HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 41240-A1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES FAR SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CENTER STATE OF TEXAS CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO D — I COUNTY OF TARRANT WHEREAS,The City of Fort worth and Brinkley Sargent Architects(Architect)made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 41240(The Contract)which was authorized by the City Council by M&C C-246309 the 7th day of December,2010;and WHEREAS, further amendment is necessary to reimburse the Architect for interiors build out part of the project as part of the design services agreement; and NOW THEREFORE, City and Architect, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives,enter into the following agreement which amends the Contract: 1. Article 1.1, SECTION I—SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT, the following paragraph is added to read.as follows: "Provide additional design and construction phase services to add a full size gymnasium to the project.The cost of this additional service is$75,000.00.The scope of services is described more fully in the AIA Document G802-2007 dated 30 April 2011,subject: Budget increase as a result of $1,400,004 State Grant which is attached hereto as Attachment "A„ and made a part of this Agreement." 2. Paragraph 1 of SECTION V-COMPENSATION TO ARCHITECT,is amended as follows: "The total compensation for all of the assignments to be performed by Architect as described in CHARACTER AND EXTENT of ARCHITECT'S SERVICES hereof shall be a .fixed fee of $301,996.00 plus up to$30,000.00(no change)in reimbursable expenses." 3. All other provisions of this Contract which are not expressly amended herein shall remain in full force and effect. EXECUTED this the day of Se a Y , 011, in Fort worth, Tarrant County,Texas. Brinkley Sargent Archit ts, Inc. APPROVED: By: By: wayne B kley, IA Fernando-Costa President Assistant City Manager APPRO RECOMMENDED: RECOR D: By: By: V 6i�p Dougla W.Wiersig, PE, Dhector Marty Hendrix Transportation&Public works Department City Secretary f oil - �' �opaa o0po �u a APPR E O F LEGALITY: M&C: C-25128(August 23 2011 a 1 Contract Authorization on �B o'6 act _ _._._ d o a Assistant City Attorney o 0'CORD' OFF 1�4 L R L ❑° ,cQ 400000 CITY ',ACR.ETARY . wow rhf TX AJ TM Document Amendment to the Professional Services Agfeement Amendment Number- 001 To:Ronnie Clements (Owner or 0�m er's R epresen to tive) In accordance with the Agreement dated:December 15,2010 BETWEEN the Owner: (Name and address) The City of Fort Worth 401 `]Vest I3t"Street Fort worth,Texas 76102 and the Architect: (Name and address) Brinkley Sargent Architects 5000 Quorum Drive, Suite 600 Dallas,Texas 75254 for the Project: (Name and address) Fort Worth Far Southwest Community Center Authorization is requested ED to proceed with Additional Services. ❑ to incur additional Reimbursable Expenses. As follows: Budget increase as a result of S 1,000,000 State Grant. The following adjustments shall be made to compensation and time. (Insert provisions in accordance with the Agreement, or as otherµ�se agreed by the parties.) Compensation'. Per contract Architectural/Engineering Fees shall be adjusted by 7.5%increase. =S751000 Time: NIA SUBMITTED BY: AGREED To: V� (Vgnatur•e) (Signature) Dwayne M._Brinkley,AIA, Principal_...... (Printed name and title) (Printed name and title) (Datic) AJA Document G802 TM--2007(formerly G6061"-2480).Copyright©2000 and 2007 by The American institute of Architects.All rights reserved.WARNING This AIA' Doc urvipot;s pfotei-ted by:j 5 C )yrlght Law and fntefnatii�nal Tteatles iunaurho(ozed red!odu.tiou;of -Ji%tribution of thsS AIA Di;t mnenf o+ any portion of it may result in severe s-1vii and s rimmaf penalties and will be p►osecuted to the maximum extent possible under the iaw This 1 document was produced by AIA software at 15 18 03 on 03/29/201 1 under Order No 6924803575_1 which expires on 12/2812011.and is not for resale Laser Notes: (1230187353) n. City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor a c a ion .. .•nom ,,t...... .��c..x....,.......�.... �.X.,.....,....r.....r---`''z`x'x..c`c.-.3c.r::�x..w.,...oar.,��:•;>i�c:a�:�-]:.::tc.:-;:::-.-,:,u<n:r��s�.;;.;��`:K.-«.+..... ..•"•• { •»s:.:.'.': > \,. ....,.:- ♦ ;.:?:i-:C':\'...\+knk�'l.l\;�.:C.VaI^::\�� +c,.`\\ii':�:....•..:!\\::,.T].di:\�::.p„i•.:;,.•: COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 8/23/2011 - ordinance No. 19863-08-2011 tins•.,.Y._-..,,!,._,\\•:'„-.,i:.-. \'.:..•,..,-fin. ;. E 3,a': �-..,c .....>:%=%wdS.,.......w..k&... ...,._•:fa".3:c$?.'taeo:.:i:=:;?--.... _ r'. ..,:u »,.>y,,:t•>::.;, ...:'-:::.-._.,....;. .n i.,C- -..-..,n..--::•C:%ii:]OF%E. .......,•Y.4:>::.. :.:.'::\........Y_,.--...-:...+...:....,n........inn...........•+..v::$Wk..w. .,.:ti•\\ f ..,.,.w ..... DATE: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 REFERENCE NO.: C-25128 LOG NAME: 80FAR SOUTHWEST CC AE AMENDMENT 1 SUBJECT: Authorize the Acceptance and Execution of a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Indoor Urban Recreation Grant in the Amount of$1,000,000.00 for the Development of a New Community Center in Far Southwest Fort Worth,Authorize Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of$75,000.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 41240, an Architectural Agreement with Brinkley Sargent Architects, Inc.,for Design and Construction Services for the New Community Center and Adopt Appropriation ordinance(COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the city Council: 1. Authorize the acceptance and execution of a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Indoor Urban Recreation Grant in the amount of$1,000,000.00 with local participation in the amount of$1,000,000.00 for the development of a new community center in far southwest Fort Worth; 2. Authorize the transfer of$1,000,000,00 from the Park& Recreation Improvements Fund to the Grant Capital Projects Fund towards the City's match; 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grant Capital Projects Fund by$2,000,000.00; and 4. Authorize execution of Amendment No. 1 in the amount of$75,000.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 41240 with Brinkley Sargent Architects, Inc., thereby revising the total contract amount to $391,996.00. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this M&C is to authorize the City Manager to accept and execute an agreement for a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department(TPWD) Indoor Urban Recreation Grant, in the amount of $1,000,000.00 as well as authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $75,000.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 41240 with Brinkley Sargent Architects, Inc. (BSA). This amendment is for additional architectural design services for expanded facility scope made possible because of the award of the grant from the TPWD. The 2004 Capital Improvements Program (CIP)allocated $2,500,000.00 for the development of a new community center in far southwest Fort Worth. Additionally, $598,745.00 of 1986 CIP funds, $348,119.00 of gas well bonus funds and $176,000.00 of 2002 Certificates of obligation combine to increase the project funding amount to$3,622,864.00. On December 7, 2010, (M&C C-24630)the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with BSA in the amount of$316,996.00 for the design of the proposed Far Southwest Community Center. On July 20, 2010, (M&C G-16992)the City Council authorized application to the TPWD for an Indoor Urban Recreation Grant in the amount of$1,000,000.00. The grant, which was ranked No. 1 in the state, was awarded to the city of Fort Worth on January 27, 2011. The TPWD grant award increases the project funding to $4,622,864.00. The revised contract amount to BSA totals$391,996.00. PACS staff considers the fee to be fair and reasonable for the scope of services proposed. BSA is in compliance with the City's MIWBE Ordinance by committing to 15 percent MIWBE participation on Amendment No. 1. Construction completion of the Far Southwest Community Center is scheduled for February 2013. The proposed Far Southwest Community Center is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 5. FISCAL INFORMATION 1 CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Grant Capital Projects Fund. FUND CENTERS: TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers -1 GR74 451940 080302837000 $1,000,000.00 2 0280 538070 805450012980 $1,000,000.00 2)GR74 472289. 080302837000 $1,000,000.00 4)GC05 539120 080050410030 $75,000.00 3)GR74 541200.080302837010 $2,000,000.00 CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City-Manager's Off ce b Susan Alanis (8180) Originating_Department Head: Richard Zavala (5704) Additional Information Contact: Mike Ficke (5745) ATTACHMENTS 1. 80FAR SOUTHWEST CC AE AMENDMENT 1 A011 Rev.doc (Public) 2. Accounting l_nformation.,PDF (CFW Internal) 3. AIA Amendment 001.PDFr (Public) 4. Far SWCC FAR..pdf (CFW Internal) 5. MWBE Amendment Corn Rance Memo 5-4-11 df (CFW Internal) 5. SWAthleticComplex.pdf (CFW Internal)