HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998/05/05-Minutes-City Council CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 59 1998 Date & Time On the 5th day of May A.D., 1998, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session, at Paschal High School Auditorium at 7:10 p.m., with the following members and officers present: Attendance Mayor Kenneth Barr; Council Members Jim Lane, Chuck Silcox, Becky Haskin, Clyde Picht, Jeff Wentworth, Ralph McCloud and Cathy Hirt; City Manager Bob Terrell; City Attorney Wade Adkins; Assistant City Secretary Gloria Pearson.Mayor Pro tempore Eugene McCray was absent. With more than a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Invocation The invocation was given by Reverend Dr. Mark Woods, University Baptist Church. Pledge The pledge of allegiance was recited. Mayor Barr informed the listening audience that the City Council meeting tonight was held in the auditorium of Paschal High School, and expressed appreciation to the Fort Worth Independent School District and to the Principal, Mr. Gonzales, for allowing the City to meet in the school. Council Member Hirt expressed appreciation to the audience for attending the meeting and thanked Mr. Gonzales for allowing the City to meet in the school. Minutes On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by Council Member McCloud, the minutes of the regular meeting of April 28, 1998, were approved unanimously. Special A proclamation for Safe Kids Week was presented to Presentation Mrs. Ginny Hickman. 0 (7 CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 2 A proclamation for Texas Work at Home Day was presented to Mr. Gary Harrison. A proclamation for Mary Isham Keith Chapter Day was presented to Mrs. Gordon Smedley. Announcements Mayor Barr announced that the Budget Planning Workshop that was set for tomorrow had been canceled and stated that staff would look at a time when the Council could meet next week. Council Member Lane expressed appreciation to everyone in attendance earlier today for the ground breaking ceremony at the Mercado. Council Members Hirt and McCloud expressed appreciation to everyone who participated in the Annual Spring Clean Up this year and advised Council of the astounding number of pounds of debris, tires and illegal dumping sites that were cleaned up. Council Member Haskin extended an invitation to visit the exhibit "Sculpture Along The Trinity" at RiverBend Park on May 8 - 10, 1998. She advised the audience that more than 100 of the world's finest sculptors would be assembled, showing over 500 works. Withdrawn/Consent Council Member Hirt requested that Mayor and Agenda Council Communication No. G-12199 be withdrawn from the consent agenda. Consent Agenda On motion of Council Member Lane, seconded by Council Member McCloud, the consent agenda, as amended, was adopted unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 3 OCS-978 There was presented Mayor and Council Claims Communication No. OCS-978 from the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. G-12199 There was presented Mayor and Council Res. # 2397 Communication No.G-12199 from the City Manager Employment recommending that the City Council retain the law of Kelly, Hart & firm of Kelly, Hart and Hallman as outside legal Hallman counsel, and designated Glen Johnson and Henry Robinson of that firm to represent the City in the lawsuit of Elizabeth "Jay" Seymour, Pamela Denise Wright, and Patricia Hale v. B. Don Magness and the City of Fort Worth; Cause No. 249-68-98, and adopt Resolution No. 2397 fixing in advance as far as practicable,the sum to be paid for said legal services in the amount not to exceed $25,000.00. Council Member Hirt inquired whether the City would be responsible for the outside legal counsel for B. Don Magness once he retired from the City in October. City Attorney Adkins advised Council that the City would still be responsible for this outside legal counsel upon his retirement. Pat Taylor Mr. Pat Taylor, 913 E. Northside Drive, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that no one outside of the City Council had a right to authorize the expenditure of over $25,000.00 for legal fees,and when the Attorney saw that they were about to exceed this amount, Council should be notified. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 4 Council Member Lane made a motion, seconded by Council Member Haskin, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12199 be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Barr; Council Members Lane, Haskin, Wentworth, and McCloud NOES: Council Members Silcox, Picht and Hirt ABSENT: Mayor Pro tempore McCray G-12200 There was presented Mayor and Council Res. # 2398 Communication No.G-12200 from the City Manager Employment recommending that the City Council retain George of George Staples as outside legal counsel to represent the City Staples of Fort Worth in the lawsuit of David Zimlich v. City of Fort Worth, Jim Rutledge and Elsa Paniagua, Civil Action No. 4:98-CV-325-A, and adopt Resolution No. 2398 fixing in advance as far as practicable,the sum to be paid for said legal services in the amount not to exceed $25,000.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. It appeared to the City Council that they set today as the date of the public hearing regarding the adoption of a Community Development Program. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Joe Paniagua, representing the Intergovernmental Affairs and Grants Management Division,appeared before the City Council and presented a staff report and called attention of the Council to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12201, as follows: Q CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 5 G-12201 There was presented Mayor and Council Res. #2399 Communication No.G-12201 from the City Manager Community recommending that the City Council: Development Program 1. Conduct a public hearing on the proposed Fort Worth Community Development Program pursuant to Section 373.006 of the Texas Local Government Code, and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2399 in its final form at least fifteen days after the public hearing which: a. Identifies areas of Fort Worth, in which predominately low- and moderate- income residents reside, as those areas previously identified for the Community Development Block Program approved by the City Council on January 4, 1994; and b. Establishes as community development program areas,all current Model Block areas, all Target Area Plan areas including the Historic Northside Target Area as approved on December 19, 1991 and modified to include a five block radius from the 1400 Block of North Main, and any area included within the census tracts considered to be CDBG eligible, and C. Re-affirms the City's commitment to citizen participation and public comment and adopts the Citizen Participation Plan included in its Consolidated Action Plan as adopted on C) CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 6 April 11, 1995 as the plan under which citizens may publicly comment on any proposed community development program, and d. Re-adopts the Consolidated Action Plan as adopted on April 11, 1995, the subsequent one-year Consolidated Action Plans adopted on April 16, 1996, March 18, 1997 and March 31, 1998 respectively, any amendments since April 11, 1995 adopted in the form of allocations and use of Community Development Block Grant funds, and any amendments since April 15, 1995 adopted in the form of the allocation and use of Economic Development Initiative Funds and Section 108 funds used or proposed to be used in community development program areas as the City of Fort Worth's Community Development Program. There being no one else desiring to be heard, Council Member McCloud made a motion, seconded by Council Member Lane,that the recommendation was adopted. The motion carried unanimously. It appeared to the City Council that they set today as the date of the public hearing regarding the adoption of an Ordinance for Standards of Care For Youth Programs. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Mr. Richard Zavala, representing the Parks and t CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 7 Mr. Richard Zavala, representing the Parks and Community Services Department, appeared before the City Council and presented a staff report and called attention of the Council to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12202, as follows: G-12202 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. #13438 Communication No.G-12202 from the City Manager Standards of recommending that the City Council adopt Care for Youth Ordinance No. 13438 readopting and amending the Programs Standards of Care for Youth Programs offered by the Parks and Community Services Department, by the Addition of Subsection 6(c),Prescribing program coordinator qualifications. There being no one else present desiring to be heard, Council Member Hirt made a motion, seconded by Council Member Wentworth, that the recommendation be adopted. The motion carried unanimously. P-8601 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8601 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize a with D.F. purchase agreement for fasteners for the City of Fort Sales Worth with D.F. Sales based on low bid of discounts meeting specifications, with payment terms net 30 days, fo.b. Fort Worth, TX, freight no charge, with agreement to begin May 7, 1998, and expire on May 6, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8602 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8602 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize a with Lighthouse purchase agreement for dress ugiforms with Uniforms Lighthouse Uniforms, on the basis of lowest- C) CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 8 responsive bid, net 30 days, freight no charge, with agreement to begin April 29, 1998, and expire on April 28, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8603 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8603 from the City Manager Agreements recommending that the City Council authorize for Janitorial purchase agreements for janitorial services based on Services the lowest responsible bid received as follows: a. For the Central Library and ten branches, items #1-11,with Century Services Company for a total monthly charge of$8,431.00 with payment terms of net 30 days and allow the Library Department to add square footage to be cleaned as needed for an additional charge of$0.05 per square foot per month, b. For the Fort Worth/Tarrant County Health Department,item #12,with CTJ Maintenance, Inc. for a monthly charge of $3,995.00 with payment terms net 30 days and additional square footage be added to cleaning requirements as needed will be charged at a rate of$0.05 per square foot per month, C. For the Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant Administrative Offices, item #14, with CTJ Maintenance, Inc. for a monthly charge of $695.00 with payment terms net 30 days and additional square footage be added to cleaning requirements as needed will be charged at a rate of$0.05 per square foot per month, R"N lnfr 44'�i� t siiia`a. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 9 d. For the City of Fort Worth Departments to be allowed to add additional facilities as needed to these agreements with Century Services Company for$0.05 per square foot per month including all paper and plastic supplies, e. For the City of Fort Worth Departments to be allowed to add additional facilities as needed to these agreements with CTJ Maintenance, Inc. at a rate of $0.05 per square foot per month excluding all cleaning, paper and plastic supplies, f. For the Employment and Training Westside Workforce Center, item #13, with General Building Maintenance, for a monthly charge of $398.00 with payment terms net 30 days and additional square footage be added to cleaning requirements as needed will be changed at a rate of$0.0398 per square foot per month, and With agreements to begin June 1, 1998, and expire on May 31, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8604 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8604 from the City Manager Agreements recommending that the City Council: for Preformed Pavement 1. Authorize a purchase agreement with Markings Roadrunner Traffic Supply, Inc. to furnish preformed pavement markings to the Transportation and Public Works Department based on low bid for items 1 through 6, and CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 10 2. A purchase agreement with Centerline Supply to furnish preformed pavement markings to the Transportation and Public Works Department based on low bid for items 7 through 18, and 3. These agreements to begin May 6, 1998, and expire May 5, 1999,with options to renew for two additional one-year periods, and 4. Payment terms net 30 days, freight no charge and f.o.b. destination. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8605 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13439 Communication No. P-8605 from the City Manager Purchase recommending that the City Council: One 1,250 GPM 1. Authorize the transfer of$322,127.00 from the Training Capital Projects Reserve Fund to the Specially Pumper Funded Capital Projects Fund, and Fire Truck 2. Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance No. 13439 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Specially Funded Capital Project Fund in the amount of $322,127.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the purchase of one 1,250 GPM Training Pumper Fire Truck from General Safety Equipment, and CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 11 3. Authorize the purchase of one 1,250 gallons per minute(GPM) training pumper fire truck from General Safety Equipment for the Fire Department for an amount not to exceed $322,127.00, f.o.b. Fort Worth, freight no charge with payment terms net 30 days. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8606 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8606 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize a with Superior purchase agreement for Jet A aviation fuel for the Fuels & Police Department with Superior Fuels & Lubricants Lubricants based on low bid of Dallas Metro TX OPIS (Oil Price Information Service) Petro Scan, Thursday average price plus$0.0294 per gallon with payment terms net 30 days, f.o.b. point of delivery, freight included in price of fuel, with agreement to begin May 5, 1998, and end May 4, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8607 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Communication No. P-8607 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize a with The purchase agreement for a Strategic and Marketing Todd Company Plan with The Todd Company for the Fort Worth Meacham International Airport, on the basis of the best evaluated proposal,in the amount of$62,254.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 12 P-8608 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13440 Communication No. P-8608 from the City Manager Purchase recommending that the City Council: Fire Fighting 1. Authorize a non-interest bearing interfund Vehicles loan from the General Fund to the Specially Funded Capital Projects Funding the amount of$802,796.00, and 2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13440 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Specially Funded Capital Project Fund in the amount of $802,796.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the purchase of fire fighting vehicles from various vendors for the Fire Department, and 3. Authorize the purchase of fire fighting vehicles for the Fire Department from various vendors based on low bid per item. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. PZ-2038 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13441 Communication No.PZ-2038 from the City Manager Street Right-of-way recommending that the City Council adopt Oak Hill Circle Ordinance No. 13441 vacating street rights-of-way, Block 2, 4, 13, and 1, located in Oak Hill Circle, abutting Villages of Stonegate Riverwood and Villages of Stonegate Oakbriar, to the City of Fort Worth, Texas. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 13 C-16751 There was presented Mayor and Council City Center Communication No.C-16751 from the City Manager Development recommending that the City Council authorize the Company City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a standard consent agreement with City Center Development Company authorizing use of the right- of-way for conduits under East Fifth Street. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16752 There was presented Mayor and Council Dustrol, Inc. Communication No. C-16752 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Dustrol, Inc. in the amount of$89,800.00 for one (1)year for surface wedge milling at specified locations. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16753 There was presented Mayor and Council J.L. Bertram Communication No. C-16753 from the City Manager Construction recommending that the City Council authorize the H.M.A.C. City Manager to execute a contract with J.L. Surface Bertram Construction in the amount of$495,385.00 Overlay for 80 working days for H.M.A.C. Surface Overlay 98-4 98-4. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16754 There was presented Mayor and Council J.L. Bertram Communication No. C-16754 from the City Manager Construction recommending that the City Council authorize the H.M.A.C. City Manager to execute a contract with J.L. Surface Bertram Construction in the amount of$467,802.10 Overlay for 80 working days for H.M.A.C. Surface Overlay 98-5 98-5. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 14 C-16755 There was presented Mayor and Council Community Communication No. C-16755 from the City Manager Facilities recommending that the City Council authorize the Agreement City Manager to execute a Community Facilities with Peter Agreement with Peter Thomas, for the installation of Thomas community facilities for a 16-inch water main extension on Oak Grove Road to serve Thomas Crossing Addition. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16756 There was presented Mayor and Council Agreement Communication No. C-16756 from the City Manager with Como recommending that the City Council authorize the First Baptist City Manager to execute an agreement with Como Church First Baptist Church for landscaping and maintenance services for City-owned properties in the area bound by West Vickery Boulevard, Como Lake, Bryant Irvin Road, and Camp Bowie Boulevard from May 1998, through April 30, 1999, at a cost not to exceed $15,000.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16757 There , was presented Mayor and Council Agreement Communication No. C-16757 from the City Manager with World recommending that the City Council authorize the Missionary City Manager to execute an agreement with World Baptist Church Missionary Baptist Church for landscaping and maintenance services for City-owned properties in the area bound by East Vickery Boulevard, North Riverside Drive, East Rosedale Avenue, and I-35 from May 1998,through April 30, 1999,at a cost not to exceed $15,000.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. AWN CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 15 C-16758 There was presented Mayor and Council Change Communication No. C-16758 from the City Manager Order No. 2 recommending that the City Council: Centreport Soil Remediation 1. Approve the transfer of$34,579.40 from the Project Undesignated Project fund to the Centreport Remediation Project within the Environmental Fund, and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 23349 with Eagle Construction and Environmental Services, Inc. in the amount of$34,579.40 to provide for additional remediation of 900 cubic yards of contaminated soil thereby increasing the contract amount to $255,218.40. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16759 There was presented Mayor and Council Amendment Communication No.C-16759 from the City Manager Agreement recommending that the City Council: with Industrial Hygiene & 1. Approve the transfer of$40,000.00 from the Safety Undesignated Project fund to the Air Technology, Inc. Monitoring Project within the Environmental Fund, and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 21649 with Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc. to increase the not to exceed amount to $80,000.00. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 16 It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16760 There was presented Mayor and Council Sportco, Inc.. Communication No.C-16760 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Sportco, Inc. in the amount of $149,251.00 for the replacement of 64 units of playground equipment at 27 park sites. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16761 There was presented Mayor and Council Neighborhood Communication No. C-16761 from the City Manager Housing recommending that the City Council authorize the Services of City Manager to execute an amendment to City Fort Worth, Inc. Contract No. 23391 (December 11, 1997) with the Neighborhood Housing Services of Fort Worth,Inc. to include the acquisition of newly constructed homes from private developers for resale to low income families. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16762 There, was presented Mayor and Council Iowa Bridge & Communication No.C-16762 from the City Manager Culvert, Inc. recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Iowa Bridge & Culvert, Inc. in the amount of$635,826.70 for 80 working days for H.M.A.C. Surface Overlay 98-2. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16763 There was presented Mayor and Council J.L. Bertram Communication No.C-16763 from the City Manager Construction recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with J.L. Bertram Construction in the amount of$661,897.25 CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 17 for 80 working days for H.M.A.C. Surface Overlay 98-3. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16764 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. #13442 Communication No.C-16764 from the City Manager Iowa Bridge & recommending that the City Council: Culvert,Inc. H.M.A.C. 1. Approve the transfer of $3,283,661.00 from Surface the General Fund operating budget to the Overlay Contract Street Maintenance Fund, and 98-1 2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13442 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the contract street maintenance fund in the amount of $7,015,751.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the 1997-98 street maintenance program. 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Iowa Bridge & Culvert, Inc. In the amount of $708,698.50 for 80 working days. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-16765 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13443 Communication No. C-16765 from the City Manager TXDOT recommending that the City Council: Summer Step Wave 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Program contract with the Texas Department of Transportation to operate the Summer STEP Wave Program on an overtime basis in the amount of$10,000.00, and CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 18 2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13443 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the grants in the amount of $10,989.00 from available funds for the purpose of providing funding for the Summer Step Wave Program. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. Golf Pros and Council Member Silcox made a motion,seconded by Pro Shops Council Member Lane, that the Council deny the Title for the Award of Contract for Operation of Golf Pro Shops. Mike Spikes Mr. Mike Spikes, 6809 Meadows West Drive, appeared before the City Council and expressed concern, stating that the RFP was good and stated that the City would have benefitted from it, but feels that the City would fall farther and farther behind by not going with the RFP. Mike Krsnak Mr. Mike Krsnak, 6301 Trail Lake Drive, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that they should look at each course on an individual basis. Joe Perez Mr. Joe Perez, 7305 Glen Haven, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that he was in agreement with them for the endorsement of an RFP to keep the local pros. Wayne Cordell Mr.Wayne Cordell,President of the Senior Division of the Meadowbrook Golf Associations, 1407 Mallard Court, Kennedale, appeared before the City Council in support of Gary McMillan at a fair and just cost. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 19 Don Doyle Mr. Don Doyle, 3724 Wilkie Way, appeared before the City Council and advised them of the difference in Arlington and Fort Worth, stating that the responsibilities were divided among three different individuals and stated that the pros only concern should be the golfers. Council Member Picht made a substitute motion, which died for lack of a second. The original motion to deny the title was approved unanimously. Citizens Presentations Pat Taylor Mr. Pat Taylor, 913 E. Northside Drive, appeared before the City Council regarding his 14th Amendment right and speaking the "Truth;" as he saw it. Wallace Bridges, The following speakers appeared before the City Edith Furch, Council and expressed support for the Safe Haven Rhshanae Antrice program and requested the continuation of funding: Jones, Alex Russ III, Daniel Jackson,Brian Wallace Bridges, 906 E. Leuda Street Furch, Frank Staton, Edith Furch, 1320 E. Hattie #101 Jennifer Lewis Rhshanae Antrice Jones, 1320 E. Hattie Alex Russ III, 618 Loney Street Daniel Jackson, 1713 E. Tucker Brian Furch, 1320 E. Hattie #101 Frank Staton, 1211 E. Terrell Jennifer Lewis, 1128 E. Cannon St. Mayor Barr requested that staff bring information back to Council regarding this issue. CITY COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS MAY 5, 1998 PAGE 20 Brian Thompson, Mr. Brian Thompson, 5701 Sandshell Drive, Ms. Anita Biber, and Anita Biber, 3712 Greenstone Drive, and Ms. Barbara Reed Barbara Reed,3101 Primrose Lane,appeared before the City Council and urged the City Council to proceed with the original plans to expand the D.A.R.E. Program to the 5th grade students. Jane Lomas Ms. Jane Lomas, 2250 College Avenue, appeared before the City Council to extend an invitation to the Council to attend the Fairmount Association 1998 Home Tour and passed out tickets for this event. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Q- 'D rj-v" ASSISTANT MAYOR CITY SECRETARY 0 0 SPECIAL FORT WORTH CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 12 , 1998 6 : 35 P .M. CITY HALL