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AM vilal11,A = UNBUO SIMIANS Ix "M x
a in It " (ib' won W00% i,w 1p1PaA,l. M
Till OF 'M SAM d1usaak.
1! ORRA M BT In am 00UNM or 'i!iii; ar.'Y OF
That 0AINWnss lt• IN?, Mationo U IM X of sieo:dsd
od oftmr boiag mooW to recut an tol.lmwa i
smdsd wills of a arsnah airouit mot be psg-
tootad V iltsee ar 61fouit WoAk ra, Tbo moat bs i4azatifird
sM r,roperly sommosted to all butt uircatt4 and tQ %*Vft shrew shell of all
sanlbets xj34 a"* nisi be fttasds Cft'rne.-VA
to 9ULM fmr light, hrat or ;,owsr in fU buildings )>arein-a#
opmW, a9d all wtrW, allorationr sad adbl#isms to sestW b yAlk-
in the fi" IWIs at toss AV of xvrt .,,)r*& fo=&, +drill tie tarlallmd
in a rigid irma *&+tilt, er mvW awaldW 4pMm6 41 buildixia bead ar to
be used for Asr"MUls pusrpooss, ell dam*", abeois, rssainglansm. 0mve
far thaw or more sows, hotals, QeapI%4vp fasbWisr, grate elavatsxa, fiil-
im etnlLms, refsrssiise, apar%MM% bMNW s! avast thM tMa Wrtsenta, All.
baawonts, all baildiZO (utter than vilvate Mdssy ) of tee or more ateriee,
md ail bmUdin o to be us" !or twxhlis onto rtaiasaats within the sty Baits
of am r:ity or Part ;ortN 'Paso, ahLU have all VirIn for IsAht, haut MA
pa"r lnetnllmd La A aumplots donAUU or aoUL mWoltimg arstaa. all 4bLftVv
or additIcism iN wiriM usai for IL4M$ halt seal paver is all baeildioge aLsei-
flail is tale AtrU*k A41 bs is aondnit or maim xftMA*&
19 All Psor wiring alsetl Lm4ude all assessaw uLmve for a1s4p-
trio nwtors, rrftlf#on, Amer tors, •1esiti4 be4lxg was all 4estrisAi Ap-
porntus other 1m 1gstiAg " o foollttss eloipma■t. and Wall be In risU
irsa earAuit. All stiritshoa eutMellieg ,sours as li40t6 Other USA tubas
mounted on swilobbee de shAll be what is kWM as oair*y tppe •rkorsa3.3,f opsYst-
st, inaioali m ow on or off *ovkion. Ul buildings lumen as prisala reaidensss
all duplex dpwb outs, so& bAl cut,-VAMioa p of reaidmm oeeu r hsrsimafter
wired for Ito% lseat, or Tvwer. and all allerxtiaas, u umWo, or esrtansLans to
"- iPtEinrt wtrts4r v sU be hone is a .u1 wntwit *frttoa.
4. WbO m oWlai esn only Ae tired on aapsso+d +rent.
go All UilIMIRb coxmming spudap issstallet OIL sates aailirss Of
mars WU&Up for teal illwalibation ,ball be wts of No watts cup*11y,
nad in no sms wJU mesas than four moh opsataga bs poadtisd on 9m circuit
of _toe 14 rise. ."or s*UIvg fm outlets lout sn17 *kU be palmitled on am
01mit of 110. 14 win, MA aireulis 1mi crhatlstr nLwi be based se ae
to iq.sntio ttheelo Ia Ali ear Jmstnuations avpvt Asoorstirs sot-
1I M and ibow wia&m eisia& elsbtti ourront oonsu%jng *!rusts ritjL a
*!nisei* of UVIVO WRABOd VbtU •#rseaptiaa, shall be abneidered a sires
♦, .41 omits wort be rr4ared to limp$ JunwhoA ifwcoe
ar eabbots 1W visaing ►><gq"vv* look same on outside of boa apt brurbr
ings LmMW of b0zem* The bairn of sw%v&wm of ser►les virve sball its
&U ftmov be datlo*ir! IV 'tho Tvwlr! Ore aw, 1ti40ss p"Per Ifadi "r4-
iU Vw paopsr aa;sN"* dssired swiss at a hoist sseW "WiNsible east
At Ohstrtest dletswe to rupAy$ nousei%&xing only we point at ootLtmc-t
to ourtemmrlps brsiltiae,
I. All Oergleo ,leedr meet ire awalom" is sMlmwsu■ ri$Lt
issa OwAmlt as waded 1W -104e, ?1 w wire used Amill not be sseallor than
A t1Q, 9 B & S QMQW OWVih►r Z%bbsr OOV§M4 wire. no 04wW414 1W GIse ail
serviso conduit ■urt be prOuidsd rich sippi vved tittJAe, With AM loop
OAd wire ox$a dtme Mt least 14 inshss beyond its Mg, ad t lo"$Jaq, Sre
•Muimd Abewe and Oki least 10 feu, AM not mass throe M ftwk, treat she
SMM* Vpn bu1141AP am satastr wlad of vriwt, !true!, yLk"Gr+ sfome
OV file, 1 R lash We belts oast by providod to %esusa]y wkvport r1 i servIoi
•o The eervise sa dult 404 tse=lewte Jaa a wnia Lim WOW
a+rMbst Ge Approved deais06 it mruk iaa u" is WW UAL% ma *xteraally
operated rehab,, s+rtries Jtses And motor tistbo s mmostion, wrsspt mhom
awtiS lum# wit" or oirmit broabere are luffka led oo s m1tshboud or
'Pamle►bMT40 6-W70"t" by ewitabbowrt fittimp a wr7a N&JOINK aA`or ta
•ail% or dmbinete, nod N*Ixots for traA�f+eaw Ml +fit M101e4
Fits main Lim Wat$ swltah rant be tipalXea with =4 as* sat
of Hasse mad emosesibLe to sttsfemr uctj• rh&a evitah is net "DID' posl%las.
%rrrt< o%u at b* raomr" to oleset position until ruse oswpwfwemt W satlrwlj
slesed, It mast ertalase OW iwrmimal ohmobor of on 0103 matt ell nond:aotors
barrio the owl*&amd the sets m A !lest bs easlot tW US oft" 4)smpmmj1.
Usd sAA* f"Os ■OS"DWe to the MOWN see rlquiksli ON all o itmiis, L*-
aluOM sisslq aiaranit lastsllatisn. All motor sera sAtHIM ewbbWts sse►lsa
JW *& ,*rev i3ompsmWo tw bvsrtdmg s# tbrro e04a by um mthorlood persoda,
at twWrLas with the sours or 4U6M&" prateaiis►g tbw acre, ar aw whoa or
erlI%Wb in awmeation with the we$ore WJXL g. is prehibiud not my psrrea
t3str w soryo ra t io n tampsriAs with moo sbnl I be wob f e of to the Mal IV hrAv La-
m."m psey14s4.
9, ail lartsllations of six siroaits or more effort have rtantmM
primal-boards e010ssrt La stag-Mard appramO at41 vab MOO.
Ike* �?Xdt LL&u Will be yr+lret Ln ail ap+rortwrrsis, Rd haul
balitfiase mare *M two stories him aAa etc be omiomos%A Wlik only arcs lot
*S roars ba"a m mute+ fuss and *sill airmtit+o k1l liakto Udicaung fire ON-
*ape slits *'hall ba rot UO" with the 0074M "Nuv, aa&rLy I*tu"AG
1L. t}„l vUvs loftellad is mode erowA vests ova ba=o mAk rr^
rrjoitatW pleats vut its in rUM WaVmELM Iron pips auto imd.+mavrarsd.
U, "I eeDAnd &W bawd$*% autlel boxes rust bs equirpe* situ
sbsmfiasi f'lslatrss surds, r ixtuxas e1■id zMA ratan be 80004y fsxisrtet with
etas"! 'bate not not lose than roar balm to the stet will tie assoo", or on
appmet ir2 ilrssalai.
Interior Donwis sail WILriag, VL
to Ooradnit aktat ba 1=%allad as A eomWto system Ufore
trArso are installed. Daaduit tart ba equipped %$ ovwT outlat via
aliproved fittiagm or osdlvs Iron. In completed 3,alrtallatione Me bea[
asset be eorored tv Ma appramd emr.
Be For vanea*1ed sarrk IA wells AM oeiliradm oaakVoead bt
Plag%W an vee4n 3alato er eima sorasirrnatimn, uutloi Dapo srrl astURt
albi_+w%& mut be iAM1411e4 to t UA rrvnt Oi4p will be r►ea nib
finish musf4vo. %rrmourod able ahs11 not be run over tap of ,foist is
a*its wo roof rps e, but met bo r= thxvu& hales in joista. holes
musty be tared so #bat In Wllirng in the cell* w LnJW will to errA o t
to the sowur by @hemp bends, ttsa v6 and the Like, dt aLI tarnirwds
lrable matt b• fitted with an aapso►ed filar sur bashing to preteGl %ha able
frays aTur►rp 94pe of tbo avaoarr
So In vN d ra►lls an& *tUtnp, mUct boxes start aabino k
}risen anst to SAN% " us flat hem aid# r111 be slush With taut finlsbod
surfwm or proseet 1heeredlrow. Juaetisrs bases >tus be plwaed is m.eoaeeibla
roaf tions.
46 7hoft "cod to WMamimmAir Owners, all wiriue mart be
dear With wapsr pwar artsungs. jrata21 vivo@ Wh" rases in setMer,aled cob"&
shall be ran as 441 aver eir mit w1ft*• +7ew" wires an outride Of ► 11410-
la pr or AM Ms;}eosd to 04w, nwt is vm dots t with c ota"As or sewn
other rirLft =vW4 at lest i t9O elerr grampd. Mm" dritrtn SMMrts wo
caned amm out not he lama %gran 5 feet is earth, it of pipe i# !least be ad-
vaaLsed o d met isaUetr Uum SIC iatoraal diamoterl if sorted ssde, WW
OWS eot to Um ilM 1/v diamter.
IbLt -*w*Lon Z I of 3rdimme Zoo L227 im l arvV re;>naled rud
W 14WAPW at MW few" Mod efxeat.
T21MI=:a III
'ltat all GrAiManW9 La# parts of DVdJA&MMM beroteran passt4
1W the 011W 00=411 of the 131V of Port 7rovilh UO as !at sounto wtth tlse
ferreairg paoviaiasta of %Us ardiemnaa :hull * void W of rno turt>aoar fares
earl sheet.
mow two
2ltWordtaso e e wai to is ron forme amyl offset immau stely
attar diriaS erg w4h naHor a is regrtia+d bj low.
No. /47&--
Filed -- ---- -- day o -
1 - 47