HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 481 ORDINANCE NO. 4,91.
An ordinance providing for the levy and collection of an
annual, direct, ad valorem tax on all property, real, personal and
mixed situated within the territorial limits of the City of Fort
Worth,, and all personal property owned in said City of Fort Worth.
except such property as may be exempt fror^ taxation, by law, and.
granting certain rebates for the payment of taxes prior to the ma-
turity thereof.
Section 1; That there is hereby levied and shall be colt
lected as provided by law an annual, direct, special ad valorem tax
for the year 1915,for the imprr;venemt of Streets and throughfaree
of the City of Fort Worth of A tints on every $100.00 valuation
on all property, real, person and mixed situated in, and all per-
sonal property owned in, the said City of Fort Worth, on the first
day of January A.D.1915, liable under the law to taxation and not
exempt therefrom by the constitution or laws of the State of Texap.
Section 2; Upon the requisition of the Board of School
Trustees of the Independent School Doetrict of the City of Fort
Worth, and in conformity with the said Board' s certificate to that
effect,that there is also hereby leveied and there shall be col-
lected as provided by law an annual, direct sppecial ad valorem tax
for the year 1915, for public school purposes, of � cents on
every $100.00 valuation on all property real, persona and mixed
situated in, and all personal property owned in, the City of Fort
Worth, on the first day of January A D 1916, liable under the law
to taxation and not exempt therefrom by the constitution or laws
of the State of Texas.
Section 3; That there is also hereby levied aild there
shallbe collected as provided by law an annual direct, speciL�l
ad valoriem tax for th5 year 1915, for the support and maintenance
of a free public library in the City of Fort Worth of two cents
on every 3100.00 valuation on all property, real, personal and mixG
ed,situated in, and all personal property owned in the City of Fott
Worth, on the first day of January A D 1915, liable under the law
to taxation and nbt exempt therefrom by the constitution or laws
of the State of Texas.
Section 4; That there is also hereby levied and there
shall be collected as provided by law an annual direct, special
ad valorem tax for the year 1915, for the use and benefit of the
park fund of the City of Fort Worth, of ten cents on every $100.00
valuation on all property, real personal and mixed, situated in,
and all personal property owned in the City of Fort Worth, on the
first day of January A D 1915, liable under the law to taxation
and not exempt therefrom by the constitution or laws of the State
of Texas.
Section 5; That there is also hereby levied, and shall
be collected, as provided by law, an annual, direct, special ad
valorem tax for the year 1915, for interest and sinking fund up-
on the existing bonded indebtedness of the said City of Fort Worth
of 57* cents on every $100.00 valuation on all property, real, and
personal and mixed, situated in, and all personal property owned
in the City of Fort Worth, on the first day of January A D 19154
liable under the law to taxation and not exempt therefrom by the
constitution or laws of the State of Texas. which levy in the ag -
gregatbea sum of 571 cents ae aforesaid shall be and is hereby ap-
portioned for the use and benefit of the said several series of
the City of Fort !forth as follows respectively:
Funding, 1-1-1890 275,000.00 113,000.00 2.08
Waterworks, 5-1-1890 100,000.00 42,000.00 .80
Sewers, 5-1-1890 100,000.00 44,000.00 .60
St.Sewers,& Blg 3-1-1891 300,600"00 153,000.00 2.35
Funding etc 1-1-1892 1750000,00 155,000.00 2.05
Waterworks Tfjrg 2-,1-1892 650,000,00 612,000.00 7.75
Refunding, 7-1-1901 607,000.00 487,000.00 4.80
" 7-1-1901 148,000.;00 136,000.00 1.27., _ -
Street Impt 7-1-1908 100,000.00 100,000.00 .96
N F IV Impt .5-1-1909 100,000.00 100,000.00 .96
Fire Halle, 9-1-1909 65,000.00 65,000.00 .65
Street Impt 9-1-1909 135,000.00 135,000.00 1.38
Electric Lts do 25,000.00 25,000.00 .25
Sewers, do 150,000.00 150,000.00 1.53
Waterworks, do 275,000.00 275,000.00 2.77
N F W W Wks 2-1-1905 100,000.00 100,000.00 .87
Improvcmvnt 4-13-1910 100,600.00 100,000.00 .98
Fire Halle, 4-1-1911 95,000.00 95,000.00 1.05
Police Sta. do 35,000.00 35,000.00 .38
Storm Sewer do 120,000.00 120,000.00 1.33
Electric Zts do 50,000.00 50,000.00 .55
Str-et Impt. do 165,000.00 165,000.00 1.83
Warehouse, do 15,000.00 15,000.00 .15
Hospital., do 20,000.00 20,000.00 .21
W W Funding, do 150,000.00 150,000.00 1.63
W W Ext & Impt do 1,350,000.00 1,350,000.00 15.00
Reservoir 5-1-1913 300,000.00 300,000.00 3.3322
Section 6: That there is also hereby levied and there shall
be collected as nroptided by law, an annual, direct, spActal ad e
valorem tax for the year 1915, for the purpose of discharging and
paying off certi.in debts and obligations of the City of Fort Worth
to the General Construction Company and others, for paving, sewer-
age and other works in connentibit nwith the streetis of the City of
Fort Worth, as provided for in Oddincance 380 duly passed. and adop-
ted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort 'North, at a
reguslar session of the said Board on the 19th day of June A D 1913,
of / cents on every $100.00 valuation on all property, real, per-
eona nand mixed situated in, and all personal owned in said City of
Fort Worth on the first day of January A D 1915, liable under the
law to taxation and not exempt therefrom by the constitution or laws
of the Stdte of Texas
Section 7: That there is also hereby levied and there shall
be collected as provided by law an annual, direct, epedial ad val-
orem tax for the year 1915, for all such other purposes ( besides
those hereinbefore enumerated) as are authorized by law and by the
charter of said City of Fort Worth, of cents on every $100.00
valuation on all property, real, persona ,_ dfid mixed situated in,
and all personal property owned in said City of Fort Worth, on the
first day of January A D 1915, liable under the law to taxation and
not exempt therefrom by the constitution or laws of the State of
That there is hereby appropiated out of the levy made under
this section and is hereby set aside so much of the proceeds of the e
levyherein made as may be necessary and requisite to pay the inter-
est on and provide a sinking fund of two per cent of these obligati-
ons of said City of Fort Worthm other than bonds, upon and concern-
ing which said City of Fort Worth has agreed to levy a tax in pay-
ment of such interest and to make provision for a sinking fund there-
Section 8: That these special tax levies which are herebn-
before made to provide for the payment of interest and to create a
sinking fund or to discharge and pay principal and interest on any
obligation due or owing by said City of Fort Worth are not to be
taken as in addition to levies for the eame purposes made in the
respective ordinance authorizing and creating such obligations,but
the levies hereinbefore made are made pursuant to and for the pur-
pose of carrying out and complying with the provisions of said
prior ordinances, and all ad valorem taxes herein are levied upon
all the taxable property, real, personal and mixed, situated in, and
all personal property owned in the City of Fort North, as asseseed
valued and described in the assessment, tax rolls and tax books of
said City of Fort Worth for the year 1915, as the same have been
presented to the Board of Commiesioners of the said City of Fort
Worth by the assese or and collector of taxed of said City.
Section 9: That the taxes herein levied and authorized
and required to be collected shall be and become due and payable
orb September 'I-st,1915,but the same shall not be construed to be
delinquent so as to incur pwbalty thereon until February lst. ,1916,
Z � 4
on which said date and thereafter, in the event of default in pay-
ment, said penalty, as hereinafter set out, shallaccrue and be at-
tached to, and become a part of the total amount to be paid by ded
faulting and delinquent taxpayers.
Section 10: That the 31st day of January A D 1916, is here-
byfixsd as the final day upon which taxes slIall be paid to the City
of Fort Worth, without the imposition of penalties, but it ie fur-
therprovided that each and every person, firm, association or cor-
poration paying and discharging in full his, their, or its City taxes
as hereby fixed and levied on or before September 15th,1915, shall
be allowed a rebate or discount of three per cent of the full a-
mount thereof, and by paying the same as aforesaid after September
15th.1915 and before October 1�t,1915, shall be allowed a rebate
of two ner cent therof as afore_tsaid.
Section 11: That on and after February lst,1916, all such
taxes hereinbeftre levied, as remAdn unpaid, as required-therein to
be paid on or before January3lst 1916, shall be deemed delinquent
and there shall be added thereto a penalty of one per cent per rlonth
or part of month, upon Jrbe full amount of such unpaid taxes for tlse
time the same shall remain unpaid,Said penalty of one per cent per
mofh shall be added to said taxes upon the lst day of February 1916
and upon the fir t day of each and every month therafter until tames
shall have beei,°paid, which penalty, shall be and become a part of
said taxes and �ayable as such, and provided further that in the e-
vent of publication of delinquent tax lists, or if suit is brought
to recover such taxes and penalty the delinquent tFzc-payers$all 'Be
and become liable therefor and the ppoerty of such taxpayer shall
be subject to the payment ofsaid taxes, penalties and costs, and
the same shall be and become a loin upon the property of such tax-
payer, as prescribed by law.
Section 12: That this ordinance shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage as provided by law,
h hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance
was duly presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the Board
pf Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth at .a regu?kd.r session of
the said Board held the 24th day of August A D 1915.
City Secretary '
Approved as to forrn,
Corporation nounsel.