HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35378CITY SECR~TArrf '1 ' ' > • '1 • 0.0.E. FILE · SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR'S BONDING G9JNTRAC:~gCUMENTS CITY .~E ~l:TARY 35 31 CON I RACT NO. _.;;...;;; __ lll'i::..s CONSTRUCTION'S COPY FOR CUEMT ~f~ART.4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Cla1remont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave. Contract No. 36 PROJECT NO. 00295 D.O.E. No. 5138 UNIT 1: WATER IMPROVEMENTS WATER PROJECT No. P253 541200 60817 00295 WATER DEPARTMENT FILE No. X-19321 UNIT 2: SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SEWER PROJECT No. P258 541200 70817 00295 WATER DEPARTMENT FILE No. -19321 CHARLES R. BOSWELL City Manager UNIT 3: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS T/PW No. C200 541200 20840 00295 T/PW FILE No. K -1931 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS October 2006 A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER, P.E. MIKE MONCRIEF Mayor DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ~,,,~ ---lOF i.''\\ ~~ ......... .f-t-t}•, ROBERT D . GOODE, P.E. ;'-,, .•.. ··· * ···· ... * t1 DIRECTOR, TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPAf..'!',~! •........ \ ~ .\ ~ KONSTANTINE BAKINTAS 'I. S. FRANK CRUMB, P.E . DIRECTOR, WATER DEPARTMENT Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. 6300 Ridglea Place, Suite 700 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Tel (817) 338-1277, Fax (817) 338-9245 "I. ............... -~ ~ -o ·. 67022 : ,._,, ,, A',·.. _: ,-:,..,,, l."b ·. ~ <> .· ,:v,., ~. rG,stE~~--· ~"V-.. .• ~- \\\: (J • • I -~, ADDENDUM NO. I to the General Contract Documents & Sp ecifications 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138, Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave.) Addendum No. 1 Issued: December st\ 2006 Bid Opening: December 21 '\ 2006 POSTPONED TO - Thursday, January llt\ 2007 This Addendum, forms part of the General Contract Documents & Sp ecifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original General Contract Documents & Specifications . Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the spaces provided below, in the proposal and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of the Bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification . The plans and specification documents are hereby revi sed by this addendum as follows: GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & SPECIFICATIONS: 1-PART A-Notice to Bidders, and Comprehensive Notice to Bidders 1. Pre-Bid Conference: Postponed from December s•h to Tue sday , December 19th 2006. A pre- bid conference will be held on Tuesday, December 19th, 2006 in the T/PW conference room 270 at 11 :30 a.m . 2 . Bid Date Postponed from December 21 st to Thursday, January 11th 2007 . Bids will be received at the Purchasing Office until I :30 p.m . Thursday January 11th 2007, and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2 :00 p .m., in the Council chambers . A signed copy of this Addendum No . I should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification . ADDENDUM NO. I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : Address : r.0. Q,o,c 1:'\~e,o State: °\)(, Telephone#: '81 ::J. · 9 lf".f -?'D~ b A Douglas Rademaker, P .E . Director, Dept. of Engineering Addendum No. I, Page I ADDENDUM NO. 2 to the General Contract Documents & Specifications 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENfS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138, Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave.) Addendum No. 1 Issued: December 5th, 2006 Addendum No . 2 Issued: January 3'd, 2007 Bid Opening January 11th' 2007 Clarification, Modification, and Addition of Items to Bid Proposal This Addendum, forms part of the General Contract Documents & Specifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original General Contract Documents & Specifications . Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the spaces provided below, in the proposal and aclmowledge receipt on the outer envelope of the Bid. Failure to aclmowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification . The plans and specification documents are hereby revised by this addendum as follows: GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & SPECIFICATIONS: 1-PART B-Proposal 1. Replace Entire Bid Proposal Pages, With The Enclosed Bid Proposal Pages Dated (1-03-07): Items which were Modified or Added include : Page 2-Item: 4 Page 10-Items : 2 & 3 Page 12-Item: 12 Page 13-Item ~ 21 Page 16-Items : 36 to 41 A signed copy of this Addendum No . 2 should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification. ADDENDUM NO. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: B~~• .a_ Company: ~'JB:'&\\..E. + \.Jh,.,.t{ l,J.~. Address : P. 0 . Bo .X ~C\ ~ 8 0 City: SA G\\,46: \J State: IX Telephone#: ~ \ -\::-B 4':3: -Z.D 'ob A . Douglas Rademaker, P.E. Director, Dept. of Engineering Addendum No. 2, Page I JAN .10 '2007 14 :29 81 73 389245 ? ~ Bai r d Hampton & Brown ADDENDUM NO. 3 · to the General Contract Documents & Specifications 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138, Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Pano1a St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave.) Addendum No . 1 Issued: December 5th, 2006 Addendum No . 2 Issued: January 3rd, 2007 Addendum No. 3 Issued: January 10, 2007 Bid Opening January 11, 2007 Postponed to - Thursday January 25t 2007 #17,-85 P . 0 ~ 1 ' This Addendum, forms part of the General Contract Documents & Specifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original General Contract Documents & Specifications. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the spaces provided below, in the proposal and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of the Bid . Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification. The p lans and specification documents are hereby revised hy this addendum as follows: GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & SPECIFICATIONS: 1-Part A-Notice to Bidders and Comprehensive Notice to Bidders 1. Bid Date Postponed from January 11th to Thursday, January 25th 2007 . Bids will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1 :30 p.m. Thursday January 25th 2007, and then publicly opened and read a1oud at 2 :00 p .m., in the Council chambers . 2-PART B-Proposal 1. Replace Entire Bid Proposal Pages, With The Enclosed Bid Proposal Pages Dated: (1-10-07): Page 15-Item: 34, (Specify 3600 psi Concrete) Page 16-Add: Item 42: 92 L.F. Permanent Asphalt Repair for Storm Drain Improvements A signed copy of this Addendum No. 3 should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal . Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification. ADDENDUM NO. 3 ACKNOWLEDGE:MENT : ii "z;:!l 4-J._e.. Company:::;$~\-.E,. s\: \J, MrJ Address : P.O. -io ;o +C\ ~~'O State : :CX Telephone #: Pl\ ::J. -~ 4 -1 -2o ~ ~ A. Douglas Rademaker, P.E. Director, Dept of Engineering Approved~~ b J.sephBergeron: Addendum No, 3, Page l Jan 24 200 7 s -44AM ,. Baird , Hampton r.26 Brown ADDENDUM NO. 4 to the 8172518810 < • General Contract Documents & Specifications 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138, Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave.) Addendum No. 1 Issued: Decembers~. 2006 Addendum. No. 2 Issued: January 3rd, 2007 Addendum No. 3 Issued: Januacy 10, 2007 Addendum No . 4 Issued: January 24, 2007 Bid Opening January :25, 2007 -Postponed to - Thursday February 81\ 2007 Ibis Addendum. forms part of the General Contract Documents & Specifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original General Contract Documents & Specmcations. Bidder shall aclmowledge receipt of this addendum :in the spaces provided below, in the proposal and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of the Bid. Failure to acknowledjj;e receipt of this addendum could subject the bidci8r to disqualification. The plans and specification documents are beceby revised by this addendum as follows: GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & SPEClFICATIONS: 1-Part A-Noti~e to Bidders and Comprehensive Notice to Bidders l. Bid Date Postponed from January 2s• to Thursday, February glh 2007. Bicls will be received at the Purchasing Office until I :3 0 p.m. Thursday February 81h. 2007. and then publicly opened SDd read aloud at 2:00 p.m ., in the Council chambers. 2-PART B-Proposal 2 . Another Addendum, Addendum No. 5 Will be Issued Monday, January 29th and Will Replace the Bid Proposal Pages, with Revised Proposal Pages Deleting Sanitary Sewer Lateral 1608 (Shown on Drawing Sheet 7.01 & 7.02) from Project. A signed copy of this Addendum No. 4 should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification. ADDENDUM NO. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ~44-=a. Company: $,rsQ.\ \..L r \,..Ju.,>.rJ 1 \y C..., State: T)(, Telephone #: e, \ ':I-" 8 4 =J. -'Z...O 'l I@:, A. Do1J8las RademaJcer, P.E. Director, Dept. of Engineering Addendum No. 4, Page 1 of l p. 1 Feb 05 20 0 7 L0-:07 AM Baird, Hampton r.26 Brown f' ADDENDUM NO. S to the:: 8172518810 • General Contract Documents & Specincations 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138, Clairemont Ave. (Hawlet St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave.) Addendum No . 1 Issued: December 5th, 2006 Addendum No. 2 Issued: January 3n1, 2007 Addendum No. 3 Issued: January 10, 2007 Addendum No. 4 Issued: January 24, 2007 Addendum No. 5 Issued: February 5, 2007 Bid Opening Thunday February 81 -'\ 2007 ~ .. This Addendum, forms part of the General Contract Doc:uments & Specifications for the 11.bove refer-enccd Project and modifies the original General Contract Documents & Specifications. Bidder shall aclcnowledge receipt of th.is addendum in the spaces provided below, in the proposal and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of the Bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification. The plans and specification documents are hereby revised by 1his addendum as follows: GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & SPECffiCATIONS: l -Bid Opening Is Scheduled for Thursday, February 81h 2007 at 2 :00pm :Z -PART B-Proposal Replace the Bid Proposal Pages, with the enclosed Revised Proposal Pages Deleting Sanitary Sewer Lateral 1608 (Shown on Drawing Sheet 7 .01 & 7.02) from Project. 3-PARTB-Proposal Add Pay Item No. 43, ''Removal ofExisting Concrete Pavement with Asphalt Overlay", Per Square Yard. Refer to Boring No. B-6 in the Geotechnical Investigations Report .. A signed copy of this Addendum No. 5 should be included in the sealed b id envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification. ADDENDUM NO. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Address : P.O. ~O)d +~3&-0 state: Tx, Telephone #: 'e I ~ -8 'I =I--Z..O 8 E:, A. Douglas Rademaker, P.E. Director, Dept. ofEnginecring Addendum No. S, Page l p. 1 . ' SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave . to Beverly Ave. Contract No. 36 PROJECT No. 00295 D.O .E. No. 5138 UNIT 1: WATER IMPROVEMENTS WATER PROJECT No. P253 541200 60817 00295 WATER DEPARTMENT FILE No. X-19321 UNIT 2 : SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SEWER PROJECT No. P258 541200 70817 00295 WATER DEPARTMENT FILE No. X-19321 CHARLES R. BOSWELL City Manager UNIT 3: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS T/PW No. C200 541200 20840 00295 T/PW FILE No. K-1931 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS October 2006 S . FRANK CRUMB , P.E. DIRECTOR, WATER DEPARTMENT Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. 6300 Ridglea Place , Suite 700 Fort Worth, Texas 76 102 Tel (817) 338-1277 , Fax (817 ) 338 -9245 MIKE MONCRIEF Mayor TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138 , Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave.) PART A NOTICE TO BIDDERS COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE PREVAILING WAGE RATE (T & PW & WTR) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO B IDDERS (T & PW Dept.) -BLUE- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO B IDDERS (Water Dept.) -Green - PARTB PROPOSAL MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS -PINK- CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE W ITH WORKER 'S COMPENSATION LAW PARTC GENERAL CONDITIONS (WATER DEPT.) -YELLOW- SECTION C-1 ; SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO SECTION C -WHITE- PART D PART E PARTF SPECIAL CONDITIONS (WATER DEPT.)-GREEN- SPECIAL PROVISIONS (T & PW DEPT .)-WHITE- SPECIFICATIONS : REFER TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION CITY OF FORT WORTH (T & PW DEPT.) SPECIFICATIONS : REFER TO GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER DEPT . PROJECTS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PERFORMANCE BOND PAYMENT BOND MAINTENANCE BOND PARTG CONTRACT (T & PW DEPT.) CONTRACT (WATER DEPT .) APPENDICES APPENDIX A-STANDARD C ITY OF FORT WORTH DETAILS APPENDIX B -TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENTS APPENDIX C -GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY-CONTRACT 36 ADDENDUM TO REPORT 110-06-15 - - - PART A NOTICE TO BIDDERS COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE PREVAILING WAGE RA TE (T &PW & WTR) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ( T & PW Dept.)-Blue- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ( Water Dept .• )-Green- NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the following: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138, Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave.) For The Construction of: UNIT 1: WATER IMPROVEMENTS Water No. P253 541200 60817 00295 UNIT 2: SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Sewer No. P258 541200 70817 00295 UNIT 3: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS T/PW No. C200 541200 20840 00295 Addressed to Mr. Charles R. Boswell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1 :30 p.m. Thursday December 21, 2006, and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m., in the Council chambers. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building , 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth , Texas. One (1) or more sets of plans and documents may be purchased on a non-refundable basis for Fifty Dollars ($50 .00) per set. A pre-bid conference will be held on Tuesday , December 5, 2006 in the T/PW conference room 270 at 11 :30 a.m . Bidders shall not separate, detach or remove any portion , segment or sheets from the contract at any time . Bidders must submit the complete specifications book or risk rejection of bid. The water and sanitary sewer improvements included in this project must be performed by a contractor who is pre-qualified by the Water Department at the time of bid opening . The procedures for pre- qualification are outlined in the "Special Instructions to Bidders (Water Department)". For additional information , please contact Mr. Joseph Bergeron, P.E. at (817) 392-2384, or Mr. Konstantine Bakintas , P.E. at (817) 338-1277 . The major work will consist of approximately the following: 3,809 L.F. 854 L.F. 14,672 SY 8,800 L.F. Advertising Dates: November 16, 2006 November 30, 2006 8" Water Line and Appurtenances 8" Sanitary Sewer, Manholes and Appurtenances 7 . 5" Concrete Pavement Attached Concrete Curb NTB-1 COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the furnishing of all labor, materials , serv ices and equ ipment necessary in providing a completely constructed project identified as: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138, Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave .), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave . to Beverly Ave. Water No. : P253 541200 60817 00295 Sewer No.: P258 541200 70817 00295 T/PW No. : C200 541200 20840 00295 Addressed to Mr. Charles R. Boswell , City Manager of the City of Fort Worth , Texas , will be rece ived at the Purchasing Office until 1 :30 p.m . December 21, 2006 , and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2 :00 p.m ., in the Council chambers. Plans , Specifications and Contract Documents for this proj ect may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering , Municipal Office Bu ilding, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth , Texas. One (1) or more sets of plans and documents may be purchased , on a non -refundable basis, for Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per set. All b idders w ill be required to comply w ith Provis ion 5159a of "Vernon 's Annotated C ivil Statutes" of the State of Texas w ith respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates and City Ordinance No. 7278 , as amended to C ity Ordinance No. 7400 (Fort worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 12-A-29), prohibiting d iscrimination in employment practices . A pre-bid conference will be held on December 5 , 2006 in the T/PW conference room 270 at 11 :30 a.m . Bid security is required in accordance with the Special Instruction to Bidders . The major work on the above-referenced project shall consist of approximately the following : 3 ,809 L.F . 8" Water Line and Appurtenances 854 L.F . 8" Sanitary Sewer, Manholes and Appurtenances 14 ,672 SY 7 .5" Concrete pavement 8 ,800 L.F . Attached Concrete Curb Included in the above wi ll be all other miscellaneous items of construction as outl ined in the Plans and Specifications . The improvements included in this project must be performed by a contractor who is pre-qualified by the Water Department at the time of the bid opening . The Procedures for pre-qualification are outlined in the "Special Instructions to Bidders (Water Department)". CNTB-1 Bidders, shall, if applicable , identify on the last page of the proposal section, the pre-qualified subcontractors who shall install the water and/or sanitary sewer facilities . Failure to list a sub-contractor who is pre-qualified by the Water Department shall result in the rejection of the bid as non-responsive. Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents and acknowledging receipt of the addenda by initialing the appropriate spaces on the Proposal form . Bids that do not acknowledge receipt of all addenda may be rejected as being non-responsive. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the Department of Engineering at (817) 392-7910. Bidders shall not separate or remove any portion, segment or sheets from the contract document at any time. Bidders shall submit compl~te book or risk rejection of bid. SUBMISSION OF BIDS: Only one (1) contract will be awarded for the project which includes Units I, II and Ill based on the lowest total amount. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all formalities . AWARD OF CONTRACT: No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date bids are opened . The award of contract, if made , will be within ninety (90) days after the opening of bids, but in no case will the award be made until all the necessary investigations are made as to the responsibility of the bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract. In accordance with the City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM , and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("Documentation"}, as appropriate. The Documentation must be received by the contracting department no later than 5 :00 p .m ., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the contracting department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the Documentation was received by the City. The Managing Department for this project is the Department of Engineering . For additional information, please contact Mr. Joseph Bergeron, P.E. at (817) 392-2384 or Mr. Konstantine Bakintas , P.E. at (817) 338-1277 . CHARLES R. BOSWELL CITY MANAGER ADVERTISING DATES: November 16, 2006 November 30 , 2006 MARTY HENDRIX CITY SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER, P.E., DIRECTOR By : _____________ _ Dena Johnson , P.E., Manager, Consulting Services CNTB-2 CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT Pursuant to Chapter 17 6 of the Local Government Code, any person or agent of a person who contracts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services with a local governmental entity (i.e. The City of Fort Worth) must disclose in the Questionnaire Form CIQ ("Questionnaire") the person's affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest with the local governmental entity. By law, the Questionnaire must be filed with the Fort Worth City Secretary no later than seven-days after the date the person begins contract discussions or negotiations with the City, or submits an application or response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or another writing related to a potential agreement with the City. Updated Questionnaires must be filed in conformance with Chapter 176. A copy of the Questionnaire Form CIQ is enclosed with the submittal documents. The form is also available at http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/CIQ.pdf. If you have any questions about compliance, please consult your own legal counsel. Compliance is the individual responsibility of each person or agent of a person who is subject to the filing requirement. An offense under Chapter 176 is a Class C misdemeanor. CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with chapter 176 of the Local Government Code by a person doing business with the governmental entity. By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government not later than the 7th business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed . See Section 176.006, Local Government Code. A person commits an offense if the person violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. ~ Name of person doing business with local governmental entity. D Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. FORM CIQ OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate fil ing authority not later than September 1 of the year for which an activity described in Section 176 .006(a), Local Government Code, is pending and not later than the 7th business day after the date the originally filed questionna ire becomes incomplete or inaccurate .) ~ Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee or contractor of the local governmental entity who makes recommendations to a local government officer of the local governmental entity with respect to expenditure of money. ~ Describe each affiliation or business relationship with a person who is a local government officer and who appoints or employs a local government officer of the local governmental entity that is the subject of this questionnaire. Amended 01/13/200 6 .., \ # ,·, 5 6 7 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity FORM CIQ Page 2 Name of local government officer with whom filer has affilitation or business relationship. (Complete this section only if the answer to A, B, or C is YES.) This section, item 5 including subparts A, B, C & D, must be completed for each officer with whom the filer has affiliation or business relationship. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income from the filer of the questionnaire? Oves [2fNo B. Is the filer of the questionnaire receiving or likely to receive taxable income from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not from the local governmental entity? Dves [2fNo C. Is the filer of this questionnaire affiliated with a corporation or other business entity that the local go ve rnment officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownersh ip of 10 percent or more? Oves ~o D. Describe each affiliation or business relationship . Describe any other affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest. of person doing business with the governmental entity Date Amended 01/13/2 006 Classifications Hrly Rts Classifications Hrly Rts Air Tool Operator $10 .06 Scraper Operator $11.42 Asphalt Raker $11 .01 Servicer $12 .32 Asphalt Shoveler $8.80 Slip Form Machine Operator $12 .33 Asphalt Distributor Operator $13.99 Spreader Box Operator $10 .92 Asphalt Paving Machine Operator $12 .78 Tractor operator, Crawler Type $12 .60 Batching Plant Weigher $14 .15 Tractor operator, Pneumatic $12.91 Broom or Sweeper Operator $9.88 Traveling Mixer Operator $12 .03 Bulldozer operator $13 .22 Truck Driver-Sing le Axle (Light) $10.91 Carpenter (Rough) $12 .80 Truck Driver-Single Axle (Heavy) $11 .47 Concrete Fin isher-Paving $12 .85 Truck Driver-Tandem Axle Semi-Tra iler $11 .75 Concrete Finisher -Structures $13 .27 Truck Driver-Lowboy/Float $14 .93 Concrete Paving Curbing Mach . Oper. $12 .00 Truck Driver-Transit Mix $12 .08 Concrete Paving Finishing Mach . Oper. $13 .63 Wagon Drill , Boring Machine , Post Hole Driller $14 .00 Concrete Paving Joint Sealer Oper. $12 .50 Welder $13.57 Concrete Paving Saw Oper. $13.56 Work Zone Barricade Servicer $10 .09 Concrete Paving Spreader Oper. $14.50 Concrete Rubber $10.61 Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick, Dragline , Shovel $14.12 Electrician $18.12 Flagger $8.43 Form Builder-Structures $11.63 Form Setter-Paving & Curbs $11 .83 Foundation Drill Operator, Crawler Mounted $13 .67 Foundation Drill Operator, Truck Mounted $16 .30 Front End Loader $12 .62 Laborer-Common $9 .18 Laborer-Utility $10 .65 Mechanic $16 .97 Milling Machine Operator, Fine Grade $11 .83 Mixer Operator $11.58 Motor Grader Operator (Fine Grade) $15.20 Motor Grader Operator, Rough Oiler $14 .50 Painter, Structures $13 .17 Pavement Marking Machine Oper. $10.04 Pipe Layer $11 .04 Roller, Steel Wheel Plant-Mix Pavements $11 .28 Roller, Steel Wheel Other Flatwheel or Tamping $10 .92 Roller, Pneumatic, Self-Propelled Scraper $11 .07 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Paving) $14.86 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Structure) $16.29 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS (TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS) I. BID SECURITY : Cashier's check or an acceptable bidder's bond payable to the City of Fort Worth , in an amount of not less than five (5%) per cent of the total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid , and is subject to forfeit in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the contract documents within ten ( I 0) days after the contract has been awarded . To be an acceptable surety on the bid bond , the surety must be authori zed to do bus in ess in the state of Texas. In addition , the surety must ( 1) hold a certificate of authority fr om th e U nti ed Stat es se cretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or requi re d und er fe deral law; or (2 ) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in ex cess of $100 ,000 from a rein surer th at is authori zed and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a c~rtificate of authori ty from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to quali fy as a surety on obli gations pennitted or requ ir ed under federal law . Satisfactory proof of an y such re in suranc e shall be provided to th e City up on requ es t. The City, in its sole discretion , will detennine'the adequac y of th e proofrequ ired herei n. 2. PAYMENT, PERFORMANCE AND M AI NTENA NCE BOND S : T he succ ess ful bidd er entering into a contract for the work will be requ ired to g iv e th e C ity surety in a sum equ a l to the amount of the contract awarded. In thi s conne ction , th e success ful b idd er sh a ll be re qu ired to furni sh a perfo rmance bond and a paym {\nt bond , both in a sum eq ua l to th e amount of th e contract awarded. Th e form of the bond shall be as herein pro v id ed and the surety sha ll be acceptable to the C ity . A ll bond s furnished hereund er shall meet the requirements of Chapter 2253 , Texas Governme nt Code. In order fo r a surety to be acce ptable to the City, the surety mu st (1) hold a certificate of au th ority from th e Untied State s secretary of the treasury to qua lify as a surety on obligations permitted or req uired und er federal law ; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for an y liability in excess of $100 ,000 from a rein s urer th at is auth ori zed and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the ho lder of a certificate of authori ty fro m the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligation s permitted or requ ire d under federa l law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance sha ll be prov ided to th e C ity up on request. Th e C ity , in its sole discretio n, will detennine the adequacy of the proof required herein. The City w ill ac cept no suret ies who are in default or delinq uen t on any bonds or who have an interes t in any litigation again st the City . Shou ld any surety on th e contract be determined unsatisfactory at any tim e by the City , notice will be given to the contractor to that effect and the contrac tor shall imm ed iate ly pro v id e a new sur ety satisfactory to the City. If the contract amount is in excess of $25,000 , a Payme nt Bond shall be execute d, in the am ount of the contract , sol ely for the protection of all claim ants s uppl y in g labo r and materia ls in the prosec ution of th e wo rk . If the co ntract amo unt is in excess of$ I 00 ,000 , a Perform ance Bond shall be exec uted , in the am ount of the contract cond it ioned on the faithful performance of the work in acco rda nce with the p lan s , spec ific ations , and contract documents . Said bon d shall so lely be for the prot ec ti on of the City of Fort Wo rth . All co ntract s sha ll require a maintenance bond in the amo unt of one h undred percent ( I 00%) of th e orig in al contrac t amount to guarantee the work fo r a period of two (2) years after the da te of accep tance of the project fr om defects in workmanship and/or material. 09/0 1/04 3. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The Contractor 's attention is called to Part 1, Item 8, paragraph 8 .6 , of the "General Provi sions" of the Standard Specifications for Construction of the City of Fort Worth , Texas, concerning liquid at ed dam age s for late completion of projects. 4 . AMBIGUITY: In case of ambiguity or lack of cl earnes s in stating price s in th e proposal , the City reserves the right to adopt th e mo st advantageous construction thereof to the Ci ty or to reject the proposal. 5 . EMPLOYMENT: All bidders will b e required t o comply with Ci ty Ordinance No. 72 78 as amended by City Ordinan ce No . 7400 (Fort Worth City Co de Sec tio n 13-A-2 1 through 13-a-29) prohibiting di scrimination in employm ent practi ces. 6. WAGE RA TES: Section 8 .8 of th e Standard Specifications for Stree t and Storm Drain Construction is deleted and replac ed with th e follo win g: (a) The contractor sha ll c omply wi th all re quirements of Chap ter 225 8, T exas Go vernment Cod e, including the paym ent of not less th an the rate s determin ed by th e Ci ty Coun c il of th e City o f Fort Worth to be the preva il ing wage ra tes in ac cordan ce with Chapter 22 58 , Texas Gov ernment Cod e. Such prevailing wage rates are inc luded in th ese contract docum ents. (b) Th e contractor sh all , fo r a period of three (3) years fo ll owin g the ·date of acce ptan ce of the work, mainta in records th at show (i) th e name and occup ati on of each wo rk er employed by th e contra ctor in th e con struct ion of the work provided for in thi s co ntra ct; and (ii) the ac tu al per di em wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at a ll reasonab le hours for inspection by the C ity. The provi si on s of the special provision ti tl ed "Right to Au dit" pertain to this in spectio n . (c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its sub co ntrac tors to comp ly with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. (d) With eac h pmtial payment estimate or payroll period, wh ichever is less, an affi davi t stating that the contractor has compl ied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. (e) The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. Section 8.9 of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction is hereby deleted. 7. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A cunent ce1tified financial stateme nt may be required by the Departmen t of Engi neering ifreq uired for use by the CITY OF FORT WORTH in determ in in g th e successfu l bidder. This state ment, if req u ired, is to be prepared by an independent Pu bl ic Accoun tant ho ldi ng a va lid permit iss ued by an appropriate State Licensing Agency. 8. INSURANCE: Within ten(] 0) days ofreceipt of notice of award of contract, th e Co ntr actor must prov id e, along with executed contract documents and appropriate bonds , proof of in su ranc e fo r W or ker's Co mp ensation and Co mprehensive General Liability (Bo di ly Injury-$50 0 ,0 00 eac h person, $ I ,000 ,00 0 eac h occurrence ($2,000,00 0 aggregate lim it); Property Damage -$25 0,0 00 eac h occ urrence). The City reserves the right to request any other insurance coverages as may be re qu ired by each indivi du al project. 9. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: a. The Ci ty, its officers, emp loyees and servants shall be endorsed as an add iti ona l in sured on Contractor's insurance po licies exce pting employer's l iab ility in s ur ance coverage under Contractor's workers' compensation insurance policy. 09/01 /04 2 - b. Certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth, contract admini strator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth , TX 76102, prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. c . Any failure on part of the City to request required in surance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the in surance requirements specified herein. d . Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a minimum thirty days noti ce of cancellation , non-renewal , and/or material change in policy t erms or coverage. A te n d ays noti ce sha ll be acceptabl e in the event of non-payment of premium . e. Insurers must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a c urrent A.M. Best rating o f A : VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. f. D e du ctibl e limits , or self-funde d retention limits, o n each policy m ust n ot exceed $10,000.00 per occurre nce unles s otherwise approved by the City. g . Other th an worker's compensation insurance, in li eu o f traditiona l in surance, C ity may cons ide r alternati ve coverage or risk treatment measure s throu gh in surance pools o r risk r etention groups . The C ity must approve in writing any a lternative coverage . h. W o rkers' c ompensation in s uran ce policy(s) co ve ring empl oyees employed on the project shall be en d orsed with a waive r of subrogati on prov iding r ights of recovery in favor of the City. i . City sha ll not b e res ponsi b le for the direct p ayment of insurance premiu m costs for contractor's insurance. j. Contractor's insurance pol icies sha ll each be endor sed to provide that such insurance is primary protection a nd any self-funded or commerc ial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contri b ute to loss reco very. k. In the course o f the project, Contractor shall report , in a timely manner, to City's officially designated contract a dm inistrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit o r which c ould res ult in a property loss . Contractor's lia bi lity sha ll not b e lim ite d to the spec ified amo un ts of in surance requ ired herein. m . Upon the req uest of City, C ontractor sha ll provide complete copies of a ll insurance policies r equ ire d b y these c ontract docum ents. I 0. NONRESIDENT BID DERS: Purs ua nt to Articl e 60 I g, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, the City of Fort Worth w ill not award this c ontrac t to a non res id en t bidder unl ess the no nresident 's bid is lower than the lo west b id s ubmitted by a responsibl e Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas res id e nt b id d er wou ld b e re qu ir ed to un derbid a nonresident bidder to o btain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresid ent 's p ri nc ipa l place of business is located. "Nonresident bidd er" means a b idder whose pri ncipal place of business is not in this state, but excludes a contractor whose ul ti m ate p ar en t com pany or majority owner has its pri ncipa l place of business in this state . "Texas resi d ent b idder" mean s a b idder whose principal place of bus iness is in th is state, and includes a contractor wh ose ultimate parent com pany or majority owner has its principal p lace of b usiness in this state. 09/01 /04 3 This provision does not apply if this contract involves federal funds. The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all non resident bidd ers in order for its bid to meet specifications. The failure of a nonresident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. I I. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: In a accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No . I 5530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall su bmit the MBE/WBE UTILIZATION FORM SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM , PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM, and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("with Documentation") and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate. The Documentation must be received by the managing department no later than 5:00 p .m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comp ly shall render the bid non-responsive. Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide the Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a minority business enterprise (MBE) and/or women business enterprise (WBE) on t_he contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit any audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for tem1ination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate Federal, State or local Jaws or ordinances relating to false statements. Further, any such misrepresentation facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be inesponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less that three (3) years. 12. A WARD OF CONTRACT: Contract wi ll be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all irregularities . No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date the M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM, GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM, and /or the JOINT VENTURE FORM ("Documentation") as appropriate is received by the City. The award of co ntract, if made, will be within ninety (90) days after this documentation is received , but in no case will the award be made until all the responsibility of the bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract has been verified. 13. PAYMENT: T he Contractor will receive full payment (minus retainage) from the City for all work for each pay period . Payment of the remaining amount shall be made with the final payment, and upon acceptance of the project. 14. ADDENDA: Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents prior to the bid receipt time and acknowledging them at the time of bid receipt. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the plans desk of the Department of Engineering Construction Division at (817) 392 -7910. Bids that so not acknowledge all applicable addenda may be rejected as non-responsive . 15. CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW: A. Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage a. Definitions: 09 /01/04 4 Certain of coverage ("certificate"). A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory worker's compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project-includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in §406.096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or toner services related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries , and delivery of portable toilets. b. The contractor shall provided coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011 (44) or all employees of the contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. c . The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. d. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended . e. The contractor shall obtain from each person provi ding services on a project, and provide to th e governmental entity: (]) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning 'York on the proj ect, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showin g coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (2) no later than seven days after receipt by the contra ctor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage p eriod shown on the current certificat e of coverage e nds during the duration of the project. f. T he contrac tor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter g. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (] 0) days after the contrac tor knew or should have known , of any change that materiall y affects the provision of coverage of a ny person providing servi ces on the project. OWOlffl4 5 h. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: ( 1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas labor Code, Section 401.011 (44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (2) provide to the contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (3) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period , a new certificate o f coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the curre nt certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project ; (4) obta in from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contrac tor : (a) a certificate of coverage , prior to the other person beg innin g work on t he project; and (b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of c o vera ge, p r ior to the en d of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on th e current certificate of coverage ends during th e duration of the proj ect ; (5) retain all required ce rtificates of cove rage on fil e for th e durat io n of the project an d for one year thereafter. (6) noti fy the governmental entity in w iring by certified mail o r pe rso na l de livery, w ithin ten ( 10) days after the p erson knew or should have known , of an y c han ge that materially affects the provision of coverage of any p erson prov iding services on th e proj ect; and (7 ) contractually re quire each person w ith whom it contracts, to perform as re quire d by paragraphs ( 1) -(7), with the certifi cates of coverage to be provided t o th e per son fo r whom they are providing services . J. B y signing this contract or providing or cau si ng to be pro v id ed a certi ficat e of coverage, th e contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all empl oyees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worke r 's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based o n proper reporting of cl ass ifi c ation codes and payroll amounts, and th at a ll coverage agreements will be filed w ith the appropriate in surance carrier or, in th e c ase of a se lf insured , with the commi ssion 's Di vision of Se lf-Insurance Regulation. Prov idin g fa lse or mislea ding infonnation may subj e ct th e contractor to administrative , crimina l, civ il pe nalti e s or other civil actions . 0 9 /0 1/04 6 - k . The contractor's fa ilure to comply with an y of th ese prov is ions is a breach of contract by the contractor does not remedy the breach w ithin ten days after receipt of notic e of breach from the governmental entity. B . The contractor shall post a notic e on each project sit e info rmin g all per so n s provid ing services on th e project that they are required to be covered, and statin g how a perso n may veri fy current cove rage and report failure to provid e coverage . Thi s notice does no t sat isfy other po st in g requ irements imposed by the Texas Worker 's Compen sation Act or other Tex as Worker 's Com pensation Commi ss ion rul es. Thi s notice must be printed w ith a ti tle in at least 30 point bold type and tex t in at leas t 19 point norm al type, and shall be in both Eng li sh an d Spanish and any other language comm on to the worker popu lati on . The text for the not ices shall be th e fo llo win g text, wi th out any additio nal wor ds or changes: "REQUI RED WO RKE R 'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE" The law requires that eac h perso n wo rkin g on th is site or prov iding services re late d to this constru cti on proj ect mu st be covered by wo rke r" compensati on insurance. This incl udes person s providing, hau ling or d eli vering equ ipment or materials, or provi di ng labor or transportation or other service related to the proj ect, regardl ess of the ide ntity of the ir empl oye r or status as an employee". Call the Texas Worker's Compensat ion Comm iss ion at 512-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requireme nt for coverage, to verify whether your emp loyer has provided the required coverage, or to report an emp loyer's fai lure to provide coverage". 16 . NO N DISCRIMINATION: The contractor shall not discriminate against any person or persons be cause of sex, race , religion, color, or national origin and shall comply with the provisions of City Ordi nance 7278, as amended by City Ordinance 7400 (fort Worth City Code Sections l 3A-21 through 13A-29), prohibiting discrimination in employment practices . 17. AGE DISCRIMINATION: In accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the federa l government , contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, members , agents , or employees, will engage in performing this contract, shall , in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms, conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against person because of their age except on the basis of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers , members, agents , or employees, or person acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this Contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification , retirement plan or statutory requirement. Contractor warrants it will fu ll y comply with the Policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any and all claims or a ll egations asserted by third parties against City arising out of Contractor's alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this Contract. 18. DISCRIMINATION DUE TO DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disa bilities Act of 1990 ("ADA "), Contractor warrants that it will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the availab ility, terms and/or cond itions of employment for appl icants for employment with , or current employees of Contractor. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA 's provisions and any other applicable federal state and local laws concerning disability and will defend indemnify and ho ld City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties against City arising out of Contractor's a ll eged fai lure to comply with the above-referenced laws concerning disabi lity discrimination in the performance of this Contract. 09/01/04 7 19. PROGRESS PAYMENTS, FINAL PAYMENT, PROJECT ACCEPTANCE AND WARRANTY: a. The contractor will receive full payment (less retainage) from the city for each pay period. b. Payment of the retainage will be included with the final payment after acceptance of the project as being complete. c. The project shall be deemed complete and accepted by the City as of the date the final punch list has been completed, as evidenced by a written statement signed by the contractor and the City. d. The warranty period shall begin as of the date that the final punch list has been completed. e. Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety shall be required prior to final payment becoming due and payable. f . In the event that the Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety have been delivered to the city and there is a dispute regarding (i) final quantities, or (ii) liquidated damages, city shall make a progress payment in the amount that city deems due and payable. g. In the event of a dispute regarding either final quantities or liquidated damages, the parties shall attempt to resolve the differences within 30 calendar days. OWOlffi4 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I) PREOUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: All contractors submitting bids are required to be prequalified by the Fort Worth Water Department prior to submitting bids. This prequalification process will establish a bid limit based on a technical evaluation and financial analysis of the contractor. It is the bidder's responsibility to submit the following documentation: a current financial statement, an acceptable experience record, an acceptable equipment schedule and any other documents the Department may deem necessary, to the Director of the Water Department at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date ofthe opening of bids. a) The financial statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State licensing agency and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the financial status to the submitting company. This statement must be current and not more than one (I) year old. In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated by proper verification. b) For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable for a given project, it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking qualification in work of both the same nature and technical level as that of the project for which bids are to be received. c) The Director of the Water Department shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability for financial qualification to bid on any Fort Worth Water Department project. d) Bids received in excess of the bid limit shall be considered non-responsive and will be rejected as such. e) The City , in its sole discretion, may reject any bid for failure to demonstrate experience and/or expertise . f) Any proposals submitted by a non-prequalified bidder shall be returned unopened, and if inadvertently opened , shall not be considered. g) The City will attempt to notify prospective bidders whose qualifications (financial or experience) are not deemed to be appropriate to the nature and/or magnitude of the project on which bids are to be received. Failure to notify shall not be a waiver of any necessary prequalification. 2 . BID SECURITY: A cashier's check, or an acceptable bidder's bond, payable to the City ofFort Worth, in an amount of not less than five (5%) percent of the largest possible total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid , and is subject to forfeiture in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the Contract Documents within ten ( I 0) days after the contract has been awarded To be an acceptable surety on the bid bond , the surety must be authorized to do business in the state of Texas. ln addition, the surety must (1) hold a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained . reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100 ,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a re insurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City , in its sole discretion , will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 3 . BONDS: A performance bond, a payment bond , and a maintenance bond each for one hundred (100%) percent of the contract price will be required, Reference C 3-3.7. 4. WAGE RA TES: Section C3-3. l 3 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with the following : 09/10/04 (a) The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code, including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b) The contractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at an reasonable hours for inspection by the Cityi/Ille pi-dvis1ons of;iµght to A~dit,/undet p~agtayh , L 'of;,$.ediog·C f::,S_ypf?i~nf~niary, Conditions,tdPa,tt;,¢;_ General to;ndittons; pertain to this inspection: (c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. (d) With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. 5. AMBIGUITY: ln the case of ambiguity or Jack of clearness in stating prices in the Proposal , the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the Proposal. 6 . BIDDER LlCENSE: Bidder must be a licensed Contractor in the State of Texas. 7 . NONRESIDENT BIDDERS: Pursuant to Article 601g, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, the City ofFort Worth will not award this contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a respon s ible Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contrnct in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of business in located. "Nonresident bidder" means a bidder whose p1incipal place of business is not in this state, but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. This provision does not appl y if this contract involves federal funds. The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for the bid to meet specifications. The failure of a nonres ident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. 8. PAYMENT: Jfthe bid amount is $25 ,000,00 or less , the contract amount shall be paid within forty- five (45) calendar days after completion and acceptance by the City . 9. AGE: In accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government , Contractor cov enants that neither it nor any of its officers, members , agents employees, program patticipants or subcontractors, while engaged in perfonning this contract, shall , in connection with the employment , advancement or discharge of emp loyees or in connection with the terms , conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except on the bases of a bona fide occupational qualification , retirement plan or statutory requirement. 09 /10 /04 2 - Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers, members, agents, employees, subcontractors, program participants, or persons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirements. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractor against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. IO. DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with, or employees of Contractor or any of its subcontractors. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA 's provisions and any other applicable federal, state and local laws concerning disability and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third pa1ties or subcontractors against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 11. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: In accord with City offo1t Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the MBE/WBE UTILIZATION FORM , SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("with Documentation") and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate. The Documentation must be received by the managing department no later than 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date . The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall render the bid non-responsive. Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide the Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or women business enterp1ise (WBE) on the contract and payment thereof. Contractorlurther agrees to permit any audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate Federal , State or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements. Further, any such misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three (3) years . 12. FINAL PAYMENT, ACCEPTANCE AND WARRANTY: a . The contractor will receive full payment (less retainage) from the city for each pay period. b . Payment of the retainage will be included with the final payment after acceptance of the project as being complete. c . The project shall be deemed complete and accepted by the City as of the date the final punch list has been completed, as evidenced by a written statement signed by the contractor and the City . 09/10/04 3 d. The warranty period shall begin as of the date that the final punch list has been completed. e. Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety shall be required prior to final payment becoming due and payable. f. In the event that the Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety have been delivered to the city and there is a dispute regarding (i) final quantities , or (ii) liquidated damages, city shall make a progress payment in the amount that city deems due and payable. g . In the event of a dispute regarding either final quantities or liquidated damages , the parties shall attempt to resolve the differences within 30 calendar days . 09/10/04 4 PARTB PROPOSAL MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS-PINK- CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW F eb OS 2 0 0 7 1 ~:07A ~ Baird, Hampton ~26 Brown 8172518810 p.2 . '\, PART B -PROPOSAL (THIS PROPOSAL MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THIS BOOK OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS) TO: Charles Boswell C ity Manager Fort Worth , Texas PROPOSAL FOR: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave.) D.O.E. No. 5138, UNIT I: WATER IMPROVEMENTS, Water No. P253 541200 60817 00296 UNIT 11: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, Sewer No. P258 541200 70817 00295 UNIT Ill: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, T/PW No. C200 541200 20840 00295 Pursuant to the foregoing "Notice to Bidders", the undersigned Bidder, having thoroughly examined the plans, specifications, General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department Projects and the site of the project and understands the amount of work to be done , and the prevailing conditions , hereby proposes to do all the work, furnish all labor, equ ipment and material except as specified to be furnished by the City , which is necessary to fully complete the work as provided in the Plans and Specifications, and subject to the inspection and approval of the Public Works Director of the City of Fort Worth, Texas . Tota l qua ntities given in the bid proposal may not reflect actual quantities; however , they are given for the p urpose of bidding on and awarding the contract. Upon acceptance of this proposal by the City Council, the bidder is bound to execute a contract and furnish Performance Bond, Payment Bond approved by the City of Fort Worth for the performing and completing the said work within the time stated and for the following sums , to -w it: UNIT I BASE BID SUMMARY -PAGE 6 UNIT II BASE BID SUMMARY -PAGE 10 UNIT Ill BASE BID SUMMARY -PAGE 18 PROJECT TOTAL BID SUMMARY-PAGE 19 1 (2-5-07) Feb 05 200 7 1 ~:07AM Baird, Hampton r.2s Brown 8172518810 p.3 UNIT I: WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO . QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID Furnish & Install , including all appurtenant work and Removal of Existing , complete in place , the fo llowing items : 1 3809 LF " Construct 8" Water Line in Place (Includes removal of existing water p ipe): (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) I ""4~-M,..1 "1,ME Dollars And ~\o Cents Per ~ -00 Linear Foot. $ Z..C\ $ 1\0, "", --' 2 6 EA 8 ' gate valve, including riser box & lid : (Refer to Part ·o· Special Instructions) (Figure 3) t-h~~ }~~~OM!-(:) Dollars And ~~ Cents 00 00 -Per Each. $ C\00 $S:IJ.00- V 3 5.5 TON Cl/DI fittings : (R efe r to Part "D " Special Instructions) I~i.~i"'t E,~wT ~""oc.f'hollars And ..l.~ Cents ~ ~ Per Ton. $Z SoO $15;V,o0 4 1 LS Furnish & lay 2" pipe and fittings for temporary service connections along both gutter lines for Entire Project: (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) T'\&.11.~rf F, v~ 7Hf 11~~ollars And ,-.\Q Cents l)O l/0 -Per Lump Sum $2Soov $ z.s:-000- 1 - 2 (2-5-07) F eb 05 20 0 7 1 o.: 07A M, Bai rd, Hampton t::26 Brown 8172518810 p.4 1 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UN IT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 5 7 EA Remove and salvage existing fire hydrant assembly (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) C""i: ~l!IDdQ T~ Dollars And W.s::, Cents ,l>O 00 -$1"°'.\-0 Per Each . $ \l t) 6 7 EA Standard Fire Hyd.rant Assembly (3'-6'' Bury) per City of Fort Worth criteria including blocking : (Refer to Part ·o· Special Instructions) (Figure 5) J'~g, \'d,g\..l~C> Dollars And '4o Cents co n Per Each. $Z OOv-$l~ooo-• 7 7 EA 6 " Gate valve including riser box and l id : (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) ~E.~~"" l\~~Q2£D Dollars And ~~ Cents ~ ~ ~ Per Each . $ -::\-ct) $_~00 8 77 LF "6" water line for F ire Hydrant Lead Line, complete in-place (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) Tw£.N.,-'( ~\(;\+-T Dollars t--lt. DO ~ And Cents -Per Linear Foot. $ z..e, $ 2.1 IS°b 9 122 EA 1" Service tap to main (Refer to Part 4 D" Special Instructions) SE.ye,rJ. \4 "'"1 D ll.e.D Dollars "h, 00 C!l) And Cents - $ -=t-00 $S5;LJ.oo--Per Each 3 (2-5-07) Feb 05 20 0 7 1 0 f 07AM , Baird, Hampton r-26 Brown 8172518810 p.5 t TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO . QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID -~ 10 2 1 96 LF 1" 'Type K" Copper service line (Refer to Part "D " Special Instructions) (Figure-2) ~t:.~S:...,, ,..1 Dollars t,J..g Cents 00 0 And -e- Per Linear Foot $ -=+ $ \ s; 3':\-2.- 11 355 LF P rivate %" Copper Service Line (by Licensed Plumber): (Refer to Part "D' Special Instructions) \=-, ~e.. Dollars And ~~ Cents Per Linear Foot 00 ,oc 5-$ l,~~s-i-- $ 12 9 5 EA Provide and install water meter box (Cl ass A) (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) (Figure 2A) O~e \.kit.ao~ ,&..J Dollars And "1.~ Cents QC) IJ ~ -Per Each $ HO $ \0 t.µ;O 13 26 EA Relocate Existing water meter box (Class A) (Refer to Part •o u Special Instructions) T"""o "-~N.QIU"-D Dollars And t-l.o Cents co ~ -.-. Per Eac h . $ -z.oo $S,2.o0 14 62 LF Concrete Encasement (as directed by engineer) (Refer to Part ·o· Special Instructions) T'""' e.. "N E...1~\+T Dollars t--\o 00 i And Cents -00 Per Linear Foot $ w $ '2. 1 °!>Sb -... 4 (2-5-07) F eb 05 2007 10 ~07 AM , Baird , Hampton ~26 Brown 8172518810 p.6 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BIO UNIT AMOUNT NO . QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BIO 15 80 LF Trench Safety for depth over 5 ' (as directed by engineer) C) t,.\E.,. Dollars ~o 00 ,oc, And Cents -- Per Linear Foot $ \ $ ~o ---·- 16 102 LF . Permanent Asphalt pavement repair (Figure 2000-1 B) f ,~T"i Dollars ~o ,00 And Cents -oc so $ s; 100-I- Per L inear Foot $ 17 6035 LF Temporary asphalt pavement repair : (6 " Flexbase and 2" HMAC) (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) (Figure 2000-1 C) I '4i"" E. Dollars 00 -QQ And '4t> Cents Per Linear Foot i ') ~51t3>1S r 18 30 CY Ballast stone for Miscellaneous placement (As directed by engineer) 0'4E.. Doll ars ~t) oo 00 And Cents -- Per Cubic Yard \ 30 19 30 CY Crushed limestone for miscellaneous placement (as directed by engineer) Or-1e. Dollars And f.lo Cents oo E)() --Per Cubic Yard \ sD 5 (2-5-07) F eb 05 2 00 7 1q:07AM, Baird, Hampton r.26 Brown 8172518810 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO . QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 20 30 CY Type "B" (2500#) Concrete For Miscellaneous Placement as Directed by Engineer 'D r,l.,=. Dollars And '4.~ Cents (),0 00 -30-Per Cubic Yard \ 2 1 30 CY Type "E" 1500# Concrete For Miscellaneous Placement as Directed by Engineer \)Ne Dollars ~c 00 .00 And Cents --Per Cubic Yard . \ 30 UNIT I: WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS $ 35S, 255.oD "'At the Contractor's option , unless otherwise noted, the price bid for water pipe shall be either Ductile Iron (DI) pipe or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe per City of Fort Worth Water Department's General Contract Documents and General Specifications . * Type of Pipe Used (for 12" and Smaller) ___ DIP Class 51 -Polywrapped /rvc DR-14 6 (2-5-07) p.7 Feb 05 20 0 7 1~:08A~ Baird, Hampton %26 Brown 8172518810 p.8 UNIT 11: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID F urn ish & Insta ll, inc luding all appurtenant work and Removal of Exist ing , complete in place , the following items : 1 1 EA Demolish and remove exist ing sanitary sewer manhole (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) -l:b~ ..... ~Q.E.A'> t-o\o\1L Dollars And N.Q Cents ~ -Per Each. $ lfeO $1/-0D- 2 220 LF 8" PVC SDR-35 sanitary sewer pipe by open cut including excavation and backfill (all Depths) (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) T ~\tz-"t'i ~e.ve...J Dollars O:::t A nd ~<:) Cents -~~ Per Linear Foot. $ '3~ sB\40 ' 3 1 EA 4 ' Diameter Std . San itary Sewer Manhole (to 6' depth): (Refer to Part "D" Specia l Instructions) (Figure 103) Tw£tolT'i \~ ~.a.C)Q.5[) Dollars And ~C) Cents 00 ~ -Per Each . $'-"2,.00 $'Z. '2.00 . 4 1 EA Conc rete collar for san itary sewer manhole: (Refer to Part "D " Special Instructions) O~e. "~ll,l~ Dollars And ....\.11:> Cents ~ ~ Per Each. $ \00 $ \00 7 (2-5 -07) Feb 05 2007 10,: 08AM, Bai rd, Hampton r.26 Brown 8172518810 p.9 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 5 1 EA Water tight manhole insert (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) 5,~.,..~ Dollars And to-lo Cents roe ,00 lc>o --Per Each $ $ ~o 6 8 EA 4 " Sanitary sewer service tap: f",e, "-~N..~ Dollars And "'12 Cents Co ,Qo -Per Each . $ 500 4000-$__, 7 240 LF 4 " PVC SS service line: (Figure 115) Se-vE-t-J Dollars 00 And ~o Cents --Per Linear Foot. $ :\-sl bSO- I 8 8 EA Two Way Service Clean Out (lndudlng Removal of Ex . Clean Out if Present): (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) (Figure 115-A) \W:2 \.\.u t.l.~~ Dollars And ~o Cents ~ 00 Z<B -Per Each. $ s\ 1c,oo 9 220 LF Trench Safety for Depth of 5' & over as directed by engineer: 0"-\E.-Dollars ~'() ~ (E_ And Cents s 2-z.O Per Linear Foot $ \ 8 (2-5-07) Feb 05 2007 10;08AM Baird , Hampton ~26 Brown 8172518810 p. 10 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE OESCRl?TION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO . QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 10 3 EA Vacuum Test Sanitary Sewer Manhole : 'O~~ "~!!li,:QAA.b Dollars And ,-l..,o Cents .00 ~ -Per Each . $ \E>O $3>00 11 220 LF Pre-Construction TV Inspection and cleaning , as directed by Engineer: Tw,Q Dollars And N.g Cents 00 -00 Per Linear Foot $ -z. $ lf'ro- 12 220 LF Post-Construction 1V Inspection, as directed by Engineer. (Refer to Part "D" Special Instructions) 01--\E Dollars t-l..o 00 GO And Cents -- Per Linear Foot. $ l $ 2'2..0 13 465 LF Temporary Asphaltic Pavement Repair (6" Flexible Base & 2· HMAC): (F igure 2000-1 C) Te.~ Dollars t-\.S2 00 And Cents -~ Per Linear Foot. $ ,~ $1../-:"150, 14 10 CY Crushed Limestone for Miscellaneous Placement: as Directed by Engineer 'D~f. Dollars And ~~ Cents ~ 00 \ -Per Cubic Yard $ $ ,o 9 (2-5-07) Fe b 05 20 0 7 1 0 1 : 08AM , Bai rd, Hampton %26 Brown 8172518810 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 15 10 CY Ballast Stone for Miscellaneous Placement: as Directed by Engineer Or-\~ Dollars And No Cents 00 (10 \ --Per Cubic Yard $ $ l'D 16 10 CY Type B (2500#) Concrete for Misc. Placement: as Directed by Engineer D~c. Dollars 'M.o 00 00 And Cents -\ - Per Cubic Yard $ $ \0 17 10 CY Type E (1500#) Concrete for Misc. Placement: as Directed by Engineer ONF. Dollars Ms:i 00 00 And Cents --Per Cubic Yard . $ ' $ \'O 00 UNIT 11: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS $ 2\..\. 050- * At th e Contractor's option , unless otherwise noted, the price bid for sewer pipe shall be either Ductile Iron (DI) pipe or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe per City of Fort Worth Water Department's Gener al Co ntract Documents and General Specifications. * Type of Pipe Used (12" and Smaller) ___ D IP C lass 51 -Polybond Liner 10 (2-5-07) ~VCSDR-35 p. 11 Feb 05 2007 1~:08A~ B air d , Hampton %26 Bro wn 81 7251 8 810 p. 12 UNIT Ill: PAVING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS BASE BID TOTA L ITEM APP ROXIMAT E D ESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY U NI T BID P RICES W R ITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID Furn ish & In stall, including all appurtenant work and Removal of Existing , co mplete in place, the foll owing items : 1 6 EA Project Designation Sign : Two-Hundred Fifty Dolla rs And zero Cent s Per Each . $ 250 $ 1 500 2 1 LS Install & Ma intain Erosion Control Measures per Plan & SWPPP: E,~&. u:!tt,l!,l,~ca.C> Dollars And ~~ Cents $ Soo ~ 0::, Per Lump Sum. $500- 3 1 LS Install & Maintain Traffic Control in Accordance with the Special Provisions : T'edli:~ ,~e:~o Dollars And ..i~ Cents C??. --Per Lump Sum. fZO. 000 $ 'Z.0,000 4 1 LS Miscellaneous Utility Adjustment: Five-Thousand Dollars And Zero Cents Per Lump Sum . $ 5,000 $ 5 ,000 5 8800 LF Demolish/Remove and Dispose of Concrete Curb and Gutter: 0Ne. Dollars And ~2 Cents 00 ~ Per Linear Foot. $ 1-$ e>, e,oo 11 {2-5-07) Feb 05 200 7 10,: 09AM, Bai rd, Hampton %26 Brown 8172518810 p. 13 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WlTH UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT BIO PRJCES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 6 23538 SF Demolish/Remove Existing Concrete Driveways and Valley Gutters: 01'\~ Dollars And No Cents 00 $Z3 S'lS'!; -Per Square Foot $ \ 7 24862 SF Demolish/Remove Existing Concrete sidewalks , lead walks, & Wheelchair ramps: ONe.. Dollars And ~o Cents OC) !Si -Per Square Foot. $ \ $ 2'4, ~\o"Z.. 8 480 LF Sawcut existing pavement T~o Dollars ~o 00 e And Cents - Per Linear Foot. $ 'Z.. $ C\\oO 9 4548 CY Unclassified roadway excavation: T we.'4 "l"'1' Dollars And ~o Cents ..r,:::, ~ -Per Cubic Yard. $ '2.0 $qG '11oO 10 30 CY Borrow (complete, in-place) as directed by engineer I T~~Vf. Dollars And ~o Cents 00 00 Per Cubic Yard. --$ ri.. $ s(oO 11 26391 SF Construct 4" Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk: T~e..e..e. Dollars And ~~EI"r' Cents So ~ . Per Square Foot. $ 3-$ C\ z., '?> l.o e, 12 (2-5-07) Feb 05 2007 lO ;OSAM , Baird , Hampton %26 Brown 8172518810 p. 14 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 12 4826 SF Construct 4 '' Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk (in areas without sidewalks , as directed by engineer) T\-!:'2-a.e.. Dollars r,f, < Cents so And -.. ~ -Per Square Foot. $ $ \\, S,C\\ 13 29833 SF Construct 6" Reinforced Concrete Driveways : ro~2-Dollars 'r~ ~ t"i so IC) And Cents -4-$ \34-'2..42> --Per Square Foot $ 14 300 LF 6" Sub-soil drain (as directed by engineer) Twfc\..vg Dollars t-l.~ 00 ~ And Cents -Per Linear Foot $ r2. $i\ooO 15 1 EA Construct 5' curb inlet: Tws.,->.,..Y 0-\e. """"~~llars And ,..l_Sl Cents ~ "° $2\00 -Per Each $-Z.\00 I 16 6 EA Construct 1 O' curb inlet: Twe.~-r< 1~ H-"'t-l~rs And ~o Cents ~ ~ Per Each $ Z.2>00 $/'J800 r 17 1 EA Construct 15' curb inlet: 1~i~1j f\'.'.ie. \.\~~OILE.D Dollars And ~o Cents °-2-~ Per Each $~500 $~500 13 (2-5-07) F eb 05 2007 10~0SAM Baird, Hampton r.2s Brown 8172518810 p. 15 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 18 137 LF 21 " Class Ill RCP Storm Drain Lateral : 'c. l t"' \+ ,'1' Dollars And ~'O Cents ~ OQ Per Linear Foot. $ Bo $\DC\\oO-- 19 67 LF 24" Class Ill RCP Storm Dra in Lateral : t.\ h\4,-r,( r,"E. Dollars And ~~ Cents o:> -.- Per Linear Foot. $SS-$S1\oC\S 20 75 LF 48" Class V RCP Storm Drain Main \~~e:. \4~),.\~ Dollars And ~o Cents ~ _'! I, -Per Linear Foot. $300 $22-SC:0 , 21 100 LF Trench Safety for depth> 5' (as directed by engineer) O~t-Dollars N.o 00 e And Cents -Per Linear Foot. $ \ $ \{)O 22 156 EA Adjust water meter box to proposed grade Thirty-Five Dollars And Zero Cents Per Each $ 35.00 $ 5,460.00 23 16 EA Adjust water valve box to proposed grade : Three-Hundred Do llars And Zero Cents Per Each $ 300 .00 $ 4,800.00 14 (2-5-07) Feb 05 2007 10:10AM Baird, Hampton %26 Brown 8172518810 p. 16 TOTAL ITEM AP PROXIMATE DE SCRIP TION O F ITEMS WI TH UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY U NIT BID PRICES W RITTEN I N WORD S PRIC E BID 24 6 EA Adjust sanitary sewer manhole to proposed grade Three-Hundred Fifty Dollars And Zero Cents Per Each $ 350.00 $ 2,100.00 25 2186 CY Top soil (complete, in-place) 'Do\..\..~'f.-'> fl\ - ~• '-'~Tft-1!-N And Zero Cents Per Cubic Yard $ ~~.9& $ 14.00 $ 30,604.00 26 225 LF Remove and Reconstrucl or Replace Chain Link Fence (as Directed by Engineer) \ \,,.I~ "T" '1 Dollars And HQ Cents ~ ~ Per Linear Foot $ "Z.0 $ J./; soo 27 140 SF Remove and Reconstruct or Replace Brick Pavers (as Directed by Engineer) \~,..\ Dollars And ~o Cents 00 0--\\) $ ) lfoo -Per Square Foot $ I 28 40 CY Construct S idewal k with Retaining Wall (as Directed by Engineer) fwf \.\"~ t\~ Dollars And ~o Cents <e ~ .. Per Cubic Yard $ 55D $22 000 29 10 CY Construct Concrete Steps (as Directed by Engineer) f ,..,E ~~~2~ t\Prf Dollars And '1,. Cents Per Cub ic ~ ~ Yard $ 550 $ 5":500 • 15 (2-5-07) Feb 05 2007 1 0 :1 0AM Baird, Hampton r-26 Brown 8172518810 p. 1 7 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 30 30 CY 6 " Flexible Base for driveway transition {as directed by engineer) 0...£. "~~a•t:> \=-,~ Dollars And ~o Cents '!S-,00 Per Cubic Yard $ \SO $~CO- 31 16499 SY 6" Lime Stabilized Subgrade : \WO Dollars µ.o 00 And Cents -OIi Per Square Yard $ -z. s3>"2.. C\'1B-. 32 264 Ton 7% Hydrated Lime for Lime Stabilized subgrade (32 lbs per SY): Q"-\f. ~~~~ Dollars And '4.o Cents -... -Per Ton . $ 100 $'2.(p4€0- 33 8800 LF 6 " Attached Concrete Curb: \~Q Doll ars And "12 Cents 00 (IQ Per Linear Foot. $ 7--s 11-~oo- 34 14672 SY 7 .5" Reinforced (3600 psi) Concrete Pavement . Reinforced with No. 3 Bars @ 18" Center-to-Center Each Way (C .C.E .W .) Twl:.MT'f ~, ..... e. Dollars And \~\Q...-n! f~4... Cents ~'-\ -Per Square Yard . $ 2°t slf.~ itlh - 35 14910 LF Si licone Joint Sealant: Oue. Dollars f lt:J'1 50 0 And Cents ,-Per Linear Foot. $ $'Z 'Z Jt, 5-~ 16 (2-5-07) F eb 05 2007 lO ;l OAM Baird, Hampton %26 Brown 8172518810 p. 18 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT BID PRJCES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 36 5 EA Demolish , Remove, and Dispose of Existing 5' Curb Inlet ~\~ \.\ ~~o Q.E..D Dollars And ~o Cents ~ 00 Per LiAeeJ.. Foet. ..tM-$ tooo $l(X:)O- @.A.C.."1-- 37 2 EA Demolish, Remove, and Dispose of Existing 1 O' Curb Inlet s~"e."'1 'µ~...i,1)~ Dollars And ~c Cents ~ 00 Per Lil"lear Fo~/1+-$ :\oo $\,~OQ- ~At.\4 • ~ 38 93 LF Demolish, Remove and Dispose of Existing 18"-21" Stom, Drain Line S1::..v E.+-\ Dollars And ~o Cents ~ 00 Per Linear Foot. $ -=+ $ (o5\- 39 62 LF Demolish, Remove, and Dispose of Existing 24 " Storm Drain line $E.ve...-\ Dollars 00 00 - And ~o Cents Per Linear Foot. $ '":\-$ 4-~Lf- 40 75 LF Demolish, Remove, and Dispose of Existing 48 " Storm Drain Line E \ '-'\.\-T Dollars ~o \?O 00 And Cents -8 -Per Linear Foot. $ $ "200 41 1 LS Remove and Replace Brick Mailbox I Miscellaneous Ot.lt:. \ ~°"'~~N.0 Doll ars ~S:2 00 00 And Cents - Per Lump Sum. $ },000 $ ',000- 17 (2-5-07) Fe b 05 20 0 7 lO ~lOAM Baird, Hampton %26 Brown 8172518810 p . 19 i TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 42 92 LF Permanent Asphalt pavement repair (Figure 2000-1 B) ~ \rT'f ~\Y Dollars 00 00 And \-,.)..'O Cents -Slo -Per Linear Foot. $ $ S 1\S"l.. 43 2500 SY Remove Existing Concrete Paving with Asphalt Overlay ~, ve. Dollars 00 And ,-.).'t> Cents -~ Per Square Yard . $ 5 $ \'2 SW ' UNIT 111:PAVING AND DRAINAGE SUBTOTAL $ Li~ \ \ \ :\. "' '2> !) - 18 (2-5-07) F eb 05 200 7 lO ;lOAM Baird, Hampton %26 Brown 8172518810 p.20 ,I With in ten (10) days after notification by the City, the undersigned will execute the formal contract and will deliver an approved Surety Bond and such other Bonds as required by the Contract. The attached bid security in the amount of 5% is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the event the contract and bond or bonds are not executed and delivered within the time above set forth , as liquidated damages for the delay and add itional work caused thereby . The undersigned bidder certified that he has been furnished at least one set of the General Contract Documents and General Specif ications for Water Department Projects dated January 1, 1978, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all of the requirements and conditions of those General Documents and the specific Contract Documents and appurtenant plans. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization , subcontractors , or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee appl icants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No 7400. The Bidder agrees to begin construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order, and to complete the contract within 185 working days after beginning construction as set forth in the written work order to be furnished by the Owner. TOTAL BID SUMMARY CLAIREMONT AVE., CHICAGO AVE., RAMSEY AVE. (WATER, SEWER & PAVING) UNITI TOTAL WATER IMPROVEMENTS (P .6) UNIT II TOTAL SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (P .10) UNIT Ill TOTAL PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (P . 18) TOTAL AMOUNT BID (UNIT I, II, Ill) 19 (2-5-07) 00 $ 352>. '2.55 -• $ 2L.\ 050 00 - 4'i, $ L \\+,lo~=> - Fe b 05 20 0 7 1q : 1 1A M Baird, Hampton r.26 Brown 8172518810 p.2 1 (Comp le te A or B below, as appl icable :) D A. The p rincipal place of business of our company is in the State of ________ _ Nonresident b idders in the State of----------· our princ ipal p lace of bus iness , are requ ired to be percent lower than resident bidders by state law. A co py of the statute is attached . nonresident b idders in the State of ___________ , our princ ipal p lace of bus iness, are not requ ired to underb id resident bidders. The pr incipal place of bus iness of our company or our parent company or majority owne r is in the State of Texas. 20 (2-5-07) (SEAL) If Bidder is Corporation $,A!>\\....E + W, ~ ~, ,~c... Respectfu lly submitted , ...._ - ~ p -1:1.:-Q .. Title: V, t.e,. f>c;.e. !, \ 0 e. ~ r Address £ O. f,o ~ ~C\~S o SA"'~A-'-"', Tx. +rot~~ fORTWORTH -~ PRIME COMPANY NAME: STABILE & WINN , INC . PROJECT NAME: City of Fort Worth 02 -1 4 -07 PO 1: 05 I N Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilization Form ATTACHMENT 1A Page 1 of 4 Check applicable block to describe prime I M/W/DBE I XI NON-M/W/DBE BID DATE 2004 Capital Improvements Program Contract 36 February 8, 2007 City's M/WBE Project Goal: Prime's M/WBE Project Utilization: PROJECT NUMBER DOE# 5138 19% 5.12% Identify fill subcontractors/suppliers you will use on this project M/WBEs listed toward meeting the project goal must be located in the nine (9) county marketplace or currently doing business in the marketplace at the time of bid. Marketplace is the geographic area of Tarrant, Parker, Johnson, Collin, Dallas , Denton, Ellis, Kaufman and Rockwall counties . ALL M/WBEs MUST BE CERTIFIED BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD. Certification means those firms, located or doing business at the time of bid opening within the Marketplace, that have been determined to be bonafide minority or women businesses by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA}, or the Texas Department of Transportation (TX DOT}, highway division . Disadvantaged Bus iness Enterprise (DBE) is synonymous with Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE). Rev . 5/30/03 FORT WO RTH -~· 02 -14 -07 P0 1 :05 I N ATTACH M ENT 1A Pa ge 2 of 4 Primes are requ ired to identify ALL subcontractors/supplie rs , regardless of status ; i.e ., Minority, Women and non-M/WBEs . Please list M/WBE firms first , use additional sheets if necessary. Certification ,,NJ SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER (check one) ~~i T Detail Detail Company Name i N T •· ~~-" C X .;!~ Subcontracting Work Supplies Purchased Dollar Amount Address e M w T D Telephone/Fax r B B R 0 E E C T .;i:1; A ·&-r::s,, HJG Trucki ng 1 X )( Hauling $32,142.00 701 Denair Aggregates Fort Worth, TX. 76111 817 -834-7181 Abe l Materials 2 X X Trucking $14,000.00 P .O. Box 771 Mansfield , TX. 76063 817-572-7263 Sand $6,000.00 Provided By: TRI-TECH Magnum Manhole 2 X )( T.V. Inspection $ 300.00 3828 Cavalier Drive & Manhole Ga r land , TX. Rehab 214-687-2293 Provided By: TRI-TECH Klutz Construction 2 X X Inlets $ 18,150.00 P.O . Box 100263 Fort Worth, TX. 76185 817-921 -0990 Provided By: TRI-TECH Ricochet Fue l, Inc. 2 X )( Fuel $5,000 .00 1201 Royal Parkway Euless , TX. 76040 817-268-5910 817-282-7497 Provided By: TRI-TECH Cowtown Redi-M ix 2 X ) Ready Mix $ 1,200.00 P.O . Box 162327 Concrete Fort Worth , TX. 76161 817 -9888-3158 Provided By: TRI-TECH Rev. 5/30/03 FORT WORTH -~ 02 -14-07 P0 1:0 5 I N ATIACHMENT1A Page 3 of 4 Primes are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., Minority , Women and non-M/WBEs. Please list M/WBE firms first, use additional sheets if necessary . Certification . N' a' SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER (check one) ;:ff T . Detail Detail Company Name i N T ·;;, C X ;1 ;•:. Subcontracting Work Supplies Purchased Dollar Amount Address e M w .. M T D :~ Telephone/Fax r B B R 0 13: E E C T ·E A Tri-Tech Const. 1 )< M/WBE Above $44,650.00 1133 E. Loop 820 So. Fort Worth, TX 76112 817 -496-5361 Remaining $374 ,375.00 Redi-Mix Cone. 1 )< Ready Mix $ 342,742.50 5517 Denton Highway Concrete Haltom City, TX 76148 817 -485-4850 CMG/Lofland 1 )< Rebat & Misc. $52,842.00 2400 NE 36th St Supplied Fort Worth, Texas 76111 817-838-6811 Tex-Cut 1 )< Joint Seal $8,946.00 P.O. Box 154881 Irving, TX 75061 972-438-4161 Buyers Barricades 1 )< Barricades $32,575.00 3705 E. 1st Street Fort Worth, TX 76111 817-535-3939 US Lime 1 )< Lime Slurry $22,440.00 13800 Montfort Dr. Dallas, Texas 75240 817-296-8169 AJAX Fence 1 )< Fence Work $ 4,500 .00 500 N. Bowen Arlington, Texas 76012 817-275-2151 Rev . 5/30/03 FORT WORTH -~- 02 -14 -07 P0 1 :05 I N Total Dollar Amount of M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ 76,792.00 Total Dollar Amount of Non-M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ 838,420.50 TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS $ 915,212.50 ATIACHMENT 1A Page 4 of 4 By affixing a signature to this form , the Offerer further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request , complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including M/W/DBE(s) arrangements submitted with the bid. The Offerer also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company . The bidder agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners, principals, officers, employees and applicable subcontractors/suppliers/contractors participating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work performed by the M/W/DBE(s) on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentat ion of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements . Any failure to comply with this ordinance and create a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offerer and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. tZ:o · e Vice President Title Stabile & Winn Inc. Company Name P .O . Box 79380 Address Saginaw, Texas 76179 City/State/Zip Jerry Henderson Printed Signature SAME Contact Name/Title (if d ifferent) 817-847-2086 817 -847 -2098 Telephone and/or Fax jerry,henderson@stabilewiaa com E-mail Address Date Rev . 5/30/03 ATTACHMENT 1C Page 1 of 3 FORTW"ORTH ....._ tl1 a -,, -City of Fort Worth Good Faith Effort Form 02 -14 07 -P 0 7:05 I N PRIME COMPANY NAME : STABI LE & WINN , INC . PROJECT NAME : 2004 Capital Improvement Program Contract 36 City's M/WBE Project Goal : I PROJECT NUMBER 19% DOE #5138 Jfyo.LJ .ha ve f_ailed to, ~e<:µr e MJYVBEJ:i ~rticjp~tion :i?B f paf1i2i Ratio_r1 :,Hi ·!e;§s'·(h~fr:th~f Ci (y;rp·r9j~~t:·g Check applicable block to describe prime I M/W/DBE I XI NON-M/W/DBE BID DATE February 8, 2007 If the bidder's method of compliance with the M/WBE goal is based upon demonstration of a "good faith effort", the bidder will have the burden of correctly and accurately preparing and submitting the documentation required by the City. Compliance with each item, 1 thru 6 below, shall satisfy the Good Faith Effort requirement absent proof of fraud, intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation the facts or intentional discrimination by the bidder. 1.) Please list each and every subcontracting and/or supplier opportunity} for the completion of this project, regardless of whether it is to be provided by a M/WBE or non-M/WBE. (DO NOT LIST.NAMES OF FIRMS) On Combined Projects, list each subcontracting and or supplier opportunity through the 2nd tier. (Use additional sheets, if necessary) List of Subcontracting Opportunities List of Supplier Opportunities Utilities (Water, Sewer, & Storm Drain) Ready-Mix Concrete Inlet Construction Rebar Supplies Manhole Construction Project Signs Barricades Hauling Aggregates Fencing Joint Seal ATTACHMENT1C Page 2 of 3 2.) Obtain a current (not more than three (3) months old from the bid open date) list of M/WBE subcontractors and/or suppliers from the City's M/WBE Office. _;(_Yes __ No Date of Listing ..J!!.._/ z. ~ / -z.oo lo 0~'""'·11~'-e,-c ~TE l°'c=>.~. \\1 z.oo~ 3.) Did you solicit bids from M/WBE firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed , at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by mail, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? MA\ \..'c-c-:> \ "Z / "2. I I 'Z.-oc to ___»__Yes __ No (If yes , attach M/WBE mail listi ng to include name of firm and address and a dated copy of letter mailed .) 4.) Did you solicit bids from M/WBE firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed , at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by telephone, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? __x_Yes __ No (If yes, attach list to include name of M/WBE firm , person contacted , phone number and date and time of contact.) 5.) Did you provide plans and specifications to potential M/WBEs or information regarding the location of plans and specifications in order to assist the M/WBEs? _:;it-Yes __ No 6.) Submit documentation if M/WBE quotes were rejected. The documentation submitted should be in the forms of an affidavit, include a detailed explanation of why the M/WBE was rejected and any supporting documentation the bidder wishes to be considered by the City. In the event of a bona fide dispute concerning quotes, the bidder will provide for confidential in-camera access to and inspection of any relevant documentation by City personnel. (Please use additional sheets, if necessary, and attach.) Company Name Telephone Contact Person Scope of Work Reason for Rejection M.E . Burns 817-447-0292 Donnie Burns Utilities Not Low Bid Cleburne Utilities 817-558-1590 C.R. Shaw Utilities Not Low Bid ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ATTACHMENT1C Page 3 of 3 Please provide additional information you feel will further explain your good and honest efforts to obtain M/WBE participation on this project. No other M/WBE quotes were received or rejected The bidder further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed on this contract, the payment thereof and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and creates a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible offerer and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. The undersigned certifies that the information provided and the M/WBE(s) listed was/were contacted in good faith. It is understood that any M/WBE(s) listed in Attachment 1 C will be contacted and the reasons for not using them will be verified by the City's M/WBE Office. ti,-~& ..f2, ;th Signature Vice President Title Stabile & Winn Inc. Company Name P.O. Box 79380 Address Saginaw, Texas 76179 City/State/Zip Jerry Henderson Printed Signature SAME Contact Name and Title (if different) 817-847-2086 817-847-2098 Phone Number Fax Number jerry. henderson@stabilewinn.com Email Address 13. zoo 3---, Date PARTC GENERAL CONDITIONS -YELLOW- SECTION C-1; SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO SECTION C -WHITE- Cl-1 c1...:1.1 Cl-1.2 Cl-1~3 Cl-1.4 c1-1.s c1~1.6 Cl-1.7 Cl-1 ~-8 Cl-1.9 Cl-1.10 Cl-1°.}l Cl...,l.-l2 c1~1~13 · Cl-1.14 Cl-1~15 Cl-1.16 Cl""'.l-.' 17 Cl-1.,18 Cl-1.19 c1.:..1.20 Cl-l.21 Cl-1.22 c1~1.'23. ci~1.24 Cl-::°I,. 25 . cl-l.:26 . Cl-i.27 Cl-;l.28 Cl-1.29 Cl-1.·30 Cl-1.31 . Cl;..1~32 C2-2 C2-2~1 c2...,2.2 C2:-2.3 C2-2.4 c2-·2 . s C2-2.6 PART C -GENEltAL CONDITIONS TABLE OF ·coNTENTS NOVEMBER, 1, .1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Contract Docwnel)ts- Notice to Bidd~rs ·proposal Bidder . . General Conditions Special Conditions Specifications Bond Contract ·Plans City City Council Mayor City Manager City Attorney Director of Pul;>liQ Works. . Director, City Water Department Engineer · Contractor Sureties The Work or Proiect Wprking Day . Calendar .Day Legal Holiday Abbreviations Change Order . Paved Streets and Alleys:· Unpaved Streets and Alleys city Streets ~oadwc1y Gravel Street . INTERPRETATION AND . PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL ·Propos a l Forrn Interpretat ion of Quantities Examination of Contract Documents and Site . $ubmitting of ·Pr_oposal ltejection of Proposals Bid Security (1) Cl-1 (,1) Cl-1 (.1) Cl-1 .(2) Cl-1 (2) Cl-1 (2) ci-1-<2> c1-1 -C2> c1~1. (2·> Cl...;}:. (2) c.1.-r <~> c1-1 ·; <3 > 61-1 ~-(3 > c1-1· .. <3> Cl~l d3) ci-:-1 C3> C_l-l (3) 'Ci..;l:. ('4 t ci.:..1 . <4-> Cl.,;..i C4 > c1~1 <.f> ·c1..;.i t•> ci~1 , t-•> c1-1 ·-· (4-> t a...:1 "cf > c1-i :·c •) Cl"-1 l5 )_ Cl-1 . (6) Cl'."'"l (6) c1-1 <6> c1.:..1 t-6~> ci..;.1 :e,6.,- c1~1 ·t ff> "t:2-2 'Cl> .92~2 }ll t2-2"':cH li2...;2· ·cJ) ·c2"'.'"2 ·c3) ·c2~2 cf> C2-2. 7 . C2-2.8 C2-2.9 C2-2.10 C2-2;11 c2-2.12 C3-3 cJ:-J.1 c3~3 .2 Delivery of Proposal Withdrawing Proposals Telegraphic Modification of Proposals Public Opening of Proposal Irregular Proposals Disqualification of Bidders A~ARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS Consideration of Proposal's Miriority Business Enterpise Women-owned Business Enterprise ' , compliance Cl~3.3 -~qual Employment Provisions C3~3. 4,,. . Withdrawal of Proppsals CJ;..·3 ~ 5 ·. Award of Contract c3~3~6 Return of Proposal Securities t3~3~7 . _'jbnds · c.3.:...j.,9 . ·txecution of Contract c3.;.;;.3~ 9 · .. · · Failure to Execute Contract C3-3~10 · Beginning Work · cj~j~ll Insurance C3~3:.-l.2 -C~:>ntractor's Obligations c3;.;.J .13 ·._weekly Payroll · C3--3.;l4 ."Contractor's Contract Administration C:3~3 ~15· Venue C.4~4 ·c•.:...•.1 c.t-:4.2 c4.;,.4_ 3 c_.;4_·:4 . C4"".'4. 5 C.4 -::4~ 6 C4~4.7 c.-;;,.:5 -~-,, ·:. . CS:--5''.·l . cs:..:.s \.;2 ¢-5~5!'3 . CS"".'5.,4 -GS-5.5 cs~~.6 cs~s: •. 1 . ·5.:...5 .-8 C ·' ,-• .. SCOPE OF WOfil\ :Intent of Contract Documents ?pecial Provisions ·. ·~Increa~ed . or Decreased Qlianti ties . · Alter·ation of . Contract Documents ' . 'Extr a Wo rc k _sched?le of Operations . -' .Progress Schedules fcfr Water · and · -Sewer Plant Facilictl~s · .. ·· CONTROL OF WORK AND MATERIALS . ·.Aut h ority · of Engineer . . _ :~onformity with Plans Coordination of Contract Documents Cooperation of Co~tractor · Emerg·ency and/or Rectiffca'tion · Work Field Off ice · · · · ·.Construction Stakes ~utbority and Duties of .. Inspectors · .. . . . C2-2 (4) C2-2 (4) C2-2 ( 4 .) C2-2 (4) C2-2 (4) C2-2 (5) C3-3 (1) c3.:..3 Cl) C3-3 · (1) ·. c3-3 <2> <c3·-·3 .< 2 > ·c 3 -3 _ < 2> c 3 ~3 -c2 > c3-3 C4> C3.-3 C 4) C3--3 <4> ·. CJ--3 : < 4 > · c3.-3 <7 > C3-3 (7) tJ-3 (7) 'C3 .-3 (Bl C4-4 (1) C4-4 (1) t4--4 (1) ·C4-4 (2) c 4·~4 (2) C4-4 (3) c4-4 ( 4 ,. ·- · ·c:S~s (1) cs-es · <1> c;s~s <2> CS-5 (2) .... :cs·-s (3) cs~s (3) ·•cs·-s <J > cs-s <4> ,cs~s.9 ;tS~S:,.·10 : cs~s-:~ii. cs~s;"~if c~.:..s~13 CS_;.5.1 4 CS-5.15 Inspection · · Removal of Defective ~ub~titute Mat~iials s ·amples and Testa of Storage of Materials cs~s cs> and Un authorized .. iiork ~5.;;.5 (5) .or Equipmeht. ts-s c 5 > 1 cs.,.5 .16· . CS-5.17 CS-5~18 Materic:tls · ·cs-s { 6) ·E~isting Strric~ure~ and Otili~ies Interruption of Service · Mutual Responsibility of Contractqrs Cleanup · Final Inspection (2\ cs-s <6> CS--5 ( 7) CS-5 (7) cs-s CS> cs~s cs> CS-5 (9) .- \ C6-6 C6-6.l C6~6.2 C6-6.3 C6-6.4 C6-6.5 C6~6.6 C6-6.7 C6-6.8 C6-6.9 c6-6.lO . c6...:..6.ll C6-6.12 C6-6.13 C6-6.14 C6-6.15 c6.,...6.16 C6.,...6.17 C6-6.18 C6-6.l-9 C6-6.20 C6-6.21 C7-7 C7-7.1 C7-7~2 C7-7.3 C7-7.4 C7-7.5 C7-7.6 C7-7.7 c1.,...1. a C7-7.9 c?-1.10 c1~1.11 C7-7.12 c1-·1 .13 C7-7.14 C7-7.15 CJ-7~16 C7~7.17 CB-8 ca.,...s.1 CB.;..8. 2 LEGAL RELATiONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY Laws to be Observed '1>ermits and Licenses Patented Devices, Materials and Processes Sanitary Provisions Public Safety and Convenience PEivileges of Contractor in Streets, Alleys, and Right-of-Way Railway Crossings Barricades, Warnjngs and Watc_hmen Use of E;xplo.sives,. Drop Weigij~, etc. Work Within Easements Independent Contractor Contractor's Responsibility for Damage Claims C~ntractor's Claim for Damages Adju_stmerit of Relocation of · Publ,ic uttlities, ~tc. · · Temporary Sewer Drain Connectio·ns Arrangement ari~ Charges of Water Furnished by City · Use of a Section of Portion of the Work Contractor's Responsibility for Work No Waiver of Legal Ri,ghts Personal Liability of Public Official's State Sales Tax PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS $ublet:ting Assiciriment of Contract Prosecution of the Work Li.mi tati.ons of Operations Chara9ter of Workman and Equipment Work Schedule · · Time of Commencement and ·Completion Extension of time of Completion Delays . Time_ of Completion Suspension by Court Order Te.mporary Suspension 'l;'ermi:nation of Contract due to National · berg.ency · suspension of Abandonment of the Work and .Annulment of Contract- Fulfil1ment of Contract · Termination for Convenience of the Onwer Safety Methods and Practices MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement of Quantities Unit Prices (3) c6...:6 <l> C6-6 (1) C6-6 (1) c6~6 <2> c6~6 c2t C6-6 (3) c6..:6 <.t> c ·ti...:6 ft> C6~6 {S). c6-..:.6 {6) c6-6 -<B> C6-6 (8) C6:-6 (10) C6-6 (10) c6-6 c10>. C6t-6 (11) C6-6 ('11) C6-6. (11). C6-6 (12) c6·..:6 c12> C6_;6 (i°2) C7-7 (1) C7-7 Cl> ci-1 <l> c1..:..1 c2 > C7-7 (2)· C7-7 (3) C7:-7 (4) C.7~7 (4) C7~7 (4) C7-7 (Sl C.7-7 (6) t1~1 <6> C7-7 (7) c;1-1 -(7) C7-1 '(9) C7-r . ClO> c1.:..1 <13 > C8".'"8 (1) cs·-s <I> ' . 1 { I • CB-8,.3 "CB-8.,4 . CB78.5 ce-a.6 · cs~a.7 cs-a.a ca~a.9 ca~·s.10 CB..;.8~1°1 cs ;s.i,2 .c~~~ .• 1;3 .. ::·.:. . . Lump Sum Scope of Payment P~r.tial Esti~ates and Retainage Withholding Payment Final A~ceptance Final l>~yment Adq~acy of Des~gn General Guaranty subs:idiary Work I . .Miscellaneous Placement of -~terial Record Documents CB-8 Cl) C8-8 (1) CB-8 (2) C8-8 (3) ce~a <3>- ca-:-a ·· C3> cs-a <•·> cs-a· <4> CB.-.8 CS) CB-8· (5 > CB-8 (5) : . : .... ' J . : ,• . . . ~ ... ,: ,. .~ ... _. :. -. ' . . .. :. . . . .... . : . ·: .-.:. .... · _ ... -:· ::. .. . . ::-•. ~ . . . · .. ·; .'. . 1 .+ : ·• .. / . : • : ! . • !. .... (4) J -, ,-., ., f,~ ~~ l· ...... ~ ~-PART C -GENE~ CONDITiONS C1-1 DEFINITIONS ; !~ SECTION.Cl-! DEFINITIONS ~i-i.l DE~INITIONS OF TERMS: Whenever in th~se Conttact Documents the ·following terms or pron_ouns i~ pl~ce _o~ _th.em .are u·se:a, .. the intent and meaning shall" be un_d_erstoo_cl· a,_n,.d . inte:rp~:eted as 'follows:.. . . ' . . C1-l. 2. co'NTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Cor.it:r~ct · J?i>_cµi:,ie~ts. aie al°!·, of th~ w::rit:ten··ana arawn ·docum~r~s, ~U<::~--~-~-~p:ec1~1c_1;1t_~·o11~., bond•,· addenda, plans~ etc~t which govern the t~rms and performanCE! of _ the cont:ract ~ · Th~se a.~~-. co11t:aip~~ .in. th~· General contract -~_ocumeiits and the S.P~¢~al Cont:tact ··nocll$etits.~ · .. , : . . . ·. . . . . . . ... ., ... . ·8'. b. GENERAL. ·coNTRACT ·boctiMBNiS: ·. Th:.-. Generai cfontract riocumerits govern _ail Water bepatt;_91ent . P.rojet?~t1' ~nci include the following items:-. . . . . . -. PART ·A .... No'i'IcE TO aIDDERs . Es:·· ··'i~':> · White .. ·····.·.·· . --~·-·· ······ P~T B -PROPOSAL . f~a:iij>.:J,._~) Whit.~ ... :PART c ..,. GENERAL CONDITIONS . . .. .(CITY> .Ca~c;i:iy Yel·low _ C I>evelopet > , : 'Brown PART. i> -SPECIAL CONDITIONS .. · .. · '"· . :Gre~n PART E --SPECIFICATIONS i'h~White E2°-{;olden -Rod .B2i-whfte . . Biue·· · · · PERMITS/EASEMENTS PART F ~ BONDS .. PART G -CONTRACT . . . ~ . ' :<sam:pie> (S.~le) _ Wh·ite ·Whlte · ..... ·. -. SlfEC°iAt· COllTµCT D0CUMEN.T$~ . t:ti~ ._Sp_eqial_-CQntr~ct pe>~~eri~-~--.are. prepared f_c,r ~~u:h, ;~p~,c:if;i_p pz;oje¢t. ~lS a'· ~uppl,eJ.il~nt ,_t() th~ General._· C:<?~t:ract. Docume:nts .~rid inciuae th~-fo.1lowing it~: . · · .. . . . : . PART· A ~ -NOTICE TO 8IDDBRS . (Advertis.ement) . Same ·as · above· · · · · · · · .·. · · · PART B ~ PROPOSAL ·(Bid) PART c'~ GENERAL coN01T10Ns _ PART-n ·-s·~~~IAL coNi>I~:CQN$. PART ·-s ~-SPECIPICATIONs· .. PEIUUTS/EASEMENTS ·. . .. PART' F -~ 'BONDS P_ART G ~ ··coN~CT. . . . .. PART B -PLANS (Usually boutjd Sf?j;>arately) Cl-1 Cl) 5 .. :l Cl-1.3 NOTICE TO B1DDERS: All of the legal publications eitheE actually published in public advertising med i ums 6r fu.rnished direct to interested· parties pe:rtaining . ~o. the work contemplated under the Contract Documents constitutes the · notice to . J;>ic1ders. . . ~-~ .. :· . -. ' . ; ~ :ci--i ·~4 -PROPOSAL: __ The c9mplet~-~ ~tftten aJi(i .·sj.gned , offer .or . ten·der . of . a biddet to perform ·the work whiph . thE! Qwner _des i .res to have aone, together with the bid security,_ constttutes the . g ·ro_ppsa.l; · w~ if.? .. 9 ;f;!_c:9.~e~ : l>.~.n~,~ng U.PC>D . t~,e B_~dd.,~r. wi.i~:tl . it is· . '. o!_(icia.l;l.Y ; .r~.9E:f v'El~-bY,_. ~~¢. 9Wiu~;.,_ ~~s been, pub:J_ic~y opened and read and ·. not: . reJ~q-~e.d . by tbe OWner. _ . . . ~ . ~-\: ·,. ,_ . :. . . ::· ·-.-..:. . ,. . •, . . . . . : ·e:i~.·i -~:5 .. a ?friOER ': ··: .-A~y __ ' p~.r~br.i:,. per'~~ns,_. -~{rm,·. part~ersl1ip-·, ¢.ompany; <a ·ssociation ·,. corporation, acting directly or t hrough a duiy. _authorized . :repr~~eritati:ve ~ sut>I~i tting· a propos al for :~ekfo f~iri~ J he --~o;)( -~,p~~:emp:IJt~ un.d~r . the Copt;i:agt Documents, cc;>ris .t1:tu1::es a bidd~r. _ .. Cl-1. 6 GENERAL CONDITIO.NS.: Th~ .Gen~ral. Con_ditions are the usual constructi.oil} :a ,~:d'':contract 'r 'equi#~~ent.s ·wbi¢i1: gove'rn the per~9rµi~ii ¢·~--~<?t : t;A ~ wor;~_.,s.q -;_t ,vat. it w11 _1 _.be '.~arriea on in -acc:ord~·ti:atf'with ·tbe\cus~Omii:r°y pro·cediir·e, the local statutes, ari~. requ:i#·eui~n~s 'oJ : th,~,--City __ ()f ~:C>_rt Wortb Is ~barter and promulgat:e,d o~~~nanc¢s. . : . , .... ·. . . ... . . .. . .. --~·:·-: ·-:-.. ·•. .·.... . w1f ~ie\r.E!i-; ti(ere may be a conf :iict between the General tond.itfor(s ·J ijlcl Speci-~l c ·onditions, the 1a;t~.r -s _hall take precedence ·a:n~: shai;t govern. . . ·: ·. .·:. . . . . .... . . . . . ':·. ~--·-·_-.:, Cl;;..l. 7 SP'E.CIAL co·N-DfTIONS: . Spe'6taf·' conditions a.re the spe_ci~_ic requir$e~t,s,. whlc.,l\: afe QJ~c~~-.sai:y .fqr , -the.~ pa:rti_cular p~t-<ij)!'et'. covEfr¢~ ·. by '.:t _h.~, 'ci>ntt~.c.~· P?¢~¢ntl .. a~4-.P~t ,~p~ci-f ically covered ln · the G~neral·: conditions~·-· :·_wf.len c .c;,l)s.i.dered with the :c;,~·ii 'e:tal cfOndi:'tTo i t's ·ancf :~tlie 'r eiekeht:s ··: O':t the: Contract i:>ocuments· they pro~icie tfre tntor1t1~tion ·whicii"' the cont~actor and owner shoul~ have in o~q~~ to gain .a thorough k~owi~dge of th¢ proJect ~ ' . ' .. •.. . ,· , . . . . . . c1~1.s SPF!CIFICATIONS:. The -.S~i~lcat.ions is-tha~ ~e~tion _or part · c,f the Contra.ct Doc~ti,.' ~#:b s~ts' .. £:orth. · ~-ii., de·t:a'il the tequireinents which lllust be ':met by'. ·a11 matet:ials, ,ccmsti:uction, worJtmanship, equipment and ·,fe.t 'vl&e~: in ··Qrcler ·. to-· render a completed and usefµi. pr·o .ject. . whe .iievce.i¢ ·re£•tenc~ · is '~c1e to standard specifications~ regulations, requi-reme~ts,,-statutes, etc.·, such ~ef erred to _doquments sha11 bec·ome .ii part . of the contract Documents -just as thotigh <they wer e embodied · therein. Cl-1.9 BOND: T he bond or .bonds · are the ~ritten guarantee or sec1ir1.ty · furnished by the Contractor f OJ:' the proinpt and c1-1 <2> ~-• -. faithful performance of the contract and include tJe following: r f a. b. c. d. . P:J?~formance · Bond (see paragr~ph cj.;..~. 7) Payment Bond < see paragraph c3..:.3 ~ 7 > · · Mairitenance Bond (see paragr·~ph · C3~3 •. 7) P~oposal c,r !3id Security (~ee Sp_ecia-l °11\.Structiqns to Bidders, Part A arid C2.;.:2. 6 > . . .. . . . .. : cl-1.10 CONTRACT: The Cont:r:-act is the formal ·sigilecl a9reeme.rit betw·een the Owner and the Contractor· c .overj.~;9 . 1:h,e mut.ual understanding of the .two contracting part;l.es· ao'qµt <tiie ·project to, be co,npieted und~r ~he Contract ii>ocwnent~ ;· . . ·. . / .· .. ·,. ·, ..... , ..... ,.. -. - Cl~l-.. ti>PµANS .:: The plans are ·the dra~,ings_ ()~ :.fepi.6du~tlo~$. . tper~from Jna~.e by t~e owner's representativ~· show+ng in · a ·etail. . t ·he iocatio~·, dimension and position of t.t1e . yal'.~,ous ~lem.~~ts o.f .·;~h~ _ .. project, inc.1u_·a1n·g subh pi:<>t:1 :1)~·• ,· \ty.plha.1 c.re>A:S:-:sect:i.ons., layout ·~iagrams.,. worki~9 .. ~aw~i)g~.i . pielim~'ary 4'.?.a,,tngs ~·aii.ci such . suppl~~e.n·tal drawfng~ a~. t:~~ .~~r.._. *-1 a:y' .J)1 ~~e ·t,9 qla:r1..fy _:o·ther d ,~_awings o ·r fo:r; • the pUJ,PQ~.~. :~.f : show~-ng ch~pg~s in 'tbe ;i,o.rk bereinatter authorJ;: ;~d }?y . .t.ht(, ·q~~ei. '?he p{a·~~ ·are .. u~ualJ.Y boun'd separately fr~~.<,§,tne.i_...:pijiJ~. ~f. tl.1;¢ ·contra.ct .D.ocuments, bu:t they · are a part of .th·e · Contract b~oc·iifuinfs jus·t ·. as though they were bound :t.~eJ:~JI). .• _ . . ·.. . -: . . . . . . . . . . ··: . . ci~1 .. l.2 . CITY:· . ·The Cl ty of Fort Worth;:-~~~.~~,/: t ,~ripic~p~l. · S<?Ii>~r-~:t,i,on ·~ . ~~t.hor i z~d: .an,d cl)artei:~cl 11:.~;~:~l :.·t{l'~( .. ~~<o~~·~. ~~a!"-~ . . st:,~tllt. .. ¢~;. _a.c~ipg . 1.>Y. ar~ th:r;ough its., .9QY~!.P.1:~g_ ~~~l: .. 9!, A~~ C,i :tY .li!c\p.g~;, ea.~h · of ·wh 1·ch is required· l>l" .cijZ?,,;t,~.f f',,~ .. ~··.:P~J:'.f o~~ sp .. ecif ic duties. Respon.sibility fo.r 'fi·nal en:;fo.rcem·ent of Conti::act~ involving the City of Fort .. W,or.t:h :' .i.JJ". by. cha.rte~ ~ies,t;~:~ ·in .th~ Ci.ty Mariager. The t.e.rJD$ '.City:Ja)i~\'Q~Jjer .are syripnymous. : ·• ... _.. . . cl:;~i_ .•.. l;J : CI TY, COUNC:IL: The. duly· el~qt:~d·. ,iu1d . q •tiali. fJ~d governi~g· bocly · of the . City of Fort Worth, '',l'e':xas ~.. .. . . . • . . . CL~:1.~.14 .,MA·YOR: The o .ff icial.ly elec.t¢~·;:)taf6.t:,' Qt in ' li;i.a ab_s¢ilce; :tb·e -:Mayot ·Pro t~in of 't.~~ Clty ~of~:·'.Port )W,oitJi, 'l'~as .... " _, ... ·.. •, . . . -. . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . : . . , .. , -... · .. ~ . ~ . c1~i~3,_5 , C:IT·Y., MANAGER: Tbe offic1aii·y : appo.ln·(~4 :.in,. a.µth·~-t,ized. Ci.ty,,.Jfanag.~r,'·of ·. the City of Fort Wort.Ii, ·Te,~a·s ., ;pt llis · .. diuy. a~thotized · representative~ · · · · · : , · Cl.a.1.16 CITY ATTORNEY .: Tbe Officially appc:>ti:i~e.~: .. city Jitt<:>(n·ey of :·the C:ity of Fort Wort:h, Texas, or ffis qrily :a\i thbr i z ·ed representative. . . •. . . Cl-1 (3) Cl-1.17 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: The duly appointed official of the city o~ Fort Worth, r~ferred _ to in the Charter as the city Engineer, or h.i,s dulyauthqrized :representat:lve. c1.:..1.1s DIRECT.OR; .. CITY-. WATER -. DEPARTMEtnf: The cirily appointed -Director"" of th'e City Watie i; Departmept of the City of Fort worth, Texas, or his d~li arithorized repres~ntative, c1:s~i:,st~nt, oi;::. ~geri~s .• Cl~l ;/19 E.NGI'NEE·R·: ~he· Qirector . of Public ~orks, tffe · Oireqtor o ·f 'the Fdrt · Worth ci"t:y water·· i>ep:ar.,tment, -·or their duly ~ufhorij~d a~si-tants, ag~iiis,-~n~ineers~ in~pector~r o~ ~uperi~t:-e,~,~-~n -~s, ;~ct~Ilg within .the s,cope (!f the p~'ri;Jcul~;r "utie~ entr~ste4 to ~h~m. . . -· .. · .... -ci~·1 ~ 20 CONTlfAC~T'OR: _The •. perso_n·, _.>Q:e :rsoiis, p~rtnership, company; fl.rm;· :~$SOC:::iati'OI1T , oi -·coipo;r)lt;_ion, e ,ntering· iritO a c·e>ntr _act :· ~i tl'i_ ~h~ ow:ner . :tor _th4!. exe¢µt.1:on: of t))e ·work, acting di:i'ictly' ol :;tbr.ougg a -_ d~uty··: autho.:~i:~f?.~-·repr,eseritlltiv:e;. A s'ii1{+dontr·~ct>o~~ ·~s ~ p·ersqn~ f:lrm; .ipii;>,Q_t -at;iqn,· or · othtirs · under· ce>nlrc;iCt -'with ··t .he ;principal-. Go.n_t_iac'f(?r .; --_sµpp1.ying ·J:ab~r and riiat~rials .qr ·oniy 1ape>r~ for .~~r~'._i,\\_ tp,~;,sit~_-_·of t;he pro:j"e,et;· . . . ,. . ;;:-.. :·. ·. . . . . . ). . .. . . . . . . -.. c1~1.21 SORETii~: -. ;The ' Cdrpoiate ·~odi'_es which· ar..e bou~d by such bon·as are: :X:~qui 'red :w! th al'.ld: .f ·o.r ,: _th~_ .Contr'act<>.._r ~-.. ',J'.'l:)e :tr t~ir !!ill :~~~!!i~l!i!tW~1i~~~:~t~:t:!i?tn'it~;: ~pproved cha~9~·~. · t:n,er~in: _ · · .. · .. :: ..... i ·:. '._ :· . ·. . . . '. cl-1 .• 2i THE ·_WORK .-o:a ·,.PROJECT: _ The __ -¢9i;npi.e_tec1 ·· wor~-:-¢ontemplated in, :and· ccov~r~'d·· by ' the· Contract Do¢u.~eQ.ts ,-inclµdi -ng bu~-:·nqt 1 i~i ted to the f urJ'iishi_ng of a _ll l,abor r _ materials, tools, equip_men1;_,, ~~d !n~~q~~~als il.~,(;.~~~~ry -._to_,--p~Qd~_ct:!·,: a.::·coi.np:le.t~(J and ; s·ervfceable i?~~-j~c;t. -,, _ -_,:_-: ~. ·: . ..: · -•· ::.:· :-· -· · -·. ·--. ·-. -: - c1~1. 23 · WORKING. DAY~---: _l\ __ wQrki~g,. :~l_~y -. .$;~ '3.:~f.fned ~s a _.qalenda_r _ day.,• not 1-nc1:~<!~~~9'-~~~-~Urgays,,,, -·_f;uqcli:i.~;B, .;,~*-d ~~-g~i , hol'lcla'y.s ·~-·. in which theweatllei:: or otber 'coriditions not uoder the· control of . the -Con tr llCtC>r • permit . 1;he: p~rf..~iJ;sla.1(he pf· the i pr:lri_c;ipal, .. \in i ~-0 t · ·work fo_r a' -P~~:rip<t ~ d :f not -Hhia . thai)-~even .('7 .j· 'bours :_:b.etween 7::·o·o a.m~ < ana 6':·:"tJo p.m ·~-~ <w·i tti .. e:x·ceptlonEI ·a.s .. ·p ·e.x:iaitft-Et"d in paragraph C7-7. 6. . --. -. ·c1~1~-24 CALEN.DAR DAYS: A caiehdar ·day Js apy :atty ot 'the . week or . month, no ·:allys being' excep"tea: .. ·, Cl-1. 25 LEGAL HOLIDAYS: Legal holidays shall l:>e observed as presci;ibed by the City ' Council of the City of Fort Worth for pbservance by City employees as fo1lows; } . . . ,i . ~ Cl-1 (4) 1. 2. 3~ 4 .• New Year's Day M. L. King, Jr. Birthday r L ' ' January ·1 { Third Monday in Janua_ry , Last Mon~_ay in May / July .4 , -5. (i. ·.7. Memorial Day Intlepen·dence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Tha:nksgivi_ilg F~iday First Monday_ in September Fourth ~h~rsday in Nov~e~· Fori,rth Friday in November Dec~~r 2S . .. 8~ 9. Christmas ,'Day Such other days in lieu of holidays as the City Council may determine when one of the abov~ named holidays or a special holiday is. de~lar~d by the Cit:y Council, _fall:s . p_n S~tlird~y-, t.l1_e ,)lol!day Ei°h-a!l ·be ·. opse:rjed ·ori 'th~ preoe.d~~g · Fr~a:ay·. e>r i.f . it ta11s on. _Stillday~ · . it:C :~hall ·be e>bserv.e~ · 0:~ ille .: fol:l..~:w,ing Mc:,11day ~ ... by t~ose ~Jjip.;ioy•e:es wo:rking ""dn . ,totking day optira~Jgris ~ . t.inp_loy~es wOrking calendar day operations ·will consider the calendar boll.day' as . the holiday. . . . . .-.. • . . . . . . . . ~ . Cl;;.1.26 . ABBREVIATIONS: Wbe_rey~t the al:>prelia_t:ions defin.ed h'ere:in appear . -in 'Coritra9t;. Qeicu)nents, the -int.~nt and me .aning :sh~it· b·e as . follows: . .. . . . . . . . ' . . : .. . . AASBTO . ~ _Aineri'cail 1\!fso~i'a.tiori _ Qf MGQ .-Miliion . Gallon·s Per ·· · ., -.. :state Highway : ·Tr ansi>ortijtio_n . . pay _.--. . Offidials · · ··· ·· · .. Amer i ,cail Society of Civil, . CPS · (-.: Cubic Foot pe!" . Eng.ii)~~~~---. ·. · . _:-··sec:o~a<· ' · .. -: . · .· LA~ -Iii '. Acc ·ordance With ASTM Americ~ui . Society of '~Hn~ ;..·· Mi°nitilum AWWA Te~ti!'}g Ma.te:rial_~. Mo~Q.~ )~q~o!i~b:ic ~':rt~;in. Wa~er Wo r ks %.: -· Percentwif . ·Assoc1at1.on R -.Ra:dius·· :·· . ASA ,uii~ricllri St,a_pda.;~~,~$.so~iati9n. I.D. ---Inside Diameter nf :: :, ... :ax-~rin~~J;'.c . ~n.!31:J ::tute ·. ,. . . t i t ::e~hµ,t _ti:de. A.!fpj:b . Av e. · B\'f~.· -CI · -- ct · GI''·, tin i~. ~ MB Max. ·-Asplia1t · Avenue Boulevard :east -iron . Center Line Ga'l ~/arif z:tid jr·on tinear ~r ~in~~i Poun d · Manhole Maximum Elev.--Elevation .F ;.. Fahrenheit !t: .. , : !i!!lgr~de st. ~·. s.tre.~t . CY . Cubic Yard . Yd. Ya.rd SY Square Yard L.F. Linear Foot D.I. Ductile Iron Cl-1 (5) cl-1.27 CHANGE O~~~~~ A ~Change Orde~" is a wrltten supplementc,t-1. ~gr:_e~~ent ~~tween 'th~ Owner ~n~ the. Conti:~ctor covering some add.ed _or deducted 1 tem c,r . f~atµi:::e . ~htch -~Y be found necessary ap~_wliicQ .~as not specifically inclµ'1ec1 in the scope of th"e ·. proj~ct: __ : .9 -~ which bid_s w~;e s~~mtttea'. increase in unit qtian·~ii;,ie_s_ '$ta,(.~_a _ in the p:ropOSiil . al:".~ not,. 1::,h_e subject matb:~··r · qf a Cbai1g~. ·o:f~er . ·unless the incr~~-se . o_i: clE?c;ease is 1110:re than 25% of the ame>unt of .. t;h~. parttcul,.ar TtEµn -or. items i.n t"he orig i_nal proposal. · · ··· · ··· · · · · · · · All "Ch~nge oider~" ~hall b~ prepa~eO ~Y the City ,to• information ~s nes:ef?sary ftp;Ji.i.shed J?Y th~ Gp.n~ra.¢t_or_ •. · ~~;iii!e;::::n!illtt:r~.A::jii~:~I,~li:r~:::i:~;ei\e0 \fi£~; foliowi"rig typeif ' Q.f --~e:a:.ririg .· sh_rfiicfe~,. applied ovet , the· natw;~l uniiiip;·ovecl_ sur~~'¢¢·:·' '· · ·. · . · · · _. · · · · · · · · · .. . . 1. Any type . of _asphaltic c.onc~-ete· wi_th or wi ·t -:hout- 2~· · :ip;r~;~;:t;) ~;ett:i:~ .:·~µ:~Jiq~ ~,tie:~:~m.~#:~ ~--~ot including· an oiled surface, wJ~lt o~ w1t~~~t separate -base: mateilal. · · · · 3. :Sri.ck; with . or without separate base . nmterial. · . 4. · c ·onciet~·;--with 0 Qt w.i£tihut)i~pii.rate ::pasie '."ina'terial. s. Any co~ination ()f 'the .·"ab<>ve '." ........ ,. ' ... -.. .. . . . .. ·.. . . . . ci-1.2·9 · ONPAVB°i>. STREETS OR ~ys( .:An . u-~p_a.J~ ·sir~et; alley, roadway ot ·· ot:be':t ·· ·surface · fs a _ny a:te.cl.· -~x¢.~P -t.. ··thci..ii ·~ :def iJl~Q ; above for "Pa~~~ Street$ and Alley$.,•.:·. '. ·· .. :· •-·· . .. .· . -<:· - Cl-1.30 CITY···STREE.TS ;:·· A city str.~~t ·:t~_:_defln~:a .. -~s 'that area between th~'"'right""".of~way lines as tli'~·:·stree"f.'.J _s·~-~d:.f.c!lted -~ •.... . : . . .. . . . . . -~ .•": .. . -•. . . . . . . . . . .. · •. . ·:-"{: c1+.:r~ 3;1~··.ROADWAY: Tlf~. r·8lict~tt'y:··t's· :::a.~:tJii~a :·'~t(J]i~ ~~i~a b~twe~-~ ._ p~:ra£1e:1:~-1-ln_¢.s ·~;,o <2'> feet bltck of ·the curb ·li"nes ·or fou·r ( 4') feet(;ba'c :k : of t.~e -a vet age edge of p,aveinent ,~h:~t~. n.o curl;>.., ·e~-ist~. · .·.· ... ~:· -:· .. f ·: ~· · ... :. Cl'"".l.32 GRAVEir .· STREB.T: A gravel· str eet is any tirip~~~d stree·t;: to which ·bas· ~eeil, a:dd~ on~ Qr _more applicat.i.?_ri :~. ·:,~,£. ,gravel· or,· similar material . :othe'.r than the natural matetla1··tound -'·cin "the . f;ltreet surface before · ll~Y improvement wa~ ;~d~:. -.. , . ·. . . . :·, :.:· .-· Cl"."'1 (6) ,.-'\ SECTION C -GENERAL CONDITIONS c2~2 INTERPRETATION AND ~, PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL ; i -SECTION C2""."2. INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL c2.~2~1 ,PROPOSAL , FORM: The :Owner ·wi11· furnish bidders w,itb p:(<>p~~~~--t .o .~m-;·~whlcb will contain an itemize.a list of the items .of work to~ done or materials to be furnished arid upon whfcli : 1>·.t_d prJce~-are requested~ . The Ptopos~l form _will state t":he ,Bidder •·E3 general und~rstan_ding of the project to be qompieted~ 1>rovide a spa~e f o; furnisJ'}iilg _ t)1_~ a~ount of bi:d _ s~¢!1:~} ty ,. , a~ct :~-~-~:~}?, ;'~he b:lf~Js,: f :br __ ,~ter ing -,r~:to . a. for~al contr.act·., TQ~-,;_O;~p~:r ·will fu-rn·lsh formf? for t-he B1.dder • s . -,~-P~i{~Jl_Q·~·.: ~-e~<;>rti, -~ )~~-qui,pmEmt . S_chedu,-le, ~-~-ri'a ··Plnancl~~ St:a,teme~l,.":= al_1 .of ·wq1ch >·must be proper.ly e~ecuted and .filed _ ll-Jf.1i ~~~Q.{ D:i:_re~tor:_ qf· ~_he City water De~_artm~nt -~:n~ week prior t<>.,tlie r bour,_ ~or ~opening of .bids;. · ··,"••. • :· ~ : • • ••• r • ·• • .•·. ~ ,....* Tfi~';_i{n~'hc't~l-si~temerit regulred . sha:11 have . been prepared_ b_y all · "ini{eperident c¢rtified public ~ccountant or ari _independent pu~lic . ~ccoun.tant holding a val~d pei:,-mit i _ssued by ·an il-~P;ttjp~Jat..~ :~tJ~t~ liq~rising · a1en _c:v, a9~--.~:1?~-~r :ti:~ve 1:>e~ri '!~ P.~J;p~;~.4. c:tS :·JO _;re-f 'l :~ct· the·--c11.rren_t:. f ii:ia,nc:?-.a~ _s~atus. . Thi~ statement must-.1:)e current ·and .,m)t·· more t _han o··ne ( 1 > year old;. :rn ":f'he :. cihse ---th'.at· a .bidd'irig: ·diite Eall:s wi"thln the time · a n~w i~qi(t~~T~~tiiJ~i::~i~;i,eit:C!liiri:t1?JtJf :~:~*u:~ f <?./:'-~~--~:~:~¢.ii~nce recotd to . l)e_: con:s ,ide;r~ tC> be _acc;ept~bl;~-,for ii_· gJy_~,_p:q>j~.,.c;:t .,, . Jt : inust·. ref l~ct· ·t~e · ~xper i~n~e of · t.he · f i _rm s~~~~~}f 91/9u~Lif ,icatic,p, i:n ,worJt ,.,of b9t,h ~h~ E(~m:~" ·11a,t:ur~_ Zlri~ . -~~,gp,~~"~$1~: ~~ t ·hat of ;':.the::_ t>r!'j·~:.c·~ 'f :~r w,~~~h .~l<I,s '.~:r:~. _to b.~: . te,:q~.!.,Yi!!,<J:,: :a _nd, ,such::·.;exP,erie)·r ce ·.must lia_v.e · be~ii <>n : proj~ct_~ :eq~J~t~~,:s ij.<)t) _mo.re :. than',''~-ive -·· t Sl years . pr;ioJ" to the · datf! on wh.fch:,-a :re tQ be received~--, The . Director of the . Water . <lfi>i~fni;~~;f sbal~.,:he '.sol:~: -judge · a~: to th~ ,c.c,e _P.t,a~itity of ~~t,~;J~~ce --I~-! ,quali£ic~tio~·:to bid on a~y Pt,~t: 'JC)rth water I>ep~r~n~ p:r;oje~t -. -· · · Tll \t prospec.tiy.&·· biqder shall -~·cbed'1le t :he equ_ipment he'_ h~s . av~+l~i?le . tor . t:.J)e . pr9ject. and· stat~ that _ h.e will ·rent s.uc~ addJtlori~l . equipm~ht: as ma'y b "e 'required to comp;t:et_e . the pro,:jec~ .on which he submits a bid~-: ·: · · . -. · · · ·· C2~2. 2 INTERPRETATION OF QUANTITIES: The (Jllantities of work anti nia.~etla).:tJ to be furnished · as ··may be li~ted· in the proposal C2-2(1) forms or 9ther parts .of the Contract Documents ~ill be considered as ap~roximate only and will be used for tbe purpose of comparing bids on a 'Qlliform basi_s _.. -~al711leQt will _ 9e made to th.e Contractor for -only t,h"e ac_t::U;al q:uilntities . of work performed o.r riiater"icils f~rnisbec{ in strict: ~c_co~d~nc~ _lfitb t~e contract Doc.uments . and Plan$.. . The quant~:tie_s · -of-: work :t.o · be p~x:f orµ1ed_ an"d qiate~i.als to. b~ furnisl)ed Bl~Y: be " i~,~re~_$'~1.}>.r decre•se4 4• h~r~~nafter provided, wj~hout ·i~ any way invalldii.tincj tQe :u "i).i. t prices bid or ~ny otller reql.iirem~nt:s · c;>f the contract r>ocum.~nts. . . ·-: ·, · · · ... . . . di~2 .J . EXAMI~ATION,.: 0~ CONTRACT .. DOCUMENTS : AND ·-SITE 'OF PROJECT:"- Bjdqers . ~r~. advis.ea·· tbat th~ Contra·ct:" l)Ocum~nt,s0 :·-·on fi)/e:'.'.wtt·h : th.~ Qwr:iet sh_a_ll c ·°'n~ti,tqtf;! ~l-1 :9-f· .. :t ,h:e informat_ioij-.~~_ich'::tihe · Owner ·will fu.rni~h •. All -additiomll -i11fotJn·~-tiori· . .-itnd . dat5a ~}ii'cfb : t'li~ _· <?i~e~ .--~-tL( -~upply af:te:,; .--Pr~mu1gc1.tio .t1 =.-·tif.·'· ~:he {<>'*'1~1 contract documents shall be issued. in t _be _:·-t :')l;~ .. of, .. ~'wrlttien addenda . and shali become part of· "t:iie ·co.11t:rti-c1:· i:>ocuin~tits jui:$t as . th<>U91°i : f?:UCP adq_e~d~ w:~re a¢tlial;];y written: Jrito tlie · ·cfiii:cfl:n~l-conti:J¢t J:>qcume~ts _~ · · .. · ·' · , , < ·: , · .. ;-... \ • ! : ~:.. ~·1 ·. ..! ... :·. ~ Bi~de!r_s ~t.e ~eq11J;-~~' p:r;i.Qr to t .he . f t~ing of. pr"opdsal:, t.'6 ',.:re·aq . ,i"n.g bec9in¢ f~mil.f?l~ .· ~ith·. th~ Contract Docµ_ments ,._· to :'.vis·~~ :\\tf];fe si"te o .f the. pi;_qject .·· a,nd. -ex~mine caref-ul1y ·'at.1',::1-tfc~l; C(?.t14it~911.s, .· t~ i)1£qi~ t'.:h.~mse];,~~s -by-._ their <>.W'~ ~~~ndep:e1i'cl~\1 t t~ijea;*~ ;_a ,~~ inye~tiga_tlons·,._ te_sts, .. bo~,i ,ng:,· ~rlcr,.··by -·sucli•."o~lie'lf · 6~f!i:lf ~!::: wtcte.i?lf f ~I;ti~i1~~~;:~::;;,J!t~~g~:ttti;;t~r~~~it~: _:-: of ,the p _ioject. They must judge for themselvera):··tlfe - dif f' icul ties of the ~ork and all attend:irig cir6wiuitances a~JectJn~J: t;.9~ ~oat oi: doi-ng the .WQX:k · or the:. t-i-~e :,r~<iuj/red ·:for ·.' its ·. c,ompl~tl_on, . ari<l obtain :al1 .-lnform.ation;.required;!}to·,'make'·an ' . _!~f;et1~{/;j:e _t[[f t.::'.1 ~.f . r::e i;:::::.:!.£h!r 9t1:ii~f\:~t~.t~:;f:&s~-~,t,. , t:t,e .c;!o*trfl_CJ Do~uJ,D~ll:ts . a11d , .J:>f:-f ._i;ciai;};y-promlil'gatfed . ·iita:a,ei¥d1t tti'~r~~P; :. i3 .ha.ll be: J:>}~plng. upon ;th~ ~er.·· 'Bidders ·: "ij1iaI1::re1i · excltl~ive.ly and _·so1~1·y ~poil ·thejir : ~-"',n ' estima:b~s ;/ iri_yes~lgat,iq_~; . res,ea;rch, tests, .. ~xpl9hit:ions ,:· and _:e>tbej;-':a·ata · wtiich ·ate ·_ ne,c _e~~-ilr.y _for ful .l and comp:J_ete "into:t:mation · ·npoi:i- -~hlch the ~roposal is to be based. :It is inu_t\i~lly ::a:g·rt'!~ ,tJiat the. submission of a proposal is prima-faci~ ev!:dence· t .li~t . _the "bi_dder has . mape the investig~1;:iQns,, examhiatirina ·artd;_.; tests . hetei:n r~qui-ted.. Cl,aJms for _ a ·d _di.tiona;t · co~ensat,ion ;:due .'to" v~;rl ~t ,tons b~twe_en co_ndi tions, ~ctu.al'l:y ·; E}ncou -nt.eted ln construction and as indicated in t-he con.tract ;·Documents ·~will .. not be allowed. . . .. The logs qf . Soil Borings, if any, showing ·::otl the p'laiis ate for general 'information only· and may not ·be correct. Neither the ,i ; C2-2(2) owner nor the Engineer guarantee that the d~ta shown Js repr~sentative of .conf:lition~: whi~h act1,1aliy _~xist. · ! c2-2. 4 SUB~ITTING OF PROPOSAL: ~he. Bidde~.'. shall submit his Prop_o~al 9~ ·th-e · fc>rin f~i;nJ~~,~ l?Y. t:~_e Q~~\e:r;. All, '.b;Liuik · spa,;:.es ~ppl ~ c _:able . to tti~_ P.?<~jec~ -c9h\it.Tn~d Jp_. t:h.e form shit,lJ: ,be cbrr_ectly f _,1.l),.~~. ~n . ,a.nd __ t'1e, B~,4.-,;I.e;r. ~'~~),,l ~ .. ~ta~~ _tJ;u~-p~icres, written· in _ink ' in · b~th w:orc:l.$ ~n ·a .num¢:rai:s :,. fQr . which . he prQpbs~s. :to ~<i _ 1;:n;e :)i.'ox;~·, ¢<?.rif~iltpl'.~tea. of fu;plfilje t~e --.~at.erf~.is i'¢guJr~r;i. _. Ali!, i:i~ch J?rJp~~ ~ll~ll. ~~ ,,rJtt~n legi:b _ly. · :rn ca_s~ of, cli scr¢pan.9Y betw.~eri .; th,e p _ri,c~~ _-wr .i}:.t~n :;_n wq~p~ ·,and · the pr.i¢~>-?f~tte~. i :n ·_numeral~;, -~~~ pfi(;~ ~flt a.dv~ntag~OUfJ to tJ1e · ¢H:y ·s~a)l goyerri. · ·· · ·. . ·· · · · · · tJ a p~o.po~_al i:~ ~1J:_b:m_i_t _t¢_<). by ~n _ !~~iyi,d~,~j., __ hi~ or ·h _er_. j)aine. mµfl.# ~:, .. s!;gn,~d ' by hJiij .<9~f>>~i; Jif~. Che;> _}iJ.!~Y _:·z:tuttior.ized ag·en~.~ :r;f : a p _r _()J>.C>_f!>al f:s ~_ubJl!it.t~~·L~Y a. 1irn,i,,. ~ss°.g_.p~_t!on, o.r pct_r~~e#s.h_lp, th~. ~!1~~ ~n.ti ~-!~~~~,s of . J!_~ch-i:lle .Jn~~.:r .· ,Jnust: -··-be. gJven; a::~-~:. t ,h_e .v~o~:o~~l . )11~-~t :~~ s~giie<1:i qy _ 8:_ ~e~ei:-_:.ot the_ f11,".JD,. as~c;,.c:iat;o_~, .· ~-r p~r.t:~~:r;.EJbip,,,, o~,'.-J~Y-··c1 · pe_~~_on ;· ~lul:y ~tt'.ttll?i.tt~~: t~!,· -~-9.~~!~;s_t} .l~f;~;;t:~;,;tll~t~:c{'tt:r:~:~! addt.ess mµst . be .. .;gi·v .en, and _. the '.prqgosal. s.tgQ~ ,b-y ·aQ of:f-icial or ' duly ·. author i£ed ·agej1t ~ .. The corpor~ te Seal'. ·mu~t be . a;f .f ,ix~a-.~ Power of Attorney au·t .bo;rizirig ageri~s ··or othe~s t<> s,i.g·n d~l.Jy~i::~d -~f_ter t.h,~ ~J£_l~i~_! ~!~~ ~esi.9!.~~t,ef3.; for,. f .e~eipt :;of pr9p6sa1 ·sha.J.J be ,l~.t~fl?~~: to. '.~PJ~: Bt<Id~.r ·µ~,~p~~f:?~~l •. · > ,, ·' -· ·. :_i" · •. C2-2 •. 6 B:ID SECURITY: ·. 'No pre>pb~al liill be consfd~~ed µnless _it ls -~C.COJl)pa,ni~d PY . a ·~,i;-.opos_a,1 . S~cllrity~ .,Q,f ·~t.J:i~ ¢h.at~ctei: ,and if dili;1:r;tj!i~lif :i;~;r titi!tt:irtu1i;:::~ri:at:1:t;, of a guaranty · that .·1f·: .. a.warded ·the contr.:act,: · t.he.::,Bidder. wi0ll. ·;t:h::,\1~ar:;~-~~t,~!;~a~~it_:~-~~:~~i ::'.:;~!f~~~t;it~f;t.;-f;:·:. the · .three ·1ciwest .bldders wi -1];. be ; retained·:uritll·· .tbe :'contract: is;·a:w~rded or·' oth~r dlspCStJltlon'· fs made thei:eofs'.· . Th;. _bid se_cur i ty of all other bidders may be. returned prqmptly after the 6anvass of bids. · ·· ~-' . .· . . . ~ . . . C2""'.'2(3) C2-2. 7 DELIVERY: OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be corisid~red unless it is delivered, accompanied by it~ pr~per -$id Security, to the C_i _ty Han_aget o.r hJs _ ~epr~s~:~tative iJl :_the official place of business as set forth in t;_he •Notic·e . t .o Bidders. •· . _it is tµe 13j;dder I s so+e resp9ns,ibi~i ty· 'to ·. d.~11:v~r the p.toposal at the proper t~me to -th~-t>.t9per P~-~~~ ~ _ .. -~he . me;.,e .fact that a : pr:oposal . ~~s cl _iE;pa~c?i~c): wiJl. not . b~ ~(?nB_.i;.4¢F:~a~ The J3idder ~:ust. havt? the pro1iqfial . a:ct.~ally ·_de_li~~-r~~---· .~~~h -pr.oposal._ shall ~ be in ia , '3¢a}.e~ -~-11ye_l.9~e -~l~ci,~nfy ~f.~~4, )i!t~f t.ije_ word ~i>Rc:>POSAL, "· and · ·the· n~e or desc::r:1-ptic,p qf tile p.roJect: ~~ designa:ted . in_ the "N6tice to Bidderij·~• -. 'The ¢J~t~i_ope -~~:~l;t ,be -addressed to the City Manager, City Bail_,_ Fort Wortij, Texas •. c2""'2 ·. 8,,. WITHDRAWING PR()POSALS: _·. · :Pro~qsal~ :~9t9.~lli '~ti~~-w.iti the City Manager. . cannot ' be withdx:awn ptlo.i,-· to; the ·t~i):iEL~set for ·open._ing · propos al,_s ~ _, ,· A r~~ue~t .:fo~' ;rtg'il _~5_0Il _~Jcl~¥t1,t,i~-~ _of:,_'.~ propo13al must -be ma_de in ·wt i 1:-ing,. · add.:r.~s _s~ __ d .. t:q J:he c~_t,y Man _age.r.,· and f i 1ed w·ith biin prior _ ~-o ._· the ·tJ..Dl_~ a~t fc,r ·~_.tµ:e openlrig · of prc;>posa:l!;i.-·. _After·· ~II i>:ropq~~_ls ·not ···re,,1:~¢·$t.~~ ··:~:q,r noh~co-~si-de-ra_tion ar·_e: op;ened ari'd pµb:J.lc!y i:ead ···_'4J..oQ<l, t~e. pi:,9poict:ls fo~ _wliich ·np:n~cori~.idE!rati _or{: f~'q_!ie:_st~ );tav~;: ~.~J~-~ .pro_pe~Ty filed ~ay, at '-~he ·option of :tl:i:¢. O'li~ep,_ .P~ ~-~tl):rii¢p unop~n.ed;, '. . . . . . . . . . .. . . : : . . . C2,~2.,9 . TELEGRAPHIC -MODIP,ICATION OP :PROPOSALS:.· MY "J#.4ti\i:(·#y modify his proposal by telegtaJ;>hic · cdj;u,un·re!ltfo~e ··a:t· ari"y '"'tl#i"¢ prior _to the t:~~e s _~t f<>.r ope.n~Q£f , p,r9p_p~_~J.8i P .f ;9yi:~~~d,;. s :?,~Jl te;J.~g,~~p~i"c :c :ommunig.?:t-iion is rec:tfi\i.et1·\9Y/:'~:!t~~ ;,C'~'fat --:tt~:_~~cj~t · p _r ior to· ~h.¢ silid p~opos~l openirig ti~~-,· :~d_-t>t:.9yi~1~4 fu;J:~et, tbj1: the City M~n -~qer. 'is ·Eutti"~fled 't~-~:t ~-w'ri.tJ;.f;!I). _ji~q::4j1Jy autherit.lca.ted (,i:_onfli:inatioi:i ():f', such te).egtaphi,c:. ·:~9njmu_n;j..¢atl9i) ;.;:~;~::t ,:dt;~t!;r~_-i'~!.~ t~-~_;,b ~~:~rc;r~tirJ!\~f .l~~f?Q\r "t!t~i1}a ·: within forty-.eight (-48 > hour-s after the ·propc,sal opentn~f time, no fu(ther consideratio.9 ~Jll be · give~ t9 ~h~. p;9p<>~al~ ·. :, . '. :: .c_· ... .. • • • ••• . . . • •• • . . .. ' • • •• • : .. . • • .~ • -r ' •. :· • • : . • ; • ·• ,3. c2:~.2 ~ 1;0 ·. :itiatic _· .OPENING or: PROPOSAL: ·pr9.po.sals . :lihi<;~_; .h~v~ }?eell . p_tot>~X;lY £±1.~:a :"""-.an'~ ·~or;; ·w~-i_cb __ no .:No·n~~·p _1(~i~e~a'7-i:0·9 _.:-~~qu.e:~t:" has been r~e.e~ v~·d . wi:_:ll ·: be publicly·_ op~netl /c1n4· · i:.:eaq _alcSuij _;J?Y: the·, c ,lty-~nager:·,o:r his autliori~zed representattve . at ':the . ·trme . iihd piace . ifidiciated ·,in "the : •uotice: to : ~:i.cjti'ers:·~--·_· Al_i "proi,c;,sits .· wh ich" 'have been ,opened a ·nd . -read · will ' r-e·malif ;ori: 'f'fle ·:iftl'i 1 t£be ·· own-er : untii : the contract--has . been awarciect/ · .Bi'dci'efs :dr · th·efr. authorized repre$e ntat"ives · are °I.nvi't:e,ii · to ·:·be p:ttisilrit 'f6r ··th~ · 'Operd~ng. of bids.·. . . . . . . . . . . . . " . : .. C2-2.ll . IRREGULAR PROPOSALS: Proposals shall be considered as being ~irregular" if they show any omissions, ~lterations of form, additions, or c6nditions not called for. unauthorized ,1tetnate bids, or irregularities of any kihd. However, the ' . / ., C2-2(4) ., < ,. :6?> -·- owner reserves the rig-ht to waive any apd all irregulariti~s and to make the award of the contract to the best interest of the City. ,Tendering a proposal after the closing hour is)an irregularity which cannot be waived. C2-2.-12 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: _ Bidde.rs may be disqualified and their proposals not considered for any of, but not limited to, the folle>wing reason: b. c. d~ e. f. g. h. Rea~oris for believing that collusion exists among _ bidders. · Reasonable grou_nds _for believing that any bidder is interested in more than one proposal £or w·o~k contemplated~ · -· · _ · · The bidder be.j.ng int_erested in any litigat1o.n ~gainE>t the Owner or wher,e the Owner m_ay -h°ave a '. claim against or be 'engacjed .i:n -litigatiori against th~ bidder.· . _ _ _ _-· _ · The bidder b~ing in arrears on any existing contr4c:t or havi_ng -defaulted ori a previous contract. . . . The -bidder having performed a pr·ior contract in _ an unsatisfactory manner. . . . . . . L~ck of c~~p~tencj a~ reve~led by the finan~iil sta-tement, -experfence fecord ,-equipment f3c _li~du'ie, and such inguir.ies a~ ~he ()wner ~Y s~e f_it ·to m_ak~_. Uncqm:pleted _ work -Which, in t _he judg.menf o~ th~ OWper I . Will prevent Or hinder t:he pt:'0Jnpt C::OJnpfetiOJl of additional work if awarded. --. . . . The bid:der ·nc:,t -fiilng w{tb -t~e ()wner, on~ w_eek _ in advance qf the hour of the opening of,ptoposal,s the fdllowlng: · · · · · · · · 1. 2. 3. Financi~l Statement sbti~~ng the %lnancia1 condition of .-the bidder as specifi¢d fn Par~ ."A" --Special Instruction~. ----- -A_ current experieiic_e reeo~d -showing especi~iiy the pre>j~cts of ·a ~at.ure similar to th"e ~ne under ri6n~ideiatibn, ~hi~h h~~e b~en success:fu1iy completed by the Bidder. -. --- An equipment sche.dqle ·sho"'ing the equipment the bidde~ has avaiiabi~ £or us~ 6n the . project.· · -· -· · The Bid Proposal of a bidder .~ho, iri the jtta~~ent ~f ihe •ngineer, is di~qua1i~ie~ u~d~r the requir~•erits jtat,d herein, ·shall be set aside 'arid ·not opened. . C2-2(5) .. ,.,. -·, ~-. ;: PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION op'. DOCUMENTS . . . ··. SECTION c3..:.3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS:· c3.;.3 .1 CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS: . Aft~~ pr<>pRaal~~ ~a"?e b¢~q opened · and _read ·i\1oud, ·the ·proposals wi.11" be · tabulat·ea· on J:h'e ba.sis of . the quoted prices; the -qtiaiiti'tferL:;sh:cSj,ri ,·fn _ )hie pr.oposal' and the ~ppl i ca ti on of such fox:miil '.a!:f, ,,~~ .ci~Jt(;i;; methods of bringing items to a common basis •s may ·be. established in the Contract Docunients. The t~taL obtained by taklrig th.e sum· ~-~ th~. pt6-4~~t~. of'.. ;iiiii.:f . prices q~·oted :and· t~e ~s-~~nta~ea qu!l~!!t~:~s '.P.l~f3 · __ ij:~i :·J\1:#f;J R.~: items and such · other quoted amounts as · _may_ :~~~~x: ,tn.to . ~'1~,-9q~,~ ·of · .the · completed project ·will be consiqel:'ed ··as ·:t~~ .. -~m9 _p;f~'t:_'.)?.t · th·e bid. ·· · · ·· ···· ·· ·· · Ont'il the -award -of ·the contr~ct is _matle by· ti~i ·0~9:~·r",::.£h¢. r i-ght will pe reserved to reject . any ' :or 'a :11 p1::"e>pf.>~~:·a:1a: > ,'.n~ waive technicalities, to re-advertise _fo~ .new pr:.oi?()sals, pr· .:tP· proceed wit~· t:ti~ :w~rk in :any manner ·as -'~a:vi>~ ·:c9_p:sJa~;t)it(Ji~F:· the best ·interest·· of> the Owner. . . -- . . . . . . . . ~:;;~lii~~i~;~:~~i*~itSi~i:i~i~ifliJi~ii~• and .ox:: :·a · a · .. WoJDan-o-wned ·Business B~terpx;is.e .CW13El , .. on .ctb.e cont.tact anQ · the 'l)_~yin.e _ilt . t11ere~or;. c6ilt-~a:~t'pt· f,ii _f~b.~{\,:9,'.f~ij,/ ·. upon request ·by -·Owner -, to al.low .. and ~u,_cri1;. an<lt,'e>~.--~.n ~~~~~at;;~ti;·•_.:!~!tbi~f ~-i s:,~~~!f i1a~l -,:ft/e1~1:t1i~!,;i~{-~J~8:fli~l':_'_ by the MBE o; WJ3B. Any m.aterial misrepresenta_telo.n of ~'DY nature will be grounds for termination ()~ the.:.contiac.t ,and fpt - i _nit,iat,i;'hg.· an _f .·'·-~c:·~t'e>if ·un~;e:r ai,i>~,~~ti,~-~•: t~Als~f /:_:~:t,ii{Ri · · lo¢al ··:laws-· c1n.d ':ordJn1:1nc·es rela:~lllg ~-~ ~a,:];,$¢ .sj:a_t:.e~¢nt;~1-= . f.urthe'r·.,.' ,any '..: ·s,ich;'ml ·srepr·ese~ta,tio·n. may "'b'e '. grot(ncfs f'i,~r · d1 .sqlialif i ·catiori 'of Contractor at O.wner} s·,.·d.iscretd.ori:'for l>idding <>D. futiir~ C'ontr~(?tS With · -the·· Oiqe:~.-, (o#':~-.iper't~~ of time of not les·s · .. than $ix ·c 6 > months. · ·. :'· ·· . . -· . . . . ' •. . . · ... C3.~3. 3 . EQUAL , EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS:.~})¢, ¢01.1.i,F~<:tor · shaii comply with· Curreht 'City . Ordinance p:tolii6i ting "dis.cr::lmination in . employment practices~; ; . · .. ·. .. ' . C3-3 (1) The contractor . shall post the required notice to that effect on the proje6t site, ·and, at his request, will be provided assistan.ce by the City of Fort Worth's Equ~l Employment cifficer who will refer any qualified ap~licant .he-~ay have on file in his_ off ic~ to the ~.ontJ:"ac::~~,r. __ Appropr!~!fe not{ces · ,may be · acquired from the Equal Employment Officer. ... . . . c'3.f 3. 4 ·w:iTBDRAWAL OF PROP.OS.AL$: 1t.f ier, a . pt()po'sai bas . been ·read "by t;he· Owner It cannot be ~it;.l!d:~ .. ~wn by th~ B~dd~r within i.orJ.y-fTve < 4}> > days after the ~ate 000 )lhic.h t:he proposa-ls w,~r~' :ppE!i;led ~ . ' . . C·3~3. 5 .. AWARD OF CONTRACT: ·Th·e Owner reserves the right to withhol"d~inal .a9tion 0~ the p.I:'opo,;;alE,; ~f Qr a. ,reas,onap.le_ time, ef9~#.}:":t~?.1:e,x~"t,~~d 'f9x::ty~f !v~ : (;4~.f d~:ii~ _.:·~;tei:; .·the _ date :.o:~: .. openi~g p.to.p_os'als,. .. ~n.d· in no -~vent wJl~ _an .a.w.a..tp l;>E! made_:_;u~t1l after {;f(y¢~_t;J<j~J-tons have! b.een Illade, as f:.o ·t _lle . r~ij1;,°orr.siqJlity: of· the i;ftopps.~d -awardee. · -The : award. o~ the contra~t, it . an award i,s ~d~,. wt11 .be to. the "ibwest ._'a,ia · best respon.sible . Jiid~~r~ . . . . . ···-···.· ... ,:•.:'"I.:.:•-· .... Thie itltarcl ·:of the contract shaii n~t become:· eff~ct:iv.e untii-:-,the ·· oimei ' 'fi~~i .:notffied the· Contrac"fi>r in -_~ftfng :· of sticb ·=aliard. · C.3 .:.-3 ,~.6:.RE,TURN .. OF . PROPOSAL ,SEC.UR-l.,TI'1!S.f. \'·~~;: !30p~, '.~J~. :P.:,;C?P~~~~ -~~~~~:~~~;;;~;-~#javlt:~6e:f s.~~~~,1t:~~!~~~-~~;Jtt~J~-~gtj:~~-i~~~!-~rl~i ··. wli~qf:l.'a¢~,<>~P.~1.'!lec} .the propos.als_-: wh_.\,"9~ ;": ijl_ l~:s.-, -j :µ4.gp,ient~. would · . ~.f).'.t;/ l?.e ~ ::~f~)fs.· id ere.¢1 t .or th~ ~W*,;d_~ .. ·_·· .All ·:.P.,i;he_r :.proposal ·s~eurit,'l.es} ~ usu~lly .. those of the .. tbree .,lowe~t : Qi4de:r.$·~·-' wiLl: be r ·e"f'i-tnia by ·. the . Own·er . 'until 'fbe .. r.equ,_re:cf con-t.rac:t ·.i ba·s · been .. !!{t!!::1:~!:::::B::~t::~:::::r11! t~:~::::·~~::::::::~~- Dc5ctimelit"ij/ the Co-ntractor sliat1·:·;turl)".1Sh t~·;, .. a~d··. flle ·w:ith . the ~~*:~·~.· ~:t:::n::::::ins~e:i;e4~.·~::::1J:::ng~:n1t1en ·t · :. performance "bond, in ·an °a_inoupt -~O.t:' les~ t-h.ari .100· percent of the amount ' 'of ~the contract~ ~s ev-idenc~d 1>y _ ~~Je . l? r C)~Q ~ ~J:-.. · t _~J,,t! 1 ~-~-t.p.rt >:<?;~,-:. ~~.t:J.H\.1p~ ts E!_.-, . -. · .. <l~ar ante~ i ng . t'h~/J~ll.:,. ~n-~; ,f~.i;.i~pf,ul, ,e,J~c:y.ti.o.n of . the · work and perf<>"rniance· ·of the <;e>p.tra9t,, aild ,for .· the protection of the Ownei arid ~11· piher per~o~s against damage by reason of riegll~~nce of the Contractor, or improp~r .e~ecutio~ of the work or the use of inferior materials. T,his performance C3-3 (2) ~ ',\ ., b. c. bond shall guarantee the payment for all labo~, materials, equ~pment, supplI~s, an4 services use~ in the construction of the work, and shall remain in full fe>rce i:lnd effect until provisions a _B aQ(?Ve stipuiated are accomplish~d and final .payment ·1s m_ade on the p~oject by the C!i ty. . . . MAINTENANCE .. BOND: ,A .,g .po(J .and sufficien-t maintenancre bond,· in the ailio:unt of· not ·· less than 100 ·-~~i~~rii ~~ t~¢ amourit *~·tb~ ~6ritra~t, as evidencec\l. by · the pi6posal tc1pulat!on <>r o :t.her.wise, ~&at .ante~~ng th~ -~rompt~ £till and · faithtul perfori:nanc_e of the general guaranty which is set forth in pa::ragraph cs~s.10~ . . . . . -.. ! .. ·. PAYMENT BOND; . :A. g6od c111d suffi,clent. payment .hon~-, ·.tn a _Il · amount not ·1esfJ tll;cl~.; l~O ·pe~cent ·of the amount of the contract, ·.as evidenced by the prqpb_sai _tab\llatio~ . or . ot:h~rjJ~t~ '' : gui!:~.i!nte·eing the proinpt, ~\l_;t1 and .· fai't _hfu'l .. pa:~ent ·.o~. '.al;l '¢1almarits . a~ d _e!in¢~ .}if ~.ti,cle s ·l60, ~~vi~ed -:CJ:yil . S_ta·tlit~s . of Te_x~~, .. l,.92.~, ~s . ame_rid~cl J>¥-. -~-_<>,µs~, :BJ:11 .344 Ac.ts s~_th L~gis1abir:e,. Reg.~lzir .$e~~J.o~, );?,_5~ r ef,fe.c1:ive · Ai>r.Al. 27, _ 1959 ~: ah4/o.t the J,a.~~t:Jt .,version: there<;>f; ¢upplying' i~oor . arid ~teri-a),s i .ri ,pile.. pro~.(icution of t}.le woik .. i>i::.o:vided . _for ·i9 ,. __ t,J1.~ :qqnt:l'.'. .. act bei,ng ccinst.ruc::teci ·. uti·aer thes,e.· spe_q_~ii;:c~t:lon~: •. ··_:paymen-~ ~0~9 sh~:ll r.e~a.in·. iri '. force u.n:til-a.-l ·.i paymen~s 'as ~bov¢.c ~tlpulat.Eid · iir~ . made. ., .· .. · .. · . . · · ·. . , ._ · .. . OTHER BONDS: ::::·_suc ·h ptb~r he>n_c)_s ~~, inay be . required by · thesef ·contract· Documents -sh·al;L , l;,e. fuinlshed by' the c6rittact~r. · · ·· N.o ·,:foi:ei:ies ~ill be .acc.E?pted b.y t.l.l~. Owµ,er ·whi,,zh are -~t_.the ~i•e in d~f~ult or deli~quent oh ~riy ·boria~ .~r -~hith ar• i _nt~_test:ecl -1.~ a~Y. lit~_g ,atio~ agai:nst t _h~ owp~~~_. ·_)U.i ·bonds shail(·l>e mad~ on · t.he . lox:iru;s Ju_r.nished by the 9Wne,i .arid ·sha-11 ·he ex_eij_ijt~g . by . i3.1} _ ~pproy.e_Q . su~et:f company· doing.-buslneEJs' in th~ ciJ:f··c;,f : p',:>tt · w.01:t.h ~ ·:-r:ex~s, _:aiig wti i..c'1 ;s ~ccep1;able t _o the o·wihii~: . I,li o.x:d _~l .. to . be .·~cc:ep~able,. th~ n~me of _the : s 'ure·ty · shail : :be inc).lided qn; :,the cu·r .rent ·ti. S. : T~easury 1 i _st of acc~p:~able ~·ur~ties; . an-a · th~ ~ount .. of bond written by an·y' one acceptijble co~pany · sh~ll not ex_ce.ed · the, amount ·Eihown on ·· ftie - Treit's_lii:Y · ·1ist for that ·company. . 'Each borid f;lilali . ~e p_roperly execµted PY both the Contrc3:ctor and Surety . Company ·. . . Sh _quicl: ahy sur.ety· On t~e c:e>t1tract be determineq. unsati.sfac~ory at 'a~y · ti~~ _by lh~. e>w11¢r, _ notice will be gi,,en the contractor . to that effect and t .he Contractor sh,all immediatel¥ ·provj.de · a - C3-3 C.3) ' ' new surety · satisfactory to the owner. No payment will be II).ade under the C:ontract until the new surety OJ; sureties, as required, have qualified _ and hav~ be.en accepted by the owner . . The contract shall not be operati v~. nor. will any payment~ be due or paid .until approval of the bon~s by the OWner. c i3 -3 ~ 8 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT: Wit ?i~ ten ,<10) days after the owner has· by appropri·ate· re~olution, or other~tse,. awa.rded the contract., · the co~trac1:o:r ,shall e~¢c~te , ar:id fi.le .with the Owner the <tbntra·ct and · such' ·oo~ds as . may be requir.ed in the Contract Doc~ehts.• . . . No contract sh.all be bindi.ng Upon the pwner until it has been at:t,ested by th~ Gi ty. · Secret~ry, "appr .~.ved. ai3 to for~ .. an~ . le'g ,~lity b.y ,,the ~:itf At.t~rn.ey, and execute.d fo~ the OWnefr by e.ither·· the· Mayoi: or, ci t:y ~~ager~. · ·c ·3 ~3 .9, .. FATLUR.J:~ TO. 'EXECUTE . CONTRACT: 'th_e failure of the Aliiardee··Jo ex¢c.ute. the" ~equlred· bo~d o,r }?otj.d,,s . or_ tq sign the :t:_~quf+·,e~. g~lit1:a.ct '!ittli~ _ te~ · ('10 l days aft.~i::-. ~he ct>n.tract is awaidec:i .. gb~ll:' b¢' ·qonsidt?re'd by the own~~ as ~~-ab.angonment of li{$' \)X-OJ?Offal' arid ther~¢r . may: iu;inul the Awa r d. By reason of the.· tin6er.ta:Lrity bf-the' ~arket ·pr i .c.e_s _of mat:.er ia1 apd .labor, arid '{'t:· bein:g:· impractlcabl~. anci' ·-aiff icult ' to accu~ately a:e:1:er#tine tlie : a~oriri _~· .0£ d.aniages· Q~_tj 'i.tr i..'ng l:o ,th¢. Owner by · .. i;.e ai~on . 6 ,f s-a1d ·aw_ci-rdee l.'ij fa,l.1.ure ~() e,x .ecute .. s.~l.d bonds and 'cpni '..ract/:,wifthln, t~rF ll ()·)' c,i·ays, t.:h.e ·P -~Q-pcu(~l -security ac£co#ipan'yirig the propo,sa·l 'sha'i1 be the ag~eed ;amount of diimages which_ OWne,r wiJ.;1 .-su~fer by r ~ason _ o .f __ suc:b failure on th:¢/·paJ:t. ·of,: the A~a_:(d:e'e •a11d· ·shall . t~,er ~up·on : ~mni'ediateli be forfeited to the ' owner. ' ·.. . . . . . . .. . . . . . The filing of a proposal will be considered a"3 a n ~cceptail,ce of .. l_iji's : Pf P'ii:sion:.,by ·:t ~e ·;aidd~r. ·-. . . . . . . ~ c:l~3· .. 10 BEGINNING· WORK ': The 'Coritra'dtor 'sh~il not co.inmence. .wo.x:-k ·up .t1r 11µthor·l~¢_d :. in 'wr itipg:': 't ·o· 4.o . ~() 'by the 'owsier •. Should· the ,Con_tractot ; fail' to ·commence work at the 'site of .. the . ·p-r ,oje<:rt . ~ithi~· t 'be . ti'me ··;~··ti'puiat:·~a in ·.the tiritt~-n au:,t:h:Clr'i:zatioQ. u sua lly :termed · 'tli'e •·wor.k Order ~ pr .W.Pl:'oceed .Or~~r~~ ·_ it is . agreed:· tha t the Surety .. Co~p~ny 1i lll.;, w.ithfn _ .t~n ( l _(fl_ days . after · the-:_-c -~mmen ·ceni'ent . dat·e · .. Stit ·forth -1·l n . sue;:~ w~.ttteQ· authorization, commence . the . physi9~1 · e x ~9iition 'J~.f. the contrac.t ;.;· ; . . . ' . . . . . C3-3. ll INSURANCE: The Contractor shall . not ccnume·nce wo r k under: this .contract un:t-il he . has-· 'obtained all the in:t1urance reqQire_it under . 'the . c.-onttact D<fuuments ·, and 'such ins,tirance ha,s been .. approyed by . the bwne·r. The . prime Contractor shali be i;esporisible for delivering . to the Owner the sub"'"'contractors' · . ,• . i C3-3 (4) -~ certificate of insurance for approval. The prime contractor shall indicate on the certificate of insurance included in ·th'e documents for execution whether or not his insurance covers sub.:.contra.ctors. . It is the intention of the Owner that th~ insurance coverage required herein ~hall include the cov~rage of ·all_ slib"'.""contractors ~ . .. . -. a. J:?. c. "': -·.· ··: COMPENSATION INSURANCE: The Contractor shall - m~~ntaiii~ :aur~rig the ~ife ~f this coritract, Worker·s' Compensation ·jn·suraiice __ oil a ll of his e~ployee·s to be engage_d in-wqi:-k :6 _n the project :under .this contract, · a~d for a1i -sub;;.contractors. ±n ¢ase · any class of einp1oyees e~g~ged · in haza.~aous .work on . the projec t un·der-thiif 'contract ls not : protected under the ~workers_. CO IIiJ?e ~~ation St a tute, ttie _c-ontractor shall provide ag.~quate ·employer's general liability -insur.:ance Jot :· t _he :. ·protectf on . of such of his employees not ·so protected._ . COMP:REB.EN S:tVE -:GENERAL .,:LIA~ILITY ~.INSURANCE: The <;<>n:tr,acto~.-~h_a11 · procure -·~qd ."s~aXl 'i#t,~~ntain dur1·ng -the life of t -his contra'ct · C'o -ntractor's Cpmprehensive General Liab_i'~it;y : Infi·tp~'a"ribe (Public -L:(ability and ,Pro,perty; D_aniage Irif!i)1r.ahce) in an· a:lllO:U,~t. not le-.ss ·than $50(), 0 0 O . Cp:v~_r i ng each o :ccurr~nc~ t>il acc.ou"rit' of bC>'dJl,y •, inJu:i_y, including . death .,, and in an amoun't .. riot -ress ::_thaii $500, o·oo . .-c ·overing e·ach occ"urrehc~ '<rii '1,1cd.">u#f·icff "property damage with $2,000,000 ~relt a ·poiicy '.'c6verage. ibtii~I6NAi LlA~1Li~Y; The:Cont~actor shall f.'urili sh insur~·nce . as sepa.ra.te policies ·or by ' a cfci" it i O "n a 1 end Ors e ·me n t t :o One . 0 f the above--mentioned policie~, and in the :a.mount as set f of t'1 . for public liability . and property damage, the following insuranc_e : -. . 1.' . 2. 3. ·cori~ihg~rit Li~&ii!\j ·t~9vji~ _General c ·ont_r ·actor•s ·Liability'. f<>r · acts of sub-contractor_s) • . . C . • . Bias ting , prior to. ~riy" bla~tf bg 'helng _don.e • Collapse · of buildings . qr. st~uct~res _adja-~e11t to excavatlon ( i .f excava'.tioris _ are to· b e performed adjacent . to sainel~· Damage : to undergroµnd l:iti.litit!s for $500,000. C3""".3 (5) d. e •. s. 6. Builder's risk (where above-ground structures are involved). Contractual Liability (covers all indemnification re.quir~ents of Contract). · AU.TOMOBXLE :.INSURANCE '."'" BoDiLY INJuaY AND .. PROPERTY DAMAGE:·. The Contractor: sha11 · procure· and maintain, qur ing the life of · this Contra~t, Comprehensive .. Automc;>l;>i1e ··Li.abiiity inaurance in an amount not :le. S fl t: ha n $ 2 5 -.0 i O O O f Or-i nj Urie 8 in C 1 U ding . . accidental death, -to any· one person aiid subject to ·.-~h~ : ~ame ·J.,..imi t; :(or .. ~ach . person an amount not less . tlj~~ . $,,590 ,· qo 0. oil a¢co·unt. of one ac·c ide·n t, anµ . auto~bbile p;r:operty dam,age. insurance in . an amount . ·not :1-~s.s . t:Jian $iOO,OOO., ·.. · · · . SCOPE . OP' INSURANCE.<.AND . SPECIAL .HAZARD: The ~1)~4ran¢e'··peq\iireq· ·lii)der tp~· ~abpve pa·ragraphs shall .p:r;:c:,yide. · adeqq_ate · protecti;on for the contractor and J)J~ s _u~cor;iti:a~tor~/ _re1;1pecti~ely, against ~amage _ ··claim~. W:hich ~ay ar:i.}le fr.om . operat·ions under tbi~ -c?~?t~act.:; ·w~~th,~t' su~b ,operation~ J:)e _ by the insured ·or by aily9J1e dir~ct:·ly·. _o ,r . in~irectly employed by h,.i~t ·_a.Qc:1 -~J.so ,a:ga,i_pst 'cµiy of· th~ following special ~l.li~t~·s ~?icp , ~Y-. ~ ~.c:ounterecl in tbe p~rfo~rice . pf_ tpt'!_ C.ontr~c;:t. , : ·_·.< . . . . . . f. PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURANCE: The Contractor , sb:a;L~ ~ti~nish ~h~: c>w.n!!r .~l~h , s _atisfactory pro<:>f of c .ov:·e~age by' i;n~u:['aifi::~ requ,ired in these CoritrAct "l>o'cwnentis _ ln ainoulit~.··a~~ by ·~arrlers satisfactory to the Owner'!' (Sample . attac:hed.) Ali insura~ce .1:-~<;{~i:t;¢meI)tS .. ,m~~~ µpo~. t~e ~Qntractor shall apply to the sub~coritractor, should the Prime C6ritr~dtcirrs !~~~ranee not cove_r ·tbe :iiul>~coiltractor •·i;J ~.rk op~~atiqns. . g. ... ' . . . . .. : . . LOCAL AGENT . FOR :iNsoltANcE ~Nri BONDING: The ln_sur~nce an.~· t>ond.Jn,g companl~s with whom the tbritr~citbr•• i~~uiirici~ an~ peifbrmance, payment, •ainteparice and all such other bonds are written shall. be represented by· an agent or agents having an off ice loca_ted within the city limits of the c3,.;.,3 <6> City of Fort Worth, Tarrant Courity, Texas. Each such agent shall b.e a duly qualified, one upon whom service of process may be had~ and must have arith6rity and power to act ort behalf of the insurance and/o·r bonding co~pany to negotiat~ and i~ttl~ w~th the City of trirt worth, or ~ny other claimant, any claims that the City of Fort Worth or other claimant or any property owner who has been da~aged, ~ay have against th~ C-0nt~aet~~~ insurance -, and/or bonding company~ t .f the local ins_u :rarlce representative is not s6 ~power·ed . by _the iil"?.Urance·. oi: )>O~ding companies, the~ such authority inust · .l:>e .vestt?d in · a local . agent or cla,i~~ off leer r~~idirig -in ~he Metrop1ex, the Frirt Wott~~D~ll~~ ili~·a ._. The naJDe of the. agent or .agents : shall b~ set '£,or.th on all :of sucn bqrids and certif.ic_'atefi;-of . . • fn~urance .. c'i~3-~-12 CONTRACTOiV S OBLIGATIONS:. Und.er the Ce>.qtract, the Conttactor sha1.]. pay for . all materials.,. l .abbr ~nd · s~rvi~es wli~:t.i" 4µe ·~ · · ·cJ..;3 .13 .. W.EEKLY 0 :.P.AYROLt: A certified copy of each payroi1 cover;ihg p~ymeil _t: of w~ges, to all person engaged in work o:n the pk:RJ~~~-at,:·\p:e s _i:t~. _,0,f. .:the project sha],l _be! fuinishe~ • t_o t~e- owner' s : .. rep~esent~tiv.e -w1. thin seven C 7 > d~y~_. after the close oi ea.ch p~yrol!° p~rioq.. A copy or ctipie!3 <>£. the· appiicabJe ~lhini.P~-~~-~:~, _ra..1:~s as;_):iet: f 'o!_th in t~e -~ont_r~c~ J>.'o~ti~~·rd(s shall_ he · kept pe>ste4 · 1n a conspicuou~ :·plEt_ce, ~t th~ .s -1.te of: the ·pf_oj~gt at ~,11 times dur i?g the co~r~~. ·of t;~-~ .9.011.t~~c -~ ~ C.Q:P·~-~~,.;i <>,f J,ti~ ~~g_e . r~,tes w1 -ll be furn..1}~hed t:he ,_c_°:11~,;~c:~~r!, by · toe Owner: however, posting ,and . p .rotection of, the wage · rates shall be the responsibility of the Contrac.tor. C3-3.14 .CONTRACTOR'S CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION; Any tontract,or, whether a person, p~_rsons, partnership, company, firm, associatiori ·, cor·poration or other who is approved to .do . j~si~e~~ ~ith and e n ters into a contiact with the 'titj for -~o}i,_strtiction of water and/or sanitary sewer facilities; wil_l _h~ye ·or shall establish a . fully op_erational business off ice ~ithiri the Fort Wortn~Dallas m~t~op6lit~n atea~ Th~ ·t6ritr~6tor ~hall chatge, delegat&, or as~ign t~{s oifice (or hi·m~y .de1egate his Project Superintendent) wltb ·~~ll . autho.r i ty to tra.nsact all business actions . required in ' the pe~form~nce of · the Cor1tract. This local authority shail be ~•a~ xe•ponsibl~ to ·~ct for the Conttarittir in all matters per·ta.iriing to the work governed by the contract whether it. be · adminis.1::rative or oth.?rwise ·and as such · shall be · empowered, thus delegated and di,rected, to settle all material, labor or o-t~er expe"nditures, all claims against the work or any other C3-3 (7) matter associated such as maintaining adequate and appropriate insur~nce or .security coverage for the project. Such local authority £.or . adlninistrat.ion ·of lhe work under the Contract shall be in;lintained ·until all . business transa·ctions executed as part of the Cciritract are completEf~ . . .· Should the ·Contrac~or's principai bas~ of° e>pera:tions be other than in: t~e Fo.rt .,Wortb.;,.Da1las metropolitan · area~· notification of. the ·Contractor's ·assignment ' of· local atithori ty shall be 'made in wrltirig to the Eilgineer in · advance ·of ·any ·work on the proJect ~-.ail ·. apprqpri~tely,. sig_ilecl arid sea~·ed,. a~ applicable, };>y th.e-.contcra:cto.r • ~ respo.n ·s ·ible o(! 1 ·cers · with t _he understand_ing th~t thls -written a~~.i,gnment ot author,ity to a . :toca) . .-:r;eprese_j'ltat_iv~ shall , become · part . of -t~e ·proje_ct contract. ~s thriti~b .bound dl~ectli into the projj¢f ~6du~~nt~-. The intent of these requirements: ~B t.~~t . ~il+ .. ~~~ter~ .,~sso¢iated with the Contractor •s : admiril$trat,_iQn,. :whether it 'be , oriented .i.'n . fu~th~fing the · work;' oi· other;' l)e gdverned direct'' by foii~l authority. This sam~ requirement is ~mpoaed on ins·urefnqe and surety coverage. Should the Contra~tor'$· local re'p,resel)tatfve tai.l . t,o . pe~f c#m t<>: tge s~tisfa¢tion 'Qt tng.ln'eer; . ~fi~ Bng(neer, at . his·· s ·o1e disci::e_tion,. may'. dem~#d ': tha·t. su·.ch :·10·¢ai r.ep~e!?ef:1:t"~tfve b~. r¢~l;aced , alfd · the -Bi1gln~er • ipay-,. at .hi~ -,~ol~ d1sc~etJon, s:top ·, .a11 wo.rk trntil a . ·n~w io'ca~' aQth .6.r i ty . ~.c;1t:_i ,5.:f :_acto;ry to .. the :.Eng·inee r -is as_s i"gri·ed·. i{o· .. cre'di t o;f wor~j_i)g .J,i.~e . wf1i . ~-£~r-per1o¢is '.;ln .which' ·wbrk stcfpp~~fes ar_E! f? efife¢t :'.f~rc t _hHt ·r:eason. ·. , . '. · . · ·· ··-·-:: .. ·. ·0 · · •· . . C3:...,.3 •. is · .. vEiUiE: · .. V·enue: of any action · herelnu nder shal~ l)e exc1:usi.v~l,y iif Ta:i;_rant Cou·nty, .· Texas. · . . . . . ";. ·.-. . _:_·. CJ-3 (8) -PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK SECTI.ON · .C4~4 . SCOPE OF · WORK c4·-,4 .• 1.:<·INTBNT OF . CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: It is the definite .In.tent ion of the .se Contract Documents to provide for a ·cOmi;>iefe; usefu~ project . v:liich the Contractor· uridE!xtakes to con.jjt,1c:uc,t. o .r :fu:r;-nish-,:. al). in full co_mplta.nc:~. ~it~ the r ,equ . .i{.eJDe~;t$. ~rid ·iriteht _of . the Contract D<>cuments. It is ile'tini;tely{unders.to()(i that. the contractor shall do · all .work as Pi:6.vi;ci:~;(.l,_'_:for in ~ the . Con'tr~c.t Documents, shall (lo all :ex~ra · or sp~bj.istJ;·_.'iliO,I)C as :~Y :b~ con~ldered -by tb·e ow.ner as n~c.essary to ,6;Q~PI~t'~:,:t ,he · p~oject:·-in a s~tisf_actory and _ a _cceptab1.e -manner •. The -:contta.¢tol:'. stla];l, unles$ otherwise spec:ifica)i·ly stated in tlieEfe .-'.cont:ra.ct Documents,. furnish all labor, tools, mat~rials, machi.hery,·eqµipment, special : services; and Tnciden·tais nebessa:ry to the pr_osecution and completion of the P+Oject • . •. . . . . .· . : . .. . . ..•. . . c.f:~/4}:2-:,:s.~•tCIAL PROViS:IONS: Should any work cir cdnditions . wh&cb ·are,::not,<tt)oro.ughly . arid . satfsfactqri-ly stipula:t ,ed o·r coierea/··b:y G~n~r-ct:L (:)r . Spec-ial , Condi tioris of. t;hfis·e Contract .ooc.'wnents i:'be .:ant1~J,pated ·,. or · should there be . a1i:y ' adcB:ttorial p:t;~cif(c,.)i¢<t w.,p:;k· \l{h~ch_:.is n ·ot .,·covered by the'.s.e · /contract Documeiit&;t ,.t :hen _.A.Sp~cial P~o'Vision _s• .c:ove.rihg ·al··l suc_h -work . ·:!1~\J?Jt'.'·itlst;!::~p?o:!s~lte1:2tit~h ·:p:qtt ~~ti f}~:n}::e~t-\!~ttf :eidderi· in . the ·. form <of,· Ad:den~·;. . All ·such · •specfa:t· Provisions• ·. iiia'ri · b~ eo·n .sid¢:r.ed to . be . a . part of the Contract Docume.nts lu~t as though they> were orlginaliy written therein;. C,l-:4~3 INCREAS~D OR . DECREASED QUANTITIES: The 'Owner reserves .t}1~ :·rlg_h ,t ~C?. alt~r the quiu.itl.ti~s of. · the. work t:o be . per:f otmed 6f,,:,Jp:;E!.,?ttEfo4 ·or. ·sh'cftten ·the ,imp·rovemei)ts .at.·~y tJm~ when and ·as·.,:foui)d·/tQ ;:'. be .. neces'sary,.· and -the . ¢pritractor·: shall pe-r ·forni the . w-<>-i;~}:a ·~~;_itl.;teredi ·:;i~creased\,br ·dec_feased'at· tqe' µnit prices. · -s:ucb:" t~cr~(a'i;Je4 ·,: 6r d~9reaiied· quantfty · sba11 · not be ·more than . 25 .p~t:9eiit"Yo~::·~b~·;¢Qn,t~m.pi.itea ·;_'qua_ntl~t . Q£. 2fuc.n · 'f"tem or .items. wtfe~,,sµcli · c:hanges :-i~creas·e ::._ :or ::cl _e·crease · the or ~g~i:i~l quantit:y of-t a;r:fy :<item · o~" i:t:e~s·:.'of _:wprJc: t 'o · be:· d~rfe c,r ·· iliatefrla1s .· ·to be fu~n-ish~-.l?Y tbe·'>25:· percent or,: mbrej · :th~n · ei ~h~f party .to, the ¢0,.n t::rat;t.-:s:p·a1 -1 · . .-\i~on ·. wr tt:-~-~fn re·ques,t to -~he · #tb,er pai·ty be ¢i;lt.lj;l;E@.\t9. a · rev.ised ... c~n-sl~d~tation 'upcm · that: ·portion qf the . ·wqt~ i~}?ot~, or :}>,e.~-o.,,;: ~litV ·~S '<percent . of th~ ~~JgJ nal quantity . statec}_'.c·,t:n the pr.opc;,s?i:l {·· suctf tevls eel c:-ons i C,erat'.i on to be . <i~t;E!r111$;_Qed .: by · spe~1al ~gre~t or as h~rei~afte( ii;ovided for !B~tra:. Work~• · ;No a ·l ·lowance~: ·,till" be . made for any changes in ~~tf6ipated :.profits··.·nor . shall such. cna'nges be · considered as . ' .· . . - C4-4 (1) waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions. of the Contract Documents. variations in quantities of sanit~ry _sew¢r pipes. -~n ·qepth categories,. shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities or sa.p,itary se~er pipe i~ e~cll pipe ~;-~e, b\lt; not to the various .qepth ~ateg.orles;; .. . . C4-:-4 • 4 . ALTERATION--OF : CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.: . . By Change O;rder, the Qwpe~ re:s~_ryeE> tb¢.' ~igbt;. to . mak~. such ch_anges _ln ~he _co.ntra.ct bocuments ,~nd in th~·chiiracter or quantities of tht! work as wiy be ~ec.essary or desi,r~ble to insure ·completion ln-· the. Dio'st ·s.~_tt_sf,~to1j, D}ilI1iter, ·p~ov ide1 such c.hal'.ige~.:. do no~ ~~-~ri.il.,~l;y alt.e_r tb~-. ,Qf.ig;n~l Co.nt;.i:::act. Documents or cb,a,nge t .he ·g~neral nat~'rJ:~. o.£:. 1;.hE;! project ~s a whole. . $rich chi.iriges rihall "riot. be · cc;>~si:det~d _ as waiv·lng or invalidating · a:i:lY co'nditicSn :' or . p~:ovi~ioti ·of t~e Contract Documents. · . · ·. · · · ·. ·· . · '· · · c4..:.4 .• s EXTRA WORK: Additioha1 work made n~t:ef>sary by changes a,i(l~,.al~J~~~t:Jo.ns of the Contract D0c~e.ntEJ ·-c>1t o _f _qtj~11t~ti·e~. or . . fii; .oJ:h,~i r~ason:.s :tor : ~hicli Qo pricis: :a~~: prov:lded ln the Contiact:-Documents; shall be def,ined as aExt·ra ~ Work" ~nd shal1 ~Ei: _"i~e~:fo:r _ije:c:J by thE!. ¢oritract0r . fn ~CC().rdanc~ w~th these Contra¢t J;>o.cui;nents . or . _app:i;o',£ed additions . theretQ; prov.i:ded, . 11:6:'f,e:ver ;, . t:"~~t ~eta.re any extra worlt is Pl:?9~ a .~ch~Dge ~~·er -" . sbi:11:L . be. executed o~ w:i:itteri .order . issued b.y . the ·'.OwJ}er ··to · do. tl1e :· w<ii;~ £i,-t.: p~yniefn_tf:J ,or.. credits . as . shalt be det:e'rinihed . by one ¢{ -more (:()~i_11a.tJ:o.n· ()~ · ,tbe . f oliowing Iilet:htids: . . . .. . . . a. 'qnit bid price previously approved~· . 1.). ,,-:.; -. 'fhe ~gtu~l . ;r~aspn_al>l~ cost ·. of .-<~r :1a~rL J.2l :terit:al .. o _f eq11ipm~rit : µi:;¢4 .:<>n .t~e -e)Ctra .work £:Or.·:t:he ·t"ime: ·so .. ·µ.s :ed -at ~s~ociated c;ene,ra:1 contraetors of :America . ~~i;r~nt equJ.pJ!lent rental,. ~ates: C. 3 > ; __ iiiat~ria1s ent,~ring: :pe.ri!lil.nently . ln~o : the .proj~_ct,. and · {41 · a9t;c~~l c9Eit qJ :.i,n _sJiranc~·,., p.onds;:<arid so·cia-1 . ~~cut!ty a_s.. ~~t~rmJ-ned by t _he , O~n;ei:, -pJ..u_s-.·a ·tix_ed _·. fe.e . ~o l?e, _ag~e~ µpq~. but no.t .. tP,i ex._ceecl .1-0\ . .).ot·.·tb"e ·· actual --cost of, such extra· .work~:. The ·.ffxed'.fee. is , 'not _-~9 -:i.nc).J1de ~ny ad·cllt{qnii-,prof_:if·,t 'd .'.~h'.e · ~9nt.,~actqi:. fo:,; X"e.n~a.J_ o~ ~q~ipmenJ · olilled.: by.;;.htm al'.ld used for . the extra work.,, The ·fee Cahall be fiili' · and .co·iilpie.te conipensa:tiop: to cov .~r :; t .h:e . <:i:>st -:Of . superintenclence' overhea<l,. at.her . profit;' .,·general . an·d · ·al 1; .. ~thei: expens·e · riot ~ f~(:lu~ed iri -cl>.-·, ·.(-2 >, (3), and (4) above. The Contract9r shall keep accurate cost records on the form-and · in the method C4-4 (2) , . suggested by . the Owner and Shali give the Owner access to all acc6unt~, bills, voucheis, and i::ecords rel~t:~ng t9 :the :Extfa .Work. · · No "C~ange· .. Orde.r". ~~aJJ .. ·_b _~:(::"~-~-e ... ;ff~e.t:iy·~: ,µ·n·~ii U: h~s been approve:~f iui_d s~gn~~-by . ea·ch . o! ~~~-: C~ntr:a¢,tiAg parties.;. . N6 ·c}aim for E~·tr'~ ·wo°rk of . ~n·y ki.nd, ~i.li b.:e ;:tllbwed. ·unless 6rdered in ·wri~in~. by the Owner~ · Irt ~ase any orde~s oi in strQ s·te i o ~ -~ ~-.• ~J t :~~.:c: ·<?:~~~ · qr __ ;~ft~ 1-:~9/h· c;\ph·~~~i:;.) h~-A;f teA~ -:~C>..~,~r~c 1 ~or to . inv>olve -Extra·:_Work ' f :01:--.wh:_1:.·c: .. · · .. e . s . QU-ld )'."·ece ·ve co~p~J) ~-~-'tip~ ; . :.ii..~ .. ~pii],~t ,: !n.a'.~¢ /,ir.d~~,(~il, ,r~q~e·~ t 1:_C>. th.e·. )fog ineer for ··w_~ .t'tt.e.)1 or~¢r~, ~~t;p:c;,r i z.4,~g:-;;:Jf~911 ~~-tra': work,: .pr h;>r-to beg{~nip{ ~.iich . W.~.J:~:~· . .. .. ·.' .. ,. . . ~~"~j}t~~;.,fft#,!!/o~);"i1~a~f ~~#i;;~\t!t!i~;r:lf ,~.,~~ ~b! · Eng tne~;. .f fl~~~t~ ._Ul)_q11 ... ';.~s :;P;~rJ.91:~~l!c;;~,-:-:ot.h:e q()n-t;~,ac::.to _r shall piogife~r :~l9"" tpe wo;~_r.}~;~'~er · .~J.ti_!lg _ ·,tr~~tt,~Jl~.-f~est for ·:wr.-ltten orders an·a . shall ~eep :an a:~-cura .te -:~.c ;~o,:un_t ;. :c;>·f .the ·actua1 reas;e;;rl~ii~:~--p~~t:-~tp~'it~'q(;;~:s .P.i9vlciE!d · l!l:n~:~( lll~t:b~a:: c·:iteJit: cl. claims· fo~ ex:t;.:r~ wc;,r -k . will,. no~" :Qe p~i<J-J µn,less . the contractor. !i:t!;;Jiie~I~;ti$1P!}if ;!f ~iEii}~~?~~1i~i~~~ti~i materials expended upon -the saJd Extra Wo~k~ . · , . :~~~=: . ciS m~y ·_be ,n.ece~sary. ·tp en-~ble . t~:e ()wrae.r ·. to prepa,re f OJ: pe·r~pent, :r;~<::o:r;d a . cor:r::~c -te._c\· se_~-, o 'f . _plans; sbow.fng:· th~ ac·tua1 installation. . . . . . .. . ·. . . .. .... ·: : • . --~· ~ ... !... .•• -":. • .• , ... T_he C~~:~-Jiisiit_"i\in --~~J,r·~~a~: ri~-~-h. ·£°or , .r~·i:~;,a<:~9:r;k.• · wbethex\ .. or·· ne>t.: iniitiated by _·a: 'change order'.<s.hal:J. .. i:>e:· a. ful.:l,. comp_l;ete and . f ~naif 1 p~y~~,~ .. t .:,£cur .... -~l~!.:'.'.;:~.R~t.~i,::cq ~·:tt~a~ifo.;·.;:f:n~~s::: as>.~~:'~ef:lil!t _·ot ·· relafJn~( t:o t:be change · ot' exti; a · work~~ ,wlle:t.;be~ saJd , ·¢c;:sts ;, a<re k#o'iln, . u11kno,,,_n; . fore~'een or unforeseen a~ t.li~t tinie, iricluding i!}}J!Jlit~~li,~~,!~~~~lf ::i~[k~~itTJ;i~:::.~a:; C4-4. 6 SCHEDULE. OF OPERATIONS: Befor~ ~Ol?UllE!i:lcing any : :work 'Ulider tnls. cont:ra,ct.,: th~ .. ;Coiitr,actor:. s:ba:b.k--~s,1bnatt<. td/tbe :owner gf r iiiiii~i~!!li!?ffi!~l}J!f t~ir?f ;1f :g~f i!i15f :i~ cost of wo ·rk for which estlinates are to be·· expected. · Thf;?re C4-4 (3) shall be presented al~6 a comp~site ~ra~h showing the anticipated progre~s of construction witb th~ ti~e being plotted horizont·ally and · t:he percentage of coinp~et~on p _l.otted vertically .. The prog:resscba:rts shall. be prepared on 8-1/2• X 11• sheets and· at lea~t five bla9k or b _lue line prints shall be furnished to the OWner. · · · · · · c4-4. • .-1 PROGRESS SCHEDULES FOR . WATER AND s ·BWER PLANT . FACILITIES: Within ·ten · (10 > days .prlo·~-to submiss.To·n · 'of flr.s :t . ·monthly p:ro'gress · p:ayment,. the Cont~actor . $hail . prepare ~d. submit-to . the · owner· for . approval. ·s~x: 'coP,i~s ':of . · the s~hedule in which .the Contra.ctor proposes to carry· <>n · · th~ :work,. the_ d~te of which he will star~_t}1.~ __ s~11:e~~l -_Dla '.jor ·,: activ-iti·es <. in¢1uding procur·ement of --~te:ria1s·,· pian:s, ·an~· .. · equipment>·. and ·-the contempiated . dates ·· tor· co1#plet~ng · the : same~ The schedul·e ·shit11 be in· the .·,form of a ·tfnie schedul·e . cr-ltica1 i>ath Me .thod {¢PM) ri~t,-,c,tk ·afiig£am~ A~.--tifii wqr_k :_·. :· p~ogresse·s ·, .the· cont_ract;or .shall eJ'.ltE;i:i:·on t:qfii .d,i_;_agf~ ·~t¥ .. a¢t.Ual. progress · at the end Of each par·tia·l paytjlent period or: .af such intervals as directed by tile Erigfriee·r. The · · Contracto·r shall alao . revise the · ·sch¢duie t;_o .· feflec;it any -~-~·. adjustm~nts in .contract time a·pprove1l by the : ~n_g1neer~ . ' Thtee cop_ies . qf the Updated schedule s ~ha11 · bEi· ci:el°iver'ed · "at such inte~·vals as dire.cted i:,y . the Owrler. . ·. . . . ··, . ' . ' . . . As a mini_mum, th~ construction schedul~ s .ha;tl in9orp9~~t:e al.L work .elajri~ntiL and activJ:tlE!B iJidi:ca_ted . iif th·e . prop·o~al a11.d in -t.h~ technical specifications·. · · : -· · ·.,· i>ririr .· t~ "the f in_al draf.ting of . the -detailed construct!t>ii .·. ·,,, schedule, the Contractor shall review the draft s¢hechile . ~ith the E~gineer to ensure the Contractor's u~~~istandi~g .. o _f . the contract r .equirements. · · · · · . · . ' · · _·,_:-· · · · . > .. ·':'· ·~( . The following . guidelines shall be adhered tcf · in . preparing···_. the · construction schedule:. · · ·· · · ,·_ · · ·. · · ( a. Mil.e.s:t;o~·e dates·-and . fina;i.· 'project . compt'etion . ~at.es ·shall be deve·l.ope'd to . conform:·· ·to·· .tlme ::·. co)i .fltr-ainta ·,·· ·sequencing , requ.·irena~n-t 's ·'-:Z{ii\i ·. completion time. . . ··:.·· . . b. · -. The: c ,6n·struction process sha11· be · aivid.~d :i"°rit~ · .. a ,ctivtt!ea with time dur ation~ of app>:o~i~lltel,.y . £ourteen (14) days and const.ruetion val:Ues n9t · ,:o _exceed. $50,oo ·o. Fabr·icatioii ',. deliver:y··and submittal .activities are ~xceptiphs to fbis grildeline~ · · · · c. Durations shal1 be in calendar .days .and nbrmal holidays and weather condition~ over the duration of the contract sha11 be accounted for within the duration of each activity. d. One critical path shal1 be shown on the construction s~hedule. e. f. ·Float,· time · ~S · _def ineq _ as the ·am·ourit of · time between the · earliest start date ~nd "'the iatest start:·a ·ate "·of ··a ·chain ·o·f ·"'iic'tiviti"es· of "t"be 'cih,i · cons·tr\:fctio_ri ES<!b'.eduit:i. Flti_"at . time ls· ·not fc:i":r the· extiiu"s1ve ··us·~·, or ''6eri~"ftt ··of either 'tbe:·contractof or tbe: __ .Owrier. . ·. . . . ... ·. ' . •· .. . . . '. . :· .. : ' . ;\ .. T.hir:t::v ·a·ays· tih'a 'i1 he u1:reit .for -~ul}~!"t~a+ :r~v~~,(··· ~ uni~s _s othe·r!is~-'"s·pec _1ttec1 ~ · · Th~ construction s~hedul~ shall a-a mini~um he divi~ed into · c;i~ij~r'a :~. cJ1t:~9'q .f _i _e _s , as:· .i)idic~tec1 i :n l~f .·-~r:~RQ~~t ~_.itii,4 :: Techo:ica!. Spe~i~i,~~~-i"CJntf·."arid..:each . g~neral c~t.e§~c~tY .. shal). b~-; broken ao·wri :' lnto.·· act,l'vi ties· iri epough d~tail . t"c). ·acbfeve .. ' ac:ti~i ties of iipiiroxfmately fourteeri {14} days ·du~it{<>n ··. · .. , ;". · • • • . • ·. • ! •. • H For e~ch general c::ateg(?ry; the con_structiori .. sc::hedµle shall identify a .11 trades or subcoilt):acts . WPO$e · work is repres.ented by activities that f9llow t .h ·e goui.del;nes of this Section. . For each of the trades or sribcont:r~cts·, the ·construction iched~le shall ind~cat~ the follovin~ ~rocure~ents, construction and pr"ec:icceptance activities a .rid " events in their logical sequence for equipment and materials. 1. Preparation and transmittal of submit.tals. 2. Submittal review periods. 3. Shop fabrication and del,ivery. ·4. Erection or insta llation. 5. Transmittal of manufacturer's f?perati<:>n .and maintenance instructions. 6 •• Installed equipment and inateriais testing. 7. OWner•s operator instr\lcti.on (if applicable). 8. Final inspection ~ C4-4 (5) 9. Operational testing. 10. Final inspection. . . . If, in the opinion of the Owner, work acco.mpl~shed falls behind thai ~cheduled, the .Contractor sb~ll i~i~ s~ch action as . neces_sary ·to improve bis progre·s_s., .I.n -addition, the 6wne:i: m_ay require the .Contractoi; to . submit. a revised sch:eauie ·demonst·rating his pro~fram .. and pr}>po~e·ci . plan to malt~ up Jag in f3ch~qul~d P,rog~ess and ~o .. fns .µt¢.:· Qg~p_letion 6£ the ~erk within the c6ntract time. If .tbe ,O~ner find~ the proposed plan not accep'tabl,.e·, ·he may r 'equire · the coritractor to: .ln.crease the work forqe_, ~P~-· const~µction plant and equipment, ·the ri~JPbe~. of· ·_work . ···shJ,Jti( ·'·or the overtime operations without additio·nal _cost t;c( th~ owner. Faiiuie of the Contrac·tor to .. ~~inply, wi):h t .~e~~e : ~~qu{teniepts shall/ be considered gr·ouilds for ·aet~·rmihati'o:ii by tJ:fe ·o.wher that-. the_ cont;r'actor is · tatlinci t:q ··pro~~c#te the ·--~ork with such ··a1iig_ence as will 1 ·n~ure . its compl~tio·n . ~ithi11 the time specifiecl. · · ' · · ·· · C4-4 (6) PART C ~ GENERAL CONDITIONS CS-5 CONTROL .OF WORK AND ~TE~IAL·s · ··.· .. SECT:CON c5..,.5 · CONTROL OF ·. WORK AND · MATERIALS ·::.: .• ... cs~s .. 1 . AUTHORITY : OF ,ENG·INEER: TJ:i¢ '· ,i"or.k -EJ~at i -~-P~l ~9¥:llle:4.J~<? the ,s.atls·fac_tion ,:;c>f :tne'-_Br,gine~:r ~:~na · T~ _st_~~<:f:.· cJ>J!lPl!~E::9~~ _'.!.~~~ the contract =:Document:"$ ~ · Be shall · declde ··:a1_1 gtl"e$tJo"ns ~whi'ch ari-_~e-. :a.J . to: _;·t~e-.<;p1 ·,1::~t:y _· ana : ~:cce_p;t :aJ~.ll,_!~Y ~ ~\f:~~¥~t ;~~ff,,{~ fur ni 13 bed,.,_: wox;:~. performed·; rat~·· . of prc;,gr.~~-s of --~J\e. -.~<?~¥:·i overall ~equei:ice of :t _he co_nst~uction '~ ·1nt~rpre.t~~):'9i) .:c:>f'·~);._!i~ cori,t .rac-t .. :i>ocume)1ts~-ltccept,,b1e ."·fuI:£i _l'lm~ijt;../o( . t~~ ''¢'pri·t~·~ct i • .· .. • • • ·.. .• ~ • • .: • -.. ·. • ... ._. l • I ' ., -.·-·. -.. ' ._: '·•·. • .... ·.···t-!,··· , . .,_ ....... , ·,~-·-.·f'"~l:-·,.···1·· .q, £-1.· compensati<>.f!~· :mutuaL rJ.:gh~s bet~een -~6~trac~_ot . ,:~ct. Q.~n'~'.f ·~.-µ~c!tt the~e .-Cont·'ract-·'l>o·cume~·t~ • stipervisio~ :of tJ;i'e '. wor:~/_;¢i:f,~j_'«gP,~f;Q.~ of ~perat _i _tjn$/ -~n_a · a11 ·.o;h~.r q''1e~ti~~s ,-_:<>;. dis:1i~-t~i--~~;_\1QJi.,;~·y arise. . ~ngineer t,1-·~1:i:: · not ~e. ?=:e~-~Ol)fl ,ib:J.e J~I ... ~P~~:1:,09.;f:~:~ ~ ~ m.ea_ns,. met}:iods, · te'chn ique~, · sequenc;:ef!l:.'.C>f _. PtQ~~~µ;f)!,~: :§J con·struction ,' ·or · 'the ·· safety· precautio·n ·and· p;rqg_~ams -·rnc:t:derit thereto/ arid p·e·_ wr11 : n.ot be :r :~:spoh s~~,b~~-~:?,_r );~~,(;~At~?{t.:~-· failure to:'. perf'9rm ·the work in 'accordance with fh{f ' coritrac't ' documents. . . .,.. ·_:-. a,t _shaJ(l ;,q_e·tf;\r ·mi-,n~_:_ th,e · clm6un 1;_ a~A __ q_~~t l ty ·:'.~{:~-i~f-~~i~ · comp~e.te.d ·.a11d ma;1:et.;i,~-1s ·furnJsb :e<l,._ ,:~~---·:·~~,:s ,cJ,T,9t}tf .9Il;:,.:-~ll~-estiinates shall l>e · final. His esti'mates in. sucli event ,shall be a cond _itf.o~ ·t~ the r~g11t of tne co.riti~~t<>+· -~9 -_fe,.¢,~l,Y~: .. ,n~m)~Y. due. li.im· unde:b th¢· C~#tract. ·. 'l'b ·e 'Owtie 'r · ijhalt:-ha)fe ···:~ecutiv):!. a ·utht>.ri ty t:6 ,~·_frf or c.e> :a'nd mak~. ;ef;-f =ijct.-i've , 's~·cj { -~)fc f~):i)ij}y dect s ions· arid 'o _r _cler·s · as the Contr~ctor fal:f s , t o ·,,ri'~},t Y:::9µJ:; promptly.; · · · · · -.. -.,_, · · · • , . ~-~~1:\1l~t~;eonvi~:~:h·ea\t;r:t:nu~\ -~f ;!:-~~.i:~-!,lt~:.t~~~:~;~t:;:-;~:z:. matt:e .r,s i ;-the "Ehglneer,--must;_ within ·a re~1:1e>ila~l:e : t _i me ~ µp9r;1 writte n · i eqti~E:J t 1ot -; the . ·coritx'actor, ren :a·eF a·n~i" . delJ v.:i~e-t i>':'Jx~tlf the owri~r ,·.··a"t)d q·ontractdr, 'a written ·aecislon 'ori ' 'th~ '.'~ft~r"'.lii coi.it __ ~r __ o __ verf:i_Y~---·., .-· ·. ·, ... · ....... ,. .. _··· ·. ..· .. , .. ·-::-···-,.· .-: ·. ,~-~1 . ':/ .-. . . c~~s .. 2 , c o u FoRMJ-T,Y) WITH ' PLANS: Th e ·· 1:1~1s11e.<tP.~~f~:cft':].'ri-_·-~il . i~~~:s :~~~~:.·J~0 ~t!~::1·=!!b ,~'~.!eri·8 ·~-~- 9'.~i~:e~~ia·#i ~.:~¥.--~!~~~t.;t}~~~~~--, ·requ.fr@lents o t h.e t~1rse · described · i n · the contr a tt:· Documents :~ Any.· -~e\r{a .~lon ,f t iqfu the apptov~~ _¢:on trad~ Ooq ~~t-s ··_fJ~ii'~~.~y" · the Engin·e ,~~-'-d ur i n ~g -' c ·o·nst:,;u ctlon ~lll· lti . a.ll. _"casis .. \1;>.~ d .e :terJDiriecl '' by t~e Engln'e·e·r'. and '' autll_orized ht 'tfie · <>w'p-~f::· ~Y : Cha~ge Order. · • -, ·. · ·, CS-5 (1) CS-:5. 3 ·. COORDINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents are ·mad~ up of several sections, whicti, taken together, are intended to describe and provide for a complete and useful project., and any requirements appearing in one of the sections is as b~nding _as th6ug~ tt ~¢quired in ail sections. In case of discrepancie·s~ figut·ea .dimension shall govern ove·r . sca;l.ed dime~sion_~,: plans .s _hlll~ gq_ve,rn ove·r 'speciffcation~, special con'1itioris· f:ih~ll govern over:: gtineral . 't:p}'.ldi,t,i.o_ns ~1id __ s ·tandard sp_ec:_i _flca.tic>ns, anc:l quantities shown . e>n ·: __ the :Pt~ns} sha11 .9C>vern . ov.~r ;,h.os,_e t3llo"'7 _n in the proposal. The :c ·oJ)t:~actor _E;;hall not take _a'1:vantage of a_ny apparen_t · error or omis·:sion . ln . the Contr·act,. Docum~·nts, and the -Owner · shall be: pei?ti ~J~d ',to m~.k~ au.ch dor.reqf~o:ii.s,. or inte.rpre~atlons . as .may · be, ·:qeem,~~: 9ece~sar.y for· ·tl"le fg)._~lf:_l :lment .: of . -.the 1nten~ · of the · Contract: Documents. .In . the . even.t the Co1_1 -tractor dis.c :overs an ~ppai.~n( erfor . or discrepclllcy-,. h,~_·;~h.all iinm4!diately call "th i 5 ·co'iiditfon to the attentio~ of t;n.e ·Engineer. · 1:n , the event of a _6qp'fi!_6,t:· iri . the drawi~gs, ~-pe¢lf i~!l,ti,01113;. ot ~ther portions of t .Q~ '¢oritx:a.c.t Documents wh :ich -.i;er~~ not ., report:ed prior · to th_e :award · of · contract, the ·contractor shall · be d .eemed to have .. ·quqted the ' most _expen~ive ·re~o],.ut};ari of the c.onflict·;. . . ·.·.· .· . CS;..5~4 COOPERATION OF CONTRACTOR: The Contractor will be fu_rn.1.sh_~d wit_h three sets of ~h~:. c;;=qntract .QQ~µm~nts cl.D9 ·-Shall bav:e avail,able on the site o'f the ,"project at .a.11 tiines .cine set . cif . sucf°h .'coi1tract Docunierits ·. . . ·-.-. . . . .. . : ~ -~ . ·. ~ : . . . .. . . . . . . . . ~j(~ Contrac::.t shall . gl~e to itie . wor.Jc the . _constant _at:teiltio.n nerie ·s·sary "to faci -litate the pro,gress . tbe.reof and ."s -hall C.Q.tip .efctte with the : Engineer ·,:'.,his inspector;. aIH) oth~r Cori tractors in every poss"ible wa.y..-.· :. 't.h .~. Coptrac;:tor _,snail at . a.:11 tiJP:~;!i. ~a.v~ . cpmpete.nt personnel ·i\v~!lab,J,.~ .. to. . the pr_ojec.t . ~i te ~~~\_p _~()p_er pe,rfQ~mance::. qf the .· -w~~>tk: · The Contr~cto~ shall pr()vi;d~ ~nd, ~i.,:ntain · at all times .· at: th_e _ site . pf. th~ ,project a c£9JJ1pet~nt~ · Engli~h-:speaking . SUP~?"=.i .nt:_eriq:eri"t .and '.an . _:assista-iit,' ,rho a.r~ fu_lJy authQrized t,o _a'¢t as ··the Contractor• s agent on _the work ·:. ... ·. Such sup~rinterident and his . at;sistant shall be capable of reading a.nd UJ'.l_dersJa.nding the. Contr~ct I)qc~:~pts . ~llcl_ sll~J;.1 ·-,r~cei ve and f ·t(l{!ll J~~t~µc::tio~i:s . ·frC?m -~he p~~~ ~ .th~-Engtne~r'j (or ·h .is aµt;tio.ri.;~ representatiyes. Pu~_s _u~nt . t~ :~bi.s., ~espon:sfbili ty of . tJ}Ef Coptractor, the Contr~:ctP.t · sb1:1ll .t!esi,gnate in --\di ting to th :e project st1perintenden·t, ~c> act a$ the .Cc;,ntractor '·s ·ci.geti"t on · the work. Su.ch :_ a~'.sista.n't p_ro}e~t sup~·ri_n ,:t_~ndent s~all b~. a resident of Tarra_nt c~µnty,, Texas · and shall·-be sub .ject -to call, as is the project $'1periilterident, at any time of the day 6i night on any daj of the week on ~hich the Engineer determines that circumstances require the presence on ~he prciject site of a representative of th~ Contractor to j . ... cs-s (2) adequately provide for the safety or convenience _of the traveling pu_bl ic . or the owners of property across which the project ext~nds or the safety of property co·ntigu·ous· fo the proje_ct routing .. T·he contrac.tor sh~~i provide· all .faci_lities to enable the Engineer an~ bis_ inspecto_r to exami~e and insJ_>ect ttie workmanship and materJ,als eliterlng intQ the work. ·.-... ·.. . .. c·s-s ~s EMERGENCY AND/OR RECTIFICATION :-WORK:_ wh·en, in_ t:h~ op'in,io_n': of.· the · 9wn.~r · or Engi:neer, -~-·colld~~~:c:>11 of .:~mergen~y 'exiS:ts related to any pai;t of the .work,._ the ~onti:'a:(::tot' or .the ~6~tractor thipugh his design~ted re~t~ierit~ti~~' shall :C}~,i;pond _·_with ~-i._spJ1tch ." to. a : ve:r:ba _1 __ .r 7:~~~t -.~4~-.b_f . t~e ~e.r or_ Erig'inee·r . · .t _.o :a.l,_l :eyi~tf! th.~ . ~Jlle;ge11cy. ~.Pnci.i t :1;<>n ·;._. · $µph ._ a i,fs_P}?.:iis~ · -_~9·a)1 __ -~~-ss*~ gay • o_i:--~igh~,. ~~~,!~e~: .·1::h! · P,roject fs · s :cbedul¢d:· on .. a . ca_lepd~;r.;.;day or on a ~ork1~9'""d~y ba~is • . ,, .. =:· : .. :·· ·.::. . . . . . . sn·ould · the c6ntr·~q(<,ir Jail .to ·re·sp6rid . tQ. a reqlles.t ~ro~ the BR~9iP.J ~r ':" t:~ /.(ec_1,{f ~t, -~:ti:t dJ_s¢'rell,a,i·c :.i.Jfs.!::, (?-ID,f ,B!:i ~ o'n s, . o.r_ cor·re'.ctions nE!c;E!.£1S.ary .to ponform w.tJ:ll the: r~guirements of_ the P;#gJ~,~t ~pe·c~~lc\t..t ·ons ci~ ',Pf~#•:, . th~ ~-~~!~~~~ 0 8:~a.f( give t :he: Cbntractor · writtep ~otic-e that sue}) w,ork .·pr .changes are to be 1?~¢.tloqA.~tf/ .. 'fii~.: ,~itt~~ll nqtic~ ·shaft dif~.d;~ .,~_t_t.~ntiori _ to .the d ii:)rcrep~.1\t. .. :c ,o'.J.i:4itf·oil · and r ._eque _st tl'i,e _ C,o~t;ractoz: _to take ifim~dla.1· ac'tiorf fo cor·r :eCt tne condition. · In the ev.ent the c'hiitiil'~-tbr.:. (lo}(~' 1)0t ·taJt'.e ptis1.tJ "~-·_:·s1:ei;t~ · to_· fu).fi:lJ . t .~is· 'writ.ten ' ·r:~qU ,t?St;. :Qr '·clQ~,S :i)ot sh.OW . jµs,t .caus.,e· fb°r 'no;t taklng }:~::~11:1 ~::#:~ri~!:l~1i~~i~i~;t_~t¢:~u~t ~-b;1.1~;f1f?:dr:;(5~tt~ lti~ . sti:a-1t·'·ttt~Q ;:a~?,i1¢t · :~·n· ·atj,:qurit ·egtjal _t _o the. j?ilt~;c:e 'costs ·for suc,:i ~~rn.t~i~t1;~-t~;_,.>_-~~*~ 2si ,, from _anY f ifrias :au~· th€f ¢<>ntractor cs:L:5\.~_-::F.IBL°i> ;o-itiicR: -: The contractor EJhaii .p~ovide;. at. n'o, . ext-ra ··-co~·ensa~fo.rf/~:·an .. i(dequate . °field off hie fo·r · use of the· · i'fig{ii'~ki(¥F '-.1i EIP~~ff'. l¢ii'lii. ·faliea fat~: . The :t ieia' -of°flc:~ ·sbafi .· ·:~;~1{¥.f;;:%ff ~;~·t:~;;l~~1\l_:e:1:n c~la\rtl!i;i, s.~1:tt:~!ai~~ ,-,.~~tl)~J:;:-:P.J:.POf, . SQ . t .ha.t doc~ments -w:_1.ll not ,be damage.a . by .. the eJ~n~~/::,c:·,. ·' ·· · ,. ·· · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · ·· ·· · · · · · ·· · · .! .'-. :. ; .,.. . -• ...~ -'·, ... ,: • ·~ •-. • :.: .-~. :.~..: • : ·.: • • ·._ • • .• • • • . • . : •. . , •. :.. :c:s·,fS.7 :.C.QNSTRDC.T 'I .ON .. STAKBS.: Th'e · City, tllrough i~s angiI)eer,. 'W{lT~-~fjirgl~n . th·¢:· Cdpt;,~actor with . ~.Ii . 1,i·~-~s-,·· g _r .ades·i ·. and . pl~~sti~~~i#i~~-t .s . ne.des.saij( to -the. proper i?ic.,~~cutio,I) ·and~ contrd~-. ~~:J:_n~)~qiJ.t . c~~-~~c-~ed fo r. .\lri4~r th ea~ c.on_t;;act ~~cu_m~n~s···~ an:d lJn'es,· :gtad.es : ~~d _iii.¢as .u _rements will be. ~stabllshed ·by means c;>f ·stake·s . o:C-.o.th:e _r---~ustom~:ry ·method of marking . as . ma·y be . iound consis_te~t wit~ ge>o~ ~ractfce.-.. cs.,..s <3 > These i;;ta)ces or markings shall b~ set. sufficiently in advance :bf conjtr~~tion o~erations to ~void delay. Such stake~ or m~rkings ~~maybe established for the Contractot's u~~-or ·gu~dan'?e shall __ be pre.~erved by the Contractor u _ntil he . is author _1zed _by the Engi_neer to· remove th.em,. Whene.ve·r, in the ·opinion of th_e Engineer, _any stakes o:r.-.~~rkJng~ hqv~ pti:!en carelessly or willfully destroyed, disturbed, or removed by ·the Cbnt:rcl~tor o~ ~ny of his employees., the fu~l cost 0£ iepic1.chig , such . stakes or marks plu_s 25t wi~l -be : cJ:iarged. -.~g~ihst ··tt~e col)tra·ctor,. c1nd the. full amount will,. be . deduct~q ·f:rom pa~en,t du~ the Contractor. . .-· . cs .~s :a . .Au'TBORiTY . AND DUTIES ·op c:r 'TY .i'NSPE.CT.ORS: c ,it:y ;i:~spe~tor,s: _·wi13;· :Qe. _c\uthor~~f?d · to ·Insp·eqt ~).l , w9r~ .d.p·n~ ~nd ._t.;o se · · d 'drie . all~ _-a1 ·1 .. ·m·a:tertals furriis~~d •.. $.rich fniipe_ction._ ._illa_·y extend· to aii ·or any part ·of · the wo'rk~-and 'the preparation cir . manufacturfng o .f the mat~rials to })e us_ed, or eqµipment . to l?e :tnstalled~ · '/\ City ~I1Sp~c~br 11.l~Y ~e Btj:ttl<?~e.d )>n t;.J;ie . ~9r1t.. Jo . r~~:a~;_t _*:p _ :~bt!': l!:riC;J :irie~r ;:a~ to :t~~, _ _pr09.tess .. i?r,J~~ ~l?.irlt ' a~.~--;~n,e ~~mer in ·wfli<?ll:. i:t;. Jf.3 . ~ing p_erf o:p:n~(!, .. ~o .· r~l>()~t . a,.r~y -~v ~~~p,c:e t 'tiat the. ni{lte,r~a1s· l,>eing · furnijlhed or t:be wtj";lt -~·e .i .i;l'g . p~1:Jpj;p_1~4 ·.by the CoQt_ra_c _tor · fail~ ~o f~_lt.i.11 t~r;(reqQi,t~_~_en1:'s . ·o:f. j:i(~ ·cfdritra<ft. i>o .c'uments ·, a _nd to _c~l.l.; tJ).'e att~_il_ti.oti. o.f :tJie: Cqhtractor 'tq·:· any · such faihir~· qr.. otche.r.· iri:f~i;ng.e~~-ri_fs'~C S,µJfh · . . .(ij -~p 'e(cf~~ C>_D,. p ·i: lack ; q '.f _ inEJ}?~_ctio~~. ,wi,11. .· 11~,~. :f ~l~-~·tf/.J:,!'l,} . . c :on:t~~'ct_or f~oll;l_ any o _bl.i,.gat_.ion ~o .J>etf.p _r~. !:.~~ ,1'0.t~ .... ,ip a ·cicordarice with = tb~ requirements · o! ·tne c :ontrzi"'c:'t: ·ooc_~htif. ~i:;~a.~~~'f!~~.~_r'J.{t~\ti ,t,!8!~t~{;:;_n~;·\~1f1t;;jt~f~f.~.f ~~,~f~l - t 'b:e manner ·qf_' perfor111;iilg the ·llfo~Jt,. t.he c~ty Jri.$p~p.tor ;1:tt:\.l. ba\ie ·:author 1 ty ~~ reje_ct mate~ta-is ·or · equipment~.-tq: _s,u~i?Wii~. w¢rk until the question at issue can be referre_d to_ ari'd · b 'e de<::ided .. bY. th_e . Engineer. The City I n .f(Rec .tQ,r .WiJl . .Qpt, . nJ:>~ev~;, ~-~ -'a~~_b9_pf~ed t .(? r~yok.e,: .. ~;,;t~.r , ... ·':en;t ,,r::g~::,::-,tjf ~-~t.~}~~~::~. a.i'iy : regµi~~ment. of tQese co~tract P9¢liine!lts; liqt'_'t .o ,appt~o.viLpr adc~pt ''a.hf ·'poft'i:on or· sectiqn : pf · thEr '.work-,-, :rioi t:9' U(s:ti~-·. aiiy . f~f{~iuc tlo'p_.s ~.o _nttary : ·to t~e reqµif~~~nt ·~ ·. cif t~~··:c,9,nti~dt . J:io¢u~~ii~s ~ -· -~_e.. :w.~11 in )10 . ca~~ ,~g.J. . a,(_ ~~p·er iJ1~\t!*,Cf~11~--_·qt . i :lireman ··or . perform any other dutfes for ·the Coritr ~ct:_tj.fi ... §; interfere with the management or op~r.ation_; o~ th~ w~i·k~ · .. lie wil,l not accept from the Contractor ~tly C01'.llp~n~A~i9ll i,:n !J.IIY fpim ·for pe~~orming _ any dutlt?°s / T~~~ ~:o~~,i::a,c:t~r'_ s~~J~ ~'·2f·~.~f4 ,· a._l)c;l _(;>}?ey_ the ~Jrections and instructi9n_EJ of ~th..¢' City .:_li!.§P.e¢t9_x:· ~,;· Erigi~e~r·_ w~e11 ·_the ' s~ ·a:re coil~·yit~nt w1.~h_ .· t _h~ ·obJJ~fit,i .~riS. .. · -~~~ the Co~tract . Do'cuments, prQv_i,d.ed, llo,,,E!ver, sl)puld -~h~ . ~oi'l~ractor 'ol>ject ' to any orders 0~. ~nstructions . of:-th~ .<:;it:y In·spectot_,. the Contractor may withi~ six .days make wr~tt~n appeal to the Engineer for his decision ·on the ·matt:e·r ·in controversy·. CS-5 (4) cs-s. 9 INSPECTION: The . Contractor shall. furnish the Engineer with every reasonable facility for ascertaining whetller or not the work· .as .performed is ii) accordance with the requirements of the contract Documents. I£ the Engineer so requests·, the Contra.ct.or shall, at ariy time before . acceptance .of . tlle0 work, remove or uncover su.ch ·pox::tion of the . f ini$hed work a~ may _be direc.ted. After examination,. the Contractor ', shall restore said p~rtions of the w.ork to the stand.ard · tequired ·by the Contract ·Documents. · · · -~---- shoult=f the . w.or k . exposed or examined.. prove .acceptabli! i . the uncoverJng ·or removing . aild replacing of ·th¢· coveririg ···or .. making g:o.od. of. ·t11.e . pa~ts removed shall bei p .aid for · as ~?ct::ra 'work; •but s ·b .o .uld b .e \ii .Ork SO expos ·ed :or exam,ih:ed . pJ;OVe '.·· to be u.na:cceptable, the uncovering o-,: · r~ovl~g '. ~l)d · the ·_;tepiacing 0~ _ all adjacent · defect.;ive or damage.'d pai;ts ~h~:Ll pe at the Contractor's expense. No :wor.k ··shall.· b'.e :-done :Ot ·'materials used wltii~ut suitable . supervis.iort ·. -()~. · rn ·spect.ion~-·-. '--.. --. .. ·:<_:·· .. . . - ... ·. .· .. . . . .. ·. -.. c5~5 .,10 ... REMOVAL OF . DEFECTD11LAND UN,1\UTBORIZED :~WORK:: · All<wor~, materia:1s, -or equipmeqta whlcfr ··b,as ·· ~ee.n '~¢}·ected: ·sha'lJ./,· t>.e rfilliediecl or .removed an~ r _eplaced i;:n --~n,:_ aCceptab1'_e· ~11nEifr by the· eont:_ractQr at his o\lm expense;; Work, do11e -.~y:On,ij ·t.he 1tnes· and. ·grades .g:i.ve·n -or. as . s~oliiri Qri tb~ :p:tan 's,· efxq¢pt :a~ ti~~Edn sp~ci,f;ically ·provided~ or -.any .Extr:a :W:or)c .. 'do:~~ wit'1 ·ou_t : ·wr.itt._~n authority, wi:11 l;>e consid·ered .as .:unautho'r:fz~d .·~hd dp11~ at· the· -·expeiure of the Contra¢.tor ->and w.il1 riot · be ''pa~ld_' :£ch:··-b 'y' t:,he : g:;t~:.~toi l~·r:xp~~-~e ~-h tp::!t.~~}~ftti:.1~.::~ ~~,°;;;·::.:~: ao~ ·l:: c _onttact9r. _ to, ;eoiiiply · witb -·any-· o ·r~er of ·'.tn~ i~ngin:e~:r · ~made :0 ,fnder· the 'pr'bvis.ions. of this. paragraph/ ·t ·he· Ei;lgli)Ef~x.: _'itilr -·:}ia've . t:b)~' . a(ltbprity to, cause ~efe.ct:ivE!·--work -to 'oe ·i,:re·m:e:cite·a .'ori removed: ·a~.cf'·replac.ed ._and . Un'3:uthorl.zed · wor~ to :be ::r~#iovEici/·ahcI,,·t ·h~ c:Ost fliere:of mz.ty ,· be deducted·.'fro:nf an~:· mbn~y dfre~'o~,:'.to; ·hecoJUe ~·,a\le .to \he cont~actot. ~aiJure to ·r~qµire ~he temov~l ot :~&i de.f~cti-ve or -unauthorized work shal;l not cori~tituteacc~ptanc~ of,: ~UC~ WQrks. ·:.: :_ ; .··.·· , :; · ;,,,;,:,:-.,·-, .... ·. -' -· .: ' ·.:··:;_ c ~;·':".'. s· ~::l'l.· .s:u:·Bs if rTu .. i'E,··M -AT'i1:a1ALs -:·c>:a -\E · ui: i>-MiN'l' =· · 1 f th~· ·:¢.!1¥·1;_.~J:Jr·0 ~i .·,·f fr~1{'~~,i.,.,·_::;:c~~-~~:;~·~:f ;;::·t:~fat11l!~:i:~·'-ft~,r!~~· .~t.erlal .or equipment f3p~cifie·a,=·a1i'd ff ,c:ontt'.actbr _·wlsh'es ·· to .;,t;·~~·:!t~·~c~.~~-~~-ctrn°l'ffZ!;:i~:~iitieut.::It_;··-fn 6 f!~tt1;fJ:ti~0n~f:~· :~NGI.NEER . for approval'' hf such·· ·$iibstit~te: '.qer~ffyi'µg :·· in :~:itln.g ·t}i~t the proposed. substitute wilt pe.rfcfbn_· a·ae:<fuatery·:. tb'e· f*nctioris called for 9y th~ genex:-al. d~f:l_!,911, :be. ~imilar _ and, of equal :substance _ tQ tba,t:: spe'ci_f lea:· ·a:nd ·.·-6~·:_s\i);t:eli<to::,the' same use and capable 'C>f . p~rforinl-ng · the . ;j&in.e.·-fur{c'tidn 'as that $pecif iedi and identifying' -,tlT vatiatid;bs' ot.-·the propose.d . , ': : . . .. · .. CS-5 (5) substitute from that specified and indidating available mafntenan6e service. No sub~titute shall be 6rdered or instailed without the written approval of Engineer who will be the j~d~e oft~~ ~quality and ·may ~equire Contractor to . fu"rnish such ·other <l·ata about th~ "pr"oposed substitute as he cdnsider:s per~i11e.nt;.·· ·No . substitute shall be ordered or ~nstall~d withorit sµch ~erformance griarantee and bonda as . owner may require which shall . be furni:shed at contractor• s expense:~·. ~<:>nt-r-actor _ ·sha11 .-:b1d.emnify .and hold harmless· Qwnei and Engineer and •ar)yone c1$rect1yor indirectly employed by e'i ther. 0~ · them f r _o'in . and ; ~g~,inst ):h,e cilaim_s;. damages'· .. losses and exp~t1Sei;l _(inciuding .attorneys _fees)·arising out of the use c;,f su~st:i'.t_u:ted . materials or .;~qu:fpm,~~t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c.5;...-5 .12-. SAMPLES AND ·.TES'i'S ()It; MATERIALS: Where. in . the ·opini-on of the Engineer, or as ca·ll:¢..d· ·for ~in =.the Contract Documents, test$ .of inat.E!ria'1s br ¢quipment , at~ ~ecessary, such tests wi~l b~, ma~~ ._a_t ~he -,~:,q?~ft~~: o~ -. ~P:d..: i?~.i _c1_ :.t:o.r.. q\;ect to. tile_ t.~_st:Jng ag-enp _y . by fl:lef -~lwner -unless . otberw}se··. speci(icall.Y :pro-vided. The failure· Q{. the -()Wri;e.r to :.~e. any te·sts of material~ sha-11 I:>¢ iri' iio way t ·el:iev.e·, t ·he co·ntractor .o.~ his responsibility . of f\~~.nJjih ing : ·mat:e:r i~ls . ~~d e.qu,!pment· ful-ly -conforJDipg to the .t~q~J,r~lil~Jj:ts of t ·~e. ·cont,rac"t Dci~nts-. Tests and sampling of 11.1a~e~:ial,c~ ,_· .~!)less ·.o :ther't'--ise ~pe¢ified, wi 11 be made in ~ccorda,:iice : wit,11 "the .. late~£· methQds prescribed by the ·Americ~n ~C'.ic.lety -·f<>.~ ·.Test.ipg, -~ie.1;i,aJ1Lor --~t(eciflc :requirementEi 0£ the Q~Jl~:r:-~ · T)i)~ q9_nt~a~t.oii , sl:l~ll :'. p;ro~ide sucll fc1cilities as the Engine?er : ~y :i~;1;:rc.e .. fQr .c:ol-\e¢.ting clild; ,forwa~dlng .. sainp-i.es and . shall" not; ,without,· sp:ecifi:c .. wr.it,ten p ·ermiss'iori . of the Epg~-~~~r{_· µs ,e t~e<ituit.ir{a)."!l ·.r.~pie~·e·nct:¢ci' ,by the ·_saiopl~s until t _~sts -:~ave :, bee'n .. IDci~.e ,, and t:he ,_ mate~iala approved for tise~ · · The-. <:<>nt;~C:t9t _w,i.ll · fut.1:1!;:Elh : c(9~~ate : sam_pl:es _-.,1t:bout charge to the : Owr:ier ~ · · · -~ . -· In ca~e of · c ·onc~ete ,· th~ '.i,tggrega{;s, design minimtim, and the .· niixing and.;transporting equipm~rit ~hail be approved by the Eng i ~ eer · l?e, fo~:r;_f!!. _·any ... cqnc:r:_e _~~ ·. i:~. pJAc~_r;l, and_ the : Cori tac tor sJ1,~il -b,e: .r~($P.'.QP!J.:i~l~f :~or _x:eplacfp~f/~riy 'cQiicrete which--a'~es ··not · ~e -~~ ~he · ~equJt~D\~n;~: of,, th~-con~Jl~t -pocumerits. Tests· ~~all b"e -_iig1.d_e at -1,.~a;~~-t . , .. days~ p,r ,iot tiQ: th~ placing of conc~et:e, U_l3~-ng _:, S~~pJe~. t ,I:'.O _DI,_.. the .$:21~e -agg_:reg:a.t,e ·; · ~ement, an_d ,mortar . which are . to be used · later iri · the .conc-rete. Should ,the .. sourc·e -· of : B~PP.iY ell~µ(]~ i .n~w . test~ .. ~ha.ii . be ~de ,prior to the use·: ~f ~ the Iiew: materials. . . : . . , . . . . . . . . . . .· ... ~ : . ... . ~ . •. . . :·. _._. -: ·, . . . . ., . c :s:.;.s-.13 -:STORAGE -... OF -, MATE.RI-ALS:: · Ali materials which are to b~ u¢.ed in ,the: ;qoilat_tli~.ti<;>n Qperatiop shall cbe stored io . a-s to in_fni:r;e . the . p:r;es .ervation of the . qualit"y -an~ fitness Qf the work.~ . ~e·n directed by the Engineer, they shail be placed on wooden plat£ orms or ot~er hard, clean durable surfaces and not on the CS-5 (6) ground,. and shall be placed under cover when directed. Stored ~aterials shall be placed and located s~ ·as to facilitate prompt inspection. cs..:.s .'.14 EXISTI NG STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES: Tbe location and dimensions shown on the .Pl an s relati v e t o ~xisting utilities ar e based on the best in f ormation available. Omj.ssion from,· or the inc:lusipn ·of utiiity focations on the .'.Plans is not to be considered as . the nonexistence of, or . a de£iriite location of, ~xi.sting underground utilities. Tlie logatlon of many ga~ main):i, w.ater inairis, conduits, sewer lines.· and servic·e lines for a -11 utilities, etc., is unknown to · the owner, and the owner assumes no responsibility for fai·lure to. show any or ail such structu~es and utili t.i...es on. the plans · or· to show them in their. exact location. . It i~ mutually agreed that such failure· will not·: be conifidered s.ufficien't basi:s for cialms for · addi tio:rial . ·coinpensation . fo:r :::axtra ··w.prk or foi;. iJicr¢asing . the pay quant:iti'es ii). any manner . whatso·ever ,. unless ari_ obstruction encountered is ·such as to necessitate changes _in the lin"es a.lid grades of consiq~r~ble. magnitur;te or . requires . the bu,ilding of speqial works, pro.vision £cir: which· i':J not ·made . in the Contract Docum~rtt$, ih ~hich c~se tbe provision in th~s~ Contr~~t bocuments for ~xtrc,\ ·work shall apply. . · . . It shall be the Contractors responsibility to veri,fy locatipns 6£ ~djacent ~~d/or doriflibtirig· ·utilitie~ suff~~ieritly in . advan6e of. ,cobs.t,r\lct_ion · in -Qrde_r . _th_~t. he may_ .ne:gotiate such locai adju_stjne'rlts as necessary in the_ constructiQii process to provi.~e ad~quate clearances. . The Co:r:itractp~ ,'~Jl.:~11 take al-1 . n'.e 'cfe _~·iat y·, ·1f1i'e _caiJ.tJ6ns in ." order . te>: pr.dt~9l{j(i;1": ·existing . ut-'.fiit:les ,· :st·ructures and servi6e · 11ne!!i.· .ve.r:Jfication of :existing utilities, structures and service liries '·sfiail in6lude· Jj_o _tif~_c _ati<;>n 0~ .~).:t . utJli ty . companies . at, le.a.~t : .. fp.~t-y . ~Jgbt . ··(.4:$":F ,hours ·1n adya;nce 6f .constru.ctl-E>ri;·: _incf~\i:dliig :::eip:lorat¢.r.y : e'1(c·ivat::j:~n •i .f ·necessary.. All Y~,r _ _iri'~af:iQ~·' c:fi:' ~exJ.ilting u-~-Jt1'tile _s_ and thei~ ··adjustment iJ ha~1 · _be · cqif s l ~r~:r :ea···'a~ ~~J;>'s:l.df a~t ~p_r_~·-· · ·· · · ,._,,. · cs ;;;;s i -1s .-tNTJmRUPT1.oN : -oF sERv1ci: :a. .. :.• ... ... : :: !--- : .. - . ' ·!·. "{ ... -: -~ ·• . ',· . Norinal' Pr'cisedution: In tli ~. riotiii~l .prtis.e¢tulori ::of work'·'where · the Interruption · of -'!ie·rv.fce 'is; . .-;n,ece·ss _a,fy, the Contrac~or, at least 24 ·hours in advance~. ';sbali be i;equiied tq _: · · · · : -·-· . .. . . . •· 1. ·ti tit'if:t:-t ,h.e wa£er · D,e ·par:t:~_~nt:' ~-DJ~_t r i6ut"i6 n o~v ision . as _ to· :location, tiiile, ·and ·scfreo~ie ·_qf . ;:;-~rvi:de ' interruptiori. . · · · · ' · · ·· · · · · CS-5 (7) t £ 2. 3.- Notify each custome r personally through responsible personnel as to time and schedule of the interruption of their ~ervi:c_e, or · In the. event· that personal not.ification of a custqmer can.not: -b~. JJlil.de/ a -prepared tag form shall be attached to the customer's entrance door · k _n ·ob. T .b~ tag :st.i~ll:. be dur.able in composition, and in 1a,rge 1:>ol;~-. tyPe shal,l say: "NOTlCE" Du~ tQ ·tH:11it:v :rmp_tov~ent in yo,tir '·netghborhqp4~ .:yqu,r' (liater > C s _ewer >' se '~ice , ·wii1 . be in_ter- ru.pted 'on · _· ... : -_·. . . -... between th.e hou~:s ~ ot. . ·. ~:P~ . . . . This. inc6'rivenience ·· will De as shor~ a!J :·possl_bJ~. · ... ·/ ' . · .. :t~anJc'. ;((?U, Address '. P.h(?.11~ . -Emergency: iii · the e~'e.nt ti~~~ ::an.~ \Ul _fpr~see~( seryice int~rruption occu_rs ·; n·otice shall be as above, but . immediate~-. ' . ' . . .-. ·.-· . . . . .. , . -., ··;:· . .. CS.:;:5 .. 1°6 .. MUTUAL ·: MSJ.>ONSI:BILIT,Y .)'.>F . CON T ~CTORS: . If; t~~o~9h ci¢t~. ·o.t· ·il'Efg),ec~··. <>.n 'J:be_ ·part;.:,' c;>f th:~ \·~g~1;t.:~c.t ,q.i:r; · ;airy ·o .t._h~r Gb ritra'ctor · ~r any ··sub~c'ontr11¢\;Pt: 'sh.ail '#iµf(e:i:0 0ioss ·:o,r damage ·qn ' the ~ork,· ·the Contractor ag':t'e·es ·. t<> ·s·e tti~ wi'~Jl-·su:c~. other contractor · or sub-contractor by agr~einent ·oi· ,1rbitra.tioµ. · If such othe_r Contr:acto:r or sub~contr~c;t\C>~ . ~.h.~:l.l ~-~t.1 .s~t:t.~ :a.._n:y . cl-~~111 agaiQst . the. Qwner .. on account of . ·any . damag:e allege·a to . have b.~e .n sµsta·i~.~.d., tl!,~----()~n~r w,ilJ: ~9~_.i:ty -~J}.~ :Cdilt,r~ctor, who .. sfia.):1 in'demq~·£y :·~:il _d . '3 '~v .e . ha:b,_le~~-tne. OWn~ against -a ny suc.h c.:t-a.f~. · · .. · , , · · --. ;_., · · · · .cs~s .17 CLBAN--UP: Clean-up of surplus artd/ot waste materials 1c a .ccumulated op the jQb site during tbe,J ~.rose cutiori of the work ·ufider ~hese '. .~o.nt:r'~b '\' 'oocuµi·~:~:l:'~ .s.h~ii '. l;i ~:_)iccoin'plished in ·.keeping '··wlth . ·a daily rouf}.QEi . ~~-tablf~h .ed to the the satlsfac:.t,ion of the Engine~?.· Tw-enty..:.f:ou~s fours after written notice is given to the Contractor tba:t the ciean-up ·on the .job site is proceeding in a manl)er unsatisfactory to the .nginee~~ if .. the Contract6r fails to cbrrect the ,: CS-5 (8) -un·satisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action ~s the Engineer dee~s appropriate to correct the clean-up defi~iencies cited td the Coritractor in the written notice, and the 6osts of such direct action,· plus 251 of such costs, shall be deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor .. {jpon the comJ?letion . _of the project as ~-whole as coveied by these ·contract Documents, and before f,-.nal acceptance and ~fn~i ~ayment will be made, the Contractor shall cle~n and remove frc:>m the site of the pr·oject all sur"plus ·and discarded materiais, temporary _structures, arid debris of every kind. He ~h~1i leaye the site of all w6rk iri a n~at ~nd Qrderly 'c:onditioil equal to t})at which originally exi_sted. Surplus arid ·wast:~ materials .removed f~·om . t;he site of the w.ork -shall be d~sposecl · of at loc,ations satisfilctory to the Engineer. The· contractor shall thoroughly clean all equipment and mate.rials i~~iiii~d by hi-and ~hall d~liver over s~ch ~at~iiils and -~~uip~~n~ in a bright, cle~n, polished and ne~ ~p~earing 6~ri~ition. No extra co~perisation will be ~ade to· the contractor tor any cle~n-up required on the proje·ct. C5-5 .18 FI.NAL . INSPECTION: Whene·ver toe wor.lt, provided for in ~hd contem~1ated unde~ the Contract Docµmentj h~~-been ~·at i s .~a.c·tor ~ ly c;:ompleted and .final cleanup pe_rf-or~ed, the J{ngin~er: will notify the proper of.f ,icial.s of _the Q~ner and reque~t that the Final inspection be made. Suen inspect1:on - ~i)J be_ made within 10 days ' after such ·notification. After stich _fj.°iilll inspe.cti:on, if the work and materJals ari:d equipme_nt · are foµiid . Elatisfacto.ry, the Contractor will ~e not if led in wt i ting _·of . the acceptance of the sai:ne after "the p 'roper ij~olution has been p~~-ed by the City Council. No time cha~ge will be made against the Contractor betw~en said-d _ate _·of Iiotif ication ·of _the Engineer and the date ·ot final in$pection of the. work~ . .. cs-s (9) J. -,. PART C -G~NERAL CONDITIONS , C6-:-6 LBGAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC ! RESPONSIBILITY t l SECTION . C6.~6 LEGAL . REUTIONS AND PUBLIC . RESP.ON.SIBILITY . C:6~6:.L LAWS . TO BE OBSEaVED:. -~Q~.Cp~~ri!,Cto:t. ··sha:tl at all tiines ob·serv.e ~J?d : ~o~ply · .~:i.th_· -~_11, ted~tA~l ... arid " -~~at.e Laws and City ordinances arid regti,lctt:lon$ whic::h i _n ·.a~y way a~fect the conduct ii£: t:he ·work .. or· bis op·erJ:1ti9n$. ~ · ~~·.a sl!all c.ft>$e_rve and comply .with ' ii·li oiciers, laws ., ·9rdin_i:l119$s ali~ .... i~gµlZltic,_ns · which exist o:r '. :wh(ch °jri'ay be ; t?riad,t~·q. · 1ater . by bodJ.~$ .h.A'y-iri,g 'jurisdlctio'n or ~~:f~.?r'i#y ·#oF_ ~uc~ e11ac,,~E!ilt,;_ -;N9 .,l>l$..a· _b;f ,,~f ~:un.~er"s·t~nding or :i9.P~fal)c_e. there_pf ,,. fi.}l • ·_~e,: PPQ,~~cl~f,~-~-,<·.!~t!. ,~?~tractor and .his sur'etles 'shall .indemni.fy and, save· ltarmJ;,e _s,i thf! City and all of its . 'ofJi~~·r ~ ·; : ~g~ri.t.s ~--anq , 'e#lploye~a~. ~g:~ln~.~. ariy and all cl,aims or _:·:1tabili1;.y a~:i.'1(i _rig '.f~om .<>~:,., ~-a~'e'4 .· ·o.n "tbe ~-i _plation .o! any such 'iaw;·· orqiri~nce ';' regu,lat:·~Qi:.l '~:.Qr.,:01:)lt!r,. whether it be by him'seif or bis . employee·s~ . . .. '.. . .. 'o • • • • -· -._-.. · : .. · ~ ..... -..... :. · ... : .. ~. ~--.:·-~ .... : .... · ... · .. :-::"" .. _:·.-;·_:.. ·_·· .... ,:-._ :. . · .... : . . . C6~·~.2 -PERM1T.S "'AND, .. tICENSE"S:, <T_h~ ~~t~~cttjt . Elhall pr:ocur~ :air P~~-~,1*Jt~r .:~11~.< 1~~.el)~~!J ,!:;\~~Y .. ~.1.1 ~. P~~::bj~_~, .c ·o~t:~,-an'd · -~_ees, a'>:a give ·~_11 not:i9~s ,n~ce£Js~r.y and J~~!d~nt to the . due. -and la~ul pic:isecut:1q:~ qt_·:tlie woi::~~--. · ·· ·: · ·.:, ·;.· . . . . ·-~:: , -....... .. . .... -. . · . . : . . .. , • .. ; •.. -. r . . . ~· ·. .• ;:-.·: .. . · .. · ·:~ -,: . . •• . • ; -:: •. f .; : . -. ·.' -:. . • ·•. ; ••. • .: ··, ; ·"',;. _. •. 4 ., • ; • :· C6~6: •. 3 ,.PA.TE:N'l'ED • DEVICES,-.. MATERIAt.S _,AND .. ;PROE:ESSES:: . t~ the ~ui,~~{irl!i!~Jli:ii~f jff f ~lt~r 1¥:J~f ~!f ~~l~~ excij· ·tron ·tile .J:6ntract::'···t1ce)f;:ijh:a11 in¢!uae · a1-.1 ro alth~is or .-ii~l~t~t;~~tl~~,A~1}~l~!il1!iil~;~~~:!~~~~u . Atent'ed ' df!°'Bi " ri : ,' d 'ev:ice ,,.-:'·' afei.ilal: ,:O:f .. ·rocess . o'r an . ·. !itit~~11~:1 :iit~rttr~;t l1\l(417 ;~t;\:?:~;:rka;t:it fi · 'ip.q.~~n.,i;ty {,~~~,,,J)W.Ilt!r . ,~c,r .a .11y 2()81:;·;. ,.~xpeps~; .:c,r <lzuJ1ag~ whi.ch it . !i~Jtttt1{~i1l~titi;r~:itt~i't~:!1!i:i~\t{~n:~! resp·onsibl11ty' to.: det;end '.a 'ny:· .:and , :ail .. suits brought ·.for the J.n.f.x.-~hcjef~?~ ·o~,.:a#i -P~~~,rit : ct,~.~::·t'i, ~:-'..!~~r+:~9 :~ ~pc>n: '~y. -~h~ de _sig'ri,, type-of con'strucition or_ )~at:.e.~-ial ,,or eg,µ_ipment speci!ied in the Contract Documents fuinisbed ·the Cont'ractor J:>y the Owner, and : to b·oid the· ·contractor harmless . on account <>( such suits .. ·. . . •, ... . .. . . . ' -. . . ,. ' . . .. C6-6 Cl) C6-6. 4 SA.NITARY PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall establish and enforce among his .employees such regulations in reg~rd to cleanline~s. an.,d di_sposal of .. gax-bag~. c1nd wast~ ct.s· will t~,,-~ __ to prevent the .in_c~pt:io;i a~d _ ~p,;e._ad. of in.f¢c:tie>#.s '.-_'oi:: c9~t:;~;fqi~ diseases and -t _o effectively prevent the cr~at~on,. o~ ~ 11~i~,ai:ic~ about the work on a _riy property eitJ:ier i?ti.bli9-_ 9r .p_r:,J.vc1 _te.:,. .. a#d such regul~ tion _s · ~s .a~e requifeci by L~w ~b~1; ~-~ _p\i~ · J~tP . i®Q:edia-t,~ .force_ ancl effe_ct bY' ~µ¢ con._tr.actor.·~ · The. *1 ·~¢~:e(t!~ry !,(anit~;:y. cc>ri'!_e~!~r.ice~ f _C?r. ua_e .o.f · 1abor~;s gn ·· ~h~_: '.~orlt"J pr'operly seclticl~d froin ' t>ubl,ic C)_bserviftfon,., -~h~ll'':'_p~ consfru:c.tec1 . a~d mairitci,in~d · bY ' the. ~ont·ractot·:" ii_µd : tll~tl=--: it~ij shaif -be '.strlcd:).y '··enf~otc:ei{. ,·by :'the Contf aqtor·.· .. .AlJ _'.ij\i_~n · facili.~i'ef!J :. ~h:all ·be· ~ep:tf 1µ -~ .-~1~21n 1'.lild s~).i::tt:art ··c 9·n~4JJo~~ f -ree f _roin_ objecti'o_naJ;>l,¢ · o.cH:~:c:~ so ~~-·~Pt . to c,2111 _s·fi! a . ini.l~aif9Ef~ All sari3:tary iaw :s itn~_ i;:egu:lat:i_pp _a _ 9-f the Stat::~ 6£ -T~~as ·--·~tj.cl the city shali be strictly compi.ted with. ·· --··::s .. ·:··-:· c6~6. 5 · PUBLlC SAFET;{ AND . CONVENIENCE: . Ma~eiJ<:1:i~ __ Of:_ ~c;i.µipm~~t stored 'i:ip9.ut .. the w-c;;:~k ·· £.lbal~-. t>e : ~6.-'pl'.aced ~p~.: u.sE?;q;,: )t.rt~::. t.~~ work s.hall . c1t . all ·tim~s 'lfe ' s ·o co:nducted·i' . as '. t ·o c:.fa:u.Ei .e'·rio greater · ohstr.uc:~ion ·or i'nc'6nven:fence te> ·t;~~ .i#~1;·1·¢. f~W~ ,J~ _ considered tp be absolut~ly necessary by th'e ·E11gin¢_e~~ ·. *rne · contr~ctor .i _,;. r~qµf:t:ed _ to ~int:.a.J)~: at al). t .iri.l~J.?,. ~.:J,l.. ,_pl:l;~,s. .. e.s :. of ~!lv~~c;.;~J-;f s:rc~:.ii;~~t~/1t!1J'£~:~i ·~:.,:;~:-1fJ:t:.it~Jtji~:~~?!{#i:;· and c:ol).venient in·g~~:as_ .a :nd eg~~.s ·s ~o __ prop~i;,ty ·,J~Q».t.:.tg~Qu·JJ. t() ~iei1o;-1et:r;:,~s~!ttr;nt;~iit '.:ftlte:r::s _'afii~-~i:~r-~:~\lllt{t .. · t _ra~f i.c, ~?Cce~t dui::Jn~ ~ct_ual , t:r:en~h.lng ·.or . pJp~ ~i.9 ~t~,i;:~)it;J~m opera_tJc.>ll .a; at-·a:i.1· ·<!rive'!l~Y. ¢~Q~sJngs _~. · su¢lj _ pt·oy{sJ6,~~1'¥y include br-idging t ·p1acfomerit ' of · <:r:Q.shed "-:stone pr···gravil ' o:r · "s,fch o ·t)i~r-· ~~'~nfr of p:i~_,iiq!nci pfoi:>'.~¥. -·. in~re~:!j :_aii~ .~9f«fi(s ::JJif;,,tth.~: · p~o.perty: se~ed · l;,y_. the' ·~dr iv~~ay ;:as _ the_" ~g ln~~r: · --~;y:~'-tpp:t :9_vij· --"s · _ ~(>ifr:~p~!-at·e-~ .. , :~µc~::·tjt _h:ef:_fae _~~!I -,_ inay :_'!ncl~d~-,-~~~':'.~;_i~~fi!f:P~'.C?J : _ dr.lv!;!~~Y t~a;f ip; with 13pecifiq · approvcll b.y t~~ :.·:sngitl~f¢.!;_~ · I.~·.: dfv~~--sl:?;n._ ~of · tt~f fief t ·i:J_ .-appr()ve·a · by _ ~h~·<i~;-qg !µe_~_f ' ~~·:·any lQ6at·1~m i." the . Conti actor shail . ~e-artangeili~~ltij -satl"s.fatftio:rY : to the ·Eruji'ne·er · at any location, the contriic:'t~or : sbalt;_·:make ait~ngements sfltist~·ctc;,ry to f'he Eng ineet for._·. th~ :~l~i'tiflchl' iJf ~i:~fffc;_. ·,i11d shall, ··at .. his own a.pense} proif~~'. ,''alf: 'ii,at)!iiats i1~fcf p'er·fo~lil al'l WQrk neces£iary fo:r t~e . cft/ri-s:tffji_'et}on 'in'4 _ ma'inte:nance ·'o~ r.oi;'ldways :arid " bridges fo~ s';ucQ ·::,u:y~-r.~lojf :_of ' -traffi"c .. · Sidewa1k_s . must · ·not be obstructed· ejcfept_ · 6y.:·:s:jj'Eicia1 . . • peh:ussicfa of th~ 'Engineer. . . . . . . . . . ., ·:-,. '. ·:-·.· ' ;·-' ' .. . . . . ·-·. . . The inat·er ials . E!Xcavated · and the construction materf-ilB,.:'81.iCh . as .. . pipe u9.ed in the construction . of the work shall be .placed . ~o . as not to endanger the work or p ·revent free access to all fire ,hydrants, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, w~ter Vfllves, C6-6 (2) -. - gas valves, or manholes in the vicinity. The OWner reserve~ the right to remedy any neglect (?D the part of the Co1:1tractor as regards to public convenience a~d, safety whlc;~· may cojne to its attention, after twenty,-four hours notice in wr'ithi_g l:o the Contractor, ·.save in ca'ses o .f :. eme:rg·ency whep. it -shall: have the right. to remedy . _any . neglect . wi t~oQ.t ·. :nC>t:ice, :and in-. eJ,tller case, the .cost of such work , dori'e .. or _:J$:.terla:1El ~i1rJ:)~s_hed ~y -the owner or by the City e,ba:11 be deducted from· mo:nies due· di::',·'·po · become _due to the Cont'ractor.,; · · · .:, · ·' · ·• '· · · · The Contractoi::, after approval of the _ E~gine~r, sbalJ. notif.y . , the, Fix::e Department Headquarters,:. Traft:i:¢ _,:Jil,glr:i~~r,:"•aqc:l _ P,9tip:~ . riet>a~:tine~t ., wllen any ..-street ·or._a11ey .-ls r ~quest~d cl :o · t>e ·''cH."os ~d or obstruc.ted or. any fir·e ·:b'ydrarit is .t _o "b~ macle ··in~c·c~ssl}>le ·j a·n4; ·when so . directed,, by thf! '-]:!!ngiri~er,_ 11.~~~-1 :1 -~e~p -~a'.~y >st r~i¢t) s:t:reets ,.: or · h~ghwaya _ -·in · ~qndi ti<>n ::-· for ·: u~o}:)EJ~ru~t;~? us _e : fiy .:: .. ~tie . ap:pa:tatus. Tbe 'Contract~r-sha1'1 p;6mpt'l:y-: ifc:iti~y -'llie·,<p~-f e riep~~tment Headqu a rters -~hen llrl.. a~c:h ·, o.~s_t :r\19t~~-sttee_i;# ~; alleys, or hydrants are :.·again .placed ·bac)t "i-il :"'.ser;vic:e \· -, ··. :-:,.,;_ i,/'' ."" .. ~t· ~-.... . . .. . -. W.h:~re . the Con trac~Or is'.. r~quJre~:.: t <> >:co,riEf~:t\.t~t . t;einp:o~:ar,y brid(jes or make other~ arrangexn~nt~· Jqt ··cro _f:is;i;I19 ove i '~:t ~c!J~s or· stream~,. hi.s respons·Jl:>ility . for -· aqe ta·ent.s '·l n c ~hh ~t:~l on with ··such cre>s .s,ings · sha11 lri6iu<1~' thiF roaawi(y. :'iipp f 9a;ch·el1 Y1ti$ weii as the structuree;::Qf su·ch· ·crossings. <·' >": ·;, _., ... ; .•,,>·,, :.·-:,.:_;-;. . Th~ Con.tr.actor,· shal~i .lit, ~'.l :l : t.JJB:~,::?r,t.~!~~~~:~::;~J~,--~~:p~~~\f~~9~(~1 the use of co.11·str uct.-iol)-· m_ac-hlinery , s ·o ,.,a:s -~p t .to .. damage· ·'pr B settlement' .of 'such -claims'i , 'Th'e CoritiKc ~or<'shai1 f'fl'e "wi l:lf:t ffe\ · ....... : ... 1 ·. C6-6 (3) carried on in such manner ·as not to interfere with the operation of tra~nS-, loading . or · unl..oading of cars, etc. Other contractors of the Owner .may, for all purposestequired l:>y the contract, ente~ upon the work ·~nd pr•mises =use~by th~ contractor -ai;td shall be provided··all reasonable f2:l¢,llit~es and ass.i .stance for the completion Qf adj_oining wo~k~. 1\ny _ ad.di tion-al grounds desired by the Cc:>.nt~actor. tor hj.s u.se shall be provided by him at h~s · own cost and expen-se. · · · · c6.-6. 7 RAILWAY : CROSSINGS: w~en . the wort encroa.ches: upon any rlght-of-v.ay o.~ :~ny railway, ·the City· will :se'cu~~· the necessary . ¢a~eIDent for the work\. .· . Wli~re th~ raltway 'tracJcs'. are to be er OS s~d, the Con tractor ·sh ·a1·.1 '·· ·obsel;'-ve · a/ll . t .he .regµ;i.:atic:tils ·. and fns_tr~ctions -o~-ithe· railway coillpany as ::to· th.e ~ethods of . p~rformJng. the work and t ·ake -all p:.t ·~caritions fot safetj ·. of pr.ope'tty and the public. .Negotiati9ns ~lth: .the railway ~ompanies 'for permits . sh~ll ~' done.. by and . through·. the city. The .Contractor shall give the City notice not less t~an fiv_e ciays . prior -~Q the time of bis intentions . to 'begin :wqr-k · ·c;n t:h~t ._i;fort~ori ()f ~he p.:,:oject wbi¢h · ts .J!elatea to:. the raAl.way pr9p~rtte;;. T!\e .Gontr.acto.r "!il"l n~:t -b~-.~iyen e~t;ra : .or. · addj.ti<;>naJ .· comp._el)sation. _for . ~uqb .ra.tl_,ray.· .c:.i;-os$ings · un1e·ss speqif ic.aily set for.th l~ ·. the Contract Doc~ilta ~ : . .· C6".'.:6 .8 . BARRICA·DBS ,: · WARN :l:NGS AND · .WA~CBMElh : "whE!re _the · work .. is. c_a .rr.I;:~4 .. -C?~ ~n · o.;r · a4J~c~"1t · tc,· any st:reet; a11~y·t : qr· .Pul:>l.,ic place~-. :~h-~,-·~_on.~_ra~i;Ql'.' · sha,1:1 ·:at · his _ ·owtt: -.experise·-·.fur-nish,-\erect·~ a11.~· matn·t~J,µ:_ sµpµ. ba;t-~ icades-;. .~feii~'.~s, _.1:lgh~-s · and ;~:'~i1ij°e ,r s.igq~.J~.L. sh~~l P,r<>y,id.«;? s~ch watchmen, and .. shal'l _ taJce . a:11:,such c,t,herc, Pf~ca~_~Jo.Qary . ~eas.u;c:e$ ,for . the p~otection o ·f pe·r ~o.ns ·.:or proi>~tt;y .:~9q of .. ~he _'·W:OJ;-.k , as 0 a~.e .-n.eces.s .aty -~ · Bari;lcll-des and fe~ces s :hal;J .. ,b~-:P .~inted in. ·a ,. c¢lor .-tbat: ·will ·,be .vlsibl:e ·.\at night. ·. 'From. s·unset -to·. sunrise .'the Contractor shall furiiish l. anct maint~Jr,t "at. J~~.~~. ~>.n~ ell~ily v1s.1~ie =j,urning : i(gbt ":·a.t~ .~ach bar:ficiidti'::': .:A · '.siif£ic·ien't · number· of . barricades ·;shalt ·.:be ,·'.eredte'd ~'~:4 : n.i~J,n,ti~-~~q _1:~ Jt_e-~J;>;. pe _d:es;tr i:an~·-a~ay ·_ f~pm~ .. ancf .. yeh}eiEis f ;J¢$)D1 .b~:i ,ri.~ _ q~Jven q.9 ~ ·,()~ in~o.,._ a~y. ·"·oi:;k .under coristtuq~~on ·-or ~lnci ~!~~~i.11.e.dr~· -.'.fJl~ _,~o~.t~actor s _h~ll fu~~i~h watc~men . a _nd ke:.ep . ,tQem., a .t . the'~-~·-··J;'.e.s ·pecti ve assign~ents in su:fsf~cient ri_µinber~ ~~ p~ote~t ·the wc:>_r~ and . pt~vent accid~nt oi;-daiiiage~ · · ~il i~~taiiatie>_n~. a~,a ·' p~oc~ures ·shaii be . con~isterit ·-,,i~ :the p:r;oviisio_1f~. ~et, forth· in the . •1980 Texas Manua1 on · Uniform · b T.ra~tic . -Cpnt_r~l -DeV1i:Cf!S _ ~or ·st~e~~s a ,nd Highways" is~ue.ci under ·t~e aut.ho_r,i ~Y :.~<:>f th~: -" st:at;e .. qf Tex_aa ont(orni Ac~t Regu:l _ating ~raff ic ·on. Highway~!', codified as ~ticle 6701d Verori • s clvil l. statut¢s,,)i:>ertiqent sections being se~t-iori. Nos. 21; 29 ,· 30 a~d 31.· . · .. •. ·: . . . · C6-6 (4) - .- - The contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign, or other si,gn_ whi~h bas beeri ere~ted by the City. tf it is det~rmined tb~t a ~J~ri must be removed · to perinit required constructlon·, tb ·e contr'a.ctor shall contact the Transportation and PUl:>lic W(?~ks depar_tmen t, signs and Markings · l>iv i si on C pho9~. n1:11111;>e~ a 7 8 o· .... a 075 > , to remove the sign. In the _case of reg.ulatory signs, tb_e con~rac·t~r m~~t rep:L,ice the~·P:~~miuien.~ --~_ig~ ':~.1:tfi.;:~ t ·emporary sign meet .1.ng the_· regu~,-~eme9ts Qf the _ ~bov~ :t~ferericed' manual a 'nd ·su:ch tempo'rary sign mus~ be in~talled p ·r ior i:() the r~Inov'al of· the permanerit s"i_g _n~ ·. If ~li"e_. ~-f!.~PP~i;=Y sign i~ not installed cbrrectly or if it do~~ nbt --~t th~ reguirecl specif ic:at:io_ns, the perm~ne~t si9n sh.all 9.e. ~leJt _ii) plac:e t1nttl th·e teinpor_ary ~fgn ;e_quit.e~~nts -~:x:e: .. J~~l/ ·. W):i~,n cbnst.ru·ctio:n :·wor·k i'i,. ·comp·le'ted to · t "he· e*fent ·that ·t .h 'e pe:rinanefit · fJign -c ·iui ~e .. :t _e·-1_h_s~il_i.1~a, · {;he · ;cohtrjbto~:. · ~b -~t1 ·:·ig:~'ii1. · cont_acft the ,-Sign~ and . Ma _rkings; D_ivisiotj to . r~·-16sta:t.l tp.e. perm~nefit sign and _sh.all !"eave his ~empd,;-,ary ~ig~-----~n 'pla.;c_.e. until such re.;.insta.llation $.s . COJDpleted~ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . The Contractof will be held respotisible . f.or all d~m~-ge t:o t!i~ work or the public du~ to failu~~ of barrlcaa,~~ s~~ris~- fi:!nces, lights-, or watch~en to prot:~ct tl)em •. Wh~9ev_e;r evidel)<::e . is fpurid ·of suq_h: damage t _c) tb.e wJ,rlt, .th~ ~_h.g _injf~r . ~y order t:he dam~ge~ °I>or.tlon . iimne'diat~ly r~mo'ved and:·.replaced .. by tli':~ C~?tia'ctC?,;· at t~.e Ce>nt:ra.c~.or '_s, _·_ ow 'p: --~*-JiJi~'~_:e}· . '.i!.~~- C<>'nt:factor • s · respons.ibil,i;ty for 'the mainten~nc~ of _·,ba.tticad~s; si'gri"si· ten#~s, ,a~d ·.:J.fghfs, and J&r . providin:~:--,,;~tc~~;r(];iJ~'j _i')}·_qt ceiise un'~i0 l the prbject shall h _ave been 'complet,eg ~:n:«;1 -;~~cee{¢.,cl -by the Owner. · · · · · · · · · ~o bo~pensc1t:i'on~ except as ~p,eci_fically' i?iov{~~&-,1_n ·t1:i~s.i( Co1it:racf ·o~cti~ent~;: will be pal~. te>. th¢ ¢ont;r~tjt;.ot -~,Q,r .. '1:)j"e .. wdr~ --~nd _mater i _als . i,~volved . lri ··tQe ·cQif~:tttu.:cting';,· ;p~~:h~~~i~g~ ·. a~~ "iiiai:ntaJrii~:g_. ()~ ·ba~~,i,~~-qe~;, si~n.s, ·:t~,;1):e_,~, -~ifg ·. ~tg~.t~.-_or . £0:r fil:a .~a·r :te.s c,f wat~h#,le.n, ·. ~,o:i: th~ s.~bs·equen~.,.r ,t:!10,qv_al :~~4 · d~jipof3 _a,l::of · s~ch )>cp;-ri._~~dtf$ ,.· ~igns._; .o~· ·t~r ·;·an ·y ;,gt_b"e·r iiici_d,t?I.l°tal~ nec.~ss~ly· fo'r · ttie p~oper ·px;o.tectioJJ, s~t~tY,:· aqa · co~y~itience -of . t:J~e, p*9:lJ~ d~:(l.~g· t:be ¢o~t,~,ac,t , pefJ;qcl ~: i as,, .th:.f.e work ' is coh~l-deted ·to be .,siU:;,~-J;-diary . to •. the sever~:t.:' .(temii"" .. for w~:f~q _ ·:µp1:t :·or · ;~pjnp _'.~\im pr ic~.s -,-~:r,_· :reguest;eci. i _n .. tll.~~ ~f;<>P.0$:_~,i~~-~ ·;· ·. ~"" . . . . . . . .... . ·. . . . .. . . ' ' .. . . ·-. . ~ ·.: _:. . . . : -~. : :, .:; :. _.; ... :~ . C6.;;.6.;'9 :_-·USE OF EXPLOSI.VES, .. DROP .. WEIGBT r-'81!C.:., t,.}.l ·qµ~q: __ t}:le:;· c~h}~a(?t<>r --~lec:t :·~p · ·11;f!S~ .e~l.9.s_l~~s, · 4:r,op_~,-~~J~ht; -.:)~:~?·;,.~ ,.;~~:,~~f:-·. p -:tqsecution of the -work,·: .the utmost care shall b~ .~ereised. at at1:. tfimes_ so :-as ·:n~t to -e~,da :~-g~r iif'e ~-'pr ... Pi,op~r :t ,y\'. ,,T~J -, · Cc:fn:tr _actor sh:~il :riot,ify . ··th~ ·proper r:epres~ntative,_·of ':~oy .. publ~y :ser~i~ce c~rpo_i:·atiofi_·; .. a:ny -~oinp _i:lny_i iri'd1y.i;~~a.:l , .. :ct uti l~ty, and th~ O~ne~, not :t~ss tbari t:went;.y~fQ~r houi;s ln C6-6 CS) . t ~d~arice of the use of any activity which ~ight damage or endang~r their or his property along or adjacent to the work. where the use Qf explosives is to be permitted on the proj~ct, ciS _specified in t~e Special Contract Document:s, _or. th_e ~Be of explosives is requ~sted, the contract,or shAl-,1 ~ubm;Lt notice to the Engineer in writing twenty-four hours priqr to c_oµunenclng and shall furnish evidence that he -has i:nsu~ance cove.rage to pre>tect against any damages anq/or injtir"ies a _r .ising out of sucli use of explosives. . . ·All cl·aims ar is.t~g out of the use · of expiosJves ~hall be {J'l'7eStigated . arid: a WJ:'i tten rep·ort m,:a<Je l:)y~ the Co;n.tr~ct;o _r I B Thsurers to tht:! Eilgineer within " t 'en (lQ)· days ._afte:r.<re9eipt of . writfen n.otice of the claim to ·the Contractor . from .e .i.ther the cJtY <:>r th~e cl~imant •.. The City shall. ~ioceed to giva:_no~ice to· the Contractor of any· such claim..•. Tit¢. u~e of <!Xplo~ives may be suspended by the Engineer if any. complaint is received and such use shall not be resumed· .until the cause ot . the co~~iint . has been addreifsed. . . . . . . . . Wh .eilever explos1 Ve~ are stored. or kept, tfi¢.y. Sbail pe StQred in ii sate and secllre. manner . and. all_· .$torc,.ge,. p~~ces shaii ' he pl~~nly m~rked . •_n_.r~NGEROUS E;XPLO~:IVE$•. ~nd· ,S~~ll ~~-und~r ,-the · Car~ of -·a competent w~tchm·an at all . ~.ime·s • .:. ,AJ.~ veh~c.les in wh1ch explos i:v~s _ :are being transpor.ti!d . shiili_ ~-; pl,~Jnly nia~k~d . as ~entfbne·d . i:tb~ve and shall, . fi1s9tar · as poss.ible, hot U$e lieavy traffic routes. . ..... ' . . . . . . . . . .. C6-:-6.10 WORK . WITHIN EASEMENTS: Wl)ere th~·-wo.rk p ,as~~-s over, tti~ough, or· . into p:ri vate prope,rty,. the· Owner ~~li-. pr"ov:1de such ~igtiti~oi:.:-way :·C>r ¢asement_ privil~ges ·as t;he .·:.citi.~~y .,deem nec·ess·ary fo1; th~ p.rbseciution of · ~he · ·work.-<Arty· ·aadttlonal r}gqts:~o~;.;.way .·()~ ~C>rk ~p::ea .. c·9nsl~~:~e"c:J .n~c~t3 ·s_~_;y· by · the c9ritracto:r shall b~ p:rovi~ed by hi~ .. !t' bi~ "<?wri" e.xpe11se;. Su.ch adciitio,µa.l r ights-:-:of..;way or wor~ :area sh~ll b~ . acqµired for .the benefit of· the.· City;. .: The City shall .be . notlf ied i -n wfi1f~g .as to : ~he ;igbt$ s ,o ··a~_gµfre~f~~ore '·lfD.xk p~g:in~ fr:i th~. af.f~cted -~rea · •. The C_ontract:or · ifba_ll ,_pot enter upon p~,l.vate prope:r"·ty _f'or ahy purpose ··without . h"avirig previousty ··obtained permission from t.he owner of such -prope:.tty:e . The contractor wli1 ttot be ,110~~<1 to·· st9.re .. ~~,ID~~t . or · ma;ei;~zi:1 :pri Pr::i:v11t;e · piopetty unlefi .~ 'and uQtil the ~-p~f¢.if.ied approval of the ~~t~pfrty . 9wne~ ~has. peen secq~-~~ Ir( wrlt:iQg. by .the contractor •~d a .copy f~~~ished to th~· ~nglri~~r. Uh{ess ,apecifl~allY provj.ded otherwise, tlte Contr~:ctor ·shalt · cie'ar . all righta~of-:-way". or E!asem~nt~ of Obstructions .which ·m.ust: be r~moved to " make possible proper prosecution of the work as a 'part of the project co·nsti:'uction o .perations. The contractor /shall be responsible for the preservation of ~nd shall use .i ~j C6-6 (6) - - .--·. every precaution to prevent damage to all trees, shrubbery, plants, lawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and all other type.s of . structures or improvements, to all water, sewer, arid 'g~_s _lines, to all conduits, overhead pole lines; or appurtenances thereof, including the construction of tempor~ry fences, a _n~ to · all other public· or private property alon~J' adjacent· to thf?! work. -T,he Contractor shall notify the pr~per reprJ{seritatives· 'of owners -or "occuparits of public or pri:vate lands or inte_:rest Jn lands which miglit be .affected by ttie w.ork. _ Such notice :$hall. be uiade a:t least .:49 hoµrs . iil.:· advance of the neg h~ning·· of. "tJie work.. Notices sh'a°il; be . applicable to hath · publi.,c ' aricl pr:ivate. utility companies or any corporati?~r: c,~mp~~y". -~~gjy~chial,, <?~ · other, eith·er a~ bwn_~#s or . o·ccµparits., ._whoJ~~-l'~nd 01" int.:~~est: . in · ,1and might _.af!ected-: by th~ work-~ : Tb¢ ¢e>riirpact;.or·· _s'f1alf .b~ · r ;e:$:pon 'sib1e . ~or a1J;. :a,amage . or . in ju:ry to; j>r9P.erty" ·_of a#y cha:racter ' r~sulting .from any a _ct, oml!3s_'.:i,9n, · n~qle.cet (?i: misconduct in the ma'nner or method' ·or :·e _x~cutiori of·. the ·worJt; or ·at ·any -time due to defective work,. matel;'ia1.:,::··cfr ·egµipment :~ · . .. . ~·. . . . When arid where any direct or indirect or i ·'njury is dont~~-:'t:9 pµl>lic: or pri ~at~·. prop_er·tr on ·ac:co~~~. ~1: any 'tt9t,.:. ~riif.~-~'!9~ i n _eglect ~-or Illi .s.c~_nd~<:~ _ ;n . ·:the ex~c::u~ion o; J:_ll_~ WPl .. ~:~ P! .:' p~ C.Qiiseque~c·e cff ~'lie ripn~-~~~cuti~ri_. ther~of o~_>tJi¢'. p·~:w::t __ ~-f .' tJ:ff:! con :tractor, · he ·shall:· rest'or-e or have r:estorea· a·t ·bis 'owri ·cos·t -ft:te?xef:;\;;;~le~i1.~e~JJ~-~:o d:m:tne4.iJ}~f nJtr~~f~jt''.;_i~i~~:j~;li - repairing, r¢building,. or otherwise replacing and , restC>rip'g · a,s may be <lirep:te~ J>.Y tc~e Owner, or h~ s~,~lJ;" -~~~~,good sli~b. t;tt!.~;.;6.t1!Pl~;~E?;f::J:ff?e'r ac:cept .ab;e ·-t~,-t:h _!·\~~fr~r .::oft #.&:: tikft~~t;!~~f !t}Kf!:i~iie~$.}ei::~~,!~~:t~~~i;·,···,·. When wire fenci'n ' c· either: ·.wire mesh · or ' 6arbed<.wlr)i is :to . b~ ., ··.l~itt!t~r~~~l~~f Jl~t\iW~1~:~~~i~!i!i~ij!f i·,. cut , in add1. tion· 'to·· the cross-braced po.s·ts: provi~ded ·at the . ~~fmanen~ -~~~eini~tiJ ·1:1~i!~-,_---.-1>~~c:iri {~~-£.~?~e' f1i ):4'.t. ·· · ._--\ · r~~porary.: ·f e.nc:i~\g __ s~i!I'.: be _· ~t.este~ ·in' Pl:cic~--'.<:>t ·t~~ J~~,6,Jtja . ,, .. . t¢i:loved-wh~ne~et tne w!=>i::lt is --not in pi;ogx;tfsfj:-:a:_n ·d ·"whe,n · t:h'e· . s..tfe _:is _:vac:.,~ te~_ o.y~~~~g~-~, a.n~(91;· :a.t a:tl ::¥~~s.· to ~:t.~v~.t"_. livestock _from egteri_ng : the· construction ar~a •. T.he cost for ~en '~£e re.moial,. t~mphriry closures ··arid (eplac~~nt 'shaii . be .. sut;*ldiary to the v :ari'ous items · bid i11 '<t.he p~ofect · CG-6 (7) pioposal .. Therefore, no separate paymemt shall be allowed fbr an y ser vi ce as soc i a ted with t ht s wo r k !' ; -·· •. · .. _ ..... . . . ·1n . case of fa1lure on the part o ·f th~ Contract.or t.o r~store s·uch prope~ty to make good such aamage or injur·y, the Owner may, upon 48 hour written notice UI)der ordinary c~rc~tances, a~d withput notic~ wh~n a nuisapge pr b~sardou~ c~n4ition iesul ts, p;o9E!.ed to rep~ir, rebuild, o·~. -~~_heq,if.le re.stor~ s.uch ··properj:y · as ma):' · be determined by _,the. Qw~.e.r t.9 .b .e . l)_~-c::;e.ss ~ry , .. ana · the . cost : t hereby will be d¢d.uct~4.,.trom, a~y: i.non~e·~ d.ue. or to :·become ci"µe t"~. the Contractor unp~r tli!s PQnt:r~el!' ... ·· . . . · ... ' . . . . -. -. ; . . . t:6.~6.:.ti. INDE PENDENT . CONTRAC.T O~: :' ,i t · i,~. µ_rt _(lei::~t g <>4 _a,n(i c1.g r e~d'.. by tile par~l¢s her.et:o that Cont~a-~tor.;_, ~,i.,~:J;:l,:. .p.~i;e:foi:~· ~lY w:orlc: :ai.)4 , :~~rv;c~~ . he.reunder as . an . fri..qep~i)~~*~ con~.iic~pr r -~.nil .n<>t · ~~··an,)>f:fi¢er, agent~ servant: .6r e _~pl9y,~e. _tjf .t:_h ~ o.w~er~ contriactor shall . have. exclusive contf-Q~ -of ~nd· th~ e~clus_ive id.cf~~ts . ~() _cpr:it~ol the d~taJfs . ot _calL "the .'!QI~.-,n,d. sex;,vi~£E!:S petfor~e~ hereunder, and all persons performing sam~i and shall . be solely . rE!sporisible fo.r th~ ~ctQ .aQd omissj.oj)s of its offl 'c;°~'rs,· a.gen~s, servants,' empl0,y·~~s, '.qo.Qt'ract.ot$,. s-lih'c 'onti-actors, licensees ai1d invtt·e~eij •.. The· .do.ctr ine . o.f ;~·~~:'?~a:~:a_t ~j ~pe.r._ie>r sh.al_i , A<>t ... a~p!:1-.:;~~ b~~"~~P : q~n~r a..hd contractor, ·its o!ficers, agent$,. emplQ:ye,es, ,.contractors and ~li'b·c'oli t ,r 'act.Qis :;, iinci not:hing h~r/~.i -t(;,$,~ii1 b~ 0:ti·o_n:~trued '·'.·a:9. . cr e~'t!hg .. a ·par'tri.e.rship or joint eiltei:pi;i')J:e :·.·b~,t~~·eri '·o~n.er· :and · ¢:4nt.f ~~t)j r. · ·•·•·· ; : . · · . . . '· · .. . · · ., · · · ·. .. ., .. ~--· · . · . · · · c'.6:;.6. ..• i 2 · c.oNiltAcToR, s. REsPoNsiijiLi:f,i .. io'it s:i>rutAG:E.:ctX1.is: ·. Con~ractor covenants arid agrees to~· a i;1 4 :t1p~.$_J1~r:eby Jµdeuµii.fcy , .. hold harmtess and · defend Own~r,··1t:s ·:·o.f(icers-,.-aci~'nt~-~, -;~v~f :f:A-/:,nl~_:[jfltJf~~·;,::';t ·:-a.Jt,.• ;~;~t~;,;;4ii1·.,·~:t;::~~~t1-t::t,ht~!---· 1nclu,cilpg JiE?iiJb, . te>. ,a,t.1y. and. ~ll .. p~_sqp~#(·· 9!. ··-~l.:a.4.~t:So~::v.e:r;· .. ~,l:~4 . ,P.+ : ch_rit ¥~)::e~,/ 'f.~;~t ti:~~;, f~al _),r::);,:~-~~jJ,#;4'.,:>::.,:#{,ffij:g::?qµf . Q~::A.~, !if. ~oI)lj~pt;i,c;>~L wi~lf ,. , . .Q~re~t:1Y or .. indit.ec,:ly.;, .:t.~~-"~F,k a~~-SJt~~,i ~fi!~ . r~iri~;1:n~f ~§~1r,t~vn1:~:~!!i~~~~t#f!iF employee s , c ,~Jrl_tra c~.QJ;Jt; subcontr."'q_tor~,.'. .. lJ~eQfJ_~~~ 1:'nq. .iµvi .~~~$. of the owne r{ anci .. said·. coritrac:H:01r <:loe·s···Jferebf -·covEihant . arid . agr~~-. to ~ssµme .. al,l liabil~ty. Q.ri<l r~,i:>Pn~J~ili.ty ·of ~~.r, .1t~s . . o(f ~c~rs . ag~ri ~~-,· -~~~Y-~P~:3 . aqd ". emp)};y~et:i:~:-~i>i "'prop~~y; _dajn ag·e .9.r. 'lQsf:5-\. , ~nd/or :' i{~Fscinal :·1~jut i .tis. ,·. irici~~tf~.g .·_·4~i,.t;l)i. to a:riy ~~d a11 ~~p~rs,5n~ o~ :wh~tsoever .1tiJid .:()i cnAr.~c:tJi:c ·,:· ~he!'.:~lter re~l _."i?r as~~rtec1,: c1.r _i .~Jn.g o'Q._t of -:o:r"· Jn ·:··c~nn _~c .tipri .'.wlfti./ .·dite.ctiy e>r . indir~¢tly, the .. \iork' and servi_ceii t _o·· b <t perfofmed · he~.eund¢r : by . Contractor, its officers, ag·ents employees, cont\ra_cte>rs, subcontractors,. licensees and invitees, whether or not ca·used, ; . . . ·.. . . . -. - t6-6 (8) - - ·- . - in whole or in part, by alleged negligence of officers, igents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors, iicensees or invitees of the Owner. Cont~actor likewise covenants and agrees to, ~nd does hereby, -indemnify, and hold harmless owner . from and against al)y and all injuries,loss or damages to property of th~ Owner during·· the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether arising out of or in cQnnectj.on . with or resu.lt:ing f~oin-; in who.le or . in part, any and . a~l aliege·d acts or : o_Iil.ifJslons ·.of ··off leers, agents, servants, employees, _ coiltr'!-ctors:; ·subconti;acto~~-, licenses, or invitees of the owner. :rn · the event a writtei'.l, ,ctaim J:o·i::: <l.~~ageEJ ca :gainst the contractor Qr its subcont;tactor·~. remains. -uils~t:t'l~d at''tbe ' time ai:1 ' _work c.>n the . projec.t ba;s been: qomplefa~d t _Q _the.· satisfacti:on of the Director ·of :the , Wa .ter Departmept,., .all _evidenced py.-· a.· fiIH\l inspection, final p~ymeJl~. to . ~be ·Cpnt:rac.tor --~ba,}l hot be recommended by the I>ire.ctor of the Wate~ D:epa.r:tmerit for :a pE!r~_o'.dof 30 :d~ys aft~r --tbe date -()f . suc_h .·f,itjal_ .tnsi,ection, unless ·-the Con tractor shall slibm.it w:ri tten . --e =vidence . satisfactoi:y to the :nirector that the c ·laim · has been_· settled and ·a :. reiease has beeri obtained ·from th_e .cl~im.ant ·irivo·lved. : l£ the claim .· ~ortcerned remains un_settled , as of . t~~ ;expiratio11 o.f the above .JQ;;:_day period,. the Contract.or inay . be_ 'deemed to be· entitled _to a semi-f~ri~-1; p 'aymeilt. f :or ·w'ork c ·o-phit'~d, such semf..;f.i 'nal pay.merit. to . be in an-amoµrit equal to the· total dollar amount then due ies~ .the dollar valu ·e (>f ariy wrltJ:en cl~ims periding a~ainst t~~ contr~6tcii aii~l~j oµt of th• &!-~;:t~:1~e~(~~~~~e"tf~~c~1'~~u~li . ~elll!--tJ~a:r _ P.~~¢'.~~-.":µuiy tb~Ji - The Director . shall not r.eco~erid fi·nal payi.nent -to a . Contractor against whom such a c~ai~ ':for :. dam~g~s ts out~tanding .. for a:· pirlod . of six-month_s fo1lowlng,· th'~. date of th~ ~cceptarice of t)ie w,ork performed. u.nless, ~-b_e :Cont.ra,ctor,: submitl;i ·e'tif~i'e·n:ce in w1:iti~g :satisfactory to the: ))!rector that:-: . · · · ·· ·_·-. · ·· · · - . -. . .. '· . .. . 1~ The ~laim has been settled and~ release has beeri obtained --~;c:>~ !~e _ ·~i~t~~t i.?Y.9.:t.V~.4~ J>r ·. ·. · · Good £aith, efforts have been -made to :settle such outstanding c1alms, -a 'nd such ·good ._·f ·aith e -f°forts havet failed.·. · -.,. ·' I .f conq,ition (lJ above is met at any tilli~ wit:hiri the six;.Jitontb p:erio~,-:the Director . sb~ll :recommend that ·.tht!,-ff~ai: p~yment to ·the Contractor be made _. ·. if condition·· (2) ·a.~~Ef is '· met af any tirn.e within the si:,c month per ioc;l, the .Directc>x: m.~y recommend th,at the. final pay.illent to the · Conti;_ac·tor be made. At the C6-6 (9) e -xpiration of the six month period the Director may recommend ihat final . pat$eht b~~ade -if al l o t her work has b~en perfo r'med and all other obligations of the Contractor have been met to the ·satisfaction ,of the Director • • t ••• • • . • • -The Director inay, if he : deems it appropriate; refuse to accept bi.ds ori· other Water Department Contract work from a Contractor against:. whom a . cla,im , 'fot: damages is outstanding as a result of work p ·ert.ormed under a City contract. C 6.~6 • 13 CONTRACTOR'S ·: CLAIM FOR DAMAGES: Should the Contractor cl.aim compensatlon ':· fol! -a _ny alleged damage by reason of the a¢ts . or: ·9mJssi,Qns of · tn.Ef ·o,in~r, · h~ shall within three days af~~r th¢··. aatua1 susl:,iiin'irig :of. such alleg¢d damage ,, m·ake a ·writtejl st·a:te111E!nt_. to. thf! Eng ine~r, set~ing 'out._ !n . _detail the Iiat.'ure of ·th~ alleged: d~ge, ~d on or before the. 25th day of- the mont:h succeeding-that in .which any · such · damage is claimed · to have been . susta'.in¢d, the C6ntract;or . shall file with th·e · Engineer .:an it:¢mized statemeht ·of the details an_d amount· of ·such alleged damage ~nd, upon i;equest, snall give th~ Engineer ac~ess to all books c:;,f account, . receipts, vouchers, .bills of lad.ing, .and other books or papers containing any eitid.ence as to .. · the -a~ou.nt . of ._sµch · 'alleged . damage •. Unless· such statements sh.al-). be -f._iled as Jiereiriabove requ,f.red; the Contr.actor is . claiin f°tir co'ipens4t:io1f ~llaii b~ ~aived, and he sh~ll· not be entitled to -p·i:l~_e.nt on ~CC0\µ)1:, 0( $l1C.h damages .. :C~-:~G :.i.t,,.ADJUST~NT~ OR: RELOCATION . OF. PUBLIC: UTILITIES1 . ETC;.=' In case It ls ·neces_sary to: chang~, . -move, or alter -·· n · any manner the property of a public utility or others, the said prQp~rty-sh~ll no.t b~· )n~ved or -inter"fe_red w.ith until orders · t;he r :eup_on . have be~~ _.issu.~d by the Engin~er.: The ·right ·· ii? r ,e _i:.ery:¢d =_t~ the oW:ne;.~ .of· pQbiic utilities-to enter the il¢.'.og-rap.ti!9a1 .liJnits _: of .-the· contract f~t. the ·purpose of 'making s ~uch changes f:$r repa;ii:s· to their property that m~y be necessary by the perfopnance of this contract. . c.Ef:..:.6. is TBMFORARJi-,,SEWER: AND DRAIN CONNEC';rIONS: . When existing . sewer Tines l)~vE! to be ta.ken up or rem<>.ved ', the Contractor shall;.' at : hiEJ OW.:l:l:· ·expens'e ·and cost, pr·e>v-ide an·d maintain t .~porary ·pu;J;e.tEJ .a .nd ;:connections for _ a1i private o;t _public drains and sewers. The Contractor a .hall also take care : of all sewage and ' drainage · Which will be received from the.Se drain~ iUld sewers,. ~p:~:: f9r "thJ:s purpe>sE! he shall pro·v ·i .de ~nd ·~c(i~t:~}q, at :llJ~ ,pw.n cost. and expense, adequate .pumping f'a~_iliti~s ·~r:1!,'l t~mporaty outlets or diversions. · · · The Contractor, ~t J;l·is own cost an-d expense, shali construct such troughs, pipes, or other structures necessary, and be ~'repared at all times to dispose of drai~a~~ ~nd sew~ge C6-6 (10) .... - . - "'· ~- received from these temporary connections until such tiines as the permanent connections are built and are in service. The existing sewers and connections shall be kept ·in 1;,ervice and ~aintaip~d under the Contract, exdept when specified or ordered t<:> be abandoned by the Engineer. All water,· El.ewage, and .other waste sh~ll "be disposed of iri "a satisfactory manner so .that no nuisance is created and so that the work -~ncler constr:uction will be adequately . protected. . : : ... C .6~.6 .1.6 -ARRANGEMENT AND CHARGES .FOR :WATER FURNISHED .J~Y .THE CLTY.:: .When the contractor_·desires · to ' use City water In connectio_n . with any . construction worJc, he sball·:' ~ake . complete and s ·a:ti~f~ctory a ,rrangement:S with the For~ ."-Wor·th> City · Water Dep_ar~~~t for .. SO doing. . . . ; . city _·water furnished to the Contractor. shai1i. be, deliverec;l:: t,o . the contractor from a connection on an exist~rig City .main~ ~1::1 P~Rlng required beyond the point ·of · delive~y -:shall :be iristalled-by. the Contractor at his owri expense.: . . . : ·.· ,._. · .... •·. . ·. The Cont;ractor' s r~spe>nsibility in t ·he use of al~ existing fire hyclrant and/or valves is detailed in . Section :82~1 ~ 2 USE OF . FIRE HYDRANTS AND VALVE·S ii)-· these Gene:ra'l / :co:mtra¢t rih~~nt:!3. · · : , · · ----· -.·--· ---· --· , : : --.· , --= -----· w)fel). m.~tei:"s. are .used to me·as~re the water,· the c:~ar·g_es·/ 1£ an.y,;,._ ~:pr , wa,ter wi_l,1 l>e . at . the iegu_lar established:: 17-~t e~S';.., : }'i~erl meters are not used, the charges·, if,· ·a iily·,:._·wi·11 ·.be .·'as p.r;e_sc'.~ibe.d by t~e City Qrdinanq·~, or whe~E! _n<> 00 1:ciln,~ce ctpp-lJ_eJJ ,;. Jj~yment sh.al:l -be -made on --~sJ-.t~:~-t -~'~ -~:*~'·-:ta:~¢~- established ·. by t he Di.rector of. the Fort · Wo -t ·t:h Wat'er ~ep~r~~~t. ·· · · · .. · :-.. C6j,;f>~l.7,:.,uSE OF A SECTION· _._QR P.OR'tlON .OF-, THE.' WORIC: 'Whenever,. . in the op_ini'<>fi of ·the Englneer ,· any ,sectic;>n 'orf p6rtion· o :f 'the woik. di: a_r,.y, s _truc_ture is ··tn.:,.suitable cond.j:tlbn f :it may ·:',be _ ·p\lt iP.~P ' µ~~:\lp_on tne. written .:order " of the ~ti:gtn'~eii:,. ail~' "Elll'-C°fl' : u.~~g~: ;~Jia_l::l not be held to ·be -:·f.n . ·any .way ·an· a~~eptclI'i'C~~ 'o~'' said · w:o,ile:.· qr .-st1;µcture . or any part thereo.f or. as . a '-'\fctiver --~ff · a'n·y "of .tti.~: pt9.·,,ri§:ions ()f ·. these Contfact D0c'1inents,;. :.: ·~11 -ife:cessary. r~p~JJ;\S, ~~cL re~ovals of a·ny .:_-section of · t:h~ w~rJt ,:,1:0 ';pµtf ·J;ri,t:o· . u~'.ti!., ,.cl~.¢ -t .o detectiv.e materials :o:t.· ~orkiila!isbip:;; equTpm~i'it,"·or to d _eJ~clerit operations Ori t"he part of the . Cpntractqr ~---:: ~half .1:>e perfor~ed by the Contractor at his own Eptp~n~e. · ·· · ~ ::,. . . . : . , .. ; C .6:~6 -.18.·,CONTRACTOR ~--s RESPONS:IBI.LIT-Y.>,FOR"' THE :wo1nt:· ·<uh 't -l ·l . · wr ft;teti;: aq¢_eptance by the owner·· as · pr:ov r-c1 -e& ·-::·f ·~r~~-lti" tti~~:e '~pri ,trcl(:~, Ilocumentfl, ·the . work · shall ·· be 0 ·u1i'Q:er'· th~·-:c)°iii'rg~ _arj:d ca,-r~ o~. the Contractt>r:,. and he sh.all tak·e · eviir:':'y ·: nec·tfs _s 'afy. precauti¢n to prevent injury or : damage to ; the -;work or'. any .-pa.rt C6-6 (11) PART C -GENERAL. CONDITIONS C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS $ECTIONC7--7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS: c7-7.l SUBLETTING: The Contractoi: shall perform with bis own o .~.ganiz~t)o·n, and ~ith t _he assistanc~.of .wo:rkm~n ·undei: qis immediate .super intenda·nce, work of .a va].~e of· not less than flfty ·c SOl) percent of. th·e: value ·emb.:ta.ced . in. th~ contraqt.. If the contractor sublets> any par.t ' of· the· work t() t::>e ·d.qne und.er these Contr.act DocumehtsJ he· wi11 n·ot · under .any 'circums.tances be reileved of the responsibility and ob.ligation 8$Swned under ·these . Contract : Do:cume·nt;s ·~ ·.All · tran.sa'.c::tJo:na' of the' ·:Eii'g1~¢er wt:Ja:t: .. :b·e ·:.w,it,n t :fre · Gon!tractor·. ·, s"ti:~:cforitractors· w111 · ~e ':conslder'ed i only-in. the :¢apa:city of; employe~'s '·o.r ·'wor,k 'meil of the' . ·c .ont;ractor; and shall :"be $UDject to the ·s~e ~~quir.~nts as -t9 chuacter and compe.teilcy:. :, .. The : Owner · li;i .11 not recognize ~iiy siibcontract:Qr on ' the . WQrk-. The Corit.raotor .sliall.' ·at al.1 .timesi when 'tthe wot:k is : in opefation, be -··:tepr·e~·¢nt~~· ~it:h~r .Jn per~:oil o:i by a sup.er intendent : or : other 'deslgnat~d':'representatives ~ C1-~7;.;,2 ASSIGNMENT OP . CONTRACT: . Th~ :contra~~i-~t s)1aii not . a&-~igtj·;·-~tr~nsferr: ·sublet·, convey,-or-o~.&:~-;~Js.~,'.·a.f .~P9~~~. qf t~e c.ontract or· his rig.hts, ·t1t·1e, ·or intertlst··-fn or··to the sa.Die or ·any _ part. tQereof without the previous · con~e'.nt c:,t · th~ o"riE!r ·. ~l'.tptesse'd by . resolution of , ~h~:. ~_!Jy · ¢.9qnq.f.,!, .~cl -C~?c~rre4 in. O:w)1er · b~ revoked . and arinu1led, unless the· Sure'tie~ s 'h'~tl · jucces.sf:ully .complet.~. -~~-~4 ·_g.ont:r2',_q,t. , ... ~Pd J.r;i th~; -~.Y~Pt. · of ai)y ... .. ·i{~4~~\~i~~r~E~~~}~~~}t~t~!~:~6~i~~~~~if ~~;~·•· c·/~>/ .. 3.· .. P.RQSECOTibN . .<t'f:e · :,ar;; wcf:aic: ·~: :')>'rJQ,r .1:6 .. ~'~gJrin{jfcJ, ~liy con·.s:tructio'n" ·opera·t -i:ori'/ · tbtt'·cont:r'actor ".shall ·s 'ubmit ''to tile ~1fg,~n _eei -~n ·f~ye :··:o~:>~r:~; ~opf~.~j '.:~{ i~,~s~ed :1?.f):J1e · tnglrt~~.~.~ a · progress <s~hedulef prefe'.r~bly in :-·chart • or diagtanr fQr'.m,. or . a bi.:lef · outlining ,, i n·<i·l'~.titi 1 · ifnd ·step by' ·'step . the ma 'riner of . . . . . . . . . . . ~· •' :· . . .. ~ ':' . C7--7 (1) f .,. - pr6~eciuting the work artd -~rdering materials and equipmen~ which he e xpects to follow in order to c om plete the project in the scheduled time. There shall also be subm~tted a table of estimated amounts to be earl)ed. by the Contr~ctor dur~~g each monthly estimate period. · · · The ca"ntractor. s.bali comm.ence the work to .be performeci und~~ this coritr~·ct within the ti~e _limit st~ted in these ¢qntract · Document-s an_d shall conduct the · work in a COl)tinuous manner . an~ with ·suffi~ient equf~~erit, mateiials,· ·and :~a~oi ·as i~~ neces~aty _to lns11te its coinpl_etion within · the "time ' :t:imi t · •. ·.:·:·.. . ·.. . .. · . The _s~qu~rt~e. reqµe$ted of _ ai1_: c :onstru·ctioll · op~tations :shal-1 · be a:t :aif tJm~f;i . as s~g~tied_ in_ ~he-~peqia~ contra __ ct i>oe_µmen ,ts,~ 1(ny., devlil.t:io.n : f~_qµi .· ~clih s~que~qf:ng ~hail be sli}?~itt~c.1 -·t:p t~e, · Engir1_eet f.c:,-i: his aJ>p.rqvii;l. Co~t:~a,c,tor . s~a.l'.I. no_t:_ p _roceE!~· -wit-h any deviaf;io;n lin\ll _he ll~s. ~~c~~ved written apj;jr_ov;;tl trom the·· En9Jr.iee'1; ~-... S,~'?~-~~e~,!fJc~tJon . or approval· by t'h.e · ~ng;i~n -E:E!r : sha"ll '1Qt. X:e:!J1ev.;e t:.h~ -~pnt~actor _.from. t~e full responsibili;ty of '·'Elie ·~.o~i?!.et~ P~ifo~n9e '?~ th~ Contract. The contra.ct time. may ·be , chaijgeQ 01.1ly as . set ftj:tth ,in \Sec.tion . . ci~1 .~ •'$xt~!'i):ii'.o"r>: ~f-.. ~ime o·f_ ·qtimp.1etion"' 9f tfflif .Agietiin'ent'".: a'ri,t a p_r 'bg _·~ess' scllJ~<lu,!e shall_ 110.t ···cons.titute a.. cbange; iri the·,., c'Qptf ~c~ .. tJm~. · · · .. · . .· · · ... -. ' c ~7-~f;;4 . LI!liT~TION~' b°F OPERATIONS: The worki~g• Ope,ration·s · . . shall .· at al1 timt!·s be coriduc_ted by the . ton tractor so as to cr.~p._ ~~ .. fl Ii\!.11!~';1.I_? ~~R~~t, _: o~ · ~ncQnv.en.i.~~c,e · to 1:_~e .. ·-publ.t;c·. _: . ,A~,;· apy "'J:_i.~_e ~n,e,j)~ l,.~. t,q~ __ jU~9Jll~9~. g~·-t.he E_ngi,rieer, :t,be 'ContractorI . ha/tJ .·._:oJf~Jruc~/;~d f_-or . ,"c_J:os ·ei:l . 9r .-i:s;J~~r:r;yi.~g .. on op~rat:~_oJi .s . in· a :· p9tti'op"_<:)~-:a st.,f~-e.t: .or . _pu~l,~_q .-v,ay grellt~.r t;ha~--l .s-:n~.c~ssa·ry, ·; £°6-g .: ;t~Jf ff.P.~ei::; ,e~e~utJo"ii . ·or ~-~e,-~)f?,rk ~-t:he ~Jlgin~E:~ ~:¥-; ·_re9ui;r:e: :. t~, ;'.!dr?:9;r~.C.:~?r to J~i:iis~. ,t .~~-'-~~ti:on :on ~hich ··op~r::,~iq~~ _,~re."' i :,L:pr:ggr.e,.~a , ~~;.c:,rE! the ,, ~o;~ ._i _~; .co_~enced-on·-a!l:y :·":~d-~i~ti:c;:mal:: se,qt~P:~ ~t ·._it~re.~t,. · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · .. ;.. ·.:::: .. _.:.: ..... i·,·::: ...... :.' ~--~~-"·. ',~ · .. · .,-. ~--~-~~·-.:: .• ·· -: ·.· __ : .:/ .. ··. ·_. ·_·_ ~ _:. -~. . .-: .. -· c _7..;;7. :. s : .. ca~A'CTER .oir, ., .. wo~~lt .AND ... EQUIP'1BNT :--. . ~al· labor, shall b~-µs~: by : l;~~. c;o_ntrac.1:.c;>r .is -av_a}-l~b.l~ .• ·: The .ecint:r~ctor ma'y b~J~g <:~A -·J1;J~m ·:c;;~,t _si.~~-. ~-qe ::_¢-i;ty__ of ·-P.'or ,t: wottb:.:bts '.k,ey{men a~~-=- Jl~·s', ~µJ?~(~P.~en~~_nt,. ·· ·:,~l . o!-~e.; · -ttqr1t~e~1 -·4ilql~di:ng/ e.q*iprnent;--. operijt6rs, may be imported only after the loc;:al s ·~pply -ls·.:, e~hausted. The Contractor sha11 ~mplQy pnlf _·a~ch · .;;,;~~tr~:;I);:i~y ~~:i,i~~·-li~·p::t-t)e:i~lb~:~:ff~J~bV:l!tlr ·~·- as$!<J_.Q~g _..tcr_ the~r :~~d tJ.ie._ Eng;n:~er may 4~nd. and secµr.e ,·.th~: '' s~~-ii~y _··_ttisllii.s,0$~1 _-i tj _f _ any per:s~i;1 _ or _p~rs.Qn13 . e~ploy.ed : by··:t -he co1:1tr~~i:'o:r i~. :or a~ot(.t. oi:: ori the work who,. in the opinion of:. the o~rt~r, shall ~iscoriduct him~elf or -b~ fotirid to be Jncompetent, diirespectful, intemperat~, dishonest or _; . . . , C7-7 (2) other~ise objectionable or neglectful in the proper performance ?f his e>r _their duties, ?r wh~. ~~glects o _r refuses to: :comply with or carry out the direct.ions of t _be OWner, and such 'person or per_sons shall not . be empl'oyed ag~_in ·ther .eon with6ut written consent of the Engineer~ . Al-1 · workmen shai1· have· suff.icierit sJc _i~l, ability, and experience to properly perfc,rm the work assigned· to them and· ope·ra te ·any . equipni_ert nece·ssary to properly _carry OQ"t the p~r~brmarce gf th¢ .assigned duties·... . .... The coiitrac;:t:oi' shall furnish and ·maintafn on the work all sri'ch equ:ipm~nt as i~ cc;>n~idered t<:> be. ·_n·eces~at~ ··Jo~. pr~-s~cut~o-~--~f- the wor-k in an acceptable manner and ·at ,a · satisfactory tat:e , of'· p~ogress. .· Al.~ . equJpment, .. -~.o,gl;,!3 _,,. and ::_ni,·c:b·i .~~-~y . u,,_~'? Jo/ h~~d·lipg ~ateria,Is -~nd exec"q;t;,,.ng · a!}y p_a~t t.>f -the wor~ ·sha-11' .. ber · subject to t _he approval: of: the · 1frig iil_~er and s 'h 'afl pe' ina..ifi'tatn~d -in . ~ .. s .~-ti s fac~ory,. safe : .~·nc1 et~icient .··working. ·c ·ond-ition~. ~quipmel)t on . any portion of t~e·-wor;k sb~:11 ·be···such tlfat' rt"o · ,injury . t() the ~or~, WQE}tmen or adj~cent. ·property wlli } :re~ul:t: froin . its use~ . . . . .. . . . c1.-1 ~ 6 WORK -SCHEDULE: Elaps~d working days shall., pe computed BJii)';tfri g '~ith th_e ·fir .St day O_f wc,r k . C~fu _pf~t~g , as, d _~~i!}~~--_f;~ C1 .;'};. 23 "·WORKING DAY• ·or_ the date·. stipu_lat.~d in .-the . •wpRK ORDER~· for beginning :,,ork, · wl}ichever c6Ine~ first.· . · . . . . . . . . . --. · .. N~tii~ng . i _n. the_~E!-C9ntra·9t Doqui;n~rats ~sh.a.).-~ P~. -~~ns~fu~d as 'pirohlbiting t:he Ccfo~ractor .frotn ·working 9~,-Sa.tt1~~~y-,.". ~:1i~~lay. o:,r Lecj'~l Holidays, providing . tbat ·tile following ·requirement~ are· · met: a . ·b. A. :r~qu~s~ · to wo:r;k on a : speci,£i¢ Sa~urday;· :s·undiiy or Legal Holiday must be made to tl)e Engine.er n·o ·iater than the .proceeding·· Thursday;. . · , . · -. . . . . ·. '.. . -_..,. .-., ' . Any work · to_,· be done · o.n · tti.~: pro .ject, .o:il .-i}u ·~·h . a · specific ·satur~ay, 'ffunday 01;·'.~gal" ·eo1lday ' must b.e,; in the . (?ph1lon Qf . the···,angin.eer.·;. esse ·ii~iai": t"Q llie. timely· completion ·of th~· protect"·~ ·• .·. · ''. · · . ·• .. ·,. . . . . 'l'he Engineer's decision shall be { in.ztl in re~ponse_ t9 .,ii.1.1~'1 a request_ for ·. appi:ova -i:"_ to work ori ·'a · s pe:C ~~l c . s~tu1;di:ly; ·. · $ti)1,t1i.t;y :: 9:t Legal :aolid_ay, , ~nd -no extra c:omperisa.tion s~all _be ~l1owed e~· th~ Cori tractor ft>r a1i'y wo r k perfor med · on .. such . a . ape.qi~ i~_ Saturday; s '~nday · o i:'Legal Holid~y.; · . . .. . .. ,.-· .... Calendar Days ~ha11 be defined in Cl~l.24 and the .Cgntract6r may · Work · cfS he SO desires.. . ·. C7-7 _(3) - r-,,, -, $ 500,001 to · $1,000,001 to $2,000,001 and 6ver $1,000,000 $2,000,000 inc+usive $ inclusive$ $ 315.00 _ -420.00 63.0.00 The parties. hereto underi3tand ~ncf agree ~at any harm. tc:> the City caus.ed by the fo!1t:1=actor 's gelc1r _in .· c~~ple_ti_n9 . t~~ ¥<>.rk here~nder in the time s~ec~fied by t~e C9ntrad~ Dqcµ.ents would be inq_apable or very .difficµlt of ,ac.curc1te est:i .inatip~, and that-t:he "Aino.unt of Liq\1i4~_tE!c1 D.allla:ges Per _Dc1y•:, -~-1:1 s~1: out above, . is a r ·e~sonable forecast of . just compensat,iqn. due the cfty for harm ciused by ariy diiay·. . ' . . . . .. . . . -. . . . . -. . - (:.7;_7 .fl SUSPBNS:ION . BY cotJRT ORDER:. "Th~ Co~ti:~ctor J;J _baii suspend operat·1.ons· on such part or _pa(t.s q( _th-~ \f!C>r~-:o.i~~e~ed by an~ c6urt, .and will n~t _bi ~~titled ~o addltJ~na1 compensation by virtue of . such._ c~µ:rt , 9:1=.d~I-~-~.ei..~!1~.F .. ~!l~ be. be lHlble tp the city in the >ev~ilt_ th¢ .work is .. ·_s_u$pent1:.~q : ·.l?Y a Cotirt ·order~ Ne.lther will l:be Owifer _be 'lt.able _ to .the Contr ·acttor by virtue · of any . Cot1it 61:,i'ef or ac:tion . for :lihJc:h the &-,ner· i~ 'not solely re.spon·s~1i+e :, . · . · .. . :· . · cJ;...7 .12 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION: The 'owner shc1;~l: ,~ZL.v:e, th_~ .tigllt to . susperid ·the · work operatioi:i wholly ~,r in part for such period or period~ of t~m~ Jl~ h¢_ 111:'1$. !3:ee~; -~~¢e,~_sa~:Y:-.. ~.:!1:e _'t:,() urisultable weather conditions··_or any _ othe:r uhfav_o :rabl.e ~~-~:t;;0 ;:o::!i~}binti~f 0 rl,i1 wi::··;i~o;' -~it:t~}l9/f;_t,~;~~a~:: detrimental· to t~~ ;Lrite:t¢st of. the p~oject. .nuri-pg .t~orary suspens,ion of work c:"c,vered by · th fs , co'n trac::'t, tor . any : r~_as6n ~ t :~e Ow _n~i; wi,~1. mak~ _Il0 <~~tr~ ::~~,~~p-t tp_r :~:~~~d~~Y ... ~Jill~ of · construction e.qui:pmerit and/or c6bst_ruqtion _ crews~ ,. · -. . ,, · . . . :: -: . . ::·. -.• : . . ·. . . . . ·'· . . ·. . ··.: : . -~ .. ~. . . . .: . . . . . · .. ··. . ·.· ':: -_. . . . . ' ~J . _i ! , --~fr6~(d _,-bee 9.~~., ~-,~~i(~,~~;~\"_to ;·:,~~ii:>:,~-44'_:i,-f:?r.k.>(9,: . ~n· indefin_ite period, the Contrac.tor 11"h.all ~tore .. all-.ma,t'e:c:.i~ls : 1.n -. ~h.t:~~s;n4~~Y,~;~f ;·. ::~,~~W:~~~~-~~,-~~b~~~e~it~-~~tt;e _~t\~i~\l~!:t: - every: pr€f9a~_~lon _to p _re.v¢.nt da~~g~~ pr dete..rl.o.x:atioJ1 ~ pJ : tl)~ work ''per·forme.d ': -he · shal:l · p~ov~de ~,ff~a:ble c.l:#i!:4n~-ge · .ii~'o,µJ.::Jl)e work, and erect temporary struc:tures wber~ rie¢ess~ry. · · Shou.id the Conti;-ac.tor not be ab1e. to . complete -a .-pprtiori, .of . the ptqject due -to c~uses beyond the control ·of 'aria ' -~f th9:ui 'the fau~t oi ~eg1igen~e of the Coqti•ct~i -as se~ i~tth in Par_ag:c;a,ph C7-_t._8: ':ExT~_~s:t .ON _O:F T~·~' 'Tl"MB . 6t COMPLE'.fI.QJh -and •shou.ld it be det~rminecl l:>y ·m'1tua1 coriseµt;. of th.-e CoJrtract_or , and the Engineer that_ a : .s:o-1u;tion to allow constructio'n to proc,eed ·_ i _s riot ' a:v:at],.a ble :>wl.thin '. a reasonabie period 'of. ~ime, then ," the Con~ractifr ·-~y qEf rei:m.b~rsed for ti:ie coat ofj~oving hi~ eqtiipment ~ff th~ job and tetuirtirig the rte6~ssary !equipment to the job when it _ is determined by the Engineer j . . C7-7 (6) that construction may be resumed. ·such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no profit will be allowed. No r.eimbursement shall be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construction project for the City of Fort Worth. The contractor _shall _not .suspend work without written noti.ce from the Engineer and shall pt_oceed .with the -work. operations pro~ptly when notified bi the Btigin~e~ fo so te~ume operations. . c?-,-7.13 TERMINATION .OF CONTRACT DUE .. TO NATIONAL EMERGENCY: whenever, be.cause · pf · Nt,tional Emergency, so _dec1ared by ·t~e Pres1del)t of t ,he . Unit:e .<l States o~ oth~r lawful -~uthority, it .becoines impo!is_ib.l .e fo.r the contract.<>r to obtain:. all o:f the ne-cessary labor, inaterials, and equipment for the prosecutlot.i of tl)e wc,rk witll, .reasonaple co11tinulty for a period of two months, the Cpn~rll_C~O~ $hal·l withln' (:$even : dayfJ ne>t:lfy the . City in writing, giv-fng ~ 4etailed statement of the _efforts which have been m.ade and listing all necessa-ry ltems of lab.or~ m~teriali, and e~tiip~e~t n~~ obtainabl~~ I£, ~ft~r inves,:igatj,911s, the .'Owner f irids -th.at such cond,itions existing arid thit tb~ ipabi1ity of the Co~t±actpr t~ ~r&c~ed i~ not at:t{ib~tabl'e in wll ,ol.e or in part to the ·faul;t. o"r · n.egiect of the Contract; then if. the owner cannot after reasO'n~ble effort as .sist the . Cont:ractoi . in p .rocuring arid m~ktn'g ·ayaiJabl¢_· the necessary l~bor, ~1:er.ials and equipmen't ·wi_thi'Il. tni~tY day$ t tile· coi;itrac:to.r may )t~~es_.t thE! OWner. to termJ,riate · the. contrac.t arid the· own.er may comply.· with the request,: and the· ·termination sh~ll ·~e conditforied ~nd ba~ed u~6~ a f~riii~~ttie~erit mutually acceptaple to_l:>oth the owner and the .Contractor and .final pa,ymEf!_11t · shall be :made hi . accordafrc:e with tne terms of the agreed se:ttlement, ,which · ~hall· 1nclude·,-·:but· not ·be limited to, .. the p .a:Y1'ent ft>~ all· wo'rk executed ·but n~ a -nticipa1:ed profits on ·work wlli.ch ·has not be'en performed. · · ·· · · C7~7-.14 .-SUS~ENSIQN .. OR·.ABANDON!>iENT , OF -Tim .WORK: AND ANNULMENT . OF _CQ!JT:RACT: ·: Th-e ·,.,ork ; c>perat}ons-' onc·all-or ··any_' pe>rtlon · or · section of the work under Contract shall ··t,~e 'suspended immediately on wr~tten. order of the _ Engine.er or the Cc>ntract may b.e decil.~red caripelle~. by the City councl1 for · any goQd ,®d suff-icient c ·ause. The.· following, by way of ex·ample, but, not of l _imi tat ion, may be considi!red grounds for su·spen.slo:n · oi; . ca~cellatie>n_: . -. . . . -. . . ·.. -.. ,· . .. a~ Fai~uie 6f th~ Contr~~tor to dom-~~Bi woik qperati.ona within the time specifie'd in the· Wprk Ord_er tssued . by · tne OWner. · · C7-7 (7) D. - E. - F. -- G. AMOUNTS; Subject to the provisions of Item C.7-7 .16 (C)-, t he Contr actor a nd Owner may agree upon the whol'e · or any part of tlie amount or amounts to be paid to the contractor by ·reason of the total or partial terminati·on of ~'9rk pursuant hereto; prov,ided, that . such. ·a 'grefed amount or amounts shall never· exc;eed · the total contract price as reduced by the am9li~t of .payments 0.therwise made and as :further . reduced by -the contract price of work not terminate-a.;· T -he · contra.ct shall be amended ac.cordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the ··agre~·d amount. ·No ·amount· sbal-1 be due for lost or a~ t.t·c ipa t ;ecl prof 1·ts. 'NQ't~ing in c1-1 .16 CB> hereafter; prescribing the ainourit to be paid to the Corit~actor in the everit rif failure of the . contr~ctor' by r easori of th~·· tetmination of work purs\ia~t to ·this' sei:tion; shall be deemed to limit, restr'ict. or . other"lse de-terlnine or affect . the apiourit oratnounts ·wllich may: be: agreed Upon to be paid to the Contract6r purs;uant to this paragraph. FAILURE TO AGREE: In the event of the failure of the .;contractor "-and · the Owrier to · agree as provided .j.n , C7-7.l6 (t>), up(?n th_e -whole 'amount to be paid to the ,con,t rac·tor·· by re·asfon of . the. termination of work .piu;-su~nt ··to , tbf,s s~etio.1f' the ~.~r ~hall dete·rmine, on tn.·e bas.is 'or iritor~atioii ·available to it, the 'iiinOU~t; if '::any, due to ., th~ Contractor by reason of the ,.:terminatj.on and ,shall· pa,y to the Contractor the · a.mounts determined;.· No · amount shall be due for lost oi . ii.nticlpated 'prof-its. -. . . . ' DEDUCT;IONS: In arrivlng at: the amount due the cbn~racto~ ~nder ,this· ~~~ti6nt th~~e shall be .. de.ducted . (a.)·· a11 ' un·ltqui4a·ted' advance or other payments . on·· a cfcoQ.nt ·:tbere.tofdre made to . the Co)lt'.ractor r .. applical)le ·to · the terminat.ed portion . o·f this · contractj (b) any claim vhic'1 'the Owner may h~ve against the Contractor in connection with this contracti ~nd Cc> the :·~'gte.'e.d price ·~'or,·· or the . p rocf3e(ls ot-' sale .· of; a·ny mate rials, supplies or qtbex ,things kept ·by .-,the . contractor . or sold, . pµxsu~nti t.o· the provisions of this cla use, and not . o~herwise· recove.red ·by or credited to the owner. . --ADJUS~MEHT: IE the termination h~r~uhder be part;i.a1;.: p:i:lor to· the settle'ment of the terminated porti.on of this contract, the Co ntractor may file with the Bngirieer a r equest in writing ~or an C7~7 (12) . B ·. equitab1e adjustment of the price or prices specified in the contract relating to the continuect portion of the ~ontract (the portion not terminated by the notice of termination), such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices; nothing d~ntained h~rein, however, shall limi~ the right of the Owner and the Contractor to agree upon the_ amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor for the completion of the continued porticin of the contract when said contract does not contain ·an established contract price for such continued por~ion. NO LIMITATION OF RIGHTS: Nothing contained in this s.ection shall limit or alter the rights which the Owner may h~ve for termination of this coritract · und~r C7-7.14 hereof entitled -·s~~pensidn ot Abandonment of the work and Amendment of Contract• or any other right which owner may have .for default or breach of contract by Contractor. c7~7.17 · SAFETY METHODS AND PRACTICES: The Contractor shall be tesponsible .~or initiating, malntalrilng, and super~ising all safety· predautions and programs in connection with the work a t ~li tim~s arid sh~ll assume· all resporisibiliti•s for their e ·nforcement. i The Contractor shall comply with federal, state, and local laws, ·ordinances, and regulations so as to protect person and pioperty from injury, including death, or dallUige in connection w~th the work. C7-7 (13) "' .. I l'. ! .-. -. PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS CB-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SECTION C8-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT CB-8~1 MEASUREMEW~ OF QUANTITI-S: The determin.ti6n of qu~nt;.:itie.EJ _of wor.k-·per~ormed by the Contractor and _autb,ori.~ed by the C~~trac.t ·. Doc~e.nts acceptably completed under the te:rms of th·e contract Documents shall be made by the Bng ineer, based on measurements made by the Engineer. These measurements will be made ac<::qrding _ to the United $tates Standard Measure~erits us.ea · in . CO~C>Q practlce, and will be the actual length~ area, s~il~ c6~l~rit~,-ptimber•~ and weights bf the ~aterl~l~ arid items ipst~lled:-.. ::• . ·: .. ~ ~ . .. . . . . . tt~s.~.ti~i~-~RiCE~: When irt the ~rop6$al a •unit Price• l~ ~et .fbrth~ the -aid •unit Price• ~h.11 include the tuirii.hing by '"the "¢9ntractor of all labqr, tools,_ mate_rials, machinex:y, eqµiplilenJ; _.:applJances ~nd appurtenances nec:essary for · _the coiistiuction of and the completion in a manner acceptable to t:Jie··.E.:µgf11 :~~i o~ .all work to be d"e>ne tinder these Contract o :~w#~~ts. The · •uri.i.t . Pr(cef sh.all . include · all permanent · a.nd temp_ora·ry pr"ote6ti6~ of;:. over.}:)ead, surface, and . \lpderground st~u'ctu:res, cif?:~:n11p;. f i ,n.Js.~efl,. over~~a«:J. expense, bond," i:iisuraiice, pa.t~I_lt £•es, royalties, risk d~e to the elements and other causes; deiays;· pro.fits, injuries, 4,amages claims, ta.xes, ·and all . other items ri~t. 13p~qifi~al,ly Dlention~ t:lia;t · ~y be requir·e~. to fµl}y ·cons~fugt ~ac:)l item ·of the work complete in place aha in a ·satis:fa.ctory ~on<lition , for operation. . . CB.+8. 3 , LU.MP >su·!a5 _: _: When .in the Proposal a "Lump Su~· is set for.th·~ the said ~L\PDP sum• shall represen,t . the . ·t ·otai . cost for th-~-. '.G0Qfi'aaij9r to , _£1.1rnrs11·· a :11 . fabpr ·, ·tool.a,· matei'1 ·a1s, . . ~t;~A~~~y,. ¢qµJp~ept:, ZlPi>.u.rtenances, · ~nd ·_a-11 ~ubsic1aij,· ··w.6.r.~ -n~ge~-~-~-~Y:-JQ.; .. J;;h.~ construction an<:}·· coniple~lon ' of all :t _h_e _ jb.~k tQ ·prqvi.µ:~-a .¢0.J!lPlJ!~e and' ·fµnctional it~m as -detailed · in the i;~e_cla:L . Co11 ttact: DQ<;:uments and/6r Pl~ns -~ . ' . . ' ' -. . . . ' . . . . · .. ' ci.;.._s.4 $CO~,Ed'.>F .. PAYMB~'l': · The· ContJ;actor Shall receive :and ac~,ep,t the c .o~e.~11atlo11, · as -:h~rein . ptov._i~ed ,. ln full · P.l.lY.til~?~ f<?°J;.,f;u;!i.is,~i.ng._:{l.:ll .labo~; tools; materials,. -a "nd "incidentals (~t-.p)~rfo~lng _· all work contemplated ah~ ·eiJa _br,c~cf . urid"er·":t ,~i .. e. C_(?,n .~r~qt , .Qe>_q~~ts, for all loss and damage arising out . o.f tl.le na\tiFe <?~ the .~ork· or fr.om th~-action of tpe _ elements,· £6£:· atiy u~~pr,~o~n d~fe~ts or 6b~tiuctlons which mat arise or ·b~ enco.u~te:red during the prosec11tion of th~ work at · any time CS-:-8 (1) J . • before its fina1 acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided in paragraph CS-5.14) for a ll risks of whatever description connected · with the prosecution of th~ work, for all ~xpense incurred by or in consequen·ce 6£ su.spension . or . discontfnu:an·ce of ~uch prosecution of the working riperatiohs ~s herein ~p-ecif.ied, or _any and a1i ·t .n~~l.rigein~·l)t&. o .f pa.t :;e~ts, trade.mark,s,. copyrights, or other legal resex::vati~ns; and for coinpleteing 'the work in an acceptable mifnner . a:cce>rdiiig . to the ter:ms of ·t}le Co~tract Documents. · · The · pa.yme.Qt . of :.any current o .r .Partial estimate prior to final ac.ceptan.c ·~ of. tbe .work by the Owner · sbal1 ·in . rio. Wil)'··consti,tute an ack,nowledgmen.t of the ac.cepu.nee of ·the · wbrk; materials; ·or equipment; rior in any way prejudice or affect the obf igatlo'ri:9 of .the contractor to repair, corre·ct, :r:en~w,. or replac~ at !\is own an~ proper e ,xpense any defects or imp.ffr:f"ectioi'i°s ln the . co.nstruction or in the strength or '. quall ty 'o( t.h~' ~at_erfal used· or ,eqQipDlen:t . or machinery furnished . iii ¢,'~ ·aSout the c:on·strµ(:'fion of .tµe · work under ·contraqt apd ·' it's ·appui;:teiiances~ o:~ ~riy' d ,amage dQe or attrlbgte:d to such :defe_cts ~ .· ~iji cb ci~f~Pt.ii, · imperfection, or damage snai-1 have . been dlscov~:rea on or before the final inspection and acceptance of wo '.rk or · during the one year guaranty period a~·ter_ f.i11al s1ccept.ance. T.h~ .O~.~:er shal.1 be the sole .judge Of such: ·'def'ect~~ iiliperf°~c:'tions, or· damage, and the Con.tl:'act.or '.$ball be · 1i.a&1~ . to :_ the.· owner £·or fatlure to · c.orrect ·the sa~·t!,: ifs' ·provided h~reln·. · : . · " · ·· · ta·:..tL s .PART;J;AL ESTIMATES C AND RBTAINAGih :setw~e;h -th~· ;t~t ~~4 5th. d~y of each DlOnth the C-ontr a :otor, ···sha·.l:l sub'ini t 'to ~.he Engineer a statement showing an estimate ot the · value ·of the work done duririg the previous month, or estimate period. ·under . ttie . Co11trac~ Do,gitments~ ~ot .: later · tha.n · ·t ·h .e JQ .~,~'''.#t,.of ~. ~lie · month ~P~· EngJhee.~. shall v~r ify suc;:h eati'.IJi~t·e ~ ··,~od ' ,i'f'. i ,~ :ls foii~d :t ,o b ,e acc~p~~ble. an.d the · va,lue of :·wprk per£orm~.d.· ·since the' .. 'f~sf p _arti.ai. payment:. was. wide : e:itce~ec;ls one '. hun~fe.d 'd.olt·ar·s ($:lOP ~:0:9) . in .amount:, 901 of such estimated s .um '-WilT b~· paid to the contractor if .the total cont.ra'ct ·:amount · is less · th·an '$400,000, or '951 of such estimated sum wiil b~ p'afd ·tc> the Contractor if the total contract amount ls $4()0,000 .or .greater wi~h:in twenty;_f~ye. (25) d~y~. after. the x:~~]j~~ ... e.ijt;~~a.:t;~J:i>~r.:1¥.~ Tti.~ Ci,ty w:ill have the option of ·preparing'. ~~timat:'tis·. on . forms fiirni.sb.ed by the. City ·. The partial ,.est.ima.te '·nujy'1lr)~l:ude ac:~~ptabie ~priper,ishabl.e. mat~rials_ delive:r;ed., ~cf ·the .:wot~·'. wh'l_ch ·a~e .-to be inco;por.a ted. into the· ,ic,rk . as 'a pE:irma .riextt pa;rt t.hereol, 'but · which ~t the the tbne of .the · ;est1mat·e have · not be~n ins.talied. < sudn payment will ·, be allowed ' on a . b~'f5ls of 851" of the net invoice value thereof.> The 'Contiactoi'.. sh.all furnish the' Engineer such information as he . may request to aid CB-8 {2) ~. hi~ as a guide in th~ verification or the preparation of partial estimates. :rt -is understood that the partial estimate from month to month will_ be appi;_oximat¢. only, c!.nd all partial monthly estimates a~d pai~ent wil~ ~e subject to co~~ecti~n in the estim~te rendered following the . discov~ry of ail .err.or in any previous estimate,and sµch e~ti:mate shall not, ln ~y respect, be taken a·s an a:dmission ·of the ~ner of the amount of w.or)i; done or· of its quality . of sufficiency, or as ·ai:i acceptance of the work done or the release .of the c ·ontractor o ·f any of his ~esponsibil:,,i ties u _nder the Cc;mtract Do!=llliM!iit!3 ~-. . The city r~s~rves· the i:ight to wi thho1d _ th.e :payment of any I!Je>nth).y estimate if th~. ~ont~act9; f~ils .·t,o . perfc>1;m the liio ·rk s"trictly in accordance .wit~· the ijpt:!¢i.f~c;:at:f_tjns . or provisions ' of this contract. · CB .~8. 6 WITHHOLDING -PAYM~NT:. · P~ym~nt.: on any e$timate or .ist.lmates :I:Pay be . held in . abeyance if .the : per;f:ormance ·of . the ·ccinsti;-uction op·er-~tions is not . in ·a~corda_nc~ w ith the /~qtti._r"eln"erits of the . Contract Documents. ce'"".e ."7 . FINA.L ACCEPTANCE: Whenever the improvements provided f()r J;>y the, conti;act . .D.o~_uments shall have l:>een completed and all° requ._ir.em ,e~tEf. cit . the Co~_tract Documents . s ·b~_l:l have b_e~il fulf il:J..eci ~!l. the p~rt of t h e Co.µtract-e>r _, .t:h 'e g ontractor shall notify the · Engiileefr in writlng that the i~provements a :re ready fQf . tt.ie . fin ,~1 i~EJJ?·~ctio11. ~he Bngi_i).~f;!,r ;,~a''l):. ~-9t:i~y th'¢ ap_propr.iat.e pf ~.i ;cfi~ls · o( the . o,wn~:c:-, ~1.;1J : wi :tbln . ·a reason.able ti,in~ :mak.e such f ~nal inspectt ·on .,· .·and ·.i f · t:he · w.oX'k is s ~i'ti.sfaqtor"y,. in-···,aq ·:acceptabi"e con,d l ~iQn; :llnli pa's ' bE!en COlllple.ted in . ac~~rdai'l·~e with th.e . ter~s . of·.:the Contrac t Documents a ·nd a.11 approved _JDQdificatiolliJ . thereof, the ·Engineer wlll initiate :·t _h~·_-p:roces.~ing of th~ f°~nal .e~timate· a .nd rec:qmmend · £ !i~al a9cepta·n,c~. of th~ p ~pj ~qt: an.d £ inal payment. therefor as oiit1ined. :-in-·c~~a .• ,8 belo~. . . '._ . . . . . · 1 • .. ce~:1f. 8 FlNAL • PAYHBN .'i: .. lt{beilev~r-all .. the': 1mp~~yements . provided . for by . t~e Contrac.t -p9cu~ents ~nd all appr~·oved ·modifications tijeteo·f ~hal.,'.l llaye bee~r completed ~d.-all _ i.~quirements · c:>f 'the Contraqt D0c_ume11ts ,_haye been . fu:lfi~led -on ~the par·t o .f . ·the Contr.~ct;:or, it.. f iQ:a _;l. estimate show.ipg, .the: va,lue:' of the .work. will be prepared by the .Engine~r a s Bc_>on a s · t~e n eces s ar y measu:rements, · compµt.<ltions,. and_ check s .c ~n. be mac!e.. · · · . . -. . . : . . . . ., .. _. -.-. . --'·· .. ~l•l prior ,~S~imates · UpQD Wh!ch payment . has been made are . subject to nec~asary correctie>ns or-revisions i _n the final pclyi:nent. ce-e <3> The amount of the final estimate, less previous payments and any suin that -have been deducted ·or retaine_d under tbe pro~i-~ion* of the Contrict Documents, wili be pa~d _to the contractor within 60 days after final ~·c::ceptance by the owner 0 ·n a proper resolution of the City_ cou_nci1,: p:c:ovided. the contractor has furnished to the ~ner sati~factory evit:ienc.e o~ payment_· as followsi Prior to submission of the fin13l e ~timate £or pay-ent~ the Cdntractor shall ~xecute a~ ~ffida.it, 4s furnished by the City, certifying that all persons,·. f irma i ~ssd6i•tion~, corpo~~tions, or other ot~ariii~ti6~s f~rrii•hi~~ labor and/or materials have been paid in ful _l,. that the _wag _~- scale established by the City Council -iri tlie City __ of Fort worth bas been paid, and that there are no · clalm1i" pending· tor personal injury and/or property damageif. . . . . .. · The acceptance by the Contractor of t)~e l~st or .· fi.nal paYYJient as aforesaid shall operate as and shali' release ·. the ·owner .frdin a:1.1 claims•. or ·. li"abilities under the c611trac~· for·. anyt_ljfng ~o~e or furnished or. relating to the work uri-der . Contract Docume·nts or any ac::t or negiect of said city relating ·to <>'r conriectea with the Corit_ract. · 'i'.he making ·of the final payment by the ~er flhall not relieve the contractor of any guarantees or other · r~quir~inents -of:· t _he Contract Docwnents which specifically continue ti1¢reafter. . ' ~-. . . . . : . . -. . . . C8·~8.9 ,ADBQUAC.Y-OF. DESIGN; It is ·urtderstood .that, ~J1e qwDf?+ b~lliave'.s' Jt has.·:employ~cl competent Engineers ai1li ... design_"¢rs ,.to prepa~e t:he 'Contract Documents and al1 mod if ic~t~_on:.s '·of, .t'.he approved · Contract Documents. It . is, therefore,. agreed' ·tbat the. Owne.r sh.all be responsible for the . adeq~~c;:y of ·1, t 's . ·o _w~ design _ features; sufficiency . of the Contract · o ·oquments, ·, the S,.a :fe,ty of the structure, and the pra¢tlcabillty of tile ·ope·r~tiQns · .. of the coinp;tete'd project, p _rovicled tll~ . conti-~c~or bas ·complied with the requirements of th·e said contract Documents~ all approved modifications the_reof, c1:nci. a _dditions a..lld.: .alter_ations thereto approved iri writing by. the . Owner. -'l'he t>'urde* of proof · pf .s.uch . compl.i,arice s .h~ll be 'up :o·n the Coil .tractor e.to show· that . be has complied with the said r~irementq .of ·~he Contract Documents, apprcived m:odificatic;)ns thereof, and a11 :approved additions and alterations thereto~ · . . .. ~ . : .· . •. . ; ca;..s_. io GENERAL. GUARANTY: Neither the f irial certific:at'ei ·of ;payment nor· any pr.ovlsion in the Contract Docume_n.ts nor p~rtia_l .or entire occupancy or use of the premises by th.e Owner sha·li constitute an acceptance of we>rk not don~ in ac~ordance with th~ Contract Documents or relie~e ' ~~e Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or ~esponsibility for faulty materials or workm~nship. ~h~ ~ontractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and j . . . . f C8-8 (4) ,- p.ay for any damage to other work resul t _ing therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work unle~s a longer period is specified andshall furnish a good and sufficient maint~n~nce bond in the a~ount of 100 percent of the amount of the contrac~ which shall assure the perfbrrnan~e of the geneial guaranty as above ou£1ine. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. , cs-B.11 SUBSIDIA~Y WORK: Any ~nd all work specifically governed by.documentary requirements for the proj~c::t, such as conditions imposed by the Plans, the General Contract Documents or these Special Contract Documents, in whi,ch no speci~ic item f ·or b\d ha.s been provid_ed for in ~he Propcisal, shall be considered. as a subsidiary item of work, the cost of which shall be inciuded in the price bid in the Proposiil, · for · ea~h bid .item. Surfa~e restoration, rock exc~vation and cleanup are general items of work which fa11 ·1n the category of subsidiary work. · CB-8 .1·2 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: 1-!cite·rial may be allocated under various bid· Items In the '.Proposal to esta~lish unit prices· for miscellaneous placem~nt of mate r ial.· Th~s e materials .shall be used only when d i r ec t ed b y the E~gine~r, depending on· f ieid conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of materia1 will be m~de for onlj tba t amou nt of material used, measured to the nearest one-tenth unit. Payment for miscellanea.us piacement of material-shall i:>e in accordance with the General. Contract Documents r~gardiess of the actuai amount . used for ·the project. · · · ce~s .13 RECORD DOCUMENTS: Contractor _shall keep on record .a copy of all speciflc~tid~s, plan~, ~dderida, moditications, shop drawings ~nd ~amP1•s at the site, in good oi~er a~d annotated to show all changes made du.ring the co·nstruct!.o_n pfocess. These shall be delivered to Engineer upo11 ·coinplet:lon of the work. . CB-8 CS) SECTIONC-1 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TOSECTIONC A. B. C . D. SECTION Cl: SUPPLEMENT ARY CONDITIONS TOP ART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS General These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Contract and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. Provisions which are not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and affect. C8-8.5 PARTIAL ESTIMATES AND RETAINAGE: Page C8-8 (2), should be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Partial pay estimates shall be submitted by the Contractor or prepared by the City on the 5th day and 20th day of each month that the work is in progress. The estimate shall be proceeded by the City on the 10th day and 25th day respectively. Estimates will be paid within 25 days following the end of the estimate period, less the appropriate retainage as set out below. Partial pay estimates may include acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work place which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof, but which at the time of the pay estimate have not been so installed. If such materials are included within a pay estimate, payment shall be based upon 85% of the net voice value thereof. The Contractor will furnish the Engineer such information as may be reasonably requested to aid in the verification or the preparation of the pay estimate. For contracts of less than $400 ,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten per cent (10%). For contracts of$400,000 or more at the time of execution , retainage shall be five percent (5%). Contractor shall pay subcontractors in accord with the subcontract agreement within five (5) business days after receipt by Contractor of the payment by City. Contractor's failure to make the required payments to subcontractors will authorize the City to withhold future payments from the Contractor until compliance with this paragraph is accomplished . It is understood that the partial pay estimates will be approximate onl y, and all partial pay estimates and payment of same will be subject to correction in the estimate rendered following the discovery of the mistake in any previous estimate. Partial payment by Owner for the amount of work done or of its quality or sufficiency or acceptance of the work done ; shall not release the Contractor of any of its responsibilities under the Contract Documents. The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the Contractor fails to · perform the work in strict accordance with the specifications or other provisions of this contract. Part C -General Conditions: Paragraph C3-3.1 l of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with D-3 of Part D -Special Conditions. C3-3 .l l INSURANCE: Page C3-3 (6): Delete subparagraph "g. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING " Revised 10/24/02 Pg. 1 E. C6-6.12 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBLITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: Page C6-6 (8), is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: F. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify City's engineer and architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractor's sole negligence. In addition, Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold hannless and defend, at its own expense, the Owner, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss , property damage , personal injury , including death, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not any such iniury, damage or death is caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants, or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers, servants and employees and any damage , loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such iniury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants or employees. In the event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment , final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved , or (b) provides Owner with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director may , if he deems it appropriate , refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES: Part C -General Conditions , Section C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK, Page C 4-4 (1 ), revise paragraph C4-4 .3 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES to read as follows : The Owner reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary , and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered , increased or decreased at the unit prices as established in the contract documents. No allowance will be made for any changes in lost or anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents . Variations in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes in depth categories shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities of sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe size but not to the various depth categories . Revised I 0/24 /02 Pg .2 G. C3-3. l 1 INSURANCE: Page C3-3 (7): Add subparagraph "h. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS" a . The City, its officers, employees and servants shall be endorsed as an additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance coverage under Contractor's workers' compensation insurance policy. b. Certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth, contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents , 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102 , prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. c. Any failure on part of the City to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein. d. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a minimum thirty days notice of cancellation , non-renewal , and/or material change in policy terms or coverage. A ten days notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. e. Insurers must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a current A.M. Best rating of A: VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency . f. Deductible limits, or self-funded retention limits , on each policy must not ex ceed $10 ,000 .00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City. g. Other than worker's compensation insurance, in lieu of traditional insurance, City may consider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups. The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage . h. Workers' compensation insurance policy(s) covering employees employed on the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation prov iding rights of reco v ery in favor of the City. i. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for contractor's insurance. j. Contractor's insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such insurance is primary protection and any self-funded or commercial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. k. In the course of the project, Contractor shall report , in a timely manner, to City's officially designated contract administrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss. Revised 10/24/02 Pg. 3 1. Contractor's liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein. m. Upon the request of City, Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. H. C8-8.4 SCOPE OF PAYMENT: Delete C8-8.4, Scope of Payment at page C8-8(1) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: The Contractor shall receive and accept the compensation as herein provided, in full payment for furnishing all labor, tools, materials, and incidentals for performing all work contemplated and embraced under these Contract Documents , for all loss and damage arising out of the nature of the work or from the action of the elements, for any unforeseen defects or obstructions which may arise or be encountered during the prosecution which may arise or be encountered during the prosecution of the work at any time before its final acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided in paragraph CS-5.14) for all risks of whatever description connected with the prosecution of the work , for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of such prosecution of the working operations as herein specified, or any and all infringements of patents , trademarks, copyrights, or other legal reservations, and for completing the work in an acceptable manner according to the terms of the Contract Documents. The payment of any current or partial estimate prior to the final acceptance of the work by the Owner shall in no way constitute an acknowledgment of the acceptance of the work , materials , or equipment, nor in any way prejudice or affect the obligations of the Contractor to repair, correct, renew, or replace at his own and proper expense any defects or imperfections in the construction or in the strength or quality of the material used or equipment or machinery furnished in or about the construction of the work under contract and its appurtenances, or any damage due or attributed to such defects , which defects , imperfections, or damage shall have been discovered on or before the final inspection and acceptance of the work or during the two (2) year guaranty period after the final acceptance. The Owner shall be the sole judge of such defects , imperfections, or damage, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for failure to correct the same as provided herein. I. C8-8.I0 GENERAL GUARANTY: Delete C8-8 .10 , General Guaranty at page C8-8(4) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the Contract Documents, nor pa rtial or entire occupancy or use of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the Contractor of liabili ty in respect to any express warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and pay for any damage to other work or property resulting therefrom which shall appear with in a period of two (2) years from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a lon ger period is specified and sha ll furni sh a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of I 00 percent of the amount of the contract Revised 10/24/02 Pg.4 which shall assure the performance of the general guaranty as above outlined . The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness . Any reference to any shorter period of time of warranty contained elsewhere within the specifications shall be resolved in favor of this specifications, it being the City's intent that the Contractor guarantee its work for a period of two (2) years following the date of acceptance of the project. In the Special Instructions to Bidders, TPW contracts place the following in lieu of the existing paragraph 2. J. Part C -General Conditions, Section C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL, Page C2-2 (4) exchange paragraphs C2-2.7, C2-2.8 and C2-2.9 with the following: C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security, to the Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location and stated time set forth in the "Notice to Bidders." It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL," and the name or description of the project as designated in the "Notice to Bidders." The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager, City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division , P.O . Box 17027, Fort Worth , Texas 76102 . C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the Purchasing Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for opening proposals. A request for non-consideration of a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non-consideration are opened and publicly read aloud , the proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. C2-2 .9 TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the Purchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further , that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight ( 48) hours after the proposal opening time , no further consideration will be given to the proposal K . C3-3.7 BONDS (CITY LET PROJECTS): Reference Part C, General Conditions, dated November 1, 1987 ; (City let projects) make the following revisions: Revised 10/24/02 Pg. 5 1. Page C3-3(3); the paragraph after paragraph C3-3.7d Other Bonds should be revised to read: In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, the surety must (1) hold a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a cer:tificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City , in its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein . 2. Pg. C3-3(5) Paragraph C3-3. l l INSURANCE delete subparagraph "a. COMPENSATION INSURANCE". 3. Pg. C3-3(6), Paragraph C3-3.l l INSURANCE delete subparagraph "g. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING". L. RIGHT TO AUDIT: Part C -General Conditions, Section C8-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT, Page C8-8 (5), add the following: C8-8 . l 4 RIGHT TO AUDIT: (a) Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents , papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall , until the expiration of three (3 ) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents , papers and records of such subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facilities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space, in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this article. City shall give subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. ( c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse the Contractor for the cost of copies as follows: Revised 10/24/02 Pg.6 1. 50 copies and under -10 cents per page 2, More than 50 copies -85 cents for the first page plus fifteen cents for each page thereafter M. SITE PREPARATION: The Contractor shall clear rights-of-way or easements of obstruction which must be removed to make possible proper prosecution of the work as a part of this project construction operations. The contractor's attention is directed to paragraph C6-6.10 work within easements, page C6-6(4), part C -General Conditions of the Water Department General Contract Document and General Specifications. Clearing and restoration shall be considered as incidental to construction and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the Linear Foot price of the pipe. N . Reference Part C -General Conditions, Section C6-6 .8 BARRICADES, WARNINGS AND WATCHMEN: 1. Wherever the word Watchmen appears in this paragraph , it shall be changed to the word flagmen. 2 . In the first paragraph, lines five (5) and six (6), change the phrase take all such other precautionary measures to take all reasonable necessary measur es . 0. MINORITY/WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE: Reference Part C (General Conditions), Section C3-3.2 E ntitled "MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE/WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE" shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Upon request , Contractor agrees to provide to Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment therefore. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books , records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts ( other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal , state or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements ; further , any such misrepresentation ( other than negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than thee (3) years. Revised 10/24/02 Pg. 7 P. WAGE RATES: Section C3-3.13 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with the following: (a) The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code, including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b) The contractor shall , for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker · employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of Section C-1 , L. Right to Audit (Rev. 9/30/02) pertain to this inspection. ( c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. ( d) With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less , an affidav it stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times . Revised 10/24/02 Pg .8 PARTD SPEqAL CONDITIONS (WATER DEPT.)-GREEN- SPECIAL PROVISIONS (T & PW DEPT.) -WHITE- - - - DA-1 DA-2 DA-3 DA-4 DA-5 DA-6 DA-7 DA-8 DA-9 D A -10 DA-11 DA-12 DA-13 DA-14 DA-1 5 DA-16 DA-17 DA-18 DA-1 9 DA-20 D A -2 1 DA-2 2 DA-23 D A -24 DA-25 DA-26 D A -27 DA-28 DA-29 DA-30 DA-31 DA-32 DA-33 DA-34 DA-35 DA-36 DA-37 DA-38 DA-39 DA-40 DA-41 DA-42 DA-43 DA-44 DA-45 DA-46 DA-47 DA-48 1110 2/04 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PROJECTS WITH MULTIPLE UNITS .......................... 4 PIPELINE REHABILITATION CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE ............................................... .4 PIPE ENLARGEMENT SYSTE M .................................................................................... 9 F OLD AND FORM PIPE ............................................................................................... 17 SLIPLINING ..................................................................................................................... 21 PIPE INSTAL.LED BY OTHER THAN OPEN CUT ....................................................... 28 TYPE OF CASING PIPE .................................................................................................. 32 SERVICE LINE POINT REPAIR/ CLEANOUT REPAIR. .............................................. 32 PROTECTIVE MANHOLE COATING FOR CORROSION PROTECTION ................... 35 MANHOLE REHABILITATION .................................................................................... 37 SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE REHABILITATION ................................ 48 I NTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -MICROSILICATE. MORTAR SYSTEM ................. 49 I NTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -QUADEX SYSTEM ............................................... 51 I NTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -SPRAY WALL SYSTEM ...................................... 54 I NTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -RAVEN LINING SYSTEM .................................... 56 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATI.NG: PERMACAST SYSTEM WITH EPOXY LINER. .... 59 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING-STRONG-SEAL-SYSTEM ...................................... 62 RIGID FIBERGLASS MANHOLE UNERS ................................................................... 64 PVC LINED CONCRETE WALL RECONSTRUCTION ................................................ 67 PRESSURE GROUTING ............................................................................................... 70 V ACUUM TESTING OF R EH ABI LITATED MANHOLES ............................................. 73 F IBERGLASS MANHOLES ......................................................................................... 76 L OCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND W ATER V ALVES ..................... 80 R E PLACEMENT OF CONC R ETE CURB AND G UTIE R ............................................ 8 1 R EPLAC EMENT OF 6" CONC R ETE DRIVEWAYS .................................................... 81 REP LACE MENT O F H.M .A.C. PAVEM ENT A ND B ASE ............................................. 8 1 G RADED C RUSH ED STONES .................................................................................... 82 WEDGE MI LLIN G 2 " TO O" DEPTH 5.0' W I DE ........................................................... 82 BUIT JOI NT S - M ILLED ............................................................................................. 83 2" H.M.A.C. S U R FACE COURSE (TYPE "D" MIX) ..................................................... 84 REPLACEMENT OF 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. ............................................ 84 NEW 7" CO NCRETE VALLEY GUTTER ..................................................................... 85 N EW 4" STANDAR D WH EELCHAIR RAMP ............................................................... 8 6 8" PAVEM E NT PULV ER IZATION ............................................................................... 86 REINFORCED CO NC R ETE PAVEMENT OR BASE (UTILITY CUT) .......................... 87 RAISE D PA VE M ENT M AR KERS ................................................................................ 88 POTE NTIAL L Y PETRO LEUM CONTAMINATED MATERIAL HANDLING ................. 88 LOA DIN G 1 TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED SOIL. ... : .... 92 ROCK RIPRAP-GROUT-FILTER FABRIC .............................................................. 93 CONCRETE RIPRAP ................................................................................................... 97 CONCRETE C Y LIN DER PIPE AND FITTI NGS ........................................................... 98 CONC RET E PIPE F ITTINGS A N D SPECIALS ............................................................ 98 UNCLASSIFI ED STR EET EXCAVATION .................................................................... 98 6" PERF ORATED PI PE S U B DRAIN ............................ · ............................................... 98 REPLACEME NT OF 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ..................................................... 99 RECOMMENDE D SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION .............................................. 100 PAVEMENT REPAIR IN PARKING AREA ................................................................. 100 EASEMENTS AND PERM ITS .................................................................................... 100 ASC-1 DA-49 DA-50 DA-51 DA-52 DA-53 DA-54 DA-55 DA-56 DA-57 DA-58 DA-59 DA-60 DA-61 DA-62 DA-63 DA-64 DA-65 DA-66 DA-67 DA-68 DA -69 DA-70 DA -71 DA-72 DA-73 DA-74 DA-75 DA-76 DA-77 DA-78 DA-79 DA -80 DA-81 DA-82 DA-83 DA-84 DA-85 DA-86 DA-87 DA-88 DA-89 DA-90 DA-91 DA-92 DA-93 DA-94 DA-95 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS HIGHWAY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 101 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT ............................ _. ....................................................... 101 C ONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ........................................................... 101 T URBO METE R WITH VAULT AND BYPASS I NSTALLATION ........ " ...................... 101 OPEN FIRE LINE INSTALLATIONS .......................................................................... 101 WATER SAMPLE STATION ...................................................................................... 102 CURB ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT ................................................................ ._ ....... 102 SHOP DRAWINGS ........................................................ " .......................................... 103 COST BREAKDOWN ................................................................................................ 104 STANDARD STREET SPECIFICATIONS H.M.A.C. OVERLAY ................................. 104 H.M.A.C. MORE THAN 9 INCHES DEEP .............................. _. .................................. 104 ASPHALT D RIVEWAY REPAIR ................................................................................ 104 TOP SOIL .................................................................................................................. 104 WATER METER AND METER BOX RELOCATION AND ADJUSTMENT ................. 104 BID QUANTITIES ...................................................................................................... 104 WORK IN HI G HWAY RIGHT OF WAY ...................................................................... 105 CRUSHED LIMESTONE (FLEX-BASE) .................................................................... 105 OPTION TO RENEW ................................................................................................. 105 NON -EX C L USIVE CONTRACT ........................................................................ " ....... 105 CONCRETE V ALLEY GUTTER ................................................................................. 105 TRAF FIC BUTTONS .................................................................................................. 106 PAVEME NT STRI PING .............................................................................................. 106 H.M.A.C. T ES TIN G PROCEDUR ES .......................................................................... 106 S PECIFICATI O N REF ERENCES ............................................................................... 107 RELOCATION OF SPRI NKLER SY STEM BACK-FLOW PR EVENTE R /CO NTROL VALVE AND BOX ...................................................................................................... 107 RE SI LIENT-SEATED GATE VAL VES ....................................................................... 107 EM ERGENCY SITUATION, JOB M OVE-I N ............................................................... 107 1 %" & 2" COPPER SERVICES ................................................................................ 107 SCOPE OF WORK (UTIL. C UT) ................................................................................ 108 CONTRACTOR'S RESPON SIBILTY (UTIL. CUT) ..................................................... 108 CONTRACT TIME (UTI L. CUT) ................................................................................. 109 REQUIRED CREW PERSONNEL & EQU I P M ENT (UTIL. CUT) ............................... 109 TIME ALLOWED FOR UTI LITY C UTS (UTI L. CUT} .................................................. 109 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (UTIL. CUT) ...... : ............................................................... 109 PAVI NG REPAI R EDG ES (U T IL. CUT) ..................................................................... 110 TRENCH BACKFILL (UTIL. CUT) ............................................................................. 110 CLEAN-UP (UTIL. CUT) ............................................................................................ 110 PROPERTY ACCESS (UTIL. CUT) ........................................................................... 110 SUBMISSION OF BIDS (UTIL. CUT) ......................................................................... 110 STANDARD BASE R E PAI R FO R UNIT I (U TIL. CUT) .............................................. 1 11 CONCRETE BASE REPAI R FOR U NIT 11 & UNIT Ill (UTIL. CUT) ............................ 111 2" TO 9" H.M.A.C . PAV EMENT (UTI L. CUT) ............................................................ 111 ADJUST WATER VALVE BOXES, M AN HOLES, AND VAULTS (UTIL. C UT ) .......... 112 MAINTENANCE BOND (UTIL. CUT) ......................................................................... 112 BRICK PAVEMENT (UTIL. CUT} ............................................................................... 112 LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE (UTIL. CUT) ........................................................... 113 CEMENT STABILIZED SUBGRADE (UTIL. CUT) ..................................................... 113 ASC-2 - - DA-96 DA-97 DA-98 DA-99 DA-100 DA-101 DA-102 DA-103 DA-104 DA-105 DA-106 DA-107 DA-108 DA-109 DA-110 DA-111 DA-112 DA-113 DA-114 DA-115 DA-116 DA-117 DA-118 11/02/04 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS REPAIR OF STORM DRAIN\ STRUCTURES (UTIL. CUT) ....................................... 113 "QUICK-SET" CONCRETE (UTIL. CUT) ................................................................... 114 UTILITY ADJUSTMENT (UTIL. CUT) ........................................................................ 114 STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS (UTIL. CUT} .... 114 LIMITS OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR (UTIL. CUT) ..................................... 11. 5 · CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER f UTIL. CUT) ....................................................... 115 PAYMENT (UTIL. CUT) ............................................................................................. 115 DEHOLES (MISC. EXT.) ........................................................................................... 116 CONSTRUCTION LIMITATIONS (MISC. EXT.) ........................................................ 117 PRESSURE CLEANING AND TESTING {MISC. EXT.L ........................................... 117 BID QUANTITIES (MISC. EXT.) ................................................................................ 117 LIFE OF CONTRACT (MISC. EXT.) .......................................................................... 117 FLOWABLE FILL (MISC. EXT.J.. .............................................................................. 117 BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIR (MISC. REPL.} ............................................................ 118 DETERMINATION AND INITIATION OF WORK (MISC. REPL.) .............................. 119 WORK ORDER COMPLETION TIME (MISC. REPL.) ............................................... 119 MOVE IN CHARGES (MISC. REPL.) ........................................................................ 119 PROJECT SIGNS (MISC. REPL.} ............................................................................. 119 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (MISC. REPL.) ................................................................. 120 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM DESIGN (MISC. REPL.) .............................................. 120 FIELD OFFICE .......................................................................................................... 120 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ...................................................................................... 121 COORDINATION OF WORK WITH CONTRACTOR FOR OTHER UNITS ............... 121 ASC-3 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-1 AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PROJECTS WITH MULTIPLE UNITS The City reserves the right to abandon without obligation to the contractor, any part of the project, or the entire project, at any time before the contractor begins any construction work authorized by the City. Award, if made, shall be to the lowest responsible bidder. The following shall apply for contract documents with multiple units of work . Each unit represents a separate project, each with an individual M/WBE specification and proposal section . The proposal sections are arranged to allow prospective bidders to submit bids on one unit, some of . the units, or all of the units. Award of contract(s), if made, shall be to the lowest responsible bidder for each individual unit. If a contractor is the low bidder on two units or more, a single set of contract documents consisting of all applicable units will be created and one single award of contract shall be made. The Contractor shall comply with the City's M/WBE Ordinance for the applicable unit or combination of units and shall submit monthly M/WBE reports for the applicable unit or combination of units. Construction time on all units will run concurrently. For situations involving approved contracts with multiple units, the total allowable construction completion time period for all the units shall be the same as the unit with the longest construction time period . DA-2 PIPELINE REHABILITATION CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE A. WORK TO BE DONE: The work to be done under this contract consists of rehabilitation of existing sewer lines by the Cure-in-Place Pipe Method or approved equal. Cured-in- place pipe consists of a resin impregnated flexible tube, coated with an elastomeric coating, when inverted into an existing sewer pipe through existing access manholes, and which, under proper hydrostatic and thermal conditions, is cured-in-place, becoming a structura ll y sound cured-in -place pipe. The thickness of the pipe will be dictated by the structural requirements of the sewer pipe with no loss of cross sectional area other than the thickness of the resin-impregnated tube. The pipe will be impermeable to water , provide corrosion resistance, and an optimum friction factor for the sewer flow. Branch connections shall be reinstated by a remote controlled cutting device. 11/02104 The work consists of providing all labor, equipment, transportation, materials, and supervision necessary to : 1. 2. 3. 4. Thoroughly clean sewers as required fo r the installation of the resin -impregnated tube. Inspect sewers by closed circuit color television (CCTV), including identifying and marking the location of each service connection . Cost subsidiary to Pre - Construction TV Inspection . Notify residents at least 48 hours prior to service interruption. Install the resin-impregnated tube of the correct thickness as specified. ASC-4 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CON D ITION S 5. Cut out all service connections by remote cutters and re store service within 18 hours. 6 . Re -inspect by CCTV to verify satisfactory com pletion of wo rk at ti me of lateral re instatement Cost subsidiary to Post-Construction TV Inspect ion . 7 . Pump around all dry and wet weather flows to accommodate the proces s at each separate installation , as required . R Comply with all appropriate governmental agencies ' regulations regard ing traffic, safety procedures and permits , the cost of which is the resp ons ib il ity of the Contractor. B. MA TE RIALS : The fiber felt tube shall be fabricated to a si ze that when inst alled will tightly fit the internal circumference of the conduit specified by the Owner. Allowance for circumferentia l stretching during inversion shall be made and shall meet ASTM -1216. The minimum length shall be that deemed necessary by the Contracto r to effect ively span the distance from the inlet to the outlet of the respective manholes , unle ss otherwise specified. The Contractor shall verify the lengths in the fi eld before im pregnation . Individual inversion may be made over on e or more ma n ho le se ctions , as determ ined in the field by t he Contra ctor. Unless ot herwise specified , t he Co ntract or shall furn is h a genera l purpose unsaturated polyester resin and c ataly st system that meets ASTM standards and the finished cured phy si cal strength s specifi ed. C . REQUI RED T HI CK NES S OF C UR ED-IN-PLACE PIPE : The thickness of the pipe will be determined from informa tio n supplied or manufacture's recommendation fo r the condition of t he exi sting pipe . Should pre -installation inspections reveal the se wers to be in substanti a ll y different co ndi ti ons t han those in the design consideration s , the Contractor can request su c h c hange s in pipe thi ck ness , su pporting such request with design data in accordance with the pipe manufactu rer's st andard design criteria as follow s : 11/0 2104 Sewer Di ameter 6 " 8" 10" 12" 15" 18" 21 " LI NER TH IC KNESS Pipe In vert De pt h up to 1 O' (a lso the minimum) 4.5mm 6 .0mm 6.0mm 6 .0m m 7 .5mm 9 .0mm 10.5mm AS C-5 Pipe Invert Depth 10 '-15' 4 .5mm 6 .0mm 6.0mm 7.5mm 9.0mm 12.0mm 13 .5mm P ipe Invert Depth Over 15' 4.5mm 6 .0mm 7.5mm 9.0mm 10.5 mm 13 .5mm 15.0mm PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 24" 12 .0mm 15.0mm 16.5mm 30" 15.0mm 18 .0mm 21.0mm 36v 16.5mm 21.0mm 24 .0mm 42') 19.5mm 24.0mm 28.5mm 48" 22.5mm 28.5mm 33.0mm 54" 25.5mm 30.0mm 36 .0mm 6Qv 28.5mm 34.5mm 39.0mm D. PREPARATORY WORK: The installation procedures shall be as follows unless otherwise approved by the City. 1. Safety -The contractor shall carry out his operations in strict accordance with all safety requirements . Particular attention is drawn to those safety requirements that involve working with scaffolding and entering confined spaces. 2. All easements shall be cleaned up after use and restored to their original conditions or better. In the event additional work room or access is required by the Contractor, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain written permission from the Property Owners involved for the use of additi onal property required . No additional payment will be allowed for this item . If a street must be closed to traffic because of the orientation of the sewer, the Department of Engineering shall institute the actions necessary to do this for the mutually agreed upon time period . 3. Before using any water from the City of Fort Worth , the Contractor shall be responsible for the water meter and related charges for the set up, including the water usage bill. All expenses shall be considered incidenta l to cleaning. 4. Cleaning of Sewer Line -It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to remove all internal debris out of the sewer lines and flush the sewer lines clean, disposing of debris off-site . Debris is not to be washed downstream into other sewers . All solids or semisolids resulting from the cleaning operations shall be removed from the site and disposed of at no ad ditional cos t to the City. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to secure a lega l dump site for the disposal of this material. All materials shall be removed from the site no less often tha n at the end of each work day. All cost for the above-described work shall be paid for by the price bid per linear foot for Cleaning and Te levision Inspection. 5. Inspection of Pipelines -Inspection of pipelines shall be performed by experienced personnel trained in locating breaks , obstacles, and service connections by closed circuit color television. Te levision inspe ction shall be in accordance with the specifications contained herewith for "Pre-and Post-Construction Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines". E. INSTALLATION OF THE RESIN IM PREGNATED TUBE: 1. 11102/04 The Contractor sha ll designate a location where the uncured res in in the original containers and the unimpregnated fiber-felt tube will be vacuum impregnated prior ASC-6 - F. PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS ta installation. The Contractor shall allow the Owner to inspect the materials and "wet-out" procedure. A resin and catalyst system compatible with requirements of this method shall be used. The quantities of the liquid thermosetting materials shall be per manufacturer's standards to provide the wall thickness specified. All felt shall be impregnated under vacuum. 2 . The wet-out fiber felt tube shall be instal.led through an existing manhole or other approved access by means of an inversion process and the application of a hydrostatic head sufficient to fully extend it ta the next designated manhole. The impregnated tube shall generally be inserted into the vertical inversion standpipe with the impermeable plastic membrane side out. At the lower end of the inversion standpipe, the felt tube shall be turned inside out and attached to the standpipe so that a leak-proof seal is created. The inversion head will be adjusted ta be of sufficient height to cause the impregnated tube to invert from manhole to manhole and hold the tube tight to the pipe wall and produce dimples at the side connections. A lubricant, if used, shall be as approved by manufacturer's standards. Manufacturer's standards shall be closely followed during the elevated temperature curing so as not to over-stress the felt fiber and cause damage or failure prior to cure. In certain cases, the Contractor may elect to use a top inversion. 3 . Curing: After inversion is complete, the Contractor shall supply a suitable heat source and water or steam recirculation equipment. The equipment shall be capable of delivering hot water or steam throughout the section by means of a pre- strung hose, which has been perforated per manufacturer's recommendations, to uniformly raise the water temperature above the temperature required to effect a cure of the resin. This temperature shall be determined by the resin/catalyst system employed and shall be per manufacturer's standards . 4 . The heat source shall be fitted with suitable monitors to gauge the temperature of the incoming and outgoing water or steam supply. Another such gauge shall be placed at the remote manholes to determine the temperatures during cure. Initial cure shall be deemed to be completed when inspection of the exposed portions of the cured-in-place pipe appear to be hard and sound . The cure period shall be of a duration recommended by the resin manufacturer, as modified for the inversion process, during which time the recirculation of the water and/or steam and cycling of the heat exchanger to maintain the temperature continues. 5. Cool-down : The Contractor shall cool the hardened cured -in-place pipe to a temperature below 100 F before relieving the static head in the inversion standpipe . Cool-down may be accomplished by introducing cool water into the inversion standpipe to replace water or steam being drained from a small hole made in the downstream end. Care shall be taken in the release of the static head so that a vacuum will not be developed that could damage the newly installed cured-in-place pipe. SERVICE CONNECTIONS : After the pipe has been installed , the Contractor shall reconnect the active service connections. This shall generally be done without excavation , a nd , in the case of non -man entry pipes , from the interior of the pipeline by means of a television camera and a cutting device that re-established them to not less 11/0 2104 ASC-7 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS than 90 percent capacity. Existing services shall be reinstated within 18 hours of installation. Should internal reinstatement not be possible, the services must be reconnected externally by excavation immediately. Service saddles acceptable to the Engineer shall be utilized. Backfill at service connections shall be cement stabilized (2 sacks per cubic yard) to a point 12 inches above the service lateral to trench intersection and shall be in accordance with these specifications. Each reconnection shall be paid for separately. Six inch sewer lines shall have service connections completed by external means. Contractor may re-connect the 6" sewer line connections by internal means in special cases with the approval of the Engineer. G . ACCEPTANCE: The finished cure-in-place pipe shall be continuous over the entire length of an inversion run between manholes and be smooth and free from substantial wrinkles, as well as defects, and improper house connections . Should any of these defects occur, the line shall be excavated, repaired and/or replaced and complete restoration made to the satisfaction of the City at no additional cost. The watertightness of the pipe shall be tested for leaks under a positive head during cure with allowances being made for end leakage and temperature effects. H. CLEAN-UP: Upon acceptance of the installation work and testing, the Contractor shall restore the project area affected by his operations to original or better conditions. I. PATENTS: The Contractor shall warrant and save harmless the City and all of its officers, agents, and employees against all claims for patent infringement and any loss thereof. J. SPECIAL NOTES: The Contractor shall be liable for damages to the homes or base ments from backups which may result during the installation of new pipe . K. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: 1 . 2. 3. 4. 11 /02104 Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP} Installation: CIPP installation will be measured for payment by the linear foot of GIPP actually installed in the various diameters of sewers measured along the centerline of the sewer from centerline to centerline of manholes. Payment will be made for the quantities measured at the unit price per linear foot for the various sewer diameters listed. Service Reconnection: Payment will be made for the quantities measured at the unit price per each listed in the bid proposal. Payment shall include all labor, materials, and the lateral connection , including all necessary pipe and fittings to connect the existing service line . Payment shall not include pavement replacement, which if required, shall be paid separately . Television Inspection and Cleaning: Special Condition for Post-Construction Television Inspection applies . Sewer Cleaning by Bucket Machine: Heavy cleaning requiring more than hydraulic jet cleaning shall be performed by bucket machines . The payment for such cleaning shall be included in the bid item for Pre-Construction Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewer. ASC-8 - - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 5 . By-Pass Pumping: The Contractor shall provide diversion for the flow of sewage around the section or sections of pipe designated for the inversion of the resin- impregnated tube. The pumps and by-pass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle all flows. All costs for by-pass pumping required during installation of the pipe shall be subsidiary to the pipe reconstruction item . 6. Po.int Repairs: Point repairs shall be made before or after a cured-in-place pipe installation at the Contractor's option. Point repairs shall be conducted only if mutually agreed to by the Department of Engineering and the Contractor prior to acceptance of the line for reconstruction. Before any excavation is done for any purpose , it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to check with variou s utility companies and determine the location of t he ir faci lities . Po int rep airs shall be measured and paid far by t he linear foot far t he appropriate depth of cut. Payment shall include all labor , material and equipment for pipe replacement according ta standards. 7. Subsidiary Work : Any damage resulting to utilities and property, resulting repairs, temporary service costs , et c., shall be borne by C ontractor. Repair and/or replacement of fences , sprinkler system piping and other such restoration work result ing from Contractor acti vit ies shall be conside red subs idiary to t he cost of the proj ect and no add ition a l payme nt will be allowed . DA -3 PIPE ENLARGEMENT SYSTEM A. GE NERA L: 11102104 1. Descripti on : This specification inc.ludes requirements to rehabili t ate existin g san ita ry sewers by the pipe en largement system, herein ca ll ed Pipe Burs t ing or Pipe Crush ing (Pipe Bursting/Crushing). This system includes splitting or bursti ng the existing pipe to install a new polyethylene pipe and reconnect existing sewer service connections. 2. 3. Methods : This section specifies the approved system method or process to include all labor , ma teria ls, too ls, equi pment and incidenta ls necessary to pro vide for the comp lete rehab ilitation of deteriorated g ra vit y sewer lines by th e Pipe Bursting /C rushing systems. App ro ved methods include: t he PIM Corp orat ion (P IM System), Piscata Wa y, New Jersey; Mclat Constru cti on (McConnell System for Pipe Crush ing), Ho uston, Texas; an d T renchl ess Rep lacement Syste ms , (TR S System), Ca lg ary , Canada. Refer to Part D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-34 SIBST ITUTIONS for information regarding pre-approval procedures for alternat ive processes . Definit ion: The Pi pe Bursting /Crushing system is defined as t he reconstruct ion of gravity sewe r pip e by installing an approved pipe mate rial, by means of one of t he pre-a pproved met hod s set forth in Sect ion A.2 of th is spe ci ficat ion . T he proces s involves the use of a static, hydraulic or pne umatic ha m me r "moling" device , suitably sized to brea k out the old pipe or usi ng modi fie d boring "kni fe" with a flared plug that imp lodes and crushes the ex ist ing sewer pipe. Forward pro gress of the "mole" or the "knife" ma y be aided by the us e of hydraulic equ ipment or other apparatus, as spec ifi ed in the approved methods . The replaceme nt pip e is ASC-9 11102/04 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS either pulled or pushed into the bore . The method allows for replacement of pipe si zes from 8" through 21" and/or upsizing in varying increments up to 21". This specification is based on the precedent that the Pipe Bursting/Crushing system used has been pre-approved by the City of Fort Worth Department of Eng ine e ring, and Fort Worth Water Department. 4 . Quality Assuran ce : The Contractor shall be certified by the particular Pipe Bursting/Crushing system manufacturer that such firm is a licensed installer of their system . No other Pipe Bursting/Crushing system other than those listed in Section A.2. of these specifications is acceptable . a. Personnel directly involved with installing the new pipe shall receive t raining in the proper methods for joint fusing , handling , and installing the polyethylene pipe . Training shall be performed by a qua lified representat ive as determined by the pipe manufacturer . b. Personnel directly involved with installing the new pipe shall re ceive trai ning in the proper methods for joint fusing , handling , and installing the polyethylene pipe . Trai ning shall be performed by a qu alified re presen tative as de term in ed by the pipe manufactu rer. 5 . Su bmittals : Submit for revie w and acceptance , t he foll owi ng Contractor's Wor k Plan and Dra w ing s to the Dep art ment of Engin ee ring (DOE ): a. Sh op drawings , ca ta log data, and manufactu rer's te ch ni cal data show ing complete informat io n on ma terial composition , phy sic al prop e rti es , and dime ns ions of new pipe and fitt ing s. Inc lude manufacturer's re comm end ati on fo r handling , st ora ge , and repair of pipe and fittings if damaged . b. Loca tio n and number of insert ion or access pits shall be planned by Contracto r and submitted in writing prior to ex cavati on for approva l by DOE. c. Method of con st ruction and res toration of exi sti ng sewer service connection s. T hi s s ha ll inc lude: 1) 2) 3) Detail drawings and written descr iption of the entire construction proce dure to insta ll pipe , bypa ss sewage f low and reconnection of sewer se rvice connections. Worki ng drawings for info rmation only showing sewage fl ow byp as s, and ma intenance of tra ffic . Con t rac tor shall provide for cont inuou s sewe rage f low . Dewatering shall be the Contractor's re sp on sibili ty. Certi fi cation of workmen training for installing pipe . ASC -10 - - - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4) Television inspection reports and video t a pes made after new pipe installation . 6. Delivery , Storage , and Hand li ng: a. Transport, handle , and store pipe and fitt ing s as recom me nd ed by manufacture r. b. If new pipe and fi ttings become dama ged before or during inst all at ion , it shall be repa ired as recomm e nde d by t he manufa ct urer o r repla ced as required by the Proj ect Mana ger at t he Co ntract or's expe nse , be fore proceeding fu rther. c . Deliver, sto re and handle other materia ls as requ ired to pr event d amage. B. MATERIALS : 11/0 210 4 1. Polyethylene Piping Material : The pipe and fitti ng material shall be hig h density, extra molecular weight (EHMW} polyethy len e pip e material con fo rm ing to ASTM D1248 , Type Ill, Class C , Categ o ry 5, Grade P34, and have a PPI (Plastic Pipe Institute) recommended design ati o n of PE 3408 an d ce ll cla ssification 345434C pe r A STM D3350 . Th e mo le cul ar weight category shall be extra high (250,0 00 to 1,500 ,000) as per t he Ge l Permeation Chromatography determination procedure with a typic al val ue of 330 ,0 00 . a. T he inte ri or of the pipe shall be a light reflective color to facilitate closed circu it te levis ion inspection . b. The pipe material shall be listed by the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI) in PPI TR -4. The pi pe material shall have as hydrostatic design basis of 1600 psi at 73 F and 800 psi at 140 F. c. The manufacturer's certification shall state that the pipe was manufactured fr om one specifi c res in and shall state the resin used and its source. All pi pe sh a ll be made of virgin material. No rework, except that obtai ned from t he manu f acturer's own production of the same formulation, shall be used . · d. Pi pe supp lie d under this specification shall have a nomi na l Ductile Iron Pip e Size inside diameter. The Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) and min imum pre ssure rat ing of the pipe shall be SDR 17 -100 psi. Pipe w ith a lower SDR ratio and higher pressure rating may be used in lieu of the mi ni mum spec ified . 2. Tests : T he Contractor shall be required to send submittals to the City of Fort Worth on th e pro du ct ion material. a. T he pipe manufacturer shall provide certification that samples of the production product meets these specifications . The certification will state t hat production product has been tested in accordance w it h ASTM D2837, an d va lidated in accordance with the latest revision of PPI TR -3. ASC -11 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. The pipe manufacturer shall provide certification that stress regression testing has been performed on the specific product. Certification shall include a stress life curve per ASTM D2837 and testing shall have been performed in accordance with ASTM D2837. c. Rejection: Polyethylene plastic pipe and fittings may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specification. C. SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS: 1. Sewer Service Connections: Sewer s.ervice connections shall be connected to the new pipe by mechanical or fusion methods . Once the saddle is secured, a hole shall be drilled in the pipe the full inside diameter of saddle outlet. 2. Pipe Saddl.es: Mechanical saddles shall be made of polyethylene pipe compound that meets the requirements of ASTM D1248, Class C , have stainless steel straps and fasteners, neoprene gasket and backup plate . Mechanical saddles shall be Strap-on-Saddle Type as manufactured by Driscopipe or Tapping Saddle manufactured by DuPont, or approved equal. Fusion saddles shall be electrofusion branch saddles as manufactured by Central Plastics Company, or approved equal. 3. Connection to Existing Service: Connections to the existing sewer service connections pipe shall be made using flexible couplings. All flexible couplings shall conform to ASTM C425 and shall be as manufactured by Fernco Joint Sealer Co ., DFW Plastics , Inc. or approved equal. Backfill at service connections shall be cement stabilized sand (2 sacks per cubic yard) to a point 12 inches above the service lateral to trench intersection and shall be in accordance with these specifications. The Contractor shall, upon request, permit the Engineer to take elevat ions on both the existing and new portions of the service connection pole to determine final grade and invert elevations. Elevation changes greater than 0.10 feet from the house lateral piping and shall be reconnected as directed by the Engineer. 4. Service Interruptions: Service interruptions to homes shall not exceed 18 hours. D. PREPARATION: 11/02104 1. Bypassing Sewage : a . The Contractor shall bypass the sewage around the section or sections of sewer to be rehabilitated . The bypass shall be made by plugging existing upstream manhole and pumping the sewage into a downstream manhole or adjacent system or other method as may be approved by the Engineer. The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the f low without sewage backup occurring to facilities connected to the sewer. ASC-12 - - 11102/04 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. The Contractor shall be responsible for continuity of sanitary sewer service to each facility connected to the section of sewer during the execution of the work. If sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for clean-up, repair, property damage costs and claims. 2. Line Obstructions: If pre-installation (TV) inspection reveals an obstruction in the existing sewer (heavy solids, dropped joints, protruding service taps or collapsed pipe) which will prevent completion of the pipe bursting/crushing process, and cannot be removed by conventional sewer cleaning equipment, then an obstruction removal shall be made by the Contractor, with the approval of the Engineer. 3. Sags in Sewer Line: ALL SAGS AND GRADE PROBLEMS IN EXISTING SEWER LINES SHALL BE CORRECTED AS PART OF THIS CONTRACT. If the pre- construction television inspection reveals a sag in the sewer line, the Contractor shall be responsible for bringing the proposed sewer pipe to an acceptable grade without a sag . A sag is defined as any sewer line segment more than 3 feet in length which ponds water in the absence of sewage flow. The contractor shall take the necessary measures to eliminate the sag by the method of: pipe replacement , digging a sag elimination pit and bringing the bottom of the pipe trench to a uniform grade in line with the existing pipe invert or by other measures that shall be acceptable to the Engineer and the City. a. Identification of Sags: Sags shall be identified by television inspection in the absence of sewage flow. If available, the Contractor shall be furnished television tapes from the City identifying the sag location. Flow shall be blocked at an upstream manhole and diverted to another sewer line or downstream manhole below the segment of pipe to be inspected . TV inspection shall be performed in accordance with television inspection of sanitary sewer lines. Video tapes shall be submitted to the Department of Engineering for review . b. Correction of Sags: Sags shall be corrected by open cut and by adding additional bedding material to bring the sag back to grade where access is available. For pipe enlargement methods, all sags identified on the pre- construction video tapes shall be corrected prior to commencing with pipe enlargement. C. In instances where sags are locate d under existing structures , the existing sewer line may be relocated using open cut or boring methods . The Department of Engineering shall specifically review potential relocation's and evaluate the constructability , economics and engineering feasibility prior to construction work . Measurement and Payment: Measurement and payment to correct sags shall be per linear foot of pipe construction to correct the sag . For pipe bursting methods, open-cut or bore construction, the applicable bid prices in the proposal section shall apply. ASC-13 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4 . Television Inspection: Inspection of the pipelines shall be performed by experienced personnel trained in locating breaks, obstacles and service connections by closed circuit color television. Television inspection shall be in accordance with the specifications contained herewith for "Pre-and Past- Construction Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines", Part D -Special Conditions D-35 and D-38 , respectively . E. PIPE ENLARGEMENT SYSTEM AND PIPE INSTALLATION: 11/02/04 1. Site Organization: a. Insertion or access pits shall be located such that their total number shall be minimized and the length of replacement pipe installed in a single pull shall be maximized. · b. Existing manholes shall be utilized wherever practical. Manhole inverts and bottoms may be removed to permit access for installation equipment. c. Equipment used to perform the work shall be located away from build ings so as not to create a noise impact. Provide silencers or other devises to reduce machine noise as needed to meet requirements . d. The actual pipe enlargement procedure shall commence prior to 11 :00 AM in order to afford the contractor amp le time to complete all related work · within the allotted workday , which is defined as the hours between 7:00 AM and 6 :00 PM , so as not to impose on the peace and comfort of persons in the immediate vicinity . No actual pipebursting work shall be started after 11 :00 AM; all actual pipebursting activity shall cease at 6 :00 PM. Other activities other than the actual pipebursting may continue after 6:00 PM . 2 . Finished Pipe: The installed replacement pipe shall be continuous over the entire length of each pipe segment from manhole to manhole and shall be free from visual defects such as foreign inclusions, concentrated ridges, discoloration, pitting , varying wall thickness, pipe separation , other deformities . Replacement pipe with gashes, nicks, abrasions, or any such physical damage which may have occurred during storage and/or handling, which are larger/deeper than 10% of the wall thickness shall not be used and shall be removed from the construction site. The replacement pipe passing through or terminating in a manhole shall be carefully cut out in a shape and manner approved by the E ngineer. T he invert and benches shall be streamlined and improved for smooth flow . The installed pipe shall meet the leakage requirements of the pressure test specified later. 3. Pipe Jointing : a . Sections of polyethylene replacement pipe shall be assembled and joined on the job site above the ground. Jointing shall be accomplished by the heating and butt-fusion system in strict confo rmance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. ASC-14 11 /02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. The butt-fusion system for pipe jointing shaH be carried out in the field by operators with prior experience in fusing polyethylene pipe with similar equipment using proper jigs and tools per standard procedures outlined by the pipe manufacturer. These joints shall have a smooth, uniform, double roHed back bead made while applying the proper melt, pressure, and alignment. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to provide an acceptable butt-fusion joint All joints shall be made available for inspection by the Engineer before insertion . The replacement pipe shall be joined on the site in appropriate working lengths near the insertion pit. The maximum length of continuous replacement pipe which shall be assembled above ground and pulled on the job site at any one time shall be 600 linear feet. c. For situations where the replacement pipe is not pulled all the way to the manhole or if it is impossible to pull the missle all the way through, the following shall apply: At the direction of the Engineer, a 12~-1 a" full circle steel clamp shall be utilized to connect segments of the HOPE pipe. 4. New Pipe Installation: a. Thread winch cable or chain and associated lines through sewer section to be rehabilitated. Keep lines away from pedestrian and vehicular traffic. b. Existing manholes may be used for launch and receiving access . Remove manhole invert and bottom as required . Pull winch chain through sewer section and attach to cutter and machine head. Lower into launching manhole, apply winch tension pulling the cutter and head into the sewer until the rear of the machine is flush with the manhole wall. Attach steel starter pipe and advance assembly until the rear of the steel starter pipe is flush with the manhole wall. Lawer hydraulic jack into the manhole and align. Insert new pipe by simultaneous operation of the jack and winching the cutter and head forward. 5. Anchoring New Pipe and Sealing Manholes: a. b. C. After the new pipe has been installed in the entire length of the sewer section, anchor the pipe at manholes . The new pipe shall protrude in the manholes for enough distance to allow sealing and trimming. . Sealing the new pipe at manholes shall not begin for a minimum of ten (10) hours after installation. Provide a flexible gasket connector in the manhole wall at the end of the new pipe , centered in the existing manhole wall. Grout flexible connector in the manhole, filling all voids the full thickness of the manhole wall. Restore manhole bottom and invert . ASC-15 PART DA -ADD IT IONAL SPECIAL COND ITIONS 6 . Field Testing : a. Low Pressure Air Test of Replacement Pipe: After a manhole-to -ma nho le section of sanitary sewer main has been pipe burst/c rushed and prior to any service lines being connected to the replacement pipe , the pipe shall be plugged at each manhole with pneumatic plugs . The design of the plugs shall be such that they will hold against the test pressure wi t hout requiring external blacking or bracing. One of the plugs shall have three air hose connections ; one for the inflation of the plug , one for reading the air pressure in the sealed line , and one for introducing air into the sealed line . Low pressure air shall then be introduced into the sealed line unt il the internal air pressure reaches 4.0 psig greater than the average back pressure resulting from any ground water that may be over the pipe . At least two minutes shall elapse to allow the pressure to stabilize . The time required for the internal pressure to decrease from 3.5 to 2 .5 psig gre ater than the average back pressure resulting from any ground water t hat may be over the pipe, shall not be less than the time sh own for a g ive n pipe diameter in the following table : Carrier Pipe Minimum Elapsed Di ameter (i nches} T ime (minutes) 8 4 10 5 12 6 15 7 b. Post-C onst ruct io n Te levi s ion Inspectio n of New Pipe: Refer to Special Condition for Po st-Con str uct ion Tel evisio n Ins pection of Sa ni tary Sewer. F. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: 1. 2. 3 . 11/02104 Pipe Installation: Pipe installation will be meas u red for payment by the linear foot of pi pe actua ll y install ed in the vario us diamete rs of sewers measured along the centerli ne of t he se wer fro m c en ter lin e to ce nterline of man ho les . Payment will be made for the q uan t iti es measu red at the un it p rice per linear foot for the various sewer diameters li sted . · Service Reconne ctions: Insta ll ation of sewer service co nnections will be measured for pa yment by each actua lly reconne cted to the installed pipe . Payment will be mad e for the quantities measured at the unit price per each listed. Payment s hall incl ude required excavat ion and backfi ll , saddles , f lexible con ne ct ions, and all other inc identals necessary to successfully reconnect sewer service lines to t he reh ab ili t ated se we r. P·aym ent s hall not include pavement replacement , which if required , shall be pa id se parate ly. · Sewer C lea ning by Buc ket Mach ine: Heavy cleaning requi ring more than hydraulic jet c leaning sha ll be performed by buc ket mac h ines . The payment for such c leaning sha ll be inc luded in the bid item for Pre-Construction Television Inspectio n of San ita ry Sewer Li nes. ASC-16 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4 . By-pass Pumping: The Contractor shall provide diversi on for the flow of sewage around the section or sections of pipe designated fo r rehabi.litation . The pumps and by-pass lines shall be of adequate capacity a nd si ze to handle all flows . All costs for by-pass pumping required during installation of the pipe shall be subsidiary to pipe enlargement. 5 . Subsidiary Work : Any damage to utilities and property , resulting repairs , temporary service costs , etc. shall be borne by Contractor. Repair and/or replacement of fences, sprinkler system piping and other such restoration work resulting from Contractor activities shall be considered subs id iary t o the cost of the project and no additional payment will be allowed . 6 . Testing : All cost for testing the replacement pipe by a pressure method will be incidental to pipe installation . DA-4 FOLD AND FORM PIPE A. GENERAL: 1. Description : The Contractor shall utili ze the ins t allati on of polyethy len e or PV C sewer lines to rest ore the wate rtight co nd itio n of sanitary sewer li nes. B. MATERIALS: 11/02104 1. Polye t hyl e ne Liner Ma te rial: T he polyethy lene liner material shall be a high density polyet hylene pipe compound whi c h conforms to ASTM D-1248 . The polyethylene pi pe lin er shall meet man ufacturer's standards . The lining shall be a hard imperme a ble pipe whi ch sha ll conform to the minimum structural standards appl ica ble, including ASTM D-368 for 3,300 psi tensile stress , AS T M D-638 for 4 ,500 psi for fle xu ra l stress , and ASTM D-790 for 145,000 psi for modules of e last icit y. The finished liner shall incorporate materials which will withstand t he corrosiv e effects of no rma l sewage . The Contractor shall provide a written guara nt ee of his compliance with these standards. T he liner shall be light in color t o fa cilitate closed circui t tel evis io n inspection . 2. Pol yvi ny l Chloride (PVC) Liner Material : Polyvinyl pipe shall conform to ASTM 03034 . T he PV C co m pou nd us ed for the folded pipe shall conform to ASTM 0 1784 clas si ficat ion 12334-B, 12344B or 12454B or C . Compounds that have d iffere nt ce ll classifications w hi c h are superior to those of the specified compounds are al so acceptab le . The lining shall conform to the minimum struct ura l standards app lica bl e including ASTM D-7 90 for 6 ,000 psi flexural stress and 350,000 psi modu lus of e lasticity. 3. Sizing of the Liner. The liner diameter, length and wall thic k ness shall be a ppropria te fo r each desi g nated locatio n. The Contractor sha ll ver ify the actual sewer length s and diame ters in th e field prior t o cutting the liner to length and siz ing th e d iameter . a. The liner shall be fabricated to a si ze th at when installed will ne atly fit the internal circumfe rence of the sewer to be line d. Allowance for ASC -17 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS circumferential stretching of the liner during insertion shall be made as per manufacturer's standards. b. The length of liner shall be that deemed necessary by the Contractor to effectively carry out the insertion and seal the liner at the inlet and outlet points. When reformed, the hardened liner should extend from end to end of the sewer segment being lined in a continuous tight fitting watertight pipe-within-a-pipe. ' c . The wall thickness of the folded pipe liner shall conform to the design criteria of the manufacturer or the licensee; however, the minimum wall thickness shall conform to the following table : Existing Pipe I.D. Minimum Wall (inches) Thickness (inches) 6 0.236 8 0.265 10 0 .331 12 0 .392 C . EXECUTION: 11102/04 1. General: Liner installation shall be accomplished by pulling the liner through the existing sanitary sewer pipeline utilizing a power winch and steel cable with an appropriate pulling head at the end of the liner. Rounding of the liner shall be accomplished by utilizing a heat source such as water or steam with a rounding device to reform the folded pipe into a hard, impermeable round pipe. 2 . Preliminary Cleaning and Inspection: a. b . C . Prior to any lining of designated sanitary sewer line segments, the Contractor shall remove internal deposits as necessary to assure proper liner installation . Inspection of pipelines shall be performed by experienced personnel trained in locating breaks, obstacles, and service connections by closed circuit television. The interior of the pipeline shall be carefully inspected to determine the location and extent of any structural failures, which may prevent proper installation of lining materials into the pipelines and location of service laterals. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clear the line of obstructions such as solids, roots, dropped joints, protruding branch connections or broken pipe that will prevent the insertion of the liner. If inspection reveals an obstruction not indicated in these specifications that cannot be removed by conventional cleaning equipment, then the Contractor shall notify the Engineer. The Engineer may authorize an excavation in order to remove such obstruction. ASC -18 11102/0 4 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3 . Documentation : Special Conditions for Pre -and Post-Construction Television inspection apply, items D-35 and D-38 , respectively. 4. Flow Bypassing : The Contractor, when required , shall provide for the transfer of flow around the section or sections of pipe that are ta be lined . The bypass shall be made by diversion of the flow at an existing upstream access point and pumping the flow Into a downstream access point or adjacent system . The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle t he flow . The proposed bypassing system shall be approved in advance by th e Own er . All costs of flow bypassing shall be considered incidental to cost of rehab il ita t ing th e p ipe . 5. Notification of the Public: The Contractor shall notify all Property Own ers affected by the liner installation work at least 48 hours prior to commencement of the work which will temporarily plug the sanitary services of the Property Owners connected to the sewer line segment being lined . Notification s hall be by written notice and , when possible , shall be verbal, also. Customer complaints du ri ng installation sh all be resolved by the Contractor. 6 . Liner Insta ll ation : a. b . C. d . e . f . The liner sh a ll be inse rted into the existi ng sewer line with a po w er wi nch an d st eel ca ble connected to the en d of the liner by use of an appropriate pulling head . A se cond pulling head may be atta ch ed to the other e nd of the line r fo r attachm e nt of a tag line to pu ll the liner back out of the sewer lin e, if nece ssary. Preca ut ion s sh oul d be taken during insertion to protect t he liner pipes to pre ve nt sco ring t he outsi de of the liner as it is being pulled into the sewer. Prior to refo rming the line r , "O " Ring gaskets shall be inst a lled on the liner at each manho le connecti on . After insertion is com pl eted, the installer shall supply a suitab le heat/pressure source an d water recirculation equipment. The equipment s hall be capab le of delive ri ng wate r/pressure throughout the secti on to uniform ly raise the water tem pe rature above the temperature required to reform the liner. The heat source sha ll be fitted with suitable monitors to gauge the te mperat ure of the incomi ng and outgoing water supply . The installe r shall coo l the liner to a temperature below 100 F before relieving t he reforming pres sure . Cool down may be accomplished by the int rodu ct io n of cool water o r ot her approved method into the recirculation network. The fin ished lining sha ll be contin uous over the entire length of an insertion run and be free from v isua l defects such as foreign inclusions and pin holes . The lin ing sha ll be impervious and free of any leakage from the pipe to t he su rrounding ground or from the ground to the inside of the lined pipe . An y defects whic h will affect , in the foreseeable future , or warranty ASC-19 PART DA - AD DITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS peri od , the integrity or strength of the linings, shall be repaired at the Cont ract or's expense , in a manner mutually ag reed by the Owner an d the Co nt ractor . 7. Co mpletio n of Li ning : a. Afte r the liner has been re formed , the Contractor shall reconnect the exi st in g active serv ice con nect ions. This. shall be done from the interior of th e pipeline by means of a te levi sion camera and a cutting device that re - establi s hes thei r operab ility or by excavation . Any bypass pumping that is req uired shall be prov ided at no addit iona l cost for sewer lines where li ning is being performed . Service interruptions to any homes. tributary to this. sewe r lin e shall not exceed 18 hours . Connecti on of the service lateral by excav atio n sha ll be made with a Neoprene Gasket Saddle which inserts into the line d pipe for a wate rt ig ht fi t. Ba c kfi ll at serv ice connect ions shall be cemen t stabilized sa nd (2 sacks per cubi c yard ) to a point 12 inches above t he serv ice late ral to tre nch intersection and shall be in accordance wit h th e se spec ifications. b . Excavatio n pits for ext erna ll y reinstated serv ice laterals sh all re mai n open fo r 24 hours. after re in statement of t he service . T he Co nt ra cto r s hall be responsible for verifying that shrinkage of the polyethylene sewer liner ha s not occurred . c . The water tightness of the liner shall be gauged while the liner is. cu ring , and under a positive head . After the work is comp leted, the Cont ractor w ill provide the Owner with a video tape showing both the before lin ed and after lined conditions, including the restored co nnections . Upon co mpleti on of the installation work after required testing indicates the lining is acceptable , the Contractor shall reinstate the project area affected by his operations and perform any surf ace restoration in accordance with these Specifications. 8. Special Notes: The installer shall be liable for damages to the homes or basem ent from backups which may result d u ring the installation of the liner. Installe r w ill be allowed to open clean outs. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT : 1. 2 . 1110 2104 Liner Installat ion : Li ner installation will be measured for payment by the linear fo ot of liner actually installed in the various diameters of sewers measured al ong t he centerline of the sewer from centerline ta centerline of manholes. Paym ent will be made for the quantities measured at the unit price per li near foot for the various sewer d iameters listed. Service Reconnection: Payment will be made for the quantities measured at t he unit price per each listed in the bid proposal. Payment shall include all labor, materials , and the lateral connection , including a ll necessary pipe and fittings to connect the existing service line . Payment shall not include pavem en t replacement, which if required , shall be paid separately . ASC -2 0 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3. Television Inspection and Cleaning: Special Conditions for Pre-and Post- Construction Television Inspection apply, Part D -Special ·conditions 0-35 and 0- 38, respectively. 4 . Sewer Cleaning by Bucket Machine: Heavy cleaning requiring mare than hydraulic jet cleaning shall be performed by bucket machines. The payment for such cleaning shall be included in the bid item for Cleaning and Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines. 5. By-Pass Pumping : The Contractor shall provide diversion for the flow of sewage around the section or sections of pipe designated for rehabilitation. The pumps and by-pass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle all flows . All costs for by-pass pumping required during installation of the pipe shall be subsidiary to the pipe reconstruction item. 6. Point ·Repairs: Point repairs shall be made before or after liner installation at the Contractor's option. Point repairs are available for payment only if mutually agreed by the Department of Engineering and the Contractor prior to acceptance of the line for reconstruction. Before any excavation is done for any purpose, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to check with various utility companies and determine the location of their facilities . Point repairs shall be measured and paid for by the linear foot for the appropriate depth of cut. Payment shall include all labor, materials, and equipment for pipe replacement according to FWWD standards. 7. Subsidiary Work : Any damage resulting to utilities and property, resulting repairs, temporary service costs, etc., shall be borne by Contractor. Repair and/or replacement of fences, sprinkler system piping and other such restoration work resulting from Contractor activities shall be considered subsidiary to the cost of the project and no additional payment will be allowed . DA-5 SLIPLINING A. GENERAL: This section includes requirements to rehabilitate existing sanitary sewers by sliplining with polyethylene pipe. B. MA TE RIALS 1. Polyethylene Slipline Pipe: a. b. 11/02104 The properties of the material shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D638 . ASTM D638 shall be used to determine that the thermal butt- fusion joints are stronger than the materials joined. The malt index of the polyethylene resin shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D1238, Condition E, and shall be equal to , or between 0 .05 g/10 min. and 1.00 g/10 min. ASC-21 11102/04 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS c. The density of the base polyethylene resin shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D1505 and be equal to, or between, 0.941 glee and 0.955 glee. d. The material shall be tested in accordance with ASTM 01693, Condition C. e. Polyethylene pipe and fittings may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specification. f. The sewer liner pipe and fittings shall be made of a polyethylene pipe compound that meets the requirements for Type Ill, Class C, Grade P-34, Category 5, polyethylene material as defined in ASTM D1248 or ASTM D3350, and having a PPI rating of PE3408, and cell classification 345434D or E per ASTM D3350. A higher numbered cell classification limit which gives a desirable higher primary property, per ASTM 3350, may also be accepted by the Engineer at no additional cost to the City. The molecular weight category shall be extra high (250,000 to 1,500,000) as per the Gel Permeation Chromatography determination procedure with a typical value of 330,000 . g. Before beginning work, the Contractor shall submit for approval, the vendor's specific technical data with the complete information on resin, physical properties of pipe and pipe dimensions pertinent to this job. A certificate of "Compliance With Specification" shall be furnished for all materials. to be supplied. The manufacturer's certificate shall state the pipe was manufactured from one specific resin and shall state the resins used and its source . All pipe shall be made of virgin material. No rework except that obtained from the manufacturer's own production of the same formulation shall be used . .. h . i. J. The City will run tests on field samples per applicable ASTM specifications at an independent laboratory for verification of the required physical properties and characteristics . The number of samples taken shall be at the City's discretion. All samples shall be provided by the Contractor at no charge to the City. The City shall pay all charges for all testing of the liner material if they are found to meet specification. All retesting of materials not initially meeting these specifications shall be at the Contractor's expense. All polyethylene sliplining pipe shall conform to the sizes and Standard Dimension Ratio (SOR) requirements shown on the drawings . Lengths: Standard lengths shall be used whenever possible, (40 foot sections). Where construction difficulties prevent the use of standard pipe sizes, other pipe sizes may be specified . Pipes shall be joined to one another and to polyethylene fittings by thermal butt-fusion in accordance with ASTM D2657 and ASTM D3350. Butt-fusion joining and site location , joining shall be perform ed within or outs ide the ASC -22 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS excavation. Joints between pipe sections shall be smooth on the inside and internal projection beads shall not be greater than 3/16 inch. k. The tensile strength at yield of the butt-fusion joints shall not be less that of the pipe . 2. Sewer Service Connections: Mechanical and fusion-bonded saddles shall be made of polyethylene pipe compound that meets the requirements of ASTM D- 2448 , Type IV, Class C. Mechanical saddles shall have stainless steel straps and fasteners and neoprene gaskets . Mechanical saddles shall be Strap-on-Saddle Type as manufactured by Drisco Pipe or Tapping Saddle as manufactured by DuPont, or approved equal. Fusion saddles shall be electrofusion branch saddles as manufactured by Central Plastics Company, or approved equal. Saddles for use on PVC pipe shall be molded fittings as recommended by the PVC pipe manufacturer, and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D3034 , SOR 35. C. EXECUTION 11/02104 1. Cleaning and Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers: Cleaning and television inspection of sanitary sewers to be sliplined shall be completed per the requirements of Special Condition for pre-construction television inspection. All material encountered in the existing sewers shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor. All video tapes shall be delivered to the City's representatives for evaluation prior to any sliplining operations. 2. Obstruction Removal: The Eng ineer shall determine where obstruction removal (due to dropped joints, collapsed pipe, roots, rocks, obstructions in the pipe which cannot be removed by the cleaning equipment or other reasons) will be required. The Contractor shall locate the insertion pits at these obstruction locations whenever possible, and no additional payment will be authorized to the Contractor. When obstruction removal is required at locations other than insertion pits, payment for the obstruction excavation at the appropriate Contract unit price will be authorized. 3. Sewer Cleaning by Bucket Machine and Root Cutting: Heavy cleaning requiring more than hydraulic jet cleaning shall be performed by bucket machines or root cutting , as required. No additiona l payment for such cleaning and/or root cutting shall be made. 4. Insertion or Access Pits: T he location and number of insertion or access pits shall be planned by the Contractor and submitted in writing for approval by the Eng ineer prior to excavation . The pits shall be located such that tt"leir total number shall be minimized, and the footage of liner pipe insta lled in a single pull shall be maximized . Before excavation is begun , it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to check with the various uti lity companies and determine the location of the utilities in the vicinity of the work area. ASC-23 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Damage done to utilities and the resulting repair, temporary service cost, etc., shall be borne by the Contractor. All excavations shall be properly sheeted/shored in accordance with OSHA specifications for trench safety systems. Any damage resulting from improperly shored excavations shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer with no compensation to the Contractor. All open excavations shall be kept secure at all times by the use of barricades with appropriate lights and signs. construction tape, covering with steel plates. etc .• or as directed by the Engineer. The cost for bypass pumping if required around an insertion pit, from a manhole upstream to a manhole downstream, shall be included in the Unit Price Bid for sliplining . Excavation for insertion pits shall not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the Unit Price Bid for sliplining. 5. Insertion of Polyethylene Liner Pipe into Carrier Pipe: The existing sewe r will remain in operation during the sliplining process whenever possible . Obstructions such as roots, large joint offsets, rocks or other debris, etc., that would prevent passage or damage to the other pipe sections must be removed or repaired prior to installing the new pipe. After completing the insertion pit excavation, the top of the existing sanitary sewer line shall be removed, where required, down to the spring line. A power winch cable shall then be connected to the end of the liner by use of a suitable pulling head, equal to the outside diameter of the liner. The pulling head shall be adequately secured to the liner and then attached to the power winch cable so that the liner can be satisfactorily fed and pulled through the sanitary sewer main . Proper bumpers shall be provided in the insertion pit in order to prevent the ragged edges of the existing pipe from scarring the outside of the liner as it is pulled into the existing sewer. Precautions shall be taken not to damage the liner or break or separate any of the butt -fused joints. Sufficient time (a minimum of 24 hours) shall be allowed for the liner to return to its normal length assuming the over-elongation is due to a higher temperature at the time of installation ) based upon the average temperature in the sewer. The length of the liner pulled in any one segment shall be limited to prevent any backup of service lines which may result due to restricted flow through the annu lar space. Maximum Allowable Pulling Force. In order to ensure the integrity of the polyethylene liner, the pulling force exerted on the liner shall be limited to that indicated on the following table for the appropriate outside diameter of the polyethylene liner: ASC -24 11 /02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS POLYETHYLENE LI.NE OUTSIDE DIAMETER (INCHES) 5.375 7.125 8.625 10.750 14.000 18.000 21.000 24 .000 MAXIMUM PULLING FORCE (TONS) 3.5 4.0 7 .5 10.5 12 .0 21 .5 35.0 52.0 The Contractor shall use a suitable pulling head so that the pulling head and liner will separate from each other when the pulling force exerted on the liner reaches the amount indicated above. The pulling head design (including calculations) shall be approved by the Engineer prior to its use. As an alternative, the Contractor may be permitted to use a measuring device (spring, gauge, etc.) connected to the pulling cable which shall register the pulling force being exerted on the liner. The pulling force shall not exceed those values indicated above for the applicable outside diameter of the polyethylene liner. The measuring device shall be approved by the Engineer prior to its use. The Contractor may be allowed to push the liner subject to the Engineer's approval. Care shall be taken to avoid any buckling of the liner by limiting the stroke of the backhoe . Any portion of the liner damaged during this inse~ion process shall be cut out and the liner rejected. In certain cases, the Contractor may be permitted to use a combination of pulling and pushing to enhance the insertion of the liner. A liner that is permitted to be pushed shall not have an open e nd which ca n allow sand or other debris to be pushed into the liner. A pipe manufacturer's representative shall be onsite to assist the Contractor for the first full day of slipline pipe installation . 6. Use of Clamps and Encasement for Polyethylene Pipe: Where excavations for the insertion of the liner are made between two manholes, the ends of the liner will be cut smooth, square to the axis of the liner, so that it can be joined in a workman- like manner. The liner shall be joined with a JCM Industries Type 108 or equal, all stainless steel (including bolts and lugs), full circle, Universal Clamp Coupling with a 1/4-inch minimum thickness grid type gasket. Clamps shall be selected to fit the outside diamete r of the liner pipe . Minimum clamp widths shall be selected from the following table : OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF LINER PIP E (Inches) 5.375 7 .125 8 .625 10.750 or Greater ASC-25 MINIMUM WIDTH OF CLAMP (Inches) 12 15 18 30 11102104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS In all excavations where the liner is not within the existing sanitary sewer line ( carrier pipe) cement stabilized sand bedding shall be installed. Visual inspection is required fo r a pprov al of bedding before backfill is completed . 7. Testing of the Liner: Testing will be required after the liner has been installed in the existing sanitary sewer ma in. The first is a low pressure air test of the liner before it has been sealed in place at the manholes and before any service reconnections ha ve been made to the liner. The purpose of this test is to check the integrity of the joints that have been made and to verify that the liner has not been damaged by inserting it into the sanitary sewer. 8 . a . Low Pressu re Air Test Procedure : After a manhole-to-manhole section of sanitary sewer main has been sliplined and prior to any service lines being connected to the new liner , the liner shall be plugged at each manhole with pneumati c plugs . The design of the plugs shall be such that they will hold aga inst the test pressure without requiring external black ing or bracing . One of the plugs shall have three (3) air hose connections; one for the inflation of the plug , one for reading the air-pressure in the sealed line , and one for introd ucing air into the seal ed lin e. Low pres sure ai r shall th en be in trod uce d into the sealed line unt il the inte rn al air pressure reac hes 4 .0 psig greater t han the average back pres sure res ul ti ng fro m a ny g roun dwater t hat may be over the pipe . At least two (2) m in ute s sha ll e lapse to allow the pressure to stabilize . The t ime requ ired fo r the int ernal press ure to de crease fro m 3.5 to 2 .5 psig greate r tha n t he avera ge back pressure resulting from a ny ground water that may be ove r the pipe , sha ll not be less t han th e tim e s hown fo r a g iven pipe diameter in the fo ll owi ng table : CARRI.ER PIPE O UTSIDE DIA METER (Inch es) 5.37 5 7 .12 5 8 .625 10 .750 14 .000 18 .000 MIN IMU M ELAPSE D T IME (M inutes) 3 4 5 6 7 8 Li ne s over 18 inche s shall be approved for pay me nt by Vi sua l and T.V. Inspect ion in acco rdan ce w it h Special Con ditio n D-38. Sea li ng Liner in Manh ol es: Afte r the pipe has re ac hed equ il ibrium th e a nnul ar space between the li ner and t he ex ist ing sanita ry sewer main mu st be seal ed at eac h manho le w ith a che mic al se al and non shrink gro ut. Oakum soaked in Scotchsea l 5600 or equa l shall be pl aced in a ba nd to for m an effect iv e water-tight ASC -26 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS gasket in the annular space between the liner and the existing pipes in the manholes, The width of the band shall be a minimum of 12" or one-half the diameter of the pipe, whichever is greater. It shall be finished off with a non-shrink grout placed around the annular space from inside the manhole and shall not be tess than 6" wide, The chosen method, including chemicals and materials, must be approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall cut the liner so that it extends 4" into the manhole , The Contractor shall make a smooth, vertical cut and slope the area over the top of the exposed liner using non-shrink grout The Contractor shall also use cementitious grout to form a smooth transition with a reshaped invert and a raised manhole bench such that neither the shape edges of the liner pipe, nor the concrete bench, nor the channeled invert shall exist to catch debris and create a stoppage . The invert of the manhole shall also be reworked (smoothed and built-up) to match the flow line of the new liner_ The liner pipe shall be allowed to normalize to ambient temperatures, as well as recover from any imposed stretch, a minimum of 24 hours in the case of polyethylene, before being cut to fit between manholes and proceeding with reshaping and/or smoothing the manhole invert. 9. Sewer Service Connections: a. Sewer service connections shall be connected to the new pipe by mechanical or fusion methods. Once the saddle is secured, a hole shall be drilled in the pipe, the full inside diameter of the saddle outlet b. Connections to the existing sewer service connection pipe shall be made using flexible Fernco sewer connectors, or approved equal. Backfill at service connections shall be cement stabilized sand (2 sacks per cubic yard) to a point 12 inches above the service lateral to trench intersection and shall be in accordance with these Specifications. c. The Contractor shall upon request, permit the Engineer to take elevations on both the existing and new portions of the service connections pipe to determine final grade and invert elevations . Elevation changes greater than 0.10 feet from the house lateral piping shall be reconnected as directed by the En gineer. d. Se rvice interruptions to homes shall not exceed 18 hours. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1. 11102104 Pipe Installation: Pipe installation will be measured for payment by the linear foot of pipe actually installed in the various diameters of sewers measured along the centerline of the sewer from centerline of manholes . Payment will be made for the quantities measured at the unit price per linear foot for the various sewer diameters listed. ASC-27 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. Service Reconnections: a. Installation of sewer service connections will be measured for payment by each actually reconnected to the installed pipe. Payment will be made for the quantities measured at the unit price per each listed. b. Payment includes all required excavation and backfill, surface restoration, saddles, flexible couplers, up to 5' of service line, and all appurtenant work. c. Payment for additional service line ( over 5' at each service reconnection) will be paid for at the appropriate Contract Unit Price. Payment includes all required additional excavation, backfill, surface restoration, and all appurtenant work. 3. Television Inspection and Cleaning: Television inspection shall include necessary cleaning (hydraulic jet or mechanical cleaner) to provide video image required for line analysis. The quantity of TV inspection shall be measured as the total length of pipe actually cleaned and televised . This contract requires the Contractor to TV inspect the sewer lines twice, once before and once after construction. Pre- Cleaning and Television Inspection shall be paid at the Contract Unit Price for all pipe successfully cleaned and television inspected. The amount paid to the Contractor for Post Construction Television Inspection shall be . the Unit cost times the length of pipe lined. 4. Obstructions: Obstructions such as roots , large offset joints, rocks, or other debris, that would prevent passage or cause damage ta pipe and must be removed or repaired before installing the pipe will be paid for at the Contract Unit Price per obstruction removal. Payment shall include all excavation and backfill costs, pipe replacement, surface restoration and appurtenant work required ta comp lete each obstruction removal. Obstruction located within ten feet of each other shall be included in only one obstruction remo val. Trenc h Safety System, if required, shall be paid for at the Contract Unit Price. Contracto r will not be paid for obstruction removal located at insert ion pits . 5. Subsidiary Work: Any damage resulting to utilities and property , resulting repairs, temporary service costs, etc. shall be borne by Contra ctor. Repair and/or replacement fences, sprinkler system piping, and other such restoration work resulting from Contractor activities shall be considered subsidiary to the cost of the project and no additiona l payment will be allowed. 6 . Te sting : All cost for testing the replacement pipe by a pressure method will be incidental to the installation . DA-6 PIPE INSTALLED BY OTHER THAN OPEN CUT A. GENERAL: 1. 11/02104 Furni·sh materials and necessary accessories , with strengths, thickness, coat ings, and fittings indicated, specified and/or necessary to complete the work . ASC -2 8 r . PART DA -ADD ITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. All excavat io n shall provid e an open are a conforming to the outside diameter of t he casing an d/o r ca rrie r conduit. T he excavation shall be to an alignment and g rade wh ich will a ll ow the carr ier cond uit to be i nstalled to proper line and gr ade as s hown on th e Pla ns and as esta blished in the Specifications. 3. Work shall be perfo rmed in acco rd ance with t he requirements of the City of Fort Worth W ater Departme nt , the Texas Department of T ransportation , or railroad com pany, as ap plicab le. B. MATER IALS: 1. Ca s ing Pipe: Ca s in g p ipe s hall be steel confo rm ing to ANSI. B36 .1 O and the f ollowin g: a. Fie ld St rength: 35,000 psi minimum . b. Wall th ickn ess: 0.3 12 in. m inimum (0 .5 for ra ilroad crossings). c. Diameter: As shown an the d raw ings (m inimu m s ize requ irem e nts). d. Joints: Continuous circumferential weld in accordance wit h AW S D1 .1. 2. Carrier Pipe in Casing: Carrier pipe shall be as shown on drawi ng s an d as specified in the General Contract Documents. 3. Sewer Pipe without Casing Pipe: Shall be minimum Class 51 ductile iron pipe, or as designated on the plans. 4. Grout: Grout shall be Portland Cement grout of min. 2000 psi compressive strength at 28 days . Proportioned not less than 1 cu . ft. of cement to 3 cu . ft. of fine sand with sufficient water added to provide a free flowing thick slurry. C. EXECUTION 11/02104 1. Where sewer pipe is required to be in.stalled under railroad embankments or under highways, streets or other facilit ies in other than open cut, constructi on shall be performed in such a manner so as to not interfere with the ope rat io n of t he railroad, street, highway, or other faci lity, and so as not to weaken or damage any embankment or structure . During construction operations, barricades and lig ht s to safeguard traffic and pedestrians shall be furnished and maintained, unti l such time as the backfill has been completed and then shall be removed from the site. 2. Pits and Trenches: a. If the grade of the pipe at the end is below t he ground surface, suitab le pits or trenches shall be excavated fo r the purpose of conducting the jacki ng or tunneling operations and for placing end joints of the pipe. Wherever end trenches are cut in the sides of the embankment or beyond it, such wo rk shall be sheeted securely and braced in a manner to prevent earth from caving in . ASC-29 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. The location of the pit shall meet the approval of the Engineer. c . The pits of trenches excavated to facilitate these operations shall be backfilled immediately after the casing and carrier pipe installation has been completed. 3. Boring and Jacking Steel Casing Pipe : Steel casing pipe shall be installed by boring hole wi.th the earth auger and simultaneously jacking pipe into place. a. The boring shall proceed from a pit provided for the boring equipment and workmen. The holes are to be bored mechanically. The boring shall be done using a pilot hole . By this method an approximate 2-inch hole shall be bored the entire length of the crossing and shall be checked for line and grade on the opposite end of the bore from the work pit This pilot hole shall serve as the centerline of the larger diameter hole to be bored . Other methods of maintaining line and grade on the casing may be approved if acceptable to the Enginee r. Excavated material shall be placed near the top of the working pit and disposed of as required. The use of water or other fluids in connection with the boring operation will be permitted only to the extent required to lubricate cuttings. Jetting or sluicing will not be permitted. b. In unconsolidated soil formations, a gel-forming coll oidal drilling fluid consisting of at least 10 percent of high grade carefully processed bentonite may be used to consolidate cuttings of the bit, seal the walls of the hole , and furnish lubrication for subsequent removal of cuttings and installation of the pipe immediately thereafter. c. Allowable variation from the line and grade shall be as specified under paragraph A.2 . All voids between bore and outside of casing shall be pressure grouted . 4. Installation of Carrier Pipe in Casing: a . b . C. d. Sanitary sewer pipe located within the encasement pipe shall be supported by "skids" or "bands" to prevent the pipe and bells from snagging on the inside of the casing, and to keep the installed line from resting on the bells . All skids shall be treated with a wood preservative. Sk ids should extend for the full length of the pipe with the exception of the bell area and spigot area necessary for assembly unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall prevent over-belling the pipe while installing it through the casing . A method of restricting the movement between the assembled bell and spigot where applicable shall be provided. At all bored, jacked , or tunneled installations, the annular space between the carrier pipe and casing shall be filled with grout. Care must be taken that not too much water is forced into the casing so as not to float the pipe. ASC-30 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS The backfill material will not be required unless specified on the plans and specified by the Engineer. e. Closure of the casing after the pipe has been installed shall be plugged at the ends of the casing as shown an the drawings or as required by the Engineer. 5. Baring and Jacking Ductile Iron Pipe without Casing Pipe: a. As indicated on drawings and as required and directed by the Engineer sewer shall be constructed of bore and jacked ductile iron pipe. b. When a casing pipe is not designated on the drawings, the contractor shall provide a casing pipe if necessary to achieve line and grade. Casing pipe shall be provided at no additional cast and shall be subsidiary to the cost bid far installation By Other than Open Cut. c. Bare and jack in accordance with paragraph C.3. above. d. Short length of sewer consisting of a single pipe section may be installed by iacking without a bore hole if permitted by the Engineer and in soft soil layer. All voids outside of installed pipe shall be pressure grouted. 6. Tunneling: Where the characteristics of the sail , the size of the proposed pipe, or the use of monolithic sewer would make the use of tunneling more satisfactory than jacking or boring, or when shown on the plans , a tunneling method may be used , with the approval of the Engineer or railroad/highway officials . a. When tunneling is permitted, the lining of the tunnel shall be of sufficient strength of support the overburden. The Contractor shall submit the proposed liner method to the Engineer for approval. The tunnel liner design shall bear the seal of a licensed professional engineer in the State of Texas. Approval by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of the liner method. b. The space between the tunnel liner and the limits of excavation shall be pressure grouted or mud-jacked . c . Access holes for placing concrete shall be space at maximum intervals of 1 O feet. D . MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Installation of pipe by other than open cut will be measured by the linear foot of pipe, complete in place. Such measurement will be made between the ends of the pipe along the central axis as installed . The work performed and materials furnished as prescribed by this item will be paid for at the Contract Unit Price bid per linear foot far Pipe Installed by Other Than Open Cut of the type, size , and class of pipe specified as shown on plans. The furnishing of all materials, pipe, liner materials required for installation, for all preparation, hauling and installing of same, and for all labor, tools , equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work , including excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus material shall be included in the Contract 11 102104 ASC -31 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Unit Price as shown in · the Bid Proposal. Payment shall not include pavement replacement, which if required , shall be paid separately. DA-7 TYPE OF CASING PIPE 1. WATER: The casing pipe for open cut and bored or tunneled section shall be AWWA C-200 Fabricated Electrically Welded Steel Water Pipe, and shall conform to the provisions of E 1-15, E 1-5 and E 1-9 in Material Specifications of General Contract Docur:nents and Specifications for Water Department Projects. The steel casing pipe shall be supplied as follows: A. For the inside and outside of casing pipe, coal-tar protective coating in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 22 and related sections in AWWA C-203. B. Touch-up after field welds shall provide coating equal to those specified above. C. Minimum thickness for casing pipe used shall be 0 .375 inch. Casing Spacers (centering style) such as manufactured by Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company, Advanced Products and Systems, Inc., or an approved equal shall be used on all non - concrete pipes when install ed in casing . Installatio n shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 2. SEWER: Boring used on this project shall be in accordance with the material standard E 1-15 and Construction standard E2-15 as per Fig. 110 of th e General Contract Documents. 3. PAYMENT: Payment for all materials, labor, equipment, excavation, concrete grout, backfill, and incidental work shall be included in the unit price bid per foot DA-8 SERVICE LINE POINT REPAIR / CLEANO UT REPAIR A. GENERAL: The work covered by this item consists of furnishing all labor, material , equipment, supervision , etc. necessary to construct a point repair on the portion of a service line located within a utility easement, st reet right-of-way or on private property . Point repairs on private property shall only be addressed after the Contractor has received written permission from the property owner to do the work. A blank Right-of-Entry Agreement form to be completed by the Contractor and the individual property owners is included at the end of this section . The Contractor shall keep a record copy of all Right- of-Entry forms obtained and have it on hand at all times during construction. 11102/04 The street addresses and approximate location of service line repairs are shown in Table_ and the Field Survey Forms in Attachment _. It shall be the Contractors responsibi lity to accurately field locate the exact point of repair . ASC-32 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS B. MATERIALS: The pipe replacement material shall be gasketed joint, gravity PVC sewer pipe (ASTM D- 3034, SDR 26} and have a minimum cell classification of 12454 A or B as defined in ASTM D-1784. Installation shall be in strict compliance with the manufacturer, recommendations and the Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association. The method of jointing the ends of the replaced pipe with the existing pipe shall be water tight C. EXECUTION: 11/02104 1. After the location of the point repair is determined, the Contractor shall excavate and remove the damaged pipe and replace with new pipe. The minimum length of pipe replaced shall be three (3) feet. All work shall be performed by a licensed plumber. Determine whether additional lengths of line beyond "minimum length" criteria need replacement. Report need for additional replacement to City and obtain approval before proceeding . 2. The Contractor shall excavate, shape the bottom of the trench and place the required pipe bedding so that the grade of the replaced pipe matches the existing service line grade. 3. Numerous service line point repairs along with lateral line point repairs and obstruction removals are located in areas which in many instances will require the removal of existing landscaping, structures, sidewalks , driveways, etc. Items removed or disturbed shall replaced or restored to original conditions or better. 4 . Removal of Debris: Excess excavated material and debris are to be removed from t he work site daily. Cost of hauling excess excavation and debris is to be included in the price bid far "Service Line Point Repai r". 5. Roof a nd Yard Drains: At the location s indicated in Table of the Attachments. The Contractor shall disconnect roof and yard drains from the sanitary sewer service line. For yard drains, the Contractor shall excavate and remove the drain from the yard and plug the line at the property line. For roof drains, the Contractor shall remove the downspout from the drain line and plug the line to prevent inflow. In addition, the Contractor shall install an elbow fitting at the bottom of the downspout to direct runoff, away from the building, and a concrete splash pad to prevent erosion . 6 . Disconnected Service Lines: At the locations indicated in Table of Attachments __ to the Special Contract Documents, the Contractor shall remove the service line no longer in use by excavating at the property line and plugging the service line. 7 . Abandonment of Point Repair: If a pipe is exposed and found in good condition , not requiring a point repair , notify City Engineer who will record abandonment of point repair. Backfill the excavation, replace pavement or sidewalk and repair and seed or sod unpaved areas . ASC-33 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 8. Cleanout Repair: The Contractor shall make appropriate repairs ta cleanouts as indicated in Table and as shown an the PLANS . All cleanaut repair work shall be performed by a licensed plumber. a. General This special condition describes the repair of sanitary sewer cleanouts located on private property as designated on the 1/1 Elimination Repair plans. Repair of the cleanouts shall consist of replacing defective cleanout caps or installing new caps where none exist, such that inflow is eliminated. There will be no repairs made to the existing cleanouts that require excavation, other than what is required ta expose the tap of the cleanout so that the new caps can be installed . b. Materials Replacement cleanout caps shall be Dal-Caps as manufactured by Dallas Specialty & Mfg. Company, or equal. The rubber caps are held down by stainless steel clamps . c. Excavation 1) The Contractor shall submit shop drawings on all materials and equipment to be installed. 2) The Contractor is responsible for obtaining right of entry from the property owners prior to performing any work. Property owners should be notified 48 hours in advance of any work on their property. 3) The Contractor shall restore any disturbed surface to its original or better condition at no separate pay. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: 1. 2. 3. 3. 11102/04 Payment for service line point repair shall be on a unit price basis for each repair performed on all sizes of service lines for the respective depths. The minimum length of service line point repair sha ll be three (3) feet. No separate pay if the work is done within the limits of a service line reconnect as defined in Special Condition , D-28, "Sanitary Sewer Services". Measurements for extra length repair is on a linear foot basis for repairs in excess of the minimum 3 foot replacement length. All pipe fittings, adapters, concrete collars, bedding, and removal and replaceme nts of grass sodding requi red shall be considered incidental to service line point repair. If no pay item is included for any work required to properly complete a service line point repair as specified, the cost to perform sa id work, including any required ASC-34 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS removal and replacement of materials , shall be considered incidental ta the service line point repair. 5. Depth of Bury is to be measured from Natural Ground Level to the Flow Line of the Sanitary Sewer Service Line at the Point of Replacement. The minimum trench width shall be 3'-0 ". 6 . All excavation , backfill, removal and replacement of grass sodding and landscaping , plugs . fittings, and splash pads shall be considered incidental to removal of yard drains , disconnecting roof drains a nd plugging disconnected service lines. 7. No separate payment w ill be made for the Cont ractor to obtain written permission to enter private property. 8 . Payment will be made for Abandonment of Point Repairs at th e Contract Unit Price for Excavation and Backfill Abandoned Point Rep a irs . 9. Payment shall be mad e at t he Contract Unit Price for ea ch sa nita ry sewer cle anou t successfully repaired . Payment shall be full c ompen sa tion f or a ll materi als , equipme nt , and labor requi red to perform t he work. DA-9 PROTECTIVE MANHOLE COATING FOR CORROSION PROTECTION A. GENERA L: 1. Scope: This sect ion governs all work , materials and testing required for the a pplicat ion of interior protective coati ng. Structures designated to re ceived inte ri or co at in g are listed on the construction drawings. T he structures are to be coated, includi ng interior wall , top and bench surfaces. Protect ive coating for cor rosion p rot ection shall meet the requirements of th is Specification (and items DA-14 and DA-15 ) and the Manufacturers recommendations and specifications. 2 . Des cription: The Contractor sha ll be res pons ible for the furn ishing of a ll la bo r, s up e rv is ion, materials , equipment, and testing required for the complet ion of p rote ctive coating of structu res in accordance with manufact urer's recom mendat ions . 3. Ma n ufactu rer's Recommendations: Materials and procedu res uti li zed for the lining p ro cess shall be in . strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. C or rosion Protection : Corros ion protection may be required on all structu res whe re high turbu lence or high H2S con tent is expected . B . MATER IALS: 1. 1 1/02104 Scope: This section governs the materials required for completi o n of protective coat ing of designated structures. A SC -35 PART DA ·-ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. Protective Coating : The protective coating shall be a proprietary two component, 100 percent solids, rig id polyurethane system designated as Spray Wall as manufactured by Sprayroq , Inc. or a two -part epoxy resin system using 100% solids based epoxy binder with fibrous and flake fillers , is manufactured by Raven Lining systems and designated as Raven 405 . 3 . Specialty Cement (If required for leveling or filling): The specialty cement-based coating material shall be either Quadex QM -1 s as manufactured by Quadex , Inc. or Reliner MSP as manufactured by Standa rd Cement Materials . 4 . Material Identification : The prote ctive coati ng m aterial sprayed onto the surface of the structure shall be a urethane or epoxy resin system formulated for the application to a sanitary sewer environment. The spray system shall exhibit the minimum physical properties as follows : Property Tens ile Strength Flexural Stress Fle xur al Modu lus Standard ASTM D-638 ASTM D-790 A ST M D-790 Long Te rm Valu e 5,000 psi 10 ,000 psi 550 ,000 psi 5. Mixi ng an d Hand ling: Mixing and Handling of spe ci alty cement materia l a nd pro tect ive coating material, w hich may be tox ic under certain co nd iti ons sha ll be in accorda nc e with t he reco mmend at ions of the ma nufacturer and in such a mann e r as to min imize hazard to personnel. It is the res pons ibility of the Cont rac tor to prov id e ap prop ri ate protect ive measu res to ensure t ha t mate ria ls are und er con t rol at all t imes and are not availab le to unauthorized person nel or an ima ls. All eq ui pment sh all be subj ect t o t he a pp rova l of the Eng ine er. On ly perso nn el thoroughly familiar wi t h the handl ing of the coating ma teria l shall perform the spray coating operations and coating installations. C. EXECUTION : 11/02/04 1. General: Protective coating shall not be installed until t he structure is comp let e and in place. 2. Prel iminary Repairs: 3. a . All fore ign materials shall be removed from t he inte ri or of the structu re using high pressure water spray (3500 psi to 4 000 psi at spray tip ). b. All un sea led lifting ho les, unsea led step ho les, and voi ds la rge r tha n app ro x ima te ly one-half (1/2) inch in thickn ess shall be fi lled w ith patch ing compound as recommended by the material suppli er for this app licat ion. c. After all rep a irs have been completed, remove all loose mate ria l. Protective Coating : ASC-36 - D. PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS a. The protective coating shall be applied to the structure from the bottom of the frame ta the bench, down to the top of the trough . The top of the structure shall also be coated. b. The protective coating shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure. 1) The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials and matter. 2) Place cavers over the invert to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewers . 3) If required for filling or leveling, apply specialty cement product to provide a smooth surface for the coasting material. • 4) Spray the urethane or epoxy onto the structure wall and bench/trough to a minimum uniform thickness of 125 mils (0.125 inches). Thickness ta be verifiable through the use of methods acceptable to the Engineer. After the walls are coated , the wooden bench covers shall be removed. 5) The final application shall have a minimum of three (3) hours cure time or be set hard to the touch , before being subjected to active f low. 6) No applications shall be made to frozen surfaces or if freezing is expected to occur inside the structure within 24 hours after a pplicatio n. 4. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes: Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are complete in accordance with the Section D-36 -VACUUM TESTING OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price Bid per vertical foot , measured from the bottom of the frame to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision , mate rials, equipment and material testing required to complete the work. Pressure grouting , if necessary to stop active infiltration prior to application of the protective coating , s hall be included in the above unit price . Grouting of the pipe seals, bench and trough , and lower portion of a particular structure , if required by the Engineer, shall be paid for sepa rately, as specified in Section DA-10 , MANHOLE REHABILITATION . DA-10 MANHOLE REHABILI T AT ION A. GENERAL 1. Scope . This section covers the rehabilitation of sanitary sewer manholes and other appurtenances in accordance with the Manhole Rehabilitation Details in the specifications . The rehabilitation requirements for each manhole are listed in the 11 10210 4 ASC -37 PART DA -ADDITIONAL S PECI AL CONDITI ONS Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule in the specifications . Manhole rehabilitation includes repairing, replacing , or restoring manhole frame & cov e r , frame seal , chimney , corbel , wall , bench , invert and/or pipe seal(s). The Contractor shall furnish all labor, superv1s1on , material s, equ ipment and testing required to complete the rehabilitation of the manholes listed in these Cont ract Documents . 2. General: Contractor is responsible for locating all m anholes scheduled for rehabilitation . Contractor shall notify City Engineer if a man hole cannot be located . Contractor shall contact City Engineer to determin e if materi als removed from rehabil itated manholes will remain the property of the Own er. If so , Contractor s hall coordinate when and where to deliver salvaged materia l to the Fort Worth Water Department. If not , Contractor shall be responsible for d ispo sal of material. Contractor shall provide watchmen , barricades and warning sig ns to protect his workers , inspectors, and the public . Contractor shall , at no additional cost to the Owner, replace any portion of an existing manhole that is damaged d uring rehabilitation of the manhol e. Contractor shall provide necessary means to prevent wa stew ater flow from contacting material used for rehabilitation prior to fully curing . Loo se an d bro ken brick and mo rtar shall be removed immediately from the manho le t o e liminate t he pos si b ility of piece s entering the sewer lines . 3. Submittals : a. Product Informat io n. Co ntractor shall submit manufacturer's information on p rodu ct s pro posed to be used that are not specifically named in the Contract Docu me nts. b. Person ne l Qua lifications . Prior to starting manhole coating , Contractor shall s ub mit q ual ificat ions of personnel that will be performing wall repa irs and coating procedures . Proposed personnel shall verify certification within the last two years by t he coating manu f actu re r and verify working on at least three projects w ith s imi lar coating within the previous 12 months. c. Work Schedule . Prior to beginning work on bench and invert replacements , complete manhole replacements , or construction of new ma intenance manholes, Contracto r s hal l submit for rev iew by Owner's Representa tive a plan for main taining wastewater flow without any interruptions . Contractor shall ma intain wastewater flow at all times. 4. Qua lity Assurance. Contractor wi ll be responsible for all testing laboratory services in co nne cti on with d ata requ ired for review of materials proposed to be used in the Work . Contract or shal l obt ain Engineer's acceptance of the testing laboratory be f ore ha vi ng se rvic es perfo rmed and shall pa y for all costs for testing. Owner may, at his discretion , perform quality con t ro l tests o n mate rials dur ing and after their incorpo rat ion in the Wo r k. If any of these tests fa il , Contractor will be responsible for co rrecting situat ion a nd sha ll pay fo r any retest. A ll costs for qua li ty assurance testing w ill be subsidiary to th e Work. 11/02104 ASC-38 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 5. Delivery , Storage , and Handling . Upon delivery, all material shall immediately be stored and protected un t il installed in the Work. All material shall be labe led and stored in accordance t o the manufa cturer's recommendat ions a nd all loca l, st ate , a nd federal regulations . 6 . Testing . All rehabilitated ma nholes shall be tested in acco rdance with Sect ion D-63 . B. MA T E RIALS 11102/04 1. Cle a ne rs: 2 . 3. 4 . 5 . Water Cle a ners Wall, Bench; Trou g h , Grouting , and Pipe Se a l Repa ir Hydraul ic Ce me nt Quick-setti ng Mo rt ar U rethane Gel Grout Cementitious Grout Material Activated Oakum Clean and free f rom delete rio us sub st ances . Detergen t, mu r ia t ic aci d o r a pproved equal. Strong -Seal Plu g , Penny Grout, IPA "Octocrete", or approved equal. Strong -Se a l QSR , Rapid Set , or a pproved equal. S co t c h-Seal "56 10 an d 561 2" or a pp roved equa l. Sauereisen Cements "F-100 Grout" o r a p p roved equal. 3M Scotch Sea l "5600" or approved equal. Two-Part Epoxy Adhe s ive Coating American C hemical Corp . "Aquatapoxy" or approved equal. Concrete Bonding Agent ThoroSea l "Acryl 60" or approved equal. Concrete External Manhole Coating Coal Tar Internal Manhole Coatings Non-cementitiou s Cementitiou s Frames, Covers, and Inserts Manhole Frames and Covers Watertight Manhole Frames and Covers Manhole Insert -Polyethylene ASC-39 Material in accordance with City of Fort Worth Water Department General Contract Documents. · Tnemec "46-450 Heavy Tnem e col", Kop Coat "B itumastic Black Solution", or approved equal. Sprayroq "Spray Wall" or Raven 405 . Standard Cement Materials "Reliner MSP" or Quadex "QM -1 s". McKin ley "Type N with indented top", Neenah "R1726A", or approved equal. Neenah "R1915-E , Type L" or a pproved e q ual. Corrosion -proof high density po lyethylene, 1/8 " thick in accordance w ith Fort W o rth W ater Department Genera l Standards E1 00- PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6. 7 . 8 . Manhole Insert -Stainless Steel Fiberglass Manhole Liner PVC Lined Concrete Wall Reconstruction Joint Material Adjustment Rings Bitumastic Gasket Material Bitumastic Trowelable Material 9. Miscellaneous Root inhibitor 4. Southwestern Packing & Seals, Inc., "T etherlok". Material in accordance with Section DA-15 of these specifications. Material in accordance with Section DA-16 of these specifications . Single-piece , precast concrete , ASTM C478, 2" min. thickness . RAM-N E K , EZ-STIK or approved equal. GS-702 compound or approved equal. Dichlobenil 2,6 -dichlorobensonitrile, or approved equal. C. EXEC UTION 1. Inspection. Prior to beginning the Work on a manhole , the Contractor shall inspect the manhole and notify City Engineer if actual conditions are in conflict with Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. After City Engineer rev is es schedu le , Contractor shall commence with Work. 2. Manhole Rehabilitation Repairs. Each manhole listed in the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule will be repaired with at least one of the following repair methods. T he requirements for each repair shall be completed as described in this section and as indicated on the Manhole Rehabilitation Details in the specifications . 11/02104 a. Cover/Frame/Frame Seal -Replacement. 1) Paved Areas : Make square full depth saw cut and remove the pavement to expose the entire manhole frame and exterior of manhole a minimum of 6 inches below the top of the structurally sound struct ure , keeping trench sides as vertical as possible . Remove the pavement by breaking out from saw cut toward the manhole to avoid breaking the frame. 2) Non-paved Areas: Excavate adjacent to the manhole to expose the entire frame to a minimum depth of 6 inches below the top of the structurally sound structure, keeping trench s ides as vertical as possible. Limit excavation to a 6-foot by 6-foot working area. Remove and replace the existing f rame, cover, and sealing material. Furnish bolt down frame and cover, if re quired by Manhole Rehabilitation Schedu le in the Specification s . If grade rings are broken, deteriorated, or loose , Contractor shall notify Engineer prior to placing manhole frame. Also , if manhole contains brick grade adjustments on top of concrete corbel or chimney , Contractor shall replace the brick grade adjustments with ASC-40 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS precast concrete rings in accordance with manhole grade ring replacements . 3) Clean exposed interior and exterior surfaces of the existing chimney and inspect for reuse . Wire brush and apply a concrete bonding agent and quick setting hydraulic cement to the top surface of the manhole to provide a smooth surface prior to installing new grade rings and bitumastic material.. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Surfaces between the frame , adjustments , and corbel sections shall be free of dirt and debris . Bitumastic gasket material (minimum Y:i inch thick) shall be placed in two concentric rings along the inside and outs ide edge of each joint or use bitumastic trowelable material. Butt joints of the two rows of bitumastic material shall be positioned opposite of each other. No steel shims , wood , stones , or any material not specifically accepted by the Engineer may be used to obtain final surface elevation of the manhole frame . In paved areas , fra mes s hall be installed so t he t op of t he casting will conform to th e s lope a nd finish elevation of the pa ve d su rfac e . Allowances for t he compression of t he b itum ast ic mate ri al s ha ll be made t o assure a proper fin al grade e lev ation. Man ho le rims in parkwa ys , lawns, o r other improved la nds s ha ll be at a n e lev ati on not mo re th an one ( 1) in c h nor less t han one-half (1/2) inc h a bo ve the surroun di ng g round. Bac kfill shall provi de a un iform slope from t he manhole frame for not less than t hre e (3) f eet ea c h direction to e x isting ground e levations . In draina g e areas , fram es sha ll be insta ll ed so the top of the cast ing will be at t he same elevation that existed prior to rehabi li tating the manhole . If the inside diameter of the ma n hole is too large t o safely suppo rt new g rad e adjustments or frame , the co r bel shall be replaced or a f lattop i nstalled prior to placing frame. T he exposed , exterior surfaces of manho le corbel, chimney , and fra me sh a ll be wire brushed and c oat ed with two coats of coal tar , 14 m il s OFT. T he grade adjustments sha ll be w rapped with a 6 mil polyethy lene s heet. In unpaved areas , backfill with excavated material and compact w ith me c hanical equipment. In pa ved areas , backfill with granular ma t eria l meeti ng requireme nts of Item 402 and Section E 1-2 to the li m its show n on figure s in Section H. A co nc rete collar sha ll be con structed in acc ordance w ith Fig ure 12 1. C oncrete col la rs will be req u ired on re habili t ated ma n ho les a nd new re placeme nt manho les as listed in the ma nhol e reha bilit ation schedule . C onstru cti o n of concrete collar will be paid for se pa rate ly fo r each m a nhole a nd shall inc lude surfa ce res toration (includ in g seedin g/s odd ing) a nd perm ane nt pavement re pair. Re pa ir of pave ment outs ide of 4 fo ot by 4 fo ot co ncrete co ll a r sha ll be eq ua l t o or su peri or in composit ion, thi ckness , AS C-41 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS etc., to existing pavement and/or as detailed in the Transportation and Public Works Department typical sections for Pavement and Trench Repair for Utility Cuts, Figures 1 through 5. Non-standard concrete collars s hall be constructed at locations authorized by the Engineer. b . Reseating/Sealing of Existing Frame -Work shall be done in accordance with Section D-27 , with the exception that the existing frame shall be reused . The frame and cover shall be inspected for any defects and notify the Owner's representative if it is damaged or deteriorated. All scale , dirt, and debris shall be removed from the existing casting with a wire brush . a . Grade Adjustment -All Work shall be done in accordance with Section D-27 , with the exception that the existing frame shall be raised or lowered to surrounding surface elevations in accordance with the Grade Adjustment Detail. 1) In brick ma nholes , remove and replace the defective chimney up t o a maximum of 24 inches below the frame. If chimney is defective below 24 inche s, Contractor sha ll notify Engineer prior to completing manhole re habili tat io n. 2) Existing defective concrete grade ring adjustments and all brick or block adjustments shall be replaced with precast concrete adjustment rings. 3) Where partial manhole replacement is required on the Manhole Rehabilitat ion Schedule, the following shall apply : a) b) c) d) e) The extent of partial manhole rep lacement sha ll be based on the depth of deterioration as determined by the Owner's Representative. The remaining structure shall be capable of supporting the newly constructed portions of the manhole . Excavate the work area to expose the entire depth of deterioration in the existing manhole to a minimum depth of 6 inches below the top of structurally-sound structure. Perform reconstruction to allow easy access into the manhole . No more than 12 inches of depth of precast concrete grade adjustment rings sha ll be a llowed to obtain proper grade. Perform reconstruction in accordance with the Partial Manhole Replacement Detail. Seal manhole joints in accordance with Section D-27. Precast corbel, or barre l sections may be used as necessary. The diameter of the precast sect ions shall be cons istent with the existing remaining structure. Place a flattop section on existing man hol e structure prior to setting precast sect io ns. Flattop sections sha ll not overhang existing manhole structures by more than 6 inches. If the clearance from the underside of the proposed flattop to the ASC-42 11/02104 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS manhole invert is less than 4 ~ feet, the manhole shall be completely replaced. f) Partial Manhole Replacement shall also include replacement of frame, cover, and sealing of frame and grade adjustments. g) Remove all debris from reconstruction from the manhole and dispose of properly. d. Interior Manhole Coating -Interior manhole coating shall meet the requirements of Section DA-12 , DA-13, DA-14 , DA-15, DA-16 and DA-17. e. Bench and Invert Rehabilitation 1) Remove existing deteriorated bench and invert material to solid material. Care shall be taken to avoid allowing broken pieces of brick and mortar to enter the sewer lines. 2) Apply concrete bonding agent and quick setting concrete to form a smooth surface and continuous invert with the sewer pipe . New bench and invert shall be formed i n accordance with repair Bench and Invert Rehabilitatio n Detail. f. Bench and Invert Replacement 1) Remove the existing bench and trough completely . If the existing trough is formed of sewer pipe laid continuously through the manhole, special care shall be taken to ensure that the pipe seal and the sewer pipe to remain is not damaged. Contractor shall, at no additional cost, replace any portion of the existing manhole or sewer pipe to remain that is damaged during bench and invert replacement. · 2) Install new bench and trough with Class A concrete in accordance with repair detail. Surface shall be troweled smooth and the invert of the trough shall form a continuous smooth flow path from pipes entering the manhole to where they exit. The bench and i nvert shall form a watertight seal with the manhole wall , pipe , and bench/trough area . 3) If the manhole base is deteriorated or nonexistent, the minimum thickness of the bench/trough shall be six inches . g . Removal of Existing Manhole -Work shall be conducted as specified in Section D- 29. h. Construct New Manhole 1) 2) Completely remove the existing manhole structure . Construct new manhole in accordance with Section D-27 of these specifications. Connect to existing sewers using flexible couplings. ASC -4 3 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3) Contractor shall maintain existing wastewater flows at all times . Contractor shall submit a plan for maintaining wastewater flows to the Engineer prior to beginning work. i. Pressure Grout Pipe Seals , Bench and Trough , and Lower Portion of Manhole 1) All work shall be done in accordance with Section DA-19 of these specifications. 2) Remove all foreign materials from the manhole walls around the pipe seal and within the pipe seal itself, including all loose and protruding brick, mortar and concrete . Stop active leaks using products specifically for that purpose . 3) Remove deteriorated area of the pipe seal to sound material. Apply bonding agent to area and place hydraulic cement to fill voids to form a watertight seal around pipe . 4) Drill holes around the pipe seal, bench/trough and lower portion of the manhole and inject urethane gel grout into holes in accordance with repair detail. Activated oakum rope shall be used to fill the injection hole after removal of the grouting probe. Patch the injection hole with hydraul ic cement and apply a water resistant two-part epoxy coating to the patch. Clean all grout from interior of manhole. · j. Manhole Step Removal -Remove existing manhole steps and fill voids with hydraulic cement in accordance with repair detail. k. Patch Holes -Clean and remove loose debris from holes to be patched . Apply bonding agent to surface of holes and fill voids with hydraulic cemen t in accordance with repair Patch Holes Detail. I. Watertight Manhole Insert -Install watertight gasketed manhole inserts as specified in Fort Worth Water Department Standard E 100-4 . m. Grout Flattop to Wall Joint -Injection holes shall be drilled through the manhole at 90 degree angles from each other within 4 inches of the bottom of the flattop. Provide additional holes near observed defects , if necessary . Urethane gel grout shall be injected through the ho les under pressure with a probe designed for this purpose . Injection pressure shall not cause damage to the manhole structure or surrounding surface features. Grouting from the ground surface will not be allowed . Grout travel shall be verified by observation of grout at defects or adjacent injectio n holes . Pro vide additional injection holes , if necessary , to ensure grout travel. Injection ho le s shall be cleared with a drill and patched wi t h a waterproof quick setting mortar. The flattop to wall joint shall be pressure washed, cleaned, filled with a non-shrink grout , and finished smooth . n. Fiberglass Manhole Insert -Work sha ll be conducted as specified in Section DA-18. 11102104 ASC-44 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS o . PVC Lined Concrete Wall Reconstruction -Work shall be conducted as specified in Section DA-19 . p. Point Repair to Replace Sewer Line, 6"-15" Diameter -This item shall apply at those locations indicated in the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule and those additional locations authorized by the Engineer. The Contractor shall excavate adjacent to the manhole to uncover the damaged sewer pipe . This pipe shall be carefully removed from the manhole to the first sound joint (maximum of 5 feet) of pipe. This pipe shall be replaced with SOR 35 PVC pipe of the same nominal size. This pipe shall be connected to the existing sewer using flexible co n nectors approved by the City . The connection of the new pipe to the manhole s hall be made using flexible gaskets meeting the requirements of ASTM C-923 , grouted into the manhole wall using non -shrink grout. Embedment material shall be installed around the pipe up to the pipe springline . Backfill material conforming to City specifications shall be placed and compacted as required. This item shall include surface restoration and permanent pavement repair . q. Bypass Pumping -The Contractor shall furnish and operate pumping equipment and piping as requ ired for bypass pumping necessary to complete any manhole replacement or rehabilitation work . D. MEASU REMENT A ND PAY MENT 1. Fra me and Cover Repl acem e nt: Pa yment for insta ll ati on of new manhole frame s and covers s hall be based on t he Co ntract un it price and the actual quantity installed . T he Co ntract unit pric e sha ll be f ull pay ment for the new manhole frame and cove r, ex c avati on , ins ta lla t ion of t he manhol e frame and cover, minor grade adjustment , backfill , an d demolit ion a nd dis pos al of waste materials . 2. G rade Ring Rep lace ment: Payment for insta ll ation of new grade rings s hall be based on t he Co nt ract unit pr ice and t he actual quantity of new grade rings installed . T he Cont ra ct u nit pr ic e shall be f ull payment for the new grade rings. All costs for install ing and sea li ng grade rings shall be included in the app licable Contract un it pric e for se aling of frame an d g rad e ri ngs. 3. Pa ved Frame and Grad e A dj ustment Sea ling: Payment for sealing manho le frames and grade ad ju stment ri ngs in pav ed area s shall be based on the Cont rac t unit price and th e actu al numb er of manhol es wh ere sea ling of the manho le fra me a nd/or grade adj ust ments in pa ved are requi red . The Contract unit price shall be fu ll pay ment for excavation , pavement rem ov al , sealing materials , installation of g ra de ri ng s, sealing , mino r grade adjustment, backfill , and demolit ion and disposal of waste mate rials. 4 . Non -Pa ved Fra me and Grade Adjust ment Sea ling : Payment for sealing manho le fr ame s and grade adj ust ment rin g s in no n-pa ved areas shall be based on th e Contract un it pr ice and t he actual nu mb e r of manholes where sealing of the manhol e fr ame and/or g rade ad ju st ments in non-paved are required . The Co ntract uni t pr ice s hall be full pa ym en t for excavation , sealing materia ls, install ation of gra de ring s, sea ling, minor g rade adjustment , backfill, surface res torat ion , a nd de mol it ion and disposal of waste materials . 11102104 ASC-45 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 5. Interior Manhole Coating : Payment for interior manhole coating shall be based on the Contract unit price where interior manhole coating is applied. The Contract unit price shall be full payment for surface preparation , interior coating of the corbel, wall and bench, and cleanup. 6. Pressure Grout Pipe Seals, Bench and Trough , and Lower Portion of Manhole: Payment for grouting pipe seals, bench and trough , and lower portion of the manhole shall be based upon the Contract unit price and the actual quantity of manholes where pipe seals, bench and trough and lowe r portion of the manhole were grouted . The Contract unit price shall be full payment for the preliminary repairs , rehabilitating the pipe seals , grout material, installation of the grout materials and cleanup. 7. Bench and Invert Rehabilitation ~ Payment for bench and invert rehabilitation shall be based upon the Contract unit price and the actual number of manholes where the bench and invert were rehabilitated . The Contract unit price shall be full payment for materials and bench and invert rehabilitation. 8. Bench and Invert Replacement: Payment for bench and invert replacemen t shall be based upon the Contract unit price and the actual quantity of manholes where the bench and invert were replaced. The Contract unit price shall be full payment for materials , installation of materials, and demolition and disposal of waste materials. 9. Patch Holes: Payment for patching holes shall be based upon the Contract unit price and the actual number of manholes that were patched . The Contract unit price shall be full payment for surface preparation, patching of the holes , and cleanup. This item is allowed for payment only when it is included in the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. Patching holes prior to interior coating of manholes is not a pay item. 10 . Manhole Step Removal: Payment for manhole step removal shall be based upon the Contract unit price per manhole and the actual number of manholes that had steps removed. The Contract unit price shall be full payment for removal and disposal of the steps and patching of the voids created by step removal. 11 . Watertight Manhole Insert : Payment for watertight manhole inserts of the respective type shall be based upon the Contract unit price and the actual number of inserts of each type installed . The Contract unit price shall be full payment for the watertight manhole insert and installation of the insert in the manhole . 12. New Sanitary Sewer Manhole: Payment shall be made as indicated in Measurement and Payment , Section D-27 in these specifications . This item shall include up to five (5) linear feet of new PVC pipe at each manhole pipe connection and connecting to the existing sewer . 13. Concrete Manhole Collars: ASC-46 1 1102/04 PART DA -ADDITIONAL S PECIAL CONDITIONS a. Paved Areas . Paymen t for manhole collars in paved areas shall be based on the Contract unit price and the actual quantity installed . The Contract unit price shall be full payment for labor, materials , pavement sawing , excavating , disposal of waste materials. Payment shall not include pavement replacement , wh ich if required , shall be paid separately . b. Non-Paved Areas . Pavement for manhole collars in non -paved areas shall be based on the Contract unit price and the actual quantity installed . The Contract unit price shall be full payment for labor, materials , excavation , disposal of waste mate rials , a nd surface restoration . 14. Partial Manhole Replacemen t: Payment for partial manhole replacement shall be based on the Contract unit price per vertical foot measured from the top of the frame to the top of the structurally sound existing manhole . The Contract unit price shall be full payment for furnishing all labor and materials necessary , including excavation and removal of the exist ing structure , replacement of the frame and cover , installat ion of new adjustment rings , flattop , corbel or wall sections, sealing , backfill ing , and unpaved surface restoratio n. Payment shall not include pavement replacement , whi c h if required , shall be paid separately . 15 . In teri or Corrosion Prote cti on : Pa ym ent sha ll be made as indi cate d in Measurement and Pa yment , Section DA-9 in these specifications. 16 . Grout Flattop to Manho le Wa ll Jo in t: Pa yment for grouting t he flatto p to manhol e wall joint sha ll be based upon the Contract unit price and the actua l numb e r of joints grouted . The Contract unit price shall be full payment for all material , la bor and cleanu p required to complete each joint grouting . 17 . Fiberglass Manhole Insert~ Payment sha ll be made as indicated in Measurement and Payment , Section DA-18 in these specifications . 18. PVC Li ned Co ncrete Wall Reconstruct ion : Payme nt shall be made as ind icated in Measurement and Payment, Section DA-19 in these specificat ions. 19 . Point Repa ir to Replace Sewer Line, 6" -15" Diameter: Paymen t for eac h poi nt re pair s hall be based upon the Co ntract un it pr ice for each manho le co nne cti on act ua lly repaired . The Co nt ract un it price shall be fu ll payment for all material, labor , and clea n up required to comp lete eac h manhole connectio n repair. 20. Flattop Rep lacement: Payment for each flattop replacement shall be based on the Contract unit price for each flattop actually rep laced . The Contra ct uni t p rice shall be payment in full for all labor, materia l, and cleanup requ ired to complete eac h flattop rep lace ment. Pa ym ent for frame a nd cover re p lacement, g rade rings , seali ng , and con crete manho le coll ar as re q u ire d to complete t he manhole rehab ilitati on w ill be pa id for se parate ly at the ap pli ca ble Con t ract Unit Prices . 21. By pass Pumping : A ll bypass pum pin g sha ll be a su bsidiary obligat ion of t he Contractor. All costs for bypass pump ing sha ll be inc luded in the Contract unit price for the items requiring bypass pump ing. ASC -47 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-11 SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE REHABILITATION A GENERAL: This item shall govern the preparation of surfaces for manhole rehabilitation. 8-CLEANING: 1. Covers (screens) shall be placed over the pipe inverts to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewer system. 2. All concrete that is not sound or has been damaged by chemical exposure shall be removed from the manhole. Loose and protruding brick, mortar and concrete shall be removed using a masonry hammer and chisel and/or scrapers. Existing roots and manhole steps shall be removed by cutting them flush with the wall of the manhole. 3. All contaminates including but not limited to: oils , grease , waxes, form release, curing compounds, efflorescence , sealers, salts, incompatible existing coatings , and all other contaminants shall be removed . 4 . Surfaces to receive protective coating shall be cleaned and abraded to produce a sound conc.retelbrick surface with adequate profile and porosity to provide a st rong bond between the protective coating and the substrate . All foreign materials shall be removed from the manhole interior using high pressure water spray (3500 psi to 4000 psi). Cleaning equipment shall have a pressure gauge that indicates the water pressure being used. 5. Detergent water cleaning, muriatic acid, and hot water blasting shall be used, if necessary, to remove dirt , oils, grease , and other matter which may prevent a goad bond of sealing material to the manhole surface . A mild chlorine sol ution (household bleach) may be used to neutralize the surface to diminish microbiological bacteria growth prior to final rinse and coating . C. PRELIMINARY REPAIRS 1. 2. 3. 11/02104 All unsealed lifting holes , unsealed step holes, voids larger than approximately one - half (1/2) inch in thickness shall be filled with patching compound at le ast one hour ( 1) prior to application of the first spray coat. Active leaks shall be stopped using City approved products specifically for that purpose and according to manufacturer's recommendation . Some leaks may require grouting to stop the inflow. Grouting shall be performed in accordance with City specifications and Section DA-20 -PRESSURE GROUTING . Bench area shall be built up if required to provide a uniform slope from the circumferences to the manhole trough. City approved cementitious patching . compounds or epoxy grout as recommended by manufacture shall be used . ASC-48 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITION S 4. After all repairs have been completed , all loose materia l shall be removed from the manhole. Contractor shall insure no material is allowed to enter the sewer system . 5. Contractor shall ensure the manhole is clear of all detergents a nd cle a ne rs and that all active infiltration has been stopped prior t o appli cation of p rotective. ma nhole coatings for rehabilitation . D. INSPECTION Applicator shall carefully inspect all surfaces prior to applicatio n of prot ect ive coa ting a nd shall notify Owner of any noticeable d isparity in the surlace whi ch may interfere w ith the proper performance of the repair mortar and protective coa t ing. E. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for Surface Preparation shall be considered subsidi a ry to the cast for Interior Manhole Coating or Protective Manhole Coating for Corrosio n Prot ectio n . DA-12 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATIN G -MIC ROSI LIC ATE MORTAR S Y STEM A. GENERAL 1. Scope -This secti on governs a ll work, materia ls and testing required for t he a pplicatio n of interior manho le coa tin g. Manho les designated for in t erior coating are listed on t he Ma nhol e Rehab il itation schedule. Interior manhole coating shall meet t he req uire men t s of this section or of Section DA-13, DA-14, DA-15, DA-16 or DA- 17 . 2. Descripti o n -The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labo r, su pervis ion, ma te ri als, equipment, a nd test ing required for the completion of interior coatin g of manho les in accordance w ith the Contract Documents. 3. Ma nuf acture rs Recommendations -Mat erials, m ixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in accordance with. manufacturers' reco mm endati ons. 4. Manholes -Ma nh oles to be coated are of brick, block, or concrete construction. Som e ma nho le s may have a cementitious sprayed or trowelled on coating over t he o rig ina l inte rior surface . B. MATERIALS 1. 2. 11 /02104 Scope -This section governs the materials required for completion of in terior coating of manho les. Inte ri o r Coating -Re li ner MSP pro pri etary pre-blended mixture of cementitious and pozzo lan ic mate rials , silica fume admixtu re, 100 percent po lypropy lene fibers and other se lected ingredients, as manufact ured by Standard Cement Materials. No materia l (o t her than clean potab le wate r) shall be used with or added to these st an d a rd prod ucts without prior approval or recommendation of the respective manufacturer. ASC-49 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3. Material Identification -Contractor shall completely identify the types of grout, mortar, patching compounds, sealant, and/or root control chemicals used and provide case histories of successful use or defend the choice of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties , ease of application, and expected performance , to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 4. Mixing and Handling -Mixing and handling of interior coating, wh.ich may be toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel . It is the res ponsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure th at materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Eng ineer. Only personnel thoroughly familiar with the handling and application of the coating material shall perform the coating operations. C. EXECUT ION 11/02104 1. Genera l -Manhole coating shall not be performed until replacement of man hole covers, sealing of manhole frame and grade adjustments, partial man hole replacement, or concrete collar construction is complete . 2 . Temperature -Normal interior coating operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40°F or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours . If ambient temperatures are in excess of 90°F, precautions shall be taken to keep mixing water below 85°F, using ice if necessary . 3. Interior Manhole Coating a. The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the top of the corbel or flattop to t he bench/trough, including the bench/trough. b. The interior coating shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure . 1) The surface preparation shall comply with the requirements of Section DA-11 , SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE REHABILITATION. 2) The surface prior to application shall be damp without noticeable free water droplets or running water. Reliner MSP material shall be spray applied (using a manufacturer approved machine) to a minimum uniform thickness of 1-inch minimum . Troweling shall begin immediately following the spray application. The trowelled surface shall be smooth with no evidence of previous void areas . After the walls are coated, the wooden bench cavers shall be removed and the bench sprayed with Reliner MSP material in such a manner as to produce a bench having a gradual slope from the walls ASC -50 ,, PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS to the invert with the wall/bench intersection built up and rounded to a uniform radius for the full circumference of the intersection. The thickness of the bench shall be no less than 1-inch at the invert and shall increase in the direction of the wall so as to provide the required slope. 3) The final application shall have a minimum of four (4) hours cure time before being subjected to active flaw. Ambient conditions in the manhole are adequate for curing as long as the manhole is covered. 4) Traffic shall not be allowed over manholes for 24 hours after reconstruction is complete . 4. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a. Testing of rehabilitated manholes far watertightness shall be performed by the contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section DA- 21 . b. At least two 3-inch diameter x 6-inch tall cylinders of the coating material shall be taken from each days work with the date, location and job recorded on each. The cylinders shall be sent to a certified testing laboratory for testin g . A compression test will be made per ASTM C780 or ASTM C-10, as recommended by the material manufacturer, and the results will be furnished to the Engineer and Owner on request. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per vertical foot, measured from the top of the corbel or flattop to the top of the bench . The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equi pment and all material testing necessary to complete the work. Grouting, if necessary, shall be included in the above unit price. Grouting of the pipe seals, bench and trough , and lower portion of a particular manhole, if required by Manhole Rehabilitation Work Schedule or required to be done by the Engineer, shall be paid for separately at the Contract Unit Price. DA-13 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -QUADEX SYSTEM A. GENERAL 11/02104 1. Scope This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the application of interior manhole coating. Manholes designated for interior coating are listed the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. Interior manhole coating shall meet the requirements of this Section or of Section DA-12, DA-14, DA-15, DA-16 or DA-17. 2 . Description ASC-.51 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, and testing required for the completion of interior coating of manholes in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. Manufacturers Recommendations Materials, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations . 4. Manholes Manholes to be coated are of brick, block, or concrete construction. Some manholes may have a cementitious sprayed or trowelled on coating over the original interior surface. B. MATERIALS 1. Scope This section governs the materials required for completion of interior coating of manholes. 2. Interior Coating Quadex QM-1 s and Quadex Excel proprietary pre-blended cement based synthetic granite (Donnafill) enhanced polypropylene fiber reinforced coatings as manufactured by Quadex, Inc. No material (other than clean potable water) shall be used with or added to Quadex QM-1 s or Quadex Excel without prior approval or recommendation from Quadex, Inc. 3 . Material Identification Contractor shall completely identify the types of grout, mortar, patching compounds, sea lant, and/or root control chemicals used and provide case histories of successful use or defend the choice of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties , ease of application , and expected performance, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 4. Mixing and Handling Mixing and handling of interior coating , which may be toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals . All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly familiar with the handling of the coating material shall perform the coating operations. C . EXECUTION 11102104 ASC-52 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. General Manhole coating shall not be performed until replacement of manhole covers, sealing of manhole frame and grade adjustments, partial manhole replacement, or concrete collar construction is complete. 2. Temperature Normal interior coating operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40°F or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours. If ambient temperatures are in excess of 90°F, precautions shall be taken to keep mixing water below 85°F, using ice if necessary. 3. Interior Manhole Coating a. The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the top of the corbel or flattop to the bench/trough, including the bench/trough. b. The interior coating shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure. 1) The surface preparation shall comply with the requirements of Section DA-11, SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE . REHABILIATATION. 2) The surface prior to application shall be damp without noticeable free water droplets or running water. QM-1 s material shall be spray applied (using a Quadex Model 9000 application machine or manufacturer approved equal) to a minimum uniform thickness of 1- inch minimum. Troweling shall begin immediately following the spray application. The trowelled surface shall be smooth with no evidence of previous void areas. 3) The final application shall have a minimum of four (4) hours cure time before being subjected to active flaw. Ambient conditions in the manhole are adequate for curing as long as the manhole is covered. 4) Traffic shall not be allowed over manholes for 12 hours after reconstruction is complete. 4. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a. b . Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by the contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section DA- 21 . At least two 3-inch diameter x 6-inch tall cylinders of the coating material shall be taken from each days work with the date, location and job recorded on each . The cylinders shall be sent to a certified testing laboratory for ASC-53 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS testing. A compression test will be made per ASTM C780 , and the results will be furnished to the Engineer and Owner on request. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per vert ical foot measured from the top of the corbel. or flattop to the top of the bench . The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervis ion , materials , equipment and all material testing necessary to complete the work. Grouting , if necessary to stop active leaks in manhole wall areas, shall be included in the above unit price . Grouting of the p ipe seals, bench and trough , and lower portion of a particular manhole , if requi red by the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule or required to be done by the Eng ineer, shall be paid for separately at the Contract Un it Price. DA-14 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -SPRAY WALL SYSTEM A . GENERAL 1. Scape Thi s section governs all work , mate rials a nd testing req u ire d fo r the a pp licatio n of in terior man hole coating . Ma nho le s de signated fo r interi o r coating a re listed on t he Manhole Rehabilitation S chedule . Interior manho le coat ing shall meet th e requ ire ments of this Secti o n or of Se cti o n DA-12, DA-13, DA -15, DA-16 or DA-17. 2. Description T he Contractor sh all be res pon s ibl e for t he f urni s hin g of all lab o r, superv1s 1an, materia ls, equipmen t, and test ing required for the completion of interior coating of man holes in accordance w it h the Contract Docu ments . 3. Manufact urer's Recomme ndations Mate rials , mixt ure ra tios, a nd procedures utilized for the coating process sha ll be in accord a nce with ma nufact urer's recommendations. 4. Man ho le s Manh o les to be coa t ed are of brick, block, or conc rete construction . All manholes s ha ll ha ve a minimum of o ne-half (1/2) inch spec ialty cement-based coating material (Q uadex QM-1 s o r Relin e r MSP) spraye d or trowelled on coating over the original interior surface. B. MATERIALS 1 1/02104 1. Scope This section governs the materials required for completion of interior coating of manholes. ASC-54 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. Interior Coating The interior coating shall be a proprietary two component, 100 percent solids, rigid polyurethane system designated as Spray Wall as manufactured by Sprayroq, Inc. 3. Specialty Cement The specialty cement-based coating material shall be either Quadex QM-1s as manufactured by Quadex. Inc. or Refiner MSP as manufactured by Standard Cement Materials. 4. Material Identification The interior manhole coating material sprayed onto the surface of the manhole shall be a urethane resin system formulated for the application to a sanitary sewer environment. The spray system shall exhibit the physical properties as follows: Property Tensile Strength Flexural Stress Flexural Modulus 5. Mixing and Handling Standard ASTM D-638 ASTM D-790 ASTM D-790 long Term Value 5,000 psi 10,000 psi 550,000 psi Mixing and handling of specialty cement material and interior coating material, which may be toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly familiar with the handling of the coating material shall perform the spray coating operations and coating installations . C . EXECUTION 11/02104 1. General Manhole coating shal.l not be installed until sealing of manhole frame and grade adjustments, or partial manhole replacement when required for the manhole per the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule, is complete. 2 . Temperature 3 . Normal interior coating operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40°F or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours . Interior Manhole Coating ASC-55 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS a. The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the bottom of the frame to the bench , down to the top of the trough . b. The interior coating shall be installed in accordance with the manufactu rer's recommendations and the following procedure. 1) The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials and matter. Cleaning shall be accomplished by using high pressure water spray (min imum 3500 psi at spray tip), cleaning with muriatic acid , degreaser, or other solvents as needed in order to remove any film or residue on the surface . 2} Place covers over the invert to prevent extraneous material f rom entering the sewers. 3) Apply a minim um of one-half (1/2} inch specialty cement product (Quadex QM-1 s or Refiner MSP) smooth surface for the urethane co ati ng material. 4 ) S pray the urethane onto t he ma nhole wa ll and bench/t ro ugh w ith a mi nimum t hickness of 125 mi ls (0 .125 inches). Thi ckn ess to be verifiable t hro ugh t he us e of met hods acceptable to t he E ng inee r. 5) Coat trough are a wi t h special ty ce ment prod uct (Q uadex QM-1 s or Re li ner MSP). 1 . Testing of Re ha bilit at ed Ma nho les a . Testing of re habili tated man ho les fo r w atertightness shall be perfo r med by the Contractor aft er operations a re complete in acco rd an ce with Section DA- 21. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYME NT Payment shall be based on t he Contract Unit Price per verti cal foot, measured from the bottom of the fram e to t he top of t he bench. The Contra ct Unit Pri ce sha ll be pay ment in full for perfo rmin g th e w o rk a nd fo r fu rni s hi ng a ll la bo r, s upervi sio n, materia ls, equi pme nt and materia l test ing requi red to co mplete the work. G ro uti ng , if necessary, shall be included in the a bo ve unit price . Grout in g of the pi pe sea ls , be nch and trough, and lower portion of a parti c ular manhole, if required by Manho le Re habilit atio n Work Schedule or required to be done by the Eng inee r, shall be pa id for separate ly at the Contract Unit Price . DA-15 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -RAVEN LINING SYSTEM A. GENERAL 1. Scope 11/0210 4 ASC-56 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the application of interior manhole coating. Manholes designated for interior coating a re listed of the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule, listed in Section I. Interior manhole coating shall meet the requirements of this Section, or of Section DA-12 , DA-13 , DA-14 , DA-16 or DA-17 . 2 . Description The Contractor shall be responsible fo r the fu rni s hing of all labor, s upe rv1 s 1on, materials, equipment, and testing required for th e co m p letion of interior coa t ing of manholes in accordance with the Contract Document s . 3 . Manufacturer's Recommendations Materials, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating p rocess s ha ll be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Manholes Manholes to be coated a re of b rick, b loc k , or concrete const ruction . All manholes shall h ave a m inim u m of o ne-ha lf (1/2 ) specialty cement -based coating material (Quadex QM-1 s or Relin e r MSP) s prayed or trowelled on coatin g over the origi nal inte rio r surface . B . MATERIALS 1 1/0 2104 1. Scape T his section governs th e materia ls required for completion of interior coating of manholes . 2. Interi or Coating R ave n U lt ra High-Bu il d e poxy Coati ng, a two-part epoxy res in system using 100% soli ds ba sed epoxy binde r w ith fibrous and flake fillers, is manufactured by Raven Li n ing systems and des ignated as Raven 405. 3 . · Specia lty Ce ment The specia lty ce ment-based coating material shall be either Quadex QM-1s as ma n ufactured by Quadex, Inc. or Reliner MSP as manufactured by Standard Cement Mate ri a ls . 4. Mat erial Ide nt ificatio n Cont ractors w ill com pl etel y identify th e types of g rout, mort ar, sealant , and/or root c ontrol chemica ls p roposed a nd p rovide c ase histories of s uccessful use or defend the c h oi ce of grouting mate ria ls based on c hemica l and ph ysical propert ies, ease of applicat ion , a nd expected performance. These grouting materials shall be c ompati ble w ith Rave n 405 in t erio r coat ing . The contractor shall be responsible for ASC-57 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS getting approval from Raven Lining systems and/or the grout manufacturers for the use of these grouting materials. 5. Mixing and Handling Mixing and handling of interior coating, which may be toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals . All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Coating shall be performed only by certified applicators approved by the manufacturers. C. EXECUTION 11 /02104 1. General Manhole coating shall not be performed until sealing of manhole from frame and grade adjustments , partial manhole replacement, manhole grouting or sewer replacement/repairs are complete. 2. T emperatures Normal interior coating operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40°F or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours . 3. Interior Manhole Coating a . Manhole s scheduled for interior coating are shown on the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole fr om the bottom of the manhole frame to the bench/trough , including the be nch/tro ugh . b . T he interior coating shall be installed in accordance with the manufactu rer's reco mme ndatio ns a nd t he follow ing procedure. 1) 2 ) 3) Th e surface preparation shall comply with the requirements of Section DA-11, SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE RESTORATION . Apply a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch specialty cement-based product (Quadex QM-1 s or Reliner MSP) smooth surface for the urethane coating material. The surface prior to application may be damp but shall not have noticeable free water droplets seeping or running water. Material shall be spray applied per manufacturer's recommendations wi t h a minimum thickness of 125 mils (0.125 inch). AS C-58 - - - - - D . 4. PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4) After the walls are coate-d, the wooden bench covers shall be removed and the bench sprayed to the same average and minimum thickness as required for the walls. 5) The final application shall have a minimum of three (3) hours cure time or be set hard to the touch, before being subjected to active flow. 6) No applications shall be made to frozen surfaces or if freezing is expected to occur in side the manhole within 24 hours after application . Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a . b . After the epoxy liner has set (hard to touch), all visible pinholes shall be repaired. Repairs shall be made by lightly abrading the surface and brushing the lining material over the area. All blisters and evidence of uneven cover shall be repaired according to the manufacturer's recommendations . Spot check of coating thickness may be made by Owner's Representative, and the contractor shall repair these areas as required , at no additional cost to the Owner. Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section DA- 21 -VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITATED MANHOLES. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per vertical foot, measured from the bottom of the frame to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment all testing necessary to complete the work. Payment for grouting of pipe seals , ben~h and trough and manhole walls shall be based on the Contract Unit Price for each manhole actually grouted. DA-16 INT ERIOR MANHOLE COATING: PERMACAST SYSTEM WITH EPOXY LINER A. GENERAL This section prescribes the minimum standards for the safe and efficient rehabilitation of sewer structures, utilizing Permacast with Epoxy Liner. B . MATERIALS 1. 11102104 Leak Plugging Leak Plugging of the same or greater strength than the Liner Mix and/or chemical grouts may be used. If water pressures are severe , the contractor may drill relief holes at the bottom of the manhole wall to concentrate the leaks before plugging . ASC-59 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. Patching Mix Voids which have not compromised the structure in its overall soundness must be filled prior to lining with materials of the same or greater strength than the Liner Mix. 3. Liner Mix Shall be densely compacted, Reliner Microsilicate cement mortar, Quadex QM-ls and Quadex Excel cement mortar, or approved equal, applied uniformly at a minimum thickness of }'2 inch. Liner Mixes shall attain strengths as follows: Compressive ASTM C-109 Flexural ASTM C-295 Elasticity ASTM C-469 24 HOURS 3500 psi 650 psi 180,000 psi 28 DAYS 10,000 psi 800 psi 1,150,000 psi It shall be delivered in factory prepared packaging suitable for mixing with just the addition of clean water in the prescribed dosage. No additives shall be used at the site without prior approval. All visible leaks must be plugged prior to application of the cementitious liner with quick setting , non-shrink hydraulic cement mortar. C . EXECUTION 1 1/0210 4 1. Mixing The manufacture's published technical specifications and directions for proportioning and mixing shall be strictly followed by the·certified applicator. 2. Equipment Equipment shall be as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure proper mixing and pumping of the mortar and shall be clean and in good working order according to the manufacture's published recommendations for safe operation. Only factory certified workers shall operate with a controllable retrieval method shall be used to produce a uniform and dense a pplication w ithout the need to t rowel which can weaken the mortar. 3 . Application Once prepared , the application shall commence, in accord with the manufacturer's recommended procedures and in the presence of the owner's inspector in a single application to the prescribed thickness (1/2 inch or greater) without delay or interruption in order to produce a uniform and monolithic liner. Multiple layers with time between for drying are not allowed. Once completed, the manhole shall be covered to prevent air drying . A SC-60 - - - 4. PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Testing & Verification Testing of rehabilitated manholes for water tightness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section DA-21. The owner's inspector shall verify the thickness with a wet gauge. Any area found to less than the minimum prescribed thickness shall. result in the minimum prescribed thickness shall result in the immediate relining of the entire interior. Two test cubes shall be made from each day's mix and tested for strength verification. D. CORROSION PREVENTION E . 11 /02104 1. Preparation &. Procedure The liner shall be applied to the prepared interior as specified in proceeding sections at ~ inch thickness. 2 Protective Coating The protective coating shall be a 100% solids epoxy with no volatile organic compounds and white in color to optimize visual inspection. Minimum physical properties shall be: Hardness Tensile Strength Compressive Strength Flexural Strength ASTM D-2240 ASTM D-63860 ASTM D-69544 ASTM D-790581 65 Shore D 10,000 psi 15,000 psi 1,000 psi It shall be uniformly spray applied or centrifugally cast onto the fresh mortar before new bacterial g rowth can contaminate the underlying mortar. It shall have a minimum thickness of 125 mils and shall not run or sag during placement. 3. Safety 4. If personnel are required to enter the confined space during the application procedure , each and all OSHA requirements as well as those required by the manufacturer's material sa fety data sheets shall be complied with fully . Testing & Verification The interior shall be visually inspected for thoroughness of coverage. When dry to the touch, the entire interior shall be tested with a Tinker & Rasor holiday detector at the prescribed voltage to verify thickness and locate pinholes if any. Deficiencies shall be immediately corrected and retested . MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ASC-61 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per vertical foot. measured from the bottom of the frame to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment all testing necessary to complete the work. Payment for grouting of pipe seals , bench and trough and manhol.e walls shall be based on the Contract Unit Price for each manhole actually grouted . DA-17 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING-STRONG-SEAL-SYSTEM A. GENERAL 1. Scape. This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the application of interior manhole coating . Manholes designated for interior coating are listed in the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule, listed in Part 1. Interior manhole coating shall meet the requirements of this Section or of Section DA-12, DA-13, DA-14, DA-15 or DA-16. 2. Description. The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, and testing required for the completion of interior coating of manholes in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. Manufacturers Recommendations. Materials, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process sha ll be in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. 4. Manholes . Manholes to be coated are of brick, block, or concrete construction . Some manholes may have a cementitious sprayed or trowelled-on coating over the original interior surface . B. MATERIALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 11/02104 Scope. This section governs the materials required for completion of interior coating of manholes. Interior Coating. Strong-Seal Systems MS-2A , factory-blended , cement-based , fiber-reinforced coating as manufactured by Strong-Seal Systems of Pine Bluff, AR. No material ( other than clean potable water) shall be used with or added to Strong -Seal MS-2A without prior approval or recommendation from Strong-Seal Systems. Material Identification. Contractor shall completely identify the types of grout, mortar, patching compounds, sealant, and /or root control chemicals used and provide case histories of successful use or defend the choice of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties, ease of application , and expected performance, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Mixing and Handling. Mixing and handling of interior coating, which may be toxic under certain conditions, shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the ASC-62 iiiil - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available ta unauthorized personnel or animals . All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly familiar with the handling of the coating material shall perform the coating operations. C. EXECUTION : 11/02104 1. General. Manhole coating shall not be performed until replacement of manhole covers, sealing of manhole frame and grade adjustments, partial manhole replacement, or concrete collar construction is complete. 2 . Preliminary Repairs 3. 4. a) All foreign materials shall removed from the manhole interior using high pressure water spray (minimum 3500 psi). Loose and protruding brick, mortar, and concrete shall be removed using a masonry hammer and chisel and/or scrapers . Existing roots and manhole steps shall be removed by cutting them 1 v below the surface of the manhole. b) All unsealed lifting holes, unsealed step holes, voids larger than approximately one -half ( 1 /2) inch in thickness shall be filled with rapid- setting, trowel -applied patching compound prior to spray application of the MS-2A coating. c) Active leaks shall be stopped using rapid-setting hydraulic cement products specifically for that purpose and according to manufacturer's recommendation . Same leaks may require grouting to stop the inflow. Grouting shall be performed in accordance with Section DA-20. Contact Strong-Seal Systems for grouting recommendations. ct) After all repairs have been completed, remove all loose material. Temperature . Normal interior coating operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40 Degrees F or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours. If ambient temperatures are in excess of 90 Degrees F, precautions shall be taken to keep mixing water below 85 Degrees F, using ice if necessary . Interior Manhole Coating a) The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the top of the bench/trough to the top of the corbel or flattop, including the bench/trough . b) The interior coating shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure . (1) The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials and matter. Cleaning shall be accomplished by using high pressure water spray (minimum 3500 psi). ASC -63 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS (2) Place covers over invert to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewer. (3) The surface prior to application shall be damp without noticeable free water droplets or running water. MS-2A material shall be spray applied (using a manufacturer approved application machine) to a uniform thickness of 1" minimum. Troweling shall begin immediately following the spray application. The trowelled surface shall be smooth with no evidence of previous void areas. (4) The application shall have a minimum of four hours (4) cure time before being subjected to active normal flaws. Ambient conditions in the manhole are adequate for curing as long as the manhole is covered. (5) Traffic shall not be allowed over manholes for 12 hours after reconstruction is complete. 5. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a) Testing of rehabilitated manholes for water-tightness shall be performed by the contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section DA -21 . b ) At least four (4) 2-inch cubes of the coating material shall be taken f rom each day 's work with the date, location and job recorded on each . The cubes shall be sent to Strong-Seal Systems, Pine Bluff, AR, for test ing . A compression test will be made according to ASTM C-109 , and the results w ill be furn is hed to the engineer and the owner. D. MEASUREME NT A N D PA Y ME NT Pay ment shall be ba sed an t he Contract Unit Price per each manhole coated. The Contract Unit Price s hall be payment in f ull for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supe rv ision , materials , equipment and material testing necessary to complete the work . G rou t ing , if necess a ry to stop active leaks in manhole well areas, shall be included in the above unit pr ice. Grouting of the pipe seals , bench and trough, and lower portion of a particular manhole , if required by the Manhole Rehabilitation Work Schedule or required to be don e by th e Engi nee r, shall be paid for separately . DA-18 RIGID FIBERGLASS MANHOL E LI NERS A. GE NERAL 11102104 This item shall govern th e furnishing and installation of rigid fiberglass liners in existing brick or concrete manhole s . The manholes to be rehabilitated using fiberglass liners , and the interior diameter and depth of the liner are listed in the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. The locations of these manholes are shown on the drawings . Rigid Fiberg lass Liners shall be as manufactured by L.F. Manufacturing , Inc ., of Giddings , Texas; Associated Fiberglass Engineers , of Fort Worth , Texas; or approved equal. The A SC-64 - - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS installation at each manhole shall include the preparation of the existing manhole to receive the fiberglass liner, installation of the liner, grouting the annular space between the existing structure and the liner, and backfilling around the new fiberglass corbel section. B. MA TE RIALS 1. General. Fiberglass reinforced polyester manhole liners shall be manufactured from commercial grade polyester resin or vinyl ester resin, with fiberglass reinforcements. All liners shall meet the requirements of ASTM 03753 and this specification. Fillers, when used, shall be inert to the environment. The fiberglass shall be suitable for atmospheres containing hydrogen sulfide and dilute sulfuric acid as well as other gasses associated with wastewater collection systems . 2. Reinforcing . The reinforcing materials shall be commercial grade E type glass in the form of continuous roving and chop roving. The coupling agent will provide a suitable bond between the glass reinforcements and the resin. C . DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1110 2/04 1. Manholes shall have sufficient strength to withstand an AASHTO H-20 dynamic loading. This shall be verified by acceptable test results performed in accordance with the reference standard. 2 . The manhole cylinder and the hemispherical reducer (corbel) shall be preassembled at the factory into a monolithic unit by overlaying the joint with fiberglass reinforced resin to a thickness equal to or greater than the wall thickness of the cylinder . Field jointing is not permitted . Corbel section shall be concentric with respect to the larger cylinder, unless otherwise approved by the E ngineer. 3. T he manhole cylinder shall have the minimum pipe stiffness values shown in the table below when tested in accordance with the reference standard : 4. 5 . Length - Ft. F/AY -Psi 3.0 6 .5 0.75 7 .0 12 .5 1.26 13.0 20.5 2.01 21 .0 25 .5 3.02 26.0 35.0 5.24 Diameter tolerance . Inside diameter tolerances shall be +/-1 % of the required inside diameter. UV Inhibitor. The exterior surface of the manhole liner shall be UV-protected using grey pigments in the resin . ASC -6 5 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6 . Interior Surfacing Material. The inner surface exposed to the sewer environment shall be a resin -rich layer 0 .010 to 0.020 inch thick followed by a minimum of two passes of chopped roving of minimum length 0.5 inch to maximum length of 2.0 inch , applied uni formly to an equivalent weight of 3 oz./ft2. Each pass of chopped roving shall be well rolled prior to the application of additional reinforcement. The combined thickness of the inner surface and interior layer shall not be less than 0 .1 0 inch 7. The entire fiberglass assembly at each manhole shall be fabricated so tha t no more than twelve inches of concrete adjusting rings will be required to bring the top of the manhole fra me/cover to the required elevation . D. CLEANING 1. Covers (screens) shall be placed over the pipe inverts to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewer system . 2 . Existing roots and manhole step s shall be removed by cutting them flush with the manhole wall. 3 . All foreign materials shall be rem oved from the manhole wall using high pressure water spray (3500 -4000 psi). Cleaning equipment s hall have a pressure gauge that indicates the wate r pressure be ing use d . E . PRELIMINARY REPAIRS 1. Act ive leaks shall be stopped using City-approved products specifica lly formulated for that purpose and according to manufacturer's recomme ndation . Some leaks may require exterior grouting to stop the inflow. Grouting shall be performed in accordance with Section DA-20 -PRESSURE GROUTING. 2. After all repairs have been completed, all loose materials shall be removed fro m the manhole . No material shall be allowed to enter the sewer system. F. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 11 /02104 Excavate around the top of the existing manhole and remove the manhole frame and cover, brick or concrete adjustments, and corbe l section. If the ex isting manhole is poured concrete , the corbel section shall be removed using methods which wi ll not damage the lower manhole barrel. Brick and precast concrete corbels shall be removed to the top of the manhole barrel section After cleaning and preliminary repairs are completed on the existing manhole, the rigid fiberglass liner shall be insta lled in accordance with the construction drawings . The bottom of the manhole liner shall be cut to fit the existing manhole base and pipe entrances . Cuts shall be accurately made w ith a suitable power saw . T he manhole lin er shall be lowered into the existing manhole and set into wet , Class D concrete mix on the benches. A good bottom sea l shall be obtained in order to prevent ASC-66 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS loss of grout from the annular space between the outside of the manhole liner and the interior of the existing manhole . A 6-inch lift of quick-setting grout shall be placed above t he initial bottom seal to ensure adequacy of the bottom seal. Existing pipes shall be bridged with short lengths of PVC or fiberglass pipes and sealed as detailed in the construction drawings. T he annular void between the manhole liner and the existing manhole shall be filled with a 4 ,000 psi at 28-days strength cementitious grout mixture . The grout mixture shall consist of Portland cement and sand . The actual design mix showing the proportions of each component and admixtures , if any , shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Ce llular grou t s containing the same materials as cementitious grout, blended with pre- ge nerated aqueous foam to form macroscopic non -interconnected air cells uniformly distributed throughout the grout mc1y also be used . Foam shall be added onsite by an ex perienced foam contractor. After t he annulus and perimeter of the manhole liner is grouted , concrete adjustment rings shall be placed on top of the liner corbel section to bring the frame and cover to finish g rade . Seal adjustment rings and frame per Section DA-10 requirements . T he manhole corbel section s hall be backfilled with sand or granular material as recom mended by the manufacturer and approved by the C ity . The re maining excavation sha ll be bac kfi ll ed as requ ired in Section D-24 , Trench Ex cava t ion , Backfill and Compa cti on. A conc rete co lla r s ha ll be constructed if requi red in the Manhole Reha bilita t io n Schedu le . G. TESTING After the manho le liner insta ll ation is co mpl ete an d all ad j ustment rings and the frame and cover are inst all ed, the manho le s ha ll be va cuum tested as requ ired by Section DA-21 , VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITA TED MA NH OLES. Any leakage into the manhole shall be stopped. H. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1. The Contract Unit Price for rigid fibe rg lass manhole inserts sha ll inc lude all labor, equipment, and materia ls necessary fo r t he comp lete construction of the manhole inse rt , inclu ding backfilli ng . T he pa y qua nti ty sha ll be measured from the bottom of t he fib erg lass ba rrel se cti on to t he top of th e fi be rglass co rbel. 2 . Paymen t for exterior grout ing of ma nh o le walls necessary to stop infiltration will be at the Contract Unit Price for manhole grouting . 3 . Pa yme nt fo r ste p remo val, furnishin g and sealing concrete adjusting rings and the ring and cover, and concrete co ll a r, will be at the app licab le Contract Un it Prices . DA-19 PVC LINED CONCRETE WALL RECONSTRUCTION A. GENERAL 11 /02104 This ite m shall g overn t he furnishi ng and in st all at io n of a plast ic liner integrally cast into concrete cas t wi t hin the ex isting ma nhol e st ructu re . T he concrete sha ll have a nomi na l ASC -67 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS thickness of 3-inches placed by using an internal form system that can be installed without excavation or removing portions of the manhole . The manholes to be rehabilitated using PVC lined concrete wall reconstruction and the interior diameter and depth of the liner are listed in the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. The locations of these manholes are shown on the drawings . B. MATERIALS The forms used for placing the concrete shall be segmented , stackable steel forms having cylindrical and conical sect ions . The forms shall be shaped to accommodate placement of concrete in manholes with eccentric cones , concentric cones , or flattop ceilings. When assembled , the forms shall be of sufficient stiffness and strength to prevent shifting or c ollapse during the placement and curing of t he concrete . The assembled forms shall have sufficient size to provide the max imum interior manhole space while providing the minimum required concrete wall thickness . C oncrete shall be C lass F concrete (4000 psi @ 28-day) with a coarse aggregate no greater than 5/8 inch . Fibermesh fibers (1-1/2 lb/cy of concrete), anti-bacterial agent (Con S hield or equal), an d a superplasticizer s hall be added to the concrete on-site prior to placing the concret e in th e fo rms . The p las tic li ne r shall be Ame r-P late 95Y T-Lock as man ufac tured by Ameren Co rrosion Control Di vis ion , Brea , Ca lifornia or equal. T he mini mu m t hick ness sha ll be 65 mil s. C . CLEANING 1. Covers (screens) shall be placed over t he pipe in verts to pre ven t extran e ou s ma te rial fr om entering the sewer syste m. 2. Existin g roots and manhole steps sha ll be rem ove d by cutti ng them f lu s h w ith th e manho le wall. 3. All fore ign materials shall be removed from the manho le wa ll using high pres sure water spray (3500 -4000 psi). Cleaning equipme nt sha ll have a pre ssure gau ge t hat ind icates the water pressure being used. D. PRELIM INA RY REPAIRS 1. Act iv e lea ks shall be stopped using City-ap pr ove d p ro du ct s s pec ifi cally formu lated for that pur pose and ac co rding to ma nufa cture r's recomm endat ion. Some leaks may req uire exterior gro ut ing to stop the inflow. Groutin g sha ll be performed in accordance with Section DA-20 -PRESSURE GRO UTING. 2 . Aft er all repairs have been comp leted , all lo ose materia ls s ha ll be remo ved from the manho le. No excess material sha ll be all owed to enter the sewer syste m . E. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 11/02104 A section of PVC p ipe or fiberglass p ipe shall be inserted in each p ipe in let/outl et to extend the ex isting connect ion through the new concrete wa ll. The pipe sha ll be inst alled ASC-68 PART DA ,. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS as shown on the construct ion drawings . All pipe inlets/outlets shall remain active during the manhol e rehabilitat ion unless otherwise specified . Inte rnal for ms shall be prope rly sized , installed , and braced to allow for the inst allation of t he new concrete wall. The wall shall have a minimum thickness of 3-inches and shall extend from the manhole bench to the top of the cone section . The wall shall generally conform t o t he existing inte rior dimensions of the structure and shall provide the maxi m um allowable diameter ba sed on t he existing dimensions. If the proposed wall will re d uce th e diamete r of the barre l section to less than 42 -inches or the ch imney section to les s than 20-inche s, the th ickness of the proposed wall may be reduced to 1 Yi -inches . T h is c han ge mu st be app roved by the Engineer prior to construction. Prior t o pl acement of t he c onc rete , the forms shall be sealed and finished at the manhole base wit h con c ret e gro ut t o prevent co ncrete from entering the sewer during the installation of the concre te . T he plastic liner s hall be placed on the exterior of the forms so t hat w hen the concrete is placed an integral lock between the liner and the concrete is provid ed. Sheets of t he line r sha ll be preformed and factory welded , and cut to fit curved surfaces usin g the minimum number of sepa ra te pieces . The concrete shall be placed to ensure tha t it ma ke s complete con tra ct wit h th e pla st ic lined form and fill s a ll pockets , seams , and crac ks wit hin th e ann ular space . V ibration of the concrete may be used , but cannot be so excessive t hat segre gat ion of the concrete com pone nts occ urs . After t he concrete has been placed and has sufficient ly cured , se am s in t he plastic line r s hall be welded by an experienced PVC liner welder using on ly manufactu rer's approved me t ho ds and techniques . The welding operation of any joint shall be continuous until that joint has been completed . The welding strip shall be centered over the cleaned surfaces to be joined , and fused across its entire width us ing a hot air weld ing gun producing temperatures ranging between 500 F and 600 F. F. TES T IN G After the PVC liner and concre te wall reconstruction and all additional work is complete, the manhole shall be vacuum tested , as required by Section DA-18 , Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes. If the vacuum test fails, the plastic liner may be required to be spark tested at 10 ,000 volts wi t h a holiday-detector. Any pinhole discovered shall be rewelded and retested. G . MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1. 2 . 3 . 11 /02104 The price bid for PVC Lined Concrete Wall Reconstruction shall include a ll labor, equipment , a nd materials necessary for the complete reconstruction of the concrete wall. The payment length for this item shall be measured from the top of the ma nhole bench to the bottom of the manhole frame . Payment for exterior grouting of manhole walls necessary to stop infiltration shall be paid for at the Contract Unit Price for manhole grouting . Payment for step removal , if required , w ill be paid for at the Con t ract Unit Price for step removal. ASC -69 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-20 PRESSURE GROUTING A. GENERAL 1. Scope . This Section governs all work , materials and testing required for the pressure grouting of manhole defects. Manholes or sections of manholes with active leaks shall be repaired as indicated in the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule . 2 . Description.:. The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervision , materials , equipment, and testing required for the completio n of pressure grouting of man hole defects in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3 . Manufacturer's Recommendations . Materials , additives, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the grouting process shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations . 4. Manholes . Manholes to be grouted are of brick , concrete , or fiberglass construction . A MATERIALS 1110 2104 1. G routing Material s: a. Uret han e Gel Grout: Urethane gel g rout , such as Scotch -Sea l 5610 gel or equ al shall be a hyd roph ilic poly me r. The chemical sh all be mi xed within the ra nge of fr om 8 to 10 pa rts of water a nd shall conta in a reinforci ng agent su ppli ed by the same manufact urer. Th e materi a l shall ge l and cure to a tou gh f lexib le elastomeric co ndition . W hen wet , the ge l sha ll exhibit strengt h prope rt ie s of at least 25 ps i te nsil e at 150 pe rce nt e longation . T he materi a l sha ll not c hange in linear di mension mo re th an eig ht percent w he n subje ct ed to wet a nd dry cycl es . b. The chemical grout shall be app li ed so as to have the grout material f lo w freely into the defects . To avoid any wasta ge of the materia l f lowing t hrough the defects, a ge l control agent may be ad ded. T he fo ll owing properties shall be exhibited by the grout: 1) 2) 3) 4 ) 5 ) Documented service of satisfactory performance in sim ilar usag e. Contro ll able rea cti on ti mes and shr inkage th rough the us e of chemica ls supp lied by the sa me manufactu re r. T he minimum gel set time shall be esta bli shed so that ad equ ate grout tra vel is achi eve d . Resistance to c hem ica ls; resis tant to most organ ic solvents , m ild acids and alkal i. Comp ressive recove ry return to ori gin al shape after repe ate d deformati on. The ch emica l s ha ll be ess ent ially non -toxi c in a cured form. AS C-70 1. - 2. 3. 4. 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6) Sealing material shall not be rigid or brittle when subjected to dry atmosphere. The material shall be able to withstand freeze/thaw and moving load conditions. 7) Sealing material shall be noncorrosive. a. A reinforcing agent such as Scotch-Seal Brand 5612 reinforcing agent or equivalent shall be utilized in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations . Any 5612 reinforcing agent which contains lumps must be discarded. Care must be taken to be sure that the pH of the water in the tank is from 5 to 9. As a precaution against the possibility of the pH being outside this range, take a small amount of water from the tank to which Gel Reinforcing Agent 5612 is to be added. Add a few drops of 5612 to this test sample. Scotch-Seal Brand Gel Reinforcing Agent 5612 should disperse readily. If precipitation occurs, drain the tank and retest. Repeat as necessary until dispersion occurs. If dispersion does not occur, do not use the water source. b. A filler material such as Celite 292 (diatomaceous earth) from Johns Mansville or equivalent shall be utilized. The addition of the filler material shall not exceed the quantity specified by the manufacturer, and continuous agitation of the water side of the mixture is required. The filler material may also be utilized as a reinforcing agent in accordance with the urethane gel grout manufacturer's recommendations. Additives: Grout additions may be utilized for catalyzing the gel reaction, inhibiting the gel reaction , buffering the solution, lowering the freezing temperature of the solution, acting as a filler, providing strength or for inhibition of root growth. Root Control: A root inhibiting chemical such as di.chlobenil shall be added to the chemica l grout mixture at a safe level of concentration and shall have the ability to remain active within the grout for a minimum of 12 months. Material Identification: Contractor shall completely identify the types of grout, mortar, sealant , and/or root control chemicals used and provide case histories of successful use or defend the choice of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties , ease of application , and expected performance, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Mixing and Handling : Mixing and handling of chemical grout and forming constituents, which may be toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that chemicals or gels produced by the chemicals are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals . All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly familiar with the handling of the grout material and additives shall perform the grouting operations. ASC-71 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS C. EXECUTION 11/02104 1. General. Manhole grouting shall not be performed until sealing of manhole frame and grade adjustments. partial manhole replacement, or manhole repairs are complete . 2. Preliminary Repairs: a. Seal all unsealed lifting holes, unsealed step holes. voids larger than approximately one-half (1/2) inch in thickness. All cracked or deteriorated material shall be removed from the area to be patched and replaced with Octocrete, as manufactured by IPS Systems, Inc. or equal , in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. b. Cut and trim all roots within the manhole . 3. Temperature~ Normal grouting operations including application of interior coating shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Grouting Material Usage. Grouting of the manhole may include corbel, wall, pipe seals, manhole joints, wall ta flattop joint, and/or bench/trough . Areas of the manhole designated to be grouted will be directed by the Engineer. If entire manhole is scheduled for grouting, grouting shall include the entire manhole including corbel, wall, pipe seals and bench/trough. Pipe seal grouting shall include all pipe seals in the specified manhole and grouting of the specified manhole including the bench/trough to the maximum height of 18 inches from the crown. 5. Drilling and Injection: 6 . a. Injection holes shall be drilled through the manhole wall at locations indicated in the appropriate detail(s). b. Grout shall be injected through the holes under pressure with a sui table probe. Injection pressure shall not cause damage to the manhole structure or surround in g surface features. Grout shall be injected through the lowest holes first. The procedure shall be repeated until the manhole is externally sealed with grout. c. Grouting from the ground surface shall not be allowed . d . Grout travel shall be verified by observation of grout to defects or adjacent injection holes. Provide additional injection holes, if necessary, to ensure grout travel. e. Injection holes shall be cleaned with a drill and patched with a waterproof quick setting mortar for brick and concrete manholes . Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes. Testing of rehabilitated manholes for water tightness shall be performed by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer in ASC -72 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS accordance with the requirement of Section DA-21, VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITATED MANHOLES of these specifications. D.. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT If the entire manhole is grouted, the Contract Unit Price shall be per vertical foot grouted as indicated on the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule included in these specifications or as required by the Engineer. Payment for grouting pipe seals, bench and trough, and 18 inches above crown of pipe, and grouting flattop to wall joint, shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per each manhole rehabilitated as indicated on the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule . The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, preliminary repairs and testing necessary to complete the work including grouting with urethane grout. DA-21 VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITATED MANHOLES A. GENERAL Scope. This section describes manhole testing to effectively confirm the watertight integrity of existing manholes following structural ,infiltration and inflow related repairs and that the appearance of the work is acceptable. Description: Infiltration may be observed in manhole defects at manhole walls, pipe seals or bench/trough areas. Infiltration related repairs are intended to eliminate leakage of groundwater into manholes . Inflow may be observed in manhole defects at manhole frames, covers, frame seals , grade adjustments, grade adjustment seals, corbels, or walls. Inflow related repairs are intended to eliminate sources of surface water entry that become active during rainfall events . Structural repairs may be required when making 1/1 related manhole repairs . Structural repairs may include defects in any manhole components but not displaying 1/1. Testing , Observations and Guarantee Periods: The testing required shall be performed by the Contractor at locations designated by the Engineer and documented to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Any new or rehabilitated manholes that are observed to be leaking by the Engineer during periods of high groundwater or during inflow conditions shall be subject to additional repairs. The Contractor shall be responsible for all additional repairs required on these unsatisfactory manholes during the guarantee period . All manhole reh abilitation work shall be warranted to be free of defects and of good workmanship for a minimum of three (3) years from the date of final acceptance of the project. Any manhole repairs completed by t he Contractor which fail during the warranty period shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City at no additional cost to the City . 11 /02104 ASC -73 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS B. MA TERJALS -Not specified. C. EXECUTION Infiltration Testing~ All interior coated manholes and all partial replacement manholes shall be observed (tested} by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer for sources of infiltration. Observations will be made during high groundwater conditions, wherever possible. Manholes shall be tested after installation with all connections (existing and/or proposed) in place. Drop-connections and gas sealing connections shall be installed prior to testing. The lines entering the manhole shall be temporarily plugged with the plugs braced to prevent them from being drawn into the manhole. The plugs shall be installed in the lines beyond drop-connections, gas sealing connections, etc. The test head shall be placed inside the frame at the top of the manhole (so that the manhole frame seal is tested) and inflated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. A vacuum of 10 inches of mercury shall be drawn, and the vacuum pump will be turned off. With the valve closed, the level of vacuum shall be read after the required test time. If the drop in the level is less than 1-inch of mercury (final vacuum greater than 9-inches of mercury), the manhole will have passed the vacuum test. After a successful test, the temporary plugs will be removed . The required test time is determined from Table I. Table I MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED FOR A VACUUM DROP OF 1" H9 (10"H9 -9"H 9 ) (SEC) DEPTH OF M.H. 48-lnch Dia. 60-lnch Dia . 72-lnch Dia . _ (FT.) -----------·------~~~-~9-!~----------~-~Q-~~!~---------·---~anhole _______ _ 8 20 sec. 26 sec. 33 sec. 10 25 sec. 33 sec. 41 sec. 12 30 sec. 39 sec. 49 sec. 14 35 sec . 45 sec . 57 sec . 16 4 0 sec . 52 sec. 67 sec. 18 45 sec . 59 sec. 73 sec. ** T=5 sec. T=6.5 sec. T=8 sec. **For all Manholes over 18 feet in depth, add "T" seconds as shown for each respective diameter for each two feet of additional depth of manhole to the time shown for that 18 foot depth. [Example: A 30 (thirty) foot deep, 48 (forty-eight) inch Manhole Total Test Time would be 75.0 seconds. 45.0+6(5 .0)=75 .0 seconds] (Values listed above are extrapolated from ASTM C924-85). Manhole vacuum levels observed to drop greater than 1-inch of mercury (Final vacuum less than 9- inches of mercury) will have failed the test and will require additional rehabilitation. The Contractor shall make the necessary repairs to the already completed rehabilitation work at no additional compensation. If the failure of the vacuum test is determined ta be due to preexisting conditions not on the manhole rehabilitation schedule for that manhole, this additional work may be authorized by the Owner's Representative . After completion of the additional rehabilitation the manhole shall then be re-tested as described above until a successful test is made. Only one payment for manhole vacuum testing will be made on each manhole. Vacuum testing is required on all manholes having interior rehabilitation. 1110210 4 A SC-7 4 - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Inflow Testi~g : All partially rehabilitated manholes shall be dyed water tested unless the manhole has successfully passed the vacuum test. Manholes shall be dyed water tested in the presence of the Engineer. The dye test shall consist of applying a concentrated dye solution around the manhole frame. Dyed water shall be applied for at least ten minutes. Manholes observed to be actively leaking greater th a n one drip per five seconds will have f ailed the test and will not be acceptable . Manholes failing the test will require additional rehabilitation by the Contractor at no additional co mpensation. Other Testing : One (1) rehabilitated manhole will be randomly selected for further testing . A laboratory selected by the City will take core samples of wall sections of manholes with wall coatings. Te sting of the core samples will be done to evaluate material thickness, compressive strength, flexural strength and slant shear bond strength . The fallowing are the minimum required strengths for cementit ious and non -cementitious wall coating s: Compressive Strength. Compressive strength shall conform to ASTM C 495 an d C 109 a nd shall m eet or exceed a minimum 28-day break of 4,000 psi. F lex ural Strength: Flexural strength shall conform to ASTM C 348 and shall meet or exceed a mi nimum 28-day break of 1,200 psi. Slant Shear Bond Strength. Slant shear bond strength shall conform to ASTM 882 modified and shall meet or exceed a minimum 28-day break of 2 ,400 psi. If the manhole tested fails to pass any of these requirements, another manhole shall be selected and tested. If the second manhole fails, the City may, at its option, stop work until the Contractor can provide assurance that testing requirements can be met. G uara ntee: Contractor sha ll warrant that the workmanship a nd mat e ri als are free from defects and t ha t the m anh oles are sea led from inflow and infiltration for a period of three (3 ) yea rs from the date of fina l acce pt an ce of the project. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Pa y me nt fo r manhole vacuum testing sha ll be made at the Contract Unit Pr ice bid fo r each Man ho le Vacuu m Test actually performed and passed an d the appea rance of t he comp let e d man hol e is v is ua lly a cceptable . Payment sha ll be f ull compensat ion for a ll labo r an d mate r ia ls neces sary to comp lete each test. No payment w il.l be ma de for add iti ona l vacuum tests or an y dyed wate r te stin g. 11/02104 ASC-75 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Payment for manhole core testing, including all labor and materials necessary to complete each test, shall be made at the Contract Unit Price bid for each Manhol.e Core Test actually performed and passed. DA-22 FIBERGLASS MANHOLES A. DESCRIPTION: This item shall govern the furnishing and installation of fiberglass manholes . The location of these manholes are shown on the drawings . Each manhole shall be a one-piece unit manufactured to meet or exceed all specifications of ASTM D-3753 , latest edition. as manufactured by L.F . Manufacturing, Inc ., Giddings, Texas, or approved equal. All manholes shall be "heavywall", 1h inch minimum wall thickness. B. GENERAL: 11 /0210 4 1. Resin: The resins used shall be a commercial grade unsaturated polyester resin or other suitable polyester or vinyl ester resin. 2 . Reinforcing Materials: The reinforcing materials shall be commercia l Grade "E" type glass in the form of continuous roving, and chop roving, havin g a coupling agent that will provide a suitable bond between the glass reinforcement and the resin. 3 . 4 . 5 . Interior Surfacing Material: The inner surface exposed to the chemical environment shall be a resin-rich layer of 0.010 to 0.020 in . thick . The inner surface layer exposed to the corrosive environment shall be followed with a minimum of two passes of chopped roving of minimum length 0.5 in. (13mm) to maximum length of 2 .0 in. (50.8 mm) and shall be applied uniform ly to an equivalent weight of 3 oz/ft. Each pass of chopped roving shall be well-rolled prior to the application of additional reinforcement. The combined thickness of the inner surface and interior layer shall not be less than 0.10 in . (2.5 mm) Wall Construction Procedure: After inner layer has been applied the manhole wall shall be constructed with chop and continuous strand filament wound manufacturing process which insures continuous reinforcement and uniform strength and composition. The cone section, if produced separately, shall be affi xed to the barrel section at the factory with resin-glass reinforced joint resulting in a one piece unit. Seams shall be fiberglassed on the inside and the outside using the same glass-resin jointing procedure. Field joints shall not be acceptable by anyone except the manufacturer. Exterior Surface: For a UV inhibitor the resin on the exterior surface of the manhole shall have gray pigment added for a minimum thickness 0.125 in. ASC-76 - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6. Stubouts and Connections: Stubouts shall be installed at locations shown on the drawings: Installation of SOR 35 PVC sewer pipe shall be performed by sanding , priming , and us ing resin fiber-reinforced hand layup. The resin and fiberglass shall be same type and grade as used in the fabrication of the fiberglass manhole. Kor-N-Seal boots for each pipe connection shall be installed by manhole manufacturer using fiberglass reinforced pipe stubout for Kor-N-Seal boot sealing surface . 7. Manhole Bottom: Manholes shall ha v e resin fiber-reinforced bottoms . Bottom shall have a minimum of three 1 % in. deep x 3% in. wide stiffening ribs completely enclosed with resin fiber-re inforcement and have a min imum 3 in . anti-flotation ring as shown on the drawings . Manhole bottom shall be a minimum of 5/16 in. thick . 8. Fillers and Additives: Fillers , when used, shall be inert to the environment and manhole construction . Sand shall not be accepted as an approved filler. Additives , such as thixotropic agents, catalysts , promoters, etc., may be added as required by the specific manufacturing process to be used to meet the requirements of this standard. The resulting reinforced -plastic material shall meet the requ irements of thi s specifi cation . C . MANUFACTURE: Manhole cy li nde rs, ma nw ay reducers, and conn ectors shall be produced fr o m g las s fiber - reinforced polyester resi n using a combinati on of chop and co nt inuous fi lame nt wound process . 1. Interior Access: All man holes shall be designed so th at a ladd er or ste p system can be supported by the insta ll ed manhole . Manhole steps will not be required, however. 2 . Manway Reducer: Manway reduces will be concent ri c with respect to t he la rg er portion of the manhole diameters through 60 inches. 3. Cover and Ring Support: T he manhole shall prov ide a n area from w hich a g rade rings can be installed to acce pt a typic al meta l ri ng and cov er a nd ha ve the st rength to support an H-20 traffic lo ad w ithout damage to the ma nh ole . D. REQUIREMENTS : 11/0210 4 1. Exterior Surface: The exterior surface sha ll be smooth w it h no shar p proj ect io ns. 2 . Hand -work finish wi ll be acceptab le as long as enough res in is pre sent to eliminate fi ber show. The exte ri or surface shall be free of bli sters large r than 0 .5 -inch d ia mete r, delamina tio n or fi ber show. Int erior Surfa ce: T he interio r su rface shall be resin ri ch wi th no ex posed fib e rs . The surface shall be fr ee of crazi ng, de laminati on, bliste rs larg er than 0.5-inch d ia mete r and wr ink le s of 0.1 25-in ch or g reater in depth . S urface pit s shall be perm itted if the y are less than 0.75 inches in diameter and le ss t han 0 .0625-in ch deep. Voids t hat ca nnot be broken wi th fi nger press ure and t hat are e nti rely below ASC-77 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS the resin surface shall be permitted if they are less than 0 .5-inch diameter and less than 0 .0625-inch thick . 3 . Repairs: All manhole repairs by the manufacturer shall result in a product which meets all requirements of this specification . Field repair of manholes will. not be allowed . 4 . Diameter Tolerance : Tolerance of ins ide diameter shall be +/-1% of required manhole diameter. 5 . Load Rating: The complete manhole shall have a minimum dynamic-load rating of 16 ,000 lbf. when tested in acco rdance w ith ASTM D-3753 8.4 (note 1}. To establish this rating the complete manhole shall not leak , crack , or suffer other damage when load tested to 40 ,000 lbf. and shall not deflect vertically downward more than 0.25-inc at the point of the load applic ation when loaded to 24 ,000 lb. 6. Stiffness: The manhole cylinder shall have t he minimum pipe -stiffness values shown in table below when tested in accordance with ASTM 0-3753 8.5 (note 1 ). HEI G HT-FT. 3 - 6 .5 7 -12.5 F/AY -PSI 0.75 1.26 7 . So u ndn ess : In ord er t o determi ne so u nd ne ss , ap ply an a ir o r water press ure tes t t o the ma nhol e test sa mp le . Test pressure shall not be les s than 3 psig or greater than 5 ps ig. While ho ld in g at th e established pressu re, ins pe ct the entire man hol e for leak s . An y lea kage through the laminate is cause fo r failu re of the test. Refer to ASTM D-37 53 8 .6. 8. C hemical Resist ance: The fiberglass manhole and all related components sha ll be fabricated from corros ion proof materia l s uitable for at mospheres containing hydrogen sulp hi te an d di lute sulfuric acid as well as oth er ga sses associated w ith the wastewater collect ion system. E PHYS ICAL PROPERTIES : 1. Te ns ile Strength (psi) 2. Te ns ile Modu les (psi) 3. Flexural Strength (ps i) 4 . Flexural Modu les (ps i) 5. Compressive (psi ) Hoop Direction 18 ,000 0.6 X 106 26 ,000 1.4 X 106 18,000 Axial Direction 5,00 0 0 .7 X 106 4,500 0.7 X 10 6 10 ,00 0 F. QU A LITY CONTROL : 11/02104 Each compl eted man ho le s ha ll be ex amined for dimensi o nal requ ire ments , ha rdne ss , a nd workm ansh ip . All requ ire d ASTM D-37 53 testing s h all be compl ete d and records of a ll te st ing shall be ke pt an d cop ies of tes t records sha ll be presented to c ustome r upon fo rm al w ri tten reques t wi thi n a reaso nable t i me period . ASC-78 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS G. As a basis of acceptance the manufacturer shall provide an independent certification which consist of a copy of the manufacturer's test report and accompanied by a copy of the test results that the manhole has been sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance with the provisions of this specification and meets all requirements. H. SHIPPING AND HANDLING: The fiberglass manholes shall not be dropped or struck . They may be lifted by inserting a 4" x 4" x 30" timber into the top of manhole with cable attached or by a sling or "choker" connection around center of manhole, lift as required . Use of chains or cables in contact with the manhole surface is prohibited. I. CONCRETE : 1. Fiberglass Bottom: Class F Concrete shall be used to form bench area and invert. Class E Concrete shall be used an top of anti-flotation ring and around the reduce section as required for buoyancy and as shown on the drawings. 2 . Concrete Bottom: Lower manhole into wet concrete until it rests at the proper elevation, with a minimum of 4 inches of fiberglass manhole inserted into the wet concrete below flow line , then move manhole to plumb . The concrete shall extend a minimum of one foot from the outside wall of the manhole and a minimum of 6 inches above incoming lines . On the inside concrete shall form the bench and invert area and rise a minimum of 4 inches above incoming lines. Concrete collars shall be constructed around reducer section at locations shown on the drawings. J. BACKFILL : 1. Backfill Material : Unless shown otherwise on drawings and approved by the Engineer, sand, crushed stone . or pea gravel shall be used for backfill around the manhole for a minimum distance of one foot from the outside surface and extending from the bottom of the excavation t o the top of the reducer section. Suitable material chosen from the excavation may be used for the remainder of the backfill. The material chosen shall be free of large lumps or clods , which will not readily break down under compaction. T his material will be subject to approval by Engineer. 2 . Backfill shall be placed in layers of not more than 12 loose measure (nches and mechanically tamped to 95% Standard Proctor Density. unless otherwise approved by Engineer. Flooding will not be permitted . Backfill shall be placed in such a manner as to prevent any wedging action against the fiberglass manhole structure. K. MARKING AND IDEN T IFICATION : 11102104 Each manhole shall be marked on the inside and outside w ith the following information: 1. 2 . 3 . Manufacturer's name or trademark Manufacturer's factory location Manufacturer's serial number ASC-79 PART DA -ADDITIONAL S PECIAL CONDITION S 4 . Total height 5 . Complies with ASTM D-3753 L MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: 1. The price bid for new/ replacement manhole installations shall include all la bor, equipment and materials necessary fo r const ru cti on of the manhole including but not lim ited to joint sealing ,· lift hole sealing and exteri o r s urface coati ng , con c rete base, concrete invert, connections to sewe r pipes , castings , backfill , unpaved surface restoration, and all appurtenant wo rk . Payment s hall not include pavement replacement , which if required , shall be paid separately . 2 . Payment for concrete collars and watertight manhole inserts , if required , will be made separately, based on the appropriate bid ite ms . DA-23 LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHO LES AND W ATE R VALVES The contractor shall be responsible for locating an d mark ing all previously exposed ma nh oles and water valves in each street of this contract befo re th e re su rfacin g process com mences f or a p articular street The c ontract or shall attempt to inc lude the Construction Engineer (if he is avai lable) in the observ ation and ma r king activity . In any event a street shall be comp le te ly marked a min imum of two (2) wo r king days before resurfacing begins on any street. Marking the curbs w it h paint is a re com mend ed proced ure . It s ha ll be th e contr actors respon sib il ity to notify the utility companies that he has commenced wo rk o n the proj ect. As t he re surfacin g is completed (within same day) the contractor shall locate the covered manho les and va lves and expose them for late r adjustment. Upon complet ion of a street the con t ract or s hall not if y t he ut iliti es of this completion and indicate the start of the next one in order for the utilities to adjust facilities accordingly . The following are utility contact pe rsons: Co mpan y Tele p ho ne Number Southwestern Bell Telephone Texas Ut ilities Lo ne Sta r . City of Fort Worth, Street Lig ht and Signa l 338-6275 33 6-9411 Ext. 2121 336-8381 Ext. 6982 871-8100 Contact Person "Hot Line" Mr. Roy Kruger Mr. Jim Bennett Mr. Jim Bob Wakefield Of cou rse , u nde r th e terms of t his co nt ract , the contractor sha ll complete adjustment of the st orm dra in and W ate r Department facilities, one traffic lane at a time within five (5) working days after co mpl eting t he la ying of proposed H.M .A.C. overlay adjacent to sa id facilit ies . A ny devi at io n from th e above procedure and allotted working days may result in the shut down of th e resurfacing operation by t he Construct ion Engineer . 11/02104 ASC-80 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS The contractor shall be responsible for all materials , equ ipment and labor to perform a most accurate job and all costs to the contractor shall be figured subsidiary to this contract. DA-24 REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTE R These provisions require the contractor to remove all failed existing curb and gutter, as designated by the Construction Engineer, and replace with standard concrete curb and gutter, laydown curb and gutter, or in like kind , as governed by the standard City Specifications , Item No . 104 "Removing Old Concrete ", Item No. 502 "Concrete Curb and Gutterv, and Drawing Nos . S-S2 through S-S4 . Pay limits for laydown curb and gutter are sh own in Drawing Na . S-S5 of the Standard Specifications . Contractor shall saw cut the curb a nd gutter and pavement prior to removal. Included , and figured subs id iary to this unit price , will be the required sawcut excavation , as per specification Item No. 106 "Unclassified Street Excavatio n", into the street to aid in the construction of the curb and gutter. The pay limit will be 9" out from the gutter lip , with ·same day haul -off of the removed material to a suitable dump site. The street void shall be filled with H.M.A.C . "Type D" mix as per specification No . 300 "Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions ", Item No . 304 "Prime Coat v and Item No . 312 "Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete " and compacted to standard City densities and top soil as per specification item No . 116 "Top Soil ", if needed, shall be added and leveled to grade behind th e curb . Existing improvements w ithin the parkway such as water meters , sprinkler system , etc . dam aged during construction sh all be replaced with same or better at no cost to the C ity. Ba ckf ill fo r curb and gu tter shall be comp leted w ith in fourteen (14) ca le ndar da ys f rom t he day of demolit io n to date of com pletion. If the co nt rac tor fai ls to complete the w o rk w ithin fourt een (1 4) ca le nd a r day s, a $1 00 do ll ar liquidated damage will be assessed per block per day . The un it price bid per linear foot shall be fu ll compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and in cid enta ls necessary to complete the work. DA-25 REPLACEMENT OF 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS This item s hall include the remova l and re pl acement of existing co ncrete d rivewa ys, du e to deteriorat ion or in situations where curb a nd gutte r is replaced to adjust grades to elimi nate pon ding wa ter with sa me day hau l-off of. t he removed mate ria l to a suita bl e d um p sit e. For specifi cat ions governing th is item see Item No . 104 "Removing Ol d Concrete", Item No. 504 " Concrete Sid ewalk and Dri veways". Pay limit s for co ncrete driveway are as show n in Drawin g No . S-S5 of the St andard Spec ifications. The unit price bid per square yard shall be full compensation for all labor, materia l, eq uipment , supp lies, and incidentals necessary to comp lete the work. DA-26 REPLACEMENT OF H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT AND BASE The contracto r shall rem ove all exis tin g de form ed H.M.A.C. pa vement and /or ba d base mater ial that shows surface dete rio ration and /or compl ete fa il ure. The Enginee r wi ll identify the se areas upon which t ime the contract o r will beg in work. Th e fai le d area shall be sa w cut , o r oth er si m ila r means , out of the exi sti ng pa vement in square o r re ct ang ul a r fa shion. T he side face s shall be cu t vert ically and a ll fai led and loose ma te ria l exc avated. As a part of t he exc avat ion process, a ll unsatisfactory base mat e ri al shall be re moved , if req uired , to a dept h su ffici ent to obtain st abl e sub-base. The to ta l dept h of exca vat io n cou ld range from a co uple of inche s to include the 11/02104 ASC -81 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS surface-base-some sub-base removal for which the Engineer will select the necessary depth. The remaining good material shall be leveled and uniformly made ready to accept the fill material. All excavated material shall be hauled off site, the same day as excavated, to a suitable dump site. After satisfactory completion of removal as outlined above, the contractor shall place the permanent pavement patch, with "Type D" surface mix. This item will always be used even if no base improvements are required . The proposed H.M.A.C. repair shall match the existing pavement section or the depth of the failed material, whichever is greater. However, the patch thickness shall be a minimum of 2 inches. Generally the existing H.M.A.C . pavement thickness will not exceed 6". Before the patch layers are applied, any loose material, mud and/or water shall be removed. A liquid asphalt tack coat shall be applied to all exposed surfaces . Placement of the surface mix lifts shall not exceed 3 inches with vibrator compactions to follow each lift . Compactions of the mix shall be to standard densities of the City of Fort Worth , made in preparation to accept the recycling process. All applicable provisions of Standard Specification Item Nos . 300 "Asphalts, Oils, and Emulsions", 304 "Prime Coat", and 312 "Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete" shall govern work . The unit price bid per cubic yard shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-27 GRADED CRUSHED STONES This item shall be used to repair the failed base material in areas exceed 8" deep as directed by the Engineer. The material shall be graded crushed stones . For specifications governing this item see Item No. 208 "Flexible Base". The unit price bid per cubic yard shall be full compensation for all materials , labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA -28 WEDGE MILLING 2" TO O" DEPTH 5.0' WIDE A. Description 11/02104 This item shall consist of milling the existing pavement from the lip of gutter at a depth of 2" and transitioning to match the existing pavement (O" cut) at a minimum width of 5'. The existing pavement to be milled will either be asphalt, concrete, or brick pavement. The removal and disposal of the milled materials shall be as directed by the Engineer. The milled surface shall provide a smooth surface free from gouges , ridges , oil film , and other im perfections of workmanship and shall have a uniform textured appearance. In all situations where the existing H.M .A.C . surface contacts the curb face the wedge milling shall include the removal of the existing asphalt covering the gutter up to and along the face of curb . The wedge milling operations for this project will be performed in a continuous manner along both sides of the street. Details of milling locations are at the back of this document. Contractor is required to begin the overlay , within five (5) calendar days from the date of the wedge milling completion of any one street. Should the contractor fail to meet this condition , the wedge milling will be shut down, and liquidated damage of $500.00 per day ASC-82 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS per street will be assessed until all wedge milled streets are overlayed. The overlay, once begun on a street shall continue uninterrupted until complete . The Contractor shall haul-off the removed material to a suitable dump site. B. Equipment The equipment for removing the pavement surface shall be a power operated milling machine or other equal or better mechanical means capable of removing, in either one pass or two passes , the necessary pavement thickness in a five-foot minimum width. The equipment shall be self-propelled with sufficient power, traction and stability to maintain accurate depth of cut and slope. The machine shall be equipped with an integral loading and reclaiming means to immediately remove material being cut from the surface of the roadway and discharge the cuttings into a truck, all in one operation. Adequate back-up equipment (mechanical street sweepers, loaders, water truck, etc.} and personnel will also be provided to keep flying dust to a minimum and to insure that all cuttings are removed from street surface daily . Stockpiling of planed material will not be permitted on the project site unless designated by the Engineer. The machine shall be equipped with means to control dust created by the cutting action and shall have a manual system providing for uniformly varying the depth of cut while the machine is in motion thereby making it possible to cut flush to all inlets, manholes, or other obstructions within the paved area. The speed of the machine shall be variable in order to leave the desired grid pattern specified under Surface Texture. The unit price bid per linear feet shall be full compensation for all labor, material, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work . DA-29 BUTT JOINTS -MILLED A. Description: This item requires the contractor to mill "butt joints" into the existing surface, in association with the wedge milling operation to the depth and at locations as described below. The butt joint will provide a full width transition section , whereby the new overlay shall maintain constant depth at the point the new overlay is terminated and the new surface elevation matches the existing pavement. The construction activities, performance standards and equipment needed for the butt joints milling operations shall be governed by the special provisions of Pay Item No. 9 -Wedge Milling . The configuratio n of the butt joints is described in more detail below. General details of butt joint locations -along with wedge milling in general -are shown in plan form at the back of this document. B. Construction Details 11102104 ASC -83 PART DA - A D D ITIONAL SPECIAL C ONDITIONS Prior to the milling of the butt joints , the Contractor shall consult with the Constructi.on Engineer for proper loc ation of these joints and verify that the selected limits of the projects' street are correct. The general locations for butt joints are at all beginning and ending points of streets li.sted in the project and as more graphically detailed at the back of this specification book . The joints are also required on both sides of all railroad tracks and concrete valley gutters , bridge decks and culverts and all other items which transverse the street and end the continuity of the asphalt s urface . Each butt joint shall be 20 feet long and milled out across the full width of the street section to a tapered depth of 2". This milled area sha ll be tapered within the 20 feet to a depth from O" to 2" at a line adjacent to the beginning and ending points or intermediate t ransverse items . T his butt joint -when overlayed -will consist of a asphalt section that will transition the new overlay to match the exist ing pavement elevation . The contractor shall prov ide a tempo rary wedge of asph a lt at all butt joints to provide a smooth ride over the bump . C . Measurement and Paym en t Butt joints as pres cribed above, wi ll be mea sured by t he un it of ea ch butt j oi nt milled . T he d is posa l of excess material involved w ill not be meas ured for pay me nt . Each butt j oin t-m ill ed, measu red as ab ove, complete-in place-in accord ance w it h t hese specifi cations, w ill be paid fo r at the un it price shown in t he pro po sal fo r "Butt Joi nts". The unit price bid per each shall be full compe nsa tion for all m ill ing , incl udin g material ha ul -off, too ls, labor, equipment and inc identa ls necessary to complete t he requ ired work. DA-30 2" H.M.A.C. SURFACE COURSE (TYPE "D" MIX) All ap pl icable provisions of Standard Specifications, Item Nos. 312 "Hot-M ix Asphaltic Concrete", 300 "Aspha lts, Oils and Emulsions", 304 "Prime Coat", and 313 "Central Plant Recyc ling-Aspha lt Concrete" shall app ly to the construction methods for this portion of the project. Stan da rd Specification 312.5 (1) shall be rev ised as fo ll ows: The prime coat, tack coa t , or the as ph a lt ic mixture sha ll not be placed unless the air temperature is fi fty (5 0) de g rees Fahre nhei t and risin g, t he tempera ture bei ng take n in t he shade and away from a rtifi cial heat. Asph alt ic mat eria l shall also not be placed w hen the wi nd condit ions are unsu ita ble in t he o pi ni on of t he Engineer. T he contractor shall furn ish batch design of the proposed hot mix as ph a lt ic concrete for City a ppro val 48 hours prior to placing the H.M.A.C. overlay. The City w ill prov ide labo ratory contro l as necessa ry. The un it pr ice bid per square yard of H.M .A.C. com pl ete and in place, sha ll be full co mpensati on for all la bor, materia ls, equipment , tools, and incid ent als necessary to comp lete the w ork. DA-31 REPLACEMENT OF 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER 11/02104 ASC-84 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITION S This item shall include the removal and reconstruction of exist ing concrete valley gutters at locations to be determined in field: Removal of existing concrete valley, asphalt pavement, concrete base , curb and gutter, a nd necessary excavation to install the concrete valley gutters all shall be subsid iary to this pay item . Furnishing and placing of 2:27 concrete base and crushed limestone to a depth as directed by the Engineer and necessary asphalt transitions as shown in the concrete valley gutter details , shall be subsidiary to this Pay Item . See standard specification Item No . 314 , "Concrete Pavement", Item 3 12 "H ot -Mix Asphaltic Concrete", Item Na . 104 , "Removing Old Concrete", Item No. 106 , "Unclassified St reet Excavation" Item No . 208 "Flexible Base ." Measurement far final qua nti t ies of valley gutt er will be by the square yard of concrete pavement and the curb and gutter sect ion will be included . Contractor may substitute 5'' non-reinforced (2 :27) Concrete Base in lie u of Cru shed Stone at no additional cost See Item 314" Concrete Pavement". Asphalt base material may be required at times as directed by the Engineer to expedite the work at locations identified in the field . The co ncrete shall be des igned to achi eve a minimum compressive strength of 3000 pou nd s pe r squa re inch. Contractor shall work on on e-half of Valley G utter at a time, and the othe r ha lf shall be open ta t raffic. Work sh all be co mpl eted o n e ach half w it hin seven (7) ca lendar days . If t he con tractor fail s to co mp lete th e work on ea ch ha lf w ithin seven (7) calendar days , a $100 doll ars liq uid ated dam age w ill be as sessed pe r ea ch hal f of valley gutter per day. Th e un it price bid per sq uare yard for Co ncrete Va ll ey as shown on the proposal will be full com pensa t ion fo r materi a ls, la bor, equipment , too ls and incidental s necessary to complete the WO~. ' DA-32 NEW 7" CO NCRETE VALLEY GUTTER T his item sha ll includ e the co nstruction of concrete valley gutters at various locations to be determined in fie ld . Re mova l of exist in g , as pha lt pavement, concrete base , curb and gutter, and necessary exc avati on to install t he con crete valley gu tt e rs all s hall be subsidiary to this pay item . Furn ish in g and placing of 2:27 concrete ba se and crushed limestone to a depth as directed by the Engineer and necessary asphalt tra nsitions as shown in the concrete valley gutter details shall be subsid iary to t his Pay Item . See stan dard specifi cation Item No. 314", Concrete Pavement", Item 3 12 "Hot -Mix Asphaltic Co ncrete", Item No . 104, "Rem oving O ld Conc rete", Item No . 106 , "Unclassified Street Excavation" Ite m No. 208 "F lex ible Base." Measu rement for final quantities of valley gutter will be by t he squ are yard of concrete pa vement and the curb and gutter section will be included . Contractor ma y sub stitute 5" non-reinforced (2:27) Concrete Base in lieu of Crushed Stone at no add itiona l cost. See Item 314" Concrete Paveme nt". 11 /02104 ASC-85 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDI TIONS The concrete shall be designed to ach ieve a minimum compres sive strength of 3000 pounds per square inch . Contractor shall wo rk on one-half of Valley gutter at a t ime , and the oth e r half shall be open to traffic. Work shall be completed on each half within se ven (7) ca lendar days. If the Contractor fails to complete the work on each half within seven (7) calendar days, a $100 dollars liquidated damage will be assessed per each half of v alley gutter per day . The unit price bid per square ya rd for Con crete Vall ey as shown on t he propo sal will be full compensation for materials , labor, equipment, tools and incidentals ne cessary to complete the work . DA-33 NEW 4" STANDARD WHEELCHAIR RAMP T he Contractor shall construct standard concrete whe e lc hair ra mp s as shown on t he enclosed details , or as directed by the Engineer . The removal of existing substandard wh eelchair ram ps a nd sidewalk as required for the installation of new wheelchair ramps shall be subsidiary t o thi s pay item . The removal and replacement of existing curb and g utter as required for th e insta ll ati on of new wh eelch air ramps shall be included in Pay Item 5 (Remov al an d Repl ace ment of Curb and G ut t er). Pay lim its fo r la ydawn curb and gutter are as shown in the Standard Pay Limit Det ai l (WR-1). The pa y li m it will ext end fro m 9" ou t side th e lip of g utte r to 15" back fro m the face of c urb. A ny asphalt tie-in shall be subsidiary to the c urb and g utter pa y item. Pay lim its for "Stan d ard W heelcha ir Ramp" wi ll st art 15 " back from t he f ace of cu rb an d e ncompass t he remainder of the ramp a nd sidewa lk . All appli cable prov is ion of sta nda rd Spec ifications Item 104 "Removing Old Concrete" and Item 504 "Co ncret e Sid ew a lk Driv ew ays" s ha ll apply excep t as herein modified . All co ncrete flar ed surface shall be colored with LITHOCHROME color hardener as manufactured by L.M. Sc ofiel d Company or equal. The co lor hardener shall be brick red color and dry-shake typ e , and shall be used in accordance with manufactures instructions. Concrete stain may be applied after concrete is poured (Product so ld by BAER). "Contractor sh all prov ide a colored sample concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches dimension, or other dimension approved by the Engineer, meeting the aforementioned specificati on. The sample, upon approval by the Engineer, shall be the acceptable standard to be app lied fo r all construct ion covered in the scope of this pay item. T he metho d of ap pli cat io n shall be by screen, sifter, sieve or other means in order to provide fo r a un ifor m color distribution ." The unit pri ce bid per square yard for 4" standard wheelchair ramp as shown on the proposal will be fu ll compe nsat ion for material s, labor, equipment , tools and incidenta ls necessary to compete the work. DA-34 8" PAVEMENT PULVERIZATION Co ntracto r s hall pu lverize the ex isting pavement to a depth of 8". After pu lv erization is com ple ted, co nt racto r shall tempora ril y remove and store the 8" deep pulverized materia l, then cut t he base 2" to prov id e place for t he new 2" H.M.A.C. surface. The 2" base cut shall start at a depth of 8" from the exis ti ng pu lverize d surface . After the undercut operation is completed, contra ct or sha ll 11/02104 ASC-86 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS spread , mix, and compact the pulverized material to a 9.5% compaction per City's Standard Specifications or as directed by the E ngineer in the field . A 3.5% portland cement shall be used to mix the pulverized materia l. If the existing pavement has a combination of 10" H.M .A.C . and crushed stone/gravel, undercut will not be required , the contractor will pulverize 1 O" inches, the 2 " inch cut will be taken from the 1 O" pulverized material. (see soil test report} Pulverization shall start within ten (10) calendar days after all concrete work has been completed on a street. If the contractor fails to begin the work within ten (10) calendar days, a $200 dollars liquidated damage will be a ssessed per block per day. After the pulverization materi a l is cure d, the contractor shall overlay it w ith 2" H.M .A.C . surface within five (5) calendar days . If t he co ntractor fails to begin the work within five (5) calendar days , a $200 dollars liqu idated damage will be a ssessed per block per day . The unit price bid per sq. yd . shall be full compensation for all labor, material , equipment , tools, and incidentals necessary to pulverize , remove and store the pulverized material , undercut the base, m ix ing , compaction , ha u l off, sweep , and dispose of the undercut material. The 2 " H.M .A.C . su rface w ill be paid by se pa rate it e m . DA-35 REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR BASE {UTILITY CUT) Th e following specificati o ns are for the furn is hing a nd p lacing of reinforced concrete paveme nt or base as shown on detai l and as di rected by the Eng ineer. A. GENERAL: Re inforced concrete pavement or base sha ll conform to Spedfication Item No . 314 he re in except for fi ni shing and curing . B. F INISHING: The rei nforced concrete shall be brought to a uniform surface by work ing with a wooden float. T he surface shall be flush with the adjacent pavement and shall have a fi nish si mil ar to the s urround ing pave me nt. The surface shall be even and s hall prov ide a smooth rid e . C . CURING: The reinforced concrete pavement surfaces shall be sprayed uni form ly with a me mbrane curing compound conform ing to the requirements of A STM C-30 9, T yp e 2, whi te -pig mented compound , wh ic h shall not produce permanent d iscol o rat ion of t he co ncrete. Concrete shall be all owed to cure fo r seve n days or test cy linde rs reach 3000 psi be fore re mova l of barric ad e s. D. EXECUTION: Included in t his item wi ll be the remova l of t he existing re inforced con c rete paveme nt. T he ex isti ng pave ment s hall be sawed so as to mai nta in a n even , st ra ig ht pave ment cut. T he ex isti ng reinforcing st ee l at sawed line and co nstruction joints shall be la pped 18 inches with the 11102104 ASC -87 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS new reinforced concrete pavement. The existing steel shall be thoroughly cleaned before lapping. The following work method will be performed on each utility cut: 1. Place safety signs, barri.cades and/or other warning devices where necessary and as required. 2 Replace pavement to nearest joint. 3. Mark out the damaged area with keel, chalk line or paint being sure to include all areas requiring repair. 4 . Saw cut along marked lines a minimum of two (2) inches deep. 5. Remove existing concrete. 6. Farm joints and place reinforcing steel and Dowel Bars (as required) according to standard specifications. 7 . Place and finish concrete. 8 . Clean up job site, removing all debris. 9 . Maintain traffic control devices to protect the area until the concrete has cured seven days or concrete reaches 3000 psi compressive strength . • E. PAYMENT: Payment shall be made at the unit price per linear foot as shown on the proposal and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment to ols and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-36 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS All applicable provisions of Standard Spe.cifications for Roadway Markers (Buttons) shall apply. The Contractor shall install standard roadway markers according to city specifications as shown on plan sheet or as directed by the Engineer. Please refer to "Roadway Markers Specifications". DA-37 POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED MATERIA L HANDLING A. GENERAL: 11/02104 Where known by the design engineer, the locations of potentially petroleum contaminated material (soil) that may be encountered during excavation and/or construction activities will be shown on the plans . For all locations where material is excavated and suspected of being contaminated with petroleum products, whether known or not, these special conditions are to be followed. The contractor is also to follow all applicable Federal. State and Local regulations when handling known or suspect contaminated materials (soils). ASC-88 11102/04 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. WORK INCLUDED a. Excavation, stockpiling and testing of Potentially Petroleum Contaminated Material. b. Removal, testing, and disposal of petroleum contaminated groundwater. c. Obtaining and paying for required permits. d. Hiring of qualified environmental professional consultant(s). Contractor will be required to submit the environmental consultant's experience and qualifications to the City prior to beginning work in areas of Potentially Petroleum Contaminated Material. e. Hiring of qualified environmental sampling professionals that will collect and submit samples to the applicable City of Fort Worth testing laboratory. The City of Fort Worth's Department of Environmental Management for coordination of laboratory testing. 2. REFERENCES a. All applicable OSHA regulatory requirements . b. All applicable Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory requirements. c. All applicable State of Texas regulatory requirements. d . All applicable City of Fort Worth (City) regulatory requirements. e. All applicable NIOSH standards. f . All applicable TNRCC requirements . 3. SUBMITTALS a. The contractor shall prepare and submit to the City's Department of Environmental Management, Senior Specialist in Compliance, plans for handling Potentially Petroleum Contaminated Material (PPCM) not less than 30 days prior to commencing excavation. b. The Contractor shall take necessary precautions while performing this project. Contractor shall not commence PPCM work (1) Contractor 's submittal for dealing with PPCM is reviewed by the City and (2) the plans (i.e ., drawing and description) for discharging any treated liquid into the storm sewer or sanitary sewer are reviewed by the City (3) and acceptable stockpile area is identified by the Contractor. c. Contractor shall submit the name of his proposed qualified environmental professional consultant(s) and proposed PPCM Handling Plan to the City. The PPCM Handling Plan shall include the detailed sequence of construction including proposed excavation and handling methods, proposed carriers for contaminated materials, waste disposal site, and a list of any permits that may be required for PPCM handling or contaminated materials disposal. The above data must be compiled and arranged in a format that is acceptable to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC). AS C-89 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS d. Contractor shall submit actual limits of PPCM excavation, as prepared by his qualified environmental consultant(s) and testing lab. e. Contractor shall submit for review the proposed carrier pipe material to be used with the actual limits of PPCM excavation, including pipe gasket and carrier pipe coating or liner. B. PRODUCTS: 1. PIPE GASKET MA TE RIAL Materials used within the actual limits of PPCM excavation, including pipe gaskets, shall be resistant to petroleum hydrocarbon deterioration. C . EXECUTION: 11 /0 210 4 1. POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED AREAS a . Areas suspected of having petroleum contaminated material (soils) are shown in on the engineering drawings. b. In areas other than those noted on the plans and where potentially petroleum contaminated materials are either detected or suspected, the City of Fort Worth and the Engineer should be notified immediately and the work should proceed in accordance with this section . 2 . SCREENING POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED AREAS a . Care should be taken during all excavation and dewatering activities to identify areas potentially contaminated by petroleum . b. When a petroleum odor is encountered during excavation or when there is vi s ual evidence of potentially petroleum contaminated soil, the Contractor shall notify t he Engineer without delay. c. The Contractor shall have retained the services of an environmental consultant who shall be present at the site to screen suspect sail with a photo-ionization detector (PIO) or a flame ionization detector (FID). A reading of 20 ppm above ambient conditions or greater on PIO or FID tested soil sample will be considered potentially petroleum contaminated . The soul sample should be a recent sample from th e excavation face. The sample should be stored in a laboratory supplied glass jar with a teflon gasket lined lid . The City of Fart Worth Department of Environmenta l Management will be notified prior to all sample collection and submittal to the current testing laboratory identified by the City . The PIO or FID tests should be performed in a confined location. Soils producing a reading of less than 20 ppm above ambient will not be considered potentially petroleum contaminated . The PIO or FID sha ll be calibrated according to manufactures instructions. d . Water encountered during excavation or dewatering shall be considered to be potentially contaminated if there is a visible sheen, a hydrocarbon odor , adjacent soil ASC-90 - 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS that appears visually to be contaminated by hydrocarbons or at any time the Contractor has reason to believe that hydrocarbon contamination may have occurred . The Contractor shall immediately notify the City and the TNRCC whenever contaminated water is encountered. a. The Contractor shall contact the City whenever contamination from any source is suspected . 3. HANDLING POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL (PPCS) a. Contractor shall coordinate with the City to determine a suitable location for the stockpiling of contaminated soil. The following procedure shall be followed in preparing the chosen site: 1. Provide a diked enclosure large enough to hold all material and prevent runoff. 2. The diked area shall be lined with 20-30 mil plastic tp prevent seepage into the existing soil. 3. At the end of each work day , Contractor shall completely cover stockpile with 2.0 mil plastic. During the day, the Contractor shall keep the stockpile covered, as necessary, to prevent release of contaminated materials due ta rain or wind. 4 . Sampling and evaluation of materials will be performed at the Contractor's expense. (The City of Fort Worth will provide laboratory services) b. PPCS shall be handled, tested, observing all standard chain-of-custody procedures and sampling preservation and analyses shall conform to published and recognized standards. c. The stockpiled PPCS shall be sampled and tested every 50 cubic yards for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) (TX1005) and Benzene, Toulene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene (BTEX) (EPA 8020). All test results will be forwarded to the City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management. d. Contaminated soil identified by test results will be disposed of according to DA-36, Load ing, Transportation, and Disposal of Contaminated Soil. e. It is the intent of the City of Fort Worth that uncontaminated soils be utilized as backfill material, if the soils also meet the Type C or B backfill classifications. 4. HANDLING POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CON TAMINATED WATER (PPCW) a. Water pumped from the excavation or from dewatering activities that has an oily sheen, a hydrocarbon odor, or is otherwise suspect, shall be considered potentially petroleum contaminated. b. PPCW shall be handled, tested, and discharged in accordance with the TNRCC's appropriate state regulation. PPCW shall be tested no later than 15 days prior to extraction . PPCW sha ll, if necessary, be treated in an appropriately sized oil/water separator, air stripper or GAC canisters . Contractor shall have his testing laboratory determine that the oil/water separator treated discharge is within the limits established by the TNRCC's regulations before being allowed to discharge ASC -91 PART DA -AD D ITION AL SPECIAL C ONDITIONS (discharge to sanitary sewer). Contracto r shall be responsible for furnishing the effluent test reports to t he City . c. Alternatively , the Contractor may dispose of co ntaminated water, after appropriate pretreatment , into the sanitary sewer colle ction system . It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain the necessary permit (s) and to perform all testing required by the City of Fort Worth Pret reatment Services Division . d. All treated water shall be discharged into a Cont ractor sup plied Frac Tank , sampled , and analyzed before disch arge into the sewer syste m. e. The product that is recovered shall be dispos ed of in accordance with all applicable regulations . Any phase separate product rec ov ered fro m the ail/wate r separator and air strippe r shall be transported in acco rda nce w it h Depa rtm ent of Transportation rules and regulations for flammable prod uct s. Wh en t ransporting product far disposal , transportat ion shall also be performed by a lice nsed carrier . The Contractor is responsible for proper manifestin g of th e mate ri al from the site to the waste disposal fa cility . Co mpleted Manifests shall be return ed to the City Department of En vironm enta l Ma nage ment w it hin 90 days of shi pme nt. 5. HANDLI NG VAPOR CONCENTRATIONS a. In order to mainta in safe working conditions , the vapor concentrat ions shou ld not exc eed 20 perce nt of the Lower Exp losive Limit (LEL). During construction , me asu res shou ld be taken to main tain LEL levels below 20 percent in all working a rea s. b. To monitor vapor levels and oxygen levels a co mbustible ga s indicator (C GI) w ith a LEL/02 meter should continuously operate in the wor king area . The CGI should be prope rl y calibrated and s hould have an alarm that sou nds if 20 percent LEL is reache d . Monitoring data from the GCI shou ld be recorded periodicall y to determi ne if ventilation or other methods are effective. In the event local healt h and safety agencies require more stringent monitoring, the local regulations must be imp lemented. D. MEASUREME NT AND PAYMENT: Pa yme nt for handling PPCS , PPCW and Vapor Concentrations , obtaining and paying for any pe rmits required , hiring the services of a qualified professio nal environme ntal consul tant (s), env ironmental issues , stockpiling and all issues included and inci denta l to this sect ion will be full compensation for all labor, equipment , materials, and supervisio n. Measure ment and Payment for this section w ill be per linear foot of trenc h exca vated whe re the excava te d mate ri al is handled as a contamina ted material. No separate payment wi ll be made for han dl ing of co ntaminated water , vapor concentrations, sampling, stock pili ng, etc. DA-38 LOADING, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED SOIL A GENERAL: 11/02/04 ASC-92 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS · This item has been established for the loading, transportation and disposal of contaminated soils in a State of Texas approved disposal site (landfill} to handle special wastes (petroleum contaminated soils). A bid item has been established in the proposal for the proper loading, transportation and disposal of the material to a designated site and the quantity established is the engineers best estimate of the quantity that may be removed. This quantity may vary depending upon actual conditions and testing results. The unit price bid will not be increased regardless of the actual amount of material disposed and may be decreased if a larger volume of material, than that listed in the bid proposal, results in a unit cost reduction for disposal. B. WASTE MANIFESTS: Any and all non-hazardous liquid and petroleum substance waste removed from the site of generation and transported for treatment and/or disposal must be accompanied by a waste shipment record/manifest detailing required generator, transported, destination and waste description information. These results may not be uniform throughout the entire site . For all petroleum substance waste, the waste shipment record utilized shall be the TNRCC PETROLEUM-SUBSTANCE WASTE AFFIDAVIT (Form TWC-0332). The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining, originating and maintaining manifests in accordance with federal and state laws. The Contractor shall sign the manifests forms as Independent Contractor to the Owner. AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT FOR REMOVAL TRANSPORT AND TREATMENT / DISPOSAL OF WASTES IN CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPT BY THE ENGINEER OF FULLY COMPLETED AND SIGNED MANIFEST FORMS that are in agreement with regard ta the type and amount of waste removed from the site and received by the treatment/disposal facility. The Contractor shall immediately resolve any manifest discrepancies . Completed Manifests shall be returned ta the City Department of Environmental Management within 90 days of shipment. C . MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Payment for this item shall be made per in place cubic yard of contaminated soils that are loaded, transported and disposed of in an approved special disposal site. No separate payment will be made for loading, transportation and disposal of contaminated ground waters collected; these costs considered subsidiary to DA-37 , POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED MATERIAL HANDLING. The proposed landfill shall be included in the Contractor's bid submittal and approved by the City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management prior to contract award. Contractor shall be responsible for all landfill costs, including, but not limited to landfill fees, transportation costs and landfill operator requested analytical testing and waste characterization . DA-39 ROCK RIPRAP -GROUT -FILTER FABRIC A. GENERAL: 11/02104 1. General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, applicable requirements of Di vision 1 - General Requirements and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Standard Specifications , are hereby made a part of this section. ASC-93 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2 . This item shall govern for the installation of rock riprap of the various sizes shown on the plans. B. DESIGN CRITERIA: 1. The toe of the riprap revetment shall be entrenched in stable channel bottoms. If the channel bottom is not stable , the design shall incorporate other requirements needed to stabilize the revetment toe. 2 . The channel side slope shall be as shown on the drawings. 3. Engineering filter fabric material shall be placed undern eath the riprap. 4 . Riprap shall extend up the bank to an elevation w here veg et ati o n will p ro v ide adequate protection. See crass sections . C . P RODUCT: 11/0 210 4 1. RIPRAP MATERIAL: Stone for riprap shall be durable a nd of a s u itabl e q ua lity to i nsure permanence in the structure .. It shall be free fro m cracks , seams a nd ot her d ef ects that would tend to increase deterioration . Rock shall be re as o na b ly w ell grad ed between the foll owi ng prescribed li mits: 24" Ripra p 18" Ri prap Sieve Size (Square Mesh) 24inch 18inch 12 inch 6 in c h Sieve S ize (Square Mesh) 18inc h 12inch 6inch 3 in ch Percent Passi ng 100 80-90 45-55 0-20 Pe rcent Passing 100 60-85 15-45 0-15 2. RIPRA P W EIG HT: W e ight of rock shall be one hundred fifty five pounds per solid cubic foot (m in.) calcu lat ed from the b ul k specific g ravity (saturated surface dry). 3. F ILTE R FAB RI C B LAN KET: Approved Ma nufacturer: • Su pac -Heavy Grade 8NP (UV) • Trev ira 0 1 1/280 • A moco 4553 • or Equal Heavy Grade 4. RIPRAP G RO UT I NG a. FINE AGGRE GATE : Fine aggregate for gro uting mix shall cons ist of natura l sand, manufa ct ured sand, or a combination of natu ral and manufactured sands. The ASC-94 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS g rad ing an d un iformity of the fine aggregate shall conform to the foll ow ing req uirements as de live red t o the mi xers : Sieve Des ignation , U.S . Standard Square Mesh 3/8 in . (9 .5 mm) No. 4 (4 .75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 16 (1 .18 mm ) No . 30 (600 um) No. 50 (300 um) No. 100 (1 50 um) Perm issible Limits Percent by Weight. Passing 100 95 -100 80 -95 55-75 30 -60 12 - 30 2 -10 D. EXECUT ION : 11 /02104 1. CONS T RUCT IO N: a. T he c hanne l si de slo pe and th e to e excav ation s hall be p re pared to t he req uired lines a nd grades. b . Filter fabric and riprap shall be placed in succession to the required t hicknesses and elevations. Riprap shall be hand placed around structures to prevent damage to the structures. 2 . INSTALLATION OF THE FILTER FABRIC (GEOTEXTILE): The geotextile shall be placed in the manner and at the locations shown on the . drawings. At the time of installation, the geotextile shall be rejected if it has defects, rips, hales, flaws, deterioration or damage incurred during manufacture, transportation or storage. The surface to receive the geotexti le shall be prepared to a relatively smooth condition free of obstructions, depressions, debris , and soft or low density pockets of material. Erosion features such as rills, gullies, etc. must be graded out of the surface before geotextile placement The geotextile shall be placed with the long dimension pe r pendicular to the centerline of the channel and laid smoot h and free of tension , stress, fo lds, wrinkles , or creases . The strips shall be placed to provide a minimum width of 24-inches of overlap for each jo int. Temporary pinning of the textile to help hold it in place until the rock riprap is placed. The temporary p ins shall be removed as the riprap is placed to relieve high tensile stress which may occur during placement of material on the geotexti le . The specified placement procedure requires that the length of the geotextile be greater than the actual slope length. The Contractor shall adjust the actual length of the geotextile used based on initial installation experience. The geotextile shall be protected at all times during construction from contamination by surf ace runoff and any geotexti le so contaminated shall be removed and replaced with uncontaminated geotextile. Any geotextile damaged during its installation or during placement of riprap shall be rep lac e d by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. The work shall be scheduled so that the covering of the geotextile with a layer of t he specified material is accomp lis hed within seven (7) calendar days after placement of the geotextile. Failure to comply sha ll require replacement of geotextile . The geotextile shall be protected from damage prio r to and during the placement of rock riprap. Before placement of gabion units , the Contractor shall demonstrate that th e ASC-95 11/02104 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS placement technique will prevent damage to the geotextile. In no case shall any type of equipment be allowed on the unprotected geotextile. 3. RIPRAP PLACEMENT: Stone for riprap shall be placed on the filter fabric blanket in such a manner as to produce a reasonably well graded mass of rock with the minimum practicable percentage of voids and shall be constructed within the specified tolerance to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. Then intent of these specifications is to require placement of riprap to the thickness shown and to allow isolated stones to extend as much as six inches above grade. Riprap shall be placed to its full course thickness at one operation and in such a manner as to avoid displacing the fabric. The larger stones shall be well distributed and the entire mass of stones in their final position shall conform to the gradation specified hereinbefore . The finished riprap shall be free from objectionable pockets of small stones and clusters of larger stones. The desired distribution of the various sizes of stones throughout the mass shall be obtained by selective loading of the material at the quarry or other source, by controlled dumping of successive loads during final placing, or by other methods of placement which will produce the specified results. Rearranging of individual stones, by mechanical equipment or by hand will be required to the extent necessary to obtain a reasonably well graded distribution of stone specified above. The Contractor shall maintain the riprap protection until accepted. Any material displaced by any cause shall be replaced at his erosion to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. 4. GROUT PLACEMENT: Grout shall be composed of cement, water and air-entraining admixture and sand mixed in the proportions of 1 part of Portland cement to 3 parts of sand, sufficient water to produce a workable mixture, and that amount of admixture which will entrain sufficient air to produce durable grout, as determined by the ENGINEER. Sand for grouting shall conform to the requirements of paragraph: FINE AGGREGATE. The grout shall be mixed in a concrete mixer in the manner specified far concrete except that the time of mixing shall be increased to that necessary to produce a mixture having a consistency such as to permit gravity flow into the interstices of the riprap with the help of limited spading and brooming. The grout shall be used in the work within a period of one ( 1) hour after mixing. Retempering of ground will not be permitted. Riprap shall not be grouted when the ambient temperature is below 35 degree F. or above 95 degrees F. unless approved by the ENGINEER in writing; nor when the grout, without special protection, is likely to be subjected to freezing temperatures before final set has occurred. Prior to grouting, all surfaces of riprap shall be wetted. The riprap shall be grouted in successive longitudinal strips, appro ximately 10 feet in width, commencing at the lowest strip and working up the slope . Grout shall be brought to the place of final deposit by approved means, and in no case will grout be permitted to flow on the riprapped surface a distance in excess of 10 feet. Immediately after dumping the batch of grout, it shall be distributed over the surface of the strip by the use of brooms and the grout worked into place between stones with suitable spades, trowels, or vibrating equipment. As a final operation, the grout shall be removed from the top surfaces of the upper stones and from pockets and depressions in the surface of the stone protection. After completion of any strip as specified, no workman or any load shall be permitted on the grouted surface for a period of at least 24 hours . The grouted surface shall be protected from rain , flowing water, and mechanical injury . The surface of all grouted riprap shall be cured by keeping the surface continuously wet for a period of not less than 7 days . ASC-96 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS E. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1. FILTER FABRIC: Filter fabric will be measured by the square yard for material used including that required at toes and thickened edges of riprap. Payment for filter fabric will be made at the contract unit price per square yard which includes all plant, labor, material , and all installation costs in-place , complete. 2. STONE RIPRAP: Stone (rock) riprap will be measured by the cubic yard using actual plan dimensions. Payment for riprap will be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard which includes all plant, labor, material, and installation costs in-place, complete. 3. GROUT: Grout for rock riprap will be measured by the square yard using actual plan dimensions. Payment for grout will be made at the contract unit price per square yard which includes all plant, labor, material, and installation costs in-place, complete. DA-40 CONCRETE RIPRAP 1 GENERAL: The following shall govern the furnishing and placing of concrete riprap a~ shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. 2 MATERIALS: Concrete for riprap shall be placed in accordance with the details and to the dimensions shown on the plans or as established by the Engineer. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, concrete riprap shall be reinforced using wire or bar reinforcement. The concrete shall be 3000 PSI at 28 days, Class A. Wire reinforcement shall be six (6) by six (6) inch No. 6 plain electric welded reinforcing fabric or its equal. A minimum lap of six (6) inches shall be used at all s plices . At the edge of the riprap , the wire fabric shall not be less than one (1) inch, no more than three (3) inches from the edge of the concrete and shall have no wire projecting beyond the last member parallel to the edge of the concrete . Reinforcement shall be supported properly throughout the placement to maintain its position equidistance from the top and bottom surface of the slab. If the slopes and bottom of the trench for toe walls are dry and not consolidated properly, the Enginee r may require the entire area to be sprinkled, or sprinkled and consolidated before the concrete is placed . All surfaces shall be moist when concrete is placed . After the concrete has been placed, compacted , and shaped to conform to the dimensions shown on the plans, and after it has set sufficiently to avoid slumping, the surface shall be finished with a wooden float to secure a reasonab ly smooth surface . 3. PAYMENT: Payment for concrete riprap in place shall be made at the unit price bid in the Proposal multiplied by the quantity of material used. Bid price will be full compensation for placing all materials, and for all labor, tools , equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Payment for all necessary excavation below natural ground , and bottom or slope of the excavated channel will be included in the bid price . 11102104 ASC -97 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-41 CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE AND FITTINGS Concrete cylinder pipe on this project shall be Class 150 A.W.W.A. C-303 pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe or Class 150 AWWA C-301 prestressed concrete cylinder pipe as specified on the plans and manufactured in accordance with Material Standard E1-4 contained in the General Contract documents . Payment for work such as backfill, bedding, blocking, excavation and all other associated appurtenances; required, shall be included in the Linear Foot price of the pipe and lump sum for the pipe fittings in the appropriate BID ITEM(S). DA-42 CONCRETE PIPE FITTINGS AND SPECIALS Bidders shall submit the following for G~104-;p(etensiohec;t concrete cylinder pipe to be installed on this project: 1. A complete list of fittings and specials upon which the lump sum is bid. 2. Provide a unit price indicating the cost for furnishing and installing each of the various items of fittings and specials. The lump sum as bid in the Proposal shall be payment in full for all fittings and specials necessary for the construction of the project as designed. Payment for the installation of the pipe fittings, specials, and random lengths shall be included. Should the Engineer approve any changes to the fittings, specials or random pipe lengths listed as justifying the amount bid in the Proposal, the price submitted with the Proposal shall be used to determine the increase or decrease in the value of the lump sum of the Proposal, and the Contractor shall be paid an the basis of this adjusted value under that bid item. DA-43 UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION This item will be used if additional excavation is needed that is not covered by "8" PAVEMENT PULVERIZATION". Additional Excavation is the removal of the excessive crown and base to bring the new base to proper grade and City standard specifications for street reconstruction . All applicable provisions of Item No . 106 "Unclassified Street Excavation'' shall apply, work shall be paid per cubic yard . DA-44 6" PERFORATED PIPE SUBDRAIN This item shall consist of furnishing and installing 6" perforated subdrain and filter material all as shown on the enclosed details, or as directed by the Engineer. All applicable provision of standard Specifications Item 500 "SUBDRAINS" shall apply except as herein modified . The pipe material shall be poly vinyl chloride (PVC) with the standard dimensional ratio of 35 (SDR35) and meet the ASTM D 1784. Filter shall have the capability of passing ground water without transporting the soil placed around the filter fabric. The fabric shall be constructed exclusively of synthetic thermoplastic fibers and may be either woven or non- woven to form a mat of uniform quality . Fabric fiber may be either continuous or discontinuous and oriented in either a random or an aligned pattern throughout the fabric. The fabric shall be mildew resistant, rot proof, shall be satisfactory for use in a wet soil and aggregate environment, contain ultraviolet stabilizers and have nonravelling edges. 11102104 ASC-98 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS The fabric shall meet the following requirements when sampled and tested in accordance with the methods indicated. Test Original Physical Properties Fabric weight , on an ambient Temperature air-dried tension free sample , expressed in oz/sq .yd. Water flow rate by falling head method, 7.9 inches (20 cm} to 3.9 inches (10 cm) an 2 inch ID cylinder with 1 inch diameter orifice , with flow rate expressed in gal/sq . ft/minute . Method SDHPT Test Method Tex-616-J "Testing of Construction Fibers" Tex-616-J Requirements 4 .0 minimum for under drains and Slope Stabilization, 6.0 minimum far Gabions Revetment 80 minimum Breaking load in either machine or ASTM Designation: 100 minimum cross-machine direction, expressed D 1682 grab method G as in pounds. modified by Tex-616 -J Equivalent opening size Standard sieve no.) (US CW-02215, US Army Corps of 70 to 100 Engineers, Civil Works Construction Guide Specification. "P lastic Filter Fabric : November, 1977. "Apparent elongation" at breaking AST, Designation: 100 maximum load in either machine or cross-D 1682 grab method G as machine direction, expressed as modified by Tex-616-J percent. The "Filter Fabric" ·shall be installed in accordance with the manufactu rer 's recommendations , as indicated or as directed by the Engineer. When lapping is required, it shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Backfilling around the Filter Fabric shall be done in such a way as not to damage the Filter Fabric material during the placement The unit price bid per L.F. shall be full compensation for all labor , materials, equipmen ts, tools , and incidentals necessary ta complete the work. DA-45 REPLACEMENT OF 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALKS 11102104 ASC-99 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS This item shall include the removal and replacement of existing concrete sidewalk due to failure or in situation where curb and gutter is replaced to adjust grades to eliminate ponding water with same day haul-off of the removed material to a suitable dumpsite . For specifications governing this item see Item No. 104 "Removing Old Concrete", and Item No. 504 "Concrete Sidewalk and Driveways". The unit price bid per square yard shall be full compensation for all labor, material, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary to complete the removal and replacement work. DA-46 RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION In order to facilitate timely reconstruction of the affected roadway surfaces (subsequent to water/sewer installation) under the City's roadway maintenance program, it is recommended that the proposed water and/or sanitary sewer improvements be conducted on the project streets based upon the following sequence: 1. "A" Street 2. "B" Street 3. "C" Street 4. "D" Street 5. "E" Street After the work start date has been established, the selected contractor shall be required to submit the beginning and ending dates for all work (including pavement repair) on each of the proj ect streets . Please be advised that the contractor has t he option of submitting a different sequence of construction than stated above. The contractor shall not be allowed ta begin work (but time charges will begin on the project) until the preferred sequence of construction and the start and end work dates for each street have been submitted to the City . DA-47 PAVEMENT REPAIR IN PARKING AREA The unit price bid under appropriate BID ITEM(S) of the Proposal shall cover all cost for providing pavement repair equal to or superior in composition, thickness, etc ., to existing pavement. All required paving cuts shall be made with a concrete saw in a true and straight line on both sides of the trench, a minimum of twelve (12) inches outside the trench walls . The trench shall be backfilled and the top nine (9) inches shall be filled with crushed limestone base material , compacted and level with the finished adjacent surface . This finished grade shall be maintained in a serviceable condition until the paving has been replaced . DA-48 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS Easements and permits , both temporary and permanent, have been secured for this project at this time and made a part thereto. Any easements and/or permits, both temporary and permanent , that have not been obtained by the time of publication shall be secured before construction starts. No work is to be done in areas requiring easements and/or permits until the necessary easemen ts are obtained. The Contractor's atte ntion is directed to the easement description and permit requirements, as con tained herein , along with any special conditions that may have been imposed on these easements and permits . 11/02104 ASC-100 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Where the pipeline crosses privately owned property, the easements and construction areas are shown on the plans. The easements shall be cleaned up after use and restored to their original conditions or better. In the event additional work room or access is required by the Contractor, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain written permission from the property owners involved for the use of additional property required. No additional payment will be allowed for this item. DA-49 HIGHWAY REQUIREMENTS The Texas Department of Transportation requirements pertaining to the construction of this project are enclosed herein and made part of these specifications. DA-50 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT Concrete encasement shall be Class E (1500 psi) concrete and for sewer line encasements shall conform to Fig. 113; for water line encasements it shall conform to Fig. 20 of the General Contract Documents . Requirements for such encasement are specified in Sections E1-20 and E2-20 of the General Contract Documents. Payment for work such as forming, placing, and finishing including all labor, tools, equipment and material necessary to complete the work shall be included in the linear foot price bid for Concrete Encasement. DA-51 CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES All connections between proposed and existing facilities, shall consist of a watertight seal. Concrete used in the connection shall be Class A (3000 psi) concrete and meet the requirements of Section E1-20 and E2-20 of the General Contract Documents. Prior to concrete placement, a gasket, RAM-Nek or approved equal shall be installed around penetrating pipe . Payment for such work as connecting to existing facilities including all labor, tools , equipment , and material necessary to complete the work shall be included in the linear foot price of the appropriate pipe BID ITEM . • DA-52 TURBO METER WITH VAULT AND BYPASS INSTALLATION All combination turbo meter installations will be per attached Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer . The contractor shall use Sileo Type J-3 Model 30" x 36" Steel Single Leaf Doors or approved equal unless the vault door is subject to vehicular traffic i.e .: in a street, parking lot , or driveway . The appropriate size turbo meter with strainer and check valve if required will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge; however, the Contractor will be required to pick up these item(s) at the Field Operations Warehouse . Payment for all work , materials, and all necessary appurtenances from bypass tee to bypass tee which are required to provide a complete and functional Combination Turbo Meter Installation complete with Bypass and Concrete Vault shall be included in the price bid for each . DA-53 OPEN FIRE LINE INSTALLATIONS 11 /02104 ASC-101 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS All open fire line installations will be per attached Figure 32 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The appropriate size detector check meter, 3/4-inch meter and class 'B' meter box will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge; however, the Contractor will be required to pick up the items at the Field Operations Warehouse. Payment for all work, materials, and all necessary appurtenances from the City side flange coupling adapter to the customer side gate valve and box; including incidental 5 linear feet of pipe, which are required to provide a complete and functional open fire line installation shall be included in the price bid for each. Payment for the City side gate valve or tap valve depending on which is required will be paid for under the appropriate bid item(s). DA-54 WATER SAMPLE STATION GENERAL: All water sampling station installations will be per attached Figure 34 or as required in large water meter vaults as per Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The appropriate water sampling station will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge ; however, the Contractor will be required to pick up this item at the Field Operations Warehouse . PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 34 INSTALLATIONS : Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the 3/4-inch type K copper service line will be shall be included in the price bid for copper Service Line from Main to Meter. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation tap saddle (if required), corporation stops, and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main . Payment for all worki and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station , concrete support block , curb stop, fittings, and an incidental 5-feet of type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and functional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid far the water main. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 33 INSTALLATIONS : Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation tap saddle, gate valve, and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station , modification to the vault, fittings, and all type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and functional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for W ater Sample Stations. DA-55 CURB ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT Standard Specification Item 502 shall apply except as herein modified . 11 /02104 ASC-102 -' PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS INTEGRAL CURB: Integral curb shall be constructed along the edge of the pavement as an integral part of the slab and of the same concrete as the slab. The concrete for the curb shall be deposited not more than thirty (30) minutes after the concrete in the slab . SUPERIMPOSED CURB: Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch at twenty-eight (28) days. The quantity of mixing water shall not exceed seven (7) U.S . gallons per sack (94 lbs.) of Portland Cement. The slump of the concrete shall not exceed three (3) inches. A minimum cement content of five (5) sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete is required. PAYMENT: Payment shall be made for cutting and replacing curbs and gutters required in this Project under the appropriate bid item and shall be in compliance with Public Works Department standard requirement Item 502. DA-56 SHOP DRAWINGS 1. Submit seven (7) copies of shop drawings, layouts, manufacturer's data and material schedules as may be required by the Engineer for his review. Submittals may be checked by and stamped with the approval of the Contractor and identified as the Engineer may require. Such review by the Engineer shall include checking for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with information given in the General Contract Documents. Indicated actions by the Engineer, which may result from his review, shall not constitute concurrence with any deviation from the plans and specifications unless such deviations are specifically identified by the method described below, and further shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the submitted data. Processed shop drawing submittals are not change orders. The purpose of submittals by the Contractor is to demonstrate that the Cont ractor understands the design concept, and that he demonstrates his understanding by indicating which equipment and materials he intends to furnish and install, and by detailing the fabrication and installation methods he intends to use . If deviations, discrepancies or conflicts between submittals and the design drawings and/or specifications are discovered, either prior to or after submittals are processed, the design drawings and specifications shall govern. The Contractor shall be responsible for dimensions which are to be confirmed and correlated at the job site , fabrication processes and techniques of constriction, coordination of his work with that of other trades and satisfactory performance his work. The Contractor shall check and verify all measurements and review submittals prior to being submitted, and sign or initial a statement included with the submittal, which signifies compliance with plans and specifications and dimensions suitable for the application . Any deviation from the specified criteria shall be expressly stated in writing in the submittal. Three (3) copies of the approved submittals shall be retained by the Contractor until completion of the project and presented to the City in bound form . 2 . Shop drawings shall be submitted for the following items prior to installation : List the requi red submittals here Additional shop drawing requirements are described in some of the material specifications . 3. Address for Submittals -The submittals shall be addressed to the Project Manager: 11/02104 (Project Manager) City of Fort Worth ASC-103 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, TX 76102 DA-57 COST BREAKDOWN In order to establish a basis upon which partial payments to the Contractor may be authorized, immediately after execution of the contract the Contractor shall furnish a detailed cost breakdown of his contract price arranged and itemized to meet the approval of the Engineer. DA-58 STANDARD STREET SPECIFICATIONS H.M.A.C. OVERLAY All work involving paving and/or drainage shall conform to the two following published specifications, except as modified herein: STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS DA-59 H.M.A.C. MORE THAN 9 INCHES DEEP When H.M.A.C. greater than 9 inches in depth is encountered, it shall be replaced with a combination of H.M.A.C. and 2:27 concrete base, as determined by the Engineer, to achieve the required thickness of pavement. DA-60 ASPHALT DRIVEWAY REPAIR At locations where H.M .A.C. driveways are encountered, such driveways shall be completely replaced for the full extent of utility cut with H.M.A.C. equal to or better than the existing driveway . DA-61 TOP SOIL Where directed by the Engi neer , top soil shall be applied in accordance with the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department's Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction, Item 116, except as follows: All labor, equipment, tools and incidentals shall be included in the square yard bid price for the top soil. DA-62 WATER METER AND METER BOX RELOCATION AND ADJUSTMENT This item shall include raising or lowering an existing meter box to the parkway grade specified No payment will be made for adjusting existing boxes which are within 0.001 feet of specified parkway grade. The unit price bid shall be full and sufficient payment for all labor, equipment and materials used in the adjustment of the meter box. DA-63 BID QUANTITIES Bid quantities of the various items in the proposal are for comparison only and may not reflect the actual quantities . There is no limit to which a bid item can be increased or decreased . 11102104 ASC-104 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Contractor shall not be entitled to renegotiation of unit prices regardless of the final measured quantities. To the extent that C4-4.3 conflicts with this provision, this provision controls. No claim will be considered for lost or anticipated profits based upon differences in estimated quantities versus actual quantities. In particular , the Contractor shall be aware that it is the City 's intention that the quantities in Unit I be used on an "emergency" basis only. Total quantities given in the bid proposal may not reflect actual quantities; however, they are given for the purpose of bidding and awarding the contract. A contract in the amount of $200,000 (see Options to Renew) shall be awarded with final payment based on actual measured quantities and the unit price bid in this proposal. Moreover, there is to be not limit on the variation between the estimated quantities shown and actual quantities performed. It is understood and agreed that the scope of work contemplated in this contract is that which is designated by the City bit will in not case exceed $200,000 (see Options to Renew) including all change orders. DA-64 WORK IN HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY When the Engineer directs the Contractor to perform work in the right-of-way which is under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation (Tex-Dot), the Contractor shall obtain approval from the Texas Department of Transportation prior to commencing any work therein. All work performed in the Tex-Dot right-of-way shall be performed in compliance with and subject to approval from the Texas Department of Transportat ion and Item E2-29.1 "Con struction Within Highway Right-of-Way" of the General Contract Documents and Specifications, effective July 1, 1978 , as amended. DA-65 CRUSHED LIMESTONE (FLEX-BASE) Crushed limestone required for use as a flexible base material shall conform to Specification Item No. 208 of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department. DA-66 OPTION TO RENEW The City has the right to renew this contract for three (3) one year terms/expenditures of $200,000 under the same terms, conditions, and unit prices. The City shall give at least sixty (60) days notice prior to the expiration of one year from the date of execution of this contract or of an option period or a like notice at such time as there is less than $20,000 left unexpended. DA-67 NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT This contract is non-exclusive . During the term of this contract or any renewal hereof, the City reserves the right to advertise and award another contract for like or similar work. If a second contract is awarded, the City further reserves the right to issue work orders under either contract as it deems in its best interest , without recourse. DA-68 CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER 11102/04 ASC-105 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS This item shall include the repair/replacement of existing concrete valley gutters as directed by the Engineer. The proposed valley gutters will be constructed according to the detail included in these documents as well as conforming to Specification Item No. 314 of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department. The unit price bid for this item shall be full compensation for all materials (including applicable sub-base}, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-69 TRAFFIC BUTTONS The Contractor shall supply all materials and labor necessary to install traffic buttons of the same type as were previously installed at locations designated by the Engineer. The buttons to be supplied shall be generally, but not limited to Type W-4 and Type II C-R4 and installed with a Type Ill Epoxy. The unit price bid for this item shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work . DA-70 PAVEMENT STRIPING Pavement striping, whenever and wherever encountered, shall be replaced to match the existing striping or as directed by the Engineer. Materials used shall be of 420 Type intersection grade tape (in 18-inch width) such as Stamark as manufactured by 3M company or approved equal. The unit price bid for this item shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work . DA-71 H.M.A.C. TESTING PROCEDURES T he contractor is required to submit a Mix Design for both Type "B" and "D" asphalt that w ill be used for each project. This should be submitted at the Pre-Construction Conference . This design shall not be mare than two (2) years old . Upon submittal of the design mix a Marshal (Proctor) will be calculated , if one has not been previously calculated, for the use during density testing. For type "B'' asphalt a maximum of 20% rap may be used. No Rap may be used in type "D" Upon approval of an asphalt mix design and the calculation of the Marshal (proctor) the contractor is approved for placement of the asphalt. The contractor shall contact the City Laboratory , through the inspector, at least 24 hours in advance of the asphalt placement to schedule a technician to assist in the monitoring of the number of passes by a roller to establish a rolling pattern that will provide the required densities. The required Density for Type "B'' and for Type "D " asphalt will be 91 % of the calcu lated Marshal (proctor). A Troxler Thin Layer Gauge will be used for all asphalt testing . After a rolling pattern is established , densities should be taken at locations not more than 300 feet apart . The above requirement app lies to both Type "B" and "D" asphalt. Densities on type "B" must be done before Type "D" asphalt is applied . 11102104 ASC -106 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Gores to determine thickness of Type UB" asphalt must be taken before Type "D" asphalt is applied . Upon completion of the application of Type "D" asphalt additional cores must be taken to determine the applied thickness. DA-72 SPECIFICATION REFERENCES When reference is made in these specifications to a particular ASTM , AWWA, ANSI or other specification, it shall be understood that the latest revision of such specification, prior to the date of these general specifications or revisions thereof, shall apply. DA-73 RELOCATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM BACK-FLOW PREVENTER/CONTROL VALVE AND BOX The relocation and reconnection of sprinkler system control valve and box will be required as shown on the plans, and/or as described in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. A minimum of twenty-four (24) hours advance notice shall be given when service interruption will be required. When the relocation is required, separate payment will be allowed for the relocation of sprinkler back-flow preventer or control valve and box. Payment for all work and material such as back-fill, fittings, five (5) feet of PVC Schedule 40 and all material labor, and equipment used by and for the licensed plumber shall be included in the price bid for the relocation of sprinkler back-flow preventer or control valve and box . All other costs will be included in other appropriate bid item(s). DA-74 RESILIENT-SEATE D GATE VALVES Any resilient-seated gate valves supplied for this contract shall conform to Material Standard E1-26, STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESILIENT-SEATED GATE VALVES, with the exception of size requirements in sections E-26.1 . All resilient-seated gate valves shall be mechanical joints and be approved on the City of Fort Worth Standard Product List. DA-75 EMERGENCY SITUATION, JOB MOVE-IN The Owner or Engineer shall determine when an emergency situation shall exist. When water emergency work is required , the Contractor shall mobilize to the said location within twenty-four (24) hours after given notification from the Inspector and/or Project Manager. The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for bypass pumping, setting up barricades, notifying citizens, etc., while waiting for other utilities to be located as directed by the Engine er. The Contractor shall work continuously until the emergency work order has been completed at a time agreed to by the Project Manager, Inspector, and Contractor. After the emergency work order has been completed, there will be no additional "J ob Move-In" charges paid to remobilize back to the previous project location site. DA-76 1 %" & 2" COP PER SERVICES The following is an addendum ta E 1-17, Copper Water Service Lines and Copper Alloy Couplings: 11/02104 ASC-107 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS All fittings used for 1 Yin and 2" water services lines shall be compression fittings of the type produced with an internal "gripper ring" as manufactured by the Ford Meter Box Co., Inc., Mueller Company, or approved equal. Approved equal products shall submit shop drawings and manufacturer's catalog information for approval. Contractor shall make all cuts to the copper tubing with a copper tubing cutter tool specifically designed for this purpose in order to provide a clean, square cut. The use of hacksaws or any other type of cutter will not be allowed . Prior to installing the compression fittings, the copper tubing will be made round by the use of a "rounding tube" specifically made for that purpose. Payment for all work and materials associated with 1 Yi " and 2" copper services shall be included in the price of the appropriate bid item. DA-77 SCOPE OF WORK (UTIL. CUT) The work covered by these Specifications consists of the paving repair over utility cuts which have been backfilled previously by the City Water Department, as indicated by the details and possible adjacent areas damaged by blowout, etc. Included in this work will be the removal of the existing material in order to insure a paving section in conformity with existing pavement or the appropriate detail shown in this document as directed by the engineer and all other miscellaneous items of construction to be performed as outlined in the specifications, which are ne.cessa ry to satisfactorily complete the work. Total quantities given in the bid proposal may not reflect actual quantities; however, they are given for the purpose of bidding and awarding the contract. Fina l payment will be based on actual measured quantities and the unit price bid in this proposal. There will not be a direct payment for saw cutting the existing asphalt or concrete, compacting the existing subgrade or removal of the existing material. These items will be cons idered as subsidiary to the contract. The contractor will be required to maintain a capping course of hot mix-cold lay asphalt in areas where traffic has whipped out washed rock, until the paving repair can be accomplished . These items will be considered as subsidiary to the contract. The Inspector will pick up the repair tickets by 8:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday. The repair tickets will be issued to the contractor early the next day . Each repair ticket that is issued shall be completed within twenty-one (21) calendar days. The twenty-one (21) calenda r days for completion of the job begins the day after the contractor receives the ticket. See special condition TIME ALLOWED FOR UTILITY CUTS. The Contractor shall identify to the Engineer possible locations for settlement of repaired pavement due to backfill of ditch by others . As directed by the Engineer, the Contracto r shall remove and replace existing backfill with washed rock. The Water Department will estimate the necessary size of the pavement repair on each ticket. Upon receipt of each ticket the Engineer sha ll determine , by measurement, the requ ired size of each repair . All repair sizes shall be approved by the Engineer prior to any repair work. DA-78 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIL TY (UTIL. CUT) 11/02104 ASC -108 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Contractor covenants and agrees to fully perform or cause to be performed, with good faith and due diligence, and in accordance with standards common to the industry and herein set forth in these Contract Documents which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this contract. pavement repair to be ordered by the City at various times and to be performed at various places by separate repair tickets. The City may designate pavement to be repaired by furnishing to the Contractor a marked drawing, or street addresses contained in a written order or by marking in the filed by paint or other means, or by any or all combinations of said methods of designation . The Contractor agrees that no work will be performed without written authorization from the individual designated in writing by the Director of the Engineering Department. DA-79 CONTRACT TIME (UTIL. CUT) It is understood and agreed that the scope of work contemplated in this contract is that which is designated by the City as the need arises. It is further agreed that the term of this contract is five (5) months from the date of execution of contract work order and no orders will be accepted by the Contractor after the contract has expired . At the end of contract the Contractor will have twenty-one (21) additional calendar days to complete work already ordered and fifteen additional calendar days to bill said work for a total of thirty-six days after contract termination to complete and bill work authorized pursuant to this contract. DA-80 REQUIRED CREW PERSONNEL & EQUIPMENT (UTIL. CUT) The Contractor shall be required to furnish sufficient personnel and equipment capable of completely finishing an average of fifty_ (50) utility cut tickets with an aggregate average of 750 S.Y. of permanent pavement repair each week. DA-81 TIME ALLOWED FOR UTILITY CUTS (UTIL. CUT) The Contractor shall assist the Engineer in measuring each pavement repair before any work is started . A repair ticket will be issued for each utility cut after measurement and twenty -one (21) calendar days beginning the day after the ticket is issued will be allowed for final completion of each utility cut. See also SCOPE OF WORK. A calendar day is any day of the week or month , Sundays or legal holidays as defined on Page C 1-1 ( 4) Section C 1-1.24 Calendar Days of Part C General Conditions . DA-82 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (UTIL. CUT) Failure to complete work on time : The Owner and the Contractor agree that it will be most difficult or impossible to ascertain the amount of damages that will be sustained by the Owner if the Contractor fails to complete the work in the allotted time, but they both agree that the Owner would sustain substantial damages in such event. Accordingly, if the Contractor fails to complete the contract in the calendar days specified, a time charge shall be made for each working day thereafter, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages . 11/02104 ASC-109 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS The contractor shall pay liquidated damages of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day per ticket for each repair cut not completed within twenty-one (21) calendar days and liquidated damages shall end on day that repairs are completed . Should the amount otherwise due the Contractor be less than the amount of such ascertained and liquidated damages, the Contractor and his surety shall be liable to the City of such delivery. DA-83 PAVING REPAIR EDGES (UTIL. CUT) All paving repair edges shall be undamaged neat lines (by sawing or equal) and shall be parallel or perpendicular to the center line of the street. DA-84 TRENCH BACKFILL (UTIL. C UT) The Water Department shall place the pipe e mbedment and backfill with washed rock pe r the following specification . Washed Rock : All washed rock used for e mbedment or as otherwise directed by the engineer shall be w ashed gravel or washed crushed stone or washed crushed gravel and shall meet the follow ing g rad ation and abrasion : Sieve Si ze 1 3/8 " #4" #8 % Reta in ed 0-10 40-75 55-90 90-100 95-100 Los Angeles abrasion test: 50 % Maximum wear per ASTM . DA-85 CLEAN-UP (UTIL. CUT) Fina l clean up work shall be done fo r th is project as soon as the paving and cu rb a nd gu tt er has been constructed. Contractor sha ll rem ove all excess co ld m ix, washed rock and debris from the st reet in the area of the re pair. No more than seven days s hall e la ps e aft er completion of co nstr uction before th e road wa y and rig ht-of-way is cle aned up to t he sa tisfactio n of the Engineer. Refer also to Pag e C5-5 (8 ) Section C5-5.17 Clean-Up of Part C Gene ral Condi tions . DA-86 PROPERTY ACCESS (UTIL. CUT) Access to adja cent property shall be maintained at all times un less otherwise di rected by t he Eng in eer . DA-87 SUBMISSION OF BI DS (UTIL. CUT) The proposal secti o ns of th is spec ial con tract do cument is arran g ed to allo w the Owner to ma ke pa ym ent based o n size of rep air. T he Co ntracto r is required t o sub mit a bid on all propos als Unit I, Unit 11, Unit Il l and IV. Unit I wi ll g e nerally con sist of sm all patch , less t ha n or equal to 200 square feet. Un it II will ge nerall y co nsist of medi um patch , g reate r t ha n 2 00 square feet and les s 11102/04 ASC-110 I PART DA -ADDI TIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS than or equal to 1000 square feet. Unit Ill will generally consist of large patch , greater than 1000 square feet Unit IV will generally consist of items necessary for each size Utility Cut Repair. The total low bidder, Units I, II, Ill and IV is the apparent successful bidder. If Contractor does not bid all four Units of the proposal , the bid will be considered as "non-responsive" and will be rejected by the Engineering Department. DA-88 STANDARD BASE REPAIR FOR UNIT I (UTIL. CUT) Regardless of the existing pavement type , base repair for Un it I shall be either min . 8" concrete base (see D-23, 2 :27 Concrete Base) or min. 5" reinforced concrete base (see DA-35 , Reinforced Concrete Pavement or Base) as directed by the Eng ineer. Any deviation from standard repair shall be approved by the Water Department. DA -89 CONCRETE BASE REPAIR FOR UNIT II & UNI T Ill (UTIL. CUT) When concrete base is required for repairs > 200 square feet in area , the base repair shall be either min . 8" concrete base (see D-2 3, 2 :27 concrete base) or as min. 5'' reinforced concrete base (see DA -35 , Reinforced Concrete Pavement o r Base) as directed by the Engineer. Any deviation from standard repair shall be approv ed by the Water Department. DA-90 2" TO 9" H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT (UTIL. CUT) T hese item s will in cl ude the furnishi ng and placi ng of H.M.A.C. surfa ce course as directed by the Engin eer. For Spec ifi cations governing Type "D" H.M.A.C. see the 1982 Texas State Dep artment of Hi gh ways and Pub lic Transportation, Spec . Item No. 34 0 "Hot Mix As phalt ic Co ncrete Pavement". H.M .A.C . is also covered under Spec . Item No. 312 in th e Sta ndard Specification s for Construction, City of Fort Worth . Subs id iary to the H.M.A.C. pavement shall be sawing , removal of asphalt ic materia l, gravel and ex cavation as shown on the deta il s or as d ir ected by the Eng ineer. T he remo ved surfaci ng shall be load ed into trucks upon remo val and hau led away from t he job site as d irected by the Eng ineer. In no case shall the removed surface be st ockpiled on the job site. The following work method will be performed on each utility cut: 1. Place safety signs, barricades and /or other warning devices where necessary and as req uired . 2. The exist ing asp ha lt pavement sha ll be saw cut into a squ are or rectangular shap e and cut side faces ve rti call y. T he sawed as pha lt pa vement shall be a minimu m of 1' outside t he utility cut area. 3. Ap ply li qui d aspha lt tack to ve rtic al fa ce s and bottom of excavate d a rea in a uniform manner. Do not pudd le tack coat on bot t om of uti lity cut area . Do not ap ply tack co at t o w ashed rock . 4. Place H.M.A.C. surfa ce m ix in lifts no t ta exceed th ree (3 ) in ches . La st or to p lift shall not be less tha n two (2) in ch es in th ickness . 11/02104 ASC-111 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 5. Each lift shall be thoroughly compacted with a plate compactor or portable vibratory roller. Fifteen to twenty passes will be necessary with a vibratory roller and mix temperature above 250 F (121 C} ta ensure a good compaction . Top lift when compacted shall be approximately 1/8 inch above surrounding pavement. 6 . Apply liquid asphalt around edges of patch along cold joints. 7. Clean up surrounding area. Do not leave excess fill or excavated material on the pavement 8. Remove safety signs , barricade and/or warning devices after job is complete . Payment shall be made at the unit price per S .Y. as shown on the proposal and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work . DA-91 ADJUST WATER VALVE BOXES, MANHOLES, AND VAULTS (UTIL. CUT) Contractor will be responsible for adjusting water valve boxes, manholes and vaults to match new pavement grade. The unit price bid will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work . DA-92 MAINTENANCE BOND (UTIL. CUT) A maintenance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount shall be furnished for a period of two years from the date of final acceptance of the work will be required on this project. DA-93 BRICK PAVEMENT (UTIL. CUT) This item shall include: 1. Removal and salvage of existing brick pavers for the purpose of relaying, in such a manner that no damage occurs during handling of the brick . 2. Supply additional brick pavers as necessary that meets size, shape and color of existing brick, as approved by engineer. 3. Mortar bed shall be leveled to the desired elevation, as directed by Engineer and shall not be disturbed in any way . The mortar setting bed shall consist of: a. 1 part Portland cement -ASTM C150, Type 1 b. 1/4 part hydrated lime by volume -ASTM C207 , Type 5 c. 3 parts damp sand -ASTM C-144 (for high -bond mortar, gradation in accordance with additive manufacturer's recommendation) d. Add water to obtain stiff mix -water shall be potable quality The dry joint filler shall consist of: a. 1 part Portland cement-ASTM C150 , Type 1 11/02104 ASC-112 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. 6 parts dry sand -ASTM C-144 c. Do not add water High bond mortar mix shall consist of: a. 1 sack Portland cement -ASTM C150, Type 1 b. 50 pounds workability additive -''A" Marble Dust by Armco Steel Corp., Piqua Quarries, or Ute Dolomite Limestone by U.S. Lime Division of Flintkote Corp., or Micro Fill No./2 by Pure Stone Co., of Marble Falls, Texas. c. 3 1 /4 cubic feet of sand -ASTM C-144 d. 4 gallons of high bond additive -Sarabond Liquid Mortar Additive by the Dow Chemical Co . e. Mix with water in accordance with High Bond Additive manufacturer's recommendations Concrete surfaces to receive pavers shall be dry, clean fee of oily or waxy f\lms and firm and level. Pavers with chips, cracks, or voids shall not be used. The setting bed mixture shall be spread and screeded to a true plane and shall be limited to that amount that can be covered with pavers before initial set. DA-94 LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE (UTIL. CUT) Upon the direction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide a lime stabilized Subgrade or base in conformance with Specification Items 210 and 212 of the City of Fort Worth's Transportation and Public Works Department's Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drainage Construction. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, lime shall be applied at the minimum rate of four pounds (4#) per square yard per inch depth. Payment shall be made by the square yard at the unit price bid for the quantity measured in place and shall include all labor, equipment, material, and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complete the project. No payment shall be made for the hydrated lime as it shall be considered subsidiary to the bid price for lime stabilization. DA-95 CEMENT STABILIZED SUBGRADE (UTIL. CUT) At the direction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall stabilize the subgrade or base material with Portland Cement in conformance with Specification Item 214, Portland Cement Treatment, in the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction of the City of Fort Worth, Texas Transportation and Public Works Department. Unless directed otherwise by the Engineer, Cement shall be applied at a minimum rate of five pounds (5#) per square yard per inch of depth. DA-96 REPAIR OF STORM DRAIN\ STRUCTURES (UTIL. CUT) This pay item shall apply to all storm drain structures such as inlets, manholes, headwalls, or other facilities which, in the opinion of the Engineer require repair. The Contractor shall remove and replace the tops of existing drainage structures and a portion of the walls of the structure as directed by the Engineer. The vertical reinforcing steel bars in the walls shall be cleaned of any concrete or dirt and exposed a minimum of twelve (12) inches. New steel shall be used in the reconstruction of the walls and top. 11/02104 ASC-113 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS No payment shall be made for manhole frames, lids, steps and other miscellaneous items of construction, as they shall be considered subsidiary to the unit price bid for Repair of Storm Drain Structures . Unless directed otherwise by the Engineer, the existing manhole frames, lids, and other miscellaneous items may be reused. Storm Drain Structure Repair shall be performed in conformance with specification Item 444, "Manholes and Inlets", and Drawing No. S-SD1 through S-SD20 of the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department's Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction and shall further apply to all storm drainage facilities of a similar design and construction . Payment for Repair of Storm Drain Structures shall be made by the cubic yard of concrete required to reconstruct the structures as well as all steel, etc. in conformance with the appropriate drawings. DA-97 "QUICK -SE T" CONCRETE (UTIL. CUT) In high traffic areas where the utility cut repair must be returned to service sooner than a normal cure time will allow, the Contractor shall use concrete admixtures as outlined in Item 422, "Concrete Admixtures" or ready made mixes such as "Rapid Set" concrete mix or approved equal. Any and all materials used shall conform to the above mentioned Item 422. Payment for quick set concrete shall be made at the unit price bid per CY as shown on the proposal and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials , equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-98 UTILITY ADJUSTMENT (UTIL. CUT) This item is included for the basic purpose of establishing a contract price which will be comparable to the final cost of making necessary adjustments required due to utility cut repairs to water, sanitary se wer, and natural gas service lines and appurtenances including irrigation lines (sprinkler systems), etc. where such lines and appurtenances are the property owner's res ponsibility to maintain. An arbitrary figure has been placed in the Proposal ; however, this does not gu arantee any payment for utility adjustments , neither does it confine utility adjustments ta the amount shown in the Proposal. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide the services of a licensed plumber to make the utility adjustments determined necessary by the Engineer. No payment will be made for utility adjustments except those adjustments determined necessary by the Engineer. Should the Contractor damage service lines due to his negligence, where such lines would not have required adjustment or repair otherwise , the lines shall be repaired and adjusted by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. The payment to the Contractor for utility adjustments shall be the actual cost of the adjustments plus ten percent ( 10%) to cover the cost of bond and overhead incurred by the Contractor in handling the utility adjustments. DA-99 STAND ARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS (UTIL. CUT) All applicable provisions of Standard Specification Item 504 "Concrete Sidewalks and Driveways" shall apply. 11/02/04 ASC-114 PART DA -ADDI T IONAL SPECIAL CONDITION S The Contractor shall construct standard concrete sidewalk and wheelchair ramps as shown in the details or as directed by the Engineer. All concrete flared surfaces (wheelchai r ramp wing or curb) shall be colored with LITHOCHROME color hardener or equal. A brick red color, a dry-shake hardener manufactured by L.M . Scofield Company or equal , shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions . Contractor shall provide a co lored sample concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches d imension , or other dim e ns ions app roved by the Engineer, meeting the aforementioned specification if needed . The sa m ple , upon approval by the Engin eer shall be th e acceptab le standard to be applied for all wheelchai r ramp construction . Surface co loring sh all be subsid iary to the unit price for t his pa y it em. The method of a ppli cat io n sha ll be by screen , sifter, si ev e or othe r mea ns in o rd e r to pro vi de for a uniform color distribution . DA-100 LIMITS OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT RE PA IR (UT I L. CU T) T he follow ing crite ri a will be used to dete rm in e the limit s of co ncrete pavement repair for this contract: 1. The minimum size of repair for concrete sha ll be 5'x 5'. 2 . When ever the limits of the repair are 8 feet or less from an adjacent joint of any type , the rep lac e ment shall be extended to that joint. 3. Dummy joints shall be sawed ac ross any panel where a construction joint intersects the panel and a joint does not exist. All new joints (construction or dummy) shall be parallel with existing joints . 4. Depending on th e exi sti ng lo ngitudinal joint spacing and t he limits of the damaged pavement , the contractor may be requ ired to extend the replacement to the halfway point of the panel. The determination shall be mad e by th e inspector on a case by case basis in order to assure uniform joint spacing . Payment for all concrete pavement repairs shall be made at the unit price bid per square yard as shown in the proposal and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment , tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. However, payment for sawcutting dummy joints in adjacent panels shall be made under the appropriate bid item . DA-101 C ONCRE TE CURB AN D GUTTE R (UTI L. C UT) This item shall apply for the placement of concrete curb and gutter on H.M.A.C . paved streets. Specification item no . 502 of the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department's Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction shall govern t his item . DA-10 2 PAYMENT (U TI L. CUT ) Because of the unique nature of this contract, C8 -8.5 PARTIA L ESTIMATES AND RETA INAGE of the General Conditions shall not app ly and shall be superseded by the following: (Please ini t ial below) 11 /02104 AS C-115 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Whenever the improvements prescribed by an individual Work Order have been completed, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer. The Engineer or other appropriate official of the Owner will, within a reasonable time, perform the inspections. If such inspection reveals that the improvements are in an acceptable condition and have been completed in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents and all approved modifications thereof, the Engineer will recommend acceptance of the work under that particular Work Order and recommend payment therefore. If the Engineer finds that the work has not been completed as required, he shall so advise the Contractor in writing, furnishing him an itemized list of all known items which have not been completed or which are not in an acceptable condition . When the Contractor has corrected all such items, he shall again notify the Engineer th.at the improvements are ready for inspection, and the Engineer shall proceed as outlined above . Whenever the improvements prescribed by the individual Work Order have been completed and all requirements of the Contract Documents have been fulfilled on the part of the Contractor, an estimate showing the value of the work will be prepared by the Engineer as soon as the necessary measurements, computations, and checks can be made. The amount of the estimate will be paid to the Contractor after acceptance by the Water Department Director, provided the Contractor has furnished to the Owner satisfactory evidence of payment as follows: Prior to submission of the estimate for payment, the Contractor shall execute an affidavit, as furnished by the City, certifying that all persons, firms, associations, corporations , or other organizations furn ishing labor and/or materials under that Work Order have been pa id in full, that the wage scale established by the City Council in the City of Fort Worth has been paid, and that there are no claims pending for personal injury and/or property damages. The acce pt ance by the Contractor of the individual payment as aforesaid shall operate as and shall release the Owner from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnished or relating to the work under that Work Order or any act or neglect of said City relating to or connected with the Contract. The making of the payment by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. Bidder's Initials --------- DA-103 DEHOLES (MISC. EXT.) The Contractor excavates for existing water and/or sanitary sewer main as detailed by work order together with a sketch. The location and dimensions shown on the plans relative to other existing utilities are based on the best information available . Omission from, or the inclusion of utility locations on the Plans is not to be considered as the nonexistence of, or a definite location of, existing underground utilities . It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify locations of adjacent and/or conflicting utilities sufficiently in advance of construction in order that he may negotiate such local adjustme nts as necessary in the dehole process to provide adequate clearances. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions in order to protect all services encountered. Any damage to utilities resulting from the Contractor's operations , shall be restored at his expense . 11/02104 ASC-116 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Payment for work such as backfill and all other associated appurtenants required, shall be included in the price of the appropriate bid item. DA-104 CONSTRUCTION LIMITATIONS (MISC. EXT.) The Contractor shall have no more than three (3) locations under construction at any one time, unless approval by the Engineer has been granted in writing . DA-105 PRESSURE CLEANING AND TESTING (MISC. EXT.) Care shall be taken to keep all water extensions clean and free from foreign abjects. Chlorinated lime shall be placed in the first joint of pipe of the extension and upon completion of the pipe laying, water shall be introduced slowly for sterilization, after which the extension shall be thoroughly flushed with clean water. Risers shall be installed , as directed by the Engineer, for flushing and far providing sample points for bacteria tests. The water main extensions of the project shall be tested under normal line pressure and any leaks observed shall be immediately repaired. DA-106 BID QUANTITIES (MISC. EXT.) Bid quantities of the various items in the proposal are for comparison only and may not reflect t~e actual quantities. There is no limit to which a bid item can be increased or decreased. Contractor shall not be entitled to renegotiation of unit prices regardless of the final measured quantities . To the extent that C4-4.3 confl icts with this provision, this provision controls . No claim will be considered for lost or anticipated profits based upon differences in estimated quantities versus actual quantities. DA-107 LIFE OF CONTRACT (MISC. EXT.) It is contemplated that Work Orders will be issued to the Contractor for work to be performed under this Contract for not to exceed 365calendar days following the date of the Contract nor to exceed the limit of the bid price , whichever should occur first. The Contractor shall be required to complete any work covered by a Work Order issued prior to that date of termination but will not be required to accept any work order for execution dated after that date of termination . If the cost of the work performed under this Contract is less than the limit of the bid price at the end of the 365 calendar day period , at the City 's option and the Contractor's concurrence, the Project may be extended to the limit of the bid price . DA-108 FLOWABLE FILL (MISC. EXT.) 1. Description : The flowable fill material shall be delivered to the site, free flowing and self-leveling and shall have a consistency enabling it to fill all voids without tamping, vibrating or compacting . The flowable fill material shall have an in place density of not less than 95 and not more than 115 lbs./cu . ft ., with a maximum twenty-eight (28) day compression strength of not less than 60 and 11102104 ASC -1 17 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS not more than 85 PSI allowing the material ta be removed with hand tools such as picks and shovels . The height of free fall of the flowable fill shall not exceed four (4) feet. 2. Material Specifications : Flowable fill shall consist of: a . An appropriate amount of Portland Cement meeting ASTM C-150 (with other additives as necessary). b. Aggregates meeting ASTM C-33 c. Sand or fine aggregates as per City of Ft. Worth Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction Item 406 d. Ftyash, Class C or F, meeting ASTM C-61 8 e . Admixtures 1. Mineral admixtures will be pozzolanic 2 . Chemical admixtures shall be in liquid or powder form used in standard reaqy-mix concrete products unless specifically designed for flowable fill. Permissible types of admixtures are: a. High air generators, as manufactured by Grace Construction Products or approved equal, which are specifically designed for fl owable fill ta lower unit weights, reduce shrinkage and subsidence, and control compressive strength . b. Air entraining admixtures conforming to ASTM C-260 . c . High range water reducers conforming ta ASTM C-494 Type F or G. d. Accelerating admixtures conforming to ASTM C-494, Type C. 1. Non-chloride, non-corrosive acce lerators used where metals are present in concrete or embedded members . 2. Calcium chloride DA-109 BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIR (MIS C. REPL.) Contractor shall take all precautions to carefully remove all exist ing brick pavers. The brick pavers shall be handled with extreme care to avoid chipping and/or breaking of pavers . Until installed , they shall be cleaned and neatly stacked on pallets (not to exceed 3 feet in height). If necessary. all new brick pave rs used on this project shall meet the specifications for ASTM C 1272 . The brick shall be a Type F heavy vehicular paving brick a minimum 2 5/8" thick , with spacer nibs or lugs , and match the existing brick in size, shape, and color. The brick pavers will be set on a %-inch sand/cement bedding mixture . The sand used shall conform to ASTM C33 excluding all stone screenings that may pass the C33 sieve analysis . The cement sand ratio shall be 1 sack of cement per 1 CY of sand or as directed by the Engineer. Filter fabric 12-inches wide will be installed over every construction, and/or expansion joint as well as all vertical surfaces. Once the brick pavers have been installed they will be vibrated into the sand bed . Sand conforming to C33 will then be sw ept into joints and vibrated again. All brick shall be installed per the manufacturer's recommendat ion s. The resulting repair shall provide a smooth driving surface and match all applicab le street grades, cross slope s, and crowns . 11/02104 ASC-118 - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS The price bid per linear foot for "BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIR" as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary ta complete the work. DA-110 DETERMINATION AND INITIATION OF WORK (MISC. REPL.) The Engineer shall determine and designate to the Contractor the location of the service main requiring replacement by a Work Order together with a sketch for each such replacement. giving the limits, size and nature of work required. The Engineer will notify the Contractor that a Work Order is ready and fax the Contractor a copy of the Work Order notification . The Contractor is to provide his fax number to the Engineer at the pre-construction conference . Single or several Work Orders may be issued at one time. The Contractor shall initiate work on a replacement within seven (7) working days of the date the Work Order is faxed to the Contractor, and continue work an the Wark Order until it has been completed, not including paving. The Contractor shall furnish and supply sufficient equipment and personnel ta complete the Work Order in the amount of time provided for in the Work Order. Should the Contractor fail to start any Work Order within the time spe.cified, he shall add the necessary work crews and equipment to prosecute the work to complete the Work Order or Wark Orders in the time provided therefore. -DA-111 WORK ORDER COMPLETION TIME (MISC. REPL.) - - - - Should the contractor fail to complete an individual work order in the given amount of calendar days as specified on each individual work order, liquidated damage charges as prescribed in Part C -General Conditions C7-7 .10 Time of Completion will be subtracted from the final pay estimate of that particular work order. The estimated amount for each particular work order will be used for determining the amount of damages charged per calendar day of time exceeding the specified amount. T he first two paragraphs of Part C -General Conditions C?-7.10 T ime Of Completion shall be repla ced with the following : T he time of completion of each individual work order in an essential element of this contract. Each work order issued will have the maximum allowed number of calendar days allowed for the completion of that specific work. T he number of calendar days specified will be calculated as follows: The total estimated cost for the specific work order divided by 2000 (rounded up) + 10 days = Number of Calendar Days a llowed for Construction of Individual Work Order . DA-1 12 MOVE IN C HARGE S (MI SC. REPL.) A Work Order may contain one or more locations. One mov e-in fee will paid to the contractor per Work Order issued. Locations for multiple sites per Work Order will be in the same general vicinity , if possible , and if so , only one mobilization charge will be paid. When water and sewer work are required only the water move in fee will be paid. At no time will both fees be paid for one specific location. DA-1 13 PROJECT SIGNS (MISC . REPL.) 11102104 A S C-119 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPEC IAL CONDITIONS Project Signs are required at all locations which will be under construction for more than thirty (30) calendar days as indicated in Part B Proposal. Project Signs shall be in accordance with Figure 30 (dated 9-18-96) of the General Contract Doc um e nts . The signs may be mounted on skids or on posts . The exact locations and methods of mounting shall be approved by the engineer. Any and all costs for the required materials, labor, and equipment necessary for the furnishing of Project Signs shall be cons idered as a subsidiary cast of the project an d no additional compensation will be allowed. DA-114 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (MISC. REPL.) The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages of one hundred dollars ($100 .00) per day per Work Order, for failure to begin a Work Orde r within t he seven (7) working days of the date the Work Order is faxed to the Contractor. Failure to complete proj ect within the stipulated constru ction time on the Work Order, the Contractor will pay liquidated damages in the amount stipulated in these contract documents . DA-115 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM DESIGN (MISC. REP L.) Because of the unique natu re of th is contract , t he numb e r of t re nch sa f ety system designs required is not known at t he ti me bi ds a re recei ved. Wh ile the cont racto r is st ill bound by the latest version of the U.S. Depa rt me nt of Labor , Occu pational Safety a nd Hea lth Admi ni strat ion Standards , 2 9 CFR Part 1926 , Su bp art P-E xca vations as detailed in D-26 Trenc h Safety Sys te m , it is the City 's intention t hat all costs incurred by th e Contractor in acquiri ng t re nch safet y des ig ns be included in the unit price bid for Job Move in . DA-116 FI ELD OF FI CE A s speci fi ed in Pa rt C, Genera l Conditions C5 -5 .6 , th e contractor sha ll provide a field office excl us iv el y for t he City of Fort Worth Construct ion Manager and coordinati on meet ings for the fo llo wing: · A. Te mp ora ry fie ld office shall be established on the job site where approved or d irected by the Engin eer, ad equate ly f urnished. B. Co ntractor shall provide either a separate bui lding or a partitioned -off space of at least 140 sq ft of f loor space wi t h soli d loc kable do or in Contractor's building for the ex cl usi ve use of the City of Fort Worth Const ructio n Ma nag e r throug hout the period of con struct io n. T he te mporary office shall be weathert ig ht , have a tight floor at least 8-in off the ground and sh all be ins ulated a nd suitably ve nt ilat ed . The office shall be pro v ided w ith janitor service, hea t ing and coo ling equ ipment , electri cal wiring , out lets and fixtures suitable to light the tables and desk adequ ate ly as d irected . Provide separate toi let facilities in the field office . C. Provide the foll owi ng furniture and equ ipment in the Cons t ruction Manager's office : 1. One plan tab le , 3-ft by 5-ft and one stool 2. Desk abo ut 3-ft by 5-ft with desk chair 3. Two additiona l chairs 4 . Two-drawer , fil ing cabinet with lock Fie ld office sha ll a lso have ava ilable to the Constr uction Manager the following : 11/02104 ASC-120 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. One conference table (6-ft}. 2. Eight folding chairs. 3. First aid kit suitable for ten people with manual, American White Cross No. K10 or equal. 4 . Duplicating machine, Xerox Madel 10251 or equal. D Contractor shall furnish temporary light and power, including wiring, lamps and similar equipment as required to adequately light all work areas and with sufficient power capacity to meet the reasonable needs of the Construction Manager. Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the local electric company for temporary electric service and pay all expenses in connection therewith and pay all electrical bills. DA-117 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Traffic control shall be in accordance with item D-8 of the Special Conditions with the exception of the Contractor providing the traffic control plan. A traffic control plan has been prepared and is included in the project plans. All other requirements of D-8 shall apply. DA-118 · COORDINATION OF WORK WITH CONTRACTOR FOR OTHER UNITS The contractor shall coordinate his work with the work of other contractors on remaining units of this project. The contract documents indicate the starting and stopping points for each of the units of the project. The plans indicate "connecting to an existing pipeline" constructed by others and ending the line with the installation of a plug. If the start of the project cannot be connected to the previous unit, the contractor will begin his line with a plugged section of pipe. If the pipeline is constructed for the connecting unit the contractor shall connect his line with the adjoining unit in lieu of installation of a plug. Contractor will be paid for "connection" to existing line or installation of blind flanges based on the unit price bid for the water or sewer main . 1 1/02104 ASC -121 - - - - D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-10 D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 D-15 D-16 D-17 D-18 D-19 D-20 D-21 D-22 D-23 D-24 D-25 D-26 D-27 D-28 D-29 D-30 D-31 D-32 D-33 D-34 D-35 D-36 D-37 D-38 D-39 D-40 D-41 D-42 D-43 D-44 D-45 D-46 D-47 D-48 D-49 D-50 D-51 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS GENERAL ......................................................................................................................... 3 COORDINATION MEETING .................................. : .......................................................... 5 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW .................... 5 COORDINATION WITH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT .................................... 7 CROSSING OF EXISTING UTILITIES .............................................................................. 7 EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS .................................................................. 8 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OVER PIPELINES ............................................................... 8 / TRAFFIC CONTROL ......................................................................................................... 9 DETOURS ......................................................................................................................... 9 EXAMINATION OF SITE ............................................................................................... 9 ZONING COMPLIANCE .............................................................................................. 10 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................. 10 WASTE MATERIAL .................................................................................................... 10 PROJECT CLEANUP AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE ..................................................... 10 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND SEQUENCING OF WORK ................................ 10 SAFETY RESTRICTIONS -WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES ........................... 11 BID QUANTITIES ........................................................................................................ 11 CUTTING OF CONCRETE ......................................................................................... 11 PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN ................................................................................ 11 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT ............ , ....................... 12 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL. ...................................................... 12 CRUSHED LIMESTONE BACKFIL L ........................................................................... 12 2 :27 CONCRETE ........................................................................................................ 12 TRENCH EXCAVATION ,. BACK FILL, AND COMPACTION ........................................ 13 PAVEMENT REPAIR (E2-19) ..................................................................................... 14 SITE SPECIFIC TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM (C OVERS ALL PROJE CTS) ............... 15 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES ............................................................................... 16 SANITARY SEWER SERVICES ................................................................................. 19 REMOVAL, SALVAG E, AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES ............... 20 DETECTABLE WARNING TAPES .............................................................................. 22 PIPE CLEANING ......................................................................................................... 23 DISPOSAL OF SPOIL/FILL MATERIAL ...................................................................... 23 MECHANICS AND MATERIALMEN 'S LIEN ................................................................ 23 SUBSTITUTIONS ........................................................................................................ 23 PRE-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTIO N OF SANITARY SEWER ............ 23 VACUUM TESTING OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES ......................................... 27 BYPASS PUMPING .................................................................................................... 28 POST-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER ......... 2 8 SAMPLES AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTING ........................................................ 30 TEMPORARY EROSION, SEDIMENT, AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ......... 30 INGRESS AND EGRESS/OBSTRUCTIO N OF ACCESS TO DRIVES ....................... 31 PROTECTION OF TREES , PLANTS AND SOIL ......................................................... 31 SITE RESTORATION ................................................................................................. 32 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD PRODUCT LIST ............................................. 32 TOPSOIL , SODDING , SEEDING & HYDROMULCHING ............................................ 32 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM .................................................................... 38 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION/FINAL INSPECTION ........................... 38 EXCAVATION NEAR TREES ..................................................................................... 38 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OF SEWER PIPE ......................................................... 39 CLAY DAM .................................................................................................................. 39 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION (D-HOLE) ................................................................. 39 SC-1 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 0-52 INSTALLATION OF WATER FACILITIES ................................................................... 40 52.1 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Pipe .......................................................................... 40 52 .2 Blocking ...................................................................................................................... 40 52.3 Type of Casing Pipe .................................................................................................... 40 52.4 Tie-Ins ......................................................................................................................... 40 52.5 Connection of Existing Mains ...................................................................................... 4 1 52.6 Valve Cut-Ins ............................................................................................................... 4 1 52 .7 Water Services ............................................................................................................ 4 1 52 .8 2-lnch Temporary Service Line ................................................................................... 43 52.9 Purging and Sterilization of Water Lines ..................................................................... 44 52 .10 Work Near Pressure Plane Boundaries ...................................................................... 45 52.11 Water Sample Station ................................................................................................. 45 52 .12 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings ............................................................................... 45 0-53 SPRINKLING FOR OUST CONTROL ......................................................................... 46 0 -54 DEWAT ERING ............................................................................................................ 46 0-55 TRENC H EXC AVATION ON DEEP TRENCHES ........................................................ 46 0-56 TREE PRUNING ......................................................................................................... 46 0-57 TREE REMOVAL ........................................................................................................ 47 0 -58 T EST HOL ES .............................................................................................................. 47 0-59 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION AND NO T IFICATION OF T EMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DURING CO NSTRUCT ION ....................................................................................................................... 4 8 0 -60 T RA FFIC B UTTO NS ................................................................................................... 48 0-61 SANITARY SEWER S E RVI C E C LEANOUTS ............................................................. 49 0-62 TE MPOR A R Y PAV EME NT REPAIR ........................................................................... 4 9 0-63 CONSTRUC T ION ST AKES ........................................................................................ 49 0 -64 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS ..................................................................................... 50 0-6 5 PRE -CONSTRUCTIO N NEIG HBO RHOOD MEET ING {I F NECESSARY) .................. 50 0-66 W AG E RATES (P ROJE CT S WI T H CITY PARTIC IPAT ION) ...................................... 50 0 -67 REMOVAL AND DIS POSAL O F AS BESTO S CE ME NT PI PE ................................... 51 0 -68 STORM WATER POLLUTI O N P RE VEN TI ON ................................................................ 51 0-69 COORDINATION W ITH TH E CI TY'S REP RESENTATI V E FOR OPERAT IO NS OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEMS ................................................................................................... 53 0 -70 AD DITIONAL SUBMITTALS FOR CON TRACT AWA RD ................................................ 54 0 -71 EARLY WARN ING SYSTE M FOR CONSTRUCTION ..................................................... 54 0-72 AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS .................................................................................... 55 0-73 FEE FOR STREET USE PER MIT S AN D RE-IN SPE CTIONS ......................................... 55 SC-2 8/2005 - - - - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS This Part D -Special Conditions is complimentary to Part C -General Conditions and Part C 1 - Supplementary Conditions to Part C of the Contract. Anything contained in this Part D that is additive to any provision in Part C -General Conditions and part C 1 -Supplementary Conditions to Part C of the Contract are to be read together. Any conflict between Part C -General Conditions and Part C1 -Supplementary Conditions of the Contract and this Part D, Part D shall control. FOR: D-1 GENERAL 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Contract No. 36 D.O.E. No. 5138, Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave .), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave. Water No. : P253 541200 60817 00295 Sewer No.: P258 541200 70817 00295 X-19321 The order or precedence in case of conflicts or d iscrepancies between various parts of the Contract Documents subject to the ruling of the Engineer shall generally, but not necessarily, follow the guidelines listed below : 1. Plans 2. Contract Documents 3. Special Conditions The following Special Conditions shall be applicable to this project under the provisions stated above . The Contra ctor shall be responsible for defects in this project due to faulty materials and workmanship, or both , for a period of two (2) years from date of final acceptance of this project by the City of Fort Worth and will be required to replace at his expense any part or all of this project which becomes defective due to these causes . Subject to modifications as herein contained , the Fort Worth Water Department's General Contract Documents and General Specifications, with latest revisions , are made a part of the General Cont ract Documents for this project. The Plans, these Special Contract Documents and the rules , regulations, requirements, instructions , drawings or details referred to by manufacturers name , or identification include therein as specifying , referring or implying product control , performance, quality , or other shall be binding upon the contractor . The specifications and drawings shall be considered cooperative; therefore , work or material called for by one and not shown or mentioned in the other shall be accomplished or furnished in a faithful manner as -though required by all . - Any Contractor performing any work on Fort Worth water or sanitary sewer facilit ies must be pre- qualified with the Water Department to perform such work in acco rdance with procedures described in the current Fort Worth Water Departmen t General Specifications , which general specifications shall govern performance of all such work. This contract and project , where applicable , may also be governed by the two following published specifications, except as modified by these Special Provisions : 1. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - CITY OF FORT WORTH 11 /29/04 SC-3 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION -NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS Any conflict between these contract documents and the above 2 publications shall be resolved in favor of these contract documents. A copy of either of these specifications may be purchased at the office of the Transportation and Public Works Director, 1000 Throckmorton Street, 2nd Floor, Municipal Building, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The specifications applicable to each pay item are indicated by the call-out for the pay item by the designer. If not shown, then applicable published specifications in either of these documents may be followed at the discretion of the Contractor. General Provisions shall be those of the Fort Worth document rather than Division 1 of the North Central Texas document. Bidders shall not separate, detach or remove any portion, segment or sheets from the contract document at any time. Failure to bid or fully execute contract without retaining contract documents intact may be grounds for designating bids as "non-responsive" and rejecting bids or voiding contract as appropriate as determined by the Developer. INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL: (CITY PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY FACILITY AGREEMENT) A. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security, to the official location and stated time set forth in the "Notice to Bidders". It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered . The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL", and the name or description of the project as designated in the "Notice to Bidders". The envelope shall be addressed to the Developer. Proposals shall be delivered to the Developer B. WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS : Proposals actually filed with t he Developer cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for opening proposals . A request for non-consideration of a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the Developer, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non- consid eration are opened and read aloud , the proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may , at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. Handled by Developer G:-TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS : Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals , provided such telegraphic communication is received by the Developer prior to the said proposal opening time , and prov ide d further , that the Developer is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received w ithin forty-eight (48) hours after the proposal opening time , no further consideration will be given to the proposal. SC-4 8/2005 PART D -SPE.ClAL CONDITIONS D-2 COORDINATION MEETING For coordination purposes, weekly meetings at the job site may be required to maintain the project on the desired schedule. The contractor shall be present at all meetings. D-3 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW A. Definitions: 1. Certification of coverage ("certificate"). A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC- 81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84 ), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. 2. Duration of the project -includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. 3. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in §406 .096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation , independent contractors , subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner operators , employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include , without limitation , providing , hauling, or delivering equipment or materials , or providing labor, transportation , or other services related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project , such as food/beverage vendors , office supply deliveries , and delivery of portable toilets . B. The Contractor shall provide coverage , based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code , Section 401.011 (44) or all employees of the Contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. C. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the co ntract. D. If the cove rage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of t he project , the contractor must , prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended . E. The Contra ctor sha ll obtain from each person providi ,:i g services on a project , and provide the govern me ntal ent ity: 1. A certifica t e of coverage , prior to that person beginning work on the project , so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project ; and SC-5 8/2005 PART D • SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. No later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. F. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. G. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known,, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. H. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage . I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: 1. Provide coverage , based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011 (44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project ; 2. Provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project ; 3 . Provide the Contractor , prior to the end of the coverage period , a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage , if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project ; 4 . Obtain from each other person with whom it contracts , and provide to the Contractor: a .) A certificate of coverage , prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and b .) A new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage , prior to the end of the coverage period , if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. 5 . Retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 6 . Notify the governmenta l entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery , within ten (10) days after the person knew or should have known , of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and 7. Contractually require each person with whom it contracts , to perform as required by paragraphs (1 )-(7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. SC-6 8/2005 - - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 8. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self- insured, with the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative, criminal, civil penalties or other civil actions. 9. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. J . The contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Compensation CC>mmission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text, without any additional words or changes: "REQUIRED WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE The law requires that each person work ing on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes perso ns prov iding , hauling , or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee ." Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at (512)440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage , to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage , or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage". 0-4 COORDINATION WITH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT During the construction of this project , it will be necessary to deactivate , for a period of time, existing lines . The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with the Water Department to determine the best times for deactivating and activating those lines. 0-5 CROSSING OF EXISTING UTILITIES Where a proposed water line crosses over a sanitary sewer or sanitary sewer service line and/or proposed sewer line crosses over a water li ne and the clear vertical distance is less than 9 feet barrel to barrel , the sanitary sewer or san itary sewer service line shall be made watertight or be constructed of ductile iron pipe. The Engineer shall determine the required length of replacement. The material for sanitary sewer mains and sanitary sewer laterals shall be Class 51 Ductile Iron Pipe with polyethylene wrapping. The material for sanitary sewer service lines shall be extra strength cast iron soil pipe with polyethylene wrapping . Adapter fittings shall be a SC-7 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDlTIONS urethane or neoprene coupling ASTM C-425 with series 300 stainless steel compression straps. Backfill, fittings, tie-ins and all other associated appurtenances required are deemed subsidiary work, the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for each bid item . D-6 EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS The plans show the locations of all known surface and subsurface structures. However, the Developer nor the City assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all of these structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation for extra work or for increasing the pay quantities in any manner whatsoever. The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the locations of and protecting all existing utilities, service lines, or other property exposed by his construction operations. Contractor shall make all necessary provisions for the support, protection or relocation, and/or temporary relocation of all utility poles, gas lines, telephone cables, utility services, water mains, sanitary sewer lines, electrical cables, drainage pipes, and all other utilities and structures both above and below ground during construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages done to such existing facilities as a result of his operations and any and all cost incurred for the protection and/or temporary relocation of such facilities are deemed subsidiary work and the cost of same and shall be included in the cost bid per linear foot of pipe installed . NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED. Where existing utilities or service lines are cut, broken or damaged the Contractor shall replace or repair the utilities or service lines with the same type of original material and construction, or better, unless otherwise shown or noted on the plans, at his own cost and expense . The Contractor shall immediately notify the utility owner & Engineer of the damaged utility or service line. He shall cooperate with the owners of all utilities to locate existing underground facilities and notify the Engineer of any conflicts in grades and alignment. In case it is necessary to change or move the property of any owner of a public utility, such property shall not be moved or interfered with until ordered to do so by the Engineer. The right is reserved to the owner of public utilities to enter upon the limits of the project for the purpose of making such changes or repairs of their property that may be made necessary by performance of this contract. The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are for information only and are not guaranteed by the Engineer to be accurate as to extent , location , and depth; they are shown on the plans as the best information available at the time of design, from the owners of the utilities involved and from evidences found on the ground. D-7 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OVER PIPELINES It is apparent that certain construction vehicles could exceed the load bearing capacity of the pipe under shallow bury conditions . It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to protect both the new line and the existing lines from these possibly excessive loads. The Contractor shall not , at any time , cross the existing or new pipe with a truck delivering new pipe to the site. Any damage to the existing or new pipe will be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, to the satisfaction of the City. In locations where it is not permissible to cross the existing or proposed pipes without additional protection the Contractor may elect to provide additional protection of the pipes so that more SC-8 8/2005 - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS frequent crossings of the pipes are allowed. It still is, however, the responsibility of the Contractor to repair any damage to the existing or proposed lines, if the damage results from any phase of his construction operation. D-8 TRAFFIC CONTROL The contractor will be required to obtain a "Street Use Permit" prior to starting work. As part of the "Street Use Permit" a traffic control plan is required. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing traffic control during the construction of this project consistent with the provisions set forth in the "Latest Edition Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" issued under the authority of the "State of Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways," codified as Article 6701 d Vernon's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27 , 29, 30 and 31. The Traffic Control Plan shall be sealed by an engineer and submitted as part of the complete set of plans to the Infrastructure Review Center under the typical review process for New Development Projects. The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign or other sign , which has been erected by the City . If it is determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction, the Contractor shall contact the Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division, (Phone Number 871-7738) to remove the sign. In the case of regulatory signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the above-referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary sign is not installed correctly or if it does not meet the required specifications, the permanent sign shall be left in place until the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work is completed to the extent that the permanent sign can be reinstalled, the Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings Division to reinstall the permanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place until such reinstallation is completed. Work shall not be performed on certain locations/streets during "peak traffic periods" as determination by the City Traffic Engineer and in accordance with the applicable provision of the "City of Fort Worth Traffic Control Handbook for Construction and Maintenance Work Areas." D-9 DETOURS The contractor shall prosecute his work in such a manner as to create a minimum of interruption to traffic and pedestrian facilities and to the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area . D-10 EXAMINATION OF SITE It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidder to visit the project site and make such examinations and explorations as may be necessary to determine all conditions , which may affect construction of this project. Particular attention should be given to methods of providing ingress and egress to adjacent private and public properties, procedures for protecting existing improvements and disposition of all materials to be removed. Proper consideration should be _ given to these details during the preparation of the Proposal and all unusual conditions , which SC-9 B/2005 PART D ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS may give, rise to later contingencies should be brought to the attention of the Engineer or Developer's engineer prior to the submission of the Proposal. D-11 ZONING COMPLIANCE During the construction of this project, the Contractor shall comply with present zon ing requirements of the City of Fort Worth in the use of vacant property for storage purposes. D-12 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor at his own expense will furnish water for construction. D-13 WASTE MATERIAL All waste material shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by the Contractor at locations approved by the Engineer. All material shall be disposed of in such a manner as to present a neat appearance and to not obstruct proper drainage or to cause injury to street improvements or to abutting property. D-14 PROJECT CLEANUP AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE The Contractor shall be aware that keeping the project site in a neat and orderly condition is considered an integral part of the contracted work and as such shall be considered subsidiary to the appropriate bid items. Clean up work shall be done as directed by the Engineer as the work progresses or as needed. If, in the opinion of the Engineer it is necessary , clean-up shall be done on a daily basis . Clean up work shall include, but not be limited to: • Sweeping the street clean of dirt or debris • Storing excess material in appropriate and organized manner • Keeping trash of any kind off of residents' property If the Engineer does not feel that the jobsite has been kept in an orderly condition, on the next estimate payment (and all subsequent payments until completed) of the appropriate bid item(s) will be reduced by 25%. Final cleanup work shall be done for this project as soon as all construction has been completed. No more than seven days shall elapse after completion of construction before the roadway, right-of-way , or easement is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make a final cleanup of all parts of the work before acceptance by the City of Fort Worth or its representative . This cleanup shall include removal of all objectionable rocks, pieces of asphalt or concrete and other construction materials, and in general preparing the site of the work in an orderly manner and appearance . The City of Fort Worth Department of Engineering shall give final acceptance of the completed project work. D-15 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDUL E AND SEQUENCING OF WORK Prior to executing the Contract , it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish a schedule outlining the anticipated ti me for each phase of construction with starting and completion dates , including suffic ient time being allowed for cleanup . The Contractor shall not commence with water and/or sanitary sewer installation until such time that the survey cut- sheets have been received by the City inspector. SC-10 8/2005 PART D • SPECIAL. CONDITIONS D-16 SAFETY RESTRICTIONS -WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES The following procedures will be followed regarding the subject item on this contract: 1. A warning sign not less than five inches by seven inches, painted yellow with black letters that are legible at twelve feet shall be placed inside and outside vehicles such as cranes, derricks, power shovels, drilling rigs, pile drivers, hoisting equipment or similar apparatus. The warning sign shall read as follows: "WARNING -UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES." 2 . Equipment that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage lines shall have insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm , except back hoes or dippers , and insulator links on the lift hook connections. 3. When necessary to work within six feet of high voltage electric lines , notification shall be given the power company TXU Electric Delivery who will erect temporary mechanical barriers, de -energize the lines, or raise or lower the lines. The work done by the power company shall not be at the expense of the City of Fort Worth . The consultant engineer shall maintain an accurate log of all such calls to TXU Electric Delivery, and shall record action taken in each case. 4. The Contractor is required to make arrangements with the TXU Electric Delivery for the temporary relocation or raising of high voltage lines at the Contractor's sole cost and expense . 5. No person shall work within six feet of a high voltage line without protection having been taken as outlined in Paragraph (3). D-17 BID QUANTITIES Bid quantities of the various items in the proposal are for comparison only and may not reflect the actual quantities . There is no limit to which a bid item can be increased or decreased. Contractor shall not be entitled to renegotiation of unit prices regardless of the final measured quantities . To the extent that C4-4.3 conflicts with this provision, this provision controls. No claim will be considered for lost or anticipated profits based upon differences in estimated quantities versus actual quantities. D-18 CUTTING OF CONCRETE When existing concrete is cut, such cuts shall be made with a concrete saw. All sawing shall be subsidiary to the unit cost of the respective item. D-19 PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN Project signs are required at all locations . It shall be in accordance with the attached Figure 30 (dated 9-18-96). The signs may be mounted on skids or posts. The Engineer shall approve the exact locations and methods of mounting. In addition to the 4 ' x 8' project signs , project signs shall be attached to barricades used where manhole rehabilitation or replacement is being conducted. Signs suspended from barricading shall be placed in such a way that signs do not interfere with reflective paint or coloring on the barricades . Barricade signs shall be in accordance with Figure 30 , except that they shall be 1 '-0" by 2'-0 " in size . The information box shall have the following information: SC -11 8/2005 PART D -SPEClAL CONDlTIONS For Questions on this Project Call: (817) 871-8306 M-F 7:30 am to 4:30 p.m. or (817)871-8300 Nights and Weekends Any and all cost for the required materials, labor, and equipment necessary for the furnishing of Project Signs shall be considered as a subsidiary cost of the project and no additional compensation will be allowed . D-20 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT At locations in the project where mains are required to be placed under existing sidewalks and/or driveways, such sidewalks and/or driveways shall be completely replaced for the full existing width, between existing construction or expansion joints with 3000 psi concrete with reinforcing steel on a sand cushion in accordance with City of Fort Worth Transportation/Public Works Department Standard Specifications for Construction, Item 504. At locations where mains are required to be placed under existing curb and gutter, such curb and gutter shall be replaced to match type and geometry of the removed curb and gutter shall be installed .in accordance with City of Fort Worth Public Works Department Standard Specification for Construction, Item 502. Payment for cutting, backfill, concrete, forming materials and all other associated appurtenances required, shall be included in the square yard price of the bid item for concrete sidewalk or driveway repair. D-21 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Material has been allocated under various bid items in the Proposal to establish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer, depending on field conditions . Payment for miscellaneous placement of material will be made for only that amount of material used, measured to the nearest one-tenth unit. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material shall be in accordance with the General Contract Documents regardless of the actual amount used for the project. D-22 CRUSHED LIMESTONE BACKFILL Where specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer, Crushed Limestone shall be used for trench backfill on this project. The material shall conform to Public Works Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction Division 2 Item 208.2 -Materials and Division 2 Item 208 .3 -Materials Sources . Trench backfill and compaction shall meet t he requirements of E2-2 Excavation and Backfill , Construction Specifications, General Contract Documents. Payment for crushed limestone backfill in place shall be made at the unit price bid in th e Proposal multiplied by the quantity of material used measured in accordance with E2-2.16 Measurement of Backfill Materials , Construction Specifications , and General Contract Documents. D-23 2:27 CONCRETE Transportation and Public Works Department typical sections for Pavement and Trench Repair for Utility Cuts Figures 1 through 5 refer to using 2:27 Concrete as base repair. Since this call- SC-12 812005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS out includes the word "concrete", the consistent interpretation of the Transportation and Public Works Department is that this ratio specifies two (2) sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete . D-24 TRENCH EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION Trench excavation and backfill under parking lots, driveways, gravel surfaced roads, within easements, and within existing or future R.O.W. shall be in accordance with Sections E1-2 Backfill and E2-2 Excavation and Backfill of the General Contract Documents and Specifications except as specified herein. 1. TRENCH EXCAVATION: In accordance with Section E2-2 Excavation and Backfill, if the stated maximum trench widths are exceeded, either through accident or otherwise, and if the Engineer determines that the design loadings of the pipe will be exceeded, the Contractor will be required to support the pipe with an improved trench bottom. The expense of such remedial measures shall be entirely the Contractor's own. All trenching operations shall be confined to the width of permanent rights-of-way, permanent easements, and any temporary construction easements. All excavation shall be in strict compliance with the Trench Safety Systems Special Condition of this document. 2. TRENCH BACKFILL: Trenches which lie outside of existing or future pavement shall be backfilled above the top of the embedment material with Type "C" backfill material. Excavated material used for Type "C" backfill must be mechanically compacted unless the Contractor can furnish the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the P.I. of the excavated material is less than 8. Such evidence shall be a test report from an independent testing laboratory and must include representative samples of soils in all involved areas , with a map showing the location and depth of the various test holes. If excavated material is obviously granular in nature , containing little or no plastic material, the Engineer may waive the test report requirement. See E1-2.3, Type "C" or "D" Backfill, and E2-2 .11 Trench Backfill for additional requirements . When Type "C" back-fill material is not suitable , at the direction of the Engineer, Type "B" backfill material shall be used . In general , all backfill material for trenches in existing paved streets shall be in accordance with Figure A. Sand material specified in Figure A shall be obtained from an approved source and shall consist of durable particles free of thin or elongated pieces , lumps of clay , soil , loam or vegetable matter and shall mee t the following gradation: • Less than 10% passing the #200 sieve • P .I. = 10 or less Additionally , the crushed limestone embedment gradation specified in Section E1-3 Crushed Limestone for Embedment of the General Contract Documents and Specifications shall be replaced w ith the following : Sieve Size 1" 1/2 " 3 /8 " #4 #8 % Retained 0-10 40 -75 55-90 90 -100 95 -100 All other provisions of this section shall remain the same. SC -13 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3. TRENCH COMPACTION : All trench backfill shall be placed in lifts per E2-2.9 Backfill. Trenches which lie outside existing or future pavements shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density (A .S .T .M. D698) by mechanical devices specifically designed for compaction or a combination of methods subject to approval by the Engineer. Trenches which lie under existing or future pavement shall be backfilled per Figure A with 95% Standard Proctor Density by mechanical devices specifically designed for compaction or a combination of methods subject to approval by the Engineer. Backfill material to be compacted as described above must be within +-4% of its optimum moisture content. The top two (2) feet of sewer lin e trenches and the top eighteen (18) inches of water line may be rolled in with heavy equipment tires , provided it is placed in lifts appropriate to the material being used and the operation can be performed without damage to the installed pipe . The Developer shall be responsible for all trench compaction tests per A .S .T.M. standards on all trench backfill. Any retesting required as a result of failure to compact the backfill material to meet the standards will be at the expense of the Contractor. These soil density tests shall be performed at two (2) foot vertical intervals beginning at a level two (2) feet above the top of the installed pipe and continuing to the top of the completed backfill at intervals along the trench not to exceed 300 linear feet. The Contractor will be responsible for providing access and trench safety system to the level of trench backfill to be tested. No extra compensation will be allowed for exposing the backfill layer to be tested or providing trench safety system for tests conducted by the City . 4. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All material, including any and all Type "B" backfill, and labor costs of excavation and backfill shall be considered subsidiary to the unit bid price of the pipe. D-25 PAVEMENT REPAIR (E2-19) The unit price bid under the appropriate bid item of the proposal shall cover all cost for provid ing pavement repair equal to or superior in composition, thickness, etc ., to existing pavement as detailed in the Public Works Department typical sections for Pavement and Trench Repair fo r Utility Cuts, Figures 2000-1 through 2000-3 . The results of the street cores that were conducted on the project streets, to determine HM AC depths on existing streets, are provided in these specifications and contract documents . All required paving cuts shall be made with a concrete saw in a true and straight line on both sides of the trench, a minimum of twelve (12) inches outside the trench walls. The trench shall be backfilled and the top nine (9) inches shall be filled with required materials as shown on paving details , compacted and level with the finished street surface. This finished grade shall be maintained in a serviceable condition until the paving has been replaced . All residential driveways shall be accessible at night and over weekends . It has been determ ined by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the strip of existing HMAC pavement between the existing gutter and the edge of the trench pavement repair will not hold up if such strip of existing pavement is two (2) feet or less in width. Therefore , at the locations in the project where the trench wall is three (3) feet or less from t he lip of the existing gutter, the Contractor shall be required to remove the existing paving to s uch SC-14 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS gutter. The pavement repair shall then be made from a minimum distance of twelve (12) inches outside the trench wall nearest the center of the street to the gutter line. The pavement shall be rep laced w ithin a maximum of five (5) working days , provid ing job placement conditions will permit repaving . If paving cond it ions are not suitable for repaving , in the opinion of the Engineer the repav ing shall be done at the earliest possible date. A permit must be obtained from the Transportation Public Works Department by the Contractor in conformance with Ordinance No. 3449 and/or Ordinance No. 792 to make utility cuts in the street. The Department of Engineering will inspect the pavi ng repair after const ruct io n. This permit requirement may be wa ived if work is bein g done und er a Performance Bo nd and inspected by the Department of E nginee ring . D-26 SITE SPECIFIC TRE NCH SAFE T Y S YS TEM (COVERS ALL PROJEC T S) A. GENERAL: Th is s pecifi catio n cov ers th e trench safety re qu irements f or all tren ch excavations exceeding de pth of five (5 ) feet in o rde r to prote ct wo rkers from cave-i ns . The requirements of this item govern a ll trenches fo r mai ns, manh o le s , vaul t s , serv ice lines , a nd all other appurtenances . T he de s ig n for the t renc h safe ty shall be s igned an d sea led by a Registered Professional E ng in eer li ce nsed in Te xas. Th e tren c h safety pl an s hal l be speci fi c for each wate r and/or sa n ita ry sewer li ne i nc luded in th e project. B . STANDARDS : T he late st vers io n of the U.S. Department of Labor, O ccupational Saf ety an d Health Ad mi nistra t io n St an d ards, 29 CFR Part 1926, Sub-Part P -Excavat io ns, are hereby made a pa rt of t h is sp ecificat io n and shall be the minimum govern ing requirements for trench saf ety. C. DEF INITI ONS : 1. TRE NC HE S - A trench is referred to as a narrow excavation made below the surface of th e gro u nd in which the d e pth is greater than the width, where the width measured at the bottom is not greater than fifteen (15) feet. 2 . BENCHI NG SYSTEM -Benching means excavating the sides of a trench to form one or a se rie s of horizontal level or steps, usually with vertica l or ne a r-vertica l surfaces between le vels. 3. SL O PING SYSTEM -Sloping means excavating to form side s of a trench that are in cli ne d a way from the excavation. 4 . SHIELD SYSTEM -Shields used in trenches are generally referred to as "trench boxes" o r "trench shields". Shield means a structure that is able to withstand the forces imposed on it by a cave-in and protect workers within the structure. Shields can be permanent structures or can be designed to be portable and move along as the work progresses. Shields can be either pre-manufactured or job-built in accordance with OSHA standards . 5 . SHORING SYSTEM -Shoring means a structure such as a metal hydraulic, mechanical or timber system that supports the sides of a trench and wh ich is designed to prevent ca ve-ins. Shoring systems are generally comprised of cross-braces, vertical rails, (up ri ghts), horizontal rails (wales) and/or sheeting. SC-15 8/2 005 PART D -SP ECIAL CONDlTIONS D. MEASUREMENT -Trench depth is the vertical measurement from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of embedment or bottom of excavation . The quantity of trench safety systems shall be based on the linear foot amount of trench depth greater than five (5) feet. E . PAYMENT -Payment shall be full compensation for safety system design , labor, tool s , materials , equipment and incidenta ls necessary for the installation and removal of trench safety systems. D-27 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES A. GENERAL : T he installati on , rep lacement , and/or rehab ilitation of sanitary sewer manholes will b e required as shown on the plan s, and/or as descri bed in these Special Co ntract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Eng ineer. All ma n holes shall be in accordance w ith sect ions E1 -14 Materials for Sanita ry Sewer Manholes , Va lv e Vau lts , Etc., and E2-1 4 Vau lt a nd Manhole Co n st ruction of the General Contra ct Do cuments a nd Specific at ions , unl ess am e nd ed or s up erseded by re q u irements of this Spe ci a l Condition . For ne w s ewe r line inst a lla t ions , t he Co nt ractor s hall tempo rarily plug all li ne s at every open manhol e under const ruction in orde r to keep de b ris out of the dry sewer li nes . The plugs shall not be rem ove d until t he app li cab le man hole complete with cone se ction ha s been construct ed an d t he lid installed to ke ep out d ebris as a re sult of add itional con stru ct ion . 1. CONCRETE COLLARS: Concrete collars will be required on all manho les specified a s per Figure 121 . 2. WATERTIGHT MANHOLE INSERTS: Watertight gask et manho le ins e rts sh all be installed in a ll sanitary sewer manho les. Inserts shall be con structed in accordan ce with Fort Worth Water Department Standard "E100-4 and shall be fitted and install e d according to t he manufacturer's re commendations. Stainless Steel manhole ins e rt s sha ll be required for all pipe diameters 18" and g reater. 3 . LIFT HOLES : All lift holes shall be plugged with a pre-cast concrete plug. The lift hole shall be sealed on the outside of the manhole with Ram-Ne k or an approved equal sealant. The lift hole shall be sealed on the inside of the manhole wit h quick settin g cement grot.Jt. 4 . FINAL RIM ELEVATIONS: Manhole rims in parkways, lawns and other improved land s shall be at an elevation n ot more than one (1) nor less than one-half (1/2) inch ab ove th e surrounding ground . Backfil l shall provide a un iform slope from the to p of ma nhol e casting for not less than t hree (3) feet each direction to existing finish grade of the ground . The grade of all surfaces shall be checked for proper slope and grade by string lining the enti re area regarded near the manhole . Manho les in open field s, unimproved land , or drainage courses shall be at an elevation show n on the drawings or minimum of 6 inches above grade . 5 . MANHO LE COVERS : All lids sh a ll have pick slots in lieu of pick holes . Manhole frames and covers shall be McK inley , Type N, with indented top design , or equa l, with pick slots . Cove rs shal l set flush with the rim of the fram e and sh a ll have no larger than 1/8-in ch ga p between t he fra me a nd co v e r. Be aring s u rfac es s hall be ma ch in e fin is hed . Locki ng manhole lids a nd fram e s wi ll be restricted to locations withi n the 100-ye ar fl oodplain and SC-16 8/2 005 - - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS areas specifically designated on the plans. Certain teed Ductile Iron Manhole Lids and Frames are acceptable for use where locking lids are specified. 6. SHALLOW CONE MANHOLES: Shallow manhole construction will be used when manhole depth is four (4) feet or less. All shallow cone manholes shall be built in accordance with Figure 105. All shallow cone manholes shall have a cast iron lid and frame with pick slots. NOTE: MANHOLES PER FIGURE 106 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 7. MANHOLE STEPS: No manhole steps are to be installed on any sanitary sewer manhole. 8. EXTERIOR SURFACE COATING: Exterior surfaces of all manholes shall be coated with two mop coats of coal tar epoxy, Koppers "Bitumastic Super Service Black" Tnemec "46- 450 Heavy Tnemecol," or equal to, a minimum or 14 mils dry film thickness . 9. MANHOLE JOINT SEALING: All interior and/or exterior joints on concrete manhole sections constructed for the City of Fort Worth Water Department, excluding only the j oints using a trapped type performed 0-ring rubber gasket shall require Bitumastic joint sealants as per Figure M. This sealant shall be pre-formed and trowelable Bitumastic as manufactured by Kent- Seal, Ram-Nek, E-Z Stick, or equal. The joint sealer shall be supplied in either extruded pipe form or suitable cross-sectional area or flat-tape and shall be sized as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. The joint sealer shall be protected by a suitable removable wrapper and shall not in any way depend on oxidation, evaporation, or any other chemical action for either its adhesive properties or cohesive strength . The Joint sealer shall remain totally flexible without shrinking, hardening, or oxidizing regardless of the length of time it is exposed to the elements. The manufacturer shall furnish an affidavit attesting to the successful use of the product as a pre-formed flexible joint sealant on concrete pipe and manhole sections for a period of at least five years. B. EXECUTION: 1. INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANT: Each grade adjustment ring and manhole frame shall be sealed with the above-specified materials. All surfaces to be in contact with the joint sealant shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, sand, mud, or other foreign matter. The manufacturer shall apply a primer to all surfaces prior to installing the joint sealant in accordance with the recommendations. The protective wrapper shall remain on the joint sealant until immediately prior to the placement of the pipe in the trench . After removal of the protective wrapper, the joint sealant shall be kept clean. Install frames and cover over manhole opening with the bottom of the rings resting on Bitumastic joint sealer. Frames and grade rings shall rest on two (2) rows (inside and outside) of Bitumastic joint sealer. 2 . SEALING AND/OR ADJUSTING EXISTING MANHOLES: Excavate (rectangular full depth saw cut if in pavement) adjacent to the manhole to expose the entire manho le frame and a minimum of 6 inches of the manhole wall keeping the sides of the trench nearly vertical. SC -17 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Remove manhole frame from the manhole structure and observe the condition of the frame and grade rings. Any frame or grade ring that is not suitable for use as determined by the Engineer shall be replaced . Grade rings that are constructed of brick , block materials other than pre -cast concrete rings , o r where necessary and approved by t he Engineer, shall be replaced with a pre -cast flattop section. Pre-cast concrete rings , or a pre-cast concrete flattop sect ion w ill be the only adj ustments allowed. In brick or block manholes, replace the upper portion of the manhole to a point 24 inches below the frame. If the walls or cone section below this level are structurally unsound , notify the Engineer prior to replacement of the grade rings and manhole frame . Existi ng brickwork , if damaged by the Cont ractor, shall be re placed at the Contractor's ex pens e. Wire brush manhole frame and exposed man hole surfaces to remove di rt an d loose debris . Coat exposed manhole surfa ces wi th an a pproved bonding agent followed by an application of quick settin g hyd rau lic cement to provide a smooth worki n g s u rfa ce . If the inside d iameter of the ma n ho le is t oo large to safe ly s u p po rt new a dju st ment rin gs or frames , a flat top section s hall be install e d . Joint surfaces between t he fram e s, adju stment rings , an d co ne se cti o n s hall be free of di rt, ston es , debris a nd vo ids to ensure a wate rtight seal. Pl ace flexi bl e ga sket joint materi a l alon g the in s ide an d o uts ide edge of each joint, or us e trowelable material i n lieu of pre-form ed gas ket material. Position the butt joint of each leng t h of joint material o n oppos ite si des of t he manh o le. No stee l shims, wood, stone s , or any ma t e rial not specificall y ac cepted by the Engineer may be used to obtain final surface elevation of th e manho le frame. In paved areas or future paved areas , castings shall be installed by using a straight ed ge not les s tha n te n (1 0 ) feet long so that the top of the casting will conform to the slope a nd fin ish elevation of the paved surface . The top of the casting shall be 1/8 inch below th e finish ed elevation. Allowances for the compression of the joint material shall be made t o assure a proper fina l grade elevation . 3. EXPOSED EXTER IOR SURFACES : All exposed exteri o r surfaces shall be coated wi th two mop coats of coal t ar ep o xy . Kopper "Bitumastic Super Service Black"; Tnem ec "4 6- 450 Heavy Tnemecol ", or equal , to a minimum of 14 mils dry film thick ness . 4. The exterior surface of all pre-cast section joints shall be tho ro ughly cleaned with a wire brush and then waterproofed w ith a 1 /2-inch thick coat of trowelable bitumastic joint sea lant from 6-inch e s below to 6-inches above the joint. The coated joint shall then be wrapped with 6 mil plastic to protect the sealant from damage during backfilling . C . MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT : The pr ice bid for new manhole installations shall include all labor, equipment , and materials necessary for construction of the manhole includ i ng , but not limited to, joint sealing , lift hole seali ng and exterior surface coating . Payment shall not include pavement replacement , wh ich if required , shall be pa id separately . The price bid for reconstruction of existing manholes shall in clude all labor equipment an d mate ria ls necessary for construction of new manhole , in cl ud ing , but not limite d t o , excava tion , backfill , disposal of materials , joint sea ling , lift hole seal ing and exterio r s urface SC -18 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS coating. Payment shall not include pavement replacement, which if required, shall be paid separately. The price bid for adjusting and/or sealing of existing manholes shall include all labor, equipment and materials necessary for adjusting and/or sealing the manhole, including but not limited to, joint sealing, lift hole sealing, and exterior surface coating. Payment for concrete collars will be made per each. Payment for manhole inserts will be made per each. D-28 SANITARY SEWER SERVICES Any reconnection, relocation, re-routes, replacement, or new sanitary sewer service shall be required as shown on the plans, and/or as described in these Special Contact Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer as active sewer taps. The service connections shall be constructed by the Contractor utilizing standard factory manufactured tees. City approved factory manufactured saddle taps may be used, but only as directed by the Engineer. The decision to use saddle taps as opposed to tees shall be made on a case-by-case basis. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the scheduling of tapping crews with building owners and the Engineer in order that the work be performed in an expeditious manner. A minimum of 24 hours advance notice shall be given when taps will be required. Severed service connections shall be maintained as specified in section C6-6.15. D. SEWER SERVICE RECONNECTION: When sewer service reconnection is called for the Contractor shall vertically adjust the existing sewer service line as required for reconnection and furnish a new tap. The fittings used for vertical adjustment shall consist of a maximum bend of 45 degrees . The tap shall be located so as to line up with the service line and avoid any horizontal adjustment. For open cut applications , all sanitary sewer service lines shall be replaced to the property or easement line , or as directed by the Engineer. Sanitary sewer services on sewers being rehabilitated using pipe enlargement methods shall be replaced to the property or easement line or as directed by the Engineer. Procedures listed below for Sewer Service Replacement shall be adhered to for the installation of any sewer service line including the incidental four (4) feet of service line, which is included in the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Taps. Payment for work such as backfill, saddles, tees , fittings incidental four (4) feet of service line and all other associated appurtenances required shall be included in the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Taps. E. SEWER SERVICE REPLACEMENT: All building sewer services encountered during construction shall be adjusted and/or replaced by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer as requ ired for the connection of the sewer service line. If the sewer service line is in such condition or adjustment necessitates the replacement of the sewer service line, all work shall be performed by a licensed plumber. The Engineer shall determine the length of the replacement. All sewer services shall be installed at a minimum of two (2) percent slope or as approved by the Engineer. For situations involving sewer service re-routing , whether on public or private property , the Engineer shall provide line and grade for the sewer service lines as shown on the project plans . Prior to installing the applicable sewer main or lateral and the necessary service lines , the Contractor shall verify (by de-holing at the building clean-out) the elevations (shown on the plans) at the building clean-out and compare the data with the elevation at the proposed connection point on the sewer main , in order to ensure that the two (2) percent minimum slope (or as specified by the Engineer) requirement is satisfied . Elevations shall also be verified at all bend locations on the service re-route . All SC-19 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS applicable sewer mains, laterals and affected service lines that are installed without pre- construction de-holing at the affected residences (to verify design elevations) shall be removed and replaced as necessary at the Contractor's expense in the event grade conflicts are brought to light after de-holing is conducted. All elevation information obtained by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Inspector. The Engineer shall be immediately notified in the event that the two (2) percent minimum slope is not satisfied. If the Contractor determines that a different alignment for the re-route is more beneficial than shown on the plans, the Contractor shall obtain and submit all relevant elevation information for the new alignment to the Inspector and shall be responsible for ensuring that the two (2) percent minimum grade (or as approved by the Engineer) is satisfied. Prior to backfilling, the Contractor shall double check the grade of the installed service line and submit signed documentation verifying that the line has been installed as designed to the Engineer. The Contractor, at its sole expense, shall be required to uncover any sewer service for which no grade verification has been submitted . All re-routes that are not installed as designed or fail to meet the City code shall be reinstalled at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall ensure that the service line is backfilled and compacted in accordance with the City Plumbing Code. Connection to the existing sewer service line shall be made w ith appropriate adapter fittings. The fitting shall be a urethane or neoprene coupling A.S.T.M . C- 425 with series 300 stainless steel compression straps. The Contractor shall remove the existing clean-out and plug the abandoned sewer service line. The contractor shall utilize schedule 40 PVC for all sanitary sewer service re-routes or relocations located on private property . Furthermore , the contractor shall utilize the services of a licensed plumber for all service line work on private property. Permit(s) must be obtained from the City of Fort Worth Development Department for all service line work on private property and all work related to the service line must be approved by a City of Fort Worth Plumbing Inspector. A copy of the plumbing permit shall be provided to the Engineer prior to beginning work on the sanitary sewer service re-route and proof of final acceptance by the Plumbing Inspector shall be provided to the Engineer upon completion of the sanitary sewer re-route . Payment for work and materials such as backfill , removal of existing clean-outs, plugging t he abandoned sewer service line, double checking the grade of the installed service line, pipe fittings, surface restoration on private property (to match existing), and all other associated work for service replacements in excess of four ( 4) linear feet shall be included in the linear foot price bid for sanitary sewer service line replacement on private property or public right of way. Payment for all work and material involving the "tap " shall be included in the price bid for sanitary sewer service taps . 0-29 REMOVAL, SALVAGE, AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES Any removal, salvaging and/or abandonment of existing facilities will necessarily be required as shown on the plans, and/or described in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. This work shall be done in accordance with Section E2 -1.5 Salvaging of Material and E2 -2.7 Removing Pipe, of the General Contract Documents and Specifications , unless amended or superseded by requirements of th is Special Condition . A. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER METER AND METER BOX: Existing water meter and meter box shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Contractor in accordance with Section E2-1.5 Salvaging of Materia ls . SC-20 8/2005 PART D ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS 8. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER METER AND CONCRETE VAULT LID : Existing water meter and concrete vault lid shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Con t ractor in accordance with Section E2-1 .5 Salvaging of Materia ls. The concrete vault shall be demolished in place to a po int not less t han 18 i nches below fi nal grade. The concrete vault shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 Backfill . B ackfi ll ma terial shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface resto ra t ion sha ll be compat ible with ex isting surrounding surface and grade. C. SALVAGE OF EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS : Ex isti ng fi re hydrants shall be removed and returned to the Water Dep art ment warehouse by th e Co ntracto r in acco rdance w it h Sect ion E2-1.5 Sa lvaging of Materials . T he void s ha ll be ba c kfilled and compacted in accordan ce with backfill method as specified in Sect ion E2-2.9 Backfi ll . Bac kf ill material shall be suitab le excavat ed mate rial approved by th e Eng inee r. Surface re storatio n s hall be compati b le wit h existing surround ing s urface a nd g ra de . D. SALVAGE OF EXIS T IN G GATE VALVE: Ex isting gate val ve and val ve bo x and lid shall be removed and retu rned t o the Wate r De part men t warehou se by th e Con t racto r in acco rdan ce with Se cti o n E2 -1.5 Salvagin g of Ma te ria ls . The void area caused by th e val ve rem oval shall be backfi ll ed an d co m pa ct ed in ac cordance with ba c kfi ll method as speci fi ed in Se ct io n E2 -2 .9 Backfill. Back fil l mate ria l shall be suitable excava ted material approved by th e Eng in eer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with existing su rro un d in g surface and grad e . If the valve is in a concrete vault, the vault shall be demolish ed in place to a point no less t ha n 18" be low final grade. E. A BAN DONMENT OF EXISTING GATE VALVE : Existing gate valve and box lid shall be abandoned by first closing the valve to the fully closed position and demo lishing the valve box in p lace to a point not less than 18 inches below final grade. Concrete shall then be used as backfill material to match existing grade. F. ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING VAULTS : Vaults to be demolished in place shall have top slab and lid removed and vault walls demolished to a point not less than 18" below final grade. The void area caused shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2 -2.9 Backfill. Backfill material shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with the existing surrounding grade. G. ABANDONMENT OF MANHOLES: Manholes to be abandoned in place shall have all pipes entering or exiting the structure plugged with lean concrete . Manhole top or cone section shall be removed to the top of the full barrel diameter section, or to point not less than 18 inches below final grade . The structure shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2 .9 Backfill. Backfill material may be eithe r clean washed sand of clean , suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compat ible with surrounding service surface . Payment for work involved in backfilling , plugging of pipe(s) and all other appurtenances required , shall be included in the appropriate b id item -Abandon Existing Sewer Manhole . H. REMOVAL OF MANHOLES: Manholes to be removed shall have all pipes entering or exiting the structure disconnected . The complete manhole , including top or cone section , all full barrel diamete r sect ion, and bas e se cti o n shall be removed . The excavation shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordan ce with backfill meth od as spe c if ied in Sectio n E2-2.9 SC-21 8/20 05 PART D -SPECIAL CO NDITIONS Backfill. Backfill material may be with Type C Backfill or Type B Backfill, as approved by t he E ngineer. Surface restora t ion shall be compatible with surrounding surface . I. CUTTING AND PLUGGING EXISTING MAINS : At various locations on this project , it may be required to c ut , plug , and block existing water mains/services or sanitary sewer mains/services in order to abandon these lines . Cutting and plugging existing mains and/or services shall be considered as incidental and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the li near foot bid price of the pipe , unless separate trenching is required . J . R E MOVAL O F EXISTING PIPE : Where removal of the existing pipe is requi red , it shall be the Contractor's res ponsibil ity to p roperly dispose of all removed pipe . All removed val ves , fi re hydrants and meter bo xe s sha l l b e de livered to Water Department Fiel d Ope rati o n , Sto rag e Yard . C . PAYME NT : Payment for all wo rk a nd ma t eri al in volved in salvaging , aba ndoning a nd/or rem oving existing fa c ilities s hall be included in t he linear foot bid p ric e of the pip e , exce pt a s f ol low s: separate paym ent will be made for re moval of all fire hydrants , gate va lves , 16 in c h an d larger, a nd s anita ry sewe r ma n holes , rega rd less of location . Pa y ment will be made fo r salvagi ng , ab a ndoning a nd/or removing all othe r existin g fa cili ti es wh en said faci lity is n ot being rep laced in t he same t re n ch (i.e., w hen remova l requ ire s a separate trench). L. ABANDONMENT OF EXI ST ING SEWER LIN ES : Where pla ns call for a ba ndon men t of existing sewer mains after the construction of a new sewe r main , the Co ntracto r shall be responsible for TV inspection of 100% of the exi sting sewer main to be abandoned to make a final determination that all existing service connecti o ns have be en re locate d to the ne w main. Once this determination has been made, the ex isting main will be abandoned as indicated above in Item I. D-30 DETECTABL E WARNING TAPES Detectable underground util ity warning tapes which can be located from the surface by a pipe detector shall be installed direct ly above non-metallic water and sanitary sewer pipe . Th e detectable tape shall be "Detect Tap e" manufactured by Allen Systems, Inc. o r app ro ved equal, and shall consist of a minimum thickness 0.35 mils solid aluminum foil encased in a protect ive inert plastic jacket that is imperviou s to all known alkalis , acids, chemical reagents and solvents found in the soil. The minimum overall thickness of the tape shall be 5.5 mils , and the width shall not be less than two inches with a minimum unit w e ig ht of 2Y:? pounds/1 inc h/100'. Th e tape shall be color coded and imprinted with the message a s follows: Type of Utility Color Code Water Sa f ety Blue Sewer Safety Green Legends Caution! Buried Water Line Below Caution! Buried Sewer Line Below Installation of detectable tapes shall be per manufactu rer 's recommendations and shall be as close to the grade as is practica l for optimum protecti o n and detecta bility . All ow a minimum of 18 inches between the tape a nd the pip e . Payment fo r w o rk such as backfil l, bedd ing , blocki ng , detectable tapes , and all other ass ociated appurtenances requi red s hall be included in t he unit price bid for the appropriate bid item(s). SC-22 8/200 5 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-31 PIPE CLEANING Joints shall be wiped and then inspected for proper installation by the inspectors. Each joint shall be swept daily and kept clean during installation. A temporary night plug shall be installed on all exposed pipe ends during any period of work stoppage. D-32 DISPOSAL OF SPOIL/FILL MATERIAL Prior to the disposing of any spoil/fill material, the Contractor shall advise the Director of Engineering Department, acting as the City of Fort Worth's Flood Plain Administrator ("Administrator"), of the location of all sites where the Contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shall not dispose of such material until the proposed sites have been determined by the Administrator to meet the requirements of the Flood Plain Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth (Ordinance No. 10056). All disposal sites must be approved by the Administrator to ensure that filling is not occurring within a floodplain without a permit. A floodplain permit can be issued upon approval of necessary Engineering studies. No fill permit is required if disposal sites are not in a flood plain. Approval of the Contractor's disposal sites shall be evidenced by a letter signed by the Administrator stating that the site is not in a known flood plain or by a Flood Plain Fill Permit authorizing fill within the flood plain. Any expenses associated with obtaining the fill permit, including any necessary Engineering studies, shall be at the Contractor's expense. In the event that the Contractor disposes of spoil/fill material at a site without a fill permit or a letter from the administrator approving the disposal site, upon notification by the Engineer, Contractor shall remove the spoil/fill material at its expense and dispose of such materials in accordance with the Ordinances of the City and this section . D-33 MECHANICS AND MATERIALMEN'S LIEN The Contractor shall be required to execute a release of mechanics and material men 's liens upon receipt of payment. D-34 SUBSTITUTIONS The specifications for materials set out the minimum standard of quality, which the City believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. No substitutions will be permitted until the Contractor has received written permission of the Engineer to make a substitution for the material, which has been specified. Where the term "or equal ", or "or approved equal " is used, it is understood that if a material, product, or piece of equipment bearing the name so used is furnished, it will be approvable , as the particular trade name was used for the purpose of establishing a standard of quality acceptable to the City. If a product of any other name is proposed for use, the Engineer's approval thereof must be obtained before the Contractor procures the proposed substitute . Where the term "or equal", or "or approved equal " is not used in the specifications, this does not necessarily exclude alternative items or material or equipment which may accomplish the intended purpose . However, the Contractor shall have the full responsibility of proving that the proposed substitution is , in fact , equal , and the Engineer, shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of substitutions . The provisions of this sub-section as related to "substitutions" shall be applicable to all sections of these specifications. D-35 PRE-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SAN ITARY SEWER A. GENERAL: Prior to the reconstruction, ALL sections of existing sanitary sewer lines to be abandoned , removed (except where being replaced in the same location), or rehabilitated (pipe enlargement , cured-in-place pipe, fold and form pipe , slip-line , etc .), shall be cleaned, and a television inspection performed to identify any active sewer service taps , other sewer SC-23 812005 PART D ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS laterals and their location. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for the cleaning and inspection of the sewer lines by means of closed circuit television . Satisfactory precautions shall be taken to protect the sewer lines from damage that might be inflicted by the i mproper use of cleaning equipment. 1. HIGH VELOCITY JET (HYDROCLEANING) EQUIPMENT: The high-velocity sewer line cleaning equipment shall be constructed for easy and safe operation. The equipment shall also have a selection of two or more high-velocity nozzles. The nozzles shall be capable of producing a scouring action from 15 to 45 degrees in all size lines designated to be cleaned. Equipment shall also i nclude a high-velocity gun for washing and scouring manhole walls and floor. The gun shall be capable of producing flows from a fine spray to a solid stream. The equipment shall carry its own water tank, auxiliary engines , pumps , and hydraulically driven hose reel. Hydraulically Propelled Equipment shall be of a movable dam type and be constructed in such a way that a portion of the dam may be collapsed at any time during the clean ing operation to protect against flooding of the sewer. The movable dam shall be equa l in diameter around the outer periphery to ensure removal of grease. If sewer cleaning balls or other equipmen t, which cannot be collapsed, is used, special precautions to prevent flooding of the sewers and public or private property shall be taken . The flow of sewage present in the sewer lines shall be utilized to provide necessary fluid for hydraulic cleaning devices whenever possible. 2. CLEANING PROCEDURES: The designated sewer manholes shall be cleaned us ing high-velocity jet equipment. Th e equipment shall be capable of removing dirt, grease, rocks, sand, and other materials and obstructions from the sewer lines and manholes. If cleaning of an entire section cannot be successfully performed from one manhole, the equipment shall be set up on the other manhole and cleaning again attempted . If, again , successful cleaning cannot be performed or equipment fails to traverse the entire manhole section , it will be assumed that a major blockage exists , and the cleaning effort shall be abandoned. When add itional quantities of water from fire hydrants are necessary to avoid delay in normal working procedures, the water shall be conserved and not used unnecessarily. No fire hydrant shall be obstructed in case of a fire in th e area served by the hydrant. Before using any water from the City Water Distributi on System, the Contractor shall apply for and receive permission from the Water Department. The Contractor shall be responsible for the water meter and related charges for the setup, including the water usage bill. All expenses shall be considered incidental to cleaning. 3. DEBRIS REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL: All sludge , dirt , sand , rock, grease , and other solid or semisolid material resulting from the cleaning operation shall be removed at t he downstream manhole of the section being cleaned. Passing material from manhole section to manhole section , which could cause line stoppages, accumulations of sand in wet wells, or damage pumping equipment , shall not be permitted . 4. All solids or semisolid resulting from the cleaning operations shall be removed from the site and disposed of at a site designated by the Engineer. All materials shall be removed from the site no less often than at the end of each workday and disposed of at no additional cost to the City. SC-24 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 5. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL SEWAGE OR SOLIDS REMOVED THEREFROM BE DUMPED ONTO STREETS OR INTO DITCHES, CATCH BASINS, STORM DRAINS OR SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES . 6. TELEV~SION INSPECTION EQUIPMENT: The television camera used for the inspection shall be one specifically designed and constructed for such inspection. Lighting for the camera shall be suitable to allow a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe . The camera shall be operative in 100% humidity conditions . The camera, television monitor, and other components of the video system shall be capable of producing picture quality to the satisfaction of the Engineer; and if unsatisfactory , equipment shall be removed and no payment will be made for an unsatisfactory inspection. B. EXECUTION: 1. TELEVISION INSPECTION: The camera shall be moved through the line in either direction at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentation of any sewer service taps . In no case will the television camera be pulled at a speed greater than 30 feet per minute . Manual winches, power winches, TV cable , and powered rewinds or other devices that do not obstruct the camera view or interfere with proper documentation shall be used to move the camera through the sewer line . When manually operated winches are used to pull the television camera through the line, telephones or othe r suitable means of communications shall be set up between the two manholes of the section being inspected to ensure good communications between members of the crew. The importance of accurate distance measurements is emphasized. All television inspection videotapes shall have a footage counter. Measurement for location of sewer service taps shall be above ground by means of meter device . Marking on the cable , or the like , which would require interpolati on for depth of manhole, will not be allowed . Accuracy of the distance meter shall be checked by use of a walking meter, roll-a-tape , or other suitable dev ice , and the accuracy shall be satisfactory to the Enginee r. The City makes no guarantee that all of the sanitary sewers to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera. The methods used for securing passage of the camera are to be at the option of the Contractor. The cost of retrieving the Television camera , under all circumstances , when it becomes lodged during inspection, s hall be incidental to Television inspection. 2 . DOCUMENTATION: Television Inspection Logs : Printed location re cords shall be kept by the Contractor and will clearly show the location in relat ion to an adjacent manhole of each sewe r service taps observed during inspection . In addition , other points of significance such as locations of unusual conditions , roots , storm sewer connections , broken pipe , presence of scale and corrosion, and other discernible features will be recorded , and a copy of such records will be supplied to the City. 3. PHOTOGRAPHS : Instant developing , 35 mm , or other standard-size photographs of the television picture of problems shall be taken by the Contractor upon request of the Engineer, as long as such photographing does not interfere with the Contractor's operations. SC-25 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4. VIDEOTAPE RECORDINGS: The purpose of tape recording shall be to supply a visual and audio record of problem areas of the lines that may be replayed. Video tape recording playback shall be at the same speed that it was recorded . The television tapes shall be furnished to the City for review immediately upon completion of the television inspection and may be retained a maximum of 30 calendar days. Equipment shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for review of the tapes. The Engineer will return tapes to the Contractor upon completion of review. Tapes shall not be erased without the permission of the Engineer. If the tapes are of such poor qual ity that the Engineer is unable to evaluate the condition of the sewer line or to locate service connections, the Contractor shall be required to re-televise and provide a good tape of the line at no additional cost to the City. If a good tape cannot be provided of such quality that can be reviewed by the Engineer, no payment for televising this portion shall be made . Also, no payment shall be made for portions of lines not televised or portions where manholes cannot be negotiated with the television camera . THE TAPES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION FOR REVIEW AND DETERMINATION OF SAGS . Upon completion of review of the tapes by the Engineer, the Contractor will be notified as to which sections of the sanitary sewer are to be corrected. The Erigineer will return tapes to the Contractor upon completion of review. All costs associated with this work shall be incidental to unit prices bid for items under Television Inspection of the Proposal. C. PAYMENT OF CLEANING AND PRE-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS: The cost for Pre-Construction Cleaning and Television Inspection of sanitary sewers shall be per linear foot of sewer actually televised. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with tapes of a quality that the particular piece of sewer can be readily evaluated as to existing sewer conditions and for providing appropriate means for review of the tapes by the Engineer including collection and removal, transportation and disposal of sand and debris from the sewers to a legal dump site. Television inspection shall include necessary cleaning (hydraulic jet or mechanical clea ner) to provide video image required for line analysis. The primary purpose of cleaning is for television inspection and rehabilitation; when a portion of a line is not or cannot be televised or rehabilitated , the cleaning of that portion of line shall be incidental and no payment shall be made. Th e City makes no guarantee that all of the sanitary sewers to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera. The methods used for securing passage of the camera are to be at the option of the Contractor , and the costs must be included in the bid price for TV Inspections. The cost of retrieving the TV Camera , under all circumstances , when it becomes lodged during inspection , shall be incidental to TV Inspection . The item shall also include all costs of installing and maintaining any bypass pumping required to provide reliable , regular sewer service to the area residents. All bypass pumping shall be incidental to the project. SC-26 8/2005 PART D · SPECIAL CONDITIONS 0-36 VACUUM TESTING OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES D. GENERAL: This item shall govern the vacuum testing of all newly constructed sanitary sewer manholes. B. EXECUTION : 1. TEST PROCEDURE: Ma n holes shall be vacuum tested prior to any interior grouting with all connections in place . Lift holes shall be plugged , and all drop-connections and gas sealing connections shall be installed prior to testing . The se wer lines e nt e ri ng the ma nhole sh all be plu gged an d b ra ced to preve nt th e p lugs from being d rawn into the ma nh o le . Th e plugs sha ll be in stalled in t he lines beyo nd the drop -connect ions , gas sealin g connect ions , etc . T he test he ad shall be placed inside the frame at the to p of t he manh ol e a nd inflated in acco rd a nce w ith the man ufacturer's recommend ations . A vacuu m of t en in ch es of me rcury (1 O"Hg ) sh a ll be drawn a nd t he vacuum pump will be turned off. With t he valve close d, the level of vacuum sha ll be read after the re q uired test time . T he requ ired t est tim e s hall be dete rm ined from the T a bl e I below in acco rdance with A ST M C1244-93 : T abl e I MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED FOR VACUUM DROP OF 1" Hg (1 O"Hg -9"Hg) (SEC) De pt h of MH . 48-lnch Dia . 6 0-lnch Dia. (FT.) Ma nhole Manho le 0 to 16 ' 40 sec. 52 sec . 18 ' 45 sec . 59 sec . 20' 50 sec . 65 sec . 22' 55 sec. 72 sec. 24' 59 sec . 78 sec. 26 ' 64 sec . 85 sec . 28' 69 sec. 91 sec . 30 ' 74 sec. 98 sec . For Each 5 sec. 6 sec. Additional 2' 2 . ACCEPTANCE : The manhole shall be considered acceptable , if the drop in. the level of vacuum is less than one-inch of mercury (1" Hg) after the required test time . Any manhole , which fails to pass the initial test , must be repaired by either pressure grouting through the manhole wall o r digging to expose the exterior wall of the manhole in order to locate the leak and seal it with an epoxy sealant. The manhole shall be retested as described abo ve u nt il it has successfully passed the test. Following completion of a successful test , t he manhole shall be restored to its norm al condition , all t~mporary plugs shall be rem oved , all braces , equipment , and debris shall be re moved and disposed of in a man ner satisfacto ry to the Engin eer. SC-2 7 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS C. PAYMENT: Payment for vacuum testing of sanitary sewer manholes shall be paid at the contract price per each vacuum test. This price shall include all material, labor, equipment , and all incidentals, including all bypass pumping, required to complete the test as specified herein. D-37 BYPASS PUMPING The Contractor shall bypass the sewage around the section or sections of sewer to be rehabilitated and/or replaced. The bypass shall be made by plugging existing upstream manhole and pumping the sewage into a downstream manhole or adjacent system or other method as may be approved by the Engineer. The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow without sewage backup occurring to facilities connected to the sewer. Provisions shall be made at driveways and street crossings to permit safe vehicu lar travel without interrupting flow in the bypass system. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to discharge sewage into the trenches. Payment shall be incidental to rehabilitation or replacement of the sewer line. D-38 POST-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER A. GENERAL: After construction, ALL sections of sanitary sewer lines shall have a televis ion inspection performed by an independent sub-Contractor hired by the prime Contractor. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for inspection of the sewer lines by means of closed circuit television. Satisfactory precautions shall be taken to protect the sewer lines from damage that might be inflicted by the improper use of cleaning equipment. B. TELEVISION INSPECTION EQUIPMENT: The television camera used for the inspection shall be one specifically designed and constructed for such inspection. Lighting for the camera shall be operative in 100% humidity conditions. The camera, television monitor, and other components of the video system shall be capable of producing picture quality to t he satisfaction of the Engineer; and if unsatisfactory, equipment shall be removed and n o payment will be made for an unsatisfactory inspect ion. C. EXECUTION: 1. TELEVISION INSPECTION: The camera shall be moved throu gh the line in either direction at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentation of any sewer service taps. In no case will the television camera be pulled at a speed greater than 30 feet per minute. Manual winches , power winches, TV cable, and powered rewinds or other devices that do not obstruct the camera view or interfere with proper documentation shall be used to move the camera through the sewer line. No more than 2000 linear feet of pipe will be televised at one time for review by th e Engineer. When manually operated winches are used to pull the television camera through the line, telephones or other suitable means of communications shall be set up between the two manholes of the section being inspected to ensure good communications be twee n members of the crew. The importance of accurate distance measurements is emphasized. All television inspection video tapes shall have a footage counter. Measurement for location of sewer service taps shall be above ground by means of meter device. Marking on the cable , or SC-28 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS the like, which would require interpolation for depth of manhole, will not be allowed. Accuracy of the distance meter shall be checked by use of a walking meter, roll-a-tape, or other suitable device, and the accuracy shall be satisfactory to the Engineer. The City makes no guarantee that all of the sanitary sewers to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera. The methods used for securing passage of the camera are to be at the option of the Contractor. The cost or retrieving the Television camera, under all circumstances, when it becomes lodged during inspection, shall be incidental to Television inspection. Sanitary sewer mains must be laced with enough water to fill all low pints. The television inspection must be done immediately following the lacing of the main with no water flow. If sewer is active, flow must be restricted to provide a clear image of sewer being inspected. 2. DOCUMENTATION: Television Inspection Logs: Printed location records shall be kept by the Contractor and will clearly show the location in relation to an adjacent manhole of each sewer service tap observed during inspection. All television logs shall be referenced to stationing as shown on the plans. A copy of these television logs will be supplied to the City. 3. PHOTOGRAPHS: Instant developing, 35 mm, or other standard-size photographs of the television picture of problems shall be taken by the Contractor upon request of the Engineer, as long as such photographing does not interfere with the Contractor's operations. 4. VIDEOTAPE RECORDINGS: The purpose of tape recording shall be to supply a visual and audio record of problem areas of the lines that may be replayed. Video tape recording playback shall be at the same speed that it was recorded. The television tapes shall be furnished to the City for review immediately upon completion of the television inspection and may be retained a maximum of 30 calendar days . Equipment shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for review of the tapes. Tapes will be returned to the Contractor upon completion of review by the Engineer. Tapes shall not be erased without the permissio n of the Engineer. If the tapes are of such poor quality that the Engineer is unable to evaluate the condition of the sewer line or to locate service connections, the Contractor shall be required to re- televise and provide a good tape of the line at no additional cost to the City. If a good tape cannot be provided of such quality that can be reviewed by the Engineer, no payment for televising this portion shall be made. Also, no payment shall be made for portions of lines not televised or portions where manholes cannot be negotiated with the television camera . D. PAYMENT OF POST-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS: The cost for post-construction Television Inspection of sanitary sewers shall be per linear foot of sewer televised. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with tapes of a quality that the particular piece of sewer can be readily evaluated as to sewer conditions and for providing appropriate means for review of the tapes by the Engineer. Television inspection shall include necessary cleaning (hydraulic jet or mechanical cleaner) to provide video image required for line analysis. The quantity of TV inspection shall be SC-29 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS measured as the total length of new pipe installed. All costs associated with this work shall be included in the appropriate bid item -Post-Construction Television Inspection. The · item shall also include all costs of installing and maintaining any bypass pumping required to provide reliable, regular sewer service to the area residents. All bypass pumping shall be incidental to the project. 0-39 SAMPLES AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. The Contractor shall furnish, at its own expense, certifications by a private laboratory for all materials proposed to be used on the project, including a mix design for any asphaltic and/or Portland cement concrete to be used, and gradation analysis for sand and crushed stone to be used along with the name of the pit from which the material was taken. The contractor shall provide manufacturer's certifications for all manufactured items to be used in the project and will bear any expense related thereto. B. Tests of the design concrete mix shall be made by the contractor's laboratory at least nine days prior to the placing of concrete using the same aggregate, cement, and mortar which are to be used later in the concrete. The Contractor shall provide a certified copy of the test results to the City . C. Quality control testing of in-place material on this project will be performed by the city at its own expense. Any retesting required as a result of failure of the material to meet project specifications will be at the expense of the contractor and will be billed at commercial rates as determined by the City. The failure of the City to make any tests of materials shall in no way relieve the contractor of its responsibility to furnish materials and equipment conforming to the requirements of the contract. D. Not less than 24 hours notice shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for operations requiring testing . The Contractor shall provide access ·and trench safety system (if required) for the site to be tested , and any work effort involved is deemed to be included in the unit price for the item being tested . E. T he Contractor shall provide a copy of the trip ticket for each load of fill material delivered to the job site. The ticket shall specify the name of the pit supplying the fill material. 0 -40 TEMPORARY EROSION , SEDIMENT, AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL A. DESCRIPTION : This item shall consist of temporary soil erosion sediment and water pollution control measures deemed necessary by the Engineer for the duration of the contract. These control measures shall at no time be used as a substitute for the permanent control measures unless otherwise directed by the Engineer and they shall not include measures taken by the CONTRACTOR to control conditions created by his construction operations . The temporary measures shall include dikes, dams, berms, sediment basins , fiber mats , jute netting , temporary seeding , straw mulch , asphalt mulch , plastic liners , rubble liners , baled -hay retards , dikes , slope drains and other devices . B . CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS : The Engineer has the authority to define erodi b le earth and the authority to limit the surface area of erodible-earth material exposed by preparing right-of-way , clearing and grubbing, the surface area of erodible-earth material exposed by excavation , borrow and to direct the CONTRACTOR to provide temporary pollution -control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams, other water courses , lakes , ponds or other areas of water impoundment. Such work may involve the S C-30 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS construction of temporary berms, dikes, dams, sediment basins, slope drains and use of temporary mulches, mats, seeding, or other control devices or methods directed by the Engineer as necessary to control soil erosion. Temporary pollution-control measures shall be used to prevent or correct erosion that may develop during construction prior to installation of permanent pollution control features, but are not associated with permanent control features on the project. The Engineer will limit the area of preparing right-of-way, clearing and grubbing, excavation and borrow to be proportional to the CONTRACTOR'S capability and progress in keeping the finish grading, mulching, seeding, and other such permanent pollution-control measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal conditions make such limitations unrealistic, temporary soil-erosion-control measures shall be performed as directed by the Engineer. 1. Waste or disposal areas and construction roads shall be located and constructed in a manner that will minimize the amount of sediment entering streams. 2. Frequent fordings of live streams will not be permitted ; therefore, temporary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever an appreciable number of stream crossings are necessary. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, mechanized equipment shall not be operated in live streams. 3. When work areas or material sources are located in or adjacent to live streams, such areas shall be separated from the stream by a dike or other barrier to keep sediment from entering a flowing stream . Care shall be taken during the construction and removal of such barriers to minimize the muddying of a stream. 4. All waterways shall be cleared as soon as practicable of false work, piling , debris or other obstructions placed during construction operations that are not a part of the finished work. 5. The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions to prevent pollution of streams , lakes and reservoirs with fuels , oils, bitumen, calcium chloride or other harmful materials . He shall conduct and schedule his operations so as to avoid or minimize siltation of streams , lakes and reservoirs and to avoid interference with movement of migratory fish. C. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All work, materials and equipment necessary to provide temporary erosion control shall be considered subsidiary to the contract and no extra pay will be given for this work. D-41 INGRESS AND EGRESS/OBSTRUCTION OF ACCESS TO DRIVES The Contractor shall provide ingress and egress to the property being crossed by this construction and adjacent property when construction is not in progress and at night. Drives shall be left accessible at night, on weekends , and during holidays . The Contractor shall conduct his activities to minimize obstruction of access to drives and property during the progress of construction. Notification shall be made to a property owner prior to his driveway being removed and/or rebuilt. D-42 PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL All property along and adjacent to the Contractors' operations including lawns , yards , shrubs , trees, etc ., shall be preserved or restored after completion of the work , to a condition equal to or better than existed prior to start of work . SC-31 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Any trees or other landscape features scarred or damaged by the Contractor's operations shall be restored or replaced at the Contractor's expense . Trimming or pruning to facilitate the work will be permitted only by experienced workmen in an approved manner (No trimming or pruning without the property owners' consent). Pruned limbs of 1" diameter or larger shall be thoroughly treated as soon as possible with a tree wound dressing. By ordinance, the Contractor must obtain a permit from the City Forester before any work (trimming, removal, or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs growing on public property including street Rights-of-Ways and designated alleys. This permit can be obtained by calling the Forestry Office at 871-5738. All tree work shall be in compliance with pruning standards for Class II Pruning as described by the National Arborist Association . A copy of these standards can be provided by calling the above number. Any damage to public trees due t o negligence by the Contractor shall be assessed using the cu rrent formula for Shade Tree Evaluation as defin e d by the International Society of Arboriculture . Payment fo r negligent damage to public trees shall be made to the City of Fort Worth and may be withheld from funds due t he Contractor by the City/Developer. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wilt fungus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be immediately sealed using a commercial pruning paint. No separate payment will be made for any of the work involved for thi s item and all costs incurred will be considered a subsidiary cost of the project. 0-43 SITE RESTORATION The contractor shall be responsible for restoring the site to original grade and condition after completion of his operations subject to approval of the Engineer. The basis for approval by the Engineer will be grade restoration to plus minus one -t enth (0 .1) of a foot. 0-44 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD PRODUCT LIST Prop osed products submitted in the bid documents must appear in the latest "City of Fort Worth Standa rd Product List , for the bid to be considered responsive. Products and processes listed in the "City of Fort Worth Stan dard Product List shall be considered to meet City of Fort Worth minimum technical requirements . 0-45 TOPSOIL, SODDING, SEEDING & HYDROMULCHING This item sha ll be performed in accordance with the City of Fort Worth Parks and Community Se rv ices Department Specifications for Topsoil , Sodding and Seeding. 1. TOPSOIL DESCRIPTION: This item will consist of furnishing and placing a minimum of six (6) inches of topsoil , free from rock and foreign material , in all parkways and medians to the lines and grades as established by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: Topsoil will be secured from borrow sources as required to supplement material secured from st reet excavation. All excavated materials from stre ets which is suitable for topsoil wi ll be used in the parkways and medians before any topsoil is obtained from a borrow source . Topsoil material secured from street excavation shall be SC -32 812005 - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS stockpiled at locations approved by the Engineer, and at completion of grading and paving operations, topsoil shall be placed on parkway areas so as to provide a minimum six (6) inches of compacted depth of topsoil parkways. 2. SODDING DESCRIPTION: Sodding will consist of furnishing and planting Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine grass in the areas between the curbs and walks, on terraces, in median strips, on embankments or cut slopes, or in such areas as designated on the Drawings and in accordance with the requirements of this Specification. Recommended Buffalo grass varieties for sodding are Prairie and 609. MATERIALS: Sod shall consist of live and growing Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine grass secured from sources where the soil is fertfle. Sod to be placed during the dormant state of these grasses shall be alive and acceptable. Bermuda and Buffalo grass sod shall have a healthy, virile root system of dense, thickly matted roots throughout a two (2) inch minimum thickness of native soil attached to the roots. St. Augustine grass sod shall have a healthy, virile root system of dense, thickly matted roots throughout a one (1) inch minimum thickness of native soil attached to the roots. The sod shall be free from obnoxious weeds or other grasses and shall not contain any matter deleterious to its growth or which might affect its subsistence or hardiness when transplanted. Sod to be placed between curb and walk and on terraces shall be the same type grass as adjacent grass or existing lawn. Care shall be taken at all times to retain native soil on the roots of the sod during the process of excavating,-hauling, and planting. Sod material shall be kept moist from the time it is dug until planted . When so directed by the Engineer, the sod existing at the source shall be watered to the extent required prior to excavating. Sod material shall be planted within three days after it is excavated. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: After the designated areas have been completed to the lines, grades, and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and as provided for in other items of the contract, sodding of the type specified shall be performed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter described. Sodding shall be either "spot" or "block"; either Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine grass . a . Spot Sodding Furrows parallel to the curb line or sidewalk lines, twelve (12) inches on centers or to the dimensions shown on the Drawings, shall be opened on areas to be sodded . In all furrows, sod approximately three (3) inches square shall be placed on twelve (12) inch centers at proper depth so that the top of the sod shall not be more than one-half (1 /2) inch below the finished grade . Holes of equivalent depth and spacing may be used instead of furrows. The soil shall be firm around each block and then the entire sodded area shall be earefully rolled with a heavy, hand roller develop ing fifteen (15) to twenty- five (25) pounds per square inch compression . Ha nd tamping may be requi red on terraces . b. Block Sodding. SC-33 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS At locations on the Drawings or where directed, sod blocks shall be carefully placed on the prepared areas. The sod shall be so placed that the entire designated area shall be covered, and any voids left in the block sodding shall be filled with additional sod and tamped. The entire sodded area shall be rolled and tamped to form a thorough ly compact solid mass. Surfaces of block sod , which, in the opinion of the Engineer, may slide due to the height or slope of the surface or nature of the soil, shall,. upon direction of the Engineer, be pegged with wooden pegs driven through the sod block to the firm earth, sufficiently close to hold the block sod firmly in place. When necessary, the sodded areas shall be smoothed after planting has been completed and shaped to conform to the cross-section previously provided and existing at the time sodding operations were begun. Any excess dirt from planting operations shall be spread uniformly over the adjacent areas or disposed of as directed by the Engineer so that the completed surface will present a sightly appearance. The sodded areas shall be thoroughly watered immediately after they are planted and shall be subsequently watered at such times and in a manner and quantity directed by the Engineer until completion and final acceptance of the project by the City of Fort Worth. 3 . SEEDING DESCRIPTION : "Seeding" will consist of preparing ground , providing ·and planting seed o r a mixture of seed of the kind specified along and across such areas as may be designated on the Drawings and in accordance with these Specifications . MATERIALS: a. General. All seed used must carry a Texas Testing Seed label showing pur ity a nd germination , name , type of seed , and that the seed meets all requirements of t he T exas Seed Law . Seed furnished shall be of the previous se ason's crop a nd t he date of analysis shown on each tag shall be within nine (9) months of time of delive ry t o the project. Each variety of seed shall be furnished and delivered in separate bags or containers . A sample of each variety of seed shall be f urnished for analysis and testing when directed by the Engineer. The specified seed sha ll equal or exceed the following percentages of Pu ri ty and germination : Common Name Purity Germination Commo n Bermuda Grass 95% 90 % Annual Rye Grass 95% 95 % Tall Fescue 95% 90 % Western Wheatgrass 95 % 90 % Buffalo Gra ss Vari eties Top Gu n 95 % 90% Cody 95 % 90 % Table 120.2.(2)a. URBAN AREA WARM -SEASON SEEDING RATE (lbs.); Pure Live Seed (PLS) Mixture for Clay or Tight Soils Mixture for SC-34 8/2005 Dates Feb 1 to May 1 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Eastern Sections) Bermudagrass 40 Buffalograss 60 (Western Sections) Buffalograss 80 Bermudagrass 20 Total: 100 Total: 100 Table, 120.2.(2)b Sandy Soils (All Sections) Bermudagrass 60 Buffalograss 40 Total: 100 TEMPORARY COOL-SEASON SEEDING RATE; (lb.) Pure Live Seed (PLS) Dates (All Sections) Aug 15 Tall Fescue 50 to Western Wheatgrass 50 May 1 Annual Rye 50 Total: 100 CONSTRUCTION METHODS: After the designated areas have been completed to the lines, grades, and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and as provided for in other items of this Contract, seeding of the type specified shall be performed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter described . a . Watering . Seeded areas shall be watered as directed by the Engineer so as to prevent washing of the slopes or dislodgment of the seed. b. Finishing. Where applicable, the shoulders, slopes , and ditches shall be smoothed after seed bed preparation has been completed and shaped to conform to the cross-section previously provided and existing at the time planting operations were begun. BROADCAST SEEDING: The seed or seed mixture in the quantity specified shall be uniformly distributed over the areas shown on the Drawings and where directed. If the sowing of seed is by hand , rather than by mechanical methods , the seed shall be sown in two directions at right angles to each other. Seed and fertilizer shall be distributed at the same time provided the specified uniform rate of application for both is obtained . "Finishing" as specified in Section D-45 , Construction Methods, is not applicable since no seed bed preparation is required . DISCED SEEDING : Soil over the area shown on the Drawings as directed to be seeded shall be loosened to a minimum depth of three (3) inches and all particles in the seed bed shall be reduced to less than one (1) inch in diameter or they shall be removed . The area shall then be fin ished to line and grade as specified under "Finishing" in Section D-45 , Construction Methods. The seed , or seed mixture , specified shall then be planted at the rate required and the applicat ion shall be made uniformly.· If the sowing of seed is by hand rather than by mechanical methods , seed shall be raked or harrowed into the soil to a depth of approx imately one-eight (1/8) inch. The planted area shall be rolled with a corrugated roller of the "Cult ipacker" type. All rolling of the slope areas shall be on the contour . ASPHALT MULCH SEEDING: The soil over the area shown on the Drawings , or as directed to be seeded , shall be loosened to the minimum depth of three (3) inches and all particles in the seed bed shall be reduced to less than one (1) inch in diameter, or they shall be SC-35 812005 PART D .. SPECIAL CONDITIONS removed. The area shall then be finished to line and grade as specified under "Finishing" in Section D-45, Construction Methods. Water shall then be applied to the cultivated area of the seed bed until a minimum depth of six (6) inches is thoroughly moistened. After the watering, when the ground has become sufficiently dry to be loose and pliable, the seed, or seed mixture specified, shall then be planted at the rate required and the application shall be made uniformly. If the sowing of seed is by hand, rather than mechanical methods, the seed shall be sown in two directions at right angles to each other. Seed and fertilizer may be distributed at the same time, provided the specified uniform rate of application for both is obtained. After planting, the seed shall be raked or harrowed into the soil to a depth of approximately one-quarter (1/4) inch. The planted surface area and giving a smooth surface without ruts or tracks. In between the time compacting is completed and the asphalt is applied, the planted area shall be watered sufficiently to assure uniform moisture from the surface to a minimum of six (6) inches in depth . The application of asphalt shall follow the last watering as rapidly as possible. Asphalt shall be of the type and grade as shown on the Drawings and shall conform to the requirements of the item 300, "Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions". If the type of asphalt to be used is not shown on the Drawings , or if Drawings are not included, then MS-2 shall be used. Applications of the asphalt shall be at a rate of three-tenths (0.3) gallons per square yard. It shall be applied to the area in such a manner so that a complete film is obtained and the finished surface shall be comparatively smooth. RE-SEEDING OF AREAS PLANTED WITH COOL SEASONS SPECIES : Areas whe re temporary cool season species have been planted may be replanted beginning February 1 with warm season species as listed in Table 120.2(2)a. The re-seeding will be achieved in the following manner. The cool season species shall be mowed down to a height of one (1) inch to insure that slit-seeding equipment will be able to cu t through the turf and achieve adequate soil penetration . * Slit-seeding , is achieved through the use of an implement which cuts a furrow (slit) in the soil and places the seed in the slit which is then pressed close with a cult packer wheel. 4 . HYDROMULCH SEEDING: If hydro mulch seeding is provided, seed mix shall have 95% purity of Bermuda grass and have a germination rate of 90%. Contractor shall ensure that the grass establishes . 5 . CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PARK AREAS TURF RESTORATION OF PARK AREAS : FERTILIZER DESCRIPTION: "Fertilizer" will consist of providing and distributing fertilizer over such areas as are designated on the Drawings and in accordance with these Specifications . MATERIALS : All fertilizer used shall be delivered in bags or containers clearly labeled showing the analysis . The fertilizer is subject to testing by the City of Fort Worth in accordance with the Texas Fertilizer Law. A pelleted or granulated fertilizer shall be used with an analysis of 16-20-0 or 16-5-8 or having the analysis shown on the Drawings . The SC-36 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS figures in the analysis represent the percent of nitrogen , phosphoric acid, and potash nutrients respectively as determined by the methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. In the event it is necessary to substitute a fertilizer of a different analysis , it shall be a pelleted or granulated fertilizer with a lower concentration . Total amount of nutrients furnished and applied per acre shall equal or exceed that specified for each nutrient. CONSTRUCTION METHODS : When an item for fertilizer is included in the Drawings and proposal, pelleted or granulated fertilizer shall be applied uniformly over the area specified to be fertilized and in the manner directed for the particular item of work. Fertilizer shall be dry and in good physical condition . Fertilizer that is powdered to caked will be rejected. Distribution of fertilizer as a particular item of work shall meet the approval of the Engineer. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings , fertilizer shall be applied uniformly at the average rate of three hundred (300) pounds per acre for all types of "Sodding" and four hundred (400) pounds per acre for all types of "Seeding". MEASUREMENT: Topsoil secured from borrow sou rces will be measured by the square yard in place on the project site. Measurement will be made only on topsoils secured from borrow sources. Acceptable material for "Seeding" will be measured by the linear foot , complete in place. Acceptable material for "Sodding" will be measured by the linear foot , complete in place. Acceptable material for "Fertilizer" shall be subsidiary to the price of sodding or seeding . PAYMENT: All work perfo rmed as ordered and measured shall be subsidiary to the contract unless and otherwise noted in the plans and bid documents to be paid for at the unit price bid for each item of work. Its price shall be full compensation for excavating (except as noted below), loading, hauling, placing and furnishing all labor , equipment , tools , supplies, and incidentals necessary to complete work . All labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to supply , transport , stockpile and place topso il or salvage topsoil as specified shall be included in "Seeding" or "Sodding " bid items and will not be paid for directly . "Spot sodding" or "block sodding" as the case may be , will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard, complete in place , as provided in the proposal and contract. The contract unit price shall be the total compensation for furnishing and placing all sod; for all rolling and tamping; for all watering ; for disposa l of a ll surplus materials ; and for all materials , labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work , all in accordance with the Drawings and these Specifications. The work performed and materials furnished and measured as p rov ided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price for "Seeding ", or "Sodding ", of the type specified , as the case may be, which price shall each be full compensat ion for furnishing all materials and for performing all operations necessary to complete the work accepted as follows: SC-37 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Fertilizer material and application will not be measured or paid for directly, but is considered subsidiary to Sodding and Seeding. D-46 CON FINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to implement and maintain a variable "CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM" which must meet OSHA requirements for all its employees and subcontractors at all times during construction . All active sewer manholes , regardless of depth, are defined by OSHA, as "permit required confined spaces". Contractors shall submit an acceptable "CONFINED SPACE ·ENTRY PROGRAM" for all applicable manholes and maintain an act iv e fil e for these manholes. The cost of complying with this program shall be subsidiary to th e pay it e ms involving work in confined spaces . D-47 SUBSTANTI AL COMPLETION INSPECTION/FINAL INSPECTION 1. Prior to t he fi nal inspection be ing cond u cted for the project , the contracto r shall conta ct the city in spector in writ ing w hen the entire project or a designated portion of the proje ct is substan tially c omplet e . 2. The inspe ctor a long with approp ri ate City staff and the Developer's Engineer shall make an insp ection of the substan ti ally completed work and prepare and submit to the contractor a list of items needing to be completed or corrected. 3. The contractor shall take imme dia te ste ps to re ct ify t he listed defi ciencies and notify the owner and E ngi nee r in w ri ti ng w he n a ll the items have been comple t ed or corrected . 4 . Payment for substant ial completi o n ins pect ion as w ell as final insp ection s hall be subsidiary t o t h e proj e ct price. Contracto r s ha ll sti ll be req uired to ad dress all oth er deficiencies, which are discove re d at t he time of fin a l in spect io n . 5. Final inspection shal l be in conformance w ith genera l condition item "C5-5.18 Fi nal Inspection" of PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS. D-48 EXCAVATION NEAR TREES 6 . The Contractor shall be responsib le for tak ing meas ures to min imize da ma ge to tree limbs , tree trunks, and tree roots at eac h work site. All such meas u res shall be considered as incidental work includ ed in th e Co nt ract Un it Pri ce b id for ap p licab le pipe or structure installation except for short tunneling/tree au gering. 7 . Any and all tree s located within th e eq u ipm e nt op erati ng area at each w ork s it e sha ll , at the direction of the En g ineer, be protecte d by e re ctin g a "sn ow fence" al on g t he dri p line or edge of the tree root system between t ree and th e co nst ructi o n area . 8. Contractor shall inspect each work site in advance and arrange to have any tree limbs pruned that might be damaged by equipment operation s . The Engineer shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to any tree trimming work . No trimming work will be permitted within private property without written permission of the property owner. 9 . Nothing shall be stored over the tree roo t sys te m within the drip line area of any tree. 10. Before excavation (off the roadway) w ithin th e drip line area of any tree, th e earth s hall be sawcut for a minimum depth of 2 feet. SC -38 812 0 05 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 11. At designated locations shown on the drawings, the "short tunnel" method using Class 51 D.I. pipe shall be utilized. 12. Except in areas where clearing is allowed, all trees up to 8" in diameter damaged during construction shall be removed and replaced with the same type and diameter tree at the contractor's expense. 13. Contractor shall employ a qualified landscaper for all the work required for tree care to ensure utilization of the best agricultural practices and procedures. 14. Short tunneling shall consist of power augering or hand excavation . The tunnel diameter shall not be larger than 1-1 /2 times the outside pipe diameter. Voids remaining after pipe installation shall be pressure grouted. D-49 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OF SEWER PIPE Concrete encasement of sewers shall be paid for at the Contract Unit Price per linear foot of concrete encasement as measured in place along the centerline of the pipe for each pipe diameter indicated. The Contract Unit Price shall include all costs associated with installation and reinforcement of the concrete encasement. D-50 CLAY DAM Clay dam construction shall be performed in accordance with the Wastewater Clay Dam Construction, figure in the Drawings in these Specifications , at locations indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Clay dams shall be keyed into undisturbed soil to make an impervious barrier to reduce groundwater percolation through the pipeline trench . Construction material shall consist of compacted bentonite clay or 2:27 concrete. Payment for work such as forming, placing and finishing shall be subsidiary to the price bid for pipe installation . D-51 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION (D-HO LE ) The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the locations of §1! existing utilities prior to construction , in accordance with item D-6 . At locations identified on the drawings , contractor shall conduct an exploratory excavation (D-Hole ), to locate and verify the location and elevation of the existing underground utility where it may be in potential conflict with a proposed facility alignment. The exploratory exca vation shall be conducted prior to constructio n of t he entire project only at locations denoted on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Contractor shall submit a report of findings (including surveyed elevations of existing conflicting utilities) to the City prior to the start of construction of the entire project. If the contractor determines an existing utility is in conflict with the proposed facility , the contractor shall contact the Engineer immediately for appropriate design modifications. The contractor shall make the necessary repairs at the exploratory excavation (D -Hole) to obtain a safe and proper driving surface to ensure the safety of the general public and to meet the approval of the Engineer. The contractor shall be liable for any and all damages incurred due to the exploratory excavation (D-Hole). Payment shall not be made for verification of existing utilities per item D-6 . Payment for exploratory excavation (D-Hole ), at locations identified on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, shall include full compensation for all materials, excavation, surface restorat ion , field SC-39 812005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS surveys, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work, shall be the unit price bid. No payment shall be made for exploratory excavation(s) conducted after construction has begun. D-52 INSTALLATION OF WATER FACILITIES 52.1 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Pipe POLYVINYL Chloride Plastic Water Pipe and fittings on this Project shall be in accordance with the material standard contained in the General Contract Documents. Payment for work such as backfill, bedding, blocking, detectable tapes and all other associated appurtenant required, shall be included in the linear foot price bid of the appropriate BID ITEM(S). 52.2 Blocking Concrete blocking on this Project will necessarily be required as shown on the Plans and shall be installed in accordance with the General Contract Documents. All valves shall have concrete blocking provided for supporting. No separate payment will be made for any of the work involved for the item and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe or the bid price of the valve. 52.3 Type of Casing Pipe 1.WATER: The casing pipe for open cut and bored or tunneled section shall be AWWA C-200 Fabricated Electrically Welded Steel Water Pipe, and shall conform to the provisions of E 1-15, E 1-5 and E 1-9 in Material Specifications of General Contract Documents and Specifications for Water Department Projects. The steel casing pipe shall be supplied as follows : For the inside and outside of casing pipe , coal-tar protective coating in accordance with the requirements of Sec . 2 .2 and related sections in AWWA C-203. Touch -up after field welds shall prov ide coating equal to those specified above. C. Minimum thickness for casing pipe used shall be 0 .375 inch. Stainless Steel Casing Spacers (centering style) such as manufactured by Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company or an approved equal shall be used on all non- concrete pipes when installed in casing . Installation shall be as recommended by the Manufacturer. 2. SEWER: Boring used on this project shall be in accordance with the material standard E 1-15 and Construction standard E2-15 as per Fig . 110 of the General Contract Documents . 3. PAYMENT : Payment for all materials , labor, equipment, excavation, concrete grout, backfill, and incidental work shall be included in the unit price bid per foot. 52.4 Tie -Ins T he Contractor shall be responsible for making tie-ins to the existing water mains. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify the exact location and elevation of the existing line tie-ins. And any differences in locations and elevation of existing line tie-ins between the contract drawings and what may be encountered in the field shall be SC-40 8/2005 ... _ PART D · SPECIAL CONDITIONS considered as incidental to construction. The cost of making tie-ins to existing water or sanitary sewer mains shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. 52.5 Connection of Existing Mains The Contractor shall determine the exact location, elevation, configuration and angulation of existing water or sanitary sewer lines prior to manufacturing of the connecting piece. Any differences in locations, elevation, configuration, and or angulation of existing lines between the contract drawings and what may be encountered in the said work shall be considered as incidental to construction. Where it is required to shut down existing mains in order to make proposed connections, such down time shall be coordinated with the Engineer, and all efforts shall be made to keep this down time to a minimum. In case of shutting down an existing main, the Contractor shall notify the Manager, Construction Services, Phone 392-7813, at least 48-hours prior to the required shut down time. The Contractor's attention is directed to Paragraph C5-5.15 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE, Page C5-5(5), PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. The Contractor shall notify the customer both personally and in writing as to the location, time, and schedule of the service interruption. The cost of removing any existing concrete blocking shall be included in the cost of connection . Unless bid separately all cost incurred shall be included in the linear foot price bid for the appropriate pipe size. 52.6 Valve Cut-Ins It may be necessary to cut-in gate valves to isolate the water main from which the extension and/or replacement is to be connected. This may require closing valves in other lines and putting consumers out of service for that period of time necessary to cut in the new valve; the work must be expedited to the utmost and all such cut-ins must be coordinated with the Engineer in charge of inspection . All consumers shall be individually advised prior to the shut out and advised of the approximate length of time they may be without service . Payment for work such as backfill, bedding , fittings , blocking and all other associated appurtenants required, shall be included in the price of the appropriate bid items . 52.7 Water Services The relocation , replacement , or reconnection of water services will be required as shown on the plans , and/or as described in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. All service 's shall be constructed by the contractor utilizing approved factory manufactured tap saddles (when required) and corporation stops , type K copper water tub ing , curb stops with lock wings, meter boxes, and if required approved manufactured serv ic e branches. All materials used shall be as specified in the Material Standards (E1 - 17 & E 1-18 ) contained in the General Contract Documents . Al l wate r services to be replaced shall be installed at a minimum depth of 36 inches below final grade. SC -41 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS All existing 3/4-inch water service lines which are to be replaced shall be replaced with 1- inch Type K copper, 1-inch diameter tap saddle when required, and 1-inch corporation from the main line to the meter box. All services which are to be replaced or relocated shall be installed with the service main tap and service line being in line with the service meter unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. A minimum of 24 hours advance notice shall be given when service interruption will be required as specified in Section C5-5.15 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. All water service meters shall be removed, tagged, and collected by the contractor for pickup by the Water Department for reconditioning or replacement. After installation of the water service in the proposed location and receipt of a meter from the project inspector the contractor shall install the meter. The meter box shall be reset as necessary to be flush with existing ground or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. All such work on the outlet side of the service meter shall be performed by a licensed plumber. 15. WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENTS: Water service replacement or relocation is required when the existing service is lead or is too shallow to avoid breakage during street reconstruction. The contractor shall replace the existing service line with Type K copper from the main to the meter, curb stop with lock wings, and corporation stop . Payment for all work and materials such as backfill, fittings, type K copper tubing , curb stop with lock wings, service line adjustment, and any relocation of up to 12-inches from center line existing meter location to center line proposed meter location shall be included in the Linear Foot price bid for Copper Service Line from Main to five (5) feet behind Meter. Any vertical adjustment of customer service line within the 5 foot area shall be subsidiary to the service installation. Payment for all work and materials such as tap saddle (if required), corporation stops , and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main . 16 . WATER SERVICE RECONNECTION: Water service reconnection is required when the existing service is copper and at adequate depth to avoid breakage during street reconstruction . The contractor shall adjust the existing water service line as required for reconnection and furnish a new tap with corporation stop. The contractor will be paid for one (1) Service Tap to Main for each service reconnected plus for any copper service line used in excess of five (5) feet from Main to five (5) feet behind the Meter. 17 . WATER SERVICE METER AND METER BOX RELOCATIONS: When the replacement and relocation of a water service and meter box is required and the location of the meter and meter box is moved more than twelve (12) inches, as measured from the center line of the existing meter to location to the center line of the proposed mete r location , separate payment will be allowed for the relocation of service meter and meter box. Centerline is defined by a line extended from the service tap t hrough the mete r. Only relocati ons made perpendicular to this centerline will be paid for separately . Relocations made along the centerline will be paid of in feet of copper service line. SC -42 8/2005 PART D ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS When relocation of service meter and meter box is required , payment for all work and materials such as backfill, fittings , five (5) feet of type K copper service and all materials, labor, and equipment used by and for the licensed plumber shall be included in the price b id f or the servi ce meter relocation. All other costs will be included in other appropriate b id item(s). This item will also be used to pay for all service meter and meter box relocations as required by the Engineer when the service line is not being replaced. Adjustment of only the meter box and customer service line within 5 feet distance behind the meter will not justify separa te payment at a ny time . Locations with multiple service branches will be pa id for as one service mete r a nd meter box relocation . 4 . NEW SERVIC E: When new services are required the contractor shall install tap saddle (wh en require d ), co rp o ration stop , type K copper service line , curb stop with lock wings, and me te r box. Reinforced pl a stic meter bo xes with cast iron lid shall be provided for all 2 inch water met ers or sm a lle r. The reinforced plasti c water met e r boxes shall comply wi t h section E 1-18A -Re inforced Plasti c Wate r Meter Boxes. Pa y me nt f o r all wo rk and mate rials such as backfill, fi ttings , type K copper tubing , and c urb sto p with lock win gs shall be incl uded in t he Lin ear Foo t p rice bid for Service Line f ro m Main to Met er fi ve (5 ) f eet behind the mete r. Payment for all work and materials su ch a s ta p sadd le, corporati on stops , and fitti ngs shall be included in the price bid for Service Tap s to Mains. Payment for all work and materi al s suc h as f u rn is hing an d se tt ing new meter bo x sh all be included in the price bid for furnish and set meter bo x. 18. MULTIPLE SERVICE BRANCHES: When multiple service bran che s are required th e contractor shall furnish approved facto ry manufactured branc he s . Payment for multiple service branches will include furnishing a nd installi ng the multiple service branch only and all other cost will be included in other appropriate bid item(s). 19 . MULTIPLE STREET SERVICE LINES TO SINGLE SERV ICE METER: Any mul t ipl e service lines with taps servicing a single serv ice meter en coun te red during co nstructi o n shall be replaced with one servi ce line tha t is applica b le fo r t he s ize of th e ex ist ing service meter and approved by the Engineer. Payment shall be made at the unit bid price in the appropriate bid ite m(s). 52.8 2 -lnch Temporary Service Line A . The 2-inch temporary service main and 3/4-inch service lines shall be insta ll ed to provide temporary water service to all buildin gs that will necessarily be requ ired to have severed water service during said work . The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the schedule of the temporary service conne ctions and permanent service reconnections with the bu ilding owners and the Engineer in order that the work be performed in an expeditious manner. Severed water service must be reconnected within 2 hours of discontinuance of service . A 2-in c h tapping saddle and 2-inch corp o ration stop o r 2-in ch g ate va lve with an appropriate fire hydrant ada pter fitti ng s ha ll be require d at th e te mpora ry servic e po in t of connection to the City water supply . The 2-inch temporary service main and 3/4-inch SC43 ~005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS service lines shall be installed in accordance to the attached figures 1, 2 and 3. 2" temporary service line shall be cleaned and sterilized by using chlorine gas or chlorinated lime (HTH) prior to installation. The out-of-service meters shall be removed, tagged and collected by the Contractor for delivery to the Water Department Meter Shop for reconditioning or replacement. Upon restoring permanent service, the Contractor shall re-install the meters at the correct location. The meter box shall be reset as necessary to be flush with the existing ground or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The temporary service layout shall have a minimum available flow rate of 5 GPM at a dynamic pressure of 35 PSI per service tap. This criteria shall be used by the Contractor to determine the length of temporary service allowed, number of service taps and number of feed points . When the temporary service is required for more than one location the 2-inch temporary service pipes, 3/4-inch service lines and the 2-inch meter shall be moved to the next successive project location. Payment for work such as fittings, 3/4-inch service lines, asphalt, barricades, all service connections, removal of temporary services and all other associated appurtenan t s required , shall be included in the appropriate bid item . B. In order to accurately measure the amount of water used during construction, the Contractor will install a fire hydrant meter for all temporary service lines. Water used during construction for flushing new mains that cannot be metered from a hydrant will be estimated as accurately as possible. At the pre-construction conference the contractor will advise the inspector of th e number of meters that will be needed along with the locations where they will be used. After installation, the contractor will take full responsibil ity for the meters until such time as the contractor returns those meters to the Water Dept.. Any damage to the meters will be the sole responsibility of the con tractor. The Water Department Meter Shop will evaluate the condition of the meters upon return and if repairs are needed the contractor will receive an invoice for those repairs . The issued meter is for this specific project and location only . Any water that the contractor may need for personal use will require a separate hydrant meter obtained by the Contractor, at its cost, from the Water Department. 52.9 Purging and Sterilization of Water Lines Before being placed into service all newly constructed water lines shall be purged and sterilized in accordance with E2 -24 of the General Contract Documents and Specifications except as modified herein. The Contractor will furnish all water for INITIAL cleaning and sterilization of water lines. All materials for construction of the project, including appropriately sized "pipe cleaning pigs ", chlorine gas or chlorinated lime (HTH) shall be furnished by the Contractor. Chlorinated lime (HTH) shall be used in sufficient quantities to provide a chlorine residual of fifty (50) PPM. The residual of free chlorine shall be measured after 24 hours and shall not be less than 10 parts per million of free chlorine. Chlorinated water shall be disposed of in the sanitary sewer system. Should a sanitary se wer not be available , chlorinated water shall be "de-chlorinated" prior to disposal. The line may not be placed in service until two successive sets of samples, tak en 24 hours apart, have met the established standards of purity . SC-44 8/2005 PART D ~ SPECIAL CONDIT IONS Purging and sterilization of the water lines shall be considered as incidental to the project and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe . 52.10 Work Near P ressure Plane Boundaries Con t ractor shall take note that t he water line to be replaced under this contract may cross or may be in close proximity to an existing pressure plane boundary. Care shall be taken to ensure all "pressure plane" valves installed are installed closed and no cross connections are made between pressure planes · 52.11 Water Sa m ple Station GENERAL : All water sampl i ng station installations will be per attached Figure 34 or as required in la rge wate r met er vaults as per F igure 33 unless ot he rwi se directed by the Engineer. T he appro pri at e wate r sam pl ing station w ill be f urnish ed to t he Contractor free of charge ; howeve r, t he Co ntractor wi ll be requ ired t o pi c k up th is it em at the Field Operations Warehouse . PAYME NT FO R FI GU RE 34 IN STALLATIONS : Paym ent for all work and materials. necessary fo r t he installa t io n of t he 3/4-i nc h type K copp er service line will be shall be in cl ud ed in the price bid for copp e r Se rvi ce Line from Main t o Meter. Paym e nt fo r all work and material s ne cessa ry for t he insta ll ati on t a p saddle (if requ ired), corp o ration stops, and fittings shall be included in the price bi d for Service Taps to Main . Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the sa mp lin g st ati on , concrete support block, curb stop, fitting s , and an incidental 5-feet of type K copper service line which are required t o provide a complete and fun cti onal water sampl ing station shall be included in the price bid for Water Sample Stations. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 33 INSTALLATIONS: Payment for all w o rk and mate ria ls necessary for the installation tap saddle, gate valve , and fittings sh a ll be inclu ded in th e price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payme nt for all work and materials ne ces sary for the insta ll ati o n of the samp lin g st ation , modification to the vault, fittings, and all type K copper service lin e whi c h are required to provide a com p lete arid functional water sam p ling station sha ll be included in th e p ri ce bid for Water Sample Stations . 52.12 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings Reference Part E2 Construction Sp ecifications , Section E2-7 Installing Cast Iron Pi pe, f ittings , and Specials , Sub section E2-7.11 Cast Iron Fittings: E2-7 .11 DUCTILE-IRON AND GRAY-IRON FITTINGS: All ductile-iron and gray-iron fittings shall be furnished with cement mortar lining as stated in Section E1-7. The price bid per ton of fittings shall be payment in full for all fittings, joint accessori es, po lyethy lene wrapping, horizontal co ncre te bl ocking, vertical ti e-d own concrete blo c king, and concrete cradle ne cessary for construction as designed. SC-45 8/2005 PART D ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS All ductile-iron and gray-iron fittings, valves and specials shall be wrapped with polyethylene wrapping conforming to Material Specification E1-13 and Construction Specification E2-13. Wrapping shall precede horizontal concrete blocking, vertical tie- down concrete blocking, and concrete cradle. Payment for the polyethylene wrapping, horizontal concrete blocking, vertical tie-down concrete blocking, and concrete cradle shall be included in bid items for vales and fittings and no other payments will be allowed. D-53 SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL All applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 200, "Sprinkling for Dust Control" shall apply. However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered to this contract. D-54 DEWATERING The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the method of dewatering operation for the water or sewage flows from the existing mains and ground water. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage of any nature resulting from the dewatering operations . The DISCHARGE from any dewatering operation shall be conducted as approved by the Engineer. Ground water shall not be discharged into sanitary sewers. Dewatering shall be considered as incidental to a construction and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the project price. D-55 TRENCH EXCAVATION ON DEEP TRENCHES Contractor to prevent any water flowing into open trench during construction . Contractor shall not leave excavated trench open overnight. Contractor shall fill any trench the same day of excavation. No extra payment shall be allowed for this special condition. D-56 TREE PRUNI NG A. REFERENCES : National Arborist Association's "Pruning Standards for Shade Trees ". B . ROOT PRUNING EQUIPMENT 1. Vibratory Knife 2 . Vermeer V-1550RC Root Pruner C. NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION FENCE 3 . Steel "T" = Bar stakes , 6 feet long . 4 . Smooth Horse -Wire: 14-1 /2 gauge (medium gauge) or 12 gauge (heavy gauge). 5 . Surveyor's Plastic Flagging: "Tundra" weight , International fluorescent orange or red color. SC-46 8/2005 - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6. Combination Fence: Commercially manufactured combination ·soil separator fabric on wire mesh backing as shown on the Drawings. D. ROOT PRUNING 7. Survey and stake location of root pruning trenches as shown on drawings. 8. Using the approved specified equipment, make a cut a minimum of 36 inches deep in order to minimize damage to the undisturbed root zone. 9. Backfill and compact the trench immediately after trenching. 10. Place a 3-foot wide by 4-inch deep cover of mulch over the trench as required by the Engineer. 1-1. Within 24 hours, prune flush with ground and backfill any exposed roots due to construction activity. Cover with wood chips of mulch in order to equalize soil temperature and minimize water loss due to evaporation. 12. Limit any grading work within conservation areas to 3-inch maximum cut or fill, with no roots over 1-inch diameter being cut unless cut by hand or cut by specified methods, equipment and protection. E. MULCHING : Apply 2-inches to 4-inches of wood chips from trimming or clearing operation on areas designated by the Engineer. F. Tree Pruning shall be considered subsidiary to the project contract price. D-57 TREE REMOVAL Trees to be removed shall be removed using applicable methods, including stump and root ball removal , loading , hauling and dumping . Extra caution shall · be taken to not disrupt existing utilities both overhead and buried. The Contracto r shall immediately repair or replace an y damage to utilities an d private property includ ing , but not limited to , water and sewe r serv ices , pavement , fences , walls , sprinkler system piping , etc., at no cost to the property owner o r the City. All costs for tree removal , including temporary service costs , shall be considered subs idiary to the project contract price and no additional payment will be allowed. D-58 TEST HOLES The matter of subsurface exploration to ascertain the nature of the soils , including the amount of rock , if any , through which this pipeline installation is to be made is the responsibility of an y an d all prospective bidders, and any bidder on this project shall submit his bid under this con dit io n . Whether prospective bidders perform this subsurface exploration jointly or independe ntly , a nd whether they make such determination by the use of test holes or other means , sh a ll be left to th e di scretion of such p rospective bidders . If te st borings have been made and a re prov ided fo r bidde r's in formati on , at the loca t ions shown on the logs of borings in the appendi x of this specifica t io n , it is expressly declared that neit her the City nor the Developer's Engineer guarantees the accuracy for the information o r th at t he material encountered in excavations is the same , either in character , location , or elevat io n , as shown on the boring logs. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to make such subsurface investigations , as he deems necessary to determine the na t ure of the material to be exca vate d . SC -4 7 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Contractor assumes all responsibility for interpretation of these records and for making and maintaining the required excavation and of doing other work affected by the geology of the site. The cost of all rock removal and other associated appurtenances , if required, shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. 0-59 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFICATION OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DURING CONSTRUCTION Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, the contractor shall, on a block by block basis , prepa re and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front door of each residence or business that will be impacted by const ru ction. The notice shall be prepared as follows : The notificat ion noti ce or flyer shall be post ed seven (7) days p ri or to beginning any construction a ct ivity on eac h b lock in t he project a rea . The f lyer sh all be prepared on the Contractor's lette rh e ad and s hall inclu de t he followi ng information : Na me of Project , DOE No., Scope of P roject (i.e . type of co nstruction activity), actual const ructio n duration within the block , the name of th e c o nt racto r's fore man and his p hone number, the na me of the City 's inspecto r and h is phone nu mbe r and t he Ci ty 's after-hours phone n u mber. A sample of the 'pre-construction not ificat ion' flyer is atta c hed . The contractor shall submit a sc hed ul e sh owing t he construct ion sta rt a nd fi nis h t ime fo r each b lock of th e project t o th e inspector. In additi on , a cop y of the f lye r shall be de livered to th e City Insp e ct or fo r hi s review p rio r to being distributed . Th e co ntra ctor wi ll not be allowed t o begin construction o n any block unti l th e f lyer is delivered to all residents of th e b lock. In the event it becomes necessary to temp o rarily shut down water serv ice to residen ts or businesses d uring constru ct io n, th e co ntractor s ha ll p repare a nd delive r a not ice or f lyer of the pending interruption to the front door of each affected resident. The notice s hall be prepared as follows : The notification or flyer sha ll be poste d twenty-four (24) prior to th e tem po ra ry interruption . Th e flyer shall be prepared on the co ntra ctor's lette rhe ad and sha ll in cl ude t he following informat io n: Name of the project , DOE n umb er, the date of th e interru pt io n of serv ice , the peri od t he interruption will take place , the nam e of th e contra cto r's foreman an d h is ph o ne nu mber and t he name of the City's inspector and his ph o ne num ber. A sampl e of t he tempora ry water servi ce interruption notification is attached. A copy of the temporary interruptio n notificati o n shall be delivered to t he insp ecto r for his rev iew prior to being distributed. Th e co nt ractor shall no t be pe rmitt ed to pro ceed with inte rrupt ion of water service until the flyer has be en d e livered to a ll affe cted re s ide nt s a nd bu sinesse s . Electronic versions of the sample flyers can be obtained from the Construction office at (817) 871-8306 . All work involved with the notification flyers shall be considered subsidiary to the contract price and no additional compen sati o n s ha ll be made . 0-60 TRAFF IC BUTTO NS SC -48 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS The removal and replacement of traffic buttons is the responsibility of the contractor and shall be considered a subsidiary item. In the event that the contractor prefers for the Signals, Signs and Markings Division (SSMD) of the Transportation/Public Works Department to install the markings, the contractor shall contact SSMD at (817) 392-8770 and shall reimburse SSMD for all costs incurred , both labor and material. No additional compensation shall be made to the contractor for this reimbursement. D-61 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CLEANOUTS Whenever a sanitary sewer service line is installed or replaced, the Contractor shall install a two- way service cleanout as shown in the standard detail. Cleanouts are to be installed out of high traffic areas such as driveways, streets, sidewalks, etc. whenever possible. When it is not possible, the cleanout stack and cap shall be cast iron. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the two-way service cleanout which are required to provide a complete and functional sanitary sewer cleanout shall be included in the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Service Cleanouts. D-62 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIR The Contractor shall provide a temporary pavement repair immediately after trench backfill and compaction using a minimum of 2-i nches of hot mix asphalt over a minimum of 6-inches of compacted flex base. The existing asphalt shall be saw cut to provide a uniform edge and the entire width and length of the temporary repair shall be rolled with a steel asphalt roller to provide smooth ride ability on the street as well as provide a smooth transition between the existing pavement and the temporary repair. Cost of saw cutting shall be subsidiary to the temporary pavement repair pay item. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the temporary pavement until the paving contractor has mobilized . The paving contractor shall assume maintenance responsibility upon such mobilization . No ?dditional compensation shall be made for maintaining the temporary pavement. D-63 CONSTRUCTION ST AKES The Developer, through its Surveyor or agent, will provid e to the Contractor construction stakes or other customary method of markings as may be found consistent with professional practice, establishing line and grades for roadway and utility construction , and centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework. These stakes shall be set sufficiently in advance to avoid delay whenever practical. One set of stakes shall be set for all utility construction (water, sanitary sewer, drainage etc.), and one set of excavation/or stabilization stakes, and one set of stakes for curb and gutter/or paving . It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to preserve , maintain , transfer, etc ., all stakes furnished until completion of the construction phase of the project for which they were furnished. If the City or its agent determines that a sufficient number of stakes or markings provided by the Developer, have been lost , destroyed , or disturbed , to prevent the proper prosecution and control of the work contracted for in the Contract Documents, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility, at the Contractor's sole expense, to have such stakes replaced by an individual registered by the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyor as a Registered Land Surveyor. No claims for delay due to lack of replacement of construction stakes will be accepted , and time will continue to be charged in accordance with the Contract Documents. SC-49 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-64 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS The performance of this contract requires certain temporary construction, right-of-entry agreements, and/or permits to perform work on private property. The Developer has attempted to obtain the temporary construction and/or right-of-entry agreements for properties where construction activity is necessary on privately owned facilities. The agreements are available to the Contractor for review by contacting the Developer's Engineer. Also , it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain written permission from property owners to perform such work as cleanout repair and sewer service replacement on private property. Contractor shall adhere to all requirements of Paragraph C6-6.10 of the General Contract Documents. The Contractor's attention is directed to the agreement terms along with any special conditions that may have been imposed on these agreements, by the property owners . The easements and/or private property shall be cleaned up after use and restored to its original condition or better. In event additional workroom is required by the Contractor, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain written permission from the property owners involved for the use of additional property required. No additional payment will be allowed for this item. The Developer has obtained the necessary documentation for railroad and/or highway permits required for construction of this project. The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all provisions of such permits, inc luding obtain ing the requisite insurance, and shall pay any and all costs associated with or required by the permit(s). It is the Contractor's respons ibility to provide the required flagmen and/or provide payment to the appropriate railroad/agency for all flagmen during construction in railroad/agency right-of-way. Any and all costs associated with compliance with permits(s) including payment for flagmen shall be subsidiary to the project price. No additional payment will be allowed for this item. D-65 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING (IF NECESSARY) After the· pre-construction conference has been held but before construction is allowed to begin on this project a public meeting will be held at a location to be determined by the Engineer. The contractor, inspector, and project manager shall meet with all affected residents and present the projected schedule, including construction start date , and answer any construction related questions. Every effort will be made to schedule the neighborhood meeting within the two weeks following the pre-construction conference but in no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. D-66 WAGE RATES (PROJECTS WITH CITY PARTICIPATION) The labor classifications and minimum wage rates set forth herein have been predetermined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in accordance w ith statutory requirements, as being the prevailing classifications and rates that shall govern on all work performed by the Contractor or any Subcontractor on the site of the project covered by these Contract Documents. In no event shall less than the following rates of wages be paid. (Attached) SC -50 8/2005 - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 0-67 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE A. It is the intent of the City of Fort Worth to comply with the requirements of the Asbestos NESHAP found at 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M. This specification will establish procedures to be used by all Excavators in the removal and disposal of ACP in compliance with NESHAP. Nothing in this specification shall be construed to void any provision of a contract or other law, ordinance, regulation or policy whose requirements are more stringent. B. ACP is defined under NESHAP as a Category II, non-friable material in its intact state but which may become friable upon removal, demolition and/or disposal. Consequently, if the removal/ disposal process renders the ACP friable, it is regulated under the disposal requirements of 40 CFR 61.150. A NESHAP notification must be filed with the Texas Department of Health. The notification must be filed at least ten days prior to removal of the material. If it remains in its non -friable state, as defined by the NESHAP, it can be disposed as a conventional construction waste. EPA defines friable as material, when dry, which may be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressures. C. The Generator of the hazardous material is responsible for the identification and proper handling, transportation, and disposal of the material. Therefore, it is the policy of the City of Fort Worth that the Excavator is the Generator regardless of whether the pipe is friable or not. D. It is the intent of the City of Fort Worth that all ACP shall be removed in such careful and prudent manner that it remains intact and does not become friable. The Excavator is re sponsible to employ those means, methods, techniques and sequences to ensure this result. E. Compliance with all aspects of worker safety and health regulations including but not limited to the OSHA Asbestos Standard is the responsibility of the Excavator. The City of Fort Worth assumes no responsibility for compliance programs, which are the responsibility of the Excavator. (Copy of forms attached) 0-68 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PERMIT: As defined by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations, a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Construction Permit is required for all construction activities that result in the disturbance of one to five acres (Small Construction Activity) or five or more acres of total land (Large Construction Activity). The contractor is defined as an "operator" by state regulations and is required to obtain a permit. Information concerning the perm it can be obtained through the Internet at http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us /permitt i ng/water perm/wwperm/construct.html. Soil stabilization and structural practices have been selected and designed in accordance with North Central Texas Council of Governments Best Management Practices and Erosion Control Manual for Construction Activities (BMP Manual). This manual can be obtained through the Internet at www.dfwstormwater.com/runoff.html. Not all of the structural controls discussed in the BMP SC-51 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Manual will necessarily apply to this project. Best Management Practices are construction management techniques that, if properly utilized, can minimize the need for physical controls and possible reduce costs. The methods of control shall result in minimum sediment retention of not less than 70%. NOTICE OF INTENT (NOi}: If the project will result in a total land disturbance equal to or greater than 5 acres, the contractor shall sign at the pre-construction meeting a TCEQ Notice of Intent (NOi) form prepared by the Developer's Engineer. It serves as a notification to the TCEQ of construction activity as well as a commitment that the contractor understands the requirements of the permit for storm water discharges from construction activities and that measures will be taken to implement and maintain storm water pollution prevention at the site. The NOi shall be submitted to the TCEQ at least 48 hours prior to the contractor moving on site and shall include the required $100 application fee. The NOi shall be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team; MC-228 P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 A copy of the NOi shall be sent to: City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management 5000 MLK Freeway Fort Worth, TX 76119 NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT): For all sites that qualify as Large Construction Activity , the contractor shall sign , prior to final payment, a TCEQ Notice of Termination (NOT) form prepared by the Developer's Engineer. It serves as a notice that the site is no longer subject to the requirement of the permit. The NOT s hould be ma iled to: Texas Commiss ion on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team ; MC-228 P .O . Box 13087 Austin , TX 78711-3087 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP): A document consisting of an eros ion control and toxic waste management plan and a narrative defining site parameters and techniques to be employed to reduce the release of sediment and pollution from the construction site . Project SWPPP 's are available for viewing at the Developer's engineer's office The selected Contractor shal l be provided with three copies of the SW PPP after award of contract , along with unbounded copies of all forms to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. LARGE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY -DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5 ACRES : A Notice of Intent (NOi) form shall be completed and submitted to the TCEQ including payment of the TCEQ required fee . A SW PPP that meets all TCEQ requirements prepared by the Developer's Engineer shall be prepared and implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall be incorporated into in the contract documents. The contractor shall submit a schedule for implementation of the SWPPP. SC -52 8/2005 PART D ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS Deviations from the plan must be submitted to the Developer's Engineer for approval. The SW PPP is not warranted to meet all the conditions of the permit since the actual construction activities may vary from those anticipated during the preparation of the SW PPP . Modifications may be required to fully conform to the requirements of the Permit. The contractor must keep a copy of the most current SW PPP at the construction site. Any alte rations to the SW PPP proposed by the contracto r must be prepared and submitted by the contractor to the Engineer for review and approval. A Notice of Termination (NOT) form shall be submitted within 30 days after final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that is the responsibility of the permittee , or, when another permitted operator assumes control over all areas of the site that ha ve not been finally stab ilized . SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY -DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREAT ER THAN ONE ACRE BUT LESS THAN FIVE ACRES : Submission of a NOi form is not required . However, a TCEQ Si t e Notice form m ust be comp leted and posted at the site. A copy of the comp leted S ite Notice must be sent to the City of Fort Worth Dep a rtm e nt of Environmental Ma na ge men t at th e a ddress li sted above . A SW PPP , prepa red as describe d abo ve , shall be imple mente d at lea st 48 ho u rs be f o re t he commencement of con st ruct ion activiti es . T he SWPPP must include descriptions of control measures necessary to prevent and control soil erosio n, sedime nta ti o n a nd w ater pollut ion and will be included in t he co ntra ct documents . The co nt ro l measures sha ll be in st alled a nd mai ntained th ro ughout t he co nstru ction to assure effective an d co ntinuo us water poll utio n co ntrol. The controls may inclu de, but not be lim ited to , silt fences, straw bale dikes, rock berms, di ve rs ion dikes , in te rcept or swal es , sedim e nt traps and basins, pipe slope drain, in let protection, stabili zed constru ction entrances , seeding, sod ding , mulching, soi l ret e ntion b lankets, or other stru ctural or non -structura l st o rm w ater pollut ion co ntrols . The meth od of co ntrol s ha ll result in a m in imu m sedim e nt retenti o n of 7 0% as defined by the NCTCOG "BMP Manual." Deviations from th e proposed co ntrol measures must be submitted to the Engineer for approval. PAYMENT FO R SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION: Paym ent shall be made per lum p sum as sh ow n on the proposal as full compensation for all items contained in the project SWPPP . FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE , SPECIAL CONDITION D -40 SHALL BE A PPLICABLE . D-69 COORDINATION WITH THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR OPERATIONS OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEMS It is the Contract o r's responsibi lity to co o rd inate a ny event that wi ll requi re connecting to or th e operation of an existing City water line system with the City's representative. The Contracto r may obtain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department for use durin g the life of named project . In the eve nt the Contractor requires that a wat e r valve on an ex isting live sy stem be t urned off and on to accommodate the constructi o n of the project, the Contractor must coordinate this activity through the appropriate City representative . The Contractor s hall not operate water line valves of existing water system . Fa ilu re to comply will render the Contractor -in vi olat io n of Texas Penal Code Title 7 , Chapter 28.03 (Criminal Mischief) and the Contractor wi ll be pro sec uted to the full extent of t he law. In addition , the Contractor will ass u me all liabilit ies and respons ibilities as a result of these actions . SC-53 8/2005 PART O -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-70 ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL$ FOR CONTRACT AWARD The City reserves the right to require any pre-qualified contractor who is the apparent low bidder(s) for a project to submit such additional information as the City, in sole discretion may require, including but not limited to manpower and equipment records, information about key personnel to be assigned to the project, and construction schedule, to assist the City in evaluating and assessing the ability of the apparent low bidder(s) to deliver a quality product and successfully complete projects for the amount bid within the stipulated time frame. Based upon the City's assessment of the submitted information, a recommendation regarding the award of a contract will be made to the City Council. Failure to submit the additional information if requested may be grounds for rejecting the apparent low bidder as non-responsive. Affected contractors will be notified in writing of a recommendation to the City Council. D-71 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION Time is of the essence in the completion of this contract. In order to insure that the contractor is responsive when notified of unsatisfactory performance and/or of failure to maintain the contract schedule, the following process shall be applicable: The work progress on all construction projects will be closely monitored. On a bi-monthly basis the percentage of work completed will be compared to the percentage of time charged to the contract. If the amount of work performed by the contractor is less than the percentage of time allowed by 20% or more (example: 10% of the work completed in 30% of the stated contract time as may be amended by change order), the following proactive measures will be taken: 1. A letter will be mailed to the contractor by certified mail, return receipt requested demanding that, within 10 days from the date that the letter is received, it provide sufficient equipment, materials and labor to ensure completion of the work within the contract time. In the event the contractor receives such a letter, the contractor shall provide to the City an updated schedule showing how the project will be completed within the contract time . 2. The Project Manager and the Directors of the Department of Engineering , Water Department , and Department of Transportation and Public Works will be made aware of the situation . If necessary, the City Manager's Office and the appropriate city council members may also be informed . 3 . Any notice that may , in the City 's sole discretion , be required to be provided to interested individuals will distributed by the Engineering Department's Public Information Officer. 4. Upon receipt of the contractor's response , the appropria te City departments and directors will be notified. The Engineering Department's Public Information Officer w ill , if necessary, then forward updated notices t o the interested individuals. 5 . If the contractor fails to provide an acceptable schedul e or fails to perform satisfactorily a second time prior to the completio n of the contract, the bonding company will be notified appropriately . SC-54 8/2005 -- PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-72 AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS The Contractor shall be required to observe the following guidelines relating to working on City construction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". Typically, the OZONE SEASON, within the Metroplex area, runs from May 1, through OCTOBER 31, with 6:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. being critical BECAUSE EMISSIONS FROM THIS TIME PERIOD HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO BAKE IN THE HOT ATMOSPHERE THAT LEADS TO EARLY AFTERNOON OZONE FORMATION .. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), in coordination with the National Weather Service, will issue the Air Pollution Watch by 3:00 p.m . on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. On designated Air Pollution Watch Days, the Contractor shall bear the responsibility of being aware that such days have been designated Air Pollution Watch Days and as such shall not begin work until 10:00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires the use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1 hour. However, the Contractor may begin work prior to 10:00 a .m. if use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour, or if equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Emitting", or equipment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel emulsions , or alternative fuels such as CNG. If the Contractor is unable to perform continuous work for a period of at least seven hours between the hours of 7 :00 a .m. -6:00 p.m., on a designated Air Pollution Watch Day, that day will be considered as a weather day and added onto the allowable weathe r days of a given month . D-73 FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE-INSPECTIONS A fee for street use permits is in effect. In addition, a separate fee for re-inspections for parkway construction , such as driveways , sidewalks , etc ., will be required . The fees are as follows: 1. The street permit fee is $50.00 per permit with payment due at the time of permit application. 2 . A re-inspection fee of $25.00 will be assessed when work for which an inspection called for is incomplete . Payment is due prior to the City performing re-insp ection . Payment by the contractor for all street use pe rm its and re -inspections shall be considered subsidiary to the contract cost and no additional comp ensat ion shall be made. SC -55 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC-56 8/2005 . / (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) Date: ____ _ DOE No: 3176 PROJECT NAME:Main ClC4B Sanitary Sewer Drainage Area Part 15 MAPSCOLOCATION: 76L L I M ITS OF CONST.: W est of 9th Avenue along FWWR between Rosedale and Oleander Estimated Du ratio n of Construction on your Street : <XX> days THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER .A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, OUR C OMPANY WILL REHABILITATE SEWER LINES ON OR AROUND YOUR PROPERTY. CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY .SE VE N DAY S FROM THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE . IF YOU HA VE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: Mr . <CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> OR Mr. <CITY INSPECTOR> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL 871-7970 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HANDY WHEN Y OU CALL. PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS CITY OF FORT WORTH HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PREVAILING WAGE RATE FOR 2000 (CITY PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY FACILITY AGREEMENT) CLASSIFICATION Asphalt Raker Asphalt Shoveler Batching Plant Weigher Carpenter (Rough) Concrete Finisher-Paving Concrete Finisher Helper (Paving) Concrete Finisher-Structures Flagger Form Builder-Structures Form Setter-Paving & Curbs Form Setter-Structures Laborer-Common Laborer-Utility Mechanic Servicer Pipe Layer Pipe Layer Helper Asphalt Distributor Operato r Asphalt Paving Machine Operato r Concrete Paving Saw Crane , Clamshell , Backhoe , De rr ick , Dragline, Shovel(< 1 1/2 CY) Crane , Clamshell , Backhoe , Derrick , Dragline , Shovel{> 1 1/2 CY) Front End Loader (2 1/2 CY & less) Front End Loader (over 2 1/2 CY) Mill ing Machine Operator Mixer Motor Grader Operator (Fine G rade) Motor Grader Operator Pavement Marking Machine Rolle r , Steel Wheel Plant-Mi x Pavements Roller, Steel Wheel Other Flatwheel or Tamping Roller , Pneumatic , Self-Pro pe lled Scraper Traveling Mixer Reinforcing Steel Setter (P a v in g ) T ruck Driver-Sing le Axle (Light) Truck Driver-Tandem Axle Semi -Tra iler Truck Driver-Lowboy/Float Truck Driver-Transit Mix Truck Driver-Winch SC-58 HOURLY RATE $10.32 $9.75 $9.65 $13.64 $10.16 $9.70 $13.44 $7.00 $13.44 $10.25 $9.75 $7.64 $8.64 $13.25 $10.13 $7.35 $6 .75 $11.45 $11.09 $10.53 $10 .00 $11.52 $9 .94 $9 .32 $8 .00 $11 .00 $12 .31 $13.75 $11.00 $9 .88 $12 .12 $8.02 $10.00 $9 .75 $8 .00 $10 .22 $10 .54 $10.63 $9 .80 8/2005 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC-59 8/2005 Date: ____ _ DOE no. xxxx Project Name: NOTICE OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTI ON DUE TO UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD , YOUR WATER SERVICE WILL BE INTERR UPTED ON --------- BETWEEN THE HOURS O F AND ------------- IF -Y OU HAV E QUESTIO NS ABOUT TH I S SHUT-OUT, PLEASE CALL: MR fl -----------(C O NTRACTORS SUPERINT~NUENT) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) OR (TELEPHONE NUMBER) T HJ S INC O NVENIENCE WILL BE AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE. THAN K Y OU , ~~---~~~~-~-'CONTRACTOR F 0 r ,n l "f 0 'r A H p I!-G T 0 H D l V I 0 I a l1 0 n ? CJ y E;. s G N PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS TEXAS DiPARTMENT OF Hl:ALTH D~MOLlllON J RENOVATION NOTIFICAT10N FORM NOTE: CJRCLE ITEMS THAT ARE AM ENDE:0 T D H NOTIFICATION# ~---------'!) Aba!~enl ControctQr; TDH Licen!aie Nu.mber:__,:c---~-Mdress: Gity; . . ... . . State:. Zip: ___ _ Q,ffi? Ph()J)e N_I.Jmber: l )' · .lqJ?:~Jtf;J'hon~ N_Ltry,bet,.._.._~----------S1.te Sllpe~r;;. . . . TOl'(Li~~Nl!JlJ~$r.· _____ ~--------Slt&'SupeMoor: .. 'TDH'Lrterisfe'Number:,.. . ...,_....,.---~-------' Trained On-Sit~ N.ESHAP lm:livldu81: . . CertiiiCiltio.n Pate:~------PemoJitlM Contractor: Office Phone Numb.ir~~-----=-----A.c;lct~: . Cily: Ste1e; Zip:. ____ _ 2) Project Consulen( or-Operator: · TOH LiCGMB Number: _____ _ Meillflil .A.ddrnss: ________________ -,---------------Clty: Slate: Zlp, Office Phone Number:.... _....._ _____ _ 3) Fa~llityOwner: __________________________________ _ Attenti0tt~---------------------------------------Mailili9 Addr~s; . . . . .. CJty: · . . . Stale; Zip,; Owner Phone Number{ 1 . . . "*N<>to: 'Tho lnYOi<;o.Rir tho notlficatlon feawlll be'&0nJtQ'tfie:~nefQfthebUlldln.g and lhc bflllng nti:df{}$$Jortho lnvmca.wlil be: Qhtiiinecl frQm the i.nr~n,eittcm thilt l$ ptl>Vided ln this :seeti9n~ · 4) Descrlptioo <ir Facility Name: ________ --c:,---------------~----'-,------Pn~iCill M~res-s; . County: . City: .. Zip,_· ----Facility Phooe Number Facility Oon~ct Person: _____________ _ Description of J!>.raa!Room N1.1rnber:.__ ____ ~----· -------------------Prior Use; Folute·usa-:.__ _________ ~-------Age of 6JJilding/Facility; Siz:e: , Numb~r of Floors; School {K ~ 12): CT YES D NO o) Type of Work; fl DemoliUon Worl<. ·will be during; CJ Oay o Renovation {Abatnmcnt) J Annual Consolidated o Evening D Night ::-Pl1a.'S.tld Project Descrlp!lon of work. scheduJc;. __________________ ..,.... ___________ _ 6) ts th.is a Pubric Building? c YES NESHAP-Only Facf.11ty? fJ YES n NO Fe-deral F,11cfllty'? 0 YES :: MO tnclustria.l Sita? C! YES r;J NO n NO Is 8uitdir,g/Facility occupied? i:i YES a NO 7) Ncfiflc~tior, Type CHECK ONLY ONE :i OrtglnaJ {10 Working Days} -Cancellation r.:; Amendment o Emergency/Ordered lf thls is an amendment. 11,-tii~ .amEmdmeni nurnber is this?_ (Enclose copy of original and.tor last amand:rrumt) tf .in erneroency, wno did you talk wllt1 a1 iDH't Emergency#: ______ _ Date and Hour of E.matG-Gricy (HHIMMIDDIYY}:-,----,,----,-,..-""""".,...,...-Dl}(;Cfipllon of Uie s1,1dt;Jen, 1,mexpected event end explariationof t1ow tM e1tent caused unsafe conditions ·or Would cavse equipment damage (compu(f}J'S. machmery, etc-------------~~----------8) Oestriplion of prace.c;lures lo be folloWe::1 In 1he event 1hat u:noxpecrnd asbestos ls found or previ,:;ius.ly nQfl-rria!.lle asbestoo material be.comes cttJmbled, f:lul•,Grized. or redu¢ed to powiJ.er: ------------------9) iNes en As.be$1os s-uNey performed? J YES c NO Dale'. I ! TOH lnsp.ector Lioome No;. _____ _ Analyti~I Method; D PLM D TEM r Assumod TOH Laboratory Licer.!>e No: cs· ~-----( For TAHPA (public bui!<:ting) proj,w!s: EJn aasumption must be made by a TDH Lic1;nsen Inspector) tO} Oes.cripti.on of planned O'ernolilior. or teruwation work, t),pe of materief, ~d rnetnod{s) ti) be used.._· -------11) Desctiplion of W{lrk pra~ice!;l 1,nd engineering con1rols to be used to pmvont crnissions of asbeslos s1! ttie demoli(ioo/reno>1l'llion;, ______ ~-----------------------~---SC-61 8/2005 PART D ... SPECIAL CONDITIONS i 2) P.J.L appUea ~ items in me following table mui.t b,e completed: IF NO ·ASS'6STOS PRESENT CHECK HER= a RACM NOT removed Exterior Cat o I non°frf~bte removed C.iteoor r rion-fri~ble NOT remo ·Jed Interior Cal W ll Mn·ft!able removed Bct'3oor Cat.e on U m;in°fiiatile re mo •;ed cat . II ne<,.frlableNQT rnrnovoo RACM btf-Fac!lir.{Component 13) Waste Transporhll' Name: _________________ TPH licertSe Nurnt:ie r; ------ Adctrnss: ____________ Cirl---~--~-,,.,--,,Stace: _Zip:. ___ _ Cofit.ici Pe~o11 : Prior10 Number: .__,_· --------- 14) Wasta DitpDtial Site Nsme:. ________ -.--~~~--------------=,------ Addre~s.;_ --,---,-------------Cit~ ----------State: ___ Zip: ___ _ Telephone: . TNRCC Permit N1,1ml;fer: -------- 1$) For slructurolly unsound fa.cilllles, attach a copy of demolilkm ord er and tdenlifyG-ovemrnent.ll Official b~ow: Narna: Registration No:-------------- Ti!le:.---,----,-,.,.....,=-~...,...--,..------ Dete of ordet {MMJDDIYY) Dale order to begin {MMf0DffY) -~-~- 16) Schf.;i:fl)led Dates of Asbestos Abateman\ (M.MtDD/YY} Start:--~-~--Ccmpl!!'!e; ---'-----'- 17) Scheduled Dates DemoliiionfRenovaoon {MM/OD!YY} Start: Complet-a:. _ _._ _ _,__ ___ _ •• Note: tf the start dale on tills no!Hlc;ation ean riot~ mo t Uilil TDH Ro9ional or L.ocal Program office Must be nontaclnd b1f pho ne prior to the start date. Fai lure lo do so ts. a vtQf.atli;,n tri a,:;,:;cm:1,anei> lo TAHPA, Soction 295.61. I herel)y oer1iiyttiat c;II information I have provided Is concc!, ccmplcto. anc! lrue to tile best or mt knowledge.. t acknQINledge that I im responslble for a ll aspG.cls of the notification rDim, irn;;lud i ng, but no4 limiting. cont~t and submlsslon dates . Tho maximum penalty is $10.000 pee dey per wo latlon , (Sign$\ure oFauilciing O.vner/ Opera1or 0< Oelefµilted Consul tant/Conlr.icior) MAIL TO: 'Pexo.s rtro not accepted' (F'tlnted Nam~) (Da:te} .f\.SSES1'0S NOTIFlCAT lON SECTION TOXIC SU BSTANCES CONTROL DIVISION TEAAS DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH PO BOX 1'3538 AUSTIN, 1'X 787,4-'.!5:Ml PH: 512-8::>A-6600. 1-800-572-55,~8 (Telephcme) {Fax Number) ·Faxes arc nor 11ccap ted• Form APBf.5, daf~rj f.R/29/0Z. R ep/eces TOH form d&ted 07/r3/01. For assistance in comp/e!ing form, ca/11-lJ!J0-572.-5!J41J SC-62 8/2005 SANITARY SEWER GENERAL NOTES 1. The contractor shall furnish a traffic control plan, for all working areas, to the City Traffic Engineer for approval prior to the pre-construction meeting. Two-way traffic must be maintained at all times. One lane of travel around construction operations in progress with adequate safeguards will be acceptable on minor streets only. All barricades, warning signs, light devices, and etc., for the guidance and protection of traffic and pedestrians, must conform to the installation shown in the 1980 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as currently amended , Texas Department of Transportation. The cost for traffic control shall be subsidiary to the unit prices for this project. 2. Contractor is responsible for all trench safety. The contractor shall construct the proposed work utilizing a trench safety plan, prepared by a professional engineer for this project. A trench safety plan shall be submitted at the pre-construction meeting. 3. All work shall be performed in accordance with City of Fort Worth Water Department standard specifications and details, except where modified in these plans or in the special conditions of the contract documents. 4. The contractor shall distribute letters to all affected property owners prior to beginning work on each property. The letter shall include names and telephone numbers of contractor contacts, a description of the work to be done, and the time frame for doing the· work. Copies of the letter shall be forwarded to the city inspector. The contractor shall notify residents 48 hours in advance of performing any work on private property. Distribution of letters shall be considered as subsidiary to the cost of project and no additional compensation will be allowed. 5. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining general safety at and adjacent to the project area, including the personal safety of the construction crew and general public and the safety of public and private property. Contractor shall provide temporary sanitary sewer facilities to affected property owners, if necessary. Not a separate pay item . 6. When it is required_ that a Contractor work in private property, the Contractor shall contact the property owner 48 hours prior to construction. Once the pipe has been installed or rehabilitated, the Contractor shall immediately commence surface restoration. Surface restoration must be completed to the owner's satisfaction within ten (10) working days. Failure to maintain site restoration, as noted above, may result in deferment of further pipe installation activities. 7 . The contractor may elect to video all potentially impacted private property areas prior to work. Videos shall include date notation and audio identification of property address and main/lateral name. This pre-construction video taping of impacted properties shall be considered subsidiary work. 8 . Contractor's personnel shall have identifying clothing or hats at all times . The contractor shall also have identification on all vehicles. 09/01/04 9. Construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 am to 6 :00 p.m . unless approved or directed by the engineer. 10. The location of all sanitary sewer, water, storm sewer, telephone, gas, electric, cable television utilities, driveways , retaining walls, structures, etc ., which may be shown on these plans are approximate . The contractor shall verify the exact size , location , elevation, and configuration of all utilities and structures prior to construction . Contractor shall coordinate with appropriate utility companies and property owners to mark and locate all underground facilities prior to construction . Such verification shall be considered as subsidiary to the cost of project and no additional compensation will be allowed . 11. Existing vertical deflections and pipe slopes shown on the plans were obtained from record drawings and have not been field verified. Some pipe slopes were adjusted to match surveyed manhole flow lines. Rim elevations, flow lines and horizontal locations of existing manholes were determined from field survey . 12 . The proposed sanitary sewer lines at times will be laid close to other existing utilities and structures both above and below ground . The contractor shall make necessary provisions for the support and protection of all utility poles , gas mains , telephone cables , sanitary sewer lines , water lines, TU cables, drainage pipes , utility services, and all other utilities and structures both above and below ground during construction. The contractor is liable for all damages done to such existing facilities as a result of the contractor's operations . 13 . Contractor shall conduct a Pre-Construction Television Inspection of all existing sanitary sewer lines , which are to be abandoned or rehabilitated via trenchless methods, to verify locations of all sewer service connections prior to construction of entire project. 14 . Contractor shall ensure that all active services can be reconnected and/or rerouted to new sewer main/lateral. Contractor shall notify the City of any potential conflicts prior to construction so modifications to the plans can be made if necessary. Not a separate pay item , this work shall be subsidiary to Pre-Construction Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines . 15 . Contractor shall verify that all connections to the sanitary sewer system are for sanitary sewer only . Contractor shall notify City of all known illicit connections . 16 . Contractor is responsible for maintaining water and sewer connections to all homes and businesses in working order at all times , except for brief interruptions in service fo r sewer services to be reinstalled . In no case shall services be allowed to remain out of service overnight. 17 . The contractor shall be liable for all damages to properties, homes, and basements from backup , which may result during the installation of the new pipe and/or abandonment of 09 /01 /04 2 existing pipe. The contractor will be allowed to open clean outs where available. The contractor will be responsible for all clean up associated with opening clean outs. 18. The contractor shall preserve and protect or remove and replace (with prior approval of City Parks and Community Services and/or affected property owners) all trees , shrubs, hedges, retaining walls , landscaping, buildings , walks, etc., in or near proposed construction area . This work shall be considered incidental and not a separate pay item. 19. The contractor shall remove all fences, located within easements , interfering with construction operation and provide temporary fencing during construction . Removed fences, wooden or chain link, shall be replaced with a new fence or undamaged original fencing . All affected property owners shall be notified prior to construction . Removal and replacement of existing and temporary fences shall be considered subsidiary to the project cost and reflected in the un it bid prices for various items listed in the proposal. 20 . Contractor shall sawcut existing curb and gutter, pavement, driveways , and sidewalks at areas where pavement or concrete is to be removed . Sawcuts will be considered subsidiary to the price bid for linear feet of sanitary sewer. 21 . Contractor shall protect concrete curb and gutter, driveways , and sidewalks that are not designated for removal. Removal and replacement of these items shall be as designated . At locations where the curb and gutter are to be replaced , the contractor shall assume all responsibility for the re-establishment of existing street and gutter grades. Establishment of grades shall be performed prior to construction and is not a separate pay item , but shall be considered incidental to the project price. 22. All embedment shall be in accordance with City of Fort Worth Water Department Specification E2-2 , and E2-3 . All pavement repair shall be per City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Pavement Repair If~. Pavement areas shall receive backfill per -Nonpaved areas shall receive type "B" or "C" backfllll per City of Fort Worth Water Department Specifications E1-2 and E2-2. 23 . All driveways , which are open cut, shall have at least a temporary riding surface at the end of each day. The temporary surface will be considered a non-pay item . 24 . Contractor shall bypass pump sewage around sections of pipe prior to being replaced or rehabilitated . Not a separate pay item . Payment shall be incidental to replacement of sewer. 25. New manholes shall be constructed such that the manhole cover is at finished surface grade , or as noted on the plans . Concrete collars and watertight manhole inserts shall be provided with all new manholes , as required for this project. 26 . The contractor is responsible for keeping streets and sidewalks adjacent to project free of mud and debris from the construction . 09 /01/04 3 27. The contractor shall cleanup and restore the area of operations to a condition as good as or better than that which existed prior to replacement or rehabilitation of the pipe . 28 . The contractor shall remove from the project area all surplus material. This shall be incidental and not a separate pay item. Surplus materials from excavation including dirt, trash , etc. shall be properly disposed of at a site acceptable to the City's Flood Plain Administrator if within the City limits. If the location is not within the City limits, the Contractor shall provide a letter stating so. No excess .excavated material shall be deposited in low areas or along natural drainage way without written permission from the affected property owner and the City's Flood Plain Administrator. If the contractor places excess material in the areas without written permission , he will be responsible for all damage resulting from such fill and he shall remove the material at his own cost. 09/01/04 4 (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) Date: ----- DOENo: PROJECT NAME: Water/Sanitary Sewer and Paving/Storm Drain Improvements for: MAPSCO LOCATION: -- LIMITS OF CONST.: -------------Estimated Duration of Construction on your Street : _ days THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, OUR COMPANY WILL< REPLACE WATER AND/OR SEWER LINES -RECONSTRUCT THE STREET> ON OR AROUND YOUR PROPERTY. CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. IF YOU HA VE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: Mr. <CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> OR Mr. <CITY INSPECTOR> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL 871-7970 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HANDY WHEN YOU CALL. 05/27/05 SP-34 -- 1. 2 . 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 . 10. 11. 12 . 13. 14. 15 . 16. 17 . 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 . 23 . 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33 . 34. 35. 36. 37 . 38 . 39. 40. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Table of Contents SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................................... SP-4 A WARD OF CONTRACT ....................................................................................................................... SP-4 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE .................................................................................................. SP-4 EXAMINATION OF SITE ...................................................................................................................... SP-4 BID SUBMITI AL .................................................................................................................................... SP-5 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................ SP-5 SANITARY FACILITIES FOR WORKMERS ........................................................................................ SP-5 PAYMENT ................................................................................................................................................ SP-5 SUBSIDIARY WORK .............................................................................................................................. SP-5 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO Tiffi PUBLIC ...................................................................................................................................... SP-5 WAGE RATES ......................................................................................................................................... SP-5 EXISTING UTILITIES ............................................................................................................................. SP-6 PARK.WAY CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................... SP-6 MATERIAL STORAGE ........................................................................................................................... sp .. 7 PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS .......................................................................................................................... SP-7 INCREASE OR DECREASE IN QUANTITIES ...................................................................................... SP-7 CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS .......................................................... SP-7 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS .... , ........................................................................................... SP-7 MINORITY AND WOMENS BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (M/WBE) COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................................................ SP-8 FINAL CLEAN UP ................................................................................................................................... SP-9 CONTRACTOR'S COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW .......................................................................................................................... SP-9 SUBSTITUTIONS .................................................................................................................................... SP-12 MECHANICS AND MATERIALSMEN'S LIEN .................................................................................... SP-12 WORK ORDER DELAY ......................................................................................................................... SP-12 WORKING DAYS ................................................................................................................................... SP-12 RIGHT TO ABANDON ........................................................................................................................... SP-12 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................... SP-12 MAINTENANCE STATEMENT ............................................................................................................ SP-12 DELAYS ................................................................................................................................... SP-12 DETOURS AND BARRICADES ............................................................................................................ SP-13 DISPOSAL OF SPOIL/FILL MATERIAL .............................................................................................. SP-13 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING ........................................................................................................... SP-13 PR OPERTY ACCESS .............................................................................................................................. SP-14 SAFETY RESTRICTIONS -WORK NEAR HIGH VOLT AGE LINES ............................................... SP-14 WATER DEPARTMENT PRE-QUALIFICATIONS ............................................................................. SP-14 RIGHT TO AUDIT .................................................................................................................................. SP-14 CONSTRUCTION ST AKES ................................................................................................................... SP-15 LOCATION OF NEW WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS .......................................................................... SP-15 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................... SP-15 AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS ......................................................................................................... SP-16 05/27/05 SP-1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Table of Contents CONSTRUCTION ITEMS : 41. PAY ITEM-UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION ...................................................................... SP-16 42. PAY ITEM -7 Y2 " REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT ............................................................. SP-17 43. PAY ITEM .-SILICONE JOINT SEALING ............................................................................................. SP-17 44. PAY ITEM -7" CONCRETE CURB ........................................................................................................ SP-21 45. PAY ITEM-RETAINING WALL ........................................................................................................... SP-21 46. PAY ITEM -REPLACE EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER ........................................................................ SP-21 47. PAY ITEM -HMAC TRANSITION .......................................................................................................... SP-21 48. PAY ITEM -6" PIPE SUB DRAIN ........................................................................................................... SP-21 49. PAY ITEM -TRENCH SAFETY ............................................................................................................. SP-21 50. PAY ITEM -6" THICK LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE AND CEMEN;f FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION ................................................................................................................ SP-22 51. PAY ITEM -CONCRETE FLAT WORK (CURB, CURB & GUTTER, SIDEWALKS, . LEADW ALKS , WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DRIVEWAYS) ....................................... SP-22 52. PAY ITEM-REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK, DRIVEWAYS, STEPS , LEADWALKS AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS ................................................................... SP-22 53. PAY ITEM -REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ................................................................... SP-22 54. PAY ITEM -REMOVE EXISTING CURB INLET ................................................................................. SP-23 55. PAY ITEM -6" REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ................................................................... SP-23 56. PAY ITEM -REMOVE AND CONSTRUCT CONCRETE STEPS ........................................................ SP-23 57 . PAY ITEM-4' STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK, LEAD WALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMP ....................................................................................................... SP-23 58. PAY ITEM -REMOVE AND REPLACE FENCE ................................................................................... SP-23 59. PAY ITEM-REMOVE AND RECONSTRUCT MAILBOXES/MISCELLANEOUS ........................... SP-24 60. PAY ITEM -BORROW ........................................................................................................................... SP-24 61. PAY ITEM -CEMENT STABILIZATION .............................................................................................. SP-24 62. PAY ITEM -CEMENT ........................................................................................................................... SP-24 63. PAY ITEM -NEW 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER ........................................................................ SP-25 64 . PAY ITEM -STORM DRAIN INLETS ................................................................................................... SP-25 65. PAY ITEM -TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STORM DRAIN ......................................................................................................... SP-25 66. PAY ITEM -STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION (FOR DISTURBED AREAS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 1 ACRE) .................................................................... SP-25 67. PRE BID ITEM -PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN ............................................................................... SP-27 68. PRE BID ITEM -UTILITY ADJUSTMENT ........................................................................................... SP-27 69. PRE BID ITEM -TOP SOIL ............................................ : ....................................................................... SP-27 70. PRE BID ITEM -ADJUST WATER VAL VE BOX ................................................................................ SP-27 71. PRE BID ITEM-MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT ....................................................................................... SP-28 72. PRE BID ITEM -ADJUST WATER METER BOX ................................................................................ SP-28 73. NON-PAY ITEM -CLEARING AND GRUBBING ................................................................................ SP-28 74. NON-PAY ITEM -SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL ................................................................... SP-28 75 . NON-PAY ITEM -PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOILS ................................................ SP-28 76. NON-PAY ITEM -CONCRETE COLORED SURF ACE ....................................................................... SP-28 77 . NON-PAY ITEM. PROJECT CLEAN-UP .............................................................................................. SP-29 78. NON-PAY ITEM-PROJECT SCHEDULE ............................................................................................ SP-29 79 . NON-PAY ITEM -NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENTS .......................................................................... SP-29 05/27/05 SP-2 80. NON-PAY ITEM -PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION .............. SP-29 81 .-NON-PAY ITEM -PRE-CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ........................................ SP-30 82 . NON-PAY ITEM -WASHED ROCK ...................................................................................................... SP-30 83 . NON-PAY ITEM -SA WCUT OF EXISTING CONCRETE ................................................................... SP-30 84 . NON-PAY ITEM -LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND WATER VALVES .......................................................................................... SP-30 85 . NON-PAY ITEM-TIE-IN INTO STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE ........................................................ SP-31 86. NON-PAY ITEM -SPRINKLER HEAD ADJUSTMENT ...................................................................... SP-31 87. NON-PAY ITEM -FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE-INSPECTIONS .............................. SP-31 88. NON PAY ITEM -TEMPORARY EROSION, SEDIMENT AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL (FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE) .... SP-31 89 . NON PAY ITEM -TRAFFIC CONTROL .............................................................................................. SP-32 05/27/05 SP-3 FOR: SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Contract No. 36 Clairemont Ave. (Hawlett St. to Lancaster Ave.), Chicago Ave. (Panola St. to Lancaster Ave.), Ramsey Ave. (New York Ave. to Beverly Ave. PAVING RECONSTRUCTION : D.O .E. NO. 5138 1. SCOPE OF WORK : The work covered by these plans and specifications consist of the following : Reconstruction of 2004 CIP Clairemont Ave. Chicago Ave. and Ramsey Ave . and all other miscellaneous items of construction to be performed as outlined in the plans and specifications which are necessary to satisfactorily complete the work . 2 . AWARD OF CONTRACT: Submission of Bids: Unit 1, Unit 2 , and Unit 3 constitute a package. If the Contractor submits a bid on Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 3 and has the lowest responsive proposal price, the Contractor will be the apparent successful bidder for this project. The Contractor can bid either the HMAC alternate and/or the Concrete alternate. The additive alternate must be included in any bid . Bidders are hereby informed that the Director of the Department of Engineering reserves the right to evaluate and recommend to the City Council the best bid that is considered to be in the best interest of the City . 3. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: The successful Contractor, Engineer, and City -City shall meet at the call of the City for a preconstruction conference before any of its work begins on th is project. At this time, details of sequencing of the work, contact individuals for each party, request for survey , and pay requests will be covered . Prior to the meeting , the Contractor shall prepare schedules showing the sequencing and progress of their work and its effect on others. A final composite schedule will be prepared during this conference to allow an orderly sequence of project construction . As used herein, the term "Engineer" shall mean the design engineer who prepared and sealed the plans , specifications and contract documents for this project. 4 . EXAMINATION OF SITE: It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidder to visit the proj ect site and make such examinations and explorations as may be necessary to determine all conditions that may affect construction of this project. Particular attention should be given to methods of providing ingress and egress to adjacent private and public properties , procedures for protecting existing improvements and disposition of all materials to be removed . Proper consideration should be given to these details during preparation of the Proposal and all unusual conditions that may give rise to later contingencies should be brought to the attention of the City prior to the submission of the Proposal. During the construction of this project, it is required that all parkways be excavated and shaped including bar ditches at the same time the roadway is excavated . Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the Engineer. During construction of this project, the Contractor shall comply with present zoning requirements of the City of Fort Worth in the use of vacant property for storage purposes. 05/27/05 SP-4 5. BID SUBMITTAL: Bidders shall not separate , detach or remove any portion , segment or sheets from the contract documents at any time. Failure to bid or fully execute contract without retaining contract documents intact may be grounds for designating bids as "non-responsive" and rejecting bids as appropriate and as determined by the Director of the Department of Engineering . 6. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION : Water for construction will be furnished by the Contractor at his own expense. 7. SANITARY FACILITIES FOR WORKERS: The Contractor shall provide all necessary conveniences for the use of workers at the project site. Specific attention is directed to this equ ipment. 8. PAYMENT: The Contractor shall receive full payment from the City for all the work based on unit prices bid on the proposal and specifi ed in the plans and specifications and approved by the Engineer per actual field measurement. 9. SUBSIDIARY WORK: Any and all work specifically governed by documentary requirement for the projects , such as conditions imposed by the Plans , the General Contract Documents or these special Contract Documents , in which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal , shall be considered as a subsidiary item or work , the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for each bid item , including but not limited to surface restoration cleanup and relocation of mailboxes. All objectionable matter required to be removed from within the right-of-way and not particularly described under these specifications shall be covered by Item No . 102 "Clearing and Grubb ing " and shall be subsidiary to the other items of the contract. 10 . LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC : The Contractor's particular attention is directed to the requirements of Item 7 , "Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public" of the "Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Dra in Construct ion ". 11 . WAGE RATES : Compliance with and Enforcement of Preva iling Wage Laws Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates . The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258 , Texas Government Code (Chapter 2258), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258 . Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents . Penalty for Violation . A contractor or any subcontractor who does not pay the preva iling wage shall , upon demand made by the City , pay to the City $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the prevail ing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs , pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258 .023 . Complaints of Violations and City Determ ination of Good Cause. On receipt of information , including a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of 2258.023 , Texas Government Code , by a contractor or subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination , before the 31st day after the date the City receives the information , as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred . The City shall notify in writing the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination . Upon the City 's determination that 05/27/05 SP-5 there is good cause to believe the contractor or subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258, the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation . Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged v iolation of Section 2258 .023 , Texas Government Code, including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seq ., Revised Statutes) if the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker do not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initial determination pursuant to paragraph (c) above . If the persons required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration . The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on all parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction . Records to be Maintained. The contractor and each subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City . The prov isions of the Audit section of these contract documents shall pertain to this inspection . Pay Estimates. With each partial payment estimate or payroll period , whichever is less, the contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258 , Texas Government Code . Posting of Wage Rates . The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times . Subcontractor Compl iance . The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) through (g) above. (Wage rates are attached at the end of this section .) 12. EXISTING UTILITIES : The locations and dimensions shown on the plans relative to ex isting utilities are based on the best information available . It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify location of adjacent and/or conflicting utilities sufficiently in advance of construction in order that he may negotiate such local adjustments as are necessary in the construction process in order to provide adequate clearance. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions in order to protect all services encountered . Any damage to utilities and any losses to the utility City due to disruption of service resulting from the Contractor's operations shall be at the Contractor's expense. 13. PARKWAY CONSTRUCTION : During the construction of this project, it will be required that a ll parkways be excavated and shaped at the same time the roadway is excavated . Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the Director of the Department of Engineering . 05/27/05 SP-6 14. MATERIAL STORAGE: Material shall not be stored on private property unless the Contractor has obtained permission from the property City. 15. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS: The Contractor shall take adequate measures to protect all existing structures , improvements and utilities, which may be encountered . The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are for information only and are not guaranteed by the City or the Engineer to be accurate as to extent, location and depth , they are shown on the plans as the best information available at the time of design , from the Owners of the utilities involved and from evidences found on the ground . 16. INCREASE OR DECREASE IN QUANTITIES : The quantities shown in the Proposal are approximate. It is the Contractor's sole responsibility to verify all the minor pay item quantities prior to submitting a bid . No additional compensation shall be paid to Contractor for errors in the quantities. Final payment will be based upon field measurements. The City reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary , and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered , increased or decreased at the unit prices as establ ished in the contract documents. No allowance will be made for any changes in anticipated profits or shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. Variations in quantities of storm dra in pipes in depth categories shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities of storm drain pipe in each pipe size but not to the various depth categories . 17 . CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: Contractor Covenants and agrees to indemnify City 's Eng ineer and Architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractor's sole negligence. In addition , Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend , at its own expense, the City , its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims or su its for property loss , property damage , personal injury, including death , arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers , agents , employees , subcontractors , licensees or invitees , whether or not any such injury, damage or death is caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence or alleged negligence of City, its officers, servants, or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any and all injuries to City's officers, servants and employees and any damage , loss or destruction to property of the City arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such injury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of City, its officers, servants or employees. In the event City receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to City satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or (b) provides City with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director may , if deemed appropriate , refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a cla im for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. 18. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS : Contractor shall comply with City Ordinance Number 7278 as amended by City Ord inance Number 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 12- A-29) prohibiting discrimination in employments practices. 05/27/05 SP-7 The Contractor shall post the required notice to that effect on the project site, and at his request, will be provided by assistance by the City of Fort Worth's Equal Employment Officer who will refer any qualified applicant he may have on file in his office to the Contractor. Appropriate notices may be acquired from the Equal Employment Officer. 19. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (M/WBE) COMPLIANCE: In accordance with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. The Ordinance is incorporated in these specifications by reference. A copy of the Ordinance may be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. Failure to comply with the ordinance shall be a material breach of contract. M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM , M/WBE GOALS WAIVER FORM AND GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM , as applicable, must be submitted within fine (5) city business days after bid opening . Failure to comply shall render the bid non-responsive. Upon request , Contractor agrees to provide the City complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority or Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books , records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of acts (other than a negl igent misrepresentation) and /or the commission fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal, state , or local laws or ordinances relating to false statement. Further, any such misrepresentation (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than three years . The City will consider the Contractor's performance regarding its M/WBE program in the evaluation of bids . Failure to comply with the City's M/WBE Ord inance, or to demonstrate "good faith effort", shall result in a bid being rendered non-responsive to specifications. Contractor shall provide copies of subcontracts or co-signed letters of intent with approved M/WBE subcontractors prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall also provide monthly reports on utilization of the subcontractors to the City's M/WBE office. The Contractor may count first and second tier subcontractors and/or suppliers toward meeting the goals. The Contractor may count toward its goal a portion of the total dollar amount of the contract with a joint venture equal to the percentage of the M/WBE participation in the joint venture for a clearly defined portion of the work to be performed . All M/WBE Contractors used in meeting the goals must be certified prior to the award of the Contract. The M/WBE Contractor(s) must be certified by either the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA) or Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Highway Division and must be located in the nine (9) county marketplace or currently doing business in the marketplace at time of bid . The Contractor shall contact all such M/WBE subcontractors or suppliers prior to listing them on the M/WBE utilization or good faith effo forms as applicable. Failure to contact the listed M/WBE subcontractor or supplier prior to bid opening may result in the rejection of bid as non-responsive. Whenever a change order affects the work of an M/WBE subcontractor or supplier, the M/WBE shall be given an opportunity to perform the work. Whenever a change order exceeds 10% of the original contract, the M/WBE coordinator shall determine the goals applicable to the work to be performed under the change order During the term of the contract the contract shall : 1. 05/27/05 Make no unjustified changes or deletions in its M/WBE participation commitments submitted with or subsequent to the bid , and , SP-8 2. If substantial subcontracting and/or substantial supplier opportunities arise during the term of the contract which the Contractor had represented he would perform with his forces , the Contractor shall notify the City before subcontracts or purchase orders are let , and shall be required to comply with modifications to goals as determined by the City , and , 3. Submit a REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE FORM , if the Contractor desires to change or delete any of the M/WBE subcontractors or suppliers . Justification for change may be granted for the following: a. Failure of Subcontractor to provide evidence of coverage by Worker's Compensation Insurance. b. Fa ilure of Subcontractor to provide required genera l liability of other insurance. c . Failure of Subcontractor to execute a standard subcontract form in the amount of the proposal used by the Contractor in preparing his M/WBE Participation plan . d. Default by the M/WBE subcontractor or supplier in the performance of the subcontractor. With in ten ( 10) days after final payment from the City , the Contractor shall provide the M/WBE Office with documentation to reflect final participation of each subcontractor and supplier used on the project, inclusive of M/WBEs. 20 . FINAL CLEAN -UP : F inal cleanup work shall be done for th is project as soon as the paving and curb and gutter has been completed . No more than seven days shall elapse after completion of construction before the roadway and ROW. is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make a final.cleanup of all parts of the work before acceptance by the City or its representative . This cleanup shall include removal of all objectionable rocks , pieces of asphalt or concrete and other construction materials , and in general preparing the site of the work in an orderly manner and appearance . 21 . CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW : A. Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage a. DEFINITIONS : b. Certification of coverage ("Certificate"). A copy of a certificate of insurance , a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the comm ission , or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC- 82 , TWCC-83, OR TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project-includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity . Persons providing serv ices on the project ("subcontractor'' in §406 .096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project , regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes , without limitation , independent Contractors , subcontractors , leasing companies, motor carriers , City-operators , employees of any such entity , or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include , without limitation , providing, hauling , or delivering equipment or materials , or providing labor, transportation , or other services r elated to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors , office supply del iveries , and delivery of portable toilets . The Contractor shall provide coverage , based on proper report ing of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, wh ich meets the statutory requirements 05/27/05 SP-9 of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) or all employees of the Contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. c . The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. d. If the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period , file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended . e. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project , and provide to t he governmental entity: (1) a certificate of coverage , prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing serv ices on the project ; and (2) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage , if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. f. The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. g. The Contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the Contractor knew or should have known , or any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. h. The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice , in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation , informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage . i. The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to : 05/27/05 (1) provide coverage , based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements , which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code , Section 401 .011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (2) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (3) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage , if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (4) obtain form each other person with whom it contracts , and provide to the Contractor: (a) a certificate of coverage , prior to the other person beginning work on the project ; and SP-10 j . k . B. (b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage , prior to the end of the coverage period , if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (c) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. (d) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the person knew or should have known , of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (e) contractually require each person with whom it contracts , to perform as required by paragraphs ( 1 )-(7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage , the Contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of class ification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self- insured , with the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation . Providing false or m isleading information may subject the Contractor to administrat ive , crim inal , civil penalties or other civil actions. The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten day after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. The Contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered , and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. Th is notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Commission rules . This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Span ish and any other language common to the Worker population . The text for the notices shall be the following text, w ithout any additional words or changes: "REQUIRED WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE 05/27/05 The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by worker's compensation insurance. Th is includes persons providing , hauling , or delivering equipment or materials , or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identify of their employer or status as an employee." Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage , to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage , or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage". SP-11 22. SUBSTITUTIONS: The specifications for materials set out the min i mum standard of quality that the City believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. No substitutions will be permitted until the Contractor has received written permission of the Engineer to make a substitution for t he material that has been specified . Where the term "or equal", or "or approved equal" is used , it is understood that if a material , product, or piece of equipment bearing the name so used is furnished , it will be approvable, as the particular trade name was used for the purpose of establishing a standard of quality acceptable to the C ity . If a product of any other name is proposed substitutes is procured by the Contractor. Where the term "or equal", or "approved equal" is not used in the specifications, this does not necessarily exclude alternative items or material or equipment which may accomplish the intended purpose. However, the Contractor shall have the full responsibility of providing that the proposed substitution is , i n fact, equal , and the Engineer, as the representative of the City , shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of substitutions. The provisions of the sub-section as related to "substitutions" shall be applicable to all sections of these specifications. 23. MECHANICS AND MATERIALMEN'S LIEN : The Contractor shall be required to execute a release of mechanics and materialmen's liens upon receipt of payment. 24 . WORK ORDER DELAY: All utilities and right-of-way are expected to be clear and easements and/or permits obtained on this project within s ixty (60) days of advertisement of this project. The work order for subject project will not be issued until all utilities, right-of-ways, easements and/or permits are cleared or obtained . The Contractor shall not hold the City of Fort Worth responsib le for any delay in issuing the work order for this Contract. 25. WORKING DAYS: The Contractor agrees to complete the Contract within the allotted number of working days. 26. RIGHT TO ABANDON : The City reserves the right to abandon , without obligation to the Contractor, any part of the project or the entire project at any time before the Contractor begins any construction work authorized by the City . 27. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: This contract and project are governed by the two following published specifications , except as modified by these Special Provisions : STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS A copy of e ither of these specifications may be purchased at the Office of the Department of Engineering , 1000 Throckmorton Street , 2°d Floor, Municipal Building , Fort Worth , Texas 76102. The specifications applicable to each pay item are indicated in the call-out for the pay item by the Engineer. If not shown , then applicable published specifications in either of these documents may be followed at the discretion of the Contractor. General Provisions shall be those of the Fort Worth document rather than D ivision 1 of the North Central Texas document. 28. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The Contractor shall be responsible fo r defects in this project d ue to faulty materials and workmanship , or both , for a period of two (2) years from date of final acceptance of this project and will be required to replace at his expense any part or all of the project which becomes defective due to these causes. 29 . DELAYS : The Contractor shall rece ive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the work , except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City 05/27/05 SP-12 to provide information or material, if any, which is to be furn ished by the City. When such extra compensation is claimed a written statement thereof shall be presented by the Contractor to the Director of the Department of Engineering and if by him found correct shall be approved and referred by him to the Council for final approval or disapproval; and the action thereon by the Council shall be final and binding . If delay is caused by specific orders given by the Engineers to stop work or by the performance of extra work or by the failure of the City to provide material or necessary instructions for carrying on the work, then such delay will entitle the Contractor to an equivalent extension of time , his application for which shall , however, be subject to the approval of the City Council ; and no such extension of time shall release the Contractor or the surety on his performance bond form all his obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until the discharge of the contract. 30 . DETOURS AND BARRICADES : The Contractor shall prosecute his work in such a manner as to create a minimum of interruption to traffic and pedestrian facilities and to the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area . Contractor shall protect construction as requ ired by Engineer by providing barricades. Barricades , warning and detour signs shall conform to the Standard Specifications "Barriers and Warning and/or Detour Signs ," Item 524 and/or as shown on the plans . Construction signing and barricades shall conform with "1980 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices , Vol. No . 1." 31 . DISPOSAL OF SPOIUFILL MATERIAL: Prior to the disposing of any spoil/fill material , the Contractor shall adv ise the Director of the Department of Engineering acting as the C ity of Fort Worth 's Flood Plain Administrator ("Administrator"), of the location of all sites where the Contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shall not dispose of such material until the proposed sites have been determined by the Administrator to meet the requirements of the Flood Plain Ordinance of the City of Fort Worth (Ordinance No . 10056). All disposal sites must be approved by the Admin istrator to ensure the filling is not occurring with in a flood plain w ithout a permit. A flood plain permit can be issued upon approval of necessary engineering studies . No fill permit is required if disposal sites are not in a flood plain. Approval of the Contractor's disposal sites shall be evidenced by a letter signed by the Administrator stating that the site is not in a known flood plain or by a Flood Plain fill Permit authorizing fill with in the flood pla in. Any expenses associated w ith obtaining the fill permit, including any necessary engineering stud ies , shall be at t he Contractor's expense . In the event that the Contractor disposes of spoil/fill materials at a site without a fill perm it or a letter from the administrator approving the disposal site , upon notification by the Director of Engineering, Contractor shall remove the spoil/fill material at its expense and dispose of such materials in accordance with the Ordinance of the City and this section . 32. QUALITY CONTROL TESTING : (a) The Contractor shall furnish , at its own expense , certificat ions by a private laboratory for all materials proposed to be used on the project , including a mix design for any asphaltic and/or Portland cement concrete to be used and gradation analysis for sand and crushed stone to be used along with the name of the pit from which the material was taken . The Contractor shall prov ide manufacturer's certifications for all manufactured items to be used in the project and will bear any expense related thereto . (b) Tests of the design concrete m ix shall be made by the Contractor's laboratory at least nine days prior to the placing of concrete using the same aggregate , cement and mortar which are to be used later in the concrete . The Contractor shall provide a certified copy of the test results to the City . (c) Quality control testing of on s ite material on this project will be performed by the City at its own expense. Any retesting required as a result of failure of the material to meet project 05/27/05 SP-13 specifications will be at the expense of the Contractor and will be billed at commercial rates as determined by the City. The failure of the City to make any tests of materials shall in no way relieve the Contractor of its respons ib ility to furnish materials and equipment conforming to the requirements of the contract. ( d) Not less than 24 hours notice shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for operations requiring testing . The Contractor shall provide access and trench safety system (if required) for the site to be tested and any work effort involved is deemed to be included in the unit price for the item being tested . (e) The Contractor shall provide a copy of the trip ticket for each load of fill material delivered to the job site . The ticket shall specify the-name of the pit supplying the fill material. 33 . PROPERTY ACCESS: Access to adjacent property shall be maintained at all times unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 34 . SAFETY RESTRICTIONS -WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES: The following procedures will be followed regarding the subject item on this contract: (a) A warning sign not less than five inches by seven inches, painted yellow with black letters that are legible at twelve feet shall be placed inside and outside vehicles such as cranes, derricks , power shovels, drilling rigs , pile drivers, hoisting equipment or similar apparatus. The warning sign shall read as follows : "WARNING-UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES ." (b) Equipment that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage lines shall have an insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm , except back hoes or dippers and insulator links on the lift hood connections. (c) When necessary to work within six feet of high voltage electric lines , notification shall be given the power company (TU Electric Service Company) which will erect temporary mechanical barriers , de-energize the line or raise or lower the line. The work done by the power company shall not be at the expense of the City of Fort Worth. The notifying department shall maintain an accurate log of all such calls to TU Electric Service Company and shall record action taken in each case. (d) The Contractor is required to make arrangements with the TU Electric Service Company for the temporary relocation or raising of high voltage lines at the Contractor's sole cost and expense. (e) No person shall work within six feet of a high voltage line without protection having been taken as outlined in Paragraph (c). 35 . WATER DEPARTMENT PRE-QUALIFICATIONS: Any Contractor performing any work on Fort Worth water or sanitary sewer facilities must be pre-qualified with the Water Department to perform such work in accordance with procedures described in the current Fort Worth Water Department General Specifications which general specifications shall govern performance of all such work . 36 . RIGHT TO AUDIT: (a) Contractor agrees that the City shall , until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this contract have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly 05/27/05 SP-14 pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate workspace in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits . (b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall , under the exp iration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents , papers and records of such subcontractor involving transact ions to the subcontract and further, that City shall have access during nor mal working hours to all subcontractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this article together with subsection (c) hereof. City shall give subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse Contractor for the cost of copies at the rate pub lished in the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the time copying is performed . 37 . CONSTRUCTION STAKES : The City, through its Surveyor or agent, will provide to the Contractor construction stakes or other customary methods of markings as may be found consistent with professional practice to establish line and grade for roadway and utility construction and centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework. These stakes shall be set sufficiently in advance to avoid delay whenever practical. One set of stakes shall be set for all utility construction (water, sanitary sewer, drainage , etc .), one set of excavation/or stabilization stakes, and one set of stakes for curb and gutter and/or paving . It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to preserve , mainta in , t ransfer, etc., all stakes furnished until completion of the construction phase of the project for which they were furn ished . If, in the opinion of the Engineer, a sufficient number of stakes or mark ings provided by the City have been lost, destroyed , or disturbed , that the proper prosecution and control of the work contracted for in the Contract Documents cannot take place , then the Contractor shall replace such stakes or markings as required . An individual registered by the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying as a Registered Professional Land Surveyor shall replace these stakes , at the Contactor's expense. No claims for delay due to a lack of replacement of construction stakes w ill be accepted, and time will continue to be charged in accordance with the Contract Documents. 38 . LOCATION OF NEW WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS ; The Contractor will make every effort to protect existing t rees within the parkway , with the approval of the engineer the Contractor may re-locate proposed new driveways and walks around existing trees to m inimize damage to trees . 39 . EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION : Time is of the essence in the completion of this contract. In order to insure that the Contractor is responsive when notified of unsatisfactory performance and/or of failure to maintain the contract schedule , the following process shall be applicable: The work progress on all construction projects will be closely monitored . On a bi-monthly bas is the percentage of work completed will be compared to the percentage of time charged to the contract. If the amount of work performed by the Contractor is less than the percentage of time allowed by 20% or more (example: 10% of the work completed in 30% of the stated contract t ime as may be amended by change order}, the following proactive measures will be taken : 1. 05/27/05 A letter will be mailed to the Contractor by certified mail , return receipt requested demanding that, w ithin 10 days from the date that the letter is received , it prov ide SP-15 sufficient equipment, materials and labor to ensure completion of the work within the contract time. In the event the Contractor receives such a letter, the Contractor shall provide to the City an updated schedule showing how the project will be completed within the contract time . 2 . The Project Manager and the Directors of the Department of Engineering , Water Department, and Department of Transportation and Public Works will be made aware of the situation. If necessary, the City Manager's Office and the appropriate city council members may also be informed . 3 . Any notice that may, in the City's sole d iscretion , be required to be provided to interested individuals will distributed by the Engineering Department's Public Information Officer. 4 . Upon receipt of the Contractor's response, the appropriate City departments and directors will be notified . The Engineering Department's Public Information Officer will , if necessary, then forward updated notices to the interested individuals. 5 . If the Contractor fails to provide an acceptable schedule or fails to perform satisfactorily a second time prior to the completion of the contract, the bo nding company will be notified appropriately. 40. AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS : The Contractor shall be required to observe the following guidelines relating to working on City construction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". Typically , the OZONE SEASON , within the Metroplex area , runs from May 1, through OCTOBER 31, with 6:00 a.m . -10:00 a .m . being critica l BECAUSE EMISSIONS FROM THIS TIME PERIOD HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO BAKE IN THE HOT ATMOSPHERE THAT LEADS TO EARLY AFTERNOON OZONE FORMATION . The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), in coordination with the National Weather Service , will issue the Air Pollution Watch by 3 :00 p .m. on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. On designated Air Pollution Watch Days , the Contractor shall bear the respons ibility of being aware that such days have been designated Air Pollution Watch Days and as such shall not begin work until 10:00 a .m . whenever construction phasing requires the use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1 hour. However, the Contractor may begin work prior to 10 :00 a .m . if use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour, or if equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Emitting", or equipment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel emulsions , or alternative fuels such as CNG. If the Contractor is unable to perform continuous work for a period of at least seven hours between the hours of 7 :00 a.m . - 6 :00 p.m ., on a designated Air Pollution Watch Day, that day w ill be considered as a weather day and added onto the allowable weather days of a given month . CONSTRUCTION 41. PAY ITEM-UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION : See Standard Specifications Item No . 106 , "Unclassified Street Excavation" for specifications governing this item . Removal of existing penetration or asphalt pavement shall be included in this item . Operations necessary to windrow existing gravel base in order to lower or raise subgrade shall be considered as subsidiary to this item and no additional compensation shall be given as such . 05/27/05 SP -16 ' During the construction of this project, it is required that all parkways be excavated and shaped at the same time the roadway is excavated . Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the engineer. The intention of the City is to pay only the plan quantity without measurement. Should either contracting party be able to show an error in the quantities exceeding 1 O percent, then actual quantities will be paid for at the unit prices bid. The party requesting the payment of actual rather than plan quantities is responsible for bearing any survey and/or measurement costs necessary to verify the actual quantities. 42 . PAY ITEM - 7 % "REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT: (a) All applicable provisions of standard Specifications Item 314 "Concrete Pavement," shall apply. The Contractor shall use a six (6) sack concrete mix for all hand placement in the intersections . The unit price bid per square yard shall be full payment for all labor, material , equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. (b) Once an evaluation of the pavement is made to determine whether the crack is due to d istress o r minor shrinkage , the follow ing policy will apply: (1) When the crack is minor and due to shrinkage (cosmetic), then no further treatment will be needed . (2) If the crack is due to d istress (structural), the failed pavement must be removed and replaced a minimum of 5 feet. In no case should the remaining portion of the panel be less than 5 feet w ide after repairing the fa iled panel. (3) Any crack with in 12 inches of any joint must be removed and replaced a minimum of 5 feet to prevent future spalling of the pavement. (c) All concrete pavement not placed by hand shall be placed using a fully automated pav ing machine as approved by the Construction Engineer. Screeds will not be allowed except if approved by the Construction Engineer. 43 . PAY ITEM -SILICONE JOINT SEALING FOR CONCRETE PAVEMENT : 1. SCOPE CITY OF FORT WORTH , TEXAS TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATION for SILICONE JOINT SEALING (Revision 1, October 18 , 1989) (Revision 2 , May 12, 1994) This specification for s ilicone joint sealing Portland Cement Concrete pavement and curbs shall supersede Item 314 .2 . ( 11) "Joint Sealing Materials" of STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - CITY OF FORT WORTH , and Item 2 .210 "Joint Sealing" of STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION -NORTH TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. 2 . MATERIALS 2 .1 The silicone joint sealant shall meet Federal Specification TT-S-001543A for Class A sealant except as modified by the test requirements of this specification . Before the installation of the joint sealant, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer certification by an independent testing laboratory that the silicone joint 05/27/05 SP -17 sealant meet these requirements. 2.2 The manufacturer of the silicone joint sealant shall have a min imum two-year demonstrated , documented successful field performance with Portland Cement Concrete pavement silicone joint sealant systems. Verifiable documentation shall be submitted to the Engineer. Acetic acid cure sealants shall not be accepted. The silicone sealant shall be cold applied. 2.3 Self-Leveling Silicone Joint Sealant The joint sealant shall be Dow Corning 890-SL self-leveling silicone joint sealant as manufactured by Dow Corning Corporation, Midland , Ml 48686-0994 , or an approved equal. Self-Leveling Silicone Joint Sealant Test Method Test Requirement AS SUPPLIED **** MIL-S-8802 ASTM D 1475 **** **** **** AS CURED -AFTER ASTM D 412, Die C ASTM D 3583 (Sect. 14 Mod .) ASTM C 719 ASTM D 3583 (Sect. 14 Mod.) ASTM D 3583 (Sect. 14 Mod .) Non Volatile Content, % min . Extrusion Rate, grams/minute Specific Gravity Skin-Over Time, minutes max. Cure Time, days Full Adhesion , days Mod . Elongation, % min . Modulus @ 150% Elongation, psi max. Movement, 10 cycles@ +100/-50% Adhesion to Concrete , % Elongation min . Adhes ion to Asphalt, % Elongation min. 96 to 99 275 to 550 1.206 to 1.340 60 14 to 21 14 to 21 1400 9 No Failure 600 600 2.4 The joint filler sop shall be of a closed cell expanded polyethylene foam backer rod and polyethylene bond breaker tape of sufficient size to provide a t ight seal. The back rod and breaker tape shall be installed in the saw-cut joint to prevent the joint sealant from flowing to the bottom of the joint. The backer rod and breaker tape shall be compatible with the silicone joint sealant and no bond or reaction shall occur between them. Reference is made to the "Construction Detail " sheet for the various joint details with their respective dimensions . 3. TIME OF APPLICATION 05/27/05 On newly constructed Portland Cement Concrete pavement, the joints shall be initially saw cut to the required depth with the proper joint spacing as shown on the "Construction Detail " sheet or as directed by the Engineer within 12 hours of the pavement placement. (Note that for the "dummy" joints, the initial 1/4 inch SP -18 width "green" saw-cut and the "reservoir" saw cut are identical and should be part of the same saw cutting operation . Immediately after the saw cutting pressure washing shall be applied to flush the concrete slurry from the freshly saw cut joints.) The pavement shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of seven (7) days. Then the saw cuts for the joint sealant reservoir shall be made , the joint cleaned , and the joint sealant installed . During the application of the joint sealant, the weather shall not be inclement and the temperature shall be 40F (4C) and rising . 4. EQUIPMENT 4 .1 All necessary equipment shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall keep his equipment in a satisfactory working condition and shall be inspected by the Eng ineer prior to the beginn ing of the work . The minimum requirements for construction equipment shall be as follows : 4 .2 Concrete Saw: The sawing equipment shall be adequate in size and power to complete the joint sawing to the required dimensions. 4.3 High Pressure Water Pump: The high pressure cold water pumping system shall be capable of delivering a sufficient pressure and volume of water to thoroughly flush the concrete slurry from the saw-cut joint. 4.4 Air Compressors: The delivered compressed air shall have a pressure in excess of 90 psi and 120 cfm . There shall be suitable reaps for the removal of all free water and oil from the compressed air. The blow-tube shall fir into the saw-cut joint. 4.5 Extrusion Pump : The output shall be capable of supply ing a sufficient volume of sealant to the joint. 4.6 Injection Tool : This mechanical device shall apply the sealant uniformly into the joint. 4. 7 Sandblaster: The des ign shall be for commercial use with air compressors as specified in Paragraph 5.4 . 4.8 Backer Rod Roller and Tooling Instrument: These devices shall be clean and free of contamination . They shall be compatible with the jo in depth and width requirements . 5 . CONSTRUCTION METHODS 5.1 General : The joint reservoir saw cutting , cleaning , bond breake r installation , and joint sealant placement shall be performed in a continuous sequence of operations 5.2 Sawing Joints: The joints shall be saw-cut to the width and depth as shown on the "Construction Deta il" sheet. The faces of the joints shall be uniform in width and depth along the full length of the joint. 5.3 Clean ing Joints : Immediately after sawing , the resulting concrete slurry shall be completely removed from the joint and adjacent area by flushing with high pressure water. The water flushing shall be done in one-direction to prevent joint contamination. 05/27/05 SP-19 When the Contractor elects to saw the joint by the dry method, flushing the joint w ith high pressure water may be deleted. The dust resulting from the sawing shall be removed from the joint by using compressed air. (Paragraph Rev. 1, October 18, 1989) After complete drying, the joints shall be sandblasted . The nozzle shall be attached to a mechan ical aiming device so that the sand blast will be directed at an angle of 45 degrees and at a distance of one to two inches from the face of the joint. Both joint faces shall be sandblasted in separate, one directional passes. Upon the termination of the sandblasting, the joints shall be blown-out using compressed air. The blow tube shall fit into the joints. The blown joint shall be checked for residual dust or other contamination . If any dust or contam ination is found, the sandblasting and blowing shall be repeated until the joint is cleaned . Solvents will not be permitted to remove stains and contamination. Immediately upon cleaning , the bond breaker and sealant shall be placed in the joint. Open , cleaned joints shall not be left unsealed overnight. Bond Breaker Rod and Tape: The bond breaker rod and tae shall be installed in the cleaned joint prior to the application of the joint sealant in a manner that will produce the required dimensions. 5.4 Joint Sealant: Upon placement of the bond breaker rod and tape, the joint sealant shall be applied using the mechanical injection tool. The joint sealant application shall not be permitted when the air and pavement temperature is less than 40F (4C). Joints shall not be sealed unless they are clean and dry. Unsatisfactorily sealed joints shall be refilled . Excess sealant left on the pavement surface shall be removed and discarded and shall not be used to seal the joints. The pavement surface shall present a clean final condition . Traffic shall not be allowed on the fresh sealant until it becomes tack-free . Approval of Joints: A representative of the sealant manufacturer shall be present at the job site at the beginning of the final cleaning and sealing of the joints . He shall demonstrate to the Contractor and the Engineer the acceptable method for sealant installation . The manufacturer's representative shall approve the clean , dry joints before the sealing operation commences. 6 . WARRANTY The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a manufacturer's written guarantee on all joint sealing materials. The manufacturer shall agree to provide any replacement material free of charge to the City . Also, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer a written warranty on all sealed joints. The Contractor shall agree to replace any failed joints at no cost to the City. Both warranties shall be for two years after final acceptance of the completed work by the Engineer. 7. BASIS OF PAYMENT 05/27/05 Payment will be made at the Contract bid item unit price bid per linear foot (L.F .) as provided in "MEASUREMENT" for "SILICONE JOINT SEALING", which price of SP -20 shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, delivery, and application of those sealing materials and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the silicone joint sealing in conformity with the plans and these specifications. 44. PAY ITEM-7" CONCRETE CURB : The Contractor may, at his option , construct either integral or superimposed curb. Standard Specification Item 502 shall apply except as follows : Integral curb shall be constructed along the edge of the pavement as an integral part of the slab and of the same concrete as the slab : The concrete for the curb shall be deposited not more than thirty (30) minutes after the concrete in the slab. If the Contractor fails to backfill behind the curb within seven (7) calendar days of pouring the curb and gutter, the amount paid for the curb shall be reduced by 25% until the backfill operation is complete . 45. PAY ITEM -RETAINING WALL: This item will consist of placing retaining walls in locations and at heights determined by the engineer in the field . All applicable section of City of Fort Worth Standard Specification item 518 shall apply except as follows : Retaining wall shall be constructed per City of Fort Worth Construction Standard Drawing No. S-M13 "Retaining Wall With Sidewalk" where applicable . All existing brick and/or stone retaining walls not significantly impacted by proposed grade changes will be protected . Replacement of retaining walls not impacted by proposed grade changes will be at the expense of the Contractor. 46. PAY ITEM -REPLACE EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER: This item is included for the purpose and removing and replacing existing curb and gutter in transition areas as determined by the Engineer in the field. The proposed curb and gutter will be of the same dimensions as the existing curb and gutter to be removed . Quantities for this pay item are approximate and are given only to establish a unit price for the work The price bid per linear foot for "REPLACE EXIST. CURB AND GUTIER" as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment , tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 47. PAY ITEM -HMAC TRANSITION : This item will consist of the furnishing and placing at varying thicknesses an HMAC surface in transition areas where indicated on the plans, as specified in these specifications and at other locations as may be directed by the Engineer. This item shall be governed by all applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 312 . The price bid per ton HMAC Transition as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 48. PAY ITEM - -6" PIPE SUBDRAIN : No specific location for this item is designated on the plans . Subdrain shall be installed only if field conditions indicate ground water at subgrade level after excavation and if deemed necessary by the Engineer. 49. PAY ITEM-TRENCH SAFETY: Description : This item will consist of the basic requirements which the Contractor must comply with in order to provide for the safety and health of workers in a trench . The Contractor shall develop, design and implement the trench excavation safety protection system . The Contractor shall bear the sole 05/27/05 SP-21 responsibility for the adequacy of the trench safety system and providing "a safe place to work" for the workman. The trench excavation safety protection system shall be used for all trench excavations deeper than five (5) feet. The Excavating and Trenching Operation Manual of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, shall be the minimum governing requirement of this item and is hereby made a part of this specification . The Contractor shall, in addition , comply with all other applicable Federal, State and local rules, regulations and ordinances. Measurement and Payment: All methods used for trench excavation safety protection shall be measured by the linear foot of trench and paid at the unit price in the Proposal, which shall be total compensation for furnishing design, materials, tools, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary, including removal of the system. Trench depth for payment purposes for Trench Safety Systems is the vertical depth as measured from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of the pipe. 50. PAY ITEM -6" THICK LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE & CEMENT FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION : See Standard Specifications Item No. 210, "Lime Treatment (Material Manipulation)" and Specification Item No. 212 , "Hydrated Lime and Lime Slurry" for specifications governing this item . Quantities for this pay item are approximate and are given only to establish a unit price for the work. The price bid per square yard for "8" THICK LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE" as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. The price bid per ton for "LIME FOR SU BG RADE STABILIZATION" as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials necessary to complete the work. 51 . PAY ITEM -CONCRETE FLAT WORK (CURB, CURB & GUTTER. SIDEWALKS, LEADWALKS, WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DRIVEWAYS): Concrete flatwork is defined as curb, curb and gutter, sidewalks, leadwalks, wheelchair ramps and driveways as shown in the plans. This provision governs the sequence of work related to concrete flatwork and shall be considered a supplement to the specifications governing each specific item . Required backfilling and finished grading adjacent to flatwork shall be completed in order for the flatwork to be accepted and measured as completed . No payment will be made for flatwork until the pay item has been completed , which includes backfilling and finished grading. 52. PAY ITEM-REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK, DRIVEWAYS, STEPS, LEADWALKS AND WHEEL CHAIR RAMPS : This item includes removal of existing concrete sidewalks , driveways, steps, leadwalks and wheelchair ramps at location shown on the plans or as designed by the Engineer. See Item No. 104 "Removing Old Concrete", for Specifications governing this item. 53 . PAY ITEM-REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER: Where shown on the plans or where designated by the Engineer, existing curb and or gutter and existing laid down curb shall be removed and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Measurement will be by the linear foot for curb and gutter, laydown curb removed, and for all labor, tools , .and incidentals necessary to complete the job. 05/27/05 SP-22 54 . PAY ITEM-REMOVE EXISTING CURB INLET: This item shall include all labor, materials , and equipment necessary to remove and dispose of the existing inlet and removal and connection of the existing RCCP lead pipe inlet as shown on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. 55 . PAY ITEM -6" THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY: See Standard Specification Item No. 504 , "Concrete Sidewalks and Driveways" for specifications governing this item as well as details S-S5 and S-S5A. The price bid per square foot for "6 " THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY" as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 56 . PAY ITEM-REMOVE AND CONSTRUCT CONCRETE STEPS: See Standard Specification Item No . 516, "Concrete Steps" for specifications governing this item as well as details SM-3. The price bid per each for "REMOVE CONCRETE STEPS" and "CONSTRUCT CONCRETE STEPS" as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the removal and construction of each set of concrete steps. 57. PAY ITEM - 4 ' STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK, LEADWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMP : All applicable provisions of standard Specifications Item 104 "Removing Old Concrete" and Item 504 "Concrete Sidewalk Driveways" shall apply except as herein modified . The Contractor shall construct standard concrete wheelchair ramps as shown on the enclosed details , or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not remove any regulatory sign, instruction sign , street name and sign or other sign which has been erected by the City. The Contractor shall contact Signs and Marking Division , TPW (Phone 871-7738). All concrete flared surfaces shall be colored with LITHOCHROME color hardener as manufactured by L.M . Scofield Company or equal. The color hardener shall be brick red color and dry-shake type , and shall be used in accordance with manufacturers instructions . "Contractor shall provide a colored sample concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches dimension, or other d imension approved by the Engineer, meeting the aforementioned specification . The sample , upon approval by the Engineer, shall be the acceptable standard to be applied for all construction covered in the scope of th is pay item . The method of application shall be by screen , sifter, sieve or other means in order to provide for a uniform color distribution ." 58. PAY ITEM-REMOVE AND REPLACE FENCE: Th is item shall include the removal and reconstruction of the existing fence at the locations shown on the plans or where deemed necessary by the Engineer. The Contractor shall exercise caution in removing and salvaging the materials to they may be used in reconstructing the fence . Their constructed fence shall be equal in every way, or superior, to the fence removed. The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping livestock within the fenced areas during construction operation and wh ile removing and relocating the fence , and for any damage or injury sustained by persons , livestock or 05/27/05 SP-23 property on account of any act of omission , neglect or misconduct of his agents, employees , or subcontractors. The unit price per linear foot shown on the Proposal shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipments , tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work . 59. PAY ITEM -REMOVE AND RECONSTRUCT MAILBOXES/ MISCELLANEOUS: This item includes the removal and reconstruction of existing mailboxes , brick walls , flowerbed trim and miscellaneous items within the right of way which may be damaged or removed during construction . When possible , the Contractor shall salvage ex isting materials for reuse in the replacement or repair of damaged or removed items. Items which are to be repaired or reconstructed should look architecturally the same in material and appearance and should be reconstructed or repaired in a better or new condition . All applicable provisions of City of Fort Worth Construction Standards shall apply. 60. PAY ITEM -BORROW: The non-expansive earth fill should consist of soil materials w ith a liquid limit of 35 or less, a plasticity index between 8 and 20 , a minimum of 35 percent passing the No. 200 sieve , a minimum of 85 percent pass ing the No . 4 sieve , and which are free of organics or other deleterious materials . When compacted to the recommended moisture and density, the material should have a maximum free swell value of 0.5 percent and a maximum hydraulic conductivity (permeability) of 1 E-05 cm/sec, as determined by laboratory testing of remolded specimens of the actual materials proposed for the non- expansive earth fill. 61 . PAY ITEM-CEMENT STABILZATION : All applicable provis ions of Item 214 , 'Portland Cement Treatment' shall apply. 62. PAY ITEM-CEMENT: All applicable provisions of Item 214 , 'Portland Cement Treatment' shall apply. 63. PAY ITEM-NEW 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER: This item shall include the construction of concrete valley gutters at various locations to be determined in field . Removal of existing , asphalt pavement , concrete base , curb and gutter, and necessary excavation to install the concrete valley gutters all shall be subsidiary to this pay item . Furnishing and placing of 2 :27 concrete base and crushed limestone to a depth as directed by the Engineer and necessary asphalt transitions as shown in the concrete valley gutter details shall be subsidiary to this Pay Item . See standard specificat ion Item No . 314", Concrete Pavement", Item 312 "Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete", Item No . 104 , "Removing Old Concrete", Item No . 106 , "Unclassified Street Excavat ion" Item No. 208 "Flexible Base." Measurement for final quantities of valley gutter will be by the square yard of concrete pavement and the curb and gutter section will be included . Contractor may substitute 5" non-reinforced (2 :27) Concrete Base in lieu of Crushed Stone at no additional cost. See Item 314" Concrete Pavement". The concrete shall be designed to achieve a minimum compressive strength of 3000 pounds per square inch . Contractor shall work on one-half of Valley gutter at a time , and the other half sha ll be open to traffic. Work shall be completed on each half within seven (7) calendar days . 05/27/05 SP-24 64. PAY ITEM -STORM DRAIN INLETS: An alternative method of construction for these items will be "Pre-Cast' manholes and inlets. If the Contractor desires to use this method, he must submit details for the construction to the Transportation and Public Works Department fore review and approval if said details are acceptable . The Pre-Cast construction must be equal or superior to the strength requirements for this item as set out in Item 444 , "Manholes and Inlets" and said construction shall be in compliance with all other requirements of Item 444 where applicable. 65 . PAY ITEM-TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STORM DRAIN : Work under this item includes all the proposed excavation and backfill in the project area and the necessary fill area . Payment will be made for the quantity of earth excavated/backfilled . The placing of fill shall be subsidiary to the trench excavation/backfill price. Excess material which is obtained from excavating the trench shall be used for fill placement subject to the provisions of Item 114 of the City of Fort Worth Standard Specifications . All excavated material which is unacceptable as fill material shall become the property of the Contractor to be hauled off the site and disposed of properly. Unacceptable material shall be, but not limited to : rocks , concrete, asphalt, debris, etc. The cost for removal and disposal of unacceptable material shall be subsidiary to the unit prices . 66 . PAY ITEM -STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION (FOR DISTURBED AREAS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 1 ACRE): PERMIT: As defined by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations, a Texas · Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Construction Permit is required for all construction activities that result in the disturbance of one to five acres (Small Construction Activity) or five or more acres of total land (Large Construction Activity). The Contractor is defined as an "operator" by state regulations and is required to obtain a permit. Information concerning the . permit can be obtained through the Internet at http ://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/permitting/water perm/wwperm/construct.html. Soil stabilization and structural practices have been selected and designed in accordance with North Central Texas Council of Governments Best Management Practices and Erosion Control Manual for Construction Activities (BMP Manual). This manual can be obtained through the Internet at www.dfwstormwater.com/runoff.html. Not all of the structural controls discussed in the BMP Manual will necessarily apply to this project. Best Management Practices are construction management techniques that, if properly utilized , can minimize the need for physical controls and possible reduce costs. The methods of control shall result in minimum sediment retention of not less than 70%. NOTICE OF INTENT (NOi): If the project will result in a total land disturbance equal to or greater than 5 acres , the Contractor shall sign at the pre-construction meeting a TCEQ Notice of Intent (NOi) form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notification to the TCEQ of construction activity as well as a commitment that the Contractor understands the requirements of the permit for storm water discharges from construction activities and that measures will be taken to implement and maintain storm water pollution prevention at the site. The NOi shall be submitted to the TCEQ at least 48 hours prior to the Contractor moving on site and shall include the required $100 application fee. The NOi shall be mailed to : Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team ; MC-228 P.O. Box 13087 Austin , TX 78711 -3087 A copy of the NOi shall be sent to : City of Fort Worth 05/27/05 SP-25 Department of Environmental Management 5000 MLK Freeway Fort Worth, TX 76119 NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT): For all sites that qualify as Large Construction Activity , the Contractor shall sign , prior to final payment, a TCEQ Notice of Termination {NOT) form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notice that the site is no longer subject to the requirement of the permi t. The NOT should be mailed to : Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team ; MC-228 P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP): A document consisting of an erosion control and toxic waste management plan and a narrative defining site parameters and techniques to be employed to reduce the release of sediment and pollution from the construction site . Five of the project SWPPP 's are available for viewing at the plans desk of the Department of Engineering . The selected Contractor shall be provided with three copies of the SWPPP after award of contract, along with unbounded copies of all forms to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. LARGE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY -DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5 ACRES : A Notice of Intent {NOi) form shall be completed and submitted to the TCEQ including payment of the TCEQ required fee . A SWPPP that meets all TCEQ requirements prepared by the Engineer shall be prepared and implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall be incorporated into in the contract documents . The · Contractor shall submit a schedule for implementation of the SWPPP. Deviations from the plan must be submitted to the engineer for approval. The SWPPP is not warranted to meet all the conditions of the permit since the actual construction activities may vary from those anticipated during the preparation of the SWPPP. Modifications may be required to fully conform to the requirements of the Permit. The Contractor must keep a copy of the most current SWPPP at the construction site. Any alterations to the SWPPP proposed by the Contractor must be prepared and submitted by the Contractor to the engineer for review and approval. A Notice of Termination {NOT) form shall be submitted within 30 days after final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that is the responsibility of the permittee , or, when another permitted operator assumes control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized . SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY -DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ONE ACRE BUT LESS THAN FIVE ACRES: Submission of a NOi form is not required . However, a TCEQ Site Notice form must be completed and posted at the site . A copy of the completed Site Notice must be sent to the City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management at the address listed above . A SWPPP , prepared as described above, shall be implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP must include descriptions of control measures necessary to prevent and control soil erosion , sedimentation and water pollution and will be included in the contract documents. The control measures shall be installed and maintained throughout the construction to assure effective and continuous water pollution control. The controls may include , but not be limited to , silt fences , straw bale dikes , rock berms, diversion dikes , interceptor swales, sediment traps and basins , pipe slope drain , inlet protection , stabilized construction entrances , seeding , sodding , mulching , soil retention blankets , or other structural or non-structural storm water pollution controls . The method of control shall result in a minimum sediment retention of 70% as defined by the NCTCOG "BMP Manual." Deviations from the proposed control measures must be submitted to the engineer for approval. PAYMENT FOR SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION : Payment shall be made per lump sum as shown on the proposal as full compensation for all items contained in the project SWPPP . 05/27/05 SP-26 FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE, SPECIAL PROVISION 23 -40 SHALL BE APPLICABLE. 67. PRE BID ITEM-PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN: The Contractor shall construct and install two (2) Project Designation Signs and it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain the signs in a presentable condition at all times on each project under construction . Maintenance will include painting and repairs as directed by the Engineer. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to have the individual project signs lettered and painted in accordance with the enclosed detail. The quality of the paint, painting and lettering on the signs shall be approved by the Engineer. The height and arrangement of the lettering shall be in accordance with the enclosed detail. The sign shall be constructed of~" fir plywood , grade A-C (exterior) or better. These signs shall be installed on barricades or as directed by the Engineer and in place at the project site upon commencement of construction. The work , which includes the painting of the signs , installing and removing the signs, furn ishing the materials, supports and connections to the support and maintenance shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The unit price bid per each will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals n~cessary to complete the work . 68 . PRE BID ITEM -UTILITY ADJUSTMENT: This item is included for the basic purpose of establishing a contract price which will be comparable to the final cost of making necessary adjustments required due to street improvements to water, sanitary sewer and natural gas service lines and appurtenances where such service lines and appurtenances are the property owner's responsibility to maintain . An arbitrary figure has been placed in the Proposal ; however, this does not guarantee any payment for utility adjustments , neither does it confine utility adjustments to the amount shown in the Proposal. It shall be the "Contractor" responsibility to provide the services of a licensed plumber to make the utility adjustments determined necessary by the Engineer. No payment will be made for utility adjustments except those adjustments determined necessary by the Engineer. Should the Contractor damage service lines due to his negligence, where such lines would not have required adjustment or repair otherwise, the lines shall be repaired and adjusted by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. The payment to the Contractor for utility adjustments shall be the actual cost of the adjustments plus ten percent (10%) to cover the cost of bond and overhead incurred by the Contractor in handling the utility adjustments. 69. PRE BID ITEM -TOP SOIL: The proposed quantities shown are calculated to provide topsoil 4 to 6 inches in depth (compacted) over the parkway area and do not include deeper than design depth behind the curb . The pay item is intended to pay for topsoil that must be imported where suitable material is either not available on the job or cannot reasonably be stored on-site. Payment will be made on the basis of loose truck volume (full truck with sideboards up) tickets and material must meet City of Fort Worth standards for topsoil. Only the volume imported will be paid for and may be substantially less than the proposal quantities listed . 70. PRE BID ITEM -ADJUST WATER VALVE BOX: Contractor will be responsible for adjusting water valve boxes to match new pavement grade. The water valves themselves will be adjusted by City of Fort Worth Water Department forces . The unit price bid will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 05/27/05 SP-27 71 . PRE BID ITEM -MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT: This item shall include adjusting the tops of existing and/or proposed manholes to match proposed grade as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Standard Specification Item No. 450 shall apply except as follows : Included as part of this pay item shall be the application of a cold-applied preformed flexible butyl rubber or plastic sealing compound for sealing interior and/or exterior joints on concrete manhole sections as per current City Water Department Special Conditions. 72. PRE BID ITEM -ADJUST WATER METER BOX: This item shall include raising or lowering an existing meter box to the parkway grade specified. No payment will be made for existing boxes, which are within 0 .1' of specified parkway grade. The unit price bid will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 73. NON-PAY ITEM -CLEARING AND GRUBBING: All objectionable items within the limits of this project and not otherwise provided for shall be removed under this item in accordance with Standard Specification Item 102, "Clearing and Grubbing." However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered incidental to this contract. 74 . NON-PAY ITEM -SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL: All applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 200, "Sprinkling for Dust Control" shall apply. However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered incidental to t his contract. 75. NON-PAY ITEM -PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL: All property along and adjacent to the Contractor's operations including lawns, yards, shrubs, trees, etc. shall be preserved or restored after completion of the work to a condition equal or better than existed prior to start of work. By ordinance, the Contractor must obtain a permit from the City Forester before any work (trimming, removal or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs growing on public property including street rights-of-way and designated alleys . This permit can be obtained by calling the Forestry Office at 871- 5738. All tree work shall be in compliance with pruning standards for Class II Pruning as described by the National Arborist Association . A copy of these standards can be provided by calling the above number. Any damage to public trees due to negligence by the Contractor shall be assessed using the current formula for Shade Tree Evaluation as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture. Payment for negligent damage to public trees shall be made to the City of Fort Worth and may be withheld from funds due to the Contractor by the City. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wilt fungus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be immediately sealed using a commercial pruning paint. This is the only instance when pruning paint is recommended. 76. NON-PAY ITEM -CONCRETE COLORED SURFACE: Concrete wheelchair ramp surfaces , excluding the side slopes and curb, shall be colored with LITHOCHROME color hardener or equal. A brick red color, a dry-shake hardener manufactured by L.M . Scofield Company or equal, shall be used in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Contractor shall provide a sample concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches dimension, or other dimension approved by the Engineer, meeting the aforementioned specifications. The sample, upon approval of the Engineer, shall be the acceptable standard to be applied for all construction covered in the scope of this Non-Pay Item. No direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered incidental to this contract. 05/27/05 SP-28 The method of application shall be by screen, sifter, sieve, or other means in order to provide for a uniform color distribution . 77. NON-PAY ITEM -PROJECT CLEAN-UP: The Contractor shall be aware that keeping the project site in a neat and orderly condition is considered an integral part of the contracted work and as such shall be considered subsidiary to the appropriate bid items. Clean up work shall be done as directed by the Engineer as the work progresses or as needed . If, in the opinion of the Engineer it is necessary, clean up shall be done on a daily basis. Clean up work shall include, but not be limited to: • Sweeping the street clean of dirt or debris • Storing excess material in appropriate and organized manner • Keeping trash of any kind off of residents' property If the Engineer does not feel that the jobsite has been kept in an orderly condition, on the next estimate payment (and all subsequent payments until completed) of the appropriate bid item(s) will be reduced by 25%. Final cleanup work shall be done for this project as soon as the paving and curb and gutter has been constructed. No more than seven days shall elapse after completion of construction before the roadway and right-of-way is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 78. NON-PAY ITEM -PROJECT SCHEDULE: Contractor shall be responsible for producing a project schedule at the pre-construction conference. This schedule shall detail all phases of construction, including project clean up , and allow the Contractor to complete the work in the allotted time. Contractor will not move on to the jobsite nor will work begin until said schedule has been received and approval secured from the Construction Engineer. However, contract time will start even if the project schedule has not been turned in . Project schedule will be updated and resubmitted at the end of every estimating period . All costs involved with producing and maintaining the project schedule shall be considered subsidiary to this contract. 79. NON-PAY ITEM -NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENTS : In order to cut down on the number of complaints from residents due to the dust generated when saw- cutting joints in concrete pavement, the Contractor shall notify residents , in writing , at least 48 hours in advance of saw-cutting joints during the construction of paving projects. All costs involved with providing such written notice shall be considered subsidiary to this contract. 80. NON-PAY ITEM-PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION : Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, the Contractor shall , on a block by block basis, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction . The notice shall be prepared as follows: The notification notice or flyer shall be posted seven (7) days prior to beginning any construction activity on each block in the project area. The flyer shall be prepared on the Contractor's letterhead and shall include the following information : Name of Project, DOE No., Scope of Project (i .e. type of construction activity), actual construction duration within the block , the name of the Contractor's foreman and his phone number, the name of the City's inspector and his phone number and the City's after-hours phone number. A sample of the 'pre-construction notification ' flyer is attached . The Contractor shall submit a s~hedule showing the construction start and finish time for each block of the project to the inspector. In addition , a copy of the flyer shall be delivered to the City Inspector for his review prior to being distributed . The Contractor will not be allowed to begin construction on any block until the flyer is delivered to all residents of the block. An electronic version of the sample flyer can be obtained from the construction office at 871-8306. 05/27/05 SP-29 All work involved with the pre-construction notification flyer shall be considered subsidiary to the contract price and no additional compensation shall be made. 81. NON-PAY ITEM -PRE-CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: After the pre-construction conference has been held but before construction is allowed to begin on this project a public meeting will be held at a location to be determined by the Engineer. The Contractor, inspector, and project manager shall meet with all affected residents and present the projected schedule, including construction start date, and answer any construction related questions. Every effort will be made to schedule the neighborhood meeting within the two weeks following the pre- construction conference but in no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. 82 . NON-PAY ITEM -WASHED ROCK: All washed rock used for embedment or backfill or as otherwise directed by the Engineer shall washed , crushed stone and shall meet the following gradation and abrasion : (Actual washing not required if gradation is met) Sieve Size 1" 1/2" 3/8 " #4 #8 % Retained 0-10 40-75 55-90 90-100 95-100 Los Angeles Abras ion Test: 50% Maximum wear per A.S .T.M. Designation C-13 1. 83. NON-PAY ITEM -SAWCUT OF EXISTING CONCRETE: When existing concrete or H.M.A.C . is cut, such cuts shall be made with a concrete saw. The Contractor may break out curb and gutter to the nearest joint if he chooses . All sawing shall be subsidiary to the unit cost of the respective item . 84 . NON PAY ITEM-LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND WATER VALVES : The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking all previously exposed manholes and water valves in each street of this contract before the recycling process commences for a particular street. The Contractor shall attempt to include the construction engineer (if he is available) in the observation and marking activity. In any event a street shall be completely marked a minimum to two (2) working days before recycling begins on any street. Marking the curbs with paint is a recommended proced u re . It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the utility companies that he has commenced work on the project. As the recycling is completed (within the same day) the Contractor shall locate the covered manholes and valves and expose them for later adjustment. Upon completion of a street the Contractor shall notify the utilities of this completion and indicate that start of the next one in order for the utilities to adjust facilities accordingly. The following are utility contact persons: Company Southwestern Bell Telephone Texas Utilities Lone Star Telephone Number (817) 338-6275 (817) 336-9411 ext. 2121 (817) 336-8381 ext. 372 Contact Person "Hot Line" Mr. Roy Kruger Mr. Jim Bennett Of course , under the terms of this contract , the Contractor shall complete adjustment of the storm drain and Water Department fac ilities, one traffic lane at a time within five (5) working days after completing the laying of proposed H.M.A.C . overlay adjacent to said facilities . Any deviation from the above procedure and allotted work ing days may result in the shut down of the recycling operation by the Construction Engineer. 05/27/05 SP-30 The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials, equipment and labor to perform a most accurate job and all costs to the Contractor shall be figured subsidiary to this contract. 85. NON PAY ITEM-TIE IN INTO STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE: The cost for making lateral tie-ins to the storm drain structure shall be subsidiary to the bid price for the respective lines. 86 . NON PAY ITEM-SPRINKLER HEAD ADJUSTMENT: The adjustment and/or relocation of sprinkler heads encountered shall be paid for under utility adjustment in the proposal section . No other compensation will be provided. · 87 . NON PAY ITEM -FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE-INSPECTIONS : A fee for street use permits is in effect. In addition, a separate fee for re-inspections for parkway construction, such as driveways, sidewalks, etc., will be required . The fees are as follows : The street permit fee is $50 .00 per permit with payment due at the time of permit application. A re-inspection fee of $25.00 will be assessed when work for which an inspection called for is incomplete. Payment is due prior to the City performing re-inspection . Payment by the Contractor for all street use permits and re-inspections shall be considered subsidiary to the contract cost and no additional compensation shall be made. 88 . NON PAY ITEM -TEMPORARY EROSION, SEDIMENT AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL (FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE): A. DESCRIPTION : This item shall consist of temporary soil erosion sediment and water pollution control measures deemed necessary by the Engineer for the duration of the contract. These control measures shall at no time be used as a substitute for the permanent control measure unless otherwise directed by the engineer and they shall not include measures taken by the CONTRACTOR to control conditions created by his construction operations. The temporary measures shall include dikes, dames, berms , sediment basins , fiber mats, jute netting, temporary seeding, straw mulch , asphalt mulch , plastic liners, rubble liners, baled-hay retards , dikes, slope drains and other devices. B. CONSTRUCTION REQUIRMENTS: The Engineer has the authority to define erodible earth and the authority to limit the surface are of erodible-earth material exposed by preparing right-of-way, clearing and grubbing , the surface area of erodible-earth material exposed by excavation , borrow and to direct the CONTRACTOR to provide temporary pollution-control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams, other water course, lakes, ponds or other areas of water impoundment. Such work may involve the construction of temporary berms, dikes, dams, sediment basins, slope drains and use of temporary mulches , mats, seeding or other control devices or methods directed by the Engineer as necessary to control soil erosion. Temporary pollution-control measures shall be used to prevent or correct erosion that may develop during construction prior to installation of permanent pollution control features, but are not associated with permanent control features on the project. The Engineer will limit the area of preparing right-of-way, clearing and grubbing, excavation and borrow to be proportional lo the CONTRACTOR'S capability and progress in keeping the finish grading, mulching, seeding , and other such permanent pollution-control measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal conditions make such limitations unrealistic, temporary soil- erosion-control measures shall be performed as directed by the Engineer. 05/27/05 1. Waste or disposal areas and construction roads shall be located and constructed in a manner that will minimize the amount of sediment entering streams. SP-31 2. Frequent ford i ngs of live streams will not be permitted; therefore, temporary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever an appreciable number of stream crossing are necessary. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, mechanized equipment shall not be operated in live streams. 3 . When work areas or material sources are located in or adjacent to live streams, such areas shall be separated from the stream by a dike or other barrier to keep sediment from entering a flowing stream. Care shall be taken during the construction and removal of such barriers to minimize the muddying of a stream. 4. All waterways shall be cleared as soon as practicable of false work, piling, debris or other obstructions placed during construction operations that are not part of the finished work. 5 . The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions to prevent pollution of streams, lakes and reservoirs with fuels, oils, bitumens, calcium chloride or other harmful materials. He shall conduct and schedule his operations so as to avoid or minimize siltation of streams, lakes and reservoirs and to avoid interference with movement of migratory fish. E. SU BM ITT AL:. Prior to the start of the applicable construction , the Contractor shall submit for approval his schedules for accomplishment of soil-erosion-control work and his plan to keep the area of erodible-earth material to a minimum. He shall also submit for acceptance his proposed method of soil-erosion control on construction and haul roads and material sources and his plan for disposal of waste materials. No work shall be started until the soil-erosion control schedules and methods of operations have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. F . MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All work, materials and equipment necessary to provide temporary erosion control shall be considered subsidiary to the contract and no extra pay will be given for this work. 89 . NON PAY ITEM -TRAFFIC CONTROL: The Contractor will be required to obtain a "Street Use Permit" prior to starting work. As part of the .. Street Use Permie a traffic control plan is required . The Contractor shall be responsible for providing traffic control during t he construction of this project consistent with the provisions set forth in the "Latest Edition Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" issued under the authority of the "State of Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways," codified as Article 6701 d Vernon's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos . 27, 29, 30 and 31. A traffic control plan shall be submitted for review to Mr. Charles R. Burkett, City Traffic Engineer at (817) 392-8712, at the pre-construction conference. Although work will not begin until the traffic control plan has been reviewed, the Contractor's time will begin in accordance with the time frame established in the Notice to the Contractor. The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign or other sign , which has been erected by the City. If it is determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction , the Contractor shall contact the Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division, (Phone Number 871-7738) to remove the sign . In the case of regulatory signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the above-referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign . If the temporary sign is not installed correctly or if it does not meet the required specifications , the permanent sign shall be left in place until the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work is completed to the extent that the permanent sign can be reinstalled, the 05/27/05 SP-32 Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings Division to reinstall the permanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place until such reinstallation is completed. Work shall not be performed on certain locations/streets during "peak traffic periods" as determination by the City Traffic Engineer and in accordance with the applicable provision of the ·city of Fort Worth Traffic Control Handbook for Construction and Maintenance Work Areas." 05/27/05 SP-33 - PARTE SPECIFICATIONS: REFER TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION, CITY OF FORT WORTH ( T & PW DEPT.) SPECIFICATIONS: REFER TO GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER DEPT.PROJECTS - - - PARTF CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PERFORMANCE BOND PAYMENT BOND MAINTENANCE BOND CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW Pursuant to V.T.C .A. Labor Code §406.96 (2000), as amended , Contractor certifies that it provides workers' compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees employed on City of Fort Worth Department of Engineering No.5145 and City of Fort Worth Project No. P253- 5412006081700295/P258-5412007081700295/C200-5412002084000295. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § § § CONTRACTOR Stabile & Winn, Inc. Before mEt , the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared .::f €btj ;k,JDt:tS MJ , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of Stabile & Winn, Inc. for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated . Given Under My Hand and Seal of Office this d\0 day of 14re;L , 20 O 7 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas _ .-~) ALVA NELL r E VJ I' · Notar y Pu •-:,O lc ,-; ),_' ST ATE F ;:;,, AS . . My Comm. Exp . JU:~E ;' E '1 \ • "\ · "~.,_~; f,,f<KKKKt<KKKl<l<i,KhKhl-"f,.~-,I',,'\';:>. .. ~,,~ I . Bond #PRF08888764 PERFORMANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OFT ARRANT § Colonial American Casualty and That we (1) Stabile & Winn, Inc. as Principal herein, and (2) Surety Company a corporation organized under the laws of the State of (3) Maryland , and who is authorized to issue surety bonds in the State of Texas, Surety herein, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation located in Tarrant and Denton Counties , Texas, Obligee herein, in the sum of: One Million Four Hundred Ninety-nine Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-eight and 48/100 ................................. . ($1,499,988.48) Dollars for the payment of which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors , administrators , successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents . HAY 22 2007 WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a certain contract with the Obligee dated the __ of ____ _. 2007 a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, for the construction of: Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave and E. Ramsey Ave {Project No. 00295) NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, if the said Principle shall faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents and shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the Obligee from all costs and damages which Obligee may suffer by reason of Principal's default, and reimburse and repay Obligee for all outlay and expense that Obligee may incur in making good such default, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED , HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of such statute, to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the Principal and the Surety have executed this instrument. SIGNED and SEALED this MA f 2 2 200 7 , 2007. ATTE~~ (Principal) Secretary (SEAL) Witness as to Principal ...r;;..--- Address ATTEST: (Surety) Secretary (SEAL) Witness as to Surety 2005 White Settlement Rd Ft Worth, TX 76107 (Address) PO Box 79380 Saginaw, TX 79380 --- 2005 White Settlement Road Ft Worth, TX 76107 (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract (1) (2) (3) Correct Name of Contractor Correct name of Surety State of incorporation of Surety Telephone number of surety must be stated. In addition, an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by Attorney-in-Fact. The date of bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. r - 1 ' THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § § § Bond #PRF08888764 PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, (l) Stabile & Winn, Inc., as Principal herein , and (2) Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of(3) Maryland , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation located in Tarrant and Denton Counties , Texas, Obligee herein, in the amount of One Million Four Hundred Ninety-nine Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-eight and 48/100 .................................. Dollars ($1,499,988.48) for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns , jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: MAY ? 2 2007 WHEREAS , the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee dated ffi e __ day of _____ , 2007, which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as if fully and to the same extent as if copied at length, for the following project: Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave and E. Ramsey Ave (Project No. 00295) NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH , that if the said Principal shall faithfully make payment to each and every claimant (as defined in Chapter 2253 , Texas Government Code, as amended) supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work under the contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said statute, to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the duly authorized representatives of the Principal and the Surety have executed this instrument HAY ? ? ?nn1 SIGNED and SEALED this __ day of, _____ 2007. ATTEST: Stabile & Winn, Inc. PRINCIPAL ~~~ (Principal) Secreta By 'c ~L f ~-,-.::: ::-,.... Name: Jerry Hen de~s on --- ATTEST: Secretary (SE AL) Title: Vice-President Address: PO Box 79380 " - Saginaw, TX 79380 Colonial American Casualty and Surety Comp a ny SURETY :~ Attorney in Fact Address: 2005 White Se ttlement Road Ft Worth, TX 76107 Witness as to S urety Telephone Number: 817/336 -8520 NOTE: (1) (2) (3) Correct name of Principal (Contractor). Correct name of Surety. State of incorporation of Surety Telephone number of surety must be stated . In addition, an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by the Attorney-in-Fact. The date of bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. F f • Bond #PRF08888764 MAINTENANCE BOND THE ST ATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § Colonial American Casualty and That Stabile & Winn, Inc. ("Contractor''}, as principal, and _s_ur_e_ty_c_orn_p_an_Y _____ ___._ a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maryland ("Surety "), do hereby acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the City of Fort Worth , a Municipal Corporation chartered by virtue of Constitution and laws of the State of Texas , ("City") in Tarrant County, Texas, the sum of One Million Four Hundred Ninety-nine Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty- eight and 48/100 .................................................................................................................... Dollars ($1,499,988.48), lawful money of the United States, for payment of which sum well and truly be made unto said City and its successors , said Contractor and Surety do hereby bind themselves , their heirs , executors , administrators, assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, that: WHEREAS , said ~ tr~~rz this day entered into a written Contract with the City of Fort Worth, dated the __ of _____ , 2007, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the performance of the following described public improvements: Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave and E. Ramsey Ave (Project No. 00295) the same being referred to herein and in said contract as the Work and being designated as project number(s) P253-5412006081700295/P258-5412007081700295/C200-5412002084000295 and said contract, including all of the specifications, conditions , addenda , change orders and written instruments referred to therein as Contract Documents being incorporated herein and being made a part hereof; and , WHEREAS , in said Contract, Contractor binds itself to use such materials and to so construct the work that it will remain in good repair and condition for and during a period of after the date of the final acceptance of the work by the City; and WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to maintain said work in good repair and condition for said term of Two (2) years; and WHEREAS , said Contractor binds itself to repair or reconstruct the Work in whole or in part at any time within said period, if in the opinion of the Director of the City of Fort Worth Department of Engineering, it be necessary; and, I . WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself, upon receiving notice of the need therefore to repair or reconstruct said Work as herein provided . NOW THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain, repair or reconstruct said Work in accordance with all the terms and conditions of said Contract, these presents shall be null and void, and have no force or effect. Otherwise, this Bond shall be and remain in full force and effect, and the City shall have and recover from Contractor and Surety damages in the premises as prescribed by said Contract. This obligation shall be a continuing one and successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches until the full amount hereof is exhausted . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in~ counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, this __ day o~AY 2 2 2007 , AD. 2007 . ATTEST: (SEAL) Clkv~~ Secretary _:-wrTNESS: -(SE AL) ~i//0_, Stabile & Winn, Inc. Contractor Byj 'c':'Z e761-a.-L:~ry Henderson .,, Title: __ V_ic_e_-P_r_e_s1._· d_e_nt _______ _ Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company Surety ~:~ Title: Attorney-in-Fact 2005 White Settlement Road Ft Worth, TX 76107 Address EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board , or the President, or any Executive Vice-President, or a ny of the Senior Vice-Pres idents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with th e concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries , to appoint Re s ident Vice-Presidents , Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of th e Company may require , or to authorize any perso n or person s to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking , recognizances, s tipulation s, policies, contracts, agreements, deed s, and releases and assignments of judge ment s, decrees, mortgages and in s truments in the nature of mortgage s, ... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY CO MPANY "Article VI , Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice-President, or any of the Senior Vice-Presidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Commiuee , s ha ll have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the bu s iness of the Company may require , or to authorize any perso n or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bond s, undertaking , recognizances, stipu lations , policies , contracts , agreements, deeds , and releases and assignments of judge ments, decrees, mortgages and in struments in the nature of mortgages , ... and to affix the seal of th e Company thereto." CERTIFICATE I , the undersigned , Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLA ND , and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY , do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Auorney is still in full force and effect on th e date of thi s certificate; and I do further ce rtify that the Vice-President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vic e -Presidents s pecially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney-in-Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the respective By-Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. Thi s Power of Attorney and Certificate may be s igned by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Direc tors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on th e 10th day of May , 1990 and of the Board of Direc tors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on th e 5th day of May , 1994 . RESOL YEO: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company , whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney iss ued by the Company, s ha ll be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the sa id Companies, thi s l~2.t ~. ~ Assistan t Secretary Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Home Office: P.O. Box 1227, Baltimore, MD 21203-1227 IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: You may call the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company, and/or Zurich Amen.can Insurance Company's toll-free telephone number for information or to make a complaint at: 1-800-654-5155 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights, or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of insurance: P.O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 FAX# (512) 475-1771 PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning the premium or about a claim, you should first contact Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland or Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. S8543f(TX) (08/01) THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CONTRACT KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS This agreement made and entered into this the day o AY 2 2 Z007J A.D., 2007, by and between the CITY OF FORT WORTH, a municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas, organized and existing under and by virtue of a special charter adopted by the qualified voters within said City on the 11th day of December, A.D. 1924, under the authority (vested in said voters by the "Home Rule" provision) of the Constitution of Texas, and in accordance with a resolution duly passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of said city, and the City of Fort Worth being hereinafter termed Owner, Stabile & Winn, Inc., HEREINAFTER CALLED Contractor. WITNESSETH: That said parties have agreed as follows: I. That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by the Owner, and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith , the said Contractor hereby agrees with the said Owner to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave and E. Ramsey Ave (Project No. 00295) 2 . That the work herein contemplated shall consist of furnishing as an independent contractor all labor, tools, appliances and materials necessary for the construction and completion of said project in accordance with the Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents prepared by the Department of Engineering for the Transportation and Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth adopted by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, which Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents are hereto attached and made a part of this contract the same as if written herein. 3 . The Contractor hereby agrees and binds himself to commence the construction of said work within ten ( I 0) days after being notified in writing to do so by the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth. 4 . The Contractor hereby agrees t o prosecute said work with reasonable diligence after the commencement thereof and to fully complete and finish the same ready for the inspection and approval of the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth and the City Council of the C ity of Fort Worth within a period of 185 working days . If the Contractor should fail to complete the work as set forth in the Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents within the time so stipulated, plus any additional time allowed as provided in the General Conditions, there shall be deducted from any monies due or which may thereafter become due him , the sum of $420 Per working day, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, the Contractor and his Surety shall be liable to the Owner for such deficiency. 5. Should the Contractor fail to begin the work herein provided for within the time herein fixed or to carry on and complete the same according to the true meaning of the intent and terms of said Plans , Specifications and Contract Documents, then the Owner shall have the right to either demand the surety to take over the work and complete same in accordance with the Contract Documents or to take charge of and complete the work in such a manner as it may deem proper, and if in the completion thereof, the cost to the said City shall exceed the contract price or prices set forth in the said plans and specifications made a part hereof, the Contractor and/or its Surety shall pay said City on demand in writing, setting forth and specifying an itemized statement of the total cost thereof, said excess cost. 6 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify City 's engineer and architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractor 's sole negligence. In addition , Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend , at its own expense, the Owner, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss , property damage, personal injury, including death , arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees , subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not any such iniury, damage or death is caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants, or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers , servants and employees and any damage , loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of an y o f the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such iniury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants or employees .. In the event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved , or (b ) provides Owner with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. 7. The Contractor agrees, on the execution of this Contract, and before beginning work, to make , execute and deliver to said City of Fort Worth good and sufficient surety bonds for the faithfu l performance of the terms and stipulations of the Contract and for the payment to all claimants for labor and/or materials furnished in the prosecution of the work, such bonds being as provided and required in Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended , in the form included in the Contract Documents, and such bonds shall be for 100 percent of the total contract price, and said surety shall be a surety company duly and legally authorized to do business in the State of Texas , and acceptable to the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. 8. Said City agrees and binds itself to pay, and the said Contractor agrees to receive , for all of the aforesaid work, and for all additions thereto or deductions therefrom, the price shown on the Proposal submitted by the successful bidder hereto attached and made a part hereof. Payment will be made in monthly installments upon actual work completed by contractor and accepted by the Owner and receipt of invoice from the Contractor. The agreed upon total contract amount (including/excluding) alternates n/a, shall be One Million Four Hundred Ninety-nine Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-eight and 48/100 ................................................................................................................. Dollars, ($1,499,988.48). 9 . It is further agreed that the performance of this Contract, either in whole or in part, shall not be sublet or ass igned to anyone else by said Contractor without the written consent of the Director of the Department of Engineering. 10. T he Contractor agrees to pay at least the minimum wage per hour for all labor as the same is classified, promulgated and set out by the City of Fort Worth , Texas, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof the same as if it were copied verbatim herein . 11. It is mutually agreed and understood that this agreement is made and entered into by the parties hereto with references to the existing Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth and the laws of the State of Tex as with references to and governing all matters affecting this Contract, and the Contractor agrees to fully comply with all the provisions of the same. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the City of Fort Worth has caused this instrument to be signed in ~ counterparts in its name and on its behalf by the City Manager and attested by its Secretary, with the corporate seal of the City of Fort Worth attached . The Contractor has execute i instrument throu hits duly authorized officers in~ counterparts with its co orate seal attached . MA 2 2 2007 Done in Fort Worth, Texas, this the __ day of _____ ..._A.D., 2007. RECOMMENDED: BY:~ DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING APPROVED: I TRANSPORTATION/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Stabile & Winn, Inc. PO Box 79380 Saginaw, TX 79380 CONTRACTOR Jerry Henderson, Vice-President TITLE PO Box 79380 Saginaw, TX 76179-03 80 ADDRESS November 1960 Revised May 1986 Revised September 1992 CITY OF FORT WORTH CITY MANAGER Marc ~istant C:;Manager ATTEST: CITY SECRET ARY (SE AL) contr act Authorizatio• ~§/~Jori oate APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: APPENDIX A STANDARD CITY OF FORT WORTH DETAILS - - - - - - - - I I I . ,r t. . f .•. , :,.:PROJECT DESIGNA T10N SIGN! r 4• -0" .. ,' 1-------4'-o" --~:fc'---i . . . . =13" 3"C Project Title . , 1 .. 3 "C 2ND LINE 1 IF NECESSARY_/ -r 3 11 1~,,-r-t --Contractor: -=t ,,, 2~ .. LContractor's Name 12 1~"1= Scheduled Completion Date 1~" t Year 1 ,, FORT WORTll LOGO IN CHEl TINGW.M BCX.O AU. OTHER LETTERING lN AAW.. BOt.D LOGO COl.ORS: FORT WORTH -PMS 288 LONGHORN lOGO -PMS 167 LETTERING -PMS 21!8 B>,CKGROIJNO -WHITE . BORDER -BlUE 1 ,, 2 5" ,•,, 't . · 1~1-7e:· '•' I ', • : . ', . . . ~ ' ,:•, ' ,- • I ,,' (+)· ''' """LG .os ·Li ne · NPT£~: r:, · ·p·r, /1.1'.l.i.;tlar .. I ns ·t.~J:1.a:tlo_n: . . ·· : 'No :·~.r.~ ... i'~an ,Qne · ,~p.lT.ce .P.~r Copp~~ . . . . :·Jer,vtc·e,.·.;L{ne:J,rt.11 -':.ee .:Af l'ow:-d '·'wlt:h '. NO ··Sp 1) ce·1U.nder · Pa.vement. ::z~ .. >,S,e~v:rc;:~·~,4,i;~!·,)nitaJI~t l.:~ns· Sha! I ·i tnc; l~d~ . . · ... ·:'A.~::CJi.,.:~t·~~!/O'f ,C}:•.j·i :._~·~a.n .~·l;i.,t.~.r ;':~PX · At . . .. .: · .. ·,.~pp ·l '•lt.·~p:-H-:i: F.9,r.. ih~· .. $:if;~e ,:s·.e.rv.J.c.ei -:: 1.n~enijed.,.·. . . '. :· <i·:·,<. :.:,:-: ... < ...... .:-,.·: ... ·.·.··., . ·:, :, ; .. · .. :.'. . ·: .. · ....... '. l •. , ,-.J·t .. ·H~~;.~r,:,;.:~~~;(LtS.:~~-():~::·J~~-t .c,l ,J.:~:. ~~r rn~.?-t~.e.,. ·. ·: O:f ··S:4f..Y.f~•~:~·(tr,h,.c;t1:·pn·, ... ;A .-S:t :r :l.p ·:,Qt :S,tu:e .}i:tnyl · · ,. · · · --r,:~:},t~~.:,;·· ~,ir•\W.tde ·, Anc:f:.:·::J:O (ttJ4 -T:nlc:::Jhs:Ji1 ·l l.' : _.:·~ ·::s ~-:<Ii ~it.~t~J.~/%~{T,h.;•;.·,£ri"{ :1ff.:t.t{.;,.;:'~,6·~.,/t. ee ·::A~.f /. ..: · . · ./·.~t.en4,•4 \1'.'h~U.$h: .. ;rn·~, ·:s·aek:f.·1·-l:1;:' At :: ·Tha :·~Met •r · .. : ,.. . . ' ~ 8%;,;~~fj ;\: <': : ·. · .. · .. ·. ·. . ·· .. · . ···UTI l~.'1; •• : ;'~:~;l?f:!f:~£ :tHETAlL ,. . · ·. · · . · ;t;~f!~~l;GURE 1 · · _ __ .. .; .r. • . ·E1,~.17 Moterii'al · · E2~17 'Construct.ion .i ·--, ·.~· .. :,• :. . _,.. .. -... >. ····--~ .,,. ··~ .. ·\W .\ t •• ~ .. :·.,·· .. ~-. -. ·~ -~ l . ·.o · .. rh .· I· 5'...ri ·'' ·-~ Ml a,,,·, .. . . . . ·;;, .. · ··'··!· ·----........ ---·®· -· . ______ _..,. ~ . . . . . ',, I ·MATERIAL .LIST .- ·3/4!1 ·.or J ~.• · aS .. ,app J I ~-b 1 e .. El-17 Material · EZ•J7 .Const, . · ,Jon . . . .. . . It .·· . . . • I • · .• ,': I I . I . . I . . ·1· .. I 3/ 4" LEITERING ... (R.ECE~SED,.FLUSH) , .... · · .. ·:.. 1 ., , ·1·. 111/8~ .. ""J [2B3~mJ I · · .EI t:1 -31 ~OVER' SECTION .. '• ... . . . '• ', :. :5/a" . [1 Bmr:n '• '", ,, • ' • I ·~;:;::;==:;;:::::;::::::::::::;:::;::=::ztJ.. .. . · 1~ ~16 ' 3./4" . ·. '·· 1 ' : [~25mm~ '•' .. •, . . ·' . . :, ' •, . '• . . "" ..... . ' ' . ., . '··· ... · ::··· ' . ' .. . . . ...... ',. . \ . ... ·, ·.·.' ·1.1 .• : ,·.· ... 15 , 3/B" ~-l · ... , -... h ;,ta . 5/a·[391mmr: ...... '. .. ·1· I ,· . 21~-. . .:-· .. . . · .... ;--:-., [!'.133mm) [B120,4.• . ..' .. . . · . [ .+67mn, . · . · · · ·. . . ijOX SECTION . . . I, , , . . . :" ·. · mm '\ ··· · . •,• . ::.<:'.: .. ~ox·s~CTl9~ ... ·.~. : .. , .. · · .. : . . · . . I . . . ... . t ' ... , . .I .. · :~ ........ ;' ~-,··. ..._ . 1 .... '·:'' . ·' . ',·· ' . '· j •••• ,,, '' ' . ,·, ·Rovhso .d · a/26/02 .. ' t i .. . ·~ ... ~ ... ... .,1': . ( . '( I :, CITV ·.OF FORT Wo'R.TH WATER DEPARTMENT 1000 THROCl<MORTON ST FORT-'WORTH, tx 76102 · •.':.'817-871-8240 · · ··FAX: '817~871~61'95 . · ·\~' . . .. . . ·. . : . ' 't \ • .. C.D.SS 1A1 '. : STANDARD PLASTIC · :ME;TER BOX .. . . . ··WITH · . . .. CAST .IRON LID .. : . FOR. 13/4'! & '1''. "". -.. ,,~. METERS . . . • ~/~\>-._ ' ' • • 'i.'i. ·-,~. ,·, -~7~.~ . ... ', ., · .. ... :.· . .r-rj' . :H . ·::~.Q·· .· .. · .. . . . . . ... . . ,. . .. i,:, ', . i 11::~' . ·,::,~ . ~~ • .. ,. j ,1,• . • . • .. I'" . · \ . " ..... · '• . . \' .. ' . •, . ,, .. ·[ ,I . '· · J/+" LmERiNo . COVER 'SECTION . . ,(RECESSED ,FlUSH) • : • . • COVEA'SJ:CTION ·. . '• .. ,, ' I ,' •, · , 18 7/8··, · · ., . 1 1/2" · I . . ' [HOmm) . . , _[ ~~Bm~J . , . , .... ;, ~: . . .. . v.:: . . . ·,. ·.: J ·. ··.:.·... . .. ·. ', · .. -,,~ ........ :·' '• ' ' ::: ' , , "~ '• ' , • ' ' • . ' ' •. I • . . '• •. .. . . · . ~ .. ·COVER' SECTION , , . . . .,. ; · ' ' . : ~ . : '' . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . : .... i ·., ... i ; • • • : ·-• . . • i, • • • . :· ... : 'y . . . . · .. • .. ~. ··: : . ' . . .·· . . . . .. ', . . ' .. -· ... ·' ~ .' . ·,. 1 'JI :· .... . . ',•. :· .• r:. .. .. . . . . . I .. . . ... , · . . . ·. ·. · ....... , .. '. : \ ... ·.. . . ', ·. .. . . . •, . . · ...... _ . ··20 1/i· . ·.. ,, . . . . . ,' ··.: ·: ::,· .·.·:·:.· .... , ·. ·to.1,.:_~IT\J ·. . · .:-. ·· .. ·· ,BOX SECTION ·.· .' .. . '•, . •'\, ., I : • ' ' '\ I~ : t , I .•• '\ . ~ . . . . ·. ',,:-I . ·: .. ,,, . . ;· r '. ;: '. •' .. 1.8, 3/8· I ' i : i ) : ["D7mm] · · • · · . . . . . , . . ~ .. . : . '. /: ·,,i -• •' ,; ' . ~ .. ' . ., .... .1, . . . . : I 3/<' ' ' I ;, . . . \ f •; '.' ·'. \J' ': I l .. ' ..... , . . . •. ' . . .' .. ~:.·: f. ·).·\·' .. i· .. ·· . ·, : ', .·.··· .. [298~m] "' . I •. -! . . . ·sax· SECTION 1· ' ..... I ' j l'- 1 . 1. I I I. . ., .. I . j. · .. .. . i . . . : :. :: . ; .. ;< .. :. . 'I . .. .. •" ... ·· I • . ·'. . . ' .. ..~. ' .. . . . 'I'•, !. . r " .. · ~ -,. . ·R~vlecci . a/2aio2 ciTY OF FORT WORTH · · .·WATER DEPARTMENT 1000 THROCK~ORTO,N S~ .FORT WORTH,.'.TX . 76102 \ ....... ··.:.st7...:.'B71 ~a240 · '· · FAX: .·817-871-'8_195 . · cLAss 'c' .. · STANDARD' . .PLASTIC .. .,. . . 'METER 'BOX .. I ' ' ' ,. w1:r1~(, ' · l · · · CAslf .IRON· uo . ' . ·. · ·Fo .. R'-:--:-2~:i •. J.:A ,; .. I · ·'· ..... ·. . · ·.. · · · ~"·{1 ·...-1-;;r.r • .·.·.·I ; ;/ ·': •: .. · \ :' : . ~ETE:Rs . , · ·.1 . ' SCALE Roadway If Valve Op~rating ~u~ is More Than 3' Below Pav~- ment Surface -Provide Extension SteJR To l' Belo,, Pavement Sur.tac.~~ Detail Pertains to All Gate Valve Sizes 4~1 Thru 12." Hairi Hc::~I n J ey I ron a11d S.tee_l Co. • HQ. Y85 three piece va)ve l:>ox · or· equ~l. · ____ Gate ·va 1 ve TYP.i.CAL GATE VALVE AND . . . . ·. BOX , r .-: EXTENSION · STEM DETAIL 1-1-78 F-IGURE 3 · E 1-10 Material E 2-:10 Construct loo .I ' I I Concrete __ . Blocking I I Hain,--,--..,,. I ~· ., ~h-~ing or Proposed Cur'~-'-.-.-·---~- Pavement or Other ~urface :· . ·.· .-_ .:·. l ·. J . An#'i_o·~ I n_g c~• :.1. H~.s f~r. --~-~~~-~:.: .. .-. t.fon ~ff pf .:C.,,-.. . . .-ctete. Pt;. _l~'-* ·' Di~~.tcr and · . .. ~~rger· · . . ~ B.u.·ry ~pt;h: . . ., ' . . -,i· ' . . --~-' · ~onorete s·1~·ic1~9 ·· -··.fire-Hydrant a..;.;._.;..._Exerclse care to avoid Plugging Drain ffo)e ·With toncrete -. --'"-----·Fi .. -~ .Jiy~t~,t to be S~t. Plul!l~ Extensfoi'i Barrel and ~i;._ ... • t~ .. for ·-~tta · Bury Dep_th If -t:Jec _~.s .ai-y · :. l{fni~ 7. ~.F. Gr~v.~ ;_:_J~r_C?P9rd~Uy .· · .· Around · ~$-e ·. _: . . -. ~ ·· .... : · CC>!'icrete·.Re_st l2~1 ·x l2u x ~11 (i) l'!""6ii:· for Cast 1 ton Prpe _.(2} :5• ~~11 .fC?r ~:C Pl~ Ref-~ . ·: . , ' :_ ·vad~s : :· . . . _ _. ..... · 'Figure 6 · - -• · ... ,_..A 1 .. _~-]tf I I NOTES: G) ® 611 bl ind flange tapped 2 11 with 2 11 brass plug. 125# pattern bl ind flange drilled arid tapped for 611 bl ind flange. 6 11 bl ind flange attached with bronze bolts~' Gaskets shal 1 be ful 1 faced as otherwise required i.n E 2-4. · ,· ··· Lifting lugs shall be provided in quantities sufficient to loft and handle the flange as a balanced load. ® Attach the 125# pattern bl ind flange with steel bolts and bronze nuts then cover with ® @ cement grout after installation. 125# pattern flange, unless required otherwise. Flanges and bl ind flanges to be designed to withstand pressure rating of pipe. Wye branch to be one size larger than, but tapered to standard run normal diameter unless otherwise specified. (j) Standard run diameter. STANDARD CLEANING WYE DETAIL ' I ; ! ·"! .. i Material Specificatio~ E 1-4 Constructio~ Specificatio~ E 2-4 Fl GUR _E 28 1-1-78 ... :--__ _ I . I ('' t i l 1 J. rJ ; Plug NU rt.: Hear Ing Areas shown are based on 150 p.s.t.G test pressure and 3000 · P.S.f. 'soil bearing value. · 1500# Concrete -· ?< Bend 1500# Concrete H.ORIZONTAL BLOCKING TABLE· *Di mens i oil "X" Hay Vary l f Neces·sary To Provide Bearing Against Undi s.turbed Trench Wa 11 • Pl~ X-* Size Dim; Ft. . . . .. .. l.1°··-15 •. r .J. 111:iin-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,...._..~~~ ' -. . u.;:::::..;;..,.~..;......;~~~--...... ~~~...:.~~~.:..:.::.!:;.a.~:::..!=:.:!..!.,:;!.!2:!...!:!.!~~~~~_!..:::.!.!:.::::..:;:.:::::.:.=:.::.;;, I . . l-i-78 HORIZO_NTAL B·LOCKING· DETAIL FIGURE 9 E-1-·20 Material _ . E-2-20 Construction ~ ... ·. f • f ·. ·• .. ,...... ~ ... , .. . ·.·-. L,..;;._..:....;c..;.;.....,.. ..... ---,.._ ----.....;.. .. . . . ,~~'(~4: /01.· . ~T4NP.:.4RO ·-M4~N'1.tE . . . -·. (Jf,fi~~d··,A~~;,). 7,4-'·. A .tt .· .,,,: . . . - } ... ·-?J..c~;A ;,,;~ : ~e.· ·cr,;,a'(c t'o ~~dlo . )'-~~-~it/I tcP.,r,.;. · '-'!""y~~-~~~l~r., d-P'P,! El~ 14 Kated~l E2-14 Con~truction f' 1-, (·. ! ·~ I - ·· .. • . ·: . · ... . . . . f ~; J;' f. ... J -·1 r '---'-,---.N,;Jfllll'ot'~ ;,.., ... ~ ,,,o' e, "o'.-;. .e#~,-~,,,_c ~o Nt-~n/cy .r,o,H A"orK,. Ml~ ?~A,!'.~,"&I ,.n~K 6"~<.,_ 4,: p,°j;/: .A_q/~ir~_Rc;: E 2-/-,_ • .-: ~.--·· .'i'. ·.! .. -~tt~(~~ 1-.--7~ . . :·. . ·)i-;qq,9£. /0" .· · -~F4A/~4kP-·· ;.,ANN.OLE " . . . ··. · /'P~c_~/-,j~~~) -· . . . El-14 Material . E-2-14 Construct ion -~·----------------------------------------------'!'!",,--... t •re H.H.1 s are in street 1 ;ta 11 two or more courses of >1 ck or concrete grade rings \twe~rf casting and top o·f brick . 1e, or concrete slab .• Where M.H.'s •are bui.lt in streets to be paved, M.H. rim to be set .to proposed paving grade I!. /;' ,;! I' ' Use standi d M~Kinley ,/ · -No. A24 ~.-M. or Equal · H~H. Frame ~y--~ffi\'.:gj°~~~~F;:UC::i:jc:=~!]!~~~~trii'i~fiii-i.Uld Cover l e Cast Iron Pipe to First Joint Behind · limit of Excavation Cone. l . .. /' Limit of Fxcavation I~ l.!.!_I ~ \I l{ 1u1 1~1 lil t ;hrust Block to Extend 6 11 In All )irections from Outside Diameter J::. .µ a. Cl) a Cl) _(l ro L- ro - > .. L- - 0 I ('t"\ Cl)" .µ Cl) E Ill 0 Cl) ..0 . Ill .. • •• 4 . . . ... . . .. .. .. . ~. • _4 . ~---Install M.H. Step Same as in Standr- M.H. Push -on Plug ----..--1~;...c:....J-----lnstall Nuts t::::l G) 4 1 -0 11 Required ~ovide Stub Extension At g~?lof P.E. in M.H • c:::J Slope 111/ 1 1 Aw~y from M. H. Wall on H.J. Fitting COR-TEN Bolts ---Concrete See Standard 4 1 Dia. M. H. Detail Figure 103 •----~-~---Vertical to 3/4 Point of Pipe Grouted Use of Pipe -------..J TYPICAL SECTION G) 4 1 dia. for sewer pipe up to 21 11 dia. 5' dia. for sewer pipe 21 11 to 39 11 dia. _, - 1-1-78 STANDARD FOUR FOOT DROP ACCESS MANHOLE __ FIGURE 107 - E 1.: 14 Material E 2-14 Construction A. Standard Pipe Fittings shalJ be used to form inverts of junction manholes when possible, with installation. as follows: . B. ' -1-78 1. Pipe fitting. 2. Pour manhol~ floor to spring 1 ine ot titting. 3. Break out top ot fitting to spring line. 4. Pour remainder of manhole invert to ~rovide vertical invert wail up to 3/4 point of the larg~r pipe involved, as detailed. 5. Steel trowel tinish invert of manhole. f l I When special _situations prohibit use ot standard pipe fittings as above outlineo, the' f nvert shall be formed of concrete and steel trowel finished to provide 1 sir:iilar functional characteristics to those aftorded by the above installation. Inverts thu~ formed shall be accomplished to the Engineer's sati .sfaction. A Typical Plan A of M.H. Bottom In Junction Manholes ... · .. , 0 . ~ .. ·.:. 4 .. • ... , ; " . • .. • /J • . . D,: :·. . . . ' . : ~: .. : . :. . ') ' . .. . . ... . ' . . . . Concrete •·. · · •. ,:. • ·c.,.~-·, " .•'•· · · •' .·' = ·· ·· ·· · · · · S 1 b ' : .• "! ••• ~ • ' • • ' ' •• " • y • 00 'J ;6' ... · .. -=: a '•. ,., ..... , • .~ •• • .... _ ..... ___ ...._. __ Section A-A JUNCTION MANHOLE BOTTOM I . ,._ FIGURE 108 Material El-14 Construction E2-14 ··---------------------------------------------------- I . I t · •t i i , .. ! ,_ ( f t: t __________________________ ...,_f PLAN ' ..._, TIP. ..... "SAW' DE~ l,5· ~I~. ' ·_ . . .... ... fif'! ·. NOTE : WATER·. VALVE . NOT SHOWN ltUT g>LLAR IS .SAME. 36.Ba &dden~ua 3 r •. '• ' Ml~ TY.P. •:. sect-toN MANHOLE a WATER VALVE COLLAR .Ci'tY OF . l':OJIT .woit11t TEXAS-CONSTIIUCTION STANDAN> DIIAWIN8~ NO .. S-SIS DATEi t/87 .-i l. II t-~ -. .0 ... L • > ... I> C _J ., ..,.. L :..0 • Ill i-~ Cl) 18 >. C ca,,. IV N. Cl) .... ~ L d C ..... l'D X: L II ~,-. C ~ -, O:J-78 1 NOTE: or 3/'4 Roadwa 611 . """ ©ii-~' GI ID~IU C IU :i > . u !.. R .!1·v, :: iJ t11I~ . 0.. . -· Standard -~ •:w :,, Curb &: Gu~~er . F-. . ~f~.~. ~, .,.,..,.,_. . ... -I • ·t •• ,., •..••. a • ~r· . =. .. I' • : ··--• .;. • ··,. ,:., :·.t;' -fN : •• -... '· .. • • ,.--•.• ·~ ./ Ii Al I z • -b· • , J . .:{:i // \ -·1 . ·~ . / \ .• ........ .:f -.J .: . : <:~;.: f :: -;" ... :.~t·. I .. . • •• • .•.-.f. I. \ I / . I ft' /·· ' I t /. . \ I ,'. . . k....-! •. . . \ . : I. . . •· ~ ··. I . . . \. I JJ . -~-KQ~~~-ay_~~----... J .I ~3' ~~n •. ~~~~rtighjrlug _. . . . . . . '· " .. .. If C. 1 .• · ·Min/ Grade. l'.X> . .· ·-. ·TYPI CAl-SEg"·l '3ti. .· Note: . Emi>edment and backf i 11 as r.eqtJ fred ·for_ adjacent -s.ewer'~in shall~ fr)clu~ed . )ri' t.~ ·pr·tc~ l?-i·d p~r sewer $efvJc;:e cqmp.lefe in plac~. . ·-·. . .. . . . . Sf andai-d . tuf · :···G.~~~-~r',S~~~j111·v::i-. o~· ••••.• !.-· ;;.._ 11·· ···:·· .. · .. ·.· .. : }· • • .:_ :r I I' . -• 1· · • ... -.·. ~ . .· •1 .. I··· .. .;: I~ . :-··. ·-•. i-~-·-·-· @· ·. --~~-r '='--~~yi_ti·e< ~~~e: ·l~~~t~ ~-·. · · · ~CJ ba -~rlted_lili:~~-r.~d vi_nyl . . ti!lp:,f':~: lea·~ y· -~.d'e and lees· Will Be Used .On All Servh:e _l~~e.s ~~struct~d At· Same ··n~ A~ Pub·l i C Sewer. . . . . · · lD·•.11 ·'tt.ick-.·attached to ·die:· ~d. ~ iiuf 'aaMce · end· . -*i~~d~_ng )hfpygb.· ~ha::~~dc~ f:)~l·at tha·pptnt·of' house . ·5i;~~ ;~nnect,l'.Qrl. ·b~hind tile pr~p~-~. SERVICE. LINE. 'DETAi.LS ·. . -· . . . . . . FIGURE 115 E·l-9 Hat.er I al Ei~9 Co~~tructJon i .. ·. I . . ·1 : • . ::j . '· . .... ::. '"' ... . .':: .......... -----•."",·-"· ....... !11!11 ... --••• -. • •. 111111111!11 •• -,-llill.1------..... --.:-· _...,._PR-_oa!q-u-cr-·i,N·E·o-RM·A-.r-,o·N·.-. • .. -.,-. ·-.-. -·.···.·: .·, • ... -• -~ ·~ C) s: ,trj , .).: .... ; ),-61 (,.: ·>--r,...__ ~ '. .. ·:.·. . •,' ' .PROP CR; UNi:JI "CITY or FORT WORTH " rr.om Slonlty Roberl1 &' ;t.noc .. lnlormollon Sub~cl To Chang,. •. · ::·, .. , STANDARD CLCANOUT OCSCRIPTION ' . W(ICHT ·.. 'PART NO. I CAP (PVC OR CAS ·T IRON) ' · , I . · · Coil Iron l.altrol Cl1onou\" W/ S, Bolls 11nd Coupling . 18 lb'1 1-~.f-1! . C°':~ JOINT RCOUIREO ... Plol_~, St•t~ l.olcrol C\conoul ~/~S ·eon~ 'ond Coup'.l~g 2.25 Iba . . .' , AT\.•1524 .,, . · · STANOARO 'PARl<WAY· );"/TT,, . . ·.· .. ,, ' : . ' .. ;:~~.:.~·~·c~s.r. °".'.~~~ ~I SIOCWAU(,::· • .": =rn=m=rn=rn. ~\:,~· . :•, CLEAN,OUT NOTES -~·-. >~~~i -ITT-m-m-m-rr ::· .. ·if:•!'·' , . I,) lliC Swt[P m:: ANO PIPC nTTINC5 IN$TALL[D SHAl.L . ~:ii.'i• BAC1<r11.L CLCANOUT STACK 'MlH · ,~·1.,~·:.-:1 ... t,v tit SOR-J5 .0R SOR-26 PVC LV,TERIAI.. • · !:\~v-APPROVCO GRANULAR BACKrllL, 1 ''• ; ' ' ' •., 2,) CONNCCTIONS T<;> lliC CXl~TINC SER't1CC: SHALL DC _._..._.""-'""'''.....,_, '-6" ALL AROUND l.lAOC USING RUBBCR ·SU:CVE COUPLINGS 'MTH '.' : ,",' ',. /J. BARS ,• CONCRCTt , .. '¢01.1.AR . ~ ., IO t" 12· ·,, STA1Nl£SS S1£EL OOUDLC BAND REPAIR SLEEVES, CQNCRETE COLLAR (~LAN VIEW). . -4•• STACK (!ROIi OR PVC) TWO WAY . CU:J.NOU T TC[ ... ,, · THC Sl.££\'ES SHALL , BC TICHTEN£0 TO 'THC TOROUC '., . : RECOMM£HOEO BY '!lit MAHUf'ACl\lRCR, · . ,' J,) lttt EMBEDLIEHT 1.IATIRIAL UStD SHAl.L ec·sAND, .:. :· . CRAVEL OR OTHER APPROVED BCOOIHO I.IA1£RIAI.. ' : 4.) SLOP£ or 1liC S-'HITARY StvltR, SCR~C:£ SHAl.L 8[ , . ·. · f"CRNCO F\.EXI BL[ COUPLING R(OUIR(O IF cx,snNC SCRVICC IS PRCSENT, .OTHERl\1SC PLUG. i • DRIVEWAY I SCv.tR l.lAIN ' A UINIUVU OF · 2 P[RCENT, , · "'·. :, ·.. · · · · · · . ' ~.) IN HICH TRAFf'IC . AREAS (ST~CETS, DRIV!W>. YS , . . • I:·. ·. · SIDEWALKS « WALKWAYS) SCRVICE CLEAHOUT -.__. , ' . . . : STACK AHO CAP SHALL BC or· CAST IRON, • . . : ;. : . ' 6,) IN HON-TRAF'f"IC 'l,R(AS $ERVICE CLCANOUT STACI< ;·.: ' ' AHO CAP SHALL BE PVC LIA TtRIAI.. ,' · ' . • 7,) CONCR£TC USED AROUND ' Cl.£ANOUT' ASSELl8LY SHALL .. . Bt 5 SACK, J,000 PSI MIX_, ,' • , ; .. . . ; . 11,) PIPC ANO nTTINCS SHALL BC SOR-J~ OR SOR-25 ' 1 P~ YrHEN HOT IN. HICH JRArF'IC AREAS. '• .... . '• . , . ' ,·. ' ., .. , •. o-'t I o . o ,t .' . PVC CLCANOUT ' • . CAST IRON . ' \PROPERTY UN£ ___ . -.... '_LEJ.H~~ · ___ · - -. ,. REQUIRED MA TERI AL I • ·l. '. . \ PR~PtR~ ~.~C . LL-.-.---- . .... 1 . : ·. · ... ..... SIDCIYAU< . ,,·. PVC OR CAST IRON CLEANOUT CAP SDR•J5 OR SDR-26 . TWO WAY CLCANOUT TCC .. / soR-J5 ·oR son-26 scR,;,cc AHO R1SCR P1PC : SIOCWAU( . ' ,' :- • ,.· ' OOUDLC BANO R(PAIR/TRANSITIOH COVPLINOS ' : : / · \ 5 SACK ; JOOO PSI (CLAS's' 8) CONCRETE , .' . , / . . . . \ CUR]. ..·,. c.v~~.·._.·. .~. ·. ·. ORl'(WAY APPRdA~. . . ~ ·. • ' • SANO Oil CJIA'iEL 8£DOWC MAltRIAL ,: . •,· , , , ' ' ' ~ ..... . . : :• ' STRCET .. , ;·, . . . . ... :··S.~RE.£T , CAST IRON CLEANOUT BOOT-· · 1 .. · .. · . . . . . · . ..:'-· ,, ........ ·. . . eve CLEANOUT BOOT · .... . ,' ... '•., ' ..... ~ T~·O · .. Yv.~X ·--~~RVIC~~·~.~.~A -~~U!_ ·:.··:'· .. -~·-:···.'.. : .. : I . •'t ,.t":·· . : ,.' . .. ,• '· ·. .. •'· I '', .... .,· . I ''\.I' .. , ... \ . . . '· ' .. . ·,;. . ,, . ·.·' ' '• · .. ' . . .. .. •·. ,\, . .. :,:.·, .. , ., •' . .. •' . "•, .• :\ ,~ : . ...... . .... :: . : ·. . · ...... :·. ·.~ . ,'. :· ' ',~,'l' t l :• • o • ',~• ," '.' '• ' ,'' \ ' : ' I • ' .. ... -.;:,,:·.:. :"'. · .. ·'./ .. · · .. ' :-'. .··.< :i. :·::·.:,::':::·.,. ',• :I ,' . ~ . . . •' '·: . . ' •, . ·" .. . :•. .... . ' .. · ... ' :; . ,, '. :_ r· i ··, !·•. -1=."· ! -~ [ ! : . ! r: ~ COM?;~TEO BE=~TONITE Cl.A':· OR 2:27 CONC';~t ..... I ~ i ,------: -------t------: r:-: = = : = :· .. l J--------:;l_ ,--------. ..) ,--------~ . ---------i • SEViE? ,-.:.---·----! ~ ~ -------------\ !--·-------\ . r'"') ~ ------ ----\ X \ . ____ ..... ____ \: ::·,":=-;·.;.,:.;: .. ~;~:::}--~ - - -~ - - -t~:(.~t.::~.:~_;.,;,.'::~ CLAY DAM PROFU:E MAIN ·r E>:ISTING ~-3,-9~,~~· -,~ :31BlE31~ GROUND :-COM?ACTEO BENTONITE CLAY i (•~ 2:27 CONCRETE w~ ., ll:::B E i I:=:}., -·i==i1E -· •• & • ::E t.~ 0<·-, t: C; = .. . 0 0 r-er, mz t..: e. 0 ::E O !--:.:.: I-r:: ~~ oc.. O -.L ~c )o & I• • l • :.. ••--C..,.-< --->. > J , •• W'-!!>.!Ut' TRENCH \<:l~?H -PIPE O;A. + 1' CLAY DAM .SECTION , CLAY DAM CONSTRUCTION .. .. SOE. t . -· ! , .. ·i: i. l ! / 4L----------------------------------:------------------ . :~ '•. ''-:--"""'7)7.~~~ EXISTING CURB & GUTIER TRENCH REPAIR LIMITS EXISTING BASE (IF' ANY) ----BACKF'ILL MATERIAL (SEE NOTE fJ) TRENCH REPAIR W/PERMANENT HMAC PAVEMENT AND NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE TYPICAL SECTION NOTES: 1. PLACE A MIN . OF 2" HMAC SURFACE COURSE (TYPE "D" MIX) TO MATCH EXISTING HMAC PAVEMENT GRADE AS SHOWN. 2 . PLACE A MIN . OF 8" 2: 27 CONCRETE AS SHOWN • .3. FLOWABLE FILL MAY BE REQUIRED TO BACKFILL All. TRENCHES IN DOWNTOWN STREETS AND IS EXISTING CURB & GUTTER OPTIONAL IN OTHER AREAS . IF FLOWABLE FILL IS REQUIRED, A SEPERATE PAY ITEM WILL BE PROVIDED 4 . ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE FOR SUCH . FOR STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION, BACKFILL SHALL MEET SPECIFIED ITEM 402 OF THE WITH THE CITY OF FORT WOR11i STANDARD STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION, CITY OF FORT WORTH. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM FOR WATER OR SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION,BACKFILL SHALL BE PER FIGURE A. DRAIN CONSTRUCTION. . CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS PERMANENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR WITH NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE REV. 05/2006 DATE: ,.09/2005 2000-1A NOTES N0 .3 BARS ON 24• CENTERS BOTH WAYS WITH MIN. 2 BARS LONGITUDINAL IN DITCH TRENCH REPAIR LIMITS TYPICAL SECllON 1. REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE REPLACED TO ORIGINAL THICKNESS OR TO A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 5" WH ICHEVER IS GREATER. 2. IF STEEL EXISTS IN CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO BE CUT, THE STEEL SHALL BE CUT AND SALVAGE AS POSSIBLE. A MINIMUM LAP SPLICE DISTANCE OF 12" SHALL BE PROVIDED. 3 . REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT WILL BE REPLACED OVER TRENCH, AS SHOWN, IN THE EVENT NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT IS REMOVED . 4 . ALL EXISTING ASPHALT COURSE SHALL BE REPLACED TO THE ORIGINAL DEPTH . MINIMUM PAVEMENT ON ALL ASPHALT STREETS SHALL BE 2" OF FINE GRADED SURFACE COURSE. 5. BEDDING OF PIPE TO MATCH ADJACENT SECTIONS . 6. 2: 27 CONCRETE MAY BE DELETED IF HALF THE SPECIFIED THICKNESS OF 2: 27 IS ADDED TO THE CLASS "A" CONCRETE . EXIST CONC. BASE 7. FLOWABLE FILL MAYBE BE REQUIRED TO BACKFILL ALL TRENCHES · 1N DOWNTOWN STREETS AND IS OPTIONAL IN OTHER AREAS. IF FLOWABLE FILL IS REQUIRED, A SEPERATE PAY ITEM WILL BE PROVIDED FOR SUCH. FOR STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION, BACKFILL SHALL MEET SPECIFIED ITEM 402 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION, CITY OF FORT WORTH. FOR WATER OR SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION, BACKFILL SHALL BE PER FIGURE A. 8. ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION. REV. 05/2006 -----------------------------,----------f·,, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS PERMANENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE DA TE: . 09 /2005 2000-18 ... •, : . ..___~'777717.~ EXISTING CURB & GUTIER NOTES: TRENCH REPAIR LIMITS EXISTING HMAC PAVEMENT EXISTING HMAC PAVEMENT ----BACKFILL MATERIAL (SEE NOTE #3) TRENCH REPAIR W/TEMPORARY HMAC PAVEMENT TYPICAL SECTION 1. PLACE A MIN . OF 2" HMAC SURFACE SOURSE (TYPE "D" MIX) TO MATCH EXISTING HMAC PAVEMENT GRADE AS SHOWN . 2. PLACE COMPACTED FLEX BASE MATERIAL AS SHOWN . 3. FLOWABLE FILL MAY BE REQUIRED TO BACKFILL ALL TRENCHES IN DOWNTOWN STREETS, AND IS OPTIONAL ·. ,•• .:' ---· ·:4 EXISTING CURB & GUTTER IN OTHER AREAS. IF FLOWABLE FILL IS REQUIRED, A SEPERATE PAY ITEM Vv'ILL BE PROVIDED FOR SUCH . FOR STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION, BACKFILL SHALL MEET SPECIFIED ITEM 402 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION, CITY OF FORT WO.RTH. FOR WATER OR SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION,BACKFlLL SHALL BE PER FIGURE A. 4 . ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE Vv'ITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFlCA TIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION. · .REV. 05/2006 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS DATE: .,,09/2005 , TEMPORARY ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR 2000-1C 5' MIN. EXISTING BASE IF ANY EXISTING CONCRETE JOINT TRENCH REPAIR W/REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT TYPICAL SECTION NOTES: 1. FLOWABLE FILL MAY BE REQUIRED TO BACKFILL ALL TRENCHES IN DOWNTOWN STREETS AND IS OPTIONAL IN OTHER AREAS. 3. PLACE 6" OF 2: 27 CONCRETE AS SHOWN. 1" OF REINFORCED CONCRETE MAY BE SUBTITUTED FOR EVERY 2• OF 2: 27 CONCRETE. 4. REINFORCEMENT OF CONCRETE MUST MEET CITY STANDARD OR MATCH EXISTING, WHICHEVER IS GREATER . IF FLOWABLE FILL IS REQUIRED, A SEPERATE PAY ITEM WILL BE PROVIDED FOR SUCH. FOR STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION, BACKFILL SHALL MEET SPECIFIED ITEM 402 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION, CITY OF FORT WORTH. FOR WATER OR SANITARY SE'lv'ER INST ALLA TION,BACKFILL SHALL BE PER FIGURE A. 5. ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE . WITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD DEPTH, OR TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 5" WHICHEVER IS GREATER. DRAIN CONSTRUCTION. REV. 05/2006 2. REINFORCED CONCRETE PAr MENT SHALL BE REPLACED TO ORIGINAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM ..-------..... -------------...... -------r--~-----f o Jl'l' Wo l[J'II TRENC~TY ~f;~~~ w~/RE~~ORCED oATE: 'ilg/2004 I CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2000-2 ,/ ····: ' ... . ''/'. ·.·. -.. ·. ··-----. ' .... I•,: .... ·.· ..... :,• .. ', . .i . ' $(AL ' ~ \IOINT · . '. "U.[,t . . . ~r·· . ,, ...... . ;·~·•" . ··' . ,~ .. · .•.. .~,.Ne. ,',S~·I' . IIMMUM CXCAVATION · OU:fl.lN( . ,0" ST.ftf:ET CCINI.TftUl;TIOH Dlfl I Jlllr,INI • - '\. -. I : , \ ' : ,.. .. f ·.-. I ·· :; r 1- f r.-:----------------------------------1 D~"1MY JOINT IN F;tAMP OPTIONAL IM 1.t ... o• DRIVEWAY ONLY. ExasTiMG cuRB a GUTT.ER,IF ~y, MU~T BE SAWED AS DIRECT- -ED ,v TH~ ~NG1NEER. ' I I j I I I • l I PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT ONLY IF CONNECTING TO EXISTING CONCRETE ORtVE. - REINFORCE 6"DR1VE • 3 BARS AT 18" o:C.B.W. REINFORCE 4" WAlk • S BARS AT 19• 0.~.8.W. R£F~REMCE l I I • t . I 11 •-0,.MIN. ll\tllWl.r.J~ .~--1-1......, STANDARD CURB a GUTTER . . . . . . I . ~ .•. . :.I · , .. :~ ... ;o. \-1~ ; . : it~~-9'' ·1fT~if · -·'ito.7" °12~- .~ct:r~ ~:i' 5'ti,7~ i5~ I I ; r EXP. JOINT -t.7 '.:: 0,. .. IN. DOUBLE DWY. . EXCEP.-T .. SUP-FORMED L A PLAN VIEW Lf LtNGTH P,~IO AS ATTACHED CUR& (COMC. PA.V~-~-~ff,: O~L'() . . SE.E'. S_TA .. OARD CURB a 6U:TT~R S_ECT-H>N·." . ·. ,~~~ DRIVE•Y-AND CURB.· -~c;. ·. ·e II GUTTER PAY LIMIT · · UR OWY. PAY LIMIT WCQNCRETE PAVEMEN-T" . . . ,a.. . . _· STA.NOAR_~_. STABtlliEi> SUBGSlAOE StDEWAt.k SEC'JIOk.THl:w DRIVEWAY-TO BE POURED SAME T"ICKNESS AS ~RlVEV,AY · APPROACH .. & PAfO .FOR. AS [)FU.VE-WAY APPROACH. EXIST rr.G .. s,oE WALK.! IF ANY I TO SE REMOV~~ ~-~~ R~Pl.:ACEv; I • liivtsto ,,,,_,~ ~ DRIVEWAY AP.PR.OACH REVtSED -A(JG., 79 "".0.-J.S./W.R.lit:" · . -. · . . . - ~VISED FE~,:a,~D:.tS/·".R ... CITY of FORT WORTH, TE~$-· C-ON~T~crtON .STANOAIIO -~lSEO.M~Y, ~3,-£.F..¥t/W~;M : DRAWING NO. S-S 5 -t>~iE: MAY, 1983 361 ~dden4uiJ .i .·. NOTE: S.tter t• N 1NfH1/ le · rifftfo,;.· wiill .e0tter•l•- wo~l•1 ~ ";~,,,, . I I /_ . r , .. ,. .. -~ ., ::·· ~~~·-~~~«~~ . . .. -. ~-·-. I ; • ne ;.~-,:,w,;;.~ ~ WIiiey_ ,,,,,.,, n,l.n ,,... ,. , ... ,. ,,. ~.,.,..,,, wk.i-· , ... ;.;..w,,, ,-rlliHt ~ -~•••"" ,._·.:. eo,,it,.,:CiH iltel"'-. *''~ ,,..-.,_,,,, J,t euwtletl# wltit ilt• ·ty~ie.l °#.ti•;..= ·-.. c1;.11. r;.. io"~'• · ... .;.. •• H ,..,.,,,.11 ""•'~ ,.· eii1 .~ '· tor. ~-~-. a ·.-,,.r. · T•• -~••• -~" · •• . •'-..... d : ·.,.j eu.-.,.,, · .,.,,,ote ...;_,,. • · lltia. of filto ;,; . ••c~. of « ... ,., ,., ~ ,.,, et conulft . in i,leu-'tiitll • ,;.~ tie1uirel ••~tllftll Pl. !5.SO ,.,,,.. i,tr ,.-..-.· me• ot ••••11 •1• witll ct1ttar fHdlltf. . . ... .,.· . .· ... RA~ iicno# _,_,;, v.~ -~ ~ .,,,.. OF :01~ ,,.. ... s· ,0 .. n· ~o· 40• 5tl . NOT£: ·r,;;a • .-. Dr _ _,_ ., C-IM~-lt lllfV,SfO 7 ·.ct4 lfW/WIUi REVIKD 9/a/U .U.N./W.111..M. CONCRETE VALLEY C~-~ ~T WORTH, TEXAS-CONSTRUCTIPN STANDARD -~-~-s-s 5 DAT£_: .MC •. tH9. 4. .. IE ~ --------TIP£ •c:-BAa<Fll t SEE SPEC-E1-2.4 , ... G.C.0. ' r ' ·,Ll_k~ ...... SANO · MAlERIAL EMBfJ)UENT ac INfllAL ~ . . . SEE . SPEC.-E1~2.3_. G.C..O • • WATER: .... ·. . . . . .. ; i. ... . ·. . ~ · .. · . . . . ." . ·.: . . . . .. . . . . : . . ... · ~ . . . . . .... -~--: .... ~~~ ~--:~--3::..-~ ;-·(.~ :·::_ .. :,~~~~--~:·.·-.-~-.· .-... .· ·-.. -. . . -._ .. . : . ~ ; . : . , , ·,._ .• ;" : • o : ·•:-• "· .... :• .. ·a• .: •• ,i •" .-,:· ~-• ' "• .•• . • •· • • I f • . . . ~ -: _:· ... _ . . : .... : . •. . . . . . . . . · . MAJERJAL sPECIACAilONS : . . . .. ~ : . . . -. . . . .. .: . : -. -. . . -·-·-' . . . .. ·.: · .. ·.· · .. , .· .... .-... : ... --.. ,:.·,·... .·. . .. , -ii':~-~· . .. . :·.--: .,,, . ·-.. ,: . ·' .... . . . . . -.·.- . <~ ·SJONE:·GRM>AllON . SE\£-.~ .·. x_·Rti-MED ··-.-... ' . t· t/r :3~:. ~. ~ . .. o-"10 ' '· *-75 -*~. 90-100 - 95-100 .. WATER, SEWER &: STORM · DRAIN E_MBEDMENT ~ND 8A~ __ Kf1l).. DET~~ __ i L __ s'-o" a" 'l I ,/ .r · -- · i /' 1 f'CLEAR~~~~ v -N l ' f =r TYP. 2"scH.40 PVC WEEP HOLES AT 10'-o"oc l .. ! SIDEWALK SLOPE AT 1/4 /FOOT / .. I t I N0.3 AT 12"ocew 4'-0" 2 .COMPACT SUBGRADE TO 95%STD .PROCTOR . I. PAY PER CUBIC YARD. • 1'-0" . )( ~ __ :1 I v i 0 , t,-I . I Z , 2 ' - 0 CO...Sl'RUCTION JOINT {OPT) SCALE: 3/4": 1' RETAINING w·ALL WlTH SIDEWALK REVISED 9/17/87 J.A .N./W.R.M . CITY OF FORT WORTH-CONSTRUCTION STANDARD EFW/WRM DRAWING NO, S-M 13 DATE: JULY 1984 4 ·-o" ,l,8" I &rs ~ /-,/' o-c, 8dh Wi s 1/2 " Expansion .I. inf PLAN VIEW Voriob/1 5" tor " 6" Wid• Curb, Both S idl,s Y2 " Expons,on Jomf 'r 1/2" Rodii ;---::,,~_,.,..,,...L..~ -----,~ I-:'---'!<.----'"'''-' --=oc...,".,' /'Rr:,d,.:.ils~:.,.,:;:=;:::;:~"{ Std.5 ' L1odwk. ·--:-.- SECTION Noi to Scot, Woys 'VOTE: Num~r of Ris11rs Vor-,n to M,,1 Conditions on Ground Slop, Tr,od Ys"p,r fl. VIEW It) CONCRETE STEPS CITY of FORT WORTH, TEX AS-CONSTRUCTION STANDARD DRAWING NO. S -M 3 DATE : _ DEC 1969 346 \ \• i l ' lJ APPENDIXB TE~PORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT LISTING - .. Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-1 Parcel No. 2 : DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 00544213 John S. & Teal D. Edwards 916 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):18 & N 60' 16 Block: 14 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORIB TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § i i That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 14' Lot(s) 18 & N 60 ' 16, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 916 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk . Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore th e Property t o the condition it w as in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of ______ , 2004 . GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORAR Y RI GHT OF ENTR Y Rev. 7/2006 (Signature) l -~~ i i 1 1 I SCALE 1" 20' Parcel #1 · 920 CLA!REMONT AVE SAMMIE L & RUTHIE GARDNER 920 CLA.IREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLA.IREMONT P.LACE BLK 14 LT 17 & 16 LESS N 60' VOL.009748 PG.0754 Parc el #35 921 CLA!REMONT AVE BAS IL EL SABEE 6612 HIGH COUNTRY TRL ARLINGTON TX 76016 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT II VOL.013861 PG .0701 I 1111 I I II 11 I I Parcel #2 916 CLAIREMONT AVE JOHNS & TEAL D EDWARDS 916 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LT 18 & N 60 ' 16 VOL .009373 PG.0635 -- I Pa r ce l #3 6 917 CLA!REMONT AVE MIGUEL AVILES 917 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 10 VOL.015116 PG .002 1 I ~1 N Parcel N3 912 CLA.IREMONT AVE DAVID WAYNE NEWTON 4809 NEVADA TRL NORTH RICHLAND HILLS TX 76180 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 19 VOI.010658 PG .0838 Pa r cel #37 915 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH HOU SING AUTHORITY PO BO X 430 FORT WORTH TX 76101 CLA!REMONT PLACE BLK 13 S48' 9 VOL .013734 PG.0354 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL (e;l c::J I"""~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY KB ~ D """ Engineering & ~urveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT: 2005.711.000 6JOO~ "°'' w , 700 rort wor11, r. 76116 tt1:(a17)1Ja-12n r .. :(IIH}JJll-9'2') £-YGit~.c,---------:-----:-:---:---:---:-:--:--,~--------------1 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: Septembe r 2006 EXHIBIT : TROE 1 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-2 Parcel No. 3 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 00544221 David Wayne Newton 4809 Nevada Trail North Richland Hills, Texas 76180 Lot(s):9 Block: 14 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 14' Lot(s) 9 , Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 912 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk . Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property . TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of ______ , 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7f2006 (Signature) ~ I 1 I 1 j t-~-' SCALE ·1" = 20' I 1111 I I 11 11 I I Parcel #2 . 916 CLAIREMO"NT AVE JOHNS & TEAL D EDWARDS 916 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LT 18 & N eo · • 16 VOL.009373 PG .0635 I I Parcel #36 917 CLAIREMONT AVE MIGU EL AVILE S 917 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLA CE BLK 13 LOT 10 VOL .0151l6 PG .0021 , , ·I I ·, I I. Parcel #3 912 CLAIREMONT AVE DAVID WAYNE NEWTON 4809 NEVADA TRL NORTH RICHLAND HILLS TX 76180 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 19 VOL.010658 PG .0838 ..----- Parcel #37 915 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH HOUSING AUTHORITY PO BOX 430 FORT WORTH TX 76101 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 S4 8' 9 VOL .013734 PG .0354 i r l .,' PArceL#4 . 908 CLAIREMONT AVE · ISIDRO & AMELIA ·HERNANDEZ 908 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76L03 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 2 0 VOL.013632 PG .0 2 19 Parcel #38 I I I I 909 CLAIREMONT AVE MAR CUS N & ANETA J NICHOLS 142 BR US HY TRL W FORT WORTH TX 76108 CLAIREMO NT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 8 & 12 A VOL .007616 PG .11 5 1 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL EXHIBIT: c;;;;i c:J 0 ! :;3 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY KB ~ Eng inee ring & Su r veying DOE #5138 "" -'''""",.. ,_. -r. "'" "'("l))Ja-12n ,~i••l))Ja-m, c-""""""""·-,-;~------:-:-:-:--::-::----:-:--:-:--:----fB~H~B_:_P~R'.:'.O.:'..JE'.:C:'..T'...::~2::'.0::'.0::_5:..:_. 7~1~1'..:_.0~0~0::'.._ TROE 2 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 r ;;, ¥ i Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-3 Parcel No. 7 DOE No. 5138 I TAD No. 00544272 Gustavo R. Gonzalez 822 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):23 Block: 14 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 14' Lot(s) 23, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 822 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ __, 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7(2006 (Signature) 1 1 i ' .• . .; SCALE 1" = 2 0 ' Parcel #6 900 CLA!REMONT AVE DAVID KEITH HILTON 900 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BU< 14 LOT 22 VOL.012380 PG .085 Parc el #40 901 CLAIREMONT AVE JCI GROUP INC /I -- Parcel #7 822 CLAIREMONT A VE GUSTAVO R GONZALEZ 822 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BU< 14 LOT 23 INSTRUMENT: 0204132631 ---.. "- \ Parcel #41 ;;ol .,.,I I I I'' 11 11 I 11 ~ 1 1 I I! -u l'T'J Parcel /18 81.8 CLAIREMONT A VE WES .RYON . 220 LILAC LN ·SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 CLAJREMONT PLACE BU< 14 LOT 24 INSTRUMENT: 0205384344 I I I I Parc el #42 615 CLAIREMONT AVE f ( f, f I I T .I PO BOX 822415 NORTH RI CHLAND HILLS 821 CLAIREMONT AVE SECRETARY OF HUD 5040 ADDISON CIR STE 300 ADDISON TX 75001 CLAIREMONT PLACE JOSE & ANTONIA RIOS GUTIERREZ 3536 LYNNFIELD DR TX 76162 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 S 46 '6 -N2'7 VOL .0143,t2 PG .0263 BLK 13 LTS 5 & N2 ' 6 INSTRUMENT: 0 205366614 FORT WORTH T X 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 4 INSTRUM ENT : 0203465704 C lairemont Ave, Ch icago Ave, R amsey DRAWN BY : RJL c;;;;;i CJ I"""'~ Bai rd, Hampton & Brow n, Inc . Ave. Reconstruct ion CHECKED BY : KB <..!=JD"""" Engineering & Surveying D0E#5l38 BHB PROJECT :2005.711.000 6JOO R,g1eo A«,. Sule 100 rcirt 'htl-. r, 1111, let.(a17)ll8-1211 r.:(a11}l.la-n•s c-~.col"f---------------=-:--::--:-----1-=_:-----------1 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 2006 EXHIBIT : TROE 3 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-4 _ t ,,_ .! Ji I Parcel No. 19 DOE No. 5138 I I TAD No. 00541532 Jesus Deleon 3056 Oscar Ave Fort Worth, Texas 76106 Lot(s):23 Block: 3 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § ! ! i That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX , herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 3 ' Lot(s) 23, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 616 Clairemont Ave ., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation , replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein , until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void . This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents , representatives , or contractors to access the aforementioned property . TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto , anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and ass igns , for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the __ day of ______ , 2004 . GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTR Y Rev . 7/2006 (Signature) 1 1 1-~'i I SCALE 1" = 20' Parcel #fB' 620 CLAlREMONT AVE JOSE A COMPIAN 620 CLAlREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TJ(76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLl< 3 LOT 22 VOL.014706 PG.0162 I I Pa r cel #51 621 CLAIREMONT . AVE FRANCO GUEVARA 4000 WESTWIND DR ARLINGTON TX 76017 CLA!REMONT PLACE BLK 4 LOT 6 VOL.012726 PG.16 25 / I Parcel /119 616 CLAIREMONT AVE JESUS DELEON 3056 OSCAR AVE FORT WORTH TX 76106 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLl< 3 LOT 23 VOL.014546 PG .0146 / ------........ I I I I I I Parcel #52 617 CLAIREMONT AVE FIDEL GONZALEZ 617 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 4 LOT 5 INSTRUMENT: D203419503 -": Parcel /120 612 CLAIREMONT AVE ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ JR 612 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH ,TX 76103 CLAlREMON.T PLACE . BLI< 3 ioT 24 VOL.01510\J PG.0071 Parcel N53 613 CLAIREMONT AVE JOE H & LAURA GARCIA SANCH 613 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLl< 4 LOT 4 VOL .015943 PG .0204 11 _ _1__ __ ---.--__i._ __ --.---~~----1 j Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL EXHIBIT: l f"""!c::J!"""~Boird , Hampton & Brown, Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB TROE """ c::J """' Engineerin g & Surveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT : 2005.711.000 6JOO ~ ,-.. w. 700 rort 'lortlo. T• 1t11t r.t.(a17}3Ja-t277 reic(a17)JJe.-t2c5 £-Wai:-*Hlinc-C'Qftll-------=--=-=-~..:..:::...:.. _______ -C:::..:.::__:_:_:_=:.:::.:..:...::.:.::.:..:_:_:_:..:..::..::..::__j 4 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 2006 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-5 Pa reel No. 20 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 00541540 Alberto Rodriguez Jr. 612 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):24 Block: 3 ST ATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESEPRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 3' Lot(s) 24, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 612 Clairemont Ave ., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry . EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ ~ 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7/2006 (Signature) r 1 i 1 1 1 I I 1 I I l : I SCALE 1" 20' Parc el #19 616 CLAIREMONT AVE JESUS DELEON 30 56 OSCAR AVE FORT WORTH TX 76106 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 3 LOT 2 3 VOL.014546 PG .01 46 I I Parcel f52 617 CLAIREMONT AVE FIDEL GO NZALE Z 6 17 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMO NT PLACE I , , /1 I : I I \ ,.," ·. ~ I I .1 / / Parcel #20 612 CLAIREMONT AVE ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ JR 612 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 3 LOT 24 VOL .015108 PG .0071 ------"""' I I "- { ( P a r ce l N53 613 CLAIREMONT AVE \ \ JO E H & LAURA GARCIA SANCHEZ 613 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BU< 4 LOT 4 VOL.015943 PG .0204 Parcel #21 608 CLAIREMONT AVE JOANN MCGASTER · 608 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BU< 3 LOT 25 VOL .014641 PG .0479 t_ f ~ >. l I / Pa r cel #54 609 CLAIREMONT AVE DA VID AND LETICIA CALVILLO 609 CLAIR EMON T AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 4 LOT 3 VOL .012255 PG.1022 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL EXHIBIT : c;;;i c::J I"""~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . Ave. Reconstruction CH ECKED BY : KB ~ c::J """ Engineering & Surveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT: 2005.711 .000 TROE 5 &JOO~ Aiacr.Suilt 100 rort Werth. r, 1,11,1ct(a11}lJa-12nr°"~a11)JJa-t2•sE~-'*"t--------------------;_::_::_ __ :....:_ ______ -J Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 ~ Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-6 Parcel No. 27 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 03197026 ... ;,, .l"':«· Treasure Invest01Jnt L.P. 6041 Hillview Watauga, Texas 76148 Lot(s):10-19 Block: 5 ST ATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 5' Lot(s) 10-19, Turner Subdivision Beacon Hill , Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 412 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property . TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ __, 2004 . GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7/2006 (Signature) 1! -<, I SCALE 1" = 20· I 11 + I Parcel N26 416 CLAIREMONT AVE . MARTHA E GUTIERREZ 416 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 18 INSTRUMENT: 0204044516 I v - Parcel #27 412 CLAIREMONT AVE TREASURE INVESTMENT LP 6041 HILLVIEW DR WATAUGA TX 76148 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 10-19 INSTRUMENT: 0205108347 f E· J# f Parcel 828 f 408 CLAIREMONT A V1, FREEMAN C HOLT 408 CLAIREMONT AYE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL i BLK 5 LOT 9-20 DEED DATE : 00/00/0000 '1 ~I Parce l #60 437 CLAIREMONT AVE MARY F OLIVER 1200 TRAILS END ST AZLE TX 76020 TURNER SUBDIVIS IO N BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 14 DEED DATE : 01 /01 /1901 Parcel #61 415 CLA IR EMONT AVE MARTIN AND MARIA G AVELAR 415 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 13 VOL .0 10792 SPG .1191 Parcel #62 409 CLA l REMONT AVE JOHN F AND VANESSA A MCCOY 7404 ASHBOURNE WAY FORT WOR'l'H TX 76133 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 128 VOL.014155 PG .0202 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL EXHIBIT: c;i CJ!"""'~ Baird, Hampt on & Brown, In c. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB ~ D """' Engineering & Surveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT : 2005.711 .000 6lOO it.,.. Aeee, w1t 1tJOr0111lortfl. h 1'611, r.i:(e11)lJe-12n roa:1e17)ua-no C-Mool~(Offtl---------------------1...'.:.:..:::_:....:..:_::..:.::.:._~------l TROE 6 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 2006 I Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction f; }! I' I TROE-7 Parcel No. 28 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 03197018 Holt Freeman 408 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):9-20 Block: 5 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § I ; I That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 5' Lot(s) 9-20, Turner Subdivision Beacon Hill , Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 408 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents , representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee , is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry . EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ ___, 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7(2 006 (Signature) SC AL E 1 " = 2 0 ' Parcel #27 412 CLAIREMONT AVE TREASURE INVESTMENT LP 6041 HILLVIEW DR WATAUGA TX 76148 TURNER SUBDIV1Sl0N BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 10-19 INSTRUMENT : 0 2 05 108347 Parcel #61 4 15 CLAIREMONT AVE MARTIN AND MARIA G AVELAR 4 15 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVI SION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 13 -- Parcel #28 408 CLAIREMONT AVE FREEMAN C HOLT 408 CLA!REMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 9-20 DEED DATE: 00/00/0000 Parcel #62 409 CLAIREMONT AVE JOHN F AND VANESSA A MCCOY 7404 ASHBOURNE WAY FORT WORTH TX 76133 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 12B VOL .014155 PG.0202 11 II ,1 I 11 ,I ,: ,1 1: 'I ,, I 'I 11 r _,l :;o1 ,, I I r I Parcel #29 404 CLAIREMONT AVE MARY CAIN 404 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 8-21 DEED DATE : 01 /18/1997 Parc el #63 405 CLAIREMONT AVE I MANUEL AND ARACELY GALLARDO 405 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT llB VOL.015931 PG .0222 .I J VOL.010792 SPG.1191 -------'------------r-=-;--;----:-;--;:;,:-------;-:-~~~:::-;:---~~-----j C lairemont Ave, Ch icago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL EXHIBI T: & 8 I Ave. Reconstruct ion CHECKED BY: KB l t"""'!CJ!...,.~B oi rd, Hampton rown, nc. DOE#Sl)S """' 0 """ E ngineering & S u rveying BHB PROJECT: 2005.7 1 1.000 ox, fitleo Poot,. s-., 100 rort '°"'-r. 76116 Tet(a11}JJ8-1zn ro.:(a11)JJ8-t2•~ c-w~.tornf-------------------::-:--:--:---"1-------------l Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: Sep t embe r 2006 TROE 7 ,, f,, J;' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction I I TROE-8 Parcel No. 34 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 00127442 Lee Sherry Ann 304 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):23 & 24 Block: 12 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTYOFTARRANT § ) That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 12' Lot(s) 23 & 24, Beacon Hill Addition, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 304 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of ______ ,. 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7/2006 (Signature) I ~~-'11_.-----...........--- 1 SCALE 1" = 20' I Parcl #34 304 CLAIR1:MONT AVE SHERRY ,ANN LEE 304 CLAIREMONT AVE FOR'.J' WORT~ TX 76103 BEACON HI ADDITION BLK· 12 LO 23 & 24 . V0!,.01041 PG .2155 . I I I I :'--- --- i ~ ~~ I! 11 "{ 1 i . . / I I \ I ----------~ -&l~i~W1f1i:2,-_11_ _ _J Pare! H6B 3950 E LAN ASTER AVE MU STAFA NADAF 2424 AZLE AVE FORT WORTM TX 76106 TURNER SU BDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LWS 5 & 6 INSTRUMENT., D203443883 I I Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL (el c:J I"""'~ Baird , Hampton & Brown, Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY: KB <..!::.JD """' Engineeri ng & Surveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT: 2005.711.000 6Xl0 f5t1N Plot•,~ 1QO fo,t 'lor"-Ya 16 116 t.t:(a1 1)JJl-12n roa;-(lt7}l38-1245 E-~.~i-------::-:--:-----=--:-:-=-:----i...:::_: _ _:_..:.::_:....:_ _____ --J Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 ~ J ' / ./ EXHIBIT: TROE 8 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-9 Parcel No. 37 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 00543888 Fort Worth Housing Authority PO Box 430 Fort Worth, Texas ;7 6101 Lot(s):S 48'9 Block: 13 CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned , hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 13' Lot(s) S 48'9, Clairemont Place , Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 915 Clairemont Ave ., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation , replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and it s contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents , repre sentatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry . EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ _, 2004 . GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RI GHT OF ENT RY Rev. 7/2 006 (Signature) I 1 1 1 I 1111 I I 11 11 I I Parcel #2 916 CLAIREMONT AVE JOHNS & TEAL D EDWARDS 916 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAJREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LT 18 & N 60 ' 16 VOL .009373 PG .0635 Pa rcel #3 6 917 CLAIREMONT AVE MIGUEL AVILE S 917 CLAlREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAlREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LO T 10 VOL.01 5 116 PG .0021 I I . . I .;:::_1 N ~;f-,-""""'.-,-,.,.,.-~ ~--,..., Parcel #3 912 CLAIREMONT AVE DAVID WAYNE NEWTON 4609 NEVADA TRL NORTH RICHLAND HILLS TX 76160 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 19 VOLOI0656 PG .0838 . -._._,.,:: ::.:-·;;·' I I / ---------/ Parcel #37 915 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH HOUSING AUTHORITY PO BOX 430 FORT WORTH TX 76101 CLAIREMO NT PLACE BLK 13 S48 ' 9 VOL013734 PG .0354 I I ,· P Arc el 1/4 ·,: 908 CLAlREMONT A VE ISIDRO & AMELIA HERNANDEZ 906 ·CLAIREMONT AV~·· FORT WORTH TX 761Q3 CLAIREMONT PI.Ac&· Bl,I( 14 LOT 20 J VOL.0136 32 PG .0219 ; ! Pa r cel #38 909 CLAIREMON T A VE MAR CUS N & ANETA J NI CHOLS 142 BRU SHY TRL W FORT WORTH TX 76108 CLAIREMO NT PLA CE BLK 13 LOT 8 & l 2A VOL .0 076 16 PG.11 5 1 -~'i SCALE 1" = 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL EXHIBIT : 1------------l 1 f~ p 0 :J j ~~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB Engineering & Surv eying DOE #5138 o» -""'·"" ""',.., ,...._ r, "'" r«(111)lla-1m ,,.,(!17)lle-tl 45 c-w-..""'f--:=------=:---:---:=--::::_:__-=-:--:-:-:-----{..':B'..'..H'..:B'......'.P:.'..R~O:'.'.J'..'.:E:.:C:..'.T.:...: 2~0~0:'..5:'._·::_7_:1_:1_::.0:'.'.0:'.'.0:'..J Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 2006 TROE 9 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction t; ~ I TROE-10 I P1;1rcel No. 38 DOE No. 5138 TAD' No. 00543861 Marcus N & Aneta J Nichols 142 B.rushy Tri W Fort Worth, Texas 76108 Lot(s):8 &12A Block: 13 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § ., ,, I I i ,. That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Gran tor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 13' Lot(s) 8 &12A, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 909 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void . · This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ __, 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7/2006 (Signature) Parcel f/3 912 CLAIREMONT AVE DAVID WAYNE NEWTON 4809 NEVADA TRL NORTH RICHLAND HILLS -TX 76180 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLJ< 14 LOT 19 VOL.DI 0658 PG .0838 Parcel #37 915 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH HOUSlNG AUTHORITY PO BOX 430 FORT WORTH TX 76101 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 S48' 9 VOL.013734 PG .0354 I . PArcel #4 908 CLAIREMONT AVE ISIDRO & AMEUA HERNANDEZ 908 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLJ< 14 LOT 20 VOL013632 PG .0219 --- Pa r cel #38 909 CLAIREMONT AVE MAR CUS N & ANETA J NlCHOLS 142 BRUSHY TRL W FORT WORTH TX 76108 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 8 & 12A VOL .007616 PG .11 5 1 _, I -i / Parcel #5 904 CLAIREMONT AVE R & C DIAZ TORRES / 904 CLAIREMONT AVE :r FORT WORTH TX 76103 ~ CLAIREMONT PLACE f BLK 14 LOT 21 , VOL.012774 PG .0131 f Parcel #39 905 CLAIREMONT AVE JAIM E & ERIKA L VALDEZ 905 CLAlREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 S 48'7N2 ' -8 I NSTRUMENT : D20334 7980 SCALE 1" 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL EXHI BI T: Vll r,;;;i o ! "'"'~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY: KB C,!=.J D ..,.. Engineering & Surveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT :2005.711.DOO 6XlO .... Pb.•. Sc..w 700 fo,t ...._ ,. 161" ftt(817)lJ9.-1277 fo.:(IH)JJl-9245 [-w-.~-I----------.:....:::....:.._:_ _________ i..::::.:.::::__:_...:.:..:::.:.:::::.:..:....::::::..:::.:::.:..:._:__:_.:::::.....J Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 TROE 10 f t J;-' Clairemont Ave, ~bicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-11 ff { Parcel No. 39 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 00543853 Jaime& Erika L. Valdez 905 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):S 48'7 N2'-8 Block: 13 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § l I f ! That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 13' Lot(s) S 48'7 N2'-8, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 905 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ __, 2004 . GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7/2006 (Signature) 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 PArcel N4 908 CLAIREMONT AVE lSIDRO & AMELIA HERNANDEZ .· ·gos CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 20 VOL.013632 PG .0219 Parcel #38 909 CLAIREMONT AVE MARCUS N & ANETA J NICHOLS 142 BRUSHY TRL W FORT WORTH TX 76108 CLAIREMONT PLA CE BLK 13 LOT 8 & 12 A VOL.007616 PG .1151 ,, - Parcel #5 904 CLAIREMONT AVE R & C DlAZ TORRES 904 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 . CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 21 VOL.012774 PG .0131 / -" Parcel #39 905 CLAIREMONT A VE JAIME & ERIKA L VALDEZ 905 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 S 48'7N2' -8 INSTRUMENT : D20334 7980 Parcel 1/6 900 CLAIREMONT AVE DAVID KEITH HILTON 900 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103· CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 22 VOL.012380 PG.085 Parcel 1/40 901 CLAIREMONT AVE JCI GROUP INC PO BOX 822415 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS TX 76182 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 S 48'6 -N2 '7 VOL.014342 PG .0263 SCALE 1" 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL c;;;;i c::::::J 1-~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB C!=.J D -Engine erinq & Surveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT: 2005.711 .000 6D llglto Ploce. 5'.-700 rort 'lor1I\ r. 16111 Ttt.(117)l)l-12"f1 ro.:(117).1}&-92•5 E-~.C<l'llt---=:------:::-;-~--::-::---:~;--:-;:-;-:--1-=:..:__::____:.__:..:._::..:_:.:__ _____ -I Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 2006 I, ·-le' .~ f I I J EXHIBIT: ~ 1 I TROE 1 1 .i t. 4; Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. ~econstructi°,! ---~. I TROE-12 Parcel No. 40 DOENo.5138 TAD No. 00543845 . JCI Group Inc. PO Box 822415 North Richl~nd Hills, Texas 76182 Lot(s):S 48'6 N2'-7 Block: 13 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTYOFTARRANT § ., ' r ' ; That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 13' Lot(s) S 48'6 N2'-7, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 901 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees , agents, representatives , or contractors to access the aforementioned property . TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns , for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the day of 2004. ----------' GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RI GHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7/2006 (Signature) 1 1 1 1 1 r T Parcel f5 904 CLAIREMONT AVE R & C DIAZ TORRES 904 .CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE . BU< 14 LOT 21 VOL.012774 PG .0131 Parcel #39 .,, ,t II 11 11 1 1 905 CLAIREMONT AVE JAIME & ERIKA L VALDEZ 905 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 S 48 '7N2 ' -8 INSTRUMENT: D203347980 I (Jlj f I -- Parcel /f6 900 CLAIREMONT AVE DAVID KEITH HILTON 900 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PU.CE . . .. BLK 14 LOT 22 VOL.012380 PG .085 / Parce l #40 901 CLAIREMONT AVE JCI GROUP INC PO BOX 822415 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS TX 76182 CLAIREMONT PLA CE BLK 13 S 48'6 -N2'7 VOL.014342 PG .0 263 ;rj 1 I r, J· ~ Parcel 117 ,. 822 CLAIREMONT AVE f GUSTAVO R GONZALEZ f '822 CLAIREMONT AVE , FORT WORTH TX 76103,~ CLAIREMONT PLACE · BLK 14 LOT 23 , INSTRUMENT: D204132631 { I l Parcel #41 821 CLAIREMONT AVE SECRETARY OF HUD 5040 ADDISON CIR STE 300 ADDISON TX 75001 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LTS 5 & N2' 6 INSTRUMENT: D205388614 -~'i SCALE 1" 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL EXHIBIT: :ol ..,.,I I . ·-1 c.;;i CJ 1-~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY: KB 'i<.!=.J D ..,.. Engineering & Survey ing DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT: 2005 .711.000 16JOD lligltt Pita.~. 700 ro,1 'lcwtl. la 71116 T.t(S17)ll8-12n f•:(517}lla-t2•S [--Noi~.(-t--=-------=:--:--:---:::----::::-::-::-:-:---1-=:_ __________ -l TROE 12 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 2006 d: Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-13 Parcel No. 41 DOENo.5138 TAD No. 00543837 MARTIN GOMEZ I I. / ··.·· 821 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):5 & N2'-6 Block: 13 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § t I I That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 13' Lot(s) 5 & N2'-6, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 821 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of ______ , 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7/2006 (Signature) 11 ~! I I 1 1 1 Parcel /16 900 CLAIREMONT AVE DAVID KEITH HILTON 900 Cl:AIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 22 VOL.012380 PG.085 \ Pa r cel A40 90 1 CLAIREMONT AVE JC! GROUP INC \ PO BOX 822415 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS TX 76182 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 S 48'6-N2'7 VOL .014 34 2 PG .0 2 63 ·I "' Parcel #7 822 CLAIREMONT AVE GUSTAVO R GONZALEZ 822 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 23 INSTRUMENT : D204 13263 1 / . ------ Parcel #41 821 CLAIREMONT AVE SECRET ARY OF HU D 5040 ADDISON CIR STE 300 ADDISON TX 75001 CLAIREMONT PLA CE BLK 13 LTS 5 & N2' 6 INSTRU MENT: D2053BB614 I I'' 11 11 I 11 ~'I I 11 ,,., ;;ol "1 Parcel f/8 ·· 818 CLAlREMONT AVE s.'· WES RYON ;f 220 LILAC LN ,f SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 f CLAIREMONT PLACE f BLK 14 LOT 24 ) INSTRUMENT: D2 05384344 I I Parce l #42 815 CLAIREMONT AVE JO SE & ANTONIA RIO S GUTIERREZ 3536 LYNNFI ELD DR FORT WO RTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 4 I NSTRUME NT : D203465704 SCALE 1 " 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL E XHIBIT : (;;;i CJ I"""'~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY KB '1'..~ CJ """' Engineering & Surv e y ing DOE #5138 BHB PR OJ ECT : 2 0 05.7 11.000 TROE 13 I "9'to ~. s--100 rcrt Worti. ,. 16111 rtt:(a17)lle-12n r .. :(S17)JJ&-t24S l-fiW:~cOlllt----------:---:-------:----1,.:::.:_::_:....:_:.:_:::.:.:._:::_::..::..:.:.....:_..:..:.::_::~ Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 I, I 'I t, i. ti :t} Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction f TROE-14 Parcel No. 42 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 00543829 Jose & Antonia Rios Gutierrez 3536 Lynnfield Dr Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):4 Block: 13 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § i l i ' ! i That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 13' Lot(s) 4, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 815 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the day of , 2004. ---------- GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7/2006 (Signature) 1 1 I ~ Parcel 117 822 CLAIREMONT AVE GUSTAVO R GONZALEZ 822 CLAIREMONT AVE FQRT WORTH TX ~6103 CLA!REMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 23 INSTRUMENT: D204132631 Parcel ,¥41 62 1 CLAJREMONT AVE SECRETARY or HUD 5040 ADDlSON ClR STE 300 ADDlSON TX 75001 CLAlREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LTS 5 & N2 ' 6 lNSTRUMEN T : D2053BB6l4 ;of ,.,, I I I'' 11 11 I 11 ~'I I 11 f'TI Parcel /18 818 CLAlREMONT AVE WES RYON 220 LILAC LN SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 CLAlREMONT PLACE BLK 14 LOT 24 INSTRUMENT : D205384344 I I I I __ ,,....,.., Parcel #42 B15 CLAlREMONT AVE JOSE & ANTONlA RIOS GUTlERREZ 3536 LYNNFIELD DR FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAlREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 4 I NSTRUMENT: D203465704 Parcel #9 ,• ., ,. 816 CLA I REMONT AVE j' ROBERT C & ANA C TORRES ~ 816 CLAIREMONT AVE f FORT WORTH TX 76103 f CLAlREMONT PLACE ./ BU< 14 LOT 25 INSTRUMENT: D2042503BB / Parcel /143 813 CLAIREMONT AVE CHRISTOPHER WYATT MOSELEY 813 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76 103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 3 INST RUMENT : D2060 12259 SCALE 1 " = 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL EXH IBIT : • I I 11 I 11 I § § B · H t & B I Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB c:::J """ a,rd, amp on rown, nc . DOE#SIJS c:::J """" Engineering & Surveying BHB PROJECT: 2005.711.000 6JOO "91" Aoct. Si.iilt 100 r.t ....._ r. 1111• W:(117)l35-12n r .. :(a11)JJl-t2•s c-~.c'i---------=-::-:::-:--::-=---=-:--::--;--:----ji....:..:..::__:_:..:..:_.:..::_.::_: _____ ---J Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 TROE 14 · Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction ~-s •· f TROE-15 Parcel No. 43 DOENo.5138 I TAD No. 00543810 Christopher Wyatt Moseley _813 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):3 Block: 13 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § / That the undersigned, hereinafter referred . to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 13' Lot(s) 3, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 813 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void . This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives , or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ _, 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7/2006 (Signature) 3 31 ;uJ -ril I I I' ' 11 11 I 11 ~ 1 1 I 11 rTJ Parcel /18 818 CLAIREMONT AVE WES RYON 220 LILAC LN SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 CLAIREMONT PLACE BU< 14 LOT 24 . INSTRUMENT: D2 0 5384344 Parcel #42 815 CLAIREMONT AVE JOSE & ANTONIA RIOS GUTIERREZ 3536 LYNNFIELD DR FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 4 IN STRUMENT : D2 03465704 I T'------ Parcel /19 816 CLAIREMONT AVE ROBERT C & ANA C TORRES 81"6 CLAlREMONT A VE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BU< 14 LOT 25 INSTRUMENT: D204250388 / ---- Pa r ce l #43 813 CLAIREMONT AVE CHR ISTOPHER WYATT MO SELEY 813 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 3 I NSTRUMENT : D20601 2259 I I 11 11 j 11 11 -~'i Parcel #10 !, 812 CLAIREMONT /AVE . MANUEL DELGADO 812 CLAIREMONT .. AVE FORT WORTH TX B'6103 CLAIREMONT PU.CE BLK 14 LOT 26 VOL015078 PG.0 306 I ;' Parc el #44 811 CLAIREMONT AVE WA NDA BROWN 811 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIR EMONT PLACE BLK 13 LOT 2 DEED DATE : 08 /02/1995 SCALE 1 " 2 0' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Av e, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL EXHIBIT : c,;;;;i i:::J 0 ! ::;~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, In c. Ave. Reconstruction CHE CK ED BY : KB C!=.J E ngi neering & Surveying DOE #5138 ..,. ...,. ""'·,... 100 rot'""' r, 11111 r.t(111)J.>8-1m ,,.,(11 1µ,..,,., £ .... ..-.-,-::;::-------::::-;--~--::-:---:---:::-:;--::-;---{.'.B'...'.H.'..'.B:'._'.P:..'.R:'.O:'.:J:'..'.E:'.:C:..'.T.:_: _:2:.::0:::0:.::5::_. 7~1 ~1 .~O:'.'.O:'.'.Oj TROE 15 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 2006 { j j{ Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-16 t r Parcel No. 51 DOENo.5138 TAD No. 00541656 Franco Guevara 4000 West wind Dr Arlington, Texas 76017 Lot(s):6 Block: 4 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORIB TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § ' ' J _,. i ,' That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 4' Lot(s) 6, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 621 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the · rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry . EXECUTED this the __ day of ______ , 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) · TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7/2006 (Signature) / / / / / / / / / / / / Parcel #17 624 CLAIREMONT AYE JAMES & RENE V SUMNER 6505 SKY RD JOSHUA TX 76058 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLJ< :J LOT 21 YOL.011271 PG .0934 I I I I Parcel #5 0 6 25 CLAIREMONT AYE LORENZO RUBIO 6 25 CLAIREMONT AYE FO RT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIR EMO NT PLA CE BLK 4 LOT 7 I NS TRUM EN T: D2 0 52655 77 Parcel #18 620 CLAIREMONT AYE · JOSE A COMPIAN 620 CLAIREMONT AYE FORT WORTH TX 7610:J CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK :J LOT 22 YOL.014 708 PG .0182 Parcel #51 6 2 1 CLAIREMONT AYE FRANCO GUEVARA 4000 WE STWIND DR ARLINGTON TX 76017 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 4 LOT 6 YOL .01 2726 PG .18 25 I ... ·~··. :. ·' .~ : .; .;• . - .-·.·'.;_·.,. ".-·:·: ------- ~/ Parcel #19 616 CLAIREMONT AYE JESUS DELEON 3056 OSCAR AYE FORT WORTH TX 76106 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK :J LOT 2:J VOL.014546 PG .0146 I I I I Parcel #52 617 CLAlREMONT AYE FIDEL GONZALEZ 617 CLAlREMONT AYE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAlREMONT PLA CE BLJ< 4 LOT 5 INSTRUMENT : D203419503 SCALE 1" = 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL ee;i c:::i ! """"~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB (.!=.J CJ """" Engineer-ing & Sur-vey ing DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT :2005.711.000 UJO ~ '* .. ~ 100 ro,1 Worth. b 76116 Tt1:(811)lle-1zn r.._il17)l38-t2•5 r-~J---------------------1-..:.:_:.::_..:....:_:..:..::.:.::.:....:_::_ ____ --J Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 EXHIBIT: TROE 1 6 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction ' . TROE-17 .t I I I Parcel No. 52 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 00541648 Fidel Gonzalez I 617 Clairemont Ave Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):5 Block: 4 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § I i That the undersigned , hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 4' Lot(s) 5, Clairemont Place, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 617 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation , replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein , until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void . This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property . TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee , is successors and assigns , for the purposes set forth above . Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry . EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ ~ 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RJGHT OF ENTRY Re v. 7/2 006 (Signature) Parcel #16 620 CLAIREMONT AVE JOSE · A COMP!AN 620 CLA!REMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 3 LOT 22 VOL.014706 PG .0162 I I Parcel #5 1 621 CLAIREMONT AVE FRANCO GUEVARA 4000 WESTWIND DR ARLINGTON TX 76017 CLA IREMONT PLACE BLK 4 LOT 6 VOL .012726 PG .1825 I Parcel #19 6 16 CLAIREMONT AVE JESUS DELEON 3056 OSCAR AVE FORT WORTH TX 76106 CLAIREMONT PLACE . BLK 3 LOT 23 VOL.014546 PG .0146 Parce l #52 617 CLAIREMONT AVE FIDEL GONZALEZ 617 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WO RTH TX 76 103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 4 LOT 5 INSTRUMENT: D203419503 Parcel lf20 612 CLAIREMONT AVE ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ JR 612 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLA!REMONT PLACE BLK 3 LOT 24 VOL.015106 PG.0071 Pa r cel #53 613 CLAIREMONT AVE f l /1 f I ·1. I JO E H & LAURA GARC IA SANCHEZ 6 13 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 CLAIREMONT PLACE BLK 4 LOT 4 VOL.015943 PG .0204 -<'ii SCALE t" 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL EXHIBIT: (el c:::J ! """'~ Baird , Hampton & Brown, In c. · Ave. Reconstruction CHE CK ED BY: KB ~ D """' Engineer-ing & S ur-v e ying DOE #5138 BHB PROJE CT: 2005.711.000 TROE 1 7 6JOO fl'".;to Ploct, s.te 700 Fort Worth. Ti 7$116 ftl :(817)l)l-1?77 F~:(317)lJ8-12t5 (-Noi~C0111 1--------=-=-=-:.:..:::..:_::...=. _______ -t...:::.:..:.:::.....:....:..:.:::..:::.:..:.:....:::..:::.:.:_:....:_.:..:.::.:_:--1 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : Se ptember 2006 t Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-18 I I Parcel No. 61 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 03197212 Martin & Maria G Avelar 415 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):13 Block: 6 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORm TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § f ./ I That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 6' Lot(s) 13, Turner Subdivision Beacon Hill, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 415 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry . EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ -,-, 2004 . GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7/2006 (Signature) I ,, Parcel #26 Parcel #27 Parcel #28 408 CLAIREMONT AVE i r 416 CLAIREMONT AVE MARTHA E GUTIERREZ 416 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION 412 CLAIREMONT AVE TREASURE INVESTMENT LP 6041 HILLVIEW DR WATAUGA TX 76148 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL FREEMAN C HOLT 406 CLAIREMONT A VE ,. FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION ,I ,: 11 T BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 18 INSTRUMENT: D204044516 BLK.5 LOT 10 -19 INSTRUMENT : 0205108347 BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 9-20 DEED DATE : 00/00/0000 I '~--:'.i·~~~~~~~~~~~i--.,.~~~~ tif ;:'J:~.\·a ====:±::::::::" 1 1 1 1 Parcel #60 437 CLAIR EMONT AV E MARY F OLIVER 1200 TRAILS END ST AZLE TX 76020 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 14 DEED DAT E: 0 1/01 /190 1 l "' ----- Parcel #61 4 15 CLAIREMONT AVE MAR TIN AND MARIA G AVELAR 415 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76 103 TURNE R SUBDIV ISION BEACON HILL BU< 6 LOT 13 VOL .010792 SPG .1191 ----- I :1 I [ / r I I Parcel #62 409 CLAIREMONT A VE JOHN F AND VANESSA A MC COY 7404 ASHBO URNE WAY FORT WOR TH TX 76133 TURNER SUBDIVISION BE ACON HILL 8LK 6 LOT 12 8 VOL .0141 55 PG .0 202 ::0 1 ~ I 1 ____________ _.!..._.-:::::--:---:-:---;::;-;--:-----;----;::;-:--:-:1-=-::-1r=:=-:-:::::SC~A-;:;-L:;-E-l '_' __ 2_01· ~~:--_,__I C lairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL EXHIBIT : l!~ jc:::l ! """~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . Ave . Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB e,, CJ""" Eng inee ring & Surv eying DOE#SI38 BHB PROJECT :2a05.711 .000 """° Plix,. s.-JOOfortlol'tJ\. r. 1111& 111:{a11)lJa-1211 r0a:(a11)ll8-t2•)E·~.c:oml--------------------"1--------------l Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 TROE 18 {' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction ,. i TROE-19 Parcel No. 63 DOENo.5138 TAD No. 03197190 I i Manuel & Aaracely Gallardo 405 Clairemont Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):llB Block: 6 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § i i That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 6' Lot(s) 1 lB, Turner Subdivision Beacon Hill, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 405 Clairemont Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein , until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees , agents , representatives , or contractors to access the aforementioned property . TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns , for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry . EXECUTED this the day of , 2004. ---------- GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RJGHT OF ENTRY Rev. 7(2006 (Signature) 1 , 1 1 Parcel {128 408 CLAIREMONT AVE FREEMAN C HOLT 408 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDMSION BEACON HILL BU< 5 LOT 9-20 DEED DATE: 00/00/0000 . Parcel #62 409 CLAIREMONT AVE JOHN F AND VANESSA A MCCOY 7404 ASHBOURNE WAY FORT WORTH TX 76133 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 128 VOL.OI4155 PG .0 202 :::01 ~I Parcel /129 404 CLAIREMONT AVE MARY CAIN 404 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL . BLK 5 LOT 8-21 DEED DATE : 01/18/1997 Pa rcel #63 ----- 4 05 CLAIREMONT AVE MANUEL AND ARACELY GALLARDO 405 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIV ISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 118 YOL.015931 PG .0222 -:::'._1 N Parcel /130 400 CLAIREMONT AVE ERSAL L CAIN 404 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 7-22 DEED DATE : 00 /00/0000 Parce l H64 401 CLAIREMONT AVE EMMA JIMENEZ 4829 HILLSIDE AYE FORT WORTH TX 76119 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 108 YOL .0 1490 0 PG .0386 t J f ' ! l ~---------------'-----.-:::-:---:----:----::::-;-----;------;::----r:-::~-:-::-:--S-;:C:--;:A-L-E-1-" --2-r:O:::-' ::-::;::-:-;----, I Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL EXHI BIT : 1 fe:! I c:J ! ""'i Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB eo, CJ ""' Engineering & Su..-veying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT : 2005.711 .000 6.XIO!lglN;hoct. s.t, 1'00FOl'tlkwtl. b 76116 Ttt(S17)lJI-IZ77 fea.'(S17}l31-'2U(-~.c-l-----------------------t.._:_------------I Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 TROE 19 I j Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-20 Parcel No. 64 DOE No. 5138 I I TAD No. 03197174 Emma Jimenez 4829 Hillside Ave Fort Worth, Texas 76119 Lot(s):IOB Block: 6 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § i That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth , TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 6' Lot(s) IOB, Turner Subdivision Beacon Hill, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 401 Clairemont Ave ., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation , replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void . This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents , representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns , for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this R ight of Entry. EXECUTED this the day of 2004 . ---______ __, GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF EN TR Y Rev . 7(2 006 (Signature) Tl I I 11 1 i Parcel #29 404 CLAIREMONT AVE MARY CAIN 404 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDMSION BEACON HlLL BLK 5 LOT 8-21 DEED DATE : 01 /18 /1997 Parc el #63 \ "' 405 CLAIREMONT AVE MAN UE L AND ARACELY GALLARDO 405 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76 10 3 TURNER SUBDIV ISION BEA CON HILL BLK 6 LOT 118 VOL.0 1593 1 PG .0222 I ~I N ---------- Parcel #30 400 CLAIREMONT AVE ERSAL L CAIN 404 CLAIREMONT AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 5 LOT 7-22 DEED DATE: 00/00/0000 / I / Parcel #64 401 CLAIREMONT AVE EMMA JIME NEZ 4829 HILLSIDE AVE FORT WORTH TX 76119 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOT 10 8 VOL .014900 PG .0386 l Parcel #31 ;- 316 CLAIREMONT AVE /. NELSON & MARIA QU!NTANI~ 604 SANDSTONE DR j FORT WORTH TX 76120/ TURNER SUBDIVISfoN BEACON HILL , BLK 5 LOT 6-23 ,' VOL.015592 PG .0362 Parcel #65 317 CLAIREMONT AV E JAMES N MORGAN 414 JUNIPER DR ARLINGTON TX 76018 TURNER SUBDIV ISION BEACON HILL BLK 6 LOTS 9A & 98 VOL.011710 PG .2233 20· SCALE t " I .. -----------------.L,-C:-la-i:-re_m_o_n_t-:A-:v-e-,-:C:=h:-i:-c-a_g_o_A=--v-e-,-:R:-a-m-s-ey---'--,-:o::R-::Aw-:::N::-::B::Y-: -;:;R~JL:----------i1rE::X:-;H;;::IB;::;IT::--: ---1 c;;;i i:::::i 1-3 Baird, Hampton & Brown, _Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB C!:.J D .,,,. Engineering & Survey i ng DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT : 2005 .711.000 • .,... ,._, _.. ,-r.t ..._ ,. 7'1116 r«1a17)ll&-12n r-.:(a17)lJl-t2~ C-1iW:~on1 l-----------....:......:..--------"1-:__:__ _________ --l Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 TROE 20 £: . M {! Ji ,. Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-21 Parcel No. 68 I DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 03197093 Nadaf Mustafah 2424 Azle Fort Worth, Texas 76106 Lot(s):LOT 5&6 Block: 6 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL.BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § j 1 i I That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 6' Lot(s) LOT 5&6, Turner Subdivision Beacon Hill, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 3950 E. Lancaster Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Gran tor will . grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void . This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee ind its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property . TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto , anywise belonging unto the said Grantee , is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the ___ day of _____ ~ 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7/2006 (Signature) I I Parj 834 304 CLAIRiMONT AVE SHERRY ,ANN LEE 304 CLAIRtMONT AVE FORT WORTfs TX 76103 BEACON HI ADDITION BLI< 12 LO S 23 & 24 VOL.01041 PG.2155 I . I ~ i. if f ' / F"'S;-;-7-.Tc:-s-:cn,.,.,,.,,,....,,,77::CT'::,,,...,..,,,,,.~,..,,...,,.....,.,...,.._..,..,...,,.,.......-,,-,..,....,,.,·~":';·-l1p~~1i[tlTfa:: "f. ·=;;·';:-,;=~h7"r,,=~~l=i,.¥.+1 10 -;----1 1 ~ I II I"' / I "-. / ~"-----/ Parci #68 3 950 ELA ASTER AVE MUSTAFA NADAF 2424 AZLE AVE FORT WORTH TX 76106 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEA CON HILL BLK 6 L~S 5 & 6 IN STRUMENT :' D203 443BB3 I I L I -~~fii.i\ _______ _ SCALE ( = 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL (;;;;-J Cl l """~ Baird, Hampt on & Brown, Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB C!:!J CJ """ Engineering & Surveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT : 2005.711 .000 6JOO f1rt1to Ntc., s-. 700 rc:rt 'lortll. f• n11, Jt1:(a11)JJl-12n r(Jl:(a1 1).na-t2•s C-ti"~CGNt-------===....!..!..>t....!.='-------,._:::..:.::.._:_.:.:.:_:::.:.:::..:..:...:~~~~~ Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 2006 EXHIBIT: TROE 21 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-22 '. ,L s i;) i I Parcel No. 76 DOE No. 5138 f r TAD No. 03197301 Maria & Erika Morris 4051 Hampshire Blvd Fort Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):19 Block: 7 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § / That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 7' Lot(s) 19, Turner Subdivision Beacon Hill, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 404 Chicago Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the __ day of _____ ~ 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RJGHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7(2006 (Signature) I l : I I ,:g, SCALE 1" = 20' · Parcel '#'7',, ' 408 CHICAGO AVE ELVIS ETUX TERESA MORRIS 4051 HAMPSHIRE BLVD FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON .HILL BLK 7 LOT 20 VOL010827 PG.1340 Parcel #87 409 CHICAGO AVE EVERARDO RAMIR EZ HU ERTA 409 CHICAGO AVE FORT WO RTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 8 LOT 8 VOL .012806 PG.01B5 I I· I . I . 1- 11 11 11 11 11 11 II 11 Parcel (/76 404 CHICAGO AVE MARIA & ERIKA MORRIS 4051 HAMPSHIRE .. BLVD FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION · BEACON HILL BLK 7 LOT 19 VOL.011230 PG .2351 \ \ Parcel #BB 407 CHICAGO AV E M U CLAIBORNE ATTN :CLINTON CLAIBORNE 2700 CRAVENS RD FORT WORTH TX 76112 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 8 LOT 7 DEED DATE : 00/00/0000 I I. 1 . ~I .P., I ) -·.•:.; ! i : F f I Parcel #77 f 402 CHICAGO ; AVE BOBBY D EARL 402 CHlCAGO AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK 7 LOT 18 VOL.010154 PG .2263 I I Parcel #89 405 CHICAGO AVE ELVIS E & TERESA M MORRI S 4051 HAMPSHIRE BLVD FORT WORTH TX 76103 TUR NER SUBD IVISION BEACON HILL BLK B LOT 6 VOL.01 2 233. PG .2 2 4 1 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL J f"""' I c::J ! """3 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB I ...., D """ Engineering & Surveying DOE #5138 BHB PROJECT: 2005.711.000 EXHIBIT : TROE 22 6JOO..,... ""-· ~ ,oo rort hfl. r. 1111, Ttt(an)lJl-1m r-.1a11)ll8-t24' c-~-COMt-----------------:----1-=:::.:.::_:__:_::::::.:_:.:_::.::_::_:_:.:__:_:_::_:_:_j Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-23 Parcel No. 87 · DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 03197476 Everardo Ramirez Huerta 409 Chicago Ave Fort'Worth, Texas 76103 Lot(s):8 Block: 8 STATE OF TEXAS CITYOF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 8' Lot(s) 8, Turner Subdivision Beacon Hill, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 409 Chicago Ave., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Granter will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property . TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the __ day of _____ __, 2004 . GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7/2 006 (Signature) 1 f l ~ I I Pare! #74 TUR NER SUB #44012 fORT WORTH TX 76103 BEACON HILL ADDITION 4051 HAMP SHIRE BLVD VOL.011548 PG .0145 ELVIS E AND TERE SA M MORRIS -412 CHICAGO AVE, FORT WORTH · BLK 7 LOT 7 & BLK 7 LOT 2 1 I I I I I I Parcel #86 411 CHICAGO AVE JOANNE C BURNHAM 411 CHICAGO AVE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBD I VISION BEACON HILL BLK B LOT 9 VO L.DI 2367 PG .0603 ~I "I- Parcel N75 408 CHICAGO AVE ELVIS ETUX TERESA MORRI S 4051 HAMPSHIRE BLVD FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACO N HILL --- BLJ< 7 LOT 20 VOL.010827 PG .1340 / Parcel #87 409 CHICAGO AVE EVERARDO RAMIREZ H UERTA 409 CH I CAGO A VE FORT WORTH TX 76103 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLK B LOT B VOL.0 12806 PG .0185 _( ~I I 11 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 Parc el (176 l f i 404 CHI CA GO A VE MARIA & ERIKA MORRIS 4051 HAMPSHIRE BLVD . FORT WORTH TX 761 03 T URNE R SUBDIVISION / BEACON HILL BLK 7 LOT 19 VOL.0[1230 PG .2351 Parcel #BB 407 CHI CAGO AVE M U CLAIBORNE ATTN :CLINTON CLAIBORNE 2700 CRAVENS RD FORT WORTH TX 76112 TURNER SUBDIVISION BEACON HILL BLJ< B LOT 7 DEED DATE: 00/00/0000 SCALE 1" = 20' Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY: RJL EXHIBIT : I f...,. ! c::t ! """1 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . Ave. Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB ...,. D """ Engineer-ing & S ur-v e y ing D0E#5l38 BHB PR OJ ECT : 2005.711.000 6JOO R',glN ~ •• s...ta 700 fo,t Jfor9', h 7'6116 Tll:(!17)JJ5-12n F-=(817}lla-9245 [-IW:~.toffl1-------__.:;:__.:;:-=..;.;_;:....:..:c...:.-------~::..__::..___.:..:_::..:.__=.::._=:.:_:..:...:_:=:....i TROE 23 Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE : September 2006 Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey Ave. Reconstruction TROE-24 Parcel No. 141 DOE No. 5138 TAD No. 02607476 James L. Etux Gloria Mack 1104 E. Ramsey Fort Worth, Texas 76104 Lot(s):Lot 13 Block: 3 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORIB TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OFT ARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as Block 3' Lot(s) Lot 13, Ryan Southeast Addition, Tarrant County Plat Records a/k/a 1104 E. Ramsey Ave ., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of rehabilitation, replacing, or constructing an existing driveway or sidewalk. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the __ day of ______ , 2004. GRANTOR: (Please Print) TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY Rev . 7/2006 (Signature) T I I Parcel #106 1101 E RAMSEY AVE LAWRENCE BARR E1T 209 AITON RD FORT WORTH TX 76134 SOUTHLA ND SU BDIVIS ION BLK 33 LOT 25 VOL.012400 PG .0 917 Parce l #140 Co ncrete Woll i 1 • Tall 1044 E RAMSEY AVE COURTNEY EST & W WILLIAM S ATTN : BE1TIE L WILLIAMS ABRON 13639 FLAGSTONE LN DALLAS TX 75240 RYAN SOUTHEAST ADDITION BLK 3 LOT 12 DE ED DATE : 00/00/0000 Parcel #107 1105 E RAMSEY AV E DOROTHY CRENSHAW 1105 E RAM SEY AVE FORT WORTH TX 76104 SOUTHLAN D SUBDIVISION BLK · 33.'LOT 24 DEED DATE : 00/00/0000 Parcel #141 1104 E RAMSEY AVE JAMES L & GLORIA MACK 1104 E RAM SEY AVE FORT WORTH TX 76104 RYAN SOUTHEAST ADDITIO N BLK 3 LOT 13 VOL.003446 PG .0127 I _J / 1 /: 1,-~· Ti ,:, Parcel #106 f 1109 E RAMSEY AVE ({ WILLIE EST CONNERY ,. '1109 E RAMSEY AVE . FORT WORTH TX 76104 , SOUTHLAND SUBDIVISION/ BLK 33 LOT 23 ; DEED DATE : 00/00/000ci i I / Parcel j/142 1108 E RAMSEY AVE MAGGIE B JACKSON 1108 E RAM SE Y AVE FORT WORTH TX 76104 RYAN SOUTHEAST ADDITION BLK 3 LOT 14 DEED DATE: 0 3/18 /2004 ! f SCAL'E 1" = 20' I Clairemont Ave, Chicago Ave, Ramsey DRAWN BY : RJL EXH IBIT : c;;;i c:::J ,-~ Ba ird, Hampton & Brown, _Inc . Ave . Reconstruction CHECKED BY : KB <.!:::!.Jc:::::J .,,,. Engin ee ring & Survey,ng D0E#5l38 BHB PROJE CT: 2005.711 .000 TROE 24 IJOD ~ Plott. S..1'00 fort Wor1h. Ta 71111 J.tjll7}.lJ8-1277 foa:(1'17)lle-f245 [-~.tOffl•f--------------------1-------------j Temporary Right of Entry Exhibit DATE: September 200 6 - - APPENDIXC GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PAVEMENT DESIGN~CONTRACT 36 ADDENDUM TO REPORT 110-06-15 r . f ' / f l I ' GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PAVEMENT DESIGN-CONTRACT 36 CLAIREMONT, CHICAGO, AND RAMSEY FORT WORTH, TEXAS Presented To: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. September 2006 PROJECT N0.110-06-15 ~D~ Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. l=.J D l...!:::J Engineering & Surveying September 27, 2006 Mr. Joseph Bergeron, PE, Project Manager Fort Worth Department of Engineering City of Fort Worth 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth , TX 76102 RE: PAVEMENT DESIGN for Year 3, Contract 36 CLAIREMONT AVENUE (East Lancaster Ave to Hawlet Street) CHICAGO AVENUE (East Lancaster Ave to Panola Ave) & RAMSEY AVENUE (New York Ave to Beverly Ave) City Project No. 00295, DOE Project No. 5138, BHB No 05.711.00 Mr. Bergeron : Please recall that our scope of work for the referenced project was modified to incorporate a Geotechnical Engineering Investigation and Pavement Design . Accordingly, we introduced CMJ Engineering to the project design team and committed to providing these services in accordance with the City of Fort Worth 's 2005 Pavement Design Standards Manual. Enclosed, for you use, is the pavement design report. Please note that the resulting pavement sections, per the city's design manual guidelines, are substantially heavier than those previously utilized for these types of roadway reconstruction projects. Specifically, the report recommends the following : Concrete Pavement Section 7 .5-inches of Reinforced Concrete 6 .0-inches of Stabilized Subgrade Asphaltic Pavement Section 18.5-inches of Asphalt (HMAC) 6 .0-inches of Stabilized Subgrade We anticipate the costs for these equivalent pavement sections to be substantially higher than originally budgeted, and we understand the City is dealing with this issue on several other similar projects. Please review the above and enclosed information, and call so that we may discuss this further. Thank you , BHB Engineering & Surveying Enclosure: Geotechnical Engineering Study by CMJ - 2 Copies CMJ Letter Addendum for Asphaltic Pavement - 2 Copies e:12005.000.00012005 .711 .000\docslpavement section submittal 09-26-06.doc 6300 Ridglea Place , Ste 700 , Fort Worth , Texas 76116 Tel: 817-338-1277 , Fax: 817-338-9245 , E-Mail : mail@bhbinc.com r , r . ·CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. September 26 , 2006 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. 920 South Main .Street, -Suite 190 $r,;l'pevine. Texas 76051· Attn :. Mr. Konstantine flakintas, P.t. Dear Mr . .Ba~rntas : R:e: AD.O.ENDUM TO ·R-EPORX 110.-06-15 Aob1i1·0NAL PAveM.aNJ ·s.ecT10Ns· PAVEMENT DESIGN .,cortTR~CT 36 Cl.AIREMOiT, ,CHl&A.GQ;~D 'RAMS6Y FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76j6 Pebble l),r.i,·1: Fo.n Worth, Te.>:as .761.18 www.cmjcngr;com CMJ En9Jneeritig, Ind. w.as contaded li>y Mr. Konsta'l'itine, Bakinta~,; P .E. of'Baird;, Hampton&. Brown; lrrc . to ,p:erfdrim add!tion'.al thick.ne,S$· catcuta.fioi1$· to.r ftextbl~t ~av!i'h1ent ·secl l.ons . ,based upon :the results in the orlgJnal geotechnical investjgatigp, CMJ R~~pqrt 110-06-15 d~t~d September 22, 200R In the origiMI gee>techhica1 investigation, pavement sections were presented for Portla.nd c.e.mexit cohcr;ete only. It is. olir oneerstan'qiiJS tf\at :aaird, Hampton & Brown, Inc . :desires ~esign calc1:1l-atior:is. for flexibl¢ pavements in agtiiiifiorl'to the .PH>Vi.ded rigld. section. In performing the additional calculations, the writer util~d the required design assamptions as . stipulated withi.h the City of Ftjrt Wotth l?av~meat :o~.sign Standar.as Manual, 2005 Ed1tio·n. P:lec!se find 1he affached'l Plates A.J and, A.2 whieh presenthot ttitx asphalt eenotete analy.$:es fdr' · Resideniiat -. RUr:at {tow--\idl.urne) ,streets an'd Plate's A,$, and , AA fet Re-s1t.1ent1a1 .. Utban (hi.Qh- vol · me' ,streets. Tb:e toUo.wirt • . :clesi : n · . · r m -ters : were "'sed ln '()Ur tbick~s_s ·a s1 , n . U ., -. . .. . . . . .. .. . g . . g pa, ~ . J;L , . . . .. ~ ... . .. -. . . . J;! lgJ ~li?Ul~tfons::(~pflP.~rai:ne.le.r:s'wete co:n§erv~.tivety -:~~~ijJis,h~c:Hpla~gd 9TIJ~~~tgry:t~§tfl:19 'f!:>f!'1e s9ils Jhat·1exhibit tqwer stF..engfhs): CMJENGINEERING, INC. Baira; H~mpton & Brown, Inc. Repott 1 f o:-06-15 .September 26 , 2006 Page-2 Subgrade $'oiJs .............. ,._ .................................. , ...... Clay oe·s:ign Life .. -................... , .......... , ..................... :.-..• , .... 25 years Initial Serviceability-.......... ; ........................................ A. 5. Terminal Serviceabi ilty ·w············ ............................ 2.0 Reliability ........................ , ....... ; ................................. 80o/o OveFafl Deviation ............ , ......................................... 0 :45 Drainage Coeffictent ...... ,., ........ ; ................................ 0.40 Design California Beai;in:g Ratio-(sub,gra<:le) ...... ; ...... .4 Th~ d~sign ,lfr SAl..S were prov1Qtd in the City of Fo.rt Worth Pave~ent Design Standards Manuc!I, 2QQ5 E¢1Jtion. The :foll~Wing ,pa,ve,ment section·s, are suitable for the J:>r.evi9usly mentioned assumptions. Any, deviation from these assumptions should be brought to our attention immediately in order to assess tt:ieir impact on .our recommendations . The foUoviing pavement sectiop$ have· be.en cterived from toe analyses : Flexible Pav.emerit ,Seclion · ·· . · · · · ·· ··· .stre:e,f?Cl'assific.ation i~~'f:c!~ ' Design ESA1- T:tUckness l '.Material :(l11,l . :2 HM.Ab l':yp~. b 14 l HMAC T51)e B I • 6 fll;l)(ipl e :Base . 0.ft 2 ·15.5 '6' 2 1~,5 9 HMAC 'Fype, o·.:, WMA~ t~p~ a :-. Lim.e.Tteated i ,eo~rade· HMA~ t~eJ:> .-i HMAG l:ii'tie: B · . . - . . . ' ".l,.'.r;' ; .. FleXible ':13~~Ea, : . HMA'c'fip~;i:f ! lflMAb Typ~,a l [:jO,¢ 'fr,e~~d ' Sub,11:aae· Resiclential -Rur.,d '(low~volume) . ·R:esi'4~ntial -Urban (l)ig,li-vqh.ntie) No Growtn ,No Gtowth a2~.-~oo .8:75,000 AceordiJ'lg ;-to. tht3 qt(y ~>-f F<>rt:Worfu :p~~ement QesiQo: St~n<!l 'ar~~::Mar:i1.J~I. 200-5 .ftd1tloh ,, S~.ctlon 4..6J, the ,maximum altowaere dfain~ge eoeffteient :f9r mo~~ing ~t(~~tqr.at l~yer coefflererits. Without a perme-abte base layer ®nne-c:rted, :to an edge, draln, tystem is , eq4at fo>: 0.4,. This :::r::·~~:~:¢;::~::~;;~~~~~;:~:::t::~=~-::::~:~:s~==i:::;~~r~~ pre-sentecl" :pavement tnickn.e.sses, .ni:i:1t :be: reduced to the m~ri:i~~ ~ir~ ·§~iqn . (qr ~h I' r . I r . 0.1} 'ENCINEERINC,lNC. Baird, Hampton & Bro.wn, l_nc . Report 110-06-15 September 26, 2006 Page3 Residential ,. Rural (10w-volume) streets and Residential -Urban (high-vGlurhe} streets with permeable base dr;alnage systems installed in accord;lnc~rwittf th'e referenced oesign stan!il~rds· manual. Proper surface drainage·in the. shoulders is also critical to long-t8-n:tt performance of thle pa~emef'\t Water allowed to pond adjacent to the pavement wil) ,resl.lltin le~s of f;!.dge ·and .subgrad:e support and an increase in post construction heave ofthe pavement. Material and proces'S specifications develope·d by-the· Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) have be·en utilized . These specffieat1ons are outlined, irt the TxDOT Stand~rd Specifications f0r Construction of Highways( .Street$. and Briclges, 2t:i04 Editi0n. $p·eciff9 construction recommendations for rigid pavements are gi\ten belaw. Hot Mix Asphaltie Concrete S,Of!aoo Couts.e: lte.m :S40 , t ype 0, T~x~.s D.ep~rtm.erit of Transportation Standatd'Specificationslor.Ccmstructi~n, ~nd Maint~n:ant~ of,Highways, Skeets; and Bridges •. 2()04 Editibn. Hot Mix Asphaltic. :c.oncrete 'Base Cou t.se: ltern '3'4Q, Ty.pe A .()r B,. Texas De.partmerit ~of Transportation Standard Specific~tions for: Q~ostrtJdtiQ:O ,~n:<\t :Msiin,~nance ,of HighWa;Ys , ·str,e.et6-,. and Bridges, 2004· E.ditron . Flexible Base r Crushed Stone Flexible :ease: ,... ttem ' 2~1 . 'Jy,pe A, Grade.s 1 or 2, Texa$' D.epartment of Transportation ~tandard :specifications for Cb't1.struotib11 of Mainf~:ma·nce ;of Highways, Streets , a.nd Bridges, 2004 Edition. We appreciate the opportunity to perform thes:e ~6ijQ1Jl~f ions. :preas.e-eontact us should questions arise cti1 fnformatiqn contained 'hereirt l?E~li.:~ , a:rrett e; Williams ·P •. e . . ,Ji~$id~~~ . . . ... . . , .1 Te>.<as No. '52525 copi~s ,~ubmitted: . i I .. I I• •.. WinPAS ~avement Thickne$s; D~lgn AccQr(flng to 1993 -AASH'TO Gt1ide fo:r .De.sig.n of -Pa'llEt'ments Sttuotures American Concrete; Pc!vement' Asso.clation Flex.il;>le Design 11\pUts Agency : Cily of Fort Wort)l Company: Bairo, Hamptpn , anq Brown , Inc . Corttractor: eMJ En.9inee.ring,.ll')c ; rojl:!ct Desctiption : Pavement Desig'o -. Bonlrc!ct 36 Location: <;;lairemont, Chi,6~go , .. and Ramsey Fle~ible Pav.e_ment Qeslgnil:vctluatlon Structural :Number ~~lg~fsA~ ReJ1ilb1f_1ty dverall 'Deviation Layer PavementDesign'IEvaluation .. HMAC Fleicible B:ase LS!S· Layer Material 4y,~r q~~c~~llt ·PA4 ,Q:20 b:013 0::00 Q.®·· Q,pO . Drainage c~~ffic:;leQt , tt4U ', Q)\Q :~'~-[J • Q,Olt ' !5,014.&() psi 4 ;50 i -.oo 1Laye:r -t:ay:er T~j9~p,1:!,$:$: ~N i 16'00 .. . .. 2 .$ . :&!ti&: ', 0;48 , OiOO :OJJci, . Qf@';; Q,® ·~~' ;OPQ .. '0,00',, . ~:~if Pavemecnt Thickness Desig!'I Ae~orcting to 1993 AASHTO Guide ·for De.~ign of Pavements Str_uctures American ·Con~re~;f$avame,at.f,\$SQC1~tiQ,n Flexible Design lnpu~ Agency : City of'fortWorth CQmpany: ·Baird, Hamptoo i and Brswn, Inc . Contractor: . CMJ (;ngiri~nhg1 Joe, roject Description : Pavement ,Oes.ign ~ Contraet 36 Location: Olairemont, '(Jl'licagl;i, an:cl.Ramsey . Flexil:>le Pavement Design/Evaluation Structural · Number Oesi·gn ESALs Reliability Overall Davration Layer 'Pavement Oesjgn/f:;vaJuation t.ayer Ma~!ial ·- Fl~~ible .l;f;iS.l:i LSS· Tuesday,September.26 /20:06: 4;38Jl.9Ji'M ::I '. 0.©8; ();(ijf o.oo. j ;Q(), OAQ ,0;40 a:iro (}.00 O;(lQ A~!?Q ~;014.:50 psi 4 .50 2 .00: Layer ~fer 1lhJ~tn~"$$: s.:~ .. n.so., :s:cm . '{l ,00 ·. OJ;)Q ~.!)Q;' .Q.H)· '0 .0.Q· 0,00 0 .00· 0 ;00 l).JJQ Q,0:0 WinPAS pa:veit!enfTI:tlc:;l(ness . Dasi_gn:A~ord,in:g to · 1-9.93 AASHTO Guide for DEtsis,n .~f!P~ve_m'enb>-Structures Amerie;i(I ConcrE1te .Pavem!mt ,Association Flexible Design Inputs Agency: City of.Fort Worth Company: Baird , Ham_pton , and .Brown, Inc. Contractor: CMJ Englneering, lne. roject Description: Pavement D~~igh -Contract $6 Location : Clairemont, GhicarJO, and Ramsey FleJtible Pavement Design/Evall,latjo·n Structural Number Cles.ign ESALs .Reliability Overall Deviation ·l 5;014:60 p$l 4.50 2.00 LayerPavetnent Design/Evaluation Layer Mat~rial :l.;aY¢1 Qtit®c.i,¢Jif Drainage ' {,ayer •Layer Q):>,effi9.i~J1! i,' .. -.... J~tckn~$$· :sN .RMAC flex ible Base LS$ . OA,;t '.1)}t .Q ' Qi~l 'Oi~; .Q_iQ~ -:O;'t>p .· WinPAS Pavement Thickness. Desi~n According to 1,993 AASHTO Guide for Design of•Pacvements Structures Ame:r ici 11i C'oncfet~ l?averpeti,t ~soeiation Fl,exibfe Design In.puts Agency: 'CjJ'y of Fort W,orth Comp~ny: Bajrcl·, Hanl'p'fon ,:>cir'ld Brt>Wil, Inc. Contractor: ew Engiri.eerihg ,-Inc,. roject Description: Pavement Design ,-Contract ·36 Locat ion: Cla itemont, ~lilca·go. ai:t1i'Ramsey Flexible Pavement Design/EvaluatJon 875:t~a Structtrral Number Design ESAL.s Reliability Over.all Deviation 80.00 percent 0 .45 Layer Pavem.ent Des{gn/Evaiuatfon L-y~r 'Nlatedal · HMAC Fle-xi ble Base LSS µty_er Coeffic ient ':(js.44 'Q,20 o.o:e 0;0.0 ' :o.oo o .. eb -SQiLResilient Mod.ulus Jn,itial Servi ceabll_rty ·,reriti inal ·Serviceabjlity 5,014.50• psi 4 .50 2.00 ·Dt,,1it1<1,gt!· Cbeffi~i~nt- ~yer t~y~r Ttiickness · S'.N 0.40 0.40 0.40 9 .00 OJ lO O.QO 18>50 , -9 -.26: · 6:00 , '0.00 · . -e,oo ,0.1.9 ' 0 .00 i .o,qo • o:bo : -0.00 ().00, -0 ,OQ . r· r . CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. September 22, 2006 Report No. 110-06-15 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. 920 South Main Street, Suite 190 Grapevine, Texas 76051 Attn: Mr. Konstantine Bakintas, P.E. Dear Mr. Bakintas: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PAVEMENT DESIGN -CONTRACT 36 CLAIREMONT, CHICAGO, AND RAMSEY FORT WORTH, TEXAS 7636 Pebble Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76118 www.cmjengr.com Submitted here are the results of a geotechnical engineering study for the referenced project. This study was performed in general accordance with CMJ Proposal 06-1443 dated April 10, 2006. The geotechnical services were authorized on July 31, 2006 by Mr. Konstantine Bakintas, P.E. Engineering analyses and recommendations are contained in the text section of the report. Results of our field and laboratory services are included in the appendix of the report. We would appreciate the opportunity to be considered for providing the materials engineering and r · geotechnical observation services during the construction phase of this project. . ' We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Please contact us if you have any questions or if we may be of further service at this time. Respectfully submitted CMJ ENGINEERING NC. Jame P. Sappington IV, P.E. Proje , Engineer Texas No. 97402 Iii. ·"-f.~ ~Williams, P.E. President Texas No . 52525 copies submitted: (3) Mr. Konstantine Bakintas, P.E.; Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Phone (817) 284-9400 Fax (817} 589-9993 Metro (817) 589-9992 1 · l \ L L 1.0 2 .0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6 .0 7.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I NT ROD U CTI ON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING ---------------------------------------------2 SU BS U RF ACE CONDITIONS------:.------------------------------------------------------------------------4 PA VE M ENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 EARTHWORK ------------------------------------------------------------------------10 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS --------------------------------------------------14 RE PO RT CL OS URE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 5 APPENDIX A Plate Pian of Borings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. 1 Unified Soi I Classification System------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. 2 Key to Classification and Symbols -------------------------------------------------------------------------A. 3 Logs of Borings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------A.4 -A. 9 Triaxial Shear Test Reports----------------------------'--------A.10 -A.15 Free Swell Test Results -----------------------------------------------------------------------------A.16 Lime Series Test Results--------------------------------------------------A.17 Soluble Sulfates Test Results---------------------------------------------------------------------A.18 APPENDIX 8 Plate Pavement Thickness Design-------------------------------------------------------------B.1 -B.2 Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. I ' l . r: 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General This report presents the results of a geotechnical engineering study for total pavement reconstruction of specified portions of Clairemont Ave. (East Lancaster Ave. to Hawlet Street), Chicago Ave. (East Lancaster Avenue to Panola Street) and Ramsey Avenue (New York Avenue to Beverly Avenue). in Fort Worth , Texas. Specific refurbishment lengths range from 800 to 2,400 linear feet with an approximate combined total project length of 4,900 linear feet. The project, as currently planned, consists of complete replacement of existing pavements with a Portland cement concrete section. This report conforms to the City of Fort Worth Pavement Design Standards Manual, 2005 Edition. Plate A.1, Plan of Borings, depicts the approximate location of exploration borings. 1.2 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this geotechnical engineering study has been to determine the general subsurface conditions, evaluate the engineering characteristics of the subsurface materials encountered, develop recommendations for the type or types of pavement subgrade preparation and modification, provide pavement design guidelines, and provide earthwork recommendations. To accomplish its intended purposes, the study has been conducted in the following phases: (1) drilling sample borings to determine the general subsurface conditions and to obtain samples for testing; (2) performing laboratory tests on appropriate samples to determine pertinent engineering properties of the subsurface materials; and (3) performing engineering analyses, using the field and laboratory data to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed construction. The design is currently in progress and the locations and/or elevations of the structure could change. Once the final design is near completion (80-percent to 90-percent stage), it is recommended that CMJ Engineering, Inc. be retained to review those portions of the construction documents pertaining to the geotechnical recommendations, as a means to determine that our recommendations have been interpreted as intended. 1.3 Report Format The text of the report is contained in Sections 1 through 7. All plates and large tables are contained in Appendix A. The alpha-numeric plate and table numbers identify the appendix in Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. I l I l L r r. l l .. l l \ which they appear. Small tables of less than one page in length may appear in the body of the text and are numbered according to the section in which they occur. Units used in the report are based on the English system and may include tons per square foot (tsf), kips ( 1 kip = 1,000 pounds), kips per square foot (ksf), pounds per square foot (psf), pounds per cubic foot (pcf), and pounds per square inch (psi). 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2.1 Field Exploration Subsurface materials at the project site were explored by six (6) vertical soil borings. Borings B-1 through B-6 were drilled to depths of 10 feet below existing grades. The borings were drilled with truck mounted drilling equipment using continuous flight augers at the approximate locations shown on the Plan of Borings, Plate A.1. The boring logs are included on Plates A.4 through A.9 and keys to classifications and symbols used on the logs are provided on Plates A.2 and A.3. Undisturbed samples of cohesive soils were obtained with nominal 3-inch diameter thin-walled (Shelby) tube samplers at the locations shown on the logs of borings. The Shelby tube sampler consists of a thin-walled steel tube with a sharp cutting edge connected to a head equipped with a ball valve threaded for rod connection. The tube is pushed into the soil by the hydraulic pulldown of the drilling rig. The soil specimens were extruded from the tube in the field, logged, tested for consistency with a hand penetrometer, sealed, and packaged to limit loss of moisture. The consistency of cohesive soil samples was evaluated in the field using a calibrated hand penetrometer. In this test a 0.25-inch diameter piston is pushed into the relatively undisturbed sample at a constant rate to a depth of 0.25 inch. The results of these tests, in tsf, are tabulated at respective sample depths on the logs. When the capacity of the penetrometer is exceeded, the value is tabulated as 4.5+. To evaluate the relative density and consistency of the harder formations, a modified version of the Texas Cone Penetration test was performed at selected locations. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Test Method Tex-132-E specifies driving a 3-inch diameter cone with a 170-pound hammer freely falling 24 inches. This results in 340 foot-pounds of energy for each blow. This method was modified by utilizing a 140:-pound hammer freely falling 30 inches. This Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 2 r . r ' f ' L, -~ r , I . r . results in 350 foot-pounds of energy for each hammer blow . In relatively soft materials , the penetrometer cone is driven 1 foot and the number of blows required for each 6-inch penetration is tabulated at respective test depths, as blows per 6 inches on the log. In hard materials (rock or rock-like), the penetrometer cone is driven with the resulting penetrations, in inches, recorded for the first and second 50 blows, a total of 100 blows . The penetration for the total 100 blows is recorded at the respective testing depths on the boring logs. Ground-water observations during and after completion of the borings are shown on the upper right of the boring log. Upon completion of the borings , the bore holes were backfilled with hydrated bentonite chips and properly plugged at the surface with asphalt. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Laboratory soil tests were performed on selected representative samples recovered from the borings. In addition to the classification tests (liquid limits, plastic limits, and percent passing the No. 200 sieve), moisture content, unconfined compressive strength, and unit weight tests were performed. Results of the laboratory classification tests, moisture content, unconfined compressive strength, and unit weight tests conducted for this project are included on the boring logs . Six triaxial shear tests were performed on specimens from selected samples to evaluate shear strength properties of the subgrade soils. One of the selected triaxial shear tests was performed on a remolded specimen containing 7 percent lime by weight. The triaxial shear tests included unconsolidated-undrained (UU) tests . These tests were performed for CMJ Engineering, Inc. by ML Testing, LLC. The results of the triaxial tests are presented on Plates A.10 through A.15. Three swell tests were performed on specimens from selected samples of the clays. These tests were performed to help in evaluating the swell potential of soils in the area of the proposed pavements. The results of the swell tests are presented on Plate A.16 . Two Eades and Grim Lime Series tests were performed on selected samples to identify the appropriate concentration of lime to add to soils for stabilization purposes. The results of the lime series tests are presented on Plate A.17. Three soluble sulfate tests were conducted on selected soil samples recovered from the borings. The sulfate testing was conducted to help identify sulfate-induced heaving potential of the soils. Report No.110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 3 r [ [: L [1 ri I l L [ 1 · l I- Sulfate-induced heaving can cause detrimental volumetric changes to a lime stabilized subgrade. The results of the sulfate tests are presented on Plate A.18 . The above laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM procedures, or generally accepted practice . 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3 .1 Site Geology According to the Dallas Sheet of the Geologic Atlas of Texas, the project sites are geologically located within two distinct formations . Borings 8 -1 and 8-2 are located in an undivided mapping unit which includes the Pawpaw Formation , Weno Limestone, and Denton Clay, of the Lower Cretaceous age . Given the results of the test borings , the project site appears to be dominated by the Weno Limestone . This formation typically weathers to form residual deposits of moderately to highly plastic clay. Borings 8-3 through B-6 are geologically located in the Main Street Formation of the Lower Cretaceous age. The Main Street consists of regularly alternating layers of limestone and clay or shale, each generally less than one foot thick. This formation typically weathers to form relatively shallow deposits of active clay soils . The Main Street Formation is relatively thin (30 feet) and underlain by the weaker Paw Paw Formation. The Paw Paw is composed primarily of shaly clays with occasional thin sandy limestone layers. Groundwater can be present at the contact zone of the Paw Paw and Main Street Formations. 3.2 Soil Conditions Specific types and depths of subsurface strata encountered at the boring locations are shown on the boring logs in Appendix A. The generalized subsurface stratigraphy encountered in the borings are discussed below. Note that depths on the borings refer to the depth from the existing grade or ground surface present at the time of the investigation , and the boundaries between the various soil types are approximate. Pavement is present at all the borings locations, consisting of various combinations of asphalt, concrete, and sand, sandy clay, silty clay, anq gravel base material. Asphalt is present at the surface at all boring locations and is 1.5 to 3 inches in thickness. Concrete underlies the asphalt in Boring 8-6 and is 7 inches thick. Base materials ranged from 3 to 9 inches in thickness and was present in Borings B-1 through B-5. ReportNo.110-06-15 CMJ E NGINEERING, INC. 4 r. r . r L, Natural soils consist of dark brown, brown, light brown, reddish brown, dark reddish brown, tan , and gray silty clays, silty sandy clays, shaly clays and clays of moderate to high plasticity. The soils encountered often contain gravel, calcareous nodu les , calca reous deposits , and ironstone nodules. The various clays encountered in the borings had tested Liquid Limits (LL) ranging from 34 to 71 and Plasticity Indices (Pl) ranging from 19 to 47 and are classified as CL and CH by the USCS . The various clayey soils were generally stiff to hard ( soil basis) in consistency with pocket penetrometer readings of 2.0 to over 4.5 tsf. The clays had tested dry un it weigh t values ranging from 91 to 119 pcf and tested unconfined compressive strengths varied from 4,620 to 6 ,280 psf. Tan limestone seams and layers up to 3 feet thick are present at varying depths within Borings B-1 through B-3. These limestone seams and layers are moderately hard , with a Texas Cone Penetrometer test (THO) value of 2.5 inches in Boring B-3 . Intact tan limestone is present at depths of 5 to 8 feet in Borings B-4 through B-6. The tan limestone contains clay seams and is moderately hard (rock basis) in these borings, with Texas Cone Penetration test values of 2.5 to 3.25 inches per 100 blows . 3.3 Ground-Water Observations The borings were drilled using continuous flight augers in order to observe ground-water seepage during drilling. Ground-water seepage was not encountered during drilling and all borings were dry at completion of drilling operations . While it is not possible to accurately predict the magnitude of subsurface water fluctuation that might occur based upon these short-term observations , it should be recognized that ground-water conditions will vary with fluctuations in rainfall. Fluctuations of the ground -water level can occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall; site topography and runoff; hydraulic conductivity of soil strata ; and other fa~tors not evident at the time the borings were performed. Ground-water can trap atop limestone or occur in joints in the clays or via more permeable strata. . 4.0PAVEMENTS 4.1 General Considerations The surficial soils generally consisted of moderately plastic silty clays to highly plastic clays . The higher plasticity clays, those with a Pl of 20 or greater, are subject to loss in support value with the moisture increases which occur beneath pavement sections. They react with hydrated lime, which Report No .110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 5 I. C ! ' r L L [~ 1 · l l . serves to improve and maintain their support value. Treatment of these soils with hydrated lime will improve their subgrade characteristics to support area paving. The success of the pavement subgrade is subgrade soil strength and control of water. Adequate subgrade performance can be achieved by stabilizing existing soils used to construct the pavement subgrade . Modification of the variable subgrade soils can be accomplished with the addition of hydrated lime. Estimates of expansive movement potential are variable and are on the order of 1 and up to 3 inches . Movements in excess of this estimate can occur if poor drainage, excessive water collection, leaking pipelines, etc. occur. Any such excessive water conditions should be rectified as soon as possible. In order to minimize rainwater infiltration through the pavement surface, and thereby minimizing future upward movement of the pavement slabs, all cracks and joints in the pavement should be sealed on a routine basis after construction . 4.2 Sulfate-Induced Heaving Soluble sulfate testing was conducted to check for sulfate-induced heaving potential. Sulfate- induced heaving is caused when hydrated lime is added to a soil with high sulfate concentration. The lime reacts with the sulfates to cause potentially large volumetric changes in the soil. Soluble sulfate levels in soils on the order of 2,000 parts-per-million (ppm) or less are usually of low concern and warrant only observation of the subgrade during the stabilization process. The soluble sulfate levels of the tested samples ranged from 114 to 150 ppm. Since the samples tested were below 2,000 ppm , a single-lime process is recommended. The single-lime treatment is described in Section 4.3. In addition, it is recommended that during the curing period of the lime treatment, the subgrade be supplied with ample moisture to allow proper hydration of the lime, and it should be checked for any volumetric changes that may indicate a sulfate-induced heaving condition. 4.3 Pavement Subgrade Preparation Lime treatment is recommended for all subgrade areas with plastic to highly plastic clays , typically with a Pl of 20 or greater. Prior to lime addition, the subgrade should be proofrolled w ith heavy pneumatic equipment. Any soft or pumping areas should be undercut to a firm subg rade and properly backfilled as described in the Earthwork section. Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 6 r-I f ' f . I , The lime treated subgrade should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches and uniformly compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of ASTM D 698, near minus 2 to plus 4 percentage points of the optimum moisture content determined by that test. It should then be protected and maintained in a moist condition until the pavement is placed . The presence of gravel , limestone fragments , calcareous nodules, and ironstones in the surficial soils can complicate mixing of tt,e soil and lime . It is recommended a minimum of 7 percent hydrated lime be used to treat the clay subgrade soils . The amount of hydrated lime required should be on the order of 32 pounds per square yard for a 6- inch depth. The hydrated lime should be thoroughly mixed and blended with the upper 6 inches of the clay subgrade (TxDOT Item 260). The hydrated lime should meet the requirements of Item 260 (Type A) in the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, 2004 Edition. As an alternative to lime modification, consideration can be given to substituting a suitable flexible base on an equal basis . It is recommended that subgrade modification extend to at least one foot beyond pavement edges to a id in reducing pavement movements and cracking along the curb line due to seasonal moisture variations after construction . Each construction area should be shaped to allow drainage of surface water during earthwork operations, and surface water should be pumped immediately from each construction area after each rain and a firm subgrade condition maintained . Water should not be allowed to pond in order to prevent percolation and subgrade softening , and lime should be added to the subgrade after removal of all surface vegetation and debris. Sand should be specifically prohibited beneath pavement areas, since these more porous soils can allow water inflow, resulting in heave and strength loss of subgrade soils. After fine grading each area in preparation for paving , the subgrade surface should be lightly moistened , as needed, and recompacted to obtain a tight non-yielding subgrade. Cuts can expose the limestone. These limestones provide excellent support in an undisturbed condition; however, they are difficult to cut to finished grade and some fill may be requ ired . Pulverization and compaction equipment often break down the limestone to a material that also benefits from stabilization, although large rock fragments hamper conventional mixing procedures . Report No.110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 7 f' [. i Depending on the required grades , it may be advisable to undercut such areas and place a material suitable for stabilization or to place a lime modified clay. This can best be evaluated by an on-site inspection after grading is completed. Surface drainage is critical to the performance of this pavement. Water should be allowed to exit the pavement surface quickly. This can be accomplished by maintaining at least 1 percent slope of the finished grades and discharging the water into drainage structures. All pavement construction should be performed in accordance with the procedures provided in Section 4.5. 4.4 Pavement Sections i .. At the time of this investigation , site paving plans or vehicle traffic studies were not available. L [ : f l f I I I · Pavement analyses were performed using methods outlined in the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures , 1993 Edition , published by the American Association of State Hig hway and Transportation Officials. The design equations were solved using AASHTO Pavemen t Analysis Software. In the AASHTO method , traffic loads are expressed in Equivalent 18-kip Single Axle Loads (ESAL) over the design life of the pavement structure. Based on the results of the field and laboratory investigation and on soil plasticity properties, the following design parameters were used in our thickness design calculations (soil parameters were conservatively established for the soils that are expected to exhibit lower bearing strengths): Subgrade Soils ........................................................ Clay Des ign Life .............................................................. 25 years Initial Serviceability .................................................. 4.5 Terminal Serviceability ............................................ 2.0 Reliability ................................................................. 80% Overall Deviation ..................................................... 0 .35 Load Transfer Coefficient ........................................ 2 .9 Drainage Coefficient. ............................................... 0.70 Design California Bearing Ratio ( subgrade ) ............. 4 Design California Bearing Ratio (lime stabilized) ..... 5 Loss of Support ....................................................... 1.0 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction ............................... 88 psi/in Concrete Modulus of Elasticty ................................. 3,604,997 psi Concrete Modulus of Rupture .................................. 630 ps i The following rigid pavement sections are provided for Residential -Rural (low volume) street and Residential -Urban (high volume) street classifications. The design ESALS were provided in the City of Fort Worth Pavement Design Standards Manual , 2005 Edition . The following pavement Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEE RI NG, INC 8 r . I I : .J r , I , section is suitable for the previously mentioned assumptions. Any deviation from these assumptions should be brought to our attention immediately in order to assess their impact on our recommendations. Concrete pavement sections are susceptible to edge distress as edge support deteriorates over time. Therefore, care must be taken to provide and maintain proper edge support. In conjunction with a stabilized subgrade or flexible base course underlying the concrete , it is recommended that the stabilized subgrade or flexible base extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the surface course on each side of the street. Maintenance should be provided when edge support deteriorates. Rigid Pavement Section Street Growth Design Thickness Material Classification Factor ESAL (in.) 7.0 PCC Residential -Rural Lime Treated (low-volume) No Growth 625,000 6 Subgrade 7.5 PCC Residential -Urban Lime Treated (high-volume) No Growth 875,000 6 Suborade According to the City of Fort Worth Pavement Design Standards Manual, 2005 Edition, the allowable drainage coefficient for slabs placed directly on lime modified clay subgrade without a permeable base layer must be no greater than 0. 7. This coefficient may be increased to 1.15 for pavements placed over permeable base with a minimum thickness of 5 inches and tied into an edge drain system . According to this design standard, the presented pavement thicknesses may be decreased by 1 inch for Residential -Rural (low-volume) streets or by 1.5 inches for Residential - Urban (high-volume) streets with permeable base drainage systems installed in accordance with the referenced design standards manual. Proper surface drainage in the shoulders is also critical to long term performance of the pavement. Water allowed to pond adjacent to the pavement will detrimental resulting in loss of edge and subgrade support and an increase in post construction heave of the pavement. 4.5 Pavement Material Requirements Material and process specifications developed by the Texas Department of Transportation {TxDOT) have been utilized. These specifications are outlined in the TxDOT Standard Report No.110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 9 l L r, l [ ~ L r ; I l l L I [ : Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, 2004 Edition . Specific construction recommendations for rigid pavements are given below. Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete: Reinforced Portland cement concrete pavement should consist of Portland cement concrete having a 28-day compressive strength of at least 4,000 psi. The mix should be designed in accordance with the ACI Code 318 using 3 to 6 percent air entrainment. The pavement should be adequately reinforced with temperature steel and all construction joints or expansion/contraction joints should be provided with load transfer dowels. The spacing of the joints will depend primarily on the type of steel used in the pavement. We recommend using No. 3 steel rebar spaced at 18 inches on center in both the longitudinal and transverse direction . Control joints formed by sawing are recommended every 12 to 15 feet in both the longitudinal and transverse direction. The cutting of the joints should be performed as soon as the concrete has "set-up" enough to allow for sawing operations. Lime Modified Subgrade: Lime treatment for base course (road mix) -Item 260, Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets , and Bridges, 2004 Edition. Flexible Base: Crushed Stone Flexible Base -Item 247, Type A, Grades 1 or 2, Texas Department of transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges , 2004 Edition. 4.6 General Pavement Considerations The design of the pavement drainage and grading should consider the potential for differential ground movement due to future soil swelling of up to 3 inches. In order to minimize rainwater infiltration through the pavement surface, and thereby minimizing future upward movement of the pavement slabs, all cracks and joints in the pavement should be sealed on a routine basis after construction. 5.0 EARTHWORK 5.1 Site Preparation and Material Requirements The site should be stripped of pavements, vegetation , roots, old construction debris, and other organic material. It is estimated that the depth of stripping will be on the order of 6 inches and up Report No.110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 10 r · l . to 12 inches in existing pavement areas. The actual stripping depth should be based on field observations with particular attention given to uneven topography and excessively wet soils. The stripped areas should be observed to determine if additional excavation is required to remove weak or otherwise objectionable materials that would adversely affect the fill placement or other construction activities. The subgrade should be firm and able to support the construction equipment without displacement. Soft or yielding subgrade should be corrected and made stable before construction proceeds. The subgrade should be proof rolled to detect soft spots, which if exist, should be reworked to provide a firm and otherwise suitable subgrade. Proof rolling should be performed using a heavy pneumatic tired roller, loaded dump truck, or similar piece of equipment. The proof rolling operations should be observed by the project geotechnical engineer or his/her representative. Prior to fill placement, the subgrade should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, its moisture content adjusted, and recompacted to the moisture and density recommended for fill. In areas of perched water or f · pumping subgrade, it may be necessary to install sub-pavement drains or edge drains. This f ' r· I ' ._. I , decision should be made during construction to verify the need for such drains . The on-site soils are suitable for use in site grading. Imported fill material should be clean soil with a Liquid Limit less than 60 and no rock greater than 4 inches in maximum dimension. The fill materials should be free of vegetation and debris. 5.2 Placement and Compaction Fill material should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness . The uncompacted lift thickness should be reduced to 4 inches for structure backfill zones requiring hand-operated power compactors or small self-propelled compactors. The fill material should be uniform with respect to material type and moisture content. Clods and chunks of material should be broken down and the fill material mixed by disking, blading, or plowing, as necessary, so that a material of uniform moisture and density is obtained for each lift. Water required for sprinkling to bring the fill material to the proper moisture content should be applied evenly through each layer. The fill material should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density determined by the Standard Proctor test, ASTM D 698. In conjunction with the compacting operation, the fill material should be brought to the proper moisture content. The moisture content for general earth fill should range from 2 percentage points below optimum to 5 percentage points Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, !Ne 11 l l . r . f . [ l . l. [_ l. above optimum (-2 to +5). These ranges of moisture contents are given as maximum recommended ranges . For some soils and under some conditions, the contractor may have to maintain a more narrow range of moisture content (within the recommended range) in order to consistently achieve the recommended density. If fill is to be placed on existing slopes that are steeper than five horizontal to one vertical, then the fill materials should be benched into the existing slopes in such a manner as to provide a good contact between the two materials and allow relatively horizontal lift placement. Field density tests should be taken as each lift of fill material is placed . As a guide, one field density test per lift for each 5,000 square feet of compacted area is recommended . For small areas or critical areas the frequency of testing may need to be increased to one test per 2,500 square feet. A minimum of 2 tests per lift should be required . The earthwork operations should be observed and tested on a continuing basis by an experienced geotechnician working in conjunction with the project geotechnical engineer. Each lift should be compacted , tested, and approved before another lift is added. The purpose of the field density tests is to provide some indication that uniform and adequate compaction is being obtained . The actual quality of the fill , as compacted , should be the responsibility of the contractor and satisfactory results from the tests should not be considered as a guarantee of the quality of the contractor's filling operations. Any pavement structure ( concrete, base course material or stabilized subgrade) should extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the edge of the excavation trench . This additional width of pavement structure greatly reduces the potential f9r reflective cracking upwards into the pavement. In addition , proper backfilling of the soils will result in no undue settlement of backfill material and resulting differential movement between the natural soils and backfill trench. If a high class bedding material or backfill material is desired, a lean concrete will limit water intrusion into the trench and will not require compaction after placement. 5.3 Excavation The side slopes of excavations through the overburden soils should be made in such a manner to provide for their stability during construction. Existing structures, pipelines or other fadlities , which Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGI NEERING, IN C. 12 r r · f. [' are constructed prior to or during the currently proposed construction and which require excavation , should be protected from loss of end bearing or lateral support. Temporary construction slopes and/or permanent embankment slopes should be protected from surface runoff water. Site grading should be designed to allow drainage at planned areas where erosion protection is provided, instead of allowing surface water to flow down unprotected slopes. Trench safety recommendations are beyond the scope of this report . The contractor must comply with all applicable safety regulations concerning trench safety and excavations including, but not limited to, OSHA regulations. 5.4 Trench Backfill Trench backfill for pipelines or other utilities should be properly placed and compacted. Overly dense or dry backfill can swell and create a mound along the completed trench line. Loose or wet backfill can settle and form a depression along the completed trench line. Distress to overlying structures, pavements, etc. is likely if heaving or settlement occurs. On-site earth fill material is recommended for trench backfill. Care should be taken not to use loose granular material, to prevent the backfilled trench from becoming a trench drain and piping surface or subsurface water beneath structures, pipelines, or pavements. If a higher class bedding material is required for the pipelines, a lean concrete bedding will limit water intrusion into the trench and will not require compaction after placement. The density and moisture content should be as recommended for fill in this report. A minimum of one field density test should be taken per lift for each 150 linear feet of trench, with a minimum of 2 tests per lift. 5.5 Soil Corrosion Potential Specific testing for soil corrosion potential was not included in the scope of this study. However, based upon past experience on other projects in the vicinity, the soils at this site may be corrosive. Standard construction practices for protecting metal pipe and similar facilities in contact with these soils should be used. 5.6 Utilities Seasonal water seeps can occur where the tan limestones are approached or exposed by cuts : · Subsoil drains may be required in some areas to intercept this seepage. Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 13 I I [ { f. \ L l Based on the exploration borings, excavations through the onsite soils can be accomplished using conventional earth digging equipment. Tan limestone in thin seams and major intact units were encountered below depths of 5 feet. This limestone is generally hard to very hard and may require heavy duty specialized equipment for excavation . In addition , overexcavation should be anticipated within the limestone with clay seams . Overexcavation may result from large blocks or chunks breaking along either weathered or clay seams beyond the planned excavation . Unusual problems with caving soils or collapsing materials were not noted at the boring locations. In addition, perched water may occur in more permeable zones within the limestones, particularly after periods of extended ra infall. Care should be taken that utility cuts are not left open for extended periods , and that the cuts are properly backfilled . Backfilling should be accomplished with properly compacted on -site soils , rather than granular materials. Trench excavations should be sloped or braced in the interest of safety. Attention is drawn to OSHA Safety and Health Standards (29 CFR 1926/1910), Subpart P, regarding trench excavations greater than 5 feet in depth. 5. 7 Erosion and Sediment Control All disturbed areas should be protected from erosion and sedimentation during constru ction, and all permanent slopes and other areas subject to erosion or sedimentation should be provided with permanent erosion and sediment control facilities. All applicable ordinances and codes regarding erosion and sediment control should be followed. 6.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS In any geotechnical investigation, the design recommendations are based on a limited amount of information about the subsurface conditions. In the analysis, the geotechnical engineer must assume the subsurface conditions are similar to the conditions encountered in the borings . However, quite often during construction anomalies in the subsurface conditions are revealed. Therefore, it is recommended that CMJ Engineering , Inc. be retained to observe earthwork and foundation installation and perform materials evaluation during the construction phase of the project. This enables the geotechnical engineer to stay abreast of the project and to be readily Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGIN EERING, INC. 14 r available to evaluate unanticipated conditions, to conduct additional tests if required and, when necessary, to recommend alternative solutions to unanticipated conditions. Until these construction phase services are performed by the project geotechnical engineer, the recommendations contained in this report on such items as final foundation bearing elevations, proper soil moisture condition, and other such subsurface related recommendations should be considered as preliminary. It is proposed that construction phase observation and materials testing commence by the project geotechnical engineer at the outset of the project. Experience has shown that the most suitable method for procuring these services is for the owner or the owner's design engineers to contract directly with the project geotechnical engineer. This results in a clear, direct line of communication between the owner and the owner's design engineers and the geotechnical engineer. 7 .0 REPORT CLOSURE The borings for this study were selected by CMJ Engineering, Inc. The locations and elevations of r · the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used in their determination . The boring logs shown in this report contain information related to the types of soil encountered at specific locations and times and show lines delineating the interface between these materials. The logs also contain our field representative's interpretation of conditions that are believed to exist in those depth intervals between the actual samples taken. Therefore, these boring logs contain both factual and interpretive information . Laboratory soil classification tests were also performed on samples from selected depths in the borings. The results of these tests, along with visual-manual procedures were used to generally classify each stratum. Therefore, it should be understood that the classification data on the logs of borings represent visual estimates of classifications for those portions of each stratum on which the full range of laboratory soil classification tests were not performed. It is not implied that these logs are representative of subsurface conditions at other locations and times. With regard to ground-water conditions, this report presents data on ground-water levels as they were observed during the course of the field work. In particular, water level readings have been f I made in the borings at the times and under conditions stated in the text of the report and on the boring logs. It should be noted that fluctuations in the level of the ground-water table can occur [ · with passage of time due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors. Also, this report Report No.110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 15 I . f. l [ [ [ '. does not include quantitative information on rates of flow of ground water into excavations , on pump ing capacities necessary to dewater the excavations , or on methods of dewatering excavations. Unanticipated soil conditions at a construction site are commonly encount ered and cannot be fully predicted by mer.e soil samples , test borings or test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made by the owner to attain a properly designed and constructed project. Therefore, provision for some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra cost. The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of our field investigation and further on the assumption that the exploratory borings are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site; that is , the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclos ed by the borings at the time they were completed . If, during construction, different subsurface conditions from those encountered in our borings are observed, o r appear to be present in excavat ions, we must be advised promptly so that we can review these conditions and recon sider our recommendations where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between submission of this report and the start of the work at the site , if conditions have changed due either to natural causes or to construction operations at or adjacent to the site, or if structure locations , structural loads or finish grades are changed , we urge that we be promptly informed and retained to review our report to determine the applicab ility of the conclusions and recommendations , consi dering the changed conditions and/or time lapse. Further, it is urged that CMJ Engineering, Inc. be retained to review those portions of the plans and specifications for th is particular project that pertain to earthwork and foundations as a means to determine whether the plans and specifications are consistent with the recommendations contained in this report. In addition, we are available to observe construction, particularly the compaction of structural fill, or backfill and the construction of foundations as recommended in the report, and such other field observations as might be necessary. The scope of our services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface wate r, ground water or air, on or below or around the site. Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 16 J . .l ' r . J -f . This report has been prepared for use in developing an overall design concept. Paragraphs , statements , test results , boring logs , diagrams , etc . sho uld not be taken out of context, nor utilized without a knowledge and awareness of their intent within the overall concept of this report. The reproduction of this report, or any part thereof, supplied to persons other than the owner, should indicate that t his study was made for des ign purposes only and that verification of the subsurface cond itions for purposes of determining difficulty of excavation , trafficabili ty , etc. are responsibilities of the contractor. Th is report has been prepared for t he exclus ive use of Baird , Hampton & Brown , Inc. for specific application to design of th is project. The only warranty made by us in connection with the services provided is that we have used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same or similar locality. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made or intended . * * * * Report No. 110-06-15 CMJ ENGIN EERING, I N C. 17 l. I l. POWELL r-----.. JESSAM INE >-~ RAMSEY UJ _j._ B-1 _j._ B-2 UJ 0:: 'I' 'f' LL MARION :r: f-:::, 0 en MULKE Y s: ~ LO 0:: "' 0 >-s: >-I UJ ...J 2 0:: a:: UJ MORNINGSIDE > a. UJ in CI) MEADOWBROOK DRIVE HIGHWAY 180 PANOLA LEGEND: ~ Boring Lo catio n CMJENGINEERING, INC. CMJ PRO J ECT No. 110 -06 -15 en in en ~ J 0:: 3 () en s: w w f- >-z ~ B-3 z z CI) >-0 B-6 w 0:: <( z f-(9 0 I :::, en 0:: LL 0 0 <( 2 m en B-4 0 (9 <( ~ :r: () en z 52 B-5 0:: w a. PLAN OF BORINGS PAVEMENT DESIGN -CONTRACT 36 CLAIREMONT, CHICAGO, AND RAMSEY FORT WORTH, TEXAS 0 0:: ~ UJ ...J :J 0 m 0 z ~ ~ <( 0 0 ~ N j 500 1000 feel Approximate Scale P LATE A.I . l Major Divisions Grp . Sym . Typical Names C .Q Q) o.!::! ..-..NQ> ~ en -Q) ·.;; (/J Q) > en "' Q) ~ .§ t\'l 0 Cl C C ,_ t\'l 0 Q) Q) 02, Well-graded gravels , gravel- GW sand mixtures, little or no fines Poorly graded gravels, gravel GP sand mixtures, little or no fines ~ (1) !!! ·5 (/) u Q) C: -~ ,,, Q) ~ Q) <i> ~ -~ > > (ll "'---~---1-------------l Q> t\'lOs;t (1) 0 0 (/)c ~ ~ ~ GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt <Ii ·l;l .c ro en mixtures c: ~ ~Q)Q) ~Q) ·.;; c'.5 u . 0 -0 o ~z ~ ~~ "' Laboratory Classification Criteria 0 50 (0 30)2 Cu= ----greater than 4 : Cc= ------------between 1 and 3 0 10 010 X 0 60 Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW Liquid and Plastic limits below "A" line or P.I. greater than 4 z c- (ll C "' ro = .c a- 3: -C U "iii "'~~1----+-----------~Q>o Q>t-------------t Liquid and plastic limits plotting in hatched zone between 4 and 7 are borderline cases requiring use of dual symbols "' .... Q) -0 C) Q) .... C Cll ·ro -;;; a>= ' ro Q) ·-"' .... .... Q) ~iii o E Q) £ 0 -cii .c £ ~ 0 6 <i>>~4>o ~~ Ge Clayey gravels , gravel-sand-V, ~~ cci CJ a. clay mixtures ·ro z "' t\'l u (I) :~ : (I) Liquid and Plastic limits above "A" line with P.1. greater than 7 $ Cl~ E :5 :~l-----------'----------1 :o .... 0 ,_ ~ "' 'fil' SW Well-graded sands, gravelly :: ~ ro c I fi Q>E E ~ ~ sands, litt e or no mes iii "' "' roe '-c: ~ enc Clo § Q) ~ 0 1----+-----------~~ ~ . - :;::; N <3 ~ Poorly graded sands ; -c ~ i a; g ·.;; SP gravelly sands, little or no c "' Q) u ~m ~ rnm u~ ' en 0 50 (030J2 Cu = -----greater th an 6: Cc=-----------between 1 and 3 0 10 010 X 0 60 Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW u, ~ iii -fines "' ~ <ii ~ ....: C -cc ~ ·.;;---~---1--------------lO 'o a. N Ci-----------.,----------~ rn ro~v O (/)(1) l{)~~ £ U> u Q) en c c <ii Liquid and Plastic limits ~ -0 "' c Silty sands, sand-silt Cl 2 ro ro c. o o z ~ 5 SM 2 ~ · · £ :5 N below "A" line or P .1. less Liquid and plastic limits .S !!:::: c ~ E mixtures a; ~ ~ en Q) """" 11 :5 ro en e ~ g ~ o .8 than 4 plotting between 4 and 7 Q) > Q) "iii 0 0 N 0 z C t\'l .c ~ :: ·52 "' cii -c E ~ (/J ·ro .!!! ,_ - C) t\'l CD ·c C -2! ·-t\'l u.. E -0 -cii ..c C t\'l £ ~ 0 5 c -·3: 2 Q)c 1----+------------i ~ c: .E ....1 ~ I.() 1------------1 are borderline cases (ll .0 0 (/) £ -g -~ ~ Cl d d 1 -~ -~ ~ Liquid and Plastic limits requiring use of dual ~ ro ~ SC ayey san s , san -cay E ~ .!!! above "A" line with P .I. symbols 0 U> a. mixtures <ii a, ~ 6 $ ~ ! ~ greater than 7 0 I.() C (/J t\'l >..c ro -o ~ -0 Q) C -ro ~ 2 -~ U) :!:! ~ O" d 0 I.() C t\'l "' .c >,-t\'l ,_ -Q) u iii -0 Q) C '-t\'l C) (/)~ ~ E Cl) = 1:l ·s O" d >,.Q -C <Jl .c (ll = .Q> Cl o"' I ,_ 0 ML CL Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands , or clayey silts with slight plasticity Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, and lean clays 60•~---.....--+---,----,,----i---t--..------,, /v StOl--+--+---+---+--+---+--+---t-/-7'~---t OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity CH / 40!---1---+---+--+---+--+----+:~+---+---+ !30,1--__J~-l---+----+----l'----,l</'----+v--+---+---I MH CH OH Pt Inorganic silts, micaceous or :g ./ diatomaceous fine sandy or £ • 'P' OHar d MH silty soils, elastic silts .,;, rD1--+--+---+---+--,,'"-+--+----+---e-11--+---1 Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts Peat and other highly organic soils CL / / / ?lc'~.....,,~c:,t,;:~=~w-:....:7'1 MLattdOL 4 V 0 L...___J(__c___.1...._ _ _J_ _ _.1:.___....._ _ __,_ __ ..__..,_ _ __, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit Plasticity Chart UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATEA.2 f ' i l I I . i l l I . SOIL OR ROCK TYPES --=-GRAVEL LEAN CLAY -0 • • • • • SANDY • •••• • • SAND •••• SILTY Auger Split Spoon TERMS DESCRIBING CONSISTENCY, CONDITION, AND STRUCTURE OF SOIL Fine Grained Soils (More than 50% Passing No. 200 Sieve) Descriptive Item Penetrometer Reading, (tsf) Soft 0.0 to 1.0 Firm 1.0to1 .5 Stiff 1.5 to 3.0 Very Stiff Hard 3.0 to 4.5 4 .5+ Coarse Grained Soils (More than 50% Retained on No . 200 Sieve) Penetration Resistance Descriptive Item (blows/foot) 0 to 4 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 Over 50 Soil Structure Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense Relative Density Oto 20% 20 to 40% 40 to 70% 70 to 90% 90 to 100% Rock Core Contains appreciable deposits of calcium carbonate; generally nodular Having inclined planes of weakness that are slick and glossy in appearance Composed of thin layers of varying color or texture Containing cracks, sometimes filled with fine sand or silt Cone Pen Calcareous Slickensided Laminated Fissured lnterbedded Composed of alternate layers of different soil types, usually in approximately equal proportions TERMS DESCRIBING PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCK Hardness and Degree of Cementation Very Soft or Plastic Soft Moderately Hard Can be remolded in hand; corresponds in consistency up to very stiff in soils Can be scratched with fingernail Can be scratched easily with knife; cannot be scratched with fingernail Hard Difficult to scratch with knife Very Hard Cannot be scratched with knife Poorly Cemented or Friable Easily crumbled Cemented Bound together by chemically precipitated material; Quartz, calcite, dolomite, siderite, Degree of Weathering Unweathered Slightly Weathered Weathered Extremely Weathered and iron oxide are common cementing materials. and iron oxide are common cementing materials . Rock in its natural state before being exposed to atmospheric agents Noted predominantly by color change with no disintegrated zones Complete color change with zones of slightly decomposed rock Complete color change with consistency, texture, and general appearance approaching soil KEY TO CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS PLATE A.3 j . r _J_ ~ oi l-o (!) ;i 0 ..., 0.. (!) ~ (!) z ii: 0 m u. 0 (!) 0 ...J CMJ Project No . I Boring No. Project ENGINEERING INC. -Pavement Design -Contract 36 110-06-15 8-1 Clairemont, Chicago, and Ramsey -Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling; dry at completion Completion I Completion Depth 10.0' Date 8-15-06 Surface Elevation Type N/A B-47, w/ 6" CFA ii'. 0 (/) 0 (I) 0 C: it .c .Cl 0. ~ oi N a. E E o .S 0 -;R s: it -o .2 & >, ca Stratum Description . "tJ z 0 0 ~~~ Q) Cl) Cl) -ca .?;> Q) -0 -;R 'cf!. u. Q) O');;,: :::R 0~ :i C ~::i ;;= Q) Cl) ui 0:: u.: C 0 ·u 0~ C~-0 0 ·-Q) ~~ ~~ :.:; X -<ll 0 0. C () 0 3: C . (/) > (/) Q) (/)-~ en o E ::i ·- C w 0 .2 Q) ~ ~-~ c,E ca E ca -o Oo C: .Cl coo 0:: 0:: mo.1-Q. Cl) :.:::i:.:::i a: :.:::i a:-= ~() :::> ..J ::>UO. ~ ASPHALT 2 inches thick ~ 5 ..... :1 i\sANDY CLAY brown w/ aravel <fill\ 4.5+ 22 100 CLAY, dark brown and brown, w/ gravel, hard ..... 4 .5+ 67 63 19 44 17 102 ..... 4.5+ 20 ~ ~ SILTY CLAY, brown and light brown, w/ gravel, 4.5+ 12 ~5-hard 4.5+ 58 41 13 28 16 -::I LIMESTONE, tan - -II~ SILTY CLAY, reddish brown and dark reddish 3.25 25 --brown , w/ calcareous nodules and deposits, stiff to 2.75 25 -10-..., v~ry2 tiff _________________ _J LOG OF BORING NO. 8-1 PLATE A.4 f ..., n. (!) 0 (!) z ii: 0 m u. 0 (!) 0 ...J CMJ I Boring No. Project ENGINEERING INC. ~ Project No . Pavement Design -Contract 36 110-06-15 B-2 Clairemont, Chicago, and Ramsey -Fort Worth, Texas I Location Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling; dry at completion ~ Completion I Completion Depth 10.0' Date 8-15-06 Surface Elevation Type I N/A 8-47, w/ 6" CFA ii'. 0 f/) 0 Q) 0 .c .0 a. .... en N cU. a. E E o .!: 0 -;F. ~ii'. -o .Q & >, I'll Stratum Description . "O z 0 Q) : (/j Q) en en -111 .?;> Q) -0 ~ ;:g_ !:!:: Q) Cl ;;,: ~ 0 ~ ·u :i 'E ~::i ~ Q) U) 0 0 f/) a::: u.: C 0 OQ C Q. "O ·-Q) :Q ...: ~d ~x -Q) u 0 3: C . f/) > f/)- 8E n :,·-f/) Q) ·-C =:: ui \ w 0 ..Q Q) en :(l _!!,! c-E ro E I'll "O Oo C .0 coo a::: 0:: CDC.. I-a.. CJ) :.:J:.:J a: :::i -c :Eu ::>UC.. a.. -::::> __J II -1\'ASPHAL T 2 .5 inches thick ~ 17 ~ -SIL TY CLAY dark brown w/ qravel (fill) JI 4 .5 19 98 '--SIL TY CLAY/ CLAY , dark brown and brown , w/ • gravel , very stiff to hard 3 .25 16 ""'T '-- _ -wl limestone fragments to 1' 4 .5+ 66 4 7 14 33 18 I ~ I r\-w/ crvstal deoosits 1' to 2' r 2 .75 23 '-5-SIL TY CLAY, brown and redd ish brown, w/ grave l, 2 .5 23 102 471 t ~ -stiff 2.5 -w/ calcareous nodules 6' to 7' 22 '-- ~ ~.....-LIMESTONE tan fractured ' CLAY/ SHALY CLAY, brown , reddish brown , and 2 .75 22 r '--dark brown , w/ ca lcareous nodules , stiff to very sti ff 3 .5 99 71 24 47 25 Ll. ~10--h -w/ gravel, 8' to 9' r LI \ -grades tan and gray , w/ calcareous deposits, 9' to I '-10' ___________________ ) L I L L L L J., L f' -LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 PLATE A.5 . ! .1 r - . I • I ....l. -, a. (!) ~ (!) z a: 0 O] u.. 0 (!) 0 _, CMJ Project No . I Boring No. Project ENGINEERING INC. - Pavement Design -Contract 36 110-06-15 B-3 Clairemont, Chicago, and Ramsey -Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling; dry at completion Completion I Completion Depth 10.0' Date 8-15-06 Surface Elevation Type N/A 8-47, w/ 6" CFA ii'. 0 1/) 0 Cl) 0 C: u:: .c .a ci. ~ cii N a. E E o.!:: 0 ~ ~it "O .Q ci->, ra Stratum Description . "O z 0 0 ~~~ Q) cn .?;-0 en -ra Cl ;,,: u'#. Q) -c:-:;j ~ .ft. u. Q) ~ :3 C Ii= Q) 1/) vi 0::: u.: C: 0 ·o C: ~ "O 0 ·-a; "O --Q) 0~ 0 ~d ~x 0 a. C: u :: C: • 1/) > ·3 =: 1/) Q) 1/)-:=: en o E =i w a .Q Q) Cf.! ~.!!! rr E ~-§ ra -o ·-C: Oo C: .a C: 0 0 0::: 0::: al Q. I-:::i:::i -C: ~u Q.(J) Q._J Q._ ::J -I ::JUQ. :·::::·--:·:: ASPHALT 2.5 inches thick .r 8 '--!'\SAND tan w/ aravel Ifill) / 2.0 21 101 ~ -CLAY, dark brown , w/ grave l , stiff to very stiff 3 .5 70 54 15 39 22 102 ~ --w/ calcareous nodules to 2' -w/ ironstone nodules, 2' to 5' 2.5 22 '--3 .25 22 '-5 -~ ~ SIL TY CLAY, light brown and tan, w/ gravel, stiff 2 .75 57 36 11 25 17 ~ -w/ gravel and calcareous nodules , 5' to 6' 2.5 18 '--t--.. -w/ ironstone nodules 6' to 7' ~ 100/2 .5" -[;I LIMESTONE, tan, moderately hard ~ ~ , CLAY/ SHALY CLAY, light brown and gray, w/ 4 .5+ 20 '-10--h calcareous nodule~hard __________ _J LOG OF BORING NO . 8-3 PLATE A.6 [ f I I l l .. ~ a, oi 'I-a (!) -, ::;; u -, 0.. (!) ~ ~ (!) z a: 0 m lL 0 (!) 0 ....I Project No . 110-06-15 I Boring No . 8-4 Project Pavement Design -Contract 36 CMJ ENGINEERING INC I , Clairemont, Chicago, and Ramsey -Fort Worth, Texas u Location Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling; dry at completion Completion I Completion Depth 10.0' Date 8-15-06 u::: 0 "' Ql .c .a a. a. E E >, (II Ql Cl) 0 Cl) \ Surface Elevation N/A Type 8-47, w/ 6" CFA Stratum Description :RASPHAL T 2 inches thick SAND fiaht arav (fill) T\ CLAY, dark reddish brown , w/ ironstone deposits , hard SIL TY CLAY/ CLAY , tan , w/ calcareous deposits , stiff to very stiff LIMESTONE, tan, w/ clay seams , moderately hard f r -~------------------------ I- LOG OF BORING NO. 8-4 O .~ . "C -(II ::R ::R !c!:: Ql 0 0 "' 0:: u.: 0 (.) 3: C: • UJ a .Q Ql ~ 0:: 0:: CD 0.. I- 4 .5+ 3 .0 3 .75 3 .75 00/3 .25' 100/2.5" I a a cu:'. N 0 *" ~ ['. -c,.Q C" z 0 ~~~ o,;;s: *" o'*-~ Ql -i::'::i ·u :,C ~ Q) Cl) C: 0~ § Q.u ·-Q) ~~ ~~ +: X -Ql "'> "' Ql "'-~(/) oE ·-C: ~-~ o-E .!l! .E: (II "C Oo C_a coo a.. Cl) ::::i::::i a.. _J a:.s ~(.) =>-1 =>(.)a.. -8 39 59 22 37 21 I l 25 93 64 34 15 19 10 I 17 -, L I L L L l 1 l L L L PLATE A.7 L r . I -, 0.. (!) ~ :g 0 (!) z a: 0 m u. 0 (!) 0 -' CMJ Proj ect No . I Boring No . Project ENG INEERING INC - Pavement Design -Contract 36 110-06-15 8-5 Clairemont, Chicago , and Ramsey -Fort Worth , Texas Locati on Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling ; dry at completion Completion I Co m pletion Depth 10.0' Date 8-15-06 S urface Eleva ti on Type NIA 8-47, w/ 6" CFA u::: 0 II) 0 a, 0 c u'. .c .a a. ~ cii N a. E E o.!: 0 ~ 3:U: TI .Q ci->-<ti Stratum Description . TI z 0 ~~~ a, en en -rn o,'$. 1':' a, -~:::i 0 ~ :,!;! !:!:: a, ~ u *' :5 C ~ Cl) U) 0 C 0 ·o OS2 C ~ TI 0 (/) 0::: u.: ·-a,-:-Q .--~~~ :;:. X -a, 0 C. C () ';: C • II)> (/) a, (/)-o E :::, :::,·-·-C .-::: u; w a .Q a,~ ~-~ CT E rn E <ti TI Co C .0 C: 0 0 0::: 0::: CD 0.. I-o.. en :.:J:.:J a: ::J 0:: E ~() ::> _J ::> () 0.. ~ R..ASPHAL T 1.5 inches thick /F 4 .5+ 32 43 16 27 9 ._ -\SAND liaht arav Ifill) -; 4 .5+ 15 110 ._ r\CLAY / SILTY SANDY CLAY, dark brown and r 4 .5+ 15 119 6280 brown, wt g ravel, iro nston e nodu les , an d ._ - 3.25 15 calcare o us nod ules hard SIL TY CLAY, t an , w / gravel, calcare ou s nod ules, 4 .5 14 1-5-and ironston e nod ules, ve ry stiff t o ha rd 4 .5+ 14 c... - 4 .5+ 93 44 17 27 14 4 .5 18 c... LIMESTONE , t an , w / cl ay seams , moderate ly ha rd ~ -+ 00/2 .75' c...-1 0 b-1 ------------------------- LOG OF BORING NO . 8-5 PLATE A.8 l r l l-o C) i 0 C) z ii: 0 ID u. 0 C) 0 -' CMJ GINEERING INC EN -Project No . I Boring No . Project Pavement Design -Contract 36 iJ 110-06-15 8-6 Clairemont, Chicago, and Ramsey -Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Observations I See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling; dry at completion Completion I Completion Depth 10.0' Date 8-15-06 Surface Elevation Type I NIA B-47, w/ 6" CFA u:: 0 "' 0 Q) 0 cu'. .c .a a. ~ oi N E 0.. >, E o.S 0 -;,R ~u:: -c .2 er Q) C/) <U Stratum Description . -0 z 0 0 :g :~ 0 Cl) -<U Cl ;,:-;:;. Q) -c':' :j -;,R ~ u. Q) -;,R 0 -;f. ~c ~~,t 0 0 ui a:: u.: C 0 ·o OQ 0 ·-a.i :2 ...;-~~ :;:, X -Q) o a.c (.) S: C . "'> "'-:,·-"' Q) ·-C :!::! en o E :, w a ..Q Q) ~ l:l .~ er E ro E <U -0 Oo C_a coo a:: a:: co a.. I-a.. Cl) ::J ::J a:: ::J a:: .E: ::E (.) => ...I =>(.)a.. ill£ '-ASPHALT 3 inches thick /j-~ ·,<coNCRETE 7 inches thick 2 .5 26 91 I --CLAY, dark brown , w/ ironstone nodules , stiff to very stiff 3 .0 73 50 14 36 26 i ~ - -w/ calcareous nodules , 3' to 7' 2 .5 20 107 4620 I ---very stiff to hard , 4' to 7' 4 .0 73 53 14 39 20 104 I -5-4 .0 19 I --4 .5+ 14 --+ LIMESTONE , tan , w/ clay seams , moderately hard --fractured , 7' t o 8' I-+ 100/2.5" 1.. o--10-------------------------- :, I - L ' I L .. [ L • 1J jJ r t - LOG OF BORING NO . 8-6 PLATE A.9 r . r , r . '+- (/) +' (/) (/) V L +' (/) L 0 V .c (/) .... 2.25 1. 50 0 .75 0 6 .00 5 .00 <n 4.00 +' (/) (/) V L +' (/) L 0 +' 0 > V 0 3.00 2 .00 1 .00 0 RESULTS C, tsf 0.62 ., . deg 13 :8 TAN p 0 .75 1 . 50 .. , ... , ......... .. ................ ....... , ... ~-. . . . . 2 .25 3.00 Norma I Stress . tsf i $AMPLE NO . WATER CONTENT, % ....J DRY DENSITY , pcf <( H SATURATION, % t-VOID RATIO H z DIAMETER, 1n H HEIGHT, in WATER CONTENT, % t-DRY DENSITY, pcf (/1 w SATURATION, % t-VOID RATIO t- <( DIAMETER, in HEIGHT, in Time to failure, min BACK PRESSURE, tsf CELL PRESSURE, tsf FAILURE STRESS, tsf 3.75 4 .50 2 3 22 .0 22.0 22.0 99 .8 99.8 99.8 88 .7 88 .7 88.7 0 .657 0.657 0.657 2.80 2.80 2 .80 3.60 3.60 3.60 24.2 24 .2 24.2 99 .8 99.8 99.8 97 .6 97.6 97.6 0 .657 0 .657 0.657 2.80 2.80 2.80 3 .60 3.60 3 .60 3.31 3.31 3.31 3 .67 4.03 4 .75 1 . 73 2. 13 2 .43 ·····:··:···:·· ··:··:•·:··:· ···:··-:··:··:·· ·····:-··:··:·· PORE PRESSURE, tsf 0 0 5 10 15 Axial Strain, TYPE OF TEST: Unconsolidated undrained SAMPLE TYPE: Undisturbed DESCRIPTION: Clay, brown LL= PL= PI= SPECIFIC GRAVITY= 2 .65 REMARKS : % 20 ULTIMATE STRESS, tsf PORE PRESSURE, tsf 0'1 FAILURE, tsf 03 FAILURE, tsf CLIENT: CMJ 1 . 73 2 .09 0 .36 2. 13 2.85 0 .72 PROJECT : Pavement Reconstruction SAMPLE LOCATION : 8-1@ 11" -2 .0' 2.43 3.87 1 .44 PROJ . NO .: 1 1 0-06-15 DATE: 9/10/06 TRIAXIAL SHEAR TEST REPORT PLATE A.10 f' r l .. .,_ (/) +J (/) (/) Q) L +J (/) L 0 Q) .r: (/) .,_ (/) +J (/) (/) Q) L +-' U) L 0 +-' 0 > Q) 0 4.50 3 .00 1 . 50 0 0 ·'J . CCI 7 .50 6.00 4.50 3 .00 1 .50 0 0 RESULTS ··=·· .. ;. .. ; .. ••:••• .. C, tsf 0 .36 ~. deg 35 .9 TAN p 0.72 ..•..•.. , . . ... . . . ·:· .. :-.. ~ .. ! . . . . '. .. ~ .. ~ .. ...... : .. : . . . . : .. ~ .. -: .. 1 .50 ,.\ .. ; .. · ... -.... : .. , .. , ..... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .... ····-····· ............. ··-·-········ ·····-· . . . ······-········ ·····-· .. ~ .. :. .. : ... :. . . . : .. : .. ; .. ~ . . .. : .. .: .. : .. ; . . . . ; .. :. . . . . 3.00 .. : .. : .. .. ··: .. :·· ··-···.·· ···.···.··· .... ··•·· ··. ···.···.·· ...... , .. ..... . , ............. , ......... . 4 .50 6.0CJ Norma I Stress, ts t SAMPLE NO . WATER CONTENT, % -;}__ DRY DENSITY, pc f H SATURATION, % ~ VOID RATIO ~ DIAMETER , in • .: ••• ; ... : .• ,:, • • . ~ •• i •• : .• ••• . . <·. ·=-. -:. . ; . . . . ; . .;. . . .... HEIGHT, in . . . . . . . -. . . ! ' . . . . . . .. : .. : .. : .. • .. ·--:---;. .. :,-:--.. :,-:-- ·:· "'." .. ~ .. ! .. : .. : . . . ·:· . ·:·. ~ .. ! .. . . : . ·:·. . . . . . . . : . -~ . ·:·. -:·. . . ~ .. :. ·: .. ~. . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . ........................... . .................. ·-. ··>· WATER CONTENT,% ~ ORY DENSITY, pc f w SATURATION. % ...... ·-····· ................................. ·-. . -·. r VOID RATIO ~ DIAMETER , i n . . . ..• _:...<:C .. :-:: .•• :-:-..... '.""'. .•.••..•••••.•...•••••.•••. HEIGHT, in . . .. . . , .. ,, ..................... , ........... , ....... , .... . ... : .. .:: .. ~ .. ; . . . .; .. :. . . .... Time to failure , min BACK PRESSURE, tsf CELL PRESSURE, tsf FAILURE STRESS, tsf :··:··:· ···>··>··>·i·· .......................................... . . ........................................... . . . . . ... . . . 5 10 15 Axial Strain, % PORE PRESSURE, tsf 20 ULTIMATE STRESS, tsf TYPE OF TEST: PORE PRESSURE , tsf 01 FAILURE, tsf Unconsolidated undrained 03 FAILURE, tsf CLIENT: CMJ .. -~ .. ! .... 7 .50 9 .00 2 3 18.9 18 .9 18.9 98 .4 98 .4 9 8 .4 73.6 73 .6 7 3.6 0 .681 0.681 0 .681 1 . 36 1 . 3 6 1 . .36 3 .00 3 .00 3 .00 25.4 25.4 25 .4 98.4 98 .4 9 8.4 98.9 98.9 98.9 0 .681 0 .681 0.681 1 . 36 1 .36 1. 36 .3.00 3 .00 3 .00 3.31 3 .31 3.31 3.67 4 .03 4 .75 2 .63 3 .40 5.62 2 .63 3.40 5 .53 2 .99 4 .12 7 .06 0.36 0.72 1 .44 SAMPLE TYPE: Remold DESCRIPTION: Clay, brown w/ 7% I i me added PROJECT : Pavement Reconstruction LL= PL= SPECIFIC GRAVITY= 2 .65 REMARKS : PI= SAMPLE LOCATION: 8-2@ 1 .0'-2.0' PROJ. NO . 110-06-15 DATE : 9/14/06 TRIAXIAL SHEAR TEST REPORT PLATE A.11 r , I (/) (/) V L +' (/) L 0 V .c (/) '+- (/) +' (/) (/) V L +' (/) L 0 +' 0 > V 0 2.25 1 . 50 0.75 0 0 6.00 5 .00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1. 00 RESULTS C, tsf 0.67 ~. deg 16 .8 TAN p 0.30 ··•·· 0.75 1. 50 ... · ... · .. : .. , .... \ .. -... -..... . . . . . . .. . ..................................................... . . . . . .......... ······-········ ....... . .. • ... -....... ··i·· ···'.·· .... , ....... . .............. .. .. .. , ..... -.. ... ; ... ; ... ; .... ··i·· .. -:-. -~ .. ~ ...... ; .. 2.25 3.00 Normal Stress, tsf SAMPLE NO. WATER CONTENT, % ...J ORY DENSITY, pcf <( H SATURATION, % I-VOID RATIO H z DIAMETER, in H HEIGHT, 1n WATER CONTENT, % I-DRY DENSITY, pcf (/) w SATURATION, % I-VOID RATIO I-DIAMETER, in <( HEIGHT, 1n Time to failure, min BACK PRESSURE, tsf CELL PRESSURE, tsf FAILURE STRESS, tsf --:---:··· ··-·· . .; ... ; .. ; ...... ; ... ;. . .. ; .. ; .. . . . . . . . -~ •• ~ .• ~ - • . • • • ! •. ~ .. .. .; ... ; .. ; ...... ; .. ;: .. • • -~ •• ; • ; •• i •• . . -~ .. ~ .. ; . . . . . ...... . . . . . .: .. : ...... ; .. ; .. 3 .75 4 .50 2 3 21 .0 21 .0 21. 0 100 .9 100.9 100.9 87.0 87 .0 87.0 0 .639 0.639 0.639 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.65 3 .65 3 .65 22. 1 22. 1 22 . 1 100 .9 100.9 100.9 91. 5 91 . 5 91 . 5 0.639 0.639 0.639 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.65 3.65 3 .65 3 .31 3.31 3 .31 3.67 4.03 4.75 2 .01 2.54 2.92 0 .. 0 5 10 15 PORE PRESSURE. 20 ULTIMATE STRESS, tsf tsf 2 .01 2 .54 2.92 Axial Strain, TYPE OF TEST: Unconsolidated undrained SAMPLE TYPE: Undisturbed DESCRIPTION : Clay, dark brown LL= PL= SPECIFIC GRAVITY= 2 .65 REMARKS : PI= % PORE PRESSURE, tsf 01 FAILURE, ts f 03 FAILURE, tsf CLIENT: CMJ 2 .37 3.26 0.36 0.72 PROJECT: Pavement Reconstruction SAMPLE LOCATION : 8-3@ 11 .5" -2.0' 4.36 1 .44 PROJ . NO.: 110-06-15 DATE : 9/10/06 TRIAXIAL SHEAR TEST REPORT PLATE A.12 f: L [' I I l.. L .,_ (/) 2.25 .., 1 . 50 (/) (/) cl) L .... (/) L 0 cl) ..c (/) .... If) .... (/) (/) cl) L +' (/) L 0 .... 0 0.75 0 2 .'4-0 2 .00 1 . 60 1. 20 0 .80 RESULTS C, tsf O . 48 ~. deg 9.9 TAN p 0. 18 ................... :. . -~ .. ; .. ;.. . . ; . . . ....... . ··i••\•••:•··'.·· 0 0.75 ........ ···.·· ••:••••••:•• .. .. :.... . •••,•••:•••:•••,··· .. : .. ··l·· .. .. .. .. ···.·· ··.··· .. , .... . ··i·· ..... ···>··>··=···=··· . .; ... ··i·· .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .: .. .: ... : ... :. .... : .... ; ..... . ... ··-·· .......... . . ··~·· ~-·-··-·· ............. . . ··-:··-:··-:···:-·· ··:·· ··:·· .... .. .. , ........ ···:·•·:···>··'.··· .. :·· ··!·· .. ........ ··<·· .... :; ........ ···:···=···:-· . . . ~-. -:-. ·=·. -: .... -;. .... : .. .. -~ .. ; .. ; .. ; .... : .. .. ·: ": .. : .. : .... :·. ..... ... ;. .. :, .. :; .. ; .. ................ . ............. .. .• ,: ... :, •• ; .. 1 .. ··i·· ......... ; ... ; •• ; .. j .. ..... ... ; .. ; .. ; .. ; .... ; .. . . : . -~ .. ; .. : . . . . ; .. . . . 1. 50 2 .25 3.00 3.75 4.50 Norma I Stress, tsf SAMPLE NO . WATER CONTENT ,% ;j_ DRY DENSITY. pc f H SATURATION, % ~ VOID RATIO ~ DIAMETER , 1 n HEIGHT, 1 n WATER CONTENT,% ~ DRY DENSITY, pc f w SATURATION, % I-VOID RA TIO DIAMETER, in HEIGHT, in I- <( 24.8 93 .3 85 .1 0 .774 2.80 3.90 27.3 93 .3 93 .5 0.774 2.80 3.90 2 3 24 .8 2 4.8 93.3 93 .3 85. 1 85. 1 0.774 0.774 2 .80 2 .80 3.90 3 .90 27.3 27 .3 93 .3 93 .3 93 .5 93.5 0.774 0.774 2.80 2.80 3 .90 3 .90 .· ..... · ... :., .;. .; ... ·'.-·<·· ··.·· Time to failure, min BACK PRESSURE, tsf CELL PRESSURE, tsf FAILURE STRESS, tsf > cl) ............... ···.···.··:·· ............. . 3 .31 3.31 3.31 . . . •• t •• •,,,•, •• • •••• , •• : •• : •• • ••••. • ••• • •• , •• , •••••••••• 0 0 .40 . . . . . . ................ .............. ................ ....... . . . . . . . ................................................. ~. . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 5 10 15 Axial Strain, % TYPE OF TEST: Unconsolidated undrained SAMPLE TYPE : Undisturbed DESCRIPTION : Clay, tan LL= PL= SPECIFIC GRAVITY= 2.65 REMARKS: PI= PORE PRESSURE, tsf 20 ULTIMATE STRESS, tsf PORE PRESSURE, tsf 01 FAILURE, tsf 03 FAILURE, tsf CLIENT: CMJ 3 .67 4 .03 1. 25 1 .50 1. 25 1. 50 1 . 61 2.22 0.36 0.72 PROJECT : Pavement Reconstruction SAMPLE LOCATION: 8-4@ 2.0'-3.0' 4.75 1. 72 1 . 72 3 .1.6 1 .44 PROJ. NO . 110-06-15 DATE : 9/10/06 TRIAXIAL SHEAR TEST REPORT PLATE A.13 · . r r f . _J ..... (11 .... 3 .00 2.00 RESULTS ··:·· ···>··:•••:•• 1-----------1 ··,·· ............. . ..... ............. . C, tsf 0.69 ................ . t-----------1 ,ti, deg 18. 4 .. ; ..... :, .. :,,-:., TAN p 0.33 ----',----~-....... , ......... , .. , .. ··}·· .... --:··<··· .. :•• •... ···'.-••:•• ·-=··· ··.··· ........ ,: .. . .. .. : .......... .: .. .......... .. ; .......... .: .. .: .. . .......... ··-·· ··-·· ...... ··-··-·· . . . . : : .. .. :·· ...... "':'' ··:·· ...... ··-:··-:·· ··!·· .... . • ~ . . . • . • . . • • ·> . ·:· . . . ·····i·· ...... ···=-· ·-=···:··· ••:•• ...... ···:···=·· ·-··-·· ···-··-········ ····· ·····-·· ···-········ .. . . (11 (/J (1) I... .... . ~-.................... . . . . . . .. . ···:···:··:·· .. ··:·· . . ··~--~--~···:·· ···:···~--~··!·· .. ·:·. -~. -~. . . . . '. .. (/) I... 0 4l ..c:: (/) ..... (/J +' (/J (11 4l I... +' (/) I... 0 ..... 0 > (1) 0 1. 00 0 6 .00 5 .00 4.00 3.00 2 .00 1 . 00 0 . . . --:--•:•• ·--:---:---:--:--··<·· 0 1 .00 -••• -•••• : •• , •• , ••••••••••••••• , •• 1 •• . . ... . . . . . . ·····-··--·--·· ···········-· ··-··-········ ·····-· ········-..................................... . .. ;..,: ... ;. .. ; .... ,: .. ; .. ; .. ; ..... : ... ; .. ,: .. \ .... ; ... : .. . . ••t··:---:-•-:,-·•{··E··?··:·· ···:---:···>•\·· ·-:,,:-• . -: .. •: .. ~ . . . . : .. :-. .. , .. ~c--; .. ; .. 1 .. ,, .. : .. , .. , .. , .... , .. , .. . . . . -. . '_:;:_~ .. , .. , .. , .. , .... : .. , .. , .. , .... , .. ~· ~::·--:··:"'.":·······-·····--······--· ............................ ···--·-········ ....... . I I .. :·· .... ,_: .. ;_ .. :_ .. :_· ....... : .. ; .. ; .. , .. .--.. -.. _ .. _. . ·:. ·:·. ·:·. . . : .. : .. : .. : . . . ·:· . "." ~-.:.. . ·:. ·:-. ...................................................... ·····-·--······ ···········-· ·····-········ ....... . . . . ... . . . . . . . -.. 0 5 10 15 Axial Strain, % TYPE OF TEST: Unconsolidated undrained SAMPLE TYPE : Undisturbed DESCRIPTION: Clay, brown 2.00 3 .00 4.00 Normal Stre-;;s, tsf SAMPLE 1\1 0. WATER CONTENT, % ~ DRY DENSITY , pcf H SATURATION, % ~ VOID RATIO z H DIAMETER, HEIGHT, 1 n in WATER CONTENT, % tii DRY DENSITY, pcf w SATURATION . % I-VOID RA TIO I-<{ DIAMETER , i n HEIGHT, 1 n Time to failure, min BACK PRESSURE, tsf CELL PRESSURE, tsf FAILURE STRESS, tsf PORE PRESSURE. tsf 20 ULTIMATE STRESS , tsf PORE PRESSURE, tsf 0'1 FAILURE, 0'3 FAILURE , CLIENT: CMJ tsf tsf . ···=-· . ..... !··i·· . .. . ............... . .................. .... . ................ . . ··-=···t··i ··:-· ··'.-··=·· ··<···:•-• 5 .00 6 .00 2 3 15.0 15 .0 15 .0 110 . 2 110. 2 110. 2 79.3 79 .3 79.3 0.501 0 .501 0.501 2 .80 2 .80 2.80 3 .75 3.75 3 .75 16 .3 1.6. 3 16 .3 110 . 2 110. 2 110. 2 86 .3 86.3 86.3 0 .501 0.501 0.501 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.75 3 .75 3 .75 3.31 3.31 3 .31 3 .67 4.03 4.75 2 .17 2 .73 3 .20 2 .17 2 .73 3 .20 2 .53 3 .45 4.64 0.36 0.72 1. 44 PROJECT : Pavement Reconstruction LL= PL= PI= SPECIFIC GRAVITY= 2.65 REMARKS: SAMPLE LOCATION: 8-5@ 1 .0'-2.0' PROJ . NO.: 110-06-15 DATE: 9/7/06 TRIAXIAL SHEAR TEST REPORT PLATE A.14 r f r : I I (J) (J) <I) L ..., (I) L 0 <I) .r: (I) ..... (J) ..., (/) (/) <I) L ..., (I) L 0 ..., a > <I) 0 1 .50 1 .00 0 .50 0 0 2.40 2 .00 1 . 60 1 . 20 0 .80 0 .40 0 0 RESULTS c. tsf 0.45 <ti. deg 8.6 TAN p 0 . 15 0 .50 ............................................. .............. ············· ................ . 5 10 15 Axial Strain, TYPE OF TEST : Unconsolidated undrained SAMPLE TYPE: Undisturbed DESCRIPTION: Clay , dark brown LL= PL= SPECIFIC GRAVITY= 2 .65 REMARKS: PI= % ..... ··:'··=·· .... ···.·· ··:··<··· ......... . .. , ...... ; .. ; ...... ·--:--··-···-··· .... --.... ··-·· ......... : .. ; ...... ,.,: .. ..: .. : ........ :: .. .. : .. ! . . . . . .. ~-. ...•• .. ··;'··!·· .... ···:-· 1 .00 20 1.50 2 .00 Normal Stress , tsf SAMPLE NO. WATER CONTENT , % -;i_ DRY DENSITY. pcf H SATURATION, % ~ VOID RATIO ~ DIAMETER , i n HEIGHT, in WATER CONTENT, % ~ DRY DENSITY, pc f w SATURATION, % r-VOID RATIO ~ DIAMETER, in HEIGHT, 1 n Time to failure, min BACK PRESSURE, tsf CELL PRESSURE , tsf FAILURE STRESS, tsf PORE PRESSURE, tsf ULTIMATE STRESS , tsf PORE PRESSURE, tsf 01 FAILURE, tsf 0'3 FAILURE, tsf CLIENT : CMJ ··'.-·· ··}· ........ . .. , ..... : ... ;. ··i ·· .. , .. ,:---:-- .. .; ... ;.. 25.7 91 . 1 83.5 0.815 2 .80 3 .75 26 .9 91 . 1 ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-. . .. ; .. .; .. .; .. L..50 2 3.00 3 25. 7 25 . 7 91.1 91 .1 83. 5 83. 5 0.815 0.8 15 2 .80 2 .80 3. 75 3 . 75 26.9 91 . 1 26 .9 91 . 1 87.4 87 .4 87 .4 0.815 0.815 0.815 2 . 80 2 . 80 2 . 80 3 .75 3 .31 3.67 1 .15 1 . 15 1 . 51 0 .36 3 .75 3 .31 4 .03 1. 37 1 .37 2.09 0.72 3 .75 3.31 4.75 1 . 55 1 . 55 2 .99 1 . 44 PROJECT: Pavement Reconstruction SAMPLE LOCATION: 8-6 @ 10 " -2. 0' PROJ. NO .: 110-06-15 DATE : 9/7/06 TRIAXIAL SHEAR TEST REPORT PLATE A.15 FREE SWELL TEST RESULTS Project: Pavement Design -Contract 36 Clairemont, Chicago, and Ramsey -Fort Worth, Texas ProjectNo .: 110-06-15 B-1 2-3 Clay 63 19 44 17 .0 25 .2 1 .5 B-3 2-3 Clay 54 15 39 21 .9 22 .5 1.4 B-6 4-5 Clay 53 14 39 20 .0 21 .8 1 .9 Free swell tests performed at approximate overburden pressure I . r ' I L f I I L CMJ ENGINEERING, INC PLATE A.16 LIME SERIES TEST RESULTS Project: Pavement Design -Contract 36 Clairemont, Chicago, and Ramsey -Fort Worth, Texas [ Project No.: 110-06-15 r· Boring No .: 8-2 Depth: 2' to 3' Material: Clay Percent Lime pH 0 8.62 2 11.85 4 12.03 6 12.08 8 12.09 10 12.11 Boring No.: 8-6 Depth: 2' to 3' Material: Clay Percent Lime pH 0 8.27 2 11.37 4 12.02 r (_ 6 12.08 8 12.11 10 12.12 CMJ ENGINEERING,. INC. PLATE A.17 SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST RESULTS Project: Pavement Design -Contract 36 Clairemont, Chicago, and Ramsey -Fort Worth, Texas _r Project No.: 110-06-15 r Boring No.: B-1 Depth: 11" to 2 ' Material: Clay Method Result TxDOT 145-E 114 mg/kg _J Boring No .: 8-3 Depth: 11.5" to 2' Material : Clay Method Result TxDOT 145-E 150 mg/kg r Boring No.: B-5 Depth: 1' to 2' Material : Clay/ Silty Sandy Clay Method Result TxDOT 145-E 114 mg/kg Note: 1.) 1 mg/kg = 1 part per million _I -r I I _, I _, CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. PLATE A.18 WinPAS Pavement Thickness Design According to 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavements Structures American Concrete Pavement Association ~igid Design Inputs Agency : City of Fort Worth r Company: Baird, Hampton , and Brown , Inc. Contractor: CMJ Engineering , Inc. Project Description: Pavement Design -Contract 36 Location: Clairemont , Chicago, and Ramsey [ Rigid Pavement Design/Evaluation l I PCC Thickness Design ESALs ·1· Reliability Overall Deviation ( Modulus of Rupture 1 Modulus of Elasticity L 7.08 inches 625,000 80 .00 percent 0 .35 630 psi 3 ,604,997 psi Load Transfer, J Mod. Subgrade Reaction , k Drainage Coefficient, Cd Initial Serviceability Tenninal Serviceability r: Modulus of Subqrade Reaction (k-value) Determination Resilient Modulus of the Subgrade 5 ,015 .0 Resilient Modulus of the Subbase 0 .0 Subbase Thickness 6 .00 Depth to Rigid Foundation 8 .00 . Loss of Support Value (0, 1,2,3) 1.0 psi psi inches feet Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 88 .10 psi/in l. [_ Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:29 :55AM Engineer: JPS 2 .90 88 psi/in 0.70 4 .50 2.00 PLATES. WinPAS Pavement Thickness Design According to 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavements Structures American Concrete Pavement Association f -~igid Design Inputs Agency: City of Fort Worth Company: Baird, Hampton , and Brown , Inc. Contractor: CMJ Engineering , Inc. Project Description : Pavement Design -Contract 36 Location : Clairemont, Ch icago , and Ramsey Rigid Pavement Design/Evaluation I PCC Thickness I Design ESALs Reliability I Overall Deviation f · Modulus of Rupture . Modulus of Elasticity 7.49 inches 875,000 80 .00 . percent 0.35 630 psi 3,604 ,997 psi Load Transfer, J Mod. Subgrade Reaction, k Drainage Coefficient, Cd Initial Serviceability Tenninal Serviceability 2 .90 88 psi/in 0 .70 4 .50 2.00 f ':a· ____________________________________ .. r. \ Modulus of Subgrade Reaction Ck-value) Determination Resilient Modulus of the Subgrade Resilient Modulus of the Subbase Subbase Thickness Depth to Rigid Foundation Loss of Support Value (0, 1 ,2,3) Modulus of Subgrade Reaction I ruesday , September 19 , 2006 9:29:33AM Engineer: JPS 5,015 .0 psi 0 .0 psi 6.00 inches 8 .00 feet 1.0 88 .10 psi/in PLATE 8.2 M&C..Re qu ~st R evi ew .... Page 1 of 3 City of Fort Worth Employee Intranet Home I Council Agenda I M&C I Employee Directory I ACToday I Employee Classifieds I PRS I IT Online I Departments I Site Map Print M&C -COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 5/22/2007 -Ordinance No. 17562-05-2007 DATE: CODE: 5/22/2007 C REFERENCE NO.: C-22137 LOG NAME: PUBLIC TYPE: NON-CONSENT HEARING: 30CLAIREMONT295 NO SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Contract w ith Stabile & Winn , Inc., for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement on Portions of Clairemont Avenue, Chicago Avenue and East Ramsey Avenue (Project No. 00295) and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance ;~ RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the transfer of $448 ,017.24 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $409,407.24 and Sewer Capital Projects Fund i n the amount of $38,610.00; and 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $409,407.24 and the Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $38 ,610 .00 , from available funds; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Stabile & Winn, Inc., in the amount of $1,499 ,988.48 for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement on Portions of Clairemont Avenue (East Lancaster Avenue to Hawlet Street), Chicago Avenue (East Lancaster Avenue to Panola Avenue) and East Ramsey Avenue (New York Avenue to Beverly Avenue). DISCUSSION: On March 28 , 2006, (M&C C-21368) the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc., for pavement reconstruction and water and sanitary sewer main replacement on portions of Clairemont Avenue, Chicago Avenue and East Ramsey Avenue (DOE -5138). The 2004 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes funds for pavement reconstruction on all streets mentioned above . Street improvements include pavement reconstruction, construction of standard concrete curb and gutter, driveway approaches and sidewalks as indicated on the plans. The Water Department has determined that severely deteriorated water and sanitary sewer lines should be replaced prior to street reconstruction . The project was advertised on November 16 , 2006 and November 30 , 2006 . On December 21, 2006, the following bids were received: BIDDERS Stabile & Winn, Inc. McClendon Construction Company, Inc. Gi lco Contracting, Inc . JLB Contracting, LP AMOUNTS $1,499,988.48 $1,508,018.70 $1,513,189 .90 $1 ,553 ,089.35 http ://www. cfwn et. org/council _pack et/me_ review. asp ?ID =7 4 94&councild at e=5 /2 2/2007 5/24/2007 M&C_ R equ ~st R eview Page 2 of3 Jackson Construction , Ltd . $2,027 ,711.00 Time of Completion: 185 -Working Days The new pavement will consist of 7-inch concrete over 6-inch lime stabilized subgrade with 7-inch concrete curb . Funding in the amount of $45 ,394 .24 is included for associated water and sewer construction survey, project management, pre-construction, material testing, inspection and project close out (water $33,239.24 and sewer $12 ,155.00). The contingency funds to cover change orders total $20,318.00 (water $17,913.00 and sewer $2,405.00). Funding in the amount of $86,476 .12 is required for associated paving and drainage construction survey, project management, pre-construction, material testing, inspection and project close out. Contingency for pavement reconstruction is $33,530.00 . M/WBE -Stabile & Winn, Inc., is in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 5 percent M/WBE participation and documenting good faith effort on this combined project. Stabile & Winn, Inc., identified several subcontracting opportunities . However, the M/WBEs contacted in the areas identified did not respond or did not submit the lowest bids. The City's M/WBE goal on this combined project is 19 percent. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8, Mapsco 78H. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budgets , as appropriated, of the Water Capital Projects Fund, the Sewer Capital Projects Fund and the Street Improvements Fund. TO Fund/Account/Centers 1 &2)P253 472045 6081700295ZZ $409.407 .24 1&2)P258 472045 7081700295ZZ $38,610.00 2)P253 531350 608170029552 $7.110.00 2)P253 531350 608470029580 2)P253 531350 608170029582 2)P253 541200 608170029583 2 )P 253 531350 608170029584 2)P253 531350 608170029585 2)P253 531350 608170029591 2)P258 531350 708170029552 2)P258 531350 708170029580 2)P258 531350 708170029582 2)P258 541200 708170029583 2 )P 258 531350 708170029584 2)P258 531350 708170029585 2 )P 258 531350 708170029591 $533.24 $355 .50 $376.168.00 $3.555 .00 .$21_.330 .00 355 .50 $2,600 .00 $195 .00 $130 .00 $26 ,4 55 .00 $1 ,300 .00 $7 ,800.00 $130.00 FROM Fund/Account/Centers 1 )PE45 538070 0609020 409 407.24 1 )PE45 538070 0709020 3 P253 541200 608170029583 $38 ,610 .00 $358 ,255 .00 ~P258 541200 708170029583 24 050 .00 3)C200 541200 208400029583 $1.117.683.48 http ://www .cfwn et.org/council _packet/me _review.asp ?ID=7 494&councildate=5 /22 /2007 5/24/2007 M&C R eq L~st R ev iew ..r .... Submitted for City Manager's Office by_;_ Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: Marc Ott (8476) A. Douglas Rademaker (6157) Joseph Bergeron (2384) ATTACHMENTS 30Clairemont295.doc http ://www .cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc _review .asp ?ID=7 494&councildate=5/22/2007 Page 3 of3 5/24/2007