HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 43438av SECAETARY
"I"N AGREEMENT' is behpeeen the City of Fort Worth, a 'I exas
(Wie "'CITY'll"), ard Freese and Nichois, Inc., authorizeed to do business, in Texas, (liv,
for �,j PROJECT ge,neta#y described as SWU Project — CAH Ashland
'1E'NC31NEER""")" j
A, The Sclope of Sereces, is, set forth in Aftachment,A
X The ENCANEER's cafripensation is set fodti iri Attachrnent B
Payments, to the ENGINEER will be r'riade as fofl(.-ms�'
A, kwoice and Payment
(1) Ttw, Engineer shaill pi'r:wide the City SLrff,J(.ien4 docunientation, indud,ing but not
111imiteml to mleeting Ifii,%, requirements set fr.x1h in Attaichrrx..,rit to this
A(3'REEME�ff, to r4,),asonaUy substainfiate the Invoices.
(2) "T"I"ie ENGINEER M11 Issue monfl-ily invoices for A wtok performed under this
AGREEMENT hvorces are &Km ried payable, within 30 days of receipt,
(3) Upon cimtplefion of ocoes, onomerated in Arfic]0; L the final payment of arly
bai,ante voill be due withiin 30 d4ys r,',)f rece,�pt of the firtM invoice,
In the event of a dispuh-M tx a,-,onlesfed biffirig, on[y that portion, sdn, ic,:ontested will
be withhekJ fT=, payvi*nt, ant the undisTufted partion: will be paid 'The CFTY
will exemise yeast,)riab eriess in =nte%ttrrg any bill or portkx thereof No
w rest will ac,",rue Qi any oonte,,,,woed parbor of tfie btfirg undl rnutually
(5) If the CITY'faks [C) rnake tio ENGINEEF for b,,dJirVs contested in
good' fadh wfltmirl 60 days of 1.hep arnount, due, th,e IENGINEER rnay, aftr,,%,,rgiVir)1q
reap` wnMwen notice to C I "6 "t s seryicps urn (Je r, this AGR F. EME N T u nfil
riiw"' CO'Saag Offike "M Y' ol!'FICIAL, REWORD
FA(Ag* uA ic,iirry SECRETARY
fq,, WORTH, TX
paid jr) full, Iri the evan't of suspension of sai-vices, Hie ENGINEER shall have,
no fiabifity to Cl I-'Y for delays or danuaicjess cauu,.d the 01 'Y bmause of such
Suspens'On, Of sarvk' ,
Arrrenidments to Article IV, if any are 1rilcluded M, Attachmer"it C,
will' serve as U've,
professional engineednig
ropy ese!ntabve tirxJer
tt'iis Agreement,
professional engineering
cor�sultatiari af,W
advice and fi.J,Fnishing
inckientM thereto.
R Standard of Care,
"I"hestandard of i,:,are applicable to thf,r ENGINEER's, sei,viou,�,rs w0l be., the, degree
of ski;11 and d0igence norm—afly emp�oyeecl in the, State of] lexas by prokessional
eng,sneeir's, or, consuftants Perfomilrig the, -.ame nr sirnflar service-s at the tin*,
stitti seroce&s, are Performied,
ic Subsurface linves,fiqations-
(1) Pie ENGINEER shall cWwse the GWY witki regard for the nemssity for
subcontract wor "uch as special emir s„ tests, test, borinqs, o,r other
subsurface Owesligations m conrvecbor'i it design xid eioginieed rig
work to, tx performed herCKOVIer The. EN ill EER s,hall allso advise, the
,CITY cx)ncx,,mnq the resulls al, carne Such SU,rveys, tests, and,
inves ter abons shialli be furnished 1,,,),y, the GITY, unfess rythe Ws e; splecified
mAHach(nent A,
(2) In, soils, foundabon, gu,-)1undiwater, and other sutystv facm, investigations,
th,r) actual characleriskm rmay mysignificanfly betweensuccessive test
points and sample, 6rrrlef vals and at locations other t,han wbrre
ob%ervaboris, explorratiorn, aryJ investigafic)n-s have L* en made. Becat,me
cif the �,nherenf uncerla,intkas in subsurface (,-�;valuatlons, charwge-d or
urianticipatect i tricterground mndffions ri'my oc;cur that Could affecl It*
tat al PROJECT cost andior exeaAcmi, These, cond'itions and
casVexecution effer.1 s are, not the responsib4fity of the ENGINEE,R,
4 m tV r,# F axr, INgnh 7 &qm,
StHOLT&A Aromas me" T Enpowwro; R141mew 0;m 1c rwan
OWD FWunme Ewin, .1ir 771,
A(#gfe 7 & 1A
of I I #
The ENGINEER will provideto the, CIT'Ytht,u , odginaf drawirigs, of all plans in unk,
on reprodiicible m,ylar shriets and eiectron,k: Mes in pdf format ar as offierwise
approved by Cl T'Y', wbic:h shall berxin-ije the Iproperty of the CFTY, CITY may
use, srich drawirgs in any manner it det'iiresil- provkdaid however, that the
ENGINEER shall not ible haMefor the Ljs;--� of such draMngs for any project ather
thari the PROJECT desc;,ribed herem
El�' Engineees Pemonnel at Constri,selfilon Site
(1) The presenw or dtst�es of the ENGINEER's personnel at a c'onstrurabm) s(,te,,
whether on -sit re represe;'itafives or otf'iemwise, do not rilake t�he ENGINEER
or its, pei sortnel in an y wa y respons ible f or Owse duties tbat beiong try tt f lT Y
and/or the 017-Y's corrstniction cantracicursi or other enfitkr sl, and d-ro, not relieve
the constniction contractors or any cether en(fity of their obfiigatuons, drities, and
resI:x)n,sjbjl1itre,s, includinig, but nct, firnited to, all con stmOon methocts, niece s,
techniques, seqtjences, and procedures, necemsary for- coordinating and
compteting all porfior'is, of, ttie cortstruction wark, #'i accordance, witt ffie Contract
Dor.urne,nt',,,,,,, and any health or saf&y precautionz riNquired by
work. T11* ENUNEER and its personnel have. no authority to exercise, any
,control over any construclion contractierr or, other enhty or ttleav employee , in
connection, vvit,ii ttreJr work or any health or safety prerAutfoms-
(2) Eximpt to the extent of Spectfic sit(n-, visits expressty, detaitecl ancl Sel, forth in
Attachment A, tl-'ie ENGINEER or its personnell shall have no obligation or
responsibility,to visit the cons'tmflion site to becorrie farnifiar with-the progress
,or, quality of the conripleted work on thePROJECTor to determine, in general, if
the wo,rR on the, PROJECT is beirig, perforrried in a manner indbcabng that the
pit OJE( T, when cxxrpWted, will fae, iiin accordance Mth the Coritract
Doctj,nwmtqs, nor shall aru yttiing in thck, Contraict iDmtrne nts, or the agreerv,'u ent
between CP"Y and EN(�""INEER. be. construied as, relclir.Arim
j ) ENGINE ER to make
exhaustive or war nfirit,ious ort sfte i;'-mp#,'%Ak),ns to discover latent d m'cts in the
woe * err- o1herwise cfwck (he quafity ierr quantity of t[)e work an the PROJIECT If
the ENGINEER remake s on-s,fte observation(s) of a deviation frrmi the Contract
Docijments, the ENGINEER, shalll info,rm, the C17 Y,
(3) When prafessional certdic. tion of perfbn-nance or cha,Facterisfi,cs Of mate6als,
sys,t&ns or Pcluiprrent is r(,,soinab reclt,ijr,eld to perform the services sc'A forifti,
in the Scope of Servtc;es, the ENGINEF"A shall be entitled to rely upcon su&
cert6c,4aition to eslatAmh i'naterials, r,;,tetns or- eq♦iprner'yt and perlorr'nance,
crittena to be recluvwJ inn the Contrarl
F Opiniions, of Probable, Clost, Finantial Cons idler afibm, and Schedules,
The ENGINEER shall! prc)vid, e. opmions of probable cA:msts based oin. the
wrrer it at the term c'yf preparafioi,i,, in, axordance, with
Att,ichment A
C,40Y 0 F of lftmt% Tt,�a:si
lirancad A;r*4tvmm kv El,:rpmowjp Amomma C),es4gri Seroc',Mp*
r"VIVO, Cifoco Rmsam- 21,
(2) In providing opirikims of crist, finarx;ial a;inWVsez,, r ',,.wnmic, feasibiJity
profections, and schedules for to w PROJECT, the ENGIN'EjER has no
111COntrof aver ctxt or pnce of labor and miateruOS, Unknown of WAeint
condifioris of ex isfin g oq uipment, or structures tha, f riiay affect openation or
maintenarice. ct s: cornpefifive bidd Ing procedures arlid maekel
condit,-iorw, firne or quafity of perfoirmi-ance, by third partie..s, quality, type,
mariagefnent, of dirr)(1ion of operafing personnel', ag,KJ (,,,iAheir lecofliomic
aind Operation M factors that rnay materia Illy affeet the rukti mat I FROJE(', I
cost,af sche6 i1e, Therefore, the FN(,' INEER makets no wairranty thzA tfie
Cr,,TYs actual PROJECTc.osts, firiarmiat aspeds,, acoriamic feaSibifity, or
scheduk.,,m wW not vary f�n-jrn the ENGINE,t�t '11% opiri . �ons, armlyses,
prm:)Jpclifcms, or esfirriates,
,G , Cons1ruction Progress, Payments
Recuninierroda ton s by, fiv, ENGINEER to the CITY for perv6c covistruction
prmyrtms payments to the corrstructiori �,,,;ontractor will be based on
ENGINEER's krow )dge, information, s,and belle frm sete rte ve samphnig and
observation that ffrie work has pr(Nis"essed to tfie plaint ind,icated, Such
recouii riendatk3ns dio not rep ruts ,,m,,,,,mt that conlinUOUS or detafled, exarninatioxis
have been made. by 'the ENGINEER. to ascertam that 'the., construchon
contradur has, conipletmi ffie work irn exact acc*rdante wi�th ttttt (.,';orrtract
Docuirnargs'; that time final wor wiff be =Aaptable 0 all respects-,", tbat the,
ENGINEER has made anexarnination to aseerlain how or for what purpose the
constn iction contractor time used the moneys paidlY that hits, to any of the work,
materials., air equipmetrt has, passed to the C I TY ftee aml, ckaar of fiens, c1afrns,
seci,irity interests, or encturib ranee s, (x, tit there are itrurmt other matters, at I tle
b(A,tweeri theta C"ITY ariir1 the cortstrudioin contrador that attest the, arnount Oral
should be paid,
K Rec:iord Draw,ings
t rd clraMngs, if reqt,hred, MH be prepai ed, in part, on the basis M,
infc,irrnafion compikand xO furnished by atfvrra, and may not always represent
the exact location, lype, of various ccirriptme rut s, or exact, rnanne-r in which O'le
F,1ROJECT was finally cof,istructed, ]-he ENGINEER is, not responsible for any
err 'r or amissions, k'i the, iffarrriafiorm frorn others that is incz,rporaled into tfme
r� =d'dnaw,jngs.
1� Mirtorify and'W wpm mari Business Enterprise (M/WBE), Participation
In accord with Cty of FW, Wofth Ordinanfm No, 15530, as amended, the, it
has qoaJs for the paox;i1pation of mirrority business enterpri Ott s and woman
bus,iness, enterpOsesin City cordiaic1s..
goalas,tabiistwd forth contractarxJ As accevtedwittefi, o,,,.,cwn,mJtTnent to
MJVVBE pamici;*thon, Any ante reprcmxwn�tation of facts (iotherthan a r)egligent
C,vis v# fvr Mov''T qj"MOS
7tWvM4%Pr, *Q#1W*6rWMVW1
POD ('JO%c%x Ramadise )am.� 7"D I
P%Pjp� Q al h4
M1 , andlor tf cornriniission of fraluid, by Ork(,a Erqineer may'resu, It
in the, terrinination of this Agreement arxil deb arrne�nt ftafr part , icipating, in Cdy
coritracts for 2 period of firne at nal Il ,,sis ttwrl three (3) Years
J. Right to Audit
(1) ENGINEER agree6 tar at the, GITY shah, untl the exprraticin of u rr h 5 ) years aft"i
anal piaymer,ntunder this writract, have acre w to and the, right to examine and
pihotocopy ariy directly pe,rtsnent books,, docunients, papers arid records, of tkv,
ENGINEER in,,volv ins gt�raa °isa,cticins re4tiri,g to tt iiss contTam., ENGINEER agr(,*),s
that the i
all hi ave ai,�cesis diunng rx),rrnal'working to all necessary
ENGM` ER fac-ififies and shiall be provid,PAJ adequate arid appTophatea work,
spacm in ordef to cu.,i,ndixt audits in cornphanoe, with the prows,ions o;r
section. The Cl'i shatl grve ENGINEER reavy,wble, advance nicylke of
4iitendied audits,
(2,) ENGA" lily EIR fii agrees to, incfiude in all its, subconstilitant agreements
hereunder a Provision to the that'Vie &ijbr :*nstjftaril agrees, Orlat the, 01"Y
sharil, untii itliv expiration of five (5) years .,,after final payrne,nt' junder the
subcontracl, hailive, n to and the, hight to examine art d pt *tucapty any
direcHy perfine-nt bcx*s, dioci,n,ments,, paper� , i records of sti i su nsultant
g transactioris, to tbe subcointract, and fugther, that the ClT"Y � hall f,tavc,r
w,mmsis during norrinal woAxvg l hoi,rN, 'to all subconsWitant fixilifies, and shall be
prov,Wedl aidequate i approphate or space, in order ito czMuct aw1its in
comp,fiaace wth the provisions, of this asticle, together with subsecbon (3)
hereof CITY shafl give subconst0tant reasonable advance notice, of inte,,,ndeid
(�3) ENGINEER. and subconsulaint agree to photocopy such documents as may be!
requested by the CITY, 1"he OTY agrees to reirribur-se EWANEER for the cost
of copies at the rate publksluA iri thie Texas AdrT1inistrafiveCocj(,,, nn effect as of
the time, coppng, is perfofirnc�d ,
a Corner rwrctal ('ienerall UatjJJity -, ltwi, E.NG$NFEAR silA] maiintwn ic:on rnerdal
gienera IVmbility, (CGL) arx'Ji, rf nec-essary, con"irri,ercial unibrefla rnsuranice,
with a lirnil of nr.gt 0 ss thari, $1 000,000,CX) pier ea,ch oori.jiTen1w, with a
S2 ()O()i00G 00 aggregaile ff such Cwry iiryierciaI Genwa al Liability insurarxix"
contaiii,is, a general aggr%nate' t,�Mlt, q Shall apply S%Iarately to this
PF?OJECT or location,
The Gll,'Ystiall, be included as an insured urider the CGL, using IS,30
addknoortaei rnsured eandorsmiiertt or a subs'Otute provi eqa ,,ijv tali em,,
coivorra�,,;e, and Laideri t1v umbrella, ff and Ths,
in&.irance shag ,pply ass primary insura;Mx with respect to zany other
PW r"Mik"'qw, 1"WMAmp Dide, IS 2"11
insurance or self-insturiance priagrams affordied to the OTY T)v
Commercial' Gerler"al I.Jability insuraince policy all' have rio
exclusions by endor-sements th,,,,it would after or m jill'ify"
prodluctsiczmipil6tiwi operabons, contirac',tual,
persoriol vqury, or advertizirig inptry, wNch we normally Contained
within tti . policy, unless the CITY approves such e!xclusjorls iin
ii. ENGINEER waives all dqhiits agairist the i arlid its agents.,
officers, diriia�xs zmd ernpAoyees fbr recovery at dan'taqe,ire tie,,
extent these dan'iaqri s are i:aviefed by ttre cornimerrial general
Habi,14, or, comimercial unibrefla liability, insuranic',e, irrimintained in
accc,rdance witti this agreeaiwariit.
b, Br. sine Auto .- 1heENGINEER shaN rnaintain busimms into liability arid, if"
net,'xn.,gary,, comnaw�rciail unibrell!a liability Oisurance, with a limlil Of not leiss
than $1,0010,D00 ea(Aii acckifent, Sur-h insuranav slwafl uwer Rabilily ahsiri,g
Cut of i auto", it'i'Cluding
.1 owned., hired, and nom, nieid autici wtv!,in saik'l
vehicle is used In the of the PROJECT If fl�ie engineer ic:wrim no
bictes, coverage far, hired or nan-awnitd is acueptable.
ENGANEER, waives, all rights., against the! CITY anrl fts zigenA's
dfic,ers, directom and erripkaVe"..-, for recovery of darii,,ages to the
exlent the darnages arms covered by the bussiinies,,,A aiiito liability or
cornme,rcial; umbrallb liabillity irivioance, oftailned by ENGINEER
purrsuanil to this agrVornant or Linder any' apphaabi� 3LAO physical
darirwgig coverage,
ic. Workers' Compensation i . ........ ENGINEER shall aiaintairi woNers, compensafior'�l
and employers liability ittrwrance arid, if necessiary, cornmercii urnbrella
lizibifity insurance wit1ii a firi,tft of not less than $ 100,000,00 each ae(,',Jtlent'for
boddy ini by acciderit or $1100,000.00 t,,�wh, ernployee for bodfly injury Lyyl
drsease, wit h S500,D00,100 policy limit,
i, ENGINEER iii, sill rqhts agaii ist the CITY and its agents,
office,,rs, do"eclors arid ef"nployeeiii for recovery, of, darnage's to the
extent fl,wse damages, are r,,:ovt�ired by iiiiiis conipermaboril and
err,plai li ability or UlTibrella insi,warice obtained. by
EN('-"J'lN,EER, pursuant tio this agreement
id, ProfesssonW, I Jability - the ENGINEERshall maintain pro,�',Aessii liah#fty, a
Owrnr -rnade p<)1K'-Y' witl'r r-'J rr0r'lirn'ttrn af pier claim arxi
a, iq, rcl, ate. The Poky sh a 11 con tain a refroaclive date pr �o,r to the., note of tyre
9" "
contmcl of N3 first date Dif �Mces to be Performed, whwbeivPir n s earlier
Coverage stiall Ihne rn;m',ritairmad for is period, (�O' 5 years folk-Wrig tbe
roaiplebor) of tk,e c vtracl- An annuai! cewt&i of insurarnce specfta,fly
referencing this propect shaK be s,,ubmd1nd to, the ClTY for each year,
fokwng corriplOtkxi, (if the crxiftract'.,
Pm(li C"Ohtw Pirm"am L"'am .119 7S
Pimp F "A
a, Certitcates, of irtsuranw r.widencing that 'the ENGINEER has obtained ;all
required incur an(x-m shall be de4vered 'to the CITY pnor to ENG[NFFR
PFDCeN—JJ9'1g W011 the PRO.JECT,
b, Appficabk,, fickm shall' be endorsed 'to narne the CITY an AdditionM
Insured ttiereori, as its interests, may appear. The temr i CITY shall includ.1)
111s employees, c0fic, rs. offic,,iaks, at nts, anid volunteers as flespects the
contractr .,ld services,
C, ("ertifica try( S) ryf Irr rur rrr wrt nr, 11 d irnerrt that insurance coverage sI:xx.-0kA
rn this agrK,;krnent ar e! provided under appl[icabike p6ic.,w--s documented
d,, Any failure on part of, fiie C1TY1:oreq,)es! required insutance doculmentaborl
sil"iall'ricyt constMile a waiverof the irisurance rt quirefneaVs-,
e. A minknton of thirty (3,03) day% notice of, i,,�wceilabon or rrwr,r terfal changle, iri
coverage shal' be prorvidem to the (.11'Y', A t i (10) days inatke, shaill be
acceplable in the M l of non - warm erit of premiurn Natice suet! be sent to
the rest*ctive Depailmervt Diredor (by nanw)ll City of Fort Worth, 11000
Throc�krnvtion, FoflModh, Texas `,`,`6102
t, for al[ policies must be authorized t() do business in the State of
Texas and, have a rriinimuni rabM of kV or greater, in the curreir-It AM.
Best Key Rabnq ("'lluide, or ha lVP re,2500ably equwaleint financial Strength and
w[vency to the sati-sialction ol R,isl� Management
g, Arq dedtirfibie or sc,?1 in&,ired rejefrifilon in excess, of $25,000, 00 Ouat wouild
change or alter the requiretrients hereiri is, subilect to l tray ft'ie CITY
iri writing, ff, lltgf.,r is not provided on a first-do Ilia r basfs� The Cl"TY, at it
Slow, discretion" irruly wnseivt 'tio altearnatNe coverage rnaint21nedl through
msurarm pools ar risk retention, grryupm Dedicated filirvanxna] rf soumes or
lefters of credlt may also be. acceptable to the C1 I 'N'
Ih Appficab, ku. p-Aicies shall each, be endorsefi w4',h er of sL.ibrogation jrtl
favor, of ttv GFTY as, respp(:ts the PR()JECT
71,v CF7Y shali ex'wMle
'd, Gspic wl its request m d wdhouf, tricurring expenw,,
to re !vi ew the ENGANEER's 'insucarillce, policies induding end orserrents,
thereto and, at the CPYs discreborri. the ENGNEER may, be reqtwed, to,
PRDIVide tXN,7f Of irISUFUnce premium payrnents,,
1-ilnels of cayenage, athef ttia.n PTrifessional LANIrty,, undefwitlen, lop, a
claims-ma,de basig%, snall contailn a mAroactvF,,.#, d moident ^mitt "r r l
tothedate of ffw coiritralut.4 agreeqi'ient The r:*.rtffiirrte of inso,rance shall
GO L9 rcr INVIPN, , txa$
Slwdwa korowl lar Einga"Momp Rullamo r,*Snqr( Semwvrs
Ameala Dov vi
Of '4
state Imth'the ret,;oa,(.,1Jve date arrid th,at 9"ve coverage is claims-i-nade.
k Covet , , he,-41vrr written on an wcurrence or clairns-made basis,, her
be rnairitained w0liout interrupfion nor re-strictive, modification or changes
frvn date of conirnerx-Rarnen't of, the PROJECT until final payment and
tarminoinon f any ccverage reqWredtc be rr4,,ntaJnP.d after final payments
rhe CI VY shalf not be, responsible for the direct pay�,7,ierrt of any, insi tran'(*'�
Prerniurns requiirt,rd by flhJs, ar eem, ent-
r'ri, Sub cortsullants. a.rKJ subcontracizom, toJbf ENGINEER shall be req%,tired
by the ENGINEER'to niatintain thiesaim.e, or fea Bona bly ejurw.0erit, Insurance
cav e. rage as reqwred for the ENGINEER Whf,,�,,n nt')
makdain ins1U,r-arY,;e coveraL
gea, ENGINEOR' slwll,
pruvide C11-Y with documentatian thereof ion a certificate of iM �isurance
The ENGINEER ar ees to pefform all services as an urvjepwrKlerrA coinsL,iftant
and, not as a subcontractor, agent, or eatployee of the Cl I Y
I. Disclosure
The, ENGINEER acknowledges, 1c) the C11"Y tl°w,t it lws ri-iade fuill dir-A,-Iosufe iin;
wirrting of any, exJshrig conflicts of Interest or p(,,)tF;An,tja1 corifficts of interest,
inailuding personal financial interest, direrA or indirect, in propwarty abuiting the,
prWose, PROJEC",r and NA'SOICISS relationstiips vAth abutting property cirtioes
The ENGINEER further acknowledges tftat it will make diSCIOSUre in wrfting of
any conficts of interest ffitat develop subsequerato the signtrq of thi's cantract
and prior to final payrnei"4 un der tfwcointracl,
N- Asbestos or Hazardous Substarmes
(1) If r tvrstos t'x hazardous, substammas in arty form are, encountered or
suspfected,, IN.- ENGINEER *Nstop As owrt wor , in the affected portions of
ttr ,e PROJECT to permit tesfing and evaluation,
aslyastos t)(her tiazardous substances are suspected,',, t�he CITY rnaly
ro.%que t the ENGINEER to &ssist u(n obtan-iing the services of a quailified
sr bcontractor tio rinicaroge, the retnwdkation activities, of the PROJEC"T.
0 Peimijitfing Au� thorfties - Design Changes,
If P1Prr"r1[1ffi"T1g aUffitwrfies- re-cltii)re design changes sra as to comply with published
diesign criteba aind/rm' cuvrent engmeenng, pratfice S
� tandards whi(.-,h thip-,
ENGINEER should have been aware of at tt* hirne th4s Ag wrnent m,,'is
executed,, th4� e ENGINEERgall remse, pians: and speA.;Acai6ons, as "quire A., at
its avoi cost and expensie However, ff d "., ign chant e.,s, are required di,* to ft ie
"A'AActAffl AlpaRM11110 ONE,
Pw"J UMM"M Daur t 1 29 "H"
'0'*4'P 11 ar 1#
Ichanges, in Ifile, 1:)erniitfing authoirfties'publlish?M� design anterial and'Jor practice
starvxdarids rrdefia, which are pt,tblished after the date liof tbu!SAqreF3,rnen't which
the EN�Gl,,NEER cotuld n<A liave, i beem i reasoria.,Wy aware of, tlfw FENGI'NEER
shall r)obfy 0 C i1 Y of IX11 changtes, arvd an adjustment in cvlipetnsatlon WiH
be made throqj�gf°i an arnendrnent to this AGREEMENT ,
P Schiedule
ENGINEER shall r'nanage ttw PRK)JECT in accordanc:e with the
developed per Attacl-iment D to this A(1,3R,E E M E NT
Obligations of the City
Arnendments, to Artnte V, if anly, ai-e irtCkided irt,ktt�,,x.hmerft C,
k City-Fumished. D ta
ENGINEER nwy r0y tjpan the au,,,�;Lj racy, firni firiess, mid cornpletei,iess of tl-°)e,
i,n,fb,rrr,;ab1ori providled by tttoa OITY,
B. s to Facilities and Property,
The 01'"Y' wil make its, facillties accessibk* to, ft-ve ENGINEER as required for
If,* INr NGII 'NEER's perft)irt, rtance of its sei vices -Rie, CITY will perfomi, at no,
cost to the ENGINEE`R, such tests of equipment, machinvy, pip efines, and
other, componenis of the UTYNs t 0dies aS I'Tlaly be requiredin connertion wiM
the GINER,` seivio Tbft OTY will TeSrrwi�*ib4 truer 211 0 f I'r t ie
r M's person nel
C. Adverfisements, Permits, andlAccess
Unless otherwise agreed, to in the Scope, of Services, the C31"Y will obitarn,
arrange, and pay, fof all advertm �rnents for bkls'l permftlsarid Ocermes requ . ired
by toroji, state, or federaf aulficyrifies-1 and kvid, easements,, rigifits-cf-way and
,xx ssrxt� essiary fort[w ENGM ER' s, ,;(,-,,,rvices or tit O,JE( 'J ccpristwctOn,
'1`t'te CJTY ill exanime the, ENGINEER's sttdkes,, re;vfts, skietches, drav Vim igs,
spel:lficaborvj, proposalt, and other docuvient" 'wlt'wItalin, advice, of an attorpey,
insurance r :xjnselcfll accountan't, auditor', bond! and financial advisors, and
ot,her consi &3nts as the CITY" deenis cq:lprapriafe, and,' rvul,er in writing
decjs ans requcired by the CITY rrr a fimely' rruj,nner in acrordance with the,
prcjjm.-,t schedulee prepared in accordar'Ce, wittii Altaohrnent f Y
5Aorilluor) Rewed Lievq Swmvav,*
;110C� Cift:Aw Awwasef,'Now, -� �29 201 1
paun 9, d I A
E. Prompt Nofice
The UTY MH give prompt written nctk; e tothe ENGI;NF-,,,,ER whenever (,ATY
observes or becomes aware, of an development ff'wrt affects the s°°. * c),r
timing, G1 Ifte ENGINE R's services or of an defert in the work of the
ENGINE Epp , or construction contractors.
(1), OTT' acknowi dqes ENGINEER will perfom"i part, of the work at t 7Y"s
faeffifies 11tvart may containi, hazardr>u-is, materWs, inckiding asbiestos
coritajirurrwg rnatc*hals, or condilljoris, arA t�hat ENGINEER 1-tad n,0, gait rc)Je;
in the generatian, 1yeatment, stx")rage, or displosOJI-XI, Of sjUCh materia,ls,, in
consideration of the a,,,,sociated risks that TTKAY gf rise to dairns, by ttiird
parfies or ernployees of (',Ay, Cfty hereby refeatses ENGINEER frorri army
dianialge or liabdily related ID ttr I presence of such matenat's.
(2) 11,* release reqtiired above shaU not apply iri the event t discharge,
fek,,,,ntse or escape Lit contaipinants, or ag&bemtos is a,
result of ENGpNEER`s negligenria or iif ENGINEER brings such tiazardou's
substance, contzvninant or asbestcx; orito lbe, prqjecl,
G, Con'tractor Ind einrifficablon and Maims
The iCITY agreyes to, include in M cx arm strix tin on cantrad,,s the, pravts,ians of Article
IVE, wVarding the ENG,11NEE'R's, Personne-4 at Gcjr ,istructon Site, and
p ravisior,rs providing contractor aril iernnifficaIron m the G3TY a nd the ENG N E E R
for cu ityaclor's inegligiencm,
H Contractor, Claimis and Mird-Party Seri e ficiariles,
(1) time, CITY agrees to inciude the 1"ollowing clause rri z),h contracts, wfttl
(,,,,r.wn,s1tA,xbon cor mtraictors and equ4xnertt or materials sup;)Wrs:
"Contractors, subcorstradors and equipment aricl nwtedais,
on the PR.0J[,-,Gj`, rdr their suirefies, sholil rnaintain nro
direct actbni against ffiie ENGINEER, Its Ofk*rs, W71ployees,
and sub�mntracIors,, for army, daim arisirig ovt of', in connection
with, of resuftirig from the engirieering servicem, perfc,rmed,
oniy the crry win tike oxe beu flat "r` of ariy, undertaking by thie,
('2) This AGREEME-INT givtm no r ights or beniefft to anyone ather than the CITY
and the ENGINEER arid, there are no t,,h ird,-�p rtybeneficiaid,r)� s
(3) The-UTY,will include, 111111"ealdh agreernent it enters intin wd,,ti any otherently rx
pe-rsofl, regarding, the PROJECT a, provision ltr ,af suclh, entify or person shaO
have no third-party berxeimary nqtTts under this Agreernen(L
Swricalm �Aq4 ftwwrO fo EnV10ownwriq Atemoma Dtogrl 5,1477vq Fd['�
Pug!,Y C;Mmm Pew.,,wke. Dwor , t
(A) Nothing in 1his, s*,,cticn V'Jd� shall be, consitri,licM as a maiver of any
right Hie ('11TY has to bring, a iclaim ag,ziiii"ist ENGINEER,
1. CFY's Insurance
1'hie CI-F " in 7,4,,rd'ain propelty uJnSLmance on cerlam Pr" e-exisfi ng struclurers
a,ssociated with'thie PF�UOJECT
,(2) The (,ITY w4l carmure, ff'iiat Budder's Risk/lrmlalWtiori insurafxx? m maintarned at
thie ieptacerr)errt cost value of thie PROJECT, The CITY may pravide
ENCANEEFt a copy rat the piolk;y or docurrwritation af suich, on a wrtificale of
(3) The Cl"n" will spar tj thicat the Btxildf.,A�,rs Risk/Installation urn irame- shaO be
comprehensNe in! coverage. appropiriate to the PRCMECOT'nsks
ji, Libiptiori Ass,11stancle
The Scqje of Servic;,es doe�,,r not irriclude cmft of the ENGINEEI't , for reqiu,hred air,
re-questc'.d assMai� ice tc) suppod',, pirepari dcx.,,,urnent, bring,, dmferid,, or assist irl
l4jqat*n undertaken o defended by the Cill"Y In the event Cl",FY Tequests, suich
senvices, of 9v ENGINEER V�Js, AGREEM, ENT r shiall be ameiiicled or a rieparate
agreement will be ne.90ifiated b0A.Ween the Plarties"
K Changes
Ther, C1 TY may rnaa , or, apprmi, cbaniges Within the general Scope of IS ervicers
in this AGREEMENT It such cl-ranqes affect the ENGINEEER's o of or time
required fciir dom'vmce of, the services, an erp.ji1a,ble @(#'ustmient WH be made
Ovoi,-igh an ameirdnent to this A(3REEMENT mth appropi"iate Cl'l"Y approval
IUMM11111 IF
General Legal Provisions
Ame,ndments wi,A61cle V[, 0, ainy, are included rrii AttachmenIC,
A. Au-thorizabon to, Prioce�ed
ENGINEER, shaom be ai,,ito-driZed, tic) procped w7l'h thm AGREEMENT upon
receipt, ,Of wrifteri Nolice. to Proce0d frtim the CITY
si Reuse. of'Praiectl Dicicon'se err
All diesvis, drawnigm, specificcations, documents, and other work prri-mijuicts of
the- EINGINEER, whether iir'r hard cof:jy v in e4ectromictraqirn, are, irristruirrwnts of
cky to rco, iW rm Tmxa*
I w0wiva 04wrorii ftl ROav"Cri ["W"O.Wo Se-aw"vn"
I 1 ro, 4 '6
servicefbr thins PROJECT w1hetherl the PROJECI is completed, or not, Reuslaw,,
rhaiVe,, iar altearation by the COATY or by others acting tivough or an behaff of the-,
CTI Y of an uch instr urneants, & sj%&vic( will(fm ut the, written pile FM iisz,ion of ttle,
ENGINEER wfll lir ea al the (311T 's scle dsk The CATY shall own the finiaW,
di,-s,l gns,, dirawings, spwfi 'td documefts,
C. Force MAjeruire,
The ENl(';t1NEER. us not respicwtsihile, for darn ages or dellay k'i perfort'nance
cause-d by acts of God, strlkem,, lockOLAS, acc6enls., iar other events, beyond thin
cararloll r:yf the- ENGINEER, tliat Ip teveni ENIGIINEER's, pearfon-nance of its
obligations [iereinWer
D. Termination
(1) This, AGRE11 :'M E:"': N "I rrilay be terminated i by the CAy for, cc,unve6ence an,
days' written notim, This AGREEMENT mayl ble ter mii,,rlwited by e4ttw-r Oie
Cil'Y orl the ENIGINFER for ill if anther party fads substantiallify, to peirfonlln
t"Illf'ough no fim"JIt & the off'ier and dloes not raonuivnice correcWrl of ojt,wh
nonper,forrnance worth if 5, days of wriften nofice. and d0ligerlifly cunifplote the
c,*rr,ectj()n thereafter,
(2) If this, AGREEMEN I is telmiinated for the convef,"illeillice of the City, the
ENGINEER will be paid for ter"nination expenses as ttxlllowl
a) (;gist af reprcducbon Iof partbl m complete. studiles,, plm',,is, specificalions
or ottwek; forms of ENGINEER'S mA rx"odUCt,
b") Out-of-pocket expermes, for pi rrchilasirlig electrunic dafa, 'files and other
data storage supplies., or!semviccml,
c The l r ,e(Tuircaments for tfie ENGINEEFTS personnief to document the
work underway at fl-w- brnie of CITYS temuiinaficn for corllveniencl So
that the work eff6l is suitable for $mig fime st or age,
(3) Prier to prorxmAing, willi teirlrliduiizxficm lu-,�,�,rvices,'the ENGINEER wilif subrTif(
to the UTY an itemL7-ed stalc rne,nit Of afl tfarrnina tine n expenses, The COAT ti
aptin roval will be obtained in w iting pnvu, to pf-cxe.,ed4ing mth teminatiorl
E,, Suspension, Delay,, or Interruption to or
T he C �� l rnay suspend, delay 1, m mtu . rlrup t the se r c.--s, of the E NGI N E E R tcr
the cnvvelnW. inn ce of the CITY In the event of such SuspensJori, dle,,Wy, or
mterruiption, an equAabW adjtvstrv,e it irli the PROJECT's schedWe, commilment
and cxist of the ENGINEER' ersonnel and subcontrac-tci,rs,, and ENGINEERS
cx,xlrtj, Mu u Rs mute n, wWJ Ima nus utruu ,
C�Ty cv� i Wrov, P'emas
Standani Aigreememl Ga r E
WWI �') �Mjll Rgo�p,,Opql rkspr., 1! 1 ',N0, l I
Na " ar 14
F. Indemnificabon
1,,n accordaince, wdfi Texas 1-o cal Governrneiit Code Section 271.904, the
EE -tall indenindy, Ihold 1-man less, and defend [,,he 0 FY against
liabtfity for ariy damage Gaused by, or resulting frorn an acI of' nfNfigence,
intck,Mbanal tort 01ellectual propetty, triftingernent, or fiaiilure to paly
subcantiactor, or stippkei committed by the, ENC31NE ER, ar ENGINEER's agefit,
co,nsultwit unde,,r contract., lior 'another eritity, �,avef which the ENGINEER
exercises contirci
G. Usignment
Neither paily shall assign aill err ariy p,ra,rt of th:is AGREEMENT vvfthimd the phor
wrftte-n ctmsent of lhc,,,)a ofl,,-�,er, partly,.
H,, Interpretation
I irnflations, orr kabdity and indemrrijtw., s in thim AGREEMENT am btminess
p between tfiiie partles an shall apply to, all the different ttreories
of recovery, �,nciudinq brea&u of cantract or, war'ranty, tort '1111f,°mickjdjn,q negfiI'gence,
stric,I a ,x slatut tar y 1jability, or any other cause of action.,, except for wflIfU4
miscir,miduct err gmass, negfigence- for liniftations of fiabifity, and soie r ligelrlce
for indernnifik:,a flu n Parties mean the CITY and the ENGINEER, and fheir
officers, employees, agents, arm ,ubcxm(Tactors,
The law of ire Staileaf Texas shall gavem the vallidity of this AGREEMENT, its
im,tmpreta;tjcxi ar"id peiforrnanoe, and ariy othef clajjns related to it, The verme
for any Ilia ation this, AGREEMENT shall be Taaanft Couinp/, Texas,
J rabdity an, d Sjurvimal
If any a( the, provisk,',mts, co;-ftairx�,,md in this M 11REEMEN T are held for r,any reasion,
to be, invalid iflegal, or u,rnerr f oriceab lie in ar'iy respect such invalklity, illegality,
or urienfo(ceabiklv o4ill nol aftecl any offrer provrsmn, and 04si AGREEMEA"I"
shaH be oonstmed as d such invalid, i4egal, (,,x, aria nfameable prowsorl hadl
riewer beem, e ,writairied hefe in. Artk:rJes V.F . A K, V[D- V1 ,F, Vil.ft, and V1 1,
shall suivive �e,rmkiiition of' 1hxS,A(,`,PFZEEMENT for arry caLJSC`
K, Observe, and Comply,
EW31NEER shall at, all hry*s observe and camply with, all fcxxleral and Stale,
iaws arvd re-gulations wrd with MI City ordinances and reguiations oohicli irt any
way affecI thi a E l !E Hand V)e wcx(,:t il-iereunder and shall r ailve, and
ctxnpty,Mth ail ardem, l an,,Jinances an,d regutabonswilich may exist or nlay,
be, enacted l atr�,r try, govemerig bodies havi4")g prisdictiori owr atAN',0'(Y for Stict,
ena,ctryient- No p1 ea of mis,mderstand'Mq or ignorance tt*.,reof shall be,
-sy re, "Towo
Sti"Ml Agree - .11*01 foo rvmWmmpwq RNarmvi Lmmag -,Sm,,m m,5
n� :x;i° isidered ENGINEER agrees, to defend, iirdemn�,y nd hold �,santiiess 0TY
and air of fts officers, agents and er-�,poyt-wm frorn arid agwrist all dailrns or
kabi,fifty absing out of the, vidation of any such on,,Jer, Ow, ardi,inance, or
regulabon, whether k by Aso-alf or 4,s emplt,)yeeks.
Th AG a n6jiding jils arittachiments and sdvduies, cx)nstJVutes thew ervfire,
AGREEMENT", supers�Jes all prior writtern or orial underst-aminigs, mxI may orfly, be char)ged
bly a mitten amerxIment exieculed by both parbem, I he followimg attlachrrilealm andi schedules
are, hereb immmad e a Parl, of thiissAGREF11:1VENT,
Att.,achmentA - Scope af Services
Attad-u-nent, 6 - Gomperwsatior�
Attaichmient. - Ameridments to Standard Agreenifem for Engiinoreeriing $e,rvicemsi,
Attachment D - Prqject SdumIule
Attachrnemt �E - Location Map
Executed, and effedrve this the --day d' 2
Douglas VV, Black
Assistant City Attorney
. .. . . .. . .... ... . .. . ........ . ......... . . --. . . . . ........................... . ............... .
;,MV 1,0 Pay;,„ ft"orul , vas
°,5)wo rd Agiumv,W)KIII v"'O
rlmf�� DMIrw Romffam, C.)Aw �Iw,
0411R OW v4 ,1,0 14
Ass,vslawit City Mairwqer
F ieese a viq, N �atolt, I ri c,
FT. 'WORT11111,y TX
,S,121PPS,.'.' LEDIMIM,2 !M Q r Irrif Jgcf�,�
r h e, s c (.,t pe, set f ar 0 hereirN JeArves, work, to Nm-, performed by the ENGINEER on
rDomple,tang the prqpiTt. B,Dth the D1 Y and 'ENGINEER 1%,,ive aftem pled to clearly derfine thee,
vourk, to be perforr'ned nd ad dress 9,1vur nf�s M the,, Rrqpe :1 Undet Rus scmpe, "ENGMEER"
is expandmiJ to include rturr siuti arrployed orcontTaded hY
Vw ENGAN it- R
The pn>jecl is do,,Ained as CAHA,8[Aand Drairliagie (3dy Project Nun ii tme r 0 1918
aod includes 9-m final design of undeqjround dicReation a0ng,Ashland Avenue beNwem El
Catroplo Avenue, anct Bryc.a,AveglU(r mcluodinf,; surf p . repialrand 614 appurtenances VValer
and sewer kriprovemeras are bc,7,ing desogrmd by CFVV Water I,-)cAjj:,)artmerd, Consuftant
1-askl, Design Management
t' ask 2, Coriceptual Llesign
Task 3, Preliminary Dtmgri
'IF ask 4, Final Deskirl
Task 5 Md Phase Sianoioes
Task 6, Consfittchorl Phase Services
Tas*17 ROMEasi-Ament Services -- NOT I NCL.UDED IN 1FRIS CONTRACT
I wsk 8 SurVey SP,,rvk*:s - N07 ML DEA) IN! IHIS C,(,)NTRA1,T
1 s 9, Pefrnftfing -- NOT �,NCLUDED IN 'THIS CONTRACT
EM]NEER. W,11 rnanage Ilia work r,)utfirted urricpms scope for er:stire effident mv.1 paffective id'se
off ENGINEER's and CS]" Y's time and I'eSOUKeS. wt# rno n age c;hange,
c,,onviuni,c.ate. efferfively r,*ordu We internally and exlerna[[y as neeled, and proar,'11vely
N ddress ISsues Mill the 0 T Y's Projecl Mianager and cithem, as necessmy to make Progress
on thevwx*',
I ii Managing 1he Team
0 L.,ead, manage and direcl, des,iqn temrr actwitk,s
Erisxxre quabtv crjntro+ ts rna(,'ficed H"n perfruu rn anre r,'Yftl'iie work
W amon leari i mernbers
0 Ta5,k, anid allocate team resoilrces
1 2, arrid
Ave A a Pre-des4un, Pvu4e(,:A kickoffichartPnng r,14, Unr,4' with CITY staff w confliurn am.1
cl;,,iriNi scupo undiersta urn' CTTY objectivrw s. wxd enswe Emno�novnical and fi mc-flf) I i a tl
designs that, meet C11"Y reqmv,7eirnents,
M Fort Vftrft� , "w"I
dKjItm' l'unew, A
WMIC", r*,rkmWd C7,4mj 04,7 "Tr'T �,C�
Plogg I & 1�2
B Conduct. and document flvonfl,4y rxpiecl uVKIate rrr eefings with CITY Project Managiar
# Condlixt review' rneefings 'OfAtil the,CITY,rat 0* eirKJ of cle,5,ign phase,
Conduct and doctovmvit inteln'.0 desigin teram Met"J'Aings,
Prepare invoces, in xmi'dance, wdh AtUactkrnant B to tI'vs Slandard Aqr-eerrm ent and,
submit rnordt0y, ilri IP fm °riunat requested by Ifie Cl,"M,
ln2repaire and siubrild month[y pi'ogrrz,,�ss reports ilrtl ftwforrtio'l prav+ded by fie re-Sp64—jive
ICITY Departrrverit
Plrepa,,re and sabmit basefinle Project, Schedule Mnihafly, airwl PrWO Slcheiltde updates
with a schedWe narTaOye rnontivly, as required mn AlUichrnlent C) to ll'us Standard
Agreement and lofl ife Crty cYfFc)r!'VVortlif'!s Schledule Giruklante Dc,cttment
C,ornplpta Monthly MMIBE Reporli Fcxrn atd Flun al Summary Payrner,if Report FOFm at
tjj(t ,,,,d, ,fr
the pruject,
cocorchriale With wind enIffies as, niecessairy for the ckas,,rc ri, of the
proposed and g)'I�cvlVk* and obta6 inbrnr tafion needed to prepalre the
Mth respect lo cvvidination, wrtlli perrnfl"hnq at,ithorifies, EN(31"NEER shaA
comraunicate Mth pe,:m"ifthng authodfies sr ji:htftatflieir fegt Platoiry requiremerrm, aare
appt' loporialviy rlt'lflc,,m cted in the design E NG I N F F R rs Kati work wtth regulator
au,tt,00rftfes to obta4ri approval nuakp ctiainges, n4ecassary to me
t�;rr r&quirorrlerits, as part of the d+ au sco+�x.*,
Plersopv)el and VOik.Wl: oldenfificafiori: M',mNn coriductingsMe visits, to the project
locati on,, 1, ho IIE N G I NE E R or arvy of HIS sr), cr,'),ns,utUmts s tmll lcarry readlily v isible
inforr"nation iderififyi,ng the fiarnipof the cvnpairty and ttmrmr ca,rripany representative,
As,5un'kes 601% and, 90,11,vr,', cletugri re0ew meefing s will"t Ixoject rnanagger and
pfrAr-U— ervgirtftal( in, aftendance,
(3'�, protect cc)ordination iji)eetings will-i Fo;j Water
Department,and Consultant,
As& � rnes nine (9), n i or i (h p'ro pONA wr lrm, dtrltr f'of trraammlr r epoorts and u nvoici ng
,4, Meeting sudnvnarres; with, �V-..boil iuvrrvlN'
C Montl-Oy
D, Basehne d4mign sclhedkv19e
E, Monthty schedu.** Lgt.)d"VrtA*S with schedsAe narrallve desg,,,,ribqYV any Or
BrAicirm,neel sctredule chalngge"5
:- "Ma
Pvvt I tf
F' MufrithtVIMPABE Report For rl ai"W F lnW SURIMary F1c;,'jV1r)ent Rep)rl Forn,,��[
The purpc)se of the cancet.',4ual a iesgr in,,vs foir the ENGNE ER to idenfi,,.N, deveflop,
canwnurv<u,itte through the defit'lied dehveraNes, anil d"—,;x ;n rcnicept that
4=:essflaffy addresses the design protAfem, arl, , ob
�d in � tam the CIT"T"s il� ndoirsenierrit of this
EN( INEER wfll devef%:k, 10 lie ciwrv.'�;a.ptuall design of as, follows,
2, tl Data CoRection
jh i,n adclitior'l, In, data Obtatned fron't thee, CITY ENGNEE!M watt researc.J"r allrd o'nalke
efforts to obtacri peflinent *1forrniahorl W aid iri cc:wirdination of proposp.,ld
rRnpr',4 wwernents writh any plWinri-1 tiuktre Nimprovelm,ent'S that rnay inAluence the
prool.- ENGINEER will Msc) ildentify and, see . to o0tain datafor exrslilrq
corWilti Oral rniay rrnpac'J the proJect, includirilgil Iublifies , aqencie�q; (t�,uich as
'I xDOT and,,TaAroads), ","P-Y Master 1,lans, CM�' dragjage compj,)iljtfrJc-sl,
exisMl appli"(11"ZIble, drallill, studies, FIEMA flot,)dplain arlid i'loodway rnaps,
existing rnoidets of pxv,4ad are�a. (if airiylr and property ownership as avaaaNe trom
the Tax A.5sessor's office,
2,2 Of arnage Complutatlaris
E ING I NE E R wiff defirwate itt"te wlafershed bar �,wd or',i comcvur d4ckfia ,wid field verificabon, and
docurnent existing stret.-t, aww ht.-cf-way all sill d�,railri capacifies for, the sublect, site, A,
dirainage area rnap witi be l all rnaxiiii "J" = 20V scaki from available '22-ficrot c-M!rl
ida,ta with the cc,)Ltriltours labeled, Da,14,i source and' year will ble, pnavidcA by, the UlfY'
Calliculalkons regardirig slyeet and riqh! M.-iway rapw;,,r1Jes zinid design dischatirges t5-yeah and
storrin drain wid, becalil and si wwrii AN calculatrcwis, shall conform to G17Y crderia
deli.ii 01 the CITY's Stcwrn ",I " ()es�gn Manuat, All iocatioms in tile
prioJecil arela, where Ill ye�afr r i,,j noff exceeds a va Rajbha, stoirrr clraiir a n d rig ht -of- Way
czpacitles, Shafl be cleady rdevtrfied The EN(,,,,'dNEFRs Ir espcv56illRy inoludes
recloniniendations for irriproveme-ruts of the exhAing system as q'Jolerned reasortabre and
c)cwtsmtent with CITY staindards.
G(a,;,K:eptu,W, design for ffits pr,.,'.)j,ec1 wlP of data colleclion coofilinatron wilh.
for de%iqra aura irichicJeld in the scq.x, , Owork',
Area of d�ign vs hnnlled to Ash4and,AVer1lll tw!twe+a,.n El, Calpripo Avenue and
Bryce Avenue Dnly Stonnwater dMe,ri sorface,r'eprt
and appurtenances,,Mll tdesiqnieci All, water and sewer dlesl4rlwffl be pmvided
by CFW Wauw, [)e1,,partrTw-%,n1 Constliftant
• iSUE is not anticipated W l SUE may be prcw0ed by Engineer, l ar°,
addffinnal rte, Nhiw�,, rf lr*ceissary
• AII' stormwater, calcul,W),c)"'ns l ides ilign shAlt, confartni to Dtly of t11 orl 'Alortil,
Storm Walow Uarla� - , 1, w fl 2,
t ly 19
Mc Rooe"&w 4*1 PIOU, 0
r+" v"n
PTEtfirninary plans sball be, subrnifted 1:0, ICTI"Y par the approved Project Schedule
EM1'NEER will devek,')p 1.1"te preWri6,laq y dells�gr,'of the 85 1'()Ur)WS
3, 1 [)Pqeiopment of Preliviinai ()(,,mjJgn Drawings sl120 cilidkid4.4 the k:aOo wing
3 2,
roaps, s[,iowkq pi�aposed imp rovements with thairiage eakattations
and, hydrai�,jhc 41 accordance wilh theCirty of Fcxl'Worth Skinv
Will,er A4 rdi, Mandal, MF'.,frr,,h 20106
PW'i airid profiije dravAngs of propose-d storm waki omptovfen'ients, rricktding
awl sfi,rg Ur O layout witbproperty, awnevs ern p, sh curb fines, dmieways,
rr"�rlliairls (if alf*A able ),sidewatks, exIsfirig arid proposed wat r and sainitary
171305, e.Xvs1Jnjj tdflfties, and Pxiftdngi utifity easern,ertts)Mthrn the propect
No less tharn Wo peer pla"Upo:ifija Sheet.
The ENGINEER will prepare sUa run ardiard speiciM, dektail sheets ttiat are nof
alretady iridlided in Uie City'r, staodaird doetaft, Thierse may, lnrclude exxvielcuori
deLaits between variOUS PaIrtS of flirt priu)ect, runnekng details, boring arvd, jackirig
details,, watarfiae relbcafibpis, dewtailsianjqtre to The ciafir stjvction ofthe prqI,O<'1t'
ltrenrh ss details,, and special ser0ce Jalai ai reconnet',11,C)o 1,'q,
Station (.�:mquafions reWfing tifilifios to paving, when appropr7ate.
Propo"sedroadway Wafille gradoes and ekavations i iigi each icurrtt ljkne: Wevabons
at aff F,', V I's" p 1 "s haff stafionis, high and low points, vo.0 e,,,,aM wyve and
calctAlafkmrm Plrofi5esfor exis'fing. mirbs (K any) al m(:,l
ground at ttoe left and right of not 1-d-f.A-way lines Wiall be stvowri, ExJslJi, g fourm';J
properil'y rxx'r,rers (e,,g, born prims) a1ong the ex"r .sArnq shall be., stun an
Vie, plans, for exisfinig and proposed stotm chn"fln rviiiifis and lafteraJs shafl
tie ptovided,
Soit Ovestigations, ii tchAing fieldand (Aboratory tests., b*hfr'qqS, re0't(-,,,d
enginee6rig anal'ysis and 1,ijr Crandiboins will Ile,
ir,rtatfe, Iri addtfia'n to U le above Vrlvfaslrigzfivi-s, txxirgs aq 0 apprr,'�priiatefie4d and
4bjc i,,'atory anAysps will be rnade at reascinable, (iitefvals along ttP,e
Akfwrime�rtt for &e Contractor's use 4,�, conditions, tw- pre-parifn(l)
t'Yk1,,.q and rn Tremich Safekty F-16an
Tk* ENGINEER shafl prepare a dwailed geotechnica� errgrne iing snidy ana,
Pavement dasg.'n an conforrn unit; , 161"h the C'iry of H. Wolth pavenufru" Dv"si n
pt" X?5andany issued! supplarn erne als, T r tv qtidy shaV, victfude
Utilfty tjrenth4ng and ide-rififyi;ng exJstong id "'der
alevatton at each bohng,
PUP,', kfw*"A*t ;Amp 96".1-7,2C , 0
3 3 F,,1ev,pew
Pnor to the 60 pxament re,.,l rneefing 4 ol tfie, CITN', the IN shall
st.,,Ji.ed ule, and atle nd a prt,,)jec,t site Osrt w0tti ttin, C1 TY Proier.1 klanaqer and
Canst�rull pr.-,,kvs,onne1 to walk the The ENGINEER shafi surnirnairize the
OTY's a, orrtrnervts 17,xpr„, ft"ile field l aridi,ru1),mA thrs inforniafio,n to the O`ry iin
3A PtjVic
After the pfp.1,irn—jnafyl plans have.,, t",,tenrei name nved i1nd approved by the CITY, the
ENGINEER shaU prepare proiect exNbifs, and aftend Public mlieKaV to h,6p
explzriM the prtvposedpvo ,,ect V,'j residents 11"he CITY shall seflecta stiftab4e.�
loication anil rnafl, the rinvftafio,n Haters to the allil custorners
3.5 Utillity clear-arice
T he E N G i NE E IR, wfl co nuilt with thi(.,"µ tat" wt" as T rain splio rtation and, Public Work;, s
Deparin"ient, Water Ewpartment, and other,C17f ublkies,
p0vate utifities, ancf golvernment aiplettil to delerrnwrie the approximate. Itl
of 4bove aml utifflie's, and other facffjt,uies (current and hAure)thal,
h,aive an istl oir ifliffi,,jence oruj the projei.iI', EINGINE"ER M11 l wl CITY facikhes
tO OMOk-1 Of MOIIJMr20, Corifficts, wilh ex,,istpng and where, ikn,uwln and
poos)silbie conslicter Itsot eMal hifure u1jIffies, Jn,i:feskgn :an
The ENGINEER shall u,Ao�ai(j Ilrndil vidual r.,)WF Ries for aach plql,n sheen of Uxr
appfaved prellinlihilary p an set to the designated pmje�l foldec in Buzzsaw, for
fol,rWaTding to all utility (";,onipanieswhich tove fiaciRfies wfthk the fimEts of the
'I char m os
pf aielm �, [AW fifles slilould be creak,,M directly fr,o, the CAD riles as opp ed
to PDF files,
A.111 slumuimater i.,,, 1GLI[EltiOns arild dlewgn tali rllt n „.,icmiorrn to the (44y af FortNorl:h
Storm M.Wer Mlavpagemevl
gry Maniruiat Mairch 2006-
'I boring at a bore depth of 15 feet and I boiring at a depth fill 30 kaut Ww"v4 L*
Traffic Ce,,r,nlflol 'T ypica Is "''Will be Wflfized to the extent possiblie in act6tion to
spe,dfic, reNjuiTemen1s, ftlat tlhiSt I.,* rnet tily traffic tr,,rmlsiol CortWaia,:,Ioll l be
responsible for prepainng; site gpiacAictraffic c .)ntrol plan,
P('1A'-” pilil wilil kxr diefive,,KJ I'f,,)r Uldity CleaujnV,ee
21 fulli sRze 2:2x,34 plans MO diehverad fo(
8 hsff srze l 17 �.Jrawjjiqs will be, deliveme.4.1 Iar Preliminary Cl w
DWF filo r ealed hum. design, [.'A[D drawingswill be h.qilil to the 1,esrqmated
puqll fold'er in Ekuzzsaw
ENGNEER shafl! nio( pn OCA;1,ecJ(,, witili, F' vnM [Des ig n ,,,,x:Jmv bes Mhcjur wr Nten appr Llyl rM,
.N.l Vie Cu71v' not the Prehrninary pans
,fly W OV"l l
Pl,7qp ll�vO qQ
A. Preflirrunxy Design drk'WOVIS,
8 Lffihty Cleairance dravOnqvi
C Geotectmical Report
0, Documentm on of key aes�gir& diebsiiiii)ris (Pri�:)Jei:j,
E EsUmates af prubat)le corksliri icftion cost
F'-- Public, It efirr g exhibi-ts
('100, PERCENT).
Upon appfoval of ffie Preliin-4riary plans, 1..NGINH-4`w will preparci mnstr1X.'lJN,'1 j,*q1`1!; rI,s
Final drata con stns Qfion plans andspodiflicalJoris shall be si 6rnitted to C11-Yper th,e
app,roved I lro�e,(,A Schedule,
The ENGINEER shall !qtr mini( a finall deslgi,): esfirnate of probable conSVUCtJ011 C100 Witl
tbe final design aria ns SUbmiffed. T his est im,,de 0m11 use ON L stc,,r rid,im, d C; 11"Y b4d items
Following a 901% construclion plan revlew rrr =rrrtfflNt wilfithe CN "i-Y, the ENGINEER shall
submft Final NON ans,(100"Y) l t�he 01 Y par the, approved ["m) ect Sclvd%�Jie. Eacl'i plian
sbie,ot shall be stamped, daf,,ed, earl sigru.NJ by tl* ENGINEEf cNiMer,FA, in . tartek (if
Cuordinzifia(r of final di,awirv,,, aiid speoifk lions will i, Water [)ej:,�artfnerd artid Cormultant,
Au storra Water calculatlof rs and de,%O shafihum rform to the (;ily iof For! Wcmlt'U Sh"Wirn
WWar Managetnent Design Maruj,tNt, March, 20015
5 half' size I I x 17' and 2 full size Z�2 34 and I copy of ttte J,xrqjed spe,mfill", liorls,
vA1,1 bedie-fivered fair the 910%desigin
A, DW ffhe- for the 90% Desjtgqnn wffi t*, created from r1esigrw. CAD drawmf ar'xl wall be
uploaded t'c fbe prqjeq,,,1, ff,)Ader iirs [3hizz-s.,,,,mw
1 full stze 222 54 dr,'34n,g9arn d I rsopy of the proje,,O be ce6vere'I'l far.
ttwipv 100% destlg n,
A JDNNF flie, for the 'I CDC11%, Design mft be createo''Frorn design Ar.), dramngs aimid wiO tx��
up—*),-aded to the prqj'e�t lfcoldef 0 Btazsaw
FiniM Sh#,. el Lrq Anbr#watlr� j to ttlel
E'PraiiRage Area to p
stly 0 1�,W�
Z,W. Afewma 0,mip 55".1 7 : n 1, Z
6 af "'
# Stnirm Drain Plain gind PF'Dfil (T)
0 Pavirng and r2ralfille (1)
6 ia t Deilalf Sheets 1 l
A, 90%, cori,sh-ttichoin pia ns specifi catians
8 100% roostruchonpOtirs and speci(ftcaboils,
Documentation Of key ck qnj Jet-,tswris (Projed E cjsu,),n Log),
[De'U,30ed es!Jr'natesof' pi,c),bab[c, cost for U"m m-A.hcxQ,f,!,d cortstruction projet',�,
including sur7rwr�,arvs of b arOqui'intiIies ,using theC11"Y's slandaird bid Nerrs anr�
I. I" I >69inai cover rrrylar for the sk.,,'Inatures of w ithiahzed Cl TY officwl&
191vu IE��" N
EN( NE E R will supj,'.�orl the bbd phase 0 U mr!, praj cl as, (01[aws,
5 1 f3id Support
The ENGINEER, Sbaill i A pians and cionlrad dmurnents orito Bo ,jz�zsaw, for
acciess tc,u potenfial biicldc,m,,,v
* Contract diouti Shaill betppfoadx'mJ in a. x1s ffle
UrW F,'Ibce Propos'al documentsaw to be czieated mAjlizmg (. -FVV BidWols, c' Ny
4,and a,,,ombined 0,1 a sperjfii..,,d spreads,heiel, wor*bcx')k, BW F)rormsal Wo�rkshemM:
TeMplatp, ""Iru"J will bepopuf,,areti and ci�.)n fig ,,j rexl so VIM all pagesare
cocivilete and t1v Sumnwvy in the worklbook, detail and
automaifica0y, summarize We lotals frarn'the inserled Unfil Price Pric,)posaf
docurnervil worksfteets,
Pla,n el's are to be uiploaded to Bi,,j�,w ointwo forrnats, pdf ancl dwf ffies
'ritwa .,pdf wm consisi c,,)forwP-A11 f 9"wr n,fire plan set, 11,ire dwf will consist Of
kvjividua files, for each pJan sht' ( and will tw, riumbered and narned in
a rnarmer sonitar to tfia l. of tht',,,, oAan seli: mcle'XI
A Ssist the C, t 'Y in J100m rnimninq the quaipficratpns uaCid a cceptab Wry If prospe',y1c,"I'vve
ar,vtJ supplier's
IN"hein subst]'(UhOiri prj�r to dwairfj c0 �oi vtrat;t,,s is allowed un tMe confract
w ctimervM, the ENG,lNF,-,ER voill aMlotse the [,',TTY as tc jlm a),reptabohty of
altemaite, rrvatei6als ancl tm1,qu�prnenl pro *sed by biddf',m 's
tnczjrpoc,,,,'uR a4l addendia naritc thF,, e.",juitracl iJocuments arA issue rreVo dratnSgjF,
shie,e,ts Oui, incluskm lr Mlaur tawrarrr rmd mel
br"r cil VvA'
PfAC � ,toowam )"4v !*V,27d!2�� � 0
0, F`rwnary bvd plt',u,ase services (distribution of pim-m, muising complete addenda,
tabtda'UN bid s and recornmending awaircf),Mfl be per formed tyy CF'Vv Water
r'le,partment Consuftant FM wM assist as needed for drainage portic'xi of ibimd
* Th,e proiect MH be Nd' c) nty oirm.-,e iand awarded to o °, rx�,ntraclov
* 3 , otrs of c-mrifumed ttttrrN and will Lis rje!hvemd to the Cl:TY and
made avaflable on BUZZ!saw' T'he GoiJormed' plans shall uN rrr,tlN t of three hall size
I I x:1 7' dralmn, gs,
* 1"'Of a%"vd o MIF Mes wifli be uplbadied to Buzzsaw-
A Addenda
H C onlormed ccm',%'4R u4,';tiori docurnenLs
ENG[NEER MO 9,i,mppod the construclJon phase of tyre pfoject asfb4tows,
5 11 cormtruction sup'P'00
Pq(,,'i,1N;El'1--R sttall atter'W the prelconstructilon confererice,
After Ov pre,,corrstrucl]On, CiDirderancie, Ole ENGINEER Shall tart rd prqect
exhibiltv, and aftei WpUhhc rne"etfriq tv.) tIcflp explalin the Pf'OPO'SEW pr'ojr ,°t to
reMdents, 71v CRY sha4 spalect a sultable focatim and mail tho 6rtvRt�,,cjjc,rm lerte,rs
to the affected cik*,ftirv41er,',S,
The Et GNIE,4,'�',R shafl isit the project Me at requpsted intervats, as corlstrticfion
procee,d-s to ohr%e rve, Orul re port, onn pr'chgre
The ENG 'EE shall revilom stun, Jr31Mn1g1;,, wu mqples and other SLIbl"nift'll'i
sub(niftedby the confractuf for the desgni cortcep4,'-s and
genefal crmrr'rplr rrrrrm w4h ttve reiliucrements, of the contract for cnnF rt0n, Such
mview shall niot refie-ve the Cor'stractor frorn its rrmpor'Isibilfty for perf='ance in
accorW,mce with the cordract forcolv['T-Uction, rmr r s stjcl',W re try a gtairav rteeftiaf
the wor�, uavefed b'y the c;,hop draMngsl, samples and submittaJS, rs, free of errors,
or orrtws,swons, Tf)e ►)GINFFF R &,hall log ar"M track all, sth,cr p
drawv i,gs� sarnp�,,es arid ather irl Ruzzsaw
As jiutfsted by, the CITY, the ENGINEER sh pfevicte neces,s air y
and ciar'dik',',,aW>n$ of contract docunmelvts, tvvicvw 04,angge order's, and niake
as to tt G t, r t r at the work.
Fhe, ENGINE sl,iaff imteod the 'Rniar Pirc4ect Walk through and as!%trm, wolth
preparafrion at finaI punt9i, fim
6,2 C,Zacord Drawing
4, W" vvr"Mn'
The ENGIN!HER Shall'prepare ri"�'cord' rVa'"frigs from information iubmitted' by the
mspeclof arvjlor COI rtractor, Thedirawings shaill be submitte,,d as hill s,ize (22" x
"7 mylar drawings,
Rlecord Drawings stiAt t" Ibe subri'dtfe�J as an Adobe Acrobat POF formal:
(vemkg)n 6.0 ot highier) firfe aid' DWF' r rmat "I"hereshatl be one (1) PE )F fiW
am,l o,ne (1) [PAT ri W for the UM" p6an set "i.n(J a separ-ate PO F' armd DWG for
the Water pfar,+ set, Each 11.11I)DI and M' ;;,° file, shalh contain, atl assor�i te(j sih,eets
cif tlmmWt particuOr plan set 13
j� Un jq
pLq, it 1et W 'e, aggg q�L IF ancl, [,,AVF files shall c(�,),rifmm to rtiarv4ng
, t t�— pL
r;r)jr-vv,e,nWi,rws as fcillows�
1" TPW f5te el"N'T"q.1je .- "W'1'IR56-IOrg47,pdr" "WA 956" bs Iple,
r'issigned Me rrumber oMairiedfrorn Ine �C,,"TTY, XK-Or g" tfle fiRe, is,
of n ongirial pianse;t, 1147"" shall be lhotc)tai� number o( sheets, in this file,
Exariij,'Ae W-0053,_Wg3 pdf: and K-0320 I'A'g5,j'xIf
IL Water and Sewer fi$e namie exturpte - "X-36G,67-org3,6,;xJf' vwb&ra "X.
3,6667" a!s tiv a,i s rs kk file PurnWxr rabw4twsd from thie, CH "Y', "_' oruPr
desgn,,,atia(,j the file is, of "1141 I'Iflr ")Iflal plar"i set, "'S-60 shall be thp tutaInuirritmm,
of sheets In O"us fiJe,
Exjirnp,Ie --12715f5;-.cxg'18pdf
Roth PDF and DWF tiles shaff he t,ap4loadcml to ftx,." pirc,,O�fs Record E)rawiqq, folider,
b,n Bu saw
Fcmr inforfrtation k:x"i ti ie fnanner to and to obtamn affle niurotv,r for,
the projcct� contaict th-e, DeparInierit cxf and P'tj],Aic Wurks VaLat at
telepho,ne nurntxzAir (817),3Q28426, File rujrr,I)ers w0l, not W, issued to a pimtfc.-cl
unil S5 the) appropfTfIte p'T'c'qc:If'A: nw'YIN�i-s and furid u�',odes have, been assiqt leld and
are in the Dej)aft mefli 0''1" rar6pceafion and Pxzh4c, Wc)rks databaFm,
0 Assumes 2
p"o'NIK3 Me visit,,L
4 Assurnes 2 siutxniVal vevit,,?w,
I ASSU(M�es 2 RR/change order. re,Oews
,A Flubkc meefiN exhOils
B ReWmse to C,',ointyactix's Requ,#,,mt for Wornnalion
-R.wj "7.9 Fzr lidykwm" total
p U D P ofammO rDmw "'M 27,2VI 9
= Ag " 5, me Bo 0
C Rewew cil ("luange Otdw's
D. q,"�eoew of Pshop dr,vvyings
E FinaM Flunch Ust ifenis
C, Record D awii qs
, C .q r� (?,t.',',nr3,qAe a �ITS arid
,Ad fiflqri he ex, S' li Sc S Cp of Sery ices
,q. _5 _ jrqqa OU Ag ge
F.,",,NGI NEE R agroo, O'sat foillowing serw[ces, are beyci,rld the Scope of Services
clescilbed iii'i Vie lasks; above, lrlolwvvar, ENGINEER can provide these servi<'es, if
,needed, upon the CITY's wrifte-n requeast, Any aidditional amovints, paid' to ffica
ENGtNEER as a result of any material ch,w'qe to the Scope of the Protect shall be
aareed q:mr-f iri, wrifing by, both DaffieArs, befrjre� the servicr-,s are perfo,rrrt(,',*d, These
aiddoficxwl fvices i,ndude drier folhrmirq
Negotiation of easetnenits or property, acquisition.
Servh ,cess relatedto delvelopmerwt of hie CITY' s project firrancirig andlor budget,
$e"'rV try es rotaled j'(7'(jjSp"fteS 0Vf.4jr p"rf
bid protests, bid rejection
im r(l r 'e-bWc furl g of the cdono actkir conslTuction.
and unspecbon services
Flel.lrformiarrce of mratiN isfis, tesfing,or speckaft y te,51ing serwices,
Serociuws nei,:,,essary ditm to thle detaull of the C.c",Aractov
Servicjt:rs ro0ated to, laimages caused by 6,r'e, flood, P-art hqu.ake r r ryjtic,µr acts LA
SeMres r0aftlto warranty clacm91, in farceur rl and inspection after fina�
Services tossuf'npciirl, pre,,pue, document, brring defefid. uF ass;Jst in [ijgatjcri
tjir udlartakeri ca, defended by the UTY,
of rn' ce0ar*'ctis alid, supplemental"t, services retated try the profle.,
b), V's le (""ITY,
Surwlypnq or S'w-JEI serwic*as otber than'thosestaler; above
E)ckw9n at c4h'�r tm.olace m, subsurface, dele'rition, or IAlle'r d-r'aWTzgP-'
projec:ls wrlhIrn lhe Cenlri0 Adington Height s wat eN, -led
f"" %V lf"g Fwy
PINK) M0,40gsw Cnim,
Design Services, for
CAA ,Ashland Drainage Improyminen'tS
C Ity Project No.. 019,118
L i:.jrnp Suris Project
A The ENGINEER sh ,41 be. compensated a (ON Wnmp mien re me of Seven4y &x
T'h�ousand'Two Hun drovd, Nineteen Da#airs, �$76,219) as ssummaraedin Exhibit B-
1, — Epgk,7,eer, lnvoice and Sectlbn IV - &,arimar laf'Toral Pr*(.3 Fees, Tbie ticytial[
[un,'ip swi foe shali be com,,,Jdere�'I full': for the ser,wces, d,escribed in,
Afta&mient & indiudrirlg all llatxw materoaJs supphes, and equipmenit necessarV to
defiver Om e services
The ENGINEEt hall be paid m1ofth1y payments as dlescn'bed in Section �I -
Meth,od rat Payrnent
A," Praft payrrilent, sh8ff ble rrtadp- to tfio, ENGNEERr monlhty upon CO�V's approvall of
an 4woke prepared and submitted by the EING[NEER in the format anci including
content as, presented ff i Exhiublll B-1, P'Togress Reporls as reqiAred in Own 111, of
this, Altachmerft S" and Scheduie as r1eqUi,rcmd in Aftadimeu( D, to this Agreement.
B, Th e! esfim,M d cwrreat physica , percent compNete as required on Ow invoi ie shall
'be calculated from the pogress s(J'iedule ais required Hi Aft'actitnent D I:r,,) this
Slar'dard Agreement and accmidlnig to t curTent veirsion of the City of Fort
Worlb's Schedule GuJ,,(Jance DOCUP nent
,Ir rn'O '
IC, The irtirriOative sury) nthfy parfial Fee payments shaV not exc&ed
in.tA cuµ rent project budget outudting 0 approved Amienidn'ie arts.
D Eacti Fnvou,,e shal'i be verified, as to its accixrrivay Arend compMi, anv-- witlh the lerrns, of
thm Ag reernent by a n offi cer art Vhe EN G I NEIII: ER
ENGINEER sha4 prepare arwd submit tio 1,hie das�igrwAed FiapresentalNe of the
'rramspaftabor'l "-'vuJ Rttbktz, Works D1F-";,IarI,0'7IeI'A, MCMI,'Ny progiress ri,-,giorts and
.h drat fon the, fmjrn'wat reqquiraO by the
A'mm'x'ffn#tw IR
;Wfr"' o4w.-AIR k'10464-se Dole 5 7
[V Summary of'Tatal Project Fee,%
FOm Pritnary, Respoirmilb,1111ty Fee Amolunct %
. ... . . ......... . . .. ................... . . ....... . . ..... . ............ . .......... ...
Pri,me Consultan't
Freese and Nic-hoxfs, Rm, Dnviirioge Desigo
$51, 874, 681
Proposed MIME Sub-ConsultanAs
---------------- --
Mas-Tek EriqIneenng Geolo,Ov"R C,W Inviestigation's $7,700 101
wind Associates, Inc,
......... . . ...........
JO I nfrastrulchire, Stru(Itirall Desigr'i S 16,645 21 B
. .............
Non-M/WBE Consultants
To'r,AL S76,219 T00%
...... . . . .. . ............ . . ............ ........ . ..............
P r cl N um, be r & Name 'rotas Fee I M/WBE Fee M/WBE %,
1918 CAH Ashland Drainage $76,219 $24,345 32%,
City M/VV'BE Goa I x: '18 % Consult ,ant COmmitted Goaal:= 3,21%
"off, ""f F'�wT 14"'Tf�rl T exas
�71MV'7' C'Iftm RhOMW24 7��M
Pil 2"0 '0
ol(Wgw' Z "off
EXHIBIT' 14F , 1 1-
(Suppierneirwit, to AtUchment: B)
mc'k, 1)
A,,wrig, no,,x
g 7f
1, ro
, a i
� t
V! Ira lot'
0 "w7f
Design Services for
CAH AsNand Drainage limpfaveonents
CiVy P, oliect, No, 0 �' 91 5
any ch"anget; to the Standa,, -d Agiree-nnent,,�o
;7WC, Pqpoas-m a-l� dow, ,f6 I R "N' b
Page Y
consuffinig, Contracs k"haidule.
Cit,y, of Fort WoOh Caph* ft,,Arovement Progran,
Atta,chme,;Id -P ��� �*
�,,are,pare s4c-hedules for co11su4ing, s,l rvfc-t,"ij, Clint r1u,""t"'t tive Te'qLLir&TTIeTIBI drescritied: it this
SN,-n'V'ixIg "Y OWN Padl SUM (CYNI) the pLarmcd sef-Itic-nce, and fixning (,f
be VVmk. assmlated, vvidi, the Agro,,�rrumt� A �I sub,rmttak ,;half Ev suhrniu,,,,d m PD F I`cwt'I'Iu,"j t,
d3ld sch&,Aulie files 1m .0 a" so I,-* in nadve file format ifi,ie,, file 6,,,-Ynn,,au5 as "gip x,",jai.(oJ
9se slue p HWS am
Priniiavera M or latert,:Nr iapprc,�ved by C"I'l-Y.")
Prirriavera (Versicvr4 E-, I or,.IaLer or approved by (I"I"
hdicnisoft I'miject (VerMon 1031-2.007or later cyr, apjn,oved by (DU"'I")
D2 _ LA '4 "HIE11,21 [,E� to-prcx ee(J, the
CM ', nci
-sh"Ifl, dcvt,!Ic"�P, milymit anci review the, r,Irafl, de'(adcM d hasefhu,.a consu."Aing
services schvdi,6�,, wiffi, tx.:a dernoit-,t-rate the CON501JANT's, understandi, cd ave
Agreemerd r war hvnwnu and appnmdi performing; tf'ti, work. 11te ('-'0NSL',I.A7 AN' F will
prepare final druAled bnseh le c:'On 1"Iting S, lhctlu,10,,, ba"get'], ort C11'), corttrnt!7"Ils, if:
any", as"I'cl sal -I'm,° n"it the CTIA'no later than the suimpW of Ow AM pnjmt hwuW
, uidelfnesi shall be "'Oheivd tc� in y�rq
The thie bas'etine axid, as
clic,,scrftxml, in iurdrit-, r devA byte C FlYs Sc,,, i'"Ied u Gui,da m e Dccurncrit
ThIc" sc"c)14�" shall W SukOvided by' " Aork fyrezikdov as sh'uctuxep (%A;BS represer�hri�";
tasks,,, subtasks, and mQvIms amociated %Oth dehveWng A! work
11w, shall accurately thi-, m, car work acbvttic",s,, k,vNY arul
appsci�,)Hale to the worb.,
a The sdwdWe shot,dd appmp6me reviem, perica ds, croical decisical,
pcyi-nts, u-cluding Ih&d Fmay ublity ch,!pemidencies ari,d
W—I-PIIII,(-X"J-R'[ § !"I"',- ,!L ;r pre 1 e
Tlu�- �! p, v ,
and, submit rnonfidy U) IN city ior approvs Ae UPWILI Kbj-,Klujktr iI'l U11
I lrud Im7ay
I D2! and tl,gc� Sch,(�,x,,Jule GuAdajacv C -nent As 1,1w, VV(,,)rk pr,c)gm3, s,
fh�e LTANT Ad Mr mucAhe %MdWe and r�!,c-ord om,,tu,�d as Jw:msc-r-fbecl irr
the O T" S EcheduW
"'W la p"clatt"d s,4-NMEW SWUM shall alxc�� inrkC dc� "I narradve 'Ll"lat
lug1dighas the foHc) vtng,, Lf appropnat.e mvd.
changgs un the Isbcal Padl.
dN OPIKOhns be's to te the scIu"mi upI 6",%
(""Oordmatc,"'t iS,5AIe5 (" l`], "T" q."I"If CJI Call IISI'SiSt ifllj,
xam� r1 Re*O&E " We
Two 1 1' .
0 I'S�;Ut"Is that Ijw OWSLA 7A"N,,""T wishes to tc;' 1",e
L"i"111-1--, pmt RE1,01"Z i 1" 99Y""'L it Ow"WORI
falh; btirttrid Lhat %'hic',,duled duc iat.-tjc�rq, vvklun dw CON,15ULTANT's
imnsy, Me CON'S U'I"T:2%,N]" SLh�:Jj'j $LkCh �ICJikll 45 t"C) LMJ) CM12 tilf)' I �Og u S f
T �r "T 5., 0
Ohiz. VV(Irk fn One rrw�y Use CC)!Q'S'L.'LTANFI' tl.tl s,,td,'nni,t a ruvi tx]
scheduLe- the prupomul plan to n'wke tap Lhe delay 1,71 5chechAt'? progress and
tot"-nsure compko""ica'i of t Lhe VV,:,,,rk withill atlotted A"g,reell'u'll-JI Lune,
tf'l , -] ", "IM I ... .......
The requirements Nor die Oundule are determhaml kood un the "r4;'Ittzry al-111"I ne( of than
T'he sci'imlulc tier AT this 1.'irofevi i.s shLted at thc* tcy Hof 1,'Ivis d,cx-."U]nenI
MU suhnst ca,di, sctiodull. rdyng m 0"I c" C171C$ jr"IXT-rerlt
As stated in IMAJO ol dw Agmems"a, M-iall fhc, ivirfol,nnafi(In
requiried t`y D, CC) �145 ,, y T,,A NI" s umc vt thhv in voices w, i I I not ted and
for paylncrjlit 'wilkinut prp'a nttdy MW uplates Umt aw MUM W be thm
and rru,,mner requked I, Aluchnumn D and We CTFY% current Schc,:fifle Guidiuw:e
wy 0 No
AND RqAeulm Doe 27 -:5 yf'l
"' OF �11'
PI&PASV pluli,?Iq
011,11 UJi)ISOM
S -j
V 0.
PI&PASV pluli,?Iq
011,11 UJi)ISOM
S -j
ka �e
........... ...
r.... .. ......... . .. ...... . .
COUNM ACTION: Approved onJil 712012
DATEz Tuesda, Y, J mgr Y, 17, 2,01' 2 REFERENCE NO.,, "(,-25721
LO'G MAME� 20,,,DESI,GNI"-('-A�H,A.:sHL.A,,,ND
Aifthwt,e, Execubco (if an sir,4 kx,,, imp th e An,,xwntaf
S76,2119,00 for Design of Heqhtls k3hland Dra4rage ImWtpvenients (CO UNCAL
It �srecomrnended that the, t, I I w1h F S*
�Iffll y C',rjuncH authrxLx�e It* t xtwtiWO Wan Ervgirietving. Aqrwo* �, t, rft,
and Nichols—, Inc-, in the amounftcyf $761219 00 r b,r design of 1he CentriWArling
ton A�shfairtd
Draomne Ilmpmverrwent,,,s�,
The Agreefr*nt recom mend odby this Mayor ard Coundl Gonimitn4cation w011 ��mirovdc ongineering ckng n
and c*nstruclion phaseservknes f6t the installatJon of beirm-streset doterdion in Ashland Avenue betwee,ri
El Campo Ave'nue an ryce Avenue The kniprovernents will p(ovide widrtOnjal lim-4 ;wMecOon 0 1 IOW
hiensity storm events, The purig m„ I Ymiraa m irnpi,ovemerns are anlic#zUedto be Nd and cmistruc.W
with water aod, wwwer improvenients pianned In the,4hlanid came a 0, ist as i,4 txkng de*ned by ancghej r
consuftant and, managed by theftiter Oef)aOnrient,
Freese and Nichols, tnc, was seleried to die%Mgn brie ptorx)v,a,cf Onpioyerri,*ots haised an a RENjueart Rx
Qualfficatlonis (RFQ,), pmw*ss stir Itiolt %Ucwssfull WIMP"Iefion of an exletmive drahage study m the area of
Central Mitigion Heights,
Free," and Nidiols, 1!,nc, ricupo ses 1 perforrnrfimo alxyvt ^� services k, r a iwrp sum fee of $76,219,C41, Staff
considets the Woe to W fair and reasonabk? lar the swpe of sei Ices proposed,
F unding For rJUs pr*,cl is bojqj providOd' frxii raveriuO N«nds wu the ftm� t Mier, I apkal Project. s Bond
In addition, tam ter e c,,onftact is requkwJ tor p,rojecl niariegefnerat by the 'Transpottatiruns
and, Pul:Ac ~ks Deprmltnerrt,
Fr°efme and Nicliois, Inc , is, in cornpliance with the City's MIVYSE Or6nanc* by =Twnftfing to 32 paroent
WVV73E pattcipatkxi, Trm C�y`s goal on the (wojexr.1 i-3 18 Fwwt,
'rho, projK1 Is ` A, se ,l m CCAJN4'_"°IL DI: �,Cl'j 7, Marwx; 7543,
MqAk IIN-tQ.RMIAI.Till'O.,N�Li,(;"IiR,T 11PATITC). 1
The Fhanictai Monaqement Sarvicvs Dire0or (Arrfi :fies that 6irv,19 am avaflable In t1n* currentcapdaO
bud" 8"S apporwtal"'ed, of the Swrrn Wateor C,° -pit Borxl Fund,
71 . 9d"21)'J'_2
Ellbl""M 1 —Xj
F emando, Costa (6 1,22)
Qr Douglas W,'W*rsig (78,01)
Addition .g,j),of mt !q p qct' Midiael Owens j(8079�,
g- Q _t Lit
2( IZ& I'VIEr -L
cconfjuag, r ph qk� df
�tCF kwtsrnim)
,41kN 1,
(CF 0 In'ter ail(