Chairman Wentworth called the meeting to order at 2:09 p.m. Members Present:
Councilmembers Hirt, McCloud and Lane.
Chairman Wentworth began the meeting by asking the ED Committee if there were questions
concerning the notes from the last meeting. Committee members raised no questions.
Southside TIF Briefing
Chairman Wentworth introduced Don Scott, President of Fort Worth Southside Development
District, Inc. Mr. Scott presented an overview and history of Fort Worth South and
introduced information in the preliminary financing plan of the proposed Southside Tax
Increment Finance District. He discussed the current economic status of the area and how a
TIF District could benefit the area. He presented a map showing the current proposed
boundaries of the TIF but emphasized that the boundaries are not static since requests by
property owners to be added or removed from the proposed district are being heard and
Councilmember Hirt asked two questions of Mr. Scott: 1) Whether the TIF boundaries
coincided with the Southside Development District?; and 2)How have property owners and
residents within the district been notified of the proposed district and its implications?
Concerning the first question, Mr. Scott explained that the TIF boundaries are actually smaller
in size that the Development District boundaries because most of the Fairmount residential
area was left out. This area was not included because TIF legislation limits the total
residential area within a TIF District to 10% and because inclusion of this area in the TIF
would remove the historic incentives currently available to many of the residential properties.
Concerning the second question, Mr. Scott explained that letters were sent to all property
owners within the TIF (over 13 00) inviting them to attend a public meeting to discuss the
issues involved in creating a TIF. Additionally, a newsletter is being prepared, containing
information on the TIF, that will be sent to all residents and property owners within the TIF.
An advisory committee has also been formed and has met once.
Mr. Lane expressed his support for the project and expressed his opinion regarding the under-
utilization of the Hospitals and Hospital District
Mike Groomer asked Mr. Scott if there was any specific reason appraisals had decreased in
the Southside area. Mr. Scott responded that he believed a variety of factors were probably
attributable to the recent decrease in property values. He stated that he believes that appraisal
values have fallen to their lowest point and that this is the appropriate time to create a TIF
District in order to capture the increment.
Chairman Wentworth asked what the next step should be. Jay Chapa, Economic
Development Coordinator responded that upon direction from the Committee, a resolution
would be prepared that demonstrates the Council's intent to establish this TIF District.
Adoption of this resolution at the next City Council meeting will allow staff to send out
official notices to the taxing jurisdictions that impact the TIF District as required by State law.
Councilmember Hirt moved to have the resolution on the next City Council agenda,
Councilmember Lane provided the second to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Continued Discussion of Annual Tax Abatement Audit
Jay Chapa began the discussion by providing information on the last two audit years of those
companies that have not met all commitments. The presentation started with the Dannon
Company. The discussion regarding the Dannon abatement centered on the severe deficiency
in M/WBE supply and service contracts. Councilmember Hirt asked that some evidence of a
good faith effort by Dannon to reach the M/WBE commitment be shown in order to justify the
staff recommendation of no reduction in the Dannon abatement. Councilmember McCloud
asked how the situation with Dannon could reach such a severe level and why was it not
addressed in the past. Staff provided a letter sent from Dannon expressing their view and
concern over not meeting the M/WBE commitment. Additionally, staff explained that in the
past, the abatements have been judged on a company's overall performance in all commitment
areas and that Dannon has traditionally done exceptionally well in all areas except M/WBE
Chairman Wentworth asked what efforts the M/WBE Office is making in this area. Assistant
City Manager Mike Groomer introduced Assistant City Manager Ramon Guajardo who is
responsible for the City's M/WBE program. Mr. Guajardo explained that he believed that the
responsibility of the M/WBE Office' staff is to support these companies but that ultimately,
the responsibility of companies to meet all commitments lies with them.
Chairman expressed his concern over how abatements should be judged and how a penalty
should be applied. He stated that working through abatements that were created up to five
years ago was in itself difficult since no specific penalties are tied to partial deficiencies
within the abatement terms and that trying to deal with past deficiencies is impossible. He
asked that the committee go through the information on all the companies that were deficient
before deciding on the possible penalties.
Jay Chapa then went through the information on Conti Industries, Menasco Aerosystems,
Bank One, Nokia and Star Uniform. After going through all the information, Chairman
Wentworth asked the committee members for recommendations on how to proceed.
Councilmember Lane moved that the committee approve the staff recommendations all
agreements but Dannon. Councilmember Hirt objected and said that Nokia should also
receive some sort of penalty. Chairman Wentworth asked for her recommendation on the
level of penalty that should be applied. Councilmember Hirt recommended and moved that
staff recommendations should be approved on all abatements except Dannon and Nokia and
that those two abatements should be reduced by 5%. Councilmember McCloud agreed and
provided the second to the motion.
Councilmember Lane stated that the M/WBE certification process within the City should be
altered and made more user friendly for companies to get certified. The other Committee
members agreed and asked that this point be made when the issue is brought before the
Council. Councilmember Hirt's motion passed unanimously.
Discussion of Council Priority Concerning a Sound Economx
Ramon Guajardo, Asst. City Manager gave an introduction concerning the overall program
relating the October 22"d Council meeting on a Sound Economy. He showed the committee
the mission statement of central city redevelopment which staff feels is key in a sound
economy strategy. He also presented the factors impacting redevelopment of Central City
areas and discussed a model on how redevelopment is accomplished, showing those elements
that must be present in order for a project to be successful.
Mr. Guajardo then introduced Fran McCarthy of the Strategy 2000 Central City Development
Committee that presented the committees work and findings. He explained that in
redevelopment you must have three key ingredients: people, project and process. He referred
Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. and Fort Worth South as successful partnerships in which all
three ingredients were present.
Councilmember Lane explained that he believes that not enough marketing of the City occurs
and especially of the Hospital District. He believes that strong interest in the medical field
should be a starting point in the promotion of the Hospital District.
Ramon Guajardo showed the committee the partnership mission statement from Dallas and
that Fort Worth should proceed with a similar type project in which inclusion of minorities
and women must be part of the expanding economic opportunities in the overall concept of a
strong economy. He said this type of effort must be driven by the private sector. He also
asked that if the committee approved this type of presentation and focus would be placed on
the October 22nd meeting to the full Council.
Chairman Wentworth asked if any committee members objected to this format and focus. No
objection from the committee was received.
Councilmember McCloud moved for adjournment, with Councilmember Hirt providing the
second on the motion. Before adjourning the meeting, Chairman Wentworth brought up two
items that the Committee should discuss in upcoming meetings:
1. The City's Sesquicentennial that is two occur within two years;
2. Air quality issues and the impact on the City and Metroplex.
Chairman Wentworth adjourned the meeting at 3:55 p.m.