HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999/09/07-Minutes-City Council 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 Date & Time On the 7th day of September, A.D., 1999, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session at 7:03 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 1000 Throckmorton, with the following members and officers present: Attendance Mayor Kenneth Barr; Mayor Pro tempore Ralph McCloud; Council Members Jim Lane, Chuck Silcox, Becky Haskin, Frank Moss, Clyde Picht, Jeff Wentworth and Wendy Davis; City Manager Bob Terrell; City Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Gloria Pearson. With more than a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Invocation The invocation was given by Reverend Andy Addis, Handley Baptist Church. Pledge The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes On motion of Council Member Lane, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the minutes of the regular meeting of August 31, 1999 were approved unanimously. Special Deputy Police Chief Ralph Mendoza and 911 Supervisor Tim Presentations Leverenz presented a Proclamation for 911 Hero Day to Sarah Peck, Roxanne Martinez, and Angela Collingsworth. Mayor Barr recognized Charles Campbell, Sarah Peck's grandfather and former Parks and Recreation Director, and her parents. Council Member Haskin presented a Proclamation for Baby Safety Awareness Month to Mr. Gary Cumbie. Continued/ City Manager Terrell requested that Item XV(2) on the Withdrawn by Staff agenda be withdrawn from the agenda as this item was a duplicate of the public hearing for Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12655. Consent Agenda On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Lane, the consent agenda was adopted unanimously. Res. # 2572 There was presented Resolution No. 2572 recommending Appointment that the City Council appoint Wendy Davis to the Board of Member of Board of Directors for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Directors for TIF No. 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 2of19 Four, Fort Worth, Texas. Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore McCloud, that the recommendation be approved. The motion carried unanimously. OCS-1088 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Claims No. OCS-1088 from the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. Public Hearing It appeared that the City Council at its meeting of August 31, 1999, set today as the date for a continuance of the public hearing regarding application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Section 108 loan guarantees for the Heritage Center Project, and amendment to the 1999-2000 Consolidated Action Plan. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Joe Paniagua, Assistant to the City Manager, representing Intergovernmental Affairs and Grants Management, appeared before the City Council and advised them that this public hearing was continued to receive further comments from citizens and gave a staff report calling attention to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12650 as follows: G-12650 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Heritage Center No. G-12650, dated August 31, 1999, from the City Manager Project recommending that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to submit an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requesting a Section 108 loan guarantee commitment of $7,500,000.00 for the Heritage Center project; and 2. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute any and all documents necessary for the receipt and payment of the Section 108 loan; and C COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 3of19 3. Amend the City of Fort Worth's 1999-2000 Consolidated Action Plan to include the activities proposed under the Heritage Center project that include the use of $1,500,000.00 in Economic Development Initiative Grant funds and $7,500,000.00 in Section 108 loan guarantees. Shirley W. Lewis Ms. Shirley W. Lewis, 522 Missouri, Executive Director of the Northside Community Development Center, spoke in favor of the application but addressed the concerns of the citizens on the east side of the city that the development should benefit the neighborhood, not contribute or add to existing difficulties. Mayor Barr recognized the following citizens who also supported the application but did not wish to address Council: Mr. Jimmy Madison, Mr. James Toal, and Mr. Phillip Poole. Mayor Pro tempore McCloud made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, to close the public hearing and approve Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12650. The motion carried unanimously. G-12651 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Increase of Legal No. G-12651 from the City Manager recommending that the Fees Paid to Ross City Council authorize the maximum amount to be paid to Foster Ross Foster to represent Police Lt. Glenn Blair in the lawsuit of A. J. Singleton vs. the City of Fort Worth, et al., Civil Action No. 4:98-CV-238-Y. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. G-12652 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Closure of 10th No. G-12652 from the City Manager recommending that the Street to Facilitate City Council approve the closure of 10th Street between Installation of Water Fournier Street and Forest Park Boulevard and Fournier Line Street from 10th Street to the south dead end at the Holly Water Production plant for the period of September 6, 1999 through November 24, 1999 to facilitate the installation of a new 36-inch water line to replace the old 36-inch cast iron water line that broke last summer. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 4of19 G-12653 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Ord. # 13926 No. G-12653 from the City Manager recommending that the Marine Commercial City Council: Historic District 1. Authorize the transfer of $2,400.00 from the General Fund to the Grants Fund for the City's cash match and; 2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13926 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $6,000.00 in connection with receipt of the grant from the Texas Historic Preservation Commission for the purpose of hiring a professional historical consultant to prepare a national register nomination for the Marine Commercial Historical District. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. G-12654 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Ord. # 13927 No. G-12654 from the City Manager recommending that the Repeal of Zoning City Council adopt Ordinance No. 13927 repealing Sections and Historic & 25-78 and 25-79 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth Cultural Landmarks concerning the Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission Codes Commission and Sections 25-71 through 25-77 of Code of the City of Fort Worth concerning the Zoning Commission because the contents of such sections are incorporated in amended and recodified Zoning Ordinance No. 13896; amending Section 25-1 to provide that no fee shall be charged for designation of conservation districts and to update a reference to historic and cultural subdistricts. On motion of Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Silcox, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. Public Hearing It appeared that the City Council set today as the date for a public hearing and consideration of a resolution reestablishing Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 1; adopting a budget and service plan; adopting a proposed assessment roll and setting a benefit hearing date for Fiscal Year 1999-2000; adopting an ordinance appropriating certain funds for the district; and authorizing a contract with Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. to provide management services for the district. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. C i CRY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 5 of 19 Linda Brown, Deputy Treasurer, representing the Finance Department, appeared before City Council and presented a staff report calling attention to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12655, as follows: G-12655 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Res. # 2573 No. G-12655 from the City Manager recommending that the Ord. # 13928 City Council take the following actions regarding the Reestablishment of reestablishment of Fort Worth Public Improvement District Fort Worth Public No. 1 (PID No. 1): Improvement District No. 1 1. Hold a public hearing concerning the following matters: a. the advisability of reestablishing the proposed district; b. the general nature of the proposed improvements and/or services; c. the estimated costs thereof; d. the boundaries of the proposed district; e. the proposed method of assessment; and f. the proposed apportionment of costs between the improvement district and the City as a whole; and 2. Adjourn such public hearing; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. 2573 which: a. reestablishes a public improvement district under Chapter 372, Local Government Code (the "Act"), to be known as the Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 1; b. authorizes the City to exercise the powers granted by the Act in connection with the reestablishment of the public improvement district; c. makes findings concerning the nature and advisability of the improvements and/or services to be provided by the district, the estimated costs, the boundaries of the district, the method of assessment, and the apportionment of costs between the district and the City as a whole; and d. directs the City Secretary to publish notice of the reestablishment of the district as required by the act; and CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 6of19 4. Approve the service plan and budget for FY 1999-00 as recommended by the Advisory Board of PID No. 1; and 5. Authorize the transfer of $234,985.00 from the General Fund to the Special Assessment District Fund, PID No. 1, FY 1999-2000 project account; and 6. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13928 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Assessment District Fund in the amount of $234,985.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the Public Improvement District No. 1 budget for FY 1999-00; and 7. Authorize the transfer of $5,000.00 for administrative fees from the Special Assessment District Fund, PID No. 1, FY 1999-2000 project account to the General Fund; and 8. Authorize the City Manager to contract with Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. to provide improvements and services in PID No. 1 during FY 1999-2000 for the sum of $857,894.00; and 9. Adopt the proposed 1999 assessment roll which is on file with the City Secretary and set Tuesday, September 28, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers as the time and place for the benefit hearing; and 10.Direct the City Secretary to give notice of the September 28, 1999, hearing in accordance with state law; and 11.Approve adding to the 1999-2000 budget, as contingency, any unencumbered revenues from PID No. 1's assessment from prior years. There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing and consideration of a Resolution reestablishing Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 1; adopting a budget and service plan; adopting a proposed assessment roll and setting a benefit hearing date for FY 1999-00; adopting an ordinance appropriating certain funds for the district; and authorizing a contract with C Y COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 7of19 Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. to provide management services for the district, Council Member Davis made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, to close the public hearing and approve Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12655. The motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing It appeared that the City Council set today as the date for a public hearing and adoption of appropriation ordinance for Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 6 and action concerning the Annual Plan of Services, budget, and setting a benefit hearing for Fiscal Year 1999-2000. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Linda Brown, Deputy Treasurer, representing the Finance Department, appeared before City Council and gave a staff report calling attention to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12656, as follows: G-12656 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Ord. # 13929 No. G-12656 from the City Manager recommending that the FW PID No. 6 City Council take the following action Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 6 (PID No. 6): 1. Hold a public hearing concerning the plan of services and budget for FY 1999-2000; and 2. Adjourn such public hearing; and 3. Approve the service plan and budget for FY 1999-2000 as recommended by the Advisory Board of PID No. 6; and 4. Authorize the transfer of $80,358.00 from the General Fund to the Special Assessment District Fund, PID No. 6, FY 1999-2000 project account; and 5. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13929 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Assessment District Fund in the amount of $80,358.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 6; and 6. Authorize the transfer of $10,000.00 for administrative fees from the Special Assessment District Fund, PID No. 6 FY 1999-00 project account to the General Fund; and CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 8of19 7. Authorize the City Manager to contract with Principal Management Group to provide improvements and services in the PID No. 6 during FY 1999-2000 for the sum of$789,150.00; and 8. Adopt the proposed assessment roll which is on file with the City Secretary and set Tuesday, September 28, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chamber as the time and place for the benefit hearing; and 9. Direct the City Secretary to give notice of the September 28, 1999, hearing in accordance with state law; and 10.Approve adding to the 1999-2000 budget, as contingency, any unencumbered revenues from the PID No. 6's assessments from prior years. Joe Yates Mr. Joe Yates, 7504 Deerlodge Trail, representing the Park Glen Neighborhood Association, addressed the Council in favor of this issue. There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the public hearing and appropriation ordinance for Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 6 and action concerning the Annual Plan of Services, Budget and setting benefit hearing for fiscal year 1999-2000, Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Lane, that the public hearing be closed and that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12656 be approved. The motion carried unanimously. G-12657 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Denied No. G-12657 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council adopt an ordinance revising Section 7-87, (m)(3) and (4), "Minimum Building Standards Code" of the City of Fort Worth. Mr. Tom Davis, Director of City Services, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that temporary Certificates of Obligations had been issued and stated that they would possibly be extended until the next Construction & Fire Prevention Board meeting. '-1 C Y COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 9 of 19 Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Picht, to deny Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12657. The motion carried unanimously. P-8916 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Amend M&C P-7698 No. P-8916 from the City Manager recommending that the for Additional City Council amend M&C P-7698 for additional authorization Authorization for to purchase computers, parts, peripheral equipment, Computer Hardware software and services for the Information Systems and and Software from Services Department (IS&S) from the State of Texas Catalog the State of Texas Purchasing Procedure for an additional $3,000,000.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8917 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Change Order for No. P-8917 from the City Manager recommending that the Purchase of Trucks City Council authorize a change order to Classic Chevrolet, Inc. for the purchase of two additional compact utility vehicles for $21,556.00 each, with terms allowing payment within 30 days of date of invoice and freight at no charge. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8918 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Purchase No. P-8918 from the City Manager recommending that the Agreement for City Council authorize: Draeger Gas Monitor, Parts and 1. A purchase agreement for a Draeger Gas Monitor, parts Service and service with Vallen Safety Supply Company for the Water Field Operations Division based on the low bid meeting specifications, with payment due 30 days after date of invoice and freight included in unit prices; and 2. This agreement to begin September 1, 1999, and expire August 31, 2000, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8919 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Purchase No. P-8919 from the City Manager recommending that the Agreement for City Council authorize: Traffic Signal Heads CITY COUNCIL MEETING ' ` FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 10 of 19 1. A purchase agreement for the purchase of Traffic Signal Heads from Intersection Development for the Transportation and Public Works Department, Streets Division, based on low bid, no charge for freight, and the City will receive a one percent discount if invoices are paid within ten days; if not paid within ten days, the total is due within 30 days from receipt of invoice; and 2. This agreement to begin on August 31, 1999, and end on August 30, 2000, with options to renew for three successive one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8920 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Purchase of No. P-8920 from the.City Manager recommending that the Flowering Plants City Council authorize the purchase of flowering plants from Tommy's Greenhouse, based on the low bid per line item, not to exceed $28,536.00, with payment due ten days after date of invoice; and tulip bulbs from Abbot-IPCO, based on low bid per line item, not to exceed $952.50, with payment due 30 days after date of invoice. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8921 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Purchase of No. P-8921 from the City Manager recommending that the Technical City Council authorize the purchase of technical installation Installation services and Cimplicity HMI software for the Water Services and Department/Wastewater Treatment Division from GE Team Cimplicity HMI Controls, (GETC) on the basis of sole source, with payment Software due 30 days from invoice date, freight prepaid and added to invoice, for an amount not to exceed $27,120.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8922 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Purchase No. P-8922 from the City Manager recommending that the Agreement for City Council authorize: Maintenance of File AID/MVS and File 1. A purchase agreement for maintenance of (File AID/MVS) AID/DATA Solution & (File AID/DATA) solution software for the Information Software Systems and Services Department with Compuware Corporation at a cost not to exceed $15,797.00 based on the documented sole source; and C Y COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 11 of 19 2. This agreement to begin September 7, 1999, and end September 6, 2000, with the option to renew for one additional one-year period. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8923 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Purchase of Alcatel No. P-8923 from the City Manager recommending that the Microwave Radio City Council authorize the purchase of microwave radio Equipment equipment for the Information Systems and Services Department/Telecommunications Division from Alcatel USA Marketing, Inc. on the basis of sole source, for an amount not to exceed $60,156.00, with payment due 30 days from invoice date, freight prepaid and added to the invoice, on the exhibited unit prices. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8924 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Purchase of Paint No. P-8924 from the City Manager recommending that the and Preparation City Council authorize a purchase agreement for Supplies miscellaneous paint and preparation supplies with multiple vendors for the City of Fort Worth, based on the low bid of each line item, with payment due 30 days after date of invoice, and freight included in unit prices; and with agreement to begin September 15, 1999, and expire September 14, 2000, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. City Secretary Pearson advised Council that lots would be cast in order to determine the award of Item No. 10 inasmuch as identical bids were submitted by Jones-Blair Paint Company, Inc. and AWC Coatings, Inc. Following the casting of lots by Edwin Cook, Assistant Director of Finance and representing AWC Coatings, Inc., and Jack Dale, Senior Buyer for Purchasing and representing Jones-Blair Paint Company, Inc., Mayor Pro tempore McCloud made a motion, seconded by Council Member Haskin, that the recommendation be adopted and that Item No. 10 be granted to AWC Coatings, Inc. The motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 12 of 19 L-12603 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Sale of Tax- No. L-12603 from the City Manager recommending that the Foreclosed City Council: Property 1. Approve the sale of the surplus tax-foreclosed property described as a portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Edward Heirs Addition (2009 West Cannon) to the adjoining property owner, Mr. Walt Duncan; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the appropriate deed, conveying the property to Mr. Duncan, and record the deed. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. PZ-2137 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Ord. # 13930 No. PZ-2137 from the City Manager recommending that the Sanitary Sewer City Council adopt Ordinance No. 13930 vacating a sanitary Easement Vacation sewer easement out of a tract of land beginning at the VA-99-004 southwest corner of Lot 113, Block 1, White Settlement Commercial Addition, Tarrant County, Texas, and deeded to West/Loop 820 Partners. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. PZ-2138 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Encroachment in No. PZ-2138 from the City Manager recommending that the Right-of-Way City Council authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a standard consent agreement authorizing use of the right-of-way for a sign above Jones Street on the City Center Parking Garage. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17629 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Change Order#2 No. C-17629 from the City Manager recommending that the for Libra-Tech City Council approve Change Order No. 2 to the shelving Corporation contract with Libra-Tech Corporation in the amount of $19,060.99 to provide for additional specialized shelving units for the Central Library Plaza Level Finishout. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C Y COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 13 of 19 C-17630 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Contract with Eagle No. C-17630 from the City Manager recommending that the Construction and City Council: Environmental Services 1. Approve the transfer of $64,268.00 from the Undesignated Project Fund to the Centreport Remediation Project, Environmental Fund; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Eagle Construction and Environmental Services, Inc. for $64,268.00 for over-excavation and backfill services on the property. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17631 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Deltatek No. C-17631 from the City Manager recommending that the Engineering City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering contract with Deltatek Engineering for the design and construction management of the repair and repainting of the 2 MG Seminary Hill Elevated Storage Tank for a total fee not to exceed $140,955.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17632 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Itron, Inc. No. C-17632 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a sole source maintenance agreement for maintenance support of the Automated Route Management and Meter Reading System (ARM-MRS) for the Water Department, consisting of 23 Data Caps (hand-held units) and one personal computer with licensed software, for a total not to exceed $25,000.00; and 2. Authorize this agreement to begin September 1, 1999, and end September 1, 2000. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 14 of 19 C-17633 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Kimley-Horn and No. C-17633 from the City Manager recommending that the Associates, Inc. City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the design and construction management of the repair and repainting of the 1 MG Elevated Storage Tank for a fee not to exceed $125,500.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17634 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Humphrey & No. C-17634 from the City Manager recommending that the Morton City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Construction contract with Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Company, Inc. Inc. in the amount of $274,669.37 for the removal and replacement of the brick sidewalks adjacent to the Amon Carter Jr. Exhibits Building. On motion of Council Member Wentworth, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. C-17635 There was presented Mayor and Council Communication Stocker No. C-17635 from the City Manager recommending that the Enterprises, Inc. City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Stocker Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $482,412.00 for Mains 183 and 333 Drainage Area Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation and Improvements (Group 6, Contract 3) Part 3, Unit 2. On motion of Council Member Davis, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. Z-98-121 It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of June 8, Continued Until 1999, continued the hearing of AVO, Inc. by Jackson November 9, 1999 Wilson, for a change in zoning of property located at in the 8900 Block of Jacksboro Hwy., from "AG" Agricultural to "A" One-Family (excluding the East 50' along Buffalo Road), Zoning Docket Z-99-121. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Council Member Wentworth stated that negotiations on this property had not been completed and that the owner had agreed to a 60-day continuance. Aly, COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 15 of 19 There being no one present desiring to be heard, Council Member Wentworth made a motion, seconded by Council Member Davis, that the that the application of AVO, Inc. by Jackson Wilson, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-121, be continued until the November 9, 1999 Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Z-99-088 It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of August Returned to City 10, 1999, continued the hearing of City of Fort Worth-Real Zoning Property, for a change in zoning of property located at 2225 Commission for Re- East Lancaster Avenue, from "J" Light Industrial to "PD/SU" hearing Planned Development/Specific Use for a wholesale ice cream distribution facility, with additional conditions and waiver of site plan recommended, Zoning Docket No. Z-99- 088. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Gay Perry Ms. Gay Perry, 2225 E. Lancaster, Chairman of the West Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association, spoke in opposition of this zoning change. She stated that adequate notification was not received by residents and businesses affected by this change and requested that Council send this issue back to the Zoning Commission directing them to have the zoning change made more compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. There being no one else present desiring to be heard, Mayor Pro tempore McCloud made a motion, seconded by Council Member Davis, that the application of City of Fort Worth- Real Property, Zoning Docket No. Z-99-088, be returned to the Zoning Commission and directed the Commission to have the zoning change made more consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried unanimously. Z-99-097 It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of August Ord. # 13931 10, 1999, continued the hearing of Text Amendment amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fort Worth, being Ordinance No. 3011, as amended, codified as Appendix "A" of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended by amending Section 12, "'H' Central Business District", to extend the northern boundary of the area eligible for "H" zoning to include the area between North Main Street and Grove Street to the center line of the Trinity River (see Zoning Case Z-99-092). CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 16 of 19 Z-99-092 and It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of August Z-99-092A 10, 1999, continued the hearing of Post Apartment Homes, Ord. # 13932 L.P. by Fine-Line Diversified Realty, Inc., for a change in zoning of property located at 100-400 Block of East Bluff Street; 300-400 East Belknap Street; and 214 North Calhoun Street from "G" Commercial and "J" Light Industrial to "H" Business, Zoning Docket No. Z-99-092 and Z-99-092A. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Mr. John Garfield, representing the Development Department, appeared before Council and stated that although Z-99-92A was not reflected on the agenda, the property was included as part of the advertised notice for Z- 99-092. City Attorney Adkins stated that it was appropriate to act on both cases. There being no one present desiring to be heard, Council Member Davis made a motion, seconded by Council Member Lane, that the that Zoning Docket No. Z-99-097, text amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended, by amending Sections 4.905 (C) and 6.301 (G) to extend the northern boundary of the Central Business District eligible for "Central Business" (`H') District" zoning to include the area between North Main Street and Grove Street to the center line of the Trinity River and exempting area from landscaping requirements, as is commoningly done in the Central Business District and the application of Post Apartment Homes, L.P. by Fine-Line Diversified Realty, Inc., Zoning Docket Nos. Z-99-092 and Z-99-092A, be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Barr; Mayor Pro tempore McCloud; Council Members Lane, Haskin, Moss, Picht, Wentworth, Davis NOES: Council Member Silcox ABSENT: None There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896, Council Member Davis made a motion, seconded by Council Member Lane, that the Zoning Hearing be closed and that the following ordinances be adopted: C Y COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 17 of 19 ORDINANCE NO. 13931 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, BEING ORDINANCE NO. 13896, CODIFIED AS APPENDIX "A" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH (1986), AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 4.905(C) AND 6.301(G) TO EXTEND THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ELIGIBLE FOR "CENTRAL BUSINESS (`H') DISTRICT" ZONING TO INCLUDE THE AREA BETWEEN NORTH MAIN STREET AND GROVE STREET TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE TRINITY RIVER AND TO PROVIDE THAT CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION OF STRUCTURES IN THE EXPANDED CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ARE EXEMPT FROM LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 13932 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, BEING ORDINANCE NO. 13896, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND LAND FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES, THE HEIGHT, NUMBER OF STORIES AND SIZE OF THE BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, THE SIZE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, OFF- STREET PARKING AND LOADING, AND THE DENSITY OF POPULATION, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES DIVIDING THE MUNICIPALITY INTO DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF UPON "DISTRICT MAPS"; PURPOSE AND CONFLICT; PROVIDING CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 18 of 19 Public Hearing It appeared that the City Council set today as the date for John Edmonds the first public hearing for annexation of 293.78 Acres of Survey Land Out of the John Edmonds Survey, Abstract No. 457, Tarrant County, Texas, setting today as the date for the first public hearing. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Mr. Kevin Lasher, representing the Development Department, appeared before the City Council and presented a staff report advising Council that staff should be directed to publish notice setting September 21, 1999, as the second public hearing. Harold Muckleroy, Mr. Harold Muckleroy, Jr., 3455 Ranchview Court, and Mr. Jr.; Pete Grantham Pete Grantham, 9275 Denton Highway and representing Seacorp, addressed Council in opposition of the annexation. There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the first public hearing for the annexation of 293.78 acres of land out of the John Edmonds Survey, Abstract No. 457, Tarrant County, Texas, Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore McCloud, to close the first public hearing and directed staff to publish the second public hearing for September 21, 1999. The motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing It was the consensus of the City Council that the public Withdrawn hearing declaring sufficiency of petition and setting public hearing date for proposed reestablishment of Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 1 be withdrawn from consideration. Budget Hearing It appeared to the City Council that they set today as the date for a public hearing in connection with the proposed budget for 1999-2000 fiscal year and to give every interested person or citizen an opportunity to be heard. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Adoption/Budget There being no one else present desiring to be heard in Ord. # 13886 connection with the proposed budget for 1999-2000 fiscal year, Mayor Pro tempore McCloud made a motion, seconded by Council Member Wentworth, that Ordinance No. 13886 establishing appropriation for the 1999-2000 Fiscal Year, be adopted on second and final reading. The motion carried unanimously. XY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 PAGE 19 of 19 Adoption/Tax Rate Council Member Silcox introduced Ordinance No. 13933 Ord. # 13933 providing for the levy and collection of an annual ad valorem tax on all property, real, personal and mixed situated within the territorial limits of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, owned in said City of Fort Worth, Texas, on the 1St day of January, A.D., 1999, except such property as may be exempt from taxation by the constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and he made a motion to adopt the ordinance levying taxes and setting the tax rate for 1999 at $0.6274 for maintenance and operation and $0.2576 for debt service, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore McCloud. The motion carried unanimously. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m. / 20A� -( (�U—�� 0� CITY SECRETARY MAYOR