HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1734 COI W= RD. lrJ4 AN 41MUM PMVZUIM PW TIN ISMAMS OF R=LWCW NFRUFAIM 1Y0TES OF THIC OOTERN' T or W CI1TT of Pw iS V,:0M=NG TO TZ PRM CPAL OW 09 TO=. midip do 5 0.0m.90) .gym XWM A0 02m im Am UN30AM As wammmoff Dewar n=r as zasmao � � aP��uc� �:R�rr�rr BZ' iRAlL=WM$ ENDMO AM M09AUM A OW 0� IN A0ClMM PARK* RU CW 0Z Ms TD ILS Z TRH =0011- . OF 011L MKOUBM DMLM (l1,OOD40), 1LL= PMMM IST, 19020, == QF 'mod 11JNi MIG Z :AGH o? T:E TiiIIi0, 1OE.InM ++10y FITS MARS AV= UTI, FM OF UATURIM SU UMS AP 'M t1L= AND 8= OF TfM i�,T FR3ldCi ERR YE&M AFTJT DA32, DRAW00 1+T nim lu= of = FRR CENT (6%) PM Ake[, PATS = INTNOW TO SR L7Cp 0'J'= Ikd COM>l4.9 ATM= 70 ME DM, Dtllli` IG 11VT 'P UU: lllu IIOT65 M.; KXNGU7= By Ti Kam Am CITY F.,'o�12elC{y_ MASMM, AHA ]MOM 110 PM AN MOM TAX LAVY FU.. THE PAS OF TB: DW, QR 8Am MOM-AND TO Mz w T.; A CHIC- BAIL MLm= tm no " 03ae AM ntomm =0 WS DA" OF M PAWAM# � , monsys are needod for eetabnal4 ,g, equipping and inslaliing a golf oouaee in ttodkomd Pak in the City of Fort 'forth, Tomas so as to make said im-,-rties a4equnte Oo the r�roxiAr needs of the expanding potion of said eity= and .IC;Rl�:,s, the :ea7reation ;surd of u.iid city, by an appro- priate reselullon, has room wmitana the issuance of : my Thousand )oliars ( 206000.00) worth of oareation :mnrovanant 'otan to provide fluids to eslab- Ush, eruip and lnotaU said oolf Bourse; and ;dDarwas, by virtue of Jectlon 11, ;Unnter :: of the Charter of the City of Fork 'orth, the Aty Council is vested with fun power and authority, when it deems it aditmtaroous to the interest of the !;4 v tion I.epartnmt to create an indebtedness for the pur mr , of establishing, equlpA- ing and instaUlM n :olf course, and said indebtedness may carver a period of not to exceed ten years and be rKrid in w mal leeta.Un=tsj and CIS, it is deariod wise and aaoediont by the Bald Oity i m=ll, in the exeraiso of the discretion raposer, in it by law, that Twenty Thousand Dollars (,:So,0004jOO) worth of said nobs be issued at this time and tbat they be deeit^, tad as "Recreation l=WoVaant ',otee, 3orles 1932 LM SlklR'�, �Z'IO:; I• iff-t-e she"' to executed and loaned b;; the City of Fort Worth tevreatlon Iwprdr+easnt .atefet dated .Fatmary 1, 1932, boaring interest at Us rate of six per vent (6%) per mama, payable ..uE-spa t 1, 1939 and semsi- eAmrally thereafter an .'eb:uu T lot and ,awuat lat., in the denomination of One Thoasand itel7ars (•. 1,oaa,00) eneh, maubt d frarl one (1) to treaty (20) indoor i*e, a.Fgpo3ati nr ':Mnty wand Dollars (020,00000) and maft ring as foliosre 1 - 3 February 1, 105 -A,000,00 4 — 6 Aftuary 1, 1936 3P000.00 7 - 9 yourau r i, 107 3,000000 10 - U Jftbtrsaory 1, 1%8 5,OOQ e00 15 - 20 mroary 1, 1939 6,000.00 ':Qmcti II. The principal and interest of said notes shall be payable by the of the City of :brt =north, in the City of Fort •;orth, -.oats of Texas. al of said notes shall be executed for and in behalf of the Oily of Fort 'orth by the :aym thereof, attested by the SocretorlwTvamouver, with the seal at the db thereon Arty impressed, but the Interest coupons shall be w9artted with the lithoangbod. facsimile siaaative of the ''ayw aaa ammotezywvreasurer u: the City of Fort :=V-!, end each of said notes and coupons shall be noc-atiable and pa7abLe to bear- Mrs :=05i IIIe The tote, of said !Rasreation bpra"mout :atec: and coupons shall be snbstuatiatly as tbllowst ra WV.W :SUN O1 'UAat OOOMY UY TUM 1-T L�6T= 1915E CITY OF p [7RT WORTS 1=11UT-TuT; l7• tOYi,.e:F T IdQ E XMW AM=I BY 1 R 0MUMM t That the arrmnomt of the City of rwt Vw1h, a ewdsipal corporation duly crested wader the ]ass of the �Aats of 'N mds hmeby ac1now- ladges itself to ows, lrn' far value received Prminto to pay to baWars ot% 2mudiz) pope (010000•00) in lawful money of trio Uu tod 0ia4es or srrise., on the 1st day of A* D. JM, t pOor witb interact tharr,oa at Uke rato of six per cant (8%) nor aemOss, payable cmi--armully on the let dry of ,w,-mt end ftbrmry in cash year on presentation card sarondor of the nnr=ce interest coup= as they swrovany fall duo. Roth 20 W13wipal +wed interest of this note are payatle at the office of the -acrstsxr-Tresaurer of the city of Dort ,.orth, In the Oily of Fort :orth, Tem, an# 1br the dea and punctunl psyment of We note at the maturity thereof, and the irtereat thereon, wham it falls 4uo, the tall faith, credit and resources of the Oily of fort =:arch are hereby irr"Veably pledged. ,'his note la one of a series of tim my (W) neteut of like tenor amd effect as to ecatarity, mmlbered abmtsautiV*17 f one W to kmty (20) inalusive, each of Via dememinstion of cos Tb0uaend r5o11n3`s ($`1,U04sOQ), aseant- ina 1A the aggr*Mte to the sea of TmmtY ThMand :;ollars (0$0,004.00), issued for tho pitwposs of rnkixi pemaamt iewovownts by astablishia,;, 4%ipplu(; and instaltinE a imir course in Roakwod 1''vA in the City of Darr Wos24 Texas, r ceder and by virtue of 10 Constitution mid laws of the -tato of Tma, the Charter of the C Ity of Fort .w rth goes an ar d mince of the City Gomc it of said City laWfU ly pnsaod sad adoptod an the 20th dsv of Tamary, D. It is hereby fwther eapresaly reprecentod, reeited and Covaninted by the cwvitlC mnt of tha City of Fort T,orth, to and with each and every l older of said muss or any one of them, tMt all acts, Conditions and things rwx1rsd by the laws of the Mate of 'saxes and of the Chester and or- 41nnxeem of the City of ,ort °•.orth, px+ssadent to and in fide issuence of this aete, hake been damn, bare haypaood and have been porformed in proper r;ncl law- ful tins, fora and =nnsr as prescribed by law, so as to make this note a legal, binalm wid valid ohlifntion of the City of fort T.'orth, and Vnt provision bas been made for the levy and oolleotion of a direct annual tax on all tax- able preparty in the wity or Fort .,orth, and that scab tax has been levied in a sufficient amount rw twos payment of the priaoipnl and interest or this uo" at the respective maturity dates thereof, and that tbo total indebtedness of said City, InO ing this note and too issue of dtti#h it is a CgOponent part, doea not encased any ocustitutiaxnal or statutory limitation. Tt, :3,7 l MMY, the City of :root .orth, in the :hate of ZWea, ban erercuted thic ?iota by G&U01W. it to ha aid by- its :myor Amd at- tested h,-: the 3ity orat ry�f'a+lsrasrer, with the seal of the city theramto duly isprewsd, and has Camped the aneexed Int4west Coupons to be executed with the facaimile sigaatara of the ayor md City -6arotary-Treaeurar, and dated as the let daps of :'ebruasy, : . 1938. T:ayDx OW Sonotow- (rem ar atrop011 NOMC) rev. 430.00 The city of 'ort in the State of ezas, promd M to psy to bear+ss Thirty Collars (:10*00) on the Int day of A%Mt, , 1M, at the ofriee of the -earetevjwTxemmu-zva of the City of " forth, In the (city of fort .worth, Tbmms, for interest ctns that day on its wadei- pal sots dated Febsttary 1, 198E and nw6wed one. CITY OF Fay ;6IMI, Tmuz OW SSMON IT. That V� said mates m to be issued by the City of Fort -crti z, Ammmtin" to Tmenty Thousand Sollars ( EO,OOo.on), ahal.l be issued for the purpose of voklm parasseat improvemmts by ostabl.ishive, a ri ipp- W dad Lustalllt+d a golf eourse is Rookmoad 'ark In the CSty of ort .mU ano shall obmsist of t"'Aty (80) notes mu-b "d brow one (1) to twaty (80) inalusfte, and shall hear interest at the rate of six par anent (6%) per emm4 payable smmi-omw 4 as afnxeeaid, all of *fah said twenty (20) notes shall be Imotm an "aries 1982 smd shall be styled emd designated as "Reerestiam 1wevem n't "6tu-. SIMON 9. That fbr the peorpsse of easatirk- a slaking fund for the payment and complete earl3Qa% short of the fbrwmW, notes, porbeigal and interest, and all cmd eTea'y Part of same, there is bmmW 20TW there shall be assessed and oollseted as praTi&od by late, set apart and appa*- priatsd for the said pt-wpose, am snnmal direct special ad Talorm Um fbr The year 1938 and ever;, successive yew tbareartar Burin- the lift of said not" or say -mart thoreof of 9085 cents (of such an amount as may be ataesmarr and adequate, be it smro or Isms) on every '100*00 of property vulir-tivi, %"I, Parewl and mised, muhjsot to taxation :�& not eaeumpt therafrm undar the CoestitnUan rot:6 laws of the state of Texas, eltaat- od mad owned in the City cf hart ••orth on the let day of :ramiary, A* Do 1932, sad on the let day or Tannery of each ,ear thereafter uatil said debt rarrremeated by said notes rend coupons shall have been fn11y inid, and if, at nkr t11w, such telex mhouM be insufticiest, than it aball be the duty of the City Council or my other eoverning body of the Oita of ort Garth to set apart rind appmpriatm such additional mRoeeut of money out or the Meral xenennms of said city, ns msy be r#rxuisf to to srtpply the deflaleaay tu►til all interest shall have been paid wnd the sialriiag fund established as required by the :omstitution of the •31ate of `Penes and the Obsrtsr or the Olt - of Fort oath. MU MI I vie :hot it :hall be the ftty of the Oit? :ounoil of the City Of Fort wer"4 TeoMA, Mall its successors, and of the moveornmat of the City of rort Worth, ly laying tereoaes for gase:al purpomes for the said City of Fort Worth for the year 1932 and for every successive year dur- ing the liiti of said emotes, or any part thereof, to include is such lay the special Um of •085 cents on the 4100.00 properly valuation ( or so much tbasrof as mar be rewAsits and neteesary) provided for in the next prteeding seotion of this ordinmee, and such special tax shall an no aeaount whatsoever be displAeed thavetraste Vne That the special tax hereimbefore provided for, when o01,- 1seUsd, shall be plaosd and kept in a separate fund and :hell be dtroted to the pa seitt of UR interest WA the emunm- isbwnt of the parimelpal of all and sla gular the notes hcreimbove mentioned, as sasses mature free time to time, and shall not be umed, applied or devoted to any other pmrpome or object whalseeterl uM t* funds derived from said tax shall be held and listmd as a separate account on the books cif maid city, and the proeseds h0ld AW kopt by the City trer of X&1A city ty a saparate and distinct account an soJ400ift0d OW Ouah on his I jm. That tXU Ordinanoo aball ti E3f`i'ec a' iforce ear+r. a `rs ^c and aftw Cato as p Puss" .-el i"- is 50 oraained. . nnVa% A , : , aid' i7fttsry-,T'v"M� R. B. ROUE agar• PMWJAJft at said mwtlzgo submd*W the ]saUM to ad®Pt said. , �ra in.wta- -" , ate Res c S emu, *,g l , sn and scan all voted 4 ra je thor€on and none voted "no! an t e n ticsls to adopt the ordiumcs mg dealftred. to bo i- M"lY P"fit . TM SRAM Of TKW 0 COURT OF TdIVLAW It I. L. Yan z.wi t, Jlr., City 9omwtary-Treasimor of the City e! Fest .4V%k, da hM-CV-F Certify that ibI 100WO and ftftpftg orrQia- anoe to a trts ana Q7't eet cop•. of OFdi»eQoe Fa* ITH and ttiat same ww =mtWnaly passg4 =4 +enP.oAed by t he "ity Coaaeil of the Cfty of Fort `oath, T*s, at a jep►lw mating halal is the Council :3hembor at the City T'al, an edverdav the RIo dk-r of Jawmn, . 1938. WI'PM' my band at Fort .-orth, .'e m, this a" of City Tsb mww