 upcomer from the ground mat and contained within an access well with labeled top. C . Ground test well enclosures shall be Oldcastle product #VB-3RT series , or equal. Enclosures shall be 10 1 /4" diameter and shall include cast iron cover w ith integrally cut "GROUND TEST WELL" in top of cover. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GROUND MATS AND GROUND WELLS A. Install ground mat around the perimeter and under the new foundations as shown . Use tin-plated copper stranded conductors in sizes as indicated for the ground mat. Install upcomer with indicated wire sizes of tin plated copper conductors . Exothermally weld all connections . The ground mat wire shall have a minimum cover of 24". B . Unless other larger sizes are indicated on the drawings , install #4 upcomers from ground mat to Auto-Dialer, and other equipment indicated on the drawings. Install 'VG" flush floor connector to serve each upcomers and run #4 stingers from top side of ea c h "VG" to ground bus in equipment. Bond VG to rebar in concrete . C. Install ground rods in test wells where ind icated on the drawings . 3 .02 WIRING SYSTEMS GROUNDING A. All equipment enclosures, motor and transformer frames , metallic conduit systems a nd exposed structural steel systems shall be grounded. B. Equipment grounding conductors shall be run w ith all winng . Sizes of equipment grounding conductors shall be based on Article 250 of the N.E.C. except where larger sizes may be shown. Bond each equipment grounding conductor to the equipment grounds at each end of each run. - City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06.048 July, 2007 SECTION 16450 Grounding Systems Page 3 of 3 C. Liquid tight flexible metal conduit in sizes 1" and larger shall be equipped with external bonding jumpers. Use liquid tight connectors integrally equipped with suitable grounding lugs. D. Where conduits enter into equipment free of the metal enclosure, install grounding bushing on each conduit and bond bushing lug to equipment ground bus . E. Where conduits enter equipment enclosures , equip each penetration inside with grounding bushing . Install bonding jumper from each grounding bushing to ground bus . F . Equ ipment enclosures that do not come furnished with a ground bus , install ground lug in each enclosure that shall be bonded to the metal cabinet or backpan of the enclosure . G . Separately derived systems shall be each grounded as shown and shall comply with Article 250 of the NEC except where higher standards are shown. 3 .03 TESTING A. All exothermic weld connections shall successfully resist moderate hammer blows . Any connection which fails such test or if upon inspection, weld indicates a porous or deformed connection, the weld shall be remade . B. All exothermic welds shall encompass 100 percent of the ends of the materials being welded . Welds which do not meet this requirement shall be remade . C . Test the ground resistance of the system . All test equipment shall be furnished by Contractor and be approved by Engineer. Test equipment shall be as manufactured by Biddle or approved equal. Dry season resistance of the system shall not exceed five ohms . If such resistance cannot be obtained with the system as shown, provide add itional grounding as directed by Engineer. END OF SECTION City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06 .048 July , 2007 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This section covers the general requirements for the instrumentation . SECTION 16910 Instrumentation Page 1 of 4 B. Auxiliary and accessory devices necessary for system operation or performance , such as relays , din connectors , or terminals to interface with other Sections of these Specifications, shall be included. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturers : Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of products of this type , and whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years . B. Installer: Qualified with at least 5 years of successful installation experience on projects with work similar to that required for this project. C. NEC Compliance: Comply with the National Electrical Code , NFPA 70 , as applicable to wiring and other electrical construction of the unit. D. UL Compliance : Provide components with UL listing and labeling for applicable UL categories . Custom panels , control panels, and instrument panels and the like shall be manufactured by a fabricator approved as a UL508A shop and shall bear a UL 508A (UL Industrial Control Panel) label. E. Provide complete unit and installation to conform with NFPA-90A. 1.03 SUBMITIALS A. Submit catalog literature, specification material and installation and operation manual for each instrument and device specified herein . B. Submit outline and dimensional drawings and wiring diagrams to Engineer for review . C. Submit shop drawings for including wiring and dimensional outlines . Shop drawings shall include ISA loop drawings. Loop drawings shall include all device terminal numbers and wire numbers . 1.04 SYSTEM RESPONSIBILITY The contractor shall assume complete "SYSTEM RESPONSIBILITY" for the instrumentation system. "System Responsibility" shall mean that the Contractor is responsible for the overall operation , satisfactory performance, and integration of the individual components into the whole system so that the entire system functions in whole and in its parts as intended by the Contract Documents . City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (RTU) SECTION 16910 Instrumentation Page 2 of 4 A. RTU shall be modified by HSQ. HSQ processor shall be 25X86 Logic Processor RTU unit with associated power supplies as required . The power supply equipment shall also provide the power for the radio. B. Input/output (l/0) shall be as indicated on the RTU 1/0 schedule plus 20% spare or at least one spare point per type of 1/0 required. Al (analog input) requirements shall be as provided with the processor board. A separate analog input module shall be provided for Al requirements. There are no AO (analog output) requirements. A DI (digital or status input) board shall be provided. C . The RTU , 1/0 boards, radio , batteries and accessories shall be furnished in the same new panel with the level transmitter (Milltronics}, instrument control relays, and surge arrestor. E . Allow in Bid for HSQ to add and make programming changes for the revised 1/0 to the main computer at the Holly Water Treatment Plant SCADA building. The HMI configuration methodology shall match existing system configuration . The software work shall include: 1. Define RTU. 2 . Establish system configuration to recognize the RTU 3. Create the data base as required to incorporate the 1/0 for the lift station equipment. 2 . Revise one or more graphic screens to show the lift station equipment. 3 . Provide storage and display of historical data to match similar displays for typical lift station requirements . 4 . Verify and test the proper operation of the SCADA HMI system . 5 . Modify daily and monthly reports to include new data. F. The radio shall be mounted in the RTU enclosure. The radio shall be on the RTU power supply as provided previously. · G. Radio configuration: Verify configuration of radio to match existing system configuration and per the manufacturer's instructions and record and submit for record all final programmed settings and operating parameters. H. Radio testing : Run poll test, link test and sync test with manufacturer's diagnostic software and submit results to Engineer for review. Test and record radio rf power level. This test shall also be used to verify signal strength of antenna. All testing shall requires tjat Fort Worth I & E Technician be present. I. All activities for SCADA work must be coordinated through water production Division staff in advance . Contact Tim Allen, Fort Worth Water Production (817-925-7236). 2.02 ANTENNA MONO-POLE A. Furnish monopole where indicated on the drawing. Antenna monopole shall be constructed of steel and shall be round-tapered and shall have a hot dipped galvanized City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16910 Instrumentation Page 3 of 4 finish. Poles shall be as detailed on the drawings with height as scheduled. Poles shall be furnished with anchor bolts . B. Furnish two 4 " by 6 " oval handhole 180 degrees apart at the bottom and one at the mid point of the pole. Furnish a cable grip support at the mid-point accessible by the mid- point handhole. C . Poles shall be as manufactured by Valmont or approved equal. D . Pole shall be designed for the location and windspeed requirements by a Texas licensed Professional Engineer. E . Pole foundat ion shall be designed for the pole by a Texas licensed Professional Engineer. 2 .03 SURGE SUPPRESSORS A. Surge suppressors for protecting 120vac circuits shall meet UL 1449, UL 1283, NEMA LS-1 1992, and ANSI/IEEE C62.41 and C62.45 . Load current rating shall be 20 amps at 120vac. B . Surge suppressors shall be series connected and shall have a surge current capacity of 45 ,000 amps. High frequency noise filtration shall be as follows : Mode L-N L-G 1kHz 6db 6db 10kHZ 16db 6db 100kHZ 42db 16db 1MHz 25db 55db C . Surge suppressor shall be Current Technology "LoadGuard" model MSU45-120-1G- 20A-3. 2.04 ENCLOSURES A. Enclosure for instrumentation equipment and RTU shall be hinged door type and shall have interior mounting sub panel. Enclosure shall be Hoffman or equal. Enclosure shall be sized to house the specified equipment, but shall not be less than the size indicated on the drawings. B . Enclosure rating shall be NEMA 12 free standing . 2.05 LEVEL TRANSMITTER AND PUMP CONTROLLER A. Level instrumentation shall consist of a Milltronics "HydroRanger Plus " ultrasonic level transmitter and transducer. B. The transducer shall be a Milltronics XPS15 . 2 .06 MISCELLANEOUS A. Terminal strips for connection of field wiring shall be DIN rail mounted channel mounted terminals suitable for connecting #22 to #12 wire sizes. Terminals shall be solderless City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July , 2007 SECTION 16910 Instrumentation Page 4 of 4 box lug type with pressure plate and removable terminal marking strips . Box lugs shall be tin-plated copper. Terminals shall be Allen-Bradley 1492-HMI series with required DIN rail mounting channel and end clamps . Fused terminals for 24 volt de instrumentation circuits shall be rated 10-57 volts de , shall have blown fuse LED City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No. 06.048 July, 2007 SECTION 16910 Instrumentation Page 5 of 4 indicator and shall be Allen-Bradley 1492-HS series . Fused terminals for 120 volt ac circuits shall be rated 300 volts ac, shall have neon blown fuse indicator and shall be Allen-Bradley 1492-H4 series . Terminal strips shall have factory terminal markers . B. Control relays shall be 3 pole double throw with pin base and matching socket. Furnish Potter & Brumfield model RR3P with 120 volt coil. C . Furnish control panel devices as indicated in the drawings. 120vac pushbuttons , selector switches , and pilot lights shall be NEMA 4X, Allen-Bradley type 800H or equal. Pilot lights shall be transformer type and shall have push-to-test option . D. Intrinsic safe relays shall be B/W series 5300. E. Float switch for wet well shall have a 316 stainless steel cable and plastic coated weight. Furnish Contegra, Consolidated, or equal. F. Furnish intrusion detection device as indicated in the drawings . Intrusion sensors shall be 316 Stainless Steel. Intrusion Detectors shall be GO SWITCH Model #81205384 w/ stainless steel bracket and target or FL YGT limit switch . PART 3 -EXECUTION 3 .01 INSTALLATION GENERAL A. Permanently mount the instruments, and all required appurtenances in accordance w ith manufacturer's requirements. All work shall be done in accordance with indus t ry standards, the NEC, ISA recommendations and in a workmanship like manner. B. Calibrate, and test all instruments. C. Certify that all instrument installations and calibrations are done in accordance with ISA and the manufacturer's recommendations. D. Provide completed ISA calibration sheets for all new instruments provided . E. All surge suppression devices shall be grounded with minimum #8 ground wire. F. Configure the HydroRanger pump controller for pump down operation with two pumps . Configure the pumps for sequential cumulative operation. In this operation the pumps shall sequentially rotate through the setpoint settings each time the lead pump is turned off. The lead pump will have the lowest setpoint setting . Configure start and stop setpoints as shown on the drawings . 3 .02 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Six (6) weeks prior to the completion of the project, compile an Operations and Maintenance Manual on the instrumentation equipment. These manuals shall include -. City of Ft. Worth Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement McCreary & Associates No . 06 .048 July, 2007 SECTION 16910 Instrumentation Page 6 of 4 detailed instructions, periodic calibration requirements and maintenance , as well as recommended spare parts lists. END OF SECTION PERFORMANCEBOND No. 105036453 THE STA TE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (1) Crescent Constructors, .Inc. a (2) Corp. of Texas hereinafter called Principal. and (3)Travelers Casualty &, Surety C a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State CT and fully authorized to transact business in the State of Texas . as Surety. are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth. a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called Owner, in the penal sum of: Nine Hundred Eighty Three Thousand Dollars ~ 983,000 ) Dollars in lawful money of the United States. to be paid in Fort Worth. Tarrant County. Texas. for the payment of which sum well and truly be made. we hereby bind ourselves. our heirs . executors. administrators and successors. jointly and severally, finnly by these presents . THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that Whereas. the Principal entered into a certain contract with the City ofFort Worth, the Owner. dated the1 8 th day of Dec. • A.D . 2007. a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the construction of: Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement Project designated as Project No .(s) WTR-2007-000019. a copy of which contract is hereby attached. referred to. and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein, such project and construction being hereinafter referred to as the "work". NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well. truly. and faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans. specifications, and contract documents during the original tenn thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the Owner. with or without notice to the Surety, and if he shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such contract. and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all costs and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so. and shall reimburse and repay the Owner all outlay and expense which the Owner may incur in making good any default. then this obligation shall be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. F-1 PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action filed upon this bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, State of Texas. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the tenns of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the tenns of the contract or to the work or to the specifications . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in _5_ counterparts each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the 1 8 day of December A.D., 2007. ATIEST: ~------~--~~~~-~-~~--- > • -':" .. _, ........ . . '•. -. "'--(SEAL) ... _ -- /? Witnes2 to Principal /tc:,o f::r/qttWeU .M r'Ji/1£~, 77 / ATIEST: (SEAL) 3114 Main (Address) (Surety) Secretary James P. Fulton (Address) F-2 Crescent Constructors, Inc. BY:~) Michael o~gre,President 1100 Grinnell Richardson, TX 75081 (Address) Travelers Casualty & Surety Co. Surety h BY: __ ~------~-'~-~--'---- (Attorney-in-fact) (5) Chris M. Hill 3114 Main St. Dallas, TX 75226 (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Correct Name of Contractor A Corporation, a Partnership or an Individual, as case may be Correct name of Surety If Contractor is Partnership all Partners should execute Bond A true copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by Attorney-in-Fact.. PAYMENT BOND No. 105036453 THE ST A TE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (1) Crescent Constructors, Inc. a (2) Corp. of Texas hereinafter called Principal, and (3) Travelers Casualty & Surety Co. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of CT and fully authorized to transact business in the State of Texas, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called Owner, and unto all person, firms, and corporations who may furnish materials, for or perform labor upon the building or improvements hereinafter referred to in the penal sum of: ________________________ _ Nine Hundred Eighty Three Thousand Dollars ($ 983,000) Dollars in lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly be made, we hereby bind ourselves , our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly to these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that Whereas, the Principal entered into a certain contract with the City ofFort Worth, the Owner, dated the 18th day of December A .D., 2007, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part thereof, for the construction of: Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement Project designated as Project No.(s) WTR-2007-000019, a copy of which contract is hereto attached, referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein, such project and construction being hereinafter referred to as the ''work". NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all claimants as defined in Article 5160, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in said Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. nns BOND IS MADE AND ENTERED into solely for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and material in the prosecution of the work prov ided for in said Contract, as claimants are defined in said Article 5160, and all such claimants shall have a direct r ight of action under the bond as provided in Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes . F-3 PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed upon this bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, State of Texas , that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change , extension of time , alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change , extension of time , alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications . PROVIDED FURTHER, that no final settlement between the Owner and the Contractor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder whose claim may be unsatisfied. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in _5_ counterparts each one of which shall be ··,. deemed an original, this the 18 day of December A.D., 2007 . .... ,. 0 • ,. =-"' -"TTEST: ._ -I'"'\.._ ~ .. ·-. \.,.: ":'·· ... ____ _ ,,...,. ~-.. 40 " .. ~ ... r,..,,._ ... __... ......... - (SEAL) . ~td-~ Witness as to principal //~ 4/f)qy bg. 1?,t'~zYJse81 (Address) AITEST: (Surety) Secretary SEAL) James P. Fulton 311 4 Main St. Dallas, TX 75226 (Address) F-4 PRINCIPAL (4) t ..,r uctors, Inc. TX 75081 Travelers Casualty & Surety Co. BY: s~/~~~ 3114 Main (Attomey-1·n.-fact) (5) Chris M. Hill St. Da .las, TX 75226 (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Correct Name ofContractor A Corporation, a Partnership or an Individual, as case may be Correct name of Surety If Contractor is Partnership all Partners should execute Bond A true copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by Attorney-in-Fact. MAINTENANCE BOND No. 1 0 5 0 3 6 4 5 3 THE ST A TE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That (1) Crescent Constructo~s ,as Principal, acting herein by an<1sJllro~, (2) M. Daigre its duly authorized President and (3) Travelers Casualty & a\irpbration organized under the laws of the State of CT as surety, do hereby acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the City of Fort Worth, a Municipal Corporation, chartered by virtue of Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texasthesumof Nine Hundred Eighty Three Thousand Dollars · ($ 9 8 3 , 0 0 0 ) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly be made unto said City of Fort Worth and its successors, said Contractor and surety do hereby bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however; that, Inc. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain contract with the City ofFort Worth, dated ~ day of Dec. • 2007 for the performance of the following described public work and the construction of the following described public improvements: Lake Worth Lift Station Replacement Project all of same being referred to herein and in said contract as the Work and being designated as Project No.(s) WTR- 2007-000019 ; and said contract, including all of the specifications, conditions and written instruments referred to therein as contract documents being hereby incorporated herein by reference for all purposes and made a part hereof, the same as if set out verbatim herein; and, WHEREAS, in said Contract, Contractor binds itself to use such materials and to so construct the work that it will remain in good repair and condition for and during the period Two (2) Years after the date of the final acceptance of the work by the City; and WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to maintain said work in good repair and condition for said term of TWO (2) YEARS ; and, WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to repair or reconstruct the work in whole or in part at any time within said period, if in the opinion of the Director of the Water Department of the City of Fort Worth, it be necessary; and, WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself, upon receiving notice of the need therefore to repair or reconstruct said work as herein provided. NOW THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain, repair or reconstruct said work in accordance with all the terms and conditions of said Contract, these presents shall be null F-5 and void, and have no force or effect. Otherwise this Bond shall be and remain in full force and effect, and said City shall have and recover from the said Contractor and its surety damages in the premises prescribed by said Contract. This obligation shall be continuing one and successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches until the full amount hereof is exhausted. WHEREAS, all parties covenant and agree that if any legal action be filed upon this bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas; and, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in _5_ counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, dated December 1 8 2007. ATTEST: (SEAL) Witness as to Principal !/t}l) ~pt)elL l>e l?eude.~7X Zsc:a1 (Address) ATTEST:/~~ ~/(surety) Secretary ~ James P. Fulton (SEAL) --::- 3114 Main St. Dallas, TX 75226 (Address) F-6 Crescent Constructors, Inc. 1100 Grinne 1 Richardson, TX 75081 (Address) Travelers Casualty & Surety Co. BY: Surety~~ ~__;;y (Attomey-in-factlf5) Chris M. Hill 3114 Main Street Da as, TX 75226 (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract (1) Correct Name of Contractor (2) A Corporation, a Partnership or an Individual, as case may be (3) Correct name of Surety ( 4) If Contractor is Partnership all Partners should execute Bond (5) A true copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by Attorney-in-Fact. ..... · TRAVELERS J WA RN ING : THI S POW ER OF ATTORN EY IS IN VALI D WITH OUT T HE RED BO RDER POWE R OF ATTORNEY Attorney -In Fact No. Farm ington Casua lty Co mpa ny Fid elity a nd G uaranty Insu rance Co mpa ny Fid elity a nd G ua r a nty Insu r a nce Unde r wr iters, Inc. Sea board Surety Co mp a ny St. Pa ul F ire and Ma ri ne Insurance Company 2 149 50 St. Pa ul G ua rdian Insu rance Co mpa ny St. Pa ul Mercu ry Insu rance Com pa ny Travelers Casua lty a nd Surety Com pan)' Tr ave lers Casua lt y a nd S urety Compa ny of Ameri ca United Sta tes Fid elity a nd G uara nty Co mpa ny Certifi cate No. Q Q 2 Q 2 Q 4 4 7 KN OW A LL MEN BY T HESE PRESENTS: Th a t Seaboard Surety Company is a corporati o n duly organized unde r the Jaws of the State of New York. that St. Pa ul Fire and Marine In surance Company, St. Pa ul Guardian Insurance Company a nd St. Paul Me rc ury In surance Co mpany are corporati o ns dul y orga ni zed und e r th e laws of th e Sta te of Minnesota. th a t Farmington Casualty Company. Travelers Cas ualty and Sure ty Company, a nd Travelers Casualty a nd Surety Compa ny of America are corporations duly organ ized under th e Jaws of the State of Con nec ti cu t, that United States Fidelity a nd Guaranty Company is a corporati on duly o rgani zed und e r the laws of th e State of Maryland. that Fidelity a nd Guaranty In s urance Com p a ny is a corporati o n duly orga ni zed under th e laws of th e State of Iowa. a nd th a t Fid e lity and Guaranty In surance Underwriters. Inc. is a corporation duly organi zed unde r the laws of th e S ta te of Wi scons in (herein collectively call e d th e '·Compan ies'"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Cash R. Harbaugh , Chris M. Hill , and Donald G . Murray of the City of __ D_a_ll_a_s ______________ . State of _____ T_e_x_a_s ____________ . th e ir tru e a nd lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in th e ir sep arate capaci ty if more th an o ne is na m e d above. to s ig n , exec ute, sea l and acknowledge a ny a nd a ll bo nd s, recog ni za nces, condi ti o na l und e rtakin gs a nd o th er writings o bli gatory in th e na ture thereof o n behalf of the Companies in their business of g uaranteein g th e fidelity of persons, g uaran teein g th e pe r form a nce o f contracts a nd executin g or g ua ran teei ng bonds a nd und ertakin gs required or permitted in a ny actions o r proceedings a llowed by law. 24th IN WI T N'o'~t~~fREOF, th e Comp~~fj•f ave caused th is in strume nt to be s ig ned and their corporate sea ls to be hereto affixed, this __________ _ day of __________ _ / State of Connec ti c ut City of Hartford ss. 24th Fa rmin gto n Casualty Co mpa ny Fid e lity and Guara nt y In s ura nce Comp any Fidelity an d Guara nt y In surance Und e rwrit ers, In c . Sea board Surety Company St. Pau l Fire a nd Marine Ins ura nce Com pany October 2007 By: St. Pa ul G uardi an In su ra nce Comp any St. Pau l Merc ury In s ura nce Co mp a ny Trave lers Cas ualt y a nd Su rety Co mp any Trave le rs Cas ualty a nd Surety Company of A me rica United States Fi deli ty and G uara nt y Co mpa ny On thi s the ________ d ay of ___________ _ ____ , before me pe rsona lly appeared George W. Thompson. who ac kn ow le d ged himself to be the Senior Vi ce Pres id e nt o f Fa rmin gto n Casualty Company, Fidelity an d Guaranty In s uran ce Company. Fidelity and Guarant y ln s urance Under wr ite rs. Inc ., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Pa ul Fire a nd Marine In s uranc e Compa ny. St. Paul Guardian In s urance Com pany, St. Paul Merc ury In s uran ce Com pany, Trave lers Casualty a nd Sure ty Company. Trave le rs Casualty and Surety Company of A merica. a nd United States Fidelity an d Guaranty Company. and that he. as s uch. being a uth orized so to do. exec uted the foregoi ng in strument for the purposes therei n contained b y sign in g on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. In Wit ness Whe reof, l hereunt o set m y hand and o ffici a l seal. My Commission expires th e 30th day of June. 20 11 . 5844 0-5-07 Prin ted in U.S .A. '-Marie C. Tet reau lt. otary Publi c WARNING : TH IS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BO RDER WARNING : THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER Thi s Power of Attorn ey is grant ed und er and by th e a uth ority of th e foll ow in g reso luti o ns ado pted by th e Boards of Direc tors of Farmin gto n C as ua lt y Compa ny, Fi delity and Gu a ra nty In surance Company, Fi delity and Gu ara nt y In surance Und e rwrite rs , In c., Seaboard Sure ty Company, S t. Paul Fire and M arin e In suranc e C~mp any, S t. Pa ul G uardi an In surance Compa ny, St. Paul Merc ury In surance Compa ny, Trave le rs Casualt y and Sure ty Compa ny, Trave le rs Casua lty and Surety Comp a ny o f A meri ca, and Unit ed S tates Fide lity a nd Gu ara nt y Company, whic h resoluti ons are now in full fo rce and effect, reading as fo ll ows : RESOLVED , th at th e Chairm an, th e Pres id ent , any Vi ce Cha irm a n, any Executi ve Vi ce Pres ident, an y Se ni or Vi ce Pres id ent, any Vi ce Pres ident, a ny Second Vice Pres id e nt, th e Treas urer, any Ass ista nt Treas ure r, th e Corporate Sec reta ry or any Ass ista nt Sec retary may a ppo int Attorn eys-in -Fact and Agent s to ac t fo r a nd on behalf o f th e Comp any a nd m ay g ive such ap po intee such auth o rit y as hi s o r he r ce rtifi ca te o f auth ority may presc rib e to sign wi th th e Compan y's na me a nd seal w ith th e Company 's sea l bo nd s, recogni za nces, contrac ts of inde mnit y, a nd o th e r writin gs o bli gato ry in th e nature of a bond , recogni zan ce, or conditi onal und ertakin g, a nd a ny o f said officers or th e Board, of Di1:~c tors at a ny tim e may re move a ny suc h a pp ointee and revo ke th e power g ive n him or her; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that th e C ha irma n, th e Presid ent . a ny Vi ce Chai rm a n, any Exec uti ve Vi ce Presid ent , any Se ni o r Vi ce Presid e nt or any Vi ce Pres id e nt may de legate a ll or any part of th e forego ing auth ori ty to o ne or mo re offi cers or e mpl oyees of thi s Company, provid ed th at each such del egati on is in writin g and a copy th e reof is fil ed in the office of th e Secretary; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED . that any bo nd , recogni za nce, cont rac t of inde mn ity, or writin g o bli ga tory in th e nature o f a bo nd , recogni zance, o r conditi o na l und e rtakin g sha ll be va li d and bind in g u po n th e Com pa ny whe n (a) s igned by th e Presid e nt, any Vi ce C ha irm an, any Exec uti ve Vi ce Presid ent , a ny Se ni or Vi ce Pre s id e nt o r a ny Vi ce Pres id e nt , a ny Second Vi ce Presid e nt , th e Treas urer, a ny A ssis tant Treasurer, th e Corpo rate Sec retary or any Ass istant Sec retary a nd dul y attes ted and sea led w ith th e Compa ny 's seal by a Sec retary or Ass istant Sec retary ; or (b) dul y execut ed (und er sea l, if required) by one or more Atto rn eys-in -Fac t and Agent s purs ua nt to th e power presc ribed in hi s or her ce rtifi cate o r th e ir certifi ca tes o f a uthorit y o r by one or more Company offic e rs purs uant to a writte n de legati on of au th orit y : and it is FURTHER RESOLVED , that th e s ignature of each of th e followin g offi ce rs : Pres id e nt , any Executi ve Vice Presid e nt , a ny Seni or Vic e Presid e nt , a ny Vi ce Presid en t, any Ass ista nt Vi ce Pres id e nt , any Secretary, a ny Ass istant Sec retary, and th e seal o f th e Com pa ny may be affi xe d by facs imil e to any power of attorn ey or to any certifi cate re latin g th ereto a p pointin g Resid e nt Vi ce Presid e nt s, Res id ent Ass istant Sec reta ri es or Attorn eys -in-Fac t for purposes o nl y o f executin g and attestin g bond s a nd unde rt akings a nd oth e r writin gs o bli gatory in th e nature th e reof , and a ny such power o f att orn ey o r ce rtifi cate bearin g such facs imil e s ig nature o r facsi mil e seal s ha ll be va lid and bind ing upon the Company and a ny such power so executed and ce rtifi ed by s uc h facs imil e sig nature and facs imil e seal shall be va lid an d b indin g o n the Compa ny in th e future with res pec t to any bo nd or und ersta nding to whi c h it is att ac hed . I, Kori M . Joh anso n, th e unde rs igned , Ass ista nt Sec retary, of Farmin gto n Cas ualt y Compa ny. Fide lity and Gu aranty In s uran ce Company, Fide lity and Gu a ranty In surance Underwrite rs. In c., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marin e In surance Com pany, St. Paul Gu ardi a n In s ura nce Compan y, St. Paul M erc ury In sura nce Compan y, T rave lers Cas ua lty and Sure ty Co mp any, T rave lers Casualt y a nd Sure ty Co mp a ny of America , and United States Fide lity a nd Gu ara nt y Company do he reby certify th at th e a bove a nd fo rego in g is a tru e and co rrec t copy o f th e Power of Atto rn ey executed by said Compa ni es, whi c h is in full fo rc e and e ffect a nd ha s not been revoked . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have he re unto set m y hand and affi xed th e seals o f sa id Compani es thi s _..,_1..,,8c..___ day o f __ D~e_c-e_m~b_e~r~---' 20 _J)_7 Kori M . Joh ans To veri fy th e a uth enti ci ty of thi s Power of Att orn ey, call 1-8 00-42 1-3880 o r co nt ac t us at www.trave le rs bon d .co m . Pl ease refe r to th e Attorne y-In-Fac t num be r, th e a bove -n a med indi vid uals and th e deta il s o f th e bo nd to whi c h th e power is attac hed. WARNING : THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER 'S COMPENSATION LAW Pursuant to Article 8308-3 .23 of Vernon 's Annotated Ci v il Statutes , Contractor certifies that it provides worker 's compensation insurance coverage for all of it 's employees employed on City of Fort Worth Project Number WTR-2007-000019 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § MFrCEr([ l)J;Jf 1RJJt [N'J, ;/Ir CONTRACTOR > By: ;, ). . /JIC7rl t: 1JX · ,;f: t f,{SJ!)fi./T OI tq Of Date J.J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day per~onally a~peared , /~ 4Jt&Rt£ , known to me to be the person whose name 1s subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same as the act and deed of~ ~~ 14 for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated . GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _o_· ~9_· __ day of S-/kl)v dfa V , -~ "et::rJ8 ,..~~i~~?.ki>-. DONALD W. EASON (,;( • .:)*\ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OFTEXAS \~/e';;;·,~$/ COMMISSION EXPIRES : ··-........ 10-01-2011 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas PART G-CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § TIDS CONTRACT, made and entered into ----"-<~..,._:::..o, --""'""Em..£.<..1'-"BEJe.=:...J., =-------'/'."-'&=--7+,--=2'-Do=--.,,,"--'-7 ___ _ by and between the City of Fort Worth, a home-rule municipal corporation located in Tarrant County, Texas, acting through its City Manager thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed "OWNER", and CRE.SC(;A)T: (M)s 'rt<U:: 77")/C, $ . //VC . of the City of M Cf//t/2/)SON 'County :r_b~w=u~ll-~L> ________ and State of __ __;.7;c-_,,¢X,4:S""-"-"~""'""""--------Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the Party of the First Part (Owner), said Party of the Second Part (Contractor) hereby agrees with the said Party of the First Part (Owner) to commence and complete certain improvements described as follows: LAKE WORTH LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT and all extra work connected therewith, under the terms as stated in the Contract Documents , and at his (their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence , labor, bonds , insurance, and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with all the requirements of the Contract Documents, which include all maps, plats, blueprints and other drawings and printed or wr itten explanatory matter thereof, and the specifications thereof, as prepared by the Engineers employed by the Owner, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the Contractor and the Engineers thereon , together with the Contractor's Written Proposal and the other parts of the Contract Documents hereto attached, including the Fort Worth Water Department General Contract Documents and General Specifications, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire contract. The Contractor hereby agrees to commence work within ten (10) day s after the date written notice to do so shall have been given to him , and to substantially complete same wi thin the time stated in the proposal. G-1 The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor in current funds for the performance of the contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted therefor , subject to additions and deductions , as provided in the Contract Documents and all approved modifications thereof, and to make payment on account thereof as provided therein . rN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties to these pcesents have executed this Contract fil ~ fil the year and day first above written. City of Fort Worth, Texas (Owner) Party of the First Part By:--,,1<-~..........,!-:..-:::::::_r _ ___,.~.:c..._~_->_--___ _ Marc A. Ott, Assistant City Manager Pa~ of the Second Part ) r , 1. I CRi-TC8/£ Co,J[[f!M@RJ 1 (1v C. 1 Contractor WITNESSES: _/J ~~[J-~ S. Frank Crumb, P .E., Director Water Department ATTEST : m~ Marty Hendrix, City Secretary (SEAL) con t r act Authorizatioa ~--·--2/JW~'l - ~2 t e By:~~~~~~~~~~~7 ~ G-2 APPENDIX ''A'' Selected Standard Details From Fort Worth Water Department General Contract Documents And Specifications 1 -1 -7, I l _J , ...•. ... ,- :p-::· :~<,/. ... ~: •• I ....... .. c:-----------r.:-:~~:-,-,-.__) V ~: ~ ·, .. ·~:.···· ·.,: ·.; ••· , .• ,;:, • ••• l:!4.. . .,. !Jr-r,""··().·' ,·'{, .... ,. . •,. . .. , .. , .. , .. . ~-·'-:.···:.,~ .. : .. : .. ~ '.~ :/: ~·: 0 "I C"') I ----n-----,r-----· , .. , .. ,---------•.. ----,:d.' r • : ,. ,.. I ,; . ~,· \'II ' ..... ·. . . ,:.,., ·, , ..... :: ,I -. . If • ,,., lt:i: . . r··J 11!.a'., '1,:·-·:·--· ...... ~, --··=-,.,, -.. -.. -•:••;) -, •, "t I I • I t IV.~ 1 • It I , -:-', ,,-,-.·r----.. --,J --•• - --.S.,,·,,-. I 11:-,1-,~----l~:11 -- I ,U"t---------------__ ,:! I I I I I I I I 5-0'' tvllN. le'------®-----_..., MATER I AL LI ST 3/411 or l II as app I i cab I e @ -Standard Corporation Stop ® -Standard Curb Stop & 90° Elbow. © -Meter Box and Meter to be i nsta 11 ed by Other @-Service Line ® -B 1 ue Vinyl Tape, 3" wide, 6 11 above ground ® -Area to be backf i 11 ed with sand 3/4 11 8'1 11 WATER SERVICE DETAIL FIGURE 2 El-17 Material EZ-17 Constr· f1 .. Pipe Size 411 6" g11 10•• 12 11 l 6 11 20 11 24 11 30 11 36 11 42 11 48 11 ·54 11 NOTES: ---· ···:::, ... ----··-···· -· ------ 150 P.S. J.G test pressure and 3000 P,S,F. soil bear i ng va l ue. 1500 # Concrete Bend II E" 1500# Concrete HORIZONTAL BLOCKING TABLE 1,Dimension 11 X11 Hay Vary If Necessary To Provide Bearing Against Undisturbed Trench Wal I x-,·. Dim. Ft. I .. J.5 1.5 l. 5 ]. 5 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 1 3 ~.o . ·" I I 0 ·-15 '· 22° -30 1 45° 90° Tee & Plug " I Min, na)C. f'I In, Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. P.Min. Max "A II Are;;. Vo I II R" Area Vo I ••c•• Area Vol. 11011 Area Vol. II F II n~a Vol .90 .Be .05 ,95 .90 .05 .95 .90 .05 .91 .82 .05 J. 16 • 5E . 05 . 90 .-Sc . 0.5 . 95 .90 .05 J.05 J. IO .05 I. 73 J.99 .05 J. 19 1.41 .05 . 90 .8C -05 • 95 .90 .05 1.41 2.00 .05 1.86 3 .47 . I J.57 2 .46 . 1 .90 .80 .os J. 26 I. 60 .05 1.79 3.20 • I 2. 18 5,b2 .2 1.99 3. 98 . 15 J. I 0 1.20 .05 J.48 2.30 . I 2. 14 4.50 .2 2.83 8.00 . 3 2.38 5,b5 .2 I. 41 2.00 • I 2.00 4.oo • l 2.83 8.00 .4 3,75 l'+. 1 0 .65 3. 16 JO. 00 . 5 I. 77 3. 10 . 2 2.54 6.20 .3 3.52 12.40 .6 4. 70 22. 00 I. 15 3.94 15. 55 ,75 2. 14 4.50 .25 3.00 9.00 .5 4.25 18. J 0 .95 5 .65 32. 00 J.85 4. 76 ra. 60 ,. 05 2.66 7. l 0 ,55 3.78 14.20 1.0 5.30 28.20 J. 75 7.05 lt9.80 3.4 5.91 l3S. 33 2. I 3,33 ID .00 ,75 4.50 20.40 1.4 6. 36 ~0.80 2.65 8.50 72.00 5. I 7.20 51. OD 2.95 1. 72 11. Be I. 2 i;. 2 i; 27.60 2.2 7 41 ::;i;. ~n 4.1 q_qo 17. i:;o 7 q 8.30 63. 00 4. 75 4. 38 18. 30 1.6 6.00 36.00 2.g 8.48 7Z.OO r;.4 11.14 1as.r:;o 10.4 q,r;o CI) .o -6. Ir; ~.00 ~2. 5( ~.oo 6.70 Li 5.00 7.00 9,40 saoo 10.00 13. 00 162.0( 16.oc JO. 7C JIS!D 12.0C Minimum areas shown are in square feet. Volumes shown are in cubic yards. Vertical dimensions of all block bearing areas shall be ldentical to the horizontal dimension shown. HORIZONTAL BLOCKING DETAIL 1-i-78 FIGURE 9 E - I -2 O Mat e r i a 1 E-2-20 Construction \ "-I:==========~15.55"-::· ========::::i TO, YllW Of LID . • ,J \ IOI •• 'i~ I r -·····················, r------· · ···· ·----·, r······················N . .: ., -,i •• :·, J -. ..... ·. 1 -·· I .:,,· ... :.:·. "· ~, ' : ;·.,. .. ..... ·~ I0.0::1 · · I LID SU>t HtVATION I • 21.05 " LONGITUDINAL SECTION A-A I.YP. ---·------· --------- BOTTOM VIEW or LID -----· 11.4-"-------, ...... ~ '; " J . I , .. .• ~. .·. r·············,, ·· · ~ ··, r······-······1 ' =lb .I_ Ld+:=· 11 .3" LID ENO ELEVATION ·,·:-····: .•': ... ·' ,, . ··~ .. .. ': .... ,: . •, . .. ' I \ -.· . •: .. · .. ·.·· ... :: GAUGE WELDtD WIRE: f"R ... M~ an OI' fOIIT -~TIIIAf • WATER DEPAn,MENT CLA~S ~A·• .5TD.CONCRCTE MET[R BOX WITH C. I. LID roR a,. f I" METI:R.5 SCAl.C : A:) SH OWN APPENDIX ''B'' Geotechnical Report Prepared By: LANDTEC Engineering July 2003 PROPOSED LAKE WORTH LIFT STATION CAHOBA DRIVE FORT WORTH, TEXAS Prepared for City of Fort Worth July 2003 5450 E. Loop 820 South Fort Worth, Texas 76119 817.572.3627 Fax 817.561.5485 r r I Mr. Chris P. Harder P.E. Water Department, Planning and Engineering The City of Fort Worth 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102-6311 (817) 871.6820 Voice (817) 871.8195 Fax Geotechnical Engineering Construction Materials Testing Laboratory Testing Environmental Services GPS Surveying July 8, 2003 Project No . 0603-479 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed Lake Worth Lift Station Cahoba Drive Fort Worth, Texas Dear Mr. Harder: The results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed Lake Worth Lift Station project are presented in the following geotechnical engineering report . Recommendations for foundations and lateral loads are provided in this report. The study has been conducted in general agreement with our proposal (No. 2306) dated May 24, 2003 and your authorization received on June 26, 2003. The City Project No. is PS58-070580280030. We appreciate the opportunity to provide geotechnical engineering services on your project. Should you have any questions, or find we can be of further service, please let us know. ' ...... "'~''''" ........ ...: ~ OF 7'."" ''s Sin~~:.-·····:·· ··~=t~~'· _ ~.. ~7 •• IS:._ ·.A--/)'," ••••······. C,(,,I <> .1 .2 ..... . THO MAS D. BAKER o .... :······· ................. ,! 7-o -tJ 3 -0 ·. :,:.:-~ '1b\ 1>. 40060 <) / '4-i ~ ~I. ;,(,•.tpMI ~~-~ Tho~f}>1.n~~~lF- PrincipM~ ENGINEERS, LLC Copies submitted : 2 LANDTEC ENGINEERS, LLC 5450 E. Loop 820 S. Fort Worth , Texas 76119 817 .572 .3627 817 .561 .5485 479 LAKE WORTH LIFf STATION CAHOBA DRIVE FORT WORTH, TEXAS Prepared for The City of Fort Worth July 2003 Prepared by LANDTEC ENGINEERS, LLC 5450 East Loop 820 South Fort Worth, Texas 76119 Report No. 0603-479 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Project Description 1 1.2 Purpose and Scope 1 2 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2 2.1 Field Exploration 2 2.2 Laboratory Testing 3 3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4 3 .1 Stratigraphy 4 3.2 Shallow Subsurface Seepage Observations 4 .. 4 LIFT STATION RECOMMENDATIONS 6 " 4.1 Foundation Type, Depth and Allowable Loading 6 4 .2 Lateral Earth Pressures 7 4.3 Backfill Placement and Compaction 7- 4.4 Excavations 8 4.5 Groundwater 8 4.6 Excavation · Equipment 9 "' 5 EARTHWORK 10 5 .1 Site Preparation 10 5.2 Placement and Compaction 10 5 .3 Non-Expansive, Select Fill 11 6 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING 13 -7 CONDITIONS 14 ,; APPENDIX A .. 479 11 LANDTEC 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description This report presents the results of a geotechnical investigation for the proposed Lake Worth Lift Station project in Fort Worth, Texas. The project is located on the south side of Cahoba Drive on the northeast side of Lake Worth. An existing lift station is across Cahoba Drive from the proposed site. The project will consist of a reinforced concrete lift station with wet well dimensions of approximately 12 feet by 15 feet. The bottom of the wet well will be approximately 20 below existing grade. A reinforced concrete valve vault will be approximately 10 feet deep. 1.2 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this geotechnical study has been to determine the general subsurface conditions, evaluate the engineering characteristics of the subsurface materials encountered, and develop recommendations for the type or types of foundations suitable for the project. To accomplish its intended purposes, the study has been conqucted in the following phases: (1) drilling sample borings to determine the general subsurface conditions and to obtain samples for testing; (2) performing laboratory tests on appropriate samples to determine pertinent engineering properties of the subsurface materials; and, (3) performing engineering analyses, using the field and laboratory data to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed construction. 479 1 LANDTEC I • I • • • • • • • • • • • ., • • • 2 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2.1 Field Exploration Soil and rock conditions at the site were evaluated by means of one boring made on July 1, 2003 with a truck-mounted drill rig at the location indicated on the Plan of Borings. The log of the boring showing the types of soils and rocks encountered are presented in APPENDIX A of this report. Soil and rock descriptions on the boring log are a compilation of field data as well as from \aboratory testing of samples. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between soil types and the transition can be gradual. Relatively undisturbed samples of cohesive so ils encountere d in the borings were taken using a thin wall Shelby tube sampler. Depths at _ which these samples were taken designated "U" are indicated in the "Sample" column of the boring logs . After a Shelby tube was recovered from a boring, the sample was carefully extruded in the field, examined visually and logged. A representative portion was selected, wrapped and sealed to prevent loss of moisture and to protect the sample during transportation. Estimates of the consistency of the cohesive soil samples were obtained in the field using a hand penetrometer. The result of a hand penetrorneter reading is recorded at a corresponding depth in the "Penetrometer, TSP" column of the boring logs . When the capacity of the hand penetrometer is exceeded, the value of 4.5+ is recorded . The limestone and shale were evaluated in place by the TxDOT cone penetrometer test. Either the number of blows required to produce 12 inches of penetration, or the inches of penetration due to 100 blows of the hammer are noted on the boring logs designated "T" in the "Penetration Resistance" column . 47 9 2 LANDTEC Samples of granular soils encountered in the borings were taken using a split-spoon sampler. Depths at which the split-spoon samples were taken in these borings are designated "S" in the "Sample" column of the boring logs. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 in. of penetration or the inches of penetration for 50 blows is recorded at a corresponding depth in the "Blows Per Ft" column of the boring logs. Representative portions of each split-spoon sample were selected and sealed in plastic bags to prevent loss of moisture. Periodic observations were made in the boring to determine the depth of shallow subsurface seepage after completion of the boring. Water level readings during drilling and after completion of the boring are noted on the respective log. Water level measurements refer only to those observed at the times and places indicated, and can vary with time, geologic condition, construction activity, rainfall and other factors. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Representative samples of the soils were tested in the laboratory. Liquid limit and plastic limit tests (Atterberg limits) and sieve analysis (percent passing #200 sieve) were performed on soil samples from the borings in order to classify them according to the Unified Soil Classification (USC) System. Strength properties of the soil were evaluated by performing ~nconfincd compression tests. The results of these tests are reported as Qu values (in tons per square foot). Moisture and density determinations were also made on samples to detenmine the in situ conditions. Results of the laboratory tests are presented on the boring log. 479 3 LANDTEC 3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Stratigraphy Specific types and depths of subsurface strata encountered in the boring are shown on the attached boring log. The general subsurface conditions encountered in the boring consist of the following: Boring B-1 encountered approximately 3 feet of tan clay fill material with limestone fragments, rocks and some asphalt material. From approximately 3 to 6 feet the materials consisted of brown lean clay with limestone fragments. From approximately 6 feet to approximately 8 feet the materials consisted of tan sandy lean clay with coarse sand and fine gravel seams. Water bearing sand and gravel with some clay binder was encountered from approximately 8 feet to 13 feet below existing grade. From approximately 13 feet to 17 feet tan weathered limestone with interbedded limy clay seams and layers was encountered. Below approximately 17 feet gray shale and limy shale was encountered to a depth of 24.5 feet. Gray limestone and shaly limestone with some interbedded gray limy shale seams and layers was encountered to the completion depth at 40 feet below existing grade. 3.2 Shallow Subsurface Seepage Observations Shallow subsurface water observations indicate seepage approximately 8 to 9 feet below existing grade, within the sand and gravel stratum. Water traveling through the soil (subsurface water) is often unpredictable. This could be due to seasonal changes in groundwater and due to the unpredictable nature of groundwater paths. Therefore, it is necessary during construction for the contractor to be 479 4 LANDTEC observant for groundwater seepage in excavations in order to assess the situation and make necessary changes and/or recommendations . Fluctuations of the groundwater level can occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall; site topography and runoff; hydraulic conductivity of soil strata; water levels in the adjacent lake; and other factors not evident at the time the boring was performed. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations and flooding should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. 47 9 5 LANDTEC .. 4 LIFT STATION RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Foundation Type, Depth and Allowable Loading The lift station structure will be constructed approximately 20 feet below existing grade within the moderately hard gray shale and limy shale . For a mat footing bearing at this depth, an allowable bearing pressure of 20,000 pounds per square foot can be used to size the footing. This bearing value includes a safety factor of three. In order to utilize this allowable bearing value the footing excavat ion must be observed to determine if soft, moist soils are present. If soft spots are observed, they should be over- excavated and backfilled with lean concrete or crushed limestone base material (ASTM #57 Aggregate). The footing excavations must be maintained at in-situ moisture, i .e ., not allowed to dry out or become wet. In order to accomplish this, it may be necessary to place a lean concrete "mud slab" to protect the surface of the bearing material from changes in moisture. The mud slab should be at least three (3) inches thick, using a 1,500 to 2,000 psi concrete mix. Footing excavations should be observed to determine that all excessively loose, soft, or otherwise undesirable materials are removed and that fou~dations will bear on satisfactory material. Soil exposed in the bases of all satisfactory foundation excavations should be protected against detrimental change in condition such as from disturbance, rain, or excessive drying. Surface runoff should be drained away from the excavations and not allowed to pond. 479 6 LANDTEC 4.2 Lateral Earth Pressures The exterior walls of the lift station building will serve as earth retaining walls, as backfill is placed. Therefore, the walls must be designed for lateral pressures. We understand that the lift station walls will be designed for the at-rest, undrained condition, since the area is subject to flooding. The excavated area between the wall and the excavation face should be backfilled using select granular backfill materials (liquid limit in the range of 35 or less and a plasticity index in the range of 4 to 12). Utilizing granular backfill materials the at-rest lateral pressures against the wall may be taken as an equivalent fluid pressure of 50 pounds per cubic foot, per foot of depth above the water table and 95 pounds per cubic foot, per foot of depth below the design water level. If onsite clay backfill is used, we recommend an at-rest lateral pressure of 105 pounds per cubic foot below the water table. The location and magnitude of permanent surcharge loads (if present) should be determined, and the additional pressure generated by these loads such as the weight of construction equipment and vehicular loads that are used at the time th e structures are being built must also be considered in the design. The equivalent fluid pressures, given here, do not include a safety factor. 4.3 Backfill Placement and Compaction The backfill material should be placed in maximum of eight (8)-inch lifts and compacted to a density ranging between 92 and 98 percent of maximum Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) dry density at a moisture content ranging from one (1) percentage point below optimum to four (4) percentage points above optimum (-1 to +4) for the backfill materials. Caution should be exercised not to overcompact the backfill . Overcompaction 479 7 LANDTEC will result in excessive lateral earth pressures. Hand-operated tampers or other lightweight compactors are preferred in the three-foot area adjacent to the wall. Consideration should be given to placement of a relatively impervious soil in the upper layer of the backfill around the exterior of the structure for the purpose of minimizing the amount of infiltration of the outside surface water. It is recommended that the uppermost eighteen (18) inches of backfill material consist of a sandy clay or clay with a liquid limit in the range of 35 to 45, a plasticity index in the range of 20 to 25, and the amount passing the No. 200 sieve greater than 50 percent. The ground surface should slope away from the structure on a gradient of 1-1/2 to 3 percent, such that surface water does not pond adjacent to the structure within the backfill zone. 4.4 Excavations The stability of slopes is affected by weather conditions, the excavation depth, adjacent structures, construction equipment, and the length of time the excavation will remain open. In all cases, the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) must be followed. It is important for the contractor to monitor the slope stability by observation and measurement, and to prevent excessive loads (especially heavy vibratory loads) from being applied to the slope. The contractor should be responsible for maintaining the slopes in a safe condition during construction and the use of slope stability monitoring equipment is recommended. This report has not been prepared for trench safety and/or excavation slope design. 4.5 Groundwater Depending on the time of year and weather conditions as well as lake level during construction, groundwater will be encountered within the excavation. It is anticipated the groundwater can be allowed to drain into a sump or ditch within the excavation and the water can be pumped out. If flow into the excavation exceeds what can be handled by a 479 8 LANDTEC pump, it may become necessary to provide some type of cut-off, such as a sheet piling wall. The decision as to the method for handling groundwater, depends UJP On such factors as the soil characteristics within the excavation depth , site hydrogeology, the size and depth of the excavation, method of excavation and side slopes, the proximity of existing structures, their depth and foundation type, and the design and function of the proposed structure. Choice of a particular method or a combination of methods for dewatering any given excavation will require an analysis of the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, the requirements of the work, and the contractor's experience with dewaterlng excavations . Once these facts are known, consideration can be given to the various methods available for handling groundwater and a selection can be made as to a suitable method. A certain amount of flexibility is important in the dewatering process . Although a geotechnical study has been made, some unanticipated subsurface conditions could exist. These unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made by the owner to attain a properly designed and constructed project. 4.6 Excavation Equipment In general, it is anticipated that the overburden soils (clays, lean clays, sand, and gravel ) can be excavated with ordinary excavation equipment and effort. Based on our experience, the tan weathered limestone and interbedded limest9ne and clay will require significant additional excavation effort, such as large trackhoes with rock buckets and/o r hoe-rams . The limy shale and gray shaly limestone will also require greater excavation effort including rock tooth buckets and hoe-rams . 479 9 LANDTEC 1 1 ' J l l l l l l l l ] 5 EARTHWORK 5.1 Site Preparation The building site should be stripped of vegetation, roots, old construction debris, and other organic material. It is estimated that the depth of stripping will be on the order of 4 to 6 inches. The actual stripping depth should be based on · field observations with particular attention given to old drainage areas, uneven topography, and excessively wet soils. The stripped areas should be observed to determine if additional excavation is required to remove weak or otherwise objectionable materials that would adversely affect the fill placement. The subgrade should be firm and able to support the construction equipment without displacement. Soft or yielding subgrade should be corrected and made stable before construction proceeds. The subgrade should be proof rolled to detect soft spots, which if exist, should be reworked. Proof rolling should be performed using a heavy pneumatic tired roller, loaded dump truck, or similar piece of equipment weighing approximately 25 tons. The proof rolling operations should be observed by a geotechnical engineer or his representative. Prior to fill placement, the subgrade should be scarified to a depth of approximately six (6) inches, its moisture content adjusted, ;ind recompacted to the density specified herein for fill. 5.2 Placement and Compaction Fill material should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding eight (8) inches in uncompacted thickness. The fill material should be uniform with respect to material type and moisture content. Clods and chunks of material should be broken and the fill material mixed by disking, blading, or plowing, as necessary, so that a material of uniform moisture and 479 10 LANDTEC density is obtained for each lift. Water required for sprinkling to bring the fill material to the proper moisture content should be applied evenly through each layer. The fill material should be compacted to a minimum of ninety-five (95) percent of the maximum dry density determined by the Standard Proctor test, ASTJ\1 D 698. In conjunction with the compacting operation, the fiH material should be brought to the proper moisture content. The moisture content for on-site clays used as fill, should range between optimum moisture and five (5) percentage points above optimum (0 to +5). For non-expansive soils (plasticity index ranging from 6 to 12) used as fill, the moisture content should range from two (2) percentage points below optimum to five (5) percentage points above optimum (-2 to +5). Field density tests should be taken as each lift of fill material is placed. As a guide, one field density test per lift for each 5,000 square feet of compacted area is recommended. For small areas or critical areas the frequency of testing may need to be increased to one test per 2,500 square feet. A minimum of two tests per lift should be required. The earthwork operations should be observed and tested on a continui n g basis by an experienced geotechnician working in conjunction with the project geotecl:mical engineer. Each lift should be compacted, tested, and approved before another lift is added. The purpose of the field density tests is to provide some indication that uniform and adequate compaction is being obtained. The actual quality of the fill, as compacted, should be the responsibility of the contractor and satisfactory results from the tests should not be considered as a guarantee of the quality of the contractor's filling operations. 5.3 Non-Expansive, Select Fill Select fill material should be a clayey sand or a lean sandy clay with a liquid limit (LL) less than thirty five (35), and a plasticity index (PI) between six (6) and fifteen (15). The 479 11 LANDTEC select fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding eight (8 ) inches in uncompacted thiclmess, and be unifonnly compacted to a minimum of ninety-five (95) percent of the maximum dry density determined by Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698). The moisture content of the fill at the time of compaction should be from minus two (2) to plus five (5) percentage points of optimum (-2 to +5). 479 12 LANDTEC 6 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING In any geotechnical investigation, the design recommendations are based on a limited amount of information about the subsurface conditions. In the analysis, the geotechnical engineer must assume the subsurface conditions are similar to the conditions encountered in the borings. However, during construction quite often anomalies in the subsurface conditions are revealed. Therefore, it is recommended that the project geotechnical engineer be retained to monitor earthwork and foundation installation and perform materials evaluation during the construction phase of the project. This enables the geotechnical engineer to stay abreast of the project which permits him to be readily available to evaluate unanticipated conditions, to conduct additional tests if required and, when necessary, to recommend alternative solutions to unanticipated conditions. It is proposed that construction monitoring commence at the outset of the project. Experience has shown that the most suitable method for procuring these services is for the owner to contract directly with the geotechnical/materials engineer. This results in a clear, direct line of communication between the owner or his representative and the geotechnical/materials engineer. 479 13 LANDTEC 7 CONDITIONS The services described in this report were performed consistent with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. These services were performed consistent with our agreement with our client. This report is solely for the use and information of our client unless otherwise noted. Any reliance on this report by a third party is at such party's sole risk. Opinions and recommendations contained in this report apply to conditions existing when services were performed and are intended only for the client, purposes, locations, time frames, and project parameters indicated. We do not warrant the accuracy of information supplied by others, nor the use of segregated portions of this report. The conclusions and recommendations in this report are invalid if • the assumed design loads change • the structures are relocated • the report is used for adjacent or other property or buildings • grades, ground-water levels, or both, change between the issuance of this report and construction • any other change is implemented that materially alters the project from that proposed when this report was prepared The boring logs do not provide a warranty of the conditions that may exist at the entire site. The extent and nature of subsurface soil and ground-water variations may not become evident until construction begins. Variations in soil conditions between borings could possibly exist between or beyond the points of exploration or ground-water elevations may change, both of which may require additional studies, consultation, and 479 14 LANDTEC possible design revisions. Any person associated with this project who observes conditions or features of the site or surrounding areas that are different from those described in this report should report them immediately to us for consideration and evaluation. This report was prepared solely for the use of our client and should be reviewed in its entirety. 479 15 LANDTEC ,/ ,/ .. ·' ·. -·,_..,,.• / ,· 0 NORTH SCALE: 1 "=40' . -- \ \ •. ,··' / LAKE WORTH t \ "'\ ./" \ \. .. \ \ ... \ \ \ \ \ '· \\ \ '- _.,,.,,., 1\ \ \._ \'\ \ __ '\ .• .... ·. 1 \ \. \ \ ·-\ \ __ .. ,,.,,..... .,,. .. "" .,; ./" '-\. \\. '\. ·. '\ \ \. '\ __ ,.. ,,··-0· ,-\ '-j. .. •• ' \ \, ': \ ·, ..... -· .---·o!,.~\ , \ , ·. ; ,.,-' , . ...... . ... ~ '· ~ ·, \ ~ ' ©/ ..... r --.. · ·,. ::,\~\ \ \ \ '· i, \ / I '\ ·, . 1i } / . !.,,,:ii I ' j I ' / j j .I J ,,..· ,,' .. ' •' ; . , ... ,· ·', I 11 r',.., i t ! .( I ':· I i ( / I : i r I ~-: I i ·z ; : , I, 1· i 1 1 l 11 ,l j ;\ i 1 ~ ' \_Proposed -":~}:: . ·' Lift Station PLAN OF BORING LAKE WORTH LIFT STATION FORT WORTH, TEXAS FIGURE A.1 M ~ ;::: f- Cl 0 Project: Lake Worth Lift Station Cahoba Drive Fort Worth, Texas Project Number: 0603-479 Cl) u "' Cl) ., :::> c.. -. E 0 "' Cl) ..0 E >. Cl) Location: See Plan of Borings Surface El.: 602.5 (±) i ., E e g~ ., /l., "Cl C "' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ U1 ~ LEAN CLAY, sandy & limy, tan, very stiff, dry 1.0 4.5+ U2 ~ 1 \,.__w=/le.,:im":;e;,s:;to;:.:na::e:....:ro=cl:=.:cs<FI~L""L"".-1='-,---=-------'' 4.5+ >--ill 'I~ CLAY, limy, tan, very stiff, dry w/limestone 3 _ 0 4 _5+ "I.. rocks & asohalt (FILL) : -~1 LEAN CLAY, brown, very stiff, dry 4 .5+ US w/calcareous nodules & w/silt & sand seams 4 .5+ '-5-'-- )"'-!" --1---·o/,c S7 ·Q -10--b·.(; - -oQ:1 SANDY LEAN CLAY, tan, limy, very stiff, moist w/some coarse sand & fine gravel seams SAND & GRAVEL, tan, coarse sand and medium gravel, water bearing w/some clay binder 6.0 8.0 4.0 50/ 6" BORING LOG B-1 Sheet 1 of 1 12.0 110.9 58 13.0 15 .0 111.7 36 16 .0 I 05.8 29 12 .0 .g "' "' ii: 19 17 16 39 19 13 67 2.5 78 3.9 64 1.2 --·.:e:,, __ µ~~-~--~~-------------------'-1~3-~0+---~--+---+---+---+---+---+--+--+--+-~ ~ WEATHERED LIMESTONE, tan, moderately -_,__TS hard to hard w/interbedded tan shaly clay seams 100/ -15 3.5 " = = ~~="'i----,-~~~~~~-.,.,,,-~~~~~~17~.0::.+~-~~+-~+-~f--+~-+~-+~-t--~-t-~-t----, SHALE, limy, gray, very stiff to moderately I-- ~ -~~-- T9 '-20-1-t-- .... - I-- L-- -.... -~ .... - >-25 IT! I I-- .... - .... - - -30-!!J - - -- ----ffi -35 - - hard, dry w/some shaly limestone seams LIMESTONE, shaly, gray, moderately hard to hard, dry w/interbedded gray limy shale seams & layers & w/some sandy limy shale seams 24.5 100/ 1.5" 100/ 1" 100/ 0.75" 100/ 0.7 5" ..... u - Ill f-I-- f@ -< 1TB ~ ..J -40 ii: 0 I-- "' .... 'f .... - < f-I-- "' t ~ -~ 1-45- ~ I--< ..J I--:;! :, I-- 0 ~ .... - ~ .... 50 0 Completion Depth: 0 ..J Date : 7/1/03 0 ;z; 2 0 OJ LANDTEC 40 ft 40 .0 100/ 1--1:._ Remarks: Seepage observed at 9 ft. during drilling. Water level measured at 8.5 ft. at completion. The strahfication Imes represent approximate strata boundaries, in si tu, the transition may t,e gradual FIGURE A .2 GENERAL NOTES DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS: u A s w C p T D 'Ibin-Walled Tube -3" O.D .• Unless otherwise noted Auger Sample Split Spoon -2" O.D ., Unless otherwise noted Wash Sample Double Tube Core Barrel Packer Test THD Cone Penetrometer Denison Sample RELATIVE DENSITY CONSISTENCY OF COARSE-GRAINED SOILS: OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS: Penetration Resistance Relative Unconfined Compressive Blows/foot Density Streneth2 Qu2 tsf Consistenq 0-4 Very Loose Less than 0.25 Very Soft 4-10 Loose 0.25 to 0.50 Soft 10-30 Medium Dense 0.50 to 1.00 Firm 30-50 Dense 1.00 to 2.00 Stiff over 50 Very Dense 2.00 to 4.00 Very Stiff 4 .00 and higher Hard TERMS CHARACTERIZING SOIL STRUCTURE: Slickensided Fissured Laminated Interbedded Calcareous Well graded Poorly graded Having inclined planes of weakness that are slick and glossy in appe.arance . Containing shrinkage cracks, frequently filled with fine sand or silt; usually more or less vertical . Composed of thin layers of varying color and texture. Composed of alternate layers of different soil types. Containing appreciable quantities of calcium carbonate. Having wide range in grain sizes and substantial amounts of all intermediate particle sizes . Predominantly of one grain size, or having a range of sizes with some intermediate size missing. NOTE: Slickensided and fissured clays may have lower unconfined compressive strengths because of planes of weakness or cracks in the soil. The consistency rating of such soils are based on penetrometer readings. DEGREE OF WEATHERING: Un weathered Slightly Weathered Weathered Severely Weathered Rock in its natural state before being exposed to atmospheric agents . Noted predominantly by color change with no disintegrated zones . Complete color change with zones of slightly decomposed rock. Complete color change with consistency, texture, and general appearance approaching soil. SUBSURFACE CONDmONS: Soil and rock descriptions on the boring logs are a compilation of field data as well as from labora1tory testing of samples . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between materials and the trnnsition can be gradual. Water level observations have been made in the borings at the times indicated. It must be noted that fluctuations in the groundwater level may occur due to variations in rainfall, hydraulic conductivity of soil strata, construction activity, and other factors. · LANDTEC ENGINEERS Figure A.3 - General Earth Fill Below Structures & Paving Select Fill Lime Treated Subgrade CQA Gen. Rec . Table 1 TABLE 1 General Rec ommendations for Construction Quality Assurance Testing Standard Proctor Curve D698 I per soil type Atterberg Limits D4318 1 per soil type -200 Mesh Sieve D1140 1 per soil type In Situ D2922 I per 5,000 ft 2 per 6 inch lift Density/Moisture D3017 (2 tests minimum per lift) Nuclear Gauge Standard Proctor Curve D698 I per soil type Atterberg Limits D4318 I per soil type -200 Mesh Sieve Dll40 I per soil type (P 200) In-Situ D2922 I per 5,000 ft2 per Density/Moisture D3017 6 inch lift Nuclear Gauge (2 tests minimum per lift) Standard Proctor Curve D698 I per soil type Atterberg Lipiits D4318 1 per soil type In-Situ D2922 I per 5,000 ft2 Density/Moisture D3017 (min . of 2 tests) Nuclear Gauge Gradation TxDOT Item 260 I per 2 Density/Moisture tests Page 1 of 2 Density: ?: 95% Moisture : Optimum to 5 percentage points above (0 to +5) Lean Sandy Clay or Clayey Sand LLS35;6SPISI5 P200 .s 50 Density: ?: 95% Moisture: (-2 to +5) PIS 15 Density?: 95% Optimum moisture to four percentage points above (opt. to +4) 100 % Passing 1-3/4" Sieve 60% passing #4 Sieve LANDTEC Notes : Trench Backfill Standard Proctor Curve D698 1 per soil type -- Below structures, streets, Atterberg Limits D4318 1 per soil type -- roads, parking lots, flatwork, etc. -200 Mesh Sieve D1140 1 per soil type -- ·In-Situ D2922 1 per 100 linear feet of trench Density 2:: 95% Density/Moisture D3017 per 12-inch lift Moisture between one Nuclear Gauge (minimum of 2 tests per lift) percentage point below optimum to four percentage points above (-1 to +4) Wall Backfill Standard Proctor Curve D698 1 per soil type -- Atterberg Limits D4318 1 per soil type LL:S 35 6:S PI :Sl5 -200 Mesh Sieve Dll40 I per soil type P200 :S50% In-Situ D2922 I per 100 linear feet of wall Density between 93% and Density/Moisture D3017 per 12-inch lift 98%. Moisture between one Nuclear Gauge (minimum of 2 tests per lift) percentage point below optimum to four percentage points above (-1 to +4) Crushed Limestone Modified Proctor Curve Dl557 1 per material type Type A, Grade 2 or better Flexible Base Atterberg Limits D4318 1 per material type LL :S40 (TxDOT Item 247) PI :S 12 Sieve Analysis D422 l per material type 0-10% Passing 1-3/4 inch 45-75% Passing No. 4 60-85% Passing No. 40 Wet Ball Mill TxDOT I per material type Max.45 In-Situ D2922 1 per 5,000 ft 2 Density 2:: 95% (Modified) Density/Moisture D3017 1 nP.r 200 ft (StrP.P.ts/Rna,k) Mnidnrl" hl"tWl"l"n twn .1,-------,-----· - -----, Nuclear Gauge percentage points below optimum to four percentage points above (-2 to +4) I . Table I is a guide for sampling and testing. Each of these items may not apply to the specific project. 2. Material changes, suspect areas, or other field conditions may require the engineer to increase testing and sampling frequencies . 3. Minimum of two tests per lift. 4. Th e moisture content ranges specified are to be considered as maximum allowable ranges . The contractor may have to maintain a more narrow range (within the maximum allowable) in order to consistently achieve the specified density for some soils or under some conditions . CQA Gen . Rec . Table I Page 2 of 2 LANDTEC • Geotechnical Engineering • Construction Materials Testing • Laboratory Testing • Environmental • GPS Surveying LANDTEC ENGINEERS, LLC Offices in Arlington and Fort Worth, Texas APPENDIX "C'' HSQ PROPOSAL 26227 Research Road TECHNOLOGY Hayward, California 94545-3725 Telephone: (510) 259-1334 + Via E-mail tim.allen@fortworthgov .org July 11, 2007 City of Fort Worth Attention: Tim Allen Reference: Gentlemen: Lake Worth Lift Station RTU City of Fort Worth, Texas HSQ Quotation 0707-0002-AN-B sales@hsq.com http://www.hsq.com Facsimile: (510) 259-1392 HSQ Technology is pleased to offer you a revised quotation per the email instructions sent to us on Monday, 07/09/07, and on Wednesday, 07/11/07 . Included: • Supply one (1) new HSQ Model 25X86 RTU with a required I/0, radio, backup dial-up modem, power supply, and battery backup all installed in a 72.06"H30.06'W24.06"D NEMA 4X 12 gauge 304 stainless steel enclosure. • Required software for the RTU • Engineering, submittals, and testing as required • On site testing and startup of RTU • All materials are priced FOB jobsite Excluded: • Installation • Antenna, Antenna Cable, and cable connectors • Spares • Antenna mast • Displays, reports, and database at central • Sales tax • Bonds Our total lump sum price for the above is $46,375.00 and is valid for a period of ninety (90) days. Please note that HSQ will assume that the contractor has completed all installation, and checked out all wiring and equipment before scheduling the startup trip. Additional trips will be invoiced at $1,500.00 per day plus expenses in accordance with our normal Service Pricing Sheet. HSQ needs a minimum of three (3) weeks notice to schedule the startup trip. Please call the undersigned at 800/486-6684 if you have any questions. Sincerely yours, HSQ TECHNOLOGY Alan T. Nelson Estimating Manager An Equal Opportunity Employer Promote Safety . . . Every Doy I California Contractor's License 378393