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Ordinance 1109
r The City Com all of the City of Fort `Worth met in remAlar session lry the Council Cha-bor at the City 8A11 at 900 A. 9. Tuezdsy tho 29th day at Dsoembor, A. D. *516, and upon roll a all the toll-owing tm-0 pftsent t II. 0. 4e3'a &n, lleyor, Wil i Ar d Bllrtonp 1:, B. `IT v!aae p Tipn. my oaj E. `►'. EUT.;T"lw, �.. marml ,, Austin and t,. P. ';arts, GoInICIL.sr,, am.lsti- tutirj�_ a quor= and v-s-crity o4 said Eoe1d, and 1. 7.. ,;t•, Gandt, Jr., Oit;,� <<i�creta.7-Tr4maurvzrs imm in attvaid=ao &t saX maetiagp scud the Poll v l rZ proceedings, >-::org other thiug.L4, were uad and done t Ocr=c1l .ar+ sod, seconded by •,.ovad the adoption of •,.re tollowi.ag ord'inanos: AN ')FDINAI.Gi TeRCVIDINO FOR TW ISSUAbU -'t IMGclxIABLE COL 11i '_'Gi;13 OF THE GOVUNVXfiT OF TLIg' CITY OF PORT WORTH, AaGtYKT-- ING TG , U :•RINCIPAL, 3Cg C!. (,;I- •rF'Ou.-,!, Nr, DO W$ (�V)O,, JO.,00) OUT OF AN n; ;"':,� I :'IS 13SLUi OF ONS HUNWO AND V . TY TFV.:OQAIM DQi.LARS (#170j,0 0*?%j AND 331P0 sLNOWN AS WILS l;ph'_'Y-N Ij& (49), AND DftI43jA;a'_L "n S "ti CPiFATION BONDS"� TO HE USUA ?'C`ti :Ar:I-.@ r LRId{ii"si�i'i I' Y�U"A s 0 `i`n CITY OF YORr "*Aam BY FJFCk: I=;C�, ;3C vr:.:[xii+ .ND 2`.-PRS�OVING 1'SAYiI OUNDS, A'1'Fi�'s'1TIC FIELDS T Y ::UNDs TG Z; iil 'Cali Z+1yL{r- !NA1110N OF ONE TIJOUSAND ($1,0o0.00) Dr)i.- L.A'- , L ARCS, Tc, Ilia, 1 ¢,'ISbQ 1ANUARX I?T, 1928, ?r,,TULi1WG FROL: ,'1 vY (5) iG FORTY (#O) YEARS FHojv THE DA_TF MP-I CF, AND BARING INTi+.UST AT ;',IF, HATE OF POOR AND OTI13-9Af.Y (4 ) P 010'i r.NRUm, ASLJ:x s6mI-A 6UAEJ.,Yr 7HU TKTXRX.5T To Bz ZM QGUv(.ibl NUTS A:TAQH TO ?U DONIS;, AND DI:RMINO TUN EXUUTION OF SAID 5008 BY 7HR MAIY'OR AND OITY SEORETARY-TREA$UFU R, AND PROVIDING FOR AN Af)`)v:P:74 TAX TSVY FOR 'M9 PA AT CIF 09 •'A7D 5OAA sL UD TO C_.EATE A SMINO x'MD FOR 'I'HR ?AYCliINT OF THE rRINCIPAI, ` HJ3 '.rOF AS SAXX dATDRZ5 +'ROM 'PILE& TO TIMUP AND c'€LCrVlvi.j[i -PE3ikr ;&18 011DI- 11AN$$ UUT. TAIL EMU PROM AND F7"R THE DATE OF I':'a e A h SA GE . I. on the 3rd day of November, A. D. 1926, pursuant to the authority nested in said City by section 19, Chapter 25, of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth adopted by the qualified voters within the limits of said City on the llth day of December, A. D• 1924, and the laws and Constitution of the State of Texas, the said Council of the City of Fo.-t Worth, Texas, r,;; a resolution and order of that date, directed the submission to the property tax paying qualified voters of said City at an election to be hold in said City on the 24ti- day of November, �L. D. 1925, of the right, power, +a:r1 authority of the City Council of said Cit. , to issue negotiable coupon bonds of the oorporate government of said Git;, in the prinaipal scam of :one Hundred and Seventy Thousand C 170,000.00) Dollars# which amount was to be used for the purpose of making permanent improvements In said City by purchasing, acquiring and improving play* groumcts, athletic fields and other recreation facilities in said City; and In conformity with said resolution and order the Mayor of said City dial make proclamation of said election and the date for ,came was set on the 24th day of November, A. D« 19251 and publication was made of said election in the manner and for the time prescribed in said resolu- tion and election orders and %'I3l&AS, on the 24th day of Movember, A. D. 1925, said election was held in the City of Fort Worth, at the respective polling places designated in the election order, at which said election each Issue of bonds was submitted as a sepa.r+ to and distinct proposition to the voters of said City, the official ballot on such electim, in conformity with the resolution of the City Coanail and the order of the elootiona and whitz resolution Contained otbor propo- sitions in addition to the one des®tibed in this Ordinances In form and in substance vas an lollowas OFFIbIAL13ALLOT I. Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40) years in the principal sum of Three Million Three Hundred Thousand ($3,300,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of improving and extending the water and sanitary sewer sys.tem'of s aid City, the first of said bonds being payable at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereof, and s erially thereafter as may be determined 'by the said City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (50) per annum from the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and. create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds a t the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Nater .and Sanitary Sewer Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Bonds. II. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40) years, in the principal sum of Two Million Two Hundred Thousand ($P,000,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of constructing, improving and extending the streets, thoroughfares and storm sewers of said city, including in such permanent improvements the widening, paving, grade separation, bridges and drainage, the first of said bonds be- ing payable at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereof., and serially thereafter as may be determined by the said City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per a nnum from the date thereof, pa yable semi- annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the ma- turity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds. III. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five (5) to .forty (40) years, in the principal sum of Seventy-One Thous and ($71,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of constructing, building and equipping an :daitional incinerator plant for the City of Fort ',worth, Texas, and purchasing the necessary lands and site therefor, the first of said bonds being payable at the expiration .of five (5) years from the date thereof, and serially thereafter as may be determined by the said City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing in- terest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on s aid bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Incinerator Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Incinerator Bonds. IV. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40) years, in the principal sum of Five Hundred Thousand ( 500,000.00). Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing, aeauiring and improving lands and property for public parks in the City of Fort Worth, the "i*st of said bonds being payable at the expiration of five (5) years rom the date thereof, and serially therreafter as may be determined ty the said City Council, so that the las4 maturing bonds shall be- ,ome payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing nterest at a rate not to exceed five p,,.r cent (5%) per annum from .he date thereof, payable semi-annually, ,.nd 1.wy - sufficient tax r to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund suffi- cient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Park Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Park Bonds. V. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40) years, in the principal sum of Ono Hundred and Seventy Thousand ($170,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring and improving playgrounds, athletic fields andnother recreation facil- ities of a permanent nature in said city, tho first of said bonds being payable at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereof, and serially thereafter ,as may be determined by the said City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40) -years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5 ) per anhum from the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a s ufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Recreation Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Recreation Bonds. VI. Shall the City of Fort Worth, throv.gh its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds, fiu.nniAg from five (5) to forty (40) years, in the principal sum of Eighteen Thousand ($18,000,00) Dol- lars, for the purpose of constructing, building and equipping an addition to the City-County Hospital in the City of Fort Worth, Tex- as, the first of said bonds being p ayable at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereof, and serially thereafter as may be determined by the said 'City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per aranum from the date thereof, payable semirannually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sink" ing fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the.maturity thereof? FCF the Issuance of City-County Hospital Bonds. AGAINST the issuance of City-Council Hospital Bonds. VII. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupcn_ bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40) years, in the principal sum of oie Million Four Hundred Thousand (w1•,400,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of constructing, improving and extending Its system of streets and thoroughfates by construct- ing, improving and extending &'.now.�mn in afterial`stredt and thor- oughfare running north and south and a new ms.in arterial street and thoroughfare extending east and west through said city, including in such permanent improvements grade separati3n, bridges, drainage And the purchase of right of way,. the first o�' said bonds being pay- able at the expiration -of five (5) years from the date thereof, and serially thereafter as may be determined by the said City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty ' (40) years from the date thereof, bearing inUrest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5 ) per annum from the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of ,;lain Arterial TAdroughfare Bonds. AGAINST the Issuance of Main Arterial Thoroughfare Bonds. s -. at the elestion hold in a►s j d City on 'the 24th day of S+ovw.ibor., A. Do 1926, there were. 2,416 voton cast in f vor of the issuanoo of said "e�eor<!Rttion Banda", and :?,193 votes east against the issuance jr said "Resreation Bonds'", lotivIng a . aJority of votes in favor of the issuance of said bonda of 223 votes; , b; virtue of said electlGr said City Comall is ve•z ted with power and authority by and from the i;eeple to -issue naid 'on4s for the Aurposes a aforomentiosned and makp sere valid and hiuC`lir ; obligations of the corporate zovarnasnt of the City of Fort -,lorthl and CAB, it is d+.-emed wise and expedient by the Wits Coe til of the City of POPt -,OPth, in UA exercise of the discretion reposed in it by law# that onl;- Oils Hundred ThoUAsiA Dollars (41000000*00) north of tlis authorized issue of one rhumbaed and 36vente Thousand Dollars (y170,000600) be issued In bonds at this time j said bowel's to be issued being a i.aot of :sarlcs forty—nine (49) and designated "D+sar.ration :.ands". 'That jyursuant to section 19 of Gkmpter XV of the Charter of the City of ;ort �iorth, adapted by the qualified voters within the corporate limits of said City on the 11 th day of Deeember, Do IQ"* and the lags and constitution of this :Mute, and pursuant to a vote of t1w propert;i tax paying voters wi the City of Fort 'North, at an eleotion held In sold City for sualn on 61 a 24th day of November, -. Do 10"5, that the mnicipal govornmont of time S Cit; of Fort 'Worth issue its oorporats negotiable gnuvon bond$ is the principal, sus of Chxe Heendrad 1,1,.ou3e?.nd Dollars (V100,030A0) vat of an suChorlsed issue :it said election of One lhdred and 'evonty thousm-A 3olla s (�170,000.00)j and whiah authorized issue Is knows as Series forty-nice (49) " desiva--ed as "°;ecr::eitiori l�sws", a da fronds so to be issued shall be in t.:-a denorsin-stlon of One Thousand Do 1 lars esch, d. tsd January tat, 19'2C, 110arS interest nt the rate of f oar one-half per cent _ (4W POP RnA2M$ payable sozl.i-antiga?1 V On the fir4t dx.,7 of A&4 and January of auoi: Is r iSGjpoutivaly, :,oth p:in- dipal VITA intoreat of said bonds payable at the ARnvsv� r <<atioral PAnk in L!w City of Now loaf, StAeto of LcLr Yovkp the seni-axuml lntere t avidursoed by inW rest a►eupone attaeh+lad thereto, all of said bands to ;:,* exaouted for wid on 'be3aalf of the City of Yo?-t �'- rth by the Va;ror thereof, attested by its ecreetaryy-'1'r,.=astir, with the seal thereto dully i pressed, but the Interest *oWons to be oxt�astod with the 11t egraphed fassiailae signutu:'a of the :agar and. Sears- t,ar-f-Traeasu"r of the Olt,; of Port forth, oaoh of aaid bonds membered in than way ur-.d manner hereinafter sot slut, =tuning five (5) bears frL= the d.:te th{►.�us a and annaally thereafter uuntil. tho LA. t, _suturing bonds ah&ll bi400._o pA 6..-lo t i,r.In forty (40) yetrs from the late 0"aem-of, That the gaz"al f om of said bonla and the ooupons tbareto anne-od and the Interest to be a ld-.d co sisid bands aball bo exesuted in substaat3ally *he fall ,,glx4i turn# tag-wxtm UNITED STATES OF AMERICC S`i'ATr. OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF TARRANT, CITY OF FORT WORTH. Bond of the City of Fort Worth (here insert a general description of the pur- poses for which s aid bond is issued) . No. KNOW ALL PEEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the government of the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation, duly created under the laws of the State of Texas, hereby acknowledges itself to owe., and for value re- ceived promises to pay, to bearer, Ono Thousand ($1,000:00) Dol- lars, in lawful money of the United'States of America, on the T 'day of ,;' �. .. , A. D. 19 , together with in- terest thereon at tho rite of p,.;r centum per ^nnun}, payaba e semi-annually on the first day of July a nd Ja nuary in each yogr, on presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons, os they severally fall due. Both the principal and interest of this bond are payable at the office of the Hanover National Bank, in New York City, N. Y., and for the due and punctual payment of this bond at the maturity thereof, and the interest thereon, when it falls due, the full Faith credit and resources of the City of Fort Worth are hereby irrevocable pledged. This bond is one of a series of ( ) bonds numbered consecutively from One (1) to ( ); inclusive, ea ch of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Dollars ( $ ) issued for the purpose -of under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, and an ordiTiance of the City Council of s aid City lawfully passed and adopted on the day of December, A. D. 1925, pursuant to valid authority from the property tax paying qualified voters of said City, at a proper .nd legal election held on the 24th day of November, A. D. 1925. It is hereby further expressly represented, re- cited and covenanted by the government of the City of Fort Worth, to and with each and every holder of said bonds or any one of them, that all acts, conditions and things required by the laws of the State of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort ':"forth, precedent to and in the issuance, of, this bond{ have boen done, have happened, and have been performed in proper and law- ful time, form and manner as prescribed by law, so as to make this bond a legal, binding and valid obligation of the City of Fort prth, and that provision has been made for the levyrand collection of a direct annual tax on all taxable property in the City of Fort 71prth, and that such tax has been levied in a sufficient amount for the payment of the principal and interest of this bond at the respective maturity dates thereof, and that the total indebtedness or said City, including this bond, and the issue of which it is 4 c;oraponent part, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory 1�rritation. IN TESTIMONY nHEREOF, the City of Fort Worth, in the State of Texas, has executed this bond by causing it to be signed by its Mayor and Attested by the City Secretary-Treasurer, with the .-pal of the City thereunto duly impressed, and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the lithographed facsimile s�gnature of the Mayor and City Secretary-Treasurer, and dated as the first day of January, A. D. 1926. THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, ayor ATTEST: F,OTT. (FORM OF COUPON NOTE) N0. 'he City of Fort Worth, in the State of Texas, promises to pay to bearer Dollars, ( k on the day of , A. D. 19 at the Hanover National Bank in the City of New York, N. Y. , fcr interest due that dR.y on its municipal bond dated January 1st, A. D. 1926, and nizibered TEY OT_TY OF FORT WORTH, TEXP.S, ATTEST; SECTION II. That the said bonds so to be issued by the City of Fort Worth, amounting to One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), out of the said authorized issue of One Hundred and seventy Thousand Dollars ($170,000.00), shall be issued for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring and im- proving lands, playgrounds, athletic fields and other recrea- tion facilities in said City, and shall consist of one hundred (100) bonds, numbered from one (1) to one hundred (100) in- clusive, and shall bear interest at the rate of four and ;mms Yf= per cent (4j.%) per annum, payable semi-annually as aforesaid, all of which said one hundred (100) bonds shall be a part of Series forty-nine (49) and shall be styled and designated as "Recreation Bonds". SECTIOR III. That all of said bonds comprising the sum total of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) shall mature in the manner and amounts as set out in the tabulated state- ment herewith attached, to-wit: orn 4F FORT ZRTrd F�IPAb ;�LT'u�'FT�S $MACO. Rat WATION BOffi)9 OA.RO JAN In* 1926 WE IAN IS T 2RIM18AA,T. 19l. 21000a zz L,440. 30 2,000. $4 A.Ow 35 2,000. 36 6 0,000- yr 38 z;000. vD Z,000: 40 S;000; 41 30000; 42 8#U00: 43 303. 4►4 30000' 45 9,000. 48 $:000`0 49 S*0006 b0 Sio00. a NOW# 300006 64 000004 56 30000; 89 39000, 58 53#000. 89 300000 60 30000. a 691000. 6$ 4000• 66 7�;i30ti. 66 S��i00: 66 300004 S=TION IV. That the Said 'ron.la beri'-y wt ea * a be scold to the Dept Odv3nt°.9e, but, In no errssnt ah,-01 s =0 Le 201A for 18--a than -z,,Ar and the oarued interest of the 'Ams otiallvary, ird the �,roceeds thereof pluc4d in the Treasury Gf the City of Fort 'forth .zd utilized for the special purpcato for vhi.:h such 'conk %re careated. SECTION V. Th t or the iw_%�cmv of area*ing a seinkinK, fund for the payzteax ani aoa. lete extingttie►hesesnt of the fare- going boadeddebt, %i rirscaipal --nd interest sz4 cili s.rd every part of same, there I* :apr4by levl�:6_ --sd there h^11 be a:s3esssd andoollmeted, s psravlaod Fey 11-:, stet and ris�'ropri t far Said ;=ur_poass, an annual, direct, sspwisal s ad ►ralcrez: Gax for tho year 1926 .A1 for eanr: mucc,esssive res,r thereafter surir4; tt:•,+ lire os' said bonier debt, or wq part theroof, of 42 oents (.42j) or such &n vaovat as a,sra►y be necessary tr,3 ade;uate, be it more or less) on every One Hundrecd Doll,;rss (#100.00) of propertyftluao. tion, areal, ocreonal .Lid mixed, soub3sot Fo teastion �Lnd not tiem--G therefrom under the ocustiturion and Iwals of 4he gt::`:s of Tmxse, ssituat4d and oi�nsd In the City of Foct Worth on the fat 4&y of J-sa % y, A. p. 1928, wid on the let day of Jemary of each year thereafter, until $iAd obt "pre— scented by *Md bor4s -%nzl o oupon interest ;no-%@* sch,-Ul hove been folly Psaid, saw if tat any tine such tax ahouldbe Im- sufficient, thou it s bali be -the Lul.y of the City Counoll, or other governing body, of said City of Fort Worth to set LLP> Lrt and Faaropsriats anohasdditiowil amount of money out of the ,F ena rL_1 revenues of s ti i City .Lis may be re;juis it e to uxrp�,Iy the defiaieucsy, until all interest 9 t-j>~11 3s;ve r been paid and the sinking fund sitablished .as required by the constitution of the St-P.to of Texas and by the Cheater of the city of Fort Wosth. 310TION V1. That it csbxll be L;:a uuty ;f the City Cousin of the City rt Yort Worth, and Their successors in o:fios, and of the gov*r m:ent of said City of Fart North, in. levy. Ing taxes for gflnev..l g+uxpoei* in s::td City f'ar the }roar 1�29, T.n-i for every suacessivo hoar durin,r, the lifer of said bondeddebt, or rrny vort theroofa, to inolule in such 1*vy ., speeoi--1 Vxx of cents ( .42,f) an the One Bandr+ed Dollars ($100.00) wmperty valuation (or to much thereof an my tau r&quisito ;ad uoeosa:iry) pravl4od f or in the nett prs4odinj-. section ;.f this ordinance ^r:' avah spooled tax *hall on no monrjunt wbataoevax be disci- jed `herefma. 390TION VII. That the m1ooi:.1 tuz hecrsinbefore ;rovidedfor, �► collected* sh:�.l1 be plL*tood and :ept in ,. separate ttpGssil and sball beUvatr:3 to the parysate-rt of the interest wA the -sxtinguislwr. nt or the -�.riaoip-:l cf all IrA sin-;ul.-kr the bonds hereiw.tcve mentioned, Pis same matureii"om Sias* to tin*, - nd sh-ill not be usf!d, li;!A rr.tive- ted to �,tny oth,a-r purpose or ob, o' Oatsoover. sICTI08 VIII. That as boon an convenient 4fter said -on1u h-ll have been prepared :ind siped in the winner prescribed �, l this ordinance, they eball be submitted to the Attorney boner& of .he $Vt to of TsxE4, '•it Austin, togeMer Ath r: aortified copy of this ordinance, -.,r.d 1 at torrent of the r total bonded indebtedams of r he City of Fort North, in- oluding the boards her*i=Lnd hereby hut-horixed and Gbe asgol3Lied value of the taxable property in so-id Ci'y zor his a- r rwftl, md none of said bonds ith.•,.11 be megotte6tad, sold or t rawfsrr*d until the same aattall h-vve received !-Inv offioi-,-1 sanction of *aid Attorney General, as pro- scribed 1yy 1w , th:iratartsr *aidtonda shall be placed with the Onni-troller of Public Araoc z, z for registration. UECTION IBC. The (lily Gq%oratary-Treasurer of the City of Fort *c rth, or cth:r l:Y�ful assst-i.lian of iruoh funds, dur- xr the woonthe r,f Juno -inl Cumber of ewh and every yo;r, during tire 11 F - of -a 1' i 'aoWls e: any part +hereof, :..nd not Liter Lh�m this X;kh lay of aacsb cf said months, sho l t mmmit suf fi 33 rust, tsan-ey our. of tb' Interest funds heiv. inbeeforee .rt=t-.3 for the p.-.ymant of the searanrumal intern t :iaor lv.y on amid cazda ; o the Mover Nation-,I Sank of the City cf New York Mate of low York, and likewise re.. mittan©s shall be mr--ie in due course to provide - or the payment of the prinoipsl of sold bonds in advaoae of the maturity of same. SECTION X. All ordinames and parts of ordia me4 in con- Mot bare+with be and they are hereby rx, reosly repealed. SlOTION XI. The bol3in • or na;udioation of any 3sotion, posv. tion or c&.. t hereof r;o bt inviilid shall not affect the validity of any other section or pant of this ordinance, but all such other s actions, portions and pare btzeof shall be aura remain valid. SECTION XII. That this ordiaame shall take affeut and be in full forcefrom and after the date of its passage and it is so ordained. CITY OF FART WORTH, TX APPROVE? AS TO FORM: By Oily Attorney ty itsr. ATTEST: city seeretary-- reasurer As,yor, B. 0. Meacham, preaidlug a,, said meetings aubmltttsi the �otiou to adopt said ordluanas and all .f the Coutna l^*n, Including the 4&yor, voted "aye" thereon and none gated, ":to", and tkA motion to adopt the ordimnos was doolarerd to rA vnenimo%Wly passed and aftpted. C -UIITY OF TARRA,4T I, T. L. V a-A andt, Jr., i3tg :_eaxetar,Y*-'�� as�1►a3' of the City at Fort north, dc} he"by eertify that the above and toregalag ordina,nae Is a trwn Find 4orreat copy of {r- diumus DIo. . and that same was ly passed and adapted by the QUY Comoil of -,�A City of Fort .—jrth, Texas, at a x-r--galur maetln;, bold In the C«ur atl 4'bar ber at the City Hall on delay the 29th day of Dea mbeMr, it. Uo 1926. !TIl., .S -.W hand. mt Fart ..orths. 'i'er.^s o this they day of Dose mber, A. D. 1925* city a s