HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1411 Tba City Caunoi i of the city of *Fort 7orth met in recess session in the Council Chamber at the City Hell at 9,30 A.M., Thurs"y, the 12th day of Apzi 10 ". D.1928, and upon M11 call the f011oving were present: ".. "I. Thomas, Mayor rro-Tem, Willard Burton, T. B. Hoffer, ". T. Renfro, Wa. Tonnig, T. B. Austin, Ten Zandt Jarvis and John N. Sparks, Councilmen, c onst i tut ing a quoram and ma jori t y of said Board* eyed I. L. Van Zandt, Jr. City Seeretary4Treasurer, was in attendance at said meeting, end the following pzvaeedings, mong other things, were had and done C ounc i Bean Burt m, seconded by C ounm i lnan Jarvis, moved the adoption of the following Ordinance: ORDINAMIVITRT 01U)INATIrCE 110, 14D6 ?A31 THITH gG. in s DAT C SUCH, A. D. 1'928, 7IV7 D M POR A TAX LH4'f 4F .68 C-ORTS ItT','TB�0 OF 54 a 09 THE SIWIOD PROrBRTx VAIUATION TO nT TRB rihmm ATTD TO c m A 91 a FWD TO PAT "M F�CIPAL OF Tom; Rp0IO AT,O;� H-ZHD TO B8 IS'' AT ID ORDINA77019 Afi 'WHET ]U U RZ* IIMFS q it appsariv; to the City Goumil of the City of Fort 'Torth, TexAS, that the tax ]any provided for in Ordinance No, 1406 to createµ sinking fund for the Toyment and eztinpufehmdnt of thn bonded debt, principal end interest, authorised by said ordirAnce is insufficient. NOW$ TERRsFOR19 BE IT BY m" ('iT'f 70TTM IL OF M. CITT OF That sections four (I') and five (T) of Ordinance No, 14(?l, used at a recess ^tin:; of the City Council of the City of Fort 5�orth, Texas, on iltdnwdAy, the 28th day of March, 't,U, irrBp be and the same are hereby amended, nd after being so aided, shall rear! as follows: "MOTION IV. That for the purpose of creating it s inkiiv,7 t znd for the rry,ent and complete exting,;iz;tnmt if the f8re- I oing bonded debt, 'there-is it s'?Ld interest --nd all grid every part of ,same, t here is hereby levi� and there shall be assessed 'Arai collected as provided by law, set "A and approprint9d for the said purrose an P.nmftl, direct nneci-1 ad valorem tax for the ve: r i9?8p r-nd eve snoQosaite yeas thereafter chari t:fie lif of mid bonded debt, or any part thereof of .6€3 Gents 9or s1ncY� an amo t as may be aocessarrly SRR adequate be it more or lose) on every One'FIundred (�100.UO) Dollars of pru- Derty valuation real, per€scaal r-nd mixed subject to taxation ^nd no exempt there froz under tAe �vnat itut i on and �ws of the ot-ita of Teaoaa situated and oinod in' the Cit of '.=art Worth on the lst day of Janwry 1�Q, and on the lot day of Jr=ar of each ywr tWreafter until said debt rerr�3sented � said bands °!nd coupon in- terest notos shall have aeon sully mid and it, at a.oy time such taxs oulc, be insuMai-mt Len it st�11 be the ant of tile Uity Council or a_jV other ;-overning beady of the City of Fort ',orth, to set apart an4 appropriate such add it iona 1 amount of money oat or the general re- venues of the said City, as may be reTgtiisite to supply the deficiency until az iaterect sh 1 have been jr id and tLe s established as req+-Aired by tho Cozy stitution of the Aat> of Texas and the Charter of 0a City of "ort -Forth;,}' TIA it ikrtll be the duty of the City Council of the City of Fort ";arch nud its swcessors, 'Ind of the government of the City of port Worth by levying, taxes .for noral ses for the said pity of Pont :forth for e year"im, and for every successive eat' during. the life of ea 1 d banded debt, car any part t�eof, to inal zde in a tl 1 th eaial tax 046 cents on Mor One Hundred vl(017t? ll p so much thereof to .y be requLsite nd u4cees� provided for in the next precedin section of this ordin- anas and slich special tax shall on no nacaunt. whatsoever be R ablated therefrom. 06.1 SHOTION III This ordinance sball tek a effect and be in force from and after the date of its Pump and it is Sao ordained* AP YED AS TO FO M Mayor Pro-Tom A. 1, Thomas, presiding at said meet- ing, submitted the motion to adopt said Ordinance and all of the Oonnc ilmen, inc Inding the Mayor Pro-Tom, voted *"** thereon and none Yeted "no", and the motion to adept the ordinance was declared to be unanimoualy passed and adopted. STATE OF TMQAS CuUnTY OF TAMANr it I. L,► Van Zandt, Tr,, City 8aaretary-Treasurer of the City of Fort Worth, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance is a true and correct oo?y of Ordin- ance No. 1411, and that same was unanimously passed and adopt- ed by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, at a recess meeting held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on Thursday the 12th d• y of April., A. D. 1928. VIT"T" my hand at Fort Worth, Texas, this the 12th day of s pri 11 '. D. 1928. Ulty "art rr "Urar of the tv off or