HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 170 F/ f� A I ///y t114 U:XI td4CE 1;0. / r..O. .. Ali Urd finance to re,-1-ul-ate the use of the public streets rnd 1:igh1vay8 of the City of Fort Worth by horses and ve_.4ale Df all kinds, establishing regulations ,as t6 the tr�..nsportat- ion of merchandise and other property over and upon such streets and 7;i6hways, and for the :cove: ent, storpinL and sta id in of cel ides of all kinds in streets, '_iig'•iv!« rs and other public places, euid repealing ..d pets of ordinances in conflict L.erewith and f:___.. , er-,,hies for the violat ion hereof. 1:1 IT UrDAIia:D i`I TrL ur T1 UITY Ur FUR' kaURT11: "ectionl. The _a se of 4:e streets of t�,c City cf tjbort Viorth ..orses and vehicles, the transportlation of merciii-L.ndi e and other proNert,. over4-upon streets ,,,ici the ,over. etoppin� ;l:d standing of 'r-orses acid vehicles in streets sl-all ue s_ibject to tl;e re�,u.1 a.tiolis in tl,.e succeeding sections of this ord malice set forth. I Section 2. A veliicle, except when passing a vehicle a2se2d, s'_=.11 '.eep as neu.r the right-:-land curb as ,rossible. USect-on 3. .> vehicle overtakin a n other shall, in passing, keep to tce left, and shall not pull over to the rijl.t until entirelyclear of it, nor S11a.11 it I en've., t'.c lire# on the ric;.t 'L:rless there is a clear way of <t _J aqt one � hundred feet in LAvance on the left. Section 4. Ln. -n avenue or street divided 1ongit�i#iyu,Ily w a. parliwa -, walk, sunl-enway or viaduct, vehJclg,s shall keep �• I to tke right of etich subdivision. j Section 5. x veliicle in turning to the right into no th street sill turn L.. corner as Yle_ar t1L' right- :zi'd curb as ,possible. -2- Section 6. A veliicle in turning to the left into another street small pass to the rid_, t of ,nd beyond the center of I C- the intersecting street before turning. ' Section 7. li vehicle crodsinS from one side of 'Lhe street to t:;e o *I.er shall do so by turning to t'_E left, se to he�:.d in ti.e gener4.1 direction of tr;:,ff ic on t'_�-at side of tl.e street. uection S. =+o vehicle srali back to Ina.lce a, tur. in U-riy street if by so doing; it interferes witl' other vehicles, uut srla :.1 go around tyre block os to street s !fficiently wide to turn in without b ;,c'_Firg. ve',_icle s'_-cal1 Section 9. -.o person i.�vin� c.1�L��rge o�f o c �me allow the sarAre t it,itl.in ten feet of ve'licle in front of ..ili wr en approac'' prig c,ricu pae-sin over a cro sing vr.:en a pedestrian: is aLout to 10ass, JectioIi lu. 1Every driver of a vel.icle s r<,11, in 910?"llr or sto it ; ve _ ir.�r1 to t:.o se el ind bL, rai�ir.�; i�- whip or ::arid v ert is ally. Section 11. In tanning vwi.ile in :motion or in stz.rting to turn. from a standstill, signal sl.all be liven b tl,e driver-of the vehicle about to be t.zrned by raising a 11.1-,iP o. liar:d, indica.ti:.` ti.e direction in �vllich t-:e turn is to `oe r.de. Section 12. -efore br..c int, z- nle warning sl-all be giver: Ly voice or up,ifted hard, a-..-id �''t.11e UctCl:ii`.� unceEising e s vigilance ,_ n:iust ,. esercied b;;' t?:e ar_ver not to injure ti.o ge behind. Section 13. !)rivers of "'OtOr vel-.icles of all kinds shall, when approaching a cro ssinL-; or in rounding a curve or corner on a -)ublic street, sound their signals in s-,,ch a way as to ive R"arni.F to o tk.er vehicles and to pedestrians of t 1-eir appro.=ch. Section 14. Police, fire departri:ent, undestivritersJ salvs;e �t a.il s and t1z corp,;, emergency repair vehicles Of -- rect r v✓a✓ ,public ligl.ting companies, United States mail vel.icles, and aanbularces shall have the right of v."ay in any street and z -U� throw any procession, when in the regular course of t .eir proper auty. Section 15. .'Seery person driving any vehicle or oper Lit ing' an; street car al: ng a.,i% street, avenue or alle • of he City of Fort WOrti,, Who shall interfere i^.pit: any Of the ve .icles - f:aL:ipd in tiie foregoing; section, when the oaire are in tr:e regular course of their proper duties, shall be deemed guilty o f a :;iisderne�ir:Or. section 16. Subject to :section '�;a (Fifteen of this ordinance, all vei:icles and stre t cars oizit in an easterly or �,,.,esterly direction: eiiall hL.ve the rii .t of .ra;; over all ve!,iclesand street cars going i:: a nortY_erly or soul_<erly irection. Section 17., yhe driver of a street car4 shall iinmddiate - ly stop said c-,r and keep it etatijnz-,.ry upon the approach of a11 fire e; gii-_e 0r other fire :section 16. Lhe driver of a vel;icle 0:: t:ie approach of a fire engine or a;:2% other fire appgr-."us slic:ll ir::_,edi ate- 1 y drew up said vehicle as near a-, pr:,.ctic,�:,'ole to t;e riL%it and curb and p<.re:llel thereto and brin€ it to a standmtill. section 19. h ve_:icle waiting at the aura s',_al! promptly give place to a ve»A.cle . about to take on or let off passe.iLers. Section 20, pio person, rh:en driving a ve:_icle ;rith a horse or horses, attached t..eret , cei-.se frora holding t'_:e reins in ::is hands to guide and restrain the same, nor, r:i.cn not tiding, cep=.se from walking by the head of the shaft or wheel horse, either holding or keeping t':in react: of t'e bridle or la.lter thereof. Section 21. 1�o one el:a.11 drive or condi. ct any- ve si cle i- s,_.ch condition or so consi:ructed or so lo,,ded as to be likely to cause delay in traffic , or accident or injury to man, beat or y rop erty. Section 22. ho one shall drive a public , n,_unbered liccr.- sed Or business vehicle who is less tYuul sixteen year^ of uge. `4- u�_JE Section 23. i'o pe7son shall drive or convey throtq;,h any public street any vehicle the width of wh.ic';, witI i.s load, exceeds ten feet, except' in accordance with a per..:it ' from t::e Street I-o, :: _ssioner. Section 24. (�jn) Lvery lk,ckney carriage, cab or cabriolet en driven on the streets between the }.o=s of sunset a.-d sunrise, shall have fixed on sane conspici-hous p,;_rt of the outer-- silCe :-t:-.ereof, two lip'}'ted 1ponps, .'it._ -,)lain L;laq.s " front on which s.:all to p air ted in legible figures, at �ec.st one inch long, the registry rn_zcxer t:,iereof. every automo- bile wren operated upon any public street s_"all carry, between tY.e hours of sunset and s,_nrise, at 1ez-:st t•io lij,hted lamps showing white lights visible at least tcro lr:mdred feet in I,`e direction toward :vhic:i t'e Lutomr-bile proceed- ing, and sl•,al 'also exhibit at least one red light visible in t-.e :'everse direction. . 11 o t'_er vehicles, t bile in use on the streets oe tween t .e ho of sunset grid sunrise, .._.all display one or more lights or lanterns on the outside of :i_ich vehicles visi'Nle from front to rear. 6ection 25• 1710 automobile shall. be left standing in any street with the machinery in :aU-*tir)n j.iless some person be left in charge thereof. ut Section 26. Drivers ;:iust h all times comply with '--ny direction, by voice or hand, of any mei-iter of the police force, as to sto-pping, starting, approaci:inC or depPXtin r i'rom any plr.ce ; the rnarmer of taking up or setting down passengers or loading or unloading; foods in any place. Section 27. Io vellic le shell stop with its left side to the curb. :section 28. person having charge of a vehicle shall no, stop the saiie abreast of anoth-er ve'---cle lengti:i=rise of street in any pu blic street, except in case of eraerk;ency. ection 29. �ihen a horse drawn vehicle is backed up to t'.e curb, t::e horse or horses shall be turned so as to stand parallel with the sidewalk and headed in the general Y:ich direction of travel for the side of the street on w -5- the ve:^ic le is standing. j Section 30. iio vehicle, unless in an emerCency, or to { allow anotl.er vehicle or pedestrian to cross its path, shall stop in any public street or highway, except near the riglzt- hand curb thereof, and so as not to obstruct a Gros ini, and shall not stop or stand within the intersection of any streets. Section 31. the £ollowinC terms ^;isenever used herein except as o erwise specifically indicated, sll:all be defined to have and shall be held to include each of the meaninE;s hereinbelow set fortis, and any such ter,a used in die singular' nx.gber shall be held to include the plural. The word "vehicle" includes every xvag,on, carria-e, omnibu s sleigh, push cart, automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, tricycle and other conve•,;ance in whatever ma.rner driven or propelled (but street cars shall be included Drily wlien speciall; !ientio. sd), and every draft or riding animal, whether drawn ridden or . led. An ami'lal or aminals attac'-:ed to ve'r.ic le �_____]., c i suca vehicle, consi t ite one ve?ac le. The wor ":.:)rse" includes every , _er domes--' :-N D-A!(Lal used fo r draft or riding purposes. The word "driver" includes the rider or driver of t:.O�Se, t_le rider of wheels, and the operator of a motorcycle , wutn;jo:)ile, street cE_r or tlser vel_iclo. !he word "street" includes every avenue, boulevard, -highway, cartwa,y, lar:e, alley, strip, pats,., square and place used by or laid out for tl.e ijse of ve;:icles. "curbs" are the lateral boundaries of that portion of the street designed for t'sie use of vel:.icles, -hether marked with curbstones or nut. The word "person" sl<.11 include all ii:.dig.*iduals, r.ssociations, partners'�:ips arid corporations. ` Section 32. Any person violatinL an,y of the foregoing p ovi sions, --ales and regulations, shall Ibc deemed guilty of a is demeanor, aid upon conviction thereof shall be punished by -6- fine not to exceed ine hur--red uoilars. Section 33. «il ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict ':erewitr. are hereby repec:led. This ordir,ence shall ta'_ce effect from and after its passaGe and publication wo required by law. that the above : d f _'o ^e gcing ordina: ce I herebg certif-, ,rzs duly presented and unanimously pasr•ed bu t:'lie 3o: rd of Cor.r::ics- ioners of the City of Fort Worth at a session e' .,cid Boarcl field Tuesday Jane 7tr,1.910. Cit'- r; �.t or`. r