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t114 U:XI td4CE 1;0. / r..O. ..
Ali Urd finance to re,-1-ul-ate the use of the public streets
rnd 1:igh1vay8 of the City of Fort Worth by horses and ve_.4ale
Df all kinds, establishing regulations ,as t6 the tr�..nsportat-
ion of merchandise and other property over and upon such
streets and 7;i6hways, and for the :cove: ent, storpinL and
sta id in of cel ides of all kinds in streets, '_iig'•iv!« rs and
other public places, euid repealing ..d pets
of ordinances in conflict L.erewith and f:___.. , er-,,hies for
the violat ion hereof.
1:1 IT UrDAIia:D i`I TrL ur T1
"ectionl. The _a se of 4:e streets of t�,c City cf tjbort
Viorth ..orses and vehicles, the transportlation of merciii-L.ndi e
and other proNert,. over4-upon streets ,,,ici the ,over.
etoppin� ;l:d standing of 'r-orses acid vehicles in streets
sl-all ue s_ibject to tl;e re�,u.1 a.tiolis in tl,.e succeeding sections
of this ord malice set forth.
Section 2. A veliicle, except when passing a vehicle
a2se2d, s'_=.11 '.eep as neu.r the right-:-land curb as ,rossible.
USect-on 3. .> vehicle overtakin a n other shall, in
passing, keep to tce left, and shall not pull over to the
rijl.t until entirelyclear of it, nor S11a.11 it I en've., t'.c lire#
on the ric;.t 'L:rless there is a clear way of <t _J aqt one �
hundred feet in LAvance on the left.
Section 4. Ln. -n avenue or street divided 1ongit�i#iyu,Ily
w a. parliwa -, walk, sunl-enway or viaduct, vehJclg,s shall keep
�• I
to tke right of etich subdivision. j
Section 5. x veliicle in turning to the right into
no th street sill turn L.. corner as Yle_ar t1L' right- :zi'd
curb as ,possible.
Section 6. A veliicle in turning to the left into another
street small pass to the rid_, t of ,nd beyond the center of
the intersecting street before turning. '
Section 7. li vehicle crodsinS from one side of 'Lhe
street to t:;e o *I.er shall do so by turning to t'_E left, se
to he�:.d in ti.e gener4.1 direction of tr;:,ff ic on t'_�-at side of
tl.e street.
uection S. =+o vehicle srali back to Ina.lce a, tur. in U-riy
street if by so doing; it interferes witl' other vehicles,
uut srla :.1 go around tyre block os to street s !fficiently
wide to turn in without b ;,c'_Firg.
ve',_icle s'_-cal1
Section 9. -.o person i.�vin� c.1�L��rge o�f
o c �me
allow the sarAre t it,itl.in ten feet of ve'licle in
front of ..ili wr en approac'' prig c,ricu pae-sin over a cro sing
vr.:en a pedestrian: is aLout to 10ass,
JectioIi lu. 1Every driver of a vel.icle s r<,11, in 910?"llr
or sto it ; ve _ ir.�r1 to t:.o se el ind bL, rai�ir.�;
whip or ::arid v ert is ally.
Section 11. In tanning vwi.ile in :motion or in stz.rting to
turn. from a standstill, signal sl.all be liven b tl,e driver-of
the vehicle about to be t.zrned by raising a 11.1-,iP o. liar:d,
indica.ti:.` ti.e direction in �vllich t-:e turn is to `oe r.de.
Section 12. -efore br..c int, z- nle warning sl-all be giver:
Ly voice or up,ifted hard, a-..-id �''t.11e UctCl:ii`.� unceEising
e s
vigilance ,_
n:iust ,. esercied b;;' t?:e ar_ver not to injure
ti.o ge behind.
Section 13. !)rivers of "'OtOr vel-.icles of all kinds
shall, when approaching a cro ssinL-; or in rounding a curve
or corner on a -)ublic street, sound their signals in s-,,ch a
way as to ive R"arni.F to o tk.er vehicles and to pedestrians
of t 1-eir appro.=ch.
Section 14. Police, fire departri:ent, undestivritersJ salvs;e
�t a.il s and t1z
corp,;, emergency repair vehicles Of -- rect r v✓a✓
,public ligl.ting companies, United States mail vel.icles, and
aanbularces shall have the right of v."ay in any street and
throw any procession, when in the regular course of t .eir
proper auty.
Section 15. .'Seery person driving any vehicle or oper Lit ing'
an; street car al: ng a.,i% street, avenue or alle • of he City
of Fort WOrti,, Who shall interfere i^.pit: any Of the ve .icles
f:aL:ipd in tiie foregoing; section, when the oaire are in tr:e
regular course of their proper duties, shall be deemed
guilty o f a :;iisderne�ir:Or.
section 16. Subject to :section '�;a (Fifteen of this
ordinance, all vei:icles and stre t cars oizit in an easterly
or �,,.,esterly direction: eiiall hL.ve the rii .t of .ra;; over all
ve!,iclesand street cars going i:: a nortY_erly or soul_<erly
Section 17., yhe driver of a street car4 shall iinmddiate -
ly stop said c-,r and keep it etatijnz-,.ry upon the approach of
a11 fire e; gii-_e 0r other fire
:section 16. Lhe driver of a vel;icle 0:: t:ie approach
of a fire engine or a;:2% other fire appgr-."us slic:ll ir::_,edi ate-
1 y drew up said vehicle as near a-, pr:,.ctic,�:,'ole to t;e riL%it
and curb and p<.re:llel thereto and brin€ it to a standmtill.
section 19. h ve_:icle waiting at the aura s',_al!
promptly give place to a ve»A.cle . about to take on or let
off passe.iLers.
Section 20, pio person, rh:en driving a ve:_icle ;rith a
horse or horses, attached t..eret , cei-.se frora holding t'_:e
reins in ::is hands to guide and restrain the same, nor, r:i.cn
not tiding, cep=.se from walking by the head of the shaft or
wheel horse, either holding or keeping t':in react: of t'e
bridle or la.lter thereof.
Section 21. 1�o one el:a.11 drive or condi. ct any- ve si cle
i- s,_.ch condition or so consi:ructed or so lo,,ded as to be
likely to cause delay in traffic , or accident or injury to man,
beat or y rop erty.
Section 22. ho one shall drive a public , n,_unbered liccr.-
sed Or business vehicle who is less tYuul sixteen year^ of uge.
Section 23. i'o pe7son shall drive or convey throtq;,h any
public street any vehicle the width of wh.ic';, witI i.s
load, exceeds ten feet, except' in accordance with a per..:it '
from t::e Street I-o, :: _ssioner.
Section 24. (�jn) Lvery lk,ckney carriage, cab or cabriolet
en driven on the streets between the }.o=s of sunset a.-d
sunrise, shall have fixed on sane conspici-hous p,;_rt of the
outer-- silCe :-t:-.ereof, two lip'}'ted 1ponps, .'it._ -,)lain L;laq.s " front
on which s.:all to p air ted in legible figures, at
�ec.st one inch long, the registry rn_zcxer t:,iereof. every automo-
bile wren operated upon any public street s_"all carry, between
tY.e hours of sunset and s,_nrise, at 1ez-:st t•io lij,hted
lamps showing white lights visible at least tcro lr:mdred
feet in I,`e direction toward :vhic:i t'e Lutomr-bile proceed-
ing, and sl•,al 'also exhibit at least one red light visible
in t-.e :'everse direction. . 11 o t'_er vehicles, t bile in use on
the streets oe tween t .e ho of sunset grid sunrise, .._.all
display one or more lights or lanterns on the outside of :i_ich
vehicles visi'Nle from front to rear.
6ection 25• 1710 automobile shall. be left standing in any
street with the machinery in :aU-*tir)n j.iless some person be
left in charge thereof.
Section 26. Drivers ;:iust h all times comply with '--ny
direction, by voice or hand, of any mei-iter of the police force,
as to sto-pping, starting, approaci:inC or depPXtin r i'rom any
plr.ce ; the rnarmer of taking up or setting down passengers
or loading or unloading; foods in any place.
Section 27. Io vellic le shell stop with its left side to
the curb.
:section 28. person having charge of a vehicle shall
no, stop the saiie abreast of anoth-er ve'---cle lengti:i=rise of
street in any pu blic street, except in case of eraerk;ency.
ection 29. �ihen a horse drawn vehicle is backed up to
t'.e curb, t::e horse or horses shall be turned so as to
stand parallel with the sidewalk and headed in the general
direction of travel for the side of the street on w
the ve:^ic le is standing. j
Section 30. iio vehicle, unless in an emerCency, or to
allow anotl.er vehicle or pedestrian to cross its path, shall
stop in any public street or highway, except near the riglzt-
hand curb thereof, and so as not to obstruct a Gros ini, and
shall not stop or stand within the intersection of any
Section 31. the £ollowinC terms ^;isenever used herein
except as o erwise specifically indicated, sll:all be defined
to have and shall be held to include each of the meaninE;s
hereinbelow set fortis, and any such ter,a used in die singular'
nx.gber shall be held to include the plural.
The word "vehicle" includes every xvag,on, carria-e, omnibu s
sleigh, push cart, automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, tricycle and
other conve•,;ance in whatever ma.rner driven or propelled (but
street cars shall be included Drily wlien speciall; !ientio. sd),
and every draft or riding animal, whether drawn ridden or . led.
An ami'lal or aminals attac'-:ed to ve'r.ic le �_____]., c i suca
vehicle, consi t ite one ve?ac le.
The wor ":.:)rse" includes every , _er domes--' :-N D-A!(Lal
used fo r draft or riding purposes.
The word "driver" includes the rider or driver of
t:.O�Se, t_le rider of wheels, and the operator of a motorcycle ,
wutn;jo:)ile, street cE_r or tlser vel_iclo.
!he word "street" includes every avenue, boulevard,
-highway, cartwa,y, lar:e, alley, strip, pats,., square and place
used by or laid out for tl.e ijse of ve;:icles.
"curbs" are the lateral boundaries of that portion of the
street designed for t'sie use of vel:.icles, -hether marked with
curbstones or nut.
The word "person" sl<.11 include all ii:.dig.*iduals,
r.ssociations, partners'�:ips arid corporations.
` Section 32. Any person violatinL an,y of the foregoing
p ovi sions, --ales and regulations, shall Ibc deemed guilty of a
is demeanor, aid upon conviction thereof shall be punished by
fine not to exceed ine hur--red uoilars.
Section 33. «il ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict ':erewitr. are hereby repec:led. This ordir,ence
shall ta'_ce effect from and after its passaGe and publication
wo required by law.
that the above : d f _'o ^e gcing ordina: ce
I herebg certif-, ,rzs
duly presented and unanimously pasr•ed bu t:'lie 3o: rd of Cor.r::ics-
ioners of the City of Fort Worth at a session e' .,cid Boarcl field
Tuesday Jane 7tr,1.910.
Cit'- r; �.t