HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998/11/10-Minutes-City Council CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1998 Date & Time On the 101h day of November, A.D., 1998, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, met in regular session, at 7:15 p.m., in the City Council Chamber, 1000 Throckmorton, with the following members and officers present: Attendance Mayor Pro tempore Chuck Silcox; Council Members Becky Haskin, Frank Moss, Clyde Picht, Jeff Wentworth, Ralph McCloud and Cathy Hirt; City Manager Bob Terrell, City Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary Gloria Pearson. Mayor Kenneth Barr and Council Member Jim Lane were absent. With more than a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Invocation The invocation was given by City Secretary Pearson. Pledge The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes On motion of Council Member McCloud, seconded by Council Member Wentworth, the minutes of the regular meeting of November 39 1998, were approved unanimously. Special Presentations/ Council Member Moss presented Certificates Introductions of Recognition to Former Boards and Commission members. Consent Agenda On motion of Council Member Wentworth, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the consent agenda was adopted unanimously. Appointments Council Member McCloud made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hirt, that CITY COUNCIL MEWING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 2 of 43 Willie Starr be reappointed to Place 8 on the Aviation Advisory Board; that Gregory Scott be reappointed to the Building Standards Commission as the representative for Council District 8; that Jesse Kemp be reappointed to the City Plan Commission; Erma Bonner- Platte be reappointed to the City Zoning Commission and the Fort Worth Alliance Airport Zoning Commission; that Elsie Bradford be reappointed to the Community Development Council; that Zoe Windley be reappointed to the Community Programming Advisory Committee; that Karmen Johnson be reappointed to the Fort Worth Commission on the Status of Women; that Opal Lee be reappointed to the Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission; that Sonia Williams-Babers be reappointed to the Library Advisory Board; and that Yvonne Johnson be reappointed to the Parks and Community Services Advisory Board, with a term of office expiring October 1, 2000. The motion carried unanimously. Ord. # 13640 Council Member Wentworth made a motion, Sixth Supplemental seconded by Council Member Hirt, that the Ord. Water & Sewer Sixth Supplemental Ordinance No. 13640 System Revenue authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Refunding & Fort Worth, Texas Water and Sewer System Improvement Bonds Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 1998, in an amount not to exceed $100,000,000.00; and Ordaining Other Matters Related Thereto be adopted. The motion carried unanimously. CIT 147OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 3 of 43 Res. # 2464 Council Member Hirt made a motion, Appointment of Board seconded by Council Member Wentworth, of Directors for Tax that Resolution No. 2464 appointing Chuck Increment Silcox, Ralph McCloud, John Brooks, Scott Reinvestment Zone No. Armey, Mary Denny, Albert Perez, Donnie 2 Bobbit, Cherie Spears, and Mike Carrancejie to the Board of Directors for the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two, Fort Worth, Texas, be adopted. The motion carried unanimously. OCS-1019 There was presented Mayor and Council Claims Communication No. OCS-1019 from the Office of the City Secretary recommending that the City Council refer notices of claims regarding alleged damages and/or injuries to the Risk Management Department. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. G-12378 There was presented Mayor and Council Temporary Closure— Communication No. G-12378 from the City South Pipeline Road Manager recommending that the City Council Bridge approve the closure of the South Pipeline Road bridge over Boyds Branch for a period of approximately three months beginning November 16, 1998. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. G-12379 There was presented Mayor and Council Airport Access Fee at Communication No. G-12379 from the City Alliance Airport Manager recommending that the City Council increase the Airport Access Fee at Alliance Airport from the present $0.165 per square foot to $0.21 per square foot, in accordance CITY COUNCIL MEING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 4 of 43 with a 30 percent change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the base year of 1988 to 1998. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. G-12380 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13641 Communication No. G-12380 from the City Millennium Telcom Manager recommending that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 13641 whereby the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and Millennium Telcom, L.L.C. ("Company") agree that, for the purpose of operating its Telecommunications Business, Company shall maintain and construct its poles, wires, anchors, fiber, cables, manholes, conduits and other physical plant and appurtenances in, along, across, on, over, through, above, and under certain applicable public rights-of-way in the City; prescribing the annual compensation due the City under this ordinance; prescribing the conditions governing the use of the applicable public rights-of way and the rights-of-way and the performance of certain construction work on such public rights-of-way. On motion of Council Member Picht, seconded by Council Member Wentworth, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. G-12381 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13642 Communication No. G-12381 from the City Cowtown Brush Up Manager recommending that the City Project Council: 1. Accept donations totaling $13,600.00 from various Sponsors for the Cowtown Brush Up Project; and CIT OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 5 of 43 2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13642 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in the amount of$13,600.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the Cowtown Brush Up Project. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. It appeared to the City Council that they set today as the date for a public hearing regarding the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for Certain Properties in the West Byers, Crestline, and North Hi- Mount Neighborhoods. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Mr. Fernando Costa, Director of Planning and Growth Management, appeared before the City Council and gave a brief staff report and advised Council that the Plan was endorsed by West Byers, Crestline, and the North Hi-Mount Neighborhood Associations. He called attention of the Council to Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12382, as follows: G-12382 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13643 Communication No. G-12382 from the City Comprehensive Plan Manager recommending that the City Council West Byers, Crestline, adopt Ordinance No. 13643 amending the & North Hi-Mount Comprehensive Plan of the City of Fort Worth for the Crestline, West Byers and North Hi-Mount Neighborhoods. CITY COUNCIL ME RING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 6 of 43 Bill Mastin, Kathleen The following individuals appeared before the O'Rourke, and Clay City Council in support of the amendments to Hook the Comprehensive Plan: Bill Mastin, 3825 Clarke Avenue Kathleen O'Rourke, 5529 Byers Avenue Clay Hook, 1201 Thomas Place There being no one else present desiring to be heard, Council Member Wentworth made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCloud, that the hearing be closed and that Mayor and Council Communication No. G- 12382 be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Reconsideration of Council Member McCloud made a motion, Consent Agenda seconded by Council Member Hirt, that the consent agenda be reconsidered at this time. Continued/Withdrawn City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. L-12374 be continued for two weeks. Consent Agenda Council Member Wentworth made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCloud, that the consent agenda, as amended, be adopted. The motion carried unanimously. G-12383 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13644 Communication No. G-12383 from the City Ord. # 13645 Manager recommending that the City Juvenile Accountability Council: Incentive Block Grant 1. Authorize the City Manager to accept, if awarded, a Juvenile Accountability CIT OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 7 of 43 Incentive Block Grant from the Texas Criminal Justice Division in the amount of $377,991.00 for the period of November 1, 1998, through July 31, 2000; and 2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13644 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Trust Fund, Awarded Assets, in the amount of $41,998.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the Juvenile Sex Offender Program and the Juvenile Fingerprint Program; and 3. Authorize the transfer of $41,998.00 from Special Trust Fund, Awarded Assets- Federal, to the Grants Fund as cash match to the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant; and 4. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13645 increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $419,989.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the Juvenile Sex Offender Program and the Juvenile Fingerprint Program; and 5. Authorize the City Manager to execute contracts with Tarrant County Juvenile Services ($234,088.00) and the Tarrant County Juvenile Fingerprint Program ($40,000.00); and 6. Authorize the City Manager to waive indirect costs in the amount of$9,795.00. CITY COUNCIL ME ING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 8 of 43 Council Member Moss requested permission of the Council to abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. G- 12383 inasmuch as his wife serve on the Fort Worth Independent School Board and may also involve the Tarrant County Hospital District. Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCloud, that Council Member Moss be permitted to abstain from voting on Mayor and Council Communication No. G-12383. The motion carried unanimously. Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCloud, that Mayor and Council Communication No. G- 12383 be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro tempore Silcox, Council Members Haskin, Picht, Wentworth, McCloud, and Hirt NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Barr and Council Member Lane NOT VOTING: Council Member Moss P-8719 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Agreement Communication No. P-8719 from the City to Provide Air Manager recommending that the City Council Conditioners confirm the purchase of 150 room air conditioners from the Carrier Corporation CITOUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 9 of 43 for $40,451.95 with payments terms net 15. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8720 There was presented Mayor and Council Reject Bids for Communication No. P-8720 from the City Bid 98-0307 for Manager recommending that the City Council Steel and Fiber Drums authorize the rejection of all bids received for steel and fiber drums (Bid No. 98-0307) for the Department of Environmental Management and authorize a re-bid. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8721 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Agreement Communication No. P-8721 from the City for Automotive Oils Manager recommending that the City Council and Lubricants authorize: 1. A purchase agreement for automotive oils and lubricants for the City Services Department with Jesse P. Taylor Oil Company based on low bid of unit prices, with payment terms net 30 days, f.o.b. destination, freight no charge; and 2. This agreement to begin November 11, 1998, and end November 10, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one- year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CITY COUNCIL MEING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 10 of 43 P-8722 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Agreement Communication No. P-8722 from the City for Police Vehicle Manager recommending that the City Council Partitions and authorize: Accessories 1. A purchase agreement for police vehicle partitions and accessories for the City Services Department with Troy Products based on the bid of manufacturer's list price less 40 percent discount, payment terms net 30 days, fo.b. destination, freight no charge; and 2. This agreement to begin November 10, 1998, and end November 9, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one- year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8723 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Agreement Communication No. P-8723 from the City for OEM Sutphen Manager recommending that the City Council Chassis and Ladder authorize: Parts 1. A purchase agreement for OEM (original equipment manufacturer) Sutphen chassis and ladder parts for the City Services Department with Sutphen Corporation based on the documented sole source at manufacturer's list price, with payment terms net 30 days, f.o.b. destination, freight prepaid and added to invoice; and CITOUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 11 of 43 2. This agreement to begin November 30, 1998, and end November 29, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one- year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8724 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Agreement Communication No. P-8724 from the City for Small Engine Manager recommending that the City Council Repair authorize: 1. A purchase agreement for small engine repair for all City departments with Davis Sales and Service, based on low bid of discounts and unit prices with payment terms net 30 days, f.o.b. destination, freight no charge; and A. Labor for repair of small engines at $19.95 per hour B. Parts at manufacturer's list price less 15 percent discount 2. This agreement to begin December 5, 1998, and end December 4, 1999, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. rcr CITY COUNCIL M ING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 12 of 43 P-8725 There was presented Mayor and Council De-obligation of funds Communication No. P-8725 from the City for Far West Fire Manager recommending that the City Council Station Project and Award of Contract 1. De-obligate funds of $640,000.00 in the Public Safety Improvements Fund for the Far West Fire Station Project to fund the replacement of fire apparatus; and 2. Authorize the purchase of materials and labor for the refurbishment of one ladder tower truck for the Fire Department from Simon LTI, Inc., the sole source vendor, for an amount not to exceed $515,187.00, which includes a seven percent contingency charge and transportation to and from the factory. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. P-8726 There was presented Mayor and Council Purchase Agreement Communication No. P-8726 from the City for Beer for Resale Manager recommending that the City Council authorize: 1. A purchase agreement to provide beer for resale at Sycamore and Z-Boaz golf courses from multiple vendors; and 2. These agreements to begin November 1, 1998, and end October 31, 1999. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. ��y�w CITY"_OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 13 of 43 P-8727 There was presented Mayor and Council Lease Golf Carts Communication No. P-8727 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize: 1. A 36-month lease of golf carts, including maintenance and non-scheduled repairs, from Yamaha Golf Cars for the Parks and Community Services/Golf Division based on the lowest evaluated bid of the following unit prices: uanti Unit Price/Cart/Month 357 golf carts $58.56 17 utility carts $73.20 This lease agreement to begin January 1, 1999, and expire December 31, 2002. Scott Huckabay Mr. Scott Huckabay, 1130 Bear Creek, Euless, appeared before the City Council and stated that EZ Go was the lowest responsive bid in the primary bid and stated that the City Council should award the lease to the lowest bidder. Assistant City Attorney Gary Steinberger appeared before the City Council and advised Council that the specifications were changed to permit a 48 volt cart. He stated that from a legal standpoint, he saw no impediment. He further advised Council that Yamaha Golf Cars was the lowest bid received the second time bids were taken. CITY COUNCIL MEWING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 14 of 43 City Manager Terrell stated that at last week's meeting, the Council voted to extend the lease of golf carts contract until December 31, 1998, with the understanding that an annual agreement would be forthcoming. Council Member Picht made a motion, seconded by Council Member McCloud, that Mayor and Council Communication No. P- 8727 be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro tempore Silcox; Council Members Moss, Picht, Wentworth, McCloud, and Hirt NOES: Council Member Haskin ABSENT: Mayor Barr and Council Member Lane L-12370 There was presented Mayor and Council Acquisition of 24 Communication No. L-12370 from the City Permanent Easements Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of 24 permanent sanitary sewer easements in the Hyde Park and Vickery Southeast Addition at a total cost of $24.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12371 There was presented Mayor and Council Acquisition of Right-of- Communication No. L-12371 from the City Way and One Manager recommending that the City Permanent Easement Council: CIT OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 15 of 43 1. Approve the acquisition of right-of-way described as Tract 5CO2, A-1262, A.S. Roberts Survey from Kenneth Reed for $1,144.00; Tract 1A1, A-1497, G.T. Walters Survey from B.N. Mitchell for $1.00; and Tract 5C01, A-1262, A.S. Roberts Survey from Clarence Huffman for $1.00; Tract 511, A-1262, A.S. Roberts Survey from Palm Harbor Holding for $1.00; and Tract 1, A-1672, R. Whitley Survey from J.D. McNeill, for $1.00; and 2. Approve the acquisition of one permanent easement described as Tract 1, A-1439, E.A. Schultz Survey from R.G. Walton for $1.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12372 There was presented Mayor and Council Lease Agreement for Communication No. L-12372 from the City 1504 Westport Pkwy Manager recommending that the City Council authorize: 1. The City Manager to execute a lease agreement with Richard Carroll and Jeff Henson for property located at 1504 Westport Parkway for $900.00 per month; and 2. This agreement will commence November 1, 1998, and terminate October 31, 1999, with the option to renew the lease for two one-year periods. The City may terminate the lease at the conclusion of each one- year term. ING CITY COUNCIL ME FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 16 of 43 It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12373 There was presented Mayor and Council Acquisition of One Communication No. L-12373 from the City Parcel of Real Estate Manager recommending that the City Council approve the acquisition of one parcel of real estate described as a portion of Lot 4, Block 58, (1436 North Main Street), Googins Subdivision, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, from Frank Torres for $46,500.00 plus estimated closing costs of$1,500.00, for a total cost of$48,000.00. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12374 It was the consensus of the City Council that Continued for Two Mayor and Communication No. L-12374, Weeks FBO Terminal Building Office Lease Agreement with E. Mack Cathey, Jr., d/b/a/ Aerial Impact of Texas, at Fort Worth Spinks Airport, be continued for two weeks. L-12375 There was presented Mayor and Council Hangar Lease Communication No. L-12375 from the City Fort Worth Spinks Manager recommending that the City Council Airport authorize the City Manager to execute a Hangar Lease Agreement with Larry Cheatwood d/b/a/ Campus Avionics for Hangar No. 31 and surrounding unimproved land and improved land at Fort Worth Spinks Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12376 There was presented Mayor and Council Authorization for Communication No. L-12376 from the City Escrow of Funds for Manager recommending that the City CIT&�" OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 17 of 43 Avigation Easements Council: 1. Authorize the transfer of funds from the Grants Fund to an escrow account established at Fidelity Title Insurance Company in an amount not to exceed $840,000.00; and 2. Authorize and accept individual avigation easements from property owners with non- compatible residential properties located within the targeted 65 Day/Night Sound Level Noise Contour (65 Ldn) south of Fort Worth Meacham International Airport and Long Avenue; and 3. Authorize a payment of $2,400.00 to property owners granting an avigation easement on their property located within the defined area; and 4. Authorize the City Manager to accept and record the appropriate instruments. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12377 There was presented Mayor and Council Concessionaire Communication No. L-12377 from the City Agreement Manager recommending that the City Council Fort Worth Meacham authorize the City Manager to execute a International Airport Concessionaire Agreement with Griffin Air Replicas for retail and back-office space on the first floor of the terminal building at Meacham Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. 5I CITY COUNCIL ME RING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 18 of 43 L-12378 There was presented Mayor and Council FBO Terminal Building Communication No. L-12378 from the City Office Lease Agreement Manager recommending that the City Council Spinks Airport authorize the City Manager to execute an Office Lease Agreement with Bill Knight, d/b/a/ Air Transport Arm of Christ and BK Aviation Flight Training in the Fixed Base Operator (FBO) Terminal Building at Fort Worth Spinks Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12379 There was presented Mayor and Council Office Lease Agreement Communication No. L-12379 from the City Fort Worth Meacham Manager recommending that the City Council International Airport authorize the City Manager to execute an Office Lease Agreement with Skywings Flight Training, Inc. for Suites 130, 115A, 118 and 118A on the first floor and Suite B-18 on the basement level of the terminal building at Meacham Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. L-12380 There was presented Mayor and Council Authorize Acceptance Communication No. L-12380 from the City of Conveyance of 50.43 Manager recommending that the City Council Acres of Land to: 1. Accept and record the appropriate deed for conveyance of title to the City of 50.43 acres of land, more or less, from Fort Worth Industrial Development, Inc., Grantor; and 2. Execute such other legal instruments as may be necessary to effectuate the conveyance, subject to approval, as to form CIT& UNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 19 of 43 and legality by the City Attorney. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. PZ-2068 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13646 Communication No. PZ-2068 from the City Sanitary Sewer Manager recommending that the City Council Easement Vacation adopt Ordinance No. 13646 vacating a ten (VA-98-046) foot to 20 foot wide, and 405 foot long sanitary sewer easement, in the Nancy Ann Robert Survey, A-1275, Park Glen Addition, Phase XI, Section 2, to the City of Fort Worth. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. PZ-2069 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13647 Communication No. PZ-2069 from the City Annexation of 4.221 Manager recommending that the City Council Acres out of Ireneous approve Ordinance No. 13647 declaring Niece Survey certain findings; providing for the extension of certain boundary limits of the City of Fort Worth; providing for the annexation of a certain 4.221 acres of land, more or less, out of the Ireneous Niece Survey, Abstract No. 1160, Tarrant County, Texas, which said territory lies adjacent to and adjoins the present corporate boundary limits of Fort Worth, Texas; providing that the territory annexed shall bear its pro rata part of taxes; providing that the inhabitants thereof shall have all the privileges of all the citizens of Fort Worth, Texas; providing that this ordinance shall amend every prior ordinance in conflict herewith. On motion of Council Member Wentworth, seconded by Council Member McCloud, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. �I CITY COUNCIL MEM;F-ING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 20 of 43 C-17073 There was presented Mayor and Council Kebo Services, Inc. Communication No. C-17073, dated October 27, 1998, from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Kebo Services, Inc. in the amount of $369,956.12 for Main 106R Drainage Area Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation and Improvements (Group 4, Contract 2), Part 3, Unit 3. On motion of Council Member Haskin, seconded by Council Member Moss, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. C-17101 There was presented Mayor and Council Conatser Construction, Communication No. C-17101 from the City Inc. Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Conatser Construction, Inc. in the amount of $368,585.00 for Main C1C411 Drainage Area Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation and Improvements (Group 6, Contract 2), Part 1. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17102 There was presented Mayor and Council Conatser Construction Communication No. C-17102 from the City Inc. Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Conatser Construction, Inc. in the amount of $250,993.80 for Main 36SR Drainage Area Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation and Improvements (Group 5, Contract 2), Part 5, Unit 2. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. CIT AOUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 21 of 43 C-17103 There was presented Mayor and Council Carter & Burgess, Inc. Communication No. C-17103 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with Carter & Burgess, Inc. in the amount of$279,825.00 for pavement reconstruction and water and sanitary sewer replacements on Sylvania Avenue (N.E. 28th Street to Premier Street); Alta View (Chesser Boyer to Kimbo); Fairview Street (Chesser Boyer to Kimbo); Premier Street (Fairview to Mesquite); Tom Ellen Street (Chesser Boyer to Fairview) and Wesley Street (Chesser Boyer to Kimbo). It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17104 There was presented Mayor and Council Jeske Construction Co. Communication No. C-17104 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Jeske Construction Co. in the amount of $257,154.80 for the reconstruction of Campbell Street Drainage Improvements, Alternate A, pre-cast box culvert. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17105 There was presented Mayor and Council Conatser Construction Communication No. C-17105 from the City Inc. Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Conatser Construction, Inc. in the amount of $664,570.05 for Main 36SR Drainage Area Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation and Improvements (Group 5, CITY COUNCIL MEING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 22 of 43 Contract 2), Part 7. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17106 There was presented Mayor and Council Fu Techn Construction Communication No. C-17106 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Fu Techn Construction in the amount of $244,303.00 for Main 36SR Drainage Area Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation and Improvements (Group 5, Contract 2), Part 5, Unit 3. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17107 There was presented Mayor and Council Recission of Contract to Communication No. C-17107 from the City Fortuna General Manager recommending that the City Council Services and rescind the award of contract to Fortuna Authorization to Rebid General Services for Main 36SR Drainage Area Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation and Improvements (Group 5, Contract 2), Part 11, Unit 1 and authorize the bid be re- advertised at the earliest possible convenience. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17108 There was presented Mayor and Council Teague, Nall & Perkins, Communication No. C-17108 from the City Inc. Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with Teague, Nall & Perkins, Inc. in the amount of $131,881.00 for the design of pavement reconstruction and 1, CIT __O UNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 23 of 43 water and sanitary sewer replacements on South Jennings Avenue (Shaw to Bewick); West Pafford Street (College to 6th); East Fogg Street (6th to Hemphill); Lipscomb Street (Waggoman to Fogg) and West Pafford (Hemphill to Lipscomb). It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17109 There was presented Mayor and Council Walt Williams Communication No. C-17109 from the City Construction, Inc. Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Walt Williams Construction, Inc. in the amount of $497,292.61 for the reconstruction of Ramey Avenue (Wallace to Miller) and Wallace Street (Crenshaw to Ramey). It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17110 There was presented Mayor and Council Change Order No. 1 Communication No. C-17110 from the City Randall & Blake, Inc. Manager recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $65,000.00 to the contract with Randall & Blake, Inc., increasing its amount to $793,843.40, for construction related to the refurbishment of Saunders Park along Marine Creek at the Fort Worth Stockyards. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17111 There was presented Mayor and Council Change Order No. 2 Communication No. C-17111 from the City Tri-Tech Construction Manager recommending that the City Council Inc. authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 2 with Tri-Tech CITY COUNCIL MEING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 24 of 43 Construction Inc. in the amount of$17,288.00 for the reconstruction of Chesser Boyer Road (Bonnie Brae to North Beach), Wesley Street (Chesser Boyer Road to Fossil Drive) and Fossil Drive (Wesley to North Beach), increasing the contract amount to $194559392.18. It was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. C-17112 There was presented Mayor and Council Interlocal Agreement Communication No. C-17112 from the City with Denton County Manager recommending that the City Tax Increment Council: Reinvestment Zone #2 1. Find that the terms and conditions of the agreement meet the criteria of the Tax Increment Financing Act, as amended (V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Chapter 311); and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Denton County defining the terms and conditions under which tax increment shall be contributed to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2, Fort Worth Texas. On motion of Council Member Haskin, seconded by Council Member McCloud, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. C-17113 There was presented Mayor and Council Black & Veatch, Inc. Communication No. C-17113 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council CITI''COUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 25 of 43 confirm the award of an engineering services contract to Black & Veatch, Inc. for Commerce Street Sewer Rehabilitation in the amount of$48,500.00. On motion of Council Member Haskin, seconded by Council Member Picht„ the recommendation was adopted unanimously. C-17114 There was presented Mayor and Council Ord. # 13648 Communication No. C-17114 from the City Insituform Texark, Inc. Manager recommending that the City Council: 1. Authorize the transfer of$598,480.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Commercial Paper-Sewer Fund; and 2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13648 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Sewer Commercial Paper Fund in the amount of $598,480.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding a contract with Insituform Texark, Inc., for Commerce Street Sewer Rehabilitation Phase II; and 3. Confirm the award of contract to Insituform Texark, Inc. for Commerce Street Sewer Rehabilitation — Phase II (4th Street to Convention Center) in the amount of$598,489.00. On motion of Council Member Haskin, seconded by Council Member Moss, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. C-17115 There was presented Mayor and Council CITY COUNCIL MEL'T'ING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 26 of 43 Ord. # 13649 Communication No. C-17115 from the City City Secretary Contract Manager recommending the City Council: No. 23356 Terminate Contract 1. Authorize the City Manager to terminate Howard Construction City Secretary Contract No. 23356 with Co., Inc. and Award Howard Construction Co., Inc.; and Contract to M.E. Burns Construction, Inc. 2. Authorize the transfer of $92,629.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Projects Fund ($80,159.00) and to the Sewer Capital Projects ($12,470.00); and 3. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13649 increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Project Fund in the amount of $80,159.00 and in the Sewer Capital Project Fund in the amount of $12,470.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding the termination of contract with Howard Construction Co., Inc., and award of contract with M.E. Burns Construction, Inc. for completion of eight-inch water main and sanitary sewer main replacement in Jenson Road and Warrington Place. Council Member Haskin inquired whether or not the contracts that the City was terminating already had another contractor in place to begin work once Council approved the termination. Mr. Doug Rademaker, Director of Engineering, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that M.E. Burns Construction, Inc. would take care of all of a.' CITIOUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 27 of 43 the water main and sanitary sewer work and then the street pavement would be completed by Walt Williams. Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Picht, that Mayor and Council Communication No. C- 17115 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously. C-17116 There was presented Mayor and Council Insituform Texark, Inc. Communication No. C-17116 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council confirm the award of contract to Insituform Texark, Inc. for Sanitary Sewer Cured In- Place Rehabilitation in Commerce Street (9th to 11th Street) in the amount of $97,754.00. On motion of Council Member Picht, seconded by Council Member McCloud, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. C-17117 There was presented Mayor and Council Insituform Texark, Inc. Communication No. C-17117 from the City Manager recommending that the City Council confirm the award of contract to Insituform Texark, Inc. for Sanitary Sewer Cured In- Place Rehabilitation in Commerce Street (4th to 5th Street) in the amount of$37,183.00. On motion of Council Member Picht, seconded by Council Member Haskin, the recommendation was adopted unanimously. Citizens Presentation Mr. Eddie Humphrey, 641 N. Cherry Lane, Eddie Humphrey appeared before the City Council and requested a meeting with the Committee that drafted the report regarding the unfair working conditions of City Employees. He advised Council that he had not had a chance ' CITY COUNCIL METING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 28 of 43 to read the entire report, but stated that he could meet next week and discuss their concerns. City Manager Terrell informed Mr. Humphrey that he would be willing to meet with him to find out what the issues were, and after the meeting, he would determine how to proceed. Z-98-061 It appeared that the City Council at its Withdrawn Without meeting of September 8, 1998, continued the Prejudice hearing of Parkside, Ltd. by Carter & Burgess, for a change in zoning of property located in the 2000 block of Western Center Blvd. from "I" Light Industrial to "C" Multi- Family and "F" Commercial; from "F" Commercial to "AR" Residential; and from "CR" Multi-Family to "AR" Residential. Mayor Pro tempore Silcox advised Council that a letter of withdrawal had been received. There being no one else present desiring to be heard, Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Picht, that the application of property located in the 2000 block of Western Center Blvd. be withdrawn without prejudice. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-098 It appeared that the City Council at its Continued for 30 Days meeting of October 13, 1998, continued the hearing of Ruth Ray & H.L. Hunt Foundation for a change in zoning of property located in the 4000 block of Fossil Creek Blvd. from "R- 1" Residential & "G" Commercial to "A" One- Family, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-098. Mayor Pro tempore Silcox advised Council CIT OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 29 of 43 that the applicant had requested a 30-day continuance for Zoning Docket No. Z-98-098. Thad Brundrett Mr. Thad Brundrett, representing the applicant Ruth Ray & H.L. Hunt Foundation, 3880 Hulen Street, appeared before the City Council and requested a 30-day continuance. There being no one else present desiring to be heard, Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hirt, that the application of Ruth Ray & H.L. Hunt Foundation for a change in zoning of property located in the 4000 block of Fossil Creek Blvd., Zoning Docket No. 98-098, be continued for 30 days. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-107 It appeared that the City Council at its Text Amendment meeting of October 13, 1998, continued the Continued for Two hearing for the Text Amendment, as Weeks amended, by amending Section 17A, "Signs" concerning permitted alteration of non- conforming signs, Zoning Docket No. Z-98- 107. Mayor Pro tempore Silcox asked if there was anyone desiring to be heard. City Secretary Pearson advised Council that Zoning Docket No. Z-98-1079 Text Amendment, should be continued for two weeks at the request of the Assistant City Attorney. There being no one else present desiring to be heard, Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Picht, that Zoning Docket No. Z-98-107, Text Amendment, be continued for two weeks. CITY COUNCIL M ING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 30 of 43 The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-121 It appeared that the City Council at its Continued for 30 Days meeting of October 13, 1998, continued the hearing of Avo, Inc. by Jackson Wilson, for a change in zoning of property located in the 8900 block of Jacksboro Highway, from "AG" Agricultural to "A" One-Family (excluding the east 50' along Buffalo Road), Zoning Docket No. Z-98-121. Mayor Pro tempore Silcox asked if there was anyone desiring to be heard. Jackson S. Wilson Mr. Jackson S. Wilson, representing applicant, Avo, Inc., 601 Bailey, appeared before the City Council and requested favorable consideration of Zoning Docket No. Z-98-121 for a change in zoning of property located in the 8900 block of Jacksboro Highway. Ms. Ann Kovich, Director of the Development Department, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that the Zoning Ordinance does not allow for a PD/SU Planned Development/Specific Use zoning in single family. Steve Swartz, Glenn Messrs. Steve Swartz, 8525 Shelby Lane; Glen Nerwin, and William Nerwin, 7724 Aubrey; and William Richerson Richerson appeared before the City Council and expressed opposition to the application of Avo Inc., Zoning Docket No. Z-98-121. There being no one else present desiring to be heard, Council Member Wentworth made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hirt, CITIkOUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 31 of 43 that the application of Avo, Inc. by Jackson Wilson, for a change in zoning of property located in the 8900 block of Jacksboro Highway, from "AG" Agricultural to "A" One-Family (Excluding the east 50' along Buffalo Road), Zoning Docket No. Z-98-121, be continued for 30 days. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pro tempore Silcox recognized State Representative Sue Palmer. It appeared to the City Council that Resolution No. 2459 was adopted on October 20, 1998, setting today as the date for the hearing in connection with recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 3011, and that notice of the hearing had been given by publication in the Commercial Recorder, the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth and the Fort Worth Star Telegram on October 23, 1998. Mayor Pro tempore Silcox asked if there was anyone present desiring to be heard. Jim Schell Mr. Jim Schell, 901 Fort Worth Club, appeared before the City Council and requested that the City Council consider Site Plan No. SP-98-018 tonight instead of granting a continuance. SP-98-018 Council Member Haskin made a motion, Continued for One seconded by Council Member McCloud, that Week Zoning Docket No. SP-09-018, Petrie Auto Sales, located at 1202-1212 Jacksboro Highway, site plan for a make ready shop to CITY COUNCIL ML�`'TING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 32 of 43 include minor auto repair and one residence be continued for one week. The motion carried unanimously. Jackson S. Wilson Mr. Jackson S. Wilson, representing his client, Nazih Bayaa, 601 Bailey, appeared before the City Council and advised Council that his client had closed on the property and stated that he would like to meet with the Summerfields Neighborhood Association along with Council Member Haskin to work out a compromise on Zoning Docket No. Z-98- 077 and SP-98-027 (The Dahlia Group, Inc.) located at 3600 Western Center Boulevard. Z-98-077 Council Member Haskin made a motion, SP-98-027 seconded by Council Member Hirt, that the Continued for One application of Nazih Bayaa by Jackson Month Wilson, for a change in zoning of property located at 3600 Western Center Blvd.; from "E" Commercial to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "E" Commercial and a car wash subject to hours of operation limited to 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., conformance with Section 18E (Landscape Regulations) and one sign of not more than 35 feet high and 200 square feet per side and no directional signs, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-077 and Site Plan No. SP-98-027 for a car wash, be continued for one month. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-086 Council Member McCloud made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Wentworth, that the application of Komolafe A. Festus for a change in zoning of property located at 1108 South Riverside Drive from "E" Commercial to "FR" Restricted Commercial, Zoning CIT &UNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 33 of 43 Docket No. Z-98-086, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-089 Council Member Picht made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Wentworth, that the application of The Palladium Group for a change in zoning of property located in the 9000 block of South Hulen from "AR" Residential, "C" Multi-Family and "E" and "F" Commercial to "A" One-Family; from "E" and "F" Commercial to "C" Multi- Family, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-089, be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro tempore Silcox; Council Members Moss, Picht, Wentworth, McCloud, and Hirt NOES: Council Member Haskin ABSENT: Mayor Barr and Council Member Lane Dale Sustaire Mr. Dale Sustaire, 714 Mary Lou Street, Z-98-095 appeared before the City Council and advised them that the application for a change in zoning of property located at 3000 Alameda Street was only for "I" Light Industrial for the operation of a Sign Company, but stated that the Commission decided that a portion should be "FR" Restricted Commercial. Z-98-095 Council Member Wentworth advised Mr. Continued for 30 Days Sustaire that he wanted to make sure that it would not cause any problem since the property did abut a school. He made a CITY COUNCIL MERING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 34 of 43 motion, seconded by Council Member Hirt, that Zoning Docket No. Z-98-095 be continued for 30 days. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-115 Council Member Hirt made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Picht, that the application of Texas Christian University by G. Allen Atkinson, Jr. for a change in zoning of property located in the 2900 block of Sandage Avenue, from "B" Two-Family to "C" Multi-Family Zoning Docket No. Z-98- 115, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Jim Dunaway Mr. Jim Dunaway, 1501 Merrimac Circle, appeared before the City Council and advised the that the applicant, Fort Worth 4th Street Partnership wished to continue Zoning Docket No. Z-98-117 for one week. Z-98-117 Council Member McCloud made a motion, Continued for One seconded by Council Member Haskin, that Week the application of Fort Worth 4th Street Partnership by Dunaway Associates for a change in zoning of property located in the 2100 block of East 4th Street be continued for one week. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-126 Council Member Picht made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Hirt, that the application of City of Fort Worth by Richard Tucker for a change in zoning of property located at 2909 Schwartz Street from "C" Multi-Family to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for office and community related facilities, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-126, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. CIT 4" OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 35 of 43 SP-98-026 Council Member Haskin made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Hirt, that the application of Ramada Limited by Emerging Properties I., Ltd., for Zoning Docket No. SP- 98-026, site plan on property located at 6700 Fossil Bluff Drive for a motel, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. SP-98-029 Council Member Hirt made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member McCloud, that the application of Land Rover, for Zoning Docket No. SP-98-029, site plan on property located at 100 Adrian Drive for automobile sales and service, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Jim Dunaway Mr. Jim Dunaway, 1501 Merrimac Circle, appeared before the City Council and requested that the site plan for Manheim Auctions, located in the 3900 block of FM Highway 157, for an auto auction, SP-98-030, be approved. He submitted a letter from the City of Euless and stated that the letter should be a part of the record, but not necessarily placed in the site plan. He also provided Council with proposed site plan. SP-98-030 Council Member Moss made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member McCloud, that the application of Manheim Auctions, Zoning Docket No. SP-98-030, be approved with the addition of the following clause: "Applicant and/or User shall limit stormwater discharges to a maximum velocity of five feet-per-second CITY COUNCIL M ING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 36 of 43 (5fps) for all storm frequencies and shall install and maintain trash racks or other trash catching facilities at all discharge points." The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-130 Council Member Moss made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Picht, that the application of Sandra McGlothin for a change in zoning of property located at 5009 Kaltenbrun Road from "B" Two-Family to "I" Light Industrial, Zoning Docket No. Z-98- 130, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-133 Council Member Wentworth made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member McCloud, that the application of Ta Shyong Lin by Sherry A. Myers for a change in zoning of property located at 4928 and 4936 Diaz Avenue from "B" Two-Family to "CR" Multi-Family, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-133, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Carl Pointer Mr. Carl Pointer, 2532 Timberline Drive, appeared before the City Council and spoke in favor of the application of One Trinity Garden, Inc. and Shannon Glen, Zoning Docket Nos. Z-98-136 and SP-98-028. Z-98-136 Council Member McCloud made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Wentworth, that the application of One Trinity Garden by James Schell for a change in zoning of property located at 1300 Glen Garden Drive, 1408 Bahama and 2850 Yuma Street from "D" Multi-Family and "G" Commercial to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-136, and Site Plan of CITINl OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 37 of 43 Shannon Glenn, SP-98-028, for mixed use multi-family residential and commercial be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro tempore Silcox; Council Members Moss, Picht, Wentworth, McCloud, and Hirt NOES: Council Member Haskin ABSENT: Mayor Barr and Council Member Lane Terry Mayo Mr. Terry Mayo, 6800 Woodstock Road, appeared before the City Council and requested favorable consideration of the Council for the application of Tom Blanton for a change in zoning of property located in the 9200 block of Wagley Robertson Road, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-137. Z-98-137 Council Member Haskin made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Picht, that the application of Tom Blanton by Eugene Hasten Commercial Real Estate, for a change in zoning of property located in the 9200 block of Wagley Robertson Road, from "AR" and "R-2" Residential, "C" Multi-Family, "E" Commercial, "IP" Industrial Park and "I" Light Industrial to "A" One-Family, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-137, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-138 Council Member Moss made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member McCloud, that the application of Breakfast Optimist CITY COUNCIL M ING FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 38 of 43 Foundation by Fort Worth Housing Finance Corporation for a change in zoning of property located at 5500 Fitzhugh Avenue/5500 Anderson Street, from "E" Commercial to "A" One-Family, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-138, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Thad Brundrett Mr. Thad Brundrett, representing the applicant Hillwood Development Corporation, 3880 Hulen Street, appeared before the City Council and requested favorable consideration for the property located in the 2600 block of Westport Parkway from Unzoned to "K" Heavy Industrial, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-139. He stated that the property could be used for anything such as a hotel or an office building. He further advised Council that the surrounding area was "AG" and "K" zoning. Council Member Haskin expressed concern relative to this property being zoned based on speculative zoning. Council Member Moss requested a copy of the deed restriction be provided to the City Council. Council Member Picht made a motion that Zoning Docket No. Z-98-139 be approved. The motion died for lack of a second. Z-98-139 Council Member Haskin made a motion, Continued for One seconded by Council Member Moss, that the Week application of Hillwood Development Corporation, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-139, be continued for one week, and the deed restriction be provided to Council. The motion carried unanimously. CIT OUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 39 of 43 Z-98-140 Council Member Moss made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member McCloud, that the application of G.N. Reed by Omni Group, Inc. for a change in zoning of property located at 4121 East Berry Street, from "B" Two- Family to "E" Commercial, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-140, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-141 Council Member Haskin made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Moss, that the application of Parkwood Hill Development, Inc. by Kim Gill, for a change in zoning of property located in the 7600 block of Parkwood Hill Blvd., from "AR" Residential to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for a day care, with waiver of site plan recommended, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-141, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-142 Council Member Wentworth made a motion, Approved seconded by Council Member Hirt, that the application of Remington Point, L.P. by Pat DiFonzo for a change in zoning of property located in the 1000 block of Longhorn Drive, from "A" One-Family to "CF" Community Facilities, Zoning Docket No. Z-98-142, be approved. The motion carried unanimously. There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 3011, Council Member Haskin made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hirt, that the zoning hearing be closed and the following ordinance be adopted: CITY COUNCIL ME&ING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 40 of 43 ORDINANCE NO. 13650 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 30119 AS AMENDED, SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND LAND FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES, THE HEIGHT, NUMBER OF STORIES AND SIZE OF BULDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, THE SIZE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING, AND THE DENSITY OF POPULATION, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES DIVIDING THE MUNICIPALITY INTO DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF UPON "DISTRICT MAPS"; PURPOSE AND CONFLICT; PROVIDING CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A CIT ROUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 41 of 43 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENAL CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The motion carried unanimously. Karl Crawley Mr. Karl Crawley, representing CP LTD Partnership, 500 S. Ervay, Suite 112B, Dallas, Texas, appeared before the City Council and requested that Zoning Docket No. Z-98-113 be granted a 60-day delay in order for the applicant to meet with the neighborhood to see whether a compromise could be reached. He informed Council that after such time, the application would be withdrawn if a compromise was not agreed upon. Garrett Morris Mr. Garrett Morris, 4004 Scenery Hill Court, representing the Centra Group, managers for Ameritas Life Insurance, who owned property at 6825 Manhattan Blvd., appeared before the City Council and expressed opposition. He stated that such an approval would have mobile homes on the back of its parking lot as well as its side. Robert LeMay Mr. Robert LeMay, 1609 Elm Street, Dallas, appeared on behalf of MIBEC Partners, and expressed opposition to the request of CP Ltd. Partnership. He stated that the proposed change in zoning of "MH" Mobile Home District would be incompatible with the commercial property. Z-98-113 Council Member Haskin made a motion, Denied seconded by Council Member Moss, that the application of CP LTD Partnership by CITY COUNCIL M .ING cl FORT WORTH,TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 42 of 43 Masterplan, William E. Cothrum, for a change in zoning of property located in the 6900 block of Manhattan Blvd., Zoning Docket No. Z-98-113, be denied. The motion carried unanimously. Z-98-134 Council Member Wentworth made a motion, Denied seconded by Council Member Haskin, that the application of Kirk Franklin for a change in zoning of property located at 1313 Shenna Blvd., Zoning Docket No. Z-98-134, be denied. The motion carried unanimously. Citizen Presentations Ms. Artie Dawson, 721 Thompson, Everman, Artie Dawson appeared before the City Council and requested Council assistance in providing her with information that she had requested regarding bypass hearings for promotions in the Fire Department. City Manager Terrell and City Attorney Adkins advised Council that since Ms. Dawson is a Civil Service employee, certain procedures must be followed and appeals must go through the Civil Service Commission. Mayor Pro tempore Silcox advised Ms. Dawson to put her request in writing to the City Attorney and let them respond. Sharon Armstrong and Mrs. Sharon Armstrong and Louis Louis Armstrong Armstrong, 4605 Virgil, appeared before the City Council regarding alleged unfair treatment of Women in the Fire Department. Bonnie Sager and Jean Bonnie Sager, 3800 Kelvin Avenue and Jean 0 CITYUNCIL MEETING FORT WORTH, TEXAS NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 43 of 43 Marie Hach Marie Hach, 7609 Meadowlark Drive, appeared before the City Council and expressed opposition to the City Council adding Sexual Orientation to the City Ordinance with regard to discrimination. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. CITY SE RETARY MAYOR