HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004/11/30-Minutes-Fort Worth Local Development Corporation (FWLDC) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FORT WORTH LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CALLED-SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30,2004 Present: President Council Member John Stevenson -District 7 Vice President Council Member Wendy Davis-District 9 Secretary Mayor Pro tempore Ralph McCloud-District 8 Treasurer Council Member Clyde Picht-District 6 Director Mayor Mike Moncrief Director Council Member Jim Lane-District 2 Director Council Member Chuck Silcox-District 3 Director Council Member Donavan Wheatfall-District 5 Absent: Director Council Member Beckv Haskin-District 4 City staff: Acting Assistant City Manager Dale Fisseler Assistant City Attorney Cynthia Garcia City Secretary Marty Hendrix Economic and Community Development Director Tom Higgins Finance Director Jim Keyes Other City staff in attendance included: City Manager Charles Boswell, Acting Assistant City Manager Richard Zavala, City Attorney David Yett, Budget Director Bridgette Garrett, and Internal Auditor Costa Triantaphilides. Call to Order (Agenda Item 1) With a quorum of the Board Ni4enrbers preslent, President Stevenson called the meetino, to onal.-r R)r the Board of Directors of the For Worth Local Development ("orp-oration at 11:58 a.m. on Tuesday, November '30, 2004, In the Pre-Council Chamber of the Fort Worth Municipal Building., 1000 'r l rockmorton, Fort Forth. 'rexas. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FORT WORTH LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CALLED—SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 30, 2004 Page 2 Approval of Minutes of the August 31, 2004 Meeting (Agenda Item 11) President Stevenson opened the floor for a motion on the approval of the minutes of the Tuesday, August 31,1, 2004 meeting. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Director Davis and seconded by Director McCloud, the Corporation Board voted eight (8) "ayes" and no (0) "nays" to approve the August 31, 2004 minutes as presented. The motion carried. President Stevenson adjourned the called — special session of the Fort Worth Local Development Corporation into Executive Session in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meeting Act at 12:01 p.m. Executive Session (Agenda Item 111) In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the Fort Worth Local Development Corporation Board convened into Executive Session at 12:01 p.m. in the Pre- Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton, in order to discuss the following: a. See the advice of its attorneys concerning legal issues regarding any current agenda items that are exempt from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas State Bar Pules, as authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code-, and K Discuss the purchase, lease or value of real property, as authorized by Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code. C, Discuss or deliberate negotiations relating to any other economic development negotiations, as authorized y. 551.x`18' of the Texas Government Code. The Executive Session was adJ opt rrigid at '2:15 p.m. President Stevenson reconvened the called — special sess�on of th-- i"ort Worth Local Development Corporation at 12.-15 p.m. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FORT WORTH LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CALLED—SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2004 Page 3 Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of$I 10,000 to the City of Fort Worth in Order to Fund Two Staff Positions to Assist with the Local Development Corporation, Local Government Corporations, and the Tax Increment Financinj!Program (Agenda Item IV-A) Tom Higgins, the Director of Economic and Community Development, presented the staffing proposal to the Board Members. He explained that the Local Development Corporation Certificate of Incorporation was issued on June 24, 1987. He pointed out certain sections of the Articles of Incorporation describing the Corporation's specific activities. Mr. Higgins reviewed the recent Local Development Corporation projects and the Local Development Corporation portfolio. He advised that there are two local development corporations, i.e.., Harley Relocation and the Lone Star Corporation Board. He pointed out that one additional local development corporation is anticipated, i.e., Magnolia Green. Mr. Higgins pointed out that there are currently eight active tax increment financing (TIF) zones and one additional TIF is anticipated by the year end. Mr. Higgins then reviewed the proposed staffing as follows: Two positions— I manager and I clerical support Manager—Business Development Coordinator Develop and administer policies for LDC, TIF and LGC funding Maintain and management the inventory of property owned by the LDC Provide representation on behalf of the LDC. TIF's, and LGC at meeting with developers, citizens, city departments, outside agencies. and elected officials Clerical Support —Office Assistant I Answer telephone Schedule meetings Maintain Files CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FORT WORTH LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CALLED—SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2004 Page 4 Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of $110,000 to the City of Fort Worth in Order to Fund Two Staff Positions to Assist with the Local Development Corporation, Local Government Corporations, and the Tax Increment Financing Program (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV-A) Acting Assistant City Manager Dale Fisseler pointed out the need for these staffing positions in order to do a better job of handling the TIF's and the local development corporation boards. Board Member Picht requested clarification on the newly created TIF's and whether they should be paying the costs associated with these new positions. There was discussion by the Board Members on this proposal for additional staffing and their associated work assignments. Board Member Picht requested a clarification on the amount of time that is spent in the management of the LDC's, TIF's, etc. Mr. Higgins indicated that a lot of staff time was spent in those areas. He advised of the number of meetings for these boards over an annual period of time and the amount of time spent in the creation of revenue projects, managing the LDC portfolio, etc. Mr. Higgins indicated that they had tried to keep up with these assignments; however, at this point the additional staff is needed. Board Member Picht indicated that he just wanted to make sure these staffing positions are kept busy. Board Member Davis referenced the size of the Fort Worth Economic and Community Development Department compared to the City of Dallas and advised there are a lot less employees in Fort Worth, however, Fort Worth's economic development projects and issues are increasing. Board Member Moncrief also indicated his concern for the proper oversight for the various TIF's and particularly the Trinity River Vision project. He added that he felt due to the current growth being experienced by the City, that the additional staffing needed to be increased. Board Member Silcox added that if this is a need then the Citv staff needed to look at the TIF's and determine that this is an associated cost that they should be paying. In further discussion by the Board, it was suggested that the duties of the new proposed staff be expanded beyond just the noted areas. There was furdler clarification by the ;it v staff on what nr(jects would be handled by the new staffing posit-ions and would ble handled by the existin'a staffing in the 1-conomie and Community Development Departnient, Board Member Silcox added that he did not support the new staffing working on non-TIF projects. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Director McCloud and seconded by Director Davis. the Board voted eight (8) "ayes" and no 0) "nays" to approve the pfroposed resolution as stated rev viousl', "I'he mknuioncarried. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS FORT WORTH LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CALLED—SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2004 Page 5 Adoption of Resolution Authorizing a Six Month Lease with Marcus Cable Associates, LLC., dba Charter Communications for Parking Spaces Located at 4700 Blue Mound Road (Agenda Item IV-B) (Directors Lane and Silcox left the room.) Assistant City Attorney Cynthia Garcia presented to the Board the proposed resolution authorizing a six (6) month lease with Marcus Cable Associates, LLC, dba Charter Communications for parking spaces located at 4700 Blue Mound Road. There was a brief discussion on the contents of the resolution and the length of time of the lease agreement. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Director Davis and seconded by Director McCloud, the Board voted six (6) "ayes" and no (0) "nays" (with Board Members Lane and Silcox out of the room) to defer consideration of the proposed resolution to the next called—special meeting. The motion carried. Adiourn (Agenda Item V) With no further business before the Board, President Stevenson adjourned the called — special session of the Fort Worth Local Development Corporation at 12:33 p.m. on Tuesday., November 30, 2004. These minutes approved by the Fort Worth Local Development Corporation on the 29th day of March, 2005. APPROW'D- ohn Presi ent, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FORT WORTH LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CALLED—SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2004 Page 6 ATTES Ra#)h McCloud Secretary Prepared and respectfully submitted by: Marty Hendrix, AZMC/CMC City Secretary