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AT&T MA Reference No. �
a l&+ AT&T PS Reference No.
AT&T Managed Internet Service
Ci 2 p p 8 0 61
� y SECRETARY Pricing Schedule
ATRACT NO. CSM080609171753
Customer Entity("Customer") AT&T Entity("AT&T") AT&T Sales Contact Name
❑ Primary Contact
City of Fort Worth AT&T Corp. KEVIN G WEST
Customer Address AT&T Corp.Address and Contact AT&T Sales Contact Information
1000 Throckmorton One AT&T Way 1116 HOUSTON ST
Bedminster,NJ 07921-0752 FORT WORTH,TX 76102
Fort Worth, TX
76102 Attn: Telephone:8178849754
Email: mast(a)att.com Email: kw3862@semail.att.com
Fax: 908-325-0222 Branch Manager:Gene Dean
Sales Strata:Small Business Market
Sales Region:Southwestern
Customer Contact AT&T Address and Contact(if AT&T Authorized Agent Information
signing entity other than AT&T (if applicable) ❑ Primary Contact
Title: Company Name:
Telephone: 817-871-8900
CUSTOMER Account Number or Master Telephone:
Account Number: Fax:
Agent Code:
This Pricing Schedule is part of the Agreement between AT&T and Customer referenced above.
Customer AT&T
By: By: 0'
f4KA & VVY—)
(Authori d Age to I: 4nrntative) (Authorized A e t or Repre ntative)
(Typed or Printed Name) (Typed or Printed Nageagan
(Date) (Date
Attested By:
)Iartv M L
v.12.10.07_ Es_Mis_1 Pi6 se rity_svcs_20060528.rtf (standard) CSM080609171753
Coatract huthori zat:ion AT&T AND CUSTOMER CONFIDENTIAL
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I I O Page 1 of 5 P
AT&T Managed Internet Service— Pricing Schedule For AT&T Administrative Use Only
Master Agreement No.
Pricing Schedule No.
Original Effective Date:
Amended Effective Date:
•AT&T Managed Internet Service 3. MINIMUM PAYMENT PERIOD
•AT&T Private Network Transport(PNT)Service is an option
of MIS and can be ordered as an MPLS PNT feature under Portion of Monthly Service Minimum
Section I,Tables 13 and 14. Service Fees Components Payment Period
• AT&T's Acceptable Use Policy is located at Applicable to
htti)://www.att.com/aup or such other AT&T-designated Minimum Payment
location. Period
50% All Service Until end of
Components Pricing Schedule
less than 12
Pricing Schedule Term Start Date months per
Term component
36 Months Effective Date of this Pricing
Schedule or the date that the initial
Service Component is enabled for
Customer use,whichever is later
Effective Date of Effective Date of this Pricing
Rates and Discounts Schedule
v.12.10.07 ps_mis_t1_no_security_svcs_20060528.rtf (standard) CSM080609171753
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AT&T Managed Internet Service— Pricing Schedule For AT&T Administrative Use Only
Master Agreement No.
Pricing Schedule No.
Original Effective Date:
Amended Effective Date:
4. RATES(US Mainland, HI and Alaskat only) Section I: AT&T Managed Internet Service
Access Bandwidth-
t Service in Alaska requires a separate AT&T Addendum for
Service in Alaska.The rates stated in this Pricing Schedule apply Table Tiered NxT-
to Service locations and/or Service Components in Alaska only Access s Speedd MIS MIS w/ MIS wl Discount
E-1 And Frame
Component and/or Service location is Method Monthly Manage Managed
in the event that a Service Com
P Service d Router Router
not listed in the Addendum for Service in Alaska. In the event of Fee List Monthly Option 2
the conflict between this Pricing Schedule and the Addendum for Price Service Monthly
Service in Alaska,the Addendum for Service in Alaska controls. Fee Service
List Fee
NOTE 1: MIS w/ Managed Router Option 2 available only as I I Price List Price
described in the Service Guide. N/A 56/64 190 260 N/A N/A
NOTE 2: If Customers orders the MPLS PNT feature under T-1 128 225 295 285 N/A
Section I,Tables 13 and 14 as part of the MIS service,Customer Kbps
will be billed for PNT transport and uplifts and all applicable T'1 Ka s 280 350 340 N/A
taxes will be stated on the Customer's invoice. p
T-1 384 335 405 395 N/A
NOTE 3: The charges for the Class of Service (CoS)feature set T-1 512 $390 460 450 N/A
forth in Section I, Table 9 and 10 are waived for Sites at which Kbps
Customer also maintains AT&T Business Voice over P (VoIP) T-1 768 410 $480 $470 N/A
Service. Kbps495 T-1 — 1024 $425 485 N/A
(*)=not available with MPLS PNT Frame* Kbps
ICB=available only on an Individual Case Basis. T-1 T-1 470 540 530 N/A
N/A=Not Available E-1* E-1 470 540 N/A N/A
2xT-1 3 850 1,145 N/A 30.0%
3xT-1 4.5 $1,100 17395 N/A 30.0%
4xT-1 6 1,250 1,545 N/A 30.0%
5xT-1 7.5 1,480 2,360 N/A 30.0
6xT-1 9 $1,715 $2,595 N/A 30.0%
7xT-1 10.5 $1,915 2,795 N/A 30.0%
8xT-1 12 2,190 $3,070 N/A 30.0%
v.12.10.07 ps_mis_t1_no_security_svcs_20060528.rtf (standard) CSM080609171753
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AT&T Managed Internet Service— Pricing Schedule For AT&T Administrative Use Only
Master Agreement No.
Pricing Schedule No.
Original Effective Date:
Amended Effective Date:
Table 2:Burstable T-1 Table 5:MARO Features-Monthly Service Fees
Discount: :N/A Option Monthly Service Service Component
Sustained Undiscounted Undiscounted Undiscounted Fee Discount
Usage MIS Monthly MIS w/Managed MIS w/Managed List Price
Service Fee Router Monthly Router Option 2 Alternate Backbone T-1: 500 N/A
Service Fee Monthly Service Node Option-
Fee additional charges via NxT1:
up to 128kbps 270 $340 330 Private Line,per $500 per T-1
128.01 -256 $340 410 400 Service Component
256.01 -384 405 475 465
Kbps CPE Redundant T-1: 120 N/A
384.01 -512 470 540 530 Configuration Option NxT-1: 350
Kbps -Per Service
512.01 Kbps- 565 635 625 Component
1.544 Mbps
v.2.3.05 Backbone Node 500 per T-1 N/A
Redundancy Option- Redundant Link
Table 3: DNS Services additional charges via
Private Line,per
Option Monthly Service Fee Redundant Link
Additional Primary DNS(available in 100 per DNS
increments of up to 15 zones with a maximum increment
of 150 Kilobytes of zone file data) Outbound Load T1 &NXT 1: 350 N/A
Additional Secondary DNS(available in 100 per DNS Balancers(2)
increments of up to 15 zones with a maximum increment (Dual Managed
of 150 Kilobytes of zone file data) Customer Routers)
v.07.01.04 v.2.3.05
Table 4:Multiple Access Redundancy Option Table 6:MARO Features-Installation Fees(ICB Only)
(MARO)-Burstable T 1 with Shadow Billing Option
Discount: 0.0
Discount:N/A Option Undiscounted Installation Fee
Sustained Usage MIS w/Managed Router MIS w/Managed Router List Price
Undiscounted Monthly Option 2 Undiscounted MIS,MIS w/Managed Router,&MIS w/
Service Fee Monthly Service Fee Managed Router Option 2
Up to 56 Kbps $170 160 MARO-Outbound 1000
For MARO Load Balancers(2)
Redundant Link (Dual Managed
Service Only Customer Routers)
(Shadow Billing) v.2.6.05
up to128kbps 340 330
128.01 -256 410 400 Table 7: MIS Tele—Installation
256.01 -384 475 465 Discount: 100.0%
Kbps MIS Speed Undiscount Undiscounted Undiscounted MIS
384.01 -512 540 530 ed MIS MIS w/ w/ Managed
Managed Router Option 2
512.01 Kbps- 635 625
1.544 Mbps 56 Kbps 1,000 1,000 1,000
v.21,544 128 Kbps- $1,000 1,000 1,000
1.5 Mbps
NxT-1 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500
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AT&T Managed Internet Service — Pricing Schedule For AT&T Administrative Use Only
Master Agreement No.
Pricing Schedule No.
Original Effective Date:
Amended Effective Date:
Table 8:On-Site Installation Table 12:MIS+NCS
Installation Fees(ICB Only)
Discount: 0.0
MIS Speed Undiscounted MIS Undiscounted MIS w/ Discount: 0.0
wl Managed Managed Feature Undiscounted Installation Fee
Router Only Router Option 2 Only List Price MIS
56 Kbps $999 $999 MIS+NCS Site $2,500
128 Kbps-1.5 Preparation Fee
Mbps $999 $999 v.2.3.05
Table 13:MPLS PNT Feature
NxT-1 $999 $999
v.12.10.07 Discount: :N/A
Access Method Speed Undiscounted Monthly
Table 9:Class Of Service Option-Tiered T-1 and Burstable Service- Service Fee MIS,MIS
Monthly Service Fees w/Managed Router,and
MIS w/Managed Router
Discount: N/A Option 2
Speed Class of Service Monthly Fee—List Price(w/oi Private Line
w/out Managed Router,including Managed Fractional T-1 Fractional T-1
Router Option 2,except as indicated) (56K—768K)"" (56K—768K)" $200
56 Kbpst 225 Private Line Private Line
128 Kbpst 225 NxT-1 NxT-1
(2 through 8) (3 Mbps—12
256 Kbpst $225 Mbps) $200
384 Kbpst $225 Private Line T1 T-1 (1.54 Mbps) 200
512 Kbpst 225 **(1024K not available with MPLS PNT)
768 Kbps 225 v.9128/05
1024 Kbps 225 Table 14:MPLS PNT UniLink Feature
1.5 Mbps 225
2xT-1(3 Mbps) 225 Discount: NIA
Access Method Speed Undiscounted Monthly
3xT-1(4.5 Mbps) 225 Service Fee MIS PNT,and
4xT-1(6 Mbps) 225 MIS PNT with Managed
5xT-1(7.5 Mbps) 225 Router
6xT-1(9 Mbps) $225
7xT-1(10.5 Mbps) 225 1 Private Line T-1 I Burstable T1 1 $200
8xT-1(12 Mbps) $225 v.04.15.05
(t)no real-time class available Table 15:MultiCast Monthly Service Fee
Table 10:Class Of Service Option-Installation Fees N/A
MultiCast Monthly Service Fee ICB
Discount: N/A
Class of Service Undiscounted $1,000 Table 16:MultiCast Installation
Installation Fee
v.2.3.05 N/A
MultiCast Installation Fee ICB
Table 11:MIS+NCS Option(ICB Only)
Discount: N/A Section II: Additional Service Fees
Feature Undiscounted Monthly Service Fee
MIS Only Moving Fee(during hours) $1,000 per location
MIS+NCS Site Additional Moving Fee Additional 500 per location
License Fee(3 yr) $1,200 (outside standard operating
MIS+NCS Site hours—8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.
License Fee(5 yr) $1,050 Monday through Friday)
MIS+NCS Tier 1 v.07/01/04
Support $100
v.12.10.07 ps_mis—t1_no—security_svcs_20060528.rtf (standard) CSM080609171753
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City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 4/11/2006
DATE: Tuesday, April 11, 2006
LOG NAME: 13P06-0063 REFERENCE NO.: **P-10357
Authorize a Purchase Agreement With AT&T (SBC) for Local Telephone Services for the
Information Technology Services Department
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize a purchase agreement with AT&T (SBC) for local telephone services for the Information
Technology Solutions (IT Solutions) Department; and
2. Authorize use of the amended State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Texan 2000-
SWB-LS contract terms and conditions to begin April 11, 2006, and expire on August 31, 2009.
IT Solutions will use a State of Texas DIR contract to procure local telephone services from AT&T (SBC) for
the City. Local services include items such as flat rate business lines, voice services, analog/digital trunk
services, disaster routing service, extended metropolitan service, digital subscriber service (DSL) and
Plexar services. All of these locally related telephone services are covered with the existing DIR Texas
Agency Network (TEX-AN 2000) contract. The contract is designed so that local entities may enter into
agreements directly with the vendor. Additionally, the DIR contract for Plexar Service allows for Individual
Customized Bids (ICB). Plexar Service for large users is generally customized to meet customer
needs. The City still has about 30% of its phones on the Plexar System. Over the next few years, use of
Plexar service will continue to diminish as the City changes to Public Branch Exchange (PBX) service.
The DIR contract is the result of a public procurement process conducted in compliance with applicable
Texas law. The contract has been amended and one of the amendments allowed an extension of the
contract period. DIR and SBC signed the Fourth Amendment to TEX-AN 2000-SWB-LS to extend the
contract period through August 31, 2009.
DIR is authorized to offer the cooperative purchasing program to state agencies, public institutions of higher
learning, public school districts and local governments. Pursuant to Government Code Section 791.025, a
local government that purchases goods and services under the Interlocal Cooperation Act satisfies
otherwise applicable competitive bidding requirements.
Over the last year approximately $2.9 million was spent with SBC on services that are considered within the
scope of local telephone services.
M/WBE -A M/WBE goal is not assigned when making a purchase agreement from an approved purchasing
cooperative or other public entity.
(�-to -v e
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The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of
the Information Systems Fund.
TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers
P168 535080 0046010 $1 400,000.00
Submitted for Cif Manager's Office by: Richard Zavala (Acting) (6222)
Originating Department Head: Jim Keyes (8517)
Additional Information Contact: Robert Combs (8357)Pete Anderson (8781)
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