HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 699 0RDI11AW0 2. No• 0
ZNT~~RSatOrIQl4 lslT't� T 16 QY ZIAR IA AV�,�TTLV l A�.CAI,73T THS
OWN.FU 0:' PROP iFiTY HNI3&0 J* x 3b TTs IR arRGi :F '�, AND
.ViiM"SAJO Can the &U& d%, of DegAMUg 1919, the Beard of Com.
missioneve of the said. City directed the improvement of
j,aG.'0L1A between its intersection with tho 1 no of
6Q114T A11j,'�,tom«' 44i with its intersection with the 1adof $A l i
by vaisiang, filling, grading, and pa ng the $ame S an ,
WIi.iH-AJ, In accordance With said resolution, specifications
for said wovk were fully prepared by the City :ngineer, and
adopted txy the Board of Commissioners; nand,
wk .z .v<tis, Bids for said improvements were duly advertised for,
as required by the City Charter] and,
war.T-.; jv 4;aia bide score received, opened and considered Lay the
Board of Commissioners, and the bid of the General 3nginseyring &
Supply Company, an unincorporated joint hock association, for the
Improvement of the said portion of said street, was aoaepted by
said Board of Commissionerej and,
W11-M,tAi, The said General ,zigineevine,, & Jupply Compaamq+ has on.
tarod into a contract with the City of ,'nrt -art%, an provided tV
the Charter, for the improvement of said street, within the said
limits b raising, grading,, and filling ttln alnsne, and by paving
the cam with Three inch 'Vertical Fibre Brick pavement Upon a
five.inah gravel concrete foundation; and,
wi[:'t4Aj, The said CompajW has executed its bonds to this Oily
of Fort Worth, for the construction and maintenance thereof, in
noaovdanes With the said contract, and speeifioations, with surety
as rroquired by the said 1:ity Charter, which contract and bonds With
the surety, thereof, have been duly approved by the said Board of
Commissioners; and,
WHRRt' ". Rherealter, the City ,3ngins- or of said City filed his
written statement with the Hoard of Commissioners concerning the
said improvements, and the cost thereof, am provided by section
8, ChWer 140 of the Charter of the City, which statement was
considered by the o7ird, corrected and approvedy nand,
w1, ' ;'Lj, TTidre-gfter the said :: card did, by resolution of date,
the i;r� day o Zgb y 1920, find and declare the neceaaity of
aaseer.juin • a portion of the east of said L4.v rove-.snto 7.—mat.. tTxe
owners of property abutting thereon, and owners of street and
steam railways thereon and their porporty and did prescribe a hear.
ing of th,- said owners, their attorneys and agents, and fia¢ed n date
therefor and did direct the said 3esretarq of the said City to issue
notice of the said hearing by advertisoment, as provided by the said
City Charter, and also by posting said notices as provided thersinj
MRIM, In accordance with. the said resolution, the City deors-
tary did issue a notleo of the said hearing to the said owners by
sethllatat3ln..thorekf, for U-1,o time y a" in the manner proscribed by
the City Ch-►rter, in :.; URT- o;T.z C &daily paper of general
ciroul-Alon in the ity of _Fort .;orth, for five (a) consecutive
days prior to the said hearing$ and did also notify the said owners
of the said hearing by patting a copy of the said notice to each of
them, at the post Wise,, in the City of Fort Worths, Texas, more than
ton Mgrs prior to the date of the heaavingj and,
•I'..�..-1ki, The said hearing in accordance with the said resolution
and notice was held by the o�rd of "ommissioners on the l7„ty,„��
day of Zd;u SY..,.., 19AL. at ,+-9:00 o folOok �i., at which
time and plaaoo
no owees appeared to protest the said . asessment end the benefits
of said iaaprovesOat connected with the Lauroveweat of said portion
or said street.
NOW, 't:;.z.'c.TM:, Be It further ordained by the said Board of
Comailssioners, as follows, to.srit=
(1) That the benefits to each paroel of abutting Lroperty of
e �ciL owner hereinafter named in the enhanced value of said property
exooed in ;)-.OIL Case the amounts h,,reinaft,r assessed against sash
own ,rs and their property, and the said Board having oonsidered the
evidence and it appearing therefrom that the strict application of
the front foot rule or plan, whereby each owner is to be assessed
In proportion as the frontage of his property is to the whole front»
age impro"A, would op :rate unjustly in p-,rtioular caaeas -.nd tUy-%t the
apportionment --.nA assessment heyvina,.Ft y made will effect substantial
equlity and justice between prop arty owners, having• in view benefits
received by and burdens imposed upon such owners, and said apportion«
dent is hereby adopted.
(2) That there is, anc4 shall be, assessed against each of the
owners of abuttin • ;:roperty hereinbelsw named, and agaisist the several
parcels of porperty of said owners hereinbslow described as their
proper pro r•as part of t.:ie cost of the said improvements, the several
sums of money set opposite the name of the said owners and their pro.
perly. The name of the said owners, and doseriptions of the property
of each, and the total amount in money hereby assessed against each
one, and his property, boing no follows, to.wita
Contraot Airard.ed: Januaxy 1�-1920. unit 'Bid
Oontraotor: General Englneering & 3, 5 per 6q.Yd. '
Supply company.
PB.vemant:- 3n MY
Fibre Briok, Faving- 43.85 per Sq.Yd, C
Gutter-- .40 " Sq. Ft.'
Ourb .85 " Lin. F�.
Rate per front fCot - Tzoave..- .95 " Ou. Yd
cutter- a sq. Ft. a 400-- 00.80
Ourb- 1•Lin, Ft.n 86 -- 0.85
Pavlug-• 1.38-8/9 MaYdo.
a 3,as.- 5635
Umva..-•0.4 03 Ou.Yde. O 960-1 0. 3
Rate per Front Foot---- ..
�'eauary �39th-•1980.
11UM a 101=1
Efl, 3ry- Z. 60, Of---- 21 a Newbyts Sub of
Dieael tra.ot &
Jaok Steel Aud. 80' $7.38 t443.80
R,�L. Fowler--Lat 80 & W..
101 ,of- ' al 8 " " " 70' " 516.60:
Etta 0. Newby
(jVidow of W.G.)-17--16 & 19 6 " " n 180t " 1338.40
Barn Simon- 16 " " m It 601 U. 442.80
F'W. Axtell 15 a 1 a sat 44 3*80.
W:N, uldo.L.1. 14 a n: n n gpt 443.80
Jake F. Luvn la 2 a n it 001 " 4Q.80
AoV. Oro.wley `la g n n n get t+ 501.84
Japan Cotton Trading
Oo. o f Texmo,. a Corp. All of 1 167 t n 1233.46.
Mrs. Etta 0. N Wby
(Widow of W.G.1-�10--11-»18 & 13 3 n a 340t b 1771.20
Harris Tunia Pdoore,
Bl ehop O --adjutol of
the prot.Egie. Oh.
for the Diooese-Dallag�--- 9 3 got n 440.80
lea. Virgie H. Moore � 3 � n a 801 " 443.80
(Widow of T.C�,)-- n n n 601 it 442.80
A,G. Iloong �' d
Annie Lee Rodgers n n a -,n 8q
(wife of E..:oRrogers) 6 3 n n a B060t a 44¢4 C. 80
Martha 0. Nor ed (ai,dov,) 5 3 a n a Got n 44�2,80
O.B. Bkhaat . 4 3
Etta 0. Newby (O.B.
Burkh&xt hag given D.of-a.& 3 3 ISO'
DID. this)-------------- 1 Ti • n � 7Ot a- 61G.eq
J `F'. Reddi.ok
E.L. Pittman--501 of N.75f
of Lots 21-a2 & 23 ("•aug. 5 it3c i Ac1d. 6G t 6.70 13.54.94
Vgglia Afie:)-----�.,_._.._- ___ ,_--------- . .
TOTAL FOR P?")PERTY 0M-- - ------
Coet of Haxra.A Btl:eet half intezoeote ------i 3.9A
n n r6bui.:Lding 500: of Ouzb & W?--L L- --- 1648o UO
",C7 Ou.yda, ,'mac: s exoava.. & eaoavaq
under rebuilt t,iixb & +err ,7.3 •- ---_-�__. L�77.b7
_ 684.W.
TOTAY, FOR OIT`Y OF FORT �fORTH %A,ro--x01'AL'-__-__ Q,G4 .U5
That the amount set .apposite the nvae of each owner above.
and hij propertyy is hereW aaoessod -iMdnat the said property
and doolared to be a personal liability of the owner thereof,
and seourod by a lien uponthe *aid property superior to all
other lien*, claim* or titlest except lawful taxes, that the
amount payable by each owner, :nel aaaessed against hij or hew
prop arty, above, shall be psyable as follows, to.-wit:
in t hrA a equal OwtaU11 nis, one p•z able Within 34 doge
after the ),%te of completion of said work and its nereeptanoe
by the City. one within one y3,zr,' and one within two years
from said date o f acceptance, provided tl�lat said owners shall
have 09 rich f to disohori-.s any instalarnt bAA fore •-ri ty
by payment thereof with accrued ingest. That default in
V.0 payment of any instalment of principal or interest upon
said assessment* when due an herein provided shall, at the
option of said deneral -;ngineeving & Jupply Company or other
legal owner and holder of said sseaaaaants, st once --titure
the whale amount thereof, both prim ipal arV interest, which
shall at once besoae collectible without notice.
(3) That the said easessments shall bear interest from
the date of thri amid completion droll :.ticeeptanoe at the rLte
of 8 p,r'oent per annum, payable a nntally. ^nil it not paid
when due the said aasessment and claim of personal liability
shall be enforced, either by the sale of such j)roporty blr t'he
officer sni-1 in the manner, -%a far -A' appliealbot as *ales are
authorised, to be made for non..psyment of ally Taxes as preen
scribed ';� the : ity Charter --ad ;renewal laws, of by suit to
aeiiur joe laic said olaim of personal liability of lion in any
court havin? jurisdiction.
(4) That the City shall i :sue to the sail General ;n gLns er.
ing & 33uupppl,y Company the contractor for the a3f i improvement,
assignable certificates against the owners of said property,
and against their said prop rty, which said certific-Aes shall
declare the sai sums to b-3 due znd payable in instalments as
herein provided aft -r completion anfl acceptance of said wo*,
and shall be payable to the said Genev+al 3nginoering g 3uppk
Company, anA shall *t to the amount due from each property
owner, aryl hareby assessed zr*ain3t his property, and the rate
of interest thereon haroin fixed at eirtht per cent (8;C) per
annwa, and each certificate *hall recite and dookire the -fact
th"It t:ie same is secured by a lien against the prcparty of
sudch owner, and Narsonai liability of the owner, aM shall do..
scribe such prop.rt7 Ytr number and bleak, or such other deocwip-
Lion as may identity the wui;s with reference to any other fact
recited, ^rid by the name of the owner and if the owner is not
known, or if tie prop-ivty la owned by are estate, it will be
sufficient to Oo state the f-.ct.
Jaid cortifief tss shale, provide that if the �aunt therein
declared or any Instalment or principal or interest thereof
shall not be p�sid when due, that axe whole amount thereof *hall
be collectible with =cruad intoreet, and with court casts,
and reasonable attorneyto fees, if same have been inourred, and
shall recite t'ie proceedings with reference try such improve•
ments have been ia-v3s in oomplianoe withthe terra thereof and
the 01L.rtvr of the City of ;ovt „orth, and that all pre+retuisites
to the fixing of the lien* and personal liability, evidenced �►
ameh aartifieates, have boon performed, Said Certifieates
$hall be executed by the +error and attested by fhe City
3eoretary with t is corporate seal. .4aid oortifte�itea! shall
;,rovide that the eaLse $hall be yay:tble to the Tare Collector
of the CityO who shall issue Etio receipts for pegment therroon,
which veaoipts *hall be Ovid.sae of such paMont, on ash• do.
wand for same by virtue of th,3 said rerrtifteaatsa or any
Independent Contract to ,,,w t'.--., an,r,, entered into by the
ownar of eroy-rtT th-,rein desor1%Pgd, anO shall provide that
the Tex Collector *hall deposit all stags received bey him on
aie certifloates with tdre City "'rreasurrer and V:c said City
Treasurer Shall keep the vuai in x aep-r:ate fund, whieh fund
is hire* deei boated as the }} ' C_,MMgjC 73
wNo. �,, and that w enov r aibr liay aen nay be
e to #a,I •ex c o}l•aotor upon simh certit'ic As, it shall be
his duty on �)oresent-tien bjV the said contractor, or ze, holder
th-l-roof, to enfworae said paym nt ViiveonI anti till contractor
or hold,r of such oertifie zto, shall be entitled to receive
from the Cttr Treasurer the amount so paid upon preaer_t:tion
of the :.3i l certifieste, avedited with tree rriount paid therten,
and that sai'. endorsement 'z::r credits shall be the Treasureras
warrant for ::L,Lk ng suoh payment to th c s ai r, c ontrac torr, and
that such n ) ynent by the Treasurer *hall also be receiptod
for by the said holden in writing to -the said _`reasurer, or by
tbxa surrender of 3 P eartifie-ate, when the primaipal thereof,
tocet'ier with accrued intereat -%ad cost of collection, $hall
be pail in full. That said eerrtifivteo may be isanad, with
coupon* thereto attached evidensing ti:c several inst=anta
of priselpal and interest thereof, which ooupon-s *hall be
02-00t;ted an' a!-t?Jtef! 'i t3,.a Aye- ;-10 ::Ity �QdrOtXr«y AS •re
'said c ertifientis under tie terms her sof, but the ai:'n,ture*
of said jAyor and City 3eerst�ry att-inhed to sasca coupone may
be faosimile sip-net zrrja st=QedI ezi�r saved or printed thorson.
Upon payment of any instalment evidenced 1�y a coupon, such
coupon *hall be credited by um ':ity Tax Cslleator ,and surrenderw
ed to the "i ty `reasurer al h.?rel n provided.
3uoh cerfifiestes *hall also recite that the City of Sort
North shall not be liable for Vj—o pvment. th Yeeof, or for any
Anter,at neveon, or for the coat of aoilooting or enforcing
same, but that t:-e an id company or holder thereof, shall have
the right to eolleo t ouch oertifieat z as therein provided by
the terms of the L,'r-rtor of the City of rout Vorth, and that
the said °:ity of Tort :•orth shell, ncnnov r demanded by the
said :'otappjiy, or holder of amid w,ertiTieftteo, fully exercise
Its nn:rtar powov to enforce the lien securtna the 0114 eertio
fisrate, and collect the same, but a'iall not be liable in mW
manner for failure to so ooll-ct or enfoves tie lien thereof.
(8) That this ordiname shall tame effent from and after
Its j#?.aiatl!",B. 17��j,p
i hei- t�f Certify tr,--•t Vko above is fL %vu79ane! correct eo_-ry of
an urdinwt,?a passed and a4cpted Ivy rho Poard of ConrAoiianora
of tlza City of fort worth, Tame, Rt re;?ular +eaaion of Said
Bo-�rd rwid Tuesday, February 17th, ,. 1920. -
ity ie r=r: ry.