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An qrd zrvrx oe 10reatin.g and v.eflning the office of City Garba7a Of-
ficer, the wal,� in Which he szrall I.-, --elected,"and providing for
the removal of night-soil, refuse and waste-matter and the ;m.-tun r
and %7=_..y of such removal and by whom it shall be done and fixing ,
penalties for the violation of same. ¢
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Cit-r of
Fort Worth:
Sec. 1. That the office of Cit« Garbage officer of t-- Cit-
0' F 'W r+r ''- -.-qd tre e$rr.e is i. „t,3 erectad. S=_e, Ga' Of-
ficer shall be selected and -ppolnted by tie Board o" C-�1-.•Assio•Ler^
and he shall be an adult male person not legs than 21 years of r, .ve.
Such selection and appointment shall be made uuon competitive bids
or proposals of competent and responsible persons and shall be
awareded 'to the person whose bid or proposal offers the greatest
advantage or inducements to the said City of Fort Worth. Provided,
however, that the Board of Commissioners shall have the right to
-reject any and all bids, and in making the selection for such of
flee shall be guided as we1115y the responsibility and compe+erci*
of the bidder as b?r the pecuniary advanta •As to the Citv offered
In the 'bid.
- Sec. 2. Said Garbage Officer shall be under the genera, +
trol and direction of the Board of Commissioners and he shall be
governed particularly by the orders and directions of the Comm-
issioner of Streets and Alleys unless sucl or,-.er.- or directions be
altered, changed, modified or superseded by the Board of Commiss--
• loners sitting as a body.
Sec. 3. He shall hold office, unless sooner removed, for a
period of two years from and after his appointment by t}-e Bog-
Commissioners end until his successor shall have be!
qu-14fi ed.
Sec. 4. Before entering upon his duties -aid Garb-�L:p Of"acer
�^ NNW
shall give a bond signed by some surety or guaranty company author
ized to do business in the State of Texas, as surety thereon, f o
the faithful performance of his duties according to the charter
R and ordinances of the City of Fort• Worth and the terms of his bid
or proposal, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars) to be approved by
the Board Qf Commissioners.
Sec: 5. It shall be the duty of said Garbage Officer and his
employes and those under him, for whom said Garbage Officer shall
be responsible, to gather,cpllect and remove from the streets, av-
enues, thoroughfares, lanes, parks, alleys,bridges, culverts,side-
walks,curbs, viaducts and other public places all dead cats,fowls,
rats, and such like animals, and to collect,remove and cart away,
under conditions hereinafter named, from private premises situated
in the City of Fort Worth, by which is meant dwelling-houses,and
every other like or unlike character of property or premises where
people live,meet or assemble (except streets and public thorough-
fares) all waste-matter, refuse,offal, dung,manure,feces,night-soil,
trash, garbage, slops, swill, decayed animal and vegetable matter,
dead animals of all kinds and descriptions, and every other kind
and character of refuse matter, and dispose of same, all and sing-
ular, as hereinafter required. q4
Sec.6. Dry-garbage shall be consumed and incinerated; night-
soil shall be deposited and pitted in the earth at a depth of not
less than 8 feet and covered up and packed down so as to exclude
sight and odor of same; and Bret garbage and liquid refuse shall be
buried in and under the earth in like depth,way and manner. Y
Provided, however, that said garbage officer shall, at his own
option be permitted to cremate night-soil and all and every kind of
garbage and refuse matter, wet or dry.
The said Garbage officer shall, at his own proper expense pro-
vide a suitable place for crematory purposes and for a dumping
ground wherein said refuse matter, as aforesaid, shall be interred
and he shall be responsible for any nuisance therein or thereabouts
that he, or those under him, may create or engender by reason of
Improper location or for the manner or way in which his work is
conducted, it being hereby made his duty to perform and- conduct
his work, in all its phases, in a sanitary and hygienic way.
Sec.8. It shall be the duty of the said Cit;r 6a-'hake Officer
and those under him or in his employ or acting with his permission
or by his autrority, and he and they are hereb-: required, to use
odorless exgavating apparatus and implements, and the latest
odorless, air-tight and sanitary receptacles in the removal of all
such offensive and waste-matter, as hereinbefore spe.-ified,and .1
A^d they re^••ired and it is made the-r d-Ay to .use ef-Pi-
cient disinfectants in the requisite quantities in And about the
places and premises from Which said waste and refuse :F-teria.l is
removed, and in and about the apparatus and implements >>tilized
In sr+ph removal and in,on and about the recertac~les used in re--
ceivIng such waste and offensive matter and material aAd the con-
tents of same. And such. removal shall take place ?nri he accomnlish-
ed between •`tr;'' ,until otherwise ordered
bar theBoard of Commissioners.
Sec. 9. It shall he the duty of said City GarbRi Off-.^Pr or
some one under him, or actin o at or under his direction to call at
the premises mentioned in section 5 hereof not less than once a
month, and oftener,whennecessarv, or when requested so to do by
the owner or occupant of said -r_remises or by tn9 sanitary officers
or any one of them, or by the Commissioner of Streets and Allevs.or
by the Board of Commissioners, and remove therefrom all nia4.,jt-soil,
waste-matter, refuse, garbage, offal, trash, swill, slops, feces, ..
dungy, mahure, dead animals, decayed vegetable and animal ma14ter,
old and discarded metal and wares of all kinds, and cart same away
and consume, bur- or pit the same, as the case may be, according
as hereinbefore pointed out. In each instance where such' matter
is removed it shall be the duty of such garbage-officer to sprinkle
or cause to be sprinkled disinfectants and lime in sufficient quan-
la and about the place and spot from Which same is rem.Qved
and to sprinkle or cause to be sprinkled lime and disinfectants in
sufficient quantities in and about the receptacles on said premises
from which said waste and offensive matter is taken and removed.
Sec. 10. All persons, firms and corporations having dry closets
on their premises, where such closets are permitted by law,f or the
t deposi/l-f human urine and excrement are required to use and pro-
vide water-tight boxes Dr receptacles '
.j which shall be placed over ground to receive said
excrement and urine, and same shall be kept in a sanitar:fi condi-
tion by means of lime and other disinfectants until removed b�7 the
said Garbage Officer.
Sec.11. It shall be and is hereby made the duty of every owner,
manaPer, keeper, lessee or. occupant of any and every house,dwelling,
hotel, lodging-house, boarding-house, livery-stable, business or
manufacturing establishment, factory, railroad depot and shops,
theatres and places of amusement, restaurants, and every and any
kind of house or structure, whether enumertbed herein or not,used
as a place of human habitation or to which people resort -or where
people meet or assemble, situated within the corporate limits of
the City of Fort Worth as such limits now exist or as they may 4
hereaf-� P- be eXtended or establi*tfed i to ke w-- gnd 1:ra in`, .n oh sF: 1.4Q
premises safe and sanitary barrels,tubs or boxes so constructed
as to prevent leakage of any part of the contents and so dis-
1mpwi �`•i w
. 1
infected and deodorized as to prevent offensive and unpleasant
ordors or scents, for the receptionof garbage and waste-matter as
enumerated in section 5 of this ordinance, other than night-soil,
in which the said garbage and waste-matter shall be contained until
called for by the City Garbage. Officer or some one authorized or
permitted by him, to do so, and said receptacle shall be placed- and
located in such spot* on said premises as to be accessible to
40 as
said Garbage Officer or person designated by him and�to facilitate
its speedy and efficient removal. Said receptacles so to be fur,
nished shall be of dimensions sufficient to hold not more than 50
gallons and shall be provided with a top or cover which shall be
kept and adjusted on said receptacle in such way as to screen its
contents from sight and shall not be opened except when in the act
of using* same or when its contents are being removed or while the
process of disinfection is going on, after which time it shall be
kept securely closed.
Sec. 12.It shall be unlawful for any person other than the said
City Garbage officer, or those under his employ, or acting under
his directions and with his authority, to engage in the hauling or
removal of night-soil, or any garbage,manure*dung,feces, or any
of the other substances or slops, solid .or liquid r.efuse,offal or
waste matter, specified in section ,5 hereof, and any person so of-
fending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred
dollars and each act of hauling or removal in contravention hereof
shall be held and taken as a separate and distinct offense and shall
be pun.f skiable as such
Sec. 13, Said City Garbage Officer shall receive as and for
his services, and he shall be permitted to charge, the following
schedule pf rates and no more:
(A) For night-sail he shall receive fifty cents for
each removal,which shall take place once a month or oftener if
(B) For dry garbage a f inimum of 7 Vp, cents rer week
and a maximum of four Sollars -ber week.
(C) For wet Parbage ten cents rer week minimum and a
maximum not to exceed four dollars per week.
Said scale of charges includes as many acts of removal as may be
necessary and proper to keen said private premises in a clean and
sanitar7 condition. Provided, however, that said scale shall npt
apply to livery-stables,but charges therefor shall be a matter of
private contract between said Garbage off cer and the owner or
occunaht of said stable,subject to the approval and regulation .of
' the Board of Commissioners. Provided, further, that said Garbage
officer shall not be entitled to charpeVnor to receive from the
Citv of Fort Worth any remuneration_ or comnensation whatever for
duties to be serf ormed to uUd City, as distint*uished from rrivate
owners , as hereir_before mentioned; and, rrovided fur,trer, that the
said scale of charges established for private work shall. alwwrs. be
subject to change , reduction, modification or increase at anv sess-
ion of t?^e Board of Cemmissioners .
Sec. 14. It s ^e : Made thR dutNr of all •rersons firms and
corporations within the City of Fort Worth to pa-r said City Gar-
bage Officer for work and services performed upon the premises of
of such person, firm or corporation_, the schedule of fees specified
in the preceding section, and an:r s»cl, Terson firm or corporation,
or anent manager or rerresentat..ve of sue' corperation, who shall
fail to make m7ment therefor after silch vpry ce haQ be-r ±•erfo.-- d
.-• upon convi ctict t-ereof
shal� `be fined in anv sum not exceedi!s.- one hundred doJ1-rs
Sec. 15. It shall be tie dutir of said Garba-e Officer to Inves-
tigate- the condition of the CA- ^�` T {�►# �► �-#'- , .�Fpx • e �'
premises +herein, and repor+ such conditions -from tire to ti-e to
the sanitary derartment of said Cit,*, and to provide at hJ F own
&Cpense all and singiil- - t�-e reces:,F.ry carts, utenslls, -
equ],i.,nent,horses, �:.nd an to enable hi7.:, tr a s9id Gaw' r,ge Of
to perfor-! all of the wog•;_ rzqufred of him in this o:,d-
ad.. quat6 - nd ef:edc.i�nt wa-- amid ra,_ner.
Sec.18. It shall be the duty of said City Scavenger ory
of 'his assistants or any sanitary office'- of the City of Fort W
Worth to inspect and observe the condition of all private premises
in the City of Fort Worth and to notify the owners of sams should
said premises be unsanitary or unclean. He or they shall also
notify the owner or occupant of such premises in the event the
night-soil is required to be removed. Should such owner or occupant
of said premises fail to haveA condition corrected within twenty-
four hours after receiving such notification then complaint shall
be made against him as for a nilisance in the City Court and upon
conviction thereof he' Qhall be fined in any sum not exceeding one
hundred dollars.
Sec. �1.1
Any person violating the foregoing ordinance or any
article, subdivision or part thereof,land by "person" is included
said Garbage Officer his assistants and persons acting by through
or under his direction or permission shall, upon conviction thereof,
be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and each
day's violation shall be and -constitute a separate offense and
punishable as such.
Sec. K. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
Sec. . .This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage and publication as required by .1 -* --
I hereby certify that the abOTe and foregoing ordinance was pres-
ented and unanimously passed by the Board of Co=nissioners of the City
of Fort Worth, at a session held, June 19th, 1907.
City Secretary.