HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996/02/06-Minutes-City Council �M
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Date & Time On the 6th day of February, A.D., 1996, the City
Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, met in
regular session, at 7:00 p.m., with the fallowing
members and officers present.
Attendance Mayor Pro tempore Jewel Woods; Council Members
Jim Lane, Chuck Silcox, Becky Haskin, Eugene
McCray, Bill Meadows, Virginia Nell Webber, and
Kenneth Barr, City Manager Bob Terrell; Deputy
City Attorney Bill Wood; City Secretary Alice
Church. There is currently one vacancy on the City
Council; therefore, the quorum necessary for a
Council Meeting is five Council Members, and the
number of votes necessary to carry a regular motion
is also five. With more than a quorum present, the
following business was transacted:
Invocation The invocation was given by Father Stephen Jasso,
All Saints Catholic Church.
Pledge The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes On motion of Council Member Hakin, seconded by
Council Member McCray, the minutes of the regular
meeting of January 30, 1996, were approved
Special Presentation Our City- Our Children Recognition Awards were
presented by Mayor Pro to ore Woods an
Council Member Haskin.
Shakespeare In the Park made a special presentation
to Mayor Woods as a gift from the City Council.
Presentation of Certiates of Appreciation ears
presented for Participaticon in the Rabies i s V inatio
and registration Clinics to Vet ri arians Sidney,,
Allen, DVM, April Altman, DV k Paul Hendon,
0 0
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
DVM; Melanie Landis, DVM, Scott Mellina, DVM;
Billy Y. Parker, DVM; Barney Stumbo, DVM; Craig
Verwers, DVM; Catherine Campbell, DVM, and
Thomas Murnane, DVM
Withdrawn/ Council Member Barr requested that Mayor and
Consent Council Communication No. C-15273 be withdrawn
from the consent agenda.
Council Member Lane requested that Mayor and
Council Communication No. C-15268 be withdrawn
from the consent agenda.
City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and
Council Communication Nos. P-7754 and L-11697 be
withdrawn from the consent agenda.
Continued/ City Manager Terrell requested that Mayor and
Withdrawn Council Communication Nos. C-15278, C-15279, and
C-15280 be withdrawn from the agenda, and that
Mayor and Council Communication No. L-11697 be
continued for two weeks.
Consent agenda On motion of Council Member Barr , seconded by
Council Member Hakin, the consent agenda, as
amended, was adopted unanimously.
Appointments Council Me ber Meadows made a motion, seconded
by Council Member McCray, that Rita N rey be
reappointed to Place 1, Jefferson Davis, Jr. be
reappointed to Place 3 Santos Aguilera be
reappointed to Place 5, and that John Barnett be
reappointed to Place ; that Marsha Wright be
appointed to Place 2 and that Vernon wars be
appointed to Place 7 on the Board of t just ert an
the Fort Worth alliance Airport Board of
A just e t. The motion carried unanimously.
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded
by Council Member Barr, that David Chappell, John
Hernandez, and Becky Haskin be reappointed to the
Area Metropolitan Ambulance Authority.
Council Member Silcox expressed opposition to the
reappointment of David Chappell to the Area
Metropolitan Ambulance Authority.
The motion to reappoint David Chappell, John
Hernandez, and Becky Haskin to the Area
Metropolitan Ambulance Authority carried by the
following vote;
AYES: Mayor Pro tempore Woods;
Council Members Lane, Haskin,
McCray, Meadows, Webber, and
NOES: Council Member Silcox
Council Member Meadows made a motion, seconded
by Council Member McCray, that Rebecca Lucas,
Dr. Richard O'Neal, and George Wiederaenders be
reappointed to the Ethics Review Committee, with
term of office expiring cto er /, 1997. The motion
carried unanimously.
Council Member Webber made a motion, seconded
by Council Member j c ray, t at , a Tf ete-f
es i, Sam Garcia, Step°e c Kee v r, Hilton
Oueton, Victor Puente- Gene- Bloomfield, Douglas D.
Lee, Lary Frymire, Joy Thompson, e n y Tucker,
and Kathryn T. Bnran' an be reappointed to the
V i
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Advisory
Committee and that Estrus Tucker be appointed to
the Committee, replacing Reginald Gates, as a
representative of the Black Chamber of Commerce.
The motion carried unanimously.
OCS-788 There was presented Mayor and Council
Claims Communication No. OCS-788 from the Office of the
City Secretary recommending that the City Council
refer notices of claims regarding alleged damages
and/or injuries to the Risk Management Department.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
G-11377 There was presented Mayor and Council
Temp. Street Communication No. G-11377, dated January 23,
Closure 1996 from the City Manager recommending that the
City Council approve the request of the Colonial
Country Club to temporarily close the 3700 block of
Country Club Circle, the 3700, 3800, and 3900
blocks of Mockingbird Lane, and Cantey Street
between Highview Terrace West and the T.C.I .
parking lot from May 13 through May 19, 1996.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Lane, that Mayor and Council
Communication No. -11377 be approved and
directed staff to t with of ial Country Club to
discuss street closings and the bus routes. The
motion carried una . n ly.
G 11387 There was presented Mayor and Council
Final Assessment ent 3o a icat o No. G-11387 from the City, Manager
it ug h Avenue recommending. ending that the ji Council approve the
final assessment ent roll for the paving of Fitzhugh
Avenue from Stalcup Road to Cass Str t and
authorize the issuance of certificates as evidence of
�,. d
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FEBRUARY 6, 1996
the special assessments levied against the abutting
property owners on Fitzhugh Avenue. It was the
consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
G-11388 There was presented Mayor and Council
Res. # 2137 Communication No. G-11388 from the City Manager
Trinity River recommending that the City Council adopt
Authority Resolution No. 2137 authorizing the City Manager to
execute and deliver the Continuing Disclosure
Agreement with the Trinity River Authority (TRA).
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
G-11389 There was presented Mayor and Council
Tax Abatement Communication No. G-11389 from the City Manager
Continued for recommending that the City Council withdraw
one week consideration of M&C G-11326 (which is scheduled
for consideration on February 13, 1996); and adopt
a resolution which states that the City elects to
become eligible to participate in property tax
abatement pursuant to the Texas Property
Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, Tax Code,
Sections 312.001 through 312.209 as amended; and
establishes a Policy Statement, including guidelines
and criteria, governing property tax abatements for
the City of Fort Worth.
CouncH Member r e a motion, seconded y
Council Member Has in, that consideration of
Mayor and Council Communication No. G-11389,
Policy Statement: Tax Abatement or Qualified
Development rojec , be continued for one week.
The motion carried unam'mausly.
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
G-11390 It appeared to the City Council that they set today
Public Hearing as the date for a public hearing for the Fort Werth
Crime Control and Prevention District Fund and
that notice of the hearing had been published in the
official newspaper. Mayor Foods asked if there
was anyone present desiring to be heard.
Assistant City Manager Libby Watson appeared
before the City Council and presented a staff report
recommending that the City Council approve
Mayor and Council Communication No. G-11389,
as follows:
G-11390 There was presented Mayer and Council
Ord. # 12381 Communication No. G-1.1390 from the City Manager
Ord. # 12388 recommending that the City Council:
Ord. # 12389
FW Crime 1. Approve a budget adjustment to the Fort
Control & Forth Crime Control and Prevention District
Prevention fiscal year 1995-96 plan in the amount of
District Fund $1,046,139.00, and
2. Adopt Appropriations Ordinance No. 12387
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Crime Control and
Prevention District Fund in the amount of
51,046,139.00 for the purpose of funding
reimbursement of Election Costs,
Neighborhood Policin ist °cts, 9-1-1
System Improvements, and
3. Adopt Appropriations Ordinance No. 12388
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Capital rgjec s Reserve
Fund in the amount of 9 , t.00 for the
purpose, of funding the purchase of a Universal
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Power Supply and Backup Generator for the
City Mainframe Computer, and
4. Authorize the transfer of$95,000.00 from the
Capital Projects Reserve Fund to the
Information Systems and Services Fund, and
5. Adopt Supplemental Appropriations
Ordinance No. 12389 increasing the estimated
receipts and appropriations in the Information
Systems and Services Fund in the amount of
$95,000.00 for the purpose of funding the
purchase of a Universal Power Supply and
Backup Generator for the City Mainframe
Computer, and
G. Authorize the expenditure of $95,000.00 for
the purchase of a Universal Power Supply and
backup generator for the City's mainframe
Council Member McCray made a motion, seconded
by Council Member Barr, that the public hearing
relative to the Fart Worth Crime Control and
Prevention District Fund be closed and that Mayor
d Council Co a 'cation o -11389 he
adopted. e motion carried a . ousty.
753 There was presented Mayor and Council
Industrial Communication No. P-7753 from the City Manager
Hygiene Services recommending that the City Council authorize the
Asbestos City Manager er to enter into an agreement with
s-s ss eats Industrial Hygiene and Safe r Technology
S for industrial hygjenesiervices, for an amount
of to exceed $40,000.00 per year, and with
agreement to e- in February t, 11.99 , and en
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
January 31, 1997, with the option to renew for two
additional one year periods. It was the consensus of
the City Council that the recommendation be
P-7754 There was presented Mayor and Council
Various Communication No. P-7754 from the City Manager
Equipment recommending that the City Council authorize the
purchase of equipment from vendors on low bid per
item meeting specifications and reject all bids for
item number 4, and the purchase of one additional
crewcab pickup from Classic Chevrolet, Inc. for an
amount not to exceed $25,996.00 as per the
specifications in bed quotation 95-0440.
City Manager Terrell advised Council that Mayor
and Council Communication No. P-7754 needed to
be amended, stating that the amount listed for
Classic Chevrolet Unit Price for Crew Cab Bulky
Waste Dump Truck should read $29,457.00 instead
of$29,475.00; that Classic Chevrolet Unit Price for
Extended Cab Pickups should read $25,166.00
instead of $25,161.00; that the total expenditure
should read $419,95.00 instead of$419,963.00; and
stated that the Fund/Account/Center Information
should also reflect these changes and amended the
Center Number on the last line to red 0801000
instead of 08090035.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Silcox, that Mayor and Council
Communication No. P#7754 be approved, as
The motion carried unamimously.
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
P-7755 There was presented Mayor and Council
Maintenance Communication No. P-7755 from the City Manager
& Repair recommending that the City Council exercise the
second renewal option for maintenance and repair on
data processing equipment for the Information
Systems Fund with Data Applications Corporation
on the estimated bid of $5,750.00 per month, f o.b.
destination, freight no charge with agreement to
begin January 10, 1996, and end January 9, 1997. It
was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
L-11697 It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor
R-O-W and Council Communication No. L-11697,
Chesser-Boyer Acquisition of Right-of-Way for Improvement of
Rd. & Kimbo Rd. Intersection at Chesser-Boyer Road and Kimbo
Road, Contract No. C-14652, Ordinance No. 11811
- 1123195, be continued for two weeks.
It appeared to the City Council that they set today
as the date for a public hearing for the Approval of
Planned Development Site Plan; Roy Swink, 5050
ndol Mill Road (PDSP-95-019) that notice of the
hearing was mailed on January 19, 1996. Mayor
Woods asked if there was anyone present desiring
to be heard.
Ms. Ann Kovich , Director of the Development
Department ap are efore the City Council an
presented a staff report recommending that the City
Council approve Mayor and Council
Communication No. PZ.4869, as follows.-
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
PZ-1869 There was presented Mayer and Council
Site Plan Communication No. PZ-1859 from the City
Manager recommending that the City Council adopt
the site plan proposed for property located at 8050
Randol Mill Road as recommended by the Zoning
Commission on December 12, 1995. The City
Council approved the rezoning request, Z-94-100 for
"PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for a
Cabinet Shop on September 12, 1995.
Roy N. Swink Mr. Roy N. Swink, 502 Brownstone, appeared
before the City Council and requested that the City
Council give favorable consideration for the
proposed site plan, but requested that the City
Council grant the zoning change without requiring
a buffer zone.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard
in connection with the public hearing for the
approval of Planned Development Site Plan; Roy
Swink, 8050 Randol Mill Road, Council Member
basin made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Barr, that the hearing be closed and that
a 30' setback be granted and that a screening fence
be provided along the length of the construction
situ The motion carried una ° o ly.
C-15226 There was presented Mayor and Council
Paul Lazzaro Communication No. C-15226, dated January 9, 199
Associates from the City Manager recommending that the City
Council authorize the City Manager to execute a one
year professional services agreement with Paul
Lazzaro and Associates in an amount not to exceed
$110,850.0.300 for the development and implementation
of a marketing communications program fort the
Businesis Assistance Center.
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Lane, that Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-15226 be approved. The
motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Pro tempore Woods;
Council Members Lane, Silcox,
Haskin, McCay, Meadows, and
NOES: Council Member Webber
C-15268 There was presented Mayor and Council
Tarrant County Communication No. C-15268 from the City Manager
Housing Partner- recommending that the City Council:
ship, Inc.
1. Authorize the City Manager to amend
Contract # 21030, not to exceed a total of
$750,000.00 in HOME funds from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) to be used in the
following manner:
a. Increase the maximum amount allowed
that may be used to provide homebuyer
assistance loans for the purchase of a
home city-v6de, from 14 , 40 to
b. Decrease the minimum amount allowe
that may be ued to provide homebuyer
assistance loans to low and very l ,w-
co e homebuyers purchasing a home
within the * fWorth's Model
A w
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Blocks, federal target areas, or
designated building areas, from
$610,000.00 to $410,000.00;
C. Amend the Program Goals to combine
closing cost assistance activities with gap
financing deferred loans. The
combination of funds will become
homebuyer assistance loans, and
2. Extend the contract performance period to end
on August 31, 1996.
Council Member Lane disclosed that he had a
banking relationship with Bank of America.
Council Member Laskin made a motion, seconded
by Council Member Lane, that Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-15268 be approved. The
motion carried unanimously.
C-15269 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 12390 Communication No. C-15269 from the City Manager
Fait Williams recommending that the City Council:
1. Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 12390
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Special Assessments
Fund in the amount of $7,391.00 and in the
Streets Improvements Fun in the amount of
$7,391.00 from increased revenue for the
purpose of funding reconstruction of Cannon
from 1a to St. Louis, an
2. Approve a $71,391.00 fund transfer for the
property owner's share, of construcflon costs
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
from the Special Assessments Fund to the
Street Improvements Fund, and
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a
contract with Walt Williams Construction Co.,
in the amount of $74,577.15 for the
reconstruction of Cannon Street from May to
St. Louis.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adapted.
C-15270 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 12391 Communication No. C-15270 from the City Manager
Halff Associates, Inc. recommending that the City Council:
1. Authorize the City Manager to transfer
$177,540.00 from Water and Sewer Operating
Fund to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund, and
2. Adopt Appropriations Ordinance No. 12391
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects
Fund in the amount of $117,640.00 for the
purpose of funding an engineering agreement
with Halff Associates, Inc., for sanitary sewer
rehabilitation contract XLV'11 (47) an
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute an
engineering agreement with Halff Associates,
Inc., for a fee not to exceed $111,640.00 to
prepare plans and ecifica ions for Sanitary
Seer Rehabilitation Contract XLVH (47).
1t waste consensus of the tit Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
C-15271 There was presented Mayor and Council
Dayton Glass Communication No. C-15271 from the City Manager
Company recommending that the City Council authorize the
City Manager to execute a contract with Dayton
Mass Company in the amount of$23,174.00 and for
a duration of 60 calendar days for the replacement of
75 panels of wire reinforced glass and replacement of
one missing side window at the Cowtown Coliseum..
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-15272 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 12392 Communication No. C-15272 from the City Manager
Ord. # 12393 recommending that the City Council;
Buford Thompson
Company 1. Adopt Appropriations Ordinance No. 12392
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Capital Projects Reserve
Fund in the amount of $17,907.00 for the
purpose of funding; emergency repairs to the
parking garage, and
2. Authorize the transfer of$17,907.00 from the
Capital Projects Reserve Fund to the Specially
Funded Capital Projects Fund., and
3. Adopt Appropriations rdina ce No. 12393
increasing 1 e estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Specially Funded Capital
Projects Fund in the amount of$17,907.00 for
the purpose of funding emergency repairs to
the parking garage, and
4. Confirm the emergency cons ctio contract
with Buford Thompson Company in the
amount of$1,77,907.00 and a construction
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
duration of thirty (30) calendar days for the
interim repair of the second story slab in the
parking garage.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-15273 There was presented Mayor and Council
Bank One, Communication No. C-15273 from the City Manager
Arizona, NA recommending that the City Council authorize the
City Manager to execute a two-year professional
services agreement with Bank One, Arizona, NA in
the approximate amount of $15,000.00 per year to
provide purchasing card services.
Council Member Barr disclosed that he had a
banking relationship with Bank tine.
Council Member Lane disclosed that he had a
banking relationship with Bank One.
Council Member McCray made a motion, seconded
by Council Member Meadows, that Mayor and
Council Communication No. C®15273 be adopted.
Council Member Silcox questioned the annual fee
forte card, and Assistant City IManager Charles
Boswefl appeared before the City Council and
advised Council that staff would provide the
Council with complete information with regard to
the annual fee, and suggested that this Mayor and
Council Communication continued for one week.
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Council Member Silcox made a substitute motion,
seconded by Council Member Barr, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C-15273 be
continued for one week. The motion carried
C-15274 There was presented Mayer and Council
Linder Stahl Communication No. C-15274 from the City Manager
Construction recommending that the City Council authorize the
Company, Inc. City Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 to City
Secretary Contract No. 21279 with Linder Stahl
Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of$57,856.00,
and increasing the contract amount to $1,559,015.50.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-15275 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 12394 Communication No. C-15275 from the City Manager
B.J.D. recommending that the City Council:
Investments, Inc.
dba Roto Rooter 1. Authorize the City Manager to transfer
Sewer Service $328,489.00 from the Water and Sewer
Operating fund to the Sewer Capital Projects
i~und; and
2. Adopt Appropriations Ordinance No. 12394
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects
Fund in the amount of $328,489.00 for the
purpose of funding a contract with II.J.D.
Investments, Inc., dba Roto Rooter Sewer
Service, fors alldia ter sanity q sewer
cleaning for s q- sewer main 390 drainage
area; and
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a
contract with B.J.D. Investments, Inc. dba
Rata Rooter Sewer Service in the amount of
$312,846.70 for the Small-Diameter Sanitary
Sewer Cleaning for Sanitary Sewer Main 390
Drainage Area.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the
recommendation be adopted.
C-15276 There was presented Mayor and Council
C.S.T. Communication No. C-15276 from the City Manager
Environmental, recommending that the City Council authorize the
Inc. City Manager to enter into a contract with C.S.T.
Environmental, Inc. to provide all labor, materials
and equipment necessary for the removal,
transportation and disposal of asbestos containing
materials from the Lone Star Gas Building based on
low bid meeting specifications in the amount of
$76,760.00, and approve the transfer of $76,760.00
from the Undesignated Disposal Project to the Lone
Star Gas Building Project within. the Environmental
Management Fund. It was the consensus of the City
Council that the recommendation be adopted.
C-15277 There was presented Mayor and Council
Ord. # 12395 Communication No. C-15277 fro the City 1 a a er
Carter & recommending that the City Council:
Burgess, Inc.
1. Authorize the City Manager to transfer
$37,029.94 from the eater and Sewer
Operating tot the eater Capital Projects
Fund in the amount of $33,0193.65 and the
Sewer Capital Projects fund in the amount of
$3,936.29, an
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
2. Adapt Appropriations Ordinance No, 12395
increasing the estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Water Capital Projects
Fund in the amount of $33,093.65 and in the
Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of
$3,936,29 for the purpose of funding a contract
with Carter & Burgess, Inc,, for street
reconstruction and water and sanitary sewer
replacements in 7th Avenue, Warner Road,
Benhall Court, Patton Court, and Hurley
Council Member Meadows requested permission of
the City Council to abstain from voting on Mayor
and Council Communication Not C-15277 due to a
business relationship his firm had with Carter &
Burgess, Inc.
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by
Council Member McCray, that Council Member
Meadows be permitted to abstain from voting on
Mayor and Council Communication No. C-15277.
The motion carried unanimously,
Council Member Barr made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Silcox, that Mayor and Council
Communication No. C-15277 e adopted. The
motion carried y the following vote:
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
AYES.- Mayor Pro tempore Woods;
Council Members Lane, Silcox,
Haskin, McCray, Webber, and
NOES: None
NOT VOTING: Council Member Meadows
C-15278 It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor
Atkins Brothers and Council Communication No. C-15278, Contract
Equipment Co. with Atkins Brothers Equipment Company, Inc.,
Withdrawn for Sanitary Sewer Main - 272D2 Drainage Area
Rehabilitation and Sewer Improvements - Part III,
be withdrawn from the agenda.
C-15279 It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor
Texas Sterling and Council Communication No. C-15279, Contract
Construction with Texas Sterling Construction, Inc., for Sanitary
Withdrawn Sewer Main - 272D2 Drainage Area Rehabilitation
and Sewer Improvements - Part IV, be withdrawn
from the agenda.
C-15280 It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor
Atkins rote Council C - do No. C-15280, Contract
Equipment Co. with t i Brothers Eqwipment Company, Inc.,
Withdrawn for Sanitary Sewer Main: 25 and 349 Drainage
Areas Sewer Improvements (Group 3, Contract 6
Phase 1, he withdrawn from the agenda.
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Z-95-117 It appeared to the City Council that the City
Tabled Council on January 9, 1996, continued Zoning
Docket No. Z-95-117, Text Amendment relative the
Halfway Houses. Mayor Woods asked if there was
anyone present desiring to be heard.
Council Member Meadows made a motion,
seconded by Council Member Haskin, that Zoning
Docket No. Z-95-117, Text Amendment, be tabled.
The motion carried unanimously.
Citizens Presentations
Pat Taylor Mr. Pat Taylor, 5109 Walden, Apt. 119, appeared
before the City Council and expressed concern
regarding the repairs of Cold Granbury Road.
Rick Reichenbach Mr. Rick Reichenbach, 9608 Heron Drive,
appeared before the City Council and gave a group
presentation for residents in the vicinity of the Fort
Worth Rifle and Pistol Club alleging that the noise
from the Club was disturbing and that the Club
posed a serious safety risk. He requested that the
City investigate the range and urged the Council to
discontinue its lease with the Club. He also
requested copies of the permit, certificate of
insurance, and a "legitimate" lease with the Club.
Debbie Perk-ins Ms. Debbie Perkins, 8924 Heron rive, appeared
before the City Council and advised Council that
the Fort Worth Rifle and Pistol Club was a nuisance
in accordance with the definition as stated in the
City Code Book, and she requested that a
moratorium be issued prohibiting the e o ratio of
the Cub and re e-ste iris do of this outdoor
range and the indoor ray es Within e City limits.
FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Jack Cavanaugh Mr. Jack Cavanaugh, a Fort Worth Rifle and Pistol
Club Board Member, appeared before the City
Council and refuted the claims of the previous
speakers, stating that the Club had addressed the
safety issues, and advised Council that he was
willing to work with the City staff to resolve the
Mr. Doug Rademaker, Director of Engineering,
appeared before the City Council and advised
Council that he had attended a meeting of the
Board of Director and that the safety and noise
issue was discussed. He also advised Council that a
site evaluation had not been conducted, but
suggested that a team be put together from the
Department of Environmental Management, Legal,
Engineering, Real Property, and the Police
Department to access the facility.
Deputy City Attorney Bill Wood suggested that the
Council place this item on the agenda next week for
an executive session.
Miley Cantrell Mr. Riley Cantrell, 2144 Loving, appeared before
the Cit
y Council regarding allegations made against
City of Fort Worth Police Offlicer and actions
taken y the City regarding an incident t Hilliard
Auto Park.
Adjourninent There being no further business, the meeting was
adjourned at