HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 705 RESOLUTIONPILE NO.
1,Ii W)L I I I'l,)N NO. 90-13
01 Ti`X A
KNOW k1H.:!-1l Tllr.;;F PPUSFNlo*.
%IIIIERI-AS, 1-1-1,? City of F.,i: Wortit is a
'Ind hoillt!, 51t161tcd within the cont'ifik's (,If 1he Coa;it`', u1 Talf"11t,
WHE"REAS, the City of Bvillbrook is a city cro.„Led wider the gimeral law'—A
the Stato. of Texas lying and being, situated within dw cut.tines of the. Cokirit), of
Lim'.iit, St,ite of Texas; and
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth Lind the City of 5eii.)r,lok desire 10
,col,,.L ruct their boundary lines to facilitate the develoi-mit-lit of prol'ot LY with"11 t1wir,
(-spoctive, jurisdictions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVI'D by the City C.oimcil of the City of
Fort Worth and the City Council of the City of Benbrook that it is-irmivally agre,,--d by
and bmwucii Fort Worth and Benbrook:
That the following boundary realignments botwe(n fort Worth wi-I
Beribrook us hereafter described is in the best interests of tli,-,
property o%,,-;iers and inhabitants of hoth cities and LiVir Fort Worth
and Benbrook will proceed With due diligence in adopting the
necessary annexation and disannexation ordinwice�, zidjllsti;l„ their
respective corporate boundaries ,.Ind ;tIl oti!er pro<xeediflgs
necessary to effectuate this agreement, and
That Fort Worth and Benbi ook du 1'-�r,-hy ic, protect,
presurvr, and defend the hereinafter des(Cr bed houllulat Y
I C.'ll y'llinel i t, and
That Fort Worth hereby agrees to discontinw! from it,, corporal-
bumid.iry and to release all jiirisdictimui rij,,lit% it iiiay have in aild
to all torritorws embraceA withir, the area dc.-"rib;-d by irwo-% :ind
!joliwjs ;i.-. described in Exhibit "All parcels 1,2, tiol 3 ;m,l,A;Qd
That lleiibrook- hereby agroes to discontinue frow its corporate
I'AlUnd4ry :ind to release all jurisdictional right~ it tnAy have in aid
to all territories embraced within the area heroin described by
metes and bounds as described in Exhibit 111%" parcels I and 2
attached hereto.
That Fort Worth hereby agrees to annex the property disamichud
by City of Renbrook and describvd lieroinabuve and the ('ity tq
tfejibrook hereby agrees to annex the property (fig-innexed by Fort
Worth and described hereinabove and the City of Fort Worth and
Elio City of Benbrook each agree to .assume the rights and
obligations appurtenant to the respective proju,-i iivs wilic:11 arc
annexed, and
That these terms and conditions set forth shill boa,jlje effeLtlyu
gild binding on Fort Worth and l5cobrook by ill,, kc1uptioll of this
Joint Resolution in regular opcii City ColillCil i,;g�r,!—fin. . f
.. -— ' both
cities, and that this Joint RCS01kitiOn, Upon adoption by both cities,
shall be executed in several ori,,,inals and shall be st,tt,:�d in full on
the Nlimites of each city. A copy of this lsoint Re-Aution shall be
execuje,t by the Mayor and a,t�sted by the city Si-(retary of each
P4used :} cl Approved by the Council of the City of 1lenbrook this ` r�r
day of , 1980
.- RY , layor
City Secretary
City Alt ney of City,of enbrook
Passed and Approved by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth this
day of 1980.
C4 Secretary
City Attorney of City of Fort Worth
f/ Exhibit "A"
Parcel #2
F I 1' I. 11 NO 1' 1.
ALL that certain tract or parcel tit land out of t llc 1:. H. Borkt, Survcv, Ab:;I ract
100, Fort. Worth, Tarrant County, Toxax, and bran:, im-thrr di-scribed by ¢ides and
hounds as follows:
BECINNING at the interseetton of the prv.-wnt 14mbnook - i'ort Worth l;itY limit
line and the Southerly right of way line of Bell;lire Ilrivp Small as :;holm tilt
Country day pteadows 2nd Filing; plat rv(-orded in 1'olumu, i88-1'14, Page 30, Deed
IS•cords, Tarrant County, Texas, wild point hrin;: t1n :nl I{aslerly curve to the
left whose center point hears North It dogrves Ili minutes 48 seconds West.
F95.74 Net;
'rlil:NCE with said Bellaire Drive South right of way lino the• following Calls:
Casterly with said curve thr•aligh it eotitr;tl ;m,;lt. tit 3 tivgroes till minutes
12 soconds all arc Ivilgth of 57.18 feet tit end of curve:
North,75 degrees 00 minntt•, 00 `:et'aIHIN 1:,iMt, '01.00 f eol 10 the boginninl;
of a curve to the right hovinl; it vadikts al I(1tt.ail feet:
Easterly wtth'sai.d curve an arc len};th of 2611,2i feet to end of curve;
dull South 89 del,rocs I'! minutes 40 yeront!s 1:;wl , I t'i.'57 feet to ;I point In the
old Westerly ril;ht of way lint• of Bryant - Irvin Rood:
TIII:NCI: South 0 dcgrocH 13 minutes 31 socondr: hest , W'.94 felt with Bald l3ryant-
Irvin Road right' of way line to a paint an said city limits lint;
THENCE North 89 degrees 19 minutes .10 seconds lint, 4.42.86 feet with said City
limits line to the place of beginning and cantoinin-; .12, 158 ntluarl• foet a: iaitu
j or,M.509 acres of land.
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"�>� a 1's• ®;'! HURST.TRXAS
1 [�� SH*1 Dom 5-7-80 Itl--h9-N
TVpE 3
Gxhibit "A"
Parcel 113
11 N t) 1' I. ti
A1.I. that certain tract or parcel of land out of the I:. it. 10rr-ko Survey, ,lhstract
100, Rotibrook, Tarrant County, Texas, and hoing fut•tht.l. drscrihed by mdtts and
bounds as follows:
WTMFI.NCINC at a point in the centerline of a 140,0 loot wide drahizige channel,
said point being, the most Easterly Northeast corncr.tit Lot ,I, Bieck 5, Counrry
Day Meadows Second F11,1ng, Benbrook, Tarrant County, 'Ibxa::, a:v recorded in
Volume 388-134, Page 30, th�vd Records, Tarrant t:ointty, 'i'oxas, sald polut also
being on the present Benbrook - Fort Worth (:It.v limit. lino;
'l'IIENICF: South 13 dcgreeti 42 ntittuLe8 05 nocopds East , 11 .43 fecL with said channel
centerline to the beginning of a c-urvc to the 10A having; n radius of 50M.04 foot:
TIII:NCE Southwesterly with :;aid carve and chanln•I ccii1vi-Ilne an arc Ivilgth of
206.59 feet;
1'111:1(a: South 37 dogreos 00 minutes 00 sot-ontis I r;t , I'Sf.91 Icct With sold
chauncl centerline to a point in said city limns: Iiill, and the M ill,t• of bo);i fill in);
of the hcrLA n dcserihod tract;
7711:Ntai South 37 degroves 00 minutes 01) st-vonth•; Wv-;t h.'r't lent with said rhannol
rvtttorl file to a curvy, to t11K left having; it rather; ,+t 111i.44 fct•t ;
1f11ESCli southwetitt•riv with suid curvy and rhanncl r,•rttcrlino yin arc lunl;tl, of
1411.90 1+•cL to a point In bald city I !miIs Ii ill,
THENCE with said city IImi,tx Line the foliowing calls:
North 59 degrees 53 milw,tEd» 00 xccon(lti West, 43:tin foot;
North 36 degrct.8 53 01gip 00 scc.aexl8 H,i;41, I .711 feet:
and North 69 degreen 42 tq '08, 00 secondri Last )7.71 feet Lo the place of
beginning and contai.afna' 2,979 8tlu,ir(* fpct -tit' land or 0,068 acres of land.
ti Y
1 ,
S U44i4i,�
. ..a..A Rp,QOpX�py4 2d8 22t1
�td 5--7-80
Parcel #i
ALL that certain tract or parcel of larnl ,nit of th,• I:. 11. Burkt Sur:rv, .1h-;tract
lbll, Benbrook,- Tarrant t:ounLy, 'fcxati, and 1winv. Iurtlwl dcatcrihc,l W. Finer; and
holnlds as follows:
BEGINN-MG at a paint 1.11 Lhr centerline of :t 140.0 loot wide drainage chamwI ,
said point being the most EnsterIv Nnrlllt'ast eorncr of I.ol I , Block 5, Colin try
Day Meadows Second H Iing, Bcnbrook, Torrent Couul v, To:;aa, as recorded in
Volume 383-134, Va};e 30, bred Records, 'Tarrant Couni v, Tvvis. said polar also
hying on the present Iirnbrook - I'rrt kiwi it Cg t v I i i I I ills
TUNCC with said city limitS 11110 the followin;; cal l• :
SOUL11 38 degr,res (10 I11i11ULC•S 00 gt-vollds Catil , 01,l,9 feel ;
Soutli 73 dogrovs 'il mlltutex Card , I Ili fit i,,,•i
SouUl 35 dNl;rees 0S Ill l tit]le:a 1:;1st t t8. , I,•el
SoutIt 47 degrees 8 minutes; wer,l ,tt.% ir, 1
%orth 74 de};roos 01 illinul es Ke':1 , 9:'.o I rct
South -'tl dr};r,eK i8 minut vs h, •;t 1 I
North 7o de}sees 55 Illi Ill)tVS h,'St , I'ih. l
and South 69 dogr.00s 42 minute~ Went , 1116.'19 lees to .1 point ill tilc volltorline
' of said drainage channui;
THI.NCE with said drainage channel ce»trrline the t*otlot:in,; calls:
Nort it 37 degrees 00 minut vs 00 soeollcili E;1st I 1 1.91 Coot to t h,• hvg1 un i ng
of n. curve to the left having; it r,ldhis of 508.114 fret ;
Northeasterly with said, curve an arc Icng;lh of 206.'i9 feeL;
and North 13 degrovs 42 minutes (15 o-wvoll,ha Na•;I 31 .43 Ieet lu the pl;lce of
beginning and remaining 61 .5_21 tiquari• f,•et of land or 1.4112 acres of I-tnd.
or e, _
. :....... ..... . ..
..............M o w R MM BOX 1034 268.2211
.m'•,eP �`®a0a HURST.TEXAS
Date �-69-N,
Exhibit "B"
Parcel 42
I li 11 11 N 0 T 1: S
ALL that certain tract or parcel of laml im( of Ilw V. 11. Burke Survey, Ah!jtract
160, Benbrook, Tarrant County, and 1wiii;,, lurtht-t- described by llIVtL", and
bounds as follows:
BECINNING at the lIlLvI'SV,'t [0II Of the 111*0SPIlt liojibli'mil, - Purl Worth City I i mi L.';
Itne and the Southorly. right of way line of Bellilli-v Drive SutIL11 as Sll()Wn on
Country Doy Mundows St-rood Filill)" Isla( r4wordl-11 in Voltivil, 388-I34, llay'c 30,
Deed Records, 'farrant County, TL'Xips, s.-Ild point heivig, (ill a 14vstvr1,y curve (-I file
r1glit whose center poitit, bears North I 1 11) whitit om 48 seconds West,
895.74 I've i.
Westerly with said curve and right of way
V lino through it ventral atk�jv
Of 19 degrees 22 millill-es 35 seconds ;m ill-(- lk-iigth. of 30-'-92 feet to a point on
• the Ck-III-erlim, curved portion of a 1411.0 wide d'v:iiiiart, ('110111101 WIR-ii.- cozil,,r poitit
North 58 degrees 08 mfutite,, 29 NUL-OMIS 1:1u4t , "19'0 I'mot ;
THENCE Northeasterly with said curve' and L'bill1l)"I vow,-rlitiv through a ccmrril
illigle of 31 dcgre'..'; ')I 11111111tvs 31 '-woolids ;lit on, loo)"Ill of 121 .77 feet to the
lit-giiinhig of il cmwo to. tite right lmvill)' a rodifl.: ill fret ;
111FIWE NorthINISI k'Vl.%' Wit.11 Bald cill'Vv OR ore lclw,l 11 ot I . i I to"I to it I—ill(
said city limits line;
%;i tit said ci LY I 11111ts I hic Ill,- I ol L.;1 I I
South 59 degrees 51 minULL'S 00 :;vcollds Cast H.M] fret;
SEMI]) 12 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds Wcs t ](17.00 feet,
South1.8 degrees 08 MInUtOS 00 SVC'011ldq Ea S I 30.70 fret;
and Smith 89 degirc,vs 19 miimtes 30 !'wcollds Lasl, 1416.10 I'vot to the phriev I
bvghming and containing 6,772 iqoarc foot of Imid or 0.1% ICI-CS of land.
or r F
Wife e 5-7-80