HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 698 i O R AI NANO 8 No' .+. AN ORDIMANO'e, P#-3:;3lINO A 10ORTION OF MIP9 COJT CY MRov:�AJ" ON IX M" CITY OIL FORT WORTH, T'%", TATW2U 7T3 WITH TI14 LINK Or QLw F; ;a AHiI I'TJ IN TI:. „Ini T]LS ,"k LI--m OF 1 aRly Ak, a.a .X- P,XtUT THI O°.1:1.JU OF 11ROr'tRTY ABUIfTad THM,OB, Vlr11't';1'?Lw= !"Ul:. ',FtTY, AND Vvi_ %J uI' ,1TR.1T MM JTiMd RAIbrAY3 AND TRAIR Rd IT ORDAIhi D SY Tli.i BOAM op C0i{1 4jj0N-,JRj Op TM CITy OF FORT VOTMI, T3xA,, That! WHIMIW, On the � day of 1hu� 1919, the Beard of Crommtissian®rs of ttt l sad Oity d. rode the i:.��rcyVIS of Z"': between its iatoroen tion with the I rtz lime of D0;U JZ1,jdj with its intersections woth the jt�t;� lino of jZ i4x• by rais in f;, filling$ c�s41in;, t►at4 �I'Ving the �Lne; an► , ,. 3'UA,3, in aceordaan►oo wityi arid resolution, specifications for said work were fully preparod JW the City -snrinscr, -u d r dopted lc r the Hoard of F-'omm issioners; and, rirlIRMAJ, Side for said Improvements war* duly advertised for, as ro$aivod +qr the City Charter; and, ,laid 'bids were received, opened and oonsidersd by the Bc-ird of Commissiene,rs, and the bid of the Goneval engineer. ing dt Jupply (company, an unincorporated joint stock assoei-:tion, for the improvement of the said porrtion of said street, was aecopled b1r aall Board of cemmltiesionsore; *M# THIMAJ, The said Qoneral Ar gineering d Supply Company has entered into a contract with the City of Fort '1br'YJt, as pirovided V the Charter, for the imprevoment of said street, with$^ the said limits 1'W raising, grading o rancl filling the sam, and 1W panting the same with Throo•insh "Fortieal Libre Brick pavement upon a fiver.lal,Eih gvevol concrete foundation; and, wMVMU, The said C om�pwW h ns exoe utod its bonds to the C j1W of Vert 'orth for the r�ons tvud tion and mvintonams thearw* of, its accordance with Vir%, a ld oantrrxt, and apeciflo-*ions, wi tai L3 ure ty na rodui red 'by the said "i tJ Oh-,.r tar, which con-* tract and bonds with the surety th-retof M have been duly approved by the said Board of Comissioners; wA# tNIi+ AJ, TKoroaftear, the City .ash freer of said City filed his written statement with tlra o''.rd of "o.-x-A:i3ionie" 0 ot'tcern. Lag the a-id imp"Yoments, and th,3 coat thereof, aj provided 17y section d,, Cbmtpter 14, of the Chartar of thia City, vlii,ch statement eras considered ry the Board, ealv"ceted and apP"v*1!; W.1- 1.&Ai, Thereafter the s:jid '10-,rd did, 'big regal+;tioa of date, the JXJW, &XY of Lqk&V&U I M, find ce td des l are the necesjity of sa3assia a ;portion of the coat of 3flUA imL,xovn- ments a�!^inat the owners of the prop�rt4y .ib%stting thereon, and owners of street and iteaam railways thereon wiA their property and did proscribe a hearing ,of the smUd owners, their attorneys, and agents, :.,:A fixed .A date therstor and did direct the said Secretary of the acid City to issue notice of the said hearing W advertisement, as provided b'• the said r!i,tq ch,irtmr, and also by posting said notioes as provided therein; and, i.Z RyAJ In Woordance with the said resolution, the city 3eoretavy d1d issue a notice of the said hearinr, to the said owners by publication thereof, for trio time and in Uia manner presoribed by the City Ch:artoo rl in ,Zj FORT_yio', l a daily gi spar of axAm it airom1etlon im the c,ity of ..art :orti , for five (b) oona0mutive dWa j�rioar to Vte said liearini;, :bnd did also notify the said owners of the said hearing tr pasting a copy of tho said notice to eanh of them# at the post office, in the City of Fort -.,orth, TaXas, sure than ton o1ay3 prior to the d-1 to of the baarirk;; and, .iTT IIA3, The said earia, in eocordance with 0a said resolution "inA notice was held by the `'o-ird of Comniasion7ra on theFe3.7th I dsy sf�ts�y - 1p�� at to look �,,,,,,,. •, at wrhio t tin ai0 place---- no owners ap_�eaved to pretest the said aasaeement ^.nfl the bone*, fitA u f u I• i=rovasnent contteotsd with the improvement of said portion of said aitreet. NU## 'rK_,rtVOR , J`.n it further ordained V the Reid ' o.ird of Cam looloners, as fallen, toovitt (1) That the benefits to aanh parcel of elbAttiAg Pr0:,0Vty of rj Vh owner hersinaft)r maned in the enh•=od value of said property emsed in eeph case the amo:ants rk^roinafter assessed against such owners and their property, and the said Board having considered Via evidence And it nc)e-xring therefrom that the strict agpllcntian Of t,1e front foot rule or plan, vhor*IW seah owner is to be assessed in ?roportion -to the frontwe of his prop-t ty is to the whole fronta,Te improved, would operate unjustly in p-rtioutlni eases an(' th-tt the apportiommnnt and assesemsnt heroinaf tar made will effect substantial equlit`Y and justice between ;.rDyc?rtiy owners, hcvin-! in view benefits received by arv! burdens impooad upon such own mow, and said apportierwment to hereby adopted. (2) That there is, and shall be, masessed agwMt each of -rop�rtHj 'i0r41_nbslowv nusd, anA the several parcals of prop-irty of acid owners hersiabelowr do• scribed as their proper pro rrata p.krt of tiic cost of Vie said improvownts, the aeveYtl sums of l-.4n*y set Opposite the names of thi said owners &M their croparty. The ==a of Um said owners, and descriptions of Via prop-3rttiy of serah, and V a total unt in ttioney hereby asees*od aminat each one, and his pvoP"rty, bain- 3a follows, to Witt N Oontmot Afresded: Jan. 13--1980. U�t1T Contraaoor: Genea!a.l Engineering Pamg►" $3.85 per Sq. Yd. W @apply Company. CKItter-- 0.40 0 8q. Ft. Pavoment., 31! Vert h,bwe Brick ourb- 0.85 ° Lin. Ft. Ezaava.- 0.95 ° Cu. Yd. RA'z PER $"ROUT FOOT Outt4r-- s 8q. Ft. 0 400-- .80 (X=b- 1 Lin. ft.0 85¢- .85 Pavg.-- 1-4/9 @q.Yde►. 0 3.85- 3.561 Exams. -- 0,411 Ou.Yda.© 95¢- t� I?sr Punt lroot- ........,» 7*0 TIAV NG ASMSONEITT :FOR OOLLFGE AVENUE, FROM WORTH LINE OF B(WXZ STROT TO WORTH LXzSE Or BERRY, L 0 Tom, , nxTxnx MG. ]RATE TOTAL COST Yt. forth Pub. Oo. 1 & 8 89 80.=IMPHILL 100= 47.607 �760070 HTS. E. 'Webtland 8g rt rt ° B0 11 300.35 O.F. Gilahrimt A 50 ° 380.35 O PW, Soott 5 3S) ° n k fi0 ° 360,35 Bankers Trust Oo. 8 89 ° r ° 60 ° K0,36 wm„ H. Larson 49 n a n 60 n 380,35 YsA* Harkxid.or 8 29 n ° 50 n 380, 35 F11a Ray Ledgerwood 8 Be rt n n 50 ° 3 ;5 Goo. H. Campbell 10 89 ° a It i;O ° 34J.�5 JOH. Tsaxell 11 & 18 ag It ° It 100 n 76C1,70 V.B. FiciC' iz 23 & 24 �6 n ° n 1.00 � 766.70 Cis S, Will iame pa 198 ° ° It A. Evans 91 88 ° " It; 50 ° 380.36 Ellen & Katherine 0!R�urke so 2a n n n 60 n 3800 38 L,E. P Marti 19 28 a n n 80 tr no.35 H?0. Ih ruu 18 88 n It n 50 ° 380.35 Y?.H. �.a. !en 17 33 a rt It 50 ° 380n35 !R.L. 3tevonson 16 88 n n n 50 n 380.35 Oommo-fiw LLtuh Land & Investment Co.- 15 88 a It If50 n $Q0.3b Juanita Roronfield n it e 50 If 160.35 (Wif0 of 0 ) 14 08 G.H. 13 88 ° n ° 60 tt _3803,5 TOTAL FOR PROPERTY O�PNF r--------'---`--�'__--_--__-^ , .99rr©© 338,87 Bq.Yd.s. Ppuning ® 3.85.—#1304.65 1.46.a7 Lin. Ft. Curb * .86►--M-- 1.34.33 305,10 8q.Ft. Gu J t er ° .40---- 1�8.;04 697.18 au.tde. YC&VM,u TOTAL for 0MOT 01:VORT WORW---- M- -- S.S awn a That the Amount set oppa3ite the name of each owner above, and his property is hersby assessed against the said property AM declared to be a personal liability of the owner therootp and seourod by a Lien upon the said pvopevly auj,)erlor to all other lions, claims of titles, gxaopt lawful taxes„ Wit tha amount pay-:bin by e.%oh owner, and eaoosaod agalnat his ov liev property$ above, shall be paynbla as follows, to-watt In three oeml instalment*, one pybable within 30 days after tlia date of eomplotion of Gild VOVX rind its acapptnnes 1W th,3 City, ona within one year, and one within two yearn from said date of aeceptanae, provided that aal,l owners shall hl!.ve tiie rin�it to tlt t initnlment before m7t`Irity by prgment thereof with acorued interest. !h'st default in the pgy1:sent of wily instalment of �)rinolFal or intOr,)St upon said assessments when due as herein provided ahall, -it the option of *^•V sari-val An;yinee►rinc! & Supply CWVany or offer legal owner and holder of Bali) aBseiWg9nta, -;t once mtturs tha vholo znmount thoreof, both prirmipal avid interest, which shall at once become c ollen tible without no do e. (3) Thr,t the said as$$aataento shall bear Intarest from the d uta of t'.le as ir. a omplation ajr. aer.-�ik:.an^o at tite v�to of 8 p-.v cent per annum* ,payable anniv;lly, and if not paid when due the said assessment and claim of person. liability *hall be enforoed, either 1W the aale of such prod-rty bay the officer -?nkl in the manner, as f--v as as sales are authorised, to be made for non+pe ent of City Taxex as prev scribed ivy the City Charter and general laws, or by suit to enforce Vie said claim of personal liability of lien in any aaurt having Jurisdiction. (4) TbIt t►,e ilty shall lees,,, to t':. 3 %i-' 'general tnginsor. in, k 4upyl, rcIV�siye tlxe e�ractor for the said lasprovomont, assignable certificates aCainat trze Owners of salt proportyr, and a!rninat their sail prep -rty, whlelh said aortlfisates $hall feel .re +JYo s::itit Sums to be duo and payablt in inatalmonts as herein provided aftet completion end acceptance of said wo*j axed shall be pryabli to the m-M 4aneral ya•ginearinr- & JWplY cowpany* od all-iil it„to the amount flue fra;n each prop arty owner, and ]-Laroby asaessad nFainat his preparty, and the rate of interest thereon, heroin fined at einht per cent (8') pal annum, and each oertifie:,te shall recite and deel ire Via f:ldt th11t the same is oseurod by a lion n6[72Lin3 t the proyevty of auah owuere and person-a liability of tha owns', and 911311 de- scribe ouch prap-3rfy by amber an;4 blookp or such othor dosevipe tion as aV identify t=i4; ewe vitli rcferenoe t❑ Irgr OVIer fact r-�Prsited, and by the nuae of tho owner an'! if the ounQV to not knownt or if the property In owned by an estate, it will be sufficient to so State the fact. ,laid certifie:,.tes call pro-ride tiv-t if V-ii a.wunt Vlorein deel:.red or arty inst.Ament of firineipal or intorost thereof Shall net be Amid when duet tilat the whole amonpt AhOreof 1311a11 be eoll.�atibl-s Wit" 1Y'..%'u ir'WyOdt, ':4r! -e!Uj r3vLLrt cos'La, and remaonable a.ttornayll fee$+ if Ir ve boon irnnrrod, am shall roolte tiro prooeedings witli refereme to such Improve- menta have boon made in CompUn-MO Tlitht310 t.er,�O t� e9rao and the c111.rtnr of the city'of l7ort ' orrtli, and th^.t all pra-raq,aisites to t1►e fixin- of tha lihrrs and personal liability, avida.Ved 10 such eertifioates, ].i7e boon pc-eformed, Said cortifieates shall be executed ter the 1teWo r and :Ater ted by the City 3eeretary with the corporate seal. Said certificates shall provide that the same shall be payable to the flax Collector Of the City# who shall issue his r-ceipts for payment t1�erevn, which receipts shall be evidenced of such _, yments on zany doo mend for am:e by virtue of tke said oartificgts, or any Independent contract to pay the awe, entered into by the owner of properlg therein desoribed, and shall provide that the Tax Collector shall deposit all sums received tdr.him on Said oertifioates vlih the City Ireasurer and ttje said City Treasurer shall keep the amrae in separate fund, vhldh fund is horeby designated as the Curti.::; A - ,?ram r,rm -F T'', fL .' No*, and th-.t whenever arW pViuont may be made to the Tax Collootor upon such certifioate, it shall be his duty on presentation b:; the niid oontr•--tor, or t',o holder thereof, to endorse said payment thereon, and Ve oontraetor or hold •v of such-aertifloats, a'iall be entitled to receive from the City Treasurer the amount so paid upon presentation of .the said certifioate, credited with the a ioant paid Vierson, and that said endorsement and credits Shall be t,]le 7rea4urer0s warrant for making such payment to the a-Lid contr tatov, and that such a paymant W the -ireaetxrer shall also be recelyted for b_; the said holder in writing to the acid Treasurer, or 'by the surrender of said oertifieate, when the prinalpal thereof, together with inter -at and Boat of collection, shall be .11;: in roll* i,r.t saki' eartifieates my be with coupons the veto attnchsd evideneing the several instalments of ptrineipal and interest thereof, which coupons shall be executed :nd attested '�y the ,.ayor rind ':ity 3eerotr�ry as ate said cortifieatoa under the terms heraof, bait the signatures of said .a3ror and (,ity decretary attached to a:zict coupons may be facsimile signature@ etwaped, enrrraved or printed thereon. Upon payment of any inatalnent evidenced ty a coupon# such coupon shall be arodit'ed by the City Tax Cplledtor and surrender• sd to the City Treasurer as herein providod. .;uah c,srtiTicatns shall also rocits thTA t),❑ City of tort :.orth shall not'l be liziblo for the payment thereof, or for any interest thereon,, or for the coati of collecting, or enforcing same, but t}ia.t t' e aald ocmpany or holder thereof, shall have the rig+it to collect such c�rtificatea as therein ,provided by the terms of the Charter of the 11ty of Fort � orth, and that the said City of ,'ort north shall, whenever dsmmLnded k, the said Compr4W,, or Iholdar of said certificates., fully exercise its ch;,rter power to enforce V o lien aecuvin�- t!;c a- id eerti+ floats, acid collect the a uae, bit s ia.11 not be liable in any :, -•r for failure to so ic113at or farce tt:! %on tltzrccf. (5) That t_?rAS Ordinance shall take effect ft►om and after Its passage. 1 heretdr oertify U)sit the above is a true and correct co_-v of an urdinanae passed arrd a,dop tod by the lioard of 09:unissioners of the City of ; on 'hods+, Texrw, at a re;7u1!ir ae ,;$on of said lie, Ord !{cad 'Puesdedt, pebrilary 17tho A. D. 1920.