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Ordinance 619
ORDINANCE NO. . liN •©I�3I1��•-�IDI�-'�'BPIF-4�l -£� ik�--��iii�l�a►Ii EXCRETA: DECLARING INSANITARY PRIVIES A NUISANCE: PROVIDING FOR A METHOD OF IN:3TALLING SANITARY PRIVIES: PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, USE AND MAINTAINANCE OF THE SAME: FIXING CHARGES FOR SCAVENGER SERVICE: FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE: REPEALING OTHEF ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORFINANCES IN CONFLICT HERETO. P BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COINISSIONSRS OF THE CITY OF FORT FORTH: section I;- That every residence and building in the Oity of Fort North, in ohich human beings reside, are employed or congregate, shall have a sanitary means of disposal of human excreta, namely: Either a sanitary ratter closet, or a s:=itary Privy, as herein after desig ated and s 't forth. Section a;- That 1t shall be unlawful for any raou, firm or PPES r t fvn to VIM, 13:ii::'&-:, r-El"UP7 r t`A�; a �:ty cf Fu ry Worth, :.any privy or dry closet, for the reception of 'human excreta, unl,�sa said o,loset is built, rebuilt or constructed as provided In Section 5 of this Ordi,n3n0e. Section 3j'- That it shall be unlawful for any r-raovL, firm or v corporation, to deposit, or permit the deposit of human excreta, in any place in the City of Fort Worth„ in an unsanitary mKnner, so Ns to cause potentially dangerous pollution of the soil with such matter, or to permit the spread of such matter by flies or other inse-cts. _ Section 4— That all buildings or Other places in the City of Fort Worth, c+here human beings live, are employed or congregate,` shall be provided with adequate sanitary toilets for the oatchment of or receiving of all human discharges, and for the sanitary store a.nd ultimate dispo"I of such lsatter. Section 5.- That the term"Ganitary privy■ kis used in this Ordinance, shall be construed to mean a privyti®gttipped with a privy-box, which privy vox 14-4all conform -to the folrowlug apecifloew iousi (a)-The privy box sah ll be mvAe of durable seasoned lumber, and shall be fly tight. (b)-The privy"box shell be of either the one-can or two can type. The two-oan type shall be installed in .all privies, used by more that, five per cans. (c)- The two-car- privy box e�lbe 40-inches low, 3$-inches front to back, and ., nches high, (alliuside meaaurt.ments). The_tWo can type shall be provided „ith two- ae'A holes. (d)- The seat holes ,ball be 11..inahes 16ng, 7-inchea wide, the front of which shall be 3-inehas from the front of the box. Eaob'seat hole shall be completely covered with a self falling lid, braced so as to prevent warping. i (a)- The one can privy box shall be 44-inoh�s long,.. h..ve on- seat hots, .p4 otherwise be -siceilar to the tno+ -;Lk t Dfax.- -- - (f)- For wwh se°Lt hole o.f m;ry privy box, a water tight reaceptacl shall be provided. Such rasoeptable aha=l be of 34-Viuge galvanized iron, be 15-inches in diamet-r, and 14 to 15 3nahes in height, and shall be cyliruirical in shape, ,.ith straight aides ars* be provided with +two drop handles. 3 (g)- The top of the privy boa shall be hinged with metal hin�gges, so as to allow for the removal of the xes0eptaoles, and so as to fit flat an the top of the box at all other times. (b)- The privy box shall be ventilated. M10 a ftopening, one inch in width, extending the full ly longt of 'the front-of the box near the floor. {2)- By ar, OPT" f1TW inc!ioc in t" #VV- of , back j,all of the box. 3)- By :- flue seven feet lang and four inches square, Inside measure) extending from the bao,k opening, to a point above the roof of the privy building. The top of the flue shall be Covered so as to prevent the entrance of rain, but so -s to aliom the free $sgress of air. Both tithe openings for ventilation shall be covered rlth galvanized iron or copper screen Are securely taoked by strips to the inside of the box. Section S.- That the coat of providing and installing the privy box and reaceptco.eles, shall be 'borne by the ovkner of the premises but the extra tuns and covers needed for use in op rating the scavenger service,. and for raplaoin,; the dass►goa cans, i+, Lt,e privies, shall be provided by the City. Sec ti on 7.- ?hat the C..ty authorities shall provide for the operation of an adequate scavenger service, to secure a sanitary collection, removal and disposal, of the contents of all privy resceptacl,es, at , ut least ono a creek . For the opesa,tion of such scavenger service, the following charges shall be made: for cleaniaag each privy# per month, payable monthly in advonoe, provided that all privies containing more Uan one resceptaole, a charge of p;r month shell be made, for each additional resoopta.cle, payable monthly in advance. Th-- charges set out in this section shall be paid by the owner of the premises, on -5hloh the privy or privies are loo A ed, to the City of Fort rorth, at the Office of the City Health Officer in the City Hall, in said City. 4 !action a;- That all sanitary privies in said City, shall be kept in a cleanly condition, at all times, -Ind so used that all excreta novited tbotein, shall fe.11 into Us reaceptn41eu provided, and be pfateoted from the Invasion of flies. Suoh reaceptacles shaall be used only for the purpose of a toilet, and no Wash crater garbage, not any other refuse mutter, other than human excreta shall be deposited therein. section 9.- That no privy resceptacle shall be allowed to become filled, or overflowing. It scavenging of privy resooptaeles becomes necessary oftener than herein provided for, it shall be the duty of the occupant of the property, to notify the City Garbage offic4i; and such Privy .rball = additionul oharge of twenty-five cents shall be made for each reaceptacle so removed. Section 10. That all sanitary privies shall be located, so to be easily acoessible for cleansing, _,�;.L u.Ll persons duly authorized by the City Commissioners, to engage in such scarnger work, are hereby ompowercd to enter all privies -ni promisee, in the die- charge of their duties. Section 11.- ZU" a" yrivims ir. 'Me C'f'ty of Fort forth, ®which do not conform to the provisions of this OvA nance, or the regulations of the City Health Officer, iseu L�i and r this Ordinance, shall be and are hereby declared a nuisance, dangerous to public health, ansd the City of port Worth shall proceed to '_G:.te such nuisunoe In accordance with law, and M-1 Ordinances of the said City. section 12jw That the City shall have the further right to make or to cause to be made, such alterations or constructions of such pTivi", as as rr112 r e `ttmw g 4-rikt�ry, :r,_: the, entire cost of such work shall be charged against the person creating or maintaining the uuisance. ,All alterations or con- atruotions are to be prescribed and epproved by the City Health Officer, or ;his duly authorized agent. Section 13.- That systematic sanitary inspection of all privies in the City, shrill be maintained to determine that the privies are used, kept and scavenged, in a sanitary mariner, and it shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the City Health Officer or his duly authorised agent or agents in the performance of his duty. Section 14.- Poorer and authority is hereby vested in, and given to the City Health Officer, to determine whether or not the owner of any premises in the City of Port Worth *hall put in, build or construct a a4iuitary eater oloset or a sanitary privy, taking Into consideration the proximity of a sewer line, the health of the immediate comu:unity adjacent to such premises, and it shall be the duty of the owner of such premises to comply vith the order of the City Health Officer and part it either a sanitary water oloaet, or u 'nit ry j1xivy-:x-- � v."y ira�t. Section 15.- That any person or peraons, firm or corporation, or the agent of any such person, 9e gwiteons, firm or corporation,, who neglects, tails or refuse* to comply with any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance, shall be .ze&-:ed guilty ofna misdemeanor and when convicted, shall be fined in the sum of not -ess than Ten dollars, ($10.00) nor more them One hunditad dollars, ($100.00) -11- each time such L�,.rson or persons, firm or corporation or the tikge3nt o� any such person, or persons, Arii,3 r eorf�t�tion, neglects;, fails or refuses to comply ;ith any of the provisions of thin Ordinance, b_. Jece J .. 3aparute offense and punished as herein provided. Potion 16.- Should any sectior. or part of section of this Ordinance be declared to be invalid by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment or decree of said Court, shall not effect the other sections or p.,srts of sections of this Ordin nce, but the u::,::;c shall re'r::-..in in -:A! fooe -,snd effect. Section 17.- That any Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, in conflict herewith, .:re hereby rt p,--oiled. Section la.- Tht--t this Cidln-ricse shall be in full force arse effec on 4a4 aYfcr June 15th, 1518, aft-r pm az. :iz;i purlicaAlon as :equiz-a by lase. 4RMNANCE No._.- / Title Date F"here_•' __�_ day of 191 -�o City Secretary