HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1508 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDININCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEPY AND C OLLM- TION OF AN ANNUAL DIRECT SPECIAL AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL PROPET3 'Y REAL 'PERSONAL AND ITIXED SITUATED IN THE TERRITORfAL MlITS OF THE CITY OF FORT NORTH AND ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY 0WNED IN SAID CITY bF FORT M RTH,TEXAS ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY A. D. 19a3 EXCEPT SUCH PROPERTY AS MAY BE EXERT FROM TiatION BY THE CONSTITU- TION AND LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY GMTC IL OF THE CITY .OF FORT NORTH: SECTION I. There is hereby levied and snail be collected, as provided by law, an annual, direct, special ad valorem tax for the year 1928, for the support and maintenance of a free Public Library in the City of Fort Ifforth -of three' cents on every $100.00 va iva:t ion on ail property real , personal and mixed situated in and all personai property owed in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, 'on the ist day of Jamxary, A. D. 1928, liable under the iaws to taxation' and not exempt therefrom by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas. SECTION II. There is also hereby levied and there shall be collected, as provided by law, an annual, direct, special ad valorem tax for the year 1928, for the use and benefit o f the Parx Fund of the C ity o f Par t Wo rth of nine c ent s on every $100.00 vaivat ion on ail property real, personal and mixed situated in and all personal property owned in the City of Fork Worth, Texas, on the lst day of January, A. D. 1928, liable, under the laws to taxation and not exempt therefrom by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, which levy, in the aggregate in the sum of nine eentb as aforesaid, shall be both for park maintenance and for the benefit of all notes issued by the Park Department, which are now outstanding and unpaid, which notes are de- scribed as follows: Park I "Pills, notes dated December 17th 1921 issued to IT. ills, as stated in Ordinance No. Sul, ' for the construction and building of a concrete swimming pool. in Forest Park. The original amount of this series f notes was f30,000.00, which amount has been reduced to 14,000.00. A series of notes issued to F. B. Paggett fur the purchase of certain land for park purposes, as recited in Ordinance Nlo. 903. The original amount of said series of not s was ,248.00, which principal sum has been reduced to R7,124.00. A series of notes issued to the West Texas Con- struction Company for the imp ro vement o f Forest Paris, as recited in Ordinance N'o. 055. The original amount of said series of notes was 52 UUO.00, which principal sum has been reduced to $37,0 0.66. MOTION III. There is also hereby levied and there shall be collected, as provided by law, an anmai, direct, special ad valorem tax for the year 1928, for the use and benefit of the Recreation fund of the City of Fort North of two cents on every $100.00 valuation on all property real, personal and mixed situated in and all personal property owned in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on the ist day of January, A. D. 19281 liable under the iaw to taxation and not exempt therefrom by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, which levy, in the aggregate sum of two cents as aforesaid, sha.0 be both for the maintenance of the ttecreation Is- partment and for the benefit of unpaid and outstanding Re- creation Fund Warrants and notes. The above described Recreation Fund Warrants were dated May ib, 1y23, as recited in Ordinance No. 923. The original amount of said series of warrants was $55,tK)O.u0, which principal sum has been reduced to W UOU.00. A series of f'/,OUO.OU worth of Recreation Notes, as recited in Ordinance No. 976. The original amount of said series of notes was ;7,000.OU, which principai sum has been reduced to §4,000.00. SECT ION IV. There is also hereby levied and there snail be col- lected, as provided by iaw, an annual, direct, speciai ad valorem tax for the year 1y28, for the general and au such other purposes, (besides those hereinbefore enumerated),, as are authorized by the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, of one hundred and fifty two cents on every ViOO.00 valuation on au property real, perscnai and mixed situated in and all personai property owned in said City of Fort Worth, Texas, on the Lst day of January A, Dj,''4926, liable under law to taxation and not exempt therefrom by the Con- stitution and Laws of the State of Texas, which Levy, in the aggregate of one hundred and fifty-two cents assafore- said, shall include and be used for ail purposes for which said funds may be used under the Laws and Constitution of the State of Texas, and for the interest and sinking finds upon all outstanding and unpaid notes and existing bonded indebtedness of the said City of Fort Worth, Texas, SECTION V. That these special tax levies, which are herein- before made, to provide for the payment of interest and to create a sinking fund or to discharge and , 'princi- pal and interest on any obligations due or owairik by the City of Fort North, are not to be tam;n as in addition to levies for the same purpose made in the respective ordinances authorizing and creating such obligations, but the levies hereinbefore made are made pursuant to and for the purpose of carrying out and complying with the provisions of said prior ordinances, and all ad valorem taxes herein are levied upon all taxable property real, p er s ena.i and mixed situated in and ail pens caul property owned in the City of Fort Borth, Texas, as assessed, valued and described in the assessment tax rolls and the tax booxs of the City of Fort Worth, for the year 1928, and any supplemental assessment thereof, as the same have been or snail be presented to the City Council of the City of Fort Worth by the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the said City of Fort Borth. SECTION VI. That the taxes herein levied and authorized and required to be collected shall be and become due and payable in two equal installments. The first installment which amount shall be fifty per cent of the total sum of the taxes due and payable fcr the current year shall be due and payable on the ist day of October A. D. 1928 P and the second instal ment, which amount shall be the remaining fifty per cent of the total sum due and payable in taxes for the current year shall bec cme due and payable on the ist day of April, A. D. 1929. SECTION VII. The first installment of taxes required to be paid by virtue of this ordinance for the current year shall become delinquent on the ist day of December, A. D. 1928, and the second installment of taxes required to be paid by virtue-of this ordinance for the current year shall become delinquent on the ist day of June, A. D. 1929. SECTION VIII. Shouid any tax payer permit his taxes to become diijaquent, that is to sap, ALuu-id fail or refuse to pay the first installment, said installment being fifty per cent of the total amount of taxes due for the current year, before the ist day of December, A. D. 1926, as above specified, then and in that event, the second installment shall also immediately become due and delinquent and a penalty shall attach to the payment of such taxes at the rate of one per cent per month, or fraction thereof, for each month thereafter; and should any tax payer pay the first installment of his taxes as hereinabove provided but should permit the second installment of his taxes to become delinquent, that is to say should fail or refuse to pay said second installment before the ist day of June, A. D. 1929) as above specified then the penalty shall attach to the payment of the second installment at the rate of one per cent per month, or fraction thereof, on each month thereafter. SECTION I%. That said penalty of one per cent per month shall be added to said taxes in the event the payment thereat should become delinquent as above set forth and said penalty shall attach on the 1st day of each month there- after until the taxes shall have been paid, which penalty shall be and become a part of said taxes and be payable as such, and provided further that in the event of the publication of the delinquent tax lists, or if suit is brought to recover such taxes and penalties and the de- linquent tax payer shall be subject to the payment of said taxes, penaities and costs, and the same shall be and become a lien upon the property of such tax payers, as prescribed by the Charter of the Gity of Fort Worth and the laws of the State of Texas, the said taxes witn pena.Lties and costs shad be and become and they are hereby made a paramount lien to ail other liens whatso- ever on the property on which said taxes are levied. SECTION 1. Should any part, portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be deciar ed invalid or inopera- tive or void for any reason by a court of competent jurks- dictioA, such decision, opinion or judgment shall in no way affect the remaining portions, parts, sections or parts of sections of this ordinance, which provisions shall be, remain and cuatinue to be in tull force and effect. SECTION XI. That this ordinance stall taxe effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage as provided by law. i mayov, ATTEST: ecre ary- rea, er of t es , City of Fort Forth AI''Oq0Vr,D AS TO FORS: `— ity ttorney. ORDINANCE Title /� u - Uate—_ Filed----" day off 19— City Secretary