HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2195 MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TFIE IWIZE LANCE OF THE PORTION OF U. S. HIGMY NO. SO IN THE CITY OF Fort WORK Fran WD T AS MUVI-PAL AUTHORIZING ME MAYOR OF THE CITY, OR OTHER AUTFMUZED CITY OFFICIAL, TO EXECUTE AND AFFIX THE CORPORATE SEAL AND ATTEST SAME, A CERTAIN AGREE11ENT BBVTFJ NM CITY AND THE STATE OF TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR ME ULUTENANCE .AND USE OF THE SAID MAINTENANCE PROJECT; AND DE* CLA1dNG AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHOULD BE EFFECTIVU FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE. IRMIEAS, the Public convenience, safety and necessity or the City, and the people of the City require that the portion of U.S. Highway No. 80 from the West Cit of Fort Worth on Cam Dosie Boulevard and Lancaster Avenue to SUMMIt Avenue; also ME portion of HigMmy No. go from rgin a venue on Lancaster Venue otie FAst city Limits e a equate y maintained- Since the existing street constitutes a danger and serious inconvenience to the1 public which is urgently required to be ranedied; and WHEREAS, the City has requested that the State of Texas, enter upon and contribute financially to the maintenance or said project; and SAS, the State of Texas has ma de it known to the City that tt will, with its own forces and equipment and at its Bole cost and expense, enter upon and maintain said project. NOR, TSEBEF0IE, BE IT t7t" S+TRD ry the City Couaoil of tk* CIA of Fort Worth -0 4- SECTION 1. That since the public convenience, safety and necessity of the City and the people of the City require said project be adequately maintained. SECTION 2. That the State of Texas be and 3.s hereby authorized to enter upon and maintain said maintenance project. SECTIOM,T 3. That the Mayor, or proper City official, of the city, be and is hereby authorized to execute ror and on beHalf of the City an agreement with the State of Texas, in accordance with and for the purpose of carryint out the terms and provisions or this order, in the form attached hereto and marked "MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE AGREE MT". The City Secretary is hereby directed to attest the agreement and to affix the proper seal of the City kereto. SECTIO ff 4. The Mayor of the City, having requested in writing that this ordinance take effect forthwith and there being in fact an emergency aad impersitive necessity that the work herein provided for be begun and carried out pranptly and with expedition and that the agreement afore- said shall be imediately made, executed and delivered tothe end that such work herein provided for may be begin and carried out promptly and with expedition. The reading of the ordinance on three several dRys is hereby dfispensed with and the same shall be in rull force and effect from and arter its passage. 10-43-1084 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF J.&Tru.n.t.-......... E. S. Birdsong I.1 ...... . ......I--.- ........11--........... ............ the duly appointed., qualified and acting city secretary of the City of .,JP.tMt W ............- I....... Texan, hereby certify that the, foregoing pages constitute a true and correct copy of an ordinance duly ad by the City Council at a meeting held on J 1944 .......... A.D. ... at o'clock,,+ 11. To certify which, "tness my hand and seal of the City of. Fort Worth ................ TEXAS: this due day 19... 4... at ... Texas. City Secretary of tiQe Cif of Fo rt. ............ ....Texas Ordinance (Highway Projects) 6-40-2673 3