HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 37238-A1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 STATE OF TEXAS § CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. J10139 A (M&C Needed) COUNTY OF TARRANT § WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (City) and Freese and Nichols, Inc., (Engineer) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 37238 (the Contract) which was authorized by the City Council by M&C C-22871 on the 171" day of June, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Contract involves engineering services for the following project: Clearfork Main Street Final Bridge Design Capital Project No. 00107; Department No. 5950 WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to said Contract to include an increased scope of work and revised maximum fee; NOW THEREFORE, City and Engineer, acting herein by and through their duly-authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement which amends the Contract: 1. Article I of the Contract is amended to include the additional engineering services as specified in attachments A-2, B, C, D, and E a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional services to be performed by Engineer total $1,102,424. 2. Article II of the Contract is amended -to provide for an increase in the maximum fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall not exceed the sum of $ 177,702_.__+_ $ 1,102,424 (Amendment No. 1) = $1,280,126 . OF11wAAAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT.WORTH,TX Contract Amendment No. 1 ORIGINAL Page 1 of 2 3. All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly amended herein, snail remain in full force and effect. Executed on this the S} day of 2009, in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: Bryn Beck, P.E. Fernando Costa Pro gm Manager Assistant City Manager Project Management Office Freese and Nichols, Inc. ENGINEER ATTEST: a�C PC.r� �a/ty Hendrix, City S cretary Robert F. Pence, P.E. President and CEO 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, Texas 76109 contract Authorization APPROVE A TO F LEGALITY: Date Amy Ramsey Assistant Cit At orney I OFFICIAL RECORD Contract Amendment No. 1 j CITY SECRETARY Page 2 of 2 7"T�.WORTH,TX EXHIBIT "A-2" SUPPLEMENTAL SCOPE OF SERVICES (SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT "A") DESIGN SERVICES: PAVING AND/OR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The following is a clarification of the tasks that the ENGINEER will perform under ATTACHMENT "A" Work under this attachment includes engineering services for paving and storm drain improvements for the following: Ciearfork Main St. Final Bridge Design City Project No. 00107 This project consists of the final engineering design, including the development of construction documents and construction administration, of a four-lane roadway and bridge extending west from the intersection of Stonegate Blvd. and Hulen Street and crossing the Trinity River just upstream of the Hulen Street bridge in southwest Fort Worth, as shown in the preliminary drawings completed in the conceptual design phase of this project. The roadway length is approximately 1,800 linear feet, including a 550 foot long, three-span precast concrete spliced girder vehicular bridge. Suspended below the vehicular bridge will be a 400 foot long steel pedestrian bridge. Upon receipt of notice to proceed, the ENGINEER will perform the following tasks: PART A-- PRE-ENGINEERING 1. Initial Data Collection a. Pre-Design Coordination Meetings ENGINEER will attend and document meetings, as required, to discuss and coordinate various aspects of the project and to ensure that the project stays on schedule. For purposes of establishing a level of comfort, two (2) meetings are anticipated. These include the following: One (1) pre-design kick-off meeting, (including ALL departments that are impacted by the project). EA2-1 Rev 02/05/09 One (1) review meeting at completion of the City's review of the conceptual engineering plans. b. Data Collection In addition to data obtained from the City, ENGINEER will research and make efforts to obtain pertinent information to aid in coordination of the proposed improvements with any planned future improvements that may influence the project. ENGINEER will also identify and seek to obtain data for existing conditions that may impact the project including; utilities, City Master plans, CITY drainage complaint files, existing applicable drainage studies and property ownership as available from the Tax Assessor's office. C. Coordination with Other Agencies During the concept phase the ENGINEER shall coordinate with all utilities, including utilities owned by the City, TxDOT and railroads. These entities shall also be contacted if applicable, to determine plans for any proposed facilities or adjustment to existing facilities within the project limits. The information obtained shall be shown on the concept plans. The ENGINEER shall show the location of the proposed utility lines, existing utility lines and any adjustments and/or relocation of the existing lines within the project limits. ENGINEER shall complete all forms necessary for City to obtain permit letters from TxDOT and railroads and submit such forms to the City. City shall be responsible for forwarding the forms to the affected agencies for execution. 2. Schedule Submittal and Monthly Progress Report The ENGINEER shall submit a project schedule after the design contract is fully executed. The schedule shall be updated and submitted to the CITY along with monthly progress reports as required under Attachment B of the contract. 3. Biweekly Meetings The ENGINEER shall attend up to 15 biweekly meetings with the City of Fort Worth throughout the design phase. EA2-2 Rev 02/05/09 PART B - CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Conceptual Engineering i. Surveys for design were completed in the initial phase of this contract and are not a part of this scope. ii. Drainage Computations ENGINEER will review and document the storm water watershed drainage runoff area and existing street, right-of-way and storm sewer capacities for the subject site. A drainage area map will be drawn at 1" = 200' scale from available contour maps. Calculations regarding street and right-of-way capacities and design discharges (5-year and 100-year frequencies) at selected critical locations will be provided. Capacities of existing storm drain will be calculated and shown. The ENGINEER's responsibility includes recommendations for improvements of the existing system as deemed reasonable and consistent with City standards. All calculations and design shall conform to the City of Fort Worth Storm Wafer Management Design Manual, March 2006. iii. Conceptual Engineering Plan Submittal a. Conceptual plans were completed and approved by the City of Fort Worth during the first phase of this project. 2. Preliminary Engineering ENGINEER will prepare construction plans as follows: a. Drainage area maps with drainage calculations and hydraulic computations. Information shown on the plans will be consistent with Part A, Paragraph 1.b. for proposed condition. b. Preliminary project plans and profile sheets which will show the following and shall be on 22"x 34" sheets: Property Ownership Curb Lines EA2-3 Rev 02/05/09 Driveways Medians (it applicable) Sidewalks Existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer mains. C. Proposed roadway profile grades and elevations along each curb line; elevations at all p.02s; p.i's half stations; high and low points; vertical curve information; and pertinent AASHTO calculations. Profiles for existing curbs (if any) and existing ground at the left and right-of-way lines shall be shown. Existing found property corners (e.g. Iron pins), along the existing right-of- way shall be shown on the plans. Profiles for existing and proposed storm drain mains and leads shall be provided. d. Existing utilities and utility easements will be shown on the roadway plan and profile sheets. ENGINEER will coordinate with utility companies and the City of Fort Worth to ascertain what, if any, future improvements are planned that may impact the project. e. Preliminary roadway cross-sections will be developed, from the survey notes, at intervals not-to-exceed 50 foot along the project length and will extend 10' past the right of way line on both sides of the street. Additional cross-sections at important features including driveways, p.i.'s of intersecting streets, (minimum distance of 100' along cross-street at each P.I.) walks, retaining wails, etc., will also be provided. Profiles of centerline of driveways will also be provided where necessary. Scale will be 1" 10' horizontal and 1" = 2'vertical. f. Street and intersection layouts. g. Proposed plan/profile sheets will conform to City of Fort Worth construction legend. Adequate horizontal and vertical control shall be provided on the plan sheets to locate all proposed and existing facilities. Legal descriptions (Lot Nos., Block Nos., and Addition Names) along with property ownership shall be provided on the plan view. h. Electrical conduit design for future roadway and pedestrian bridge lighting. No electrical conductors or lights will be designed or included in the construction documents. EA2-4 Rev 02/05/09 L Intersection improvements and traffic signal modifications associated with the Hulen Street and Stonegate Blvd. intersection, as described in the attached document from Savant Group. j. Structural Bridge Design L Prepare bridge plans for a precast spliced girder vehicular bridge, including beam framing plans, typical cross-sections, slab deck plans, beam stressing details, pier and abutment plans, and foundation details. ii. Due to its unique design, a peer review of the bridge superstructure design will be completed by an independent third-party engineer, as detailed in the attached document from Corven Engineering, Inc. dated November 6, 2008. iii. Prepare bridge plans for a steel beam pedestrian bridge, including framing plans, sections, and foundations. k. Environmental Permitting And USAGE Coordination L Perform necessary environmental permitting and coordination with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) as described in the attached letter dated November 18, 2008 from Blanton & Associates, Inc. This scope asssumes that a Nationwide Permit Preconstruction Notification or Individual Permit preparation is not required at this time. If the USACE directs otherwise, this will be an Additional Service. ii. Meet and coordinate with USACE regulatory staff for up to three meetings to help expedite the project. I. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION: During the first phase of this project, the USACE required particular backfilling methods for all test borings. This was not included in the initial scope. This additional scope has been added to this phase of the project, and is described in the attached letter dated June 6, 2008 from HVJ Associates. EA2-5 Rev 02/05/09 M. H draulic And Hydrologic Analysis i. A final hydraulic analysis will be performed to evaluate the effects of the bridge and roadway improvements on Trinity River and, conversely, determine what effect the river hydraulics have on the design of the roadway. The hydrology and hydraulic scope of services includes the following: 1. Hydraulic Analysis: Finalize the preliminary hydraulic model to negate any increases caused by the bridge as defined by the USAGE. A maximum of two (2) revisions will be analyzed. 2. Hydrology: No new hydrology will be developed for this study along the Clear Fork of the Trinity River. Current USACE flows for the Clear Fork will be used. Peak discharges for the culvert sizing in the channel behind the levee will be calculated using Rational Method. ii. CDC PERMIT Perform a hydraulic analysis of the bridge to determine the impact the bridge has on the ability of the local floodplain to pass floods. 1. Prepare a CDC permit submittal for the CITY to submit for approval. The CDC permit will require approval from the USACE and conformance from the other member CDC member cities. 2. Provide three (3) copies of the CDC permit and fifteen (15) CDC executive summaries to the CITY for distribution to the USACE, NCTCOG, and the member cities. iii. Prepare a scour analysis of the interior bridge piers within the Trinity River floodway. iv. Coordinate with CITY, USACE, TRWD, FEMA and other authorities having jurisdiction as needed during final design and plan preparation. v. LOMR Preparation: Analyze post construction cross sections for plan compliance. Develop new hydrologic and hydraulic model if cross sections reveal as-built conditions differ from plans. Create a topographic workmap, EA2-6 Rav 02/05/09 and prepare submittal documents to include annotated firm, MT-2 forms, and report. Coordinate with project team and local fioodplain administrator, including public notifications. 1. Provide three (3) copies of the LOMR submittal to the CITY for distribution to FEMA along with the LOMR review fee. 2. It is our understanding that a CLOMR is not necessary on this project. n. Landscape Architecture i. Finalize the design of hardscape elements such as trails, sidewalks, railings, piers, and retaining wall finishes. ii. Investigate options for the articulating concrete revetment system along the riverbanks, including landscaping plants and irrigation requirements. iii. Evaluate location of sleeves through the road and bridge structure to facilitate possible future lighting. iv. Provide final design of minimal bridge area landscaping planting. No irrigation design is included in this Scope. a. Right-of-Way Right-ot-Way Research The ENGINEER will conduct preliminary research for availability of existing easements where open-cut construction or relocation of existing alignments is probable. Temporary and permanent easements will be appropriated based on available information and recommendations will be made for approval by the City. j. Right-of-wa /Easement Preparation and Submittal Preparation and submittal of right-of-way, easements and rights-of-entry will be in conformance with "Submittal of Information to Real Property Division for Acquisition of Property'. EA2-7 Rev 02/05/09 k. Utility Clearance Phase The ENGINEER will consult with the City's Transportation and Public Works Department, Water Department, and other CITY departments, public utilities, private utilities, private utilities and government agencies to determine the approximate location of above and underground utilities, and other facilities that have an impact or influence on the project. ENGINEER will design City facilities to avoid or minimize conflicts with existing utilities. The ENGINEER shall deliver a minimum of 13 sets of approved preliminary construction plans to the City's Utility Coordinator for forwarding to all utility companies, which have facilities within the limits of the project. I, Preliminary Construction Plan Submittal i. Preliminary construction plans and specifications shall be submitted to CITY per schedule specified in Attachment B. ii. The ENGINEER shall deliver two (2) sets of preliminary construction plans and two (2) specifications to CITY for review. Generally, plan sheets shall be organized as follows: Cover Sheet General Layout and Legend Sheet Drainage Area Map and Computations Plan & Profile Sheets Preliminary Cross Sections Standard Construction Details Special Details (If applicable) iii. The ENGINEER shall submit a preliminary estimate of probable construction cost with the preliminary plans submitted. Engineer shall assist City in selecting the feasible and or economical solutions to be pursued. M. Review Meetings with Ci EA2-8 Rev 02/05/05 The ENGINEER shall meet with CITY to discuss review comments for preliminary submittal. The CITY shall direct the ENGINEER in writing to proceed with Final Design for Final Review. n. Public Meeting After the preliminary plans have been reviewed and approved by the City, the ENGINEER shall prepare project exhibits, provide the CITY with the database listing the names and addresses of all residents and business to be affected by the proposed project, and attend two public meetings to help explain the proposed project to residents. The first meeting will be at approximately the 60% project level, and the second meeting will be at approximately the 100% project level. For the first public meeting, the ENGINEER shall provide a vinyl sign that can be fastened to a plywood sign constructed by CITY forces and placed at the site. The CITY shall place signs at other locations along the trail and at local businesses advertising for the public meetings. Feedback received during the first meeting will be gathered, evaluated, and incorporated where possible into the project. The CITY shall select a suitable location, and mail the invitation letters to the affected customers. The ENGINEER will provide project facts and graphics electronically to the CITY; CITY will prepare and print handouts for the public. o. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) For projects that disturb an area greater than one (1) acre, ENGINEER will prepare the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) required for the project for use by the Contractor during construction. Engineer will prepare drawings and details for proposed SWPPP improvement that the Contractor must use during construction. Contractor will be responsible for filing the SWPPP with appropriate regulatory agencies. P. Traffic Control Plan The ENGINEER may utilize standard traffic reroute configurations posted as "Typicals" on the City's Buzzsaw website. The typicals need not be sealed individually if included in the sealed contract documents. EA2-9 Rev 02/05/09 In the event that the "typicals"(as described above) cannot be utilized on the project, the ENGINEER shall prepare a signed and sealed Traffic Control Plan for review and approval by the Traffic Division of the Transportation and Public Works Department . 3. Final Construction Plan Submittal a. Final Construction Documents shall be submitted to CITY per the schedule specified in Attachment B. Following CITY approval of the recommended improvements, the ENGINEER shall prepare final plans and specifications and contract documents to CITY (each plan sheet shall be stamped, dated, and signed by the ENGINEER registered in State of Texas) and submit two (2) sets of plans and construction contract documents in accordance with the schedule specified in Attachment B. Plan sets shall be used for Part C activities. b. ENGINEER's Estimate of Probable Construction Cost The ENGINEER shall submit a final estimate of probable construction cost with the final plans submitted. c. Furnish as a function of final plans, five (5) copies of the final cross- sections on 22" x 34" sheets. Information on these sheets will include centerline station, profile grades and centerline elevations, roadway section (existing and proposed), right-of-way limits. Scale will be 1" = 20' horizontal and 1" = 2' vertical with cross sections plotted with stationing from the bottom of the sheet, and will include laterals and inlets. CITY policy with regard to parking design shall be maintained. Excavation and embankment volumes and end area computations shall also be provided. d. Mylar Submittals The ENGINEER shall submit a final set of mylar drawings for record storage as follows: EA2-10 Rev 02/05/09 1. Street and storm drain plans shall be submitted as one set of plans. Street and storm drain plans shall be separate from water and sanitary sewer plans. All sheets shall be standard size (22" x 34") with all project numbers (TPW and water/sanitary sewer) prominently displayed. 2. For projects where water/sanitary sewer improvements occur on a TPW Department funded project with no Water funding involved, a separate set of mylars with cover sheet shall be submitted for Water Department. 3. Signed plans sets shall also be submitted as an Adobe Acrobat PDF format (version 6.0 or higher) file. There shall be one (1) PDF file for the TPW plan set and a separate PDF file for the Water plan set. Each PDF file shall contain all associated sheets of the particular plan set. Singular PDF files for each sheet of a Pan set will not be accepted. PDF files shall conform to naming conventions as follows: I. TPW file name example — "W-1956_org47.pdf" where "W-1956" is the assigned file number obtained from the City of Fort Worth, "_org" designating the file is of an original plan set, "47" shall be the total number of sheets in this file. Example: W-0053_org3.pdf and K-0320_org5.pdf il. Water and Sewer file name example — "X- 35667_org36.pdf" where "X-35667"" is the assigned file number obtained from the City of Fort Worth, "_org" designating the file is of an original plan set, "36" shall be the total number of sheets in this file. Example: X-12755_orgl8.pdf EA2-11 Rev 02/05/09 Both PDF files shall be submitted on one (1) Compact Disk, which will become property of and remain with the City of Fort Worth. Floppy disks, zip disks, e-mail flash media will not be accepted. 4. For information on the proper manner to submit PDF files and to obtain a file number for the project, contact the Department of Transportation and Public Works Vault at telephone number (817) 392-8426. File numbers will not be issued to a project unless the appropriate project numbers and fund codes have been assigned and are in the Department of Transportation and Public Works database. PART C - PRE-CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE Administration a. Bid Documents The ENGINEER shall upload all plans and contract documents onto Buzzsaw for access to potential bidders. Hard copies of documents wilt not be made available to potential bidders. Contract documents shall be uploaded in pdf files and the plans in pdf and dwf files. b. Bidding Assistance The ENGINEER shall assist the CITY during this phase including preparation and delivery of any additional addenda prior to bid opening to plan holders and respond to questions submitted to CITY by prospective bidders. The ENGINEER shall upload all addenda onto Buzzsaw. The ENGINEER shall attend the scheduled pre-bid conference. The ENGINEER shall assist in reviewing the bids for completeness and accuracy. The ENGINEER shall attend the project bid opening, develop bid tabulations in hard copy and electronic format and return four (4) copies of the bid tabulation, along with the contract documents to the City within three (3) working days after bid openings. EA2-12 Rev 02/05/09 C. Construction Documents The ENGINEER will make available for construction, upon request by the CITY, up to twenty (20) sets of the final approved and dated plans and specifications and contract documents for the projects to the CITY for distribution to the contractor and City personnel. d. Assistance During Construction The ENGINEER shall attend the pre-construction conference for the project. The ENGINEER shall also consult with and advise the CITY on design and/or construction changes, if necessary. The ENGINEER shall make up to twenty (20) periodic site visits during construction and provide documentation of the observations made, as requested by CITY. The ENGINEER shall attend the "Final' project inspection and assist City with preparation of final punch list, as requested by CITY. EA2-13 Rev 02/05/09 ATTACHMENT "s„ COMPENSATION AND SCHEDULE Design Services for Clearfork Main St. Final Bridge Design City Project No. 00107 I. Compensation A. The ENGINEER shall be compensated a total lump sum fee of $1,102,424.00 as summarized in Exhibit "B-3" Payment of the total lump sum fee shall be considered full compensation for the services described in Attachment A, Exhibit "A-1" and Exhibit "A-2" for all labor materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to complete the project. B. The ENGINEER shall be paid monthly payments as described in Exhibit "B-1" Section 1 - Method of Payment. Each invoice is to be verified as to its accuracy and compliance with the terms of this contract by an officer of the ENGINEER. II. Schedule Final Plans and Contract Documents for bid advertisement shall be submitted within 245 calendar days after the "Notice to Proceed" letter is issued. This schedule is based on receiving City approval of preliminary and final engineering plans within 14 calendar days of the date the ENGINEER submits plans to the City. If City approval requires longer than 14 calendar days, this schedule shall be adjusted by a corresponding increase in calendar days. A. Preliminary Engineering Plans and Contract Documents —70 calendar days. B. Final Engineering Plans and Contract Documents - 203 calendar days. C. Final Plans and Contract Documents for Bid Advertisement - 245 calendar days. 3 Attachment B and Exhibits.doc B - 1 EXHIBIT "B-1" METHOD OF PAYMENT (Supplement to Attachment B) Design Services for Clearfork Main St. Final Bridge Design City Project No. 00107 I. Method of Payment Partial payment shall be made to the ENGINEER monthly upon City's approval of an invoice from the ENGINEER outlining the estimated current percent complete of the total project. The aggregate of such monthly partial fee payments shall not exceed the following: Until satisfactory completion of Exhibit "A-1" and A-2", Preliminary Construction Plan submittal and approval by the City, a sum not to exceed 45 percent of the total lump sum fee, less previous payments. Until satisfactory completion of Exhibit "A-1" and A-2", Final Construction plan submittal and approval by the City, a sum not to exceed 90 percent of the total lump sum fee, less previous payments. The balance of the earnings, less previous payments, shall be payable after Bid opening for the Project has been conducted. II. Progress Reports A. The ENGINEER shall submit to the designated representative of the Director of the Department of Transportation and Public Works monthly progress reports covering all phases of design in the format required by the City. B. if ENGINEER determines in the course of making design drawings and specifications that the opinion of probable construction cost of $11,920,000.00 (as estimated in Exhibit B-4) will be exceeded, whether by change in the scope of the project, increased cost or other conditions, the ENGINEER shall immediately report such fact to the City's Director of the Department of Transportation and Public Works and, if so instructed by the Director of the Department of Transportation and Public Works shall suspend all work hereunder. 3 Attachment B and Exhibits.doc 131 - 1 EXHIBIT"B-2" Hourly Rate Schedule (Supplement to Attachment B) Compensation to Freese and Nichols shall be based on the following Schedule of Charges: Schedule aF Charsee• Position Min Max PRINICIPAL 181.17 355.B6 GROUP MANAGER 147-61 231.92 ENGINEER VIII 210.51 242.45 ENGINEER VII 164.85 213.34 ENGINEER VI 144.80 206.51 ENGINEER V 129.62 151A7 ENGINEER IV 103.95 138.73 ENGINEER III 97.81 120.42 ENGINEER Ii 90.68 119-03 ENGINEER 1 80.29 96.03 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER VI 144.49 186.98 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER V 128.96 166.99 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER IV 113.43 146.80 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 111 85.02 110.03 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER II 84.21 108.97 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 1 79.35 102.68 MECHANICAL ENGINEER VI 139.58 180.63 MECHANICAL ENGINEER V 124A7 160.95 MECHANICAL ENGINEER IV in9.17 141.28 MECHANICAL ENGINEER III 86.47 114.49 DISCIPLINE LEADER 1 116.94 151.33 PROGRAM MANAGER 11 142.13 183.93 PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR 123.62 159.97 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMIN III 10T25 162.23 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMIN II 76.99 156.75 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMIN 1 72A4 106.33 DOCUMENT CONTROL CLERK 59.13 76.52 SR DESIGNER 122.13 159.05 DESIGNER II 124.25 132.13 DESIGNER 1 86.70 112.20 CADD DESIGNER 118.37 127.94 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST 1 60.67 78.52 TECHNICIAN IV 83.49 106.36 TECHNICIAN 111 70.22 93.72 TECHNICIAN II 60.79 75.08 TECHNICIAN 1 35.31 62.30 GIS COORDINATOR 92.54 119.75 GIS ANALYST IV 80.11 103.67 GIS ANALYST 111 71,39 92.38 GIS ANALYST 11 60.89 83.92 GIS ANALYST 1 46.84 60.62 30 VISUALIZATION COORDINATOR 112.90 146.11 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST V11 139.00 192.46 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST Vl 120.67 156.16 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST V 104.89 135.74 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST IV 99.76 113.59 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST III BOAS 106.43 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST II 80.59 78.41 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST 1 53.38 69.08 ARCH ITECT VI 132.00 197.21 ARCH ITECT V 116.72 151.04 ARCHITECT IV 96.88 125.38 ARCHITECT 111 90.04 116.52 ARCHITECT II 74.28 96.12 ARCHITECT 1 68.67 76.110 PLANNER VI 140.09 175.10 PLANNER V 106.20 137.43 PLANNER ill 71.64 92.71 PLANNER I 555,26 71.51 HYDROLOGIST V 114.11 147.67 HYDROLOGIST IV 93.83 121.42 HYDROLOGIST 111 78.40 101.46 HYDROLOGIST 11 76.60 99.14 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER VI 151.83 196.49 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT COORDINATOR 83.03 107.45 WEB SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR 100.64 130.24 WORD PROCESSINGISECRETARIAL 54.91 69.66 OPERATIONS ANALYST 89.63 121.74 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 70.63 91.40 INFORMATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR 50.74 65.67 INFORMATION SERVICES CLERK 34.31 44.39 CO-OP 31.35 61.88 The ranges and Individual aelariss will be adjusted annually. Exhibit B-2 Page 1 Exhibit"13-2" RATES FOR INHOUSE SERVICES Computernd CA Calcomp Plotterans o$1umu per hr n par plot Uther $5.00 per plot Color $5.75 per plot Print snap 0 or opies and Frinting $U.50 per single side copy $1-UU per double side copy Black and White Uoples and Printing $0.1 U par single side copy $0.20 per double side copy binding $5.75 per book Testing Apparatus Density Meter $700.t)U per month Uas Detection $20.00 per test UTHER DIRECT EXPENSES Other direct expenses are reimbursed at actual cost times a multiplier of 1.10. They include outside printing and reproduction expense,communication expense,travel, transportation and subsistence away from Fort Worth,and other miscellaneous expenses directly related to the work,including costs of laboratory analysis,tests,and other work required to be done by independent person other than staff members, ggp:08-27-a7-33 Exhibit B-2 Page 2 EXHIBIT "B-3" (Supplement to Attachment B) Design Services for Clearfork Main St. Final Bridge Design City Project No. 00107 SUMMARY OF TOTAL PROJECT FEES Consulting Firm Prime Responsibility Amount % Prime Consultant: Freese and Nichols Project management, $872,305 79.1% bridge superstructure, pedestrian bridge, hydraulics, landscape architecture, public involvement Proposed MWWBE Sub-Consultants: Amount % Hayden Civil roadway $75,992 6.9% Unintech Bridge substructure $89,650 8.1% Savant Traffic signal $8,250 0.7% Blanton Environmental $10,500 1.0% Accessology Accessibility reviews $1,200 0.1% John Sons Printing $6,557 0.6% HVJ Geotechnical $2,970 0.3% Non-M/WBE Consultants: Corven Engineers Structural bridge peer $35,000 3.2% review Proiect Description Scope of Services Total Fee MWBE Fee Percent Clearfork Main bridge Bridge/roadway $1,102,424 $195,119 17.7% City MWWBE Goal = 17% 3 Attachment Band Exhibits.doc B3 - 1 EXHIBIT "B-3A" (Supplement to Attachment B) Design Services for Clearfork Main St. Final Bridge Design City Project No. 00107 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE SUMMARY Transportation & Public Works: (Construction Cost x 6.1% fee) Paving & Drainage $11,920,000 x 6.1% = $726,762 T&PW, Water and Sewer: Basic Services Total $726,762 Special Services: Transportation & Public Works: Erosion Control Plans & SW3P $2,983 Geotechnical $2,970 Meetings & Reports $34,746 Public involvement $8,941 Printing & Reproduction $9,640 Mileage and delivery expenses $786 Cost estimating $4,859 Construction Related Services Bid Opening and Review $7,424 Compile Bid Tabulations $7,424 Pre-Construction Meeting $7,424 Final Field Inspection $59,392 Shop dwgs and RFIs $66,816 LOMR and CDC permit $52,255 LOMR application fee $5,280 Scour analysis $5,767 Landscape architecture $25,558 Environmental permitting $10,500 USACE meetings $3,685 Accessibility review $1,200 Structural peer review $35,000 Administrative (10%) Fee on subconsultant firms $23,012 Additional Services TP&W Subtotal $375,662 TOTAL PROJECT FEE $1,102,424 3_Attachment B and Exhibits.doc B3 - 2 EXHIBIT "B-313" (Supplement to Attachment B) Design Services for Clearfork Main St. Final Bridge Design City Project No. 00107 SUMMARY OF TOTAL FEE AND BREAKDOWN OF DESIGN FEE (LESS SURVEY FEE) A. SUMMARY OF TOTAL FEE Service Description Water Sewer Paving Total Engineering Services $0 $0 $ $726,762 Additional Services $0 $0 $ $375,662 Surveying Services $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $0 $0 $ $1,102,424 B. BREAKDOWN OF WATER SEWER AND PAVING FEES LESS SURVEY FEES 1. Total Water Fee less sure fee Breakdown by Concept, Prelimina and Final Design a. Concept (30%) = (Total Water Fee-Water Survey Fee) x (0.3) _ $ 0.00 b. Preliminary (60%) = (Total Water Fee-Water Survey Fee) x (0.6) _ $0.00 c. Final (10%) = (Total Water Fee-Water Survey Fee) x (0.1) _ $ 0.00 2. Total Sewer Fee less survey feel Breakdown by Concept, Preliminary and Final Design a. Concept (30%) = (Total Sewer Fee - Sewer Survey Fee) x (0.3) _ $ 0.00 b. Preliminary (60%) = (Total Sewer Fee- Sewer Survey Fee) x (0.6) - $0.00 c. Final (10%) = (Total Sewer Fee- Sewer Survey Fee) x (0.1) - $ 0.00 3. Total Paving & Drainage Fee less sure fee Breakdown by Preliminary and Final Design a. Concept not in this scope - $0.00 b. Preliminary (60%) = (Total Paving Fee- Survey Fee) x (0.45) =$496,091 c. Construction (90%) = (Total Paving Fee --Survey Fee) x (0.45) =$496,091 c. Final (10%) = (Total Paving Fee - Survey Fee) x (0,1) =$110,242 3_lttachment B and Exhibits.dbc B3--- 3 EXHIBIT "B-313" (Supplement to Attachment B) Design Services for Clearfork Main St. Final Bridge Design City Project No. 00107 BREAKDOWN OF REPRODUCTION SERVICES Printing & Reproduction: Transportation & Public Works and Water Department; Progress Plans and Internal Printing: *16 sets of Const. Plans $0.45/sht. x 124 sht./plan x 16 $ 893 *2 sets of Specifications $0.10/sht. x 500 pg/specs x 2 $ 100 20 sheets color copies $3.50/sht. x 20 sheets $ 70 30 sets of 11 x17 plans $0.10/sht. x 124 sheets x 30 $ 372 5 sets of 22x34 plots $2.50/plot x 124 sheets x 5 $ 1,550 Preliminary & Utility Clearance: *18 sets of Const. Plans $0.45/sht. x 124 sht./plan x 18 $ 1,004 *2 sets pf Specifications $0.10/sht. x 500 pg/specs x 2 $ 100 Final Plans: *5 sets of Const. Plans $0.45/Sheet x 124 sht./plan x 5 $ 279 *5 sets of Specifications $0.10/sheet x 500 Pg/Spec x 5 $ 250 Const Documents: *20 Sets of Const. Plans $0.45/sheet x 124 Sht./Plan x 20 $ 1,116 *20 Sets of Specifications $0.10/sheet x 500 pg/spec x 20 $ 1,000 Mounted Exhibits for Public Meeting *7 Drawings $220.00/13oard x 7 $ 1,540 *Vinyl sign $275/sign x 1 sign $ 275 Final Mylars for Record Purposes 2 Sets of Plans $4.40/Sht x 124 Sht./Plan x 2 $ 1,091 Printing & Reproduction Subtotal $ 9,640 Transportation & Public Works $ 9,640 Water Department (Water & Sanitary Sewer) $ 0.00 *These reproduction tasks, totalling$6,557, will be completed by a DBE subconsultant(John Sons). 3_Attachmant 8 and Exhibils.doc 133- 4 ATTACHMENT"D" OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS Clearfork Main St.Final Bridge Design City Project No.00107 CIVIUSTTEWORK 78 SF $4 324,480 RIGHT OF WAY PREP 8 STA I $2,000.00 $16,000 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1 LS 1 $10,000.Op $t0,000 TRAFFIC CONTROL 8 MO I $800.00 $6.400 CHAINLINK FENCE 350 LF $40 00 $14 000 REMOVE HULEN MEDIAN 3,000 SF $5.00 $15,000 HULEN TREATED SUBGRADE 6"THICK 335 SY $3.00 $1.005 HULEN LIME 5 TN $115.00 $575 HULEN CONCRETE PAVEMENT B"THICK 335 SY $48.00 $16,080 HULEN 7"CONCRETE CURB 315 LF $1.00 $315 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AT STONEGATE 8,250 SF $5.00 $41,25Q EXCAVATION AND GRADING 6,000 CY $8.00 $48,Opp EMBANKMENT FILL FROM OFF-SITE 34.000 CY $14.00 $476.000 CONCRETE PAVEMENT,8"THICK 7,900 SY $50.00 $395.000 7"MONOLITHIC CURB 5,100 LF $1.50 $7,650 STABILIZED SUBGRADE 6"THICK 6,700 SY $3.50 $30,450 LIME SUBGRADE 145 TON $125.00 $18,125 SIDEWALK,ASSUME 4"TH1CK,10 FT WIDE 11,850 SF $4,00 $47.400 PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1 LS $8,000.00 $8.000 TOPSOIL,4"THICK 2,300 SY $2.00 $4,600 CABLE-BLOCK EROSION CONTROL 26.320 SF $13.00 $342.160 SEEDING 3,000 SY $1 00 $3 000 MSE RETAINING WALL INCLUDES$10 FOR FORMLINE 34,025 SF $50.00 $1,701,250 RETAINING WALL MOMENT SLAB 10" 100 CY $550.00 $55,000 RAIL,TYPE T411 3,460 LF $190.DD $657,400 DRIVEWAY,B"THICK 300 SY $50.00 $16,000 CURB RAMPS 2 EA $1.250.00 $2,500 INLET,19 5 EA $3.000.00 $15.000 5'X4'BOXCULVERT 630 LF $220.00 $138,600 TX4'BOXCULVERT 410 LF $360.00 $147.600 7'X4'HEADWALL 2 EA $8,000.00 $16,000 BOX CULVERT TIE IN 2 EA $5,000.00 $10,000 EMBANKMENT 3,000 CY $10.00 $30,D00 REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK 3,040 SF $3.00 30,120 NEW SIDEWALK ALONG RIVER 4,000 SF $4.00 $16.000 SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE 88 SF 1 S451 473 CONCRETE ARCH SUPPORT 96 CY 1 $650.00 $63.700 3'METAL DECK 20 GAGE 6,580 SF $8.50 $55.930 CONCRETE DECK TOPPING 72 CY $450.00 $32,400 42'METAIL RAIL 995 LF I $100.00 $99.500 HANGER ROD.3"DIA 70 LF $65.00 $4.550 W14X26 6 TN $4,500.00 $27.000 W24X62 31 TN $4.500.00 $139,500 DIAGONAL HORIZ BRACING,L4X4X114 3 TN $4,500.00 $13,506 CONCRETE SURFACE TREATMENT 731 SY $3.00 $2,f93 DRILLED SHAFTS,24"X 50 FT,WEST SIDE 100 LF $132.D0 $13,200 VEHICULAR BRIDGE:. 175 SIF $41 58 6D0 PRESTRESS TYPE VI BEAM-W/PT DUCTS 2.864 LF $220.00 $630,080 HAUNCHED TYPE VI BEgM•W/PT DUCTS-CURVED SC 1,536 LF $520.00 $798.720 BEAM DELIVERY 40 EA $ 4,125 $165.000 BEAM ERECTION 1 LS $180=.00 E$4 POST-TENSIONING-0.6"LR STRANDS 54 PER BEAM 297,W0 LF $1.98 TEMP STEEL DIAPHRAGMS AT 40 FT ON CENTER 12 TON $3,000,00 PERM CONIC DIAPHRAGMS AT PIERS AND ABUTMENTS 71 CY $650.00 2 FT WIDE BEAM SPLICES 0.7CYCONC EACH 32 EA $1,000.00 CONC BRIDGE DECK 6" 92.700 SF $20.00 $667,30D RAIL TYPE T411 LF $190.00 $418,000 FORMLINER FOR BRIDGE RAIL SF $10.OQ $64,800 ELASTROMERIC BEARING PAD EA $250.0p $8,000 GONG APPROACH SLAB 13" CY $465.00 $37.665 ARMOR JOINT WITH SEAL LF $85.00 '20,825 CONCRETE SURFACE TREATMENT SY $3.00 $t0,890 PAVEMENT MARKINGS LS $5.000,00 $5,000 TRAFFIC BUTTONS EA $5.00 $13,500 DRILL SHAFTS 48"DIAMETER 1,200 W $310.001 $372,000 CLASS C CONC INTERIOR PIERS 421 CY $6DO.00 1 $252,800 FORMLINER FOR INTERIOR PIERS 5,365 SF $10ml $53,650 CONCRETE BENTS 141 CY $745,00 $105,045 CONCRETE ABUTMENT BEAM SEAT 84 CY $745.00 $62,580 SUBTOTAL: $9,339,OOD ESCALATION. 3% $281,000 SUBTOTAL: $9,620,000 CONTINGENCY 18% $i.732,000 SUBTOTAL: $11,352,ODQ MOBILIZATION $568.000 SUBTOTAL: $11,920,000 'O NOTES: 1 CRY WILL ACQUIRE ROW IN A SEPARATE CONTRACT 2 SEVEN MONTHS ESCALATION TO SEPT 20D9 3 VEHICULAR BRIDGE COST PER SF= $ 175 9, g, t!I x U V vi P F. NI x tx tl� H - 8 a al i e. - n v y p q p444aQQpqQpQqppqqQpqqy { 0 O a to m � 3 q 1 m ( u + ti � s Y o � � g IJ ATTACHMENT `EF" LOCATION MAPS Design Services for Clearfork Main St. Final Bridge Design City Project No. 00107 . m ��� � r f ,�► �, � r' '1 . a4 µs�s��n 17�9 µpup .ey�i �- �'� �'$i�Y� r'�• f� ��i �� �. l '-'I � � r �� yRrw'��`_ l�Si � � f "� �I7 R� a •<ov'k9,p l'�t q�. '' ' r wry :• F F • q 4 r MANORWp�Y OM-2,TAN , OAI('ARK LN jr t'_.. F�o9nnp ram, : 51 7 � t• - FtARTWOppaR Est � EA � P -f � ^ ',.i� cep .+7r"' 'PQY,CR •� 7 I ' � �r � i � L � i•x-gs M&C Review Pagel of 2 Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas ITY COUNCIL AGENDA FoRTWoRrH COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 5/12/2009 DATE: 5/12/2009 REFERENCE NO.: C-23507 LOG NAME: 02CF-BRIDGEAMENDI NON- PUBLIC NO CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT HEARING: SUBJECT: Authorize Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of$1,102,424.00 to City Secretary No. 37238 with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for the Final Design of a Bridge Crossing the Clear Fork of the Trinity River in the Vicinity of South Hulen Street and Stonegate Boulevard RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 in the amount of$1,102,424.00 to engineering services agreement City Secretary No. 37238 with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for the final design of a bridge crossing the Clearfork of the Trinity River thereby increasing the total amount to $1,280,126.00. DISCUSSION: The 2004 Capital Improvement Program included funds for the City's share of costs for the State Highway 121 (Southwest Parkway) project. Subsequent funding was-included in the 2007 Critical Capital Projects approved by Council in December 2006. On December 7, 2004, (M&C C-20437) as amended on April 26, 2005, (M&C C-20685) the City authorized an Infrastructure Development Agreement with Edwards Geren Limited (EGL) which required the City to fund and construct certain infrastructure related to the development of Southwest Parkway. These infrastructure improvements provide for water, sewer, paving and drainage improvements on the Edwards Ranch development. As part of the agreement with EGL, the City escrowed funds for the design and construction of the identified improvements to ensure adequate funding was available. A Request for Qualifications (RFD)was advertised on December 14 and December 21, 2007, for the arterial bridge design. The Statements of Qualification (SOQ) were received on January 11, 2008. The RFQ stated that the selected Consultant would evaluate project constraints, initial concepts and project requirements. Based on these parameters, the Consultant would develop and provide renderings, conceptual designs and cost estimates for the bridge project. The final design contract would then be negotiated based on the approved conceptual design. On June 7, 2008 (M&C-22871, City Secretary Contract No. 37238), the City Council authorized the Manager to execute an engineering services agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the amount of $177,702.00 for the conceptual design and stakeholder coordination for a bridge crossing the Clearfork of the Trinity River. These funds were previously withdrawn from the escrow account. Amendment No. 1 in the amount of$1,102,424.00 is necessary to complete the final design for the bridge. The final design will also include a pedestrian bridge below the vehicular bridge. The professional services included in Amendment No. 1 are for structural, architectural, roadway, hydraulic analysis, storm drainage design, and preparation of engineering plans and contract documents for bidding and construction. Accordingly, after the award and execution of this amendment with Freese and Nichols, Inc., the City will withdraw the contract amount from the escrowed funds for the design of these improvements. l,trtn•//annc r-fwne.t nra/cnnncil nacket/mc review.asv?ID=11579&councildate=5/12/2009 5/15/2009 M&C Review Page 2 of 2 Freese and Nichols, Inc., proposes to perform these professional services for a lump sum fee of $1,102,424.00. City staff considers this fee to be fair and reasonable for the scope of services to be performed. Freese and Nichols, Inc., is in compliance with the City's MIWBE Ordinance by committing to an additional 18 percent MIWBE participation on this Amendment No. 1. The City's goal on this amendment is 17 percent. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 3, Mapsco 75T and 75U. FISCAL INFORMATIONICERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Southwest Parkway SH-121 Fund. TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers C221 531200 303230010733 1 102 424.00 Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa (6122) Originating Department Head: Randle Harwood (6101) Additional Information Contact: Bryan Beck (7909) ATTACHMENTS 02C FB R I D G.EAM E N D 1.pdf