HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1596 ORr7I1IhIL� J<4. AM vilal11,A = UNBUO SIMIANS Ix "M x a in It " (ib' won W00% i,w 1p1PaA,l. M Till OF 'M SAM d1usaak. 1! ORRA M BT In am 00UNM or 'i!iii; ar.'Y OF MOM* I That 0AINWnss lt• IN?, Mationo U IM X of sieo:dsd od oftmr boiag mooW to recut an tol.lmwa i Isss#allatione smdsd wills of a arsnah airouit mot be psg- tootad V iltsee ar 61fouit WoAk ra, Tbo moat bs i4azatifird sM r,roperly sommosted to all butt uircatt4 and tQ %*Vft shrew shell of all sanlbets xj34 a"* nisi be fttasds Cft'rne.-VA to 9ULM fmr light, hrat or ;,owsr in fU buildings )>arein-a# opmW, a9d all wtrW, allorationr sad adbl#isms to sestW b yAlk- in the fi" IWIs at toss AV of xvrt .,,)r*& fo=&, +drill tie tarlallmd in a rigid irma *&+tilt, er mvW awaldW 4pMm6 41 buildixia bead ar to be used for Asr"MUls pusrpooss, ell dam*", abeois, rssainglansm. 0mve far thaw or more sows, hotals, QeapI%4vp fasbWisr, grate elavatsxa, fiil- im etnlLms, refsrssiise, apar%MM% bMNW s! avast thM tMa Wrtsenta, All. baawonts, all baildiZO (utter than vilvate Mdssy ) of tee or more ateriee, md ail bmUdin o to be us" !or twxhlis onto rtaiasaats within the sty Baits of am r:ity or Part ;ortN 'Paso, ahLU have all VirIn for IsAht, haut MA pa"r lnetnllmd La A aumplots donAUU or aoUL mWoltimg arstaa. all 4bLftVv or additIcism iN wiriM usai for IL4M$ halt seal paver is all baeildioge aLsei- flail is tale AtrU*k A41 bs is aondnit or maim xftMA*& 19 All Psor wiring alsetl Lm4ude all assessaw uLmve for a1s4p- trio nwtors, rrftlf#on, Amer tors, •1esiti4 be4lxg was all 4estrisAi Ap- porntus other 1m 1gstiAg " o foollttss eloipma■t. and Wall be In risU irsa earAuit. All stiritshoa eutMellieg ,sours as li40t6 Other USA tubas mounted on swilobbee de shAll be what is kWM as oair*y tppe •rkorsa3.3,f opsYst- st, inaioali m ow on or off *ovkion. Ul buildings lumen as prisala reaidensss all duplex dpwb outs, so& bAl cut,-VAMioa p of reaidmm oeeu r hsrsimafter wired for Ito% lseat, or Tvwer. and all allerxtiaas, u umWo, or esrtansLans to "- iPtEinrt wtrts4r v sU be hone is a .u1 wntwit *frttoa. 4. WbO m oWlai esn only Ae tired on aapsso+d +rent. go All UilIMIRb coxmming spudap issstallet OIL sates aailirss Of mars WU&Up for teal illwalibation ,ball be wts of No watts cup*11y, nad in no sms wJU mesas than four moh opsataga bs poadtisd on 9m circuit of _toe 14 rise. ."or s*UIvg fm outlets lout sn17 *kU be palmitled on am 01mit of 110. 14 win, MA aireulis 1mi crhatlstr nLwi be based se ae to iq.sntio ttheelo Ia Ali ear Jmstnuations avpvt Asoorstirs sot- 1I M and ibow wia&m eisia& elsbtti ourront oonsu%jng *!rusts ritjL a *!nisei* of UVIVO WRABOd VbtU •#rseaptiaa, shall be abneidered a sires smite ♦, .41 omits wort be rr4ared to limp$ JunwhoA ifwcoe ar eabbots 1W visaing ►><gq"vv* look same on outside of boa apt brurbr ings LmMW of b0zem* The bairn of sw%v&wm of ser►les virve sball its &U ftmov be datlo*ir! IV 'tho Tvwlr! Ore aw, 1ti40ss p"Per Ifadi "r4- iU Vw paopsr aa;sN"* dssired swiss at a hoist sseW "WiNsible east At Ohstrtest dletswe to rupAy$ nousei%&xing only we point at ootLtmc-t to ourtemmrlps brsiltiae, I. All Oergleo ,leedr meet ire awalom" is sMlmwsu■ ri$Lt issa OwAmlt as waded 1W -104e, ?1 w wire used Amill not be sseallor than A t1Q, 9 B & S QMQW OWVih►r Z%bbsr OOV§M4 wire. no 04wW414 1W GIse ail serviso conduit ■urt be prOuidsd rich sippi vved tittJAe, With AM loop OAd wire ox$a dtme Mt least 14 inshss beyond its Mg, ad t lo"$Jaq, Sre •Muimd Abewe and Oki least 10 feu, AM not mass throe M ftwk, treat she SMM* Vpn bu1141AP am satastr wlad of vriwt, !true!, yLk"Gr+ sfome OV file, 1 R lash We belts oast by providod to %esusa]y wkvport r1 i servIoi muss• •o The eervise sa dult 404 tse=lewte Jaa a wnia Lim WOW a+rMbst Ge Approved deais06 it mruk iaa u" is WW UAL% ma *xteraally operated rehab,, s+rtries Jtses And motor tistbo s mmostion, wrsspt mhom awtiS lum# wit" or oirmit broabere are luffka led oo s m1tshboud or 'Pamle►bMT40 6-W70"t" by ewitabbowrt fittimp a wr7a N&JOINK aA`or ta •ail% or dmbinete, nod N*Ixots for traA�f+eaw Ml +fit M101e4 Fits main Lim Wat$ swltah rant be tipalXea with =4 as* sat of Hasse mad emosesibLe to sttsfemr uctj• rh&a evitah is net "DID' posl%las. %rrrt< o%u at b* raomr" to oleset position until ruse oswpwfwemt W satlrwlj slesed, It mast ertalase OW iwrmimal ohmobor of on 0103 matt ell nond:aotors barrio the owl*&amd the sets m A !lest bs easlot tW US oft" 4)smpmmj1. Usd sAA* f"Os ■OS"DWe to the MOWN see rlquiksli ON all o itmiis, L*- aluOM sisslq aiaranit lastsllatisn. All motor sera sAtHIM ewbbWts sse►lsa JW *& ,*rev i3ompsmWo tw bvsrtdmg s# tbrro e04a by um mthorlood persoda, at twWrLas with the sours or 4U6M&" prateaiis►g tbw acre, ar aw whoa or erlI%Wb in awmeation with the we$ore WJXL g. is prehibiud not my psrrea t3str w soryo ra t io n tampsriAs with moo sbnl I be wob f e of to the Mal IV hrAv La- m."m psey14s4. 9, ail lartsllations of six siroaits or more effort have rtantmM primal-boards e010ssrt La stag-Mard appramO at41 vab MOO. Ike* �?Xdt LL&u Will be yr+lret Ln ail ap+rortwrrsis, Rd haul balitfiase mare *M two stories him aAa etc be omiomos%A Wlik only arcs lot *S roars ba"a m mute+ fuss and *sill airmtit+o k1l liakto Udicaung fire ON- *ape slits *'hall ba rot UO" with the 0074M "Nuv, aa&rLy I*tu"AG 1L. t}„l vUvs loftellad is mode erowA vests ova ba=o mAk rr^ rrjoitatW pleats vut its in rUM WaVmELM Iron pips auto imd.+mavrarsd. U, "I eeDAnd &W bawd$*% autlel boxes rust bs equirpe* situ sbsmfiasi f'lslatrss surds, r ixtuxas e1■id zMA ratan be 80004y fsxisrtet with etas"! 'bate not not lose than roar balm to the stet will tie assoo", or on appmet ir2 ilrssalai. t Interior Donwis sail WILriag, VL to Ooradnit aktat ba 1=%allad as A eomWto system Ufore trArso are installed. Daaduit tart ba equipped %$ ovwT outlat via aliproved fittiagm or osdlvs Iron. In completed 3,alrtallatione Me bea[ asset be eorored tv Ma appramd emr. Be For vanea*1ed sarrk IA wells AM oeiliradm oaakVoead bt Plag%W an vee4n 3alato er eima sorasirrnatimn, uutloi Dapo srrl astURt albi_+w%& mut be iAM1411e4 to t UA rrvnt Oi4p will be r►ea nib finish musf4vo. %rrmourod able ahs11 not be run over tap of ,foist is a*its wo roof rps e, but met bo r= thxvu& hales in joista. holes musty be tared so #bat In Wllirng in the cell* w LnJW will to errA o t to the sowur by @hemp bends, ttsa v6 and the Like, dt aLI tarnirwds lrable matt b• fitted with an aapso►ed filar sur bashing to preteGl %ha able frays aTur►rp 94pe of tbo avaoarr So In vN d ra►lls an& *tUtnp, mUct boxes start aabino k }risen anst to SAN% " us flat hem aid# r111 be slush With taut finlsbod surfwm or proseet 1heeredlrow. Juaetisrs bases >tus be plwaed is m.eoaeeibla roaf tions. 46 7hoft "cod to WMamimmAir Owners, all wiriue mart be dear With wapsr pwar artsungs. jrata21 vivo@ Wh" rases in setMer,aled cob"& shall be ran as 441 aver eir mit w1ft*• +7ew" wires an outride Of ► 11410- la pr or AM Ms;}eosd to 04w, nwt is vm dots t with c ota"As or sewn other rirLft =vW4 at lest i t9O elerr grampd. Mm" dritrtn SMMrts wo caned amm out not he lama %gran 5 feet is earth, it of pipe i# !least be ad- vaaLsed o d met isaUetr Uum SIC iatoraal diamoterl if sorted ssde, WW OWS eot to Um ilM 1/v diamter. lie IbLt -*w*Lon Z I of 3rdimme Zoo L227 im l arvV re;>naled rud W 14WAPW at MW few" Mod efxeat. T21MI=:a III 'ltat all GrAiManW9 La# parts of DVdJA&MMM beroteran passt4 1W the 011W 00=411 of the 131V of Port 7rovilh UO as !at sounto wtth tlse ferreairg paoviaiasta of %Us ardiemnaa :hull * void W of rno turt>aoar fares earl sheet. mow two this 2ltWordtaso e e wai to is ron forme amyl offset immau stely attar diriaS erg w4h naHor a is regrtia+d bj low. ORDINANCE No. /47&-- Titl Date--- Filed -- ---- -- day o - 1 - 47