HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998/02/03-Minutes-City Council 0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 1998 Date & Time On the 3rd day of February A.D., 1998, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session, at Southwest High School Auditorium at 7:10 p.m., with the following members and officers present: Attendance Mayor Kenneth Barr; Mayor Pro tempore Eugene McCray; Council Members Chuck Silcox, Becky Haskin, Clyde Picht, Jeff Wentworth, Ralph McCloud and Cathy Hirt; City Manager Bob Terrell; City Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Alice Church. Council Member Jim Lane was absent. With more than a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Invocation The invocation was given by Reverend Jacquetta Chambers, McMillan United Methodist Church. Pledge The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mayor Barr informed the listening audience that the City Council meeting tonight was held in the auditorium of the Southwest High School, and expressed appreciation to the Fort Worth Independent School District and to the Principal for allowing the City to meet in the school. Council Member Picht expressed appreciation to the audience for attending the meeting and expressed appreciation to Mr. Michael McCullum and his assistants for allowing the Council meeting to be held here. Minutes On motion of Council Member McCloud, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the minutes of the regular meeting of January 27, 1998,were approved unanimously. C CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 2 Special Council Member Hirt presented a proclamation for Presentation Heart Month to Jimmy DuBose. Mayor for the Day Mayor Barr presented Mr. Jimmy DuBose a Key to the City for his appointment as Mayor for the Day. Announcements Council Member Picht requested that the Council provide off duty time sheets for NPO's Program; expressed appreciation to Mr. Alan Mollor for the Severe Weather Instructional workshop; and thanked Mr. Frankie Gafka on his accomplishment of getting banners put up around Southwest High School. He also advised the audience that Council approved $325,000.00 to be spent on the nearby recreation center,adding a full gymnasium. He also expressed appreciation to Mr. Stroud for donating $15,000.00 for a weight room in Hillside Recreation Center. Withdrawn/ City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Consent Agenda Council Communication Nos. G-12125 be withdrawn from the consent agenda. Consent Agenda On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the consent agenda, as amended, was adopted unanimously. Appointment Council Member Picht made a motion, seconded by Council Member Wentworth, that Noel Wesley be appointed to the City Plan Commission; that Pilar Pena be appointed to the Building Standards Commission; Katherine A. Rhodes be appointed to the Parks and Community Services Advisory Board; and that Arnaldo Velez be appointed to the City Zoning Commission, with terms of office expiring October 1, 1998. The motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 3 Res. # 2374 There was presented Resolution No. 2374 Dallas-Fort reappointing Robert Kolba to the Dallas-Fort Worth Worth International International Airport Board. On motion of Council Airport Board Member Silcox, seconded by Mayor Pro tempore Member McCray, the recommendation was adopted. OCS-957 There was presented Mayor and Council Liability Communication No OCS-957 from the Office of the Bonds City Secretary recommending that the City Council approve the liability bonds issued to Jim Neal dba J N Enterprises,B &M West Construction Company, Historic Construction &Design,Inc.,Earl Blackman Construction Co., and Lawrence J. Taylor. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. OCS-958 There was presented Mayor and Council Claims Communication No. OCS-958 from the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. OCS-959 There was presented Mayor and Council Res. # 2375 Communication No. OCS-959 from the Office of the Changing City Secretary recommending that the City Council City Council adopt Resolution No.2375 changing the City Council Meeting of Meeting of March 10, 1998, to March 12, 1998. On March 10, 1998 motion of Council Member McCloud, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 4 G-12124 There was presented Mayor and Council Settlement Communication No.G-12124 from the City Manager Lawsuit recommending that the City Council: John Thomas Dean & Dori Anna 1. Approve the proposed settlement of lawsuit Dean entitled John Thomas Dean and Dori Anna Dean,Individually and as legal representatives of the Estate of Cheri Annette Dean v. Scott Development Corporation, City of Fort Worth, County of Tarrant, Richard Parvin, Cause No. 352-167660-97; and 2. Authorize the payment of$177,500.00 to John Thomas Dean, Dori Anna Dean and their attorneys, Barkholtz, Boehme & Borchardt, L.L.P.; and 3. Further authorize payment of two-thirds (2/3) of Plaintiffs' taxable court costs (not to exceed $4,000.00 in payment thereof) and $750.00 of Plaintiffs' video deposition costs incurred on or before January 12, 1998, said payments to be made to the same payees; and 4. Authorize the appropriate City representatives to execute the documents necessary to complete the proposed settlement. It was the consensus of the City the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 5 G-12125 There was presented Mayor and Council Close Runway Communication No. G-12125 from the City Manager 9/27 at FW recommending that the City Council authorize the Meacham City Manager to close Runway 9/27 at Fort Worth Intn'1 Meacham International Airport (Airport) Airport permanently, effective immediately. Rod Lawrence, David The following individuals appeared before the City Young, Archie R. Council and expressed opposition to the closing of Taylor, Charles Runway 9/27 at Fort Worth Meacham International Edmonds, Alan Airport and stated that the pilots did not have an Stricklin, and Ken opportunity to be a part of the discussions regarding McLaughlin the closure. Rod Lawrence, 3013 Preston Hollow Road David Young, 8420 Mojave Trail Archie R. Taylor, 2301 Lovell Ct. Charles Edmonds, 721 Green River Trail Alan Stricklin, 414 Gulf Stream Drive Ken McLaughlin, 4200 N. Main St., Ste. 220 Assistant City Manager Ramon Guajardo appeared before the Council and advised Council that this issue was on the agenda for discussion at the Aviation Advisory Board Meeting in October. He said that Runway 9/27 needed serious repairs or reconstruction and stated that incursions were occurring and that FAA indicated that if this problem was not corrected, fines could result. Ms. Lisa Pyles, Director of Airport Systems, appeared before the City Council and informed Council of the immediate cost for maintenance of the Runway and stated that the crack sealing machine would not handle the cracks that were in the Runway. 0, CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 6 Council Member Hirt made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12125 be continued for 30 days and refer this item back to the Aviation Advisory Board so that a public hearing could be conducted,leaving the runway open for use if the need existed. Council Member Picht made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Member Wentworth, that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12125 be continued for 30 days and refer this item back to the Aviation Advisory Board so that a public hearing could be conducted, leaving the runway closed. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Barr; Mayor Pro tempore McCray; Council Members Picht, Wentworth, and McCloud NOES: Council Members Silcox, Haskin, and Hirt ABSENT: Council Member Lane G-12126 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13336 Communication No. G-12126 from the City Manager Amending recommending that the City Council adopt Ord. #12414 Ordinance No. 13336 amending City Ordinance No. Previously 12414,as previously amended by City Ordinance No. amended by 13104, by increasing from one hundred fourteen to Ord. # 13104 one hundred and fifty the number of Taxicabs which Taxicabs Yellow Checker Cab Company of D/FW, is CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 7 authorized to operate upon the public streets, alleys and thoroughfares of the city; providing that the findings and recitations contained in the preamble are the findings of the City Council. City Manager Terrell advised Council of an amendment to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12126, stating that the last paragraph under Discussion should be deleted and insert the following paragraph: "The City staff has reviewed this request and concurs. City Staff is of the opinion that the public necessity and convenience require the addition of more taxicabs. Accordingly, the attached ordinance (Attachment "C") has been prepared amending the prescribed authority." Jim Richards Mr. Jim Richards, Vice President of Yellow Cab, appeared before the City Council and requested favorable consideration of Council for Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12126 increasing the number of taxicabs operating in Fort Worth. Mr. Danny Reed, representing the City Manager's office appeared before the City Council and advised Council that the estimated demand for services was increased 20 percent according to the report submitted to him. Jeff Finkel Mr. Jeff Finkel, President of Choice Cabs, 6218 Cedar Springs Road, appeared before the City Council and discussed the legalization of a monopoly and advised Council that he was interested in Choice cabs also being allowed to service Fort Worth. ON CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 8 Council Member Wentworth made a motion, seconded by Council Member Silcox, that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12126 be approved, as amended. Council Member Picht made a substitute motion that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12126 be continued for 30 days. The substitute motion died for lack of a second. The motion to approve Mayor and Council Communication No.G-12126 as amended,carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Barr; Mayor Pro tempore McCray; Council Members Silcox, Haskin, Wentworth, McCloud, and Hirt NOES: Council Member Picht ABSENT: Council Member Lane G-12127 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13337 Communication No. G-12127 from the City Manager Amending recommending that the City Council adopt Ord. # 12547 Ordinance No. 13337 amending City Ordinance No. Previously 12547,as previously amended by City Ordinance No. amended by 13105, by increasing from 56 to 75 the number of Ord. # 13105 Taxicabs which Checker Cab Company of Dallas, Taxicabs Inc.,is authorized to operate upon the public streets, alleys and thoroughfares of the City, providing that the findings and recitations contained in the preamble are the findings of the City Council. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 9 City Manager Terrell advised Council of an amendment to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12127, stating that the last paragraph under Discussion should be deleted and insert the following paragraph in lieu thereof: "The City staff has reviewed this request and concurs. City staff is of the opinion that the public necessity and convenience require the addition of more taxicabs. Accordingly, the attached ordinance (Attachment "C") has been prepared amending the prescribed authority." Council Member Silcox made a motion,seconded by Council Member Wentworth, that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12127 be approved, as amended. Council Member Picht made a substitute motion that consideration of Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12127 be continued for 30 days. The substitute motion died for lack of a second. The motion to approve Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12127 as amended,carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Barr; Mayor Pro tempore McCray; Council Members Silcox, Haskin, Wentworth, McCloud, and Hirt NOES: Council Member Picht ABSENT: Council Member Lane CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 10 G-12128 There was presented Mayor and Council Fee Waiver Communication No. G-12128 from the City Manager 7300 Trimble St. recommending that the City Council consider authorizing the waiver of the $1,500.00 application fee to rezone a 5.7 acre parcel of land identified as the south part of Block ER, Hallmark Addition. On motion of Council Member Picht, seconded by Council Member Silcox, the recommendation was adopted. P-8519 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8519 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize a with Kab purchase agreement for air conditioning (A/C) Air Manufacturing installation, parts and service for heavy duty Inc. equipment for the City Services Department with Kab Air Manufacturing Incorporated based on low bid of the following unit prices, payment terms net 30 days, fo.b. destination, freight no charge with agreement to begin February 3, 1998, and end February 2, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8520 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8520 from the City Manager Scan Based recommending that the City Council authorize the Patient purchase of a Scan Based Patient Reporting System Reporting from EMS Data Systems for the Fire Department, on System the basis of best evaluated proposal, in the amount of $58,936.00, net 30 days, f.o.b. destination, freight included. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 11 P-8521 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8521 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize an with Summers annual purchase agreement for the Transportation Electric Company and Public Works Department with Summers Electric Company for the purchase of conduit based on lowest responsible bid received, with payment terms of two percent, net 30 days,with agreement to begin on February 5, 1998, and expire on February 4, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8522 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8522 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize a with Database purchase agreement with Database Technologies, Technologies, Inc. Inc., for access to a Public Database Investigation System for the Police Department on low bid meeting City specifications for an amount of$1.00 per minute access time with agreement to begin February 10, 1998, and end February 9, 1999, with the option to renew annually until the Police Department decides that the Public Database Investigation System has become obsolete for the City to use. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8523 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8523 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize a sole with Hach source purchase agreement with Hach Company to Company provide reagents, replacement parts and repair of Hach equipment for the Water Department/Laboratory Division, with payment terms net 30 days, f.o.b. Ames, Iowa, freight prepaid and added with agreement to begin January 21, C CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 12 1998, and end January 20, 1999, with two one-year options to renew. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12171 There was presented Mayor and Council Condemnation Communication No. L-12177 from the City Manager of permanent & recommending that the City Council declare the temporary necessity of taking an interest in the property from construction Jesus A.Armenta out of Lot 1, Block 11,Brentmoor easements Addition, and authorize the City Manager to institute condemnation proceedings. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12172 There was presented Mayor and Council Renewal Communication No. L-12172 from the City Manager Lease Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize with James renewal of the residential lease with James Brad Brad Bryson Bryson at 740 Haron Road at a monthly rate of $700.00, with agreement to begin January 1, 1998, and end December 31, 1998,with the option to renew the lease for two one-year terms subject to a 30 day cancellation clause at the end of each term. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12173 There was presented Mayor and Council Renewal Communication No.L-12173 from the City Manager Lease Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize with Richard B. renewal of the lease with Richard B. Carrol at 650 Carrol Harmon Road at a monthly rate of$1,025.00, with agreement to begin January 1, 1998, and end December 31, 1998, with the option to renew the lease for two one-year terms subject to a 30 day cancellation clause at the end of each term. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. ON CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 13 L-12174 There was presented Mayor and Council Renewal Communication No.L-12174 from the City Manager Lease with recommending that the City Council authorize Walter & Elaine renewal of a residential lease with Walter and Elaine Casey Casey at 895 Harmon Road at a monthly rate of $1,000.00,with agreement to begin January 1, 1998, and end December 31, 1998,with the option to renew the lease for two one-year terms subject to a 30 day cancellation clause at the end of each term. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12175 There was presented Mayor and Council Cancellation Communication No. L-12175 from the City Manager Residential recommending that the City Council cancel the Lake Worth residential lease with Casino Beach Golf,Inc. for the Lease - Casino property located at 7544 Jacksboro Highway (Lot Beach Golf, Inc. 6/Block 12, Lake Worth Lease Survey); authorize a new commercial lease for the same property; and authorize the City Manager to execute a new commercial lease agreement with Casino Beach Golf, Inc. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12176 There was presented Mayor and Council Acquisition Communication No. L-12176 from the City Manager Avigation recommending that the City Council authorize and Easements accept individual avigation easements for single- family residential properties located in the City of Irving, Texas, for the purpose of expanding D/FW Airport; find that the prices offered by the D/FW Airport are just compensation; and authorize the acceptance and recording of the appropriate instruments. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 14 L-12177 There was presented Mayor and Council Acceptance Communication No. L-12177 from the City Manager of Easements recommending that the City Council accept three easements for a total of $3.00 from D.R. Horton, Texas,Limited for Trace Ridge Addition,Phase I. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12178 There was presented Mayor and Council Acquisition of Communication No. L-12178 from the City Manager Right-of-Way recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of 30,325 square feet for right-of-way described as Block G, Lot 30, Cooke's Meadow Addition, Section 4, from William Ho at a cost of $16,700.00 for replacement of Cooks Lane bridge over Cottonwood Creek, between Meadowbrook Drive and Brentwood Stair Road. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12179 There was presented Mayor and Council Renewal of Communication No. L-12179 from the City Manager Lease Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize with Jane renewal of a residential lease with Jane Scarborough Scarborough at 305 Harmon Road at a monthly rate of$426.00, with agreement to begin January 1, 1998, and end December 31, 1998, with the option to renew the lease for two one-year terms subject to a 30 day cancellation clause at the end of each term. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 15 L-12180 There was presented Mayor and Council Acquisition of Communication No. L-12180 from the City Manager three permanent recommending that the City Council approve the sanitary sewer acquisition of three permanent sanitary sewer easements easements; from The Fort Worth Housing Authority, Billy Anderson, and Wayne Riddle; find that a total of $3.00 is just compensation; and authorize the City Manager to accept and record the appropriate documents. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12181 There was presented Mayor and Council Lease Space Communication No. L-12181 from the City Manager Ridgmar Mall recommending that the City Council authorize the 6020 Green City Manager to execute a lease for space K-06 in the Oaks Road Ridgmar Mall located at 6020 Green Oaks Road for a community service unit and police storefront from GMAC Commercial Mortgage on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings for no rental charge, and approve the lease term of one year commencing February 1, 1998, and expiring January 31, 1999. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12182 There was presented Mayor and Council Acquisition of Communication No. L-12182 from the City Manager two parcels recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of two parcels of real estate located at 1430 and 1440 North Main Street at a total cost of $74,500.00 (plus estimated closing costs of$3,000.00). On motion of Mayor Pro tempore McCray,seconded by Council Member Haskin, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 16 L-12183 There was presented Mayor and Council Cancellation Communication No.L-12183 from the City Manager Lake Worth recommending that the City Council approve the Lease with cancellation of the 50-year lease with Carter Smith, Carter Smith located on Lake Worth Lease Survey, Lot 30, Block 31. On motion of Council Member Wentworth, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. C-16577 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13338 Communication No.C-16577 from the City Manager Westhill recommending that the City Council: Construction, Inc. 1. Authorize the transfer of$214,000.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Project Fund in the amount of $160,500.00 and Sewer Capital Project Fund in the amount of$53,500.00, and 2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13338 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of$160,500.00 and in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $53,500.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding a contract with Westhill Construction Inc., for Utility Cut Repair Contract 98A, and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Westhill Construction, Inc. in the amount of$200,000.00 and 365 calendar days for Utility Cut Repair Contract 98A. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 17 C-16578 There was presented Mayor and Council Comanche Communication No. C-16578 from the City Manager Construction, Inc. recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a construction contract with Comanche Construction, Inc., in the amount of $225,409.95 for water and sanitary sewer line replacements in Todd Avenue from East Devitt Street to East Shaw Street. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16579 There was presented Mayor and Council Conatser Communication No. C-16579 from the City Manager Construction Inc. recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Conatser Construction, Inc., in the amount of$301,291.50 for the water and sanitary sewer replacement in Judd Street from (I-35 W. Service Road to Mississippi Avenue) Vicki Lane (Evans Avenue to Mississippi Avenue), East Robert Street (Mississippi Avenue to New York Avenue) and Ash Crescent Street (Colvin Avenue to Belzise Terrace). It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16580 There was presented Mayor and Council J.L. Bertram Communication No. C-16580 from the City Manager Construction & recommending that the City Council authorize the Engineering, Inc. City Manager to execute a contract with J.L. Bertram Construction & Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $282,986.47 for the reconstruction of Todd Avenue from East Devitt Street to East Shaw Street. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. ArN CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 18 C-16581 There was presented Mayor and Council Agreement with Communication No. C-16581 from the City Manager Kids Who Care, Inc. recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a consent agreement permitting the installation of 30 banners on City-owned street light poles on University Drive between I-30 and Camp Bowie Boulevard for Kids Who Care, Inc. to promote its production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for the period February 9, 1998,through March 1, 1998. Citizen Presentation Eugene Dehler Mr. Eugene Dehler, spoke in the absence of Jeff Empante, representing the Sargent Avenue Homeowners Association, appeared before the City Council and advised Council of a compromise between the community and The "T" with regard to the placement of the transfer Center on Sargent. Mayor Barr advised Mr. Dehler and the listening audience that the Fort Worth Transportation Authority was a separate board and stated that the City Council could not make decisions relative to that entity. Jessyl Woods, Jessyl Woods, Danny Leatherman, and Devin Danny Leatherman, Bensen appeared before the City Council and and Devin Bensen advised Council of the problems citizens were having getting to work on time, stated that people were loosing their jobs due to the changes by The "T"; and requested that the bus system revert to the old routes. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 19 Ms. Nancy Amos, representing the Fort Worth Transportation Authority, appeared before the City Council and explained the problems that existed when the new system was put into place, but stated that The "T" was continuing to address concerns of individuals still having problems with the bus routes. She advised Council that some significant changes would be made on February 16, 19989 but stated that she did not have a listing of all of the changes. She further advised Council that other changes would occur in April. Mayor Pro tempore McCray advised Ms.Amos that approximately 60 percent of the people who use the buses were from the lower income areas and stated that the information was not getting to the people that actually needed it. Mayor Barr advised the citizens that the change for the buses had been underway for the last two years and stated that he did not feel that The "T" would just go back to the old system. He stated that they were trying to make the new system work and advised Ms. Amos to keep the City Council informed of its progress. Jerry Stein Mr. Jerry Stein, 8101 Rain Dance Trail, appeared before the City Council and expressed concern relative platting and zoning standards. He advised Council that a case coming before City Council next week would impact and destroy the sense of community in his subdivision. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 20 Alan Mollor Mr. Alan Mollor of the National Weather Service, 3401 Northern Cross Blvd., appeared before the City Council and expressed the necessity of warning sirens during an emergency. Debbie Risse Ms. Debbie Risse, 6109 Rayburn Court, appeared before the City Council and expressed concern relative to the opening of Trinity Valley School. She advised Council of the separation of life-long school friends; congestion of traffic; and safety. She urged Council to look into this redistricting matter. Mayor Barr informed Ms. Risse that the placement of schools was a matter for the School District, but stated that the City would work with the District to address and streamline traffic when new schools were built in the community. Ilorna Holbert Ms. Ilorna Robinson-Holbert, 3620 Mount Castle Street, appeared before the City Council and expressed concern relative to City employees of the Fire Department working in a "hostile" environment. James Parker Mr. James Parker, 3616 Winifred Drive, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that he would like an answer to his question from last year regarding the disposition of wastewater from Intel. George L. Sirgo, Jr. Mr. George Sirgo, Jr., 4309 Cartagena Drive, appeared before the City Council and commended Council Member Picht for his assistance with the students at Greenbriar to attend Westcreek School. He stated that a team effort between the School CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS FEBRUARY 3, 1998 PAGE 21 Board and the City should be put forward to inform students of the opportunities available by corporations such as Intel offering training through TCJC and employment after completion. Mayor Barr expressed appreciation to the staff, Superintendent's office, principal and students who operated the cameras for the meeting. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. CITY SECRETARY MAYOR