HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1827 . ' I THE -,TAT";, 07 ToC A... t QOUPW U, TA74UM t OrTy 7 YORT x)f{M t On this the left day of lay, 195k the Oity moil of the city of fort Mtrlrli3, To 0 oert"Aod In regular sessioa of a regalar molting, with the following wmbers present, to-watt Dr. . :.L. TbOMPOSM, Rrer Pro-to% sill^xd >trtsa, s May a. tatVWW, t W. J. 1dWOM Atd, t aenae tlmen, T. T. Man-sll., t Dr. Arthur dsrerpet, t d'. 0. Wsytis, t O. �t. fatrt=+aos, �3itp'J1a1R�'� Hour, gsllatr, City dssretary, lt. 5. Soaes, city attornq, with the following mswiers abeam, to-wits Rays YM *Rdt J87109 +fesaii- Luting a Quorw% at whieh time the following smug other business "a tr"Osetsa, to-wilt Wr. "WOOS introdussA a proposed ordinsstos and sptds a motion that it be sassed. The motion was seconded by Mr, Surton. The motion Carrying with to, the passage of the ordinanse prenllod by the following voter ATUt ems. l'JI{4040 WArPhY, KOMI& Salsrend, Sasrsal, brown sad Martin. NW1,;: pone. The ordinanes as passed to as follows, to-wits AN ORMXMCZ 9Tfi L1ROaRRNlIRRRI GR4I1DSA0RC 181® IREi KO'R ORR PASSED EI THE MW COMM, I RJROPtiFYMG W0009.00 OY THE Ojg0mL mom s'uormE TO BRC AEA MD IRR IXMAWE FOR W,000.00 CM OF 7410 WOM t'ATERR`t'MS RVWDM B05129 SMI J9 d0, PRISCRINX6 WE DR K Ed Of TRIE CH'T![ OMCIALS MD*IWArX STATE OMCIALS 0 REM1lR M AEtb'1'0, REPEA.I X0 ALL CADId1 OU AND RIMIMIM 1W OM rOT TrIMMO AND DR031.ARRINCI AN IkZWMW* MR118100 oa the I"k dq of rabraerf, IOU, the 011W 0o+mell passed Ordiaaan MO, the esption of whisk is an fellers: "ORI3RUMM Now 1810 AN OPZNAXM AIR DX'7,M "11Y 1 38TTsM OF MTX 01 "Pr Woo, aw, h►TMWMS R'1RIR[t1im mvm, BMW 0, IM THE AlRDUNT 01 OWN MUM TOM MWDRED EIS RIVE 1HOMANO (11,4",000.00) MARS. IN LIETi OF A LIKE 1lilOM I P MICKATED OMST WIM BONDS 4F ,SAID CITIC, WARINb THE SAFE OR A RIMER RATE OF IrMIST, PR OTIM-M 1M"CiA"E 'MICHAMI Or TAE ORRROINAL 9CE18 FOR TSE R-'sfMBI G URDS, lEt' M A TAX 'SD PRMDE FOR THE :° 3MM OF 1112 01'AL AID 1WTMWT TMREOY, `RRS01RIWWO In LIM Ed w THE 9AMONS CI'1'!' 6MMALE AIM TIRE STATE 01'p'iCIALB IN RROfK-iFNCR THE{R1 O, RWILIA0 ALL QRDr tAWM AWD RIWLC1 OX FARTS TR70UM IN 00MU M 14 VR RK IR, AND MOLARI1iR1 Att IMlM!!it"M s tad WKWAAS, said ordisaame proved for the isswaaes of 01,4889000.00 of rafmsdlag beads to be issued is lima of of eslgkaml bonds{ and INNU i6, avid ordlsanse deserlbod threm orlalael issues of bonds, tat did met dealgnsto the epeeirie boadsof sold respestive isouse to bs rafts", providing is said ordiaanso that a sapplsnental or" nee would be paanod spoelf$laa the ambere or miss boa" mf emote of sold tesues to be vetwm sdl sad 'VIRUS, It to eoasiderod mero oaavenieat for the purpose of galdlag the Atter0my dTo Wad of the State of Texas assd the Camptaller of NbUs Aoeoaats of the State of Toxae, the% this supplaw staff ordiassm s Identify the bonds of .two et the tomes affected. wMmu", all of sold bonds A" Uayable from ad vdaras taxes lovied aeaiast the tsaaable Property In said 0117, idt IT OVDAIRID N 70 CITY Ct)UROM OF 'IV (ITY F IMRr IMM, 7mmt 1. That original bends *Wreaatisd 800000.00 be mad th+ am berrby d"14trod to be sLialblo to be rofuu6sd in exohsauro for Wg000.00 of rwrftanting bonds sulboatsed is ardlmn* Ift. llll0, paes*d by the city cbmaeil of the city of Fort torn as ftbroar r s7, im, resorted In Boot I, Mos XM, at WA., so" Paati*wrlsrly deseribed as foilanst City at feet worth Tolorweorka Refindlag Bonds, Series 60, bearing d# art 4 % interest, dated mareb 10 10", and mat"liw sartolly as met orat in Gait 61,41nanoe. The sPs"Ils 'bonds eligible to be. exchaxgod. per fen Pinar for $67,000.00 or said r*tmdlvg bonds are identified as fatIowst $*rise !d, water 'boom Bartonslos and bw"voaont ]bads, doted April 1 1011, bearing interest at the rate of Five MI pop aout'Numbers Quo Hundred s*"Mooa Ulf), Tharoa Head end 9evsslrl'- yr.jK4), Three Hundred Somty Sovex (Jf9"t), 'three Modred t3evwa1y not (PS), Three vandred slaoty rive (D64), Five Rantrad sixty Too (462)0 Swron Hundred Yltfp ("10), whine ff"Arod sevufAr Thtree ("a)P.1a*Ramrod 3maty !'iv* (t17li) to MISS Handrod affoarty tight WWI both ine1., Hiss Hundred Sig]tty (t166!) to x1me Rundrod RL#kty rover (MM), both ln*l., Oas 'rhousaad Sava tl six (1096)I One T aousaad Gas RNR&" Tweaty Five (1125) to One Thousand one Hnadrad Thirty One (11N1), both Ine1., One Thousand use Road"& T'h#riy rive MOD), One Thoussat One Hundred Thirty Sevwnt (XM) to One Tbousaad One Hundred Forth (IW), both incl.., motive *80,000.001 Series $0,.Rosorvoir Doaads, dated, or l 1613, bearius interest at the rota at Five (4) per oft% Numbers Traly* (12) to 8latteea (16), birth lawn.., Twonty (20), Tw estr Ono (sl), TwoRty Xle" (24) to Thirty Seven (W), both laol., :;*TomIW Thm,(15)0, #"Mf r six (T4), S*vm4 Nine (r), sldrty One (a), Um*ty liio Ift) Ono metered s*vsntoen (12t'), one mundt-st Twwouty 1100) to One Rundrod Twenty Three (163), both !note, One Hundred Sovesty Sov#n (177) On*Hundred Dlasty your (164), Tire Huadrad TVMIW riv* [m), I've RU trod Thtrty Six (04) $6 Two liuntrod Forty (SO), both ixal., Tue Ruad-ed 31xty Pose (864), Two hundred $ow►es* Myna (an), aggtrogating 4)410400.06. t. That a sortified copy of this ordiammoo be filed with the Attorney Oonmaal of the State Of T*xes With the r*wntsst that he forward am* to tho Cosptrellor of Publio AOMMU of _he State of raise for has suitaem* In this eonoollation of eariyiaal bonds and the registration of Us Winding bonds. S. Tkat all ordmmanaes and xaaoltume and Tarts thereof, If ay, in oonflist bereadth are barely rgaalq# to the extaat of smh aoafliet. 4. 1 It 14 karadgr deals*" to bo of greet t"vtansa to tb* City of Fort Worth and to the teabge a tbat khla orhivaft a be affaetiva iaassistai r rrm and after Its passage, and it Is orsalnad $Mt this avenues be affostlm Iml 41staly frm and aftor Its pawaga. An s P@R91l.b this tbo 1 th say of mmy, ISO, AITIMs `s ttex t GIty of 'Port eastB, TGMG- City Attorney, r.1ty . .ort art 7mms. MY nr rowr ,10-M : ::earr K*U4ra C*fq - ocrotary of khe oily►of !e►s� 3Qerth. To*eag do harobr osartity that the above and farsgadft is s traaa fuU. and serreat am of as ordlaeass psomod by tba City Oomail of said City on the kith day of may. loses the; l"Nodietolp rtrosodiaa sad attmehod to the espy of said ordlaasae is a trey fan and oorrest sow of a■ eztraet of tt a tal"'Iss of a moot"A of the City Camoil is reforosee to the laNred"Olcra and passage of sold, ordiummol that said oreiaaase to resorted In drdlmee Book We. _,7— yaaea 2.3 iZ at sogj that `to estreot of the id,autss of the asotialg of soil! City oonrasil ere rseordod in the Vleotte Boolt of the My cotasalli V41�.:..► pop* � �l3� at sop. FAj�=KD under a had and the seal of weld Qlty this the of may, 1*04 air "Nosawt"us V of Tons.s. r