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Ordinance 1271
CITYF UPETARY RTH, TEX.l Ix- AN ORDINANCE To be known as Sanitary Code, defining and prescribing the control of communicable and contagious diseases, by report- ing, quaxantine and release; providing for the registration of Vital Statistics; for the control of food establishments; for the re-enactment of the Standard Meat Ordinance, with amendments; for the abatement of Nuisances; for the control i of excreta disposal; for the re-enactment of the Standard Milk Ordinance, with amendments; for the control of free clinics, maternity hospitals, childrenTs boarding homes, and } institutions of such character; for the control of barber shops and beauty parlors, and other establishments that may become a danger to the public health; for the issuance of a, license and prescribing the fee for the same and prescribing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance, or for failure to comply with its requirements; for the repeal of conflict- ing ordinances and for other purposes. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIs CITY OF FORT WORTH, AS FOLLOWS: 7 I t k Y SANITARY CODE, ART1 CLE 1. ,4ARABTIBE, ISOLATION AND RELEASE Oft' COMUUNICABL.E OR COI,rAGIUU9 DI y.;A3t;3. . 3ECTIOB:.1. Every physician reeiding in, or practicing his or her profession in the City of Fort Worth shall call at the office of the Director of Public Health and elfare and register his or her name and address in a book provided for that purpose and kept at the office of the Department of Public Realth and helfare and such name shall be in the hand-writing of the physician, showing official signature. 3&CTION 2. Every physician residing in, or practicing his or her profession in the City of fort north chall report in writ- ing or by aednowledgeatelephone communication to the office of the Director of Public Health and telfare, within twenty-four hours after his or her first professional visit, each patient he or she may have or suspect i� suffering with any contagious disease or pestilential disease, and he or she shall report to the- office of Public Health and Welfare every death from such disease within twenty-four hours after it shall have occurred. The attending physician is authorised, and it Is made his duty to place the patient under the restriction of the character described herein below in the case of each and every respective disease. 3LCTIUB 3. The term "Contagious Disease" as used in these regulations shall be held to include the following diseases, whether contagious or infectious, and as such shall be reported to the office of the Director of 2ublie Health and self are as prescribed in Section 1 of this ordinance, giving name, age, sex, and location, and other such ,necessary data as may be prescribed by the Director of Public Health and `ielfare and upon blank forms furnished by the Department of Public Health and r.elfare, upon application by ouch physician: Asiatic cholera, plague, typhoid fever, yellow fever, leprosy, smallpox, scarlet fever, dipktheria, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, dengue, typhus fever, epidemic � I Vr I dysentery, trachoma,, tuberculosis, anthrax, measles, whooping cough, ahiokenpox, malaria, poliomyelitis, mumps, acute catarrhal ,F eo:,junctivitis, i:,flueriza, pellagra, lethargic encephalitis, rabies, venereal diseases, syphilis, gonorrhoes, chancroid, PL- ophthalal.a neonstorume _ S3&CTVA 4e It khall be' the duty of the householder or head Of the house where there is no physician in attendance to report r any case or suspected case of co tagiouc or infedtioue disease to the office of the Director of -ublio Health and -Welfare lame— diately upon the iwowledge of ouch case existing in the house— hold* It is hereby made the duty of any school teacher or any +� person hWng knowledge of the preU#ince of ary contagiols or infectious disease to report the same to the office of the Director of public Health and elfare. 3LOMN 6e Upon notice that smallpox, chiokenpox, scarlet fever, diphther.ln, or other eo;Aagious diseases as hereinbefore defined, wrists within the limits of the City of Vort ;7orth the house shall be placarded, by placing a card in a co.�spiouous place or places on said house, cor twining a .warning sign w 1th the words "Contagiouu Disease" thereon. JSCTIQN 6e It shall be unlawful for any person other t11an the physician or healtz- officer to enter or lc-ave any b after such premise is placarded or quarantined, without the permission of the Director of public health and .felfare, and to carry off, or cause to be carried off any material whereby such disease,may be co:aveyed, until such quarantine has been releawed M, an placard removed by an authorized memLier of the Department t of 1'ublid Health and elfaroo .=E.CI `IUII 9. It shall be the duty of all persons infected with any Contagious diseases, or who, from exposure to oontagious diseases from contact with each diseases, unay be liable to endten- ger others who •:gay come in contact witYl thew to strictly observe such instructions an may be given them by the Director of eublic Health and i4lfare, in order to prevent the spread of such con— tagious diseases, and it shall be Lawful for the Director of dub lic dealth and 4relfare to eo sand any p rson thus infested or exposed to 'infection to re.uain writ1fin dezIgnated promises fur such length of tiwe as the Director of Ailubiic Eoalth and 5ielfaro "nay deem necessary, SAOTIOD Be e',ZJvM UVINC C-RTAlli DISt:b.ii 3 SHALL 1M B-4 ALLO,.AD Cis THU3OUG.-iPAAi?..9: All persons having any quarantin- able'4isease are prohibited from riding on any public vehicle 01j/ cOnveyanoe, and from being upon the public thoroughfare of at any public assemblage. 3ZCTIi.J 9e elACA-a SHALL NOT h:' Du,STHc•YSD G:i :ist OTED: No person or persons shell alter, deface, reanove, deatroy, or tear down, a:iy placard posted by any member of the City Health Department or by such persons designated by the , �Lroctor of Public HoalAh and .'elfare to post some. The t' cioaup"t or persons having ,possession or control of the "building upon which a quarantine notice h1we been placed shall, k' lwrithin twenty-four hours after the destruction or removal of Mitch notice, notify the Director of �ublio 1ealth and elfare 1 e'of such destruction or removal;, �;. a:;GTIvIT lfl. Ti�:ALT1 AUTiu,MY T, 13L'03r::U {i t tCAU3. ;hen the Director of r'ublio Health and 4e1fare has been informed or has reason to suspect that there is a ca3e y of sivalipox# scarlet fever, or other reportaLlo di.sear;ea •i this= 4 the limits of the City of tort Worth; he shall have authority to exaaine into the facts of the case and shall adopt the guar- aritine or exploy such sanitary measures as he may Wescribe for the control of such diseases# 3,&0T1U1 Ile .2Ri JL34w3 UCC'Je1AD BY r 331.' ; ;#1TH CURLACIUU3 DIUA348 TO Bs DISI ECT.:D BirL'OR4 z1EO0CU21j0-. Tuo person shall offer for hire or cause or pernit anyone to occupy apartments previously ocoupied by a person ill with s:zallpoa, scarlet fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis , or any :;ua.rantiiAble diseaso witil suds apartments a all have beeij disinfected under the supervision of the Director of Publio Health and +lelfaree SSCT1UN l$e Ut3 YAILU.U& TO :Z81::VUT :.1R&iiJZ3, VIM MLL B1+ 2L:iCA4DU: Whenever these rmlea and regulations, or when- ever the order or direction of the Director of eublic health and iUelfare requiring disinfection of articles, premigoo or apartments shall not be complied with, or in cave of any delay, aaid Director of 2ublic Health and '.;elfare shall forth ith cause to be placed upon the door of the apartment or premises aid provided that nothing in this seation steal' be construed as offeating the right of the individual in selecting the methods of mwative treatments. A8 _ • 5 r 7 S 1 a placard as follows "These apartments have been ::,ccupiod by patit.iits suffering witL a c;ontagioaa disease.wid tkicy lzy. Leen infected* Tbsy i4ust not be again occupied 'witil the order directing the renovation and disinfection of s-,uAe knave been com- plied with* This notice must not tie reialmed under penalty of law, except by an authorized health official*" S.&CTIOR 13& All contagious disease shall be guar.-tined and placarded for the duration of the disease and its infectious- ness; and the quarantine limit shall i-e disignated Tbr each and every respective disease by the Director of tho ~)epartia,�nt c:f public Health and 4alfare , or hie duly aut?&cirized aS,'10t t'nt$ person shall leave the howe or promises except upon permia ii;.:n from the DirectQr of -eublio Realth and :ielfare, or his duly authorized aseista4t, and such 4casurvs �Ia army be dee-e.ed adirlsa- blo by said Director of the Apartnt of eublic Health wid ifelf w art. or his duly auV1Qri-.,,ed w, for Ue ,iijd coL�trul of iuch disease Shall Le carried outA and that such persons after recovery from ,,uah disease shall secure a of reloa:-e from the DeparUient of -ublic ieaLth wi� ing to their recovery aid non-I.rjXoctiQU;3TjOS3* I'* GLO 0.�,cai)L the Director of rublic fle,lth &A ,elfare or hio duly ,aU-(Irized assizt- ant shall temisats, quarantlne* 34CTION l4o VS!i-i.A4.4,L and chancroid are hereinafter dinignuted as veacreal dloea.3es, and &is hereby declared to be contagious, itafectioue, eo=, unica- ble, and damgorous to tie :ublic Health. Any physician or atlier person who mare s a diagnosis or treats a oaze of the above nmaed diseases,, or every suporintenderA or -aatager of a IiQ,31AWI, el riiu, "r Charitable inatituLion or ei al Instituti-ni in a cane of ro:isreal di �eaoc shall report ,�uc!.� ca-,,o in (��ity-foar hours, in writing to they of flioe of the Director of �:ubllc Eealtli and .,iolfare. stating the name, addrens, ool,,r, ..niI occaljstio,. Of the dineseed person *int the date (if the or,aot of the aijd probable source of infection; suer!, ropc4rta to be made upon forms proscribed and furni.,2hod by the Department of kublio Health and e-elfare, and such reports are hereby expressly widerstood to be &opt in a i,ature of a confidential report, as, coi.fideritial in- formation and under no circumstances s, long ai, the individual re- igains under the care, will such inforzaation be revealed, and then oiay to the ends that justice my be ob- tained; that such reports shall be closed in a sealed envel- ope :,nd sent to the office of the Di2vet-'r of 2u.blio Health and -Yelfare, and shall be kept by him In a container proridod with look and k.Oy so that they iray be kept ^securely thereino iiherein physicia4z keep office casv recordo, the number of owh case record my,-be givers in lieu of pationt's name a:;d address. Z";XTION 15io It shall be the ltut�,.' of ev.lry physician or other person who makes a diagnosis in or treats any ease of ve,ioreal diseaso to furnish such person witti n cvpy of a cir- cular of indomation as to the care and 4wa�,uree for prevent- ing the spread of 1"oh disease, and ouch circulars of info rmatioB are to be gnpared and furnished by the Departa: nt of 2ubli a Health and 'Rellare4 .-3.L;CTIufi 16* The Director of rdblic Health ar,c, -elfare or I X10 hie duly authorized as*ietsmt era authorized �o quar&.tir)o personic who have,, or are roaso.,jabl suspected of 1mring, laq venereal disease whenever in the opinion of said officer, quara:'Aine is necessary for the protection of public haalth. in Yatab!13hine, quarantine, said officer shall desiigiate and define ti.e liiaita of the area in wiLich the ptr2on known ,t- have, r roa3onaW'V suaj�Octed of having, any veiiereal dlseasa ar', hip immediate AtUiidant are to be qua--azitined, ind no person other than the attending physician zhall enter or le-ive '-,ucr, Rron .,,iV-.out the permission of the Director of 2ublia Healtli-' A(� ..el are 3ACTION 17* All physicians or other ,.,ersons treatirk,':, ease of venereal disease shall report such case in their opinion* they are no longer infectious or c oi-;Laul-;to able or dan- gerous to the public health. They shall also report canes w.i^o for any reason nave nit returned for treat,iont or completed their treatment* UCTION 18* The Department At rubric dealth and �;elfare is hereby authorized and empowered to provide saitaUle places for the detention of persons who zaay be subject to juarrv-,tirie af'Al who a-4.ould be segre¢sted for the execution of th4t Ordinance, 34CTION 19, It shall be a violati,,,n oT this urdii)ance Xor a.rq infected person Xno-Angly tu expose an,ther ier,,-,on to in- fection with any of the said venereal diseases or for any person to"perfo= an act whi6h e%-poses another person to infee.tion with venereal dissaaese 3,60TIO11 209 The Director of eublic ii;ealtn and alfare, or his dul;, authorized w2istante may enter any permises w-A examine Into t:,e conditins, wid exaxine persons wherein such persona are InXected with venereal diseases or any coimunicable diieao.e, or where he has reason to :,uapect that such per son "my be infected with such venereal disease or communicable disease* 3�011'.LOIT 21* The Director of eublio Health anJ elXare is hereby authorized to makm prescribe% quarantina., arid' otI.,,or regulations that may be dee,iAd necoseary I.L prevent the spread of infectious, communicable, or contm Ioua diuea.ges dangerous to the public health► k ,.ore such =Arol a--urps Lp..,zni�t to rea3oaably carried on within t:,e home oT such a patient, or contact, he Is empowered and dirocted to establish LuA ;.Iain— V,.Un &n isolation hospitril and reauve thereto all such persons infected with any disease that is 6a:bgerous t., puhlio Realtho Pk "'17 ARTICLE II. RELOING To VITAL STATISTICS AND MOTTERIES. 1 Section 1, Any person who attends at the birth of a child, or, in the absence of such attendants, either parent of the ObIllo shall report the fact, together with all statistical data relating thereto, on blanks provided and furnished by the Department of Public Health and, Welfare, and such blanks shall conform in a general way to the blank furnished by the United States Bureau of Census, and such statistical data contained on these blanks is declare& to be necessary to complete such oer- tifioate. Such reports shall be filed within five days from the time of the birth, with the City Registrar of Vital Statistics, Section 2, The City Registrar of Vital Statistics shall be taken to mean the Director of Public Health and Welfare, or any duly amthorized assistant appointed by the Director of Public Health and Welta"o Section 3* Every person acting am undertaker shall file with the City Registrar, a properly filled out certificate of death, and all persons supervising the burying of the dead or furnishing a coffin or box In which to bury the dead,, shall be deemed under- takers. Section 4* Each death certificate shall be upon forms pro- vided by the Department of Public Health and Welfare, and shall, in a gemzml way, oontain all the items of statistical and medical particulars contained in the adopted form of death certificate of the United, States Bureau of Census, and suoh statistical and medical particulars are hereby declared to be necessary to complete such certificate. section S. The body of any person whose death occurs within the City of Fort Worth or which may be found dead vithin the City of Fort Worth, shall not be interred or deposited in a vault or tomb Or cremated or otherwise disposed of, or removed, from the City of Fort Worth,, b*94M be held temporarily, pending further disposition, for a period of more than 72 hours after death, unless a permit for a burial, removal or other dia-position thereof shall have been properly issued by the Registrar of Vital Statistics-in. the Oity of Fort Worth; rnd that no such burial or removal permits shall be issued by the Registrar of Vital Statistios until a Complete and satisfactory certificate of death has been filed with said Registrar of Vital statistics. When a body is transported from another registration district to the City of Fort Worth or from another State into the City of Port worth for burial or other disposition, the transit or removal gesmit issued in accordance with law shall be accept- able by the Registrar of Vital Statistics as a basis upon which he my issue a burial permit, and provided further, that the Registrar of Vital Statistics shall note upon the fame of such pamit that the body was shipped in for burial or other dispo- sition,, and shall state thereon the actual place of death* Section 6M It shall be the duty of any undertaker or person who buries, or attends at the burial of the dead, to accurately and properly fill out the death certificate, in so far as regards the personal and statistical particulars, and he shall obtain from the physician or coroner the answer to ques- tions under the ho&ALr g of medical particulars of the death Certificate, and it shall be the &uty of every physician in the event of a death, oacuring in any Case in which said physician is the !Act in attendance, to properly and acourately fill out the questions in the medical particulars of the death certifi- oate when the death certificate is presented. by the undertaker, or other persons supervising the burial of the dead, and in the event there was no physicians in a&tenftnoe, than a coroner, in the event of his being called in, shall accurately and com- plately fill out the medical particulars of the death csrtifi- oate, and shell give the oause of death as hereinafter provided for, and in the event that the Cause of death has not been properly arrived at by autopsy, or by medical opinion from a physicians Called in at a coroner's ingvest, then the Director of Public Health and Welfare shall be empowered to inquire into or investigate the actual, cause of death and to supply same so as to meet the requirements for a proper cause of death, and if deemed nsoesssary by him, an autopsy may be ordered to determine the cause of death. This shall apply to all deaths where thp.._ actual Cause of death is not known. Section 7* All causes of deaths shall be stated in aacordanee with the Bertill.on system, or the International Unabridged list of causes of deaths adopted by the United States Bureau of Census. such phrases as "Natural causes", "Heart trouble","RoMorrhage", or the names of symptoms of disease, shah not be considered as a snffiaient cause of death. Seatie►a e. Vhean a persen dies without'medioal attendance, and does act require the attention of a coroner, the head of the household where the heath oceurs, or the next of lrin, shall immediately notify the Director of Public Health and Welfare who shall., after proper investigation, and if deemed necessary by him, after an autopsy to determine the cause of death, Issue a certificate of death. Section 9* If deceased died in hospital or other insti- tution the superintendent or head of such institution shall furnish information for the special information indicated on the blank for such oases. section 10. In the event of negligence or refusal of the physician, coroner, superintendent, or other person in charge of any hospital or institution to promptly and accurately fill out gush medical partioulars for information requested and signed when so requested by the undertaker, it shall be immediately reported to the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare. Section 11. All stillborn children (those dead at birth after seven months' gestation) shall be reported as both births and deaths, Section 12. All sextons or superintendents of cemeteries within the jurisdiction of the City are required to file all burial permits received and to record in a permanently bound book the names and ages of all persons interred, disinterred, date of interment, place of burial, number of the grape, or section of the cemetery where buried, and mime of the under- taker, number of burial permit, and shall make a report to the Registrar of Vital Statistics on or before the 10th day of the following month on all deceased persons deposited in their respective cemeteries, during the preceding month. Section 15• NO person, firm or corporation shall es- tablish or cause to have established, a cemetery or burial place in the City of Fort Worth or within one mile of the corporate limits of the city„ without first making application to the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare, and only upon his recommendation and approval. No cemetery shall be extended without the permission of the Director of Public Health and Welfaree Section 14, All owners of cemeteries shall have printed blank forma for sexton's report, such forma to be proscribed exec approved by the Director of Public Health and Welfare$ Section l5o No persons shall burg or order to be buried any body in the City Cemetery except the undertakers who have a contract with the City of Fort Worth to do sow Section 16. No person shall be permitted to bury any body in any cemetery or burial place in r`ort north except in a grave Which has been dug at least to a depth of six feet. Section 17. No sexton shall accept for burial any body unless same is accompanied by a burial permit. e � Rages, ftottull s ARTICIZ III. FOOD ESTABLISMIEBTSe Section le The term "Food Establishment" shall be taken to mean restaurants, cafes, hotel dining rooms, soft drink stands, grocery stores, meat markets, hamburger stands, ice cream Wagons, or any place or places where food is manufactured, sold, or offor- ed for sale, given in exchange, or given away for use as food or furnished for human consumption# Section 2e It shall be unlawful for any person or persona, firm or firms, corporation or corporations, to operate or do business under terms of this Ordinance without first making application to the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare for a permit to operate or do business under the terms of this Ordinance within the City of Fort Worth. Section Z. A1.1 places or premisew where food or drink fa? human consumption is manufactured or stored, sold or offered for sale, or given in exchange or given away, shall be so constructoC, that the galls and ceilings shall be dust-prodf, and the floors must be water-tight and well-drained, and all walls, ceilings and floors shall be constructed of such material that they can be easily cleaned a A kept clean. All rooms in which food is pre- pared shall be well-lighted and ventilated, and such building or place shall be kept free from Plies anti insects at all times. BQation 4e no food establishment shall be loogted on premises which are ;poorly drained or which are exposed to near-* sources of oontamination, and no food establishment shatill be maintained within sixty (60) feet of any insanitary toilet, stable, hog-pon, or any VANholosome or insanitary condition. See'ttan 5e Every food establishment shall be provdded with adequate sanity r,v-And conveniently located toilet aa.nd lavatory facilities for the use of all employees. All suoh places shall be equipped with a sink connoted with the sanitary sewer system of the City of Fort Worth, if such sewer system is available an de- fined vender the section of this Ordinance covering sower conduction. xo common towel may be maintained in any lavatory. Section 6. No sleeping or living, quarters or any toilet shall be located in rooms used for the storage, preparation, serving or distribution of my food, and no wearing; apparel shall be stored within such rooms. Section 7. No toilet shall be located in any ,room where rood is kept, stored, and handled and no toilet room shall be located so that it shall open directly into any such room unless such toilet "on Shan have properly self-olosing device. Section 8. All dishes, utensils, etc., used in the preparation or serving of Food shall be crashed in hot, soapy water and steril- ised with steam, or with chloride of lime or submerged in boiling. water for at least four (4) minutes between each usage, and dried with air or with a clean cloth especially used for that purpose. Section 9. All food served or stored in a food establishment shall be kept at all times in a sanitary manner, in clean places free From dust and dirt. No food. shall be displayed in such a vay as to become contaminated by flies, and no food shall be displayed or placed on the outside of any building except in a dust-and: fly- proof container. All refrigerators shall be kept clean and whole- some in all parts and shall be drained in a sanitary manner. A crater seal shall be installed between each refrigerator and the drain. Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, Firm or firms, corporation or corporations, or association, to offer for sales or give array or dispose of air food or drinks for huam consumption pronounoed by the said Department of Public Heal and Welfare, or proper inspector therefor, to be unfit for human oonsruaption* That all such v nrholesome or unsafe food, which may be found displayed for sale or kept for sale and pronounced by aae department or proper inspector therefor to be unwholesome or unsay: for human consumption, shall be summarily destroyed or remo 0d under the direction of the Director of the Department of llubli.c Health and Welfare, or "the proper inspector therefor, and all sue costs accruing from snob removal thereto shall be borne and paid by the owner thereof. Section 11. Paper vessels may be used in place of glascr:are in the serving of food, but such paper vessels shall be used onl; once and then disposed of in a sanitary manner. All paper vesse anu straws furnished to consumers shall be kept in -overed dust - and fly-proof containers. Section 12* jL11 persons engaged in the preparation or serving of food shall be clean in person and clothing at all times, and such persons shall thoroughly clean their hands before beginning work, and after each visit to a toilet or urinal. Section 13. Every person who handles food in any way shall have in his or her possession at all times a certificate of health issued by the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare stating that said person does not have or is not a carrier of any communicable disease. Health certificates shall be renewed semi-annually. No person who operates any food establishment shall employ any person to work in such food establishment who does not have In his or her possession a health certificate issued by the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare, whioh certificate has been issued within the six (6) months next pre- ceding. The Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare may cancel a health certificate of any person when, after examina- tion, such person is found to have some communioable disease or is a carrier of such disease. The Director of the Department of Z-lublio Health and Welfare, may, at his discretion, require the re-exam- ination of W good handler at any time* SGation 14. No buttermilk shall be sold in the City of Fort Worth which has been made from sweet milk which has come from diseased animals or which has been produced in an insanitary manner. No buttermilk shall be poured from one container to another upon the streets or in any place where it is liable to contamination from dust, dirt, flies, etc. Section 15. Accumulation of garbage or other wastes within, under or around any building or roam used as a. food est ,.blishmont shall be prevented. All garbage from such food est:blishments shall be plaBed in fly-proof, water-tight metal containers of adequate capacity. All containers shall comply with the regula- tions of the garbage department. Such containers shall be kept closed at all times, except when ,garbage is being deposited therein or removed. therefrom, and all garbage shall be removed from the premises and containers thoroughly cleaned at least once daily. Adequate and suitable containers shall be providod for all ashes. waste pager, tin cans, floor ®weepinga, stnd ether refune, Section 16. The Director of 13ublic Health and Welfare, or other authorise& inspector or subordinate, may inspect any and all things offered for sale, given in exchange or given away for use as food or drink or for human consumption, and shall have the right at any time for said purpose to enter any place or building whether located in or out of the city where such food or drink or articles for hvnan consumption are produced, stored., manufactured., kept for was or given away; and no person shall be permitted to disperse Of WW thing pronounced by the said department or proper inspector therefor to be unfit for human consumption, and when the Director of said. Department or his subordinate officer shall find any place used for the storage, manufacture, or sale, of articles of food or drinks or for human consumption to be so filthy or in- sanitary or the methods of practice therein used so filthy or in- sanitary as to endang r public health, or shall find any violation of the terms of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of ouch officer to post at the entrance of acid building or place, notice of the ocndition thereof, and, shall maintain such notice until such condition. or practice shall have been removed or abated and shall close such plane or building and prevent its use for the storage, manufacture or sale of such articles until said place or building, shall be put into such condition, and so used as no longer to endanger public heal.th4 BOTTLING PLANTS. C SECTION 17, No person, firm, association or itorporation within the limits of the City of Fort Worth shall engage in the occupation of con- ducting a bottling plant, or in the manufacture and distribution of carbonated or still bottled beverages of any description, or in the con- duct of any soy-called soft drink stand, without having first applied for and obtained a permdt for so doing from the Director of Public Health and. S Welfare;, or other person duly appointed for the purpose by the Director of Public Health and Welfare. No permit shall be issued unless the foll- owing regulations are complied with in the case of bottling plants,end in the case of soft drink stands, unless their general sanitary condition be approved by the Director of Public Health, or other person duly appointed for this purpose by the Director of Public Health, The permit shall be conspicuously posted in every such place of business. SECTION 18, Every bottling plant in operation at the time of the promulgation of this Ordinance shall be housed in a buildinis (a) having a smooth and properly drained floorj, of concrete or like material, over an area extending at least three feet beyond all bottling and bottle-cleaning machinery; (b) having whole and sound walls and ceiling; (c) provided with window space sufficient to give needed natural light during the daylight hours, or well lighted artificially, according to accepted standards, and (d) well ventilated at all times. SECTION 19. The water bottled, or the water used in the manufacture of carbonated beverages or carbonated malt beverages in bottling plants, or in final rinsing of bottles which ar**e filled or refilled, shall be pure i4otable at all times, according to Treasure Department Standaards. SECTION 20, All prepared syrups, extracts or other liquid ingredients or concentrates used in the manufacture of carbonated or still bottled beverages, or carbonated malt beverages, shall be thoroughly strained and shall be kept, until used, in the unopened containers in which they are shipped, or in a covered porcelain or glass-lined or glazed earthenware receptacle. All strainers or clothfs used in straining syrups, flavors, extracts or concentrates shall be thoroughly washed and boiled at least dIily, or before use immediately following an interval of more than twenty- four (24) hours' interruption in use, 338 SECTION 21. The room in which syrups, flavors, extracts, or other liquid beverage ingredients or concentrates are measured or prepared, shall be of substantial construction; shall have automatically closing entrance and exit, and shall be sufficiently screened with 16-mesh to the inch, or finer, wire screen cloth. SECTION 22. All syrup, extract, concentrates or other liquid bev- erage containers and all piping for the conveyance of same, shall be thoroughly scalded or thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a solu- tion of known strength and efficiency, not less frequently than an inter- vall of di.x working days, or before each use immediately after a twenty- four (24) hour interval of d suse or interruption of�se. Such containers and piping shall be oleant$ at all times. SECTION. 23, All machinery with which syrups, extracts, concentrates or other ingredients of the final production of bottling plants come in contact, and the floors, tables, shelves, racks, etc., upon which the completed product is placed, shall be thoroughly cleaned at intervals of six working days, or before each use immediately after a 24-hour in- tervfial of disuse or interruption of use, with boiling water, steam, or a disinfectant of known strength and efficiency, and shill be clean at all times. SECTION 24. Bottle crowns, after being taken from the original container, shall be stored only in covered dust-proofpeceptablVes until used. If crowns are left in th+riginal package until used, it shall be covered at all times so as to be dust-proof. SSC'ZON 23. All bottles used as containers for the final products of bottling plants shall be thoroughly cleaned before being filled or refilled. In the cleaning of bottles to be refilled, the temperature of the soaking solution(if alkali solution is vmd) shall not be less than 1200 Fahrenheit, and the alkalinity of such solution shall be at all times equivalent to the free alkalinity of a 3 per cent sodium hydorxide solution, SECTION 26. j11 accumulation of broken bottles and other rubbish shall be kept in appropriate receptacles or eentainers, and shall be re- moved from the bottling plant daily. SECTION 27# Alliemployed in Vne bottling plant must wear clean clothes and have In their possession a certificate from the Director of Public Health and Welfare, attdoting that they are not carriers of seek diseases; arrangements facilitating the observance of personal aas hygeine by employes actually engaged in the preparation and bottling of beverages shall be maintained by the management of the bottling plant. SECTION 28. Every bottling plant now in operation in the City of Fort Worth shhll observe the following conditions from ind after thirty days from the date ,o& the 1 rbe of the promulgation of this Ordinance: (a) All flush toilets connedted in any way with any part of the bot- tling plant shall be securely and permanowl.tly closed by a solid partition and door. (b) The disposal of fecal matter of toilets anywhere within the premises, shall conform to the standards set by the State Board of Health. SECTION 29. The use of Saccharine-in carbonated and still beverages is herby prohibited; and any person, firm, association or corporation conducting a so-called soft drink stand where bottled or still beverages are sold or offered for sale, which have been manufactured by the use of Saooharin shall be likewise guilty of violating this Ordinance. SECTION 30. No perm n, firm, association or corporation engaged in the conduct of a soft drink stand within the limits of the City of Fort Worth shall sell, or offer for sale, any bottled drink that has been bottled in said stand by filling one bottle from another and re-capping, or by re- sealing a bottle that has been opened. SECTION 31. No person, firm, assooiation'or corporation engaged in the bottling or manufacture of carbonated beverages of any description within the limits of the City of Fort Worth shall sell, or offer for sale, any 'bottled beverage that does not bear the name of the manufacture. The name of the manufacturer must either be blown into the glass of the bottle or securely labeled on the body of the bottle by means of printed labels. To use crowns bearing the nano of the manufacturer shall not be sufficient compliance with this section. SECTION. 32. No person, firm, association or corporMion engaged in the conduct of a so-called sodt-drinj stand vtdxia the limits of the City of Fort Worth shall sell, or offer for sale, any carbonated or still bev- erage in a bottle, c up, glass, or other containers, that has not been sterilized by means of accepted standards of sterilization. The use of individual sanitary drinking cups shall be in compliance with this Ordinance. SECTION 33. After the promulgation of this Ordinance, no bottling plant, which practices the refilling of bottles may operate except it be equipped with, and use at all times in its operation, a mechanical soaker and bottle washer. Said soaker and bottle washer shall be maintained 340 In a state of full efficiency during an# and all operations of the bottling plant. SECTION 34. No new bottling plant shall hereafter be ptomitted to begin operations except the following conditions be observed: (a) The entire floor of the bottling department shall be impertdous to rater and shall be adequately drained, (b) T�xere shall be no flush toilet openifg directly into any part of the bottling department. (a) Means for the disposal of fecal matter shall conform to the standards set by the State Hoard. of Health. (d) Moo hanical soaker and bottle washer shall be included in tthb. operating equipment. (e) No other business except for the preparation and bottling of the final product of the plant shall be conducted in the bottling department of the Artablisbmsnt. f r 'J Article .lY.. NUISANCES. Section 1. (D2�;J�.'RAL DEFIITITI(M OF NUISANCE: Whatever is dangerous to human life or health, whatever renders the ground, the waters the air or food a hazard or injury to human life or health or that is offensive to the senses, or that is or threatens to become detrimental to the public health, is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the following specific acts, conditions, and things are among others, each and all of them hereby declared to be a nuisance and prohibited and made unlawful. Section $. Whenever any stable, stall, abed., or apartment or any yard or appurtenance thereof, in which any horse, cattle, cows or swine, or any other animal shall be kept, or any place within the limits of the city in which manure or liquid discharges of such animals shall collect or accumulate, and which stable, stall, shed or apartment or any yard or appubtenance thereof, is not kept in a cleanly and wholesome condition, so that no offensive smell shall be allowed to escape therefrom, it shall be deemed, a nuisance; provided, that nothing in, this section shall be so construed as to inolude mu=e deposits upon any private property for the purpose of cultivating .came. Section 3. No distiller, butcher, stock dealer or other person shall collect or keep any cows or hogs in a pen, or otherwise confine any cows or hogs in the city so as to create a nuisance. Section 4. It shall not be lawful for any person or parsons to keep in any enclosure, or otherwise, any hogs within the city for a period exceeding forty-eight ( 48) hours, to the annoyance, injury, inconvienoe or detriment of any person in the city. Section S. All pig-pens, lots, stables, yards, sheds or stye in which pigs are kept within the limits of the city to the annoyance, injury, ineonvien6a or detriment of any person wlthin' - the city shall be deemed a nuisance. Section 8. Any person, firm, or corporation, being the owner, agent tenant, lessee, occupant or manager of any hotel, boarding-house, Lodging-house, dwelling-house, tenement-houses, mane actory, hide-house, tannery, pork-house, market-house, laundry, fish-house, soap factory, brewery, distillery, butcher-shop, dyeing establishment, soap boiling works, rendering works, oil factory, bone works, glue 4 dysentery* trachoma, tuberculosis, anthrax, meaoles, whooping cough, chickenpox, malaria, poliomyelitis, mumps, acute -axta.rrhal eo.Junctivitis, L,fluer;2a, pellagra, lethargic encephalitis, 'rabies, venereal diseases, sypLilis, g;o-orrhoea, chaijoroicl, ophthal:nia neonatorurn, j; 3 0TION 4, It hhall be the duty of the householder or head of the house where 'there is no p.-ysician in attendance to r©port any case or suspected case of co tagiouo or iHgedtious disease to the office of the Director of eublic Health and ;=elfar a inane- diately upon the knowledge of suer, case OXisting in try house- hold. It is hereby made the duty of any school teacher or any persun hOing irnowledge of the pre4-noe of a,Jy contagio$to or infectious disease to report the same to the offloo ,.fi U.e Director of iublic gealth and elfare. ECTICA Bo [upon notice that emllpo7,. chickenpox, searlo t fever, dighther.xn, or other co: tagious diseases as hereinbefore defined, exists within the limits of the City of .Fort :forth the house shall be placarded, by placing a card in a co:apiouous placo or places on said house, containing a warning !Agn aN Ah the words "Contagious Disease" thereon. �iSCTIUR 6, It shall be unlawful :',or ar.y porson other -trail- the physician or health officer to enter or 1, ave eony *te:t after such premise is placarded or quarantined, without the permission of the Director of public stealth and ifelfareo, and to i carry off, or cause to be carried off any material whereby such diaease,may be co4meyed, until such quarantine has been relea-od sn;t placard removed by an authorized mowLer of the )epartment of i!ublicd health and ..elfare. >i.CcIUB 7. It shall be the duty of all persons inf'ectod with any contagious diseases, or who, from e.Kpntyure to vor,ta.gi:;us diseases from contact wiu., each diseases, way le liable to ©nditzj— ger others who .,ay come in contact wit]. th4&:.i to strictly otserre such instructions as may be given then by the Director of iublic Realth and r?elf'are, in order to prevent the spread of euch co::- tagious diseases, and it shall be Lawful for tixe ;Ji rector of .eubl.ic Health and ;welfare to co:,.aand any p rzon thus infeeted or exposed to 'infection to renain within dez-LgHated premises for such length of time as Lne Director of �ubilc ixoaltn and aelfa.r o :usy ddem neCOSsary. � SACTI011 8. j?-'RJvll3 «;VIBG C-2TAIS DISiU.:LS SHALL '.OT M .AI,ka,&D ON TIIijAUUaiy'A?.L3: All persons having any quarantin- abis,.disease are prohibited from riding on any public vehicle ot� cOhveyar,.oe, and from being upon the public thoroughfare or at any public assemblage. vz;CTIUlQ V. 2LACA:D SHALL NOT 13E Di .�T.R-..Y D C t ii",OVHD: fo person or persons shall alter, deface, rex,,ove, destroy, or tear down, any placard posted by any member of the City Health Department or by -much persona designated by the PIreotor of Public Hoallgh and ":elfare to post stame. The 4 ' } pocupant or persons having possession or control of the `building upon which a quarantine notice his been placed shall, k a�thin twenty-four hours after the destruction or removal of such notice, notify the Director of ''ublie Health rind elfare i i of such destruction or removal • 33Ci'IUB 10* kiSALT4 AU`1" 41TY T.; •t i �EASs3: iihen the Director. of Public Health and Welfare has been informed or has reason to suspect that there is a Case tof egnallpox, scarlet fever, or other reportable dioecvaes -.4thin the limits of the City of Fort north; he shall have authority to exainine into the facts of the case and shall adopt the quar- '`^: amine or e.aploy such sanitary measures as he may ViosCribe for the control of suoh diseases+ SiXI Ub 11.. -2ASJIS:3 UCC°UUD by :.ITH COII_AGIUU3 DIS.&AJAS TO Ei 240CC 21:ti D: Do person shall offer for hire or cause or permit €uayone to occupy apartments proviouely occupied by a poison ill with smallprjx, scarlet favor, diphtheria, tuberculosis , or any quaranti2iable disea o until such apartments shall have been isinfected under the supervision of the Director of Publio Health and �Nelfare• SHCTIUA 12• UV i AILU.CE TO :.)ISII&ACT eMIIJ,0, TIM 3HALL BH pLACAiDZD: Whenever thoea rules and regulations, or when- ever the order or direction of the Director of 2ublie Health and delfare requiring disinfection of artielee, premises or apartments shall not be complied with, or in case of any delay, acid Director of 2ublic Health and '..elf are shall forth.;ith cause to be placed upon the door of the apartment or premises and provided that nothing in this section shall be construed as effecting the right of the individual in selecting the methods of curative treatments. a plaoaxd as folloWS1 "Those apartments bane been occupied by patit-,,nts suffering with a ontagiouo diocase.and tlicy hay_ been infected* They 4ast not be again occupied until Uie order directing the renovation and disinfection of same have been com— plied witho This notice must not be reiz;ved under penalty of law, except by an authorized health official#" 320TION 13* All contagious disease stall to quarantinind and placarded for the duration of the dismase anA its infectious- nesel and the quarantine Uidt shall j,;e disigrated fbr each and every respective disease by the Director of tho --lepartment of kublic Health and gelfare, or his duly uut.):iorized as:,,Isrots i10 person shall leave the jt,ou.,.e or promises except upon permisAon from the DireotQr of -eublic Health and vVelfare, or his duly authorised asalstaxst, and such aicasurc-s ).a may be dee.,uad advisa- blo by said Director of the Departmont of -eutlic Health and ifelfaiv, or his duly authorized asr.iataot for the ann.4'leme.int arA ooLtrol of ouch disease shall be carried ou I and treat such persons after recovery from ouch disease shall :ioouzo a certiflca,,�,� of relosee from the Departaiwt of _)ublic Llea-th mid ,oifaro, atteot- .ing to their recovery ayA non-IiiXectivuuneso. to one e�cept the Director of idublio Ho lth alA �ielfare or hio duly s.uV_,(-,,rized asai4lt- ant shall te=lxats quarantine, UCTION l4v D13AA30i 3yphilis, go(;orrhoea, and chanoroid are hereinafter diaignated as vencreal dizea-aes, and are hereby declared io be contagious, L.XocticUa, oo=, unica- ble, and. dangerous to the iublic Health. Any physician or other person who makes a diagnosis or treats a case of the atone nmzed diseases, *or every suporinterident or "a,ages of a hoa,4 La-1 clinic, ur charitable institution or onal 1wtituti,.,n in wnlch tie i a case of vsniereal shall report attach caze In t-enty-four hours, in writing to t4ho office of the Director of eublio Health and itiolfa re. stating the name, addrois,, Sex, color, -.nd occupatio,; of the dineaeod person an6 the date a)f the onziat of the dicease, aA proballe source of infootion; suci, reports to be 4Lade upon form grescribed and fury ieled by the Department of Publio Health and Welfare, and such reports are hereby expressly understood to be &opt in as iaturo of a coi;fiderjtial report, as cojifidential in- formation and under no circumataiiaes es long af, the individual re- mob.. aaains under the ph n*oisa, 'fa ware, will such information be. rev;ealed.# and them only to the ends that justice may be ob- tained; that such ,reports shall be closed in a sealed envel- ope ,nd sent to ..the office of the D1zect r of Public Health and 'ielfare, and shall, be kept by him in a container proridod with look and koy go ,that they my be kept :securely therein. ,therein physicians steep office case records, the number of such cane record may,'be g-iren in liou of pationt's same and address. wlISCTIGN 15# It shall be the du1, of evt,r,y physician or other person woo makes a diagnosis in or treats any case of venereal dlseasao to furnish such parson with a copy o7: a cir- cutar of insor ti4n asn to the taro and , aauu.res for prevent- ing the spread of such dlaease# and ouch circulars of information are to be pxsWod aryl furnished by the Departm:nt of :public Health and Welfare* UUTIuA 16• 7�w Director of rublic iioa.lth a--id .,elfar a or AR his duly authorized fasesiietant an authorized to quara:,tino person;,, who hrave, or are soaeo:r$blW suspected of laving, to r venereal disease wh6never in the opinion of maid oflic;er, quarai-Aine is neoosnaxy for t1he protections of public h(elth, In ezatabliehinr, quarantine, said officer ~shall desiWzter and define ti<o limits of the area in wr;i.oh the person known ,t, have, ur rea.sonaMy stle0octed of having, any venereal di ease an. his immediate At:Uadant are to be quarasatined, -ind no person other than the attending physician shall enter or leave such aro€a ",itrout the 'permission of the Director of Public Health saki :ell aro. jSCTIUB 17. All physicians or ether _,ersors treating; a case of venereal disease shall report such case when, in their opinion, .they are no longer infectious or co aunuriicable or dan- ,geroua to the public health, They'shall also report csas3os w ho ,for any reason have nut returned for treatao.nt or completed`` their treatm tent 6 SECTION 18+ The .Department Af 2ubilio Health and welfare is hereby authorized and ompowered to provide suitable places for the detention of persons who iasy be subject to gstarnntine aif,-ii who sLould be segregated for the executions of thsit Ordinances SUCTION 19. It shall be a violation of this Urdiisaance for any infected person knowingly to expose famther per�3on to in- faction with any of the said venereal diseases or for any person to perfo= an act which expo- sec another person to infection iiith venereal diseaaee. SLOTIOH ?A. The Director of i!ublio :iealth and i fllfare, or his duly authorized a aistants may enter any permises and oxauine into t _e conditiUns, mad examine persons wherein suoh peraons are infected with venereal diseases or any communicablo dioea^e, or where he has reason to ouspect that such person unay be infected with such venereal disease or communicable disease, 3EMON El, The Director of xublic Health and .;elfare is hereby authorized to mptn prescribeV quarantine, and other regulations that may be dee,ued necessary to prevent the spread of infectious, communicable, or conts.61oua dia®ases dangerous to then public health. ,here such control meayuros oa:,nct bo reasonably carried on within t:.e home oS such. a patient, ter contact, he Is empowered rind directed to establish end i.ialn- tain at) isolation hospital ariel remove thereto all such persons infected with any disease that is da:gerous to publio health. Pac 117 .ARTICLE sx. RRIATING TO VTTILL STATISTICS AND CMETERIES. Section 1. Any person who attends at the birth of a child, or, in the absence of such attendants, either parent of the child, shad report the fact, together with all statistical data relating thereto, on blw*s provided and furnished by the Department of Public Health and Welfare, and such blanks shall conform in a general Ymy to the blank furnished by the Mited States Bureau of Census, and such statistical data contained on these blanks is declared to be necessary to complete such cer- tificate. Such reports shall be filed within five days from the time of the birth, with the City Registrar of Vital Statistics. Section 2. The City Registrar of Vital Statistics shall be taken to mean the Director of Public health and Welfare, or any daily authorised assistant appointed by the Direotcr of Public Health and. Welfare, Section 3* Every person acting ax undertaker shall rile with the City Registrar, a properly Filled out certificate of death, and all persons supervising the burying of the dead or furnishing a coffin or box in which to bury the dead, shall be deemed under- takers. Section 4e Each death certificate shall be upon forma pro- vided by the Department of Public Health and Welfare, and shall, in a gensival way, contain all the items of statistical and medical partiovlws contained in the adopted fora of death certificate of the United States Bureau of Census, and suoh statistical and medical particulars are hereby declared to be necessary to complete such certificate. section Be The body of any person whose death occurs within the City of Fort Worth or which may be found dead within the City of Fort'' Worth, shall not be interred or deposited in ai vault or tomb Der cremated or otherwise disposed of, or removed from the City of Fort Worth, ' s be held temporarily, pending farther disposition, for a period of more than 72 hours after death, unless a permit for a burial, removal or other disposition thereof shall have been properly issued by the Registrar of Vital Statietios.in the City of port Worth; ,Lnd that no such burial or removal permits shall be issued by the Registrar of Vital Statistics until a complete and satisfaatpry certificate of death has been filed with said Registrar of Vital Statistics. When a body in transported from another registration district to the City of Fort Worth or from another State into the City of .Fort Worth for buria3, or other disposition, the transit or removal permit issued in accordance with lair shall be accept- able by the Registrar of Vital Statistics as a basis upon which he may isaus a bur$ l permit, and p=vided further, that the Registrar of Vital Statistics shell note upon the face of such permit that the body was shipped in for burial or other dispo- sition, and shall state thereon the actual place of death. section 6* It shall be the duty of any undertaker or person. who buries, or attends at the burial, of the dead, to accurately and properly fill out the death certificate, in so far as regards the personal, and statistical particulars, and he shall obtain from the physician or coroner the answer to ques- tions under the heading of medical part.ioulars of the death certificate, and it shall be the duty of every physician in the event of a death, ooeuri.ng in any case in which said physician is the !Ast in attendance, to properly and accurately fill out the questions in the medical particulars of the death certifi- cate when the death certificate is presented by the undertaker, or other persons supervising the burial of the dead, and in the event there was no physician in 9&tendanoe, then a coroner, in the event of his being called in,, shall accurately and com- pletely fill out the medical particulars of the death certifi- cate, and shall give the cause of death as hereinafter provided for, and in the event that the cause of death has not been properly arrived at by autopsy, or by medical opinion from a physician, called in at a coroner's inquest, then the Director of Public Health and Welfare shall be empowered to inquire into er inverutigate the actual cause of death and to supply sane so an to meet the requirements for a proper cause lof death, and if deemed necessary by him, an autopsy may be ordered to determine the cause of death. This shall apply to all deaths where thA-. actual cause of death is not k=wn. Section 70 All causes of deaths shall be stated in accordanee with the Bertillon system, or the International Unabridged list of causes of deaths adopted by the United States .Bureau of Census. Such phrases as "gatura2 causes", . "Heart trouble","Hemorrhage", or the names of symptoms of disease, shall not be considered as a sufficient cause of death. Section 8. Whft a person dies a rithoutamedioal attendance, and does =* require the attention of a coroner, the head of the household where the death occurs, or the next of kin, shall immediately notify the Director of Public Health and Welfare who shall, after proper investigation, and if deemed neoewsary by him, after an autopsy to determine the cause of death, issue a certificate of death. Section 9. If deceased died in hospital or other insti- tution the superintendent or head of such institution shall furnish information for the special information indicated on the blavk for such oases. Section 10, In the event of negligence or refusal of the physician, coroner, superintendent, or other person in charge of any hospital or institution to promptly and. accurately fill out such medical particulars for information requested and signed when so requested by the undertaker, it shall be immediately reported to the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare. Section llo All stillborn children (those dead at birth after seven months' gestation)' shall be reported; as both births and deaths. Section 12, All sextons or superintendents of cemeteries within the jurisdiction of the City are required to file all burial permits received and to record in a permanently bound book the names and a&o of all persons interred, disinterred, date of interment, place of burial, number of the grave, or section of the cemetery where buried, and name of the under- taker, number of burial permit, and shall make a report to the Registrar of Vital Statistics on or before the 14th day of the following month on all deceased persons deposited in their -4� respective cemeteries, during the preceding month. SeGtion M, NO person, firm or corporation shall on- tablish or cau$e to have established, a cemetery or burial place in the City of Fort Worth or within one mile of the corporate limits of the city, without First .making application to the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare, and only upon his recommendation and approval.. No cemetery shall be extended without the permission of the Director of Public Health and Welfare. Section 14. All owners of cemeteries shall have printed blank forms for sextonts report, such forms to be presoribed amA approved by the Director of Public Health and Weltareq Section 15* No persons shall burg or order to be buried any body in the City Cemetery except the Undertakers who have a contract with the City of Fort North to do so. Section 16. No person shall be permitted to bury any body in any cemetery or burial place in Fort Worth except in a grave Which has been dug at least to a depth of six Peet. Section 17, No sexton shall accept for burial any body va ess sate is accompanied by a burial permit. : r thin EM or-=va&:t& for a" reasea, the Of Said: oreAeftee e ARTICLE III* POOR ESTABLTSM1ENTs, Section 1. The term "Food Establishment" shall be token to mean restaurants, cafes, hotel dining rooms, soft drink stands, grocery stores, meat markets, hamburger stands, ice oreen wagons, or any plane or places where rood is manufactured, sold, or of'�Lor- ed for sale, given in exchange, or given away for use as food or furnished for human consumption. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or firma, corporation or oorporations, to operate or do business under tome of this Ordinance without first making application to the Director of the Department of Publics Health end Welfare for a permit to operate or do business under the terms of this Ordinance within the City of Fort Worth. Seotion Z. All places or premisew cohere food or drink far human consumption is manufactured or stored, sold or offered for sale, or given in exchange or given away, shall be so oonstructod that the walls and ceilings shall be dust-profif, and the floors must be crater-tight and dell-drained, and all walls, eeilings and floors shall be oonstruoted of such material that they can be easily cleaned and kept clean. All rooms in which Food is pre- pared, shall be well-Lighted and ventilated., and such building or dace shall be kept free from flies and insects at all times. Beotion A# No food establishment shall be located on premises which are poorly drained or which are exposed to near-* sources of oontamination, and no food establishment shall be maintained within OL%ty (60) feet of swat insanitary toilet, stable, hog-pon, or any vAsholesome or inseaaitary oondition. Section 6• Every food establishment shall be provdded with adequate semi conveniently located toilet and lavatory facilities foal the use of all employees. All such places shall be equipped with a oink connected with the sanitary sewer system of the City of Fort North, if such sewer system is available as de- fine& under the seotion of this, Ordinance covering sower oon eetion, Ida common towel may be maintained in any lavatory. Section 6. So sleeping or living quarters or any toilet shall be located in rooms used for the storage, preparation, serving or distribution of any food, and no wearing apparel shall be stored within such rooms. Section 7* No toilet shall be located in any room where food is kept, stored, and handled and no toilet room shell be located so that it shall open directly into any such room unless such toilet room shah, have properly self-closing device. Section 8, All dishes, utenails, etc., used in the preparation or serving of food shall be washed. in hot, soapy water and steril- ized with steam, or with chloride of lime or submerged in boiling water for at least four (4) minutes between each usage, and dried with air or with a clean cloth especially used for that purpose. Section 9. All food served or stored in a food establioluient shall be kept at all times in a sanitary manner, in clean places free from dust and dirt. No food shall be displayed in such a nay as to become eontsminated by flies, and no rood shall be displayed or plaoed on the outside of any building except in a dust-ar.►d fly- proof containers All refrigerators shall be kept clean and whole- some in all parts and shall be drained in a sanitary manner. A water seed shall be installed between each refrigerator and the drains Section 10s It shell be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations, or association, to offer for sale, or give away or dispose of any good or drinks for hromam consumption peonaunced by the said Department of #ublic Heat and Welfare, or proper inspector therefor, to be unfit for human oonswnptiont That all suoh unwholesome or =safe food, which may be Pound displayed for sale or kept for sale and pronounced by an department or proper inspector therefor to be unwholesome or uns4 for human consumption, shall, be summarily destroyed or removed under the direction of the Director of the Department of Public Health and welfaret or`'the proper inspector therefor, and all sur costa accruing from such removal thereto shall be borne and paid by the owner thereof. Section no Paper vessels may be used in place of glazo-w re in the serving of :food, but suzh paper vessels shall be used onl once and then disposed of in a sanitary manner. IL11 paper vesse ant, straws furnished to consumers shall be kept in -overed dust - and fly-proof containers. Section 12. All persons engaged in the preparation or servirq of food shall be clean in person and clothing; at all times, and BUQh persons shall thoroughly clean their hands before beginning work, and after each visit to a toilet or urinal. Section 13* Every person who handles food in any way shall have in-his or her possession at all times a certificate of health issued by the Director of the Department of public Health and Welfare stating that said person does not have or is not a carrier of any eommunioable diseaave. Health certificates shall be renewed semi-annually. No person who operates any rood establishment shall employ any person to work in such food establishment who does not have In his or her possession a health certificate issued by the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare, which oertifiaate has been issued within the six (6) months next pre- ceding. The Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare may cancel a health certificate of any person when, after examina- tion, such person is Pound to have some communioable diseaso or is a carrier of such disease. The Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare, may, at his discretion, require the re-exam- ination of any Food handler at any time* Scatton 14. No buttermilk shall be sold in the City of Fort Mouth which has been made from sheet milk which has come from diseased animals or which has been produced in an insanitary manner. So buttermilk shall be poured from one container to another upon the streets or in any place where it is liable to contamination from dust, dirt, flies, ®to. Section 15. Accumulation of garbage or other wastes within, under or around any building or room.used as a food establishment shall be prevented. All garbage from such food establishments shall be plated in fly-proof, watertight metal containers of Adequate capacity* All containers shalt comply with the regula- tions of the garbage department. Such containers shall be kept closed at all times, except when garbage is being deposited therein or removed therefrom, and all garbage shall be removed from the premises :and containers thoroughly cleaned at least once daily. Adequate and suitable containers shall be provided for all ashes, waste paper, tin canx, floor sweepings, and other refuse, 3soti*n 1.6. The Director of public Health and Welfare, or other authorised inspector or subordinate, may inspect any and all things offered for sale, given in exchange or given away for use as food or drink or for human consumption, and shall have the right at any time for said purpose to enter any place or building whether loeated in or out of the pity where such food or drink or articles for hamsn consumption are produced, stored, manufactured, kept for sale or ,given away; and no person shall be permitted to dispose of any thing pronounced by the said department or proper inspector therefor to be unfit for human consumption, and when the Director of said. Department or his subordinate officer shall find any plaes.used for the storage, manufacture, or sale, of articles of food or drinks or for human consumption to be so filthy or in- sanitary or the methods of practice therein use& so filthy or in- sanitary as to endangdr public health, or shall find any violation of the terns of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of such officer to poet at the entrance of said building or place, notice of the condition thereof, and shall maintain such notice until such eondition. or practice shall have been removed or abated and. shall close such place or building and prevent its u o for the storage, manufacture or sale of such articles until said place or building shall be put into such condition, and so used as no longer to endanger public health,$ BOTTLING PLANTS. C SECTION 17. No person, firm, association or Aorporation within the limits of the City of Fort Worth shall engage in the occupation of eon- ducting a bottling plant, or in the manufacture and distribution of carbonated or still bottled beverages of any description, or in the con- duet of any so-called soft drink stand, without having first applied for and obtained a permit for so doing from the Director of Public Health and S Welfare# or other person duly appointed for the purpose by the Director of Public Health and Welfare. No permit shall be issued unless the foll- owing regulations are oomplied with in the case of bottling plants,and in the case of soft drink stands, unless their general sanitary condition be approved by the Director of Public Health, or other person duly appointed for this purpose by the Director of Public Health. The permit shall be conspicuously posted in every such place of business, SECTION 18, Every bottling plant in operation at the time of the promulgation of this Ordinance shall be housed in a building: dff (a) having a smooth and properly drained floor] of concrete or like material, over an area extending at least three feet beyond all bottling and bottle-oleaning machinery; (b) having whole and sound walls and ceiling; . (a) provided with window space sufficient to give needed natural 7 light during the daylight hours, or well lighted artificially, according to accepted standards, and (d) well ventilated at all times. SECTION 19, The water bottled, or the water used in the manufacture of carbonated beverages or carbonated malt beverages in bottling plants, or in final rinsing of bottles which are} *e filled or refilled, shall be pure a4otable at all times, according to Treasure Department Standaards, SECTION 20. All prepared syrups, extracts or other liquid ingredients or eoneentratea�used in the manufacture of carbonated or still bottled beverages, or carbonated malt beverages, shall be thoroughly strained and shall be kept, until used, in the unopened containers in which they are shipped, or in a covered porcelain or glass-lined or glazed earthenware receptacle. All strainers or clothfs used in straining syrups, flavors, extracts or concentrates shall be thoroughly washed and boiled at least dIlly, or before use immediately following an interval of more than twenty- four (24) hours' interruption in use. ' 3S8 sEOTION 21. The room in which slamps, •flavors, extracts, or other liquid beverage ingredients or concentrates are measured or prepared, shall be of substantial oonstruotion; shall have automatieally closing entrance and exit, and shall be sufficiently screened with 16-mesh to the inch, or finer, wire screen cloth. SECTION 28. All syrup, extract, concentrates or other liquid bev- erage containers and all piping for the conveyance of same, shall be thoroughly scalded or thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a solu- tion of known strength and efficiency, not less frequently than an inter- val$ of iix working days, or before each use immediately after a twenty- four (24) hour interval of disuse or interruption offuse. Such containers and piping shall be oleankiL at all times. SECTION. Me All machinery with which syrups, extracts, concentrates or other ingredients of the final production of bottling plants come in contact, and the floors, tables, shelves, racks, etc., upbn which the completed product is placed, shall be thoroughly cleaned at intervals of six working days, or before each use immediately after a 24-hour in- tervAal of disuse or interruption of use, with boiling water, steam, or a disinfectant of known strength and efficiency, and shill be clean at all times. SECTION 24. Bottle crowns, after being taken from the original container, shall be stored only in covered dust-proo*t eceptablyes until used. IW crowns are left in th+riginal package until used, it shall be covered at all times so as to be dust-proof. SECTION 25. All bottles used as containers for the final products of bottling plants shall be thoroughly cleaned before being filled or refilled. In the cleaning of bottles to be refilled, the temperature of the so;king solution(if alkali solution is used) shall not be less than 120o Fahrenheit, and the alkalinity of such solution dia ll be at all times equivalent to the free alkalinity of a 3 per cent sodium hydoraide solution SECTION 26, jal accumulation of broken bottles and other rubbish shall be kept in appropriate receptacles or containers, and shall be re- moved from the bottling plant daily. �.p/lch+p SECTION 27, Alliemployed in the bottling plant must wear clean clothes and have in their possession a certificate from the Director of Public Health and Welfare, attdating that they are not carriers of &ask diseases; arrangements facilitating the observance of personal 339 R hygeine by employes actually engaged in the preparation and bottling of beverages shall be maintained by the management of the bottling plant. SECTION 28. Every bottling plant now in operation in the City of Fort Worth shall observe the following conditions from snd after thirty days from the datejottaw=dm6e of the promulgation of this Ordinance: (a) All.f'lush toilets counedted in any way with any part of the bot- . . T tling pies shall be securely and permanknAly,closed by a solid partition and doori (b) The disposal of fecal matter of toilets anywhere within the premises, shall conform to the standards set by the State Board of Health. SECTION 29. The use of Saeoharinein carbonated and still beverages is herby prohibited; and any person, firm, association or corporation conducting a so-called soft drink stand where bottled or still beverages are sold or offered for sale, which have been manufactured by the use of Saccharin shall be likewise guilty of violating this Ordinance. SECTION 30. No person, firm, association or corporation engaged in the conduct of a soft drink stand within the limits of the City of Fort Worth shall sell, or offer for sale, any bottled drink that has been bottled in said stand by filling one bottle from another and re-napping, or by re- sealing a bottle that has been opened. SECTION 31. No person, firm, association or corporation engaged in the bottling or manufacture of carbonated beverages of any description within the limits of the City of Fort Worth shall sell, or offer for sale, any (bottled beverage that does not bear the name of the manufacture. The name of the manufacturer must either be blown into the glass of the bottle or securely labeled on the body of the bottle by means of printed labels, To use crowns bearing the nean of the manufacturer shall not be sufficient compliance with this section. SECTION. 32. No person, firm, assooiatioa�oorporhhion engaged in the conduct of a so-called sodt-drinj stand the limits of the City of Fort Worth shall sell, or offer for sale, any earbonated or still bev- erage in a bottle, c up, glass, or other containers, that has not been sterilized by means of accepted standards of sterilization. The use of individual sanitary drinking cups shall be in compliance with this Ordinance. SECTION 33, After the promulgation of this Ordinance, no bottling plant, which practices the refilling of bottles may operate except it be equipped with, and use at all times in its operation, a mechanical soaker and bottle washer. Said soaker. and bottle washer shall be maintained 340 in a state of Rill efficiency during anf and all operations of the bottling plant. SHaTION 34. No new bottling plant ehall hereafter be ptOmitted to begin operations except the following conditions be observed: (a) The entire floor of the bottling department shall be impertd.ous to water and shall be adequately drained. (b) .ere shall be no flush toilet openiAg directly into any part of the bottling department. (c) Means for the disposal of fecal matter shall conform to the standards set by the State Hoard of Health. (d) Mae hanical soaker and bottle washer shall be included in tthb. operating equipment. A, (e) No other business except for the preparation and bottling of the final product of the plant shall be conducted in the bottling department Of the elstablialiment. C 4 Article 1y. ., NUISANORS, Section 1. GMURRAL DEFINITION 4F NUISANCE: Whatever is dangerous to human life or health, whatever renders the ground, the water* the air or food a hazard or injury to human life or health or that is offensive to the senses, or that is or threatens to become detrimental to the public health, is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the following specific acts, conditions, and things are among others, each and all cf them hereby declared to be a nuisance and prohibited and made unlawful. Section $. Whenever any stable, stall, shed, or apartment or any yard or appurtenance thereof, in which any horse, cattle, b cows or swine* or anq other animal shall be kept, or any place 4 within the limits of the olty in which manure or liquid discharges of such animals shall collect or accumulate, and which stable* stall, shed or apartment or any yard or appubtenance thereof, is not kept in a cleanly and wholesome condition, so that no offensive smell shall be allowed to escape therefrom* it shall be deemek,_ a nuisance; provided, that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to include manure deposits upon any private property for the purpose of cultivating %ame, Section 3. No distiller, butcher, stock dealer or other person shall collect or keep any cows or hogs in a pen, or otherwAse confine any cogs or hogs in the city so as to create a nuisance. Section 4. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to keep in any enclosure, or otherwise, any hogs wii-h.in the city for r" a period exceeding forty-eight ( 48) hours, to the annoyance, injury, ineonvienee or detriment of any person in the city. Section S. All pig-pens, lots, stables, yards, sheds or otys in which pigs are kept within the limits of the city to the annoyance, injury, inconvienda or detriment of any person within' the city shall be deemed a nuisance, Section 6. Any person, firm, or corporation, being the ownor, ager tenant, lessee, occupant or manager of any hotel, boarding-house, Lodging-house, dwelling-house, tenement-house, manufactory, hide-house, tannery, pork-house, market-house, laundry, fish-house, soal factory, brewery, distillery, butcher-shop, dyeing establishment, soap boiling works, rendering works, oil factory, bone works, glue Purge got 1A1410=0 XV* factory# sausage-house, dkiry,, cow stablep sow loot, cattle pen or livery,stable# built or maintained on any lot of ground, who shall allow .to accumulate or be discharged from such places unto or in any public street# alley or private property in the city, urine licquid waste from stables# swill, water from privy vaults,, waste waver from sinkes wash water, or any foul or nauseous liquid waste of` any kind whatever, shall be dddmed guilty of a misdemeanor,✓ nar mo To use 51 Me y of Fortor , Section V. Any person or owners, agent, lessee or occupant of any buildings yard or lot of ground, who shall allow to accumulate or to remain in or on said building, yard or lot of ground, any putrid and unsound meat, parks fish, hides, decayed vegetables or food$ manures filty ash heaps# garbage$ offal, rubbish, dirt or filth of any kind which, by its decay or putrefaction, could or would become offensive to human beings or detrimental to health or shall create a nuisance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeaaidN. a tt 5? ! t -- • section 8. It shall be the duty of al). police^ officers to watch for any violation of the above sections and to report 4t once ,all the facts to the office of the health Commissioner. Section 9s The words' filthy ash heaps" whenever used 1n tYhi.s articles shall be hold to include cinders, coal and everything that usually remains after fires that has been mixed with garbage or filth of any kind; the word " rubbish " shall be held to include all loose and decayed material and dirt-like substances that attends use or decay, or which accumulated Prom buildings, storing or cleaning; the ward 7' airbage" shall be held to include every accumulation of both animal and vegetable matter, ligAid or otherwise# that is received from kitchens# and also all putrid and unsound meats beef, pork, fish decayed or um aund vegetables or fruita; The word " tenement house" shall be taken to mean and include every rouse, building or portion thereof which is rented, leased or hired out to be occupied as the home or residence of more than two families living independent of one another• Page 3. Article 1V. Section 10. Whenever any owner or went of any building in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, shall rcft* lease or hire out to be occupied any building or part thereof as a home or residence of more than two families living independent of one another, or a building to different persons for stares and offices in said building, giving to each family or person the common right to halls, y:ardF,.water closets or ppivies� or some of them, then such owner or agent shall be liable for the condition of said halls, yards, water elosbts or privies, and said owner or a esnt may also be made a defendent in prosecution for the violation of the provisions of this article, and be oubjeat to fine, the surge as the occupant of the premises, and any prosecution for violation of this article may be maintained against the occupants# owner or agent of the premises or either of all of said parties* Section 11, owners or a„cnts shall only be held responsible under the provisions of this article where buildings are rented to different persons, as described in section 10 of V*:Is article. Section 12. No person shall burn on any street, alley, vacant Iota or in any building in the city, any manure, straw, garbage, or any refuse of any bind or description. Viers ` ons Section 13• No perston shall deposit any dead anis:aal or excrements or filth from privies or any hay or straw or dirt or rubbish of any kind or description or any filthy water or manure upon any streett alleys, or public or private property in this city. Sound guilty of y of the pr ba depmed guilty r. lipon e purpose of ou :a �• y r{-.'qvim 4.6 A*tlale IV# '8.Sdtion 14. It shall be the duty of the police within their �respective' districts to watch for and arrest persons throwing or 1 %perml,tt,ing to be thrown from their premises into any street, alley, Market place,, sidewalk or gutter, any filth or other matter proml$ited -by the neat preceding 'section* Z; t f w e eeme Ei� or m s iseotion k . If any oviaer or owners, vvraplfdrs of :n any Olaughterhouse, market or meat shop, wherein any hogs, beeves i or athcr animals are slaughtered or sold, either in said p- sla4ghter house or on the premises of said ovrner or owners, or , shall permit the same to remain unoleanf the same sh4i be deemed a nuisance. r.� section p . No person shall keep in this city any green or risQlt®d laid .,for a period exceeding a period of six hours* section The business or any part thereof, or any or either of them, of bone-aurshing, bone-boiling, bone grinding* bone-burning, bone-drying* fat-burning, fat-boiling, fat-rendering, fat-drying: gut-cleaning, or the waking of glue or the manufacture of fertilizing material of any kind or description, from any dead animal, or parts thereof, or any boiling of offal, swill, fat, or grease of any description* which shall be done or carried on in an offensive, unclean or defective manner in any building* yard or lot of ground within the limits of the City, shall be deemed a udisanoe, �Y °x. Section It* If any owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of any soap factory, candle factory, oil factory, glue factory, hemp factory, varnish factory, pork-house, sausage house, lard& house, or place where lead is corroded by manure, shall Kermit the same to remain unclean, or conduct their business to the annoyance of the citizens of this City, or any of them, the same shall be deemed a nuisance. r ' 4 r Page 4* Article lY. i' :4eetion Wo Any unclean, sti�king, foul, defective or filthy,.^drain, ditch, tank or gutter, or any leaking, broken slop, garbage or manure boxes or reeeptae es of like charaoter, whenever or wherever found within the limits �0 the City of fort Worth, Texas, shall be deemed a nuisanae. 20 Section 4a. All vegetable waste, \litter, Garbage, filth or refuse o any nature, kind or deseAptia�i w%il tsoover found in or upon any rivate alley, yard or area witximi•n the li-aite of the City, of Fort North, Texas, shall be deemed a nuisance. P section it. No distillers I�Utoher# �soap boiler, tallow , i candler or dyer in the City shall himsel•' or by any other# discharge o<zii of or from any atillhouse, ;laughter house, or work shops foul or nauseous liquid of any��Zind whatever,: into a pond or adjacent grout d or into any street or public place: Section 20. No soap boiler, butcher of tallow enndler, shall keep, collect or use or cause to be kept, collected, or used in this city, or withinjone mile thereof, any stale, putrid ■ or stinking fat or grease o:� other matter, or render or fry out the same', unless done in aniinoffensive manner. Z 3 i . Section fir• Whenever there shall be found in or upon any lot or piece of ground within the limits of the City, any dirt gathered in cleaning yards, waste of mills or factories or any rags, damaged merchandise, wet, broken or leaking barrels, casks or boxes, or any materials which are offensive or tend bye decay to become putrid or to remder the atmosphere impure or unwholesome, the same shall be deemed a nuisfinee. Section V. No person shall in this City deposit or throw onto any sewer# sewer inl.O� or privy vault, which has a sewer connection, any article whatever;that may cause the sewer to choke up or otherwif create a nuisance. Section .. Any tenement , boarding-house, lodging-house, or any building, used for such purposes, or any part thereof, within tr limits of the City, 'whieh shall be leased, let or rented, to be occupied by any person or persons, in which to dwell or lodge, ane which tenement house) boarding-house, lodging-house, or building any part thereof# is not sufficiently li,hted or veAtilated, and nrovided iwth watArr. and kept in a cleanly and sanitary conditic r� 1 POLgo 6• Artiisle ma I or vh�+ah, any part whereof the strength, ventilation, light or 1 sewerage 'is in any manner, shape or farm, dangerous,, insufficient r � or�prejuaieal to,life or health, or which shall not be provided with adequate and.p`zoperly constructed privies or water closets, shall bo deemed a nu�senee• Section 27-4 Every tenement house, boarding-house, lodging- hpuse* UP building hereafter erected or remodeled for such purposes i Within the limits of the City* if intended or allowed to contain more th4n twenty boarders or residents* shall conform to the following conditions, namely i First* adequate sewerage and drninage of the most approved conatructiont second, adequate and wholezome venti- lation of every room in whibh any person is to sleep or dewllp, third, i adequate chimneys and flues running through every floor, and an open firepl4ce or grate or stove properly connected with said chimneys or flu to eact family and set of apartments; fourth, adequate and well ventilat and sewered and vaulted privies or grater closets, so situated and easily-.pr6ietvdd 1.tn .a wholesome condition as not to become offensive to the inmates of any apartments or to any persons,; fifth, adequate ha1.7�'e, passages and otairc,sea and proper convicnces and reeptacles for/ashes and rubbing for the use of all contemplated occupants; r s34it4, a cellar or an open apace beneath the 16wast wooden floor and. ;story, of not less than two feet from the lowest part of the beams, and in which space or cellar no water shall stand or can acouuieaulatei seventh* water adequately and reasonabl7 convdnient for the use of all the oaoupants thereof; eighth, no appurtenances therewith or anything connected that shall imperil life or health; ninth* the uoual and all reasonable precautions and provisions in every other particular, and adequate space for all oetuprarts, so that the oecupance of said building or any apartment shall not be dane;(:rous to life or health. Any and all tenement houses, boarding-houses, lodging-houses, or buildings embraced in this section within the limits of the City* which shill not cnforrn to thc: provisions of this sections. shall be deemed a nuis�:nce. section W. Every cart, wagon or vehicle used to transport manure, garbage, swill, ashes, cinders or other loose material, in any of the streets of the City, shall be fitted with a good Page '14' Artis'lelVo end substantial tight box thereon$ the sides of Which shall not be iese• then twenty-four inches high, and the tailboard twenty-four inches high, so that no portion of such manure or other loose material shall be scattered or thrown into the street; and all aavtep wagons or other vehicles, used for hauling Sarbage, swill, or other offensives matter, shall have the boa thereon closly covered with sufficient covering, or so cloaW fitted as to prevent the $ (� escape oa flying about of an;, of the contents or effluvia tbercfrom. Every eentrerotor or other person using any cart, wagon or other vehicle, or CausLig any cart, Aragon or other vehicle to be used for the p$rpose horein named, which does not comply with the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a . Isdemeanor, mn*-a�Vn �•Y Section M Ihenever in any cellar, or basement part thereof, of any house or building, within the limits of the City, there may be found water occasioned by leakage from defective hydrants, water pipes, sewer pipes, cisterns, or wells, gutters, 3.rains, rain spouts or seepaGes from t!:e surrounding earth, or the walls of any cellar or basement shall be found to be damp or moist from any of the causes named in this section, t_"en rush %voter, leakage, seepage or . 7 moisture shall be deemed a nuisance. ;L section Any lot or piece of ground within the limits of the City, on which there in a pond or pool of unwholesome, impure or offensive waters shall be deemed a nuisance. 3a section Ji. Whenever from any distillery, biewery, tannery, hide-house, pork house, laundry, fish-house, soap factory, or any yard, dwelling, stare or factory, or any yard or enclosure of any kind whatsoever within the limits of the City, there is discharged into or on any street, avenue, wharf, alley, sidewalk, gutter, or any vacant lot, any offensive water, small or liquid waste, or refuse of any kind of an offensive eharaeter, which is offensive or which is liable to become so, the same shall be deemed a nuisance. 31 Section 3$'s Any weell, or cistern on any property within the limits of the City, whenever a chemical bacteriological analysis sty-••'- that the water of said well or cistern is of an impure at Y unwholesome nature shall be deemed a nuisance. .M61.87p4tiolb 1vo 2 section , Any owner, lessee or occupant, or any agent, servant, representative or employe of any such owner, lessee or occupant, having contr6l of any lot of''ground or any part of any lot of ,ground, rho shall allow or maintain on any such lot any growth of weeds to a L.. 1 height of over one foot, shall be deemed guilty of a misde.-aeanor l y , i f e Nothing herein relating to weeds shall be construed as ap--,lying to any portion of the City not subdivided into blocks, or to any fields, used for farming or gardening, purposes* it4tivrr-55* Weeds when out down roust be- removed from the lot 1 and d1s�r7a d of in such ra nner As not to create a cuiaance. 1t*-'W It shall be the duty of all police" officers to watcli for any violl.ations of the three producing sections and to report at once all the frxcts to the Office of the Director of Public�flga�th and 71elfare, 4 &6ia--W' The word " weeds ' as used ldereir shall be held to include all rank veaetable, vrowth wlUch exhales uhplesant and noxioas odors, and also I lbJi ;bnc3 rhsnk vegetable growth that may Donee-sl i�ltlzy deposits* 1 J go It shall be the duty Of the City Engineer whenever j he shall be notified by the Dire:ctor of Public Health and Oelfare of the existence of weeds on the public streets and alloys in the City to caus"(0io saxre to be removed. it shall not be lawful for any per9 n, corporation or firm to erect any building; for the purpose; of manufacturing or producing any article or to manufacture or l.ro:luoe any article, the 1 manufacture of which is injurious to the public health, or which, in the msnuPaeture thereof, emits an offensive odor to the extent of creating a rniisarsae to the surrounding inhabitants, without first having obtsainsd the pernissi.nn so to do from the municipal ascsembly by proper 0 di e,� \. Section �}. l�vmry c.et or thing done or mrade, permitte allowed or continued on any property, public or private, by eeny person or corporation, their agents or servants, to the damage or injury of any of the: inhabitants of this City, and not herein specified, shn:� :✓ Page eArtiaie IV, be deemed a nuissan• Section 4r, The word " tenembnt house," where it ooears in this article, shall be taken to mean and include every house, building or portion thereof which is rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied or is occupied as the house, home or residence of more then three familleaa, living independently of one another and doing their cooking upon the premises, or by more than two families upon s floor, so living and cooking.* but 3aaving a eomiaon right in the halls, stal"ays, yards, water closets, or privies or some of them. A to lodging house`' shall be taken to mean and include any house or building or portion thereof in which persons are harbored or received or lodged for hire for a single night or for less than one week at a time, or any pazrt of which is let to any person to sleep in for any term less tin one week. A " cellar" shall be taken to swan and include eatery basement or lower story of any building or house of which one-half or more tha height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of Vae street adjoininge The phrase " bas.zrding-house" shall be held to includ4 every building and every story and portion thereof which is at any time or uasually lensed or occupied, or intended so to be, by any number of persons exceeding 'ten, as boarders thereat. The word " rubbish" shall be hold to include all t'rae loose and decayed material and i dirt-like substances that attend use or decaa.y$ or which accumulate from buildings, scoring or aleaning,. The word " g4rbaage" shall be held to include every accumul4tion of both animal and vegetable matter, liquid or otherwise, that attends the preparation decay, dealing in or storage of meats, fish, fowls, birds or vegetables g _ Seotion The stabling, pasturing, or keeping of any horse cow, cattle, sheep or goaats within fifty feet,of aan • a s P y Y property line is hereby defined as a nuisance. section 0 The keeping or maintaining of any hogs within five hundred feet of any residence is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Ration-,o That any dog kennels or Cotner places where: dogs are raised or boarded within three hundred feet of any residence is hereby declared a nuisance. e,2 1 Aa• l;r �"C, _ a:., n'" �' 79 Page IN Article 1V. !I i ABATEAFNT OF NUISANCES* Section Wherever any such nuisance exists within the city limits of Fort worth, Texas, the Director of the Department of jublie Health and welfare shall order the owner eo�oceupBnt of the premises wheroon such rmis-nee exists to abate or remove the same Within teach time as may be speclfied upon the ordeve If the ownep or occupant fails, neglects, or refuses to obey such order, or ,Af the premises are unoccupied, and the owner or his agent cannot be Pound, the 'Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare shall a.bato or remove ouch nuisance and ahal.1 defray the exppe�sea thereof out of any moneys in the City Treasury available for'sucb purposes„ All expenses so Incurred shall be charged against the owner and shall be sl lien on the lot and premises whereupon each nuteanae Exists'*' 1� shall be the duty of the Director of this t�pa,rtment to forward to 'the City Attorney a written statement i of such expenditure by hi*, in carrying out the provisions of this section, and it shall bohe duty of the City Attorney to proceed without delay to fareclos}► such lien or otherwise compel the owner of such premises to repayithe amount thereof to the City, together with all charges of collet i �no S ection 'whenever sueh order has been given by the Director of the Department ' f Public Health and Welfare to abate or remove such nuleancethat ma exist upon any lot or premises, the owner thereof shall havo a ght within the period of time given in the order for abatembnt td'�appear at the office of the Director of Public heel th and welfare t h show cause why such order should not or cannot be complied with,;and the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare ma ® at his discrestion, give such extention of time for the abatemon� or removal of such nuisance as may be necessary, provided ho. e1"r, there is no immediate danger to }heFlIn lic health, a Section. case of any !public epidemic, the Director of the Department of Publiq health find Welfare shall have authority and is hereby directed to employ;!anp• a}wnitjL- moasure deemed necesc.,ary by him for the onhtre: of gush epidemic and to prevent i its spread. x Page-U# nrtiele* ly. Section POWER TO ARRT8Tt The Director of the Department of Publie ,Health and [Welfare and other re&misarly appointed employes of said Department shall have the right and power to arrest any person or persons who may violat�,e the rules, relplationsj orders, or requirements of the RealthN.Department, or any ordinance or General Lars relating to the maintaining of the public health and t sanitation of the City The;, shall have the authority to administf:r oaths and to require the giv" of sworn testimony in matters connected with the Health Department-. They shall have the right to go upon the premises of citizens for the purpose of inspecting the conditions of the premises an4 for the purpose of enforcing the rules and regulations eoneernIA'a the public health and the ordinances relating thereto now in,toraep or that may be hereafter passed by the City'.Council• But irl the exercise of this right the said Department and its employ's shall act with good judgement and ins, reasonable manner no as not to unneee asa.r.ily invade the privacy of the homes OLnd premises belonging to the citizens. i �r I ,t 1 ;I i i ARTICLE T. r+ PMCBETA DISPOSAL. SECTION #. No dry toilet or toilets shall be maintained within the City of Port Worth except those which conform to the following require- ments and which, are not accessible to surer as defined in Section 23, .ti Ordinance 958, relating to plumbings A pit three feet wide, f amr feet long and five feet deep, minimum inside deminsions, covered by a slab of concrete or suitable metal extending for at least six inches beyond the edge of the pit in all directions. Curbing shall extend downward around the inside of the pit to a distance of two feet. Curbing shall consist of wood not less than one inch in thickness or of metal of suitable length, braced at the corners to the 'lull depth of the Hit by boards two inches by four inches dross-section, in case wood curbing is used. A riser with a tight-fitting self-closing seat and a vent pipe of at least three inches cross-section shall be the only opening to the pit. The vent pipe shall be screened with No,16 wire mesh screen. Earth or other material shall, be banked around the outside Of the pit in such a way that drainage will be away from the pit. SECTION 2. Septic tanks may be installed in the City of Fort Worth only when smh septic tangs conform to the following speoifications: Minimum width, three feet; minimum length, five feat; minummm depth, five feet. All tanks shall be constructed of concrete, metal properly treated with some non-corrosive substance, vitrified clay, or other imper- vious, non-corrosive material, and shall be watertight at all times. Each tank shall be divided into two sections by a partation wall, which shall have an opening of at least ninety-min square inches not less than one root below flow line. Affluent and effluent pipes shall be so con- structed that the sewage and effluent is introduced into and withdrawn from the tank below the surface to a distance of six inches. Suitable manholes shall be provided for each compartment to provide for cleaning. Distribution systems consisting of vitrified clay pipes or field the laid with open Joints, in a trench at least two feet in depth and filled to a depth around the pipe, of at least twelve inches with gravel or coarse sand shall be provided for every tank. The minimum length of such tile distribu- tion system shall be at least fifty feet for each persom served, and in no case less than one hundred feet. Plumbing fixtures connected with all septic tanks shall oocform to the requirements of the Plumbing Ordinance a of the City of Fort Worth* In case any spetic tank is to -be us ad by a family of more tIMM five parsons, the Director of Public Health and Welfare my require the construction of a tank of larger dimensions than that prescribed above.. SECTION $• NO pesa it shall be issued for the areetion of any build- ing until as approval in vrgitirg shall Dave first been secured, from the Director of the Department Of Public Health and Welfare showing the manner of eroreta disposal to be employed. No septic tank or dry toilet shall be constructed until a permit shall have been issued by the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare for the building of such septic tanks or dry toilet. The owner or builder of such septic tank or dry toilet shall notify the Director of Public Health and Welfare when such pit toilet or weptic tank is ready for inepsotion, and no such septic tank or toilet shall be covered or used until it has been inspected and approved by the Director of the Department of Public Health and :welfare. SECTION 4. If, at the discretion of the Director of the Department of Publio Health and Welfare, the installation of any toilet or weptic tank would become detrimental to the public or injurious or offensive to the public, permit for the installation of suoh weptio tank or dry toilet may be withhold, SECTION 5. Chemical toulets oonforming to the following requirements may be permitted when not in o©nflict with Section 28 of Ordinance 958, relating to plumbing.: b metal tank of suitable dimensions made absolutely water-tight bf not less tban f Oarte on-gauge metal and fitted with a riser on which is fixed a tight-fitting, self-closing seat, and from V.ich a Pent pipe of not less than 4-inch diameter is taken off. An approved device for adjusting the contents of each chemical task shall be installed. In the above-mentioned tank a ablution of caustic alkali shall be introdu- cod, with germicidal action si,z#een times that of ure carbolia acid. No chemical toilet shha3ll' be allowed to become more than two-thirds of its oapaci:ty f'u ll. Cauatkao alkali of the before-amen ti one d strength shall be sufficient to cover all solid matter at all times. SECTION $. No person dhal , clean or allow to be cleaned any septic tank, dry toiiet,, chemical toilet, or any ol.ter type of excreta disposal v&ioh is or may hereafter be approved for use in the ftty of Fort Worth except by a person licensed by the City of Fort Worth to perform such service. ARTIOIT VI. is= `i_rti �`..�..f.-•'#f_. �, MUTION 1. The Standard Milk Ordinance known under number 1095, adopted October 13, 19250 shall remain in Pull force and effect with the following amendments: (a) Section 3 shall be amended to read as followss beginning with "and on whose vehicles or in whose place of business -", it shall be changed to read " and on whose vehicles and in^whose place of business there does not appear in a conspicuous place a placard showing the permit number in figures at least three inches high and one and one-half inches wide." (b) Section 7 shall be amended to read as follows: beginning with "grade 'At Raw Milk", where the Ordinance states "60,000 per cubic centimeter", it shall be changed to read "50,000" per aubic centimeter." (o) Section 7, in Paragraph 23 with reference to cooling, where the term "60% F. or less" appears, it shall be changed to "50% F. or less." (d) Section 9, the part beginning with "excepting as follows," and including the entire next paragraph shall be eliminated from the section. (e) Section 20, 21, and 22 shall be eliminated. ? 2' L a V "I I_143 3,LO C T I 0P,' 1. T I i:-_2.2EC Zilji4 u-ID! 1,(;E ono Lrjc er nUf-zib er 539, adopted October 3, 1�16, shall remain in -full -orce and , effect -vith the 1olloviixi-' char�Fez: (a) Section 1, 2aruFrapia Ib) shall read iollows : wherever the words "-board of Health" appear, it shall --flean "The Department of Public =eaith a:id .,eifare," acid "Board of Commissioners" appear, it shall be "City Cou�,cil." (b) section 3, Paragraph (a) shall be changed to read: "The .'eat Inspector:.' shall be ap.,�ointed -by tl.ie Director of tj-,e Department of ei.�Llic Heal'G h and :elf are as re ,.aired by -,I--e Gi lc�� Charter," and Paragraph (b) of the same Section shall be eiLllil]ateb. (c) Section 4, shall be changed to read: "ilhe Dew ,t�iieiA of Public 11ealtii acid ,el'1±7are vvitsi -,he approval of the City Council is hereby authorized and e,iporvered to negotia .-c anct contract ,mite any person, firm, or corporation within the city limits or -within one mile of the buundaryline thereof, i'or the establizi-Ient of one or more o±'ficial s laugh terinf:, establic—aierits or slaughter houses, which said"c;bn tract or agree.iient shall not e Aend ior a period of more t.,,-an one year, and silall not be e.,itered into until such establishi.aerit shall have co.,,il,'1ied v.,ith all of e.tj-.e hereinafter -provisions of the Ordinance and shall have been approved by the Department of 1,ublic Health and aelfare.' (d) .3edtion 8, of the original Ordinance shall be chaz,,r1ed so -Lhat Ldie pIrtion beginning "If ar, inslDec,,or does not appear at such official e2tablishalent and etc. ." shall be eliminated witi, tl�e re,iiaining .)Ortioxi of Section 8 of tnis Ordinance. ARTICLE VIII FREE CLINICS, DISPENSARIES AND HOSPITALS. SECTION i. It shall be unlawful for any free clinic, dispensary, maternity hospital, children boarding home or hospital to operate or do business, or to be maintained within the City of Fort Worth, without a permit from the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare. SECTION 2. All free clinics, dispensaries, maternity hospitals or children's boarding homes now established and maintained, or that here- after may be established within the City of Fort North, shall make application upon forms prescribed and furnished by the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare for a permit to operate and do business under the terms of this Ordinance. SECTION 3, All free oUnios and dispensaries, maternity hospitals, children's boarding homes, or other hospitals, shall make such reports to the Director of Public Health and Welfare, and upon forms presoribed and furnished by said Director, and at such times as may be called for by the 4irectA of this Department. SECTION 4. All clinics, dispensaries, maternity hospitals, children's boarding homes or other hospitals, as defined hereinbefore, shall report to the office of the Director of Public Health and Welfare with in twelve hours after a dianosis has been made of any reportable or communicable or contagious disease that may exist in such hospital, as hereinbefore defined, and shall report within twenty-four hours any death that has occurred in such inktitution, giving name of deceased and cause of death and other such necessary data as may be deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare. SECTION 5. All clinics, dispensaries and hospitals as hereinbefore defined shall comply with all the Ordinano"f the city and all Rules and Regulations of the Health Department relating to commurdeable disease, and no such person suffering with a contagious disease shall be removed from such hospital without the permission of the Director of Public Health and Welfare. SECTION 6. Where the terms "maternity home" or "lying-in hospital" are used herein, such term shall be understood to embrace every insti- tution or home for the boarding or sheltering of infant children, or sO-called "baby farms," or any lyin-in hospital, hospital ward, maternity home, or other place for the reception, care and treatment of pregnant women, and charg- ing a fee or receiving or expecting compensation in the way of room rent +► .4 or board, or where no revfard is expected; and also all houses for the oars and board of children. SECTION 7. Every individual, firm, assocation or corporation, owning,, keeping, conducting, or managing ] institution or maternity home as herin defined shall obtain an annuj city license, which license shall be issued without charge by the Director of Public Health and j Welfare. This license shall not be transferable to other persons or i other premises and shall aspire one year after date of issue,, unless sooner revoked by the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare• SECTION 8. It shall be the duty of persons conducting or operating maternity homes, or ehildrenfs boarding-houses, as herein pro tided for, to select and appoint a reputable practicing physician who shall be desig- nated and known as the physician in charge of all cases in said inatitue tions, and who shall be held responsible for the medical care and treat- ment of any mother or child at said institution; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to operate as a prohibition against any patient who is cared for by any maternity home from select- ing any reputable physician to attend such patient, nor shall it be con- strued as a prohibition against the friends or relatives of any such patient selecting a physician in good standing. SECTION 8. All maternity homes provied for herein shall keep a medical record of all cases received, treated or cared for in any such hospital, which record shall in a general way coziform to the fora or blank prescribed by the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare, which blank shall be signed by the physician in charge of such hospital or maternity home, or the physician treating the patients therein. Such report shall be furnished to the Director of Public Health and. Welfare each week. All reports or records made by any maternity home shall be kept in private files for the use of the Director of Public Bealth and %Irlfare, and such information shall never be divulged except under the compulsion of a judicial hearing to attain the ends of Justice and shall not furnish to the press, or in any way given publicity to any information so furnished. SECTION 14• All persons maintaing or conducting a maternity #3. home #or children's home shall conduct the same according to a high standard of morals, and shall keep all such places in a sanitary condition and saall at all times permit the Director of Public Health and Welfare and all persons acting for him, to enter said maternity home to inter- view patients and make examinations into the sanitary, moral, and other conditions of same. SECTION U. Every such licensed institution shall, within twenty four hours after it occurs, report to bhe Director of Public Health and Welfare, the birth of any child, including stillborn or prematurely born children at such place, stating the name, sex, age, color, from whom received, and the name of the doctor who delivered said child, and the name and address of the mother. SECTION 12. In all cases where any child is born in any such maternity home, as herin defined or brought into the city for adoption, it shall be unlawful for the person operating or conducting the same to permit the child to be removed from the premises until the Director of the Department of Public Health and Welfare has been notified con- cerning the removal, and has consented to such removal. . SECTION 13. It shall be unlawfu for any person maintaing or conducting a maternity home, or any other person connected with such institution, by advertising or in any manner whatsoever, to solicit for pay directly or indirectly, and other person to take charge of, receive, or adopt any child born in any such institution or brought to any such institution, or for any person connected in any way with any maternity home or lying-in hospital, to engage in the business or practice of fur- nishing to any other person any child for adoption, whether such child is born in said hospital or not; it being the purpose of this section to prohibit the practice of persons soliciting and obtaining the care and adoption of foundlings and infants deserted by their parents or other- wise, where such person so soliciting obtains a compensation or reward, whether by way of gift, donation, special privilege or charge. SECTION 14. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bring into or remove from the jurisdiction of the Director of Public Health and Welfare any child for adoption, without first making application in writing, to said Director of Public Health and Welfare for permit, set- ting forth the name of child, age, sex, color, name and address of parents, and stating reasons why such child should be brought into the city or removed from the city, stting forth all information as to why it is #4 beneficial to such child for removal, and further stating the name and address where such child will be placed. After such application is made, the Director of Public Health and Welfare shall have sufficient time for such investigation as may be deemed necessary, before a permit is granted; add in no event will such a permit be granted wherin any statements made are found to be 'untrue or wherin, in the 3udgerient of said Director, such removal is ddemed unnecessary fb r any reason what- soever. 368 SECTION 15. It is hereby required and made the duty of the manager, owner, or any other person in charge of any maternity home, lying-in hospital, or childrents home as defined in this Ordinance, to keep posted in a conspicuous place on the premises a copy of the Ordinance and rules and regulations governing such institutions. SECTIONI6. The term "child" as used herin, shall mean a person under fifteen years of age. ARTICLE Ix. kf PEM1ITS i^ { Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any Berson, firm, association p` or corporation to operate or do business in any of the following named y occupations, professions or businesses without first having made applica- tion in writing to the Director of Public Health and Welfare for a permit, and such application shall be made upon forms prescribed and furnished by the Department of Public Health and Welfare, and shrill set forth among other things the following. The name of applicant, the nature of the business, the location of business, and other such information as may be required by the Director of the Department of Public Health^and Welfare. Permit in writing shall be issued to applicant wherein applicant has com- plied with the requirements of all laws, rules and regulatibns governing sanitation and protection of public health, and has furnished satisfacto- ry proof of such future compliance, and such permit shall remain in full force and effect for the fiscal year of the City of Port Worth, beginning October lst and ending September 30th, unless sooner revoked for cause, and a failure in compliance with any Ordinances, general law, or rules and regulations of the health Department shall be deemed cause. Such Permit shall be renewed annually in like manner as hereinbefore described. .A fee shall be charged for each permit as hereinafter described and such permit is for one full fiscal year of the City or a fraction thereof, and the Hill fee shall be payable for any fraction of the fiscal year, and to to continue in full force and effect from the time issued until the ending of the fiscal year of the City, and shall be non-transferable. Section 2. The following named places shall secure a permit as here- inbefore described in Section 1 of this article: Restaurants, hotels, hot- el dining-rooms, grocer stores; cafes, barber shops, beauty parlors, drug stores, cold drink establishments, hamburger stands, meat markets, bottling plants, abbattoirs, rendering plants, factories, peddlers, ice cream manu- X. k faoturers, bakers, ice cream peddlers, and all places where food or drink for human consumption is manufactured, stored, sold or offered for sale or given away or given in exchange. Section 3. As hereinafter designated, a fei-as set forth following each class of establishments shall be charged for permits, with the excep- tion of that of milk distributors and producers which shall remain as des- . � ignated in the Ordinance: Soo S.eO Fee - Peddlers Hotels Theater and Places of Public Amusements Shoe;pying Establishments 5.00 Fee - Barber Shops Beauty Parlors 'Rendering Plants Factorie s Private Water Supplies "Restaurants Hotel Dining-Rooms Cafes Grocery Stores Cold Drink Mstablishments Meat Markets Bottling Plants Abattoirs Ice Cream Manufaetorie o Bakeries Any place or places where food or drink for human consumption is manufactured, stored, sold, or offered for sale, given in exchange, or given away. Transient Stock Companies, Carnivals, or Circuses Free - Hospitals Private Schools MatePnity Homes Childrents Boarding Homes V Garbage Collectors, other than City Night Soil Collection Boarding-Houses where ten (10) or more are housed or fed Tenement Houses where three (3) or more amilies are maimed.ned V l Any person, firm, association, or corporation who constructs or supervises the construction of any privy, sevier connection, or the burial or removal of dead persons shall secure a per— :iit from the Department of -',ublic health and ';lelfare for the construction of each and every privy, sewer connection, septic tank, or for the burial or removal of each dead person, and such permit shall be granted by the Department with— out fee. 7 ARTIMA XG BA.RBM SHOPS AND BEAUTY MILORS Section 1. 1to parson, firm, corporation or asnoei;�tion of persons shall own, operate, or manage a barber shop or beauty jmrlor within the City of Fort Worth until such Omer or manager ahftll have first aeoured from the Director of the Department of Public Health and welfare a permit in writing to condo t such barber shop or beauty parlor. Section 2. Ow owner arui operator or manager of any barber shop or beauty ja rlor, and each of them, shall equip said. shop and keep said shop equipped with facilities and supplies and with all such applicsneso, furnishings and materials as may be nooeesoAry to enable persons erwloyed in and about said shop or parlor to oq*ly wi%h the requirements of this Ordinenoe. Section 3. (a) do owner ana 4o *porator or manager of a barber shop-or beauty parlor shall permit any person suffering from a communi— cable skin disease or from a venereal disease to act so a barber or em— ploye or work or be employed in said shop or parlor. (b) No person who is suffering from a communicable disease or from venereal disease, shall act as a barber or work or be employedi as set forth in this section. Section 4. Rvery manager or person in charge of a barber shop or beauty parlor shell keep said shop or parlor and all furniture, tool'b, appliances, and other equipment used therein at all time in a cleanly condition. Section b. &very manager or person in charge of a barber shop or beauty parlor shall cause all oombe, hair braches, hair dusters, and airs— ilar articles used in said shop or parlor to be washed thoroughly at least once each day and to be kept clean at all times, and shall cause all mugs, ehaving boushes, razors, shears, scissors, clippers and tweezers used in after said shop or parlor to be sterilized at least once/each tittle used as here- inafter provided. Section 6. No barber or person affected by this ordinance shall use for the service of any customer a comb, hair brush, hair'dueter or any similar article that is not thorou„hly clean, rior ?_ri- mu�;, FIlavin'* brush, razor, shears, scissors, clippers, or tweezers that are not thor- oughly of ma or tM have not been sterilized since last used. Section 7. Every barber or other person affected by this Ordinance Immediately after using a mig, shaving brush, razor, scissors, shears, clippers, or tweezers for the service of any person, shall sterilise the same by immersing them in boiling water for not less than a minute, or in the case of razors, scissors, shears and tweezers, by immersing them for not lase than ten minutes in a 5 per cent aqueous solution of carbolid acid. Section B. No barber or other person affected by this ordinance shall use for the service of a customerany towel or wash cloth that has not been boiled and laundered since last used. Section 4. Every barber or other person affected by this ordinance shall cleanse his hands thoroughly immediately before serving each ousto- uer, Seetinn 10. No barber or other person affected by this ordinance shall, to stop the flow of blood, use the sane piece of alum or other Ma- terial for more than one person. Section 11. No barber or other person affected by this ordinance shall use a powder puff or a sponge in the service of a customer unless the same has been sterilised since last used, and no finger bowl shall be used unless the same has been sterilized since last used and fresh water or other liquid placed therein. Section 12. No barber or other person affected by this Ordinance shall ,armit any person to use the head-rest of any barberrs chair under his control until after'the head-rest has been covered with a towel that has been washed and boiled since having been used before, or,.by clean new paper or similar clean new substance. Section 13. No barber or other person affected by this Ordinanoe shall shave any person, when the surface to be shaved is inflamed or brok- en out, or contains pus, izn19 ss person be provided with a cup, razor and lather for his individual use. Section 14. The owner and the manager of any barber shop or beauty parlor, and each of them, shall keep a copy of these regulations, to be furnished by the Department of Public Health and `;,,elf are, posted in said shoe or parlor for the information and guidance of persons worm. irk or employed therein. Section 15. ;.The word "barber" as used in these regulations ze tins any m rson who shaves, or trims the beard, or cuts or shampoos or dresses the hair, or massages the face of any person for pay, and includes "bar- Ber's apprentice" and shop boys. The word "manager" means any person hav- ing control of a barber shop or beauty parlor or person working or em- ployed therein. Section 16. It shall be unlawful for the owner of manager of any barber shop or beauty parlor to permit any person or persons to sleep in any room used wholly or in part as a barber shop or beauty parlor and no person shall pursue the barber business or be employed in a barber shop or beauty parlor in any room used as a slee,)ing apartment. Section 17. 8 barber shop is any place where the work or business of a barber is done forpay, and may or may not include a beauty i rlor or any work of a beauty parlor. A beauty parlor is a place where _".air drevs- ing or manicuring of finger nails or nassaging the skin, or shlampooin.-, or w ashing the scalp or hair, is done for pay, and may or may not include work or business of a barber. Section 18. The expression "person affEbcted by this Ordinance" shall include any _3erson working or employed in a barber shoe or beauty y)arlor or acting as a barber, beauty specialist' or manicurist. The word "persons" shall include persons, firms, corporations and associations of persons. tdi�a ,.l�oUs Section 1. All manufacturing establishments and other businesses in the City of Fort north employing more than five (6) employes shall have, accessibly located, sufficient toilet and lavatory facilities. In case as many as two women are employed, a separate toilet and reat-toom shall be provided for women. Stich toilets and rest-rooms shall be eiain- tained in a sanitary condition at all times, and no oar=on towel shall be used. Safe drinking water shall be provided and made available in a sanitary manner. Common drinking cups are emprosaly prohibited. All roans shall be well lighted and well ventilated. Employers shall provide proper safety devises for all machinery Which is dangerous to the life or limb of any employe. Seats, benches, tables, machines, eto., shall be of such height and construatkon that no unnatural or haz^nful position need be maintained by any workman. All processes or operations vrhlah require ot- or give of:haoAous smoke or futes shall be carried on under a hood pro- vided with such draft as may be necessary to prevent such flames escaping outside bf the hood to the annoyance or detriment of their avn employes or others. Section 24 All persons owning or operating a water supply within the City of Fort Worth from which water is sold to others through piping, in bottles, or otherwise, shall make application in writing tU the Direc- tor of Public Health and Welfare upon forms prescribed by hint for a permit to do business in the City of Fort "dorth. And when such ,pater has been inspected by the Director of Public Health rnd,Velfare and has been found to comply with the ordinances of the City pf Fort `fforth rand the rxlos and regulations of the Department of Public Health and Welfare covering same shell issue a permit on forms prescribed by him. Such permit shall be re- neaed annually and shall begin and end with the fiscal year of the City. Section 3. No dry toilet, septic tank, ceps pool,di"anitary cow lot, horse lot, hogs-pen, or any collection of filth, garbage, or other offensive or filthy thing or substance shall be permitted within two hund- red (200) feet of any ouch well, or farther, if it is evident that pollu- tion is reaching the well from a source farther away than the distance men- ARTICLE III. Section 1. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person failing or refuaing to do any of the things therein required shall be doomed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon oonviotion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than 4200e; provided each days viola- tion or each day's failure to comply with any of the provisions ,, of thin ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. S Section 2. The purpose of this ordinance is hereby de- clared to be a. police regulation designed and intended for the preservation of u4e public peace, hsalth and safety of the citizens of the City of Fort Kurth. Section 3. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in con- flict with thin Ordinance are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall be and become in full force and effect 9a the "y after its adoption, as provided by law. Section 4, The holding or adjudication of any section, or subdivision of any aeotion, or any part of any subdivision of a section of this ordinance to be invalid, shall not effect the validity of any other section, subdivision of a section, or part of a subdivision of a section thereof, Val all other sections, subdivisions of sections, anal parts of subdivisions of sections, shall be and remain in full force and effect. tioned above. Section 4. No well, tarot, or any part of any private water�uupply shall be connected with the City water supply except by permission from the Superintendent of the City Water Department and with the approval in writ- ing of the Director of T'ublic health and Welfare, and thon only when such cvar,.octlon shall be made by placinS sufficient valves to prevent the back- flow of seater into the ^ity resin. Such cross oo_=ecti ns shall be in ac- cordance with the rules and rag lwtlions adopted by the. City Water Depart- ment for such cross connections, and the City Water Department shall not be compelled to turn water on through a meter to such distribution system that does not comply with these regulations. Section 5. The Depaxtmtnt of 2Vtliz health and Welfare may take samples of -eater from any well, any part of the system, or from any bot- tles of water, for analysis, and bacterial and chemical contents of such water shall meet the requirements of the United States Tressury Department atandard3 as applied to the Interstate use of vrater. Section 6. All shoe shine and shoe dying; parlors where shoes are dyed, whether for pay or not, shall be required to have a permit from the Department of Fublix health and Welfare, and no shoes shall be so treated with any chemical compound whether oil or analine dye or other is hemical compound unless ouch shoes are removed from the feet of the person, and no shoe so treated shall be returned to the wearer or person until at least seventy-two (72) hours shall have L�3ppsed between the time of dying and the time of delivery unless the shoWshall be accompanied by a printed notice to the wearer or person rea-iring same, cautioning them of the dan- gers attendant in the early use of shoes after dying, but under no circum. stances shall any shoes be delivered to any person after having been dyed within seventy-two (72) hours wherein such person is permitted to place the shoes upon his or her feet while in such establishment. I ORDINANCE No. Z2 �/ Adopted— �,2 Final Adoption Published Fileay of ,� �' 19 City Secretary F. O.No.29793-A