HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997/10/02-Minutes-City Council Ji
OCTOBER 211997
Date & Time On the 2nd day of October, A.D., 1997, the City
Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, met in
regular session, at 4.15 p.m., with the following
members and officers present:
Attendance Mayor Kenneth Barr, Mayor Pro tempore Eugene
McCray; Council Members Chuck Silcox, Becky
Haskin, Clyde Picht, Jeff Wentworth, Ralph
McCloud, and Cathy Hirt; City Manager Bob
Terrell; City Attorney Wade Adkins; City Secretary
Alice Church. Council Member Jim Lane was
absent. With more than a quorum present, the
following business was transacted:
Invocation The invocation was given by Reverend Earl D.
Minor, Immanuel Baptist Church.
Pledge The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes On motion of Council Member Baskin, seconded by
Mayor Pro tempore McCray, the minutes of the
regular meeting of September 23, 1997, were
approved unanimously.
Special Council Member McCloud presented a
Presentations proclamation for Sickle Cell Disease Month to Pearl
Jones, and also presented a plaque to Dekerrian
Ware, the poster child for Sickle Cell Anemia.
GIs.Jan Duncan and "Felix presented Council with
T-shirts and posters for Oktoberfest.
Ms. Linda Clark invited the Council to attend the
2nd Bringing' Back Berry Street Initiative Dance
and presented them ith T-shirts.
OCTOBER 2, 1997
Announcements Council Member Picht announced that constituents
with the capability of surfing the internet should
look at his website for Ocktoberfest.
Council Member Silcox announced in the absence of
Council Member Lane, that the Stockyards Hotel
would be featured on The Great Country Inns at
3:00 p.m. on October 23, 1997.
Council Member Laskin announced that the next
City Council Meeting would be held on Tuesday,
October 7, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. in District 4, at Eastern
Hills High School and invited all interested citizens
to attend.
Withdrawn/ City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and
Consent Agenda Council Communication No. G-12017 and L-12080
be withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Council Member Silcox requested that Mayor and
Council Communication No. C-16337 be withdrawn
from the consent agenda.
Continued/ City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and
Withdrawn Council Communication No. P-8414 be continued for
o weeks.
Consent Agenda On motion of Council Member McCloud, seconded
by Council Member Raskin, the consent agenda, as
amended, was adopted unanimously.
Res. # 2339 There was presented. resolution No. 2339 concerning
Location of the location of the October 7, 199 7, regular meeting
the October 7, 1997 and work session of the Fort Worth City Council.
0q, Council Meeting On motion of Cou cil Member Haskin seconded
Council Member McCloud, the resolution as
adopted unanimously.
O ,
OCTOBER 2, 199"7
Mayor Barr excused himself from the Council table
at this time, and Mayor Pro tempore McCray
assumed the chair.
OCS-929 There was presented Mayor and Council
Liability Communication No. OCS-929 from the Office of the
Bonds City Secretary recommending that the City Council
approve the liability bonds issued to Maul Teague
dba One Way Concrete, Contemporary
Constructors, Inc., Metro Custom Concrete, Inc.,
and Charles E. Mask. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
OCS-930 There was presented Mayor and Council
Claims Communication No. OCS-930 from the Office of the
City Secretary recommending that the City Council
refer notices of claims regarding alleged damages
and/or injuries to the Risk Management
Department. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
G-12012 There was presented Mayor and Council
Settlement Communication No.G-120112 from the City Manager
- Irving recommending that the City Council authorize the
Columbus sum of$450,000.00 as final settlement to be paid to
Club the Irving Columbus Club by the D/FW
International airport Joint Revenue Bonds, and
authorize the acceptance and recording of the
appropriate instru e ts. It was the consensus of the
ity Council that the recommendation be adopted
G-12013 `here was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 1317 Communication Nog 1201:3 from the City Manager
Ord. # 131,77 recommending that the City Council:
OCTOBER 2, 1997
1. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13176
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Special Trust Fund,
Library Acquisitions, in the amount of
$50,000.00 from available funds for the
purpose of funding the purchase of books and
other library materials, and
2. Approve the transfer of$50,000.00 from the
Special Trust Fund, Library Acquisitions to
the General Fund, and
3. Adopt Supplemental Appropriation
Ordinance No. 13177 increasing the estimated
receipts and appropriations in the General
Fund in the amount of $50,004.00 from
available funds for the purpose of funding the
purchase of books and other library materials,
4. Approve the expenditure of$50,000.00 from
the General Fund to purchase books and other
library materials.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
G-12014 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 1317 Communication No. --1201:4 from the Cit ,Manager
Ord. # 13179 recommending that the City Council:
Funds 1. Accept$8,258.00 from the Amarillo Technical
to Fire Center, and
OCTOBER 2, 1997
2. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13178
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in
the amount of$8,258.00 from available funds
for the purpose of funding the TSTI
Firefighter Apprenticeship Program, and
3. Authorize the transfer of$8,258.00 from the
Special Trust Fund, TSTI Firefighter
Apprenticeship Program to the General Fund,
4. Adopt Supplemental Appropriations
Ordinance No. 13179 increasing the estimated
receipts and appropriations in the General
Fund in the amount of $8,258.00 from
available revenues for the purpose of funding
the TSTI Firefighter Apprenticeship Program.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
G-12015 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. ## 13180 Communication No.G-12015 from the City Manager
Off-Premise recommending that the City Council adopt
Signs Ordinance No. 13180 amending Chapter 29 of the
Code of the City of Fort 'forth, "Signs', by
amending ending Sec. 2931 to extend the deadline for
registration of Off-Premise Signs from ctober 1,
97, to October 31, 199 amending See. 29-31 to
make clerical changes to references to Chapter 17A
of the comprehensive zoning ordinance concerning
regulation of signs. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
OCTOBER 2, 1997
G-12016 There was presented Mayor and Council
Tarrant Communication No.G-12016 from the City Manager
Appraisal recommending that the City Council authorize
District payment in an amount not to exceed $299,209.74 for
Payment the City of Fort Worth's assessed allocation of the
Tarrant Appraisal District's 1997 budget for the
months of October, November, and December 1997.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
G-12017 There was presented Mayor and Council
Final Communication No.G-12017 from the City Manager
Assessment recommending that the City Council approve the
Roll - final assessment roll for the paving of Edgewood
Edgewood Terrace from East Berry Street to Ramey Avenue,
Terrace and authorize the issuance of certificates as evidence
of the special assessments levied against the abutting
property owners on Truman Drive.
City Manager Terrell advised Council of an
amendment to be made to Mayor and Council
Communication No. G-12017, stating that under
Recommendation No. 2 the street name should be
"Edgewood Terrace" rather than "Truman".
Council Member McCloud made a motion,seconded
by Council Member Ilaskin,that Mayor and Council
Communication No. G-12017 be adopted., as
amended. T e motion carried unani ; ousiv.
G-12018 There was presented Mayor and Council
Final Communication No.G-12018 from the City Manager
Assessment recommending that the City Council approve the
Roll final assessment roll for the paving ofTruman Drive
Truman Dr. from Hemmings Drive to . Cravens Road, and
OCTOBER 2, 1997
authorize the issuance of certificates as evidence of
the special assessments levied against the abutting
property owners on Truman Drive. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
It appeared to the City Council that they set today as
the date for a public hearing for the renovation of
Sylvania Park. Mayor Barr asked if there was
anyone present desiring to be heard.
Mr. Joe Paniagua, representing the
Intergovernmental Affairs and Grants Management
Division, appeared before the City Council and
presented a staff report and advised Council that
this public hearing was to receive comments from
citizens, and called attention of the Council to Mayor
and Council Communication No. G-12019, as
G-12019 There was presented Mayor and Council
Sylvania Communication No.G-12019 from the City Manager
Park recommending that the City Council authorize the
City Manager to approve the change of use and
transfer of$30,000.00 in Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) Year X I Unprogrammed
Funds to Sylvania. Park Renovation Fund for the
renovation of Sylvania Park.
ancine Bentley GIs. Lancine Bentley, 3804 Rusty Dell, appeared
before the City Council and requested favorable
consideration of the City Council for Mayor and
Council Communication No. -12019.
OCTOBER 2, 1997
There being no one else desiring to be heard, Council
Member Raskin made a motion, seconded by
Council Member McCloud, that the hearing be
closed and the recommendation be adopted. The
motion carried unanimously.
G-12020 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. #13181 Communication No.G-12020 from the City Manager
"Registration & recommending that the City Council adopt
Inspection of Ordinance No. 13181 amending the Code of the City
Multi-Family of Fort Worth (1986), as amended, by the
Dwelling amendment of Chapter 7, "Buildings," by the
Complexes" amendment of Article I , "Registration and
Inspection of Multi-Family Dwelling Complexes,"
Division 1, "General Provisions," Section 7-394,
"Definitions," by revising, deleting and adding
definitions; by the amendment of Division 2,
"Registration and Inspection of Multi-Family
Dwelling Complexes," by the amendment of Section
7-410, "Crime Prevention Standards.
Council Member Silcox recommended that the
ordinance for Mayor and Council Communication
No. G-12020 be amended, as follows stating that on
Page 2, the first paragraph a subsection (0 by
excluding "dwelling units provided for students and
their families by colleges, universities or seminaries,"
by providing a definition of the ter "On-site
manager." be deleted; that the fourth h paragraph on
page 2, Mufti-family dwelling complex subsection
"(c) the third sentence stating "The term shall not
include a dwelling unit occupied by a student
attending a college,university,or seminary; inclusive
of the student's family and in which the dwelling
OCTOBER 2, 1997
unit is owned by the respective college, university,or
seminary." be deleted; and that the following
paragraph be added, "subsection (g) The fee
requirement shall not include a dwelling unit
occupied by a student attending a college,university,
or seminary; inclusive of the student's family and in
which the dwelling unit is owned by the respective
college, university, or seminary."
On motion of Council Member Silcox, seconded by
Council Member McCloud, Mayor and Council
Communication No. G-12020 was adopted, as
amended, unanimously.
G-12021 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 13182 Communication No. G-12021 from the City Manager
Correcting recommending that the City Council adopt
Staffing Ordinance No. 13182 adjusting the total number of
for Civil authorized Civil Service Positions at each
Service classification (rank) in the Fire Department for
Personnel Fiscal Year 1997-98, providing for the reduction of
two captain positions, four lieutenant positions, nine
engineer positions, and seventeen firefighter
positions, providing a statement of purpose and
intent. On motion of Council Member Silcox,
seconded by Council Member Laskin, the
recommendation was adopted unanimously.
414 It was the consensus of the City Council that
Comprehensive rehensive consi eration of Mayor and Council Communication
Zoning No. P-8414,Purchase Agreement for Comprehensive
Ordinance Zoning Ordinance Amendment with Municipal
Amendment Planning and Resources Group for the Development
Municipal Department be continued until the meeting of
Planning October 14 1997.
f �
OCTOBER 2, 1997
P-8416 There was presented Mayor and Council
Purchase Communication No. P-8416 from the City Manager
Dump recommending that the City Council authorize the
Bodies & purchase of nine dump bodies and one water tank
One Water body from the State of Texas Department of
Tank Criminal Justice for the City Services Department
Body for an amount not to exceed $105,022.10, f.o.b.
shipping point, no freight charge and payment terms
net 30 days. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
P-8417 There was presented Mayor and Council
Purchase Communication No. P-8417 from the City Manager
OEM recommending that the City Council authorize a
Cummins purchase agreement for OEM (original equipment
Parts & manufacturer) parts and engines for the City
Engines Services Department with multiple vendors on low
bid, with agreement to begin September 23, 1997,
and end September 22, 1998, with two options to
renew for one-year each. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
P-8418 There was presented Mayor and Council
Amend M&C Communication No. P-8418 from the City Manager
P-7873 recommending that the City Council amend M&C
9394 P-7873 for a five (5) month extension for
Controllers & maintenance of the City's 9394-001 controllers and
9395 Disk 9395BI3 disk drawers for the Information Systems
Drawers and Services Department with IBM, Inc., for an
estimated expenditure of $10,120.00. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adapted.
A 3
OCTOBER 2, 1997
L-12071 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication No. L-12071 from the City Manager
Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize the
Air Carrier City Manager to execute a lease agreement with Air
Avionics, Inc. Carrier Avionics, Inc., for 16,000 square feet of
conventional hangar space and 29,598 square feet of
improved land at Meacham International Airport. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12072 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication No. L-12072 from the City Manager
Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize the
Bernard City Manager to approve a lease agreement with
Bormans Bernard Bormans for 4,928 square feet of
conventional hangar space and 9,124 square feet of
improved land at Hangar 9 North at Meacham
International Airport. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
L-12073 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication No. L-12073 from the City Manager
Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize the
Global Applied City Manager to execute a lease agreement with
Technologies, Inc. global Applied Technologies, Inc., for Fixed Based
Operator (FBO) hangar space at Fort Worth Spinks
Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
L-12074 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication No. L-12074 from the City Manager
Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize the
Imad T. _ age Cite ' tanager to execute a lease agreement with
Iba Eagle Imad T. I1age spa eagle International for office
OCTOBER 2, 1 }9'7
space and classroom facilities in the basement of the
Terminal Building at Meacham International
Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
L-12075 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication No. L-12075 from the City Manager
Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize the
Solitaire, Inc. City Manager to execute a lease agreement with
Solitaire, Inc. for Fixed Based Operator (FBO)
hangar space at Fort North Spinks Airport. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12076 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication No. L-12076 from the City Manager
Agreement recommending that the City Council authorize the
Walid J. City Manager to execute a lease agreement with
Yammine Walid J. Yammine d/b/a Skywings Flight Training,
d/b/a Skywings Inc. for 1,215 square feet of office space and
Flight Training, Inc. classroom facilities in the Terminal Building at
Meacham International Airport. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12077 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication No. L-12077 from the City Manager
Agreement recommendino, that the City Council authorize the
Aerial Ci , Manager to execute a lease agreement wit
Impact of Aerial Impact of Texas for office space in the Fixed
Texas Base Operator(F BO) Hangar at Fort Worth Spinks
Airport. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
OCTOBER 2, 1997
L-12078 There was presented Mayor and Council
Acquisition Communication No. L-12078 from the City Manager
of avigation recommending that the City Council authorize and
easements accept individual avigation easements of six (6)
residential properties located in the City of Irving,
Texas, for the purpose of expanding DIFW Airport;
find that the prices offered by the Airport are just
compensation; and authorize the acceptance and
recording of the appropriate instruments. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12079 There was presented Mayor and Council
D1FW Communication No. L-12079 from the City Manager
Airport recommending that the City Council authorize the
Noise conveyance of nine (9) single-family residential
Mitigation properties to the highest bidders in accordance with
Program adopted procedures. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted,
L-12080 There was presented Mayor and Council
Sale of Communication No. L-12080 from the City Manager
City-owned recommending that the City Council approve the
Surplus sale of the surplus City-owned properties to Fort
Property worth Mousing Finance Corporation, for specified
amounts, for the development of low to moderate
income housing pursuant to 272.001(g) of the Texas
Local Governing Code, and authorize the City
Manager to execute the appropriate deeds, and
convey the properties to Fort Worth Housing
Finance Corporation.
City Manager Terrell informed Council of an
amendment to be made on Mayor and Council
Communication No. -12 i , stating that under
Discussion, the sales price total should read
"$1,394.00 instead of$13,394,00".
OCTOBER 2, 1997
Council Member McCloud made a motion,seconded
by Council Member Haskin,that Mayor and Council
Communication No. L-12080 be adopted, as
amended. The motion carried unanimously.
L-12081 There was presented Mayor and Council
Acceptance Communication No.L-12081 from the City Manager
of easements recommending that the City Council approve the
acceptance of a permanent sanitary sewer easement
and a temporary construction easement for a total of
$2.00 from William Ted Pate. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be
L-12082 There was presented Mayor and Council
Acquisition Communication No. L-12082 from the City Manager
easements recommending that the City Council approve the
acquisition of one permanent utility easement(PUE)
and one temporary construction utility easement
(TCE)out of the Ridgecrest Addition,Block 20,from
Charles Clayton for a total of$3,500.00. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12083 There was presented Mayor and Council
Acquisition Communication No. L-12083 from the City Manager
easements recommending that the City Council approve the
acquisition of one permanent utility easement PUE)
and one temporary construction easement (TCE),
Block 20,out of the Ridgecrest Addition from Saeed
Mahvash for a total of $2,500.00. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
OCTOBER 2, 1997
L-12084 There was presented Mayor and Council
Acquisition Communication No. L-12084 from the City Manager
easement recommending that the City Council approve the
acquisition of one permanent utility easement(PUE)
described as being Part of Lot 16, and 17, Block 22
out of the Ridgleacrest Addition, from Asa Douglas
and Randy Cornell, for a total of$3,000.00. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12085 There was presented Mayor and Council
Repeal Communication No. L-12085 from the City Manager
Res. # 2302 & recommending that the City Council:
adopt Res. # 2340
DFW Airport 1. Repeal Resolution No. 2302 and M&C L-
Expansion 11988 originally adopted on June 17, 1997,
2. Adopt revised Resolution No. 2340, and
3. Authorize the acquisition, in the name of the
Cities of Fort Worth and Dallas, of four tracts
of land containing a total of approximately
42.518 acres located along the north side of
State Highway 114/121 near Municipal Way
and Trinity Parkway in grapevine,Texas,and
4. Authorize the exercise of eminent domain, if
the Cities and the property, owner are unable
to agree, in order to obtain a right-of-way of
the future west side runway expansion project
at the DFW International Airport, and
5. Establish that the offers made tote rope
owns in the amount of$20,565,979.00 is just
compensation for the four 4) separate tracts.
OCTOBER 2, 1997
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12086 There was presented Mayor and Council
Dedication Communication No. L-12086 from the City Manager
Deed & recommending that the City Council accept the
Acquisition of dedication deed and approve the acquisition of
Easements permanent and temporary construction easements
required for construction of a sanitary sewer system
to serve the Intel Site for a total of$42.00. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12087 There was presented Mayor and Council
Renewal of Communication No. L-12087 from the City Manager
Lake Worth recommending that the City Council authorize a 25
Lease - U.S. year lease for each of the four Lake Worth parcels to
Army Corps the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for $1,803.00
of Engineers annually. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
L-12088 There was presented Mayor and Council
Acquisition of Communication No.L-12088 from the City Manager
easements recommending that the City Council approve the
acquisition of six permanent utility easements (PUE),
six temporary construction easements (TCE) and
one parcel of land (DEED) at a total cost of
$70,600.00, damages of $18,550.00, plus estimated
closing costs of$4,950.00 required for construction
of a sanitary sewer lie to divert the flow from
Elizabeth Cree k Watershed into White Branch
Watershed. It was the consensus of the City Council
that the recommendation be adopted.
OCTOBER 2, 1997
L-12089 'There was presented Mayor and Council
Purchase of Communication No. L-12089 from the City Manager
3120 Mouse recommending that the City Council approve the
Anderson Rd. purchase of 3120 Douse Anderson Road, Fort
Worth, Texas, (Tracts 2C2, 2C4, 2G2, and 2G4 of
the Vim. L. Lee Survey, Abstract No. 968), from
Horace and Loda Coffie for $12,500,00 plus closing
costs of $800.00 for a total acquisition cost not to
exceed $13,300.00. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
L-12090 There was presented Mayor and Council
Pipeline Communication No. L-12090 from the City Manager
Crossing recommending that the City Council approve a
Agreement - permanent Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Crossing
Union Agreement with Union Pacific Railroad Company
Pacific for a one-time payment of $2,975.00. It was the
Railroad consensus of the City Council that the
Company recommendation be adopted.
L-12091 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication No. L-12091 from the City Manager
Agreement - recommending that the City Council authorize the
Andrew City Manager to execute a lease agreement with
Pena dlbla Andrew Pena dlbla Contract Aircraft Painting for
Contract 35,165 square feet of conventional hangar space and
Aircraft improved land located at Hangar 6 North at
Painting Meacham International Airport, It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-12092 There was presented Mayor and Council
Lease Communication ado. L#12092 from the Citq v Manager
Agreements ents reco ending that the City Council authorize the
Texas s Jet, Inc. City Manager to execute lease agreements with
Texas -let, Inc., for Hangers, I North and T Hangers
25 and 26 South at Meacham International =airport.
OCTOBER 2, 1997
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
It appeared to the City Council that they set today as
the date for a public hearing regarding a street name
change. Mayor Barr asked if there was anyone
present desiring to be heard.
Ms. Ann Kovich, Director of the .Development
Department, appeared before the City Council and
presented a staff report and advised Council that
this public hearing was to receive comments from
citizens,and called attention of the Council to Mayor
and Council Communication No. PZ-1987, as
PZ-1987 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 13183 Communication No.PZ-1987 from the City Manager
Street Name recommending that the City Council adopt
Change Ordinance No. 13183 changing the name of "Jet
"Jet Stream Stream Way" to "Galaxy Way",which would affect
Way" to the entire length of Jet Stream Way north of Flight
"Galaxy Way" Line Road located in Alliance.
There being no one else desiring to be heard, Council
Member Laskin made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Picht, that the hearing be closed
and the recommendation be adopted.
The motion carried by the following vote.-
OCTOBER 2, 199'7
AYES: Mayor Pro tempore McCray;
Council Members Haskin, Picht,
Wentworth, McCloud, and Hirt
NOES: Council Member Silcox
ABSENT: Mayor Barr and Council Member
C-16328 There was presented Mayor and Council
Demolition Communication No. C-16328, dated September 23,
Multi-Family 1997,from the City Manager recommending that the
& Commercial City Council;
1. Confirm the structures are substandard and
nuisances, and
2. Authorize the City Manager to execute
contracts for the demolition of structures for
the City Services Department based on the
lowest qualifying bid per packet as follows,
• ICE Contractors, Inc. for Packets 1, 3,
and 4 in the amount of$268,796.00, and
The Andrew Joseph Company, Inc. for
Packet 2 in the amount of $32,600.00,
`dotal amount not to exceed $301,396.00,
f.o.b., Fort Werth, Texas,
3. Authorize a lien to be riled against each
properq? to coyer the cost of demolition and
E �
OCTOBER 2, 1997
City Manager Terrell advised Council of some
amendments to be made on Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-16328 as follows:
Recommendation #2, first bullet should read "ICE
Contractors, Inc. for Packets 3 and 4 in the amount
of $69,100.00, and"; under the same
recommendation, third bullet should read "Total
amount not to exceed$101,700.00 f.o.b.,Fort Worth,
Texas"; and the last sentence of the next to the last
paragraph on Page 2 should read "ICE Contractors,
Inc., a certified MIWBE firm, is recommended to be
awarded contracts for Packets 3 and 4, totaling
$69,100.00 out of $101,700.00, the total cost of all
three packets."
Council Member Picht made a motion, seconded by
Council Member McCloud,that Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-16328 be approved, as
amended. The motion carried unanimously.
C-16329 There was presented Mayor and Council
J.B. Davies Inc. Communication No. C-16329 from the City Manager
recommending that the City Council authorize the
City Manager to execute a contract with J.B. Davies
Inc.,for a fee not to exceed $24,771.36, to provide an
Exhibit " " property map, which delineates all
property owned by the City. at Spinks Airport. It was
the consensus of the Cite Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-16330 There was presented. Mayor and Council
Change Communication No. C-16330 from the City Manager
Order No. 1 recommending that the City Council authorize
Davila Change Order No. l in the amount oat of$59,788.00 and
Construction., fifteen (1 5) additional working days to City
Inc. Secretar y Contract o. 22828 with Davila
OCTOBER 2, 1997
Construction, Inc., for Water Main Rehabilitation
Contract FF, Stadium Drive (from Creston to
Gambrell) and Gabrell Street (from Stadium to
Rector), revising the total to $354,808.00. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-16331 There was presented Mayor and Council
Circle "C" Communication No. C-16331 from the City Manager
Construction, Inc. recommending that the City Council authorize the
City Manager to execute a contract with Circle "C"
Construction, Inc., in the amount of$273,233.00 for
Sanitary Sewer Main M-219 Drainage Area
Rehabilitation and Sewer Improvement, Group 3,
Contract 1, Part 5 - Sewer Line Replacement. It was
the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-16332 There was presented Mayor and Council
Engineering Communication No. C-16332 from the City Manager
Agreement - recommending that the City Council authorize the
Garcia & City Manager to execute an engineering agreement
Associates with Garcia and Associates Engineering, Inc., for a
Engineering, Inc. fee not to exceed $90,000.00 to prepare plans and
specifications for Sanitary Sewer Mains 42 and 54
Drainage Area System Rehabilitation and
Improvements, fart 7. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C-16333 There was presented Mayor and Council
Change Order Communication No. C--16333 from the City Manager
No. 1 - recommending that the City Council authorize the
Ed Bell Cite Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 to City
Construction, Secretary Contract No. 21, 9 with Ed Bell
Inc. Construction, Inc., in the amount of$ 7,399.85 for
OCTOBER 2, 1997
increased sidewalk quantities and directional signs,
increasing the contract amount to $767,149.85. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-16334 There was presented Mayor and Council
Walt Communication No. C-16334 from the City Manager
Williams recommending that the City Council authorize the
Construction, Inc. City Manager to execute a contract with Walt
Williams Construction, Inc., in the amount of
$253,209.00 for the reconstruction of Harding Street
(from 35th Street to 38th Street). It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-16335 There was presented Mayor and Council
Valerie Communication No. C-16335 from the City Manager
Cortez recommending that the City Council authorize the
Personal City Manager to execute a personal services contract
Services with Valerie Cortez to continue in her position as
Contract Manager of the Butler Outreach Library Division
(BOLD) for a second year. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be
C-16336 'There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 13184 Communication No. C-16336 from the City Manager
Safe & Sober recommending that the City Council:
Traffic 1. Authorize the Ci r Manager to accept the
Enforcement contract with the Texas Department of
Program Transportation to operate the Safe & Saber
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program on an
overtime basis in the amount of$204,1 28.00,
OCTOBER 2, 1997
2. Authorize the transfer of$18,677.00 from the
General Fund, Non-Departmental, to the
Grant Fund for the City's cash match, and
3. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 13184
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Grants Fund in the
amount of$222,805.00 subject to receipt of the
grant from the State Department of Highway
and Public Transportation for the purpose of
funding the Safe and Sober Selective Traffic
Enforcement Program, and
4. Authorize the City Manager to waive indirect
costs in the amount of $38,924.00 since
indirect costs are not allowed by the Texas
Department of Transportation.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-16337 There was presented Mayor and Council
Community Communication No. C-16337 from the City Manager
Facilities recommending that the City Council authorize the
Agreement - Cite Manager to execute a Community Facilities
WPC-Basswood Agreement with WPC-Basswood Development
Development Corporation, for the installation of community
Corporation facilities for Park` len Addition, Phase V Sections
1B and 2B.
Council Member Silcox expressed concern relative to
the City, paying for street construction but
questioned the fact that it did list the amount under
OCTOBER 2, 1997
Mr. Richard Zavala appeared before the City
Council and advised Council that the Parr and
Community Services Department would pay for the
side of the street adjacent to the park.
Council Member Laskin made a motion, seconded
by Council Member Silcox, that Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-16337 be adopted. The
motion carried unanimously.
C-16338 There was presented Mayor and Council
Conatser Communication No. C-16338 from the City Manager
Construction, Inc. recommending that the City Council authorize the
City Manager to execute a construction contract
with Conatser Construction, Inc., in the amount of
$237,580.00 for the construction of water and sewer
improvements in Rowan Drive, from Clayton Road
to Woodstock Road. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C-1.6339 There was presented Mayor and Council
Amendment - Communication No. C-16339 from the City Manager
D.W.W. recommending that the City Council authorize the
Abatment, Inc. City Manager to execute an amendment to City
Secretary Contract No. 21642 with D.W.W.
Abatement, Inc. (DWW) to increase the not to
exceed amount to$50,000.00. It was the consensus of
the Cite Council that the recommendation be
C-16340 There was presented Mayor and Council
Amendment - Communication No.C-16340 from the City Manager
Industrial recommending that the City Council authorize the
Hygiene & City Manager to execute are amendment to pity
Safety Secretary Contract No 21649 with Industrial
Technology 1 _ i� � �� Safety `e nolo� Inc. 3II1 to
011 0
OCTOBER 2, 199'7
increase the not to exceed amount to $70,000.00. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-16341 There was presented Mayor and Council
Contract Communication No. C-16341 from the City Manager
Meter recommending that the City Council authorize
Reading exercising the fourth one-year option to renew City
Services - Secretary Contract No. 19838 for meter reading
Matvest, Inc. services with Matvest, Inc., d/b/a Bermex, Inc.
d/b/a Bermex, Inc. ("Bermex"), at a price of$0.350 per meter read. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-16342 There was presented Mayor and Council
Community Communication No. C-16342 from the City Manager
Facilities recommending that the City Council authorize the
Agreement - City Manager to execute a Community Facilities
FJM, Inc. Agreement with FJM, Inc., for the installation of
community facilities for Summerfields Addition,
Phase VI, Section 4133A. It was the consensus of the
City Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C-16343 There was presented Mayor and Council
Res. # 2341 Communication No. C-16343 from the City Manager
Interlocal recommending that the City Council:
Agreement -
Town of 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the
Northlake Interlocal Agreement with the Town of
Northlake, and
2. Adopt Joint Resolution and Agreement No.
2341 adjusting extraterritorial jurisditional
boundary lines between Fort Worth and
Northlakw, and
OCTOBER 2, 1997
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute the
contract for wholesale water service between
Fort Worth and Northlake.
On motion of Council Member Wentworth,
seconded by Council Member Hakin the
recommendation was adopted unanimously.
Citizen Presentations
Artie Sanders Ms. Artie Sanders Fontaine, 4862 Rimbey Road,
Fontaine appeared before the City Council and advised
Council that she had no desire for the demolition of
her property located at 6020 Maceo, stating that she
had contacted contractors to work on the property
and bring it back up to standard.
Mr. Tom Davis, Director of City Services, appeared
before the City Council and advised Council that
this had gone before the Building Standards
Commission and was approved for demolition last
week by Council, but stated that the notice to
proceed had not been issued. He also advised
Council that the owner listed on the tax roll would
be the person that would receive the notice.
Adjourned There being no one else present desiring to be heard,
the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.