HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012/06/05-Minutes-City CouncilCITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS
JUNE 5, 2012
Mayor Betsy Price
Mayor Pro tem W.B. "Zim" Zimmerman, District 3
Council Member Salvador Espino, District 2
Council Member Daniel Scarth, District 4
Council Member Frank Moss, District 5
Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6
Council Member Dennis Shingleton, District 7
Council Member Kathleen Hicks, District 8
Council Member Joel Burns, District 9
Staff Present:
Tom Higgins, City Manager
Sarah Fullenwider, City Attorney
Mary J. Kayser, City Secretary
Mayor Price announced that the "Mayors for the Day" were Miss Reagan Fitzgerald, age 9 and
in the third grade at Tanglewood Elementary, and Miss Amanda Fitzgerald, age 7 and in the first
grade at Tanglewood Elementary. She advised that the "Mayor for the Day" activity was
purchased for Reagan and Amanda at a school auction.
Mayor Price presented Reagan and Amanda with Keys to the City, gavels inscribed with "Mayor
for the Day" and Certificates of Recognition stating that they were "Mayors for the Day ".
With a quorum of the City Council Members present, "Mayors for the Day" Reagan and Amanda
Fitzgerald called the regular session of the Fort Worth City Council to order at 7:02 p.m., on
Tuesday, June 5, 2012, in the City Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000
Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, with Council Member Espino temporarily
11. INVOCATION - Pastor Michael Masterson, St. Matthews Lutheran Church
The invocation was provided by Pastor Michael Masterson, St. Matthews Lutheran Church.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
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(Council Member Espino arrived at 7:04 p.m.)
Motion: Council Member Scarth made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 15, 2012, and the Minutes of
Called Special Meeting of May 17, 2012, be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
There were no items to be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda.
City Manager Tom Higgins requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17585 be
withdrawn from consideration and replaced with Mayor and Council Communication No.
G -17585 (Revised).
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan,
that the Consent Agenda be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to
0 nays.
A. General - Consent Items
1. M &C G -17600 - Approve Findings of Ground Transportation Coordinator
Regarding Application of Echo Transportation Solutions, LLC, to Operate Five
Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Consider and adopt the following
findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator: The public necessity and convenience
require the operation of five (5) limousines upon the City streets, alleys and thoroughfares; Echo
Transportation Solutions, LLC, is qualified and financially able to conduct a limousine service
within the City; Echo Transportation Solutions, LLC, has complied with the requirements of
Chapter 34 of the City Code; Echo Transportation Solutions, LLC, presented facts in support of
compelling demand and necessity for five (5) limousines; the general welfare of the citizens of
the City will best be served by the addition of five (5) limousines upon City streets, alleys and
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thoroughfares; and adopt Ordinance No. 20222 -06 -2012 granting the privilege of operating
authority to Echo Transportation Solutions, LLC, for the use of the streets, alleys and public
thoroughfares of the City in the conduct of its limousine business, which shall consist of the
operation of five (5) limousines for a one (1) year period beginning on the effective date;
providing for written acceptance by Echo Transportation solutions, LLC, subject to and
conditioned on Echo Transportation Solutions, LLC, complying with all requirements of Chapter
34, Article VI of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended.
2. M &C G -17601 - Authorize Six Month Extension of Iniury Leave of Absence Pay
Benefits in the Amount of $44,758.90 for Firefighter Janson Morris. (ALL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize a six (6) month extension
of injury leave of absence pay benefits in the amount of $44,758.90 for Firefighter Jayson Morris
beginning June 14, 2012, through December 14, 2012.
3. M &C G-17602 - Authorize Engineering Services Agreement in the Amount of
$58,373.00 with Garver, LLC, for the Design Phase Services of Drainage
Improvements Near Taxiway Delta at Fort Worth Meacham International
Airport, Authorize Project Management, Administration and Related Expenses in
the Amount of $10,000.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance. (COUNCIL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the use of revenue derived
from mineral leases on City owned airports in the amount of $68,373.00 for an Engineering
Services Agreement with Garver, LLC, for the design phase services of drainage improvements
near Taxiway Delta at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport; adopt Appropriation
Ordinance No. 20223 -06 -2012 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Airports Gas Lease Project Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of funding the
improvements; and authorize the execution of an Engineering Agreement with Garver, LLC, in
the amount of $58,373.00 and authorize $10,000.00 for associated project management,
administration and related expenses.
4. M &C G -17603 - Adopt Ordinance Increasing the Estimated Receipts and
Appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in the Amount of $20,000.00 for
Donations to the Water and Garbage Fee Assistance and Plumbing Repair
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No.
20224 -06 -2012 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in
the amount of $20,000.00, from available funds, for the purpose providing funds to the Water
and Garbage Fee Assistance and Plumbing Repair Program.
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B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items
1. M &C P -11385 - Authorize Purchase Agreements with HD Supply Waterworks,
Ltd., and Municipal Water Works Supply, LP, for Fire Hydrant Parts for the
Water Department for a Combined Amount Up to $75,000.00. (ALL COUNCIL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize purchase agreements with
HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd., and Municipal Water Works Supply, LP, for fire hydrant parts for
the Water Department for a combined amount up to $75,000.00 for the first year.
2. M &C P -11386 - Authorize Purchase of an Air Handler Unit and Installation
Services from Johnson Controls, Inc., Through a Texas Multiple Award Schedule
for the Water Department in an Amount Up to $152,263.00 (COUNCIL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the purchase of an air
handler unit and installation services from Johnson Controls, Inc., through a Texas Multiple
Award Schedule, TxMAS Contract No. 6- 840160 for the Water Department in an amount up to
3. M &C P -11387 - Authorize Purchase Agreement with Applied Industrial
Technologies, Inc., in the Amount Up to $220,000.00 for Specialized Maintenance,
Repair and Operating Supplies Using a U.S. Communities Cooperative Contract
for All City Departments. (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize a purchase agreement for
specialized maintenance, repair and operating supplies from Applied Industrial Technologies,
Inc., using the U.S. Communities Cooperative Contract Number 11019 -RFP for all City
departments in the amount up to $220,000.00 for the first year.
4. M &C P -11388 - Authorize Purchase of Four Pre - Constructed Restrooms and
Installation Services from Romtec, Inc., Through the Texas Multiple Award
Schedule, for the Parks and Community Services Department in an Amount Up to
$199,600.00. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize a purchase of four (4) pre -
constructed restrooms and installation services from Romtec, Inc., through the Texas Multiple
Award Schedule, Contract No. TxMAS -5 -56030 for the Parks and Community Services
Department in an amount up to $199,600.00.
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C. Land - Consent Items
1. M &C L -15370 - Authorize Execution of a Lease Renewal with Texas Christian
University for Office Space of Approximately 902 Square Feet Located at 2900
West Berry Street for the Police Department. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a lease
renewal with Texas Christian University for office space of approximately 902 square feet
located at 2900 West Berry Street for the Police Department.
2. M &C L -15371 - Authorize Direct Sale of a Tax Foreclosed Property Located at
515 Crawford Street in Accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas Tax Code to
Jesse Stamper in the Amount of $954.24. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the direct sale of a tax
foreclosed property located at 515 Crawford Street, described as Lot 4A, Block 45, Tucker
Addition to Jesse Stamper in accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas Tax Code in the
amount of $954.24; and authorize the execution and recording of the appropriate instruments
conveying the property to complete the sale.
3. M &C L -15372 - Authorize Purchase of Property Located at 8600 Shelby Lane
from Robyn Keating in the Amount of $175,000.00 Plus Approximately $5,000.00
in Closing Costs, Dedicate the Property as Parkland and Adopt Appropriation
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Approve the purchase of the property
located at 8600 Shelby Lane from Robyn Keating in the amount of $175,000.00 plus closing
costs estimated at $5,000.00; authorize the execution of the appropriate closing documents to
complete the purchase; adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20225 -06 -2012 increasing the
estimated receipts and appropriations in the Park Dedication Fees Fund in the amount of
$152,461.34, from available funds, for the purpose of purchasing the property and dedicating the
property as parkland; and accept the property and dedicate the property as parkland upon
4. M &C L -15373 - Authorize Acquisition of a Fee Simple Interest in 2.1770 Acres of
Immproved Lots for the Lebow Channel Drainage Improvements Project, Located
at 3051 -3061, 3101 -3109, and 3106 Hardy Street from Betty J. Williamson in the
Amount of $750,000.00, Authorize Payment of Estimated Closing Costs of
$_30,000.00 for a Total Cost of $780,000.00 and Authorize Payment of Relocation
Assistance in the Amount of $200,000.00. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the acquisition of a fee
simple interest in 2.1770 acres of improved lots for the Lebow Channel Drainage Improvements
Project, located at 3051 -3061 Hardy Street, described as Lots 7 -12, Block 40, Morgan Heights
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Addition; 3101 -3109 Hardy Street, described as Lots 7 -12, Block 6, Shoe and Leather
Company's Addition and 3106 Hardy Street, described as Lots 3 -5, Block 7, Shoe and Leather
Company's Addition, from Betty J. Williamson; find that the total purchase price in the amount
of $750,000.00 is just compensation; authorize acceptance of the conveyance, the recording of
the appropriate instruments and payment of the estimated closing costs up to $30,000.00; and
authorize the payment of relocation assistance in the amount of $200,000.00.
5. M &C L -15374 - Accept Dedication of Approximately 5.569 Acres of Unimproved
Park Land from Arcadia Lots, Ltd., as an Addition to Arcadia Trail Park North.
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Accept the dedication of
approximately 5.569 acres of unimproved park land located west of North Beach Street, north of
North Tarrant Parkway and south of Shiver Road and described as a 5.569 acre tract of land
situated in the C.C. Whyte Survey, Abstract No. 1611, intending to be all of Lot 48x, Block 38,
Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of that tract of land as described by deed to Arcadia
Lots, Ltd., from Arcadia Lots, Ltd., in accordance with the 2000 Neighborhood and Community
Park Dedication Policy as an addition to Arcadia Trail Park North.
6. M &C L -15375 - Accept Dedication of Approximately 0.388 Acres of Park Land
and Facility Improvements from Hillwood Alliance Residential, LP, for Camp
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Accept the dedication of
approximately 0.388 acre of parkland and facility improvements located north of Heritage Trace
Parkway at the intersection of Camp Worth Trail and Bob Wills Drive and described as a 0.388
acre tract of land situated in the Walter R. Converse Survey, Abstract No. 248, intending to be a
portion of Lot 11x, Block 92, Phase 3B, Section 1, Heritage Addition, Tarrant County, Texas,
and being a portion of that tract of land as described by deed to Hillwood Alliance Residential,
LP, formerly known as Hillwood /2500, Ltd., from Hillwood Alliance Residential, LP, in
accordance with the Neighborhood and Community Park Dedication Policy for Camp Worth
D. Planning & Zoning - Consent Items - None
E. Award of Contract - Consent Items
1. M &C C -25623 - Authorize Acquisition of Property Located on 920 East Humbolt
Street from Carolyn Jordan, in the Amount of $8,750.00 for a Future Public
Facility to Be Leased and Operated by the United Community Centers, Inc.
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize acquisition of the property
located at 920 East Humbolt Street in the amount of $8,750.00 from Carolyn Jordan, plus up to
$5,000.00 in closing costs; and authorize the execution, acceptance and recording of the
appropriate instruments for the acquisition.
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2. M &C C -25624 - Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with
Komatsu /Rangel, Inc., in the Amount of $353,441.00 for Design and Construction
Administration Services for a Community Facility in the Evans - Rosedale Business
and Cultural District. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the City Manager or his
designee to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Komatsu /Rangel, Inc., in the
amount of $353,441.00 for design and construction administration services for a community
facility to be located at the corner of Evans Avenue and East Humbolt Street in the Evans
Rosedale Business and Cultural District.
3. M &C C -25625 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Vendigm Construction,
LLC, in the Amount of $338,742.22 for Bridge Repair and Rehabilitation at Six
Locations. (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2,8 and 9)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a contract
with Vendigm Construction, LLC, in the amount of $338,742.22 for bridge repair and
rehabilitation at Hattie Street over Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Union Pacific Railroad;
Berry Street over Union Pacific Railroad and Stuart Street; North Beach Street (North Bound)
over Big Fossil Creek; North Beach Street (South Bound) over Big Fossil Creek; North Beach
Street (North Bound) over Tributary of Big Fossil Creek; North Beach Street (South Bound) over
Tributary of Big Fossil Creek.
4. M &C C -25626 - Authorize Execution of a Construction Contract with A &F
Elevator Company, Inc., in the Amount of $269,790.00 to Renovate the Elevators
in the Commerce Street Parking Garage. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a contract
with A &F Elevator Company, Inc., in the amount of $269,790.00 to renovate the elevators in the
Commerce Street Parking Garage.
5. M &C C -25627 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 4 in the Amount of
$155,902.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 36513, an Engineering Services
Agreement with Dunaway Associates, L.P., for the Design of East First Street
from Beach Street to Oakland Boulevard for a Total Contract Amount of
$1,025,721.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the transfer of $24,725.00
from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of
$7,693.00 and Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $17,032.00; adopt Appropriation
Ordinance No. 20226 -06 -2012 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water
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Capital Projects Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of an Engineering Services
Agreement with Dunaway Associates, L.P., for the design of East First Street from Beach Street
to Oakland Boulevard; adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20227 -06 -2012 increasing the
estimated receipts and appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund, from available funds,
for the purpose of an Engineering Services Agreement with Dunaway Associates, L.P., for the
design of East First Street from Beach Street to Oakland Boulevard; and authorize the execution
of Amendment No. 4 in the amount of $155,902.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 36513 with
Dunaway Associates, L.P., for the design of East First Street from Beach Street to Oakland
Boulevard, thereby resulting in a total contract cost of $1,025,721.00.
6. M &C C -25628 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with
Bridgefarmer and Associates, Inc., in an Amount Up to $500,000.00 for General
Engineering Support for the North Riverside Bridge at Interstate Highway 820
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an
engineering agreement in an amount up to $500,000.00 with Bridgefarmer and Associates, Inc.,
for general engineering services related to the North Riverside Drive Bridge at IH -820 project.
7. M &C C -25629 - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Receipts and
Appropriations in the Storm Water Capital Projects Fund in the Amount of
$118,600.00, Authorize Transfer of $118,600.00 from the Lake Worth Gas Lease
Capital Improvement Fund to the Storm Water Capital Projects Fund and
Authorize Execution of a Contract with West Coast Storm, Inc., in the Amount of
$171,600.00 for Stormwater Structural Control Devices for the Transportation
and Public Works Department. (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 4 and 7)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the transfer of
$118,600.00 from the Lake Worth Gas Lease Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of
$118,600.00 to the Storm Water Capital Projects Fund; and adopt Appropriation Ordinance No.
20228 -06 -2012 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Storm Water Capital
Projects Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of executing a contract with West Coast
Storm, Inc., for storm water structural control devices for the Transportation and Public Works
Department; and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $171,600.00.
8. M &C C -25630 - Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Brown & Gay
Engineers, Inc., in the Amount of $448,904.00 for the Greenbriar Creek Master
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an
agreement with Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $448,904.00 for the Greenbriar
Creek Master Plan.
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9. M &C C -25631 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Services Agreement with
Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc., in the Amount of $132,000.00 for the Design of
Local Street and Intersection Improvements to Support the Henderson Street
Bridge Detour. (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 7 and 9)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an
Engineering Services Agreement with Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc., in an amount not to
exceed $132,000.00, for the design of local street and intersection improvements to support the
Henderson Street Bridge Detour by utilizing $132,000.00 from the 2008 Bond Program to
provide for street improvements of several intersections.
10. M &C C -25632 - Authorize Execution of a Work Order with Job Order
Contractor, Yeargan Construction Company - The Mark IV Construction Group
in the Amount of $120,253.77 to Renovate the Visitor's Center at the Will Rogers
Memorial Center. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a work
order with Job Order Contractor, Yeargan Construction Company -The Mark IV Construction
Group in the amount of $120,253.77 plus $24,050.23 in staff costs and contingency to renovate
the Visitor's Center at the Will Rogers Memorial Center.
11. M &C C -25633 - Authorize Execution of a Construction Reimbursement
Agreement with Atmos Energy Corporation in the Amount of $158,122.02 for the
Relocation of Gas Pipelines as Part of the Runway Extension Project at Fort
Worth Alliance Airport. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize execution of a
Construction Reimbursement Agreement with Atmos Energy Corporation in the amount of
$158,122.02 for the relocation of gas pipelines as part of the Runway Extension Project at Fort
Worth Alliance Airport.
12. M &C C -25634 - Authorize Execution of Amendment 1 to City Secretary Contract
No. 41865 with Garver, LLC, in the Amount of $99,500.00, for a Total Cost of
$199,000.00, for Small Engineering Projects on an As Needed Basis for Both
Meacham and Spinks Airports and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Decreasing
the Available Cash Balance. (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2 and 8)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No.
20229 -06 -2012 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Municipal Airports
Fund in the amount of $59,000.00 and decreasing the available cash balance by the same
amount, for the purpose of funding small engineering projects on an as- needed basis for
Meacham and Spinks Airports; and authorize additional funding for City Secretary Contract No.
41865 with Garver, LLC, in the amount of $99,500.00 over the five (5) year period of the
agreement for small engineering projects on an as- needed basis for the Aviation Department.
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13. M &C C -25635 - Authorize Execution of a Professional Services A reement with
Garver, LLC, in the Amount of $127,200.00 for a Pavement Condition Index
Evaluation for the Aviation Department, Authorize Use of Gas Lease Revenue
and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances. (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2 and 8)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the use of gas lease
revenue in the amount of $127,200.00 for the Pavement Condition Index Evaluation; adopt
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20230 -06 -2012 increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Airports Gas Lease Project Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of
executing a Professional Services Agreement with Garver, LLC., for a Pavement Condition
Index Evaluation for the Aviation Department; authorize the transfer of funds from the Airports
Gas Lease Project Fund to the Municipal Airports Fund; adopt Appropriation Ordinance No.
20231 -06 -2012 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Municipal Airports
Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of executing a Professional Services Agreement with
Garver, LLC., for a Pavement Condition Index Evaluation for the Aviation Department; and
authorize the execution of the agreement with Garver, LLC., in the amount of $127,200.00 for
the Evaluation.
14. M &C C -25636 - Authorize Construction Management Contract with CP &Y, Inc.,
in the Amount of $176,390.00, for the Installation of Security and Alert
Notification Improvements at the Rolling Hills and Westside Water Treatment
Plants and the Lake Worth Dam. (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 7 and 8)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to enter
into a construction management contract with CP &Y, Inc., in the amount of $176,390.00, for
construction management service associated with the installation of security and alert
notification improvements at the Rolling Hills and Westside Water Treatment Plants and the
Lake Worth Dam.
15. M &C C -25637 - Authorize Execution of the First Renewal with James DeOtte
Engineering, Inc., in the Amount of $150,000.00 to City Secretary Contract No
42503 for Water and Sewer Design Services, Contract 2011, Thereby Increasing
the Contract Amount to $300,000.00. (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of the first
renewal in the amount of $150,000.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 42503 with James DeOtte
Engineering, Inc., thereby increasing the contract amount to $300,000.00.
16. M &C C -25638 - Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 2 to Citv Secretar
Contract No. 41532 with UtiliTex Construction, LLP in the Amount of
$133,489.20 for a Total Contract Amount of $1,260,020.34 for Sanitary Sewer
Rehabilitation Contract 65, Part 1, on North Sylvania Avenue, Stratford Park
Drive and Brentwood Stair Road and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
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The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the transfer of
$133,489.20 from the Sewer Operating Fund to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund; adopt
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20232 -06 -2012 increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of
executing Change Order No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 41532 with UtiliTex Construction,
LLP., for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 65, Part 1; and authorize the City Manager to
execute Change Order No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 41532 with UtiliTex Construction,
LLP., in the amount of $133,489.20, thereby increasing the contract amount to $1,260,020.34.
t. OCS - 1853 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and /or Injuries
End of Consent Agenda.
1. Presentation by the 4H -Club
Ms. Lois Bogusch, 4 -H Club, Ms. Lori Thomson, Sculpture Coordinator and Advisor, Firehouse
Gallery, and five (5) children representing 4HKIDS, presented Council Member Hicks with Art
Sculpture Number 6, a unicorn, made by the 4HKIDS from trash found during the Cowtown
Cleanup. They advised that the 4 -H Club brought together children and adults in the community
by developing many life- enhancing skills which provided the members with a sense of self -
worth and achievement.
Council Member Hicks expressed appreciation to the 4 -H Club and to all of the children and
sponsors who supported the organization.
2. Presentation of General William Jenkins Worth Portrait
Mr. William Ludwig, President, Historic Handley Railroad Museum, Mr. Wayne Ludwig,
Research Historian and Mr. Richard Selcer, Historian, presented Mayor Price and Council
Member Moss with a portrait of General William Jenkins Worth.
Mr. Selcer provided brief comments on the history of General William Jenkins Worth.
Mayor Price expressed appreciation for the portrait and encouraged everyone to visit the Weiler
House Fine Art Gallery located in the historic Handley area of Fort Worth.
3. Presentation of Proclamation of the Centennial Panther Badge Day
Mayor Price presented the Proclamation for Centennial Panther Badge Day to Officer
Gwendolyn Maxwell, President, Fort Worth Police Historical Association and Chief Jeffrey
Halstead, Fort Worth Police Department. She advised that the mission of the Fort Worth Police
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Historical Association was to preserve the frontier and modern history department and
announced they were celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Fort Worth Police Department's
Panther Badge on June 9, 2012. She further advised that the Fort Worth Police Historical
Association, with the help of the strong corporate community, had V.H. Blackinton & Co., Inc.
produce a commemorative badge. She stated that the design of the badge consisted of the
traditional Panther Badge with a gold panther on a silver shield to denote unity of the ranks, the
wording as well as the background of the star in blue to signify police blue and a gold wreath at
the bottom with the words "Panther Centennial Badge, 1912- 2012 ". She further stated that on the
100t" anniversary of the original ceremony a special ceremony would be held at the Tarrant
County Courthouse to officially pin on the commemorative Panther Badge, which Chief
Halstead had authorized officers to voluntarily wear for one year.
Officer Maxwell recognized other board members in attendance and presented the Mayor and
Council with gift bags.
Chief Halstead expressed appreciation to Officer Maxwell and the other board members who
were part of this project. He stated the design of the new badge required extensive time and
I. Uucomin2 and Recent,Events
Council Member Burns announced that he delivered meals for the Meals on Wheels program in
the Texas Christian University area. He stated that he delivered meals with representatives from
TXU Energy and the Beat the Heat Campaign, which was their summer program to educate
seniors and those who were unable to handle extreme temperatures. He also advised that the
Fairmount Neighborhood Association won the Social Revitalization award and Shaw - Clarke
Neighborhood Association was recognized for local renovation projects at the Neighborhood
USA event in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman announced that he represented the Mayor and Council at the Fort
Worth after School Recognition Awards which recognized structured after school time for
students. He stated that he also represented the Mayor and Council at the Generation Hope
program, which was supported by Commissioner Roy Brooks, and advised that the three (3) year
after school and weekend program provided laptop computers for those graduating from the
program. He stated that programs such as these strengthened the confidence and character of the
youth in the community.
Council Member Moss expressed appreciation to Ms. Melinda Ramos, Assistant City Attorney,
Law Department, for making a Council District 5 presentation relative to the duties and
responsibilities of City board, commission and committee members on Saturday. He stated the
event was well attended and the information presented was very useful.
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Council Member Scarth announced that a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Police Forum would be held
on June 14, 2012, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at the Goodrich Center for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing, located at 2500 Lipscomb Street.
Council Member Espino announced that it was race weekend at Texas Motor Speedway and
stated the following races would be held: NASCAR Camping World Truck Series, IZOD
IndyCar Series and the Global Rallycross. He encouraged everyone to attend the exciting events
held June 7, 2012, through June 9, 2012.
Mayor Price announced that the Stars Under the Stars series would take place
June 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gateway parking lot in Sundance Square and
encouraged everyone to participate in the outdoor cinema experience with their families and
2. Recognition of Citizens
There were no citizens recognized at this time.
1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions
There were no changes in membership on Boards and Commissions.
There were no presentations and /or communications from boards, commissions and /or city
council committees.
1. A Resolution Appointing a Member to Serve on the Fort Worth Art Commission
The City Council adopted a Resolution appointing Terri Thornton as Curator, Place 2, to the Fort
Worth Art Commission, effective June 5, 2012, with a term expiring on September 30, 2012.
Motion: Council Member Moss made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Resolution No. 4091 -06 -2012 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
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2 A Resolution Supporting the Environmental Clearance and Commencement of
Improvements to the IH -35W Corridor
The City Council adopted a Resolution supporting the environmental clearance and
commencement of improvements to the IH -35W corridor.
Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burns, that
Resolution No. 4092 -06 -2012 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes
to 0 nays.
The Notice of Special Hearing set today as the date for the hearing in connection with
recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 and that notice of the
hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram, the official newspaper
of the City of Fort Worth, on May 18, 2012.
Mayor Price opened the public hearing.
1. ZC- 10416C - (CD 2) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development Far Greater
Northside Phase 4, 3702, 3704, 3706, 3708 & 3716 Clinton Avenue; from "J"
Medium Industrial to: "A -5" One - Family. (Recommended for Approval by the
Zoning Commission)
Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC- 10 -116C be approved. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
2.ZC -12 -003 - (CD 3) - Edwards Geren Ltd., Southeast corner of Vickery Boulevard
& Bryant Irvin Road; from: "PD -630" Planned Development for all uses in "MU-
2" Iligh. Intensity Mixed Use as outlined in the September 30, 2003
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance with a minimum 20 foot front yard setback
and minimum block len <tyth of 500 feet, maximum block length 1500 feet, with
20 0/► of the block length allowed to be between 200 and 500 feet; site plan waived
to: "G" Intensive Commercial. (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning
Motion: Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Shingleton, that Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -003 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
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3. ZC -12 -038 - (CD 4) - Juan Gabriel Gonzales, 8328 Randol Mill Road; from: "E"
Neighborhood Commercial to: "PD /E" Planned Development for all uses in "E
Neighborhood Commercial plus indoor and outdoor storage for a pool
construction business with or without a primary use; site plan waiver
recommended. (Recommended for Approval as Amended by the Zoning
Commission to include indoor storage)
Mr. Brian Clettenberg, 3616 Doris Walker Trail, completed a speaker card in support of Zoning
Docket No. ZC -12 -038, but did not wish to address the City Council.
Motion: Council Member Scarth made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -038 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
4. ZC -12 -039 - (CD 7) - White Settlement ISD, 9850 Legacy Drive; from: "C"
Medium Density Multifamily to: "CF" Community Facilities. (Recommended for
Approval by the Zoning Commission)
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tern
Zimmerman, that Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -039 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
5. ZC -12 -041 - (CD 6) - Robert Petrie, 5408 Woodway Drive; from: "CF"
Community Facilities to: "E" Neighborhood Commercial. (Recommended for
Approval by the Zoning Commission)
Mr. Mitch Reitman, 3805 Trails Edge Road, appeared before Council in support of Zoning
Docket No. ZC -12 -041.
Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -041 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
6. ZC -12 -042 - (CD 2) - Taly's Properties, Inc. 3240 NW 33rd Street; from: "A -5"
One- Family to: "PD /SU" Planned Development /Specific Use for arena, club
house, and stables; site plan included.(Recommended for Denial by the Zoning
Mr. Christopher Bonilla, 8540 Charleston Avenue, completed a speaker card in support of
Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -042, but did not wish to address the City Council.
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Mr. JD Jimmerson, 3302 Roosevelt Avenue, completed a speaker card in opposition of Zoning
Docket No. ZC -12 -042, but did not wish to address the City Council.
Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -042 be continued until the July 10, 2012, Council
meeting. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
7. SP -1.2 -005 - (CD 4) - Dan Vo, 6705 Meadowbrook Drive; Amend "PD -612" site
plan to add 900 sq. ft.(Recommended for Approval by the Zonin` Commission)
Mr. Christopher Bonilla, 8540 Charleston Avenue, completed a speaker card in support of
Zoning Docket No. SP -12 -005, but did not wish to address the City Council.
Motion: Council Member Scarth made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tern Zimmerman,
that Zoning Docket No. SP -12 -005 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
8. ZC42 -043 - (CD 6) - Forestar (USA) Real Estate Group, Inc. 8808 W. Cleburne
Road; from: "A -5" One - Family to: "PD /SU" Planned Development for all uses in
"F" General Commercial with the exception of a tattoo parlor, cocktail lounge,
private or teen club, bar and tavern, no auto repair allowed within 200' of the
intersection of South llulen and McPherson; site plan waiver recommended.
(Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)
Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tern Zimmerman,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -043 be approved with the amendment to require a
Site Plan. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
9. ZC -1.2 -044 - (CD 6) - BR2R1: Tarrant Opportunity Fund, Ltd. 2101 Sycamore
School Road; from: "E" Neityhborhood Commercial to: "PD /E" Planned
Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial with buildinIZ greater
than 60,000 square feet; site plan included. (Recommended for Approval by the
Zoning Commission)
Mr. Gerald Luecke, applicant, 13642 Omega Road, Dallas, Texas 75244, appeared before
Council in support of Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -044. (provided handout of comments)
Mr. Benjamin Hamrick, representing Estrella Freight Service, 2020 Sycamore School Road,
appeared before Council in opposition to Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -044.
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Council Member Jordan requested clarification regarding a request for a traffic light at the
Ms. Dana Burghdoff, Deputy Director, Planning and Development Director, clarified that a
traffic signal would not be appropriate at a driveway location. She advised that the
Transportation and Public Works Department would have to approve all driveway locations and
determine if traffic mitigation was necessary.
Council Member Jordan advised that he would continue to meet with Mr. Hamrick to come to an
agreement about traffic mitigation on the northwest corner of the property. He stated that both
the proposed grocery store and Estrella Freight Service were important to the community.
Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -044 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
10. ZC -12 -045 - (CD 2) - D. R. Horton - Texas, Ltd. 2400 block of Basswood
Boulevard; from: "A -7.5" One- Family to: "A -5" One - Family. (Recommended for
Approval by the Zoning Commission)
Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss, that
Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -045 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
11. ZC -12 -046 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development Department,
Oakridge 'Terrace Neighborhood, Generally bounded by Seminary Drive, Wichita
Street, Interstate 20, and rail line east of Oak Grove Road; from: "A -5" One -
Family, "B" Two - Family, "CR" Low Densitv Multifamily, "C" Medium Density
Multifamily, "D" High Density Multifamily, "E" Neighborhood Commercial,
"FR" General Commercial Restricted, "G" Intensive Commercial, and "I" Light
Industrial to: "B" Two - Family, "R2" Townhouse /Cluster, "CR" Low Density
Multifamily, "C" Medium Density Multifamily, "D" High Density Multifamily,
"CF" Community Facilities, "E" Neighborhood Commercial, and "G" Intensive
Commercial. (Recommended for Approval by the "Zoning Commission)
The following individuals submitted comment cards in support of Zoning Docket No.
ZC -12 -046.
Mr. Willie Weaver, 4900 Campus Drive
Mr. Ron Baldwin, 4900 Campus Drive
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tern Zimmerman,
that Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -046 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
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12. ZC -12 -047 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development Department,
1804 E. Robert Street; from: "B" Two- Family to: "CF" Community Facilities.
Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth, that
Zoning Docket No. ZC -12 -047 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the recommended
changes and amendments pertaining to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 for the above listed cases,
Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth, that the hearing be
closed and that Ordinance No. 20233 -06 -2012 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
A. Benefit Hearing - None
B. General
1. 11 &C (J -t7585 - Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 12.5, Environmental
Protection and Compliance of the City Code By Adding Article X, Grading
Permit, Sections 12.5-874 through 12.5 -882 in Order to Regulate Land
Disturbance and Grading and Establish a Fee in the Amount of $50.00 for a
Grading Permit. (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) (Continued from a Previous
Meetin J
It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17585
be withdrawn from consideration.
2. M &C G -17585 - (Revised) Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 12.5,
Environmental Protection and Compliance of the City Code By Adding Article X,
Entitled "Grading Permit ", Sections 12.5 -874 Through 12.5 -882 in Order to
Regulate Land Disturbance and Grading and Establish a Fee in the Amount of
$50.00 for a Grading Permit. (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The recommendation was that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending the Code of the
City of Fort Worth, (1986), as amended, by amending Chapter 12.5, "Environmental Protection
and Compliance" by adding a new Article X entitled "Grading Permit ", Sections 12.5 -874
through 12.5 -882; adding regulations and a definition for land disturbance and requiring a
grading permit for land disturbances of 0.5 acre or more; and establish a fee in the amount of
$50.00 for each application for a Grading Permit.
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Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Moss,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17585 (Revised) be approved and
Ordinance No. 20234 -06 -2012 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes
to 0 nays.
3. M &C G -17604 - Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 22 of the Code of the City
of Fort Worth, as Amended, by Adding Section 22 -324 Prohibiting Engine
Braking in the City Limits. (ALA. COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The recommendation was that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending Chapter 22 of the
Code of the City of Fort Worth, as amended, by adding Section 22 -324 prohibiting engine
braking in the City limits.
Motion: Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17604 be approved and Ordinance
No. 20235 -06 -2012 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
4. M &C G -17605 - Authorize Temporary Closure of the Intersection of West Berry
Street and University Drive from June 11, 2012 Through July 31, 2012 for the
Construction of the West Berry Streetscape Improvements Project. (COUNCIL
The recommendation was that the City Council authorize the temporary closure of the
intersection of West Berry Street and University Drive from June 11, 2012, through
July 31, 2012, for the implementation of the West Berry Streetscape Improvements Project.
Ms. Sandra Dennehy, 3124 College Avenue, completed a speaker card in support of Mayor and
Council Communication No. G- 17605, but did not wish to address the City Council.
Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17605 be approved. The motion
carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
C. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services
1. M &C P -11389 - Authorize Purchase of Upgrades to Three Existinv Propane
Fueling Facilities for the Equipment Services Department from Ferrellgas, Inc., in
the Amount of $223,256.58. (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The recommendation was that the City Council authorize the purchase of upgrades to three (3)
existing propane fueling facilities for the Equipment Services Department from Ferrellgas, Inc.,
for a total amount of $223,256.58.
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Motion: Mayor Pro tern Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burns,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. P -11389 be approved. The motion
carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
D. Land
1. M &C L -15376 - Authorize Conveyance of Two Easements to Atmos Enerp,y in the
Amount of $6,030.00 on City Owned Property Located at East Northside Drive.
The recommendation was that the City Council authorize conveyance of two (2) easements to
Atmos Energy in the amount of $6,030.00 on a City owned lot located at East Northside Drive;
and authorize execution and recording of necessary documents to complete the conveyance.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. L -15376 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
2. M &C L -15377 - Authorize Conversion of the Houston Street Garage at 1100
Houston Street to Two Condominium Units and Authorize Sale of One
Condominium Unit Containing 23,700 Square Feet of Retail Space Located on the
First Floor of the Garage to the Fort Worth Local Development Corporation in
the Amount of $1,900,000.00. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
The recommendation was that the City Council authorize the conversion of the Houston Street
parking garage located at 1100 Houston Street to two (2) condominium units comprising a retail
unit and a garage unit; authorize the sale of the retail condominium unit consisting of 23,700
square feet of retail space located on the first floor to the Fort Worth Local Development
Corporation in the amount of $1,900,000.00; and authorize the execution and recording of the
appropriate instruments concerning the condominium conversion and sale of the retail
condominium unit.
Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. L -15377 be approved. The motion
carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
3. M &C L -15378 - .Authorize Condemnation by Eminent Domain of Easement
Interests in 0.115 Acres of Land for a Permanent Drainage Facility and 0.085
Acres of Land for Temporary Construction Access, Owned By Western Related
Properties L.L.C., Located in Block 3, Lot 1 -R, Deavers Addition, Also Known as
240 Nursery Lane for Scott Sunset Drainage Improvements. (COUNCIL
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The recommendation was that the City Council declare that the negotiations between the City
and the landowners to acquire the permanent easement interest in 0.115 acre and temporary
easement interest in 0.085 acre owned by Western Related Properties L.L.C., also known as 240
Nursery Lane, Block 3, Lot 1 R, Deavers Addition, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas,
were unsuccessful due to the inability to agree on a purchase price; declare the necessity to
acquire subject property through condemnation by eminent domain for the easement interests
needed for Scott Sunset drainage improvements; authorize the City Attorney to institute
condemnation by eminent domain proceedings to acquire the easement interests in the property;
authorize the acceptance and recording of appropriate instruments; and authorize the deposit of
commissioner's award to registry of the court.
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burns,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. L -15378 be approved and that the Fort
Worth City Council authorize the use of the power of eminent domain to acquire
easement interests in 0.115 acre of land for permanent drainage facility and 0.085
acre of land for temporary construction, located in Block 3, Lot 1 -R, Deavers
Addition, also known as 240 Nursery Lane, owned by Western Related Properties
L.L.C., for Scott - Sunset Drainage Improvements. The motion carried unanimously
9 ayes to 0 nays.
E. Planning & Zoning - None
F. Award of Contract
1. N &C C -25639 - Authorize Execution of a Construction. Reimbursement
Agreement with Crosstex Energy Services in the Amount of $3977,686.00 for
Relocation of Gas Pipelines as Part of the Runway Extension Project at Fort
Worth Alliance Airport. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
The recommendation was that the City Council authorize execution of a Construction
Reimbursement Agreement with Crosstex Energy Services in the amount of $3,977,686.00 for
relocation of gas pipelines as part of the Runway Extension Project at Fort Worth Alliance
Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. C -25639 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
2. M &C C -25640 - Authorize Execution of an Agreement with the Fort Worth
Independent School District in an Amount Up to $50,076.00 for Operation of the
Fort Worth After School Program at Como Elementary School for the 2012 -2013
School Year and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
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The recommendation was that the City Council authorize the execution of an agreement with the
Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) in an amount up to $50,076.00 to provide the
Fort Worth After School Program at Como Elementary School for the 2012 -2013 school year;
and adopt an Appropriation Ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Grants Fund, subject to receipt of payment from the FWISD, for the purpose of funding the after
school program.
Council Member Moss advised he had filed a Conflict of Interest Affidavit with the City
Secretary's Office and would abstain from voting on this item.
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan,
that Mayor and Council Communication No. C -25640 be approved and
Appropriation Ordinance No. 20236 -06 -2012 be adopted. The motion carried
8 ayes to 0 nays, with 1 abstention by Council Member Moss.
1. Public Hearing on a Proposed Redistricting Plan for Fort Worth's Single Member
Citv Council Districts
Mayor Price opened the public hearing.
a. Report of City Staff
Ms. Dana Burghdoff, Deputy Director, Planning and Development Department appeared before
Council and provided a staff report.
Public Comments
The following individuals appeared before Council in opposition to the public hearing on the
proposed Redistricting Plan for Fort Worth's Single Member City Council Districts.
Mr. Fernando Florez, 2740 Hemphill (submitted letter from United Hispanic Council)
Ms. Barbara Grisell, 818 North Chandler Drive
Mr. Jerry Betts, 3821 Drexmore Road
Mr. Jesse Aguilera, 2112 Daisy Lane
Mr. Pablo Calderon, 4813 Kemble Street, submitted an "undecided" speaker card regarding the
proposed Redistricting Plan for Fort Worth's Single Member City Council Districts.
Mr. Christian Ellis, 1925 Dartmoor Court, submitted a comment card in support of the public
hearing on the proposed Redistricting Plan for Fort Worth's Single Member City Council
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Council Member Espino advised that Council District 2 had grown the most out of any of the
districts. He stated a number of citizens would have to be removed from District 2 and placed in
various districts which would impact the entire Council. He reiterated the importance of
complying with the Voting Rights Act. He advised that he looked forward to a plan that would
make everyone happy and satisfy all requirements at the State and Federal levels.
C. Council Action
Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that the Public Hearing be continued until the June 12, 2012, Council meeting. The
motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
Mr. Charlie Burgess, Mr. Zach Burt, and Mr. Rick Mullins, 5805 End O Trail, appeared before
Council regarding the Woodhaven Community Development and the various code violations in
the area and provided handouts and a PowerPoint presentation.
Council Member Scarth expressed appreciation to the all of the citizens from Council District 4
in attendance regarding this item. He stated he looked forward to working with Mr. Burgess, Mr.
Burt and Mr. Mullins along with the Code Compliance Department concerning the issues in the
Woodhaven Community Development.
Mr. Donald Fisher, 6925 Hatch Drive, appeared before Council regarding the architecture of Fort
Mr. George Vernon Chiles, 2800 Jennings, appeared before Council regarding Fort Worth Public
Library issues and requests for public information.
There being no further business, Mayor Price adjourned the regular meeting at 8:34 p.m.
These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on the 12`h day of June, 2012.
Mary J. Kay
City Secret