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Contract 35282
CITY SECRETARY � FO'RTWORTH D.O.E. FILE CONTRACTOR'S BONDING CO. CONSTRUCTIONS COPY CLIENT XP RTMEN1 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT T DOCUMENTS 1101V J 11 I IlrT No 5 006 CAPITAL IMPROVEI E14TS PROGRAM PAVING, DRAINAGE, WATER, AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR: Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (forth Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Pmkdale Avenue (Koch Street to hickory Boulevard) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) TIPVV No, C200-531200Y A84.0-0027583 Water No. P253-531200-60BI7-0027583 Sewer No. P258-531 00-70817-0027583 D,O.E, No_ 5145 File No, C-I E)089 I -13 0 IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTIA, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 2006 CHARLES R. BOS1 ELL CITY MANAGER ROBE[ T D. GOODE, P.E. DIRECTOR TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS MARC OTT ASST. CITY MANAGER MIKE MONCRIE F MAYOR S. FRANK CRUMB, P.E. ACTING DIRECTOR WATER DEPARTMENT A. DOUGLAS RADEIVIAKER, P.E. DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING 90"Im Freese an# Nichols dG55 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA. SUITE 200 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76109-4B95 (817) 7 3 5-7300, F&N No. f- TVI O6126 L)ORIGINAL of� NOV-03-2006 14:06 FREESE and NICH0L5 INC 817 735 7491 P.01/24 G CITY OF FORT WORTH DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 1 To the Plans, Specifications & General Contract Documents 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROORAM Avanua A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Avenue C (South Beach Street to Binklay Street) Avenue M (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead tend to East Vickery Boulevard) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to East Vickery Boulevard) PAVING, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Bid Date: November y, 2006; 2.00 PM Addendum No, 1: November 3, 2006 I,. This Addendum, forms part of the Plans, Contraot Documents & Specifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original Specifications and Contract Documents. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided below, in the new bid proposal (page 22) and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification. `rhe plans and specification documents for Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street), Avenue G (South Beach Street to Sinkley Street), Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue), Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street), Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard), Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale, Street), and Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to East Vickery Boulevard) are hereby revised by Addendum No-1 as follows: SPEciFICATIONS COTlTRACi DUCUMEN : 1- CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. BID PROPOSAL ® The Bid Proposal shall be deleted in their entirety and replaced with the enclosed revised Bid Proposal. 2- SPECIAL PROVISIONS W item No.61 PAY ITEM —REMOVE AND RECONSTFIUCT MAILBOXES/ MISCULAN,EQUS on Page SP-26 shall be revised to read as follows: "PAY ITEM, —REMOVE AND RECONSTRUCT MAILBOXI=S/ MiSCEI LANEt]US: This item includes the removal and reconstruction of existing mailboxes, brick walls, flowerbed trim and miscellaneous items within the right of way which may be damaged or removed during construction. When possible, the Contractor shall salvage existing materials for reused in the replacement or repair of damaged or removed Items. items which are to be repaired or reconstructed should look architecturally the same in material and appearance and should be reconstructed or repaired in a better or new condition. All mailboxes with posts shall be removed and replaCed in their original ,Addendum No. 1, Page 1 NOV-03-2006 14:O6i FREESE and NICHOLS.INC S?,7 735 7491 F.02i24 locations and should look the same in appearance and should be reconstructed or repaired in a better or new condition. This portion of this itern shall be considered subsidiary to the project. All applicable provisions of City of Fort Worth Construction Standards shall apply." 3- CLARIFICATIONS 1 _ Please note it is not mandatory to bid both Alternate 'A' HMAC Pavement and Alternate 'S' Concrete Pavement. Callouts referring to retaining wall on Flan Sheet PV-12 shall be revised to read "EXISTING CONCRETE BLOCK RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW CONCRETE RETAINING WALL (TYP.)," Both Transportation and Public Works and Water Department Project designation signs will be required for this project, as defined in the Special Conditions and Special Provisions, The minimum driveway width of ten (10) feet is measured at the face of curb, which is equivalent to an eleven (11) foot minimum driveway measured from edge of pavement as shown in the City of Fort Worth Standard Driveway Approach Detail. Driveway transitions shall begin from the outside edge of sidewalk and extend to the property line unless modified by the plans. 5. In the 'r ypical Roadway Section for HMAC (Sheet TY-1), the callouts referring to 3" Type D HMAC Surface Course and 6" Type S HMAC 13ase Course shall be modified as follows: A 3" Type 8 HMAC Ease Course shall extend from back of curb to back of curb beneath the 6" Concrete Curb and Gutter and above the 6" Lime Stabilized Subgrade. Smother 3" Type 1B HMAC Base Course shall be on top of the previously stated layer of Rase Course that will be between the concrete curb and gutter as shown on the typical roadway section for HMAC. A 3" Type D HMAC Surface Course shall be the final top layer placed between the concrete curb and gutter as shown on the typical roadway section for HMAC. A signed copy of this Addendum should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification. RECIEP`lY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ISSUED BY: A. Douglas Rademaker, P.E., Director By: Dena Johnson, P_E_, Manager DOE_ Engineering Services Company: ST P_g j �. � �,,A1 rkc.. Address: P.(), Box WS900 City_ larbl o Stater Addendum No. 1, Page 2 NOU-07-2006 13 : 42 FREESE and , N I CHOI_S INC CITY OF FORT WORTH DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 2 To the Plans, Specifications & General Contract Documents 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Rinkley Street) Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Farkdale Avenue (Koch Street to East Vickery Boulevard) PAVING, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SANITARY SEWED IMPROVEMENTS Bid Date: November 9, 2006; 2:00 PM Addendum No. 2: November 7, 2006 917 735 7491 P.01/01 This Addendum, forms part of the Plans, Contract Documents & Specifications for the above referenced Project and modifios the original Specifications and Contract Documents. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in `hCesp of tprovided addendum could subject the bidder to tllsqualifiCat �nenvelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt The plans and specification documents for Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street), Avenue G (South Beach street to Binkley Street), Avenue R (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue), Avenue I (South Collard Street to Court Street (North bead End to East Vickery Boulevard), Newark Avenue a (Avenue A ebY revised to East Bishop Street), sr'd by Rosedale Street), and Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to East Vickery Boulevard) Addendum No.2 as follows: SPECiRICA'f IONS & C+�1N!I��f% T 0QCU11N_T 1- CpN'TRAG'i' CQCUMENTS & TrCMNICAL SPF-CIFICATIONS A. BID PROPOSAL The following items in the bid proposal have been revised from the previous bid proposal: Unit II paving & Drainage Improvements Alternate A: 9" t-IMAC Pavement and 6" Subgrade, Item 40, Pago 15, Adjust Existing Water valve to Grade, the unit priCe of has been revised to $250.00 with a total amount bid of 911,2550.00. Unit II Paving & Drainage Improvements Alternate a: 6" Reinforce f adetlthenuret ptie Pave rirL-of has ment d " Subcgrade, Item 39, page 20, Adjust Existing Water revised to $250.00 with a total amount bid of $11,250.00. A signed copy of this Addendur should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NON€IESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification. RIoCIEPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: CooGmpany:;jT , Address'..?..�1 D City:.J�t_ke,? Stafie' Addendum No. 2, Page 1 TOTRt_ P.01 NOU-08-2006 15:54 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 917 735 7491 P.01/01 s R CITY OF FORT WORTH DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO.3 To the Plans, Specifications & General Contract Documents 2004 CAPITAL IMPRo vEMENTS PROGRAM Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to Fast Vickery Boulevard) Newark Avenue (Avenue G to East Rosedale Street) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Fast Vickery Boulevard) PAVING, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Bid Bate: November 16, 2006; 2:00 PM Addendum No. 3: November 8, 2006 This Addendum, forms part of the Plans, Contract Documents & Specifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original Specifications and Contract Documents. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided below and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification. The plans and specification documents for Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrail Street), Avenue G (South Beach Street to Sinkfey Street), Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue), Avenue I (South collard Street to Bishop Street), Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard), Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street), and Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to East Vickery Boulevard) are hereby revised by Addendum No.2 as follows: 1 - BID DATE As stated in the Notice to Bidders and the Comprehensive Notice to Bidders, the laid dote "...will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 p.m., November 9, 2006 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers." shall be revised t¢ state "...will be receives[ at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 pan. NOVI=MAE 16, 2U06 and them publicly opened and react aloud at 2:00 p.m, in the Council Gharnbers A signed copy of this Addendum should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal_ Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NCNRIFSPONStVE," resulting in disqualification. RECIEPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: By:=-� C o m p a n Address: �s ��.so city:&aria _Stater_ 461 -q Addendum No. 3, Page 7 ?/ TOTAL P . 01 NOU-13-2006 17:01 FREESE and NICHOLS INC CITY OF FORT WORTH DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO.4 To the Plans, Specifications & General Contract Documents 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMP.NTS PROGRAM Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Newark Avenue (Avenue G to East Rosedale Street) Parkdale AveStreet to Est Boulevard) PAVING, AND SANITARY SEINER IMPROVEMENTS Bid Date: November 1r), 2006; 2:00 PM Addendum No. 4: November 13, 2006 817,735 7491 P.01i46 This Addendum, forms part of the Plans, Contract Documents & Spocificatlons for the above referenced Project and modifies nal Specifications and Contract Documentsi3tddor shall ackn0vv1adge roceipt of this addendum in the space provldod the origi below, ithe new bid proposal (page 17) and woks, edge recaipt on the outer envelope of your bid- Failure to acknowedge receipt of this addendum could subject the bldderto disqualification. . The plans and spvc"sfication documents for Avenue A (Nashville Av nuO t 6 Ihrall tree, a Avenue sfroot�to Bishop Street),South Beach coup Slnkley Street), Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avsnua), (North ��yur�vk(Avenue Cto apsedale 5traet), and Parkdale Avenua Koch Street roet to fas End kryoev&rd are heby esedby Addendum Na. es foows SPECIC-I= AXION & CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 1- CONTRAOT DOCUMENTS & TLCHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. RID PROPOSAL. a The Bid Proposal shall be deleted in their entirety and replaced with the enclosed revised Bid Proposal. B. GEOTECHN1CAL REPORT Iri addition to the issued Appendix B-Oeotechnical Report of the Technical Specifications, Plates 1- 27 shall be added at the end of the current Geetechnical Report in Appendix 13. A signed copy of this Addendum should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification. RECIEPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: By. Company:�ii31L� ISSUED BY: A. Douglas Rademaker, P-E-, Director Ry= — ----- Dena Johnson, P.E., Manager DOB Engirteering Services Address: City' 5Ar '0)li-V State, Addendum No. 4, Page 1 A NOU-13-2006 17:05 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.19/46 } z n g� Fosa�1 pr l�von Dr PIC:7C � $6ih Si 4 �ieFL$ S1 pv�sn�s 51 � Y � � CP � �� , �rs4ro7(�1 SEA �aOr 3 � LbM yuce& Ave 1-111' - " -ri Rd p gib 1 Ree6w Rd � ¢ er * whe;W Fefh S6 ~ Not to 5 a tr ' 5k 121 0e Blxd Bath Raton s 1 b -01P1 81 6¢=1t}e S1 IEmits Ave ro m D � qC'0t6V0odr9lslrsr�-d � sr c Texas St 13om CL M94dogU�o�ofc �� I xnca��brj Y = 1�Q VON ai �i' W � Ilrlo+na St U+�a;acy � z� � '� CT Csree� Or a aerca97er=+4Ve®'� ma% E3e59e4 $, ,� CarnAA Ave ?snCrd St a AVenL'.,Crarg $ an T f Ave �' TCMQ Ave r ctc ` ®,1d 3i At �' FIeAt C1 6ui grtd Ave' Md,QELX4Y `.N it r H �—� y `C it S project Location qI wu1�e S6�eo art} Maddox Ave " vraaFAwe L sir £Ig�nS1 Y R Oe,d Av �6 M Rr.K �IcET SAof A fn 0 bn d rive &i w SI CaoansemwAVe :E e F0Ehugi►Ave , m D cii+ �} F'dg C Ave ° N n �, � Foaae9 Awd '° m Cates§ S1 m ® fn °R L[sl6 5i y9/1 4 ro U f7 v G I ET '�81Ler � q B00 re S1 ' dam' S %rrY 31CL Gcffiysoai $i s :„ ;'y, a. `dt,0 wd Bs, � e C+ Ago aey Ave 0 u O 8w[lerS} � 4 Tpllb6aMn Of MIiCK ui FH�4$�,$A4F �� Medlar S, ro PaftcVu $1 3C,b9n r3 Rodeo �St � MoC9eahr S, xrn� � Mara sa Sit?' Dr ,s lk Fef S, @ Jore a pug" Uumsa or,q. .' VICINITY MAP Street Deconstruction on Avenues A, G, H, I, k-4K L I I N F E L 1) E R Newark Avenue, Parkdale Street, and Court Streel Fort Worth, Texas Project 73236 AuLust 2046 Plate 1 NOU-13-2006 17:06 FREESE and NICHOLS INC A + _g.- 'iS 1lrlatl - - dui - _I +t � � r'I. .• - 1 tlX i.. .. I�Ia�z z- 3c I 'IS ]7VQW1+d YI 1 .% X1.30 817 735 7491 P.20/46 n CNI Lam/ I'M CD z; x 0 W co o • I o..���..rr CU c z CL QQ�r I i ' �yS ]JYaxa ' I tiY I i II 'ls 9f5LY HArpf L . rh o � Cif �S Plate 2A NOU-13--2006 17:06 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.21/46 0 t5 y,;in h1 1 x =g CU>c au �4P � m o c $ ,: o■.,�o� rL o LL 4 cc cf) I .I . � in} yYAJlcia ' ']nv ♦3�aH N d N LL ss yIM7� I I a�• Ica � • I d [t ,OYiFI .�n Q Plate 2B NOU--13-2006 17:06 FREESE and NICHOLS INC F a 817 735 7491 P.22i46 KEY TO LOGS OF BORINGS DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS AND TERMS: ® Thin -Walled Tube Samplo 0 Auger Sample/Drilling ® Split Spoon Sample & Standard Penetration Test ® Continuous Core Sample ® TxDOT Cone Penetrometer Test ® Sag Sample g Water Level Initial Measurement Water Level Subsequent Measurement Fund Penetrometer : An indicator of fine-grained soils consistency. Repoded as tons per square foot (tsf). Penetration An indicator of soil and rock density and consistency, and correlates to the soil strength. Reported as N = blows/6 inches runless othenWoa indicated. Core Recovered Length of rock core recovered as a percent of the total Continuous core sample length. ROD Rock Quality Designation (RQD) is a measure of the integrity of the continuous care sample recovered. Reported as the percentage of core recovered in pieces greater than 4 inches in length. RELATIVE DENSITY CONSISTENCY OIL COARSE -GRAINED SOILS: OF FINF-,GKAINED SOILS: Pernotration Relative Hand Penetrometer Desistance Density Readino, ts4 Consistency Blom/foot 0-4 Very Loose Soft 4-10 Loose - - 3 Firm 10�-30 Medium Dense 2 stiff 30-50 Dense 3-4 Very Stlf# over 50 Very Dense >4.0 Bard TERMS CHARACTERIZING SOIL, STRUCTURE: Slickensided Having inclined planes of weakness that are slick and glassy in appearance. Fissured Containing shrinkage cracks; usually more or less vertical Laminated Composed of thin layers of varying color and texture. Interbeddod Composed of alternate layers of different soil types. Calcareous Well graded Containing appreciable quantities of calcium Carbonate. Having wide range in grain sizes and substantial intermediate particle sizes_ Poorly graded Predominantly one grain size, or having some intermediate size missing. NOTE: 860kensided and fissured clays may have lower unconfined compressive strengths because of planes of weakness or cracks in the sail. The consistency rating of such soils are based on penetrometer readings_ DEGREE OF wENTH IRING: Unweathered Rock in its natural state before being exposed to weathering agents. Slightly weathered Noted predominantly by color change with no disintegrated zones. Weathered Complete color change with zones of slightly decomposed rock. Severely weathered Complete color change with consistency, texture, and appearance approaching soil. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS: Soil and rock descriptions on the boring logs are a compilation from field data as well as from laboratory test results. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between materials and the actual transition can be gradual_ Water level observations have been made in the borings at the times indicated. Note that fluctuations in grQvndwater level(s) may occur due to variatinns in fninfall, hydraulic conductivity of soil strata, construction activity, and other factors. — KLEINFEL1)ER r:EaiUa EOI yYig ?f 2006 N❑U-13--2006 17:06 FREESE and NICH❑LS INC 4 81'7 ?35 7491 P.23/46 LOCH OF BORING NO. B-01 Street Reconstruction on Avenues A, G, H, !, Newark AVG, Psrkdsle 5t & Court St Project Oescriptjon: Location: See Plan of Borings, Plate 2A Approx- Surface Elevation: Not Provided t3 O, J2 a] yC� �8 _J , fl •� Q �O2l 2 9 N 0. �° 6 N d to cq ry z q N z MATERIAL ULSCRIPTIOM l2 inohas — 21 4.0 CLAY, light brown, hard, dry, wif 5otne fine calcorous nodules 19 .103 0,8* 11.9 t 5". 54 19 35 94 16 5 Completion Depth' 10 ft. Date Boring Started: 7/26106 Date Boring Completed: 7126106 Logged by: J. Schelor Project No.: 73266 KLEINFEiI DER - becomes yellow --brown and blocky with some calcium carbon8te Remarks_ Boring dry upon completion of drllling- 22 23 Shatificaom fines represent app=fn?nte shale boundM40S, asln 8rgr the hanslttont M&Y hR greduel. This bog 0,fj9ering rs not intended fOr picrcyng er estlmoHny parAMd, Boringtog(m) Shoultl Rpthe mproducad separately ftm W angtneeriny repOlt WOO sold rapartIS SpatIM11Y P I ate 4 fnduded by refdrl? M NOU-13-2006 17:07 FREESE and NICHHOL..S INC 917 735 7491 P.24/46 N� jy�� LOG OF BORING N O . B-02 sbvd Reconstruc ion on Aveljues At,, C, H, I, Nvwgrk Ave, Parkdale St & Coutt St Project Description: See Plan of Borings, Plate 2A LDcation: Approx. Surinca Elevation: Not Provided SC � � � ii T~u m � } r-. Eu N _ J -1 •�) is 0 } iL .' 'M' 0 CS .� J EL � Li• [V � +Z 9 V' Lam. q u �Np APIPHALT. 2 InGhe, S�..G . _._. 3.6 5 �CLAY, brown, hard, dry, calcerous nodules completion Depth: 10 It. Date boring Sts0d; 7126106 Date Boring CamPleted: 7125108 Loggad by. J. Scheler Project No., _ 73286 L&MKLFINFLLDER - b000rnes yelloW-brown, blocky. With some calcium Carbonate seams e zo 104 18 361'16124176114 12 15 MMM®®=®M Remarks- Boring dry upon completion of drilling. S" Movan fin= rapr - ary .w ... ,- ----- - gjsnotbaWnWfbt tle penellfona meyb09m�at. TMs t LV OfAshoL4d not6e produced bldcVn0Qr0SNmedn9pw00ses. 6oRny'09(8) eldra o�fIsspor-(telly setieratalyy ftnm lho onOmeednyreport Ulg" A t1rCilded byr re�ranoo. Plate 5 NOV-13-2006 17:07 FREESE and NICHOL.S INC 617 735 7491 P.25i46 LOG OF BORING No, B®03 Project Description: Street Reconstruction on Avenue G, H,1, Newark Ave, Parkdale 5t & Court St Location: See Plan of Borings, Plate 2A Approx. Surface Elevation: Net Provided -- �E ytn �p m 2 Sr Cl N r- w W W MATERIAL DESCRIPTION s SP LT 1 inch- -- _ CRUSHED IJMESTOINE, base rnakeria{ S - — Completion Dep1h: 4 ft• Date Boring Started: 7/26106 Date Boring (;ompleted: 7r26106 Logged by: J, Scheler Project No.; 73286 in KLEIN FELDER [,IMLSTOW. lightyetlow-btOwn, hard, dry, fractured, with some iron stein:= 37 18 19 86 13 Remark$: Boring dry upon completion of drilling. Shelby Tube refusal at 4 foot. SnMGnoon un05 wc,,. ter,.. _ - OI avtln lsf)0114OnMd for Mj? imnsf ItS maybe greduat Thts p 9 bhlWng ar estlme8rrp py,�psas. 9o1frt6rlr�%1 Sfh7dltl nat ba reylodut8d sepelatch IPr the bngineeling Mpcd unless zv#d M;*ff $ xpeacally fiduded dY Plate 6 NOV-13-2006 17:07 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 1 817 735 7491 P.26/46 �7 LOG OF 13ORING NO. B-04 ReG0nS rlaciioft On AvDn[Aes A, G, H,1, Newark Ave, Parkdale St & Court St Project Description: Street Location. See Plan of BOri cgs, Plate 2A Approx. surface Elevation- Not provided uy m L O N y 9 cs c° o � C C3 b W E Vl G Ay@y 2 a_1° N U] 9 Q y r !! /�A[�'' MATERIAL /4 l��I b1lV • s71--- _ SPI�rgL7 2 Inches —' CRh D LIMES ONE, (b&58 matertat, 8 — a8 I 35 17 18 58 45 completion Depth: 3 ft. t)ate Boring Startud: 7/28/013 Date F3oriflg Completed: 7126106 Logged by: J. Schaler Pfoj2Gt Now: — 73286 KLEiNFELDER LIIVIES� ONE, I'sgt+t yellow -brown, hard, dry, fractured Remarks: Suring dfy uPGO completion of drilling. Shelby Tube, refusal at 3 feet. �S r�By 8o gpadual. 7nla LOB af9�rAr9 fs nntmronaw rur �,r,syr,ppmpasoa, aainglod(s)s►,ouldW00mp ��1� rotn tha enfflnearioy report unless 3awmpatls Spe Y rftmnoe- Plate 7 NOU-13-2006 17:07 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.27/46 LOG OF BORING NO, B-06 Strut Reconstruction on AVenUee, ►f Gr Newark AVe, Parkdala St & Court St Project Description, L.00@tion_ See Plan of Borings, Plate 2A Approx- Surface Flevatll= Not Provided Fi ' p 8� 2 '&1 U G [3 N J + 2 z nlu V� a y W " MMERIAL DESCRIPTION a m. v a ; iI LT- 2 inches M��:= 2.5 2.0 2.5 J o Completion Depth: 8 ft. Bate Bering Started: 7126106 Data Boring Completed: 7126108 Logged by_ J. Scheler Project No.: 73206 KLEINFELDER :t7k5] 21 light brown, hard to sCiff, moist 22 i()o 9.1• 14.6 20 tiRryUT cL,r, YWJJJW-ww.n, �• with sorne calcatNus carbonat6 seams and Iron staining 1 53 1 18 1 3$ 1 62 10 Remarks: Boring dry upon Completion of drill]ng. 5halbyiuba refusal at 8 feet. simbEsir r77977ap—mnitaACfxlmatestrata110Uwenes,esmvmr om panslaortt n)Ry be gradual. 7hit Lpd otaodngls j1Df rptendedfoY munp or asumattnFF�+raaopss salt JOV(V shwd not bo mwoduced sapardMdy }ypm the errg%erinp ropon unlom smV MPM is s-fficolly fidudedby r99Ca. Plate 8 NOV-13-20Q6 17:0? FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.28/4C LOG OF BORING NO. B-06 Street RgConstructlon on Avenum A, G, H, 6 Newark Ave, PUM111e St & Court St Project Description_ Location: see Plan of Barings, Plate 2A Appm)(, Surface Elevation-, Not Provide 4 Z N V3 ka V al y J J y O LLL tu MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ASPHALT a inches n.7' CRUSHED LIM�ST�ND� {base material, � .� _. _. - - - _ inches 26 98 1.3` 14.9 CLAY, brOWrl, firm, moist, With some 2.5 Completion Depth: 4 ft, Date boring Started: 7f26106 Clete 13oring Compioted: 7/26100 Logged by: J. Scheler Project NO.: 73266 - in KLEI NFELI)rk calcareous nodules - limestone at 3 feet S9 1 20 1 39 1 75 1 25 Remarks: Baring dry upon completion of drilIlOg- Shelby Tube refusal at 3100t. �IrdR+7Gsuvnrurasry vPP••••ir••,••�••-•-__-- C e E ertei<t�4na mey S *Mni. N3 Lop 0fJ3odn$ la notltat90d0tl Por ptdding or eaUr1T✓lEi+�Furpases. 9odrtB [np(s) should +,4r6e rapfoducer! Sep3rd[s1y ►Wg Nae en0r)&06n6 relmd unless said report is sg600&rly fndudad by MOMPIee. Plate 9 NOV-13--2006 17:09 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 617 735 7491 P.29/46 F LOG OF BORING NO. B-07 Street Reconstruction on Avenues A, G, H, I, Newark Ave, Parkdale St & Court St Project Description: Location: See Plan of Borings, Plate 2A Approx. Surface Elevation: Not Provided ME CL 9 d 01 EL 6i. z a " MATERIAL DESCRIPTION — m — [SPHA''LT Zinches tyRUSHED LIMA TONE, (base material, 8 _ T 07 -� — — — e _ o, _ o ;n�as�i — 18 10A 1.64 14.8 A E®mms Compietivtl DOPth_ 7 i#. Date Boring Started: 7126/08 t)at© Boring Cornpleted-, 1126106 Logged by: J. SGheler Project Na.: 73286, GNU! l.6Hr, IVLJU1w I -VI VVYII w........ variegated, herd, dry - becomes mixed with sandstone 701 46 i 21 i 25 i 68 i 18 14 Ren'Iarks: Bering dry upon oomplation of drllling. Shelby Tubs rmfusai at 7 feat. - b re 6vnalbon# mey �e gradue! mta LaQ of 941;r)9ls not fntertdld rPr K L E I N F E L D E R nadrrlaaraatlmefrnppuraosea. aodngloA(a1shourdrtotDarep�oducad plate 10 seperel8fY1i01n me eaglna0Rn9lepemunle55said �pudlssyppNGelly WrNI d Y) ref016110. NOU-13-2006 17'08 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.30/46 LOG OF BORING NO- B-08 Ave, Pa f k"10 St & Court at Street Rwonstruotion on avenues A, G, H, i, Newark Project Description, See plan of Borings, plate 2A Location_ Approx. Surface Elevation: Not Provided — } MATERIAL ti a ASPHALT, i inches _ O6' ^ — GRUSHED L1MFS`CONE, (base tllaterial, 7 — m — 1 4.Q _• — --- inch®� SANDY CLAY, Yeflow-broWn to red -brown hard, dry. MIXOd g 113 2-4` 1$-9 to light gfay, vadggatad, with 3OMO sandstone fragments 8Ad iron 4.0 stains 39 14 24 So 14 Completion OWN, I ft. late soring Started 1126106 Date Boring completed: 7126106 6oggad by; J- Sohelar Project No-, �VLEINFELDER 73296 in 17 14 CLAY. Yeliow-brown, Hard, dry, with calcium carbonate ppckels 20 Rerrlarks: Boring dry upon coMplation of drilling. WIRE feFJV3 fr apprvur,... --- fam11ypogradvat. M.La94rk1ad 9kfloefntendadfar Offlong pud=osas. 9eAnf Unes) &std Importum i dpedttcally urn thm *fvJtWdng Mpg rafwonO. Plate I NOU-13-2006 17:08 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.31/46 - LOCH OF BORING NO. B-09 '��g�� nstructiort on Avenues At G, H, I, Newark Ave, parkdale St & Gourt % Project ®escriptit�n: Location: See plan of Borings, plate 213 Approx, Surface Elevation: Not provided LL p a ° CL e a (a n ID 0. ° C S1) N c.> MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SPHAI_ 2 inches CRUSI�-Ia L AA , (base rngferlal, t3 — — m.m _— 4-9 incheS 26 96 1.01' .S CIAY, dark brown, stiff, ry 50 19 31 $9 24 2.0 2,5 23 CLAY, light redCllsh-trrOWT1, flan tc bird, Ino1St, with Soma calcildtn carbonate pockets 27 1.5 4.0 2B 4.5 completion Depth: loft. t]ata Boring Started: W26/06 Date Boring Complotod: 7/26f66 Logged by: J. Scheler Project No-: 71155 21CKLLINFELDER Remarks, Boring dry upon compietlOn of drilling, Sfrd6Ylc� nRneafeP� nteppNKSLQgi) Bo n4'lSnollntend&das %o the pyycns msy bs 9iadunll. Thfs Log a should not"ropmd—d nlddlny or6SUMEWPvWso8_ erulny log[ 1 Acef separeteb frvrn r m anylneedA9 rapan untes6 ask! repo1f is SpBG fY Inducted by,efAfV0%-'- plate 12 817 735 7491 P.32/46 NOU-13-2006 17:08 FREESE and NICHOLS INC LOG OF BORING NO. B-10 H,1, Newaflc Ave, Parkdale St & Court St Project Description: Street likewnstructian on Avenues A, G, Location: See Plan of I13orings, Plate 26 Approx- Sur#ace Elevation- Not ProvidedAld w lv N N, O v n e V C d •� ti @ W V� O ��' �' � U _ U� Sd m MATERIAL DESCRIPTION _ � ...... -- -ASP ALT 2 inches base t�raterisl, 6 LIMEs7'O1VE, f _ m J e +✓RUSH)_® 5+ Inches SEVERE WF�A H=1�1~D LIMESTONS to cLAY, light yellow -brown, hard, dry, Iron staining 30 17 13 39 10 fractured, with some `4 Remarks: Boring dry upon earnplation of drilling. Shelby Tutte refusal at 4 fs®t- Completion Depth: Date Boring Started' 7126106 Cate Boring Cofnpleted: 7126106 bogged by, J. Scheler = Pso� -e NQ • i3206 _ Eyoodanon lines mpniadt apProxJmata s7are Wundade'ru As' ettu fhe frAA�UGns mqy hd 4r6dusl. lids 609 of gonng fd not Intended liar AnK L F I N F E L d iE R bidding or esbmaring purp-4e parrnQlvgfsJ should r,of b� roP aced 13 separaft4 "m fhe gppfnaedny,ep0n WOSa sold roF�DMIN spertl 0flY platy Included by rftUrxe. NOU-13-2006 17:09 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 `735 7491 P.33/46 LOG OF BORING NO. B-1I Reconstruction on Avenues A, G,11, I, Newark AM Parkdale 5t & Court St Project Description: Street See Plan of Borings, Plate 2S Location. Approx. Surface Elevation: Not Provided -� LO �! ® e�i a .� *e �' N .�" . U) � �_ �¢$,1y — t3 i� ram' y #� 0 0 �r o e e n g ra �N d 9 U N IL o �' ip MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - _ SPl IALl 4 Inches— ® t1M� �701V>=� Ibase material, 6 CRU hi�a o.e'U29 — - 3.6 4.5} m — — m CITY, Ilght gray tp y�ltow- town, mottl9d, - inches 12 115 6.3� hard to stiff. moist, with some calciurrl 47 22 5 2.0 carbonate depGslta 0 - becomes light reddish -brown a� Complatioo Depth: 10 ft, rate poring Started: 7126M Date Boring Completed: 7126106 Lagged bY: J, scheier project Na.: _'�- 73288 ��CLE1NFELDER - becomes blocky with tight prey vortical clay seams Remarks: Boring dry upon completion of drilling. Stre�Xc d ffnas +gbeson r&duPiYhfs Laootpap sGaCO{OFWng 1s not l tend d far' t++0 Vens81wt6 fr9Y 9 as. �onnp tep(s) shoulanP#be rapMdLwd bldd rig OF es#tmedop OTGE saperately Fam rho enpjr"?fnQ repo# droe4s sefd m9W 10 aped+lcaAY trnclud9d byre#erer+es. 25 25 23 Plato 14 NOU-13-2006 y1.7: 09 EREESE and N I CHi7LS INC 817 735 7491 P.34i46 1_()o OF UORING NO. Bm i 2 K, i, Newark Ado, Parkdala St & Court St Street Racovistiilctiort on AvOnues As ► Project Description: See Plan of 130(ngs, Plate 213 [)GatlOn: Approx. Surface F-levation: Not Provided to JU) - 2 zX � u .�' �a � ¢¢ U � 1L to g 6 U MATERIAL I)ESCRIPTION m _ . w _ ° 1iAI.T ASPh 110hea terial, f1RUSHED LIMES` ONE, (base rAa — _ _ ao 9� 0.4,, 3.0 2,0 inches CLAY, brown, Gil moist 62 24 38 63 2-7 2.0 a _ — S1oVFR�LY W�A7N�R�o LIMi=STONF—, -- — — light slow -bra bard d fractured Completion Depth: 3.5 ft• WO Boring Started: 7120106 Date 130ring Completed: 7/2610e Logged by: J, Scheler ProieCtNa.:� �- 73205 KU-1-1KLEINFELDER Rerygrks: Aoring dry upon Wrnpletion of drilling. Shelby Tube refUSftl at 3,5 feet. $YrpfNk3Uon !Ines n1Rsan t �pppxlmef0 stye a hppnrJerres, es 1"iru the vansrttona may he gradual- Tlrts Lap of8otIng is oat bo roDfoducad blddlrrQ Or estlnkaBll9 purpoSOS. Boring fe9i 1 saperately fMM fha er+gfieertng rbGW unfass said rKV4 Is sp-94atq+ 1rlGruded byf"Mnce. plate 16 NOU-13-2006 17 09 FREESE and NICHOL5 INC 817 735 7491 P.35i46Sheet 1 Of 2- Percent Moisture Unconfined Strain at Unit Dry compressive Failure Sample Liquid Plastic Plasticity Passing No.204 Content Weight Strength (%) (Pcf) Boring Depth L1rr,It Urnit Index SiLhve M is No- ( ) 21 8-01 1.0 - 2.0 19 103 0.8` 11.9 B-01 2-0 - 3.0 19 35 94 16 _ 8-01 3.0 - 4.0 54 22 S 01 5.0 - 6.0 23 B-01 7-0 - 8.0 19 B-01 9.0 -10.0 20 104 1.1 } 2.7 B-02 B-02 2.0 - 3.0 16 20 76 14 B-02 4, 0 5.0 36 12 "2 6.0 •- 7.0 15 8�02 8.0 - 9.0 1 3g 13 B-03 2.0 3.0 37 18 113 5B 15 B-04 1.0 - 2.0 35 17 21 B-05 1.0 - 2.0 22 100 1.1 * 14.6 5-06 2-0-3.0 20 B-05 3.0 - 4.0 $�a i32 19 18 5.0 - 6.0 13 B-05 7-0 - 6.0 26 96 1,30 14:9 B-06 1.0 - 2.0 25 39 75 B-06 2.0 - 3.0 59 20 18 104 1.6'` 14.9 B-07 1.0 - 2.0 21 25 58 18 8-07 2.0 - 3-0 46 14 B.07 4.0 - 5.0 15 B-07 6-0 - 7,0 15 B-08 1.0 - 2.0 16 113 2.4" 14.9 B-06 2.0 - 3.0 24 50 14 14 B-08 3.0 4.0 36 17 B-06 5-0 - 6.0 14 B-08 7-0 - 8.0 20 13-08 9-0 - 10.0 26 96 1 0* 4.9 B-09 1.0 - 2-0 19 $1 $9 24 - B-09 2.0 - 3.0 50 23 B-09 4.0 - 5.0 27 - a-o9 &0 - 7.0 2.6 13 10 ,�� 8-10 2.0 - 3,0 30 17 12 115 0.3= 3.9 8-11 1-0 2.0 29 82 22 U-11 2.0 - 3.0 47 18 25 B-11 3.0 - 4-0 25 B-11 6.0 - 6.0 23 B-11 7.0 - 6.0 23 B-11 9.0 - 1 a.o of Laboratory Results Sumtriary on Aver1Ue9 A. , H, PeOje>1t; Stra0t RecOnstruetioR Newark Ave., Parkdaie St. & Court St. K L E I N F E L D Fort Worth, Texas • ��A6 ki�b - plate 16 NOU-13-2006 ).7:09 sample Boring Depth No. (t{,) B-12 8-12 2.0- 3.0 Denotes UU TriaACal Sample lu. 1(LElNfF-I.DF,R FREESE and NICHOLS INC i 817 735 7491 P.36/46 Sheet 2 of 2 Liquid I-imit Plastic Limit plasticity Index percent Passing No.200 gteve MDiSture Content (%) 30 unit nit ht 9 pry (P 91 Unconfined Strain at Compres94a Failure Strength is -- 4+ 52 Resu!' Str��t �econstructiar� on Avenues A, G, NeWaPlc Ave., Parkdale St. & C;Durt St. Fort Worth, Texas Plate NOV-13-2006 1.7:09 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 KLEINFEL ER Jw1m Am 6850 Manhattan Blvd, Suite 300, Fort Worth, Tex85 76120 Metro 817-429-6692 = Metro Fax 817-429-7869 pH Lime Series Test Results Project Name: Street Reconstruction on Avenues A, G, H. 1, Newark Avenue, Parkdafe Street and Court Street_ Project Location: Fort Worth, Texas Material Des crifligiOn-' CLAY, light brown Project No. 73236 Tested By: D.Green 314106 � 1��01 Boring No.. � 01 Date Tested: pH Motor ID: FTW Depth (fr.): 1 to P.37/46 14 ........ ..--r--- 13 .......... M.... .... ........h. ... .hr. __-_ - •.�...-.___'"...._ � - - CL - - - ...... •-�.r - - - - �.....�a.. -�. .. ... _�.n.-��-�...I...... _- r..' u.....�. r--.may.. �—a.�.....r v...— = ., - J g -- 10 12 14 4 6 8 0 � dime Added. %p The resuMs shown on this report are for the ®%oluelve ur>e of the client for wham they were ohkatnad and spPIY only to the _rnplos tested artAlor Inspected- They are not Intended to be ipdicatIV6 of the qualltlos of appsrently Identical products. The ut[a of nu€ name must r®Delve prior written approval. Reports musi bo reproducod In their entlro . Teat method baaed on ASTM G 977 (Eadee and Orim). NOV--13-2006 17: 18 , FREE=SE and N I CHOL.S INC 4 817 735 7491 P . 38/46 In KLEIN FELDER 6a50 Manhattan Blvd, Suite 300, Fort Worth, Texas 76120 Metro 817429-6892 * Metro Fax 817 429-7869 pH Urne Series Test Results Project Name: Street ReconStructien on Avenues A, G, H, Newark Avenue, Parkda;e Street, and Court Street Project Location; Fort Worth, Texas Material Description: COY, light brown Project Rio-: 73286 boring No.: 6-05 Depth! (ft.)' I to 2 Tested By: D.Green Date Tested. 3/4106�� pH Meter lid: FTW 14 .. --.•. ............ ...._ ----------------- .- _`__..... -_--. -_---•_- -.• Lr---- .. ........... ....... 7 .�. ---�- w • . ,....... - - . - - .. . 6 - 10 12 14 4 6 5 0 2 Lime Added, % The raeUlts shpwn on they report ara for the axoluslve use of the client for wham that' were obtained and apply only hz the samptag tested gndlor Inspected. They are not Intended to be IlldicatiVe Of the Test (moth d basedtion AS IM Identcal G 077 (E dO and Grim).r 00�a must ratetvg prior wfrkten Apprgvgl. Repapta must be rapradllcad In their ontlraty. Plate NDV-13-2006 17:10 , FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.39/46 I n-i(LEINFELDE AR 6850 Manhattan Blvd, Suite 300, Fort Worth, Texas 76120 Metro 817-429-6692 " Metro Fax 817-429-7869 poll mime Series Test Results Project Name: Street Reconstruction on Avenues A. G, H. I, Newark Avenue, f'aricdale Street, and Court Street project Location' Fort Worth, Texas Material Description: SANDY CLAY, ellow-brown, red -brown and light ra Pr®ject NO.: 73286 Boring No-: B-08 Depth (k): 1 to 2 Tested By: A.Green Date Tested 514106 PH dieter ID. �FTW 14 .......... ... - { - ..- ,_ ._..... , _.d___.. -.. ..-..._ -..... �.. - . - . 13 ... - ..._. .- . _ .. - _ ------------- 11 ` - - - - _ r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 6 0 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 Lime Added, ou The rseufts ctl0wn on 1hiS report ere for the exclusive use of the c�iont for wham they were obtained and apply only t0 the eamples tested andlor -rho Iseult They 8rn not intended to b6 Indicative of the �ualtties of apparently identical products. Tho use of our name must receNo prlor written approval. ROpOrts must UO reproduced In their entiraty. Year method Mad on A&TM C 997 (Eedos ar�d Grim)- NOU-13--2006 j-7:10 , FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P . 40/46 KLEINin FELDER 6860 Manharan Blvd, Suite 300, Fort Worth. Texas 76120 Metro $17-429-6692 * Metro Fax 817-429-7889 pH Lime Series Test Results project Name: Street Reconstruction on Avenues A. G, H, i, Newark Avenue, parkdale Street and Court St reet Project Location: Sort Worth, Texas - Material Description: — CLAY, dark brown project No.: 73286 Loring NO.. �-as Depth (ft.), 1 to 2 Testod By: D.Green Date Tested' 814/06_� pH Meter ID: FTW 14 - ... .. _ _ _ - - 13 _T----�.. .-._ ------------ 12 R•� �..a-- ..._.. 7 6 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 Lime, Added, % the silent for Wt'Qm thaY ware obtainad and apply only to the saMlss tested an(JIN Theo results shaWr+ on this coport are for the exclusive sass of lnspaeted. They are not intdndW to bo Indlrativa of the qualitiog of apparently IdentiCal produots. The use of our name must FpeOive prior Written approval, Rsparts must be r'egrOduced In their entiroty. Test method bawd on ASTM C 1 77 (EaBoa and Grim). NOV-13--2006 77:10 1=REESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 8.41/46 K% KLEIN FELDER GootechniCal Engineering, Erivlronmental servings, and Construellon Materiels EngifteEring and -resting Swell at Overburden lest Results Project Name: 6treet RaconstructiOn on Avenues A, G, H, I, Newark Avenue, Iarkdalt Street and Court Street Locatiotl: Fort VVorth, Texas — Material Description:J CLAY, light Brown projeot Rio.: 73286 RoVirig i o.' B-01 Sample oePth (ft.): 3 to 4 Tested By: D.Green Date -rested: 8/1 i06 oederneter ID: Soil Classification PrOPertiss Liquid Limit = 54 Plastic Limit = 19 Plasticity Index � 35 % Passing 9200 Sieve 94 Initial finai Load Applied (psf): 500 600 Moisture Content (%) '� 14.8 24.1 Wet Unit Weight (pc� = 130.2 132.4 Dry Unit Weight (W) = 113.4 106.2 CneQ L)imensional Swell of Overburden Praas"M on1 to the saFrlpleetast®tl andfnr The results shown on this repOR pre for the exclusive uee of the client for wham thoy were cbtolned and app Y Y inspacted, YheY are not intended to he indicative of the qn ltu mof apparwitlfnMhOhas9UGOn hod L� s, d he Lisa of our name must reoeive prior wrlttan apprpval. Reparte must be reprotlucad In their entlroiy. Plate NOU-13--2006 J.7:11 , FREESE and NICHOLS INC in Engineering, Environmental S®rvices, and Construction Materials Engin9ering and"resting Swell at Overburden Test Results 817 735 7491 P.42/46 Project Name: Street Reconstruction on Avenues A, G. H, 11 Newark Avenue, Parkdale Street and Court Street Location: Port Worth, Texas Material ®ecl'iption: CLAY, brown Project No.: _ 73266 Boring No.: 5-02 sample Depth (N., 4 to 5 Tested By: Date Tested: 8111Q6� Cedometer 1101: 2 Soil classification Properties Liquid Limit = 35 Plastic Limit = 16 Plasticity Index;-- 20 % Passing #200 SIOVs ' 76 lntual Final Load APPlied (Psf): 625 625 Moisture Content (%) = 13.9 21.1 Wet Unit Weight (PcO 130.6 138.9 Dry Unit Weight (pc� 1147 114.7 one -Dimensional Swell at OverbuPden Pressure = O.Q°/e of the client for vuhom they vmra obtelnod and pPPIy only to the samples tested and/or The r@sulfa 'Shown on iiil5 report are ipr the exWuelve use a must rgeeive prior written inspscted. They are not Intended to be tndieatlVe of the quallll@a of epparent[y idBelticai protlueta. Thu use our na approval. RepOrt6 must be reproduced in their entirety. In house W1 method based on ASTM n 4540, Plate 23 NOU-13-2006 1W:11 , FREESE and NICHOLS INC • 847 735 7491 PA3/46 to KLEIN FELDER Gooteohnical Enpineering, Envirorme;ntal servicea, and ConstructioA Material$ En$ineoring and Testing Swell at overburden Test Results project Name; Street Reconstruction on Avenues A. G, H, 1 Newark Avenue, Parkdale Street and Court Street Location: Fort Worth, Texas Material Description: CLAY, light brown Project No.: � 73286 Soring Na.: B-05 Sample Depth (ft.): 1 to 2 Tested By:.D.Green Date Tested: 811 /06 - Oedolneter II): _ 3_� Soil Classification Properties Liquid Limit = NIA plastic Limit m NIA plasticity Index a NIA % Passing #200 Sieve NIA Initial Final Load Applied (psf): 260 250 Moisture Content (%) ' 20.7 27.2 Wet unit Weight (pcf) m 126.1 130.3 Dry Unit Weight (Acf) '2 104.4 102.9 one -Dimensional. Swell at overburden Pressure o app lea The rasults Thews a notsne plod in fO theIndeHveSaf the Of le client appar9 t y ldon I al produtie. ThQ ale of Theour name m storreceitve prior wnttan Inspect4d y SPproval. €tepnr#s must be reproduced Iri their enflrety. In houea test method Dt3sad on A5TM D 4540, Plats NOU-13--2006 .17:11 , FREESE and NICHOLS INC r 817 735 7491 P.44i46 Lin KLE1 NFELD ER Gectschnictal Engineering, Environmental Services, and construction Materials Engineering and Testing swell at Overburden Test Results Project Name: Street Reconstruction on Avenges A. G, H. I, Newark Avenue, Parkdale Street, and Court Street Location: Fort Worth, Texas —� Material Description-, SANDY CLAY, reddish -brown to brown Project No.: 73286 Boring NO.: B-07 .Sarnple pDepth-(ft.)�_ 2 to 3 Vested By: D.Green Date Tested, 811106 0edometer Sail Classification Properties Liquid Limit 46 Plastic Limit e 21 Plasticity Index 25 % Passing #200 SIM m 53 initi l 1:n_01 Load Applied (psq: 375 375 Moisture Content (%) ` 17.0 25.0 Wet Unit Weight (pcf = 117.6 125.2 Dry Unit Weight (per = 10o.5 100.1 —� One -Dimensional Swell at overburden Pressur® 0.3% The results S110wn on this report are for the 1welusive ue0 of the client for whom they We obtalrisd and apP� Y Only to the samples [ebted and/or inF,peeted. They are not intended to be tndicati�e Of the qualities Of epparentlY ldantloal produrts. The D g use of our ner110 trust receive print written approval. Reports munt be reproduced In their vntlrety. In house lee[ mattsa d based OD ��. _ Plate 25 NOV--13-2006 �7:11 , FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7451 P.45/46 Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Services- And Congtruction Materials EMglnearing And Testing woi1 at Overburden Test Results Projoot Mama. ' Street Reconstruction on Avenues A, G, N, I, Newark avenue, Parkdale Street and L;Our( Street Location: Fort Worth, Texas Material Description: _ (.-,LAY, dark brown project No.: 73236 Loring ldo.: 5-09 sample (Depth (ft.)' 2 to 3 Tested Y. D.Groan ®ate Tested: 811106 C)edometer I®: 6 Sail Glassifiration Properties Liquid Limit 50 Plastic Limit a 19 plasticity Index T 31 % Passing #200 SieVe m B9 Init ,ial final Load Applied (psf): 375 375 Moisture Content (%) = 22.1 27.7 Wet Unit Weight (pr-i = 124.0 'f 28.6 [dry unit Weight (pu't) n 101.5 100.7 One -Dimensional Swell at Overburden pressure = 0.8% The Maulig shown on this report are for the Oxclusiva use of the client for whom Shay were olrlainBd and apply only to the eamplea tested andlOr inspected. They cite not intended to be indleatlVe of the quaWes of apparently Idepitcal pr4du0ta. The use of Our name MUst reeeivg prior written approval. peports most be reproGwoed in thalr enllrety- in house test method bpsed on ASTM D 4546- - Plate HOU-13-2006 17:11 , EREESE and NICHOLS INC s 81,7 735 7491 P.46/46 k4KLF-� N FELDER Geotechnical Eng111eering, Envircrimental Services, end Construction, Materials Engineefing and Testing Swell at Overburden Test: Results Project NatmO'. Street Reconstruction on Avenues A, G, H. I. Newark Avenue, Parkdale Street, and Court Street Location:` Fort Worth, Texas Material Descrip-tion: CLAY, light gray to yellow -brown Project No.:�73286 Baring Pao..'— B-11.. Sample Depth (ft.): 2 to 3 Tested By: D.0 Teen Date Tested: 811106 Cedc)meter ID: 6.. Soil Classification Properties Liquid Limit = 47 plastic Limit � 18 Plasticity Index 29 % Massing 0200 Sieves 92 Initial Final Load Applied (psf): 375 375 Moisture Content (%) a I&S 22.7 Wet Unit Weight (Pof) _ 135.5 138.3 Dry Unit Weight (pcf) = 114A 112.7 One-Dirnensional Swell at ()veehrtrden Pressure m 1.5% The result& Shown on this report are for tt'�d axcltaslv6 use of the client for whom that' w6r9 obtained and apply only to the samples tested andlor Inspected. Tray are not inlorided td be Indicative of the, qualitiSr of apparently identical produota. The use of our name must roGelv6 prior written approval. Reporte must be reproduced In their 6nt1rety. In houso test method based on ASTM D 454% Plate 27 TOTAL P.46 Nov, 14. 2006 5:0' PV CITY OF FORT WORTH DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO.5 To the Plans, Specification$ & General Contract Documents 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Parkdaie Avenue (Koch Street to East Vickery Boulevard) PAVING, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS fdid Date: November 16, 2006; 2:00 PM Addendum No. 5: November 14, 2006 �o.OQ03 P. 1 This Addendum, forms part of the Plans, Contrast Documents & specifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original Specifications and Contract DoCum$nts. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided below and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification. The plans and specification documents for Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street), Avenue 6 (South Beach Street to Binklay Street), Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue), Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop street), Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard), Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street), and Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to East Vickery Boulevard) are hereby revised by Addendum No-5 as follows: $l'�CllyiCATt�NS �nNiFiAOT DOCUMENTS., 1- CON i AAC T DOCUMENTS & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A, BID PROPOSAL. The following items in the bid proposal have been revised from the previous bid proposal; A Unit II Paving & Drainage Improvements 7" Reinforced Concreto Pavement and 6" rubgrade, Item 39, Page 15, Adjust Existing Water Valve to Grade, the unit price of has boon revised to $260,04 with a total amount bid of $11,2+50.00. A signers copy of this Addendum should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered °NONRESPONSIVE," resulting in disqualification. RECIEPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: By: C©mpany: _ t-b J Address: .D. 69ff® City: 540 M OV4.4 Stater -4-61 `-J,- I Addendum No. 2, Pane 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for 2006 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Avenue C (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) T/PW No. C200-531200-20840-0027583 Water No. P253-531200-60817-0027583 Sewer No. P258-531200-70817-0027583 D.O.E. No. 5145 File No. X-19089 K-1960 CITY OF FORT WORTH TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 2006 hereby state that these Contract Documents were prepared under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Texas. Christopher B. Bosco P.E. Date: 9/26/06 Registration No. 93679_ 2006 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) T/PW No. C200-531200-20840-0027583 Water No. P253-531200-50817-0027583 Sewer No. P258-531200-70817-0027583 D.O.E. No. 5145 Pile No. X-19089 K-1960 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS UNIT I —WATER DEPARTMENT UNIT II — TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SECTION A UNITS I & It: WATER DEPARTMENT & TRANSPORTATION / PUBLIC WORKS Notice to Bidders Comprehensive Notice to Bidders Fort Worth M/WBE Policy Bid Proposal Vendors Compliance to State Law SECTION B UNITS I: WATER DEPARTMENT Special Instructions to Bidders (WTR) Part C - General Conditions Part C-1 - Supplemental Conditions to Part C General Conditions Part D — Special Conditions Part DA — Additional Special Conditions Part E - Material Specification SECTION C UNIT II: TRANSPORTATION / PUBLIC WORKS Special Instructions to Bidders (T/PW) Special Provisions for Street and Storm Drain General Construction Notes 1 SECTION D UNITS 1 & II: WATER DEPARTMENT & TRANSPORTATION I PUBLIC WORKS Certificate of Insurance Performance Bond Payment Bond Maintenance Bond Contract Contractor's Compliance with Worker's Compensation Law APPENDICES UNITS 1 & II: WATER DEPARTMENT & TRANSPORTATION / PUBLIC WORKS Appendix A — Standard Figures and Details Appendix B — Geotechnical Report Appendix C -- Permanent Easements and Temporary Right of Entry Agreements E City of Fort Worth Ernployue lau'anet www.cfwnet.org Print M&C COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 511/2007 - Ordinance No. 17533-05-2007 DATE: 5/1/2007 REFERENCE NO.: C-22099 LOG NAME: 30AVENUE H00275 CODE: C TYPE: NON -CONSENT PUBLIC HEARING: NO SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Contract with Stabile & Winn, Inc., for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Avenue H, Avenue A, Newark Avenue, Avenue I, Court Street, Parkdale Avenue and Avenue G and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (Project No. 00275) RECOMMENDATION: is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the transfer of $992,180.89 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $820,107.50 and Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $172,073.39; 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $820,107.50 and the Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $172,073.39, from available funds; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Stabile & Winn, Inc., in the amount of $2,572,329.25 for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement on Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue), Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street), Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street), Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street), Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard), Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) and Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street). DISCUSSION: On January 10, 2006, (M&C C-21241) the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with Freese & Nichols, Inc., for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary sewer main replacement on portions of Avenue H, Avenue A, Newark Avenue, Avenue I, Court Street, Parkdale Avenue and Avenue G (DOE 5145). The 2004 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes funds for pavement reconstruction on all streets mentioned above. Street improvements include pavement reconstruction, construction of standard concrete curb and gutter, driveway approaches and sidewalks as indicated on the plans. The Water Department has determined that severely deteriorated water and sanitary sewer lines should be replaced prior to street reconstruction. The project was advertised on October 5, 2006 and October 12, 2006. On November 16, 2006, the following Kids were received: BIDDERS AMOUNTS Stabile & Winn, Inc. $2,572,329.25 McClendon Construction Company, Inc. $2,875,003.10 Conaster Construction TX, LP JLB Contracting, LP Jackson Construction, Ltd. Time of Completion. 264 — Working Days $2,984,636.75 $3, 001,107.15 $3,024,257.00 The new pavement will consist of 7-inch concrete over 6-inch lime stabilized subgrade with 7-inch concrete curb. Funding in the amount of $70,583.14 is included for associated water and sewer construction survey, project management, pre -construction, material testing, inspection and project close out (water $60,962.00 and sewer $9,621.14). The contingency funds to cover change orders total $37,236.00 (water $25,000.00 and sewer $7,736.00). Funding in the amount of $154,083.70 is required for associated paving and drainage construction survey, project management, pre -construction, material testing, inspection and project close out. Contingency for pavement reconstruction is $50,504.00. MIWBE — Stabile & Winn, Inc., is in compliance with the City's MIWBE Ordinance by committing to 37 percent M/WBE participation on this combined project. The City's goal on this combined project is 24 percent. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8, Mapsco 78E,F,J,K,L,M and P. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budgets, as appropriated, of the Water Capital Projects Fund, the Sewer Capital Projects Fund and the Street Improvements Fund. TO FundfAccountlCenters FROM Fund/AccountlCenters 1 &2)P253 472045 6081700275ZZ $820,107.50 1)PE45 538070 0609020 820,107.50 1&2)P258.4720457081700275ZZ $172973.39 2)P253 531350 608170027552 $13,040.00 2)P253 531350 608170027580 2)P253 531350 6081.7.0027582 2)P253 541200 608170027583 2)P253 531350 608170027584 2)P253 531350 608170027585 2)P253 531350 608170027591 2)P258.531350 708170027562 2)P258 531350 708170027580 2)P258 531350 708170027582 2)P258 ,_.5_4__1.200 708170027583 2)P258 531350 708170027584 2)_P258531350 708170027585 2)P258 531350.,.708170027591 $978.00 $652.00 $759,145.50 $6, 520.00 $39,120.00 652.00 $2,058.00 154.34 $102.90 $162,452.25 1 029.00 6 174.00 $102.90 1)PE45 538070 0709020 $1.72,073.39 3)P253 541200 608170027583 $734,145,50 3)P258 .5..41.200._ 708170027583 $154,716.25 3)_ 00 541200.208400027583 $_1,683,467.50 Submitted for Citv Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Marc Ott (8476) A.'Douglas Rademaker (6157) Additional Information Contact: Gopal Sahu (7949) ATTACHMENTS 30Avenue H00275.doc SECTION A UNITS I & II. WATER DEPARTMENT & TRANSPORTATION / PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE TO BIDDERS COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS FORT WORTH M[WBE GOALS BID PROPOSAL VENDORS COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for the following: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM- CONTRACT 39 PAVING, DRAINAGE & WATER IMPROVEMENTS FOR: Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Newark. Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) UPli'4! No. C200-631200-20840-0027583 ({!later No. P263-631200-60817-0027683 Sewer No. P268-631200-70817-0027583 D.O.E. No. 6145 Addressed to Mr. Charles R. Boswell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 p.m., November 9 2006 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2.00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Contract Documents, including Plans and Specifications, may be obtained at the office of the Transportation and Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. A set of plans and documents will be provided for a non- refundable fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) each. Bidders shall not separate, detach, or remove any portion, segment or sheets from the contract documents at any time. Bidders must complete the proposal sections and submit the complete specifications book or -face rejection of bid as non -responsive. For additional information concerning this project, please contact Mr. Gopal Sahu, P.E., Project Manager, City of Fort Worth (817) 392-7949 or Chris Bosco, P.E., Freese and Nichols, Inc. at (817) 735-7359. A pre -bid meeting will be Works Conference Room Worth, Texas 76102. Advertising Dates: October 5. 2006 October 12, 2006 held on Tuesday. October 31 st at 11:30am in the Transportation and Public No. 270, ;P_Floor, City Municipal Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort FTW 06126 COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for the following: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — CONTRACT 39 PAVING, DRAINAGE & WATER IMPROVEMENTS FOR: Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to (East Vickery Boulevard) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) TIPW No. C200-531200-20840-0027683 Water No. P263-631200-60817-0027683 Sewer No. P258-531200-70817-0027583 D.O.E. No. 6146 Addressed to Mr. Charles R. Boswell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 p.m., November 9, 2006 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Contract Documents, including Plans and Specifications, may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. A set of plans and documents will be provided for a non-refundable fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) each. These documents contain additional information for prospective bidders. All bidders will be required to comply with Provision 5159a of "Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes" of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates and City Ordinance No. 7278, as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A 21 through 13-A-29), prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. Bid security is required in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the Special Instructions to Bidders. A majority of the work on the referenced project consists of the following: UNIT I —WATER IMPROVEMENTS 8,595 LF UNIT I — SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 1,485 LF 965 LF UNIT 11— ALTERNATE "A" Asphalt Paving 32,870 SY 25,650 SY 18,350 LF UNIT II —ALTERNATE "B" Concrete Paving 32,870 SY 30,830 SY 18,350 LF 8-Inch (AWWA C 900) Water Pipe 8-Inch Sanitary Sewer Pipe (Open Cut) 4-Inch Sanitary Sewer Pipe (Open Cut) 6" Lime Stabilized Sub -grade 9" HMAC Pavement 7" Reinforced Concrete Curb and 18" Gutter 6" Lime Stabilized Sub -grade 7" Reinforced Concrete Pavement 7" Reinforced Concrete Curb Included in the above will be all other items of construction as outlined in the Plans and Specifications. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all formalities. AWARD OF CONTRACT: No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of ninety (90) days form the date bids are opened. The award of contract, if made, will be within ninety (90) days after the opening of bids, but in no case will be award be made until all the necessary investigations are made as to the responsibility of the bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract. FTW 06126 Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents prior to the bid receipt time and acknowledge them at the time of bid receipt. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the Department of Engineering at (817) 392-7910. Bids that do not acknowledge all applicable addenda may be rejected as non -responsive. In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the MBEIWBE UTILIZATION FORM SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM, GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate. The Documentation must be received by the managing department no later than 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall render the bid non- responsive. Bidders are advised that the City of Fort Worth has not acquired all necessary easements and temporary right of entry agreements for the construction of the project as shown in the Plans Bidders are hereby notified that the City anticipates obtaining the necessary temporary right of entry agreements and easements by the start of construction. In the event the necessary easements and temporary right of entry agreements are not obtained, the City reserves the right to cancel the award of the contract at any time before the Contractor begins any construction work on the project(s). In addition Bidders shall hold their unit prices until the City has completed the acquisition of all the easements and temporary right of entry agreements. The contractor shall be prepared to commence construction without all executed easements and temporary right of entry agreements and shall submit a schedule to the City of how construction will proceed in the other areas of the project that do not require easements and/or temporary right of entry agreements. The Managing Department for this project is the Department of Engineering. For additional information concerning this project, please contact Mr. Gopal Sahu, P.E., Project Manager, City of Fort Worth (817) 392-7949 or Chris Bosco, P.E., Freese and Nichols, Inc. at (817) 735-7359. CHARLES R. BOSWELL CITY MANAGER MARTY HENDRIX CITY SECRETARY Department of Engineering A. Douglas Rademakg�l Dbna Johnson, P.E. Manager, DOE Engineering Services Advertising Dates: October 5 2006 October 12, 2006 FTW06126 2 Fowr WORTH City of Fort Worth Z,I-ub F01:18 ATTACHMENT1A Page 1 of 4 11 :109959-90901- ,1, Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilizatil!nfgM_,Q,46_,, to STABILE & WINN, INC. MIW/DBE X NON-M/WIDBE PROJECT NAME: 2006 Capital Improvements Program Paving, Drainage, & Water Improvements For: BID DATE Avenue A, Avenue G, Avenue H, Avenue I, Court Street, Newark Avenue, & Parkdale Avenue Nov. 16, 2006 City's MIWBE Project Goal: Prime's MIWBE Project Utilization: PROJECT NUMBER DOE # 5145 24% Alt. B 37% Identify all subcontractors/suppliers you will use on this project Failure to complete this form, in its entirety with requested documentation, and received by the Managing ging Department on or before 5-00 p.m. We (5) City business days after bid opening, exclusive of bid opening dater will result In the bid being considered non-responsNa ti) bid specifications. The undersigned Offeror agrees to enter into a formal agreement with the MfV BE firm(s) listen in INS Qtilization schedule, condNoned upon executlon of a contract with the City of Fort Worth. The intentional andlor knowing misrepresentatlon of facts is grounds for consideration of dlsqualificoticn and will result in the bid being considered non-respohsiva to hid specifications MIWBEs listed toward meeting the project goal must be located in the nine (9) county marketplace or currently doing business in the marketplace at the time of bid. Marketplace is the geographic area of Tarrant, Parker, Johnson, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Kaufman and Rockwall counties. Idenfify each Tier level. Tier is the level of subcantracGng below .the prime bontractl)r, I.e., a dlrect payment from the prime contractor to a subcontractor is considered 1" tier, a payment by a subcontractor to Its supplier is considered 2"d tier ALL M/WBEs MUST BE CERTIFIED BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD. Certification means those firms, located or doing business at the time of bid opening within the Marketplace, that have been determined to be bonafide minority or women businesses by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), or the Texas Department of Transportation (TX DOT), highway division. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) is synonymous with Minority/Women Business Enterprise (MNVBE). If hauling services are utilized, the prime wiil be divan credit as long as the MANSE listed owns and operates at least one fully licensed and operational truck to be used on the contract_ The MNVBE may lease trucks ff-orn another I I BE firm, including MIWBE owner -operators, and receive Nil RA GE credit. The MtVVBE may lease trucks front non-MIWBEs, including owner -operators, but will only receive credit for the tees and commisslons earned by the MfWBE as outllned In the lease agreement. Rev. 5/30103 FoRT-WORTH ATTACHMENT 1A Page 2 of 4 1 ?—27-06. a Primes are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., Minority, M/ ni )an�dlhon-MIWBEs. Please list M/WBE firms first, use additional sheets if necessary. Certification N ° SUBCONTRACTORISUPPLIER Tri (check one) Detail Detail N T Company Name Address i M w C x M Subcontracting Work Supplies Purchased Dollar Amount Telephone/Fax r g B T R D 0 W 6 E E C T E; A HJG Trucking 1 X X Hauling $ 42,284.00 701 Denair Aggregates Fort Worth, TX. 76111 817-834-7181 M.E. Burns Constuction 1 X X Utility Work $ 876,871.75 P.O. Box 783 Burleson, TX. 79097 817-447-0292 817-447-0207 Klutz Construction, LLC 1 X X Inlets $ 38,800.00 P.O. Box 100263 Fort Worth, TX. 76185 817-921-0990 Red! -Mix Conc. 1 X Ready Mix $ 569,842.00 5517 Denton Highway Concrete Haltom City, TX 76148 817-485-4850 CMCILofland 1 X Rebat & Misc. $ 84,482.00 2400 NE 36th St Supplied Fort Worth, Texas 76111 817-838-6811 Rev. 5/30/03 FORT WORTH ATTACHMENT 1A 14.011V Page 3 of 4 Primes are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., Mi1abhyMorpa njany qoT,/WBEs. +� Please fist MNVBE firms first, use additional sheets if necessary. Certification N a� SUBCONTRACTORISUPPLIER T (check one) N T Detail Detail Company Name i C x m Subcontracting Work Supplies Purchased Dollar Amount Address e M W T D W Telephone/Fax r B B R O D E E C T e A-- — — _ Tex -Cut X Joint Seal $ 22,324.00 P.O. Box 154881 Irving, TX 75061 972-438-4161 Buyers Barricades X Barricades $ 42,760.00 3705 E. 1 st Street Fort Worth, TX 76111 817-535-3939 US Lime 1 X Lime Slurry $ 29,516.00 13800 Montfort Dr. Dallas, Texas 75240 817-296-8169 AJAX Fence X Fence Work $ 5,277.00 500 N. Bowen Arlington, Texas 76012 817-275-2151 TXl 1X Cement Spread $ 9,435.00 1341 W. Mockingbird Ln Dallas, TX 75247 972-647-3934 Rev. 5I30103 ATTACHMENT 1A Page 4 of 4 Total Dollar Amount of M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ 957,955.75 -06 F Total Dollar Amount of Non-M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers 01:18 1N $ 763,636.00 TOTAL_ DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS $ 1,721,591.75 The Contractor will not make additians, deletions, or subs1ilutions to this certified Ifst without the prior approval of the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Office Manager or designee through the submittal of a Request for Approval of ChangelAddifion. Ally unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of contract and may result In debarment in accord with the procedures outlined in the ord[nalnce. The contractor shall submlt a detailed explanation of how the requested chainge/additlon or deletion will affect the committed MVEE goal, If the detail explanation is not submitted, it will affect the final compliance determination. By affixing a signature to this form, the Offeror further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including M/W/DBE(s) arrangements submitted with the bid. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination Of any books, records and files held by their company. The bidder agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners, principals, officers, employees and applicable subcontractors/suppliers/contractors participating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work performed by the M/W/DBE(s) on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation- of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and create a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. thori Si ature Vice President Title Stabile & Winn Inc. Company Name P.O. Box 79380 Address Saginaw, Texas 76179 _ City/Statelzip Jerry Henderson Printed Signature SAME Contact Name/Title (if different) 817-847- 086 817-847-2098 Telephone and/or Fax ,errY hendersgn@sta6ileWlnn-com E-mall Address o0q, �o moob Date Rev. 6/30/03 NOV-13-2006 17:02 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.02/46 UNITS I &z YX - PROPOSAL (This Proposal must not be removed from this book of Contract Documents) TO: Mr. Charles R. Boswell City Manager City of Fort Worth, Texas FOR= 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRQGRAM Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Tlu-all Strect) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Parkdake Avenue (]Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) LTNIT I: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER 1MPROV€MENTS WATER PROJECT NO. P253-531200-60817-0027583 SEWER PROJECT NO. P258-531200-70817-0027583 UNIT II: PAVING AND DRAINAGE RECONSTRUCTION T / PW NO, C200-531200-20840-0027583 D.O.E. NO.5145 Mcludes the furnishing of all materials (except as specified to be furnished by the City), equipment and labor for the installation of all improvements and appurtenant work shown in the plans and specification, all necessary appurtenances and incidental work to provide a complete and serviceable project. pursuant to the foregoing "Notice to Bidders,% the undersigned bidder, having thoroughly examined the contract documents, including plans, special contract documents, and the General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department Projects, the site of the project and understanding the amount of work to be done, and the prevailing conditions, hereby proposes to do all the work, furnish all labor, equipment and material except as specified to be furnished by the City, which is necessary to fully complete the inspection and approval of the Director of the Engineering Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas; and hinds himself upon acceptance of this proposal to execute a contract and furnish an approved Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and Maintenance Bond, and such other bonds, if any, as may be required by the Contract Documents for the performing and completing of the said work_ Total quantities given in the bid proposal may not reflect actual quantities, but represent the best accuracy based on a reasonable effort of investigation; however, they are giver, for the purpose of bidding on and awarding the contract. Contractor proposes to do the work within the time stated and for the following sums: (Furnish and install, including all appurtenant work, complete in place, the following items): Proposal Section FTW06126 1 NOU-13-2006 17:02 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.03/46 rUNIT TAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ATER IMPROVEMENTS: PPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITHUNIT AMOUNT PRICE BID UANTITYBID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS 160 LF 6-Incb (AWWA C 900) (All Depths} DOW and $ oe $ Cents per LF 2 � 4 � �® 2. 8,595 LF 8-Inch (AWW'A C 900) (All Depths) $ Dollars and $ 00 qm Cents per LF�1t 3 15 EA 6-Inch Gate Valve w/Cast Iron Box & Lid Per Figure 3 c, N4 S&&&> Dollars and $ go $ Cents per EA P 1 4. 30 F-A 8-Inch Gate Valve w/Cast Iron Box & Lid Per Figure 3 $ $ Dollars and t om- Cents per FA Cl ov ?,% O0a 5. 233 EA Class "A" Plastic Meter Box ($Ingle Head Service) n,. r moAo "f rA Dollars and $ $ 00 _ . Cents per EA 1 1 0 6. 233 EA 1-Inch Single Head Service Tap to Main Per Item D-52.7 S Two 4I,40Aggo fWwriDollars and 6'5 Z4V ,A" Cents per EA 7, 3,975 LF 1-Inch Copper Service Line from Main to Meter, Including Setting Meter Box (Class "A77) $ $ Baca Per Item D-52.7 3600 � Y t F, Dollars and Ho PAP- Cents per LF Proposal Section FTW0612,6 2 HOU---13-2006 17:02 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.04/46 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM T _ UNIT I —WATER IMPROVEMENTS: PAY APPROXIMATE QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH )DID PRICES WRITTEN XN WORDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SID ITEM 800 LF 5/8" Copper Service oil Private Property 8. Per Item D-52.7 S $ �yrfiak,4Dollars and Cents per l* kilo ZtBoo 9. 15 EA Standard Fire Hydrant (3'-6" Depth) Per Figure S $ `fWo T ,u%R% p ._ Dollars and � 13 EA ,.A _ _ Cents per EA Remove & Salvage Existing Fire Hydrant t © 00 3Qt A ea 10. Per Item D-29 S 8► 110. XgSg $iny Dollars and VAP Cents per EA ��I©f� � � 8O 11 1 EA Adjust Water Vault to Proposed Grade Per Item D-29 e ota--T%o%AS f: 0- Dollars and 1000 t O I7l`3 e Cents per Td,4 Temporary Asphalt Pavement Repair 12. 12,8001,F 6" Flex Base & 2" HMAC $ 9)© $ Dollars and � �� «�©� Cants per LF i 13. 665 LF Pennanent Asphalt Pavement Repair Per Figure 4 00 $ go to%,JE Dollars and e Cents per LF 14. 150 LF Concrete Encasement for Water Line f1%VF— Dollars and Cents LF $ 00 35 $ � t per 15. 8,755 LF Trench Safety for Excavations > 5' Depth PEP Item D-55 Ab Dollars and $ ® `�► _ Cents per LF - Pr9posal Section FTW06126 NOV-13-2006 17:02 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.05/46 I 1 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UNIT�I — WATER IMTROVEMENTS: PAY APPROXIMATE IDRSCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICES 'WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE AMOUNT BID ITEM QUANTITY 16. 6.3 TN Ductile Iron Fittings Per .stern DA-5,11 4 N AA Dollars and Cents per Ton l EA Provide T T6mporary Water Service (Entire lx jf(>V 17. Project) Per Item. D-52.8 $ $ �. oake. Teebollars and Cents co 1� C A per jL- - 1 EA pre -Constriction Exploratory Excavation (D- 18 Hole) S $ Per Item D-51 a� r=.Q Dollars and'® ��� ",Q Cents per EA 1 LS SWP'pp Implementation and Maintenance 19. Per Item D-68 $ m Dollars and �� �o Cents per Lurnp Sum 20_ 40 CY Class "B" Concrete for Miscellaneous 11 Placement Per Dem D-21 IDML Dollars and $ t $ VAp _-Cents per Cubic Yard 21. 40 CY Class "E" Concrete for Miscellaneous Placement Per Item D-21 $ $ CEO Dollars and TAX) Cents per Cubic Yard 22. 40 CY Crushed Limestoi)e for Miscellaneous Placement Per Item D-22 $ &0 VIE _Dollars and Ag _� � Cents per Cubic Yard Proposal Section FTW06126 NOU-13-2006 17:03 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 2004 C,APITAX, INWROVEMFNT PROGRAM UNIT I - WATER IMPROVEMENTS; - PAY APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION Of ITEMS WITH 1TEM QUANTITY BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS 23. 450 LP Concrete Carb & Gutter F-emo'val and Replacement Per Item DA-24 Dollars and ® Cents per LF 817 735 7491 P.06/46 UNIT ,,AMOUNT PRICE I BID E �()7- 1 o©® 24. 2,010 LF Remove & Dispose of Existing 6" VVL r Dollars acid $ f)O $ CZP ! 1 o Cents per lyF SUBTOTAL FOR UNIT I - WATER IMPROVEMENTS $ gsLtr 14 5 Proposal Section FTW06126 NOV-13-2006 17:03 PREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.07i46 { PROPOSAL LIST OF DUCTILX IRON FITTINGS FOR WATER LINE (Fort Worth) No. of Fittings 6 18 Size of Fitting S-inch x 8-inch 9-inch x 6-inch Type of Fitting Tee Tee Tee Weight Per Fitting (lbs.) 185 175 Total Weight 1,110 3,150 1 12-inch x 8-inch 340 340 � -f 15 8-inch x 6-inch Reducer 95 1,425 2 2 8-inch x 4-inch 8-inch x 8--inch Reducer Cross S0T 160 235 470 37 8-inch 45' Bend - 110 4,07Q 2 2 8-inch 22.50" send 11.25" Bend 110 220 9-inch 110 =- 220 90 2 S-znch Plug 45 4 6-inch Cap 35 172 - 140 172 1 16--zuch Sleeve 1 12-inch Sleeve 82 $2 $ 8-inch Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve 53 424 11 1 6-inch 4-inch 39 25 429 25 Total weight-12,527 (6.3 To -as) Proposal Section FM06126 6 NOU-13--2006 17:03 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.08/46 2404 CAPITAL IMPROVF-MENT PROGRAM UNIT I -- SAN PAR.Y SfiWER IM[P]KQVEMENTS: UNIT AMOUNT PAY APPR(lX1MAT'E DESCRIPTION 4F ITEMS WITH �XtICE BD] ITEM QUANZ'XTY 1 ID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS_ 1 965 LF 4-Inch PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe for Service Lines (All Depths) L Dollars and y►® 7-1 %q Cents per LF Z 2. 1,485 LF 8-Inch PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe (All Depths) $ S �"+ua OJm Dollars and �' SS kLOR Cents per LF 3 b, 90 LF 9-inch Sanitary Sewer pipe (SDR 26) (All Depths) $ $ %9.f-P _. Dollars and S-� Cents per LF 33 219 VD 4. 42 EA Two-way Sanitary Sewer Service Cleanout at Property Line $ $ Per Item D-61 G � CWf &Mgegft Sty'ryDollars and 1 (014z VAO Cents per EA t 5. 4 EA Remove Existing SSMH Per Item D-29 g Dollars and �►,� Cents per EA 2m 5 EA Standard 4' Diameter Sanitary Sewer 6• Manhole (0-67') Per Figure 104 "roza 4two06ollars. and 1� �� Cents per EA zi proposal Section 7 FTW06126 NOU-13-2006 17:03 FREESE and NICHCLS INC 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UNIT I — SANITAR.Y SEWER IMPROVEMENTS: PAY APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH ITEM QUANTITY BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS 7. 1 EA Standard 4' Diameter (Drop) unitary Sewer Manhole (0--6") (Hydraulic Slide) per Figure 107 NE jm,%q&ec> Dollars and 2 VF Cents per EA Added Depth for Standard 4' Diameter g Sanitary Sewer Manhole > 6' g1gLo'r'Mollars and 2 EA Cents per VF Standard 4' Diameter Shallow Cone Sanitary 9. Sewer Manhole "Two � Ap!?L ars and SEA ® Cents per EA 10_ Concrete Collar for Sanitary Sewer Manhole Per Figure 121 n-MA _ Dollars and Cents per EA Interior Sanitary Sewer Manhole Corrosion Protection Coatis a k Tx,. Dollars and 4.!►0., Cents per V)-0 817 735 7491 P.09i46 e VNIT I AMOUNT PRICE I BID $ 00 Im, jW 3610 1$ BOC $ go $ Q0 Z25 1,i�co 12, 90 LF Cement Stabilized Backfill (2.:27 Concrete) Dollars and 00 101D _,ate Cents per LF i 13, g EA Watertight Insert for Sanitary Sewer Manhole �g (Polyethylene) Per Item D-27 &kk: _ _._ Dollars and $ eP $ vxo Cents per EA 14_ 8 EA Vacimm Test New Sanitary Sewer Manhole Per Item D-36 00, Ne Rmd t TY Dollars and ' R tA Cents per EA Proposal Section FTWO6126 NOV-13-2006 17:03 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.10/46 2004 CAPITAL pMPROVEME §EWER NT PROGRAM _ MTRO'VEMENTS: --- UNIT I -4 SANITARY PAX APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WXTH UNIT DID PRICES WRITIEN IN WORDS PRICE AMOUNT BA) ITEM QUANTITY 965 LF 15. Pre- construction Cleaning & TV lnspectiOn of Existing Sanitary sewer "To Be Abandoned" $ S ,Per Item D-35 �e Dollars and 5— [� 15 Cents per LF 16. 1,575 LF Post -construction TV Inspection of New Sanitary Sewer Per Item D-38 $ Dollars and 2,485 LF Cents peg LF� Temporary Asphalt Pavement Repair 17. Dollars and $ Cents LF $ IY55 1,575 LF per Tremb safety System for Excavations > 5' Z 18. Depth Q M I - - Dollars and Cents LF an per 19. 1 EA Plug Existing 6" SS at Existing SSMH yv Dollars and $ $ 42 EA Cents per BA 500 4" Sanitary Sewer Service Connectian 20_ Per Item. D-28 `V4w. VewOacbDollars and $ � $ Cents per EA 300 FOR UNIT I — SANIITARY SEWER � Z wC7 -- SUBTOTAL ivIENT� IMPROVE — T - Proposal Section FTW06126 NOV---13-2036 17:04 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.11/46 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - AND DRAINAGE RECONSTRUCTION CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND 61, SUBGRADE APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT PRICE .AMOUNT BID UNIT IA — PAVING 7" REINFORCED SPEC PAY ITEM ITEM QUANTITY BM PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS Sp l 1 LS Utility Adjustments $5,000-00 Five Thousand Dollars and 7 EA. No Cents per LS Project Designation Sign $200.00 $1,400.00 SP 2 Two hundred Dollars and No Cents per EA 104 3. 15,590 LF Remove Existing Concrete Curb and Gutter py,I Dollars and $ t $ Cents per LI=��'� 4 104 37,585 S1i Remove Existing Concrete Pavement (Driveways) $ 130 tA0 Dollars and Cents perms 0 104 5 21,900 SF Remove Existing Concrete Sidewalk t.Xo Dollars and $ 150 $ , 230 LF Cents per SF Remove Existing Concrete Detaining Wall D 10 q 90 104 6. Dollars and $ $ � ' Cents per LF Prapasal Section IFTWO6176 10 NOV-13-2006 17:04 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 ?35 7491 P.12/46 2004 CAPITAL INIPROVEMENT PROGRAM UNIT II - PAVING AND DRAINAGE RECONSTRUCTION REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND 6" SUBGRADE SPEC PAY APPROXIMATE DID RIFT WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT FFtXCE A BIDNT ITEM ITCM QUANTITY 100 7. 85 LF Remove Existing 21" Storm Drain Pipe 715- _ Dollars and $ Go S � Cents per LF ,D B�i p 100 8. 55 LF Remove Existing 24" Storm Drain Pipe _ Dollars and $ ge $ as Cents per LF 104 9. 5 EA Remove Existing 5' Inlet 1. -j- u Dollars and $ Cents per EA qr aco 104 10. 9 EA Remove Existing 10' Inlet Dollars and $ '►o Cents per EAR�k��D n 104 11. 23 C'Y Construct Concrete Retaining Wall in Place yet Dollars and $ $ Cents per SV 600 I3raca 106 12. 6,100 Cy Unclassified Street Excavation Dollars and $ g Cents per CY 1b� 94,600 214 13A. 3,320 SY 6" Cement Stabilized Subgrade (Parkdale Avenue, Newark Avenue) Dollars and tl►�.�f Cents per SY 210 13B. 29,550 SY 6" Lime Stabilized Sub,grade $ (Avenue A, G, I-1,1, and Court Street) $ qs� ©eay Dollars and I Cents per SY 214 r14 45 TON Cement for Stabilization (27# / SY) (Parkdale Avenue, Newark Avenue) $ $ ©M& 0Mg Dollars and 1 `5 I 5` L L7: —i�— Cents per TON Proposal Section — 11 FTW06126 NOU-13-2006 17:04 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.13/46 2004 CA-PITAL YMPROYEMENT PROGRAM UNIT XT -- PAWNC AND DRAINAGP RECONSTRUCTION 7" )REINFORCED PAY CONCRETE PAVEMENT APPROXIMATE AND 6" SUBGRADE -- - DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WY`f H UNIT PRICE AMOUNT BID_ SPEC ITEM ITEM 14B_ QUANTITY 400 TON BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS Lime for Stabilization (27#/ SY) 210 (Avenue A, G,1=1, I and Court Street) QtM 1VN&gV#.*4:> _ Dollars and .� 1l'�n� W,7 30,930 SY �,C. _ Cents per TON 7" Reinforced Concrete Pavement (Including 214 15_ Silicone Joint Sealer) S S $ `%d" 4TI S. I W Dollars and SY� 9D3 P.vy Cents per 16. 502 18,350 LF 7" Reinforced Monolithic Concrete Curb - Dollars and $ $ 42,715 SF Cents per LF Construct 6" Reinforced Concrete Driveways Z. 504 17. Dollars and $ $ Cents per SF 6" HMAC'Transition (Sidt, Strte �r©=- 312 18. 19 TON 1,910 SF Cents per TON 6" Reinforced Concrete for Driveway 312 19. Transition %Alt, Dollars and $ ' J $� Cents per SE 6" Flex Luse for Driveway Transition 4 208 20 255 SY TWrt1(a Dollars and $ $ Cents per ZVO �r 3 21 10 EA Construct Standard 10' Curb Inlet 444 T �s� zti Dollars and $ 0 $ ., Cents per EA (000 7-% goo — Proposal Section FTW06126 12 NOU-13-2006 17:04 EREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.14/46 - 4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UNIT II PAVING AND DRAINAGE RECONSTRUCTION 71' REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND 6" SIMGRADE APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT PRICE AMOUNT BID SPEC PAS' ITEM ITEM QUANTITY D D PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS 444 22 3 EA Construct Standard 15' Curb Inlet 1 L4 ollars and S $ �� ,_ Cents per EA Q19 23 2 EA 444 Construct Standard 20' Curb Inlet �k Ap Dollars and $ $ 145 Ll=' Cents per EA 21" Class III RCP, Complete in Place � �) @, 440 24. S%, Dollars and $ 15 LF t•1►®. Cents per LF 24" Class III RCP, Complete in Place bo .440 25, ��, o.�► ©ti-Ar. Dollars and $ V40Cents per LF l 26. 55 LF 440 30" Class III RCP, Complete in Place t Dollars and $ Cents per LF 402 try_ 450 CY Unclassified Trench Excavation and Backfxll FtiwF. Dollars and $ °� $ 200 LF, Cents per CY z� 7,r 525 28. Trenob safety System for Storm Drain Pipe Over 5' Deep $ Dollars and S�«YY Cents per LF�' SP_29 29. 12 FA Adjust Existing Manhole to Grade Three )rlupdred and Fifty _ DolIars and $350.00 $4,200.00 No Cents per W Iva Proposal Section 'FTW06126 13 NOV-13-2006 17:04 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.15/46 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM _ UNIT 1fI — PAVING AND DRAINAGE RECONSTRUCTION 7" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND 6" SUBGRADU SPEC PAY APFYtOXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT ITEM ITEM QUANTITY BID PRICFS WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID SP 30. 200 LF Remove and Replace Existing Rolling Gate Track Dollars and Area Cents per LF 116 31. 2,710 CY Top Soil as Directed by Engineer Fourteen Dollars and Fifty Cents per CY $14.50 $39,295-00 SP 32. 224 EA Curb Address .fainting (Both Sides of Driveway) $ $ fti�+* .Dollars and w 00 Cents per EA SP 33. 62,370 SF 4" Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk TWV-f-- . Dollars and $ @ $ V«n -Cents per SF�lS�"7k 100, SP 34. 59 LF 6' Chainlink Fence Removal Dollars and v® $ $ Mica Cents per LF Z� 100, SP 35. 49 LF Install 6' ChainI Dk Fence Dollars andOP $ z - Cents per LF 4®L I ` n �1� 100, SP 36. 60 LF 3' Chainlink Fence removal 't4 DoIlars and $ $ CIO „ ti�4r'i Cents per LF �� z- 100, SP 37- 50 LF Instal) 3' Chainlink Fence Dollars and Cents LF $ S O per j �'�' Proposal SoMon FTW06126 14 NOU-13-2006 17:05 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.16/46 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UNIT II -- PAVING AND DRAINAGE RECONSTRUCTION CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND 6" SUBGRADE 7" R)EINFORCEII SPEC PAY APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WXTH UNIT AMOUNT ITEM ITEM QUANTITY BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID SP-25 38. 11 EA Remove and Replace Brick Mailbox `i A AtA Dollars and $� Cents per EA SP-29 - pia, 9� 39. 45 EAR �x'st ®�n +� Dollars and *-5-69- 1 8� No Cents per EA 40. 233 EA Adjust Existing Water Meter Box to Grade SP-29 Thirty -Five Dollars and $35.Q0 $8,155.00 No Cents per EA 41 7 EA Install Ceramic Tile Street Names ae SP lutersections (where existing) S�V � Dollars and $ $ CO Cents per EA 42. 37 SF 6" Exposed Aggregate Concrete Driveway 1,01D 00- 504 --- 6,48, Dollars and SF $ $ 4�A Cents per SUBTOTAL FOR IU'NIT II $ o q5-!> Proposal Section FTW06126 is NOV-13-2006 17:05 FREESE and NICHCLS INC 917 735 7491 P.17/46 The City reserves ncc right to awatd the contract to the responsive low bidder of the Project Did Total Proposal Section FTW06126 16 NOU-13-2006 17:05 1 FREESE and NICHOLS INC 817 735 7491 P.18i46 Within ten (10) days after acceptance of this Proposal, the undersigned will execute the formal contract and will deliver an approved Surety Band and such other bonds as required by the Contract Documents, for the faithful performance of the Contract. The attached bid security in the amount of five (5%) percent is to bocome the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the event the contract or bonds are not executed and delivered within the; time above set forth, as liquidated damages for delay and additional work caused thereby. no undersigned bidder certifies that he has been furnished at least one set of the General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Depattrnent projects dated January 1, 1978, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all the requirements and conditions of those General Documents and these specific Contract Documents and appurtenant plans. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractors or employment agency in either fnmishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned we not discriminated against as prohibited by the terins of City Ordinance No. 7278 as ameDded by City Ordinance No. 7400. The Bidden` agrees to be -in construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order, and to Complete the contract within 264 working days after beginning construction as set forth in the written order to be furnished by the Owner. Liquidated damages shall be assessed as indicated in section 7-7.10. (Complete A or B below, as applicable:) I j A_ The principal place of business of our company is in the State of ] Nonresident bidders in the State of — , our principal place of business, are required to be __ percent lower than resident bidders by state law. A copy of the statute is attached. [ ] Nonresident bidders in the State of — , our Principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. k3_ The principal place of business of our company or our parent company or ZA majority owner is in the State of Texas. Receipt is acknowledged of the vi,afollowing addenda: Addendum No, 1 _, 5 _�__A Addendumn No. 2 e Addendum No. 3���+ Addendum No. 4 t6sl, , Ck09%" A0.5 T4014.141 zMat" (8FAL)By: If Bidder is Corporation protrosal Section FTW O6126 i 7 Respectfiilly subinitted, STASILE- Tittle:g�-� T-�— Address: V. 4). SECTION B UNIT #: WATER DEPARTMENT SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (WATER DEPARTMENT) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS PART D-1 - SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS TO PART C GENERAL CONDITION DART D - SPECIAL CONDITION PAIN DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E - MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS LWATER DEPARTMENT) 1) PREQUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: All contractors submitting bids are required to be prequalified by the Fort Worth Water Department prior to submitting bids. This prequalification process will establish a bid limit based on a technical evaluation and financial analysis of the contractor. It is the bidder's responsibility to submit the following documentation: a current financial statement, an acceptable experience record, an acceptable equipment schedule and any other documents the Department may deem necessary, to the Director of the Water Department at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the opening of bids. a) The financial statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State licensing agency and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the financial status to the submitting company. This statement must be current and not more than one (1) year old. In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated by proper verification. b) For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable for a given project, it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking qualification in work of both the same nature and technical level as that of the project for which bids are to be received. c) The Director of the Water Department shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability for financial qualification to bid on any Fort Worth Water Department project. d) Bids received in excess of the bid limit shall be considered non -responsive and will be rejected as such. e) The City, in its sole discretion, may reject any bid for failure to demonstrate experience and/or expertise. f) Any proposals submitted by a non-prequalified bidder shall be returned unopened, and if inadvertently opened, shall not be considered. g) The City will attempt to notify prospective bidders whose qualifications (financial or experience) are not deemed to be appropriate to the nature and/or magnitude of the project on which bids are to be received. Failure to notify shall not be a waiver of any necessary prequalification. 2. BID SECURITY: A cashier's check, or an acceptable bidder's bond, payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of not less than five (5%) percent of the largest possible total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid, and is subject to forfeiture in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the Contract Documents within ten (10) days after the contract has been awarded To be an acceptable surety on the bid bond, the surety must be authorized to do business in the state of Texas. In addition, the surety must (1) hold a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City, in its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 3. BONDS: A performance bond, a payment bond, and a maintenance bond each for one hundred (100%) percent of the contract price will be required, Reference C 3-3.7. 4. WAGE RATES: 08/04/06 Section C3-3.13 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with the following: (a) The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code, including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b) The contractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of D-3 Right to Audit pertain to this inspection. (c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. (d) With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. 5. AMBIGUITY: In the case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the Proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the Proposal. 6. BIDDER LICENSE: Bidder must be a licensed Contractor in the State of Texas. 7. NONRESIDENT BIDDERS: Pursuant to Article 601g, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, the City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of business in located. "Nonresident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state, but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. This provision does not apply if this contract involves federal funds. The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for the bid to meet specifications. The failure of a nonresident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. 8. PAYMENT: If the bid amount is $25,000.00 or less, the contract amount shall be paid within forty- five (45) calendar days after completion and acceptance by the City. 9. AGE: In accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, members, agents employees, program participants or subcontractors, while engaged in performing this contract, shall, in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms, conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except on the bases of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. U-NIM i . Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers, members, agents, employees, subcontractors, program participants, or persons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirements. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractor against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 10. DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with, or employees of Contractor or any of its subcontractors. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA's provisions and any other applicable federal, state and local laws concerning disability and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 11. MIINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the MBE/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("with Documentation") and/or the POINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate. The Documentation must be received by the managing department no Iater than 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall render the bid non -responsive - Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide the Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or women business enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit any audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate Federal, State or local Iaws or ordinances relating to false statements. Further, any such misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three (3) years. 12. FINAL PAYMENT, ACCEPTANCE AND WARRANTY: a. The contractor will receive full payment (less retainage) from the city for each pay period. b. Payment of the retainage will be included with the final payment after acceptance of the project as being complete. C. The project shall be deemed complete and accepted by the City as of the date the final punch list has been completed, as evidenced by a written statement signed by the contractor and the City. 08/04/06 d. The warranty period shall begin as of the date that the final punch list has been completed. e. Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety shall be required prior to final payment becoming due and payable. f. In the event that the Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety have been delivered to the city and there is a dispute regarding (i) final quantities, or (ii) liquidated damages, city shall make a progress payment in the amount that city deems due and payable. g. In the event of a dispute regarding either final quantities or liquidated damages, the parties shall attempt to resolve the differences within 30 calendar days. 08/04/06 PART c - "eEaAL CONDITIONS { TABLE Oy COW-EWa NMMDER, 1, 198.7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cl-1 DEFINITION@ _ cl-l-1 De£lnition of 7ernis ct-1 M , c1-1.2 contract DocujaeAtg Cl-I (1) C1-1.3 Notice Eo Bidder&' _ C1-1 (2) c1-1.4 Proposal Cl-1 (2) c1-1.5 Bidder , Cl-1 (2) CI-1.6 general conditions Cl-i (2) c1-1.7 special conditions C1-1 (2) cl-1.8 Specifications CI-1 ) cl-1.9 Bond Cl-1 12) CI-1.10 contract Cl-1 (3) c1-1.11 Plane cl-1 0) c1-1.12 city Cl-1 (3) CI-1.13 city council Cl-I (3) ci-1,14 Mayor , Cl-1 (3) CI-1.15 city Manager Cl-1 (3) cl-l.l§ City Attorney c1=1 (1) c1-1.17 Director 0£ Public Works t1-1 (4) Cl-l.la Director■ City water Department cl-1 (4) c1-1.19 Engineer ci_1 (4) c1-1.20 contractor C1-1 (4) CI-1.2t Sureties CI-1 (4) CI-1, 2 95e Work or iraJ45t cl-1.23 working Day cl-f (45 c1-1.24 calendar Day CI-1 Ca) CI�1.2S G@gal Boliday CI-1 (4) CI-1.26 Abbreviations cl-1 (5) c1-1.27 change Order CI -I (6) c1-1.28 Paved Streets and Alleys, cl-1 (6) C1-1.29 Unpaved Street6 a#a Alleys C1-1 IS) CI-1.J0 city Streets Cl-i (6) cl-1.31 Roadway CI -I (6) Cl-1.32 Gravel Street c2-2 INTERPRETATION AND P"PARA710§ OF PROPOSAL C2-2.1 FIo2osal Form c2-2 (1) C2-2.2 Interpretation of quantitin8 c2-2 (1) C2-2.3 Examination 0£ contract Doctjqaent8 and Site c2-2 (2) c2-2.4 Submitting 0£ Proposal C2-2 (3) c2-2,5 Rejection of Prop-osala c2-2 (3) c2-2.6 Ilid Security C2-2 (3) (1) C2--2.7 Deliver] of proposal C2- (4) C2-•2.6 withdrawing F.roposals C -2 (4) C2-2.9 Telegraphic Modification of Proposals C2-2 (4) 2-2.10 Public Ope�iinq of Proposal C2-2 ( 4 ) r-2-2.11 Irregular Proposals C2-2 (4) C2-2.12 Di5gaalification of Bidders 2-2 (5) C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF I)OCUMENTS C3'-3.1 Consideration of Proposals C3-3 (1 } C3-3.2 Minority Business Enterpise Women -Owned Business Paterpris.e compliance- C3-3 (1? C3=3.3 Equal joyment< Provis-ions C3�3 ( l ) C3-3.4 Withdrawal of Proposals C3-3 (2) C3�-3.5 Asgard o£ Coritxact C3-3 (2). C3-3.6 return of Proposal Securities C3-3 (2) C3-3.7 Bands C3-3 () C3-3.8 Execution of Contract C3-3 (4) C3-3.9 Failure to Execute Contract C3-3 (4) C3i3.10 Beginning Work C3-3 M C3-3.11 Insurance C3-3 (41 C3-3.12 Contractor's Obligations C3-a .(7) C3-3.13 Weekly Payroll C3'-3 (7) C3-3.14 ContraQtor's Contract Administzat.ian C3-3 (7) 63-3t15 Venae C3-3 (8) C4-�4 SCOPE OF. WORK C4-4.1 Intent of Contract Documents 4-4 (1) C4-4.2 Special Provisions C4�64 (1) C4-4.3 Increased or Decreased gugntities 4-4 I1? C4-4.4 FLlteration of Contract Documents C4-4 (2) C4-4.5 Extra Work C4-4 (2) O4-4 ,6 Schedule of Operations C4-4 ( 3 ) C4}4.7 Progvess Sched,uxes for Water and Sewer Plant facilities C4=4 (4) C5-5 CONTROL OF WORK AND t4ATERIALS C5-5.1 Authority of Engineer C5_5 (1) C -5.2 'Conformity with Plans C5-5 (1) C5-5.3 Coordination of Contract Documents 5-5 (2) C5-5.4 Cooperation of Contractor 5-5 (2) C5-5.5 Emergency and/or Reotificatipn Work C5-5 (3) C5-5.6 Field Office C5-5 ( 3 ) C5-5.7 Construction Stakes 5-5 0) C5-5.8 Authority and Duties of Inspectors 5_5 (4) CS-5. 9 Inspecticn C5_5( 5 ) CS-5.10 Removal of Defective acid Una thorlxed Work C5-5 (5) - 5-5.11 Substitute Materials or Equipment C5-5 (5) C5-5.12 Samples and Tsts of Materials C5_5 ( 6 ) C5-5.13 Storage of Materials C5-5 (6), C5=-5.14 EXisting Structures and O il:ities CS-5 0) C5-�.15 interruption of Service C5-5 (7) C5-5.16 Mutual Responsibility of Contractors C5_5 (8) 5-5.17 Cleanup CS--5 (8) C5•-5.18 Final Inspection C5_5 (9) (2) C6-6 LEGAL RELATIONS A14D PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY C'6-6•1* Laws to be observed C,6-6 (1). C6-6.2 Permits and Licenses C6-6 (1) CG-6.3 Patented Devices, Materials and processes C6-6 (1) C6-6.4 SanitaLry Rrovisions C6-6 (2). C6-6.5 Public! Safety and Convenience C6-6 (2� C-6-6.6 Privileges of Contractor in Streets, Alley8, and Right--of-Way C6-6.7 Railway Crossings 6=5 (41 6-6. 8 Barricades, Warnings and Watt Mon C6-6 ( 4 ) C6-6. 9 Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, etc. C6-6 (5) C6-5.1.0 Work within Easements C6-6 (G-) C6-6.11 independent Contractor C6-6 (a). C6-6.12 Contractor's Responsibility for Damage Cleima G-5 (8) C6-6.1.3 Contractor's Claim far- Damages C6-6 (10) C6-6.14 Adjustm8nt of Relocation of Publiu Utilities, etc. C6-6 (10) C6-C.15 Temporary Sewer Drain Connections C6 -6 (10) C6-6.16 Arrangement and Charges of Water Furnished by City G6-6 (11) C6--6 ,17 Use of a Section of Portion of the work C6-6 (,11) C -6.18 Contractor's Responsibility for Work C6--6 (11) C6-6.19 No Waivex of Leval Rights C6-6 (12) C6-6. U PersanaL Liability of Public Offisisia C6-6 (12) C6-6.21 State Sales Tak C6-6 t1 ) C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS C7-7.1 Subletting C7-7 (1) C7-7.2 Assignment of Contract C7-7 (1) C7-7.3 Prosecution of the Work C7-7 (1) C7-7.4 Limitation$ of Operations C7-7 (2) C7-7.5 Cbaracter of Workman and Equipment C7-7 ( ) C7--7.6 Work Schedule C7-7 ( 3 ) G7-7.7 .'dyne of Comencement and Completion C7-7 ( 4 ) 7-7.6 Extenafon of time of Compl tion C7-7 (4) C7-7.9 Delays C7-7 (4) C7-7.10 Time of Completion C7-7 (5) .C7-7.11 Suspension by Court Order. 7-7 tS) .C7-7.12 Temporary Suspension C7-7 (6) C7-7.13 Termination of Contract due to National Emergency C7-7 (7) C7-7.14 Suspension of Abandonment of the Work and Annulment of Contract C7-7 (7) C7-7.15 Fulfillment of Contract C7-7 (9) C7-7.16 Termination for Convenience of th,ea onwer C7-7 (10 ) C7-7.17 Safety Methods and Practices C7-7 (13 ) C8-8 MA gRMSNT AND PAYMENT CS-8.1 Measurement of Quantities Ca-8 (1) CS-8.2 €knit Prices C8-8 (1) (3) C8-8.3 sump SUM C8-8 (1) C8-8.4 Scope of Payment C8-8.5 ParLial Estimates and RatAinage CB-8 (2) CO-6.6 Withholding Payment 8-8 (3). CS-8.7 F°ina "A�c liptance C8-8 C31 C8-e .8 Final Payment C8-9 0 ) C8-8.8. Adgxiacy of De�'i4h CS-8 (4 ) C8-8.10 Gen eTaI ziaia- hty C8-8 (4 ) Subsidiary WorX _ C8-8 (5 ) C8-6 .12 Miscellaneous Placement of ate] Ul C8--8 (5 ) C8=8.13 Record Da&uI@ih' i ` - C8-4 (5 ) 1- (4) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS CI-1 DEFINITIONS SECTION CI-1 DEFINITION -�LF, XITIOUS OF- TERMS: Whenever in these Contract ooctvaeetits =the following teams or prcnoUns in place of tric-rn are used, the. intent and raeaning stall bLt-- understood and interpreted as follows: Cl-1 . 2- CONTRACT. DOCUMENTS: The Contract I]ocuments are all, of the written and drawn docUments, such as specifications, l>on.dsad;danda, plans, etc. ,. which govern tie terms and peiqg,_, grmance of toe contract. These are contained in the 4peral qontraat nouLments and the Special Contract Documents. a, GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Contract Documents govern _all Water Departmenr - Projects and include the following items: PART A - NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Sample) White PART B J?RO%09AL (Sample) Wbite PART C -- QENERAL CONDITIONS (CITY) Canary Yellow (Developer) Brown PART V - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Green PART E - SPECIFICATIONS El -White E2 -Golden Rod B2A--White PERMI*S BASEMENTS Blue PART F - BONDS (Sample) Wh ite PART G - CONTRACT ( ampie? White b. SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The SggaiaL Contract ao�UmOnts are prepared for each specific project as a supplement to the Gene-ral ContTach Documents and include the following Uemj�: PART A - NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Advertisement) Sarre as ribove PART B - PROPOSAL (Bid) FART C - GENKR14L CONDITIONS PART D SPSCIAL CONbli!IONS PART E - SPECIFICATIONS PERMITS/EASE RENTS PART F - BOND PART G -- CONTRACT PART �1 - PLANS (Usually bound separately) C1--1 (1) Cl-1..3 NOTICE: TO BIDDERS." All of the legal publications either actually published in public advertising -medium$ ex furnished direct to interested &rti,es pertaining to the work coati rmplated under the Contz-act Documents constitutes the notice to bidders. C-1-1.4 PROPOSAL: The completed written and sign@d ;,4f fe_r- or tender of a bidder to g�--rfarm the woxlt which the O*h?� �'. ai' F °yes to h ave-,, -do n eq - togottre ---wi.th� tlke- bid security-i 'con at. tbt'es thEi Proposal, %bich bacOmes binding upon the R-ildder 4h&h At i-S officially received by the owner, has beern publicly opened and read acid not rejected by tkxe Owner. C1-1..5 -BIDDER: Any p.ers9n, �exsons, l:irm, p� #nar4b-11?r company,-. asscciatian, corporation, acting dittict.1} br through a duly authorized representative, submitting a peoposal for perforihing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents, constitdtes a hiddar. C1-1,6 GENZRAL COIgDITIO S� The General Conditions are the usual construction and contract requirements which govern the perforrftance of the work so that it will be carried on. in accordance with the dustarnary pr6cedu.re, the local statutes, and requirements of th,e City of Fort Worth's gharter and prdmulgated ordinances. Wherever there may be a conflict between the General Canditi.oris and Special Conditions, the latter shall tare precedence arA shall govern_ C1--1..7 SPECIAL CONDI-TIONS: special condittohs are the specific requireltents . Which are necess.ary for the particular project covered by the Contract Documents and not specifically covered in the Cent ral Conditions. Whey► considered with the ehera1 Conditions and other elements of the Contract Dbcbmeats they provide the information which. the Contractor and owner should have in order to gain a thorough knowledge of the project. C1-1.9 SPECIFICATIONSs The Specifications is that section or part of the Contract Documents which sets forth in detail the requirements which must be inet by all materials, conshruction, workman.%hip, equipment and services in order to render a completed and useful project. Whenever reference is made to standard ape-cifications, regulations, kequirements, statutes, etc., such referred to documents shall become a part of the Contract documents j.ast as though they wdre embodied therein. C1-1.9 BOND: The band or bonds area the written guarantee or security furnished by the Contractor for the prompt and faithful performance of the contract and include the following: a. Performance Rabd (see paragraph C3-3. 7 ) b, Payment.Bond (see paragraph C3-3.7) c; kai ntenance Bond (see paragraph. C3-3.71' - d. Proposa-1 or '151d Se unity (see Spbcial instruo�tions to Bidders* Part A and C -2.6) C1-1.10 CONTRACT.- The ConLract is the formal signed agreement etween the Owner and, the Contractor covering t%c mutual and6rstanding. of th,6 two contracting parties about the project to be completed under -the abntrac t Documents. CL--1.11 PLANS: The plans are the drawitxgs or reproducti.ans therefrom made by the ner0s repriesentative sbowinq ire detail the location, dimensi.on and position of the various elements of the projQct, including snch pfofIles , typical cross=sections, layout diagrams, working drawings, preliminary drawings and such supplemental dravxings As the owner may issue to clariEy other drawings - or for tote purpose of showing changes in the Work hereinafter Auth rued by' the Owner. The plans are usually bound separately from other parts of thie Contract Documents, but they are a part of the Contract Uocnments just as though they were bound' therein. C1--1.12CITY: The City of Fort Worth, Texas, A muni ipal corporation, authorized and chartered unid&r time 'texas State �t,ktutes, $Stine by and thro-agb its gcv€erning body or ibs cit Manger, each of which is required by cbarter to perform specific duties. kesponsibility for €inal enfcroement of contracts involving the City of Bart Worth is by charter it.eated in the City Manager. The terms City End owner are - synonymous. C1-1, 13 CITY COUNCIL: The duly elected and qu' a .ified governing lady of the My Of Port Worth, Texas. C1-1.14 MAYOR: The officially elected mAypr, or in his absence, the mayor Pro teknf of the City of Fort Worth, `foxes. CI-1.15 CITY MANAGER: The ofEt6ially appointed and authorized CiEj Manager Of the city of fort Worth, T-exas, or his duly authorzed representative. CJL-1.16 CITY ATTORNEY: The officially appoint6d City Attorney of the Cite of fort Worth, Texas, 'or his duly a uthari zed t: epresentativ'a. C1-1 (3) CI-1.17 DXRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: The duly appointed official the City of Font Worth, referred to in the Charter as the City Ensinear, or his duly authorized representative. C1-1.10 DIRECTOR, -CITY WATER DEFARTMENT: The duly appointed Dlre.ctor of the City. Waver Department of the City 'of Fort worth, Texas, or his daily authorized representative, aseis.tant, or agents. n-1,10 -ENGINEER- The. Director of public Works, the Directdr of -the Fort Worth City Water Department, or their duly authorized assistants, agents, engirr�ors, Inspectors, or superintendents, acting, within the scope of the particular a uties tntrasted tq them, CI-1.20 CONTFACTO : The person, parsons, partmership, oampany, firm, assodiation.t or corporation, entering. into a contract with the Owner for the executibn of the work, acting directly or t'htoUgh a duly authorized repre�sentatiye. A stab -contractor is a pergoa, firm, corporation$ or others under contract with. the principal c�sitractor, supplying -labor and materials a-r only labor, for work at the site of. the prvject: C1-1.21 SURETIES: The Corporate bodies which are bound by such bands are required with and for the Contractor. The sureties engaged are to, he fully responsible for the entire a44 s itisfagtory fulfillment of the Contract and for any ana a.11 requiremer is as set forth in the Contract DOCUMeOts and appKpvad changes therdin. Cl-1.22 THE WORK OR PROJECT: n_' And cornered by the Contraot limiied to the furnishing of eguipm8nt, and incidentals nee and serviceable project. The completed work contemplated Documentst including but Aot all labor, materials, tools., eseary to produce a completed C1-1. 23 WORKING DAY: A working day is defined as a calendar Y, not including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, in which the weather or other conditions not under th4 control of the Contractor permit the performance of the principal unit of work for a period of not less than seven (7) ho.ura between 7:00 4.m. and 6:00 p.m., with exceptions as permitted in paragraph C7=7.6. C1-1. 2 4 CALENDAR DAYS: A calendar day is any day of the week or month, no days haing excepted. Cl-1.25 LEGAL HOLIDAYS: Legal holidays shall be observed as prescribed by the Ciicy Council of the City 4uf Fort Worth for observance by City e0ployees as follows: M-1 (4) 1. New Year's Day . M. L. Kings Jr. Birthday 3. Mernoria,l DPP 4. Independence Day 5. Labor Day S. ThaaksgiviD9 Darr 7. Thank5gi:ving Faraday a. ChTiutma.s Day 9. such other days in lieu of holidays as the City Council may determine January 1 Third Monday in January Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in Septamb4er Fourth Thursday in November Fourth Friday ift ovt_amber December 25 Wipers one of the above named holidays or a special holiday is declared by the City Council, falls on Satnr6ay; the holiday s.hail be observed on the praceding Friday or if it falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday, by those employees working on working clay operat_Aons. Employees working calendar day operations will consider the calendar holiday as the holiday. Cl�l. 6 ABBREVIATIONS:_ Wherever the abbreviations defined herein appear in Contract PoQuments, the intent and meaning shall be as follows AASHTO - American Association of M D -- Mi-llion Gallons Per State Highway Transportation Day Officials ASCE - American Society of Cavil CFS — Cubic Foot pet Engineers SeL-ond LAW - In Accordance With AST9 -- American Society of mirl. Mini kam Testing Materials Mono.- monolithic AWWA American Water Works % - Forcentum }association R — RaCdiul i ASA -- American Standa-ds A$5ociatia= J.D. - Inside Diameter BI - Hydraulic Institute Q.D. - Outside Diameter Asph. - Asphalt Elev. - Elevation Ave: - -Av'enue F - Fahrenheit Blvd. -- Boulevard C - Centigrade at - Cast Iron Wit. - Inch CL - Center Lfaa Ft. - Foot GI - Galvanized Iron St. - Street Lein, - Linear or Lineal CY -- Cubic Yard lb. - Found Yd. - Yard MH - Manhole SY - Square Yard max. - t Axim= L.F. - Linear boot D.I. - Ductile Iron C1-1 ( 5 ) cl-1.27 CZANGE ORDER: A "Change Order" is a written supplemental a9reem8nt between the Owner and the Contractor covering some added or deducted item or feature which may be found necessary and which was not specifically included in the scope of the project: on whicb bids were submitted. Increase in unit quantities stated in the proposal are not the subject matter of a Change Order unless the increase or degrease is more than -251 of the aMount of th6 particular item or items in the original proposal. All 'Change Orders" ahall he prepared by the City faraaa information as necessary furni2. bed by the Contractor. C3-1, 28 PAVED a_TREETS AND ALLEYS: A pared street or alley* shall be defined as a street or alley having orre of the fallowing types of wearing aurfaces applied over the natural unimproved surfade; 1. Any type of asphaltic concrete with or without separate base aratetial.. 2. Any type of asphalt surface treatment, not -including an oiled surface, with or without -separate base material.. 3. Brick, with or without separate base material.. 4. Concrete, with or without separate base material. 5 . Any cambination of the above. 1-1.29 UNPAVED STRELTS OR ALLEYS: An unpaved -street, alley, roadway, or of er st_r ace Is any area except those defined abbve for "Waved Streets and ALIeys." l-1.30 CITY STREETS: A city street is defined as that area between th,6 right -of -gray lines as the street is dedicated: Cl-1.31 ROADWAY: The roadway is defined as the area between parallel lines two (21) feet` back of the curb lines or four { 4 ` ? fe6t back of the average edge of pavement 4here no curb exists. C1-1.32 GRAVHL STREET: A gravel street is any unpiaved street to which has been addea one or more applications of 4ravel or similar mate-cihl other than the natural material found on the street surface before any improvement etas made. 1--1 (6 ) SECTION C -- GENERAL CONDITIONS C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL SECTION C2-2 IFTIlRFRETATION AND PREPARATION OF ZROPOSAL C2-2.1• PROPOSAL FORM The owner will furuish bidders with proposal form* which will contain an itemised lint of the items of work to be done or materials to he furnished and upon which bid prices are requested. The Prdposal form will state the Bidder's general understanding of the project to he pomplet,ed, provide a space- far £urnishfrig the amount of bid security, and state the basis for entering lento a formal contra'ct. The owner will furnish forms for the Bidder's "Experience Record,* ":Equipment Schedale," and "Financial Statement," all of which must be properly executed and filed with the Director of the City Water Department one weak 2rior to the hoxir for o E pinq of bids. The €irianeial statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by An appropriate state licensing agency, and shall h-dve been so piel3pted as to reflect the cuarreht financial status. This statement must be current and #xot moi<e than one (1) year old. In the case that a bidding data falls within the time a new statement ig being prepare4, the previous statement .shall be updated by prdper verificatfon. Liquid assets in the amount of tern (10 %) percent of the' estimated project cost will be required. For an experience record to be ednsideared to be Acceptable for a given pr6jo-ct, it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking 'qualification in work of bath the same mature and magnitude as that of the project for which bids are to be received, and such experience mast have been on projects completed not more than 'five ( 5) years prior to the date on which are to he received. The Director of the Water department shall be sale judge as to the acceptability of experience fc; qualification to bid on any Fort -Worth rater Department project. The prospective bidder shall schedule the equipment he has available for the, project and state that he will reyxt such additional agtLip.mant as nay be required to complete the project cn which he submits a bid. C2-- . 2 INTERPRETATION OF -QUANTITIES: The g�iantities of w0fk and materials to be furnished as may a listed irs the proposal C2- (1) forms of other parts of the Contract Documents will be considered as ak roc-#zaate only and will be used Eor the purpose of comparing bids on a uniform basis. Payment will he made to the Contractor for only the actual quantities of work performed or materials furnished in strict accordance with the Contract Documents and Plans. The quantities of work to be performed and material& to bi-a furnished may be increased or decreased as hereinafter provided, without in any way Laval idati.rrg-.the. -urr-it- pr-ices hid ar,. any pother, requirn-ments of the Coatiact Documenta. C2--2..3 EXAMIkiTION OF C.DNTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE OF PROJECT: Bidders are advised that the Contract bocuments on file with the owner shall cons-eitute all of the information which the owner will furnish. All additional iq-iz)raLition and data. which the owner .will supply afte.r promulgation of the formal contract documenis, shall' he issged in the .form of writtezi addenda andshall become part pf the Contract Documents just as though such addenda were actueilly written into the original Contract Documents. Si;dd.ers are required,. prior to the filing of proposal, to read and become familiar with the Contract Documents, to vis%t the s� to of the project and examine car.efutly all l:ocakl conditions, to inform them elves by .heir own indepe-nd,e.nt research and inve'stigaLions, tents.,-bgrUg, an . by sucks outer means as may he necessary to gain a complete kanwledge -of the conditions which w1il. b ' e encountered during the .donstructJoin of the project. They -mast. judge for. themselves. the diffidultiea of the work and all attending circumstances affecting the cost of doing the work or the time required for its completion, and obtain all information required to make are ihtelligant proposal, too inforiation given by the Owner or any representative of the owner other than that contained in the contract Documents and officia.ily promulgated addenda ffhereto, small be binding upon the owner. Bidders shall rely exclusively and solel-y upon their own ea.t imates, invest.igatioo, research, tests, explorations,. and other data which are necessary for full and complete information upon which the proposal iS to be basedIt is mutually agreed that the submission of a proposal is prima --facie evidence that the bidder has made the invest- igations, examinations and tests herein. ,required. Claims far additional compensation due to v-ariaLioas' Uet-wee-n conditio-ns actually encc;tntered in coa5tru Lion aAd as indicated in the Cpixtract Documents will. not be allowed_ The logs of $oil Borings, if an,y,showing on the plans are for genex-aY information only and may not be co2rect. Neither the C2-2(2) Owner nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of condition wbioh actually exist. C2-2.4 SUBMITTINQ OF PROPOSAL: The Bidder shall submit his kroposal on the form furnished by the Owner. All blank spaces applicable to the project contained in this farm shall be correctly filled in and the Bidder shall state the prices, written in irk in both words and numerals, for which he proposes `to do the work contemplated or furnishe the materials required. All such pf ices shall be written legibly. In case of discrepancy between the: price written in words .and the price written in numerals, the prig most advantageots to the City shall govern. If a propos.al is submitted by an individual, his or her flame roust be signed by him (her) or hip (her} duly authorized agent. Zf- a proposal is submitted by a firm, associationo or partnership, the name and address of each member must be given, a-nd the proposal Mu6't be Signed by a member of the firm.* associaticn, orpartnership, or by a person .duly authorized. if a proposal is submitted by a company or totporation, tb.e company or corporate name and business address must be given, and the proposal signed by an offib-lal or duly authorized agent. The corporate seal must be affixed. Power of Attorney,actboriainq agents or others to `sign proposal must be properly certified and must be in writing and submitted with the.praposal. C2- -.5 REJECTION OF PROPOSALSt Proposals may be rejected if th-py show any alteration of words or figures, additions not called for, conditional Pr uncalled for alternate bids, iracoinpleto bids, erasures, or irregularities of any kind, ox contain unbalafic.e value of any items. Proposal tendered or delivered after the official time designated for receipt of proposal shbL11 be -returned to the Bidder unopened, C2-2. 6 BXD • ^SECUR1TY1, - Ro proposal will be considered unless it s a oompanxe y a "Proposal Security" of the charactek and in the ainount .indicated in the "Notice to Bidders" and hhe "Proposal_" The Bid Security is required by the Owner as evidencd of good faith on the part of the Didde>:, and by way of a guaranty that if awarded the contract, Lbe Bidder will within. the. required tixe e•xP_cute a formal contract and furnish the required pesr'formanc-e and other bonds. The bid security of the three lowest bidders will be retained until the contract is awarded or other dispgaition is made thereof. The bid security of all other bidders may be returned promptly after thie canvass of bids. C2-2(3) C2- .7 UELIVtRY OF PROPOSAL; No proposal will he considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bich Security, to the City Manager or his represeatative in the official place of basiness as set forts in the "Notice to Bidders." It is the Hinder's sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was d3spato-hed will not be considered. The Bidder must have the proposal actually delivered. Each praposaI.- aiLa -. be, irnr a sealed• 6nveLope plainly marked -with- the word nP OPOaALp"" and.Ir the- name or, description of the prioject as .designated- in the "Notice to Bidders," The envelope shall be addressed to the City Manager, City Hall, Fort Worth, Texas. C2-2.8 WITHbRAWIM PROPOSALS: Proposals actually file-d with the City Manager cannot be withdraws prior to the tima i- set for opening .proposals., A request -for torn -consideration of a proposal must be made in Writing, addressed to the City Manager, and f iled with him prior to the tinge set for the .opening of proposals. After all proposals not requ sted f-or nos -consideration are opened and vilblicly stead aloud, the proposals for which non -consideration requests bay.e been prbperiy f i1ed may, at the option of the own or, , be 'returned unopened, C = .9 TELBG.RAPETC MODIPICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder -may :66 ify his proposal to egrap communication. at any time prior to the time set for opening propusals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the City Ma,nagez- prior to the said propose, opening time, and Orovided 'further, that the City nanager is satis€i6d that a writ -tent -and duly auth6nticated confirmation of such telegraphic 6=munication oven`- the sigaature. of the bLddear was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. 1i such confirmation is not received within ZDrty-eight (48) hours after the propose, opening time, no further consideration will be given to the proposal,. C -2.10 PUBLIC OPENING OR PROPOSAL: Proposals which-Lbave been properly filed and for which no "Non-coasldesation- Request" has been Teceived will be publicly opened and read aloud by the City Manager or his authorized -representative at the -time and place indicated in the "Notice to Bidders." All proposals which have been opened and .read will remain ,on file 'with the Owter until the contract has been awarded. Bidders or their au�hpr_Lza& rapt=esatnta.tives are iinvi.ted to 'he present for tine opening -of bills. C -2.11 1,RREGULAR PROPOSALS: Proposals shall be considered as being "Irregular" they show any omissions, alterations of form, additions, or conditions not called for, unauthorized alternate bias, or irregularities of any kind. However, the 2- (4) ownRr reserves the right to waive any and all irregularities arid to manse the award cf the contract to the beat interest of the city. Tendering a proposal after the closing hour is an irregularity which cannot be waived, C -2. 12 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Bidders may be disqualified and the i proposals act. considered for any of, but not limited to, the following reason: a. Reasons for believing that collusion exists among hidders . b. Reasonable grounds for believing that any bidder is interested in more than one proposal for work contemplated. C. The bidder being interested in any litigat-ion against the Owner or when the Owner may have a claim against or be engaged in litigation against the bidder. d. The bidder being in arrears on any existing contract or having defaulted on a previous .contract. e. The bidder having performed a prior contract in an unsatisfactory manner. f. Lack of competency as revealed by the financial statement, expeArience record, equipment schedule, and such inquiries as the Owner may see fit to make. g. Uncompleted work which, in the judg-cant of the Owner, will prevent or !tinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. h. The bidder not filing with the oiwner, one geese in advance of the hour of the opening of proposals the following: 1. Financial Statement showing the financial. condition of the bidder as specified in Part "A." - Special Instructions. 2. A current experience record showing especially the projects of a nature similar to the one under consideration, which have been successfully completed by the Bidder. 3. An equipment schedule showing the equipment the bidder has available for use on the project. The Bid Proposal of a bidder who, in the judgment of the Engineer, is disqualified under the regnirements stated herein, a3ball be set aside and not opened_ C2-2(5) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS SECTION 3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF WC4MENTS: C -3.1 COUSIDERATION 0-F PROPOSALS: After proposals have .been opened at7 read aloud, the proposals will be tabul ate'd on the basis of the quoted Prices, the quantities shown, i.n the proposal; and the application of such formulas or other methods -of bringing items to a oommou hams as may be established in the Contract Documents. The total obtained by taking tire. sum of the products of unit prices .quoted and the estimated c vantities plus any lump sum items and such other quoted amounts as may enter into the cost of the completed project will be considered an the ai�hoont of the bid- [until the award of the contract is made by the Owner, the right will. be resexved to reject any or all proposals and waive technicalities, to r --advertise for new propasalao Pr to proceed with the work in any manner as maybe considered for the beet interest of the fawner. C3-3...2 MINORITY BUSINESS E TERPRISR/WO1EN-OWNED 13USINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE., Contractor. agrees to. provide to Owner, upon .regUest, complete and accurate ir�forrn$tian regayrdi.ng acual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and or a a Womaa ovned Business gnteiprise (WBE) on the contract and the -payment therefor. Contractor further a ream, upon r_equeat b Cwner, to allow once audit an or an examination of any hooks, records, or miles in the possession of Contractor that will substantiate the actual work p6r orrned by the. MBE or WHE. Any .material :mis-representation of a:ny natar,q will be grounds for termi naEion of the contiact and for initiating any action under appropreiete federal, Mate or local laws and ordinances relating to false statements; f tirthear, any such misrepresentatiori may be grounds for -disqualification of Contractor at owner's discretion f:or bidding on future Contracts wfth the owner for u period of time of noi_ lese than six (6) months. C3-3,3 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall comply with. Current City Ordinance prohibiting discrimination ,in employment practices, C3.-3 ( 1) The Contractor shall post the required aotfce to that effect oa the project site, and, at his xaquest, will be provided assistance by the City of Fort north's Equal Employment Officer who will refer any gi2alified applicant he may have on file in his eff ice to the Contras ar. Appropriate notices may be acquired from the Equal Smployme.nt Dfficcr, C3-3.4 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS= After a proposal has been reap by the Qw,tner it cannot be withdrawn by the Bidder within fpr�ty' 45) dayrs-a-ftf-!-r- tyre -dativ on- which the piapos41 vej�e, opened. C3— .5_ VARD OF COATRAM- 'The Owner reserves the right to qr t holdfknalaction on the proposals for a .reasonable time, not to exceed forty--f ive (4 ) days atter the date of opening proposals a.nd in n0 event will an award be made until after investigations have been wade as to the responsibility of the proposed award4e. The award of the contract, if an award is made, will be to the lowest and best respensiblc bidder. The award of the.contract shall not become effective until tho owner has notified the Contractor is writing of such award. C3--3.6 RETURN OP PROPOSAL SECURITIES; As soon as proposed price totals have'been deterr4ined for comparison of bids, the Owzier may, at its discretion, return the proposal security whidb acbo6panied the proposals *h1aht in its judgment, would not be considered for the award. All other proposal securities, usdAlly those of the thzee 1cwest bidders, will be retained by tjie' Owner until the required contract has been executed and boAd furnished or tbne Owner has otherwise disposed of the bids, after which they will be returndd by the Ufty Sepretary. O -3.7 RQNVS: With the execution and delivery of tKe Contract Documantsg. tb a Contractor shall furnish to, and file' with the Own" in the amounts herein requ3rad, the follows-ng bonds: a. PBRFO MAN E BOND,: A good and sufficient per ormanue bond in .an amount npt less than 100 perc'gnt of the amount of the contract., ea ev_ideaneed by the proposal tabulation or otherwise, guarantee4ng the fQ11 and falthf l execution of the work and performance of the eoatract, and for the protection of _ t'hii Uwrier a'nd all other persons against damage by reason of negligen-ce of the Oontranto.r, or improper execution of the work or the use of inferior materials. TUB performance C3-3 (2) bona shall guarantee the gaymant for all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and services used in the construction of the work, and shall rem;iiu in full force and effect unt11 provisions as abo' -Ve stipulated are accampli5he-d and final paymi_-nt, is made on the project by the City. b. MAINTENANCE BOND: A go.ed and sufficient rya ntenance bond, in the amount of not less than 1.00 percent of the amount of the 'contract,. as evidenced b the proposal tabulation or otherwise, guaranteeing the pro-mpt, fu11 and Eaithful porfvrmance of the geneical, guaranty which is set forth in paragraph C$-0.10. C. PAYM13NT BOLD: A. good .and s-afficlent payment band, n are amo-ant not less than 100 pez'cent of the a-motint of t-he contract, as evidenced by the proposal tabulati a or otherwise, guaranteeing -the prompt, full and faithful payment of 411 claimants as defined in Azticle 5160, Devised .Cavil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amendecl by House Bill 344 Acts 56th Legislature, Regular session, 1959, effective April 27, 1959, and/or the latest version thereof, supplying labor and materials in the prose uti6n of the work provided for in the contract being constructed under these spg�oifications. Payment 13o► d shall remain in force until all ,payments as above stipulated are made. d. OTHER nONDS: such other bonds as may be required Y these Contract Documents shall be furnl5hed by the Contractor. No sureties will be accepted by the Owner which are at the time in default or delinquent on aay bonds or which are interested in any litigation against the owner. All bonds shall -be made on the forms furnished by the Owner and shall be executed by an approved surety company doing Puniness in the City of fort Worth, Texas, and which is acceptable to the owner, in order to be acceptable, the name of the surety shall be included on the current U.S. Treasury 11-st of acceptable sureties, and this Amount. of bond written by any one acceptable company shall nut exceed the amount shown ad the Trreas-ury lint for that Company. Each bond small be properly executed by hoth the Contractor and SuretyCompany. Should afty surety on the contract be determined sansatisfactory at any time by the Owner, notice will bd given the Contractor to that effect and the Contractor shall. immediately provide a C3-3 (;3 ) new surety satiE�f.acto.ry to the owne-r. No payment gill be made under the contract until the new surety or sureties, as required, have qualified and have been accepted by the owner, %h.e contrat-t shall not be operative nor will any payments be due or pail until approval of the bonds by the Owner, C3-3. B EXECUTION OF CONTRACT: Within tern (10) days after the Owner has by. appropriate resolution, or otherwise, awarded the contract.,, the Contractor 3hAll execute and- file Faith thOt owner this fFo6tract- •and -'such bafids as may be required in the Contract Documents. No contract shall be binding upon the owner until it has been attested by the City Secretary, approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney, and executed for the Owner by either the Mayor or City M6nagp-r. . C3-3.9 FAILURE TO EXECUTE CONTkACT: The failure of the Away ee to execute the required boad or bonds or to sign the requ_tred cahtract within ten (10 y days after the corntract is awarded sehall b-cans�dered by the Owiser as an abandonment of his proposal, and the Odrr'er may annul the Awzrd. By reason of the uncertainty of the market prices of material and labor, and it being impracticable and difficult to accurately determine the amount of damages cccuring to the Owner by reason of said awardee's failurd to execute said bonds and contract Within ten (10) days, the proposal security adcompanying the proposal shall he the agreed amount of d=ages which Owner will suffer by rdason of such failure on the part of the Awardee and shall thereupon immediately be foarfbited to the O�rner The filing of a proposal will be considered as an acceptance of this provision by the Bi4der. C3-3.10 BE INNING WORK: The -Contractor shall not commence work until authorized in writing to do so by the GWher. Should the Contraotar fail to commence work at the site of the project within the time stipulated in the written authorization usually termed the "Work Order" or "Proceed Order", it is agreed that the Sarety Company will, within ten (14) clays after the commencement date set forth in such written authorization, commence the physical execution of the contract. C3-3.11 INSURANCRi The Contractor shall not -commence work tinder this contract until he has obtained all the insutrance required under the Contraa:t bocuments, and .such insurance has been approved by the O+iner. The prime Contractor shall be responsible for delivering to the Owner the sub -contractors' C3-3 (4) certificate of insorarice for approval. The prime contractor shall indicate on the certificate of insurance included in the doorxmente for execution whither or not his irisuxance Coxters sub -contractors. It is the intention of -the Owner that the in.suzauce coverage required herein shall include the coverage of all sub- contractors. e. COMiRN ATTO INSURANCE: The Contractor shall ma ntain, during the lif6i of this contractt Workers " Compensation Insurarxce on all of his employees to be engaged its work on the project under this contract, and for all sub -contractors. In case any class of employees engaged in ha7arclous work on t-he pro5ect under this contract is not protected render the Workers' Compensation Statute, the Contractor shall provide adequate ea<ployerFs general liability insurance for the protection of such o€ his employees not no protected. b. COMPRVUENSIVE GENERAL L.IABI-LITY INSURANCZ: The Contractor shall procure Rod small maintain during the life of this contract Contractor's comprehensiVe General Liability Insurance (Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance) in an amount not less than $ 5 0 0 , 0.0 0 covering each :occurrence on account og bodily injury, including d4ath, and in an amoupt not less than $500,009 oovering each occurrence on account of property* damage with $2,005f000 umbrella policy Coverage. c. ADDITIONAL LIABILITY: The Contractor shall furnish insurance as separate policies or by additional endorsement to one of the above -mentioned policies, and in the amount as set forth for public liability and property damage, the following insurance: ' 1. Contingent Liability (covers General Contractar's 'Llability► for acts of sub -contractors ) 2. Blasting, prior -to auy blasting being done. 3. Collapse of hu,ildings ar structures aAjacent to excavation (if excavations a -re to be artormed adjacent to saute). 4. Damage to unclergroand utilities' for $500,000. C3-3 (5 ) 5. tnilder's eisk (where above --ground structures are involved). - 5. Contractual Liability (c.overs all indemnification requirements of ntract). d. AUTOMOBILE IMSURANCE - BODILY- INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMGS: The Contractor shall procure and ma nt;!A v : iir- �ng;,Tthv-1 i f e - 0f - b-i-s- Co-ntract,, Cainpiehensi vec Automcrbi-la Liability insurance in an amount. not less than $250,000 for i ijuries inclading accidental death to any one person and subject to the name lXmit for each person an amount not less thdn $50Q,000 o3 account of one accident, and automobile property damage Insurance in an amount riot less than $100,000. SCOPE OF INSURANCE AND SPECIAL HAZARD: The ar-surance required under the above paragraphs shall provide adequatli protection for the Contractor and his sub -contractors, respectively, against damage claims which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by the insured .or. by anyone directly or indirectly employed by him, and also against anY Of the foi-Lowing special hazards which may be encountered In the performance of the Contract. f. PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURAIICB: th4 Contractor shall urn sh the Owner with satisfactorjr proof of coverage by insurance required in these Contract Documents in amounts and by carriers satisfactory to the Owner. ISample attached.) All insurance requirements made upon the Contractor shall apP1Y to the sub-contragter,. should the Prime Contractor's insurance not Cover the sub --contractor's work operatiods. g. LOdAL XG-ENT TOR INSURANCE AND BONDING: The. insurance and bonding cumpanies w th wham the contractor's insurance and performance, payment, maintenance and all such other bonds are written shall be represented by an agent or agents having an office located within the cite limits Of the C3-3 t fi ) City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Each such agent shall be a duly qualified, one upon whom service of process may be had, and must have authority and power to act on behalf of the insurance and ox bonding company to negotiate and settle with the City of Fort Worth,, or any other claimant, any claims that the City of Fort worth or other claimant -or any property owner who hats been damaged, may have against the Contractor, insurance, a.nd or bonding company. If tha .local Insurance representative is not so empowered by the insurance or bonding companies, then such authority must be vested In a local agent or claims o.f.ficor residing in the Metroplex, the Fort Worth -Dallas area, Th# name -of the agent or agents shall be set forth on all at such bonds and certificates of insurance. C3-3.12 CDNTRACTOR'6: OBLI ATIONS: Under the Contract, t�ia antractnr shall pay for all materials, labor and services i?hen due. C3=3 . 13 -WEE LY PAYROLL: A .certified copy of each payroll cove r- nab payment of wages to all person engaged i.n work. on tlae project at tba site of the project shall be furnished to; Abe Owner's representative within seven (7) days after the, close of each , payroll period, 'A copy or copies of the appli able mi.ninum wage crates as sat forth in the- Contract Documents shall be kept posted in a conspicuolxs place at the site of the project at all. 'times during the course of the Contract. Copies of the wage rates will be furninhad the Contractor, by the Owner; however, posting and protection of the wage rates shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. C3-3.14 CONTRACTOWS CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: Any Contractor, whether a person, persons pa.st€sership, company, firm, association, corporation or other who is approved to do business with and eaters into a contract with the City for construction of water and/or sanitary sewer facilities, will have or shall establish a fully operational business office within the Fort Worth --Dallas metropolitan area. The Contractor shall charge, delegate, or assign this office. for >r he may delegate his Fojecf t Supei7intendent) with ull authority to transact all business actions rewired is the performance of the Contract. This local authority shall be Marie responsible to act for the Contractor in all matters pertaining to the warp 96vorned by the Contract whether it be, adminfstra.tive or otherwise and as such skull be empowered, thus delegated and directed, to settle all znat(�rial, labor or other expenditures, all claims against than work or any other C3-3 M matter associated such as maintaining adequate and approptiate insurance or security coverage for the project. SQuh local author i ty for administration of the work un dez the Contract shall be maintained until all business transactions executed, as part of the Contract are cemplete. Should the Contractor's prian ipal. bastof operations he other tha n in the Fort Worth:Dallas metropOLi-tan area, not ifidation ojf- t.ha- optrae-toz� s aG-31V,ard�rrkt of. 1-ecalrE autfixa-city s h a I I b� matte: in writtnq ta' the Engineez in 'adiiance- of any work on the project, all appropriately signed and sealed, as, applicable, by the Contractor's resposisible officers with the understanding that this written as�ignmeftt of authority to a .local r ep rt 8-8n t a t ive !3ba!1 beebwe pact -of - t'he project Contract as though mound directly into tbd project documents. The intent of these requirements is that aLl inattars associated with the Contractor's administration, whdEher it be oriented its furthering the work, or other, be gbvern6d ' d.i re=-O.t by lacy 1 authority. This same requirement is Imposed on iit� urance and surety coverage. Should the Contiactor's local repras.entatiire fail to perform to the satisfaction of Engineer, the tngineer, at his sole dis-cretion, may demand,': that such local repre-sentative be replaced and the Engineer may., at his sole discretion, stop all work until` a new local a-uthority s.atisfictory to the Engineer is assigned. No ctedi� .cif worktng time will be for periods in which work stoppages are in effect for this reason. C -3..15 VENUE: Venue of any acts-6n bereinun-der shall be exclusi7vely in Tarrant Couf1tyt 'Texas. C3-3 K8� PART C -- GENERAL CONDITl- C4=4 SCOPE OF WORK SECTION 4-4 SCOPE OF WORE C4-4. 1 INTEVT OF CONTR&CT DOCUMkNTS; It is the defi olte ntentiora of these Contract Documents to provide for a a mplete., urteful proj6dt Which the Contractor undertakes to construct or furnish, al'I in full compli.artce with the t requiremens and intent of the Contract Documents. It is Aefinite y u-nddrs-tood that the Contractor shall do all work as provided-:. for in the Contract Ddcumoats, shall do all extra or special 4okk as may be considered by the Owner as necessary to complete - the prof-sct fn a satisfactory and acceptable matYner. The contractor shall, -unless otherwise specifically stated in these Contract Documents furnish all labor, tools, materials, nnachinery, equipment, special services, and iucidentale necessary to the prosecution and cnrnpletion of the project. C4-4.2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Should any work or conditions wit- dh are not thoroughly and satisfactakily stipulated or covered by G.iitrreral, or Speaial C�nditians of these Contract DocuW�nts be aht1Cipatedp or sboul.d there be any additional proposed Mork which is no:t covered by these Contract Doctmexits, Ebert ',special Oravisians" covering All such work will be prepared by tbe Owner previbus to the time of receiving bids or proposals for such work and furnished to the Bidder in the form of Addenda.. All such "Special Provlsioris" small be considered to be a part of the Contract Documents Just as though they were -originally' written therein. C4-4.3 INCREASED .OR DECREASEDQUANTITIES: The Owner reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or tip tend or shorten the improvements it any time when and as . ounce to -bo necessary, and the Contaragtor shall perform ,the work as 'altered, indreased or decreased at the unit prices. Such iecreased or decreased quantity shall not be more than 25 perc.ont of the contemplAted quantity of atch item or items. When such oranges increase or decrease the original quantity of any item or items of work to b'e done or materials to he i±urnishea bjr the 25 percent or more, then either party to the contract shall upon written request to the other party be entitled to a revised consideration upon that portion of the work above or below the 25 percent of the original quantity stated in the proposal; sucks revised consideration to be determined by special agreement or as hereinafter provided for "-Extra Work." No allowance will be made for any changes in anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as C4-4 (1) waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. variations in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes in depth categories, shall be interpreted herein as applyiag to the overall quantities or sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe size, but not to , the various depth catogories . C4rt *I,,_C. ALTERATION - OK CONTR'ACT,..[}.00UKENL`S: 13Y Chan94�.. or4iir ,the owner re'servats the right to make such ahangeS in the 'Co'ntrect Documents and in the character or quantities of the work. as may i y he necessary or des€cable to. insure completion n th-e most satisfactory manner, provided such changes do not paterially alter the original Contract Documents or ghange th_e genera]. nature of the prol-eat as a whole. Such c-hariges sball not ]fie considered as waiving or invalidating any condition o-r provision of the Contract Documar)ts. 4-4.5 .8XTRA WORK: Add!tional work made .necessary by changes an -alterations o the dontraat Docume.hts or of guantitieg or for other reasons for which no prices are prow-,ided in the Qozetract Documents, shall be defined as "Extra Work" and ihh1l be performed by the Contractor in accordance wit.# then Contract Von-aments or approved addit-ionA thereto,;. provided; however, that before any extra w6rk is begun a► "Changer Order" shall he executed or w-ritten order issaed by the ine-r -�o do the work for payments or cKadits as shall be determined by one or more corabinat-ion of tha following methods a. Unit bid price previously approved. b. An agreed lump sum _ c. The aotual reasonable cost of (1) labor, (2) rental of equipment used on the exte.a -work for the time so used at Associated. Genera]. Contractorb America currant equipment -.rental sates; (3) .materials entering permanently into the project, and (4) actual cast of insurance-, bon.ds., and social s curity as determined by the owner, plus ik fixed fee to he agreed upon but not to excoed 10i of the actual cost of such extra work. The fixed fee is not tD inciuda any►.additional profit to the Contra-ctor for rental of equipment owned bk him and used tor the extra work. The fee shall be (Lill. Arid complete compensation to cover the cost. of superintendence, overhead, other -profit, general and all other ..expense not incltaded in (1.], 42), 3), and (4) above. The Contrai�-tor.shall keep accurate cast racords on the form and in the method C4-4 () suggested by the Owner and Shall dive the Owner acc:eas to all accountst bills, vouchers, and records relating to the Extra York. Mo "Change Ord8r" shall becom effective until it hai�- been approved and signed by each of the Contracting paGrties . No claim for Extra Work of any kind will be allowed unless ordered -ire Writing by the Owner. in case any orders or instructions, either oral or written, appear to the Contractor to involve Extra Work for which he should receive compensation, he shall_ make written request to the Engineer fay written orders authorizing such Extra Work, prior to begianing suPh work. Should a difference arise as to what does. or does not cdnstitute. Extra Work, or as to the payment thereaf, and th6 Engineer insists upon ita performance, the Oantracter nhall proceed with the work after malting written request. for writ -ten orders and shall keep are accurate account a' the actual reasonable cost thereof as p-rovidtd, uncler Method (Itern C) . Clatrns for extra work wiil not be paid unless the Contrattor shall file his claim Vith the Owner within five (55 days before the time for malting the first estimate after such wane Is done and unless the c-Laim is supported by s-atis-factory vauchers and certified payrolls covering all labor and materials expended upon the said Extra Work, The Contractor shall furnish the Owner such installation records of all deviations from the original Cuatract Docnments as maybe necessary to enable the owner to prepare for permanent record a corrected set of plans shoring the actual installation. The compensation agreed upon for 'extra work' whether 'or not iniltiated by a 'change order T shall l be a fulls cQmplete and final payment for all costa Contractor incurs as a result or relating to the change or extra work, whether said costs are kTLowrn, Tinknownt foreseen or unforeseen at that time, including witbout limitation, any costs for delay, extended averheadt ripple or impact contp or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result or the change or extra work. C4-4.6 SCHEDULE OF OFERATIONS:_ Before commencing any Mork ur, sr this contract, tho- Contrea.ctor shall submit to the Owner and receive the Owner's approval t_hereof, a m cheduie of Operational" shuwing by a atraight line method the date of cornm4��ncing and finishing each of the major elements of the contract. There shall be also shown the estimated monthly cost of work for which estimates are to be exP ected. There 4-4 (3 ) shall be presented also a composite graph showing the anticipated progress of construction with the time being plotted horizontally and the percentage of completion. platted vertically, The progress charts shall be prepared on S-1 2" x 11" sheets and at least five black or blue line prints shall be furnished to the owner. C4-4.7 PROGRESS SCH2V LE S FOR V4AT$ -AND SEWER PLAWT PA01 LIT�FeS -,- Wi:th-im bore U U4} days, {per nr- to, s.ubmi.% & 10 n ,. o f f Jrat mcathly progress pAyment, the ConLractor small pTepa ee and submit to the Owner for approval sip€ copies of the schedule in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, the date of which he will atart the sever -al major activities (including procurement of materials, plans, and equipment) aind the contemplated dates for completing tiro same. The schedule shall be in the dorm of a time schedule Critical Path Method (CPM) network diagram. As the work :prograss.es t the Contractor shall enter on the diagram the actual progress at the end of each partial payment period or at such intervals as directed by the Engineer. The Contrattor shall also revzae the schedule to reflect any ad juts-tments in contract t1be approved. by the Engineer. Thrca copies of the -updated schedule --hall be delivered at such intervals as directed by the Owner As a minimum, the construction schedule shall incorporate - all work elements and activities indicated in the proposal and in the technical spec it i cations . Prior to the final drafting of the detailed co.nstructi.on schedule, the Contracto± shall review the draft schedule with the Engineer to ensare the Contractor's understanding of the contract requiremeats. The following guide]-ines shall be adhered to in preparing the c6natructian schedule: a. Mil4st.on4 datee and final project completion dates shall be developed to conform to time con s-traints, sequen-sing requir-ements and completion time. b_ The construction process shall be divided into hctivities with time diirati Ohs of appry i;mateiy fourteen {l4) day6 and construction valves not to exceed -$50,000. Fabrication, delivery and submittal activities are exceptions to this guideline. C4--4- (4 ) c. Da.tations sh-all be in calendar days and norMal holidays and' weather conditions over the duration of the contract shall be accounted for within the duration of each activity. a. One critical .path .shall be shown on the construction schedule. e. Float time is def ined as the amount of , t.im-e between the earliest start date. and the:, - start date of a chain of - act iviUps 0.f tY -CPN, construction schedule. Float t.irnb is- n-ot..fer the c exlusive use or benefit of 47i:ther the C6nEractor or the owner. f. Thirty da'6 sba-11 be used for subm-ittal review unless otherwise spe ified. The construction schedule shall as a minimum be divIded into general categories as iitdicat<_ed i.n the Proposal_an4 Technical Specifications and each general, category -shaa1_ i Se broken clown into act i.vitieEi in enoagh detail to a hi-ev.%, activities 'of approximately fourteen (14.) days duration. For each general category*, the construction schedule shall, identify all trades or subcontracts whose work is represented by activities that follow the guidelines of this Section. For each of the trades or subcontracts, the construction schedule shall indicate the following procurements, construction and preacceptance activities and events in their logical sequence for equipmLMt and materials. 1. Preparation and transmittgl of submittals. . Submittal review periods. 3. Shop fabrication and del.iVery. 4. Erection or inntallation. 5. Transmittal of manufacturer's operation and mainterisnce instructions.. 5. Installed equipment artd materials testing. 7. Owner's operator instruction (if applicable). 8. Final inspection. C4 -4 (5 ) 9. Operational t6uiting- 10. Final inspection. if, in the ogi€rxori of the Owrn�r,: °work accomplished fails behind that scheduled, the ContraLt-or shall -take such action as necessary to improve his progress. In addition, the,'.iOWrLer_ mad r'm. uir.e' t?te+ Cozu to or= tc: s ib a revised sck�.ec'i„u t d�'��oe;S rabllnq 1it� `-�r6g.riih - and' j3rojabsed 'plan. to mak -u 'lag i6 �i��tai� r� p�cpcyr�s�r' •�r�c� tb in-sure.t~au�glet3or� of -the 4o k within the 60nii ai c.t t`*m4. If the Ownax ends the' prop.ised plan a#t accelp!table, he may' -require the Con taractor to increase the work force',, -thd construction plant and equipment, the number of wont shifts or the overtime pperations wit Mont-: addlifinndX cast -to the Own ar. Failure of the Contractor to comply with these requirements shall 4p consid'e7red grounds foi ,&�te,rminat.ion. by- the Own.er that the Oontraat6r is lal_tin� to groseauhe the work with sudh diligence 69 will insure its :completion within the - time i3pecified. - = . C4-4 1) PART C - GENERAL CONDITION C5-5 COUTROL OF WORK AND KATERIALS SECTION C5-5 CONTROL OF WORK AND MATERIALS C5-5.1_ .AUTHORITY .OF. ENGI EEAs The work, shall be. performed to the sa�isfaction of the Engineer and in strict compltAnce with the contract Dociaments, . He shall decide all questions whi&fit arise as ,tcy the quality and acceptability of materials furnished, wox-k performed, rate of progress of the stork, 6verall sequence of the cons t_ruct ion.,' interpretation of the Contract DocurmeMtS, acceptable fulfillment of th8 contract, compensation, mutual rights between Contractor and owner under fusee Contract; nocumentst supervision of the work, resumption of operations, and all other questions or disputes which may arise. Engineer will not be responsible for Contractor s means, mathodge techniques, Sequences or procedures of construction,. -or the safety precaution and &ograms- inV.f.dent thereto, and he will not be responsible for Contractor's failtire to perform the work in accordance with the contract do-cuments . He shall determine the amount and quality of . the wc.rk completed and materials �urnishedg and kris decisions and estimates shall be final. His estimates in such .event shall be a condition to the right of the Contractor to receive rmoney do* him under the Contract. The Dwoar shall have executive authority to enforce and mate effective auoh necessary decisions acid orders as the Contractor fails to carry► out promptly. In the evert of any dispute between the Engineer and Contractor over the decision of the Fng ineer on any si ch matters, the Engineer must{ within a reasonable time, upon written request of the Contractor, render and deliver to Both the Owner and Contractor, a written decision on the matter In controversy. C5-5.2 CONFORMITY WITH FLANS: The finished project in all cases shall conform w th lines, grades, crass-nections, finish, and dimensions -shown on the plans or any other requirements otherwise described in the Contract Documents. Any deviation from the approved Contract Documents required by the Engineer daring construction will in all cases be de�,ermined by the Engineer and a-uthorized by the owners by Change Order. C$_5 (l1 5-5.3 C ORDIAATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents are made up of several sections, which, taken together, are intended to describe and provide fet a complete and useful project, and any reg?airements appearing in one of the sections is as binding as though it occurred in all section$. In case of discrepancies, figured dimension shall govern over scaled dimenaionsr 'alias shall govern over specifications, special conditions shall govern over general co-nditions- and stan.dard-qpp-cific.ati.ons,.,.and..-qua-atities- allows on the plant sha_1.1 govern over those shown in th-e propdaal; The Contractor shall: not take advantage of any apparent error or dmissicn in the Contract Documents, and the Owner shall be permitted to make such corrections or interpreta,tidns-as may be deemed neoe§Aafy for the. fulfillanent of the intent of the Contract Documents. Xn the event the Contractor discovers an apparent error o'r discrepancy, he shall immadiat�--ly 6All this condition to the attdntian of the Engineer. In the event of a conflict in the drawings, specifications, or other portions of the Contract Documents which were not reported prior to the award of Contract, the Contractor shah, be deemb-d to have quoted the most expensive resolution of the conflict. CS -5. 4 COOPERATION OF CONTRACTOR: The Contractor will be t e ts-of the Contract Documents and shall have available ors the site D e projec a all times one set .of such Contract Documents. The Contract shall give to the Work the coristant attention necessary} to facilitate the progress `thereof an'd shall booperate with the Engineer, his inspectv'k-, and other Contractors. in every possible way. The Contractor shall at all times have competent personn-el available to the project site for pxoper performance of the worX. Thy! Contractor shell provide and maintain at all times at the site of the project a competent, English=speakknq sugerintandeat and an assistant who are fully aukt#o.rized to act as the Contractor * s agent an the work-. Such s.uperintee-float and his assistant shall be iapable of reading and understanding the Contract Documents and shall receive and fulfill iastructiona fiom the Owner, the Engineer, or his authorized representatives. Putruadnt to this rbsponsibslity of the Contractor, the Contractor shall designate in writing to the.- g�valeci superintendent, to act as the Contractor's agent an the work. Such assistant project. suparintendtnt shill be a resident of Tarrant .County, Texas and shall be subject t-0 call, a.,�; is the project Superintendent, at any time of the day or night on. any day of the w8ek on which the Engineer determines that circumstances require the presence on the project site of a representative of the Contractor to C5-5 (2.) adequately pirovfde for the safety ox c-onvenience of the traveling public or the owners of property across which the project extends or the safety of property contiguous to the proj4ct routing. The Contractor shall provide all facilities to enablo the Engineer and his inspector• to examine and Inspect the workmahship and materi4ls entering into the work. C 5 -5 . 5 EMERGENCY AND/OR RECTIFICI ITI ON WORK: When ; in the opinion of the Owner or Engineer, a condition of emergency exists related to aFty part of the work, the Contractor, or the Contractor through his desig at&d r-epresentatlwe, shall respond with dispatch to a verbal request made by the Owner or Engineer to alleviate the emergency condition: Such a response shall occur day or night, whether the project isscheduled on a calendar -day or on a working -day basis. Should the Contractor fail.. to respond to a request from the Engineer to rectify any discrepancies, omissions, or corrections necessary to conform with the xegiA re meats of the project specifications or plans, the Engineer shall dive the Contractor written notice that such work or oranges are- to be erkorrned. The written notice shall direct attention to the discrepant dandition and req-aeat the Contractor to take remedial action to correct the condition. in the evert the Contractor does not take positive steins to fulfill this 'written request, or floes not show Just casaAe for riot taking the proper actiono within 24 hours,,the City oral take ,such remedial action with City forces or by contract. The City shall then deduct an amount. equal to the- entire casts for such remedial action; plus- 25 , from any funds daze the Contractor on the project. C5-5.6 FIELD OFFICE: the Conrtraotar shall provide, at do extra compensat on, art adequate field office for use ,of the Engineer, if specifically called i:or. Tits wield office shall be not less than 1.0 by 14 feet in floor area, substantially constructed, well heated, air condi-tioned, lighted, and weather-proof, so that documents will not be damaged by the -elements. C5-5: y CONBTABtTION 3TAKESt The City; through its Eno, sneer, WUl nish the Contractor with a , ,rnenfso EFi ra ear parvsentiott and control a the work contras a or under then on aac acumen s, 1 rt es and measurements `wil established by means of stakes or other aaatomary method 'off marring as may be found consistent with good practice. C5-5 (3) Those stakes or markings shall be set sufficiently in advance of construction ope-rations to aveld delay. Such staDcaE�; or markings as may be established for the Contractor'.s use or gbidance shall be preserved by the Contractor until he is authorized by the Engineer to remove them. Whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer, any stakes or markings have been careles$ly or willfully destroyer, disturbed; or removed by the Contractor or any of his employees, the full cost of replacing such stakes or marks plus 25% will be charged agginst will be deducted fzom payment due the- Contractor. CS-5.8 ACTUORITY AND DUTIES OF CITY INSPECTORS: city inspectors will be-authorizebe-authorizda to inspect ,all work cone and to be done and .all imat,eriale €urni5hed. Such i0speetion may extend to all or any part of the work, and the preparation or manufacturing of the materials 'to be used or equipment to be installed. A City Inspector may he stationed on the work to report to the Engineer as to the progress of the work and the nneir in which it is being 'peerformed, j�o roport any evidence that- the zuateriala being furnished or the work being performed Py the dahtractor fails to fulfill the requirements of the Contra-ct Do-cumentsp and to call the at-tention of the Contractor to any such failure or other lnEting ementu. Sucb inspection or lack of inspection will not relieve the Contractor from any _obliga►tion to parfarm the work in acaordaince with the requirements of the Contract, .DocutmenLs. In case of any dispute arising between the Contractor and the City •Inspector as to the materials or oquipment furnished or thei manner of performing t1e wort, the city Inspector will bav-e au�hori.ty to reject materials or equipment to su�sp#-�nd wo±k until th6 que-5tion at issue can be referred to and be de ided by the Engineer. The City Inspector will not, howaver, be authorized to. revoke, alter, enlarge, or release any requirement of these Contract Documents, nor to approve or accept any portion or section of the work, nor to..issue any instructions contrary to the requirements of the Contract Documents. He will in no rase act as s'updrintendent or foreman of perform any other duties for the Contractor, or interfere Stith the management or operation of the work. -He will not aceept from the Contractor any compensation in any form for performing any duties. The Contractor shall regard and obey the dir.ectiohs and instructions of the City Inspector or. EhTineer�-whea,the same are consistent witb the obligations of the Con -tract DoaurRents, provided, however, should the Contractor abject to any orders or instructions of the dity Inspector, the Contractor may within sire days stake written appeal to the Engineer for his decision on the matter in controversy. C5-5 (4) CS-- .9 INSPECTION The CcnLzactor shallfurnish the Engineerwith every reasonable facility for ascertaining whether Or not the work as performed is in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. if the Engineer so requests, the Contractor shall, at any time before. acceptance of the work, remove o.T uncover such portion of the f i.nished wakk as may be directed. After examination, the Ooniractor small restore said portions of the work to the standard required by the Contract Documn nta. Should the work exposed or examined prove acceptable, the uncovering or removing and replacing of the covering qr makihq goad of the parts removed stall be paid for as extra work, b%�t should be worts so exposed or examined prove to be unacceptable, the uncovering or removing and the ;eplacing of all adjacent defeQtive' or damaged parts shall' be at the Uor�trac tor" s expense, No work shall be doge or materials used without suitable supervision or inspection. CS-5.10 RSMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND trNAU OARED WOR-K: All work, materials, or equipment w ich has been rejected shall be remedied or remov6d and replad-ed in an acceptable manner by the Contractor at his own expense. Wor-k done beyond the sines and grades given or as shown ca tine plans, except as hbtein specifically provides, or any Extra work done witito4t written authority, gill be considered as unauthorized and done at the expense of the Contractor and will not be paid for by the owner. Work so done may be ordered r.amovad at the Contractor's expense. 'Upon the failure on the part of the Contractor tb. comply with any order of the Engineer made under the pr-dvisianEi of this paragraph, the Engineer will _have tie authority to cause defective work to be remec�ierl cr removed and replaced and unauthorized work to be removed, and the cost thereof may be deducted from any mors�y due or to become due to the Contractor. Failure to require the removal of any defective or unauthorized work shall not constitute' acceptance of such works. C5-5.11 SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS OR E UIPMENT' If the spec ficat ons, law, ordinance, codes or regulations permit Contractor to furnish or use: a substitute that is equal to any • material or equipment specified, and if Contractor wishes to furnish or use a proposed s.ubstitui-e:, he shall., prior to the preeonstruction conference, make written application, to ENGINEER for approval of such substitute certifying in writing that the -proposed substitute will perform adequately the flanctions called for by the general. design, be similar and of equal substance to ghat specified and be suited to the same use and capable of performing the name tuaction as that specified; and identifyiRg all variations of the proposed C5-5 (5) substitute from that specified and indicating available maintenance service. No substitute shall be ordered or installed without the written approval of Engineer who will be the judge of the equality and may require Contractor to furnish such other -data about the proposed substitute as he considars pertinent. No substitute shall be ordered or installed witbDut such performance guarantee and bonds as bwn.er may require which 6hall be furnished at Casttractor 4n expense.- Ccxrrtrac or- sbel l indemna-f.y and bold harmless Owner and Roginee`r and- Anyone directly or indirectly employed by ei-ther of ,them from and against the claimr, damages, Losses :and expenses (iltcludin►g attorneys fees) arising out of the use of substi.tated materi-al.a or equipment. CS=5.1.2 SAMPL95 AND TESTS -Olt MATERIALS: Wh re, in the opinion of the Ens eer, or as ca ed for in the C'ontrarct 06cuments, tests of materials or dquipment are necessary, such tests will be made at the expense of ana paid for direct to the testing a,gency..b the _Owner unless otherwise GspeclEically provided. The failure cf _the Owner to make any tests of Materials shall he in no way relieve the Contractor of his resgonsililitl* of furnishing materials and equipment fully c6nfori4i4ng to thEe requ-irements of the Contract Documents. Tests and sampling of materials, unless oth6rwise specified, will be mtade in accordance with the latest Tiethods preserfbed by the American Society foie Testing-3 teri.ald or specific rf gquirements of the Owner. fihe Cohtractor shall provide such facilities as the Engineer may require for collecting and forwarding samples amd shall not, withollt specific written permission of the Engineer, use the materials. represented by the sa-mples until testa h4va been merle and the materials approved for use. The Contractor will burnish a6quate Bampies without charge to the p ane'r. in case of concrete,. the aggregatan, design minimum, and the mixing and tra€ssporting equipment shall be approved by the Engineer before any concrete is placed, and the Contactor stall be responsible for replacing any concrete which does not meet the requirerneats of the Contract Documents. Tests shall -be made at least 9 days p'rior to the placing of concrete, using samples from the same aggregate, celu6ht, and mortar wbicb are to be used latex in the cohcriat,e. Should the sogrce of. s<upplpr ;ah;angi p-,. new tests abali isia: mai2e prior to the use of the view maeterlaXJ'. C5-5.13 STGRAGF. OF MATERIALS: All materials which are to be used in. the construction o5eration s]hall be stored so as to insure the preserva►ti A of the quality and fitaess of the work. When directed by the Engineer, they shall be Placed on wooden platforms or otber Surd, clean curable surfaces and not on the C5-5 (6 ) ground, and shall be placed under corer when directed. Stored materials shall be placed and located so .as to facilitate prompt inspection. C5-5.14 EXISTING STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES: The location and d mensions shown on the Plans relative to existing utilities -are based an .the host informatio'6 avhiiahle'. Caiiission from, or the iaolxrsion .off utility locations on the Plans is not to be consld�red as the non4xistence of, or A definite location of, existing underground utilities. The locatien of many 9'as mains, water Finalns, conduitsl sewer lines ,and service lines for all utilities, etc., is unknown to the Owner, and the Dwner assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all such structures and utilities on the glans or to show them in their exact location. It is 6Qtnalfy agreed that such failure will not be corjsidered sufficient basis for claims for additi'onal compensation fox lgxtara #dark or for increasing the pay guantiti6d in any manner whatsoever, unless an obstructioa encountered is suet as to necessitate changes in the lines and grades of considerable magnitude or requires the building of speciaEl works, provision for which is not made its the Contract Documents, in which case the provision in these Contract Documents for Extra Work shall apply. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to verify locations of adjacent and/or conflicting utilities sufficiently in ad vartce of construction in order that he may negotiate such Kcal adjustments as necessary in the conntruction process to pr6vida adequite clearances. The Contractaic s-h-a�11 take all necessary precautions iri order to protect all existing utilities, structures and service lines. 'Verification of existing ut-ilities, structures and service lines shall ingl ude notification pf all Utility companies at least forty night (48) hoofs in advance of construction including exploratory e cavat.ioO if necessary. All verification of existing utilities and their adjustment shall be consid-ered as subsidiary work. C5-5.15 INTEARUPTIDN OP MRVIC'_E= a. Normal Prosecutions in the normal prose tuion of work where the interruption of service ie necessary, the Contractor, at least 24 hours in advance, shall be required to: 1. Notify the Water Department's Distribution Division as to location, time, and schedule of service interruption. 5 --5 (7 ) 2, Notify each r_�ust.o.raer personally through responsible personnel as to time and schedule of the interruption of their service, or 3. in the, event that- personal notification of a Customer cannot be made, a prepared tag form sha-11, be attached to the c►istomer' >i en'tranCe door knob. The tag shall be durable in co��s C a-hd in -lar9p.. bol.d:.._typLe_ shall says °' NOTICE" nab to Utility Improvement in. ygpF neighbbrhood, your (water) (sewer) service will be inter- rupted 0ri between the hours o an This inconvenience will be as short as.possible. Thank you,, Contractor )AH ess Phone b_ CmeTgency: in the event Ehat an unfoareseea service Interruption occurs, notice shall be as above,but immediate. C5-5.16 , MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY Off' - CONTRACTORS: if, through acts or a gl.ect on the part of the Cantra.ctor, any other Contt-actor or any sub-contr'actor small. suffer lass br daMag on the work, the Cont7ractor agrees to aettle with such other Contractor or sub -contractor by agreement or arbitration. If such other Contractors or sub -contractor shall assert any dlaim against the owner on account of any damage alleged to have been sustained, the owner will notify thp- Contractor, who shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against anY such claim. C.5'-5.1-7 -CLEAN II : ' Clean --up of surplus and/or waste materials accumulated on the job site during the prosecation of the work, under these Contract Documents shall be accomplished in eeping with a daily routine established to the the satisrac,tion of the Engineer. Twenty -fours fours after written notice is given to the Contrar~tor that the clean --up of the job site is proceeding In a manner unsatisfactory to the Engineer, if the- Contractor fails to correct the C5_5 (8) ansati-5factory procedure, the City may take such direct action as the Engineer deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice, and the costs of such direct action, plus 25% of such costs, shall be deducted from monies due or to became due to the Contractor. Upon the completion of the project as a whole as covered by these Contract Documents, and before final acceptance and final payment will be made, the Contractor shall clean and remove from the site of the project all surplus and discarded materials, temporary structures, and debris of every kind. Re shall leave the site of all work in a neat and, orderly condition equal to that which originally existed. Surplus and r a!3te materials removed from the site of the work shall be disposed of at locations satisfactory to the Engineer. The Contractor shall tharpaghLy clean Oil equipment and materials installed by him and shall deliver over such materials and equipment in a bright; clears, polished and n8w appearing condition. No extra compensation will be made to the contractor for any clean-up required on the project. CS--5.18 FIVAEt INSPECTIM Whenever the work provided for ih and cofttemplate un er the Contract Documents has been satisfactorily completed and final cleanup performed, the 3ngineer will notify the groper offizial.s of the owner and request that th6 Final inspection be made. Such inspectidn will be made within 1D days after such notification. After such final inspection, if the work aftd materials aLnd equipment are found satisfactory, the Contractor will be notified in writing of the acceptance of the same after thb proper resolution has been passed by the City Council. No tilde charge will he made against the Contractor between said date of notification of the Engineer and the date of final inspection of the w.ork. C5_5 (9 ) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C6-6 LEGAL RELATIONS AND PllBLYC RESPONSIBILITY SECTION. C6-6- -LEG-AL RELATIONS &ND PUBLIC xES,PONISILITY C --G.1 -LAWS TO BE OBSERVED:- The Contractor shall at alb. times o serve .and comply with -alb. Federal and State Taws and City ordinances and regulations which in any Bray affect the conduct of the work or hi-s ,operations, and shall observe and comply with all orders, laws, ordinances and regulations which exist or which may be eziacted later bg bodies having jurisdiction or aiAbority for such enactment. No plea of misunderstanding or ignorance thereof will be cong dared. The Contractor and his Sureties shall indemnify and save harmless the City and all of its officers, agents, -aftd employees against any and ail clatims or liability arising trvm or based on the violation of any sur-h law, ordinance, regulation, or order{ whether it be by himself br his employees. C-6-6.2 PERMITS AND LICENSES: The Cantractor shall procure all permits and licenses', pay all charges, costs and fees, and give .all, notices necessaty and incident tip -the due and lawful prosecution of the work. C6-6.3 PATENTED] DEVICES MATERIALS AND PROCESSES: if the Contractor is required or desires to use any design, device, material,,ar process covered by letter, patent, or copyright, he -'shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner of such patent, letter, or copytighted design. It is mutually agreed and understood that without exception the contract prices shall include all royalties or cost arising fkain patents, trade --marks, and copy rights in any 1v�Ly involved in the work. The Contractor and his sureties sha11 indemnify and sav6 harmless the Owner Erom any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented design, device# material or process, or any traLde-mark or copy right in connection with the work agreed to be performed under these Contract Documents, and shall indemnify the Owner for any cost, expense, or damage which. it way. be obliged to pay by reason of such infringement at any time during the prosecution of the work or after completion of the Work; provided, however, than the owner will assume the resiabn'sibilit to def-end any and all suits brought for the infringemant of any patent claimed to be infringed capon by the design, type of construction or material, or equilpme-nt -specified -in the Contract Documents furnished the Contractor by the owner, and to held the Contractor h m1Qss on account of such suits. 6_6 (1) C'6--5.4 SANITARY PROVISIONS-. The Contractor shall establish and enforce among his employees such regulations in regard to cleanliness and disposal of garbage and waste as will tend to prevent the inception and spread of 'infections or contagious diseases and to effectively_ prevent the creation of a nuitawci� about the work on airy property .either_p4bl i-c. or privat ; 'and such regulations as are required by' Law shall be put into imrmeddate� force and effect by the Contract°dry. The _necessary sandtary v-u-aveni�ences for use of labordrs on the work, properly secluded from public observation,. shall be cons,tructed and maintained by the Contractor and their use shall be strictly enforced t�y the Contractor. All such f:aoilities shall be °kept iix a clean and sanitary conditian, iree from objectionable odors so as not to cgxuse a 'nuisance. All sanitary laws and. requ-lations of the State of Tekas and the City shall be strictly c�oraplied with, CG-5.5 PUBLIC SAFEfg AND COI+WiNIE E; materials or eguiP"nt stored about the work shall be sa placed and uBed, and the work shall at all tires be so cand-ucted, as to cause no greater obstruction or inconvenien6e to the public than is cons-idered to be absalutel.y necessary by the Engineer. The contractor is required to maintain at all times all phases of his work in such a manner as not to impair the safety or oonvanience- of the public,. including, but nod. 1imi� -q4 to, safe and convenient ingres-s and O<Jre�ss to. proper+y contigubus to the work area. The Contractor shall make adequate provisions to 'render reasonable ingress and egress for normal vehicular traffic, except during actual trenching or pipe installation operations, at all driveway crosai.,n9s. such provisions mad► inciud6 brid4ing, placement of. crushed stone or gravel or birch other means of providing proper ingress and egress for the property served by .the driveway as the Engineer may approve as appropriate. Such ether means miy include the diversion of driveway traffic, with .specific approval by the Engineer. If diversion of traffic is approved by the Enginabr at any location$ the Contractor shall �nai�e arrang'ements Bati zf-datary to the Zogineer at any location, th.e Contractor shall -make arrangements satisfactoxy to the Engineer for the diversion of traffic, and shall, at his nwa expense, provide all materials and perform all work n-eccasary for the construction and maintenaque of roadways and bridges for such diversion of traffi&. 8i&walks mu-st sot be obstructed except by spacial permission of the Engineer. The materials excavated and the construction materials such as pipe us6d in the construction of the work shall be placed so as not to endknger tine work or prevent free access to all fire hydrants, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, water valves, CG--fi (2 ) gas valves, or manholes in the vicinity. The Owner reservc-s the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor as regards to puhlic Convenience and safety which may come to its attention, after twenty-four hours notice .in writing to the Contractor, save in cases of emergency when it sh.ail have the right to remedy any neglgct without n' oticL-, and in either case, the cast of such wo'rk done or materials furnished by the owner or by the City shill be deducted from monies due or to become clue to the Contractor. The Contractor ,. after approval of the Eh' i r�ee�e x shall notify the Fire D partment Headquarters# 'Traffic �n91he' er, and Police Department, when any street or alley is requested to be closed or cbstruoted or any flare hydrant is tc he made inaccessible-, anc , when so directed by the Enginb6r, shall keep any !�tree-t, streets, or Highways in condition for unobstructed nse by farce apparatus . The Contractor shall promptly notify the Fire Department Headquarters when all such obs.truoted str-ESets, alleys, or hydrants are again placed bade in service. Where the Contractor is ieguir6d to construct temporary Midges or make other arrangeme5t8 for crossing over ditclzes or streams, his responsibility for accidents in connection with such crossings shall include the roadway approaches as weld, as the structures of such crossings. The Contractors shall- at all times conduct his oper'tibn and the use of construction machinery so as not to dama-ge or destroy gees and shrubs located in al.ose pro i-mit to,or on the site of thu work. Wherever any such damage may be clone, t'he dontractor shall immediately BA-°is€y all claims of property ownexs, and no payment will be made by the Ovrner in setti-ement o£ such clAims. The Contractor shall file with the Engineer a written statement sho.wirij all such claims adjusted. C6-6.6 PRIVILEGES OF CONT ACTOR IN a►l'REBTS ALLRYS AND 'RIGHT -OF -WRY: For Ehe pes orm4nce d.t the cantract, the Caritractor will he petmitted to use and occupy such portions of the public 6treets and alleys, or ether public p1ac'es or other rightt.-of-way as provided for in the ordinaaees of the City, as shove in the Contract 1)ocuments, or as may be specifically authorized in writing by the Engineer. A >veasonaable amount of t'abls, materials, aAd equipment for construction purposes may be stored in sueh space, but no mare than is necessary to avoid delay in the construction operations. Excavated and waste materials shall be piled or stacked in apah a way .as not to interfere with the use of spaces that may be designated to be left free and unobstructed and so as not to inconvenience occupants of adjacent groperty. Ti the street is occupied by railway tracks, the work shall be C6--5 {3 } carried on in such manner as not to interfere with the operations of trains, lcaling or unloading of cars, etc. Other contractors of the Owner may, for ail purPOses required by the contract, enter upon the work and premises used by the Cantraotor and shall be proVidad .all rEasanabl.e facilities and -ass istgnce ,for the completion gf adj.oining wo7k. Any addi.ti€ nkl grounds desired by the Cobtractor for his u" shall be provided by him at his own ,cast and expense_ C6-6.7-RAwTFjWAY MaSSINGSi When the work encroaches upon any rig t- -way Ot any railway, Lhe City will secure the n e..cessairy easement forthe work. where the ara�i l day t�.acks are to be crossed, the contractor shall obgera all the regulations and instructions of the tailway cofnpany as to the methods of performing tbe. work and take: all precautions for .safety- of property and the public. Negotiations with the railway Qompanies for permits shall he done by and through the City. The contractor shall give the City notice not less than five days prior to the time of his intentions to begin work 6n that portion of the project Which is.related to the .raiIway p�rogerties. The ontaractar w.il'1 not be given extra Or additignal cumpensa�tion for such �railw-ay crossings bnl.ess specii:ically set forth in the Cgntract Documents. C6-6 . B BARRICADES P WARS .IN S AIRD WATCHMEN: Where the work is c'Arrxe on in or a scent to any street, alley, or public place-, the Contractor shall at his own expen'sa fura,ish, erect, and ina-intain such Barriaad.es., fences, lights and dangersfg€�als, shall provide such watchmen, and .6sall tape all such other gr'ecautionary measurer. far the protection of persons or property and of the work as are necessar.y. Barricades and fri s shall be painted In. ak color that Y. visible at night'. From sup.. t to uprise the contra tar shall furnish and maintain at least one- easily visible burning light at each barricade. A sufficient aamberr ofbarricades shall be .oreated and maintained to beep g.edestriang away f rOm, and- vehicles from being driven an or into, any 'work under onstrilction or being maintained. The Oont.ractor shall furnish wa.tchiaen and keep them at their respective _ aauignments in S91-ficient numbers to protect the work and prevent accident or damage. all installations and pxocedurea shall be consistent with the prov-ia-16As ae-t forth in the 9191� 8 Texas Manual' oa Uniform Traffic Control Devices fOr Streets and Righwa O issued i3nder the aathority of the "Stage of. Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways", codified as Article 6701d Ve3ron's Civil St�,,tates,' pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27, 290 30 and 3-1. C6-6 (4) The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, inst-ructional sign, street name sign, or other sign which has been erected by the City, It it is determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction, the Contractor shall contact the Transportation and Public Works department, Signs and Markings Division (phone Number 8780-8075), to remove the sign. in the case of regixlatory signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a teruporarry sign meeting the re,quir8meats of the above referenced manual and such temporary sign mast be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign. if the temporary sign is not installed correctly or if it does. not. meet the required specifications, the permanent sign shall be left in place until the temporary sign requirements are an t. When construction work is completed to L-he extent that the permanent sign cats be re -installed, the Contractor shall again contact the 5igna and Markings Division to re -install the permanent sign and sha-11 leave his temporary sign in place until such re -installation is completed. The contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work or the public due to failure of barricades, signs, fences, lights, or watchmen to protect them. Whenever evidence is found cif such damage to the: iFork the Ehgineer may order the daynaged portiah immediately remo#ed and replaced by the Contractor at the ontraotb.r's own expense. The C6ntractor's responsibility for the mairitenan.pe of barricades, signs, fences and lights, and for providing watchmen shall not ceaae until the project shall have been completed and accepted by the owner. o compensation, except. A8 specifioally provided in these Contract Documents, will be paid to the Contractor for, the work and materials involved in the constructing, providing, and maintaining of barricades, signs, ft--rxces; and lights Ox for salaries of watchmen, for 'the subsequent removal and disposal of such barricades, signn, or for any ether -incidentals necessary for the proper protection; safety, and convenience of the public curing the ccntr4.ct poriod, as this work is considered to be subsidiary to . the several items for which unit or lump sum prices are requested in the Proposal.. .C6--6.9 USE OF EXPLOSIVES,..CROP WEI HT, ETC.; Should the Contractor elect to use explosivesr drop weight, etc., in the prosecution of the work, the utmost care shall be exercised at all times so as not to a,tdanger life or prcperty . The Contractor -shall notify the proper representative of any public service corporation, any company, individual, or utility, and the Owner, not less than twenty --four hoarg in C6.-6 (5 ) advance of the use of any activity which might damage or endanger their or hia property along or adjacent to the stork. Where the use of e:cplasives is to be permitted on the project, as specified in the Special Contract boouments, or the use of ekplosives,Js requested, the Contractor 5ball submit notice to the 'Engineer in vritirig twenty-four hours prior to commencing and shall furnish evid6nce that he has insurance coverage to pro.tect'--againsFt 'any d-amages aad or injuries arinI6g out of such use D' V exploaiveis . A1.1 claims arising out of the use of explo.sives. shall be iavestigated and a wrritt�tn report made by the Contractor's ins.ureri to the Engineer within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of the claim to the ContraQtor from either the City or the claimant. The City shall proceed to give notice to the Contractor of any such claim. The use of explosives may be suspended by the Engineer if any complaint is received and such use shall not be resumed until the cause of the complaint has been addressed. Whenav8r explosives are stored or k pt, they shall be stored in a safe and becure wanner -and all, storage places shall be plainly, ma kked "I ANGtROUS EXPLOSIVES" and shall be under the care of a coma etent watchman at all. times. All vehicles in which exgiosi xves arm being transported shall be plainly marked as mentiohad above apd shall, insofar as passible, not us-0 heavy trrar.f is rbutes . C6-6.10 WOR3 WITEIN BASEMB11TS: Where the work passes over, thraugh, or into private property, the owner will prcavide such right-of-way or easement privileg-as as the City may deem necessary for the prosecution of -the work3 , Any additional rights -of -*gay or wort area, cansidered necessary by the contirakctor shall be provided by him at his own expenze. Slach additional rights -of -way or Mork area shall be acquired far the benefit of th,e City. The City shall be notified in wxitinq ae to the rights so acquuired bs€are worts begins in the affected area. The Contractor shall not enter upon prlirate property for any purpose without having previously obtained peim3s,sion from the owner of such property. The ontractor will net be allowed to store equipment or material on private property. :unleas and until the specified 'approval of the propeerty, owneer, Naz, been secured in writing by the Contractor and a copy furnished to the Engin6er. Unle-ss specifically provided otherwisie, the Contractor shall clear all r�ghts-of-way or easements .of obstructions which must b-e removed to make possible proper prosecution of the work as a part of_ the project construction operations. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of and shall use C6-f (6) every precaution to prevent damage to all trees, shrubbery, pla�xts, lawsts, fences, culverts, curbing, a-nd all other types of structures or improvexxents, to all 'water, sewer, and gas lines, to all condnitz, oVerhead pole lines, or aPPur-tenarxces thereof, including the constEuction of temporary fences, and. to all other public or private prapsrtY along adjacent to Lhe work - The Contractor shall notify the proper reprekent,atives of owners or, occupants of pub�lic.or private ,lands or interest in lands whicb might }be affected by the work_ ' lIch notice sba,ll be made at lest 4,8 hours in advance of the beginning of the work. Notices shall be applicable to both public and privat& Utility cornL5anies yr any corporation, companyi indiv!Iual; ar other, either as owners or occupants, whose landor Lnterest in land might affected by the work- The Contractor shall be responsible for all 'damage or injury to property of any character resulting from any act, omission# neglect,. or mis-conauct in the zsanner or method or execution of the Vark, or at any tiiae due to def.eative work, matexial, or equipment_ When and where any dizie,ct bT indirect or injury is done to public or private property an account of any act, oMission, neglect, or misconduct in the execxztiOn Of the Vork, or in consequence of the thereof on the pant df the Contractor, he thall restore or have restored at his own cost .and expense such property to a condition at least equal tu. that existing before such damage or ;�o�ury was done, by repairing, rebuilding, or otherwise art lacing and restoring as may be directed by the Owner, or he shall make good such damages .or injury in a. manner acceptable to the o*ner of the property and the Engineer_ All fences encountered and removed during constaructiob pf this project shall be r(�!st,ored to the original .ak a better than orrigina1 condition upon Completion of this project. When wire fineing, eith6r wire mesh Pr ba-rbed wire 1s to be crossed, the Contractor shah. set cross braced posts on either side. of permanent easemeant before the fence is cut_ Should additional fence' cuts be accessary, the ntaraictcr shall prbvide truss braced pasts at point of the proposed cut in Addition to the cross: bicaced posts provided at the permanent easements limits, before the fence is cut. Ternporaxy fencing shall ba erected in palace of the fencing reMoved rrhen6ver the work- is not in progress and when the site is vacated overnight, and or at all times to prevent livestamcic from entering the constr-uctlon area- The cost for fence removal, tamgorary closures and replacemnrst shall be subsidiary to the various items bid in the project 6`G (7J proposal_ Therefore, no separate payment -Sbalx be all -awed f0c any service asspciated with this work- in cas4i of failure on the part of the Ootntrattor to ,rector such property to. -make good such damage or *n-uryr thel:L Owner ma►yr upon 48 /hour" written notice undie-c ordinary circmftstances, and without notice when a nuisance or hazardous condition results,,. proceed to repair, rebuild, ar otherwise restore such property as utay. be determined by the Owner kQ be necessary, and the cc)�st thereby will be d'educLed from anY moriies due or to become clue to the Ooh ractor nad-- r this Contract. C6-6.11 'XNDRPENDENT -C UTRACTEM: J:t is understood: and agreecl by the parties hereto that Con -tractor shall perform all work and services hereunder a-s an independent contractor, and not as an officer, agent, servant or employee Of the Owner - Contractor shah. have exclusive contx'ol of and the "c-lusxve right to corx�trol the details o-f ail the �tozk and services Performed hereon -dreg, and a.11 persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible fot the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, servants employees, contxactpxs, subcontructct:s, licensees -and iaviteer'. The d6atxine of respondeat superior sli.elx ndt aPplyr as beLwe.en Dwyer arkd. contractor f its officers, agdots, employees, coatractoxs aoci subcontractors, and nothing heke-in shall be cnnst'rue.d -as creating a partne'rship or joi'rit enLerpzrise between owner "a Contractor. C"-12 OI TI m' RT� IBILr y FOR DAMAGE ,A are yr covenants and agrees to and dohs hereby indemnify, bald harmless and defend, at itr own expense;, Owner, its ofhc ev agents, ser'venrs and tanployecs, from and -against any and aH clairns or suits for property Iass or damage and/or pms*naI injury, in' duding &-at to any and ail persons, of } gme:vtr kind o; character. whether real or sated, as sing out of or in connecfi6n with, direedY or indirectly, the wodl -and services to be peirformed hcr=Mcr by Coraractor. its of ccrs, agcrktsr ern xoy►ccS. SubconthiGEOM. hccn� or iJJVita;s, whether or not _mused, in whole or in _ 12art,--by the afted negligence of the office' . agent ScrV . ahts, ehi b ees ontracrs, ubeont�ractor , licensees and invitees of the' a , and said ors., dots hereby cavcitanl and agrm.fe assume all tiabifity add rrsponsibility of City, its otficen. a cnLs, servants and "loyees for arty and all daints or suits for property lass ordamnge and/or p=oM injury, tndudriing death. two any and all Persons, of wbaisoever kind or charactdr, whrcher real or smor td, arising out of -or in connection with; dircWy or indi=rly, the work and sarviixs to be performed berox ar by ontracW, its of#iiets, agents, mployces, subcontractors, liceosccs or invitees, whether or not tatjSed, in whole or in ar bthe allgge=d �.eg'�ienee ��`- kl� of��er, ants. exva�xt, enx��o�e., C6-6 (8) contractors subcontractors, Been -gees and invitees- of tk!� _ Contractor lzkcwi�c covenants and agm= to, and dots. hereby, indemnify and hold harmless City from and against any and ail irt�udes, damage, loss or dtstrucfi on to property of City du ig the pczforrmancc of- any of the terms and c<iditions of this Corntmct: whether arising out of or in connection with or resulting From., in. whole or -in pA rl, any and all alleged acts or amMis ox� officers., agents, servants, emplo ee-S, contractors.., nbcoRtractoars, ficert_ ecS, j�j jet e-s of Owner. T In the went a written claim for damages against the centravor or its subcontractors reziiains unpettled at the time all woric an tlnc proJcct has been cornpleted_to the s*atisfacdoa of the, Dircctur of the Warr DgmAment, as evidrrrccct by �x fi(ial in ecttion, hrral payment to thr. Contractor slam] aoz be r=rnmcnded to lhe, Director of the Watty Department for a period of30 days after the; date of such FEnel inspection, unless the Contractor shall submit written evidence satisfactory to the Dimclor that the claim has been settled and a release has becn ohtai ned frorn the claimant involved, If thq. claims coirctr and cc mains u seeded as of tile: expiration cf [he move 3O-day period, the Contractor` may bo &coned to be entitled CO a semi. -lanai payFrnent for want complet such semi-final payrAeni to be in the 4mount "ual to the total doxlar amount then due- lets the dnllax vakur- of nny written claims pending against the Contractor rrnsang out of perforrnanca of -such work. and Bach semHinsl payment may then be rccoromended Cry the - Director., The Dincci6r- shall not rcowunend irmal payment tO 'a Contractor against whoor such a: claim for damc is outstanding fat a period of six months following the elate of the acceptance. of the ► ork p�xformed' unless the oittmctor sub its evidence in writing saLis€faaory tot he Director than 1. The claim has beep settled and a release has been obtaiucd from the cla.iman! involvcd, or 2- Goad raith efforts havc bcr-n made to settle such outstanding claims, and such good faith efforts have failed_ if condition (1) above is met at any time witWn the six month period, tlae l ire tar s ial! xcr_arnmcnd that ft final payMr-ntto the C00tractor be rnaclt_ if condition (2) abovc is met: at any tiTur, within the six rrxonth period, the Director inay rccommcnd that final payrn t to the Contractor be made_ At - the exptxadon of like six e nanth period, the Ditcctor may CG—G 19; rcoD mncad that finM payment be m-Alc if aU oth r woik has bt= performed and, all other obligations of the Crtoniractor have been user to the satin k ion of the Dircctoc The Di=ter may, if he der= it 'apprapniatc, refuse to accrpt bids on otktex Watcr egaitmcnt Contraci work from n Conrracwr against whom a daiLm for damaf rs is oumtmWing as a 5csul t of work perfbn=d wider a City { :oreLm(_ (revision l (e: Apn,1 15, 1999) CG-6.13 t ONTRACXOR' CrATA FOR DAMAGES:: Should, the vntractor Z iaim compensation for any alleged damage by reason of the acts or omissions of the owner, he shall within three days after the actual snstainlftg of such alleged _da,trage, uLake a wr:ittep statement to the Ragi a -ear, setting) out in detail e natare of the alleged dawage, and "on or 'before tbe_ 25th day of the month succeeding that:. in which- aay such damage is claimed to have been sdstained, the Contractor sball file with _the Engineer an itemized statement of the details and amount of sucks alleged da-mage and, trpoa request, shal.l give the Engineer access to all, books of account, receipts, vouche'rs, bills of lading, and ogler books or papers containing any evidence as to the. amount of such alleged damaqii. Uixless such statements shall be filed as hereioabover req-uiredr the 0ontra6tor's claim fox compensation sfia11 be waived, arnd he shall not be' entitled to pa nt on a.ccovnt of sgch damarges.- C6,6 _ 14 ADJUSTMENT QR RELOCATION OF PU13LIC UTILITIES, LTC -: 'incase it is necessary to change, w0vev or alter in any manner the property of a public utility or others, the said PrOperty shall not be moored or interfered with until orders thereupon have been issued by the Engineer_ The right is reserved to the owners of public utilities to enter the geographical l,imi s of the Contract for the -'purpose of makin+j such changes or repairs to their property that may be necessary by the performarnce of this Contract_ Cb,6_l5 TEMPORARY SEWER AND DRAIN CGNNEC210NSt When existing sewer lines have to be taken up or removed, the contractor - shall, at his own expense acid cost, provide and maintain te&nporary outlets and c0anectians for all private or public drains and hewers_ The Contractor small also take care of all sewac3f� and drainaqi_- which will be received from these dra'iris and ,sewers, and for this purpexs� he shall: pro�ride and mainta-in, at his own cost and expense, adequate pumping facilit%e-s a,'nd temporary outlet-S or diversions, The Contractor, at his own cast and expense, shall constract such tranghs, pipes, or other- structures necessary, and be pnepaared at all times to dispose of dr-aipage and sewage C6-6 (10 ) received fram tthese temporary connectioas until such times as the permanent connections are built and are in service. The existing sewers and conneQtions shall be k pt in service and maLn-tained under the Contract, except when specified or ordered to lie abandoned by the Engineer. All water, sewz�cje, and other waste shall be disposed of in a satif;:Nctory manner so that no nuisance is created and so that the work under onstrl.uctica will be adequately protected. C6-6.15 ARRANGEMENT AND CHARGES FOR WATER F€ RNIS'NED BY THE CITY: When the pattactor desires to us-e City water in connection{ with any c'on:attuction work, he shall make complete and satisfactory alrangements with the Fort Worth City Water Department for so doing, City water furnished to the Contractor shall be delivered to the Contractor from a connection on an existing city mains. All pipings required beyond the point of delivery shall be installed by the Contractor at his own expense. The Contractor's responsibility in the use of all existing fire hydrant aad/oc valves is detailed in Section E2-1.2 USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND VALVES in these General. Contract Document$4 When meters are used to measure the water, the charges, if any, for water will be at the regular established rates. when matera are not used, the charges, if any, will be as prescribed by the City Ordinance, or where no ordinance applies{ payment shall he made on estimates and rates eshabiis.had by the Director of the Fort Worth water Departmeint. C6-6.17 USE OF A SECTION OR PORTION OF THE i+p'ORK2 Whenever, in the op rniotn of the Engineer, any sect on or portion of the work or any structure is in suitable condition, it may be put into use_upon the written order of the Engineer, and such usage :Shall not be held to be in any way an acceptance of said warp or structure or any part thereof oX as a waiver of any of the provisions of -these Contract Documents. Ail necessary repairs and removals of any section of the mark so Out into use, clue to defective materials or workmanship, equipment, or to deficient operations on the part of the Contractor, small be perfarrhed by the Contractor at his own expense. C6-6.10 CONTRACTOR'S RESPQNSIBUITY FOR THE WORK: Until wr tten acceptance by the Ownet as provided for in these Contract Documept,s, the work shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall tAke emery necessary precaution to prevent injury or damage to the work or any past C6-6 (11) thereof by action of the elements or from any cause whatsoever, whether arising from the execution yr nonexecution of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore, apd make goad at his own expense all injuries or damage to coy portion of the work occasioned by any of the hereinabove pauses. C6-6.19 NO WAIVER OF LEGAL RIGHTSi Inspection by the Englneer or any erzder by -.the Owner by payment of mapey or any payment f-or .err a�s.egtajL:� a or any work, or . any. extension o time., or any possession taken by the City shall not operate as a waiver of any provision of the Contract Docgments. Any waiver of any breach or Contract shall not be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. The owner reserves the righh to correct any error that may be discovered in any estimate that may havt been paid and to ad just the same: to meet the requirements of Lhe Contract Documents. 6-6. 0 PERI�bMAL IIA21LITY OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS: In cayr .ing o-ut the psrov sions of these Contract Doctxraents or in ex'ereising any power of authority granted thereunder, there shall be no liahility upon the authorized representatives of the Owner, either personallyor otherwise as they are agents and representatives of the City, SALES TAX: on a contract awarded by the City of Fort north, an organ zation which qualifier. for exe-mption pursuant the provisions of Article 20.04 (a) of thy. Texas Limited Sales, excise, and Use Tax Act, the Contractor may purchase, rent or lease ai1 materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the performance of this contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate irs lieu of the tax, said exemption certif irate to comply with State Comptroller's Ruling .DD7. Any such exemption certificate issued by the Coutractdr in lieu of the tax shall be. subject to and shall comply with the provisions of State ComptrcLl.er*s Ruling .011, 4nd any other applicable state Comptroller rulings pertaining to th'a Texas Limited sales, Excise, and Use Tax Act. On a contract awarded by a dove -loner for the construction of a publicly -owned improvement in a street right-of-way or other easement which has been dedicated to the public and the City of Fort Worthr an organisations vrhieh qualifies for exemptions pursuant -to the provisions of Article 20.04 (H) of the Texas limited sales, 'Excise, and Use 'fax Act, the Contractor can probably ha exempt�ad in the same rnAnner stated above. C5-5 (12) Limited Sale, Excise and Use Tak permits and information can be obtained from, Comptroller of Public ]accounts Sale Iax RiVision Capitol. Station Austin, TX- C6-6 (13 ) PART O - GENERAL CONDITIONS 7-7 PROSEGUTIOU AND PROGRESS stCTlON C7-7 PROSECLJ' RYN AND P OGRESS C7-7.1SUBLETTING: The Contractor shall perform with his'own organization, and with the assistana of workman under his Immediate superifttendan�_,e, wank of a value of not less than ii. ty ( 50%) percent of the value embraced in the contract. If the Contractor sublets aay part of the work to he done under these Contract Documents, he will not under any circumstances be reifevad of the responsibility and obligatioa assumed under these Contract Documents, All transactions of tiie.Engineer will be with the Contractor. Subcontractors will be considered only in the capacity of employees or workmen' of the Contractor and shall be subjeot td the same re uirem-e'nts as to character and competency. The Owner will not recognize any subcontractor on the work. The Coritr,actor shall at all times, when the work is in operation, be represented either in person or by a superintendent or other deBignated representatives. C7-7.2 ASSIGUMENT OF CON` RACT; The Contractor shall not assign, transfer, su et, convey, or otherwise dispose of the contract or his Frights, title, or interest in or .to the same or any pant thereof without the prev�tous consent of the owner ,-xpressAd by resolution of the City Counull and concurred in by the .Sureties. If the Contractor does, without such previous consent, assLgn, transfer, sublet, convey, Or otherwise dispose of the contract or his right, title, or interest therein or any part theraof, to any person or persona, partnership, company, firm, orp corporation, or does by bankruptcy, voluntary or involuntary, or by assigninaut ander the insolvency laws of any estate, attempt to dispose of the contract may, at the option of the owner bo revoked and annulled, unless the Sureties shall successfully complete said contract, and in the event of any �uah- revocation or annulment, any monies due or to become roue under or by vir.tu6 of said contract shall be retained.by the O�Me_r yes Iiquidated damages for the ,reason that it would be imp ra_cticable and extremely difficult to fir the actual damages. 7--7.3 PROSE UTXON OF THE WORD: prier -to beginning any constructiit o an operan, the Contractors shall submit to the Engineer in five or more gopiea, if regaestea by the Engineer, a progresp schedule preferably in chart or diagram form, or a brief outlining in detail and step by step the manner of C7-7 %1) prosecuting the work and ordering materials and equipment which he expects to follow in order to complete the project In the scheduled time. There shall also be submitted a table of estimated amounts to be earned by the Contractor during each monthly estLmate period. The Contractor shall commence the work to be performed under this contract within th6 time limit stated in these Contract Documents and shall conduct. the _work in a cvatiduous , manner and with f i lent equigxant, materials, aiid- iab6r as is necessary to insure its idomoietlon within the time limit. The .sequence re -quested of all construction operations shall be at all times a-s specified in-, tine . Special Contract Monuments. Any deviation from scuh sequen6ing shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. Contractor shall not proceed with any deviation until he has received written approval from _the 'Engineer. Such specification or approval. by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from the full responsibility of the complete performance of the Contrast. The contract time may be changed only as set forth in Section C7-7.8 RExtension of Time of Camp1btionw of this Agreement, and a grog res$ schedule shall not constitute a change is the contract time. C7-4-. d LTMITATIONS. OF OPERATIONS: The working operattidns e .ill at all times a aoadu ted bg the antractot so as to create.a minimum amount of inconvenience to the public. At any time when, in the- judgment of the Engineer, the Contractor has obstructed or closed or is carryiftg on operations in a potetion of a stre6t or 013blic way gireateie than is necessary for the proper exoeutian of the work, the Ungineer may require the Contractor to finish the section on which operations are in progress before the works is commenced an ar`y add.itional section or street. C7-7.5 CUARACTER OF WORKMEN AND WUIPMENT. 'Local labor shall e used by the Contractor ig available. The Coatractor may bring 1.n from outside the 'City of, Fort Worth his key men and bis superintendent. All other workmen# fricludidg equipment operators; may be imported only after the local supply is exhaustea. The Contractor shall employ onllr such sup,,_t-irnteadents,g foremen, and workmen who are careful, competent, and fully qualified to perform the _ duti.es or task$ assigned to them, and the Engineer may demand and secure the summary dismissal of ahy person or persons employed by the Contractor in or about or on the work wbo, irs the opinion of the Owner, shall mia.condu.et himself or be found to be incompetent, disrespectful, intemperate, dishonest, or C7--7 (2) otherwise objeatianaSle or neglectful in the proper performance of his or their duties, or who neglects or refuses to comply with or carry ant the directions of the Owner, and such person or persons shall not be employed again thereon w-ithout written consent of the Engineer. All workmen shall have sufficient skill, ability., and experience to properly perform the warm assigned to them and cp6rate any equipment necessary to properly carry out the performance of the atsigned dutios. The Conti a6tor shall furnish and maintain on the work all such equipment as is considere'6- to be neaessary fair prosecution of the work in an acceptable wanner and at a satisfactory rate of progress. All equipment, tools, and machinery used four handling materials and executing any pa.rt of the work shall be subject to the approval of the Bngineer and nhall be mainta.i-sped in a satisfactory, safe and efficient working condition. Equipiftut on any portion of the work shall be such that no injury to the work, workmen or adjacent property will result from its use. C7-7.6 WORK SCHEDULE: Elapsed working days shall be computed starting with the first dal* of work completed as defined in C1--1. 23 "WORKING DAY" or the date stipulated in the "WORK OADER'" for beginning work, whichever comes first. N-othing in these Contract Documents shall be construed as prohibiting the ConEractor ruin working on Saturday, Sunday or regal iioliaays, providing that the following requirements are ImP t a. A. request to work an a specific Saturday, Sunday of Legal Holiday must be made to the Engineer no later than the proceeding Thursday. b. Any work to be done on the project on such a spip-�cikic Saturdays Sunda-y or Legal Holiday must be, in the opinion of the Engineer, es.serntial to the tlmoly campletion of the project. The Enginice!tr'a deais�ion shall be final in response to Boom a request for .approval to work on a specific Sattirday, Sunday or Legal Holiday, and no extra compensation shall he allowed to the Contractor for any worm performed on such a specific Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday. calendar Days sha;11 be defined in C1-1.24 and the Contractor may work as he so desires. C7-7 (3) C7-7.7 TIM9 0V CoMkENCEMkNT AND OMPLETIO-N: The Contractor shall commence the. working operations within the time specified in the Contract nocuments and set forth in the Work Ordeix. Failure to do so shall be considered by the owrne.r as a bandonw4ant of the Contract by the Contractor and the Owner may proceed as he sees fit. The cantractdr sha11 maintaina rate of progr?ss ,such as will insare• that the whele wo'r--k- -ir11 ; be--P6r-lla-rl�ed•-ana-- b h a prein�isas cleaned op in p_cr.-ordance with the Contract Documents and within the time establisbad in such dopuments and such e extension of time as may be propjerly authori�d by the owner. C7-7.0 S TENSIOIf OP - TIME COMPLETZOV: The Contraet:or * s request r on extenslaa of time. of co�npl.cti.on shall be considere only when the request fair Auch extension �s submitted in writing to the Engirieer within a -even days fxom and after the time allege4l cause of delay shall have Occurred. Should axn extension of the time of comol.etion be iequesti�d such ribgnest will be forwarded to the City Council far approval . In adjusting the -contract time: for completion Of workw consideration will -be gi,velz to unforseeabl�e, causes bjpy n►d the cos trol of and .without the fault or nell.lge.nC4e Of the Contractor, including but- limitea to act is of the public er�em.y, � acts of the Dwnar, fire, flood, tornadoes, epidemics, g4arant,ine restrictions, strikes, freight em.b&xgoes, or de.lay4 of Bi3b-coAtractors due to ouch -caiAses. When the date of completion is fused on a calendar day bid, a request Eor extension of time because of inclement weather will not be -considered. A request for extension of time due to inability .to obtain supplies ,and materials will be considered only when a review of the. Contract-o r"s. purchase order dates and other pertinent data as requested by the Engineer indi ates that the oontractpr has wade a bonafide attempt to seaure delivery on aoKadule. This shall include offorts to obtain thia supplies and materials from alternate sources xrr, case the first scarce cannot mace delivery. if satl6fmctory execution and &ompletion of the contract should require. work and materials in greater amounts or quarrt-itie,s than those set forth in the approved COntxarct Documents, then the contract t imi a may be increased by Change Order. C7-7 . 9 DELAYS: The Contractor shall receive no .comgensa.tton for delays or hindrances to the work, except when direct acid unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or materials if C7-7 (4) any, which is to be furnished by the CitY. When such a tra compensation is claimed a writtexa statement thereof shdl,l be presented by the 0antractor to the Engineer and if by him found correct shall be approvod and referred by hirn to the. Council for f.inai approval or disapproval; and the action thereon b�'the Council Ahll be final and binding. if dexay is caiined by specific orders given by the Engineers to stop work, or by the performance of extra work, or by the failarc of the city to provide material or necessary instructions for carrying- bra the work, then such delay will entitle the Contactor to an equivalent extenasion of .time, his apglfeation for which shall, however, be subject to the approval of the City Council; and no such extension of tufts shall release the Cofitractor or the surety on his performance bond from all his obligations hnre.nnd8r which small remain in full farce until the discharge of the contract. C7-7.10 TIME O.F COMPLETION; The time of completion is an essential eltpmerzt of the contract. Each bidder shall indicate in the appropriat4 place on the last page of the -Proposal the number of working days cr calendar bays that he will require to fully complete this contract or the time of completion will be specified by the City in the Proposal section of the contract documents. The number cf days indicated shall be a realistic estimate of the.time, required to complete the work covered h the speclfis contract being bid upon. The amount of time so stated by the successful bidder or the City will became the time o� complation specified ifi the Contract Doourments. For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time sp-ecified in the Contract Docnments, or the increased time granted by the Owner, or as a,utomati.cally increasod by additional work or materiala Qrdered after the contract is signed, the sum per day given in the- following schedule, unless otherwise specified in other parts of the Contract Da uments, will he deducted .from monies due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffered by the Owner. AHCUNT OF CONTRACT Less than $ 5,000 i-nelusive 35.00 5,Dal to 15,000 inclusive 45.00 15,001 to $ 25, 0fto inclusive $ 53.00 5,001 to $ 50,000 inclusive 105.00 50,001 to 100,000 inclusive 1 1.54.00 100,001 to 500,000 inclusive 210.00 C7-7 (5) 500,001 to $1,000,000 inclusive $ 315.00 $1,000,001 to $2,000,000 inclusive 420.00 $ ,000, 001 and over 30.00 The parties hareto understand and agree that any harm to -the City caused by the Contractor's delay in completing tht work hereunder in thL- time specified by the Contract DocUments would be incapable or very difficult of accurate estimation, and that. the "Amount of Liquidated Damages Per Aay't,. as set but above# ift a. reasonable forecast of just camp.ensatl6n. due the CiVY for ha-m caused by any delay. C7-7.11 SUSPRNSION BY COURT ORDER: The Centraetbr _shall suspend operations. on such part or parts of the or-k ordered by any court, and will not be entitled to additional compensation by virtue of such court order, 14tither will h4 be liable to the City in the event the work is Suspended by a Court Order. Neither will the owner be liable to the Contractor by virtue of any Court Order vx action for which the Owner is not solely reapon sible. 7-7. 12 TUMPORARY SUSPENSION: The 'Dwna r shall have the right to suspend the work operation wholly* or in .part for such period or periods of time as he may seem ntdossary due to i3nsuttable weather conditions or arty other unfavg3rab.le conditions whicch in the opinion of the Dwner or Engin6er ca-u84 further prosecution of the work to be uasa-ti sfactory o.r detrimental to the interest of the project. During temporary suspension of work covered by this' bontract., for any reason, the Owner will make no extra payment for stand-by time of construction equipment and/or construction crews. It it should become necessary to suspend Vork for an indefinite peiriod, the Contractor shall store all materlals in -such manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public unnecessarily nor become da maged in any way, aqd be shall ta�,e every precaution to prevent damage *r deterioration of the Work performed; he shall pro,,rfde suitable de-ainkge 'about the work, and erect temporary strugturea where necessary. - Should the Contractor not be able to complete a portion of the project due to causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor ab set forth in Paragraph C7-7.8 EXTENSION OF THE TIME DF COMPLETION, and should It he determined by mutual consent of the Contractor and the Engineer that a solution to allow construction to proceed is not available within a reasonable period of time, then the contractor may be reimbursed for the cost of moving big equipment off the job and returning the a-ecessary equipment to the job when it is determined by the Engineer C7-7 (6) that colastructicn may be resumed. Such reimbnrsement shall be based on actual cost to the contractor of moving the equipment a ad no profit will be allowed. No reimbursement small be allowed if the equipment is moved to another constructi-on project for the City of Fort Worth. The Contractor shall not anspend work without written notice from the Engineer and shall proceed with Ehe work operations promptly when notified by the Engineer to so resume operatioail. C- 7 -7. 13 . TERMINATION TION OF CONTRACT DUE TO NATIONAL EMERGENCY: Whene,vero beeag5e of t�atif)"al mergeacy, so d +clax'ec3 b the President of the united States or other lawful Authority, it becomes impossible for the Contractor to obtain all of the necessary labor, materials, and equipment for the prosecution of the work with rea5ofiable uontinait7r for a period of two mono h.s, the Contractor ! ball within seven days notify the City in writing* giving a detailed statement of the efforts which have been made and listing all necessary items of labor, znaterials, and gquipment not obtainable. if , after investigations, the owner finds that such conditions existing and that the inability of the Contractor to proceed is nOt attributable in whole or in part to the fault or neglect of the Contract, then if the Owner cannot after reasonable effort assist the Contractor in procuring and making available the necessary labor, materials and equipment within thirty days, the Contractor may request the Owner to terminate the contract and the Owner may comply with the request, and the termination shall be conditioned and based upon a final settlement rnntually acceiitabie to both, the Owner and the Contractor and final payment shall be made in accordance with the terms of the. agreed settlement, which stall include, but not be limited to, the payment for all work executed but no anticipated profits on work which has not been PerforTted. CONTRACT: The work operahions on all or any portion or Wection of the work under Contract shall be suspended immediately an Vritten order of the Engineer or the Contract may be declared cancelled by the City Council for any good and aufficient cause. The following, by way of example, but hot of limitation, may b'e considered grounds for suspension or cancellation a. Failure of the Cont]ractot to commance work operations within the time specified in the Work Order issued by the Owner. 0-7 (7) b. 5ubstantlal evi:de-nee that progress of the work operations by Contractor is insufficient to complete the want within the specified time. c. Failure o.f the Contractor to provide and maintain sufficient labor and equipment to properly ekecute the wo�rjcfng, operations_ cI: S..ibstan,t.ia,1. ev.id.emce ,th',t the- Ca_nttactor has abandoned the work. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has become insoiVe,nt or bankrupt.■ or otherwise fihancia11Y unable to carry on tlxe work satisfactorily. f. Failure on the part of the Contractor to obsdrve any requirements of the Contract Documents or to comply with any orders give'n by the Engineer or owner provided for in these Contract Dacumants. g. Failure of the Contractor peomptly to make good city detect is materials or workmanship, or any defects of any nature the correction of which has been directed in'writing by the Engineer or the Ow-nar. h. substantial evidence of collusion fox the purpose b .illegally pr'ocuriD9 a contract or perpetrating f rAud on the City in the const.ructi*n of work undOr contzact. i. A substantial indication that the Contractor has made an uhauthorfzed adsignment of the contract or 4ny funds due therefrom for the benefit, of are creditor or -for any other ptirposei. j . If the Contractor small for any cause whatsoever not carry on the working oper4tion in an a ceptable manner. ]k. ,If the Contractor commences legal action against the bwoer. A cagy of the suspenzion oedeir Or action of thb City Council, shall be` served on the ConEractorls Sureties. When work is suspended for any cause or causes, or when the codti�act is cancellej, the Contractor shall di.scontinue the work or such part they'eof as the owner .small designate, whereupon the Sureties may, at their option, assume the contract or that portion thereof which the Owner has ordered t�-6 Contractor to discontinue, and may perform the same or may, with the written C7-7 (8) consent of the Owner, sublet the work or that portion of the nark as taken over, provided however, that the Sureties shall exercise their option, if at all, within two weeks after the written notice to discontinue the work has been served upon the Contractor and upon the Sureties or their authorized ag8nts. The Slareties, in such event shall assume the Contractor's place in .a11 responts.r and shall be paid ;by the Owner for all work performed by them in ac�co�rdancs wi. b the terms of the Contract Documents. All monies r.ernaining due they o,ztractor at the tune of this default sh-all thereupon become due and payable to the Sureties as the work progresses, subject to all of the terms of the Contract Documents. in case the Suretlree5 do not, within the hereinabove specified time, exercise their right and option to assume the contract respcusibilities, or that portion thereof which the Owner has ordered by the Contractor. to discontinue, then the Owner shall have. the power to erornpiete, by eontract or otherwise, as it rn, y determine, the work herein descri.bsd or such part thereof as It may deem necessary, and the Contractor hereto agrees that the Owner shall have the right to take- possession of and use any materials, plants, tools, equipment, suppl.ice, and property of arty kind provi.ded by .the Contractor toz the purpose of carrying on the Bork and to. procuTe ether tools, equlpmeht, materials, labor and property for the completion of the work, and to charge to the account of the Contractor of said contract expense for labor, materials, toad;%, equipment, and all expenses incidental thereto. The expense so charged shall be deducted by the owner from 'augh monies _as may be due or may beooma clue at any time theieaftgr to the Contractor under and by virtue of the Contract ax any part thereof, The Owner shall not be r8quiresd to obtain the lowecst bid for the work completing the contract, but the expertise to be deducted shall be the actual cost of the owner of such work. in case nuch expenses shall exceed the amount which would have been payable under the Contract if the same had been completed by the Contractors then the Contractor and his Sureties shall pay the amount of such excess to th-e City on notice from the Owner . of they excess due. When any particular part of the warp is being carried on by the owner by contract or otherwise under the provisions of this section, the Contractor .shall continue the remainaer of the work in conformity with the terms of the Contract Documents and in such a inaaner as to not Finder or interfere with performance of the work by the owner. C7-7.15 rULFILLMEET OF CONTRACTS The Contract will be considered as having been fulffilled, nave as provided in any hand or bonds or by law, when all the work and all sections or parts of the project covered by the Contract bocnments have C7-7 (9) been finiphgd and cdmp1eted, the final. inspection made by ripe Engine6k, and the final acceptance and final payment made b the Owner_ C:7=7«l6. " IVATICN pOR Col+MMIENCE OF THE OWNBR: A. NOTICE OF TEPWINATIpi'1: The performance .of the work un -r thia-.00nLract- may. ba. Eerminat.ed, by the Owner A -W-Kole, O.r from time to time in part, in accordar�ca with this sea -Lion, whenever the Owner shall determine that such termination 16 in the best i<riterdst of ttie Owner. Any such tetmination shal'i be effected'hy mailing a rnatice of te3rm!"tion t6 the Coiatractoi 5pecf fYing the extent to whibb : performaned of work under the contract is terminated, and the- date upon which slach terminatioh becomes of f-ective. receipt of th-e notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when the Letter .i's placed in the United States Mail 'by the Owner. Further,' it shall be dean'ed conclusively► presuriied and established -that such termination 19 made with just cause als therein stated; and no proof in any claim, damabd or suit shall be required of the owner regardiAg s-uch discretionary action. B. CONTRACTOR ACTIONt After receipt 61 a notice of term na.t-ion, arm except as otherwise directed by the Engineer, the .�ontractor shah 1. -Stop. work under the contract. on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of termination; 2, place no .further orders or sttbcont3racts for materials, sekvices or facilities: except as may be necessary f-or 1�oinpietion of such portion of the work under the contract as is riot terminated; 3. terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of wori tei inated by the notice of termiaati.cn; Q, transfer title tc the Ownf� r and deliver in the manner, A the times, and to the extent, iE any, directed by the Engineer; 7-7 (10) a. the fabricated or untabricAted parts, work in process, completed work, sugplkes and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in canneation with the performance of, the work terminated by the notice of terriinationor a.nd b. the completed, or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other property which,. if the contract had been completed, would have been required tc be furnished to the Owner. 5. compxete performance of Stier part of the work as shall not have been terminated b-y the notice of termination; and 6. take such action as may be necessa4ryp or as the Enginddr inay direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to its contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Utr, br has or may acquire the rest. At a time not t later than 30 days after the termination date specified in the notice of termination, the Contractor may submit to the Engineer a Iist, certIfied as to quantitY and quality, of any or all items Of termination inventory not previously disposId of, exclusive of items the disponition a.f which ba4 beian diroo�-ed or authorized by the Engineer: Not latex than 15 days thereafter, the owner shall accept title to such it&ms provided,' that the list submitted shall be ,pith ject to verification by the Engineer upon removal of the i teFns o r , it the items arm ator ed, within 45 days from the date of submission of the list, and any n.ecessary aAjustwOmts to correct the list as submitted, shall be made prior t6 final settlement. C . TERMZNATI ON- CLAIR s within 60 days after notice of erm not are, the Contractor athall submit his termihatioh claim to the Engineer in the form and with the certification prescribed by the Bagineer: Una -less one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Owner upon request of the Contractor, made in writing within such 60-day period or authorized extension thereof, any end all such claims shall be conclusively deemed waived. C7-7 f II) D. AMOUPTS: Subject to the provisions Qf Item the Contractor and Owner may agre-e upon the whole or any pant of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant hereto; provided, that such agreed amount or amounts shall never exceed the total contract price as reduced by tire. amou-nt of payments othei�7wi ire made and a.s lfurthe•v reduced-- by the- vontrar-t pri-cq of work not terminated, The contract shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. too amount shall be due for lost or anticipa-ted ,profits . Nothkng in C7-7^ 15 (E ) hereafter, prescribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of failure of the Contractor by reason of the termination of wort pursuant to this section, shall be de6med to limit, restrict or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractci r pvT4uant to this paragraph. �. FAILURE TO AGREE: In the everxt of the failure of the Contractor and the Owner to agree as provided in C7-7.16 (D) upon the whole: amount to he paid to the Contractor by reasoA of the, termina-tion of work pursuant to th ir� section the -awTear shill determine, on the basis of Laformation available to it, the amount,, if any, duel to the, Contractor by reason of the termination ana shall pay to the Contractor the amo.unts determined. No amount shall be due for lost or anticipated profits. DEDUCTIONS: In aXriving at the amount clue the contractor under this section, there shall be decaucted (a) all unliquidated advance or other payments oa our-ount theretofore made to the Contractor, appiluabie to Lhe terminated portion of this contract; W any claim which the Dwner may have against the bontractor in connection with this contract; and (c) the agreed price for, or the proceedz of sale of, any materials, supplies or other things Dept by .the Contractor or sold, pursuant to the provisions of this clause, and not otherwise recovered by . or credited to the Owner. G. ADJUSTMENT: if the terminations hereunder be partial, prior to the gettleman t of the terihimated portion of this contract, the Contractor may file with the Engineer- a request in writing for an C7-7 (1) equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in the contract relating} to the continued portion of the contract ithe portion riot terininated by the notice of. termination), such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon anall be made in such price or prices; nothing contained hare -in, however, shall limit the right of the Omer and the Contractor to agree uPOn the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor for the completion of the contjnued portion of the. contract when said contract does not contain an established contract price for such continued portions. Ia. NO LIMITATION OF RIGHTS: Nothing contained in this section shall limit or alter tha rights wh .ich the Owner juay have for termination of this contract under C7--7.14 hereof entitled "Suspensiofl of Abandonment of the . work and Amendment of Contract* or any ether right which Owner may have for default oT breach of contract by Contractor. C7-7.17 SAFETY RETgODS ANI) PRACTICES; The Contractor shall be res ons ble four in3tiati.ng, ntaintai ing, and.soper icing all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work at all times and shall assume all responsibiliti08 for their en foroetment . The Contractor shall comply with federal., state, aLnd local laws, ordinances, and regulations so as to protect person and Property from injury, lnci�iding death, or damage in connection with the work. C7-7 I13� PART C - GRNSRAU CDKDITIONS C$-8 .MEASUREMENT AND PhY OT SUCTION C8-8 MEMMEKENT AND PAYMENT C B--B . 1 MBASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES: T.he determination of quantities of work pe-r -armed Y t e Contractor and authorized by the Contract Documents acceptably c pleted under the terms of the Contract Documeats shall be made by the Engineer, based on measurements wade by the _Lngiheer. These measurements will be made according to the United States Stands-rd Measurerficnts used in common practice, and will ire the actual length, area, solid contents, nambers, and weights of the materials and items installed. 8-8.2 UNIT PRICES.; When in the proposal a "Unit Pr.iec" is get forth, the said "[knit Price'" shall include the fuz•nl8hing by the Contractor of all labor, tools, materials, mar-hinery, equipment, appliances and ap urtenknces necessary for the constructfon of and the comp eti'on. in a manner acceptable to the Engineer of all work to be cone undar thaaA Contract Documents, The {"Unit Prise" shall include all permanent and temporary protection of ovdrhead, surface, and undergroa6d s-trllctures, cleanup, finished, overhead expense, bond, insurance, patent fees, royalties, risk due to the elements an4 other causes, dila s, pzoffts, injueia.s, damages claims, ti4xes, and all other items not specifically men£i oned that may be required ato fU-Il construct eachitem of the work complete in place and ina satisfactory cone€tion for operation. C8-8.3 LIMP SUM:. When in the Proposal a "Lump Sum" is set forth, the said "Lurop Siam" -shall teptesent the total cast for the ContTactor to furnish all labor, tools, materials, machinery, equipment, apparte-lames, and all subsidary work necessary for the construction and completion of all the -4ork to provide a complete and functional item as detailed in the Special Contract Documents and/or Plans. .8-8, 4 SCOPE ,QR PA,YMENT6. The Contractor shall ieceive ang Accept tbe- compensa ion f as herein provided, in Ezell pAyment for famishing all labor, tools, materials, and in'Cidentals for performing all work contemplated and embraced under these Contract Documents, for all loss and damage arising out of the natlare of the work or from the action of the elements # for any unforeseen defects or obstructions which may arise or be ericountersd duri.n4 the prosecution of the work at any time C8-8 (1) before its final acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided in paragraph CS--5.14) for all risks of whatever des ription connected with the prosecution of the work, for all expense incurred by or in consequence of suspension or disoontinoahce of such prosecution of the working op-arations as he.rein specified, or any and all inIxingements of patents, trademarks, eopytighta, or other legal rea;arvations, and for completeinq the work in an aoeeptable manher' according to the terms. of th.�-. Cantr4a4[�_t Documents'. The payment of any current or partial estimate prior to final acceptance of the work by the owner shall in no wary constitute an ack€ owledgment of the acceptance of the work, materials, or equipment, ppr in any way prejpdi.ce car affect the objigations o.f the Contractor to repair, ids rrect; renew, or' rep1apie at his awry and proper expense any defeats or imperfactibns in the construction or in the strength or quality of the material used or equipment or machinery furnished in or about the construction of the work under contract and its appurtenances, or any damage d%ja or attributed to such defects, which defects, imperfection, or damage shall have beers discovered on or before 'the final inspection and acceptance of wiDrk or during the one year guaranty period after final acceptance. The Owner shall be the Dole judge at such defects, imperfections, or damage, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for failure to co]rreo-t the same as provided herein. O8-B.5 -PARTIAL ESTIMATES AND ,�ETAINA E: Between the Ist and 5th daY of each Tnonth the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a statement ghowing an estimate of the value of. the work doze daring the previous month, or 'estimate period under the Contract Documents. Not later than the 10t.h day of the month the Engineer shall varify such estimate, apd if it is found t.o he acceptable and the val6e of worse perfozrm�a since the last parti6l payment was made exceeds one hundred dallatrs ($100.00) !-a amount, 901 of such estimated sum will be paid t'0 the Contractor if the tatAl contract amo-aht is Lets than $400,000, or 95% of such estimated sum -will be paid to the Contractor if the total contract amount is $-4000000 of greater within twenty-£i.va (5) days after tie regular estimate period. The City will have the option of preparing estimates .on Lorms furnished by. the City. The partial estimate may irk _1uda acceptable.nonpiarlshable materials delivered to the work Whic.fi are to ire incorporate-d into the work as a permanent part thereof, 1 gut which at th-e the t-jiae of the asti.mate have not bee.n JnatalXed, (such payment will be allowed on a basis_ of 85% of the net invoice value thereof . i The Contractor shal l furnish the Engineer such information as hEi may request to aid CO-8 i) him as a guide in the verification or the preparation of partial estimates. -it is understood that the partial e6timate frost month to montb will be approximate only, and all partial monthly estimates arLd payment will he subject: to coriection in the estimate rendered following the discovery of an error In any previous estimate,ana such eg-timkte shall. not, in any respectr be taken as an admission of the Owner o the amount of work done or of its quality of sueficienay, or as an acceptance of the work done or the release ,of tips Contzac-tor of any of his responsibilities under the Contract Documents. The City reserves the right to withhold the paymaht of any monthly estimate zf the contractor tails to perform the work strictly in accordance with the specifications or provisions of this contra,t. C8-8. G WITHHbL-DING PAY,14B NT: Payment on anY estimate or eatimat s may be held xn abeyance if the Performance of the construction operations is not in accordance with the argquirement$ of the Contract Document's, 8-5.7 f'1.NhL .ACCEP'i' NCB: Whenever the iitprovements providLd or y the Contract. Documents shall have h-aen completed and al -I requirements of the Contract Documents shall have been fulfilled on the part of the Contractor, the Contractor shall notify the X3ngiaeer in writing :that. th6 improvements -are ready for' the final insPection. The Enginedr .shall notify the appropriate officials'of the Cwn6r, will within a reasonable time mare such final inspection, and if the work is six tisfactcry, ih are acceptable condition, and has bean compleied in accordance with the terra of :the Contract bocument;s and all approved modifications thereof, the Engineer wili initiate 'the processing of the final estimate and recommend final acceptance of the project and final payment therefor as 6utlined isi C-5--8.8 helot4. -C8-8.8 PINAL PAYMENT: iNhgnever all the improvements provided for By the Contract Documents and all appi�nved modifications thereof shall have been completed and all requirements of the Contract Documents have been fd1f illed on the part of the Contractor; a final estimate showing the value of the work will be prepared by the Engineer as soon as,the neca-9sar measurements,. computations, and checks can he made. AJJ prior estimates upon which garment has been made are subject to necessary corrections or revisions in the final payment. C8-8 (3) The amount of the final estimate, less previous payments acid any sum that have been deducted or retained under the provisions of the Contract Documents, will ho paid to the Contractor within 60 days after final acceptance by the Owner on a proper resolution of the City Council, provided the Contractor has furnished to the 0"ar satisfactory evidence of paym4ank as follows: Prior to submiss-,on of the final estimate for payment, the Contractor shall execute an affidavit, as €u-ra sh6d by. the City, cartify'ing..that all persons; firms, ass�aciations, corpotations, or other organizations furnishing labor and/or materials have been paid in full, that the wage scale established by the City Council in the City of Fort Worth has been paid, and that there .are no claimns pending for personal injury* and/or property- damages. The acceptance by the Contractor of the last or final payme-at as aforesaid shall operate as and shall release the owner from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnished or relating to the work under 'Contract Documensts or any act or neglect of said City reletin4 to or connected with the Contract. The making of the final payment by the 0=. er shall not relieve the Contractor of any guarantees -or othel'', reyuf-rerments o.f the Contract Documents which specifically continue tbareaftee. CS--8'.4 ADEQUACY OF DESIGN: It iS understood that the Owner b�iliev.es it has emp -aysd competent Enginee-rs and designers -to propare the Contract Documents and all modif icat.ions of the approved Cotkt-ract Documents.. It is, therefore, agreed that the owner shall be responsible for the_ adequacy of its owin design features, sufficiency of the Contract Documents, the safety of the stracture, and the priacticability of the operatlons of the camialeted project.,. provided the Contractor has complied with ;the: require-Ments of the said Contract Docuiinents, all approved modifications thereof,. and additions atd alterations thereto apprav4d in writing'by the Owner. The burden of proof of such compliance, shall be upon the Contr4ptor to show that he has complied with the said requiremen't,a -of the Contract Documents, approved-mQdi.tioati&ns thereof, and all approved additions and '-41teia�tions thereto. C8-8.10 GENERAL GUARANTY: Neither 'the final certificate o payment nor "-and.-pebv-is i on in t-he Contract Documents nor partial or atir'e occupancy or use of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an accvptance of work not done in accordance with the Contract 6o"mants or relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any express warrantiaa or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shah remedy any defects or damages is the work and CS--$ (4 ) pair for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which small appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is specified andsball furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contract which shall assure the performance of the general guaranty as above outline. The owner will give notice of observed defects with reasouable promptness. CB-8,11 SUBSIDIRRY WORKi Any and all work specifically governed by documentary requirements for the project, such as co.aditions imposed by the Plans, the General Contract Documents or these Special Contract Documents, in which no speaif, c item for bid has been .provided for in the Fropasal, shall be considered Aa a subsidiary 'item of work, the cost of which small ice included in the price bid in the Proposal, for each bid item. Surface restoration, rock excavation and cleanup are general items of work which fall in the category of subsi-diary work. C8-8.12 MISCELLANEDOS PLAC MBNT OF MATER-TAL: Material may be allocated under various bid items _U the Proposal to establish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These materials shall be need only wbon directed by the Engineer, depending are field conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of ma tarial will be made for only that amount of material used, measured to the nearest one -tenth unit. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material shall be in accordance With the General Contract Documents regardless of the actual amount used for the projEct. 08-8.13 RECORD DOCUMENTS: Contractor shall keep on retard a copy of all specs rcat errs, plans, addenda, modifications, shop drawings and samples at the sihe, in good oraer and annotated to show all changes made during the aonttruction process. These shall be delivered to Engineer upon com'Pletion of the work, PART C.l+ SUPPLE, MENTARY CONDITIONS TO PAIL C: - GENERAL C OND3T ONO A. Gcneral These Supplementary Conditions ,m nd or supplement the General Collditiom of thrs Contrac:l and caber Provisions of the Contract I)ncurmnts as Indicated below, Frbvisions whicIi are not so amended or supplen3enwd remaitn in ful-I force and affect. B CS-8.5 PARTIAL ESTIMATES AND RETAINIAGh: Page C8-$ (2), should be deleted in its c n tiYety and replaced with titre following. Partfal pay estirrfaws shall he subnr.tlecl by the Contractor ov prepared by 03c Cily can the 51h day grid 20th clad+ of each month that the work is in progress. T11c tsti nate shall be pro=ded by the City erg the .101h d2iy and 25d) duty respectively. Fstimates will he paid within 25 nays following the end of the estimate period, If,." the:appropriate retairtage as ,;at out below. Partial pay estimates may include acceptable nonperlshable materials delivered to llhe wr,Fk pJace which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof. but which at the bare- of the pay estimate have not been so installed. Lf Such mate hds are included MEWn a pays estimate, payment shall be based capon 85 of the net voice value thereof. The Coil"ctor will furnish the Hngineer such inromation ari may be reasonably requested to aid in the vedfEcation or the prepartuion of the pay esti mate. For contracts of less than $400.000 at the brae of execution, re aiaage ShR11 bre Cen per cent, (10%). For convaets of $400,000 or more at the time of a ec;u[ian. "tainage shall be five: percent. (5 F). Contractor shall pay subcontractms in accord with the subcontract agret!menl within five (5) b usiness dzys after r6eeipt by Contractor a, the payment by City. Contrsc:[&%,, failure to melee the required payments to subcanti'actoirs will autharize the City to withhold future payments fmm the Contractor until compliance, with this paragraph is accomplished, It is und:ntood that the partial pay estimates will be- approximate only, wid ali partial pay estimates and payment of same will he subject to correction in the estimate rende{-ed following (lie discovery of tie nristitk:e in any previous estimate. Partial payment by Gwaer for the UmOuni of work done or of its quality or sufl'ic iericy or accrpt€uice cif the work done; shall not release the CoRtrsctor of arty of its responsibilities under the Comma Document& Tlie City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the Con Iractoe f4iIs to perform the: Work in strict accord'gncc with the specifications ur other pl-ovisions of this contract. Part C - ( ieneral Coiiditjam: ParagAph C3-3.11 of the ['-nest C031ditions is deleted and rep Iaced with D-3 of Pan D - Special Con ditiong. D. 3-3.I 1 TI SURA lCE. Page C:3-3 (6): Deletc subpamgrAp1i "g, LOCAL AGENT FOR CISURAIYCE AND BQNL71 „ Revised Pg. 1 10/24/02 E. C6-6,12 CONTRACTOR' S _RESp S1RLFFY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS. Page C6-6 (8), is deleted in its entirety and mpIac:erl with dic fol Iowing: Contractor covunants road a3gre�s to indemnify City's engincea; and architect, wid their persunned at the. project site For Contractor's sole negligence. In addition, C"ontruc for venants and agree;. to indanviify, hold haat -mhos -aad defend, at its own cxp",Ne. the j1Cr, its officers, servants and employees, frnm aatad aagainsl any �md a I claims or suits for property to s, props-rty darrwge, personal injury, including death, srising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and. service.-, to be perfor-med hereunder by Contrulor, its officers, agents, ernployees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, wheeher or noal araa such lrEr'nry, drrm r a ur dear,lo is caused. in whole or in our$. by the riglrp„srrce or ;IIM._t,d neglizence of owner. &57 offimers, serMrtds,. orb rr fovcc w. Contractor likewise covenants and agree-; to indcmnf and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all iniuries to owgees officers, servarals and employees and any damage, loss rar destniction to property of the OwnP-r arising frost the performance of any of die forms and conditions of this Contract. whether or nW any ,such r'r isgry or danigLe is caused hr whole or fn parl bV 11m, ne li ence nr affe-e-ei a Ufa ei e v Ownor, its o verx servants err enfplByees. rat the event Owner rcceives ax written claim for damages Against the Contractor or iM slibcontractos, prior to final payment, 1"inal paymesu shall not be Marie until Contractor either (it) submits to Owner satisfactory evidene:e l.hat the claim has been settled and/or a release from klxe claimant involved, or (b) providos C)wner with A letter fzpm rat;actar's Liahil its+ insurance carrier that the: claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director rnny, if he d mq it apptopriaite, Muse to accept bids on other City of Dort Worth public work from a Coutraclor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a resuii of warts perfaarmed fonder a C'iLy Contract. P. INC CEASED OR DECREASED QUANTMES:Part C~ - General onditioays, Section C44 SCOPE COIF WORK, Page C 4-4 ( I ), revue paaa-a3Ggraph C44.3 €NC1REASLD OR DECREASED QUANTITIES tD read w; fallo wrs: The Dwncr mserves the right to a] ter the quantities cif the work to be performed -or to cxteszad or shorten the improveraients at any time when and as found to be necessary, and the. Contractor shall .perform the work as altmd, incireased or decreased at Lhe unit prices as mablishrM in ilia c€ ntracI documents, No allowance wi II be made for any changes in lost or anlieipated pmfits nor shall such chaangcs be consi&red as waiving or invalidaal irag any c one itions car provisions of the Con IrKacI Documents. VariaIions in quantities of ;pan itar ;tiower pipes in depl.h categoriei shall he interpreted herein as applying to the 0vend I quantities of sanitary wwer pipe in each pipe size blot not to the various depth categories. DY24f02 G. C3-3.11 INS LTRAIVCE. Page C3-3 (7): Add Subparagraph " h. ADD M NNAL INS l_IRANCE REOUMF MENTS" a. The City, its officers, employees rtnd servants shall be endorsed as an Additional insiwed orr Ce wvactnr;s insurance policies excepting employer's liability irksrlCan+ e co wrage under Con Irtae[or' orkers' ea mpensatiart insurance -policy, b. Crrdficatcs of insurance .shall be dclh,trecl to the Oily of Fort Warth, contfact administrator in the respeclive department as specified in ttryc ijid docornents, 1_000 ThruciCmortcin Street, Fart Wortlr, TX 76102, friar to of work on the contracted project. c. Any failure on part of the City to reques[ required insurance documentation shrill not constitcile a waiver of the insurance rcquirt~=n19 specifjed lie rein. cL Fftch insrrmce policy stall be endorsed to provide tire: City a rainimum [hilly days notice: of crancellation, non -renewal, ardhir rnaterial change in policy tools or coverage. A tcii clays noke shi dl be acceptable jn t1weverat of non-payr<merrt of larerniurn, e_ Insurers. must be autharized to do husiness in Lhe Slate- of Texas and have a current A-M, Best rating of A: VYJ or equivalerit tnc;asure- of financial strength and solvency. f. M-dLic:Uble limits, or *cIF-fujidrd relcrhtic}n limits, OD pOIscy [gust nett cxseecl $10,000.00 per occurrence unless otherwise appi-cpved by the City. g, Other than worker's c:ompeal;3tion insurance, in lieu of traditional iw arapce. City may consider altcrmative coverage or risk treatment measures tlu-ough insurance pools or risk fewnfion groups, The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage. h. Workers' conipensation insurance policy(i) covering amployws employed on tide projecl shall be endorsed with a xvaivcr of subrogation prt viding rights of r, c:eovery in Iavor caf the City. i, City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of instu' ce premium costs for contractor's insurance. j. Contractors insur.,xrce policies shrill etch b�: endorsed to pm vide, that rued insurance is primary protection wid any se -if- funded or convnexcial coverage maintained by City shall .not be called upon to con trihiite to loss recavcry: k. In the courw of the project, Comractur shall veport, in a litnely ma=r, to City's officially designated contract adniiaLstrator any known loss occurrence v�+irich c.ouId give rise to a IiahiIity cl{aim car Iawsuit or which cou Id result in a pmpeily logs. Revised P& 3 10/1 4M I. Contractor's 11ahihty shrill nol be Iimiled tv the 9ir_6 fied amounts ()f i n ", t] moce recluked herein. m. Upon the re-quust of City, Contract dr s I i A provide complete copies of all insurrtnce policies required by these contract documents. 11, C8-8.4 SCOPE Or PAYMENT: Delew C8-8.4, Scope of Payment at page 0-8(1) is. deleted in its -entirety and re laced with the 1611owing; The Contractor shrill rmelM,- and accept the corinponsation as hnrain provided, in full payment For furniswng all labor, tools, mattrirnls, and incidentals for performing all work wnteamplated and embraced under these Conlract l neuraernt5, for all loss and darnage arising out of the nature cif the work or from tfne -action of the t1tnuents, for any unforeseen defects or ohstructions Much may arise ar be encountemd during the prosecution which may arise or be encountered during the pmsccution of the, work at any time Mom its final ;ice prance by the Owner, (except as provided in .para •n.ph C5-5.14) for all risks of whatever description connected wish the prosecution or the mirk, for n1l expenses inc:crmd by or in consequence of Lhe susp8nslon or tUscendnuance of such prosemition of the workhig operations as hereto speeded, or any and all irnfrizngernentis i+t p$ttmis, trademarks, copyrights, or other legal reservations, and for eornplcfing the work in an accc-ptable atannor according to the terms of the Contract Lodi remits. The payment of 'any currunt or partial astimate p6 r to tine Fined accrphib& of the work by the Owner shall In no way constitute am acknowledgment of the acceptance of the work, materials, of equipment, not' in any wary pre judii;c or affect the obligations of 1hr, CorltWtor 10 Mpair, correct, anew, or replace, at [As own and proper expense any defects. or imperfections in the construction or in the strength or quAly of the rrwlerial used or equipme ni or mac1)inaty furnished in or ahout the wastrcic.tion of the work under contract and its appurtenances, or amy datmage due or attributed to such defects. which defects, imperfections, or damage shal l have been discovemd on or before: the final inl pnction and accepmuce of the work or during the two (2) year guarwity period after the final acceptance. The Owner shall be the sole judge of such defecls. imperfections, or darnage, and the Contractor shall be 1iabte to the Owner for failure to correct the same 4s provided herein. �. CS-8. 10 CTINERAL GU,ABAtM. Delefe C8-8.10. Ceneiki Guaranty at page CB-8(4) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the followirsg; Ni ikkr tfte final certificate of payment nor any provision in Ilse. Contract Dmiirmnls, nor partial or entire oo�upancy or use of the prcrnise 4 by the Owner -Hall tanstitme xn acceptance of work not done in -accordance with the Contract. Documents or ralievr. thz C onlraic:tcr of liability in rCspect to any express warranties eir responsibility for faulty rnatetirtls or workmanship. The Contractor shall rrfnedy any detects sir damages in die work and pay For any dan-aige 10 ulfrer wink or property msWting therefrarn which Shull appear within a period of two (2) yems-from the date of final ac ptaace of the work urnless a longer- period is specitit ed and A.A furaish a grand and sufl-rcient rnxizntenance bond in the arncunt of ] 00 Imrcent of the asrxousit of the contract Devised T g- 4 1 Ul 4/02 W11ich small as.�oi'e thr- performance of the ge.nw-taI guw-anty a; above ou[fined. The Ownmr wtl3 give notice of observed defecri with masonkibIc pr4mptgess. Any reference to any ,shorter period of 1arne of wdrranty contained eMawheM withfin the speci#'icatiam shall be resolved in favor of this specifications, it being [lie City's inlent lhal the Contractor guarantee its work for a period of two (2).--y following tine date of kleceptance of the prajt!a In the Special Instructions to Bidders; TPW cont-racts placd the fciflowirog in liell cd, the existing pmagrairh 2. J. Part C- General Canditions, e-ction C2-2 INTER PRETATfON AND PR PARA"ITION OF PROPOSAL, Page C -2 (4) exchange parag-raphs 2-2.7. C_'2-2.8 and C2-2.9 wiIli the: follo wirlg. C2-2.7 DEUVE,RY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal vril I be. considered uriless it ss- del ivered, accom.paniecl by its proper Bid Security, to the Pvrchasirig Manager or his ir-pn seritative at the official location and staled tune sei forth ire the "N atice to Bidders. It is the Bidder's sole re sporisi b ility to deliver the proposal at Ihe, proper time to the proper pie. TJfe mere fact that a propusaI was dispatched iti nor N., considored. The Bidders must Dave the proposa] tactually delivered_ Each proposal s h a I I be in a sealed envelope plainly marl-od with the vac}rd " PRO 110SAL." acid [lie naine or descriplion of fhe project. as designated in the "Notice to Bidders," The en slope ghal1 Ise addressed to the Purchasing Marlagpr, City Qf For[ Worth Purchashig Division, P0. Box 17027. Fort Worth, Texas 76102, C2-2.8 WURDR WING PROPOSALS: Proposals actUally tiled with the Purcha ling M onager cannot be, withdrawn prior to the time yet for upcning proposals. A reque-4 ror nort-wrtsfd,ration of a proposal mast bemRde in wridng, addreNsrd to 1-he City Manager, and i11od with hire prior to the, tirne Set for the opening of proposals. After al I px-pposals not requested for non-cons ideratimk are opened and publicly read aloud, the proposaN for which non-consideralion requests have been properly filed my. ut Tht! option of the Dwner, he returners anopened. C2.-2_9 THLEGRAPMC IVIODTICA"IION OF PROPOSALS, Any bidder- may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication d[ tiny Iime prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegrapWc communication is mec:eived by the Phasing Manager prior to the said proposal opining tirne, and provided further, that the- City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegrnpluc cum unicalian ovex die. signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight 48) hours after the proI,o:W opening Iime. no further coLvideration wilt lie given to Iht proposal K C3-3.7 BON DS f UTY LET PRQTEC T' ); Rel`ercnce Bart C, Gbfiera.l Conditians. daled November 1, 198 7; (City lot projects) make, the 1c outing Te,'VWo[ts: Revised Pg, 5 1W-41l . Page C3-3(3); the paragraph after }.aragTaph C3-3,7d QUier Bands sIrcruId b• : revi~~ed to reel: In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City. the surety must (1) hold a cerflflcate of authority ifiom tfte United States secretary of the treasury to quality as a surety an obligations permitted or required under federal law; or () have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess el $100,000 from a reinsurer that is aUth0rized and admitted as a reinsuror in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Un1jed -States secretary of the treasury to tluelily as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal IaW. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the.aty upon request, The City, In its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. . Pg. C3-3(5) Paragraph C3-3. l 1 INS UR ANE delete subparagraph "a, CoMPE, N SAT] 0N INIS UR AN CE". 3- Pg, C3-3(6). Para,grraph 0-3..1.1 INSUR ANCE delete subparagraph "g. LOCAL AGENT FOR iM9URANCE AND BONDING". E,. RIGHT TO At MIT: ParL C - Genera Conditions, Sectjon CS-8 MEASURE MENT AND PAYMENT, Page C8-8 (5). add the foIlow in : C8.-8.14 RIGHT" TO AUDIT: (a) Can tractor gyr es that the CiLy s#a4 undI the expiration cf three (3) years after fi.n41 payit nt undr-r this contract, have acoess to and the right to examine and phataoopy auy direcfly pertinent (woks, documents, pa rs and records of the Contractor involving m nsactions relating. Le this contract. Contractor agpecs Lhat the City Sh.1I I have access during normal working hours to a I necessary 47onLrsctor facilities and all be provided adequate and appropriate work spat; in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of ibis se don. The City shall give contractor reasonable advance notice- of intended 4adits. (h) Contractfar ftmher agrees to include in ail its stibconLracis hereunder a pmvision 10 Lhe effect that thp- subcontractor agree that the 0Ly shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under the ;ubmntract, have access to and din right to exam! ne and Tlrotocopy any dimetiy peA neat boobs, documents, papers and records -of such sulscontract.or, i n valv ing transactions to the s u heon tract. and kulher, that City stall have access during normal working hours to. all subcontractor fac 1iLies, �md shall be provided adequate and appropiiatc wsark spAce, in order to uonduct audits in compIiarm with the provisions of this article. City shall glye subcontractor masonable radvance notiee of intended audits. (c) ConLractor and subconLr for agree to photocopy such doeumcmts' as may be. regaacsted by tic City. The CiLy ,des to reimburse the Contractor for the cost of copies as follow~~: Revis}cfd Pg, 6 10 2i`'ff i�i 1. 50 c oples and under - 10 cents per pagc , Maw thwi 50 copies - 85 cents for [Ile first page plus fiftcen cent; for each page thereafter m. Srm d?I PAR FrION, The Contractur shall clear rights -of -wad+ 0r easumetsts of 01�struciinn which mogt be removed to niake possible pruper prosecudon of the Work as u part of this project consttixtlon operations '' Tire contract€ es attention is direutc d to paragraph ('(i�fr.lfi work within easornews, page C'6-6(4), part C - Genera! Conditions of Che Water Department General Contract Dcx:kjmcn1 and Genered Specifications, Clearing and rc,4toraiion shall he considered as incidental to construcIion mid al I costs incurred will he considered to be included in the Linear Foot price of the, pipe. N, Reference Part G - Gen�rnl i`.O' ndiLions, Section C6-6.8 BARRICADES. WAR NI C AND W TC-Lid L-N: 1. W herever th-L, word Watchmen app :s in this pau:agraph, it shall be changed to the word flaginen. . fn the.first. pkragraph, lines five (5) and six (6), chnnge the phrase take a]I surly Otlicr prtc au i i on ary mcasums to take a1.1 rt�asorzable necessity meaNares. O. N 1NORrr /WOMEN BUSINFISS ENTERPRISE C'QMTLj CE:. I i,_Fon�nce part C (General Conditions), .S [in� C3- 3.2 Entitled "MINORMY BUSINESS ENT"G RP1USEIWOMEK-OWNED BUSINESS ENei`EI MSE COMPL]ANCE" sha11 be deleted in its entirety and irphaced with the .following: Upon i uest. Cont raiJor agrees it) provide io Owner comp IL tw and accof ate in€oiT atian regard 1ng actual work porformed by a NCnorlty BLNincws Etltl-n-prise (NME) and/or is Wornan Busuness Enterprise. (W BE) on the contract and payrnePit. their -fore. Contractor faitEier agrees to parmii an audit acid/or exauunution of any books, records or files in its possession that will sulWanliate the actual work perfbrrr cd by an M-BE anchor W BE, Tho rnisFepresentnlian of facts (other than a negdtgent t6srepfesen ta t i on) ar d/or the connnission of Rand by the C'entractot- w i I I be gt-ounds for te{nunation of tlio contract and/or initiating acIion under appropriate Federal, state or local laws or ordinan= relating to fat ie- statements; further, any such misrepresentation (other than neF_ITgent` nn srepreseniation) and/or of fraud will rnsult in tht CrrntracI(IT beirtg deterrr tned to be inesponsible and hawed froln participating in 0ty work for a period of time of riot less than tht:e (3) years. Devised P& 7 [ 012410 P. W AGE RATES: Sec Iion C3-3.1:1 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced wiLli the, foIIowing: (a) The contractor shall corrrply wil#r nl'l requi remen ls of Chapter 2-59. Tcxa� Goverimient Code, including the paym�crt cif not Iexss than tare rates deterai ned by the City Council of the City of Fart Wort1i to be. die. prevailing wage rates in keordance with Chapter 2258, Taxas Government Code. Such pr.evail.ing wakge rates are included in these contract documents. (b) The ❑ontraetor sbaL, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the mme and occupation of eat;h worker employed by the con iraf.tor in the ccnstruc Lion of the work provided For in. t11is contract; :lad (k) the, actual per diem wages paid to each worker. 'rhe5e n cords hao he afren at -mi reasonable hours for inspectkm by the City. Tie pmvisions of Sect -ion C-1, L. Right Lo Audit (Rev. /30/02) pertain to thi& inapection- (c) The contratctur sbal I include M its ubcontm s andlor s#iall oiheivisc require all of its sabeorttractom to comply with prLragraphs (a) and. (b) above. (d) With cash partial payrrrenG ostimale cr payroll period, whichever is less, an affidavit slatiag that Lbe contractor has complied with the mgtjimmertLq of Chapter 2258, Texas Goverrment Code. The contractor shd post the prevailing wage rates in a con%picuous place; at the silo of the project at all times, Revised Pg. 8 t O/24/02 PART D - SPECIAL. CONDITIONS D-1 OEh1CRAL....................................................... ...................................................._..... D-2 COORDINATION MEETING .......... ......... _.._...... ................... _........ --- ....... --- ...... _..4 D-3 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER-8 COMPENSATION LAW ...,..,.,........5 D- 4 COO R 1) 1 NATI 0 N VV ITH FORT WORTH_WATER QED"ARTMENT.................................7 D- 5 0R OSSING OF EXISTING UTILiTIES...........................................................................7 D- 6 EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS. ....................... - ...... -- .......... -.- ........ 7 D- 7 CONSTHUGTJON •I RAFFIG OVER PIPELINES...........................................................8 D- S TRAFFIC CONTROL.. ................................. ............. .... ......._... _.__........... _.._....._.3 D- 9 ............ ............................................................. .9. DETOURS,............................................................................ D- ID EXAMINATION OF StTE..............................................................................................9 D- 11 ZONING COMPLIANCE.. ................ ........... ................... ........... -9 D- 12 WATER FOR CONSTRUG ION.. ............... ......................... I .................... ... ............. fl) D- 13 INANE MATERIAL ........... .. ................................................ „ ............................10 0- 14 PROJECT GLEANUP AN FINAL ACCEPTANCE......................................................10 D- 15 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND SEQUENCING OF WORE.................................10 0- 16 SAFETY RESTRICTIONS - WQf3K NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LIVES ...........................10 D- 17 BID QUANTITIES................... .......... ................... ........................................................11 Q- 16 CUTTING OF CONCRETE ............................................................. . ........ . ..........11 D- 19 PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN................................................................................11 D- 0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT......... ................. ..........1. D- i MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL.......................................................12 D- 22 CRUSHED LIMESTONE BACKFILL............................... ...............................I.............1 D- 23 2: 7 GONCR ETE......................... ................................................. I ........ , ....................1 D- 4 TRENCH EXCAVATJON, BACK FIi_L. AND COMPACTI hl.........................................12 D- 5 PAVEMENT REPAIR (E2-19).............................................. ............... „ ...... „ ...14 D- 26 SITE SPEC IF[C TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM COVERS ALL PROJECTS ................15 !gym 27 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ................................................................................15 D- 28 SANITARY SEWER SERVICES......................................,........................................_.,18 ❑- 29 REMOVAL, SALVAGE- AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING FACILIT[ES................ 20 D- 30 DETECTABLE WARNING G TAPES..... .................... .................................................... 22 D- 31 PIPE CLEANING .................................................... . ................................--......... 22 D- 32 DISPOSAL OF SPOILJFILL MATERIAL........................................................................ 22 D- 33 MECHANICS AND MATMALMEN' LIEN................................................................. 22 D- 34 SUBSTITUT[ONS................ ................... ........ ....................... ....... ............................. 23 Q- 35 PRE -CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER ............ 23 D- 36 VACUUM TESTING OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES ......................................... 26 D- 37 BYPASS PUMPING......... ....... ---- ........... ........................................................... 27 Q- 38 POST -CON, TRUCTION TELEVISION tNSPECTJON OF SANITARY SEWER .......... 27 D- 39SAMPLES-AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTtN.........................................................29 D- 40 TE M PO RARY EROSI0N, SEDIMENT, A N Q WATER_ POLLUTION CONTROL.......... 29 Dr 41 [INGRESS AND EORESSIOBSTRUCr10N OF ACCESS TO DRIVES ....... .......... .•--... 31 0- 42 PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL .........................................................31 DL 43 SITE RESTORATION.. .............................................................................................31 Q- 44 QITY OF FORT W 0RT11 STANDARD PRODU T LIST..............................................31 Q- 45 TOPSOIL, SODDING, SEEDING & H DROMULCHING.............................................31 D- 45 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM.....................................................................37 D- 47 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION/FINAL INSPECTIOU,..................... - -.37 D- 48 EXCAVA-PON NEAR TREES.......................................................................................37 D- 49 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OF SEWER PIPE.... ...... . ............................................... 38 D- 50 CLAD' DAM..... ....... ............... ............. ---- ....... ---- ........... ................... .............. .36 D- 51 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION(D-HOLE) .................................................................38 D- 52 INSTALLATION OF WATER FACILITIES.................................................... . .. .......39 was -1 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 52,1 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Pipe.......... .................................... ---- .... .................. 39 52.2 Blocking ......................... ....-...............................................................................3 5 ,3 Type of asir awe ................. ........................... --- .................................................. 39 52.4 Tie-Iris,.....-.................................................................................... r--............39 '�275 Connection of Exlstin€Chains....................... ............................................................ 40 52.6 Valve Out -Iris .............................................................—..........................................40 52.7 Water Services .......................................--................,..:....r... ,..............................40 5 -8 -tech Tompo ry Service Line ......................... .. .... --................. ....... ..................... —4 52.9 Purging and Starillxatlon of Water Lines ................................................ .................-43 52.I Work Neer Pfes-sure Plana Beuridaries............ ......................... ............... ................-44 5 A 1 Water Sample Statlon............................................._......................... ....... ................. 44 52.12 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fiflings,........................................................... . ............44 D- 53 SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL.......... ...... -- ....... .......... — ............................ —.45 -- 4 DEWATEEIN ...... ..... ..—.................................. , , ................................................45 D- 55 TRENCH EXCAVATION ON DEEP TRENCHES ................................... .. ......... .....45 I7756TREE PRUNING.......................................................................................................45 D- 57 ...................................................................46 TREREMOVAL.-............. E D- 59 TEST HOLES.......................................................--- ......... - ............. ......... --- ......46 D- 55 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING DONSTRU TiON AND NOTIFICATION OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION OUR NG CONSTRUCTION..................................................................... ............................... 47 - W TRAFFIC BUTTONS-- ............ ---- ................... ................... .......... .......................... .47 D- 1 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE L.EANDUT..............................................................48 D- 62 TEMPORMY PAVEMENT REPAIR.. .......................................... ..................... ......... 40 D- 63 CONSTRUCTION STAKES. 48 D- 64 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS... ............................... -- ............................................-48 D- 5 PRE-- ON TRU TION NEI HBORHCiQp MEETING.....................—......................49 Q- 66 WAGE RATES..........................................................................................................49 i7Y 67 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL. OF ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE ...... ......... -- .................. 49 -68 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVEN oni............... --.......................... ............... so D759 EOORDINATION WITH THE OIT rS REPRESENTATIVE FOR OPF-NATIONS OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEMS.--- ............................................................... .......52 D-70 ADDJTiONAL SUBMITTALS FOR DONTRACT AWARD _...........- ..............................5 D47I EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR C QN TRU TION,..........--..................................52 5-72 Alit POLLUTION WATCH DAY................................................................ ............53 5-7-3 FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE-INSPECTIONS.,.........._........................5w4 sr Gµ PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS D. Part D serail This Par( D - Spacial Candflions is complimentary to fart C - General Cundkioris and Part M -- Supplementary Conditions to Part G of they Contract. Anylhing Contained in this Fart D that is additive to any provjs.ion In Part C - General Conditions and part C1 - Snpplementary Gonditions to Part C of the Contract are to be read together. Any conflict belween Part 0 -- General Conditions and Part CI - Supplementary Conditions of the Contract and this Parl D, Pam D shall control`, FOR, PROJECT DESCRIPTION 006 CAPITAL J M P F40V FM E NTS PROGRAM Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to MMer Avenue) Avenue A (NashviIle A►+er:Lie to Thrall Street) Newark Avenue (Avenue G to mast Rosedale weet) Avenue I (SouSh Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Avenue G {South: Beacb Straot to Binkley Street} T/PW No. 200-531200-20840-QG27583 Water No_ P2 m5 120-S0817-O0 7'h83 Serer No. P 58-531200-70817-00 7583 D.0-E- too. 5145 Fite No. -19089 i -1980 D-1 GENERAL The order cr precedence in case of conflicts or discrepancies between various parts of the Contract Documents subject to the ruling of the Englneer shall generally, but not necessarlly, follow the guidelines Ilsted below: I_ Puns . Contract Documents 3. Spacial Conditions The following Special Conditions shall be applicable to this ptoject Urlder the provisions slated above. The Contractor shall be responsible for defects in this project duo to faGully materials and workmanship, or both, for a period of two () years from date of find acceptance of this project by the City of Fort Werth and will be required to replace at his expense any part or all of this project which become&- defective due to those causes. Subject to modifications as hereln contalned, the Fart Worth Water Department's General Contract Documents and General Specifications', with latest revisions, �tro made a part of the General Contract Documents for this project. The Plans, these Special Contract Documents and the ruses, regUlation% requirements, instructions. drawings or details referred to by manufacturefs name, or identification include therein as specifying, referring or Implying product control, performance, quality, or other shall` be binding upon: the -contractor. The spa}cificatlons and drawings shall be considered cooperative; therefore, work or material called for by one and not shown or mentioned in Me other shall be accomplished or turnished in a faithful manner as thOUgh roquired- 4y all. Any Contractor performing any wark on Fort Worth water or sanitary sewer facilities musl be pre-- gualitled with the Water Department to perform such woFk in accordance wish procedures 12&M - PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION - NORTH GENTRALTEXAS Any cprtifilct between these contract documents and the above 2 publications shall be �asolved in favor of these contract documents. A copy tit either of these specifications may be purchased at tho office of the Transportation and Public Works Direrlor, 1000 Throckmorton 91reet. 2nd Floor, Municipal Building. fort Worth, Texas 76102. The specifications applicable to each pay [teat are indicated by ilia call -out for the pay Item by the designer_ If not shown, then applicable published specifications In either of these documents may be followed at 1he dkscreflon of the Contractor. General Provisions shall be those of the Forl Worth document rather than Division- J of the North Cofitral Texas document. Bidders shall not separate, detach or remove any (portion, segment or sheets from the contract docurnenI at any time. Failure to )bid or fully execute contract without retain I n 9 contract documents intact may be grounds for designating bids as "non -responsive" and rejecting bids or voiding contract as appropriate as determined by the City Engineer. INTERPRETATION AND PREPAMATION OF PROPOSAL: A. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL, No proposal Will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Biel Security, to the Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location and sinted time set forth in the "Notice to 8ldders it is the Bidder's sole responsibility to da vet the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered, The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each prop al shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word 'PROPOSAL", and the name or description of the project as designated in the "Notice to Bidders". The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager, City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division, PO Box 17027, Fort Worth, Texas 761 Q2. B. WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals acteailyr filed with the Purchasing Mariager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time sat for opening proposals. A request for non consideration of a proposal must be crude in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non - consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the proposals for which non -consideration requests have been proparly filed may. at the option of t'ho Owner, be returned unopened. . TELE3RAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS, Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any Ume prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by ilia Purchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provIded further, that the City Manager is satisfied that a WdRan and duly -authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic cono mu nication ova the signature of the bidder was malled prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight (48) hours after the proposal opening time, no further consideration, will be given to the proposal. D-2 CQORDINATION MESTING For coordination purposes, weekly meetings at the job site may be required to maintain the project on the desired schedula. The contractor shall be present at all meetings. 68TW SC-4 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS l[}-3 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW k DefinRians; 1. Certification of coverage ("certificate"). A copy of a certificate of Insurance, a certificate of authority to self -insure issued by the comrnlsslon, or a coverage agreement (T O -31, TWCC-8 , 7WCC-83, or TWC -84). sho%Mng statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage far the person's or entity's employees. providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. . Duration of the project - Includes the time from the beginning of the work on- the project until the con tractor`slperson's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. 3. Persons providing services. on the- proje-t ("subcontractor" In 406.00 }- includes all persons or endues performIng all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the contractor and regardless. of wheth8r that person has employees. This includes, Without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasfng companies, motor carriers, owner operators, employees at any such antltY, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transpostatlon, or ether services related to a project, "Services" dares not Include aodvities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, Oltice SUppiy detiveries, and dellvery of portable toilels, B. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classiflcatlan codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which ireets the statutory requi rern e nts of Texas Labor Coder, Section 40#.011(44) or ail ernployeos of the Gontractor providing services crt the project, for the duration Gf the project. O. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governnientat entity prior to being awarded the contract. D. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor mast, prior to the and of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. E, The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide the governmental entity: 1, A certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will leave on file certlficates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and No Rater than seven drys after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on [lie current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. F. The contractor shalt retain ail required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project .and for one year thereafter. SIloos S-5 PART D - SPECIAL CONDMONS G. The contractof shall notify the governmental entity irl uniting by certified Mail or personal deliver , within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known,, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of artiy person providing services on the project. ti. The contractor shall post on each project site a nol;lco, in The text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Com pen satlon Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating hdw a person may verify coverage and report i..ack of overage. I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: 1. Provide coverage, used on proper reporting on olassiftcation cbdos and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements. which meets the statutory requirements of Texan Labor Code, Section 1,011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; 2. Provide to the Contractor, prior to that parson beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on She projw.% for the duration of tho project; 3. Provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverages period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the. duration of the project, 4. Obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: a.) A certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning warm on the project; and b.) A now certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration bf the project. 5. Retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter, 6. Notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and 7. Contractually require each parson with wham it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (1)-(7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. B. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services Gn the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duratian of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will he filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a seif- 4200 SC-6 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Insured, w1th the commission's Division of Seif-insurance Fle ulation. Providing false or misleading ialforrnation may subject the contractor to administrative, criminal, civil psnalties or other civil actions, g. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract b tha contractor which entities the governmental entity to deciare the contract void if than coritraactor does not remedy the breach within ten days after recelpt of noticc of breach tram the governmental entity. J. The contractor shali post a notice ors each project site Informing aft persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements Imposed by the Texas Worker's Cornperisatton {act or other Texas Workers Compensation Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title In at least 00 point boll type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shali be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker popEFlatlon. The text for the notices shall be the following text, without any additional worsts or changes: "REQUIRED WORKERS ER` OMPEN ATION COVERAGE The law requires that each person worklhg an this site or providing services related to thhs construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor -or transportation or ether service related to the project, regardless. of the identity of their employer or status as an ornployee.' Cali the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at (512)4'40-.87819 to reeelve Infarmatien on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage". D- 4 COO RDiNATION W ITH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT luring the construction of this project, it will be necessary to deactivate, for a period of time, existing lines. The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with the Water Department to determine the best times for deactivating and activating those lines. D- 5 CROSSFNG OF 12XISTING UTILITIES Wheiv a proposed water line crosses over a sanlfary sewer or sanitary sewer service line .and/or proposed sewer line crosses over a water line and the clear vertical distance Is less than 9 feet barrel to barrel, Vie sanitary sewer or sanilary sewer service line shall be made watertight or be constructed of ductile Iron pipe. The Engineer shall determine the required length of replacement. The materlai for sanitary sewer main,9 and sanitary sewer laterals shall be Class 61 Ductilo Iron Pipe with polyethylene wrapping. The material for sanitary sewer service tines shall bo extra strength cast Iran sail pipe with polyethylene wrapping. Adaptor fittings shall be a urethane or neoprene coupling ASTM C-4 5 with series 300 stainless steel compression straps. Backfiil, fittings, tie-ins and all other associated appurtenancos required are deemed subsidiary work, the cost of which shall be included in tho price bid in the Proposal for each bid Item. D- 6 EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS The plans show the Iocatlons of all known surface and subsurface structures. However, the Owner assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all of these structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact location._ It is mutually agreed that such failure shall not he PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS considered sufficient basis for clairns for addltlonal compansation far extra work or for Increasing ilia pair guaniities in any manner whatsoever. The Contractor shall be responslhfe for verifying the locations of and protecting all existing utilltles, service llnes, or other property exposed by his construction operations. Contractor shall make all necessary provisions for the qupport, protection or relocation, and/or temporary relocation of all utility poles, gas litres. telephone cables, utility services, water mains, sanitary sewer limas, electrical cables, drainage pipes, and all other utilities and structures both above and below. ground during construction. The Contractor is liable for all damages done to such existing fadllties as a result of his operations and any and all cost incurred for the protectilon and/or temporary relocatlon of such facilities aro deemed subsldiary wock and the cast of same and sha11 he Included in the cost bid per linear foot of pipe in taRed. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWEO. Where existing utilitles or service lines are coat. broken or damaged the Contractor 6h6l replace or repair the utilities or service litres with the same type of original material and construction, or better, unless otherwise shown or noted on the plans, at his own cost and expense. The Gontractor shall Immediately notify the in net of the damaged utility or service line. He shall cooperate with the Owners of all utilities to locate existing underground facilities and notify the Engineer of any conflicts In grades and alignment. In case it is necessary to change or move the property of any owner of a public utility, such property shall not be moved or interfered with until. ordered to da sa by the Engineer. The right is reserved to the owner of public uflities to enter upon the limits of the project for the purpose of making such changes or repairs of their property that may be madh necessary by performance of this contract. The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are far Infarmation only and are not guaranteed by the pity of the Engineer 1a be accurate as to extant, location, and depth, they are shown on the plans as the best Information available at the time of design, from the owners of the utilities invoived and born evidences found on the ground. D, T CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OVER PIPELIN155 it fs apparent that cartaln construction vehicles could exceed the load bearing capacity of the pipe under shallow bury corditlons. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to protect both the now Ifne and the oxlsting ilnes from these possibly excessive toads. The Contractor shall not, at any time. cross the existing or new pipe with a truck delivering new pipe to the site. Any, darnaae. to the existing or new pipe Ml be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at the Contractor's exponse, to the satisfaction of the City, In locations where It is not perMilbsbe to cross the a Isting or proposed pipes without adiditfonal protection the Contractor may enact to provide additional protection of the pipes so that more frecluant crossings of the pipes are allowed. It still is, however. the responsibillty of the Con tractor to repair any damage to the existing or proposed lines. if tho homage results from any phase of is construction operaiiof). D- 8 TRAFFIC CONTROL The contractor will be required to obtain a "Street Use Perrrrii prior to starting work. As part of the " treel Use Permit" a traffic conirol. plan Is ragrrirad. The Contractor shall bs responsible for 602096 -8 PAIN D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS providing traffic control during the construction of this project consislent with the provisions set forth in the "l a,tesl Edition Texas Manual an Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streats and Highways" issued under the authorfty of the "State of Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways," codified as Article 6701d Vernon's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27, 29, 30 anti 31. A traffic control pCan shall be submIIted for reulew to Mr. Chales R Burkattr City Traffle Enelne2r at (817) 871-8770, at the Dre-oonstru_ctlon conference. Althouph work will not begin until the traffic con trg 10 la has been reviewed. #fie Contractor's time will' beciiin In accordance with the Urn frame established irl the Notice to the Contractor. The Contractor will not rernove any regulatory sign, instructional sign, streel name sign or ether sign, which has been erecled by the City. If it as determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction, the Contractor shall contact the Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division, (Phone Number 871-7738) to rernovo the sign. In the case of regulatory signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the above -referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary sign is not installed correctly or if it does not meet the required specifications, the permanent sign shall be left in place until the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work Is comploted to the Went that the permanent sign can be reinstalled, the Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings DIvisCcn to reinstall the permanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign In place until such reinstallation is completed. Work snail not be performed an certain Cocationslstreets during "peck traffic periods" as determination by the CIty Traffic Engineer and In accordance with the applicable provision of the "City of Fort Worth Traffic Control Handbook for ConstructJon and Maintenance Work Areas." The cost of the traffic control is subsidiary work and the cost of same shall be included in the price bid for plpa complete in place as bid in the Proposal. and no other compensation will be a [lowed. D- 9 DETOURS The wntraetor small pmsecute l�s work in such a manner as to create a n-liuirnurn of i-fitcrruption to Wfic and pedestrian f'aciLit ie-s and to the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area. D- 10 EXAMINATION MINATION OF SITE It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidder to visit the project site iard rri�ike such examinations and expforations as may be necessary to determine all conditions, which may affect construction of this project. Particular attention should be-glven to methods of providfng ingress and egress to adjacent private and public properties, procedures for protecting existing improvements and disposition of all materials to be removed. Proper consideration should be given to these details during the preparation of the Proposal and all unusual conditions, which may give, rise to later aontCngencles should be brought to the attention of the Owner poor to the submission of the proposal. D- I ZONING DOMPILIANCE 8r4'JJ2-Wc S- PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS f)uring the construction of this project, the - Contractor shall wrnply with present zoning requirements of the ity of fort Worth in the use of vacant property for storage purposes. D- 12 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor at his own expense will furnish water for construction. 0-13 WASTE MATERIAL All waste material shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by the Contractor at locations approved by the IWngineer. All material shall be disposed of Its such a manner as to present a neat appearance and to not obstruct proper.drainage or to cause injury to street Improvements or to abutting property. D- 14 PRO JE T CLEANUP AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE The Cotitmctar shall be aware that keeping the prqjmt site in a treat and orderly cunrlition is considered an itilegral pats of the ContFDcted work and as such shall be considered subsidL ar to the appmpriate bid items. Clean up work shall be done As directed Icy dic Engineer as the work presses or as aeeried. If, in the opinion of the Engirwer it is necessary, clean-up shall be done on a daily basis, 'Clean up work shall include, but not be limited to: • Sweeping the street clean of dirt or dehris • Storing excess material in appropriate and organized rrr mnrr • )beeping lra�h of any kind off of res1dcnts' property If the Fmgiaeer does not feel that the jobsite hats been kept iu an orderly -c-ondition, on the next estimate paymnt (and all subsequent paymQnts until completed) of -the appropriate Idyl items) wilt be reduced by 25%, Final cleanup work shall be done for this projeol as scary as all construction has been completed, o more than seven days sharlI elapse after completion of .construction before the roadway, rtght- of-way, or ease rnent is cleaned up to tha satisfaction of the EngIneer. The GGntractar shall rnake a final cleanup of all parts of the work before ac ptance by the City of Fort Worth or its representative. This cleanup shall includa removal of all objectionable flacks, pieces of asphalt or concrete and other construclion materials, and In general preparing the site of the work In an orderly manner and appearance. The City of Farl Worth Department of Engineering shall give final acceptance of the completed project work. D- 15 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND SEQUENCING OF WORK Pdor to executing the Contract, It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish a schedule oulllnIng the anticipated time for each phase of construction with starting and completion dates, including sufficient time being allowed for cleanup. The Contractor shall not commence with water and/or sanitary seeder installation until such time that the survey cut -shoots have been received from the City inspector. D- 16 SAFETY RESTRICTIONS - WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LIKES The tollo ing procr�duras will be followed regarding the subject item on this contract. 6Y242006 SC-1 0 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS i. A warning sign not [ess than five inches by seven inches, pain fnd yellow with black letters that are legible at twelve feet shall be placed Inside and outside vehicles such as cranes, derricks, power shovels, drilling rigs, pile drivers, hoisting egquipmwlt or similar apparatus: The warning sign shall read as follows: 'WARNING - UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE TH.1 EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET -OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES-" . Equipmenl that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage lines shall have insulating cage -type of guard about the boom or arm, except back hoes or dippers, and InSUIator links -on the lift hook connections. 3. When necessary to work within six feet of high vollage electric Ines, notificatlon shall be given the power company (ONGORE) who will erect temporary mechanical barriers. do - energize the lames, or raise or Mar the lines. The work done by the {power company shall not be at the expense of the pity of Fort Worth. The notifying department shall maintain an accurate log of all $Lich calls to ONCORE. and shall record action taken in each case. 4. The Contractor Is required to mane arrangements with the ON ORE .company for the temporary relocation or raising of high voltage lirkes at the onlractor's sale cost and expense_ 5, No person shall work within six feet of a high voltage line without protection hav[nq been taken as outlined [n Paragraph (3). D- 17 BID QUANTITIES Bid quantities of the various Items ire tyke proposal are For comparison only and may not reflect the actual .quantities. There is no limit to which a bid itern can be Increased or decreased. Contractor shall not be entitled to retie otiation of unit prices regardless of the final measured quantities. To the extent that C4-4.3 conflicts with this provision, this provision controls. No clalm will Inc considered for lost or anticlpatecl profits based upon differences jn estimated quantities versus actual quantities. D- 18 CUTTING OF CONCRETE Wlian exlsling concrete Is cut, such cuts shall be made with a concrete saw. All sawing shall be subsidiary to the unit cost of the respective item. lll)� 19 PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN Project signs are required at all locatlons. It shall be [n accordance with the a,ltached Figure 30 (dated 9-13-9 ). The signs may be mounted on skids or posts. The Engineer shall approve the exact locations aid methods of mounting. In add[tion to the 4' x 8' project signs, project suns shall be attached ti) barricades used where manhole rehabilitation or replacement Is Being conduclad. Signs suspended from barricading shall be placed in such a way that suns do not interfaria with reflective paint or coloring on the barricades. Barricade signs shall be In accordance w[th Figure 30, except that they shall be V-Y' by '4' in size. The Information box shall. have the following Information; For Questions on this Project Call: (817) 871-8306 M-F 7:30 am to 4:30 p, m or (a17)871-8300 Nights and Weekends M6 -1 11 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Any and all cost for the required materials. la3bGr, and equipment necesFary for the furnishing of Project Signs shall be considered as a subsidiary cost of the project and no additional compensalion will be allowed. D- 20 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT At locations in the project where mainy� are required to be placed under exlsling sidewalks and/or driveways, such sidewalks and/or d6veways shall he completely replaced for the full existing width, between existing construction or expansion joint; with 3000 psi concrete with reinforcing stool on a sand cLrshion In accordance with City of Fort Worth TransportatierVPLIblic Works Department Standard Specifications for Construction, item 504. At locations where mains are required Io be placed under existing curb and quttar, such curb and gutter shall be replaced to match type and geometry of the removed curb and gutter shall be installed in accordance with City of Fort Worth Public Works Department Standard Specification for anstructlon. Item 502. Payment liar cutting, backfill, concrete, farming materials and all other asscaialed appurtenances required, shall be included in the square yard price of the bld item for concrete sidewalk or driveway repair. D- 21 MI SC ELLANEOU S PLADEME14T OF MATERIAL Material has been allocaled under various bid ilems In the Proposal to establish unit prices for rniscellarieous placornent of material, Theso materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer, depending on field conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material will be made for only that amount of material used, measured to the nearest one -tenth unit. Payment for miscollanecus placement of material shall be in accordance with the General Contracl Documents regardless of the actual amount used for the project. D- 22 CRUSHED LIMESTONE BA KFILL Where specified on the purrs or directed by the Engineer. Crushod Limestone shall be used for trench backfill on this project. The material shall conform to Public Works Standard Specificalions for (reel and Storm Brain Construction Division 2 Item 208.2 - Materials and Division 2 Item 208.3 - Materials Sources. Trench backfill and cornpactien shall meet the requirernents of F. - Excavation and Backfill. Donsirvollon Specifications, General Contract Documents. Payment for crushed limestone backfill In place shall be made at the unit price bid in the Proposal multiplied by the quantity of material used measured in accordance with E - .t0 Measurement of Backfill Materials, Gonstruction Specifications, and General Contract Documents. D- 23 2: 7 CONCRETE Transportation and Public Works Department typical sectlans for Pavement and French Repair for Utility Guts Figures I through 5 rotor to uslnq 2:27 Concrete as base repair. Since this call - out Includes the ward "concrete", the consistent interpretation of the Transpurlation and Public Works Department is that this ratio specifies, two () sacks of reman I per cubic yard of concrete. D- 24 TRENCH EXCAVATION, EA KFILL, AND COMPACTION Trench excavation and backlill under parking lots, driveways, gravel surfaced roads. 1thiri easements, anti within eXisting or fUtLim R.0.W. shall be in accordance with Sections E1- 8ackfill and E2-2 Excavation and BackfiII of the G oneral Contract ?rz')0e PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Docurnents and Specifications except as specified herein. 1. TRENCH EXCAVATION: In accordance with Section- F-2-2 ExcavaGcon and Back#ill, It the stated maxirnLim trench widths are exceeded, either through eccidnni or otherwise, and it the Engineer determines that the design loadings of the pipe will be exceeded, the Contractor will be required to support the pipe with an Improved trench bottom. The expense of such remedial measures shall be entirely the Contractor's own. All trenching operations shall be wnfiried to the widths of permanent rlghts-of-way, permanent easements, and any ternporary construction easements. All excavation shall be in strict compliance with the Trench Safety Systems S.pechal Condition of Ihis docurnent. _ TRENO H BAC I FILL: Trenches which lie outside of existing or future pavement shall be backfilled above the top of the embedment ratedal with Type " " ba,ckfill material. E cavaled material used for Type " " backlill must be mechankc-My compacted unless the Contractor can furnish the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the N. of the excavated material is less than 8. Such evidence shall be a test report from an independent tosthng laboratory and must include representativa samples of sails in all Involved areas, with a map shGwing the location and depth of the various test holes. It excavated material is obviously granular in nature, cantaining Ilttle or no plastic material, the Engineer may waive the test report requirement. See E1- .3. Type " " or "D" Backfill, acid E2- .11 Trench Backfill for additional requirements. W hen Typa LC'° back -fill materhal is not suitable, at the direrlion of the Engineer, Type "13' beckflll Material shall be used, In general, all backfhll material for tronches in existing paved streets shall be in accordance v,rith Figuro A. Sand material specified In Figure A shall be obtalhed from an approved source and shall consist of durable particles free of thin or elongated pieces, Iurnps of clay. soil, [parr~ or vegetable matter and shall meet the lo IloWing gradation, • Less than 10% passing the 4200 sieve • f'.l, = 10 ar less Additio na I ly. the crushi3d Iimestone embedment gradation specifi�ad In Section Et - Crushed Limastcne for Embedment of the GoneraI Contract Documents and Spscificalhons shall be replaced with the following: Sieve Size Flo Retained 1" 0-10 11" -75 318" 5-90 #4 90-100 #8 95-100 All other provislcns of this section shall remain the same. 3. TRENCH COMPACTION.- All trench backfill shall be placed In lifts per E2-2.9 sackful. Trenches which lie outside existing or future pavements shall be compacted to a Minknum of 90% Standard Proctor Density (A.S.T.M. D698) by mechanical devices specifically designed for compaction at a combination of met#gods subject to approval by the Engineer. Trenches which tie Linder existing orfuture pavement shall be back#illed per Figure A with 95° Standard Proctor Density by mer-hanical devices specilfically designed for compaction or a combination of methods subject to approval by the Engineer. Backf III mate rha[b be compacted as described above must be within +-4% of its optirnurn molsture content. The top two (2) feet of PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS sewer line tranches and the top eighteen (18) inches of wafer line may be rolled in with heavy equipment tires, provided It is placed in lifts appropriate to the material being Used and the operation can be pGrtorrned without damage to the installed pipe. The city, at its own expense, will perform trench compaction tests per A.S.T.W standards on all trench hackf111. Any retesting required as a result of failure to compact the backfi11 material to rneoii the standards Will be at the expense of the Contractor and will be billed at the commercial rates as determined by the City. These soil density tests shall be performed at two {} foot vertical Intervals beginning at a level two () feet above the tap of the Installed pipe and continuing to the top of the completed backf ill at intervals along the trench not to exceed 300 linear feet. The Contractor wl11 be responsible far providing access and trench safety system to the level of trench back f01 to be tested. No extra compensation will be allowed for exposing the back#Ili layer to be tested cr providing trench safety systern for tests conducted by the City. 4. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All material, Including any and.all Type "B" bacicfill, and labor casts of excavation and backliII will be included in the contract documents as a pre -bid pay Item in cubic yards. D- 25 PAVEMENT REPAIR (E2-19) The unit price bid under the appropriate bid Item of the proposal shall cover ail cast for providing pavement repair equal to or superlor in composition, thickness, etc., to existing pavement as detailed in the Public Works Department typical sections for Pavement and Trench Repair for Utilkty i;uts, Figures 2000-1 through 2000-3. The results of the street cures that were conducted on the project streets, to determine HMAC depths on existing streets, are provided In these specifications and contract documents. All required paving cuts shall be made with a concrete saw In a true and straight line on both sides of the trench, a minimum of twelve (1 ) Inchas outside the trench walls. The trench shall be backfilled and the top nine (9) inches shall be filled with required materials as shown on paving details, compacted and level with the finished street surfs . This finished grade shall be maintained in a servIceable condition until the paving has been replaced. All residential driveways shall be accessible at night and over weekends. it has been determlined by the Transportation and Public Works Department tha,i the strip of existing H AC pavement between the existing gutter and the edge of the trench pavement repair will not hold up if such strip of existing pavement is two () feet or leas in width. Therefore, at tho locatlans in the project where the trench wall is three (3) leer or less from the lip of the -existing gutter, the Contractor shall be required to remove the exiOng paving to such gutter. The pavement repair shalt then be made from a minimurn distance of twelve (1 ) inches outside tha bench wall nearest the center of the street to the gutter line. The pavement shall he replaced within a maximum of five (5) working days, providing job placement conditions will permit repaving. If paving conditions are not suitable for repaving, in the opinion of the Owner, the repaving shall be done at the earliest possible date. A permit must be obtained from the Department of Engineering Construction Services Section by the Contractor in conformance with Ordinance No. 3449 andlor Ordinance No. 792 to make utility cuts In the street. The Department of Engineering will inspect the paving repair after construction. This perm.# requirement may be waived if work is being done under a Perfarmwice Bond and Inspected by the Department of Engineering. &2rM'�6 -14 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS R- 26 SITE SPECIFIC TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM (COVERS ALL PROJECTS) A- GENERAL. This specification covers the trench safety requirements for all trench € xcavations exceeding depth of five (5) feet in ordar to Protect workers from cave-ins- The requirements of this item govern all trenches for mafns, manholes, vaults, service Tina , and all other appurtenances. The design for the Irench safety shah be signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in Texas. The trench safety plan shall be specific for each waterandlor sanitary sower Iino inciLfded In the project. 13, STANDARDS: The latest version of the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Satetyand Health Administratlon Slandards, 29 GFF1 Part 1926. Sub -Part P - Excavations, are hereby made a part of this specification and shall be the minimurn governing requirements for trench safety. 1. TRENCHES - A trench is referred to as a narrow excavation made below the surface of the graund in which the depth is greater than the width, where the width measured at the bottom is riot greater Ihan fifteen (1 ) feet. 2. BENCHING SYSTEM - Senching means excavating the sides of a trench to town one or a series of horizontal level or steps, usually with vertical or near -vertical surfaces between levels. . SLOPING SYSTEM - Sloping n)eans excavating to form sides of a trench thRt ate inolined away from the excavation. 4 SHIELID SYSTEM - Shields used in Irenohes are gonaraliy referred to as "trench boxes" or "trench shields", Shield means a structure that is able to withstand [lie forces imposed on It by a cave-in and protect workers w1thin the structure. Shields can be perManant structures or can be designed to be portable and move along as the work progresses. Shields can be either pro -manufactured or job -built in accordance with DSHA standards. 5. SHORING SYSTEM - Shoring moans a structure such as a metal hydraulic, mechanical or timber system that supports the sides of a trench and whictr is dosigned to prevent cave-ins. Shoring systems are generally comprised of cross -braces. vertical rails, (uprights), horizontal rails (wales) and/or sheeting- D. WASUREMENT - Trench depth Is the vertical measurement from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of embedment or bottom of excavation. The quantlty of trench safety systems shall be lased on the [in ear feat aMOUnt of trench depth.greater than five (5) feet. E. PAYMENT - Payment stall be full compensation for safety system design, labor, toots, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary for the Installation and removal of trench safety systems, D- 27 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES A. GENERAL The Installation, replacement, and/or rehabiilta,tion of sanitary sewer manholes will be required i5s shown on the plans, andlor as doscribed in these Spacial Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and Identified by the Engineer. All manholes shall be in accordance with sections EI-14 Materials for Sanitary Sewer Manholes, 6/2m)s -1 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Valve Vaults. Etc., and E -14 Vault and Manhole Construction of the General Contract Documents and Speclflcalions, unless amended or superseded by requirerrments of this Special Condition. For new serer line installations, the Contractor shall temporarily plug all lines at every open manhole under construction In order to keep debris out of the dry sewer luxes, The plugs shall not be romoved until the applicable manhole complete with core section has been constructed and the Ild installed to keep out debris as a result of add€flanai construction, I _ OON RETE COLLARS: Concrete collars wiiI be required on all manholes speolfIed as per Figure 121. 2, WATERTIGHT MANHOLE INSERTS: 1 atertlght gaskot manhole Inserts shall be installed in all sanitary sewer manholes. Inserts shall be constructed in accordance with Fort +North Water Departrneni Standard E1OD-4 and shall be fitled and installed according to the manufaclurees recommendallons. Stainless Steal manhole inserts shall he required for all pipe diameters 18" and greater. 3. LIFT HOLES: All lift halos shall be pluggad with a pre -cast concrete plug, The lift hale shall be sealed on the outside of the manhole wlth barn-Nek or an approved equal sealant. The Ilft hole shall be sealed on the inside of the manhole with qulck setting cement grout. 4. FINAL RIM ELEVATIONS. Manhole rims in parkways, lawns and other improved lands shall be at an elevation not more than one (1 ) nor less than one-half (112) inch above tine surrounding ground. Backfill shall provide a oviform slope from the top of manhole casting for nol less than free (3) feet each direction to existing finish grade of the ground. The grade of all surfaces shall be chocked for proper slopo and grade by string lining the entire -area regarded near the manhole. Manholes in open fields. unimproved land, or drainage courses shall be at an elevation shown -on the drawings or minimum of 6 inches above grade. 5. MANHOLE COVERS: Ali litter shall have pick slots in lieu at pick holes. Manhole frames and covers shall be McKinley, Type N. with indented top design, or aqual, with pick slots. overs shall set flush with the rim of the frame and shall have no larger than 113-ifIGh gap between the frame and cover. nearing surfaces shall be machine finished. Locking rrranhole lids and frames will I>e rest0ctecl to Iodations within the 100-year floodplain and areas specific -ally designated on the plans. Certain teed DuctIle Iron Manhate Lids and Frames are acceptebte for use where locking IIds are specified. 8. SHALLOW CONE MANHOLES: Shallow manhole construction will be used when manhole depth is four (4) feet or less. All shallow cone manholes shall be built In accordance with Figure 105. All shallow cone manhooles shall have a cast iron lid and frame with pick slots. MOTE: MANHOLES PER FIGURE 106 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 7, MANHOLE STEPS, No manholo steps are to be installed on any sanitary sewer manhole. 8. EXTERIOR SURFACE COATING: Exterior surfaces of all manholes shall be coated with two mop coats of con] tar epoxy, Koppers "Bltumastic Super Service Black" Tnernec "48- 450 Heavy Triernecol," ior equal to, a minimurn or 14 mils dry film thickness. PARTD- SPECIAL CONDITIONS 9. MANHOLE JOINT SEALING: All mtorlor andfor exterior joints art concrete manhole sections constructed for the City of fart Worth Water Department. excluding only the joints using a trapped type performed 0-ring rubber gasket shall require Bitumastic joint sealants as per figure M. This sealant shalt be pre -formed -and trowelable Bitumasfic .as manufactured by Kent - Seal, Ram-Nek. E-Z Stick, or equal, The joint sealer shall be supplied in either extruded p€pe form or suitable cress -sectional area cr flat -tape and shall be sized as recomrnerided by the manufacturer and appror ed by the Engineer. The joint sealer shall be protected by a suitable removable wrapper -and shall I not In any way depend err oxidation, evaporation, or any other -ehernicaI action for either its adhesive properties or cohesive strengths, The. Joint seator shall remain totally flex€ble without shrinking, hardening, or oxidizing regardless of the Ienglh of limo it Is exposed to the elements_ The manufacturer shall furnish an affidavit attesting to the successful use of the product as a pro -formed flexible joint sealant an concrete pipe and manhole sections for a period of at least five years. B. EXECUTION, INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANT: Each grade adjustment ring and manhole trarne Mhall be sealed with the above -specified materials. M surfaces to be in contact wRh the joint sealant shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, sand, mud, or other foreign matter. The. manufacturer shall apply a pr€mer to all surfaces prior to Installing the joint sealant in accordance with the recommendations. The protective wrapper shall remain on the Joint sealant until Immediately prior to the placement of the pipe in the trench. After removal of the protective wrapper, the Joint sealant shall be kept clean. Install frames and cover over manhole opening with the bottom of the rings resting an Biturnastic joint sealer. Frames and grade rings shall rest on two () rows (inside and outside) of Bitumastic joint sealer. . SEALING AND/OR ADJUSTING EXISTING MANHOLES., Excavate (rectangular full depth saw cut if In pavement) adjacent to the manhole to expose the entire manhole frame and a minimum of 6 inches of the manhole wall keeping the sides of the trench nearly vertical. Remove manhole frarna from the manhole structure and observe the condition of the frame and grade rings, Any frame or grade ring that is not suitable for use as deterrnIned by the Erig€neer shall be replaced. Grade rings that are constructed of brick, block materials other than pre -cast concrete rings, or where necessary and approved by the Engineer, shall be replaced wilh a pre -cast flatlop section. Pre -cast concrete rings, or a pre -cast concrete flattop section will be the only adjustments allowed. In brick or block manholes, replace the upper portion of the manhole to a paint 24 inches bellow the frame. If the walls or cane section below this level are structurally unsound, notify the Englneor prior to replacement of the grade rings and manhole frame. Existing brickwork, if damaged by the Contractor, shall be replaced at the Contractor's expanse. Wire brush manhole frame and exposed inanhole surfaces to romove dirt and loose debris. Coal exposed manhole surfaces with an approved bonding agent followed by are application of qu€ck setting hydraullc cement to provide a smooth warping surface. If the Inside diameter of the manhole is too large to safely support new adjustment slags or frames, a flat top section shall be Installed. rya- -17 PAIN D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Joint surfaces between the frames, adjustment rings, and cone section shall be free of dirt, stones, debris and voids to ensure a watertight seal. 'lace flexible gasket joint rate rial .along the inside and outside edge of aach joint, or use frowelable materiai in ilea of pro -formed gasket material. Position the butt joint of each length of joint material an opposite sides of the manhole. No steel shires, wood, stones, or -any material not specifically accepted by the Engineer may be used to obtain final surface elevation of the manhole frame.. in paved areas or future paved areas, casings shall be installed by using a straight edge not less than tan (10) feet long so IhaI the top of the casting w!tl contarm to the slope and finish elevation of the paved surface. The top of the casting shall be 1/8 Inch below the finished elevation. Allowances for the compressinn of the julnt material shalt be mado to assure a prop or final grade elevation. 3. EXPOSED EXTERIOR SURFACES., Ail exposed exterior surfaces. shall be coated with two mop coats of coal tar epoxy. Dapper "Biturnastle Supor Semoo Btacl"'; Tnemee "46- 450 Heavy Tnemecel", or equal, to a miniM Urn of 14 mils dry #ism thickrios. 4. The exterior surface of all pre -cast section joints shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wire brush and then waterproofed with a V2-inch thick coat of trowelable biturnastic joint sealant from G-inches below to 6-inches above the joint. The coated Joint shall then be wrapped with 6 mil plastic to protect the sealant from damage during backfilling. . MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: The pr3 bid for new manhole installations shall Include all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for construction of the manhole including, but not limited to, joins sealing, lift mole sealing and exterior surface coating. Payment shall not include pavement replacement. which if required, .shall be paid sspgrately. The price bid for reconstruction of existing manholes shall include all labor equipment and materials necessary for construction of new manhole, Including, but not limited to, excavation, backfIll, disposal of materials, joint sealing, lift hale sealing and exterior surface coating. Payment shall not Include pavernernt replacement, which it required, shall be paid separately. The price bid for -adjusting andlor sealing of existing manholes shall include all labor, equipment and rnaterlals necessary for adjusting anftr sealing the manhole, including but not limited to, joint sealing, lift hole sealing, anal exterior surface coating. Payment for concrete collars will be made per each. Payment for manhole inserts will be made per each. D- 28 SANITARY SEWER SERVICES Any reconnection, relocation, re-routes, replaoernent, or new sanitary sower service skull be required as shown on the plans, and/or as described In these Special Contact Documents in addition to those located in the field and Identified by the Engineer as active sewer taps. The service connections shall bs constructed by the Contractor utilizing standard factory manufactured leans. City approved factory manufactured saddle taps may be used, but only as directed by the Engineer. The decision to use saddle taps as opposed to tees shall be made on a case -by -case basis. The Contractor shall bo responsible for coordinating the scheduling of tapping crews with building owners and the Engineer in order that the work be performed In an expeditious manner. A rninirnum of 24 hours advance notice shall be given when taps will be required. Severed service connections shall be maintained as specified in section 6-5.IS. wlw4m -18 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS D. SEWEFt SERVICE RE ONNE TION When sower service reconnection is called for the Contractor shall vertically adjust the existing sewer service line as required for recannecOon and furnish a now tap. The fittings used for vertical adjustment shall consist of a maximum bend of 45 degrees. The tap shall be lacatad so as to lire up with [he service fine and avoid any hor[zonlaI adjustmeni, for open cut applications, all sanitary sewer service lines shall be replaced to the property or easement line, or as directed by the Engineer. Sanitary sewer aeMces on sewers being rehabliltated us[eg pipe enlargement methods Shall be replaced to the property or i�asarnvnt line or as directed by the Engineer. Procedures [listed below for Sewer Service Replacement stall be adhered to for the installation of any sewer service line including the incldentai four (4) feet of service ilne which Is included in the price bid for Sanitary Sevver Tops, Payment! for Work such as backfil1, saddles. tees, fittings incidenial four (4) feat of service line and M other associated appurtenances required shall be included in the price bid for Sanitary Sevver Taps. E. SEWER SERVICE REPLACEMENT; All building sower services encountered during construction shall be adjusted anWor replaced by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer as regu[red for tha connection of the sewer service iIne. if the sewer -so Mce lime is in such condition or adjustment necessitates the replacement of the sewer service lira, all work shall be performed by a licensed plumber. The Engineer shall deterrnirte the length of the replacement. All sewer cervices shall be ins tarlIed at a rninirnLim of twb (2) percent Mope ur as approved by the Engineer. For sRuatibns [nvcfvr ng sewer service re-routing, whalher on public or private property, the City shall provide line and grade for the sower service lines as shown on the project plans_ Prior to installing the applicable sewer main or lateral and the necessary service Ilnes, the Contractor shall verify (by de -holing at the building clean -out) the elevations (shown on the plans) at the building clean -out and compare the data with the elevation at the proposed connection point on the sewer maim, in order to onsure that the two (2) percent ailnimum slope (or as specified by the Englneer) requirement is satisfied. Elevations shall apse be verified at all bend locations on the service re-route. All applicable sewer chains, laterals and affected service lines that are installed without pre -construction de - holing at the affected residences (to verify dasign elevations) shall be removed and replaced as necessary at the Contractor's expense in the event grade conflicts are brought to fight after do -holing is conducted. All elevation informatfon obtained by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Inspector_ The Engineer shall bo immediately notified In the event that the two (2) percent minimum slope is not satisfied. If the Contractor determines fliaf a different alignment for the re. -route Is more beneficial than shown on the plans, the Contractor shall obtain and submit all relevant elevation inform aticm for the new arlignrnent to the Inspector and shall be respons[ble for ensuring that the two (2) percent minimum grade (or as approved by the Engineer) is satisfied. prior to backfll6rig, the Contractor shall double check the grade of the installed service line and submit signed documentation verifying that the line has boat installed as designed to the Engineer. The Contractor, at its sole expense, shall he required to uncover any sewer service for which tic grade verification has been- submitted. All re- routes that are not installed as designed or tail to meet the City code shall be reinstalled at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall ensure that the service lino is backfilled and conttpacted In accordance with the City Plumbing Code. Connection io the existing sewer sotvi ce lino shall be made wi'lh appropriate adapter fittings. The fitting shaJI be a (Irethano or neoprene coupiing A. S,T.M. - 4 25 with series 000 staln less steel compression} straps. The ontrector shall rercove the existing clean -out and plug the abandoned sewer service line. The contractor shall utllixe schedule 40 PVC for all sanitary sewer service re-routes or relocations located on private property. Furthermore, the contractor shall utilaxe the servJces of a licensed plumber for all service line work on private properly. Permit(s) must be obtained %66 S -1 g PART D i SPECIAL CONDITIONS trom the Clty of Fort Worth Development Department for all servica line work on private property and all work related to the service line must be approved by a City of Fort Worth Plumbing Inspector. A copy of the piurnbing perrnit shall be provided to the Engineer prJor to beginning work on the sanitary sewer service re-route and proof of final acceptance by 1he Plumbing Inspector shall be provided to the Engineer upon completion of the sanitary sewer re-route. Payment for work and materials such au backfill, rernoual of existing clean -outs, plugging the abandoned sewer sorvlce lane, double checking the grade of the installed service lima, pipe fli ings. surface restora#iota on private property (to match existing), and all other associated work for service replawments In excess of four (4) linear lent shall be included in the linear foot price bid for sanitary sewer service Tina replacomerit on private property or public right of way. payment for all work and material involving the "tap" shall be Included in the price bid for sanftaryr sewer service taps. IU- 29 REMOVAL, SAIL VALE, AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING 1FA ILlTIE Any removal, salvaging and/or abandonment of existing facilities wiii necessarily be required as shown cn the plans, and/or describ8d in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located its the field and identified by the Engineer. This work skull be done in accordance with Section E2-1.5 Salvaging of MaterJal and E2-2,7 Removing Pipe, of the General Contract (Documents and Spoci#icatlons, unless amended or superseded by requirements of this Speclal Condition. A. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER METER AND METER BOX: Existing water meter and meter box shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Contractor in accordance with Section E2-1 .5 Salvaging of Materials. B. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER METER AND CONCRETE VAULT" LID, Existing water rneter and concrete vault lid shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Contractor In accordance with Section E2-1.5 Salvaging of Materials. The concrete vault shall be dernalished in place to a point nai less than 18 inches WOW final grade. The concrete vault shall then be baGckfilled and compacted In accordance with ba dill method as specified in 5ectIon E -2.9 Backfill. Bacidill material shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with existing surrounding surface and grade. C. SALVAGE OF EXISTING FIDE HYDRANTS: Existing fire hydrants shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehausa by the Contractor in accordance wlth Section E2-1.5 Salvaging of Materials. The void shall be back#illed and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified In Section E2-2.9 Baekfili. Backfill material shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with existing surrounding surface and grade. D. SALVAGE OF EXISTING GATE VALVE. Existing gate valve and valve box and lid shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Contractor In accordance with ectfor) E.. -1,5 Salvaging of Materials. The void area caused by the valve removal shall be backfilied and compacted in accordance with backtIll method as specified In Section E2-2.9 Backfiil. Backtiil material shall be suitable excavated materlal approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with existing surrounding surface and grade. If the valve is in a concrete vault, the vault shall be demolished in place to a point no loss than I$° befow Onal grade, t-U PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS E. ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING CRATE VALVE: Existing date valve and box Ild shall be abandoned by first closing the valve to the fully eiosed position and demolishing the valve box in place to a point not less khan 18 inr,hes below 11nal grade. Concrete shaII than be used as backfilI material to onatch, existing grade. F. ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING VAULTS: Faults to be demolished in place shall have top slab and lid removed and vault walls demolished 10 a point not less than 18" below final grade. The void area caused shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfili method as specified in Sectfon E2-2„9 Backfill.. Backfill material shall be suktable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with the exlsling surroundirig grade. G. ABANDONMENT OF MANHOLES: Manholes to be abandoned In place shall have all pipes entering or exiting the structure plugged wJth lean- concrete. Manhole top or Mne section shall be removed to the top of the full barrel diameter section, or to point not tress than 18 inches be€ow final grade. The structure shoII then be backfIIled and compactod in accordance with ba kfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Backflll material may be either clean washed sand of clean, suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be corrrpatlbie with surrounding service surface. Payment for work Involved in backfilling, plugging of pipe(s) and aft other appurtenances required, shall be included in the appreprlate bid item - Abandon Existing Sewer Manhole. H. REMOVAL 0 F MANHOLES_ Manholes to be removed shall have all pipes entering or exiting the structure disconnected. The complete manhole, including top or core section, all full barrel diameter section, and base section shall be removed. The excavation shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfilf method as specified in Soction E2-2.9 Backfill. BackfiiI material may be with Typo C Backf111 or Type B Backfi11, as approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration sha11 be cornpabb11P with surrounding surface. 1. CUTTiNG AND PLUGGING EXISTING fvWNS, At various looatlons on this project, it may be required to cul+ plug, and blocks existing water mains/services or sanitary sewer mains/services in order to abandon Ihess llnes, Duffing and plugging existing mains and/or services shall be considered as Incidental and all costs incurred will be considered to be Included Ira the linear foot bid price of tho pipe, UNess separate trenching Is required, J. REMOVAL OF EX STI NG PINE: Where removal of the ax[sting pipe Is required, it shall bo the Contractor's rosponsibility to properly dispose of all removed pipe. All removed valves, fire hydrants and meter boxes shall' be dowered to dater Department Field Operation, Storage 'hard. G. PAYMENT: Payment lar all work and material involved in sailvaging. abandoning andlor removing existing facilities shall be included in the linear foot }yid price of the pipe, except as follows: separate payfnent will be made for rem ova I of all fire hydrants, gale valves, I inch and larger, and sanitary sewer manholes, regardless of Iocatlon. Paymont will be made for sal► aiging, abandoning and/or removing all other existing facilities when said facility is not beJng replaced in flea same trench (i.e., when removal requires a separate trench). L. ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING SEWER LINES: Where plans call for abandonment of exi6ting sewer mains after the construction of a new sewer main, the Contractor shall be responsible for Tel Inspection of f 00% of the existing sewer ma in to be abandoned to make a FART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS final deterrnmation thal all exisling service connections have been relocated to the new maln. Once this determination has been made, the existing main will be abandoned as indicated above in Item 1. D- 30 DETECTABLE WARNING TAPES Detectable underground utility waming tapes which can he located from the surface by a pipe detector shall be installed directly above non-matailic water and sanitary sower p1pe. The detectable tape shall be "Detect Tape" manufactured by Allen Systerns, Inc. or approved equal, and shall consist of a minimum thickness 0.35 mils solid aluminum toll encased In a protective inert plastic jacket that is impervious to all known alkalis, aeids, chemical reagents and solvents found in the soil. The minimum overall thickness of the tape shall be 5.5 mils, and the width shall not be. less Chart two inches witl-i a minimum unit weight of t pounds}1 inchl..100', The tape shall be color coded and Imprinted with the message as follows: zkee of UtiiCofer Code Water Safety Bite Sewer Safety Orden Leger:ds autioni Buried Water Una Below autionl Buried Sewer Une Below Installation of detectable tapes shall be per manufacturer's recommendations and shall be as close to the grade as is practical for dptlmum proteclion and detectability. Allow a minimurn of 18 inches between the tape and the pipe. Payment for work such as backtill, bedding, blocking, detectable tapes, and all other associated appurtenances required shall be Included in the unit prlee bid for the appropriate bid items). D- 31 PIPE CLEANING Joints shall be wiped and then ir}spected for proper installation by the Inspectors. Each joint shall k e swept daily and kept clean during installation. A temporary night ptug shall be installed on all exposed pipe ends during.any period of work stoppage. D- 32 DISPOSAL OF SPOILMLL MATERIAL Prior to the citspvsing of any spoil/fill material, the Contractor shall adv1se the Director of Engineering Department, acting as the City of Fort orth's Flood Plain Administrator ("Adminlstrator"). of the location ibfi all sites where ilia Contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shall net dispose of such material until the proposed sites have been determined by the Administrator to meet the requirements of the Flood Plain Ordinances of the City of Fort WWh {Ordinance No. 10050}, All disposai sites must be approved by the Administrator to ensure that filling Is not occurring within a floodplain without a permit, A floodptaln permit can be issued upon approval of necessary Engineering sludles. No fill permit is required If disposal sites are not In a fioodplain. Approval of the ntractor's disposal Sites shall be avIdenced by a telter signed by the Administrator staffng that the site is not In a known flood plain or by a Flood Plain Fill Permit authori irrg fill within the floor! plaint. Any expenses associated Wtth obtaining the fill permit, Including any necessary Engineering studies, shall be al the Contractor's expense. In the event that the Contractor disposes of spoil/fill material at a site without a fill permit or a letter from the administrator approving the disposal alto, upon notiflratlon by the Director of Engineering Department, Contractor shall remove the spoil/Jill material at its expense and disposb of such materials irr accordance with the Ordinances of the City and this se�atlon. D- 33 M E C H ANICS AND M ATER [ALM EN'SLIEN PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Qarttractor shall be required to execute a release of mechanics and material i ron's liens upon recelpt of {payment. D- 34 SUBSTITUTIONS The specifications for materials set Gut the minimum standard of qualily, which the City believes necessary to procure.a satisfactory project. No substitutions will be permitted until the- Contractor has received written permission of ilia Engineer to rhaka a substitutiun for Ilie material, which has been specified. W here the term "or equal", or "or approved equal" is used, it is undo rs[cod #hat if a material, pcoduct, or piece of equipment bearIng the name so used is furnished, it will be approvable, as the particular trade name was used foi- the purpose of establishing a standard of quality acceptable to the City. If a product of any other name is proposed for use, the Engineer's: approval thereof must be obtained before the Contractor procures the proposed substltute. Where the terra "or equal". or "or approved equal" Is not used in the specifications, this does not. necessarily exclude altornative items or material or equipment which may accomplish the. intended purpose. However, the Contractor shall hauo [lie full responsibility of proving That the proposed substitution Is, In fact, equal, and the Engineer, as the representative of the City, shall be the sole Judge of the acceptaUlity of substilutions, The provisiohs of this sub -section as related to "sub6titutions" shall be applicable to all sections of these specifications. D- 35 PRE -CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER A. GENERAL: Prior to the roconstruction, ALL sections of exlsting sanitary sewer lines to be abandoned, removed (except where Being replaced in the same location), or rehabllltated (pipe enlargement, cured-1n-place pipe, told & n d form pipe, slip -sine, etc.), shall be cleaned, and a televisiion inspection- performed to identlfy any active sewer somfoe taps, other sewer laterals and their location. Work shall consist bf furnishing all labor, material, and equipment Necessary for the cleaning and inspection of the sewer lines by means of closed circult television. Satisfactory precautions shall be taken to protect the Sewer lines from damage that might ba inflicted by the imp rGper use of cleaning equipment. I. HIGH VELOCITY JET (HYDROGLEANIN ) EQUIPMENT. The high-velocily sewer fine cleaning equipment shall bo constructed for easy and safe operation, The equipment shall also have a selection of two or more high -velocity nozzles. The nodes shall be capable of producing a scouring action from 15 to 45 degrees In all sl a liners designated to be cleaned. Equipment shall also include a high-volpcEty gun for washing and scouring manhole wails and Floor. The gun shall be capable of producing flows from a fine spray to a solid stream. The equipment shall carry its own water tank, auxillary engines, pumps, and hydraulically driven Bose reel. Hydraulically Propelled Equipment shall be Gf a movable dam type and be constructed in such a way that a portion of the dam n1ay be collapsed at any fte during the cleaning operation to protect against floodir?g of the sewer. The movable darn shall be equal In diameter around the outer periphery to ensure rerrtovaf of grease. If sewer cleaning Falls or other equipirrent, which cannot be collapsed. is used, special precautions to provant. flooding DI the sewers and public or private property shall be taken, The flow of sewage present In the sewer lines s4all be ptil4gq to provide necessary fluid for hydrauk cleaning devfces whenever possible. . CLEANING PROCEDURES: The designated sewer manholes shall bo cleaned using high-volocfty jet equipment. The equipment shall be capable Gf removing dirt, grease, rocks, sand, and other materials and obstructions from the sewer lines and manholes. If cfeaning of an entire section cani7Gt be successfully performed from one manhole, the -3 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS equipment shall be set op on the other manhole and cleaning again attempted, If, again, successful cleaning cannot he performed or equipment falls to traverse the entire manhole section, it will be assumed that a major blockage exists, and the cleaning effort shall be abandened, When additional quantities of water from fire hydrants are necessary+ to avoid delays In normal working procedures, the water shall be cpnserved and not used unnecessarily. No fire hydrant shall be obstructed in case of a fire in the area served by the hydrant_ Before using any water from the City Water DIstribution System, the Contractor shall apply+ for and receive permission from the Water Department, The Contractor shall be responsible for the water met -or and related charges for the setup, including the water usage bill. All expenses shall be considered Incidental to clearing, 3. DEBRIS REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL: All sludge, dirt, sand, rock, grease, and other solid or semisolid material resulting from the cleaning operation shall be removed at the downstream manhole of the section being cleaned. passing material from manhole section to manhole !sectlon, which could cause line stoppages, accumulations of sand in Wet wells, OF damage pumping equipment, shall not be permitted. 4. All solids or sernlsoltd resulting from the cleaning operations shall be removed from the site and disposed of at a site designated by the Engineer. All materials shall be removed from the site na lass often than at the end of each workday and disposed of at no additional cost to the City. 5. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL SEWAGE OR SOLIDS REMOVED THEREFROM BE DUQ PEP 0INTO STREET OR INTO DITCHES, CATCH BAS IN S, STORM DRAIN OR SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES. 5. TELEVISION (NSPE TION EQUIPMENT: The television camera used for the inspection shall be one specifically designed and constructed for such inspection. Lighting for the cainera shall be suitable to allow a clear picture of the enure perlphery of the pipe. The camera shall be operative in 100° humidity condltlons. The camera, television monitor, and other components of the video system shall be capable of producing picture quality to the satisfaction of the Engineer; and if unsatistacbM, equipment shall be removed and no payment will be made For an unsatisfactory Inspectlon. B. EXECUTION: TELEVISION INSPECTION: The camera shall be moved lhrougb the llne in either dlreciion at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentation of any sewer service taps. In no ease will the television camera be pulled at a speed greater than 30 feet per minute_ Manual winches, power winches, TV cable, and powered rewinds or other devices that do not obstruct the camera view or interfere with proper documentation shall be used to move the camera through thn sewer Ilne. When manually operated winches are used to pull the television camera through the line, telephones or ether suitable means of cornrnunicatlons shall be set up between the two manholes of the section being inspected to ensure good communications between members of the crew. The importance of accurate distance measurements is om hasized. Ail televisiarl inspection videotapes shall have a footage counter. Measurement for location of sewer service taps shall be above ground by means of meter device. Marking on the cable, or 20D5 - 4 PART D + SPECIAL CONDITIONS the like, which would require interpolatlon for deplh of manhole, will not be allowed. Accuracy of the distance meter- shall be chocked by use of a walking meter, roll -a -tape, or other soitabto device, and the accuracy shall be satisfactory to the Engineer. The City makes no -qua rantee that ail of the sanitary sewers to be entered are clear far the passage of a camera. The m et hods used for securing passage of the Camara are to be at tho option of the ontractor. The cost Gf retrieving the Television camera, under all atrcumstances, when €t bocomes lodged during Inspection, shall be incidental to- Television inspection. DOCUMENTATION. Television Inspection Logs: Printed location records shall be kepl by the Contractor and will clearly show [lie location In relation to an adjacent manhole of each sewer service laps observed during inspection. In addition, other points of signiticance such as loGations of unusual conditions, roots, storm sewer connections, broken pipe, presence of scale and corrosion, and other discernible features will be recorded, and a copy of such records will be suppliers to the City. 3. PHOTOGRAPHS: Enstant developing, 35 mm, or other standard -size photographs of the teleuislon picture of problems shall be taken by the Contractor upon request of the Engineer. as long as such photographing does not interfere with the GGntractofs operations. 4, VIDEOTAPE RECORDINGS: The purpose of tape recording shall be to supply a visual and audio record of problem areas of the lines that may be replayed. Video nape recording playback shall be at the same speed that It was recorded. The tele0sion tapes shall be furnished to the City for review immediately upon completion at the television inspection and may be retained a maximum of 30 calendar days. Equipment shall be provided to the C11y by the Contractor -for review of the tapes, The En9inoar will return tapes to the Contractar upon completion of review. Tapes shall not be erased Vilhout the permission of the Engineer. If the tapes are of such poor quality that the Engineer is unable to r:valuate ills condition of the sewer line or to locate service connectlons, the Contractor shall be rewired to re-televiss and provide a good tape of the lime at no additional cost to the City. If a good tape cannot be provided of such quality that can be reviewed by [he Engineer. no payment for televising this portion shall be made. Also, no payment shall be made for portions of lines not televised or portions where manholes cannot be negotiated with the television camera. THE TAPES SHALL BE 811,113MITTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION FOR REVIEW AND DETERMINATION OF SAGS. Upon completlon of review of the tapes by the Engineer. the Contractor will be not€ilea as t.o which sections of the sanitary sower are to be corrected, The Englneer will return tapes to the Oonl;rsctor upon completion of review, All costs associated with this Wane shall be incidental to unit prices bld tar iteMs Under Television Inspection of th.e Proposal. C. PAYMENT OF CLEANING AND PRE -CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS. The cost for Pro-Constructlon Cleaning and Television Inspection of sanitary sewers shall be per linear foci of sewer actually televised. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with tapes of a quality that the particular piece of sewer can be readily evaluated as to exIsfing surer conditions acid for provIding appropriate means for review of PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS the Japes by the Engineer including collection and removal, transportation and disposal of sand and debrls ffom the sewers to a log al dump site. Television inspection shall Include necessary cleaning (hydraulic jet or mechanicai cleaner) to provide video Image required for line analysis. The primary purpose -of cleaning is tar television inspeetlon-arid rehabilitation; when a portion of a line is not or cannot be televised or rehabilitated, the cleaning of that Paton of lino shall be incidental and no payment shall be made_ Tile C Its+ makes no guarantee that a]I of the sarni#ary sewers- to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera_ The methods used for securing passage of the camera are to be at the option of the Contractor, and the costs must be included In the bid price for TV Inspections. The cost of retrJeving the TV Camera, under all circumstances, when It bammes lodged during Inspection, shall be incidental to TV Inspection. The item shall also. Include all costs of installing and maintaining any bypass pumping required to provide reliablo, regular sewer service to the area residents. All bypass pumping shall be incidental to the project. D- 36 VACUUM TESTING OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES D.GENERAL: This item shall gpvern the vacuum testing of all newly constructed sanitary sewer manholes. B. EXECUTION: 1, TEST PROCEDURE: Manholes shall be vacuum tested prior to any interior grouting with all conneetlons In place. Lift holes shall be plugged, and all drop -connections and gas sealing connections shall be installed prior to testing. The sewer Iines entering the manhole shall be plugged and braced to prevent the plugs from being drawn into the manhole, The plugs shall be installed in the lines beyond the 6rop-cannectlicns, gas sealing connecXions, etc. The test head shall be placed inside the frame at the top of the manhole and Inflated in accordance wilh the manufacturer's recommendations. A vacuum of Ion inches of mercury (10°wg) shall be drawn and the vacuum pump will be turned off. With the valva dosed, the level of vacuum shall be read after the required tbst time. The required test time shall be determined from the Table I below In accordance with ASTM ♦ 1 4 -9 : Table I MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED FOR VACUUM DROP OF 1" Hg (10"H9 - 9"N J)(SEO) Depth of MI-1. 48-Inch Dia. 60-Inch Dia. (FT.) Manhole [Manhole 0 to 1 B' 40 sen. 52 sec. 'I5' 45 sec. 59 sec. 20' 50 sea. 65 sec. 2' 55 see. 72 sec. 4' 59 sec. 78 sec;. GM -2 PART a - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6, 64 Sec_ 85 sec_ 8' 69 sec. 91 sac. 30, 74 sec, 98 sec. For Each 5 sec. 6 sec. Additional 2' ACCEPTANCE: The manhole shall be considered acceptabi'e, if. the drop in the l6ve1 of vacuum fs less than one -inch- of rnercury (V Wg) after the required test time. Any manhole, which fails to pass the initlal test, must be repalred by either pressure cyruuthng through the manhole gall or digging to expose the exterior wall of the manhole in order to locate the leak and seal it with an epoxy sealant. The manhole shall be retested as described alcove untli It has SUCZE!ssftlily passed the test, Following cornpistion of a successful test, the manhole shall be restored to its normal car:ditibn. all temporary plugs shall he removed, all braces, f�quipmenl, and debris shall be removed and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. C. PAYMENT., Payment for vacuum tesling of sanitary sewer manholes shall be }paid at the contract price per each vacuum test. This prico shall include all material. labor, equipment, and all inGiderrtals, including all bypass pumping, required to complete the lost as specified herein. D- 37 BYPASS PUMPING The Contractor sha1J bypass the sowage around the section or sections of sewer to be rehabilitated and(or replaced. The bypass shall be made by plugging exWing upstream manhole and pumping the sewage into a downstrearn manhole or adjacent systern or other method as may be approved by the Engineer. The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flaw vVithout sewage backup ocourring to facIlities conriWed to tha sewer. Provisions shall be made at driveways and street cross tngs to permit safe vehicular travel wbout Inlorrupttng flew in the bypass systerrr. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to dlscharcge sewage into the trenchas. Payment shall be in6dantal to rehabilitation or roplacement of the sewer line. D- 38 POST=CONSTRUCTION TEILEV1 S 10N INSPE TION OF SANITARY S EWER A. GENERAL: After construction, ALL sections of sanitary sewer lines shall have d tdt0vWoh' inspection performed by an independent sub -Contractor hired by the prime Contractor. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for inspection of the sewer lines by means of closed circuit television. Satisfactory precautions shall be taker to protect the sewer lines from damage that might be Inflicted by the improper use of cleaning equipment. B. TELEVISION IN PEOTtON EQUIPMENT. The television camera used for the Inspeatlon shall be one specitically designed and constructed for such inspeclion. Lighting for the cam ara sha11 be nperativv In 100% humidlty conditions. 'rhe camora, televislon monitor, and other components of the v1deo system shall bo capable of producing picture quality to the satisfacrion of the Engineer; and If unsatisfactory, equipment shall be removed and rio payment will be made for an unsatisfactory inspection_ C. EXECUTION: 200 - 7 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. TELEVISION INSPECTION. The camera shall be moved through the line in either d1rection at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentation of any sower service zaps. In no case will the television camera be pulled at a speed greater than 30 feel per minute. Manual winches, power winches, TV cable, and powered rewinds or other devices that do not obstruct the camera view or interfere wlTh proper documentation shall be used to move the camera through the sewer line. No more than 000 Hnear feel of pipe wilI be televisod at ono time for review by the Engineer. When manually operated winches are used to pull the television camera through The We, telephones or other suitable means of communications shall be set up between the two manholes of tho section being inspected to ensure good communications between members of the crew. The importance of accurato distance measurernents is em hasIze . All television Inspection video tapes shall have a footage counter. Measurement for location of sewer service taps shall be above ground by means of meter device. Marking on the cable, or the like, which would require interpolation for depth of manhole, will not be allowed. Accuracy of the distance meter shah be checked by use of a walkling meter, roll -a -tape, or other suitable -device, and the accuracy shall be satisfactory to the Engineer. The 04 makes no guarantee that all of the sanitary sewers to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera. The methods used fear securing passage of the camera are to be at the option of the Contractor. The cost or retrieving the Televislon camera, under all circumstances, when it becomes Todged during inspection, shall be incidental to Television Inspection. Sanitary sewer mains must be laced with enough water to fill all low pints. The television inspection must be done Immediately following the lacing of the main wish no water flow. If seiner Is active, flow must bo restricted to provide a clear imago of sewer being Inspeatod. 2. DOCUMENTATION: Uevision Inspection Logs: Printed location records shall be kept by the Contractor and will clearly show the location in relatlon to an adjacent manhole of each sewer service tap observed during €nspectlon. All television logs shall be referenced to stationing as shown on the plans. A cop} of those television logs will be supplted to the city, 3. PHOTOGRAPHS. Instant developing, 35 mm, or other standard -size photographs of the television picture of problems shall be taken by the Contractor upon request of the Engineer, as long as such photographing does not interfere with the Contractor's operations. 4. VtDEOTAPE RECORDINGS: The purpose of tape recording shall be to suppler .a visual and audio record of problem areas, of the does that may be replayed. Video tape recording playback shall be at the same speed that it was recorded. The television tapes shall be furnished to the City 'Far review immediately upon completion of the television inspection and may be retained a maximum of 30 calendar days. Equipment shall be provided to the City by tiro Contractor for review of the tapes. Tapes will be returned to the Contractor upon completion of review by the Engineer. Tapes shall not be erased without the permission of the Engineer. rz s S -2a PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS If tl7e I pes are of such p9or qualit that the E nq ineer is unable to evaluate the condition of the sewer line or to locate service connectlons, the Contractor shall berQgulred to re - televise acid provide a good tape of the.11ne at. no additional cast to the Cit . if a goad tape cannot be provided of such quality that can be reviewed by thn% Enginear, no payment for televising this portion shall be made. Also, no pay+rnant shall be mare for portions of lines not lelevlsed or portions where manholes cannot be negotiated with the television carnera. D. PAYMENT OF POST -CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY EWERS. The cost for past -construction Television inspection of sanitary sewers shall be per linear font of sewer televised. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with tapes of a quality that the particular piece of sower can be readily evaluated as. to sewer coindItions and for providing appropriate means for ieview.ot the tapes by the Engineer. Television Inspection shnIl Include necessary cleaning (hydraulic jet or mechanical cleaner.) to provido video image required for line analy+als. The cluan ity of TV Inspection shall be measured as the total length of now pipe installed. All costs assoclated with this work shall be Included in the approprats bid item - Post -Construction Television Inspection. The item shall also Include all cosh of installing and maintaining 'any bypass pumping required to provide reliable; regular sewer service to the area residents. All bypass pumping shall be Incidental to the project. D- 39 SAMPLES AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. The Contractor shall fumish, at its own expertise, certifioln' 16ns by a pdvale laboratory for all materials praposed to be used on the pmject, including a mix design for any asphaltic andlor Portland cement concrete to be used, and gradation analysis for saint and crushed stone to be used along with the name of the pil from which the malarial was taken- The contractor shall provide man"facturer's cerfil'ieaticris for all manufactured Items to be used In the project and wail bear any expense related thareto. B. Tests of the design concrete mix shall be matte by the contractor`s laboratory at- least nine days prior to the placing of concrete using the same aggregate, cement, and mortar which are to be Used later in the concrete. The Contractor skull provide a certified copy of tho test results to the C iiy . G. Quallty control tostIng of In -place material on this project will be performed by the oily at its. own expense. Any retesting required as a result of failure of the material to meet project specifications will be at the exponso of the contractor i rnd will be milled at commercial rates as determined by the City. The failure of the City to make any tests of materials shall in no gray relieve the oDntractor of its responsibllityf to furnish materials and equipment cahforMing to the requirements Of the contract. 13. Not iess than 24 hours notfce shall be provided to the Gly by the Contractor for operations requiring testing. The Contractor shall provide access and trench safety system (if required) for the site to be tested, and any work effort involved Is deemed to be Included in the unill price for tho item being tested. E. The Contractor shall provide a copy of the trip ticket for each loan of fill rnateriaJ delivered to the job site. The tickot shall specify the ha me of the pit supplying the fall material. D- 40 TEMPORARY EROSION. SEDIMENT, AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL 62r24706 - g PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. DESCRIPTION: Thks item ahall consist of temporary sail erosion sedlment and water pollution control measures deemed necessary by the Engineer for 1h8 duration of the contract. These control measures shalt at no time be used as a substitute for the permanent control measures unless otherwise directed by 1he Engineer and they shall net Include measures taken by the CONTRACTOR to control condit{ores created by his construction operations. The temporary measures shall include dikes, barns, berms, sediment basins, fiber mats, lute netting, temporary sending, straw mulch, asphalt mulch, plastic liners, rubble liners, baled -hay retards, dikes. slope drains. and other devices. B, CON STRUCTION REQUIREMENT : Tire: E-Rg[nee r has the authority to define erodible earth and the authority to limit the surface. area of orodibl o-ea rth material expose by prepnrinrg rlght-;of-way, clearing and grubbing, the surface area of erodible -earth material exposed by excavation, borrow wid to direct the CONTRACTOR to provide temporary pollution -control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams, other water courses. tames, ponds or other areas -of water Impoundment. Such worm may involve the construction of temporary berms, dikes, dams, sedlment basins, slope drains and use of temporary mulches, melts, seeding, or other control devices oi, methods directed by the Engineer as necessary to control soil erosion. Temporary paikltion-control measures shall be used to prevent or correct erosion that may develop during construction prior to installation of permanent pollution ciantral features, but are not associated +,with permanent control features can the project. The Engineer will limit the afes of preparing right-of-way, clearing and grubbing, excavation and borrow to be proportional to the ONTHA TOR' capability and progress In keeping the finish grading, mulching, seeding, and other such permanent poll ul ion-cont rol measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal conditions make such limitations unrealistic, temporary soil -erosion -control measures shall be performed as directed by the Engineer. 1. Waste or disposal areas and construction roads stall be located and constructed in a manner that will minimize the amount of sediment entering streams. Frequent fordings of live streams will not be permitted; lherofore, temporary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever an appreciable number of streams crossings are necessary. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, mechanized equipment shall not be operated In live streams. . Whon work areas or rmateriall sources are located In or adjacent to live streams, such areas shall be separated from the stream by a dike or -other barrier to keep sediment from entering a flowing stream. Care i3hall be taken during tho construction and removal 'of such barriers to mir mlze the muddying of a stream. 4. All waterways shall be cleared as soon as practicable of false work, piling, debris or tither obstructions placed during construction operations that are not a part of the finished work. 5, The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions to prevent pollution of streams, lakes and reservoirs with fusels, oils, bitumen, catclum chlorine or outer harmful materials. He shall conduct and schedule hts operations so as to avoid or minimize siltation of streams, I$kes and reservoirs and to avoid Interference with movement of migratory fish. G. f~+iii: A UREM1ENT AND PAYMENT: All work, materials and equipment necessary to provide temporary erosion control shall be considered subsidiary to the contract and no extra pay will be.given for this work. 62r2906 -3 U PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS D- 41 INGRESS AND EGRES IOB TRU TION OF ACCESS TO DRIVES The Contractor shall provide Ingress and egress to the property being crossed by this construction and adjacent property when construction is not in progress and at might. Drives shall be left accessible at night, on weekends, and during holidays. The Contractor shall conduct his activitles to minimize obstruction of access to .drives and property during (he progress of construction. Notlfication shall be made to an owner prior to his driveway being removed and/or rebuilt. D- 42 PROTECTJON OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL All Properly along and adjacent to the Contractors' aFparattons Including fs ns, yards, shrubs, trees, :etc., shall be preserved or restored after completion of the work, to a condilion equal to or better than existed prier to start of work. Any trees or other landscape features scarred or damaged by the Contr'actor's operations shall be restored or replaced al the onlraotor's expense. Trimming or pruning to. facilitate the work will be permittod only by experienced workmen in an approved manner (No trimming or pruning without the property owners' consent). Pruned limbs of -1" diameter or larger shaft be thoroughly treated as soon as possible with a tree wound dressing. By ordinance, the Contractor must obtain a permit from the City Forester before any work (trlmming, removat, or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs growing on public property Including street Rights-cf-Ways and designated alloys. This permit can be obtained by calling the Forestry Office at 87i-5738. All tree work shall be in compliance with pruning standards for Class 11 pruning as described by the rational Arb rist Association. A copy -of those standards can be provided by calling the above number. Any damage to publlc trees due to negilgencs by the Contractor shalt be assessed using the currant formula for Shane Tree Evaluation as defined by the Internatlonal Society of Arboriculture. Payfmcnt for negligent damage to public trees st all be made to the City of Fort Worth and may be withheld from tunds due the C antractor by the city. To prevent the spread of the Oak WlIt fungus, all wounds an Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be Immediately sealed uslr)g a commercial pruning paint. No separate payment will be made for any of the work involved for this item and all costs incurred will be considered a subsidiary cost of the project. D- 43 SITE RESTORATION The contractor shall be responsible for restoring the site to original grade and condition after completion of Iris operations subject to approval of the Engineer. The Masts for approval by the Engineer witl be grade restoration to plus minus. one -tenth (0.1) of a font. D- 44 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD PRODUCT FIST Proposed products submi#ted In the bid documents must appear In the latest "City of Fort Worth Standard Product List, for the bld to be considered responsive. Products and processes listed in the "City of Fort Worth Standard Pmaluct List shall be considered to Meet City of Fort Worth minimum technics! requirements. D- 45 TOPSOIL, SODDING., SEEDING & HYDROMULCHIN C- 1 PART D SPECIAL CONDITIONS This itern shall be performed in accordance with the CIty of Fort Worth Parks and Community Services Department Specilicafions for Topsoll. Sodding and Seeding, 1, Topsoil - DE SRIPTION, This Item wile consist of fu fishing and placIng a minimum of six () inchas of topsoil, free from rock and foreign material, In all parkways and medians to the Imes and oracles as established by the Engineor. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: Topsoll will he secured from Morrow sources as required to supplement material secured from street excavation. All excavated materials from streets which is suitable for topsail will be used in the parkways and medians before any topsoil is obtained from a barrow source. Topsoil matoriai secured from street excavation shall be stbokpiolod at locations approved by the Engineer, and at wrnpletlon of grading and paving operations, topsoil shall he placed on parkway areas so as to provide a minimum sic (6) inches of compacted depth of topsoil parkways. 2_ SODDING DESCRIPTION., Sodding will consist bf furnishing and planting Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augusllne grass in the areas between the curbs and walks, on terraces, in maedisrx strips. on embaFikments or cut slopes, or in such areas as designated on the Drawings and in accordance with the requirements of this Specif icalion. Recommended Buffalo grass varieties ter sodding are Prairie and 609. MATERIALS, Sod shall consist of Ilve and growing Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine, grass secured from sources where the soil is fertile. Sod to be placed during dhe dormant state of those grasses shall be alive and acceptable. Bermuda and Buffalo grass sod shall have a healthy, virile roof system of dense, thickly matted roots throughout a two () Inch minimum lhickntss of native soil attached to the roots. St. Augustifle grass soil shall have, a healthy, virile root system of dense, thickly matted nets throughout a one (1 ) inch minimurn thickness of native soil attached to the moll. The sod shall be free from obnoxious vviaads or other grasses and shall not contain any matter deleterious to its growlh or which might affect its subsistenco or hardlness when transplanted. Sod to be placed between curb and walk and on terraces shall be the same type grass as adjacent grass or existing lawn. Marco shall be Taken at all times to retain native ;soil on the roots of Ihe} sod during the process of excavating, hauling, and planting. Sots material shall be kept moist from the time It is dug unrll planted. When so directed by the Engineor, the sad existing al the source shall be watered to the extent required {prior to excavating. Sod material small be planted within three days after ft is excavated. CONSTRUCTION METHODS, After the da- signated areas have been completed to the lines, grades, and cross -sections ;shown on the Dra wIngs and as provided for In other Iterns of the contract, sodding of the type specified shall be parfermed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter described_ Sedding shall be either "spot" or 'block".aithor Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine grass, a. Spot Bolding -3 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Furrows parallel to the curt} Ilne or sidewalk lines, twelve (12) inches on centers or to the dimensions shown on the Drawings, shall be opened on areas to he sodded. In all furrows, sock approximately three () inchers square shall be placed on twelve (12) Inch cankers at proper depth so that the top of the sad shall not be mare than one-half (1/2) inch below the finished grade. Holes of equivalent depth and $pacing may bo used instead of furrows. The soil shall be firm around each block and then the ontire sodded area shalt be carefully roiled with a heavy, hard rollor developing fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25) pounds per square inch compression. Hand tamping may be required on terraces. b. Block Sodding_ At locations on the Drawings or where direrled, sod #Tactic shall be carefully placed on the prepared areas. The sod shall be so- placed that the eritare designated area shad be covered, and any voids left In the black sodding shall be filied with additional sod and tamped. The antlre sodded area skull be mailed and tamped to form a thoroughly cornpact solid mass. Surfaces of block sad, which, in the opinion of the Englneer, may slide due to the height or slope of the surface or Future of the soil, shall,. upon direction of the Engineer, be pegged with wooden pegs dniv n through the s.od block to tote firm earth, sufficiently close to held the block sod firmly in place. When necessary, the sodded areas shall be smoothed after planting has been completed and shaped to conform to the cross-sectfan previously provided and existing at the time sodding operartIons were begun. Arty excess dirt from planting operations shah be spread uniformly over the adjacent areas or disposed of as directed by the Englneer so that the completed surface will present a sightly appearance. The sodded areas shall be thoroughly watered lftnediately after they are planted and shall be subsequan11y watered at such tlrrres and in a manner atnd quantity directed by the Engineer until completion acid Anal acceptance of the project by the 0ity of ITorl Worlh. . SEEDING DESCRIPTION: "Seeding" will consist of preparing ground, providing and planting seed or a mixture of seed of the kind specified along and across such areas as may be designated on the Drawings and In accordance with these Specifications_ M TERML : a. General. All seed used must carry a Texas TostAig Seed label showing purity and germination. name, type of seed, and that the seed meets all requirements of the Texas Seed Law. Seed furnished shall be of the prevlous season's crop and the data of analysis shown on each tag shalt be within nitre (9� months of time of delivery to the project. Each variety of seed shall be i;urnishad acid dalfvered Ira separate bags or containers. A sample of each variety of seed shall be furnished for analysts and testing when directed by the Engineer. The specified seed small equal or exceed the following percentages of Purity and germination: Common Name Eufty Germination Common Bermuda Grass 95 90% Annual Five Grass 95% 95% errs PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Tall Fescue 95% 90% Western Wheal9fass 95°fa 90% Buffaio Grass Varieties Top Gun 95% 80%0 Cady 95% D°/6 Table 120.2.(2)a. URBAN AREA WARM -SEASON EI-DING DATE (lbs.); Pure Live Seed (PLS) Mixture forQ lay ar 1`ig11t Soils Mixture for agd.y moils Date {Eastern Sections} (Western SeGlicins (All octions) Feb 1 Bermudagrass 40 Buff alograss 80 Bermudagrass 50 to Buffalograss 60 Bermijdagrass 20 Guffalogmss 40 May 1 Total: 100 Total. 100 Total: i0o Table, 120..{2)b TEMPORARY COOL -SEASON SEEDING RATE, (III.) Pure Lire Seed (PL ) Cates (All. Sections.) Aug 15 Tall Fescue 50 to Wextern W heatgrass 50 May 1 AnnualRye 50 Total: 100 GON TRUCT10N METHOD ; Afler the designated areas have been comtAeted to the Imes, grades, and crass -sections shown on the Drawings and as provided for in other items of this Contract, seeding of the type specified shall be performed in accordance with the requirernenls hereinafter described. a. Watering. Seeded, areas shall be watered as directed by the Engineer so .as to prevent washing of the slopes or dislodgment of the seed- b. Finishing. Where appiicable, the shoulders, slopes, and ditches shall be Smoothed after seed bed preparation has been completed and shaped to conform to the cross-section pre iously provided and existing at the time planing oporations were begun. BROADCASTSEEDING: The seed or seed mixture In the cluantily specified shall be un{for mly distributed over the areas shown cn the Drawings and whore directed. If the sowing of seed is by hand, rather than by machanical methods, the seed shall be sawn in two directions at righl angles to each other. Seed and fertilizer shall be distributed at the same time provaded the specified uniform rape of appiicalion for both is obtained. "Finishing' as specified in Section D-45, Construction Methods. Is not applicable since no seed bed preparation Is required. DISCED SEEDING. Boil over the area shown on the Drawings as directed to be seeded shall be loosened to a rninamurn depth of three () inches and all particles in the seed bed shall be reduced to less than one (1) Inch in dlameter or they shall be removed. The aroa shall then be 11nished to lino and grade as specified under "Finishing" in Section D-45, Construction Methods_ 6r•�?ensSC-34 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS The seed, or seed mixture, specified shall then be planted at the rate required and the application shall be made uniformly. If the sowing of seed is by hand rather lhan by,.. Mechanical methods, seed shall be raked or harrowed into the soil to a depth df. approximately ore -eight (1/8) inch. The planted area shW be rolled with a corrugated roller of the "Cultlpacker" type. All rolling of the slope areas shall be on the contour. ASPHALT MULCH SEEDING: The soil over the area shown on the Drawings, or as directed to be seeded, shall be Loosened to the minimum depth of #free (3) fnghes and all particles in the seed bed shall be reduced to less than one (1) inch in diameter, ar they shall be removed. The area shall they be flnished to line and grade as specified under 'Finishing" in Section D- 45, Construction Methods. Water shall then be applied to the cultIvated area of the seed bed until a minimum depth of six (6) inches is thoroughly moistened. After the watering, when the ground has become sufficiently dry to be loose and pliable, the seed, or seed Mi tUre specified, shall than be planted at the rake required and the application shall be made uniformly. If the sowing of seed is by hand, rather Than MechallICal methods, the seed shalt be sawn in two directions at right angles to each other. Seed and Fertilizer may be distributed at the same time, provided the specified uniform rate of application for both is obtained. Afler planting, the .seed shall be raked or harrowed Into the soli to a depth of approximately one -quarter (114) inch. The planted surface area and glving a smooth surface W.1thout ruts or tracks. In between the time cornparting Is completL-d anal the asphalt is applied, the planted area shad be watered sufficiently to assure uniform moisture from the surface to a minimum of six (6) inches in depth. The application of asphalt shall follow the last watering as rapidly as possible. Asphalt Shall be of the type and grade as shown on the Drawings and shall conform to the requirements of the item 300, "Asphalts. Dlls and Ernulaians". If the type of asphalt to be used is not shown on the Drawings, or If Drawings are not included, then MS-2 shall be used. Appllcattons of the asphalt shall be ai a rate of three -tenths (0,3) gallons per square yard. It shall be applied to the area In such a manner so that a complete filer is obUned and the flnlshed surface shall be comparatively smooth-. RE -SEEDING OF AREAS PLANTED WITH COOL SEASONS PE IE : Areas where temporary cool season species have been planted may be replanted beginning February 1 with warm season speclas as Ilstod in Table 120.2(2)a. The re -seeding Ml be achieved in the followJng manner. The teal season species shall be mowed down to a height of one (1) inch to insure IhRt slit -seeding equipment will be able to cult through tho turf anti achieve adequate soil penetration. * IJt-seeding, is achieved through the use of an implement which cuts a furrow (slit) in the soil and places the seed in the slit which is then pressed close with a cult packer wheal. 4. HYDROMULCHSEEDING; If hydro mulch seeding is provided, seed mix shall have 95% purity of Bermuda grass and have a germination rate of 9fto. Contractor stall ensure that the grass establishes. 5. CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PARK AREA TURF RE TOHATION OF PARK ARF-1 : FERTILJZER t r PU -195 PART D SPECIAL CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION: "Fertilizers will consist of providing and distributing fertilizer over such areas as are designated on the Drawings and in accordance with these Specifications - MATERIALS: All feoflzer used shall be delivered In bags or containers clearly labeled showing the analysts. The ferttltzw is subject to testing by the City of Fort Worth in accordance wlth the Texas Fert!4izer Law. A paActed or granulated fertilizer shall be used with an analysis of 18-23-0 or 18-5-8 or having the analysis shown on the Drawings_ The figures In the analysis represent the percent cf nitrogen, phasphoric acid, and potash nutrients respectively as determined by the methods of the Association of Official Agricult.ural Chemists. In the event it Is necessary to substitute a fertilizer of a dMerent analysis, it shall be a pelleted or granulated fertilizer with a lower concentration. Total arnounl of nutrients furnished and applied per acre shall equal or exceed that specifiad for each nutrient. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: When an item for fertilizer is inotuded in the Drawings and proposal, pelleted or granulated fertilizer shall be applied uniformly over the area specified to be fartllized and in the manner directed for the particular item of work. fertilizer shall be dry and In goad physical conditlon. Fertifter thal is powdered to caked will be (ejected. Distribution of fertilizer as a particular item of work shrall meet the approval & tha Enginoor. Unless othor ise indleated on the Drawings, terttlizer shalt be applied uniformly at the average rate of three hundred (3CO) pounds per acre for all types of "Sodding" anal four hundred (40U) pounds per acre for all lypes of "Seeding" MEASUREMENT- Topsoil secured from borrow sources will be measured by the square yard In place on the project site. Mensurernent will be Made only on topsoils secured from bQrro sources. Acceptabis materlal for "Seeding" will be measured by the linear foot, complete in place. Acceptable material for "Sodding" wl11 be measured by tha linear foot, complete in place. Acceptable material for "Fertdlizer" shall be subsidlafy to floe price of sodding or seeding. PAYMENT. All work performed as ordered and measured shall be subsidiary to the contract unless and otherwise noted in the plans and bid docurnents to be pald for at the unit price bld for each item of work. Its price shall be full compensation for excavating (except as noted below), loading, hauling, placing and furnishing all labor, equipment, tools. supplies, and incidentals necessary to complete work. All labor, equipment, tools and Incidentals necessary to supply, transport, steckptle and place topsoil or salvage topsail as specified shall bs included in " aeding" or "ScAdIng" bld ilems and will not be paid for directly. "Spot sodding" or "block sodding° as the case may be, Will be paid for at the rftr-act unit price per square yard, complete in place, as provided In the proposal and contract. The contract unit price shall be the total compensation for furnishing and placing all sod; for all rolling and tamping; for -all watering; for disposal of ail surplus materials; and for all materlals, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the .work, all to accordance with the Drawings and these Specifications. -36 PAIN D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS The work performed and materials furnished and measured as {provided under " easurem-ent" shall be paid for at the unit price for "Seeding" of "Sodding", of the type specified, as Me case may be, which price skull each be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for performing all operations necessary to complete the work accepted es follows: Fertilizer material and application will not be measured or paid for directly, but Is considered subsidiary to Sodding and Seeding. D- 46 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM I shall be tha responsibility of the contractor to fmplament and maintain a variable "GONFiNED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM" which must meet OSHA requirements for all its employees and subcontractors at all times during constructlon. All active sewer manholes. regardless of depth, are defined by OSHA, as "parmlt required confined spaces". Contractors shall submit an acceptable "CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAW for all applicable manholes and maintain an active file for these manholes: The cost of complying with this program shaGli be subsidiary to the }gay items Involving work in confined spaces. D- 47 SU13STANTIAL COMPLETION INSPEDTIONIFINAL INSPECTION 1, Prior to the fInal inspection being conducted for the project, the contractor shall contact the clty inspector in writing when the entire project or a designated portion of the project is substantially complete. . The inspector along wJth appropriate Cky staff and the ity's consultant shall make an inspection of the substantially compfeted work and prepare and submit to the contractor a IIs[ of items need]nq to be comptoted or corrected. . The contractor shall take frnmediate steps to realty the listed deficiencies and no#Ify the owner in wrlting when all the Items have been completed or corrected. 4. Payment for substantial completion inspection as well as flna€ inspection shall be subsidiary to the project price. Contractor shall still be required to address all other deficiorncies, which are discovered at the time of final inspection. 5, FinW inspection shall be in conformance with general condition item "C5-5.f8 Final Inspection" of PART C - 0 ENERAL CQNDITIONS. JD- 48 EXCAVATION NEAR TREES 8, The Contractor ahsfl he responsible far taking measures to minimlxe damage to tree Ilrribs, tree trunks, and Iree roots at each work site. All such measures shall be considered as Incidental work [ncluded in the Contract Unit Price bid for applicabte pipe or struclure installation except for short tunnelingltree augering. T. Any and all trees located withln the equipment opefaUng area at each work site shall, at the direction of the Engineer, be protected by arectfng a "snow fence" along the drip line or edge of the tree root systom between tree and the construction area. a. Contraclor shall inspect each works site In advance and arrange to have any tree Ikmbs pruned that might be damaged by equipment oporations. The Engineer shall be notified s2.120s. -7 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS at least 24 hours prior to any 4e8 trimming work. No trimmilng work will be parmitted within private property wilhout written permission of the Owner. 9. frothing stall be stored over the tree root system within the drip line area of any tree. 10, Before excavation (off She roadway) within the drip IIne area of any tree, tho earth small be sawcut for a miry€mum depth of 2 feet. 11. At designated locations shown on the drawings, the "short tunnel" method using Class 5 1 D,1. pipe shall be ulIlized. t. Except In areas where clearing is allowed, all trees up to B" in diameter damaged during construction shall be removed and replaced with the same type and diameter tree at the wntractor's expense. 13, Contractor shall employ a qualified iandscapar for all the work required for tree care to ensure utilization of the halt agdcullurei practices and procedures. 14. Short tunneiing shall consist of power eugering orhand excavation. The tunnel diameter shafl not be larger than 1-1/2 tirn8s the outside pipe diameter. Voids ramalning after pipe Installation shall be pressure grouted. D- 49 C ON RETE ENCASEMENT OF S EWER PIPE Concrete encasement of sewers shall be paid for at the Contract Unit Price per linear foot of concroto encasement as measured in place along the centerline of the pipe for teach pipe diameter Indicated. The Contract Unit Price shall Include all costs associated with installation and rei nf orcerne nt of the concrdte enCasernent. D- 50 CLAY DAM Clay dam construction shall be performed in accordance Wth the Wastewater Clay Dam Construction, figure in the Drawings In these Speciflcatlons, at locations indicate-d on the Drawings or as directed by the City. Clay dams shall be keyed Into undisturbed soil to make an impervious barrier to reduce groundwater percolation through the pipeline trench, Constructlan material shall consist of compacted bentonite clay or - 7 concrato. Payment for work such as. forming, placing and (inishing shall be subsidiary to the price bid for pipe instal€ntion. D- 51 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION (D-HOLE) The Contractor sha€I be responsible #or verifying the locations of all existing util€ties prior to construction, in accordanca wlth Item D-G. At locations Identlfied on the drawings, contractor shall conduct an exploratory excavation (D-Hole), to locate and verify the locatlon and elevation of the existing underground utility where it may be in potential conflict with a proposed facilq alignment. The exploratory excavation shall be conducted prior to construction of the entire project only at locations denoted on the plans or as directed by the engineer. Contractor shall submit a report of findings (including surveyed eiavations of existing conflicting utilities) to the City prior to the start of construction of the entire project. It the contractor deterrnirics an existing utility �s In conflict with the proposed facility, the contractor shall contact the ongineea• immediat0y for appropriate design modifications. The contractor shah mate the necessary repairs at the exploratory excavation (0-Hole) to obtain a safe and proper driving surface to ensure the safety of the general public and to meet the WZ206 SC- 8 PART D , SPECIAL CONDITIONS approval of the City inspector. The contractor shall be liable for any and all damages incurred dike to the exploratory excavation (D-Mole). Payment shall not be mado for +rorification of existing utilities per itern D-6. Payment for exploratory excavation (D-Hole). at locations identified on the plans .or as .directed by the Engineer, shall Jnclude full compensation for all materials, excavation, surface restoratlon. field surveys, and all lncldentals necessary to complete the warp, shall be the unit price b1d. No payment shall be made for exploratory excavation(s) .conducted after construction has begun. D- 52 INSTALLATION OF WATER FACILITIES 52.1 Polyvinyl Chloride {PVC} Water Pipe POLYV(N L Chloride Plastic Water Pipe and fittings on tits Project shall be in accordance with the material stein dard conlarined in the Gemara[ ContracI Documents. Payment for work such as back!'111, bedding, blocking, detedtable tapes and all other associated appurtenant required, shall be Included In the linear foot price bid of the appropriate BID ITENI(S). 5.2 Blocking Concrete blocklnq on this Project will necessarily be required as shown on the Planks and snail be installed In accordance with the General Contract Docurnents. All valves shall have concrete blocking provided for supporting. No separaie payment will be made for any of the work Involved for the item and all costs incurred will be considered to be Included in the linear foot bits price of the pipe or the bid price of the valve. 52.3 Type of Casing Pipe 1. WATER The casing pipe for open cut and bored or tunneled section shatl he AWWA - DO Fabricated Electrically Welded Steel Water Pipe, and shall conform to the provisions of E1-15, E1-5 and 1=1-9 In Malerlat Specifications of General Contract Documents and Specifications for Water Dopartmopt Projects. The stoel casing pipe shall be supplied a #allows: For the inside and outside of casing pipe, coal -tar protective coating In accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2.2 and related sections in A4WWA C- 03. Torch -up after field welds-shaiI provider coating equal to those specified abovo_ . MInlmum thickness for casing pipe used shall be 0. 375 inch. Sialnless Steel DasIng Spacers (cantering style) such as manufactured by Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company or an approved aqual shall be used on all non - concrete pipes when installed in casing. Installation shall be as recommended by the Manufacturer, . SEWER; Boring used on this project shall be in accordance with the materfal'standsrd E1.15 and Construction standard E -15 as per Fig. 110 of tha General Contract Documents. . PAYMENT: Payment for all materlals, labor. equipment, excavation, concrete grout, backfill, and IncidentaI warts shaft be included in the unit price bid per foot. 52.4 Tie -Ins PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Contractor shall bs responsible for making tia-ins to the existing water mains. It shall be the responsibility of the Conlractor to verify the exact location and elevation .of the existing line tie-ins. And any differences in locations and elevation of existing line tie-ins between the contract drawings and what may be encountered in the fietd shall be considered as incidental to construction. The cost of making tie -Ins to existing water or sanitary sewer mains shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. 52.5 Connection of Existing Mains The Contractor shall determine the exact location, elevatlon, con5guration and angulation of existing water or sanitary sewer luxes prior to manufacturing of the connecting piece. Any dif lerences in Iocations, elevation, configuration, and or angulation of existing lines between the contract drawings and what may be encountered in the said work shall be considered as incidental to construction. Where it is required to shut clown existing maims in order to make proposed connections, such dawn time shall be coordinated with the Engineer, and all efforls shall be made to kaep this down time to a minimum. In case of shutting down an existing main, the Contractor shall notify the Manager, Construction Services, Phone 871-781 . all least 8-flours prior to the required shot down time. The ontractoes attenton is directed to Paragraph 5 .15 INTFRRUPTION OF SERVICE, Page 5-5(5), PART C - GENEnAL CONDITIONS OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS MENT AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. The Contractor shall notify the customer both personally and in w0iting as to the location, time, and schedul&of the service Interruption. The cost of removing any existing concrete blocking shall be included In the cost of connection. Unless bid separately all cost incurred shall be [ncluded in the linear foot price bid for the appropriate plpa size. 52.6 Volvo Cut -Ins It may be necessary to cut -In date valves to Isolate the water main from which the extension and/or replacement is to be connected. This may require closing Valves in other lines and putting consumers out 01 service for that period of time necessary to cot in the now valve; the work must be expedited to the utmost and all such cut -iris must be coordinated with the engineer in charge of Inspection. All ooRsumers shall be individually advised prior to the shut cut and advised of the approximate length of time they may be without service. Payment for work such 'as back ill, bedding, fittings; blocking and all other associated appurtenants required, shall be Inploded in the price of the appropriate bid Items. 62.7 Water Services The relocation, replacement, or reconnection of water services will be required as shown on the plans, an&ar as descdbed in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located In the field and identified by the Engineer. All service's shall be constructed by the contractor utilizing approved factory manufactured tar saddles (when required) and corperafion stops, type K capper water tubing, curb stops with lack wings. meter boxes, and if required approved manufactured service branches, All materials used shall be as specified In the Material Standards (E1- 17 & E1-18) contained in the General Contract Documents. All water services to be replaced shaMll be Installed at a minimum depth of 38 inches below final grade. airs -Q 0 PART C - SPECIAL CONDITiONS All exlstin g 14-inc h water service lines WhIch are to Ire replaced sha11 be replaced w1Ih 1- Inch Type K copper, 1-inch din meter tap saddle when required, a5d 1-1nch corporation from the main line to the meter box. All services which are to be replaced or relocated shall be installed with the service main tap and service line being In line witty the service meter Unless othervvlso directed by the Engineer. A minim um of 24 hours advance. notice shall be given when service interruption will be required as specIfled In Sectlon 5-5.15 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE_ All water servico meters shall be removed, tagged, and collected by the contractor for pickup by the Water Department for recondiI!on ing or replacement. After insinIlartion of th0 water service in the proposed location and receipt of a meter from the project inspector the contractor shall install the meter. The meter box shall be reset as necessary to be flush with exlsting. ground or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. All such work on the outlet side of the service meter shall be performed by a licensed plumber. 15. WATER ERV( E REPLACEMENTS' later service replacerent or relocation is required when the existing service Is lead Gr is too shallow to avoid breakage during street reconstruction. The contractor shall replace the existing service line with Type K copper from the main to the nietor, curb stop with lack wings, and corporation stop. Payment for all work and materials such as backfill, fittings, typo K copper tubing, curb stop with lock wings, service line adjustment, and any relecstlon of up to 12-Inches from center line Gxisting meter location to center lino proposed meter lo-cation shall be included in the Linoar Foot price bid for Copper Service Line from Main to five (5) feet behind Meter. Any vertical adjustment of customer service Ibis wRhin the 5 toot area shall be subsidiary to the service in6tallation, f'llayrmenf for all work and materials such as tap saddle (if required), corporation stops. and fittings shalJ be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Maln, 16. WATER SERVICE RECONNECTION. Water service reconnection is required when the existing service Is copper and at adaquate depth td avoid breakage during street reconstruction. The contractor shall adjust the existing water service fine as required for reconnection and furnish a now tap with corporation stop. Tito contractor will bo paid for one (1) Service Tap to Main for each service reconnected plus for any upper service line used in excess of five (5) feet from Main to five (5) feet behind the Meier. 17. WATER SERVICE METER AND METER BOX HELOOATIONS: When the replacement and relocation of a water service and meter box Is required and the locallon of the meter and meter box Is moved more than twelve (1 ) Inches, as measured from the center line of the existing muter to lace tion to the canter line of the proposed meter Iacatiarr, separate payment will bo allowed for the relocation of service meter and meter box. Centarline is defined by a line extended from the service tarp through the meter. Only relocations made perpendicular to this centerline Will be paid for separately. Relocations made alGnq then centerilne will be paid of In feat of capper service line. When relocation of service meter and meter box is required, payment for all work and materials such as backfill, fittings, five (5) feet of typo K copper service and all materials, 602ow -4-1 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS labor, and equipment used by and for the Ilcensed plumber shall be included in the price bid tar the service meter relocation. All otfter costs will be included in olhar appropriate bid items). This kem will also be used to pay foi- all service meter and ureter box relocations as requlrod by the Engineer when the service line is not boing replacad, Adjustment of only the meter bQx and cuslomor service lino withln 5 feet distance behind the meter will not justify separate payment at any time. Locations with multiple service branchea will be paid for as ono service meter snot meter box relocation_ 4. NEW SERVICE. When riew services are required ifle contractor shall instant lap saddle (when repaired), corporation stop, type K cropper service Ilne, curb slop with lark wings, and meter box. Reinforced plastic meter boxes with cast iron lid shall bo provided far all inch water meters or smaller. The reinforced plastic water meter boxes shall comply with sectlan E1-I8A— Reinfomed Plastic Water Meter lakes. Payment for all work and materials such as backfill, fittings, type K coppor tubing, and curb stop with lock wings shall be Included in the Linear Foot price bid for Service Line from Main to Meter iive () teet behind the meter. Payment for all work and materials such as tap saddle. wrporation stops, and fillings small be included In the price bid for Servkce Taps to Mains_ Payment for all work and materials such as furnishing and soiling new rooter box shall be Included in I h a {price bid for furnish and set meter .box. 18. MULTIPLE SERVICE BRANCHES- VVhtien multiple service branches are rewired the contractor shall furnish approved factory manufactured branches. Payment for multiple service branches will include furnishing and installing the multiple service branch orriy and all other cost will be included in other appropriate bid item(s). 19, MULTIPLE STREET SERVICE LINES TO SINGLE SERVICE METER, Any multiple service lines wlth taps gervicing a single service meter encountered during constructlon shall be replacod with one service line that is appll: able for the size of the existing SeWice meter and approved by the En ineer_ PaymonI sha11 be made at the unit bid price in the appropriate bid itom(s). 52.8 2-Inch Temporary Service Line A, The -inch temporary service male and Wel-inch service lines shall be installed to provide lemparary water service to all buildings that will nacessadly be required to have severed water service during said work. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinaling the schedule of the temporary service connections and permanent service reconnections with the buildirig owners and the Engineer in order that the work be performed lrt an expeditlous manner, Severed water service must be reconnected wJthin 2 hours of disconfinuance of service. A 241rich lapping saddle and 2-inch corporatlon stop or -Inch game valve with are appropriate fire hydrant adapter fitting shall be required at the temporary service point of connection to the City water supply, The -Inch temporary service main and 3(4-Jnch service lines shall be installed in accordance to the attached figures 1, 2 and 3. " temporary service line shall be cleaned and sterilized by Lrsing chlorine ryas or chlarinatOd lime (HTH) prior to installation. GO-4 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS The out -of -service ureters shall be removed, tagged and collecled by the Contractor for delivery to the Water Department Meter Shop for reconditloning or replacement. Upon restoring permanent service, the Contractor shall re -install the meters at the correct location, The meter box shall bo reset as necessary to be flush with the existing ground or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The temporary service layout stall have a minimum ava llabie flow rate of 5 GPM at a dynarnic pressure of 35 PSI per service tap. This criteria shall be used by Hie Contractor to determine the length of temporary service allowed, number of service taps and number of feed points. When the temporary service Is- required for more Ihan one location the 2-inch tornporary service pipes, N4-inch service Ilnes and the -inch meter shall be moved to the next successive project location. Payment for work such as fittings,3/4-inch service lines, asphalt, barricades, all service connections, removal of temporary services and aril othor associated appurtertants required, small be included In the appropriate bid Itern. B. tri order to accurately measure the amount of water used during construction, the Contractor will install afire hydrant meter for all temporary service lines. Water tiled during construction for flushing new males that cannot be metered from a hydrant will be estimated as accurately as possible. At the pre -construction conference the contractor Mil advise the inspector of the number of meters that will be needed along with the locations where they wlli be used. The inspector will deliver the hydrant meters to the locations. After lr�staliation, the contractor will take -full responsibilRy for the meters until surf} time as the contractor returns those meters to [lie inspector. Any damage to the meters well be the sole responsibility of the contractor. The Water Department Meter Shop will evaluate the conditlan of the meters upon relurn and if repajrs are needed the contractor wlII recelve an Invoice for those repalrs. The Issued meter is for this spo'ciflc project and locatlon only, Any water that the contractor may need for personal use will require a separate hydrant meter obtained by the Contractor, at its cast, from the Water Department. 52.9 Purging and Sterilization of Water Lines Before being placed into service all newly constructed water lines shall be purged and sterklized in accordance with E - 4 of the General Contract Documents and Specifications except as madlfied herein. The Contractor will furnish all water for INITIAL cleaning and sterilization of water lines. All materials for construction of the project, Including appropriately sized "pipe cleaning pigs", chlorine gas or ch[arlinated Iime (HTH) shall be furnished by the Contractor. Chlorinated lime (HTH) shall be used in sufficient quantities to provide a chlorine residual of fifty {50) PPM. The residual of free chlorine shall be measured after 4 hours and shall noil be less than 10 parts per million of free chlorins. Chlorinated water shall' be dispossd of in the sanitary sewer system. Should a sanitary sewer not be available, chlorinated water shall be "de -chlorinated" prior to disposal. The tine may ndt be placed in service until two successive sets of samples, taken 24 hours apart, have mot die established standards of purity. Purging and stediization of the water lines skull be considered as incidental to the project and all casts incurred will be considered to be included in the linear foot bid price of the Pipe. sr -4 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS .10 Work Near Pressure Plane Boundaries ontrac#or shall lake note That the water line to be replaced under this contract may cross or may he in close proximity to an existing pressure plane boundary. Care shall be taken to ensure all "pressure plane" valves installed are Installed closed and no cross connections are made between pressure planes 52.11 Water Sample Station GENERAL All water sampling station Installations will be per attached Figure 34 or as required in large water meter vauits as per Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The ap�r n-Eita wi4t6r sampling station will be Iurn ished to the Cantractor free of charge: however, the Contractor will be required to pick up this Item at the Field Operations Warehouse. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 34 INSTALLATIONS: Payment for all work and materials necessary for Ilia installation of the 3/4-inch type K copper service line will be shall be included in the iarice bid for copper ServIce Line Pram Main to Meter. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation tap caddie (it required), corporation stops, and f Ittin gs shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station, concrete support blocks, curb stop, fittings, and an incidental 5-feet of type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and tunctional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for Water Sample. Statlans. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 33 INSTALLATIONS: Payment for all work and materials necessary for the Installation tap saddle, gate valve, and fittings shall be includod in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all vvwk and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station, modiflGation to the vault, fittings, and all type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and f,�nclional water sampling station shall be inckuded in Ole price bid for later Sample Stations. 52.1.E Ductile Iron and Gray iron Fittings Reference Part E2 Construction Specifications, Section E -7 Installing Cast Iron Pipe, fittings. and Specials, Sub section E -T11 Gast Iron Fittings: -7.11 DUCTILE -IRON AND RAY -IRON FITTINGS. All ductile -iron and gray -iron tittings shall be furnished with cement mortar lining as stated irr Section E1-7. The price bid per ton of #lttings shall be payment in fall for ail fittings, Joint accessories, polyethylena wrapping, horizontal concrete blacking, vertical tic -dawn concrete blocking, and concrete cradle neceesary for construction as designed. All ductile-trort and grays -iron fittings, wives and specials shall be wrapped with polyethylene wrapping conforming to Material Specification EI-13 and Construction Specification E 13. Wrapping shall precede horizontal concrete block Ing, vertical lie dawn concrete blocking, and concrete cradle. Payment for the polyreftlene wrapping, -44 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS herizontal concrete blocking, vertical ti"own con crete-hlocking, and concrete cradle shall bo inciuded in bid sterns for vales and fittings and no other payments wild be allowed. D- 53 SPRINKLING FDIC DUST CONTROL All applicable pirovisions of Standard Specifications Item 200, " prinklIng for Dust Control, shall apply. However, no direct payment will be made for this itnm and it shall bo considered to this contract. D- 54 DEWATERING The Contractor shall he responsible for determining the method of dewatering operation for the water or sewage flows from the exisfing mains and ground water, The Contractor shall be responsible for damage of any mature resulting from the ciowaiarIng operations. The DISCHARGE from any dewatering operation shall be conductled as approved by (he En9Ineer. Ground water shaII not he discharged into sanitary sowers. De atertng shall be considered as incidental to a construclion and all costs incurred will be considered to be Included in the project price, 0- 55 TRENCH EXC"ATION ON DEEP TRENCHES Contractor to pruverrt any water flowing late open trench during construction. 0ontractor shall not lnave excavated trench open overnight. Contractor shall fill any traMnch the sauce day of excavation. No extra payment shall be allowed for this special condition. D- 66 TREE PRUNING A. REFERENCES: NatlonaI Arhodst Association's "Pruning Standards for Shade Frees". B. ROOT PRUNING EQUIPMENT 1. Vibratory Knife . Vermeer V-f 55OR C Root Pruner . NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION FENCE 3. Steel "T" = Par stakes, 6 fee# long. 4. Smooth 1-lorse-Wire, 14-1J2 gauge (mediurn gauge) or 12 gauge (heavy gauge). 5. Surveyor's Plastic Flagging: 'Tundra" weight, International flLiorescent orange or rep! color. Combinatlorr Peace: Commercially manufactured combination soil separator fabric on wire mash backing as shown on the Drawings. D. ROOT PRUNING 7. Survey and stake location of root pruning trenches as shown on drawings. 61212006 SC-45 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS $_ Using the approvod specified equipment, make a cut a minimum of 36 inches deep in order to minlmize darnage to the Undisturbed root zone. 9. Back ill and compact the trench immediately after ffeFiChing. 1a. Place a 3-foot wide by 4-inch daep cover of mulch over the trench as required by the Engineer. T1. Wthin 24 hours, prune flush with ground and backfill any exposed roots glue to construction acWity. Cover with wood chips of mulch in ardor to equalize soil temperature and m1n[mize water loss due to evaporation. 12. Limit any grading work within conservation areas to 3-Inch maximum cut or fill, with no roots over 1-inch diameter being cilt unless cut by land or cut by specified methods, equipment and protection. E. MULCHING. Apply 2-inches to 4-imches of woad chips from trimming or clearing operation on areas designated by the Engineer. F. Trbe Pruning shall be mnsidered subsidiary to the project contract price. la- 57 TREE REMOVAL. Trees to be refnoved shall be removed using applicabte rneihods, including stump and root ball removal, balding, hauling and dumping, Extra caution shall be Laken to not disrupt existing utilities Bath Dverhead and burled. The 'Contractor shall Immediately repair or replace any damage to utilities and private property including. but not limited to, water and sewer services, pavement, fences, walls. sprinkler system piping, etc., at no cast to tho Owner. All costs for tree removal, Including. temporary service casts, shall be considered subsidiary to the project eantract price and no additional payment will be allowed. Q- 58 TEST HOLES The matter of subsurface exploration to ascertaln the, mature of the lolls, including the amount of rock, It any, through which thls pipeline installalion is to be made is the responsibility of any and all prospectivo bidders, and any bidder on this project shall submit his bid undaar this condition. Whether prospective bidders perform this subsurface exploration jointly or independently, and whether they make Such determination by the ose of lest hales or other means, shail be left to the discretion of such prospective bidders_ If zest barings have been made anal are provided tor biddees Information, at the locations shown on the logs of borings In the appendix of this specification, it is expressly declared that rielthor the City nor the Engineer guarantees the accuracy for the information or that the material encountered in excavations Is the same, either In character, location, or elevation, as sho+nm on the boring logs. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to make such subsurface investigations, as he deems necessary to determine the nature of the malerial to be excavated_ The Contractor assurnes all responsibility for interpretation of those rocords and for making and maintaining the required excavation and -of doing other work affected by the geology of the site. The cost of all rock removal and other associated appurtenances, if required, shall be included in the finear foot bid price of the pipe. aw&wry S -46 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS D- 59 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION AND NOTiFICATION OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DURING CONSTRUCTION Prior to beginn€ng constructlorr, on any block in the project, the contractor shall, orl a black by block basis, prepare and dehiver a notice or flyor of the panding construction to the front door ai each residence or business that will be impacted by construction. The notice shall be prepared as follows, ThG no#Ifica#ion noticb or flyer shall be posted seven (7) days prior to beginning any cc nst ructil Gn activity on each blacks in the projecf area. The flyer shalt be prepared on the Contractor's letterhead and shell include the following information: Name of Project, DOE No,. Scope of Project (Le, type of construction activity), actual construction duration wiihin the block, the name of the contracWr's foreman and his phone number, tho name of the GiVs inspector and his phone number and the Oityes after-hours phone number. A sample of the `pro -construction notification' iflye r is attached. The contractor shalt submit a schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each block of the project to. the inspoctor. In a dditlonT a copy of the flyer shall be delivered to the City Inspector for his review prior to being distributed. The contractor will not be allowed to begin construction on any black until the flyer is delivered to all residents of the block, In the event It becomes necessary to temporarily shut down water service to residents or husInesses &idnq construction. the contractor shall prepare and dellver a notice or flyer of the pending in torruptlon to the front door of each affected resident. The native shall be prepared as follows: The not€ficatlon or flyer shalt be posted twenty-four (4) prior to the temporary interruption. The flyer shall be prepared on the contractor's letterhead and shall include the following Information: Name of the project, DOE number, the date of the interruption of service, the period the interruption wi11 tako place. the name of the cuntractor's foreman- anti his phone number and the name of the ity's Inspector and his phone number. A sample of the terporary wafer service interruption nolification is attached. A copy of the temporary interruption notification shall be delivered to die inspector for his review prior to being distributed. The rantractor shall not be permitted to proceod with interruption of water service undI the fIyer has been delivered to al affected residents and businesses. Electronic versions of the sample flyers can be obtained from the Construction office at (817) 871-806. All worts involved vAth the notification flyers shall be considered suhsidiary to the c,ontracI price and no additional compensaEtion small be made. 0. 60 TRAFFiC BUTTON The removal and replacement of traffic buttons Is the responsibility of the cvntralctor and shall be ronsicieeed a subsidiary itern_ in the event that the contractor prefers for the Signals, Signs and Markings D€vision ( N1D) of the Transportation/Public Works Department to install the markings, the contractor shall contact S SMIS at (817) 871-8770 and shall reimburse SSMD for ail costs incurred, both labor and maleraal. No additional cornpensat€ors shall be made to the contractor for this reimbursement. 612"06 S -47 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS D- 61 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CLEANOUT Whenever a sanitary sewer service line is installed or replaced, the Contractor shall install a two- way service cleanout as shown in the attached detail. Cleanouts are. to be installed out of high traffic areas such as driveways, streets, sidewalks, etc. wherever possiblo. When it is not possible, the Cie aneut stack and cap shall be cast irDn. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the two-way service cleanotit which are required to provide a campleta and furtctiorial sanitary sower cleanout shall be included in the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Service Cleanouts. iU3 it4i'rdV.*P.V;Y&9- it 4114, 1;1=167.11i� The Contractor shall provide a temporary pavement repair immediately after trench backfill and cornpacticri using a minimum of -inches of hot mlx asphalt over a minimum of 6-inches of compacted flex base. The existing asphalt shall be saw cut to provide a uniform edge and the enSire width and length of the temporary repelr shall be rolled with a steel asphalt roller to provide smooth rideability on the street as well as provide a Smooth transition between the existing pavement and the temporary repair. Cost of saw cutting shall be subsidiary to the temporary pavemeni repair pay item. The contractor sball be responsible for maintaining the temporary pavement until the paving contractor has mobilized. The paving contractor shall assume maintenance responsibility upon such mobilization. No additional compensation shall be made for maintaining the temporary pavement. D- 63 CONSTRUCTION STAKES Tho City. through its Surveyor or agent, wl11 provide to the Contractor construction Ste kes or other customary method of markings as may be found consistent with professional practice, establishing lire and gmdes for roadway and utility construction, and centerllnes and benohrnarks for bridgework. These stakes shall be set sufficiently in advaince to nvo€d delay whenever pra,cticail. One set of stakes shall be set fior all utility construction (water, sanitary sewer, drainage atc.), and ono set of ex€:avationlor stabilization stales, and one set of stakes for curb and gutterlor paving. It sboJl be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to preserve, maintain, transfer. etc„ all stakes furnished until completion of the construction phase of the project far which they were furnished. If the City or its agent determines that a sufficlent number of stakes or mark inga provided by the City, have been lost. destroyed, or distuirbed, to proven I. the proper prosecution and control of the work contracted for in the Contract Documonts, it shall be the CoMractor's responsibility, at the Contractor's sale expense, to have such .stakes replaced by an individual registered by the Texas Board of Professional sand Surveyor as a Registered land Surveyor. No claims for delay due to lack of replacement of construclion stakes will be accepted, and time will continue to be charged In accordance with the Contract Documents. D- 64 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS The performance of this contract requires certain temporary construction, right -of -entry agreements, and/or permits to perform work m private property, The City has attempted to obtain the temporary construction and/or right -of -entry agreements for properties wham construction activity is necessary on City owned facilities, such as sewer lines or manholes. For iocatlons where the City was unable to obtain the easement or right -of -entry, it Boas S -48 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS shall be theContractor's responsibility to obtain the agreement prior to beginning work on subject property. This shall be subsidiary to the contract. The agreements, which the City has obl:Wned, are available to the Coniraclor for review by contacting the plans d sk at tale Department of Engineering, pity of Fort Worth. Also, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain written permission from property owners to peilorm stich work as cleanout repair and sewer serviae replacement on private property. onlractor shall adhere to all requirernents of Paragraph C6-6.10 of Ilia GenaraI Contract Documents. The Coniractor`s attontion Is directed to the agreement terms along wlth any special conditions that may have been imposed on these agreements, by the property o ners, The easements and/or private property shall be cleaned up of I e r use and restored to Its original condition or better. In event adcliiional work room is required by the Contractor, it shall be RIO Contractor's responslb.Iliiy to obtain written permission from the property owners Involved for the use of additional property required, No additional payrrient will be allowed for this item. The City has obtained the necessary documentatlon for rallroad andVor highway permits required for construction of this project. The Contractor shall be responsibis for complying wlth all provisions Of Sikh permits, irnciudinq obtaining the. requisite insurance, and shall pay arty and aN costs associated with or required by the permit(s). It is the Contractor's responsibility to provide the required flagrnen ancYor provide payrnent to the appropriate railroad/agancy for all fIagmen during .construction in railread/agency right -cif -way. Any and all costs associated) with compliance with permits(s) including payment for tlagmen shall be subsidiary to the project price. No additional payment will be allowed for this item, D- 65 PRE -CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING After the pre -construction conference has been held but before construction is allowed to begin on this project a public meeting will be held at a Cocafion to be determined by the Engineer. The contractor, inspector, and prolact manager shah meet wlth all affected residents and presort the projected schedule, Including construction start date, and answer any construction related questions. Every effort wIll be made to schedule the neighborhood meeting within the two weeks fallowing the pre -construction conference but in no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. D- 66 WAGE DATES The labor class€flcations and minimum wage rates set forth Derain have been predetermined by the City Council of the Gity of Fort VVorth, Texas, In accordance with statutory requiraments, as being the prevailing classifications and rates that shall govern on all' work performed by the ontraetor or any Subcontractor on the situ of ihe project covered by these COTItract Documents. In no event shall less than the following rates of wages be paid. (Attached) D- 67 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE A. it is the intent of the City of Fort Worth to comply with the .requirements of tote Asbestos NE HAP found at 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M. This specification will establish procedures to be used by all Excavators in the removal and disposal of ACP in compliance with NE HAP. Nothing in this specification shall be construed to void any provision of a contract or other law, ordinance, regulation or policy whose requirements are rt ore stringent. &212006 -4 9 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS C. AC is defined under NESHAP as a Category II, non -friable materlaI In Its Intact state but which may become triable upon removal, demolition and/or disposal. Consequenfly, If the removal! disposal process readers the ACID triable, it is mgulalad under the disposal requirements of 40 CFF1 61.150. A MESHAP notification must be fi€ed with the Texas Department of Health, The notification must be filed at least ten days prior to removal of the material, If it remains in its non - friable state, as defined -icy the NESHAP, it can be disposed as a ccnverrtional con structlon wasle, EPA defines fr]able as rnaterial, when dry, which may bo crumbled, pulverized or raduoad to powdor by hand pressures. C. The Generator of the hazardous materlal Is responsible for the Identification and proper handling, tran sportation. and disposal of the material. Theref Oro, it is the pulley of the City of Fort Worth that the Excavator is the Generator regardless of whether the pfpe is friable or not. D. It is the intent of the City of Fort Worth that all AC shall be removed in auch camfuI and prudent manner that It remains intact and does not become fria€ale. The Excavator is responsible to employ those means, methods, techniques and sequences to ensure this result. E. Compliance with all aspects of worker safety a-nd health regulations includfng but not limited to the OSHA Asbestos Standard is the responsibllity of the Excavator. The City of Fort Worth assumes no msponsibility for compliance programs, which are the respornsiblllty of the Excavator. ( opy of forms attached) D-68 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PERMIT. As defined by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TOEQ) regulations, a Texas Pollutant t}lscharge Elimination System (Ti DE ) General Construction Permit is required for all construction activities that result in the disturbance 6f one to We acres (Small Construction Activity) Gr five or more acres of total land (Large Construction Activity), The contractor is defined as are "operator' by slate regulations and is required to obtain a permit. tMorrnation concerning the permit can be obtAined through the Internet at http:/Iwww.tnrcc.stale.tx.us/pormittingmater permlwwpermlcoristruct.htmi. Soil stablUation and structural practices have been selected and designed in accordance with North Central Texas Council of Governments Best Management Practices and Erosion Control Manual for Construction Activities (BMP Manual). This manual can be obtained through the Internet at www.dtwstormwalar.com/runoff.htmi. Not all of the structural controls discussed In the BM Manual will necessarily apply to this project. Best Man agernent Practices are construction management techniques that, if properly Utilized, can minimize the need for physical controls and possible reduce costs. The methods of control shall result in minimum sediment retention of not less tfian 70%. NOTICES OF iNTENT NOI ; It the project will result In a total land disturbance equal to or greater than 5 acres, the contractor shall slgn at the pre-construclioun meeting a TCEQ Notice of intent (fVCI) farm prepared by the angfneer. It serves as a notification to the TCEQ of construction activity as well as a commitment that the Contractor understands the requirements of the permit for storm wafer d€schar as from construction activities anti that measures will be taken to Implement and ma€ntaIn storm water poll uticn pmvantion at the site . The NO shall be sularnitted to the TGIEQ at least 48 hours prior to the contractor moving on site and shall Include the required 1DO application fee, 612120116 -50 PANT D - SPECIAL_ CONDITIONS The NOi shalt be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Perm is Team; MG-228 P.Q. Box 1 087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 copy of the NOI shall be sera to: Oity of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management 5000 MLK Freeway Fort Worih, TIC 7119 NOTICE OF TERMINATION ...(N Tj; For all sites that quality as Large Construction Activily, the contractor shall sign, prior to final payment, a TCEQ Notice of Termination (NOT) form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a nofice that the sRe is no longer subject to the requirement of the permit, The NOT should be maiied ta: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team, M - 28 P.O, Box 1 087 Austin, TX 78711- 087 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN! SW PPP : A document cons of an erosion control anal wic waste management plan and a nerrative defining site parameters and techniques to be employed to reduce the release of sediment and poilution from the construction site. five of the project SWPPP's are available for viewing at the pleas desk of the Department of EngEneering. The selected Contractor shall be provided With three copies of the SWPPP after award of contract, along with unbounded copies of all forms to be submitted to the Texas Commission on E nVironmenlal Quality. LARGE CONSTHU TION ACTIVITY — DISTURBED AREA EOUAL TO OR GREATER THAN h ACMES: A Notice of Intent (NOI) form shall be completed and submitted to the TCEQ Including paynnent of the TCEQ required tee. A SWPPP that meets all TCEQ requirements prepared by the Engineer shell be prepared and implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall be Mcorporated into in the contract documents. The contractor -shall submit a schedule for frnpteniont€rtion of the SWPPP. Deviations from the plan must be submitted to tine engineer far approval. The SWPPP Is not warraMod to meat all tt-ie conditions of the permit since the actual construction activities may vary from those anticipated during the preparaflon of the SWPPP. Mod lf�cations may be required to fully conform to the requirements of the Permit. The contractor must keep a copy of the most current SWPPP at the constructlon site. Any alterations to the SW PPP proposed by the contractor must be prepared and submiRed by the contractor to the ongInoer for review and approval. A Notice of Termination (NOT) fade shall be submitled within 30 days after final stabiflzation has been ach loved on alE portions of the 81te that is the responsibility of the permillse, or. when another permitted operator assumes control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized. SMALL CONSTRUCTION A TIVtTY - DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ONE ACRE BUT LESS THAN FIVE ACRES, Submission of a NOi form is not required. However, a TCEQ Site Notice form must be completed and posted at the Bite. A copy of the rnpEeted 81te Notice rnusL be sent to the Cily of Fort Worth Deparl_mant of Environmental Management at the address listed above. A WPPR prepared .as described above, shall be Implemented at feast PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4a hours before the commencernent of construction activities. The SWPPP must include descriptlans of central measures necessary to prevent and control soil erosion, sedimentation and water pollution and will be included in the contact documents. The control measures shtiali be installed and maintained throughout the construction to assure eftective and continuous water pollution control. The canfrots may Include, but not be limited to, silt fences, strew bale dikes, rock berms, diversion dikes, intercepter s ales, sediment traps and basins, pipe slope drain, Inlet protection, stabilized construction entrances, seeding, sodding, mulching, soil rate€ ilon blankets, or other structural or rton-structural storm water pellutiGn controls. The method of control shalt result In a minimum sediment retention of 70% as defined by the NOTCOG "BMP Manual_" Uevinlions front the proposed control measures must be submitted I the engineer for approval, PAYMENT FOR SW PPP IIMPLEMENTAP0N: i'ayment shall be made per lump sure as shown on the proposal as full compensation for all items contalned in the project SWPPP. FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN I ACRE, SPECIAL CONDITION D - 40 SHALL BE APPLICABLE. D-69 COORDINATION WITH THE ITY'S REPRESENTATiVE FOR OPERA11ONS OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEMS It is the C�nntractor's responsibil€ty to coordinate any event that will rewire connecting to or tho operation of an existing G4 water line system with the City's representative. The Gontractaf may obtain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department #or use during the life of named project, In the event the Contractor requires that a water valve co an ex[sling live system be turned off and on to accommodate the construction of the project, the Contractor roust coordinate this activity through the appropriate City representative. The Contractor shall not operate water line valves of existing water system. Failure to comply will render the Contractor in violation of Texas Pedal Carle Title 7, Chapter 8_03 (Criminal Mischiet) and the Contractor will be prosecuted to the full extertt of the law. in addition, the Contractor w311 assume all liabililiie;s and responsibllities as a result o l these actions. D-70 ADDITIONAL SUBMITTALS FOR CONTRACT AWARD The City reserves the right to require any pro -qualified conVactor who Is the apparent tow bidder(s) for a project to submit such additlonal Information as the City, in sole discretion may rewire. including bul not limited to manpower airier equlprnent records, Information about key personnel to be assigned to the project, and construction schedule, to assist the City in evaluating and assessing the ability of the apparent lour bidders) to deliver a quality product and successfully complete projects for the amount bid within the stipulated time frame, Based upon -the Cit}'s assessment of the submitted information, a recommendation regarding the award bf a contract vuill be made to the 0 ityf Council. Fallure to submit the adolitionaI Information It requested may be grounds tar rejecting the apparent low bidder as non -responsive, Affected contractors will be notified In writing of a recommondation to the City Council. 0-71 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR OONSTRU TI0N 'rime is of the essence in [lie co?rnpletion of ihfs contact. In order to insure that the contractor is responsive when notified of unsaf]sfact&y performance and/or of failure to maintain the contract schedule, fh e. f ollowing process shati be app]lcabie: sauce -S2 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS The work progress on all construction protects wl11 be closely monitored. On a bi-rnonthly basis the percentage of work completed will be compared Io the percentage of lime charged to the contract. If the amount of work performed by the contractor is less than the percentage of time allowed by 0% or rnore (example: 10° of tiro work completed in 30.1X, of the stated contract lime as may be amended by change order}, the following proactive measures will be taker: A letter wl11 be mailed to the contractor bye certifieal mall, return receipt requested demanding that, within 14 days from the date that the letter 15i received, it provide suftic Iont equipment, materials and labor to ensure completion} of the work within the con IracI. time. In the event the contractor receives such a [etter, the contractor shalI provide to the 0 Ity an updated schedMe ahowl ng how the project wl11 be completed within the contract lime, 2. The Project {Manager and the Directors of the Department of Enginoaring, Water Depariment, and Department of Trainsportatlon and Public Works will be made aware of the situation. If necessary, the City Manager's OffIce and the appropriate city councif members may also be ihformed. 3. Any notice that may, in the City's sole di cret on, be required to be provided to interested Individuals will €listributed by the Engineer[ng DepartmBrit's Pub[Ic Information Officer. 4. Upon receipt of the contractor's response, the appropriate City departments and directors will be notified. The Englneering Depa r-tm e nt's Public I rif orm at in ri Offi r will, if.ne ssary, then forward updated nollces to the interested indllvfduals. 5. If the contractor falls to provide are acceptable schad ule or trails to perform sat[sfactorily a second time prior to the cornptetlon of the contract, the bonding company will be notified appropi'lately. D-72 AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS The Contractor shall be required to observe the fallowing guidelines rolatfng to working on Clty canstruction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". Typically, the OZONE SEASON, within the Melroplex area, runs from May 1, through O TOBER Si, with &00 a.m. - 10,00 a.m. being crItical BECAUSE EMISSIONS FROM THIS TIME PERIOD HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO RAKE IN THE HOT ATNiO PHERIE THAT LEADS TO EARL' AFTERNOON OZONE FORMATION. . The Texas Commission on Envlronrmental Quallty (T EO), In coordination with the National Weather service, WJll issue the Air Pollut[on Watch by 3:U0 p.m. on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. Ort designated Air Pollution Watch Days, the Contractor shall bear the responsibility of being aware that such days have been designated AJr Pollution} Watch Days and as such shall not begin work until 10:00 a.m. whone ver construction phL)sing requires the use of motorl7ed .equipment for periods In a ciass of i hour. However, the Contractor may begin work prior to 10:0.0 a.m. [f use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour, or if equipment is new and cort1fled by EPA as "Low Emitting', or equipment burns Ultra Low ultur Diesel (ULBID), d[esel emulslons, or alternative fuels such as CN . 62127s -3 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS If the Conlractor is unable to perform continuous work for a period of at leasl seven hours between the hours -of 7:00 a.rn. - 6:00 p.m., on a designated Air PolIuIion Watch Darr, that day w]ll be considered as a weather day and added onto the allowable weather days of a given month, D-73 FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE -INSPECTIONS A fee for street use permits Is In effect. In eddiffen, a separate fee for re -inspections for parkway cGnstruction, such as driv8ways, sidewalks, etc., will be required. The fees are as follows: 1. The street permit fee Is $30.00 ppr permit with payment duce at the time of permit application. 2. A re -inspection fee of $25.t30 will be assessed when work for which an inspection called for is incomplete_ Payment is duo prior to the City performing re -inspection. Payment by the contractor for all street use permits and re -inspections. shall be considered subsidiary to the contract cost and no additional corn pensatlon shall be made. 6�-54 (To be panted on Gantructor's Lztterheac!) Dote: DOS: No: 317 PROJECT NAME Mai a C1 C D Sgaitary Saw er Dmin age Area Fart 1.5 MAP CO LOCATION. 76L LIMITS OF CON ST.: West of 9"' Aveuuc slang F WWR between RasedaIt and 01cander Estimated Duration of Construction as your S treel : <XX> days T WS IS TO INFORM YOU TRAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITE THE CITY OF FORT WRTI1, OUR COMPANY ILL RERAMILITAT SEWER LIMES ON OR AROUND YOUR PROPERTY. CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS f FROM THE DATE OF TIHS NOTICE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR 1Y OTHER ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: Mr. <C0NTRACTO 'S SUP ERINTE D1;NT> AT �I'ELEP ON-E NO.> R Mr. <CITY IN PE TOR> AT <TELEPHON NO,> AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEE E U � PLEASE CALL 871-7 70 pLE,4 S.E KEF'p TI11S FL YER HAND HEN YOU CA L L. PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS CITY OF FORT WORTH H 10, H WAY GO NSTIR U TI N P€ EVAILINC WAGE RATE FOR 2000 CLASSIFICATION ,sphalt Raker Asphalt Shoveler Batching plant Weigher Carpenter (Rough) Concrete Finisher -Paving Conm,te Finisher Helper (Paving) Concrete Finisher -Structures Flagger Form Builder tructnres Form Satter -Paving & Curbs Form Setter-Struclures I-3borer-Gommon Laborer -Utility Mechanic orvicar Pipe Layer Pipe Layer Helper Asphalt Distributor Operator Asphalt Paving Machine Operator oncreto Paving Saw Crane, Glarnshall, Backhoe, Derrick, Dragilne, Shovel (< I CY) Crane, Olamshell, Backhoe, Derrick, Dragline, Shovel (> 1 GY) Front End Loader (2 112 CY & less) Front End Loader (aver 2 112 GY) Milling M;aHiine Oporator Mixer Motor +grader Operator (Fine grade ) Motor Grader Operator Pavement MarkIng Machine Roller, Steel Wheel Plan#-MixPavernenls Roller, Steel Wheel Other I=latwheol ar Tarn ping Roller, Pneurnatic, Self -Propelled Scraper Traveling Mixer Reinforcing Steel Setter (Paving) Truck Driver -Single Axle (Light) Truck Driver -Tandem, AxleSemi-Trailer Truck Driver-Lowboy/Float Trucks Driver -Transit Mix Truck Driver -Winch sjo06 -56 112 HOURLY RATE 10, 32 $9.75 9,65 $13, 4 $10.16 $$.70 $13.44 7.00 13_44 $10.25 9_75 $7.54 $B,64 $13_25 10.1 $7_35 $6.75 $11.45 $1 1.09 $10.53 $1 aoo 112 $11,52 $9.4 932 Moo 11,03 12.31 13.76 11 v) 9.88 $12.12 $8, 02 $moo 9.75 $8, 00 10.2 10.54 $10,6 $9.60 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,2M06 -7 FORTWORTH DOE NO. X][XX prolm mum NOTICE of TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DUE TO UTILITY IMPRO L14 FLATS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, YOUR WATF,R SERVICE WILL RE JN'I'FRRUPTFD ON BETWEEN THE HOURS OF AND IF YOU HAVE QUE 'ITION S ABOUT THIS SILUT-OUT, PLEASE CALL: R. AT (CONTRACTORS SUPERINTENDENT) OR R. (CITY INSPECTOR) (TELEPHONE NUM-BER) AT (TELEPHONE NUMBER) THIS I N C ONVIEN IE N C E WILL BE AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU, CONTRACTOR PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS F TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH � DEMOLITION 1 RENOVATiON ° F* NOTIFICATION FORM r NOTE. CIRCLE ITEMS T"A7 ARE AMErNDCO T 17 it NOTIFICATJONA ff 1 � Abetamant Corytroatgr MH I_krenza Numtie i Addra% , City, 0920 Rhona Number. Joe} $Ike Phanc Numbot. a sHe Supwary 9r: TOH I enfre Number. U 9IIo Supanfsnr_ TDH Lkense Number. e Trafni;d Qn,%tip NE HAR WivJduDI; CGWicatIpri Oaie. Dc1noll lon Gamirac ur- Office Phorrn hTaami�ar� Address: My Sr�i�; 21p 2) Pmjert CcFnFulIan I orQpefaWr. TVH Llcanse Number: Mtriling Addraw., aly, SIrIIo; Zfp: _}RIc�PhunerNurnba(;I 1 A 3) JracllliyOwnert H Altamlinn, P MiAing Addruss: A C,I.ir. Sl ur; ZIp�Ovovt r Phone fdunibar NO W.t714 IFWCI o for 1ho nathfiCU larl €oa will fue ■anl to the owrLaraf tine huJlrfrnfl arsA Jhfp bflRlrp� nrlArosa toetho Imlulea will bo r, allAidnod from Ilia inratrnoiEon chat tr. provkInd lu thl6 motion_ 4) Dam IpW ar Faslllty+ Na"-. P"Ical �kldrs,,; _ Cauntyr Olty ilp;,�_ Fsalflly Phaic Numeerf It Facllity Contact l reon; fk=001orl at AmelRaom Number. _ P tpr U Future Usti Age of 9ulldfng&adil ty �Slxo_ Number of Room Srtrwl (K - 12)' YES 0 NO fa 5) Two of Work; n Usmoril7an D Renew I[on (Abatarniont) 0 Annual Gon"Idated T Work will be durlpg: LI Darr Er evDnim 0 MGM pYras a4 I}�gJaarJ I I?iesuripiion of Wnk srhoduiw 6) [s Ih1j� a PuhETa EluRding? Ci YES I ] NO Federal Riell IIty+? D YES -- NO Indlu&WaI SAG? Chit=S ONO NESW-Drily Pocil lky? ❑ Y43 rI NO Is agrlldinotFaalfHy Qrrupfeci? u YES U NO 7) Nafificatlon Type CHECK ONLY ONE ❑ Orlgin&I (W Working Days) :� Cancellation G Awn drnant n ErnerganoylOrdarod IfihIt is an nmandrmnl, which arriondrnantnumber Is this?--(Fnciose copy of Oda Inaiandinr Iastamundmcn(I It on amerppr,ay, Vk v dka you to WIIA N TDH? H? �mesaencrp�— DAW and licur of Emotpr►cl+ k�I-�ir41 DE7fYY} T �_ D4=Ipl5on or lho sudden, tirloxFwvd uwr1I rrrd explwal m of flow tha overil r'=edf Uncafa sanditlomi or Wuuld gauge eW0rnuntdartl o (eompulem, maairin.9ry., ifa 6) DowiRuon of prdco dui ea iA be fallowed In Pin event that U nmpacl W asbFmto Ir, 16und or v usly non-f -i mia Y mbe50&-rnaleflal b%amfm cxumblmJ. pul..-a iwd. pr rnckcocl fa patvifer. E J) btif srsAaiupstcsaurveyparfarmad7 !� YES U NO Data: f 1 Ti}HIfopecior1.1wriseNor G MWyrlfcet J41eifnod; crPLIVI ❑ TEPA t} ABBLrmOZI TUT Labarcmry Ucca%a Np; N (FDFTAHPA (pLrblla buming) praja41 , are a9suinpkl0r1rrivai be made txya TDH LEcdacd litspatlw) 10) DeK4p*9 Of Plal nfLd C10"Mtit3M or rcnr awA k ion wady, We of materiel, e.Lrld nwftd(a) to be geed; 11) Dmulplion or warK pradfccarx fend of glneerffnp oontrals 10 J-9 used to pravant amlliala na of a9brmtoe of kite domallttonfmiuvafti! &212066 -59 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 111 ALL appAr M licma In the fuJttxVft We MU411. be Gomplatad: IF NO ASUEST03 PA SENT CliECK HaRg A sbLs nt".,r p ritainine Sullding Mistbrial Lypa Appronlrnate amount or Asb��ltFn Mck unit of moasu rornomt Pipes 84jiianeAraa t,r+ I I Lis 1-A SQ Ft SQ hl Cu Ft Cu M RAW to bu Forno dl RAC M07rernoved �--� lnorlor calI noon-frleblo remamd Ufwiur Ca I rpoflAfablg fernovmd I 00JUM I le NOT rernovayl L— IftWj0f C$k tl non-(tiabCe romUvad Exlatier G:96e )I non-?siabre removed Ifl non-lriabld, NOT removed I RAW Off-Far1[ilY G❑mponnnt 1 1 13) Wasto Ttansponor Name, -MH Lieemie Number: — Addr"*' _ Lily9te14: ilp; _ 14) Warta 0"aaa1 Seta No Ad*ijua' cbty. tww —T.F � Telapimno: f. _.] TNRCC PttmlitftnAer I5) Far slruchurally uniiound faotllllos, ally a topy of fbftMW1Uftn ercier end idanlil�yGovem-mental OMgJel Wa w: T111e' Date of Oder (MLV DDffY)I f ante aridar to t mgln (hx1F,1OD(YY} f I 10) start; 1 f Cafrolmle: f I 17� Start:.. 1 --I OornplotgLJ 1, Note, If the elan duly an lhts natlAcellan cwn not fro real, thgi -MH R*Oonal or Local Frcgrarn ufftu hNuat bs aaneaated W phone pfloriolho start dine. Kawo Co da mohk a%NataMon rn aeoordanco to TAHPIA, Sciilon 205.44, iI hcx�y ceraRy H� h�lUrrnrilipn I kx ptuvldaei L� corr6cl, casrkp�efa, rind �r� �� 1� iris l�sl of my knw.i�te�� I achn�ednu that i am responsible for all aspmats of U-m siren frm, including, but not Itmtting, cotant and suhmlgi�lon dabu. Tna w exfMu¢r, PAIIS Y is $10,0per cloy p1:r +mnlauon. maraton orwldiag 1 wf Ove Or (ftitco Ncmo) (Hare) (Te'"hone) or Delepled C*r4W x1r Xz9tr=W) f (FO num ar) MAIL Ta, Af�13mos hfOTInwrt sECTEoh1 m" TOXIC MISTANCE:$CONI'ROL DA11310N TIEc}(AS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Wxes am no$ accapred* PO BOX 1435" 'Faxes sire not accept ' AlJSM, TX ?S? 14-3538 PH, 6-12-834�E6GO,1�150C3 4MS J arm AP13HS, dafed07.429 2- ftpt0ces TDH ferns dafadOVf301. F,orassfzf nre in v4Wk?1;W form, vatt 1- 472-5548 .11 S -60 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-1 AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PROJECTS WITH MULTIPLE UNITS ...................OMIT EA-_2 PIPELINE RI=HABILITATION CURED -II --PLACE PIPE._ ......... __ .......... ........... OMIT DA-3 PIPE ENLARGEMENT SYSTEM ............................................................................OMIT 6A-4 FOLD AND FORM PIPE . . .................................................... ............... . .. . .....OMIT DA-5 SLIPLINING. ..... . . . . ..... . . . ... ...................... ................................... I ............... OMIT IAA-6 PIPE INSTALLED BY OTHER THAN OPEN CUT... ............. ...... .......... DA-7 TYPE OF CASING P€PE........................................................... ...... ...................OIti.+ IT DA-8 SERVICE LINE POINT REPAIR I OLEANOUT REPAIR ........................................OMIT DA-9 PROTECTIVE MANHOLE COATING FOR CORROSION PROTECTION.....................4 DA-16 MANHOLE REHABILITATION.......... ......... ............................ ................................ OMIT DA-1 I SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE REHABILITATION ....................... ..OMIT DA-12 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING - MIOROSILIOATE MORTAR SYSTEM ...................6 DA-13 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING - QUADEX SYSTEM................................................9 EA_ --I INTERIOR MANHOLE OOATiNG - SPRAY WALL SYSTEM ........................... . . .....1 # DA-15 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING - RAVEN LINRLG SYSTEM ..........................I.........14 DA-16 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING. PERMAOA T SYSTEM WITH EPDXY LINER.... 17 DA-f?' INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING-STRONG-SEAL-SYSTEM.....................................19 6A-18 RIGID FIBERGLASS MANHOLE LINERS.............................................................OMIT DA-19 PVC LIMED CONCRETE WILL RECONSTRUCTION ......... ........ ........................... OMIT DA#-2I I RESSLJRE GROUTING........ .................................. . .................22 DA- 1 VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITATED MANHOLES ........................................OMIT DA-22 FIBERGLASS MANHOLES ......... ........ ................. .................... ................... ... ... --- DIM IT DA-23 LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND WATER VALVES.....................25 DA-24 REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ............................................ 2 DA-25 REPLACEMENT OF W CON CRETE ORIVEW 26 QA- REPLACEMENT OF H.M.A.C. PAVEmr=NT AND RAISE ........................................ ..27 UT7 _-2 GRADED CRUSHED STONES ............. ................................... ....... ............................ 27 FA 8 Wiiaru MILLING 2" TO 6" DEPTH 5,I1" wiDE ............................. ... . ......... ..............28 DA-�9 BUTT JOINTS - MILLED ... ......................................................... . . ........ . ............29 DA-30 2" H.M.A.C. SURFACE COURSE {TYPE"13" MIS ............................................. . . ..29 DA-31 REPLACEMENT OF T" CONCRETE VALLEY !SOI g.............................................30 DA-32 NEW 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER.........................................................31 FA_-33 NEW 4" STANDARD WHEELCHAIR RAMP...............................................................3T DA 4 8" PAVEMENT PULVERIZATION ................. .. ................ . ......... . ................ Ik+l[T EA-35 #1EINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR BASE (UTILITY_ m .....................�1Ar1�T DA-36 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS .............................................................. . ....... ..�2 DA-37 POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED MATERIAL HANDLING ................. 2 DA�38 LOADING, TRANSPORTATION,AND DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED 0IL.........36 5A-39 RIPRAP - GROUT - FILTER FABRIC......................................................... OMIT DA-40 _ROCK CONCRETE RIPRAP................ . ................................ . .....................................I OMIT DA-41 CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE AND FITTINGS ..................... 6A-42 CONCRETE PIPE FITTINGS AND SPECIALS ................ ...........,..........................OMIT DA-43 UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION ......................... .................................... 37 63 -44 6" PERFORAITED PIPE 8UBDRAlN............ .......... ........................................... -.0MIT 5A-45 REPLACEMENT OF 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALKS.................................................... 7 6A46 —RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE OF QoNSTRUCTiON .................. ..i........... I4,d;.1.,.:1.--'38 5A-47 PAVEMENT REPAIR IN PARKIN AREA..................................................................38 DAJ8 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS ......... ............... -----�--............38 6!92006 A-1 PART DAB - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-49 HIGHWAY REQUIREMENTS . . .............. r................... , .....39 DA-50 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT .+....++....+..., .... + ........ . ............................................. 39 DA-51 CONNECTION TO MSTING STnUCTURES ....................+.t+..+...,r........................... - 39 6 -S2 TURBO METER WITH VAULT AND BYPASS INSTAL- I'10N.................................. 9 FA-53 OPEN FIRE LINE INSTALl.AT10IV9 ,.,t.,..,,,t.,t.t ,r., t... ......................................... 39 DA 64 WATER SAMPLE STATION ......... ............. ...+..+.+..+..+.,..t..+..+..+....tt.....................-•---.....4 DA-55 CURB ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT .................... .............. ................................ ,........ ,40 DA-56 SHOP DRAWINGS ....... .....................+......t...,...t.......t..r..r.......tr....,,.r.......................-Al D+4�7 COST 13REAKQOWN... ....................................... ........... ....................................... .._41 DA-58 STANDARD STREET SPECIFICATIONS H,M.A_.O. OVERLAY ................................... DAr59 I- M.A.C. MORE THAN. 91NCHrzs DEEP,_,. ........ .,+..+,+..t,,..,+..t.................. ................. 4 DA-GO ASPHALT DRIVEWAY REPAM...............................+.+.....+..........................................42 DA,61 TOP SOIL ......................+.......,t......................... ............ r...................+.............+........42 DA-62 WATER METER AND METER BOX RELOCATION ARID ADJUSTMENT ..................4 FA-63 BID QUAh1'I'l'1 E............................................................++........,,..+..,. ...,..tr.,..,......,..r4 0A-64 WORK IN HIGHWAY Y RIGHT OF WAY......r................................................t,.,......,t,„.r43 DA-65 CRUSHED LIMESTONE (FLEX -BASE)................. ........... . .. ..................................4-3 DA-66 OPTION TO RENEW. ,r...................+.........................+..+.................. ..,... ... .........4 6A- 7 NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTR I T'............... .................. .................................................. 43 DA-68 CONCRETE VALLEY aalJi"CI;E+..+.,.......t.,..,r.........,r...............r.i.,5.,.............................43 DA-69 TRAFFIC 131171FONS............ ....................... ....+.t., ............., .., r ........................__...44 DA-70 PAVEMENT STRIPIN ................................................+...........................................,,..44 DA-71 H.M.&.A.C+ TESTING PROCEDURES......-•--•...............................+.....,.,..........+t+.t.r.t.t.,rt44 DA-72 SPECIFICATION REFERENCES......,..,..t„t.,t.,,.t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t,..r....................................44 BA-73 RELOCATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM BACK -FLOW PREVEjJTEFdC0WM0L VALVE ARID BOX ............. ................ ____ ........ ........................................................... 4.5 DA-74 RESILIENT-SEAtTED GATE VALVES, .............................+,.......+..,..+....+....t........t,.,......45 DA-75 EMERGENCY SITUATION, JOB MQ E-IN............ ............... ....................................+4 FA_ -76 1 'A" & 2" COPPER SERVICES .......................... I...... ,t.,r „ t ,.., ........... ,r ..........+.,45 DA-77 SCOPE OF WORK (UTIL. C LM .........+....+........,.,..............................OMIT DA-78 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILTY JUTIL. Co .................................................OMIT DA-79 CONTRACT TIME UTIL. Q U......+..................................... t,...........................OMIT REQUIRED C REW PERSOI+INEL & EQUIPMEAIT ( TIL CUTn ......,r„r............__ OMIT DA-81 TIME AL LQY4 ED FOR UTILITY CUTS IL. U...............+..+........................,r,..0MIT 5A782 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES {um. CI.IT1.,...+..+.....,.+......................................_._.........OMIT -A--83 PALING REPAIR EDGES UTIL CUT)..... ........................................... ................. OMIT 5A-8+4 TRENCIi BACKFILL RML. Ourn . , ... t, .........---•--•-••...................................... OMIT DA-85 CLEAN-UP UTIL. CU........... ..++..+......,..,.......,..,....;.,:t.....,,,t.,t,..,t„r,,.,r...,,,,,....,,..OMIT DA-06 PROPERTY ACCESS (UTIL. CUI)...... r .. r ....... , r.....................+..+....+..+.+........OMIT DA-87 SUBMISSION OF BIDS UTIL. CUTA.................t,t,.t,tr.,r,.,.t,,........................i........ OMIT DA-86 STANDARD BASE REPAIR FOR UNIT I (UTIL. LIT) ........................................... OMIT DA 8-9 CONCRETE BASE REFAlR FOR UNIT II & UNIT III fol L. Co._, q. q .... I .......... OMIT DA-90 2" TO 9" H.M,A. . PAVEMENT ( TIL. C#.,IT +..+.................t....,..............................OMIT PA-9 1 ADJUST W ATE VALVE BOXES,.MANHOLES. AND VAULTS (LITIL. CUT) ....... OMIT DA-92 MAINTENANCE BOND ILML. CUT1. , t ,,.,, , . „ .................................................OMIT DA43 BRICK PAVEMENT tJTIL. CUT) ................................... ........... »......,...,_,.t,.........,. hAIT DAt-94 LIME STABILI E0 SU13GrRADE UTIL. C.................... .................................... OMIT DA-95 CEMENT STABILIZED SUBGRADE iUTIL, CUTj_.,...,.r.:,,.r.t,.,..r........................... OMIT wa2X6 AID-2 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA,96 REPAIR OF STORM DRAIN1 STRUCTURES_(UTIL�....................................OMIT DA-97 "QUICK -SET" CONCRETE UTIL. CUT ............. ... . •....................... .•••.......... .OMIT IAA-98 UTILITY'ADJUSTMENT[UTIL._CUT).............. ......... ........... ................................. -0MIT DA-99 STANDARD CONCR5TE SIDEWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS UTIL. CUll OMIT UA=,ISO LIMITS OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR fUTIL. CUT)..... ............ ................ OMIT DA-101 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (UT1L. CUTS .................. .............. ................. .•.0MIT DA-102 PAYMENT.(UT[L. CUT) .........................................................................................OMIT DA-10 DEH LE (MISC. E3CT.)....................................................... .........................OMIT DA-10 CONSTRUCTION LIMITATIONS WIS . .................. ..... . .. ... .. „ OMIT DA-105 PRESSURE CLEANING AND TESTING (DISC. E_]CTJ.......... ........... I.................... OMIT UA-1I6 BID QUANTITIES(MISC E}CT......................................... ....... ............. ......... OMITDA-107 LIFE OF CONTRACT IMISC. EXTJ. .... .... . ................................, ................. OMIT IAA-108 FLOWABLE FILL (M ISO. EXT.)-...........................................................................OMIT DA-10$ BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIR MISC. REPI, ..........................................................OMIT DA-1i0 DETERMINATION AND INITIATION OF WORK I IS . REPL.) ...........................OMIT DA-111 WORT{ ORDER COMPL"ON TIME (MISC. RERL.) ....... .............................. ......0MIT DA-112 MOVE IN CHARGES (MISC. REPO ........................ .......................................OMIT DA-113 PROJECT SIGNS (MISC. REPL. .............................................................. OMIT DA-114 LIQUIDATE-D DAMAGES{MISC..REPL-) ..............................................................0W DA-115 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM DESIGN {MISC, REPR ., ..-,.„ ................................OMIT DA;116 FIELD OFFICE ... .............................................................................................OMIT OA-117 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN................................................................................ OMIT DA-118 COO DINATION OF WORK WITH' CONTRACTOR FOR OTHER UNITS'.. ,,,.,,,..,.OMIT 6S'2006 - PART D - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA►-1 OMIT DA-2 OMIT DA-3 OMIT ESA-4 OMIT DA-5 OMIT DA-6 EMIT DA-7 OMIT DA-B OMIT DA-9 PROTECTIVE MAN110LE COATING FOR CORAO ION PHOTEOTtON A. GENERAL: Scope: This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the appfication of interior protective coaling. Structures designated to received interior coating are Baled on the construction drawings. The structures are to be coated, including interior wall, top and bunch surfaces. Protective coating for corrosion protection shall meat the requirements of this SpeclIIcation (arid +terns QA-14 and DA-15) and the Manufacturers recommandatlons and specifications. 2. Description. The Contractor shad be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, and testing required for the completion of protective coating of structures in accordance with manufacturer's recommendallons. a. Manufacturees Recommendations'. Materials and procedures utilized for the lining process shall be In strict accordance with manufacturer's rccornmendalions. 4. Germ ian protection: Corrosion protection may be required on all structures where high turbulence or Nigh H2S content Is expec led. B. MATERIAL - 1. Scope: This section governs the materials required for wrnplietion of protective coating of designated structures. . Prorective CoatIng. The protective coating shall be a proprietary two component, 100 percent solids, 4glid polyurethane system designated as Spray Wall as manufactured by Sprayroq. Inc. gr a two-part epoxy rosin system using IDO solids based epoxy hinder with fibrous and flake 11liers, is manufactured by Ragan Lining systems and designated as haven 405. r&-12aup, A -4 DART D - ADDIT(ONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3. Specialty Cement (if required for leveling or filling): The specialty cement,based coating material shall be elthe r Quadex QM -Is as man utamred by 0oadex, Inc. or Reliner MSP as manufactured by Standard Cement Matedais, 4, Material Ident[fication: The protective ooating material sprayed onto the surface of the structure shall be a uretharie or epoxy resin system tormWatod for the application to a sanitary sa er environment. The spray system shall exhibit the minimum physical properties as follows - Property Standard Long Term Value Tensile SthJil th ASTM D-6 8 5,000 psi Flexural Stress A TN1 D-790 10,0000 Flexural ModulusA TM D-79D 550,000 psi 5, Mixing and Handling; Mixing and Handling of specialty cement material and protective coaling material, which may he toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize Lazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Cafflractw to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times anti are not avadabfo to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shall he subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly famillar with the handling of the coating material shall poi -form the spray coating operations and coating Installations. C, EXECUTION: 6121-2ous General: Protedtive coating shall not be installed until tine structure is complete and In place. 2, Preliminary Repairs: ax Ali foreign materials shall be removed from the Interior of the structure using high pressure water spray (3500 psi to 4000 psi at spray tip). b, All unsealed lifling holes, unsea[ed step holes, and voids larger than approximately one-half (1/) lnch4 in thickness shall be filled with patching compound as recommended by (lie material supplior for this appiIcat[on. c, After all repalrs have been completed, ramovQ all loose material, 3. Protective Coating: a, The protective coating shall he applIdd to they structure from the boMrn of [lie frame to the bench, down to the top of the trough. The trap of the structure shRll also be coated- b. The protective coating shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the foflowing procedure, A-5 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS f) The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials and matter. Place covers over the invorl to pTrevenl 9xiran�ous material from entering the sowers. j If required for filling or leveling, apply specialty ceirtent product to provide a smooth surface for the coasting material. 4) Spray the urethane or epoxy onto the structure wail and bench/trough to a minimum uniform thickness of 125 mi€s (0,12 inches). Thickness to be verifiable through the use of methods acceptable to the Engineer. After the walls are coated, the wooden bench covets shall be removed. 5) The final application shall have a rrtlnlmum of three (6) hours cure time or be set hard to the touch, before being subjected to active flow. 6) No applications shall be made to frozen surtaces or If freezing is expected to occur inside the structure within 24 hours after application. 4Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes. Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by tiro Contractor after operations are complete in accordance with the Ser-lion D-36 - VACUUM TESTING OF ANITARY SEINER MANHOLE . D. MEASUREMENT ENT AND PAYMENT: Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Brice Bid per vertical foot, measured frorn tha bottorn of the frame to the top of the b anch, The Contract Unit Brice shall be payment in full for perf,:)rminq tho work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment and material testing required to complete the work. Pressure grouting, it necessary to stop active inf€liration prior to application of the protective mating, shall be included in the above unit price. Grouting of the pipe seals, bench and trough, and lower portion of a particular structure, if required by the Englneer, shall be paid faf separately, as specHled in Section DA-10, MA14HOLE REHABILITATION DA-10 OMIT DA-11 OMIT DA-12 INTER10R MAif~ HOLE COAT114G - MICR0 S1Lf0ATE MORTAR SYSTE~M A, GENERAL I. Scope - This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the application of interior manhole coating. Manholes designated for interior coating are listed on the Manhole Rehabilitation schedule. Interior manhote coating shall meet the requirements of this section or of Section DA-13, DA-14, DA-1 , DA-16 or DA- 17. {; fig;:Wli A PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS _ Description - The Contractor shall be responsible for [lie furnishing of all labor, superv[sion, materials, equipment, and testing required for the completion of interior onatIng of manho[es [n accordance with the Contract Documents. 3, M,9rKJ18C[urers Recommenclat[ons - Materials. mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in accordance with manufacturers' recommeridnlions . 4. Manholes - Manholes to be coated are of brio€c, black, or concrete construction. Some manholes may have a cementitlous sprayed or trowelled on coating over the original interlor sui#ace. B. MATERIAL cope - This section governs the materials requires# #or completion of interior coating of manholes, 2. Interior Coating - Reliner fat P pi'oprietary pro -blended mixture of cementitious and pozzolanir, materials, silica fume admixture, 100 parcent polypropylene fibers and other selected ingredients, as mrAnufactured by Standard Cement Matedats. No material (other than clean potable water) shall be used with or added to these standard products without prior approval or recommendat[on of the respective manufacturer, 3. Material Identlficalion - Contractor skull campletely identify the types of grout, mortar, patching compounds, sealant, ancflor root control chemicals used and provide case histories of successful use or defend the choice of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties, ease of application, and expected performanco, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 4_ Mixing and I-landl[ng - Mixing and handling of [ntarior coating, which may be toxic under certa[n conditions shall be In accoWanoe with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to min[mize hazard to personnel, tt is the tesponsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under contpol at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, Only personnel Ihoroughly familiar with the handling and applIcation of. the coaling material shall perform the coating oporat[ons. C. EXE4CUTTON 1. General - Manhole coatilng shall not be peilarmed until rvplaceinent of manhole corers, sealing of manhole frame and grade adjustments, partial manhole replacement, or concrete collar construction Is complete. 2. Tempenatur� - Wonnal interior coating operation shall be pedoi nod at temperatures of 4CPF or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours. If ambient tomparatures are in excess ess of gD°F, precautions shall bo taken to keep rnlxing inter below 85" F, using ace if ne-cassary. &WPLW A,7 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3. Intedor Manhole Coating a, The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the top of the corbel or flattop to the berxchftrough, including the bench/trough. b, The intarlor coating shall be apptied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure. i) The surface preparatlon shall comply with the requlroments of Sacl[on E)A-11. SU RFAC E PRE PARATI0N FOR MANHOLE REFIABILITAT(ON. 2) The surface prior to application shall be damp without nofteable i!roe water droplets or running water. Rellner fVIP materlal shall be spray appiled (using a manufacturer approved machine) to a minirnurn uniform thickness of 1-Inch Riinimurn. Troweling shall begin irnmed[t%tely following the spray application. The trowelled surface shall be smooth with no evidence of pmvious void areas. Altar the walls are coated, the wooden bench covers shall be removed and the beach sprayed with Kellner M P matodal In such a mariner as to produce a bench having a gradual sIape tram the walla to the invert with the waft-anch intersection built up and rounded to a uniform radius for the full circumference of the intersection. The thickness of the bench shall bo no lass than 1-Ench at the invert and shall Increase in the dlreclion of the wall so as to provide the required slope_ ) The final application shall have a mInil murn of four (4) hours cure time before being subjected to active flow. Ambient conditions in the manhole are adequate for curing as long as the rnanhole is covered. 4) Traffic shall not he allowed over manholes for 24 hours after reconstruction is complete. 4. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a. Testing of rehabilitated manholQs for vm1ertightness shall be performed by the contractor after opwations are complete in a cordance with Section DAl- 21. b. At least Iwo 3-Inch diameter x 6-Inch tell cylinders of the coating material shall be taken trom each okays work with the date, location and job rqcorded an each. The cylinders shall be sent to a certified testing laboratory for testing. A compression test will be made per A TM C 780 or ASTM O-10, as recammended by the material manufacturer, and the results will be furnished to the Engineer and Owner on request. 0. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT moans RAC-8 PART D - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CON.DITIONS Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per vertical foot, measured from th0 top of the corbel or flattop to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing (lie work and for furnhshing all labor, supervision, materials, equipmont and all material testing necessary to complete the wort, Grouting, If nacessa, y, shall be included in the above unit price. Grouting of the pipe seals, bench and tfough, and lower portion of a pafticutar manhole, if required by Manhole Rehabilltatlon Work Schedule or required to be done by the Engineer, shall be paid for separately at the Contract Unit Price. DA•13 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING - QUADEX SYSTEM A4, GENERAL Scope This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the application of interior manhole coating. Manholes designated for interior coating are listed the Manhole RehaWilation Schedule. Interior meuhole ooating shall rneet the requirements of this Section or of Section DA-1 , OA-14, IDA-1S, DA-16 or DA-17. 2. Description The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, and testi+ig fequired for the completion of interior coating of manholes In aordance with the Contract Documents. 3. Menufacturerq Recommendatlons Materials, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in a=Tdarace with manu Facture rs' recommandatIons. 4. Manholes Manholes to be coated aro of Frick, block, or concrete construct{en. Some manholes may have a cernentitious sprayed Qr trowelled on coating over the original interior surface. I . Scope This section governs the materials required for completion of interior coating of rnanholas. _ Interior Coating Oijadex Q -1s and Quadex Excel proprietary pre -blended cement based Synthetic granite (Donrrafill) enhanced poiypropylcne fiber reinforced coatings as manufactured by Quadex, iris. No matorial (other than clears potable water) shall be A-9 PART D - ADDITIONAL, SPECIAL CONDITIONS used with or added to Qusdex QM-1s or Ouadex Excel without prior approval or recommendation from Quedex, Inc. 3. Material identification Contractor shatI completely idantlfy the typi3s of grout, Mortar, patching compounds, sealant, andlor root control otioiricals used and provide case histories of successful use or defend the chdce of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties, ease of application, and expected performance, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, +t_ Mixing and Handling Mixing aria handling of interlor coaling, which may be toxic under certain conditions stall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and In such a manner as to mirilmlza hazard to personnel. it is the respunsibillty of the Contractor to provide appxopriale protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly familiar with the handling of the coating material sholi perform the coating operations. C. EXECUTION General Manhole ooafing shell not be performed until replacement of manhole covers, sealing of manhole frame and grade adjustments, partial manhole replacement, or concrete collar construction is complete. 2. Temperature Normal Interlar costing operation shall be perloma ed at temperatures of 41WF or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours. If ambient temperatures are in excess of °F, precautions shall be taken to keep mixing water below 85°F, using r e if necessary. & tnterior MRri hole Coating a_ Tha interior mating shall be applied to the manhole from the top of the corbel or flattop to the benchnrough, including the bencWtrcugh, b. The lntartor coating shall be applied In accordance with the manufacturer's recarnmendaiions and the following procedure. } The surface preparation shall comply with the requirements of ectlan DA-11, SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE REHABILIATATION. 2} The surface prior to aopkation shall be damp without nollcdable freer water droplets or running water. QM -Is material shall ba spray &2120 AS-1 Q PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL NDITION applied (using a Quadex Model 900D application machine or manufacturer approved equal) to a minimum uniform thickness of 1- inch minimum. Troweling shall begin immediately following the spray application. The trowelled surface shall be smooth with no evidence of previous void areas. 3) The linal application shall have a fnininium of four (4) hours cure time before being subjected to a Ive flow. Ambient conditions in the manhole are adequate for curing as long as the manhole rs covered. 4) Traffic shall not be allowed over manholes for 12 hours after reconstruction is complete, 4. Testing cif Hehabilltated Manholes a_ Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertlghtness shall be performed by the contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section D - 2t. b. At least two 3-inch diameter x 6-inch tall cylinders of the coaling material shall be taken from each days work with the date. lacallon and job recorded sin each, The cylinders shall be sent to a certitiod testing laboratory for testing. A compression test wJll he made per A TM 0780, and the results wlI be furnished to the fang€neer and Owner on request. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment shall be, based On the Contract I. n t Price per vertical fca-ot measured from the top of the corb&I or flattop to the Cop of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shaII be payment in full for performing the work and for furnlshfng all labor, supervision, materials, equipment and all material testing necessary to complete the work. Grouting, if necessary to stop active leaks in rnnnhole wall areas, shall be included in the above unit price. GFOUting of tote pipe seals, bench and trough, and lower porllon of a particular roanhole, if required by the Manhole RehabiIltatlon Schedule or required to be dome by the Engineer, shall be pain for separately at the Contract Unit Price. DA-1a4 INTSH FOR MANI-IOJLE COATIN - SRRAY WALL S YSTEM A. GENEnAL 1. Scope This section governs all work, materials and testing required for (lie application of interior manhole coating, Manholes designated for interior coating are listed an the Manhole Rohabilitatien healule, Interior manhole Wating shall meet the requirements of this Section or of Soction DA-12, DA.13, DA-16. DA-16 or fDA-17. 2. Description a2awa -11 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL. CONDITIONS 3 4, The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of ail labor, supervision, materials. equipment, and testing required tar the completion of interior coating of marholos in accordance with the Contract [Xocurnents. MamJacturaes Recommendatlons Materials, mixture: ratios, and procedures utilized tar the meting process shall be in ac. ordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Manholes Manholes to be coated are cif brick, block, or concrete construction. All manholes shall have a min imurn of one-half (1/2) inch specialty cement -based coating material (Quadex QM- Is or Retiner M P) sprayed a trowelled on coating over the original interior surface. �. MATERIALS 1 . Scope 2. 0 4. E ev-712 f, This section governs the materials required for completlon at interior coating of manholes. Interior Coating The ulterior coating shall be a proprietary two component, 100 percent solids, rigid polyuretl ne system designated as Spray Wall as manufactured by Sproyroq, Inc, Sp fatty Cement The specialty cement -based coating material shall be either Quadex OM -Is as manufactured by Quadox, Inc. or Rellner MSP as manufactured by Standard Garment Mateda& Material Iden tifir, anion The interior manhole coating rmeterlal sprayed on#o the surface of the manhole shall be a urethane resin system formulated for the application to a sanitary sewer environment. The spay system shall exhibit the physical properties as follows. Pro a Standard Tensile Strength ASTM D-638 Flexural Stress A STM D-790 Flexural Modulus AkSTM D-790 Mixing and Kindling ASG-1 L90 TOrm Value 5,000 psi 10,coo psi 0,000 psi PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Mil and handling of specialty cemmnt material and Interior Ming material, which may be toxic under certain conrlltions shall be in accordance Wth the recommendations of the manufacturer and In such a mar nor as to minimize haza, d to personnel, It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to erasure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personriai or anImals. All equipment shall he subject to the approval of tape Engineer. Only persennal thoroug hly famillar with I h a handling cif the coating material shall perform the spray coating operatlons and coating installations. O. EXECUTION 1. General Manhole coating shall not be installed until sealing of manhole frarne and grade adi>astments, or padlal manhole replacement when required for the manhole per the Manhole Rehabilitation Scheduile, is complete. . Temperature Normal interior coating operation stall be performed at temperatures of WF or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expeotad within 24 hours. 5. Interior Manhote Coating a. The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the bottom of the frama to the bench, down to the top of the trough. b, The Interior coating shall be installed in accordance with Iho manufacture reoornme datbns and the following procedure, 1) The surface shali be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials and niatter% Gleaning shall be accomplished by using high pressure water spray (minimum 3500 psi at spray tip), cleaning with rnuriatic geld, degreaser, or other solvents as needed in order to remove any film or residue on the surface. 2) Place covers over the Invert to prevent oxtraneoLrs material from entering the sewers. ) Apply a minimum of one-half (ill) inch specialty cement product (Qua3dex QM -is or Heliner M P) smooth surface for the urethane coating material. 4) Spray the urethane onto the manhole wall and benctVtrough with a rninlmum thickness of 125 nails (0,125 Inches), Thickness to fro verif table through the uao of mathods acceptable to the Engineer. 5) Coat trough area with specialty cement product (Quadex QM-1s or Reliner M P). a21200e AS-1 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIOMS Fasting of Rehabilitated Manholes a. Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are complete In accardanca wdth Section DA- 21. D. MEAS UREM ENT AND PAYM ENT Payment shall bo basod on the Contract Unit Price per vertical foot, measured from the bottom of the frame to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full far pertorming the work and for Wrnishing all Jabor, supervision, raterials, equipment and material testing required to complete the work. Grouting, if necessary, shall be included In tho above unit pace. GrQuilng of the pipe seals, bench and trough, and lower portion of a particular manholo, ii required by Manhole Rehabilitation Work Schedule or required to ba done by th9 Engineer, shalt be braid for soparatety at the Contract Unit Price. DA-15 INTERIOR MANHOLE {DATING - RAVEN LINING SYSTEM A. GENERAL 1. scope This section govems all work, materials and testing required for the appticatiorx of Interior manhole coating. Manholes designated for interior coating are listed al the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule, lasted In Section I. Interlor manhole coating shall meet the requiroments of this Section, or of Section DA-12. DA-13, DA-14, DA-1 6 or DA-17. . Dascdption The Contractor shall be responsible for the turnJshing of alt labor, supeNilslor►, materials, equipment, and testing required far the completion of Interior coating of manholas In accordance with (he Contract Documents, 3. Manufacturer's Recommendations Materials, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recafnmendal ens, 4. Manholes Manholes to be coated are of brick, black, or concrete construcUon. All manholes shall have a minimum of one-half (112) specialty carnent-based coating material (Quadex OCR-ls or Rellner MSP) sprayed or trowelled on coating over the original Interior surface. B. MATERIALS ears A-14 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS SCOPE? ThIs section governs the matorlals requ[red for complehon of interior coating of manholes, 2, interior Coating Haven Ultra high -Build epoxy Coating, a i o-par't epoxy rash system using 10011% solids based epoxy binder with flbrous and flake fillers, is manufactured by Raven Lining systems and doslgnaled as Raven 405. 3, Specialty Cement The specialty cer ant -based coating materlal shalt he either Quadex (QM -Is as manufactured by QuaCdex, Inc, or Reliner MSP as manufacturiad by Standard Cement materials, 4Material Identification Contractors will completely identity the types of grout, inortar, sealant, andlor rant control chernicals proposed and provide case histories of successful use or deferld the choice of grouting materials based on chamicai and physical properties, ease of application, and expected performance. These grouting m terlufs shall be compatible with Barron 405 interior coating. The contractor shah be responsible for gottIng approval Iron) Raven Living systems and/or the grout manufacturers for the use of these grouting materials. 5. Mixing and Handling Mixing and handling of Interior coating, which r-nay be toxic under certain ccmditiGns shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and In such a manner as to minimize hazard to porsonnei. It is the responslbllity of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control of all limes and are not ava l!lable to unauthorized personnel or animals_ All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Coating shall be performed only by certified applicators approved by IIle manufacturers. _ EXECUTION General Manhole coating shall not be performed until soling of manhole ffmrn frame and grade adjustments, partial manhole replacement, manhole grouting or sewer replacementlrepairs are complete. . Temperaturos Normal interior coaflng operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40°F or greater. No application shall be macro when freezing is expected ithl'n 24 hours. 3. fnteriar Manhole Goatng Vo/r10 A -15 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL. CONDITIONS a. Manholes schedtiled for interior coating are shown on the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the bottom of the manhole frame to the bench/trough, including tho benct0rough. b- The interior coating shall be Installed in accordance with (hB manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure. 1) The surface preparation shall cDrnply with the requirements of Section DA-11, SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE RESTORATION. ) Apply a minimum of om-. half (1I ) Inch specialtycement-based product (Qu ad ex 0M-1 s or Reliner IVI P) smooth surface for 1hG urethane coating material, ) The surface prior to application may be damp but shall not have ricticeable free water droplets seeping or running water. Material shall be spray applied per manufacturar's r"ommendatlans wlth a rninirntim thickness cf 125 mils (0.1 5 Inch). 4) After the walls Eire coated, the wooden banch wvers shall be removed and the beach sprayed to the same average and minimum thickness as required fot the walls. ) The final application shall have a minimum of three (3) hmirs cure tirmo or be sot hard to the touch. Before being subjected to active flow. 5) No applications shali be made to Irozen surfaces or if freezing is erected to occur in side the manhole within 24 hours after application. 4. Testing of Rehabilitated Mar holes a. After the epoxy liner has set (hard to touch), all visible pinholes shall be repaired, Repairs shall be made by lightly abrading the surface and brush! ng the lining material over the area, Alt blisters and evidence of uneven cover small be repaired according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Spot check of coaling thickness may be made by Owner's Representativta, and the contractor shall repair these areas as required, at m additional cast to the Owner. b. Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be pedorrned by the Contractor after operations are complete In accordance with Section DA- 21 -- VA I_Jl.lf+.+l TESTING OF REHABILITATED f1JANHOLE . 841�2u A --I 6 PART D - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment shal:1 be, based on the Contract Unit Price per vertical foot, measured from the botiorn of the frzarna to the top of thia bench. 'Pie Contract Unit Price shall be payment iri full for pertom)ing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment all tesling necessary to complete the work, Payment for grouting of pipe seals, bench and trough and manhola walls shall be based on the Contract Unit Price for each manhole actually grouted, DAµ16 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING: PERMACAT YSTEM WITH EPDXY LINER A. GENERAL This section prescribes the minimum sta;xdards for the safe and efficient rehabilitation cif sewor structures, utllizing Permacast with Epoxy Liner. 13. MATERIALS 1 _ Leak Plugging Leak Plugging of the same or greater strength than the Liner Mix and/or chernIcal grouts may be used. It water pressures ore severe, the contractor may drltl relief holes at the bottom of the manhole wall to concentrate the leaks Before plugging. . Patching Mix Voids which have not compromised tho structure in its overall soundness must be flied prior to IInirig with materials of the same or greater strength than the Liner Mix. 3. Liner MIX Shall be densely compacted, Raliner Microsilicate cement mortar, Quadex QM -as and auadex Excel cement mortar, or approved equal, applied uniformly at a minimum thtc ness of Y2 inch. Liner Mixes shati attaln strangihs as follows. 4 HOURS 28 DAY Compressive ASTM 0-109 3500 PSI 10,000 psi f=lexufal ASTM - 95 650 psi 800 psi Elasticity ASTM -469 180,000 psi 1,150,000 psI It shall be delivered In factory' prepared packaging suitable for mixing with just the addition of clean wafer In the prescribed dosage. No additives shall be used at the site WIthout prlor approval. All v1sible leaks mull be plugged prior to application of the cemenlitious liner with quick selling, Tian-sltiriok hydraulic cement rnGrlar. . EXEGUTtO 6le-VOs AS-1 7 PART D - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Mixing The manufacture's publishad technical specificagons and directions for proportioning arnd mixing shall be strictly followed by the certified applicator. . Equipment Equipment shall be as recommended by tho manufacturer to ensure propor mixing and pumping of the mortar and shall be clean and in goad working order- according to the Fnanufaclure's published mcommendallons for safe operation. Only factory certified workers shall operate with a controllable retrieval method shall be used to produce a uniform and denso application without the nand to trowel wh[ch can weaken the mortar. . Application Once prepared, the applicatlon shall commence, in accord with the manufacturer's re ornmefided procedures and in the presence of the ownees inspector in a single application to the prescribed thickness (fl2 inch or greater) without delay or Interruption in order to produce a uniform and monollthic liner. Multiple layers with time between for drying are not allowed, Once completed, the manhole shall be covered to prevent air drying. 4. Testing & Verification Testing of rehabilltated manholes for wetter t1ghtness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are cormplets in accordancle with Section OA-21 . The owner's Inspeclor shrill va6ly the thickness with a wet garage. Any area found to less than the minimum prescribed thickness shall result In the minimum prescribed thickness shall result in the Immediate relining of the entire interior. Two test cubes shall be made from each days mix and tested for strength verification. D] ORRO ION PREVENTION i . Preparation & Procedure The liner shall be applied to the prepared interior as specitled In proceadIng sections at 'ra Inch lhickness. 2 ProtedKfe Coating The protective coating shall be a 100 solids epoxy with no volatile organic oumpounds and while in color to optimize visual inspect{on. MInlmum physical properties shall be: Hardness ATM D-2 40 65 Shore 0 A G-18 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Tensile Strength ATM D-63860 10,000 Iasi Compressive Strength ATM D-6 544 15,000 psi f=lexurRI SIrength ASTM 0-79058T 1,000 psi It shall be Urilformly spray applied or centi-41gelly cast onto the fresh moilar before new bacterial growth can contaminate thu underlying mortar. It shall have a min imtjrn thickness of 125 mils and shall not run or saq daring placement. 3. Safety It personnel are required to enter the Confined space during the application procedure. each and all OSHA requirements as well as those required by the manufacturer's marterial safety data sheets shall be complied with fully. 4, Testing & Verification The Interior shell be visually inspected for thoroughness of coverage. When dry to the touch, the entire interior shall by tested Wlth a Tlnkor & Rasor holiday detector at the proscribed voltage to verify thickness and locate pinho[es if. -arty. Deficiencfes shall be immediately corrected and retested. E. MEASUREMENT NT AND PAYMENT Payrnent shall be fused on the Contract Unit Brice per vertical toot, measured from the bottom of the frame to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor. supervision, materials, equipment all testing necessary to cornplate the work. Payment for grouting of pipe seals, bem;h and trough € nd manhole walls shall be based on the Contract Unit Price for each manhole - actually grouted. DA47 INTERIOR MANHOLE UOATIN - THONG-SEAIL-SY TC=IUI A. GENERAL Scope. This section governs all work, maleflafs and testing required for the plicatlon of intorlor manhole Coating, Manholes desigFtated for Interior coating are listed in the Manhole Rehabllitatlw Schedule, listed in Part 1. Interior manhole coating shell meet the regUirements of this Section or cal Section Elul-12, DA-1 3.FDA-14, DA-15 or DA-16. Description. The ContractGr shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervlslon, materials, equipment, and testing required for the completion of interior coating of manholes In ac:cordanre with the Contra cI Documents, 3, Manufacturefs Recommondallons. Materlals, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in accordance with roanufacturem recomatendstions. MAS -19 PAIN DA - ADDITIONAL. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4, Manholes, Manholes to bo coated are of brick, block, or concrete c onstruction. Some manholes may have a cementitious sprayed or trowelled -ors coating over the original interior surface. B, MATERIAL8 t, Scapa. This section govems the materials required for completion of Interior coating of manholes. 2. interior Coating. Strong -Seal Systems M - A , factory -blended, cement -based fibar-rainfarced coating as manufactured by Strong -Seal Systems of Pine Bluff, Aft. No material (other than clean potable water) shall bo used with or added to Strong -Seat MS-2A without prior approval or recommendation from Strong -seal Systems. , Material I€fentitication. Contractor shall [completely idenfify the types of grout, mortar, patching compounds, sealant, andfor root control chemicals used and provide case histories of successful use or defend the ohoice of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties, ease of application, and expected performance, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, 4. Mixing and Mandl€rig. Mixing and handling of Interlor coating, which may be toxic under certain conditions, shall be In accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and In such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Gentractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unautharized personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly famlliar with the handling of the costing material shall perform the coating operattlons. G. EXInOUTION' i . General. Manhole coating shall not be petformed until replacement of manhole covers, 5ealing of manhole frame and grads adjustments, parflal manhole replacement. or concrete collar construction Is complete. 2. Preliminary Repairs a) All foreign materials shall removed from the manhole interior using high pressure water spray (minimum 3500 psi), Loose and protrud[ng brief, mortar, and concrete shall be removed using a masonry hammer and chisel and/or scrapers. Existing roots and manhole stops shall be removed by cutting Ihem 1" below the surface of the manhole. b) All unsealed linking holes, unsealed step holes, voids larger than approximately one-half (11) irich In thickness shall bo filled with rapid - setting, trowel -applied patching compound prior to spray application of the MS - A coating. &ZIM-006 ASCR 0 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS t) Active leaks shall be stoplied using rapid -selling hydraulic Cement products specifically for that purpose and according to manufacturer's recommondation. Some leaks may require grouting to stop the Inflow. Grouting shall be performed in accwdance with Section DA- 0. Contact Prong -Seal Systems for grouting recommandatioos_ d) After all repairs have been compieted, remove all loose material. 3. Temperature. Normal interior coaling operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40 Degrees f= or greater, No application shall be made when freezing is exported within 24 hours. If ambient tempafi�atures are in excess of 90 Degrees F, precautions shell be taken to keep mixing water bolow 85 Degrees F, (isfng ice if necessary. 4. Interior Manhole Coating a) The interior coating shall be applied to the rnanhale from I110 top of the berichltrough to the top of the corbel or flattop, Including the benah/trough. b) The interior coating shall be applied in accordance wJth the manutacturer's recomrnondatlons and the following procedure. (1) The surface skull be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matedals and matter. Cleaning shall be accomplished by using high pressure water spay (minkmuin 3500 psi). (2) Place covers over Invert to prevent extraneous materlai from« entering the sewor. () The surface prior to application shall be damp without notice4ble free water droplets or running water. M - A material shall be spray applied (using a manufacturar approved applJcatilon machine) to a uniform thickness of V minimum. Troweling shall begirt Immediately following the spray application. The #rowelled surface shall he smooth with no evidence of previous vold areas, (4) The application shall have a minlrnum of four hours (4) cure time before baing subjected to active normal flows. Ambient conditions ill the manhole are adequate for curirkq as long as the manholo is covered. (5) Traffic shall not be allowed over manholes for 12 hours after reconstruction is complete. S. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a) Testing of rehabilitated manholes for water -Lightness shall be performed by ilia contractor after operations are comploto In accordance with Seclion DA- 1. A C- 1 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b) At least tour (4) 2-inch cubes of the coating material shall be taken from each days work with the date, location anti job recorded on each. The cubes shall be sent to Strong -Seal Systems, Pine Bluff, AR, for testing. A compression test will be made according to ASTI I G-109, and the results will be fumished to the engineer and the owner, D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment shall be based cn the Gonlraet 061 Price per each manhole coated. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment In lull for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, rnaterlais, equipment and matarlal test€ng necessary to complete the work. Grouting, if necessary to stop active leaks In manhole well areas, shall be included in the above unit price. Gioufing of the pipe seals, bench and trough, and lower partlon of a particular manhole, It required by the Manhole Rehabilitation Work Schedule or required to be done by the Engineer, shall ba paid for separately. DA-18 OMIT DA-19 OMIT DA,20 PRESSURE GROUTING A, GENEIIAb 1. Scope. This Section governs all work, materials and testing required for the pressure grouting of manhole defects. Manholes or sections of manholes with active loafs shai€ be repaired as Indicated in the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. 2. Description_ The Gontractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervision, materi6ts, equipment, and testing required for tho completion of pressure grouting of manhaie defects In accordance with the Contract Docurnents. 5. Marxrr€actureft Recommendations. Materials, additives, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the grouting }process shall be in accordance w1th manufacturers rccummendlations. 4. Manholes. Manhoias to be grouted are of brick, concrete, or fiberglass construction. A. MATERiALS iroutifIg Materials: a. Urethane Gel Garoul. Urethane gel grout, such as Scvch-Seal 51510 gel or equal shall be a hydrophilic polymer, The chemical shall be mixed within the range of from 8 to 14 parts of water and shall contain a reinforcing agent supplied by the same manufacturer. The material shall gel and r-ure to a tough flexible elastorrierlc condition. When wet, the gel shall exhibit strength properties of at least 25 psi tensllo al 150 percent elongation. The material shall not change ire linear dimension more than eight percent when subjected to wet and dry cycles_ ASC-22 PART DA # ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. The chemical grout shall be applji2d so as to have the grout maNrial flow freely Into the defects. To avoid any wasl€rge of the material flowing through the defects, a gel control agent may be added. The following properties shell be exhibited by the grout: 1) Documented service of satisfactory pedorrmarice in similar usage. 2} Controllable reaction times and shrinkage through the rise of chomicals supplied by the same manufactUrer. The minimum gel sot time shell be eslablished so that adequate grout travel is achlevecf_ 3} Resistance to chemiicals; resistant to most organic solvents, mild acids and alkali, 4) Compressive recovery return to orlglnai shape after repeated deformation. 5) The charnical shalt be essentially non -tonic ire a cured form. j Sealing mater€al shall not be rigid or brittle When subjected to dry atmosphere. The iratedal shall be able to withstand treezelthaw and moving load conditions. 7) Sealing material shall be noncorrosivo. e, A reinforcing agent such as conch -Seal Brand 5612 reinf=iing agent or equivalent shalt be utlllzed In accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Any 5612 reinforcing ardent which contains lumps must be discarded. Care must be taken to be sure that the pH of the water In the tank is from 5 to 9. As a precaution against the possibility of the pH being oulslde this range, take a small amount of water from the tank to which Gel Reinforcing Agent. 5612 is to be added. Add a few drops of 5612 to this tact sample. notch -Seal Brand Gel Reinforcing Agent 5512 should disperse readily_ If precipitation occurs, drain the tank and retest. Repeat as riecessary unlit dispersion occurs. If dispersion does not occur, do not use the water source. b. A filler material such as Celfte 292 (diatomaceous earth) from Johns Mansville or equivalent shall bo ut€tized. The addition of the filler material ,shall not excai cd the quantity specified by Ihe manufacturer, and continuous agitation of the water side of the mixture is required. The filler Mator€al may also be utilized as a reinforcing agent in accordance with the urethane gal grout manufacturer`s recommendations. 1. Additives: Groul additions may be ulllized for cats€yz€ng the gel reaction, Inhibiting MG gel reaction, buffering the solution, lowering the freezing temperature of the solution, acting as a filler, providing stfength cr fob` inhibition of root growth. . Root Control: A root inhibillrtg cherriioa.l such as dichlobenil shall be added to the chemical grout mixture at a safe level of concentration and shall have the ability to remaIn arM within the grout for a Minlmurn of 12 months. &W?" ASC-23 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Material Wen tificatlon: Contractor shall completely identify the types of grout, mortar. sealant, ancVor root control chemicals used and provide case histories et suc arsstul use or defend the choice of grouting materials based on chernicat and physical propertias, ease of appik-Atlon, and expected performance, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. C Mixing and Handling. Mixing and handling of chemical grout and forming constituents, which may be tonic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and In such a manner as to minimize heard to personnel. It is the respQm3ibility of the OorWaclor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that chern icals or gels produced by the chemicals are tinder control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shell be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel lharoughty familiar with the handling of the grout material and additives shall perform the grouting operations. . FiXEOUTION 1. General. Manhole grouting shall not be performed until .9oaling of manhole frarns and grade adjustments, partial manhole roptacenient, or manhole repairs are complete. 2. Preliminary Repalrs: a. Seal all unseaW lifting holes, unseated stop holes, voids larger than approximately ore -half (f!) ink in thickness. All cracked or deter[ora,ted material shall be removed from the area to be patched ar�d repJamd with Oclocrete, as manufa,clured by IPS Systems. Inc. or equal, In accordance vuith manufacturer's spedfilGatlons. b. Out and trlm all roots Wthin the manhole. 3. Tornparature, Normal grouting operatlons including application of interlar costing shall be performed In accardance with manufacturers recommendalions. 4_ Grouting Matedat Usage. Grouting of the manhole may include corbel, wall, pipe seats, manhole joints, wall to flattop joint, and/or bench/trough. Areas of the manhole designated to bo grouted will be directed by the Engineer. If entire manhole is scheduled tar grou#ing, grouting shall include the vntlre manhole including corbel, wail, pipe seals and bench/trough, Pipe seal grouting shall include all pipe seals in the specified manhole and grouting of the specified manhole including the bench1trough to the maximum height of 18 inches from tha crown. 51 Drillrng and Injection: a, Injection hales shall be trilled through the manhole wall at to tlons indicated In the appropriate data]l(s). ASC-4 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. Grout shall be injected thmugh the Bales, under pressurc- with a suitable probe. Injection pressure shall not cause damage to the manhole structure or surrounding surface fealures, Grout shall be injected through the lowest holes first. The procedure shall be repeated tint,11 the manhole is externally sealed with grout. c. Grouting from the ground surface shall not be allowed. [f_ Grout travel shall be verified by observation of grout to defects or adjacent Injection hales. Provide additional injection holes, if necessary, to ensure grout travel.. a. injection holos shall he cleaned with a drill and patched with a waterproof quick setting mortal- for brick and concrete manholes. 6. Testing of Rehabilllated Manholes. Testing of rehabilitated manholes for water llghiness shall be performed by the Contraclor in the presencq of the Engineer in accordance with the requlrernont of Section DA- 1, VACUUM TESTING OF R>=HA8ILITATED MAN I-10LE of these specifications. D) WAS URIC A ND PAYMENT If the entire manhaie is grouted, tha Cantract U11it Brice shell be per vertical fool grouted as indicated on the Manhole Rehabilila.0on Schedule included in these specifications or as required by [he Engineer. Payment for grouting pipe seals, bench afld trough, and 18 inches above crown of papa, and grouting flattop to wall joint, shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per each manhole rehabilitated as indicated on the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. The Contract Unit 'rice shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, prelim Ina ry repairs and testing necessary to complete the work Including grouting wlth urethane grout. DA-21 OMIT DA-22 OMIT DA-23 LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND WATER VALVES The contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking all previously exposed manholes and water valves in each street of this contract before the resurfacing process commences for a particular street. The contractor shall attempt to Include the Constructlon Engineer (if ho is available) in the observation and marking activity. In any event a street shall be completely marked a rninimum of two (2) working days Before resurfacing begins on any street. Narking the CuFbs with paint is a recommended procedure. It shall be the contractors responslbilily to nolify the utility companies thal he has commenced work on the project. As the resurfacing is completed (withln Sarno day} the contractor shall locate the covered manholes and valves and expose there 10r Eater adjustment. Upon completion of a 6/2�:?OfJB A-5 PAIN DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS street the contractor small notify the utilities of this completion and indicate the start of the next one in order for the utilities to adjust facilities accordingly. The following are utility contact persons: ompar Y 'rolephorte Number Contact Berson Southwestern Bell Telephone 338-6275 "Hot Line` Texas Utilities 336-941 # Mr. Rohr Kruger Ext, 2121 Lone Star 36-8391 Mr. Jim Bennett Ext. 6982 ity of Fart Worth, 871-8190 Mr. ,Jinn Bob Wakefield Street Light and Signal Of course, under the terms of this contract, the contractor shall complete adjustment of the storm drain and Water Department facilities, one traffic lane at a time within five (6) working days after completing the laying of proposed H.M.A.O. overlay adjacent to said facilities. Any deviation from the above pro odure and allotted working days may result in the shut down of the resurfacing operation by the Construction Engineer. The contractor shall be responsible for ail materials, equipment and labor to perform a most accurate joky and al costs to the contractor shall be figured sLibsidlary to Ihis contract. DA-24 FIEPLAOEMENT OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTfzft These provisions requiro the contractor to remove all failed existing curb and gutter, as designated by the Construction Enganevr, and replace with standard concrete curb and gutter, laydown curb and gutter, or in like hind, as governed by the standard City Specifics#ions, Item No, 104 "Removing Old Concrete", Itern No_ 59 "Concrete Curb and Cuttee', and Drawing Nos. -S2 through S-S4. Pay limits for laydown curb and gulter are shown in thawing No_ S-S5 of the Standard Sped(Ications. Contractor shall saw cul the curb and gutter and pavement prior to removal. IncIuded, and Iigured subsidiary to this unit price, wifl be the required sawcut excavation, as per specificatioTi Item No. 106 "Wiclassified Street l"xcavation% Into the street to aid In the construction of the curb and gutter_ Tho pay limit will be 9" out from the gutter lip, with name day haul -off of the riamoved material to a suitable dump site. The street void shall be filled with 11-1.1tiIA . "Type D" mix as per specificatlon No, 300 "Asphalts, Oils and I=mulsians", Item No. 304 "Prime Coat" and Item IliG, 31 "Hot Mix Asphaltic Concretao and compacted to standard Gity densities and top soil as per specification Item No. 116 "Top Soh, if needed, shawl be added and leveled to grade beh[nd the cub. Existing improvements within the parkway such as water motors, sprinkler system, etc. damaged during construction shall be replacer) with same or better at no cast to the City. Backfill for curb and gutter shall be complotad within fourteen (14) calendar days Irom the day of dernol Rion to date of completion. if the contractor fails to comploto the work w1thln fourteen (14) calendar days, a 100 dollar liquidated damage will be assessed per block per day. The unit price bid per linear foot shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and Incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA- 6 REPLACEMENT OF 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS �uas A -6 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL. CONDITIONS This itern shall Include the removal and replacement of existing concrete driveways. due to deteraoraflon or in situations where curb and grater is replaced to adjust grades to eliminate ponding water with same day haul -off of the rarnoved material to a suitable dump site. For specifications governing this item see Item No. 104 "Removing Old Gncrete", Item No. 504" Concrete Sidewalk and Dravewaya". Pay limits for concrete driveway are as shown In Drawing No. - 5 of the Standard S pecif[cations. The unit price told per square yard shall be Bull compensation for all labor, material, equipment, supplies, anti incidentals necessary to complete the wort. DA-26 REPLACEMENT OF H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT AND BASE The contractor shall remove all existing deformed H.M.A,D, pavement anchor bail base material that shows surface deterioration and/or complete failure. The Engineer will identify these areas upon which time the contractor will begin work. The failed area shall be saw out, or other similar moans, out of lie existing pavement in square or rectangutar fashion. The side faces shall be cut vertically and all failed and loose material excavated. As a part of tha excavation process, all unsatisfactory base materlal shall be removed, if required, to a depth sufficient to obtain stable sub -base. The total depth of excavation could range front a couple of inches to include the surface -base -some subbase removai for which the Englneer will seleot the necessary depth. The remaining good material shall be leveled and uniformly made ready to accept the fill material. All excavated rnatarial shall be hauled off site, the same day as excavated, to a suitable dump site, After satisfactory eompletlon of removal as outlined above, the oontmctor shall place the permanent pavement patch, with "Typo D" surface mix. This item will always be used even if no base improvements are required. The proposed H.M.A,D. repair shall match the existing pavement section or the depth of the failed material, whichever is greater. However, the paten thickness shall be a rminimurn of 2 inches. Generafly the existing H.M.AI. . pavement thickness_ will not exceed 6". Before the patch layers are applied, any loose material, mud anwor water shall be removed. A liquid asphalt tack coat shall be applied to a[I exposed surfaces, Placoment of the surface mix lifts shall not exceed 3 inches with vibrator compactions to follow each lift. Compactions of the mix shall be to standard densities of the City of Fort Worth, matte in preparation to accept the recycling process. Al applIcable provisions of Standard Specification Item Nos. 300 "Asphefts, Oils, and EM Ulsions", 304 "Prime Coat", and 312 ILHat-MIX Asphaltic Concrateu shall govern work. The unit price bid per cubic yard shall be full compensation for al materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-27 GRADED CRUSHED STONES This item shall be used to repair the failed bassi material in areas exceed 8" deep es directed by the Engineer. The material shall be graded crushed stones. For specifications governing this item see Item No. P-08 "Flaxib€e [lase". The unit price bid per cubic yard shall be fu[I cornpen!�afion for aiI materials, labor, equipment and incidental3 necessary to complete the work, a6=06 AS-7 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-28 WEDGE MtLLIN 2" TO 0" DEPTH 5,0' 1tl IIDE A. Description This item shall consist of milling the existing pavement i:rom the lip of gutter at a depth Of " and transitioning to match the existing pavement (0' cut) at a minimum width of '. The exastfng pavement to be milled will elther be asphalt, concrete, or brick pavement. The removal and disposal of the milled materials aihall be as directed by the Engineer. The [Willed surface shall provide a smooth surface frog from gouges, rldges, ail f€Im, and Other Imperfections of workmanship and shall have a unlfoi'm textured appearance. fry all situations where the existing H.M.A. . surface contacts the curb face the wedge milling shall include the removal of the existing asphalt covering the gutter up to and along the face of curb. The wedge milling operations for this project will. be performed in a continuous manner along both sides cif the street. Details of Milling locatians are at the back of this document. Contractor Is required to begin the overlay, within five (6) calendar days from the date of the wedge milling completlon of any one street. Should the contmrter fall to meek this. condllion. the wodgc milling will be shut down, and liquidated damage of 500M per day per street will be assessed until all wedge milled streets are over€aged. The overlay, once begun on a street shall continue uninterrupted until complete. The Contractor shall haul -of f the removed material to a suitable dump site, B. Equipment The equipment for removing the pavernant surface shall be a power operated milling machine or other equal or better rmachanical means capable of removing, in either one pans or two passes, the necessary pavement thickness in a five400t minimum width. The equipment shall be self-pwpelled witty sufficient power, traction and stability to maintain accurate depths of cut and stope. The machine shall be equipped with an integral loading and reclaiming means to immediately remove material being ctit from the surface of the roadway and discharge the cuttings Into a truck, ail in one Operation. Adequate back-up equipment (Mechanic street sweepers, loaders, water truck, etc.) and personnel will also be provided to keep flyling dust to a minirnum and to Insure that all cuWngs are removed from street surface daily. Stockpiling of planed material will not be permitted on the project site unless designated by the Engineer. The machine shall be equipped with means to control dust created b the cutting action and shall have a manual systorn providing for uniformly varying the depth of cut while the machine Is in motion thereby making -it pOssibla to cut flush to all Intets, manholes, or other obstructions within the paved area. The speed of the machine shall be varlable in order to leave the desired grid pattern speclfled under Surface Texture. A-8 PART QA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS The unit price bid per linear Feet shall be lull compensation for all labor, material, equipment, tools, anti ineidentais necessary to complete the work, DA•29 BUTT JOINTS - MILLED A, Description: This Itam requires the contractor to mill "Butt joints" Into the existing surface, in sssocietfon wlth the wedge milling operation to the depth and at locations as described below. The butt ofol will provide a full width transitlon section, whereby the new overlay shall maintain constant depth at the point the new overlay is terminated and the now surface elevation matches the existing pavement. The construction actluftles, performance standards and equipment needed for the butt joints milling operations shall be governed by the speclal provisions of Pay Item No. 9 - Wedge Milling. The configuration at the butt joints Is described fn more detail below. general detaffs of butt joint locations - along with edge milling in general - are shown in plat} lorm at the back of This document. S. Construction Retells Prior to the milling of the butt Joints, the Contractor shall consult with the Construction Engineer for proper location of these joints and verify that the selected limits of the proiects' street are correct. The genera€ locations for butt joints are at all beginning and onding points of streets Ilsted in the project and as more graphically detailed at the back of this specification book. The joints are also required on both sides of all rallroad tracks and concrete valley gu#ors, bridge decks and culverts and all other items which transverse the street and end the continuity of the asphalt surface. Each butt Joint shall be 20 teat long and milled out across the full width of the street section to a tapered depth of ". This milled area shall be tapered within the 20 feat to a depth from Q" to " at a I[no adjacent to the beginning and ending points cr Intermediate transverse items. This butt joint - when overlayed IR consist of a asphalt section that will transition the now overlay to match the existing pavement elevation. The contractor shall provide a temporary wodge of asphalt at all butt joints to provide a smooth ride over the bump. C. Measurement and Payment Butt Joints as prescribed above, will be measured by the unit of each Butt joint milled. The disposal of excess material involved will not be measured for payment. Each butt Joint -milled, measured as above, complete-iri place -in accordance with these peciflcabons. wIll be paid for at the unit price shown in the proposal for "BuR Joints". The unit price bid per each shall be full compensation for ell milling, Includiing mate rlaf haul -off, tools, labor, equfpmant and Incidentals necessary to complete the required work, DA 0 2" HAAC. C. SliiWAGE COURSE (TYPE "D" MIX) ar ty AS -29 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS All applicable provisions of Standard Specifications. Item dos. 31 "Hot-fullx Asphallic Concrete", 300 "Asphalts, 011s and Ernulsions". 304 "Prima Coat", and 313 'Central Plant Recycling -Asphalt Concrete" sha11 apply to the cons Iruction methods for this portion of the project. tandaf-d Specification 312.5 (1) shall be revised as follows; The prime coat. tack coal, or the asphaltic mixture shall not be placed unless the air temporature Is fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit and rising, the temperature being taken In the shade and away from artificial hr-�at_ Asphaltic material shall also net be placed when 1he wind conditions are unsuitable In the opinion of the Engineer. The contractor shall furnish batch design of the proposed hot mix asphattle concrete for City approval 48 hours prior to placing the H.M,A. A.C. overlay_ The City will provide laboratory control as necessary. The unit price bld per square yard of H.M.A. . compfate and in place, shall be full compensation for all tabor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-31 REPLACEMENT OF 7" GONCHETE V A L LEY G UTTER This item shall include the removal and reconstruction of existing concrete valley gutters at locations to be determined In field; Removal of existing concrete valley, asphatt pavement, concrete base, curb and gutter, and necessary excavation to install the concrete valley coulters all shall he subsidiary to this pair item. Furnishing and placing of 2:27 concrete base and crushed Ilm6stone to a depth as directed by the Engineer and necessary asphalt transitions as shown in the concreta valley clutter details, shall be sub5idlary to this Pay Item. See standard specification Item No. 314, "Gonarete Pavement", Item 31 "Hot -Mix Asphaltic Concrete', Item No. 104, `Ramoving Old Concrete", Item No. 106, 'Unclassified Street Excavation' Itom No. 208 "Flexible Base." Measurornent for final quantities of vallay gutter wilt be by the square yard of concrete pavement and the curb and gutter section will he Included. Contractor may substitute 6° nonwrefnforced (2:27) Concrete Base in Ilcu of Crushed Stone at no additional cast. See Item 314" Concreto Pavement". Asphalt base material may be required at times as directed by the Engineor to expedite the work at Iocationa ldonllfted in the field. The concrete shall be designod to achieve a minimum compressive strength of 3000 pounds per square inch. Contractor shall work on one-half of Halley Gmttar at a time, and the other gall shall be open to traffic. Work shall be completed, on each half within seven (7) calendar days. If the contractor fails to complete the work on each half with In seven (7) calendar days, a $100 dollars liquidated darnage will be assessed per each half of vaileyr gutter par day. The unit price bid per square yard for Concrete Malley as shown on the proposal will bo full compensation for materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necesswy to complete the work. s z006 A S -30 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-32 NEW 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER This ilern shall include the construction of concrete valley gutters at. various locations to be determined in fleld. Removal of existing, asphalt pavement, concrete base, curb and gutter, and necessary excavation to install the concrete valley gutters all shall be subsidiary to this pay item_ Furnishing and placing of 2:27 concrete base and crushed Ilmestone to a depth as directed by the Engineer and necessary asphalt transitions as shown In the Concrete valley gutter details shall be subsidiary to this Pay Item. See standard) specificatlon Item No. 314N. Concrete Pavement", Item 312 "Hot -Mix Asphallic Concrete", Item No. -104, "HemovEng Old Concrete", Item No. 106, "Unclassified Street Excavation" Item hla, 20a "Flexible Base." Measuroment for Final quantities of valley gutter will be by tho square yard of concrete pavement and the curb and gutter section vwlli be Included, Contractor may substitute " non -reinforced (2: 7) Concrete Bane in lieu of Gfushed Stone at no additional cost. See Item 314" Concrete Pavement". The concrete shall bo designed to achieve a mInImum compressive strength of 3000 pr)unds per square inch. Contractor shall work on one-half of Valley gutter at a time, and the other half shali be open to traffic. Work shall be completed on each half within seven (7) calendar days. It the Contractor fails to complete the work on each half within seven (7) calendar days, a 100 dollars Iiquldated damage will be assessed per each halt of valley gutter per day. The unit price bid por square yard for Concrete Valley as shown on the proposal will be full compensation for materials. labor, equipment, Foals and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-33 NEW 4" STANDARD WHEELCHAIR RANIP The Contractor shall construct standard concrete wheelchair ramps as shown on the enclosed details, or as directed by the Engineer. The removal of existing substandard wheelchair ramps and sidewalk as required for the installation of new wheelchair ramps shall be subsidiary to this pay item. The ramoval and replacement of exi!Wng curb and gutter as required for the Installation of new wheelchair ramps shall be included In Pay Item 5 (Removal and Replacement of Curb and Gutter). Pay tlmits for laydown curb and gultor are as shown in the Standard Pay Umlt detail (WA-1). The pair IlmEt will extend from 9" outside tiie lip of guitar to 15" knack Irom ffte face of curb. Any asphalt tie-in shalI be subsidiary to the curb and gutter pay item, Pay 11mits for "Standard Wheelchair Ramo" will start 15" back from the face of curb and encompass the remainder of the ramp and sldevvA. All applicable provision of standard peciflcatlans; Item 104 "Removing Old Concrete" and Item 504 "Concrete idewallc Driveways" shall apply exr:ept as heroine modified. A11 concrete (Jared surface shall be colored with Ll TH OCH Ho ME color hardener as manufactured by L.M. Scofield Company or equal. The color haMener shalt be brick red color and dry -shake type, and shall be used in accordance with manufactures instructions. Concrete stain may be applied zif(or concrete is poured (Product sold by BA ). 6-12020 A-3 1 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 'Contractor shall provide n colored sampto concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches dimension, or n1hor dimension approved by the Engineer, meeting the aforernentionnd specification. The sample, upon approval by the Engineer, shall be the acceptable standard to be applied for all conetrurtion covered in the scope of thts pay Item. The rnethod of application shall be by screen, sifter, sieve or other mearis in order to provide for a uniform color distrlbu#ion." The unit price laid per square yard for 4" standard wheelchair ramp as shown on the proposal W111 by full compensation tar materials, labor, equipment, toots and incidentals necessary to compete the work, DA-34 OMIT DA-35 OMIT DA-35 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKIERS All applicable provisions of Standard SpecifIcallons for Roadway Markers (Buttons) shall apply. The Contractor hall Install standard roadway markers according to city speciiica.tions as shown on plan sheet or as directod by the Engineer. Please refer to "Roadway Markers SpecIfIcatlons". DA-37 POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED MATERIAL HANDLING A. GENERAL. Where known by the design erlglneer, the locations of polenttaity petroleum contaminated material (soil) that may bo encountered curing excavation and(or coristruction activities vuitl be shown on the plans. For all Iccalions where rnatertal is excavated and suspected of being contaminated vv h potrolourn products, whether known or not, these special condli[ans are to be followed. The contractor is also to follow all applir-abfa Federal. State and Local regulations when handling known or suspect contaminated materials (so!Is). His i16011i ICI 010 a. Excavation, stockpiling and tasting of Potentially Petroleum Contaminated Material. b. Removal, testing, and disposal of petroleum confarninated groundwater. c. Obtaining and paying for required permits. c#_ Hiring of qualified environmental professional consultant(s). Contractor will be required to submit the environmental consultarWs experience am qualifications to the City prior to beginning work in areas of Potentially petroleum Contaminated Material. e. Hiring of qualified environmental sampling professionals that will collect and submit samples to the applIcable City of Fort Worth lasting laboratory. Tho City of fort ASC-32 FART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL. CONDITION ortli's DepartrniEmt of Environmental Management for coordInation of laboratory testing. . REFERENCES a, All applicable OSHA regulatory requirements. b. All applicable Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory requirements. , All applicaUe State of Texas regulatory requirements. d. All applicable City of Fort Worth (City) regu[atory requirements. e. All applicable MOH standards. f. All applicable TNRCO requiremenis. . SUBMITTALS a. The contractor shall prepare and submit to the ity's Department of Environmental Management, Senior Specialist in Compliance, plans for handling Potentially Petroleum Cor3tarninated Material (PPOM) not Jess than 3G days prior to cpmmen dng excavation. b, Thu Contractor shall take necessary precautions vvhlle performing this project. Contractor shall not commence PPGM wort( (1) ontractor's submittal for dealing with PPCM Is reviewed by the City and () the plans (Le,, drawing and description) for discharging any treated liquid Into the storm sewer or sanitary sewer are revIe ed by the City (3) and acceptable stockpile are,, Is Identified by the Contractor, c. Contractor shall submit the name of hk s proposed qualified environmental professional consultant(s) and proposed PPOM Handl€ng flan to the City, The PP M Handling Plan shall Include the detalled soquence of construction Including proposed excavation and handlling methods, proposed caTtiers for contaminated materlals, waste disposal situ, and a list of any permits that may be required for PPCM handling or contaminated materials disposal. The above data must be o)rnpiled and arranged in a format thai is acceptable to tho Texas Nalural Resource onserva#Ion CommIssion (TNROC). d. Contractor shad€ submit actual limits of PPCM excavation, as prepared by his quailfled anvironmental consultant(s) and testing lab, e. Contractor shall stj bmit for revdew the proposed carrier pipe material to be usod with the actual limits of PPCM excavat on, including pipe gasket and carrier pipe coating or Ilner. B, PRODUCTS: 1. PIPE GASKET MATERIAL. Materlals used within the actual limits of PPCM excavation. including pipe caskets, shall be resistant to petroleum hydrocarbon deterioral€on. r/2rxO6 A-3 PART DAB - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITION GEXECUTION, &21W06 1. POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED AREA a. Areas suspected of having petroleum contaminated material (soils) are shown in on the engineedng drawings. b_ In arms other than those noted on the plans and where potentlally petroieum cantamineted materials are either detected or suspected, the City of Fort Worth and the Engirteer should be notified immediately and the work should proceed In accordance with this section, . SCREENING POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED AREAS a. Care should be takan during all excavation and dewaterfng activities to identify areas potentially contamIrtated by petroleum, b. When a petroleum odor Is encountered during excavation or when there is visual evidonco of potentially petroleum contaminated sail, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer without delay. c. The Contractor shall have retalned the services of an environmental consultant who shall be present at the site to screen suspect sail with a photo -ionization detector (PID) or a flame ionization detector (FID). A reading of 20 ppm above ambient conditions or greater on PID or FID tested soil sample will be considered potentiaiiy petroleum contaminated. The soul sample should be a recent sample from the excavation face. The sample should be stored in a laboratory supplied glass Jar wlIh a tef on gasket lined lid, The City of Fort I+ Wh Department of Environmental Managernant will be notified prior to all sample ccIlaction and submittal to the current testing laboratory identified by the Oity. The PI or 1 ID tests should be performed In a confined location. Soils pmducirtg a reading of less than 20 ppm above ambient will not be considered potentially petroleum contaminated. The PID or FID shall bo calibrated according to manufactures Instructions, d. Water encountered during excavation or dowataring shall be considered to be potentially contamilmted if there is a visibte sheen, a hydrocarbon odor, adjacent salt that appears visually to be wMarninat.ed by hydrocarbons or at any time the Contractor has reason to believe that hydr arbnn cantarniria(lon may have occurred. The Contractor shall Irnmec9ately notify the City and the TNRCC whenever c:ontarninated water is onuountered. a. The C<iritractor shall contact the City whenever contarninatlon from arty source is suspected, 3. HANDLING POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL (PPCS) a. Contractor shall coordinto with the Cite to determine a suitable location for the stockpillncd of contaminated loll. The following procedure shall be followed in preparing the chosen site: 1. Provide a diked enclosure large enough to held all material and'pm- vent runoff. AS -34 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. The diked area shall be lined with 0-30 mil plastic tp prevent seepage into the existing soil. At the end of each work day, Contractor shall wmpletely cover stockpile with 20 mil plastic. During the day, the Contractor shall keep the stockpile covered. as necessary, to pteverrt releaeo of contaminated rnaterlais due to rain or wind. 4. Sampling and evaluation of ri steriais will be performed al the Contractor's expense_ (The City of Fort Worth will provide laboratory sorvices) 1). PPCS shall be handled, tested, observing all standard chaIn -of -custody procedures and sampling preservation and analyses shall conform to published and recognized standards. c. The stockpiled PP S shall be sampled and tested every 50 cubic yai'dl<s for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) crxiow and Benzene, Toulane, Ethylben zone and Xylane (BTEX) (EPA 8020), All test results wi+ ll be forwarded to the CRY of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management. d. Contaminated soil identified by test results will be disposed of according to LEA-36, Loading, Transportation, and Disposal of Contaminated Soil. e. It is the intent of rho CIty of Fort Worth lhat uncontaminated Solis be utilized as backf111 material, if the solisalso meat the Type G or B backfill classifIcations. HANDLING POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED WATER (PP W) a. later pumped from the excavation or from dowatering activities that has an oily sheen. a hydrocarbon odor, or is otherwise suspect, shall be considered poianflally petroletiun conlairinatad. b. PPGVV shall be handled, tested, and discharged in accordance with the TNR 's appropriate state regulation. PPW shall lea tested no later than 15 clays prior to extraction, PPDW shall, if necessary, be treated in an appropriately sized olllwater separator, err stripper or GAQ canisters. Contractor shall have his tasting laboratory determine lhat the oil/water separator treated discharge is wlthtn the limits established by the TNR 's regulations before being allowed to dlschai� ge (discharge to sanitary sewer). Donlractor shall be responsible for fumishing to effluent lest reports to the City. c. Alterrmatively, the Contractor may dispose of contaminated water, after appropriate pretreatment, lrtto the sanitary sower collection systorn. It shall be the responsibility cal the Conti,actor to obtain the necessary permits) and to perform all lasting required by the City of Port Winth Pretrealment Services Division. d. All treated water shall bar discharged into a Contractor supplied Frac Tank, sampled, and analyzed before discharge into the sewer system. e. The product thal is recovered shall be disposed of In accordance with all applicable regulations. Any phase separate product recovered from the oillwater separator and aii• stripper shall be transported in accordanc* with Department of Transpottation $12l2B ASC-35 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS rules and regulations for flammable products. When transporting product for disposal, transportation shall also be performed by a licensed carrier. The Contractor is responsible for proper manifesting of the material frc)m the site to the waste disposal facility. Completed Manifests shall be returned to the City Dep2rtrnent of Environmental Managornent within 90 days of shipment. 5. HANDLING VAPOR CONCENTRATIONS a_ In order to maintain safe working conditions, the vapor concentratlons should not exceed 20 percent et the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). During construction, measures should be talon to irmaintain LEL levels below 20 percent in atl working arcs- b. To monitor vapor levels and oxygon levels a combustible gas indlcator (M) wlth a LEU(Y meter should continuously operate In the working area. The OGI should be property calibrated and should have are alarm that sounds if 20 percent LEL is reached. Monitoring data from the GGI should be recorded periodically to determine if venfilatien or other methods are effective. In the event local health and safety agencies require more stringent monitoring, the local regulations must by implemented. D. MEASUREMENT ARID PAYMENT: Payment for handling PPCS, PP W and Vapor Concentrations, obtaining and paying for any permits requited, hiring the services of a quailFled professional en0ronmental consultant(s), envlronmentaE issues, stockpiling and all issues Included and incidental to this section will be full compenastion for all labor, equipment, materlals, and supervision. Measurement and Payment for this section will be per linear foot of trench excavated where the excavated material is handlsd as a contarnlnated material. No separate pa rnent will be made for hsndling of contaminated water, vapor concentrations, Sampling, stockpiling. etc. DA-38 LOADING, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED SOIL A. GENERAL: This item has beon established for the loading, transportation and disposal of contaminated soils in a State of Texas approved disposal slte (landfill) to handle special wastes {petroleum contaminated sully}. A bid item has boon established in the proposal for the proper loading, transportation and dispos.sl of the material to a designated site and the quantity established is the engineers best esl€mate of the quantity that may be removed. This quantify may very depend€ng upon actual conditions and testing results. The unit price bid will not be increased regardless cf the actual amount of material disposed and may be decreased if a larger volume of material, than that listed in the bid proposai, results ire a unit cost reduction for dispose I B, WASTE MANIFESTS. Any and all non -hazardous 11quld and petroleum substance waste removed from the site of generation and transported for treatment anctlar disposal must he accompanied by a waste shipment recordimanifest detailing required generator, transported, destination PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS and i�ste description Information. These results may not be uniform throughout the entire site. For all petroleum substa noe wasta, the waste shipment rec cxd utllixed shall he the TNRCC PETROLEUM -SUBSTANCE WASTE AFFIDAV[T (Form T-b332). The Conlractor shall be responsible for obtaining, originating and nizintaining manifests in accordance with federal and state laws, The Contractor shall sign Me Manifests forms as Independerii Contractor to the Owner. AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT FOR REMOVAL TRANSPORT AND TREATMENT I DISPOSAL OF WASTES IN CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPT BY THE ENGINEER OF FULLY COMPLETED AND SIGNED MANIFEST FOHMS that are iri aagfea ment with regard to the typo and arnonnt of waste removed from the site and received by the treatrnenfldisiposal faaciilly. The Contractor shall immediately resolve any manitest discrepancies. Ournpieted Manifests shall be returned to the Oily Department of Environrnefltal Management within 90 days of shipment. , MEA UREMENT AND PAYMENT. Payment for this Item stall be rack) per in place cubic yard of wr`taminaled sails that are loaded, transported and disposed of In an approved spacial d1sposal site. No separate payment will be made for loading, transportation and disposal of contaminated ground uvaters collected, theav costs considered subsidiary to IAA-37, POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED MATERIAL HANDLING, The proposed landfill shall he included in the Oantraactor's bid submittal and aappfoved by the City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management pr[or to contract award. Contractor shall to responsible for all landfill costs, including, but riot Ilmlled to landfill fees, Lransportation co,fs and landfill operator requested analytical testing rand waste characterizAtion. DA-39 OMIT DA-40 ORBIT OA-41 OMIT DA-42 OMIT DA�43 UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION This Item will be used If additional excavation is needed that is not covered by "a" PAVEMENT PULVERIZATION". Additional Excavation Is the removal of the excessive ocown and base to bring the now base to proper grade and City standard specifications for street reconstruction. Akl applicable provisions of heir No. 106 "t. nclassItled Street Excavation' shall apply, work shall be paid per cubic yard. DA-44 OMIT IAA-45 REPLACEMENT OF 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALKS This item shall include [lie removal and replacement of existing concrote sidowalk due to failure or ias situation where curb and gutter Is replaced to adjust gi-ades to elirftinate pondIng water with saute day haul -oft of the removed material to a suitable dumpsite. For specifications governing A-7 PART IAA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS this Item see Item No. 104 "Removing Old ConcfeW, and Item No. 04 "Conc1'eta Sidewalk and Driveways". The unit price bid per square yard shall be full compensatlon for all labor, material, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary to complete the removal and replacement work. DA-46 RECOMMENDED MENDED SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION In ordor to facilitate timety reconstruLtlon of the affected roadway surfaces (subsequont to water/sewer imitallabon) under the ity's roadway maintenance program, It is mcommended that the proposed water and/or sanitary surer improvement-, be conducted on the project streets #aced upon the lollowli}g sequence: 1. "'lbw Street 2. "B" Street 3. "" Street 4, "D" Street S. "E" Street After the work start date has been established, the selected contractor shall be required to subrrxit the beginning and ending dates for all work {including pavement repair) on each of the project streets. Please by advised that the contractor has the option of subrntiltting a different sequence of construction than stated above. The contractor shall not be allowed to begin work (but time r,harges will begin on the project) uritll the prelerred sequence of construction and the start and end work dates for each street have been submitted to the City. DA-47 PAVEMENT REPAIR IN PARKING AREA The unit pricy bid under appropriate BIB} ITEM( ) of the Proposal shalI cover all cost for providing pavement repair equal to or superior In cornponit n. thickness, etc., to exisling pavement. All required paving cuts shall be made with a concrete saw In a true and straight line on both scales of the trench, a minimum of twelve (1) inches outaide the trend walls. The trench shall be backfilled Wid the top nine (9) inches shall be filled with crushed Iirnestone base material, compacted and level wltl the finished adjaoent surface. This finished grade shall be maintained in a serviceable condition until the paring hss been replaced. DA-48 EASEMENTS ANO PERMITS Easaments and permits, both temporary and permanent, have been secured for this project at this time and made a part thereto. Ar)y easements and/or permits, both temporary and permanent, that have not boon obtained by the time of publication shall be secured before construction starts. No work is to be done in areas requiring easements and/or permits until the necessary easements are cbtained. The Gontractoes attention is directed to the easement description} and permit requirements, Is oontalned herein, along with any special conditions that may have been unposed on those easements and permits. Where the pipeline crosses privately awned property, the easements and construction areas are shown on the plans. The easements shall be cleaned up after Use and restored to their orlglnai conditions or better. in the event additional work room or access is required by the Contractor, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain written permission from the &QVzVJ5 AS -38 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS property ownefs involved for the use of additionaEl property required, No addlIionaI payrnont will be allowed for this Item, DA-49 HIGHWAY REQUIREMENTS The Texas Department of Transportation requirements pertaining to the construction of this project are enclosed herein and made Part of these spacifieations. DA-50 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT Concrete encasament shall be Mass E (1500 psi) concrete and for sewer IIne encasements shall conform to Fig. 111, for water line encasements it shall conform to Fig. 20 of ilia General Contract Documents. Requirements for such enrasernani are specified In Sections F-1- 0 and E -20 of the General Contract Documents. Payment for work such as forming, placing, and finishing Including all labor, tools, equipment and material necessary to complete the work shall he included In (tie linear toot pfire bid for Concrete Enca,sement. DA-51 CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES All connections between proposed anti exisling facilities, small consist of a watertight seal. Concrete risen in the connectton shall be Mass A (3000 psl) concreta and meet the requirernenis of or,[ion E1-20 and F.. - 0 of the General Contract Documents. friar to concrete place mant, a gasket, RAM-Nek or approved equal shall be installed around ponatrating piper. Paymont for Stich work as connecting to existing facilities Including all labor, tools, oquiprneW, and material necessary to complete the work shall be Included in the linear foot price of the appropriate pipe BID ITEM. DA-52 TURBO METER WITH VAULT AND BYPASS INSTALLATION All combination turbo meter installations will be per attached Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The contractor shall use Lilco Type J-3 Model 0" x 36" Steel Single Leaf Doors or approved equal unless the vault door is subject to vehicular traffic i.e.. in a street, parking Jot, or driveway. The appropriate size turbo meter with strainer and check valve If required will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge, however, [lie Contractor will be required to pick up these item(s) at the Field Operations W arehouse. Payment for all work, materials, and ail necessary appurtenances frum bypaSS tee to bypass lee which are required to provide a complete and functional Combination Turbo Meter Instatlation complete with Bypass and Concrete Vault shall he included in they price bid for each. DA-53 OPEN FIRE LINE INSTALLATIONS All open fire lines installations will be per attaches! Figure 32 unless otherwise directed by [tie Engineer. &=Ow- AC-9 PART D - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL. CONDITIONS The appropriate size detector check meter;, 3/4-inch meter and class 'B` motor box will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge, however, the Contractor will be required to pick yip the item& at the Field Operalions Warehouse, Payment for all work, materials, and ll necessary appurtenances frorn the City side flange coupling adapter to the custorner side gate valve and box; Including Incidental 5 linear feet of pipe, which are required to provide a complete and Funptionel opera fire fine installation shall be included In the price bid for each. Payment for the City side gate valve or tap valve depending on which is required will be paid for under the appropriate bid Item(s). DA-54 WATIER SAMPLE STATIC) IN GENERAL: All water sampling station imtallations Will be por attached Figure 34 or as required in large water meter vaults as per Figure 33 unless otherwise directod by the Engineer. The appropriate water sampling station will be furnished to tho Contractor free Qt charge; however, the CQvIractor will be required to pick up this Item at the Field Operations Warehouse, PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 34 INSTALLATIONS: Payment fcr all work and materials necessary for the Installation of the 3/4-inch type K capper service line will be shall be inc, Iuded in the price bid for copper Service LIne from Main to Meter. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the Installation tap sacidto (it required), corporation stops, and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Servico Taps to Main. Pazy misnt for al work and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station, concrete support block. curb stop, fittings, and an incidental 5-feet of type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and functionaC water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for tha water main, PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 33 1N STALLATIONS: Payrnont for all work and materials necessary for the instatlatlan tap saddleT gate valve, and fittings shall be Included In the pace bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all work and materiels necessary for the Installation of the samplings station, modifl tion to the va,utt, fittings, and all type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and functional water sampling station shall be included In the price bid for Water Sample talions. DA-55 CURB ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT tanda{d Spiecilicaflon Item 502 shall apply except as herein modified. INTEGRAL CURB: Integral curb shall be constructed along the edge of the pavement as an Integral part of the slab and of the same concrete as the slab. The cwicfete, for the curb shall be deposited not more than thirty (30) minutes after the concrete in the slab, s212Lho6 A -40 PAIN D - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS SUPERIMPOSED CUFIB. Concrete shall leave a m1nimurn compressive strenglh of three thousand (3.000) pounds per square inch at twenty-eight ( 8) days. The quantity of mixing water shall not eXceed seven () U.S, gallons per sack ( 4 lbe.) of Portland Lemont. The slump of the concrete shall not exceed three (3) inches, A minimum cement content of live (S) sacks of cement per cubic yarn of concrete is required. PAYMENT: Payment shall ba made for cutting and replacing curbs and gutters required in this Project under the appropriate bid item and shall be in compliance with Public Works Department standard requirement Item 502. DA-50 SHOP DRAWINGS 1. Slabrnit seuen (7) copies of shop drawings, layouts, manufacturer's data and material schedules as may be required by the Engineer tar his review, Submittals may be chocked by and stamped with the approval of the Contractor and identitled as the Engineer may require, Such review by the Engineer shalt include checking for general conformance with 1I10 design concept of [lie project and general compliance with informalion glum in lire General Coritract Documents, Indicated actions by the Engineer, which may result from his review, shall not conslitute concurrence with any deviation from the plans and specif'icatiens unless such deviations are specifically Identified by the method dmxudbed below, and further shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the submitted data. Processed shop drawing submittals aro not change orders. The purpose of submittals by the Contractor is to demonstrate that the Contractor understands (lie design concept, and that he demonstrates his understanding by Indleafing which equipmanl and materials he lnterids to furnish and install, and by detailing the fabrication and installation methods lie Intends to use. If deviations, discrepancies or conflicts between submittals and the design drawings and/or specifications are discovered, Dither prier to or after submittals are processed, the design drawings and specifications shall govern. The Contractor shall be responsible for dimensions which are to be confirmed and correlated at 1h9 job site, fabrication processes and techniques of constriction, coordination of his work with that of other trades and satisfactory performance his work, The Contractor shall check and verify all measurements and review submittals prior to being submMed, and sign or 1nUl a statement Included with the submittal, which signifies compliance with plans And specifications and dimensions suitable for the application. Any deviation from the specified criteria shall be expressly stated In writing In the submittal. Three (3) copies of the approved submittals shO be retained by the Contractor until completion of the project and presented to the City In bound farm. 2. Shop drawings shall be submitted for the following items prior to installation: List the required submittals here AddItional shop drawing requirements are described in some of tho material specifications. . Address tar Submittals - The submittals shale be addressed to the Project Manag or. (Projectmanager) Dity of Fort Worth 1000 Throt:kmortori Fort Worth, TX 76102 DA-57 COST BREAKDOWN &212005 A-4 1 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITION In order to establish a basis upon which partial payments to the Contractor may he authorized, Immediately after execution of the contract the Contractor shall furnish a dotailed cost breakdown of his contract price arranged and itemized to meet the approval of the Engineer. DA-58 STANDARD STREET SPECIFICATIONS H.M.A,C. OVERLAY All work involving pawing ancVor drainage shall conform to the two following published specifications, except as modified herein - STANDARD SPECIFICATtONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION -- CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS DLL-59 H.M.A. . M014E THAN J INCHES DEEP When H.M,A.O. greater than 9 lnches In depth is encountered, it shall be replaced with a cornbinatlon of Ff. M,A_O_ and 2 - 7 concreto base, as determined by the Engineer, to a0ieve the required thickness of pavement. DA-60 ASPHALT DRIVEWAY REPAIR At locations where H.M,A.O. drlveways are encountered, such driveways skull be completely replaced for the full extent of utility cut with H,M,A. . equal to or bettor than the existing driveway, DA-61 TOPSOIL Whore directed by the Engineer, top sail shall he appiiad in accordance with the My of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department's Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Ccnstruction, Item 116, except as follows: All labor, equipment, tools and incidentals shall be inoluded in the square yard bid price for the top. soil. DA-62 WATER METER AND METER BOX RELOCATION ANU ADJUSTMENT This item shall include raising or lowering an existing meter box to the parkway grade speclffed No payment will be made for adjusting existing boxes which are within 0-001 feet of specI ied parkway grade. The unit price bid shall be full and sufficient payment for all labor, equipment and materials used in the adjustment of the motor box. DA-63 Bib QUANTITIES Sid quantities of the various items in the proposal are for comparison only and may not reflect the actual quantities. There is no Iimit to which a bid item can be increased or decreased. Contractor shall not be entluled to renegotiatlen of unit prices regardless of the final' measured quantifies. To the extent that G 4-4.3 conflicts with this provision, this provision controls. No claim will be considered for lost or antlolpated profits Lased upon differences in estimated quantities verses actual quantltles. at2DOa A -4 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS In particular, the Contractor shall be aware that it Is the ity+'s Intention that the quantities in Unit I be used on an "emergenc;r basis only - Total quantities given in the bid proposal may not reflect actual quantities; however, they are given for the purpose of bidding and awardinU the contract_ A contract In the amoijnt of $ 00.000 (see Options to Renew) shall be awarded With final payment basQd on actual measured quantities and the unit price bid in this proposal. Moreover, there is to be not limit on the variation between the estimated quantities shown and actual quantities performed. It is understood and agreed that tho scope of work Contemplated In this contract is that which is designated by the City bit will in not case exceed $ 00,000 (see Options to Renew) includIntg all change orders, DA-64 WORK iN HF HWAY RIGHT OF WAY When the Engineer directs the Gantraclor to perform work in the right-of-way Which is under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation (Tex -Dot), the Contractor shall obtain approval from the Texas Dopartment of Transportation prior to commenolrlg any work therein. Ali work performed in the Tex -loot right-of-way shall be performed In compfianGe with and subject to approval from the Texas Department of Transportation and item E2- .1 "Construction Within Highway Fight -of -Ways' of the General Contract Documents and Specifications, effective July 1, 1978, as amended. DA-65 CRUSHED LIMESTONE (FLEX -BASE) Crushed limestone required for use as a flexible base Material shall conform to Specification Item No. 208 of the Slandard Spedficatlons for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Furl Worth Transportation and Public Works Department. DA-66 OPTION TO RENEW The City has the right to renew thls contract for three () one year terms/expenditures of $ 00,000 under the se me terms, conditlons, and unit prices. The City shall give at lust skxty (60) days notice prier to the expiration Of one year fMM the de to of executlan of IIIia contract car of an option period or a Ilke not lea at such time as there is less than $ 0,000 left unexpended. DA-67 NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT This contract is non-oxcluslve. During the term of this contract or any renewal hereof, the City vessives the right to advertise and award another contract for likes or similar work- It a second contract is awarded, the City (urther reserves the right to Issue work orders under either contract as it deems in Iks best interest, witflorrl reOaurse. DA-68 CONCRETE VALLEY OUTTFR This item shall include the repairlrepfacerment of existing ranoreto vall0y gutlars as directed by the Engineer. The proposed galley gutters will be constructed according to the detail included In these docurnerrts as wall as conforming to Specification Item No. 314 of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department. .096 AS-4 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CO NDITI The unit price bid for This Item shall be full compensation for all materials (including applicable sub -base), labor, equiprent and incldentals necessary to complete the work. DA-fig TRAFFIC BUTTON The Contractor shall supply all rna,ti�rlals and labor necessary to install traffic buttons of the same type as were previously Installed at locations designated by the Englneet. The buttons to be supplied shall be generally, but not limited to Type WA and Type II -R4 and installed with a Type III Epoxy. The unit price bfd for this Item shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the lAfOTk, DAk-70 PAVEMENT STRIPING Pavement striping, whenever and wherever encountered, shall be replaced to match the existing striping or as directed by the Engineer, Materials used shall be of 420 Type Intersectlon grade tape {in 13-inch width} such ias Stamark as manutactured by :3M company or approved equal. The unit price bid for this item shall bo full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and Incidontais necessary to complete the work, DA-71 H.M.A.D. TE T>IN PROCEDURE The contractor is required to submit a Mix Design for both Type df ' and "D" asphalt that will be used for each pro;ect. ThI5 should be submitted at the Pre -Construction Conference. This design shall not be more than two () years old. Upon submIttal of the design mix a Marshal (Proctor) will be calculated, it one has not been previously calculated, for the use during density testing. For type u13" asphalt .a maximum of 011/6 rap may be used. No Rap may be used in type WD„ Upon approval of an asphalt mix design and the calculation of the Marshal (proctor) the contractor is approved for placement of tho asphalt, Tho contractor shall contact the City t.ahoralory, through the Inspector, at least 24 hours in advance of the asphalt placement to schedule a technician to assist in tha rnanitaring of tha number of passes by a roller to establish a rolling pattern that will provide the required densities. The required Density for Type NIB" and for Type "D" asphalt will be 9 1 % of (lie calculated Marshal (proctor). A Tr0Aar Thin Layer Cauga wilt be used for all asphalt testing. After a rolling pattern is established, densities should be taken at locations not more than 300 foot apart. The above requirement applies to both Type "B" and "D' asphalt. Densities an type r,T roust be done before Typo "D" asphalt. Is applied. Cares to determine thickness of Type "W asphalt must be taken before Type "U' asphalt is applled. Upon completion of the application of Type "U" asphalt additional cores must be taken to determine floe applied thickness. DA-72 SPECIFICATION REFERENCES roc ASC-4 PART D - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS When reference is made In these specifications to a particular A TR,A, AWWA, ANSI or other specification, It shall bo understood that the latest revision of such specification, prior to the Mate of those general specifications or revisions therodf, shall apply. DA-73 RELOCATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM BACK -FLOW PREVENTERfCONTIROL VALVE AND BOX The relocation and reconnection of sprinkler systarn control valve and box will be required as shown on the plans, and/or as described In theme Special Contract Documents In addition to those located in the Iteld and identlf1ed by the Engineer. A minimum of twenty-four (4) hours advance r otio shall t)e given when service interruption will be required. When the relocation is required, separate payment w1I1 be allowed for the relocation of sprinkler back,tlow prev'errter or control valve and bait. Payment for all work and material such as back -fill, fittings, five (5) feet of PVC chedu[a 40 and all material labor, and equipment usod by and for the licensed plumber shall he included in the price bid for the relocation of sprinkler back -flaw preventer or control value and boat. All other costs ►gill be included In other appropriate bid item(s). DA-74 RESILIENT -SEATED GATE VALVE Any resilient -seated gate values supplied for this contract shall conform to Material Standard E1- 6, STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESILIENT -SEATED GATE VALVES, with the exception of size requirements In sections E- 6.1. All resilient -seated gate valves shall be mechanical joints and be approved Qn the City of Fart Worth Standard Preduct List. DA-75 EMERGENCY ENCY SITUATION, JOB MOVE -IN The Owner or Engineer shall deterrnine when an emergency situation shalt exist. When water emergency work is required. the Contractor shall mobIlize to the said location within twenty-four (24) hours after given notification from the Inspector andfor Project Manager. The Contractor shall make all necessary arm, ngements for bypass pumping, setting up barricades, notifying citizens, etc., while waiting for other utilities to be located as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall work continuously until the emergency work order has been cornpleted at a time agreed to by the Project Manager, Inspector, and Contractor. After the emergency work order has been completed, there will be no additional "Jots Move -in' charges paid to re nebllize back to the previous project location site. DA-76 flit' & 2COPPER SERVICES The following is an addendum to F1-17, flapper Water Service Lines and Coppor Ahoy oupfing& Alt fittings used for f " and " water services linos shall be compression fittings of the type produced +pith an internal "gripper ring" as ma,nuractured by the Ford Motor Box Co., Inc., Mueller Company, or approved equal. Approved equal products shall submit shop drawings and manufacturer's catalog information for approval. &2/ r" A -45 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Contractor shall mate all ruts to the copper tubing with a copper tubing cultor tool specifically deslgried for lhiu purpose In order to provide a clean, square cut. The use of hacksaws ar any other typo of clatter will not be allowed. Briar to installing the compression fittings, the copper tubing will be made round by the use of a "rounding tube" specifically made for lhat purpose. Payment for all work and materials associated with 1 t " and " capper'services shall be included in the price of the appropriate bid item, DA-77 OMIT DA-78 OMIT DA-79 OMIT DA-80 OMIT DA-81 OMIT DA-112 OMIT DA-83 OMIT DA-85 OMIT DA-86 OMIT DA-87 OMIT bA-BB OMIT DA-89 OMIT DA,90 OMIT DA-91 OMIT D -92 OMIT DA-93 OMIT DA-94 OMIT DA-95 OMIT DA-96 OMIT DA-97 OMIT �J A -46 PART DA - ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITION DA-98 OMIT DA-99 OMIT DA-100 OMIT DA-101 OMIT DA-102 OMIT DA-109 OMIT DA-104 OMIT DA-105 OMIT DA-106 OMIT DA-107 OMIT DA-108 OMIT DA-109 OMIT DA-110 OMIT DA-111 OMIT DA-1 12 OMIT DA-119 OMIT DA-114 OMIT DA- 115 OMIT IAA-116 OMIT DA-117 OMIT DA-118 OWT SECTION ..E`._SF'EGIFICATIONS `Y ' 978 r # -- - - ANUAR All'rnater..ialsv.construct ammethods arid procedures used in this profectstialFconfarm to Sections ET, EZ and .E2A- of the Fort Worth. Water 36partmerit General. Caritraet DocurtaeRts and General Specificaticins. together with ;jny additional material or:later revision(s).- (See revisianslisted on this sheet).' _--~ 5ectioh& Ea ._E2 arid` EZA of the Fort Worth Water Department General Contract Documents and .General Specifications are h6reb_ y'mad'e.a'part of this contract documii of by reference for all purposes, the same as if - copies verbalim:herein; and such Sections, are tiled and kEpt iri:the_of#ica of the-Cityecretary of the City of Fort 11 gcthi as an'offcial recoed-of.the.Ciky.of Fort.Worth . ! : INDEX :.` E1 MATERIAE_S SPEC'IFICA -IONS E2. ,bKSfRbdCho...N Si4iQ-t (CATIONS' --.:.. ::.:.... E2A.:: GEN_ERA.L DESIGN DETAILS` .Revisions as of :April20, 181; falloy�r' (correct rninirnum compaction"requirement to 95% Proctor.densityInd correct P_t_ values as 'follows; r :-'Aoditional 6ac[cfili requirerments:wen approved fo.r:Use-irj_streets:.:- .: (:}.. Type:B Saclefiil =:-Maxirtium plastic Iradex {Plj shall be 8 . _:(Cl { } Type .0 .Backfilf ... . Maierral.ineet�ng cequiremerits acid having a FI_nf S'ar.Less shall be corairi0red as= l suitable -for compoc#ron by:letting::^ fyfaterral meofing recjuirements ono -having a P.I of 9 or more shad be considered fog . use only 3itirith rnecha.nicai. compaction_ Ei -2rench Backf II; (Carrectmin�urri compaction_ requirement v/herever ik appears iii this section toy°/a - Proctof deris�ty ezcap .fn -.paragraph :a:'1: where the "95% rnodifecl Prbctor-densiiy' shall femain uncliainberl) - ta) Materia!`mec�ting rehavirig.a PI o:8.or less snail tip considered as suit bkfor, cotnioaction by jetgni - -(by-.,. Material c eeting. requcrerrients and having a PI "f 9 or more shall.be,consicJered far use -only with:; ecfiahicai corrrpaC. on:, E:172 IT . __Trench-Backfl11:::.f Correct rhinimurn compaction requirernel where.v rit.appea�s ir�.thxs section to 95 Proctoi ..density: except for paragrap . a. I : Where the "95% modified F'rnctor:.density`' shalt remain d): unchange.. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS [DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR - MANHOLE JOINT SEALING A. GENERAL This specification covers a cold -applied performed flexible butyl rubber or plastic sealing compound for sealing interior and/or exterior joints on concrete manhole sections.. It governs all manholes, vaults.- etc., constructed for the City of Fort Worth Water Department, excluding only the joints using a trapped typeperforrned O-ring gasket; and shall require a bitumasbc joint sealant in all joints as per Figure M attached. B.. MATERIALS This sealant shall be preformed and trowelable biturnastic. as rnanufaotured by Kent=Seal. Ram--Nek; E- .Z Stick or equal The joint sealer shalt be supplied in either extruded rope=lorm of suitable cross- sectiorial area or flat tape form and shalt be sized as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by .the Engineer. Tine joint. sealer shall be .protected by a suitable removable wrapper and shall not in any way depend on oxidation, evaporation, or any other chemical action for either its adhesive properties or cohesive strength.. The joint sealer shall remain totally flexible without shrinking, hardening, or oxidizing regardless of the length of time it is exposed to -the elenients.. The manufacturer shall .furnish art affidavit attesting to the successful use of the product es a performed flexible joint sealant on concrete pipe -and manhole secfions for a. period of at least five years. C. INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANT Each grade adjustment ring and manhole frame shall be sealed with the above: specified materials. All surfaces to be in contact with the joint sealant shall bi= thoroughly cleaned ofdirt, sand, mud, or other foreign 'matter. A primer shall, be, applied to -all surfaces prior to installing the joint sealant in accordance with the recow mend atio ns :by th6- manufacturer The protective: paper wrapper shall. remain on the joint sealant until immediately prior to placement of the pipa in the trench. After removal of the protective paper wrapper, the joint sealant shall be kept.clean. Install frames and cover over 0anhole opening with the bottom of the rings resting on bitumastic joint seater. Manhole frames and covers shall be McKinley, Type N, with indented top design, or -equal, with pick slots Frames, unless otherwise shown on the drawings., shall rest on two (2) rows (-inside. and outside). of bitumastic joint sealer. 2 G.radp adjustment rings shall also rest on two (.2) rows of bitumastic joint sealant. . ........ ... SEALING_ANDCOR ADJUSTING EXESTING MANHOLES - :.Excavate (reetangularfull;depth saw-.cut�ifn pavement) adjacenfta themarhoie.to-exposih entire rnanhoie frame and a mjnimurh of 6 inches.of the manhole welt keeping the -sides -of the trench nearly _ vertical.. : 15 Remove rimanhole.:frame:frorri_ttie marthole. structrre;and ab'serve the conrltion-of the frame: Tle existing frartie "shall be used wherever possible. Any existing frame.si�ail be used wherever_ possitiie_ Any frame that Is:not'suitable_for.'use as deterinir ed.by the`.Engirreer shall die replaced. Separate acid observe -the condition.ol• the grade adjus#rhent-dings lf-the gradQ: ngs a -re .loose, 1 deteriorated; broken, or show;structural defects, repiace them in. accordance with these specifcations:. tepiace 6djustitments .tl1a#are canstr+ cted:of brick, bloct�; .or:ixiaterials other Chart _ precast concretitWor cast concrete rings; -or v l ere necessary; and a�proved� b}/_tM Engineer, a.precastflattop:sectEon.=Precastconcrete rings, ora:precast,concret&flatto{,sectian.will.be the M anly'adjus#nients allowed. j -. irrbrick or -block manholos where it rs difficult t€i determide where grade adlustrvents .andwalls :... . .. meet; replace. the; upper p6diop: of the rnan(�ole to a point:24 �ncties beleiw the. frarr�elf ttte vswatls or:conesection.helow'this level arestr:uctuiall unsound; note the -En ineer ndrtore .IaCement :.:.: ; Y fY 9 p .. P ..of the grade-Mjut tments or Ma.hh©le frame:' Existing brickwork, which.is structurally satisfactory,`if damaged by the Contractor shall be re01aeed.at the Contractor s.expense.:: . 3 Wice:lart�sh manhole frame and exposed manlioie surfaces to remvve.dirt arid -loose 'debris-. Coat exposed rilar�11o1e surfaces with. ari:approved:bonding ageriffol16w6d witfi an application vf.a grticlE setfing hydraulic..cement to provide a smoothvarking Surface_. 4 If:the iriside'diarneter of the manhole is too.large to safely suppo.rt--06w�adlustmen rings: or frame, a flaop sectten shall.bo 'in staped.: : d i (surfaces -'between the`frame: ad`ustrnerrt Fin sand cone s6ction:shall_tie free'of cfirt;.aStpT7s::.: ,%vT -.and.vQ cls:to ensure a..vuaterti> h.t:seal.: Place: a flexibte gas{. 6t:joint'Material iri t�+ra roncentric rings :.alang.the insi_ e.ar e4 aiitside edge:of-each-joint or_use trowelabtelnatertal-in.iieU of preformer# j gasket material: Rositidn the butttoinfb each.length:.of:jaint rrmateriai-on`opposite sides f the: manlaale, .Ho steel shims; wpod, siones; or:an rriatenal not speeificall.y accepted.by.the_ Engineer. may=tie :used ta`obtaih fhal-_s.urfaceLele..vation,bf e manhole.fraine... 6_ : In payed areas: ar future paved'areas„castings shall be..insUled tj-y usi'hg.a _straight edge .riot :less tharr,ten (.i o) feet long so that the top:.af castirig. evill confarm:to•the: sls pe and. fnish,eleva�on of the paved surface. The top:ofthe dasfi�ng:shali�be lY8 incf� beio�ni°the finished-.ele�ralion Allowances _ t r :: -° - "- fo:r. the cvmprass:ion.:oF the joint enatenai: shall. be:'made to assure a propEr final. grarte 1elevation. i 7 Mani?vle rims in parkways lawns arrd other irriOroved lands: shall be at an elevation not more than 1 .3ricfi. o- .1i. thi n onL:half t`l2 .iricti above the surroiir�diri round..'-Backfril. shall p r6Vide a- t )t ..) 9 9:. p ursifarrrr.slope:from the sti5p _of manhole casting:�fo.r,ndt.less than three (3), feet'each direction to : existing finish glade of..the groEj�td "The=grade.of all surfaces -shall be. checkeci:for proper slope and grade:tiy siring fining the:entire .area regraded near the manhole.:. - 8. Manholes in open fields, unimproved land, or drainage courses shall be at an elevation shown.on the drawings or minimum of'6 inches move grade. E. :MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The price bid for new manhole installations shall include the cost of joint seating and payment will be made from the appropriate Bid Item(s). For existing manhole adjustment andlor sealing, the cast of sealing shalt be included in the appropriate bid item and payment will be made for these items SECTION UNIT II: TRANSPORTATION 1 PUBLIC WORT SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (TIPW) SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES SPECIAL INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS TPW 1. BID SECURITY: Cashier's check or an acceptable bidder's bond payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of not less than five (5%) per cent of the total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid, and is subject to forfeit in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the contract documents within ten (10) days after the contract has been awarded. To be an acceptable surety on the bond, (1) the name of the surety shall be included on the current U.S. Treasury, or (2) the surety must have capital and surplus equal to ten times the limit of the bond. The surety must be licensed to do business in the state of Texas. The amount of the bond shall not exceed the amount shown on the treasury list or one -tenth (1110) the total capital and surplus. 2. PAYMENT BOND AND PERFORMANCE BOND: The successful bidder entering into a contract for the work will be required to give the City surety in a sum equal to the amount of the contract awarded. In this connection, the successful bidder shall be required to furnish a performance bond as well as payment bond, both in a sum equal to the amount of the contract awarded. The form of the bond shall be as herein provided and the surety shall be acceptable to the City. All bonds furnished hereunder shall meet the requirements of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended. In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, (1) the name of the surety shall be included on the current U.S. Treasury List of Acceptable Sureties. (Circular 870), or (2) the surety must have capital and surplus equal to ten times the amount of the bond. The surety must be licensed to do business in the State of Texas. The amount of the bond shall not exceed the amount shown on the Treasury list or one -tenth (1110) of the total capital and surplus_ If reinsurance is required, the company writing the reinsurance must be authorized, accredited or trusteed to do business in Texas. No sureties will be accepted by the City which are at the time in default or delinquent on any bonds or which are interested in any litigation against the City. Should any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory at any time by the City, notice will be given to the contractor to that effect and the contractor shall immediately provide a new surety satisfactory to the City. If the contract amount is in excess of $26,000 a Payment Bond shall be executed, in the amount of the contract, solely for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work. If the contract amount is in excess of $100,000, a Performance Bond shall be executed, in the amount of the contract conditioned on the faithful performance of the work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents. Said bond shall solely be for the protection of the City of fort Worth. 3. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The Contractor's attention is called to Part 1, Item 8, paragraph 8.6, of the "General Provisions" of the Standard Specifications for Construction of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, concerning liquidated damages for late completion of projects. 4. AMBIGUITY: In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the proposal. 5. EMPLOYMENT: All bidders will be required to comply with City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Section 13-A 21 through 13-a- 29) prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. 6. WAGE RATES: All bidders will be required to comply with provision 5159a of "Vernons Annotated Civil Statutes" of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates as established by the City of Fort Worth, Texas and set forth in Contract Documents for this project. 7. FINANCIAL. STATEMENT: A current certified financial statement may be required by the Department of Engineering if required for use by the CITY OF FORT WORTH in determining the successful bidder. This statement, if required, is to be prepared by an independent Public Accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State Licensing Agency. 8. INSURANCE: Within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of award of contract, the Contractor must provide, along with executed contract documents and appropriate bonds, proof of insurance for Worker's Compensation and Comprehensive General Liability (Bodily Injury-$250,000 each person, $500,000 each occurrence; Property Damage - $300,000 each occurrence). The City reserves the right to request any other insurance coverages as may be required by each individual project. 9. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: a. The City, its officers, employees and servants shall be endorsed as an additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance coverage under Contractor's workers' compensation insurance policy. b. Certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth, contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102, prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. c. Any failure on part of the City to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein. d. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a minimum thirty days notice of cancellation, non -renewal, and/or material change in policy terms or coverage. A ten days notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. e. Insurers must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a current A.M. Best rating of A: VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. f. Deductible limits, or self -funded retention limits, on each policy must not exceed $10,000.00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City. g. Other than worker's compensation insurance, in lieu of traditional insurance, City may consider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups. The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage. h. Workers' compensation insurance policy(s) covering employees employed on the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the City. i. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for contractor's insurance. j. Contractor's insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such insurance is primary protection and any self -funded or commercial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. k. in the course of the project, Contractor shall report, in a timely manner, to City's officially designated contract administrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss. I. Contractor's liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein. m. Upon the request of City, Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. 10. NONRESIDENT BIDDERS: Pursuant to Article 601 g, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, the City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a non resident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. "Nonresident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state, but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. "Texas resident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is in this state, and includes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. This provision does not apply if this contract involves federal funds. The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all non resident bidders in order for its bid to meet specifications. The failure of a nonresident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. 10. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 11923, as amended, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the office of the City Secretary. In addition, the bidder shall submit the MBEIWBE UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("Documentation") as appropriate. The Documentation must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the Documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall render the bid non- responsive. Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide to owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by Minority Business -Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment therefore. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiation action under appropriate federal, state or local laws or ordinances relating to false statement; further, any such misrepresentation (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participation in City work for a period of time of not less than three (3) years. 11. AWARD OF CONTRACT: Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all irregularities. No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of forty-nine (49) days from the date the MA NBE UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("Documentation") as appropriate is received by the City. The award of contract, if made, will be within forty-nine (49) days after this documentation is received, but in no case will the award be made until the responsibility of the bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract has been verified. 12. PAYMENT: The Contractor will receive full payment (minus 5% retainage) from the City for all work for each pay period. Payment of the remaining amount shall be made with the final payment, and upon acceptance of the project. 13. ADDENDA: Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents prior to the bid receipt time and acknowledging them at the time of bid receipt. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the Department of Engineering Construction Division at (817) 871-7910. Bids that so not acknowledge all applicable addenda may be rejected as non -responsive. 14. CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW: A. Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage a. Definitions: Certain of coverage ("certificate"). A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self -insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC- 81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory worker's compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project -includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor» in §406.096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner -operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or toner services related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. b. The contractor shall provided coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011 (44) or all employees of the contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. c. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. d. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. e. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (2) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. f. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter g. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. h. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas labor Code, Section 401.011 (44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (2) provide to the contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (3) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (4) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. (6) notify the governmental entity in wiring by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (7) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (1) - (7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self insured, with the commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative, criminal, civil penalties or other civil actions. k. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. B. The contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Compensation Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text, without any additional words or changes: "REQUIRED WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE" The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by worker" compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee". Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage". 15. NON DISCRIMINATION: The contractor shall not discriminate against any person or persons because of sex, race, religion, color, or national origin and shall comply with the provisions of City Ordinance 7278, as amended by City Ordinance 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13A-21 through 13A-29), prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. 16. AGE DISCRIMINATION: In accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the federal government, contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, members, agents, or employees, will engage in performing this contract, shall, in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms, conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against person because of their age except on the basis of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers, members, agents, or employees, or person acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this Contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the Policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any and all claims or allegations asserted by third parties against City arising out of Contractor's alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this Contract. 17. DISCRIMINATION DUE TO DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ('ADA" ), Contractor warrants that it will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with, or current employees of Contractor. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA's provisions and any other applicable federal state and local laws concerning disability and will defend indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties against City arising out of Contractor's alleged failure to comply with the above - referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this Contract. SPECIAL ]PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS ROVEMENTS Tabte of Contents 1, SCOPE OF WORK ................................................ . .............. .............................................................. SP-4 2. AWARD OF CONTRACT................................................................................................................. .. SP-4 3. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE.................................................................................................. SP-4 4. EXAMINATION OF SITE....................................................................................................................... SP-4 51 BID SUBMITTAL .................................................................................................................................. SP-5 6. .. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION ............... ..... .................................................................................-- SP-5 7. SANITARY FACILITIES FOR WORKMERS........................................................................................ SP-5 8. PAYMENT .......... .......... ...................................... ........................ .................. ........... ........... ............. ........SP-5 9, SUBSIDIARY WORK.............................................................................................................................. SP-5 10. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TOTHE PUBLIC ........ ....... .. .... ....I........., ................................, ..., ............., .................................,.. SP-5 11, WAGE RATES .................... ........................ ................ ......... ......................................................... ........ <.. SP-5 12. EXISTING UTILITIES.......................................................................................................................... SP-5 13. PARKwAY CONSTRUCTION............................................................................................................... SP-5 14. MATERIAL STORAGE.......................................................................................................................... SP-5 15. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ANDIMPROVEMENTS........................................................................................... ............................. SP-6 16_ INCREASE OR DECREASE IN QUANTITIES...................................................................................... SP-6 17. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS .......................................................... SP-6 18. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS ... .......................... ...................... ........................ ............. ...<.... SP-6 19, MINORITY AND WOMENS BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (M/WBE) COMPLIANCE........................................................................................................................ SP-7 20. FINAL CLEAN UP................................................................................................................................... SP-8 21. CONTRACTOR'S COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW. .................. ....... ..<........................ ............................................ .,. SP-8 22. SUBSTITUTIONS ........... .................. ................. ....................................... ........ .............................. ......... SPA 1. 23. MECHANICS AND MATERIALSMEN'S LIEN ............................... ..................................................SP-I1 24. WORK ORDER DELAY......................................<..................................................................................SP-11 25. WORKING DAYS .. .. .............................................................................................................I.._..........SP-11 26. RIGHT TO ABANDON ......... .......................................................................... ................... .................... SP-1 l 27. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS . ................ .................. ....... ........................................ ......... ........ SP--11 28. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT............................................................................................................SP-I1 29. DELAYS ............................................ <...... ................................................................................ SP-11 30. DETOURS AND BARRICADES.....................<.................................. ...................................... .............. SP-12 31. DISPOSAL OF SPOIL)FILL MATERIAL ............................................. .. ....... .......................... .............. SP-12 32. QUALITY CONTROL TESTING ............. ....... ....... ................................ ................................ ................ SP-12 33. PROPERTY ACCESS ....... ....... ....... ........................................................................................................ SP-13 34. SAFETY RESTRICTIONS - WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES ...................... .,.,.SP-13 35. WATER DEPARTMENT PRE QUALWATIONS............................................................................. SP-13 36, RIGHT TO AUDIT ............. ........ ..... ..... ........ .... .................. ........................ ................. ....... ........... ......... .SP-13 37. CONSTRUCTION STAKES ................. .............. ---- ...... ................................................................... SP-14 38. LOCATION OF NEW WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS.......................................................................... SP-14 39; F,ARLYWARNING SYSTEM FOR CONISTIZUC17ON---------- ............................................. •.-----„ST' 1�t 4u. AIR POLLU'l lON WATCH DAYS ...................... .................... S13< 15 0812LV06 SP-1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS TWO of Contents CONSTRUCTION ITEMS; 41. PAY ITEM - UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION .............. <............... ,......... I_. .............. ,.......... SP-15 42, PAY ITEM - 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT ...... .................... ......... ................................ SP46 43. PAY ITEM -SILICONE JOINT SEALING ...... ........... ................ ..................... <..,.......,........................... SP-16 44, PAY ITEM -7" CONCRETE CURB ................. ......SP-20 45. PAY ITEM -RETAINING WALL . ....... .......... ........... ........ ...................................... ................. __......... .SP-20 46. PAY ITEM -REPLACE EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER ......................................... ...SP-20 47. PAY ITEM -HMAC TRANSITION............................,...._..,,_,.....,.,.....,.......,......._.,..........................,...... SP-20 48. PAY ITEM -6" PIPE SUBDRAIN.......... ........ ___ ............... ................................ ..................... .... ........... SP-20 49. PAY ITEM -TRENCH SAFETY...............,....................................................... ,..,.... ,....... ...................... SP-20 50, PAY ITEM - 8" THICK LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE AND CEMENT FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION.................................................. ....... ............................ ........... ____ ... SP-21 51. PAY ITEM -6" HMAC PAVEMENT (THICKNESS TOLERANCES AND HMAC TESTING PROCEDURES) ............................ ...........................................................................SP-21 ......... 52, PAY ITEM -CONCRETE FLAT WORK (CURB, CUR & GUTTER, SIDEWALKS, LEADWALKS, WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DRIVEWAYS) ...................<................... SP-22 53. PAY ITEM- REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK, DRIVEWAYS, STEPS, LEADWALKS AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS ....... ....... ................. ........ .................. .........SP-22 54. PAY ITEM -REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER................................................................... SP-22 55. PAY ITEM -REMOVE EXISTING CURB INLET................................................................................. SP-22 56, PAY ITEM - 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY................................................................... SP-23 57. PAY ITEM - REMOVE AND CONSTRUCT CONCRETE STEPS ....................................................... SP-23 58. PAY ITEM- 4' STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK, LEADWALK AND WHEELCHAIRRAMP.....................................................................................................SP-23 59. FAY ITEM -REMOVE AND REPLACE FENCE .... ........... ........................ ................... ......................... SP-23 60. PAY ITEM -STANDARD 7" CURB AND 18" GUTTER,.....<...............................................................SP-24 61. PAY ITEM -REMOVE AND RECONSTRUCT MAILBOXES/MISCELLANEOUS . .......................... SP-24 62. PAY ITEM -BORROW .........................................................................................................................SP-24 63, PAY ITEM -CEMENT STABILIZATION ....................................... ........... ............................................ SP-24 64. PAY ITEM -CEMENT<....,..<...............................................................................................................SP-24 65. PAY ITEM -NEW 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER........................................................................ SP-24 66. PAY ITEM -STORM DRAIN INLETS..................................................................................... ............ SP-25 67. PAY ITEM -TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STORM DRAIN......................................................................................................... SP-25 68, - PAY ITEM - STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION (FOR DISTURBED AREAS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 1 ACRE) ..... ................ ................ ...<.......,_...,..,_.......... SP'-25 69. PRE BID ITEM - PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN., .............. ............................................<...............SP-27 70. PRE BID ITEM - UTILITY ADJUSTMENT........................................................................................... SP-27 71. PRE BID ITEM - TOP SOIL ....... ......... <................. ..................... ......... ,............ ................... ................ .... SP-27 72. PRE BID ITEM - ADJUST WATER VALVE BOX ............... .................................. ____ .......... ........... .SP-28 73. PRE BID ITEM - MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT...................................................................................... SP-28 74. PRE BID ITEM - ADJUST WATER METER BOX ........................ ................... ............. ............ ............SR28 75, NON -PAY ITEM - CLEARING AND GRUBBING................................................................................ SP-28 76. NON -PAY ITEM - SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL.....................................................<..........,..SP-28 77. NON -PAY ITEM - PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOILS ................................................ SP-28 78. NON -PAY ITEM - CONCRETE COLORED SURFACE....................................................................... SP-29 �8120106 SP-2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Table of Contents 79. NON -PAY ITEM - PROJECT CLEAN-UP.............................................................................................. SP-29 80. NON -PAY ITEM - PROJECT SCHEDULE............................................................................................ SP-29 81. NON -PAY ITEM - NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENTS ......................................... ................................. SP-29 82. NON -PAY ITEM - PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION....... ....... SP-29 83. NON -PAY ITEM - PRE -CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ........................................ SP-30 84. NON -PAY ITEM - WASHED ROCK .................. ........ ........................... ............... ......... ................ ......... SP-30 85. NON -PAY ITEM - SAWCUT OF EXISTING CONCRETE_.. ........................................................... -SP-30 86. NON -PAY ITEM - LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES ANDWATER VALVES........................................................................................SP-30 87. NON -PAY ITEM - TIE-IN INTO STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE ................. .............................. ..... ....SP-31 88. NON -PAY ITEM - SPRINKLER HEAD ADJUSTMENT......................................................................SP-31 W NON -PAY ITEM - FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE -INSPECTIONS .............................. SP-31 NON PAY I'ITL - 'I'LMPORARY f?R081t71Y, SED M[EkT AND WATT R f OF.LiITi0N CONTkOL (FOR DIS-IT)RRFr) AREAS LESS 141AN I AC.[u-) .--sp-3� 1, NON PAY FITM - TRAFFICCONTROL............................. ................ ____ ...................................... Sp-3 0812=6 SP-3 SPECIAL. PROVISIONS_ FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR: 2006 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PAVING, DRAINAGE & WATER IMPROVEMENTS FOR. Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) T/PW No. 0200-531200-20840-0027583 Water No. P253-531200-60817-0027583 Sewer No. P258-531200-70817-0027583 D.O.E. No. 4841 1. SCOPE OF WORK: The work covered by these plans and specifications consist of the following: Reconstruction of 6" HMAC or 6" Reinforced Concrete Pavement Draina a Water, and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Avenue H South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue Avenue A Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street), Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street), Avenge I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street), Court Street North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard Parkdale Avenue Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard Avenue G South Beach Street to Binkley Street and all other miscellaneous items of construction to be performed as outlined in the plans and specifications which are necessary to satisfactorily complete the work. 2, AWARD OF CONTRACT: Srihrfais8ion Of Bids; Urlif 1 and Unit I I cons tittrte a package, II the Contractor subm fts a bid opt botli IJIii; 1 and Unit II and has the lowest re,�pongtva prop us-iI price, the Contractor will be the appareov st](.( O';t$IUI bidder for this project, The Contractor can bid either thp HMAC a[to rnate' ancVor the Goncrete alternate_ The add ilive allernale rru :t be included in ari,;r bid_ Bidders are hereby informed that the Director of the Dep�irtnienl of Engineering reserves the right to evaluate and recommend to the City Council the best bid thW is considered to be in the best interest of the City. 3. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: The successful Contractor, Engineer, and City - C4 shall meet at the call of the CjW for a peconstruction conference before any of hiswork begins on this project. At this time, details of sequencing of the work, contact individuals for each party, request for survey, and pay requests will be covered. Prior to the meeting, the Contractor shall prepare schedules showing the sequencing and progress of their work and its effect on others. A final composite schedule will be prepared during this conference to allow an orderly sequence of project construction. As used herein, [fie term "EntPiour r shall mean [lie design engineer wha prepare and sealod N)c.plans, specifications alld coritracf d6 rnionls for this }project. 4. EXAMINATION OF SITE: it shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidder to visit the project site and make such examinations and explorations as may be necessary to determine all condillons that may affect construction of this project. Particular attention should be given to methods of providing ingress and egress to adjacent private and public properties, procedures for protecting existing improvements and disposition of all materials to be removed. Proper 08120/06 SP-4 consideration should be given to these details during preparation of the Proposal and all unusual conditions that may give rise to later contingencies should be brought to the attention of the Ci prior to the submission of the Proposal. During the construction of this project, it is required that all parkways be excavated and shaped including bar ditches at the same time the roadway is excavated. Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the Engineer. During construction of this project, the Contractor shall comply with present zoning requirements of the City of Fort Worth in the use of vacant property for storage purposes_ 5. BID SUBMITTAL: Bidders shall not separate, detach or remove any portion, segment or sheets from the contract documents at anytime. Failure to bid or fully execute contract without retaining contract documents intact may be grounds for designating bids as "non -responsive" and rejecting bids as appropriate and as determined by the ,Director of the Depa"menI of Engineerin 6. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION: Water for construction will be furnished by the Contractor at his own expense. 7. SANITARY FACILITIES FOR WORKERS: The Contractor shall provide all necessary conveniences for the use of worker at the project site. Specific attention is directed to this equipment. 8. PAYMENT: The Contractor shall receive full payment from the City for all the work based on unit prices bid on the proposal and specified in the plans and specifications and approved by the Engineer per actual field measurement. 9. SUBSIDIARY WORK: Any and all work specifically governed by documentary requirement for the projects, such as conditions imposed by the Plans, the General Contract Documents or these special Contract Documents, in which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal, shall be considered as a subsidiary item or work, the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for each bid item, including bLJt Ml IiM11C-d to-surfaco restoraliori cleanup and relocation of meilbpxers. All objectionable matter required to be removed from within the right-of-way and not particularly described under these specifications shall be covered by Item No. 102 "Clearing and Grubbing" and shall be subsidiary to the other items of the contract. 10. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC: The Contractor's particular attention is directed to the requirements of Item 7, "Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public" of the "Standard Specifications for Street and -Storrs Drake Construction". 11. WAGE RATES: Compliance with and Enforcement of Prevailing Wage Laws Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code (Chapter 2258), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. Penalty for Violation. A contractor or any subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall, upon demand made by the City, pay to the City $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the 0&.2"6 SP-5 worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs, pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. Complaints of Violations and City Determination of Good Cause. On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of 2258.023, Texas Government Code, by a contractor or subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31st day after the date the City receives the information, as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the contractor or subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258, the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. Arbitration Re aired if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258.023, Texas Government Code, including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seq., Revised Statutes) if the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker do not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initial determination pursuant to paragraph (c) above. If the persons required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11 th day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration. The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on all parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. Records to be Maintained. The contractor and each subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection bythe City. The provisions of the Audit section of these contract documents shall pertain to this inspection. Pay Estimates. With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, the contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. Posting of Wage Rates. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. Subcontractor Compliance. The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) through (g) above. (Wage rates are attached at the end of this section.) 12. EXISTING UTILITIES: The locations and dimensions shown on the plans relative to existing utilities are based on the best information available. It shall be the lconlras,tor's responsibility to verify location of adjacent and/or conflicting utilities sufficiently in advance of construction in order that he may negotiate such local adjustments as are necessary in the construction process in order P13/201w SP-6 to provide adequate clearance. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions in order to protect all services encountered. Any damage to utilities and any losses to the utility City due to disruption of service resulting from the Contractor's operations shall be at the Contractor's expense. 13. PARKWAY CONSTRUCTION: During the construction of this project, it will be required that all parkways be excavated and shaped at the same time the roadway is excavated. Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the Director of the Department of Engineering. 14. MATERIAL STORAGE: Material shall not be stored on private property unless the qqqjapkgr has obtained permission from the property Ci;y. 15. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS: The Contractor shall take adequate measures to protect all existing structures, improvements and utilities, which may be encountered. The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are for information only and are not guaranteed by the City or the Engineer to be accurate as to extent, location and depth, they are shown on the plans as the best information available at the time of design, from the Owners of the utilities involved and from evidences found on the ground. 16. INCREASE OR DECREASE IN QUANTITIES: The quantities shown in the Proposal are approximate. It is the Contractor's sole responsibility to verify all the minor pay item quantities prior to submitting a bid. No additional c=ompem;ation shall be paid to Contractor for orrors in lha' gLiantittes_ Final payment %viII be based upon field measurements_ The City reserves the ricltrt to slier 1ho gwiTklities of tho work to be pedormed or to axtend or shortea the improvements at any time when acid as (c),und to be rleccssary, Barad file Contractor shall perform the wodc as altered; increased or decreased at the Lin iI prires as eslahIIshod In 111s contract documents, No xltowsnce will be made for any changes In anticipated profits or Aa11 such changes bo considerad as weiving or lava Iidatinq any conditiofis ur provisions of the Contract Documents. Variations in quanHit 6f worm drain pipes in depth raze gorle . sh:lll be 41torpretod herein as �tpplying to the overall quaritikles of storm drain pipe In each pipe six[? but not to the_variousAg�i catcr�crir�.� -- 17. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: Canifactor Covenants and agreas to indemnify City's Engineer and Architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractoes solo negligence. In addition, Contractor covenants and agreas to indemnify. hold harmless and defond, at ils own expense, the Cily, its officers, ,ervants and employees, from and against any and 5 1100irns of SsaiIs for property loss, proporty damage, personal injury, inckuding death, arising' out of, o.r aIIaged To, arisu out of, the work tired SoNice s I be performed hereunder by Contractor, its ulficers, agents, employees. subcontractors, Iice,nsees or invitees,. whether ontof any such, ;njary, damage or death is caused, in whole or in part, by the rregfigence or i0eged negligence of City, ils officers, servar?is, or employees. Contractor Irkewise covenants rind agrees to indemnify and llold harwloss iho City from and against any grid all injuries to City's officers, servalits and enlployees and any damage, loss or doMruclion to properly of the City sfising from the performance of ariy o1 tho terms and condilluns of this Contract, whether or net any such injury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or al{egeq negligunce of City, its officers, servants or employees. In tho Lvorit City rec:eIves a written doim tar dareiages again sf-fhe Contractor or its subconlra torq prior to final paymant, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) ski brnits to City satisiadory evidence Ihat the claim has bean settled andlor a release ffom the rlainnant involved, 08129106 SP-7 or (b) provides City wllh a lei ler from Gontractor% liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the Irisurance carrier. The DIrectar may, II deemed appropdal e, relu&a to accept bids on other City of Forl Worlh pubi1r; work from a Contractor against whom a claim Ibr damages Is outsfanding as a result of work I,Fi:'1 Iurm(3d urider a City Contract. 18. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS: Contractor shall comply with City Ordinance Number 7278 as amended by City Ordinance Number 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 12- A-29) prohibiting discrimination in employments practices. The Contractor shall post the required notice to that effect on the project site, and at his request, will be provided by assistance by the City of Fort Worth's Equal Employment Officer who will refer any qualified applicant he may have on file in his office to the Contractor. Appropriate notices may be acquired from the Equal Employment Officer. 19. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (M/WBE) COMPLIANCE: In accordance with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. The Ordinance is incorporated in these specifications by reference. A copy of the Ordinance may be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. Failure to comply with the ordinance shall be. a material breach of contract. M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, M/WBE GOALS WAIVER FORM AND GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM, as applicable, must be submitted within fine (5) city business days after bid opening. Failure to comply shall render the bid non -responsive. Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide the City complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority or Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of acts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and /or the commission fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal, state, or local laws or ordinances relating to false statement. Further, any such misrepresentation (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than three years. The City will consider the Contractor's performance regarding its M/WBE program in the evaluation of bids. Failure to comply with the City's M/WBE Ordinance, or to demonstrate "good faith effort", shall result in a bid being rendered non -responsive to specifications. Contractor shall provide copies of subcontracts or co -signed letters of intent with approved M/WBE subcontractors prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall also provide monthly reports on utilization of the subcontractors to the City's M/WBE office. The Contractor may count first and second tier subcontractors and/or suppliers toward meeting the goals. The Contractor may count toward its goal a portion of the total dollar amount of the contract with a joint venture equal to the percentage of the M/WBE participation in the joint venture for a clearly defined portion of the work to be performed. All M/WBE Contractors used in meeting the goals must be certified prior to the award of the Contract. The M/WBE Contractor(s) must be certified by either the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA) or Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Highway Division and must be located in the nine (9) county marketplace or currently doing business in the marketplace at time of bid. The Contractor shall contact all such M/WBE subcontractors or suppliers prior to listing them on the M/WBE utilization or good faith effort forms as applicable. Failure to contact the listed M/WBE 101512"6 SP-8 subcontractor or supplier prior to bid opening may result in the rejection of bid as non -responsive. Whenever a change order affects the work of an M/WBE subcontractor or supplier, the M/WBE shall be given an opportunity to perform the work. Whenever a change order exceeds 10% of the original contract, the M/WBE coordinator shall determine the goals applicable to the work to be performed under the change order During the term of the contract the contract shall. Make no unjustified changes or deletions in its M/WBE participation commitments submitted with or subsequent to the bid, and, 2. If substantial subcontracting and/or substantial supplier opportunities arise during the term of the contract which the Contractor had represented he would perform with his forces, the Contractor shall notify the City before subcontracts or purchase orders are let, and shall be required to comply with modifications to goals as determined by the City, and, 3. Submit a REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE FORM, if the Contractor desires to change or delete any of the M/WBE subcontractors or suppliers. Justification for change may be granted for the following: a. Failure of Subcontractor to provide evidence of coverage by Worker's Compensation Insurance. b. Failure of Subcontractor to provide required general liability of other insurance. C. Failure of Subcontractor to execute a standard subcontract form in the amount of the proposal used by the Contractor in preparing his M/WBE Participation plan. d. Default by the M/WBE subcontractor or supplier in the performance of the subcontractor. Within ten (10) days after final payment from the City, the Contractor shall provide the M/WBE Office with documentation to reflect final participation of each subcontractor and supplier used on the project, inclusive of M/WBEs. 20. FINAL CLEAN-UP: Final cleanup work shall be done for this project as soon as the paving and curb and gutter has been completW. No more than seven days.shall elapse after completion of construction before the roadway and R.OW. is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make a final cleanup of all parts of the work before acceptance by the City or its representative. This cleanup shall include removal of all objectionable rocks, pieces of asphalt or concrete and other construction materials, and in general preparing the site of the work in an orderly manner and appearance. 21. CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW: A. Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage a. DEFINITIONS: b. Certification of coverage ("Certificate"). A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self -insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC- 82, TWCC-83, OR TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project -includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity: 08/2M6 SP-9 Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in §406.096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent Contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, City -operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other services related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) or all employees of the Contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. c. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. d. If the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. e. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (2) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. f. The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. g. The Contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the Contractor knew or should have known, or any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. h. The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation, informing all persons providing services on'the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. i. The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (2) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all i081 0,'06 SP-10 employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (3) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (4) obtain form each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (c) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. (d) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (e) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (1)-(7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services_ By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the Contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self - insured, with the commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative, criminal, civil penalties or other civil actions. k. The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten day after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. B. The Contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and.stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the Worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text, without any additional words or changes: "REQUIRED WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE 08{20106 SP-11 The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by worker's compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identify of their employer or status as an employee." Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage". 22. SUBSTITUTIONS: The specifications for materials set out the minimum standard of duality that the City believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. No substitutions will be permitted until the Contractor has received written permission of the Engineer to make a substitution for the material Oat has been specified. Where the term "or equal", or "or approved equal" is used, it is understood that if a material, product, or piece of equipment bearing the name so used is furnished, it will be approvable, as the particular trade name was used for the purpose of establishing a standard of quality acceptable to the City. If a product of any other name is proposed substitutes is procured by the Contractor. Where the term "or equal", or "approved equal" is not used in the specifications, this does not necessarily exclude alternative items or material or equipment which may accomplish the intended purpose. However, the Contractor shall have the full responsibility of providing that the proposed substitution is, in fact, equal, and the Engineer, as the representative of the City, shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of substitutions. The provisions of the sub -section as related to "substitutions" shall be applicable to all sections of these specifications. 23. MECHANICS AND MATERIALMEN'S LIEN: The Contractor shall be required to execute a release of mechanics and materialmen's liens upon receipt of payment. 24. WORK ORDER DELAY: All utilities and right-of-way are expected to be clear and easements and/or permits obtained on this project within sixty (60) days of advertisement of this project. The work order for subject project will not be issued until all utilities, right-of-ways, easements and/or permits are cleared or obtained. The Contractor shall not hold the City of Fort Worth responsible for any delay in issuing the work order for this Contract. 25. WORKING DAYS: The Contractor agrees to complete the Contract within the allotted number of working days. 26. RIGHT TO ABANDON: The City reserves the right to abandon; without obligation to the Contractor, any part of the project or the entire project at any time before the Contractor begins any construction work authorized by the City. 27. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: This contract and project are governed by the two following published specifications, except as modified by these Special Provisions: STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS A copy of either of these specifications may be purchased at the Office of the Department of Engineering, 1000 Throckmorton Street, 26d Floor, Municipal Building, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The specifications applicable to each pay item are indicated in the call -out for the pay item by the 800/06 SP-12 Engineer. If not shown, then applicable published specifications in either of these documents may be followed at the discretion of the Contractor. General Provisions shall be those of the Fort Worth document rather than Division 1 of the North Central Texas document. 28. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The Contractor shall be responsible for defects in this project due to faulty materials and workmanship, or both, for a period of two (2) years from date of final acceptance of this project and will be required to replace at his expense any part or all of the project which becomes defective due to these causes. 29. DELAYS: The Contractor shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the work, except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or material, if any, which is to be furnished by the City. When such extra compensation is claimed a written statement thereof shall be presented by the Contractor to the Directni, of Ilia Department of Engineering and if by him found correct shall be approved and referred by him to the Council for final approval or disapproval; and the action thereon by the Council shall be final and binding. If delay is caused by specific orders given by the Engineers to stop work or by the performance of extra work or by the failure of the City to provide material or necessary instructions for carrying on the work, then such delay will entitle the Contractor to an equivalent extension of time, his application for which shall, however, be subject to the approval of the City Council; and no such extension of time shall release the Contractor or the surety on his performance bond form all his obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until the discharge of the contract. 30. DETOURS AND BARRICADES: The Contractor shall prosecute his work in such a manner as to create a minimum of interruption to traffic and pedestrian facilities and to the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area. Contractor shall protect construction as required by Engineer by providing barricades. Barricades, warning and detour signs shall conform to the Standard Specifications "Barriers and Warning and/or Detour Signs," Item 524 and/or as shown on the plans. Construction signing and barricades shall conform with "1980 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Vol. No. V' 31. DISPOSAL OF SPOIL/FILL MATERIAL: Prior to the disposing of any spoil/fill material, the Contractor shall advise the Director of the Department of Engineering acting as the City of Fort Worth's Flood Plain Administrator ("Administrator"), of the location of all sites where the Contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shall not dispose of such material until the proposed sites have been determined by the Administrator to meet the requirements of the Flood Plain Ordinance of the City of Fort Worth (Ordinance No. 10056). All disposal sites must be approved by the Administrator to ensure the filling is not occurring within a flood plain without a permit. A flood plain permit can be issued upon approval of necessary engineering studies. No fill permit is required if disposal sites are not in a flood plain. Approval of the Contractor's disposal sites shall be evidenced by a letter signed by the Administrator stating that the site is not in a known flood plain or by a Flood Plain fill Permit authorizing fill within the flood plain. Any expenses associated with obtaining the fill permit, including any necessary engineering studies, shall be at the Contractor's expense. In the event that the Contractor disposes of spoil/fill materials at a site without a fill permit or a letter from the administrator approving the disposal site, upon notification by the Director of Engineering, Contractor shall remove the spoil/fill material at its expense and dispose of such materials in accordance with the Ordinance of the City and this section. 32. QUALITY CONTROL TESTING: (a) The Contractor shall furnish, at its own expense, certifications by a private laboratory for all materials proposed to be used on the project, including a mix design for any asphaltic and/or 08/20M6 SP-13 Portland cement concrete to be used and gradation analysis for sand and crushed stone to be used along with the name of the pit from which the material was taken. The Contractor shall provide manufacturer's certifications for all manufactured items to be used in the project and will bear any expense related thereto. (b) Tests of the design concrete mix shall be made by the Contractor's laboratory at least nine days prior to the placing of concrete using the same aggregate, cement and mortar which are to be used later in the concrete. The Contractor shall provide a certified copy of the test results to the City. (c) Quality control testing of on site material on this project will be performed by the City at its own expense. Any retesting required as a result of failure of the material to meet project specifications will be at the expense of the Contractor and will be billed at commercial rates as determined by the City. The failure of the City to make any tests of materials shall in no way relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to furnish materials and equipment conforming to the requirements of the contract. (d) Not less than 24 hours notice shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for operations requiring testing. The Contractor shall provide access and trench safety system (if required) for the site to be tested and any work effort involved is deemed to be included in the unit price for the item being tested. (e) The Contractor shall provide a copy of the trip ticket for each load of fill material delivered to the job site. The ticket shall specify the name of the pit supplying the fill material. 33. PROPERTY ACCESS: Access to adjacent property shall be maintained at all times unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 34. SAFETY RESTRICTIONS - WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES: The following procedures will be followed regarding the subject item on this contract: (a) A warning sign not less than five inches by seven inches, painted yellow with black letters that are legible at twelve feet shall be placed inside and outside vehicles such as cranes, derricks, power shovels, drilling rigs, pile drivers; hoisting equipment or similar apparatus. The waming sign shall read as follows: "WARNING —UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES." (b) Equipment that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage lines shall have an insulating cage -type of guard about the boom or arm, except back hoes or dippers and insulator links on the lift hood connections. (c) When necessary to work within six feet of high voltage electric lines, notification shall be given the power company (TU Electric Service Company) which will erect temporary mechanical barriers, de -energize the line or raise or lower the line. The work done by the power company shall not be at the expense of the City of Fort Worth. The notifying department shall maintain an accurate log of all such calls to TU Electric Service Company and shall record action taken in each case. (d) The Contractor is required to make arrangements with the TU Electric Service Company for the temporary relocation or raising of high voltage lines at the Contractor's sole cost and expense. jDai26{06 SP-14 (e) No person shall work within six feet of a high voltage line without protection having been taken as outlined in Paragraph (c). 35. WATER DEPARTMENT ARE -QUALIFICATIONS: Any Contractor performing any work on Fort Worth water or sanitary sewer facilities must be pre -qualified with the Water Department to perform such work in accordance with procedures described in the current Fort Worth Water Department General Specifications which general specifications shall govern performance of all such work. 36. RIGHT TO AUDIT: (a) Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this contract have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate workspace in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the. City shall, under the _expiration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of such subcontractor involving transactions to the subcontract and further, that City shall have access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this article together with subsection (c ) hereof. City shall give subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimbutse Cantrectrir for the cost o4 copis5 at the rate public.hgA jn tf Texas Adrnirkiz tfia ivc Cade in elfect as of the time copying Is performed, 37. CONSTRUCTION STAKES; The City, through its Surveyor or agent, will provide to the Contractor construction stakes or other customary methods of markings as may be found consistent with professional practice to establish line and grade for roadway and utility construction and centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework. These stakes shall be set sufficiently in advance to avoid delay whenever practical. One set of stakes shall be set for all utility construction (water, sanitary sewer, drainage, etc.), one set of excavation/or stabilization stakes, and one set of stakes for curb and gutter and/or paving. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to preserve, maintain, transfer, etc., all stakes furnished until completion of the construction phase of the project for which they were furnished_ If, in the opinion of the Engineer, a sufficient number of stakes or markings provided by the City have been lost, destroyed, or disturbed, that the proper prosecution and control of the work contracted for in the Contract Documents cannot take place, then the Contractor shall replace such stakes or markings as required. An individual registered by the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying as a Registered Professional Land Surveyor shall replace these stakes, at the Contactor's expense. No claims for delay due to a lack of replacement of construction stakes will be accepted, and time will continue to be charged in accordance with the Contract Documents_ 38. LOCATION OF NEW WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS; The Contractor will make every effort to protect existing trees within the parkway, with the approval of the engineer the Contractor may re -locate proposed new driveways and walks around existing trees to minimize damage to trees. Os/20/06 SP-15 39. EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FQI1 CON 7BkGT1rDt+l; Time is of the assent$ in the completion of this onnlract. In order to insure That the Untractor is responsive when rioldied of unsail�&ctoly performance ands or of laili_ire. to mipfrrtain the --.contract srhadule, the tollovAng process shall be ,Vplicabl9, The W0A'pr`Gg' Pecs on if consiruclfon praecls will be closely munitored. On a hi -monthly basis the perctjritag e of work completed will be compared to the percrar'tage of time charged to tine Pon tract. 11 the fimo+,irit of work par#orrriod by Ilia Contractor is less than the porcentWge of time allowed by 20% or more (example- 10% of the worst completed In 20% of the stated contract time as may big amended by charign order),11he following proactive measureq will be.taken: A loiter will be mailed to the Qonlractor by certified mail, rutratn mccipt requested demands nq Ihaj, within 10 days from the date that the fetter Is rocwivod, it provide sufficiani equipMent, mawrWs aiid labor to erasure completion Qf the work within the contract time_ In the evenl the Contrzicior rei.eives such a letter, the Contractor shalt provide to the City an iapdatud Echodule showing how the project will be canipleted within the Coritfad time_ The Prplect Manager and the Directors of the fJ partment pI E=r7 inoering, Water Departmi?nt, and Depar;men! of Trarr5pc3 t icon and Public: Works will be triade aware *11 the siLuatiarM_ If necessary, tho CiCy Manager's Offles and the apprcpri'ate ciiy couricli members may also be Inforrragd. Any notice that may, in the City's .qt}ki disereflorl, be reyuirLad to ke provided to interas:ed hidividuals wril distributed by Zhu FAgineeriing Dapar1MGnL's Prlblto I nform a! ion'iD fi! ice r, 4, Upon rooeipt of the Oontraclor's ras;xPnSC. tiro appropriate C`.ity departments and directors wJll he notified. The Engineering Derixrtment's Public lnf0fn7Fition Officer wffl, if neoessary. th8n forwaid updated notices to Ilia intomsted indlviduais, 5. If the Contractor salts to provide an aoceplable scheduln or failig to perform satisfactorily a second time prior to the t;ornploLion -cf [he contrw, thb bonding ;company veils be notified approprlately_ 40. AIFi_.POLI_UiION WATCH DAYS; The Coofr�ntor shall be required to observe Me foffcvring guidelines relating to working urr Ciiy constrOction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". Typically, the OZONE SEASON, within Iho Melroplex area, reins from M1 ky 1, through OCTOBER 31, with 6,00 a.m. - 10.'00 a.m_ teeing rriiirM RECAUSE EMISSIONS FROM THIS 71ME PERIOD HAVE EN 0 LI G H TIME TO BAKE IN THE HOT A'fM08PHERE THAT I.1✓AIDS TO EARLY AFTER OOP1 OZONE FORMATION. Tho Texas Commission orE Environmental Quality (TOEQ), in coordlnRfluji wish the National Weather Service, will issue they Air Pollution Watch by 100 p.rn, on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day_ Oil dosigfxated Air PoIIutfan Watch Days, the Contractor shaI1 bear the resprinsibiiity of being aware Tat sucti bays have oeLen desfgnateld Air pcll.utian Walch pays and as si-xh shall not begin work until 10'00 a.m. whenever conslnrctjnn phasiiag requires the u5o of molurized equipmenI for periods in aKeess of 1 hour. However, the Contractor rnay begin vrofk prim. !u 10,OU a.m. it Ilse nI mu!orized equipmenI is loss than t Ijour, or if equipmenI is new and certified by EPA r3s "LiDw Erniuinq`,, or equipment btimu Ultra Low SaJfur Ofnsol (tJLSD), dlesel ernulslonr>, cv iilternative f{aels with as CNG_ If the Coritrr3rtor 1S kin8ble to perform conlintious work far a period of at leapt seven houm between the hours of 7,00 a.m, - 6,00 p.m., arw a riasignatud Air. Pollution Watch Day, Mat day will he o) sidercd as a weather clay and added anlo €hn'allGwable vr+eathar-days of a ,yivork month, ?QJ3� 01f} SP-16 CONS T RUCTION 41. PAY ITEM - UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION: See Standard Specifications Item No. 106, "Unclassified Street Excavation" for specifications governing this item. Removal of existing penetration or asphalt pavement shall be included in this item. Operations necessary to windrow existing gravel base in order to lower or raise subgrade shall be considered as subsidiary to this item and no additional compensation shall be given as such. During the construction of this project, it is required that all parkways be excavated and shaped at the same time the roadway is excavated. Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the engineer. The intention of the CIS is to pay only the plan quantity without measurement. Should either contracting parry be able to show an error in the quantities exceeding 10 percent, then actual quantities will be paid for at the unit prices bid. The party requesting the payment of actual rather than plan quantities is responsible for bearing any survey and/or measurement costs necessary to verify the actual quantities. 42. PAY ITEM - 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT: (a) All applicable provisions of standard Specifications Item 314 "Concrete Pavement," shall apply. The Contractor shall use a six (6) sack concrete mix for all hand placement in the intersections. The unit price bid per square yard shall be full payment for all labor, material, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. (b) Once an evaluation of the pavement is made to determine whether the crack is due to distress or minor shrinkage, the following policy will apply_ (1) When the crack is minor and due to shrinkage (cosmetic), then no further treatment will be needed. (2) If the crack is due to distress (structural), the failed pavement must be removed and replaced a minimum of 5 feet. In no case should the remaining portion of the panel be less than 5 feet wide after repairing the failed panel. (3) Any crack within 12 inches of any joint must be removed and replaced a minimum of 5 feet to prevent future spalling of the pavement. (c) All concrete pavement not placed by hand shall be placed using a fully automated paving machine as approved by the Construction Engineer. Screeds will not be allowed except if approved by the Construction Engineer. 43. PAY ITEM - SILICONE JOINT SEALING FOR CONCRETE PAVEMENT: CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATION for SILICONE JOINT SEALING (Revision 1, October 18, 1989) (Revision 2, May 12, 1994) SCOPE This specification for silicone joint sealing Portland Cement Concrete pavement and 08I201(6 SP-1 7 curbs shall supersede Item 314.2. (11) "Joint Sealing Materials" of STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - CITY OF FORT WORTH, and Item 2.210 "Joint Sealing" of STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION - NORTH TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. 2. MATERIALS 2.1 The silicone joint sealant shall meet Federal Specification TT-S-001543A for Class A sealant except as modified by the test requirements of this specification. Before the installation of the joint sealant, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer certification by an independent testing laboratory that the silicone joint sealant meet these requirements. 2.2 The manufacturer of the silicone joint sealant shall have a minimum two-year demonstrated, documented successful field performance with Portland Cement Concrete pavement silicone joint sealant systems. Verifiable documentation shall be submitted to the Engineer. Acetic acid cure sealants shall not be accepted. The silicone sealant shall be cold applied. 2.3 Self -Leveling Silicone Joint Sealant The joint sealant shall be Dow Corning 890-SL self -leveling silicone joint sealant as manufactured by Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI 48686-0994, or an approved equal. Self -Leveling Silicone Joint Sealant Test Method Test Requirement AS SUPPLIED Non Volatile Content, % min. 96 to 99 MIL-S-8802 Extrusion Rate, grams/minute 275 to 550 ASTM D 1475 Specific Gravity 1.206 to 1.340 Skin -Over Time, minutes max. 60 Cure Time, days 14 to 21 *** Full Adhesion, days 14 to 21 AS CURED - AFTER ASTM D 412, Die C Mod. Elongation, % min. 1400 ASTM D 3583 Modulus @ 150% Elongation, psi max. 9 (Sect. 14 Mod.) ASTM C 719 Movement, 10 cycles @ +100/-50% No Failure ASTM D 3583 Adhesion to Concrete, % Elongation min. 600 (Sect. 14 Mod.) ASTM D 3583 Adhesion to Asphalt, % Elongation min. 600 (Sect. 14 Mod.) 2.4 The joint filler sop shall be of a closed cell expanded polyethylene foam backer rod and polyethylene bond breaker tape of sufficient size to provide a tight seal. OW20 7.6 SP-18 The back rod and breaker tape shall be installed in the saw -cut joint to prevent the joint sealant from flowing to the bottom of the joint. The backer rod and breaker tape shall be compatible with the silicone joint sealant and no bond or reaction shall occur between them. Reference is made to the "Construction Detail" sheet for the various joint details with their respective dimensions_ 3. TIME OF APPLICATION On newly constructed Portland Cement Concrete pavement, the joints shall be initially saw cut to the required depth with the proper joint spacing as shown on the "Construction Detail" sheet or as directed by the Engineer within 12 hours of the pavement placement. (Note that for the "dummy' joints, the initial 1/4 inch width "green" saw -cut and the "reservoir" saw cut are identical and should be part of the same saw cutting operation. Immediately after the saw cutting pressure washing shall be applied to flush the concrete slurry from the freshly saw cut joints.) The pavement shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of seven (7) days. Then the saw cuts for the joint sealant reservoir shall be made, the joint cleaned, and the joint sealant installed. During the application of the joint sealant, the weather shall not be inclement and the temperature shall be 40F (4C) and rising. 4. EQUIPMENT 4.1 All necessary equipment shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall keep his equipment in a satisfactory working condition and shall be inspected by the Engineer prior to the beginning of the work. The minimum requirements for construction equipment shall be as follows: 4.2 Concrete Saw: The sawing equipment shall be adequate in size and power to complete the joint sawing to the required dimensions_ 4.3 High Pressure Water Pump: The high pressure cold water pumping system shall be capable of delivering a sufficient pressure and volume of water to thoroughly flush the concrete slurry from the saw -cut joint. 4.4 Air Compressors: The delivered compressed air shall have a pressure in excess of 90 psi and 120 cfm. There shall be suitable reaps for the removal of all free water and oil from the compressed air. The blow -tube shall fir into the saw -cut joint. 4.5 Extrusion Pump: The output shall be capable of supplying a sufficient volume of sealant to the joint. 4.6 Injection Too[: This mechanical device shall apply the sealant uniformly into the joint_ 4.7 Sandblaster: The design shall be for commercial use with air compressors as specified in Paragraph 5.4. 4.8 Backer Rod Roller and Tooling Instrument: These devices shall be clean and free of contamination. They shall be compatible with the join depth and width requirements. 5. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 5.1 General: The joint reservoir saw cutting, cleaning, bond breaker installation, and Of31201016 SP-19 joint sealant placement shall be performed in a continuous sequence of operations 5.2 Sawing Joints: The joints shall be saw -cut to the width and depth as shown on the "Construction Detail" sheet. The faces of the joints shall be uniform in width and depth along the full length of the joint. 5.3 Cleaning Joints: Immediately after sawing, the resulting concrete slurry shall be completely removed from the joint and adjacent area by flushing with high pressure water. The water flushing shall be done in one -direction to prevent joint contamination. When the Contractor elects to saw the joint by the dry method, flushing the joint with high pressure water may be deleted. The dust resulting from the sawing shall be removed from the joint by using compressed air. (Paragraph Rev. 1, October 18, 1989) After complete drying, the joints shall be sandblasted. The nozzle shall be attached to a mechanical aiming device so that the sand blast will be directed at an angle of 45 degrees and at a distance of one to two inches from the face of the joint. Both joint faces shall be sandblasted in separate, one directional passes. Upon the termination of the sandblasting, the joints shall be blown -out using compressed air. The blow tube shall fit into the joints. The blown joint shall be checked for residual dust or other contamination. If any dust or contamination is found, the sandblasting and blowing shall be repeated until the joint is cleaned. Solvents will not be permitted to remove stains and contamination. Immediately upon cleaning, the bond breaker and sealant shall be placed in the joint. Open, cleaned joints shall not be left unsealed overnight. Bond Breaker Rod and Tape: The bond breaker rod and tae shall be installed in the cleaned joint prior to the application of the joint sealant in a manner that will produce the required dimensions. 5.4 Joint Sealant: Upon placement of the bond breaker rod and tape, the joint sealant shall be applied using the mechanical injection tool. The joint sealant application shall not be permitted when the air and pavement temperature is less than 40F (4C). Joints shall not be sealed unless they are clean and dry. Unsatisfactorily sealed joints shall be refilled. Excess sealant left on the pavement surface shall be removed and discarded and shall not be used to seal the joints. The pavement surface shall present a clean final condition. Traffic shall not be allowed on the fresh sealant until it becomes tack -free. Approval of Joints: A representative of the sealant manufacturer shall be present at the job site at the beginning of the final cleaning and sealing of the joints. He shall demonstrate to the Contractor and the Engineer the acceptable method for sealant installation. The manufacturer's representative shall approve the clean, dry joints before the sealing operation commences. 6. WARRANTY '08f20M SP-20 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a manufacturer's written guarantee on all joint sealing materials. The manufacturer shall agree to provide any replacement material free of charge to the City. Also, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer a written warranty on all sealed joints. The Contractor shall agree to replace any failed joints at no cost to the City. Both warranties shall be for two years after final acceptance of the completed work by the Engineer. 7. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment will be made at the Contract bid item unit price bid per linear foot (L.F.) as provided in "MEASUREMENT" for "SILICONE JOINT SEALING", which price of shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, delivery, and application of those sealing materials and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the silicone joint sealing in conformity with the plans and these specifications. 44. PAY ITEM - 7" CONCRETE CURB: The Contractor may, at his option, construct either integral or superimposed curb. Standard Specification Item 502 shall apply except as follows: Integral curb shall be constructed along the edge of the pavement as an integral part of the slab and of the same concrete as the slab. The concrete for the curb shall be deposited not more than thirty (30) minutes after the concrete in the slab. If the Contractor fails to backfill behind the curb within seven (7) calendar days of pouring the curb and gutter, the amount paid for the curb shall be reduced by 25% until the backfill operation is complete. 45. PAY ITEM - RETAINING WALL: This item will consist of placing retaining walls in locations and at heights determined by the engineer in the field. All applicable section of City of Fort Worth Standard Specification item 518 shall apply except as follows: Retaining wall shall be constructed per City of Fort Worth Construction Standard Drawing No. S-M13 "Retaining Wall With Sidewalk" where applicable. All existing brick and/or stone retaining walls not significantly impacted by proposed grade changes will be protected. Replacement of retaining walls not impacted by proposed grade changes will be at the expense of the Contractor. 46, PAY ITEM - REPLACE EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER: This item is included for the purpose and removing and replacing existing curb and gutter in transition areas as determined by the Engineer in the field. The proposed curb and gutter will be of the same dimensions as the existing curb and gutter to be removed_ Quantities for this pay item are approximate and are given only to establish a unit price for the work The price bid per linear foot for "REPLACE EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER" as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 47. PAY ITEM - HMAC TRANSITION: This item will consist of the furnishing and placing at varying thicknesses an HMAC surface in transition areas where indicated on the plans, as specified in these specifications and at other locations as may be directed by the Engineer. This item shall be governed by all applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 312. 08120/66 SP-21 The price bid per ton HMAC Transition as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 48. PAY ITEM - - 6" PIPE SUBDRAIN: No specific location for this item is designated on the plans. Subdrain shall be installed only if field conditions indicate ground water at subgrade level after excavation and if deemed necessary by the Engineer. 49. PAY ITEM - TRENCH SAFETY: Description: This item will consist of the basic requirements which the Contractor must comply with in order to provide for the safety and health of workers in a trench. The Contractor shall develop, design and implement the trench excavation safety protection system. The Contractor shall bear the sole responsibility for the adequacy of the trench safety system and providing "a safe place to work" for the workman. The trench excavation safety protection system shall be used for all trench excavations deeper than five (5) feet. The Excavating and Trenching Operation Manual of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, shall be the minimum governing requirement of this item and is hereby made a part of this specification. The Contractor shall, in addition, comply with all other applicable Federal, State and local rules, regulations and ordinances - Measurement and Payment: All methods used for trench excavation safety protection shall be measured by the linear foot of trench and paid at the unit price in the Proposal, which shall be total compensation for furnishing design, materials, tools, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary, including removal of the system. Trench depth for payment purposes for Trench Safety Systems is the vertical depth as measured from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of the pipe. . PAY ITEM W HICK LIME STABILIZED St BaRAD-E & CEMENT r0A SURGJRADE STABILI ATION: - See Standard Spoc,ilications Item No_ 21'0, "Llrrne Treatment (MaterfaI Manipulation)" rand Specaficat'-oil atom Na. 212, "11ydrali�d Lime and Lime Slurry' for 8peciflcaticris governing this item. Qu,�tilitios ror this pay.Opm ara �approximate.and are given only to establlsh a unil price for the work. Thrs orEce t5id poor siquaf.e yard for `K' T H IC K LIME S'I"AB11-VED SUBGRAL]E" as shown in the Proposal will be full payrnarit for all labor, equiprnerit, tot)Is and Incldentals necessary to complete the Vvork. The price hid per torn leer "LIME FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION}" as shown in the PropGsnl will be lull payinent far materials necessary to complete the work. 51.. PAY ITEM - 6N_ju"r.A-C_ PAVEMENT Tolerances and HMAs Teslinr� ProcBda�re �: The base c:oume �;liall be .a 3" deep Type "B" course placecf In ona lift_ i he surface course shall be a 3' deep Type °10" ccurse placed in nno HIt. All provisions of Standard Specification No. 312.7 'Construction Tolerance' shall apply except as modified herein: 1) After completion of each asphalt paving course, core tests will be made to determine compliance with the contract specifications. The hot -mix asphaltic concrete pavement will be core drilled by the City of Fort Worth. The thickness of the asphaltic surface will be determined by measurement cores taken at locations determined by the Engineer. The thickness of individual cores will be determined by averaging at least three (3) measurements. If the core measurements indicate a, deficiency, the length of the area of such deficient thickness shall be determined by additional cores taken along the length of the pavement in each direction until cores are obtained which are at least of specified thickness. The width of such area shall not be less than '/2 of the roadway width. GWO/pg S P-22 2) When the thickness of the base course (as determined from core samples) is more than 15% deficient of the plan thickness, the Contractor shall remove and replace the deficient area at his own expense. If the thickness is less than 15% deficient, the Contractor shall make up the difference in the base thickness with surface course material. 3) The surface course must be the plan thickness. This does not include surface course material used to make up deficiencies in the base course as described in item 2). 4) The overall thickness of asphaltic concrete pavement must be a minimum of the plan thickness. Deficient areas (as determined in item 1) found to be less than the plan thickness will be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 5) No additional payment over the contract price will be made for any hot -mix asphaltic concrete course of a thickness exceeding that required by the plans and specifications. 6) HMAC Testing Procedure: The Contractor is required to submit a Mix Design for both Type "B" and "D" asphalt that will be used.for each project. This should be submitted at the Pre -Construction Conference. This design shall not be more than two (2) years old. Upon submittal of the design mix a Marshal (Proctor) will be calculated, if one has not been previously calculated, for the use during density testing. For type "B" asphalt a maximum of 20% rap may be used. No Rap may be used in type "D" Upon approval of an asphalt mix design and the calculation of the Marshal (proctor) the Contractor is approved for placement of the asphalt. The Contractor shall contact the City Laboratory, through the inspector, at least 24 hours in advance of the asphalt placement to schedule a technician to assist in the monitoring of the number of passes by a roller to establish a rolling pattern that will provide the required densities. The required Density for Type "B" and for Type "D" asphalt will be 91 % of the calculated Marshal (proctor). A Troxler Thin Layer Gauge will be used for all asphalt testing. After a rolling pattern is established, densities should be taken at locations not more than 300 feet apart. The above requirement applies to both Type "B" and "D" asphalt. Densities on type "B" must be done before Type "D" asphalt is applied. Cores to determine thickness of Type "B" asphalt must be taken before Type "D" asphalt is applied. Upon completion of the application of Type "D" asphalt additional cores must be taken to determine the applied thickness. 52. PAY ITEM - CONCRETE FLAT WORK (CURB. CURB & GUTTER. SIDEWALKS, LEADWALKS, WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DRIVEWAYS): Concrete flatwork is defined as curb, curb and gutter, sidewalks, leadwalks, wheelchair ramps and driveways as shown in the plans. This provision governs the sequence of work related to concrete flatwork and shall be considered a supplement to the specifications governing each specific item. Required backfilling and finished grading adjacent to flatwork shall be completed in order for the flatwork to be accepted and measured as completed. No payment will be made for flatwork until the pay item has been completed, which includes backfilling and finished grading. 53. PAY ITEM — REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK, DRIVEWAYS, STEPS LEADWA! KS AND WHEEL CHAIR RAMPS: 0612 Of06 SP-23 This item includes removal of existing concrete sidewalks, driveways, steps, leadwalks and wheelchair ramps at location shown on the plans or as designed by the Engineer. See Item No. 104 "Removing Old Concrete", for Specifications governing this item. 54. PAY ITEM - REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER: Where shown on the plans or where designated by the Engineer, existing curb and or gutter and existing laid down curb shall be removed and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Measurement will be by the linear foot for curb and gutter, laydown curb removed, and for all labor, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the job. 55. PAY ITEM - REMOVE EXISTING CURB INLET: This item shall include all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to remove and dispose of the existing inlet and removal and connection of the existing RCCP lead pipe inlet as shown on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. 0, PAY ITEM - G" THICK RElNEQRCED CONCRETE DRIVE -WAY_ Sce Standard Specification IIem No. 504, "Concrete Sidewalks and Driveways" lot specificatibns (Irivcrning this item as well :is details S-35_and S-S5A, The price bid per square fool for " Brl Tl 1lQK HEINFOR ED CONCRUE r)HIVEUVAY" aL shown uti fl l Proposal will be lull payment for materials incturiing aiIl labor, equipment. tools and incidentals rleoessary to cempla!e the work. ,57. PAY 1'I`EM - REMOVE AND CONSTHI.ICT CONCRL=T1=.STEPS, See Standard Specification, Item No. 510; "Concrete Steles" for specificaticrps governing this itern as well as details SM-. The price bid per aach for "RE=MOVE CONCRETE STEPS" and "GO NSTRUCT CONCRETE STEP;;. as shown in the Proposal will be iull payment for materials including all tabor, uquiprnant, tocis and incidentals necessary I cnrtip ele.the removal and construction of each set 61 ennc3rete- qtapr 58. PAY ITEM - 4' STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK LEADWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMP: All applicable provisions of standard Specifications Item 104 "Removing Old Concrete" and Item 504 "Concrete Sidewalk Driveways" shall apply except as herein modified. The Contractor shall construct standard concrete wheelchair ramps as shown on the enclosed details, or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not remove any regulatory sign, instruction sign, street name and sign or other sign which has been erected by the City. The Contractor shall contact Signs and Marking Division, TPW Phone €17t-7736). All concrete flared surfaces shall be colored with UTHOCHROME color hardener as manufactured by L.M. Scofield Company or equal. The color hardener shall be brick red color and dry -shake type, and shall be used in accordance with manufacturers instructions. "Contractor shall provide a colored sample concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches dimension, or other dimension approved by the Engineer, meeting the aforementioned specification. The sample, upon approval by the Engineer, shall be the acceptable standard to be applied for all construction covered in the scope of this pay item. Q810l.]6 SP-24 The method of application shall be by screen, sifter, sieve or other means in order to provide for a uniform color distribution." 59. PAY ITEM — REMOVE AND REPLACE FENCE: This item shall include the removal and reconstruction of the existing fence at the locations shown on the plans or where deemed necessary by the Engineer. The Contractor shall exercise caution in removing and salvaging the materials to they may be used in reconstructing the fence. Their constructed fence shall be equal in every way, or superior, to the fence removed. The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping livestock within the fenced areas during construction operation and while removing and relocating the fence, and for any damage or injury sustained by persons, livestock or property on account of any act of omission, neglect or misconduct of his agents, employees, or subcontractors_ The unit price per linear foot shown on the Proposal shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipments, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 60. PAY ITEM — STANDARD 7" CURB AND 18" GUTTER: All provisions of Standard Specification No. 502 `Concrete Curb and Gutter' shall apply except as modified herein: Subsidiary to the unit price bid per linear foot shall be the following: a. A minimum of 5" or greater as required depth of stabilized subgrade properly compacted under the proposed curb and gutter as shown in the construction details. b. If the Contractor fails to backfill either in from of the gutter or behind the curb within seven (7) calendar days of pouring the curb and gutter, the amount paid for the curb and gutter shall be reduced by 25% until the backf ill operation is complete. Standard Specifications Item No. 502, shall apply except as herein modified. Concrete shall have minimum compressive strength of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch in twenty-eight (28) days. The quantity of mixing water shall not exceed seven (7) gallons per sack (94 lbs.) of Portland Cement. The slump of the concrete shall not exceed three (3) inches. A minimum cement content of five (5) sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete is required. 61. PAY ITEM — REMOVE AND RECONSTRUCT MAILBOXES / MISCELLANEOUS: This item includes the removal and reconstruction of existing mailboxes, brick walls, flowerbed trim and miscellaneous items within the right of way which may be damaged or removed during construction. When possible, the Contractor shall salvage existing materials for reuse in the replacement or repair of damaged or removed items. Items which are to be repaired or reconstructed should look architecturally the same in material and appearance and should be reconstructed or repaired in a better or new condition. All applicable provisions of City of Fort Worth Construction Standards shall apply. 62. PAY ITEM — BORROW: 'Hi non -expansive earth fill` 9hnuId consist of loll rnatorials with a Iigoid limit of 36 of 16ss, a plastid index between 8 and 20, a m+niMLrJ11 of 35 perc ,11t passing tiro No. 200 stove; a rnillimum of 85 percent pas sinq the No. 4 sieve, artd which are free of arganics or other deleterious materials. When compacted to tyke recommended moisture and density, the matenai should have a rilaKim Um free sw vAue of 0.5 percent and a maximum hydraulic conductivity (permeability) of fit-05 cmisec, as determined by laboratory tesIirig of remolded specimens of the actual materials proposed for the non- expansiwearth fill, 08{20196 SP-25 63. PAY ITEM — CEMENT STABILZATION: All applicable provisions of Item 214, `Portland Cement Treatment' shall apply. 64. PAY ITEM — CEMENT: All applicable provisions of Item 214, `Portland Cement Treatment' shall apply. 65. PAY ITEM — NEW 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER: This item shall include the construction of concrete valley gutters at various locations to be determined in field. Removal of existing, asphalt pavement, concrete base, curb and gutter, and necessary excavation to install the concrete valley gutters all shall be subsidiary to this pay item. Furnishing and placing of 2:27 concrete base and crushed limestone to a depth as directed by the Engineer and necessary asphalt transitions as shown in the concrete valley gutter details shall be subsidiary to this Pay Item. See standard specification Item No. 314", Concrete Pavement", Item 312 "Hot -Mix Asphaltic Concrete", Item No. 104, "Removing Old Concrete", Item No. 106, "Unclassified Street Excavation" Item No. 208 "Flexible Base." Measurement for final quantities of valley gutter will be by the square yard of concrete pavement and the curb and gutter section will be included. Contractor may substitute 5" non -reinforced (2:27) Concrete Base in lieu of Crushed Stone at no additional cost. See Item 314" Concrete Pavement". The concrete shall be designed to achieve a minimum compressive strength of 3000 pounds per square inch. Contractor shall work on one-half of Valley gutter at a time, and the other half shall be open to traffic. Work shall be completed on each half within seven (7) calendar days. 66. PAY ITEM — STORM DRAIN INLETS: An alternative method of construction for these items will be "Pre -Cast" manholes and inlets. If the Contractor desires to use this method, he must submit details for the construction to the Transportation and Public Works Department fore review and approval if said details are acceptable. The Pre -Cast construction must be equal or superior to the strength requirements for this item as set out in Item 444, "Manholes and Inlets" and said construction shall be in compliance with all other requirements of Item 444 where applicable. 67. PAY ITEM —TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STORM DRAIN: Work under this item includes all the proposed excavation and backf ill in the project area and the necessary fill area_ Payment will be made for the quantity of earth excavated/backfilled. The placing of fill shall be subsidiary to the trench excavation/back-fill price. Excess material which is obtained from excavating the trench shall be used for fill placement subject to the provisions of Item 114 of the City of Fort Worth Standard Specifications. All excavated material which is unacceptable as fill material shall become the property of the Contractor to be hauled off the site and disposed of properly. Unacceptable material shall be, but not limited to: rocks, concrete, asphalt, debris, etc. The cost for removal and disposal of unacceptable material shall be subsidiary to the unit prices. 68. PAY ITEM - STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION_.(FOR DISTURBED AREAS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 1 ACRE).: �i2�?r 06 SP-26 PERMIT: As defined by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations, a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Construction Permit is required for all construction activities that result in the disturbance of one to five acres (Small Construction Activity) or five or more acres of total land (Large Construction Activity). The Contractor is defined as an "operator" by state regulations and is required to obtain a permit. information concerning the permit can be obtained through the Internet at http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/permitting/water perm/wwperm/construct.html. Soil stabilization and structural practices have been selected and designed in accordance with North Central Texas Council of Governments Best Management Practices and Erosion Control Manual for Construction Activities (BMP Manual). This manual can be obtained through the Internet at www.dfwstormwater.com/runoff.html. Not all of the structural controls discussed in the BMP Manual will necessarily apply to this project. Best Management Practices are construction management techniques that, if properly utilized, can minimize the need for physical controls and possible reduce costs. The methods of control shall result in minimum sediment retention of not less than 70%. NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI): If the project will result in a total land disturbance equal to or greater than 5 acres, the Contractor shall sign at the pre -construction meeting a TCEQ Notice of Intent (NOI) form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notification to the TCEQ of construction activity as well as a commitment that the Contractor understands the requirements of the permit for storm water discharges from construction activities and that measures will be taken to implement and maintain storm water pollution prevention at the site. The NOI shall be submitted to the TCEQ at least 48 hours prior to the Contractor moving on site and shall include the required $100 application fee. The NOI shall be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team; MC-228 P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 A copy of the NOI shall be sent to: City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management 5000 MLK Freeway Fort Worth, TX 76119 NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOD: For all sites that qualify as Large Construction Activity, the Contractor shall sign, prior to final payment, a TCEQ Notice of Termination (NOT) form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notice that the site is no longer subject to the requirement of the permit. The NOT should be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team; MC-228 P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP): A document consisting of an erosion control and toxic waste management plan and a narrative defining site parameters and techniques to be employed to reduce the release of sediment and pollution from the construction site. Five of the project SWPPP's are available for viewing at the plans desk of the Department of Engineering. The selected Contractor shall be provided with three copies of the SWPPP after award of contract, along with unbounded copies of all forms to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. LARGE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY — DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5 ACRES: A Notice of Intent (NOI) form shall be completed and submitted to the TCEQ including payment of the TCEQ required fee. A SWPPP that meets all TCEQ requirements prepared by the 08/20/06 SP-27 Engineer shall be prepared and implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall be incorporated into in the contract documents. The Contractor shall submit a schedule for implementation of the SWPPP. Deviations from the plan must be submitted to the engineer for approval. The SWPPP is not warranted to meet all the conditions of the permit since the actual construction activities may vary from those anticipated during the preparation of the SWPPP. Modifications may be required to fully conform to the requirements of the Permit. The Contractor must keep a copy of the most current SWPPP at the construction site. Any alterations to the SWPPP proposed by the Contractor must be prepared and submitted by the Contractor to the engineer for review and approval. A Notice of Termination (NOT) form shall be submitted within 30 days after final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that is the responsibility of the permittee, or, when another permitted operator assumes control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized. SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY - DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ONE ACRE BUT LESS THAN FIVE ACRES: Submission of a NOI form is not required. However, a TCEQ Site Notice form must be completed and posted at the site. A copy of the completed Site Notice must be sent to the City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management at the address listed above_ A SWPPP, prepared as described above, shall be implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP must include descriptions of control measures necessary to prevent and control soil erosion, sedimentation and water pollution and will be included in the contract documents. The control measures shall be installed and maintained throughout the construction to assure effective and continuous water pollution control. The controls may include, but not be limited to, silt fences, straw bale dikes, rock berms, diversion dikes, interceptor swales, sediment traps and basins, pipe slope drain, inlet protection, stabilized construction entrances, seeding, sodding, mulching, soil retention blankets, or other structural or non-structural storm water pollution controls. The method of control shall result in a minimum sediment retention of 70% as defined by the NCTCOG "BMP Manual." Deviations from the proposed control measures must be submitted to the engineer for approval. PAYMENT FOR SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION: Payment shall be made per lump sum as shown on the proposal as full compensation for all items contained in the project SWPPP. FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 .ACRE, SPECIAL PROVIWN 23 - 40 SHALL BE APPLICABLE. 69. PRE BID ITEM - PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN: The Contractor shall construct and install two (2) Project Designation Signs and it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain the signs in a presentable condition at all times on each project under construction. Maintenance will include painting and repairs as directed by the Engineer. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to have the individual project signs lettered and painted in accordance with the enclosed detail. The quality of the paint, painting and lettering on the signs shall be approved by the Engineer. The height and arrangement of the lettering shall be in accordance with the enclosed detail. The sign shall be constructed of 3W fir plywood, grade A-C (exterior) or better. These signs shall be installed on barricades or as directed by the Engineer and in place at the project site upon commencement of construction. The work, which includes the painting of the signs, installing and removing the signs, furnishing the materials, supports and connections to the support and maintenance shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The unit price bid per each will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 70. PRE BID ITEM - UTILITY ADJUSTMENT: U8/9-0106 SP-28 This item is included for the basic purpose of establishing a contract price which will be comparable to the final cost of making necessary adjustments required due to street improvements to water, sanitary sewer and natural gas service lines and appurtenances where such service lines and appurtenances are the property owner's responsibility to maintain. An arbitrary figure has been placed in the Proposal; however, this does not guarantee any payment for utility adjustments, neither does it confine utility adjustments to the amount shown in the Proposal. It shall be the "Contractor" responsibility to provide the services of a licensed plumber to make the utility adjustments determined necessary by the Engineer. No payment will be made for utility adjustments except those adjustments determined necessary by the Engineer. Should the Contractor damage service lines due to his negligence, where such lines would not have required adjustment or repair otherwise, the lines shall be repaired and adjusted by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. The payment to the Contractor for utility adjustments shall be the actual cost of the adjustments plus ten percent (10%) to cover the cost of bond and overhead incurred by the Contractor in handling the utility adjustments. 71. PRE BID ITEM - TOP SOIL: The proposed quantities shown are calculated to provide topsoil 4 to 6 inches in depth (compacted) over the parkway area and do not include deeper than design depth behind the curb. The pay item is intended to pay for topsoil that must be imported where suitable material is either not available on the job or cannot reasonably be stored on -site. Payment will be made on the basis of loose truck volume (full truck with sideboards up) tickets and material must meet City of Fort Worth standards for topsoil. Only the volume imported will be paid for and may be substantially less than the proposal quantities listed. 72. PRE BID ITEM - ADJUST WATER VALVE BOX: Contractor will be responsible for adjusting water valve boxes to match new pavement grade. The water valves themselves will be adjusted by City of Fort Worth Water Department forces. The unit price bid will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 73. PRE BID ITEM - MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT: This item shall include adjusting the tops of existing and/or proposed manholes to match proposed grade as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Standard Specification Item No. 450 shall apply except as follows: Included as part of this pay item shall be the application. of a cold -applied preformed flexible butyl rubber or plastic sealing compound for sealing interior and/or exterior joints on concrete manhole sections as per current City Water Department Special Conditions. 74. PRE BID ITEM - ADJUST WATER METER BOX: This item shall include raising or lowering an existing meter box to the parkway grade specified. No payment will be made for existing boxes, which are within 0.V of specified parkway grade. The unit price bid will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 75. NON -PAY ITEM - CLEARING AND GRUBBING: All objectionable items within the limits of this project and not otherwise provided for shall be removed under this item in accordance with Standard Specification Item 102, "Clearing and Grubbing." However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered incidental to this contract. 76. NON -PAY ITEM - SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL: All applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 200, "Sprinkling for Dust Control" shall apply. However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered incidental to this contract. 438/20/Q6 SP-29 77. NON -PAY ITEM - PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL: All property along and adjacent to the Contractor's operations including lawns, yards, shrubs, trees, etc. shall be preserved or restored after completion of the work to a condition equal or better than existed prior to start of work. By ordinance, the Contractor must obtain a permit from the City Forester before any work (trimming, removal or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs growing on public property including street rights -of -way and designated alleys. This permit can be obtained by calling the Forestry Office at 871- 5738. All tree work shall be in compliance with pruning standards for Class II Pruning as described by the National Arborist Association. A copy of these standards can be provided by calling the above number. Any damage to public trees due to negligence by the Contractor shall be assessed using the current formula for Shade Tree Evaluation as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture. Payment for negligent damage to public trees shall be made to the City of Fort Worth and may be withheld from funds due to the Contractor by the City. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wilt fungus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be immediately sealed using a commercial pruning paint. This is the only instance when pruning paint is recommended. 78. NON -PAY ITEM - CONCRETE COLORED SURFACE. Concrete wheelchair ramp surfaces, excluding the side slopes and curb, shall be colored with LITHOCHROME color hardener or equal. A brick red color, a dry -shake hardener manufactured by L.M. Scofield Company or equal, shall be used in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Contractor shall provide a sample concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches dimension, or other dimension approved by the Engineer, meeting the aforementioned specifications. The sample, upon approval of the Engineer, shall be the acceptable standard to be applied for all construction covered in the scope of this Non -Pay Item. No direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered incidental to this contract. The method of application shall be by screen, sifter, sieve, or other means in order to provide for a uniform color distribution. 79. NON -PAY ITEM - PROJECT CLEAN-UP: The Contractor shall be aware that keeping the project site in a neat and orderly condition is considered an integral part of the contracted work and as such shall be considered subsidiary to the appropriate bid items. Clean up work shall be done as directed by the Engineer as the work progresses or as needed. If, in the opinion of the Engineer it is necessary, clean up shall be done on a daily basis. Clean up work shall include, but not be limited to: • Sweeping the street clean of dirt or debris • Storing excess material in appropriate and organized manner • Keeping trash of any kind off of residents' property If the Engineer does not feel that the jobsite has been kept in an orderly condition, on the next estimate payment (and all subsequent payments until completed) of the appropriate bid item(s) will be reduced by 25%. Final cleanup work shall be done for this project as soon as the paving and curb and gutter has been constructed. No more than seven days shall elapse after completion of construction before the roadway and right-of-way is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 80. NON -PAY ITEM - PROJECT SCHEDULE: Contractor shall be responsible for producing a project schedule at the pre -construction conference. This schedule shall detail all phases of construction, including project clean up, and allow the Contractor to complete the work in the allotted time. Contractor will not move on to the jobsite nor will work begin until said schedule has been received and approval secured from the Construction Engineer. However, contract time will start even if the project schedule has not been turned in. Project atif2810S S P-30 schedule will be updated and resubmitted at the end of every estimating period. All costs involved with producing and maintaining the project schedule shall be considered subsidiary to this contract. 81. NON -PAY ITEM - NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENTS: In order to cut down on the number of complaints from residents due to the dust generated when saw - cutting joints in concrete pavement, the Contractor shall notify residents, in writing, at least 48 hours in advance of saw -cutting joints during the construction of paving projects. All costs involved with providing such written notice shall be considered subsidiary to this contract. 82. NON -PAY ITEM - PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION: Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, the Contractor shall, on a block by block basis, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction. The notice shall be prepared as follows: The notification notice or flyer shall be posted seven (7) days prior to beginning any construction activity on each block in the project area. The flyer shall be prepared on the Contractor's letterhead and shall include the following information: Name of Project, DOE No., Scope of Project (i.e. type of construction activity), actual construction duration within the block, the name of the Contractor's foreman and his phone number, the name of the City's inspector and his phone number and the City's after-hours phone number. A sample of the'pre-construction notification' flyer is attached. The Contractor shall submit a schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each block of the project to the inspector. In addition, a copy of the flyer shall be delivered to the City Inspector for his review prior to being distributed. The Contractor will not be allowed to begin construction on any block until the flyer is delivered to all residents of the block. An electronic version of the sample flyer can be obtained from the construction office at 871-8306. All work involved with the pre -construction notification flyer shall be considered subsidiary to the contract price and no additional compensation shall be made. 83. NON -PAY ITEM — PRE -CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: After the pre -construction conference has been held but before construction is allowed to begin on this project a public meeting will be held at a location to be determined by the Engineer. The Contractor, inspector, and project manager shall meet with all affected residents and present the projected schedule, including construction start date, and answer any construction related questions. Every effort will be made to schedule the neighborhood meeting within the two weeks following the pre - construction conference but in no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. 84. NON -PAY ITEM - WASHED ROCK: All washed rock used for embedment or backfill or as otherwise directed by the Engineer shall washed, crushed stone and shall meet the following gradation and abrasion: (Actual washing not required if gradation is met) Sieve Size % Retained 1 " 0-10 1/21' 40-75 3/81' 55-90 #4 90-100 #8 95-100 Los Angeles Abrasion Test: 50% Maximum wear per A.S.T.M. Designation C-131 85. NON -PAY ITEM — SAWCUT OF EXISTING CONCRETE: SP-31 When existing concrete or H.M.A.C. is cut, such cuts shall be made with a concrete saw. The Contractor may break out curb and gutter to the nearest joint if he chooses. All sawing shall be subsidiary to the unit cost of the respective item. 86. NON PAY ITEM — LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND WATER VALVES: The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking all previously exposed manholes and water valves in each street of this contract before the recycling process commences for a particular street. The Contractor shall attempt to include the construction engineer (if he is available) in the observation and marking activity. In any event a street shall be completely marked a minimum to two (2) working days before recycling begins on any street. Marking the curbs with paint is a recommended procedure. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the utility companies that he has commenced work on the project. As the recycling is completed (within the same day) the Contractor shall locate the covered manholes and valves and expose them for later adjustment. Upon completion of a street the Contractor shall notify the utilities of this completion and indicate that start of the next one in order for the utilities to adjust facilities accordingly. The following are utility contact persons: Company Southwestern Sell Telephone Texas Utilities Lone Star Telephone Number (817) 338-6275 (817) 336-9411 ext. 2121 (817) 336-8381 ext. 372 Contact Person "Hot Line" Mr. Roy Kruger Mr. Jim Bennett Of course, under the terms of this contract, the Contractor shall complete adjustment of the storm drain and Water Department facilities, one traffic lane at a time within five (5) working days after completing the laying of proposed H.M.A.C. overlay adjacent to said facilities. Any deviation from the above procedure and allotted working days may result in the shut down of the recycling operation by the Construction Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials, equipment and labor to perform a most accurate job and all costs to the Contractor shall be figured subsidiary to this contract. 87. NON PAY ITEM — TIE 1N INTO STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE: The cost for making lateral tie-ins to the storm drain structure shall be subsidiary to the bid price for the respective lines. 68. NON PAY ITEM -- SPRINKLER HEAD ADJUSTMENT: The adjustment and/or relocation of sprinkler heads encountered shall be paid for under utility adjustment in the proposal section. No other compensation will be provided. 89. NON PAY ITEM - FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE -INSPECTIONS: A fee for street use permits is in effect. In addition, a separate fee for re -inspections for parkway construction, such as driveways, sidewalks, etc., will be required. The fees are as follows: The street permit fee is 90-G } per permit with payment due at the time of permit application. A re -inspection fee of $25.00 will be assessed when work for which an inspection called for is incomplete. Payment is due prior to the City performing re -inspection. Payment by the Contractor for all street use permits and re -inspections shall be considered subsidiary to the contract cost and no additional compensation shall be made. 00r28(06 SP-32 90. NONPAY FEM - TEMPOnARY EROSION, SEDIMENT AND WAI-ES POLLU1'IQN QOMTFiQ.L. Y . FORDISTU1JQED AREASLESS THAN 1 ACRE?: A. DES.CAIPTION: This item shall r;oh,�hst of temporary sort erosion sedirent and water poIIuticri contm[ mea sums deemed necessary by the Encltneer for the dural!on of the contracI.. These control rneasurel.� shall ail no limo b a used as a substiIWe for the permpnerrl r;Ortlr�DI meastirO unless otherwise dire-!ed by tiie engineer and they Shill not iticlu Je measures Taken by tha CONT19ACTOR to control conclilions created by his conslrLrction operations. The terrrporary measures shall inOlAde dikes, damus, berms, sediment basins, fiber rrrata, jute nutting, temporary seeding, straw rn Wnh, aslahaff MIA Ich, plastic liners, rubbly liners, baled -hay retards, dikes, slope dralns acid other dr:vire,%_ a- CONSTRUOTION l-itrGUiRMENTS. The- Engin"r has the au t5rily to d8tine erodible earth and fhd authority try IImiI I h o surface are of erodible -earth mate r1aI rsxp0:3e i by preparing Fig ht-oI-way, clearing and gruhhia'icg, the sudar,e ar€ a'. of 8rodible-earth rnaterial expos ad by.exravaticin, borrow and toy direct the CONTRACTOR w ,provide tornporn ry pollt,tion- t;ontrof measures I prevpiit roritamination, of adjacont Streams, other water course. lakes, ponds OF other areas of water Impoundment. Su&i wmk rraay irivolve the r~anstruction of Nrnporajy berms, drkes, dams, sediment basins, drape drain and use of IernporaPy mulches. mats, seeding OF' other r,cntr01 &Vice;; of rnethods difected by the Engineer as necessary Its corario1 sail eru:sjoil Temporary pnllutiG11-r,orrlral rrieastpres shall be used #o prevent ar correct erosion 111RI May devUhr}P during construction prior to Irrslallation of permanent poNuIiarr cbntrel features, bLA are not 0 quoialed wIIh pUrmanent control features Of the projeot, The Engiiloor wIII Ilrnil the area of preparing righl-of-way. clearing and grubbing, excavalion and her{ow to, be proporfior)al to CONTRACTOR'S crapabltity-and prognr ,s& in keapinct the finish gfading, mulching, seeding, and o1hter SLxh permanent pollution -control measures currcnt in accoard inoe with the Accepted schac!03. Should s'nasoriul conditions make such Ilmitatioris unrealistic. tomporary.suil- orosiiorn-c;ontrrl measures shall be Parham led as dlri�!otod by the Er, glheer, 1- V -We or disposal areas and rottlslouc,lion roads shall bo locatod and consRructes in a manner that will rninirnize the r#rmoasalit of s diroent entering Orearns. 2- Frt;gtaenl fordings of W6 strecnms wlll lid#'hb;Pafiit idd: thorefore, tam.porary bridges nr ol11or stroctuo3s shall be.used wherever an appreciable numbi�r of stream orossing are noces,sary, Unless otherwise approved in writing by Ihi Engineer, rrecharifzed equipment shall riot be operated in We strearl7S. 3- When w{irk areas or mate rlaI sources are lora[ad In of ar iaterlt to. live strums, SLIM areas shall be separated (rGni the stream by a dime or other barrier to,keep sedltiient from anjaring a flowing strrani. Care hall 4e taken during lhei construction and rarnovaI of sut;h barfiers to rninirnize the muddying of a sfi+eali`�. 4- Ala &dorways eha11 be cleared as soon as pract#cahja of false work, pifiing, debris or other obst[ucticnz� placed dLJdng construction operaIlons that are not part of the finished work, 5. Th8 Cantraf tor.hrail lake sufficl'eni precautions to prevent polfiAori of strr?ams, lakes and reservoirs with fvieh�, c}ifs, bltLrrnerrs; calcium chloride or other hairrifi4 material:;, He shall candtiol and i3chadufr, his uperations so 88 to avoid or rniniWiZO sj tation of streams, f9kes and re orvolrs and to avoid interfe!r0pe with movarn6irl of miglat4ry fish, E. SUBMITTAL. Print W the Star- of the appltdabte�corrsfiri:icrtcrn, fur apprbvLl hla schedules ter acec)mplishmmit of sell -erosion -control work and his plan to keep [hie att�a of orodlbl -earth material to a mialrr um. He shall also submit #or acceplaare his pfapo,ed method of sell-eresioo i�oritrol on construction and Maul roads and material sources and his plat} tar dispi)sal of waste nlatori is. No work shall ba starters t,niaf lhr: sWI-erosiori.contrcl scherhrles and methods of operatinraq have be n wi wed and -approved by Ill Engineer. Pt3121 /0.6 SP-33 F. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. All work, rnaterials and i9quiprnent necessary to provide tempora#y. erasion c:mlmi shall be eorisidor�d subsidlary to the contract and FlU extfa pay Will be giuen fPr- the -tic. 1. NON PAY IT - TFI FI"IC CONTROL: The Contrac:tor w]11 be required to obtain a "Street Us Pcrmit"' prior to starling work. As part of th he "Street Use Perrin it" a traffic con trot plan Is required. Tire Contractor sha11 by responslbie for providing frafi<ic oontral during tho construction of this project consistent with the previsions set forth in the "Latest Edition Texas Manual' cn Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Sireets and Highways' issued undf�r the authority of tha "State of Texas Uniforrm Act Regul3tinq 'Traffic €gin Highways,," Iadified as Arlicle 6701d Vernoil's Civil Statutes, perfirtent ser-lions being Ssction Nos, 27, 29. 3D and 31. A traffic; control plan shalt be suhmiited for review to !fir_ Charles'R. Burkelt, City Traf€ic Engineer iE# (817) 392-8712, at the pre-co ns?ruefion canfamnc:e. AlI4ough work will not begin uni ill the Iratfic control plan has bien reviewed. the antraioto?s Iime will begin in accordance with the time frame. established in.the Notice to the Contractor. The 3ontfactor will not remove any regulatory sign, FrtstructGanal sign, $treat hamo signor other sign. winch hits been arected by the City. If it is determined that a. sign trttisl he iomovod to permit fequired constwctiors, Iha Contractor shale contact the Transpor'tetior7-arid Public Works 00pafinlent, Signs and Markings 1)ivlwion, (Rhorto Numbar 871-7738) to remove 1ho sign. In the case of rpgutalory,3iUri,,, IIif- ontraetor Mii&I raplarc the permanent sign with a temporery:sign meeting the requirements of Ihn above- ref a rence. d manual and such tern porary sign mast be iWalla d pr[or to the remoual of the permanent sign If the temporary sign i$ 4701 inSla[led correctly or if it does not MOOt 918 required spoc dtr:atlans: the permanent sign shall be. left In plaGD uFit II tote temporary s{gn regtiirarr3erlts t)rrs meat. When C-or,slructloo work Is romplelod to the extent Ihal the I)ormanent sign can be reinstalled. the Oorrlractor shall again coritact tht: Signs and Markings Division to reinstall Iha permanent sign and shall te8ve his lernporary sign in place unL11. such reinstallation is complaled. Work shall not be performed on certain locations/streets during "peak traffic periods" as dekeFmiFiat icn by the City Trafftc Engirlear and in -accordance with the -applicable provision of the "CRy of Fort Worth Tratfic C4introl Handbook for Cortetfuc.tion and Maintenance Work grea�u" DB=/06 SP-34 (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) Date: DOE No: 4841 PROJECT NAME: Water/Sanitary Sewer and Paving/Storm Drain Improvements for: Avenue H (South Ayers Avenue to Miller Avenue) Avenue A (Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street) Newark Avenue (Avenue C to East Rosedale Street) Avenue I (South Collard Street to Bishop Street) Court Street (North Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard) Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Avenue G (South Beach Street to Binkley Street) MAPSCO LOCATION: 78D. 79A LIMITS OF CONST.: Estimated Duration of Construction on your Street: days THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, OUR COMPANY WILL < REPLACE WATER AND/OR SEWER LINES - RECONSTRUCT THE STREET> ON OR AROUND YOUR PROPERTY. CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: Mr. <CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT> AT <TELEPHONE. NO.> OR Mr. <CITY INSPECTOR> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL 871-7970 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HANDY WHEN YOU CALL. `6 SP-35 I i SECTION 02830 - SEEDING PART 1 - GENERAL. 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Seeding of grass seed or wildflower seed, as specified on the plans. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: Section 0230.0, Earthwork. t 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS f A. Standardized Plant Names 1. For exotic.plant materials: American Joint Committee of Horticultural 1 Nomenclature, Second Edition, 1942. 2. For native materials a. Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas by Carrell and Johnston b. Check List of Vascular Plants of Texas by Hatch ' c.. Flora of North Central Texas by Shinners and Moller F B. Teas HighiVfty Depanrnent: Standard Specifications for Construction,'Item 164, "Seeding for Erosion Co itrol" and Item 1-90; "Wild#l'per Seeding". 1.03 SUBMITTALS 4 A, Seed L Vendors' certification that seeds mcctTcxas State seed late includint, a_ Testing and 3abeling for pure live seed (PLS) b. Nance and type of seed 2. If using native grass or wildflower seed, seed trust have been harvested within one hundred (100) miles of the construction site. 3.. All seed shall be tested in a laboratory with certified results presented to the City, in writing, prior to planting. 4 All seed to be of the previous season's crop and the date on the Container shall be within twelvemonths of the seeding date. 5. Each species of seed shall be supplied in a separate, labeled container for acceptance by the City_ . B. Fertilizer 1 _ Unopened bags labeled with the analysis 2.. Conforrh to Texas fertilizer law 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS f A. Planting Season: The season varies according to species (see Part 2 - Products) Do not seed when soil is excessively wet or dry or when wind exceeds ten (10) miles per hour. E r B: Schedule after all other construction is complete. SECTION 02930 - SEEDING •t- C., Protect and Maintain Seeded Areas I. From erosion 2. From traffic and all other use 3_ Until seeding is complete and accepted 1.05 QUALITY CONTROL The Developer/Contractor who plants the seeds is responsible for daily supervision of his crew, and for the planting the seed and maintaining the seedlings until acceptable viable growth is achieved and the project accepted by the City. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A, Seed All seed shall be planted at rates based on pure live seed (PLS = purity x germination) per acre. Substitution of individual seed types due to 1'ack of availability shall �e determined only by the City at the time of planting. The Developer/Coritractor shall notify the City of difficulties locating certain species. Only those areas indicated on the plans and areas disturbed by construction shall be seeded. Prior to seeding, each area.shall be marked in the field and approved by the City, Weed seed shall not exceed 10 percent by weight of the total of pure live seed (PLS) and other material in the mixture, Johnsongrass and n'*ass seed shall not be allowed_ The. seed shall be clean, dry and harvested within one year of planting.. 1. N.on�native p_rais seed shall consist of - If planted between April 15 and September 10: Lbs./Acre Common Name Scientific N-ame Puri Germination 25 Bermuda (unhulled) Cvnodon dactylan 85% 900/W 75 Bermuda (hulled) Cynod6n dactylon 95% 901/10- Substitute the following if planted between September 1.0 and April IS: 220 Rye Grass Lolium muleifiorum 82.% 80%a. .40 Bermuda (unhulled) Cynodon dactylon 84%A 85% Native grass seed - The seed shall be planted between February I and October I and shall consist of, Lbs. PLS/Acre Common Name Botanical .Name SECTION 02930 --SEEDING _2. i e 16 40 64 200 40 16 t6 80 Green Sprangletop Sideoa,ts Graina* Little Bluestem* Buf#alograss Indian Grass* Big Top Lovegrass* Weeping Loveg-ass Canada Wild Rye* Leptochloa dubia Bouteloua curtipendula SchiLachyrium scoparium Buchloe damloides Sorghastrum avenaceum Eragrostis hirsatta Eragrostis curvula Elymus crrnadensis var. canadensis *These grasses are not to be planted within ten feet of a road or parking lot or within three feet of a walkway. 3 Wildflower seed All wildflower seeds are to be hand broadcast, (see 3e02,A). The seed shall be planted between. March 5 and May 31 or between September 1 acid December I and shall consist of. Lbs. ILLS/Acre 10 20 50 10 10 20 10 3 10 10 Common Name Foxglove* Lanceleaf Coreopsis Bluebonnet Pink.Evening Primrose Purple Coneflower* Indian Blanket Mexican Hat Maximillian Sunflower* Winecup Lerrion Mint* Botanical Name Penstemon cobaea Coreopsis latrceolala Lapinus terensis Oenolherd speciosa Echbiacea purpurea Gaillc rdia pulchella Ratibida columnaris Helianthus marimiliana Callirhoe intolucrata Monarda citriodora *These wildflowers are riot to- be planted within ten feet of a road or parking lot or within three feet of a walkway- 4 Tem orary erosion control seed When specified on the plans, temporary control measures shall be performed„ These measures shall consist of the sowing of cool season plant seeds and the work and materials as required in this section- B. Mulch 1.. Mulch should be designed for use with conventional mechanical or hydraulic planting of seed, either alone or with fertilizer. - 1 Mulch should -be wood cellulose fiber produced from virgin wood or recycled paper -by-products (waste products from paper mills or recycled newspaper). 3. Mulch should contain no growth or germination inhibiting factors. ' 4.- Mulch should. contain no more than ten (10) percent moisture, air dry weight basis. r 5.. Additives shall include a binder in powder form,. 6. Material shall form a strong moisture retaining mat_ 5ECT10,�! 02930 - SEE ING -3- C. Fertilizer L. All fertilizer shall be delivered in bags or containers clearly labeled showing the analysis. 2. All fertilizer shall be in acceptable condition for distribution and shall be applied uniformly over the planted .area- 3, Analysis of 16-20-0, 1-6-8-8, or as designated on the plans. Fertilizer rate: a. No fertilizer is required for wildflower seeding. b. Where applying fertilizer on newly established seeding areas -- one hundred (100) pounds of Nitrogen per acre. C. Where applying fertilizer on established seeding areas -- one hundred fifty (t 50) pounds of Nitrogen per acre. D. Water; Shall be furnished by the Developer/Contractor by means of meteringl irrigation, water truck or.by any other method necessary to achieve a viable acceptable stand _of turf as -noted in 3.04.B.2. The water source snail be clean and free of industrial wastes or other substances harmful to the germination of the seed or tG the growth of the vegetation. The amount of water will vary according to the weather variables.. Generally, an amount of water that is equal to the average amount of rainfall plus. one half inch. (1/2")per week should be applied for approximately two to three weeks. or until project is accepted by the City.. E. Erosion Control Measures I.. For seeding application in areas up to 3.1 slope,, use cellulose, fiber or recycled paper mulch, (see 2.01, B.. Mulch and 3.,03): 2. For seeding application in areas 31 slope or greater, use the following soil retention blanket (Fallow the manufacturer's directions): "Curlex I" from American Excelsior, 900 Ave. H East, Post Office Box 5624, Arlington, Texas 76001, 1-800-777-SOIL 2.02 MIXING Seed, mulch, fertilizer and water nay. be mixed provided -that: 1. Mixture is uniformly suspended to form a homogenous slurry. 2. Mixture farms -a. btotter-like ground. cover impregnated uriiformlywith grass seed, IMixture is applied within thirty (30) minutes after placed in the equipment.. 9 SECTION 02930 - SEEDING -4- PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SEEDED PRERARATION A. Clear Surface of All Materials, Such As: I . Stumps, stones, and other objects larger than one inch. 2. Roots, brush, wire, stakes, etc. 3. Any objects that may interfere with seeding or maintenance. B. Titling L In all compacted areas till one (1) inch deep: 2. If area is sloped greater than 3: 1, run a tractor parallel to slope to provide less seed/water run-off. 3. In areas near trees: Do not till deeper than one half inch CUT) inside "drip line" of trees- - C. Watering: Soil should be watered to a minimum depth of four inches within forty eight (48) hours of seeding. a 3.02 SEEDING A.. If Sowing Seed- By Hand 1. Broadcast seed in two directions at right angles to each other_ t 2 Harrow or rake lightly to cover seed.. - 3. Never cover seed with more soil than twice its diameter. 4. For wildflower plantings, scalp existing grasses to one inch, remove grass clippings, so seed can make contact with the soil. a B. Mechanically Seeding (Drilling): If mechanically seeding (drilling) the seed or seed mixture, the quantity specified shall be uniformly distributed over the areas shown on the plans or where directed. All varieties of seed, as well as fertilizer, may be distributed at the sarne time provided that each - component. is uniformly applied at the specified rate. Seed shall be drillcd at a depth of from one quarter (1/4") inch to three eighths (3/8") inch utilizing a pasture. or rangeland L type drill- All drilling is to be on the contour- After planting, the area shall be rolled with .A a roller integral to the seed drill, or a corrugated roller of the "Cultipacker" type. All rolling of slope areas shall be on the contour. 3.03 MULCHING A. Apply uniformly aver completion of seeding in areas up to 3-1 slope. Mulch maybe applied concurrently with fertilizer and seed, if desired, B. Apply at the following rates unless otherwise shown on plans- i I. Sandy soils, flat surfaces - minimum 1,500 lbs../acre. 2. Sandy soils, sloping surfaces - minimum 1,800 lbs-/acre. ' 3. .Clay soils, flat surfaces - minimum 2,500 lbs-lacre. 4. Clay soils, sloping surfaces - minimmum 3,000 Ibs./acre. SE&(ON 02930 - SEEDING -a- 5 "Flat" and "sloping" surfaces will be shown on the plans if not visually obvious. E. C. Apply within thirty (30) minutes after placement in. equipment. Keep mulch moist, by .daily water application, if necessary- F I .. For approximately twenty-one (21) days, or- 2. Until seeds have germinated and -have rooted in soil, (see 3.04_ B.2) and project has been accepted by the City. t 3.04 MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT A_ includes protection, replanting,. maintaining grades and immediate repair of erosion damage until the project receives final acceptance. B. Replanting I. Replant areas where a stand of grass or wildflowers are nat present in a reasonable length of time, as determined by the City. 2. A "stand" shall be defined as: a. Bermuda/Rye grasses: Full coverage per square foot established within two to three (2-3) weeks of seeding date on a smooth bed free of -foreign material and rocks or clods larger than one inch diameter. b. Native grass and wildflowers: eighty percent (80%) coverage of growing plants within seeded area within twenty-one days..of seeding date on a smooth bed free of foreign material and..rocks.or clods larger than one inch diameter, , END OF SECTION SECTION 02930 - SEEDING i GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Applicable design and details shalt conform to "General Contract Documents and Specifications for Water Department Projects" (GCD) effective July 1, 1978, with the latest revisions.. 2. All horizontal: blocking, cradle blocking, and vertical tie -down blocking to be in accordance with Fig_ (s) 9, 10, and 11 of GCD. 3; The proposed water andlor sewer mairis at time will be laid close to other existing utilities and structures both above and .below the ground. The contactor shall make necessary provisions for the support and t protection of all utility poles, fences, trees, shrubs, gas mains, telephone cables, TEE cables, drainage F pipes, utility services and all other utilities and structure both above and. below the ground during { construction. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify all utility owners prior fo any construction in the ` area and verify the actual location of all buried utilities that may or may not be shown on. the plans. The contractor shall preserve and protect all underground and overhead facilities and be responsible for- any damage he may cause to them. The Contractor shalt contact the following at least 48_ hours prior to excavating at each location: Fort Worth Water Department 817-392-8306 ' -Fort Worth Transportation 8. Public Works Light and Signal Division 817-392-8100 TXU Electric & Gas 800-242-9113 Southwestern. Bell Telephone Company 800-246-8464 Texas One Call Finer Optics Location (MCI, AT&T, Sprint, etc..) 800 245-4545 Charter Communications 8:17 246-5538 I For Other Facilities 800-DIG-TESS 4 Contractor shalf verify the elevation, configuration. and angulation of existing line prior to,construction of tie- in -materials Such verification shall be considered as subsidiary. cost of project and no additional 1 compensation will be allowed. Elevation adjustments at connections may be made with bends, offsets, or joint deflections_ All nonstandard bends shall be made using the closest. standard M.J. Fittings with the required joint deftections.. (Deflections not to exceed manufacturer's recarrirnehded deflection per joint.) 5. ContractoF shall keep at least one lane of traffic open at all times during construction and access to all places of business and residence "at all times. (reference CM 5 GCD) ti. No excavated materials, back#i!l materials, equipment, or supplies shall be stored. within .floodways or drainage. easements: (reference C6-6 6 GCD) 7 Trenches which lay outside existing or future pavements shall be backfilled above the top of the embedment with Type "C" backfril material. When Type "C" backfiil material is not suitable, at he direction of the Engineer, Type "B" material shall be used_ All backfill tpateriai shall be. compacted to a. minimum of { 90% proctor density by means of tamping only. Trenches- which cross under existing or future pavement i shall be backfffed -per Fig.. "B" with 95% proctor density by jetting, tamping, or a combination of such -" methods., Pavement repair shall be permanent pavement replacement per Figure 4. 8. The top of the water lines shall be minimum of X-6" below the. top of the adjacent curb far 12" and smaller. 1 mains except where otherwise shown on these plans.. 9 All _existing water services which must be relocated due to the relocation of the water main shall be replaced with 1" minimum copper tubing unless a larger size is indicated on the plans Corporation stops shaft be. fully opened .prior to trench backfill_ Curb stops with lock wings shall be tested for full flow when the system is pressure tested 10 All sanitary sewer services encountered which most be relocated to provide adequate clearance with the proposed storm -sewer shall be replaced to the property line as directed by the Engineer T.&P.W. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Contractor is responsible for maintaining water and sewer connections in working order at all times In no case shall services be allowed to remain out of service overnight, 2,. Contractor shall become familiar with the terms and conditions set fourth in temporary construction easements. Ingress and egress is allowed on private property in order to access temporary construction easements. In the areas where no construction easements are available, contractor shall limit activities to within the existing utility easement. 3.. Contractor shalt verify the elevation, configuration and location of existing lines prior to constriction.. Such verification shall be considered subsidiary to the cost of the project and not additional compensation will be allowed. 4. The contractor shall remove from the project area all surplus material, This shall be incidental and not a separate pay item. Surplus materials from excavation including dirt, concrete, trash, etc., shall be properly disposed of at a site approved by the city inspector 5, The contractor shall preserve and protect or remove and replace (with prior approval of affected property owner) any trees, shrubs, hedges, landscaping etc,, in or near proposed construction area This work shall be considered incidental and not a separate pay item.. & All grass areas damaged by construction shall receive 4" of topsail and solid sodding.. Contractor shall remove and replace existing topsail whenever possible- 7 The contractor shall remove all fences interfering with construction operation within roe and/or easements removed fences. shall be replaced with new fence or undamaged original fencing with prior approval of property owner 8• The contractor shall make necessary provision for the support and protection of all utility poles, gas mains, telephone cables, sanitary sewer lines, electric cables, drainage pipes, utility services, and. all other utilities, and the structures both above and below ground during construction.. The contractor is liable for all damages done to such existing facilities as a result of the contractors operations, 9. Contractor shall submit written request to the engineer for approval of all areas to be used for staging, mobilization, equipment and. material storage and general project construction management. Request shall be submitted' to the engineer within five (5) days of notice to proceed. 10. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining general safety. at and adjacent of the project area, including the personal safety of the construction crevu Arid general public and the Safety of public and private property 11 All barricades, warning signs, light devices, etc_, for the guidance and protection.of.traffic and pedestrians must conform the installation shown on the 1980 Texas and. of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as currently amehdeci, by the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. 12. The contractor is responsible for keeping_ streets and sidewalks adjacent to the project free of mud and debris from the. construction 13, Two-way traffic must. be maintained at all times. One lane of traffic around construction operations in progress with adequate safeguards will be acceptable, unless otherwise directed by the engineer 14. Contract shall have utility companies locatte and mark all underground facilities before beginning excavation_ 15.. The: contraclorshalt clean up and restore -the area of operations to a condition as good as or better than that which existed prior to the project. SUBGRADE & PAVEMENT NOTES 1. The contractor shall pulverize the existing pavement/base to a depth of eight (8) inches below the surface of the existing pavement l 2. After pulverization. the contractor shall temporarily remove & stockpile the pulverized material in order I to grade to the proposed street profile per plans i 3. Removal of any sub -base material shall start a minimum of eight (8) inches below the surface of the iJ existing pavement. 4.. After grading is completed. the contractor shall mix the pulverized material with five (5) percent portland cement and spread the material as a subgrade all in -accordance `with Item 214 portland cement treatment (material manipulation) of the City of Fort Worth standard specification fog street and storm drain construction and as follows' 'Cement shall be applied only to such an area that all the operations can be completed in daylight.Within six (6) hours of such application.. "Gradations have to be taken after mixing cement 'Nv equipment expect that In the spreading and milting will be allowed to pass over the freshly spread cement until it is mixed with the sail.. 'Any mixture of'soiil and cement that has hot been compacted and.. _finished shall not remain undisturbed for more than thirty (30) minutes. 'Surface compaction and finishing shall prbceed_in such a manner as to produce, in not more than two (2) hours, a smo6th, closely knit surface free (if cracks, ridges or loose material, conforming to the crown, grade and line shown on the plans - 'After the roadway hbs been finished, as. specified herein, it shall be immediately protected against rapid drying bu apply two- tenths (0.2) gallons per square yards of rc-2 or some other 1 e.p:.a: approved water based emulsion. Should it be necessary for construction equipment or other traffic to use that section of roadway before the emulsion has dried sufficiently, it is the responsibility of the contractor to dust or sand the surface before such use to prevent pickup of material 'The contractor -shall also maintain this protective cover during the seven (7)-day curing period so that all the soil cement base opened to local traffic as soon as the water based course wilt be covered effectively.. I 'The soil cement course may be opened to local traffic as soon as the water based emulsion has been applied and dusted or sanded as necessary to prevent pickup of material by traffic. It i( may be opened to all traffic after seven (7) days. :l 5 After the minimum seven (7) day of curing the contractor shall overlay with three (3) inches of HMAC type "p" surface course_ -on_top_ bf the new base according'to the standard specifications item number tI 312 "Hat-Mbi Asphaltic Concrete" and 313 "Central Plant Recycling Asphaltic Concrete" of the City of I Fort Worth standard specifications of street and storm drain construction Standard specification 312.5 (1) shall be revised as follows: the prime coat or the asphaltic mixture shall not be placed unless the air temperature .is fifty. (50) degrees fahrenheit and rising. The temperature being taken in the shade and way from artificial heat.. Asphaltic material shall also not he placed when the wind conditions are unsuitable in the opinion of the engineer.. The contractor shall finish a batch design of the proposed Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete for city approval 48 hours prior to 1 - placing the- HMAC The city will provide laboratory control as necessary. j 16. The contractor is responsible for maintaining the existing storm drain system until the proposed system is in service in no case should the contractor leave the existing storm sewer out of service where by runoff would cause damage to adjacent homeowners, 17. Vertical deflections and pipe slopes for existing utilities shown on plans were obtained from record drawings and have not been field verified, Some pipe slopes were adjusted to match surveyed Manhole flowlines. Rime elevations and horizontal locations of existing manholes were determined from field survey's. 18. No equipment or material shall. be deposited on private property without.written permission from the property owners. If the contractor places excess material in the ware without written permission, he will be responsible for all damages resulting from such fill and he shall remove the material at his own cost, of the engineer so directs. 19. The location of driveways, steps, and retaining wall, etc.., and all water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, t telephone, gas, electric, and cable television utilities shown on these plans are approximate. Accurate locations shall be verified at the time of construction after consultation with the property owners and the respective utility companies, l 20. The contractor shall construct all drainage streams from the downstream end to allow continued storm drain service, if.the contractor chooses to .construct the system -otherwise, he shall present propdsed constructions staging at the pre -construction meeting t 21 _ The contractor'spersonnel shalt wear identifying clothing or hats at all times 22. Construction activities shall be limited to the hours- of 8.00 a,m, to 6:.00 p rn. unless approved or directed by the engineer. 23 The adjustment andfor relocation of'sprinkler head encountered shah be paid for under miscellaneous utility adjustment pay item in the proposal for section of the specifications and. contract documents 1 SANITARY SEWER GENERAL MOTES I. The contractor shall furnish a traffic control plan, for all working areas, to the City Traffic Engineer for approval prior to the pre -construction meeting. Two-way traffic must be maintained at all times. One lane of travel around construction operations in progress with adequate safeguards will be acceptable on minor streets only. All barricades, warning signs, light devices, and etc., for the guidance and protection of traffic and pedestrians, must conform to the installation shown in the 1980 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as currently amended, Texas Department of Transportation. The cost for traffic control shall be subsidiary to the unit prices for this project. 2. Contractor is responsible for all trench safety. The contractor shall construct the proposed work utilizing a trench safety plan, prepared by a professional engineer for this project. A trench safety plan shall be submitted at the pre -construction meeting. 3. All work shall be performed in accordance with City of Fort Worth Water Department standard specifications and details, except where modified in these plans or in the special conditions of the contract documents. 4. The contractor shall distribute letters to all affected property owners prior to beginning work on each property. The letter shall include names and telephone numbers of contractor contacts, a description of the work to be done, and the time frame for doing the work. Copies of the letter shall be forwarded to the city inspector. The contractor shall notify residents 48 hours in advance of performing any work on private property. Distribution of letters shall be considered as subsidiary to the cost of project and no additional compensation will be allowed. 5. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining general safety at and adjacent to the project area, including the personal safety of the construction crew and general public and the safety of public and private property. Contractor shall provide temporary sanitary sewer facilities to affected property owners, if necessary. Not a separate pay item. 6. When it is required that a Contractor work in private property, the Contractor shall contact the property owner 48 hours prior to construction. Once the pipe has been installed or rehabilitated, the Contractor shall immediately commence surface restoration. Surface restoration must be completed to the owner's satisfaction within ten (10) working days. Failure to maintain site restoration, as noted above, may result in deferment of further pipe installation activities_ 7. The contractor may elect to video all potentially impacted private property areas prior to work. Videos shall include date notation and audio identification of property address and main/lateral name. This pre -construction video taping of impacted properties shall be considered subsidiary work. 8. Contractor's personnel shall have identifying clothing or hats at all times. The contractor shall also have identification on all vehicles. 09/01/04 9. Construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 p.m. unless approved or directed by the engineer. 10. The location of all sanitary sewer, water, storm sewer, telephone, gas, electric, cable television utilities, driveways, retaining walls, structures, etc., which may be shown on these plans are approximate. The contractor shall verify the exact size, location, elevation, and configuration of all utilities and structures prior to construction. Contractor shall coordinate with appropriate utility companies and property owners to mark and locate all underground facilities prior to construction. Such verification shall be considered as subsidiary to the cost of project and no additional compensation will be allowed. 11. Existing vertical deflections and pipe slopes shown on the plans were obtained from record drawings and have not been field verified. Some pipe slopes were adjusted to match surveyed manhole flow lines. Rim elevations, flow lines and horizontal locations of existing manholes were determined from field survey. 12. The proposed sanitary sewer lines at times will be laid close to other existing utilities and structures both above and below ground. The contractor shall make necessary provisions for the support and protection of all utility poles, gas mains, telephone cables, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, TU cables, drainage pipes, utility services, and all other utilities and structures both above and below ground during construction. The contractor is liable for all damages done to such existing facilities as a result of the contractor's operations. 13. Contractor shall conduct a Pre -Construction Television Inspection of all existing sanitary sewer lines, which are to be abandoned or rehabilitated via trenchless methods, to verify locations of all sewer service connections prior to construction of entire project. 14. Contractor shall ensure that all active services can be reconnected and/or rerouted to new sewer main/lateral. Contractor shall notify the City of any potential conflicts prior to construction so modifications to the plans can be made if necessary. Not a separate pay item, this work shall be subsidiary to Pre -Construction Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines. 15. Contractor shall verify that all connections to the sanitary sewer system are for sanitary sewer only. Contractor shall notify City of all known illicit connections. 16. Contractor is responsible for maintaining water and sewer connections to all homes and businesses in working order at all times, except for brief interruptions in service for sewer services to be reinstalled. In. no case shall services be allowed to remain out of service overnight. 17. The contractor shall be liable for all damages to properties, homes, and basements from backup, which may result during the installation of the new pipe and/or abandonment of 09/01/04 2 existing pipe. The contractor will be allowed to open dean outs where available. The contractor will be responsible for all clean up associated with opening clean outs. 18. The contractor shall preserve and protect or remove and replace (with prior approval of City Parks and Community Services and/or affected property owners) all trees, shrubs, hedges, retaining walls, landscaping, buildings, walks, etc., in or near proposed construction area. This work shall be considered incidental and not a separate pay item. 19. The contractor shall remove all fences, located within easements, interfering with construction operation and provide temporary fencing during construction. Removed fences, wooden or chain link, shall be replaced with a new fence or undamaged original fencing. All affected property owners shall be notified prior to construction. Removal and replacement of existing and temporary fences shall be considered subsidiary to the project cost and reflected in the unit bid prices for various items listed in the proposal. 20. Contractor shall sawcut existing curb and gutter, pavement, driveways, and sidewalks at areas where pavement or concrete is to be removed. Sawcuts will be considered subsidiary to the price bid for linear feet of sanitary sewer. 21. Contractor shall protect concrete curb and gutter, driveways, and sidewalks that are not designated for removal. Removal and replacement of these items shall be as designated. At locations where the curb and gutter are to be replaced, the contractor shall assume all responsibility for the re-establishment of existing street and gutter grades. Establishment of grades shall be performed prior to construction and is not a separate pay item, but shall be considered incidental to the project price_ 22. All embedment shall be in accordance with City of Fort Worth Water Department Specification E2-2, and E2-3. All pavement repair shall be per City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Pavement Repair Figures 2000-1 to 20004 Pavement areas shall receive backfill per Figure A. Nonpaved areas shall receive type "B" or "C" backfllll per City of Fort Worth Water Department Specifications E1-2 and E2-2. 23. All driveways, which are open cut, shall have at least a temporary riding surface at the end of each day. The temporary surface will be considered a non -pay item. 24. Contractor shall bypass pump sewage around sections of pipe prior to being replaced or rehabilitated. Not a separate pay item. Payment shall be incidental to replacement of sewer. 25. New manholes shall be constructed such that the manhole cover is at finished surface grade, or as noted on the plans. Concrete collars and watertight manhole inserts shall be provided with all new manholes, as required for this project. 26. The contractor is responsible for keeping streets and sidewalks adjacent to project free of mud and debris from the construction. 09/01/04 3 27. The contractor shall cleanup and restore the area of operations to a condition as good as or better than that which existed prior to replacement or rehabilitation of the pipe. 28. The contractor shall remove from the project area all surplus material. This shall be incidental and not a separate pay item. Surplus materials from excavation including dirt, trash, etc. shall be properly disposed of at a site acceptable to the City's Flood Plain Administrator if within the City limits. If the location is not within the City limits, the Contractor shall provide a letter stating so. No excess excavated material shall be deposited in low areas or along natural drainage way without written permission from the affected property owner and the City's Flood Plain Administrator. If the contractor places excess material in the areas without written permission, he will be responsible for all damage resulting from such fill and he shall remove the material at his own cost. 09/01/04 4 WATER SEWER GENERAL NOTES 1. Water Systems have been designed in accordance with the "Policy and Procedure for Processing Water and Sewer design" dated June 1984, with the latest revisions, as established by the City of Fort Worth Water Department for water and sewer projects. 2. Applicable design and details shall conform to Part E of the General Contract documents and specifications for Water Department projects, effective July 1, 1978, with latest revisions. 3. Existing utility data is provided for information only. Although this data is shown as accurately as possible, the contractor is cautioned that the City and the Engineer neither assumes nor implies any responsibility for the accuracy of this data. 4. The contractor is to verify location and elevation of existing utilities prior to construction. 5. The contractor shall keep at least one lane of traffic open at all times during construction. 6. Horizontal blocking for water lines has been omitted for clarity, however blocking shall be constructed in accordance with Figure 9, Section EI-20 and E2-20 of the "General Contract Documents and specification for Water Department Projects." 7. Trenches which lie outside existing pavements shall be backfilled above the top of the embedment with Type "C" backfill material when Type "C" backfill material is not suitable and at the direction of the Engineer, Type "B" material shall be used. All backfill material shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% proctor density by means of tamping only. Trenches, which cross under existing pavement, shall be backfilled per Fig. "A" and compacted to 95% of standard proctor density at a moisture content of -2% to —4% of optimum moisture content. 8. Top of water lines shall be a minimum of 3'-6" below top of curb except where shown otherwise in these plans. 9. Valves shall be installed where designated on these plans. 10. Fire hydrants shall be a. minimum of 3'-0" behind the face of curb and in line with property/lot lines except where shown otherwise in these plans. 11. Insert cleaning PIG in water main where directed. "Cleaning PIG" shall be provided by Contractor. 12. Install chlorination and sampling points at designated locations per Figure 27 of the "General Contract Documents and specifications for Water Department Projects." 13. Corporation stops shall be tested for full flow when the system is pressure tested. 14. Contractor is responsible for all trench safety. The contractor shall construct the proposed work utilizing a trench safety plan prepared by a professional engineer for this project. A trench safety plan shall be submitted at the pre -construction meeting_ 15. All water lines crossing below storm sewer lines shall be ductile iron pipe unless noted otherwise. 9/10/04 16. All water services shall be installed over storm sewers, except where shown otherwise. 17. Elevation adjustment at connections may be made with bends, offsets, or joint deflections (Joint deflections not to exceed manufacture's recommendations or as deemed appropriate by the engineer). 18. All non-standard bends shall be made by using the closest standard MJ fittings or fittings with the required joint deflections (deflection not to exceed the manufacturer's recommended deflection per joint). 19. All existing 3/4-inch water service lines shall be replaced with 1-inch Type K Copper service lines, with 1-inch corporation stops and if required 1-inch tapping saddle and 1-inch x 3/4-inch reducer at the 3/4-inch curb stop as directed by the Engineer. 20. All existing water meters shall be relocated 3' behind curb or as directed by the Engineer. 21. Existing utility crossing shown on profile are from reference plans, and from information obtained from the utility companies. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to field -verify the horizontal and vertical locations of the existing utilities. 22. The contractor shall install a 2" temporary water service main. 23. The contractor personnel shall wear identifying clothing or hats at all times. The contractor shall also have identification on all vehicles. 24. Construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM unless otherwise approved or directed by the engineer In the case of arterial streets, 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM only. 25. Contractor is responsible for maintaining water and sewer connections to all homes and businesses in working order at all times, except for brief pre -notified interruptions in water services. In no case shall services be allowed to remain unreinstated overnight. 26. The contactor shall saw cut existing curb and gutter pavement, driveways and sidewalks in areas where pavement or concrete is to be removed. Saw cutting will be considered subsidiary to the price per linear foot of pipe. Contractor shall provide compacted select material as needed to repair damaged drives, streets, walks and patios. 27. The contractor shall remove all fences, located within easements and parkway, interfering with construction operations and provide temporary fencing during construction. Removed fences, wooden or chain link, shall be replaced with a new fence or undamaged original fencing. All affected property owners shall be notified prior to construction. Removal and replacement of existing and temporary fences shall be considered subsidiary to the project cost and must be reflected in the unit bid prices for various items listed in the proposal. 28. The contractor is responsible for keeping streets and sidewalks adjacent to the project free of mud and debris arising from the construction activity. 29. All barricades, warning signs, light devices, etc. for the guidance and protection of traffic and pedestrians must conform to the installation shown in the 1980 Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices as currently amended, Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. 9/10/04 2 SECTION D UNITS I & I[: WATER DEPARTMENT & TRANSPORTATION I PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PERFORMANCE BOND PAYMENT BOND MAINTENANCE BOND CONTRACT CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKERS' COMPENSA T ION LAW Pursuant to V.T.C.A. Labor Code §406.96 (2000), as amended, Contractor certifies that it provides workers' compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees employed on City of Fort Worth Department of Engineering No.6146 and City of Fort Worth Project No. c2oo- 208400027583/P253-608170027583/P258-708170027583 CONTRACTOR Stabile & Winn, Inc. By: N me: Title: VI C-JF- � a► Date: A Pt-%L- Zb zoo-4-- STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § Befo a me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared o-eviel )biewbeeSo•d , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of Stabile & Winn, Inc. for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given Under My Hand and Seal of Office this c* day of 4?klt- , 20 0 7 Notary Public in nd for the State of Texas (aw ALVA NELL FEW Notary PublicSTATE OF TEXAS Comm. Exp. JUNE 0 Bond #PR1t08888768 PERFORMANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT Colonial. American Casualty and Surety Company and Fidelity and Deposit That we (1) Stabile & Winn, Inc. as Principal herein, and (2) . Company of Maryland , a corporation organized under the laws of the State of (3) Maryland , and who is authorized to issue surety bonds in the State of Texas, Surety herein, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation located in Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas, Obligee herein, in the sum of Two Million. Five Hundred Seventy-two Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-nine and 25/100..... ..... _($2,572,329.25) Dollars for the payment of which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. MAY 0 l zov WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a certain contract with the Obligee dated the of 2007 a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, for the construction of Pavement Reconstruction and Water and sanitary Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Avenue H Avenue A, Newark Avenue, Avenue I,C.ourt Street, Parkdale Avenue and Avenue G (Proiect No. 002751 NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, if the said Principle shall faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents and shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the Obligee from all costs and damages which Obligee may suffer by reason of Principal's default, and reimburse and repay Obligee for all outlay and expense that Obligee may incur in making good such default, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government 15 Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of such statute, to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the Principal and the Surety have executed this instrument. MAY 01 2007 SIGNED and SEALED this of 2007. ATTESTO '�� t( (Principal) Secretary (SEAL) Witness as to Principal Address ATTEST: (Surety) Secretary (SEAL) Witness as to Surety 2005 White Settlement Rd Ft Worth, TX 76107 (Address) Stabile & Winn, Inc PRINCIPAL (4) r BY: Tit erry Henderson Vice--Pzesident PO Bose 79380 Saginaw, TX 79380 Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland BY: - y ay - act) T,,v&cy Tucker 2005 White Settlement Rd Ft Worth, TX 76107 (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract (1) Correct Name of Contractor (2) Correct name of Surety (3) State of incorporation of Surety Telephone number of surety must be stated. In addition, an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by Attorney -in -Fact. The date of bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. Bond #PRF08888768 PAYMENT BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Fidelity and Deposit That we, (1) Stabile & Winn, Inc as Principal herein, and (2) Company of Maryland , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of (3) Maryland , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation located in Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas, Obligee herein, in the amount of Two Million Five Hundred Seventy-two Thousand Three Hundred_Twenty- nine and 2S1100......................... Dollars ($2,572,329.25) for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: May n 1 ?:M7 WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee dated the day of , 2007, which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as if fully and to the same extent as if copied at length, for the following project: Pavement Reconstruction and Water and sanitary Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Avenue H, Avenue A. Newark Avenue. Avenue 1, Court Street, Parkdale Avenue and Avenue G (Prolect No. 0027 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully make payment to each and every claimant (as defined in Chapter 2253, Texas Government Code, as amended) supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work under the, contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said statute, to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the Principal and the Surety have executed this instrument. MAY o 1 7nt' SIGNED and SEALED this day of, , 2007. ATTEST: ole� (Principal) Secret ry (S A L ess as to Principal ATTEST: Secretary (S E A L) 1���Wz4z_ Witness as to Surety Stabile & Winn, Inc PRINCIPAL By: �. t Name: Jerry Henderson Title: Vice -President Address: PO Box 79380 Saginaw, TX 79380 Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland SURETY Name: Tracy ucker Attorn y in Fact Address: 2005 White Settlement Road Ft Worth, TX 76107 Telephone Number: 817/336-8520 NOTE: (1) Correct name of Principal (Contractor). (2) Correct name of Surety. (3) State of incorporation of Surety Telephone number of surety must be stated. In addition, an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by the Attorney -in -Fact. The date of bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. band #PRF08888768 MAINTENANCE BOND I THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Fidelity and Deposit C That Stabile & Winn, Inc ("Contractor"), as principal, and Company of Maryland a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maryland ("Surety"), do hereby } i acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the City of Fort Worth, a Municipal Corporation chartered by virtue of Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, ("City") in Tarrant County, Texas, the sum of Two Million Five Hundred Seventy-two Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-nine and 251100.... :...... ................................... .................................. .......... Dollars _ ($2,672,329.25}, lawful money of the United States, for payment of which sum well and truly be made E unto said City and its successors, said Contractor and Surety do hereby bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, that: WHEREAS, said Contractor has this day entered into a written Contract with the City of Fort Worth, dated the %Y n 1 2r, 2007 a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the performance of the following described public improvements: f Pavement Reconstruction and Water and sanitaEy Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Avenue H Avenue A Newark Avenue, Avenue I, Court Street, Parkdale Avenue and Avenue G (Project No. 0027Q j the same being referred to herein and in said contract as the Work and being designated as project number(s) C200-208400027583/P253-608170027583/P258-708170027583and said contract, including all of the specifications, conditions, addenda, change orders and written instruments referred to therein as Contract Documents being incorporated herein and being made a part hereof, and, WHEREAS, in said Contract, Contractor binds itself to use such materials and to so construct the work that it will remain in good repair and condition for and during a period of after the date of the f final acceptance of the work by the City; and WHEREAS; said Contractor binds itself to maintain said work in good repair and condition for said term of Two (2) years; and WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to repair or reconstruct the Work in whole or in part at any time within said period, if in the opinion of the Director of the City of Fort Worth Department of Engineering, it be necessary; and, WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself, upon receiving notice of the need therefore to repair or reconstruct said Work as herein provided. NOW THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain, repair or reconstruct said Work in accordance with all the terms and conditions of said Contract, these presents shall be null and void, and have no force or effect. Otherwise, this Bond shall be and remain in full force and effect, and the City shall have and recover from Contractor and Surety damages in the premises as prescribed by said Contract. This obligation shall be a continuing one and successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches until the full amount hereof is exhausted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in 8 counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, this ATTEST: (S E A L) Secretary 141SWIMo &F (SEAL.) 26 L day of , A.D. 2007. Stabile & Winn, Inc Contractor By: me; Jerry Henderson Title: Vice -President Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Surety B: fll_ Tracy Tu er Title; Attorney -in -Fact 2005 White Settlement Road Ft Worth, TX 76107 Address Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, corporations of the S by FRANKE. MARTIN JR., Vice President, and GREGORY E. MURRAY, Assistant Secretarin u 2aryland, thority granted by Article Vl, Section 2, of the By -Laws of said Companies, which are se r se s' f and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, do i co d racy TUCKER, Tobin TUCKER and W. Lawrence BROWN, exa I nd lawful agent and Attorney -in - Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver i alf act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings, EXCEPT bg ds, nde t to s, Community Survivors and Community Guardians. and th i" of�tc b s gs in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Companies, as full � t purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the P Y regularly elected off' 6. C�7fl at its office in Baltimore, Md., in their own proper persons. This power of attorney 66. �of TCKER Tobin TUCKER W. Lawrence BROWN, dated Ma 30,2003. revokes that issued o Y The said Assistant Secretary does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By -Laws of said Companies, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice -President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, this I I th day of October, A.D. 2004. FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY 'gyp DEPoSlt _ rcP,1� Z �FA -Ar0� ro Ry o ! N. goo �0"01 �� Gregory E. Murray Assistant Secretary State of Maryland 15s: City of Baltimore f By: Frank E. Martin Jr. Vice President On this 11th day of October, A.D. 2004, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came FRANK E. MARTIN JR., Vice President, and GREGORY E. MURRAY, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Companies aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. MiClOt�0.Tm' MMNR� ,15, RM � Dennis R. Hayden Notary Public My Commission Expires: February 1, 2009 POA-F 168-2829 EXTRACT FROM BYLAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice -President, or any of the Senior Vice -Presidents or Vice -Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice -Presidents, Assistant Vice -Presidents and Attorneys -in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice -President, or any of the Senior Vice -Presidents or Vice -Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice -Presidents, Assistant Vice -Presidents and Attorneys -in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the Vice -President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional. Vice -Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney -in --Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the respective By -Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of May, 1990 and of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice -President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this day of MAY TUCKER AGENCY, LTD. Bolds and Insurance 005 White Settlement Road For) Worth. Texas 7107 (817) 336-85 0 Assistant Seeretaiy A Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Home Office: P.O. Box 1227, Baltimore, MD 21203-1227 Il"ORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: You may call the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Colonial American Casualty and t Surety Company, and/or Zurich American insurance Company's toll -free telephone number for I information or to make a complaint at: 1-800-654-5155 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights, or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: P.O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 FAX # (512) 475-1771 PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning the premium or about a claim, you should first contact Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland or Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. S8543 f(TX) (09/01) THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CONTRACT KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT MAY 01 2907 This agreement made and entered into this the of A.D., 2007, by and between the CITY OF FORT WORTH, a municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas, organized and existing under and by virtue of a special charter adopted by the qualified voters within said City on the 11"' day of December, A.D. 1924, under the authority (vested in said voters by the "Home Rule" provision) of the Constitution of Texas, and in accordance with a resolution duly passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of said city , and the City of Fort Worth being hereinafter termed Owner, Stabile & Winn, Inc, HEREINAFTER CALLED Contractor. WITNESSETH: That said parties have agreed as follows: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by the Owner, and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith, the said Contractor hereby agrees with the said Owner to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: Pavement Reconstruction and Water and sanitary Sewer Main and Replacement on Portions of Avenue H Avenue A Newark Avenue Avenue I Court Street Parkdale Avenue and Avenue G Project No. 0027 PJ That the work herein contemplated shall consist of furnishing as an independent contractor all labor, tools, appliances and materials necessary for the construction and completion of said project in accordance with the flans and Specifications and Contract Documents prepared by the Department of Engineering for the Transportation and Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth adopted by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, which Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents are hereto attached and made a part of this contract the same as if written herein. 3. The Contractor hereby agrees and binds himself to commence the construction of said work within ten (10) days after being notified in writing to do so by the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth. 4. The Contractor hereby agrees to prosecute said work with reasonable diligence after the commencement thereof and to fully complete and finish the same ready for the inspection and approval of the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth and the City Council of the City of Fort Worth within a period of 264 workin- days. If the Contractor should fail to complete the work as set forth in the Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents within the time so stipulated, plus any additional time allowed as provided in the General Conditions, there shall be deducted from any monies due or which may thereafter become due him, the sum of $630 Per working day, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, the Contractor and his Surety shall be liable to the Owner for such deficiency. S. Should the Contractor fail to begin the work herein provided for within the time herein fixed or to carry on and complete the same according to the true meaning of the intent and terms of said Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents, then the Owner shall have the right to either demand the surety to take over the work and complete same in accordance with the Contract Documents or to take charge of and complete the work in such a manner as it may deem proper, and if in the completion thereof, the cost to the said City shall exceed the contract price or prices set forth in the said plans and specifications made a part hereof, the Contractor and/or its Surety shall pay said City on demand in writing, setting forth and specifying an itemized statement of the total cost thereof, said excess cost. 6 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify City's engineer and architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractor's sole negligence. In addition, Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the Owner, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not any such iniury, damage or death is caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner its officers, servants or em to ees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers, servants and employees and any damage, loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such iniury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the _negligence or alleged nggli eennce of Owner, its officers, servants or em loyees.. In the event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or (b) provides Owner with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. 7. The Contractor agrees, on the execution of this Contract, and before beginning work, to make, execute and deliver to said City of Fort Worth good and sufficient surety bonds for the faithful performance of the terms and stipulations of the Contract and for the payment to all claimants for labor and/or materials furnished in the prosecution of the work, such bonds being as provided and required in Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, in the form included in the Contract Documents, and such bonds shall be for 100 percent of the total contract price, and said surety shall be a surety company duly and legally authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and acceptable to the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. 8. Said City agrees and binds itself to pay, and the said Contractor agrees to receive, for all of the aforesaid work, and for all additions thereto or deductions therefrom, the price shown on the Proposal submitted by the successful bidder hereto attached and made a part hereof. Payment will be made in monthly installments upon actual work completed by contractor and accepted by the Owner and receipt of invoice from the Contractor. The agreed upon total contract amount (including/excluding) alternates n/a, shall be Two Million Five Hundred Seventy-two Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-nine and 25/100. ..Dollars, ($2,572,329.25 9. It is further agreed that the performance of this Contract, either in whole or in part, shall not be sublet or assigned to anyone else by said Contractor without the written consent of the Director of the Department of Engineering. 10. The Contractor agrees to pay at least the minimum wage per hour for all labor as the same is classified, promulgated and set out by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof the same as if it were copied verbatim herein. it. It is mutually agreed and understood that this agreement is made and entered into by the parties hereto with references to the existing Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth and the laws of the State of Texas with references to and governing all matters affecting this Contract, and the Contractor agrees to fully comply with all the provisions of the same. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the City of Fort Worth has caused this instrument to be signed in 8 counterparts in its name and on its behalf by the City Manager and attested by its Secretary, with the corporate seal of the City of Fort Worth attached. The Contractor has executed this instrument through its duly authorized officers in 8 counterparts with its corporate seal attached. MAY 01 2007 Done in Fort Worth, Texas, this the day of , A.D., 2007. f RECO I;D C BY: DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF 5 ENGINEERING APPROVED: G� TRANSPORTA ION/PUBLIC WORKS l DIRECTOR Stabile & Winn, inc PO Box 79380 - k Saginaw_ TX 79380 CONTRACTOR i BY: Jerzy Henderson, Vice —President. TITLE P 0 Box 79380 Saginaw, TX 76179-0380 ADDRESS November 1960 Revised May 1986 Revised September 1992 CITY OF FORT WORTH CITY MANAGER Marc A. Ott, Assistant City Manager ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY (SEAL) __._ 0;_ QDM-. Cont a t. Trization Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: AA ,°Sv' NIL PPENDI IE A -- STANDARD FIGURES AND DETAILS R --- GEOTECHNICAL REPORT - PERMANENT EASEMENTS AND TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENTS APPENDIX STANDARD FIGURES AND DETAIL C*1 N iw c4 !`K CD I CO CF = I [ p CL tv Lh O CD C) 0 �i t a} _ 0CD (L) {��.yyy�y rry�e 4� 0 P. 0 � �P, -d y to it W L F—; �+ �V�� V' V1 r� V� Ln (n L i t # � Y Car�tr-d�YQr s��f.b¢. r-a¢.rlfr~ed rO , CO -VC.- !r7 CIC r Yd Ule WMA, ff;� _ . c aire 15 ir r4rno.v c e f y s ' = C'f7.r�aPct"rarr E 1"i�am +6y-y-��53 - r ,aFri d i r Servfcir sh&/! he tr2�d�e by Cal:�'t^ rc'raf' 1 = " � 1 .�.�fs� Co,rJsoer' Scr�rcc liras . 9 1 CITE WAtiTEF DEPARTMENT' FORT WORTH. TEXAS. - V E"rfO m a � M c-n m a� = a W L7 Ti u ra C O m ai LU [L at - 43 IG j 3 !-- t) rn4.2 .J M. CL -J m u ❑ u QN L tnl W --)C d O C- v Lti tit 'Q c9 m k c as F- -n t0 C: ..--. 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P vmr. } ti 0 2T.Jr -- - 6` MIN. 6.56' Y CASE 2 CA&F t HEIGHT VARIES -CaLLAR SHALL EXrEM TO roP OF 2.-4?7 CONC9E7"E SECTION A CRE8%q REG.1 , i G.4 SF Z % 11 C01-LAR SHALL EX7•FM 3a6my , BOTTCJN CF toi(ESi GR.40E RING fREEAR 9EO. ) FIGURE 121 CONCRETE MANHOLE COLLAR DETAIL - E 1--20, 21 MATERIAL___,, i TEMPORARY PAVING DETAIL (FOR WATER, SEWER, & STORM DRAIN) NTS MIN-. 2" HOT MIX ASPHALT EXIST. STREET LIMITS OF TEMPORARY PAVEMIENT� PAVING REPAIR EXIST. BASE MIN. 6" .COMPACTED FLEX --BASE MATERIAL , BACKFILL (SEE FIGURE A) EMBEDMENT (SEE FIGURE A) I CITy OF FORT WORTH--CQNSTRUCTION STANDARD FIGURE 8 DATE- 8-29-01 F-A �ac)q r% TA-kkIsrFaM ILA JL_ i rr4 "Ltxkc rc-tT or YiLL" CUT TEX utA3UtCO rtaw s_kcx_ar_Cura TO Ixcz-or-Cunt v T qua s man � 1.1.E+E [ulaTH 4/,,,CH Lk37T1140 AZ &LGVFREpI - qU��T 19Lk2L OUT TER A LAN VIEW Nor to Scale Aa rarrrf aagarr lcicn rla d�plk axd wa lrsr ldQ� la dtprh rill �r regvfled fr c!! B',ridr roller yYrlrrr. J'Af ea.+fro cfar rill repaired rF r�rr r�� parlf+r �itA xatrr brta�E l3ejn�-is arc,yled. z'eoxentTs - �z�sr. K.Y xr• vAtter - tYb-T A M3L CUTTLA I'1tbCA_C_ ta.3 24` C-C mxkuTlou - . TaurxFTinH ZiEK Fi7_]-R2 7` C7C.IS# ?LW-C.C. COHcnLr, ass gushed r-ORCALTE usL - - Limestone PLESIGERTiAL ITAECTI SECTION 'A —A" flat to Scalr F'ha-T "ainlorrad can crs•1 a Yaltay ihatlr aplacR th-d fop 71V Maparemdat brith theremaining Fartloa 01parafncnt to hf conatrtrctRd lncludif V sUhjVradt fr&Qf=tgtr la acccordanca Wtth 140 fyptcat paring xaction. Tie cofrcrert* rQttayarittbr gorrrand occc3rdinQ to cr`!y ataadards for roacree cart and ptrltsr: Tha caacrrtr akat! br of �ashrd and rcrraned a�Qrayafa ir'h ,r Bata, ct (lye (_T)xacfs of ermfjt ptr cu-bicyard otro.�cr�te. with a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch in seven days. CONCRETE VAL L EY DE7AlLS el.7 41Cel-;7 1114.1v e. A-117 A/. elf iv, `4 dc C Al A-Za4IRZ 149 S,4wT) El-14 material EZ-14 Construction ckfiti as specified Existing surface e e s � e a a • a . ..4 s.y 6" rain. dimension • 6" Max. f or pay p:urpOSP_S when - hid per cubic yard, n 611 m,i,�• dit[t ns ion, Max. for pay purposes snail be 6" ' v are mains 24" .and srna-i ]er, 9" on wins 30" and- Larger, when bid per cubic yard. 411 rein. dimension. �" max. for pay purposes when bid per cubic yard_ Glass 'iE" 15f O concrete. CONCRETE ENCASE ENT DETAIL E 1-7Marerial 0 C) �o f 0 0 t— - I i1 ' 0 a m�1LLI Z a7 of U O 02E Mox � "< F- � � Q d CO Z c M -- (�y1+ } cn 0 rn y, m �Mt I(1�� o W 0= W( 4- Q i T �'==0n� '�..1U rV LLB {r�.J�.i, d 1— 4 1 U Ct- ouj a ca o `` o F n m E �E E _� r Jw E Ln �E 00 n U3 of c " rn r� ,W * J- O C) • U 3 E �E cv to �� T �E m E 0 m�cza E in E N LU N04 'r03 L 0 E NL Li E 0 E '� tLI E U) N u i'1 E i< C � - z 0 r- ''Ln Vl W Q U z 0 G w r� 0 m z 0 U cV m U-1 N d � i� lal � N IMA ►t�,f n :E -- ) p E--Z �-- Ln C[W Z c0 rn U 3: � ! mox�t- o cn E - d �-- co Cl- m = Q i' � Ow U= r, E LL❑ O � CY} r- m W � ow ao X J _ fQ- CI3 C7 O- �LL- r n� �r Lt Z mE Lu E h e m 7 O U � E �E � �� N r� { (D O C- } m�— pro i- L U O +� 'n `o o cr inL. CP rn v uUdu 0ev] v uv U C+ 4r 17 N QQ� oy." i z - -- .1 W ai ID m m v' Ur LU ul O 4 C " O - Lu ju til Q < �] l U) _ n J _j tu tu¢ at- itw� - 0 u-�W Q Ya O F-; ut ❑ 4 a. IL ulrialO v o a O� O L a o cr Lti Q, N Ot1E 1 6 {.0m auil n a - zCtF w Q Q 0:: L� .. L �- <� a z W VL [�J C •` m CD 1 CL Ei Lil 0 x L LI-. v3 Q 0-1 w U L o 0 _ .0 CL to - Q a_ w R Q_ !ti r a Q _ � u - ca u¢ APPENDIX B E TE HNI AL REPORT �EOTECHNI AL STUDY Project 73286 August 18, 2006 in KLEINFEL®ER An employee owned company KLEINFELDER An employee owned company August 18, 2006 Project 73286 Mr. Christopher B. Bosco, P-E. Freese and Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 Subject: Ceotechnical Study Street Reconstruction on Avenues A, G, H, 1, Newark Avenue, Parkdale Street, and Court Street Fort Worth, Texas Dear Mr. Bosco: This report transmits the findings of our geotechnical study for the reconstruction of the roadways referenced above. - The results of the field and laboratory work are included along with engineering recommendations for use during roadway design. As required, our services were provided in general accordance with the requirements set forth by the City of Fort Worth's Pavement Design Standards Manual (2005). We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If we can be of additional assistance as the design progresses, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER Mar T. Miller, P.E. Michael M. S Kett, P.E. Copies Submitted: 4 KLEINFELDER 6850 Manhattan Boulevard, Suite 300, Fort Worth, TX 76120 (817) 429-6692 (817) 429-7869 fax e®technical Study Street Reconstruction on Avenues A, Gy H9 Parkdale Street, Prepared By: 1, Newark Avenue, and Curt Street Fort Worth, Texas Prepared for: Freese and Nichols, Inc. Fort Worth, Texas A . �E of rEL®� . ......... .... ./ A_RC T. MILLER M rc T. Miller, P_E.�+�': 87824 ,:��� !!o ass �ICENs � 1 /O04 ;9�1_ NAL EC.s K L E I N Reviewed By: Michael M. Shifle t P.E. EELDER An employee owned company Fort Worth, Texas Project No. 73286 August 18, 2006 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder All Rights Reserved This document was prepared for use only by the client, only for the purposes stated, and within a reasonable time from issuance, but in no event later than one year from the date of the report. Non-commercial, educational, and scientific use of this report by regulatory agencies is regarded as a fair use" and not a violation of copyright. Regulatory agencies may make additional copies of this document for internal use. Copies may also be made available to the public as required by law. The reprint must acknowledge the copyright and indicate that permission to reprint has been received. r- Geotechnical Engineering Report --) Geotechnical Services Arlo Performed for Specific Pupposes, Persona, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geolechnical engineering study conducted for a civil engi- neer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical engineering study is unique, each geotechnical engineering report is unique, prepared solelyfor the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one — not oven you —should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Rased on A Unique Set of PPoject-Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider a number of unique, project -specific fac- tars when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities: Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates oth- erwise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for your project, • not prepared for the specific site explored, or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the design team, or project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes —even minor ones --and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or habitily for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. Do not rely on a geotechnical engineer- ing report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; by man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctua- tions. Always contact the geotechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minoramount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engi- neers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ —sometimes significantly — from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A RepaPt's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included in your report. Those recommendations are not final. because geotechnical engi- neers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. A Geote;chnica: Engineering Repopt Is Subject to Misintepppetatlon Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Lower that risk by having your geo- technical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review perti- nent elements at the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. ®o Not Redraw the Eaginleer's logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contpar-tors a Complete Repopt and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give con- tractors the complete geotechnical engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. in that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contrac- tors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give contractors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Ppovisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disci- plines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations" many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsi- bilities begin and end, to help others recognize their awn responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoeriviponmental Concepns Are Not Coveped The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenviron- mental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering report does not usually relate any geoenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoen- vironmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk man- agement guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Obtain Prolessional Assistance ^ R-pul with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a com- prehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, a num- ber of mold prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, andsimilar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study whose findings are conveyed in this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services per- formed in connection with the geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold preven- tion. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself he sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved. Rely, an Youp ASFE-Meinbep Geoteclllncial Engineer for Additional Assistance Membership in ASFE/The Best People on Earth exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with you ASFE-member geotechnical engineer for more information. ASF=Fm The east Faepla an Earlh 8811 Colesville Road/Suite S106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Teiephane:301/565-2733 Facsimile:301/589-2017 e-mail: ir)fo@asfe.org ,vww.asie.org Copyright 2004 by ASFE, Inc. Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part. by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited. except with ASFE's specific written permission- Excerpting, quoting. or otherwise extracting warding from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of ASFE. and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of ASFE may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being an ASFE member could be committing negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. IIGER08041 OM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEO T ECHNICAL REPORT .............................. iii I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................1 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ................................................ .------...1 2 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING................................................3 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION........................................................................................3 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING....................................................................................4 3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS........................................................................................6 3.1 GEOLOGY................................................................... .........6 3.2 SUBSURFACE STRATIGRAPHY........................................................................6 3.3 GROUNDWATER OBSERVATIONS...................................................................7 3.4 EXPANSIVE SOIL CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................7 4 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................8 4.1 ROADWAY DESIGN...........................................................................................8 4.2 TREATED SUBGRADE RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................9 4.3 EARTHWORK................................................................................................... 11 5 REPORT CLOSURE.....................................................................................................12 APPENDIX VicinityMap....................................................................................................................... Plate 1 Planof Borings ......................................................................................................------------Plate-2 GeneralNotes.................................................................................................................... Plate 3 Logs of Borings 1 through 12.................................................................................... Plates 4 - 15 Summary of Laboratory Test Results...................................................................... Plates 16 - 17 pH Lime Series Test Results................................................................................... Plates 18 - 21 Swell Test Results.................................................................................................. Plates 22 - 27 73286 / FW06R077 iv KLEINFELDER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company GEOTECHNICAL STUDY STREET RECONSTRUCTION ON AVENUES A, G, H, 1, NEWARK AVENUE, PARKDALE STREET, AND COURT STREET T FORT WORTH, TEXAS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report presents the results of a geotechnical study for the proposed improvements to Avenues A, G, H, 1, Newark Avenue, Parkdale Street, and Court Street. These roadways are located to the east and southeast of Downtown Fort Worth, as shown on the Vicinity Map in the Appendix. The proposed improvements will include reconstructing the roadways as follows: ® Avenue A — from Nashville Avenue to Thrall Street 0 Avenue G -- from South Beach Street to Binkley Street m Avenue H — from South Ayers avenue to Miller Avenue Avenue I — from South Collard Street to Bishop Street ® Newark Avenue — from Avenue C to East Rosedale Street ® Parkdale Street — from Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard O Court Street --- from Northern Dead End to East Vickery Boulevard The new roads may be either hot -mix asphalt (flexible) or Portland cement concrete (rigid) pavements. At the time of this study the roadways were open to traffic and serviced residential areas. The condition of the pavements varied, but generally showed signs of distress. 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this study has been to develop geotechnical recommendations for use in determining subgrade treatment and pavement thickness complying with the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department 2005 Pavement Design Standards Manual (PDSM). To accomplish its intended purposes, the study has been conducted based on the following scope: 732861 FW06RO77 4 KLEINFELDER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company 1. Drilling sample borings to assess the general subsurface conditions and to obtain samples for testing; 2. Performing laboratory tests on appropriate samples to assess pertinent engineering properties of the subsurface materials; and 3. Performing engineering analyses, using the field and lab data to develop subgrade treatment recommendations and recommended pavement thickness values. 73286 ! FW06R077 2 KLEINFELDER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned mmpdny 2 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION The subsurface materials at the project site were explored by 12 borings drilled on June 26, 2006. The approximate boring locations are shown on the Plan of Borings in the Appendix, Plates 2A and 2B. The Logs of Borings are provided as Plates 4 through 15, and a key to terms and descriptions on the logs is provided on Plate 3. A schedule of these borings is provided in Table 1. Table I — Schedule of Borings Boring [depth, fit Roadway Comments 1 10 Parkdale Street No rock within sampling depth 2 10 Parkdale Street No rock within sampling depth 3 4 Court Street Shelby tube refusal 4 3 Avenue A Shelby tube refusal 5 8 Newark Avenue Shelby tube refusal 6 4 Avenue H Shelby tube refusal 7 7 Avenue H Shelby tube refusal 8 10 Avenue H No rock within sampling depth 9 10 Avenue C No rock within sampling depth 10 4 Avenue C Shelby tube refusal 11 10 Avenue C No rock within sampling depth 12 3.5 Avenue[ Shelby tube refusal Boring locations were selected based on the presence of subsurface utilities as located by the Texas One -Call System and the City of Fort Worth. Traffic control devices were provided during drilling operations to establish a safe working environment. - At the start of drilling operations the existing pavement was penetrated using a continuous flight auger, and the thickness of the existing pavement materials were measured to the nearest inch within the auger hole. Subsurface materials were then sampled with 73286 / FW06RO77 3 KLEINFELDER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company Shelby tube samplers either to a depth of 10 feet, or until Shelby tube refusal on the top of rock or rock -like material_ At completion, the borings were backfilled with sand and the surface was patched with cold -patch asphalt compound. Note that the borings were located in the field using a site plan and measurements from existing landmarks, and were not surveyed. The boring locations provided on the plates in the Appendix should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used in their determination. 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING Samples of subsurface materials from the borings were visually examined and classified in the field. Modifications to the field classifications were made based on a professional review of the samples in the laboratory and on the results of laboratory testing. Atterberg Limits (liquid and plastic limit) tests and No. 200-mesh sieve tests were performed on selected samples to establish index properties and grain size characteristics, and to classify the soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System. The results of these tests are summarized on the Summary of Laboratory Tests and the Logs of Borings in the Appendix. The undrained strength characteristics of selected samples were evaluated using unconsolidated-und rained (UU, or "Q") triaxial compression tests. This test provides an indicator of the shear strength of the soil at the time of sampling. The tests were conducted using one relatively undisturbed specimen that was subjected to a target confining pressure of 5 psi for a period of about 10 minutes before testing. Selected samples that were considered to have a moisture content below the corresponding plastic limit were backpressure saturated for a period of approximately 24 hours to raise the sample's moisture content close to or at sample saturation. Test results are provided on the Summary of Laboratory Tests in the Appendix. The tendency of selected samples to react with hydrated lime was evaluated using the Eades and Grimm pH -lime series.test. The tests were conducted using a composite sample from the likely soil treatment zone. Test results are provided on the pH -Lime Series Test Results plates in the Appendix. 732861 FW06RO77 4 KLEINFELDER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company 0 The tendency of selected samples to swell when exposed to moisture was conducted using one-dimensional swell tests. The tests were conducted using relatively undisturbed samples from zones that were considered capable of swelling. During this test the trimmed samples are exposed to a free water source while subjected to the approximate in -situ overburden stress. Test results are provided on the Swell at Overburden Test Results plates in the Appendix. 732861 FW06R077 Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder 5 KLEINFELDER An employee owned company 3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 GEOLOGY Based on our knowledge, experience and published geologic atlas maps, the site is located within the Pawpaw formation, Weno Limestone and Denton Clay undivided geologic formations. These undivided formations are typically composed of alternating units of clay and limestone, but can also include shale and sandstone. They typically weather in place to form shallow to moderately thick deposits of clay at the ground surface. The clay is typically expansive. 3.2 SUBSURFACE STRATIGRAPHY Hot -mix asphalt was identified at the surface of each of boring. The asphalt ranged in thickness from 1 to 4 inches, although 7 inches of asphalt was noted in Boring 8. A course aggregate base material was identified below the asphalt in all of the borings. The base material consisted of crushed limestone and ranged in thickness from 4 inches to 12 inches. Fat to lean clay was encountered beneath the pavement section in Borings 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12. The thickness of the clay varied from 2% to 6 feet in Borings 5, 6, 7 and 12, and extended to the completion depth of 10 feet in Borings 1, 2, 8, 9, and 11. When the clay did not extend to the 10-Moot completion depth, the clay was underlain by severely weathered limestone and sandstone. Laboratory testing indicates that the clays classify as CL and CH, lean and fat clay, respectively by the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Liquid limits of the clays varied from 36 to 62 and the plasticity indices varied from 20 to 38. Borings 3, 4 and 10 encountered severely weathered limestone below the pavement section. The severely weathered limestone was noted as being clay -like. The severely weathered limestone likely represented a transition zone to underlying weathered and unweathered limestone. 73286 / FW06RO77 6 KLEiNFELQER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company a i Refer to the Logs of Borings in the Appendix for detailed subsurface descriptions. Note that demarcation lines between the strata are interpretive of the field conditions, and that actual strata transitions in the field may be gradual. 3.3 GROUNDWATER OBSERVATIONS Seepage was not noted within the borings -during or upon completion of drilling. However, the clay in some of the borings was moist. Seepage should be expected to vary with seasonal rainfall, climatic conditions, surface runoff, permeability of site soils, continuity of pervious materials, and other factors. These observations are limited and do not constitute a groundwater study. 3.4 EXPANSIVE SOIL CHARACTERISTICS i The soil encountered at this site is expansive and will exhibit shrink and swell movements. The magnitude of the shrink and swell will depend on moisture fluctuations that occur during and after construction. Moisture fluctuations typically occur due to seasonal cycles, but can also be influenced by grading and drainage, landscaping, groundwater conditions, and the presence of paving. Therefore, the amount of soil movement is difficult to determine due to the many unpredictable variables involved. McDowell's (1959) Potential Vertical Rise (PVR) method has been used to estimate potential expansive soil movements. The results of the laboratory tests, engineering judgment, and experience have also been considered. For a full seasonal moisture cycle the calculated PVR is approximately 1 to 3 inches within the upper 10 feet (sample depth). The depth of moisture variation is likely deeper than 10 feet; which has the effect of increasing the PVR. Note that the PVR is least in the areas of Borings 3, 4 and 10 where severely weathered limestone was noted near the ground surface These soil movements are based on the subsurface conditions for seasonal moisture fluctuations. Actual soil movements will -depend on the -subsurface moisture fluctuations over the life of the structure.- Soil movements may be less than those calculated if moisture variations are minimized after construction. However, soil movements, significantly larger than estimated, could occur due to inadequate site grading, poor drainage, ponding of rainfall, and/or leaking water or sprinkler lines. Site grading would be expected to alter PVR movements. 732861 FWOOR077 7 KLEINFELDER Copyright 2006 Kleinfeider An employee owned company 4 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 ROADWAY DESIGN Detailed traffic volumes were not available; however, Freese and Nichols indicated that the roadway is classified as a low volume Residential -Rural Street. According to the City's pavement design standards Residential -Rural Streets require 25,000 annual equivalent 18-kip single axle loads (ESAL) with a 0.0 percent growth factor and a 25- year design life. This results in approximately 625,000 ESALs over the 25-year period. We understand that both flexible and rigid pavement sections are being considered. Traffic volumes were specified for Design of Pavement Structures, or are as specified within the City of Fort Worth's Pavement Design Standards Manual (PDSM). In order to calculate the capacity of the proposed section the following values were either assumed based on our experience, taken from the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, or are as specified in the PDSM. a 85% Reliability (assumed) 0 0.35 Overall Deviation rigid, and 0.45 for flexible (AASHTO) 0 3,600 psi concrete strength at 28 days (assumed) 0 4,000,000 psi Concrete Modulus of Elasticity (based on concrete strength) ® 2.7 Load Transfer Coefficient (based on reinforced pavement with edge support) 0 Resilient Modulus of 4,000 psi for flexible pavements (subgrade CBR of 3) 0 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction .of 150 psi/in for rigid pavements with lime treated subgrade 0 0.7 Drainage Coefficient rigid, and 0.4 for flexible (specified by PDSM for no drainage layer) 0 4.5 Initial Serviceability for rigid, and 4.2 for flexible (AASHTO) 0 2.0 Terminal Serviceability (AASHTO) Layer Coefficients of 0.42 for asphalt surface course, 0.40 for asphalt base course, 0.12 for crushed stone base, and 0.10 for lime treated clay subbase These parameters along with the calculated ESAL value were used to calculate the required pavement thickness for both rigid and flexible pavements. These calculations 732861 FW06RO77 8 KLEINFELDER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company were performed using Pavement Analysis Software, PASS Version 5.0. The calculated sections are as follows: Flexible Pavement --, Option 1 3.0 inches Type D hot mix asphalt surface course 6.0 inches Type B hot mix asphalt base course, 6.0 inches lime -treated subgrade Flexible Pavement — Option 2 2.0 inches Type D hot mix asphalt surface course 6.0 inches Type B hot mix asphalt base course 6.0 inches crushed stone base course 1 layer of geotextile separator (see Appendix C of PDSM) 6.0 inches lime -treated subgrade Rigid Pavement 7.0 inches of reinforced Portland cement concrete 6.0 inches of lime -treated subgrade The design Portland cement concrete pavement section should be reinforced and designed with appropriate joints as detailed in the PDSM. Note that the above pavement sections do not consider the use of a permeable base layer with a connected edge drainage system, as these systems are not commonly used within the City of Fort Worth. The PDSM requires the use of very low drainage coefficients for undrained pavements, which significantly increases the required pavement thickness compared to pavements commonly used in this region. The inclusion of a drainage system could be used to reduce the thickness of the sections. Please contact us if a drainage system is desired. 4.2 TREATED SUBGRADE RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the PDSM, City pavements require a treated subgrade if the raw subgrade has a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) less than 3. CBR testing was not performed on the subgrade, however uncons olidated-undrained triaxial tests performed on 73286I FW06R077 9 KLEINFELDER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company representative samples of the subgrade material and converted to CBR based on the PDSM indicates that subgrade soils could have a CBR value as low as 2.5 when saturated. Additionally, swell testing indicates that the subgrade has a swell ratio greater than 1. Based on this information, a lime treated subgrade is recommended. An application rate of 6 percent, or approximately 27 pounds, of hydrated lime per square yard of surface area is recommended for the 6-inch subbase thickness. The lime treated subgrade should extend a minimum of 12 inches outside the curb line when possible to improve pavement edge support and also lessen the "edge effect" associated with shrinkage during dry periods. The use of sand or select fill as a leveling course below pavement in expansive clay areas should be prohibited, as these soils can allow water inflow between the pavement and subgrade, causing heave and strength loss within the subgrade soil. Construction of the lime treated subgrade should follow Section 6 of the PDSM and TOOT Item 260 as listed in Appendix D of the PDSM. The recommended addition to the standard is that the cured mixture should have a minimum of 100 percent passing the 13/-inch sieve and a minimum of 60 percent passing the No. 4 sieve. Additionally, the plasticity index of the lime/soil mixture should be 15 or less. This application rate can be used for estimating purposes; however, the actual application rate should be determined at the time of construction by sampling the finish subgrade soil and testing to determine the optimum lime content. The treated subgrade should be compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) at a moisture content ranging from optimum to 4 percent above optimum (0 to +4). The moisture content and density of the completed subgrade section must be maintained until the paving is complete. Note that the roadway is located in an area that is not known to contain appreciable quantities of soluble sulfates. As such, the risk of sulfate -induced heaving is considered low. To confirm this soluble sulfate tests were performed using Texas Department. of 3 Transportation- (TxDOT) Method 145-E/146-E. The results of the tests performed yielded soluble sulfate readings ranging from less than 100 to 220 parts per million (ppm). The average reading is below the level at which significant sulfate -induced heave is considered likely to occur. 73286 / FW06R077 10 KLEINFELDER copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company I 4.3 EARTHWORK Earthwork should be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in Sections 5 and 6, and Appendix C of the PDSM. In addition to these items, the project area should be stripped of existing pavement, vegetation, roots, organic material, and debris at the start of construction. The stripping depth should be based on field observations with attention given to excessively wet soils, and deleterious materials. After excavating, the stripped subgrade should be firm and able to support the construction equipment without displacement. Soft or yielding subgrade should be corrected and made stable before construction proceeds. Continuous proof rolling should be used to detect soft spots or pumping subgrade areas as detailed in the PDSM. The proof rolling is intended to locate unstable areas, but will also have the advantage of providing additional compaction of the proof rolled soil. 5 When compaction of the existing subgrade or fill material is necessary, the untreated soil should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor test, ASTM D 698. In conjunction with the compacting operations, this fill material should be brought to between 1 percent below and 4 percent above the optimum moisture content (-'I to +4). Fill material should- be placed in loose horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness. The fill material should be uniform with respect to material type and moisture content. Clods and chunks of material should be broken and the fill material mixed so that a material of uniform moisture and density is obtained for each lift_ Water required to bring the fill material to the proper moisture content should be applied evenly through each layer. Field density tests should be taken as each lift of fill material is placed as detailed in the PDSM. Each lift should be compacted, tested, and approved before another lift is added. The purpose of the field density tests is to provide some indication that uniform and adequate compaction 'is being obtained.. The actual quality of the fill, as compacted, should be the responsibility of the contractor and satisfactory results from the tests should not be considered as a guarantee of the quality of the contractor's filling operations. 73286 / FWO6R077 11 KLEINFELaER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company 5 REPORT CLOSURE Recommendations contained in this report are based on our field observations and subsurface explorations, limited laboratory tests, and our present knowledge of the proposed construction. It is possible that soil conditions could vary between or beyond the points explored. If soil conditions are encountered during construction, which differ from those described herein, we should be notified immediately in order that a review may be made and any supplemental recommendations provided. If the scope of the proposed construction, including the proposed loads or structural locations, changes from that described in this report, our recommendations should also be reviewed. We have prepared this report in. substantial accordance with the generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice, as it exists in the site area at the time of our study. No warranty is express or implied. The -recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that Kleinfelder will conduct an adequate program of tests and observations during the construction phase in order to evaluate compliance with our recommendations. This report may be used only by the client and only for the purposes stated within a reasonable time from its issuance, but in no event later than one year from the date of the report. Land or facility use, on and off -site conditions, regulations, or other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required with the passage of time. Any party other than the client who wishes to use this report shall notify Kleinfelder of such intended use. Based on the intended use of the report, Kleinfelder may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non- compliance with any of these requirements by the client or anyone else will release Kleinfelder from any liability resulting from the use of this report by any unauthorized party and client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Kleinfelder from any claim or liability associated with such unauthorized use or non-compliance. Other standards or documents referenced .in any given_standard -cited. in this report, or otherwise relied upon by the authors of this report, are only mentioned in the given standard; they are not incorporated into it or "included by reference," as that latter term is used relative to contracts or other matters of law. . 73286 / FW06R077 12 KLEINFELRER Copyright 2006 Kleinfelder An employee owned company APPENDIX PERMANENT EASEMENTS ND TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENTS Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue A (Nashville Rd. to Thrall St.) Parcel # 07 Doe # 5154 2826 AVENUE A LOT 7, BLOCK 1, ANDERSON SUBDIVISION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 7, BLOCK 1, ANDERSON SUBDIVISION also described as 2826 Avenue A, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is coihpleted and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15'h of August, 2006. GRANTOR: FRANCES N. CISNEROS ' (Please Print) 4 (Signature) w co LOT e- N� WO La >- of 00 W 6 Waco LOT 5 . . . . . . . . . . J �WQMMU EXISTING R.O.W. r4 3: < V) NEW 4- WIDEI <�4 PROPOSE 4 RWAAR�-S SIDEWALK (TYP) 7 PROPOSED R.O.W. LOT 7 LOT 8 Ln u- Vcr j <1uj in �c 0 57,6 < ?90 PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE A (NASHVILLE AVENUE TO THRALL STREET) DOE NO, 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS .W11 ■ 0 Bill AVENUE A RECONSTRUCTION 9 " -.1" , '--d Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY z U "-=- 4055 200 Fart W.rkh, TX 75109-4895 pg. 1817 35-7300 ? 7 AVENUE A ; 1�" �=�. F 017) 735-7491 -Ij— r-- C— I—. V., .N 0 10, 20. 40' SCALE IN FEET A,eA-2826.sh U Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue A (Nashville Rd. to Thrall St.) Parcel # 01 Doe # 5145 2843 AVENUE A LOT 1, BLOCK 1, HAROLD PERKINS ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 1, BLOCK 1, HAROLD PERKINS ADDITION also described as 2843 Avenue A, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`}' of August, 2006. GRANTOR: TEXAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY (Please Print) (Signature) r �=Q d V) ¢ 03 r'1 O JL .a :Lvr a m �xa W �xQ ��• c 'c�,Vi+ � tv iKJ'3iE lUip? S:.q d': �w kw[Y Ock: r 2 r ; J—j r Q: U7 GF Mh N J 1 F, J =, Q J 1j to cn �XO' h�fn N xQ mow& , Rl - pfJ -Po. i rcaicl2IN -- a #' 10.008.21 1i EXISTING R.O.W. , E 199731 .0�_ I� NEW 4' WIDE MATH EXIST, SIDEWALK {TYP1 SIDEWALK (5' WIDE) i PROPOSED R.O.W. PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS s AVENUE A (NASHVILLE AVENUE TO THRALL STREET) i s DOE NO, 5154 .� CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS ego AVENUE A RECONSTRUCTION "qg Emolou Freese and HIC OIS RIGHT OF ENTRY - FOSS Initfnx 7610 Suites zoo _ - - AVENUE - A Forl Worth, TTx 76109-4d95 - - Phgna - 59171 735-7300 -- For - 4817) 735-7e91 N 0 10' 20' ' 40' SCALE IN FEET SCALE 1" - 40' DESIGNED CL DRAFTED Cl FIGURE FILE AveA-2843.sh1 Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue A (Nashville Rd. to Thrall St.) Parcel # 01 Doe # 5145 2871 AVENUE A LOT 1, BLOCK 1, RAINS ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 1, BLOCK 1, RAINS ADDITION also described as 2871 Avenue A, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry become's void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to .accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th of August, 2006. ► OMM JIMMY RAY THOMPSON (Please Print) (Signature) r ~" — r - 6 J=¢ r= Q r J= Q f-' } nO PJ of NEW 4' WIDE aoo x , .:'; ¢ a SiDEWALIC (FYP) rn3N mac F- +--N� NXQO _ x0 .- w x - r- W 0_' W tx rnp '- ........... 5"�'XI1q 3.21_ =X ST. g��S K (5' WJDE) LOT 7 ip 0& 'q , PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE A (NASHVILLE AVENUE TO THRALL STREET) r a � r- z r H .E522.3�.i r- FPIU— q LO f 3ti • liXit 4'� n J 3 -J rem F 1'eF L�" M 3X� ti xr- i 4 16' INLET is DOE . NO. 5154 , CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS g_4 ■ AVENUE A RECONSTRUCTION to , _ RIGHT OF ENTRY Freese and Nichols 4055 orth, nX 76109-4co Sate zoo - .AVENUE A c8< Fort worth. 7% 76,09-4895 - Phohe - 1817) 735-7300 - - - Fo* - 18171735-7491 15' INLE Cfi �_Ivx.K N 0 10, 70, 40' SCALE IN FEET FILE JOB 1^ -Jao' 1 CL CL FIGURE Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 01 Doe # 514S 3804 Avenue H LOT 1, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 5, LOT 1, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 3804 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which - time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15t" day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: TERRY LYNN LEGGETT (Please Print) (Signature) w9.AVEMC-NT 4TRA 0.47 4 C STA. 6,24.al, 14- LT 2% L Q�PTP SAWCU I N 5 39 5n, 42 li', MATCH PAU '4 9.5t L T QE DRWY, MA PI STA. - j5-45.08 E 15 t)451��DRWY LIMITS AT w 8,395.3 m R.O.W. LIMIT LOT i2 s A 371 145,12.17" E C B AND GUTTER R 100,00 5 T,?55.2 L 65,a,21 H EXIT. T 34.19 CURB AND CONTRACTORS SHALL C 64.71 ER CONT 03 NOT DISTURB TREE 00, 1 m NEW 4'WIDE f0T I�R-F SIDEWALK (TYP) go to 3f I ,per 1� VI L07 - ' cc M Wk 0 rk: L) Lo a: wx Ix 3 X 0, w LQ I-- m m 0 pm Cb Lj X MAL cr 4!, LL F- -041 U Ly 3H 40 UJ V) qui Cr uj LLI < w F- Of V) tn < 3Z Ell > NEW 4- r.4 UJ CN SIDEWALK (TYP N 5,326.40 N 5.325.58 .11, -1 r E 5,555.410 E 5'5 2.69 gSTAl�-0.2 LOT I P RELOCATED MATCH MATEXIST. 7-56.97 ' 1�1 CURB AND! GUTTER CURB IAND GUTT Oy A - A R 10b.00 ENO PAVE ENT TRAN51. L 65,88 FU' DEPTH SAWCUT C 64.70 C WFFSET 49.5'RT T 34-19 PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH 'AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) DOE NO. 5154 sm CITY OF. FORT WORTH, TEXAS AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION SR Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY 4055 Mtemational Plaza. S,ite 200 M Fort Worth. TX 76109-4595 AVENUE H Ph— - M17) 735-7300 -6 Fax - (817) 735-7491 LOT 2 A.VD jC:9-QV'T1Y 139.0' OF 1,0T .3 U AWL m Zr. N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET SCALE FIGURE Ave!,I-3804_shL Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 09 } Doe # 5145 ]j 3901 Avenue H LOT 9-R , BLOCK 4, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 4, LOT 9-R, A-S. HALL ADDTION also described as 3901 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h. day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: JAMES THOMAS SR. (Please Print) (Signature) i I E 2 i J Q 1 InD In Q— >z M ¢_ W LJ1 O M ¢r [ Ul t d a)� _� � r LOY' ...R r» � � L€17, I1W m � � un. C 3i 7—B n>J s� "ram rn}���,2;m: t sa_ i�jFn" t •' Oq ,?;mac _' t6 M cm S W j N n)..C.. JID N��.,..., L L.1� Q [X J r—i-�}.Ouj to cnar Qr NEW 4' WtOE J 3 Ln '� r r OW to—v_r ¢� cn 1 h<U1 U1J c 4 _� SIDEWALK (TYP} -wr�i' Wc¢ w� vu:Ycr}i xis �wlr ` v t � 1 .. _ - 1ZM I It x �¢F NEW 4' WIDE v ^mot tl ^QF= to in to SIDEWALK (TYP] J ? A S:4T' F' I, N N JEAST if2 OF fi 1:l)T A 00 M Cn u7 LOTI3 J LiJ — 3 -� Oek Jul. • ;. c,cs- m. exi ar,as ewn=,+vas..var ues vn - ]^_!J FlsM:_ H9� rfFY WC211, 'f5w. Nr :,�r. na. � x& iir - F- s 2vavwr �. MRi 3YCRI.., TEyK�, �6A9 r} crs. *o. tac4xeszvs �" LY C := } I�YSS. SS•:% Y�rs gas= r 3 O i 0.iFTL:- Q O J ! �A-:.0 :. ] O J Q 'Xk .:J4R?t.T nf7� W — - �lj'� x xivi x� trnC3i (n x�`:. U�� x � KWIC La WC� xd 4 a PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) - DOE NO.5154 CITY OF . FORT WORTH, TEXAS r= ®® AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION 9'00 caq� Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY 4955 InternaGanolP 41111-1 x� Phone - Ifi17> 75-730 35-7,3 0 - - AVENUE H - o 0 o Fax - (017) 735-7491 N i 0 10, 20, 40, SCALE IN FEET SCALE V•L •0' 1 DESIGNED CL DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE AveH-3901.sht Paving and Drainage ILnprovements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 06 Doe # 5145 3906 Avenue H WEST 1/2 OF LOT 6, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 5, WEST 1/2 OF LOT 6, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 3906 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h-day of August, 2006. • BARBARA ANN GRAY (Please Print) (Signature) H x H h W Jra m x¢ ! I IE max¢ m I Jxa ,-- vl ¢I— a -ILA 0 v, �¢r F-� ;t 2cn ¢� d' m o v) �¢r �a to r- m;� m� v f. 9-F mom u,��Ifl7 ' S }��„ [per HO 4Y-i w'ifl r� 03 _ IY3F,wr ,--O�J j'j Er .�_myry" hcr<ens� - JQS l+l o f w O J ow NEW 4' WIDE � o= (A31i�¢r¢ tk[ Qw¢ � _ _ , _ xto Twa s! jg iflY , a -e OUR MQq -S 21? J,J-if;.bv, t 12 t430 - PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 's AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) W a DOE NO. 5154 £ti CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS `a MI AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION _�'� �Y� ?'FeeS� and i�1Ctc RIGHT OF ENTRY c: '-` FOSS .rtA TX 761 9-u, Suite Zoo 200 Fort Warth, T% 76199-4895 Phan! - 1817, 735-7E11U - AVENUE H #aac Fox - f837, 7j5-7491 ' N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET CL CL FIGURE A�eH-39C6-sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 07 Doe # 5145 3921 Avenue H LOT 7-B, BLOCK 4, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 4, LOT 7-B, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 3921 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`h. day of August, 2006. WILLARD ELDON WILLIAMS SR. (Please Print) . (Signature) d N 5,324.34 E 6,416;55 END PA MATCH EXIST. F-- FULL D CURB ANDLLJ QFF� GUTTER Jx¢ J2Q m JYa Jr¢ cn in i vl a n ? to v In o a of o n�gLo T 8" mm�� LOT f �iYWT T !' w LOT f m� Uw' .z�.Jr FF`� ¢ Q DJ W O ovi W DJ _l wm9 F-_t-JI Q Q Q TYP? txttt) rL" ? w� 'Vll.n rti ': -LL", xa xQ wa Irui w to 7 in V F 1--' � M mE - � r 11or � LOT A J ? u>J zar B $ — - :�KPr.Y9rT. T,'�t.'�Ji >9 'JY' vC0.. _ Tate. iRS 0 a. � .�53 - �Mll' t I:kl: Yv'YCS � J.iT.�.T. O OJ; Q oN�l V-Lg3 XO 3X0 IN 'J LOT C rA'En4e"��i •Tii_ llx N. IrNp- R.T �Xa PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) DOE NO. 5154 oaa _Gas r CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS auzm Em AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION AmUn Freese and NichOIS RIGHT OF ENTRY = d FOSS We,-th. EX 76109-4095 a -26O AVENUE H Fart worth, 7% 76109-4.95 Phwo - (817) 735-7300 _- Fax - IB771 735-7491 - - ---_ n...,.e, wt•a� .twcc,�c ...r.. n.... is �nnr; - nw.n!�K nt? :,o.,. ..•n... c1.r �.S.nn..•.t n... utn...n. ..? c..,.•.t a•,.u-xa»ax, EAST f0090 OF LOT 8 1V i 0 10, 20, 40• s AL,E IN FEET 1 F1GURF Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 9 Doe # 5145 4000 Avenue H WEST 1/2 OF LOT 9, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as WEST 1/2 OF LOT 9, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION also described as 4000 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry- shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: TDHB INC. (Please Print) (Signature) f MATCl4 UlC T. FULL DEPTH SAWCUT V CURB AND C OFFSET 49.5' LT GUTTER 37' r -m r r r �2Q J JSa r J=Q hU to J a � � a W T OF LOT Irl-'� aa— s,u7' ri =w �at= ,a.0' i -71 Ay.f< ff fk3 [}JfS�Y � i F` ,ri 50. lift' ,c m Q'rc rni gl� - of U a -� Ul CJ J 3Etf Xo zz ��- ~o �wXq � U ^W Z; r,w c) 10' INLET �i--�LiD'INLET ¢rNEW �r < 4• WIDE a ] SIDEWALK (TYP) aI 7:,! Kom oq dS7 !D 0F Lei' &�J,57' YJ?. OP LOP 5"T Y12}' lliT �a'7s94" £'.2.t1' t17` LQi' f€! - w sanvf ?x.a?'w - w�ir35 C>' eFziw, Y,ci..:sus:=. ,[7 i.C.. Mo..^'hRY-5:.>;i � , i rai'xars3, LL' i xC.,wt 3•n. /X''s... �G?� ii r O � � P� � T}.s.44k' 4 uj z In in _ ; to 0 n - - vz 1xir �wro�a ic•r E xd I PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) DOE NOo 5154 M CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS ®i AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION 8. Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY -_ol � Fort Worth. TX 75Plata. S.95 goo - AVENUE H -��e , Fort - (8 7% 35-73 0 - Phone - t8171 S-7491l30 - __aa >=o. - 1817) 7]5-7491 - n..,,...:w�.,,, r.Wna:�F :...... >..,. ,F �nnG _ n,,.,..,a .., ,,.•.. _.m �... ...............:. ,..o:•,.. ... G..,.:.....e.._ae.:n .,,, N i 0 10- 20- 40' SCALE IN FEET DATE 136/23/06 SCALE 1" 40. ❑ES414FD CL DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILF A,ieK-400O.Sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 10 Doe # 5145 4001 Avenue H LOT 10-A AND NORTH 50' OF LOT 10-B, BLOCK 3, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 10-A AND NORTH 50' OF LOT 10-13, BLOCK 3, A.S. HALL ADDITION also described as 4001 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, - Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time' -,the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. 1 Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151" day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: LUIS AND ELIZABETH MENDOZA (Please Print) (Signature) MATCH EXIST CURB AND CUTTER r Q ' d ! E'_16'0 1 I I i jig!r30' tom; a'' INLET r k- h x max¢ r sc.F=_ urea r ofxQ I, r r I�=a Xw r €n # NEW 4WIDE SIDEWALK (TYP) ^¢� tn AST FT3 'lam {}F I,D7' 8 �6Q to � WA'ST 112 OF LOT i — t [O r ' LAST �¢r i � EI- E. -A' }sy- tjz OF GOT �}J crixs� aoWAST 62.O' OF LOT iO y '. :: rr"�:tM'.. , F • (Bc': pg' } — cr }i : T S'"E� :..��.p:.av_rn cr: •- ^_.LF.. J M1 �-- �. e` f'SY . ^..i�aa:.3:f O J v.=..r. -r. ED : f Y[%M 'TJ, 1(1 d' i a::z.i.-.i. Ill 0 45F X(i!tM, IEk}S_ ?d�09 cr.- O J 0 Z rCl" vl3 r In:w— FFd r¢„�Fh*� - ; 5.1. 0o p na vl�v—1,5 PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS s AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) x r � - DOE NO. 5154 n CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS �® AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION 9000 �gep Freese and IMi1Cr101S RIGHT OF ENTRY -� Fort inlernTX 76lriS-4 Suite zuo AVENUE H Fort Worth•.ti 769"c. Su Phone - 18173 775-7200 egg= 1- - 18771 735-7e91 - o n..,,.e, cwnem _rWnF:v. n,.:.. n..., la mnG nns..-.r n.. ne... m,.... ems.: •.+:r. n..•.� e,.. u.o..... „r c,,:., w_ennl .Fl N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET NO. SCALE 1" 40' DESIGNED CL DRAFTED CL F€GORE FILE AveH-4001.sh1 Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 09 Doe # 5145 4004 Avenue H EAST 1/z OF LOT 9, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 5, EAST V2 OF LOT 9, A.S. j HALL ADDTION also described as 4004 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right 6f entry becomes void. f This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h. day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: MARTHA McBATH (Please Print) (Signature) M T =. f yuiT�i3;_ J c i i m` n10' INLET j l l rvF'_i:lti f O z�MEE vt f arn��� F F �za za NEW 4'WIDE v (n ` vUV, ()Of SIDEWALK (TYP) ' AIA'`T �} j 'fir � 1063a for a EFT 1/2 OF LOT WEFTol, O EAST 1/2 Off. LOT c�rJ goATi'�Y 6,',0` OF LOT 10 q,d - car 3 ? 1- - •D } i m , OFKkckc�i Ke B:i. u11:L59•.EFFt. zEn LnV: FaaL(FC7� A V0 i h�4w UVO _ .FC�3 O I Uz -n41.abj11w Q - IIg - i i 3 j PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS z AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS o3;q AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION 9nga Freese and NiChOIS RIGHT OF ENTRY r.� 4055 W.... ti—I Plarn, Suite Zoo _ a Fort worth. Tx 76,p9-41195 -AVENUE H $5in� Phone - (917) 735-73011 - �9£o Fax - (817) 735-7491 N i 0 70' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET FILE 1" •u 40' � - CL CL FIGURE AveH-4004-sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 11 Doe # 5145 4018 Avenue H EAST 50.0' OF LOT 11, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as EAST 50.0' OF LOT 11, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION also described as 4018 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15'h. of August, 2006. :A •C MICHAEL PETTY (Please Print) (Signature) r~ Q nun I 11 w IZ-�e:ka I: a: fit] a € 10' INLET 1411 �.,�H ' _ m r - 15' ISLE s oCr r� � C)w Cr � .' � t ¢9,F U I V' � i In Qt EAST SJ LOT iil � j m�� w LOT 10 wvs 7'Al 17° OF LOT €��-' I' �;5a.G' OF Lt�1t PrBBT .54-£?` F3� Li)7 1d m� 3'ST T4.(�' ��5 .21D }8'L3 i'(5� c ,+s vFr C`� . S M!%� 1 - ♦�N# , r 3- � � .scxvx. �cm I ,re rF ec�r xono: ? 9.'iKk. '"r3A5 I'1 fN1L i6(8i� l�kiY Yh:Y Q1 � �a � ash W '. Y ,ev�f. ar WqY !tCi:nS �'� f�i� E %IS T rg ar l a o OF-3i ~ w a "'� YV AND GUTTER fs 1--r- F �O ! N}'�O I N. r�F-� w0 {j1V1 I I X i i X itd3 WN CYW [V PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) 3 _ r it o DOE NO. 5154 �i moo =oee Freese and Nichols 4055 IdernmlunelS4u:.. Spa. 200 Fort Yl-th, TX 78109-4895 _ Phan! - f[1175 735-7300 you- Fp+-f8171735-7491 N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS - ` --` —FTw06126 DATE AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION SI ALE 0"-4fi 44' RIGHT OF ENTRY DESIGNED CL AVENUE H DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE - AveH-4018shi Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 08 Doe # 5145 4027 Avenue H WEST 631/a' OF LOT 8, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § } That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as WEST 63 1/a' OF LOT 8, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION also described as 4027 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the } extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this } agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th. of August, 2006. 14"7.�►017�I� EARNEST JARMON (Please Print) (Signature) R ¢ �YQ LOT 1 Vl r� _ a 6o c' t'C 1.wq 1 � Vl t64 1/4' L�' Lf3a "v<t Cf d1i- ?' •~we 5.:,5. Qi- M 2• 9S-_ 5ic2 ✓1)� I R3} I�x< F"' F y. .31:.5 a g co cr—g n 3 I n 01 n C]J _ 0 ce 0 a d tLI Vl ¢ !n 1/1 3• ¢ Nt/FJI ¢ V} F . F- I{7J _ X � X :.- Jr< i :4 to d. to i a ul 57' t,/c OF Lt1T* i 7 1/Z ofi, CGl 7 rf1 ! rf7 my.va.-u - I.,a a d a r—rF- (/SJ ��� —NEw a'w x i=wc�i / SiDEIVALK t ,'';ErOg l- 'b0i4 �448'+ 4 f 9 Agi>4�+1 ��OiDdAR 'i 44oD'I�'A 03 �' ` `�sa�o� aQ ore°8 oaaae°°o`►�o$eo+eaa lilll 11h1�A O.�SA.. �'QI.�:' � Vi �Q _. ♦r u i • =a �xa ¢ uL�1 Iczia COI w Y to F-, v '¢ In LAST 60 �E -!�F 1,07' 10 WEST . 'ts OFLOT f3 r a Q r—h� F- rj �wc>_ rw� r I ¢ aarcu.cr =sis,., J La er o r t !g ,ham .t(l-£S' (1F Ldr,, i t' 1?b'ST J.Ft' OF LOT 12 61ST 54-0' NF51-2ZT arm:-•. ®r++'n ? - - . --,xi>< � >- �:at :a a� 910.95 ,ii. L aAie ria<:xue a > s wvv � u;t 0� EXIST',,:- .rocncxu.:, s �t> =u Q rr a`GUTTER I— to 0' 0 3:: ofLL1 Xa0 7 Xa0 11 Ld. WN o(x Cq wN � 1n // ll PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS o AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) a DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS �c :3= ro To AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION FPeese and ichols RIGHT OF ENTRY 40551ntarnutiu,vl Pluzo,SuRe 200 w -Fat wulhT7109-4H95 Pnna-561737AVENUE NUE H F.. - (017) 7539] o nrr..e. rwren, e.wne.�s n.,.e. n.. n..arcz s.r ue... -.,n— rae, .....,�a..-. n..- 4 �. _r r.,r..•. e,.r.-anv� eF< i N i 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET DATE O6/23/96 SCALE 1•' - 40' DESIGNED CL DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE AveH-4027.eht i Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 12 Doe # 5145 j 4030 Avenue H EAST 54.0' OF LOT 12, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 5, EAST 54.0' OF LOT 12, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4030 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. 5 This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h. of August, 2006. GRANTOR: MARIA PREDIADO (Please Print) (Signature) 0 4 WEST 60,0' OF LO (A 83 114 OF 1,018 1IR of unv n c -,c 'T 1,12 OF 1.OT 7 1/2 U-P- 1,07 S cd co 00 to CN : 'm coit < X —01 [E o of (0 VI -j' V3 Sn rr (n r NEW 4'WIDE U' N 01 C5 .... . ...... .• 0( I,- tn u kn uj to Off` fo LOT 60.0' OF L€ I I + WEST 54.0' OF LOT 12 6VST .54,0' 7t >- t: of 3: 00 =Al 3Jt u. %� CL You: LLJ L0 U) Im M:u w ED tAd X ra U)W w cc ui 04 Lu Cq PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) .2a DOE NO. 5154 moo CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS Z. ir AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION =Nl' ZZ Freese and HiChOIS RIGHT OF ENTRY 4055 Irit—tt-olPl.m. 50te 200 Fort Worth. TX 761CI9 -4995 Phone- 18171 735- 73CO AVENUE :H x 9- 2-6 \ Fox - (817) 735-7491 N 5,241.32 1,07' 1 E 6.935.18 MATCH tX15T m CURE AND GUTTW END PAVEMENT TRANS. FULL DEPTH SAWCUT C OFFSET 63.0- RT N i 0 10' 20' 40, P� SCALE IN FEET DATE 06123/0§ SCALE , 1- - 40' DESIGNED CL DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE AveH-4030.uht Paving and Drainage hnprovements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 07 Doe # 5145 4031 Avenue H WEST 1/z OF LOT 7, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 5, WEST 1/z OF LOT 7, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4031 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which ' time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`r'. of August, 2006. GRANTOR: CHESTER I. McCURRY (Please Print) (Signature) f J Q Q < m Ir} UI i/F M U U7 ; D5'9f:{i' OF L(J{r r 0 83 ;/€' OF t,i}7' 4`7' ?jt tar" ).Gibti s ., i J/,: F f ' 1 P,co m - 5 - 4. rn Q i 4 F- FH I-rr 1-- �"r r F-- In v_»; v, cn� rn—v_7� v2 v45 rn T_ NEW 4' WIDE v1 v4 wM 4,Xjan+�"n XN51D�.WALK wa 10' INLE — 1 aF xxF r ON 15, 1IIn�ttTxaF-- _� i 72 Q b' Cn V) :2 a ,n Lo I LOT s�r`J n 50.0, or L> €1 JFAkS'T 54.o' OF LOT 12 d1 ST 54,0' NFS. 1_2 N 5.241.32 I -UT 1 M n: i n 3ltwZr 00 n x3 sm 0 �s � �'"ex .910.95 € E 6 935.18 x'45:a try :aa ass,-i3 oGr swnn�td�:u�n 00 rrxr uesm� EX15T' `"4-� MATCH EXIST. ra.r x xcu_ea,a ccr w,. r 6A.i WQ 1MMT E. [a � � AND i CURB AND _GUTTER- In wrr wpFL Y:m CUTTER }I W Y� Xp xao w...a - jr� 1I Lv �3 wa wN 0w £ CVwN cr - .. I END PAVEMENT TRANS. FULL DEPTH SAWCUT I _ OFFSET 63.0'RT I ' I - � z a N PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 20' 40, AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) SCALE IN FEET ~ oaa DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N JOB Ro.TWO6126 ;yaATE m AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION SCALE 06/3/46 1- _ 40' RIGHT OF ENTRY DESIGNEDCL FreeSe and PliChOIS 4055 fnternolionofPfozo,SWte 290 DRAFTED w' Fort Wurtr'. 7) 76199-tB95 AVENUE H CL FIGURE m �N `, - Phone - 16171735-7300 Me-403ish[ su'ou Fo. - MR) 735-7491 FILE _a c° Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 07 Doe # 51.45 4035 Avenue H EAST 1A OF LOT 7, BLOCK 5, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 5, EAST 1/z OF LOT 7, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4035 Avenue H. Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, i is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h. of August, 2006. GRANTOR: TERESA M. MORRIS (Please Print) (Signature) I W I 7— J�Q J2a J=a Jam¢ J=a e J Q $` I J 01 1,0T.4 � 112 OF LOT ? G 51 , � OF If) � � �� 10 � = m 4s`'7 �;' ?- 1x'.'sc —sac -sue: N } r7 ?- --- ; - e I r7 —f• `' • a P oQ arm sw 1' O J }ff ' Y¢7 }j ?- Vtis.�`ai fiiY - ?�4r. 3aa i� �— %- W"•. 1R'.�1.. A ( } N3: 5rF s 5 J L 4i `SI PF s�U)eE o I a 3::r N(O�[ to {n J Qd to E to cn 1-2 o-i aNpW� In - xMc=7,�•n,;;.s:c- xm I NEW 4' WIDE I 1^ - X� WN 3Ln � ut w o � ¢' ( O p6J0SIDEWALS xN e �1►Gr9 }� �dP�`� •aa db p�b����h 7�44�;44p`�j rV�gY�p� � `� ��44�� .t�6Eil�b�� y 1 �415!r1� u���t�rs0446'�b�`U4,44+iiA�3$d��. 'Y�.?OiiAQi U �=c>s.Ae Ss L4 N LwrTLw - } � to � 2 ES7' .54.0` OF LOT 12 G' 'ST .54.0' NF5 f-2a :I � N 5.241.32 LOT f ">>-: =!m: Rom:: nra IS,ex M�,rE `. 910.95 '�_` EXIST I' E 6,935.18 •<wa x�e1 -. zc aY. „" MATCH EXIST. cx;,n 1w.w;it nx.Lrslcs ���-F. 0 C I .+ .1- CV CURD AND GUTTER=:rt."r."" w� o.=� GUTTER Ed i I Lnxm i w _ I � x0 .�-WK I ! ~ END PAVEMENT TRANS. j I FULL DEPTH SAWCUT I I I t OFFSET 63.0' RT 40' ET � PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS =_ am® AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION m a =ae� Freese anal Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY m Fl u a FOSS Internnliono 10-3-4 Suite 200 AVENUE H �.•,°, �' Fort Wertn.T7( 76r09-4995 1° ` Phone � [e17r 731 J011 I.171 735-7491 NEW 4' WIDE SIDEWALK (TYP) 6 N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET F&N JOB NO. FTw06126 DATE O6/23/06 SCALE 1" - 40' DESIGNED CL DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE MeH-4035.5ht A Paving and Drainage Improvements i Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 08 Doe # 5145 4109 Avenue H WEST 1/2 OF LOT S, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION E CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 8, WEST V2 OF LOT 8, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4109 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right df entry becomes void. Y This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. 4 i EXECUTED this the 151h- day of June, 2006. GRANTOR: FLOREAN YARBROUGH (Please Print) (Signature) W 7 Q dJ h3. 4WIDE 3X6 VALK [TYPS. 1� 'I I PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS a' 'c AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TOMILLERAVENUE) DOE NO. 5154 Y CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS a�3o ■ AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY p g j 4055 -th. I ionol Pleza, 95 200 Fart Worth, 7R 76109-4995 Phmre - 0171 735-7300 AVENUE H 3 o p! Fox - (317) 735-7491 � rJy X<-• tL^EL4 I E r� rw„ N i D to, 20, 40• SCALE IN FEET I" - 40' CL CL FIGURE AveH-41p9,Sht Paving and Drainage improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 02 Doe # 5145 4110 Avenue H LOT 2, BLOCK 6, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 6, LOT 2, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4110 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right df entry becomes void. 1 This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h. day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: JOHN WALTZ (Please Print) (Signature) F I J�Q 0T 7 T V, of, LOT Fi Ln vY d nJ 4' WIDE TZ'i9ALK w Y r m I J J Q UN Q I Y F'td1ty/2 of,' !OT a i MSt' 112 0P Le, -,= 10, N'i� u.:.?. _ -` NIr x Wm N }r 0. _ w Q OJ Ow I Q t--_r�i X:U XQ �,, wm 1i XaQ �wN PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) < 3 DOE NO. 5154 K=f - 1 L _ w m M - J Q ON J=Q ' #/2 OP 1,12 Of" LOOT 1 CO ate, .c - Pu _ Y r �j NElfw N Cr o «i 31n ' w Q I to 1n J Xa1 WN =U Cr Km —WN 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS =o ■� AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION Freese and IRi1CIf10lS RIGHT OF ENTRY P� For, Internot1,761 -1 Swta zoo - AVENUE H 405 Inle 5X 76mum sti - - nLm,e Ahone - f8i71 735-7300 }ag- F.. - 18171. 735-7491 - - - - taen + I I 'I N i 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET DATc J4o� cL CL F1Gl3RE McH-4110sht Paving and. Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 08 Doe # 5145 4113 Avenue H EAST 1/z OF LOT 8, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as EAST 1/2 OF LOT 8, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION also described as 4113 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. f This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`h-day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: DWIGHT W. CROCKER (Please Print) (Signature) W W r °3 r r r �yq a U q J ' 1/Z Cyr" Lt3 ?%' (Jb 3U §= 9,/2 tF ' i3T 7 dt fJ�' .e.lbl f L 3 LOT FUx n &mil cl - L l7 T Lf1T a d' - I r n ac- azxbH - u - ._ca -3 ems-- _- b,a c.. -- wpe•:: :x cK�-_o e o (!1 s/j _ • �i F- O-- U L 4 w c. Q O l 7i C U m 3 y."-Y, a�, c:..,r; Wi f_e _.., } a' 3 U JO3 .t � r3 Jm }i N "11 N Q W N BJ a Q 1C O U �— N Q w W 0� N q � O N ¢ (Z' a N a M }j ♦nU =� s U1�USJ Z N (PJ ZQ ': U]3N_J - In"-'(nJ W FWLY 4� rWN UZMr 4 WN O yfN >�, a ti 'yI s �, ys -S•lA+l.-Ecj; ':RO'hliC:tiF ''RV."-^.a*'.Jw!..: - - �i`:-- -y' - '. J ., I - "' - - J WCI N� `�'.- ! iris'+•C.iF=i���aYi1J4�:-L �'.ti.�:9iiILlYfrir" tL��il. I,� 1 5, x�i. h'V i'[ jJ':o'&x I s-..I 1 '.if O In f tir3�!".� I c .. ,� s, _�. 7�xss iw• i .1 \—_ NEW 4' WIDE=a W 5=rr ?urn Yrrar q SIDEWALK (TYP) ����r0 �tea-Nqr � �U w } 0i COO NNNj rn; } !~ 3 i;+.wea:o .pcsu 4Q A rn- rN W J �.R'S.,- 0 J r�F- <n - 1n3::X��XO �O a N—ram ram; a Ili ro�3 x0 .-W� j �w04 I i oaf I '-W� �WR' N PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 ]o' 20' 40, +VENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) SCALE IN FEET DOE NO, 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N JDB NQ TWO6126 DATE Imuls AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION SCALE 06/23/06 ," _ 40* 1 Feces and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY DESIGNED CL 4055 Inlernmianol Pluzo, Suile 200 DRAFTED. Fart WUIth, TX 7009-4895 GL FIGURE Phone (H171 735-7300 AVENUE H . Fox - (8171 735-7491 - FILE - - - AveH-4113sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel # 07 Doe # 5145 4121 Avenue H WEST 1/2 OF LOT 7, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as WEST %z OF LOT 7, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION also described as 4121 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right df entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`}'. day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: MARTIN R. PEREZ AND GUADALUPE JMNEZ (Please Print) (Signature) w OF LOT fU w J w ` NCW 4' WIDE i SIDEWALK (TYP) PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) 5 DOE NO. 5154 L�gp ReeSe and Nichols 4055 tnlernot;onnl P1oro.5uite 200 'g� j fort wo,9. TX 76109-4095 Phone - (917) 735-7300 Fa. - 18171 735-7491 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION RIGHT OF ENTRY AVENUE H- N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET F&N JOB NO. - FTW06126 DATE 06/23/06 SCALE 1" 40' DESIGNED CL DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE AveH-4121-sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel #07 Doe # 5145 4125 Avenue H EAST 1/z OF LOT 7, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT. § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 8, EAST 1/2 OF LOT 7 A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4125 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th. day of August, 2006. Lei •\_00,0 MARTIN DE7ESUS CALVILLO (Please Print) (Signature) I O{Y 133 O� ;tu" Q ¢i vx W' 7/,- OY LOT y `f Vl f "fiS� fit- OF LOT" � ���,.iR ¢ r c)s�j: 6-� FC1T tr-B � ��f k r .t- z -,rsi - ,n;u nl '=C3�r.lx:o m C>4aeean. �iz.z O i m VO - aru' Wit.,r, Ot in-. l a r J I y: -.l E,}r-J 5a - J I M } }47'S-.,.P c W C3 i N X O N a' O N IX W 10MUA 0 O OW N O N ur 0 oW € ¢r t a r d a W �_�� r Y[Q3 V7 _ f/IJ U1 V1J fn (77 tn�NJ �U f/]3: n�, 0 LJ F� W rr] W t-. .^- W N W O - X[ - X fb Gd W N F �O Y N � f71 v r F W>- Oil ,LOT 3w°0 m�J ! NrJ LOT 4 r_r; I—Wh aO 7 lJil N LA N NQ O[CwF(on X f tiW X -WQ a m 10T S W:l6h JIK'. PPotIriP.G�9 1:4 i�fffa-`_ H 7Lan'i�l� `i0.:rcc 2 F � E 0 s PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS #z AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION �op Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY :'a a Fwt Iwiernetio APleza, Suite 200 AVENUE H Fart Worth, Yx 7S109-4g9S i .uNS - Phone - (0171 735-7300 - Far - 1 1735-7491 - -nn.rs nr.,... rwrem r.wn�nn n.,•., e.... ,c onnw nw.,�.i� e,e u.........., ra.. ,,.vnw..e.. e... u.w..,h, „r F..,r„, e•.�.._wnc .e. _r F SQ c : cn .LOT IS t } � •' ,�iz,'�s�rrct 1Q fl.RT.C:. •Xtt 1 W Ir1 G N i 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET DATE DRAFTED 1 FIGURE AveH-4125sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel #05 Doe # 5145 4126 Avenue H LOT 5, BLOCK 6, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 6, LOT 5, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4126 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h. day of August, 2006. WILKIN LAND PARTNERSHIP (Please Print) (Signature) f w m r r r r r r -A r r x¢ Jxa xa o� x¢ a a S 4. lJ' OF T k' � T � z (i t F TWA t U v as9S7�¢z� £1 Li}7' aF ¢� tM�� 7 - LCl"! 1 ^¢ S 1 ft { fig I�?' a ois'i €i)€ Of Lo m in ¢r isT. .3[°*AS. 0 y S -%mil: sJ - - k a ,, ^, I T?- N 3 N w 3 i w `r of 3 7 ifLnw 3: N 2' N 0 n' od' !] N R' N D of i NOS q d aW y In 0 uj C —l- rOwJ in In_ � ,tn vl_ _� ul in_ I �3�_ I ulR:u: 5< co ci� p ^ Ixi Er,/[�7 ."-WN wJ ! �4J Y'7[Y WN I r •L + 3 1 -_ S III 3 I : - . ri'r°� F�''�T LJ I II L - \ _ [ n. Mt, -a _ z �iaiv�`►�roe�r►A'Ica8oQQ�-��i.�s O" b^Fl�yPa « �1 .� � - _ y _ 1s4 ` - f 3Yue r a r r Yi !-� ^ate v ^¢H v ^¢Il- �J I LOT S .r> J LOT k aor LOT 7 'i $ y terns r,-a•'..>o ras[ rrra. �,'j }i } r r o a� ,yLn r V Ul - In - to N [I~f�1� Ul � - x� �W[Y xIt WM PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) z DOE NO. 5154 W�a CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS i . AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION Ono �'VoS Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY n6a 3 F.It -th. JTtiond Plnzo, Sadie 200, AVENUE H Furl Wnte ti 7610.... W ` Phone - (B77T 735-7300 �soo Foa - iBi7) 735-7b91 - - ,1 o io• 20• �o• SCALE IN FEET DESIGNED DRAFTED FILE 1 FIGURE AveH-4126sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel #06 Doe # 5145 4127 Avenue H LOT 6-A, BLOCK S, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS - § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT . § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant i and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 8, LOT 6-A, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4127 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, 'hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th. day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: MACEDONIO PACHECO (Please Print) (Signature) LO m o1n P LOT a, y - r �O W} O J 07 W c [� w Q r € Om �p wY LOT 3w(u PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) Y asa DOE NO. 5154 4i Freese and Nichols dew {055 hiernotiaeoi Plozn, 5ei[e 2�0 .w, fart Wer[h, 7) 75-730095 ��ti.� Phone - 18171735 -7300 �'a o— fax - 18177 73S-7a97 . CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION RIGHT OF ENTRY AVENUE H N 0 10' 20' 40- SCALE IN FEET DATE CL CL FIcURE- AveH-4127.sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H {South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue} Parcel # 06 Doe # 5145 4128 Avenue H LOT 6, BLOCK 6, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT . § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 6, LOT 6, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4128 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the- above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to. accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th.day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: LOUIS STEVSON TATE (Please Print) (Signature) r W m Q xQ xQ ov) LAST 4�� DF LOT QF �U - r Q> I VI T 6-ico i W n n : n ow . 1713an_1 fix_ Wm - a x W Y) ..., .,x ec r )i1 [�3 - x c0 -- W CM of FY U W � G r�4 r 1 4 10T 8--B a <S-` 101.0' OF LOT S LOT-71I 101,3' OF ;fj7' - i6 iWJT s N ir N jr C. n n p rn3zrz. tR rn [ v - X4 w Y) X00 W N (r ny a /r10 ! I t �! U FFn a11A Q - } ) - LOT 5 I; LOT B to}? LOT 7 (` .rx+, n5 afit: g� } iR4 a3li".:I¢+ :u� y; AMttS F-0i fF ss!sx 3; } 0_' m rn ia9t !'si:.s 'ry :rx�:v:. ea3,. nr,[ s.�.a N M 3 :vx xs N cN�+ F� n n3ac. q caa.<-r x n�. N3N� t~n3W- �3�3 ,^-•W� x�XO Wr'1 - .... L.IN �I,irr PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) o� DOE NO. 5154 z n CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS Ono `z AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION Gram Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY qua - 4055 Mternoiional Plaza, Sate z�. - AVENUE H Fort Wroth, T% 76109-4895 Anon. - 1817) 735-7.100 - ' } n n F.. - 1511) 735-7491 - _1�e - n..:_p, rwcem a-wnw, n...., a.... ,a vnne-n9:.a:ea e., iko-, _.M ra.. ,.-.v _e e.- �.o.,.�i-.i e..r.,,♦e....,-e,so ... ,i N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET 1 FIGURE Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel #06 Doe # 5145 4129 Avenue H LOT 6-B, BLOCK S, A.S. HALL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 8, LOT 6-B, A.S. HALL ADDTION also described as 4129 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right df entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15"' day of August, 2006. J.N. HESTER (Please Print) (Signature) s PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) 0 `s DOE NO. 5154 oo ir Y� m i9n Freese and NlChols 4055 Intel—uanoi Pioza' Suite 200 — F t Worth, Tx 76108-4895 `� .Phone - 1817) 735-7300 - o o ° Fo, - 1817) 735-7491 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION RIGHT OF ENTRY AVENUE H I N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET 1" •J4p' CL CL FIGURE AveH-4129.shL Paving and Drainage Improvements Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel #05 Doe # 5145 4131 Avenue H WEST 54.0' OF THE SOUTH 101.0' OF LOT 5, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as WEST 54.0' OF THE SOUTH 101.0' OF LOT 5, BLOCK 8, A.S. HALL ADDITION also described as 4131 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time "the above described. temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`f' day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: L.J. PARKER (Please Print) (Signature) 4�v 1 JZQ i UI 2Q U.{/1 Qt� [ ~ W I J=¢ - - /ate 1Y TI I� y3, ci* .{) i.}[ Rd li 5, rY z� !� ii! A.'r'�i [ J . V �}�'� S�fA xS f7'_I _ r r :f}7 r °cc : tT G-? ¢r ^ate S �R ( 1013 1` OR 7,0 5 SO 101-0 (3�' LOT , c��-,s=xz rn_stC fO %'� i�tt�p{{ +.e, F -. - _ h :. Tins �E:,• i d'k � l- � Y"',.aeL]} � .+biR � C-.. - R U30•r..� j.. ,x Now N 3 NOf ns3d CCq o C33 af rOrr Oa - Q Q w—F-J J ~J=11 rWr 'v J r;. a.N4'vc zoo WC-4 i - xCu ."—WN afp W xol �WIh WN �W[ 3F00=-'�(}Q - M17 V) �} U W ^ar; .fir Loll .5 LOT s �o uc�n xKFa:: x rf'_1 s39 �u R S:PG.F hW M 1 Uj N I 4\ � �U I - Ql-- ! N cr — I uri3uri� �i 0 ;rWa � N 8 PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 20' 40' AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) SCALE IN FEET - DOE NO. 5154 4� o o II CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N JOB NO. FrWOW26 DATE 06/23/06 �� AVENUE � H RECONSTRUCTION SCALE 1" - 40' ami'oe RIGHT OF ENTRY j,;6 Freese and Nichols DESIGNED CL m�'� - FOSS knle[xTx 7BPlazn, Suite 2JJ0 Fork Worth, Tx 35-73 0 - Phoxa - (917) 733-7306 - �IyI AVENUE DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE AveF3-4131shT soo_ Fax - f9177 735-7491 I I - - I' Paving and Drainage Improvements l Avenue H (South Ayers Road to Miller Avenue) Parcel #02 1 Doe # 5145 4140 Avenue H LOT 2-A, BLOCK 6, COLLEGE HEIGHTS ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS . § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as BLOCK 6, LOT 2-A COLLETG HEIGHTS ADDTION also described as 4140 Avenue H, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the. aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`"- day of August, 2006. GRANTOR: CARLOS AND ESTEFANA SANDOVAL (Please Print) (Signature) Q F-11 OF LOT �}J Long fr Qw� �a� � X �W .as err-.-�,.. � r ¢ ¢r -OT 7 }J ¢ a J :46X ff7f 1--A LOT 'x-i'►�-$: ur N 5,322,33 w` g. E 7,751.95 ..-.-.,. ui g"'"`3x._- n ! MATCH EXIST. r } CURB AND GUT ! rw 3Y NEW 4'WIDE I SIDEWALK (TYP) <o < w 0 0 U,D' a Z w € op I. Z y HANDICAP RAMP r-- TYPE 1 0 d. _ — ._7.' '' _ 20 61_E. +' AVENUI H END NEW FULL DEPT STA. 27+4E N 5.287.9. F----j , j E 7,754.21 L NEW 4'WIDE & xx¢ ? t> =a NEW 4'WIDE aA. SIDEWALK (TYP1 T-cr v ua SIDEWALK ¢ F Q N_ LLJ CD03 ` mpg — 1c .tt�:+k x Ld +ra..zr iLc s:ct z�s y_ iar nr, -:u.� mn:rt .:sxu. rrka j � N $ wof .•=:rr aiamj ry'g,. ,a, N 5,253.3 sic .tfiwx qaa E 7 751 4 6 a fD• ¢ �3N� I -I o .,_ ; i a,xn I AWN I a `crn[r a .r - MATH ET;.„,- CUR1%1 1;UTER a,xv I' LLI Ld J PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AVENUE H (SOUTH AYERS ROAD TO MILLER AVENUE) iT�]�►[1�i71jiS: CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS Y� rm I AVENUE H RECONSTRUCTION I�Pes?se and Nick�ols RIGHT OF ENTRY m F0 l 5ltM. TXs.. 6109-41 sots zoo AVENUE H a.E<' Fort tnte 6 IPI -aB95 Pha-- - 1817) 735-1300 - nc ° F'ex - 113R1 735-7491 El"F . mrnm —... — Imo..- et. - Anne - na —. — ::..., — tea..: --- ... I a...,.m....-11.:...vn:..u_eun— N 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET F&M JOB NO F T WO6126 DATE Cfil23/06 SCALE 1"-4G' DESIGNED CL DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE AveH-4140.sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Court Street (East Vickery Blvd. to Dead End to the North) Parcel # 01 Doe # 5145 2801 E. VICKERY BLVD. WEST 50.0' OF SOUTH 150.0' LOT 1, BLOCK 2, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the Undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a . temporary right of entry onto property described as WEST 50.0' OF SOUTH 150.0' LOT 1, BLOCK 2, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION also described as 2501 E. Vickery Blvd., Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`' of August, 2006. GRANTOR: . LELIA E. COOK (Please Print) (Signature) w N 50,212.29 w ENO PAVEMENT TRP E 19,988.36 moLn FULL DEPTH SAWCU t-mom MATCH EXIST. t y OJRB AND rti ;OFFSET 50 0' LT c�z 8 TTER I cox ! 49.992.12 a k m VT 19.9$8.28 3 CH EXIST. wr F n x= a Ica a �W Wr 8 AND y—,'`P w cn _wh r cn " s ¢w TER C rfP �rx— x0_ -. � n Z_ vxi� atai ¢`N 50.230 y= �r� - o mwa wr r ^x om k. of� oXMATCH EXIST. uJ :CURB AND ZY o ¢ �w GU7TER 7_ J ow aui �cn3(A ~ ow �tnw 1 ~ o r r �w minul CE i` O i W _3 i rlp i \0-- w 0, -- I!g;-c "' CENTERLINE r �' i✓ `e ' p0. Rr @CS N & f a,211.9i I Q ' 19 � ¢ r 056-05 I - w�''. H EXIST. j g 4' WIDE NEW LLI { AN0 GUTTER SIDEWALK (TYf Di 49,991.98 b } A�q nx !1 W W ? I E 20.057.34 ^` ` I E 20 057 12 MATCH EXIST. ¢ a�� p $ 3 _ r, €" i r�rr t i MATC�i i Ci1R8 AND Gl177E1i_ .-_-_-.-.-._.._.---------_.� __.____—_._cnrrr� �v -- t i ; CURS ANDLZ ... 1Y� ��� .— `QwN 1 I p;� W �N Z41. z Q END PAVEMENT TR FP€Y'LL DEPTH SAW > lC OFFSET 48.0' R- PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS y COURT STREET (EAST VICKERY BLVD. TO DEAD END) DOE NO. 5154 a CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS '4�� ■ COURT STREET RECONSTRUCTION 18 a1 o. RIGHT-OF-WAY ENTRY Freese algid MiChOIS n a V.rt int�rnntiOn 6109-4 State zpo COURT STREET Fort worts• 7X 76 Pi zo. 95 mom` _ Alone - {H17I 735-7300 u a ° Fo. - 18177 735-7d9, - n...,.. ANM.- z 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET E1 CL n FIGURE Paving and Drainage hnprovements Court Street (East Vickery Blvd. to Dead End to the North) Parcel # 46 Doe # 5145 i 618 Court Street LOT 6, BLOCK 4, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a . temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 6, BLOCK 4, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION also described as 618 Court Street, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of ' the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant -Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated . herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. 5 This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, ' representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD -the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. 3 EXECUTED this the 15`t' of August, 2006. GRANTOR: HORTENCIA TORRES (Please Print) (Signature) F A u Wt Du 1-1'��• I IR7 r t `�`J � t o- k. /ice I- `�q` 4' 9 O eU sr¢ trxa xa _ d' V) 'S tz U U1 d, !��_� In V7 "€ ¢w '4 ~ far- UI ~'z'If rl, - H�� '< d �_ �k3 Ifl7 �� o d'!j �:. I mF- V5 fps.-��k w y h I DJ nA IQ wo. -f o gXc a 3XLA o-6 A & c�z. �Xo 50.650. xLA ^Wd' =lal EY. � I `-W� Mui I 4A..":SIT �W� i l N 50,730. E 19,988.5 - MATCH EXI CURB AND g a�GUTTER c r Ir Y (n 0m a. 0 � UI- a In �0 4' WIDE NEW E Z o SIDEWALK (TYP.)1 z p O _ 1 1 t L I S ,� t! LLJ i I W I j f C ] I N 90,G74.93 8 E a0 056.53 tp r` $ s a q , E 20,O5S.$3 MA CAI EXIST. "MATCH EXIST, W CU B AND GUTTER -3CURB AND; GUTTER V) ; r V j J END (I'PAVEMENT TRAA I I ! W FULLI DEPTH SAWCUT J j - - CC OF,�sET 49.0' RT PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS COURT STREET (EAST VICKERY BLVD. TO DEAD END) DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS R COURT STREET RECONSTRUCTION OMS Freese and Nichols RIGHT-OF-WAY ENTRY Fort orith. TX 761 lnxu, 5 eta zoo COURT STREET 405 Worth,TX 76309-48St Phone - (8171 735-7300 e o' Fax - 1.11, 735-7491 - - - AONw--- z 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET F&N JOB NO, FTWgfi126 DATE OS/23/D6 SCALE T' - 40' DESIGNED C:_ DRAFTED CLI FIGURE FILE 618Coufi.5ht Paving and Drainage Improvements Court Street (East Vickery Blvd. to Dead End to the North) Parcel # 05 Doe # 5145 620 Court Street LOT 5, BLOCK 4, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 5, BLOCK 4, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION also described as 620 Court Street, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way dine. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and ' singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th of August, 2006. GRANTOR: RICHARD AND REBECCA PAREDES (Please Print) (Signature) m 0 1' o r TJF. p I r c. gF N 50, 730.- E 19 988.5 I,r tT c s� a a o cn Y n r' g s x r CURBMATHANDI u7 J cN u7 to cc nnf Q a Q !aJ aJ - iE QN sin-ty IIn to �R�x4 1 fn3 aco zm ^'� �- _I -^ra ' 4' WIDE NEW SIDEWALK (TYP.I i I o0 vz \a- 5.0" =�e �10*fh'. 7•GC J. r t- q #� < j �=Q a2Q il-=¢1 ' Q -4 F Imo= w - ce= t v !n to fn I v� Qw UEn { , iaarQ~ r=n N oJ; a� ti r aJ tr a.1 0 x r a r.. o er j o Id ¢ ?� m {{ -1-3 5 Ai i IF -�3 u F te r ' ap ZH 1 3= k- I N 90,674.93 rn V),3 M Lnd ;; tin tno ?; �"3 39a' -'�'�' �z t1 Lq6 m� oatq' 50,650. 8 (!1 wa w� Lii x vac wlxdatr :�h t' �w� xp E D 056.63 $ E 20,05fi.63 MATTCH EXIST. `MATCH EXIST. - CUpB AND GUTTER ,MATCH ANDI GUTTER V) I € _j END PAVEMENT TRAK FULL DEPTH SAWCUT C, OfFSET 49.0'RT PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS COURT STREET (EAST VICKERY BLVD. TO DEAD END) 0 - A DOE NO.5154 o CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS "z 'A ■ COURT STREET RECONSTRUCTION - Freese and PlicftA[s RIGHT-OF-WAY ENTRY - 8v1` 4055 tnternattonol Ploto. Suite 200 Ph W-th 49 7) 35-734095 Phone - 16171 776109- 0 COURT " STREET - "� .6LLQ F.. - 4617) 735-7491 M f'.oiFw['anl GYWM1C IMF /1..1.! 0.... In 'lnM1e _ nn.d d.SS del Il.e.: ...n... ch.e Is:�:ftp....\!-..•..I�R:.,. .,e e..l.,.\n�n�.,,,.. .,.1 A=w-z 0 10' 20' 40, SCALE IN FEET F&N JOB NO, FT WO6126 DATE O6/23/06 SCALE 1"-40' DESIGNED CL DRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE 620courtshl Paving and Drainage Improvements Court Street (East Vickery Blvd. to Dead End to the North) Parcel # 02 Doe # 5145 728 Court Street NORTH 50.0' OF SOUTH 150.0' OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as NORTH 50.0' OF SOUTH 150.0' OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION also described as 728 Court Street, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h of August, 2006. GRANTOR: SUSAN R. RODRIGUEZ (Please Print) (Signature) N 50.212-2� r_END PAVEMENT TRP FULL DEPTH SAWCU 19,988. �VRB U) T C AND13s, �iT. 5QO'LT U2 Z) 49,992.12 t�.IT TER Fr k- 0 19.988.28 < -R- Mz C, Li CH EXIST. rl B AND yr - . < Li �S:� < TER S� N 50 230 (A 1�, 9 0 >7� ct� CIS E 988.08 jRYrc > 3f D, TO a:0 MATCH T H EXIST. "CURB WC3 ZY Lj >- (If < LLJ > AND 'GUTTER < Lj LQ R� 5z iZ, Ck: _2 Lj 41 < A 7 rju )U I" L-3 INN ` . N � `\ = � ti 4 3�i ` f d4 V p CEMT ERLtNE < > Ld Uri cn)- _j N 49,991-98 0 E 20.057.34 m 1 MATCH EXIST. ',---CURR-.ANDL--GUI.T.ER--.----,,, LILI > -4 � 0 055.D5 66MI. 4'WIDE NEW AND Wil I �K�_ SIDEWALK (TYI Ljks § "I LJLJJ IV 50,233.69-j Stvx en "1 21) 057 MATCH Eil 5417 C JR8 AND Q z nZF EIID PAVEMENT TR _j C_? FULL DEPTH SAWC OFFSET 48.0'R- ,0,,— Z _vft— PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 101 20, 40' SCALEIN FEET -COURT STREET (EAST VICKERY BLVD. TO DEAD END) DOE NO, 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N JOB NO, FTW05126 DATE COURT STREET RECONSTRUCTION 06123 106 SCALE T' - 40- RIGHT-OF-WAY ENTRY Freese and Nichols DESIGNED CL 4055 mte—c-01 Phom Suit, 2GG Fort Worth, TX 76109 -4895 Ph.. - (8171735-7300 COURT STREET FIGURE DRAFTED CL_ �zi;j5 F.. 15171735-7491 728court.sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Court Street (East Vickery Blvd. to Dead End to the North) Parcel # 02 Doe # S145 730 Court Street SOUTH 1000 OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRA.NT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant 3 and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as SOUTH 100.0' OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, GARDNERS SUBDIVISION also described as 730 Court Street, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing i the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as 'the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. s ? TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together .with all and f singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th of August, 2006. GRANTOR: FRANCISCO AND VILMA ARBAIZA (Please Print) (Signature) m od �e 49,992.12 , � e 19,988.28 I r4 CH EXIST. w a TERND ILI PIP 4• { E■ N 50,212.29 w m END PAVEMENT TRP E 19,988.36 FULL DEPTH SAWCU, [AATCH Exgzr. out QURB AND 1 :OFFSET 50,0' LT a °_ f ITTER I u x rye p �w x m to -1w k vl 1s d:Ci.. - ,tLA ot Qr - 4 a�� varies mr�;s_ nnoN 50230i �> �r-•. )r ofra 41Q ! ::E 19:"-98"g�.0^8— w> r rr am r� r3y O I !=v :MATCH EXIST. Lm W rva € Dj wr �03 u { ewa C1R8 AND nw Z� ' qV1 w 'wo € _ �� =�r_.� i €Gi1TTER �,. , r 4r .WQ r H-H d'!� ram. cn�Odcw¢ NX^I oaf UJ 377 t '� O' ? CENTERLINE F_ �^ a 9Q a"s 1 ca r x a _ - _XI°s. 4' WIDENEW m !�� AND CU TERM SIDEWALK (TYI N 49.991.98 ' �} i AX ,asp lxJ 1 s� E 20.057.34 - no P sa y s 1 N 50,233.E =, MATCH EXIST. ¢ 20,05j 4 MATCH >~XI s B ANO S D_Xn ,_ IE I C�1R :��It'ft Y� !42, '•a :� .'� ,0'q,�. - - ~. I < E¢i0 PAVEMENT TR c £� �� } -i FULL DEPTH SAWC rytF Q OFFSET 48.0'R- ' .M _a Ammmr- cr PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 1a° 20' 40' - SCALE IN FEET n COURT STREET (EAST VICKERY 'BLVD. TO DEAD END) DOE NO. 5154 5-�o CITY OF FORT WORTH,- TEXAS F&N J08 NO FTW06126 `_ ® COURT STREET RECONSTRUCTION ATE SCALE 06/23/06 - Freese and Nichols ENTRY DESIGNED CL - a ...2 1P Na 40551nlernolionalP3aza. Seile 200 Cor[ Ww,h, T% 76,08-4a9s - Phone - [9171 735-7300 - COURT STREET DRAFTED CL FIGURE F" - f8177 735-7a91 - FILE 730cvurt-sh( j` Paving and Drainage Improvements + Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel # A Doe # 5145 1004 Newark Avenue LOT A, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT A, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION also described as 1004 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension. of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is cortnpleted and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of ' Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th of August, 2006. GRANTOR: CONDIE M. PRIOLEAU (Please Print) (Signature) N 20,914.02' r� U E 98267'0�, IZ MATCH E #� : U-1 CI RB AND � GI,' T TER 5::�� ,�. `•� � �sr .� g��' w . Li 1 I ttl I M _ i Q ` C. U J 10 Lj C 1 r I Q --7 Of •I , u}J j r� azm - 4' WIDE NEW awl_ 0 W SIDEWALK (TYP.) ❑ BEGIN ALIGNMENT'] � w ❑ � � � U r Q NEWA,RK AVENUE � � ❑ : o o_ O; wow at" y STA.'0-00.0D 4 {w¢ F -r- � �oF Wo s N 20 11.92 o I j} In 3 cn to rn k r 11 A a IE 973.72 0 1w0 r oOwtYi I 3w vUz c� r o L a o� � r� �!-. r. O i{ r' ioi tl ¢ i P Q r _- ` �' Ian 0 I cn +} BEGINNING GAVE ENT FULL DEPT$ SAL�(CUT V STA-0.03M] E 97794.13 1 R2- - _ JJT - --- --y ---- --T N 20,898.91 It £ MATCH EXIST.. � : 1 11 € ¢w i�x 1, r¢ I j� "s CURB AND GUTTER � U _ f = x❑ � wry V, ' e�rtrV) Qom' � to - �¢~ 0 wt .J O Cm n3>- V}• j 41WIDE NEW cc3 Of ctn a I SIDEWALK (TYP,) t7zo K� rF• I - wOJ N- = wo1 - p� S `1 �anM ,' Z E F zi -�3 cnvlMi3 v,3 X R XO �� V XO I 3 Xr Ya_ YY9 # a``s x3d+`c}lo A '. Jr l•. Mr'.on N Mry ice' AW=w-z = PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 20' 40' s NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C TO ROSEDALE STREET) SCALE IN FEET >, o w DOE NO. 5154 o CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N JOB NO. FTWO6126 DATE 06,23,06 '.0 NEWARK AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SALE ," • 40' RIGHT OF ENTRY G9�� a Freese and Nichols DESIGNED CL DRAFTED' CL a, 4055 Ieternotioeai Pla:o. Salta 200 £art Worth, TX 76109-AB95 Phone - 1) - - NEWARK. AVENUE FIGURE FILE newark1004 sht -70100 Fov - 19ga 735-749t - - n� �., rw rrwnc,oa n_,a. ,c annc - nn,;a.ti• ��e... ......., ra.� ., , w...-�u._....m,...r ... r.,r........,,.�� . j Paving and Drainage Improvements 1 Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel # E Doe # 5145 1016 Newark Avenue LOT E, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant { and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT E, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION also described as 1016 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, Fhereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which ' time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the I51h of August, 2006. GRANTOR: VICTOR ANGEL (PIease Print) (Signature) I I .r a Jq J= r2q N �m 0� 4' WIDE NEW j SIDEWALK (T�'P.) m} '', rn> n� r OF N� _ NC3 fr YI C7cr� �O I i Q r-r O:J-- ¢ CI J ¢ roF-:C": r_r OJ zr y Vl . 3e 7Yi, En V] I VI V] 00 w¢ i L f _ I---_� $L7 E3t 7 uil a e 1 F: ti I I- L i �Jtyl r=4 ice, �._r�.. - ;`�=I I I i G' I �_ id'Z? as ! _ - Ln i v¢r1` : I vt to fE I ;t J v) i �¢H r (AVI �¢H S .. ^�� ; I �� �� 0 Sri to N�7- �r ;r V j ate} `: QM 41 WIDE NEW SIDEWALK (TYP.} ; ��x ffrq I r Mo�� ��> f NQ�� 5� - r Woa - O � r�H3 o_ i rOHN - wo h9,-: '" 0 1a-o�r�r� 0 Iq-_OrM 76 C UZ V, ><' � Y X `Sa_ .I i =r " V% N �-YtX - - Xf- - - V13U1 �Xr ff �' W- Iri�U7 r•2 Xr 3 mow¢ }+N XF r=wa J(ZrS --W� ura .M-w¢ - e fin �. z PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 20' 40• NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C TO ROSEDALE STREET) SCALE IN FEET DOE N0, 5154 No Irl Freese51-t and �11ChB1S FOSS Worth tion 6109-4 95 200 Fort Worth, 7) 75-73a 895 Fow - - 18171 735-7300 taK - 16171 735-7497 - NEWARK CITY OF FORT AVENUE WORTH, TEXAS RECONSTRUCTION F&N PATE SCAL RIGHT OF ENTRY NEWARK AVENUE - - nEsic WRAF FILE ..: P J40' CL . CL FIGURE nework1016.shL Paving and Drainage Improvements Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel # F 1 Doe # 514S 1020 Newark Avenue LOT F, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT F, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION also described as 1020 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor t will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th of August, 2006. GRANTOR: MARIO AND ROSA BANDA (Please Print) - (Signature) PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C TO ROSEDALE STREET) E a DOE NO. 5154 r M, �m 3m`tl iP `' a Fwee5e and N1C11013 4055 International Plaza. Saile 200 Se Fa l Worth, TX 76109-4995 - Phone - (fl173 735-7300 - 3 a c-' Pay � (817) 735-7491 LEI. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS NEWARK AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION RIGHT OF ENTRY NEWARK AVENUE �z 0 10* 20• 40- SCALE IN FEET SCALE • 40' CL CL FIGURE ner ork 1020. sh1 Paving and Drainage improvements Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel # F Doe # 5145 1021 Newark Avenue LOT F, BLOCK 2, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That 'the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT F, BLOCK 2, W.N. MCCORSTIN. ADDITION also described as 1021 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, 1 hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of --Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which ' time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15t" of August, 2006. 1091T,11,12 fl�77i SANDRA ANGEL (Please Print) (Signature) i _ 1 ,77Y j 7�Y �'' Ui/! Uf/1 - Uf11 d Vl[ �¢rl tY F U, �4w - I = —4'WIDE NEW p� °�J 04 ar �rJ 1 to v w J SIDEWALK (TYP.) ��r rn > I D }r_ i Cn € ° �> t Nn �+ ate; no���Cl l W 0 t-t rar` O_ corn a-, I I OJT O rWrrcn �J ? �dr3 s ,Y k ta_r3 i€ - F 5J a: 1 s W Q i!1 2 N L WIDE NEW 04 3:r SIDEWALK (TYP.) ° • oaf j ' oar I_orN j t-qr-eQ't 4 _ W a:qar vi W W �yy ' �yy i -- y Q A- I .' vt i r w 2 vt :r to F—f ac J n I _ e� J Cr nor hr on', now �a 0 W O o_Ln Q O_ p Q ;r L5J C3 or3 03 n �W i .'-la3Q yyyy _ f �Wcc ANMW--z-T---- PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 20' 40, NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C TO ROSEDALE STREET) SCALE 1N FEET DOE NO. 5154 S�f F&N JOB NO. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FTWQ zia GATE v� 4 ■, NEWARK AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SCALE ol 9 00 F. geese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY DESIGNED e 4055 tnternationaE Plaza. Suite 200 DRAFTED - =' Fort Worth, 7X 35-730095 NEWARK AVENUE - ` Fhana - 16171 5-749100 FILE C o�= Fax - 7i517) 7j5-7491 - - ----. nl�-4: cWr'an+ eYWnK.�F �..le. e.... Ie Anne - nn.lccn 4�� il.... ....+..: c. ♦.r�n�oe�W-..-.,.�o:..x, ..� c.....�.,...�.41n�i enl 1 FIGURE f Paving and Drainage Improvements J Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel # G Doe # 5145 1 1100 Newark Avenue LOT G, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT G, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION also described as 1100 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th of August, 2006. SERGIO ESTRADA (Please Print) (Signature) I v„ ��al �V, l— d�cni �_Fcn v_ aU1n d to 41WIDE NEW: v SIDEWALK (T3'P.) - > 3-- �3r R` . rr?:~ rn . rr31- 0_ OJ i Q_ DJ t ,25 Y Dl fn Ut , into U7 §i 0 Xri'-UxMx0 - I1 U IvUtn rUtn d'UU7 NEW 4'WIDE (TYP.) cVcc �SIDEWALK �of—!1 owax'^ jIIi 'lva7 4w o o�0rel0 r x 3- r4owo�� I r w8,- l Qxx w wa wa:In � E f@ PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C TO ROSEDALE STREET) ;w $ DOE NO. 5154 oa; €ems, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS :lm�p NEWARK AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION jai%o� - 4 LCMese and idiChOEs RIGHT OF ENTRY ^ "' Lina 4D55 Inlemalionaf Plaza, Site 400 Fert Warm, 77f 76109-41195 P1wne 755-73pD NEWARK AVENUE - f8171 Fow - t11171 735-M91 AMwmv-z 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET FILE :J1VV • 40' ca. CE FIGURE nework1100,sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel # H Doe # 5145 1104 Newark Avenue LOT H, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT H, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION also described as 1104 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property - for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15'h of August, 2006. MII_•C NELLEAN LAWRENCE (Please Print) (Signature) i �S v6 a ato ari 'v_Mvl s d, In �a� N 4' WOE NEW j SIDEWALK LTi'P.Y NC3 a� awOi--�J a ❑oi q O� tobD �-1-- -- 7 2 00 3 Ln. `c2' ;D 3i E' eUC7 i r _ W �x �=Q F- d rv' arut ar Qr In} I ar nom 0 � 4 J r0rr] r�H-7r X� x0 E la=E �� iQrtn- _ d,r¢� [mar co _ rn?,--j I iC14 4'WIDE NEW Nor nor Nor nor SIDEWALK (TYP.) o�� ' om � Mower ��rr� I vos � a C3- rc�V w� �rM Qwo auto awo� r <n N 2TN to to ,� > Ala r-WHr+oI-k-r•�T in � N Ir�r3 N N O v Xr rw¢� " Via"_ Xr -w � xr �wa� `tl - rwQ �i; "• I rw2 Irz # M V. I - : �k S AIPOW- z PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - 0 10' 20' 40` NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C TO ROSEDALE STREET) SCALE IN FEET DOE NO, 5154 ffis CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N roe R� TWO6126 DATE p6/23106 }3 1 rm NEWARK AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SCALE 1" • 40' I RIGHT OF ENTRY - and Nichols DESIGNED c� DRAFTED CL =' 6- 40M [-We 4055 InternTX 76109-4895te 200 Fgrt Werth, T% 35-734895 - Phone - f8171755-730D - NEWARK AVENUE F,cuRC FILE ' n¢wark1104 sht eo= Far - 18m 735-7493 _fl^_P - Paving and Drainage Improvements Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel #G Doe # 5145 1105 Newark Avenue LOT G, BLOCK 2, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § 1 That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant i and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a ! temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT G, BLOCK 2, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION also described as 1105 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and_ its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h of August, 2006. GRANTOR: MARIA GRISELDA RODRIGUEZ (Please Print) (Signature) 4d+ }. "a'si _ � •'3�_ %� nG' 'L 1 � �-_. X S F- F xQFAQ F V N �Ufn �Qt 1 �Fln � �a= J ;�Ul/l aF N::E �¢r_ = rD I �QL ci mi- 4' WIDE NEW f0 > > ! ! '°fir, �> r 1 °0r -J SIDEWALK (TYP-) � a, �w a m�} may -3rF oCC Q O Q F-F v cn FQ �O �n rQJ]I? Fc4n3n a `r l. Of� r 2. {1 _3. ! 2. 3�rj J JU t1 T41i , ' �QF cn -'WIDE NEW to �} RDEWALK (TYP.) I • DWF (n EnN ..QM Qh- rZ nr7l n ?- 3� • 3� �a I �01r n3tir�i x3 1 W cn 357,1Ame Tom; J )VI i d, u cn -J J r o0 W: C] I o f >cl i-IRA - XO ; S - ri PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS n 0 10' 20' 40' IS NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C TO ROSEDALE STREET) SCALE IN FEET ` DOE NO. 5154 s^�< CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N JOB NO. FTWO6126 =m NEWARK AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SCALE 06123;06 1 oma� EL ,...4D. Freese and HiChols RIGHT OF ENTRY DESIGNED CL _ 1 6 n�uax 40551nlernol5ional Plaza. Suite 200 Far' Warm, TR 78109-4895 - Phane - (BtJ3 735-7300 NEWARK - AVENUE DRAFTED CL FIGURE �ann Fax - IBt73 735-749t - - - FILE newark 4305 sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel #K Doe # 5145 1117 Newark Avenue LOT K, BLOCK 2, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT K, BLOCK 2, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION also described as 1117 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the -purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which. time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15t' of August, 2006. GRANTOR: BILL RICHEY (Please Print) (Signature) x F % F ' � tikes PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C. TO ROSEDALE STREET) o DOE NO. 5154 s= `" ` N CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS a� UI, NEWARK AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION o�oo '-11-1,� geese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY 4U55 Worth oX 76 Mon09-4 Suite Sao NEWARK AVENUE s'.Sa Fart Wnker TX 78109.4898 38.+.., Phone - f817) 735-7300 - =- Fa. - f8171 735-7491 - --_9 sli1.... ..-wnnh• ---un^n '!F n..s., a.,.. c '!!MF - nw.�i. sz nu iP... ...n... ca-. .....��i....-♦s....�rb�A..ws ..c..�...�..e.-...-�� �.. A. 7 .E DD DR' i LIN I i 2� A.mw- z 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET !11— 1 - 40' CL CL FIGURE neworkltI7.sht j Paving and Drainage Improvements !! Newark Avenue (Avenue C and Rosedale Street) Parcel #N Doe # 5145 1204 Newark Avenue LOT N, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT N, BLOCK 1, W.N. MCCORSTIN ADDITION also described as 1204 Newark Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. 1 EXECUTED this the 15th of August, 2006. GRANTOR: REFUGIO AND MARTHA RICO (Please Print) (Signature) PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NEWARK AVENUE (AVENUE C TO ROSEDALE STREET) DOE NO. 5154 Irm Reese and i�iC�BiS 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, TX 76100-4635 Phone - (817} 73$-7300 Fav - 1817) 735-7491 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS NEWARK AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION RIGHT OF ENTRY NEWARK AVENUE DRY LIMI ,mowz 0 10' 20' 40- SCALE IN FEET F&N JOS NG. F T W 06126 DATE 06/23/06 SCALE V-40' DESIGNED CL CRAFTED CL FIGURE FILE newark1204.shk Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 03 Doe # 51.45 554 Parkdale Avenue LOT 3, VICKERY HEIGHTS ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 3, VICKERY HEIGHTS ADDITION also described as 554 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15ih of August, 2006. GRANTOR: JANET ROBERSON (Please Print) (Signature) LLJ L i �- E :r J I �J II I iN i5,399.21 R ra E 4,957.79 I ` M TCH EXIST. CURB AND CUTTER N �aW 4' uVlpF� I i 2 z SIDEWALK —HANDICAP RAMP TYPE 1 n� —END ALIGNMENT PARKDALE AVENUE STA. 10.00.00 N 5414.20 E 4992.26 SEND NEW PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH SAWCUT STA. 9.57.02 N 5401.15 E 4992.29 4' WIDE ALK CTYP PIP xw asra N 5,399.22 E 5.026.78 MATCH EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) DOE NO. 5154 byaa CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS NO PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION. I - A Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY a Fort ortft. Txuntilog-u. ale Zoo Fort Worth. 7x 76109-�895 - PARKDALE_ - AVENUE o3'^a ; on °° w8'yo Phone - (017) 735-7300 Fox - (017) 735-7491 - nn �.. :.wren, •mnarea n..... e.... ,c onnc _ no. m.n� u, ,m.. ..,w... aa-:.-.w�n...P�..�-..,,...a.,,. ..r :..........,.�w.,,.aae .w, -Xs AWmw- z 0 10' . 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET Ci F:GURE Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 39 Doe # 5154 601 Parkdale Avenue LOT 39, S.A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 39, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 601 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`" of August, 2006. GRANTOR: ROBERTO NERIO (Please Print) (Signature) T I C%I to < < T�. ka C 066 '�4 43 jj- (A in win �U < rg cc < p T. < -0 th 3UTTER W In (n V) �n L- Z 0 x uj P� Ir w < ej z A g 2 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j 7 El r 6n. d 7-00 L V) L _j d ILI < a: W V) NE <t: a~ cn M;�j SIC Ir m oa Er in rim0 w c-) LLJ oa t '3: OF- wl. W EV ct: �( (A cc r LLj w cr cl c) tj 7- On' V) L) >*g. I- IZ: PRO L, to 6 It % Z4 t x 4, -0 0 PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) DOE NO, 5154 os CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS col PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION goo Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY 4055 Wernationol PlvZO. WIM 200 395 Fwt W.M. TX 76109i. 40 PARKDALE AVENUE Z!! Ph— - (817) 735-7 0 F.. - 18M 735-1491 AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' Z —'0-- 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET CL rl FIGURE Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 42 Doe # 5145 605 Parkdale Avenue LOT 42, S.A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 42, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 605 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of .Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its. employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15"- of August, 2006. 191:7:1 1►l1IM CRUZ J. ALANIS (Please Print) (Signature) Ln I € w rn } lco t w I la� a OJ j . M M-r1 Q iJl wUJ j kiJ r pp q�.i�� dY;; Fmhr- i PAVING AND. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) DOE NO. 5154 r 3� w i Cam 0 W 6C T. ; , I Yea aa4N sm'a CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS `4\" V M mooll PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION - Freese and N�icll0is RIGHT OF ENTRY ro a 4U55 3w1°,n°I;wnwipi°=°, s°"°°° I, TX 76709-4885 Phone - (817) 735-7396 PARKDALE AVENUE }a86 4�a Fax - (SM 735-7491 ni�..e- =w�eM1• [iwnnt�c n..r�r e.�.. tF �(.nc - na-tw-fin ear i.e.- ...n... cpe. v\:t\w...e\.. �.�n..t.l A:..ne ..e e..r.�\...—yn��a4ltn ane MOW- z ti-- ❑ 10' 20' 40' R SCALE IN FEET DRAFTED 1 _ FIGURE Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 43 } Doe # 51.45 I 609 Parkdale Avenue LOT 43, S.A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 43, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 607 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`h'of August, 2006. GRANTOR: CARLOS CARDOZA-CHAIREZ (Please Print) (Signature) cf 01 Ed aa i - �— i -€ F TTER i/1 U7 3 x I Z rO 1!1 to 3 F i N NO !'v 3 Ewa" ,z y� I s Jam¢ Q I 3N i fro o I X� zr ooy V Z .� —_ e-. i - - - ICY :I �� I� �� � .i -k i '!/j� �3l i � •� fw� .�- tAN "°i:, r=:. xWZ � J Ng x uj F i =F ( ate A t aIn xx € _� I rn f- i (A SID co ! h}J >cl 1'J r I ; IPI�J O[>; w- -m �� i s` �� n• ffr w 3 - o���h- a� ain a o l aJ I a o� er E a oaf _ g j z w- 9 cn E cn a� Ip j o[ I cYaA � ��� r. � ��'x� y�NN3 ; ���r. •p �, r -. - C CQ �� ��aC - g� y s •.1 I �8 �. �r.� 'y I � y (n �+' :`' i ��a �' � n� � y n �� `y i 5n. - O aI I >jv PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) "a9 DOE NO. 5154 o= CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION -a" RIGHT OF ENTRY Freese and Nichols n oa 4055 rnternaX 7611) -4 95 �Oo PARKDALE - AVENUE Fort Mter itc 76199-4695 ^'owe Ph - (6171735-7300 - �'oo� [fli7] 735-7497 - - - -QCO 2110�z 3 D 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET &N JOB NO. F T W O6126 )ATE a6/23/06 CALF 1" - AD' )ESIGNED CL !RAFTED CLI FIGURE ILE aorkda1e604sh1 11 Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 11 Doe # 5145 610 Parkdale Avenue LOT 11, VICKERY HEIGHTS ADDITION 1 CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY 1 STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 11, VICKERY HEIGHTS ADDITION also described as 610 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right 4 entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15t",of August, 2006. I A\_•M-1 ELIZABETH N REYES (Please Print) (Signature) - I ' -.4 END PAVEMENT TRANS. I� ~ Lid Fi1LL DEPTH SAWCUT ? �p � � OFFSET 39.5'LT � i/} SreF J 'fiq' J i r... R Yw_ :'�'hiY3: �`-' -ng_ar,3s� ^tit g�x G:.x 6 n;ano ,-s j; p"r01 am 90ow ` J E 4967.76 l a_ #aN F a o i F / MA�CM X15i. CURB AND GUTTER 1�IrXr �q ;zoa €r ;�3Xw _rV) I rat j ��t 3 '�Xo i rf—t-:� xo r �1alQ EE I 5rqq- t`t`t11 1il� W. s '.� Tq :aorlh' � � �7.0�1. � ILA F r +} 1 Iy sib I �¢lN-- „r r I - a~r f Fr �¢VI i 1 �¢tN- j i� I nib i G7� I 7z� N .J f5'1 )— _J )DE TYP.1 �r i ,p1,3r ianor�H- M�r� i m} utLo j �} i c a oa! d oM I aW0-i a pJ I o� ¢ oa Fn- re) gig 04�^g ! ; rya 4�` "? ! J�`�0 ' 3 I "y i y at IS 1 ;'^ Te ' ?c I za •'s� A i 'ECG .1', i. �. 5. a o 41 ao AMEW-z PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 2 0' 4 0' PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) SCALE 1N FEET DOE N0. 5154 'a F&N JOB NO. _ CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FTWO6126 ae ^ DATE Qo ■� PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SALE O6/23400' , 1. RIGHT OF ENTRY aesccNED CL QP� Frees aea PJiehols DRAFTED m 'tea 4055 inlernoU'—1 Piozo.5u',ta 200 CL FIGURE Forl Worth, 71 35'109-7340B5 PARKDALE AVENUE ` 'Phone - h' TX 735-7300 FfLE } o Fn. • (817i 735-7491 parkdole530 sht LLa- . ns=:_a, ewra�. r:wnuvc n,,.e; a... +n nnnc - noaaa. e.r „•.....,w�, ra...,.�n.,.,.........w.,is q..,a ,.r r.....n.,_..w.a.w�n o... Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 13 Doe # 5145 614 Parkdale Avenue LOT 13, VICKERY HEIGHTS ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 13, VICKERY HEIGHTS ADDITION also described as 614 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 1 St" of August, 2006. GRANTOR: SERGIO AND CYNTHIA PEREZ (Please Print) (Signature) END PAVEMENT TRANSx� n i • FULL DEPTH SAWCUT i OFFSET 39.5'LT �G Of04 I ` -• �� i 1J -'4,997.15 iy � E J 1/F n 's I ¢ t E 4,967.76 MATCH EXIST. CURB AND ~ (i Ap. GUTTER k� a- _ i > s O16 90 I r t- ra'vaz Gm I =� NEW 4' WIDE, ;'� .i E 4 967.76 =¢In �aJ o s SUM' SIDEWALK (TYP.1 i MATCH EXIST. �a Q;' Q a Q ¢ �. i tl iilr, CURB ANO GUTTER vr3l~n zr €vYi3v3'' I -� N f 1 •Y i _xr 100 x� k �La <E ( r3 0 �tir[z Al 11 r -,T \ err . . �5, .. '. - [ Ykl xY F r ak x ix cal t- •JI i` J LLL aa� I NEW 4' �IDE oF� SIDEWALI (TYP.) 003>-r 3> F- T 3- J )Crm N Oct U3 arm f Ix n WM ?0 o r [ n ' pq _ NIr1�_g 1e --� r"r ��.3 8� arm xr o " u-. I o w¢ - . i y3::8 'y "g�.,{ "� I Fw}5 _ u� *i a - M.e.st i� " 3 "9 y "-::� ' _ �,�,''';•` '� a Ell PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 12 PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) a DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS PARKDALE- AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION - =`m Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY e'� a ` FOSS -th. TX 76Plaza. 200 Fart Worth, ra 761U9- , S.R.S. Phane - 111171 7�5-7MO PARKDALE AVENUE 18371 7'35-7491 Awmw- Z ,1- 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET 1 FIGURE a614.sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 48 Doe # 5154 617 Parkdale Avenue LOT 48, S. A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 48, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 617 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the.purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved, by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15'h of August, 2006. GRANTOR: ALMA GUADALUPE ARCOS (Please Print) (Signature) YJ�4,997.75 E 4.967.76 MATCH EXI' CURB AND GUTTER NEW 4' WIDE SIDEWALK (TYPA END PAVEMENT TRANS. FULL DEPTH SAWCUT Ld � OFFSET 39.5'LT Ib L0 ti .�°- I 4,967.76 ;i;�' . MATCH MST_ 1I •: ,r 1111 / CURB AND GUTTER PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) S . DOE NO. 5154 ul i i4g } a a M �z1 IU! VIA '-=--.� ! V1 In - a00 �tly z x f~Ia �z 0 10' 20, 40' SCALE IN FEET CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N Jae 9yzn DATE P ®� PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SCALE o ;09 RIGHT OF ENTRY oFSIcrIEa Freese and Nichols DRAFTED 4p65 .,th. T,Ipntl 09-' PARKDALE AVENUE Fa+t Warth. T 761p9-4895 - �'�� Phone - [617! 735-73pp - FIL£ Fox - (8171 735-7491 - - wnuo 1 FIGURE ;617.sht Paving and Drainage hnprovements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcels # 49-53, 24, 31-32 Doe # 5145 621, 703, 708, 710, 714 Parkdale-Avenue LOTS 49-53, S. A. CONNER ADDITION & LOT 24, W.E. HAWKINS ADDITION & LOTS 31-32, VICKERY HEIGHTS ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOTS 49-53, S. A. CONNER ADDITION & LOT 24, W.E. HAWKINS ADDITION & LOTS 31-32, VICKERY HEIGHTS ADDITION also described as 621, 703, 708, 710, & 714 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", forthe the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will 'grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right_ of entry becomes void_ This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15"' of August, 2006. WOMEN'S SECOND CHANCE (Please Print) (Signature) z END PAVEMENT TRANS. FULL DEPTH SAWCUT w -.- LLI OFFSET 39.5`T al t+: t _ N 4,997.15 ;. (n r JW E 4.967.76 '� _: ✓,"zs __. MATCH EXIST. =e>ti' y H Z) m CURB AND #m U7co rn� ? r a �� M ag 3 o= ( GUTTER t�: ;tea f -,C16.�O-mx { NEW 4' WIDE � r 1-. it E• 4,967.E �N <o SIDEWALK (TYP.) T 4 I j k3 MATCH EXIST. V� _ 1 Ir CURBy AND GUTTER a "a ~ �o r rw y r r s> LI i� t < oJoz, Tal x gsri-r st•` :sd .i 4 Ay w ,,,, r r �.--- 3 PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS a i PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) - DOE NO. 5154 'a9 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET a=� CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS # DATE -oa �� PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SCAL '2.� RIGHT OF ENTRY DEslc �4-� Freese a�+dl Nicfia[s ,e�'i 4055 Internetionai Pium Svite 200 DRAF _ Fart worth, TX 78109 PARKDALE AVENUE darn` Phone - [8,1713735-7300 - FILE }oe- Fue - IH1775-7491 v.A0.0 ....,_.--......... �.•.,....... �_._- ..._ .e nnnc - na. iw.ax eel nee._ ...w... cl.....,.ei�..,-.�....ew.w., n..,w ..e c..r...�.....�w.i.�ni owe 1 FIGURE 703-shk Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # S4 } Doe # 514S 709 Parkdale Avenue LOT 54, S. A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 54, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 709 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved, by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`h of August, 2006. ENTIMEMNUX-N PABLO RAMIREZ (Please Print) (Signature) g END PAVEMENT TRANS. 44 FULL DEPTH SAWCUT ILLI V OFFSET 39.5-0 Ld 4.997.15 Cn 6NI X LLJ E 4.967.76 -- < MATCH EXIST. Rig- nCURB AND nA- , GUTTER Oct: 5 1 tn'- OlEi qc) Ln NEW 4' WIDE \ ' i,,A: " y '—I, I' 'II, w, "w 4X X: w I Cr in () C, o <om' C.) in dal- i v) LU :;r tF t < tZ 0 01 L� cq':� m in NEW 4- WIDE U w 0 W cn SIDEWALK(TYP.) Cr 3: of ui- 0 '_1 wv-- En 0 uW3 Mix C3 of 0 Of ur C3 in F-: p-a F-n 1) Ln Z LD J 'T. t-. Q <I 41`bra a co d ! �i -M— PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 20' 40' PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) SCALE IN FEET L DOE NO. 5154 mzi: CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&M J, A jr PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION DATE SCALE RIGHT OF ENTRY oFslcn. goo Freese and Nichols DRAFT Z-6 E, 4G55 Internallo,iol Plaza. Suite 20G F.,LW.,Ih T 76109-4895 Ph... - (917X1735 73 PARKDALE AVENUE FILE Nam F.. - c8m t.)$ 7;910C' FIGURE ale709.sh Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 57 Doe # 5145 713 Parkdale Avenue LOT 57, S. A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 57, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 713 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access, to the Property for . the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to } accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15t' of August, 2006. MARGARITO JAVIER MARTINEZ AND MAGDALENA SOTTO (Signature) PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) 4 Emo � Freese and Pdichols 4055 1"W-c-ompgazo.$wte 20a Fort Wwth, TX 76109-4M Phone - ISt71 735-73aO Far - 1801 735-7491 -. DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION RIGHT OF ENTRY PARKDALE AVENUE immor—z 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE 1N FEET J4a, E CL ci FIGURE Paving and Drainage hnprovernents i Parkdale Avenue {Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard} Parcel # 59 Doe # 5145 717 Parkdale Avenue LOT 59, S. A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 59, S.A. CONKER ADDITION also described as 717 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access,,to the Property for the purpose stated herein, t until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property_ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, r is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. f Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the I51h of August, 2006. GRANTOR: JOE C. CASTILLO JR. AND AHCIA (Please Print) (Signature) ;� g R Ut N -J } � r �J �- ¢ m04 F tR In M rn ixa WQE�) TVB3 :Y ar.= 7 to . J v3� OP `'� a 1 I F o� Oc NEW n L FQN L �o r SIDEW Wa oo L rLs _ I_ t ti I I ` .� _ F t•a � I. bit� I - � mil' tl 1 � -� '�f �� I ' � f - � '� •�� I.-,.� 5{ 4 " h., a � g I ! S rho F 3�x I 'Mx R 3 >rx i-x rx ! gg ; c1 W!�cs �u N I w 1n Fw. ''* r177 m E 1� V1 _ h, Ui�US ��..� li � F, 1 Mom_ 1� . ss. Il W J }M J l� J I W i !� J J 1 Ld II If La a o a F-e ca i _ } ¢ o ~ vviiv�e Imo. '� i �, µ�mi I x�.� ; #3vlv~_II� x 1� c p. a i o. a I! F-f. a Wa "s y I n x� IOU y s , y Wa rt la E h ! P M I S_ 3 Fay# 27'•��M:� 5,'M1". jP= iE N�' 'i :•ma x Iy' I I v-1:g �1c'cA "4ua9vzr Q + 12 PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 20' 40' PARKDALE AVENGE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) SCALE IN FEET DOE NO. 5154 oilPARKDALE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS RECONSTRUCTION F&N JOB FTWO6126 DATE 06,23,p6 SCALE 40, rm AVENUE FP@eSB and Nichols t. 200 FOSS ,tb.Tii°n6109-n.95 200 F°., warn+.7135.730 Phone - fA777 7]5.7300 _ Fox - (0171 735-7497 RIGHT OF - PARKDALE ENTRY AVENUE °esEc�,E° CL DRAFTED pL FiI.E . parkdole 1 FIGURE 717.sht Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 61 Doe # 5145 721 Parkdale Avenue LOT 61, S. A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a ' temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 63, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 721 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the ' driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access, to the Property for the purpose stated herein, ! until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time I the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. 5 Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15"' of August, 2006. GRANTOR: EFRAIN AND BERTHA ROMAN (Please Print) (Signature) 5 8 SIDEWALK (TYP-) MATCH EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER END PAVEMENT TRANS FULL DEPTH SAWCUT V OFFSFT 39.0' RT— PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) a DOE NO. 5154 Em CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS a�nFl ®® PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION m U Fr@@S@ and NIC�10l5 RIGHT OF ENTRY m a 4055 6zSernatianotP3oza, Suite zoo PARKDALE AVENUE Fort worts, Tx 76109-4895 - Phone - f8171 735-7300 3n5 fox - f8171 7}5-7491 Vj I . Yx 1 ( S i ,�— z 0 10` 20' 40• SCALE IN FEET I% 1. FIGURE Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 33 ' Doe # 51.45 722 Parkdale Avenue LOT 33, W.E. HAWKINS ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 33, W.E. HAWKINS ADDITION also described as 722 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore . the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to _ accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15th, of August, 2006. GRANTOR: CARMEN A. GUERRA (Please Print) (Signature) ♦flf 1fff��G �ePffff�o�A�ff1 9-14 CU GUTBERND 1n r ; F N 4.668.0 I u0 —j E 5.016.69� ' 3> 03>- u�j > MATCH EXI5T, s1 ' CURB AND GUTTER �oFh Ir'v ~� I END PAVEMENT TRANS. ;'<_;_w'n9 f % kid-� ;a y n a• FULL DEPTH SAWCUT z OFFSET 39.0' R7 o I f^ s� PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS $ PARKDAI_E AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) a DOE NO. 5154 "2a CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS gym_ p4` ■ PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION RIGHT OF ENTRY =m Freese and Nichols _ Fort Mrth T ia� 5109ta, Suite zoo - - P A R K D A L E AVENUE - Fort WorOs, T% 76109<4t}95 - Ph— - (6171 735-7300 3 0 0 F. - 18t71 735-7491 .6C - ner-.. •wr'e�s cTwnC.T� n..:.. e..n sr; �nnc _ noio,IN • ::w-. ....r... FS., nn r�nn..�..�.:.w,a.�ri',.Ff of F.....i..n.yA�:-»a mow. AFWW--z 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET 1" - 40' 1 FIGURE 722-sh t Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 63 Doe # 51.45 725 Parkdale Avenue LOT 63, S. A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant f and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a ' temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 63, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 725 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by. the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15'' of August, 2006. GRANTOR: TLP PROPERTIES, LCC (Please Print) (Signature) S10EWALI (TYP,] PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) Pe O Aso« Freese and Mein. ls 00 Fort orth, TIC 76`109-4S.A.Swto 200 Fort Worth, T% 76109-4995 - pw_o= n. PhFaxon! - f8171 735-7.100 �g [61717]5-7491 DOE NO, 5154 0 10' 20' 40' SCALE IN FEET CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS KTwD DATE PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SCALE 06`2. r RIGHT OF ENTRY ❑ESICNEo PARKDALE AVENUE DRAFTED FILE i FIGURE II m Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 33 Doe # 5145 726 Parkdale Avenue LOT 33, W.E. HAWKINS ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY 1 STATE OF TEXAS § �f i § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 33, W.E. HAWKINS ADDITION also described as 726 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this. agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 151h of August, 2006. GRANTOR: CARMEN A. GUERRA (Please Print) (Signature) R + A _j 0 7' i < < < ui 62 2 to C14 Co A of NEW 4, WIDE tiYfol SIDEWALK (TYP.) F- , v] r) E, a) (A n (A jj Ln L X u,< Lu Qf L J` 2 z=z PLI A!, M N 4,648.87 \—NEW 4' WIDE E 5,016.60 SIDEWALK (TYP.) MATCH EXIST. F- w g m CURB AND UTTER L (n F- to G i F- 'D c14 m ir (A M I N 4,66 co r-: 'v >: lui co m A. 9,01663 E > MATCH EXI cc 1 T. p CURB AND Ki rr GUTTER U F- F- till Ln Cn L, L %5-a lz� !, - Ewa !vld END PAVEMENT TRANS. FULL DEPTH 5) %WCUT I z (L OFFSET 39-0'R W h PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 10' 20' 40, PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY EILVD) SCALE IN FEET DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N JOE] NO. FTWO6126 . DATE 06/23/06 PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION i SCALE DESIGNED GL RIGHT OF ENTRY Freese and Nichols DRAFTED 4°55, H. c1pjuzQ.S%;1te 2D0 PARKDALE AVENUE FIGURE FILE porkdale726.sM Phone (817)735-7JO0 9 Paving and Drainage Improvements ' Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 1 Doe # 5145 i 729 Parkdale Avenue LOT 1, S. A. CONNER ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH i TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 1, S.A. CONNER ADDITION also described as 729 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of -Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is completed and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediate) prior to P Y Y accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`11 of August, 2006. GRANTOR: CHARLES TIMOTHY BEAVERS (Please Print) (Signature) CI k ID 5 � Of _� ;y o �= y O O �y BEGIN ALIGNMENT PARKDALE AVENUE STA. 0.00.00 N 4414.20 E 4992.26 --_ a_ BEING NEW PAVEMENT/ FULL DEPTH SAWCUT STA. 0.08-27 N 4422.47 E 4992.42 N 4,422.62 II E 5,026.80 i MATCH EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER j: 5 B �N b N �Vc, 426.25 ' E 4,954.99 xa y MATCH EXIST_ CURB AND GUTTEF g ci J In r L-I af� e a6 :,1T ti a F• O1 r � rn r 3� NEW 4' WIDE a Q SIDEWALK (TYP.) �N to rn a wa g g Ld a =U afo LL, �w O� o� �' -'• - .' - :�.��A ..: 3., .. s�,-.YY',.�. 3'1. .-:.; .:. a:...,.... .Y .! - Y': . 3..3... �Y. j-.. .5;�i :� 2 .a-?.�'r'. N 4,6, m= r•. � NEW 4' WIDE E 5,01 SIDEWALK (TYP.) MATCH LOU CURB f - Vl GUTTEF Naafi N 4.6( 5.01 b } E ff s MATCH o a F CURBLu GUTTEF � N [r) in - tp SCE "' W 4 - END PAVEMEN- FULL DEPTH S 1 rk OFFSET 39. s PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD). a s DOE NO. 5154 0 10' 20• 40' SCALE IN FEET 'mom` CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS F&N JOB "O. FTWO a3_ OAT£ 06r2: PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION SCALE oa sYH RIGHT OF ENTRY oESlcnEo FFeeSe and Nichols FOSS In[ernetl0n61(19-a, 5u[e Zao PARKDALE AVENUE °RAFTED Forl Worth, TX 78109-4695 e 2M... Phone - (817) 735-7300 - FILE 1 FIGURE ti u u ° Foy - I&171 735.7495 ,.auo nn.,... �wrnn. crwncna ....., e..., .F �nnc _ na, �a..o au u.... .-..•m va...,., u.,............�,. Paving and Drainage Improvements Parkdale Avenue (Koch Street to Vickery Boulevard) Parcel # 5 Doe # 5145 738 Parkdale Avenue LOT S, BLOCK 1, W.L. GROTH ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY STATE OF TEXAS § 1 s § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does by these presents grant and convey to the City of Fort Worth, TX, herein after referred to as "Grantee" a temporary right of entry onto property described as LOT 5, BLOCK 1, W.L. GROTH ADDITION also described as 738 Parkdale Avenue, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", for the purpose of constructing the extension of the driveway beyond the Right -of --Way line. Upon execution of this agreement, Grantor will grant Grantee and its contractor's access to the Property for the purpose stated herein, until such time as the project is co' leted and approved by the Grantee, at which time the above described temporary right of entry becomes void. This Right of Entry shall include the right of Grantee and its employees, agents, representatives, or contractors to access the aforementioned property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right of entry, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, is successors and assigns, for the purposes set forth above. Grantee shall restore the Property to the condition it was in immediately prior to accessing the Property under this Right of Entry. EXECUTED this the 15`' of August, 2006. GRANTOR: CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON (Please Print) (Signature) > CD 0� Ln j;t LLJ u7i 0 _j i ca > N 426.25 x CE 3:,_ Cr 3: 0(r zlcr E 4 95499 C1 il NEW 4'W10E 0 m SIDEWALK MATCH VXIST. TYPA 'Cl cc" CURB AND GUT E v) CU F-: in (n ul 0 0 uj R 1-- i X F- Lo < —w< k8u, _i :GIN ALIGNMENT )RKDALE AVENUE (A A: 0-00.00 F- 4414.20 0 4992.26 0-CL . q 0 3EING NEW PAVEMENT late 7ULL DEPTH SAWCUT b 3TA. 0-013.27 N 4,648-87 4422.47 NEW 4'WIDE E 4992.42 P 11 SIDEWALK (Typ.) MATCH5,016.6 EXIST, CURB AND N 4-422.62 f i I h CUTTER E 5,026.80 N 4�668.01, -1�:! MATCH EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER �zj J m UD E 5,016.6-9 MATCH EXI "T. R o CURS AND 4 GUTTER M >c PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PARKDALE AVENUE (KOCH STREET TO VICKERY BLVD) DOE NO. 5154 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS °mopE on PARKDALE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTIONtioa Freese and Nichols RIGHT OF ENTRY 4055 hiernotionalPfarn. Site 200 Fort Worth, TX 76](19-4895 PARKDALE AVENUE %hr� R'171 7.35-7300 V �51(7 735-7491 Am'w— '2t 0 10' 20' 40' . LSCALE IN FEET 40, CL FIGURE