Contract No. cO6
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (City) and TCB (Engineer) made and entered
into City Secretary Contract No. 33129 (the "Contract") on the 241u day of January, 2006;
WHEREAS, the Contract involves engineering services for the following project:
Watershed 2004 CIP, Planning Shidies for Forest Park and Ber7y Storm Drain
Watershed, Phase 2
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend said Contract to include an
increased scope of work and revised maximum fee;
NOW THEREFORE, City and Engineer, acting herein by and through their duly
authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement which amends the Contract:
Article I, Section 1 of the Contract is amended to include the additional engineering
services specified in a proposal letter and Attachment "A" dated December 20, 2007, a
copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the
additional services to be performed by Engineer is Four Hundred and Thirty Thousand
Dollars ($430,000).
Article III of the Contract is amended to provide for an increase in the maximum
fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as
amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall not exceed
the sum of Six Hundred Forty Five Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($645,500).
Engineer acknowledges its commitment to obtain an additional 5% M/WBE
participation for this amendment. The Engineer's commitment for the Contract remains
All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly am nded herein, shall
remain in full force and effect. OFFICIAL RECORD
Fi: W®RTIi, TX
EXECUTED on this the 19th
Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas.
:on race huthorizatiola
day of
2008, in
By: CLL�
Fernando Costa
Assistant City Manager
Marty A. endrix
City Secretary
Gregor G.'Hooten, P.E.
Associate Vice President
In accordance with the terms and conditions of Turner Collie &Braden Inc.'s (TCB) Agreement (City of
Fort Worth Contract No. 33129) signed January 10, 2006, authorized January 24, 2006, this document
serves as TCB's request for additional compensation for Additional Services related to the referenced
The TCB Team, including sub consultants Jenny Engineering Corporation (JEC) and Mas-Tek
Engineering and Associates (MTE), will perform the following tasks in order to assist the City of Fort
Worth (City) in providing these Additional Services.
TCB shall provide the professional engineering services on the project which consists of evaluating
additional stormwater management alternatives, and management and coordination of the TCB Team.
Mas-Tek is a Minority/Women Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) certified with the North Central
Texas Council of Governments and will assist the TCB Team in performing rock coring at three
locations near the study area (Attachment C). Jenny Engineering shall be assisting the TCB Team by
utilizing the information provided by Mas-Tek and prepare a Tunneling Feasibility Study for the tunnel
I. Professional Engineering Services (TCB)
As part of these services, TCB shall provide the following professional engineering services to assist
the City with developing a stormwater management solution for the Forest -Park Berry (FPB)
A. Modeling Software Conversion
Under the current contract, the FPB watershed planning study includes hydraulic modeling using the
EPA-SWMM 5 software. The City has requested TCB to upgrade to Wallingford Software's InfoWorks
SD computer modeling program due to its ability to model complex drainage networks like the FPB
watershed system.
TCB estimates the conversion of the SWMM 5 models (existing +two alternatives) shall involve the
following steps.
1. InfoWorks Modeling
a. Convert the existing SWMM 5 model to InfoWorks SD. Debug the converted model and
compare the results of the existing SWMM 5 model with the converted InfoWorks SD model.
b. Duplicate the main relief line and tunnel alternatives modeled in SWMM 5 in the InfoWorks
c. Compare the results of the InfoWorks models to the SWMM 5 models for the two alternatives.
d. Make modifications as necessary to the proposed alternatives in the InfoWorks model based
on the results.
2. Coordination and Deliverables
a. Meet with the City to discuss any major issues with the existing model conversion and
debugging in Task I.A.1.a.
b. Update the preliminary opinion of probable construction cost estimate for the two alternatives.
c. Meet with the City to discuss the results and cost estimates from the InfoWorks modeling of
the two proposed alternatives.
d. With consideration to the City's input at the meeting, select one of the proposed alternatives
as the recommended alternative for all upcoming tasks described below.
B. Modeling of Upstream Reaches of Forest Park — Berry Watershed
Under the current contract, TCB has modeled and analyzed the FPB system for line sizes of 42 inches
and larger. In order to ascertain that the infrastructure in the upstream reaches of the FPB system is
adequately designed, the existing modeling performed as part of the current contract will have to be
extended to line sizes lower than 42-inches. Attachment B presents the additional lines that shall be
modeled as part of this Scope of Services. As such TCB shall perform the following services as part
of this task.
a. The existing conons model created in Task I.A.1.a shall be used in this analysis.
b. The upstream portion of the FPB system (line sizes smaller than 42-inches) shall be
appended to the existing conditions InfoWorks model using the geodatabase created as part
of the Basic Services in the original contract.
c. Drainage areas shall be delineated for the collection points of the trunk lines upstream in the
watershed system.
d. The 2-, 5-2 10-1 25-1 50-, 100-year storm events shall be modeled in InfoWorks for the
drainage areas delineated above.
C. Ryan Place Watershed Modeling
The FPB watershed is a complex system which outfalls into the south fork of Tributary CF-3C, which
then combines with the east fork and runs through the Fort Worth Zoo. The Zoo is experiencing
flooding problems and the intention of the FPB stormwater improvements is not to increase the 2-, 5-,
10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year peak discharges at the Zoo. In order to accurately determine the change
in water surface elevations at the Zoo due to the FPB system improvements, TCB recommends the
hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the Ryan Place watershed, which lies to the northeast of the FPB
watershed. TCB shall use 2400t topographic contours provided by the City to delineate drainage
areas and cut cross -sections along Tributary CF-3C. As such, TCB shall perform the following
services as part of this task.
a. Delineate the drainage areas for the east fork of Tributary CF-3C and the confluence of
Tributary CF-3C with the Clear Fork Trinity River.
b. Update the existing conditions InfoWorks model from Task I.A.1.a with the new drainage
c. Calculate the 2-, 5-, 10-1 25-1 50-, and 100-year storm event flows for existing conditions at the
Fort Worth Zoo.
D. Additional Modeling Alternatives
Based on the currently proposed four alternatives, TCB and the City determined the need for
analyzing other lower cost alternatives to mitigate flooding in the watershed system. As part of these
services, TCB shall evaluate the following alternatives with respect to the impact of the 2-, 5-1 10-1 25-,
50-, and 100-year flows at the Fort Worth Zoo and their probable construction costs.
1. Local Upstream Improvements of Forest Park -Berry Watershed
a. The existing conditions InfoWorks model prepared in Task I.0 shall be used in this analysis.
b. The 2-, 5-1 10-, 25-1 50-, and 100-year storm events shall be modeled in the existing
conditions InfoWorks model for the drainage areas delineated above.
c. Flooding areas shall be identified for the upstream portion (lower than 42-inch line size) of the
existing FPB system for the 100-year storm event.
d. Infrastructure improvements shall be designed for the 5-year storm event and checked for the
100-year storm event with the assumption that flooding in the street right-of-way (ROW) is
allowed for the 100-year storm event.
e. Areas of potential flooding for the 100-year storm event shall be identified and delineated.
f. The 2-, 5-1 10-, 25-1 50-, and 100-year flows at the Zoo based on this analysis shall be
compared to the existing conditions flows from Task I.C.
g. An opinion of probable construction cost estimate shall be prepared for the alternative.
2. Local Upstream Improvements (with new infrastructure) of Forest Park -Berry Watershed
a. The updated model from Task I.D.1.d shall be used in this analysis.
b. Lines (less than 42-inch) not flowing at capacity shall be identified and new inlets and laterals
shall be recommended to utilize full pipe capacities for the 100-year storm event while
allowing street flooding.
c. If upstream areas, particularly those without storm sewer infrastructure, are experiencing
flooding then the existing storm sewer lines shall be extended in to the flooded areas and new
inlets and laterals shall be recommended to limit the flooding within the street ROW for the
100-year storm event.
d. Areas of potential flooding for the 100-year storm event shall be identified and delineated.
e. The 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year flows at the Zoo based on this analysis shall be
compared to the existing conditions flows from Task I.C.
f. An opinion of probable construction cost estimate shall be prepared for the alternative.
3. Upstream Improvements (with downstream improvements) of Forest Park -Berry Watershed
a. The recommended alternative from Task I.A.2.d shall be appended to the updated model from
Task I.D.2.c.
b. Modifications to the model shall be performed to limit the 100-year storm event within the
street ROW.
c. Areas of potential flooding for the 100-year storm event shall be identified and delineated.
d. The 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year flows at the Zoo based on this analysis shall be
compared to the existing conditions flows from Task I.C.
e. An opinion of probable construction cost estimate shall be prepared for the alternative.
4. Gravity Flow Detention Ponds
a. The updated model from Task I.D.3.d shall be used in this analysis.
b. Feasible locations for large footprint detention ponds shall be researched within the FPB
c. Buyout of houses to create or extend a detention pond shall be reviewed with the City for
d. Up to two detention pond locations shall be analyzed in the hydraulic modeling.
e. Modifications to the proposed infrastructure in the model from Task I.D.3.d as a result of the
detention pond/s shall be performed.
f. Areas of potential flooding for the 100-year storm event shall be identified and delineated.
g. The 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year flows at the Zoo based on this analysis shall be
compared to the existing conditions flows from Task I.C.
h. An opinion of probable construction cost estimate shall be prepared for the alternative.
5. Underground Detention Vaults
a. The updated model from Task I.D.3.d shall be used in this analysis.
b. Feasible locations such as parking lots for underground detention shall be researched within
the FPB watershed.
c. Up to two underground storage locations shall be analyzed in the hydraulic modeling.
d. A stormwater lift station shall be modeled to aid in emptying the detention vault after the storm
has passed.
e. Modifications to the proposed infrastructure in the model from Task I.D.3.d as a result of the
detention pond/s shall be performed.
f. Areas of potential flooding for the 100-year storm event shall be identified and delineated.
g. The 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-1 50-, and 100-year flows at the Zoo based on this analysis shall be
compared to the existing conditions flows from Task I.C.
h. An opinion of probable construction cost estimate shall be prepared for the alternative.
6. Culvert under Tributary CF-3C through the Fort Worth Zoo
a. The updated model from Task I.D.3.d shall be used in this analysis.
Do The culvert shall be modeled to divert the additional flow caused by the improvements at the
outfall of the FPB system in to the south fork of Tributary CF-3C downstream to its confluence
with the Clear Fork Trinity River.
c. The new 100-year floodplain along the creek shall be delineated for the alternative.
d. The 2-, 5-3 10-1 25-1 50-, and 100-year flows at the Zoo based on this analysis shall be
compared to the existing conditions flows from Task I.C.
e. An opinion of probable construction cost estimate shall be prepared for the alternative.
7. Value Engineering
TCB shall provide presentation materials for a day long value engineering workshop for a maximum of
10 attendees, excluding TCB employees. TCB shall discuss the results of the meeting with the City
and select one alternative suggested in the workshop for further review.
8. Combination of Alternatives
The City and TCB shall meet to discuss the results of the alternatives analyzed in Task I.D. Based on
the City's recommendations, TCB shall analyze two combinations of the alternatives analyzed in
Task I.D and prepare an opinion of probable construction cost estimate for the each of the
combinations. The 2-, 5-, 10-1 25-1 50-, and 100-year flows at the Zoo for each combination shall be
compared to the existing conditions flows from Task I.C.
9. Coordination
a. Meet with the City to discuss any issues regarding buyout of houses and businesses.
b. Meet with the City to discuss findings of the additional alternatives and select an alternative for
the benefit -cost analysis of scenarios in Task I.E.
E. Benefit —Cost Analysis of Selected Alternative
The City requested TCB to analyze the inclusion of two cost scenarios in the selection of the final
alternative. TCB shall modify the selected alternative from Task I.D.9.b above to include in this effort.
The two scenarios include infrastructure improvement to not allow street and ROW flooding, and
infrastructure improvements based on the budget provided by the City.
TCB shall modify the modeling of the selected alternative from Task I.D.9.b and recommend
improvements for each scenario. A Benefit -Cost ratio shall be estimated for the selected alternative
and each of the two scenarios. For the scenario based on the City approved budget, TCB shall
recommend improvements that provide the highest Benefit -Cost ratio. TCB shall meet with the City to
discuss findings and select a scenario for the next task of phased implementation.
F. Phased Implementation of FPB Infrastructure Improvements
TCB shall prepare a phased implementation plan of the selected scenario from Task I.E. A
construction budget of $12 million shall be assumed for the first phase of stormwater improvements in
the FPB watershed. TCB shall identify vital sections of the stormwater network requiring improvement
not to exceed the first phase construction budget. TCB shall phase out the remaining recommended
infrastructure improvements based on budget recommendations by the City and a benefit -cost
analysis of the future phases.
G. Deliverables
TCB shall prepare a report summarizing the methodology, alternatives, benefit -cost analysis, and
phased implementation of the recommended improvements. The report shall include exhibits, digital
copies of the model and supporting documents.
II. Tunneling Feasibility Study (JEC and MTE)
The TCB Team shall provide a geotechnical tunneling feasibility study of the alignment, size, and
outfall location of the tunnel proposed by TCB as part of the work performed on the original scope of
services. As such the TCB Team shall provide the following services:
A. Rock Coring (MTE)
Mas-Tek Engineering shall provide the rock coring capabilities associated with the feasibility study that
Jenny Engineering shall perform in Task H.B.
As such, Mas-Tek shall perform a site reconnaissance and obtain the necessary permits before
performing boring operations at the three approximate locations shown in Attachment C. Each of the
three borings shall be approximately 130 feet deep and have been assumed to hit rock at a depth of
40 feet. Two permanent observation wells each 40 feet deep with flush mount covers shall be
installed to monitor the ground water table in the area.
The borings shall be performed using a 2-inch diameter NX core barrel which yields an approximately
1.9-inch core. Dedicated site personnel shall be on site to inspect, photograph, record, wrap, and
provide daily transport of the core samples on ice to a laboratory for testing. After the boring is
complete the bore holes shall be grouted as per local guidelines.
The table below presents the list of soil, rock, and water tests that shall be performed on the core
sample at the laboratory.
T e of Laborator Test
No.of Tests
Atterberg Limits Tests
Moisture Content
Swell Tests (Pressure -Swell)
Hand Penetrometer (Strength -Swell Profiling)
Grain Size with 200 sieve size
Unit Weight
Slake Durability (Cycled)
Jar Slake
Compression w/ Circumferential Stain (Rock)
Calcareous Content Determinations by Acid Tests
Chemical tests (VOC, TPH, Sulphates, Chlorides and Sulphides)
Mas-Tek shall obtain the laboratory testing information and compile the results for utilization by Jenny
Engineering in Task II.B.
B. Feasibility Study (JEC)
Jenny Engineering shall provide a geotechnical analysis of the subsurface geology in the Forest -Park
Berry area near the Texas Christian University (TCU) campus. The approximate extent of the
feasibility study shall range from the Clear Fork Trinity River in the north to Devitt Street in the south,
and from University Drive in the west to McCart Avenue in the east.
Jenny Engineering shall be involved in discussions with the City and TCB in deciding the most feasible
alignments of the tunnel before commencing work. Jenny Engineering shall review existing geological
data, prepare a boring program (up to 3 borings), select a horizontal and vertical alignment of the
tunnel, prepare plan and profile sheets of the tunnel, assist with borings, prepare a construction cost
estimate, and prepare a letter report discussing the findings.
Jenny Engineering shall provide full-time inspection at the boring locations to ensure that the best
practices are adopted during the boring operations and that the core samples are documented,
handled, and transported using reasonable care.
III. Exclusions and Limitations
1. Stormwater system modeling is not included in the Ryan Place Watershed modeling effort.
2. Underground detention vaults more than 30 feet deep shall not be considered due to
constructability and cost constraints.
3. The size of the culvert under Tributary CF-3C shall be limited by exit velocities not exceeding 15
feet per second.
4. The width of the culvert under Tributary CF-3C shall not exceed the bottom width of the creek at
any given location due to encroachment into subgrade of structures on the banks of the creek.
5. Three boring locations have been identified for this amendment. If additional borings are required
TCB shall identify the need with the City and require additional authorization.
6. The tunneling feasibility study is based on the preliminary assumption that the tunnel size shall
range from approximately 12 feet to 14 feet in diameter and shall be fully constructed in rock.
7. The TCB Team shall provide for storage of the rock cores in wooden boxes in a climate controlled
storage unit for a 12 month period from the date the cores are retrieved. If the City chooses to
preserve the cores beyond the 12 month period the City will have to provide for transportation of
the cores from TCB 's storage location at the City's cost.
IV. Schedule
TCB is authorized to commence work upon execution of this contract. The following is the anticipated
schedule of Tasks I and II:
Project Milestone
I. Professional Engineering Services
Task A
weeks from Notice to Proceed
Task B
weeks from Notice to Proceed
Task C
weeks from Notice to Proceed
Task D
months from Notice to Proceed
Task E
weeks from end of Task D
Task F
weeks from end of Task E
Task G
month from end of Task F
II. Tunneling Feasibility Stud
Task A
months from Notice to Proceed
Task B
months from Notice to Proceed
V. Proposed Basis of Compensation and Liability
Compensation shall be on a lump sum basis in the amount not to exceed $430,000 (Four Hundred
and Thirty Thousand Dollars and No Cents) with a M/WBE participation of 15.12%. The fee
breakdown is as follows:
I. Professional Engineering Services ...........................
II. Tunneling Feasibility Study
$ 45,000
$ 65,000
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Source: Aerials Express, 2003
N Forest Park Berry Watershed Planning Study
Storm Sewer to be Modeled I FL Worth Zoo Stream
Additional Storm Sewer Line Modeling
Storm Sewer Lines Ryan Place Drainage Area
/� (� A A TCB INC.
Ft. Worth Zoo AY SUITE 1010
0 11000 21000 WWW.TCB.AECOM.COM
Date 12/07 Project No. 60001999 Attachment B
a • •.
DATE: Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of $430,000.00 to City Secretary Contract
No. 33129 with TCB, Inc., for the Forest Park -Berry Storm Drain Watershed Planning Study
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 in the
amount of $430,000.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 33129, an engineering agreement, with TCB, Inc., for
the Forest Park -Berry Storm Drain Watershed Planning Study thereby increasing the total contract to
The initial Watershed Planning Study performed by TCB, Inc., in the Forest Park -Berry watershed
documented severe drainage capacity deficiencies in the existing storm drain system. Four different
improvement alternatives were investigated, with solutions costing up to $63,000,000.00. Staff has
determined that additional alternatives should be developed and evaluated in order to determine the best
course of action to provide flooding relief within a reasonable budget and without causing excessive
disruption to the neighborhood.
TCB, Inc., proposes to evaluate up to ten design alternatives for drainage improvements in this storm drain
system. Also included are conversion of the hydraulic model to more stable modeling program, developing
the hydraulic model for sections of storm drain not previously studied, performing a detailed tunneling
alignment and feasibility study, and presenting selected alternatives to a value engineering analysis to be
conducted by an independent consultant. The results of the study will include a detailed improvement plan
suitable for implementation in one or more capital projects.
TCB, Inc., proposes to perform the study for a lump sum fee of $430,000.00. City staff considers this fee to
be fair and reasonable for the scope of services proposed. Phase 1 and Phase 2 were paid for through
2004 Capital Improvement Program funding. Storm Water Utility funds will be used to implement Phase 3 of
the study.
TCB, Inc., is in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to an additional 15 percent
M/WBE participation on this Amendment No. 1. The city's goal on this amendment is 15 percent.
This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9.
The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of
the Storm Water Utility Operating Fund.
Logname: 20SV��IvIFOR/PK/BR1 Page 1 of 2
70 Fund/Account/Centers
FROM Fund/AccountlCenters
PE69 531200 0209202 $430,000.00
Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa (8476)
Originating Department Head: Greg Simmons (7862)
Additional Infiormation Contact: Steve Eubanks (7857)
Logname: 20S WMFOR/PK/BRl
Page 2 of 2
17300 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1010, Dallas, Texas 75248
T 972,735,3000 F 972.735.3001 www.tch.aecom.com
December 20, 2007
Mr. Steven E. Eubanks, P.E.
Storm Water Management
Transportation and Public Works
City of Fort Worth
1000 Throckmorton Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
Subject: Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 33129
Forest Park — Berry Storm Drain Watershed Planning Study (Phase II)
City Project No. 00079
Dear Mr. Eubanks:
TCB has prepared this amendment in the amount of $430,000 to assist the City of Fort Worth (City) in
their stormwater management needs for the flooding problems in the Forest Park — Berry watershed.
TCB believes that the additional scope of work delineated in Attachment "A" attached hereto will
provide necessary engineering analyses to the City to provide a comprehensive watershed -wide
solution to the flooding problems in the Forest Park — Berry watershed. Furthermore, this additional
scope of work shall have a dual purpose of keeping the City's construction budget in mind while
reducing the flooding problems at the Fort Worth Zoo.
TCB is glad to provide these additional services for the City and looks forward to aiding the City in its
stormwater management efforts. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (972)
735-3041 or brenda.gasperich@tcb.aecom.com.
,,,,,Brenda S. Gasperich, P.E., CFM
Project Manager