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Contract 37005
CITY SECRETAR CONTRACT NO .y '5700~ CHANGE OR EXTRA WORK ORDER PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion OWNER: City of Fort Worth PROJECT NO. Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting PROJECT NO. 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Camp Dresser McKee, Inc. PROJECT NO. 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese & Nichols, Inc. PROJECT NO. FTW05340 CHANGE ORDER NO. Five {5} DATE: .January 28, 2008 CHANGE OR EXTRA WORK TO BE PERFORMED In accordance with previous discussions and negotiations, summarized below are the changes or extra work to be performed in the above referenced project. REFERENCE CMR-009 ELECTRICAL MANHOLE ACCESS COVERS Sa) Change non-traffic electrical manhole covers from stainless steel to aluminum. The Plant requested 16 electrical manhole access covers to be installed in grassed areas be changed from stainless steel to aluminum access covers due to the lighter weight and easier operation. Also, five electric access covers originally designed to be installed in streets have been relocated to grassed areas and access covers changed from cast iron to aluminum. Deduct $(1,123.00) REFERENCE PCM-017B ASSIST INSTALLATION OF FWWD PROCURED CHILLER Sb) Install City provided chil l er, remotely controlled boiler isolation valves, and replace exhaust fan motor. Ad el $18,066.00 REFERENCE PCM-022 NORTHSIDE II AND IV CONFLICT WITH CLEARWELL DRAINS Sc) Adjust 10" drain line to avoid conflict with NS II and NS IV transmission lines. Add $ S,080.00 REFERENCE PCM-023 OZONE CONTACTORS 1 & 2 EMERGENCY REPAIRS 5d) Emergency repairs to ozone contactor raw water valve actuators and relocate two ozone gas feed line taps. Add $ 3,3S2.00 REFERENCE PCM-028 REPAINT INTERNAL COATING OF VENTURI METER Se) Remove existing Venturi meter, coordinate with City contractor for recoating and reinstall meter. Add $ 2 ,403.00 REFERENCE PCM-029 STREET LIGHT CONFLICT WITH LOX STORAGE Sf) Install protective bollards around light pole to protect pole from vehicular traffic found to be in conflict with the new LOX storage area paving system. Add $ 1,028.00 REFERENCE PCM-033 UTILITY WATER ISOLATION VALVES & MISCELLANEOUS MODIFICATIONS Sg) Install additional valves, hydrants and fittings to aid plant maintenance in operation and use of plant utility water system. Add $ 27,681.00 ©~~l{:lffeil ~gt©~g ;:, ,o~." (.lr;,t,:,r.::,r:i o A ln\M 04-22-0 8 A 1 0: 15 IN ISTRIBUTION: ,Vl{JTE -FILE CAN ARY -CONSTRUCTIO N FILE 'lNX -PROJECT MANAGER }OLDENROD-CONTRACTOR CITY OF FORT WORTH CHANGE ORDER REQUEST CHANGE ORDER NO. FIVE DATE : January 25 , 2008 D.O.E. NO. (NIA) PROJEC T NO. P 164-060164052003 PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase III Expansion CITY SECRET ARY CONTRACT NO. 32569 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ....................................................... $ 43 714 900.00 EXTRAS TO DATE ......................................................... $ 92,347 .63 (CO#I-CO #4) CREDITS TO DATE ....................................................... $ =0 .~00~------ CONTRACT COST TO DATE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... $ 43 ,807 ,247.63 AMOUNT OF PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER ............................................................................................................................................................. $ 115 351 .00 REVIS ED CONTRACT AMOUNT ................................................................................................................................................................................ $ 43 ,922,598.63 ORIGINAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR CHANG E ORDERS ....................................................................................................................................... $ =0 -=00,,_ __ _ ADDITIONAL FUNDING (IF NECE SSARY) ................................................................................................................................................................ $ I 15 351 .00 REMAINING FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR CHANGE ORDER ...................................................................................................................................... $ QJill_ IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CHANG E ORDER, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL: modify/change the contract as shown below to provide a complete, functional , and operatio nal plant. These changes are as li sted below. Further descriptions and Cost Breakdowns are attached . Change Order No. 5 to the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion consists of miscellaneous items identified during the course of construction by the Engineer, Construction manager, plant staff, and contractor requiring addition or modification . Proposed changes include both deletions and additions to the scope of work. I. CMR-009, Change non-traffic electrical manhole covers from stainless steel to aluminum (CREDIT) .................................................................... ($1 ,123 .00) 2. PCM-I 78, Installation of city provided chiller, install remotely controlled boiler isolation valves, replace exhaust fan motor (COST) ................... $18,066.00 3 . PCM-22, Adjust to" drain line to avoid conflict with NS II and NS rv transmission lines (COST) .......................................................................... $5 ,080.00 4 . PCM-23 , emergency repairs to ozone contactor raw water valve actuators and relocation of two ozone gas feed line taps (COST) ......................... $3 ,352.00 5. PCM-28, remove existing venturi meter, coordinate with city contractor for recoating, and re-install meter (COST) ............................................... $2,403 .00 6 . PCM-29, in stall protective bollards around light pole to protect pole from vehicular traffic (COST) ........................................................................ $1 ,028 .00 7 . PCM-33 , install additional valves, hydrants and fittings to aid plant maintenance in operation and use of plant utility water system (COST) ........ $27,681.00 8 . PCM-34, modification of network switch, additional fiber optics transceivers, and upsize un-interruptible power supply units (COST) ................. $6 ,541.00 9 . PCM-35 , installation of additional 13 linear feet of chemical trench required due to discrepancy in contract documents (C OST) ........................... $3 ,973 .00 I 0. PCM-38, install additional sample line from water transmission mains to plant laboratory (COST) ....................................................................... $3 ,111 .00 11 . PCM-39, additional PLC programming at high service pump station and raw water pump station (COST) .......................................................... $20,829.00 12 . PCM-40, install a sodium hydroxide pump low press ure cutoff switch (COST) ..................................................................................................... $3 ,070.00 13 . PCM-41 , upgrade to laboratory sink over what was called out in contract documents (COST) .............................................................................. $2,530.00 14 . PCM-43 , install additional 22 linear feet of24" storm drain in order to avoid conflicts with IT communications building (COST) ..................... $2,034.00 15 . PCM-44, modification of traveling screen control from local to local and remote computer control (COST) ......................................................... $5 ,137 .00 16. PCM-45 , modification of site lighting at filter building (COST) ............................................................................................................................. $4 ,540 .00 17. PCM-47 , installation of panic buttons at chlorine/ammonia building with SCADA link for additional personnel safety (COST) .......................... $7,099 .00 NET CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT ..................................................................................... -...................................................................................... SllS,351 Staff has reviewed thi s change order and is in agreement with the scope of work and the costs associated with the work . In addition to the extra work, Change Order #5 revises the final completion date to March I , 2008 and extends the substantial completion date . Substantial completion for this project was obtained on December 15 , 2007 . Extension of the substantial and final completion date is necessitated due to the extensive rains which occurred in the spring/summer 2007 , as well as equipment supplier delays . This change order extends the final completion date a total of 14 7 calendar days to March I , 2008. It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of thi s Change Order by the co ntractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both in time and money) for all costs arising out of, or incidental to, the Change Order. ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME ADDITIONAL APPROVED TIME TO DATE rC0#3 DATE DATE 4/18/os APPROVED CONTRACT TIME TO DATE 690 Calendar Da c o UN_.¢ ACTION ~PROVED D DISAPPROVED ADDITIONAL TIME FOR THIS C HANGE ORDE R 147 Calendar Da s D OTHER Attested By: L--d~,?;4 coatract Authorisatio• 3\_¢57\,0$ Data@ , ..... __, ________ -, , 'Uj('•j i I 'i'-= f1.;"'.t;iI,'n! ·~ rr I\,., :r • .:; d1:::1l;d1.M~ ,~in Jit~n~~v -~Ii' ft?,; ~\i',y li',c~? rU~ -:..\-1~HJv1 U~ti, Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Change Order No. 005 January 28, 2008 REFERENCE PCM-034 UPS MODIFICATION & RAW WATER PUMP STATION T-1 TELEPHONE DEMARK RELOCATION Sh) Modify network switch, add fiber optics transceivers, and upsize uninterruptible power supply units. Add REFERENCE PCM-035 .ADD 13' CHLORINE/AMONIA CHEMICAL TRENCH $ 6,541.00 Si) Layout of the chemical trench between the filter gallery and Building identified a discrepancy in the contract coordinates. chemical trench required to connect the two buildings. the Chlorine/Ammonia Add 13' of precast Add $ 3,973.00 REFERENCE PCM-038 SAMPLE LINE IDENTIFICATION & ROUTING Sj) Install additional sample line from water transmission mains to plant laboratory. Add $ 3,111.00 REFERENCE PCM-039 HSQ .ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING Sk) Provide additional PLC programming at high service pump station and raw water pump station. Add $ 20,829.00 REFERENCE PCM-040 SODIUM HYDROXIDE PUMP LOW SUCTION PRESSURE SWITCH 51) Install sodium hydroxide recirculation pump suction side low pressure switch, modify suction and discharge pressure switch seals to improve performance by utilizing annular seals to prevent problems with crystallization, and modify electrical controls to accommodate this protective equipment. Add $ 3,070.00 REFERENCE PCM-041 OZONE CONTACTORS 4 & 5 LABORATORY SINK Sm) Provide metal work base and epoxy countertop and sink for the new ozone gallery laboratory. Add $ 2,530.00 REFERENCE PCM-043 STORM DRAIN PIPING Sn) Install an additional 22-feet of 24-inch storm drain pipe due to the drain pipe having to be relocated 10-feet south to avoid the fence at the IT Building. Add $ 2,034.00 REFERENCE PCM-044 TRAVELING SCREEN CONTROL CHANGES So) Modify traveling screen control from local to local and remote computer control. Add $ S,137.00 REFERENCE PCM-045 WALLPACK LIGHTING Sp) Modify site lighting at filter building to provide better lighting for plant maintenance and operations. Add $ 4,540.00 REFERENCE PCM-047 CHLORINE AMMONIA PANIC BUTTONS & FIBER OPTIC AT DSC Sq) Install panic buttons at chlorine ammonia building exit doors with SCADA link for additional personnel safety. Add $ 7,099.00 Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Change Order No . 005 January 28 , 2008 Total Increase REFERENCE TIME EXTENSION $115 ,351.00 Sr} Special Conditions D-15 -Time extensions for substantial completion act i vities required by Change Order #3 has been r e commended , see attached correspondence . Final comple t ion contract time has been requ ested to add 147 days, see attached correspondence . It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both time and money) for all costs arising out of or incidental to, the above described change order . Origi n a l Contract Amount Net Increase in Contract Amount Re vised Cont ract Amount (CO#l) (C0#2) (C0 #3 ) (C0 #4 ) (C0#5) Origi n a l Contract Time for Final Completion Change in Contract Time for Final Completion (CO#l) (C0#2) (CP#3) (C0 #4) (C0#5) Net Increase in Contra ct Time o f Final Completion Revised Contract Time for Final Completion Rec onunen d ed by Approved by FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. $ 43,714,900 .00 $ 19,889 .00 $ 48,135.00 $ .00 $ 24,323 .63 $ 115,351.00 $ 43 ,922 ,598.63 690 DAYS October 7, 2007 0 DAYS 0 DAYS 0 DAYS 0 DAYS 147 DAYS 837 DAYS March 1 , 2008 Byd (d/h //zi(J,4 O~~t~rING B (-?J<;-{J8 y - ~ Date Date Attachme nts: CMR-009,PCM-01 PCM-023, PCM-028 , PCM-029, PCM-033, PCM-034 , PCM-035 , PCM-038 , PCM-039, PCM-040, PCM-041, PCM-043 , PCM-044 , PCM-045, PCM-047; Time Extens ion Request December 18, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 A TfN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE·NICtlOLS i ; i j RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/ Ammonia Chemical Trench PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch PCM 041 -Ozone Laboratory Sink PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe F0 ·014 ~ Street Lighting Modifications QMR.·009 -Electrical Manhole Access Covers Dear Mr. Garakani: The FWWD has reviewed: PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench-$3,973.00 PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch -$3,070.00 PCM 041-0zone Laboratory Sink-$2,530.00 PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe -$2,034.00 FO 014 -Street Lighting Modifications -$4,279.00 CMR 009-Electrical Manhole Access Covers-$(1,'.l~HtOJ) . (l,/Jf>O--i The FWWD concms with the recommendation of Freese & 'Nichols to accept these contract modifications. Total for these proposed changes amounts to $14,651.00, with no additional contract time requested . These extra work activities will be included in Change Order #5 currently being prepared . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICH~C. ;tt.t:./17 G.E. Gay, P.E . xc: Chris Harder Charly Angadicheril Herman Franklin Danny Shannon . V. K. Gupta File FTW05340.4 .41-35 , 40,41,43; 4.42-009; 4.44-014 L:EMW'IP\ CHANGEB\PCM,CMR,FO\PCM 035 040 041 043 FO 014 CMR 009 roes FWWD FN 121807 EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLANT· CHANGE ORDER #5 COMPONENTS PCM NO DE~RIPTION STATUS PCM COST CUMULATIVE cos· FWWDREVIEW PCM-022 Northside II and Northside IV Conflict with Clearwell Under review -ORC $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 PCM-023 Emergency repairs at ozone contact chamber #1 and #2 Time and Materials $15,000.00 $ 19,000.00 PCM-025 Cathodic Protection System at Water Plant Being Prepared $ 5,000.00 $ 24,000.00 PCM-028 Repaint internal coating of Venturi Meter Under review -ORC $ 2 ,000.00 $ 26,000.00 PCM-029 Street Light Conflict at LOX Storage Area Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 28,000.00 PCM-031 Utility Power Supply to PLC and RIOs Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 33,000.00 PCM-033 Install additional Isolation Valves Under review -ORC $15,000.00 $ 48,000.00 PCM-034 UPS Modifications and RWP$ T-1 Telephone Demark Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 53,000.00 PCM-035 Add 13' of Chlorine/Ammon/a Chemical Trench Recmd to FWWD $ 3,973.00 $ 56,973.00 Recommended PCM-036 Modify Ozone Area Fire Alarm System Being Prepared $10,000.00 $ 66,973.00 PCM-037 Modify High Service Pump Station Motors and Fittings Recmd to FWWD $ 2 ,851 .00 $ 69,824.00 PCM-038 Sample Lines Under review -ORC $ 3,000.00 $ 72,824.00 PCM-039 PLC 1 T ime and Material Program Modifications Time and Materials $11,752.00 $ 84,576.00 PCM-040 Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch Recmd to FWWD $ 3,070.00 $ 87,846.00 Recommended PCM-<J41 Ozone Laboratory Sink Recmd to FWWD $ 2,530.00 $ 90,176.00 Recommended PCM-042 Sludge Drain Piping and Modifications Design Review $10,000.00 $ 100,176.00 PCM-043 Additional 22' of 24• Diameter Storm Drainage Pipe Recmd to FWWD $ 2,034.00 $ 102,210.00 Recommended PCM-044 Traveling Screen Control Changes Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 107,210.00 F0-014 Street Ught/ng ModH/cat/ons • Computer Control Recmd to FWWD $ 4,279.00 $ 111,489.00 CMR-009 Electrical Manhole Access Cove,s Recmd to FWWD $ (1,236.00J $ 110,264.00 Recommended June 27, 2007 City ofFort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATTN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE : . Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 F&N No . FTW05340 CMR-009; Electrical Manhole Access Covers Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's December 1, 2006 price proposal for the modifying the electrical manhole access covers to be installed . The plant requested 16 electrical manholes designed to be installed in grassed areas be changed from stainless steel to aluminum access covers due to the lighter weight and easier operation. Also, five electric manholes originally designed to be installed in streets have been relocated to grassed areas and access covers changed form cast iron to aluminum . The credit for the modified work is ($1, 123,00): No change in Contract Time has been requested . We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable credit. We recommend the City accept this credit and issue a deductive . Change Order in the amount of ($1,123 .00). Please advise if the Water Department desires this CMR be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC . ~/~ G . E. Gay, P.E . Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon . Hadi Garakani file FTWOI275A.4.42 .009 L:\EMWTP\CHANGES\CMR.009 Electrical Manhole Access Covers061807 RECMD Freese and Nichols , Inc . Engineers Enviro nmental Sc ientis ts Architect s 4055 Internat ional Pla za Suite 200 Fort Worth , Te xas 76109 -4895 81 7-735-7300 Fa x 817-735-7 491 SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL (4. ) PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER: OWNE~ CHY OF FORT· WORTM-WATE~DEPARlMEN"f' P184-060-16405200i- CONTRACTOR: OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING 05-2-23 ENGINEER: CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE, INC. 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: FREESE ANO NICHOLS, INC. FTW05340 REFERENCE DATA: ~ontractor's: Submittai No: CMR-009 Specification,Sectto n .... : __ _ Plan Sheet No.: Description : Electrical Manhole Access Covers CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: / hereby certify that this submittal has been reviewed by the Con trador and is in strict conformance with the Contract Documents as modified by Addenda, Change Orders and Field Orders. CERTIFIED BY: Ronald Etter · DATE: 12-1-06 TYPE # DESCRIPTION #SENT #RErD ·>. · : · · ·, .. ::-s·:.;~~u: ·s ·.· · • • •. ·: ..• · ... :·! ···~·· ...•• • .. CMR 09 Contractor's Modification Request 01 0 Approved 11----.~-.~------------+----t-----11 CTR Certified Test Report Approved As Corrected EIR Equipment Installation Report Not Approved O&M Ooeration & Maintenance Manual Revise & Resubmit NBC Notification By Contractor Filed As Received PCM Proposed Contract Modification Final Distribution PR Payment Request Change Order Issued PP Project Photoaraphs Field Order Issued RD Record Data /Recommended For Approval 1----t---.,.._-------------t-----t-----1 RFI Request For Information Returned W/0 Review SAM Sample Add'l lnforrnaHon Required SCH Schedule Of Progress Cancelled SD Shop Drawing See Review Comments Pending Change Order •, ', .. ·. ! . •l • ~ -• •• : . ;,•: . . '• .·. ·.·: .. :.f.C)R AR~HITECT , .. EN.OiNEER;.S USE ONi. Y. . .. : .. . · .. . . . . . . . : . . . ,• ., .. DATE RECEIVED DATE RE'TURNED BY COMMENTS: DISTRIBUTION REVIEW NO. SENTTO. NO. SENT TO . DEPT. BY DATE SENT OATERET=D 1 Chris Harder 1 F&N FIELD OFFICE esn, (!,~ t,;i.J jt, £'////Ir> 1 Herman Franklin 1 Ralph Esparza 1 DamyShaMon/CDM K'Operaliona\Jobs\OS.2-23 CoFW·Eagle Min . WTP\Submittall\ORC Submittal hntmlllal 631 CMR..()09.doc ·./ FRl!E8E•NICHOL8 CONTRACTOR'S MODIFICATION REQUEST (4.42/ ) PROJECT: Eagle Mountain WTP Facilities 35 MGD Ex~anslon Phase 3 PROJECT NUMBER: OWNER: Ci~ of Fort Worth Water Deearbnent P164-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Cam~ Dresser & McKee 1 Inc. 0515-43716 CONST. MGR.: Freese & Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 DESCRIPTION: Electrical Manhole access Covers NO.CMR-009 . NOTIFICATION BY CONTRACTOR The Contractor proposes to make the additions, modifications, or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents, as shown in Attachment "A" and requests that you take the following action: ~ Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount and issue a Field Order. ~ Issue a Change Order for performing the described change . Change In Contract amount is indicated in the attached detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment and all other costs associated with this change. Impacts on Contract Time are shown in the attached revised schedule. -A Authorize the Contractor to proceed with the described change. Payment will be requested at the unit price bid. z:;z Authorize the Contractor to proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By:a..)~ Date: J 2-/-d Co I CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S RESPONSE We respond to your request as follows: We concur that this is a no cost or time change. See attached/forthcoming Field Order No. _/ comments. Your proposal is recommended to the Owner. See attached/forthcoming proposed Change Order. Proceed with the change at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Additional Information Is required to evaluate this request. Provide information as described In the attached comments and resubmit. Contractor's Modification Request is not accepted. By: Date: K:\Ope!atlans\lobs\05-2-23 CoFW-Eagla Min. WTP\Contactori; Modification R8q118$1\CMR 009 • Electrlcal Manhole access Covers.doc CONTRACTOR'S MOD/FICA TION REQUEST ATTACHMENT A (4.42 I J Design Electric is proposing to furnish aluminum manhole covers in lieu of the stainless steel. The amount of credit for this change including ORC'S Markup is $1235.00. Please see attached breakdown K:.\Operallons\Jobs\05-2·23 CoFW•Eagle Min. WTP\COntactors Modification Raquest\CMR 009 -E;lectrieal Manhole access Covers .doc I '• ~ ,i ,' . I DESIGN ELECTRIC 2650Andjon P.O. -Box 140855 Palfas, Texas 75220 Offlce•214-S57-5B97 Fax-214-357-5794 REFE!Rl!NCE: To: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Bonson Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 ... r _______ ·....,·1 IBFP; DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: The rigs Includes fumlshln 21. aluminum manholA covara and rated manhole covers. JUSTIFICATION FOR TIME EXTENSION: : ~ COR PREPARED BY: ~~ COR REVIEWED BY: COR O!LIVERED TO; DATE! OF DELIVERY: 11· i~-~~ Projeot: Eagle Mountain WTP Plant Phase Ill Expansion Contract: 23•16-010SUB Cate: 11029-06 CORN0 .. ~11 ===-=====4--: .. == ..... " (CLARIFICATION: $1123.00 ~; : : V6LSLS£t'tl:Xe.:f JI~J.J313 N9IS3a ~. : is· ... Design Elect:rie JC I I I = S" --DIIIIN,"t_,._,....,, •• Cl1~C,.,. P'ai.·•01•>111117-c.o. #4 RECAP SHEET RATE HOURS TOTAL LABOR• (ELECTRICAL\ FOREMAN STRAIGHT TIME $28.00 $ . . FOREMAN OVER TIME $42.00 $ . JOURNEYMAN STRAIGHT TIME $23.00 $ . ,-'C~~:...11:YMAN OVER TIME f34.50 IS . HELPER STRAIGHT TIME $17.00 5 . LI~ ~:::R OVER TIME 1215.50 $ • s --. LABOR TOTAL· • MATERIAL TOT,AL _I (ITS,OoJ IIOUIPMINT BURDENS-(38% OF LABOR) SUBTOTAL• $ {973.00 OVERHEAD-10% s (97,00 PROFIT·&% $ (53.00 SUBTOTAL• $ (1.123.00 • . TOTAL• $ (1,123.00 ro 'd S(;: £ 1 900l 6G l\(t./ t76lSLS£t71i:xe.:f JH:l!J.313 N9IS~ ....... .::,-· •.. '· .... ~- ~--·-=-------·-· ..... *_-· ·.:~-;·.··.: ' ~- E&/t0 ~ ..•.•. .-...,;;;,l,. • ; i.f •... ... • .. i _ l . _J,;......;,... ____ .....;......,,,__ ___ --1!--"'"'-----------------.-_.'!ll"lr.~-4-4-10 ---.,~w•-#• 4 ........ iv .1 .. ·, . ' ··,•· . i' . r ...,:..._._; ___ -4 _____ .....;_.J,~' ---------...---.. --.,r----------:1,i-.. ----~ .t,· . J l · . ···r 1 ' t ------+--.-...;;:...-~+------------~--'------------· -----~-·-··:.-··-··- --in·"""' . · 1J.CINia kl!l:IIF.,I MM11 lalliao. •l ltll i;l·'!lil,M.U..,, ----~ ..... ..-... ·····~······ ... ----· .. .__ ........... ,. -··-·-·-·· .. ··-·' 4@1YQ, o :. ~8 January 8, 2008 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 . ATTN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-0178, Assist Installation ofFWWD Procured Chiller #2 Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda' s January 7, 2008 price proposal for the referenced extra work. The project was originally designed to change the original Phase I 80 ton chiller to a 100 ton chiller and to keep the original Phase Il 40 ton chiller. These chiller improvements would supply lhe appropriate HV AC equipment to support the Phase I, II, and ill facilities. After this project bid, the existing Phase II chiller had a partial failure which lost half of its cooling capacity; repair costs were so high that replacement was the most cost effective alternative. Initial negotiations with the contractor to modify the design to provide two 75 ton chillers through the construction contract were unsuccessful. It was then determined the most cost effective correction was to replace the original chiller with a new 50 ton chiller. The 10 ton increase in capacity allows for operation of critical cooling ( computer rooms and electrical rooms) should the large 100 ton chiller fail. Negotiations with the contractor to procure a replacement 50 ton chiller were unsuccessful. The FWWD -elected to bid the procurement of the 50 ton chiller through the Purchasing Department. Negotiations with the contractor continued for installation of the FWWD procured chiller and a cost of $30,012.00 was established. The FWWD elected not to have all of the installation work done by the Contractor and some of the work done by the plant electrical staff. The work performed by the Contractor included: • Remove old chiller • Install new underground piping and valves • Construct new chiller concrete slab • Provide hoisting assistance for setting new chiller • Install new connection piping, insulation, and instruments The cost of the Contractor's assistance work is$ 8,143.60 . . . ·~·-· '1" Mr . Chris Harder, P .E. EMWTP Ph 3 PCM..0178 January 8, 2008 Two other activities were performed under this PCM . The existing plant HV AC boilers 1 and 2 were found to need remotely controlled isolation valves to maintain proper boiler heating operations when only one boiler was required for heat load. The cost to install the valves, actuators, power, and controls is $8,566.27. Exhaust Fan 15 was replaced and specified to have a new 480V motor. The existing exhaust fan used 120V power. The most cost effective resolution was to replace the motor and associated pulleys and belt. The cost of the exhaust fan 15 motor replacement is$ 1,356.13 The total cost of this extra work is $18,066.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested . We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price . We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of$18,066.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. xf.e_.~~ G. E. Gay, P.E. . Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon . Hadi Garakani file FTW05340.4.41.017B L:\EMWI'P\CHANGES\PCM 017B Ass ist Installation FWWD Procured Chiller 2 010808 RECMD OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING January 7, 2008 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G .E.Gay, P .E . RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 PCM O 1 7B -Assist Installation of FWWD Procure Chiller #2 Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for additional work described in PCM-017B and the Freese and Nichols letters of August 20 , 2007, December 4, 2007 and January 7, 2008. This work includes removal of existing chiller #2, demolition of existing foundation and piping, construction of new foundation, installation of chiller and appurtenances and replacement of 460 /3 motor on exhaust fan EF15 . Total amount: $18,066 .00 Detailed cost breakdown is attached for your review. Sincerely, Oscar enda Contracting, Inc . Hadi Garakani 522 BENSON lANE -ROANOKE. TEXAS 16262 -11JA91.2J03 -FAX 81JA91.4483 www.1scanendac1ntracdnu.c111 FREESE•NICHOLS August 20, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracti ng 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani RE: E agl e Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-017B Assist Installation of FWWD Procured Chiller #2 Dear Mr. Garakani : The FWWD staff has determinated and disconnected the existing HV AC chiller. Please dig up the chilled water piping to determine the depth of coverage and the type of pipe material. This information is needed to complete layout design . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHO~. ~L ~ G.E. Gay, P .E . 1 x c : Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FTW05340.4.41.017B L:EMWlP\ CHANGES\PCM\PCM017BFWWDProcuredChiller#2 Le tter 082007 Freese and Nichols , Inc. En g ineers 4055 International Plaza Su it e 200 817-735-7300 En vi ro nm e nt a l Sc ie ntis ts Archit ect s Fort Wo rth , Te xas ' 76 109-4895 Fax 8 17-735 -749 1 D ecember 4, 2007 O scar R enda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani F REESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Wat er Treatment P lant P h a se 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060 164052003 PCM-017B Assist Inst a llat ion of FWWD Procured C hiller #2 and Boilers 1 & 2 · Isolation Valves Dear Mr. Garakani: P CM 0 178 w as issued December 12 , 2006 with the intent to procure installation assistance of the FWWD procured chiller #2. The first work activity requested installed one 3-inch butterfly v al ve in the CHS pipeline. A second activity was authorized August 20 , 2007 to pothole the existing chilled water piping to allow design layout. This letter will authorize several additional activities. Item #3 ; Provide hoisting equipment to remove the existing chiller and set the new chiller. Item #4 ; Remove the existing chiller concrete slab and install a new larger concrete slab. Item #5 ; Install CHS and CHR underground and exposed piping to connect the new chiller to the existing pipelines . This work includes fabrication of supply and return pipe specials, corp stops, thermal wells, and pipe insulation. Item #6 ; Install Boiler #1 and Boiler #2 two-way control valves on 3-inch inlet piping. Each control valve should be similar or equal to Barber Coleman (Eurotherm) model #VB-9213- 000-5-PP, 3-inch line size with Actuator EA58 (electric). Revise HVAC automatic controls per the attached system description. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICH~ INC . /;/(~-- G.E. Gay, P.E. x c : Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FTW05340.4.41.0l 7B L:EMWIP\ CHANGE5\PCM\PCM017BFWWDProcuredChiller#2 Le tter 0120407 Freese and Nicho ls , Inc. Eng ineers Env iro nme ntal Scie nti sts Arc hite cts 4055 Internationa l Plaza Su it e 200 Fort Worth , T exas 76 109-4 89 5 817-73 5-7300 Fax 8 17-73 5-7491 A C E N T U R Y 0 F January 7, 2008 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE-NICHOLS SERV IC E RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-017B .Assist Installation of FWWD Procured Chiller #2 and Boilers 1 & 2 Exhaust Fan EF-15 Motor Voltage Change Dear Mr. Garakani: PCM Ol 7B was issued December 12, 2006 with the intent to procure installation assistance of the FWWD procured chiller #2 utilizing time and materials method of payment. This letter will authorize replacement of the Exhaust Fan EF-15 480 V motor with a 120V motor. Item #7; Change Sheet HZ-5 EF-15 motor voltage to 120 V. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. /f/~ G.E. Gay, P.E . Xe: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FfW05340.4.41.017B L:EMWTP\CHANGFS\PCM\PCM017BFWWDProcuredChiller#2 EF15 Motor Replacement Letter 010708 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT : Eagle Mounta in Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No .: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser, McKee , Inc. Proj. No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc. Proj. No.: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. Proj . No.: Description: HVAC Changes Chiller #2 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST @ @ @ 38@ 8@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors ' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) CHANGE REQUEST TOT AL @ @ 8 .25% 1.00% 0 .50% $15.09 $23.00 $2.50 48.0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% DATE: 4-Jan-08 PCM# 178 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 550.00 5 .50 2 .75 . 573.42 184.00 757.42 363.56 15.15 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ $ 558.25 1,136.13 $1 ,140.80 13,274.00 16,109.18 177.20 16,286.38 1,327.40 451.86 18,065.64 DESCRIPTION Demo Ex isting Pad Grade, Form , Rebar new pad Place Finish Concrete new pad Unload and set new chiller TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL QUANT . UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE PRICE 1 Is 6.00 6.00 $0 .00 1 Is 20.000 20 .00 150.00 $150 .00 5 cy 2.000 10.00 80 $400 .00 1 Is 2.000 2 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 38.00 $550.00 EQUIP . NO . DESCRIPTION 50 ton crane RT backhoe dump truck small tools TOTAL EQUIPMENT FOG Total Equipment EQUIPMENT WORKSHEET# 2 TIME USED UNIT 4.00 hr 8 .00 hr 4 .00 hr 1.00 d RATE 113.00 35 .00 35 .00 120.00 TOTAL COST $452.00 $280.00 $140 .00 $120 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $992.00 $148.80 $1,140 .80 SUBCONTRACTS WORKSHEET# 3 SUBCONTRACTOR #1 Infinity EXHIBIT A $4,343.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $4,343.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #2 Infinity EXHIBIT B $7,710.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 TOTAL $7 ,71 0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #3 Infinity EXHIBIT C $1,221.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $1,221.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #4 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 TOTAL $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $13,274.00 .Lt'ir .Ll 'i .L I T VU I NFINITY C ONTRACTORS MECHAN!CAU.PLUMSlNGIPR.OCP.:SS A.ND .TNDUSTRTAL PTPlNG/GE:OTHERMAL November 15, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting Attn: H ad i Garakani 522 BensonLane Roano ke , TX 76262 Re: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant-PC #20 T&M City C hHier Install Per your request, we are pleased to propose the foilowing pricing and scope ... __ ._ Furnish labor, e quipment, and some materials for installation of the owner provid ed chiller. Sheet attached sh eets for breakdowns. t/-3'f51P'-' Net Price Chsnge .... $4;~83.99 tf,'\ If you have any questions or ifwe may be of further service, please call . Sincerely, INFINITY CONTRACTORS, LTD . ~- Project Manager 2563 East. Lonp 820 Nunh •Forr Woffh, TX 76118 •OFFICE: 817185~700 11FAX: 81i/83~8Z6 TACLA.Ol623fiC •M-15487.JGSHPA ff146Sfi-.504 JOB#: pATE: PAGE; 5037 10-1 O-'ffi,t--~ /o /·" :/..-CJ 7 ' COST & FEE WORKSHEET INFINITY CONTRACTORS INC . CO MPU~TED B Y : :;,;;e..k. -5 h thZ./1.f.t!JA.._ DES CR IPTION MANHOURS W AGE RATES EXTENSIONS 'fOTAL NAME CRAFT CLAS S ST HR . 0.T HR. s .r . o.T. S .T . O.T. TOTAL M.H . 0.00 . EQUIPMENT 0 K 0 .00 SUB-TOTALS MARK-UP~ LABOR TOTALS • DESCRl l'TIO N INVOICE# RENT/DA IC I VENDOR \Cl/TOT . Vl:ND/TOT ~)' -4£.,Y r()r~ ' Wit/.£7.,",,c,f /)l~d~e- MATERIALS & SUPPLIE S DESCR I PTION ~ -3 /;" ) .s· 0 .:tz_ • 0 n.. ) -.J " BF /Ja. i...;e )-.? "' (pt< 5/c.er c2.. -3 ,, Jfo/r.;-,.,?g SUB-CONTRACTORS NA lv1E INVOICE# INVOICE# SUS -TOTALS MARK-UP~ EQUIP .TOTALS QTY . AMOUNT PRICE SUB-TOTALS MARK-UP@ MAT . TOTALS JRK DESCRIPTION ; SUB-TOTALS L!J_s;(;// .3 '' l.5atft~~ fkhe foidtv C/i/t,,-, ~~=-~g~i TOTALS SIGN ED/OWNERS REP . DATE: I CJ tJ 1 SHEET TOTALS SALES TAX REPORT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL I JO B# 50 37 EM WT P COST & FEE WORKSHE~T DAT IE: /0-/ tl -0 7 INFINITI CONTRACTORS,.lnt'I LTC PAG E;/:_. c'JF,.:j_ CO MPLET ED BY : . Nick \ DESCRIPTI ON MANHO URS WAG E RATES EXTE NS ION S TOTAL NAME CRAFT CLASS S.T .HR. O.T.HR . . S.T; 0 .T, S.T; Q.T. 1 Nick Stevenson Suoerintendent ~ ·~~· ·~...:.i ~ 2 Ph!llfp Hono Weidar 7 f b / JJ< ·3 1".>I I 4 -~<t?/.n. "" " -"' ;.., 7 4.1::.. . ~/£ 5 6 T 8 .. 9 --10 11 -· 12 13 1 ;f. " . 15 16 17 18 i 19 .. . 20 iOTAL M.H. 0 .00 . · 0.00 SUB -TOTALS fCJ~s MARK~LiP q. EQUIP MENT LABOR TOT ALS 0 .00 DESCRIPTION INVOICE#-REN i /DA't1 ICI VENDOR ~C l/TOT. VEND/fOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 SU.8-TOTALS MARK-UP~ MAiERIALS & SUPPLIES EQUIP ,TOTALS DESCR IPT ION INVOICE# QTY. PRICE: TOTAL ~ 2 3 4 5 I SUB -TOTALS MARK-UP~ SU B..CON T RACTORS M.AT. TOTA LS NAME INVOICE ·# AMOUNT TOTAL I ~ W O~K DESCRI PTlON ; SUB-TOTALS talnless steel Work T&M Re nda D irect MAR K-U P ~ hemical Piping cU~ ..#-/~ S UB-CO NT, TOTALS SHEET TOTALS SIGNEDfOW NER$ ~l:P. r/, h.-'---DATE.; / f) ~)I-D I SALES TAX REPORT TO TAL ------( (~9~~ JOB# 5037 E MWTP cosr & FEE WORKSHEET I I DATE: /,o ~ /(-d7 INFINrTY CONTRACTO RS, .lnt'I LT C I PAGE: ,2..-tJ ~ COMPLETED BY : Nici< \,._ DESCRIPTION MANHOURS WAGE RATES EXTE;NSIONS TOTA L NAME CRAFT CLA SS S.T.H R. O.T.HR .. S.T . O.T . S.T. O.T. 1 Nick. stevanson Sui'Jerintend~nt I "':7 &5' /94 2 Welder / 3 g ' Plumber Aon I 4 -r;.. .& ,_, 0. •• ,/ t, il C.. ~7[) 5 / 6 7 8 9 10 11 . " 12 13 14 "' 15 16 .. !17 '18 19 20 TOTALM:H. 0.00 . · 0.00 SU13 -TOTALS #.1fps-MARK-UP 4. EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTALS . 0 .00 DESCR IPTION INVOICE# RENT/DA'r1 !C l VENDOR ICI/TOT. VEND/TOT 1 I-IV ~ r; _, :_: lf..5z, 2/-Ge -s~ · IS"i 3 . 4 5 6 SUB-TOTALS MARK~UPq If )~D MATERIAi..$ & SUf:'PLIES EQUIP.TOTALS - DESCRIPTION INVOICE# QTY. PRICE TOTAL ~ 2 3 1 5 SUB-TOTALS M.A.RK-UP q SUB-CONTRACTORS MAT . 'TOTALS NAME INVOICE# AMOUNT TOTAL ' NO~K DESCRIPTiON; SUB-TOTALS tal nless S1eel Work T&M Renda Direct MARK-UP~ hemioal Piping C~ /{,~ SUB-CONT . TOTALS . SHEET TOTALS SIGNED/OWNERS REP.~ '&-:-=-DATE; /l) -/ffj/ SALES TAX REPORT TOTAL -----~ (If~~ ·- .1,,.1 ll .... , , ... I '""''-' JOB # 50 37 EMWTP COST & FEE WORKSHEET DATE; ,'t::J • iJ. t/ mo 7 INFINITY CONTRACTORS , .lnt'l l TC PAGE: /~ c; f ' f COMPLETED BY: Nick DE SCRIPTION MANHOUR$ WAGE RATES EXTENSIONS TOTAL NAME CRAFT CLASS S.T. HR. O.T, HR . . S.T . O.T. S.T; 0.T. 1 Nick Ste venso n Sui:lerln1:endent I ~ I /17C: 2 Ph ltllP Ho nQ Walder '7 / 2''2 C ·3 ~· Plumber Aon 7 1-<" / ~I~ ._.::L. ]:;i,{u Ri,,:1-.,,-,. 5 / -~ s --7 -~~ 8 9 -10 --11 ' . ' 12 .. 13 .. 14 " 15 16 17 18 ,, .. 19 zo TOTALM:H. 0.00 , 0 .00 SUB-TOTALS # &9~-MARK-UP4 EQ UIPM~NT LABOR TOTALS DESCRIPTION INVOICE# RENT/DA'r1 ICI VENDOR !Cf/TOT. VENDffOT 1 2 3 !4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 MA. TERIALS & SUPPLI~S DESCRIPTION SU8.CONTM.CTORS NAME WORK DESCRIPTION; INVOICE# INVOICE# SU.S..TOTALS MARK.;UP ~ EQUIP .TOTALS Qn'. AMOUNT PRICE SUB -TOTALS MARK-UP q MAT. TOTALS ;t.alnless St&el Work T&M Renda Direct :hsmical Piping ; '// De ,,?£c<"~f>,,,,,?-C It-< J-.&' r, IC r" SUB-TOTALS MARK-UP q SUB-CONT , TOTALS SHEET TOTALS ,/'! SfGNEDfOWNERS REP .. ·· -.<, . 1c -iSALES TAX ~--DATE; .f v -~.> rR~PORTTOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 0 .00 1--- I \ .l.1'11 '.l.l'l.l. I 1'-'U JOB # 5037 EMWTP COST & FEE WORKSHEET DATE: /0 .. ::z..(p -07 INFINITY CONTRACTORS, lnt'I LT C 'PAGE:/ -tJ -?-/ COMPLETED BY: Nick DESCRIPTION MANHOURS WAGE RATES EXTENSIONS TOTAL NAME CRAFr CLASS S.T. HR . O.T . HR. . S.T . O.T. S .T. o.r. .L Nick Stevenson Superintendent If ,-VI,.,() 2 =a Walder I{ '> / J !!i () i I 3 -~-... 4 7 AA-<...-Er,,,...r-,_ ,I.I //:j !? -5 I ,r 6-1 . __ ......,,.,~ Ll-~--a ! .:..-:----· 9 ro ............ !.L .. -:2 . .. 13 -14 " '5 .. 6 L_ e fr TOTALM.H. 0 .00 0.00 SUB-TOTALS 4ft;;,o MARK-UP q - EQU IPMENT LABOR TOTALS 0.00 DESCR IPT IO N INVOICE# RENT/DA't1 ICI VENDOR IClfTOT . VENDffOi I I ~ I f > : SU.B~TO TALS MARK-UP~ MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EQUIP .TOTALS DESCRIPTION INVOICE# QTY. PRIC E TOTAL rPI PO 7/"6~0 ~"6 :&..eJSt;JA-o I 7tBJ .. 9J SUB -TOTALS MARK-UP q ,c; C/6 8 SUB.CONTRACTORS MAT . TOTALS - NAME INVOICE# AMOUNT TOTAL VO~K DESCRIPTION; SUB-TOTALS 3l nless Steel Work T&M Renda Direct MARK-UP~ ;em i cal Pip i ng R~ SUB ~CONT. TOTALS clv~-1 SHEET iOTALS SIGNED /OWNF:~S REP/1 /, lL .__...., DATE ; /1......,-..J.S-c SAL.ES TAX ~ ) REPORT TOTAL , ~ ( Jf i; 52 8 - \ \ I r-\UL-WU { t.JO MECH TECH SALES P.O. BOX 210725 BEDFORD, TEXAS 76095 PH. 817"501-5476 FAX. 81 7-457--9401 .RECEf\TED fofmify Contnctors, LTD, 2.563 East Loop 820 North i"ort Worth, TX 76118 Re: Infinity P.O. No. 5037 OCT 3 O 2007 INVO ICE 60 Ft -3" Sch . 40 PVC / 8" PVC Jacket at $7.71 per Ft~------------~·----------$462.60 4 Ea -3" 90 Degree Elbow Insulation Kit at $56.97 Each----------------------$227 .88 3 Ea -3" Joint InsuJa.tion Kit at $33.1.7 Each--------Nu-----------~H-.-----------$99.51 Total Invoice Amount Due------------~HN•w~----------~--·-----------0 .. ------------$789.99 ~--·t ::i JS~ [ Payment Terms: Net 30 V1::ndor ft. ·--fl--1 Joti.it/ C.C. Sincerely, ~~ Steve Hildebrand ~-:: ~~-=l_5-__ / ---f--~.t..:...!-Lf ·L---- AP STATUS ENTEREOJ\S-PENDJNQ;( n/0' SENT TO~ ~_;_; FOR APPROVAL ONl.LJ_kt__f.)J POSTED IN SYSTEM ; / .A,CCT PERIOD . l QQ) - l L/~L IL~~( lO:lL 8178385288 INFINIT YCO PAGE 02/08 I _ .... -------.. -· MECHANICAI/PUJMBING/PROCESS AND INDUSTRIAL PTP!NGIGEOTHERMAL December 12, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting Attn: Hadi Garakani 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 Re: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant-PC #22 PCM 19'B Control Valves Per your request, we are pleased to propose the following pricing and scope ... , ... Furnish labor, equipment, and some materials for installation of (2) 3" control valves in the existing boiler room. We have included. the control wiring, programming, and graphic changes. We exclude overtime, electrical, shutdown/start-up boilers, work on existing boilers or piping, conduit, an.cl sales tax. These have 2-3 week standard lead time. "77 /v, YI Net Price Chsnge .... $8;0~;mr-- If you have any questions or ifwe may be of further service, please call . Sincerely, INFINITY CONTRACTORS, LTD. 2563 .Ea.I#. Loop 820 North • Fntt Worth, TX 76118 •OFFICE: 8171838...Jl'!OO •FAX: 81718J8.JJ826 TACLA0162J(,C •M-15487 •IGSHl'A #.UtSSf,.504 .L""-i .L "-f LUU( l.:.J o l.L t:H f tl .:H:l !J :L 1:H:J I NF IN ITYCO PAGE 03/08 ' 12 /1 2/07 CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY C 11stomer Osca r Ren da Contracti ng Job Name: EMWTF' Location: Exl 15t lng Bolle r Rcotn ICI Job# 5 037 PCO# 22 OMCtiptlon: MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT: Equipment works~ Materia.1 from Mate ri al-Lal:lor work!;heet Consumabll!S Restocking ct,arges Shipping, storage , dist ribut ion Sales Tax EQUIPMENT RENTAL: . E(lulpment re nta l worica heet Ful!I fo r equ ipment Ladders , tools , etc. Sales Tax PCM 017B Item #6 In stall (2) 3" control va lves $ $ 284 lnclude(f $ Rate as a% ~ 0.00%: $ 0.0%1 $ EQUIP & MAT 'L SUB -TOTAL $ 2B4 385 Included 0,00 0.00 8.125% 31 .76 EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUBTOTAL $ 417 LABOR from Mabulal-l.abor worksheet Journeyman Journeyman OT @ 1.5 Time Journeyman OT @ Dbl T im@ Fon!lman Foreman OT @ 1.5 Time Foreman OT @ Obi Time Common labor Common labor OT Warehouseman (lnel udlng tn.Jck) Productivity Multiplier Etilm!ltor ProJl!ct M11nager SUBCONTRACTS 40 .52 MH@ 22 .00 891 .44 i=:::::[QQ] MH@ 33.00 0 .00 ~ MH@ 44.0D 0 .00 ,__--,.6..,..o,;,,a MH@ 31.25 189.94 ........ _o_._oo""' MH@ 46 .BB 0 .00 __ o~·-:coo=-1 MH@ 62 .so o.oo 1---,-0~·~00,,.. MH@ 13.75 o.oo ,_ __ o._ao_. MH@ 20.S:3 o.oo 0.00 MH@ 27.00 0 .00 % OF LABOR 0 .00 MH@ 31 .00 o.oo MH @ 37.00 74.00 sub-Totllll.abor 1,155.38 LABOR BURDEN 40.5% $ 488 LABOR & LABOR BURDEN SUBTOtAL $ WARRANTY RISK @l 1% $ SUBTOTAL COSTS ~--$ Overhaad ~ --4fi:OO% $ Profit % 6.00% $ tOTAL LABOR & MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR & MATERIAL Sub-Contractor Work Sheet Warranty Risk fl 1 'I!. 4,5 10 .00 4$.10 1,823 23 2,3'8 /\ -3 , iD. .,.3ST' ,,._ --,;c,• , 11'1 · "2-fil1 1 t S __ 2,a1r- SUBCONTRACT SUBTOTAL sUBCONTRACTORFEE I SUBCONTRACT TOTAL i t;;, 4 ,666.10 . -· / ..A~ ....-683:ff 4-t:;:,, '::> .:;--a 0 , l,\ TOTAL COST Bond I n (type y or n) TOTAL QUOTED SELL PRICE .6,2at~ 8,055.'9 $0 7 710,"M --8 ;-0s-s-;u- il'lls proposal rnay be WltMrawn If not accepted Within 14 days . Tl'Jls proposal getii; forth only the direct cost ror perfonning the work described herein. Infinity Contractorr: eicprer:r:ly resarves It's right to sieek any and .all time extensions and monetary damages due to suspension of work, dalay, workihg out of sequence , dlsr11ptlon, hitldra~e, int@rf@renee , 1cceleration, compn!!:$lon, loss of efficiency, stacking of trades, breach of contract and other Impact costs occurring because 1.>fthe chllngll!d work, whether by Itself or In a combination with oth@r Items, pf'll!~hanga orclu events and actlvltl!!!., or the Impact of the cha11ged work on the unchangll!d work. Summary tl l 78385288 INFINITYC O ·~ I NFI NI 'fY CCI N 'TFi ~C'.'f !C!"!!'; 12/12/07 EQUIPMENT RENTAL customer Oscar Renda Contracting Job Name : EMWTP Location: Existing Boiler Room ICI Job # 5037 PCO# 22 Item# E ui ment Descri tion Job Truck 1 Superintendent 's Truck Job Box Folding Storage Bin Radios beeper Builder's Level Porta Band Saw Rotary Hammer 2 1 ' Pipe Machine Core Drill Macliine Roustabout Hydro Test Pump Scaffold 1 section with planks NiPac Butt Welder & Acc. Fuseal Welder & Acc . Air Compressor (gasoline) 2 Oxy/Aci.y Cutting Rig Welding Machine EleClric Welding Machine Dieser 3 Welding Machine Gasoline Forklift (All Terrain) Scissor Lift Scissor Lift Boom Lift Motor Crane Equipment Fuel .. Monthly Das Rate $ 1,313 2 $ 1,313 $ 82 $ 82 $ 41 $ 8 $ 103 $ 41 $ 41 $ 226 $ 205 $ 164 $ 164 $ 103 $ 205 $ 205 $ 615 2 $ 62 $ 205 $ 349 2 $ 308 $ 1 ,579 $ 308 $ 431 $ 1,599 4 EQUIPMENT RENTAL TOTALS Equipment Rental PAG E 04 /08 Dally Tota l Rate Cost $ 62,50 $ $ 62 .50 $ 125 $ 20 $ $ 20 $ $ 10 $ $ 2 $ $ 25 $ '$ 10 $ $ 10 $ $ ~5 ,$ $ 50 $ $ 40 $ $ 40 $ $ 25 $ $ 50 $ $ so $ $ 150 $ $ 15 $ 30 $ 50 $ $ 85 $ $ 75 $ 150 $ 385 $ $ 75 $ $ 105 $ $ 390 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20 $ 80 $ 386 lL l ~L I LOO{ l~:lL tn tl:!385288 I NFI NIT YCO ' A I N Ff NI T V • Q:: .C t,l'l' t l A C'!'Q r! $ 12/12107 Sub•Contracts Customer Oscar Renda Contracting Job Name: EMWTP Location: ICI Job# PCO# 1 · Item# Existing Boiler Room 5037 22 Sub.Contract Sheet Metal 2 Insulation 1 Temperature Controls Electrical Yards of Excavation @ $ 30 .00 Per Yard SUB..CONTRACT TOTALS Sub-Contracts I Cost Total $ $ 400 $ 4 ,110 - $ $ $ I $ 4,s10 I PAG E 05/08 J..Lf J..LI .£..C.HJ ( J.:J; J.L I NFINITYCO ' A IN FIN I T Y QOf>l"tf:l A O TO RO 12/12107 MISCEL LA NEOUS MATERIAL Customer Oscar Renda Contract ing Job Name: EMVVTP Location: Existing Boiler Room ICI Job # 5037 PCO# 22 Qua nti 1 1 Descti tion Remobilize Welding Equipment Demobilize Equipment MISC MATERIAL TOTALS Misc Material Cost Each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cost Total MHs each 6 e PAGE 07/08 1.00 Total MHs 6.00 - 6 .00 - 12~00 12/12107 Contractor Job Name: Location: ICI Job# PCO# Quan tity 4 4 4 4 t:H t l:L::H:l :i '.L 8 8 Oscar Renda Contractfng EMwrP Existing Boiler Room 5037 22 I NFINITYCO STEE L PIPE & FITTINGS Cost S i:te De s cri ption Each 3" Hangers 1 $ 3 " Ecc Reduce r Weld 32.49 3" Weld Neck Flange 29 .07 3" B&G Set 150# 3 .44 SUB TOTAL STEEL PIPE & FITTINGS $ $ $ $ $ C onsumab les as a percen tage of materi al--------5% $ TOTAL STEEL PIPE & FITTINGS! $ Steel Pipe PAG E 08/08 Cost MHs Total Total each MHs 60 1 . 11 4.44 104 3 .53 14.12 93 2 .49 9 .96 14 0 271 $ 29 14 284 I )8.52 ] Page 1 8u!idmg automation spec/oiists December 11 , 2007 Mr. Jim Bob Salter Infinity Co ntractor s 2563 East Loop 82 0 North Fort Worth ,Texas 76 11 8 Reference: EMWTP Boilers 1 & 2 Isolation Valves PCM-017B Gentlemen: We propose to furnish necessary labor and materials for the setup of the above referenced valves. Our price for this work will be Four Thousand One Hundred Ten Dollars ($4,110.00) and includes the following : 1. 2 . 3. 4 . 5. Supply (2) 3" Valve and Actuators (Installed by Others) Necessary Flanges (Welded by Others) Necessary C::ontrol Wiring Necessary Px~gJ;amming ""'"·" Necessary Changes to Graphics Mate ria l : $2054.00 Ii:Lab or : $1520.00 OH&P -15% $ 536.00 Total $4110.00 The ah~iiipnee•:excludes overtimeJabor, electrical, conduit, and sales tax. Prices are good for 30 days from above date. · · · ' We appreciate the opportunity to quote on this project. If you should have any questions , please advise . (817 -992-3572) Respectfully submitted, Kenneth Stowe Enviromatic Services Lie.# TACLA27047C 2337 WeSI WF tio:-Trail . G;-and P 1-a ir ie . TX 750 52 Phone (972) 602-9 077 Fax: (972) 602-9083 www.enviromaticservices.com 0 1 /~~/~~~8 16:29 8178385288 INFINITYCO A INPUH'T'Y t~O ~!'1'~1,\1/'( ~1 ~fl Ut{< l3>i--C-·--· 01/0 3/0 8 CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Customer Oscar Renda Contracting p c:!/\ t1B Job Name: EMWTP Lo~lon: ICI Job# 5037 PCOI# 23 Dl!scrlption: MATERlAL & EQUIPMENT: Equipment worksheet Mat1111ai from Material-Labor worksheet Consumables Restocking ch:!!rg@s Shipping, storage, distribution 5.!ll!S Tax EQUIPMENT RENTAL : Equipment rental worksheet Fuel for @qulpment Ladders, tools, etc . Sales Tax Replace parts on EF"15to makl!l 110_volt $ $ Inclu ded ,----..,,.......,,.,., $ Rate as a% 0 .0%1 $ 0.00% $ EQUIP & MAT'L sus~TOTAL lncludl'!d 8.125% EQUIPMENT RENTALSUBTOTAL 660 $ 0 0.00 0.00 0 .00 $ LABOR from Materlal.t.~t.,or worksheet JOUm8'J)lllln Joumeym:!!n OT @ 1.5 Tltne Journeyman OT @ Dbl Time Foreman Foreman OT C 1.5 Time Fore~n OT @ Dbl Time Common labor · Common l21bor OT Wa~housernan (lnoludlng truck) Productivity Multiplier Estimator Project Manager SUBCONTRACTS 12.00 MH@ 22.00 264.00 ~ MH@ 33,00 0.00 ~ MH@ 44.00 0.00 ,..............,,0...:0..:;.,o MH@ 31.25 0.00 1------=o.;.;;;.o.;,.,10 MH@ 46,88 o.oo o.oo MH@ 62.50 0.00 --.,....-I __ o_.00--t MH@ 13.75 0.00 ..____,.,o .... o~o MH@ 20 .63 o.oo ,_.__....o ... oo_, MH@ 27.oo o.oo __ o...c..o~o % OF LABOR 0.00 __ o"'--.0--40 MH@ 31 .00 0.00 .__......,,.0...,.0-,!o MH@ 37 .00 0.00 Sub-Total Labor 264 .00 LABOR BURDEN 40.5% S 107 LABOR & LABOR BURDEN SUBTOTAi.. $ WARRANTY RISK@ 1% $ SUBTOTAL COSTS S overhead %1 10;00% I s Profit % 6.tn, $ TOTAL LABOR & MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR & MATERIAL Sub-Ccntractor Work Sheet 0.00 0.00 Warranty Riek.@ 1 % SUBCONTRACTSUBTOTALr-......,=""--, SUBCONTRACTORFEE! ~ -~1_1%:..:....._.........1 SUBCONTRACT TOTAL TOTAL COST _Bond n (type y or n) ___..· 880 371 11 1,061 108 53 o.oo 0.00 $ PAGE 03 /06 1,221 0.00 1,220.84 TOTAL QUOTED SELl PRICE $0 I---~ ~ Tilts proposal m11y b@ Withdrawn tt nat accepte<I Within 14 dlys, Thi$ proposal sets forth only tne direct cost for perfonning the work df!Scrlbed herein. Infinity Contractors Hpressly reserves Ifs right to sak any lnd all time extensions and monatary da~ges due ta suspension of work, delay, working out of sequence, disruption, hindrance, interference, acceleration, compl'f!sslon, loss of efficiency, stacking of trades, breach of contract and other Impact eosti: occurring because or the changed work, whether by Itself or In ~ combination with other Items, pre-<:hange ordar events and actiVities, or the impact of the changed work on the unch1mged work. Summary . tH /tL.:I tl :i L tH:J INFINITYCO A ~NF U ,UTY c-, ONT fl AC'!' e, ~ (~ 01/03/08 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL Customer Oscar Renda Contracti ng Job Name: EMWf P 1-oc:ation: ICI Job # 5037 PCO# 23 Quanti Descri tion 1 Parts see attached E-mai l MISC MATERIAL TOTALS Misc Materia l Cost Each $ 680.00 PAG E 04 /05 1 .00 Cost MHs Total Total eac h MHs $ 680 12 12.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 680 12 .00 .L "r .J.l'i.J. I Y ~U J i m Bob Salter From: Pam Dicken [pdicken@bartosindustries.com] Sent: Th ursday , D!,=!cernber 27, 2007 4:03 PM · To: Jim Bob Sa lter Cc: Brent Stark Subject : RE: EMWTP Exhaust Fan Motor Bre nt is out of town all week, and he asked that I handle this for you . c:;reenheck says the follow ing would have to be ordered to change the motor from 460v to 11 Ov : (1) Shaft #365030 (1) Motor #301737 (1) Motor Pulley #352329 (1) Shaft Pulley #351959 (2) Belts #345525 PAG E 05/05 Page 1 of 2 You r price would be $690.00, which includes UPS Ground shipment. They are in stock in Schofield, Wisconsin. Let me know if you need me to get these on order for you . Pam Dicken ~--------,-~ ..... , __ _ From: Jim Bob Salter [mallto:jbsalter@lnfinltycontractors.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 200'7 7:27 AM To: brentstark@aol.com Subject: FW: EM\iVTP Exhaust Fan Motor Brent, We need to change a motor voltage Can you let me know what type will work with the specs . We have on it? I don 't want to overamp anything Thanks JBS ·--------~----·---··-· ·----·--"···--·--- From: Hadi Garakanl [mailto;hgarakani@oscarrenda .com] Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 2:20 PM Toe Jim Bob Satter SUbject: RE : EMWTP Exhaust Fan Motor Fan EF-15 (the unit between the compressor and the overhead door) is the one that should be changed because there was no easy way to pull 460/3 to the unit and it already has the 110/1 available. 'OAF-6 had no power either but that was taken care of by Design Electric and ft's working now . Thanks Hadi From: Jim Bob Salter [mailto:jbsalter@infinitycontractors.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 8:24 AM 1/3/2008 ------~---~-----. ---- I ' OJ. (O.:lO::JLOO To; Hadi Garakani , Subject: EMWTP Exhaust Fan Motor Had i, I wanted to confirm what fan needs the new motor. Ted thought it was EF-15 J.l'lr J.l'IJ. I Y vU Please confirm this so I can talk to the fan rep. and make sure w.e don't have an over amp. prob le m. EF-15 was scheduled at2,500 CFM 460/3 and they want to change it to 1 10/1 I t ho ught it was OA F -6 that had tti e power problem. Please advise J B S l/3i2 0D8 Page 2 of2 . J December 17, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATTN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. •-' ~: ,,\" FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-022 NS II 48-Inch & NS IV 30-Inch Conflict with Clearwell Drain Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda' s December 13 , 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. The existing Clearwell # I and 2 ro" drain line was found to be in conflict with the new NS II 48-Inch and NS IV 30-Inch pipelines. The 10" drain line was lowered to resolve the conflict. The cost of the extra work is $5 ,080 .00 . No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $5,080.00 . Please advise if the Water Department des ires this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NIC~ INC . ;:J.(. ~· G . E . Gay, P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW01275A.4.41.022 L:\EMWI'P\CHANGES\PCM\022 N Sil48Inch NSIV 30InchConflict with ClearwellDrain 12 l 707RECMD . ~. • . ·:··OSCIRRENDA · . . .. . CONTRACTING December 13, 2007 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G .E.Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 PCM 022 -NSII 48 -inch & NSIV 30-inch Conflict with CW Drain Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for lowering the 10-inch Clear Well Drain as described in PCM 022 (copy attached). Total amount: $5,080.00 Detailed cost breakdown is attached for your review. Sincerely, ~fie Had~arakani ,522 BENSON UNE -ROANOKE. TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FU 811A91.4483 1WWWioscarrandacanuacdna.c111 PROJECT:·· OWNER: cost CHANGE REQUEST .·. Eagle Mountain Water Treatm'ent Plant -' Phase HI City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Proj. No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc. CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. Proj. No.: · Proj. No .: Description : NS U 48-irich, NS1V30~ihch Conflict with CW Drain SUMMARY SHEET . 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales lax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ 72@ 12@ SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL @ @ @ @ 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors ' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL 8.25% 1.00% 0 .50% $15.09 $23.00 $2.50 48.0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% DATE: t4~Dec:-07 PCM #22 . . P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 560 .00 5 .60 2.80 1,086.48 276.00 1,362.48 653.99 27.25 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 568.40 2,043.72 $1 ,757.20 4,369.32 48.06 4,417.38 662.61 5,079.99 DESCRIPTiON · Lower 1 O" drain (6 men 12 hrs) 10"D1P 45 bend TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL ··---LABOR ~ MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 -_ -- LABOR MATERIAL LA_BOR TOTAL -UNIT TOTAL QUANT. UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE _ PRICE 1 LS 12.00 72.00 $0.00 20 If 0.00 -13.00 . $260,00 4 ea 0.00 75 $300.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 -· 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 72.00 $560.00 EQUIP. NO. .· ... ·EQUIPMENT ~ORKSHEET<# 2 .· DESCRIPTION PC600 Compactor JD644 TOTAL EQUIPMENT FOG Total Equipment TIME USED UNIT RATE TOTAL COST ·a ,oo hr 8 .00 hr 8.00 hr 113.00 $904.00 30.00 . $240.00 48.oo $384:oo $0 ,00 $0.00 $0 :00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $1 ,528 .00 $229 .20 $1,757.20 . ~ ... i ' ... · FREESE• NICHOLS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (PJ,aseJ) TO: Oscar Rtim.la Contracting 522 Benson lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Hadi Garakani DATE: January 31, 2007 PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MOD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW-05340 i:· . .. ' . . . ,: .. ... , ...... .. .... " . ·,.·.·. · .. .·' . . ·:··-·.· . .. .· ·:_::_: ... _ . . ·-' , . . . -·-=:-:-_.,. .. -.-::· '• . - I/: . -. :;-i •·. .. .. .. . ,, ', . .. ., D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D RFINo. D CMR.No:. D Addendum No. D Memo.No. XO PCMNo. 022 q Change Order No. D Field Order D PayReq. No. D Submittal o_Other Ref. No. Description ··-.... ·-.,., .. -. .. .. ... ············• ·,-... . ... ' ... , ... ·" .. --~-'" .. , .. ~-.......... . ........ ,. -..... . , . ...... , • ·-<• •·v· .• ,.• •' ··'" .• .,. ·• '' • .•. .... -.... , ·-· C I PCM022 Northside II 48-Inch and Northside IV 30-Inch PW Conflict with Clearwell :,,These are -transmitted for your:. ...... .,. .. . ... .. . .-. ' .... . .... •" .... -.... . .. ..... -.... _, . ... .. . .. D Use D Review & Comment D Information D Approval 0 Distnbution to Parties 0 Response D Record 0 Other Remarks DISTRIBUTION REVIEW NO SENT TO N SENT TO DEPT BY SENT RET=D. 0. 1 Chris Hard~r 1 Ralph Espar:.i:a l Herman Franklin 1 FTW 05340.4 .41 .022 1 Danny Shannon R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services \.VORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc By~~~~~~~~~~ ,, ""· ~ ,,, .. PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: City of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Fr.eese and Nichols, Inc. PROJECT NUMBER Pl64-060164b5~003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTWOS-340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Northside II 48" and Northside IV 30" PW Conflict with Clearwell PCM NO. 022 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the follpwing action ·within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. X Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a -revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the ch"'nge under th.e time .and :materials provisioP..s of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. Dy: Date: January 31, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. ~ we submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: ~ \ Date: _____________ _ l./ ACTION TAI<EN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: D Field Order issued: No. Date: By: --------0 Change Order issued: No. Date: By: i"========-====================================9 l ··' PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER:. Citf of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contractin2 ENGINEER: Camp! Dresser! McKee, Inc ~'l'atJCT IOO MlWAG,~; rreese and Nichols, Inc. t'l..L<I k"twlll>J4U,4,4!.U~:l PROPOSEDCONT~T MODIFICATION PCM-022 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT NUMBER P164-060164052003 05-2-23 0.51.5-43716 FTW0.5340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Northside II 48ll and Northside IV 30" PW Conflict with Clearwell PCM NO. 022 The OWner proposes to mate the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: Relocate existing 10-inch clearwell French drainline under Northside II 48-inch PW and Northside 30-inch PW. 10-inch drain flow line elevation will be 792.40. 1. Relocate exiting 10-inch clearwell French drainline under NS II 48-inch PW and NS 30-inch PW. 10-inch drain flow line elevation will be 792.40. 2. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. By: ~/~4 Date: Januari 31, 2007 i ! : I January 8, 2008 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATIN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 F&N No. FfW05340 PCM-023, Ozone Contactors 1&2 Emergency Repairs Miscellaneous Additional Work Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's Januru:y 4, 2008 price proposal for the referenced extra work. Several extra work items were found necessary during construction and authorized under force account method of payment. These include emergency repairs to ozone contactors 1 and 2 raw water valve actuators, repair of the leaking existing 54" filtered water pipe tap, and relocation of two taps on the existing ozone gas feed line. The total cost of this extra work is $3,352.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of$3,352.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires all or part of this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. /f.(!.~c/lZJ G. E. Gay, P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FfW05340.4 .41.023 L:\EMWl'P\CHANGES\PCM 023 OzoneContactorEmergencyRepair Misc Add Work 010808 RECMD OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING January 4 , 2008 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G .E.Gay, P .E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 023-Miscellaneous Additional Work Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for additional work described in PCM-023 and the Freese and Nichols letters of August 21, 2006 , December 21, 2006, February 28, 2007 and March 9, 2007 . 8/21/06 Letter-RWV Emergency Repair 12/21/06 Letter -Assist in Chiller Installation 2/28/07 Letter -Sample tap and WL Repair 3/9/07 Letter -Tap on exist ozone header Total for PCM 023 $1,330 .00 (was included in PCMl 7B) $1,126 .00 896.00 $3,352.00 Detailed cost breakdown is attached for your review. Sincerely, 522 BENSON LANE -ROANOKE. TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FAX 811A91.4483 www.1scanendac1nuacunu.c•• A C E N T U R Y 0 F August 2 1, 2006 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke , TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NIC HQLS S ERVICE RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 E x pansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-023 Ozone Contactors I and 2 Raw Water Valves Emergency Repairs Dear Mr. Garakani : The existing Ozone Contactors 1 and 2 Raw Water Valves broke Saturday, August 19 , 2006 and Sunday, August 20 , 2006. Due to water demands the reduced flow rate at the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant constitutes an emergency and you are re quested to provide a track hoe, rubber tire end loader, and sufficient labor to as sist the Fort Worth Water Department in exposing the valves so that they may be repaired. P lease proceed with the work immediately. The cost of the extra work will be paid for under the Time and Materials Provision of General Conditions C4-4 .5C. Sincerely, FREESE AND NIC~, INC. ./J .[. /Jc ~ . G.E. Gay , P .E. · xc : Chris Harde r H erman Franklin Danny Shannon F ile FTW05340.4.41.023 L:EMW1P\CHANGFS\PCM\PCM023 OzoneCon tactor 1&2 RW Valves Emergency Repai:rs Letter082106 Freese and Nic hols , In c. Engin Ele rs En v ironm ent al Sc ient ists Arc hi tects 4055 Int ern ati onal Plaza Su it e 200 Fort Worth , Texas 76109 -4895 817 -735 -7 300 Fax 817-735-749 1 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser, McKee, Inc . Proj. No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc . Proj . No.: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. Proj. No.: Description : Letter of August 21, 2006 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ 16@ 4@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors ' Cost) 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOT AL 8.25% 1 .00 % 0 .50 % $15.09 $23 .00 $2.50 48 .0 % 2 % 1.1 % 10% 15 % DATE: 4-Jan-08 PCM# 23A P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 241.44 92 .00 333.44 160.05 6 .67 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 500.16 $644 .00 1,144 .16 12.59 1,156.75 173.51 $ 1;330.26 DESCRIPTION excavat e / backfill valve TOT AL LABOR HOURS TOT AL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL QUANT. UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE PRICE 4 ea 4.00 16 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 16.00 $0.00 EQUIP. NO. DESCRIPTION RT backhoe dump truck JD 644 Loader Small tools Pickup TOT AL EQUIPMENT FOG Total Equipment EQUIPMENT WORKSHEET# 2 TIME TOTAL USED UNIT 4.00 hr 4 .00 hr 4.00 hr 0.50 d 4 .00 hr RATE 35 .00 35 .00 48.00 120.00 7.00 COST $14 0 .00 $140 .00 $192.00 $60.00 $28.0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $56 0 .00 $84.00 $644.00 December 21 , 2006 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN : Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mmmtain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No .. P164-060164052003 PCM-023 Additional T&M WorlrNotice Assist FWWD with Installation of City Procured Chiller Dear Mr. Garakani: Please assist the Fort Worth Water Department Staff with installation of the City procured . cirille.r. · :Provide sufficient labor for hoisting assistance or removal of the existing chiller, modifications to the existing 3-inch CWS and CWR buried piping system, modification to the existing chiller concrete slab, and hoisting assistance to set the new chiller. Please proceed with the work. The cost of the extra work will be paid for under the Time and Materials Provision of General Conditions C4-4.5C. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC . .if {_ . ~·,.,) G.E. Gay , P.E. xc : Chris Harder 'Herman FtanJdin Danny Shannon File FTW05340.4.41.023 L:EMW1P\CHANGES\PCM\PCM023 Assist FWW D Insta ll ation of City Procured Chiller Le tter 122106 Freese and Ni c hols , Inc . · : Engin eers · :: Environme nta l Scien t is ts iJ Arch ite cts 4055 International Plaz a ~i Suite 200 U Fort Worth , Texas \! 76 109-4895 8 17-735-73 00 :."J Fa x 817-735 -7491 February 28, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 FREESE•NICHOLS ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . Pl64-060164052003 PCM-023 -Existing 48-Inch Filtered Water Pipe Sample Tap and Existing 54- Inch Filtered Water Pipe Repair Dear Mr. Garakani : Please add the following work activities to PCM 023 , originally issued August 21, 2006. 1. Install 2-inch threaded outlet on the bottom of the 48-inch steel pipe south of the Venturi filtered water meter vault # 1. 2. Repair a leak on the existing 54-inch filtered water pipeline where the sample tap was installed during Phase 2 in the chemical trench near the Phase 1 backwash pumps . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ;CJ{,,~~ G.E. Gay, P.E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FTW05340.4.41.023 L:EMWTP\ CHANGES\PCM\PCM023 48Inch Filtered Water Pipe Repairs and Sample TapLetter022807 Freese and Nichols, Inc. Engineers En v ironmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth , Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Fax 8 17 -735-7491 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT : Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phaselll OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser, McKee, Inc . CONST . MGR: Freese and Nichols, Inc. CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc . Descrip tion : Letter of February 28 , 2007 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expe ndable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST Proj . No .: Proj. No .: Proj . No.: @ 8.25 % @ 1.00% @ 0 .5 0 % 12@ $15 .09 8@ $23 .00 @ $2.50 @ 48 .0% @ 2% SUBTOTAL @ 1.1% SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors ' Cost) @ 10% 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ 15 % CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL DATE : 4-Jan-08 PCM# 23B P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05 -2-2 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 181 .08 184 .00 365 .08 175.24 7.30 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 547.62 $0.00 440.00 987.62 10.86 998.48 44 .00 83 .77 1,1 26.26 DESCRIPTION install 2" outlet Repair leak TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL . 1,.ABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL QUANT. UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE PRICE 1 ea 8 .00 8.00 $0.00 1 ea 4.000 4 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 12.00 $0.00 SUBCONTRACTS WORKSHEET # 3 SUBCONTRACTOR #1 Welder $440 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 TOTAL $440 .00 SUBCONTRACTOR #2 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $440.00 March 9, 200 7 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 PCM-023 Existing Ozone Pipe Sample Tap Modification Dear Mr. Garakani: Please add the following work activities to PCM 023 , originally issued August 21 , 2006: 1. Sheet MB 9, Note 5: Abandon I-inch thread-o-let on the 3-inch ozone transverse pipe. Install two 1-inch thread-0-lets -one shall be installed on the 3-inch ozone line between the cross and the butterfly valve. The other shall be installed on the 4-inch ozone line between the tee and butterfly valve . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. /ft. 8.J,J G.E. Gay, P.E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FTW0 5340.4.41.023 L:EMWTP\ CHANGFS\PCM\PCM023 Existing Ozone Pipe Sample Tap Modification Letter 030907 Freese and Nichols , Inc . Engineers En viro nm enta l Scientists Architects 4055 International Pl aza Suite 200 Fort Worth, T exas 76109 -4895 817-735 -7300 Fa x 817-735 -7491 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No .: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser , McKee , Inc . CONST . MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc. CON TRACTO R: Os c ar Renda Contracting , Inc . Description : Lette r of March 9 , 2007 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Co st Sales Ta x Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST Proj . No.: Proj. No .: Proj. No .: @ 8 .25 % @ 1.00 % @ 0 .50 % 8@ $15.09 4@ $23 .00 @ $2.50 @ 48 .0% @ 2% SUBTOTAL @ 1.1 % SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors ' Cost) @ 10 % 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ 15 % CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL DATE : 4-.Jan-08 PCM# 23C P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30 .00 0.30 0 .15 120 .72 92 .00 212 .72 102.11 4 .25 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30.45 319.08 $0.00 440.00 789.53 8 .68 798.21 44 .00 53 .73 895.95 DESCRIPTION In stall 1" threat-0-l et TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOT AL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL QUANT. UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE . PRICE 2 ea 4 .00 8 .00 15 $30.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0.00 8.00 $30.00 SUBCONTRAC T S WORKSHEET # 3 SUBCONTRACTOR #1 Weld er $440 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 TOTAL $44 0 .00 S UBCONTRACTOR #2 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 TOTAL $0 .00 S UBCONTRACTO R #3 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 TOTAL $0 .00 SUBCONTRACTOR #4 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 TOTAL $0 .00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $440 .00 December 17, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 AT1N: Mr. Chris Harder, P .E. ·• FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-028 Repaint Internal Coating of Venturi Meter Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's December 13, 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. The existing 48" potable water venture meter is to be relocated (it is being replaced with a larger 72" transit time meter) to the new raw water flow meter vault. When the venture meter was removed, it was found the internal coating system was failing. The Contractor was required to remove the venture meter from the raw water meter vault, assist the FWWD' s painting subcontractor for access for repair work, and to reinstall the venture meter. The cost of the extra work is $2,403 .00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $2 ,403.00 . Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS , INC . ~€-/:br~ G. E . Gay, P .E . Xe : Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW01275A.4.41.028 L:\EMWI'P\CHANGES\PCM\028 RepaintintemalCoatingVenturiMeter 121707 RE CMD . ' , DSCARRENDA ·~ CONTRACTING December 13 , 2007 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 . ATIN: G .E.Gay, P.E. RE: Dear Mr. Gay: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 028 -Repaint Internal Coating of Venturi Meter Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for providing crane and labor to remove and reinstall the venturi meter and assist H&H Restoration in repainting the internal coating in accordance to PCM 028 (copy attached). Total amount: $2 ,403.00 Detailed cost breakdown is attached fo r your review. Sincerely, ·522 ,BENSON 'LINE -1ROANOKE. TEXAS 16262 -,81JA91.2103 -FU 81JA91A483 1www.1scarr1ndacon1racunu.c1a COST CHANGE REQUEST · ·.PROJECT:.· OWNER: ,' Eagle Mountain Water TreatrnentPlarit.; Phase Ill City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Proj. No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols, Inc. Proj. No.: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Irie . Proj. No .: DATE: -14~Pec,.QT · .·. PCM'# 28 · . P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2~23 DescripUoh: Repair internal paint coating of Exisitng. Venturi Meter FE 11.020 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST @ @ @ 40.00@ 5@ @ . @ @ SUBTOTAL 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL @ @ 8% 1% 0.5% $15.09 $23.00 $2.50 48.0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% $· $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 603.60 115.00 718.60 344.93 14.37 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,077.90 989.00 2,066.90 22.74 2,089.64 313.45 2,403.08 ·DESCRIPTION · Remove and re-install meter TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL ,LABOR '& MATERI.ALWORKSHEET'/#1 1..ABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL .· QUANT. UNIT HOURS HOURS . PRICE PRICE 1 Is 40.00 40.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0 ,00 0.00 $0 .00 . 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 -$0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 40.00 $0.00 EQUIP. NO. .· EQUiPMENT WORKSHEET;.# 2 DESCRIPTION Compressor 50 to crane · TOT AL EQUIPMENT TIME USED UNIT RATE 8.00 d · 8 .00 hr 10.63 113.00 TOTAL COST $85 .00 $904:00 $0 .00 $0.00 .$0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $989 .00 • . ' . March 26, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke , TX 76262 A TIN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-028; Repaint Internal Coating of Existing Venturi Meter Dear Mr. Garakani: Confirming our verbal direction of March 22, 2007, the Fort Worth Water Department will retain H&H Restoration to clean, prime, and coat the interior of the existing 48-inch flow tube. Please coordinate with H&H Restoration regarding the work effort required to expose the flow tube with adequate access to allow the interior coating to be installed. Submit your cost documentation for this extra work. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ,4.€ x:J'l ~ G.E. Gay, P .E. xc: Chris Harder -FWWD Herman Franklin -FWWD D anny Shannon-CDM File FTW05340.4.41.028 L:EMWI'P \CHANGES \PCM \PCM028 Repaint Interior Existing Ven turi How Meter Letter 032607 Freese and Nich o ls , In c . Engine ers En viron mental Scien ti sts Archit ec ts 4055 Internati onal Pla za Suite 200 F o rt Worth, Texas 76109 -48 95 8 17-735-7300 Fax 817-735-7491 A March 26 , 2007 FREESE•NICHOLS Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-028; Repaint Internal Coating of Existing Venturi Meter Dear Mr. Garakani: Confinning our verbal direction of March 22, 2007, the Fort Worth Water Department will retain H&H Restoration to clean, prime, and coat the interior of the existing 48-inch flow tube. Please coordinate with H&H Restoration regarding the work effort required to expose the flow tube with adequate access to allow the interior coating to be installed. Submit your cost documentation for this extra work. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHO~C. 4 -€-~r G .E. Gay, P .E. x c : Chris Harder -FWWD Herman Franklin -FWWD Danny Shannon-CDM . File FTW05340.4.41.028 L:EMWTP\CHANGFS \P CM\PCM028 Repaint Interior Existing Ven turi Flow Meter Le tter 032607 Freese and Nichols, Inc . Engineers Environmental Sc ientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Fax 817-735 -7491 December 17, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATTN: Mr. Chris Harder, P .E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water T reatment Plant Ex pansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-029 Street Light Conflict with LOX Storage Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's December 14 ," 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. An existing light pole was found to be in conflict with the new LOX storage area proposed paving system. Investigation determined leaving the light pole in place and installing protective bollards was the most cost effective resolution. The cost of the extra work is $1,028 .00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $1 ,028.00 . Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS , INC. # £ . /ku;r /}<-/ G . E. Gay, P .E . Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW01275A.4.41.029 L:\EMWTP\CHANOES\PCM\029 StreetLightConflict wi th LOX StorageArea l 2 ! 707RECMD , OSGIR ,REN iDA CONTRACTING December 14, 2007 _ Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza · Fort Worth, TX 76109 AlTN: G.E.Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 029 -street Light Conflict with LOX Storage Area Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for installation of pipe bollards around the street light at the LOX Storage Area. Total amount: $1,028 .00 Detailed cost breakdown is attached for your review. Sincerely, :522 BENSON :lANE -:ROANOKE, TEXAS 16262 -:811A91.2103 -1FAX 811A91A483 \www;1scanendac111racUng.c111 PROJECT:. OWNER: COST CHANGE REQUEST .. . . Eagle:M01.mtainWater;TreatmentPlanf-Phasett1 · City of Fort Worth Proj . No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Proj . No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols, Inc. Proj. No.: · CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. Proj.No.: · Description : · Street Light Conflicfwith LOX SUMMARY SHEET . 1 MATERIAL . Material Cost _Sales Tax Materiai Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST @ @ @ 24@ 4@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL @ @ 8 .25% 1.00% 0.50% $15.09 $23.00 $2.50 48.0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% . DATE: 14~Dec;;Q7 ' ' .. . PC~i# 29 .. ·.. . . ·' .. P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 200.00 2.00 1.00 362.16 92.00 454.16 218.00 9 .08 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 203.00 681.24 $0.00 884.24 9.73 893.97 134 .09 1,028.06 -' '~ .. ' . ,;· : ' ~ . DESCRIPTION . Install bollards Pipe bollards TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL · ·. :LABOR& MATERIAi. WQRKStfE!ET,#1 · · LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL QUANT. UNIT HOURS HOURS · PRICE ·· PRICE 4 ea 6.00 24.00 $0.00 4 ea 0.00 50.00 $200.00. 0.00 $0.00 0.00 · · $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 o.oo $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0:00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 24.00 $200.00 File FTW05340/4, 41/029 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: City of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and NicholsL Inc. PCM DESCRIPTION: Street Light Pole in Conflict with New LOX Paving PCM NO. 029 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NUMBER P164-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTW05340 The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. X Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. By: ~ g,£.~ CONTRACTOR'S 'RESPOriJE: We respond to your request as follows: Date: March 22, 2007 P We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. D We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: Date: ACTION TAREN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: D Field Order issued: No. Date: By: ---------0 Change Order issued: No. Date: By: ---------1 PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: Cit~ of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting ENGINEER: CamJ2, Dresser, McKee, Inc CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. File FIW05340 . 4, 41. 029 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM-029 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT NUMBER Pl64-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Street Light Pole in Conflict with New LOX Paving PCM NO. 029 -- The OWner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: Investigate and protect existing street light at new LOX area. 1. Investigate underground wire and conduit to existing light pole southeast of new LOX storage area. 2. Install four 4-inch diameter 6' long steel pipe bollards around light pole. 3. Provide 2' concrete embedment. 4. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. . J By: 4-l -~ · Date: March 22, 2007 2 February 12, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, T){ 76262 AT1N: Mr. Hadi Garakani •• FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project'No.Pl64-060164052003 PCM29 ; Street Light Pole in Conflict with New LOX Paving . Dear Mr. Garakani : The street light pole located south of the new WX storage ar~ has been found to be in conflict with the proposed paving for the new WX storage system. To develop remedial design, we request ORC to expose the conduit system northwest and southeast of the pole light base. We will also work with you to investigate circuitry at the pole light at the south and to the northwest pole in conflict ORC should keep track of these costs for this . exploratory work. These costs will be included in your price proposal for forthcoming PCM 029. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INf. /f·E . ~· fitJ G.E. Gay, P.E. . xc: Chris Harder -FWWD via Email Hennan Franklin -FWWD via Email Danny Shannon-CDM via Email V. K. Gupta -Gupta & Associates via Email · File FTW05340.4.41.029 L:EMW'IJ>\ CHANGES\PCM\PCM029 Street Light Pole # in C.onflict wi th New LOX Paving 021207 Freese and Nichols, Inc . Engineers Environmental Scientists · Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 'Fort Worth , Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Fax 817 -735-7491 December 17, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATTN: Mr. Chris Harder, P .E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansio1;1 Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-033 Utility Water Isolation Valves & Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's December 13, 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. During construction, several extra work activities were found . necessary. These work directives include: • Letter of 4/6/07 Add 5 utility water isolation valves on utility water loop • Letter of 4/19/07 Add 1 fire hydrant • Letter of 5/18/07 Add 2 utility water isolation valves at new chemical tanks • Letter of 5/23/07 Add 1 ozone pipe expansion joint and 1 filtered water pipeline air release valve • Letter of 6/18/07 • Letter of 6/19/07 • Letter of7/9/07 • Letter of 11/15/07 Add replacement flanges on 103 1-1/2" PVC chemical ball valves Add 1 utility water isolation valve at raw water meter vault #2 Add 2 check valves Add 1 utility water isolation valve at the flocculators The cost of the extra work is $27,681.62. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $27,681.62. Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. /J.£,.~,,,.~ G . E. Gay, P.i. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW01275A.4.41.033 L:\EMWTP\CHANGES\PCM\033 UtilityWaterlso V alvesandMiscMods 121707RECMD OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING December 13, 2007 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G .E .Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-033 -Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Gay: As requested, Oscar Renda Contracting is submitting the following price for furnishing all labor, material, equipment and supervision for performing work as described in PCM-033 . As you are aware PCM-033 was originated on April 6, 2007 and other additional work was requested by various letters since that date. Following breakdown shows summary of itemized pricing for each request letter. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- Letter of 4/6/07 Letter of 4/19/07 Letter of 5/18/07 Letter of 5/23/07 Letter of 6/18/07 Letter of 6/19/07 Letter of 7 /9/07 Letter of 11/15/07 $8,478.14 $4,404.95 $975.44 $1,930 .88 $7,937 .20 $426.92 $2,583 .65 $944.44 Total amount for PCM 033: $27 ,681 .62 522 BENSON LANE -ROANOKE. TEXAS 18262 -81JA91.2103 -FAX 81JA91.4483 www.osc1nendac 1nuacu11.c1m October 18 , 2005 Detailed breakdown for each of the above items are attached for your review . If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, ~ Os car Rend a Co ntracting, Inc . Ha di Garakani 2 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT : Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj . No .: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser , McKee , Inc. Proj . No .: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc . Proj . No.: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. Proj. No .: Description: Uti lity Water and other piping mods -Lette r of 4/6/07 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ 41@ 4@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL $.25 % 1.00 % 0 .50 % $15 .09 $23.00 $2 .50 48 .0 % 2 % 1 .1% 10 % 15 % DATE : 4-Dec-07 PCM# 33 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 ,617.39 56 .17 28 .09 618.69 92 .00 710 .69 341 .13 14.21 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,701.65 1,066.04 $524.40 7,292.09 80.21 7,372.30 1,105 .84 8 ,478 .14 PCM 033 -Latter of 4/6/07 DESCRIPTION 12" GV Bury 12" MJ Kit 8" GV Bu ry 8" MJ Kit 4" GV Bury 4" MJ Kit Extension Stem / Valve Bo x 4" PVC BFV 4" Van Ston Fig 4" Spigot Fig 4" ss B&G set 3" GV HW Fig 3" B&G set TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LA BOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT T OTAL Q UA NT. UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE PRICE 2 ea 8.0 0 16.00 1126.40 $2,2 5 2 .80 4 ea 0 .00 25.2 5 $101 .00 2 ea 8.0 0 16 .00 562.10 $1,1 24 .20 4 ea 0 .00 17.25 $69 .00 1 ea 4.00 4 .00 311.40 $3 1 1.40 2 ea 0.00 11.50 $23 .00 ,. 5 ea 1.00 5.00 47 .00 $235 .00 0.00 $0 .00 2 ea 0 .00 198.75 $397 .50 4 ea 0 .00 16.71 $66 .84 4 ea 0 .00 17 .92 $71 .68 4 ea 0 .00 24 .20 $96.80 0 .00 $0 .00 3 ea 0 .00 279.60 $838.80 3 ea 0.00 9.79 $29 .37 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0.00 41.00 $5,617.39 EQUIP . NO . DESCRIPTION RT backhoe Pic kup truck Small Tools TOTAL EQUIPMENT FOG Total Equipment EQUIPMENT WORKSHEET # 2 TIME USED UNIT RATE 8.00 hr 8 .00 hr 1 .00 day 35.00 7.00 120 .00 TOTAL COST $0 .00 $280.00 $56.00 $120 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $456.00 $68.40 $524.40 LKT & ASSOCIATES 3346 County Road 275 .., Melissa, TX 75454-2802 Phone: 214/544-0440 Fax: 214/5443684 WSE Certlfiod To: K~tiLLcL From: Co: ,; °'%L~ mo u 1-1,.fo.. Lrt. Time: Fax: i \ 1 -2.3'i' -f H . .11 '-1 Date: ,. Phone: Pagas: Re= lrf c i n-~ CC: D Urgent O For R8Vknv Cl Please Comnlll!fft D ....._ Reply O Pleaae Recycle /J 1Tf1J : ~ or,a£ol. .. 04/12/2007 06:22 FAX ~ 002/002 Eagle Mogntian WTP PCM 033-Utility Water Isolation Valves and Misc. Modificatiom v · L) 2 ea• 12" Gate Valves-NRS, OPEN RIGHT, DIRECT BURY ..,l l:c?..t.,, -<1o "' 2.) 2 ea-8" Ga.te Valves-NRS, OPEN RIGHT. DIRECT BURY 51. ~, ,o 3.) l ea~4''Ga.teValvcs-NR$,OPENRlGHT,DIRECTBURY 3\\ ,4c v 4.) 3 ea~ 3'' Gate Valve-HAND WHEEL, OPEN RIOHT fl/J,, 2."l~ .i.,.l:l • , 5.)_~-Valve Stem Ext. and Valve Cover Assembly zt/ v. ;;t,, lftl:r"" "1 7, OD ·1-f,; §:1J O ea-12 11 MJ Ace Kits 2.. S"' • 1.., S'" /'7.) 4 ea-8'' MJ Ace kits 1,, 2..S" / 8.) 2 ca,. 4'' MJ Ace Kits I I, c;-D ~ ea-3" MJ A.cc. K{ts 1$ -µ-G.. C\ .1 q 10.) 40'-3'' SCH 80 PVC 2.. • 1. \ 11.) 2 ea• 4" PVC Butterfly Valve:, I Gt ~ • 1 ')' 12.) 4 ea-4" Van Ston Slip On Flange , ~. i I 13.) 4 ea.• 4 " Spigot Flanges r 1 , q '2... )4,) 4 ea.-4" SST Bolt and gasket Sets 2. 'f. ·z..o !)r.f 15.) 3 ea-~· Brass Corp Stop 1. ~ ·" . r 3 . l.f o 16.) 3 ca• 3"GS TEE 5 , 'ff O ,,~ 17.) 3 ea-%"x3,, Galv Nipple J.'1C ~/fl t8.) 3 ea.-"li"x close Galv. Nipple t, 2.0 19.) 9 ea-3"x:l/2" Gal.v . Bushing 1.<;", "'IO 20.) 3 ea-12"x4" MJ Tee-2.l.o 2.,5"0 21.) 3 ea-4"x3'' M.l Red. 3 ~. la.Cl 22.) 3 ea.-3" Galv. 90':ii 3 ,1.p1 23.) 3 ea,. 3" Galv. TEE 3.~ 24.) 6 ea .. Yl Galv. Plugs /, L;.-? . ·------~----~- ?-251.•ie I ·1 ·'2-f. 'l., ~I\, <f '&~£. 'l .,_ 3~. <,) '2,.$'2..,S,"' lo'r ,c: 2..~·{.) qc ,<o 1ct1,~ ~'--<t>4-- .., H ,'ii &f {p, '2, ·---------t.fo f t,. ff;ct .;·, I 3 .(.; t 'ti .'.) -, g,. 'S"' q1 ,i, 11,o \I ( t.f 7,3 '13 ___ __:;..-- rv-i 'f-1 . I) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ( Phase 3) FREESE• NICHOLS TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Hadi Garakani D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMR No.: D Addendum No. X O PCM No . 033 D. Change Order No. D Pay Req. No. D Submittal D Use D Approval D Record Remarks D Review & Comment D Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0. 1 Chris Harder 1 Ralph Esparza 1 Herman Franklin 1 FTW 05340.4.41.033 1 Danny Shannon DATE: PROJE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW-05340 o RFINo. D Memo.Np. D Field Order D Other D Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT RET=D. R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc B y~~~~~~~~~~~ File FTWOS340/4. 41/033 PRO POSED CONTRAC T MOD IFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER : Citx of Fort Worth Pl64-0 6 01 6 4052 0 03 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05 -2 -23 ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser , McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications PCM NO. 033 -- NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Own e r p rop o ses t o make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work describe d in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment IIA". We request that you t ake the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify u s that y ou concur that this change does not require a change in Contrac t time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. X Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this clfange and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents . By: 4 . €. /51CUJ,,--~ Date: April 06, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESPoWsE : We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change . Issue Field Order. D We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: Date: ACTION TAKEN: D Proposed Contrac t Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NO T to proceed: By: Date: D Fi e ld Or d er issued: No. Date: By: D Change Or d er i ssued: No . Date: By : 1 PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: Citx of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc CONSTRUCT ION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. File FTW05340.4.41.033 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM-033 ' ATTACHMENT A PROJECT NUMBER P164-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications PCM NO. 033 The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: Install tv.{Q _J .2-inch gate valves, two 8-inch gates valves, and one 4~inch gate vavle for utility water isolation. Change the three 2 Y:i -oinch utility water pipelines at the north side of sedimentation basins 7, 8, and 9 to 3-4Ich. v -1. Sheet C20-B, C20-C, and CZ2-A -Change to add isolation valves in accordance with CDM's memorandum dated April 1, 2007, copy attached. 2. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. ~ By: _4 .t .A«r Date: April 06, 2007 2 CDNI Memo randum (Email) To: Ted Gay Freese & Nichols From: Chad Bartruff COM Date : April 1, 2007 Subject: Eagle Mountain WTP Phase Ill Expansion Project Plant Utility Water System -Isolation Valves The plant utility water (UW) system is to be expanded as part of the Phase III project. This expansion provides UW service from the new NS-IV HSPS pumps, extends the existing UW loop to circle the Phase III facility, and connects to the existing Phase I/II UW loop. As shown on sheet C-20 of the design drawings, the UW loop extension does not include installation of valves for isolation purposes. The addition of isolation valves is required to permit operational flexibility. The attached Figures C20-B and C20-C illustrate proposed /locations for installation of UW loop isolation valves as advised by FWWD. The valves shown include (2) 12" GA and (2) 8" GA. The four gate valves shall be furnished as resilient- seated type with non-rising stems (NRS) for direct bury (Section 02640). Installation shall be in accordance with Section 02640 and details shown on Sheet CZ-1 . \_,,,/ Figure C20-C also includes a modification to revise the three (3) branch lines at the north end of the Sedimentation Basins from a 2-1/2" to 3" diameter. The 3" diameter pipe is a common pipe size as opposed to the 2-1/2" diameter shown. Revise sheets MD-1 and MD-3 to reflect this modification also. In conjunction with the branch piping diameter revision, modify Detail BD /CZ-2 as shown in attached Figure CZl-A. Sheet ME-8 includes a vertical 4" UW-PVC line shown entering the chemical pipe trench towards the Chlorine / Ammonia Building. Sheet MF-4/Section 2 shows the continuation of the 4" UW-PVC line into the Chlorine/ Ammonia Building. Furn1sh and install a 4" BFV on each of these lines . The v alv es shall be as per Section 15100-2.16 .· -- UtilityWaler-lsoValves .doc Gay, Ted April 1, 2007 Page2 Sheet MC-5 shows a 4" UW-DI passing through Tunnel D and exiting the structure below grade towards the Lime Storage Area. This line is continued on Sheet ME-20. An isolation v alv e is required on this UW segment. Install a 4" resilient seated gate valve with NRS on the 4" UW PVC once it exits the main treatment structure. Installation shall be in accord an ce w ith Section 02640 and details shown on Sheet CZ-1. cc: Chris Harder (FWWD) Herman Franklin (FWWD) Gary Cook (FWWD) J.C. Tolson (FWWD) Norma Bailes (FNI) File: GS-7.0 Uti lityWa ter-lsoVat ves .doc I --i..-N 4766.83 "c.-~ E 19295.00 ~ 10" DR-PVC ·~ SEE NOTE 11 1'---.._N 4740.83 E 19321 .00 FLC CCULATION BASINS FILTERS N 4809.QQ.-./ E 19542.58 OZONE CONTACT BASINS ~ ~~~fa~~s-. V i I : }.II N 4781.34_~ ~~ /: E 19593.00 --.Jl,,,,W,i&=als:;.....__--1,__,, __ N 4761.34 / $ E 19602.75 .__ I e E 1ni::n-. nn, ) l' N 4741.34 ,: ....,.. lD ~. ,,.--N4716.14 ~-CT/ I I E 19596.23 \... , 1r yv -! ~ 1--f _£_ '---~I,/ ·'f · V~4~98 ~f I ,' Ii E 19568.83 I ~ .& '\ k 1)-"' lo........-.... L TRANSFORMERS I~-/'--~,==~~c . FILTER GALLERY ~:Jfool s:· ,7:c~:~v/ -.1 ff] I JrB" UW-PV°\ E 19532:83\ E 19596.00 · • -\ . \~~~~~' l CHEMICAL TANK FARM f ~ ~)":-o, ~:=~ ~ ~k -' />/i ,, ~ V ~ ' I SEENOTI // : N 4598.02~v36" WW-Rec v C ~ ~. -... __ ......, L -____ 1 - -E 19456.67 -J_ (3) 1 ~· ~G-BS _/ -~ ~--_,, ·----- V I ' ~ ('-.j ?" IJ~ .DC ~ ,.., : I ---'--t <at ..... ,:::; ;::!!::::::::::,,~:~~~~~~~I~~~~~ --J.! Ll / • / 1/._i.,.....---___.· ..... : ""-1\1 I I : !\ / I I \ I I \ ~ j A\~ I I I.,,.. \ w __J (!> i:5 0 z a) Q) I L.. 0 ::J N CJ) (.) G:: 0 z 0 +' N Q) I <I) (.) .c (/) r-- 0 0 N <I) +' . 0 ~ 0 __J Ct'. 0.. <( I . " 0 4-4- ::J L -e 0 ..0 L.'. Q) (/) ::, E 0 L{) L{) 0) r--... 0 0 N r.o 0 I..... Q. <{ 01 ~ "D 0 N I 0 / I ~ w I r.o r--... n '<:j- / (/) 0 0 t"l 0) ~ w --- 75.26 282.50 CDM 0 0 "<I" Ol ~ w CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLANT PHASE Ill EXPANSION Date APRIL 1 , 2007 Sheet No C-20 PCM No 0 0 Ill Ol w N 50 E 19! Figure No C20-C i.: (I) (/l :::) E 0 ~ 0 0 r--.. 0 0 N (0 0 I.... a. <( CJ) 3: -0 N I N u / I ~ w 3" TE E W/ (2)----L~ 3 "X1-1/2" REDUCER BUSHINGS AND PLUGS 1/2" CORP STOP DRAIN TRANSITION TO 3" PW-Ql OR (iS.. 2-FT MIN BELOW GRADE~ ,,'\ , l3" PW-PVC J PIPE SUPPORTS FIRE HOSE STATION DETAIL ® NTS 11--------------... -------------------1 c.o CllY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CDM EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLANT PHASE Il l EXPANSION Date Shee t No Add endum No Figure No APRIL 1 , 2007 CZ-2 CZ2-A COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj . No.: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser, McKee , Inc . Proj. No.: CONST . MGR: Freese and Nichols, Inc. Proj. No.: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc . Proj . No .: Description : Utility Water and other piping mods -Letter of 4/19/07 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax @ 8.25% Material Handling Cost @ 1.00% Expendable Material @ 0.50% TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours 32@ $15.09 Foreman 4@ $23 .00 Fringe Benefits @ $2.50 Labor Cost Labor Burden @ 48 .0% Tool Replacement Cost @ 2% TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST SUBTOTAL 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ 1.1% SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors' Cost) @ 10 % 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ 15% CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL DATE: 1-Dec-07 PCM# 33 41907 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ 2,366.50 $ $ 23.67 $ 11.83 $ $ 482 .88 $ 92 .00 $ $ $ 574.88 $ 275.94 $ 11 .50 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,402.00 862.32 $524.40 3,788.72 41.68 3 ,830.39 574.56 4,404.95 PCM 033 -Latter of 4/6/07 DESCRIPTION STD FH 4' Bury 6" GV Bury Valve Bo x 12x6 Te e 12" MJ Kit 6" MJ Kit 6" DIP TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOT AL UNIT TOTAL QUANT . UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE PRICE 1 ea 16.00 16.00 1314 .00 $1,314.00 1 ea 8.00 8.0 0 4 50 .00 $4 50 .00 1 ea 4.00 4 .00 47 .00 $47 .00 1 ea 4.0 0 4.00 260.00 .$2 60 .00 2 ea 0.00 25 .25 $50.50 3 ea 0.00 .. 15 .00 $45.00 10 If 0 .00 20 .00 $200 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 32.00 $2,366.50 EQUIP . NO . DESCRIPTION RT backhoe Pickup truck Small Tools TOTAL EQUIPMENT FOG Total Equipment EQUIPMENT WORKSHEET# 2 TIME USED UNIT RATE 8 .00 hr 8 .00 hr 1.00 day 35.00 7.00 120.00 TOTAL COST $0 .00 $280.00 $56.00 $1 20 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $456 .00 $68.40 $524.40 Ro nald Etter From: Alexis LaMaster [alamaster@municipalvalve.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 30 , 2007 8:27 AM To: Ronald Etter Subject: RE : Fire Hyd rant Qoute $1314 .04 }1.Ceyjs £a:M.aster Municipal Valve & Equ ip m ent Co ., Inc. 5924 W. Park er R d ., Su ite 2 00 P lano , TX 75 093 972 -943 -576 1 (F) 972 -94 3-5 76 4 From: Ronald Etter [mailto:retter@oscarrenda.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:32 AM To: Alex is LaMaster Subject: Fire Hydrant Qoute Ale x is, Please g ive me a price for the Following : 1 ea-Fire Hydrant Thanks , Ronald 5/30/2 007 Page 1 or 1 April 19, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani v1-11VIVI:;; FREESE•NICHOLS RE: E agle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Proj ~_c~. PI64-060164052003 (~-~B:__::Q}Y Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Garakani: Please add the following work activities to PCM 033, originally issued April 6 , 2007: 1. Sheet C-20: Add a fire hydrant east of the road, south of the pedestrian bridge off of the utility water loop . Sincerel y, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. µi-/!c~~ G .E . Gay, P .E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Fi le FTW05340.4.4I.033 L:EMW1P \ CHANGFS\PCM\PCM033 Utility Water Isolation Valves Letter 0041907 Freese and Nichols, Inc . Engineers En viro nmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth, T exas 76109-4895 8 17 -735-7300 Fax 8 17 -735 -7491 PROJECT : OWNER: ENGINEER: CONST. MGR: CONTRACTOR: Description : COST CHANGE REQUEST Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill City of Fort Worth Proj . No .: Camp , Dresser, McKee, Inc . Freese and Nichols , Inc . Proj . No.: Proj. No.: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc . Proj. No .: ~ Util ity Water and other piping mods -Letter of /18/07 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax @ 8".25 % Material Handling Cost @ 1.00 % Expendable Material @ 0 .50% TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours 6@ $15.09 Foreman 6@ $23.00 Fringe Benefits @ $2 .50 Labor Cost Labor Burden @ 48.0 % Tool Replacement Cost @ 2% TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST SUBTOTAL 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ 1 .1% SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors' Cost) @ 10 % 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ 15 % CHANGE REQUEST TOT AL DATE: 1-Dec-07 PCM# 33,1'1807 " P164-060164052003 0515-4 3716 FTW05340 05-2 -23 $ 488.84 $ $ 4 .89 $ 2.44 $ $ 90 .54 $ 138.00 $ $ $ 228 .54 $ 109.70 $ 4 .57 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 496.17 342 .81 $0.00 838.98 9.23 848 .21 127.23 975.44 PCM 033 -Latter of 5/18/07 DESCRIPTION 3" PVC BFV 2" PVC BFV 3" PVC Van Ston Fig 2" PVC Van St on Fi g 3" & 2 " B&G set TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOT AL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL QUANT . UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE PRICE 2 ea 2.00 4 .00 12 3.12 $246.24 1 ea 2.00 2.00 42 .60 $42.60 4 ea 0 .00 12 .00 $4 8 .00 2 ea 0.00 10.00 $20 .00 6 ea 0.00 22 .00 $132.00 0 .00 $0.00 .. 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 6.00 $488.84 ' t'\I ~ "" (l) ' r"\ • I Jo N 'Q '-~ ' ~ ~ _j \ o~j (.)) ~ '1 ~ ') . ,-_ ~ _, N (J ~ -i ~ < '") ~ t ,.__ ~ ~ Q- -i,\) <+ t l ....... ~ () 1 V\ l,p "" ~ ? I ~ } -1 "" -t ~ ':J ~ _.. ~ • ,f\ \ ~ ,\1 ~ J t )<, l' ~~ ..-t l '-l -.£: ; :. ' ~ ~ -'./j J'-N . . ..... ~ .. ·-·-~ .. t .. --II y I V C FREESE•NICHOLS May 18 , 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke , TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 PCM-033 Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Garakani: Please add the following work activities to PCM 033, originally issued April 6, 2007: 1. Sheet M-13 and Jv1F-8; Add 3-inch butterfly valve on 3-inch UW PVC water fill line going to the sodium hydroxide storage tank. A-9-d 3-inch isolation butterfly valve on 3-inch UW PVC water supply line to the ammonia scrubber. 2. Sheet ME-8; Add 2-inch isolation ball valve on 2-inch UW PVC water supply line leading to west chemical tank farm trench wall penetration. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ,,U C ,t I (/}',._/ /-d'. (..., . ,A../C.2-t G.E. Gay, P .E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Steve Eckersley File FTW05340.4.4I.033 L:EMW1P \ CHANGES\ PCM\PCM033 Utility Water Isola tion Valves Letter 0051807 Freese and Nichols , Inc . Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76 109 -4 895 817 -735-7300 Fax 817-735 -749 1 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT : Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj . No .: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser , McKee , Inc . Proj . No .: CONST . MGR : Freese and Nichols , Inc . Proj. No .: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. P roj . No .: Descriptio n : Util ity Water and othe r piping mods -Lette r of 5/23/07 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Ta x Material Handl ing Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ 14@ 4@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL 8.25% 1.00 % 0.50 % $35.00 $23 .00 $2 .50 48.0% 2 % 1.1% 10 % 15 % DATE: 1-Dec-07 · PCM # 33 52307 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 776.12 7 .76 3.88 490 .00 92.00 582 .00 279 .36 11 .64 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 787.76 873 .00 $0.00 1,660.76 18 .27 1,679 .03 251.85 1 ,930.88 PCM 033 -Latter of 5/23/07 DESCRIPTION 4" ss Ex pans io n Jt 4" slip on flan ge 4" B&G set W el der Help e r 2"ARV TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOT AL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERI A L LAB OR TOT AL UNIT T OTA L QUANT . UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE P RICE 1 ea 0 .00 27 5 .00 $27 5 .00 2 ea 0 .00 73 .56 $147 .12 2 ea 0 .00 25 .00 $50 .00 1 ea 4.00 4 .00 $0 .00 1 ea 4.00 4 .00 $0 .00 " 0.00 $0 .00 1 ea 6 .00 6 .00 304 .00 $30 4 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 0.00 $0 .00 14.00 $776.12 .. ~ '' Pu ~ -~ '-(. ~ {) y .J ~ l v G""" -ti, /2 3., / 2. .. 2-.. ' ~ '4t-\\ u ~l\.fb--# 'j Z-fo o I ' · 1 ; -, ... : i l l ~ I ;i ii '·' I ~ '' fl--e~·cp,,+:/:f -.551 elf?. Jo,-;A, f 27 S-0.! :2-s-~-"1 'r s~r s1r; ;J 0 ~ ,C),4,-v__st: JI '2. 2 r.-+~-e~ .. I R onald Etter F rom : Alex is LaMaster [alamaster@municipalvalve .com] Sent: Wednesday , May 30 , 2007 8:30 AM To: Ronald Etter Subject: R E: Air Relea se Valve PL20 Pressure Air Rel ease Val ve $304 .00 }lfe)js La?rf.aster Municipal Valve & E quip m ent Co., In c. 5 924 W. Parker Rd., Suite 20 0 Plano, TX 75 093 972-943 -576 1 (F) 972-943 -5764 From: Ronald Etter [mailto:retter@oscarrenda.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:36 AM T o: Alex is LaMaster Subject: FW: Air Release Valve A le xi s , D id you get me a pr ice for this? Ro nald From: Ronald Etter Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8: 13 AM To: 'Alex is LaMaster' Subject: Air Release Valve Ale xis , Pleas quote me a 2" Air release Valve for the Eagle Mountain Project. Than ks , Ronald 5/30/2007 Page I or I May 23, 2 007 Oscar R enda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roano k e, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani --,1 V I V C FREESE•NICHOLS ,. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 (~Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Garakani: Please add the following work activities to PCM 033, originally issued April 6 , 2007: 1. Sheet MB-20 -Section 1: Install a flange by flange expansion joint Type 316 SST in the horizontal run of 4-inch OZ-SS at CL 830.00 . Expansion joint shall be Flexicraft MNLC50FS0400 . 2 . Sheet 11K-4 -Add Note 17; Note 17, Install an insulated 2-inch air release valve at FW meter vault #2 . No heat tracing is required. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. )fl l . 4a7 ,,.,,_/ G.E. Gay, P.E. x c : C hris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Fi le FTW05340.4.41.033 L:EMWTP\C HANGES \PCM\PCM033 Utility Wa ter Isolati on Valves Letter 0052307 Freese and Nichols, Inc . Engineers Enviro nm ent al Sc ient ists Archit ects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76 109 -4 895 817-735 -7300 Fax 8 17-735-749 1 ' . COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT : Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj . No .: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser, McKee, Inc . Proj. No.: CONST . MGR: Freese and Nichols, Inc . Proj. No .: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc . Proj . No.: De scription: Utility Water and other piping mods -Letter of 6/19/07 SUMMARY SHEET MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ 4@ 1@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL 8.25 % 1.00% 0.50% $15 .09 $23 .00 $2 .50 48.0% 2% 1.1% 10 % 15 % DATE: 4-Dec-07 PCM # 33 6/19/07 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 238 .58 2.39 1.19 60 .36 23.00 83 .36 40 .01 1.67 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 242.16 125.04 $0.00 367.20 4 .04 371.24 55.69 426.92 LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 PCM 033 -Latter of 6/19/07 , 7/9/07 , 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 4" Gate Vav le f or PVC TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL QUANT . UN IT 1 ea LABOR LABOR TOTAL HOURS HOURS 4.00 4 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 " 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 4.00 MATERIAL UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE 238 .5 8 $238.58 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $238.58 12 /0 4/2007 04:17 FAX 214 544 3684 THOMAS laJ 001 Quotation Job NBm111: Eagla Mb! WlitOI' Treotmoot Plmrt Location: Ft. Worth, TX. Bld03ta: 8118/2005 I 12" AWWA RWTIIP.Pial Gm~ Fl 11; MJ wl 2"' m4 op,:IDlm' 12• A'WW A Jl.W 0a: Valw, MI end, wl'Z:' aac 4• AWWAR.W OlleValve, M.T eud. "lllf.1! 1111t 6" A.'9/WA R.WTiq,pms a.i:,vahte. Fl x Mr w/'r 1W: 6" AWWA'R.WGa!DVahe, MJCIJd. vt/2" 1111C 8" AWWA'ltW 0.. VaM,, 1Ja QUI, wt 1madwbcel 4" AWWARWG.tev.hi,.S,alllwl~ c. 11\'lO VllveBolt 24". 36" ~. V8Sd2s-Siar l!' Cmbon 8lleel i!Xletllla1I seem-t 114"' 4' Onhon Str:z:1 lh11:M!mJ Slim-1 1/4" 10' Ccrbon SIOCI ~ ~ -1 114" 10" A WWA. R.W ~ Va!W; ff8 eod, 'WI lwldwbeel Sedlon 2 SKISonName ~Valw:a 11Jeo8' ~n t .. 20 .. 54• A WWA heedly Vaiw. fig a w/.elec!rlc aperalllr• ofc .,/' E AV/WA. Bllll:ldy Valve, 11g i:nd WI ~openll.ll' _. t, -I ~ S4" A WW:/.. Baamly v~ fts _. vtll,m,d\llJ,eel qptd!OI' ., AWWA Buaealy Vmvo, fig GIid w/~ opm10f - Cl4" AWW A Battriy VaM; llg l:l2d wf eledric op-o/cwll'3 ~ 9'11:eni - 18-'/P Ir AWW/1. ~Valff;, ilg* w/ elcrill ~· lllOd IICrYicx: - Er A WWA Bl1111S11r Valve. b encl.,,, llllldwtalol ope!1Sal' - i -IC. ··AWWA ~Vllvc,·~-w/ bud*'*l Opallof - AWWA Bllllaff7 V~ ~-1 vtf dawha:I ~ - r 30" A WW A. lhilli:rib' Yam:. ill eud ,r/ clcl:tdc opcnllir • o/c -· S ~i.-12" AWWA.:BatlafJyVam:. flgcodwfclcdricopmlQ['• ale - [ 3r1' AWWA ~ Vam; il,I Clld wl bxlwbcd c,pa11111r - 36" A WWA ~ Valvlt, f1g Clld wJ 11..twbcd apcnmr -w ~ •IL. 12" AWWA ~ Vam; fJa end w1 blad.bc:d q,am,r -' lO" A WWA Bumtly Vllw, fig Clld 'tl/blDltllbed apm:IOI" - (lllh, lbr dmillwhmll oplAIOr {8-UI .. 30" A WW A Bimdf Valwl, flacnd wf dc.cuic opcz:Mm'-IIIOd ~ .... 5924 w. Parka' ltd., 'IKJ.09-Plmo., 1'X 1509! (972) 943-5761-FAX ~ 943'5764 Teons Net30~ Ship-~est Way · ~ Qty . Netfa:rl Nliti'atat I St...S0,15 S1,4S0.1S p 2. $956.20 Sl,912.40 s mus . .$1,l!n.88 1 S42!.U S42&.118 3 S3l8.93 $!156.78 ~~) SS,9SO.s& Sl~l.<ll , 10 S3!ll.71 $3!11.!0 2 $114.56 S22!>.1J 6 SI0:!.59 $621.56 6 $til.8S ,,.1.1nz 6 S7!11.98 · $4,751.119 $20Al4,.7S Qty NetEadl l'WTot.11 .I S24,85lL31 $24.3,.58.32 ~ S43,660.l6 ia?,320,73 ) S19,541M SS~99 3 $1 J,IOO.Oj m.400.14 6 17,012.26 ffl,0'13.$6 ,6 $9,059.llS ~S9.69 8 Sl,779.SO Sl4,23W 3 $3,102.65 ijj07.94 3 $2,940.11 ::-$8;8211.34 12 $9,()41.61 $108;499.32 6 SS,195.Q S31 ,173.75 J $6,563.66 $6,563.&S 3 $7,603.35 S22,810.05 2 $859.56 Sl.719.13 3 S7.53.38 S7.,260. LS 200 S3.30 ~15 SU,991.51 $13,991.51 :,:,-.·.:! l'a11e l or3 -..:,1. -- 'i;!. June 19 , 2007 Oscar Renda Co ntract ing 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76 26 2 A TTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani --··. 1>JL- FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Proj e ct No . Pl64-060164052003 PCM-033 Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Garakani : Ple ase add t.1ie follo wi ng work activities to PCM 033 , originally issued April 6, 2007: 1. Add a 4-inch gate valve on the 4-UW-PVC utility water supply line to raw water meter vault #2 . Sincerel y, FREESE AND NICHOLS , INC. -x'Jau_/' vn,,J /:f c .. ,-~ G.E. Gay, P .E. xc: Chr is Hard er Herman Franklin Danny Shannon F ile FTW0 5 340.4.41.03 3 L:EMW1P \CHANGES\PCM\PCM033 Utility Wa ter Isolation Val ves Le tter 061907 Freese and Ni c hols , Inc. Eng ineers Envi ron me ntal Scien ti sts Arch it ects 4055 International Plaza Suit e 200 Fo rt Worth , T exa s 76 109 -489 5 8 17-735 -7 30 0 Fax 817-735 -7491 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT : Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj . No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser , McKee , Inc . Proj . No.: CONST. MGR : Freese and Nichols , Inc. Proj . No .: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc . Proj. No.: De scription : Utility Water and other piping mods -Letter of 6/18/07 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ 61.8@ 8@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL 8 .25 % 1.00% 0 .50% $15 .09 $23 .00 $2 .50 48 .0 % 2% 1.1% 10 % 15 % DATE: 4-Dec-07 PCM # 33-6 6/18/07 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05 -2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 ,075.84 50.76 25.38 932 .56 184.00 1,116.56 535.95 22 .33 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,151.98 1,674.84 $0.00 6,826.82 75 .10 6,901.92 1,035.29 7,937.20 ,• . LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 PCM 033 -Latter of 6/19/07 , 7/9/07, 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 1 1 /2" Spigot Fig 1 1 /2" Van Ston Fig 1 1 /2 " Viton Gasket 1 1 /2" sst Bolt sets TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL QUANT. 206 206 206 206 UNIT ea ea ea ea LABOR LABOR TOTAL HOURS HOURS 0.15 30.90 0.15 30.90 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 ,. 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.80 MATERIAL UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE 4.48 . $922 .88 4 .33 $89 1.98 7.75 $1 ,596.50 8.08 $1,6 64.48 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,075.84 LKT & ASSOCIATES WBE #WFDB31902V0907 P.O. Box 668 Melissa, Texas 7&454-0&&8 Phone 214.544.0440 Fax 214.544.3684 Quote fo: Attn: Ronald Etter OSCAR RENOA CONTRAC"'flNG, INC. 522 Benson Lane Roanok e, TX 76262 Phone 817.238.8925 Fax 817.238 _8964 Quotation DATE 5/25/2007 Quotation 10 ORC52507 Customer ID OSCAR RENDA Project EAGLE MT. BID DATE; Quotation valid until: 30/30 Prepared by: Tim Thomas PR.OJECi; EAGLE MOUNTAIN CONNECTION PROJEGT. TARRANT REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT comments: LKT & Associates appreciates the opportunity to bid on yout''requirements, and offers the following quotation for your consideration. Please note there are two options for your review. .!.Is.M DESCRIPTION 1 1-1/2~ SPIGOT VAN STONE FLANGE 2 1-1/2" SUP-ON VAN STONE FlANGE 3 1-1/2" VITON GASKET 4 1-1 /2 SST BOLT SETS TERMS: LKTA standard terms and conditions apply _ Tenns: 30/30 QTY PRICE EACH 206 $4.48 206 $4.33 206 $7.75 206 $8.08 LKT A1;1$ociatea OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING 522 BENSON LANE ROANOKE, TX 76262 PHONE: 817-491-2703 FAX: 817-491-4483 FACSIMILE TRANS MITT AL SHEET TO: TIM THOMAS COMPANY: LKT FAX NUMBER: 214-544-3684 PHONE NUMBER: RE: EAGLE MOUNTIAN WTP FROM: RONALD ETTER DATE: 5-24-07 TOTAL NO. OF PAGES: (Including coyer) CC: D URGENT D FOR REVIEW D PLEASE COMMENT D PLEASE REPLY D PLEASE RECYCLE Tim, Can you Price the Following: (103 Ball Valves-1 1/2 ") 206 ea-1 1/2" Spigot Flanges 206 ea-1 1/2" Slip On Flanges 206 ea-1 1/2" Viton Gaskets 206 ea-1 1/2" SST Bolts Sets Thanks, Ronald Etter Oscar Renda Contracting Urgent June 18 , 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani --11 v I V C FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 PCM-033 Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Garakani: Please add the following work activities to PCM 033, originally issued April 6, 2007: I. Sheets M-6 thru M-11 and M-13 thru M-15 : Change appropriate note that says PVC ball valves 2-inches and larger for chemical service to PVC ball valves I 1/2 -inches and larger for chemical service . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS , INC. h C /,,; . ,./J'J y .e,. ;uay G.E. Gay, P .E. xc : Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Fi le FTW05340.4.41.033 L:EMW1P \ CHANGES \PC M\PCM033 Utility Wa ter Isola tion Valves Lette r 061807 Fre ese and Nich ols, Inc . En g ine ers En v ironmenta l Sc ienti sts A rchit ects 405 5 Internat io nal Plaza Sui te 200 Fort Worth , T exas 76 109 -489 5 8 17 · 735 -7300 Fax 817· 735-7491 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj . No .: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser , McKee , Inc. Proj . No .: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc . Proj. No .: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. Proj. No .: Descrip tion: Utility W ater a nd other pip in g mods -Letter of 7/9/0 7 SUMM A RY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ 8@ 4@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL 8.25 % 1.00 % 0.50 % $15 .09 $23 .00 $2.50 48.0 % 2% 1.1% 10% 15 % DATE: 4-Dec-07 PCM# 33 7/9/07 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05 -2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,875.00 18.75 9.38 120.72 92.00 212 .72 102.11 4.25 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,903.13 319.08 $0.00 2,222.21 24.44 2,246 .65 337.00 2,583.65 LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 PCM 033 -Latter of 6/19/07 , 7/9/07 , 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 4" CHK Valve ser ie s 35 Red Valve TOT AL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL QUANT . UNIT 2 ea LABOR LABOR TOTAL HOURS HOURS 4.0 0 8 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 •· 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 8.00 MATERIAL UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE 937 .5 0 $1 ,875 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $1,875.00 ra~c; 1 u1 1 Ronald Etter From: Alexis LaMaster [alamaster@municipalvalve .com] Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 2 :24 PM To: Ronald Etter Subject: RE : 4" Check Valves ~ If they are the same as the other than the originally quoted price i still good . $937 .50 each. Fill o~attached sheet & let me know if you want 3 or 5. -~~ I can not find the email with your ext stem lengths. I think I deleted it. · t-kee13-leeki-r;g:-·-- }1.Cex:fs £a?daster Municipal Valve & Equipment Co., Inc . 5924 W. Parker Rd., Suite 200 Plano , TX 75093 972-943 -5761 (F) 972-943-5764 From: Ronald Etter [mailto:retter@oscarrenda.com] Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 2:15 PM To: Alexis LaMaster Subject: FW: 4" Check Valves Importance: High Alexis, Please give me a price for 2 ea-4 " Check Valves (Red Valve Series 35 or Equal). This is the same valves as the li me storage area , but in a different location . Thanks, Ronald 7/9 /2007 FREESE•NICHOLS July 9, 20 07 Oscar Renda Contract ing 522 B enson Lane Roanoke, TX 76 262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 PCM-033 Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Garakani : Please add the following work activities to PCM 033 , originally issued April 6, 2007 : 1. Sheet ME-16 , Detail B -Add Note : Install 4-inch check valve (Red Valve Series 35 or equal) on vertical drain piping in sump, typ 2. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHO~C. /~.c. ~v;-- G.E. Gay , P .E . xc : Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FTW05340.4.41.033 L:EMW1P\CHANGFS\PCM\PCM033 Utility Water Iso lation Valves Letter 070907 Freese and Nichols , Inc. Engineers Envi ronmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Wort h, T exas 76 109 -4895 817 -735 -7300 Fax 8 17-735 -7491 COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser, McKee , Inc . Proj . No .: CONST . MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc . Proj. No.: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc . Proj . No .: Description: Utility Water and other piping mods -Letter of 11/15/07 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ 4@ 1@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH I P (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH I P (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL 8.25% 1.00% 0 .50 % $15.09 $23 .00 $2.50 48.()°% 2% 1.1% 10 % 15 % DATE : 4-Dec-07 PCM# 33 11/15/07 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05 -2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 677.12 6 .77 3 .39 60 .36 23.00 83 .36 40 .01 1.67 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 687.28 125.04 $0 .00 812.32 8 .94 821 .25 123 .19 944.44 LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 PCM 033-Latterof6/19/07 , 7/9/07 , 11 /15/07 DESCRI PT ION 4" P VC Lug sty le B FV TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL Q UANT. UNIT 1 ea LABOR LABOR TOTAL HOU RS HOURS 4.0 0 4.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 4 .00 MATERIAL UNIT TO TAL PRI CE PRICE 677 .12 $6 77 .12 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $677.12 LKT & Associates P.O. Box 668 Melissa, Texas 7545 4-06 68 Bill To OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING, INC . 522 BENSON LANE ROANOKE, TX 76 262 P.O. Num ber Terms RONALD NET20 Ship 5/19/2007 S h ip To OSCAR RENDA CONT. EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 6820 BOAT CLUB ROAD FORT WORTH, TX 76179 Warehouse F .O .B. INVOICE Date Invo ice# 5/25 /2007 0507-15234 P roject EAGLE MT. Quantity Descripti on Price Each Amount 2 4" ASAHI PVC SS LUG BUITERFLY VALVE w/10 POS HANDLE 10 3" SxS S-80 PVC 45 ELL 30 2" SxS S-80 PVC 45 ELL 30 1-1 /2" SxS S-80 PVC 45 ELL 30 I" SxS S-80 PVC 45 ELL 30 3/4" SxS S-80 PVC 45 ELL 30 1/2" SxS S-80 PVC 45 ELL No warrant ies, obligations or co ndition s are made or implied by LKT & Associates regarding any material s, delivery date or retu rn condi tion s. The extent of any warranty or liab ili ty lies solely with th e manufacturer and NOT with LKT & Associates . s Total 677.12 1,354.24 16 .6865 166.87 6 .532 195 .96 5.037 151.11 3.3465 100.40 2.1965 65.90 1.4605 43 .82 $2 ,078.30 Novemb er 15, 2007 Osc ar R enda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 762 62 ATTN : Mr. Hadi Garakani --rl V I V I:: FREESE•NICHOLS RE : Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 PCM-033 Utility Water Isolation Valves and Miscellaneous Modifications Dear Mr. Garakani: Please add the following work activities to PCM 033, originally issued April 6, 2007: 1. Sheet MC-4; Add one 4-inch lug style wafer butterfly valve with lever operator suitable for dead end service on the 4-inch utility water header pipe in flocculator 17C between top 90 degree bend and full spray nozzle . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS , INC . )i/{.poJ--~ G.E. Gay , P .E. xc: Chr is Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FTW05340.4.41.033 L:EMWTP\CHANGFS\PCM\PCM033 Utility Water Isolation Valves Letter 111507 Freese and Nichols , In c. Engi neers En vi ronment al Sc ientists Architec ts 4055 Interna ti onal Plaz a Suite 200 Fort Worth , Texas 76109-4895 8 17-735 -73 00 Fax 8 17-735-74 9 1 0 F .. :-,·: .. / ._ ... ;. ·.-<;:~:. s'· E. Ff . V 1. C E December 21, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 10~9 Thr9S1km~rt~n $$r~t Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATIN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. FREESE·NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Prpj~t N9; Pl§4.-9~9.l(i4.Q.n99.3 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-034, UPS Modifications & RWPS T-1 Telephone Demark Relocation Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's December 20, 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. The Contract provided an $8,000 allowance for modifications the to Uninterruptible Power Supply units should size changes be found necessary during construction. Two UPSs needed to be upsized. In addition, three make before break switches were needed at PLCs 14, 15, and 20. The Tl telephone service entrance to the Raw Water Pump Station was changed from RWPS #1 to RWPS #2; this necessitated modifying the power supply to the demark board, modifying the location of the network switch, and adding fiber optic transceivers at RWPS #1. The cost of the extra work is $14,541.00. The $8,000 allowance was utilized to fund part of this extra work and the net change to the Contract Amount for this extra work is $6,541.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We r~~.ommenA th~, Qity f.l~Pm>t thi& ~pst ~d issue a Chang~ Qrd~ in th~ ampunt of $§;H L99 , Nu S?Mllg~ in Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires all or part of this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. #-et,_~,-rJ G . E. Gay, P .E . X~, Ji~rmoo. Fr.amdm Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW05340.4.41.034 L:\EMWT.P\CHANGES\PCM\034 UPS Mod and RWPS Tl Telephone Demark Relocation 122107RECMD ,, OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING December 20, 2007 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 A1TN: G.E.Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 034-UPS Modifications & RWPS T-1 Telephone Demark Relocation Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for additional work described in PCM-034 and the Freese and Nichols letter of August 23, 2007 ( Installation of 1" conduit from junction box to cable tray at ITS Communication Building. Total amount: $6 ,541.00 Detailed cost breakdown is attached for your review. Sincerely, ~~ Oscar~end~ Contracting, Inc. Hadi Garakani 522 BENSON LANE -· ROANOKE, TEXAS 76262 -811A91.2703 -FAX 811A91A483 www.oscanendac1ntncn11.c11n COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Proj. No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols, Inc. Proj . No .: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. Proj. No .: DATE: 20-Dec-07 PCM# 34 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 Descript ion: UPS Mod ifications & RWPS T-1 Telephone Demark Relocation SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ O@ O@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors ' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL 8.25% 1.00% 0 .50% $15.09 $23.00 $2 .50 48.0% 2% 1.1% 10% . 15% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $0.00 $ 5,879.00 $ 5,879.00 $ 64 .67 $ 5,943.67 $ 587.90 $ 9.70 $ 6,541.27 SUBCONTRACTOR #1 Design Electric TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR #2 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR #3 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR #4 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS WORKSHEET# 3 $5,879.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,879.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,879.00 DESIGN ELECTRIC To: Oscar Renda Contracting 2650 Andjon 522 Benson Lane P.O . Box 140855 Roanoke , Texas 76262 Dallas, Texas 75220 Office-214-357-5697 Fax-214-357-5794 REFERENCE : !PCM-34 !RFP: DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Pricing per PCM-34 . See attached Prime pricing sheet for price breakdown. Prime Price-$4 a ,945 .66""' Markup 10%-$1334.00 Total-$14 ,679.00 JUSTIFICATION FOR TIME EXTENSION : COR PREPARED BY : Jerry Bevers COR REVIEWED BY : COR DELIVERED TO : DATE OF DELIVERY : Project: Eagle Mountain WTP Plant Phase Ill Expansion Contract: 23-16-010SUB Date : 11/2/2007 coR No.!I 15 II !CLARIFICATION : ~87~ • in) S~-4,&79.88 .Page 1 of2 Hadi Garakani From: Brian Poarch [b.poarch@prime-controls .com] Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 12:16 PM To: Jerry Bevers Cc: Hadi Garakani Subject: FW: PCM -034 pricing Jerry, the price for PCM -034 is as follows with Item no .1 broken out and a deduct for the $8,000.00 UPS Allowance. PCM-034 1. Section 13310-2.08.A.3 ; Change UPS Main from 10 kVA to 12.5 kVA. $2,200.00 (Break-out 10KVA UPS with Battery Cabinet $11 ,032 .00 / 12.SKVA UPS w ith Battery Cabinet $13 ,232.00 = D ifference of $2,200.00) 2. Section 13310-2.08.A.3; Change tag I.D . of UPS Tower to UPS 20 and change s ize from 0.7kVA to 2 .0kVA. $1,225.00 3. Add make-before-break line/UPS power selector switches for UPS 's 14, 15,and 20 . $2,490.00 4. Sheet 1-7; relocate T-1 link, T-1-CSU/DSU, EMP-3-router-005, and EMP-3-Netswitch-003 from existing RWPS to new RWPS TC20 termination cabinet. See attached three drawings (SKE-16-1 , 16-2, and 16-3) for conduit , cable , receptacles, telephone board, and equipment installation layout. Delete Hoffman double door enclosure EWMW 362215 ($650 .00); install shelves and racks as needed in TC20 termination cabinet to support router and switch. Show security system communication connecting to EMP3-ROUTER-005 in new TC20 termination cabinet. Show PQM monitor and converter connecting to existing PLC 1 in existing RWPS. This includes the follow ing material and services : (1) %" ARC from the T1 Demarcation Board to the TC 20 Enclosure . (1) UPS Powered Circuit from the T1 Demarcation Board to the TC 20 Enclosu re . (1) %" ARC from the existing Pull Box to Demarcation Board . (1) #6 Ground Wire from the existing Pull Box to Demarcation Board . (3) Cat 5 Cables to be installed in existing 2 " Conduit to TC 20. (1) Enclosure Side Panel with Shelf to be installed inside TC 20. (1) Lot Misc Panel Material. Installation of conduit and wire/ cable, side panel and misc panel material. $4,700.00 Note: The Hoffman Enclosure was under Design Electric's Scope of work. 5. Sheet 1-7 / Detail A ; Install two fiber optic transmitters (FOT) shown on the detail in PLC-1 and make fiber terminations for transm itting PLC-1 and PQM data to EMP-3-NETSWITCH-003. $1,170.00 6 . Rev ise your record drawings as appropriate.$1,560.00 PRICE PCM-034: ............................................................................ $13,345.00 -$8,000.00 (UPS Allowance) TOTAL PRICE PCM-034: .............................................................................. $5,345.00 Brian Poarc h PRIM E CO NT RO LS, LP P. 972 -221-4849 F. 972-42 0-4 84 2 M. 214-405-7519 12 /20/2 007 I"\ V i;; 1'1 I U M T u .1" August 23, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX: 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICHOLS ::St:HVIGE RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 PCM-034 UPS Modifications and Raw Water Pump Station (RWPS) T-ol Telephone Demark Relocation Dear Mr. Garakani: Please add the following work activities to PCM 034, originally issued May 10, 2007: 1. Install I" conduit from junction box to cable tray at ITS Communication Building. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. /J . c . ffir ,,,,/ G.E. Gay, P.E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Sharmon File FTW05340.4.41.034 L:EMW1P\ CHANGES\PCM\PCM034UPS Mods RWPS TI Tele Demark Relocation Letter 072307 Freese and Nichols , Inc . Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth , Texas 76109-4895 817 -735-7300 Fax 817-735-7491 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ( Phase3) FREESE •NICHOLS TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Had{ Garakani D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMR No: D Addendum No. D PCM No. 034 [! Change Order No. D Pay Req. No . D Submittal o RFI No. I DATE: May~. 2001 PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW-05340 D Memo.No. D Field Order D Other I PCM034 UPS Modifications and RWPS T -1 Telephone Demark Relocation D Use D Approval D Record Remarks D Review & Comment D Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0 . 1 Chris Harder 1 Nick Lester 1 Herman Franklin 1 FTW 05340.4.41.034 1 Danny Shannon 0 Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT RET=D. R:\@ CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc By~~~~~~~~~~~ File FT1i05340/4 .41/34 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: City of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting PROJECT NUMBER Pl64-060164052003 05-2-23 ENGINEER: . Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. 0515-43716 FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: UPS Modifications and Raw Water Pump Station (RWPS) T-1 Telephone Demark Relocation PCM NO. 034 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contra~t time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. X Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the lump sum price. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes Order in accordance with the Contract By: //~ CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: must be approved by Fielq Order Documents. (O._;-/ or Change Date: May J?, 2007 D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. D We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: __________________ _ Date: ---------------- ACTION TAKEN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: D Field Order issued: No. -----Date: ----By: D Change Order issued: No. -----Date: ----By: 1 PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: City of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. rile ETW05340. 4. 41. 034 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM-034 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT NUMBER P164-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: UPS Modifications and Raw Water Pump (RWPS) Station T-1 Telephone Demark Relocation PCM NO. 034 The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract .Documents. RE: Section 13310.2.08.A.2 provides an $8,000 Allowance to increase the sizes of selected UPS's if necessary, and to perform additional services if necessary. Summarized below are the proposed changes for the UPS sizes, UPS make-before-break switches and RWPS T-1 telephone line demark relocation. The cost of this extra work will be charged against the allowance. 1. Section 13310.2.08.A.3; Change UPS main from lOkva to 12.Skva. 2. Section 13310.2.08.A.3; Change tag I.D. of UPS Tower to UPS 20 and change size from 0.7kva to 2.0kva. 3. Add make-before-break line/UPS power selector switches for UPS's 14, 15, and 20. 4. Sheet I-7; Relocate T-1 link, T-1-CSU/DSU, EMP-3-ROUTER-005, and EMP-3- NETSWITCH-003 from existing RWPS to new RWPS TC20 termination cabinet. See attached three drawings (SKE-16-1, 16-2, and 16-3) for conduit, cable, receptacles, telephone board, and equipment installation layout. Delete Hoffman double door enclosure EWMW 362215; install shelves and racks as needed in TC20 termination cabinet to support router and switch. Show security system communication connecting to EMP3-ROUTER-005 in new TC20 termination cabinet. Show PQM monitor and converter connecting to exiting PLC 1 in existing RWPS. 5. Sheet I-7/Detail A; Install two fiber optic transmitters (FOT) shown on the detail in PLC-1 and make fiber terminations for transmitting PLC-1 and PQM data to EMP-3-NETSWITCH-003. 6 . Revise your record drawings as appropriate. By:------:;;,.,,,«-d_/'-%,p-~-------- 2 ~ tD Date: May ft, 200 7 C • 1 -·, l ~ ?\ 5 ·· ~ . r1~1J II :·.I . .o-., . .;. :tli . NVld mMOd ffl>OH "1¥:>ftlm'B NOllVJS dnOd \ \ \ ' V-Xi ,~ -r:t-YnQ (i) CMJ,cf/ 31YfJ!dE7::7/-~r-,~>lia oi - TELEPHONE BOARD, FIREPROOF BLACK WITH COVER. FEED FROM UPS-20, 2#12,#12G,3/4"C . A UPS/TRANSFER SWITCH INSIDE ENCLOSURE , WIRE AND CONDUIT AS REQUIRED . CIRCUITS FEEDING PLC -20 . ROUTE AND TERMINATE UPS CIRCUIT TO POWER TERMINALS INSIDE PLC-20 DESIGNATED NEW UPS-20, INSIDE ENCLOSURE, SIZE AS REQUIRED. December 18, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATI'N: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 P€M 035-Add 13' Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch PCM 041 -Ozone Laboratory Sink PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe FO O 14 ~ Street Lighting Modifications CMR 009 -Electrical Manhole Access Covers Dear Mr. Garakani: The FWWD has reviewed: PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench-$3 ,973.00 PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch -$3 ,070.00 PCM 041-0zone Laboratory Sink-$2,530 .00 PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe -$2 ,034.00 FO 014 -Street Lighting Modifications-$4,279.00 CMR 009 -Electrical Manhole Access Covers -$V~) ) . \ I) It ~oe.--. The FWWD concurs with the recommendation of Freese & Nichols to accept these contract modifications. Total for these proposed changes am01mts to $14 ,651.00 , with no additional contract time requested. These extra work activities will be included in Change Order #5 currently being prepared. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICH<~~)~C ;IJ.f_. /ji G .E . Gay , P.E. xc: Chris Harder Charly Angadicheril Herman Franklin Danny Shannon V. K. Gupta File FfW05340 .4 .41-35 , 40,41,43 ; 4.42-009; 4.44-014 L :EMWIP\ CHANGffi\PCM,CMR,FO\PCM 035 040 041 043 FO 014 CM R 009 JOC s FWWD FN 121807 EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLANT -CHANGE ORDER #5 COMPONENTS PCM NO DESCRIPTION STATUS PCM COST CUMULATIVE COS FWWDREVIEW PCM-022 Northside II and Northside IV Conflict with Clearwell Under review -ORC $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 PCM-023 Emergency repairs at ozone contact chamber #1 and #2 Time and Materials $15,000.00 $ 19,000.00 PCM-025 Cathodic Protection System at Water Plant Being Prepared $ 5,000.00 $ 24,000.00 PCM-028 Repaint internal coating of Venturi Meter Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 26,000.00 PCM-029 Street Light Conflict at LOX StoraQe Area Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 28,000.00 PCM-031 Utility Power Supply to PLC and RIOs Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 33,000.00 PCM-033 Install additional Isolation Valves Under review -ORC $15,000.00 $ 48,000.00 PCM-034 UPS Modifications and RWPS T-1 Telephone Demark Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 53,000.00 PCM..()35 Add 13' of Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench Recmd to FWWD $ 3,973.00 $ 56,973.00 Recommended PCM-036 Modify Ozone Area Fire Alarm System Being Prepared $10,000.00 $ 66,973.00 PCM-037 Modify High Service Pump Station Motors and Fittings Recmd to FWWD $ 2,851.00 $ 69,824.00 PCM-038 Sample Lines Under review -ORC $ 3,000.00 $ 72,824.00 PCM-039 PLC 1 Time and Material Program Modifications Time and Materials $11,752.00 $ 84,576.00 PCM-1)4() Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch Recmd to FWWD $ 3,070.00 $ 87,646.00 Recommended PCM-<U1 Ozone Laboratory Sink Recmd to FWWD $ 2,630.00 $ 90,116.00 Recommended PCM-042 Sludge Drain Piping and Modifications Desian Review $10,000.00 $ 100,176.00 PCM..()43 Additional 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drainage Pioe Recmd to FWWD $ 2,034.00 $ 102,210.00 Recommended PCM-044 Traveling Screen Control Changes Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 107,210.00 F0-014 Street Lighting Modfflcations -Computer Control Recmd to FWWD $ 4,219.00 $ 111,489.00 CMR-009 Electrical Manhole Access Covers Recmd to FWWD $ (1,235.00) $ 110,254.00 Recommended ·1·,Y·:J. ':'· .r·. ·"' '-'· ~ l'l . I ·U r:1 · I . . ·-Y ···.~· October 3, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATTN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. FREESE•NICHOLS o · c ·n ····v , ···•. ,v . ·t:: RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 . PCM-035 Chlorine Ammonia Chemical Trench Modifications Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's September 25, 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra· work. Layout of the chemical trench between the filter gallery and the Chlorine/ Ammonia Building identified a discrepancy in the contract coordinates. An additional 13 feet of precast chemical trench was required to connect the two buildings. The cost of the extra work is $3,973.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $3,973.00. Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. . &.tL--~ ;(J'.l·,--3 G. E. Gay, P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW01275A.4.41.035 L:\EMWIP\CHANGES\PCM\035 Chlorine Ammonia Chemical Trench Mods 100307RECMD Freese and Nichols , Inc . Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth , Texas 76109-4895 817-735 -7300 Fax 817-735-7491 . BSCARRENDA . CONTRA.CTING September 25 , 2007 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G.E.Gay, P .E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-035 -Extension of Precast Chemical Pipe Chase Dear Mr. Gay: As requested, Oscar Renda Contracting is submitting the following price for extension of chemical pipe chase as described in PCM035 . Price includes all labor material and equipment to excavate install and backfill the additional precast pipe chase. Total Amount of PCM 035 $3,973.00 Detailed cost breakdown for the above amount is attached for your review. If you hav e any questions , please call. Sincerely, ?:-~Y~ Oscar~enda Contracting, Inc. Hadi Garakani 522 BENSON UNE -ROANOKE, TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FU 811A91.4483 www.oscanendac1n1racunu.c111 COST CHANGE REQUEST . PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Pror No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Proj. No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols, Inc. CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. Proj. No.: ·Proj. No.: Description : Extension of Precast Chem ica l Chase SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST @ @ @ 15.60@ 4@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL @ @ 8% 1% 0.5% $15 .09 $23 .00 $2 .50 48 .0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% · DATE: 2-0ct-07 PCM# 35 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05~2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,420.00 24.20 12.10 235.40 92.00 327.40 157.15 6.55 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,456.30 491.11 470.00 3,417.41 37.59 3,455.00 518.25 3,973.25 ·• DESCRIPTION dig / lay/ backfill furnish precast box embedment .. TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL • QUANT. UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE PRICE 13 If 1.20 15.60 $0.00 1 Is 0.00 2366.00 $2,366.00 3 tn 0.00 18 $54.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 15.60 $2,420.00 EQUIP. NO. DESCRIPTION Excavator Loader Tamper TOTAL EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT WORKSHEET# 2 TIME USED UNIT RATE 2 .00 hr 2.00 hr 2 .00 hr 130.00 85.00 20.00 TOTAL COST $260.00 $170.00 $40.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $470 .00 'O 5°/21 /?.007 14 : 47 FAX ee11e12ee7 18=25 ,114sa4e11 OOW.•tle Pwf.1nc. CU,CASTLE PRECAST Contract & Proposal · iJOOl/001 P'AGE l!ll/1!11 Paga:1 Qupta No. ... , , : 9092e21-1 1100 H1r1t11ge PIJkway Teleph1>n& ! (817) 477-2914 Nlall'l!Jfttld, TX 180N Fale ....... : {817) 453..4007. Quotawon f o • : Osa" Renda Contracting Inc Job/Loc:atkan .......... , = Eagle Mtn. WTP'• 4' ~ 24 Pip~ Chase m Benson uana · Roanoke, TX 78282 Date Customer No. Tenns 5/'IB/2007 002&~ Nat 30 Days ;roupi: A Fon Worth , TX ?B1'79 1=.o.a. FOB Jab Quilt.a fc Valid for. toaays __ gr ___ Unit altt .. m..-. ___ ..,C. __ Dlt_ptl~o.;.;;n ________ M_a __ rk __ _ Unit Drlct ---=-Am=cu=n=t 2.00 E• 9024000CDCMF 4' ,; 2' Pipe Chae WI Geparat.e ~ & top slab· 13 L.F. letal 2.00 Ea 11$1~MF 2,CO El 11ij106800MF iroup:: IJ Oon1i1t1 of a ellCh El,5' Sections 4' X 21 X S.15' Bottom Se<ltlon 4' x 2' x S,S' Top Slilti Section 1, 183,00 2,Ne.00 . _....Qll Unit ltllm DetC11pt10n ..;;;;M;;....a_rk __ ~Jltt.P.rlA! __ .._.A .... M .... cu._ru"""'t 1.00 1:a 902-4000CRCMF Prtces lnclUde dellve,y ta Job91te. Prroea dO not lnelUde Uni8b\lt 1.1r w.oll ancnors. QUOTATION TOTAL. US ,.,... .. 2,sea.ao • -• I \ I , .. LETTER OF TRANSMITT Ai.. ( Phase3) FREESE• NICHOLS TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Hadi Garakani D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMR No: D Addendum No . D PCM No. 035 q Change Order No . D Pay Req. No. D Submittal I PCM035 D Use D Approval D Record Remarks D Review & Comment D Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0. 1 Chris Harder 1 Nick Lester 1 Herman Franklin 1 FTW 05340 .4.41.035 1 Danny Shannon DATE: May 16, 2001 PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW-05340 o RFINo. D Memo .No. D Field Order D Other D Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT RET=D. R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc By ~~~~~~~~~~ .. ' \ j ,,c File FTW05340/4.41/035 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Citi of Fort Worth P164-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Chlorine/ Ammonia Chemical Trench Modifications PCM NO. 035 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. X Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. By:.// -4/ Date: May 15, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. J'. We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. 0 We are proceeding with the c hange at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By :~~~_,> Date: S/J.3Lo1 I ACTION TAKEN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected . Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: 0 Field Order issued: No. Date: By: D Change Order issued: No. Date: By: 1 • -' • t .. E'ile E'TW05340.4,41,035 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM-035 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Git:t: of Fort Worth P164-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER: CamE, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515 -43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench Modifications PCM NO. 035 -- The OWner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the contract Documents. RE: Coordinates shown for the chemical trench on Sheet FMF-9 are in conflict with coordinates calculated from the structural drawings. Chemical trench penetrations have been constructed per the structural drawings. This PCM adds 12.89' of chemical trench and resolves the coordinates conflict. 1. Sheet MF-9; Change coordinates of center line of pipe trench at filter pipe gallecy to N4642.67 and E19368.03, and coordinates at chemical building to N4558.17 and E19332.36. 2. Change Field Order 18, Sheet MF-9; At Sta 1+24.50. Add Sta 124.50 forward= Sta. 111.61 back Hold top of trench elevation at Sta. 1+24.50 and 1+69 on original Field Order 18 profile. 3. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. By: AL?~· Date: May 15, 2007 2 January 8, 2008 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATfN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FfW05340 PCM-038, Sample Line Identification & Routing Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's January 4, 2008 price proposal for the referenced extra work. RFI-083 requested clarification on the number and size of sample lines installed from the filtered water valve vault, NS ill meter vault, and NS II/NS IV meter vault into the laboratory. An additional sample line was installed in the field to allow individual sampling of NS Il, NS ill, or NS IV distribution lines and piping was installed in the filter gallery to allow the sample source to be selected. The sample lines were routed to the laboratory and extended to the lab sinks. The total cost of this extra work is $3,111.00. No change in Contract Tiine has been requested. · We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $3,111.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested Please advise if the Water Department desires all or part of this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ;lf.6.7 aJ G. p. Gay, P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW05340.4.41.038 L:\EMWIP\CHANGES\PCM 038 SampleLineldentificationRouting 010808 RECMD OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING January 4 , 2008 · Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 7 6109 ATTN: G .E .Gay, P .E . RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 038 -_ Sample Line Identification & Routing Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for additional work described in PCM-038. Price includes all labor, material and equipment to install two additional % PVC sample lines and modifications to sample line piping in the filter gallery. Total for PCM 038 $3 ,111.00 Detailed cost breakdown is attached for your review. ~7~~ ntracting, Inc. Hadi Garakani 522 BENSON WE -ROANOKl TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FAX 811A91A483 www.1scamnd1c1nuacu11.c1m COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Wate r Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Proj. No.: CONST . MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc . Proj. No .: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. Proj . No .: Description : PCM 038 -Sample Line (RFI 083) SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handl ing Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST @ @ @ 58@ 10@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors ' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL @ @ 8.25% 1.00% 0 .50% $15 .09 $23 .00 $2 .50 48 .0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% DATE: 4~Jan-08 PCM# 38 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 550.00 5.50 2 .75 875 .22 230 .00 1,105.22 530 .51 22.10 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 558.25 1,657.83 $460.00 2,676.08 29.44 2,705.52 405.83 3,111.34 DESCRIPTION install 3/4" PVC pipe & fitting PVC pipe & fitting Core Wall TOTAL LABOR HOURS TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR & MATERIAL WORKSHEET #1 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL UNIT TOTAL QUANT. UNIT HOURS HOURS PRICE PRICE 1000 If 0.05 50.00 $0.00 1000 If 0 .00 0.45 $450 .00 2 ea 4.000 8 .00 50 $100.00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0 .00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0 .00 $0.00 0 .00 $0 .00 58.00 $550.00 EQUIP. NO. DESCRIPTION RT backhoe Small tools TOTAL EQUIPMENT FOG Total Equipment EQUIPMENT WORKSHEET # 2 TIME USED UNIT 8 .00 hr 1 .00 d RATE 35 .00 120 .00 TOTAL COST $280 .00 $120 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 · $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $400.00 $60 .00 $460 .00 LETIER OF TRANSMITIAL ( Phase 3) FREESE• NICHOLS TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke,Texas 76262 ATIENTION: Hadi Garakani D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMR No! D Addendum No. D PCM No. 038 D. Change Order No. D Pay Req. No. D Submittal D Use D Approval D Record Remarks D Review & Comment D Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0. 1 Chris Harder 1 Nick Lester 1 Herman Franklin 1 FTW 05340.4.41.038 1 Danny Shannon D RFINo. DATE: June 25, 2007 PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXP ANS ION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW-05340 D Memo .No. D Field Order D Other D Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT RET=D . R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc B y ~~~~~~~~~~~ File FTW05340/4.41/038 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: City of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. PROJECT NUMBER Pl64-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Sampl e Line Identification and Rout i ng PCM NO. 038 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owne r proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Wo r k des c ribed in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We re que st that you take the following action within 10 calendar da y s: No tify us that you c oncur that this change does not require a c hange in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. ,. X Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed Order in accordance with with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change the Contract Documents. By: d/~ Date: June 23, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. D We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and r evised schedule for performing the described change. D We are pro ceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Date: ACTION TAREN: D Prop o s e d Contract Modifi c ation rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NO T to pro ceed: By: Date: D Fi e l d Order issued: No . -----Date: -----By : D Change Order issue d: No. -----Date: -----By : File FTW05340.4.ll.038 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM-038 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: City of Fort Worth P164-060164052003 . CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contractin2 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Cam:e, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Sample Line Identification and Routing PCM NO. 038 -- The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: RFI-083; Sample Line Identifi cation and Routing. See CDM's memo dated June 20, 2007 (copy attached) in response to ORC' s RFI 083 requesting c larification on the number and routing of potable water sample lines. 1. Sheets C-21 and C-22; Change sample line callouts to (4) 3/4"-SA-PVC. One sample lirie shail route to FW Valve Vault No. 4, one sample line shall route to PW Meter Vault No. 2, and two sample lines shall route to PW Meter Vault No. 1. 2. Sheet M-5; Change NSII, NSIII, and NSIV distribution lines to have individual ~"-SA-PVC lines to the filter gallery. 3 . Sheet ME-7, Section 7; Show ( 4) ~"-SA-PVC lines entering the filter gallery. Add~,, PVC valves on the NSII, NSIII, and NSIV sample lines to allow any line to supply the l"-SA-PVC line to the laboratory. The ~,, Filtered Water sample line from FW Valve Vault No. 4 shall change to l"-SA-PVC inside the filter gallery and route to the laboratory. 4. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. By: __4/~ Date: June 23 , 2007 ··•·1 ,·t ~~ FREESE. NICHOLS PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR: OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING ENGINEER: CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE, INC . CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC . REFERENCE DATA: SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL 4. PROJECT NUMBER: P164-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTW05340 Contractor's Submittal No . RFI #83 Specification Section""": _____ _ Plan Sheet No.: "See Atatched" Description: Sample Lines CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this submittal has been reviewed by the Contractor · and is in strict conformance with the Contract Documents as modified by Addenda, Change Orders and Field Orders. C ERTIFIED BY: Ronald Etter DATE: 6-16-07 TYPE # DESCRIPTION #SENT #R~ET'D CMR Contractor's Modification Request D Approved CTR Certified Test Report D Approved As Corrected EIR Equipment Installation Report D Not Approved O&M Operation & Maintenance Manual D Revise & Resubmit NBC Notification By Contractor D Filed As Received PCM Proposed Contract Modification Gr'81 Distribution PR Payment Request D Change Order Issued pp Project Photographs D Field Order Issued RD Record Data D Recommended For Approval RFI 83 Request For Information 1 D Returned W/0 Review SAM Sample D Add'I Information Required SCH Schedule Of Progress D Cancelled Sb Shop Drawing ~-·Review Comments tJ Pending Change Order DATE RECEIVED COMMENTS: DISTRIBUTION REVIEW NO . SENT TO . NO . SENT TO. DEPT . BY DATE SENT DATE RET=D Chris Harder/CFW F&N FIELD OFFICE ~fJrY Herman Franklin Ra lph Esparza Da nny Shann on/COM K:\Oper ati ons \Jobs \05 -2-2 3 Co FW-Eagle Mtn . WT PI RFl s\RFI Submi tta l Trans mi tta l #83 Samp le Lin es.doc REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (4.141 ) PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER: OWNER: CITY OF FORT WORTH, WATER DEPARTMENT P164-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING 05-2-23 ENGINEER: CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE, INC . 0515-43716 CONSTR. MANAGER: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. FTW05340 REFERENCE DATA: #83 Specification Section No. Paragraph No. __ Drawing No. "SEE ATTACHED" description: Sam12le Lines CONTRACTOR REQUESTS: x Information D Interpretation X Clarification for the items described below or .in the attached material referenced below: It is unclear as to the intent of the Sample Lines and how and where they will be routed. Please define the following: 1.) How will Pipe's be routed in the Analyzer Room to Faucets? Sheet ME-19 2.) How many sample line are needed for Filtered Water and Potable Water and how should they be routed? 3.) "See Attached Info regarding sample lines" CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSED SOLUTION: REQUESTED BY: Ronald Etter DA TE: June 16, 2007 ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: D Information 0 Interpretation 0 Clarification for the items described above or in the attached material referenced: Refer to attached memorandum regarding the response to RFl-83 . RESPONSE BY : C Bartruff DATE : 6-20-2007 K:\Opera tlons \Job s\05-2-2 3 CoFW -Eagle Mtn . WTP\RFls\RFl#83 Sample Line s.doc • Notes: Eagle Mountain WTP Sample Lines 1.) Sheet C-20-Shows (2) %" Samples Going South 2 .) Sheet C-21-Shows (1) l" Sample from FW Valve Vault No. 4 3.) Sheet C-21-Shows (1) %" from PW Meter Vault #1 to PW Meter Vault #2 then heads w est · 4 .) Sheet M-5- a . FW Valve Vault #4-1" Sample to Analyzer Room from SFP-H-01 b. PW Meter Vault #2-1" Sample to Analyzer Room-(Pressure) c. PW Meter Vault #1-Ties 48" and 30" Together then 1" Sample to Analyzer Room (Pressure) 5.) Sheet ME-5/ME-7-Shows (2) 1" Wall Penetrations 6 .) Sheet ME-8-Shows ( 4) l" Samples Line to Analyzer Room 7.) Sheet ME-19-Shows (4) l" Sample Lines a. Raw Water-Sheet MA-1 from SFP-K-04 b . Settled Water-Tunnel E from SFP-E-03 c. Filtered Water-FW Valve Vault #4 from SFP-H-01 d. Potable Water-PW Meter Vaults # 1 & #2-??? CDIVI Memorandum (Email) To: Ted Gay, P.E. Freese & Nichols From: Chad Bartruff, P.E. COM Date: June 20, 2007 Subject: Eagle Mountain WTP Phase Ill Expansion Project RFl-83 Sample Line Identification and Routing In response to Oscar Renda' s questions included in RFI-83, we have the following clarifications: 1. Routing of the sample lines within the Filter Gallery and Analyzer room shall be coordinated with the Construction Manager. Based on Contractor's location of slab penetrations, sample piping shall be routed within the base cabinetry located on the south wall of the analyzer room, and shall be routed to the respective analyzers and faucet taps. 2. Sample lines shown on Sheet M-5 shall be provided as follows: > PW Meter Vault No. 1-Two (2) 3/ 411 SA-PVC individual sample lines from NS-IV and NS-II pipe taps are to be provided. Do not connect the sample lines in the vault as shown on the Drawings. ADD a new 3/411 SA-PVC. REDUCE the combined line from a 1 11 dia to a 3/ 411 and route the two 3/ 411 SA-PVC as shown on Sheets C-20 and C-21. > PW Meter Vault No. 2 -Reduce 1 11 dia to 3/ 4 11 dia and route the one (1) 3/ 411 SA-PVC from NS-III pipe tap as shown on Sheets C-20 and C-21 . > FW Valve Vault No. 4 -Install 1 11 SA-PVC as shown on M-5 and route per Sheets C- 20 and C-21. > All four sample pipes shall penetrate into the Filter Gallery approximately where show n on ME-7 /Section 7 . Once in the Gallery, install individual isolation ball RFl-83 Samplslines.doc ... '-. Gay,Ted June 20, 2007 Page2 valves on the NS-II, NS-III, and NS-IV 3/4" SA-PVC lines. Combine the valve discharges into a single 1" SA-PVC and route to the Analyzer Room as shown on the Drawings and described above with discharge at a sink tap. > Route the FW Valve Vault No. 4, 1" SA-PVC from the wall penetration on ME-7 to the Analyzer Room as shown on the Drawings. This sample line shall s erve the turbidirneter, pH analyzer, and chlorine residual monitor shown on ME-19, which are labeled as "Filtered Water". Re-label these units and sample line to "Potable Water". Continue 1" SA-PVC to the sampling sink with route and instaHation similar to the 1" SA-PVC described above. Please call should you have any questions regarding this response. cc: Chris Harder (FWWD) Russ Pior (FWWD) Herman Franklin (FWWD) File: GS-5.0 (RFI-81) RFl-83 Samplelines.doc January 10, 2008 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATTN: ·Mr. Chris Harder, P .E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 F&N No. FfW05340 PCM-039 HSQ Additional Programming Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's January 9, 2008 price proposal for the referenced extra work. During design, there were three areas of programming that could not be fully evaluated to determine the effort of Applications Engineering Services required. During negotiations with HSQ, the FWWD agreed to establish extra programming services for up to 160 hours at a rate of $130 per hour. The Contract did not fund these additional programming services. The three areas of programming effort have been completed in accordance with the Contract and 144 hours of effort were required. No additional programming effort is contemplated from the 160 hour original budget. The cost of the extra work is $20,829 .00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $20,829.00 . Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. :If~.~ /YU G. E . Gay, P.E . Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW01275A.4.41.039 L:\EMWfP\CHANGES\PCM\039 HSQ Additi onal Programming 01 1008 RE CMD OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING January 9, 2008 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G .E .Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 039 -HSQ Additional Programming Service Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for additional programming by HSQ for the High Service and Raw Water Pump Stations . Price is based on HSQ's pre- negotiated hourly rates for the following: Programming HSPS PLC-7 Programming RWPS PLC-1 Total price for PCM 039 58 hrs 86 hrs $20,829.00 Detailed cost breakdown and back up documentation is attached for your review . Sincerely, l~ Oscar kenda 'c'ontr~g, Inc . Hadi Garakani 522 BENSON LANE -ROANOKl TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FAX 811A91.4483 www.1scanendac1nuacun1.c1m COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treat ment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj . No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Proj . No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc. CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. Description : Additional Programming Service (HSQ) SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS Proj. No.: Proj . No.: @ 8 .25% @ 1.00% @ 0 .50% O@ $15.09 O@ $23.00 @ $2 .50 @ 48.0% @ 2% 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors ' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL @ @ @ 1.1% 10% 15% DATE: 9-Jan-08 PCM# 39 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $0.00 18,720.00 18,720.00 205.92 18,925.92 1,872.00 30.89 20,828.81 SUBCONTRACTS WORKSHEET# 3 SUBCONTRACTOR #1 HSQ (HSPS programming) $7,540.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $7,540.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #2 HSQ (RWPS programming) $11,180.00 $0.00 $0 .00 TOTAL $11,180.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #4 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 TOTAL $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $18,720.00 01-07-08 12:26pm Frcm-HSQ TECH HAYWARD! (CAl 5102591392 T-377 P.02/03 F-212 FORT WORTH I OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTL~G L"ISTRUM.ENTATfON & CONTROLS 1-'0R EAGLE MOUNT AL~ WTP };XfANSION -PHASE 2 FORT WON.TH. TX CONTRACT NO. 23-26-I30SUB HSQ PROJECT NO. 02-9952 Pri~c-brt:~kdown on Change: Order Nu . 005~ Rc:program High Sc:TV1ce Pump St:mon PLC-7 Desi:ription lits Removal <.lf Aurnmatlc Pump Control PLC Cock 10 Remov-al of Autuu,a,ic Pump ContrQl PLC cb~basl."! 1tr:ms 08 RemoyaJ of Autu~nc PL.mp Control C1mphc1ty 1-!ata iti:Illi 08 Rt:moval of Autornutic Pump Comrol Cimphcii:y graphic'!i 08 Testing ~t HSQ ofmodific:d PLC and Cimphc1ty epphcations 08 Tcsiing o.n site ofmoJi.iied PLC and Cimplic1ry apphcations 16 TOTAL S8 Amuunt 1,300.00 1,040.00 1,040.00 1,040.00 1,040.00 2,080.00 7,540.00 10-24-07 01 :36pm From-HSQ TECH HAYWARD! (CAI 5102591392 T-121 P.03/03 F-784 FORT WORTH I OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING INSTRGMENTATION & CONTROLS FOR EA.GI .. E MOUNTAIN WTP .F.Xl'l,ANSION -PHASE 2 FORT WORTH, TX CONTRACT NO. 23-26"130SUH HSQ PROJECT NO. 02-9952 Prict: breakdown un Change Order No. UO I -Reprogram ~w Watc:r Pump Statiun PLC~l Description R~moval of Autumatic Pump Control PLC Cud~ Removal of Autom~t1c Pump Control PLC aatabasc: iii:ans R~nioval of Aumrnaric Pump Co11trol Cimphcicy data item~ Rcmo-..~l of Ai.ttomatii= Pump Control c;rnphcHy graphic-. Testing at HSQ of mud.i fied PLC <\nd Ciinpli1.:it) upplicatiuns Testing 011 site of modi tied PLC ~d Cimplicity appiic:llions TOTAL Hrs 20 10 l () 20 10 l_Q 86 Amount $2,600.0U 1,300.00 1,300.00 2 ,600.00 l ,300 .00 --~-080 uo $11,180.UO A L; t:. N I U H Y u t- November 19 , 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke , TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICHOLS ::; t:. H V I (j I:: RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 PCM-039 HSQ Raw Water Pump Station Additional Programming Services Dear Mr. Garakani: As previously advised, HSQ is authorized to proceed with additional programming services at the existing raw water pump station PLC 1. Attached is a copy ofHSQ's July 6, 2007 request for authorization and CDM's July 9, 2007 confirmation that additional programming services are required. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ~//V' G.E. Gay, P.E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Steve Eckersley File FTW05340.4.41.039 L:EMWTP \ CHANGFS\PCM\ PCM039HSQ RWPS ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING SERVI CFS Letterl 11907 Freese and Nichols , Inc. Engineers Environmenta l Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fo rt Worth, T exas 76 109 -4895 8 17-735-7300 Fax 817 -735-7491 Gay, Ted -·-·······--"------··-·--··--·--·----------·-··-------····---.. ------ From: Gay, Ted Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:59 AM To: Bailes, Norma Subject: FW: Request from HSQ for Time and Materials effort to reprogram PLC 1 Please cc HSQ 4.51 T&M file From : Robinson, John M.[mailto:RobinsonJM@cdm.com] Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 7:49 PM To: Gay, Ted Cc: Reynolds, Larry; Bartruff, Chad; Shannon, J. Danny; Harder, Christopher Subject: Request from HSQ for Time and Materials effort to reprogram PLC 1 Ted- Du ri ng the latter part of the design phase it was observed that there were several items which would require investigation by HSQ before giving an estimate to implement. It was agreed that 160 hours would be kept in reserve in the HSQ contract to address these issues when there was an opportunity to investigate. HSQ would only be permitted to do the work upon submission of a time and materials (T&M) estimate and written confirmation hy the Engineer On consultation with the FWWD). These conditions are documented in the letter from Alan Nelson to Danny Shannon dated July 29 2005 (part of the contract documents) and in specification 13305 2.04 A through D . This is the first reque st from HSQ to utilize these reserve hours, and the estimate of up to 80 hours to modify the programming of the RSPS PLC 1 to meet the requirement of 13305 2.04 B . 3 regarding the RSPS programming is rea sonable. Modifications to PLC 1 as well as several existing Cimplicity scripts will be required an·d are included in the estimate , per telephone conversation between myself and Gary Waters today . Should less than 80 hours be needed , HSQ will only invoice for the amount actually used. It is recommended that the request be approved , subject to addressing any concerns the FWWD may have. Of the 3 areas requiring investigation by HSQ per 13305 2 .04 B , items 1 and 2 have already been completed w ithout request for additional compensation. The reason for this is because after investigation and consultation with FWWD by HSQ , the specific programming changes were made by FWWD personnel (Luke Matus). With respect to the current request, it is my opinion that it is less than what might have been expected because FWWD continues to be cooperat ive and has furnished HSQ with a loaner processor, chassis , and power supply so that the RSPS programming can be modified at HSQ and then tested in Fort Worth. It is my expectation that a second request for T&M hours for modification of the existing programming of the existing High Service Pump station will be made by HSQ once the RSPS programming is complete and tested . This is a lso identified in 13305 2 .04 B . 3 , but is separate from the RSPS effort . . This T&M level of 80 hours at $130 / hr conforms to the intent of the contract documents and does not represent a separate chang e order request. It therefore does not increase the amount of the contract allowance for HSQ . Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions . Re gards , John R obinson 11/13 /2007 ·-------·-·--··----.. -----·--·-·------------------ From: Gary Waters [mailto:waters@hsq.com] Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 10:31 AM To: 'Gay, Ted' Cc: 'Hadi Garakani -Oscar Renda'; Reynolds, Larry; Bartruff, Chad; Robinson, John M.; Brad Needham; Alan Nelson Su bject: FTW -Eagle Mountain Existing Raw Water Pump Station Progra m ming Modi fcations Ted , In -l ine w ith specification sect ion 13305-2.04.D. HSQ fo rmally requests the E ngineer to approve in writing our request t o be compensat ed on a time and materials basis fo r th e re programming of the existing Raw Water Pump Station PLC1 to remove all au to matic controls . This w or k wi ll inc lud e : P LC programm in g , Cimp lic ity database changes and graphics modifications . We estimate the wo rk 'A'ill take 80 Hrs and you will be billed at t he pre vio usly agreed rate of $130.00 per hour. Tha nks , Gary Waters Support Enginee r HSQ Technology , 26227 Research Road. Hayw ard , CA 94545 Tel. (510) 259-3762 Fax . (510) 259-1391 wa t ers@ hsq .co m I htt p://www .hsq .com 1 1/13/2007 November 19, 200 7 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani F REESE•NICHOLS RE: E agle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 PCM-039 HSQ High Service Pump Station Additional Programming Services Dear Mr. Garakani : As previously advised, HSQ is authorized to proceed with additional programming services at the existing High Service Pump Station. Attached is a ·copy ofHSQ 's October 31 , 2007 request for authorization and CDM 's November 14 , 2007 confirmation that additional programming services are required. Sincerely , FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ,,/1 )~ G.E. Gay, P.E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Steve E ckersley File FTW05340.4.4I.039 L:EMWTI'\CHANGFS\PCM\PCM039HSQ !-!SI'S ADDITIQNAL PROGRAMM1NG SERVI C FS Letter! 11907 Freese and Nichols , In c . Engineers Env ironmenta l Scient ists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth , T exas 76109 -4895 817-735-7300 Fax 8 17-735 -749 1 Bailes, Norma From: Sent: To: Hadi Garakani [hgarakani@oscarrenda .com J Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:47 PM Gay, Ted; Robinson, John M .; Bailes, Norma .. -t:,-.&. -.&.- Cc: Reynolds , Larry ; Bartruff, Chad; Brad Needham ; Alan Nelson; waters@hsq .com; Harder, Christopher S ubject: RE: FTW -Eagle Mountain Existing High Service Pump Station Programming Modifcations Gary , Ple ase proceed w ith the repro gramming of the Existi ng High Service Pump Station PLC?. As noted below, please submit your cost to ORC upon comp letion of your of work so it can be processed for payment in a future change order. Thanks Had i Garakani Oscar Renda Contracting From: Gay, Ted [mailto:Ted.Gay@fortworthgov.org] Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 12:13 PM To: Robinson, John M.; Bailes, Norma f• Cc: Hadi Garakani; Reynolds, Larry; Bartruff, Chad; Brad Needham; Alan Nelson; waters@hsq.com; Harder, Christopher Subject: RE: FTW -Eagle Mountain Existing High Service Pump Station Programming Modifcations Had i: HSQ is authorized to proceed with these modifications . This is the second T&M activi ty authorized . The first was the Raw Water Pump Station #1 PLC 1 programming modifications authorized by John Robinson's email of July 9 , 2007 . I w ill have Norma establish a PCM file for tracking costs associated with the HSQ T&M additional programming efforts in accord ance with Section 13305.2 .04. Once the w ork is completed , ORC should submit a price proposal for the incurred costs . Ted From: Robinson, John M. [maUto:RobinsonJM@cdm.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 10:14 AM To: Gay, Ted Cc: Hadi Garakan i -Oscar Renda; Reynolds, Larry; Bartruff, Chad; Brad Needham; Alan Nelson; waters@hsq.com Subject: FTW -Eagle Mountain Existing High Service Pump Station Programming Modifcations Ted- The specification reference and quoted intent per HSQ are correct. The programming algorithms for the RWPS and HS PS were known to be issues requiring investigation during the project, and as such were to be handled on a time and materia l basis . Th e 60 hour esti mate by HSQ for HSPS programming is reasonable and should be approved . This would bring t he programming allowance used to a total of 140 ou t of 160 hours . HSQ is asked to refresh everyone's memory on this strategy (the attached extract is very helpful but shou ld be confirmed verbally with Herman Franklin or his backup) before f in al programm in g is completed. Re gards , 11/15 /2 007 John Robins o n -------------------------------·---------- From: Gary Waters [mailto:waters@hsq.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 31 , 2007 11:22 AM To: 'Gay, Ted ' Cc: 'Hadi Garakani -Oscar Renda'; Reynolds, Larry; Bartruff, Chad; Robinson, John M.; Brad Needham; Alan Nelson Subject: FTW -Eagle Mountain Exi sting High Service Pump Station Programming Modifcations Ted, In-line with specification section 13305-2.04.D . HSQ formally requests the Engineer to approve in writing our req uest to be compensated on a time and materials basis for t he reprogramming of the existing High Service Pump St ation PLC7 to modify the controls as agreed in the meeting help at the Eagle Mountain WTP on Wednesday Aug 30 , 2006 . This work will include: PLC programming, Cimplicity database changes and graphics modifications. We estimate the work wi ll take 60 Hrs and you will be billed at the previously agreed rate of $130 .00 per hour. To exped it e approval of this request we have attached the appropriate extract of the meeting minutes.: Wednesday August 30th 2006 ,. I Arrived at Eagle Mountain WTP to Host the second part of the Cimplicity Graphics Review. A copy of the sign-in sheet is atta ched . Minutes of the meeting: 1. High Service Pump Stations (HSPS) #1 and #2. HSQ confirmed that it is in the contract for HSQ to perform modification to the existing HSPS #1 and RWPS #1 controls . The following controls were discussed and confirmed. a . All pumps will be manual start/stop from Cimplicity . b. A review of pumps and their assigned distribution pipes was held. i. NS II : Existing Pumps 1,2 ,3,4 (Fixed Speed); 5 ,6 (VFD's); New Pumps 12 (Fixed Speed), 13, 14 (Future Fixed Speed). ii. NS Ill Existing pumps 7,8,9 , 10, 11 (Fixed Speed). iii. NS IV (Plant Utility Water): New Pumps 18 ,19 (VFD's) c . Pumps 5 and 6 Speed Controls : i. Pumps 5 and 6 will each be provided with an Auto/Manual switch on the Cimplicity popup pump control screen. The Auto/Manual will be interlocked in the PLC to ensure that only one pump can be in auto at a time. To change a pump from manual to auto it will be necessary to first switch the current auto pump to manual (it will maintain its current speed due to bump less transfer). Then the other pump can be switched to auto . ii. A flow deviation alarm will be generated if the Total NS II flow is not within plus/minus 2 MGD of the· operator entered Total NS II flow setpoint (Both the Total NS II flow and Deviation setpoints will be adjustable from Cimplicity). iii. The operators will enter a "Total NS II Flow Setpoint". iv. The Total NS II Flow will be calculated in PLC 7. This will involve transferring the HSPS #2 NSII flow (Loop 17020-01) from PLC 15 to PLC 7. Note: If communications fails the transferred HSPS #2 NSII flow in PLC 7 will "Hold last value". • Tota l NS II Flow = EM-HSPSNS2-FL + EM-HS2NS2-FL v. The Pumps 5 and 6 will modulate the speed via a flow PIO. The process variable will use EM-HSPSNS2-FL and the Setpoint for the PIO will be calculated in PLC by the following formulae . • HSPS #1 NSII Flow Spt = Total NS II Flow Spt -EM-HSPSNS2-FL d . Pumps 18 and 19 Speed Controls: i. These two pumps w ill have the same basic functions as described for Pumps 5 and 6 . However, the operator will enter a pressure control setpoint. The PIO will then adjust the speed of the pump to ma intain pumps 18 and 19 Discharge Header pressure (Loop 17050-01 ). ii. Loop 17050-01 will have a low pressure alarm of 40 PSI. e. The following minimum speed will be included . i. HSPS #1 pumps 5 and 6 will have the manual speed setpoint 11 /1 5/2007 --o----- clamped at a low of50% in Cimplicity. The PIO block inside the PLC will also be clamped at 50% adjustable from Cimplicity . Thanks , Gary Waters Support Engineer HSQ Techno logy, 26227 Research Road. Hayward, CA 94545 Te l. (510) 259-3762 Fax. (510)259-1391 ii. RWPS #1 pum ps 2 an d 3 wi ll have the ma nua l spee d setpoi nt clamped at a low of 75% in Cimplicity. iii. HSPS #2 pumps 18 and 19 w ill have the ma nu a l speed setpoint clamped at a low of 50% in Cimplicity. The PIO block inside the PLC will also be clamped at 50% adjustable from Cimplicity. water~@ hsq .com I http%www.h~ct_gom 11/15/2007 December 18, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATIN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICtlOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/ Ammonia Chemical Trench P.GM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch PCM 041 -Ozone Laboratory Sink PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe FO O 14 ....,. Street Lighting Modifications CMR 009 -Electrical Manhole Access Covers Dear Mr. Garakani: The FWWD has reviewed: PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench-$3 ,973 .00 PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch -$3 ,070 .00 PCM 041 -Ozone Laboratory Sink -$2,530.00 PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe -$2 ,034 .00 FO 014-Street Lighting Modifications -$4,279.00 CMR 009-Electrical Manhole Access Covers -$(1;235 .00) rJ l · Cl1t'J.!>0 -) The FWWD concurs with the recommendation of Freese & Nichols to accept these contract modifications . Total for these proposed changes amounts to $14,651.00, with no additional contract time requested . These extra work activities will be included in Change Order #5 currently being prepared . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICH<~~'C ;!J.~. /jl G.E. Gay, P.E . xc: Chris Harder Charly Angadicheril Herman Franklin Danny Shannon V. K. Gupta File FTW05340.4.41-35 , 40 ,41,43 ; 4.42-009; 4.44-014 L:EMW1P\ CHAN GFS\PCM ,CMR,FO\PCM 035 040 041 043 FO 014 CMR 009 IOC s FWWD FN 121807 --- EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLANT -CHANGE ORDER #5 COMPONENTS PCM NO DESCRIPTION STATUS PCM COST CUMULATIVE en.~ FWWDREVIEW PCM-022 Northside II and Northside IV Conflict with Clearwell Under review -ORC $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 PCM-023 Emergency repairs at ozone contact chamber #1 and #2 Time and Materials $15,000.00 $ 19,000.00 PCM-025 Cathod ic Protection System at Water Plant Being Prepared $ 5,000.00 $ 24,000.00 PCM-028 Repaint internal coating of Venturi Meter Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 26,000.00 PCM-029 Street Light Conflict at LOX Storage Area Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 28,000.00 PCM-031 Utility Power Supply to PLC and RIOs Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 33,000.00 PCM-033 Install additional Isolation Valves Under review -ORC $15,000.00 $ 48,000.00 PCM-034 UPS Modifications and RWPS T-1 Telephone Demark Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 53,000.00 PCM-035 Add 13' of Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench Recmd to FWWD $ 3,973.00 $ 56,973.00 Recommended PCM -036 Modify Ozone Area Fire Alarm System Being Preoared $10,000.00 $ 66,973.00 PCM-037 Modify High Service Pump Station Motors and Fittings Recmd to FWWD $ 2,851.00 $ 69,824.00 PCM-038 Sample Lines Under review -ORC $ 3 ,000.00 $ 72,824.00 PCM-039 PLC 1 Time and Material Program Modifications Time and Materials $11 ,752 .00 $ 84,576.00 PCM-<J40 Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch Recmd to FWWD $ 3,070.00 $ 87,646.00 Recommended PCM-041 Ozone Laboratory Sink Recmd to FWWD $ 2,530.00 $ 90,176.00 Recommended PCM-042 Sludge Drain Piping and Modifications Design Review $10,000.00 $ 100,176.00 PCM-043 Additional 22' of 24• Diameter Storm Drainage Pipe Recmd to FWWD $ 2,034.00 $ 102,210.00 Recommended PCM-044 . Traveling Screen Control Changes Under review -ORC $ 5 ,000.00 $ 107,210.00 F0-014 Street Lighting Modifications -Computer Control Recmd to FWWD $ 4,279.00 $ 111,489.00 CMR-009 Electrical Manhole Access Covers Recmd to FWWD $ (1,235.00) $ 110,254.00 Recommended October 3, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATTN: Mr. Chris Harder, P .E . FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-040 Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Suction Pressure Switch Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's September 28, 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. During review of the computer controls submittal, it was found the sodium hydroxide recirculation pump did not have a suction side low pressure switch. Also, the suction and discharge pressure switch seals were modified to improve performance by utilizing annular seals to prevent problems with crystallization. Miscellaneous electrical controls modifications were made to accommodate this protective equipment. The cost of the extra work is $3,070.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $3 ,070.00. Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, J;NC. uJ 4l -~7 G. E. Gay , P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW01275A.4.41.040 L:\EMWrP\C HANGES\PCM\040 SODillM HYDROXIDEPUMPLO WSUCTIONPRES SURESWITCH I00307RE CMD Fre ese and Nic hols, In c. Engin ee rs Env iro nm ent al Scie nti sts Ar c hitects 4055 Intern ati onal Pl aza Su ite 200 Fort Worth , Texas 76109-4895 817-73 5-73 00 Fax 81 7-735-749 1 OSCAR RENDA . CONTRACTING September 28, 2007 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G.E.Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-040 Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Suction Pressure Switch Dear Mr. Gay: As requested, Oscar Renda Contracting is submitting the following price for furnishing all labor, . material, equipment and supervision for installation of a pressure switch on Sodium Hydroxide pump's suction piping. Attached, please findthe cost breakdown and supporting information associated with this work. Subcontract (DE) price: ORC's OH&P (10%): Total amount for PCM 040: If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, ~ Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc . Hadi Garakani $2,791.00 $ 279~00 $3,070.00 522 BENSON lANE -ROANOKE, TEXAS 18262 -811A91.2103 -FAX 811A91.4483 www.ascarr1ndacantracun1.ca11 01:SIGN ELECTRIC . 2650 Aridjon P .O. Box 140855 Dallas , Texas 75220 Office-214-357-5697 Fax-214-357-5794 REFERENCE: DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: To: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson .Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 !RFP: Prime pricing for PCM 040 (Low Pressure Switch at Sodium - at Sodium Hydroxide Recirculation Pump. See attached Sheet. Prime Controls price-$2,537.00 . Markup-10%-$254.00 TOT AL-$2,791 · .00 JUSTIFICATION FOR TIME EXTENSION: COR PREPARED BY: Jerry Bevers COR RE VI EWED BY: COR DELI V ERED TO : DATE OF DELI V ER Y: Project: Eagle Mountain WTP Plant Phase Ill Expansion Contract: 23-16-010SUB ----,---,-----Date: 9/27/2007 --------- !CLARIFICATION: $2,791.00 ¥;')., ... ,..c·· , .J.43.rry aever$ ,~ ' .· . , .. ' . . . . . . . ·. . ' .. " ......... ' ... ,~ . ,, ... ,.,........ . . . . . :Frqm~ · Brl$f'I Pt>~rcn ~;P.QarPh@lilrl'm~·wantrQ1:~~mr · .sent: Tues<l'iily.,Seplember "fi~ 2'.®11b'27AM To: Jarry StN.~t_s; .Qc;· 'Ct:tai!' subject FW:, Low Pr.essura :Swilch~ t.oop ·1~720 .Sodium ~droxjd'EJ, F{eq[rculfltton R):Jmp} Efil!iP-ment Provlderd'r P.SL -Compbu:tutt' vacuUtn pressure Swtton ,,.$t35a.:O'IJ PSL Dfap.hta"Qtri Sel:lf .~ $'563;.QO' . . P$H Di~E5flt~9ltl '.get!l ''-$5~~.oo. Annµtiar ·q~:Cil ca:.111:1x~.tton ... "$1,9-9.0.0· Servkes: 1nsJi!ill.a.tion· and,StarhiP TOTALPC.M040 ·'1iRltEr;·., .• ,.,, ..• ~.-.. , ... , •.• ;,.· .. , .•... ,;.,, .. , ••...•. ,. .... , ... '. ... ,! .... ,.,\r·,··;p ,.$2y5):7'i.1:lp . . ., .. " . .. . =··~·. ' ... , . '· .,. . · ... '·. .. ,, :· '· ... ". 9/26/2 007 .. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (PhaseJ) FREESE• NICHOLS TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke; Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Hadi Garakani D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMRNo: D AddendumNo. D PCM No . 040 q Change Order No . D Pay Req. No . D Submittal D Use D Approval D Record Remarks D Review & Comment D Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0 . I Chris Harder I Nick Lester I Herman Franklin 1 FTW 05340 .4.41.040 1 Danny Shannon DATE: August 23, 2001 . PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MOD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW-05340 o RFINo. D Memo .No . D Field Order D Other D Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT RET=D . R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc By~~~~~~~~~~ File FTW05340/4.41/040 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Cit~ of Fort Worth Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee! Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Suction Pressure Switch PCM NO. 040 -- NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. x. Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance wi~ Contract Documents. By: x;f. /'. /JI,_ Date: August 23, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESP0i4SE: We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. D We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract . By: Date: ACTION TAKEN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: D Field Order issued: No. Date: By: D Change Order issued: No. Date: By: 1 File FTII05340,4.41.040 PROPOSED .CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM-040 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT;EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Citr of Fort Worth Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR; Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER; Caine, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION; Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Suction Pressure Switch PCM NO. 040 The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: In an engineering response to RFI-39, Sodium Hydroxide recirculation pump (Loop 12720) shall have low suction pressure switch and high a discharge pressure switch. Both switches are for protection from exposure to NaOH by using annular-style diaphragm seals. The low suction pressure switch will be a compound vacuum I pressure switch, the high discharge pressure will be a standard pressure switch. The pump suction vacuum/ pressure and associated pressure seal will be added to the PCSI scope of work 1. Install PSL switch in Sodium hydroxide pump suction piping. 2. Control circuit shall be wired per Schematic 1, sheet 40-C (ref F0-16) 3. High and low suction pressure switch· signals shall be wired to SCADA and points added via MCC I bucket to PLC 12 (4#14 wires from TDE-1 & 2, ref SCH 1, Sht 40-C, F0-16). 4. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. P:e. ~ ~ By: Date: August 23, 2007 . 2 FREESE• NICHOLS PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER : CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR: OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING ENGINEER: CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE, INC . CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC . REFERENCE DATA: SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL '4. PROJECT NUMBER: P164-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTW05340 Contractor's Submittal No. RFI #39 Spec ification Section: 13305A Plan Sheet No.: ________ Description: Loop 12720 CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this submittal has been reviewed by the Contractor and is in strict conformance with the Contract Documents as modified by Addenda, Change Orders and Field Orders. CERTIFIED BY: Ronald Etter DATE: 4-28-06 TYPE # DESCRIPTION CMR Contractor's Modification Request CTR Certified Test Report EIR Equipment Installation Report O&M Operation & Maintenance Manual NBC Notification By Contractor PCM Proposed Contract Modification PR Payment Request pp Project Photog raphs RD Record Data RFI 39 Request For Information SAM Sample SCH Schedule Of Progress SD Shop Drawing DATE RECEIVED COMMENTS: DISTRIBUTION NO. SENT TO . NO. SENT TO. 1 Chris Ha rde r/CFW F&N FIELD OFF ICE Herman Fra nk lin Ralph Es parza Dann y Shannon/CO M #SENT #RErD 1 DEPT . BY (!Jj rn (Va ------- D Approved Approved As Corrected Not Approved Revise & Resubm it Filed As Rece ived Final Distribution Change Order Issued Field Orde r Issued Recommended For Approval Returned W /0 Review Add'I Info rmation Required Cancelled See Review Comments Pend ing Change Order REVIEW DATE SE NT DATE RET =D ~f;b'~ 1/111 {}~ K:lpipesharedfile\My Docume nts\Jobs\05 -2-23 Co FW-Eagle Min . WTP\RFl s\RFI Submi ttal Transmittal #39-Loop 12720 .doc : . ... ,.- Ronald Etter From: Sent: To: Gary Waters [waters@hsq.com] Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:28 PM 'Hadi' Page I of I Cc: 'Brain Poarch -Prime Controls'; 'Ronald Etter'; 'Steve Markee'; 'Jerry Beaver-Design Electric'; 'Brad Needham'; 'John M Robinson'; 'Ted Gay'; Larry J Reynolds; Chad Kunkel; Bartruff, Chad Subject: FTW-Eagle Mountain Phase Ill Loop 12720 RFI Hadi, HSQ is currently in the process of doing a detailed review of the loop descriptions contained in specification section 13305A for equipment being supplied for the Sodium Hydroxide System. Could you please issue a formal RFI so that we can resolve the following discrepancy? The electrical starter circuit drawing shown on contract drawing EE-40 does not have provision for the following signals referenced in loop drawing 12720 (1-17). High Discharge Pressure Switch . Low-Low Storage Tank Level Interlock. . . The starter circuit includes provision for a Local/Off/Remote selector and start/stop pushbuttons station located in the field plus Hand/Off/Auto selector switch and start/stop pushbuttons located at the MCC . We need the engineer to confirm these two selector switch will be used and that provision for the miss ing signals will be included in the starter circuit design . Thanks , Gary Waters Support Engineer HSQ Technology, 26227 Research Road. Hayward , CA 94545 Tel. (510) 259-3762 Fax. (510) 259-1391 waters@hsg .com I http ://www .hsg .com 4/28/2006 ,, REQUEST FOR INFORMATION FRBB8B•NICHOL8 (4.14/ ) PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER: OWNER: CITY OF FORT WORTH 1 WATER DEPARTMENT P164-060164052003 CQNTRACTOR: OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING 05-2-23 ENGINEER: CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE 1 INC. 0515-43716 CONSTR. MANAGER: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. FrW05340 REFERENCE DATA: #39 Specification Section No. 13305 Page No. __ Paragraph No. __ Drawing No. description: LooQ 12720 CONTRACTOR REQUESTS: x Information Interpretation X Clarification for the items described below or in the attached material referenced below: SEE ATIACHED MEMO . CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSED SOLUTION: -- REQUESTED BY: Ronald Etter DA TE: AQril 28, 2006 ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Information Interpretation Clarification for the items described above or in the attached material referenced: · Refer to the attached memorandum and schematics regard ing response to RFl-39 . RESPONSE BY: J. Robinson/ C. Bartruff DATE: 7-10-2006 K :\plpesharedlile\My Oocurn&nls\Jobs\05·2·23 CoFW•Eag le Min , WTPIRFlslRFl#39-Loop 12720 .doc ,.. Ronald Etter From: Sent: To: Gary Waters [waters@hsq.com) Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:28 PM 'Hadl' Page 1 of 1 Cc: 'Brain Poarch -Prime Controls'; 'Ronald Etter'; 'Steve Markee'; 'Jerry Beaver -Design Electric'; 'Brad Needham'; 'John M Robinson'; 'Ted Gay'; Larry J Reynolds; Chad Kunkel; Bartruff, Chad Subject: FTW-Eagle Mountain Phase Ill Loop 12720 RFI Had!, HSQ is currently in the process of doing a detailed review of the loop descriptions contained in specification section 13305A for equipment being supplied for the Sodium Hydroxide System. Could you please issue a formal RFI so that we can resolve the following discrepancy? The electrical starter circuit drawing shown on contract drawing EE-40 does not have provision for the following signals referenced in loop drawing 12720 (1-17). High Discharge Pressure Switch. Low-Low Storage Tank Level Interlock. The starter circuit includes provision for a Local/Off/Remote selector and start/stop pushbuttons ·station located in the field plus Hand/Off/Auto selector switch and starVstop pushbuttons located at the MCC. We need the engineer to confinn these two selector switch will be used and that provision for the missing signals will be included in the starter circuit design. Thanks, · Gary Waters Support Engineer HSQ Technology, 26227 Research Road. Hayward, CA 94545 Tel. (510) 259-3762 Fax. (51 O) 259-1391 waters@hsg.com I httP-:l/www .hsq .com 4/28/2006 ·,. CDM . Memorandum (Email) To: Ted Gay Freese & Nichols, Inc. From: Chad Bartruff COM Date: July 10, 2006 Subject: EMWTP Phase Ill Expansion Request for Information No. 39 (RFl-39) Loop 12720 -Sodium Hydroxide Recirculation Pump Based on the application engineering supplier's (HSQ) review of the loop drawings and electrical schematics associated with the Sodium Hydroxide Recirculation Pump, clarification is required to resolve discrepancies noted in RFI-39. Specifically, it was noted that electrical Schematic 1 / Sheet EE-40 does not have provision for a High Discharge Pressure Switch and Low-Low Storage Tank Level interlocks as shown in Loop 12720, Sheet 1-17. Shop drawing review comments were issued to clarify this discrepancy. As part of the response to SD-16480-0lA, a revised electrical schematic was issued for the recirculation pump (Figure 40-C). Applicable revisions were made to Schematic 1 / EE -40 and are illustrated in Figure 40-D. To provide further clarification the following is an operational description for Loop 12720 - Sodium Hydroxide Recirculation Pump as related to the revised pump schematic shown in Figure 40-C. 1 . Sodium Hydroxide recirculation pump (Loop 12720) will operate at all times to keep the storage tank contents mixed . 2. The recirculation pump will have protective devices consisting of a low suction pressure . switch and a high discharge pressure switch. Both switches will be protected from exposure to NaOH by using annular-style diaphragm seals. The low suction pressure switch will be a compound vacuum / pressure switch, the high discharge pressure will be a standard pressure switch. There will be no interlock using tank level as the equivalent pump protection will be accomplished using the compound pressure / vacuum switch. RFl-39 Loo p 12720 Gay, Ted July 10, 2006 Page2 · 3. The pump suction vacuum / pressure switch and associated pressure seal will be added to the PCSI scope of work. It will be clarified by submittal review that the pressure seals must be annular. 4. A Local -Off -Remote (LOR) switch and Start/ Lockout-Stop control station will be provided at the pump. A Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) selector switch will be provided at the MCC. When the LOR switch is in L, the pump is started locally. When the LOR switch is in 0, the pump is off. When the Lockout-Stop (LOS) mushroom button is depressed, the pump will be locked out of running under any condition until the mushroom head is raised. When the LOR switch is in R, control is passed to the MCC, subject to the LOS mushroom button condition. 5. At the MCC, it will be possible to operate the pump from the MCC panel, or pass control to PLC-12, again subject to the LOS mushroom button condition. When the HOA switch is in hand, the pump will run. When the HOA switch is in 0 , the pump will not run. When the HOA switch is in A, control is transferred to PLC-12. 6. Schematic Drawing 40-C has been issued to reflect this operating philosophy and includes other motor safety devices. Loop 12720 and 12700 will be updated and reissued at a later date to match drawing 40-C and the overall design intent. 7. At the HMI, whenever the HOA and LOR are in any other position other than A and R, the HMI will display that the pump is in "MAINTENANCE" mode. Related wiring modifications required for this revision are shown in the attached Figures 34-A and 43-A. Please feel free to contact me should you have other questions regarding this clarification. cc : Norma Bailes (FNI) Gary Waters (HSQ) John Robinson (COM) Madhukar Deshpande (GAi) File: GS 5.0 (RFI-039) Docume nt code CDNI H :i STOP-LO STOP .t. t;i 7 9 10 12 12r:NW:. FROM SCH I / SHT EC-ti 0 M L R t;i V xoo H ~ A + ' OOX I .t. XOO START .t. : : ! OOX CR-2 ~ i START/STOP ' ' N OOX I OOX 14~--------,---o---g,.;.;.;.;. ___________ ---I 20 16 M t;i 18 TOE-I 20 M PSH t;i 22 I • C x-- TDE-2 24 M M JO ! f 1f1 ~ LOOP NO. EQUIP # RESET t;i f M1f R~f LX1r=-1r=-1 TO PLC SODIUM HYDROXIDE RECIRCULATION PUMP SCHEMATIC EB DESCRIPTION MCC PLC REMOTE lli.EMQ;_ 12720 CRP-E-02 SODIUM HYDROXIDE RECIRCULATION PUMP EC4 12 [,jjl LOCATED IN AEW e LOCATED IN PLC • TER MINAL 1GAI ! Gupta & Associates! Inc. :r:r-c::o~:;~clOO comulUng engileering ~:!\ ~;!;~1 .t. LOCA TED IN MCC Date CITY OF FORT WORTH , TE XAS EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLAN T PH AS E Ill EX PANS ION MAY 17, 2006 Sheet No 40-C Fi gure No CDNI -GAi STOP-LO Cil M Cil M 120VAC FROM SCH 1 / SHT EC-11 0 M L R Cil V xoo START Ci1 H ~ A M + oox •xoo START 4 START/STOP OOX oox M CR1 OLX JO REMOTE 12 0-30 SEC. SET AT 10 SEC . f 1f1 r 1f 1f 1 SPARE LOOP NO. EQUIP f 12900-01 MX-E-08 12900-02 MX-E -09 TO PLC Lit.IE TANK MIXER SCHEMATIC EB DESCRIPTION LIME TANK MI XER MCC illEtlQ;_ [iii LOCATED IN FIELD e LOCATED IN PLC • TERMINAL 4 LOCATED IN MCC CITY OF FORT WORTH, TE XAS Da t e EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLANT PH AS E Il l EXPANSION Fig ure No G u pta & Asso ciates, Inc. :!~f.~r,;:0;t!'11e200 Sheet No 40-D eOMUlllt1g engJne 8/fng r!: ~:j~ email: k,i,q•///11Jt,WM MAY 17, 2006 CDNI DISCONNECT SWITCH POWER PUSH BUTTON STATION 00000 HOA START STOP STOP RESET /LO SODIUM HYDROXIDE RECIRCULA TlON PUMP DIAGRAM NTS CllY OF FORT WORTH, TE XA S EAGLE MOUNTAI N WATER TREATME NT PLANT PH AS E Ill EXPANSION ·GAi Gupta & Asso ciates, Inc. :!~~11.a~~c100 consultmg engJMerfng :! :~:i ~~ 1 r,n1I: lnlt!nrkil!Jl.""" Da t e JU NE 7 , 2006 Sh ee t Na 34-A Figu r e No C1 C2 I PL12-11s I f'S-12310 EYE WASH F'S I -08 - LSH Cl LSH-12320 SUMP HIGH -04 ----) ............ -..... ,.. "" 12930-01 TRANSFER PUMP CTP-E-03 C1 C6 I .l I C6 C33 I PL12-111 I 12930-02 TRANSFER PUMP CTP-E-04 J MC C4 I 12920-01 TANK MIXER MX-E-23 C5 ' /", I ~ • 'j 12920-02 TANK MIXER • MX-E-24 cs E l -.................... --........ C7 I I 12720 ~UM HYDROXJOE RECIRCUlATION PUMP CRP-E-02 g . . . ................ ~ I -----C10 -""'' I PL12-112 I 'r J • (4)-2"C ~ 12910-01 Ut.lE FEEO PUMP CMP-E-30 VFO A&l IPL12-:-113j ! @ A2 1--fJ ~• • I I ..--- • C10 j • • I 12910-02 LIME FEED PUMP CMP-E-31 VFO • A2 • ,_ • f :::::=. • C10 • 12910-03 Ut.lE FEED PUMP CMP-E-32 VFO • Q)@ A2 • ANJONJC POLYMER ......... _ ..... ___ ©@ -- ..---IPL12-114 I cs -C15 1--w 12610-0 1 METERING PUMP PE-E-9 CP I PL12 -11s j A2 A7 ~ CITY OF FORT WORTH, TE XAS EAGLE MOUNTAI N WATER TREATMENT PLANT PH AS E Ill EXPANSIO N ' GAi Date Sheet No Figure No - CDNI Gupta & Associa tes, Inc . ~:o:rc;:~!"'e200 COMUlt/ng englnetmg Td:tn-490-76'1 JUNE 7 , 2 006 43 -A -t'.u:tn-490-1121 an.il.....__.Q_ir-,JIIIIJ(,.Cflll'i December 18, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICttOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No . P164-060164052003 PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pmnp Low Pressure Switch Pe1W<J41 -Ozone Laboratory Sink PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe FO O 14 .,.. Street Lighting Modifications CMR 009 -Electrical Manhole Access Covers :bear Mr. Garakani: The FWWD has reviewed: PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench-$3,973 .00 PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch -$3 ,070.00 PCM 041-0zone Laboratory Sink-$2,530.00 PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe -$2,034 .00 FO 014-Street Lighting Modifications-$4,279 .00 CMR 009 -Electrical Manhole Access Covers -$(1,l:H .QO) ) . ( h/1).~~ The FWWD concms with the recommendation of Freese & Nichols to accept these contract modifications. Total for these proposed changes amounts to $14,651.00, with no additional contract time requested. These extra work activities will be included in Change Order #5 currently being prepared . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICH~C. ;!f.t:. /17 G.E . Gay, P .E . . xc: Chris Harder Charly Angadicheril Hennan Franklin Danny Shannon . V . K. Gupta File FTW05340.4.41-35, 40 ,41,43 ; 4.42-009; 4.44-014 L:EMWIP\ CHANGFB\PCM,CMR,FO\PCM 035 040 041 043 FO 01 4 CMR 009 JOC a FWWD FN 121807 '_..,-; ·- EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLANT· CHANGE ORDER #5 COMPONENTS PCM NO DESCRIPTION STATUS PCM COST CUMULATIVE cos· FWWDREVIEW PCM-022 Northside II and Northside IV Conflict with Clearwell Under review -ORC $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 PCM-023 Emergency repairs at ozone contact chamber #1 and #2 Time and Materials $15,000.00 $ 19,000.00 PCM-025 Cathodic Protection System at Water Plant Being Prepared $ 5,000.00 $ 24,000.00 PCM-028 Repaint internal coating of Venturi Meter Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 26,000.00 PCM-029 Street Light Conflict at LOX Storage Area Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 28,000.00 PCM-031 Utility Power Supply to PLC and RIOs Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 33,000.00 PCM-033 Install additional Isolation Valves Under review -ORC $15,000.00 $ 48,000.00 PCM-034 UPS Modifications and RWPS T-1 Telephone Demark Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 53,000.00 PCM-035 Add 13'-of Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench Recmd to FWWD $ 3,973.00 $ 56,973.00 Recommended PCM-036 Modify Ozone Area Fire Alarm System Being Preoared $10,000.00 $ 66,973.00 PCM-037 Modify High Service Pump Station Motors and Fittings Recmd to FWWD $ 2,851.00 $ 69,824.00 PCM-038 Sample Lines Under review -ORC $ 3,000.00 $ 72,824.00 PCM-039 PLC 1 Time and Material Proaram Modifications Time and Materials $11,752.00 $ 84,576.00 PCNl-046 Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch Recmd to FWWD $ 3,070.00 $ 87,646.00 Recommended PCM-041 Ozone Laboratory Sink Recmd to FWWD $ 2,530.00 $ 90,176.00 Recommended PCM-042 Sludge Drain Piping and Modifications Design Review $10,000.00 $ 100,176.00 PCM-043 Additional 22' of 24• Diameter Storm Drainage Pipe Recmd to FWWD $ 2,034.00 $ 102,210.00 Recommended PCM-044 Traveling Screen Control Changes Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 107,210.00 F0-014 Street Ughting Modifications -Computer Control Recmd to FWWD $ 4,279.00 $ 111,489.00 CMR-009 Electrical Manhole Access Coven Recmd to FWWD $ (1,236.00) $ 110,264.00 Recommended \.i C 1'1 . I I.J M T August 3, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATIN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-041, Ozone Contactors 4 & 5 Laboratoiy Sink Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's August 2, 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. Sheet MB-16 indicates a laboratoty sink is to be installed in the new ozone galleiy but no specification for the sink was provided. The FWWD and COM reviewed the sink requirements and determined that a metal workbase and epoxy countertop and sink are required in this application. The price proposal includes only the cost of the laboratoiy sink materials as installation costs were included in the contractor's base bid. The total cost of this extra work is $2,530.00 . No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $2,530.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires all or part of this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ;6'.L. ~ ,..,J G. E. Gay, P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW05340.4.41.041 L:\EMWIP\CHANGES\PCM 041 Ozone Contactors 4&5 Laboratory Sink 080307RECMD Freese and Nichols, Inc . Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth , Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Fax . 817-735-7491 OSCAR RENDA . CONTRACTING August 2, 2007 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 7 6109 ATIN: G.E.Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-041 -Ozone Contactor 4 & 5 Laboratory Sink Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is herewith submitting a price for the Ozone Contactor 4 & 5 Laboratory Sink as described in PCM-041. Furnish Lab Sink OH&P Total Price $2,200.00 $330.00 $2,550.00 'lb ?,, S"~O • 00 •, Please note that in the absence of specifications, this item was not priced by our cabinet vendor and it was not included in our contract price. However, ORC will install the lab sink at no additional cost to FFWD. The lead time for this lab sink is 30 to 45 days . plus delivery time. The submittal information is attached for your review and a color chart is being delivered from the manufacturer. Order will be released upon receipt of your approval. Sincerely, ~ Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. Hadi Garakani 522 BENSON UNE -ROANOKl TEXAS 16262 -811.491.2103 -FAX 811.491.4483 www.oscanendacon1racunu.com ~ Benchmark Specialt-ies Inc. P.O. Box 284 La Grange, Texas 78945 Proposal No. H-5673 Quotation for Oscar Renda Mr. Hadi Garakani Eagle Mountain WWTP Fort Worth, Texas 979-966-0510 August 1, 2007 Proposal No. H-5673 Thank you for your interest in Benchmark Specialties Inc. furnishing laboratory furniture on your new lab project. We are pleased to offer this proposal for the material and work as outlined below: Scope of this proposal: Furnish laporatory equipment and labor as outlined below: See attached drawing or list of equipment. Equipment Specifications: Laboratory Furniture : As manufactured by BMC Corp, Muskegon, Ml. Cabinet styles are standard design and color. See attached list of materials or drawing for a description, location and configuration of cabinets. Epoxy Countertops and Sinks: Tops will be standard 1" thick molded epoxy resin with a 4" applied backsplash at all walls. Sinks are epoxy resin drop-in design. Faucets and Fixtures: As manufactured by Chicago Faucet Co, or Water Saver Company. Standard chrome plated for benchtop mount. Installation will consist of the following ( None ) By Owner Your total cost for this work $ 1,700.00 plus freight costs of$ 500.00. Optional Pricing: 1. Benchmark will be pleased to provide two standard colors on cabinets for a total add of $189.00 to the order. Please add appropriate tax ,to this proposal or provide us proper tax forms. 1 Shipping Date: 30-45 Days after receipt of order and approved shop drawings. Terms: Net on delivery. Allow 5-7 Days for Equipment to arrive from the carrier. Freight Terms: Prepay and add to invoice total Returns I Changes: All products furnished by Benchmark Specialties Inc. are made to order from our many factories, and are non returnable for credit. Please pay attention to all drawings showing details, color selections, or options to the products. Benchmark does not accept returns and will fully invoice all material and freight costs. Warranty: Benchmark offers a one year warranty on all products and labor furnished under this contract. Incorrect use of equipment by users or deterioration from fumes will void all warranties. Chemical resistance charts are available for your use Shipping cost have been fluctuating a considerable amount due to fuel prices. Benchmark will obtain competitive quotes for this freight near and prior to the ship date, and will pass these cost to you on your invoice. This is the best method for .keeping your cost to a minimum. Any freight charges are in addition to the amounts specified above, unless specifically noted in our proposal, and is an estimate only. Thank you for allowing Benchmark the opportunity to provide this proposal. We look forward to working with you, and in providing a professional completion. Sincerely, Dwayne M. Hengst Benchmark Specialties Inc. (979) 966-0510 (888) 966-0510 (979) 966-0540 fax Providers of quality furniture·, exhaust systems, and professional construction for laboratory facilities Houston Beaumont Austin San Antonio Corpus Christi 2 Laboratory Project for: Jobsite Contact: -18.00" -1 C: ("\ ("\" L _________ f _____ T _____ o ___ _ I I -1 I I ' 30.00" I I I I I I I O I I i i I I -----------! _______ l ____________ J i T I-62.00" .. I Ii . h ~ "" = I· "" 4.oo" ~~~~~~~~~~~ 361a' B3536-140AF~ B3524 ~ -10S(R) 24.00" -~- 36.00" Information on this· sheet Is proprietary Information to be used only for the benefit of Benchmark Specialties Inc. . Oscar Renda Eagle Mountain WWTP Fort Worth, Texas Hadi Garakani Prepared and Presented by: BENCHMARK SPECIAL TIES INC. Scale: NIA P.O. Box 284 La Grange, Texas 7894 Date: 8.1.07 . (979) 966-051 O Drawing by: (979) 966-0540 fax Dwayne M. Hengst Sheet# 1 Proposal ------ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (PhaseJ) FREESE• NICHOLS TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Hadi Garakani D Daily Construction Reports O Plans D Specifications D CMR No: D Addendum No. D PCM No. 041 q Change Order No . D Pay Req. No. D Submittal D Use D Approval D Record Remarks D Review & Comment D Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0. 1 Chris Harder 1 Nick Lester 1 Herman Franklin 1 FTW 05340 .4 .41. 041 1 Danny Shannon o RFINo. ·o Memo.No. DATE: July 31, 2001 PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXP ,ANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW-05340 D Field Order D Other . D Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT RET=D. R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc By ~~~~~~~~~~ FiJ.e FTWOS340/ 4. 41/041 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: City of Fort Worth Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER: CamE, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Ozone Contactors 4 & 5 Laboratory Sink PCM NO. 041 -- NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. X Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. ,1:1.ft.~,,, ,;yJ By: Date: July 31, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONS~ We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. D We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: Date: ACTION TAKEN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: D Field Order issued: No. Date: By: D Change Order issued: No. Date: By: 1 PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: Citi of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser~ McKee, Inc File FTWOS340. 4. 41. 04 0 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFI~TION · PCM-041 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT NUMBER P164-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Ozone Contactors 4 & 5 Laboratory Sink PCM NO. 041 -- The OWner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in tha Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the contract Do~ts. RE: Reference Sheet MB-16. A laboratory sink was shown on the Contract Documents but no specification was provided. Install laboratory sink per Sheet MB-16 and the attached laboratory sink drawing and Specification Section 12345 -Laboratory Casework. 1. Add Specification Section 12345 -Laboratory Casework, copy attached. 2. Sheet MB-16, add laboratory sink drawing. 3. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. By: ·,,&.(!,.47 ~ Date: July 31, 2007 2 r----- 1 l.() (Y) Li_ ----:__._ 18.0011 ..-~ --·· f 30.00" t ~---------~------;-----~-----l I I I I I I I I I I I O I I I I : I : I I I : __________ ! _______ 1 ____________ J T I-62.00" -I ' 1";=====:;:::::;::=====;=r;:===fl==f-3:::::::::~I --~~-~ ~ ........ . r-----4.00" B3536-140AL B3524-20S LF35-7 L-412 1 lot Shipping Cartons Estimated Freight 36" Cabinet 24" Sink End Filler Panels Mixing Faucet Epoxy Top _J 1--====='=======+======-l LI B1~1h -140AR B3524 ~ -10:;(R> 24.00" --- 36.00" Information on this sheet Is proprietary lnfonnatlon to be used only for the benefit ot Benchmark SpeclalUes Inc. Laboratory Project for: Jobsite Contact: CDM Fort Worth, Texas Chad Bartruff Prepared and Presented by: BENCHMARK SPECIAL TIES INC. Scale: NIA P.O. Box 284 La Grange, Texas 7894i Date: (979) 966-0510 Drawing by: (979) 966-0540 fax Dwayne M. Hengst Sheet# 1 Title: BMC/METAL-ARC SPECIFICATIONS . SECTION 12345 -LABORATORY CASEWORK Part 1 -General · 1.01 SCOPE : A. The casework contractor shall furnish all material, equipment, tools, labor and insurance required to perfonn a complete installation in accordance with this specification and applicable drawings. 1.02 WORK INCLUDED: A. Furnish all laboratory casework and equipment, deliver to the job-site, assemble, level, scribe and secure to floors or walls as required. B. Furnish and deliver to the mechanical and electrical contractors all sinks, troughs, outlets, overflows, traps, fixtures, switches and receptacles as specified and called for on the drawings. 1.03 WORK BY OTHERS: A. Furnish, deliver and install all electrical work, conduit, wiring, mechanical service piping, shut off valves, drain lines, vents, revents, special piping to meet local · codes, vacuum breakers, ductwork and fume hood blowers. B. Receive, store, distribute, install and connect all electrical service fixtures, plumbing service fixtures, drain fittings, traps, cupsinks and sinks supplied by the casework contractor. All framing, bucks, plaster grounds and reinforcement of walls, floors, and ceilings to support the casework. 1.04 MANUFACTURES A. All laboratory casework covered by this specification shall be the product of one manufacturer. Manufacturers furnishing equipment shall have been engaged in work of this type, for at least five years and shall have completed five installations of equivalent size. B. Approved laboratory casework manufacturers are : BMC/Metal-Arc 1.05 SAMPLES: A. All bidders, upon request shall be required to submit a sample cabinet made in accordance with this specification. Samples shall be delivered, at no cost to the architect or owner, to a destination set forth by the architect, seven day prior to bid date as a condition of approval of each bidder. 12345-1 BMC/METAL-ARC SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12345 -LABORATORY CASEWORK Samples shall be full size, production type samples with the approximately dimensions of 24'W X 30"H X 22"0, with one drawer and one door. Samples may be held by the owner or architect to insure that all equipment delivered conforms in every respect to the sample. 1.06 DRAWINGS: A The casework contractor shall furnish three sets of drawings for approval, describing and/or illustrating all equipment covered by this contract. Fabrication must not be started until prints with the architects "Final Approval" stamp affixed thereon, have been returned to the manufacturer. 1.07 GUARANTEE: A The casework contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship of equipment provided under this contract for a period of one year from date of shipment. Any defects due to the use of improper materials or workmanship, occurring within that time shall be promptly rectified by this contractor at his own expense upon notification by the owner or architect of this condition. Part 2 -Metal Casework Construction 2.01 MATERIALS: A. All materials shall be of the highest quality, whether they be finished parts used in assembly, raw material, or materials and workmanship furnished by others, as part of the completed product. B. All steel used in the manufacture of metal casework shall be cold rolled, prime grade, or better. Steel shall be inspected prior to fabrication and certified to be free of rust, pits, scratches, or any other defects(s) which prevent parts from being made to blueprint specifications. 2.02 GAUGES: Gauge specifications for individual steel parts shall be as follows: 12345-2 BMC/METAL-ARC SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12345 -LABORATORY CASEWORK A. Aprons- Back Panels - Bottom Panels - Door & Drawer Outer Pan - Door & Drawer Inner Pan - Drawer Bodies - Legs, 2" Square Tube - Shelves- Side Panels - Table Frames - Shelf Support Brackets - 2.03 CONSTRUCTION: A. Cabinets: 18 Ga. 20Ga. 18Ga. 20Ga. 20Ga. 20Ga. 18Ga. 18 Ga. 18Ga. 18Ga. 14Ga. Cabinets shall be constructed of prime 18 gauge steel for the sides, backs, and toe space. 1" X 18 gauge steel tubing shall be used for the top front and back rails. Each front joint is to be welded and ground flush to provide a smooth surface. A 4' high X 3' deep toe space shall be standard. Four comers are to be fitted with a stamped and welded 14 gauge leveling gusset plate, and a plated leveling screw. Leveling screws are provided with a slot for easy adjustment, and non mar1dng nylon glides. Removable back panels shall be furnished on all cabinets. Cabinet bottom will be panned up to contain spills and removable for easy cleaning and maintenance. B. Doors -Base Cabinet Doors: Doors shall be double pan construction, with insulating material fastened to the inside for sound deadening, and strength, to prevent panning and bending. Hinges are five knuckle gauge stainless steel, fastened to both the door and cabinet frame with zinc plated steel screws. Door catches plated, friction roller type . Door closes onto nylon bumpers for noise dampening, and over nylon spacers for alignment. C. Drawers: Drawer bodies shall be one piece 20 gauge construction, fully coved on all four sides horizontally and formed out of one sheet of steel. D. Drawer Suspension: Drawers shall operate on full extension, ball bearing, zinc plated, drawer suspension rated to withstand 10,000 cycles at 100 lbs. 12345-3 E. Shelves: BMC/METAL-ARC SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12345 -LABORATORY CASEWORK Shelves shall be constructed of 18 gauge steel, with channels formed on both the front and back edges. K & V shelf clips are made from 14 gauge steel, and are to be adjustable vertically in 1" increments . Sliding shelves shall use the same ball bearing slides as drawer units. F. Fabricated Accessories All accessories required for specific installations shall be fabricated and finished to the same material and quality standards as the base units they will · be made to compliment. G. Wall Cabinets: Wall cabinets shall be made to the same quality standards as base units. Material used, as noted above. Shelve hangers are to be constructed of 14 gauge steel, and to easily adjust vertically in one inch increments . Shelves are to be constructed with channel type fronts and backs, as well as flanged ends with nylon button glides. Wall units to have open fronts, sliding glass, framed glass sliding and swinging, or sliding and swinging steel doors as specified. Glass is plate, ground on all exposed edges. Sliding door units to be furnished with extruded top and bottom channels as well as ball bearing rollers. All wall units are to be furnished with hanger brackets for ease of installation. H. Floor Units: Floor units shall be made to the same quality standards as base units. Material used, as noted above. Shelves and shelf hanger construction, same as wall units. Floor unites to be furnished with the same front and door configurations as the above described wall units. 2.04 FINISH: A. All surfaces shall be painted or plated, whether they are exposed or not. Paint is to be a chemically resistant baked on epoxy powder coat enamel, conforming to BMC Metal-Arc standards. 12345-4 BMC/METAL-ARC SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12345 -LABORATORY CASEWORK General This specification establishes the performance and appearance requirements for the interior decorative coatings and used on laboratory products. The material to be used for the coating will be applied dry over metallic substrates. The material must be available in a number of colors matched to BMC/Metal-Arc standards. Manufacturability The material shall be such that it can be applied in multiple coatings where needed, without intercoat sanding . The shelf life of the material shall be (six (6) months) at not more the 77 degrees without deterioration of properties . Appearance Description A Color B. Light Resistant C. Thickness D. Glass Performance A Hardness B. Impact Resistance C. Flexibility D. Abrasion Test Procedure AES-C-0100 QUV A Apparatus Mill Gage ASTM D523-80 60 Degrees Glossmeter ASTM D3363-74 (no indeptation) ASTM D2794-69 ASTM D522-60 Tabor abrasor CS 10Wheel 12345-5 Requirement Pass 48 hours w/o change in color or gloss See page 3 of 3 30 Degree + 5 Matte 20 Degree + 5 Black 3-H Min. 120 in-lbs w/o cracking No cracking or loss of adhesion at bend 14 mg. max. weight loss per 100 cycle BMC/METAL-ARC SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12345 -LABORATORY CASEWORK E. Humidity F. Salt Spray G.Adhesion H. Chemical Resistance ASTM 02247 ASTM 8117-64 ASTM 01654-79 A door shall be removed from the cabinets and laid flat and level on a horizontal surface . Chemical spot tests shall be made by applying 1 O drops (approximately 0.5 cm3) of each reagent listed in Table 1 to the surface to be tested. Each reagent spot shall be open to the atomos- phere . Ambient temperature shall be 68-72 degrees F (20-22 degrees C). After one hour, chemical shall be flushed away with cold water and the surface washed with detergent and warm water at 150 degrees F (65 degrees C). Surface shall then be examined under 100 degree foot candles of illumination. 12345-6 288 hours exposure with no loss of adhesion or blistering 144 hours exposure with no rust. Max 1 /8" rust creep from scribe line 90 of the squares show finish . A max. of three failure classifications shall be acceptable. BMC/METAL-ARC SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12346 -LABORATORY CASEWORK Reagent Concentrations by Weight 98% 88% 37% 25% 60% 75% 25% Reagents Concentrations by Weight Acetic Acid Formic Acid Hydrochloric Acid Nitric Acid Nitric Acid Phosphoric Acid Sulfuric Acid Sulfuric Acid Ammonium Hydroxide Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Hydroxide I. Scratch Resistance Application Surface "A" 85% 28% 10% 25% Acetone Ethyl Acetate Ethyl Alcohol Ethyl Ether Formaldehyde Hydrogen Peroxide Methyl Ethyl Ketone Phenol Xylene · Hoffman Scratch Hardness . Tester load Description: Most critical of all areas. Completely exposed surface . No defects listed on page 3 allowed . Surface "B" Description: Not as critical as surface "A". Sometimes exposed interior and exterior surfaces. Surface "C" Description: Hidden surfaces; areas that will not be seen in normal use . 12345-7 37% 5% 85% No Substrate Appearance with 1000 gram BMC/METAL-ARC SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12345 -LABORATORY CASEWORK APPEARANCE SURFACE MIN. MILLAGE SURFAC5 CLASS Fillers 1.2 A Front of Cabinet or Case Including Drawer and Door Fronts Shelf Tops 1.2 B Top of Wall and Floor Cases 1.2 B Cabinet and Case Floors 1.2 B All other than above interior and exterior vertical surfaces 1.0 B NON-WORKING SURFACES All other than above unexposed .75 C surfaces CONDITION SURFACE "A" SURFACE "B" SURFACE"C" Blemish No Not permitted Yes on surfaces easily detected from an arms length. Water Spot No Not permitted Yes on surfaces easily detected from an arms length . Sag No Slight Yes Over Cure No No Yes Under Cure No No Yes 12345-8 A . C E N T U 'R Y OF SERVICE FREESE•NICHOLS August 9, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX: 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 Specification 15100 -Plug Valves Sedimentation Basin 7-9 Drain Valves Dear Mr. Garakani: Due to problems with the hydraulics of the drain piping system it is necessary to set the sedimentation basin drain valve open position electrical limit switch at 50%. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICH~:,C. ,,8. t. ~·· G.E. Gay, P.E. xc: Chris Harder -FWWD Herman Franklin -FWWD Danny Shannon-CDM File FTW05340.4.41.042 L:EMWTP\ CHANGPS\PCM\PCM04PlugValvesSedBasin 7thru9Drain Valves Letter 080907 Freese and Nichols, Inc . Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Fax 817-735-7491 " ,. , December 18, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 A1TN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NIC ... OLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pmnp Low Pressure Switch PCM 041-Ozone Laboratory Sink PCM· 043 -Add 22' of24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe FO 014.,.. Street Lighting Modifications CMR 009 -Electrical Manhole Access Covers Dear Mr. Garakani: The FWWD has reviewed: PCM 035 -Add 13' Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench-$3,973 .00 PCM040 -Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch -$3,070.00 PCM 041-0zone Laboratory Sink-$2,530.00 PCM 043 -Add 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drain Pipe -$2,034 .00 FO 014-Street Lighting Modifications-$4,279.00 CMR 009 -Electrical Manhole Access Covers -$(l;l3S.eo, · (IJ I 'J... oc9-) The FWWD concms with the recommendation of Freese & Nichols to accept these contract modifications. Total for these proposed changes amounts to $14,651.00, with no additional contract time requested. These extra work activities will be included in Change Order #5 currently being prepared . Sincerely, FREESE AND NICH~C. ;!f.[. /J~ G.E. Gay, P.E. · . xc: Chris Harder Charly Angadicheril Herman Franklin Danny Shannon . V. K. Gupta File FTW05340 .4.41-35, 40,41,43 ; 4.42-009; 4.44-014 L:EMWIP\ CHANGfB\PCM,CMR,FO\PCM 035 040 041 043 FO 014 CMR 009 IOC s FWWD FN 121807 EAGLE MOUNTAIN WATER TREATMENT PLANT -CHANGE ORDER #5 COMPONENTS PCM NO DESCRIPTION STATUS PCM COST CUMULATIVE cos· =----'..J REVll=W PCM-022 Northside II and Northside IV Conflict with Clearwell Under review -ORC $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 PCM-023 Emergency repairs at ozone contact chamber #1 and #2 Time and Materials $15,000.00 $ 19,000.00 PCM-025 Cathodic Protection System at Water Plant Being Prepared $ 5,000.00 $ 24,000.00 PCM-028 Repaint internal coating of Venturi Meter Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 26,000.00 PCM-029 Street Light Conflict at LOX Storage Area Under review -ORC $ 2,000.00 $ 28,000.00 PCM-031 Utility Power Supply to PLC and RIOs Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 33,000.00 PCM-033 Install additional Isolation Valves Under review -ORC $15,000.00 $ 48,000.00 PCM-034 UPS Modifications and RWPS T-1 Telephone Demark Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 53,000.00 PCM-035 Add 13' of Chlorine/Ammonia Chemical Trench Recmd to FWWD $ 3,973.00 $ 56,973.00 Recommended PCM-036 Modify Ozone Area Fire Alarm System Being Preoared $10,000.00 $ 66,973.00 PCM-037 Modify High Service Pump Station Motors and Fittings Reand to FWWD $ 2,851.00 $ 69,824.00 PCM-038 Sample Lines Under review -ORC $ 3,000.00 $ 72,824.00 PCM-039 PLC 1 Time and Material Program Modifications Time and Materials $11,752.00 $ 84,576.00 PCM-040 Sodium Hydroxide Pump Low Pressure Switch Recmd to FWWD $ 3,070.00 $ 87,646.00 Recommended PCM-D41 Ozone Laboratory Sink Recmd to FWWD $ 2,630.00 $ 90,176.00 Recommended PCM-042 Sludge Drain Piping and Modifications Design Review $10,000.00 $ 100,176.00 PCM-043 Additional 22' of 24" Diameter Storm Drainage Pipe Recmd to FWWD $ 2,034.00 $ 102,210.00 Recommended PCM-044 Traveling Screen Control Changes Under review -ORC $ 5,000.00 $ 107,210.00 F().014 Street Lighting Modifications • Com1Juter Control Recmd to FWWD $ 4,279.00 $ 111,489.00 CMR-009 Electrical Manhole Access Covers Recmd to FWWD $ (1,235.00J $ 110.254.00 Recommended v ._ 111 ·1 U _ ·a:-, I V ·r November 2, 2007 FREESE•NICHOLS City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATIN: Mr. Chris Harder, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FIW05340 PCM-043 , Storm Draiti Piping Dear Mr. Harder: . . Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's October 30, 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. An additional 22 feet of 24 inch storm drain pipe was required because the drain pipe had to be relocated ten feet south to avoid the fence at the IT Building and the outfall location was field adjusted to improve maintenance capabilities. The tot al cost of this extra work is $2,034 .00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $2,034 .00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires all or part of this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. JJ.t . :1:7-~ G. E. Gay, P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FfW05340.4.41.043 L:\EMWTP\CHANGES\P CM 04 3 Stonn Drain Pi ping 11 0207REC MD Free se and Ni chols, Inc . Eng ineers Environmental Scien tists Archi tects 4055 Int ern ati onal Pla za Sui te 200 Fort Worth , Te xa s 76109-4895 8 17-735-7300 Fax 81 7-735 -74 91 J, OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING October 30, 2007 Freese & Nichols , Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth , TX 76109 ATTN : G .E .Gay, P .E . RE: Dear Mr. Gay: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. Pl64-060164052003 PCM 043 -Storm Drain Piping Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for PCM 043 -Storm Drain Piping modifications . This proposal is for furnishing all material , equipment and labor to install additional 20 feet of24" RCP as requested by PCM 043. Total amount: $2 ,034 .00 Detail cost breakdown is attached for your review. Sincerely, ~-·y/c.__ __ ,/ ~sca;~enda Contracting, Inc . Hadi Garakani 522 BENSON UNE -ROANOKE, TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FAX 811A91.4483 www.oscarrendaconuacUng.co• PROJECT: OWNER: ENGINEER: CONST. MGR: CONTRACTOR: Description: COST CHANGE REQUEST Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Freese and Nichols, Inc. Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. 24" Storm Drain Modifications -PCM 043 SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS Proj. No.: Proj. No.: Proj. No .: @ 8.25% @ 1.00% @ 0.50% 22@ $15.09 2@ $23 .00 @ $2.50 @ 48 .0% @ 2% 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL @ @ @ 1.1% 10% 15% DATE: 31-0ct-07 PCM# 43 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 836.80 8 .37 4 ;18 331 .98 46.00 377.98 181.43 7.56 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 849.35 566.97 $333.50 1,749.82 19.25 1,769.07 265.36 2,034 .43 HA:NS,ON ··PIPE & PRODUCTS, INC. 1003 N. MacArthur Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 (Mail Address: P.O. Box 190999, Dallas, Texas 75219-0999) 610 Riverside Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76111 /2-6~d G 972-262-3800 972-268-7458 Fax 817/654-1003 817/870-9015 Fax QUOTATION TO Ch: A-?Z Rc]V 0 A- PROJECT: owNeR 0rv o t:-Pr. 4r ~ arH LOCATION EA-Gz-~ M-N. w~ T/U:71-T~n,T Pi.,,f;vr LETIING DA TE: DELIVERY In truck load lots as near the desired locations on the project as these locations are accessible to loaded trueks·operatlng under their own power, unless othelWise stated . TERMS: Net Thirty {30) Days APPROX. QUANTITY (JI. 7 '? L'. r. NOTE: PR1ces·auoTED HEREON DO NOT INCLUDE STATE SALES TAX. R~KS: / DELIVERY: Uebllty. Seier ._. not be Hable for any delays or fallum of dellvely rwsulling from artlces. lac:loouta, 'oNCit< tloppage1, labor dispute&, war, civil dlsturbancH, adS of God , ~ otauppfoen" d~ or defaults; or n,gutallons of any governmental aulhority, '~:r ~ ., slld1 del1ya we shall haY11 lhe right to .prcrata among our various MICh IIQUitab!a basis aa we shall detl!mltn·e auch concnite pipe as we ~;!li'.,"!1!''111fBC:iufe , &hip a nd de liver. /.· ! .,,.." ' /' _ .. · Re~ctfully submitted, i . · -..'Ziil'...... .. .. 'I/ . /°V O]-- B 0 / ~ y . • Accepted Aulllorized Signature Date Acc q,ICd ** TOTAL PAG E.02 ** LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (PhaseJ) FREESE• NICHOLS TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke.Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Hadi Garakani D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMR.No:., D Addendum.No. XO PCM No. 043 q Change Order No. D Pay Req. No. D Submittal D Use D Approval D Record Remarks D Review & Comment D Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0 . 1 Chris Harder 1 Herman Franklin I FTW 05340.4.41 .043 1 Danny Shannon DATE: October 15, 2001 PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WfP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW 05340 o RFINo. D Memo.No . D Field Order D Other D Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT RET=D. R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc By ~~~~~~~~~~ · File FTW05340/ 4. 41/043 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Citi of Fort Worth Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting: 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Storm Drain Piping PCM NO. 043 -- NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The OWner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. x. Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. By: Date: October 15, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. ;a We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By~!~~ Date: /~'? ( ........ ACTION TAI<EN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: D Field Order issued: No. Date: By: D Change Order issued: No. Date: By: 1 -- File FTW05340,4.41.043 PRO~OSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM-043 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Citl of Fort Worth Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Camp£ Dresser! McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Storm Drain Piping PCM NO. 043 -- rhe OWner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: Additional Storm Drain Piping -Provide 22 LF of additional storm drain pipe to allow SDMH-1 to provide a 90 degree bend and to revise the outfall to fit up with the existing head wall. Refer to Sheet C-41 issued with Field Order #18. 1. Change SDMH #1 to Sta. 2+23.9 north end 4089.85, E19,648.7. 2. Extend storm drain west from SDMH #1 to original outfall location. Thi°s adds 8.2' of pipe. 3. Relocate 45 degree bend to existing headwall location N4089.85 and El9,444.56. Revise Sta~ -0+08.20 facing northwest. 4. Relocate headwall to Sta. -0+22.00 N4099.61 E19,638.94. 5. Grade channel to tie in to existing headwall channel and wrap rock riprap in area. 6. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. . .. By: ;,:f.(,,~ J Date: October 15, 2007 < 2 ·.-l:.,1 r January 8, 2008 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATTN: Mr. Chris Harder, P .E . • FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-044, Tr aveling Screen Control Changes Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's January 4, 2008 price proposal for the referenced extra work. The Contract required a local control panel for operation of the screen to remove debris based on high head loose across the screen. This was found to lead to ex cessive time periods between screen operations and some taste and odor problems with the screenings. The plat staff requested the controls be modified to allow operation of the screen using the plant computer in manual, timer, or high differential modes. The total cost of this extra work is $5,137.00 . No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of$5 ,137.00. No change in · Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires all or part of this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, ~C. )I/.L-47~ G . E . Gay, P .E . Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW05340.4 .41.044 L:\EMWI'P\CHANGES\PCM 044 Traveling Screen Control Changes 010808 RECMD OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING January 4, 2008 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G.E.Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 044 -Traveling Screen Control Changes Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for additional work described in PCM-044. Price includes all labor, material and equipment to perform the necessary modifications and programming for this work. Total for PCM 044 Detailed cost breakdown is attached for your review . Sincerely, ~~~ ~sc:r :kenda ~;racting, Inc . Hadi Garakani $5,137.00 522 BENSON LANE -ROANOKl TEXAS 16262 -811.491.2103 -FU 811.491.4413 www.1scan1ndac1nuacun1.c1m . . \ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (Phase3) FREESE• NICHOLS TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Hadi Garakani D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMR No: D Addendum No. XO PCM No . 044 q Change Order No. D Pay Req. No. D Submittal 0 Use D Approval D Record Remarks D Review & Comment D Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0. 1 Chris Harder 1 Herman Franklin 1 FTW 05340.4.41.044 1 Danny Shannon DATE: October 10, 2001 PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: P164-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW 05340 . o RFINo. D Memo.No. D Field Order D Other D Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT RET=D. R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc By~~~~~~~~~~ . '· .,. File F'l.'1105340/4.41/044 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Cit~ of Fort Worth Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER: cam2, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Traveling Screen Control Changes PCM NO. 044 -- NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify. us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. x. Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. By: Date: October 10, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. D We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: Date: ACTION TAKEN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: D Field Order issued: No. Date: By: D Change Order issued: No. Date: By: 1 rue FTW05340.4.41.044 PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 OWNER: Citi of Fort Worth CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting ENGINEER: Cam:e, Dresser, McKee, Inc CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. PCM DESCRIPTION: Traveling Screen Control Changes PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM -044 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT NUMBER P164-060164052003 05-2-23 0515-43716 FTW05340 PCM NO. 044 The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization .to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: Traveling Screen Control Changes to allow Computer . Manual and Timer Controls per attached COM Memo dated October 9, 2007. 1. Sheet EC-11; Add a HOA status contact block and REMOTE status indication. Add a START DO interposing relay and parallel the Traveling Screen high differential circuit to allow a remote start. 2. Sheet ED-7, loop 11060; Change C6 to CB (use spare wires to PLC 11). 3. Sheet I-10, loop 11060; add a Local/Remote DI and a Run DO. 4. Section 13305A, Loop 11060; Revise controls per attached CDM October 9, 2007 memo. 5. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. By: x!I. £. 7 ~ Date: October 10, 2007 2 CDM Memorandum To: Ted Gay FNI From: John Robinson/ Gary Chiang COM Date: October 9, 2007 Subject: Eagle Mountain WTP Phase 3 -Plant Improvements Traveling Screen Control Changes Background The Brackett-Green Traveling Screen installed under the Eagle Mountain Phase 3 project currently operates based on a differential level setting at the screens. Plant staff has requested that the controls be modified to permit manual, timed, or differential level initiation from the plant control system. Reference Proposed hardware changes for the traveling screen are based on the submitted and approved drawings D-JOS-307-300 (Control Panel Layout), D-JOS-307-301 (Control Schematic Sheet 1 of 2), D-JOS":'307-301 (Control Schematic Sheet 2 of 2) of submittal 11206-01. Proposed logic changes are based on the "Typical Operation-Differential" narrative contained in the referenced submittal. Proposed changes for the plant control system are based on approved shop drawings for PLC 11, and approved control logic submittals. H:\Construction\Memos & Letters\Traveling Screen Control mods .doc .. OveNiew The modifications are based on adding a parallel contact to the "DP High" input to the screen PLC, and providing feedback of the Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) selector switch when it is in" Auto". When the selector switch is in" Auto" the traveling screen will turn on if (a) the differential level contact of the ultrasonic transmitter is actuated (the current method) or (b) if an output contact from the plant control system is closed. An interposing relay will be added to separate the 120 volt outputs of the plant control system from the 24 volt control voltage of the traveling screen assembly. Status of the HOA switch (Auto or Local) will be displayed at the HMI. Traveling Screen Modifications A parallel contact to the "DP High'' input will be wired in the panel. An auxiliary contact will be added to the HOA selector switch to transmit positive indication of it being in the "Auto" position. The "DP High High" input will not be changed, and the existing logic in the traveling screen PLC will not be changed. (1) Provide a relay with a dry contact wired in parallel to the existing dry contact input for differential level The dry contact would be wired between terminals 6 and 7 of the input terminal 17 of the traveling water PLC. (2) The relay will be energized by a 120 volt discrete output signal from plant control system PLC 11. Provide suitable term.inal block assignments wired to the relay energizing terminals such that the discrete output from PLC 11 can be easily wired to the terminal blocks without the need to be wired directly to the relay. Label all components in the panel. (3) Provide an auxiliary contact on the existing panel HOA switch. The contact would be wired to a terminal strip in the panel and then from the panel to the plant control system PLC 11. The auxiliary contact will provide positive closure status when the HOA switch is in Auto position, and open status when in the Hand or Off position. (4) Coordinate and test operation of the relay and high differential level input to the screening PLC with the discrete output from PLC 11. (5) Coordinate and test operation of the HOA switch auxiliary contact with the discrete input to PLC 11. (6) Update final O&M drawings to show changes. H:\Construction\Memos & Letters\Traveling Screen Control mods .doc Page 2 of4 •• Plant Control System Modifications The modifications are based on adding programming to monitor auto status and permit control of the traveling screen "on'' duration from the plant control system. A discrete output and a discrete input will be added to PLC 11 and the signal wires will be routed from PLC 11 to the control panel at the traveling screen. Programming will be added to permit actuation based on an operator action, timer, or differential level. Loop 11060 logic will be updated. (1) New output. Assign a discrete output (DO) for control of the traveling screen motor in PLC 11. The output contact shall be closed when the plant control system commands the traveling screen to run and shall be open when the plant control system commands the screen to not run (maintained contact). (2) New input Assign a discrete input (DI) to monitor status of the HOA switch. The contact at the switch shall be closed when the switch is in the "Auto" position and will be open all other times. (3) Existing signals. Utilize the existing signals from the traveling screen (inlet level, outlet level, run status, overload, high differential alarm, and low wash pressure) in the updated programming logic. (4) Computer manual control: Provide a software selection for computer manual control Operator will have the ability to start or stop the traveling screen from an HMI screen. (5) Computer timer control: Provide a software selection for timed control of the screen One operator adjustable timer will be for the run duration and a second operator-adjustable timer will be for the non-running duration. Timers shall initially range from 1 minute to 300 minutes and shall be field adjusted at commissioning. (6) Computer differential level control. The computer differential level control is in addition to the differential level control at the screen itself. The differential level shall be calculated and indicated on the HMI. Operator adjustable start and stop setpoints shall be provided at the HMI. When the differential level exceeds the start setpoint for an adjustable time delay, the plant control system shall command the screen to run. When the differential level is less than the stop setpoint for an operator adjustable time delay, the plant control system shall command the screen to not run. (7) Display if the screen control panel HOA switch is in Auto. Interlock the Auto status to the output to prevent the output from being in the "energized" position unless the HOA switch is in Auto. Provide appropriate software and HMI configuration to prevent control of the screen from the plant control system unless the HOA switch is in Auto. H:\Construction\Memos & Letters\Traveling Screen Control mods .doc Page 3 of 4 .. , ·, Conductor installation New or spare conductors shall be utilized to transmit the HOA status and run command between the field and PLC 11. (1) Provide 4 #14 conductors from the screen panel to PLC 11, or utilize available spares. Route through spare conduit if there is no room in the conduit containing the existing signals. (2) Terminate the field end of the two DO conductors on the terminals assigned to the interposing relay installed in the traveling screen control panel. Terminate the panel end to the assigned DO output terminal in PLC 11. (3) Terminate the field end of the two DI conductors on the terminals assigned to the "Auto" status of the HOA selector switch installed in the traveling screen control panel Terminate the panel end to the assigned DI input terminal in PLCll. (4) Coordinate and test operation of the screen panel with PLC 11. H:\Construction\Memos & Letters\Traveling Screen Control mods .doc Page 4 of4 ( • .. I., C 1-. I V n T V r October 11, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICHOLS 0 C n V I .'-' I;; RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 044 Traveling Screen Control Changes Dear Mr. Garakani: Please add the followingwork activities to PCM 044, originally issued October 10: 1. Change momentary job button to on/off switch. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICH~C . . Lf .[.~ G.E. Gay, P .E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FTW05340.4.41.044 L:EMW1P\ CHANGFS\PCM\PCM044 Traveling Screen Control Changes Le tter 1011 07 Freese and Nichols , Inc . Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth , Te xas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Fax 817-735-7491 ' ; A C E N T U R Y 0 F SERVICE ~ 'ti> BPe-4.t ft o/"/l. . V\A tµAt "' H-!o October 15, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX: 76262 ATTN: Mr. Hadi Garakani FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 044 Traveling Screen Control Changes Dear Mr. Garakani : 1)£.. Per Brackett Green's request, please find Drawing D-J05-307-301 Rev. 3 and a blow up of the schematic with the proposed changes. We acknowledge the manufacturer's recommendation to not install an on/off switch, but the Fort Worth Water Department has requested this ability to allow field trouble shooting. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ;(:I.(,.~~ G.E. Gay, P.E. xc: Chris Harder Herman Franklin Danny Shannon File FTW05340.4.41.044 L:EMW1P\ CHANGFS\PCM\PCM044 Traveling Screen Control Oianges Letter 101507 Freese and Nichols , Inc . Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth , Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Fax 817 -7 35-7491 D - C B - A J 2 1 0 REV. 8 I 7 I 6 I 5 .I. 4 fROl,l LINE 1n f"ROM LINE 172 24V (30W) POWER SUPPLY 200 202 204 2~ 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 2•0 242 2•• 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 ?62 264 266 268 270 272 27' 276 278 280 . 282 2114 OHH OHH Jl<W VJ DR. 1670 1~ ~ 0+24V 0 0 2•+ H ~· OOJ f----..orll-=-----,--1'}-_ 11 ,-.u1ow.11c (I -,<>!J>-~-----1r-----t.J~ 12 M-'NUAI. /226S _l FROt,4 SH[El 1 -G o----+-E-:11J E-SlOP 155E & _L SCREEN RUN 1---'1'----------+----1~eJ C2 1------11----l l--f--€) 19 MOlOR 0/\. 2560L 157CM 0 110 2600 2601 ,ti_ - -2•vs -111 Pf'ESSVRE SWITCH -(BY 01HER5) 0 112 0 CJ V 260PS & ~ C3 0 113 0 114 0 115 0 116 0 C4 0 C4 WAA WAA 7-23-07 REVISED 10 ,-.s-BIJIL 1 WAA WAA 7-18-07 IIOOlfltO PER CUS10M[R SPECS. S' WAA e11•1os t.'IOOIFIED PER CUS10M[R SP-ECS. JP W>JI 11-18-0! ISSUED FOR CUSTOIIER APPROVAL CKO • .APPO. DA1E DESCRIPllON 8 I 7 I L G-J ~ N - G 0 01 0 C1 0 V1 0 ' 04 -Go-+---------< / ' / C2 ~ ' 00 : / CJ : 07 0 C4 0 08 0 cs 0 Q9 0 C6 0 ' 010 ~ ~272CR / ' 011& =-+--,------- / G R G y y 1675 & 1675 2385 RUN SPEED SCREEN SYSTEII fAULT / 2425 SCREEN RUNNING 242PL / 1555 _& EMEROENCY S10P , 246PL I~ & I~ 255() / 1515 & 2705 J-----+-----111 HIGH OlffERENTIAL / & 270PL 2725 / 2745 J-----+-----e LOW W,'.Sll 274PL 276CR 27 e5 (PRESSURE) =---------t----.;;_;- ' 012C: -_'l---+--r-------1 y / / 2785 J-----+-----111 MOTOR OVERl.01'0 , 278PL L-asocR 2805 (SPEED) ==---------t----=- CIJST0NtR: OSCAR RE~ COIOAAC11NO NC. ' i c7 R--~+---------------&--.:c282=5t, C7 0 t ND un FOR1 WOR TH WATER OEP,t,RTMENl PROJECT: EAOl.t ~OUNT'-IN W,t,TElt TAOTNOH PUNT .LOCATION: rotn 'WOA TH, TE XAS PURCHASC ORDER No.: ?J-23 i 8.0.1. JOB No.: J0&-307 6 I 5 T 4 .. 8 I 7 I 6 I 5 J.. 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 rROM UN[ 172 FROM LINE 172 200 2.4V (Jow') POwtR SUPPLY 202 670 1t_OV !! 1675 -- 20< 20• 0 .. 2 ...... -24.\1$ D 708 '10 +2CV -2,v s--1 D '12 21< 1870 ,,. 218 L G-J -220 024-& - 1675 m ' 024+ N 22' M~,.OOf :=-11 AUlOMAllC o 0 ,,. \.I .. ::12 MANU.Al o, 0 /2265 128 _l_ FROM SM(El I ''° --tJ E-S10P C, 0 C m 155' & C "' ),;;1;;8 ~ SCREEN RUN VI 0 ,,. ::ci 02 G--0236CR 2365 RUN SPEED SCR[[N ,,. )o~. :::is Ot\. RESET 03 :: ry=J SYSltM r.WLT 2'0 \,__L -04 :: ' / 2425 "2 -" PV~ TO TEST 0 SCft[EN ltlJNNJNC --- 242P8 / , 242Pl ~ 2" ,,,, & rt ' / 1•• ' 17 DP 1'4Gf a, • [M[FIOCNCY STOP / , 2Cl5PL 248 1,0 . :: 18 OP HIQ1 HICH C2 :: 25!50 ' & "'' :: C2 06 :: 0 1515 / & 25' & B 256 1---11-------0 " ~OTOR 0/l Cl :':: B ,,. 2560l 157CM Ono 07 0 2600 2601 160 '" PRESSVAE SWITCH c, 0 260PS (BY OTH[ffS) ,., & & 0 M2 08 0 ,., 0 c, co O , .. C3 09 0 -"'"" f---, .. 0113 C6 0 & ---r.CLO 010:: ' / "°" ..... 170 0 114 Lo272CR V HIGH Offf[RfNTI.-.L / 270PL 2725 . -OONTRQ.PNCL '72 TC!MNl-l.aot'II ' / 27'5 27' 0 115 011 :: Lo'71iCR y LOW W.A'ltl 0 -1#..lllOICS JDIWoCAL / 27'Pl 27155 (PR[S5UPC) """ 276 ' / 1785 A 278 0 116 012.., Lo·= V MOTOR O'YEROAD A / 278PL 2800 (SPEED) CtJS10hl ER: OSCAR RENDA O.A. LE VEL DR. VJ ~~-160 COtfTRACllNO INC. ·c· CKD. JP O c• C7 2825 £HD UstR: FORT WORTI-I WATER DEPAA™EHT 1KN"QIIU.11)1Clf ..., APPO. WAR 282 '*'M!Olt((HlD[lll'IAl. DATE: 11-18-05 O c• C7 0 PROJCCT: [AQ..[ MOVNTAIH :.:'if-~wn!IM ,.. W-'l'Eft tRE,llN(Nl PLANT =~'=-'°' SC: NONE CONTROL SCHEl.l~llC ' "'*' WA/l WA/l7--LOC ATION: ro,n '#Olt1H, TOAS ....,,..C'Olten. OOIOI -. w SHEET 2 OF 2 2 OHH w-,, WAA 7-PCR SPECS. U!O,AIIIQ. BMC !~!...JL. SCR EEN ING PROCESS , J,W .P WAR PCA SP.CCS. PURCHASE ORDER No.: 7l-2l ........ 00. !..lll:l ?..11Ja. 0 VJ .P WAA 11-Cit APPROV~L a .0.1. JOB No.: J0~301 ~ '. '. D J05 307 301 1''3 REV. OR. CKO. ... PO. DESCRIPTION -I.J.C..L 1 1 I ; I I I ! I 8 I 7 I 6 I 5 .,.. 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 PC!.M # COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee , Inc . Proj. No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols , Inc . Proj . No.: CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. Proj. No.: Description : PCM 044 -Traveling Screen Control Modifications SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ O@ O@ SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL @ @ @ @ 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors ' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOT AL 8.25% 1.00% 0 .50% $15 .09 $23 .00 $2.50 48.0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% DAT£: 4 -Jan-08 PCM# 44 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 . FTW05340 05-2-23 .$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $0.00 4,617.00 4,617.00 50.79 4,667.79 461.70 7.62 5,137.11 SUBCONTRACTS WORKSHEET# 3 SUBCONTRACTOR #1 Design Electric $1,507.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $1,507.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #2 HSQ $3,110.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $3 ,110.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #3 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR #4 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 TOTAL $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $4,617.00 DESIGN ELECTRIC To: Oscar Renda Contracting Proj ect: Eagle Mountain WTP Plant 2650 Andjon 522 Benson Lane Phase Ill Exeansion P.O . Box 140855 Roanoke, Texas 76262 Contract: 23-16-010SUB Dallas, Texas 75220 Date: 1/4/2008 Office-214-357-5697 Fax-214-357-5794 CORN0.11 21 II REFERENCE: IPCM-44 IRFP: !CLARIFICATION : DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: $1,507.00 Prime Pricing per PCM-44 (Traveling Water Screen Modifications) Panel Material-$250.00 Installation Labor-$520 .00 Drafting Labor-$300 .00 Startup and Testing-$300 .00 Total-$1,370.00 Prime Controls Quote-$1,370.00 Markup-$137.00 Total-$1 ,507 .00 JUSTIFICATION FOR TIME EXTENSION : COR PREPARED BY : Jerry Bevers COR REVIEWED BY : COR DELIVERED TO : DATE OF DELI VERY : 26227 Research Road TECHNOLOGY Hayward, California 94545-3725 Telephone: 510.259.1334 + October 24, 2007 Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, TX 76262 Attention: Subject: Hadi Garakani Instrumentation & Controls for Eagle Mountain WTP Expansion -Phase Ill Fort Worth, TX Contract No. 23-26-130SUB HSQ Letter No. 031: 02-9952 :004 Traveling Screen Control Modifications Dear Mr. Garakani : sales@hsq.com http://www.hsq.com Facsimile: 510.259.1391 HSQ Technology is pleased to provide a proposal for programming and testing of the Traveling Screen Modifications detailed in the Freese-Nichols transmittal dated October 10, 2007, and the accompanying CDM memorandum dated October 9, 2007 . HSQ first wishes to point out that the proposed modification is requested to operate in parallel with the existing local auto high differential controls. This will mean that at any time when the local auto high differential controls are called for the screen will run. The screen will override any of the chosen Cimplicity options. Pricing is as follows: A . Update I/0 list and process loop description documentation B . Add PLC Logic to implement new control strategies · C . Modify Cimplicity to add database points and new popup control screen to implement new control strategy D. Testing at HSQ to modified PLC and Cimphcity applications E. Testing on site of modified PLC and Cimplicity application s TOTAL $260.00 1,040 .00 1,040 .00 260 .00 510.00 $3,110.00 On-site testing must be accomplished at the same time as the pending trip for completion of the FDT. If an additional site visit is required , the added cost will be $4,000.00 Promote Safety . . . Every Day! An Equal Opportunity Employer California Contractor's Lice nse 378393 I• Oscar Renda Contracting HSQ Letter No . 031: 02-9952 :004 Attention: Hadi Garakani Page2 October 24 , 2007 If you wish to proceed with the additional work outlined in this proposal, please issue a change order in the amount of $3 ,110.00. A response is required before October 31 , 2007, in order for HSQ to complete programming prior to the FDT. Sincerely yours, HSQ;,~IDjOLOr~~-__ ...... (~~ /,-#/.,' ,,' Y. ."' ./ / ;~~h . -<~ / Bradley G. Nee ham · Project Manager BGN/ks By Email and US Mail December 18, 2007 City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATIN: Mr.;,QbristHafder, P.E. FREESE•NICHOLS RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FIW05340 PCM-045, W allpack Lighting Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's December 18, 2007 price proposal for the referenced extra work. The plant staff requested the style of light fixtures be modified from the specified backlight style to a forward shining wall pack style. The wallpack style provides better lighting for plant maintenance and operations and conforms with the type used on previous expansions. The total cost of this extra work is $4,540.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are · of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $4,540.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires all or part of this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. G. E. Gay, P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FIW05340.4.41.045 L:\EMWIP\CHANGES\PCM 045 Wallpack Lighting l 2 l 807RECMD OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING December 18 , 2007 Freese & Nichols, Inc . 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G.E.Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM-045 -Wallpack Lighting Dear Mr. Gay: As requested, Oscar Renda Contracting is submitting the following price for furnishing all labor, material, equipment and supervision for performing work as described in PCM-045 . Total amount for PCM 045: $4,540 .00 Detailed breakdown for the above item is attached for your review. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Pf4~C:: ~ Osfu Renda Contracting, Inc . Hadi Garakani 522 BENSON LANE -ROANOKE, TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FAX 811A91.4483 www.1scan1ndacantracun1.c1m COST CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill OWNER: City of Fort Worth Proj. No.: ENGINEER: Camp , Dresser, McKee , Inc. Proj . No.: CONST. MGR: Freese and Nichols, Inc. CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. Description : Wallpack Lighting SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Proj . No.: Proj. No.: @ 8 .25% @ 1.00% @ 0.50% Manhours Foreman O@ $15.09 Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST · 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ $23 .00 $2.50 48.0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% DATE: 18-Dec-07 PCM# 45 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $0.00 4,086.00 4,086.00 44.95 4,130.95 408.60 4,539.55 SUBCONTRACTOR #1 Design TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR #2 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR #3 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR #4 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS WORKSHEET# 3 $4 ,086 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $4 ,086.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 . $0 .00 $0 .00 $4,086.00 DESIGN ELECTRIC To: Oscar Renda Contracting Project: Eagle Mountain WTP Plant 2650 Andjon 522 Benson Lane Phase Ill Exeans ion P.O. Box 140855 Roanoke, Texas 76262 Contract: 23-16-010SUB Dallas, Texas 75220 Date : 12/10/2007 Office-214-357-5697 Fax-214-357-5794 COR No.jl 19 II REFERENCE : !PCM 045 !RFP : I CLARIFICATION : DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Price for changing the type of Wall Pack fixtures eer PCM 045. $4,086.00 See attached sheets for breakdown. JUSTIFICATION FOR TIME EXTENS ION : COR PREPARED BY: Je rry Bevers COR REVIEWED BY : COR DELIVERED TO: DATE OF DELIVERY : Design Electric c.o. #19 RECAP SHEET RATE HOURS TOTAL LABOR-(ELECTRICAL) FOREMAN STRAIGHT TIME $30.00 10.00 $ 300 .00 FOREMAN OVER TIME $42 .00 $ - JOURNEYMAN STRAIGHT TIME $23 .00 61 .00 $ 1,403 .00 JOURNEYMAN OVER TIME $34.50 $ - HELPER STRAIGHT TIME $17 .00 $ - HELPER OVER TIME $25.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - LABOR TOT AL-$ 1 ,703.00 MATERIAL TOTAL $ 1,056.00 EXPENDABLES-6% $ 63.00 BURDENS-(42% OF LABOR) $ 715.00 SUBTOTAL-$ 3,537.00 OVERHEAD-10% $ 354.00 PROFIT-5% $ 195.00 TOTAL-$ 4,086.00 Design Electric ~'Jrrx.atttt wen ff™ W~dj o'n Da'U•·• .. '+;.;::;::;ho1~.'#(Z'l-4 )W~~,:~x • ('21~~T ..a7~~ c.o. #19 PRICING SHEET DESC. IQUAN. MAT UNIT MAT EX·1. LABOR l L4 ... ~~ t:.X.I. INSTALL ADDITIONAL-54 $ -0 .5 27 .00 PHOTO CELLS ON -$ -0.00 OWNER FURNISHED $ -0.00 WALL PACK LIGHTS $ -0 .00 DISCONNECT AND 6 $ -1 6.00 REMOVE WALL PACK-$ -0.00 LIGHTS ALREADY INSTALLED $ -0 .00 TIME SPENT TO LOAD-54 $ -4 .00 WALL PACK LIGHT-$ -0 .00 FIXTURES FOR RETURN $ -0 .00 $ -0 .00 FURNISH AND INSTALL-6 $ 176.00 $ 1,056.00 4 24 .00 ADDITIONAL WALL PACK $ -0.00 LIGHT FIXTURES AND PHOTO $ -0.00 CELLS $ -0.00 $ -0.00 $ -0 .00 $ -0.00 $ -0 .00 $ -0 .00 $. -0 .00 0.00 TOTAL-$ 1,056 .00 61 .00 FREESE• NICHOLS LETTER OF TRANSMITIAL (Phase3) TO: Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262 ATTENTION: Hadi Garakani D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMRNo: D Addendum No. D PCMNo. 045 q Change Order No. ~°" -...,,, . .,-----., DATE: November 8, 2007 PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: Pl64-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW 05340 o RFINo. D Memo .No. D Field Order D Pay Reg. No. D Submittal XO Other Ref. No. Description 1 PCM045 Wallpack Lighting These are transmitted for your: 0 Use D Review & Comment D Information D Approval D Distribution to Parties D Response D Record D Other Remarks DISTRIBUTION REVIEW NO SENT TO N SENT TO DEPT BY SENT RET=D. 0 . 1 Chris Harder 1 Herman Franklin 1 FfW 05340.4.41.45 1 Danny Shannon R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL.doc By ~~~~~~~~~~ File FTW05340/ 4. 41/045 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: City of Fort Worth Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Wallpack Lighting PCM NO. 045 -- NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. x. Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. By: ,.6. t . ./h,,,, hi/ Date: November 8, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RESPO°M'SE : We respond to your request as follows: Cl We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. Cl We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. Cl We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. Cl We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: Date: ACTION TAKEN: D Proposed Contract Mo dification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: Cl Field Order issued: No. Date: By: D Change Order issued: No. Date: By: 1 File f"Tli05340.4 .41. 045 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM -045 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: City of Fort Worth P164-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contractin9 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Wallpack Lighting PCM NO. 045 -- The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be a~roved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: Initial installation of the specified Type Q wall pack lighting fixtures determined this fixture would not provide adequate lighting for Plant operations. The consultant has coordinated with Mr. John Rice with Hossley Lighting Associates, 1202 Dragon Street, Suite 100, Dallas, TX., Phone number 214 413-7012, Cell 214 957-5729 to return the 54 Type Q fixtures still in boxes and to provide 54 Hubbell light fixtures at no additional cost. 1. Remove 6 Kim Lighting Type Q fixtures currently installed. 2. Return 54 Kirn Lighting fixtures currently on the job but not installed. 3; Purchase 6 new Hubbell Type Q lights and deliver to job site. 4. Ship 54 Hubbell Type Q lights to the job site. 5. Install 6 fixtures that have been removed. 6. Install 54 fixtures (base bid work, no additional cost). 7. Sheet E-4 Lighting Fixture Schedule; Type Q fixtures shall be Hubbell WGH Glass Wallpacks, Catalog No. WGH 175H. 52 photo cell button type catalog No. PBT-1 will be required. 8. Revise your record drawings as appropriate. 7-'1-l-~ ~ By: Date: November 8, 2007 2 WGH SERIES GLASS WALLPACKS Al'PUC/UIOIIS cat.# Job • Perimeter lighting for safety and security. Use on factories , warehouses, self storage, commercial buildings, etc. SPECIRCMIOIIS • Borosilicate glass retractor softens lamp image and provides uniform distribution -4 times spacing to mounting height · cast aluminoo, frame holds lens and seals to housing gasket with two stainless steel screws . • Door assembly hinges to side on mid-size units; hinges down on large units. • cast aluminum housing with 1/2" conduit entries, button photocontrol can be field installed. • WGH mid-size is 175W MH and 150W HPS, large handles 250-400W MH and HPS . All sockets are mogul base. • All units have dark bronze powder paint finish , Quad-Tap• ballasts and lamps included . lJS11IIGS • UL 1598 listed for use in wet locations . c@us ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number• wattage/Source Voltage MID-SIZE SE111E$ W&H175H 175/MH 120. 208, 240, m W&ll150S 150/IIPS 1201 208. 240, 2n URBEsalES WGH250H 250/MH 120, 208, 240, 2n W&H400H 400/MH 120,208, 240, m WGHZ&OS 250/HPS 120, 208, 240, 2n WGH400S 400/HPS 120,208, 240, 2n 1 Lamp lnc/udlld 00 .,, unb. Act:ESSDRIES (order as separate part #) Catalog Number Descript ion PIT·1 . Photocontrol, 120 volt PBT-!M Photocontrol, 208, 240 , 277 volt SMUJICUARD Wire liuard for MID-SIZE fixtures SM70181MRD Wire liuard for LARliE fixtures SM1116SHIELD Polycarbonate Shield tor MID·SIZE fixtu res PHOTOMETRIC REPORTS catalog Number WGH150S WGH175H WGH400H lll'091ll7 JES WGH400S HUBBELL DU1DIIDR UGH11#6 T)'Pe Approvals Outdoor Lighting T A l ~B::j C A I C MID-SIZE 9" 71/4 " 13" 229mm 184mm 330mm LARGE 9" 13" 17" 229mm 330mm 432mm Finish Weight lbs k Bronze 19 8.6 Bronze 18 8.2 Bronze 34 15.4 Bronze 37 16.8 Bronze 36 16.3 Bronze .40 18..1 SHEET II WBll-sl'ECtOI06 PHOTOCONTROLS ® (I· (; U$ Ordering Information Catalog Number Voltage Max. Watts lncand. Max. Watts Weight HID lbs. (kg) , HPF NPF Photocontrol-Button Type' 10 ~ PBT-1'· 7 120 1200 400 250 PBT-234"7 208/240/277 1200 400 250 Photocontrol -112· lhread Mount> PTA-1"7 120 2000 1000 400 PTA~"' 120-277 2000 1000 400 PTA-5' 480 2000 1000 400 Photocontrol -Twist-Lock-Cell' PTL-1'·7 PTL-86-' m-s• 120 1800 120-277 1800 480 1800 1000 400 1000 400 1000 400 PRR PSC Receptacle -Remote Twist-Lock-Cell with Bracket' 120-480 1800 Shorting Cap -Twist-Lock• Mount' Completes circuit -Eliminates PCR 1000 400 1 Miniature photocontrol sealed in a sturdy plastic housing 2 1/16" x 11/8" x 7/8" with 314" nipple length, nipple is 3/8 DIA. Use in any suitable enclosed box or luminaire. A gasket and lock nut provide weather tight seal at exit point. 2 Weatherproof photocontrol in a polycarbonate housing with field adjustable light sensitivity level feature . 3 5/8" x 2" x 1 1/2" housing with 5/8" nipple length. 3 Weatherproof Twist-lock® photocell enclosed in a high butyrate protective housing. Meets EEl·NEMA standards . For use with Twist-Lock® receptacles (PCR). 4 Remote receptacle ton•n l\Nist-1.ock® cell , Includes aluminum angle bracket and color coded leads. Bolts to wood poles, croS'5arm~ walls or any flat surface. 5 Weatherproof shorting cap to complete circuit and allow fixture to operate when Twist-Lock® photocontrol (PTL) is not used . For use with Twist-Lock® receptacles (PCR). 6 ULl.isted. 7 CSA certified . .125 (0.1) .125 (0.1) 25 (0. 1) .25 (0. 1) .25 (0. 1) .25 (0.1) .25 (0. 1) .25 (0. 1) .5 (0 .2) .25 (O. l) Outdoor Ughtlng January 8, 2008 . City of Fort Worth Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATIN: Mr. ChrisHarder, P .E . . FREESE•NICHOLS RE : Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No. FTW05340 PCM-047, Chlorine Ammonia Panic Buttons & Fiber Optic at DSC Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's January 4, 2008 price proposal for the referenced extra work. The plant staff requested the panic buttons at the exit doors in the Chlorine and Ammonia Building .be connected to the plant SCADA system to provide additional safety protection. The CAT5E copper cable connecting electrical Switchboard DSC to the power management system needs to be changed to fiber optic cable due to the length of the installation exceeds CAT5E capabilities. The total cost of this extra work is $7,099.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested. We have reviewed this price proposal and are of the opinion that it is a fair and equitable price. We recommend the City accept this cost and issue a Change Order in the amount of $7,099.00 . No change in Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires all ·or part of this PCM be incorporated in a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC . # .t :!17 _,,.J G . E. Gay, P.E. Xe: Herman Franklin Danny Shannon Hadi Garakani file FTW05340.4 .41.047 L:\EMWIP\CHANGESIPCM 04 7 Chl orin e Ammonia Panic Buttons & Fiber Optic at DSC O 10808 RECMD ·, OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING January 4 , 2008 Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 ATTN: G .E .Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 PCM 047 -Chlorine Ammonia Panic Buttons & Fiber Optic at DSC Dear Mr. Gay: Oscar Renda Contracting is hereby submitting a price proposal for furnishing all labor, material and equipment to add double pole relays and wiring to each chlorine and ammonia alarm panel and to install fiber optic cable from DSC switchboard to FO PP #4 as described in PCM 04 7. Total for PCM 04 7 Detailed cost breakdown is attached for your review. Sincerely, ~t ,f-1C/~ Oscar'R.enda Contracting, Inc. Hadi Garakani $7,099 .00 522 BENSON LANE -ROINOKl TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FU 811A91.4413 www.1scarrendac1nuacun1.c1• LE1TER OF TRANSMITTAL ·· {Phue.1)·· ·· · TO : · Oscar Renda Contracting 522 Benson Lane Roanoke , Texas 76262 D Daily Construction Reports D Plans D Specifications D CMR No: D Addendum No . D PCM No . 047 D. Change Order No . 0 Fay Iwq. N.o. D Submittul D Use D Approval D Record Remarks .. D Review & Comment 0 Distribution to Parties D Other DISTRIBUTION NO SENT TO N SENT TO 0 . 1 Chris Harder nA~: December 20, 2007 _PROJECT: EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP 35 MGD EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJ. NO: Pl64-060164052003 F & N NO: FTW 05340 o RFINo. D Memo.No . D Field Order D Other D Information D Response DEPT REVIEW BY SENT !;,;:··,, ,,. RET=D. 1 · Herman Franklin· · . 1 · FTW ·05340.4.42.47 1 Danny Shannon R:\@CS\ADMIN\Construction Services WORD FORMS\AE FORMS\Correspondence\LETTER OF"TRANSMITTALdoc By~~~~~~~~~~ File FTW05340/4,41/047 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Citi of Fort Worth Pl64-060164052003 CONTRACTOR: Oscar Renda Contracting 05-2-23 ENC'INEER: CamE, Dr.ass.er, McKee, Inc 0515-4371.6 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Chlorine/Ammonia Building Panic Buttons PCM NO. 047 --And DSC PMCS Cable Change NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: .. The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. x. Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all. other cost .related to .this change and a rev:;ised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions or the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. By: #e.&~-~ Date: December 2 O, 2007 CONTRACTOR'S RES~NSE: We respond to your request as follows: D We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. D We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. D We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. D We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: Date: ACTION TAKEN: D Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By: Date: D Field Order issued: No. Date: By: D Change Order issued: No. Date: By: 1 I File FTW05340.4,41.047 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION FCM -047 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT:EAGLE MOUNTAIN WTP EXPANSION PHASE 3 PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: City of Fort Worth P164-060164052003 .CONTRACTOR: Oscar R®da· Contracting: 05-2-23 ENGINEER: Cam;e, Dresser, McKee, Inc 0515-43716 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER! Freese a·nd Nichols, Inc. FTW05340 PCM DESCRIPTION: Chlorine/Ammonia Building Panic Buttons PCM NO. 047 -- And DSC PMCS Cable Change The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. RE: Connect Chlorine and Anunonia Building, local panic push buttons to PLC 14. Change Power Management System cabling to switchboard DSC. 1. Sheet E-18; Modify PMCS riser diagram. Delete switchboard DSC fiber optic modem and install patch panel. Connect two PQMs to FOPP with patch cords. Change CAT 5 cable from switchboard DSC to PLC 2A/2B FOPP to three pair fiber optic cable. Install FOM in PLC 2A/2B and connect to EMP3-SWITCH- 005A. 2. Sheet EF-14, Schematic 1, Line 52; Change CR-A lP relay to a 2P relay. Add CR-A normally open contact to PLC 14. 3. Sheet EF-15, Schematic 1, Line 40; Change CR-A lP relay to a 2P relay. Add CR-A normally open contact to PLC 14. 4. Use spare wires or install two #14's from chlorine or ammonia leak detector panels to PLC 14 for each contact. Revise PLC 14 and Cimplicity database, pf:0~.f'-ammitig, afia gf-at,>Iiies· as iiefifi.ei:i iii cDM' s DeeernBet: 11, 2-007 n\eme, copy- attached. s. R~vise your record drawings as appropriate. By: ,0'. e,. £!~ ~ Date: December 20, 2007 2 .. Memorandum (Email) To: From: Date: Ted Gay Freese & Nichols Chad Bartruff CDM December 11, 2007 Subject: Eagle Mountain WTP Phase .Ill Expan.sioa Project . Chlorine/Ammonia Building -Panic Buttons As ·sirown: o11:sl'l~els EF-14 ru:'ld EF-1§ paiuc bmro1'03 ii'l:Sfall~tl in tl\e· cl\lb'Pifiif an d anffif'oi'lla areas provide local alarm only. The buttons are wired to the respective leak alarm panels and when depressed, activate a flashing beacon. To provide additional safety monitoring of the chlorine and ammonia areas FWWD has requested that activation of the panic buttons also provide an alarm at plant SCADA. Incorporation of this feature requires the following mod-ificiitil;.'ms t.o both-the Chlorine and-Ammonia., T.eak Alarm -Fa,Jlels; ~-·.·----····-...... ,.. __ , .... ____ ,. __ ··--·· -----··---·· ··----·-____ ..,.. _______ ... -····-----,.,._.-----.. -"':"" .- Connect 2 #14 wires to a spare contact associated with the CR-A relay in each leak panel Wire these to spare I/0 within PLC-14. If spare wires were not installed between the respective leak alarm panel and PLC-14, furnish 2 #14 for each contact and install the wire between the panel and the PLC in an existing conduit. Update plant programming to incorporate graphics and annunciation of the panic button alarms. SCADA indication and the required operator acknowledgement shall be provided similar to a chlorine or ammonia high concentration alarm. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these issues. cc: Chris Harder (FWWD) John Robinson (CDM) VI< Gupta (GAI) File: GS-7 .0 Chl-Amm_Panic_Buttons .doc PROJECT: OWNER: ENGINEER: CONST. MGR: CONTRACTOR: Description : COST CHANGE REQUEST Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant -Phase Ill City of Fort Worth Proj . No.: Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. Freese and Nichols , Inc. Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. Proj. No.: Proj . No.: Proj . No.: DATE: 4-Jan-08 PCM# 47 P164-060164052003 0515-43716 FTW05340 05-2-23 PCM 047 -Chlorine & Ammonia Building Panic Button/ Fiber opt ic at DSCt SUMMARY SHEET 1 MATERIAL Material Cost · Sales Tax Material Handling Cost Expendable Material TOTAL MATERIAL COST 2 LABOR Manhours Foreman Fringe Benefits Labor Cost Labor Burden Tool Replacement Cost TOTAL LABOR COST 3 EQUIPMENT COSTS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR COST 5 BOND/INSURANCE COST @ @ @ O@ O@ @ @ @ SUBTOTAL @ SUBTOTAL 6 OH IP (On Subcontractors ' Cost) 7 OH IP (On ORC Cost) @ @ CHANGE REQUEST TOTAL 8.25% 1.00% 0.50% $15.09 $23.00 $2 .50 48 .0% 2% 1.1% 10% 15% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $0.00 6,380.00 6,380.00 70 .18 6,450.18 638.00 10.53 7,098.71 SUBCONTRACTS WORKSHEET# 3 · SUBCONTRACTOR #1 Des ign Electric $6 ,380.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 TOTAL $6 ,380.00 · SUBCONTRACTOR #2 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 TOTAL $0 .00 SUBCONTRACTOR #3 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $0 .00 SUBCONTRACTOR #4 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 TOTAL $0 .00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL $6,380.00 DESIGN ELECTRIC To: Oscar Renda Contracting Project: Eagle Mountain WTP Plant 2650 Andjon 522. Benson Lane Phase Ill Exeansion P .O . Box 140855 Roanoke , Texas 76262 Contract: 23-16-010SUB Dallas, Texas 75220 Date: 1/4/2008 Office-214-357-5697 Fax-214-357-5794 CORN0.11 22 II REFERENCE : !PCM-47 !RFP: !CLARIFICATION: DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: $6,380.00 Prime Pricing per PCM-47. See attached Prime Sheet. Prime Controls Quote-$5 ,800.00 Markup-$580.00 Total-$6,380 .00 JUSTIFICATION FOR TIME EXTENSION: COR PREPARED BY: Jerry Bevers COR REVIEWED BY: COR DELIVERED TO : DATE OF DELIVERY : Hadi Garakani From: Brian Poarch [b.poarch@prime-controls.com) Sent: Wednesday, January 02 , 2008 2 :44 PM To: Jerry Bevers Cc: Hadi Garakani Subject: Eagle Mountain PCM-47 Jerry, our pricing for PCM -47 is as follows : Item 1. -Fiber Optic Cable from DCS Switchboard to FO PP #4 (Dwg. E17) 6-Strand MM Fiber Optic Cable -$1,715.00 Fiber Optic ST Connectors and accessories -$255 .00 (1) Fiber Optic Patch Panel -$135 .00 (3) Fiber Optic Patch Cables -$150 .00 (1) Fiber Optic Modem -$485 .00 Installation -$1,200.00 Termination -$600.00 Testing -$800.00 TOTAL : ........•.. $5,340 .00 Item 2. -Add double pole relays and wiring to each Chlorine & Ammonia Alarm Panel (2) Double Pole Relays with bases and misc w i ring accessories -$50.00 Installation and testing -$150.00 Documentation/ CAD -$260 .00 TOTAL : ........... $460 .00 · PCM-47 TOTAL PRICE: ................................... $5,800.00 Please let me know if you need anything else . Regards, Brian Poarch PRIME CONTROLS , LP 214-405-7519 1/3 /200 8 rage 1 or 1 Hadi Garakani From: Gary Waters [waters@hsq.com] Sent: Friday, January 04, 20084:16 PM To: Hadi Garakani ; jerryb@designelectric .com ; 'Brian Poarch ' Cc: 'Chad Kunkel'; Charlie Briscoe ; fbbdesign@yahoo .com ; Brad Needham Subject: RE: EMWTP -PCM0 4 7 Had i, HSQ has assigned the following two points to PLC 14 . We w ill comp lete the work here at HSQ today. Th ere will be no additional cost from HSQ . I will talk With FWWD ne xt week and ask them to define the two points on t he actu al C im pli city System at Eagle Mountai n and then transfer the rev ised graphic . I Drop Slot Point I # # # i I 2 7 11 I 2 7 12 Gary Waters Support Eng ineer HSQ Technology , 26227 Research Road. Hayward , CA 94545 Tel. (510) 259-3762 Fax. (510)259-1391 Point GE Type Address DI %100 0 75 DI %100076 waters@hsq .com I http ://www.hsq .c om Mis.e r Device Eq uipment Loop - Addres s Tag Un it Area ,. 75 YA Y A -12 160 12160 CL2 ROOM 76 Y A YA-12260 12260 NH3 ROOM '! ,. ·• January 14, 2008 City of Fort Worth FREESE•NICHOLS Water Engineering Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76101 ATIN: Mr. Chris Harder, P .E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 F&N No . FIW05340 Time Extension Request Dear Mr. Harder: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Oscar Renda's January 14, 2008 letter requesting time extensions for substantial and final completion activities specified in Special Condition D-15. We recommend the Fort Worth Water Department grant time extensions for substantial completion activities required by Change Order #3 as summarized below. Milestone Date Required by Date Achieved C0#3 Install NS3 Hillh Service Pump 7/4/07 7/4/07 Co .. ,~. Manual Trea1ment 17.5 MGD 7/4/07 8/3/07 Treat 35 MGD using new Chlorine Facilities 8/1/07 8/10/07 All Hin Service Pumps Operational 8/10/07 10/5/07 Complete FDT 9/1/07 12/15/07 We recommend the Fort Worth Water Department grant a 147 calendar day time extension to final completion. This will make final completion required by March 1, 2008 . Please advise your concurrence and if these changes to the contract times should be included in a change order. Sincerely, · FREESE AND NICHOLS , INC . .d. {,,. ~---- G .E. Gay~ P.EO Xe: Herman Franklin Russ Pior Danny Shannon Bob Pence ~;;"'"' Fi1 e J £!ffl.~·{€liiil6~i1tt:· ~~.~ . ..; ~~0~~~t1..K ~ "'~ ·· ·' L:EMW1PPHASE 3EXPANS10N\ LETI'ERS\FWWD\ Time Extension Request 011408 .. ;,.• ' .. ,• ,' · . 'I . : .... ,7 .... : 'tdSCIR RENDA . ~--CONTRACTING .. ."" .•. ·:··.:· .···· January 14, 2008 Free~e & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza: Fort Worth, TX76109 . AITN: . G.E.Gay, P.E. RE: Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plarit Phase 3 Expansion Project No. P164-060164052003 Time Extension Request Dear Mr. Gay: Please consider this letter Oscar Renda Contracting's formal request for an extension of Time on the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase 3 Expansion. this request is made due to the schedule delays caused by excessive rain events · during the spring and summer of 2007 (see CMR-10), equipment manufacturing delays and extra work activities by previously approved Proposed Contract Modifications (PCM). Substantial Completion date of 9/1/07 (as required by Change Order No. 3) was officially achieved on 12/15/07. At this time, the projected date of contract's Final Completion is March 1, 2008. If any other information is required, please advise. Renda Contracting, Inc . -arakani 522 'BENSON UNE -ROANOKE, TEXAS 16262 -811A91.2103 -FU 811A91.4483 www.1scarrendac1ntracunu.c1m Pag e 1 of 2 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 3/25/2008 DATE: Tuesday , March 25, 2008 LOG NAME: 60EAGLE MTN C05 SUBJECT: REFERENCE NO.: C-22734 Authorize Execution of Change Order No . 5 to City Secretary Contract No. 32569 with Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc., for Construction of the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase Ill 35 MGD Expansion Project RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order No . 5 to City Secretary Contract No. 32569 with Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc ., in the amount of $115 ,351 .00 , thereby increasing the amount to $43 ,922,598.63 for the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase Ill 35 MGD Expansion Project. DISCUSSION: On October 25th , 2005 , (M&C C-21110) the City Counci l authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc. for the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Phase Ill 35 MGD Expansion . This project consists of the installation of a new screening , ozonation , flocculation , sedimentation , filtration facilities and a new high service pump station. On May 2nd , 2006 , Change Order No. 1 was authorized by the City Manager in the amount of $19 ,889.00. On April 10 , 2007 , (M&C C-22056) Change Order No . 2 was authorized by City Council in the amount of $48 ,135.00. Change Orders No . 1 and No. 2 cons isted of modifications and improvements to the existing HVAC system at the Eag le Mounta i n WTP . No cost Change Order No . 3 , authorized by the City Manager, consisted of revision and breakout of specific milestone substantial completion tasks required to meet summer 2007 demands. Change Order No . 4 , authorized by the City Manager in the amount of $24 ,323.63 , consisted of miscellaneous items identified during the course of construction by the engineer, construction manager, plant staff and contractor requir ing modification . Change Order No . 5 cons ists of additional miscellaneous items identified during the course of the project requiring modification. In addition , due to excessive rain during the spring/summer 2007 as well as equipment supplier delays , change order No . 5 extends the Substantial Completion to December 15 , 2007 and the Final Completion date to March 1, 2008 . Staff anticipates a final change order to be processed establishing April 1, 2008 as the Final Completion date for the contractor to complete final punch list items associated with the project. The project was substantially complete on December 15 , 2007 . Staff considers the proposed change order amount and add itional time to be fair and reasonable and recommends approval. h ttp :// a pps . cfwnet. org / counc il _pack et/Reports/me _print.asp 4/24/200 8 Page 2 of 2 This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 7. Oscar Renda Contracting , Inc ., is in compliance with the City 's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 9 percent M/WBE participation on this Change Order No . 5. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget , as appropriated , of the Water Capital Projects Fund. TO Fund/Account/Centers Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: FROM Fund/Account/Centers P164 541200 060164052002 $115,351 .00 Fernando Costa (8476) S. Frank Crumb (8207) Chris Harder (871-8293) http://apps.cfwnet.org/council _packet/Reports/me _print.asp 4/24/2008