HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1668 FORM No. 19.'10'
_ -----------LINE OF_______ --��$-_ST13EET___________- AND ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE
_ __________LINE OF------------1=&__-MFT_._________._________- AGAINST THE OWNERS OF PROP-
WHEREAS, Heretofore, the City Council of the said City directed the improvement
AIXkk__A%!_-_-_-________________-_____________between its intersection with the.....AQ -----------line of_TnAty—_
Fifth---4 et_____-with its intersection with the---- ......line of.._Tit"._t eat_-________-, by rais-
ing, filling, grading, and paving the same; and,
WHEREAS, In accordance with said resolution, specifications for said work were duly prepared
by the City Engineer, and adopted by the City Council; and,
WHEREAS, Bids for said improvements Were duly advertised for, as required by the City Char-
ter; and,
WHEREAS, Said bids were received, opened and considered by the City Council, and the bid of
West•.e--- Conafro-Lion--Gomp W. ................................. for the improvement of the said portion of
said Street, was accepted by said City Council;and,
WHEREAS, The said__ _est_Texas_Constrgction__Q_4miy-_______has entered into a contract with
the City of Fort Worth,as provided by the Charter,for the impr)qvement of said street,within the said
a '
limits by raising, grading, and filling the same and by g the same with_2! ri-
%a f,hig______________________________.______-__pavement with____6- A ..Iief oxaesi--par_tl end foundation; and,
WHEREAS, The said contractor has executed bonds to the City of Fort Worth for the construc-
tion and maintenance thereof, in accordance with the said contract, and specifications, with surety as
required by the said City Charter, which contract and bonds with the surety thereof, have been duly
approved by the said City Council; and,
WHEREAS, Thereafter, the City Engineer of said City filed his written statement with the(City
Council concerning the said improvements, and the cost thereof, as provided by the Charter of the
City,which statement was considered by the City Council, corrected and approved; and,
WHEREAS, Thereafter the sAi i y-Count"td,-by,resolution find-and-declare-the nece_�
assessing a portion of the cost of said improvements against the owners of the property abtifttng there-
on, and owners of street and steam railways thereon and their property and did prescribe a hearing
of the said owners, their attorneys, and agents and fixed a date therefor and did direct the said Secre-
tary of the said City to issue notice of the said hearing by advertisement, as provided by the said City
Charter, and also by posting said ryotices as provided therein; and,
WHEREAS, In accordance with the said resolution, the City Secretary did issue a notice of the
said hearing to the said owners and all interested parties by publication thereof, for the time and in
the manner prescribed by the City Charter, in------?ort-Ngrth-PreaV.............................................
a daily paper of general circulation in the City of Fort Worth, for five (5) consecutive days prior to
the said hearing, and did also notify the said owners of the said hearing by posting a copy of the said
notice to each of them, at the ipost office, in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, more than ten days prior
to the date of the hearing; and,
WHEREAS, The said hearing in accordance with the said resolution and notice was held by the
City Council on the....14h___---day of____---------- _......-__......... 910
1 ------- at-g
j -------o'clock-----A;------M•,
at which time and place___ ,.
---•-•---------------------------- ------- -------•-•------
-- — ----------------------------•-----------•------- -------------------
owners, appeared to protest the said assessment and the benefits of said improvement connected with
the improvement of said portion of said street.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it further adjudged and ordained by the said City Council, as follows,
(1) That the special benefits to each parcel of abutting property hereinafter mentioned in the
enhanced value of said property by mean of said improvements exceed in each case the amounts here-
inafter assessed against such property and the owners thereof and the said City Council having con-
sidered the evidence and it appearing therefrom that the apportionment and assessment hereinafter
made will effect substantial equality and justice between property owners, having in view benefits re-
ceived by and burdens imposed upon such owners,and said apportionment is hereby adopted.
(2) That there is, and shall be, assessed against the several parcels of property hereinbelow de-
scribed and against the owner thereof as their proper pro rata part of the cost of the said improve-
ments, the several sums of money set opposite the description of the respective parcels of property.
The name of the said owners, as far as known, and descriptions of the parcels of property, and the
total amount in money hereby assessed against each parcel of property and the owner thereof being as
follows, to-wit:
Paving Assessment for AZLE ROAD, from the North line of Twenty-
Fifth Street to the East line of Titus Street - Fort Worth,
ontract A.was ed; 1- 9- .0. Price Bid.
Contxactori lest Taxae Popst.Co. Pavement, per sq.yd•--2•35
Pavement: 2"Warrenite-Bitulithic. Curb, per lin.ft.----- .30
Gutter, per sq.ft.---- .25
For Combined Curb & 24" Reinforced Gutter, per lin.ft.--- .90
For Earth Excavation, per cubic yard ------------------- ,35
For Rock Excavation, per cubic yard --------------------- 1.00
Amon Koldin,Sr. ,Anton
Kol,din,Jz ,Joe Koldin,
Rosie Koldin, Barbara
Krupka & Felix Krupka,
James Koldin & John P. ROSEN HEIGHTS
Koldin----------10,11,12 29 1ST FILING 162.37 $4.444444721.6?
Magnolia Petroleum Co. ,
a corporation----13 & 14 29 " 167.30 If743.55
Magnolia Petroleum Co. ,
a corporation------=--15 29 '+ 47 If205.59
North Ft.Worth Ice Co.
a corporation--- -----4 37 " 77.45 " 344.36
North Ft.Worth Ice Co.,
a corporation---------5 37 " 116.82 " 519.20
Ruby Hoggard, a feme
sole----------- -6 & 7 37 It 188.75 " 838.89
E.G. Rosen & Joel
Rosen ----------------10 42 " 67.39 If 299.51
E.G. Rosen & Joel
Rosen-----------------11 42 " 126.91 If 564.o4
R. C.Godwin------------A triangle tract
being a part of Lots 12&13, beginning
at the southeast corner of Lot 12,
thence north 97-f t. ,thence southwest-
erly direction. SO-ft.to Azle Road,
thence southeasterly direction along
Azle Road 105--ft.to place of
beginning. 42 ROSEN HEIGHTS
1ST FILING 105 " 48O.00
L.T. Hilbun-----------A tract of land) being
a part of Lots 12&13,beginning at the
southwest corner of Lot 14,thence East
140-ft, ,thence south 40-ft. ,thence in a
southwesterly direction 76-ft.to Azle
Road,thence northwesterly direction
along Azle Road 55-ft.to lace of
beginning. �2 ROSEN HEIGHTS
1ST FILING 55 " 377.78
Joseph Riscky---11,12,13 32 ROSEN HEIGHTS
2ND FILING 125 " 555.56
L.H. Middleton--------10 32 " 50 'r 222.22
O.W. Thorp &
Effie Thorp-----------9 32 " 50 " 222.22
Sate --.._..._------5 32 " 50 n 222.22
JS. Kaufman------------ 32 " 50 ° 222.22
C-T. Jackson----------� 32 " 50 'r 222.22
W.E. Scott------------24 36 " 50 " 222.22
W.E. Scott---- ----23 36 50 It 222.22
W.E. Scott &
A.H. Sturdivant-------22 36 " 50 " 222.22
E.L. Scott------------21 36 " 50 " 222.22
E.L. Scott------------20 36 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Kaufman-----------19 36 „ 50 +' 222.22
A.D. Cantrell---------19 36 If 50 +' 222.22
C.W. Yeary &
Ethel May Yeary-------1 36 50 " 222.22
-A.D. Cantrell- -------16 If
If 50 'r 222.22
Clara E. Rosson,widow-15 36 " 50 It 222.22
J.J. Wilson------13 & 14 36 " 100 " 444.44
Harry Ostraka- --------24 59 " 50 If 222.22
C.A. Wicker------22 & 23 59 " 100 'r 444.44
T.B. Barham-----------21 59 " 50 if 222.22
A.G. Barber Estate,
Lottie L.Barber, widow,
Lottie .L.Barber, independent
Executrix of the Estate ROSEN HEIGHTS
of A.C. Barber,deceased-20 59 2ND FILING 50 $4.44444$222.22
A.S. Walter-------------19 59 " 50 If 222.22
Lulu Osterman, feme
sole-------------------lg 59 " 50 " 222.22
William Monnig---------17 59 " 50 " 222.22
Estate of Eliese Matthies,
William Matthies, Charlie
Matthies, Alfred Matthies,
Otto Matthies, Albert
Matthies, Louie Matthies,
Willie Matthies, Annie
Heckler, W.F. Heckler,
Jessie Rawley, widow,
Louise McNew, J.D. YoNew,
Emma McNew, I.N. McNew,
Lillie Henderson, N. H.
Henderson & all other
unknown heirs of Eliese
Matthies, deceased------16 59 " 50 " 222.22
Estate of Eliese Matthies,
William Matthies, Charlie
Matthies, Alfred Matthies,
Otto Matthies, Albert
Matthies, Louie Matthies,
Willie Matthies, Annie
Heckler, W.F. Heckler,
Jessie Rawley, widow,
Louise McNew, J.D. McNew,
Emma McNew, I.N. McNew,
Lillie Henderson, N.H.
Henderson & all other
unknown heirs of Eliese
Matthies, deceased------15 59 " 50 ° 222.22
Westex Building Co. ,
a corporation-----------
14 59 " 50 " 222.2�
Pearl Hill, J.O. UcClary
& Pearl Hill McClary----13 59, " 50 'r 222.22
Thomas J. Kerlin--------2 75 " 50 " 222.22
T.J. Kerlin-------------23 75 " 50 " 222.22
J.M. Hall---------------22 75 " 50 " 222.22
W.L. Hurst-------------21 75 " 50 " 222.22
W.L. Hurst-------------20 75 " 50 " 222.2ir
W.L. Hurst--------------1 75 " 50 " 222.22
E.G. Rosen-------------IS 75 " 50 " 222.22
E.G. Rosen--------------17 75 " 50 " 222.2�,
Lula Dudley-------------1 75 " 50 " 222.22
J.B. Walker &
Maggie B. Walker--------15 75 " 50 " 222.22
Sybil E.Runyon, widow---1 75 " 50 " 222.22
Sybil E.Runyon, widow---13 75 If 50 " 222.22
Estate of W.L. Cleycomb,
Hattie Claycomb, widow,
Harry Claycomb & all other
unknown heirs of W.L.
Claycomb, deceased------24 102 it 50 " 222.22
Estate of W.L. Claycomb,
Hattie Claycomb, widow,
Harry Claycomb & all other
unknown heirs of W.L.
Claycomb, deceased------23 102 it 50 " 222.2�-
T.H. Westbrook & '
Ethel Westbrook----21 & 22 102 it 100 444.41!
G.H. Tiller-------------20 102 It 50 " 222.2i.
Callie Stallons, widow,.
J.M. Cantrell & Ethelda
Cantrell----------------19 102 it 50 " 222.2,
Mamie Woods, widow------1B 102 It 50 " 222.2,
Lulie Hagan, widow------17 102 it 50 " 222.22
Emma R. Vance--------16 102 2ND FILING 50 $4.44444 $ 222.22
J.H: Board-----------15 102 " 50 " 222.22
J.H. Board-----------1 102 " 50 " 222.22
J.H. Board-----------1 102 " 50 " 222.22
N.T. Hammond---------244 124 " 50 " 222.22
Northern Texas Traction
Co. , a corporation---23 124 " 50 it 222.22
Ida Goldgraber,i7idow-22 124 It 50 " 222.22
Ida Goldgraber,widow 21 124 " 50 " 222.22
T.P. Shannon---------20 124 " 50 " 222.22
E.P. Hall, B.F. .Hall &
Nettie Hall----------19 124 " 0 " 222.22
John L. Kaufman------18 124 " �O If 222.22
H.H. Roper------16 & 17 124 " 100 " 444.44
no M Scott-B.R. Scott---------- 1 124 " 50 " 222.22
Clay Huffman---------R 124 " .50 It 222.22
Clay Huffman---------13 124 it 50 it 222.22
J.E. Foster &
L.B. Foster----------24 147 " 50 " 222.22
A.M. Prewitt &
Bettie Pr•ewitt-------23 147 " 50 " 222.22
E.B. Bethell---------22 147 " 50 " 222.22
C. P. Hukill---------21 147 It 50 If 222.22
J.T. Shytles &
Leean Shytles--------20 147 it 50 IT 222.22
Tildon Gilman--------19 147 " 50 " 222.22
Tildon Gilman---17 & 18 147 " 100 " 444.44
Tildon Gilman--------16 147 If 50 " 222.22
Tildon Gilman--------15 147 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen------------1 147 it 50 If 222.22
Sam Rosen----------1 147 50 222.22
C.H. Lampe-----------24 n n
164 " 50 " 222.22
C.W. Howing'ton-------23 164 " 50 " 222.22
Maxie E. Harris,
widow----------------22 164 IT 50 " 222.22
A.W. Samuels---------21 164 IT 50 " 222.22
Sallie Brown, widow--20 164 it 50 " 222.22
John L. Kaufman------19 164 " 50 " 222.22
W.B. Renfro----------18 164 " 50 if 222.22
W.B. Renfro----------17 164 " 50 " 222.22
W.B. Renfro----------1 164 if 50 " 222.22
John L. Kaufman-----_15 164 If 50 " 222.22
D.F. Smith---------- 14 164 " 50 " 222.22
D.E. Smith-----------13 164 " 50 " 222.22
C. Dempwolf---------- 191 It 50 " 222.22
C. Dempwolf-.---- ----23 181 if 50 " 222.22
Clem Sorley----------22 181 " 50 " 222.22
J.W. Boggs-----------21 181 " 50 If 222.22
J.W. Boggs-----------20 181 if 50 it 222.22
J.W. Boggs-----------19 181 " 50 it 222.22
J.W. Boggs-----------18 181 " 50 " 222.22
W.W. Russey-----16 & 17 191 " 100 " 444.44
T.M. McCuistion------1 181 " 50 " 222.22
B.I. Netherland------14 181 " 50 " 222.22
B.I. Netherland------13 181 " 50 " 222.22
Tarrant County Building
& Loan Association---N 196 " 50 " 222.22
J.I: Burgess &• Lennie
(k Jarvis Burgess-------23 196 " 50 " 222.22
J.I. Burgess & •Lennie
Jarvis Burgess-------22 196 IT 50 It 222.22
• J.I. Burgess & Lennie
Jarvis Burgess-------21 196 " 50 " 222.22
J.I. Burgess & Lennie
Jarvis Burgess-------20 196 IT 50 " 222.22
J.I. Burgess & Lennie
Jarvis Burgess-------19 196 IT 0 n
Daniel B. Jarvis 196 " 50 n 222.22
Van Zandt Jarvis-----17 196 " 50 " 222.22
Van Zandt Jarvis-----16 196 if50 " 222.22
Van Zandt Jarvis-----15 196 IT50 " 222.22
Van Zandt Jarvis-----14 196 If50 n 222.22
PAGE AZLE ROAD.___�____�,.._.
Daniel B. Jarvis---13 196 ROSEN HEIGHTS
2ND FILING 50 $4.44444 $222.22
J.D. Little----------24 211 " 50 " 222.22
W.1. Nicholson---- --23 211 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen------------22 211 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen------------21 211 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen------------20 211 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen---------_.__.19 211 " 50 " 222.22
Sam 211 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen------------1 211 " 50 ° 222.22
Sam Rosen------------11 211 n 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen------------15 211 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen------------14 211 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen------------13 211 " 50 " 222.22
Sanford Memori*;
Methodist Episcopal
Church South Ft.Worth,
Texas, & J.B. Lewis,
A.C. Easterwood, J.A.
Weston, R.L. Dewees,
W.T. Benbrow, W.W.
Lindsey, & S.P. Wolf,
Trustees, & their
Successors-----------A triangle tract being
a part of Lots 9,10,11,12, bounded by
25th Street on the south, McKinley Ave.
on the West & Azle Road on the North.-
east side. 36 ROSEN HEIGHTS
19T FILING 264.38 " 1175.02
Anton Koldin,Sr. , Anton
Koldin,Jr., Felix Krupka
& Barbara Krupka, Joe
Koldin,James'Koldin, John
P. Koldin, Rosie Koldin,
1 & 2 36 If 100 if 444.44
,inton Koldin,Sr. , Anton
Koldin,Jr. , Felix Krupka
& Barbara Krupka, Joe
Koldin, James Koldin,
John P. Koldin,
Rosie Koldin---------3 36 " 50 It 222.22
Anton Koldin,Sr. , Anton
Koldin, Jr. , Felix Krupka
& Barbara Krupka, Joe
Koldin, James Koldin,
John P. Koldin,
Rosie Koldin---------4 36 it 50 " 222.22
Anton Koldin,Sr. , Anton
-'Koldin, Jr. , Felix Krupka
& Barbara Krupka, Joe
Koldin, James Koldin,
John P. Koldin,
Rosie Koldin---------5 36 " 50 " 222.22
Anton Koldin,Sr. , Anton
Koldin, Jr. , Felix Krupka
& Barbara Krupka, Joe
Koldin, James Koldin,
John P. Koldin,
Rosie Koldin---No.50-ft.of
6 & 7 36 " 52.32 it, 232.53 '
L.F. Hio$ey--------- -10 1 " 50 " 222.22
W.J. Campbell &
M.M. Campbell--------9 �}1 " 50 " 222.22
' .P. Sisk------------8 41 " 50 " 222.22
Hermon, H. Chapman----7 41 " 50 " 222.22
T.A. Depew----------- 41 " 50 " 222.22
Lester Ingle---------5 41 " 50 " 222.22
G.W. Moon------------- 41 " 50 " 222.22
Lester Ingle---------3 41 " 50 " 222.22
Lester Ingle--------2 41 " 50 " 222.22
.�"..�.�. `fit A f PM TOTt1L
Estate a C arles L.
Smith,deceased, Ida L.
Carlisle,widow, L.M.
Roberts & Ola Roberts,
F.M. Coleman, J.M.Estes,
Executor of the Estate
of Charles L.Smith & all
unknown heirs of the Es-
tate of Charles L.Smith,
deceased, & Willie Maggie
Coleman Estate & all un-
known heirs of the Estate
of Willie Laggie Coleman, ROSEN HEIGHTS
deceased---1To.65-ft.of--1 31 2ND FILING 50 $4.44444 $222.22
D.E. Herndon & rtettie
Pearl Herndon-------50-ft.x 140-ft. ,
located 50-ft.west of Dodge
Avenue. 31 it 50 if 222.22
W.P. Sisk-----------50-f t.x 140-f t. ,
located 100-ft.west of
Dodge Avenue. 31 it 50 if 222.22
John Mace & Mrs.Florence
Mace,Walter B.Scott,
William P.McLean,Jr. ,
Margaret ilcLean,K,athleen
Carr Lyde, Lorna Carr
Leavell, Charles HcLean
Carr, Frances McLean,
Ethel Carr Hilligross,
J.H. McLean, Bessie
McLean Pollock------50-ft.x 140-ft. ,
located 150-ft.west of
Dodge Avenue. 31 " 50 " 222.22
S.P. Vance &
Luella Vance------------5 31 " 50 " 222.22
J.H. Tew & Gladys Tew,
A.S. Love & Ellen Love--6 31 " 50 " 222.22
Elm&;fin, Phillips, feme sole-7 31 " 50 " 222.22
E.L. Scott--------------5 31 " 50 " 222.22
I.E. Scott--------------9 31 it 50 " 222.22
Isaac Handler----------10 31 n 50 " 222.22
Lincoln Waddington &
Laura Waddington-------11 31 " 50 " 222.22
E.L. Scott & Minnie Ola
Scott, C.T. Jackson----12 31 " 50 " 222.22
0.0. Slate--------------1 37 " 50 222.22
O.C. Slate--------------2 37 " 50 " 222.22
J.E. Forrester----------3 37 if 50 " 222.22
C.F. Hexamer &
Ella Hexamer=-----------4 37 it 50 if 222.22
Jno.F. Lehane, Mrs. Jno.
F. Lehane, Catherine
Lexhane------------------5 37 it 50 IT 222.22
Charles W01f----.--------6 37 it 50 if 222.22
A. D. Cantrell.----------7 37 " 50 " 222.22
A. D. Cantrell---s-------g37n50 if 222.22
J.H. McLendon-----------9 37 " 50 it 222.22
Estate of G.M.Richardson,
Lillie L.Richardson,
George Richardson, L.M.
Richardson, Laurence
Richardson, Chester
Richardson, Florene
Boswell, R. Bowviell,
F annalou Hale, B.Hale,
Vela Richardson & all un-
known heirs of G.M.
Richardson, deceased---10 37 " 50 it 222.22
Henry Beyer------------11 37 it 50 it 222.22
A. Steinbergen &
O rlena Steinbergen,
No.75-ft.of 12 37 " 50 it 222.22
Estate of G.M. Richardson,
Lillie L.Richardson,
George Richardson, L.M.
Richardson, Laurence
Richardson, Chester
Richardson, Florence
Boswell, U. Boswell,
Fannalou Hale, B.Hale,
Vela Richardson & all
unknown heirs of G.M. ROSE;J HEIGHTS
Richardson, deceased--1 58 2ND FILING 50 $4.44444 $222.22
Jacob F. Klingman-----2 58 " 50 it 222.22
Pete Polinsky &
Sophia Polinsky------- 58 " 50 If 222.22
R.L. Gregg------------ 58 " 50 It 222.22
A.C. Perrin &
E.S. Perrin-----------5 58 " 50 If 222.22
O.N. Barlow &
Daisy Barlow----------6 58 it 50 it 222.22
William Glass &
Annie Glass-------7 & 8 58 it 100 " 444.44
John L. Kaufman-------9 58 If 50 " 222.22
F.S. McClendon, Frank
McClendon, Katherine
McClendon, F.S. McClendon,
Guardian for Frank Mc-
Clendon & Katherine
McClendon-------------10 58 n 50 " 222.22
Virginia Hereford,
widow-----------------11 58 " 50 " 222.22
Virginia Hereford,
widow----------------12 58 " 50 " 222.22
W.B. 'Renfro-----------1 76 " 50 " 222.22
J.M. Fuller-----------2 76 " 50 " 222.22
Edward Allison & Willie
,Allison, Sam Offutt &
Ruby Offutt, Bert Willey
& Ruth Willey, Frank
Barton & Charles
Barton----------------3 76 " 50 " 222.22
L.N. Cantrell &
Mary D. Cantrell------4 76 " 50 " 222.22
W.B. Renfro-----.------ 76 " 50 " 222.22
M.L.F. Pittman,widow-- 76 " 50 " 222.22
fno M soott-B.R. Scott------------7 76 " 50 " 222.22
R.S. Barton-----------8 76 " 50 " 222.22
ieveaevrich3lrP.-�13a�x►e------------9 76 " 50 n 222.22
eve sewiehaTPT"A�-----------10 76 " 50 " 222.22
wusewich�':Ps-'�4d�a�-----------11 76 " 50 " 222.22
a�usewich � Q� ----- --12 76 " 50 " 222.22
Walter H. Smith---I & 2 101 " 100 " 444.44
W.T. Hammond----------3 101 " 50 " 222.22
Oscar Smith &
Ora Bell Smith----4 & 5 101 " 100 " 444.41E
The Rosen Hts.Assembly of
God Church of Ft.Worth,
Tarrant County,Texas,
'or.L. McMaster, Charles
McCraney, Tom Love, J.M.
Docher, E.M. Sgalloq,
Trustees and their
Successors--------6 & 7 101 " 100 " 444.44
P,W. Martin, G.W. Key, D w Key
& Will Key------------8 101 " 50 " 222.22
G.W. Key & Garra Key--9 101 " 50 " 222.22
Will Key--------------10 101 " 50 " 222.2?
Sam Rosen,Estate of S.D.
Ford,deceased, Claudie
M.Short, widow, H.SkFord,
John J.Ford, Liable C.
Ford, Cecil R.Ford, Margie
Ford, Emma V. Murphy &
G. Murphy,-------------- 101 " 50 IF 222.22
Estate of 6.D. 'Ford,
deceased, Claudie M.
Short,widow, H.S. Ford,
John J.Ford, ilabel C.
Ford; Cecil R. Ford,
Margie Ford, Emma V. ROSEN HEIGHTS
Murphy & G.Murphy----12 101 2ND FILING 50 $4.44444 $222.22
Leonard A. Noel-- ---1 125 " 50 " 222.22
Lelia Barlow Ammerman,
widow------------2 & 3 125 " 100 " 444.44
Lillie Hammon--------4 125 " 50 " 222.22
C.H. Steele--------5 125 " 50 " 222.22
Addie Cook, A.G. Goff
d & Addie Goff----------6 125 " 50 " 222.22
o Addie Cook, A.G. Goff
00 & Addie Goff----------7 125 " 50 " 222.22
J.T. Reynolds--------9 125 " 50 " 222.22
Tony Rosky-----------9 125 " 50 " 222.22
J. Wilson----------10 125 " 50 " 222,22
NprkgS ----------11 125 " 50 " 222.22
Henry Hoore----------12 1255 " 50 " 222.22
H.C. Jennings--------1 14b " 50 " 222.22
Me 4-1 a N.M. ficax-P ---------2 146 'r 50 " 222.22
-'o m W.R. Courtney & Minnie
$- Vance.Courtnep-------3 146 " 50 " 222.22
m m m14 2 L.P. Fowler---------- 146 " 50 " 222.22
Kenith Eoff & Birdie
o Eo f f------------ --- 146 " 50 " 222.22
H.T. Burgeas---------6 146 n 50 " 222.22
H.T. Burggeof----------7 146 " 50 It 222.22
E.N. Waldrop--------5 146 " 50 it222.22
;a o Genie Bowden, widow--9 146 " 50 " 222.22
4,.4-P d E.N. Waldrl6p---------10 146 " 50 ° 222.22
M.Gordon, Annie Hamilton,
�Administratrix of the
w ® � o Estate of Claus Orvig &
PAP-9 ' Gurine Orvig, Jno.C,.Orvig,
mM ° T.P.Orvig, Alma Hamilton &
m "ov o C.P.Hamilton, G.W.Orvig,
m a Bertha Bodach & C.A.Bodaoh,
'b'a 'Annie Hamilton & H.A. Ham-
ilton, Ronda Gordon & Mar-
to tin Gordon, Ingo Matjasic
, & Jno. Matjasic, Lena Sloan
ad & A.P.Sloan, Sophia Larson
m a & Mons Larson, and all un-
om�a,, known heirs of the estate
of Claus Orvig & Gurine
Orvig-- .------11 146 " 50 " 222,22
M. Gordon-------------12 146 " 50 " 222.22
L.A. Noel------------1 165 'r 50 n 222.22
J.W. Brown & Margaret
M. Brown-.----.---------2 165 " 50 222.22
M.G. Anderson & Sam
Rosen-------------- 165 " 50 " @22.22
Fred Shirley N------4 165 " 50 " 222.22
E.G. Rosen-------_--5 165 It 50 " 222.22
Joe Kurtnick & Fannie
Kurtnic t;] ----- •----6 165 ii 50 222.22
...M Logax,----------- 165 " 50 n 222.22
ames Crosby----_--- 165 '� 50 n 222.22
Jatherine Currie, widow
x L.E. Yeates--------9 165 " 50 " 222.22
Jim Cro$tyr---------10 165 " 50 " 222.22
T. Yardanoff-S---------.11 165 " 50 " 222.22
I. Yardanoff---------12 165 " 50 " 222.22
G. Rosenb--------v.-1 190 " 50 " 222.22
E.G. Rosexi----.--------2 150 " 50 " 222.22
;am Rosen, Ira A.C•reen
& Ur a Green----------j 180 " 50 " 222.22
Sam Rosen, Ira A.dree
& Ura Green ---------4-- 180 " 50 " 222.22
Jno. A.Watson--------5 180 ROSEN HEIGHTS
2ND. FILING 50 $4.44444 $222.22
John A.Thompson & Sarah
L. Thompson---------6 190 to 50 222.22
D.A. Greer----------7 180 n 5b 'i 222.22
D.A. Green-----------9 180 " 50 " 222.22
Axtell Company and Estate
of G.L.Wofford, deceased,
J.&.Wofford, Luke Wofford
D.W.Wofford, Bryant Wof-
ford, Mary Jane Mitchell
& Q.L.Mitchell, Linnie
Jane Defibaugh & Ambrose
Defibaugh & all unknown
heirs of G.Ti.Wiofford,
deceased-------------9 190 " 50 " 222.22
Estate of G.L.Wofford,
deceased, J.G.Wofford,
Luke Wofford, D.W.Wof-
ford, Bryant :Uofford,
Mary Jane Mitchell, &
Q.L.Mitchell, Linnie
Jane Defibaugh & Am-
brose Defibaugh & all
unknown heirs of G.Z.
Wofford, deceased----10 180 " 50 n" 222.22
Daniel W.Wofford, G.I.
Wofford, & Ida Troff-
ord------------------11 1S0 " 50 " 222.22
Daniel W.Wofford, G.I.
Wofford, -& Ida i of-
ford.-------------------12 180 " 50 " 222.22
W.S.Daniel & W.O.
Shackelford----------1 197 " 50 " 222.22
W.S.Daniel & W.O.'
Shackelford----------2 197 'i 50 " 222.22
B.S. Berry--_-___- ..3 197 " 50 " 222.22
B.S. Berry-----------4 197 It 50 " 222.22
E.G. Rosen, --•--------5 197 It 50 n 222.22
W.B. Renfro & S.
Kaufoza--- ----------6 197 ." 50 ^ 222.2c
W.B. Renfro & S.
Kaufanan..-- -=---- 197 If50 " 222.22
T.P. Moss------------ 197 to 50 It 222.22
Jessie May doss &
T.P. Moss------�q & 10 197 It 100 it 44.44
Estate of G.D.Culps,
deceased, E.M.Culps,widow
L.L.Culps, R.L.Culps, D.
Culps, R.V.Culps, C.A.
Culps, C.E.Culps & all
unknown heirs of G.D.
Culps, deceased-11 & 12 197 " 100 " 444.44
Ralph Alford & Neely
Alford-----.-__-----.__._1 210 ° 50 " 222.22
E.G.Rosen,Ralph Alford
& Neely Alford-------2 210 " 50 " 222.22
E.G.Rosen,Ralph Alford
& Neely Alford-------3 210 " 50 " 222.22
E.G.Rosen,Ralph Alford
& Neely Alford------4 210 " 50 'i 222.22
Samuel Kaufman------_5 210 " 50 " 222.22
Samuel Kaufman-------6 2LO " 50 to 222.22
Sam RO6en-----------7 210 " 0 toSam Roes---------S 210 n 50 11 222.22
5 222.22
E.G. Rosen.--------9 210 1' 50 " 222.22
E.G.Rosen- _---10 210 " 50 " 222.22
E.R. 210 to 50 " 222,22
-H.B. Hanley & Francis Mable
Hanley--------------12 210 'i 50 " 222.22
TOTAL COST TO THE PROPERTY 0WKM:S=- .-...r_____________ 7,2 2.59
TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT R'l -.�.- ._____-__ 17,500.00
TOTAL COST TO T RRANT COUNTY-15,135.72 Ft.® $1.38999-- 21 026.02
GRAND TOTAL--------------------------------------- --- 105,E 09..61 -
i v It.
FORM No. 14—Contlnued.
That the amount set opposite the description of property above is hereby assessed against the said
property and declared to be a personal liability of the owner thereof, and secured by a lien upon the
said property superior to all other liens, claims or titles, except lawful taxes, that the amount payable
by each owner, and assessed against his or her property, above, shall be payable as follows, to-wit:
In six equal installments, one payable within 30 days after the date of completion of said work
and its acceptance by the City, and the remainder in five equal annual installments thereafter,provided
that said owners shall have the right to discharge any installment before maturity by payment
thereof with accrued interest. That default in the payment of any installment of principal or inter-
est upon said assessments when due as herein provided shall at once mature the whole amount there-
of, both principal and interest, which shall at once become collectible without notice.
(3) That the said assessments shall bear interest from the date of the said renTletion and ac-
ceptance at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, payable annually, and if not paid when due the said as-
sessments and claims of personal liability shall be enforced, either by the sale of such property by the
officer and in the manner, as far as applicable, as sales are authorized, to be made for non-payment of
City Taxes as prescribed by the City Charter and general laws, or by suit to enforce the said claim of
personal liability or lien in any court having jurisdiction.
(4) That the City shall issue to the said contractor, for the said improvement assignable certifi-
cate against said property and the owners thereof, which said certificates shall declare the said sums to
be due and payable in installments as herein provided after completion and acceptance of said work,
and shall be payable to the said contractor, and shall state the amount due from each property owner,
and hereby assessed against his property, and the rate of interest thereon, herein fixed at eight per
cent (8%) per annum, payable annually, and each certificate shall recite and declare the fact that
the same is secured by a lien against the property of such owner, and personal liability of the owner,
and shall describe such property by number and block, or such other description as may identify the
same with reference to any other fact recited, and by the name of the owner, and if the owner is not
known, or if the property is owned by an estate, it will be sufficient to so state the fact.
Said certificates shall provide that if the amount therein declared or any installment of principal
or interest thereof shall not be paid when due, that the whole amount thereof shall be collectible with
accrued interest, and with court costs, and reasonable attorney's fees, if same have been incurred, and
shall recite that proceedings with reference to such improvements have been made in compliance with
the terms thereof and 'the Charter of the City of Fort Worth; and that all prerequisites to the fix-
ing of the liens and charge of personal liability; evidenced by such certificates, have been performed.
Said certificates shall be executed by the Mayor and attested by the City Secretary with the corporate
seal. Said certificates shall provide that the same shall be payable to the City Assessor and Collector
of the City, who shall issue his receipt for payment thereon,which shall be evidence of such payment,
on any demand for same by virtue of the said certificate, or any independent contract to pay the same,
entered into by the owner of property therein described, and shall provide that the City Assessor and
Collector shall deposit all sums received by him on said certificates with the City Treasurer, and the
said City Treasurer shall keep the same in a separate fund, which fund is hereby designated as the..---.
--ROAD--------------------------------------------_CERTIFICATE FUND and that
whenever any payment may be made to the City Assessor and Collector upon such certificate, it shall
be his duty on presentation by the said contractor, or the holder thereof,to endorse said payment there-
on, and the contractor or holder of such certificate shall be entitled to receive from the City Treas-
urer the amount so paid upon presentation of the said certificate,credited with the amount paid there-
on, and that said endorsement and credits shall be the Treasurer's warrant for making such payment
to the said contractor, and that such a payment by the Treasurer shall also be receipted .for by the
said holder in writing to the said Treasurer,or by the surrender of said certificate, when the principal
thereof, together with accrued interest and cost of collection, shall be paid in full. That said certifi-
cates may be issued, with coupons thereto attached evidencing the several installments of principal
and interest thereof, which coupons shall be execut ed-and attested by the Mayor and City Secretary as
are said certificates under the terms hereof, but the signatures of said Mayor and City Secretary at-
tached to said coupons may be facsimile signatures stamped,engraved or printed thereon. Upon pay-
ment of any installment evidenced by a coupon, such coupon shall be credited by the City Assessor and
Collector and surrendered to the City Treasurer as herein provided.
Such certificates shall also recite that the City of Fort Worth shall not be liable for the payment
thereof, or for any interest thereon„ or for the cost of collecting or enforcing same,but that the gaid
company or holder thereof, shall have the right to collect such certificates as therein provided by the .
terms of.the Charter of the City of Fort Worth,and that the said City of Fort Worth shall, whenever
demanded by the said Company, or holder of said certificates, fully exercise its charter power to en-
force the lien securing the said certificate, and collect the same, but shaU not be liable in any manner
for failure to so collect or enforec the lien thereof.
(5) That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage.
Na'.- - A� ------
Title '
Date--- ----- --�-� — - ---
Filed--=—/ ---- day of--. — --
City Secretary